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Essay On Your School
Writing an essay about one's own school can be a challenging task. It requires a delicate balance
between personal experience and objective analysis. On one hand, you need to convey your
genuine feelings and experiences about the school, showcasing its strengths and unique
characteristics. On the other hand, you must maintain a level of objectivity and avoid overly
subjective or biased viewpoints.
One of the difficulties in writing such an essay lies in striking this balance. It's easy to either
romanticize or criticize aspects of your school without providing a well-rounded perspective.
Additionally, finding the right tone is crucial – you want to convey your thoughts and
opinions sincerely without sounding either overly critical or excessively praising.
Furthermore, ensuring that the essay remains engaging and coherent is another challenge. It's
essential to organize your thoughts logically, provide sufficient supporting evidence or
anecdotes, and maintain the reader's interest throughout the essay. Avoiding clichГ©s and
generic statements while highlighting what sets your school apart can also be a struggle.
Moreover, there's the challenge of avoiding repetition or redundancy, especially if you're
covering various aspects of your school, such as academics, extracurricular activities, facilities,
and community involvement. Each section needs to contribute something new and meaningful to
the overall narrative.
Lastly, there's the pressure of making the essay stand out amidst potentially numerous other
essays on similar topics. Finding a unique angle or perspective that sets your essay apart from the
rest can be demanding, requiring creativity and introspection.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay On Your School" requires navigating
several challenges, including maintaining a balance between personal experience and objectivity,
finding the right tone, ensuring coherence and engagement, avoiding repetition, and striving for
originality. It's a task that demands careful thought and effort to effectively convey the essence
of one's school experience.
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Essay On Your SchoolEssay On Your School
Why Is Capitalism Better Than Socialism
Today, around the world more than ever, people have been debate over politics,
which economic system works best, its advantages and disadvantages, also strengths
and weaknesses. For hundreds of years, the most talk about, argue and debate about
are Capitalism and Socialism. Both systems are in different societies throughout the
world. Many people have different views on these two economic system. Many think
socialism is a better system; but some believe capitalismis a much better choice. But
in order to determine which system is better between them. It is necessary to
understand what the difference, and how they work in both systems. Capitalism,
according to, the system is based on private ownership of the means of
Retirement, Are You Saving Enough?
As and investor, you are overwhelmed with advice in newspapers, magazines, and
mailings discussing what to invest in for a successful retirement nest egg, when to
start saving for retirement and who to invest with. There are millions of people who
realize that an investment portfolio for retirement is necessary, but do they really
understand the investment instruments and the amount they must invest for
tomorrow? The subject of retirement is a fascinating area but it also could be a fuzzy
subject without the correct amount of knowledge, understanding and professional
guidance. The number one question of concern for individuals facing retirement
issues is whether or not they ... Show more content on ...
The trick to retirement is making the savings and investment part of that formula
last as long as you do. Traditionally, experts have advised you to invest your savings
in stocks and bonds, with the ratio of stocks to bonds gradually decreasing as you
get older. The rule of thumb was to have 65% of your investment dollars in bonds by
your 65th birthday. ( This rule of thumb has changed recently in
order to take into account the increase in life expectancy. Now that your retirement
money has to last longer, the experts are beginning to lean toward investing more of
your money in the stock market and keeping it there further into retirement than you
normally would. The most important notion that retirees must learn is that the longer
you can go without dipping into your principal, the longer your money will last for
you due to the rule of compounding of interest. There are numerous different
techniques for people to use in order to retire comfortably and remain comfortable
until their deaths. Since deciding how much money you need for retirement is
obviously a highly personal calculation, individuals must explore the many different
instruments for retirement. So how should people invest today for the future and
their retirement?
The most crucial retirement investing advice anyone can give is really quite simple:
Start early, max out your 401(k), and
A Study By Schrader ( 2012 ) Examined Osteoarthritis And...
A study by Schrader (2012) examined osteoarthritis and entheseal remodeling at
Tombos Nubia, after the Egyptian New Kingdom colonization (1550 1069 BCE).
The author used skeletal remains from the colonial town Tombos as a way to
compare activity patterns during Egypt s colonial expansion into Nubia. Many
Egyptian researchers vary on how Egyptian colonial policies impacted Nubian
inhabitants. Some believe that the local populace was forced to meet Egyptian
tributes, which included slaves, goods, gold, and grain (Schrader, 2012:61). While
others believe that there were positive interactions between the two groups, which
included minimal tributes and the ability of Nubians to hold onto cultural values
(Schrader, 2012:62). Schrader s research focused on entheseal changes and
osteoarthritis in the skeletal remains found at Tombos, in an effort to understand how
Nubian activity levels altered. The author used entheses, as a way of measuring
musculoskeletal stress markers, and osteoarthritis to compare Tombos population
(Schrader, 2012:62). Both conditions are impacted by the sex, age, and body size of
an individual; along with environmental factors and genetic predispositions
(Schrader, 2012:62). Even though neither of these conditions allow us to understand
know exactly what an individual did while they were alive, they will offer up certain
information about the population. Such as if the individual worked as a manual
laborer or in a less physically demanding position
The National Debt Of The United
The national debt of the United Stated has long been a large source of controversy,
especially given the last four years having had $1 trillion deficits consecutively. The
United States national government has overspent and run a deficit for the last 45 of
50 years. The US national debt is quickly approaching $20 trillion, and the budget
deficitis still very high.
The debt and the deficit are two different terms. A budget deficit refers to when the
government spends more than they had in the budget, also when the government
spends more money than it brings in. The national debt is all of the past deficits
added together, minus the amount that the government has already paid. The
national debt can affect the deficit. For example, the interest that is owed on the
national debt is added to the deficit each year, and about 5% of the budget each
year goes to paying interest payments on the debt. The deficit that is reported each
year in the federal budget does not include what congress owes to the Social
Security Trust Fund. So a more accurate idea of the annual deficit would be found
by looking at how much the national debt has increased. Every year that the
government overspends and has a deficit this amount is added to the national debt.
The last four years of budget deficits have pushed the national debt over 100% of
America s gross domestic product.
Over the last 40 years the federal government has generally spent more than what
they had in the budget, and in order to be
I Know The Lord Has Made This Possible For Me
Thank you for this great opportunity to volunteer at Teen Challenge. I know the
Lord has made this possible for me. Speaking of libraries, I have identified some
factors that in my opinion can greatly enhance the use of the library by students and
staff members. If I understand you correctly, your desire is for the libraryto be
frequently visited by the students and staff of Teen Challenge.
The challenge, in this case, is to establish a library that serves the needs of students
and staff member of Teen Challenge. Teen Challenge is a very strong organization by
God s grace with very high Christian, ethical and moral standards. Additionally, it has
a space available that can be turned into a more than adequate reading and studying
However, there are some factors that are by nature opposing the achievement of the
goal of sustainability and frequent use of students and staff. Because of this, it is
highly recommended that steps be considered in order to assure success for the
present and the future of this very important project.
Firstly, the designation of a librarian is vital for continuing the duties of managing
collections (books, periodical, articles, newspapers, magazines, DVD, CD, etc.),
program development; obtaining, analyzing and reporting the feedback from patrons.
A successful library is one who is able to determine the needs of its patrons and
satisfy those needs and wants by structuring operations accordingly.
Secondly, a library is no longer a
Essay On One Person Business
Managing a one person business: six considerations to make it work
When someone decides to take the plunge and set up their own business, often this
means they ll be working on their own for the first time. It can be scary and daunting,
but with determination they are likely to make it a success.
In this article, we ll examine six key areas and offer advice to help managing a one
person business that little bit easier...
Time is precious
When there is just one person in the business, it s very easy to get bogged down in
tasks that aren t the core business. In fact, inertia can easily set in and the owner
becomes swamped. The simplest route through this malaise is time management.
The one person business owner needs to organise well and not ... Show more content
on ...
Critically, a good website allows a small business to punch above its weight during
that all important phase when a potential customer is weighing up its merits against
those of a potentially bigger, more established and well resourced rival.
Other digital considerations
A good digital presence doesn t just mean having a website. A savvy web user will
immediately look for social media accounts related to any new business as a way of
further legitimising the organisation they are interested in. Well run social accounts
will also bring a small business to the attention of more potential customers.
Beyond establishing digital destinations, a one person business can do itself the
world of good by having an email address that matches their web address and
business name. It just seems more professional than promoting a Gmail or Outlook
Fluctuations are normal for the one person business but how do you stop this
becoming a full blown crisis when there is less coming in than going out? The
answer is to keep cash balances high and not to overspend or leave yourself juggling
Client focus can help here. Rather than the bigger payers, often the clients that pay
regularly and on time receive the best service. When time is limited, focusing on
clients that can bring you a reliable income can help you
Target Data Breach Essay
Target Data Breach
Charles Moore
American Military University
Target a large retail corporation that operates over 1,700 stores across the United
States. They also operate as an online retailer at In 2012 the retailer
earned more than $73 billion dollars in revenue and grew their sales by 5.1% from
the previous year. Looking at the revenue and sales growth rate it is hard to fathom
that more money could not be spent to ensure that consumer data is protected as
much as possible. As information security specialists one of the worst things that can
happen is our network gets infiltrated and customer information is stolen. On
December 19, 2013 Target released a statement stating that they have had an
information ... Show more content on ...
The following day they deployed their card stealing malware onto the POS systems.
On December 11 the attackers are first discovered and on the 15th of December they
were removed from the network. December 19th Target acknowledge the breach to
the public and details started coming to light on the sophistication of the attack
(Jarvis Milletary, 2014).
After two months of investigating it was determined that Target had allowed their
HVAC vendor access to their networks. This HVAC account that was created had
been compromised and allowed hackers onto the Target s network (Mlot, 2014). Once
on the network the attackers made their way to change user accounts that were
already on the system and gave them elevated privileges. Target utilizes BMC
management software that creates and utilizes a Best1_user account to authenticate
the management software to the network. This account when installed onto the
system is not added to any groups and is locked down to only authenticate the BMC
services necessary ( 29 new clues, 2014).
Once on Target s network with elevated privileges the attackers were able to launch
malware to the POS systems that would capture the credit card information of the
consumers as they swiped their cards to pay for their items. They launched a second
piece of malware that that would take the captured information and move it to a dump
server on the internal network. Once the information was on the dump server it them
Underdog Wears Prada Sexism
The Underdog Wears Prada : An Analysis on Miranda Priestly and Villainy
In the beginning of the movie The Devil Wears Prada, Andy Sachs says She s
[Miranda Priestly] not happy unless everyone around her is panicked, nauseous or
suicidal. This Quote paints a rather cruel, uncaring, and even villainous character that
Miranda Priestly embodies throughout the movie, but despite this negative opinion,
we still feel a draw to her, an undeniable intrigue due to the confidence and strength
she retains in her daily life. Chuck Klosterman, author of the essay Villains Who are
Not Villains, argues that a character is understood through their own realm, that we
see villains contextualized to their situation (48). Miranda Priestly is not seen as a
villain ... Show more content on ...
She proves herself to be a successful and talented leader of Runway, but her
employers still try to replace her, excusing themselves of their sexism by claiming
that she is getting old and less up to date with the latest styles. It is apparent that
she is actually being replaced because of the common sexist misconception that
women get weaker and less able to do their job when they grow older, unlike a man
who gets considered stronger and wiser. Miranda in response to this misconception
has to hide behind a façade, a persona of power and confidence in order to
compensate for the misconceptions held against her and in order to keep her
career and the respect of her position. Though, in actuality it is shown that Miranda
is not as strong as she may seem because towards the end of the movie, Miranda,
unmade up and dressed down in a robe, reveals that she is getting a divorce. She
exposes the toll her job places on her life and gives a glimpse to the stress and
sacrifice she has made in her own personal life by creating a persona in order to
combat the fallacy of sexism. This persona is the root cause of her villainous traits; it
is through this persona that she demands so much of her employees and through this
ambition and self preservation that she is willing to betray people like Nigel. If she
had security and the trust that management naturally gives to men, she would not
behave in these villainous ways and not have to fight and hurt others to keep her
Understanding Buddhism as a State of Mind
Religion is an intriguing concept as there is a diverse amount of religions that are
practiced throughout the world today. One of the widespread forms of religion is
Buddhism. Some believe that this particular type of religion is more of a state of
mind or a lifestyle rather than a religion; however, some still classify it as a religion
due to the variety of rituals and beliefs that are associated with Buddhism. By going
through the central themes of Buddhism, it will provide the pertinent information
of what exactly Buddhism is. Buddhism came about due to a royal prince that was
born in what is now known as Nepal. This royal prince was named Siddhartha
Gautama, which he would later become known as the Buddha. During his time
growing up, he was living the life of luxury within the palace; however, one day he
ventured out into the village outside of the palace and what he saw altered his
whole life. He went into the village in which he came across an aging man, an ill
man, and a corpse. Siddhartha was completely appalled and did not understand how
this could happen to people. He was not aware that people suffered through life and
then ultimately died. This shocking visual that Siddhartha observed caused him to
realize he needed to leave behind his family and seek enlightenment. He had spent
years trying to achieve enlightenment, but to no avail. One day he came across a
tree, which is known as the Bodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya, that he decided he would sit
under until
The For Your Child s Winter Essay
You can t miss the nip in the air, and as the year draws to an end, the mercury is
going to dip even further. This also means it s time to pull out all those colourful
woollies that have been languishing in the cupboard, and maybe buy some new
ones to stay in sync with the season s trends. Gone are the days when the over sized
woolens came in monotonous and boring winter shades. Now, you can splurge on
colours and watch your child radiate the brightness. Red is big for girls and boys,
and the metallics that lit up the runways in the fall are also gracing kids winter lines.
When choosing woolens for your child, practicality is of utmost importance. But don
t overlook the fashion angle. Kids, these days, are extremely conscious about what
they wear. Here are a few winter must haves for your child.
1. Just jackets
Your child s winter wardrobe would be incomplete without a warm and colourful
jacket. Depending on where you are stationed, you can opt for a quilt lined jacket, a
football jacket, a classic denim one or the contemporary ones that look more like
coats. Cotton, Light and medium poly fill jackets are in fashion these days, with
sweat jackets ruling the fashion scene. Jackets, not only provide ample warmth, but
when zipped right up, take care of the entire upper torso without you having to
worry much. Little girls can add a few frills and flowers to their jackets without
thinking twice. And if it s not too cold, they can even go for chic shrugs.
Tip: Here s a word
Ethics in Mission and Safety Critical Software...
Ethics in Mission and Safety Critical Software Engineering
Engineering has a direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all people. 1 It is
by this premise that engineering codes of ethics have been written to outline
professional standards for both managers and engineers. Exhibiting the highest
standards of honesty and integrity are imperative for the protection of public health,
safety, and welfare.2 When ethical principles are compromised, the risk of
endangering others greatly increases, especially with mission and safety critical
systems. Extreme consequences include not only complete mission failures and great
financial loss, but also fatalities. Though most engineering accidents are associated
with aerospace, ... Show more content on ...
Though the Code is to be viewed as a body of work and different parts are not meant
to be used in isolation, concentrating on these particular principles shed the most light
on how past software engineering accidents could have been avoided. Principle 3
outlines all the professional practice guidelines for Product. These include:
. Ensuring that, as a software engineer, you are qualified to work on a particular
. Ensuring that the appropriate method is used for the project
. Ensuring adequate testing
. Maintaining data integrity
. Treating all maintenance with the same professionalism as new development
. And many others (Click here for all Principle 3 guidelines).4
Principle 5 outlines all the professional practice guidelines for Management. This
applies to all managers and leaders of software engineers. It is important to note the
management/engineer relationship, as success depends on both sides. Though the
ultimate authority over business decisions lies with management, they must still be
willing to listen to any of the engineers concerns during the process, and duly take
this into account. The relationship also works the other direction, in that management
will not know of any problems unless accurately reported by the engineers. Open and
honest communication is key for ethical engineering. The guidelines for management
detailed in Principle 5 include:
Ensuring that software engineers know the standards
The Last Day Of Skiing
As thin air encloses me as I inaugurate the last day of skiing at Breckenridge,
Colorado. Three days of skiing cease rather painlessly; I stumble oftenly but an
evening on the couch next to a crackling wood fire soothes my minor aches. Closing
times nudges on the final day of our weekend trip as I prepare for my ultimate run of
the vacation. Fresh off the skilift, I glide towards the junction of the trials
unoccupied skilled face of the mountain. I detach my boots from my ski s and rest
them on my shoulder, climbing up the rim of the mountain while the wind sways me
back and forth, reaching the top, clicking my skis back on. After a moment of
deliberating, I fearlessly select a narrow path so steep that the only way can be seen
from my viewpoint.
All alone, I glance downhill and advance towards a dangerous region on the
mountain. Suddenly, my legs chatter violently, as my skis scrape against the frozen
patches that disperse the area.
I already knew that the trail will be empty for quite awhile, I said.
After overcompensating from the fall. I take my left glove off and inspect what
damage has this done to me, the heavy drift blows my glove away from me.
Noooo, no, I said.
