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Essay Thema Handy
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Essay Thema Handy Essay Thema Handy
Wizard Of Oz Research Paper
One of the most famous, classic movies of all time is the Wizard of Oz. Being a PG movie, it is
great for all ages. The story of The Wizard of Oz was written by Frank Baum and published on
May 17, 1900, during the second industrial revolution. It was released as a movie on August 12,
1939, featuring Judy Garland, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Ray Bolger, Billie Burke, Margaret
Hamilton and Frank Morgan. It is in fact a musical, and Judy Garland, with her amazing voice,
sings all throughout the movie. The movie is filled with fabulous special effects, such as being
one of the first movies ever to have full color. The Wizard of Ozis a spectacular, sci fi fantasy.
The movie begins with Dorothy, in her black and white, Kansas farm home. As troubles... Show
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Dorothy gets left in Oz, Glenda the Good comes along and tells Dorothy to tap her heals
together three times and to think, There s no place like home, and so, Dorothy does this and
wakes up in her bed, back in her farm home in Kansas, and everyone lives happily ever after. This
however is not the biblical answer to things. The wizard is the God of Oz, and home represents
heaven, and in the movie The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy does not need Oz s/God s help to get to
home/heaven, she has to find it in her heart, because she had it all along, like Glenda the Good
explained, Knowing your mind, knowing your heart, knowing your courage. If we know
ourselves, we re always home, anywhere. The Wizard of Oz is an extremely theosophical
fairytale. It is indeed, a Theosophical allegory. The Wizard of Oz is a spectacular, well made,
interesting, and happy movie. It teaches that man has to look within himself to save himself.
Although the movie has a Theosophical worldview in it, it can still be enjoyed by everyone. The
special effects are great, especially for how long ago it was made. The movie is bound to pull one
in, and will not disappoint. The Wizard of Oz, whether one agrees with the worldview or not, is a
classic, American must
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The Gritty World Of Crime Fiction
In the gritty world of crime fiction, a detective must be prepared to face any number of gruesome
and impossible challenges that come with living in the traditional urban landscape. One of the
most difficult challenges is the detective s never ending fight to keep control in a chaotic society,
and a serious threat to that authority is the ever dangerous temptation of the women in his life.
Crime fiction uses a division of female sexuality to take power from the women of the novel and
give it to the men of society. Women in crime fiction novels are commonly depicted as either
sinners or saints in crime fiction. Although crime fiction is is good at provoking thought about
moral grey areas, the same treatment is not extended toward the females in the genre. In the mind
of both the authors and readers, there is a black and white view of women and how they should
represent their sexuality. The first archetypal womanthat most associate with this genre is the
femme fatale, a woman who, according to Hard Boiled Ideology, is an aggressive, sexually
avaricious, and dangerous and are perceived at first ... to be highly desirable, and are later
discovered to be perverted and immoral (Ogdon). An example of this can be found in Dashiell
Hammetts The Maltese Falcon, with Sam Spade s love interest, Brigid. When Spade first meets
Brigid, he notices how she approaches his office with tentative steps and her timid smile and uneasy
eyes (Hammett 4). In this first meeting, Brigid
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The Florida Everglades Essay examples
The Everglades, also known as the River of Grass, is one of South Florida s most treasured
areas. It is an area still full of wonder and mystery. The Everglades is lined with a specific type of
limestone bedrock formed by tiny organisms called byrozoans. These animals, though not related
to coral, act like coral by extracting dissolved limestone from the sea water around them and using
it to construct protective chambers in which to live. They then attach to various kinds of sea
grasses on the ocean floor and coat them as well. Individual chambers combine together to form
rock like structures. Over thousands of years, when South Florida was completely submerged, a vast
amount of this limestone ... Show more content on ...
Another important piece of the Everglades puzzle is periphyton (a cyanobacteria or algae) that
provides the basis for the Everglades food chain and helps purify the water. Periphyton provides
both food and oxygen for the aquatic ecosystem. Just like alligator holes, periphyton is also
important during the dry season because of their ability to retain water.
One hundred years ago the Everglades covered close to 4 million acres between Lake
Okeechobee and the Gulf of Mexico. Billions of gallons of water flowed into the Everglades.
The population of the East coast of Florida was 23,000. This was partially due to a lack of
suitable land for housing because of periodic flooding and the threat of hurricanes. When Florida
was first becoming settled there were many attempts by settlers to make the area more
hospitable. Most of these attempts failed. It was after two devastating hurricanes (1926 and
1928) that the Federal government had the US Army Corps of Engineers create a system of
canals, levies, and dikes to further development of that area. They diverted much of the normal
southward flow of water eastward. This allowed 1.3 million acres to be developed. It also left 2
million acres for the Everglades National Park and water conservation areas. 1 million acres was
left for agricultural use (Everglades Agricultural
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Sir Ernest ShackletonВґs Survival in the Antarctic Essay...
For an exemplary leader, what is one of the highest compliments that you could ever receive? Sir
Ernest Shackleton was a British explorer who after failing to reach the Southern Pole first wanted
to be the first to ever accomplish a trans Antarctic expedition. On October 27th, 1915 Shackleton s
boat the Endurance was crushed by the pressure of the melting Antarctic ice; leaving Shackleton
and his crew stranded in the Antarctic. On August 30th, 1916 after a treacherous one and a half
years of living in the Antarctic and surrounding islands, Shackleton and his crew were rescued
following an unimaginable story of survival. The qualities of leadership Shackleton exhibited that
resulted in the survival of him and his crew were, having certain... Show more content on ...
By putting the needs of the crew ahead of his own, Shackleton acquired a level of respect and
trust not convivial by an egocentric leader. To be an obsessive person, one must have a certain
subject constantly on one s mind or routines must be followed correctly and/or on time. The
benefit for the Endurance s crew to have an obsessive man as Shackleton was that he was ready
for the unexpected, and his crew s safety was the utmost important topic for him. With
Shackleton s obsessive nature, he made a very specific routine for the men to follow; at exactly
9:00 am, breakfast was served, at 1:00 pm, lunch was served, at 4:00 pm, tea was served, and at
6:00 pm, dinner was served. Between the meals, the men did chores such as, cleaning the ship
and melting ice for drinking water. Such a precise and stringent following of a routine gave the
men purpose and managed to keep the men from going stir crazy. The crew s safety was on
Shackleton s mind from the moment everyone abandoned the Endurance. Shackleton stopped all
unnecessary activities that posed a risk to crew safety; for example, he stopped Macklin and
Greenstreet from paddling on an ice floe like children on a raft. Shackleton also commenced
unpredicted safety drills for cracking of their ice floe which could happen at any moment.
Shackleton often didn t sleep due to the fact that he worried about all the dangerous and potentially
fatal situations that he and his crew
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Descartes and the Mind Essay
The topic of the mind and how do we know has been around since the beginning of time.
It is one of those questions that will most likely never be answered. I mean, the mind itself is so
perplexing that we are still learning stuff about it daily. One question that Descartes proposed was
how do we know? we still are pondering this one today. We ask it almost every day, maybe not in
that way but in some form or another. So honestly, how do we know? Whenever Descartes started
studying about the mind he denounced all of his previous opinions and started fresh. He first stated
that knowledge is seen as a building in which all the superstructure is resting on a foundation, and
the building is only as strong as its foundation ... Show more content on ...
So he began to ponder on how to prove that he truly did exist. He finally came up with this: Thought
exists; it alone cannot be separated from me. I am; I exist this is certain. But for how long? For
as long as I am thinking; for perhaps it could also come to pass that if I were to cease all thinking I
would then utterly cease to exist. At this time I admit nothing that is not necessarily true. I am
therefore precisely nothing but a thinking thing; that is a mind, or intellect, or understanding, or
reason words of whose meanings I was previously ignorant. Yet I am a true thing and am truly
existing; but what kind of thing? I have said it already: a thinking thing (Meditation II 31).
So in proving that he existed he also proved who he was or who we are. We are thinking things
things that can function as long as we think, but the moment that we stop thinking is the moment
that we no longer exist. So is that the moment we die? Or is it something entirely different? So
through this he proved that anything that he cannot doubt then that is what he is. And whatever he
can doubt, then he is not. He now had the knowledge of knowing about himself of who and what he
But there was a problem with this, that even though one doubted something then it could still be
true. One could doubt that he/she won a race even though they did win. Even though
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The Importance Of The National Anthem
The decision, made by Colin Kaepernick and a handful of other NFL players, to kneel or sit down
during the playing of the American Nation Anthem is an immature and disrespectful gesture to this
country and to our flag. There are better more respectful ways to protest and put out word about
your cause. While it is our first amendment right to not stand up for the National Anthem, it is my
opinion that kneeling for the flag shows disrespect for this country, our armed forces, and the flag
The flag has a section of code in the U.S. law books called the flag code. This was adopted on
June 14, 1923, by the National Flag Conference which Navy and Army representatives attended.
Title 4 chapter 1 section 9 states, All other persons present should face the flag and stand at
attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their
right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. While there are no legal
repercussions to violating these codes, it shows a great disrespect to the flag and to the country.
This section of code also states that citizens of other countries should stand in attention to show
respect for the nation.
A great example of a foreign athlete showing respect to the United States National Anthem would
be Usain Bolt. During a trackside interview that was being conducted with Mr. Bolt, the U.S.
National Anthem started to play at the 2012 London Summer Olympics, Usain politely interrupted
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Analysis Of The Winter Of 2013 A Sinkhole
Introduction In the winter of 2013 a sinkhole took the life of Jeffrey Bush in Seffner, Florida. He
was lying in bed when the ground collapsed beneath his bedroom. Death from sinkhole formation is
rare, but sinkhole collapses are a common occurrence throughout the state of Florida (Brinkmann,
2013, p.1). Natural hazards, such as sinkholes, can detrimentally impact society and the
environment. Indeed, sinkholes can reroute surface runoff into aquifers; cause structural damage to
roads and buildings; drain wetlands; and as shown in the example above, have fatal consequences.
Florida s growing population corresponds with an increase in urbanization throughout the state,
which results in the accelerated development of groundwater and land resources. Sinkholes are
naturally occurring phenomena, but their increasing frequency throughout Florida correlates with
the accelerated development of these resources (Tihansky, 1999, p.121). Together, Figures 1 and 2
visually display the correlation between Florida s growing population and the increase in sinkhole
development from 1960 to 2000.
Anthropogenic factors such as groundwater pumping, combined with certain environmental
conditions associated with a lowered base water level (e.g. drought and hurricanes), can result in
sinkhole development. For example, the excessive pumping of groundwater can create subsurface
voids because of the lowering of the water table, which can lead to the development of sinkholes
due to gravity and the
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Anila Daulatzi Essay Examples
The Muslim Professor being dragged off her flight, racially assaulted and then charged with no
due cause is an example of prejudice leading to immoral actions. On Tuesday, October 3rd of this
year, Anila Daulatzai, who teaches at the Maryland Institute College of Art, boarded a Southwest
flight in order to see her sick father. Before the flight s departure, she noticed two canines and
informed a flight attendant of her acute allergy to dogs and then was then moved to the rear of the
plane with no conflict. However, shortly afterward she was told that she would have to leave the
by two members of the Maryland Transportation Authority Police. They then forcefully dragged her
out of her seat and they attempted to haul her off the plain, during the entire encounter the officers
treated her roughly, spoke to her in a condescending tone and treated her essentially like she was a
criminal. Even after she and the officers parted ways the ordeal continued because of their attempts
to charge her of with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct and threatening and racist letters in the
mail.... Show more content on ...
According to Southwest, one such reason is the fact the crew believed she had a fatal allergy to
dogs. Apparently, its reports said Daulatzai told staff about a life threatening allergy. If this was
the case then it would be in the Crew, Airport, and passengers best interest to have the professor
disembark the plane for safety reasons. Also, as you can see in the video she was clearly resisting
against the officers and making a disturbance in that environment which might have prompted the
aggression from the
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Morphing Of The 1996 Child Pornography Prevention Act
Morphing of Child Porn
At issue before the Circuit Courts has been the constitutionality of the 1996 Child Pornography
Prevention Act (CPPA) in which Congress sought to modernize federal law by enhancing its
ability to combat child pornography in the cyberspace era(Free Speech). There is a split in the
circuit courts regarding this bill, and this essay will address the discrepancy.
This piece of legislation classifies an image that appears to be or conveys the impression of a
minor engaging in sexually explicit acts as virtual child pornography. Such images include a
photograph of a real child that may be scanned, replicated and manipulated by computer to create a
sexually oriented photo, or a wholly fake child ... Show more content on ...
Hilton, that the CPPA s definition of child pornographywithstands constitutional scrutiny. The First
Circuit found itself firmly satisfied that it is well within Congress s power to regulate virtual
pornography of minors of all ages. (United)
The Ninth Circuit recognized there is a compelling interest in banning child pornography but stated
that the U.S. Supreme Court in Ferber implicitly rejected the regulation of pornography that does
not involve minors. Where the Ninth Circuit had hinged its ruling on the existence of an actual live
child, the First Circuit instead focused upon the social ills of the pornography itself.
The First Circuit explained that The government s interest in addressing these forms of child
pornography is no less powerful than in instances where an actual child is used and abused during
the production process. We will not second guess Congress s decision to address the social ills
posed by the various types of virtual child pornography. (United)
Along the same lines, the Eleventh Circuit, in United States v. Acheson, centered it s decision
around the Congressional purpose for enactment of CPPA the harmful effects of the child
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Action Plan For The Tiger
Jonathan Turner
Action Plan for the Tiger, Panthera tigris
1.Description of Species
The Tiger, Panthera tigris (Linnaeus 1758), is the largest of the cat species found in the world.
Tigers are most notable for their pattern of vertical stripes which can either be dark brown or
black, and their fur which can range from yellow to reddish orange, with the rare white fur
present in some individuals as well. Tigers can reach a total length of eleven feet. In the wild they
have been known to weight up to 857 pounds (Wood, 1983). The Bengal Tigeris the largest of the
subspecies whereas the Sumatran is the smallest. From the paw to shoulder tigers range in height
from 2.3 to 4.0 feet tall (Karanth, 2003). Males are bigger ... Show more content on
There is believed to be no wild South China tigers in existence with the number in captivity to be
around sixty five (World Wildlife Fund, 2014). There is between 400 and 500 Sumatran tigers
estimated to be in the wild as of 2014 (World Wildlife Fund, 2014). Distribution
In the past when the distribution of tigers was at its peak, tigers ranged from the Caspian Sea to
Siberia (Piper et al., 2007). In the Indonesian Islands they were predominantly found on Sumatra,
Java, and Bali. There has also been fossil evidence to conclude that at one point tigers were
existing in Borneo and the island of Palawan. Tigers became extinct in Western Asia during the
20th century and became limited to the remaining parts of their circulation. Today their locations
have been greatly reduced to India, west of China such as Nepal and Bhutan, and also
Southeastern Asia like Bangladesh. Sumatra is the only island that is still inhabited by tigers
(Chundawat et al., 2011). The historical range of the tiger has diminished by 93% since the start
of the 20th century and known area occupied by tigers has reduced by 41% from 1997 to 2007
(Dinerstein et all., 2007).
Figure 1 A Bengal Tiger in Karnataka, India. Behavior
Tigers are carnivorous animals and are mostly nocturnal hunters. They feed mostly on deer, chital,
wild boar, gaur, and wild buffalo (Bagchi et al., 2003). They have also been seen to feed on
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Carnivores Chapter Summaries
1. Carnivores by Aaron Reynolds. Illustrated by Dan Santat. Chronicle Books LLC, 2013. The
Ohio Digital Library (Lane Library) Shark, Lion, and Wolf are outcasts in their communities,
because nobody wants to be friends with someone who might eat them. Shark, Lion, and Wolf
become friends over the fact that they are all carnivores and work together to embrace themselves
as carnivores. The narrator reads the book expressively and fluently. Stated by Cahill, Appealing
digital texts have narration that is both expressive and fluent (34). As the narrator reads, each word
is highlighted to indicate to the reader what word the narrator is on. The reader can adjust both the
volume and reading speed of the narrator. This e book is quality,... Show more content on ...
The story tells of a curious elephant, who has a short nose that is bitten and stretched by an
alligator, creating the long trunk elephants have today. This e book provides the option for the
reader to read the book to himself/ herself or for the book to be read by a narrator. In this e book,
the narrator reads the story clearly and fluently. The narrator uses inflection in his voice to
express the personality of the different characters. The narration begins on each page, when the
reader swipes to flip each page on the nook. The reader can also select a different place by
tapping the arrow at the bottom of the screen and all of the pages in the book come up. The
reader can select a page by swiping their finger left or right to browse through the pages and then
tapping on the desired page. Additionally, the reader can listen to a page more than once, by double
taping the arrow at the bottom of the screen and the narration for that page will start over
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Basic Financial Concepts and Pinkerton
Executive Summary. Wathen is attempting to value the proposed acquisition of Pinkerton in an
effort to determine whether bids of $85 million to $100 million is value enhancing for CPP s
shareholders. Additionally, Wathen must choose between two financing options: (1) raising $100
Million via a $75 million debt structure at 11.5% interest rate together with a $25 million equity
investment for a 45% stake in the combined company and (2) a $100 million debt facility at 13.5%
interest rate. General Assumption. We assumed that Wackenhut is comparable to Pinkerton, and
therefore that Wackenhut s asset beta reflects that of Pinkerton. Additionally, we assumed that
Pinkerton s bond rating is A. As such, we assumed a debt service ratio for... Show more content on ...
With the synergies expected, the value to CPP increases by $14.6 Million (see exhibit 4).
Generally for the particular small firms to maintain rating of A, the firms have to maintain a
debt service ratio of 6. Hence it is practical to assume interest coverage ratio of 6.0x in the long
term for Pinkerton in this case. Pinkerton gets benefit from 34% tax shield, which account for
the value of $15.4 Million (see exhibit 5). Therefore, as calculated in exhibit 6, the total value of
Pinkerton from 3 sources to CPP in expected case is $119.7 Million. This is higher than the $100
million asking price. Financing: Free cash flow after debt service is still positive in both options.
For the value to existing shareholder, as option 1 CPP gives premium of $15.2 Million over $25
Million for 45% stake of CPP to investors, option 2 of $100 Million Debt would be more preferable.
