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Essay On Role Of Youth In India
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Essay On Role Of Youth In IndiaEssay On Role Of Youth In India
Censorship Definition Essay
A multitude of countries and organizations use censorship for various reasons. However
something they all have in common is the one providing the censored material does not want the
reader or viewer to know something, whether that be the true state of a country or the real history
of a matter. Censorship is a constant tug a war between two sides for the truth over a subject. This
form of restriction can be observed from the early 1900 s to today s modern times, and can also be
seen worldwide in countries that have little to nothing in common. A vast amount of media is not
prohibited in several countries surrounding the globe. In socialist Venezuela, there is current distress
surrounding the content of student textbooks provided by the government.... Show more content on ...
For example in 1930 Nazi Germany, Nazis burned Jewish writers works, Jewish artwork, and
pretty much anything else derived from the Jewish culture. A similar event can be seen in Mosul,
recently. The terrorist group ISIS also known as ISIL, has been engaging in book rades and so far
have damaged ВЁthree [major] libraries: a Sunni Muslim library, the library of the 265 year old
Latin Church and Monastery of the Dominican Fathers, and the Mosul Museum LibraryВЁ
(University of Mosul history professor). In a Newsela interview with Hakim al Zamili, An Iraqi
lawmaker, there is a potential reason suggested for these violent outbursts these terrorist groups are
performing. According to al Zamili, Islamic State group considers culture, civilization and science
as their fierce enemies. When this is taken into consideration it is obvious why the terrorist group
has been acting out and damaging libraries, due to their housing of books that contain such
subjects. Overall governments, organizations, and those in power often times use censorship in
order to shelter or hide things from people. For example, when a parent is just doing what is best
for their kid and doesn t just let them do whatever they want. There is always a reason, often times
thought to be protection. However it could potentially be more, perhaps manipulation? Whatever
may be the reason censorship will remain a vastly used form of restriction that some may just need
to learn to
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Defense Of A Stronger Mind
Defense of a Stronger Mind
Definitive conclusions from a mass of observances, authors, and philosophers assume to call this
world A mans world. Accusations as these have placed on society, from past to present, a variety
of assumptions towards women and their place in a male dominated society. To this I ask to what
depth can creditability carry one s opinions or observations of said sex or creed to an absolute
certainty? Author Mary Wollstonecraft, in The Vindication of the Rights of Woman
, pursues the
definition of women from their own negligence, to an awakening of a female revolution in
becoming equals in this society. I will first follow Wollstonecraft, in the beginning of an issue of
how the environment plays on women.
As girls, women are taught neither to challenge or question the superiority of men. In this thought
alone, one can believe that the ideological stance of the women of influence present in this time,
pressing these ideas to the youth, have themselves seen circumstances to believe that this idea
would be one to follow. Further, the depth of this idea, prove that women have been hindered by
not only social placing but also ideological constraints of the past. A girl raised in an environment
such as this would surely be hindered of her advancement or even her own idea of a successful
life. Overtly made to feel as less in those instances, this environment essentially strips women of
their individuality, placing thoughts of the ways of or how to become a
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Human Contact Research Paper
Everyone has seen it. There are always those people who are way to busy looking at their cell
phones to pay any attention to other people. These people are so immersed in their screens that
they avoid human contact at all cost. This situation seems to be on the rise with the spread of
technology to all age groups in various social classes. The limitation of human contact due to the
increase of technology has caused a negative effect on people s lives because it lowers the
communicationskills of the average person, and it has made people uncomfortable in social
situations. To begin, technology, causing a decrease in human interaction, has had a negative effect
on people s lives because it lowers the communication skills of the... Show more content on ...
With less practice communicating, people in today s society may struggle with or have lower
communication skills. Communication is one of the most important skills to have, and it needs
to be developed to be successful in life. Next, the limitation of human contact caused by
technology has had a negative effect on the lives of people because it creates an uncomfortable
setting in social situations. With forms of communication that don t require a face to face
conversations on the rise, people have had less experience talking to others in person. This means
even in casual activities like a party, some may feel uncomfortable in the social setting. Also, the
inexperience in communicating may effect people in the professional setting. If someone has a big
pitch to give at their business, the practice of face to face conversations would come in handy
making you more comfortable in those situations. In contrast, some may say that less human
interaction has had a positive effect on the lives of humans because new technology has allowed
people to contact others whenever they need. However, this point may be taken with a grain of salt
because when you use your cell phone to instant message someone, you are able to think over what
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The Role Of Democracy In Ancient Greece
The Greeks, despite never being lead by a single leader are known as a single people. This is due
to the culture that was spread across the landmass of Greece being so similar to each other but
yet the individuals are still highly memorable. Even someone who has not heard of Socrates, the
Persian Wars, or Sparta can recognize things that were heavily inspired by the Greeks. In which I
believe the political system of democracy, the taking down of history, and way that battles in war
occur are the most prominent. In this paper, I will be attempting to cover these ideals in great detail
in an attempt to educate you over this rather mythical topic.
Democracy, easily one of the main backbones of society s around the world and certainly American
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The first historian was a Greek man known as Herodotus, whoВґs legacy only grew larger as time
grew on. Without history, then humanity would be bound to repeat the grave mistakes of the
past. This could range from swimming in a ocean during a lightning storm to something that
could be rather dangerous, such as going to war at a whim. The latter was rather common seen
in the later eras of ancient Greece, between the city states of Sparta and Athens. To have
something like this occurring in today s world between countries such as America and Russia
would have highly negative side effects. As it would greatly decrease the number of human
beings or even living beings alive, if not fully destroying the planet due to nuclear weapons being
used. Technology certainly has improved since the time of the Greeks, but luckily the majority of
humanity has learned that killing off someone just because of a patch of farmland was far from
the best thing to do. Even things such as technology is affected by history. As without it, we
would have to reinvent something every time after the person who originally created it died. The
recording of history that was originally started by the greeks is important because it links us to
those who lived in the past. Which made our lives essentially better than those who came before us.
While many people may say that history is a worthless endeavor
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Essay on Protecting the Target
I ve assigned two officers to Dyanna Montarro s home. I have three other squad cars stationed
there for a time as well. Why not call in the National Guard too? I told you we should have taken
her back for further questioning. And you know what the boss is going to say. What can he
say? Banks saw Nailon pull out a cigarette. Chuck tended to grab them during times of duress. It
amazed her how someone as tough as Nailon felt he needed to smoke in stressful times. C mon,
he said in a sarcastic tone. You know the pencil necked pimp is going to complain, don t you? I
don t care. Frankly, Dyanna Montarro and her daughter are real targets. Gregg s disappeared. He
was likely taken by a mass murderer that may have... Show more content on ...
Or are you referring to the lightening quick response we received from everyone you got to
cover my back after fellow officers and I were shot? That s not fair Rosie. I d do anything for
you. You know, we re partners. But I m not only concerned that you re wrong about Montarro,
but you re unnecessarily reckless. You owe your personal safety if not to your partner but to
your family. What about the victims, Chuck? Banks understood Nailon s point. Banks had a
family; a wonderful husband and her precious six year old daughter. She was already writing
letters to Santa Claus. And she just learned to dance with some rhythm to some Rock n Roll
songs. She was the light of Rosalie Banks life. But she admitted to herself that she had sworn an
oath as did Chuck. They deserve our best Chuck. It s why we re here. Nailon stepped away and
glared at two officers. He growled, What are you looking at? Get back to work. He stared back at
Banks. Their eyes met and instantly pulled away. After a minute, Banks spoke. We ve no
physical evidence of Julia or Warren s death. Nor do we know of their whereabouts. There s some
blood but no bodies. No bodies from anyone. If there was any, they ve all disappeared. Any ideas?
Not really. I ll want to speak with Dyanna and interview Hector. There was a comment he feeds
people to rats. Hector probably
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The Ballistic Missile Submarine
As one of the most powerful nations in the world The United States must protect its borders and
interest more than most countries. With the threat of nuclear war lingering in our domain, the
United States counters this spreading issue with the ballistic missile submarine to provide strategic
deterrence. Ballistic missile submarines have been important to the United States and Russia, as
well as other nuclear powers, since the beginning of the Cold War. Ballistic missile submarines can
evade satellites and discharge their nuclear munitions with little interference. This allows them to be
protected from a first strike directed against nuclear forces, permitting each side to maintain the
capability to launch an overwhelming retaliatory assault, even if all surface based missiles have
been obliterated. Furthermore, the deployment of extremely accurate missiles on quieter
submarines permits an attacker to advance closer to an adversary s coast and launch its missiles.
The ballistic missile submarine is the corner stone of the United States nuclear triad. It is also the
only survivable portion of the triad due to the ballistic missile submarines ever changing locations
and patrols. Much is classified about this stealthy monolith s technology and operating procedure.
But its development from the USS Nautilus to modern day Ohio Class ballistic missile submarine
is well known by other nations who fight to keep up with the United States projection of power.
The Ohio Class ballistic
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Comparing Symbolism In Meursault And Luke s Utopian
Rebellious tendencies have always been a vital necessity to society in order to fuel the
revolutionary spirit that frees the oppressed. As societies live in the dark, neglected from the hope
light provides, the thirst for rebellion becomes so strong it ignites a need for an uprising within the
society. The freedom of light not only can be used to reshape traditional beliefs and show the
potential in a society, it can also threaten the truthsocieties have already established. Messianic
figures, Meursault and Luke, provide societies salvation through their role as antiheroes; but unlike
Luke, who unites the fellow prisoners through hope, Meursault is condemned by his peers by
mistaking his merciful actions as menacing.
Luke and Meursault both live in a chaotic world, surrounded by ... Show more content on ...
Living in a society surrounded by corrupt authority, Luke and Meursault attempt to free their
imprisoned peers through the salvation of the hope and truth they represent as Christ figures.
Luke is surrounded by prisoners governed by a dictator that stripes all hope of freedom,
replacing it with a life in fear of laws. Luke, the 37th prisoner, is foreshadowing his messianic
roles by being one above the system he is trying to break. The number 37 is symbolic for the
book of Luke 1:37; nothing is impossible for God. Although Luke in the movie is envious of
God, he steps in the role of Christ to prove to the prisoners that anything is possible also showing
he is greater than God. The prisoners look to luke as unbreakable and are often tested by the
guards to show the camp that the hope Luke stands for is a false hope, but Luke symbolically
representing the light God is, and a God like light can t be dulled. This parallels the role of
Meursault in The Stranger, because although he fears light, he stands for the light that truth
provides. Meursault is surrounded by peers that have been brainwashed by the government and
have already established
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In Plato S Euthyphro, Socrates And Euthyphro Discuss The
In Plato s Euthyphro, Socrates and Euthyphro discuss the nature of piety. Euthyphro first proposed
that piety is that which the gods love. His proposal was quickly objected by Socrates though, since
the gods often disputed amongst themselves and therefore what one loves can be what another
hates. Euthyphrothen revised his hypothesis to say that piety is that which the gods love
unanimously and for the moment this was their conclusion. This definition however, that piety is
what the gods love unanimously, further proposed the question of whether the gods love the pious
because it is pious or whether the pious is pious solely because the gods love it. If it is true that
the gods love the pious because it is pious then the definition of... Show more content on ...
In saying that things are not good by virtue of any rule of goodness but solely by virtue of the will
of God, it seems to me that we unknowingly destroy all of God s love and all his glory. For why
praise him for what he has done if he would be equally praiseworthy in doing the exact contrary?
(1)Therefore there must be some moral standards independent of God that would be right or
wrong regardless of his being. This conclusion creates another problem, it could mean that God
has no freewill as he can not then act outside of the presupposed good morals and therefore can
not make his own decisions. If there are moral standards independent of God and his will then
that would limit God s sovereignty. It binds God to something that makes him not independent.
Instead of the good being established by him he is established by what is good and in essence a
new god is created. This is used as a common argument for atheism, For if morality can exist
without God there is no need to answer for the inherent sense of morale that humanity has in some
context no matter what culture they are raised in.
There are also those who would believe in the divine command theory, otherwise known as
voluntarism. One philosopher named Duns Scotus held the opinion that the ten commandments do
not all follow the natural law. In other words not everything God commands the world to obey is
inherently morale to the world. Scotus believed that while
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Menstruation History
During menstruation throughout history, the progression of menstrual products has subjugated
women to unimaginable methods. In ancient Egypt, women used softened papyrus tampons, while
the Greeks utilized lint wrapped around small pieces of wood, and the Romans wore pads and
tampons made of soft wool. Considered impure in the Jewish culture during biblical times, the
proclivity of physically separating women from men during menstruation is habitual, as well as any
object they touched or sat on. These fads were perpetuated in Europe in the 1800s. With a more
natural approach, women during this period allowed their menstruation to bleed into their clothing.
Creatively, women used homemade pads in America, during the 1900s, similar to baby diapers:
Others wore menstrual pad belts secured by suspenders.... Show more content on ...
The three major organic companies that sell natural menstrual products are GladRags, Natracare,
and Organic Essentials. On the go, these small companies offer disposable cotton pads and organic
tampons. While others may consider as taboo, reusable alternatives are made of Cloth, sponge or
menstrual cup; safer for the environment and the consumer. Many of these non commercialized
menstrual products do not contain dioxin or pesticides, unfortunately, they vary in price as well as
accessibility, from limited marketing and awareness. Ruminating the options by consumers, cultural
and economic factors play a role. For over a decade, commercialized products have conveniently
been available through the media and advertising. Even more important to note, natural feminine
hygiene products are available and considered a safer approach to menstruation. Preserving the
health of the female anatomy should be considered, for the benefit of future
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Indonesia Needs Sex Education in Order to Combat Unwanted...
A. Reproductive health services have and currently do struggle against obstacles including religious
beliefs, governmental policies, educational shortcomings, and governmental financial
circumstances. With the increase in reproductive health medicine and technology, an increase for
the global standard of living, and women s rights movements worldwide, global access to
reproductive health services is becoming more and more of a priority. Topics such as abortion and
form of contraception are highly debated. Indonesia is the world s most populous Muslim majority
nation, with almost 86.1% of Indonesians declared Muslim according to the 2000 census. 8.7% of
the population is Christian, 3% are Hindu, and 1.8% Buddhist or other ( Demographics... Show
more content on ...
This will help prevent infant fatalities, infant malnourishment, and maternal fatality during birth.
C. Indonesia s proposition to achieve these goals and to provide global access to reproductive
health services is quite simple. The committee should make a resolution which requires
governments to create and fund a board which is given the task to provide the citizens of the
country (ranging from youths to young adults to adults to the elderly) with adequate education in
relation to sexual intercourse and the consequences of intercourse and all other sex related issues.
The board would also provide various contraceptives for either free (funds permitting) or as
discounted as possible. The board would have to provide various contraceptives in order to meet
the standards of the individual receiving the contraception s religious beliefs. This would help
significantly reduce sexual related problems seen in today s world, such as abortion, STDs, and
unwanted pregnancy.
Topic #2
A. It is easy for large countries with powerful governments to abuse their rights to eminent domain
when given the task of hosting a mega event such as the Olympic Games or FIFA World Cup
. In the
past countries have abused this right and found ways around the current international laws that
protect the property rights of the people of the nation. The countries have not provided equal
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Walt Disney World s Theme Parks Have Changed Their...
Walt Disney World s theme parks have recently changed their pricing strategy to demand based
pricing (Barnes, 2016). Demand based pricing is when consumer demand or perceived value is
used to set the price of the service or good (Boundless, 2017). Demand based pricing is well
known for being used in the hotel and airline industry. It was not until early 2016 when Disney
decided to make the switch to this as well (Sampson, 2016). Ticket prices now cost up to 20%
more during holidays and weekends (Barnes, 2016). Seasonal changes were also included, where
peak tickets for visits during December, Spring break, and July weekends come at a higher price
(Barnes, 2016). A three tiered system based on the date of the visit was... Show more content on ...
Direct and indirect competitive brands for pricing strategy
The anticipation of heightened demand dynamically affects admission price for theme parks. Walt
Disney World and Disneyland recently introduced variable pricing in 2016 so that park tickets
will cost more during holidays and peak period weekends. This only applies to one day tickets,
and not multi day packages. Disney s major competitor, Comcast s Universal Studios, has also
adopted demand based pricing. One difference though, is that their system provides incentives
for visiting on off peak days, and/or booking tickets online in advance. Guests can get $5 to $20
off the walk up price, with the bigger discounts saved for midweek, low demand periods. A
variety of other discounts, packages, and promotions are available to guests that are all designed to
bring down the per day admissions cost for visitors, while simultaneously ensuring a longer stay for
guests. A longer stay is a win win situation because it means more money spent overall at theme
parks, restaurants, hotels, and gift shops.