I stand up and detach my right ski, then scramble the icy slope that flanks the trail
in search for my missing glove. Upon returning to stance of my missing glove, I re
enter the steep slope. I put on my glove and slowly slide down the slope putting my
ski back on. I suddenly hear rumblings followed
Jason E. Matzus Law
Jason E. Matzus founded Matzus Law, LLC, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to serve
clients throughout the western part of the state who have been injured by the
deliberate or negligent actions of others. The types of personal injury cases he
accepts include medical malpractice, workplace accidents, motor vehicle accidents,
defective products and unsafe premises. Mr. Matzus is admitted to practice in the
state of Pennsylvania, and he is admitted to practice before the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the 3rd Circuit and the U.S. District Court for the Western District of
Pennsylvania. After graduating magna cum laude from Gettysburg College with a
bachelor s degree in psychology and economics, Mr. Matzus earned his law degree
from the University of Pittsburgh
The Cup And Its Impact On The World
In the early 1800s the game has been played on frozen ponds, pucks made out of
wood, the sticks were also made of wood. Since that time the sport has evolved to be
one of the most sports watched sport in Canada and,The United States Of
America.Since 1915 the silver engraved Stanley cup has been apart of the N.H.L
hockey playoffs,and continues to coveted players today.
The cup is 102 years old coming into the N.H.L in 1915.The cup is the most valued
prized trophy in sports history going by the name Stanley Cup ..The cup was donated
by Lord Stanley of Preston. It s passed down from team to team each year.It s been
won by eighteen of the thirty teams. The Montreal Canadiens have won it twenty
three times which is the most in N.H.L history.The cup is 102 years old coming into
the N.H.L in 1915( Stanley Cup Playoffs... )( The Stanley Cup... ).
The Stanley Cup weighs in at thirty four point five pounds. Standing at a eighty nine
point fifty four inches tall.The bowl height is nineteen point zero five cm,diameter
twenty eight point fifty seven cm,circumference is eighty eight point nine cm.The
collar is fifteen point eighty seven cm tall the shoulders are eight point twenty five
cm.Barrel height fourty six point thirty five cm the base diameter is forty three point
eighty one( Legends of Hockey ).
The N.H.L playoffs start around April.They are split into four divisions called
Metropolitan division ,Atlantic division ,Central division ,and the Pacific division.
The Metropolitan and
Transportation and How it Affects Logistics
Transportation is one of the largest industry in the world. It is the most costly and
time consuming of the supply chain. Transportation refers to the movement of a
product from one destination to another. This process begins from the supply chain
to the consumer, for as we know that products are rarely produced in the same
location. We as people depend on transportation. Because it moves our goods and it
moves us as a people from one place to another.
Transportation is a key element in the logistic chain. It joins together those
components that are considered to be separated. In order for transportation and
logistics to work together successfully there must be good management between
them. It plays a major role in connecting it all together. Supply chain management is
defined as a continuously evolving management philosophy that seeks to unify the
collective productive competencies and resources of the business functions found
both within the enterprise and outside in the firm s allied business partners located
along intersecting supply channels into highly competitive, customer enriching
supply system focused on developing innovative solutions and synchronizing the flow
of marketplace products, services, and information to create unique, individualized
sources of customer value (Ross, 1998).
SCM can be divided into three main groups: purchase, manufacture, and transport
(Thomas et al., 1996). The focus is on transportation. There are different modes of
How Literacy Is Used As A Communication Method
When it comes to understanding literacy I learned that reading, along with writing
is used as a communication method. However, there s so much more to it than just
obtaining the knowledge of knowing how to read and write. It all truly depends on
the way you use your skills in literature. Literacy is different to each and every
person, depending on who they are as a person. It can consist of your culture,
pronunciation, the way you dress, as well as all of your actions. That being said,
personally literature means not only knowing how to read and write, but the way
we approach it as an individual. For example, we are judged by the waywe speak,
look, act, where we come from, as well as how we were raised. Which is all... Show
more content on ...
Although I love her deeply, the way she spoke always bothered me as a child. My
sister always spoke proper english is what I will not call it, but politely and she
understood how to express herself and speak her mind in a polite manner. I was
taught manners by my parents, greetings were something you could not just pass
by. good morning was to be said every morning to everyone in the house along with
a kiss otherwise it was a form of disrespect. A hug was followed with every
goodbye. Even though you could have been upset with a family member you were
required to forgive them and let the past stay in the past. Mainly because you never
know if you are going to see them tomorrow, living with regret is something no one
wants. My father always told me, since I was always a stubborn child, forgiveness
is not for the other person it is for you. At that moment I realized he was right, the
only person I was hurting all along was myself. Nevertheless, I have had a time
where I had to teach myself something that not only had disadvantages but some
advantages as well. Learning how to think before I spoke, Speaking your mind and
the truths was always something I believed in. However, I never realized that
sometimes you have to think about the consequences about your statement. Some
days you have to tell people what they want to hear, not the truth, but yes, in some
occasions you have to speak your truths for the better of
First Ostriches
Ostriches today are very different from the first ostriches long, long ago. The first
ostriches were arrogant, selfish, and sly creatures, just like Billy. Billy always
bragged about how smart or strong he was, even if what he said wasn t true. One
day, North Wind overhead Billy bragging to his friends about how he was strong
enough to lift The Brick , which was the heaviest object on Earth, and it lied in North
Wind s palace. Now, North Wind was over 5000 years old, and from all his years, he
was wise enough to know that as long as he was alive, no one else could lift The
Brick , so North Wind blew down to Billy on Earth and challenged him: I am North
Wind, and I heard you bragging to your friends about how you could lift The Brick ...
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North Wind disappeared in a closet, then came out carrying The Brick. Go ahead,
North Wind said. Billy put his hands on The Brick, and he didn t even try to lift it
because he was still daydreaming about the Wishing Gem. Very well , North Wind
murmured, Looks like I won the bet. Billy snapped out of his daydream of the
Wishing Gem, and said, You did win, good job. Why don t you go out and take a
walk while I prepare dinner? North Wind replied, Okay, thank you very much, and
left the palace. As soon as he closed the front door, Billy dashed back into the jewel
room, and gazed wistfully at the Wishing Gem as it once again captured his
attention. He then shook his head, made sure no one was looking, grabbed the
Wishing Gem, then sprinted outside and back down to Earth. When North Wind
came back and discovered both Billy and the Wishing Gem was gone, he roared, GET
ME THAT OSTRICH! and sent every one of his men to find Billy, but they never did,
because as soon as Billy landed on Earth, he wish for cool hair, a black jacket, and
to be tall. As soon as he whispered his last word, he began to transform, and he grew
long legs and a long neck, a small white tuft of hair on his head, and a black jacket
on his body, which made him look very different and unrecognizable. Still, to this
day, when North Wind blows pastany ostrich, they stick their
The Successes and Failures of the Zapatista Movement
The Successes and Failures of the Zapatista Movement
On January 1, 2004, over one thousand people in the mountain hamlet of Oventic,
Chiapas, celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Zapatista Army of National
Liberation (EZLN) rebellion with song and dance. Thus, it seems a fitting time to
take stock of the successes and failures of the Zapatista movement in the context of its
original goals. While the EZLN has been able to establish thirty eight autonomous
indigenous communities in Chiapas, it has failed to weaken the Mexican government
s commitment to neo liberal economic policies. In the following pages, we will
explore those factors which enabled the Zapatistas to establish regions of autonomy
and extrapolate from Theotonio Dos ... Show more content on ...
refusal to take money from the mal gobierno (bad government).? In addition, the
Zapatistas have created five organizational centers (caracoles) and established Juntas
of Good Government in each of them in order to ?resolve conflicts and disequilibrium
between the centers and the outlying autonomies.? The caracoles mark the EZLN?s
first success with regional, as opposed to municipal, autonomy. These Zapatista
achievements can be attributed to the local terrain of Chiapas, restrictive legislation,
and local and national scrutiny.
The Mexican government has faced legal and practical restraints on launching an
all out war on the Zapatistas. The first government counter attacks encountered
tactical difficulties in the jungles of Chiapas and the army failed to score a quick
military victory. In 1995, the federal congress passed a ?law for dialogue,? which
foreclosed the option of a unilateral show of force by the Mexican army in areas
under Zapatista control. This legislation catalyzed the signing of the San AndrГ©s
Accords by the EZLN and the Zedillo government. The San AndrГ©s Accords, as
well as the inaccessibility of the jungles of Chiapas, made overt military action
politically and tactically unviable. The EZLN?s national popularity and visibility also
guaranteed its survival. Though the Mexican government maintained a
The Causes And Consequences Of The Crusades
The Crusades were indeed about power and politics, in terms of its motivations and
consequences. Political motivations were significant in shaping the Crusades, as
evident from the rivalry for power between the Christians and the Muslims, as well as
internally within the Christian world, and the launching of the Crusadesby Pope
Urban II who harbored political interests in establishing his authority in the Christian
world. However, it is wrong to say that the Crusades had nothing to do with religion
because whilst the political and power motivations to prevent the Muslims from
gaining any more Christian territory, and to fuel European expansionism was present,
the key driving force in most parties was religious feeling. Motivations for the... Show
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Even though the Christians went on Crusades pilgrimage with the aim of driving
away the Muslims, paying pilgrimage and penance, they ended up being distracted
by European politics, which encompassed power struggles, and the opportunities for
plunder and looting. Hence, whilst the crusades had to do with religion, it was more
about politics and power as evident from the Crusades results of very limited
Barbara Kingsolver s The Bean Trees
In the book The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver, the wisteria vine functions as a
symbol of Turtle s growth throughout her journey, as well as the people that have
helped her along the way. When Turtle is first given to Taylor, she is agonized and
timid, without a clue of whom she can look to as a motherly figure. Taylor remarks
how the most amazing thing was the way the child held on... to [her]... it s little
hands like roots sucking on dry dirt. (22) Turtle s horrible past has mentally scarred
her. She views Taylor as safety and is relying on her for care. Turtle s need for
Taylor is similar to a plant s need for water. Neither can survive without the other. As
time progresses the duo bonds more closely, and Turtle begins to open up. One
Green Bay Research Paper
Green Bay is famous for its sports team and somewhat famous as a rising tourist
attraction for a city of its size. But not much is known by outsiders about the cities
around Green Bay. The truth is that Green Bay s biggest attraction is not actual in
Green Bay. Truth be told, the Packer Stadium is actual in Ashwaubenon. Which is
just across the street is the city limit of Green Bay. But there is more than just the
sports as an Export . There is different types of exports that are shipped out of the
bay area and shipped all over the Midwest, U.S., and even around the globe. Having
worked in a factory as part of this system I can say without a doubt it sucks . You
can quote me on that. But outside of the factories there are a huge amount of small
family run businesses that specialize in pottery, chocolate, and bakeries. Just outside
of The Green Bay... Show more content on ...
I never really liked the town. All I saw was store after store and never really
appreciated the small things. All cared about was looking for what could I do with
my friends. I was a spoiled brat with no sense of the outside world. My friends and I
would get into trouble throw rocks at cars. We tore up our neighbor s potatoes to
play baseball and other ball related sports. It wasn t until I moved to Denmark when I
was 8 when I relished how lazy. I saw kids my age at my school got home to work on
their parent s farm work. where I would just go home and watched TV and
complain. It was my father that finally had enough of my shenanigans and sent me
to go pick stones in a field for a week. I hate him for 3 days as I sweated and worked
only for 3 hours a day. It wasn t until a kid my age named Drake showed me how
much fun it was. Drake and I would hold competitions with each other to see who
could find the bigger rock. He would always win sadly; I still think he cheated and
brought rocks in his backpack he had found in the quarry near his
Great Famine Of The 14th Century Essay
Informal Essay 12 The late middle ages is the name given to the time period of
European history at about 1300 to 1500 AD. During this time period there were
many challenges that the people of Europe faced. One major challenge was The
Great Famine of the early 14th century. The cause of this famine was because the
population had grown to such a huge number there was no margin for crop failures
or harvest shortcomings. In other words if someone was expected to produce 1500
pounds of corn they had to produce at least 1500 pounds or else they would be
contributing to the problem. The only way the population could be supported was
under ideal conditions; otherwise the land couldn t produce enough food and
resources to sustain the population. This caused a huge problem because during this
time Western Europeunderwent a climate change, the summers were cooler and
wetter. This made it much more difficult to produce... Show more content on ...
The final characteristic, the black boils, is where the name Black Death came
from. At final count the black plague killed about one third of the entire European
population, or about 20 million. What is believe to be some of the major ways that
the disease was spread was through rats and fleas, as well as through the air. The
people of the time believed that the only way the disease was spread was through
touching a person who had the Black Death. We now know through modern
technology of the other ways the disease was spread. It makes since that the rats and
fleas communicated the disease from person to person because they weren t very
sanitary during the Middle Ages. There were fleas and rats in each and every persons
dwelling but they were particularly prevalent on ships of all kinds, which caused the
disease to spread throughout the entire
How Is Baseball Created
Baseball has been around for more than 100 years. Baseball was created in 1845 and
baseball is a lot different today than it was in 1845. In this next paragraph I will talk
about how baseball was created.
Baseball was created in 1845 by someone named Abner Doubleday. In the 1600 s
England played a similar game to baseball called Rounders. In 1846 the first baseball
game ever was played was between the New York Knickerbockers and the New York
Nine. The New
York Knickerbockers lost 23 1 to the New York Nine in four innings. On January 29,
1936 the
Hall of Fame was created. Now that you know the creation of baseball let s talk about
how baseball is played today.
The bases on the baseball field are in a diamond shape. When you run the bases you
run ... Show more content on ...
Now that you know how it is played you need to know how it is played today.
So when you play baseball you can start at t ball and go up to the MLB if you are
good enough. When you get to the MLB you play a regular season, then you play
in the postseason if your team is good enough. If you are not in the lead in your
division then you play in a wildcard game to see if you make it to the
postseason.When there are two teams left in the postseason then they play in the
World Series. When you play in the regular season you play 162 games before the
playoffs. To get to the Hall of Fame you have to be one of the greatest baseball
players in MLB. Also you have to practice when you are young and until you get to
the MLB.
Baseball was created in 1845 and baseball has changed since it was created. Abner
Doubleday created the game called baseball. You have to have a glove and a baseball
bat to play baseball. When you play baseball you can start at t ball and play until you
get to the MLB. So, what are you going to do next? Are you going to play baseball or
keep doing what you re
Stereotypes Affecting Female College Students Test Scores
This study examined how female college students dressing professionally affected
their test scores in traditionally male dominated subject areas such as science,
technology, engineering, and math (STEM). There is an existing stereotype threat
against women in these subject areas, which is defined as the risk of fulfilling a
negative stereotype about a characteristic that one holds about his or her own group
(Steele Aronson, 1995). The stereotype threat that affects females in STEM classes
assumes that females are inferior to males in STEM courses which can lead to
unequal test scores between females and males of equal intelligence. Data was
collected from femalestudents at UTC by having half of the participants dress
professionally and... Show more content on ...
STEM classes are traditionally male dominated subject areas, and there is already a
stereotype threat against women in these classes which has the potential to negatively
affect their test scores (Steinberg, Okun, Aiken, 2012). In male dominated disciplines,
women are underrepresented and often subject to stereotype threat which may lead
them to perform more poorly than their male counterparts of equal intelligence. This
study would evaluate whether the females dress has the potential to boost their
confidence and mitigate the effects of the stereotype threat, thus improving their
Research on stereotype threat and women s performance on math tests conducted by
Spencer, Steele, and Quinn (1999) documented that women perform more poorly on
moderately difficult math tests than their male counterparts. They also demonstrated
that this difference in scores could be eliminated when the researchers told the
participants that the test they were taking did not produce any gender differences in
scores. However, when they told the participants that the test did produce gender
differences, the females performed significantly worse than their male counterparts
who were equal to them in intelligence.
Another important consideration is the role clothing with regards to self
objectification. A study by Fredrickson, Roberts, Noll, Quinn, and Twenge (1998)
which found that women with higher BMIs had higher body shame when wearing
more revealing
The Hobbit by J.R. Tolkien Essay
The Hobbit By J.R. Tolkien The Hobbit is the story of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit
who lives in a hole in a hill. He enjoys a quiet life but it is interrupted by a surprise
visit by the wizard Gandalf. Gandalf comes with a company of dwarves led by
Thorin. They were searching to recover a lost treasure that was being guarded by a
dragon named Smaug, at the Lonely Mountain. Gandalf decided Bilbo would be
helpful to the team as a burglar. On the journey, Bilbo and the dwarves encounter all
sorts of villains and obstacles. While passing thru Elven country Bilbo and the
dwarves stay at the house of Elrond, an old friend of Gandalf. During their journey
they run into Trolls, Goblins and Giant Spiders. Bilbo does several things that help...
Show more content on ...
