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Essay Writer Jobs Essay Writer Jobs
Should Public Figures Be Accountable for Their Private...
The world is in a state of flux, changing drastically over the last few decades. The great milestones of technology has led us into
the new Technological Age of the 21st century, whereby innovations such as the Internet allows information to be spread in
seconds. Today, public figures such as celebrities and politicians play an increasing role in our society, shaping our views and
mindsets of the world. Thus, it is especially important that they are held accountable for their actions, even those undertaken in
private. Although it is often argued that we can overlook what is done in private if the person performs his or her public job well,
it is indeed worrying with their massive influence over society. In my opinion, public figures should be ... Show more content on ...
Thus, as public figures play a role as representatives of the society, they should be accountable for their actions, even those
undertaken in private, as it is only fair to the public, whom they represent. Even though it is often argued that there is no need for
public figures to account for their private activities as long as they perform in their jobs, what they do in private inevitably
matters as it would not only create a lasting impact on the society, but also when it breaks the law. Performance at work does not
exempt anyone from obeying the laws of the land, and public figures still have to account for their actions without shrinking from
the responsibility. This is especially true with the high corruption cases involving national leaders such as former Thai Prime
Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and Taiwanʼs former President Chan Shui Bian prove. Despite their positions as high profile public
figures, their actions in private still calls for state punishment, forcing them to account for such undesirable actions. To ensure
that the public upkeeps the confidence towards the court, believing in its impartiality and justice, public figures have to account
for their private actions, especially illegal ones, regardless of how well they excel in
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American Environmentalism Essay
The status of nature and the environment in American society had not been given much priority in the political sphere due to it
being deeming trivial, and its proponents basing their argument on moral and aesthetic grounds, yet the surge of scientific data
and new information through the birth of the field of ecology, would prioritize the status of America s natural environment in the
political process, and lashed back against the increasingly polluted world Americans lived in, on a legal level. Rather than a
spiritual belief in the divinity of nature s beauty, environmentalists drew upon a new rationale, being the new science of ecology,
that grew through the support and funding of government agencies, educational institutions as well as ... Show more content on ...
It came to the point where ecology was ushered in due to the great wave of scientific data and findings, along with the other
traditional fields of science such as physics or chemistry, and where the work of ecologists would continue to fuel the
environmentalist movement, promoting public action, and establishing credibility for the movement. The concept of
environmentalism had been revitalized in the midst of scientific advancement, where environmental organizations such as the
Wilderness Society and the Sierra Club entered the social justice movements of the 20th century reenergized, with a commitment
that was stronger than ever to environmental efforts. A new generation of professional activists for the environmentalist
movement emerged, ready to further the cause in both the legal and political sectors, where scientists provided irrefutable
evidence, that backed up lawyers, who in turn fought legal battles with government agencies and in the
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Comparison of the Rosewood Report to the Rosewood Film
The documented history of the incident which occurred at Rosewood, Florida in January 1923 is a group of recollections from a
few of Rosewood survivors, new stories and/or coverage. Racial violence in the nation before the events of Rosewood happened.
Because of the racial tension during and after the war, many blacks migrated from the south. Florida s government soon
supported black leaving the South. ...proposed Congress purchase territory, either foreign or domestic, and transport black such
regions where they could live separate lives and govern themselves pg 4.
In January of 1923 Fannie Taylor falsely accused an African American man of coming in her home and beating her. A fugitive
was originally accused. On New Year s morning Aunt Sarah, who worked for Fannie and her husband James Taylor, and her
granddaughter witnessed a white man visiting Mrs. Taylor. He often visited her when Mr. Taylor was at work. Could this possibly
be an affair? Many wondered. Once Fannie let the world know a black man had hurt her, a posse came together to find this black
man. Jesse Hunter who was also a fugitive from another town was under suspicion. Fannie s white lover who name was John
Bradley, soon realized he was in some sort of trouble so he went to Sam Carter for help. Carter s body was soon found on the
road. White men went to Sylvester Carrier s house to confront him but a shootout busted out and two white men were killed.
While the white men went to get more ammo, women and
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Social Location Assignment
It is typical of me to preface my reflective assignments with my social location so you, the reader, may better understand my
perspective before I begin with the details of the assignment. I do not plan to reflect on aspects of my social location until I
analyze my values, deriving from aspects of my upbringing. I was born, and raised, in Saskatoon Saskatchewan Treaty Six, in the
early era of 1990 s. In my infancy there were Residential Schools still active and the Sixties Scoop was still in effect (Niessen,
2017, p. 42). I am from a Ukrainian ancestry, my status was middle class, and I was from a nuclear family with very loving and
supportive parents. The values instilled in me by my upbringing has influenced my current job as a Youth Care Worker (YCW)
for a residential program for youth in Saskatoon. My responsibilities of this job are to support youth in their holistic health, and
most importantly, maintain their safety. The individuals I work with have had traumatic upbringings and are vulnerable to be re
traumatized with high risk behaviours. High risk behaviours will be defined in this piece as being drug use, gang affiliation,
running, sexual abuse, suicide ideation, and suicidal behaviours. I work with six girls who I perceive as suffering from
generational trauma. Like me, these girls are influenced by colonialism, and could be confused about their identity. They will
often run from the safety of the ... Show more content on ...
I believe each person has the ability to obtain self actualization and be successful in a purpose for life. Furthermore, I find the
CASW Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Ethical Practice seems to support my personal values. I am not condemning
individuals who take their own lives, mental illness is not a persons fault, and blame is unnecessary. However, I want to
encourage purpose to life, an alternative to
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Descriptive Writing Into The Lash Forest
Into The Lush Forest
The sun had just kissed the hill, giving warm color to the sky, but I was feeling cold. The excitement in my heart was slowly
losing its fire. My group was lost, and I felt alone, in the crowd of trees, a cold crowd perhaps. Sandhya, did you read all the
information? It is two hour long hike. You have hardly ever walked an hour. Take rest at home. You would not be able to walk all
the way. I remembered the wise words of my mother. However, I was here walking slowly through the dense forest defying my
mother s advice. I along with Nitisha and Puja were making loud noises with our steps, crushing the fallen leaves, and the broken
twigs. I could hear the constant buzzing sounds of the mosquitoes and the crickets chirping. I was keeping calm until a little
lizard scattered off through the grass. Adrenaline rushed through every vein in my body as I heard a strange, yet terrifying
growling sound. At that moment, every instinct in my body told me to run. I looked everywhere; all I could see were my two
friends, and the cold quiet forest. Even worse my anxiousness increased as I tried to locate where the sound was coming from.
Trees, flowers, and everything else where my eyes reached looked lifeless. I felt as if they had no soul and I was slowly losing
I wished it had been a regular Saturday morning, me being home with my mother. Nevertheless, I was there with my school
mates for the annual school hike. This forest is dense. Please do not wander
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Landolt Clock Reaction Lab Report
By analysing the results of The Landolt clock reaction, and the outcomes that occur due to change in concentration and the
addition of a catalyst, the data did partially support the hypothesis. That by changing the concentrations of potassium iodate and
sodium bisulphite the rate of the reaction will increase. The rate gradually increased per every 10 seconds on the NaHSO3 graph.
Whereas compared to the KIO3 graph the rate was more efficient, the reaction was achieved within 5 seconds. However, the
second hypothesis regarding the addition of a catalyst, displayed acceptable results. The catalyst increased the speed of the
reaction within 10 seconds, which was slightly faster than the reaction times gained from the ... Show more content on ...
The tests that had large amounts of distilled water had a long reaction rate due to the breaking of the molecular compounds within
the reagents.
Secondary data states that the rate law yielded from the iodine clock reaction was rate = k[IO3] 1 (Lyle, Department of
Chemistry) which was different to the rate law that this investigation obtained. 0.41 [KLO3]^2 [NaHSO3]^2. This would have
happened due to the changing of both KIO3 and NaHSO3, and also by adding more distilled water to the mixture which slowed
down the reaction rate.
Rate law is important, when regarding iodine clock reactions. The rate law helps to determine what factors impact the rate, and
increase the reaction time. Also helps show what factors decrease the reaction rate.
There were some limitations that were encountered during the experiment, and the planning stages. Such as, the constant changes
made to the method. The method had to be changed three times this was due to scaling back the measurements of the solutions.
The solutions that were part of the original method would have resulted in 20 ml of the blue solution, which would waste the
sodium bisulfite and potassium, every time a test was conducted.
Another limitation was the trial testing to see whether the experiment worked, which produced efficient results. Compared to the
actual experiment data, many tests had to be repeated. This would be due to minor
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Ramifications Of War Analysis
When the nation faces crisis, it is easy for a politician to bury his principles and stand with the majority. Thus, as the country
prepares to enter a foreign conflict, many choose to support war for fear of what the ramifications of a different path might be:
condemnation, accusations of treachery, and losing reelection. In 1917, as the United States entered the war in Europe,
Congressman Meyer London of New York chose the fearsome alternative, standing by his convictions and opposing the war. In
doing so, London incurred vitriol and criticism from those who supported the war. Likewise, London earned attacks from his own
Socialist Party when he refused to obstruct the war effort, showing he would not bow to anyone if the dictates of his conscience
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I wonder, he said, whether I am to be punished for having had the courage to vote against war or for standing by my country s
decision when it chose war (qtd. in Epstein 183). He struggled to earn the renomination of his party due to his unpopularity with
anti war Socialists ( Socialists accept ). When he secured renomination, he faced powerful opposition to his candidacy. The
National Security League, a pro war lobby, secured the cooperation of the Republicans and Democrats in fielding a unity
candidate to defeat London (Goldberg 204). Wilson himself urged Democrats to support the move ( Old parties ). Former
president Theodore Roosevelt personally campaigned against London, declaring the congressman to have no right to the vote of
patriotic American citizens (qtd. in Goldberg 203). His opponents portrayed London as unpatriotic and un American (Goldberg
208). Facing an invigorated and unified opposition, he lost reelection, losing by more than six points (Goldberg 210). The New
York Times declared that it was a mighty good day s work to defeat Meyer London
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Texas Politics Essay
Chapter 11 of the textbook, Texas Politics , it is primarily about the purpose and structure of the local governments within the
state of Texas. Texas has 254 counties, the most of any state. Each county is governed by a five member Commissioners Court,
which consists of a County Judge (elected at large) and four Commissioners (elected from single member precincts). The County
Judge has no veto authority over the decisions of the Court, s/he has one vote along with the other Commissioners. In smaller
counties, the County Judge also performs judicial functions, while in larger counties his/her role is limited to the Court. Elections
are held on a partisan basis. Counties have no home rule authority; their authority is strictly limited by the ... Show more content
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As such it is simultaneously a city, which is a municipal corporation, and a county, which is an administrative division of a state.
