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Essay On Teaching And Learning
Crafting an essay on the topic of teaching and learning is no simple feat. It involves delving into
the intricate dynamics of educational processes, exploring the multifaceted aspects of pedagogy,
and navigating through a vast sea of theories and methodologies. The difficulty lies not only in
comprehending the complex theories but also in articulating them coherently to convey a
meaningful message.
To begin with, one must meticulously gather information from various sources to gain a
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. This entails sifting through academic
journals, textbooks, and other scholarly materials to acquire a well-rounded perspective on the
nuances of teaching and learning. Furthermore, one must be adept at synthesizing diverse ideas
and theories, discerning their relevance, and weaving them into a cohesive narrative.
The process of writing itself demands a high level of analytical thinking and critical reflection. A
well-crafted essay on teaching and learning should not merely regurgitate information but
should present a nuanced argument or perspective. This requires the writer to engage in deep
contemplation, analyze different viewpoints, and construct a well-structured essay that
effectively communicates their insights.
Moreover, addressing the practical implications of teaching and learning adds another layer of
complexity. It involves exploring real-world examples, considering the socio-cultural context,
and evaluating the impact of various teaching methods on diverse learners. Balancing theoretical
concepts with practical applications requires a keen awareness of the complexities inherent in
educational settings.
In conclusion, writing an essay on teaching and learning is a challenging endeavor that demands
a thorough understanding of educational theories, effective synthesis of diverse ideas, critical
thinking, and the ability to articulate complex concepts clearly. It's a task that goes beyond mere
academic exploration, requiring a deep engagement with the subject matter and a commitment to
presenting a well-reasoned argument. For those seeking assistance with such endeavors, it's
worth noting that similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like,
providing a valuable resource for those navigating the complexities of academic writing.
Essay On Teaching And LearningEssay On Teaching And Learning
Clint Eastwood In The 1900 s
Violent 1900 s
Clint Eastwood, one of the most famous actor and directors of all time born on May
31, 1930. He has been known for a long time in Hollywood and around the world. He
has been
especially known for For a few Dollars More and The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
are all played by him. Bounty Hunting was one of the roles that was most played by
him in
all the movies that were either directed by him or was the protagonist himself. All the
Eastwood movies show revenge taken and is usually known as The Man with No
Name in his
movies. Comedy and action were the two genre types in all of his movies.
Unforgiven came released in 1992 directed by Clint Eastwood and written by David
Peoples in 1984. Unforgiven ... Show more content on ...
It all starts when one of the prostitutes
is beaten up by two cowboys which were let go off by demanding ponies, but the
group of
prostitutes put a bounty on the two cowboys by gathering money (Unforgiven). That
s where
the kid and William Munny (Clint Eastwood). Munny had stopped the killing of
people after his
wife dies. He himself did not kill because he said I killed when I was drunk (Clint
meaning that he was almost all the time drunk when he encountered people. In this
movie he
cared about the people that he killed since he wasn t drunk and knew what he was
doing. In the
last part of the movie when Ned gets killed by Little Bill is the only time when
William Munny
takes a drink and then kills each and every person in the bar who he thought was
responsible for
Violence during the 1900 s was just off the top of the roof. If something was not
solved by the
court or any law enforcement then violence was the best shot. Almost all of Clint
Eastwood s
movies have been full of violent nature. Blade Runner and 12 Monkeys are two other
movies that have violence in it but are as well as funny. Ned (Morgan Freeman) is a
big part
The Stereotypes Of Ageing Women In Media
Stereotypes of ageing are a common phenomenon in contemporary media, especially
in Western cultures. These stereotypes are primarily negative because they make
assumptions about ageing women by depicting them as living in a state of ill health,
dependency, loneliness, and poor mental and physical functioning. In a similar vein,
stereotypes of ageingattempt to show how women at their old age should behave and
what they are likely to experience (Dionigi, 2015). Mediaportrayal of ageing females
is also negative and undesirable as they play a role in the development of a culture
where individuals are meant to follow the negative ageing story whether consciously
or unconsciously. This affects ageing females based on how they are treated and
perceived by society, leading to stress, hypertension, and other psychological
disorders (Milner et al., 2012). The negative representation of older women in media
is a form of double marginalization of gender and age as it entails stereotypization.
This, therefore, has certain ramifications with regard to how women interpret and
experience ageing. This paper discusses how media gives ageing women a definition
of being burdensome, controlling, asexual, dependent, and eccentric (Bowman,
2006), that they are no longer represented as the object of male desire. Thus, this
essay argues that the undesirability of ageing women is depicted in media through
invisibility and inaccurate portrayal, underpinning the idea that ageing women should
The Effects Of Using Student Self Assessment And
At RA Jones Middle School, math and reading achievement is low. According to the
2014 2015 School Report Card from the Kentucky Department of Education, 42.2% of
Rector A. Jones Middle School students are proficient/distinguished in reading and
26.3% are proficient/distinguished in math. As a middle school math and science
teacher, I want to give my students tools that they can use to help them be successful
in any subject area, in their current lives and in their futures. It is important that
middle schoolteachers help students develop into independent thinkers that take
responsibility for their own learning and achievement (Lines, 1994). One tool that can
be beneficial to students as they progress through school and beyond is the use of self
assessment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of using student
self assessment and progress monitoring strategies on student achievement in sixth
grade. Student self assessment and progress monitoring is a process of formative
assessment, during which students reflect on and evaluate the quality of their work
and their learning, make judgments on whether they met the stated goals or learning
criteria, identify strengths and weaknesses in their work, and revise accordingly
(Spiller, 2012). Specific research questions that will be answered after this study
concludes are as follows:
1. What is the effect of self assessment/progress monitoring strategies on student
achievement based upon end of unit
Mlk Agape Analysis
The animating force behind MLK s thought and social activity is the idea of
Christian Love which is also referred to as agape. Agape is based on human need
and the love of someone else, wanting good for others even if there is no return.
MLK explains that the universe is naturally inclined towards community, when
people hate they defy creation. MLK s movement focused on non violence which
often was seen as passiveness and cowardice. Yet, it instead was intended as an
active non violence which had a goal not of defeat and humiliation, but of creating a
friendship and understanding; for it is not the people with whom there is tension, but
instead between justice and injustice, good and evil. Agape, therefore, is not a weak,
passive love. It
Global Widespread Cardiovascular Disease ( Cvd )
This composition will expand the topic discussion of global widespread
cardiovascular disease (CVD) that affects various populations low , middle or
high income countries; as well as the consequences that epidemiology has had on
the various populations specified in the multiple regions of the globe. With an
implication of the link between cardiovascular disease and Congestive Heart
Failure (CHF), ethical issues that may affect clinical trials, and the effect such
diseases have on hospital administrations. Frequently in the health care society,
many terms are found to interchangeable, in this situation cardiovascular disease
(CVD) may be used exchangeable with heart disease , a term most often used by
the layperson. Cardiovascular disease describes the disease process that affects not
only the heart, whether arrhythmia (heart irregularity in the rhythm) or congenital
(defect present at birth), it also includes diseases of the blood vessels. Narrowing
of blood vessels may possibly lead to an absolute impasse that consequently could
trigger a myocardial infarction (heart attack), angina (chest pain unknown origin),
or cerebrovascular accident (CVA, stroke). The disease process could in addition
have unfavorable consequences on the muscles and valves. Just a brief
pathophysiological glance at cardiovascular disease, there will be a deeper look into
this topic later in the article. Chronic disease epidemiology is a useful form of study
when it comes to
Examples Of The Crucible And The Columbine Shootings
We Cannot (E)scapegoat What Happened The mainstream media is constantly
being blamed for crimes that people themselves commit. In The Crucible, a group
of girls were caught dancing in the woods by Reverend Parris. This was thought of
as a sin and the girls used their overly religious society to their advantage by
blaming their actions on witches. The Columbine shooting was a tragic event that
brought high school safety into a new light. Both of the seniors committing the
crime killed themselves before they could be questioned, causing the terrified
public to blame the incident on the media, specifically Marilyn Manson. While The
Crucible and the Columbine shootings are similar in people standing up for
incoherent children and deaths for selfish reasons, they are also very different.
Children in high school were killed in the Columbine shooting while adults were
killed in The Crucible and the who was targeted. A scapegoat, by definition is, A
person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially
for reasons of expediency (Oxford dictionary). The Crucible is easily one of the
greatest examples of a scapegoat. The town was completely prepared to blame
witches for the girls actions. The Columbine shooting blamed Marilyn Manson, a
man known for his outlandish dress and style. On April 20th, 1999, two students
murdered 12 teachers and students in cold blood. These two seniors, Eric Harris
and Dylan Klebold, committed suicide before incredulous government officials
were able to ask them why. The public standing up for incoherent children was one
of the interchangeable qualities brought forth in these stories. People were killed
because the public was oblivious and not paying attention to what these kids were
calling out. The two criminals, guilty of the Columbine massacre, were social
outcasts. Dylan Klebold, one of the two seniors, was clinically depressed and was
prepared to commit suicide. They had gotten arrested previously for breaking into
a van, and spend the rest of that year trying to convince everyone they were sorry.
Both of the teenagers were openly hateful as well. Eric Harris wrote in his journal,
You know what I hate? Star Wars fans: get a friggin life, you boring
John Donne Meditation 17
John Donne s central theme for Meditation 17 is that all Christians are United.
Everyone is united and no one stands alone. John Donne is adamant that no one
should feel left out or be ostracized by anyone. He wants everyone to realize that no
one is alone and we all share the same experiences; he describes this idea as no man
is an island (Donne 2). No man is left floating in the water, instead all men are
linked as pieces of the continents. Tenth Avenue North s central message is that an
extreme amount of people live in isolation and they do not have to. No one is meant
to do life alone and they don t realize how genuine humans can be. Many people want
to be alone, but they need to be shown how great community is. The artists bring
The Differences Between The Formats, And The Content
There are some notable differences between, both, the formats, and the content of
financial statements when using SAGE compared the standards required when
following IAS1. These differences vary between stating which currency you are
using, the contents and layout of items in the statements, rounding, and the
terminology used to describe items in the statements and several more. This report
aims to compare, critique, and provide suggestion for improvement where necessary
regarding SAGE and how it links with IAS 1.
A prominent difference between our statements produced on SAGE and the
standards required by IAS 1 is the issue of currency. In our SAGE reports there is no
given currency for either the balance sheet or the profit and loss sheet. This can cause
many problems when dealing with large companies that operate in multiple countries
and thus require different currency classifications. If this is not done then companies
could possibly over(/under)state profit/loss for the period, which would not be a
faithful representation, which is one of the general principles of the International
Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS). It could also just confuse things in general in a
multinational company if they have many sets of financial statements from various
countries with a myriad of currencies and have to match the country to the currency
as it has not been stated on the set of financial statements. Which means the SAGE
coursework is not compliant with IAS 1 which states a
Heterogeneity And Interoperability Of The Digital Library
Digital library
The Digital Library Federation (2002) define them as organizations that provide the
resources including the specialised staff, to select, structure, offer intellectual access
to, interpret, distribute, preserved the integrity of, and ensure the persistence over
time of collection of digital work so that they are readily available for use by a
defined community or set of community. Information is a basic human need, and
civilization advances when people are able to apply the right information at the right
time (Fox and Marchionini, 1998). Today, digital libraries act as an effective device
in the progress of human civilization, it also should enable any citizen to access all
human knowledge anytime and anywhere, in an efficient ... Show more content on ...
Interoperability means the degree to which two products, programs and many more
that can be used together or the quality of being able to be used together. While
heterogeneity consisting of parts or things that are very different from each other.
Most of library users depend on library services in getting information needed. In this
situation, when digital libraries want to provide information, it is important to have a
good relationship between heterogeneity and interoperability. To achieve a good
interoperability, the exchange information in heterogeneity should covers all types of
syntactic structural, semantic diversities among system to modeling information.
Besides that, it should be consistent between the use of the information as intended
by its originator and the intended exploitation of it by the recipient. This thing need
to be considerate to fulfill the need of library users that comes from many different
background. Information providers which is digital libraries should make a data or
information about their collections available for harvesting. This data will be use by
service provider which known as harvester to create value added
False Killer Dolphins
According to Vancouver Aquarium, the false killer whale was first discovered as a
skeleton, not as a live dolphin. Because its skull looks similar to a killer whale s skull
scientists called it a false killer whale (Pseudorca).
Despite having whale in its name, the false killer whale is actually a large dolphin
like its namesake the killer whale . The difference between a whale and a dolphin is
much like the difference between a ship and a boat . It has more to do with size than
science. In fact, false killer whales are large dolphins. They prefer tropical to
temperate waters that are deeper than 3,300 feet (1000m) and occur in the U.S. in
Hawaii, along the entire West Coast, and from the Mid Atlantic coastal states south.
The species can also be found in all tropical and temperate oceans worldwide.[4] The
young false killer whale in Vancouver Aquarium Chester was rescued by the
Vancouver Aquarium Marine Rescue Team with help from local residents and
Fisheries and Ocean Canada (DFO) after standing as a month old calf on Chesterman
Beach in Tofino in July 2014.... Show more content on ...
They feed during the day and at night on fishes and cephalopods, and they are
known to attack smaller dolphins that are involved in the tuna purse seine fishery in
the Pacific Ocean.[4] This species is listed as Endangered under the Endangered
Species Act, in 2010, NMFS initiated a status review in response to a petition to list
the Main Hawaiian islands insular population of Hawaiian false killer whales as an
endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
AlВthough false killer whales are hunted by huВmans and there are anВnual mass
strandВings, popВuВlaВtions are conВsidВered staВble. There are only a few
counВtries that hunt them for food or reВmove them as threats to the fishВeries
inВdusВtry.[5] Indeed, a false killer whale needs a threat free environment without
bycatch and other fishery
Situational Analysis, Airbus
Situational Analysis, Airbus.
Porter s Five Forces.
Risk of Entry by Potential Competitors The aviation industry is a very difficult
industry to enter, and the risky of entry by potential competitors is extremely low.
Rivalry among established companies The intensity of rivalry among established
companies within the aviation industry is very high. Currently the only competitor or
Airbus is Boeing. Both of these companies gain market share from each other using
prices, product design, advertising, and direct selling efforts. Due to the intensity of
the rivalry among Boeing and Airbus, the profits are squeezed.
The Bargaining power of buyers The aviation industry depends on airlines and
governments for almost the all of its total ... Show more content on ...
Since the introduction of the A300, Airbus has strived to offer customers a
differentiated yet technologically equal (and in many cases superior) product from
that of Boeing.
SWOT Analysis
Situation While profitable, Airbus is losing its competitive edge against and market
share from Boeing.
Opportunities Continued deregulation in the airline industry, developing markets,
exploitation of Boeing s new spoke to spoke transportation theory. Military contracts,
such as the tanker project for the U.S. Air Force. Increase in the use of regional jets
for hub to spoke routes.
Threats B 787 Dreamliner, The new trends of smaller wide body jets being used
directly affecting the sales of the A380. U.S. government s threat in launching a trade
war against Airbus. Currency exchange risk, dollar devaluation. Lack of demand for
the A380. Fluctuations in the profitability of the airlines (terrorism, fuel prices, etc).
Business cycle fluctuation. Changes in trends in airlines operations (routing, hub
/spoke, etc.) Increased WTO/GATT problems.
Strengths Empowered (globally minded) sales staff whom are permitted to make
deals and negotiate, and make pricing decisions made the spot. Technological
competency (innovation), strong relationships with the U.S., Chinese, and European
governments. Standardization/Commonalities between most aircraft. Risk sharing
leverage with corporations, suppliers, and foreign
Application Of Os And Web Server Software 4 Essay
Contents Abstract2 Introduction2 Choice of OS and Web Server Software4 Mac
OS X: It was the first ever graphical based operating system and was launched even
one year before the Windows4 Conclusion5 Abstract The aim of this report is to
propose a robust wireless and wired network (Intranet) to cover the entire Eastern
Bay College keeping in mind the cost effectiveness of the network. The Intranet
should work efficiently with minimal effects on the operations of the College if in
case something goes wrong. Eastern Bay College is one of New Zealand s newest
high schools for year 7 to year 13 students with boarding options. The school vision is
to prepare each student to leave college well grounded and ready to participate in a
complex and changing world . Eastern Bay College employs 120 full time staff and
there are approximately 1200 students enrolled. Out of a total of 120 staff, 15 staff
are responsible for administration, human resource, finance, accounting, payroll,
course curriculum, pastoral care, and marketing. Currently, all learning materials are
printed and distributed to students during class hour. Due to budget constraints, the
college is considering minimizing the paper and printing cost by making learning
material available online with appropriate access restrictions. Introduction Large
organisations and universities and even small schools all around the world have
adopted internet to improve the communication and coordination processes
Bloody Mary Tudor Research Paper
Mary Tudor became known as Bloody Mary during her reign as Queen of England
and her insistence upon returning England to Roman Catholic faith. Although her
cruel acts cannot be excused, Henry VIII played a major role in her violent and
angry tendencies. Mary continued the displeasure of her father up until the last of
her life, due to his minescule participation in curing her rampant illness. From the
moment of Mary Tudors conception, her chances of ever successfully holding the
throne were sabotaged due to Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon placing her birth
out of wedlock. Although her illegitimacy remained a secret for some time, it came
to haunt her after she finally received the throne, and obtained the much yearned for
title as The Queen of England. Once she admitted to being born to unmarried
parents, she was stripped of her crown and forced to be called Lady Mary in the
time outside of her queenship, rather than having the title of Princess Mary (Mary I).
Mary s hatred for Protestants stemmed from her father s... Show more content on ...
Anorexia thrived among the many different trials of her well being. Along with
the eating disorder came sleep disorders, combined with stomach pains and
frequent headaches. She also experienced frequent swelling of the abdomen and
poor digestion; she admitted that my health is more unstable than that of any
creature. Her father often sought out remedies for his daughter but found little
success for her. Henry stated that Mary was sick in the head and the stomach.