Pessimistic Case Valuation: We then perform the valuation exactly the same method as expected
case. The value of Pinkerton with less gross margin and more working capital needed is $67.1
Million (See exhibit 9 for 5 years valuation and exhibit 10 for terminal value). With lower
performance, the value of 34% tax shield is also lower to $10.8 Million (see exhibit 12). Without
any additional incremental value to CPP (exhibit 11), total Pinkerton value from 3 sources is $77.9
Million (exhibit 13), which is even less than the original proposed value of $85 Million from
Wathen. Financing:
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Arnold Shwarzenegger Research Paper
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a socialized charismatic leader who paints a strong vision for the future
of California and has become a model leader for the 21st century. Quite simply he has been a leader
in every field he has entered. Schwarzenegger displays several of the competencies required for
leadership. Schwarzenegger s most important foundation competency is the change competency.
Governor Schwarzenegger recognized global warming was real and something needed to be done.
Schwarzenegger realized by being the first state to embrace a green economy and becoming the
leader in green technologies, it will have an immediate impact on the environment. But more
important to a fiscal conservative such as Schwarzenegger, it will build a ... Show more content on ...
Joe Weider provided that blue print. As a young body builder, Schwarzenegger was mentored by
body building marketing guru Joe Weider. Weider taught Schwarzenegger valuable lessons on how
to change public opinion on body building and make fitness mainstream.
Weider used Schwarzenegger to make body building sexy (Montana 2008). To do this he had to
change the image of the bodybuilder (much like Schwarzenegger is attempting to change the image
of the environmentalist). The current image of the body builder was one of vanity, narcissism, all
brawn and no brain. Weider used Schwarzenegger to obliterate those stereotypes. The Current
impressions of the environmentalist is one of a wimpy tree hugger, Arnold would use his
experience in transforming body building to obliterate those stereotypes too.
To Change the image of body building Weider backed the documentary Pumping Iron, staring
Schwarzenegger. This showed body building in a new light. The moronic muscle head image was
replaced by the charismatic Schwarzenegger, who was witty intelligent, and had a magnetic
personality. (Schwarzenegger is attempting to use his image as a manly man to change the image of
the environmentalist from a girlie man to a macho man). Schwarzenegger symbolized force,
discipline focus and self improvement. (Montana 2008).
The image of body building and fitness was changed. After handling the people aspect of change,
Weider used Schwarzenegger s new image to change the strategy of
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A Cyborg Manifesto Essay
In Donna Haraway s essay, A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in
the Late Twentieth Century it is an effort to establish a political point of view on Feminism
which an ironic political myth which is authentic to feminism, socialism, and materialism. Her
motive is to build a structure that is faithful to feminism and socialism, To build an ironic
political myth faithful to feminism, socialism and materialism. (p.149) Haraway develops her
ironic myth by hypothesising with the idea of cyborg. What is cyborg? Haraway intellectualises
cyborg as, A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of
social reality as well as a creature of fiction. (p.149). Based on this we can say that... Show more
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Posthumanism portrays technology as an other to be embraced, and like mentioned earlier,
consequently has lost sight of the basic realities of human/technological boundary. Technology
becomes or act as a supreme authority or a superior model of information processing to which
humans desire. Furthermore, Posthumanism communicates to mind body dualisms by
conceptualising identity and the use of technologies for further enhancement the human body and
mind and in order for us to embrace the technology without any suffering the technology embrace
us. For better understanding into this matter Kathryn Hales illuminates this matter by saying,
configure human being so that it can be seamlessly connected with intelligent machines (Lesson 10).
In Posthumanism technology controls or grants control over certain areas of mind and body but
there is a problem when technology drives the mind and control, technology disrupts the natural
flow of brain cells and its function and eventually taking control and halting the natural process of
human brain. With technology embedded into the body, it acts as a second brain and plays a key
role in decision making although it is nowhere as sophisticated as a human brain but none the less
very effective. Stelarc states that information explosion is indicative of an evolutionary dead end
(Stelarc, pg. 229) In other words, because of the immense
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The Beach Carrier Essay example
Q1:What is the nature of the product? What are its strengths and weaknesses?
A1:The Beach Carrier is a new product concept developed by Mary Ricci. It is a large,
lightweight, durable bag that is designed to carry everything required for a day at the beach,
including a chair. The Beach Carrier can be folded down to a 12 inch by 12 inch square for easy
storage when not in use. It comes with an adjustable strap and various sized pockets for carrying
all types of items to the beach or other outdoor activities (i.e. concerts, picnics, and barbecues).
The Beach Carrier possesses several strengths relative to competitive products in the market,
including the following:
1.First, the overall product concept of a single bag that can carry ... Show more content on ...
4.The fluorescent colors of the Beach Carrier are see through and considered trendy , lessening the
perceived quality of the bag.
Q2:What are the limitations to the assumptions Ricci has made in determining the market
potential? What risks do these present?
A2:In assessing the market potential for the Beach Carrier, there are several assumptions that Ricci
made that could significantly impact the overall market share potential. These include the following:
1.First of all, Mary Ricci has made the general and often popular assumption that bigger is better .
However, a 36 inch by 36 inch bag is huge and would be extremely heavy if completely filled.
People may prefer to have a smaller bag and limit the items that they bring to the beach or on
another outing.
2.Second, the Beach Carrier utilizes an adjustable shoulder strap for carrying and Mary has
assumed that this method would not be viewed as a negative when compared to the Caddy Shack
(backpack type) or the Wonder Wheel (oversized wheels). However, many consumers would likely
view these other carrying methods as an advantage, especially if one is packing lots of stuff
including chairs and umbrellas.
3.Next, Mary based her market research on all people who use suntan and/or sunscreen products.
This may be a significant overstatement of the market as many people who use these products
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The Substitution Mechanisms ( Sn1 And Sn2 ) With Reactions
This paper was written in order to relate nucleophilic substitution mechanisms (SN1 and SN2) with
reactions that involved converting alcohol containing compounds to alkyl halides. This experiment
was conducted by combining the initial alcohol with reagents and heating under reflux when
necessary. It was determined that mechanistic pathways of substitution depend principally on the
structure of the initial alcohol; that is, substrate is considered primary, secondary, or tertiary.
Synthesis of 1 (46%) was achieved through SN2 mechanism from a primary alcohol, while
syntheses 2 (97%) and 3 (98%) were completed by SN1 mechanisms from secondary and tertiary
alcohols as determined by the presence of rearranged products. Many mechanistic reactions are
utilized and are interrelated in order to produce the desired product in an organic synthesis. These
mechanisms may be generally categorized2 into the following classes: addition, elimination,
substitution, and rearrangement. Of these, substitution reactions are of particular significance in
halogenation reactions of alcohol containing compounds, in which the alcohol functional group is
replaced by a halide ion (i.e. Cl or Br ). Alcohols are the most common precursors to alkyl halides
and signify a very substantial reaction in organic synthesis4. Substitution reactions can occur via
two mechanisms2, namely unimolecular nucleophilic substitution(SN1, a stepwise process) and
bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2, a
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Steve Jobs Failure Of The American Dream
Society has their own opinions on what the equivocal American Dream embodies, the most
prevalent conception being an extremely profitable career. However, many fail to see that the
American Dream is mainly the ideal that a person can leave a positive impact on the world in any
way possible. On the other hand, there s always the select few who interpret this American ideal for
its true meaning. Apple cofounder Steve Jobs exhibits the essence of the American Dreamthrough
his dedication in creating extraordinary, breakthrough products. He had left his mark on the world
by making gadgets that were unimaginable to the average person; that s just how innovative his
products really were. Steve Jobs was able to achieve this American Dream through... Show more
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Only, the next big concept that Jobs went after wasn t exactly a product, but rather a service
infamously known as the iTunes Store. Before the iTunes Store, most people had been obtaining
their most prized music through buggy music sites that provided less than adequate sounding
music files for free. Not only was this method problematic, but because people were also paying
absolutely nothing for the music, it was illegal. However, the iTunes Store paved the way for
fewer complications. In fact, by using Jobs new service, people could now own [their] own
songs, burn them on CDs, be assured of the download quality, get a preview of a song before
[they] download it and use it with [their] iMovies and iDVDs to make the soundtrack of [their]
life (403). iTunes was a life changing service; it was the first online music store where anyone
could obtain the music that they wished for and have it downloaded straight to their computer or
iPod. More importantly, this particular service was legal. Jobs made a service that people knew
nothing about become a service that
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Study Case Discussion
Riding the Plus Size Wave Consumer Behavior Case Study page 230 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
The underlying theme within this case as well as the reasoning behind the proposed strategic
alternative is: how to increase the sales and alter the consumption habits of the target consumer
market. We describe the industry and the company s position within the industry the behavioral
aspects of the target consumer market and its relationship to this company. After careful study of
theoretical reasoning, we ve found that consumers with lower self esteem tend to spend less. Our
strategic alternatives therefore attempt to enable the consumers to increase their self esteem and
thus, altering their consumption behavior in favor of shopping at Lane Bryant and... Show more
content on ...
Because of this plus size consumers purchase less plus sized clothes with the idea that they will
be returning to their normal size soon. Plus size consumers who feel this way would be more
motivated to purchase clothes that fit them if there were no negative or adverse perceptions and
attitudes toward plus size clothes. Furthermore if plus size consumers were more acceptant and
confident about their current body size and body image it would lead to a potential increase in
sales. II. Discuss the real world changes that appear to be occurring with respect to media images
of women. What are the reasons for this? With the plus size clothing industry at a critical turning
point, where it has grown and is continuing to grow it leaves room for Lane Bryant and other plus
size retailers to expand. A market research report conducted by IBISWorld returned the following
results. According to IBISWorld analyst, Nikoleta Panteva, the plus sized fashion industry segment
is bucking the trend. Retailers in this industry specialize in plus size women s clothing, which is
clothing proportioned specifically for larger women, including plus size dresses, plus size pants,
plus size tops and plus size outerwear. The
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Nicaragua Unemployment Rate
I was sent to Nicaragua by an international division of a multinational corporations to determine if a
factory can be built based on the following factors: economic, social, and political.
As I began the research for Nicaragua. I came across many factors of economic. Which are
unemployment rate, natural resources, taxes, transportation, and standard of living. This factors are
very important because they are going to determine if the factory can be built there. In fact
Nicaragua unemployment rate is 6.1%(Central Intelligence agency) due to that many of the
population lives in the countryside area. Another reason why the unemployment rate is low because
of health conditions. The effect that it has on the factory is that the poverty is under and trying to
live on a dollar a ... Show more content on ...
Approximately 6,400 people living with human immunodeficiency virus in the country which
has affected the unemployment rate.About 80% of Nicaragua population has access to safe
drinking water.This is very important because I want to know that my workers will be safe
living in the country. The bad part about the information I research is that many of citizens live
with human immunodeficiency virus which will affect the factory because they would not be
able to work at the factory. (International living) The social factors of Nicaragua are education,
immigration, and religious. This factors are important to know because it will help me with
how educated my employees would be, religious would affect the factory or helping the factory. I
believe it would be a good idea to build a factory in Nicaragua because of all the research I have
received have been good for the factory to be built
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My Experience At Woodruff Corporation
Introduction: As I near the 1st anniversary of my career at Woodruff Corporation, I find myself
reflecting on my experiences and accomplishments throughout this first year. What impact have I
had in the company? What have I learned and how have I developed my skills? Will it endure and
lead to better, more efficient, and profitable business practices? Prior to working at this company, I
had never before worked in manufacturing, much less the containers, packages, and materials
handling industry. I had not yet professionally designed for the manufacturing either. Woodruff was
giving me an amazing opportunity to apply my education, learn real world applications, and I was
earnest to prove myself. During my final interview, noting my excitement, my boss to be made me
aware that he is in the midst of projects to improve the business, that the prevailing company culture
is resistant to change, and that it has been an uphill battle trying to sway the company culture
towards continuous improvement. He believes I have that mindset and wants me to promote it
throughout the business. I learned then, and reaffirmed over my time there that it must be done
with both patience and persistence. After hiring me, he asked me to a meeting in his office. The
company currently had few materials for the purpose of training designers new to the industry. He
also asked that as I learn the ins and outs of designing for the industry that I document what I have
learned for the purpose of
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An Analysis Of The Evil Riis
On my first journal, I asked myself who was the evil Riis referred to. I did not know the Evils
Riss referred to were the landlords. The greedy and heartless landlords of New York City slums.
On chapter thirteenth, Riis clearly says that the evils are disgusting, careless, and unlawful
landlords. The Negros as Riis referred were charged higher rents than the white immigrants.
However, The Negros was considered cleaner than white European. They maintain their shanty
habitation clean. On the contrary, the poor white European people had bad and dirty habits.
Chapter fifteen, Riis described how badly the children of the East Side tenements were treated.
The adults did not care. Some kids would go missing and no one would care. How would a poor
child govern a city if they did not have access to education? How can a child lacking of education,
health, and a stabilized family succeed?... Show more content on ...
Child labor, racism, abuse of power, injustice. Poor and colored people were not treated as a
human being should be. They were treated like a trash. The unfortunates were not considered
human being so were the working girls. It is a known fact that men s wages cannot fall below a
limit upon which they exist, but woman s wage has no limit Riis shows that was and still
impossible for anyone not only woman to live with a low salary. Throughout the chapter fifteen,
many girls still in their teens would lie their age to
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High School Football Injuries Research Paper
Strategies for Preventing High School Football Injuries I started my love of sports when I was
very young. At three years old, I played flag football for a local youth league. I was not shy and
withdrawn like the other kids. I was outgoing and energetic. I don t know if the other kids were
embarrassed to play or they just didn t understand the game, but the ball always came to me. I loved
the attention from stealing a flag and scoring a touchdown. After flag football, I played every sport
in every season soccer, basketball, football, volleyball, and baseball. Every sport was the same the
ball always came to me. I was not necessarily an aggressive player, but I was athletic and demanded
a lot of play time because I knew I could get... Show more content on ...
Some ways to prevent injuries are: hydrate; stay active year round; a pre season health and
wellness evaluation; participate in strength, speed and agility training; warm up and stretch; cool
down and stretch; wear proper fitting equipment; use prophylactic or supportive taping/padding;
take performance enhancing and social drugs out of the game; learn proper tackling techniques;
follow the rules of the game; and always prepare for
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Alliteration And Symbolism In Browning s Meeting At Night
In the poem, Meeting At Night, alliteration and symbolism were used to describe about the sea,
color, and nighttime in line one. The poem on line one states that The gray sea and the long black
land; (Browning). Browning used alliteration in this line was with long and land to tell the
audience that he sees nothing around him but water all around. He described the land as the color
black to tell the audience it s dark outside or nighttime. The sea was being describe as the color
gray to emphasize that it is night as well. He focused on reality instead of the art by not searching
for more colors and stated the fact that everything was dark. This is how the author incorporated
the alliteration and symbolism in this line tie the connection of the sea, color, and nighttime. The
author also used alliteration and symbolism to extend his imagery of the scenery in his poem.
According to line two of the poem, that author wrote, And the yellow half moon large and low;
(Browning). The alliteration he used in the second line was with the words large and... Show more
content on ...
In line ten, there are symbolism of color, heat and nighttime to decipher the meaning of the lighted
match. Assuming that the match was struck, a blue spark must have appeared to get it lit. The
color blue may be symbolized as heat due to the sparks being the beginning of the fire that the
match has contained. The blue sparks can also be a symbol of passion due to the word spark being
used as in relationships nowadays. The lighted match is also a symbol of heat. When something
was lighted, then fire, which is very hot, must be involved. The lighted match may have led the
audience think that the setting was during the nighttime. Usually, when a match is lighted, it could
have been use as a source of light to see in the dark or, in this case, nighttime. This is how the
lighted match can be a symbol of color, heat, and
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Kindle Fire Hdx Essay
Kindle Fire HDX tech support
What is the Kindle Fire HDX?
The Fire HDX, formerly named Kindle Fire HDX, is the high end model in Amazon sKindle Fire
line of tablet computers. It was announce on September 25, 2013 and is available in two models, 7
inch and 8.9 inch.
The Fire HDX is the new version of the formerly Kindle Fire HDXmodel .It is the high end
model in Amazon s Kindle Fire line of tablet computers. It was a big day in the world of
technology when on 25th September 2013 when the declaration of the new models were made.
the two models of tablet computers of 7 inch and 8.9 inch were launched one by one .. The 7 inch
model (WiFi ) was released on 18th October, 2013 and the 8.9 inch WiFi model was released on
November 7, 2013 ... Show more content on ...
The configuration of the tablets are capable enough to send content in the form of video through
a mechanism similar to a Wireless Display HDMI adapterthat is using a Second Screen
wirelessly, but is incapable to send vedio content through HDMI cable as was send by its
predecessor, named the Kindle Fire HD.
The 2014 refresh uses Fire OS 4 Sangria , which features profiles so each user on the tablet can
have their own settings and apps.
Mayday feature
One of the reputed journal of PC Magazine statetd that after the Pressing of the Mayday button,
and a live operator from Amazon appears in a video chat window on your screen to answer all of
your Kindle Fire questions within 15 seconds.. He or she is there to instruct you what apps you
should download. In his review one of the software engineer of the Kindle Fire HDX 7 called the
Mayday remote video as revolutionary and one of the most amazing feature of Amazon.
PC Magazine grants 4 out of 5 to the Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7 Wi Fi edition and rated it
Excellent .They pointed out to the Fast processor ,Sharp screen, etremely easy to use features with
having Amazing live tech support.Not only that the screen has color accurateness with high pixel
density at 339 PPI. The Fire HDX ahs the machnism to
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The Battle Of The Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase was a territory at first that stretched from New Orleans to the British
Columbia and from the New Spaniards eastern border to the Ohio river. The land was 909,000
square miles but 4 cents an acre. The area was first owned by France then moved from France to
Spain around 1762 and finally after 40 years back to France, then sold to us.The reason it was so
important too many people was the Mississippi river s entrance to the Gulf of Mexico.
After France showed they were selling this territory, an opening showed up for America. While
Thomas Jefferson was president at the time; he wanted to make a presidential move and buy this
important land. But there was a problem with this; Jefferson didn t know if this purchase could be
constitutional since there was nothing about it. So after talking to congress they decided to come
up with the 1803 Treaty of the Louisiana Purchase. After purchasing this land the United States
doubled in size but also lost $15 million dollars. The purchase was made May 2nd but the land
wasn t possessed until December 20, 1803. ... Show more content on ...