It has the powers and responsibilities of both types of entities.
Rather than pinning the responsibility of all the tasks of the four types pf local government, it would be easier to keep the
responsiblilities separated where each group can do their task at one hundred percent rather than one person
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A Reflective Essay on Surgical and Anaesthetics Roles of...
Dip of HE (ODP)
Enhanced Theatre Practice
OPE09 1
This is a reflective essay based on my experience of participating in delivery of anaesthetic and surgical care to a patient
undergoing abdominal hysterectomy under general and regional anaesthesia. I will be describing the process involved, my
participation and contributions, what I learnt during the experience and how this gained knowledge will improve my professional
Reflection is a way in which health professionals can bring theory into practice because ... Show more content on
This feature also enables the use of this technique into the postoperative period for analgesia, using lower concentrations of local
anaesthetic drugs or in combination with different agents.
Also I have a better understanding of the anatomy of the Epidural space, loss of resistance Arachnoid space, and Cerebrospinal
I have also learnt about the potential complications of epidural e .g Hypotension, Inadvertent high epidural block, inadvertent
high epidural block, Local anaesthetic toxicity, Total spinal, Accidental dural puncture (Visser, 2001).
Learning about the potential complications of epidural reinforced my knowledge in being able to choose the right anaesthetic
monitoring equipment. Knowing that Spinal and epidural anaesthesia can cause unpredictable and profound arterial hypotension
necessitate the use of adequate monitoring like the; Pulse oximetry, ECG and Blood pressure cuff. This knowledge will help me
to be able to select appropriate monitoring devices during epidural catheter insertion. Also it goes without saying that an epidural
must be performed in a work area that is equipped for airway management and resuscitation.
I now know that the hypotension is caused by vasodilatation because the sympathetic nerves that control tone are blocked.
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Asian Tigers Vs. South Korea
The Asian tigers are four countries named Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. These states were highly developed
countries. These countries were the first states that shifted to industrialization. All the four Asian tigers have a lot of people who
are very educated and are perfect in undertaking their tasks. These countries developed and implemented different policies and
this result in economic prosperity and tried to do them than any other state. For instance, Hong Kong and Singapore became the
masters of international finance while South Korea became perfect in information technology. The four Asian tigers had
maintained high economic growth since 1960, fuelled by export to developed countries and rapid industrialization, which enabled
these economies to join the ranks of world s richest nations.
The four Asian Tigers turned out to be an imperative role model for many of the developing countries and these countries include
the Tiger Cub Economies comprising of Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand. Subsequent to the 1997 Asian Financial
Crisis and the western Financial Crisis of 2007 2008, at the time there was a continuing decline in GDP (Gross Domestic Product
market assessment of all absolute commodities and services, compared to the populace, in any given year). For all the Asian
Tiger countries, however each one bounced back easily because of their stable banking policies, government incentive measures
and diffident or no communal
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Effects Of American Imperialism
The domination of a country s or region s political, cultural, or economic life by one country is called imperialism. (Esler, page.
632) European imperialism began in the 1800s. European nations won empires in the Americas after1492, established colonies in
India and Southeast Asia, and gained toeholds on the coast of Africa and China. Despite these gains, between 1500 and 1800,
Europe had little influence on the lives of the peoples of China, India or Africa. (Esler, page.632) Then the Europeans
industrialized and believe western cultures were superior to all other. They felt the other countries were inferior to them and
began the spread of westernization. There were many causes of imperialism. A major cause of imperialism ... Show more content
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They applied Darwin s ideas about natural selection and the survival of the fittest to human societies and nations. (Esler, page.
633) Natural selection is when individuals or organisms that are better suited to their environment survive a reproduce the most
successfully. European believed they were superior to all other countries. They set out to spread western cultures and millions
were robbed of their own culture.
The British East India Company gained trading rights on the Mughal empire. The company expanded its influence; it controlled
three fifths of India by the mid 1800s, as the Mughal power declined. India was not able to unite because there were too many
languages and cultures. Even though many effects of the East India Company were negative, many positive effects came out of it
too. The East India Company s main goal in India was to make money, and leading officials often got very rich. At the same time,
the company did work to improve roads, preserve peace, and reduce banditry. (Esler, pg. 633) British officials introduced western
education, pressed for social change, missionaries tried to convert Indians to Christianity, tried to end slavery, the caste system,
and improve the position of women within the family.
Indians resisted British domination. British hurt the business class, by not allowing them in large scaling manufacturing. They
also kept educated Indians out of high posts. Some British laws violated
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Lincoln And Davis Leadership Essay
Comparing The Political Leadership Of Lincoln and Davis
It may seem self evident that Lincoln was the greater political leader; Lincoln led the winning side while Davis was defeated. It
has though, been thought that once the Northern advantages and Southern disadvantages have been considered, that it is possible,
that almost anyone could have led the North to victory. If this is so, was it Davis s strong leadership, which ensured that the
confederacy survived as long as it did?
Davis s government has inevitably been blamed for the way it ran the war. Certainly it made mistakes. But arguably it was no
more mistake prone than Lincoln s government. Nor were the Southerners less dedicated than ... Show more content on ...
The fact that the Union was able to produce both guns and butter helped Northern morale. Most Northerners supported Lincoln
and determined to see the war to a victorious conclusion.
With fewer people, far less in the way of industrial capacity, a less well developed railway system, and with a Northern blockade
disrupting trade with Europe, the odds were stacked highly against the Confederacy from start. Moreover, while Lincoln took
over a going concern in Washington, Jefferson Davis s administration had to build the confederate government from scratch. To
fight let alone to win the war, Southerners would need to make a far greater sacrifice than the Northerners. Ultimately the efforts
of the Confederate government and the Southern people were in vain. The collapse of Northern morale was the South s best hope
of victory.
The North on the other hand, with its greater manpower and resources, was always favourite to win the civil war. However, big
battalions do sometimes lose wars. If Northern Morale had collapsed, as American morale collapsed during the Vietnam War, the
union could have been defeated. Resources by themselves do not win wars: they need efficient leadership. Abraham Lincoln was
the North s top leader. He was fortunate in that he took over a going concern. But the extent of that concern should not be
exaggerated. Before 1861 Americans rarely saw
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Self Assessment And Education Planning
Self assessment and Education Planning Through experience, I ve learned to pursue some employment opportunities over others.
I m not sure why, but some choices can be attributed to my parents, peers, social status and the environment. These influences
can also be credited to activities that I participated in while growing up. For example, I enjoyed helping my mother care for my
younger sibling; this is probably why my strongest interest on the RIASEC spectrum falls within the area of Education and
training. Acquiring a Bachelor s degree, or Master s degree is required to work in any of the fields assessed on the spectrum,
along with the determination and skills to fulfill the necessary requirements. Results in the interest profiler measured my Primary
area of interest as (S) Social and specifies several career options available by obtaining a degree in psychology. The profiler
outlined a person with social interest with a preference of being involved in assisting, encouraging learning and personal growth.
The Social type prefers to communicate, teach, and offer advice to others, as opposed to working with objects or data.
Occupations listed in the (S) category as suggested from the O net material list matches in the area of Pre School Child Care
Programs, Social Worker, and Training and Development Specialist. From assessing my interests, I ve learned that my Secondary
career interest (C), is associated with occupations in the areas of retail and office. These are both
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A Report On The Resin Based Adhesives
Summary The Aracuo mill in Sault Ste Marie manufactures a range of medium density fibreboard (MDF) composite panels as
well as a wide selection of thermally fused laminates (Arauco, 2016). The resin based adhesives used in the manufacturing
process of these materials create a source for airborne formaldehyde in the workplace. This presents a substantial health concern
for workers in the Sault Ste. Marie Facility. Subsequently, routine air sampling is conducted to ensure safe working conditions. At
present the Arauco Sault Ste. Marie facility maintains an air sampling program using the NIOSH 2016, Issue 2 method. While the
current program is cost effective it has numerous limitations, such as limited sampling locations and infrequent collection of data.
It is recommended that the Arauco Sault Ste. Marie facility consider implementing a more comprehensive air sampling program.
While this would likely increase program costs, changes to the air sampling approach would remove sampler error, greatly
increase the quantity of data collected, and extend sampling locations throughout the facility. Implementation of some or all of
these recommendations would greatly increase the comprehensiveness of the air sampling program. 1.0 Introduction Arauco
manufactures a range of sustainable wood products including the industry s most comprehensive selection of composite panels,
premium plywood, millwork, lumber, and wood pulp (Arauco, 2016). Founded in 1971, Arauco has grown from a pulp
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Literature Review Assignment Template
Literature Review Assignment Template Student Name: Jessica Briones Date of Submission: September 16, 2017 A. Discussion
of Database Search 1. Search terms (1 word term plus a 2 word term) 1 word term: Chemotherapy 2 word term: Childhood
Cancer 2. Summary of database search (up to 500 words): My two word search term is childhood cancer and my one word search
term is chemotherapy. My initial search was through Scopus. I searched both of the terms using the Boolean Operator AND to
ensure that my search retrieved sources that had both of my search terms. For my two word term, I added quotation marks around
it because I wanted to search the two words together. The range of years for publications that appeared were from 2017 until the
year 1958 with a total of 49 different years in between. A total of 6,790 articles were shown. After I limited my search to only
nursing, articles, and articles in press, my total number came down to 113. After I limited my search to the years 2003 2017, only
89 articles remained. After performing a Google search on the author with the highest cited article using the specified format, I
retrieved a total of 1,460 hits. In Google Scholar, I retrieved 437 hits. On PubMed, I initially searched term 1 with quotation
marks around it along with my search term 2 using the Boolean Operator AND and was able to retrieve 6,778 articles. When I
performed the same search again but without quotation marks, I retrieved a total of 10,749
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Energy Systems Case Study
2.1 Energy Systems
In the U.S., the Government made a study published in 2016 that 40% of total US energy consumption was consumed by
residential and commercial properties (U.S. Department of Energy, 2017). The below notes the major building services that
consume the most energy. For New York to meet the greenhouse gas requirements by 2050, a reduction of 80%, they imposed
regulations (Halper, 2017). This is outlined below.