SeaWorld has still struggled to bounce back after the loss of visitors from its killer whale
controversy, and the boom of expansions with its competitors. SeaWorld has very price sensitive
customers. Disney s customers are less price sensitive , said Robert Niles, editor of (Pedicini, 2016). SeaWorld said it moved away from discounting too
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Essay On Jingles
Jingles are a type of rhyme, and they ve been around for quite a long time. They were initially
utilized as a part of publicizing in 1928, when a radio ad asking Have Your Tried Wheaties? hit
the air, as per writer Steven Karman in his book Who Killed the Jingle? Since then, jingles have
been an essential piece of both publicizing and mainstream culture, in spite of the fact that the
utilization of the jingle is at present in decrease as more organizations swing to famous tunes to
advance their items. Music has turned into a vital piece of the promoting instrument s extension.
With the heightening utilization of TV and radio as the mean of speaking with the purchasers,
music furthermore, jingles can t be dismissed. Music can ... Show more content on
In terms of memory the main motivation that jingles are utilized to advance items is that publicists
know jingles individuals to recall the business. When talking about the repition. Jingles make
redundancy a stride further. In the wake of listening to a jingle a few times as a major aspect of an
advertising effort, buyers will regularly make their own particular reiteration, murmuring the tune
or singing the words in their mind. In some cases the minor sight of the item can trigger the
expressions of the comparing jingle. Jingles can tackle their very own existence, appearing in
prevalent media, for example, melodies, motion pictures and in online informal organizations. The
outcome is extra item advancement at no expense to the organization. In case of proven Jingles
work. While notice companies are as yet testing the impacts of numerous types of promoting,
history demonstrates that plugs that join jingles are frequently compelling. For branding, Jingles
are a successful subordinate to visual promoting with regards to making a brand. Individuals who
are not ready to unite a smart logo to your image may recollect an appealing tune great. Put the
name of your company or item in the jingle, and your organization will always be connected with
the going with words, the length of audience members are presented to the jingle enough
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Troubleshooting Centerfire Rifle
Troubleshooting centerfire rifles, there seems to be a few similar problem areas throughout the
different types of rifles. Failure to feed, failure to eject, failure to extract and misfire are the
some of the most common failures, usually from being worn out, misuse or not properly being
maintained with routine maintenance. Identifying what the problem is the best area to start to
troubleshoot the cause of the failure. Failure to eject can have several underlying issues
depending if it is a semi automatic, bolt action, lever action or slide action. The most common
failure common across these types rifles is the ejector spring is a week, broken or gummed up from
oil, dirt and grease. For a bolt action rifle the other possible failure is... Show more content on ...
I must admit I have never heard of a Ruger Scout Rifle until reading this article. Looking at the
diagrams it kind of reminds me of M 14 carbine with a modern upgrade. Call me old fashion but I
am not sold 100% on synthetic stocks for rifles, except of course the AR 15 platform. I will have
to seek out a Ruger Scout Rifle and see what it is about. As far as the article this week it does not
give any troubleshooting advice on the Ruger Scout, but does offer some solid advice on the
disassembly of the rifle. The author is very adamant not to open then firing pin assembly as this
is restricted to the factory. This is due to very powerful springs and the need to proprietary tools.
It appears the biggest headache in disassembling the Scout is the forward mounting screw and
lug. A very effective tool is the California Torque Wrench with a hex adapter, it is designed to be
used with super tight screws. The action cannot be removed until these two screws are removed.
Once the screws are removed the action can be slowly lifted to assure the barrel and receiver
remain level. The magazine well and trigger guard as pushed downward to separate from the stock.
To remove the bolt, rotate the bolt handle upward and pull bolt to the rear while swinging the bolt
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Lolita Figurative Language
The most obvious feature of Lolita, and the main reason for its staying power, is Humbert
Humbert s striking, complex, and enchanting prose. Humbert diverts the reader from his ugly
actions, as a pedophile, with his pretty words. He goes beyond ordinary prettiness; his constant
wordplay and verbal games force the reader to concentrate on language rather than on him. With
his ability of enchanting words and wordplay, he develops the ability to freeze time and in turn
freeze Lolitain her nymphet state. When Humbert describes Lolita playing tennis in minute detail,
he succeeds in locking her into endless nymphet state. Every time he revisits her through prose, he
is able to maintain that nymphet state his memory. Humbert writes Lolita in a... Show more content
on ...
In the early stages of this novel, when Humbert Humbert first sees Lolita in the grass he is
instantly taken back to his childhood love, there was my Riviera love peering at me over ddark was the same child the same frail, honey hued shoulders, the same silky supple bare
back, the same chestnut head of hair... (39). He uses his words to relive and revive his adolescent
love of Annabel. HH objectifies Lolita by focusing on the nymphet assets he finds so exciting
though he rarely addresses her inner mind or feelings. He notes her bad moods and bad manners,
Humbert nevertheless remains convinced of Lolita s connection to Annabel, adolescent romance
from his younger years. The connection is important to Humbert and Humbert alone; this
strengthens his belief that only a man like himself could truly understand the rareness of a nymphet
like Lolita. This thinking diminishes Lolita to a secretly held idea of Humbert s and this denies her
the chance to grow in her life. The disconnect between Humbert s passionate yet diminishing view
of Lolita the nymphet and Lolita the girl is found in Humbert s language; which glamorizes the
unglamorous point of view of a pedophile. Humbert describes his illicit desires with sophisticated,
striking prose; making the ideas attractive instead of what would otherwise be vile. This effect of
language is particularly notable when Humbert masturbates against Lolita. Despite the troubling
nature of
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Victorian morality describes the moral views and social...
Victorian morality describes the moral views and social expectations of people living at the time of
Queen Victoria s rule from 1837 to 1901 which completely contrasted any morality in pervious eras.
Victorians encouraged hard work, morality, social respect and religious conformity. Today, the term
Victorian moralitycan describe any set of values that exercise sexual restraint, intolerance of
criminality and a strict social code of conduct. The word Victorian has a wide range of
connotations, most specifically the high moral standards, but today the Victorian erais usually
associated with prudishness and repression .
Victorian etiquette is confused with a lack of understanding. During this era, people referred to
arms and ... Show more content on ...
The response was a sustained social effort to intimidate, shame and drive fallen women off the
street as dangerous and condemned to disease and death.
Families were considered the most important to Victorians. Families were large relative to the
modern family; it is typical to have five or six children. Upper and middle class families usually
lived in big and comfortable houses. Each member in a separate area and the parents made sure
the children were taught to know their place . For parents, the education of their children was the
most important responsibility. They believed that a child must know ethics to become a proper
adult. A common saying in that time was Spare the rod and spoil the child . The family system is
very much patriarchal: male dominated. However, challenges to attitudes towards sexual relations
and the role of women are posed by New Woman .
In the Victorian Era women were seen as fitting in the domestic sphere , and this stereotype required
them to provide their husbands with a clean home, food and the ability to raise children. Women
were expected to be obedient, devoted and possess extreme levels of maternal care. The New
Woman, however, was a feminist ideal that rose in the late nineteenth century which had a
significant influence on feminism directly into the twentieth century. The term New Woman was
invented to describe the growing number
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Women And Women s Political Status
Traditionally, politics has been a gendered occupation. Men and women have been socially
constructed to believe only men are capable of political representation. The problem lies within an
institutional bias, where unnatural distinctions have been put in place from a young age. In New
Zealand, the presence and contribution of women have been pivotal to the make up of
contemporary party politics. Achieving parliamentary recognition and political representation
peaked during the 1970s when the country was experiencing large changes in its economic and
social environment. Through activism and pressure groups, women were able to seek recognition
in New Zealand s political domain. The change to Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) eased the
access of different political groups to parliament, improving the representation of minority groups
such as women that have been under represented in politics. Proportional representationoffered new
opportunities in terms of policy change through women s political participation. It has, however,
been argued that the structure of proportional representation has been a hindrance toward a
significant step forward for women s political participation. This essay will discuss to what extent
the contribution of women through time, coupled with the shift to a new electoral system in a
changing social environment, has been a step forward for women s political participation in New
Zealand party politics.
Kate Sheppard and other suffrage campaigners
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The Best Meals At Sabores De Espana
Spain. A beautiful, majestic and alluring country with authentic food and delicious delicacies. It
is impossible to resist the fresh, local flavours involved in making Spanish dishes. Sabores De
EspaГ±a offers quality services and authentic food that you will surely enjoy. We think of this
restaurant as a way to enjoy any meal, at any time of the day and we also have healthier options
depending on your lifestyle. Each dish at this restaurant is made with spices, flavours and more
importantly, love. As Virginia Woolf once said, One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if
one has not dined well and here at Sabores De EspaГ±a, we make sure you have the best meals at
a reasonable cost every time you visit us! About the restaurant:... Show more content on ...
We require dinner reservations prior to any dinner. If you are in for some quality time with your
loved ones, then our casual dining is ideal for you. Casual dining is family friendly, relaxing, and
we also provide games for children, such as crossword puzzles, colouring books etc. to keep your
children occupied. The atmosphere is casual, laid back, and satisfying. We serve good quality food
at a low cost and we also proffer cheaper deals for children. We have two 55 inch televisions on
both sides of the room. On one side, we will be showing Spanish themed programs so clients will
have an opportunity to learn something about Spain. On the other television, we will be playing
some sports or news which would interest clients.
At Sabores De EspaГ±a, we have slightly altered uniforms than the traditional ones. For the casual
dining and the fine dining staff, both men and women are required to wear a white shirt with the
restaurant logo on it. Each staff member will have a red and yellow striped belt, representing the
flag of Spain. They will be required to wear black jeans (men and women) or black skirts with tights
underneath (women).
At Sabores De EspaГ±a, we provide a lot of services. For the actual dinner, we have two areas: Fine
dining and casual dining. In addition to that, we also have an event floor/ banquet hall for parties
or events. It is located on the second floor and has a capacity for up to 600 people. The floor itself
is wood parquet flooring
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The Power Of Tyranny
Tyranny is harsh absolute power in the hands of one individual, like a king or dictator. People are
worried about tyranny because there are many types of tyranny. One ruler who takes all the power
for himself of herself is an example of tyranny. Tyranny by the many is another example when the
majority denies rights to a minority. The Constitution is a set of basic principles that determines the
powers and duties of a government. The constitution of the United Statesguards against tyranny by
making three branches that are separate and distinct in the government structure. (James Madison,
Federalist paper #47, doc B James Madison, Federalist Paper #51, 1788, doc C )
After the failure of the AOC, the US needed a government with enough power
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Trends In College Sports
Rutgers Trending: Down
Despite winning their first conference game of the season by 23, Rutgers still remains on the
down trend. While they avoided joining Boston College as the only Power 5 schools to go winless
in conference play, Rutgers still had a season to forget. They enter the Big Ten tournament as the 14
seed with very little chance of winning any games in the tournament.
Minnesota Trending: Down
A bad season gets worse for Minnesota as they lost by 25 points to Rutgers on Saturday. To shoot
30 percent from the field against a team ranked 272nd in field goal percentage against only begins
to show how bad this loss is. Minnesota reached a high point of the season after beating Maryland
on February 18, but player suspensions and bad ... Show more content on ...
Their 8 10 conference record does include a victory over Wisconsin and an overtime loss to
Maryland (ranked number seven at the time.) While they have had a sub .500 Big Ten record in
every season since 2003 2004, 20 wins in a season is no small accomplishment. A BPI of 71 puts
Northwestern in the territory of bubble teams Temple, St. Bonaventure and LSU, and a first round
matchup against a slumping Michigan team gives Northwestern a chance for a quality win to build
Michigan Trending: Down
Michigan is among Joe Lunardi s First Four out, and will likely need two wins in the Big Ten
tournament to feel better about their tournament chances. After starting conference play 7 2
Michigan has gone 3 5 and 1 4 against ranked teams. They do not have a loss to any team ranked
below them in the conference, but only have two wins against teams ranked above them. The
Michigan Wolverines are the pinnacle of the adage beat who you are supposed to beat but they will
likely need to beat some better teams in the conference tournament if they want to go dancing in
Ohio State Trending:
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Nancy Bayley Essay
Nancy Bayley was a key player in the study of child development throughout her long career.
Nancy was born September 1899 in the Dalles, Oregon. Bayley did not go to public school until
she was eight years old due to poor health. When she did start school, she was able to catch up
very quickly. She attended the University of Washington with plans on teaching English. She
took an introductory psychology course taught by Edwin R. Guthrie, a well known behavioral
psychologist, which sparked her interest in the field and she decided to continue studying
psychology. She completed and received both her bachelor of science and master or science
degrees in psychology at the university of Washington. In 1926 she had her master s thesis
published in Pedagogical Seminary and Journal of Genetic Psychology. Also in 1926 Bayley
acquired her doctorate from the university of Iowa. With her doctorate, she decided to further her
research on mental and physical growth and early mental abilities. Bayley s career spanned over
60 years, where she worked on many well known studies of development.... Show more content on ...
While at Berkeley, she also held positions at Stanford University. Bayley is best remembered for
her work on the Berkeley Growth Study. The Berkeley Growth Study wanted to better understand
the standards of behavioral development and physical growth at different ages. It was a 40 year
longitudinal study that measured development in 74 subjects from infancy through adulthood.
Bayley used data from this study to help connect infant size with later adult size. In 1940, the
results were published as tables used to predict adult height, within one inch, based a child s height
and skeletal range. The tables became important tools for pediatricians and endocrinologists
diagnosing and treating growth
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Unit 2 Numbers Research Paper
Numbers, simple lines connected to each other in different ways. Yet these simple
configurations of lines have created the basis for all living things. Measurements of any kind
require the use of these mere human constructs. The numbers 185463 are no different: they re
just numbers. However, humans are able to understand them in so many different ways. The
two most important numbers 1 and 8; 18 proves itself to be a multiple of the other two pairs of
digits. For example, 18 goes into 54, which is the combination of the second digits in the
number. The last two digits, 36, are also divisible by 18 which is the inverse of the third digit
pairing in the series. In addition 18 is divisible by 9, which is also a characteristic of the other
two terms. It can also be shown that every sequential pair of digits add up to 9. It is more clearly
shown with an example. The first two numbers, 1 and 8, add up to 9. The next two numbers, 5
and 4, add up to 9, and also the next two numbers 6 and 3 also add up to 9. The numbers... Show
more content on ...
As mentioned, the number 185463 contains a fractal which adds to the idea of the beauty in
numbers. Fractals in nature include seashells, snowflakes, and lightning; all very beautiful sights,
and seeing that there is a fractal in this number it promotes the idea of how beautiful numbers can
be too. When this number first came to my attention my first impression was that it was an amount
of something. This is very reasonable because numbers determine every subject on this earth, the
importance achieved from these numbers is through their contribution to society. The number
185463 represents an amount of something, possibly a salary, chairs in an inventory, and maybe a
population in a certain city. There are so many different possibilities that can be created with the
use of this number, just look a little closer and you can discover the power and beauty of all
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How Presidents Have Too Much Power
Most of the specifications for the executive branch in the Constitution, other than how he is to
be elected, have to deal with the interactions between Congress and the President. The president
can (fill in the blank) but only if (this part) of Congress approves. The powers of the president
have been interpreted widely so that he has more power than I believe the Framers intended.
They wanted him to be able to check Congress with veto power and be the head of the military.
However, I think that presidents nowadays have too much power. They are active in trying force
their policy agenda through Congress, manage foreign relations, and act as the administrative
head of the entire nation. The textbook lays it out well in, The vast size of the executive branch
and the number and complexity of decisions that must be made each day pose a challenge for the
White House. (316) In order to deal with the stresses put on the executive branch, there are
thousands of employees that work to give the president the information that he needs to make
decisions. He has advisors, cabinet members, legislative liaisons; the list goes on and on, but he
is the person who actually gets to make all of the choices. The President is limited in some ways
and given more power in other ways by the structure laid out for him in the Constitution, and
evolved to be what it is now. Based on the way that the President s office was created, the makeup
of the Congress can present a challenge or an
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Federal Prison Reform Case Study
With consequential reprehensible policies, mass incarceration became a significant political issue
prompting the need for federal prison reforms and solutions to an ongoing crisis. California voters
initially passed the three strike law in 1994, but the consequences of the massive increase in inmate
population, degradation of state prisons, a federal order to reduce the prisonpopulation, and fiscal
budget cuts to government programs led to the shift in the political consciousness of the public.
Likewise, since 2009, thirteen civic engagement programs were initiated to represent and mobilize
communities most impacted by implemented policies (Smith 2014). In 2012, voters approved
Proposition 36 that aimed to modify some of the aspects of the
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Catheter Related Blood Stream Infection
Catheter related blood stream infection is very common to patients receiving haemodialysis
treatment. Although catheters provide vascular access, they put the patients at risk for developing
local and systemic infections. Dialysis CRBSI can be obtained during insertion in the operating
theatre and handling of the catheterby the health care team post insertion. Causes include improper
technique in hand washing, breaking principles of aseptic technique when managing catheters and
contaminated supplies. It is quite tough to describe and to put a figure on the occurrence of dialysis
CRBSI despite the presence of standardised procedures in every institution. One more concern
would be the systems for reporting cases of CRBSI among dialysis... Show more content on ...