Mary found herself to be immensely displeased in her father s lack of success in
discovering a cure for her. The cause of Mary s mortality came from influenza;
however, the illness was greatly accelerated by her poor mental health caused by her
anger towards her father along with the disappointment from her false pregnancies.
Along with influenza, amenorrhea played a large role in the death of the 42 year old
Nile Street, Burslem At the Doulton pottery in Burslem, the output of earthenware
and china continued despite the imposition of restriction of materials. The Vyses,
under discouraging conditions, endeavoured to keep their pottery functioning.
The British people were advised by their government to carry on with their lives
and their businesses, and for the time being, the business of the country continued
much as before. 29 Harradine Biddy Penny Farthing During 1938, Harradine
produced thirty new figure designs for Doulton, and at least three of these figures
have a resonance with the designs of Vyse. Although no extant evidence suggests
it, one could argue that Harradine s HN1843 Biddy Penny Farthing (Fig. 155)
could be a composite of at least two of Vyse s early designs. If one were to remove
the balloons from Vyse s The Balloon Woman and graft them to his figure The
Lavender Girl, the composition would resemble Harradine s Biddy Penny Farthing.
The artistic director at Burslem decided that Harradine s figure would be suited to
production in earthenware with underglaze decoration. The subsequent re modelling
for mould making at Burslem, compounds the simplification of the figure s base.
Note the subject s shoes, projecting awkwardly from beneath the full skirt, and not as
Harradine would have originally modelled... Show more content on ...
In its present form, the liveliness of the torso, shoulders, and the neck, and smoothed
away to present an altogether different figure. In a competitive mass market of china
manufacturing, deemed an unnecessary expenditure of material and labour, and as
such the plinth was removed. After the figure s remodelling, much of the original
has changed and HN1836 Vanessa, bears only a passing resemblance to Harradine s
original model, and the pink skirted version, introduced in 1938, ceased production in
Jeremy Wickins Biometrics
Jeremy Wickins writes, The Ethics of Biometrics: The Risk of Social Exclusion
from the Widespread Use of Electronic Identification. In the article The Ethics of
Biometrics: The Risk of Social Exclusion from the Widespread Use of Electronic
Identification, Wickins writes the possible segregation of people when biometrically
scanned due to the biometricssystematic flaws. Jeremy Wickins attempts to prove that
biometric identification system is flawed because of not being able to encompass the
whole populace for some being disabled, religious preferences, not following
protocols, not willing to corporate, and the homeless. Thus, Wickins claims the
biometric data entered into the system is incorrect, creating false reporting which in
turn denies... Show more content on ...
The biometric system did not fail, in this case, it is simply a person s refusal to
remove their baseball hat. For example, there is an understanding that there will be
procedural rules put in place to get a correct facial scan to obtain a biometric identity.
That is the biometric identity processing center will inform the person to remove
their hat or not to touch their hair and face through the duration of the process.
Anyone wanting to receive the biometric identity will comply to get a proper scan
entered into the biometric system. Thereby continuing to be allowed entry into a
destination. For example, the United States government website has the requirements
for a good passport photo to process a person s passport. The person will comply and
follow procedures if they wish to travel abroad and receive a passport (U.S.
Discrimination Against Asian Immigrants Essays
During the late 1800s, waves of Asian immigrants from other countries arrived at the
United States of America. These countries include China, Japan, Korea, Philippines,
and India. They believed that coming to the United States would enable them to
achieve the America Dream , but various laws and discrimination prevented them
from achieving the dream. In response to these laws and discrimination, Asian
immigrant groups asserted a sense of agency to protect themselves from oncoming
discrimination and prejudice. Agency is defined as Asian Immigrants/Americans
resistance to the discrimination, unfair laws, prejudice, and low wages. Some agency
was successful and others were not, but the main idea was that Asian immigrants were
... Show more content on ...
In addition to work hours, on the fields, the foremen patrolled while cracking and
snapping his whip. The foremen would crack his whip near laborers to increase
work productivity (Takaki, 135). In addition to unfair working conditions, a racial
hierarchy was also developed in the plantations, with the white and foremen at the
top. A good example of the hierarchy is suburban housing (Price). The owner and
lunas or foremen would live at the top of the hill, the Japanese in wooden houses,
Filipinos in run down houses, and the Chinese in barracks (Price). This hierarchy
served as system to prevent unions and strikes from forming. To prevent solidarity
and unification of the workers, the plantation owners developed a mixed wage
system and a diverse work force (Price). A mixed wage and a diverse work force
served as a barrier from forming unions and going on strike. Also, owners also
encouraged or promoted different groups to insult or put down different groups in
order to increase worker productivity and widen the gap between each group
(Takaki, 25). This system is similar to the checks and balances system in the U.S
government. For example, if one group gets too powerful, i.e. the Japanese, Filipinos
would be brought in to counter the Japanese. The different groups serve to check
each other s power. With this system in place, the Asian immigrant groups were not
easily able to assert their sense of agency. Despite the precautions the plantation
How Did Exploratorium Field Trip Changed My Stereotypes
Feeling Exploratorium field trip changed my stereotype of museums. In the past,
museums do not exist as the representation of recreational places. For example, art
museums are always reserved and high class places where are not comfortable to just
step in within casual style. On the other hand, history museums usually leave an
impression of depth and seriousness since what I see are left by ancestors. Although
both of them are the advanced resource for study, they are not locations to ease the
tension. Nevertheless, Exploratorium is totally different, a combination of education
and recreation. In the West Gallery, the museumuses experiments and entertainments
to reveal social behaviors, such as Sip and Squirt which displays a scenario
Analysis Of A Mountain Accident By Aron Ralston
Most people should know and realize that their actions have consequences. Only
some people choose to take these consequences and learn from them. That is when
the word if comes into play. Life is always so clear in retrospect; we always look
back and know exactly what we should have done. In the article, A Mountain
Accident Aron Ralston was affected by some of the actions he took on a hiking
trip. Because he did not notify anyone of where he planned to go hiking, went alone,
and amputated his own arm off on this trip there were many repercussions in his life
and on those around him. The first action Aron made that caused major ramifications
on his life was that he failed to notify anyone of where he was going hiking. Because
he did... Show more content on ...
In Aron s case, he decided to go hiking alone. Aron is a trained, experienced hiker
and had hiked in dangerous areas before so he knows how to hike safely. Because
he was so confident in his skills he decided to go alone, it was nothing new to
Ralston. Subsequently, when something did go awry there was no one there to
assist him. When the boulder trapped Aron by pinning his arm he alone was unable
to move it because it was too heavy. There was no one to help him move the rock
that fell on top of his arm because he decided to go alone, he was then forced to
sever it from his body to escape and survive. Also because he went alone even if in
the instance that the rock was too heavy for two people to move there was still no
one to go and get help. The last action Aron took that caused various kinds of
effects on his life was the removal of his own arm. This is an effect from some of
the other choices he made but, it was also the origin of other effects upon his life.
When this event occurred his whole mentality on life transformed. While he was
trapped he was forced to reflect on his past experiences and come to terms with his
own impending death. This led Aron to realize that he would rather be alive with
his family with one arm than dead with both. So when he did escape he changed
how he lived. Now he looks at any obstacles he encounters as boulders and changes
his course of action when dealing with them. His ordeal led him
Essay On Physical Education Classes
Physical education courses also be called curriculum. The meaning of that are
activities from learning and studies outside the classroom. Students get chance to
dominate the skills and increase confidence in themselves. That also gives student s
new knowledge and expand their talent in some activities that their joined.
Curriculums are divided to three. That is uniform, club and sport. We agree 100%
that students should take activities curriculum or physical educationcourse at their
schoolbecause activities curriculum gives most advantages for students. That are not
waste their time, healthy their bodies and can manure unity in their school when
joined curriculum.
First, the advantages that students can get when they joined the activities curriculum
are not waste their time with something that cannot give any benefit for them. If they
would not join the activities curriculum at school, they will associate with naughty
person, always hangout at shopping mall, waste their time and others. When they
joined activities curriculum, their time not wasted like water that flows at the river.
They can join camping, marching and others that organizes ... Show more content on ...
It is because, from that we was learned by the teacher about the important and
benefits of this course to us. Physical education also can make our body healthy
and strong. Besides that, in this classes also teach us a moral value such as
teamwork, hardworking, confident and others. Moreover, if we join activities like
futsal, playing badminton, squash, swimming and others activity, we are spend time
to the right way without waste our time to do unhealthy activities like playing a
video game at home, sleeping and others. Because of that, go to this classes or
taking physical education courses is a benefit to us because we re teaches and we
should practice it in our lifestyle to life in healthy and out of
Thomas Jefferson Timeline
Thomas Jefferson was arguably one of the most important people in American
history. He was the third president of the United States and wrote the Declaration of
Independence. He held strong beliefs of individual and state rights which made him
an ideal president of the United States. The two sources I ve chosen for this research
project are:
1.Presidential Key Events events;
2.Thomas Jefferson Timeline of Important Dates
For source (1) I couldn t find any sort of date or update notice on the page. However,
my topic is Thomas Jefferson s accomplishments, which have fully been explored so
there wouldn t be any new information. In terms ... Show more content on ...
Source (2) is a timeline, starting when Thomas Jefferson was born to when he
died. No new information has come out about Thomas Jefferson s
accomplishments. So, I consider this to be current enough of a source of
information to fall within the Currency guidelines. Even though a considerable
amount of information in source (2) is not relevant to what I particularly want to
research, I would still consider it a good source. The information that is there is
less specific than source (1). This is a good thing because Thomas Jefferson
accomplished many things in his presidency and in Source (2) it does a little more
summarizing than in source (1) thus saving me time. So, even though it may be a
little vague when trying to fit within the Relevance guidelines, I don t see what
would be wrong with using it. Source (2) easily fits the authority guidelines seeing
as Shmoop is a credible academic resource that is widely used. Not only is shmoop
an academic resource but all articles written within the website are by educators and
experts from America s top universities. All of shmoops articles follow Accuracy
guidelines, with the Purpose of providing information to students who need an
unbiased source for
Management Needs Training On How An Effective
Problematic Issue Number 1: Management needs training on how to do an effective
performance review. Employee performance review is a key component to the
success of any organization. CanGo managers seem to have a misunderstanding on
how to effectively execute a performance review of their employees. Therefore it is
essential that CanGo management receive training to improve their performance
reviews. The lack of understanding on how to execute a performance review can
lead to potential performance review problems such as halo effect, leniency,
strictness, central tendency, bias, and unclear standards. Periodic performance
assessments provide specific metrics that pertain to the job roles and responsibilities
for each employee. By allowing the performance assessment process to be a joint
effort between an employee and its organization will allow employees to be
accountable for their standards of performance within the organization. The key to
achieving the most success from a performance assessment is to insure that it is
inclusive, as well as comprehensive. A periodic performance assessment needs to
cover daily duties, potential changes in responsibility and any foreshadowing
milestones that may occur between the current assessment and the next performance
assessment. Ideally each performance assessment will build on goals and
achievements. As well as inherently build an employee performance portfolio for the
life of the employees while working in the organization. A
Victorian Norms In Bram Stoker
Developing the inside versus outside tensions between England and Eastern Europe,
Bram Stoker challenges Victorian social norms. This tension is particularly evident
when understanding the spread of vampirism to be an invasion of England.
Although this invasion is fantastical and not realistic, its targets the legitimate
Victorian fear of invasion. As an island nation close to other significant European
powers, England was able to escape many years of land invasions, but always had to
remain wary of the threat of a naval invasion. This fear of invasion is realized when
Draculalaunches a small scale invasion of England. He enters by boat and
proceeds to terrorize England through its women. This idea of subliminally
addressing the fears and desires of England is effective because Stoker masks them
in fantasy. Furthermore, this is effective because individuals in a culture act out
certain unconscious or repressed needs, or express in an overt and symbolic fashion
certain latent motives which they must give expression to, but cannot face openly
(Cawelti, 11). Because this novel is a fantasy, Stoker is able to challenge the social
norms of the period within a popular work. Therefore, aided by fantasy, Bram Stoker
uses the contrast between Eastern and Western cultures to challenge Victorian ideals
and reveal the changing nature of gender roles and sexuality in British society.
The commentary on Victorian ideals stems from the differences between England and
Transylvania. While England was characterized by Protestantism, education,
technological innovation, and Victorian culture, Transylvania was entirely different
with a dated technology and a balance between Catholicism and more superstitious
beliefs. These distinctly different cultures initially collide as Harker travels to visit
Count Dracula. As Harker moves further to the East, the mood shifts from
unfamiliarity to more evil and depressive. This is evident as he describes the
darkness of his surroundings as the road was cut through the pine woods that
seemed in the darkness to be closing down us, great masses of greyness produced a
peculiarly weird and solemn effect (Stoker, 9). This unfamiliarity and anxiety in
Harker illustrates that he is entirely
Notes On Debt And Debt Essay
6) The Danger of Debt Debt is not a sin, debt is never the real problem, it is only
symptomatic of real problems greed, self indulgence, impatience, fear, poor self
image, lack of self worth, lack of self discipline, and perhaps many others.
7) There are Five Different Kinds of Debt
1.Credit card debt 2. Consumer debt 3. Mortgage debt 4. Investment debt 5.
Business debt The primary economic danger of debt is that compounding work
against you rather than for you. Decide not to go into debt and become debt free.
Biblical Principles of borrowing is waiting on God Timing and not our own.
Dollars spent today take multiple dollars out of the future, but dollars saved puts
dollars back into the future.
We need a financial planner to help make the right move. 1) summarize present
situation 2) establish financial goals 3) increase cash flow margin.
8) Setting Financial Goals
1) Believe in accomplishment
2) Set goals and objectives
3) Personal motivation
4) Spend time with God
5) Take action
9) Avoiding Financial Mistakes What is required on your part are two things; first
trust that God will do his part, and second, take action by making a first step. If we
would comment to God s way things will be better for us, if we give God the
flexibility to do things his way, with his timing and his resources. Common mistake:
A consumptive lifestyle is simply spending more than you can afford, or spending
more than you should, given your other goals and priorities. Common mistake:
Digital Media And Its Effects On Today s Age Essay
The best way to communicate in today s age is through digital media. When
reaching out to the masses digital media is both fast and convenient as it allows us
to reach out to millions of people in a matter of seconds. Large multi million dollar
corporations use digital media to reach out to an individual on the subways of New
York City or someone who is on a fishing trip in the deep woods of North Carolina.
In recent years, the United StatesMilitaryhas undertaken corporate digital media
strategies in order to both project an image and recruit potential applicants. Just a
few years ago local recruiters would sit at their offices, smiling and dialing , and
looking for perspectives recruits by dialing direct to home telephones. As home
telephones are giving way to new means of communications such as smart phones,
tablets and wearable communication technologies, days of the old telephone system
to cold call potential applicants in their homes is slowly but surely disappearing.
Digital and social media is the present and the future for most if not all organizations
to achieve their marketing and or strategic communications goals. The United States
Military s target audience are seventeen to twenty nine year old applicants who are
increasingly spending the majority of their waking hours utilizing digital media. This
paper will attempt to demonstrate whether or not the United States Military is
achieving its recruitment goals through an increase in digital and social media
Robert Sedgewick s Passion Is Computers Technology
Robert Sedgewick s passion is computers technology and was gifted with the
proficiencies to teach it to ambitious students. Robert Sedgewick began his career in
computer science at IBM and is presently a professor at Princeton University.
Sedgewick has written over 16 books computer science algorithms and various
programming languages processes and procedures. Sedgewick first book in 1982,
simply titled Algorithms cover compilers technology, and was followed by
Algorithms 2nd Edition, Algorithms in C, Algorithms in Modular 3, Algorithms in
C++, Algorithms in Java and Introduction to Java Programming. Sedgewick has
introduce new editions to these books as technology has evolved and new
developments was discovered.... Show more content on ...
Data Structure queues methods and abstract data types are included in this
elementary slot. ( 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7)
Robert s defined abstract data type as the algorithms operations that are preformed
rather than implemented the data structure and algorithms operating on it should
refer to anything inside, except through function and procedure calls for the
fundamental operations. The main reason for the development of abstract data types
has been as a mechanism for organizing large programs. Abstract data types provide a
way to limit the size and complexity of the interface between (potentially
complicated) algorithms and associated data structures and a potentially large number
of programs that use the algorithms and data structures, making it easier to
understand large program and more convenient to change or improve the fundamental
algorithms .(2:pg30)
Arrays and linked list are refinements of a basic abstract data type called the linear
list, because each can support operations such as insert, delete and access on a basic
sequentially data ordered structure. These operation suffice to describe the algorithms
and the linear list abstraction can be useful in the initial states of algorithms
development. Using the wrong algorithm like a
The Amazing Platypus Research Paper
The Amazing Platypus The platypus has so many characteristics that even
scientists sometimes wonder how the platypus came about. An example includes
how the platypus feeds itself if it has a beak and claws! Platypuses also have
venom, which is extremely strange, but to God, the platypus is really part of his
perfect creation. It seems to be that scientists even think that the platypus may be a
mutation. But it s not. It s part of the wonderful creation of God. This paper will
discuss these three things: how platypuses feed themselves, platypus poison, and the
characteristics of a platypus. Platypuses are odd creatures. They are not your
ordinary beaver, otter, or duck. This is because they seem to be a mixture of these
three creatures.
Laurel Creek Health Care Center V. Bishop Essay
Laurel Creek Health Care Center v. Bishop
Court of Appeals of Kentucky,____S.W.3d___(2010)
Gilbert Bishop was admitted to Laurel Creek Health Care Center on July 23, 2002,
after arriving via ambulance without family present. During that examination, Gilbert
communicated to Laurel Creek staff that he could not use his hands well enough to
write or hold a pencil. Gilbert was otherwise found to be mentally competent. Gilbert
s sister, Rachel Combs, arrived after Gilbert, she offered to sign the admissions
forms, but Laurel Creek employees told her that it was their policy to have the
patient s spouse sign the admissions papers if the patient was unable to sign them.
Rachel also testified that Gilbert asked her to get his wife, Anna ... Show more content
on ...
Laurel Creek first argues that this is a case of actual agency and that Anna Bishop has
actual authority as Gilbert s agent to sign the admissions paperwork as is therefore
bound by the arbitration agreement therein.