To ensure that the skyscraper met the LEEDS rating system standards, multiple services and considerations within the building
were modified. They consist of;
Heating, cooling and ventilation
Water usage
Transportation and location
Air quality
Construction materials
2.1.1 Lighting ... Show more content on ...
Replacing the standard light bulb to either a CFL (Compact Florescent Lamps) or LEDs, can save approximately 65% to 80% on
energy in comparison with the average light bulb. The bulb lives are increased with CFL being 10,000 hours and LED being
25,000 hours. (U.S. Department of Energy, 2017). When purchasing light bulbs for an office situation there are rules and
regulations to meet so the lighting is appropriate for a work environment.
To achieve the LEED rating for lighting, contributes 23 points towards the total LEEDS rating, the New York skyscraper must
only provide lighting to areas which are in use at the time; use natural lighting where possible; use sustainable light fittings; use
reflective lighting; and use control lighting (DiLouie, 2009). These are only to name a few.
To meet these guidelines the Bank of America in New York has reduced the overall use of electric lighting by 25%. This is by
maximising natural light by installing windows which are approximately 2.9 metres tall (floor to ceiling). The windows are made
from low iron soda lime . This product can be coated with anti reflection coating. This achieves a total light transmission of 98%
(Abrisa Technologies, 2010). The building also has installed transparent internal walls which separate internal areas. This plan
ensures that the majority of the building receives natural lighting. Photo and motion sensors are installed and adjust the
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Rock Crystal Sphere On A Stand With The Dragon Analysis
Rock Crystal Sphere on a Stand with Dragons. 1868 1912. Rock crystal, bronze, silvering, and gilding. Crow Collection of Asian
Art. This crystal sphere is a very big, and extremely polished. The sphere also acts like a type of lens so it flips the image of
whatever is behind it. The crystal sphere rests on a very decorated, and detailed stand that is made out of bronze. The stand itself
is elegantly decorated with a dragon that wraps itself around it as it weaves through some swirling waves. All of these fine carved
details have received gilded and silvered treatment to enhance all of the movement that is being conveyed by all of the carved
imagery of the stand. The artist created this work of art to serve as a decorative object, this crystal
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Research Paper On The Explosion Of The Sultana
The explosion of the Sultana How is it possible that over 1,700 people could die and it not make it to the front cover of the
newspapers? This seems impossible, but that s exactly what happened back in 1865. April 27, 1865 the Sultana exploded and
over 1,700 people were killed. Sad to say but this event barely made it to the newspapers because of Abraham s Lincoln s death.
At the time of this event a war had just ended and Abraham lincoln had just died and everyone was worried about the funeral at
the time of this disaster. Many lives were taken when the Sultana exploded and sank on August 27, 1865 ¨More people died on
the Sultana than on the Titanic (1,503) or on the Lusitania (1,198)¨ (Billings, and Henry 156). The boilers had already not been in
good shape plus the pressure of about 2 thousand more people that there were supposed to be boarded on that boat. The boat at to
stop a couple times to fix the boilers and almost every stop they pick up more people.The Sultana was made for 376 people, at
the times about 2,300 people were boarded on that boat. Before the explosion they had to stop 2 to 3 times just to fix the boiler
and the last time they ¨fixed¨ the boiler the job wasn t fully done. Between the weight and the boiler none of it added up correctly.
The boiler was already damaged and 2,000 extra people they should have known it was going to end good. Although they didn t
really have anyway warning besides the having to fix the boiler multiple times and they knew
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Why Is The Great Depression Important To Germany
Assess the significance of the Great Depression to Germany
In order to access the importance of the Great Depression, we must consider the different ways in which the Great Depression
was significant. The Great Depression was primarily known for the impact on Germany and the rise of Hitler. It was a very
remarkable event. The impact was mainly on the Weimar Republic. Germany played a big role in the Great Depression. The
Great Depression affected Germany politically, economically, and socially. The Great Depression made Germany lose a lot of
power. Germany needed a lot of help at this time. Germany was trying to figure out ways to get loans so that they could fight in
wars. Also at the moment, Germany still had to worry about the rise of Hitler.
The United State loaned Germany money to pay for the many wars they were involved in around the early 1920s. Germany s
economic growth began to increase but was soon diminished by the United States stock market crash. This crash that occurred in
New York City, was a significant cause of the Great Depression. The loans that were ... Show more content on ...
The Nazis made Germany economy weaker and affected Germany socially. They made Germany feel like they did have any
control over their country. Germany had to worry about both Hitler and his crew. Every time Germany fought off the Nazis,
Hitler was gaining power. Germany tried to get money and loans but, Germany had done so much damage that no one wanted to
help them find a way to fight off Hitler. While Germany was trying to find out a way to gain all their land and country back that
they had lost. While Germany was trying figure out a way to take over their land Hitler had hepatized the German people into
believe everything he said. Also, Hitler was killing the Jewish people that disagreed with him. Hitler gaining power had
influenced the German economy very horribly. Germany had to pay for a lot of things while Hitler was in
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History Of The ENIAC
The ENIAC ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. It was introduced on February 15, 1946 and was
the very first digital and electronically run computer. It was created in the United States at the University of Pennsylvania and its
original purpose was to calculate artillery firing tables during World War 2. The ENIAC weighed 30 tons and filled up an entire
extremely large room with its many parts. Its complexity was prominent, containing approximately 18,000 vacuum tubes, 70,000
resistors, 10,000 capacitors, thousands of switches, and 1,500 relays. It produced calculations that, if done by hand, would have
taken much longer to achieve. For example in one second, the ENIAC could solve 5,000 additions. In 1946 John Mauchly
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Analysis Of Into The Wild By John Krakauer
In the book, Into The Wild, a journalist who was known as John Krakauer tells the story of Christopher Johnson McCandless,
rather known as Alex.
Krakauer s use of stylistic devices throughout his book is quite phenomenal. Just a few examples of the stylistic techniques that
he uses to uncover his tone are: polysyndeton, anaphora, and antithesis. Krakauer remains indifferent towards Chris for a good 6
chapters, states all the facts, and tells the story as it is. He uses no emotion appealing words to hint to us how he feels about
Chris. His indifference is shown through his use of polysyndeton, which is the use of several conjunctions when not necessary.
One example of polysyndeton used in Into The Wild is, Because [McCandless] ... Show more content on ...
His tone starts to become more admiring towards Chris when he states, if [McCandless] pitied himself in [his] last difficult hours
because he was so young, because he was alone, because his body had betrayed him and his will let him down it s not apparent in
the photograph (Krakauer 199). This shows that despite all the struggles Chris went through in his lifetime he dies peaceful and
happy, when he out of all people, had all the reasons to hate life and have a miserable death. The repetitive usage of the word
because lists all the reasons Chris had die upset and un happy. Another example of anaphora in Into The Wild is The marijuana of
course only made the tent seem even more cramped, more suffocating, more impossible to bear (Krakauer 146). Krakauer uses
anaphora to add symbolism to Chris s memory. Marijuana represents nature and how it makes you feel while the tent represents
society and how it brings you down. The author starts to show more emotion towards Chris s decision of living in the wild. His
indifferent tone slowly turns into a tone of
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Song Comparison Of The Great Gatsby And Mr. Steal Your Girl
I don t think she ever loved him, you must remember, old sport, she was very excited this afternoon! (Fitzgerald 8.22). Gatsby is
a very wealthy, young, love struck man who is in denial that his one and only true love, is taken. Gatsby is not afraid to do
anything to make sure that his true love will fall into his arms instead of another man s. The song Mr. Steal Your Girl by Trey
Songz is an ideal choice for a theme song to The Great Gatsby due to how they both have to do with wanting a taken girl and
how they are driven and passionate about how they feel, both have the opportunity to give the girl what she wants at any moment
instead of having to wait with the person they are currently with, and chasing of the American dream.
Gatsby and ... Show more content on ...
This is a key factor in Daisy and Gatsby s new relationship, even though Daisy is taken, seeing all these fancy things and the
items he owns overwhelms her and helped her fall in love with Gatsby once again. Gatsby was crazy over Daisy and was ready to
do whatever he had to to get her to leave her husband Tom. In fact, he ended up dying over her trying to protect her by taking the
blame for a mistake she made. They re a rotten crowd....You re worth the whole damn bunch put together (Fitzgerald 162). He
can t give you what I got here right now said within the lyrics of Trey Songz musical piece Mr Steal Your Girl . Gatsby is trying
to tell Daisy that he truly cares about her and thinks she is more valuable than anything else in the world, and she can have better
with him, he will give her what she wants. Just as Trey is saying in this part of the song, he is stating that he has what her man
doesnt, he can provide for her in all ways and won t keep her waiting. He wants to give her what she wants and is confident he
can do so, and that life with him would be better than the life she is currently
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The Fashion Channel Case Study
The Analysis of TFC Case
Answer 1:
Shoppers/Planners segmentation
Firstly, this segmentation focuses on the cluster audience, also aim to maintain the 18 to 34 year old female, who are the main
targeting audience of TFC, and could give return to the advisor; because of their ability of purchasing and their desire of
make/dress up. So the focusing of this scenario does not miss the main customer by the broad appeal based audience segment.
Secondly, it increases the rating from 1.0% to 1.2%. The increase could be interpreted as more audience watching THC at a same
timing; this shows the support of increase opportunity of the advertising information attached to more customer. Meanwhile, it
could help the TFC increase the ... Show more content on ...
There still much more competition from competitor provide more specific targeting program.
Answer 2
As shown by the exhibit 4 and 5, the expected outcome of each of the targeting scenarios is as the following:
Scenario I could get a net income as flat as last year s, even with the increase of most generation operation fees. Without the
additional investment, this scenario tries to use getting more audience (increase rating) and sale more advertising (decrease price)
to make revenue growth.
Scenario II try to get more income with risky investment in additional programming fee and more narrow specific audience
targeting. This could make TFC more professional and make the advertising information more efficiency.
Scenario III expect the revenue growth by increase the viewer and sale more advertising even in high prices. The expensive
programming investment was flatted by the larger group of audience subscribe fee and higher advertising price sale.
Answer 3
The fashion channel should choose the marketing plan focus on the Fashionistas and the Shopper/Planners segmentation. Even
this scenario calls for the highest additional programming fee (20 million dollar), the highest returns (net income estimate in this
scenarios in 2007 should be 168.9 million dollar, 180 percent of 2006 s) should bring the first the reason why should choose this
scenario. The income is 8 times of the risky additional
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unit 516 safeguarding children and young people
1.1 Explain the policies, procedures and practices for safe working with children and young people.
The 2nd Joint Chief Inspectors Report defined safeguarding children and young people as the act of taking reasonable measures
to ensure that the threats of harm to children young people s welfare are diminished by all those who work with children. The
document expressed that all agencies involve with the provision of services to children and young people should take appropriate
actions to raise and address issues of concerns whilst working to agreed local policies and procedures established by Local
Safeguarding Children Board, and in partnership with other local agencies to safeguard a child or young person. (CQC ... Show
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An essential aspect of this act is that it stipulates employers duty to conduct on going suitability checks instead of one offs checks
to identify those who commit an abuse during their employment.