When Bard, from lake town, strikes this spot, Smaug falls dead, his body crushing
the city of Esgaroth. The survivors seek Bard as their new king but Bard declines
the offer, as he intends to establish his own city. Because the treasure is no longer
being guarded several groups wanted it. Thorin wants the Arkenstone because it is
an heirloom and he threatens to take revenge on whoever has prevented him from
getting it. Bilbo decides that he will leave the mountain and offer the Arkenstone
to Bard; then, Bard can offer the Arkenstone to Thorin in exchange for a fair
portion of the treasure. When the battle begins, it includes men, elves and
dwarves. They attack one another until Gandalf tells them the goblins, bats,
wolves and wargs are coming. The armies join up becoming known as the
quot;Battle of Five Armies. quot; The Goblins and Wild Wolves battle against the
Elves, Men and Dwarves. It is only with the arrival of the Eagles, that army of
good win. After recovering, Bilbo makes his way back home. As Bilbo says,
quot;So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their ending. quot; Gandalf
and Bilbo pass through Rivendell and eventually make their way to Hobbiton. It is
summer and Bilbo is disappointed to learn that he is legally dead. Greedy cousins,
are selling his property because he is quot;Presumed Dead. quot; They are more than
a little unhappy at his arrival. Bilbo, son of
The Art of Brand Naming Essay
Do you ever like a brand, and everything that they have to offer, bit then you think
to yourself what a stupid name though! ? While a crappy name won t nesesarily
doom a company for success, it can be a hurdle to overcome if botched. The art and
science of great naming is absolutely about balancing a confluence of core concepts:
Companies should focus on domain name availability, descriptiveness, trademark
strength, originality, length, integrity (the bigger picture of the name and brand), and
lastly, the name s tested market appeal.
We don t ever want to find ourselves naming exclusively reaching for one particular
aspect of a name, as there is a bigger picture to be considered.
Being integral: There is a major plus when a name can ... Show more content on ...
There are exceptions, like Trader Joe s named for founder Joe Coulombe, and of
course the eponymous Ben and Jerry s Ice cream. Don t confuse their existing
goodwill with the difficulty inherent to how hard it may have been overcoming a
plain name although one could say their names made them approachable given the
lack of seriousness to say, ice cream.
As an example and amusing execercise, think of many quirky and cleverly named
brands and imagine the inverse of the Trader Joes or Ben and Jerry s format, e.g. if
Naked Juice had been the less than inspiring Dave s Juice for co founder David
Bleeden. Dave s Juice also would totally lack the quasi edginess that Naked Juice has,
and is totally forgettable.
Legal Research: EatMyWords Founder Alexandra Watkins advises on the legal loose
ends of naming your business, For initial trademark screens, you can do free searches
on and the government s trademark database, TESS, at Use these to knock out potential conflicts, then hire an attorney to do a
thorough search. This is not something you want to skimp on.
Domain name availability. Companies with a substantial amount of liquid capital
have the luxury to come up with a name for their business that has a domain they will
need to buy in
Comparing Miss Brill And The Garden Party By
In language, the term conversation is commonly understood as a discussion engaged
between two or more people. This form of verbal communication enables news and
new ideas to be exchanged and shared. However, within literature, a conversation is
far more nuanced by a result of written work having a greater context which lies
beneath the words. The construction of a conversationwithin the literary text is
forever a creation made by the author themselves. The act of creating this
conversation by the author is both revealing for an in depth reading of the text but
most significantly to provide a contextual understanding of the author and their
choices. The Garden Party (1922) by writer Katherine Mansfield is a collection of
short stories. The... Show more content on ...
Therefore in the concise nature of the form, any conversational element must have
a significant role within the text. Within Mansfield s Miss Brill, the contrast in the
unreliable narration and dialogue in conversation, are employed to highlight the
stories main theme of reality versus fantasy. The stories detached narrative style
provides a convincing platform for Miss Brill s facade, creating the initial
impression that Miss Brill s life is flawless. In the stories inception, the narration
establishes Miss Brill s delusional fantasy, through the weather much like The
Garden Party which begins on a perfect day. In Miss Brill, the blue sky which is
powdered with gold and great spots of light shines down. The language evokes a
description worthy of a painting rather than a true autumn sky. This is a purposeful
technique by Mansfield as the sky is a symbolic mirroring of Miss Brill s attempts
to cloud her harsh reality with delusions of grandeur and beauty. The introduction of
a perfect fantasy is critical to the story as this is juxtaposed when the reader is
confronted with the later realisation of Miss Brill s reality through the role of
conversation. (add more) (Free indirect discourse needs to be
Toyota Prius Stereotypes
The Myth Behind the Toyota Prius After its creation fifteen years ago, the Toyota
Prius has attained a cult status in American culture, and has grown to become a
symbol in addition to being a hybrid car. Once high profile celebrities like
Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz were seen in the Prius in the early 2000s, it
became cool, smart, and trendy to own a Prius. Over the last ten years, there has
become two stereotypical owners of a Prius: economically conscious, mediocre
driving, organic food eating, hippie; or an older person trying to save money on gas
that isn t trying look flashy as they drive around. Evidence that lead to these
stereotypes is found all over popular culture in movies, TV shows and social media.
Although the assumptions... Show more content on ...
Two movies are notorious for their portrayal of the Prius: Horrible Bosses (2011)
and The Other Guys (2010). In Horrible Bosses one of the main characters was
caught speeding and was being questioned, Detective Samson: Do you want to
explain why you were doing 61 in a 25 zone? Nick Hendricks: I was drag racing. I
m a drag racer. Detective Samson: You were drag racing...In a Prius. Nick
Hendricks: I don t win a lot. The sarcastic response about drag racing in a Prius
fuels the stereotype that the Prius is laughable car to be caught driving. The same
type of humor is used in The Other Guys as the car is abused and treated as pathetic
and is a running joke throughout the film. All these pop culture negative depictions of
the Prius have engrained and created the sign of the car in American
Comparing The Autonomic Nervous System And Neurons
The autonomic nervous system controls cardiac, smooth muscle and the glandular
tissue. It is vital in emergency and nonemergency (rest /digest). It is responsible for
nearly all voluntary muscle movements as well as for processing sensory information
that arrives via external stimuli including hearing, touch, and sight. The autonomic
nervous systemcontains 2 subdivisions which are the sympathetic and
parasympathetic. The general action of the sympathetic nervous system is to
mobilise the body s first or flight response (how the body reacts to perceive danger)
by preparing the body to put out energy and to protect it from effects of injury.
However, the parasympathetic nervous system restores the body a state of calm. It is
a slow system and... Show more content on ...
Neurons communicate at structures called synapses. Typical neuronconsists of a large
number of extension called dendrites that ties neurotransmitter chemical migrating
across the synaptic gaps separating neuron. There are usually like a spikes extending
out from cell body. Cell body (soma) contains Nucleus, cytoplasm organelles and is
the metabolic centre of the cell, Brings information to the neuron. One extension is
different from all the others, and is called the axon. The purpose of the axon is to
transit an electro chemical signal to other neurons. The longer axons are covered with
a myelin sheath, the purpose of myelin sheath is to protect and insulate axons, and
enhance their transmission of electrical impulses. At the end of the axon is terminal
buttons, it releases neurotransmitters (Appendix, Fig1). Neurotransmitters play a role
in the way human behave, learn and sleep and some pay in mental illness.When they
are released from the neurotransmitter vesicles of the presynaptic membrane, the
normal movement of molecules is directed to receptor sites situated on the
postsynaptic membrane. However, in some disease, the flow of the neurotransmitter
is imperfect. Neurotransmitters are: Acetylcholine and norepinephrine (excitatory
neurotransmitters); dopamine, serotonin and gamma amino butyric
Lansdowne Research Paper
The Lansdowne Dining Room (1766 1769), as its name suggests, is a dining room
from the Lansdowne house located at the southwest corner of Berkeley Square, in
London. This house actually belonged to two unpopular British statesmen of the
eighteenth century, John Stuart (1713 1792) and William Petty Fitzmaurice (1737
1805). Indeed, Stuart was the third earl of Bute (earl meaning a British nobleman
ranking above a viscount and below a marquess ) until 1763 when he left in
political disgrace and sold the unfinished house to Fitzmaurice who was the second
earl of Shelbourne and was created first marquess of Lansdowne in 1784. He was
despised by many contemporaries such as Henry Fox but his efforts were
appreciated abroad as he favored the autonomy for the American colonies. Lansdowne
House... Show more content on ...
In fact, the room contains a lot of classical elements such as the light colors, delicate
ornament, slender proportions, columns and more details influenced by the Roman
and Greek culture, which makes this room fit into the English Neoclassical period
(1770 1820).
Indeed, Robert Adam (1728 92) was the famous architect and designer of the
Lansdowne house. He was one of the architects and designers who brought
seriousness to the revival of classicism in England as he studied the Greek and
Roman antiquities, traveled to Italy and worked to reproduce exactly the original
models. He would go to specific temples and specific places in Italy and would
draw detailed drawings of them to keep a record of what he saw and experienced.
He is actually a Scottish architect who worked in partnership with his brother James
Adam in their father s firm. Unlike Kent, Burlington and Jones who had brought to
England Palladio s vision of classicism, Robert Adam brought to England a virtuoso
vocabulary of complex interior forms that had not been used since
White Tailed Deer Research Paper
White tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) have historical significance throughout
the state of Ohio. Ohio s ancient civilizations relied heavily on white tailed deer for
food, tools, and clothing. Deer were attracted to the region because of the
agricultural practices of Native Americans such as growing corn and the prevalence
of hard mast . The population of white tailed deerwas healthy prior to European
settlement, as predators such as the North American cougar (Puma concolor), eastern
timber wolf (Canis lupus lycaon), and native americans kept the population under
control. There are an estimated 500,000 white tailed deer in Ohio, the species can be
found in all 88 counties. Populations today are managed by a regulated hunting
season. (Hulbert 1910) The objective of the study is to determine the age, sex, and
distinguishing characteristics of white tailed deer that are in both areas... Show more
content on ...
The total amount of deer seen on camera one was twenty total. (Fig. 3) Camera one
was in a secluded area of the forest and captured two different bucks. One was
believed to be a couple years old with a small set of antlers while the second buck
was much larger both in body and antler size is believed to be older. The deer
varied in size and all stayed within a couple yards from one another. Both cameras
experienced interference from bypassers who noticed that the cameras were there.
DISCUSSION Despite the elusive color of the camera, footage showed what seemed
to be curious Hocking College students approaching the trail camera and
repositioning it on the tree. More bike locks were needed to prevent tampering and to
better secure the cameras to the tree. Camera one was originally placed in an area
thought to be further away from human activity and resulted in the area being more
heavily populated with humans than
Republic Of Mali Essay
The Republic of Mali is one of Africa s largest countries, measuring about twice the
size of Texas; yet its population is proportionally small compared to its territory,
numbering to approximately 16 million and ranking 67th out of global countries (1).
A landlocked country of West Africa, Mali s borders include Algeria, Senegal,
Mauritania, CГґte d Ivoire, Guinea, Burkina Faso, and Niger. Malis main natural
resources consist of gold, phosphates, kaolin, salt, limestone, uranium, gypsum,
granite, and hydropower; the list includes iron ore, lithium, manganese, and zinc,
but not all these latter resources are exploited (1). Despite this, Mali s economy
primarily depends on profits from agriculture and fishing, both industries that rely
on the country s two largest rivers, the Niger and the SГ©nГ©gal (14). The
flooding of these rivers provides soil for agriculture; the rivers work as Mali s main
means of transporting goods as well. These rivers are especially important because
the Saharan and Sahelian regions compose most of Mali s land, and the country s
climate is primarily flat and arid. This inter tropical zone has two main seasons, the
dry season and the wet season, each accompanied with natural hazards and obstacles.
During the wet season from June to October, the southwest monsoon wind delivers
black clouds, lightning, thunder, and heavy rain.
Essay on The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The region of the Middle East frequently referred to as Palestine has long been the
site of much conflict. In recent years, a major effort on the part of the International
community has been employed in an attempt to bring peace to the troubled region,
yet every time peace accords seem to be at hand, everything falls apart. In order to
fully understand the enmity that keeps causing peace talksto break down, one must
look at the roots from which the conflict stems. If the root of the issue can be clearly
devised, then movements towards peace in the region will be much more succinct.
Palestinian Development Under Turkish Rule
Issues concerning Palestine s development in socio cultural and religious terms begin
to become apparent ... Show more content on ...
While the Turks did operate under a Jihad aimed specifically at the Christians (in
response to the havoc wreaked by the Christian Crusades) during the Medieval Age,
they became increasingly more acclimated to the cultures of their conquered peoples
as they continued to move west. Their addition of these cultures helped create the
distinctive culture for which the Ottoman Empire is known. The overall result was an
empire that was remarkably tolerant of foreign culture and religion (particularly the
Jewish faith and Islam), making the Ottoman Empire a refuge for the Jews of Europe.
In 1798, Napoleon invaded. The combination of war and faulty administration caused
many Jews and Arabs to flee the country, significantly reducing the Palestinian
population. Revolts by Palestinian Arabs against Ottoman (and Egyptian) rule began
at this time. Reorganization of the empire brought order and catalyzed the beginnings
of Jewish settlements under a variety of Zionist movements. The result of these
changes caused an increase in both Arab and Jewish populations. By 1880, out of a
population of 400,000, the Jewish population comprised 24,000. At this same time,
the Ottoman Empire imposed stringent restrictions on Jewish immigration and land
purchase although many of these restrictions were evaded by colonists.
The Zionist movement arose among the Sephardic Jewish community of Europe, who
saw the concept of a Jewish homeland in
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Block Grants
Grant writing is a great skill to have, especially if you are planning to have a career
in the criminal justice field. What many do not know however is that there are many
different types of grants. Each type of grant has its own unique purpose, advantages,
and disadvantages. These different kinds of grantsinclude block grants, employment
grants, program grants, technology grants, construction grants, and researchgrants. It
is important to educate yourself on these different types of grants so that you can
have a better understanding of the skills needed to be a successful grant writer.
Frist, we have block grants. A block grant is basically when the federal government
gives out large amounts of money to local and state authorities in order to funds
things such as public enforcement, law enforcement, or community development.
Often times there is a lot of discretion given in regards to how the money is spent,
so there is no fine detail when it comes to how the money is going to be used. Two
examples of this kind of grant program is the Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families, also known as welfare, and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Block
Grant. Welfare is used to help support low income families and the Low Income
Home Energy Assistance Block Grant is assistance to low income families to help
pay energy bills. The advantage of block grants is that it is less restrictive, but a
disadvantage could be the use of the money ineffectively.
Secondly, we have employment
Identity Is Something We Search Essay
Identity is something we search for, something we want to find out about
ourselves. We want to know what we are here for and what s our purpose. Identity
is the way one sees themselves and our identity is all we have that s why we protect
it and always are trying to make ours better than the others. I believe college is a time
where we find our identity, maybe we have an idea on what it is going to be and
sometimes it takes us many years to figure it out. In Daniel Marks experience his
identity is going to take awhile for him to find if he doesn t change his ways.
Daniels before was very rough, he was in trouble a lot. He said he felt like a failure
to his father s standards. He enjoys partying very much, this has lead to him being a
poor student with a GPA below a 2.0. His study habits are very poor but he is
planning on going to college. His advisor told him he would fail out if he didn t
change his ways. After hearing all about daniel s story I would categorize him into
the Diffusion area. This is because he is just simply doesn t care, he lacks
motivation and is only doing enough to barely get by. I can avoid all of these
things by sticking to the things I ve been doing and to adjust and use the strategies
we have learned in U100. In Monica s story you hear about a lot of the things she
was going through in her first semester so it s pretty relatable. She tells us about how
her parents did not attend college, but she really wants to. She
Hume on Miracles Essay
Hume on Miracles
It is evident in David Hume s writing of An Equity Concerning Human
Understanding that he does not believe that miracles take place. Hume is a man of
logic, who believes in experience over knowledge. Of course it is hard for such a
man to believe in extraordinary claims without being there to witness them.
Especially when such events require a lot of faith.
In order for an event to be deemed a miracle, it must disobey the laws of nature.
However, it is these same laws that disprove almost any miracle that has ever been
reported. He writes that some events that people report as miracles truly are not. For
example, it is not a miracle, that fire burns wood, or that a healthy man dies, because
both of these are ... Show more content on ...
Then and only then would he be able to be sure that a person was not motivated by
any other force when claiming that what they saw was actually a miracle. In so
many words, Hume wrote, that no testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle,
unless the testimony is of such a kind that its falsehood would be more miraculous
than the fact which it endeavors to establish #8230; (pg. 674, col.1). He then goes
on to say that at no time has there been any miracle attested by a sufficient number
of men of such unquestioned good sense, education, and learning, as to secure us
against all delusion in themselves #8230; (pg. 674, col.2). His point being that no
scholar would ever back such an obsurd story because of the risk of being ridiculed
by his piers. He says that miracles are further disproved by the fact that most of
them are reported by ignorant, barbarous people of past generations. Some of the
things that these people have reported as marvelous are common among later
generations, so their mysteriousness has been lost and they are no longer miracles. If
you are wondering why stories like these do not originate today, Hume says they do,
but we rule them out as lies. According to him, people have always had tendencies to
stretch the truth and
The International Peace And Security
Article 2(4) of the UN Charter prohibits States from resorting to use of force, by
stating, All member States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat
of the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any
state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purpose of the United Nations. On
the other hand, Article 51 affirms an inherent right of States to self defence,
approvingly, Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of
individual or collective self defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of
the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to
maintain international peace and security......... . While maintenance of... Show more
content on ...