We agree with Laurel Creek that Gilbert created an actual agency relationship
between him and his wife. According to his sister, Rachel, Gilbert specifically asked
that his wife be brought to the nursing home so that she could sign the admissions
documents for him, and Anna acted upon that delegation of authority and signed the
admissions papers. This is consistent with the creation of actual authority as described
in the Restatement (Third) of Agency В§ 2.01, comment c (2006). The Restatement
explains the rationale for the creation of actual agency in three steps. First, the
principal manifests assent to be affected by the agent s action. In the instant case,
Gilbert asked that Anna come to the hospital to sign the papers for him. Second, the
agent s actions establish the agent s consent to act on the principal s behalf. Here,
Anna signed all the admissions papers per her husband s request and therefore
consented to act on Gilbert s behalf. Third, by acting within such authority, the agent
affects the principal s legal relations with third parties. Clearly here, Anna s actions
affected Gilbert s relations with Laurel Creek, a third party.
The trial court acknowledged that Gilbert had the
A Report On Gsm Network Operation
This summer internship without the kind of help ,I would not have been possibility
of finish it. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.
I would like to thank Mr. Rakesh Gusain for all his kind and amiable efforts to make
me work and learn in the department. I am thankful to Mr. Yuvraj Saini for helping
me out with all the doubts and providing us practical knowledge of everything in a
concordant manner.
I express my deepest to DR.ANIL KUMAR SHUKLA for being my guide during
this summer internship. I would like to thank my respective families as well as to
members of Amity Institute Telecom Engineering and Management to help me to
complete my project.
Abstract This project report is being presented on GSM NETWORK OPERATION
where are studying different nodes like MSC, BSC, RNC and other GSM node
.We are also being given a demonstration in the Data Center where servers are
present. The GSM is a method of cellular communication which has a facility of
voice communication and also data .The transmission of data was not good because
data rate or speed that is why 3G was developed for delivering of data.
Table of Contents
Materials and Methods.....................................................................7
Results and Discussions.....................................................................21
Lincoln Electric Company Case Study Study Analysis
Lincoln Electric Company Case Study Analysis In this Case Study Analysis, I will
identify examples of the types of organizational culture (innovative and stable) that
the Lincoln Electric Company has, as well as the benefits and problems the company
could experience as a result of these. The idea that stuck out the most about the
Lincoln ElectricCompany is that they obviously have a strong culturethat all levels of
employees are proud to be a part of. According to Carpenter, Taylor, and Erdogan
(2010), culture is a more powerful way of controlling and managing employee
behaviors than organizational rules and regulations (pg. 193, para. 2). The Lincoln
Electric Company encompasses facets of multiple types of cultures instead of
adhering to only one. The ways in which the Lincoln Electric Company identifies
with an innovative culture are most prominently explained by the following facets:
not having a traditional hierarchy, and utilizing an open door policy when it comes to
problem resolution. As explained in the Organization Structure section of the Case
Study, personnel are encouraged to take problems to the persons most capable of
resolving them [open door policy] (Sharplin, 1989, pg. 7, para. 1). In the same
section, Sharplin also mentions that, Lincoln has never had a formal organization
chart... [but] position titles and traditional flows of authority do imply something of
an organizational structure... [thus determining] that production workers have two or,
Reproductive Identity And By Jude The Obscure
Taryn MacKinney
ENGL 390: Reproductive Fictions
Date Submitted: 10/21/14
Prompt #3 (Class Reproduction)
We Don t Ask to Be Born :
Reproductive Identity and Displacement in Jude the Obscure
Jude the Obscure explores, among many things, the relationship between class and
body, which this paper will frame theoretically with a consideration of Balibar s
Class Racism. In Class Racism, Balibar discussess the oppression of the working
class, in which the physicality of the working class identity implies, ironically, a lack
of identity and place in society. The question arises, then, how this class is maintained
through generations, and Jude the Obscure provides a compelling answer by
emphasizing that reproductive identity is indeed a manifestation of what Balibar
considers the enforcement of the physical identity that is, the creation of body men
(Balibar 211). With this in mind, society reproduces class by simultaneously a)
forcing the internalization of reproductive necessity in the lower class, as means for
said class members to acquire identity; and b) rendering this physical, reproductive
identity formless and spaceless in society. This is the great paradox in characters in
Jude the Obscure: society says both, Your physicality and reproductive capability
comprises your identity, but also, tragically, Your identity cannot exist here. In this
way, society, as presented in Jude the Obscure, forces the lower class to both exist
physically and, in so doing, to not
Spatial Zones And Body Language
Spatial Zones and Body Language
Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures
Leah Breiss and Briana Valdez
Clark University
Author Note
This paper was prepared for Management 170 Managerial Communication taught by
Professor Cheryl Amantea during the Semester Term Fall 2016
Spatial Zones and Body Language
Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures
Introduction Nonverbal communication plays a central role in any conversation. Eye
contact, posture, and proximity all determine how verbal communication is
interpreted. In his book Managerial Communication: Strategies and Applications,
Geraldine E. Hynes breaks down these aspects of nonverbal communication. Every
culture has its own form of nonverbal communication that can impact the way a
person from that country is understood outside of their homeland. For example, Erin
Meyer, and American writer, misinterpreted her audience because they were using a
form of nonverbal communication she was not familiar with. Likewise, Egypt s
nonverbal communication is very different from Australia s, according to USA Today
and (your source for Austrailia). These differences have developed in accordance to
the historical backgrounds of their country. Given these differences in nonverbal
communication, it can be said that communicating across cultures is complicated by
the unique norms of nonverbal communication used in different countries and
Spatial Zones and Cultural Miscommunication Geraldine E. Hynes breaks down the
The Jewish People Essay
The Jewish people believe that society is currently living in the end of one of four
time periods that pertain to the fulfillment of the end time prophecy. This time
period is considered the Pre Messianic period, meaning the Messiah has yet to come.
In this period, God will bring about redemption in His own time. The Jewsbelieve that
if all of Israelwere to return to God, the Messiah would come and the final
redemption would be immediate. According to the Biblical text, there are many
prophecies that must come to past before redemption occurs. A few of these
prophetic signs concerning Israel have already been fulfilled. For instance, the
dispersion and regathering of the Jews was prophesied and has since occurred.
The Bible accounts for two separate gatherings of the Jews in the land of Israel.
The first is to be a gathering in disbelief; this prophecy was fulfilled when the state
of Israel was created in 1948. During this time the Jewish people will despise the
values of their religion in the generations preceding the Messiah. The government
will remain godless and immoral. Neither parents nor elders will be respected and
families will turn against one another. The second gathering is yet to come, but will
be one in which the Jews regather in belief for redemption and is in conjunction
with the coming of the Messiah. More signs of the pre Messianic Era include: a
population explosion, times of great suffering will occur, the Holy Temple will be
rebuilt, the war of Gog
Building Structure And Envelope Of An Advanced
In this report, it will analyses the building structure and envelope of an advanced
engineering building at UQ. The report will put the emphasis on some aspects which
include the construction documentation, building configuration building element
design and building loading and load transfer to the foundation. From another
perspective, the report will also illustrate the project s sites structure which includes
site conditions, material used, interfaces with pre existing structure/infrastructure.
Basically, by using various of site or the whole building drawings, some significant
building components can be recognized. These building components will be
discussed and analyzed specifically, which include their particular location in the
drawing and how they function in the building structure. Introduction of this building
The building is located in Brisbane QLD; the area is about 18000.0 m2. The project
was finished in 2013. The building has achieved certified 5 star green ratings
representing Australian Excellence in environmental initiatives. Also, to achieve the
goal of energy efficiency, some building service and feature have been improved. For
example, the thermal labyrinth to store cool overnight, VSD fans and pumps, high
performance double glazing and openable louvres and windows with cross flow via
the atrium. Construction documentation The construction documentation is
consisting of structural and architectural cover sheets. The structural section can be
Forgiveness In The Novel Disgrace
Disgrace is a novel by the Nobel prize winning writer Coetzee set in the post
apartheid period in South Africa, a period when people were trying their best to learn
to forgive the past wrong done by the oppressive, ethnic government. The question of
what it means to forgive is raised in the novel. Forgiveness is seen in the South
African society as something conditional, the wrongdoers have to do something so
that they can be forgiven. The Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act
34 of 1995 established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) to help those
victims who were uncomfortable to forgive. It forged a new relationship among
amnesty, trust, and forgivenessin forgiving, people are not being asked to forget, but
to remember, so that such atrocities will not happen again. In this essay, I will first
talk about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission so as to criticise its presumption
of the significance of truth revelation. I will support my notion with reference to
some scenes in the novel Disgrace and point out some characteristics of forgiveness.
Then I will put forward what I think it means to forgive a past wrong and finally
question the necessity of the existence of the Commission.
In the TRC, the significance of truth is ... Show more content on ...
In a short video on TRC amnesty hearing of the case, a real confrontation between
the wrongdoer Thapelo and those who had lost their loved ones took place. Thapelo
asked for forgiveness from the bottom of his heart though he clearly understood that
some would forgive and some would not even after knowing the truth. One victim s
sister said, We can t forgive you, you say this and you say that, you have more than
one story. This statement hints that having too much truth may hinder the process of
forgiveness, to forgive does not mean that you must know what the truth is and accept
The Price Of The Penny
The Penny is essentially a vital part of our money system. There has been many
speculation about whether or not the United States should abolish the penny from
being minted any longer. Although the penny has been a part of the American
culture since 1787, it has such a small value, it will always be a part of American
history. So as the years go on we should realize that the penny is everything to the
United States. The penny should not be eliminated from the money system due to the
fact that it is a part of the American culture and has earned its respect over the years.
In America, there is still a debate if the penny should be eliminated. If it was to be
eliminated it would still be used, but in a minimal way. In Canada, the Canadian
penny was eliminated due to cost, time, and the country believed it was a waste of
money, inflation reduced its purchasing power by 95% since it was first minted
domestically in 1908: back then the cent could buy goods of the cost of $0.20, today
in other words. (The Economist). Once a small coin can no longer be used to buy
individual items at that price, but it is only used to make change, it becomes more
trouble than it is worth. Canadian pennies cost 1.6 Canadian cents to manufacture,
and the government expected to save $11 million a year by eliminating them (The
Economist). But that sum equivalent to 0.0006% of GDP is small change. Canadians
feel that eliminating pennies is that their feeble purchasing power means dealing with
The Origin Of The Han Dynasty
[Abstract] These are two world renowned arts: traditional opera and dance. Since its
appearance, Chinese ancient art has taken on the form that songs, dance and poems
are performed on the same stage at the same time, usually accompanied by acrobatics
and traditional Chinese operas. As a branch of traditional Chinese opera, Puxian
Opera which it comes from Fujian province that is called the Living Fossil with Mud
, plain and exquisite. Posture rhymes system of Chinese classical dancehas been
searching essence from traditional Chinese operas since it established over half a
century ago. The origin between them can be dated back to the Acrobatics in Han
dynasty and the Team Dance in Song dynasty; in fact they are twins. The ultimate
The Social Hierarchy Of The Algonquin Indians
The Algonquins were a Native American people who settled from Maine all along the
east coast down into Virginia. The Algonquin were very peaceful and docile people,
when the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts they helped to teach them
how to live off their new lands and ultimately ensured the survival of Europeans in
North America. Although there are smaller sub sections of the Algonquin tribes, such
as the Mohegans, the Pesquots, and the Narragansetts, they were all united through a
central language. The Algonquins lived in a very patriarchal society where men
ruled the homes and owned all the lands. Overall the Algonquins were the most
widespread group of Native Americans, had a very advance cultural, and a social
hierarchy.... Show more content on ...
Men were placed higher than women and most families only had relationships
with their father s side of the family. According to the Algonquin Anishinabeg
Nation tribal council in the event of a marriage the women would leave her family
and go live with her new husband s family. Staff Writer 1. The chief of Algonquin
tribes was from father to son heretically passed down from father to son and was
not elected by the people of the tribe. Although the chief was respected and revered
as the leader he was only a chief in name. He was not responsible to make laws and
regulations that his people must follow he was more of a spokesperson for their
tribe. Even though every tribe had their own chief the decision making process was
extremely democratic in nature. Every person, be it man or woman, was allowed to
express their own opinion and beliefs to help come to a consensus agreement. The
Algonquins were able to develop this very successful and democratic system through
a widespread area and overall the system was
Mosaic Dietary Laws
Mosaic Dietary Laws
By Bryan Leinweber
October 31, 2003
Introduction The Mosaic dietary laws, the laws imposed by the directives of Moses
on the Israelites, extended from earlier restrictions that had been placed on the eating
habits of the human race. The Old Testament is full of directives regarding food
consumption and God s law, and even Genesis addresses limitations imposed on
certain types of food consumption. Primarily, the restrictions placed on the
consumption of certain types of meat, a limitation that continues in rules for
maintaining a Jewish kosher home, relates directly to what is viewed as the rules
for the holy people of God. The people of God, then, are expected to recognize that
God is to be obeyed, ... Show more content on ...
The call for prohibition from consumption of pork and some scaleless fish was in
fact a consideration based on the belief that unrefrigerated, these could produce
considerable illness (11). Though the generalized view was that there was an
abhorrent element to these types of meat or animals, the development of
regulations regarding their consumption may have been more protective than
anything else. Further, prohibitions were also placed on the consumption of meats
from animals that consume other animals. It was believed, for example, that
animals that are carnivorous could spread their evil spirit to the people who eat
them. But there was little evidence of a directive from God for this and there was
distinct permission given to the people of Israel under the leadership of Noah to
consume animals following the great flood (Genesis 9: 2 3). The prescription for
distinguishing between clean and unclean animals, then, occurred as an element
of the belief in the need for sacrifice of animals at the altar of a temple (before a
priest) (Exodus 16:3) (12). The ... provisions ordained for the sacrificial worship of
God in the Mosaic code clearly indicate a central Temple cultВ… (13). Unclean
animals, then, prescribed under the directives in Genesis (7:2 8) relate to the
separation of clean and unclean animals following the flood, and the use of clean
animals as a part of the sacrificial process of this
Diffusion Of Osmosis And Diffusion
Osmosis and diffusion are two important processes in the human body that help in the
functioning of cells and homeostasis, or maintaining balance within the body.
Osmosis is the movement of water from a higher concentration to a lower
concentration, and its purpose is to maintain stability between a solvent (water) and a
solute. Diffusionis the movement of solutes down their concentration gradient,
toward a lesser concentration of solutes, in order to pass a membrane, such as the
lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane (Tortora and Derrickson 2012). Diffusion
requires no energy and is affected by many different aspects including heat, causing
the reaction to occur at a more rapid rate, the size of the particle, and the amount of
space in which the diffusion must cover (Tortora and Derrickson 2012). Osmosisis a
form of diffusion that is more so for water, and both require no energy. The
phospholipid bilayer of the cell membraneis a protective barrier against foreign
materials that could harm the cell. The membrane is what is defined as selectively
permeable (Tortora and Derrickson 2012) because it only allows certain materials
get into it, while keeping others from moving out. The bilayer of the membrane has
hydrophilic heads, which work well with water, and hydrophobic tails, which repel
water. This difference in the head and tails is what causes only certain materials to be
able to enter the membrane without help. Materials that can get in are small, gaseous,
7 Eleven Case Study
Seven Eleven Japan
Seven Eleven Japan aims for Coexistence and Co prosperity with franchisees, and
Coexistence and Co prosperity with society.
Seven Eleven Japan will continue to develop our convenience store franchise
business based on our fundamental philosophies of Modernizing and revitalizing
small and medium sized retail stores and Coexistence and Co prosperity . Our special
business characteristics are the foundation of our efforts to build better relationships
with our stores while focusing on management support for our partner franchisees, as
well as with local communities surrounding them.
Seven I Holdings Co.,Ltd.
Commitment by the President COO
Seven Eleven
We are striving for retail industry that... Show more content on ...
This franchise chain is founded on Coexistence and Co prosperity with our
franchisees. SevenEleven Japan views its franchisees as equal business partners with
whom we work together to promote our common convenience store business. We
seek to grow and develop together by both profiting and fulfilling our social
responsibilities together. We focus on supporting the stable management and
improved business results of our franchisees, as well as creating the structures and
awareness necessary to their fulfillment as businesses of their social responsibilities.
Total number of stores in Japan
12,000 9,690 8,000 10,303 10,826
Seven Eleven
2005 (FY)
Total store sales and ordinary income
Total store sales (Nonconsolidated) (Millions of yen) 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000
1,000,000 500,000 2,213,298 159,639 2,343,177 168,892 Total store sales
(Nonconsolidated) 2,440,853 (Millions of yen) 250,000 176,070 200,000 150,000
100,000 50,000
2005 (FY)
Seven I Holdings Co.,Ltd.
The unique structure of our convenience store business, founded on the principle of
Coexistence and Co prosperity , led to the success in Japan of new type of business.
Seven Eleven Japan has opened a first convenience store based on an unprecedented
franchise model founded on the principles of Modernizing and revitalizing existing
small and medium sized retail stores and Coexistence and Co prosperity , which was
Advantages Of White Noise Machine
Best White Noise Machine: Buyer s Guide
Noise is something that most people would not associate with a good night s sleep.
First of all, we sleep to experience a state of peaceful tranquility that differs greatly
from the chaos of our waking day. No one goes to bed thinking, I wish I could still
hear my boss shouting at me or I wish my partner could snore louder.
However, there is the kind of noise that can block of all the ugly noises that we hear
on our head. The sound of the crashing waves of the ocean or the sound of raindrops
can have a calming effect on our heads and we would gladly choose them over the
sound of passing cars or bickering neighbors.
This is precisely the reason why those who are in the business of sleep decided to
create a machine that produces calming white noise sounds that can improve the
quality of one s sleep. The white noise machine is used as a meditative device to allow
the mind to focus on the soothing sound and not on the unfiltered sounds produced
by our surroundings. ... Show more content on ...
It is easier to stay asleep throughout the night when you are in a quiet bedroom.
