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Essay On Interesting Place To
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Essay On Interesting Place To VisitEssay On Interesting Place To Visit
Game Of Thrones Patriarchy Quotes
In Game of Thrones every character is tortured in their own right. Some characters are simply
ridiculed in front of nobility, while others are forced to walk the streets of the city naked.
Arguably, Sansa Stark is one of the characters that receive the most unfortune. Sansa Stark, a
naive, idealistic girl from the North, hoped to marry the prince of her dreams, instead, her father
was killed in front of her, she was married twice to two sadistic men, and was raped in one of the
most controversial moments of the show. Sansa s subject to unfortunate events makes readers and
viewers alike ask, will Sansa ever escape her bad luck? The time period in which Game of Thrones
is set does not heavily favor women, which would partially explain Sansa s... Show more content on ...
She is determined to take back her home (Winterfell) and reunite the remaining members of her
family. Should Sansa accomplish her goal of taking back her home, she presumably would
become queen of the North, which would be a severe blow to the patriarchy of Game of
Thrones. The patriarchy in modern terms is characterised by current and historic unequal power
relations between women and men whereby women are systematically disadvantaged and
oppressed (2). Sansa becoming the queen of the North, would in a sense put her in a standing
equal to those of men (or even higher than some). The only obstacle that stand in the way of
Sansa, is her sadistic husband, Ramsay Bolton, who has taken her over her home and recently
took her younger brother hostage. Ramsay Bolton is the epitome of the patriarchy, he is the
warden (ruler) of the North and was the one that raped Sansa. Ramsay sees humans as toys and
brutally tortures and subsequently flays them. Sansa s decision to stand up against Ramsay
shows her strength: instead of remaining a rape victim, Sansa decides to take action. In a world
filled with men in power, Sansa no longer see herself as subservient object as she did in the
previous seasons. Sansa is ready to take on the patriarchy and assert herself to ultimately play the
game of
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Saying Farewell To A Faithful Pal By John Grogon
Animals can Change Our Lives
Changes in our world is normal, sometimes they can make a big change. Pets can change our
lives because of many reasons. New experiences can make a change because of the way they help
you. Sometimes it is a negative or a positive change. Animals are loving, caring, and cute.
In the article Saying Farewell to a Faithful Pal, by John Grogon, it explains how pets can be a
loving friend. The author shares when he had a good dog that he trained. He realized how his pet
had affected him a lot. It had trained him life skills. I know this because from the passage it said A
person can learn a lot a dog, even a loopy one like ours (Grogan, Pg 150, pp 13). This quote
explains that dogs can help us change. This experience impact the author because he had learned
a lot of life lessons from a dog. Pets are loyal to you, they are also friendly and compassionate. He
didn t learn life lessons alone, he had also learned friendship and loyalty to each other. ... Show
more content on ...
In the passage Dogs make us Human it said that, Now dogs still need people, but people have
forgotten how much they need dogs for any besides love and companionship (Grandin, Pg 153
154, pp 3) This quote explains that both dogs or pets and human need each other even when it
doesn t include love or companionships, they still need each other. Dogs can be a perfect
companion for human, which is why they are stated as a Human s best friend Dogs are not just a
pet or just a simple friend, they could show you love and friendship upon
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What Makes Lincoln Electric Company So Famous Among...
What makes Lincoln Electric Company so famous among management researchers and study
communities? What gives them competitive advantages? Lincoln is known for its high labor
productivity, very low employee turnover rate, high profitability and stable market share. The
principle behind Lincoln success is their incentive managementstyle. This famous Lincoln
management style created a unique organizational culture. In this paper, I will be summarizing the
organization culture of Lincoln: how is it created and what values of culture Lincoln possesses
using Organization Culture Profile (OCP) topology?
How is this culture created? Surprisingly, unlike other corporation, it is not the founder, John C.
Lincoln, who influenced culture. It all ... Show more content on ...
For him, the stockholders interests come last. The reason behind this is that the stockholders will
obtain their share of money regardless of their participation. In addition, he believed investors will
automatically come if a company is proven itself to be successful.
James believed that the interests of customers are best served by high employee s performance
and productivity. Therefore, he had implemented several plans and processes. The very first step
he took was founding the Advisory Board to represent employees voices. This Advisory Board is
the one who proposed famous Lincoln bonus plan which has been the backbone to Lincoln s
management system. Furthermore, Employees Association was formed to provide social activities
and health benefits. Wages are paid on piecework system and adjusted to Consumer Price Index.