But he would need an exploration of the west. So Jefferson hired a acquaintance of his secretary
a U.S army member Meriwether Lewis to do this; who later hired William Clark to be a co captain
of the trip. After the trip they gathered maps of the land, climate observations, food vegetation in
the area, and Indians and other people.After learning of the Louisiana Purchase it was Pike s dream
too set off on such an adventure. Pike covered 5,000 miles in 9 months gathering information on
Spanish territories and army locations, British activity going against the John Jay treaty, and finally
Indian treaties like the Friendship
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Gomco Case
The GoMo study: a randomized clinical trial assessing neonatal pain with Gomco vs Mogen clamp
circumcision Reviewer: Leya Saju, MS3 Clinical Bottom Line: This study is the first randomized
controlled trial comparing neonatal pain in Mogen circumcision to Gomco clamp since the
American Academy of Pediatrics required in 1999 that all such procedures be performed under
anesthesia. Although both techniques had minimal complications, Mogen circumcision was
observed to be faster, and associated with decreased heart rate as well as mean arterial blood
pressure when compared to Gomco. Furthermore, despite there being no difference in the clinically
validated neonatal pain score CRIES (crying, requires increased oxygen administration, increased
vital... Show more content on ...
Gomco clamp was observed to be associated with a significant increase in post operative heart rate
and mean arterial blood pressure. Table 4 summarizes the CRIES score associated with and duration
of each circumcision technique. Both groups were observed to have the same CRIES score.
However, Mogen clamp was found to be significantly faster than Gomco. Comments: There are
several strengths to this study. This is the largest randomized, controlled, clinical trial comparing
neonatal pain between Gomco and Mogen clamps. Furthermore, by having all the circumcisions be
performed by a single provider group, the authors were able to control for provider confounders.
Both procedure protocols were solely based on the most recent recommendations from the
American Academy of Pediatrics. However, as the study was exclusive to healthy and term infants,
the results can only be generalized to this population, not to premature infants or older males.
Another limitation is that these observations are regarding short term outcomes of the procedures,
not long term outcomes of Gomco and Mogen clamp circumcisions. Furthermore, the research
nurses who scored the pain were not blinded to the treatment
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Camp Cosby Research Paper
Camp Cosby + Kale = Life For many individuals Camp Cosby means a lot to them, but for me there
is so much value to the place I call home. Camp Cosby has been a huge part of my life even before
I was born; therefore, I feel that it is necessary to help ensure that Camp Cosby is a successful
place. I took a significant amount of time away from Cosby to not only grow and develop as an
individual, but also to give Cosby a time to change. After years away from the place I was
passionate about I feel the need to make sure that I am a part of bringing Camp Cosby to a new
beginning. I wantthe best for Camp Cosby and for every individual that has ever felt the same. The
benefits of working at Cosby for one summer have been life altering, and... Show more content on ...
I always want everyone to know that they are a part of the Camp Cosby I love. This past
summer there was not an affiliate of Camp Cosby that went unspoken to, and I hope that every
individual that works for Cosby shares the passion that I do. The benefits of being a CIT
Director at Camp Cosby would mean so much to me; however, I know that this job carries a lot
of responsibility and duty. I can name many that have had this position and I remember each of
them, and certainly my CIT directors have made an impact on my life. I hope to make the
YMCA a career. I want to be the difference in the world, and I feel like I can start at Camp Cosby.
I, Jonathan Kale Haywood, tend to be a humble person; however, when it comes to YMCA
Camp Cosby, I feel like I can make a difference in the place I love. Camp Cosby has done so
much for me, and I want to make sure that the Cosby Spirit lives on. I want to instill the values
that I have learned at Cosby in others so that the world can be a better place. Camp Cosby is an
experience that every camper learns something about themselves, and sometimes the parents also
learn a lesson or
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Wali Khan Case Summary
The witness, Wali Khan, is thirty five years old and can speak, read and write English. He initially
identified himself as Haji Alam Khan, the father of Mohammed Aslam. He later identified himself
as Wali Khan, the decedent s brother, upon further interrogation on this issue. He testified that he
appeared at the deposition instead of his father because his father was ill.
Wali Khan has lived with all fifteen family members in a house in Kabul for the past year and for
the fifteen years prior, the family lived in Pakistan. The decedent and his family were originally
from Afghanistan, which they left when the Taliban came to power. While in Pakistan, the witness
and some of his brothers, other than the decedent, had security police problems ... Show more
content on ...
He previously lived and worked in the administration and finance departments at the ISAF s
(International Security Assistance Force) Shank base in Afghanistan. He graduated from Afghan
high school in Pakistan and attended classes at a Pakistan college. He is married with two children,
Saman (son) and Asma (daughter); however, he would not provide his wife s name because it is
against custom.
Wali Khan spoke with Karima Sadiqi (the plaintiffs representative ) approximately three days
before his deposition about the procedures. They did not discuss the case.
Wali Khan testified that his family is pursing the lawsuit against Midwest and Honeywell in order
to receive money from Midwest s and Honeywell s insurance. It is his understanding that Midwest
was responsible for the accident because it did not give proper instruction and Honeywell was
responsible because its alarm did not sound or did not work. They have not sued the airline or the
pilots because they do not believe that they are at fault.
The family has not spoken to the airline or the Afghan government regarding the occurrence. Wali
Khan was not aware that the Afghan government report found the pilots at fault for the
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Reasons for the Decline of the Parallel Cinema Movement in...
It is an arduous task to single out one specific reason accountable for the decline of the parallel
cinema movement in India. There are numerous inextricable technological as well as economic
factors involved. A decade of 1980 to 2000 in India saw radical economic and technological
transformations. This was the period when Doordarshan exponentially expanded its network for the
upcoming Asian Games in 1982 and colour televisiontook birth. More importantly, this was also the
period when the policy of economic liberalisation was launched. The liberalisation policy put an
end to Doordarshan s monopoly over broadcasting allowing the entry of satellite television. Shrewd
media moguls like Rupert Murdoch and Summer Redstone hastened to get a toehold in an emerging
economy that promised to become a burgeoning media market. In 1995, commercial internet came
to India, and took off rapidly enough to enable a dot com boom. Both satellite TV and internet
captured the attention of the growing urban middle class eager for more media choice. These
technological changes induced by digitisation changed media habits and concurrently transformed
and took over both the production and exhibition of cinema. Large number of new players entered
in filmproduction and the exhibition of films unlike earlier were not only restricted to theatres but
were simultaneously exhibited and promoted by satellite TV and the web.
Sudhir Nandgoankar, General Secretary of FFSI says, The long march of the movement
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Eight Legged Creepy Flies Research Paper
The Origin of Eight Legged Creepy Crawlies
The tragic tale of how spiders came into existence began with a young girl named Arachne;
naive, prideful and a bit too talented. Arachne challenged Athena, the goddess of weaving. In
some versions of the myth Arachne directly declared her superiority to the goddess and
challenged Athena, and in other versions, her sheer skill challenged the goddess. A contest
followed, and although Arachne s weaving was better than Athena s, it was disrespectful and
showed a disgraceful vision of the gods. Weaving the gods in a bad light was a tragic mistake for
Arachne, and she paid for the transgression with her human life. Athena in a rage decided to allow
Arachne to weave forever and turned her into a spider, or, scientifically known as an arachnid
(Hamilton 302 303).
As the myth above explains, Arachne was the first spider, so the species took her name: Arachnid.
Contrary to common knowledge, spiders are not the only arachnids in existence, although they are
the most significant order in that class. Other animals which fall under the category of arachnids
include scorpions, mites, ticks, and harvestmen. Today aspects of the myth live on in the existence
of arachnids and the usage of that term, most commonly used when referring to spiders. ... Show
more content on ...
The last recorded sightings of the arachnid occurred in Legsheath and Duddleswell, in Ashdown
Forest, East Sussex, in 1969 (BBC), the news article explains. This quote from the BBC article
displays a usage of the term for spider derived from Arachne s name and although it does not
directly reference the myth, the word arachnid stems from Arachne s myth and shows a
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Dear Parents Of Esl Students Essay
Dear Parents of ESL Students,
I want to take a moment and welcome to the U.S. I hope that this immigration will bring you lots
of opportunities, joy, and health. Immigration with all the changes and necessary adaptations to the
new environment is challenging journey. But, it is doable. I am glad that I am included in your
journey. I am more pleasant to be teacher of your children and working hard to make sure they
learn and enjoy their time in my classroom.
I put unprecedented amount of time to prepare special type of lessons for your children. I try to
speak slowly and clearly, with extra explanation and repetition of any new word. I try to make the
classroom a welcome and warm place for your child where he/she can open her mouth and speak a
new language without fear of being bullied. As it is a challenge for the Els is for their teachers.
Learning language is intense, long, and sometimes frustrating process. So, I believe that without
parents precious help and encouragement teachers alone cannot win this battle.
Learning language requires full time practice as language itself covers all part of our lives. When
ESL students are in school, they spend most of their times sitting in class and listening to and
following directions of their teachers which helps them to improve their listening, reading, and
vocabulary capacities. However, when it comes to production of a language such as speaking and
writing they are not doing so well. To have a grasp of any skill one first
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Children Of The Fundamentalist Church Of Jesus Christ Of...
I might have finally figured out why I experienced such mixed feelings while watching on
television the authorities take into protective custody 416 or so children of the Fundamentalist
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who lived on the Yearning for Zion ranch in west
Texas. Once again, we may have done more harm than good by treating a chronic problem as
though it were an acute crisis.
Not everyone agrees that polygamy is a problem. University of Chicago economist and Nobel
laureate Gary S. Benson commented on this issue in 2006. In the United States and similar nations,
he wrote:
Women choose their partners, and refuse to marry men who [sic] they do not want to marry,
regardless of their parents feelings or the ardor of ... Show more content on ...
The idea is that these tendencies are not perplexing happenstances; they are built into the very
dynamics of polygamous unions.
The more wives a man has the less power they have. A home with, let s say, six wives and twenty
four children, is likely to function more like a monarchy than a democracy in order to prevent
unworkable chaos. Even an oligarchy is likely to need a very strong Enforcer, and almost always
this will be the man. Polygamy is almost impossible without extreme patriarchy.
But this is only one part of the equation. Another is that husbands and wives in monogamous
unions often foster more desirable behavior in their spouses by providing all kinds of positive and
negative inducements. But a patriarch in a polygamous union rarely has to cope with such
frustrating complexities. If one wife is upset about something, instead trying to understand and
correct what is troubling her, he can easily turn to another. This robs all the wives of much power.
They would do well to join forces and engage in collective bargaining; but apparently this rarely
happens. Extreme patriarchy easily becomes tyranny against women.
Many say that polygamous households are especially dangerous places for children. Although their
mothers appear to take excellent care of them when they are young, their vulnerability often spikes
once the girls become sexual targets and the
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The Fire And Symbolism In The Road By Cormac Mccarthy
The Road: Summer Assignment Throughout the novel, The Road by Cormac McCarthy,
McCarthy repetitively uses symbolism to portray several deeper themes throughout the novel. One
theme of the symbolism that is mentioned many times in The Road is the fire. A significant
occurrence of this is when the man is discussing the fire with the boy. Is the fire real? I don`t
know where it. Yes you do. It s inside you. It always was there. I can see it (McCarthy 279).The fire
represents the hope for humanity, and the mansees the fire inside the boy. The boy shows
compassion for everything, alive or dead. Not only does the fire symbolize the hope for
humanity but it represents strength and the will to live. During the novel fires are lit to keep
The Man and Boy safe and warm but the fire keeps them alive even in the heart of the storm.
There are more significant symbols in the novel such as The Boy. The Man and Boy fight to
survive many hardships, but through the darkness there is light, The Boy. He is very mature and
cares for every stray person they pass. One person he cares for is a man named Ely, an old man
with nothing but the clothes on his back, until he meets The Boy and his father. You should thank
him you know, I wouldn t have given you anything (McCarthy 173). The Boy wants everyone to
survive and is willing to share his supplies even if it means he won`t have all the things he needs
to live. In addition to using symbolism McCarthy utilizes imagery as well. A
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The Land Of Pixie Dust And Fairytales The Happiest Place...
The land of pixie dust and fairytales the Happiest Place on Earth and that mouse Walt Disney
World is all this and more to the over 50 million visitors who pour through its gates every year.
Prices may be high and the lines long, but you can learn to love Disney with a little know how.
When you see kids eyes light up as they meet Mickey or glimpse Cinderella Castle on the horizon,
you ll no longer able be able to say that you don t like Disney.
The Topic:
Walt Disney World is a tribute to the philosophy and life of Walter Elias Disney and to the
talents, the dedication and the loyalty of the entire Disney organization that made Walt Disney s
dream come true. May Walt Disney World bring Joy and Inspiration and New Knowledge to all
who come to this happy place...a Magic Kingdom where the young at heart of all ages can laugh
and play and learn together. Plaque dedicated October 25, 1971, by Roy O. Disney, rededicated
Oct. 1, 1996, by Roy E. Disney As it moves through the new millennium, Walt Disney World Resort
continues to grow in size and scope far greater than anyone could have imagined in 1971 when the
new World opened with just one park Magic Kingdom and two resort hotels. Today s Vacation
Kingdom encompasses four major Disney theme parks, two water parks, six golf courses and the
Downtown Disney dining/shopping/entertainment complex. Total visitation in the four Disney
theme parks is more than 700 million guests. There are 21 individual
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Metaphors Analysis in Sylvia Plath s Poem Essay
Metaphors Analysis in Sylvia Plath s Poem
In Sylvia Plath s poem, Metaphors, she uses striking imagery to explore her ambivalent attitudes
about pregnancy. For example, she uses a negative metaphor saying she is an elephant, meaning she
thinks that she has become very fat since she got pregnant. On the other hand, she uses a positive
metaphor saying the baby is precious, meaning although pregnancy has its down sides it has got a
few good sides like the baby.
The number nine features a lot throughout the poem. For instance the title, Metaphors, has nine
letters in it; there are nine lines; there are nine syllables in each line; there are nine months of
pregnancy and there are nine letters in ... Show more content on ...
Also, the words strolling and tendrils give the reader an image of a woman, who s really obese,
who has small legs that you can hardly see, plus she can t walk properly because she is weighed
down by all her fat and they might collapse at any second.
In the first three lines the feeling is very negative, yet in line four the feeling becomes much more
positive because she starts talking about her baby. When the narrator says O red fruit she is saying
that the baby is really precious to her like a red fruit. Also, the narrator says the baby is like ivory
which is very precious and it s a light material. It is elephant s tusks as well; this is a very effective
image because she compares herself to an elephant so the baby is like her tusks. And fine timbers
is like the baby s structure because it is very fragile.
In the fifth line the mood changes yet again to negative because the narrator starts talking abut
herself more. When she says this loaf s big with its yeasty rising the reader gets an image of her
stomach growing bigger and bigger without stopping like yeast in a loaf of bread.
In line six the narrator says money s new minted in this fat purse , the start of the sentence, which
is a positive metaphor, she is saying that the baby is brand new, important and that it is precious
like money. In contrast, fat purse is a negative metaphor because
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Dog Sees God Play Analysis
Ohlone College Theatre and Dance Department knocked it out of the park with its provocative
production of Dog Sees Go: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead. The play by Bert V. Royal,
which debuted at the New York Fringe Festival in 2004, was performed in the fall of 2012. Dog
Sees God is a dramatization of Charles Schulz s Peanuts cartoon. These lovable characters are all
grown up and dealing with the insane world of high school. The main attraction, CB (Charlie
Brown), is questioning the existence of an afterlife after his dogdies (this was a big surprise). His
friends are too involved in their own drama and can t really help him, but a chance meeting with
Beethoven (Schroeder), the target of this group s bullying, offers CB solace and thus begins a
friendship that will push teen angst to the very limits. The universal themes presented suicide, drug
use, child sexual abuse, eating disorders, teen violence, struggles with identity, rebellion, sexual
relations couldn t be more current,... Show more content on ...
In this scene, Matt (Pigpen) approaches Beethoven in the choir room about staying away from CB.
When Beethoven, an outcast to begin with, stands up for himself, Matt, being the school bully,
smashes his fingers on the piano. When I first read and later watched this scene, I was shocked, and
observed the same reaction ripple through the audience. This was exactly what the director wanted.
Navarre s intent was to make the audience feel deeply, with the hopes of making an impact that
would provide reflection and questions about who we are as people and how we live. In a post
show discussion, one person commented, Though I believe homosexuality is wrong, bullying is
also wrong. This is food for serious reflection. And if we can get just one person to think like that,
then the director s intention and the theme of the play have
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The Authority Of Religious Elites In The 1640s Witch Hunts
The Authority of Religious Elites in the 1640s Witch Hunts The large scale witch hunts that
occurred from 1638 to 1651 gathered momentum via major happenings in the political, societal, and
religious domains developing at the time. Individuals who had either political, religious or
economic power in society, also known as elites, together had absolute control over the pursuit and
prosecution of individuals who partook in witchcraft. The clergy played a crucial role in the
witchcraft prosecutions and were slower than the state and localities to desert their beliefs in the
reality of witches as the prosecution of witchcraft was, in their eyes, an effective tool to eradicate
social deviance. Though local authorities and the Parliament did contribute to the witch hunts
significantly, without the kirk of Scotlanddeclaring and encouraging this sanction on witchcraft,
both other parties would not have taken the actions they ultimately did. This essay will provide a
brief description of events that took place from 1638 to 1651 and then utilize evidence from a
multitude of sources to argue that the religious elites were the most influential of these forces
during the witchcraft prosecutions that occurred in the 1640s. Due to the Scots dissatisfaction with
the current monarch, King Charles I, the National Covenant was formed by on February 28th in
1638 at Greyfrairs Kirk in Edinburgh. All his subjects were welcome to sign this document as it
was viewed as an irrevocable contract
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Australia Is The Largest Export Market Of Goods For United...
From 2013 the Australia is the Largest Export Market of Goods for United States. There were
$26.0 billion exports to Australia from U.S in 2013 and actually 16.4%down from 2012 cost of
($5.1 billion), though it was 99% up from 2003. From the year of 2004 the U.S Exports was 87%
higher to Australia (Pre FTA).The Exports to Australia from U.S was accounted for 1.6% of the
U.S exports in 2013 as whole of Exports.
The top export categories in 2013 were: Machinery ( $5.5 trillion), vehicles ( $3.5 trillion),
Electrical Machinery ( $2.3 trillion), optical and Medical instruments ( $2.2 trillion), and Aircraft (
$1.9 trillion).
Unites States Exports of farming items to Australia totaled $1.3 billion in 2013. Heading
classifications include: pork ... Show more content on ...
Fares of some different merchandise are limited in agreeability with; entomb alia, global
responsibilities, unless authorization or a permit is allowed. In the light of Australia s dependence
on agriculture nourishment exports, exports controls on certain agrarian and sustenance items are
worked by certain open part elements with a perspective to, bury alia, guaranteeing importing
nation necessities are met (e.g. volume limits, exchange and item depictions).
Australia was the United States 35th biggest supplier of products imports in 2013. Unites States
products imports from Australia totaled $9.3 billion in 2013, a 2.9% lessening ($277 million)
from 2012, yet up 45% from 2003. Unites States imports from Australia are up 23% from 2004
(Pre FTA).
