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Essay Persuasive Topics
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Persuasive Topics" can be quite challenging, as it requires
a unique blend of critical thinking, persuasive skills, and the ability to articulate thoughts
effectively. The difficulty lies in crafting an argument that not only captures the reader's
attention but also persuades them to adopt a particular viewpoint.
To begin with, selecting a persuasive topic itself can be a daunting task. The chosen theme
should be relevant, debatable, and capable of sparking interest in the audience. This initial step
demands extensive research to identify current issues, analyze different perspectives, and
determine the most compelling angle to approach the subject matter.
Once the topic is chosen, the next hurdle is constructing a solid thesis statement. The thesis
serves as the foundation of the entire essay, encapsulating the main argument and guiding the
reader throughout the piece. Crafting a concise yet impactful thesis requires careful consideration
and an in-depth understanding of the chosen persuasive topic.
Developing a persuasive essay demands a mastery of rhetorical techniques to effectively
communicate the argument. This includes utilizing ethos, pathos, and logos to appeal to the
reader's emotions, credibility, and logic, respectively. Striking the right balance among these
elements can be tricky, requiring a nuanced approach to ensure the essay resonates with the
target audience.
Furthermore, organizing the essay coherently is essential for maintaining the reader's
engagement. A well-structured essay follows a logical progression of ideas, providing sufficient
evidence and examples to support the argument. Transitioning smoothly between paragraphs and
sections requires finesse to avoid confusing or overwhelming the reader.
In addition to these challenges, writing a persuasive essay demands a keen awareness of
counterarguments. Anticipating and addressing opposing viewpoints adds depth to the essay and
strengthens the overall persuasiveness. This requires thorough research and critical analysis to
preemptively counter potential objections.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Persuasive Topics" is a complex task that
involves careful topic selection, crafting a compelling thesis, employing persuasive techniques,
and addressing counterarguments. It requires a blend of research, critical thinking, and effective
communication skills. For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar writing tasks,
services like provide a platform where expert writers can be enlisted to tackle
these challenges and deliver well-crafted, persuasive essays.
Essay Persuasive TopicsEssay Persuasive Topics
Argumentative Essay On The Glass Castle
Jeannette Walls, the author of a New York Times best selling book The Glass
Castle has opened up to readers in her memoir about her and her sibling s chaotic
and remarkably nomadic lifestyle. The Walls family had their own way of going
about life and handling their situations. Regardless of their living positions, they most
often times kept a pleasant mood in order to enrich their children s lives with
preposterous facts and intense discussions. Much of the Walls childhoodmemories
were constantly roaming the desert in hopes to never be found by the henchmen or
bloodsuckers. Aside from being on the run, Rex and Rose Walls, parents of the four
children, had always been on edge about money and their familys circumstances.
They somehow managed to influence their children in ways that would prepare them
for life on their own in more ways than the average childwould. The Walls children
learned tips on how to steal, make their own money, and live without food for days
at a time. Nevertheless, the Walls children often felt neglected by their parents.
Jeannette Walls was raised by non complacent living situations, precarious parents,
and self reliant siblings to get along in their childhood. Towards the end of Walls
memoir, she writes about how she is now living successfully and comfortably with
her own family. In a different perspective, many people have often wondered why
children grow up and flourish the way they do. It is easy to blame the lack of basic
needs (shelter,
Tiananmen Massacre Source Analysis
3.Evaluation of sources (250 400 words)
Hawke, Robert J. L. (Robert James Lee);. Parliamentary Statement By Bob Hawke
On The Massacre In Tiananmen Square, China . N.p., 2015. Web. 1
Aug. 2015. As a primary source this two page parliamentary statement by former
Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke expresses outrage at the massive and
indiscriminate slaughter of demonstrators by the Chinese People s Liberation Army
in Tiananmen Square, in June 1989. The purpose is to provide the general public with
insight into the Australian government s rationale for the position they took in
response to the events of Tiananmen Square. It reinforces Australia s outrage with the
actions taken by the Chinese government and condoms the subsequent repression of
people who sought to express a view contrary to the ... Show more content on ...
The value of the document is that it clearly and succinctly articulates the position that
the Australian took and reminds China of its human rights obligations and that China
was risking the success of their economic reforms in the face of systematic repression
. The limitations of this document is that it is unclear whether this statement receive
bipartisan support from all sides of politics and the document is lacking in detail as to
what sanctions may have been imposed should the Chinese government continue with
the repressive moves.
Harris, S 1995, Australia China political relations: From fear to friendly relations? ,
Australian Journal Of International Affairs, 49, 2, p. 237, EBSCOhost, viewed 3
August 2015.
This source is an extract from the Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol.49,
No. 2 by historian Stuart Harris and
Essay on Emerson And Thoreau
amp;#8220;Dance to the beat of your own drummer: ; A piece of advice that I have
been told my whole life, and have tried my hardest to follow. The words were taken
from Thoreau amp;#8217;s quote, amp;#8220;If a man does not keep pace with his
companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. ;
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreauchanged our lives. How? Well, the
answer is not so simple as the statement. To understand fully how they affected our
lives, we have to understand the philosophy of Emerson and Thoreau, and the
relationship between the two. So let amp;#8217;s begin with the relationship between
Emerson and Thoreau.
Emerson was born in 1803, into ... Show more content on ...
Many people claim that Thoreau amp;#8217;s ideas were simply taken from
Emerson amp;#8217;s, in fact, some critics call Thoreau Emerson amp;#8217;s miror.
And although their philosophies greatly reflected one another, they differed in many
ways as well.
Emerson amp;#8217;s writing focused on nonconformity and individuality. In his
essay quot;Self Reliance, quot; he wrote, quot;Nothing is at last sacred but the
integrity of your own mind, quot; and, quot;Whoso would be a man, must be a
nonconformist. quot;
Emerson writings were also more focused on the self; philosophy of humanism and
Independence from society are all things that Emerson wrote on frequently. Thoreau,
while focusing on matters of the self in many of his essays, tended to have more of a
political overtone to his writing.
In amp;#8220;Civil Disobedience ;, Thoreau amp;#8217;s most famous social
protest, He explains that it is our civil right to disagree with laws. He believed that
people must be free to act according to their own idea of right and wrong, without
government interference. In quot;Civil Disobedience quot;, he said that people
should refuse to obey any law they believe is unjust. Thoreau practiced this type of
passive resistance when, in 1846, he refused to pay poll taxes. He did so to express
his opposition to the Mexican War. Thoreau spent one night in jail for his refusal.
Significance Of The Movie My Fair Lady
Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Communication and Journalism(Triple Main),
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala
A language is a system of conventional signals used for communication by a whole
community A. C. Gimson. Language is an essential tool for communication as well
as for self expression. Language can be considered as a habit which is not genetically
transmitted. It is acquired from the environment ... Show more content on ...
The movie was nominated for 12 Oscars and won 8 out of them. In the movie,
Professor Higgins invests all of his time and energy in Eliza s transformation with
the final goal of passing her off as an aristocrat at the season s biggest social event
and finally he succeeds in it. (TCR) In the process, their bond becomes stronger.
Research paper Dr Chinazo Echezona Johnson. Analysis of the movie my fair lady,
using transformative and andragogy adult learning theories.
This paper helped the researcher to understand the theoretical framework of the
movie more deeply. This paper analyses Eliza Doolittle s learning, through the
perspectives of Mezirow s transformative learning theory and Knowle s andragogy.
In this paper Echezona proves that the character Eliza s transformation from a poor
flower seller to that of a duchess has followed all the ten phases of Jack Mezirow s
transformational learning theory.
The ten phases of Mezirow s Transformational learning theory:
A disorienting dilemma
A self examination with feelings of fear, anger, guilt or shame
A critical assessment of assumptions
Recognition that one s discontent and the process of transformation are shared
Exploration of options for new roles, relationships, and actions
Planning a course of
Roanoke River And The South Carolina State Line
Richmond County is located in East Central Georgia bordering the Savannah River
and the South Carolina state line. Richmond County contains three (3) incorporated
cities: Augusta (the second largest city of Georgia), Hephzibah, and Blythe. The city
of Augusta had consolidated governments with Richmond County in 1995, and the
new entity is known as AugustaRichmond County, or simply Augusta (Montgomery,
According to the US Census 2015, Richmond County is home of 201,793 people,
and 87,612 households. The population per square mile was 618.4 (State of
Georgia of 168.4 and the nation of 87.4). The racial makeup consisted 55.6% Black
or African American, 39.2% White, 4.8% Hispanic or Latino, 1.8% Asian, 0.3%
other Pacific Islanders, 0.4% American Indian, and 2.7% from two or more race.
Of 201,793 people, 7.2% were below five (5) years of age, 23.5% were below
eighteen (18) years of age, and 12.9% were sixty five (65) years of age and over.
51.5% population of Richmond County were female. Approximately to 16.3% of
those aged twenty five (25) and older in Richmond County have less than high
school education (15.0% for Georgia, and 13.7% for the nation). The median
household income for the county was $37, 704 ($49,342 for Georgia and $53,482
for the nation). The Per Capita income for Richmond County was $20,549 ($25,427
for Georgia, and $28,555 for the nation). 26% of Richmond County residents were in
poverty (18.3% for Georgia, and 14.8% for the nation). 16.9% of
Marketing Strategy Of Lululemon Athletica Inc.
Executive Summary
The brand discussed in this report is Lululemon Athletica Inc. The brand is an
athletic apparel retailer, whose main objective is building a community with a
healthy lifestyle. Lululemon s target market is middle/upper class 30 year old
woman. The brand is positioned as a premium high fashion brand for the athletic
community. Some of Lululemon s main competitors include Nike, Under Armour and
Some of the key findings were:
Limited global brand awareness due to a lack of exposure to a large market because
of the use of grassroot marketing tactics
Unclear brand image: made many changes that have strayed from their main brand
image and focus.
Misuse of some secondary associations and inability to promote ... Show more
content on ...
Lululemon prides itself on the innovation of the functionality and style of its product
line, such as using moisture wicking fabric that essentially transfers the moisture
from the skin to the fabric, in order to allow it to evaporate quicker. Lululemon s
target market was initially women but expanded to target men and female youth.
Lululemon s success is due to its innovation in technology and fashion, as well as
their use of community based marketing, and excellent customer focus. The company
has positioned itself as a health conscience and fun brand that now operates 280
stores in North America, New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, and Singapore
(Lululemon 10K).
The athletic apparel industry has shown a large increase in popularity. Global
sales of sport clothing have increased from 146.1 billion US dollars in 2007 to 162
billion US dollars in 2012(Global Participative Sport as Consumption). Particularly
in the United States, sales of sport apparel have increased by 7% from 2013 to
2014 (Wingus). There has been a large trend in healthy living, as activewear
accounted for $33.7 billion in sales and made up 16 percent of the apparel market
(Wingus). The industry is booming, as sportswear, specifically yoga pants, has
transformed into people s daily apparel. (Refer to Appendix Table 1) Huffington post
noted, people are wearing trendy workout clothes all day, every
Sigmund Freud s Influence On Personality Theory
The ideas of Sigmund Freud have exerted an enormous impact on personality theory.
However, theories and ideas subsequent to Freud have questioned the scientific basis
of his ideas. Select one or two alternative theories of human personality and compare
and contrast with that of Freud.
Everybody has a unique personality that influences who we are, how we act, what
careers we will pursue, as well as our success in close relationships. Our personality is
inescapable and essentially shapes us as individuals. Despite its centrality to human
existence, defining what impacts attribute to specific personalities and consequent
behaviour patterns is something that is still heavily debated today, and as such, many
alternating theories have evolved in an attempt to explain these concepts. (Shultz
Shultz, 2009). Sigmund Freud was the first psychologist to formally theorise what
factors contribute to the construction of an individual s personality, and suggested
that the unconscious mind has great power over behaviour and personality. Freud s
theories were both controversial and revolutionary, simultaneously gaining him many
followers and many critics. However, unquestionably, Freud s theories were the
foundation on which all personality theories have subsequently derived (Passer
Smith, 2013).This essay will highlight some of the major criticisms of Freud s work
focusing on flaws in the subjectivity, testability and relevance in today s modern
society, as well as making
The Rise Of Chin Through The Realist Looking Glass
The Rise of China: Through the Realist Looking Glass
The rise of China is lauded as the determinative issue for international relations this
century with China assuming a more powerful role in the international system. This
essay considers the issue of China s rise and its implications for international security
from both an offensive and defensive realist approach. I will show that neither realist
approach can adequately explain China s rise and its implications because it relies on
realist optimism and does not account for the determinative effect of the liberal world
order. Offensive and defensive realism are strands of neo realism, distinguished from
classical realism by its focus on the international system and structures. Anarchy is the
scope condition of realism under which states will pursue their own interests with the
ultimate goal of maintaining security.
In offensive realism states are power maximisers . Increases in power, relative to
other states, will correspondingly increase the state s security. States will pursue
expansionist foreign policies, taking advantage of opportunities to weaken others.
The most secure position for a state is hegemony, offensive realist scholars such as
Mearsheimer and Lobell view the rise of China as progress towards regional
hegemony. Realism defines power in terms of three categories: military power,
economic power, and power over opinion (called soft power ). In the last 35 years,
China has developed its economic power
Skeletal Muscle Exercise
One activity that most people perform daily is exercising/walking. Exercise help
with anyone health who isn t in good health, and it help to relax the body and mind.
Skeletal muscle is the muscle we normally attached to the moveable parts of the
skeleton. They are capable of rapid, powerful contractions and long states of partially
sustained contractions, allowing for voluntary movement. Skeletal muscleis striated
having transverse bands that run down the length of muscle fiber. The muscle is
under conscious control; and skeletal, because these muscles are attached to the
skeleton. We can be alternating light bands of the thin protein filaments of action and
dark bands of the thick protein filaments myosis muscle makes up about 40% of our
Slender Glass Lizard Research Paper
Slender Glass Lizard Drew Roth What would you do when you were riding your bike
a found an animal and you looked a saw I was a snake and the look closer and see it
has a lizard head. What would it be can it be a deform snake or is it poison and
could I get killed from it those are the question running through your well I am here
to tell you about that snake in this paper. Here is some stuff to make shore it has
round eyes that means that it is not poisonous and then if it has demand eyes run
and the circle if it does bit you will not die but diamond you can get killed. And you
are still wondering what is it well keep reading to find out Well first the snake you
are looking at is a slender glass lizard it is not piousness and it is a lizard.
An Inside View Of Grigory Rasputin s Life
In this ambitious work, Fuhrmann endeavors to ascertain the existence of a class
of philosophers in Russian society. If philosophy, and not merely religion,
Fuhrmann examines the life of Rasputin and the vital role he played in the
downfall of Russia. Fuhrmann book gives an inside view of Grigory Rasputin s life
and how he took advantage of the Russian tradition of the wondering peasant holy
man, walking village to village and stating that he had a direct connection with God.
Researchers claimed that Rasputin exploited the last Romanov couple Nicholas and
Alexandra by using his mystical powers to enchant them into believe in him.
Grigory Rasputin was born in western Siberia around the years of 1860 or 1873
researchers do not know the exact... Show more content on ...
In many instances many people do not trust the tsar or tsarina judgment because of
the presence of Rasputin. Rasputin becomes more of a nuisance to the royal family
because he s very uneducated and makes poor choices. His St. Petersburg
apartment became a very busy office where he would take care of medical
problems and with his healing powers. He let payment be paid in money, pledges
of loyalty, or the most controversial kisses. This would have passed with no
questions if at that time Russia were not entering a period of crisis of war.
Nicholas was forced to grant the constitution and convene a parliament. Many
loved and admired the tsar he was remarkably charming and just gave a special
atmosphere to the people. Though during these times Nicholas s greatest problems
came from the moderate opposition. Liberals and moderate conservatives were
alarmed over defeats. Nicholas refused to share power with the Duma. As time
past in Russia tsar Nicholas and Alexandra became very unpopular with the people
of Russia. By the early 1916 Alexandra was the most hated woman in Russia. Much
popular opinion held that she was the leader of the dark forces that was driving the
Russian nation to destruction. By as early as 1915 the name Grigory Rasputin was
in everyone s lips. As time progress the situation was even worse. Rasputin s
relationship with the royal family took on a poignant character in the final months.
Fuhrmann writes Rasputin s last day s gracefully stating that Rasputin was in a state
of deep depression during the last three days of his life. A few days late Rasputin was
murdered by Felix Yusupov which not many historians understand why. Many
believed that he feared that Rasputin was undermining Nicholas s government and
opening a path to a revolution in
Essay on Pastoral Ministry
Christ is the leader of the Church, Paul in Ephesians 1:22 said God placed
everything under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the
Church however, God entrusted the authority to lead to his servant whom he set
them aside to lead the community. Pastor as a public Leadership is to lead
community. A person who is called by Godto lead public has a responsibility to be in
the community, with the community and for the community. One of best questions
raised in the class during public leadership discussion was How we can be a
community pastor rather than just a church pastor? This really a kind of question
we are to consider as pastor especially as rural congregation pastor. In most cases
when pastor are called to... Show more content on ...
However, God is able to give breakthrough once he called his people to ministry, that
is why Paul said I can do all this through him who gives me strength (Philippians
It is not an easy task to carry out public leadership, you have to know almost
everything, counseling marriage on the verge breaking down, baptizing dying
babies, administering Holy Communion for dying individuals, leading marriage
ceremony with unusual and complicated scenario. It is also not easy to accept
ministry as God calling rather than as job placement or vocational opportunity. It is
tough to accept the people, their culture, tradition and the whole identity. God called
us to ministry so that we will be able exercise his full authority (Matt 28:16 18) with
full humility (Philippians 2:6, 2Cor 8:9, Rom 5:6 8). We have to deny ourselves and
follow the footsteps of Jesus our Lord (Luke 9:23).