One of best move taken by James was developing a stock purchase plan for all employees. The
motive behind is to provide incentive to help run company efficiently by sharing the sense of
By strolling through the interview sections of the case study by Sharplin, you get this sense; even
though employees at Lincoln work hard but their satisfaction toward their jobs is high. Referring to
organization culture profile, one can deduct that one value of Lincoln s strong culture is outcome
oriented culture. Performance is evaluated under four sections: Quality, Dependability, ideas and
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Biography Of Jeffrey Leonard Resected A Brain Tumor
On December 23, 2014, neurosurgeon Jeffrey Leonard resected a brain tumor in a ten year old girl
that was previously thought to be inoperable. Although it took two operations, due to modern
technology and education Dr. Leonard was successful. The girl fully recovered from surgery and
was awake and responsive the next morning. Modern surgeons knowledge of the human brainhas
evolved immensely through the ages. The first brain surgeons did not have anywhere near the
knowledge that we possess today, but it is because of them that the current treatment of
neurological problems is so advanced. Doctors can now perform advanced procedures such as the
resection of tumors and clipping of aneurysms all while a patient is numbed and unconscious when
previously treatment was a painful shot in the dark. Neurosurgeryhas evolved not only through
extensive research of anatomy and a change in religious perspective, but came hand in hand with
the development of anesthetics and the world s major advancements in radiology and imaging.
Neurosurgery is set apart from every other field because it pertains to the most important part of
the body: the brain. If a person s entire body works perfectly with the exclusion of the brain, that
person will still never be able to function normally. There is a wide variety of neurological defects
that can arise in any one of us including aneurysms, tumors, nerve damage, and strokes. (__) The
sheer fragility of our minds demands highly skilled surgeons to fix
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Martha Stewart White Collar Crime Analysis
Of all the forms of deviant criminal behavior, we are challenged to find actions more insidious and
deceitful than white collar crime. White collar crime is usually multilayered and extremely
complex making it difficult to clearly identify the actual crime. Typically, white collar crime
branches into either individual or corporate crime. Nonetheless, both groups of perpetrators have
several factors in common. It is these factors that put white collar criminals in a class all their
own. I wasn t sure what I would find by way of deviance in the case of the queen of all things
home and more, Martha Stewart, but I thought I would look anyway. White collar criminals are
only able commit their crime(s) because of their position, occupation, and/or... Show more content
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The fact that the insider trading charges were thrown out, but the conspiracy charges stuck is
curious. It appears, yet again, the judicial process and mainstream social construct of acceptable
behavior collided with what Martha, her broker, and fellow investor touted as nothing wrong .
Knowing more of John Savarrese s role as Martha s pretrial counsel, gives two more important
points about Martha s case of white collar crime. The first is questionable ethics and the other is
arrogance. Mr. Savarrese has been criticized by legal analysts for not providing ethical legal
advice to Martha or making the right professional choices himself. The belief is that Savarrese
knew or at least suspected, Martha and Bacanovic planned to perjure themselves. As Martha s
legal counselor it was ethically negligent of Savarrese not to advise Martha of the legal
repercussions of lying to the SEC. If Martha insisted on presenting her fraudulent story, Savarrese
should have immediately withdrawn as her counsel (Hoffman, 2007). More importantly than if
Savarrese knew or not, in her arrogance, Martha never thought this issue of a mere $45, 637
would develop into charges nor a prison sentence! She was simply above the laws and saw no
reason to tell the
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The Reflection Of The Sugar Cubes
Once upon a time, there was a sugar cube. One day it caught a glimpse of itself in a silver
teaspoon. After seeing it s reflection, it became very curious about itself and began to wonder
about existence and it s purpose in life. The little piece of sugar thought for a long time about
how to find the answer. It looked to the bowl that had held it and kept it safe all it s life. Who
better to pose this question to? So it called out to the sugar bowl. Sugarbowl, what am I? The sugar
bowl replied You are a square piece of sweetener. You have a limited time until you become stale
and crumble into dust. Learn how to sweeten, that is your only purpose in this life. So the sugar
cube practiced being sweet and became so sparkly with sweetnessyou could almost see a light
glowing inside the cube. Becoming sparkly was helping the other cubes that shared the sugar
bowl. The sparkly cube always had positive words for the other cubes and encouraged them to
become as sweet as they could. The cube knew it was a duty to serve the bowl of cubes and was
humble in doing so. It was careful about not doing harm even when some of them blamed the
sparkly cube. Even when it knew about this negative talk, the cube saw everything in itself and
itself in everything so wanted for each cube what it wanted for itself. The sparkly cube was the
same inwardly as it was outwardly. Once you knew the sparkly cube, you knew it was for real.