The appraisals ran for four weeks during September 2010 in all dialysis units mentioned earlier.
The outcome of the audits on clinical practice which involved forty occasions of CVDC
procedures revealed differences in routine practice. Nurses differ greatly in maintaining
cleanliness of work area before opening the sterile supplies, preserving the dressing set s sterility
and if proper hand scrubbing was either finished or not before touching the catheter. There were
also instances when either the patient or the nurse coughs and talks while the catheter was out in
the open. Documentation audit results which included charts of fifty five patients with CVDC
demonstrated significant contrast of medical records in the bedside to the electronic database in
the unit. It appears that logging of insertions and removals were done obediently on the
electronic database compared to bedside medical records which accounts to merely 10 percent
of catheter site appearance recorded and just 55 percent on documented CVC catheter care for
each treatment. Based from the end results, the working party devised a standardised routine for
managing central venous dialysis catheter in order to decrease differences in practise as well as
to warrant evidence based practice. A standard haemodialysis treatment form has also been
adjusted to include a part wherein the observations regarding the catheter exit site as well as
dressing could be examined and recorded in every session of dialysis.
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Naturalism In Long Day s Journey Into The Night
The trope of naturalism in western theater have readdressed the form of dramatic arts from the
royal narrative and biblical tales to stories of commoners that the audience can actually relate to.
Naturalism also allows the distinction of tragedy and comedy to dissipate by developing a plot
that focuses on a day to day occurrence. This convention is represented by playwrights who are
writing in a more colloquial voice with stories about the middle class or working class, and their
struggles. Naturalism gave birth to the works of Eugene O Neill and Edward Albee that pushes
the nuance of dysfunctionality and addiction to its extreme in works such as Long Day s
Journey Into The Night and Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. The two playwrights zoom in
towards a domestic issue that were driven a lot by each character s desire for happiness and the
disappointment that are not being expressed appropriately that drove them to an addiction as
form of escape from the reality. The two plays place a tragic maternal figure who escapes their
unachievable idea of happiness through a facade of lies in the forefront of the narrative. In
Long Day s Journey Into The Night, Mary Tyrone s ideal happiness comes from her sense of
nostalgia and what defined her happiness when she married Tyrone while Martha s imaginary
son and her inability to face the reality of a dull life of being married to a university professor are
what became of her tragic downfall at the end of Who s Afraid of Virginia
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Inaccuracy In Genetic Testing
Although researchers and scientists always aim to develop further beneficial advancements,
some of them might be as harmful and still controversial as they are supposed to be beneficial.
Genetic technologies are advancing at a very high rate. For example, genetic testing is widely
available nowadays. It is a test that identifies whether an individual is carrying the gene for a
specific disease or disorder. Through genetic testing, parents can be provided with genetic
information about the health of the fetus by simply taking a blood sample and testing it.
However, implications arise as genetic technology is not very accurate. Although a positive
result indicates a higher possibility of carrying the disease or disorder and a negative result
indicates a lower possibility, there is always that other possibility of a false result (Women s
Health Care Physicians). Inaccuracy in genetic testing causes a controversial question on whether
individuals should risk the choices by trusting and basing their life on nothing but expected
results. Even more concern is caused due to rejections of going through genetic testing and
consequently, a possibility of giving birth to a defected baby and not taking benefit of the
technology. Many agree that not taking a genetic test avoids a lot of the emotional issues and
stress that could arise with the results. Others believe that this technology should play a major part
of everyone s life as it allows individuals to be more aware of the
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Week 4 Individual Work
1. Why is the HRM role so much more complex, and important in the international context?
(Chapter Nine). Corporations operating overseas need to pay careful attention to this most critical
resource, one that also provides control over other resources. In fact, increasing recognition is being
given to the role of Strategic Human Resource Management(SHRM) that is the two way role of
HRM in both helping to determine strategy as well as to implement it. That role in helping the
organization to develop the necessary capabilities to be able to enact the desired strategy includes
the reality strategic plans are developed in large part based on the resources possessed by the firm,
including the human... Show more content on ...
Tolerance for ambiguity: making decisions with less information and more uncertainty about the
process and the outcome.
Multiple perspectives: learning to understand situations from the perspective of local employees
and businesspeople.
Ability to work with and manage other: learning patience and tolerance realizing that managers
abroad are in the minority among local people: learning to communicate more with others and
empathize with them26
Source of Facts: (26). N.J. Adler, International Dimensions of Organizational
Behavior,4th.ed.(Boston: PWS Kent.2002)
4. What are the reasons for the small numbers of female expatriates? What more can companies do
to use women as a resource for international management? (Chapter 10). While women s
advancement in global companies is impressive, it is still true that more than others there are
limitations on managerial opportunities for women in their own country some more than others
there are even more limitations on their opportunities for expatriate assignments. Research on
expatriate assignments continues to show that females are disproportionately underrepresented in
expatriate assignments.58 The lack of expatriates who are females or represent other minority
groups doesn t
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India s Development Of Agriculture Essay
Table of Contents
Topic Justification
Scope And Limitations
IIITractor sales
IVGrowth in different segment
IVIndian agricultural machinery
V Population dynamics in agriculture
VI Conclusion
VII References Introduction
India is an agricultural country. Seventy percent of its people live in villages. One third of our
National income comes from agriculture. Our economy is based on agriculture. The development
of agriculture has much to do with the economic welfare of our country. Agricultural market is
continuously increasing for the past couple of decades in India as the technology is developing.
The continues increasing demand of food products has resulted in the increased demand of food
grains and thus has increased the use of farm machinery in rural areas. India is seeing the
movement of labour from rural to urban areas which with the demand of increasing production
efficiency in food product is the evidence that there is a future for farm mechanization in India.
Make in India is an initiative of the Government of India, to encourage companies to manufacture
their products in India. Companies like John Deere, New Holland, Mahindra Rise, TAFE have
started increasing their operations in India. It is very clear that the Western model of agriculture
can t support our Indian agriculture like heavy mechanized, less labor oriented, chemical based,
high input agriculture. Three quarters of the world s farmers cultivate small
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Viking Impact On Northern England
The term Viking is essentially defined as a person who lurks in a vik or bay. The name Viking
was given to those of a Scandinavian race, who became known for their raids and settlements of
Europe between the years of 700 and 1100. Stereotypically, Vikings are habitually referred to or
regarded as barbarians, heathens and savage north men with no concept of Christian integrity, they
were considered as lacking reputable mannerisms and their presence in Englandwas that of a
punishment by the Lord himself. In this essay I will be exploring the Vikings impact on the history
and identity of Northern England. It is significant to note that the modern perception of what is
Northern England differs to that of the Northern England during the era of Scandinavian raids, and
that the amount of evidence available is primarily of English origin. Despite this,... Show more
content on ...
It is documented in the Anglo Saxon chronicle, that on June 8th c.793 the Vikings made their first
raid on Britain, coming ashore to Northumbria and sacking Lindisfarne, a sacred Christian site.
During the 8th century, Lindisfarne was inhabited by monks who were responsible for the creation
of the Lindisfarne gospels, in conjunction with this, the monastery was home to many religious
artefacts, bestowed by noblemen as a gift to God. Lindisfarne is particularly significant as it was
the only bishopric in Northumbria for a period of 30 years, gaining
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BSE Sensex and Foreign Institutional Investment Study
Descriptive research is undertaken for study. Data collection was done from the website of BSE
SEBI of last two years. SOUCRES OF DATA:
SECONDARY DATA Secondary data for the study.
пЃ¶Internet site
Business statistics By (S.P. Gupta)
Help of faculty guide and friends.
пЃ¶Statistical tools
Coefficient of correlation
Regression Analysis (R2 )
Historical data from
BSE (01/01/2012 to 31/12/2013 year)
SEBI (01/01/2012 to 31/12/2013 year)
Coefficient of correlation Karl Pearson s coefficient of correlation
The analysis of above data
Coefficient of correlation0.255260872
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The Tale of Bigfoot
The tale of Bigfoot or Sasquatch traces its origins back to the Native American tribes of the
Northwestern part of the United States and Canada. The natives told this tale of a group of giant
hairy wild ape man like people that protect the forests to give reason for respecting nature and
preserve order. Bigfootsightings have spread throughout the United States and the world. Our
fascination with this creature have spiraled into almost mass hysteria among people to find and
prove this creature is real. I decided to observe and analyze the film Bigfoot.
When watching the film Bigfoot created in 1970 directed by Robert Slatzer and starring John
Carradine and Joi Lansing I have made connections to the concepts and theories we have
discussed in class. To name some of these theorists and concepts such as, Mary Douglas theory of
dirt, Aristotle s conceptualization of reproduction, Freud s uncanny and the double, and Ann
Ratcliff s difference between terror and horror. Despite the terrible and cheesy 1970 s effects this
movie is actually enjoyable to watch and the perfect movie for analyzing the theoretical concepts
we have learned throughout the semester. The film was actually shot in undisclosed mountain
wilderness locations where Bigfoot was alleged to have been sighted. The movie begins with a
women Joi Landis (Joi Lansing) having to jump out of her single engine airplane and parachutes
to safety in the dense woods of America s northwest. She is suddenly spooked by a big
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Racial Segregation, By Lorraine Hansberry
Seems like God don t see fit to give the black man nothing but dreams but He did give us children
to make the dreams seem worthwhile, once stated by Lorraine Hansberry. Racial segregation
has been a huge topic in our society. Believe it or not, just a few decades ago African American
people did not have the basic equality rights that white citizens were given. Something as simple
as having a dream to become an author seemed out of reach; even impossible some might have
said. Living in this kind of a world was unfortunately a reality for Lorraine Hansberry. Growing
up she lived in a world of racial segregation and not being giving the same opportunities as fellow
white citizens in the United States. Throughout her life civil rights was a major influence for her.
Hansberry was able to express the unwavering need for civil rights through her literature. Her
poems and plays showed the unjust treatment of African Americans. She was able to make a
difference in her own life, as well as the lives of her audience through her portrayal of pre civil
rights. With this in mind, Lorraine Hansberry was a major author, playwright, and activist during
the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance was a time of rebirth and renewal for the African
Americanpeoples. The African American peoples would express themselves through music, writing,
and art all through an autobiographical standpoint. Because of the Harlem Renaissance, the African
American society was changed forever. The
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Theme Of Theseus Theme
The theme of Theseus is betrayal. Our fellow hero, Theseus abandoned Ariadne, even when she
helped him complete his expedition. She even brought in an architect that built the labyrinth to
help. Theseus finally defeats the beast. He fulfills his promise and takes Princess Ariadne with
him. They stop by an island called Naxos. Princess Ariadnefalls asleep and Theseusditches her and
leave. This is a sign of betrayal. Princess Ariadne went through a lot for Theseus and he leaves her
on an island? That s just harsh. In my opinion, he basically used her to get to the beast. He used her
to complete his mission. Another sign of betrayal is when Theseus banishes his son, Hippolytus
from Athens. Theseus wife Phaedra, (Ariadne s sister) had madly
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Key Question Unit 1. 1)For The Increasing Of Current Funding
Key question Unit 1
1)For the increasing of current funding for atomic structure researches:
Within the last hundred years, the atomic model gone through dramatic changes allowing to apply
the knowledge of matter understanding at atomic level into different industries like medicine such
as MRI and X Ray. This knowledge allowed doctors to treat, diagnose and certainly save millions of
people throughout the years, which could not have been done without research being done on the
structure of the atom funded continuously for these scientists to find more application which
benefit people and comprehend the world we live in on an atomic level.
Against the increase of current funding for atomic structure researches:
The main issue in ... Show more content on ...
4)In NH3 case, from experimental evidence suggests that the nitrogen atom has four identical
orbitals in the shape of a tetrahedron.
The C, central atom, has no lone pair of valence electrons.
The S, central atom, has one lone pair of valence electrons.
b)Since one s orbital combined with three p orbitals, the result is sp3. From these four new
hybridized orbitals three will take part in a bonding. The fourth orbital has 2e while the other 3
orbitals contains only one electron. So when a bonding occurs, the 3 single orbitals bond with
hydrogen s electrons.
c)There is one full orbital in N atom s sp3 and 3 single orbitals, while in C atom s sp3 has 4 single
orbitals ready to bond. The bond with nitrogen will differ from carbon s bond due to the extra
electron in nitrogen.
CaBr2 Ca=1.0, Br=2.9 2.9 1.0= 1.9
Na3N Na=0.9, N=3.0 3.0 0.9= 2.1
CH4 C=2.5, H=2.2 2.5 2.2= 0.3
CaBr2The difference in electronegativity = 1.9
∆ED 1.7
Ionic compound.
Na3NThe difference in electronegativity = 2.1
∆ED 1.7
Ionic compound.
CH4The difference in electronegativity = 0.3
∆ED 1.7
Molecular compound that contains polar covalent bonds.
c)Non polar covalent bondpolar covalentionic bond
∆ED=00 ∆ED 1.7∆ED 1.7 ∆ED=0.3∆ED=1.9∆ED=2.1
CH4CaBr2Na3N So the most ionic compound is Na3N,
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Black Youth And Its Impact On Our Society
Introduction As our nation heads towards a united stand to build better relationships with other
countries and build a united front with people of different backgrounds, religions and races, we are
shocked to by the fact that there are still extreme prejudices and injustices within our own
communities. We are shocked that a large portion of our black youth from disadvantaged families
are not reaping the benefits of our society. Or they are simply unable to because they are unaware
of the opportunities and they are not available to them. Unfortunately, there are a lack of programs
in our communities that pushes the advancement of our youth. The programs that are available are
either for profit or riddled with other agendas. Today we see more black youth unable to compete at
national levels through education, involved in crimes and forgotten than any other minority. Our
community has collectively forgotten about them only believing that if they themselves can
succeed than that is all that matters. Our plan is to stop this and create a program that will enable
our youth to have a better future. Why this is an Issue: Problems and Statistics faced by Black
families Racial inequality and structural inequality has led our communities into a downward spiral.
The economic crisis has not helped the situation either. It has pushed families further and further
into poverty, homelessness and despair. During a time that we are trying to show the world that we
are united it is shown
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Disadvantages Of Special Education
The definition of special education in the encyclopaedia of children s health declares:
Special education refers to a range of educational and social services provided by the public school
system and other educational institutions to individuals with disabilities who are between three and
21 years of age. Special education is designed to ensure that students with disabilities are provided
with an environment that allows them to be educated effectively. Disabilities that qualify for
special education include physical disabilities, such as deafness or blindness; mental disabilities,
such as Down s syndrome and autism ; medical conditions, such as oxygen dependence or traumatic
brain injury; learning deficits, such as dyslexia ; and behavioural disorders, such as attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorders.
(The encyclopaedia of children s health, 2017, Internet source:
/Special Education.html#ixzz4zu4cTODJ) Considering that, the purpose of this report is to analyse
the main practises and tools that Finnish schools are using in the special education field.
The analysis is based on the observation of three schools in Rovaniemi, done in different classes,
and tries to compare some Finnish methods with the Italian ones.
Ounasrinteen Koulu is a new ... Show more content on ...
It s important to emphasis their skills in the group and not just put them in a lower position as
someone who needs help. Every pupil has his difficulties and strengths and is a teacher important
task to create the right atmosphere to let everybody express their selves in the best way, helping
and supporting each other, but also emerging from the group for the peculiar
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Compare Indonesia And Australian Economy
Transcript: Comparison of the Australian and Indonesian economy
The role of an economy is to effectively make use of a countries resources, thus increasing economic
performance. If economic performance of a country was at a maximum, then the country would
have substantial wealth and therefore purchasing power, which would be available to spend on
allocated departments including: health, infrastructure and military, to name a few. A countries
wealth gives an indication of its living standards, with an increase in wealth it is probable that the
living standards will also increase simultaneously. Although the entirety of the concept of improving
living standards is not solely determined solely by a countries wealth. There are also a number of ...