Portable White noise machines are easy to bring anywhere so you can be assured that
you can bring the machine even when you are out of the house.
Sets a routine If you are looking for something that can help you with setting up a
nightly routine, the white noise machine is a safer alternative than taking medication.
It relaxes the mind and allows you to fall asleep using meditative music.
Disadvantages of a White Noise Machine
User Dependence Those who have set up a nighttime routine involving a white noise
machine can become dependent on the machine and can cause them to feel uneasy
when they sleep without the white noise
Analyzing Friel s Short Story Translations
Where there is ambiguity, they ll be anglicized (Friel 277). The short story
Translations by Friel, was set in a rule town in Bail Beag Ireland. It portrayed the
progress of language and culture between the British and the Irish. About 700 years
after the Easter treaty of 1916. The nations were trying to merge together by
educating the lower class. Meaning Celtic speaking Irish people. They attempted to
tackle this language barrier between the people. Therefore, hedge schools were
placed in rural parts of the land, in order to teach English, Greek, and Latin. Along
with this new generation came new boundaries. Boundaries, that Maire and Yolland
accidentally tested with their love.
One could say that it was wrong to force the English ... Show more content on ...
A spirit of acceptance, and of change. With this change came new experiences, and
cultural differences. Maire knew this all too well, for she had crossed a line. She
had allowed her heart to fall in love with an English soldier. Jimmy, gave in site to
the real meaning of the story; as he talked about his love for Athena the Greek god
of beauty. Jimmy said, Do you know the Greek word endogaemein? It means to
marry within the tribe . . . and the word exogamein? Means to marry outside the
tribe. And you don t cross those borders casually both sides get very angry. (Friel
308). It was too late though. Maire, and her British lover, Yolland, had already made
a scene by leaving the dance together. Although, Irelandwas beginning to evolve it
still was not completely accepted to have an Englishman taking up home in the
Irish country side. Aside from that, it was not acceptable to see a Englishman
running off with a favorable woman into the dark of night. After a night of
dancing, and mischief, Yolland went missing. I can only assume he was killed by
the Donnely twins. It may be understood that maybe Ireland had not come so far in
the past 700 years. Maire was right to say the sooner we learn English, the better.
Because now they could advance, and become more powerful. Powerful enough to
over come the bondage of cultural obstacles they were facing. I couldn t put it any
better than
Investigating The Concentration Of A Hydrochloric Acid A...
The objective of the lab was to prepare standardize solution (titrant: NaOH) of sodium
hydroxide, and to determine the concentration of a hydrochloric acid and KHP
solution using acid‐base titration. Standardization is the process of determining
the exact concentration (molarity) of a solution. The molarity (M) of a solution is
used to represent the amount of moles of solute per liter of the solution. Titrationis one
type of procedure often used in standardization process. A titration is a technique
where a solution of known concentration is used to determine the concentration of an
unknown solution.
In a titration, an exact volume of one substance(NaOH) was reacted with a known
amount of another substance (HCl). The point at which the reaction was complete in
a titration is referred to as the endpoint. We recognized a solution which reached the
endpoint: when we saw a solution completely turned into pink color. A chemical
substance known as an indicator was used to indicate the endpoint. An indicator is a
substance that undergoes a distinct observable change (pink color) when conditions
in its solution change. The indicator we used in this experiment was phenolphthalein
because Phenolphthalein is a weak acid. The weak acid is colourless and its ion is
bright pink. And the solution turned pink when we added a basic solution (NaOH)
into the solution because adding hydroxide ions removes the hydrogen ions from the
equilibrium which replace them turning the indicator
President William McKinley
The march of events rules and overrules human action, William McKinley s own
words would soon become foretelling for his presidency. On September 6, 1901, at
the Pan American Exhibition in Buffalo, New York, President William McKinley
reached for another handshake two large bangs interrupted the buzz of voices in the
Temple of Music. Eight days later, William McKinleydied from his wounds.
McKinley s untimely death shocked the nation and created many changes in the
United States as a whole. How and why McKinley was assassinated and what
changes occurred due to the death of the President. William McKinley was born
on January 29, 1843, in Niles, Ohio. At age ten, he moved with his family to
Poland, Ohio. William Jr. was the seventh of eight children. His father owned a
small iron foundry which gave young William a strong work ethic and a respectful
attitude. William s mother, Nancy, taught him the value of prayer, courtesy, and
honesty in all relations. Education in William s early years consisted of attending a
school run by the Methodist seminary in his hometown of Poland, Ohio. After
graduation he attended Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania for only one
term due to illness after his fight with depression and financial difficulties in the
family. Financial troubles within the family made it impossible for William to go
back to school, forcing him to take a job as a postal clerk and later a teaching
position at a school near his home in Poland, Ohio.
An Analysis of the Australian Curriculum
With the introduction of the Australian National Curriculum into all education
systems across the country, many questions and debates have occurred in reference to
its effectiveness. From the often perceived conflicting curriculum definitions to the
unfortunate failures of past attempts of curriculum implementation, every member of
the community has an opinion on this significant shift in the way Australia thinks of
its children s education (Rudd, 2007). The Australian Curriculum however, has
attempted to provide answers to these misgivings and societal concern, from an easy
to use website interface, transparent developmental process and state/ territory
inclusion of common educational individualities. The Australian ... Show more
content on ...
The Australian political structure and the level of authority the federal government
has over state/territory and independent organisations over educational policy, may
have been a contributing factor for this lack of committed development and intended
eventual nationwide implementation (Marsh, 2010). Learning from previous
governments attempts implementing a national curriculum, the federal government
from 2009, enacted a series of shaping reforms, with the aim of successfully gaining
support and legal authority over the implementation of a national curriculum (Marsh,
2010). The request for state/territory appointed representatives, statements of open
consultation in development, through to what Brady and Kennedy (2010) refer to as
hard policy , including the establishment of ACARA as a statutory body over all
manner of educational policy and the linking of funding repercussions to the
implementation of the Australian Curriculum (Schools Assistance Bill, National
Education Agreement) has led to all educational organisations agreeing to the use of
the impending curriculum documents.
Brady and Kennedy (2010) state that no single form of curriculum model is
commonly used by developers, therefore using specific components of different
models and designing a process that works for the organisation or individuals intent.
As such the Australian Curriculum developers
Tda 3.1
There are a number of early years options for children aged 0 5yrs, and since the
childcare act (2006)has come into play.children between the age of 3 and 4 yrs are
entitled for these two years for 15 hours a week, 38 weeks of the year free early year
A parent may choose to send their child to a nursery school, who cater for 2 to 5 year
olds, supplying both childcare and early years education. A nursery is usually
attached with a primary school or sure start centre, and provides a stepping stone for
children about to start school.
Other choices include, preschools and playgroups, at these establishments, parents
can claim their free child care. Usually run by volunteers or part of a business, they
cater for all aged under 5 yrs, on a part time basis, providing both play and early
years provisions.
A sure start ... Show more content on ...
Day nurseries and playgroups are available to the younger aged under 3 yrs. When a
child reaches the age of 4 yrs or 5 yrs they will then most likely begin their education
in a school setting, as part of a reception class in a primary school.
Primary schools cater for children aged between 5 and 11 yrs. Most parents choose
their local primary school for their child, these schools usually consist of both boys
and girls, with a single teacher who is responsible for all aspects of their education
on a daily basis, covering all subjects, with the help of additional support staff.
At the age of 11yrs, a child will move on to a secondary school, until they reach the
age of 16 or 18 yrs. There are several different types of secondary education a child
can attend. It may be that again their local school is selected for convenience, or
parents may select a grammar school, this type of school, will have entry
requirements and are usually single sex, girls or boys schools. There are some
parents that choose an independent school for their child to attend, these
Hard Work Cells
Though cells are small and overlooked, they play a crucial role in our existence and
survival. Most people remain unaware of the hard work cells do to keep our bodies
working properly. It is important that we know all about cells. They are, after all, the
world s best composers, and they make up all life.
Long ago, in 1664, a scientist by the name Robert Hooke made a discovery that led
to several other discoveries regarding cells. Upon looking at a slice of cork through
an early version of the microscope, he realized he was looking at small rectangular
compartments within the cork. Those compartments became known as cells, derived
from the Latin word cella, which means small room. As further efforts were made to
investigate these cells, scientists found that they had trouble viewing the inside of a
cell. They got it in their heads that cells were filled with a jelly like substance also
called protoplasm. For a long while, this was common knowledge among scientists.
However, as time passed and microscopes ... Show more content on ...
Atoms are the smallest, and are considered to be the most basic unit of the universe
because they are found in all living and nonliving things. They are made of protons,
neutrons, and electrons. There are different types of atoms, but carbon, nitrogen,
hydrogen, and oxygen atoms are the more common atoms. Atoms bond together to
form molecules, which are also found in both living and nonliving things. For
example, if two hydrogen atoms were to bond along with one oxygen atom, they
would form one water molecule, hence the chemical formula H2O. Cells are known
as the most basic unit of all living things, unlike atoms and molecules. Cells, of
course, are made of atoms and molecules. Though it is clear that cells, molecules,
and atoms are alike in some ways, their differences are much more
The Effel Tower And The Eiffel Tower By Henri Rousseau
Henri Rousseau, born in May 21, 1844, was a self taught artist who started his
artistic career when he was forty. He began his life working as a clerk, then he
joined the French army after being accused of stealing money from his employer.
He later moved to Paris and obtained a job working for the French Customs Office,
and it was there that he began painting part time. It was really this background of
his that allowed his paintings to be original and uninfluenced by traditional
painting techniques. Since he was a self taught artist and had no significant
experience with painting, he had the freedom to paint as he perceived and as he
imagined. Henri Rousseau was a man who liked to exaggerate his life to make
himself seem adventurous and exciting. He made up stories about his time in the
military and overstated his importance in the Customs office where he worked. This
was also reflected in his artwork where manipulated the painting to emphasize
beauty and excitement. In 1898 Henri Rousseau painted The Eiffel Tower, and
during this time the Eiffel Tower had been opened for just about about ten years so
it was still fairly new. The painting features the Seine River and the Eiffel tower
perfectly aligned to create a beautiful scenery. In this particular painting he was
inspired by both the Eiffel Tower and the Seine River, but in reality, these two
attractions never align how Rousseau portrays them. This shows how, like in many of
his paintings, Rousseau toyed with the
An Effective Tool For Improving Health And Social Care
Interprofessional Education Practice is being embraced in many health and social
care settings because of its positive effects on all stakeholders service users, parents
and guardians, workers, and institutions of learning that are tasked with the
responsibility of firmly establishing this health and social care innovation.... The
general assumption, as I have noticed through my research, is that IPE is designed
as a bridge between the gaps among all professionals involved in caring and
providing support for clients in a health and social care settings (Edith Cowan
University, 2011). An effective tool for developing efficiency and collaboration
among health workers of different professions, IPE occurs when students or workers
from two or more professions learn about, from and with each other to enable
effective collaboration and improve health outcomes (Centre for the Advancement of
Interprofessional Education, 2002). Quoting from the Institute of Medicine(IOM),
Jones and Phillips in their 2016 article Social work and interprofessional education in
health Care: A call for continued leadership, revealed the reason why the IOM
recommends that health professionals should be educated to deliver patient centered
care as members of an interprofessional team (p. 20). In an attempt to evaluate IPE
outcomes for medical professions medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, social work,
pharmacy etc. some selected undergraduate students performances were reviewed,
and generally
The Importance Of Visual Design For Food Photography
Now that visual design s importance has been established, a major component of
this, especially in food products, is food photography. These images are not only
appealing, they must also drive consumers appetites. Important factors must be
considered in order to gain attention but also get consumers through the shopping
process sooner. An article online outlines the specific technique used in food
photography to get attention while being obvious about the products usage and
quality (Higgins, 2011). This is important along with design because it gives
potential consumers a look at a company s product and may be beneficial for
garnering new customers for newer brands. When smaller brands are competing,
this is their chance to show off their product and highlight why it may be better
than alternatives. Also, people want to see the product, if a product is covered and
no image is depicted, the consumer might be more skeptical of the product and its
quality. Example of Exceptional Design Packaging: How does typography, graphics,
and food photography come together to create a package? In an example by
Propercorn, a popcorn snack in the United Kingdom, the owner went through a
meticulous process with several creative people to create a sleek package that would
be attractive to young women or people wanting to snack without the calories (King,
2015). After photographing the popcorn at different angles and coming up with the
perfect graphics, they included a
The Big Data Is Preserve Privacy Information Of The...
The most important and significant challenge in the big data is to preserve
privacy information of the customers, employees, and the organizations. It is very
sensitive and includes conceptual, technical as well as legal significance. Any
collected information about a person, when combined with other sets of data, can
lead to the finding of persons secret and private information. As big data expands
the sources of data it can use, the trustworthiness of each data source needs to be
verified, and techniques should be explored to identify maliciously inserted data
(Jaseena K.U. Julie M. David). Big data gives us a significant opportunity in the
field of national security, a breakthrough of diseases, medical researchers, marketing
and business analysis, urban planning, and so on. But these exceptional advantages
of big data are also restricted by the privacy concerns and the data protection. On the
other side, privacy is a huge concern. Critical pieces of information of users are
collected and used in furtherance to add value for any businesses. This is done by
exploiting the insight in their personal information, and in most of the cases, users
are totally unaware of it. The user might not want to share his/ her information. But, it
is already being known to the data owner without the consent or even knowledge of it
to the user. Unauthorized release of information, unauthorized modification of
information and denial of resources are the three categories of security
Nurses And Physicians And Physician Assistants
It was an uneventful midmorning day, on the general medical floor; a list of patients
already drawn out with what needed to be completed during our shift. A group of
people huddled together discussing treatment plans and options. At that present time,
rounding was just for physicians and physician assistants. But dietitians were
recently included, so I got to watch as the providers presented their cases to one
another. One individual stood out above the rest as she was presenting to her
attending; she was confident, poised, and didn t skip a beat during her presentation.
Once the meeting was completed she sat down next to me and we started talking. She
introduced herself as Becky, a physicianassistant. Having never heard of the role
before, she explained that she does examinations, diagnosing, carrying out
investigations, as well as treatments and prescribing. Becky could tell I appeared
very interested in this, and asked if I was able to spend some time shadowing to
learn more about her role. The next patient she saw, I was able to go in the room
with her and watch her examine a new patient, discuss his course of treatment, and
follow up with the attending. She took me through the entire process of seeing a
new patient from a PA perspective. That was all I really needed to get the wheels in
my head turning for a new career.
I am currently a registered dietitian and love working in healthcare, but for a long
time I have been unfulfilled in my job. I wish to maximize my
My Ethnography Essay
While others claim that photography captures the inner soul of a person, or
deliberately defines it as painting or writing with light, but in my case, it is just
simply a newfound love hobby. I undeniably adore and look up to expert
photographers I encounter down the road may it face to face or the other way
around. In my heart, I silently desire that someday, with hard work, determination,
and perseverance, I will become professional and famous as they are. Since my
husband bought a Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) as an anniversary gift, my
penchant for photography commenced and ignited. Let me detail the essential truths
behind my passion over photography.
Firstly, it captures the beauty of arts, people, and nature. In fact, it captures the soul
of every living creature that escapes the people s naked eye, permeating the core of
their hearts. It enlivens prosaic sceneries and environs. That being said, photography
makes people see the beauty and magnificence of God s creation. This world is such
a beautiful dwelling, and it just takes lenses to show it to the people who have the
deepest appreciation of arts and beauty of nature, and even to those who have not
grasped yet how stunning ... Show more content on ...
In addition, photography does it pivotal role by showing people the realities of life.
One relevant example to this is photojournalism. Through photographic presentation,
people are informed of the real situations of the stories about the real situations
around the globe, may it be good or bad news. It is very easy to understand news or
stories with photos attached to them. Therefore, photography is a powerful
communication tool that embeds social happenings to the human awakening, with no
other form of media can
Personal Narrative Of A Survival Story
Survival story HI I am Anthiny and I am 27 years old. And today I am going to tell
you my survival story.
It all started on may 1st 8:30pm I was getting dirt and rock from mauna Loa for
information for a scien team I work for. I was with my dog maya at the time she was
a new dog she was about one or two at the time a strong dog I would say. I was
collecting all day. I got tired so I wanted to head back I reached into my pack to grab
my walkie talkie but it was not there I thought HO NO, I had left my walkie talkie
at the place I ate. I could not go home if I did not have the walkie talkie if go home
i could not feed my dog STOP! i thought dont think that way they will come when
they relize I am gone. Well i am all alone now you cant ... Show more content on ...
I woke up not knowing were i was my dog was right nexed to me they did not come i
said well lets keep walking we walked for a wile till i saw a large peace of rock
stickind out of a nuther rock shade i thote yes sweet shade i went over and sat down
under the rock i called my dog to come over and i fell a sleep i woke up very hungry
it was hunid out side but my dog was no were to be seen i walked like 20ft and i
looked down and saw it my dog on the grownd with its leg snaped i picked her up
and brot her to the shand i throw up it smelt so bad i had never done iny vet wroke
befor so i did not relly konw what to do but stare of into space than i tryed to help but
i could not so i not do any thing so i raped the leg in my jacet and took a walk to
look for food and water i walked for 20 min and i saw a berry bush i thot not wereth
it they will come for me soon so i went bck to the shade my dog had fell a sleep so ii
raped her leg even titer the nexed few day s i did the same thing till i fielly ate a
berry they were bitter but some what sweet i gave some to my dog and she loved
them soi ceped eating them in two week i fialy desited to see my dogs leg it had
roted so bad i had fell of i was so sary
Description Of The Coast Of North America In The Early
The English, French, and Dutch all sent sailors to explore the coast of North
America in the late 1500 s and the early 1600 s. They were told to find a Northwest
Passage and report it back and the passage was a direct water route between the
Atlantic and Pacific Ocean through North America. All the explorers could not find
it but they had other outcomes and long lasting effects. For example, John Cabot
was the first explorer sent to look for the passage and he came for England. He did
not find anything but he mapped the coast. The same thing happened to the French
hired sailor, Giovanni de Verrazano. He was only able to explore the coast of North
America from Nova Scotia to North and South Carolina. The real effects started in
1535 when Jacques Carter started his journey.... Show more content on ...