You could trust it because its words always reflected its actions.
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Meaning Of Happiness
There s no question that everyone wants to be happy within their lives. The only source of
disagreement lies within how one achieves happiness and what happiness really means. The
authors within the book Pursuing Happiness have their own meanings of happiness and what it
takes to achieve happiness. Topics such as: what happiness is, what brings happiness, what role
does money play in happiness, etc. In this first discussion, we see what the some of the authors
have to say about the meaning of happiness. Someone such as his Holinessthe Dalai Lamawould
argue that happiness is having peace and satisfaction within one s mind. As a tibetan monk, he
believe that happiness occurs within the self (Dalai Lama and Cutler 23). In contrast, Thomas
Jeffersonwould explain that happiness is actually the opportunity to freely choose one s path
within life. Freedom, in eyes, would be the embodiment of freedom (Declaration of
Independence). In would also argue that happiness stems from the feeling of self worth, that you
have a place within this world. As we see here, the true meaning of happiness all depends on the
person. There is no right or wrong answer because we each perceive happiness in a different
manner. This is important because it also means that there are different opinions in which someone
can achieve happiness. When it comes to achieving happiness, there are two things to consider;
physical and spiritual. Some people believe that happiness can come from material
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Police Chief Daschner s Ethical Dilemmas
From the beginning, Police Chief Daschner knew Mr. Gäfner, (the suspect he was
interrogating) was lying. In order to find Jakob von Metzler (a missing boy), and find out where
his abductor had taken him when he was kidnapped, his idea was for Mr. Daschner to disclose to
the police the location of where the hiding spot of his child was. Faced with this dilemma, in order
to get Mr. Gäfner to inform the Policechief where he had hidden the child, Police Chief Wolfgang
Daschner thought that he only had two options: Wait for him to talk, and take the risk that Jakob
may be dead when he finally released to the police the location where he hid the child, or force his
hand by threating torture. With the second option, Mr. Gäfner would have no choice but end up
giving the Police Chief the information that he needed by any means necessary in hopes of saving
the... Show more content on ...
There are some people who if put in his situation would have done the same thing as Police Chief
Wolfgang Daschner. Showing that the criminal had a lack of ethical values, it showed that the
cop had, in a sense, used the value of trying to save the child s life, as a good enough reason as to
break the law against using torture for any reason. Although no real torture was ever actually put
in effect against Mr. Gäfner. With the fact, technically the Police Chief had never actually
attempted torture against Mr. Gäfner, and only threatened it. I believe the Police Chief should
have never gotten in trouble for the threat of torture without any actual intent of it. In the end,
and in every sense, this is a slippery slope, and depending on one s perspective of what his or her
ethical values are, no one truly knows what is going on in someone else s head, and there is no
absolute way to know what is best for the many, so we need to evaluate our own values and do the
best we
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Analysis of the Sociological Theories
The four sociological theories are (1) Functionalisms, (2) Conflict Theory, (3) Symbolic Interaction
and (4) rational choice.
Functionalism believes that each part of society works in its own way and that the whole is
interrelated so that one feeds into the other and the whole works together harmoniously as a unit.
The government, for instance, provides education and libraries for its citizens and citizens, in turn,
pay taxes to the government so that the whole country profits. Schools provide education for
children, and families depend upon schools to provide education so that children will become
employable. The children, in turn, become literate, law abiding citizens who grow up to become
productive citizens in their won way. In this way, each segment of society interacts to work together
as a cohesive whole providing stability and productivity.
Conflict Theory
Society is in a perpetual state of conflict with bourgeois, or propertied class, exploiting the workers.
Society is in a conflict, constantly changing, negative state. Conflict theory is the opposite of
functionalism in that it sees conflict as being the personification of every single segment of society.
This includes race, religion, gender, politics, and economy. Powerful people are wrestling with and
exploiting the weaker and under privileged and unequal groups usually have conflicting values that
cause competition and conflict. This results in the constantly changing face of history.