Finally a pastor has to know the distinctions of Authority and power. It is not
uncommon to see pastors are using power instead of the authority God given them. .
Authority is responsibility that derived from someone greater than us. That means
the full responsibility
Analysis of Characters, Conflict, and Symbolism in
Analysis of Characters, Conflict, and Symbolism in A Good Man Is hard to Find
The story A Good Man is Hard to Find is a fascinating story about a family
traveling to Florida for a family vacation. The story s main characters are the
grandmother, the mother and a baby, the father Bailey, and the two children June
Star and John Wesley. On this trip the family has a run in with the other characters
The Misfit, Bobby Lee, and Hiram who are escaped convicts headed towards
Florida. O Connor uses literary elements such as flashback and characterization to
explore what it means to be a good person. It appears as the only good person in the
story is the person the grandmother becomes through her struggle with the Misfit. O
Connor seems to ... Show more content on ...
The story seems to imply how the modern man becomes spiritual when faced with
evil. The grandmother seems to be unconcerned with the rest of her family: I know
you wouldn t shoot a lady! (441). She thinks she is a lady she shouldn t be shot.
The grandmother is self centered; she did not even beg for the life of anyone in her
family but her own. She is always the first to criticize everyone but never looks at
herself in a critical manner. The conflicts in this story highlight the character s nature.
The main fiction element in O Connor s A Good Man Is Hard to Find is symbolism.
Most of the Symbolism in this story is masked behind a lot of foreshadowing: They
passed a large cotton field with five or six graves fenced in the middle of it, like a
small island (371). The number of graves foreshadows the death of each family
member. Five or six represents the uncertainty of whether at least one member of
the family will survive or not. After the accident the family waits for someone to
come help them, ironically The Misfit, Bobby Lee, and Hiram pull up in a big
black battered hearse like automobile (375). The Hearse by definition is a vehicle
that carries a coffin to a funeral. So, this is another image of death forthcoming,
which foreshadows the outcome of the family before The Misfit and his accomplices
even get out of the car. In general symbolism is an important element in this short
story; many times it
Why Is Basketball Better Than Soccer
Competition is a vital aspect of a growing, productive life, and many people seek it
through the vast array of sports available in society. Basketball and soccer are two of
the most popular sports that share the same basic concepts of shooting and passing.
However, their differences create the prominent distinction between the two
competitions, for each sportutilizes different body part during the game, and their
regions of popularity greatly differ. Thousands of youth and puerile adults across the
world compete in the games of basketballand soccer, and the building blocks of
these two sports relate on a fundamental level. Coaches train players in passing and
shooting which increases the caliber of adeptness and competitiveness. A single
player is unable to carry a team, so each individual masters the ability to pass
effectively to teammates. Athletes, whether in soccer or basketball, analyze open
passing lanes and decide which option is best to advance their team down the court
or field. To win a game, scoring must happen which requires players to develop their
shooting form, so they can help pull their team to victory. They learn how to dodge,
cut, fake, and eventually shoot the ball at the proper angle to score.... Show more
content on ...
Soccer promotes the use of the players feet while basketball manipulates the
competency of the players hands. In soccer, players dribble, pass, and shoot the ball
using only their feet so they can move the ball from position to position. Referees
even give penalties when hands connect with the ball, yet in stark contrast, basketball
bases its ball movement on the players hands. With quick, firm grips, they rotate the
ball s possession between teammates which later results in a full arm
Beowulf And King Arthur Analysis
Beowulf versus King Arthur
Courage, perseverance, and honor are all traits of a hero. Beowulf and King Arthur
both share many qualities of a hero. The epic of Beowulf is about a great Geat that
defeats the horrid Grendel of Denmark. The story, Once and Future King, is about the
great King Arthur and how he became king and his reign in England. Beowulf is a
fearless leader that defeats great monsters and deadly giants. Later in his life he
defeats Grendel, Grendel s mother, and a dragon. King Arthur was the outcast in his
family; he did not fit in as a child. As he grows older, his tutor Merlyn teaches him
about different values in life. King Arthur, formally known as Wart, becomes king
when he pulls the famous sword from the stone. Both Beowulf and King Arthur
shared many traits that made them epic heros.
Courage is a trait shared by Beowulf and King Arthur or Wart . Beowulf showed
courage through the many battles he fought . Beowulf went to Heorot in hopes of
defeating Grendel, the monster that had been attacking Herot for the last twelve
years. This was courageous because he knew that he could be killed, but he fought
anyway because that s what he needed to do. Wart showed courage when he pulled
the sword out of the stone. He did not want to be King of England, let alone at such
a young age. He wanted to put the sword back in the stone or let someone else
become King. Wart was courageous and became King because he knew that was his
duty. These examples show that courage
The World with Journalism
Career Research Project Essay
Without journalism, we would not be living the life we have today. At the end of
the 20th Century there was a poll on what was the greatest invention of the last
millennium. The top invention was the printing press invented by Guttenberg. The
reason for the selection was the written word preserved knowledge. Prior to this
everything we learned was passed by word of mouth. Many disasters and disease
caused knowledge to be lost. Essentially mankind had to relearn things over and over
Journalism has been around since before the printing press was even invented.
People have always, naturally spread information. There were many peoples who
had elders who would give the oral history of their people and who would tell
heroic tales. Homer told the story of the Iliad for the Greeks. African chiefs told tales
of bravery of their peoples. The same occurred throughout the World from the
American Indians, the Mayas and Aztec to the Aboriginals of Australia. Journalism is
the passing of knowledge and ideas between people.
From the creation of the printing press and Gutenberg s Bible, print journalism
evolved to include included reporting in newspapers, magazines and anything else
that is printed. Print journalism later expanded to broadcast journalism,
photojournalism, gonzo journalism and many other forms of journalism.
For example there are reporters who report news. This type of journalism can be news
reporting for business, news, human
Relational Database For Relational Databases
A simple, unpopular family owned store has just created a website. On this
website, they give their customers the ability to create accounts, shop, buy products
and have products shipped directly to their homes. Every customer s personal,
shipping and payment information as well as every product s price, description and
/or picture is needed to be stored and organized somewhere where it could be easily
processed. All this necessary data could most likely be found in a relational database
that the store uses to efficiently run all the necessary transactions. In this database, all
the data is collected and grouped into different pockets or tables that better categorize
the information. Through the relationships created between the tables,... Show more
content on ...
It has become hard to scale relational databases in the direction and to the degree
needed to manage big data in a successful and less expensive way. Instead, a new
system, known as NoSQL or Not Only SQL , has been created that makes the
processing of terabytes and even petabytes of data possible (Paghy, RDBMS to
NoSQL ).
Many social networking and/or big data companies like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo,
Google and Amazon are now known for using NoSQL databases. This is because
NoSQL systems are non relational and do not structure their data in tables or
typically manipulate or process the data with SQL. Having less restrictions than a
relational database, NoSQL has the ability to better handle huge quantities of data in
a more efficient way (Moniruzzaman, NoSQL Database... ). This paper will dig
deeper in the several characteristics of NoSQL database systems that separate them
from the relational ones. It will also introduce the different models that make up the
system as well and a few examples that are currently being used and becoming
popular today.
1.Characteristics of NoSQL
NoSQL is best known for typically being non relational , meaning that it can store
and link data without any structured restrictions (Paghy, RDBMS to NoSQL ). This
gives NoSQL databases the ability to do so much more than a simple relational
database could. It makes them scalable
Michael Vey Quotes
I give the book Michael Vey 1 The Prisoner of Cell 25 5 out of 5 stars because it is
action filled, the main character goes through many different emotions, and because it
has many unexpected turns.
Michael Vey may seem like a normal 14 year old boy, but really, he is electric.
Michael s best friend, Ostin Liss, and newfound friend, cheerleader Taylor Ridley
accidentally discover something, and find out there are others with similar powers.
They also find out someone, or something, is hunting them and have hunted the
others like them. After Michael s mother is kidnapped this journey begins with
Michael s friends and finding out more about his electricity.
I gave Michael Vey 5 out of 5 stars because the book is very action filled. For
example, ... Show more content on ...
On page 113 the book says, She s okay, isn t she? Mrs. Liss walked closer and put
her hand on mine. Her eyes were filled with tears. I have some bad news, honey.
Your mother s gone. I looked at her blankly. What do you mean? The police believe
she s been kidnapped, Mr. Liss said. My heart froze. Kidnapped? I think this quote
shows an example of alarm when Michael finds out his mom has been kidnapped.
On page 11 it says, As I sat down, Taylor Ridley, who sat in the desk to my left,
turned and smiled at me. Taylor is a cheerleader and one of the prettiest girls at
Meridian. Heck, she s one of the prettiest girls in any high school anywhere in the
world. I chose this quote because it shows how affectionate Michael is, at the
beginning of the book, when it comes to Taylor Ridley or just thinking about her.
On page 35 it says, Stop it, I said. Make me. I went back to my studying. Less than
a minute later another marble hit me in the head. As I looked up, I noticed a metal
trim that ran along the wall where Cody was leaning. I don t know why I did it
maybe I was still feeling great from finally putting Jack in his place, maybe I was
showing off for Taylor. But, most likely, it was a culmination of too many years of
being bullied. Whatever the reason, I was done with playing the victim. I slowly
reached back and touched the trim behind me and pulsed. Cody let out
Kyoto Protocol And The Protocol
As a basic description the Kyoto Protocol is a document, which legally binds all
member countries that are classified as developed to meet specific emission
reduction targets. The protocol brings with it several Commitment periods , which
as the name suggests are periods of time by which member states are bound to the
protocol. The initial commitment period began in 2008 and ceased in 2012. The
next began in 2013 and will end in 2020. Currently there are 192 member states to
the protocol. It has been determined that developed countries are primarily
responsible for the current elevated levels of Greenhouse gases (GHG). The Kyoto
Protocolputs heavier goals on the developed countries based on the idea of
differentiated but common responsibilities. The Protocol dictates that there are six
primary Greenhouse gases identified as contributing the most harm to the natural
environment, these being: Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, Hydro
fluorocarbons, Per fluorocarbons and Sulfur Hexafluoride (U.S. EPA, N.D.)
Each nation has their own individual targets. The average target was a cut of
roughly 5%, in comparison to the levels in the atmosphere in 1990 and 2012 (The
Guardian, 2012). Some countries have a different approach to the protocol than
others. An example of this is the United States, which is yet to ratify the protocol and
also happens to be the second largest total emitter (second to China) and largest
emitter per capita of greenhouse gases in the world (M.
Second Person Hope Meets
The Second Person Hope Meets in Heaven
Engulfed in a sea of black, Hope could see nothing, she didn t need to. She knew
exactly where she was.
Feeling the soft breeze grasp her fingertips, and rustle the leaves beneath her feet she
Smelling the air mixed with fall and ocean she knew.
Hearing the barking of dogs and yelling of school children, she knew...
She knew that before her would be a little blue house, with pieces of the shingles
missing, a large window that left nothing to the imagination, and a white door that led
to her life.
This was a place of love, a place of hate.
It was a place which whispered I love you and a place that screamed, I don t love you
anymore .
A place where a fight lurked beneath the surface, and joy seeped through ... Show
more content on ...
She remembered not understanding how one could simply chooses not to deal with
it. And eventually they both gave up on trying to understand. They had drawn lines in
the sand, built walls made of brick that were twenty feet tall. It would never be the
They stayed in the walls most of Hope s life, shooting arrows at each other,
sometimes without realization. And at times, when they called a cease fire, they
would both come out of those walls. Inching closer and closer to the line in the sand,
closer to the relationship they used to have. Then, someone one would throw a bomb.
A vicious cycle of mother, daughter love.
And now years later, sitting face to face with the women who she called Mom she
could only think The walls are what keep you safe .
All her life these walls had kept her safe. Only to be torn down by a sentence, by the
women who had helped build them. Lauren looked at her daughter and muttered,
Darling, those walls we built, they were never made of brick, but merely straw .
The Second Person Hope Meets in
Advantages Of The Enterprise And Regulatory Reform
This essay aims to lay out the advantages and disadvantages of the Enterprise and
Regulatory Reform Acts 2013 s affect upon corporate governance, and more
specifically, executive compensation. Using a selection of sources from the media
to give examples and illustrate opinions held by different stakeholders, the essay
will provide an overview of the potential changes to the business market in the UK
and the factors on which these changes depend. Whilst researching around the topic,
I also had an opportunity to speak with several owners of small medium sized
enterprises, SMEs, who gave me an insight into their opinions from working
alongside company CEOs.
Companies are directed and controlled by a system known as corporate governance,
in which boards of directors are responsible for governing their companies. The board
of directors have responsibilities such as setting strategy aims for the company,
supervising management and providing leadership. They must also report to the
shareholders on their duties as directors. Their actions are subject to laws and
regulations, as well as the shareholders in a general meeting. The shareholders
appoint directors and auditors and must satisfy themselves that the structure in place
to govern the company is adequate, (Financial Reporting Council, 2014).
The recent economic recession has caused many UK businesses to suffer a fall in
revenues, and therefore profits. Due to this, shareholders have angered by their
reduced dividends and some
Pros And Cons Of The Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion
When looking for a name you recognize, you may want to try Aveeno Baby Daily
Moisture Lotion. This baby lotion protects delicate skin and has a quick absorb
formula that ensures the lotion is properly soaked into your baby s skin. This
lotion can moisturize your baby s skin for 24 hours and the active ingredients
protect your baby from chapped, chafed, and cracked skin. The lotion is fragrant
free to prevent irritation, it is non greasy, and non comedogenic. This lotion is
tested and approved by pediatricians. Aveeno Baby Lotion is formulated with
soothing dimethazone and oatmeal. Let s look closer at the pros and cons of the
Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion. Pros: This baby lotion protects delicate skin.
Aveeno Baby Lotion has a quick absorb formula that ensures the lotion is properly
soaked into your baby s skin. This lotion can moisturize your baby s skin for 24
hours. The active ingredients of this lotion can protect your baby from chapped,
chafed, and cracked skin. The lotion is fragrant free to prevent irritation. This lotion
is non greasy. Aveeno is non comedogenic. This lotion is tested and approved by
pediatricians. Aveeno Baby Lotion is formulated with soothing dimethazone and
oatmeal. This lotion contains no drying alcohols, won t clog pores, and is fragrance
free. This lotion is hypoallergenic. This lotion is great for babies with sensitive skin
because being rich in emollients and having a special blend of natural oats. This
lotion is
The Habit Of Persistence By Dr. Howard Watson
The Habit of Persistence
By Dr Howard Watson | Submitted On November 07, 2012
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Expert Author Dr Howard Watson
There are many behavioural characteristics that can be identified amongst those
individuals who have succeeded as entrepreneurs and have consequently become self
made millionaires. One of the most important of such desirable and acquirable
attitudes is the habit of being persistent.
Calvin Coolidge stated this most eloquently when he said;
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is
more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded
genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On has solved
and always will solve the problems of the human race.
So what is persistence? Persistence is the determination to do something even though
it is difficult or other people oppose it. It is that dogged tenacity to never let go, like
a bulldog, until you achieve your goal.
The general principle is that if you want to be successful you must not give up too
early along the success
Dramaturgical Metaphor Erving Goffman
Erving Goffman s above statement, referencing actors and public image, is a clear
allusion to his dramaturgical metaphor, which is one branch of his work on
symbolic interactionism. His dramaturgical metaphor delves into the premise that
we are all actors who perform to others as our audience (Goffman, 1990). It is this
metaphor which will be evaluated and analysed for its sociological significance, as
well as the practical implications of the statement above, and what it means to be
sociologically significant. Many other sociologists have also tackled the depths of
Symbolic Interactionism, or the themes explored by the dramaturgical metaphor, of
the likes of, Mead and Blumer. Their insights and contributions will be discussed
concerning Goffman s statement. However, it is Goffman s dramaturgical metaphor
which will be of the most help in evaluating the statement given and its sociological
significance. Although, as relayed above, other sociologists work, such as Meads idea
of the self being split into the I and the Me, and their individual functions will be
important in helping us further evaluate the statement, and its sociological
significance (Pampel, 2007). As will Blumer s three pronged approach to symbolic
interactionism, allowing us to grasp a basic understanding of the concepts and
frameworks surrounding symbolic interactionism, and enhance our knowledge of the
dramaturgical metaphors place in symbolic interactionism (Carter Fuller, 2015).
Overall, the
The City Of Calgary, Alberta And Delia Pervera De Leon
We, Jerome de Leon, of the City of Calgary, Alberta and Delia Pervera De Leon, of
City the of San Jose California, United States, AFFIRM as follows: 1)We are the
Applicants and as such have knowledge of the matters hereinafter deposed to, where
our knowledge comes from other sources, we have stated the sources and I verily
believe those ought to be true.
2)The Respondent, Dhruv Miglani, resides at 42 Crown Forest Court, Brampton,
Ontario L6Y 2Y5. Hereinafter to as Mr. Miglani .
3)Attached hereto and marked, as Exhibit A to my affidavit is true copy of Notice of
Application issued on August 24, 2016.
Agreement for the Sale of Property
4)The property, municipally known as 350 Webb Drive, Unit 1809,... Show more
content on ...