Lawrence River hoping it would connect to the Pacific. Instead, he found a
mountain peak which he named Mont Royal or royal mountain which is where
Montreal is located today. In 1609, the Dutch hired English explorer Henry
Hudson. He first discovered a river which is today the Hudson River. After that, he
sailed all the way to present day Albany but did t find anything. A year later,
England sent Hudson again. This time, he discovered an enormous bay which today
is known as the Hudson Bay. He never found the Northwest Passage. These explorers
did not gain a new trade route or any supplies, but they gained knowledge about the
geographical features. This eventually led to settlements growing and new features
being explored such as the Mississippi River. In conclusion, all of the explorers
coming from England, France, and the Netherlands never found what they came for,
the Northwest Passage, but instead they gained knowledge about the land such as
Mont Royal, the Hudson River, and the Hudson Bay, leading to the new settlements
being formed in North America with booming economies and infrastructure, trade,
and life alongside the Native

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Essay On Teaching And Learning

  • 1. Essay On Teaching And Learning Crafting an essay on the topic of teaching and learning is no simple feat. It involves delving into the intricate dynamics of educational processes, exploring the multifaceted aspects of pedagogy, and navigating through a vast sea of theories and methodologies. The difficulty lies not only in comprehending the complex theories but also in articulating them coherently to convey a meaningful message. To begin with, one must meticulously gather information from various sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. This entails sifting through academic journals, textbooks, and other scholarly materials to acquire a well-rounded perspective on the nuances of teaching and learning. Furthermore, one must be adept at synthesizing diverse ideas and theories, discerning their relevance, and weaving them into a cohesive narrative. The process of writing itself demands a high level of analytical thinking and critical reflection. A well-crafted essay on teaching and learning should not merely regurgitate information but should present a nuanced argument or perspective. This requires the writer to engage in deep contemplation, analyze different viewpoints, and construct a well-structured essay that effectively communicates their insights. Moreover, addressing the practical implications of teaching and learning adds another layer of complexity. It involves exploring real-world examples, considering the socio-cultural context, and evaluating the impact of various teaching methods on diverse learners. Balancing theoretical concepts with practical applications requires a keen awareness of the complexities inherent in educational settings. In conclusion, writing an essay on teaching and learning is a challenging endeavor that demands a thorough understanding of educational theories, effective synthesis of diverse ideas, critical thinking, and the ability to articulate complex concepts clearly. It's a task that goes beyond mere academic exploration, requiring a deep engagement with the subject matter and a commitment to presenting a well-reasoned argument. For those seeking assistance with such endeavors, it's worth noting that similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like, providing a valuable resource for those navigating the complexities of academic writing. Essay On Teaching And LearningEssay On Teaching And Learning
  • 2. Clint Eastwood In The 1900 s Violent 1900 s Clint Eastwood, one of the most famous actor and directors of all time born on May 31, 1930. He has been known for a long time in Hollywood and around the world. He has been especially known for For a few Dollars More and The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly which are all played by him. Bounty Hunting was one of the roles that was most played by him in all the movies that were either directed by him or was the protagonist himself. All the Clint Eastwood movies show revenge taken and is usually known as The Man with No Name in his movies. Comedy and action were the two genre types in all of his movies. Unforgiven came released in 1992 directed by Clint Eastwood and written by David Webb Peoples in 1984. Unforgiven ... Show more content on ... It all starts when one of the prostitutes is beaten up by two cowboys which were let go off by demanding ponies, but the group of prostitutes put a bounty on the two cowboys by gathering money (Unforgiven). That s where the kid and William Munny (Clint Eastwood). Munny had stopped the killing of people after his wife dies. He himself did not kill because he said I killed when I was drunk (Clint Eastwood) meaning that he was almost all the time drunk when he encountered people. In this movie he cared about the people that he killed since he wasn t drunk and knew what he was doing. In the
  • 3. last part of the movie when Ned gets killed by Little Bill is the only time when William Munny takes a drink and then kills each and every person in the bar who he thought was responsible for Violence during the 1900 s was just off the top of the roof. If something was not solved by the court or any law enforcement then violence was the best shot. Almost all of Clint Eastwood s movies have been full of violent nature. Blade Runner and 12 Monkeys are two other action movies that have violence in it but are as well as funny. Ned (Morgan Freeman) is a big part
  • 4. The Stereotypes Of Ageing Women In Media Stereotypes of ageing are a common phenomenon in contemporary media, especially in Western cultures. These stereotypes are primarily negative because they make assumptions about ageing women by depicting them as living in a state of ill health, dependency, loneliness, and poor mental and physical functioning. In a similar vein, stereotypes of ageingattempt to show how women at their old age should behave and what they are likely to experience (Dionigi, 2015). Mediaportrayal of ageing females is also negative and undesirable as they play a role in the development of a culture where individuals are meant to follow the negative ageing story whether consciously or unconsciously. This affects ageing females based on how they are treated and perceived by society, leading to stress, hypertension, and other psychological disorders (Milner et al., 2012). The negative representation of older women in media is a form of double marginalization of gender and age as it entails stereotypization. This, therefore, has certain ramifications with regard to how women interpret and experience ageing. This paper discusses how media gives ageing women a definition of being burdensome, controlling, asexual, dependent, and eccentric (Bowman, 2006), that they are no longer represented as the object of male desire. Thus, this essay argues that the undesirability of ageing women is depicted in media through invisibility and inaccurate portrayal, underpinning the idea that ageing women should hide
  • 5. The Effects Of Using Student Self Assessment And Progress... At RA Jones Middle School, math and reading achievement is low. According to the 2014 2015 School Report Card from the Kentucky Department of Education, 42.2% of Rector A. Jones Middle School students are proficient/distinguished in reading and 26.3% are proficient/distinguished in math. As a middle school math and science teacher, I want to give my students tools that they can use to help them be successful in any subject area, in their current lives and in their futures. It is important that middle schoolteachers help students develop into independent thinkers that take responsibility for their own learning and achievement (Lines, 1994). One tool that can be beneficial to students as they progress through school and beyond is the use of self assessment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of using student self assessment and progress monitoring strategies on student achievement in sixth grade. Student self assessment and progress monitoring is a process of formative assessment, during which students reflect on and evaluate the quality of their work and their learning, make judgments on whether they met the stated goals or learning criteria, identify strengths and weaknesses in their work, and revise accordingly (Spiller, 2012). Specific research questions that will be answered after this study concludes are as follows: 1. What is the effect of self assessment/progress monitoring strategies on student achievement based upon end of unit
  • 6. Mlk Agape Analysis The animating force behind MLK s thought and social activity is the idea of Christian Love which is also referred to as agape. Agape is based on human need and the love of someone else, wanting good for others even if there is no return. MLK explains that the universe is naturally inclined towards community, when people hate they defy creation. MLK s movement focused on non violence which often was seen as passiveness and cowardice. Yet, it instead was intended as an active non violence which had a goal not of defeat and humiliation, but of creating a friendship and understanding; for it is not the people with whom there is tension, but instead between justice and injustice, good and evil. Agape, therefore, is not a weak, passive love. It
  • 7. Global Widespread Cardiovascular Disease ( Cvd ) This composition will expand the topic discussion of global widespread cardiovascular disease (CVD) that affects various populations low , middle or high income countries; as well as the consequences that epidemiology has had on the various populations specified in the multiple regions of the globe. With an implication of the link between cardiovascular disease and Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), ethical issues that may affect clinical trials, and the effect such diseases have on hospital administrations. Frequently in the health care society, many terms are found to interchangeable, in this situation cardiovascular disease (CVD) may be used exchangeable with heart disease , a term most often used by the layperson. Cardiovascular disease describes the disease process that affects not only the heart, whether arrhythmia (heart irregularity in the rhythm) or congenital (defect present at birth), it also includes diseases of the blood vessels. Narrowing of blood vessels may possibly lead to an absolute impasse that consequently could trigger a myocardial infarction (heart attack), angina (chest pain unknown origin), or cerebrovascular accident (CVA, stroke). The disease process could in addition have unfavorable consequences on the muscles and valves. Just a brief pathophysiological glance at cardiovascular disease, there will be a deeper look into this topic later in the article. Chronic disease epidemiology is a useful form of study when it comes to
  • 8. Examples Of The Crucible And The Columbine Shootings We Cannot (E)scapegoat What Happened The mainstream media is constantly being blamed for crimes that people themselves commit. In The Crucible, a group of girls were caught dancing in the woods by Reverend Parris. This was thought of as a sin and the girls used their overly religious society to their advantage by blaming their actions on witches. The Columbine shooting was a tragic event that brought high school safety into a new light. Both of the seniors committing the crime killed themselves before they could be questioned, causing the terrified public to blame the incident on the media, specifically Marilyn Manson. While The Crucible and the Columbine shootings are similar in people standing up for incoherent children and deaths for selfish reasons, they are also very different. Children in high school were killed in the Columbine shooting while adults were killed in The Crucible and the who was targeted. A scapegoat, by definition is, A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency (Oxford dictionary). The Crucible is easily one of the greatest examples of a scapegoat. The town was completely prepared to blame witches for the girls actions. The Columbine shooting blamed Marilyn Manson, a man known for his outlandish dress and style. On April 20th, 1999, two students murdered 12 teachers and students in cold blood. These two seniors, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, committed suicide before incredulous government officials were able to ask them why. The public standing up for incoherent children was one of the interchangeable qualities brought forth in these stories. People were killed because the public was oblivious and not paying attention to what these kids were calling out. The two criminals, guilty of the Columbine massacre, were social outcasts. Dylan Klebold, one of the two seniors, was clinically depressed and was prepared to commit suicide. They had gotten arrested previously for breaking into a van, and spend the rest of that year trying to convince everyone they were sorry. Both of the teenagers were openly hateful as well. Eric Harris wrote in his journal, You know what I hate? Star Wars fans: get a friggin life, you boring
  • 9. John Donne Meditation 17 John Donne s central theme for Meditation 17 is that all Christians are United. Everyone is united and no one stands alone. John Donne is adamant that no one should feel left out or be ostracized by anyone. He wants everyone to realize that no one is alone and we all share the same experiences; he describes this idea as no man is an island (Donne 2). No man is left floating in the water, instead all men are linked as pieces of the continents. Tenth Avenue North s central message is that an extreme amount of people live in isolation and they do not have to. No one is meant to do life alone and they don t realize how genuine humans can be. Many people want to be alone, but they need to be shown how great community is. The artists bring
  • 10. The Differences Between The Formats, And The Content Of... There are some notable differences between, both, the formats, and the content of financial statements when using SAGE compared the standards required when following IAS1. These differences vary between stating which currency you are using, the contents and layout of items in the statements, rounding, and the terminology used to describe items in the statements and several more. This report aims to compare, critique, and provide suggestion for improvement where necessary regarding SAGE and how it links with IAS 1. A prominent difference between our statements produced on SAGE and the standards required by IAS 1 is the issue of currency. In our SAGE reports there is no given currency for either the balance sheet or the profit and loss sheet. This can cause many problems when dealing with large companies that operate in multiple countries and thus require different currency classifications. If this is not done then companies could possibly over(/under)state profit/loss for the period, which would not be a faithful representation, which is one of the general principles of the International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS). It could also just confuse things in general in a multinational company if they have many sets of financial statements from various countries with a myriad of currencies and have to match the country to the currency as it has not been stated on the set of financial statements. Which means the SAGE coursework is not compliant with IAS 1 which states a
  • 11. Heterogeneity And Interoperability Of The Digital Library Digital library The Digital Library Federation (2002) define them as organizations that provide the resources including the specialised staff, to select, structure, offer intellectual access to, interpret, distribute, preserved the integrity of, and ensure the persistence over time of collection of digital work so that they are readily available for use by a defined community or set of community. Information is a basic human need, and civilization advances when people are able to apply the right information at the right time (Fox and Marchionini, 1998). Today, digital libraries act as an effective device in the progress of human civilization, it also should enable any citizen to access all human knowledge anytime and anywhere, in an efficient ... Show more content on ... Interoperability means the degree to which two products, programs and many more that can be used together or the quality of being able to be used together. While heterogeneity consisting of parts or things that are very different from each other. Most of library users depend on library services in getting information needed. In this situation, when digital libraries want to provide information, it is important to have a good relationship between heterogeneity and interoperability. To achieve a good interoperability, the exchange information in heterogeneity should covers all types of syntactic structural, semantic diversities among system to modeling information. Besides that, it should be consistent between the use of the information as intended by its originator and the intended exploitation of it by the recipient. This thing need to be considerate to fulfill the need of library users that comes from many different background. Information providers which is digital libraries should make a data or information about their collections available for harvesting. This data will be use by service provider which known as harvester to create value added
  • 12. False Killer Dolphins According to Vancouver Aquarium, the false killer whale was first discovered as a skeleton, not as a live dolphin. Because its skull looks similar to a killer whale s skull scientists called it a false killer whale (Pseudorca). Despite having whale in its name, the false killer whale is actually a large dolphin like its namesake the killer whale . The difference between a whale and a dolphin is much like the difference between a ship and a boat . It has more to do with size than science. In fact, false killer whales are large dolphins. They prefer tropical to temperate waters that are deeper than 3,300 feet (1000m) and occur in the U.S. in Hawaii, along the entire West Coast, and from the Mid Atlantic coastal states south. The species can also be found in all tropical and temperate oceans worldwide.[4] The young false killer whale in Vancouver Aquarium Chester was rescued by the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Rescue Team with help from local residents and Fisheries and Ocean Canada (DFO) after standing as a month old calf on Chesterman Beach in Tofino in July 2014.... Show more content on ... They feed during the day and at night on fishes and cephalopods, and they are known to attack smaller dolphins that are involved in the tuna purse seine fishery in the Pacific Ocean.[4] This species is listed as Endangered under the Endangered Species Act, in 2010, NMFS initiated a status review in response to a petition to list the Main Hawaiian islands insular population of Hawaiian false killer whales as an endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). AlВthough false killer whales are hunted by huВmans and there are anВnual mass strandВings, popВuВlaВtions are conВsidВered staВble. There are only a few counВtries that hunt them for food or reВmove them as threats to the fishВeries inВdusВtry.[5] Indeed, a false killer whale needs a threat free environment without bycatch and other fishery
  • 13. Situational Analysis, Airbus Situational Analysis, Airbus. Porter s Five Forces. Risk of Entry by Potential Competitors The aviation industry is a very difficult industry to enter, and the risky of entry by potential competitors is extremely low. Rivalry among established companies The intensity of rivalry among established companies within the aviation industry is very high. Currently the only competitor or Airbus is Boeing. Both of these companies gain market share from each other using prices, product design, advertising, and direct selling efforts. Due to the intensity of the rivalry among Boeing and Airbus, the profits are squeezed. The Bargaining power of buyers The aviation industry depends on airlines and governments for almost the all of its total ... Show more content on ... Since the introduction of the A300, Airbus has strived to offer customers a differentiated yet technologically equal (and in many cases superior) product from that of Boeing. SWOT Analysis Situation While profitable, Airbus is losing its competitive edge against and market share from Boeing. Opportunities Continued deregulation in the airline industry, developing markets, exploitation of Boeing s new spoke to spoke transportation theory. Military contracts, such as the tanker project for the U.S. Air Force. Increase in the use of regional jets for hub to spoke routes. Threats B 787 Dreamliner, The new trends of smaller wide body jets being used directly affecting the sales of the A380. U.S. government s threat in launching a trade war against Airbus. Currency exchange risk, dollar devaluation. Lack of demand for the A380. Fluctuations in the profitability of the airlines (terrorism, fuel prices, etc). Business cycle fluctuation. Changes in trends in airlines operations (routing, hub /spoke, etc.) Increased WTO/GATT problems. Strengths Empowered (globally minded) sales staff whom are permitted to make deals and negotiate, and make pricing decisions made the spot. Technological competency (innovation), strong relationships with the U.S., Chinese, and European governments. Standardization/Commonalities between most aircraft. Risk sharing leverage with corporations, suppliers, and foreign
  • 14. Application Of Os And Web Server Software 4 Essay Contents Abstract2 Introduction2 Choice of OS and Web Server Software4 Mac OS X: It was the first ever graphical based operating system and was launched even one year before the Windows4 Conclusion5 Abstract The aim of this report is to propose a robust wireless and wired network (Intranet) to cover the entire Eastern Bay College keeping in mind the cost effectiveness of the network. The Intranet should work efficiently with minimal effects on the operations of the College if in case something goes wrong. Eastern Bay College is one of New Zealand s newest high schools for year 7 to year 13 students with boarding options. The school vision is to prepare each student to leave college well grounded and ready to participate in a complex and changing world . Eastern Bay College employs 120 full time staff and there are approximately 1200 students enrolled. Out of a total of 120 staff, 15 staff are responsible for administration, human resource, finance, accounting, payroll, course curriculum, pastoral care, and marketing. Currently, all learning materials are printed and distributed to students during class hour. Due to budget constraints, the college is considering minimizing the paper and printing cost by making learning material available online with appropriate access restrictions. Introduction Large organisations and universities and even small schools all around the world have adopted internet to improve the communication and coordination processes
  • 15. Bloody Mary Tudor Research Paper Mary Tudor became known as Bloody Mary during her reign as Queen of England and her insistence upon returning England to Roman Catholic faith. Although her cruel acts cannot be excused, Henry VIII played a major role in her violent and angry tendencies. Mary continued the displeasure of her father up until the last of her life, due to his minescule participation in curing her rampant illness. From the moment of Mary Tudors conception, her chances of ever successfully holding the throne were sabotaged due to Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon placing her birth out of wedlock. Although her illegitimacy remained a secret for some time, it came to haunt her after she finally received the throne, and obtained the much yearned for title as The Queen of England. Once she admitted to being born to unmarried parents, she was stripped of her crown and forced to be called Lady Mary in the time outside of her queenship, rather than having the title of Princess Mary (Mary I). Mary s hatred for Protestants stemmed from her father s... Show more content on ... Anorexia thrived among the many different trials of her well being. Along with the eating disorder came sleep disorders, combined with stomach pains and frequent headaches. She also experienced frequent swelling of the abdomen and poor digestion; she admitted that my health is more unstable than that of any creature. Her father often sought out remedies for his daughter but found little success for her. Henry stated that Mary was sick in the head and the stomach. Mary found herself to be immensely displeased in her father s lack of success in discovering a cure for her. The cause of Mary s mortality came from influenza; however, the illness was greatly accelerated by her poor mental health caused by her anger towards her father along with the disappointment from her false pregnancies. Along with influenza, amenorrhea played a large role in the death of the 42 year old queen (QUEEN BLOODY MARY
  • 16. Vyse Nile Street, Burslem At the Doulton pottery in Burslem, the output of earthenware and china continued despite the imposition of restriction of materials. The Vyses, under discouraging conditions, endeavoured to keep their pottery functioning. The British people were advised by their government to carry on with their lives and their businesses, and for the time being, the business of the country continued much as before. 29 Harradine Biddy Penny Farthing During 1938, Harradine produced thirty new figure designs for Doulton, and at least three of these figures have a resonance with the designs of Vyse. Although no extant evidence suggests it, one could argue that Harradine s HN1843 Biddy Penny Farthing (Fig. 155) could be a composite of at least two of Vyse s early designs. If one were to remove the balloons from Vyse s The Balloon Woman and graft them to his figure The Lavender Girl, the composition would resemble Harradine s Biddy Penny Farthing. The artistic director at Burslem decided that Harradine s figure would be suited to production in earthenware with underglaze decoration. The subsequent re modelling for mould making at Burslem, compounds the simplification of the figure s base. Note the subject s shoes, projecting awkwardly from beneath the full skirt, and not as Harradine would have originally modelled... Show more content on ... In its present form, the liveliness of the torso, shoulders, and the neck, and smoothed away to present an altogether different figure. In a competitive mass market of china manufacturing, deemed an unnecessary expenditure of material and labour, and as such the plinth was removed. After the figure s remodelling, much of the original has changed and HN1836 Vanessa, bears only a passing resemblance to Harradine s original model, and the pink skirted version, introduced in 1938, ceased production in
  • 17. Jeremy Wickins Biometrics Jeremy Wickins writes, The Ethics of Biometrics: The Risk of Social Exclusion from the Widespread Use of Electronic Identification. In the article The Ethics of Biometrics: The Risk of Social Exclusion from the Widespread Use of Electronic Identification, Wickins writes the possible segregation of people when biometrically scanned due to the biometricssystematic flaws. Jeremy Wickins attempts to prove that biometric identification system is flawed because of not being able to encompass the whole populace for some being disabled, religious preferences, not following protocols, not willing to corporate, and the homeless. Thus, Wickins claims the biometric data entered into the system is incorrect, creating false reporting which in turn denies... Show more content on ... The biometric system did not fail, in this case, it is simply a person s refusal to remove their baseball hat. For example, there is an understanding that there will be procedural rules put in place to get a correct facial scan to obtain a biometric identity. That is the biometric identity processing center will inform the person to remove their hat or not to touch their hair and face through the duration of the process. Anyone wanting to receive the biometric identity will comply to get a proper scan entered into the biometric system. Thereby continuing to be allowed entry into a destination. For example, the United States government website has the requirements for a good passport photo to process a person s passport. The person will comply and follow procedures if they wish to travel abroad and receive a passport (U.S.