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Indonesia had a GDP of 868.3 billion international dollars (GDP of Indonesia, 2016) and a GDP per
capita of 3,475.25 international dollars in 2013 (GDP per capita, Indonesia, 2016). The GDP is
primarily used to indicate an economies performance, it is measured by Y = C + I + E + G,
where Y = GDP, C = Consumer Spending, I = Investment made by industry, E = Excess of
Exports over Imports, G = Government Spending (Birch T, 2016). The GDP per capita is
calculated by the GDP of a country, divided by the population of a country. The GDP and GDP
per capita are very vital indicators of an economies progress. A rise in GDP shows that there an
increase of value in an economy or there is a higher income or rise in expenditure which implies
that there is a rise in the standard of living of the citizens and due to rise in income there will be a
higher spending on various goods and services like healthcare, education, etc. Therefore as
Australia s GDP is higher than Indonesia s there is an indication of higher living
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Advantages Of A Virtual Team
Quite simply, a team is by the Merriam Webster s Dictionary as a group of individuals working
together to achieve a common pre defined goal. Traditional teams consist of individuals working
in physical proximity, the same office building or city. A virtual team refers to a group of
individuals who are geographically dispersed, but are united by a shared goal through the use if
informational technologies. (McShane, p. 208) A virtual team consists of talent across cities,
provinces, cultures and time zones. Like all with all team structures there are advantages and
disadvantages to working in a virtual team for both the individual and the organization.
Advantages: Cost savings The biggest advantage of a virtual team is the cost savings.
Organizations can do away with huge amount of expenses for travel, office space, etc. It allows
for problems or projects to be completed by a diverse group of individuals from across the
company. By having team members that are chosen global a solution to a problem will take into
account how it impacts the organization as a whole not just one geographical area. The same goes
for the potential solutions they will be global not just region specific. Team Diversity Virtual
Teams allows organizations to look for talent beyond their country of origin. They can bring
together experts and specialists from across the globe to work together on one specific project or
have them work together continuously. By doing this there is an increase
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Pro Death Penalty Speech
Good day ladies and gentlemen. I would like to thank all of you for coming out today and hope you
are all enjoying the croissants and Starbuck s coffee provided as a courtesy of your great state.
Please allow me to introduce myself before we get started. My name is Slick Perry and if you didn
t already know, I am the state governor of Texas. You are all aware that we are reviewing our
recidivism rate to various crimes and reviewing our stance regarding the death penaltyas we
approach 2009. Everyone here understands that capital punishmentis a very controversial topic in
the United States. In Texas, from December 1982 through August 2008, only 361 criminals of the
millions of Texans in our good state were executed for the wickedest... Show more content on ...
Keep in my mind that in Texas only the most vial and cruel criminals are placed on death row, and,
who are the most deserving. The consequences of the Supreme Court s 1972 ruling voided 40 death
penalty statutes, thereby commuting the sentences of 629 death row inmates around the country,
45 from Texas and suspending the death penalty because existing statutes were no longer valid.
However, this ruling went against the U.S. public majority where, in fact, over 55% of U.S. citizens
were in favor of the death penalty. Some states rewrote their death penalty laws to address the
unconstitutionality of giving juries complete discretion in sentencing by setting a mandated capital
punishment for those convicted of capital crimes. The Supreme Court ruled in Woodson v. North
Carolina (1976) this was also unconstitutional. A different approach by some states was to introduce
mitigating and aggravating factors when determining sentencing where, in 1976, the Supreme
Court ultimately approved. The Supreme Court also held that the death penalty itself was once
again constitutional under the Eighth Amendment allowing states a new dawn for a better society.
On January 17, 1977, the suspension of the death penalty officially ended with the execution of
Gary Gilmore in Utah, by firing squad, and that same year the introduction and use of the new
kinder gentler lethal injection was
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Mardi Gras
Celebrating Mardi Gras in New Orleans is on many people s bucket lists.
Mardi Gras falls on a Tuesday (Fat Tuesday). For an entire month before the Catholic holiday of
Ash Wednesday, the entire state of Louisiana is in carnival mode, and there is no mistaking when
this special time of the year begins in New Orleans. During carnival, the faint but rhythmic sound
of marching bands in the distance seems to be almost constant. Parades both big and small fill the
streets almost every day. Walk by any local bakery and you re almost guaranteed to catch a
cinnamon whiff of the traditional King Cakes that true NOLA residents only eat during carnival.
Homes and other buildings all around the city are decked out in purple, yellow, and green, and the
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My friend and I put on our homemade glittery t shirts, wigs, and light up headbands with stars.
We made a sign for me to hold up with big, bold letters that said, Throw it in the hole and it had a
medium size bucket inside the hole to collect beads and treats. we were Basically doing anything
and everything possible to stand out among the crowds. Contrary to what movies and TV shows
teach you, at Mardi Gras parades they throw out some goodies far more interesting than flimsy
Each parade during Mardi Gras is put on by a type of social club known as a krewe. The krewes
have events throughout the year, but Mardi Gras is the big deal they all prepare for. Between all
the beads they throw at the parade they will also throw stuffed animals, Frisbees, cups and all
sorts of random things that are personalized with the name or symbol of that specific krewe.
People will literally jump over you and trample you with no shame to get those.
We ve all heard of the festival being a scene with women flashing for beads and I totally expected
the streets (especially Bourbon Street) to be filled with half naked drunk people. What I found
instead, were elaborately dressed festival goers of all ages celebrating, laughing and expressing
themselves through music, art, and dance. While many costumes and signs were humorous and
outrageous, I never once felt anything other than love and positivity around
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Japanese Scholars View of the Shinto Religion
The Shinto religion is seen in two different lights by Japanese scholars. One is the view that the
role of Shinto in Japanese history as a periphery religion and reliant on Buddhist ideals for its
success. The other is that Shinto may seem to be a very primitive religion, but it has also
maintained a long history of rituals and institutions that represent Japanese culture and its ability to
absorb other religions and cultures. Both arguments are relatively strong, however I argue that
Modernization mixed with consolidation of the Shintobelief system during the Meiji Reformation
played a major role in separating Shinto from other religions, primarily Buddhism. While it may
have been dependent on Buddhism in the past, during the Meiji Restoration Shinto was clearly
separated out from any other religions and put on a pedestal. I will first describe how Shinto was
largely believed to be an extension of Buddhism before the Meiji period, and then I will outline the
many possible causes as to how Shinto began to solidify during the Meiji Reformation. The clearest
description of the relationship between Buddhism and Shinto, pre Meiji period, can be seen in the
honji suijaku theory that was popular during the Edo period. According to this theory, Kami, the
animistic spirits in the Shinto religion, acted as protectors of Buddhist divinities. This already
places the Shinto spirits at a lesser position to that of the figures in the Buddhist faith, and was
popularly practiced at
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Implementing New Loan Programs For An Earthquake
The recession that we are currently undergoing had affected and continues to affect different
business entities. One example is Countrywide, a mortgage lender corporation. In the fiscal year of
2001, 2002, and 2003 Countrywide experienced record earnings. Countrywide achieved this by
implementing new loan programs that enabled them to defeat competitors. However, for several
important reasons, decision making managers need to understand different managerial skills in
order to avoid undesirable outcomes that may compromise the company s and manager s future.
Managing requires the understanding of specific skills such as effective decision making, making
successful people decision, communicating with or without the organization, properly using
controls and measurements, skills in budgeting and planning, and skill in using modern tools and
concepts of information technology. All decisions are risky. Every decision is a commitment of
the current resources with unpredictable and unknown future. If the most insignificant detail is
disregarded in the process, a decision will collapse just like a bad built building in an earthquake.
On the other hand, if a decision is closely observed and all required steps are taken, the risk will be
reduced and the decision will have a great chance of success. Good decisions makers recognize the
appropriate time to make a decision. The hardest part of making decisions is choosing the right
decision for the current problem. A right
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The Issue of Accounting Entity Definition in Regards to...
The UK public sector has been transformed over the past few decades. In an increasingly global
economy, the main lever by which central governments can influence the success of the domestic
economy is by ensuring its public sector operates efficiently. The central governments of the
developed economies have adopted similar change agendas to transform their public sectors. These
change agendas entail the introduction of new structures, new kinds of organizations and a
reinvention of many parts of the public sector. The intention of successive governments has been
the creation of a New Public Sector , which is more strategic and corporate in its thinking. This
New Public Sector is intended to replace a public sector characterized by... Show more content on ...
Despite of that definition, the creation of an accounting entity is also a political process with
potentially huge implications. Kurunmäki states that the boundaries which describe an
organization as an economic unit separate from other units are not as clear cut, natural or fixed as
the accounting entity assumption implies . To which extent does NOMS now fulfill the above
described requirements? What are the issues involved in the representation of NOMS as an
accounting entity? By defining NOMS as an accounting entity, the financial controls involved seek
to limit accountability to the very institution which is fair to say and in line with the so called
market based New Public Sector reforms (Arnold, 1991). As a consequence, NOMS has to face the
challenge to act within a managerial, instead of an administrative culture. When looking for
example at healthcare reforms throughout Western Europe during the late 1970s and 1980, we find
out that before introducing those reforms and seeing hospitals as accounting entities, several
problems occurred: Poor management followed by arm s length management, with organizational
actions guided by practices rooted in a rationality that privileged professional or clan over
bureaucratic or managerial forms of control (Kurunmäki, 1999). These associated problems could
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Scapegoat Trevon Analysis
Once upon a time, there was a scapegoat TreVon. Let me tell you the story. TreVon was a small
little boy who always got in trouble so he was the perfect scapegoat. It was a fall morning in late
October. The leafs so the tree begun to change color. TreVon got up for school as usual. Little did
he know his whole life was about to change in the blink of an eye. He always got things blamed on
him because he was the youngest, but he could never imagine this.
TreVon was rushing to get out the door. He knew if he missed the buss one more time he was
going to be in big trouble. He s older brothers Luther and Jaron never favored him anyway. So they
did not care if he missed the bus. TreVon was very smart kid but he wanted to be cool so he did not
care about his grades. The boy s mother worked 13 hour shifts at a old mill house. His mother
Mary did not like TreVon outside during the late hours of the night. Today was the day he probably
wished he ... Show more content on ...
He walked over to TreVon and his friends wanting to know why they were out so late on a
school night. As he got close he could smell the smoke even stronger realizing the smoke was
from the kids. He asked the group who brought the cigarettes. Nobody answered him, so he said,
I guess I will have to call everybody s parent . Blake pointed at TreVon and said, Officer he gave
us the smokes . TreVon looked confused in the face. Wondering why Blake would lie on him like
that, he thought they were friends.
Officer James took TreVon home. He explained to TreVon mother Mary that her son was caught
at a park smoking. He did not even get a chance to say anything. Mary said to the officer i will
handle him and pulled TreVon in the house. Mary made TreVon clean the whole house. He was not
allowed to leave the house for anything. His mother quit her job and stayed home to home school
him. His friends never heard from him after that
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The Ethical Dilemma Of Hepatitis Sachs Disease
Often times in a complex situation individuals are involved in conflicting decisions to progress
to a solution. The ethical dilemma may conflict with acceptable morals or behaviors but to
resolve the paradox a decision has to be made. D.B. s parents are faced with an ethical dilemma
when they discover their son has an incurable disease. They could allow the illness to take its
course or seek a form of treatment to slow its progression.
Ethical Dilemma
D.B. was born May 30, 1999, with a condition most commonly known throughout the Eastern
European Jewish community. Tay Sachs disease is a condition caused by a lack of
hexosaminidase A (Hex A) enzyme in the brain used to breakdown gangliosidosis (GM2) enzymes
or the brain begins to swell, ... Show more content on ...
would recover and have a chance to survive the disease. The parents made a decision for their son
in hopes the odds would be in his favor.
ANA Code of Ethics
Provision two, four, and six are a few ethical principles relevant and applicable to the situation. The
healthcare team respected the clients wishes, committed to the client s health, took accountability
for care and practice, and contributed to the healthcare environment. Provision Two: Primary
commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group, community, or population.
Provision Four: Authority, accountability, and responsibility for nursing practice; makes decisions;
and takes action consistent with the obligation to promote health and to provide optimal care.
Provision Six: Through individual and collective effort, establishes, maintains, and improves the
ethical environment of the work setting and condition of the employment that are conductive to
safe, quality healthcare. (Hegge, 2015).
Relation of the ANA Code to the Dilemma
American Nurse Association Code of Ethics principles relates to the care provided for the client
while under supervision of the healthcare team during their dilemma. The healthcare team
establishes principles to abide by in order to provide optimal, safe, efficient care for their clients.
The team successfully met the goals of the fourth provision by making decisions and taking action
consistent with the obligation to promote health
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Motifs In Creation Myths
In my opinion, 3 of the most common motifs in creation myths are: the creation of humans, step by
step myths, and using parts of a god for a planet. I think these are the few motifs are usually used
the most in the different cultures. Although, these cultures did not know each other or talk they are
still connected by these motifs, along with other things. The creation myths may share some of the
same principles and concepts, but there is also more that they share. These next few paragraphs will
explain why I think that these motifs were used. I will also explain what I think the most used
motifs are, and the cultures that used them.
The creation of humans In certain creation myths, the creation of humans was difficult. In some ...
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The Chinese creation myth starts out with an enormous egg containing chaos. The chaos had raged
on the inside of the egg. Yin and Yang, which were swirled together, along with all the other
opposites. Then, the egg burst open and Pan gu jumped out. After coming out of the egg, he then
separated yin and yang and began forming the earth. For about 10,000 years, Pangu grew 10 feet
every day, until the sky came to the point where it was 30,000 miles above ground. When Pan gu
had stopped growing, he then began to hammer out the mountains. Pan gu filled the valley with
water to form the great oceans. He made/created the rivers with his fingers, and he stomped the
Earth and dirt down to create flat land. He had gathered light and, tossed it into the sky so that it
could become the stars. After all of this, Pan gu had grown old and tired (This was about 18,000
years after), he made the world with his hands; along with forming the basic principles of yin
and yang. Pan gu decided to lay down, but once he laid down, he never rose again. When Pan gu
died, his body formed the tallest mountains, his skull had formed the sky, his hair the flowers and
plants, his bones turn to jade and pearls, his arms and his legs were the four directions. After this,
his blood became the rivers, and his breath became the wind. His voice became the thunder, and
both of his eyes became the sun in the
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A Simple Phone Call One Night After Dinner
It all began with a simple phone call one night after dinner. Joe, my father hollered up the stairs,
it s for you. Its jackie, and she sounds upset. as I came downstairs to pick up the phone, I was not
happy. I was tired and had looked forward to a nice quiet evening at home, not another stupid
adventure with Jackie. Thirty minutes later, however, Jackie s silver Mustang convertible
swung into our driveway, and Jackie was leaning on the horn before the car came to a full stop.
Grabbing my coat from the couch, I walked out my front door with all the enthusiasm of a man
going to stand before a firing squad. I m really not in the mood for this today Jackie. as Joe entered
the car. Jackie clearly had not heard him as she was playing... Show more content on ...
Yea, what about it? It s been there forever. as she crept closer. The house had been there since i
was a kid, it seems to be vacant. We pass it every day on the way to school but just today Jackie
is dragging me out here to look at it. Look at the window, do you see that? jackie asserted while
keeping a safe distance from the house. What is that? I questioned as I squinted to see the
window. Then my eyes caught it, the one window on the entire house contained a circle with an
A through it, Anarchy. It s probably nothing I assured Jackie. I was giving Jackie false hope. In
the early 60 s and 70 s this town had applied a government of Anarchy. The two who began this
apocalyptic cult, were Jackies parents. During that time the government fell apart as Jackies
parents implemented this form of society. There was so little government and law restriction
that all crime became considered legal. Eventually the Army intervened and broke up the chaos.
Jackies parents disappeared and were never heard of again. Lets go, we don t have to be here i
offered. No, lets go in Jackie exclaimed blatantly. Jackie, what if there s someone in there? as
Jackie picked up a small rock. Well, time to find out. as Jackie threw the rock and smashed the
window. We waited, staring at the window for any sign of
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Measurement And Criteria For Selecting A Cdn
Measurement and criteria for Selecting a CDN The original purpose of measurement in CDN
network is to judge whether the CDN network has the ability to provide customers with desired
content and service. performance implications of data center consolidation by the same CDN is
important because it eliminates a possibility that unrelated issues in different CDNs could affect
the results[11]. .The measurement is achieved with a combination of hardware and software based
probes distributed around the CDN, as well as using the logs from various servers within the CDN
[13]. There are five critical quality metrics. Cache hit ration means the ratio of the amount of cache
document divide The total documents. If a CDN network exploits an efficient... Show more content
on ...