The five biggest import classifications in 2013 were: Meat (hamburger, sheep) ($1.5 billion),
Valuable Stones/metals ($93.8 million), Optic and Therapeutic Instruments ($695 million), and
Minerals, Slag, Cinder (uranium, titanium) ($613 million), and Exceptional Other (returns) ($570
United States imports of agrarian items from Australia totaled $2.8 billion in 2013, the ninth
biggest supplier of Ag imports. Heading classes include: red meats, new/chilled/ solidified ($1.5
billion), and wine and brew ($499 million).
United States imports of private business services* (i.e., excluding government and military ) were
$6.8 billion in 2012 (most recent
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Supply and Demand
Microeconomics I Homework#1 Answer Key Fall 2009 I. Multiple choice question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 D C C A A D D B A C 11 12 13 14 15 C C A B C 1) Who or what is responsible for the
allocation of scarce resources into the production of most goods in the U.S.? A) the American
government B) the UN C) the Federal Reserve Bank D) markets and prices Answer: B 2) Which of
the following is an example of a normative statement? A) A higher price for a good causes people
to want to buy less of that good. B) A lower price for a good causes people to want to buy more of
that good. C) To make the good available to more people, a lower price should be set. D) If you...
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If 3 million tickets are currently sold at a price of $5, approximately how much tax revenue
could the government generate from a $1 specific tax? A) $18 million B) $3 million C) $2.5
million D) $1.5 million Answer: C II. Problem 1) (P.53 #18) What effect does a $1 specific tax
have on equilibrium price and quantity, and what is the incidence on consumers, if a. The
demand curve is perfectly inelastic? b. The supply curve is perfectly inelastic? c. The demand
curve is perfectly elastic and the supply curve is perfectly inelastic? Ans: a. Use equation 2.28
from the text to solve for the change in price. If demand is perfectly inelastic, the demand curve is
vertical. The supply curve shifts up by $1, and all of the incidence falls on consumers. Price
increases by $1, and there is no change in quantity. Since пЃҐ пЂЅ 0, dP/dпЃґ пЂЅ 1. b. When
supply is perfectly inelastic, the supply curve is vertical. Thus, shifting the supply curve upward
would have no effect on the equilibrium quantity or price paid by consumers. Sellers would bear
the entire burden of the tax. Since пЃЁ пЂЅ 0, dP/dпЃґ пЂЅ 0. c. If the demand curve is perfectly
elastic (horizontal), and the supply curve is perfectly inelastic (vertical), the effect of a tax would
be no change in equilibrium quantity and no change in price paid by consumers, and sellers would
bear the entire burden of the tax. Since пЃҐпЂ п‚® пЂп‚Ґ and пЃЁ
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Oh Brother By Richard Shone Analysis
Oh brother indeed. While in the 2011 article by Richard Shone entitled, Oh brother!, Shone argues
while the information presented by the book isn t necessarily new, the different ways in which the
authors approach the subject makes for an interesting read. Yet, Shone often contradicts his own
claims, with his diction often invalidating what he said previously, establishing credibility for the
authors then destroying it by pointing out their biases which results in an overall inconsistent,
disorganized and chaotic article. He fails to adequately address his arguments claim and his
purpose of reviewing the book, for a book review serves to either praise and persuade others to read
it or decry it and critique it for its flaws. The authorseemingly... Show more content on ...
Their scrupulous examination of all of the information doesn t seem overbearing and akin to
information overload, in actuality Shone states the more one reads the colossal detail adds to the
enthralling nature of the book. Shone then though skews his opinion of the authors. The once
herald authors turn quickly to detached and petty. Including the fact that the authors dislike
Gauguin, a friend of Van Gogh s, does not add relevance to the piece nor can it be proven by this
review. By including this tidbit of information he opens the authors up to critic and open bias. He
tries to recover their credibility by randomly attaching at the concluding paragraph, a red herring,
which deduces that Van Gogh was in fact not murdered. This information though does not pertain to
anything the author was talking about previously, so in turn this makes his essay seem very rushed
and ill thought out in the end. His flippant attitude towards the authors makes the book seem as
though it will be a disaster, but he claims at first that the authors are innovate and fresh in their
presentation of the information in the book. If Shone is encouraging people to read this book
going about it by bringing up the faults and obvious biases of the authors then it isn t going to
influence someone to read it. Which brings to question just exactly where does the author stand,
from reading the essay his stance is convoluted and lost in a sea of
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Active Spiritual Practices Analysis
Active Spiritual Practices
The life of a pastor requires many developed practices, none more important than personal
spiritual practices. The author, adheres to many daily and weekly habit s to develop personally
and spiritual with the hope to remain spiritual vibrant. As Addington explains all great qualities of
leadership come form the place deep inside our hearts, the hidden recess of our souls, whose
channels lead to deep veins of God s work and molding (Addington, 2014 p1).
Daily habits include journaling, prayer, following a prayer and devotional guide, reflection, study,
and prayer with family. Weekly habits that are practiced also include a day of extended reading, a
day of rest, and an afternoon of personal study. Other habits occurring ... Show more content on ...
In those moments of spiritual dryness, desperation, fear, and often great decision making, the
disciplines of fasting and solitude seem necessary. As further explains in those moments sermons,
worship songs, and intellectual debate don t excite us, therefore it s the inner silence, peace, and
stillness that ones soul longs for (Foster, 1978).
Resources for Spiritual Formation
Like many areas of study, spiritual formations offer a litany of great resource. The author has read
and worked through various spiritual formation classics and have found many to be most valuable,
some more valuable than others. Research has concluded that each bare a certain value and have
proven valuable to a certain time or season of life and ministry. Furthermore, others withstand the
test of time and season, and prove valuable continually through each every one of life s challenges.
The daily resource that has been most beneficial would be A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and
Other Servants (Job Shawchuck, 1988). It s daily readings of scripture; writings of past and
present spiritual giants, and reflective prayer have proven to be great resources for an everyday
prayer and journaling guide. It also offers hymns for worship and reflection and season
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Garden Glory chapter 1 Essay
Q A:Create a sample list of owners and properties. Your list will be similar in structure to that in
Figure 1:30, but it will concern owners and properties rather than owners and pets. Your list should
include, a minimum, owner name, phone and billing address, as well as property name, type and
Q B: Describe modification problems that are likely to occur if Garden Glory attempts to maintain
the list in spreadsheet.
Answer: There are three types of modification are likely to occur in this case.
1 Updating some value in the list
2 Deleting some value in the list ... Show more content on ...
So, these two themes are possible.
Table: OWNER
Creation of tables will solve the updating, adding and deleting problems. For example if we want
to update the phone number of a customer we have to change the number in single row of
OWNER table and it will update that change in all tables.
For example to delete a property if we delete the property in PROPERTY table and we can keep the
owner data and to add data, for example, if add a owner data in OWNER table we don t have to add
property for that owner.
Q D: Create a sample list of owners, properties and services. Your list will similar to that in Figure
1 31. Your list should include the data items form part a as well as the date, description, and
amount charged for each service.
Q E: Illustrate modification problems that are likely to occur if Garden Glory attempts to maintain
the list from part D in spreadsheet.
1 Adding some value in the list
2 Deleting some value in the list
3 Updating some value in the list
Updating value: For example, there will be problem
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The Long Term Benefits Of Attending An Outdoor Centre For...
Based on your twenty hour placement discuss and evaluate the long term benefits of attending an
outdoor centre for young people with behavioural challenges. You must refer to experiences you
gained personally and reflect critically on future development.
This essay is based on the twenty hours placement carried at Spray Water Sports Centre, during the
placement some of the duties carried was assisting preparing the equipment s for activities and
putting away after use. Also observe the leadership styles used by the activity leaders to encourage
the young people participation in the different activities provided and what they do to promote
inclusive lessons. This centre caters for a wide range of water sports such kayaking, windsurfing,
speed boating and sailing. This is important because it gives the young people who attend this
centre a wide range of choices and offer them opportunity to try and something new and develop
their skills in a different areas. This centre is well recognised by a number of sports governing
bodies such as Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA) and has received rewards such as
Adventuremark, they have also accreditation special recognition award based on the accessibility of
facilities for all individual needs such as visually impaired ad learning difficulties. It is important
that this centre recognised by the authority
Outdoor education has been described as the education as an education in and about and for the
outdoors (Ford, 1985).
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The Current Operations Of Werner Enterprises, Inc....
Living Case Study: Strategy Edition GUIDED STUDY OF WERNER ENTERPRISES, INC.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This study examines the current operations of Werner Enterprises, Inc.
In doing so, the study surveys the history, guiding stars, external environment, internal environment,
and the current strategies that Werner has employed. This study also gives recommendations for
new strategies going forward, as well as which strategies should be continued. A plan for how these
strategies will be implemented and evaluated follows. The guiding stars segment inspects the
effectiveness of Werner s mission statement, vision statement, and guiding principles, as well as
suggests for ways to improve these where necessary. The external environment describes... Show
more content on ...
(About Werner, n.d.). This wide variety of services allows Werner to compete in the industry, as
does their quality trucks, professional drivers, modern technology, and global reach. Werner s
guiding stars include their mission statement, vision statement, and guiding principles. Each of
these demonstrate the importance that Werner places on relationships. These guiding stars give an
idea of the business that Werner engages in, and what their values and goals are. However, there are
many ways in which these statements can be improved. A more descriptive view of where the
company is now, where they would like to be in the future, and how they intend to get there will be
beneficial to the company, its employees, and its customers. Werner s external environment
includes the following opportunities and threats. Opportunities Signing long term contracts with
major customers Creating basic, inexpensive service package for down economy Continuing to
expand globally Investing in technology Embracing cleaner energy sources Threats Dependence on
large customers Economic recession Highly competitive industry Increased regulations Technology
disruption or malfunction Werner s internal environment includes the following strengths and
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The Chaos Of Establishing An American Identity
On the Chaos of Establishing an American Identity: Charles Ives
Charles Ives is the quintessential 20th century American composer. From his early organ music and
music training to his later symphonic pieces and art songs, his music is drenched in early
American nostalgia, quotes, and culture. Not only has Ives come to be known so well for his
establishment of an American identity, but also his use of complex compositional techniques that
fit so well in a post Romantic era of music. Delving through the history of Ives requires a keen
eye to see not only the use of complexity, but to understand the context his music was written in.
Through analyzing one of his most notable orchestral works, Three Places in New England, one
can see how Ives uses complex compositional devices to not only establish his own identity as a
composer but provide an American context as well.
Charles Ives was born in 1874 in Danbury, Connecticut. Charles was raised in a musical family, his
father a well known bandmaster in his home county. George served as a soldier in the Union
army during the American civil war and was raised in the tradition of American military music,
which would be a great influence on his young son Charles musical development. Ives began his
musical life early playing drums and attending band events his father led in Danbury. In his early
years, he picked up many other instruments, soon becoming very proficient at the piano and organ.
By the age of 14, Charles had
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Final Practice with Solutions
Final Practice Key
1. Bridget Company uses activity based costing. The company has two products: A and B. The
annual production and sales of Product A is 2,000 units and of Product B is 3,000 units. There are
three activity cost pools, with estimated total cost and expected activity as follows:
The overhead cost per unit of Product A under activity based costing is closest to:
A. $6.00
B. $9.60
C. $8.63
D. $13.80
2. Austin Wool Products purchases raw wool and processes it into yarn. The spindles of yarn can
then be sold directly to stores or they can be used by Austin Wool Products to make afghans. Each
afghan requires one spindle of yarn. Current cost and revenue data for the spindles of yarn and for
the afghans are as follows:
Each ... Show more content on ...
7. The management of Freshwater Corporation is considering dropping product C11B. Data from
the company s accounting system appear below:
All fixed expenses of the company are fully allocated to products in the company s accounting
system. Further investigation has revealed that $211,000 of the fixed manufacturing expenses and
$122,000 of the fixed selling and administrative expenses are avoidable if product C11B is
According to the company s accounting system, what is the net operating income earned by
product C11B?
A. $74,000
B. $(521,000)
C. $(74,000)
D. $521,000
8. Amadon Corporation manufactures and sells a single product. The company uses units as the
measure of activity in its flexible budgets. During July, the company budgeted for 7,900 units, but
its actual level of activity was 7,920 units. The company has provided the following data
concerning the formulas to be used in its budgeting: The direct labor in the planning budget for
July would be closest to:
A. $41,868
B. $41,080
C. $41,184
D. $41,974
Cost = Fixed cost per unit + Variable cost per unit п‚ґ q
= $0 + $5.20 п‚ґ 7,900 = $41,080
9. (Ignore income taxes in this problem.) The Crawford Company is pondering an investment in a
machine that costs $350,000, that will have a useful life of eight years, and that will have a salvage
value of $25,000. If this machine is purchased, a similar, old machine will be sold at a
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Comparison Of Misogyny In The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow By...
In three stories written by, Washington Irving, they all portray him into a man of misogyny. In
the story, The Devil and Tom Walker , disappearing never to return a man s wife takes all their
belonging of worthiness. In the story, Rip Van Winkle , a man tired of his wife is nagging,
wanders off into the woods, vanishing for twenty years. In the story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,
a man that goes by the name Broom Bones, brainwashed by womanly charm receives a rude
awakening when the womans he cherishes picks a different man. Repeatedly, Washington Irving
conceived as a woman hater; this may or may not be true. In the story, The Devil and Tom Walker ,
a man s wife takes all their belongings of worthiness, disappearing never to return. More into the
story, the man, Tom Walker, meet the devil, and the evil spirit wanted him to sell his soul. Without
a doubt, Tom would have made lots of money. Consequently, this offer went through his head as he
went back to his house. Once home, he told his wife about the encounter, she wanted him to take
the proposal. Once he heard this, all the thoughts running through his head jumped out. Fortunately,
Tom disliked this woman so much he now would not sell his soul to the evil, because she wanted
him to. Therefore, with this the woman took it into her own hands to get rich off selling her soul.
Unfortunately, she took all their most valuable possession to the black evil man in the woods. No
doubt, the way Irving portrays the
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Living Standard Of The Working Class Analysis
Living Standard of the Working Class
The Federal minimum wage law was enacted back in 1938 by President D. Franklin Roosevelt,
during the Great Depression with a purpose of keeping America s workers out of poverty, and
increase consumer purchasing power in order to help the economy. The current Federal minimum
wage is 7.25 per hour which could be calculated to an annual income of about $15,080 before tax
for a full time worker. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the
Federal Poverty Level, a measure of income level issued annually for an individual is $11,770.
With the inadequate minimum wage, many American families are struggling to get by. Today s
constantly increasing costs of housing, child care, and health care ... Show more content on ...
Income inequality by definition is the extent to which income is unevenly distributed among a
population. The United States is in the lead in income inequality since the income gap between the
people who make the most money and everyone else has greatly widened within the last 30 years.
One explanation is that the United States is the leader in the transition from labor income to
capital income. Dr. Jason Furman, an economic adviser to President Barack Obama has argued
that raising the minimum wage is one of the ways to alleviate the main challenge of inequality.
Furman thinks the minimum wage should be at least $10.10 per hour. According to Furman, In
real terms, the current minimum wage is far less than it was 45 years ago, says Furman. That is
why we want to raise it, both at the federal and at the state level. (Barkat,
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Integrated Thematic Units Essay
INTRODUCTION Benjamin Franklin once said Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I
remember. Involve me and I learn. So, the question I pose today is how do we involve children
so that they learn? How do we spark that want inside of a student to because a lifelong learner.
The best way to build students knowledge and thirst for greater understanding is by creating
connections. Having connections between prior knowledge, different subject areas, the outside
world, and what is being learned now and in the future will help students to achieve higher levels
of thinking, as well as, the twenty first century knowledge and skills that are needed in the
collegiate and professional words today. One way to make these connections is by using integrated
thematic units. Inga Randle (1997) discussed the fourth grade students of Barbara Pedersen who
were so eager to learn they would willingly skip recess to be in the classroom learning. Pedersen
used integrated thematic instruction to inspire her students. So, by learning what an integrated
thematic unit is, why integrated thematic units should be used, and how to use integrated thematic
units teachers can become more like Barbara Pedersen and prepare students more for independent
thinking and higher education.
WHAT IS AN INTEGRATED THEMATIC UNIT? Patricia Roberts (1996) describes integrated
curriculum as a way of teaching and a way of planning and organizing the instructional program so
the discrete disciplines of subject matter are
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Restoration Of Function After Spinal Cord Injury
Neuroprosthetics: A new dimension in restoration of function after spinal cord injury
Submitted By
Pavanpreet Kaur Sandhu
Neuroprosthetics: A new dimension in restoration of function after spinal cord injury
The deformation in the structure of spinal cord after an injury causes the conduction of impulse to
be disrupted and the body functions are lost. This happens relying on the severity of the injury.
There are different devices which have been developed or are under development to restore the
body functions after a spinal cord injury. Neuroprosthetic treatment has a promising future and it is
a technology which can be used to restore motor and autonomic functions and also to get the
sensory feedback. Described here are the neuroprostheses which are currently in different stages of
development be it preclinical, commercialization or testing and it involoves functional electrical
stimulators, epidural and intraspinal microstimulation, bladder neuroprosthesis, and cortical
stimulation for restoring sensation. Following the brief background of the SCI and neuroprosthesis
is the chronology of the developments related to neuromuscular excitation. The electrical
stimulation in the form of functional electrical stimulation (FES) is discussed in detail which can
help facilitate and improve upper/lower limb mobility along with other body functions lost due to
injury. The applications and the future directions are
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Tarquin Character Analysis
How Sir Tarquin Came to Be In the novel Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript, the
author, Sir Thomas Malory, presents the reader with many diverse villains, one of whom is Sir
Tarquin. Through Sir Tarquin s words, expressions, and actions, Malory portrays Sir Tarquin as a
malicious villain who despises one specific character, Sir Lancelot Du Lake. This built up anger
and revulsion Sir Tarquin feels towards Sir Lancelot results in Sir Tarquin becoming one of the
most dexterous knights in all of Christendom. He becomes such by searching out, challenging, and
defeating many knights of the Round Table.
The reader can ask, What is the motive behind Sir Tarquin s quest? Before Sir Lancelot and Sir
Tarquin duel, Malory leaves this ... Show more content on ...