Amongst others is the applicable interpretation of an armed attacked as espoused by
Article 51 of the UN Charter. Furthermore, Kohen has questioned the precondition
for necessity and proportionality, under customary law, as a response of self
defence. Most importantly and of relevance to this essay, the customary law of state
responsibility, specifically, if a State is liable for the actions of the planning of
terrorist activities, within their sovereign territory by non state actors (nSA). This
essay intends to give a theoretical exposition regarding the state responsibility for the
conduct of nSA by drawing its analysis from the Nicaragua Case, the Tadic Case and
the International Law Commission draft articles on state responsibility. It will then
discuss the implications of imputing the conduct of Al Qaeda to the State of
Afghanistan (SoA) by the U.S., and whether the U.S. flouted the international law, is
so, did it do so with impunity.
Section 2: State Responsibility under International Law
Al Qaeda is not a State, nevertheless, the attacks against the U.S. were classified as a
threat to international peace and security by the Security Council Resolution 1368,
which could potentially denote a judgement to take accordance with
Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security. However,
the discernment favoured by the right in Article 51, is explicitly accorded in response
to an
The Era Of The Late Nineteenth Century Reformers
In the late nineteenth century reformers efforts to save the Indians failed due to them
taking away their way of life having the conform to the ideas of the white Americans.
Reformers attempt to help the Native Americans was definitely unhelpful. The
reformers main goal was to make them conform to the way of life as white
Americans. Reformers took them of their land, took away their culture, and there was
of life with new laws and reform that was supposed to help the Indians but instead it
hurt them and their culture. Also the younger generations were forced to study in
schools the white American way of life. They were taught the American history
according to the white Americans, their language was forbidden in the schools and
they... Show more content on ...
Ella C. Deloria, A Yankton Soiux said It wasn t easy to make a spiritual and social
adjustment. The people were too used to living in large family groups, cooperatively
and happily. Now, here they
were in little father mother child units often miles from their other relatives, trying
to farm an arid land. The Dawes Act was the answer to the White Reformer to please
the American settlers that were trying to take the land the Indians lived on and help
stop the fighting that was going on because of this land. The Dawes Act gave Native
Americans a piece of their own land that allow them to own it, which they did not
hold the deed to. The Federal Government held the land in trust for twenty five years
awaiting the Indians becoming United States citizens. Despite the alleged
safeguards, tribal lands were often lost by fraud or coercion, so that, by 1934, white
Americans owned two thirds of lands originally reserved for Indians.(Schultz,327)
The land given to the Indians was undesirable to most because the land was barren
and infertile making it hard for the Indians to grow crops and survive of the land.
Also with these reservations came schooling for the children of the Indians.
Reformers believed that teaching the Indians would help them understand the laws
and history of the United States and help with the literacy problem and preparing
them for American Citizenship. Commissioner of Indians Affairs, Thomas J. Morgan
Demographic Trends In The United States
Smith Reaction
Chapter 2
There are several demographic trends that will begin affecting the Earth within the
next 40 years. Three of these trends are the wealth of our urban population, population
momentum, and an elderly dependency ratio. The United States, Japan, and Germany
are our current largest economies; however, by 2050, that will all change. China will
end up taking the number one position and pushing the United States back to number
2 with India moving to the number 3 position. The reason for this new economic
growth is due to the rising urban population and modernization; however, the only
way for this to work is if China and India grow to support urban population and
modernization. Both countries would have to continue to ... Show more content on ...
It will be harder for countries who hire skilled foreign workers to find just that.
With more elderly individuals than younger ones, countries will have to take into
account the number of individuals they can actually hire. If there isn t a large
amount of young people in the world, than it will be difficult to find young skilled
workers. That means, older individuals will be unable to retire at the average age
of 65 because industries will need them to continue to work. For the elderly who is
unable to work, our world will need the younger generation to care for them. What if
we don t have enough people from the younger generation to care for our elderly?
Our book states that the younger generation needed for this, have not been born yet.
Our world cannot run on robots, nor do we want it to. We have to have, huge
improvements in education, governance, and security. Women will need to start
attending school and working in places where it is uncommon today. Terrorism must
be sufficiently quelled such that the countries that nee young workers will accept
immigrants from the countries that have them (Smith, 2010, pg. 49, 50).Smith, L. C.
(2010). A Tale of Teeming Cities. In The world in 2050: Four forces shaping
civilization s northern future (p. 43). New York, NY:
Al 1050 English Essay
In AL 1050 Languages in the Pacific I have learned many different concepts that
has to do with the Pacific Rim. It all has to do with languages and how each island
or country speaks their own tongue, but all are similar in some way. In class I have
examined historical and contemporary language use throughout the Pacific Basin,
as well as in Hawai`i. Through exploring topics such as the effects of language
contact, pidgins and creoles, and stories of language loss and preservation, and
different cultures. The first concept I am going to talk about is language
borrowing. Language borrowing is basically when you loan a word that is
imported into a certain language called loan form. These forms now function in the
grammatical processes, with nouns taking plural or possessive forms of the new
language receiving native morphemes. An example would be the English word
alligator. Alligator came from the Spanish which is el largato. El largato in Spanish
means lizard. Loanshift another process that occurs also known as calque is when
adapting native words to the new meanings. The verb bad mouth . . . is a calque or
loan translation: it seems to come from Vai day ngatmay (a curse; literally, a bad
mouth ). The second concept I am going to talk about is language endangerment.
Language endangerment is basically when the language is at risk of becoming extinct
in the near future. Every language face a different level of threat. There are many
different levels of endangerment which
Unaac Global Community Analysis
Question 1: What is your experience in working with intercultural dialogue, youth,
and other areas of work relevant to the UNAOC mandate and 7th UNAOC Global
Forum? Please also share one of your personal or professional achievements in any of
these areas. *
Please use a maximum of 150 words or less.
As the sole United States Delegate to the 2014 G(irls)20 Summit in Sydney,
Australia, I worked with over twenty four other women to write a communique
focused on how to economically empower women and girls internationally. The
communique was then presented to the Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime
Minister of Australia and other leaders. For the past eight years, I have also
participated as well as staffed numerous Model United Nations Conferences ... Show
more content on ...
* Please use a maximum of 50 words or less. You have 50 words remaining.
the inability to access a quality education. Through education one has the ability to
combat corruption, poverty, injustice, human rights violations as well as create
programs for environmental sustainability. All of these issues root back to the need
for each individual to have a quality education.
The topic of the Youth Event is Narratives of Tomorrow . What are young people
doing today to create a peaceful and inclusive world for 2030? What more needs to
be done to make this vision come true? (This information will be further explored in
the lead up to and during the Youth Event.) *Please use a maximum of 75 words or
less. You have 75 words remaining.
Young people have the ability to communicate instantly. This ensures that people are
consistently aware of the issues plaguing our global community but that dialogue is
not enough. In order to actual create sustainable change there must be organization
and implementation. There needs to be a greater focus on policy change to create a
more peaceful and inclusive world by
Fingerprint Analysis In Criminal Investigation
Every day, individuals touch countless objects and each time an object is touched an
individual s fingerprints are left behind. For more than one hundred years, fingerprint
analysis has been used by law enforcement to identify suspects in order to solve
crimes. One of the most important uses of fingerprint analysis is to assist
investigators when they need to link two crimescenes to the same individual.
Fingerprintanalysis also assist investigators with obtaining an individual s criminal
record and any previous arrest they have had. A fingerprint is an impression left by
the friction ridges of an individual s finger. Fingerprints can be easily deposited on
surfaces such as glass, polished stone, and metal. They are easily deposited by
sweat from eccrine glands that are present in the epidermal ridges of individuals
fingers. These are also known as Chanced Impressions. There are no two individuals
who have the same... Show more content on ...
These patterns include aggregate characteristics of ridges and minutia points.
Friction ridge patterns have three types, and each has their own unique variation
depending on the relationship of the ridges and their shape. Loops have prints that
recurve onto themselves to form a loop shape. There are radial loops which point
toward the thumb and ulnar loops which point towards the pinky. Sixty percent of
all pattern types are loops. Arches create a pattern that is wave like and they
include tented and plain arches. Tented arches will rise to a sharper point than
plain arches do. Five percent of pattern types are arches. Whorls form spiral
patterns. There are plain whorls, double loops which create a pattern that resembles
an s, an accidental loop which is irregular shaped, and the central pocket loop which
is a loop that as a whorl at the end of it. Thirty five percent of pattern types are
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes is known as the World s Greatest Detective; however, Irene Alder
may just be the only person, male or female, that has ever defeated Holmes thinking
machine of a brain. In his short story, A Scandal in Bohemia, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
challenges traditional social perceptions and gender assumptions toward British
women in the 1890 s by creating tension with his characterization of female
antagonist, Irene Alder, as a powerful intellectual equal to male protagonist, Sherlock
Holmes. Irene, or The Woman, as she is known in future Sherlock Holmes stories, is
a surprisingly full character with a quick wit and amazingly sharp manipulation
skills. She is characterized as a elegant and talented opera singer from New Jersey
living... Show more content on ...
She is a powerful, intelligent Victorian woman, with a mind of her own, which is
unusual for the times. Irene Alder torments Sherlock s brilliant mind in subsequent
Sherlock Holmes stories. He never really recovers from being out witted and
manipulated by a woman with superior intellect to his own. Eventually, Sherlock
Holmes asks the King only for her photograph as payment for his services. He
holds her in a place of reverence, as an intellectual equal. John Watson remarks, To
Sherlock Holmes she is always THE woman. I have seldom heard him mention her
under any other name, (pg. 1). She was a triple threat to the male gender, a rare
combination of unforgettable beauty, undeniable grace and unsurpassed intellect.
Irene Alder is a woman to remember: strong, bright and capable of
Kite Runner Discussion Questions
1. The novel begins with Amir s memory of peering down an alley, looking for
Hassan who is kite running for him. As Amir peers into the alley, he witnesses a
tragedy. The novel ends with Amir kite running for Hassan s son, Sohrab, as he
begins a new life with Amir in America. Why do you think the author chooses to
frame the novelwith these scenes? Refer to the following passage: Afghans like to
say: Life goes on, unmindful of beginning, end...crisis or catharsis, moving forward
like a slow, dusty caravan of kochis [nomads]. How is this significant to the framing
of the novel? 2. The strong underlying force of this novel is the relationship between
Amir and Hassan. Discuss their friendship. Why is Amir afraid to be Hassan s true...
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How has Amir damned himself ?
10. Compare and contrast the relationships of Soraya and Amir and their fathers. How
have their upbringings contributed to these relationships?
11. Discuss how the ever changing politics of Afghanistan affect each of the
characters in the novel.
12. On Amir s trip back to Afghanistan, he stays at the home of his driver, Farid.
Upon leaving he remarks: Earlier that morning, when I was certain no one was
looking, I did something I had done twenty six years earlier: I planted a fistful of
crumpled money under the mattress. Why is this moment so important in Amir s
13. Throughout the story, Baba worries because Amir never stands up for himself.
When does this change? 14. Amir s confrontation with Assef in Wazir Akar Khan
marks an important turning point in the novel. Why does the author have Amir,
Assef, and Sohrab all come together in this way? What is this the significance of the
scar that Amir develops as a result of the confrontation? Why is it important in Amir s
journey toward forgiveness and acceptance?
15. While in the hospital in Peshawar, Amir has a dream in which he sees his father
wrestling a bear: They role over a patch of grass, man and beast...they fall to the
ground with a loud thud and Baba is sitting on the bear s chest, his fingers digging
in its snout. He looks up at me, and I see. He s me. I am wrestling the bear. Why is
this dream so
I Don t Trust Them
Luckily, cleanup was almost as quick and easy as tearing everything apart through
our entrance. A few of the witches and wizards present used cleaning spells that
caused the room to pick itself up, the vases returning to the shelves and the pictures
returning to the walls. The table was finally in working condition again, and once
everything was set, we calmly took our places at the table.
It s come to my attention that we have three new guests, said Sirius, standing at his
place at the table. Seeing that they don t appear to be any creature we can recognize,
and my personal belief that they appear to be innocent, I say that we allow them to at
least know who we are and, with luck, help them on their way home.
I don t trust ... Show more content on ...
My name is Sylvia LeBeouf, I am a lynx chimera from New Francisco, Quercasia,
and I have a message for every single one of the people here at the table.
There was a brief murmuring at the table, and everyone s eyes locked onto Sylvia.
Giving a smile, since she loved attention, she began to speak. Sirius, avoid ladies
with Lorde hair. Furthermore, if Harry goes on a prophesy hunt, stay home, okay?
Just trust me on this. Fred? George? Do you boys like Spain? Well, the food s
amazing, I d recommend camping there for a few months in... I don t know, two or
so years. Lupin? When the Weasley twins leave on holiday, go anywhere you
want, as long as it s not England. Oh! I d stay away from Washington state in the
U.S., there s a boy named Jacob who you don t want to meet. Harry? Dumbledore s
going to take you to a creepy place guarded by the undead defending a horcrux. Ends
up, it s not a horcux, Dumbledore s going to drink a bunch of poison and then be
killed. Moody? Avoid frog ladies in pink cardigans, and if you re going with Harry on
a flight... just don t. Am I perfectly clear?
Why do I feel like she can see the future? asked the red headed boy, leaning in to
speak with the curly haired girl. From what I remembered, this must have been
Ronald Weasley.
That s because she named us all and because she doesn t look like Professor
Trelawney, answered the girl who had to have been Hermione
Satanism And Satanism
Goat Heads and Pentagrams When you think of Satanism, you might think of human
sacrifices, or perhaps even chanting wildly around a fire surrounded by enormous
herds of people in an attempt to please Lucifer himself. Guess what, they don t. But
on a serious note, have you ever thought it might not be what you think it is? Maybe
they are not as evil as society makes them out to be. I will be focusing most on the
history and important figures in the Satanic church, the symbols of satanismand their
meanings, and, finally, some of the practices and beliefs of satanists. Possibly
knowing more about this religion will compel you to think a little different about
its leaders and followers. The most notable Satanist would have to be the creator of
the whole thing, right? The first High Priest of the Satanic church was Anton
Szandor LaVey. He was born in 1930 and passed away at the age of 67 in 1997.
Because he was most known for his creation of the Satanic church and the Satanic
bible, he was also known by the name The Black Pope . He authored many other
books as well. LaVey loved Gothic and horror literature, but occult literature he
dismissed as frauds and as white magic . Since his world was filled with books,
Anton LaVey naturally befriended authors such as Clark Smith, Robert Johnson,
and George Hass. He was known by friends and family to have a very cynical view
on the world. If only here today to see what it has become. Anton LaVey was also a
very talented musician
Fritz Roestilberger
Fritz Jules Roethlisberger
Fritz Jules Roethlisberger naciГі en la ciudad de Nueva York en 1898 y muriГі en
Massachusetts en 1974. Obtuvo el BA en ingenierГa de la Universidad de Columbia
en 1921, el BS en administraciГіn de ingenierГa del Instituto TecnolГіgico de
Massachusetts en 1922 y la MaestrГa en filosofГa de la Universidad de Harvard en
1925. Sus estudios hacia un doctorado en filosofГa en Harvard fueron interrumpidos
cuando conociГі a Elton Mayo, profesor de investigaciГіn Industrial en Harvard
Business School. Se convirtiГі en Asistente de Mayo y un miembro de la Harvard
Business School departamento de investigaciГіn Industrial, restantes afiliadas con el
departamento de 1927 a 1946.
Roethlisberger celebrГі las siguientes posiciones en ... Show more content on ...
En la escuela del comportamiento se emplean enfoques tanto clГnicos como
experimentales para descubrir nuevas avenidas para el aprendizaje, la motivaciГіn, el
ajuste y el logro.
Se han hecho notables e importantes contribuciones por esta escuela, por ejemplo, el
Г©nfasis en el uso de la participaciГіn y las formas de manejar los conflictos que se
originan de marcadas diferencias de opiniГіn dentro de una organizaciГіn. Esta
escuela reconoce la influencia vital del ambiente y las restricciones sobre el
comportamiento, esto ha conducido a fructГferos descubrimientos respecto a las
necesidades y motivaciones de los individuos en el trabajo, el uso de la autoridad, la
importancia de lo irracional en el comportamiento de las personas y las relaciones
informales dentro de un ambiente de trabajo.
Fritz Jules Roethlisberger y los estudios de Hawthorne
De: Bibliotecas Occidental Biblioteca de Negocios
El propГіsito de esta breve guГa es presentarle a la labor de Roethlisberger y algunos
de los recursos de y sobre lo que estГЎn disponibles en las bibliotecas de Occidente.
Aunque la mayorГa de los estudiantes de la gestiГіn son conscientes del efecto
Hawthorne , muchos de ellos no estГЎn familiarizados
Essay on Happiness and Drought
It is interesting to think about why our ancestors decided to include the pursuit of
happiness as an American s unalienable right, as opposed to the previously
considered, right to land. To live a life without happiness, it seemed to them, is to
live a life without meaning. Edgar Lee Masters poems commonly reflect on the
quality, or lack thereof, of happiness in the afterlife of dead countrymen (and
women). The diction, word choice and imagery in Fiddler Jones by Masters
expresses the seemingly inherent joy of a lackadaisical man as well as the value of
perspectives and the ability to posit happiness over fortune and land.
As many of Master s poems in his Spoon River Anthology, the title Fiddler Jones
refers to a man who is not only a ... Show more content on ...