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Nitobe Inazo s Influence On American Culture
Nitobe Inazo and his widely international popular book, influenced the way Japan was viewed by
Americans and the rest of the world during modern times (1900 45). It is questionable whether
or not he was a reliable source. However, without a doubt, Inazo impacted to international view
of Japan, during a time of imperialistic military events leading up to the fall of Japan at the end
of World War II. Nitobe Inazo was an educator, author and diplomat best known for his book
Bushido: The Soul of Japan. Nitobe was born into the Nambu Clan, which were made nobility
during his life. He was the son of a samuraiwho lived during the Meji and Taisho periods in Japan.
After his early life, Inazo, studied English Literature and Economics at Tokyo University. Then
in 1884, he traveled to the United States, where he stayed for three years, and studied political
science and economics at Johns Hopkins. Throughout his time in Baltimore, Maryland he became
a member of a Quaker society. Through the society, he met his wife Mary Patterson Elkson. In
1891, Inazo return back to Japan to fulfil a teaching position. Upon returning to Japan, he has
received one of his five doctoral degrees and had published books in English and German. By
1901, he had been appointed to the Japanese colonial government in Taiwan as a technical advisor,
who headed the Sugar... Show more content on ...
These statements are criticized by an American, Raymond Buell, in an article entitled, An Open
Letter to Dr. Inazo Nitobe. Buell, says that it is heartbreaking for those who have followed Inazo s
past, seen him faithfully served international cooperation and then to hear that he is indifferent
about the violations of Japan in the League Convent and anti war pact and has no sympathy . This
shows that Americans distrusted Japan s only diplomat because of his harsh outlook on morally
wrong events. One can also see this with the Rape of
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Edward Field Icarus
In Icarus by Edward Field, the narrator, through a tough turn of events has come to the conclusion
that he is not all he thinks he is. In the poem, Field makes an allusion to Greek mythology of the
story of Icarus and Daedalus, attempting to fly. Icarus, through his failures, sees that he is just as
ordinary as everybody else. Icarusis hit with a difficult realization that he is just as ordinary as any
other citizen. As an analysis of the poem itself, Daedalusand Icarus build wings for Icarus to fly in
an attempt to escape from prison and ,Daedalus reminds Icarus before his flight not to fly too
close to the sun. However, anxious to begin his adventure, Icarus dismisses the warning and soared
near to the sun,, resulting with his wings falling off and him falling to his death in the sea. He is
thought to be dead, but feathers near the sea prove otherwise. Icarus thinks of himself so highly,
amazing almost before... Show more content on ...
After being proved he is not unique, he goes to live a normal life like everybody else. Yet he is
miserable; in fact, he says in line 30, And wishes he had drowned . He is so ashamed of what he
has failed to do and how he is now known as normal like all the rest of his people. In addition,
line 25 says, Fails every time and hates himself for trying . All Icarus wanted to do was be
special, unlike his fellow people. However, because of a simple mistake of not listening to
Daedalus about flying into the sun, he despises himself. He thinks of himself as a failure that he
wishes to die to now have to cope with the pain anymore. Because of this, I am sorrowful for
Icarus because all he wanted to do was prove that he was special and unique. Overall, Icarus and
Daedalus wanted to devise a system for Icarus to escape prison, and it resulted in him wishing he
was dead. Because of this, I myself was distraught over this, that a character wished to die rather
than be told he is the typical Greek
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The Bible Is The Only Truth
I was raised in a Christian home and taught that the Bible is the only truth, The Word of God. I was
encouraged to not put my trust in men, because men will always make mistakes, but trust in God,
because he is perfect. I solemnly believed that in order to trust in God, I had to obey the Bible.
When I was 18 years old, I became a volunteer translator for a non denominational American
religious organization in Brazil. During that time, I visited hundreds of churches in many Brazilian
states. American missionaries founded most of the churches in Brazil. During my first training, I
was directed not to translate or mention anything about controversial issues, because it could cause
conflict with the denomination s teachings. Over the years I started to question: why are there so
many denominations? Why are all these churches following the same Biblebut cannot agree with
each other? Why are there so many divisions when the Bible teaches unity?
Christians follow the Bible. Christianity is the most popular, and the most followed religion in the
world as it is practiced by at least 33.39% of the world s population (Central Intelligence Agency).
The Bible is a collection of texts considered sacred in Judaism and Christianity (Riches). It has
influenced world history, arts, literature, politics, science, education, morality, laws, constitutions,
and even the calendar. The Bible is the bestselling non fiction book of all times, translated into 349
languages (Guiness World
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Essay Psychology of Dreams
Psychology of Dreams
To many people, dreams are the thoughts that occur while sleeping, having almost mystic qualities.