And for Sir Lancelot s sake I have slain a hundred good knights... (Malory 105). Since his brother
was slain, Sir Tarquin has sought after Sir Lancelot and made it his objective to seek out the
death of the one who murdered his brother. Sir Tarquin spent year after year fighting brave
knights and one could describe this villain as malicious and spiteful. Daniel Haybron writes in
his book Evil Characters that a person who is malicious is deeply hostile toward other people,
wishing them great misfortune (Haybron 136). When Malory writes of him, Sir Tarquin is one
of the best knights of the land because of malice. According to this definition of malice, Sir
Tarquin exemplifies a malicious behavior. Before learning about Sir Lancelot s identity, Sir
Tarquin was willing to spare Sir Lancelot if he was not the one who killed his brother. But Sir
Tarquin desires tribulation to befall his character defining enemy which he then resumes his battle
with Sir Lancelot until his death. Their four hours of fighting show how his years of wrath and
abhorrence towards Sir Lancelot drove him to raise his dexterity with the sword and become one of
the greatest knights written about in Malory s novel.
In order to investigate this claim, one must start from the beginning. The reader is first introduced
to the villain Sir Tarquin as Sir Lionel watches in horror as three of his fellow brethren of the
Round Table are bested by a lone, unidentified
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Essay Thema Handy. Online assignment writing service.
Essay Thema Handy. Online assignment writing service.

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Essay Thema Handy. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Essay Thema Handy 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay Thema Handy Essay Thema Handy
  • 2. Wizard Of Oz Research Paper One of the most famous, classic movies of all time is the Wizard of Oz. Being a PG movie, it is great for all ages. The story of The Wizard of Oz was written by Frank Baum and published on May 17, 1900, during the second industrial revolution. It was released as a movie on August 12, 1939, featuring Judy Garland, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Ray Bolger, Billie Burke, Margaret Hamilton and Frank Morgan. It is in fact a musical, and Judy Garland, with her amazing voice, sings all throughout the movie. The movie is filled with fabulous special effects, such as being one of the first movies ever to have full color. The Wizard of Ozis a spectacular, sci fi fantasy. The movie begins with Dorothy, in her black and white, Kansas farm home. As troubles... Show more content on ... Dorothy gets left in Oz, Glenda the Good comes along and tells Dorothy to tap her heals together three times and to think, There s no place like home, and so, Dorothy does this and wakes up in her bed, back in her farm home in Kansas, and everyone lives happily ever after. This however is not the biblical answer to things. The wizard is the God of Oz, and home represents heaven, and in the movie The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy does not need Oz s/God s help to get to home/heaven, she has to find it in her heart, because she had it all along, like Glenda the Good explained, Knowing your mind, knowing your heart, knowing your courage. If we know ourselves, we re always home, anywhere. The Wizard of Oz is an extremely theosophical fairytale. It is indeed, a Theosophical allegory. The Wizard of Oz is a spectacular, well made, interesting, and happy movie. It teaches that man has to look within himself to save himself. Although the movie has a Theosophical worldview in it, it can still be enjoyed by everyone. The special effects are great, especially for how long ago it was made. The movie is bound to pull one in, and will not disappoint. The Wizard of Oz, whether one agrees with the worldview or not, is a classic, American must ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Gritty World Of Crime Fiction In the gritty world of crime fiction, a detective must be prepared to face any number of gruesome and impossible challenges that come with living in the traditional urban landscape. One of the most difficult challenges is the detective s never ending fight to keep control in a chaotic society, and a serious threat to that authority is the ever dangerous temptation of the women in his life. Crime fiction uses a division of female sexuality to take power from the women of the novel and give it to the men of society. Women in crime fiction novels are commonly depicted as either sinners or saints in crime fiction. Although crime fiction is is good at provoking thought about moral grey areas, the same treatment is not extended toward the females in the genre. In the mind of both the authors and readers, there is a black and white view of women and how they should represent their sexuality. The first archetypal womanthat most associate with this genre is the femme fatale, a woman who, according to Hard Boiled Ideology, is an aggressive, sexually avaricious, and dangerous and are perceived at first ... to be highly desirable, and are later discovered to be perverted and immoral (Ogdon). An example of this can be found in Dashiell Hammetts The Maltese Falcon, with Sam Spade s love interest, Brigid. When Spade first meets Brigid, he notices how she approaches his office with tentative steps and her timid smile and uneasy eyes (Hammett 4). In this first meeting, Brigid ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Florida Everglades Essay examples THE EVERGLADES: RIVER OF GRASS The Everglades, also known as the River of Grass, is one of South Florida s most treasured areas. It is an area still full of wonder and mystery. The Everglades is lined with a specific type of limestone bedrock formed by tiny organisms called byrozoans. These animals, though not related to coral, act like coral by extracting dissolved limestone from the sea water around them and using it to construct protective chambers in which to live. They then attach to various kinds of sea grasses on the ocean floor and coat them as well. Individual chambers combine together to form rock like structures. Over thousands of years, when South Florida was completely submerged, a vast amount of this limestone ... Show more content on ... Another important piece of the Everglades puzzle is periphyton (a cyanobacteria or algae) that provides the basis for the Everglades food chain and helps purify the water. Periphyton provides both food and oxygen for the aquatic ecosystem. Just like alligator holes, periphyton is also important during the dry season because of their ability to retain water. One hundred years ago the Everglades covered close to 4 million acres between Lake Okeechobee and the Gulf of Mexico. Billions of gallons of water flowed into the Everglades. The population of the East coast of Florida was 23,000. This was partially due to a lack of suitable land for housing because of periodic flooding and the threat of hurricanes. When Florida was first becoming settled there were many attempts by settlers to make the area more hospitable. Most of these attempts failed. It was after two devastating hurricanes (1926 and 1928) that the Federal government had the US Army Corps of Engineers create a system of canals, levies, and dikes to further development of that area. They diverted much of the normal southward flow of water eastward. This allowed 1.3 million acres to be developed. It also left 2 million acres for the Everglades National Park and water conservation areas. 1 million acres was left for agricultural use (Everglades Agricultural ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Sir Ernest ShackletonВґs Survival in the Antarctic Essay... For an exemplary leader, what is one of the highest compliments that you could ever receive? Sir Ernest Shackleton was a British explorer who after failing to reach the Southern Pole first wanted to be the first to ever accomplish a trans Antarctic expedition. On October 27th, 1915 Shackleton s boat the Endurance was crushed by the pressure of the melting Antarctic ice; leaving Shackleton and his crew stranded in the Antarctic. On August 30th, 1916 after a treacherous one and a half years of living in the Antarctic and surrounding islands, Shackleton and his crew were rescued following an unimaginable story of survival. The qualities of leadership Shackleton exhibited that resulted in the survival of him and his crew were, having certain... Show more content on ... By putting the needs of the crew ahead of his own, Shackleton acquired a level of respect and trust not convivial by an egocentric leader. To be an obsessive person, one must have a certain subject constantly on one s mind or routines must be followed correctly and/or on time. The benefit for the Endurance s crew to have an obsessive man as Shackleton was that he was ready for the unexpected, and his crew s safety was the utmost important topic for him. With Shackleton s obsessive nature, he made a very specific routine for the men to follow; at exactly 9:00 am, breakfast was served, at 1:00 pm, lunch was served, at 4:00 pm, tea was served, and at 6:00 pm, dinner was served. Between the meals, the men did chores such as, cleaning the ship and melting ice for drinking water. Such a precise and stringent following of a routine gave the men purpose and managed to keep the men from going stir crazy. The crew s safety was on Shackleton s mind from the moment everyone abandoned the Endurance. Shackleton stopped all unnecessary activities that posed a risk to crew safety; for example, he stopped Macklin and Greenstreet from paddling on an ice floe like children on a raft. Shackleton also commenced unpredicted safety drills for cracking of their ice floe which could happen at any moment. Shackleton often didn t sleep due to the fact that he worried about all the dangerous and potentially fatal situations that he and his crew ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Descartes and the Mind Essay The topic of the mind and how do we know has been around since the beginning of time. It is one of those questions that will most likely never be answered. I mean, the mind itself is so perplexing that we are still learning stuff about it daily. One question that Descartes proposed was how do we know? we still are pondering this one today. We ask it almost every day, maybe not in that way but in some form or another. So honestly, how do we know? Whenever Descartes started studying about the mind he denounced all of his previous opinions and started fresh. He first stated that knowledge is seen as a building in which all the superstructure is resting on a foundation, and the building is only as strong as its foundation ... Show more content on ... So he began to ponder on how to prove that he truly did exist. He finally came up with this: Thought exists; it alone cannot be separated from me. I am; I exist this is certain. But for how long? For as long as I am thinking; for perhaps it could also come to pass that if I were to cease all thinking I would then utterly cease to exist. At this time I admit nothing that is not necessarily true. I am therefore precisely nothing but a thinking thing; that is a mind, or intellect, or understanding, or reason words of whose meanings I was previously ignorant. Yet I am a true thing and am truly existing; but what kind of thing? I have said it already: a thinking thing (Meditation II 31). So in proving that he existed he also proved who he was or who we are. We are thinking things things that can function as long as we think, but the moment that we stop thinking is the moment that we no longer exist. So is that the moment we die? Or is it something entirely different? So through this he proved that anything that he cannot doubt then that is what he is. And whatever he can doubt, then he is not. He now had the knowledge of knowing about himself of who and what he was. But there was a problem with this, that even though one doubted something then it could still be true. One could doubt that he/she won a race even though they did win. Even though ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Importance Of The National Anthem The decision, made by Colin Kaepernick and a handful of other NFL players, to kneel or sit down during the playing of the American Nation Anthem is an immature and disrespectful gesture to this country and to our flag. There are better more respectful ways to protest and put out word about your cause. While it is our first amendment right to not stand up for the National Anthem, it is my opinion that kneeling for the flag shows disrespect for this country, our armed forces, and the flag itself. The flag has a section of code in the U.S. law books called the flag code. This was adopted on June 14, 1923, by the National Flag Conference which Navy and Army representatives attended. Title 4 chapter 1 section 9 states, All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. While there are no legal repercussions to violating these codes, it shows a great disrespect to the flag and to the country. This section of code also states that citizens of other countries should stand in attention to show respect for the nation. A great example of a foreign athlete showing respect to the United States National Anthem would be Usain Bolt. During a trackside interview that was being conducted with Mr. Bolt, the U.S. National Anthem started to play at the 2012 London Summer Olympics, Usain politely interrupted ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Analysis Of The Winter Of 2013 A Sinkhole Introduction In the winter of 2013 a sinkhole took the life of Jeffrey Bush in Seffner, Florida. He was lying in bed when the ground collapsed beneath his bedroom. Death from sinkhole formation is rare, but sinkhole collapses are a common occurrence throughout the state of Florida (Brinkmann, 2013, p.1). Natural hazards, such as sinkholes, can detrimentally impact society and the environment. Indeed, sinkholes can reroute surface runoff into aquifers; cause structural damage to roads and buildings; drain wetlands; and as shown in the example above, have fatal consequences. Florida s growing population corresponds with an increase in urbanization throughout the state, which results in the accelerated development of groundwater and land resources. Sinkholes are naturally occurring phenomena, but their increasing frequency throughout Florida correlates with the accelerated development of these resources (Tihansky, 1999, p.121). Together, Figures 1 and 2 visually display the correlation between Florida s growing population and the increase in sinkhole development from 1960 to 2000. Anthropogenic factors such as groundwater pumping, combined with certain environmental conditions associated with a lowered base water level (e.g. drought and hurricanes), can result in sinkhole development. For example, the excessive pumping of groundwater can create subsurface voids because of the lowering of the water table, which can lead to the development of sinkholes due to gravity and the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Anila Daulatzi Essay Examples The Muslim Professor being dragged off her flight, racially assaulted and then charged with no due cause is an example of prejudice leading to immoral actions. On Tuesday, October 3rd of this year, Anila Daulatzai, who teaches at the Maryland Institute College of Art, boarded a Southwest flight in order to see her sick father. Before the flight s departure, she noticed two canines and informed a flight attendant of her acute allergy to dogs and then was then moved to the rear of the plane with no conflict. However, shortly afterward she was told that she would have to leave the by two members of the Maryland Transportation Authority Police. They then forcefully dragged her out of her seat and they attempted to haul her off the plain, during the entire encounter the officers treated her roughly, spoke to her in a condescending tone and treated her essentially like she was a criminal. Even after she and the officers parted ways the ordeal continued because of their attempts to charge her of with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct and threatening and racist letters in the mail.... Show more content on ... According to Southwest, one such reason is the fact the crew believed she had a fatal allergy to dogs. Apparently, its reports said Daulatzai told staff about a life threatening allergy. If this was the case then it would be in the Crew, Airport, and passengers best interest to have the professor disembark the plane for safety reasons. Also, as you can see in the video she was clearly resisting against the officers and making a disturbance in that environment which might have prompted the aggression from the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Morphing Of The 1996 Child Pornography Prevention Act Morphing of Child Porn At issue before the Circuit Courts has been the constitutionality of the 1996 Child Pornography Prevention Act (CPPA) in which Congress sought to modernize federal law by enhancing its ability to combat child pornography in the cyberspace era(Free Speech). There is a split in the circuit courts regarding this bill, and this essay will address the discrepancy. This piece of legislation classifies an image that appears to be or conveys the impression of a minor engaging in sexually explicit acts as virtual child pornography. Such images include a photograph of a real child that may be scanned, replicated and manipulated by computer to create a sexually oriented photo, or a wholly fake child ... Show more content on ... Hilton, that the CPPA s definition of child pornographywithstands constitutional scrutiny. The First Circuit found itself firmly satisfied that it is well within Congress s power to regulate virtual pornography of minors of all ages. (United) The Ninth Circuit recognized there is a compelling interest in banning child pornography but stated that the U.S. Supreme Court in Ferber implicitly rejected the regulation of pornography that does not involve minors. Where the Ninth Circuit had hinged its ruling on the existence of an actual live child, the First Circuit instead focused upon the social ills of the pornography itself. The First Circuit explained that The government s interest in addressing these forms of child pornography is no less powerful than in instances where an actual child is used and abused during the production process. We will not second guess Congress s decision to address the social ills posed by the various types of virtual child pornography. (United) Along the same lines, the Eleventh Circuit, in United States v. Acheson, centered it s decision around the Congressional purpose for enactment of CPPA the harmful effects of the child ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Action Plan For The Tiger Jonathan Turner Action Plan for the Tiger, Panthera tigris 1.Description of Species Description The Tiger, Panthera tigris (Linnaeus 1758), is the largest of the cat species found in the world. Tigers are most notable for their pattern of vertical stripes which can either be dark brown or black, and their fur which can range from yellow to reddish orange, with the rare white fur present in some individuals as well. Tigers can reach a total length of eleven feet. In the wild they have been known to weight up to 857 pounds (Wood, 1983). The Bengal Tigeris the largest of the subspecies whereas the Sumatran is the smallest. From the paw to shoulder tigers range in height from 2.3 to 4.0 feet tall (Karanth, 2003). Males are bigger ... Show more content on ... There is believed to be no wild South China tigers in existence with the number in captivity to be around sixty five (World Wildlife Fund, 2014). There is between 400 and 500 Sumatran tigers estimated to be in the wild as of 2014 (World Wildlife Fund, 2014). Distribution In the past when the distribution of tigers was at its peak, tigers ranged from the Caspian Sea to Siberia (Piper et al., 2007). In the Indonesian Islands they were predominantly found on Sumatra, Java, and Bali. There has also been fossil evidence to conclude that at one point tigers were existing in Borneo and the island of Palawan. Tigers became extinct in Western Asia during the 20th century and became limited to the remaining parts of their circulation. Today their locations have been greatly reduced to India, west of China such as Nepal and Bhutan, and also Southeastern Asia like Bangladesh. Sumatra is the only island that is still inhabited by tigers (Chundawat et al., 2011). The historical range of the tiger has diminished by 93% since the start of the 20th century and known area occupied by tigers has reduced by 41% from 1997 to 2007 (Dinerstein et all., 2007). Figure 1 A Bengal Tiger in Karnataka, India. Behavior Tigers are carnivorous animals and are mostly nocturnal hunters. They feed mostly on deer, chital, wild boar, gaur, and wild buffalo (Bagchi et al., 2003). They have also been seen to feed on ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Carnivores Chapter Summaries 1. Carnivores by Aaron Reynolds. Illustrated by Dan Santat. Chronicle Books LLC, 2013. The Ohio Digital Library (Lane Library) Shark, Lion, and Wolf are outcasts in their communities, because nobody wants to be friends with someone who might eat them. Shark, Lion, and Wolf become friends over the fact that they are all carnivores and work together to embrace themselves as carnivores. The narrator reads the book expressively and fluently. Stated by Cahill, Appealing digital texts have narration that is both expressive and fluent (34). As the narrator reads, each word is highlighted to indicate to the reader what word the narrator is on. The reader can adjust both the volume and reading speed of the narrator. This e book is quality,... Show more content on ... The story tells of a curious elephant, who has a short nose that is bitten and stretched by an alligator, creating the long trunk elephants have today. This e book provides the option for the reader to read the book to himself/ herself or for the book to be read by a narrator. In this e book, the narrator reads the story clearly and fluently. The narrator uses inflection in his voice to express the personality of the different characters. The narration begins on each page, when the reader swipes to flip each page on the nook. The reader can also select a different place by tapping the arrow at the bottom of the screen and all of the pages in the book come up. The reader can select a page by swiping their finger left or right to browse through the pages and then tapping on the desired page. Additionally, the reader can listen to a page more than once, by double taping the arrow at the bottom of the screen and the narration for that page will start over ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Basic Financial Concepts and Pinkerton Executive Summary. Wathen is attempting to value the proposed acquisition of Pinkerton in an effort to determine whether bids of $85 million to $100 million is value enhancing for CPP s shareholders. Additionally, Wathen must choose between two financing options: (1) raising $100 Million via a $75 million debt structure at 11.5% interest rate together with a $25 million equity investment for a 45% stake in the combined company and (2) a $100 million debt facility at 13.5% interest rate. General Assumption. We assumed that Wackenhut is comparable to Pinkerton, and therefore that Wackenhut s asset beta reflects that of Pinkerton. Additionally, we assumed that Pinkerton s bond rating is A. As such, we assumed a debt service ratio for... Show more content on ... With the synergies expected, the value to CPP increases by $14.6 Million (see exhibit 4). Generally for the particular small firms to maintain rating of A, the firms have to maintain a debt service ratio of 6. Hence it is practical to assume interest coverage ratio of 6.0x in the long term for Pinkerton in this case. Pinkerton gets benefit from 34% tax shield, which account for the value of $15.4 Million (see exhibit 5). Therefore, as calculated in exhibit 6, the total value of Pinkerton from 3 sources to CPP in expected case is $119.7 Million. This is higher than the $100 million asking price. Financing: Free cash flow after debt service is still positive in both options. For the value to existing shareholder, as option 1 CPP gives premium of $15.2 Million over $25 Million for 45% stake of CPP to investors, option 2 of $100 Million Debt would be more preferable. Pessimistic Case Valuation: We then perform the valuation exactly the same method as expected case. The value of Pinkerton with less gross margin and more working capital needed is $67.1 Million (See exhibit 9 for 5 years valuation and exhibit 10 for terminal value). With lower performance, the value of 34% tax shield is also lower to $10.8 Million (see exhibit 12). Without any additional incremental value to CPP (exhibit 11), total Pinkerton value from 3 sources is $77.9 Million (exhibit 13), which is even less than the original proposed value of $85 Million from Wathen. Financing: ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Arnold Shwarzenegger Research Paper Abstract Arnold Schwarzenegger is a socialized charismatic leader who paints a strong vision for the future of California and has become a model leader for the 21st century. Quite simply he has been a leader in every field he has entered. Schwarzenegger displays several of the competencies required for leadership. Schwarzenegger s most important foundation competency is the change competency. Governor Schwarzenegger recognized global warming was real and something needed to be done. Schwarzenegger realized by being the first state to embrace a green economy and becoming the leader in green technologies, it will have an immediate impact on the environment. But more important to a fiscal conservative such as Schwarzenegger, it will build a ... Show more content on ... Joe Weider provided that blue print. As a young body builder, Schwarzenegger was mentored by body building marketing guru Joe Weider. Weider taught Schwarzenegger valuable lessons on how to change public opinion on body building and make fitness mainstream. Weider used Schwarzenegger to make body building sexy (Montana 2008). To do this he had to change the image of the bodybuilder (much like Schwarzenegger is attempting to change the image of the environmentalist). The current image of the body builder was one of vanity, narcissism, all brawn and no brain. Weider used Schwarzenegger to obliterate those stereotypes. The Current impressions of the environmentalist is one of a wimpy tree hugger, Arnold would use his experience in transforming body building to obliterate those stereotypes too. To Change the image of body building Weider backed the documentary Pumping Iron, staring Schwarzenegger. This showed body building in a new light. The moronic muscle head image was replaced by the charismatic Schwarzenegger, who was witty intelligent, and had a magnetic personality. (Schwarzenegger is attempting to use his image as a manly man to change the image of the environmentalist from a girlie man to a macho man). Schwarzenegger symbolized force, discipline focus and self improvement. (Montana 2008). The image of body building and fitness was changed. After handling the people aspect of change, Weider used Schwarzenegger s new image to change the strategy of ... Get more on ...