The Children and Young Person Act 2008
Though children under the age of 16 are assume to lack capacity to consent, young people 16 and over are able to give consent.
This act ensures that children and young people s voice are heard in relation to all decisions patting to the provision of their
services. It certifies transparency in the quality of care given by agencies, the act safeguards the stability of children by ensuring
that they are placed in suitable accommodations that promotes their safety and welfare. The act provides supports to young adults
leaving care and to ensure that they are not forced out of state funded care facilities before they are ready. (National archive
(2013) Children Young Person s Act 2008
(accessed 22/08/13).
2.1 Describe the possible signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern in the context of safeguarding
According to information published by the NSPCC there are four types of child abuse which are described in the below table
(NSPCC (2010) Child Protection Fact Sheet
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Summary Of Made In Los Angeles
Made in Los Angeles The remarkable story of Made in L.A is about three immigrants from Latina, worked in a garment
sweatshop company in Los Angeles. Life in the workplace was not smooth as challenges from the employer affected them
leading them to campaign against the act. The story illuminates the power of unity, the courage it takes to let known of once
rights and about immigration (Encore Broadcast n.p). This paper seeks to describe the problems in the documentary and the
characters. It will also enlighten on the characters stories and how the stories amplify the documentary plot and social issues. The
paper will even expound on the theme of conflict to analyze the documentary using the theoretical perspective. The documentary
problem in the story was that the employer was harsh, ruthless and did not give the workers a conducive environment as they
were overworked and still paid low wages below the minimum and thus the workers merely survived (Encore Broadcast, n.p).
The employer could not contend to overtime and unpaid wages which was a significant problem facing the employees. It was
problematic that the workers worked for 10 14 hours without being given breaks for either eating or even going to the bathroom
which had poor ventilation. Later on, after years of meager salaries, unpaid minimum and overtime wages and also domestic
abuse, Maura Colorado, Maria Pineda and Lupe Hernandez come together in unison together with other employees in their
struggle and campaigning for negotiable working environment and condition and also for self empowerment which was a battle
against their employer. The Latinos workers were motivated by the three women and to the extent of the workers announcing a
lawsuit for the garment company which was a problem for the company as its reputation become known to the public. On the
character stories, Lupe Hernandez was born in Mexico City and left at the age of 17. She is five foot tall, and people would make
fun of her height, and she defended herself. Lupe became a fighter at an early age, and no one could afford to mess with her. She
learned survival skills at an early age since she started working in Los Angeles garment factories. She worked in the garment
companies for
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Starbucks Swot Analysys
Starbucks Case Study Starbucks has been a household name for over 20 years. It is the largest coffee house in the world with
over 17,000 stores in 50 countries (Wikipedia Website, 2011). How can a giant like Starbucks stay on top of the coffee market yet
retain its personal small coffee house feel? Starbucks continuous strive and strategic management plans have proven beneficial in
keeping to the goals of the organization.
Strategic Management Setting the Mission and Goals The first step in the strategic management process is to identify the current
goals of the organization (Coulter amp; Robbins, 2009). Starbuck s original mission statement, as reported in the Jerusalem Post,
was to Provide a great work environment and ... Show more content on ...
Starbucks decided that a better loyalty program through the Starbucks Card was necessary. This program gave frequent customers
better incentives such as free refills or a free birthday coffee (Starbucks Website, 2011). One of Starbuck s strengths was also a
weakness. It was huge. The Starbuck s growth surge had caused it to lose its corner coffee shop appeal. People were starting to
view it as a huge conglomerate and not just a place to go have a great cup of coffee. Schultz decided to bring back the smaller
espresso machines. Doing this enabled the Baristas to be able to look and talk to the customers and the customers could actually
watch them making the drinks (Besharov, et al., 2008). It also provided a real coffee house look and not an industrial, assembly
line as it did previously.
Evaluation of Starbuck s Strategy I am impressed with Starbuck s strategy. I feel that they are on the road to being one of the
most successful corporations in America. I went to two local Starbucks and observed the employees and their interactions with
the customers. I feel that the new mission is being adhered to and the partners are engaged and genuinely like working at
Starbucks. The customers seem to love the product they are producing. I was particularly impressed with
website. There was actual interaction between the customers and the partners. I feel that Starbucks will have to soon address the
issue of
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A Behind-the-Scenes Look on How Organizations Are...
I ve spent the last 20 years in an organization that always had a job for me. I never had to interview for any of my positions when
I moved to a new assignment. Before I retired from the Air Force in 2012, I took a Transition Assistance Program (TAP) class.
This class went over in depth about preparing the resume and how to interview but made no mention on how organizations use
social media for recruiting. As a volunteer for a non profit company, I ve also watched the employees in the HR department
struggle to find the right candidate for their administrative assistant position. For the last six months or more, they have relied
heavily on a rotating roster of temp agency workers while they continue to interview potential candidates. In the meantime, HR
employees are burden with extra duties until the position is filled. The HR department used job boards to advertise the position,
but some candidates get as far as a second round of interviews but don t pan out. This paper s purpose is to take a behind the
scenes looks on how organizations are advertising job opening in the social media age and what are the best practices for
recruiting talent in the social media age.
What companies are doing now
Social media is a growing facet of the recruitment process, but is not the only source organizations use to advertise their jobs.
According to Sinha and Thaly (2013), social media is part of a multi prong approach and is combined with several other avenues:
Employee Referral
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Controversy Over The Use Of Plastic Bags
A single plastic bag can kill over one hundred dolphins. Plastic bags are often eaten by marine life. The plastic will starve and kill
the animals. This litter may not decompose for one thousand years and will continue to find more victims... written by an
anonymous person. Recently, there has been controversy as a consequence of the decision the government has made to charge a
fee to whoever receives plastic bags or ban them completely in certain US stores. People disagree and believe that we shouldn t
spend money on plastic bags and that it is futile. The alternative side states a plastic bag fee will aid our struggling environment
and the U.S s economy. The quote clearly demonstrates how destructive plastic bags are, it is affecting the ... Show more content
on ...
As I stated, plastic bags harm the environment tremendously and we should do anything we can to decrease its usage. The
opposing side may say that alternatives I have given such as reusable bags, provide additional harm to the environment than
plastic bags because of they are produced. However, the effect of plastic bags massively outweighs that of reusable bags because
reusable bags are being utilized consistently and they re not thrown out so they aren t harming any animals. Plastic bags are
mostly being thrown out, and that harms the environment way more. To provide evidence on the significant aid the plastic bag
ban or fee has brought, the Upfront magazine article Should There Be a Fee on Plastic Bags? indicates , It s hard to believe that a
small charge could have such a big impact on protecting our environment. But according to research, the fee has already proven
its effectiveness in reducing plastic or paper bag use in..Washington D.C, Los Angeles, Germany and England. Some experts
predict that a 5 cent fee will lead to a 60 90 percent reduction in the use of plastic bags in NYC. This piece of evidence brings
awareness to the massive assistance plastic bag fees have brought and will continue to bring to the US and potentially the entire
world. The fee has made a
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Edgar Allan Poe Symbolizing Baltimore
symbolizing Baltimore. It can be seen as both nostalgic and simplistic. I have heard people say that Natty Boh was hipster beer
before the actual 20th century hipster existed. For those who are literary experts or philosophical poets, nothing hits hard on
symbolism then the man who defined the mascot for the Baltimore Ravens. Baltimore has some of the countries most intellectual
literary geniuses. Edgar Allan Poe, the man of romanticized gore and darkness, spent majority of his career in Baltimore until his
death. The theater is also a part of Baltimore, The Baltimore Senator Theater. There is also an extended amount of museums;
Visionary Art Museum, Museum of Art, Walters Art Gallery, African American Wax Museum. In the summer, Baltimore host the
largest art festival, called Artscape, and guess what? Its Free!! ... Show more content on ...
The separation of east side , west side and the hidden notion of Unjust treatment toward residents seems to never be mentioned
when talking about what it means to be from Baltimore. Within each one of these microcosms you will find impoverished people.
You will find disenfranchised people. You will find the new ghetto filled with individuals that have been politicized into a system
they will never be able to get out of. The local policies makers, and government officials play a key part in this oppression of
The New York Times had an editorial section called How Racism Doomed Baltimore the article hit hard on how, the riots threw
spotlight on the poverty and isolation of the African American community (The Editorial Board). Over a period of time, we have
seen how Baltimore is racially segregated, placing African Americans in deeply poor (The Editorial Board) communities that
show a long dark road for boys of color. Studies have shown that those who have been living in the city for the past decade or so
when they
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Analysis Of The Final Mission Of The Imperial Japanese...
A Glorious Way to Die by Russel Spurr recounts the final mission of the Imperial Japanese super battleship Yamato. The book
switches back and forth between American and Japanese accounts of both final battle of the Yamato and the decisions which led
to its eventual sinking. Spurr spent years gathering information for his book and interviewing Japanese and American servicemen
about their roles in the battleship demise. The monograph is clear that despite the sentiments of many Japanese sailors that the
Yamato, and by extension Japan, was doomed even before the outset of its final sortie. A Glorious Way to Die demonstrates that
the final battle of the Yamato was an act of desperation by a nation destined to lose the war due to attrition, ... Show more content
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Spurr recounts how the father of one of the Yamato s crewmen ignored these signs when he quotes the him as saying, The
Americans still do not admit defeat. Their bombers are attacking the homeland. The Philippines and Iwo Jima appear to be lost.
This theme of the unwillingness of the Japanese to even consider that they could be defeated is repeated often throughout the
text. Spurr moves on to describe how the Yamato was the pinnacle of battleship design despite the fact that it had fatal flaws
which would cost the ship dearly later. The vessel sported the largest guns ever placed on naval vessel, radar, and a massively
armored section amidships. Yamato had been envisioned as having a top speed of 31 knots but the design was cut back to 27
knots when the Japanese doubted the American Navy would ever have ships that fast. The book clarifies how innovations like a
flooding system used to correct listing proved ineffective, if not disastrous, during the Yamato s final hours. Spurr also points out
that of the five planned sister ships for Yamato only the Musahi was completed, the others were never built or were converted
into carriers. Much of the first quarter of the book highlights that the age of the battleship was fading almost as quickly as it had
come. A Glorious Way to Die also moves back in time to 1918 and the development of Japan s battleships following the Imperial
Navy s success over the Russians in 1905.