Mr. Patra also mentioned that he will not close the transaction without the above is
done and if the above is not done, his client will require compensation of at least
$10,000.00. Attached hereto and marked, as Exhibit D to my affidavit is true copy
of faxed letter, dated June 27, 2016.
8)We arrived from Calgary and California to make the arrangement for the cleaning
of the property arranged certified company, ORKIN Canada, for Pest Control
Treatment and BCS Services to clean the property. Attached hereto and marked, as
Exhibit E to my affidavit is true copy of ORKIN Canada, for Pest Control Treatment
and BCS Services report and invoices.
9)Our real estate lawyer, Mr. Taheri, provided receipts of both above referred
companies, ORKIN Canada and BCS Services to respondent s real estate lawyer,
Mr. Phatra and on June 29, 2016, faxed him a letter that our clients had pest control
company attended the premises and took the necessary steps to spray and removed
all pest, if any . Mr. Taheri further advised that all the appliances remain to be in the
same condition as they were when the purchaser, Mr. Miglani, signed the Agreement
of Purchase and Sale and same will not be replaced nor will any compensation be
given as per Agreement of Purchase and
Latin Strange Symbols
Latin, strange symbols, ancient chronicles of events I didn t recognize. They swam
around my head and faded as quickly as they had appeared. It all came back to me,
slow and hazy; researching a dead language, thinking one symbol looked familiar, my
thoughts roaming to the graffiti on the wall of an abandoned lumberyard where a
vamp nest we were hunting had settled down. My mind kept wandering to irrelevant
memories until it all blurred together and everything just faded into black.
I didn t dream of anything noteworthy. I never did. More nightmares than dreams,
but if I got lucky I didn t see anything but black until I woke.
I don t move in my sleep, that s what I ve been told. Which is hard to believe since I
know what s really going on ... Show more content on ...
crap the wet spot had already dried somewhat, but the ink was smudged and it
looked like something out of librarians nightmare. My only course of action was to
hide the sucker in some random shelf corner and hope it s never opened again, and
that s exactly what I did. After throwing the granola wrappers and coffee cups away,
I put the jacket back on just in time to avoid whoever was stomping towards the
library, witnessing me destroying all evidence of my nap induced crime. The sound
of heavy work boots echoed from the hall. It was unmistakable and a small smile
broke through my half asleep fog.
A figure popped up on the edge of my vision, making its way across the room,
messing with the record player in the corner of the library. The sound of an old bass
guitar and the artists raspy southern accent replaced the smooth jazz that filled the
room moments before. He pushed the small towel on his head, back onto his
shoulders, running his hands through his damp hair.
Morning, sleeping beauty. Did you dream about me he smirked over his shoulder,
the corner of his eyes crinkling slightly. My mood brightened at his friendly teasing.
You wish. Do you know where this jacket came from I said gesturing to the baggy
article wrapped around
Sasa Dance Essay
If I had to study, learn and preform one style of dance, I would choose Salsa
dancing. I find this style interesting because it looks very fun to watch while it
makes me want to start dancing even without knowing any salsa moves. Hearing
the bongos pounding with the maracas sending shockwaves through a person s
body is a sight to behold upon the dancing world. Being inexperienced is not an
issue at all because you re not judged by doing it incorrectly, but judged upon your
enthusiasm to the best performance given. There are many characteristics of salsa
but here are a few of them. It is a partner dancewhere the man leads and the woman
follows. The music has 4 beats per measure but the dancers only take steps on 3 of
the beats pausing for one
Keeper N Me By Richard Wagamese
Keeper N Me by Richard Wagamese, is a novel based on the necessary balance
between life and the culture in which one belongs to. This is a necessary aspect in
order to maintain a steady relationship with one s self. In this novel passing on
traditions or a certain way of life from generation to generationis one of the most
important aspects of guiding someone of the Ojibway culture, as the Ojibway people
have very strong beliefs and take their culture very seriously. The people of the
Ojibway culture believe that through storytelling and dreams one can realize the
importance of traditionand its influence on their identity. Wagamese throughout his
novel tries to teach the readers the power of one s community and traditions as he...
Show more content on ...
Dreams are also a guide in Ojibway culture, one of the things that elders tell you
nowadays to try real hard to remember, write them down even to help you.
(Wagamese 252). It is believe that through dreams one receives visions that are sent
to them by the spirit world. That vision could be just about anything and was meant
to be a sacred and private thing for the seeker. Gave a direction for their life. (252).
Dreams are believed to be important messages that provide one with direction and
strength (252).
The Ojibway honour the traditional way of storytelling as a guide in which it
provides a way to pass on words of wisdom and tradition from one generation to the
next. Bernice Weissbourd says: Because it s not only a child is inseparable from
the family in which he lives, but that the lives of families are determined by the
community in which they live and the cultural tradition from which they come. In
Keeper n me, Garnet was taken away from his family and placed in numerous
different white foster homes starting from the age of three; everywhere they moved
me I was the only Indian and no one ever took the time to tell me who I was, where I
came from of even what the hell was going on. (16) Because he was
В‘Freedom of Speech Means the Freedom to Offend.
George Orwell once famously said В‘If liberty means anything at all, it means the
right to tell people what they do not want to hear. This sentence sums up the very
essence of free speech; it is, as Orwell believed, the mother of all civil rights. Without
the unconditional freedom to offend it cannot exist. Ideas are, more often than not,
dangerous things. There is little point in having freedom of speechif it only defends
the most popular and innocuous of opinions. The freedom to offend can perpetrate
racial, social or religious intolerance; however, conversely, it is also the only means
available to fight against such bigotry. Free speech is not something to work towards
when the world is В‘better ; it is, rather, the vital tool through... Show more content
on ...
Again, it should be noted that by use of the word В‘promote , it is implicit that the
material on which the promotion is based exists. Censoring intolerance, or forcibly
punishing it by imprisonment, is not an effective tactic. Without the freedom to
offend, we cannot recognise these social problems, nor fight them with any real
conviction. Relating back to this line of debate is of course the overseas publication
of the controversial Danish cartoons. Cultural tensions within the European Muslim
communities have been building up for decades; the Danish Cartoon Armageddon of
early this year has only proven if anything, that social tolerance cannot be won
through silence or apathy. Rather, it can only be gained through the implementation
of free speech. To claim however that the caricatures championed some great В‘in
defence of free speech movement is wrong; they were, in themselves, badly drawn,
inarticulate, and obscenely unfunny. The Danish cartoons were deliberately
provocative, and as such blur the reasonable confines of expression. To lampoon the
free speech cause by using them to argue for censorship is ridiculous. One does not go
around punching people in the face to test their commitment to non violence;
similarly, the cartoons should not be used to test the attendant dangers of absolute free
The Definition of Disciple Essay example
The Definition of Disciple
Discipleship is the core of Christian ethics, especially as the last command of Jesus
(28:19). When I heard the word disciple in childhood Sunday School, I envisioned
an eager, bearded man with dirty robes straining intently towards Jesus, like a child
begging to hear more of a bedtime story. In high school youth group, we talked about
being good disciples by obeying the rules: no kissing, no running, no talking in
church. But as I re read Dietrich Bonhoeffer s stirring, straightforward work, The
Cost of Discipleship as a Lenten devotional, my idea of what a disciple is and does is
crumbling like old paint.
A few extremists, citing Matthew 16:25 as their justification, say that only those in the
... Show more content on ...
Discipleship in Matthew: Building Community
The gospel of Matthew is thought to have been written between 60 85A.C.E for
those within the Jewish community who believe in Christ as the Messiah. Because
the young sect still saw themselves as part of Israel, the persecution they
experienced from fellow Israelites called for decisive action: either reconcile with the
Jewish leaders or separate completely. In response, Matthew writes a narrative
account of Jesus focused on building a solid community still rooted in Jewish heritage,
but distinctly different in practice because of Christ (Koester).
Establishing a new community requires multiple individuals willing to dedicate
themselves to a common identity. Therefore, Matthew s gospel uses the word
disciple or disciples 68 times, more than any other synoptic gospel (Longenecker 4).
The text is mostly the direct words of Christ, revealing what it means to be a disciple
through listening to and obeying Jesus teaching.
In using narrative and didactic styles to convey Jesus story, Matthew not only
shares about the disciples, but seeks to make disciples out of his readers
(Donaldson 44). As an unintended result of my paper, then, the reader may find a
bit of personal challenge in my analysis. While I will refer to the general theme of
discipleship in all of Matthew, I will use the most direct passages Jesus
commissioning of the twelve in chapter 10 and his challenge to Peter in chapter 16 to
Research Paper On Basil
Probably one of the most popular herbs in the world is basil. Basil is used in many
different cultures either as something you cook with or something used for
medicinal purposes. Probably the most popular cuisine it is used in is Italian, but is
also used in many Southeastern Asian countries. Not too many people know that
basil has been used for many years as a type of medicineto cure many common
symptoms. Basil is well versed and one of the most popular and well known herbs in
many cultures. The origin of basil was dated back 5,000 years ago in India. Basil
was considered to be a very holy plant, in India many people were either buried with
the plant or the plant was placed around the temples where they were laid to rest in.
This belief
Hampton Machine Tool Company
Hampton Machine Tool Company
1.Why can t a profitable firm like Hampton repay its loan on time and why does it
need more bank financing? What major developments between November 1978 and
August 1979 contributed to this situation?
A/ Hampton Machine Tool Company was unable to repay its loan on time due to
several factors. One of such factors is the fact that the stock repurchase, for which
the loan was initially requested, was a major cash disbursement of $3 million. In the
period between November 1978 and August 1979, stock repurchase represented 58%
of total expenditures for that period, while inventory purchases represented 42% of
total expenditures. There were some developments that also contributed to this
situation. For ... Show more content on ...
One of the main reasons for this negative cash balance may be that Hampton is
experiencing liquidity problems, that is, they are not generating enough cash to pay
for their current expenses. Another factor that may contribute to such phenomenon is
the delays in production that Hampton has had because suppliers have not delivered
the raw materials. The inventory conversion period is greater than what Hampton can
finance because the cash conversion cycle is even greater than collections from
4.Critically evaluate the assumptions on which your forecasts are based. What
developments could alter your results? Is Mr. Cowins correct in his belief that
Hampton can repay the loan in December?
Some of the assumptions include: One assumption that should be clearly analyzed
is that the collection period is of 30 days net. Not always customers have the ability
and willingness to pay off their debts in 30 days, some may take more time, and
some could incur in bad debt. Another assumption Hampton is making is that the
company will be able to pay off debts in 30 days. There is no 100% certainty this
will happen. The assumption that accruals and prepaid expenses will remain fairly
stable and constant should be analyzed more clearly, because this is not always the
case. Another assumption is that the shipments are going to be made exactly as they
forecasted. It is important to note that in the
Why It Is Important For Counselors
If is important for counselors to be well trainee in interpretation and communication
of results because if results are not communicated correctly and effectively there may
be misperceived or misunderstood by the individual receiving the interpretation. This
is a unique form of communication for counselors and the success of this is vital. Our
textbook provides us with information explaining the importance and value of sharing
test interpretations with the individual who took the assessment. Goodyear (1990)
tentatively concludes that those individuals who received their test interpretation
experienced greater results in counseling compared to those who did not receive
interpretations. It can be challenging for counselors to break down these results in a
way that the individuals taking the assessment can understand and relate to so it
critical that counselors receive more training to develop these skills. If test results
are not communicated effectively or are misperceived it could cause serious
confusion for the individual and significantly impact the way they view themselves
and their abilities. Test results can be difficult to understand especially if terminology
you are using becomes confusing or is misunderstood by the client. As the book
states we need to be comfortable communicating and interpreting the results before
we begin to share with the client so that when we are delivering the results we are
able to focus on the clients reactions and questions rather
Online Predators and the Need for Preventative Measures...
The Internet is an immense database that provides users with a tremendous amount of
information on research, commerce, and entertainment. Unfortunately, as the internet
keeps advancing, online predators continue to become more successful in what they
do. The internet is an ideal network for pedophiles to pursue their interests and
fixations with young children. It enables them to locate and interact with adolescents
more rapidly than ever before. Although the idea of pedophiles luring children in on
the internetis a horrifying image, it is happening. It is through the internet s easy
accessibility that children continue to become vulnerable to these internet predators
while engaging in social networking sites. With a simple click of... Show more
content on ...
First, they review online profiles until they locate someone who fits their agenda.
After locating an appropriate match, a predator usually attempts to get the innocent
child into a personal conversation. Online predators often seduce their targets through
the use of fondness and compassion. Once they gain the teenagers trust, they bribe
the teen into meeting with them on a more personal basis (Mitchell, 2006).
Unfortunately, online predators are usually looking for sex or arousal. In worst
cases, however, meeting with these predators can all too often be fatal for young
children. For this reason, a solution needs to be taken into action to decrease the risk
of exposing these young children to online predators.
However, many feel that the only way to reduce the risk of internet pedophiles is to
develop an identity verification tool for social networking web sites. Unfortunately, a
new study concludes that the threat facing children online is no worse than it is in
the real world. Age verification technologies only work if people choose to use them
(Talbot, 2009). Therefore, the only true way to protect our children is through proper
education and awareness. By informing parents, educators, and teenagers of online
predators, the number of sexual crimes against young children online can be greatly
reduced. As a result, the community needs to inform the younger generation about the
proper precautions that
Case Study On Omango
Executive Summary
Two Wheeled Omango is a bicycle based courier service in Mumbai, India, catering
to law and justice firms. The Omango can transport documents as well as small
parcels to clients, other law and justice firms, as well as transport and file
documents with the clerk of courts. Law and justice firms will be the primary group
of customers and the only one targeted, non law and justice firm customers will be
served as well, but will not be targeted.
The Omango will offer reliability and industry insight to law and justice firms,
enabling it to provide superior service relative to the current service providers. This
will allow the corporation to rapidly gain market share. Profitability will be reached
by month nine, and revenue for year three will be very comfortable. 1.1 Objectives
The objectives for the first three years of operation include:
To create a service based corporation whose ... Show more content on
Reliability is a characteristic that is very important to law and justice firms. The
firms require reliability of delivery. Often the delivery of legal documents is critical.
The Omango achieves reliability through a redundant back up system that always
provides an alternative method of delivery if the specific bicycle messenger
encounters difficulty. By having a back up system, the corporation ensures that even
if the primary messenger fails, there is a back up ready to complete the delivery.
The second competitive advantage is industry insight. It is a true advantage for
Prabhat to have worked as an attorney for several years. This work gave him industry
insight that is not replicable without actually doing the work. The insight is valuable
because Prabhat knows intimately what attorneys need in regards to document
delivery. While other companies will gain some insight by serving the attorney
market over time, it will not compare in breadth to Prabhat s.
5.2 Sales
Aortic Stenosis Research Paper
Aortic stenosis is the narrowing down of the opening of the aortic heart valve, this
is a common valvular disease in the modern world. The aortic stenosis is classified
into two types, congenital and acquired. In congenital aortic stenosis, it is often
observed that the malformation of a bicuspid valve instead of a natural tricuspid
valve. The leaflets are fused to create a bicuspid structure. While in acquired
stenosis, there is narrowing down of the valve opening due to calcification which
usually starts from the roots and extends to the end of the opening creating a
stiffened and narrowed opening as shown in Figure 7 [22]. This calcification process
formed over the course of decades of unhealthy diet, smoking, obesity and other
cardio vascular... Show more content on ...
50 percent of patients with severe aortic stenosis wouldn t serve the nominal two
year life expectancy in respect to those with Aortic valve replacement[28]. Hence,
emphasis on the study of aortic stenosis and its progression is of decisive
significance [23].
Classifications of aortic stenosis is often based on factors that include its opening
area and the pressure related to it. These are often derived from the echocardiography
recordings the change in the relation between the mean opening areas to the pressure
gradients provides insights about the severity of the disease in terms of its effect on
the left ventricle increased load.
Aortic stenosis progression is generally classified into the
The Disappearance And Murder Of Tim Bosma
The disappearance and murder of Tim Bosma was one that captivated much of the
news and the public during May of 2013. An ordinary man from Ontario went
missing while with two men who were test driving his vehicle, only for his burnt
remains found a week later. The two men Dellen Millard, and Mark Smich who were
with Bosma during the test drive were eventually charged with first degree murder,
and later on both were convicted of that charge and sentenced to life in prison
(Armstrong Russell, 2014). This was a case that had many different policeofficers
evolved in. With the Hamilton Police Service (HPS) leading the investigation they
were also assisted by both the Toronto Police Service (TPS) as well as the Ontario
Provincial Police (OPP)... Show more content on ...
Another group that would be involved would be the general duty officers who would
assist is searching, and preserving the scenes where HPS where searching for clues
relating to the Bosma disappearance, and murder (Visser Humphreys, 2013). One of
the most important units involved in this investigation was the Forensic
Identification Services (FIS) members who are responsible for preserving, and
collecting all of the evidence. These officers worked along side the members
previously mentioned throughout the investigation collecting much evidence from
both Bosmas truck as well as other locations that were searched. 1
What Issues are Present There were many different issues that were present during
the investigation to the Tim Bosma murder. For one the length of the investigation,
and the amount of forensic evidence that was collected, and analyzed. The HPS
explained to the court the evidence collected from Bosma truck. They took sixty
four blood swabs in and around the truck; furthermore, they also took 23 fingerprints
from the truck on 20 different items with two of them matching to Millard
(Clairmont, 2016). A cut was made in a green tarp to remove the section with blood
stains on it, as well soil and vegetation samples were taken from the tires (Clairmont,
2016). They also collected shards of glass from a broken passenger window. This is
just an example of the amount of evidence that was collected from just the truck in
the Bosma murder investigation. Another
The Collection At The Museum Of Fine Arts
Integrated into the Permanent Collection at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts,
Pieter Brueghel the Younger 1620 s painting Return from the Inn, illustrates an
outdoor winter scenery of rustic peasant life in early seventeenth century Belgium.