For millennia the significance of dreams has escaped even the brightest of philosophers and
intellectuals. Many people have speculated about why people dream and what meanings the dreams
have but in recent times two theories have gained credibility in answering those questions. The first
theory is Sigmund Freuds and the other is known as the cognitive theory of dreams also known as
biological determinism.
Freud presented his theory about dreams in the book The Interpretation of Dreams in 1899. In it he
sets out to prove there is a psychological technique which makes it possible to interpret dreams and
that ... Show more content on ...
Freud outlines methods of interpreting dreams. The first is a symbolic interpretation of the dream.
This method identifies symbols in the dream that represent something in the waking life, making the
dream simpler to understand if done correctly (Freud 129). The second method is to decode the
dream. Symbols are said to be universal and every symbol has a counterpart that it represents in the
waking life. In effect the real meaning of the dream is encoded into universal symbols and must be
decoded to understand it (Freud 130).
Freud found two meanings in a dream: the manifest meaning and the latent meaning (Freud
168). The manifest meaning of a dream is what is remembered upon waking (Felluga). The
manifest meaning can reflect a situation that follows common sense and unfold in a way
possible in waking life. Other times it can take its own wild path that follows little or no logical
sequence when viewed at surface level. Despite this vast difference, both of these are influenced
by the superego, a part of the mind that Freud believes houses the knowledge of the structure of
society and what is acceptable in the dreamers culture. The dream takes place on a stage or
backdrop that makes sense and relates to waking life (Freud 216 17). While the manifest meaning
is useful and can itself contain a message, interpretation of it can reveal more than seen at face
The second meaning in a dream Freud labels the latent meaning. The latent meaning
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Gantt The Perfect Victim Summary
Gantt is portrayed as the perfect victim. Green the author of this article does and amazing job
portraying Gantt as the perfect victim by telling the readers all of Gantt s problems. They also do
not give much of the other sides of the story.
Gantt was not in good health. In the article it states multiply times that Gantt was in poor health.
For example, Gantt suffered from both arthritis and bad eyesight. It then goes on to say Gantt only
was able to live on her own because of the first floor bedroom. Another illness, it explains Gantt
suffered from was depression because of resent deaths in her family and that she had stopped taking
her medication.
This article also gets you to look at Gantt as a grandmother figure. Gantt is 82 years
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E Ball Pc Essay
ABSTRACT: This research paper reveals the technology of E Ball pc. The E ball is designed by
Apostol Tnokovski. He designed this PC in circular shape because his estimation is that this form
attract everybody s concentration and he can hold the computer in his pouch without difficulty.
The E Ball pc is approximately in shape which is the nominal design between all the laptops and
desktops. This computer has all the features and fundamentals like a ordinary computers and
laptops. Ball is located on two stands, opens by holding and pushing the two buttons located on
each side of the E Ball PC; this is the newest concept of technology. After opening the stand and
turning ON this PC, by pressing the relating mouse button will allow to attach... Show more content
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When the projector is explode out, the paper piece holder will be separated into three piece
similar to an sun umbrella and you can see the display on the paper piece. You can also look at
movies, formulate presentation or several other thing on the paper piece that is in custody by
the paper controller of the E Ball PC. ADVANTAGES OF E BALL PC: A. It is moveable and
hand free. B. It has great memory i.e.5 GB. C. It is helpful for creation video presentation. D. It
supports client defined keyboard layouts. E. It is well organized. F. It is very simple to use and
recognize. G. It is more protected than additional computers because of its shape.
DISADVANTAGES OF E BALL PC: A. Ordinary operating systems cannot be work through
these computers. B. Price of E BALL is very much. C. It is hard to understand and track if some
problems happen in hardware element. CONCLUSIONS: As the machinery develop, the size of
PC become lesser and smaller. Although the size become smaller, the features of computers are
increase. The PC becomes extra capable and suitable to the users. E Ball is consider to be the 8th
conjecture which has the possible to development the world through its wonderful features. As
advancement is prepared in technology, it s easy to use
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Student Expression And Language And Body Language
Student Expression Often times, students cannot recognize the line between free speech and
hateful speaking because it is blurred for them. They have long been taught that free speech is our
born right, tride and true. However, some students take it too far with their words. When this is
brought up, many students bring it up as their opinion, or use the free speech card. Many people
are worried that students will lose their right to free speech if their expression is restricted.