  • 15. A Cyborg Manifesto Essay In Donna Haraway s essay, A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century it is an effort to establish a political point of view on Feminism which an ironic political myth which is authentic to feminism, socialism, and materialism. Her motive is to build a structure that is faithful to feminism and socialism, To build an ironic political myth faithful to feminism, socialism and materialism. (p.149) Haraway develops her ironic myth by hypothesising with the idea of cyborg. What is cyborg? Haraway intellectualises cyborg as, A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction. (p.149). Based on this we can say that... Show more content on ... Posthumanism portrays technology as an other to be embraced, and like mentioned earlier, consequently has lost sight of the basic realities of human/technological boundary. Technology becomes or act as a supreme authority or a superior model of information processing to which humans desire. Furthermore, Posthumanism communicates to mind body dualisms by conceptualising identity and the use of technologies for further enhancement the human body and mind and in order for us to embrace the technology without any suffering the technology embrace us. For better understanding into this matter Kathryn Hales illuminates this matter by saying, configure human being so that it can be seamlessly connected with intelligent machines (Lesson 10). In Posthumanism technology controls or grants control over certain areas of mind and body but there is a problem when technology drives the mind and control, technology disrupts the natural flow of brain cells and its function and eventually taking control and halting the natural process of human brain. With technology embedded into the body, it acts as a second brain and plays a key role in decision making although it is nowhere as sophisticated as a human brain but none the less very effective. Stelarc states that information explosion is indicative of an evolutionary dead end (Stelarc, pg. 229) In other words, because of the immense ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Beach Carrier Essay example Q1:What is the nature of the product? What are its strengths and weaknesses? A1:The Beach Carrier is a new product concept developed by Mary Ricci. It is a large, lightweight, durable bag that is designed to carry everything required for a day at the beach, including a chair. The Beach Carrier can be folded down to a 12 inch by 12 inch square for easy storage when not in use. It comes with an adjustable strap and various sized pockets for carrying all types of items to the beach or other outdoor activities (i.e. concerts, picnics, and barbecues). The Beach Carrier possesses several strengths relative to competitive products in the market, including the following: 1.First, the overall product concept of a single bag that can carry ... Show more content on ... 4.The fluorescent colors of the Beach Carrier are see through and considered trendy , lessening the perceived quality of the bag. Q2:What are the limitations to the assumptions Ricci has made in determining the market potential? What risks do these present? A2:In assessing the market potential for the Beach Carrier, there are several assumptions that Ricci made that could significantly impact the overall market share potential. These include the following: 1.First of all, Mary Ricci has made the general and often popular assumption that bigger is better . However, a 36 inch by 36 inch bag is huge and would be extremely heavy if completely filled. People may prefer to have a smaller bag and limit the items that they bring to the beach or on another outing. 2.Second, the Beach Carrier utilizes an adjustable shoulder strap for carrying and Mary has assumed that this method would not be viewed as a negative when compared to the Caddy Shack (backpack type) or the Wonder Wheel (oversized wheels). However, many consumers would likely view these other carrying methods as an advantage, especially if one is packing lots of stuff including chairs and umbrellas. 3.Next, Mary based her market research on all people who use suntan and/or sunscreen products. This may be a significant overstatement of the market as many people who use these products ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Substitution Mechanisms ( Sn1 And Sn2 ) With Reactions This paper was written in order to relate nucleophilic substitution mechanisms (SN1 and SN2) with reactions that involved converting alcohol containing compounds to alkyl halides. This experiment was conducted by combining the initial alcohol with reagents and heating under reflux when necessary. It was determined that mechanistic pathways of substitution depend principally on the structure of the initial alcohol; that is, substrate is considered primary, secondary, or tertiary. Synthesis of 1 (46%) was achieved through SN2 mechanism from a primary alcohol, while syntheses 2 (97%) and 3 (98%) were completed by SN1 mechanisms from secondary and tertiary alcohols as determined by the presence of rearranged products. Many mechanistic reactions are utilized and are interrelated in order to produce the desired product in an organic synthesis. These mechanisms may be generally categorized2 into the following classes: addition, elimination, substitution, and rearrangement. Of these, substitution reactions are of particular significance in halogenation reactions of alcohol containing compounds, in which the alcohol functional group is replaced by a halide ion (i.e. Cl or Br ). Alcohols are the most common precursors to alkyl halides and signify a very substantial reaction in organic synthesis4. Substitution reactions can occur via two mechanisms2, namely unimolecular nucleophilic substitution(SN1, a stepwise process) and bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2, a ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Steve Jobs Failure Of The American Dream Society has their own opinions on what the equivocal American Dream embodies, the most prevalent conception being an extremely profitable career. However, many fail to see that the American Dream is mainly the ideal that a person can leave a positive impact on the world in any way possible. On the other hand, there s always the select few who interpret this American ideal for its true meaning. Apple cofounder Steve Jobs exhibits the essence of the American Dreamthrough his dedication in creating extraordinary, breakthrough products. He had left his mark on the world by making gadgets that were unimaginable to the average person; that s just how innovative his products really were. Steve Jobs was able to achieve this American Dream through... Show more content on ... Only, the next big concept that Jobs went after wasn t exactly a product, but rather a service infamously known as the iTunes Store. Before the iTunes Store, most people had been obtaining their most prized music through buggy music sites that provided less than adequate sounding music files for free. Not only was this method problematic, but because people were also paying absolutely nothing for the music, it was illegal. However, the iTunes Store paved the way for fewer complications. In fact, by using Jobs new service, people could now own [their] own songs, burn them on CDs, be assured of the download quality, get a preview of a song before [they] download it and use it with [their] iMovies and iDVDs to make the soundtrack of [their] life (403). iTunes was a life changing service; it was the first online music store where anyone could obtain the music that they wished for and have it downloaded straight to their computer or iPod. More importantly, this particular service was legal. Jobs made a service that people knew nothing about become a service that ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Study Case Discussion Riding the Plus Size Wave Consumer Behavior Case Study page 230 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The underlying theme within this case as well as the reasoning behind the proposed strategic alternative is: how to increase the sales and alter the consumption habits of the target consumer market. We describe the industry and the company s position within the industry the behavioral aspects of the target consumer market and its relationship to this company. After careful study of theoretical reasoning, we ve found that consumers with lower self esteem tend to spend less. Our strategic alternatives therefore attempt to enable the consumers to increase their self esteem and thus, altering their consumption behavior in favor of shopping at Lane Bryant and... Show more content on ... Because of this plus size consumers purchase less plus sized clothes with the idea that they will be returning to their normal size soon. Plus size consumers who feel this way would be more motivated to purchase clothes that fit them if there were no negative or adverse perceptions and attitudes toward plus size clothes. Furthermore if plus size consumers were more acceptant and confident about their current body size and body image it would lead to a potential increase in sales. II. Discuss the real world changes that appear to be occurring with respect to media images of women. What are the reasons for this? With the plus size clothing industry at a critical turning point, where it has grown and is continuing to grow it leaves room for Lane Bryant and other plus size retailers to expand. A market research report conducted by IBISWorld returned the following results. According to IBISWorld analyst, Nikoleta Panteva, the plus sized fashion industry segment is bucking the trend. Retailers in this industry specialize in plus size women s clothing, which is clothing proportioned specifically for larger women, including plus size dresses, plus size pants, plus size tops and plus size outerwear. The ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Nicaragua Unemployment Rate I was sent to Nicaragua by an international division of a multinational corporations to determine if a factory can be built based on the following factors: economic, social, and political. As I began the research for Nicaragua. I came across many factors of economic. Which are unemployment rate, natural resources, taxes, transportation, and standard of living. This factors are very important because they are going to determine if the factory can be built there. In fact Nicaragua unemployment rate is 6.1%(Central Intelligence agency) due to that many of the population lives in the countryside area. Another reason why the unemployment rate is low because of health conditions. The effect that it has on the factory is that the poverty is under and trying to live on a dollar a ... Show more content on ... Approximately 6,400 people living with human immunodeficiency virus in the country which has affected the unemployment rate.About 80% of Nicaragua population has access to safe drinking water.This is very important because I want to know that my workers will be safe living in the country. The bad part about the information I research is that many of citizens live with human immunodeficiency virus which will affect the factory because they would not be able to work at the factory. (International living) The social factors of Nicaragua are education, immigration, and religious. This factors are important to know because it will help me with how educated my employees would be, religious would affect the factory or helping the factory. I believe it would be a good idea to build a factory in Nicaragua because of all the research I have received have been good for the factory to be built ... Get more on ...
  • 21. My Experience At Woodruff Corporation Introduction: As I near the 1st anniversary of my career at Woodruff Corporation, I find myself reflecting on my experiences and accomplishments throughout this first year. What impact have I had in the company? What have I learned and how have I developed my skills? Will it endure and lead to better, more efficient, and profitable business practices? Prior to working at this company, I had never before worked in manufacturing, much less the containers, packages, and materials handling industry. I had not yet professionally designed for the manufacturing either. Woodruff was giving me an amazing opportunity to apply my education, learn real world applications, and I was earnest to prove myself. During my final interview, noting my excitement, my boss to be made me aware that he is in the midst of projects to improve the business, that the prevailing company culture is resistant to change, and that it has been an uphill battle trying to sway the company culture towards continuous improvement. He believes I have that mindset and wants me to promote it throughout the business. I learned then, and reaffirmed over my time there that it must be done with both patience and persistence. After hiring me, he asked me to a meeting in his office. The company currently had few materials for the purpose of training designers new to the industry. He also asked that as I learn the ins and outs of designing for the industry that I document what I have learned for the purpose of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. An Analysis Of The Evil Riis On my first journal, I asked myself who was the evil Riis referred to. I did not know the Evils Riss referred to were the landlords. The greedy and heartless landlords of New York City slums. On chapter thirteenth, Riis clearly says that the evils are disgusting, careless, and unlawful landlords. The Negros as Riis referred were charged higher rents than the white immigrants. However, The Negros was considered cleaner than white European. They maintain their shanty habitation clean. On the contrary, the poor white European people had bad and dirty habits. Chapter fifteen, Riis described how badly the children of the East Side tenements were treated. The adults did not care. Some kids would go missing and no one would care. How would a poor child govern a city if they did not have access to education? How can a child lacking of education, health, and a stabilized family succeed?... Show more content on ... Child labor, racism, abuse of power, injustice. Poor and colored people were not treated as a human being should be. They were treated like a trash. The unfortunates were not considered human being so were the working girls. It is a known fact that men s wages cannot fall below a limit upon which they exist, but woman s wage has no limit Riis shows that was and still impossible for anyone not only woman to live with a low salary. Throughout the chapter fifteen, many girls still in their teens would lie their age to ... Get more on ...
  • 23. High School Football Injuries Research Paper Strategies for Preventing High School Football Injuries I started my love of sports when I was very young. At three years old, I played flag football for a local youth league. I was not shy and withdrawn like the other kids. I was outgoing and energetic. I don t know if the other kids were embarrassed to play or they just didn t understand the game, but the ball always came to me. I loved the attention from stealing a flag and scoring a touchdown. After flag football, I played every sport in every season soccer, basketball, football, volleyball, and baseball. Every sport was the same the ball always came to me. I was not necessarily an aggressive player, but I was athletic and demanded a lot of play time because I knew I could get... Show more content on ... Some ways to prevent injuries are: hydrate; stay active year round; a pre season health and wellness evaluation; participate in strength, speed and agility training; warm up and stretch; cool down and stretch; wear proper fitting equipment; use prophylactic or supportive taping/padding; take performance enhancing and social drugs out of the game; learn proper tackling techniques; follow the rules of the game; and always prepare for ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Alliteration And Symbolism In Browning s Meeting At Night In the poem, Meeting At Night, alliteration and symbolism were used to describe about the sea, color, and nighttime in line one. The poem on line one states that The gray sea and the long black land; (Browning). Browning used alliteration in this line was with long and land to tell the audience that he sees nothing around him but water all around. He described the land as the color black to tell the audience it s dark outside or nighttime. The sea was being describe as the color gray to emphasize that it is night as well. He focused on reality instead of the art by not searching for more colors and stated the fact that everything was dark. This is how the author incorporated the alliteration and symbolism in this line tie the connection of the sea, color, and nighttime. The author also used alliteration and symbolism to extend his imagery of the scenery in his poem. According to line two of the poem, that author wrote, And the yellow half moon large and low; (Browning). The alliteration he used in the second line was with the words large and... Show more content on ... In line ten, there are symbolism of color, heat and nighttime to decipher the meaning of the lighted match. Assuming that the match was struck, a blue spark must have appeared to get it lit. The color blue may be symbolized as heat due to the sparks being the beginning of the fire that the match has contained. The blue sparks can also be a symbol of passion due to the word spark being used as in relationships nowadays. The lighted match is also a symbol of heat. When something was lighted, then fire, which is very hot, must be involved. The lighted match may have led the audience think that the setting was during the nighttime. Usually, when a match is lighted, it could have been use as a source of light to see in the dark or, in this case, nighttime. This is how the lighted match can be a symbol of color, heat, and ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Kindle Fire Hdx Essay Kindle Fire HDX tech support What is the Kindle Fire HDX? The Fire HDX, formerly named Kindle Fire HDX, is the high end model in Amazon sKindle Fire line of tablet computers. It was announce on September 25, 2013 and is available in two models, 7 inch and 8.9 inch. The Fire HDX is the new version of the formerly Kindle Fire HDXmodel .It is the high end model in Amazon s Kindle Fire line of tablet computers. It was a big day in the world of technology when on 25th September 2013 when the declaration of the new models were made. the two models of tablet computers of 7 inch and 8.9 inch were launched one by one .. The 7 inch model (WiFi ) was released on 18th October, 2013 and the 8.9 inch WiFi model was released on November 7, 2013 ... Show more content on ... The configuration of the tablets are capable enough to send content in the form of video through a mechanism similar to a Wireless Display HDMI adapterthat is using a Second Screen wirelessly, but is incapable to send vedio content through HDMI cable as was send by its predecessor, named the Kindle Fire HD. The 2014 refresh uses Fire OS 4 Sangria , which features profiles so each user on the tablet can have their own settings and apps. Mayday feature One of the reputed journal of PC Magazine statetd that after the Pressing of the Mayday button, and a live operator from Amazon appears in a video chat window on your screen to answer all of your Kindle Fire questions within 15 seconds.. He or she is there to instruct you what apps you should download. In his review one of the software engineer of the Kindle Fire HDX 7 called the Mayday remote video as revolutionary and one of the most amazing feature of Amazon. Reception[edit] PC Magazine grants 4 out of 5 to the Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7 Wi Fi edition and rated it Excellent .They pointed out to the Fast processor ,Sharp screen, etremely easy to use features with having Amazing live tech support.Not only that the screen has color accurateness with high pixel density at 339 PPI. The Fire HDX ahs the machnism to ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Battle Of The Louisiana Purchase The Louisiana Purchase was a territory at first that stretched from New Orleans to the British Columbia and from the New Spaniards eastern border to the Ohio river. The land was 909,000 square miles but 4 cents an acre. The area was first owned by France then moved from France to Spain around 1762 and finally after 40 years back to France, then sold to us.The reason it was so important too many people was the Mississippi river s entrance to the Gulf of Mexico. After France showed they were selling this territory, an opening showed up for America. While Thomas Jefferson was president at the time; he wanted to make a presidential move and buy this important land. But there was a problem with this; Jefferson didn t know if this purchase could be constitutional since there was nothing about it. So after talking to congress they decided to come up with the 1803 Treaty of the Louisiana Purchase. After purchasing this land the United States doubled in size but also lost $15 million dollars. The purchase was made May 2nd but the land wasn t possessed until December 20, 1803. ... Show more content on ... But he would need an exploration of the west. So Jefferson hired a acquaintance of his secretary a U.S army member Meriwether Lewis to do this; who later hired William Clark to be a co captain of the trip. After the trip they gathered maps of the land, climate observations, food vegetation in the area, and Indians and other people.After learning of the Louisiana Purchase it was Pike s dream too set off on such an adventure. Pike covered 5,000 miles in 9 months gathering information on Spanish territories and army locations, British activity going against the John Jay treaty, and finally Indian treaties like the Friendship ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Gomco Case The GoMo study: a randomized clinical trial assessing neonatal pain with Gomco vs Mogen clamp circumcision Reviewer: Leya Saju, MS3 Clinical Bottom Line: This study is the first randomized controlled trial comparing neonatal pain in Mogen circumcision to Gomco clamp since the American Academy of Pediatrics required in 1999 that all such procedures be performed under anesthesia. Although both techniques had minimal complications, Mogen circumcision was observed to be faster, and associated with decreased heart rate as well as mean arterial blood pressure when compared to Gomco. Furthermore, despite there being no difference in the clinically validated neonatal pain score CRIES (crying, requires increased oxygen administration, increased vital... Show more content on ... Gomco clamp was observed to be associated with a significant increase in post operative heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure. Table 4 summarizes the CRIES score associated with and duration of each circumcision technique. Both groups were observed to have the same CRIES score. However, Mogen clamp was found to be significantly faster than Gomco. Comments: There are several strengths to this study. This is the largest randomized, controlled, clinical trial comparing neonatal pain between Gomco and Mogen clamps. Furthermore, by having all the circumcisions be performed by a single provider group, the authors were able to control for provider confounders. Both procedure protocols were solely based on the most recent recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics. However, as the study was exclusive to healthy and term infants, the results can only be generalized to this population, not to premature infants or older males. Another limitation is that