External measurement using a third party to informs customer of content that the performance
verified. There distributed many computers which are used for measurement connected through
main internet backbones in several different cities. These computers measure if the specific Web
site perform well from the end user s viewpoints. Information Group is often involved in the
external measurement. It is often act as evaluator by analyzing several parameters in a CDN
network, the parameters include scalability, manageability, area of coverage, the degree how easy it
can be used, budget. For both the internal and external measurement, depend on the types of
parameters, different networks statistic acquisition are exploited. For instance, t Traffic monitoring
is a measurement technique where the traffic between the client and the surrogate is monitored to
know the actual performance metrics[13]. Network probing is a measurement technique where the
possible requesting entities are probed in order to determine one or more metrics from each
surrogate or a set of surrogates[13]. Surrogate servers can also send feedback to help acquire the
data for CDN. In order to obtain the CDN status information, networks statistic acquisition are
employed rely on a number of metrics. Stimulation measurement Stimulation tools are always used
to measure performance of CDN. In stimulation measure, no actual hardware are involved in this
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Essay On Role Of Youth In India

  • 1. Essay On Role Of Youth In India 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Role Of Youth In IndiaEssay On Role Of Youth In India
  • 2. Censorship Definition Essay A multitude of countries and organizations use censorship for various reasons. However something they all have in common is the one providing the censored material does not want the reader or viewer to know something, whether that be the true state of a country or the real history of a matter. Censorship is a constant tug a war between two sides for the truth over a subject. This form of restriction can be observed from the early 1900 s to today s modern times, and can also be seen worldwide in countries that have little to nothing in common. A vast amount of media is not prohibited in several countries surrounding the globe. In socialist Venezuela, there is current distress surrounding the content of student textbooks provided by the government.... Show more content on ... For example in 1930 Nazi Germany, Nazis burned Jewish writers works, Jewish artwork, and pretty much anything else derived from the Jewish culture. A similar event can be seen in Mosul, recently. The terrorist group ISIS also known as ISIL, has been engaging in book rades and so far have damaged ВЁthree [major] libraries: a Sunni Muslim library, the library of the 265 year old Latin Church and Monastery of the Dominican Fathers, and the Mosul Museum LibraryВЁ (University of Mosul history professor). In a Newsela interview with Hakim al Zamili, An Iraqi lawmaker, there is a potential reason suggested for these violent outbursts these terrorist groups are performing. According to al Zamili, Islamic State group considers culture, civilization and science as their fierce enemies. When this is taken into consideration it is obvious why the terrorist group has been acting out and damaging libraries, due to their housing of books that contain such subjects. Overall governments, organizations, and those in power often times use censorship in order to shelter or hide things from people. For example, when a parent is just doing what is best for their kid and doesn t just let them do whatever they want. There is always a reason, often times thought to be protection. However it could potentially be more, perhaps manipulation? Whatever may be the reason censorship will remain a vastly used form of restriction that some may just need to learn to ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Defense Of A Stronger Mind Defense of a Stronger Mind Definitive conclusions from a mass of observances, authors, and philosophers assume to call this world A mans world. Accusations as these have placed on society, from past to present, a variety of assumptions towards women and their place in a male dominated society. To this I ask to what depth can creditability carry one s opinions or observations of said sex or creed to an absolute certainty? Author Mary Wollstonecraft, in The Vindication of the Rights of Woman , pursues the definition of women from their own negligence, to an awakening of a female revolution in becoming equals in this society. I will first follow Wollstonecraft, in the beginning of an issue of how the environment plays on women. As girls, women are taught neither to challenge or question the superiority of men. In this thought alone, one can believe that the ideological stance of the women of influence present in this time, pressing these ideas to the youth, have themselves seen circumstances to believe that this idea would be one to follow. Further, the depth of this idea, prove that women have been hindered by not only social placing but also ideological constraints of the past. A girl raised in an environment such as this would surely be hindered of her advancement or even her own idea of a successful life. Overtly made to feel as less in those instances, this environment essentially strips women of their individuality, placing thoughts of the ways of or how to become a ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Human Contact Research Paper Everyone has seen it. There are always those people who are way to busy looking at their cell phones to pay any attention to other people. These people are so immersed in their screens that they avoid human contact at all cost. This situation seems to be on the rise with the spread of technology to all age groups in various social classes. The limitation of human contact due to the increase of technology has caused a negative effect on people s lives because it lowers the communicationskills of the average person, and it has made people uncomfortable in social situations. To begin, technology, causing a decrease in human interaction, has had a negative effect on people s lives because it lowers the communication skills of the... Show more content on ... With less practice communicating, people in today s society may struggle with or have lower communication skills. Communication is one of the most important skills to have, and it needs to be developed to be successful in life. Next, the limitation of human contact caused by technology has had a negative effect on the lives of people because it creates an uncomfortable setting in social situations. With forms of communication that don t require a face to face conversations on the rise, people have had less experience talking to others in person. This means even in casual activities like a party, some may feel uncomfortable in the social setting. Also, the inexperience in communicating may effect people in the professional setting. If someone has a big pitch to give at their business, the practice of face to face conversations would come in handy making you more comfortable in those situations. In contrast, some may say that less human interaction has had a positive effect on the lives of humans because new technology has allowed people to contact others whenever they need. However, this point may be taken with a grain of salt because when you use your cell phone to instant message someone, you are able to think over what ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Role Of Democracy In Ancient Greece The Greeks, despite never being lead by a single leader are known as a single people. This is due to the culture that was spread across the landmass of Greece being so similar to each other but yet the individuals are still highly memorable. Even someone who has not heard of Socrates, the Persian Wars, or Sparta can recognize things that were heavily inspired by the Greeks. In which I believe the political system of democracy, the taking down of history, and way that battles in war occur are the most prominent. In this paper, I will be attempting to cover these ideals in great detail in an attempt to educate you over this rather mythical topic. Democracy, easily one of the main backbones of society s around the world and certainly American ... Show more content on ... The first historian was a Greek man known as Herodotus, whoВґs legacy only grew larger as time grew on. Without history, then humanity would be bound to repeat the grave mistakes of the past. This could range from swimming in a ocean during a lightning storm to something that could be rather dangerous, such as going to war at a whim. The latter was rather common seen in the later eras of ancient Greece, between the city states of Sparta and Athens. To have something like this occurring in today s world between countries such as America and Russia would have highly negative side effects. As it would greatly decrease the number of human beings or even living beings alive, if not fully destroying the planet due to nuclear weapons being used. Technology certainly has improved since the time of the Greeks, but luckily the majority of humanity has learned that killing off someone just because of a patch of farmland was far from the best thing to do. Even things such as technology is affected by history. As without it, we would have to reinvent something every time after the person who originally created it died. The recording of history that was originally started by the greeks is important because it links us to those who lived in the past. Which made our lives essentially better than those who came before us. While many people may say that history is a worthless endeavor ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Essay on Protecting the Target I ve assigned two officers to Dyanna Montarro s home. I have three other squad cars stationed there for a time as well. Why not call in the National Guard too? I told you we should have taken her back for further questioning. And you know what the boss is going to say. What can he say? Banks saw Nailon pull out a cigarette. Chuck tended to grab them during times of duress. It amazed her how someone as tough as Nailon felt he needed to smoke in stressful times. C mon, he said in a sarcastic tone. You know the pencil necked pimp is going to complain, don t you? I don t care. Frankly, Dyanna Montarro and her daughter are real targets. Gregg s disappeared. He was likely taken by a mass murderer that may have... Show more content on ... Or are you referring to the lightening quick response we received from everyone you got to cover my back after fellow officers and I were shot? That s not fair Rosie. I d do anything for you. You know, we re partners. But I m not only concerned that you re wrong about Montarro, but you re unnecessarily reckless. You owe your personal safety if not to your partner but to your family. What about the victims, Chuck? Banks understood Nailon s point. Banks had a family; a wonderful husband and her precious six year old daughter. She was already writing letters to Santa Claus. And she just learned to dance with some rhythm to some Rock n Roll songs. She was the light of Rosalie Banks life. But she admitted to herself that she had sworn an oath as did Chuck. They deserve our best Chuck. It s why we re here. Nailon stepped away and glared at two officers. He growled, What are you looking at? Get back to work. He stared back at Banks. Their eyes met and instantly pulled away. After a minute, Banks spoke. We ve no physical evidence of Julia or Warren s death. Nor do we know of their whereabouts. There s some blood but no bodies. No bodies from anyone. If there was any, they ve all disappeared. Any ideas? Not really. I ll want to speak with Dyanna and interview Hector. There was a comment he feeds people to rats. Hector probably ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Ballistic Missile Submarine As one of the most powerful nations in the world The United States must protect its borders and interest more than most countries. With the threat of nuclear war lingering in our domain, the United States counters this spreading issue with the ballistic missile submarine to provide strategic deterrence. Ballistic missile submarines have been important to the United States and Russia, as well as other nuclear powers, since the beginning of the Cold War. Ballistic missile submarines can evade satellites and discharge their nuclear munitions with little interference. This allows them to be protected from a first strike directed against nuclear forces, permitting each side to maintain the capability to launch an overwhelming retaliatory assault, even if all surface based missiles have been obliterated. Furthermore, the deployment of extremely accurate missiles on quieter submarines permits an attacker to advance closer to an adversary s coast and launch its missiles. The ballistic missile submarine is the corner stone of the United States nuclear triad. It is also the only survivable portion of the triad due to the ballistic missile submarines ever changing locations and patrols. Much is classified about this stealthy monolith s technology and operating procedure. But its development from the USS Nautilus to modern day Ohio Class ballistic missile submarine is well known by other nations who fight to keep up with the United States projection of power. The Ohio Class ballistic ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Comparing Symbolism In Meursault And Luke s Utopian Rebellious tendencies have always been a vital necessity to society in order to fuel the revolutionary spirit that frees the oppressed. As societies live in the dark, neglected from the hope light provides, the thirst for rebellion becomes so strong it ignites a need for an uprising within the society. The freedom of light not only can be used to reshape traditional beliefs and show the potential in a society, it can also threaten the truthsocieties have already established. Messianic figures, Meursault and Luke, provide societies salvation through their role as antiheroes; but unlike Luke, who unites the fellow prisoners through hope, Meursault is condemned by his peers by mistaking his merciful actions as menacing. Luke and Meursault both live in a chaotic world, surrounded by ... Show more content on ... Living in a society surrounded by corrupt authority, Luke and Meursault attempt to free their imprisoned peers through the salvation of the hope and truth they represent as Christ figures. Luke is surrounded by prisoners governed by a dictator that stripes all hope of freedom, replacing it with a life in fear of laws. Luke, the 37th prisoner, is foreshadowing his messianic roles by being one above the system he is trying to break. The number 37 is symbolic for the book of Luke 1:37; nothing is impossible for God. Although Luke in the movie is envious of God, he steps in the role of Christ to prove to the prisoners that anything is possible also showing he is greater than God. The prisoners look to luke as unbreakable and are often tested by the guards to show the camp that the hope Luke stands for is a false hope, but Luke symbolically representing the light God is, and a God like light can t be dulled. This parallels the role of Meursault in The Stranger, because although he fears light, he stands for the light that truth provides. Meursault is surrounded by peers that have been brainwashed by the government and have already established ... Get more on ...
  • 9. In Plato S Euthyphro, Socrates And Euthyphro Discuss The In Plato s Euthyphro, Socrates and Euthyphro discuss the nature of piety. Euthyphro first proposed that piety is that which the gods love. His proposal was quickly objected by Socrates though, since the gods often disputed amongst themselves and therefore what one loves can be what another hates. Euthyphrothen revised his hypothesis to say that piety is that which the gods love unanimously and for the moment this was their conclusion. This definition however, that piety is what the gods love unanimously, further proposed the question of whether the gods love the pious because it is pious or whether the pious is pious solely because the gods love it. If it is true that the gods love the pious because it is pious then the definition of... Show more content on ... In saying that things are not good by virtue of any rule of goodness but solely by virtue of the will of God, it seems to me that we unknowingly destroy all of God s love and all his glory. For why praise him for what he has done if he would be equally praiseworthy in doing the exact contrary? (1)Therefore there must be some moral standards independent of God that would be right or wrong regardless of his being. This conclusion creates another problem, it could mean that God has no freewill as he can not then act outside of the presupposed good morals and therefore can not make his own decisions. If there are moral standards independent of God and his will then that would limit God s sovereignty. It binds God to something that makes him not independent. Instead of the good being established by him he is established by what is good and in essence a new god is created. This is used as a common argument for atheism, For if morality can exist without God there is no need to answer for the inherent sense of morale that humanity has in some context no matter what culture they are raised in. There are also those who would believe in the divine command theory, otherwise known as voluntarism. One philosopher named Duns Scotus held the opinion that the ten commandments do not all follow the natural law. In other words not everything God commands the world to obey is inherently morale to the world. Scotus believed that while ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Menstruation History During menstruation throughout history, the progression of menstrual products has subjugated women to unimaginable methods. In ancient Egypt, women used softened papyrus tampons, while the Greeks utilized lint wrapped around small pieces of wood, and the Romans wore pads and tampons made of soft wool. Considered impure in the Jewish culture during biblical times, the proclivity of physically separating women from men during menstruation is habitual, as well as any object they touched or sat on. These fads were perpetuated in Europe in the 1800s. With a more natural approach, women during this period allowed their menstruation to bleed into their clothing. Creatively, women used homemade pads in America, during the 1900s, similar to baby diapers: Others wore menstrual pad belts secured by suspenders.... Show more content on ... The three major organic companies that sell natural menstrual products are GladRags, Natracare, and Organic Essentials. On the go, these small companies offer disposable cotton pads and organic tampons. While others may consider as taboo, reusable alternatives are made of Cloth, sponge or menstrual cup; safer for the environment and the consumer. Many of these non commercialized menstrual products do not contain dioxin or pesticides, unfortunately, they vary in price as well as accessibility, from limited marketing and awareness. Ruminating the options by consumers, cultural and economic factors play a role. For over a decade, commercialized products have conveniently been available through the media and advertising. Even more important to note, natural feminine hygiene products are available and considered a safer approach to menstruation. Preserving the health of the female anatomy should be considered, for the benefit of future ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Indonesia Needs Sex Education in Order to Combat Unwanted... A. Reproductive health services have and currently do struggle against obstacles including religious beliefs, governmental policies, educational shortcomings, and governmental financial circumstances. With the increase in reproductive health medicine and technology, an increase for the global standard of living, and women s rights movements worldwide, global access to reproductive health services is becoming more and more of a priority. Topics such as abortion and form of contraception are highly debated. Indonesia is the world s most populous Muslim majority nation, with almost 86.1% of Indonesians declared Muslim according to the 2000 census. 