  • 18. Discrimination Against Asian Immigrants Essays During the late 1800s, waves of Asian immigrants from other countries arrived at the United States of America. These countries include China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, and India. They believed that coming to the United States would enable them to achieve the America Dream , but various laws and discrimination prevented them from achieving the dream. In response to these laws and discrimination, Asian immigrant groups asserted a sense of agency to protect themselves from oncoming discrimination and prejudice. Agency is defined as Asian Immigrants/Americans resistance to the discrimination, unfair laws, prejudice, and low wages. Some agency was successful and others were not, but the main idea was that Asian immigrants were ... Show more content on ... In addition to work hours, on the fields, the foremen patrolled while cracking and snapping his whip. The foremen would crack his whip near laborers to increase work productivity (Takaki, 135). In addition to unfair working conditions, a racial hierarchy was also developed in the plantations, with the white and foremen at the top. A good example of the hierarchy is suburban housing (Price). The owner and lunas or foremen would live at the top of the hill, the Japanese in wooden houses, Filipinos in run down houses, and the Chinese in barracks (Price). This hierarchy served as system to prevent unions and strikes from forming. To prevent solidarity and unification of the workers, the plantation owners developed a mixed wage system and a diverse work force (Price). A mixed wage and a diverse work force served as a barrier from forming unions and going on strike. Also, owners also encouraged or promoted different groups to insult or put down different groups in order to increase worker productivity and widen the gap between each group (Takaki, 25). This system is similar to the checks and balances system in the U.S government. For example, if one group gets too powerful, i.e. the Japanese, Filipinos would be brought in to counter the Japanese. The different groups serve to check each other s power. With this system in place, the Asian immigrant groups were not easily able to assert their sense of agency. Despite the precautions the plantation
  • 19. How Did Exploratorium Field Trip Changed My Stereotypes Of... Feeling Exploratorium field trip changed my stereotype of museums. In the past, museums do not exist as the representation of recreational places. For example, art museums are always reserved and high class places where are not comfortable to just step in within casual style. On the other hand, history museums usually leave an impression of depth and seriousness since what I see are left by ancestors. Although both of them are the advanced resource for study, they are not locations to ease the tension. Nevertheless, Exploratorium is totally different, a combination of education and recreation. In the West Gallery, the museumuses experiments and entertainments to reveal social behaviors, such as Sip and Squirt which displays a scenario
  • 20. Analysis Of A Mountain Accident By Aron Ralston Most people should know and realize that their actions have consequences. Only some people choose to take these consequences and learn from them. That is when the word if comes into play. Life is always so clear in retrospect; we always look back and know exactly what we should have done. In the article, A Mountain Accident Aron Ralston was affected by some of the actions he took on a hiking trip. Because he did not notify anyone of where he planned to go hiking, went alone, and amputated his own arm off on this trip there were many repercussions in his life and on those around him. The first action Aron made that caused major ramifications on his life was that he failed to notify anyone of where he was going hiking. Because he did... Show more content on ... In Aron s case, he decided to go hiking alone. Aron is a trained, experienced hiker and had hiked in dangerous areas before so he knows how to hike safely. Because he was so confident in his skills he decided to go alone, it was nothing new to Ralston. Subsequently, when something did go awry there was no one there to assist him. When the boulder trapped Aron by pinning his arm he alone was unable to move it because it was too heavy. There was no one to help him move the rock that fell on top of his arm because he decided to go alone, he was then forced to sever it from his body to escape and survive. Also because he went alone even if in the instance that the rock was too heavy for two people to move there was still no one to go and get help. The last action Aron took that caused various kinds of effects on his life was the removal of his own arm. This is an effect from some of the other choices he made but, it was also the origin of other effects upon his life. When this event occurred his whole mentality on life transformed. While he was trapped he was forced to reflect on his past experiences and come to terms with his own impending death. This led Aron to realize that he would rather be alive with his family with one arm than dead with both. So when he did escape he changed how he lived. Now he looks at any obstacles he encounters as boulders and changes his course of action when dealing with them. His ordeal led him
  • 21. Essay On Physical Education Classes Physical education courses also be called curriculum. The meaning of that are activities from learning and studies outside the classroom. Students get chance to dominate the skills and increase confidence in themselves. That also gives student s new knowledge and expand their talent in some activities that their joined. Curriculums are divided to three. That is uniform, club and sport. We agree 100% that students should take activities curriculum or physical educationcourse at their schoolbecause activities curriculum gives most advantages for students. That are not waste their time, healthy their bodies and can manure unity in their school when joined curriculum. First, the advantages that students can get when they joined the activities curriculum are not waste their time with something that cannot give any benefit for them. If they would not join the activities curriculum at school, they will associate with naughty person, always hangout at shopping mall, waste their time and others. When they joined activities curriculum, their time not wasted like water that flows at the river. They can join camping, marching and others that organizes ... Show more content on ... It is because, from that we was learned by the teacher about the important and benefits of this course to us. Physical education also can make our body healthy and strong. Besides that, in this classes also teach us a moral value such as teamwork, hardworking, confident and others. Moreover, if we join activities like futsal, playing badminton, squash, swimming and others activity, we are spend time to the right way without waste our time to do unhealthy activities like playing a video game at home, sleeping and others. Because of that, go to this classes or taking physical education courses is a benefit to us because we re teaches and we should practice it in our lifestyle to life in healthy and out of
  • 22. Thomas Jefferson Timeline Thomas Jefferson was arguably one of the most important people in American history. He was the third president of the United States and wrote the Declaration of Independence. He held strong beliefs of individual and state rights which made him an ideal president of the United States. The two sources I ve chosen for this research project are: 1.Presidential Key Events events; 2.Thomas Jefferson Timeline of Important Dates jefferson/timeline.html. For source (1) I couldn t find any sort of date or update notice on the page. However, my topic is Thomas Jefferson s accomplishments, which have fully been explored so there wouldn t be any new information. In terms ... Show more content on ... Source (2) is a timeline, starting when Thomas Jefferson was born to when he died. No new information has come out about Thomas Jefferson s accomplishments. So, I consider this to be current enough of a source of information to fall within the Currency guidelines. Even though a considerable amount of information in source (2) is not relevant to what I particularly want to research, I would still consider it a good source. The information that is there is less specific than source (1). This is a good thing because Thomas Jefferson accomplished many things in his presidency and in Source (2) it does a little more summarizing than in source (1) thus saving me time. So, even though it may be a little vague when trying to fit within the Relevance guidelines, I don t see what would be wrong with using it. Source (2) easily fits the authority guidelines seeing as Shmoop is a credible academic resource that is widely used. Not only is shmoop an academic resource but all articles written within the website are by educators and experts from America s top universities. All of shmoops articles follow Accuracy guidelines, with the Purpose of providing information to students who need an unbiased source for
  • 23. Management Needs Training On How An Effective Performance... Problematic Issue Number 1: Management needs training on how to do an effective performance review. Employee performance review is a key component to the success of any organization. CanGo managers seem to have a misunderstanding on how to effectively execute a performance review of their employees. Therefore it is essential that CanGo management receive training to improve their performance reviews. The lack of understanding on how to execute a performance review can lead to potential performance review problems such as halo effect, leniency, strictness, central tendency, bias, and unclear standards. Periodic performance assessments provide specific metrics that pertain to the job roles and responsibilities for each employee. By allowing the performance assessment process to be a joint effort between an employee and its organization will allow employees to be accountable for their standards of performance within the organization. The key to achieving the most success from a performance assessment is to insure that it is inclusive, as well as comprehensive. A periodic performance assessment needs to cover daily duties, potential changes in responsibility and any foreshadowing milestones that may occur between the current assessment and the next performance assessment. Ideally each performance assessment will build on goals and achievements. As well as inherently build an employee performance portfolio for the life of the employees while working in the organization. A
  • 24. Victorian Norms In Bram Stoker Developing the inside versus outside tensions between England and Eastern Europe, Bram Stoker challenges Victorian social norms. This tension is particularly evident when understanding the spread of vampirism to be an invasion of England. Although this invasion is fantastical and not realistic, its targets the legitimate Victorian fear of invasion. As an island nation close to other significant European powers, England was able to escape many years of land invasions, but always had to remain wary of the threat of a naval invasion. This fear of invasion is realized when Draculalaunches a small scale invasion of England. He enters by boat and proceeds to terrorize England through its women. This idea of subliminally addressing the fears and desires of England is effective because Stoker masks them in fantasy. Furthermore, this is effective because individuals in a culture act out certain unconscious or repressed needs, or express in an overt and symbolic fashion certain latent motives which they must give expression to, but cannot face openly (Cawelti, 11). Because this novel is a fantasy, Stoker is able to challenge the social norms of the period within a popular work. Therefore, aided by fantasy, Bram Stoker uses the contrast between Eastern and Western cultures to challenge Victorian ideals and reveal the changing nature of gender roles and sexuality in British society. The commentary on Victorian ideals stems from the differences between England and Transylvania. While England was characterized by Protestantism, education, technological innovation, and Victorian culture, Transylvania was entirely different with a dated technology and a balance between Catholicism and more superstitious beliefs. These distinctly different cultures initially collide as Harker travels to visit Count Dracula. As Harker moves further to the East, the mood shifts from unfamiliarity to more evil and depressive. This is evident as he describes the darkness of his surroundings as the road was cut through the pine woods that seemed in the darkness to be closing down us, great masses of greyness produced a peculiarly weird and solemn effect (Stoker, 9). This unfamiliarity and anxiety in Harker illustrates that he is entirely
  • 25. Notes On Debt And Debt Essay 6) The Danger of Debt Debt is not a sin, debt is never the real problem, it is only symptomatic of real problems greed, self indulgence, impatience, fear, poor self image, lack of self worth, lack of self discipline, and perhaps many others. 7) There are Five Different Kinds of Debt 1.Credit card debt 2. Consumer debt 3. Mortgage debt 4. Investment debt 5. Business debt The primary economic danger of debt is that compounding work against you rather than for you. Decide not to go into debt and become debt free. Biblical Principles of borrowing is waiting on God Timing and not our own. Dollars spent today take multiple dollars out of the future, but dollars saved puts dollars back into the future. We need a financial planner to help make the right move. 1) summarize present situation 2) establish financial goals 3) increase cash flow margin. 8) Setting Financial Goals 1) Believe in accomplishment 2) Set goals and objectives 3) Personal motivation 4) Spend time with God 5) Take action 9) Avoiding Financial Mistakes What is required on your part are two things; first trust that God will do his part, and second, take action by making a first step. If we would comment to God s way things will be better for us, if we give God the flexibility to do things his way, with his timing and his resources. Common mistake: A consumptive lifestyle is simply spending more than you can afford, or spending more than you should, given your other goals and priorities. Common mistake:
  • 26. Digital Media And Its Effects On Today s Age Essay The best way to communicate in today s age is through digital media. When reaching out to the masses digital media is both fast and convenient as it allows us to reach out to millions of people in a matter of seconds. Large multi million dollar corporations use digital media to reach out to an individual on the subways of New York City or someone who is on a fishing trip in the deep woods of North Carolina. In recent years, the United StatesMilitaryhas undertaken corporate digital media strategies in order to both project an image and recruit potential applicants. Just a few years ago local recruiters would sit at their offices, smiling and dialing , and looking for perspectives recruits by dialing direct to home telephones. As home telephones are giving way to new means of communications such as smart phones, tablets and wearable communication technologies, days of the old telephone system to cold call potential applicants in their homes is slowly but surely disappearing. Digital and social media is the present and the future for most if not all organizations to achieve their marketing and or strategic communications goals. The United States Military s target audience are seventeen to twenty nine year old applicants who are increasingly spending the majority of their waking hours utilizing digital media. This paper will attempt to demonstrate whether or not the United States Military is achieving its recruitment goals through an increase in digital and social media
  • 27. Robert Sedgewick s Passion Is Computers Technology Robert Sedgewick s passion is computers technology and was gifted with the proficiencies to teach it to ambitious students. Robert Sedgewick began his career in computer science at IBM and is presently a professor at Princeton University. Sedgewick has written over 16 books computer science algorithms and various programming languages processes and procedures. Sedgewick first book in 1982, simply titled Algorithms cover compilers technology, and was followed by Algorithms 2nd Edition, Algorithms in C, Algorithms in Modular 3, Algorithms in C++, Algorithms in Java and Introduction to Java Programming. Sedgewick has introduce new editions to these books as technology has evolved and new developments was discovered.... Show more content on ... Data Structure queues methods and abstract data types are included in this elementary slot. ( 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7) Robert s defined abstract data type as the algorithms operations that are preformed rather than implemented the data structure and algorithms operating on it should refer to anything inside, except through function and procedure calls for the fundamental operations. The main reason for the development of abstract data types has been as a mechanism for organizing large programs. Abstract data types provide a way to limit the size and complexity of the interface between (potentially complicated) algorithms and associated data structures and a potentially large number of programs that use the algorithms and data structures, making it easier to understand large program and more convenient to change or improve the fundamental algorithms .(2:pg30) Arrays and linked list are refinements of a basic abstract data type called the linear list, because each can support operations such as insert, delete and access on a basic sequentially data ordered structure. These operation suffice to describe the algorithms and the linear list abstraction can be useful in the initial states of algorithms development. Using the wrong algorithm like a
  • 28. The Amazing Platypus Research Paper The Amazing Platypus The platypus has so many characteristics that even scientists sometimes wonder how the platypus came about. An example includes how the platypus feeds itself if it has a beak and claws! Platypuses also have venom, which is extremely strange, but to God, the platypus is really part of his perfect creation. It seems to be that scientists even think that the platypus may be a mutation. But it s not. It s part of the wonderful creation of God. This paper will discuss these three things: how platypuses feed themselves, platypus poison, and the characteristics of a platypus. Platypuses are odd creatures. They are not your ordinary beaver, otter, or duck. This is because they seem to be a mixture of these three creatures.