Born in 1564 or 1565 in Brussels, Belgium, Pieter Brueghel the Youngerwas a
Flemish painter best known for being the oldest son of the notable sixteenth century
Netherlandish painter Pieter Brueghel the Elder and Mayken Coecke van Aelstv
(Artnet, 2016). Following the passing of both of his parents, Brueghel the Younger
and his siblings Marie and Jan went to live with their grandmother Mayken Verhulst,
a reputable painter of watercolors. It was her who acquainted Brueghel the Younger
to painting. Around 1578, the family relocated to Antwerp, Belgium, where Brueghel
the Younger settled down and started a family. Also during this time, Brueghel the
Younger was practicing painting in the studio of a landscape painter, Gillis van
Coninxloo (Artnet, 2016).
The flourishing art market of this era and the high demand of Pieter Brueghel the
Elder s paintings drove his son to dedicate his time to recreating a body of low
priced and inspired replicas of his father s peasant scenes works (ArtUK, 2016). Akin
to his father, he painted sceneries, religious matters, axioms and small town
landscapes. The paintings were sold for local sale and export and were generally
noted as missing humanism and nuance. In addition, he did create authentic
Agent Kern s Ethical Dilemmas
Trained clairvoyant castoffs strive to use their special powers for good. PILOT
LOGLINE The clairvoyant team tracks down a stolen dog, whose collar contains
top secret information and in the process they also expose a deeper conspiracy.
BRIEF SYNOPSIS AIDEN TRELANE (31) is a fun loving guy with a special
ability: he has the power of telekinesis. When he s arrested and admitted to a psych
hospital, he makes a deal with AGENT MOLLY KERN (40 s) to join a
government team of clairvoyant rejects. Agent Kern reassures Trelane that his
sister, LAURA (20 s), who s catatonic, is safe. It s a new start for him and a chance
at redemption. Trelane joins the other specialists : psychic PINTO (33) and remote
viewer ZAZ (24). Agent Kern, along... Show more content on ...
The team works to hone their skills. The team is given their assignment. A dog was
snatched from its owner. Inside the dog s collar are the schematics for a top secret
pulse weapon. Behind the dog snatching is YURI AUCKMAN. The team needs to
find and rescue the dog. The team meets with the owner, HAROLD FUNG (62)
and using their skills they confront, CARLOS, the gardener, who helped the dog
kidnappers. They track down Yuri and rescue the dog. Trelane decides to leave the
group and says good bye. The other members of the team overhear Agent Kern and
the doctor making a deal and transferring money. She s doubled crossed them.
Agent Kern uses her suppressor to knock out the team. She grabs a flash drive with
the information, but suddenly the drive slips through her hand and lands in Trelane
s hand. He s back. The doctor attacks Trelane and injects him with a sedative. The
group wakes up to realize there s a bomb. Trelane uses his special abilities to throw
the bomb out of the window. They battle Agent Kern. The victorious team decides
that they want to go rogue and form their own team to help those who need it. There
s just one thing missing...
Essay about Australian Economy Post World War I
It has been argued that after World War 1, Australia gained more than it lost. Even
though there were many lives lost during the war, these losses didn t hold Australia
back as a country. Australia was fortunate enough to come out of the war with more
than they put into the war. Some of these gains are There economy boomed, the
relationship between Australia and Britain was stronger, the women replaced the men
s jobs, many immigrants were encouraged to migrate to Australia. Although Australia
gained many things they still lost a lot. These were things such as Australia spent a
lot of money, they lost many troops and lost trade with Germany. Although Australia
lost some things, they were outweighed by the things they ... Show more content on ...
During the war the British soldiers looked up to the Australian soldiers because of
their spirit. The Australian soldiers also looked up to the British soldiers and called
England the Mother Country. Also the Australians liked to call themselves British.
Lastly Britain bought a lot of Australia s wheat to commemorate their war effort
Body paragraph 3
What did all the women do during the war?
With half a million men away at war, leaving their day to day jobs, who replaced
the the workers? The women did. Women replaced the men s jobs such as
munitions factory workers, sewing bandages, and selling war bonds, shipyards
and spies. This is good because before the war women were unimportant and were
only aloud in the kitchen The only negative about the women working in the men s
jobs was they didn t get paid as much as the men. The number of women in the
workforce rose from 24% to 37%. This is close to 500,000 women to close to one
million women. This says that in the workforce, women rose in a total of 500,000.
Body paragraph 4
Why did all the immigrants settle to Australia?
With the already little population of 5 million Australian people and the loss of
300,000 men, this should have been a dark time, but to make up on that loss Australia
received 300,000 migrants. These Migrants came from Britain. As there was a large
amount of unemployment the British government encouraged the people of britain to
migrate to Australia. Also the
King Conceptual System Theory
An Overview of the Conservation Model and the Conceptual System Theory
Everything in life has a purpose for their existence, and each human being is valued
for their strength, knowledge, power but a lack of capability for interacting with
their surroundings can bring many obstacles in their way in other for the meaningful
and desirable goals to be reached. King s Theory of GoalAttainment bring a great
concentration on the accomplishments of certain life goals and this can only happen
if the nurse and the patient has the capacity to communicate and work together, and
only then these life goals can be achieved (George, 2011).
Levine s model encourages the use of adaptation and maintains integrity, energy
through the process of conservation. This is can be done with the help of nursing care
and nursing involvements. With encouraging conservation, a nurse can assist in
promoting the person s well being (George, 2011).
Kings Conceptual System Theory King had many believe based on his Conceptual
System Theory, he believes that each person views and interprets the world as an
entire being in making transactions with individuals and things in their surroundings.
He also believes that the exchange or interaction represents a life situation in which
the interpreter and what is being interpreted unexpectedly experiences and in which
the individual enters the situation as a dynamic partaker and is individually changed
in the process of these
The Influence Of Family Sitcoms In The 1970 s
The family sitcom has always been a form of entertainment that has brought people
together, and has played a pivotal role in American society. Family values often
change over time to reflect the issues being faced by each family member
generationally. Media and entertainment are often affected by the social and political
issues of their time. Many of these issues, and the way that these issues have shaped
American values, have often influenced the content of television sitcoms. Although
familysitcoms often reflect the values of real American families, in the 1970s, many
television families had very few flaws, as opposed to the real families of the 1970s.
Meanwhile, television families more accurately represented real families in the 1980s.
... Show more content on ...
Before the seventies, family values were more conservative and traditional with
the popularization of the nuclear family in the fifties and sixties. The nuclear
family was ...built around the nucleus of the mother and father... (Stanley, 2012).
This changed in the 1970s due to the economic and social struggle inflicted by the
Cold War and Vietnam (Stanley, 2012). Family size began to go down because
people could not afford big families anymore. This trend continued into the eighties
when, ...the average family size dropped from 3.58 people in 1970 to 3.29 people
in 1980... (Suro, 1991). Because of financial struggle, family size was less of a
priority for the average family. Another change in the 1980s was that marriage was
not valued as much as it was in previous years. When a group of high school seniors
were surveyed, there was ...a modest (4% 5%) decline in the late 1980s in the
fraction of female seniors saying that they thought it very likely that they would stay
married for a lifetime to the same person... (Thornton Young Demarco, 2001).
Because of the lack of optimism in the 1970s, young women were not as enthusiastic
about marriage as previous generations. Because of social, political, and economic
struggles and advancements, family values changed between these two
What Are The Causes Of Procrastination Among
It is undeniable that most students include university students have the habit of
procrastination mostly in their homework, reports and assignments. They usually like
to delay their works and do them last minutes. Beswick and Mann (1994) state that
procrastination is the action of delaying the beginning or completing an intended
course. Ferrari and Pychyl (2008) state that the habit of procrastination brings a lot of
negative effects to the students, such as low achievement of students or increase their
physical and psychological problems. There are three reasons that cause
procrastination among the university students, which are distractions, difficulty in
regulating emotions and lack of motivation. The first reason of procrastination...
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There are some causes of lack of motivation, such as lack of confidence, unclear goals
and they are surrounded by negativity. Some of the university students are lack of
confidence. They always think that they are weak in anything and they will get low
marks in their assignments. This will cause them do not have the motion to start or
do the assignments. In addition, some university students do not get motivation from
their friends. A students attitude in his studies is easily influenced by his
surrounding friends. For example, if a student is surrounded by the friends who will
do their assignments earlier and submit them on time, the student will be motivated
by completing and submitting his assignments on time. Moreover, some of the
university students do not have their clear goals in their studies. This will cause
them lack of motion to study and do their assignments. For example, if a student do
not determine a goal or fix a direction in his studies, he will feel bored and become
lazy to complete the assignments. This is because he does not know what he will
obtain from his studies. Therefore, the third reason of procrastination among the
university students is lack of
How Max Planck Changed Our Understanding Of The
Max Planck has changed our understanding as it has increased our human
understanding of the frequency of radiation, given our in packets of energy now
know as quanta. It has formed the basis of modern physics, and now the principles of
quantum physics are being applied to an increasing number of areas, which include,
quantum optics, quantum chemistry, quantum computing, and quantum
cryptography. Max s theories and discoveries have changed our understanding of the
process of atomic and subatomic atoms, meaning he used the idea of quanta (discrete
units of energy) to explain hot glowing matter. He has began the study into the field
of quantum physics. Some say Max has refined our knowledge of the Universes
composition and evolution.
Max Planck s
Mao Zedong Of The Communist Party Of China
In the 1960 s the Chairman of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong feared
that China would move too far in a revisionist direction with an emphasis on
expertise rather than on ideological purity as the Soviet model was doing. In
response Mao gathered a group of radicals such as Defense Minister Lin Biaoto help
him attack current party leadership to reassert the authority he had lost during the
recent economic crisis and the Great Leap Forward. In 1966, Mao launched the Great
Proletarian Cultural Revolution(1966 1976). The goal of the movement was to
purify Chinese society by upholdling only true Communist ideology. This was an
attempt to revive the revolutionary spirit that had led to victory in the civil war
decades earlier and the formation of the People s Republic of China. Mao claimed
that bourgeois foundations had infiltrated the government and society with the
intentions of restoring capitalism. Mao believed that the current Communist leaders
were guiding China in the wrong direction and as a result he called the nation s
youth to purge capitalist and traditional fundamentals from Chinese society and re
impose Maoist thought in their place. This lead to a violet class struggle, as China s
youth responded to Mao s call by forming Red Guard groups around the country. The
movement was soon amplified to a class struggle on all fronts as it spread into the
military, the urban workers and even the Communist Party leadership. President Liu
Shaoqiand other Communist
Essay on The Devil Wears Prada Film Case Study
The Devil Wears Prada
Film Case Study
The Devil Wears Prada is a movie about a naГЇve, yet smart young woman named
Andrea Sachs, and her journey to becoming a journalist. Andrea, also known as Andy,
graduated from Northwestern University and interviewed for a job at Runway, a
major fashion magazine in New York City. Being a simple young woman, Andy wasn
t necessarily up to speed with the fashion industry, but ended up landing the job.
Miranda Priestly, editor in chief at Runway hired Andy because she was different
from any of her previous assistants. If Andy worked as an assistant to Miranda for
at least a year, she was under the impression that she could easily be hired as a
journalist in the future. The only problem was ... Show more content on ...
Even Emily, Miranda s other assistant began to get jealous of Andy s
I think Miranda displays several different types of power throughout the movie.
Individuals with legitimate power can influence people through requests or
demands within their position. Miranda uses her power sources in this way
through authority among her co workers. Even though reward power and coercive
power are opposite, Miranda carried out both. It s obvious that she conducts
coercive power by using threatening gestures and the fear of punishment to gain
power among her work place. Miranda portrays reward power in a case like Andy s
because being at Runway for a year will give her extensive job opportunities in the
future. Miranda knows that Andy is a smart, hard worker, and she ll do whatever
she is told in order to remain an assistant, and be rewarded with a good job in the
future. Out of the three power bases I ve mentioned for Miranda, I think legitimate
power is most important and prominently used in her character role. Legitimate
power is similar to the learning style we ve been experiencing is class. Nigel had
worked with Miranda for several years, and by now had built a strong relationship
with her. She still bossed him around, just like she did everyone else, but he knew
all of her tricks and was able to respond to her better than most of her colleagues.
Nigel was very knowledgeable not only
Chris Brown Research Paper
Is Chris Brown the greatest male R B artist? Of course he is. He s multi talented
and has a very creative mind. Brown dances, plays sports, directs, writes music, and
last but certainly not least sings. Since his first hit single Run it! in 2005, he has
shown the world his passion and dedication for his musiccareer and has earned the
title of the greatest male R B artist (Biography). Christopher Maurice Brown was
born on May 5, 1989, in Tappahannock, Virginia. Brown grew up in a small town of
about 2,000 people. He loved singing in his church choir and was inspired by other
musical artists such as Sam Cooke, Stevie Wonder, and Michael Jackson. Brown was
discovered by Tina Davis, who is now his manager, while she was working for def
jams.... Show more content on ...
Just that name in itself should let you know how amazing of an artist Brown is, he
chose to be in his daughter s life even though his music career was in full effect.
This however cost Brown the love his life, also known as Karrueche Tran. Being
how Brown had Royalty out of wedlock and not with Ms. Tran this caused her to
leave him where he stood and place a restraining order on him, as she stated on the
Wendy Williams show on February 27th, 2018. Receiving yet another loss of a
beloved and gaining the most important one made Brown thrive in the music
industry producing two songs being Little More (Royalty) about his daughter and
Back to Sleep about Ms. Tran. These were two hits which aided to yet another
accomplishment Brown has achieved over the past eight years is his own clothing
brand known as Black Pyramid. Where Brown receives anywhere from 15 20 million
dollars in revenue for the clothes in the year of 2016
Auditory Neuropathy
Most existing research and models of auditory neuropathy has utilised gerbils. At
present no robust model of auditory neuropathy in guinea pigs exists; previous
guinea pig models have been used but these were not robust and were susceptible
to confounding. The use of tests such as DPOAE and assessment of IHC hair cell
morphology are important are vital as these provide information about hair cell
status and functioning; without these, elevated ABR thresholds could be
exacerbated by damaged hair cells. Previous research has suggested the guinea pig
is unsuited for use as an Auditory Neuropathy model as Ouabain preferentially
damages HCs in guinea pigs (Fu, Ding, Jiang, Salvi, 2012; Hamada Kimura, 1999).
Our (current?) research has demonstrated that Ouabian treatment in guinea pigs can
spare HCs while removing SGN and thus can be used as a model of auditory
neuropathy. Of the treatment conditions (#2, 4, 5, 6) #2 (10 mM OB drip 30
minutes) and #5 (5 mM OB Whatman paper 60 minutes) are well suited to an animal
model of auditory... Show more content on ...
The focal lesion created by condition #2 alongside the larger size of the guinea pig
(brainstem?) would facilitate the assessment of tonotopicity for any stem cell based
treatment for SGN or HC replacement. Limitations: Some conditions sample size
n=1. No 30min 10mM paper treatment or 60 min 10mM drip treatment from which
to analyse impact of duration. No fluorescence. Further research: Assessment of fibre
types impacted by different conditions such as high spon vs low spon? Assessment of
microenvironment at different timepoints as this has been linked to the success or
failure of stem cells to survive (Lang et al., 2008; Warnecke, Mellott, Römer,
Lenarz, Staecker,
The Presidential Election Of The Obama Administration
In 2016, the end of the Obama administration but the beginning of someone else s,
who will it be? In the 2016 presidential race there are seven candidates, five
republicans and two democrats but only two will win their respective party
nomination. The Republican candidates are Donald Trump, an entrepreneur, Ted
Cruz, a United StatesSenator of Texas, Marco Rubio, a U.S. Senator of Florida, John
Kasich, Governor of Ohio, and Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon. On the Democrat side
the running candidates are former First Lady, Secretary of State, and Senator of New
York, Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, former U.S. Representative and sitting U.S.
Senator of Vermont. As of March 1, 2016, only three of the republican candidates
have a fighting chance of winning the party nominee, Trump, Cruz, and Rubio.
In order to win the Republican nominee, the candidate must win 1237 of the 2472
delegates of the Republican National Committee by July 18th. Forty six percent of
the delegates are unpledged, meaning that they are a member of the party and are
free to vote for any candidate of their liking, they are sometimes called super
delegates. The other fifty three percent of delegates are district delegates that the
candidates will pick up by winning in the caucuses and primaries of states and U.S.
territories. Candidate Donald Trump is in the lead with winning the most delegates,
with 221 delegates, Cruz in second with sixty nine, Rubio in third with forty one,
Kasich has nineteen and Carson
Air Purifiers Advantages
Air Purifiers and Their Benefits.
You may wonder, How do I choose the right air purifier? Each air purifier has its
own performance and technical characteristics. Air purifiers are extremely useful for
people with respiratory diseases such as asthma or allergies and also for people who
want to fight against pollution or bad odors.
I invite you to consult the many opinions on air purifiers. There are now high
performance air purifiers perfectly suited for size, performance and budget for homes
and small spaces. Air purifier efficiency depends on certain criteria.
Obviously, the level of effectiveness of the purifier and its speed of treatment
depend on the state of pollution of the air and its dimensions. This is to be taken
into account in the choice of the device and its use. Air purifiers will help you breath
clean air, year round.