8.7% of the population is Christian, 3% are Hindu, and 1.8% Buddhist or other ( Demographics... Show more content on ... This will help prevent infant fatalities, infant malnourishment, and maternal fatality during birth. C. Indonesia s proposition to achieve these goals and to provide global access to reproductive health services is quite simple. The committee should make a resolution which requires governments to create and fund a board which is given the task to provide the citizens of the country (ranging from youths to young adults to adults to the elderly) with adequate education in relation to sexual intercourse and the consequences of intercourse and all other sex related issues. The board would also provide various contraceptives for either free (funds permitting) or as discounted as possible. The board would have to provide various contraceptives in order to meet the standards of the individual receiving the contraception s religious beliefs. This would help significantly reduce sexual related problems seen in today s world, such as abortion, STDs, and unwanted pregnancy. Topic #2 A. It is easy for large countries with powerful governments to abuse their rights to eminent domain when given the task of hosting a mega event such as the Olympic Games or FIFA World Cup . In the past countries have abused this right and found ways around the current international laws that protect the property rights of the people of the nation. The countries have not provided equal compensation ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Walt Disney World s Theme Parks Have Changed Their... Walt Disney World s theme parks have recently changed their pricing strategy to demand based pricing (Barnes, 2016). Demand based pricing is when consumer demand or perceived value is used to set the price of the service or good (Boundless, 2017). Demand based pricing is well known for being used in the hotel and airline industry. It was not until early 2016 when Disney decided to make the switch to this as well (Sampson, 2016). Ticket prices now cost up to 20% more during holidays and weekends (Barnes, 2016). Seasonal changes were also included, where peak tickets for visits during December, Spring break, and July weekends come at a higher price (Barnes, 2016). A three tiered system based on the date of the visit was... Show more content on ... Direct and indirect competitive brands for pricing strategy The anticipation of heightened demand dynamically affects admission price for theme parks. Walt Disney World and Disneyland recently introduced variable pricing in 2016 so that park tickets will cost more during holidays and peak period weekends. This only applies to one day tickets, and not multi day packages. Disney s major competitor, Comcast s Universal Studios, has also adopted demand based pricing. One difference though, is that their system provides incentives for visiting on off peak days, and/or booking tickets online in advance. Guests can get $5 to $20 off the walk up price, with the bigger discounts saved for midweek, low demand periods. A variety of other discounts, packages, and promotions are available to guests that are all designed to bring down the per day admissions cost for visitors, while simultaneously ensuring a longer stay for guests. A longer stay is a win win situation because it means more money spent overall at theme parks, restaurants, hotels, and gift shops. SeaWorld has still struggled to bounce back after the loss of visitors from its killer whale controversy, and the boom of expansions with its competitors. SeaWorld has very price sensitive customers. Disney s customers are less price sensitive , said Robert Niles, editor of (Pedicini, 2016). SeaWorld said it moved away from discounting too ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Essay On Jingles Introduction Jingles are a type of rhyme, and they ve been around for quite a long time. They were initially utilized as a part of publicizing in 1928, when a radio ad asking Have Your Tried Wheaties? hit the air, as per writer Steven Karman in his book Who Killed the Jingle? Since then, jingles have been an essential piece of both publicizing and mainstream culture, in spite of the fact that the utilization of the jingle is at present in decrease as more organizations swing to famous tunes to advance their items. Music has turned into a vital piece of the promoting instrument s extension. With the heightening utilization of TV and radio as the mean of speaking with the purchasers, music furthermore, jingles can t be dismissed. Music can ... Show more content on ... In terms of memory the main motivation that jingles are utilized to advance items is that publicists know jingles individuals to recall the business. When talking about the repition. Jingles make redundancy a stride further. In the wake of listening to a jingle a few times as a major aspect of an advertising effort, buyers will regularly make their own particular reiteration, murmuring the tune or singing the words in their mind. In some cases the minor sight of the item can trigger the expressions of the comparing jingle. Jingles can tackle their very own existence, appearing in prevalent media, for example, melodies, motion pictures and in online informal organizations. The outcome is extra item advancement at no expense to the organization. In case of proven Jingles work. While notice companies are as yet testing the impacts of numerous types of promoting, history demonstrates that plugs that join jingles are frequently compelling. For branding, Jingles are a successful subordinate to visual promoting with regards to making a brand. Individuals who are not ready to unite a smart logo to your image may recollect an appealing tune great. Put the name of your company or item in the jingle, and your organization will always be connected with the going with words, the length of audience members are presented to the jingle enough ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Troubleshooting Centerfire Rifle Troubleshooting centerfire rifles, there seems to be a few similar problem areas throughout the different types of rifles. Failure to feed, failure to eject, failure to extract and misfire are the some of the most common failures, usually from being worn out, misuse or not properly being maintained with routine maintenance. Identifying what the problem is the best area to start to troubleshoot the cause of the failure. Failure to eject can have several underlying issues depending if it is a semi automatic, bolt action, lever action or slide action. The most common failure common across these types rifles is the ejector spring is a week, broken or gummed up from oil, dirt and grease. For a bolt action rifle the other possible failure is... Show more content on ... I must admit I have never heard of a Ruger Scout Rifle until reading this article. Looking at the diagrams it kind of reminds me of M 14 carbine with a modern upgrade. Call me old fashion but I am not sold 100% on synthetic stocks for rifles, except of course the AR 15 platform. I will have to seek out a Ruger Scout Rifle and see what it is about. As far as the article this week it does not give any troubleshooting advice on the Ruger Scout, but does offer some solid advice on the disassembly of the rifle. The author is very adamant not to open then firing pin assembly as this is restricted to the factory. This is due to very powerful springs and the need to proprietary tools. It appears the biggest headache in disassembling the Scout is the forward mounting screw and lug. A very effective tool is the California Torque Wrench with a hex adapter, it is designed to be used with super tight screws. The action cannot be removed until these two screws are removed. Once the screws are removed the action can be slowly lifted to assure the barrel and receiver remain level. The magazine well and trigger guard as pushed downward to separate from the stock. To remove the bolt, rotate the bolt handle upward and pull bolt to the rear while swinging the bolt stop ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Lolita Figurative Language The most obvious feature of Lolita, and the main reason for its staying power, is Humbert Humbert s striking, complex, and enchanting prose. Humbert diverts the reader from his ugly actions, as a pedophile, with his pretty words. He goes beyond ordinary prettiness; his constant wordplay and verbal games force the reader to concentrate on language rather than on him. With his ability of enchanting words and wordplay, he develops the ability to freeze time and in turn freeze Lolitain her nymphet state. When Humbert describes Lolita playing tennis in minute detail, he succeeds in locking her into endless nymphet state. Every time he revisits her through prose, he is able to maintain that nymphet state his memory. Humbert writes Lolita in a... Show more content on ... In the early stages of this novel, when Humbert Humbert first sees Lolita in the grass he is instantly taken back to his childhood love, there was my Riviera love peering at me over ddark was the same child the same frail, honey hued shoulders, the same silky supple bare back, the same chestnut head of hair... (39). He uses his words to relive and revive his adolescent love of Annabel. HH objectifies Lolita by focusing on the nymphet assets he finds so exciting though he rarely addresses her inner mind or feelings. He notes her bad moods and bad manners, Humbert nevertheless remains convinced of Lolita s connection to Annabel, adolescent romance from his younger years. The connection is important to Humbert and Humbert alone; this strengthens his belief that only a man like himself could truly understand the rareness of a nymphet like Lolita. This thinking diminishes Lolita to a secretly held idea of Humbert s and this denies her the chance to grow in her life. The disconnect between Humbert s passionate yet diminishing view of Lolita the nymphet and Lolita the girl is found in Humbert s language; which glamorizes the unglamorous point of view of a pedophile. Humbert describes his illicit desires with sophisticated, striking prose; making the ideas attractive instead of what would otherwise be vile. This effect of language is particularly notable when Humbert masturbates against Lolita. Despite the troubling nature of ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Victorian morality describes the moral views and social... Victorian morality describes the moral views and social expectations of people living at the time of Queen Victoria s rule from 1837 to 1901 which completely contrasted any morality in pervious eras. Victorians encouraged hard work, morality, social respect and religious conformity. Today, the term Victorian moralitycan describe any set of values that exercise sexual restraint, intolerance of criminality and a strict social code of conduct. The word Victorian has a wide range of connotations, most specifically the high moral standards, but today the Victorian erais usually associated with prudishness and repression . Victorian etiquette is confused with a lack of understanding. During this era, people referred to arms and ... Show more content on ... The response was a sustained social effort to intimidate, shame and drive fallen women off the street as dangerous and condemned to disease and death. Families were considered the most important to Victorians. Families were large relative to the modern family; it is typical to have five or six children. Upper and middle class families usually lived in big and comfortable houses. Each member in a separate area and the parents made sure the children were taught to know their place . For parents, the education of their children was the most important responsibility. They believed that a child must know ethics to become a proper adult. A common saying in that time was Spare the rod and spoil the child . The family system is very much patriarchal: male dominated. However, challenges to attitudes towards sexual relations and the role of women are posed by New Woman . In the Victorian Era women were seen as fitting in the domestic sphere , and this stereotype required them to provide their husbands with a clean home, food and the ability to raise children. Women were expected to be obedient, devoted and possess extreme levels of maternal care. The New Woman, however, was a feminist ideal that rose in the late nineteenth century which had a significant influence on feminism directly into the twentieth century. The term New Woman was invented to describe the growing number ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Women And Women s Political Status Traditionally, politics has been a gendered occupation. Men and women have been socially constructed to believe only men are capable of political representation. The problem lies within an institutional bias, where unnatural distinctions have been put in place from a young age. In New Zealand, the presence and contribution of women have been pivotal to the make up of contemporary party politics. Achieving parliamentary recognition and political representation peaked during the 1970s when the country was experiencing large changes in its economic and social environment. Through activism and pressure groups, women were able to seek recognition in New Zealand s political domain. The change to Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) eased the access of different political groups to parliament, improving the representation of minority groups such as women that have been under represented in politics. Proportional representationoffered new opportunities in terms of policy change through women s political participation. It has, however, been argued that the structure of proportional representation has been a hindrance toward a significant step forward for women s political participation. This essay will discuss to what extent the contribution of women through time, coupled with the shift to a new electoral system in a changing social environment, has been a step forward for women s political participation in New Zealand party politics. Kate Sheppard and other suffrage campaigners ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Best Meals At Sabores De Espana Spain. A beautiful, majestic and alluring country with authentic food and delicious delicacies. It is impossible to resist the fresh, local flavours involved in making Spanish dishes. Sabores De EspaГ±a offers quality services and authentic food that you will surely enjoy. We think of this restaurant as a way to enjoy any meal, at any time of the day and we also have healthier options depending on your lifestyle. Each dish at this restaurant is made with spices, flavours and more importantly, love. As Virginia Woolf once said, One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well and here at Sabores De EspaГ±a, we make sure you have the best meals at a reasonable cost every time you visit us! About the restaurant:... Show more content on ... We require dinner reservations prior to any dinner. If you are in for some quality time with your loved ones, then our casual dining is ideal for you. Casual dining is family friendly, relaxing, and we also provide games for children, such as crossword puzzles, colouring books etc. to keep your children occupied. The atmosphere is casual, laid back, and satisfying. We serve good quality food at a low cost and we also proffer cheaper deals for children. We have two 55 inch televisions on both sides of the room. On one side, we will be showing Spanish themed programs so clients will have an opportunity to learn something about Spain. On the other television, we will be playing some sports or news which would interest clients. At Sabores De EspaГ±a, we have slightly altered uniforms than the traditional ones. For the casual dining and the fine dining staff, both men and women are required to wear a white shirt with the restaurant logo on it. Each staff member will have a red and yellow striped belt, representing the flag of Spain. They will be required to wear black jeans (men and women) or black skirts with tights underneath (women). Services: At Sabores De EspaГ±a, we provide a lot of services. For the actual dinner, we have two areas: Fine dining and casual dining. In addition to that, we also have an event floor/ banquet hall for parties or events. It is located on the second floor and has a capacity for up to 600 people. The floor itself is wood parquet flooring ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Power Of Tyranny Tyranny is harsh absolute power in the hands of one individual, like a king or dictator. People are worried about tyranny because there are many types of tyranny. One ruler who takes all the power for himself of herself is an example of tyranny. Tyranny by the many is another example when the majority denies rights to a minority. The Constitution is a set of basic principles that determines the powers and duties of a government. The constitution of the United Statesguards against tyranny by making three branches that are separate and distinct in the government structure. (James Madison, Federalist paper #47, doc B James Madison, Federalist Paper #51, 1788, doc C ) After the failure of the AOC, the US needed a government with enough power ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Trends In College Sports Rutgers Trending: Down Despite winning their first conference game of the season by 23, Rutgers still remains on the down trend. While they avoided joining Boston College as the only Power 5 schools to go winless in conference play, Rutgers still had a season to forget. They enter the Big Ten tournament as the 14 seed with very little chance of winning any games in the tournament. Minnesota Trending: Down A bad season gets worse for Minnesota as they lost by 25 points to Rutgers on Saturday. To shoot 30 percent from the field against a team ranked 272nd in field goal percentage against only begins to show how bad this loss is. Minnesota reached a high point of the season after beating Maryland on February 18, but player suspensions and bad ... Show more content on ... Their 8 10 conference record does include a victory over Wisconsin and an overtime loss to Maryland (ranked number seven at the time.) While they have had a sub .500 Big Ten record in every season since 2003 2004, 20 wins in a season is no small accomplishment. A BPI of 71 puts Northwestern in the territory of bubble teams Temple, St. Bonaventure and LSU, and a first round matchup against a slumping Michigan team gives Northwestern a chance for a quality win to build on. Michigan Trending: Down Michigan is among Joe Lunardi s First Four out, and will likely need two wins in the Big Ten tournament to feel better about their tournament chances. After starting conference play 7 2 Michigan has gone 3 5 and 1 4 against ranked teams. They do not have a loss to any team ranked below them in the conference, but only have two wins against teams ranked above them. The Michigan Wolverines are the pinnacle of the adage beat who you are supposed to beat but they will likely need to beat some better teams in the conference tournament if they want to go dancing in March. Ohio State Trending: ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Nancy Bayley Essay Nancy Bayley was a key player in the study of child development throughout her long career. Nancy was born September 1899 in the Dalles, Oregon. Bayley did not go to public school until she was eight years old due to poor health. When she did start school, she was able to catch up very quickly. She attended the University of Washington with plans on teaching English. She took an introductory psychology course taught by Edwin R. Guthrie, a well known behavioral psychologist, which sparked her interest in the field and she decided to continue studying psychology. She completed and received both her bachelor of science and master or science degrees in psychology at the university of Washington. In 1926 she had her master s thesis published in Pedagogical Seminary and Journal of Genetic Psychology. Also in 1926 Bayley acquired her doctorate from the university of Iowa. With her doctorate, she decided to further her research on mental and physical growth and early mental abilities. Bayley s career spanned over 60 years, where she worked on many well known studies of development.... Show more content on ... While at Berkeley, she also held positions at Stanford University. Bayley is best remembered for her work on the Berkeley Growth Study. The Berkeley Growth Study wanted to better understand the standards of behavioral development and physical growth at different ages. It was a 40 year longitudinal study that measured development in 74 subjects from infancy through adulthood. Bayley used data from this study to help connect infant size with later adult size. In 1940, the results were published as tables used to predict adult height, within one inch, based a child s height and skeletal range. The tables became important tools for pediatricians and endocrinologists diagnosing and treating growth ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Unit 2 Numbers Research Paper Numbers, simple lines connected to each other in different ways. Yet these simple configurations of lines have created the basis for all living things. Measurements of any kind require the use of these mere human constructs. The numbers 185463 are no different: they re just numbers. However, humans are able to understand them in so many different ways. The two most important numbers 1 and 8; 18 proves itself to be a multiple of the other two pairs of digits. For example, 18 goes into 54, which is the combination of the second digits in the number. The last two digits, 36, are also divisible by 18 which is the inverse of the third digit pairing in the series. In addition 18 is divisible by 9, which is also a characteristic of the other two terms. It can also be shown that every sequential pair of digits add up to 9. It is more clearly shown with an example. The first two numbers, 1 and 8, add up to 9. The next two numbers, 5 and 4, add up to 9, and also the next two numbers 6 and 3 also add up to 9. The numbers... Show more content on ... As mentioned, the number 185463 contains a fractal which adds to the idea of the beauty in numbers. Fractals in nature include seashells, snowflakes, and lightning; all very beautiful sights, and seeing that there is a fractal in this number it promotes the idea of how beautiful numbers can be too. When this number first came to my attention my first impression was that it was an amount of something. This is very reasonable because numbers determine every subject on this earth, the importance achieved from these numbers is through their contribution to society. The number 185463 represents an amount of something, possibly a salary, chairs in an inventory, and maybe a population in a certain city. There are so many different possibilities that can be created with the use of this number, just look a little closer and you can discover the power and beauty of all ... Get more on ...