Although the poem begins by talking generally about the fundamental process of
life, lines 3 and 4 bring an individual to the stage in which the poem is set forth. This
is done by introducing the art of fiddle playing and the skill that such a feat requires.
A skill is a tenet that sets apart an individual from a general crowd. It is something
that one may seek pleasure from and it is here that the speaker of the poem creates
this separation the individual.
And if the people find you can fiddle,
Why, fiddle you must, for all your life. (ll. 3 4)
At this point we are being advised by the speaker that if we have a skill we must
use it for the rest of our lives. But it also says that if people find you can fiddle,
which suggests a communal aspect. This skill that sets one apart also makes them
a part of a community that cherishes the skill which one has acquired. This further
contributes to the meaning on the poem because this is the point in which we are
given insight into the speaker s philosophy. This belief being that if one is good at
something it should fully encompass their being for the duration of one s life, thus
rendering it a passion that becomes as a part of living as breathing itself. This leads
into the next lines where we are now required to consider value as a component in
distinguishing divergent perspectives. The point in which perspectives diverge
happens in lines 4 and 5, where Master s imagery is employed to depict the scene of a

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  • 1. Essay On Your School Writing an essay about one's own school can be a challenging task. It requires a delicate balance between personal experience and objective analysis. On one hand, you need to convey your genuine feelings and experiences about the school, showcasing its strengths and unique characteristics. On the other hand, you must maintain a level of objectivity and avoid overly subjective or biased viewpoints. One of the difficulties in writing such an essay lies in striking this balance. It's easy to either romanticize or criticize aspects of your school without providing a well-rounded perspective. Additionally, finding the right tone is crucial – you want to convey your thoughts and opinions sincerely without sounding either overly critical or excessively praising. Furthermore, ensuring that the essay remains engaging and coherent is another challenge. It's essential to organize your thoughts logically, provide sufficient supporting evidence or anecdotes, and maintain the reader's interest throughout the essay. Avoiding clichГ©s and generic statements while highlighting what sets your school apart can also be a struggle. Moreover, there's the challenge of avoiding repetition or redundancy, especially if you're covering various aspects of your school, such as academics, extracurricular activities, facilities, and community involvement. Each section needs to contribute something new and meaningful to the overall narrative. Lastly, there's the pressure of making the essay stand out amidst potentially numerous other essays on similar topics. Finding a unique angle or perspective that sets your essay apart from the rest can be demanding, requiring creativity and introspection. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay On Your School" requires navigating several challenges, including maintaining a balance between personal experience and objectivity, finding the right tone, ensuring coherence and engagement, avoiding repetition, and striving for originality. It's a task that demands careful thought and effort to effectively convey the essence of one's school experience. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Essay On Your SchoolEssay On Your School
  • 2. Why Is Capitalism Better Than Socialism Today, around the world more than ever, people have been debate over politics, which economic system works best, its advantages and disadvantages, also strengths and weaknesses. For hundreds of years, the most talk about, argue and debate about are Capitalism and Socialism. Both systems are in different societies throughout the world. Many people have different views on these two economic system. Many think socialism is a better system; but some believe capitalismis a much better choice. But in order to determine which system is better between them. It is necessary to understand what the difference, and how they work in both systems. Capitalism, according to, the system is based on private ownership of the means of production
  • 3. Essay on RETIREMENT Retirement, Are You Saving Enough? As and investor, you are overwhelmed with advice in newspapers, magazines, and mailings discussing what to invest in for a successful retirement nest egg, when to start saving for retirement and who to invest with. There are millions of people who realize that an investment portfolio for retirement is necessary, but do they really understand the investment instruments and the amount they must invest for tomorrow? The subject of retirement is a fascinating area but it also could be a fuzzy subject without the correct amount of knowledge, understanding and professional guidance. The number one question of concern for individuals facing retirement issues is whether or not they ... Show more content on ... The trick to retirement is making the savings and investment part of that formula last as long as you do. Traditionally, experts have advised you to invest your savings in stocks and bonds, with the ratio of stocks to bonds gradually decreasing as you get older. The rule of thumb was to have 65% of your investment dollars in bonds by your 65th birthday. ( This rule of thumb has changed recently in order to take into account the increase in life expectancy. Now that your retirement money has to last longer, the experts are beginning to lean toward investing more of your money in the stock market and keeping it there further into retirement than you normally would. The most important notion that retirees must learn is that the longer you can go without dipping into your principal, the longer your money will last for you due to the rule of compounding of interest. There are numerous different techniques for people to use in order to retire comfortably and remain comfortable until their deaths. Since deciding how much money you need for retirement is obviously a highly personal calculation, individuals must explore the many different instruments for retirement. So how should people invest today for the future and their retirement? The most crucial retirement investing advice anyone can give is really quite simple: Start early, max out your 401(k), and
  • 4. A Study By Schrader ( 2012 ) Examined Osteoarthritis And... A study by Schrader (2012) examined osteoarthritis and entheseal remodeling at Tombos Nubia, after the Egyptian New Kingdom colonization (1550 1069 BCE). The author used skeletal remains from the colonial town Tombos as a way to compare activity patterns during Egypt s colonial expansion into Nubia. Many Egyptian researchers vary on how Egyptian colonial policies impacted Nubian inhabitants. Some believe that the local populace was forced to meet Egyptian tributes, which included slaves, goods, gold, and grain (Schrader, 2012:61). While others believe that there were positive interactions between the two groups, which included minimal tributes and the ability of Nubians to hold onto cultural values (Schrader, 2012:62). Schrader s research focused on entheseal changes and osteoarthritis in the skeletal remains found at Tombos, in an effort to understand how Nubian activity levels altered. The author used entheses, as a way of measuring musculoskeletal stress markers, and osteoarthritis to compare Tombos population (Schrader, 2012:62). Both conditions are impacted by the sex, age, and body size of an individual; along with environmental factors and genetic predispositions (Schrader, 2012:62). Even though neither of these conditions allow us to understand know exactly what an individual did while they were alive, they will offer up certain information about the population. Such as if the individual worked as a manual laborer or in a less physically demanding position
  • 5. The National Debt Of The United The national debt of the United Stated has long been a large source of controversy, especially given the last four years having had $1 trillion deficits consecutively. The United States national government has overspent and run a deficit for the last 45 of 50 years. The US national debt is quickly approaching $20 trillion, and the budget deficitis still very high. The debt and the deficit are two different terms. A budget deficit refers to when the government spends more than they had in the budget, also when the government spends more money than it brings in. The national debt is all of the past deficits added together, minus the amount that the government has already paid. The national debt can affect the deficit. For example, the interest that is owed on the national debt is added to the deficit each year, and about 5% of the budget each year goes to paying interest payments on the debt. The deficit that is reported each year in the federal budget does not include what congress owes to the Social Security Trust Fund. So a more accurate idea of the annual deficit would be found by looking at how much the national debt has increased. Every year that the government overspends and has a deficit this amount is added to the national debt. The last four years of budget deficits have pushed the national debt over 100% of America s gross domestic product. Over the last 40 years the federal government has generally spent more than what they had in the budget, and in order to be
  • 6. I Know The Lord Has Made This Possible For Me Thank you for this great opportunity to volunteer at Teen Challenge. I know the Lord has made this possible for me. Speaking of libraries, I have identified some factors that in my opinion can greatly enhance the use of the library by students and staff members. If I understand you correctly, your desire is for the libraryto be frequently visited by the students and staff of Teen Challenge. The challenge, in this case, is to establish a library that serves the needs of students and staff member of Teen Challenge. Teen Challenge is a very strong organization by God s grace with very high Christian, ethical and moral standards. Additionally, it has a space available that can be turned into a more than adequate reading and studying space. However, there are some factors that are by nature opposing the achievement of the goal of sustainability and frequent use of students and staff. Because of this, it is highly recommended that steps be considered in order to assure success for the present and the future of this very important project. Firstly, the designation of a librarian is vital for continuing the duties of managing collections (books, periodical, articles, newspapers, magazines, DVD, CD, etc.), program development; obtaining, analyzing and reporting the feedback from patrons. A successful library is one who is able to determine the needs of its patrons and satisfy those needs and wants by structuring operations accordingly. Secondly, a library is no longer a
  • 7. Essay On One Person Business Managing a one person business: six considerations to make it work When someone decides to take the plunge and set up their own business, often this means they ll be working on their own for the first time. It can be scary and daunting, but with determination they are likely to make it a success. In this article, we ll examine six key areas and offer advice to help managing a one person business that little bit easier... Time is precious When there is just one person in the business, it s very easy to get bogged down in tasks that aren t the core business. In fact, inertia can easily set in and the owner becomes swamped. The simplest route through this malaise is time management. The one person business owner needs to organise well and not ... Show more content on ... Critically, a good website allows a small business to punch above its weight during that all important phase when a potential customer is weighing up its merits against those of a potentially bigger, more established and well resourced rival. Other digital considerations A good digital presence doesn t just mean having a website. A savvy web user will immediately look for social media accounts related to any new business as a way of further legitimising the organisation they are interested in. Well run social accounts will also bring a small business to the attention of more potential customers. Beyond establishing digital destinations, a one person business can do itself the world of good by having an email address that matches their web address and business name. It just seems more professional than promoting a Gmail or Outlook address. Cashflow Fluctuations are normal for the one person business but how do you stop this becoming a full blown crisis when there is less coming in than going out? The answer is to keep cash balances high and not to overspend or leave yourself juggling payments. Client focus can help here. Rather than the bigger payers, often the clients that pay regularly and on time receive the best service. When time is limited, focusing on clients that can bring you a reliable income can help you
  • 8. Target Data Breach Essay Target Data Breach Charles Moore American Military University Abstract Target a large retail corporation that operates over 1,700 stores across the United States. They also operate as an online retailer at In 2012 the retailer earned more than $73 billion dollars in revenue and grew their sales by 5.1% from the previous year. Looking at the revenue and sales growth rate it is hard to fathom that more money could not be spent to ensure that consumer data is protected as much as possible. As information security specialists one of the worst things that can happen is our network gets infiltrated and customer information is stolen. On December 19, 2013 Target released a statement stating that they have had an information ... Show more content on ... The following day they deployed their card stealing malware onto the POS systems. On December 11 the attackers are first discovered and on the 15th of December they were removed from the network. December 19th Target acknowledge the breach to the public and details started coming to light on the sophistication of the attack (Jarvis Milletary, 2014). After two months of investigating it was determined that Target had allowed their HVAC vendor access to their networks. This HVAC account that was created had been compromised and allowed hackers onto the Target s network (Mlot, 2014). Once on the network the attackers made their way to change user accounts that were already on the system and gave them elevated privileges. Target utilizes BMC management software that creates and utilizes a Best1_user account to authenticate the management software to the network. This account when installed onto the system is not added to any groups and is locked down to only authenticate the BMC services necessary ( 29 new clues, 2014). Once on Target s network with elevated privileges the attackers were able to launch malware to the POS systems that would capture the credit card information of the consumers as they swiped their cards to pay for their items. They launched a second piece of malware that that would take the captured information and move it to a dump server on the internal network. Once the information was on the dump server it them
  • 9. Underdog Wears Prada Sexism The Underdog Wears Prada : An Analysis on Miranda Priestly and Villainy In the beginning of the movie The Devil Wears Prada, Andy Sachs says She s [Miranda Priestly] not happy unless everyone around her is panicked, nauseous or suicidal. This Quote paints a rather cruel, uncaring, and even villainous character that Miranda Priestly embodies throughout the movie, but despite this negative opinion, we still feel a draw to her, an undeniable intrigue due to the confidence and strength she retains in her daily life. Chuck Klosterman, author of the essay Villains Who are Not Villains, argues that a character is understood through their own realm, that we see villains contextualized to their situation (48). Miranda Priestly is not seen as a villain ... Show more content on ... She proves herself to be a successful and talented leader of Runway, but her employers still try to replace her, excusing themselves of their sexism by claiming that she is getting old and less up to date with the latest styles. It is apparent that she is actually being replaced because of the common sexist misconception that women get weaker and less able to do their job when they grow older, unlike a man who gets considered stronger and wiser. Miranda in response to this misconception has to hide behind a faГ§ade, a persona of power and confidence in order to compensate for the misconceptions held against her and in order to keep her career and the respect of her position. Though, in actuality it is shown that Miranda is not as strong as she may seem because towards the end of the movie, Miranda, unmade up and dressed down in a robe, reveals that she is getting a divorce. She exposes the toll her job places on her life and gives a glimpse to the stress and sacrifice she has made in her own personal life by creating a persona in order to combat the fallacy of sexism. This persona is the root cause of her villainous traits; it is through this persona that she demands so much of her employees and through this ambition and self preservation that she is willing to betray people like Nigel. If she had security and the trust that management naturally gives to men, she would not behave in these villainous ways and not have to fight and hurt others to keep her
  • 10. Understanding Buddhism as a State of Mind Religion is an intriguing concept as there is a diverse amount of religions that are practiced throughout the world today. One of the widespread forms of religion is Buddhism. Some believe that this particular type of religion is more of a state of mind or a lifestyle rather than a religion; however, some still classify it as a religion due to the variety of rituals and beliefs that are associated with Buddhism. By going through the central themes of Buddhism, it will provide the pertinent information of what exactly Buddhism is. Buddhism came about due to a royal prince that was born in what is now known as Nepal. This royal prince was named Siddhartha Gautama, which he would later become known as the Buddha. During his time growing up, he was living the life of luxury within the palace; however, one day he ventured out into the village outside of the palace and what he saw altered his whole life. He went into the village in which he came across an aging man, an ill man, and a corpse. Siddhartha was completely appalled and did not understand how this could happen to people. He was not aware that people suffered through life and then ultimately died. This shocking visual that Siddhartha observed caused him to realize he needed to leave behind his family and seek enlightenment. He had spent years trying to achieve enlightenment, but to no avail. One day he came across a tree, which is known as the Bodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya, that he decided he would sit under until
  • 11. The For Your Child s Winter Essay You can t miss the nip in the air, and as the year draws to an end, the mercury is going to dip even further. This also means it s time to pull out all those colourful woollies that have been languishing in the cupboard, and maybe buy some new ones to stay in sync with the season s trends. Gone are the days when the over sized woolens came in monotonous and boring winter shades. Now, you can splurge on colours and watch your child radiate the brightness. Red is big for girls and boys, and the metallics that lit up the runways in the fall are also gracing kids winter lines. When choosing woolens for your child, practicality is of utmost importance. But don t overlook the fashion angle. Kids, these days, are extremely conscious about what they wear. Here are a few winter must haves for your child. 1. Just jackets Your child s winter wardrobe would be incomplete without a warm and colourful jacket. Depending on where you are stationed, you can opt for a quilt lined jacket, a football jacket, a classic denim one or the contemporary ones that look more like coats. Cotton, Light and medium poly fill jackets are in fashion these days, with sweat jackets ruling the fashion scene. Jackets, not only provide ample warmth, but when zipped right up, take care of the entire upper torso without you having to worry much. Little girls can add a few frills and flowers to their jackets without thinking twice. And if it s not too cold, they can even go for chic shrugs. Tip: Here s a word
  • 12. Ethics in Mission and Safety Critical Software... Ethics in Mission and Safety Critical Software Engineering Engineering has a direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all people. 1 It is by this premise that engineering codes of ethics have been written to outline professional standards for both managers and engineers. Exhibiting the highest standards of honesty and integrity are imperative for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare.2 When ethical principles are compromised, the risk of endangering others greatly increases, especially with mission and safety critical systems. Extreme consequences include not only complete mission failures and great financial loss, but also fatalities. Though most engineering accidents are associated with aerospace, ... Show more content on ... Though the Code is to be viewed as a body of work and different parts are not meant to be used in isolation, concentrating on these particular principles shed the most light on how past software engineering accidents could have been avoided. Principle 3 outlines all the professional practice guidelines for Product. These include: . Ensuring that, as a software engineer, you are qualified to work on a particular project . Ensuring that the appropriate method is used for the project . Ensuring adequate testing . Maintaining data integrity . Treating all maintenance with the same professionalism as new development . And many others (Click here for all Principle 3 guidelines).4 Principle 5 outlines all the professional practice guidelines for Management. This applies to all managers and leaders of software engineers. It is important to note the management/engineer relationship, as success depends on both sides. Though the ultimate authority over business decisions lies with management, they must still be willing to listen to any of the engineers concerns during the process, and duly take this into account. The relationship also works the other direction, in that management will not know of any problems unless accurately reported by the engineers. Open and honest communication is key for ethical engineering. The guidelines for management detailed in Principle 5 include: Ensuring that software engineers know the standards
  • 13. The Last Day Of Skiing As thin air encloses me as I inaugurate the last day of skiing at Breckenridge, Colorado. Three days of skiing cease rather painlessly; I stumble oftenly but an evening on the couch next to a crackling wood fire soothes my minor aches. Closing times nudges on the final day of our weekend trip as I prepare for my ultimate run of the vacation. Fresh off the skilift, I glide towards the junction of the trials unoccupied skilled face of the mountain. I detach my boots from my ski s and rest them on my shoulder, climbing up the rim of the mountain while the wind sways me back and forth, reaching the top, clicking my skis back on. After a moment of deliberating, I fearlessly select a narrow path so steep that the only way can be seen from my viewpoint. All alone, I glance downhill and advance towards a dangerous region on the mountain. Suddenly, my legs chatter violently, as my skis scrape against the frozen patches that disperse the area. I already knew that the trail will be empty for quite awhile, I said. After overcompensating from the fall. I take my left glove off and inspect what damage has this done to me, the heavy drift blows my glove away from me. Noooo, no, I said. I stand up and detach my right ski, then scramble the icy slope that flanks the trail in search for my missing glove. Upon returning to stance of my missing glove, I re enter the steep slope. I put on my glove and slowly slide down the slope putting my ski back on. I suddenly hear rumblings followed
  • 14. Jason E. Matzus Law Jason E. Matzus founded Matzus Law, LLC, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to serve clients throughout the western part of the state who have been injured by the deliberate or negligent actions of others. The types of personal injury cases he accepts include medical malpractice, workplace accidents, motor vehicle accidents, defective products and unsafe premises. Mr. Matzus is admitted to practice in the state of Pennsylvania, and he is admitted to practice before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit and the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. After graduating magna cum laude from Gettysburg College with a bachelor s degree in psychology and economics, Mr. Matzus earned his law degree from the University of Pittsburgh
  • 15. The Cup And Its Impact On The World In the early 1800s the game has been played on frozen ponds, pucks made out of wood, the sticks were also made of wood. Since that time the sport has evolved to be one of the most sports watched sport in Canada and,The United States Of America.Since 1915 the silver engraved Stanley cup has been apart of the N.H.L hockey playoffs,and continues to coveted players today. The cup is 102 years old coming into the N.H.L in 1915.The cup is the most valued prized trophy in sports history going by the name Stanley Cup ..The cup was donated by Lord Stanley of Preston. It s passed down from team to team each year.It s been won by eighteen of the thirty teams. The Montreal Canadiens have won it twenty three times which is the most in N.H.L history.The cup is 102 years old coming into the N.H.L in 1915( Stanley Cup Playoffs... )( The Stanley Cup... ). The Stanley Cup weighs in at thirty four point five pounds. Standing at a eighty nine point fifty four inches tall.The bowl height is nineteen point zero five cm,diameter twenty eight point fifty seven cm,circumference is eighty eight point nine cm.The collar is fifteen point eighty seven cm tall the shoulders are eight point twenty five cm.Barrel height fourty six point thirty five cm the base diameter is forty three point eighty one( Legends of Hockey ). The N.H.L playoffs start around April.They are split into four divisions called Metropolitan division ,Atlantic division ,Central division ,and the Pacific division. The Metropolitan and
  • 16. Transportation and How it Affects Logistics Transportation is one of the largest industry in the world. It is the most costly and time consuming of the supply chain. Transportation refers to the movement of a product from one destination to another. This process begins from the supply chain to the consumer, for as we know that products are rarely produced in the same location. We as people depend on transportation. Because it moves our goods and it moves us as a people from one place to another. Transportation is a key element in the logistic chain. It joins together those components that are considered to be separated. In order for transportation and logistics to work together successfully there must be good management between them. It plays a major role in connecting it all together. Supply chain management is defined as a continuously evolving management philosophy that seeks to unify the collective productive competencies and resources of the business functions found both within the enterprise and outside in the firm s allied business partners located along intersecting supply channels into highly competitive, customer enriching supply system focused on developing innovative solutions and synchronizing the flow of marketplace products, services, and information to create unique, individualized sources of customer value (Ross, 1998). SCM can be divided into three main groups: purchase, manufacture, and transport (Thomas et al., 1996). The focus is on transportation. There are different modes of transportation.