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  • 2. Should Public Figures Be Accountable for Their Private... The world is in a state of flux, changing drastically over the last few decades. The great milestones of technology has led us into the new Technological Age of the 21st century, whereby innovations such as the Internet allows information to be spread in seconds. Today, public figures such as celebrities and politicians play an increasing role in our society, shaping our views and mindsets of the world. Thus, it is especially important that they are held accountable for their actions, even those undertaken in private. Although it is often argued that we can overlook what is done in private if the person performs his or her public job well, it is indeed worrying with their massive influence over society. In my opinion, public figures should be ... Show more content on ... Thus, as public figures play a role as representatives of the society, they should be accountable for their actions, even those undertaken in private, as it is only fair to the public, whom they represent. Even though it is often argued that there is no need for public figures to account for their private activities as long as they perform in their jobs, what they do in private inevitably matters as it would not only create a lasting impact on the society, but also when it breaks the law. Performance at work does not exempt anyone from obeying the laws of the land, and public figures still have to account for their actions without shrinking from the responsibility. This is especially true with the high corruption cases involving national leaders such as former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and Taiwanʼs former President Chan Shui Bian prove. Despite their positions as high profile public figures, their actions in private still calls for state punishment, forcing them to account for such undesirable actions. To ensure that the public upkeeps the confidence towards the court, believing in its impartiality and justice, public figures have to account for their private actions, especially illegal ones, regardless of how well they excel in ... Get more on ...
  • 3. American Environmentalism Essay The status of nature and the environment in American society had not been given much priority in the political sphere due to it being deeming trivial, and its proponents basing their argument on moral and aesthetic grounds, yet the surge of scientific data and new information through the birth of the field of ecology, would prioritize the status of America s natural environment in the political process, and lashed back against the increasingly polluted world Americans lived in, on a legal level. Rather than a spiritual belief in the divinity of nature s beauty, environmentalists drew upon a new rationale, being the new science of ecology, that grew through the support and funding of government agencies, educational institutions as well as ... Show more content on ... It came to the point where ecology was ushered in due to the great wave of scientific data and findings, along with the other traditional fields of science such as physics or chemistry, and where the work of ecologists would continue to fuel the environmentalist movement, promoting public action, and establishing credibility for the movement. The concept of environmentalism had been revitalized in the midst of scientific advancement, where environmental organizations such as the Wilderness Society and the Sierra Club entered the social justice movements of the 20th century reenergized, with a commitment that was stronger than ever to environmental efforts. A new generation of professional activists for the environmentalist movement emerged, ready to further the cause in both the legal and political sectors, where scientists provided irrefutable evidence, that backed up lawyers, who in turn fought legal battles with government agencies and in the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Comparison of the Rosewood Report to the Rosewood Film The documented history of the incident which occurred at Rosewood, Florida in January 1923 is a group of recollections from a few of Rosewood survivors, new stories and/or coverage. Racial violence in the nation before the events of Rosewood happened. Because of the racial tension during and after the war, many blacks migrated from the south. Florida s government soon supported black leaving the South. ...proposed Congress purchase territory, either foreign or domestic, and transport black such regions where they could live separate lives and govern themselves pg 4. In January of 1923 Fannie Taylor falsely accused an African American man of coming in her home and beating her. A fugitive was originally accused. On New Year s morning Aunt Sarah, who worked for Fannie and her husband James Taylor, and her granddaughter witnessed a white man visiting Mrs. Taylor. He often visited her when Mr. Taylor was at work. Could this possibly be an affair? Many wondered. Once Fannie let the world know a black man had hurt her, a posse came together to find this black man. Jesse Hunter who was also a fugitive from another town was under suspicion. Fannie s white lover who name was John Bradley, soon realized he was in some sort of trouble so he went to Sam Carter for help. Carter s body was soon found on the road. White men went to Sylvester Carrier s house to confront him but a shootout busted out and two white men were killed. While the white men went to get more ammo, women and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Social Location Assignment It is typical of me to preface my reflective assignments with my social location so you, the reader, may better understand my perspective before I begin with the details of the assignment. I do not plan to reflect on aspects of my social location until I analyze my values, deriving from aspects of my upbringing. I was born, and raised, in Saskatoon Saskatchewan Treaty Six, in the early era of 1990 s. In my infancy there were Residential Schools still active and the Sixties Scoop was still in effect (Niessen, 2017, p. 42). I am from a Ukrainian ancestry, my status was middle class, and I was from a nuclear family with very loving and supportive parents. The values instilled in me by my upbringing has influenced my current job as a Youth Care Worker (YCW) for a residential program for youth in Saskatoon. My responsibilities of this job are to support youth in their holistic health, and most importantly, maintain their safety. The individuals I work with have had traumatic upbringings and are vulnerable to be re traumatized with high risk behaviours. High risk behaviours will be defined in this piece as being drug use, gang affiliation, running, sexual abuse, suicide ideation, and suicidal behaviours. I work with six girls who I perceive as suffering from generational trauma. Like me, these girls are influenced by colonialism, and could be confused about their identity. They will often run from the safety of the ... Show more content on ... I believe each person has the ability to obtain self actualization and be successful in a purpose for life. Furthermore, I find the CASW Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Ethical Practice seems to support my personal values. I am not condemning individuals who take their own lives, mental illness is not a persons fault, and blame is unnecessary. However, I want to encourage purpose to life, an alternative to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Descriptive Writing Into The Lash Forest Into The Lush Forest The sun had just kissed the hill, giving warm color to the sky, but I was feeling cold. The excitement in my heart was slowly losing its fire. My group was lost, and I felt alone, in the crowd of trees, a cold crowd perhaps. Sandhya, did you read all the information? It is two hour long hike. You have hardly ever walked an hour. Take rest at home. You would not be able to walk all the way. I remembered the wise words of my mother. However, I was here walking slowly through the dense forest defying my mother s advice. I along with Nitisha and Puja were making loud noises with our steps, crushing the fallen leaves, and the broken twigs. I could hear the constant buzzing sounds of the mosquitoes and the crickets chirping. I was keeping calm until a little lizard scattered off through the grass. Adrenaline rushed through every vein in my body as I heard a strange, yet terrifying growling sound. At that moment, every instinct in my body told me to run. I looked everywhere; all I could see were my two friends, and the cold quiet forest. Even worse my anxiousness increased as I tried to locate where the sound was coming from. Trees, flowers, and everything else where my eyes reached looked lifeless. I felt as if they had no soul and I was slowly losing mine. I wished it had been a regular Saturday morning, me being home with my mother. Nevertheless, I was there with my school mates for the annual school hike. This forest is dense. Please do not wander ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Landolt Clock Reaction Lab Report DISCUSSION By analysing the results of The Landolt clock reaction, and the outcomes that occur due to change in concentration and the addition of a catalyst, the data did partially support the hypothesis. That by changing the concentrations of potassium iodate and sodium bisulphite the rate of the reaction will increase. The rate gradually increased per every 10 seconds on the NaHSO3 graph. Whereas compared to the KIO3 graph the rate was more efficient, the reaction was achieved within 5 seconds. However, the second hypothesis regarding the addition of a catalyst, displayed acceptable results. The catalyst increased the speed of the reaction within 10 seconds, which was slightly faster than the reaction times gained from the ... Show more content on ... The tests that had large amounts of distilled water had a long reaction rate due to the breaking of the molecular compounds within the reagents. Secondary data states that the rate law yielded from the iodine clock reaction was rate = k[IO3] 1 (Lyle, Department of Chemistry) which was different to the rate law that this investigation obtained. 0.41 [KLO3]^2 [NaHSO3]^2. This would have happened due to the changing of both KIO3 and NaHSO3, and also by adding more distilled water to the mixture which slowed down the reaction rate. Rate law is important, when regarding iodine clock reactions. The rate law helps to determine what factors impact the rate, and increase the reaction time. Also helps show what factors decrease the reaction rate. There were some limitations that were encountered during the experiment, and the planning stages. Such as, the constant changes made to the method. The method had to be changed three times this was due to scaling back the measurements of the solutions. The solutions that were part of the original method would have resulted in 20 ml of the blue solution, which would waste the sodium bisulfite and potassium, every time a test was conducted. Another limitation was the trial testing to see whether the experiment worked, which produced efficient results. Compared to the actual experiment data, many tests had to be repeated. This would be due to minor ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Ramifications Of War Analysis When the nation faces crisis, it is easy for a politician to bury his principles and stand with the majority. Thus, as the country prepares to enter a foreign conflict, many choose to support war for fear of what the ramifications of a different path might be: condemnation, accusations of treachery, and losing reelection. In 1917, as the United States entered the war in Europe, Congressman Meyer London of New York chose the fearsome alternative, standing by his convictions and opposing the war. In doing so, London incurred vitriol and criticism from those who supported the war. Likewise, London earned attacks from his own Socialist Party when he refused to obstruct the war effort, showing he would not bow to anyone if the dictates of his conscience ... Show more content on ... I wonder, he said, whether I am to be punished for having had the courage to vote against war or for standing by my country s decision when it chose war (qtd. in Epstein 183). He struggled to earn the renomination of his party due to his unpopularity with anti war Socialists ( Socialists accept ). When he secured renomination, he faced powerful opposition to his candidacy. The National Security League, a pro war lobby, secured the cooperation of the Republicans and Democrats in fielding a unity candidate to defeat London (Goldberg 204). Wilson himself urged Democrats to support the move ( Old parties ). Former president Theodore Roosevelt personally campaigned against London, declaring the congressman to have no right to the vote of patriotic American citizens (qtd. in Goldberg 203). His opponents portrayed London as unpatriotic and un American (Goldberg 208). Facing an invigorated and unified opposition, he lost reelection, losing by more than six points (Goldberg 210). The New York Times declared that it was a mighty good day s work to defeat Meyer London ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Texas Politics Essay Chapter 11 of the textbook, Texas Politics , it is primarily about the purpose and structure of the local governments within the state of Texas. Texas has 254 counties, the most of any state. Each county is governed by a five member Commissioners Court, which consists of a County Judge (elected at large) and four Commissioners (elected from single member precincts). The County Judge has no veto authority over the decisions of the Court, s/he has one vote along with the other Commissioners. In smaller counties, the County Judge also performs judicial functions, while in larger counties his/her role is limited to the Court. Elections are held on a partisan basis. Counties have no home rule authority; their authority is strictly limited by the ... Show more content on ... As such it is simultaneously a city, which is a municipal corporation, and a county, which is an administrative division of a state. It has the powers and responsibilities of both types of entities. Rather than pinning the responsibility of all the tasks of the four types pf local government, it would be easier to keep the responsiblilities separated where each group can do their task at one hundred percent rather than one person ... Get more on ...