Initially, air purifiers were found only in industries to filter and remove toxic
residues. If the quality of the air is not excellent, the body must fight to eliminate this
pollution and the most fragile people often develop respiratory diseases (allergies,
asthma, cancers, etc.) whose source is certainly partly due to this pollution (although
other factors may come into play).
According to the WHO, formaldehyde (the best known reason for indoor pollution) is
present in all homes of the world at levels of concentration harmful to health. The
WHO also indicates that naphthalene, benzene, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde,
carbon monoxide, trichlorethylene, radon, tetrachlorethylene and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons are present in many homes. Pollution that is biological in nature is
caused by bacteria, molds, viruses, pollen, etc.
Pollution that is biological in nature is frequently made worse because of humidity,
heat, poor housekeeping and hot water and air conditioning installations. These issues
promote the proliferation of biological agents, which increases the risk of diffusion in
the environment. This is frequently the case for indoor pollution because it is
particularly difficult to prevent.
Purifiers promise to filter most of these indoor pollutants. Providers of air purifiers
believe that their mission is to provide relief, because air pollution affects

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Essay Persuasive Topics. Beautiful Best Persuasive Essay Topics Thatsnotus

  • 1. Essay Persuasive Topics Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Persuasive Topics" can be quite challenging, as it requires a unique blend of critical thinking, persuasive skills, and the ability to articulate thoughts effectively. The difficulty lies in crafting an argument that not only captures the reader's attention but also persuades them to adopt a particular viewpoint. To begin with, selecting a persuasive topic itself can be a daunting task. The chosen theme should be relevant, debatable, and capable of sparking interest in the audience. This initial step demands extensive research to identify current issues, analyze different perspectives, and determine the most compelling angle to approach the subject matter. Once the topic is chosen, the next hurdle is constructing a solid thesis statement. The thesis serves as the foundation of the entire essay, encapsulating the main argument and guiding the reader throughout the piece. Crafting a concise yet impactful thesis requires careful consideration and an in-depth understanding of the chosen persuasive topic. Developing a persuasive essay demands a mastery of rhetorical techniques to effectively communicate the argument. This includes utilizing ethos, pathos, and logos to appeal to the reader's emotions, credibility, and logic, respectively. Striking the right balance among these elements can be tricky, requiring a nuanced approach to ensure the essay resonates with the target audience. Furthermore, organizing the essay coherently is essential for maintaining the reader's engagement. A well-structured essay follows a logical progression of ideas, providing sufficient evidence and examples to support the argument. Transitioning smoothly between paragraphs and sections requires finesse to avoid confusing or overwhelming the reader. In addition to these challenges, writing a persuasive essay demands a keen awareness of counterarguments. Anticipating and addressing opposing viewpoints adds depth to the essay and strengthens the overall persuasiveness. This requires thorough research and critical analysis to preemptively counter potential objections. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Persuasive Topics" is a complex task that involves careful topic selection, crafting a compelling thesis, employing persuasive techniques, and addressing counterarguments. It requires a blend of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar writing tasks, services like provide a platform where expert writers can be enlisted to tackle these challenges and deliver well-crafted, persuasive essays. Essay Persuasive TopicsEssay Persuasive Topics
  • 2. Argumentative Essay On The Glass Castle Jeannette Walls, the author of a New York Times best selling book The Glass Castle has opened up to readers in her memoir about her and her sibling s chaotic and remarkably nomadic lifestyle. The Walls family had their own way of going about life and handling their situations. Regardless of their living positions, they most often times kept a pleasant mood in order to enrich their children s lives with preposterous facts and intense discussions. Much of the Walls childhoodmemories were constantly roaming the desert in hopes to never be found by the henchmen or bloodsuckers. Aside from being on the run, Rex and Rose Walls, parents of the four children, had always been on edge about money and their familys circumstances. They somehow managed to influence their children in ways that would prepare them for life on their own in more ways than the average childwould. The Walls children learned tips on how to steal, make their own money, and live without food for days at a time. Nevertheless, the Walls children often felt neglected by their parents. Jeannette Walls was raised by non complacent living situations, precarious parents, and self reliant siblings to get along in their childhood. Towards the end of Walls memoir, she writes about how she is now living successfully and comfortably with her own family. In a different perspective, many people have often wondered why children grow up and flourish the way they do. It is easy to blame the lack of basic needs (shelter,
  • 3. Tiananmen Massacre Source Analysis 3.Evaluation of sources (250 400 words) Hawke, Robert J. L. (Robert James Lee);. Parliamentary Statement By Bob Hawke On The Massacre In Tiananmen Square, China . N.p., 2015. Web. 1 Aug. 2015. As a primary source this two page parliamentary statement by former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke expresses outrage at the massive and indiscriminate slaughter of demonstrators by the Chinese People s Liberation Army in Tiananmen Square, in June 1989. The purpose is to provide the general public with insight into the Australian government s rationale for the position they took in response to the events of Tiananmen Square. It reinforces Australia s outrage with the actions taken by the Chinese government and condoms the subsequent repression of people who sought to express a view contrary to the ... Show more content on ... The value of the document is that it clearly and succinctly articulates the position that the Australian took and reminds China of its human rights obligations and that China was risking the success of their economic reforms in the face of systematic repression . The limitations of this document is that it is unclear whether this statement receive bipartisan support from all sides of politics and the document is lacking in detail as to what sanctions may have been imposed should the Chinese government continue with the repressive moves. Harris, S 1995, Australia China political relations: From fear to friendly relations? , Australian Journal Of International Affairs, 49, 2, p. 237, EBSCOhost, viewed 3 August 2015. This source is an extract from the Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol.49, No. 2 by historian Stuart Harris and
  • 4. Essay on Emerson And Thoreau amp;#8220;Dance to the beat of your own drummer: ; A piece of advice that I have been told my whole life, and have tried my hardest to follow. The words were taken from Thoreau amp;#8217;s quote, amp;#8220;If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. ; Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreauchanged our lives. How? Well, the answer is not so simple as the statement. To understand fully how they affected our lives, we have to understand the philosophy of Emerson and Thoreau, and the relationship between the two. So let amp;#8217;s begin with the relationship between Emerson and Thoreau. Emerson was born in 1803, into ... Show more content on ... Many people claim that Thoreau amp;#8217;s ideas were simply taken from Emerson amp;#8217;s, in fact, some critics call Thoreau Emerson amp;#8217;s miror. And although their philosophies greatly reflected one another, they differed in many ways as well. Emerson amp;#8217;s writing focused on nonconformity and individuality. In his essay quot;Self Reliance, quot; he wrote, quot;Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind, quot; and, quot;Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist. quot; Emerson writings were also more focused on the self; philosophy of humanism and Independence from society are all things that Emerson wrote on frequently. Thoreau, while focusing on matters of the self in many of his essays, tended to have more of a political overtone to his writing. In amp;#8220;Civil Disobedience ;, Thoreau amp;#8217;s most famous social protest, He explains that it is our civil right to disagree with laws. He believed that people must be free to act according to their own idea of right and wrong, without government interference. In quot;Civil Disobedience quot;, he said that people should refuse to obey any law they believe is unjust. Thoreau practiced this type of passive resistance when, in 1846, he refused to pay poll taxes. He did so to express his opposition to the Mexican War. Thoreau spent one night in jail for his refusal.
  • 5. Significance Of The Movie My Fair Lady SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MOVIE MY FAIR LADY IN THE STUDY OF LINGUISTICS: AN ANALYSIS SREYA SUSAN CHACKO Register No: MM033 Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Communication and Journalism(Triple Main), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala Abstract: A language is a system of conventional signals used for communication by a whole community A. C. Gimson. Language is an essential tool for communication as well as for self expression. Language can be considered as a habit which is not genetically transmitted. It is acquired from the environment ... Show more content on ... The movie was nominated for 12 Oscars and won 8 out of them. In the movie, Professor Higgins invests all of his time and energy in Eliza s transformation with the final goal of passing her off as an aristocrat at the season s biggest social event and finally he succeeds in it. (TCR) In the process, their bond becomes stronger. Research paper Dr Chinazo Echezona Johnson. Analysis of the movie my fair lady, using transformative and andragogy adult learning theories. This paper helped the researcher to understand the theoretical framework of the movie more deeply. This paper analyses Eliza Doolittle s learning, through the perspectives of Mezirow s transformative learning theory and Knowle s andragogy. In this paper Echezona proves that the character Eliza s transformation from a poor flower seller to that of a duchess has followed all the ten phases of Jack Mezirow s transformational learning theory. The ten phases of Mezirow s Transformational learning theory: A disorienting dilemma A self examination with feelings of fear, anger, guilt or shame A critical assessment of assumptions Recognition that one s discontent and the process of transformation are shared Exploration of options for new roles, relationships, and actions Planning a course of
  • 6. Roanoke River And The South Carolina State Line Richmond County is located in East Central Georgia bordering the Savannah River and the South Carolina state line. Richmond County contains three (3) incorporated cities: Augusta (the second largest city of Georgia), Hephzibah, and Blythe. The city of Augusta had consolidated governments with Richmond County in 1995, and the new entity is known as AugustaRichmond County, or simply Augusta (Montgomery, 2014). According to the US Census 2015, Richmond County is home of 201,793 people, and 87,612 households. The population per square mile was 618.4 (State of Georgia of 168.4 and the nation of 87.4). The racial makeup consisted 55.6% Black or African American, 39.2% White, 4.8% Hispanic or Latino, 1.8% Asian, 0.3% other Pacific Islanders, 0.4% American Indian, and 2.7% from two or more race. Of 201,793 people, 7.2% were below five (5) years of age, 23.5% were below eighteen (18) years of age, and 12.9% were sixty five (65) years of age and over. 51.5% population of Richmond County were female. Approximately to 16.3% of those aged twenty five (25) and older in Richmond County have less than high school education (15.0% for Georgia, and 13.7% for the nation). The median household income for the county was $37, 704 ($49,342 for Georgia and $53,482 for the nation). The Per Capita income for Richmond County was $20,549 ($25,427 for Georgia, and $28,555 for the nation). 26% of Richmond County residents were in poverty (18.3% for Georgia, and 14.8% for the nation). 16.9% of
  • 7. Marketing Strategy Of Lululemon Athletica Inc. Executive Summary The brand discussed in this report is Lululemon Athletica Inc. The brand is an athletic apparel retailer, whose main objective is building a community with a healthy lifestyle. Lululemon s target market is middle/upper class 30 year old woman. The brand is positioned as a premium high fashion brand for the athletic community. Some of Lululemon s main competitors include Nike, Under Armour and Gap. Some of the key findings were: Limited global brand awareness due to a lack of exposure to a large market because of the use of grassroot marketing tactics Unclear brand image: made many changes that have strayed from their main brand image and focus. Misuse of some secondary associations and inability to promote ... Show more content on ... Lululemon prides itself on the innovation of the functionality and style of its product line, such as using moisture wicking fabric that essentially transfers the moisture from the skin to the fabric, in order to allow it to evaporate quicker. Lululemon s target market was initially women but expanded to target men and female youth. Lululemon s success is due to its innovation in technology and fashion, as well as their use of community based marketing, and excellent customer focus. The company has positioned itself as a health conscience and fun brand that now operates 280 stores in North America, New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, and Singapore (Lululemon 10K). Competitors/Industry The athletic apparel industry has shown a large increase in popularity. Global sales of sport clothing have increased from 146.1 billion US dollars in 2007 to 162 billion US dollars in 2012(Global Participative Sport as Consumption). Particularly in the United States, sales of sport apparel have increased by 7% from 2013 to 2014 (Wingus). There has been a large trend in healthy living, as activewear accounted for $33.7 billion in sales and made up 16 percent of the apparel market (Wingus). The industry is booming, as sportswear, specifically yoga pants, has transformed into people s daily apparel. (Refer to Appendix Table 1) Huffington post noted, people are wearing trendy workout clothes all day, every
  • 8. Sigmund Freud s Influence On Personality Theory The ideas of Sigmund Freud have exerted an enormous impact on personality theory. However, theories and ideas subsequent to Freud have questioned the scientific basis of his ideas. Select one or two alternative theories of human personality and compare and contrast with that of Freud. Intro: Everybody has a unique personality that influences who we are, how we act, what careers we will pursue, as well as our success in close relationships. Our personality is inescapable and essentially shapes us as individuals. Despite its centrality to human existence, defining what impacts attribute to specific personalities and consequent behaviour patterns is something that is still heavily debated today, and as such, many alternating theories have evolved in an attempt to explain these concepts. (Shultz Shultz, 2009). Sigmund Freud was the first psychologist to formally theorise what factors contribute to the construction of an individual s personality, and suggested that the unconscious mind has great power over behaviour and personality. Freud s theories were both controversial and revolutionary, simultaneously gaining him many followers and many critics. However, unquestionably, Freud s theories were the foundation on which all personality theories have subsequently derived (Passer Smith, 2013).This essay will highlight some of the major criticisms of Freud s work focusing on flaws in the subjectivity, testability and relevance in today s modern society, as well as making
  • 9. The Rise Of Chin Through The Realist Looking Glass The Rise of China: Through the Realist Looking Glass The rise of China is lauded as the determinative issue for international relations this century with China assuming a more powerful role in the international system. This essay considers the issue of China s rise and its implications for international security from both an offensive and defensive realist approach. I will show that neither realist approach can adequately explain China s rise and its implications because it relies on realist optimism and does not account for the determinative effect of the liberal world order. Offensive and defensive realism are strands of neo realism, distinguished from classical realism by its focus on the international system and structures. Anarchy is the scope condition of realism under which states will pursue their own interests with the ultimate goal of maintaining security. In offensive realism states are power maximisers . Increases in power, relative to other states, will correspondingly increase the state s security. States will pursue expansionist foreign policies, taking advantage of opportunities to weaken others. The most secure position for a state is hegemony, offensive realist scholars such as Mearsheimer and Lobell view the rise of China as progress towards regional hegemony. Realism defines power in terms of three categories: military power, economic power, and power over opinion (called soft power ). In the last 35 years, China has developed its economic power
  • 10. Skeletal Muscle Exercise One activity that most people perform daily is exercising/walking. Exercise help with anyone health who isn t in good health, and it help to relax the body and mind. Skeletal muscle is the muscle we normally attached to the moveable parts of the skeleton. They are capable of rapid, powerful contractions and long states of partially sustained contractions, allowing for voluntary movement. Skeletal muscleis striated having transverse bands that run down the length of muscle fiber. The muscle is under conscious control; and skeletal, because these muscles are attached to the skeleton. We can be alternating light bands of the thin protein filaments of action and dark bands of the thick protein filaments myosis muscle makes up about 40% of our
  • 11. Slender Glass Lizard Research Paper Slender Glass Lizard Drew Roth What would you do when you were riding your bike a found an animal and you looked a saw I was a snake and the look closer and see it has a lizard head. What would it be can it be a deform snake or is it poison and could I get killed from it those are the question running through your well I am here to tell you about that snake in this paper. Here is some stuff to make shore it has round eyes that means that it is not poisonous and then if it has demand eyes run and the circle if it does bit you will not die but diamond you can get killed. And you are still wondering what is it well keep reading to find out Well first the snake you are looking at is a slender glass lizard it is not piousness and it is a lizard.