these observations are regarding short term outcomes of the procedures, not long term outcomes of Gomco and Mogen clamp circumcisions. Furthermore, the research nurses who scored the pain were not blinded to the treatment ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Camp Cosby Research Paper Camp Cosby + Kale = Life For many individuals Camp Cosby means a lot to them, but for me there is so much value to the place I call home. Camp Cosby has been a huge part of my life even before I was born; therefore, I feel that it is necessary to help ensure that Camp Cosby is a successful place. I took a significant amount of time away from Cosby to not only grow and develop as an individual, but also to give Cosby a time to change. After years away from the place I was passionate about I feel the need to make sure that I am a part of bringing Camp Cosby to a new beginning. I wantthe best for Camp Cosby and for every individual that has ever felt the same. The benefits of working at Cosby for one summer have been life altering, and... Show more content on ... I always want everyone to know that they are a part of the Camp Cosby I love. This past summer there was not an affiliate of Camp Cosby that went unspoken to, and I hope that every individual that works for Cosby shares the passion that I do. The benefits of being a CIT Director at Camp Cosby would mean so much to me; however, I know that this job carries a lot of responsibility and duty. I can name many that have had this position and I remember each of them, and certainly my CIT directors have made an impact on my life. I hope to make the YMCA a career. I want to be the difference in the world, and I feel like I can start at Camp Cosby. I, Jonathan Kale Haywood, tend to be a humble person; however, when it comes to YMCA Camp Cosby, I feel like I can make a difference in the place I love. Camp Cosby has done so much for me, and I want to make sure that the Cosby Spirit lives on. I want to instill the values that I have learned at Cosby in others so that the world can be a better place. Camp Cosby is an experience that every camper learns something about themselves, and sometimes the parents also learn a lesson or ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Wali Khan Case Summary The witness, Wali Khan, is thirty five years old and can speak, read and write English. He initially identified himself as Haji Alam Khan, the father of Mohammed Aslam. He later identified himself as Wali Khan, the decedent s brother, upon further interrogation on this issue. He testified that he appeared at the deposition instead of his father because his father was ill. Wali Khan has lived with all fifteen family members in a house in Kabul for the past year and for the fifteen years prior, the family lived in Pakistan. The decedent and his family were originally from Afghanistan, which they left when the Taliban came to power. While in Pakistan, the witness and some of his brothers, other than the decedent, had security police problems ... Show more content on ... He previously lived and worked in the administration and finance departments at the ISAF s (International Security Assistance Force) Shank base in Afghanistan. He graduated from Afghan high school in Pakistan and attended classes at a Pakistan college. He is married with two children, Saman (son) and Asma (daughter); however, he would not provide his wife s name because it is against custom. Wali Khan spoke with Karima Sadiqi (the plaintiffs representative ) approximately three days before his deposition about the procedures. They did not discuss the case. Wali Khan testified that his family is pursing the lawsuit against Midwest and Honeywell in order to receive money from Midwest s and Honeywell s insurance. It is his understanding that Midwest was responsible for the accident because it did not give proper instruction and Honeywell was responsible because its alarm did not sound or did not work. They have not sued the airline or the pilots because they do not believe that they are at fault. The family has not spoken to the airline or the Afghan government regarding the occurrence. Wali Khan was not aware that the Afghan government report found the pilots at fault for the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Reasons for the Decline of the Parallel Cinema Movement in... It is an arduous task to single out one specific reason accountable for the decline of the parallel cinema movement in India. There are numerous inextricable technological as well as economic factors involved. A decade of 1980 to 2000 in India saw radical economic and technological transformations. This was the period when Doordarshan exponentially expanded its network for the upcoming Asian Games in 1982 and colour televisiontook birth. More importantly, this was also the period when the policy of economic liberalisation was launched. The liberalisation policy put an end to Doordarshan s monopoly over broadcasting allowing the entry of satellite television. Shrewd media moguls like Rupert Murdoch and Summer Redstone hastened to get a toehold in an emerging economy that promised to become a burgeoning media market. In 1995, commercial internet came to India, and took off rapidly enough to enable a dot com boom. Both satellite TV and internet captured the attention of the growing urban middle class eager for more media choice. These technological changes induced by digitisation changed media habits and concurrently transformed and took over both the production and exhibition of cinema. Large number of new players entered in filmproduction and the exhibition of films unlike earlier were not only restricted to theatres but were simultaneously exhibited and promoted by satellite TV and the web. Sudhir Nandgoankar, General Secretary of FFSI says, The long march of the movement ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Eight Legged Creepy Flies Research Paper The Origin of Eight Legged Creepy Crawlies The tragic tale of how spiders came into existence began with a young girl named Arachne; naive, prideful and a bit too talented. Arachne challenged Athena, the goddess of weaving. In some versions of the myth Arachne directly declared her superiority to the goddess and challenged Athena, and in other versions, her sheer skill challenged the goddess. A contest followed, and although Arachne s weaving was better than Athena s, it was disrespectful and showed a disgraceful vision of the gods. Weaving the gods in a bad light was a tragic mistake for Arachne, and she paid for the transgression with her human life. Athena in a rage decided to allow Arachne to weave forever and turned her into a spider, or, scientifically known as an arachnid (Hamilton 302 303). As the myth above explains, Arachne was the first spider, so the species took her name: Arachnid. Contrary to common knowledge, spiders are not the only arachnids in existence, although they are the most significant order in that class. Other animals which fall under the category of arachnids include scorpions, mites, ticks, and harvestmen. Today aspects of the myth live on in the existence of arachnids and the usage of that term, most commonly used when referring to spiders. ... Show more content on ... The last recorded sightings of the arachnid occurred in Legsheath and Duddleswell, in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex, in 1969 (BBC), the news article explains. This quote from the BBC article displays a usage of the term for spider derived from Arachne s name and although it does not directly reference the myth, the word arachnid stems from Arachne s myth and shows a ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Dear Parents Of Esl Students Essay Dear Parents of ESL Students, I want to take a moment and welcome to the U.S. I hope that this immigration will bring you lots of opportunities, joy, and health. Immigration with all the changes and necessary adaptations to the new environment is challenging journey. But, it is doable. I am glad that I am included in your journey. I am more pleasant to be teacher of your children and working hard to make sure they learn and enjoy their time in my classroom. I put unprecedented amount of time to prepare special type of lessons for your children. I try to speak slowly and clearly, with extra explanation and repetition of any new word. I try to make the classroom a welcome and warm place for your child where he/she can open her mouth and speak a new language without fear of being bullied. As it is a challenge for the Els is for their teachers. Learning language is intense, long, and sometimes frustrating process. So, I believe that without parents precious help and encouragement teachers alone cannot win this battle. Learning language requires full time practice as language itself covers all part of our lives. When ESL students are in school, they spend most of their times sitting in class and listening to and following directions of their teachers which helps them to improve their listening, reading, and vocabulary capacities. However, when it comes to production of a language such as speaking and writing they are not doing so well. To have a grasp of any skill one first ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Children Of The Fundamentalist Church Of Jesus Christ Of... I might have finally figured out why I experienced such mixed feelings while watching on television the authorities take into protective custody 416 or so children of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who lived on the Yearning for Zion ranch in west Texas. Once again, we may have done more harm than good by treating a chronic problem as though it were an acute crisis. Not everyone agrees that polygamy is a problem. University of Chicago economist and Nobel laureate Gary S. Benson commented on this issue in 2006. In the United States and similar nations, he wrote: Women choose their partners, and refuse to marry men who [sic] they do not want to marry, regardless of their parents feelings or the ardor of ... Show more content on ... The idea is that these tendencies are not perplexing happenstances; they are built into the very dynamics of polygamous unions. The more wives a man has the less power they have. A home with, let s say, six wives and twenty four children, is likely to function more like a monarchy than a democracy in order to prevent unworkable chaos. Even an oligarchy is likely to need a very strong Enforcer, and almost always this will be the man. Polygamy is almost impossible without extreme patriarchy. But this is only one part of the equation. Another is that husbands and wives in monogamous unions often foster more desirable behavior in their spouses by providing all kinds of positive and negative inducements. But a patriarch in a polygamous union rarely has to cope with such frustrating complexities. If one wife is upset about something, instead trying to understand and correct what is troubling her, he can easily turn to another. This robs all the wives of much power. They would do well to join forces and engage in collective bargaining; but apparently this rarely happens. Extreme patriarchy easily becomes tyranny against women. Many say that polygamous households are especially dangerous places for children. Although their mothers appear to take excellent care of them when they are young, their vulnerability often spikes once the girls become sexual targets and the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Fire And Symbolism In The Road By Cormac Mccarthy The Road: Summer Assignment Throughout the novel, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, McCarthy repetitively uses symbolism to portray several deeper themes throughout the novel. One theme of the symbolism that is mentioned many times in The Road is the fire. A significant occurrence of this is when the man is discussing the fire with the boy. Is the fire real? I don`t know where it. Yes you do. It s inside you. It always was there. I can see it (McCarthy 279).The fire represents the hope for humanity, and the mansees the fire inside the boy. The boy shows compassion for everything, alive or dead. Not only does the fire symbolize the hope for humanity but it represents strength and the will to live. During the novel fires are lit to keep The Man and Boy safe and warm but the fire keeps them alive even in the heart of the storm. There are more significant symbols in the novel such as The Boy. The Man and Boy fight to survive many hardships, but through the darkness there is light, The Boy. He is very mature and cares for every stray person they pass. One person he cares for is a man named Ely, an old man with nothing but the clothes on his back, until he meets The Boy and his father. You should thank him you know, I wouldn t have given you anything (McCarthy 173). The Boy wants everyone to survive and is willing to share his supplies even if it means he won`t have all the things he needs to live. In addition to using symbolism McCarthy utilizes imagery as well. A ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Land Of Pixie Dust And Fairytales The Happiest Place... Introduction The land of pixie dust and fairytales the Happiest Place on Earth and that mouse Walt Disney World is all this and more to the over 50 million visitors who pour through its gates every year. Prices may be high and the lines long, but you can learn to love Disney with a little know how. When you see kids eyes light up as they meet Mickey or glimpse Cinderella Castle on the horizon, you ll no longer able be able to say that you don t like Disney. The Topic: Walt Disney World is a tribute to the philosophy and life of Walter Elias Disney and to the talents, the dedication and the loyalty of the entire Disney organization that made Walt Disney s dream come true. May Walt Disney World bring Joy and Inspiration and New Knowledge to all who come to this happy place...a Magic Kingdom where the young at heart of all ages can laugh and play and learn together. Plaque dedicated October 25, 1971, by Roy O. Disney, rededicated Oct. 1, 1996, by Roy E. Disney As it moves through the new millennium, Walt Disney World Resort continues to grow in size and scope far greater than anyone could have imagined in 1971 when the new World opened with just one park Magic Kingdom and two resort hotels. Today s Vacation Kingdom encompasses four major Disney theme parks, two water parks, six golf courses and the Downtown Disney dining/shopping/entertainment complex. Total visitation in the four Disney theme parks is more than 700 million guests. There are 21 individual ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Metaphors Analysis in Sylvia Plath s Poem Essay Metaphors Analysis in Sylvia Plath s Poem In Sylvia Plath s poem, Metaphors, she uses striking imagery to explore her ambivalent attitudes about pregnancy. For example, she uses a negative metaphor saying she is an elephant, meaning she thinks that she has become very fat since she got pregnant. On the other hand, she uses a positive metaphor saying the baby is precious, meaning although pregnancy has its down sides it has got a few good sides like the baby. The number nine features a lot throughout the poem. For instance the title, Metaphors, has nine letters in it; there are nine lines; there are nine syllables in each line; there are nine months of pregnancy and there are nine letters in ... Show more content on ... Also, the words strolling and tendrils give the reader an image of a woman, who s really obese, who has small legs that you can hardly see, plus she can t walk properly because she is weighed down by all her fat and they might collapse at any second. In the first three lines the feeling is very negative, yet in line four the feeling becomes much more positive because she starts talking about her baby. When the narrator says O red fruit she is saying that the baby is really precious to her like a red fruit. Also, the narrator says the baby is like ivory which is very precious and it s a light material. It is elephant s tusks as well; this is a very effective image because she compares herself to an elephant so the baby is like her tusks. And fine timbers is like the baby s structure because it is very fragile. In the fifth line the mood changes yet again to negative because the narrator starts talking abut herself more. When she says this loaf s big with its yeasty rising the reader gets an image of her stomach growing bigger and bigger without stopping like yeast in a loaf of bread. In line six the narrator says money s new minted in this fat purse , the start of the sentence, which is a positive metaphor, she is saying that the baby is brand new, important and that it is precious like money. In contrast, fat purse is a negative metaphor because ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Dog Sees God Play Analysis Ohlone College Theatre and Dance Department knocked it out of the park with its provocative production of Dog Sees Go: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead. The play by Bert V. Royal, which debuted at the New York Fringe Festival in 2004, was performed in the fall of 2012. Dog Sees God is a dramatization of Charles Schulz s Peanuts cartoon. These lovable characters are all grown up and dealing with the insane world of high school. The main attraction, CB (Charlie Brown), is questioning the existence of an afterlife after his dogdies (this was a big surprise). His friends are too involved in their own drama and can t really help him, but a chance meeting with Beethoven (Schroeder), the target of this group s bullying, offers CB solace and thus begins a friendship that will push teen angst to the very limits. The universal themes presented suicide, drug use, child sexual abuse, eating disorders, teen violence, struggles with identity, rebellion, sexual relations couldn t be more current,... Show more content on ... In this scene, Matt (Pigpen) approaches Beethoven in the choir room about staying away from CB. When Beethoven, an outcast to begin with, stands up for himself, Matt, being the school bully, smashes his fingers on the piano. When I first read and later watched this scene, I was shocked, and observed the same reaction ripple through the audience. This was exactly what the director wanted. Navarre s intent was to make the audience feel deeply, with the hopes of making an impact that would provide reflection and questions about who we are as people and how we live. In a post show discussion, one person commented, Though I believe homosexuality is wrong, bullying is also wrong. This is food for serious reflection. And if we can get just one person to think like that, then the director s intention and the theme of the play have ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Authority Of Religious Elites In The 1640s Witch Hunts The Authority of Religious Elites in the 1640s Witch Hunts The large scale witch hunts that occurred from 1638 to 1651 gathered momentum via major happenings in the political, societal, and religious domains developing at the time. Individuals who had either political, religious or economic power in society, also known as elites, together had absolute control over the pursuit and prosecution of individuals who partook in witchcraft. The clergy played a crucial role in the witchcraft prosecutions and were slower than the state and localities to desert their beliefs in the reality of witches as the prosecution of witchcraft was, in their eyes, an effective tool to eradicate social deviance. Though local authorities and the Parliament did contribute to the witch hunts significantly, without the kirk of Scotlanddeclaring and encouraging this sanction on witchcraft, both other parties would not have taken the actions they ultimately did. This essay will provide a brief description of events that took place from 1638 to 1651 and then utilize evidence from a multitude of sources to argue that the religious elites were the most influential of these forces during the witchcraft prosecutions that occurred in the 1640s. Due to the Scots dissatisfaction with the current monarch, King Charles I, the National Covenant was formed by on February 28th in 1638 at Greyfrairs Kirk in Edinburgh. All his subjects were welcome to sign this document as it was viewed as an irrevocable contract ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Australia Is The Largest Export Market Of Goods For United... From 2013 the Australia is the Largest Export Market of Goods for United States. There were $26.0 billion exports to Australia from U.S in 2013 and actually 16.4%down from 2012 cost of ($5.1 billion), though it was 99% up from 2003. From the year of 2004 the U.S Exports was 87% higher to Australia (Pre FTA).The Exports to Australia from U.S was accounted for 1.6% of the U.S exports in 2013 as whole of Exports. The top export categories in 2013 were: Machinery ( $5.5 trillion), vehicles ( $3.5 trillion), Electrical Machinery ( $2.3 trillion), optical and Medical instruments ( $2.2 trillion), and Aircraft ( $1.9 trillion). Unites States Exports of farming items to Australia totaled $1.3 billion in 2013. Heading classifications include: pork ... Show more content on ... Fares of some different merchandise are limited in agreeability with; entomb alia, global responsibilities, unless authorization or a permit is allowed. In the light of Australia s dependence on agriculture nourishment exports, exports controls on certain agrarian and sustenance items are worked by certain open part elements with a perspective to, bury alia, guaranteeing importing nation necessities are met (e.g. volume limits, exchange and item depictions). Australia was the United States 35th biggest supplier of products imports in 2013. Unites States products imports from Australia totaled $9.3 billion in 2013, a 2.9% lessening ($277 million) from 2012, yet up 45% from 2003. Unites States imports from Australia are up 23% from 2004 (Pre FTA). The five biggest import classifications in 2013 were: Meat (hamburger, sheep) ($1.5 billion), Valuable Stones/metals ($93.8 million), Optic and Therapeutic Instruments ($695 million), and Minerals, Slag, Cinder (uranium, titanium) ($613 million), and Exceptional Other (returns) ($570 million). United States imports of agrarian items from Australia totaled $2.8 billion in 2013, the ninth biggest supplier of Ag imports. Heading classes include: red meats, new/chilled/ solidified ($1.5 billion), and wine and brew ($499 million). United States imports of private business services* (i.e., excluding government and military ) were $6.8 billion in 2012 (most recent ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Supply and Demand Microeconomics I Homework#1 Answer Key Fall 2009 I. Multiple choice question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D C C A A D D B A C 11 12 13 14 15 C C A B C 1) Who or what is responsible for the allocation of scarce resources into the production of most goods in the U.S.? A) the American government B) the UN C) the Federal Reserve Bank D) markets and prices Answer: B 2) Which of the following is an example of a normative statement? A) A higher price for a good causes people to want to buy less of that good. B) A lower price for a good causes people to want to buy more of that good. C) To make the good available to more people, a lower price should be set. D) If you... Show more content on ... If 3 million tickets are currently sold at a price of $5, approximately how much tax revenue could the government generate from a $1 specific tax? A) $18 million B) $3 million C) $2.5 million D) $1.5 million Answer: C II. Problem 1) (P.53 #18) What effect does a $1 specific tax have on equilibrium price and quantity, and what is the incidence on consumers, if a. The