  • 17. How Literacy Is Used As A Communication Method When it comes to understanding literacy I learned that reading, along with writing is used as a communication method. However, there s so much more to it than just obtaining the knowledge of knowing how to read and write. It all truly depends on the way you use your skills in literature. Literacy is different to each and every person, depending on who they are as a person. It can consist of your culture, pronunciation, the way you dress, as well as all of your actions. That being said, personally literature means not only knowing how to read and write, but the way we approach it as an individual. For example, we are judged by the waywe speak, look, act, where we come from, as well as how we were raised. Which is all... Show more content on ... Although I love her deeply, the way she spoke always bothered me as a child. My sister always spoke proper english is what I will not call it, but politely and she understood how to express herself and speak her mind in a polite manner. I was taught manners by my parents, greetings were something you could not just pass by. good morning was to be said every morning to everyone in the house along with a kiss otherwise it was a form of disrespect. A hug was followed with every goodbye. Even though you could have been upset with a family member you were required to forgive them and let the past stay in the past. Mainly because you never know if you are going to see them tomorrow, living with regret is something no one wants. My father always told me, since I was always a stubborn child, forgiveness is not for the other person it is for you. At that moment I realized he was right, the only person I was hurting all along was myself. Nevertheless, I have had a time where I had to teach myself something that not only had disadvantages but some advantages as well. Learning how to think before I spoke, Speaking your mind and the truths was always something I believed in. However, I never realized that sometimes you have to think about the consequences about your statement. Some days you have to tell people what they want to hear, not the truth, but yes, in some occasions you have to speak your truths for the better of
  • 18. First Ostriches Ostriches today are very different from the first ostriches long, long ago. The first ostriches were arrogant, selfish, and sly creatures, just like Billy. Billy always bragged about how smart or strong he was, even if what he said wasn t true. One day, North Wind overhead Billy bragging to his friends about how he was strong enough to lift The Brick , which was the heaviest object on Earth, and it lied in North Wind s palace. Now, North Wind was over 5000 years old, and from all his years, he was wise enough to know that as long as he was alive, no one else could lift The Brick , so North Wind blew down to Billy on Earth and challenged him: I am North Wind, and I heard you bragging to your friends about how you could lift The Brick ... Show more content on ... North Wind disappeared in a closet, then came out carrying The Brick. Go ahead, North Wind said. Billy put his hands on The Brick, and he didn t even try to lift it because he was still daydreaming about the Wishing Gem. Very well , North Wind murmured, Looks like I won the bet. Billy snapped out of his daydream of the Wishing Gem, and said, You did win, good job. Why don t you go out and take a walk while I prepare dinner? North Wind replied, Okay, thank you very much, and left the palace. As soon as he closed the front door, Billy dashed back into the jewel room, and gazed wistfully at the Wishing Gem as it once again captured his attention. He then shook his head, made sure no one was looking, grabbed the Wishing Gem, then sprinted outside and back down to Earth. When North Wind came back and discovered both Billy and the Wishing Gem was gone, he roared, GET ME THAT OSTRICH! and sent every one of his men to find Billy, but they never did, because as soon as Billy landed on Earth, he wish for cool hair, a black jacket, and to be tall. As soon as he whispered his last word, he began to transform, and he grew long legs and a long neck, a small white tuft of hair on his head, and a black jacket on his body, which made him look very different and unrecognizable. Still, to this day, when North Wind blows pastany ostrich, they stick their
  • 19. The Successes and Failures of the Zapatista Movement Essay The Successes and Failures of the Zapatista Movement On January 1, 2004, over one thousand people in the mountain hamlet of Oventic, Chiapas, celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) rebellion with song and dance. Thus, it seems a fitting time to take stock of the successes and failures of the Zapatista movement in the context of its original goals. While the EZLN has been able to establish thirty eight autonomous indigenous communities in Chiapas, it has failed to weaken the Mexican government s commitment to neo liberal economic policies. In the following pages, we will explore those factors which enabled the Zapatistas to establish regions of autonomy and extrapolate from Theotonio Dos ... Show more content on ... refusal to take money from the mal gobierno (bad government).? In addition, the Zapatistas have created five organizational centers (caracoles) and established Juntas of Good Government in each of them in order to ?resolve conflicts and disequilibrium between the centers and the outlying autonomies.? The caracoles mark the EZLN?s first success with regional, as opposed to municipal, autonomy. These Zapatista achievements can be attributed to the local terrain of Chiapas, restrictive legislation, and local and national scrutiny. The Mexican government has faced legal and practical restraints on launching an all out war on the Zapatistas. The first government counter attacks encountered tactical difficulties in the jungles of Chiapas and the army failed to score a quick military victory. In 1995, the federal congress passed a ?law for dialogue,? which foreclosed the option of a unilateral show of force by the Mexican army in areas under Zapatista control. This legislation catalyzed the signing of the San AndrГ©s Accords by the EZLN and the Zedillo government. The San AndrГ©s Accords, as well as the inaccessibility of the jungles of Chiapas, made overt military action politically and tactically unviable. The EZLN?s national popularity and visibility also guaranteed its survival. Though the Mexican government maintained a
  • 20. The Causes And Consequences Of The Crusades The Crusades were indeed about power and politics, in terms of its motivations and consequences. Political motivations were significant in shaping the Crusades, as evident from the rivalry for power between the Christians and the Muslims, as well as internally within the Christian world, and the launching of the Crusadesby Pope Urban II who harbored political interests in establishing his authority in the Christian world. However, it is wrong to say that the Crusades had nothing to do with religion because whilst the political and power motivations to prevent the Muslims from gaining any more Christian territory, and to fuel European expansionism was present, the key driving force in most parties was religious feeling. Motivations for the... Show more content on ... Even though the Christians went on Crusades pilgrimage with the aim of driving away the Muslims, paying pilgrimage and penance, they ended up being distracted by European politics, which encompassed power struggles, and the opportunities for plunder and looting. Hence, whilst the crusades had to do with religion, it was more about politics and power as evident from the Crusades results of very limited
  • 21. Barbara Kingsolver s The Bean Trees In the book The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver, the wisteria vine functions as a symbol of Turtle s growth throughout her journey, as well as the people that have helped her along the way. When Turtle is first given to Taylor, she is agonized and timid, without a clue of whom she can look to as a motherly figure. Taylor remarks how the most amazing thing was the way the child held on... to [her]... it s little hands like roots sucking on dry dirt. (22) Turtle s horrible past has mentally scarred her. She views Taylor as safety and is relying on her for care. Turtle s need for Taylor is similar to a plant s need for water. Neither can survive without the other. As time progresses the duo bonds more closely, and Turtle begins to open up. One
  • 22. Green Bay Research Paper Green Bay is famous for its sports team and somewhat famous as a rising tourist attraction for a city of its size. But not much is known by outsiders about the cities around Green Bay. The truth is that Green Bay s biggest attraction is not actual in Green Bay. Truth be told, the Packer Stadium is actual in Ashwaubenon. Which is just across the street is the city limit of Green Bay. But there is more than just the sports as an Export . There is different types of exports that are shipped out of the bay area and shipped all over the Midwest, U.S., and even around the globe. Having worked in a factory as part of this system I can say without a doubt it sucks . You can quote me on that. But outside of the factories there are a huge amount of small family run businesses that specialize in pottery, chocolate, and bakeries. Just outside of The Green Bay... Show more content on ... I never really liked the town. All I saw was store after store and never really appreciated the small things. All cared about was looking for what could I do with my friends. I was a spoiled brat with no sense of the outside world. My friends and I would get into trouble throw rocks at cars. We tore up our neighbor s potatoes to play baseball and other ball related sports. It wasn t until I moved to Denmark when I was 8 when I relished how lazy. I saw kids my age at my school got home to work on their parent s farm work. where I would just go home and watched TV and complain. It was my father that finally had enough of my shenanigans and sent me to go pick stones in a field for a week. I hate him for 3 days as I sweated and worked only for 3 hours a day. It wasn t until a kid my age named Drake showed me how much fun it was. Drake and I would hold competitions with each other to see who could find the bigger rock. He would always win sadly; I still think he cheated and brought rocks in his backpack he had found in the quarry near his
  • 23. Great Famine Of The 14th Century Essay Informal Essay 12 The late middle ages is the name given to the time period of European history at about 1300 to 1500 AD. During this time period there were many challenges that the people of Europe faced. One major challenge was The Great Famine of the early 14th century. The cause of this famine was because the population had grown to such a huge number there was no margin for crop failures or harvest shortcomings. In other words if someone was expected to produce 1500 pounds of corn they had to produce at least 1500 pounds or else they would be contributing to the problem. The only way the population could be supported was under ideal conditions; otherwise the land couldn t produce enough food and resources to sustain the population. This caused a huge problem because during this time Western Europeunderwent a climate change, the summers were cooler and wetter. This made it much more difficult to produce... Show more content on ... The final characteristic, the black boils, is where the name Black Death came from. At final count the black plague killed about one third of the entire European population, or about 20 million. What is believe to be some of the major ways that the disease was spread was through rats and fleas, as well as through the air. The people of the time believed that the only way the disease was spread was through touching a person who had the Black Death. We now know through modern technology of the other ways the disease was spread. It makes since that the rats and fleas communicated the disease from person to person because they weren t very sanitary during the Middle Ages. There were fleas and rats in each and every persons dwelling but they were particularly prevalent on ships of all kinds, which caused the disease to spread throughout the entire
  • 24. How Is Baseball Created Baseball Baseball has been around for more than 100 years. Baseball was created in 1845 and baseball is a lot different today than it was in 1845. In this next paragraph I will talk about how baseball was created. Baseball was created in 1845 by someone named Abner Doubleday. In the 1600 s England played a similar game to baseball called Rounders. In 1846 the first baseball game ever was played was between the New York Knickerbockers and the New York Nine. The New York Knickerbockers lost 23 1 to the New York Nine in four innings. On January 29, 1936 the Hall of Fame was created. Now that you know the creation of baseball let s talk about how baseball is played today. The bases on the baseball field are in a diamond shape. When you run the bases you run ... Show more content on ... Now that you know how it is played you need to know how it is played today. So when you play baseball you can start at t ball and go up to the MLB if you are good enough. When you get to the MLB you play a regular season, then you play in the postseason if your team is good enough. If you are not in the lead in your division then you play in a wildcard game to see if you make it to the postseason.When there are two teams left in the postseason then they play in the World Series. When you play in the regular season you play 162 games before the playoffs. To get to the Hall of Fame you have to be one of the greatest baseball players in MLB. Also you have to practice when you are young and until you get to the MLB. Baseball was created in 1845 and baseball has changed since it was created. Abner Doubleday created the game called baseball. You have to have a glove and a baseball bat to play baseball. When you play baseball you can start at t ball and play until you get to the MLB. So, what are you going to do next? Are you going to play baseball or keep doing what you re
  • 25. Stereotypes Affecting Female College Students Test Scores This study examined how female college students dressing professionally affected their test scores in traditionally male dominated subject areas such as science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). There is an existing stereotype threat against women in these subject areas, which is defined as the risk of fulfilling a negative stereotype about a characteristic that one holds about his or her own group (Steele Aronson, 1995). The stereotype threat that affects females in STEM classes assumes that females are inferior to males in STEM courses which can lead to unequal test scores between females and males of equal intelligence. Data was collected from femalestudents at UTC by having half of the participants dress professionally and... Show more content on ... STEM classes are traditionally male dominated subject areas, and there is already a stereotype threat against women in these classes which has the potential to negatively affect their test scores (Steinberg, Okun, Aiken, 2012). In male dominated disciplines, women are underrepresented and often subject to stereotype threat which may lead them to perform more poorly than their male counterparts of equal intelligence. This study would evaluate whether the females dress has the potential to boost their confidence and mitigate the effects of the stereotype threat, thus improving their scores. Research on stereotype threat and women s performance on math tests conducted by Spencer, Steele, and Quinn (1999) documented that women perform more poorly on moderately difficult math tests than their male counterparts. They also demonstrated that this difference in scores could be eliminated when the researchers told the participants that the test they were taking did not produce any gender differences in scores. However, when they told the participants that the test did produce gender differences, the females performed significantly worse than their male counterparts who were equal to them in intelligence. Another important consideration is the role clothing with regards to self objectification. A study by Fredrickson, Roberts, Noll, Quinn, and Twenge (1998) which found that women with higher BMIs had higher body shame when wearing more revealing
  • 26. The Hobbit by J.R. Tolkien Essay The Hobbit By J.R. Tolkien The Hobbit is the story of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who lives in a hole in a hill. He enjoys a quiet life but it is interrupted by a surprise visit by the wizard Gandalf. Gandalf comes with a company of dwarves led by Thorin. They were searching to recover a lost treasure that was being guarded by a dragon named Smaug, at the Lonely Mountain. Gandalf decided Bilbo would be helpful to the team as a burglar. On the journey, Bilbo and the dwarves encounter all sorts of villains and obstacles. While passing thru Elven country Bilbo and the dwarves stay at the house of Elrond, an old friend of Gandalf. During their journey they run into Trolls, Goblins and Giant Spiders. Bilbo does several things that help... Show more content on ... When Bard, from lake town, strikes this spot, Smaug falls dead, his body crushing the city of Esgaroth. The survivors seek Bard as their new king but Bard declines the offer, as he intends to establish his own city. Because the treasure is no longer being guarded several groups wanted it. Thorin wants the Arkenstone because it is an heirloom and he threatens to take revenge on whoever has prevented him from getting it. Bilbo decides that he will leave the mountain and offer the Arkenstone to Bard; then, Bard can offer the Arkenstone to Thorin in exchange for a fair portion of the treasure. When the battle begins, it includes men, elves and dwarves. They attack one another until Gandalf tells them the goblins, bats, wolves and wargs are coming. The armies join up becoming known as the quot;Battle of Five Armies. quot; The Goblins and Wild Wolves battle against the Elves, Men and Dwarves. It is only with the arrival of the Eagles, that army of good win. After recovering, Bilbo makes his way back home. As Bilbo says, quot;So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their ending. quot; Gandalf and Bilbo pass through Rivendell and eventually make their way to Hobbiton. It is summer and Bilbo is disappointed to learn that he is legally dead. Greedy cousins, are selling his property because he is quot;Presumed Dead. quot; They are more than a little unhappy at his arrival. Bilbo, son of
  • 27. The Art of Brand Naming Essay Do you ever like a brand, and everything that they have to offer, bit then you think to yourself what a stupid name though! ? While a crappy name won t nesesarily doom a company for success, it can be a hurdle to overcome if botched. The art and science of great naming is absolutely about balancing a confluence of core concepts: Companies should focus on domain name availability, descriptiveness, trademark strength, originality, length, integrity (the bigger picture of the name and brand), and lastly, the name s tested market appeal. We don t ever want to find ourselves naming exclusively reaching for one particular aspect of a name, as there is a bigger picture to be considered. Being integral: There is a major plus when a name can ... Show more content on ... There are exceptions, like Trader Joe s named for founder Joe Coulombe, and of course the eponymous Ben and Jerry s Ice cream. Don t confuse their existing goodwill with the difficulty inherent to how hard it may have been overcoming a plain name although one could say their names made them approachable given the lack of seriousness to say, ice cream. As an example and amusing execercise, think of many quirky and cleverly named brands and imagine the inverse of the Trader Joes or Ben and Jerry s format, e.g. if Naked Juice had been the less than inspiring Dave s Juice for co founder David Bleeden. Dave s Juice also would totally lack the quasi edginess that Naked Juice has, and is totally forgettable. Legal Research: EatMyWords Founder Alexandra Watkins advises on the legal loose ends of naming your business, For initial trademark screens, you can do free searches on and the government s trademark database, TESS, at Use these to knock out potential conflicts, then hire an attorney to do a thorough search. This is not something you want to skimp on. Domain name availability. Companies with a substantial amount of liquid capital have the luxury to come up with a name for their business that has a domain they will need to buy in