  • 29. Laurel Creek Health Care Center V. Bishop Essay Laurel Creek Health Care Center v. Bishop Court of Appeals of Kentucky,____S.W.3d___(2010) FACTS Gilbert Bishop was admitted to Laurel Creek Health Care Center on July 23, 2002, after arriving via ambulance without family present. During that examination, Gilbert communicated to Laurel Creek staff that he could not use his hands well enough to write or hold a pencil. Gilbert was otherwise found to be mentally competent. Gilbert s sister, Rachel Combs, arrived after Gilbert, she offered to sign the admissions forms, but Laurel Creek employees told her that it was their policy to have the patient s spouse sign the admissions papers if the patient was unable to sign them. Rachel also testified that Gilbert asked her to get his wife, Anna ... Show more content on ... REASON Laurel Creek first argues that this is a case of actual agency and that Anna Bishop has actual authority as Gilbert s agent to sign the admissions paperwork as is therefore bound by the arbitration agreement therein. We agree with Laurel Creek that Gilbert created an actual agency relationship between him and his wife. According to his sister, Rachel, Gilbert specifically asked that his wife be brought to the nursing home so that she could sign the admissions documents for him, and Anna acted upon that delegation of authority and signed the admissions papers. This is consistent with the creation of actual authority as described in the Restatement (Third) of Agency В§ 2.01, comment c (2006). The Restatement explains the rationale for the creation of actual agency in three steps. First, the principal manifests assent to be affected by the agent s action. In the instant case, Gilbert asked that Anna come to the hospital to sign the papers for him. Second, the agent s actions establish the agent s consent to act on the principal s behalf. Here, Anna signed all the admissions papers per her husband s request and therefore consented to act on Gilbert s behalf. Third, by acting within such authority, the agent affects the principal s legal relations with third parties. Clearly here, Anna s actions affected Gilbert s relations with Laurel Creek, a third party. The trial court acknowledged that Gilbert had the
  • 30. A Report On Gsm Network Operation Acknowledgement This summer internship without the kind of help ,I would not have been possibility of finish it. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them. I would like to thank Mr. Rakesh Gusain for all his kind and amiable efforts to make me work and learn in the department. I am thankful to Mr. Yuvraj Saini for helping me out with all the doubts and providing us practical knowledge of everything in a concordant manner. I express my deepest to DR.ANIL KUMAR SHUKLA for being my guide during this summer internship. I would like to thank my respective families as well as to members of Amity Institute Telecom Engineering and Management to help me to complete my project. Abstract This project report is being presented on GSM NETWORK OPERATION where are studying different nodes like MSC, BSC, RNC and other GSM node .We are also being given a demonstration in the Data Center where servers are present. The GSM is a method of cellular communication which has a facility of voice communication and also data .The transmission of data was not good because data rate or speed that is why 3G was developed for delivering of data. Table of Contents Acknowledgement...........................................................................1 Abstract.......................................................................................2 Introduction...................................................................................4 Materials and Methods.....................................................................7 Results and Discussions.....................................................................21
  • 31. Lincoln Electric Company Case Study Study Analysis Lincoln Electric Company Case Study Analysis In this Case Study Analysis, I will identify examples of the types of organizational culture (innovative and stable) that the Lincoln Electric Company has, as well as the benefits and problems the company could experience as a result of these. The idea that stuck out the most about the Lincoln ElectricCompany is that they obviously have a strong culturethat all levels of employees are proud to be a part of. According to Carpenter, Taylor, and Erdogan (2010), culture is a more powerful way of controlling and managing employee behaviors than organizational rules and regulations (pg. 193, para. 2). The Lincoln Electric Company encompasses facets of multiple types of cultures instead of adhering to only one. The ways in which the Lincoln Electric Company identifies with an innovative culture are most prominently explained by the following facets: not having a traditional hierarchy, and utilizing an open door policy when it comes to problem resolution. As explained in the Organization Structure section of the Case Study, personnel are encouraged to take problems to the persons most capable of resolving them [open door policy] (Sharplin, 1989, pg. 7, para. 1). In the same section, Sharplin also mentions that, Lincoln has never had a formal organization chart... [but] position titles and traditional flows of authority do imply something of an organizational structure... [thus determining] that production workers have two or, at
  • 32. Reproductive Identity And By Jude The Obscure Taryn MacKinney ENGL 390: Reproductive Fictions Date Submitted: 10/21/14 Prompt #3 (Class Reproduction) We Don t Ask to Be Born : Reproductive Identity and Displacement in Jude the Obscure Jude the Obscure explores, among many things, the relationship between class and body, which this paper will frame theoretically with a consideration of Balibar s Class Racism. In Class Racism, Balibar discussess the oppression of the working class, in which the physicality of the working class identity implies, ironically, a lack of identity and place in society. The question arises, then, how this class is maintained through generations, and Jude the Obscure provides a compelling answer by emphasizing that reproductive identity is indeed a manifestation of what Balibar considers the enforcement of the physical identity that is, the creation of body men (Balibar 211). With this in mind, society reproduces class by simultaneously a) forcing the internalization of reproductive necessity in the lower class, as means for said class members to acquire identity; and b) rendering this physical, reproductive identity formless and spaceless in society. This is the great paradox in characters in Jude the Obscure: society says both, Your physicality and reproductive capability comprises your identity, but also, tragically, Your identity cannot exist here. In this way, society, as presented in Jude the Obscure, forces the lower class to both exist physically and, in so doing, to not
  • 33. Spatial Zones And Body Language Spatial Zones and Body Language Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures Leah Breiss and Briana Valdez Clark University Author Note This paper was prepared for Management 170 Managerial Communication taught by Professor Cheryl Amantea during the Semester Term Fall 2016 Spatial Zones and Body Language Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures Introduction Nonverbal communication plays a central role in any conversation. Eye contact, posture, and proximity all determine how verbal communication is interpreted. In his book Managerial Communication: Strategies and Applications, Geraldine E. Hynes breaks down these aspects of nonverbal communication. Every culture has its own form of nonverbal communication that can impact the way a person from that country is understood outside of their homeland. For example, Erin Meyer, and American writer, misinterpreted her audience because they were using a form of nonverbal communication she was not familiar with. Likewise, Egypt s nonverbal communication is very different from Australia s, according to USA Today and (your source for Austrailia). These differences have developed in accordance to the historical backgrounds of their country. Given these differences in nonverbal communication, it can be said that communicating across cultures is complicated by the unique norms of nonverbal communication used in different countries and cultures. Spatial Zones and Cultural Miscommunication Geraldine E. Hynes breaks down the
  • 34. The Jewish People Essay The Jewish people believe that society is currently living in the end of one of four time periods that pertain to the fulfillment of the end time prophecy. This time period is considered the Pre Messianic period, meaning the Messiah has yet to come. In this period, God will bring about redemption in His own time. The Jewsbelieve that if all of Israelwere to return to God, the Messiah would come and the final redemption would be immediate. According to the Biblical text, there are many prophecies that must come to past before redemption occurs. A few of these prophetic signs concerning Israel have already been fulfilled. For instance, the dispersion and regathering of the Jews was prophesied and has since occurred. The Bible accounts for two separate gatherings of the Jews in the land of Israel. The first is to be a gathering in disbelief; this prophecy was fulfilled when the state of Israel was created in 1948. During this time the Jewish people will despise the values of their religion in the generations preceding the Messiah. The government will remain godless and immoral. Neither parents nor elders will be respected and families will turn against one another. The second gathering is yet to come, but will be one in which the Jews regather in belief for redemption and is in conjunction with the coming of the Messiah. More signs of the pre Messianic Era include: a population explosion, times of great suffering will occur, the Holy Temple will be rebuilt, the war of Gog
  • 35. Building Structure And Envelope Of An Advanced Engineering... In this report, it will analyses the building structure and envelope of an advanced engineering building at UQ. The report will put the emphasis on some aspects which include the construction documentation, building configuration building element design and building loading and load transfer to the foundation. From another perspective, the report will also illustrate the project s sites structure which includes site conditions, material used, interfaces with pre existing structure/infrastructure. Basically, by using various of site or the whole building drawings, some significant building components can be recognized. These building components will be discussed and analyzed specifically, which include their particular location in the drawing and how they function in the building structure. Introduction of this building The building is located in Brisbane QLD; the area is about 18000.0 m2. The project was finished in 2013. The building has achieved certified 5 star green ratings representing Australian Excellence in environmental initiatives. Also, to achieve the goal of energy efficiency, some building service and feature have been improved. For example, the thermal labyrinth to store cool overnight, VSD fans and pumps, high performance double glazing and openable louvres and windows with cross flow via the atrium. Construction documentation The construction documentation is consisting of structural and architectural cover sheets. The structural section can be
  • 36. Forgiveness In The Novel Disgrace Disgrace is a novel by the Nobel prize winning writer Coetzee set in the post apartheid period in South Africa, a period when people were trying their best to learn to forgive the past wrong done by the oppressive, ethnic government. The question of what it means to forgive is raised in the novel. Forgiveness is seen in the South African society as something conditional, the wrongdoers have to do something so that they can be forgiven. The Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act 34 of 1995 established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) to help those victims who were uncomfortable to forgive. It forged a new relationship among amnesty, trust, and forgivenessin forgiving, people are not being asked to forget, but to remember, so that such atrocities will not happen again. In this essay, I will first talk about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission so as to criticise its presumption of the significance of truth revelation. I will support my notion with reference to some scenes in the novel Disgrace and point out some characteristics of forgiveness. Then I will put forward what I think it means to forgive a past wrong and finally question the necessity of the existence of the Commission. In the TRC, the significance of truth is ... Show more content on ... In a short video on TRC amnesty hearing of the case, a real confrontation between the wrongdoer Thapelo and those who had lost their loved ones took place. Thapelo asked for forgiveness from the bottom of his heart though he clearly understood that some would forgive and some would not even after knowing the truth. One victim s sister said, We can t forgive you, you say this and you say that, you have more than one story. This statement hints that having too much truth may hinder the process of forgiveness, to forgive does not mean that you must know what the truth is and accept
  • 37. The Price Of The Penny The Penny is essentially a vital part of our money system. There has been many speculation about whether or not the United States should abolish the penny from being minted any longer. Although the penny has been a part of the American culture since 1787, it has such a small value, it will always be a part of American history. So as the years go on we should realize that the penny is everything to the United States. The penny should not be eliminated from the money system due to the fact that it is a part of the American culture and has earned its respect over the years. In America, there is still a debate if the penny should be eliminated. If it was to be eliminated it would still be used, but in a minimal way. In Canada, the Canadian penny was eliminated due to cost, time, and the country believed it was a waste of money, inflation reduced its purchasing power by 95% since it was first minted domestically in 1908: back then the cent could buy goods of the cost of $0.20, today in other words. (The Economist). Once a small coin can no longer be used to buy individual items at that price, but it is only used to make change, it becomes more trouble than it is worth. Canadian pennies cost 1.6 Canadian cents to manufacture, and the government expected to save $11 million a year by eliminating them (The Economist). But that sum equivalent to 0.0006% of GDP is small change. Canadians feel that eliminating pennies is that their feeble purchasing power means dealing with coins,
  • 38. The Origin Of The Han Dynasty [Abstract] These are two world renowned arts: traditional opera and dance. Since its appearance, Chinese ancient art has taken on the form that songs, dance and poems are performed on the same stage at the same time, usually accompanied by acrobatics and traditional Chinese operas. As a branch of traditional Chinese opera, Puxian Opera which it comes from Fujian province that is called the Living Fossil with Mud , plain and exquisite. Posture rhymes system of Chinese classical dancehas been searching essence from traditional Chinese operas since it established over half a century ago. The origin between them can be dated back to the Acrobatics in Han dynasty and the Team Dance in Song dynasty; in fact they are twins. The ultimate reason
  • 39. The Social Hierarchy Of The Algonquin Indians The Algonquins were a Native American people who settled from Maine all along the east coast down into Virginia. The Algonquin were very peaceful and docile people, when the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts they helped to teach them how to live off their new lands and ultimately ensured the survival of Europeans in North America. Although there are smaller sub sections of the Algonquin tribes, such as the Mohegans, the Pesquots, and the Narragansetts, they were all united through a central language. The Algonquins lived in a very patriarchal society where men ruled the homes and owned all the lands. Overall the Algonquins were the most widespread group of Native Americans, had a very advance cultural, and a social hierarchy.... Show more content on ... Men were placed higher than women and most families only had relationships with their father s side of the family. According to the Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation tribal council in the event of a marriage the women would leave her family and go live with her new husband s family. Staff Writer 1. The chief of Algonquin tribes was from father to son heretically passed down from father to son and was not elected by the people of the tribe. Although the chief was respected and revered as the leader he was only a chief in name. He was not responsible to make laws and regulations that his people must follow he was more of a spokesperson for their tribe. Even though every tribe had their own chief the decision making process was extremely democratic in nature. Every person, be it man or woman, was allowed to express their own opinion and beliefs to help come to a consensus agreement. The Algonquins were able to develop this very successful and democratic system through a widespread area and overall the system was
  • 40. Mosaic Dietary Laws Mosaic Dietary Laws By Bryan Leinweber October 31, 2003 Introduction The Mosaic dietary laws, the laws imposed by the directives of Moses on the Israelites, extended from earlier restrictions that had been placed on the eating habits of the human race. The Old Testament is full of directives regarding food consumption and God s law, and even Genesis addresses limitations imposed on certain types of food consumption. Primarily, the restrictions placed on the consumption of certain types of meat, a limitation that continues in rules for maintaining a Jewish kosher home, relates directly to what is viewed as the rules for the holy people of God. The people of God, then, are expected to recognize that God is to be obeyed, ... Show more content on ... The call for prohibition from consumption of pork and some scaleless fish was in fact a consideration based on the belief that unrefrigerated, these could produce considerable illness (11). Though the generalized view was that there was an abhorrent element to these types of meat or animals, the development of regulations regarding their consumption may have been more protective than anything else. Further, prohibitions were also placed on the consumption of meats from animals that consume other animals. It was believed, for example, that animals that are carnivorous could spread their evil spirit to the people who eat them. But there was little evidence of a directive from God for this and there was distinct permission given to the people of Israel under the leadership of Noah to consume animals following the great flood (Genesis 9: 2 3). The prescription for distinguishing between clean and unclean animals, then, occurred as an element of the belief in the need for sacrifice of animals at the altar of a temple (before a priest) (Exodus 16:3) (12). The ... provisions ordained for the sacrificial worship of God in the Mosaic code clearly indicate a central Temple cultВ… (13). Unclean animals, then, prescribed under the directives in Genesis (7:2 8) relate to the separation of clean and unclean animals following the flood, and the use of clean animals as a part of the sacrificial process of this
  • 41. Diffusion Of Osmosis And Diffusion Osmosis and diffusion are two important processes in the human body that help in the functioning of cells and homeostasis, or maintaining balance within the body. Osmosis is the movement of water from a higher concentration to a lower concentration, and its purpose is to maintain stability between a solvent (water) and a solute. Diffusionis the movement of solutes down their concentration gradient, toward a lesser concentration of solutes, in order to pass a membrane, such as the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane (Tortora and Derrickson 2012). Diffusion requires no energy and is affected by many different aspects including heat, causing the reaction to occur at a more rapid rate, the size of the particle, and the amount of space in which the diffusion must cover (Tortora and Derrickson 2012). Osmosisis a form of diffusion that is more so for water, and both require no energy. The phospholipid bilayer of the cell membraneis a protective barrier against foreign materials that could harm the cell. The membrane is what is defined as selectively permeable (Tortora and Derrickson 2012) because it only allows certain materials get into it, while keeping others from moving out. The bilayer of the membrane has hydrophilic heads, which work well with water, and hydrophobic tails, which repel water. This difference in the head and tails is what causes only certain materials to be able to enter the membrane without help. Materials that can get in are small, gaseous, and
  • 42. 7 Eleven Case Study Seven Eleven Japan Seven Eleven Japan aims for Coexistence and Co prosperity with franchisees, and Coexistence and Co prosperity with society. Seven Eleven Japan will continue to develop our convenience store franchise business based on our fundamental philosophies of Modernizing and revitalizing small and medium sized retail stores and Coexistence and Co prosperity . Our special business characteristics are the foundation of our efforts to build better relationships with our stores while focusing on management support for our partner franchisees, as well as with local communities surrounding them. 14 Seven I Holdings Co.,Ltd. Commitment by the President COO Seven Eleven We are striving for retail industry that... Show more content on ... This franchise chain is founded on Coexistence and Co prosperity with our franchisees. SevenEleven Japan views its franchisees as equal business partners with whom we work together to promote our common convenience store business. We seek to grow and develop together by both profiting and fulfilling our social responsibilities together. We focus on supporting the stable management and improved business results of our franchisees, as well as creating the structures and awareness necessary to their fulfillment as businesses of their social responsibilities. Total number of stores in Japan 12,000 9,690 8,000 10,303 10,826 Seven Eleven 4,000 2003 2004 2005 (FY) Total store sales and ordinary income Total store sales (Nonconsolidated) (Millions of yen) 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 2,213,298 159,639 2,343,177 168,892 Total store sales (Nonconsolidated) 2,440,853 (Millions of yen) 250,000 176,070 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000
  • 43. 2003 2004 2005 (FY) 16 Seven I Holdings Co.,Ltd. The unique structure of our convenience store business, founded on the principle of Coexistence and Co prosperity , led to the success in Japan of new type of business. Seven Eleven Japan has opened a first convenience store based on an unprecedented franchise model founded on the principles of Modernizing and revitalizing existing small and medium sized retail stores and Coexistence and Co prosperity , which was
  • 44. Advantages Of White Noise Machine Best White Noise Machine: Buyer s Guide Noise is something that most people would not associate with a good night s sleep. First of all, we sleep to experience a state of peaceful tranquility that differs greatly from the chaos of our waking day. No one goes to bed thinking, I wish I could still hear my boss shouting at me or I wish my partner could snore louder. However, there is the kind of noise that can block of all the ugly noises that we hear on our head. The sound of the crashing waves of the ocean or the sound of raindrops can have a calming effect on our heads and we would gladly choose them over the sound of passing cars or bickering neighbors. This is precisely the reason why those who are in the business of sleep decided to create a machine that produces calming white noise sounds that can improve the quality of one s sleep. The white noise machine is used as a meditative device to allow the mind to focus on the soothing sound and not on the unfiltered sounds produced by our surroundings. ... Show more content on ... It is easier to stay asleep throughout the night when you are in a quiet bedroom. Portable White noise machines are easy to bring anywhere so you can be assured that you can bring the machine even when you are out of the house. Sets a routine If you are looking for something that can help you with setting up a nightly routine, the white noise machine is a safer alternative than taking medication. It relaxes the mind and allows you to fall asleep using meditative music. Disadvantages of a White Noise Machine User Dependence Those who have set up a nighttime routine involving a white noise machine can become dependent on the machine and can cause them to feel uneasy when they sleep without the white noise
  • 45. Analyzing Friel s Short Story Translations Where there is ambiguity, they ll be anglicized (Friel 277). The short story Translations by Friel, was set in a rule town in Bail Beag Ireland. It portrayed the progress of language and culture between the British and the Irish. About 700 years after the Easter treaty of 1916. The nations were trying to merge together by educating the lower class. Meaning Celtic speaking Irish people. They attempted to tackle this language barrier between the people. Therefore, hedge schools were placed in rural parts of the land, in order to teach English, Greek, and Latin. Along with this new generation came new boundaries. Boundaries, that Maire and Yolland accidentally tested with their love. One could say that it was wrong to force the English ... Show more content on ... A spirit of acceptance, and of change. With this change came new experiences, and cultural differences. Maire knew this all too well, for she had crossed a line. She had allowed her heart to fall in love with an English soldier. Jimmy, gave in site to the real meaning of the story; as he talked about his love for Athena the Greek god of beauty. Jimmy said, Do you know the Greek word endogaemein? It means to marry within the tribe . . . and the word exogamein? Means to marry outside the tribe. And you don t cross those borders casually both sides get very angry. (Friel 308). It was too late though. Maire, and her British lover, Yolland, had already made a scene by leaving the dance together. Although, Irelandwas beginning to evolve it still was not completely accepted to have an Englishman taking up home in the Irish country side. Aside from that, it was not acceptable to see a Englishman running off with a favorable woman into the dark of night. After a night of dancing, and mischief, Yolland went missing. I can only assume he was killed by the Donnely twins. It may be understood that maybe Ireland had not come so far in the past 700 years. Maire was right to say the sooner we learn English, the better. Because now they could advance, and become more powerful. Powerful enough to over come the bondage of cultural obstacles they were facing. I couldn t put it any better than
  • 46. Investigating The Concentration Of A Hydrochloric Acid A... The objective of the lab was to prepare standardize solution (titrant: NaOH) of sodium hydroxide, and to determine the concentration of a hydrochloric acid and KHP solution using acid‐base titration. Standardization is the process of determining the exact concentration (molarity) of a solution. The molarity (M) of a solution is used to represent the amount of moles of solute per liter of the solution. Titrationis one type of procedure often used in standardization process. A titration is a technique where a solution of known concentration is used to determine the concentration of an unknown solution. In a titration, an exact volume of one substance(NaOH) was reacted with a known amount of another substance (HCl). The point at which the reaction was complete in a titration is referred to as the endpoint. We recognized a solution which reached the endpoint: when we saw a solution completely turned into pink color. A chemical substance known as an indicator was used to indicate the endpoint. An indicator is a substance that undergoes a distinct observable change (pink color) when conditions in its solution change. The indicator we used in this experiment was phenolphthalein because Phenolphthalein is a weak acid. The weak acid is colourless and its ion is bright pink. And the solution turned pink when we added a basic solution (NaOH) into the solution because adding hydroxide ions removes the hydrogen ions from the equilibrium which replace them turning the indicator
  • 47. President William McKinley The march of events rules and overrules human action, William McKinley s own words would soon become foretelling for his presidency. On September 6, 1901, at the Pan American Exhibition in Buffalo, New York, President William McKinley reached for another handshake two large bangs interrupted the buzz of voices in the Temple of Music. Eight days later, William McKinleydied from his wounds. McKinley s untimely death shocked the nation and created many changes in the United States as a whole. How and why McKinley was assassinated and what changes occurred due to the death of the President. William McKinley was born on January 29, 1843, in Niles, Ohio. At age ten, he moved with his family to Poland, Ohio. William Jr. was the seventh of eight children. His father owned a small iron foundry which gave young William a strong work ethic and a respectful attitude. William s mother, Nancy, taught him the value of prayer, courtesy, and honesty in all relations. Education in William s early years consisted of attending a school run by the Methodist seminary in his hometown of Poland, Ohio. After graduation he attended Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania for only one term due to illness after his fight with depression and financial difficulties in the family. Financial troubles within the family made it impossible for William to go back to school, forcing him to take a job as a postal clerk and later a teaching position at a school near his home in Poland, Ohio.