  • 23. How Presidents Have Too Much Power Most of the specifications for the executive branch in the Constitution, other than how he is to be elected, have to deal with the interactions between Congress and the President. The president can (fill in the blank) but only if (this part) of Congress approves. The powers of the president have been interpreted widely so that he has more power than I believe the Framers intended. They wanted him to be able to check Congress with veto power and be the head of the military. However, I think that presidents nowadays have too much power. They are active in trying force their policy agenda through Congress, manage foreign relations, and act as the administrative head of the entire nation. The textbook lays it out well in, The vast size of the executive branch and the number and complexity of decisions that must be made each day pose a challenge for the White House. (316) In order to deal with the stresses put on the executive branch, there are thousands of employees that work to give the president the information that he needs to make decisions. He has advisors, cabinet members, legislative liaisons; the list goes on and on, but he is the person who actually gets to make all of the choices. The President is limited in some ways and given more power in other ways by the structure laid out for him in the Constitution, and evolved to be what it is now. Based on the way that the President s office was created, the makeup of the Congress can present a challenge or an ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Federal Prison Reform Case Study With consequential reprehensible policies, mass incarceration became a significant political issue prompting the need for federal prison reforms and solutions to an ongoing crisis. California voters initially passed the three strike law in 1994, but the consequences of the massive increase in inmate population, degradation of state prisons, a federal order to reduce the prisonpopulation, and fiscal budget cuts to government programs led to the shift in the political consciousness of the public. Likewise, since 2009, thirteen civic engagement programs were initiated to represent and mobilize communities most impacted by implemented policies (Smith 2014). In 2012, voters approved Proposition 36 that aimed to modify some of the aspects of the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Catheter Related Blood Stream Infection Catheter related blood stream infection is very common to patients receiving haemodialysis treatment. Although catheters provide vascular access, they put the patients at risk for developing local and systemic infections. Dialysis CRBSI can be obtained during insertion in the operating theatre and handling of the catheterby the health care team post insertion. Causes include improper technique in hand washing, breaking principles of aseptic technique when managing catheters and contaminated supplies. It is quite tough to describe and to put a figure on the occurrence of dialysis CRBSI despite the presence of standardised procedures in every institution. One more concern would be the systems for reporting cases of CRBSI among dialysis... Show more content on ... The appraisals ran for four weeks during September 2010 in all dialysis units mentioned earlier. The outcome of the audits on clinical practice which involved forty occasions of CVDC procedures revealed differences in routine practice. Nurses differ greatly in maintaining cleanliness of work area before opening the sterile supplies, preserving the dressing set s sterility and if proper hand scrubbing was either finished or not before touching the catheter. There were also instances when either the patient or the nurse coughs and talks while the catheter was out in the open. Documentation audit results which included charts of fifty five patients with CVDC demonstrated significant contrast of medical records in the bedside to the electronic database in the unit. It appears that logging of insertions and removals were done obediently on the electronic database compared to bedside medical records which accounts to merely 10 percent of catheter site appearance recorded and just 55 percent on documented CVC catheter care for each treatment. Based from the end results, the working party devised a standardised routine for managing central venous dialysis catheter in order to decrease differences in practise as well as to warrant evidence based practice. A standard haemodialysis treatment form has also been adjusted to include a part wherein the observations regarding the catheter exit site as well as dressing could be examined and recorded in every session of dialysis. ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Naturalism In Long Day s Journey Into The Night The trope of naturalism in western theater have readdressed the form of dramatic arts from the royal narrative and biblical tales to stories of commoners that the audience can actually relate to. Naturalism also allows the distinction of tragedy and comedy to dissipate by developing a plot that focuses on a day to day occurrence. This convention is represented by playwrights who are writing in a more colloquial voice with stories about the middle class or working class, and their struggles. Naturalism gave birth to the works of Eugene O Neill and Edward Albee that pushes the nuance of dysfunctionality and addiction to its extreme in works such as Long Day s Journey Into The Night and Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. The two playwrights zoom in towards a domestic issue that were driven a lot by each character s desire for happiness and the disappointment that are not being expressed appropriately that drove them to an addiction as form of escape from the reality. The two plays place a tragic maternal figure who escapes their unachievable idea of happiness through a facade of lies in the forefront of the narrative. In Long Day s Journey Into The Night, Mary Tyrone s ideal happiness comes from her sense of nostalgia and what defined her happiness when she married Tyrone while Martha s imaginary son and her inability to face the reality of a dull life of being married to a university professor are what became of her tragic downfall at the end of Who s Afraid of Virginia ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Inaccuracy In Genetic Testing Although researchers and scientists always aim to develop further beneficial advancements, some of them might be as harmful and still controversial as they are supposed to be beneficial. Genetic technologies are advancing at a very high rate. For example, genetic testing is widely available nowadays. It is a test that identifies whether an individual is carrying the gene for a specific disease or disorder. Through genetic testing, parents can be provided with genetic information about the health of the fetus by simply taking a blood sample and testing it. However, implications arise as genetic technology is not very accurate. Although a positive result indicates a higher possibility of carrying the disease or disorder and a negative result indicates a lower possibility, there is always that other possibility of a false result (Women s Health Care Physicians). Inaccuracy in genetic testing causes a controversial question on whether individuals should risk the choices by trusting and basing their life on nothing but expected results. Even more concern is caused due to rejections of going through genetic testing and consequently, a possibility of giving birth to a defected baby and not taking benefit of the technology. Many agree that not taking a genetic test avoids a lot of the emotional issues and stress that could arise with the results. Others believe that this technology should play a major part of everyone s life as it allows individuals to be more aware of the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Week 4 Individual Work 1. Why is the HRM role so much more complex, and important in the international context? (Chapter Nine). Corporations operating overseas need to pay careful attention to this most critical resource, one that also provides control over other resources. In fact, increasing recognition is being given to the role of Strategic Human Resource Management(SHRM) that is the two way role of HRM in both helping to determine strategy as well as to implement it. That role in helping the organization to develop the necessary capabilities to be able to enact the desired strategy includes the reality strategic plans are developed in large part based on the resources possessed by the firm, including the human... Show more content on ... Tolerance for ambiguity: making decisions with less information and more uncertainty about the process and the outcome. Multiple perspectives: learning to understand situations from the perspective of local employees and businesspeople. Ability to work with and manage other: learning patience and tolerance realizing that managers abroad are in the minority among local people: learning to communicate more with others and empathize with them26 Source of Facts: (26). N.J. Adler, International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior,4th.ed.(Boston: PWS Kent.2002) 4. What are the reasons for the small numbers of female expatriates? What more can companies do to use women as a resource for international management? (Chapter 10). While women s advancement in global companies is impressive, it is still true that more than others there are limitations on managerial opportunities for women in their own country some more than others there are even more limitations on their opportunities for expatriate assignments. Research on expatriate assignments continues to show that females are disproportionately underrepresented in expatriate assignments.58 The lack of expatriates who are females or represent other minority groups doesn t ... Get more on ...
  • 29. India s Development Of Agriculture Essay Table of Contents I.Introduction Objectives Topic Justification Scope And Limitations IIPolicy IIITractor sales IVGrowth in different segment IVIndian agricultural machinery V Population dynamics in agriculture VI Conclusion VII References Introduction India is an agricultural country. Seventy percent of its people live in villages. One third of our National income comes from agriculture. Our economy is based on agriculture. The development of agriculture has much to do with the economic welfare of our country. Agricultural market is continuously increasing for the past couple of decades in India as the technology is developing. The continues increasing demand of food products has resulted in the increased demand of food grains and thus has increased the use of farm machinery in rural areas. India is seeing the movement of labour from rural to urban areas which with the demand of increasing production efficiency in food product is the evidence that there is a future for farm mechanization in India. Make in India is an initiative of the Government of India, to encourage companies to manufacture their products in India. Companies like John Deere, New Holland, Mahindra Rise, TAFE have started increasing their operations in India. It is very clear that the Western model of agriculture can t support our Indian agriculture like heavy mechanized, less labor oriented, chemical based, high input agriculture. Three quarters of the world s farmers cultivate small ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Viking Impact On Northern England The term Viking is essentially defined as a person who lurks in a vik or bay. The name Viking was given to those of a Scandinavian race, who became known for their raids and settlements of Europe between the years of 700 and 1100. Stereotypically, Vikings are habitually referred to or regarded as barbarians, heathens and savage north men with no concept of Christian integrity, they were considered as lacking reputable mannerisms and their presence in Englandwas that of a punishment by the Lord himself. In this essay I will be exploring the Vikings impact on the history and identity of Northern England. It is significant to note that the modern perception of what is Northern England differs to that of the Northern England during the era of Scandinavian raids, and that the amount of evidence available is primarily of English origin. Despite this,... Show more content on ... It is documented in the Anglo Saxon chronicle, that on June 8th c.793 the Vikings made their first raid on Britain, coming ashore to Northumbria and sacking Lindisfarne, a sacred Christian site. During the 8th century, Lindisfarne was inhabited by monks who were responsible for the creation of the Lindisfarne gospels, in conjunction with this, the monastery was home to many religious artefacts, bestowed by noblemen as a gift to God. Lindisfarne is particularly significant as it was the only bishopric in Northumbria for a period of 30 years, gaining ... Get more on ...
  • 31. BSE Sensex and Foreign Institutional Investment Study RESEARCH DESIGN Descriptive research is undertaken for study. Data collection was done from the website of BSE SEBI of last two years. SOUCRES OF DATA: SECONDARY DATA Secondary data for the study. пЃ¶Internet site пЃ¶Book Business statistics By (S.P. Gupta) Help of faculty guide and friends. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT: пЃ¶Statistical tools Coefficient of correlation Covariance Regression Analysis (R2 ) SAMPLE SIZE Historical data from BSE (01/01/2012 to 31/12/2013 year) SEBI (01/01/2012 to 31/12/2013 year) CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS DATECLOSEFIIs Investment 31/01/1217193.5510357.7 29/02/1217752.6825212.1 30/03/1217404.28381.1 30/04/1217318.811109.1 31/05/1216218.53347.1 29/06/1217429.98501.3 31/07/1217236.1810272.7 31/08/1217429.5610803.9 28/09/1218762.7419261.5 31/10/1218505.3811364 30/11/1219339.99577.2 31/12/1219426.7124463.5 31/01/1319894.9822,059 28/02/1318861.5424,439 28/03/1318835.779,124 30/04/1319504.185,414 31/05/1319760.322,169 28/06/1319395.8111,027 31/07/1319345.76,086
  • 32. 30/08/1318619.725,923 30/09/1319379.7713,058 31/10/1321164.5215,706 29/11/1320791.938116 31/12/1321170.6816,086 Coefficient of correlation Karl Pearson s coefficient of correlation Formula: The analysis of above data Coefficient of correlation0.255260872 ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Tale of Bigfoot The tale of Bigfoot or Sasquatch traces its origins back to the Native American tribes of the Northwestern part of the United States and Canada. The natives told this tale of a group of giant hairy wild ape man like people that protect the forests to give reason for respecting nature and preserve order. Bigfootsightings have spread throughout the United States and the world. Our fascination with this creature have spiraled into almost mass hysteria among people to find and prove this creature is real. I decided to observe and analyze the film Bigfoot. When watching the film Bigfoot created in 1970 directed by Robert Slatzer and starring John Carradine and Joi Lansing I have made connections to the concepts and theories we have discussed in class. To name some of these theorists and concepts such as, Mary Douglas theory of dirt, Aristotle s conceptualization of reproduction, Freud s uncanny and the double, and Ann Ratcliff s difference between terror and horror. Despite the terrible and cheesy 1970 s effects this movie is actually enjoyable to watch and the perfect movie for analyzing the theoretical concepts we have learned throughout the semester. The film was actually shot in undisclosed mountain wilderness locations where Bigfoot was alleged to have been sighted. The movie begins with a women Joi Landis (Joi Lansing) having to jump out of her single engine airplane and parachutes to safety in the dense woods of America s northwest. She is suddenly spooked by a big ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Racial Segregation, By Lorraine Hansberry Seems like God don t see fit to give the black man nothing but dreams but He did give us children to make the dreams seem worthwhile, once stated by Lorraine Hansberry. Racial segregation has been a huge topic in our society. Believe it or not, just a few decades ago African American people did not have the basic equality rights that white citizens were given. Something as simple as having a dream to become an author seemed out of reach; even impossible some might have said. Living in this kind of a world was unfortunately a reality for Lorraine Hansberry. Growing up she lived in a world of racial segregation and not being giving the same opportunities as fellow white citizens in the United States. Throughout her life civil rights was a major influence for her. Hansberry was able to express the unwavering need for civil rights through her literature. Her poems and plays showed the unjust treatment of African Americans. She was able to make a difference in her own life, as well as the lives of her audience through her portrayal of pre civil rights. With this in mind, Lorraine Hansberry was a major author, playwright, and activist during the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance was a time of rebirth and renewal for the African Americanpeoples. The African American peoples would express themselves through music, writing, and art all through an autobiographical standpoint. Because of the Harlem Renaissance, the African American society was changed forever. The ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Theme Of Theseus Theme The theme of Theseus is betrayal. Our fellow hero, Theseus abandoned Ariadne, even when she helped him complete his expedition. She even brought in an architect that built the labyrinth to help. Theseus finally defeats the beast. He fulfills his promise and takes Princess Ariadne with him. They stop by an island called Naxos. Princess Ariadnefalls asleep and Theseusditches her and leave. This is a sign of betrayal. Princess Ariadne went through a lot for Theseus and he leaves her on an island? That s just harsh. In my opinion, he basically used her to get to the beast. He used her to complete his mission. Another sign of betrayal is when Theseus banishes his son, Hippolytus from Athens. Theseus wife Phaedra, (Ariadne s sister) had madly ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Key Question Unit 1. 1)For The Increasing Of Current Funding Key question Unit 1 1)For the increasing of current funding for atomic structure researches: Within the last hundred years, the atomic model gone through dramatic changes allowing to apply the knowledge of matter understanding at atomic level into different industries like medicine such as MRI and X Ray. This knowledge allowed doctors to treat, diagnose and certainly save millions of people throughout the years, which could not have been done without research being done on the structure of the atom funded continuously for these scientists to find more application which benefit people and comprehend the world we live in on an atomic level. Against the increase of current funding for atomic structure researches: The main issue in ... Show more content on ... 4)In NH3 case, from experimental evidence suggests that the nitrogen atom has four identical orbitals in the shape of a tetrahedron. 5) a) The C, central atom, has no lone pair of valence electrons. b) The S, central atom, has one lone pair of valence electrons. 6) a) b)Since one s orbital combined with three p orbitals, the result is sp3. From these four new hybridized orbitals three will take part in a bonding. The fourth orbital has 2e while the other 3 orbitals contains only one electron. So when a bonding occurs, the 3 single orbitals bond with hydrogen s electrons. c)There is one full orbital in N atom s sp3 and 3 single orbitals, while in C atom s sp3 has 4 single orbitals ready to bond. The bond with nitrogen will differ from carbon s bond due to the extra electron in nitrogen. 7) CaBr2 Ca=1.0, Br=2.9 2.9 1.0= 1.9 Na3N Na=0.9, N=3.0 3.0 0.9= 2.1 CH4 C=2.5, H=2.2 2.5 2.2= 0.3 a) b) CaBr2The difference in electronegativity = 1.9 ∆ED 1.7 Ionic compound. Na3NThe difference in electronegativity = 2.1
  • 37. ∆ED 1.7 Ionic compound. CH4The difference in electronegativity = 0.3 ∆ED 1.7 Molecular compound that contains polar covalent bonds. c)Non polar covalent bondpolar covalentionic bond ∆ED=00 ∆ED 1.7∆ED 1.7 ∆ED=0.3∆ED=1.9∆ED=2.1 CH4CaBr2Na3N So the most ionic compound is Na3N, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Black Youth And Its Impact On Our Society Introduction As our nation heads towards a united stand to build better relationships with other countries and build a united front with people of different backgrounds, religions and races, we are shocked to by the fact that there are still extreme prejudices and injustices within our own communities. We are shocked that a large portion of our black youth from disadvantaged families are not reaping the benefits of our society. Or they are simply unable to because they are unaware of the opportunities and they are not available to them. Unfortunately, there are a lack of programs in our communities that pushes the advancement of our youth. The programs that are available are either for profit or riddled with other agendas. Today we see more black youth unable to compete at national levels through education, involved in crimes and forgotten than any other minority. Our community has collectively forgotten about them only believing that if they themselves can succeed than that is all that matters. Our plan is to stop this and create a program that will enable our youth to have a better future. Why this is an Issue: Problems and Statistics faced by Black families Racial inequality and structural inequality has led our communities into a downward spiral. The economic crisis has not helped the situation either. It has pushed families further and further into poverty, homelessness and despair. During a time that we are trying to show the world that we are united it is shown ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Disadvantages Of Special Education INTRODUCTION The definition of special education in the encyclopaedia of children s health declares: Special education refers to a range of educational and social services provided by the public school system and other educational institutions to individuals with disabilities who are between three and 21 years of age. Special education is designed to ensure that students with disabilities are provided with an environment that allows them to be educated effectively. Disabilities that qualify for special education include physical disabilities, such as deafness or blindness; mental disabilities, such as Down s syndrome and autism ; medical conditions, such as oxygen dependence or traumatic brain injury; learning deficits, such as dyslexia ; and behavioural disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorders. (The encyclopaedia of children s health, 2017, Internet source: /Special Education.html#ixzz4zu4cTODJ) Considering that, the purpose of this report is to analyse the main practises and tools that Finnish schools are using in the special education field. The analysis is based on the observation of three schools in Rovaniemi, done in different classes, and tries to compare some Finnish methods with the Italian ones. OUNASRINTEEN KOULU Ounasrinteen Koulu is a new ... Show more content on ... It s important to emphasis their skills in the group and not just put them in a lower position as someone who needs help. Every pupil has his difficulties and strengths and is a teacher important task to create the right atmosphere to let everybody express their selves in the best way, helping and supporting each other, but also emerging from the group for the peculiar ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Compare Indonesia And Australian Economy Transcript: Comparison of the Australian and Indonesian economy The role of an