  • 10. A Reflective Essay on Surgical and Anaesthetics Roles of... REFLECTIVE ESSAY ON THE LEARNING CONTRACT CONSIDERING THE SURGICAL AND ANAESTHETICS ROLES OF ODP FOR AN ABDOMINAL HYSTERECTOMY. By AKINYEMI AKINTARO 0711964 Dip of HE (ODP) Enhanced Theatre Practice OPE09 1 REFLECTION ON THE LEARNING CONTRACT. This is a reflective essay based on my experience of participating in delivery of anaesthetic and surgical care to a patient undergoing abdominal hysterectomy under general and regional anaesthesia. I will be describing the process involved, my participation and contributions, what I learnt during the experience and how this gained knowledge will improve my professional competency. Reflection is a way in which health professionals can bring theory into practice because ... Show more content on ... This feature also enables the use of this technique into the postoperative period for analgesia, using lower concentrations of local anaesthetic drugs or in combination with different agents. Also I have a better understanding of the anatomy of the Epidural space, loss of resistance Arachnoid space, and Cerebrospinal fluid. I have also learnt about the potential complications of epidural e .g Hypotension, Inadvertent high epidural block, inadvertent high epidural block, Local anaesthetic toxicity, Total spinal, Accidental dural puncture (Visser, 2001). Learning about the potential complications of epidural reinforced my knowledge in being able to choose the right anaesthetic monitoring equipment. Knowing that Spinal and epidural anaesthesia can cause unpredictable and profound arterial hypotension necessitate the use of adequate monitoring like the; Pulse oximetry, ECG and Blood pressure cuff. This knowledge will help me to be able to select appropriate monitoring devices during epidural catheter insertion. Also it goes without saying that an epidural must be performed in a work area that is equipped for airway management and resuscitation. I now know that the hypotension is caused by vasodilatation because the sympathetic nerves that control tone are blocked. Peripheral ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Asian Tigers Vs. South Korea INTRODUCTION The Asian tigers are four countries named Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. These states were highly developed countries. These countries were the first states that shifted to industrialization. All the four Asian tigers have a lot of people who are very educated and are perfect in undertaking their tasks. These countries developed and implemented different policies and this result in economic prosperity and tried to do them than any other state. For instance, Hong Kong and Singapore became the masters of international finance while South Korea became perfect in information technology. The four Asian tigers had maintained high economic growth since 1960, fuelled by export to developed countries and rapid industrialization, which enabled these economies to join the ranks of world s richest nations. The four Asian Tigers turned out to be an imperative role model for many of the developing countries and these countries include the Tiger Cub Economies comprising of Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand. Subsequent to the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and the western Financial Crisis of 2007 2008, at the time there was a continuing decline in GDP (Gross Domestic Product market assessment of all absolute commodities and services, compared to the populace, in any given year). For all the Asian Tiger countries, however each one bounced back easily because of their stable banking policies, government incentive measures and diffident or no communal ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Effects Of American Imperialism The domination of a country s or region s political, cultural, or economic life by one country is called imperialism. (Esler, page. 632) European imperialism began in the 1800s. European nations won empires in the Americas after1492, established colonies in India and Southeast Asia, and gained toeholds on the coast of Africa and China. Despite these gains, between 1500 and 1800, Europe had little influence on the lives of the peoples of China, India or Africa. (Esler, page.632) Then the Europeans industrialized and believe western cultures were superior to all other. They felt the other countries were inferior to them and began the spread of westernization. There were many causes of imperialism. A major cause of imperialism ... Show more content on ... They applied Darwin s ideas about natural selection and the survival of the fittest to human societies and nations. (Esler, page. 633) Natural selection is when individuals or organisms that are better suited to their environment survive a reproduce the most successfully. European believed they were superior to all other countries. They set out to spread western cultures and millions were robbed of their own culture. The British East India Company gained trading rights on the Mughal empire. The company expanded its influence; it controlled three fifths of India by the mid 1800s, as the Mughal power declined. India was not able to unite because there were too many languages and cultures. Even though many effects of the East India Company were negative, many positive effects came out of it too. The East India Company s main goal in India was to make money, and leading officials often got very rich. At the same time, the company did work to improve roads, preserve peace, and reduce banditry. (Esler, pg. 633) British officials introduced western education, pressed for social change, missionaries tried to convert Indians to Christianity, tried to end slavery, the caste system, and improve the position of women within the family. Indians resisted British domination. British hurt the business class, by not allowing them in large scaling manufacturing. They also kept educated Indians out of high posts. Some British laws violated ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Lincoln And Davis Leadership Essay Comparing The Political Leadership Of Lincoln and Davis It may seem self evident that Lincoln was the greater political leader; Lincoln led the winning side while Davis was defeated. It has though, been thought that once the Northern advantages and Southern disadvantages have been considered, that it is possible, that almost anyone could have led the North to victory. If this is so, was it Davis s strong leadership, which ensured that the confederacy survived as long as it did? Davis s government has inevitably been blamed for the way it ran the war. Certainly it made mistakes. But arguably it was no more mistake prone than Lincoln s government. Nor were the Southerners less dedicated than ... Show more content on ... The fact that the Union was able to produce both guns and butter helped Northern morale. Most Northerners supported Lincoln and determined to see the war to a victorious conclusion. With fewer people, far less in the way of industrial capacity, a less well developed railway system, and with a Northern blockade disrupting trade with Europe, the odds were stacked highly against the Confederacy from start. Moreover, while Lincoln took over a going concern in Washington, Jefferson Davis s administration had to build the confederate government from scratch. To fight let alone to win the war, Southerners would need to make a far greater sacrifice than the Northerners. Ultimately the efforts of the Confederate government and the Southern people were in vain. The collapse of Northern morale was the South s best hope of victory. The North on the other hand, with its greater manpower and resources, was always favourite to win the civil war. However, big battalions do sometimes lose wars. If Northern Morale had collapsed, as American morale collapsed during the Vietnam War, the union could have been defeated. Resources by themselves do not win wars: they need efficient leadership. Abraham Lincoln was the North s top leader. He was fortunate in that he took over a going concern. But the extent of that concern should not be exaggerated. Before 1861 Americans rarely saw ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Self Assessment And Education Planning Self assessment and Education Planning Through experience, I ve learned to pursue some employment opportunities over others. I m not sure why, but some choices can be attributed to my parents, peers, social status and the environment. These influences can also be credited to activities that I participated in while growing up. For example, I enjoyed helping my mother care for my younger sibling; this is probably why my strongest interest on the RIASEC spectrum falls within the area of Education and training. Acquiring a Bachelor s degree, or Master s degree is required to work in any of the fields assessed on the spectrum, along with the determination and skills to fulfill the necessary requirements. Results in the interest profiler measured my Primary area of interest as (S) Social and specifies several career options available by obtaining a degree in psychology. The profiler outlined a person with social interest with a preference of being involved in assisting, encouraging learning and personal growth. The Social type prefers to communicate, teach, and offer advice to others, as opposed to working with objects or data. Occupations listed in the (S) category as suggested from the O net material list matches in the area of Pre School Child Care Programs, Social Worker, and Training and Development Specialist. From assessing my interests, I ve learned that my Secondary career interest (C), is associated with occupations in the areas of retail and office. These are both ... Get more on ...