  • 48. An Analysis of the Australian Curriculum Introduction With the introduction of the Australian National Curriculum into all education systems across the country, many questions and debates have occurred in reference to its effectiveness. From the often perceived conflicting curriculum definitions to the unfortunate failures of past attempts of curriculum implementation, every member of the community has an opinion on this significant shift in the way Australia thinks of its children s education (Rudd, 2007). The Australian Curriculum however, has attempted to provide answers to these misgivings and societal concern, from an easy to use website interface, transparent developmental process and state/ territory inclusion of common educational individualities. The Australian ... Show more content on ... The Australian political structure and the level of authority the federal government has over state/territory and independent organisations over educational policy, may have been a contributing factor for this lack of committed development and intended eventual nationwide implementation (Marsh, 2010). Learning from previous governments attempts implementing a national curriculum, the federal government from 2009, enacted a series of shaping reforms, with the aim of successfully gaining support and legal authority over the implementation of a national curriculum (Marsh, 2010). The request for state/territory appointed representatives, statements of open consultation in development, through to what Brady and Kennedy (2010) refer to as hard policy , including the establishment of ACARA as a statutory body over all manner of educational policy and the linking of funding repercussions to the implementation of the Australian Curriculum (Schools Assistance Bill, National Education Agreement) has led to all educational organisations agreeing to the use of the impending curriculum documents. Brady and Kennedy (2010) state that no single form of curriculum model is commonly used by developers, therefore using specific components of different models and designing a process that works for the organisation or individuals intent. As such the Australian Curriculum developers
  • 49. Tda 3.1 There are a number of early years options for children aged 0 5yrs, and since the childcare act (2006)has come into play.children between the age of 3 and 4 yrs are entitled for these two years for 15 hours a week, 38 weeks of the year free early year care. A parent may choose to send their child to a nursery school, who cater for 2 to 5 year olds, supplying both childcare and early years education. A nursery is usually attached with a primary school or sure start centre, and provides a stepping stone for children about to start school. Other choices include, preschools and playgroups, at these establishments, parents can claim their free child care. Usually run by volunteers or part of a business, they cater for all aged under 5 yrs, on a part time basis, providing both play and early years provisions. A sure start ... Show more content on ... Day nurseries and playgroups are available to the younger aged under 3 yrs. When a child reaches the age of 4 yrs or 5 yrs they will then most likely begin their education in a school setting, as part of a reception class in a primary school. Primary schools cater for children aged between 5 and 11 yrs. Most parents choose their local primary school for their child, these schools usually consist of both boys and girls, with a single teacher who is responsible for all aspects of their education on a daily basis, covering all subjects, with the help of additional support staff. At the age of 11yrs, a child will move on to a secondary school, until they reach the age of 16 or 18 yrs. There are several different types of secondary education a child can attend. It may be that again their local school is selected for convenience, or parents may select a grammar school, this type of school, will have entry requirements and are usually single sex, girls or boys schools. There are some parents that choose an independent school for their child to attend, these
  • 50. Hard Work Cells Though cells are small and overlooked, they play a crucial role in our existence and survival. Most people remain unaware of the hard work cells do to keep our bodies working properly. It is important that we know all about cells. They are, after all, the world s best composers, and they make up all life. Long ago, in 1664, a scientist by the name Robert Hooke made a discovery that led to several other discoveries regarding cells. Upon looking at a slice of cork through an early version of the microscope, he realized he was looking at small rectangular compartments within the cork. Those compartments became known as cells, derived from the Latin word cella, which means small room. As further efforts were made to investigate these cells, scientists found that they had trouble viewing the inside of a cell. They got it in their heads that cells were filled with a jelly like substance also called protoplasm. For a long while, this was common knowledge among scientists. However, as time passed and microscopes ... Show more content on ... Atoms are the smallest, and are considered to be the most basic unit of the universe because they are found in all living and nonliving things. They are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. There are different types of atoms, but carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms are the more common atoms. Atoms bond together to form molecules, which are also found in both living and nonliving things. For example, if two hydrogen atoms were to bond along with one oxygen atom, they would form one water molecule, hence the chemical formula H2O. Cells are known as the most basic unit of all living things, unlike atoms and molecules. Cells, of course, are made of atoms and molecules. Though it is clear that cells, molecules, and atoms are alike in some ways, their differences are much more
  • 51. The Effel Tower And The Eiffel Tower By Henri Rousseau Henri Rousseau, born in May 21, 1844, was a self taught artist who started his artistic career when he was forty. He began his life working as a clerk, then he joined the French army after being accused of stealing money from his employer. He later moved to Paris and obtained a job working for the French Customs Office, and it was there that he began painting part time. It was really this background of his that allowed his paintings to be original and uninfluenced by traditional painting techniques. Since he was a self taught artist and had no significant experience with painting, he had the freedom to paint as he perceived and as he imagined. Henri Rousseau was a man who liked to exaggerate his life to make himself seem adventurous and exciting. He made up stories about his time in the military and overstated his importance in the Customs office where he worked. This was also reflected in his artwork where manipulated the painting to emphasize beauty and excitement. In 1898 Henri Rousseau painted The Eiffel Tower, and during this time the Eiffel Tower had been opened for just about about ten years so it was still fairly new. The painting features the Seine River and the Eiffel tower perfectly aligned to create a beautiful scenery. In this particular painting he was inspired by both the Eiffel Tower and the Seine River, but in reality, these two attractions never align how Rousseau portrays them. This shows how, like in many of his paintings, Rousseau toyed with the
  • 52. An Effective Tool For Improving Health And Social Care Interprofessional Education Practice is being embraced in many health and social care settings because of its positive effects on all stakeholders service users, parents and guardians, workers, and institutions of learning that are tasked with the responsibility of firmly establishing this health and social care innovation.... The general assumption, as I have noticed through my research, is that IPE is designed as a bridge between the gaps among all professionals involved in caring and providing support for clients in a health and social care settings (Edith Cowan University, 2011). An effective tool for developing efficiency and collaboration among health workers of different professions, IPE occurs when students or workers from two or more professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes (Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education, 2002). Quoting from the Institute of Medicine(IOM), Jones and Phillips in their 2016 article Social work and interprofessional education in health Care: A call for continued leadership, revealed the reason why the IOM recommends that health professionals should be educated to deliver patient centered care as members of an interprofessional team (p. 20). In an attempt to evaluate IPE outcomes for medical professions medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, social work, pharmacy etc. some selected undergraduate students performances were reviewed, and generally
  • 53. The Importance Of Visual Design For Food Photography Now that visual design s importance has been established, a major component of this, especially in food products, is food photography. These images are not only appealing, they must also drive consumers appetites. Important factors must be considered in order to gain attention but also get consumers through the shopping process sooner. An article online outlines the specific technique used in food photography to get attention while being obvious about the products usage and quality (Higgins, 2011). This is important along with design because it gives potential consumers a look at a company s product and may be beneficial for garnering new customers for newer brands. When smaller brands are competing, this is their chance to show off their product and highlight why it may be better than alternatives. Also, people want to see the product, if a product is covered and no image is depicted, the consumer might be more skeptical of the product and its quality. Example of Exceptional Design Packaging: How does typography, graphics, and food photography come together to create a package? In an example by Propercorn, a popcorn snack in the United Kingdom, the owner went through a meticulous process with several creative people to create a sleek package that would be attractive to young women or people wanting to snack without the calories (King, 2015). After photographing the popcorn at different angles and coming up with the perfect graphics, they included a
  • 54. The Big Data Is Preserve Privacy Information Of The... The most important and significant challenge in the big data is to preserve privacy information of the customers, employees, and the organizations. It is very sensitive and includes conceptual, technical as well as legal significance. Any collected information about a person, when combined with other sets of data, can lead to the finding of persons secret and private information. As big data expands the sources of data it can use, the trustworthiness of each data source needs to be verified, and techniques should be explored to identify maliciously inserted data (Jaseena K.U. Julie M. David). Big data gives us a significant opportunity in the field of national security, a breakthrough of diseases, medical researchers, marketing and business analysis, urban planning, and so on. But these exceptional advantages of big data are also restricted by the privacy concerns and the data protection. On the other side, privacy is a huge concern. Critical pieces of information of users are collected and used in furtherance to add value for any businesses. This is done by exploiting the insight in their personal information, and in most of the cases, users are totally unaware of it. The user might not want to share his/ her information. But, it is already being known to the data owner without the consent or even knowledge of it to the user. Unauthorized release of information, unauthorized modification of information and denial of resources are the three categories of security
  • 55. Nurses And Physicians And Physician Assistants It was an uneventful midmorning day, on the general medical floor; a list of patients already drawn out with what needed to be completed during our shift. A group of people huddled together discussing treatment plans and options. At that present time, rounding was just for physicians and physician assistants. But dietitians were recently included, so I got to watch as the providers presented their cases to one another. One individual stood out above the rest as she was presenting to her attending; she was confident, poised, and didn t skip a beat during her presentation. Once the meeting was completed she sat down next to me and we started talking. She introduced herself as Becky, a physicianassistant. Having never heard of the role before, she explained that she does examinations, diagnosing, carrying out investigations, as well as treatments and prescribing. Becky could tell I appeared very interested in this, and asked if I was able to spend some time shadowing to learn more about her role. The next patient she saw, I was able to go in the room with her and watch her examine a new patient, discuss his course of treatment, and follow up with the attending. She took me through the entire process of seeing a new patient from a PA perspective. That was all I really needed to get the wheels in my head turning for a new career. I am currently a registered dietitian and love working in healthcare, but for a long time I have been unfulfilled in my job. I wish to maximize my
  • 56. My Ethnography Essay PHOTOGRAPHY; MY NEWFOUND LOVE While others claim that photography captures the inner soul of a person, or deliberately defines it as painting or writing with light, but in my case, it is just simply a newfound love hobby. I undeniably adore and look up to expert photographers I encounter down the road may it face to face or the other way around. In my heart, I silently desire that someday, with hard work, determination, and perseverance, I will become professional and famous as they are. Since my husband bought a Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) as an anniversary gift, my penchant for photography commenced and ignited. Let me detail the essential truths behind my passion over photography. Firstly, it captures the beauty of arts, people, and nature. In fact, it captures the soul of every living creature that escapes the people s naked eye, permeating the core of their hearts. It enlivens prosaic sceneries and environs. That being said, photography makes people see the beauty and magnificence of God s creation. This world is such a beautiful dwelling, and it just takes lenses to show it to the people who have the deepest appreciation of arts and beauty of nature, and even to those who have not grasped yet how stunning ... Show more content on ... In addition, photography does it pivotal role by showing people the realities of life. One relevant example to this is photojournalism. Through photographic presentation, people are informed of the real situations of the stories about the real situations around the globe, may it be good or bad news. It is very easy to understand news or stories with photos attached to them. Therefore, photography is a powerful communication tool that embeds social happenings to the human awakening, with no other form of media can
  • 57. Personal Narrative Of A Survival Story Survival story HI I am Anthiny and I am 27 years old. And today I am going to tell you my survival story. It all started on may 1st 8:30pm I was getting dirt and rock from mauna Loa for information for a scien team I work for. I was with my dog maya at the time she was a new dog she was about one or two at the time a strong dog I would say. I was collecting all day. I got tired so I wanted to head back I reached into my pack to grab my walkie talkie but it was not there I thought HO NO, I had left my walkie talkie at the place I ate. I could not go home if I did not have the walkie talkie if go home i could not feed my dog STOP! i thought dont think that way they will come when they relize I am gone. Well i am all alone now you cant ... Show more content on ... I woke up not knowing were i was my dog was right nexed to me they did not come i said well lets keep walking we walked for a wile till i saw a large peace of rock stickind out of a nuther rock shade i thote yes sweet shade i went over and sat down under the rock i called my dog to come over and i fell a sleep i woke up very hungry it was hunid out side but my dog was no were to be seen i walked like 20ft and i looked down and saw it my dog on the grownd with its leg snaped i picked her up and brot her to the shand i throw up it smelt so bad i had never done iny vet wroke befor so i did not relly konw what to do but stare of into space than i tryed to help but i could not so i not do any thing so i raped the leg in my jacet and took a walk to look for food and water i walked for 20 min and i saw a berry bush i thot not wereth it they will come for me soon so i went bck to the shade my dog had fell a sleep so ii raped her leg even titer the nexed few day s i did the same thing till i fielly ate a berry they were bitter but some what sweet i gave some to my dog and she loved them soi ceped eating them in two week i fialy desited to see my dogs leg it had roted so bad i had fell of i was so sary
  • 58. Description Of The Coast Of North America In The Early 1600s The English, French, and Dutch all sent sailors to explore the coast of North America in the late 1500 s and the early 1600 s. They were told to find a Northwest Passage and report it back and the passage was a direct water route between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean through North America. All the explorers could not find it but they had other outcomes and long lasting effects. For example, John Cabot was the first explorer sent to look for the passage and he came for England. He did not find anything but he mapped the coast. The same thing happened to the French hired sailor, Giovanni de Verrazano. He was only able to explore the coast of North America from Nova Scotia to North and South Carolina. The real effects started in 1535 when Jacques Carter started his journey.... Show more content on ... Lawrence River hoping it would connect to the Pacific. Instead, he found a mountain peak which he named Mont Royal or royal mountain which is where Montreal is located today. In 1609, the Dutch hired English explorer Henry Hudson. He first discovered a river which is today the Hudson River. After that, he sailed all the way to present day Albany but did t find anything. A year later, England sent Hudson again. This time, he discovered an enormous bay which today is known as the Hudson Bay. He never found the Northwest Passage. These explorers did not gain a new trade route or any supplies, but they gained knowledge about the geographical features. This eventually led to settlements growing and new features being explored such as the Mississippi River. In conclusion, all of the explorers coming from England, France, and the Netherlands never found what they came for, the Northwest Passage, but instead they gained knowledge about the land such as Mont Royal, the Hudson River, and the Hudson Bay, leading to the new settlements being formed in North America with booming economies and infrastructure, trade, and life alongside the Native