economy is to effectively make use of a countries resources, thus increasing economic performance. If economic performance of a country was at a maximum, then the country would have substantial wealth and therefore purchasing power, which would be available to spend on allocated departments including: health, infrastructure and military, to name a few. A countries wealth gives an indication of its living standards, with an increase in wealth it is probable that the living standards will also increase simultaneously. Although the entirety of the concept of improving living standards is not solely determined solely by a countries wealth. There are also a number of ... Show more content on ... Indonesia had a GDP of 868.3 billion international dollars (GDP of Indonesia, 2016) and a GDP per capita of 3,475.25 international dollars in 2013 (GDP per capita, Indonesia, 2016). The GDP is primarily used to indicate an economies performance, it is measured by Y = C + I + E + G, where Y = GDP, C = Consumer Spending, I = Investment made by industry, E = Excess of Exports over Imports, G = Government Spending (Birch T, 2016). The GDP per capita is calculated by the GDP of a country, divided by the population of a country. The GDP and GDP per capita are very vital indicators of an economies progress. A rise in GDP shows that there an increase of value in an economy or there is a higher income or rise in expenditure which implies that there is a rise in the standard of living of the citizens and due to rise in income there will be a higher spending on various goods and services like healthcare, education, etc. Therefore as Australia s GDP is higher than Indonesia s there is an indication of higher living ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Advantages Of A Virtual Team Quite simply, a team is by the Merriam Webster s Dictionary as a group of individuals working together to achieve a common pre defined goal. Traditional teams consist of individuals working in physical proximity, the same office building or city. A virtual team refers to a group of individuals who are geographically dispersed, but are united by a shared goal through the use if informational technologies. (McShane, p. 208) A virtual team consists of talent across cities, provinces, cultures and time zones. Like all with all team structures there are advantages and disadvantages to working in a virtual team for both the individual and the organization. Advantages: Cost savings The biggest advantage of a virtual team is the cost savings. Organizations can do away with huge amount of expenses for travel, office space, etc. It allows for problems or projects to be completed by a diverse group of individuals from across the company. By having team members that are chosen global a solution to a problem will take into account how it impacts the organization as a whole not just one geographical area. The same goes for the potential solutions they will be global not just region specific. Team Diversity Virtual Teams allows organizations to look for talent beyond their country of origin. They can bring together experts and specialists from across the globe to work together on one specific project or have them work together continuously. By doing this there is an increase ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Pro Death Penalty Speech Good day ladies and gentlemen. I would like to thank all of you for coming out today and hope you are all enjoying the croissants and Starbuck s coffee provided as a courtesy of your great state. Please allow me to introduce myself before we get started. My name is Slick Perry and if you didn t already know, I am the state governor of Texas. You are all aware that we are reviewing our recidivism rate to various crimes and reviewing our stance regarding the death penaltyas we approach 2009. Everyone here understands that capital punishmentis a very controversial topic in the United States. In Texas, from December 1982 through August 2008, only 361 criminals of the millions of Texans in our good state were executed for the wickedest... Show more content on ... Keep in my mind that in Texas only the most vial and cruel criminals are placed on death row, and, who are the most deserving. The consequences of the Supreme Court s 1972 ruling voided 40 death penalty statutes, thereby commuting the sentences of 629 death row inmates around the country, 45 from Texas and suspending the death penalty because existing statutes were no longer valid. However, this ruling went against the U.S. public majority where, in fact, over 55% of U.S. citizens were in favor of the death penalty. Some states rewrote their death penalty laws to address the unconstitutionality of giving juries complete discretion in sentencing by setting a mandated capital punishment for those convicted of capital crimes. The Supreme Court ruled in Woodson v. North Carolina (1976) this was also unconstitutional. A different approach by some states was to introduce mitigating and aggravating factors when determining sentencing where, in 1976, the Supreme Court ultimately approved. The Supreme Court also held that the death penalty itself was once again constitutional under the Eighth Amendment allowing states a new dawn for a better society. On January 17, 1977, the suspension of the death penalty officially ended with the execution of Gary Gilmore in Utah, by firing squad, and that same year the introduction and use of the new kinder gentler lethal injection was ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Mardi Gras Celebrating Mardi Gras in New Orleans is on many people s bucket lists. Mardi Gras falls on a Tuesday (Fat Tuesday). For an entire month before the Catholic holiday of Ash Wednesday, the entire state of Louisiana is in carnival mode, and there is no mistaking when this special time of the year begins in New Orleans. During carnival, the faint but rhythmic sound of marching bands in the distance seems to be almost constant. Parades both big and small fill the streets almost every day. Walk by any local bakery and you re almost guaranteed to catch a cinnamon whiff of the traditional King Cakes that true NOLA residents only eat during carnival. Homes and other buildings all around the city are decked out in purple, yellow, and green, and the ... Show more content on ... My friend and I put on our homemade glittery t shirts, wigs, and light up headbands with stars. We made a sign for me to hold up with big, bold letters that said, Throw it in the hole and it had a medium size bucket inside the hole to collect beads and treats. we were Basically doing anything and everything possible to stand out among the crowds. Contrary to what movies and TV shows teach you, at Mardi Gras parades they throw out some goodies far more interesting than flimsy beads. Each parade during Mardi Gras is put on by a type of social club known as a krewe. The krewes have events throughout the year, but Mardi Gras is the big deal they all prepare for. Between all the beads they throw at the parade they will also throw stuffed animals, Frisbees, cups and all sorts of random things that are personalized with the name or symbol of that specific krewe. People will literally jump over you and trample you with no shame to get those. We ve all heard of the festival being a scene with women flashing for beads and I totally expected the streets (especially Bourbon Street) to be filled with half naked drunk people. What I found instead, were elaborately dressed festival goers of all ages celebrating, laughing and expressing themselves through music, art, and dance. While many costumes and signs were humorous and outrageous, I never once felt anything other than love and positivity around ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Japanese Scholars View of the Shinto Religion The Shinto religion is seen in two different lights by Japanese scholars. One is the view that the role of Shinto in Japanese history as a periphery religion and reliant on Buddhist ideals for its success. The other is that Shinto may seem to be a very primitive religion, but it has also maintained a long history of rituals and institutions that represent Japanese culture and its ability to absorb other religions and cultures. Both arguments are relatively strong, however I argue that Modernization mixed with consolidation of the Shintobelief system during the Meiji Reformation played a major role in separating Shinto from other religions, primarily Buddhism. While it may have been dependent on Buddhism in the past, during the Meiji Restoration Shinto was clearly separated out from any other religions and put on a pedestal. I will first describe how Shinto was largely believed to be an extension of Buddhism before the Meiji period, and then I will outline the many possible causes as to how Shinto began to solidify during the Meiji Reformation. The clearest description of the relationship between Buddhism and Shinto, pre Meiji period, can be seen in the honji suijaku theory that was popular during the Edo period. According to this theory, Kami, the animistic spirits in the Shinto religion, acted as protectors of Buddhist divinities. This already places the Shinto spirits at a lesser position to that of the figures in the Buddhist faith, and was popularly practiced at ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Implementing New Loan Programs For An Earthquake The recession that we are currently undergoing had affected and continues to affect different business entities. One example is Countrywide, a mortgage lender corporation. In the fiscal year of 2001, 2002, and 2003 Countrywide experienced record earnings. Countrywide achieved this by implementing new loan programs that enabled them to defeat competitors. However, for several important reasons, decision making managers need to understand different managerial skills in order to avoid undesirable outcomes that may compromise the company s and manager s future. Managing requires the understanding of specific skills such as effective decision making, making successful people decision, communicating with or without the organization, properly using controls and measurements, skills in budgeting and planning, and skill in using modern tools and concepts of information technology. All decisions are risky. Every decision is a commitment of the current resources with unpredictable and unknown future. If the most insignificant detail is disregarded in the process, a decision will collapse just like a bad built building in an earthquake. On the other hand, if a decision is closely observed and all required steps are taken, the risk will be reduced and the decision will have a great chance of success. Good decisions makers recognize the appropriate time to make a decision. The hardest part of making decisions is choosing the right decision for the current problem. A right ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Issue of Accounting Entity Definition in Regards to... The UK public sector has been transformed over the past few decades. In an increasingly global economy, the main lever by which central governments can influence the success of the domestic economy is by ensuring its public sector operates efficiently. The central governments of the developed economies have adopted similar change agendas to transform their public sectors. These change agendas entail the introduction of new structures, new kinds of organizations and a reinvention of many parts of the public sector. The intention of successive governments has been the creation of a New Public Sector , which is more strategic and corporate in its thinking. This New Public Sector is intended to replace a public sector characterized by... Show more content on ... Despite of that definition, the creation of an accounting entity is also a political process with potentially huge implications. KurunmГ¤ki states that the boundaries which describe an organization as an economic unit separate from other units are not as clear cut, natural or fixed as the accounting entity assumption implies . To which extent does NOMS now fulfill the above described requirements? What are the issues involved in the representation of NOMS as an accounting entity? By defining NOMS as an accounting entity, the financial controls involved seek to limit accountability to the very institution which is fair to say and in line with the so called market based New Public Sector reforms (Arnold, 1991). As a consequence, NOMS has to face the challenge to act within a managerial, instead of an administrative culture. When looking for example at healthcare reforms throughout Western Europe during the late 1970s and 1980, we find out that before introducing those reforms and seeing hospitals as accounting entities, several problems occurred: Poor management followed by arm s length management, with organizational actions guided by practices rooted in a rationality that privileged professional or clan over bureaucratic or managerial forms of control (KurunmГ¤ki, 1999). These associated problems could be ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Scapegoat Trevon Analysis Once upon a time, there was a scapegoat TreVon. Let me tell you the story. TreVon was a small little boy who always got in trouble so he was the perfect scapegoat. It was a fall morning in late October. The leafs so the tree begun to change color. TreVon got up for school as usual. Little did he know his whole life was about to change in the blink of an eye. He always got things blamed on him because he was the youngest, but he could never imagine this. TreVon was rushing to get out the door. He knew if he missed the buss one more time he was going to be in big trouble. He s older brothers Luther and Jaron never favored him anyway. So they did not care if he missed the bus. TreVon was very smart kid but he wanted to be cool so he did not care about his grades. The boy s mother worked 13 hour shifts at a old mill house. His mother Mary did not like TreVon outside during the late hours of the night. Today was the day he probably wished he ... Show more content on ... He walked over to TreVon and his friends wanting to know why they were out so late on a school night. As he got close he could smell the smoke even stronger realizing the smoke was from the kids. He asked the group who brought the cigarettes. Nobody answered him, so he said, I guess I will have to call everybody s parent . Blake pointed at TreVon and said, Officer he gave us the smokes . TreVon looked confused in the face. Wondering why Blake would lie on him like that, he thought they were friends. Officer James took TreVon home. He explained to TreVon mother Mary that her son was caught at a park smoking. He did not even get a chance to say anything. Mary said to the officer i will handle him and pulled TreVon in the house. Mary made TreVon clean the whole house. He was not allowed to leave the house for anything. His mother quit her job and stayed home to home school him. His friends never heard from him after that ... Get more on ...
  • 48. The Ethical Dilemma Of Hepatitis Sachs Disease Often times in a complex situation individuals are involved in conflicting decisions to progress to a solution. The ethical dilemma may conflict with acceptable morals or behaviors but to resolve the paradox a decision has to be made. D.B. s parents are faced with an ethical dilemma when they discover their son has an incurable disease. They could allow the illness to take its course or seek a form of treatment to slow its progression. Ethical Dilemma D.B. was born May 30, 1999, with a condition most commonly known throughout the Eastern European Jewish community. Tay Sachs disease is a condition caused by a lack of hexosaminidase A (Hex A) enzyme in the brain used to breakdown gangliosidosis (GM2) enzymes or the brain begins to swell, ... Show more content on ... would recover and have a chance to survive the disease. The parents made a decision for their son in hopes the odds would be in his favor. ANA Code of Ethics Provision two, four, and six are a few ethical principles relevant and applicable to the situation. The healthcare team respected the clients wishes, committed to the client s health, took accountability for care and practice, and contributed to the healthcare environment. Provision Two: Primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group, community, or population. Provision Four: Authority, accountability, and responsibility for nursing practice; makes decisions; and takes action consistent with the obligation to promote health and to provide optimal care. Provision Six: Through individual and collective effort, establishes, maintains, and improves the ethical environment of the work setting and condition of the employment that are conductive to safe, quality healthcare. (Hegge, 2015). Relation of the ANA Code to the Dilemma American Nurse Association Code of Ethics principles relates to the care provided for the client while under supervision of the healthcare team during their dilemma. The healthcare team establishes principles to abide by in order to provide optimal, safe, efficient care for their clients. The team successfully met the goals of the fourth provision by making decisions and taking action consistent with the obligation to promote health ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Motifs In Creation Myths In my opinion, 3 of the most common motifs in creation myths are: the creation of humans, step by step myths, and using parts of a god for a planet. I think these are the few motifs are usually used the most in the different cultures. Although, these cultures did not know each other or talk they are still connected by these motifs, along with other things. The creation myths may share some of the same principles and concepts, but there is also more that they share. These next few paragraphs will explain why I think that these motifs were used. I will also explain what I think the most used motifs are, and the cultures that used them. The creation of humans In certain creation myths, the creation of humans was difficult. In some ... Show more content on ... The Chinese creation myth starts out with an enormous egg containing chaos. The chaos had raged on the inside of the egg. Yin and Yang, which were swirled together, along with all the other opposites. Then, the egg burst open and Pan gu jumped out. After coming out of the egg, he then separated yin and yang and began forming the earth. For about 10,000 years, Pangu grew 10 feet every day, until the sky came to the point where it was 30,000 miles above ground. When Pan gu had stopped growing, he then began to hammer out the mountains. Pan gu filled the valley with water to form the great oceans. He made/created the rivers with his fingers, and he stomped the Earth and dirt down to create flat land. He had gathered light and, tossed it into the sky so that it could become the stars. After all of this, Pan gu had grown old and tired (This was about 18,000 years after), he made the world with his hands; along with forming the basic principles of yin and yang. Pan gu decided to lay down, but once he laid down, he never rose again. When Pan gu died, his body formed the tallest mountains, his skull had formed the sky, his hair the flowers and plants, his bones turn to jade and pearls, his arms and his legs were the four directions. After this, his blood became the rivers, and his breath became the wind. His voice became the thunder, and both of his eyes became the sun in the ... Get more on ...
  • 50. A Simple Phone Call One Night After Dinner It all began with a simple phone call one night after dinner. Joe, my father hollered up the stairs, it s for you. Its jackie, and she sounds upset. as I came downstairs to pick up the phone, I was not happy. I was tired and had looked forward to a nice quiet evening at home, not another stupid adventure with Jackie. Thirty minutes later, however, Jackie s silver Mustang convertible swung into our driveway, and Jackie was leaning on the horn before the car came to a full stop. Grabbing my coat from the couch, I walked out my front door with all the enthusiasm of a man going to stand before a firing squad. I m really not in the mood for this today Jackie. as Joe entered the car. Jackie clearly had not heard him as she was playing... Show more content on ... Yea, what about it? It s been there forever. as she crept closer. The house had been there since i was a kid, it seems to be vacant. We pass it every day on the way to school but just today Jackie is dragging me out here to look at it. Look at the window, do you see that? jackie asserted while keeping a safe distance from the house. What is that? I questioned as I squinted to see the window. Then my eyes caught it, the one window on the entire house contained a circle with an A through it, Anarchy. It s probably nothing I assured Jackie. I was giving Jackie false hope. In the early 60 s and 70 s this town had applied a government of Anarchy. The two who began this apocalyptic cult, were Jackies parents. During that time the government fell apart as Jackies parents implemented this form of society. There was so little government and law restriction that all crime became considered legal. Eventually the Army intervened and broke up the chaos. Jackies parents disappeared and were never heard of again. Lets go, we don t have to be here i offered. No, lets go in Jackie exclaimed blatantly. Jackie, what if there s someone in there? as Jackie picked up a small rock. Well, time to find out. as Jackie threw the rock and smashed the window. We waited, staring at the window for any sign of ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Measurement And Criteria For Selecting A Cdn Measurement and criteria for Selecting a CDN The original purpose of measurement in CDN network is to judge whether the CDN network has the ability to provide customers with desired content and service. performance implications of data center consolidation by the same CDN is important because it eliminates a possibility that unrelated issues in different CDNs could affect the results[11]. .The measurement is achieved with a combination of hardware and software based probes distributed around the CDN, as well as using the logs from various servers within the CDN [13]. There are five critical quality metrics. Cache hit ration means the ratio of the amount of cache document divide The total documents. If a CDN network exploits an efficient... Show more content on ... External measurement using a third party to informs customer of content that the performance verified. There distributed many computers which are used for measurement connected through main internet backbones in several different cities. These computers measure if the specific Web site perform well from the end user s viewpoints. Information Group is often involved in the external measurement. It is often act as evaluator by analyzing several parameters in a CDN network, the parameters include scalability, manageability, area of coverage, the degree how easy it can be used, budget. For both the internal and external measurement, depend on the types of parameters, different networks statistic acquisition are exploited. For instance, t Traffic monitoring is a measurement technique where the traffic between the client and the surrogate is monitored to know the actual performance metrics[13]. Network probing is a measurement technique where the possible requesting entities are probed in order to determine one or more metrics from each surrogate or a set of surrogates[13]. Surrogate servers can also send feedback to help acquire the data for CDN. In order to obtain the CDN status information, networks statistic acquisition are employed rely on a number of metrics. Stimulation measurement Stimulation tools are always used to measure performance of CDN. In stimulation measure, no actual hardware are involved in this ... Get more on ...