  • 15. A Report On The Resin Based Adhesives Summary The Aracuo mill in Sault Ste Marie manufactures a range of medium density fibreboard (MDF) composite panels as well as a wide selection of thermally fused laminates (Arauco, 2016). The resin based adhesives used in the manufacturing process of these materials create a source for airborne formaldehyde in the workplace. This presents a substantial health concern for workers in the Sault Ste. Marie Facility. Subsequently, routine air sampling is conducted to ensure safe working conditions. At present the Arauco Sault Ste. Marie facility maintains an air sampling program using the NIOSH 2016, Issue 2 method. While the current program is cost effective it has numerous limitations, such as limited sampling locations and infrequent collection of data. It is recommended that the Arauco Sault Ste. Marie facility consider implementing a more comprehensive air sampling program. While this would likely increase program costs, changes to the air sampling approach would remove sampler error, greatly increase the quantity of data collected, and extend sampling locations throughout the facility. Implementation of some or all of these recommendations would greatly increase the comprehensiveness of the air sampling program. 1.0 Introduction Arauco manufactures a range of sustainable wood products including the industry s most comprehensive selection of composite panels, premium plywood, millwork, lumber, and wood pulp (Arauco, 2016). Founded in 1971, Arauco has grown from a pulp ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Literature Review Assignment Template Literature Review Assignment Template Student Name: Jessica Briones Date of Submission: September 16, 2017 A. Discussion of Database Search 1. Search terms (1 word term plus a 2 word term) 1 word term: Chemotherapy 2 word term: Childhood Cancer 2. Summary of database search (up to 500 words): My two word search term is childhood cancer and my one word search term is chemotherapy. My initial search was through Scopus. I searched both of the terms using the Boolean Operator AND to ensure that my search retrieved sources that had both of my search terms. For my two word term, I added quotation marks around it because I wanted to search the two words together. The range of years for publications that appeared were from 2017 until the year 1958 with a total of 49 different years in between. A total of 6,790 articles were shown. After I limited my search to only nursing, articles, and articles in press, my total number came down to 113. After I limited my search to the years 2003 2017, only 89 articles remained. After performing a Google search on the author with the highest cited article using the specified format, I retrieved a total of 1,460 hits. In Google Scholar, I retrieved 437 hits. On PubMed, I initially searched term 1 with quotation marks around it along with my search term 2 using the Boolean Operator AND and was able to retrieve 6,778 articles. When I performed the same search again but without quotation marks, I retrieved a total of 10,749 ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Energy Systems Case Study 2.1 Energy Systems In the U.S., the Government made a study published in 2016 that 40% of total US energy consumption was consumed by residential and commercial properties (U.S. Department of Energy, 2017). The below notes the major building services that consume the most energy. For New York to meet the greenhouse gas requirements by 2050, a reduction of 80%, they imposed regulations (Halper, 2017). This is outlined below. To ensure that the skyscraper met the LEEDS rating system standards, multiple services and considerations within the building were modified. They consist of; Lighting Heating, cooling and ventilation Water usage Transportation and location Air quality Construction materials 2.1.1 Lighting ... Show more content on ... Replacing the standard light bulb to either a CFL (Compact Florescent Lamps) or LEDs, can save approximately 65% to 80% on energy in comparison with the average light bulb. The bulb lives are increased with CFL being 10,000 hours and LED being 25,000 hours. (U.S. Department of Energy, 2017). When purchasing light bulbs for an office situation there are rules and regulations to meet so the lighting is appropriate for a work environment. To achieve the LEED rating for lighting, contributes 23 points towards the total LEEDS rating, the New York skyscraper must only provide lighting to areas which are in use at the time; use natural lighting where possible; use sustainable light fittings; use reflective lighting; and use control lighting (DiLouie, 2009). These are only to name a few. To meet these guidelines the Bank of America in New York has reduced the overall use of electric lighting by 25%. This is by maximising natural light by installing windows which are approximately 2.9 metres tall (floor to ceiling). The windows are made from low iron soda lime . This product can be coated with anti reflection coating. This achieves a total light transmission of 98% (Abrisa Technologies, 2010). The building also has installed transparent internal walls which separate internal areas. This plan ensures that the majority of the building receives natural lighting. Photo and motion sensors are installed and adjust the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Rock Crystal Sphere On A Stand With The Dragon Analysis Rock Crystal Sphere on a Stand with Dragons. 1868 1912. Rock crystal, bronze, silvering, and gilding. Crow Collection of Asian Art. This crystal sphere is a very big, and extremely polished. The sphere also acts like a type of lens so it flips the image of whatever is behind it. The crystal sphere rests on a very decorated, and detailed stand that is made out of bronze. The stand itself is elegantly decorated with a dragon that wraps itself around it as it weaves through some swirling waves. All of these fine carved details have received gilded and silvered treatment to enhance all of the movement that is being conveyed by all of the carved imagery of the stand. The artist created this work of art to serve as a decorative object, this crystal ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Research Paper On The Explosion Of The Sultana The explosion of the Sultana How is it possible that over 1,700 people could die and it not make it to the front cover of the newspapers? This seems impossible, but that s exactly what happened back in 1865. April 27, 1865 the Sultana exploded and over 1,700 people were killed. Sad to say but this event barely made it to the newspapers because of Abraham s Lincoln s death. At the time of this event a war had just ended and Abraham lincoln had just died and everyone was worried about the funeral at the time of this disaster. Many lives were taken when the Sultana exploded and sank on August 27, 1865 ¨More people died on the Sultana than on the Titanic (1,503) or on the Lusitania (1,198)¨ (Billings, and Henry 156). The boilers had already not been in good shape plus the pressure of about 2 thousand more people that there were supposed to be boarded on that boat. The boat at to stop a couple times to fix the boilers and almost every stop they pick up more people.The Sultana was made for 376 people, at the times about 2,300 people were boarded on that boat. Before the explosion they had to stop 2 to 3 times just to fix the boiler and the last time they ¨fixed¨ the boiler the job wasn t fully done. Between the weight and the boiler none of it added up correctly. The boiler was already damaged and 2,000 extra people they should have known it was going to end good. Although they didn t really have anyway warning besides the having to fix the boiler multiple times and they knew ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Why Is The Great Depression Important To Germany Assess the significance of the Great Depression to Germany In order to access the importance of the Great Depression, we must consider the different ways in which the Great Depression was significant. The Great Depression was primarily known for the impact on Germany and the rise of Hitler. It was a very remarkable event. The impact was mainly on the Weimar Republic. Germany played a big role in the Great Depression. The Great Depression affected Germany politically, economically, and socially. The Great Depression made Germany lose a lot of power. Germany needed a lot of help at this time. Germany was trying to figure out ways to get loans so that they could fight in wars. Also at the moment, Germany still had to worry about the rise of Hitler. The United State loaned Germany money to pay for the many wars they were involved in around the early 1920s. Germany s economic growth began to increase but was soon diminished by the United States stock market crash. This crash that occurred in New York City, was a significant cause of the Great Depression. The loans that were ... Show more content on ... The Nazis made Germany economy weaker and affected Germany socially. They made Germany feel like they did have any control over their country. Germany had to worry about both Hitler and his crew. Every time Germany fought off the Nazis, Hitler was gaining power. Germany tried to get money and loans but, Germany had done so much damage that no one wanted to help them find a way to fight off Hitler. While Germany was trying to find out a way to gain all their land and country back that they had lost. While Germany was trying figure out a way to take over their land Hitler had hepatized the German people into believe everything he said. Also, Hitler was killing the Jewish people that disagreed with him. Hitler gaining power had influenced the German economy very horribly. Germany had to pay for a lot of things while Hitler was in ... Get more on ...
  • 21. History Of The ENIAC The ENIAC ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. It was introduced on February 15, 1946 and was the very first digital and electronically run computer. It was created in the United States at the University of Pennsylvania and its original purpose was to calculate artillery firing tables during World War 2. The ENIAC weighed 30 tons and filled up an entire extremely large room with its many parts. Its complexity was prominent, containing approximately 18,000 vacuum tubes, 70,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors, thousands of switches, and 1,500 relays. It produced calculations that, if done by hand, would have taken much longer to achieve. For example in one second, the ENIAC could solve 5,000 additions. In 1946 John Mauchly ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Analysis Of Into The Wild By John Krakauer In the book, Into The Wild, a journalist who was known as John Krakauer tells the story of Christopher Johnson McCandless, rather known as Alex. Krakauer s use of stylistic devices throughout his book is quite phenomenal. Just a few examples of the stylistic techniques that he uses to uncover his tone are: polysyndeton, anaphora, and antithesis. Krakauer remains indifferent towards Chris for a good 6 chapters, states all the facts, and tells the story as it is. He uses no emotion appealing words to hint to us how he feels about Chris. His indifference is shown through his use of polysyndeton, which is the use of several conjunctions when not necessary. One example of polysyndeton used in Into The Wild is, Because [McCandless] ... Show more content on ... His tone starts to become more admiring towards Chris when he states, if [McCandless] pitied himself in [his] last difficult hours because he was so young, because he was alone, because his body had betrayed him and his will let him down it s not apparent in the photograph (Krakauer 199). This shows that despite all the struggles Chris went through in his lifetime he dies peaceful and happy, when he out of all people, had all the reasons to hate life and have a miserable death. The repetitive usage of the word because lists all the reasons Chris had die upset and un happy. Another example of anaphora in Into The Wild is The marijuana of course only made the tent seem even more cramped, more suffocating, more impossible to bear (Krakauer 146). Krakauer uses anaphora to add symbolism to Chris s memory. Marijuana represents nature and how it makes you feel while the tent represents society and how it brings you down. The author starts to show more emotion towards Chris s decision of living in the wild. His indifferent tone slowly turns into a tone of ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Song Comparison Of The Great Gatsby And Mr. Steal Your Girl I don t think she ever loved him, you must remember, old sport, she was very excited this afternoon! (Fitzgerald 8.22). Gatsby is a very wealthy, young, love struck man who is in denial that his one and only true love, is taken. Gatsby is not afraid to do anything to make sure that his true love will fall into his arms instead of another man s. The song Mr. Steal Your Girl by Trey Songz is an ideal choice for a theme song to The Great Gatsby due to how they both have to do with wanting a taken girl and how they are driven and passionate about how they feel, both have the opportunity to give the girl what she wants at any moment instead of having to wait with the person they are currently with, and chasing of the American dream. Gatsby and ... Show more content on ... This is a key factor in Daisy and Gatsby s new relationship, even though Daisy is taken, seeing all these fancy things and the items he owns overwhelms her and helped her fall in love with Gatsby once again. Gatsby was crazy over Daisy and was ready to do whatever he had to to get her to leave her husband Tom. In fact, he ended up dying over her trying to protect her by taking the blame for a mistake she made. They re a rotten crowd....You re worth the whole damn bunch put together (Fitzgerald 162). He can t give you what I got here right now said within the lyrics of Trey Songz musical piece Mr Steal Your Girl . Gatsby is trying to tell Daisy that he truly cares about her and thinks she is more valuable than anything else in the world, and she can have better with him, he will give her what she wants. Just as Trey is saying in this part of the song, he is stating that he has what her man doesnt, he can provide for her in all ways and won t keep her waiting. He wants to give her what she wants and is confident he can do so, and that life with him would be better than the life she is currently ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Fashion Channel Case Study The Analysis of TFC Case Answer 1: Shoppers/Planners segmentation Pros: Firstly, this segmentation focuses on the cluster audience, also aim to maintain the 18 to 34 year old female, who are the main targeting audience of TFC, and could give return to the advisor; because of their ability of purchasing and their desire of make/dress up. So the focusing of this scenario does not miss the main customer by the broad appeal based audience segment. Secondly, it increases the rating from 1.0% to 1.2%. The increase could be interpreted as more audience watching THC at a same timing; this shows the support of increase opportunity of the advertising information attached to more customer. Meanwhile, it could help the TFC increase the ... Show more content on ... There still much more competition from competitor provide more specific targeting program. Answer 2 As shown by the exhibit 4 and 5, the expected outcome of each of the targeting scenarios is as the following: Scenario I could get a net income as flat as last year s, even with the increase of most generation operation fees. Without the additional investment, this scenario tries to use getting more audience (increase rating) and sale more advertising (decrease price) to make revenue growth. Scenario II try to get more income with risky investment in additional programming fee and more narrow specific audience targeting. This could make TFC more professional and make the advertising information more efficiency. Scenario III expect the revenue growth by increase the viewer and sale more advertising even in high prices. The expensive programming investment was flatted by the larger group of audience subscribe fee and higher advertising price sale. Answer 3 Decision The fashion channel should choose the marketing plan focus on the Fashionistas and the Shopper/Planners segmentation. Even this scenario calls for the highest additional programming fee (20 million dollar), the highest returns (net income estimate in this scenarios in 2007 should be 168.9 million dollar, 180 percent of 2006 s) should bring the first the reason why should choose this scenario. The income is 8 times of the risky additional ... Get more on ...