  • 12. An Inside View Of Grigory Rasputin s Life In this ambitious work, Fuhrmann endeavors to ascertain the existence of a class of philosophers in Russian society. If philosophy, and not merely religion, Fuhrmann examines the life of Rasputin and the vital role he played in the downfall of Russia. Fuhrmann book gives an inside view of Grigory Rasputin s life and how he took advantage of the Russian tradition of the wondering peasant holy man, walking village to village and stating that he had a direct connection with God. Researchers claimed that Rasputin exploited the last Romanov couple Nicholas and Alexandra by using his mystical powers to enchant them into believe in him. Grigory Rasputin was born in western Siberia around the years of 1860 or 1873 researchers do not know the exact... Show more content on ... In many instances many people do not trust the tsar or tsarina judgment because of the presence of Rasputin. Rasputin becomes more of a nuisance to the royal family because he s very uneducated and makes poor choices. His St. Petersburg apartment became a very busy office where he would take care of medical problems and with his healing powers. He let payment be paid in money, pledges of loyalty, or the most controversial kisses. This would have passed with no questions if at that time Russia were not entering a period of crisis of war. Nicholas was forced to grant the constitution and convene a parliament. Many loved and admired the tsar he was remarkably charming and just gave a special atmosphere to the people. Though during these times Nicholas s greatest problems came from the moderate opposition. Liberals and moderate conservatives were alarmed over defeats. Nicholas refused to share power with the Duma. As time past in Russia tsar Nicholas and Alexandra became very unpopular with the people of Russia. By the early 1916 Alexandra was the most hated woman in Russia. Much popular opinion held that she was the leader of the dark forces that was driving the Russian nation to destruction. By as early as 1915 the name Grigory Rasputin was in everyone s lips. As time progress the situation was even worse. Rasputin s relationship with the royal family took on a poignant character in the final months. Fuhrmann writes Rasputin s last day s gracefully stating that Rasputin was in a state of deep depression during the last three days of his life. A few days late Rasputin was murdered by Felix Yusupov which not many historians understand why. Many believed that he feared that Rasputin was undermining Nicholas s government and opening a path to a revolution in
  • 13. Essay on Pastoral Ministry Christ is the leader of the Church, Paul in Ephesians 1:22 said God placed everything under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the Church however, God entrusted the authority to lead to his servant whom he set them aside to lead the community. Pastor as a public Leadership is to lead community. A person who is called by Godto lead public has a responsibility to be in the community, with the community and for the community. One of best questions raised in the class during public leadership discussion was How we can be a community pastor rather than just a church pastor? This really a kind of question we are to consider as pastor especially as rural congregation pastor. In most cases when pastor are called to... Show more content on ... However, God is able to give breakthrough once he called his people to ministry, that is why Paul said I can do all this through him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13) It is not an easy task to carry out public leadership, you have to know almost everything, counseling marriage on the verge breaking down, baptizing dying babies, administering Holy Communion for dying individuals, leading marriage ceremony with unusual and complicated scenario. It is also not easy to accept ministry as God calling rather than as job placement or vocational opportunity. It is tough to accept the people, their culture, tradition and the whole identity. God called us to ministry so that we will be able exercise his full authority (Matt 28:16 18) with full humility (Philippians 2:6, 2Cor 8:9, Rom 5:6 8). We have to deny ourselves and follow the footsteps of Jesus our Lord (Luke 9:23). Finally a pastor has to know the distinctions of Authority and power. It is not uncommon to see pastors are using power instead of the authority God given them. . Authority is responsibility that derived from someone greater than us. That means the full responsibility
  • 14. Analysis of Characters, Conflict, and Symbolism in “a... Analysis of Characters, Conflict, and Symbolism in A Good Man Is hard to Find The story A Good Man is Hard to Find is a fascinating story about a family traveling to Florida for a family vacation. The story s main characters are the grandmother, the mother and a baby, the father Bailey, and the two children June Star and John Wesley. On this trip the family has a run in with the other characters The Misfit, Bobby Lee, and Hiram who are escaped convicts headed towards Florida. O Connor uses literary elements such as flashback and characterization to explore what it means to be a good person. It appears as the only good person in the story is the person the grandmother becomes through her struggle with the Misfit. O Connor seems to ... Show more content on ... The story seems to imply how the modern man becomes spiritual when faced with evil. The grandmother seems to be unconcerned with the rest of her family: I know you wouldn t shoot a lady! (441). She thinks she is a lady she shouldn t be shot. The grandmother is self centered; she did not even beg for the life of anyone in her family but her own. She is always the first to criticize everyone but never looks at herself in a critical manner. The conflicts in this story highlight the character s nature. The main fiction element in O Connor s A Good Man Is Hard to Find is symbolism. Most of the Symbolism in this story is masked behind a lot of foreshadowing: They passed a large cotton field with five or six graves fenced in the middle of it, like a small island (371). The number of graves foreshadows the death of each family member. Five or six represents the uncertainty of whether at least one member of the family will survive or not. After the accident the family waits for someone to come help them, ironically The Misfit, Bobby Lee, and Hiram pull up in a big black battered hearse like automobile (375). The Hearse by definition is a vehicle that carries a coffin to a funeral. So, this is another image of death forthcoming, which foreshadows the outcome of the family before The Misfit and his accomplices even get out of the car. In general symbolism is an important element in this short story; many times it
  • 15. Why Is Basketball Better Than Soccer Competition is a vital aspect of a growing, productive life, and many people seek it through the vast array of sports available in society. Basketball and soccer are two of the most popular sports that share the same basic concepts of shooting and passing. However, their differences create the prominent distinction between the two competitions, for each sportutilizes different body part during the game, and their regions of popularity greatly differ. Thousands of youth and puerile adults across the world compete in the games of basketballand soccer, and the building blocks of these two sports relate on a fundamental level. Coaches train players in passing and shooting which increases the caliber of adeptness and competitiveness. A single player is unable to carry a team, so each individual masters the ability to pass effectively to teammates. Athletes, whether in soccer or basketball, analyze open passing lanes and decide which option is best to advance their team down the court or field. To win a game, scoring must happen which requires players to develop their shooting form, so they can help pull their team to victory. They learn how to dodge, cut, fake, and eventually shoot the ball at the proper angle to score.... Show more content on ... Soccer promotes the use of the players feet while basketball manipulates the competency of the players hands. In soccer, players dribble, pass, and shoot the ball using only their feet so they can move the ball from position to position. Referees even give penalties when hands connect with the ball, yet in stark contrast, basketball bases its ball movement on the players hands. With quick, firm grips, they rotate the ball s possession between teammates which later results in a full arm
  • 16. Beowulf And King Arthur Analysis Beowulf versus King Arthur Courage, perseverance, and honor are all traits of a hero. Beowulf and King Arthur both share many qualities of a hero. The epic of Beowulf is about a great Geat that defeats the horrid Grendel of Denmark. The story, Once and Future King, is about the great King Arthur and how he became king and his reign in England. Beowulf is a fearless leader that defeats great monsters and deadly giants. Later in his life he defeats Grendel, Grendel s mother, and a dragon. King Arthur was the outcast in his family; he did not fit in as a child. As he grows older, his tutor Merlyn teaches him about different values in life. King Arthur, formally known as Wart, becomes king when he pulls the famous sword from the stone. Both Beowulf and King Arthur shared many traits that made them epic heros. Courage is a trait shared by Beowulf and King Arthur or Wart . Beowulf showed courage through the many battles he fought . Beowulf went to Heorot in hopes of defeating Grendel, the monster that had been attacking Herot for the last twelve years. This was courageous because he knew that he could be killed, but he fought anyway because that s what he needed to do. Wart showed courage when he pulled the sword out of the stone. He did not want to be King of England, let alone at such a young age. He wanted to put the sword back in the stone or let someone else become King. Wart was courageous and became King because he knew that was his duty. These examples show that courage
  • 17. The World with Journalism Career Research Project Essay Without journalism, we would not be living the life we have today. At the end of the 20th Century there was a poll on what was the greatest invention of the last millennium. The top invention was the printing press invented by Guttenberg. The reason for the selection was the written word preserved knowledge. Prior to this everything we learned was passed by word of mouth. Many disasters and disease caused knowledge to be lost. Essentially mankind had to relearn things over and over again. Journalism has been around since before the printing press was even invented. People have always, naturally spread information. There were many peoples who had elders who would give the oral history of their people and who would tell heroic tales. Homer told the story of the Iliad for the Greeks. African chiefs told tales of bravery of their peoples. The same occurred throughout the World from the American Indians, the Mayas and Aztec to the Aboriginals of Australia. Journalism is the passing of knowledge and ideas between people. From the creation of the printing press and Gutenberg s Bible, print journalism evolved to include included reporting in newspapers, magazines and anything else that is printed. Print journalism later expanded to broadcast journalism, photojournalism, gonzo journalism and many other forms of journalism. For example there are reporters who report news. This type of journalism can be news reporting for business, news, human
  • 18. Relational Database For Relational Databases A simple, unpopular family owned store has just created a website. On this website, they give their customers the ability to create accounts, shop, buy products and have products shipped directly to their homes. Every customer s personal, shipping and payment information as well as every product s price, description and /or picture is needed to be stored and organized somewhere where it could be easily processed. All this necessary data could most likely be found in a relational database that the store uses to efficiently run all the necessary transactions. In this database, all the data is collected and grouped into different pockets or tables that better categorize the information. Through the relationships created between the tables,... Show more content on ... It has become hard to scale relational databases in the direction and to the degree needed to manage big data in a successful and less expensive way. Instead, a new system, known as NoSQL or Not Only SQL , has been created that makes the processing of terabytes and even petabytes of data possible (Paghy, RDBMS to NoSQL ). Many social networking and/or big data companies like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google and Amazon are now known for using NoSQL databases. This is because NoSQL systems are non relational and do not structure their data in tables or typically manipulate or process the data with SQL. Having less restrictions than a relational database, NoSQL has the ability to better handle huge quantities of data in a more efficient way (Moniruzzaman, NoSQL Database... ). This paper will dig deeper in the several characteristics of NoSQL database systems that separate them from the relational ones. It will also introduce the different models that make up the system as well and a few examples that are currently being used and becoming popular today. 1.Characteristics of NoSQL NoSQL is best known for typically being non relational , meaning that it can store and link data without any structured restrictions (Paghy, RDBMS to NoSQL ). This gives NoSQL databases the ability to do so much more than a simple relational database could. It makes them scalable
  • 19. Michael Vey Quotes I give the book Michael Vey 1 The Prisoner of Cell 25 5 out of 5 stars because it is action filled, the main character goes through many different emotions, and because it has many unexpected turns. Michael Vey may seem like a normal 14 year old boy, but really, he is electric. Michael s best friend, Ostin Liss, and newfound friend, cheerleader Taylor Ridley accidentally discover something, and find out there are others with similar powers. They also find out someone, or something, is hunting them and have hunted the others like them. After Michael s mother is kidnapped this journey begins with Michael s friends and finding out more about his electricity. I gave Michael Vey 5 out of 5 stars because the book is very action filled. For example, ... Show more content on ... On page 113 the book says, She s okay, isn t she? Mrs. Liss walked closer and put her hand on mine. Her eyes were filled with tears. I have some bad news, honey. Your mother s gone. I looked at her blankly. What do you mean? The police believe she s been kidnapped, Mr. Liss said. My heart froze. Kidnapped? I think this quote shows an example of alarm when Michael finds out his mom has been kidnapped. On page 11 it says, As I sat down, Taylor Ridley, who sat in the desk to my left, turned and smiled at me. Taylor is a cheerleader and one of the prettiest girls at Meridian. Heck, she s one of the prettiest girls in any high school anywhere in the world. I chose this quote because it shows how affectionate Michael is, at the beginning of the book, when it comes to Taylor Ridley or just thinking about her. On page 35 it says, Stop it, I said. Make me. I went back to my studying. Less than a minute later another marble hit me in the head. As I looked up, I noticed a metal trim that ran along the wall where Cody was leaning. I don t know why I did it maybe I was still feeling great from finally putting Jack in his place, maybe I was showing off for Taylor. But, most likely, it was a culmination of too many years of being bullied. Whatever the reason, I was done with playing the victim. I slowly reached back and touched the trim behind me and pulsed. Cody let out
  • 20. Kyoto Protocol And The Protocol As a basic description the Kyoto Protocol is a document, which legally binds all member countries that are classified as developed to meet specific emission reduction targets. The protocol brings with it several Commitment periods , which as the name suggests are periods of time by which member states are bound to the protocol. The initial commitment period began in 2008 and ceased in 2012. The next began in 2013 and will end in 2020. Currently there are 192 member states to the protocol. It has been determined that developed countries are primarily responsible for the current elevated levels of Greenhouse gases (GHG). The Kyoto Protocolputs heavier goals on the developed countries based on the idea of differentiated but common responsibilities. The Protocol dictates that there are six primary Greenhouse gases identified as contributing the most harm to the natural environment, these being: Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, Hydro fluorocarbons, Per fluorocarbons and Sulfur Hexafluoride (U.S. EPA, N.D.) Each nation has their own individual targets. The average target was a cut of roughly 5%, in comparison to the levels in the atmosphere in 1990 and 2012 (The Guardian, 2012). Some countries have a different approach to the protocol than others. An example of this is the United States, which is yet to ratify the protocol and also happens to be the second largest total emitter (second to China) and largest emitter per capita of greenhouse gases in the world (M.
  • 21. Second Person Hope Meets The Second Person Hope Meets in Heaven Engulfed in a sea of black, Hope could see nothing, she didn t need to. She knew exactly where she was. Feeling the soft breeze grasp her fingertips, and rustle the leaves beneath her feet she knew. Smelling the air mixed with fall and ocean she knew. Hearing the barking of dogs and yelling of school children, she knew... She knew that before her would be a little blue house, with pieces of the shingles missing, a large window that left nothing to the imagination, and a white door that led to her life. This was a place of love, a place of hate. It was a place which whispered I love you and a place that screamed, I don t love you anymore . A place where a fight lurked beneath the surface, and joy seeped through ... Show more content on ... She remembered not understanding how one could simply chooses not to deal with it. And eventually they both gave up on trying to understand. They had drawn lines in the sand, built walls made of brick that were twenty feet tall. It would never be the same. They stayed in the walls most of Hope s life, shooting arrows at each other, sometimes without realization. And at times, when they called a cease fire, they would both come out of those walls. Inching closer and closer to the line in the sand, closer to the relationship they used to have. Then, someone one would throw a bomb. A vicious cycle of mother, daughter love. And now years later, sitting face to face with the women who she called Mom she could only think The walls are what keep you safe . All her life these walls had kept her safe. Only to be torn down by a sentence, by the women who had helped build them. Lauren looked at her daughter and muttered, Darling, those walls we built, they were never made of brick, but merely straw . The Second Person Hope Meets in
  • 22. Advantages Of The Enterprise And Regulatory Reform This essay aims to lay out the advantages and disadvantages of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Acts 2013 s affect upon corporate governance, and more specifically, executive compensation. Using a selection of sources from the media to give examples and illustrate opinions held by different stakeholders, the essay will provide an overview of the potential changes to the business market in the UK and the factors on which these changes depend. Whilst researching around the topic, I also had an opportunity to speak with several owners of small medium sized enterprises, SMEs, who gave me an insight into their opinions from working alongside company CEOs. Companies are directed and controlled by a system known as corporate governance, in which boards of directors are responsible for governing their companies. The board of directors have responsibilities such as setting strategy aims for the company, supervising management and providing leadership. They must also report to the shareholders on their duties as directors. Their actions are subject to laws and regulations, as well as the shareholders in a general meeting. The shareholders appoint directors and auditors and must satisfy themselves that the structure in place to govern the company is adequate, (Financial Reporting Council, 2014). The recent economic recession has caused many UK businesses to suffer a fall in revenues, and therefore profits. Due to this, shareholders have angered by their reduced dividends and some
  • 23. Pros And Cons Of The Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion When looking for a name you recognize, you may want to try Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion. This baby lotion protects delicate skin and has a quick absorb formula that ensures the lotion is properly soaked into your baby s skin. This lotion can moisturize your baby s skin for 24 hours and the active ingredients protect your baby from chapped, chafed, and cracked skin. The lotion is fragrant free to prevent irritation, it is non greasy, and non comedogenic. This lotion is tested and approved by pediatricians. Aveeno Baby Lotion is formulated with soothing dimethazone and oatmeal. Let s look closer at the pros and cons of the Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion. Pros: This baby lotion protects delicate skin. Aveeno Baby Lotion has a quick absorb formula that ensures the lotion is properly soaked into your baby s skin. This lotion can moisturize your baby s skin for 24 hours. The active ingredients of this lotion can protect your baby from chapped, chafed, and cracked skin. The lotion is fragrant free to prevent irritation. This lotion is non greasy. Aveeno is non comedogenic. This lotion is tested and approved by pediatricians. Aveeno Baby Lotion is formulated with soothing dimethazone and oatmeal. This lotion contains no drying alcohols, won t clog pores, and is fragrance free. This lotion is hypoallergenic. This lotion is great for babies with sensitive skin because being rich in emollients and having a special blend of natural oats. This lotion is
  • 24. The Habit Of Persistence By Dr. Howard Watson The Habit of Persistence By Dr Howard Watson | Submitted On November 07, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Dr Howard Watson There are many behavioural characteristics that can be identified amongst those individuals who have succeeded as entrepreneurs and have consequently become self made millionaires. One of the most important of such desirable and acquirable attitudes is the habit of being persistent. Calvin Coolidge stated this most eloquently when he said; Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. So what is persistence? Persistence is the determination to do something even though it is difficult or other people oppose it. It is that dogged tenacity to never let go, like a bulldog, until you achieve your goal. The general principle is that if you want to be successful you must not give up too early along the success
  • 25. Dramaturgical Metaphor Erving Goffman Erving Goffman s above statement, referencing actors and public image, is a clear allusion to his dramaturgical metaphor, which is one branch of his work on symbolic interactionism. His dramaturgical metaphor delves into the premise that we are all actors who perform to others as our audience (Goffman, 1990). It is this metaphor which will be evaluated and analysed for its sociological significance, as well as the practical implications of the statement above, and what it means to be sociologically significant. Many other sociologists have also tackled the depths of Symbolic Interactionism, or the themes explored by the dramaturgical metaphor, of the likes of, Mead and Blumer. Their insights and contributions will be discussed concerning Goffman s statement. However, it is Goffman s dramaturgical metaphor which will be of the most help in evaluating the statement given and its sociological significance. Although, as relayed above, other sociologists work, such as Meads idea of the self being split into the I and the Me, and their individual functions will be important in helping us further evaluate the statement, and its sociological significance (Pampel, 2007). As will Blumer s three pronged approach to symbolic interactionism, allowing us to grasp a basic understanding of the concepts and frameworks surrounding symbolic interactionism, and enhance our knowledge of the dramaturgical metaphors place in symbolic interactionism (Carter Fuller, 2015). Overall, the
  • 26. The City Of Calgary, Alberta And Delia Pervera De Leon We, Jerome de Leon, of the City of Calgary, Alberta and Delia Pervera De Leon, of City the of San Jose California, United States, AFFIRM as follows: 1)We are the Applicants and as such have knowledge of the matters hereinafter deposed to, where our knowledge comes from other sources, we have stated the sources and I verily believe those ought to be true. 2)The Respondent, Dhruv Miglani, resides at 42 Crown Forest Court, Brampton, Ontario L6Y 2Y5. Hereinafter to as Mr. Miglani . 3)Attached hereto and marked, as Exhibit A to my affidavit is true copy of Notice of Application issued on August 24, 2016. Agreement for the Sale of Property 4)The property, municipally known as 350 Webb Drive, Unit 1809,... Show more content on ... Mr. Patra also mentioned that he will not close the transaction without the above is done and if the above is not done, his client will require compensation of at least $10,000.00. Attached hereto and marked, as Exhibit D to my affidavit is true copy of faxed letter, dated June 27, 2016. 8)We arrived from Calgary and California to make the arrangement for the cleaning of the property arranged certified company, ORKIN Canada, for Pest Control Treatment and BCS Services to clean the property. Attached hereto and marked, as Exhibit E to my affidavit is true copy of ORKIN Canada, for Pest Control Treatment and BCS Services report and invoices. 9)Our real estate lawyer, Mr. Taheri, provided receipts of both above referred companies, ORKIN Canada and BCS Services to respondent s real estate lawyer, Mr. Phatra and on June 29, 2016, faxed him a letter that our clients had pest control company attended the premises and took the necessary steps to spray and removed all pest, if any . Mr. Taheri further advised that all the appliances remain to be in the same condition as they were when the purchaser, Mr. Miglani, signed the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and same will not be replaced nor will any compensation be given as per Agreement of Purchase and