  • 28. Comparing Miss Brill And The Garden Party By Katherine... In language, the term conversation is commonly understood as a discussion engaged between two or more people. This form of verbal communication enables news and new ideas to be exchanged and shared. However, within literature, a conversation is far more nuanced by a result of written work having a greater context which lies beneath the words. The construction of a conversationwithin the literary text is forever a creation made by the author themselves. The act of creating this conversation by the author is both revealing for an in depth reading of the text but most significantly to provide a contextual understanding of the author and their choices. The Garden Party (1922) by writer Katherine Mansfield is a collection of short stories. The... Show more content on ... Therefore in the concise nature of the form, any conversational element must have a significant role within the text. Within Mansfield s Miss Brill, the contrast in the unreliable narration and dialogue in conversation, are employed to highlight the stories main theme of reality versus fantasy. The stories detached narrative style provides a convincing platform for Miss Brill s facade, creating the initial impression that Miss Brill s life is flawless. In the stories inception, the narration establishes Miss Brill s delusional fantasy, through the weather much like The Garden Party which begins on a perfect day. In Miss Brill, the blue sky which is powdered with gold and great spots of light shines down. The language evokes a description worthy of a painting rather than a true autumn sky. This is a purposeful technique by Mansfield as the sky is a symbolic mirroring of Miss Brill s attempts to cloud her harsh reality with delusions of grandeur and beauty. The introduction of a perfect fantasy is critical to the story as this is juxtaposed when the reader is confronted with the later realisation of Miss Brill s reality through the role of conversation. (add more) (Free indirect discourse needs to be
  • 29. Toyota Prius Stereotypes The Myth Behind the Toyota Prius After its creation fifteen years ago, the Toyota Prius has attained a cult status in American culture, and has grown to become a symbol in addition to being a hybrid car. Once high profile celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz were seen in the Prius in the early 2000s, it became cool, smart, and trendy to own a Prius. Over the last ten years, there has become two stereotypical owners of a Prius: economically conscious, mediocre driving, organic food eating, hippie; or an older person trying to save money on gas that isn t trying look flashy as they drive around. Evidence that lead to these stereotypes is found all over popular culture in movies, TV shows and social media. Although the assumptions... Show more content on ... Two movies are notorious for their portrayal of the Prius: Horrible Bosses (2011) and The Other Guys (2010). In Horrible Bosses one of the main characters was caught speeding and was being questioned, Detective Samson: Do you want to explain why you were doing 61 in a 25 zone? Nick Hendricks: I was drag racing. I m a drag racer. Detective Samson: You were drag racing...In a Prius. Nick Hendricks: I don t win a lot. The sarcastic response about drag racing in a Prius fuels the stereotype that the Prius is laughable car to be caught driving. The same type of humor is used in The Other Guys as the car is abused and treated as pathetic and is a running joke throughout the film. All these pop culture negative depictions of the Prius have engrained and created the sign of the car in American
  • 30. Comparing The Autonomic Nervous System And Neurons The autonomic nervous system controls cardiac, smooth muscle and the glandular tissue. It is vital in emergency and nonemergency (rest /digest). It is responsible for nearly all voluntary muscle movements as well as for processing sensory information that arrives via external stimuli including hearing, touch, and sight. The autonomic nervous systemcontains 2 subdivisions which are the sympathetic and parasympathetic. The general action of the sympathetic nervous system is to mobilise the body s first or flight response (how the body reacts to perceive danger) by preparing the body to put out energy and to protect it from effects of injury. However, the parasympathetic nervous system restores the body a state of calm. It is a slow system and... Show more content on ... Neurons communicate at structures called synapses. Typical neuronconsists of a large number of extension called dendrites that ties neurotransmitter chemical migrating across the synaptic gaps separating neuron. There are usually like a spikes extending out from cell body. Cell body (soma) contains Nucleus, cytoplasm organelles and is the metabolic centre of the cell, Brings information to the neuron. One extension is different from all the others, and is called the axon. The purpose of the axon is to transit an electro chemical signal to other neurons. The longer axons are covered with a myelin sheath, the purpose of myelin sheath is to protect and insulate axons, and enhance their transmission of electrical impulses. At the end of the axon is terminal buttons, it releases neurotransmitters (Appendix, Fig1). Neurotransmitters play a role in the way human behave, learn and sleep and some pay in mental illness.When they are released from the neurotransmitter vesicles of the presynaptic membrane, the normal movement of molecules is directed to receptor sites situated on the postsynaptic membrane. However, in some disease, the flow of the neurotransmitter is imperfect. Neurotransmitters are: Acetylcholine and norepinephrine (excitatory neurotransmitters); dopamine, serotonin and gamma amino butyric
  • 31. Lansdowne Research Paper The Lansdowne Dining Room (1766 1769), as its name suggests, is a dining room from the Lansdowne house located at the southwest corner of Berkeley Square, in London. This house actually belonged to two unpopular British statesmen of the eighteenth century, John Stuart (1713 1792) and William Petty Fitzmaurice (1737 1805). Indeed, Stuart was the third earl of Bute (earl meaning a British nobleman ranking above a viscount and below a marquess ) until 1763 when he left in political disgrace and sold the unfinished house to Fitzmaurice who was the second earl of Shelbourne and was created first marquess of Lansdowne in 1784. He was despised by many contemporaries such as Henry Fox but his efforts were appreciated abroad as he favored the autonomy for the American colonies. Lansdowne House... Show more content on ... In fact, the room contains a lot of classical elements such as the light colors, delicate ornament, slender proportions, columns and more details influenced by the Roman and Greek culture, which makes this room fit into the English Neoclassical period (1770 1820). Indeed, Robert Adam (1728 92) was the famous architect and designer of the Lansdowne house. He was one of the architects and designers who brought seriousness to the revival of classicism in England as he studied the Greek and Roman antiquities, traveled to Italy and worked to reproduce exactly the original models. He would go to specific temples and specific places in Italy and would draw detailed drawings of them to keep a record of what he saw and experienced. He is actually a Scottish architect who worked in partnership with his brother James Adam in their father s firm. Unlike Kent, Burlington and Jones who had brought to England Palladio s vision of classicism, Robert Adam brought to England a virtuoso vocabulary of complex interior forms that had not been used since
  • 32. White Tailed Deer Research Paper White tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) have historical significance throughout the state of Ohio. Ohio s ancient civilizations relied heavily on white tailed deer for food, tools, and clothing. Deer were attracted to the region because of the agricultural practices of Native Americans such as growing corn and the prevalence of hard mast . The population of white tailed deerwas healthy prior to European settlement, as predators such as the North American cougar (Puma concolor), eastern timber wolf (Canis lupus lycaon), and native americans kept the population under control. There are an estimated 500,000 white tailed deer in Ohio, the species can be found in all 88 counties. Populations today are managed by a regulated hunting season. (Hulbert 1910) The objective of the study is to determine the age, sex, and distinguishing characteristics of white tailed deer that are in both areas... Show more content on ... The total amount of deer seen on camera one was twenty total. (Fig. 3) Camera one was in a secluded area of the forest and captured two different bucks. One was believed to be a couple years old with a small set of antlers while the second buck was much larger both in body and antler size is believed to be older. The deer varied in size and all stayed within a couple yards from one another. Both cameras experienced interference from bypassers who noticed that the cameras were there. DISCUSSION Despite the elusive color of the camera, footage showed what seemed to be curious Hocking College students approaching the trail camera and repositioning it on the tree. More bike locks were needed to prevent tampering and to better secure the cameras to the tree. Camera one was originally placed in an area thought to be further away from human activity and resulted in the area being more heavily populated with humans than
  • 33. Republic Of Mali Essay The Republic of Mali is one of Africa s largest countries, measuring about twice the size of Texas; yet its population is proportionally small compared to its territory, numbering to approximately 16 million and ranking 67th out of global countries (1). A landlocked country of West Africa, Mali s borders include Algeria, Senegal, Mauritania, CГґte d Ivoire, Guinea, Burkina Faso, and Niger. Malis main natural resources consist of gold, phosphates, kaolin, salt, limestone, uranium, gypsum, granite, and hydropower; the list includes iron ore, lithium, manganese, and zinc, but not all these latter resources are exploited (1). Despite this, Mali s economy primarily depends on profits from agriculture and fishing, both industries that rely on the country s two largest rivers, the Niger and the SГ©nГ©gal (14). The flooding of these rivers provides soil for agriculture; the rivers work as Mali s main means of transporting goods as well. These rivers are especially important because the Saharan and Sahelian regions compose most of Mali s land, and the country s climate is primarily flat and arid. This inter tropical zone has two main seasons, the dry season and the wet season, each accompanied with natural hazards and obstacles. During the wet season from June to October, the southwest monsoon wind delivers black clouds, lightning, thunder, and heavy rain.
  • 34. Essay on The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict The region of the Middle East frequently referred to as Palestine has long been the site of much conflict. In recent years, a major effort on the part of the International community has been employed in an attempt to bring peace to the troubled region, yet every time peace accords seem to be at hand, everything falls apart. In order to fully understand the enmity that keeps causing peace talksto break down, one must look at the roots from which the conflict stems. If the root of the issue can be clearly devised, then movements towards peace in the region will be much more succinct. Palestinian Development Under Turkish Rule Issues concerning Palestine s development in socio cultural and religious terms begin to become apparent ... Show more content on ... While the Turks did operate under a Jihad aimed specifically at the Christians (in response to the havoc wreaked by the Christian Crusades) during the Medieval Age, they became increasingly more acclimated to the cultures of their conquered peoples as they continued to move west. Their addition of these cultures helped create the distinctive culture for which the Ottoman Empire is known. The overall result was an empire that was remarkably tolerant of foreign culture and religion (particularly the Jewish faith and Islam), making the Ottoman Empire a refuge for the Jews of Europe. In 1798, Napoleon invaded. The combination of war and faulty administration caused many Jews and Arabs to flee the country, significantly reducing the Palestinian population. Revolts by Palestinian Arabs against Ottoman (and Egyptian) rule began at this time. Reorganization of the empire brought order and catalyzed the beginnings of Jewish settlements under a variety of Zionist movements. The result of these changes caused an increase in both Arab and Jewish populations. By 1880, out of a population of 400,000, the Jewish population comprised 24,000. At this same time, the Ottoman Empire imposed stringent restrictions on Jewish immigration and land purchase although many of these restrictions were evaded by colonists. The Zionist movement arose among the Sephardic Jewish community of Europe, who saw the concept of a Jewish homeland in
  • 35. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Block Grants Grant writing is a great skill to have, especially if you are planning to have a career in the criminal justice field. What many do not know however is that there are many different types of grants. Each type of grant has its own unique purpose, advantages, and disadvantages. These different kinds of grantsinclude block grants, employment grants, program grants, technology grants, construction grants, and researchgrants. It is important to educate yourself on these different types of grants so that you can have a better understanding of the skills needed to be a successful grant writer. Frist, we have block grants. A block grant is basically when the federal government gives out large amounts of money to local and state authorities in order to funds things such as public enforcement, law enforcement, or community development. Often times there is a lot of discretion given in regards to how the money is spent, so there is no fine detail when it comes to how the money is going to be used. Two examples of this kind of grant program is the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, also known as welfare, and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Block Grant. Welfare is used to help support low income families and the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Block Grant is assistance to low income families to help pay energy bills. The advantage of block grants is that it is less restrictive, but a disadvantage could be the use of the money ineffectively. Secondly, we have employment
  • 36. Identity Is Something We Search Essay Identity Identity is something we search for, something we want to find out about ourselves. We want to know what we are here for and what s our purpose. Identity is the way one sees themselves and our identity is all we have that s why we protect it and always are trying to make ours better than the others. I believe college is a time where we find our identity, maybe we have an idea on what it is going to be and sometimes it takes us many years to figure it out. In Daniel Marks experience his identity is going to take awhile for him to find if he doesn t change his ways. Daniels before was very rough, he was in trouble a lot. He said he felt like a failure to his father s standards. He enjoys partying very much, this has lead to him being a poor student with a GPA below a 2.0. His study habits are very poor but he is planning on going to college. His advisor told him he would fail out if he didn t change his ways. After hearing all about daniel s story I would categorize him into the Diffusion area. This is because he is just simply doesn t care, he lacks motivation and is only doing enough to barely get by. I can avoid all of these things by sticking to the things I ve been doing and to adjust and use the strategies we have learned in U100. In Monica s story you hear about a lot of the things she was going through in her first semester so it s pretty relatable. She tells us about how her parents did not attend college, but she really wants to. She
  • 37. Hume on Miracles Essay Hume on Miracles It is evident in David Hume s writing of An Equity Concerning Human Understanding that he does not believe that miracles take place. Hume is a man of logic, who believes in experience over knowledge. Of course it is hard for such a man to believe in extraordinary claims without being there to witness them. Especially when such events require a lot of faith. In order for an event to be deemed a miracle, it must disobey the laws of nature. However, it is these same laws that disprove almost any miracle that has ever been reported. He writes that some events that people report as miracles truly are not. For example, it is not a miracle, that fire burns wood, or that a healthy man dies, because both of these are ... Show more content on ... Then and only then would he be able to be sure that a person was not motivated by any other force when claiming that what they saw was actually a miracle. In so many words, Hume wrote, that no testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless the testimony is of such a kind that its falsehood would be more miraculous than the fact which it endeavors to establish #8230; (pg. 674, col.1). He then goes on to say that at no time has there been any miracle attested by a sufficient number of men of such unquestioned good sense, education, and learning, as to secure us against all delusion in themselves #8230; (pg. 674, col.2). His point being that no scholar would ever back such an obsurd story because of the risk of being ridiculed by his piers. He says that miracles are further disproved by the fact that most of them are reported by ignorant, barbarous people of past generations. Some of the things that these people have reported as marvelous are common among later generations, so their mysteriousness has been lost and they are no longer miracles. If you are wondering why stories like these do not originate today, Hume says they do, but we rule them out as lies. According to him, people have always had tendencies to stretch the truth and
  • 38. The International Peace And Security Article 2(4) of the UN Charter prohibits States from resorting to use of force, by stating, All member States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat of the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purpose of the United Nations. On the other hand, Article 51 affirms an inherent right of States to self defence, approvingly, Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security......... . While maintenance of... Show more content on ... Amongst others is the applicable interpretation of an armed attacked as espoused by Article 51 of the UN Charter. Furthermore, Kohen has questioned the precondition for necessity and proportionality, under customary law, as a response of self defence. Most importantly and of relevance to this essay, the customary law of state responsibility, specifically, if a State is liable for the actions of the planning of terrorist activities, within their sovereign territory by non state actors (nSA). This essay intends to give a theoretical exposition regarding the state responsibility for the conduct of nSA by drawing its analysis from the Nicaragua Case, the Tadic Case and the International Law Commission draft articles on state responsibility. It will then discuss the implications of imputing the conduct of Al Qaeda to the State of Afghanistan (SoA) by the U.S., and whether the U.S. flouted the international law, is so, did it do so with impunity. Section 2: State Responsibility under International Law Al Qaeda is not a State, nevertheless, the attacks against the U.S. were classified as a threat to international peace and security by the Security Council Resolution 1368, which could potentially denote a judgement to take accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security. However, the discernment favoured by the right in Article 51, is explicitly accorded in response to an