demand curve is perfectly inelastic? b. The supply curve is perfectly inelastic? c. The demand curve is perfectly elastic and the supply curve is perfectly inelastic? Ans: a. Use equation 2.28 from the text to solve for the change in price. If demand is perfectly inelastic, the demand curve is vertical. The supply curve shifts up by $1, and all of the incidence falls on consumers. Price increases by $1, and there is no change in quantity. Since пЃҐ пЂЅ 0, dP/dпЃґ пЂЅ 1. b. When supply is perfectly inelastic, the supply curve is vertical. Thus, shifting the supply curve upward would have no effect on the equilibrium quantity or price paid by consumers. Sellers would bear the entire burden of the tax. Since пЃЁ пЂЅ 0, dP/dпЃґ пЂЅ 0. c. If the demand curve is perfectly elastic (horizontal), and the supply curve is perfectly inelastic (vertical), the effect of a tax would be no change in equilibrium quantity and no change in price paid by consumers, and sellers would bear the entire burden of the tax. Since пЃҐпЂ п‚® пЂп‚Ґ and пЃЁ ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Oh Brother By Richard Shone Analysis Oh brother indeed. While in the 2011 article by Richard Shone entitled, Oh brother!, Shone argues while the information presented by the book isn t necessarily new, the different ways in which the authors approach the subject makes for an interesting read. Yet, Shone often contradicts his own claims, with his diction often invalidating what he said previously, establishing credibility for the authors then destroying it by pointing out their biases which results in an overall inconsistent, disorganized and chaotic article. He fails to adequately address his arguments claim and his purpose of reviewing the book, for a book review serves to either praise and persuade others to read it or decry it and critique it for its flaws. The authorseemingly... Show more content on ... Their scrupulous examination of all of the information doesn t seem overbearing and akin to information overload, in actuality Shone states the more one reads the colossal detail adds to the enthralling nature of the book. Shone then though skews his opinion of the authors. The once herald authors turn quickly to detached and petty. Including the fact that the authors dislike Gauguin, a friend of Van Gogh s, does not add relevance to the piece nor can it be proven by this review. By including this tidbit of information he opens the authors up to critic and open bias. He tries to recover their credibility by randomly attaching at the concluding paragraph, a red herring, which deduces that Van Gogh was in fact not murdered. This information though does not pertain to anything the author was talking about previously, so in turn this makes his essay seem very rushed and ill thought out in the end. His flippant attitude towards the authors makes the book seem as though it will be a disaster, but he claims at first that the authors are innovate and fresh in their presentation of the information in the book. If Shone is encouraging people to read this book going about it by bringing up the faults and obvious biases of the authors then it isn t going to influence someone to read it. Which brings to question just exactly where does the author stand, from reading the essay his stance is convoluted and lost in a sea of ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Active Spiritual Practices Analysis Active Spiritual Practices The life of a pastor requires many developed practices, none more important than personal spiritual practices. The author, adheres to many daily and weekly habit s to develop personally and spiritual with the hope to remain spiritual vibrant. As Addington explains all great qualities of leadership come form the place deep inside our hearts, the hidden recess of our souls, whose channels lead to deep veins of God s work and molding (Addington, 2014 p1). Daily habits include journaling, prayer, following a prayer and devotional guide, reflection, study, and prayer with family. Weekly habits that are practiced also include a day of extended reading, a day of rest, and an afternoon of personal study. Other habits occurring ... Show more content on ... In those moments of spiritual dryness, desperation, fear, and often great decision making, the disciplines of fasting and solitude seem necessary. As further explains in those moments sermons, worship songs, and intellectual debate don t excite us, therefore it s the inner silence, peace, and stillness that ones soul longs for (Foster, 1978). Resources for Spiritual Formation Like many areas of study, spiritual formations offer a litany of great resource. The author has read and worked through various spiritual formation classics and have found many to be most valuable, some more valuable than others. Research has concluded that each bare a certain value and have proven valuable to a certain time or season of life and ministry. Furthermore, others withstand the test of time and season, and prove valuable continually through each every one of life s challenges. The daily resource that has been most beneficial would be A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants (Job Shawchuck, 1988). It s daily readings of scripture; writings of past and present spiritual giants, and reflective prayer have proven to be great resources for an everyday prayer and journaling guide. It also offers hymns for worship and reflection and season ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Garden Glory chapter 1 Essay Q A:Create a sample list of owners and properties. Your list will be similar in structure to that in Figure 1:30, but it will concern owners and properties rather than owners and pets. Your list should include, a minimum, owner name, phone and billing address, as well as property name, type and address. Answer: PropertyNamePropertyTypePropertyAddressOwnerLastNameOwnerFirstNameOwnerPhoneOwnerEmail Q B: Describe modification problems that are likely to occur if Garden Glory attempts to maintain the list in spreadsheet. Answer: There are three types of modification are likely to occur in this case. 1 Updating some value in the list 2 Deleting some value in the list ... Show more content on ... So, these two themes are possible. Table: OWNER OwnerIDOwnerLastNameOwnerFirstNameOwnerPhoneOwnerEmail Table: PRPPERTY PropertyIDPropertyNamePropertyTypePropertyAddress Creation of tables will solve the updating, adding and deleting problems. For example if we want to update the phone number of a customer we have to change the number in single row of OWNER table and it will update that change in all tables. For example to delete a property if we delete the property in PROPERTY table and we can keep the owner data and to add data, for example, if add a owner data in OWNER table we don t have to add property for that owner. Q D: Create a sample list of owners, properties and services. Your list will similar to that in Figure 1 31. Your list should include the data items form part a as well as the date, description, and amount charged for each service. Answer: PropertyNamePropertyTypePropertyAddressOwnerLastNameOwnerFirstNameOwnerPhoneOwnerEmail Q E: Illustrate modification problems that are likely to occur if Garden Glory attempts to maintain the list from part D in spreadsheet. Answer: 1 Adding some value in the list
  • 44. 2 Deleting some value in the list 3 Updating some value in the list Updating value: For example, there will be problem ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Long Term Benefits Of Attending An Outdoor Centre For... Based on your twenty hour placement discuss and evaluate the long term benefits of attending an outdoor centre for young people with behavioural challenges. You must refer to experiences you gained personally and reflect critically on future development. This essay is based on the twenty hours placement carried at Spray Water Sports Centre, during the placement some of the duties carried was assisting preparing the equipment s for activities and putting away after use. Also observe the leadership styles used by the activity leaders to encourage the young people participation in the different activities provided and what they do to promote inclusive lessons. This centre caters for a wide range of water sports such kayaking, windsurfing, speed boating and sailing. This is important because it gives the young people who attend this centre a wide range of choices and offer them opportunity to try and something new and develop their skills in a different areas. This centre is well recognised by a number of sports governing bodies such as Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA) and has received rewards such as Adventuremark, they have also accreditation special recognition award based on the accessibility of facilities for all individual needs such as visually impaired ad learning difficulties. It is important that this centre recognised by the authority Outdoor education has been described as the education as an education in and about and for the outdoors (Ford, 1985). ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Current Operations Of Werner Enterprises, Inc.... Living Case Study: Strategy Edition GUIDED STUDY OF WERNER ENTERPRISES, INC. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This study examines the current operations of Werner Enterprises, Inc. In doing so, the study surveys the history, guiding stars, external environment, internal environment, and the current strategies that Werner has employed. This study also gives recommendations for new strategies going forward, as well as which strategies should be continued. A plan for how these strategies will be implemented and evaluated follows. The guiding stars segment inspects the effectiveness of Werner s mission statement, vision statement, and guiding principles, as well as suggests for ways to improve these where necessary. The external environment describes... Show more content on ... (About Werner, n.d.). This wide variety of services allows Werner to compete in the industry, as does their quality trucks, professional drivers, modern technology, and global reach. Werner s guiding stars include their mission statement, vision statement, and guiding principles. Each of these demonstrate the importance that Werner places on relationships. These guiding stars give an idea of the business that Werner engages in, and what their values and goals are. However, there are many ways in which these statements can be improved. A more descriptive view of where the company is now, where they would like to be in the future, and how they intend to get there will be beneficial to the company, its employees, and its customers. Werner s external environment includes the following opportunities and threats. Opportunities Signing long term contracts with major customers Creating basic, inexpensive service package for down economy Continuing to expand globally Investing in technology Embracing cleaner energy sources Threats Dependence on large customers Economic recession Highly competitive industry Increased regulations Technology disruption or malfunction Werner s internal environment includes the following strengths and weaknesses. ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Chaos Of Establishing An American Identity On the Chaos of Establishing an American Identity: Charles Ives Charles Ives is the quintessential 20th century American composer. From his early organ music and music training to his later symphonic pieces and art songs, his music is drenched in early American nostalgia, quotes, and culture. Not only has Ives come to be known so well for his establishment of an American identity, but also his use of complex compositional techniques that fit so well in a post Romantic era of music. Delving through the history of Ives requires a keen eye to see not only the use of complexity, but to understand the context his music was written in. Through analyzing one of his most notable orchestral works, Three Places in New England, one can see how Ives uses complex compositional devices to not only establish his own identity as a composer but provide an American context as well. Biography Charles Ives was born in 1874 in Danbury, Connecticut. Charles was raised in a musical family, his father a well known bandmaster in his home county. George served as a soldier in the Union army during the American civil war and was raised in the tradition of American military music, which would be a great influence on his young son Charles musical development. Ives began his musical life early playing drums and attending band events his father led in Danbury. In his early years, he picked up many other instruments, soon becoming very proficient at the piano and organ. By the age of 14, Charles had ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Final Practice with Solutions Final Practice Key 1. Bridget Company uses activity based costing. The company has two products: A and B. The annual production and sales of Product A is 2,000 units and of Product B is 3,000 units. There are three activity cost pools, with estimated total cost and expected activity as follows: The overhead cost per unit of Product A under activity based costing is closest to: A. $6.00 B. $9.60 C. $8.63 D. $13.80 2. Austin Wool Products purchases raw wool and processes it into yarn. The spindles of yarn can then be sold directly to stores or they can be used by Austin Wool Products to make afghans. Each afghan requires one spindle of yarn. Current cost and revenue data for the spindles of yarn and for the afghans are as follows: Each ... Show more content on ... 7. The management of Freshwater Corporation is considering dropping product C11B. Data from the company s accounting system appear below: All fixed expenses of the company are fully allocated to products in the company s accounting system. Further investigation has revealed that $211,000 of the fixed manufacturing expenses and $122,000 of the fixed selling and administrative expenses are avoidable if product C11B is discontinued. According to the company s accounting system, what is the net operating income earned by product C11B? A. $74,000 B. $(521,000) C. $(74,000) D. $521,000 8. Amadon Corporation manufactures and sells a single product. The company uses units as the measure of activity in its flexible budgets. During July, the company budgeted for 7,900 units, but its actual level of activity was 7,920 units. The company has provided the following data concerning the formulas to be used in its budgeting: The direct labor in the planning budget for July would be closest to: A. $41,868 B. $41,080 C. $41,184 D. $41,974
  • 49. Cost = Fixed cost per unit + Variable cost per unit п‚ґ q = $0 + $5.20 п‚ґ 7,900 = $41,080 9. (Ignore income taxes in this problem.) The Crawford Company is pondering an investment in a machine that costs $350,000, that will have a useful life of eight years, and that will have a salvage value of $25,000. If this machine is purchased, a similar, old machine will be sold at a ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Comparison Of Misogyny In The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow By... In three stories written by, Washington Irving, they all portray him into a man of misogyny. In the story, The Devil and Tom Walker , disappearing never to return a man s wife takes all their belonging of worthiness. In the story, Rip Van Winkle , a man tired of his wife is nagging, wanders off into the woods, vanishing for twenty years. In the story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, a man that goes by the name Broom Bones, brainwashed by womanly charm receives a rude awakening when the womans he cherishes picks a different man. Repeatedly, Washington Irving conceived as a woman hater; this may or may not be true. In the story, The Devil and Tom Walker , a man s wife takes all their belongings of worthiness, disappearing never to return. More into the story, the man, Tom Walker, meet the devil, and the evil spirit wanted him to sell his soul. Without a doubt, Tom would have made lots of money. Consequently, this offer went through his head as he went back to his house. Once home, he told his wife about the encounter, she wanted him to take the proposal. Once he heard this, all the thoughts running through his head jumped out. Fortunately, Tom disliked this woman so much he now would not sell his soul to the evil, because she wanted him to. Therefore, with this the woman took it into her own hands to get rich off selling her soul. Unfortunately, she took all their most valuable possession to the black evil man in the woods. No doubt, the way Irving portrays the ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Living Standard Of The Working Class Analysis Living Standard of the Working Class The Federal minimum wage law was enacted back in 1938 by President D. Franklin Roosevelt, during the Great Depression with a purpose of keeping America s workers out of poverty, and increase consumer purchasing power in order to help the economy. The current Federal minimum wage is 7.25 per hour which could be calculated to an annual income of about $15,080 before tax for a full time worker. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Poverty Level, a measure of income level issued annually for an individual is $11,770. With the inadequate minimum wage, many American families are struggling to get by. Today s constantly increasing costs of housing, child care, and health care ... Show more content on ... Income inequality by definition is the extent to which income is unevenly distributed among a population. The United States is in the lead in income inequality since the income gap between the people who make the most money and everyone else has greatly widened within the last 30 years. One explanation is that the United States is the leader in the transition from labor income to capital income. Dr. Jason Furman, an economic adviser to President Barack Obama has argued that raising the minimum wage is one of the ways to alleviate the main challenge of inequality. Furman thinks the minimum wage should be at least $10.10 per hour. According to Furman, In real terms, the current minimum wage is far less than it was 45 years ago, says Furman. That is why we want to raise it, both at the federal and at the state level. (Barkat, ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Integrated Thematic Units Essay INTRODUCTION Benjamin Franklin once said Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. So, the question I pose today is how do we involve children so that they learn? How do we spark that want inside of a student to because a lifelong learner. The best way to build students knowledge and thirst for greater understanding is by creating connections. Having connections between prior knowledge, different subject areas, the outside world, and what is being learned now and in the future will help students to achieve higher levels of thinking, as well as, the twenty first century knowledge and skills that are needed in the collegiate and professional words today. One way to make these connections is by using integrated thematic units. Inga Randle (1997) discussed the fourth grade students of Barbara Pedersen who were so eager to learn they would willingly skip recess to be in the classroom learning. Pedersen used integrated thematic instruction to inspire her students. So, by learning what an integrated thematic unit is, why integrated thematic units should be used, and how to use integrated thematic units teachers can become more like Barbara Pedersen and prepare students more for independent thinking and higher education. WHAT IS AN INTEGRATED THEMATIC UNIT? Patricia Roberts (1996) describes integrated curriculum as a way of teaching and a way of planning and organizing the instructional program so the discrete disciplines of subject matter are ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Restoration Of Function After Spinal Cord Injury Neuroprosthetics: A new dimension in restoration of function after spinal cord injury Submitted By Pavanpreet Kaur Sandhu Neuroprosthetics: A new dimension in restoration of function after spinal cord injury Abstract The deformation in the structure of spinal cord after an injury causes the conduction of impulse to be disrupted and the body functions are lost. This happens relying on the severity of the injury. There are different devices which have been developed or are under development to restore the body functions after a spinal cord injury. Neuroprosthetic treatment has a promising future and it is a technology which can be used to restore motor and autonomic functions and also to get the sensory feedback. Described here are the neuroprostheses which are currently in different stages of development be it preclinical, commercialization or testing and it involoves functional electrical stimulators, epidural and intraspinal microstimulation, bladder neuroprosthesis, and cortical stimulation for restoring sensation. Following the brief background of the SCI and neuroprosthesis is the chronology of the developments related to neuromuscular excitation. The electrical stimulation in the form of functional electrical stimulation (FES) is discussed in detail which can help facilitate and improve upper/lower limb mobility along with other body functions lost due to injury. The applications and the future directions are ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Tarquin Character Analysis How Sir Tarquin Came to Be In the novel Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript, the author, Sir Thomas Malory, presents the reader with many diverse villains, one of whom is Sir Tarquin. Through Sir Tarquin s words, expressions, and actions, Malory portrays Sir Tarquin as a malicious villain who despises one specific character, Sir Lancelot Du Lake. This built up anger and revulsion Sir Tarquin feels towards Sir Lancelot results in Sir Tarquin becoming one of the most dexterous knights in all of Christendom. He becomes such by searching out, challenging, and defeating many knights of the Round Table. The reader can ask, What is the motive behind Sir Tarquin s quest? Before Sir Lancelot and Sir Tarquin duel, Malory leaves this ... Show more content on ... And for Sir Lancelot s sake I have slain a hundred good knights... (Malory 105). Since his brother was slain, Sir Tarquin has sought after Sir Lancelot and made it his objective to seek out the death of the one who murdered his brother. Sir Tarquin spent year after year fighting brave knights and one could describe this villain as malicious and spiteful. Daniel Haybron writes in his book Evil Characters that a person who is malicious is deeply hostile toward other people, wishing them great misfortune (Haybron 136). When Malory writes of him, Sir Tarquin is one of the best knights of the land because of malice. According to this definition of malice, Sir Tarquin exemplifies a malicious behavior. Before learning about Sir Lancelot s identity, Sir Tarquin was willing to spare Sir Lancelot if he was not the one who killed his brother. But Sir Tarquin desires tribulation to befall his character defining enemy which he then resumes his battle with Sir Lancelot until his death. Their four hours of fighting show how his years of wrath and abhorrence towards Sir Lancelot drove him to raise his dexterity with the sword and become one of the greatest knights written about in Malory s novel. In order to investigate this claim, one must start from the beginning. The reader is first introduced to the villain Sir Tarquin as Sir Lionel watches in horror as three of his fellow brethren of the Round Table are bested by a lone, unidentified ... Get more on ...