  • 27. Latin Strange Symbols Latin, strange symbols, ancient chronicles of events I didn t recognize. They swam around my head and faded as quickly as they had appeared. It all came back to me, slow and hazy; researching a dead language, thinking one symbol looked familiar, my thoughts roaming to the graffiti on the wall of an abandoned lumberyard where a vamp nest we were hunting had settled down. My mind kept wandering to irrelevant memories until it all blurred together and everything just faded into black. I didn t dream of anything noteworthy. I never did. More nightmares than dreams, but if I got lucky I didn t see anything but black until I woke. I don t move in my sleep, that s what I ve been told. Which is hard to believe since I know what s really going on ... Show more content on ... crap the wet spot had already dried somewhat, but the ink was smudged and it looked like something out of librarians nightmare. My only course of action was to hide the sucker in some random shelf corner and hope it s never opened again, and that s exactly what I did. After throwing the granola wrappers and coffee cups away, I put the jacket back on just in time to avoid whoever was stomping towards the library, witnessing me destroying all evidence of my nap induced crime. The sound of heavy work boots echoed from the hall. It was unmistakable and a small smile broke through my half asleep fog. A figure popped up on the edge of my vision, making its way across the room, messing with the record player in the corner of the library. The sound of an old bass guitar and the artists raspy southern accent replaced the smooth jazz that filled the room moments before. He pushed the small towel on his head, back onto his shoulders, running his hands through his damp hair. Morning, sleeping beauty. Did you dream about me he smirked over his shoulder, the corner of his eyes crinkling slightly. My mood brightened at his friendly teasing. You wish. Do you know where this jacket came from I said gesturing to the baggy article wrapped around
  • 28. Sasa Dance Essay If I had to study, learn and preform one style of dance, I would choose Salsa dancing. I find this style interesting because it looks very fun to watch while it makes me want to start dancing even without knowing any salsa moves. Hearing the bongos pounding with the maracas sending shockwaves through a person s body is a sight to behold upon the dancing world. Being inexperienced is not an issue at all because you re not judged by doing it incorrectly, but judged upon your enthusiasm to the best performance given. There are many characteristics of salsa but here are a few of them. It is a partner dancewhere the man leads and the woman follows. The music has 4 beats per measure but the dancers only take steps on 3 of the beats pausing for one
  • 29. Keeper N Me By Richard Wagamese Keeper N Me by Richard Wagamese, is a novel based on the necessary balance between life and the culture in which one belongs to. This is a necessary aspect in order to maintain a steady relationship with one s self. In this novel passing on traditions or a certain way of life from generation to generationis one of the most important aspects of guiding someone of the Ojibway culture, as the Ojibway people have very strong beliefs and take their culture very seriously. The people of the Ojibway culture believe that through storytelling and dreams one can realize the importance of traditionand its influence on their identity. Wagamese throughout his novel tries to teach the readers the power of one s community and traditions as he... Show more content on ... Dreams are also a guide in Ojibway culture, one of the things that elders tell you nowadays to try real hard to remember, write them down even to help you. (Wagamese 252). It is believe that through dreams one receives visions that are sent to them by the spirit world. That vision could be just about anything and was meant to be a sacred and private thing for the seeker. Gave a direction for their life. (252). Dreams are believed to be important messages that provide one with direction and strength (252). The Ojibway honour the traditional way of storytelling as a guide in which it provides a way to pass on words of wisdom and tradition from one generation to the next. Bernice Weissbourd says: Because it s not only a child is inseparable from the family in which he lives, but that the lives of families are determined by the community in which they live and the cultural tradition from which they come. In Keeper n me, Garnet was taken away from his family and placed in numerous different white foster homes starting from the age of three; everywhere they moved me I was the only Indian and no one ever took the time to tell me who I was, where I came from of even what the hell was going on. (16) Because he was
  • 30. В‘Freedom of Speech Means the Freedom to Offend. George Orwell once famously said В‘If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. This sentence sums up the very essence of free speech; it is, as Orwell believed, the mother of all civil rights. Without the unconditional freedom to offend it cannot exist. Ideas are, more often than not, dangerous things. There is little point in having freedom of speechif it only defends the most popular and innocuous of opinions. The freedom to offend can perpetrate racial, social or religious intolerance; however, conversely, it is also the only means available to fight against such bigotry. Free speech is not something to work towards when the world is В‘better ; it is, rather, the vital tool through... Show more content on ... Again, it should be noted that by use of the word В‘promote , it is implicit that the material on which the promotion is based exists. Censoring intolerance, or forcibly punishing it by imprisonment, is not an effective tactic. Without the freedom to offend, we cannot recognise these social problems, nor fight them with any real conviction. Relating back to this line of debate is of course the overseas publication of the controversial Danish cartoons. Cultural tensions within the European Muslim communities have been building up for decades; the Danish Cartoon Armageddon of early this year has only proven if anything, that social tolerance cannot be won through silence or apathy. Rather, it can only be gained through the implementation of free speech. To claim however that the caricatures championed some great В‘in defence of free speech movement is wrong; they were, in themselves, badly drawn, inarticulate, and obscenely unfunny. The Danish cartoons were deliberately provocative, and as such blur the reasonable confines of expression. To lampoon the free speech cause by using them to argue for censorship is ridiculous. One does not go around punching people in the face to test their commitment to non violence; similarly, the cartoons should not be used to test the attendant dangers of absolute free
  • 31. The Definition of Disciple Essay example The Definition of Disciple Discipleship is the core of Christian ethics, especially as the last command of Jesus (28:19). When I heard the word disciple in childhood Sunday School, I envisioned an eager, bearded man with dirty robes straining intently towards Jesus, like a child begging to hear more of a bedtime story. In high school youth group, we talked about being good disciples by obeying the rules: no kissing, no running, no talking in church. But as I re read Dietrich Bonhoeffer s stirring, straightforward work, The Cost of Discipleship as a Lenten devotional, my idea of what a disciple is and does is crumbling like old paint. A few extremists, citing Matthew 16:25 as their justification, say that only those in the ... Show more content on ... Discipleship in Matthew: Building Community The gospel of Matthew is thought to have been written between 60 85A.C.E for those within the Jewish community who believe in Christ as the Messiah. Because the young sect still saw themselves as part of Israel, the persecution they experienced from fellow Israelites called for decisive action: either reconcile with the Jewish leaders or separate completely. In response, Matthew writes a narrative account of Jesus focused on building a solid community still rooted in Jewish heritage, but distinctly different in practice because of Christ (Koester). Establishing a new community requires multiple individuals willing to dedicate themselves to a common identity. Therefore, Matthew s gospel uses the word disciple or disciples 68 times, more than any other synoptic gospel (Longenecker 4). The text is mostly the direct words of Christ, revealing what it means to be a disciple through listening to and obeying Jesus teaching. In using narrative and didactic styles to convey Jesus story, Matthew not only shares about the disciples, but seeks to make disciples out of his readers (Donaldson 44). As an unintended result of my paper, then, the reader may find a bit of personal challenge in my analysis. While I will refer to the general theme of discipleship in all of Matthew, I will use the most direct passages Jesus commissioning of the twelve in chapter 10 and his challenge to Peter in chapter 16 to illustrate
  • 32. Research Paper On Basil Probably one of the most popular herbs in the world is basil. Basil is used in many different cultures either as something you cook with or something used for medicinal purposes. Probably the most popular cuisine it is used in is Italian, but is also used in many Southeastern Asian countries. Not too many people know that basil has been used for many years as a type of medicineto cure many common symptoms. Basil is well versed and one of the most popular and well known herbs in many cultures. The origin of basil was dated back 5,000 years ago in India. Basil was considered to be a very holy plant, in India many people were either buried with the plant or the plant was placed around the temples where they were laid to rest in. This belief
  • 33. Hampton Machine Tool Company Hampton Machine Tool Company 1.Why can t a profitable firm like Hampton repay its loan on time and why does it need more bank financing? What major developments between November 1978 and August 1979 contributed to this situation? A/ Hampton Machine Tool Company was unable to repay its loan on time due to several factors. One of such factors is the fact that the stock repurchase, for which the loan was initially requested, was a major cash disbursement of $3 million. In the period between November 1978 and August 1979, stock repurchase represented 58% of total expenditures for that period, while inventory purchases represented 42% of total expenditures. There were some developments that also contributed to this situation. For ... Show more content on ... One of the main reasons for this negative cash balance may be that Hampton is experiencing liquidity problems, that is, they are not generating enough cash to pay for their current expenses. Another factor that may contribute to such phenomenon is the delays in production that Hampton has had because suppliers have not delivered the raw materials. The inventory conversion period is greater than what Hampton can finance because the cash conversion cycle is even greater than collections from customers. 4.Critically evaluate the assumptions on which your forecasts are based. What developments could alter your results? Is Mr. Cowins correct in his belief that Hampton can repay the loan in December? Some of the assumptions include: One assumption that should be clearly analyzed is that the collection period is of 30 days net. Not always customers have the ability and willingness to pay off their debts in 30 days, some may take more time, and some could incur in bad debt. Another assumption Hampton is making is that the company will be able to pay off debts in 30 days. There is no 100% certainty this will happen. The assumption that accruals and prepaid expenses will remain fairly stable and constant should be analyzed more clearly, because this is not always the case. Another assumption is that the shipments are going to be made exactly as they forecasted. It is important to note that in the
  • 34. Why It Is Important For Counselors If is important for counselors to be well trainee in interpretation and communication of results because if results are not communicated correctly and effectively there may be misperceived or misunderstood by the individual receiving the interpretation. This is a unique form of communication for counselors and the success of this is vital. Our textbook provides us with information explaining the importance and value of sharing test interpretations with the individual who took the assessment. Goodyear (1990) tentatively concludes that those individuals who received their test interpretation experienced greater results in counseling compared to those who did not receive interpretations. It can be challenging for counselors to break down these results in a way that the individuals taking the assessment can understand and relate to so it critical that counselors receive more training to develop these skills. If test results are not communicated effectively or are misperceived it could cause serious confusion for the individual and significantly impact the way they view themselves and their abilities. Test results can be difficult to understand especially if terminology you are using becomes confusing or is misunderstood by the client. As the book states we need to be comfortable communicating and interpreting the results before we begin to share with the client so that when we are delivering the results we are able to focus on the clients reactions and questions rather
  • 35. Online Predators and the Need for Preventative Measures... The Internet is an immense database that provides users with a tremendous amount of information on research, commerce, and entertainment. Unfortunately, as the internet keeps advancing, online predators continue to become more successful in what they do. The internet is an ideal network for pedophiles to pursue their interests and fixations with young children. It enables them to locate and interact with adolescents more rapidly than ever before. Although the idea of pedophiles luring children in on the internetis a horrifying image, it is happening. It is through the internet s easy accessibility that children continue to become vulnerable to these internet predators while engaging in social networking sites. With a simple click of... Show more content on ... First, they review online profiles until they locate someone who fits their agenda. After locating an appropriate match, a predator usually attempts to get the innocent child into a personal conversation. Online predators often seduce their targets through the use of fondness and compassion. Once they gain the teenagers trust, they bribe the teen into meeting with them on a more personal basis (Mitchell, 2006). Unfortunately, online predators are usually looking for sex or arousal. In worst cases, however, meeting with these predators can all too often be fatal for young children. For this reason, a solution needs to be taken into action to decrease the risk of exposing these young children to online predators. However, many feel that the only way to reduce the risk of internet pedophiles is to develop an identity verification tool for social networking web sites. Unfortunately, a new study concludes that the threat facing children online is no worse than it is in the real world. Age verification technologies only work if people choose to use them (Talbot, 2009). Therefore, the only true way to protect our children is through proper education and awareness. By informing parents, educators, and teenagers of online predators, the number of sexual crimes against young children online can be greatly reduced. As a result, the community needs to inform the younger generation about the proper precautions that
  • 36. Case Study On Omango Executive Summary Two Wheeled Omango is a bicycle based courier service in Mumbai, India, catering to law and justice firms. The Omango can transport documents as well as small parcels to clients, other law and justice firms, as well as transport and file documents with the clerk of courts. Law and justice firms will be the primary group of customers and the only one targeted, non law and justice firm customers will be served as well, but will not be targeted. The Omango will offer reliability and industry insight to law and justice firms, enabling it to provide superior service relative to the current service providers. This will allow the corporation to rapidly gain market share. Profitability will be reached by month nine, and revenue for year three will be very comfortable. 1.1 Objectives The objectives for the first three years of operation include: To create a service based corporation whose ... Show more content on ... Reliability is a characteristic that is very important to law and justice firms. The firms require reliability of delivery. Often the delivery of legal documents is critical. The Omango achieves reliability through a redundant back up system that always provides an alternative method of delivery if the specific bicycle messenger encounters difficulty. By having a back up system, the corporation ensures that even if the primary messenger fails, there is a back up ready to complete the delivery. The second competitive advantage is industry insight. It is a true advantage for Prabhat to have worked as an attorney for several years. This work gave him industry insight that is not replicable without actually doing the work. The insight is valuable because Prabhat knows intimately what attorneys need in regards to document delivery. While other companies will gain some insight by serving the attorney market over time, it will not compare in breadth to Prabhat s. 5.2 Sales
  • 37. Aortic Stenosis Research Paper Aortic stenosis is the narrowing down of the opening of the aortic heart valve, this is a common valvular disease in the modern world. The aortic stenosis is classified into two types, congenital and acquired. In congenital aortic stenosis, it is often observed that the malformation of a bicuspid valve instead of a natural tricuspid valve. The leaflets are fused to create a bicuspid structure. While in acquired stenosis, there is narrowing down of the valve opening due to calcification which usually starts from the roots and extends to the end of the opening creating a stiffened and narrowed opening as shown in Figure 7 [22]. This calcification process formed over the course of decades of unhealthy diet, smoking, obesity and other cardio vascular... Show more content on ... 50 percent of patients with severe aortic stenosis wouldn t serve the nominal two year life expectancy in respect to those with Aortic valve replacement[28]. Hence, emphasis on the study of aortic stenosis and its progression is of decisive significance [23]. Classifications of aortic stenosis is often based on factors that include its opening area and the pressure related to it. These are often derived from the echocardiography recordings the change in the relation between the mean opening areas to the pressure gradients provides insights about the severity of the disease in terms of its effect on the left ventricle increased load. Aortic stenosis progression is generally classified into the
  • 38. The Disappearance And Murder Of Tim Bosma The disappearance and murder of Tim Bosma was one that captivated much of the news and the public during May of 2013. An ordinary man from Ontario went missing while with two men who were test driving his vehicle, only for his burnt remains found a week later. The two men Dellen Millard, and Mark Smich who were with Bosma during the test drive were eventually charged with first degree murder, and later on both were convicted of that charge and sentenced to life in prison (Armstrong Russell, 2014). This was a case that had many different policeofficers evolved in. With the Hamilton Police Service (HPS) leading the investigation they were also assisted by both the Toronto Police Service (TPS) as well as the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)... Show more content on ... Another group that would be involved would be the general duty officers who would assist is searching, and preserving the scenes where HPS where searching for clues relating to the Bosma disappearance, and murder (Visser Humphreys, 2013). One of the most important units involved in this investigation was the Forensic Identification Services (FIS) members who are responsible for preserving, and collecting all of the evidence. These officers worked along side the members previously mentioned throughout the investigation collecting much evidence from both Bosmas truck as well as other locations that were searched. 1 What Issues are Present There were many different issues that were present during the investigation to the Tim Bosma murder. For one the length of the investigation, and the amount of forensic evidence that was collected, and analyzed. The HPS explained to the court the evidence collected from Bosma truck. They took sixty four blood swabs in and around the truck; furthermore, they also took 23 fingerprints from the truck on 20 different items with two of them matching to Millard (Clairmont, 2016). A cut was made in a green tarp to remove the section with blood stains on it, as well soil and vegetation samples were taken from the tires (Clairmont, 2016). They also collected shards of glass from a broken passenger window. This is just an example of the amount of evidence that was collected from just the truck in the Bosma murder investigation. Another
  • 39. The Collection At The Museum Of Fine Arts RESEARCH Integrated into the Permanent Collection at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Pieter Brueghel the Younger 1620 s painting Return from the Inn, illustrates an outdoor winter scenery of rustic peasant life in early seventeenth century Belgium. Born in 1564 or 1565 in Brussels, Belgium, Pieter Brueghel the Youngerwas a Flemish painter best known for being the oldest son of the notable sixteenth century Netherlandish painter Pieter Brueghel the Elder and Mayken Coecke van Aelstv (Artnet, 2016). Following the passing of both of his parents, Brueghel the Younger and his siblings Marie and Jan went to live with their grandmother Mayken Verhulst, a reputable painter of watercolors. It was her who acquainted Brueghel the Younger to painting. Around 1578, the family relocated to Antwerp, Belgium, where Brueghel the Younger settled down and started a family. Also during this time, Brueghel the Younger was practicing painting in the studio of a landscape painter, Gillis van Coninxloo (Artnet, 2016). The flourishing art market of this era and the high demand of Pieter Brueghel the Elder s paintings drove his son to dedicate his time to recreating a body of low priced and inspired replicas of his father s peasant scenes works (ArtUK, 2016). Akin to his father, he painted sceneries, religious matters, axioms and small town landscapes. The paintings were sold for local sale and export and were generally noted as missing humanism and nuance. In addition, he did create authentic
  • 40. Agent Kern s Ethical Dilemmas Trained clairvoyant castoffs strive to use their special powers for good. PILOT LOGLINE The clairvoyant team tracks down a stolen dog, whose collar contains top secret information and in the process they also expose a deeper conspiracy. BRIEF SYNOPSIS AIDEN TRELANE (31) is a fun loving guy with a special ability: he has the power of telekinesis. When he s arrested and admitted to a psych hospital, he makes a deal with AGENT MOLLY KERN (40 s) to join a government team of clairvoyant rejects. Agent Kern reassures Trelane that his sister, LAURA (20 s), who s catatonic, is safe. It s a new start for him and a chance at redemption. Trelane joins the other specialists : psychic PINTO (33) and remote viewer ZAZ (24). Agent Kern, along... Show more content on ... The team works to hone their skills. The team is given their assignment. A dog was snatched from its owner. Inside the dog s collar are the schematics for a top secret pulse weapon. Behind the dog snatching is YURI AUCKMAN. The team needs to find and rescue the dog. The team meets with the owner, HAROLD FUNG (62) and using their skills they confront, CARLOS, the gardener, who helped the dog kidnappers. They track down Yuri and rescue the dog. Trelane decides to leave the group and says good bye. The other members of the team overhear Agent Kern and the doctor making a deal and transferring money. She s doubled crossed them. Agent Kern uses her suppressor to knock out the team. She grabs a flash drive with the information, but suddenly the drive slips through her hand and lands in Trelane s hand. He s back. The doctor attacks Trelane and injects him with a sedative. The group wakes up to realize there s a bomb. Trelane uses his special abilities to throw the bomb out of the window. They battle Agent Kern. The victorious team decides that they want to go rogue and form their own team to help those who need it. There s just one thing missing...