  • 25. unit 516 safeguarding children and young people 1.1 Explain the policies, procedures and practices for safe working with children and young people. The 2nd Joint Chief Inspectors Report defined safeguarding children and young people as the act of taking reasonable measures to ensure that the threats of harm to children young people s welfare are diminished by all those who work with children. The document expressed that all agencies involve with the provision of services to children and young people should take appropriate actions to raise and address issues of concerns whilst working to agreed local policies and procedures established by Local Safeguarding Children Board, and in partnership with other local agencies to safeguard a child or young person. (CQC ... Show more content on ... An essential aspect of this act is that it stipulates employers duty to conduct on going suitability checks instead of one offs checks to identify those who commit an abuse during their employment. The Children and Young Person Act 2008 Though children under the age of 16 are assume to lack capacity to consent, young people 16 and over are able to give consent. This act ensures that children and young people s voice are heard in relation to all decisions patting to the provision of their services. It certifies transparency in the quality of care given by agencies, the act safeguards the stability of children by ensuring that they are placed in suitable accommodations that promotes their safety and welfare. The act provides supports to young adults leaving care and to ensure that they are not forced out of state funded care facilities before they are ready. (National archive (2013) Children Young Person s Act 2008 (accessed 22/08/13). 2.1 Describe the possible signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern in the context of safeguarding According to information published by the NSPCC there are four types of child abuse which are described in the below table (NSPCC (2010) Child Protection Fact Sheet ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Summary Of Made In Los Angeles Made in Los Angeles The remarkable story of Made in L.A is about three immigrants from Latina, worked in a garment sweatshop company in Los Angeles. Life in the workplace was not smooth as challenges from the employer affected them leading them to campaign against the act. The story illuminates the power of unity, the courage it takes to let known of once rights and about immigration (Encore Broadcast n.p). This paper seeks to describe the problems in the documentary and the characters. It will also enlighten on the characters stories and how the stories amplify the documentary plot and social issues. The paper will even expound on the theme of conflict to analyze the documentary using the theoretical perspective. The documentary problem in the story was that the employer was harsh, ruthless and did not give the workers a conducive environment as they were overworked and still paid low wages below the minimum and thus the workers merely survived (Encore Broadcast, n.p). The employer could not contend to overtime and unpaid wages which was a significant problem facing the employees. It was problematic that the workers worked for 10 14 hours without being given breaks for either eating or even going to the bathroom which had poor ventilation. Later on, after years of meager salaries, unpaid minimum and overtime wages and also domestic abuse, Maura Colorado, Maria Pineda and Lupe Hernandez come together in unison together with other employees in their struggle and campaigning for negotiable working environment and condition and also for self empowerment which was a battle against their employer. The Latinos workers were motivated by the three women and to the extent of the workers announcing a lawsuit for the garment company which was a problem for the company as its reputation become known to the public. On the character stories, Lupe Hernandez was born in Mexico City and left at the age of 17. She is five foot tall, and people would make fun of her height, and she defended herself. Lupe became a fighter at an early age, and no one could afford to mess with her. She learned survival skills at an early age since she started working in Los Angeles garment factories. She worked in the garment companies for ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Starbucks Swot Analysys Starbucks Case Study Starbucks has been a household name for over 20 years. It is the largest coffee house in the world with over 17,000 stores in 50 countries (Wikipedia Website, 2011). How can a giant like Starbucks stay on top of the coffee market yet retain its personal small coffee house feel? Starbucks continuous strive and strategic management plans have proven beneficial in keeping to the goals of the organization. Strategic Management Setting the Mission and Goals The first step in the strategic management process is to identify the current goals of the organization (Coulter amp; Robbins, 2009). Starbuck s original mission statement, as reported in the Jerusalem Post, was to Provide a great work environment and ... Show more content on ... Starbucks decided that a better loyalty program through the Starbucks Card was necessary. This program gave frequent customers better incentives such as free refills or a free birthday coffee (Starbucks Website, 2011). One of Starbuck s strengths was also a weakness. It was huge. The Starbuck s growth surge had caused it to lose its corner coffee shop appeal. People were starting to view it as a huge conglomerate and not just a place to go have a great cup of coffee. Schultz decided to bring back the smaller espresso machines. Doing this enabled the Baristas to be able to look and talk to the customers and the customers could actually watch them making the drinks (Besharov, et al., 2008). It also provided a real coffee house look and not an industrial, assembly line as it did previously. Evaluation of Starbuck s Strategy I am impressed with Starbuck s strategy. I feel that they are on the road to being one of the most successful corporations in America. I went to two local Starbucks and observed the employees and their interactions with the customers. I feel that the new mission is being adhered to and the partners are engaged and genuinely like working at Starbucks. The customers seem to love the product they are producing. I was particularly impressed with website. There was actual interaction between the customers and the partners. I feel that Starbucks will have to soon address the issue of ... Get more on ...
  • 28. A Behind-the-Scenes Look on How Organizations Are... I ve spent the last 20 years in an organization that always had a job for me. I never had to interview for any of my positions when I moved to a new assignment. Before I retired from the Air Force in 2012, I took a Transition Assistance Program (TAP) class. This class went over in depth about preparing the resume and how to interview but made no mention on how organizations use social media for recruiting. As a volunteer for a non profit company, I ve also watched the employees in the HR department struggle to find the right candidate for their administrative assistant position. For the last six months or more, they have relied heavily on a rotating roster of temp agency workers while they continue to interview potential candidates. In the meantime, HR employees are burden with extra duties until the position is filled. The HR department used job boards to advertise the position, but some candidates get as far as a second round of interviews but don t pan out. This paper s purpose is to take a behind the scenes looks on how organizations are advertising job opening in the social media age and what are the best practices for recruiting talent in the social media age. What companies are doing now Social media is a growing facet of the recruitment process, but is not the only source organizations use to advertise their jobs. According to Sinha and Thaly (2013), social media is part of a multi prong approach and is combined with several other avenues: Employee Referral ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Controversy Over The Use Of Plastic Bags A single plastic bag can kill over one hundred dolphins. Plastic bags are often eaten by marine life. The plastic will starve and kill the animals. This litter may not decompose for one thousand years and will continue to find more victims... written by an anonymous person. Recently, there has been controversy as a consequence of the decision the government has made to charge a fee to whoever receives plastic bags or ban them completely in certain US stores. People disagree and believe that we shouldn t spend money on plastic bags and that it is futile. The alternative side states a plastic bag fee will aid our struggling environment and the U.S s economy. The quote clearly demonstrates how destructive plastic bags are, it is affecting the ... Show more content on ... As I stated, plastic bags harm the environment tremendously and we should do anything we can to decrease its usage. The opposing side may say that alternatives I have given such as reusable bags, provide additional harm to the environment than plastic bags because of they are produced. However, the effect of plastic bags massively outweighs that of reusable bags because reusable bags are being utilized consistently and they re not thrown out so they aren t harming any animals. Plastic bags are mostly being thrown out, and that harms the environment way more. To provide evidence on the significant aid the plastic bag ban or fee has brought, the Upfront magazine article Should There Be a Fee on Plastic Bags? indicates , It s hard to believe that a small charge could have such a big impact on protecting our environment. But according to research, the fee has already proven its effectiveness in reducing plastic or paper bag use in..Washington D.C, Los Angeles, Germany and England. Some experts predict that a 5 cent fee will lead to a 60 90 percent reduction in the use of plastic bags in NYC. This piece of evidence brings awareness to the massive assistance plastic bag fees have brought and will continue to bring to the US and potentially the entire world. The fee has made a ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Edgar Allan Poe Symbolizing Baltimore symbolizing Baltimore. It can be seen as both nostalgic and simplistic. I have heard people say that Natty Boh was hipster beer before the actual 20th century hipster existed. For those who are literary experts or philosophical poets, nothing hits hard on symbolism then the man who defined the mascot for the Baltimore Ravens. Baltimore has some of the countries most intellectual literary geniuses. Edgar Allan Poe, the man of romanticized gore and darkness, spent majority of his career in Baltimore until his death. The theater is also a part of Baltimore, The Baltimore Senator Theater. There is also an extended amount of museums; Visionary Art Museum, Museum of Art, Walters Art Gallery, African American Wax Museum. In the summer, Baltimore host the largest art festival, called Artscape, and guess what? Its Free!! ... Show more content on ... The separation of east side , west side and the hidden notion of Unjust treatment toward residents seems to never be mentioned when talking about what it means to be from Baltimore. Within each one of these microcosms you will find impoverished people. You will find disenfranchised people. You will find the new ghetto filled with individuals that have been politicized into a system they will never be able to get out of. The local policies makers, and government officials play a key part in this oppression of minorities. The New York Times had an editorial section called How Racism Doomed Baltimore the article hit hard on how, the riots threw spotlight on the poverty and isolation of the African American community (The Editorial Board). Over a period of time, we have seen how Baltimore is racially segregated, placing African Americans in deeply poor (The Editorial Board) communities that show a long dark road for boys of color. Studies have shown that those who have been living in the city for the past decade or so when they ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Analysis Of The Final Mission Of The Imperial Japanese... A Glorious Way to Die by Russel Spurr recounts the final mission of the Imperial Japanese super battleship Yamato. The book switches back and forth between American and Japanese accounts of both final battle of the Yamato and the decisions which led to its eventual sinking. Spurr spent years gathering information for his book and interviewing Japanese and American servicemen about their roles in the battleship demise. The monograph is clear that despite the sentiments of many Japanese sailors that the Yamato, and by extension Japan, was doomed even before the outset of its final sortie. A Glorious Way to Die demonstrates that the final battle of the Yamato was an act of desperation by a nation destined to lose the war due to attrition, ... Show more content on ... Spurr recounts how the father of one of the Yamato s crewmen ignored these signs when he quotes the him as saying, The Americans still do not admit defeat. Their bombers are attacking the homeland. The Philippines and Iwo Jima appear to be lost. This theme of the unwillingness of the Japanese to even consider that they could be defeated is repeated often throughout the text. Spurr moves on to describe how the Yamato was the pinnacle of battleship design despite the fact that it had fatal flaws which would cost the ship dearly later. The vessel sported the largest guns ever placed on naval vessel, radar, and a massively armored section amidships. Yamato had been envisioned as having a top speed of 31 knots but the design was cut back to 27 knots when the Japanese doubted the American Navy would ever have ships that fast. The book clarifies how innovations like a flooding system used to correct listing proved ineffective, if not disastrous, during the Yamato s final hours. Spurr also points out that of the five planned sister ships for Yamato only the Musahi was completed, the others were never built or were converted into carriers. Much of the first quarter of the book highlights that the age of the battleship was fading almost as quickly as it had come. A Glorious Way to Die also moves back in time to 1918 and the development of Japan s battleships following the Imperial Navy s success over the Russians in 1905. ... Get more on ...