  • 39. The Era Of The Late Nineteenth Century Reformers In the late nineteenth century reformers efforts to save the Indians failed due to them taking away their way of life having the conform to the ideas of the white Americans. Reformers attempt to help the Native Americans was definitely unhelpful. The reformers main goal was to make them conform to the way of life as white Americans. Reformers took them of their land, took away their culture, and there was of life with new laws and reform that was supposed to help the Indians but instead it hurt them and their culture. Also the younger generations were forced to study in schools the white American way of life. They were taught the American history according to the white Americans, their language was forbidden in the schools and they... Show more content on ... Ella C. Deloria, A Yankton Soiux said It wasn t easy to make a spiritual and social adjustment. The people were too used to living in large family groups, cooperatively and happily. Now, here they were in little father mother child units often miles from their other relatives, trying to farm an arid land. The Dawes Act was the answer to the White Reformer to please the American settlers that were trying to take the land the Indians lived on and help stop the fighting that was going on because of this land. The Dawes Act gave Native Americans a piece of their own land that allow them to own it, which they did not hold the deed to. The Federal Government held the land in trust for twenty five years awaiting the Indians becoming United States citizens. Despite the alleged safeguards, tribal lands were often lost by fraud or coercion, so that, by 1934, white Americans owned two thirds of lands originally reserved for Indians.(Schultz,327) The land given to the Indians was undesirable to most because the land was barren and infertile making it hard for the Indians to grow crops and survive of the land. Also with these reservations came schooling for the children of the Indians. Reformers believed that teaching the Indians would help them understand the laws and history of the United States and help with the literacy problem and preparing them for American Citizenship. Commissioner of Indians Affairs, Thomas J. Morgan said
  • 40. Demographic Trends In The United States Smith Reaction Chapter 2 There are several demographic trends that will begin affecting the Earth within the next 40 years. Three of these trends are the wealth of our urban population, population momentum, and an elderly dependency ratio. The United States, Japan, and Germany are our current largest economies; however, by 2050, that will all change. China will end up taking the number one position and pushing the United States back to number 2 with India moving to the number 3 position. The reason for this new economic growth is due to the rising urban population and modernization; however, the only way for this to work is if China and India grow to support urban population and modernization. Both countries would have to continue to ... Show more content on ... It will be harder for countries who hire skilled foreign workers to find just that. With more elderly individuals than younger ones, countries will have to take into account the number of individuals they can actually hire. If there isn t a large amount of young people in the world, than it will be difficult to find young skilled workers. That means, older individuals will be unable to retire at the average age of 65 because industries will need them to continue to work. For the elderly who is unable to work, our world will need the younger generation to care for them. What if we don t have enough people from the younger generation to care for our elderly? Our book states that the younger generation needed for this, have not been born yet. Our world cannot run on robots, nor do we want it to. We have to have, huge improvements in education, governance, and security. Women will need to start attending school and working in places where it is uncommon today. Terrorism must be sufficiently quelled such that the countries that nee young workers will accept immigrants from the countries that have them (Smith, 2010, pg. 49, 50).Smith, L. C. (2010). A Tale of Teeming Cities. In The world in 2050: Four forces shaping civilization s northern future (p. 43). New York, NY:
  • 41. Al 1050 English Essay In AL 1050 Languages in the Pacific I have learned many different concepts that has to do with the Pacific Rim. It all has to do with languages and how each island or country speaks their own tongue, but all are similar in some way. In class I have examined historical and contemporary language use throughout the Pacific Basin, as well as in Hawai`i. Through exploring topics such as the effects of language contact, pidgins and creoles, and stories of language loss and preservation, and different cultures. The first concept I am going to talk about is language borrowing. Language borrowing is basically when you loan a word that is imported into a certain language called loan form. These forms now function in the grammatical processes, with nouns taking plural or possessive forms of the new language receiving native morphemes. An example would be the English word alligator. Alligator came from the Spanish which is el largato. El largato in Spanish means lizard. Loanshift another process that occurs also known as calque is when adapting native words to the new meanings. The verb bad mouth . . . is a calque or loan translation: it seems to come from Vai day ngatmay (a curse; literally, a bad mouth ). The second concept I am going to talk about is language endangerment. Language endangerment is basically when the language is at risk of becoming extinct in the near future. Every language face a different level of threat. There are many different levels of endangerment which
  • 42. Unaac Global Community Analysis Question 1: What is your experience in working with intercultural dialogue, youth, and other areas of work relevant to the UNAOC mandate and 7th UNAOC Global Forum? Please also share one of your personal or professional achievements in any of these areas. * Please use a maximum of 150 words or less. As the sole United States Delegate to the 2014 G(irls)20 Summit in Sydney, Australia, I worked with over twenty four other women to write a communique focused on how to economically empower women and girls internationally. The communique was then presented to the Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister of Australia and other leaders. For the past eight years, I have also participated as well as staffed numerous Model United Nations Conferences ... Show more content on ... * Please use a maximum of 50 words or less. You have 50 words remaining. the inability to access a quality education. Through education one has the ability to combat corruption, poverty, injustice, human rights violations as well as create programs for environmental sustainability. All of these issues root back to the need for each individual to have a quality education. The topic of the Youth Event is Narratives of Tomorrow . What are young people doing today to create a peaceful and inclusive world for 2030? What more needs to be done to make this vision come true? (This information will be further explored in the lead up to and during the Youth Event.) *Please use a maximum of 75 words or less. You have 75 words remaining. Young people have the ability to communicate instantly. This ensures that people are consistently aware of the issues plaguing our global community but that dialogue is not enough. In order to actual create sustainable change there must be organization and implementation. There needs to be a greater focus on policy change to create a more peaceful and inclusive world by
  • 43. Fingerprint Analysis In Criminal Investigation Every day, individuals touch countless objects and each time an object is touched an individual s fingerprints are left behind. For more than one hundred years, fingerprint analysis has been used by law enforcement to identify suspects in order to solve crimes. One of the most important uses of fingerprint analysis is to assist investigators when they need to link two crimescenes to the same individual. Fingerprintanalysis also assist investigators with obtaining an individual s criminal record and any previous arrest they have had. A fingerprint is an impression left by the friction ridges of an individual s finger. Fingerprints can be easily deposited on surfaces such as glass, polished stone, and metal. They are easily deposited by sweat from eccrine glands that are present in the epidermal ridges of individuals fingers. These are also known as Chanced Impressions. There are no two individuals who have the same... Show more content on ... These patterns include aggregate characteristics of ridges and minutia points. Friction ridge patterns have three types, and each has their own unique variation depending on the relationship of the ridges and their shape. Loops have prints that recurve onto themselves to form a loop shape. There are radial loops which point toward the thumb and ulnar loops which point towards the pinky. Sixty percent of all pattern types are loops. Arches create a pattern that is wave like and they include tented and plain arches. Tented arches will rise to a sharper point than plain arches do. Five percent of pattern types are arches. Whorls form spiral patterns. There are plain whorls, double loops which create a pattern that resembles an s, an accidental loop which is irregular shaped, and the central pocket loop which is a loop that as a whorl at the end of it. Thirty five percent of pattern types are
  • 44. Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes is known as the World s Greatest Detective; however, Irene Alder may just be the only person, male or female, that has ever defeated Holmes thinking machine of a brain. In his short story, A Scandal in Bohemia, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle challenges traditional social perceptions and gender assumptions toward British women in the 1890 s by creating tension with his characterization of female antagonist, Irene Alder, as a powerful intellectual equal to male protagonist, Sherlock Holmes. Irene, or The Woman, as she is known in future Sherlock Holmes stories, is a surprisingly full character with a quick wit and amazingly sharp manipulation skills. She is characterized as a elegant and talented opera singer from New Jersey living... Show more content on ... She is a powerful, intelligent Victorian woman, with a mind of her own, which is unusual for the times. Irene Alder torments Sherlock s brilliant mind in subsequent Sherlock Holmes stories. He never really recovers from being out witted and manipulated by a woman with superior intellect to his own. Eventually, Sherlock Holmes asks the King only for her photograph as payment for his services. He holds her in a place of reverence, as an intellectual equal. John Watson remarks, To Sherlock Holmes she is always THE woman. I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name, (pg. 1). She was a triple threat to the male gender, a rare combination of unforgettable beauty, undeniable grace and unsurpassed intellect. Irene Alder is a woman to remember: strong, bright and capable of
  • 45. Kite Runner Discussion Questions 1. The novel begins with Amir s memory of peering down an alley, looking for Hassan who is kite running for him. As Amir peers into the alley, he witnesses a tragedy. The novel ends with Amir kite running for Hassan s son, Sohrab, as he begins a new life with Amir in America. Why do you think the author chooses to frame the novelwith these scenes? Refer to the following passage: Afghans like to say: Life goes on, unmindful of beginning, end...crisis or catharsis, moving forward like a slow, dusty caravan of kochis [nomads]. How is this significant to the framing of the novel? 2. The strong underlying force of this novel is the relationship between Amir and Hassan. Discuss their friendship. Why is Amir afraid to be Hassan s true... Show more content on ... How has Amir damned himself ? 10. Compare and contrast the relationships of Soraya and Amir and their fathers. How have their upbringings contributed to these relationships? 11. Discuss how the ever changing politics of Afghanistan affect each of the characters in the novel. 12. On Amir s trip back to Afghanistan, he stays at the home of his driver, Farid. Upon leaving he remarks: Earlier that morning, when I was certain no one was looking, I did something I had done twenty six years earlier: I planted a fistful of crumpled money under the mattress. Why is this moment so important in Amir s journey? 13. Throughout the story, Baba worries because Amir never stands up for himself. When does this change? 14. Amir s confrontation with Assef in Wazir Akar Khan marks an important turning point in the novel. Why does the author have Amir, Assef, and Sohrab all come together in this way? What is this the significance of the scar that Amir develops as a result of the confrontation? Why is it important in Amir s journey toward forgiveness and acceptance? 15. While in the hospital in Peshawar, Amir has a dream in which he sees his father wrestling a bear: They role over a patch of grass, man and beast...they fall to the ground with a loud thud and Baba is sitting on the bear s chest, his fingers digging in its snout. He looks up at me, and I see. He s me. I am wrestling the bear. Why is this dream so
  • 46. I Don t Trust Them Luckily, cleanup was almost as quick and easy as tearing everything apart through our entrance. A few of the witches and wizards present used cleaning spells that caused the room to pick itself up, the vases returning to the shelves and the pictures returning to the walls. The table was finally in working condition again, and once everything was set, we calmly took our places at the table. It s come to my attention that we have three new guests, said Sirius, standing at his place at the table. Seeing that they don t appear to be any creature we can recognize, and my personal belief that they appear to be innocent, I say that we allow them to at least know who we are and, with luck, help them on their way home. I don t trust ... Show more content on ... My name is Sylvia LeBeouf, I am a lynx chimera from New Francisco, Quercasia, and I have a message for every single one of the people here at the table. There was a brief murmuring at the table, and everyone s eyes locked onto Sylvia. Giving a smile, since she loved attention, she began to speak. Sirius, avoid ladies with Lorde hair. Furthermore, if Harry goes on a prophesy hunt, stay home, okay? Just trust me on this. Fred? George? Do you boys like Spain? Well, the food s amazing, I d recommend camping there for a few months in... I don t know, two or so years. Lupin? When the Weasley twins leave on holiday, go anywhere you want, as long as it s not England. Oh! I d stay away from Washington state in the U.S., there s a boy named Jacob who you don t want to meet. Harry? Dumbledore s going to take you to a creepy place guarded by the undead defending a horcrux. Ends up, it s not a horcux, Dumbledore s going to drink a bunch of poison and then be killed. Moody? Avoid frog ladies in pink cardigans, and if you re going with Harry on a flight... just don t. Am I perfectly clear? Why do I feel like she can see the future? asked the red headed boy, leaning in to speak with the curly haired girl. From what I remembered, this must have been Ronald Weasley. That s because she named us all and because she doesn t look like Professor Trelawney, answered the girl who had to have been Hermione
  • 47. Satanism And Satanism Goat Heads and Pentagrams When you think of Satanism, you might think of human sacrifices, or perhaps even chanting wildly around a fire surrounded by enormous herds of people in an attempt to please Lucifer himself. Guess what, they don t. But on a serious note, have you ever thought it might not be what you think it is? Maybe they are not as evil as society makes them out to be. I will be focusing most on the history and important figures in the Satanic church, the symbols of satanismand their meanings, and, finally, some of the practices and beliefs of satanists. Possibly knowing more about this religion will compel you to think a little different about its leaders and followers. The most notable Satanist would have to be the creator of the whole thing, right? The first High Priest of the Satanic church was Anton Szandor LaVey. He was born in 1930 and passed away at the age of 67 in 1997. Because he was most known for his creation of the Satanic church and the Satanic bible, he was also known by the name The Black Pope . He authored many other books as well. LaVey loved Gothic and horror literature, but occult literature he dismissed as frauds and as white magic . Since his world was filled with books, Anton LaVey naturally befriended authors such as Clark Smith, Robert Johnson, and George Hass. He was known by friends and family to have a very cynical view on the world. If only here today to see what it has become. Anton LaVey was also a very talented musician
  • 48. Fritz Roestilberger Fritz Jules Roethlisberger Fritz Jules Roethlisberger naciГі en la ciudad de Nueva York en 1898 y muriГі en Massachusetts en 1974. Obtuvo el BA en ingenierГa de la Universidad de Columbia en 1921, el BS en administraciГіn de ingenierГa del Instituto TecnolГіgico de Massachusetts en 1922 y la MaestrГa en filosofГa de la Universidad de Harvard en 1925. Sus estudios hacia un doctorado en filosofГa en Harvard fueron interrumpidos cuando conociГі a Elton Mayo, profesor de investigaciГіn Industrial en Harvard Business School. Se convirtiГі en Asistente de Mayo y un miembro de la Harvard Business School departamento de investigaciГіn Industrial, restantes afiliadas con el departamento de 1927 a 1946. Roethlisberger celebrГі las siguientes posiciones en ... Show more content on ... En la escuela del comportamiento se emplean enfoques tanto clГnicos como experimentales para descubrir nuevas avenidas para el aprendizaje, la motivaciГіn, el ajuste y el logro. Se han hecho notables e importantes contribuciones por esta escuela, por ejemplo, el Г©nfasis en el uso de la participaciГіn y las formas de manejar los conflictos que se originan de marcadas diferencias de opiniГіn dentro de una organizaciГіn. Esta escuela reconoce la influencia vital del ambiente y las restricciones sobre el comportamiento, esto ha conducido a fructГferos descubrimientos respecto a las necesidades y motivaciones de los individuos en el trabajo, el uso de la autoridad, la importancia de lo irracional en el comportamiento de las personas y las relaciones informales dentro de un ambiente de trabajo. Ensayos Fritz Jules Roethlisberger y los estudios de Hawthorne De: Bibliotecas Occidental Biblioteca de Negocios IntroducciГіn: El propГіsito de esta breve guГa es presentarle a la labor de Roethlisberger y algunos de los recursos de y sobre lo que estГЎn disponibles en las bibliotecas de Occidente. Aunque la mayorГa de los estudiantes de la gestiГіn son conscientes del efecto Hawthorne , muchos de ellos no estГЎn familiarizados
  • 49. Essay on Happiness and Drought It is interesting to think about why our ancestors decided to include the pursuit of happiness as an American s unalienable right, as opposed to the previously considered, right to land. To live a life without happiness, it seemed to them, is to live a life without meaning. Edgar Lee Masters poems commonly reflect on the quality, or lack thereof, of happiness in the afterlife of dead countrymen (and women). The diction, word choice and imagery in Fiddler Jones by Masters expresses the seemingly inherent joy of a lackadaisical man as well as the value of perspectives and the ability to posit happiness over fortune and land. As many of Master s poems in his Spoon River Anthology, the title Fiddler Jones refers to a man who is not only a ... Show more content on ... Although the poem begins by talking generally about the fundamental process of life, lines 3 and 4 bring an individual to the stage in which the poem is set forth. This is done by introducing the art of fiddle playing and the skill that such a feat requires. A skill is a tenet that sets apart an individual from a general crowd. It is something that one may seek pleasure from and it is here that the speaker of the poem creates this separation the individual. And if the people find you can fiddle, Why, fiddle you must, for all your life. (ll. 3 4) At this point we are being advised by the speaker that if we have a skill we must use it for the rest of our lives. But it also says that if people find you can fiddle, which suggests a communal aspect. This skill that sets one apart also makes them a part of a community that cherishes the skill which one has acquired. This further contributes to the meaning on the poem because this is the point in which we are given insight into the speaker s philosophy. This belief being that if one is good at something it should fully encompass their being for the duration of one s life, thus rendering it a passion that becomes as a part of living as breathing itself. This leads into the next lines where we are now required to consider value as a component in distinguishing divergent perspectives. The point in which perspectives diverge happens in lines 4 and 5, where Master s imagery is employed to depict the scene of a