  • 41. Essay about Australian Economy Post World War I Introduction It has been argued that after World War 1, Australia gained more than it lost. Even though there were many lives lost during the war, these losses didn t hold Australia back as a country. Australia was fortunate enough to come out of the war with more than they put into the war. Some of these gains are There economy boomed, the relationship between Australia and Britain was stronger, the women replaced the men s jobs, many immigrants were encouraged to migrate to Australia. Although Australia gained many things they still lost a lot. These were things such as Australia spent a lot of money, they lost many troops and lost trade with Germany. Although Australia lost some things, they were outweighed by the things they ... Show more content on ... During the war the British soldiers looked up to the Australian soldiers because of their spirit. The Australian soldiers also looked up to the British soldiers and called England the Mother Country. Also the Australians liked to call themselves British. Lastly Britain bought a lot of Australia s wheat to commemorate their war effort Body paragraph 3 What did all the women do during the war? With half a million men away at war, leaving their day to day jobs, who replaced the the workers? The women did. Women replaced the men s jobs such as munitions factory workers, sewing bandages, and selling war bonds, shipyards and spies. This is good because before the war women were unimportant and were only aloud in the kitchen The only negative about the women working in the men s jobs was they didn t get paid as much as the men. The number of women in the workforce rose from 24% to 37%. This is close to 500,000 women to close to one million women. This says that in the workforce, women rose in a total of 500,000. Body paragraph 4 Why did all the immigrants settle to Australia? With the already little population of 5 million Australian people and the loss of 300,000 men, this should have been a dark time, but to make up on that loss Australia received 300,000 migrants. These Migrants came from Britain. As there was a large amount of unemployment the British government encouraged the people of britain to migrate to Australia. Also the
  • 42. King Conceptual System Theory An Overview of the Conservation Model and the Conceptual System Theory Everything in life has a purpose for their existence, and each human being is valued for their strength, knowledge, power but a lack of capability for interacting with their surroundings can bring many obstacles in their way in other for the meaningful and desirable goals to be reached. King s Theory of GoalAttainment bring a great concentration on the accomplishments of certain life goals and this can only happen if the nurse and the patient has the capacity to communicate and work together, and only then these life goals can be achieved (George, 2011). Levine s model encourages the use of adaptation and maintains integrity, energy through the process of conservation. This is can be done with the help of nursing care and nursing involvements. With encouraging conservation, a nurse can assist in promoting the person s well being (George, 2011). Kings Conceptual System Theory King had many believe based on his Conceptual System Theory, he believes that each person views and interprets the world as an entire being in making transactions with individuals and things in their surroundings. He also believes that the exchange or interaction represents a life situation in which the interpreter and what is being interpreted unexpectedly experiences and in which the individual enters the situation as a dynamic partaker and is individually changed in the process of these
  • 43. The Influence Of Family Sitcoms In The 1970 s The family sitcom has always been a form of entertainment that has brought people together, and has played a pivotal role in American society. Family values often change over time to reflect the issues being faced by each family member generationally. Media and entertainment are often affected by the social and political issues of their time. Many of these issues, and the way that these issues have shaped American values, have often influenced the content of television sitcoms. Although familysitcoms often reflect the values of real American families, in the 1970s, many television families had very few flaws, as opposed to the real families of the 1970s. Meanwhile, television families more accurately represented real families in the 1980s. ... Show more content on ... Before the seventies, family values were more conservative and traditional with the popularization of the nuclear family in the fifties and sixties. The nuclear family was ...built around the nucleus of the mother and father... (Stanley, 2012). This changed in the 1970s due to the economic and social struggle inflicted by the Cold War and Vietnam (Stanley, 2012). Family size began to go down because people could not afford big families anymore. This trend continued into the eighties when, ...the average family size dropped from 3.58 people in 1970 to 3.29 people in 1980... (Suro, 1991). Because of financial struggle, family size was less of a priority for the average family. Another change in the 1980s was that marriage was not valued as much as it was in previous years. When a group of high school seniors were surveyed, there was ...a modest (4% 5%) decline in the late 1980s in the fraction of female seniors saying that they thought it very likely that they would stay married for a lifetime to the same person... (Thornton Young Demarco, 2001). Because of the lack of optimism in the 1970s, young women were not as enthusiastic about marriage as previous generations. Because of social, political, and economic struggles and advancements, family values changed between these two
  • 44. What Are The Causes Of Procrastination Among University... It is undeniable that most students include university students have the habit of procrastination mostly in their homework, reports and assignments. They usually like to delay their works and do them last minutes. Beswick and Mann (1994) state that procrastination is the action of delaying the beginning or completing an intended course. Ferrari and Pychyl (2008) state that the habit of procrastination brings a lot of negative effects to the students, such as low achievement of students or increase their physical and psychological problems. There are three reasons that cause procrastination among the university students, which are distractions, difficulty in regulating emotions and lack of motivation. The first reason of procrastination... Show more content on ... There are some causes of lack of motivation, such as lack of confidence, unclear goals and they are surrounded by negativity. Some of the university students are lack of confidence. They always think that they are weak in anything and they will get low marks in their assignments. This will cause them do not have the motion to start or do the assignments. In addition, some university students do not get motivation from their friends. A students attitude in his studies is easily influenced by his surrounding friends. For example, if a student is surrounded by the friends who will do their assignments earlier and submit them on time, the student will be motivated by completing and submitting his assignments on time. Moreover, some of the university students do not have their clear goals in their studies. This will cause them lack of motion to study and do their assignments. For example, if a student do not determine a goal or fix a direction in his studies, he will feel bored and become lazy to complete the assignments. This is because he does not know what he will obtain from his studies. Therefore, the third reason of procrastination among the university students is lack of
  • 45. How Max Planck Changed Our Understanding Of The Universe Max Planck has changed our understanding as it has increased our human understanding of the frequency of radiation, given our in packets of energy now know as quanta. It has formed the basis of modern physics, and now the principles of quantum physics are being applied to an increasing number of areas, which include, quantum optics, quantum chemistry, quantum computing, and quantum cryptography. Max s theories and discoveries have changed our understanding of the process of atomic and subatomic atoms, meaning he used the idea of quanta (discrete units of energy) to explain hot glowing matter. He has began the study into the field of quantum physics. Some say Max has refined our knowledge of the Universes composition and evolution. Max Planck s
  • 46. Mao Zedong Of The Communist Party Of China In the 1960 s the Chairman of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong feared that China would move too far in a revisionist direction with an emphasis on expertise rather than on ideological purity as the Soviet model was doing. In response Mao gathered a group of radicals such as Defense Minister Lin Biaoto help him attack current party leadership to reassert the authority he had lost during the recent economic crisis and the Great Leap Forward. In 1966, Mao launched the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution(1966 1976). The goal of the movement was to purify Chinese society by upholdling only true Communist ideology. This was an attempt to revive the revolutionary spirit that had led to victory in the civil war decades earlier and the formation of the People s Republic of China. Mao claimed that bourgeois foundations had infiltrated the government and society with the intentions of restoring capitalism. Mao believed that the current Communist leaders were guiding China in the wrong direction and as a result he called the nation s youth to purge capitalist and traditional fundamentals from Chinese society and re impose Maoist thought in their place. This lead to a violet class struggle, as China s youth responded to Mao s call by forming Red Guard groups around the country. The movement was soon amplified to a class struggle on all fronts as it spread into the military, the urban workers and even the Communist Party leadership. President Liu Shaoqiand other Communist
  • 47. Essay on The Devil Wears Prada Film Case Study The Devil Wears Prada Film Case Study The Devil Wears Prada is a movie about a naГЇve, yet smart young woman named Andrea Sachs, and her journey to becoming a journalist. Andrea, also known as Andy, graduated from Northwestern University and interviewed for a job at Runway, a major fashion magazine in New York City. Being a simple young woman, Andy wasn t necessarily up to speed with the fashion industry, but ended up landing the job. Miranda Priestly, editor in chief at Runway hired Andy because she was different from any of her previous assistants. If Andy worked as an assistant to Miranda for at least a year, she was under the impression that she could easily be hired as a journalist in the future. The only problem was ... Show more content on ... Even Emily, Miranda s other assistant began to get jealous of Andy s accomplishments. I think Miranda displays several different types of power throughout the movie. Individuals with legitimate power can influence people through requests or demands within their position. Miranda uses her power sources in this way through authority among her co workers. Even though reward power and coercive power are opposite, Miranda carried out both. It s obvious that she conducts coercive power by using threatening gestures and the fear of punishment to gain power among her work place. Miranda portrays reward power in a case like Andy s because being at Runway for a year will give her extensive job opportunities in the future. Miranda knows that Andy is a smart, hard worker, and she ll do whatever she is told in order to remain an assistant, and be rewarded with a good job in the future. Out of the three power bases I ve mentioned for Miranda, I think legitimate power is most important and prominently used in her character role. Legitimate power is similar to the learning style we ve been experiencing is class. Nigel had worked with Miranda for several years, and by now had built a strong relationship with her. She still bossed him around, just like she did everyone else, but he knew all of her tricks and was able to respond to her better than most of her colleagues. Nigel was very knowledgeable not only
  • 48. Chris Brown Research Paper Is Chris Brown the greatest male R B artist? Of course he is. He s multi talented and has a very creative mind. Brown dances, plays sports, directs, writes music, and last but certainly not least sings. Since his first hit single Run it! in 2005, he has shown the world his passion and dedication for his musiccareer and has earned the title of the greatest male R B artist (Biography). Christopher Maurice Brown was born on May 5, 1989, in Tappahannock, Virginia. Brown grew up in a small town of about 2,000 people. He loved singing in his church choir and was inspired by other musical artists such as Sam Cooke, Stevie Wonder, and Michael Jackson. Brown was discovered by Tina Davis, who is now his manager, while she was working for def jams.... Show more content on ... Just that name in itself should let you know how amazing of an artist Brown is, he chose to be in his daughter s life even though his music career was in full effect. This however cost Brown the love his life, also known as Karrueche Tran. Being how Brown had Royalty out of wedlock and not with Ms. Tran this caused her to leave him where he stood and place a restraining order on him, as she stated on the Wendy Williams show on February 27th, 2018. Receiving yet another loss of a beloved and gaining the most important one made Brown thrive in the music industry producing two songs being Little More (Royalty) about his daughter and Back to Sleep about Ms. Tran. These were two hits which aided to yet another accomplishment Brown has achieved over the past eight years is his own clothing brand known as Black Pyramid. Where Brown receives anywhere from 15 20 million dollars in revenue for the clothes in the year of 2016
  • 49. Auditory Neuropathy Most existing research and models of auditory neuropathy has utilised gerbils. At present no robust model of auditory neuropathy in guinea pigs exists; previous guinea pig models have been used but these were not robust and were susceptible to confounding. The use of tests such as DPOAE and assessment of IHC hair cell morphology are important are vital as these provide information about hair cell status and functioning; without these, elevated ABR thresholds could be exacerbated by damaged hair cells. Previous research has suggested the guinea pig is unsuited for use as an Auditory Neuropathy model as Ouabain preferentially damages HCs in guinea pigs (Fu, Ding, Jiang, Salvi, 2012; Hamada Kimura, 1999). Our (current?) research has demonstrated that Ouabian treatment in guinea pigs can spare HCs while removing SGN and thus can be used as a model of auditory neuropathy. Of the treatment conditions (#2, 4, 5, 6) #2 (10 mM OB drip 30 minutes) and #5 (5 mM OB Whatman paper 60 minutes) are well suited to an animal model of auditory... Show more content on ... The focal lesion created by condition #2 alongside the larger size of the guinea pig (brainstem?) would facilitate the assessment of tonotopicity for any stem cell based treatment for SGN or HC replacement. Limitations: Some conditions sample size n=1. No 30min 10mM paper treatment or 60 min 10mM drip treatment from which to analyse impact of duration. No fluorescence. Further research: Assessment of fibre types impacted by different conditions such as high spon vs low spon? Assessment of microenvironment at different timepoints as this has been linked to the success or failure of stem cells to survive (Lang et al., 2008; Warnecke, Mellott, RГ¶mer, Lenarz, Staecker,
  • 50. The Presidential Election Of The Obama Administration Essay In 2016, the end of the Obama administration but the beginning of someone else s, who will it be? In the 2016 presidential race there are seven candidates, five republicans and two democrats but only two will win their respective party nomination. The Republican candidates are Donald Trump, an entrepreneur, Ted Cruz, a United StatesSenator of Texas, Marco Rubio, a U.S. Senator of Florida, John Kasich, Governor of Ohio, and Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon. On the Democrat side the running candidates are former First Lady, Secretary of State, and Senator of New York, Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, former U.S. Representative and sitting U.S. Senator of Vermont. As of March 1, 2016, only three of the republican candidates have a fighting chance of winning the party nominee, Trump, Cruz, and Rubio. In order to win the Republican nominee, the candidate must win 1237 of the 2472 delegates of the Republican National Committee by July 18th. Forty six percent of the delegates are unpledged, meaning that they are a member of the party and are free to vote for any candidate of their liking, they are sometimes called super delegates. The other fifty three percent of delegates are district delegates that the candidates will pick up by winning in the caucuses and primaries of states and U.S. territories. Candidate Donald Trump is in the lead with winning the most delegates, with 221 delegates, Cruz in second with sixty nine, Rubio in third with forty one, Kasich has nineteen and Carson
  • 51. Air Purifiers Advantages Air Purifiers and Their Benefits. You may wonder, How do I choose the right air purifier? Each air purifier has its own performance and technical characteristics. Air purifiers are extremely useful for people with respiratory diseases such as asthma or allergies and also for people who want to fight against pollution or bad odors. I invite you to consult the many opinions on air purifiers. There are now high performance air purifiers perfectly suited for size, performance and budget for homes and small spaces. Air purifier efficiency depends on certain criteria. Obviously, the level of effectiveness of the purifier and its speed of treatment depend on the state of pollution of the air and its dimensions. This is to be taken into account in the choice of the device and its use. Air purifiers will help you breath clean air, year round. Initially, air purifiers were found only in industries to filter and remove toxic residues. If the quality of the air is not excellent, the body must fight to eliminate this pollution and the most fragile people often develop respiratory diseases (allergies, asthma, cancers, etc.) whose source is certainly partly due to this pollution (although other factors may come into play). According to the WHO, formaldehyde (the best known reason for indoor pollution) is present in all homes of the world at levels of concentration harmful to health. The WHO also indicates that naphthalene, benzene, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, trichlorethylene, radon, tetrachlorethylene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are present in many homes. Pollution that is biological in nature is caused by bacteria, molds, viruses, pollen, etc. Pollution that is biological in nature is frequently made worse because of humidity, heat, poor housekeeping and hot water and air conditioning installations. These issues promote the proliferation of biological agents, which increases the risk of diffusion in the environment. This is frequently the case for indoor pollution because it is particularly difficult to prevent. Purifiers promise to filter most of these indoor pollutants. Providers of air purifiers believe that their mission is to provide relief, because air pollution affects