However, to make schools a better environment things need to change. Student expression should be
restricted in languageand body language, in clothing, and on the internet.
Students are unique in every shape and form. However, there are many ways that students can
express themselves in both language and body language. Students today come up with many new
words for different uses, and that varies almost every few months. These words however may not
always be politically correct around others. If a student is caught using a word that disrespects or
offends another student or an adult, the offending student should be penalized for this. If the
student is allowed to continue saying those offensive words they will begin to think that it is alright
to say them. Hate will become engrained in their minds and they will pass this on to others.
Students often think it is funny to make racist remarks in passing in the halls, or during classes
when teachers do not hear. Students who do this should most
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Enlightenment Vs Enlightenment
The biggest life long journey that anyone can go through is the never ending search for
enlightenment and self knowledge. Our own personal journey starts with self reflection and to
become our own person. How do we do that when we have been molded since childhood to
think, believe, and act how others have always told us to? In Kant s What is Enlightenment , he
breaks down how to achieve what he considers to be true enlightenment. Kant defines
enlightenment as a release from self incurred tutelage. By self incurred tutelage here he meant
immaturity and he describes immaturity as the inability of a person to make use of their own
understanding and reasons without the help of others. The motto of Enlightenment is: Sapere
aude! or Dare to know! Have the courage to use one s own understanding. He asks us to be
rational, he says we should not obey authorities like parents, law enforcement, and even spiritual
leaders. If you want to obey them, first rationalize and then obey, otherwise you are not rational
or ethical. He asks us to become rational and think for ourselves for every action we perform
without the help of others. He then described the reasons behind the immaturity that is so
prevalent in a person. He says laziness and cowardice are the reasons why such a large part of
mankind gladly remain minors all their lives, long after nature has freed them from external
guidance. By laziness here he is referring to the mental laziness; that nobody wants to exert
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What Can Cause Bornean-Orangutans
Long time ago, there were more than 230,000 orangutans spread around South East Asia. Now,
there are only about 60,000 left and 40,000 of them are Bornean orangutans. Human action can
bring these animal to extinction. The three main threats that can cause Bornean orangutans (Pongo
pygmaeus) to extinction are habitat loss, illegal wildlife trade and conflicts with indigenous people.
Forest fires and continuous logging are some of human action that caused habitat loss and affecting
a significant change of Bornean orangutans population. When local farmers wanted to open a palm
oil agriculture they will use a slash and burn methods. In 1998, forest fires in Borneo had caused
one third of Bornean orangutans population died.
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Hannah Jensen Quotes In 13 Reasons Why
Jay Asher s novel 13 Reasons Why follows the suicide of Hannah Baker and the events that lead
her to her fate. The most influential characters of the novel all attend Liberty High School and all
of them in their own ways, lead Hannah to her suicide. Clay Jensen is the main protagonist in the
novel and the narrator. Throughout the book we follow his reactions of Hannah s tapes and his
interpretation of them. IN fact we follow Clay as desperately attempts to teach everyone included
on the tapes the effect that their words and actions have on others. The twelve tapes follow the 12
most influential people that lead Hannah to her suicide. These tapes include, Jessica Davis and Alex
Standall who are Hannah s first friends at Liberty High. Justin... Show more content on ...
A scene which demonstrates these characteristics is when Bryce s movie date leaves in a hurry
after he verbally and physically abused her. Hannah is left for Bryce s next target, and takes
advantage of Hannah being so naive. All the while Clay is left standing there watching the
interaction, and wants nothing more to intervene, but he is unable to find the strength within
himself to protect Hannah. Clay is left thinking to himself in his head, The entire time, I wanted
to flip the closed sign over. I wanted to march into the lobby and ask him to leave. The movie
was over and he didn t need to be here anymore. But that was Hannah s job. She should have asked
him to leave. No, she should have wanted him to leave. (Asher 147) These words illustrate Clay s
tentative nature, because his over thinking and habit of isolating himself, leaves Hannah, whom he
deeply cares about, vulnerable to Bryce, the main antagonist of the novel who has taken advantage
of many underaged teens before, including
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The Appointment By Aphra Behn
Aphra Behn s The Disappointment addresses three main conflicts regarding gender, power and
sexuality. Behn challenges the traditional gender roles accepted by the British society during the
17th century; that men are always in a position of power, by making Cloris, her female character
dominant over the male character Lysander and giving her the authority. Behn further challenges
the position of men in being the dominant genderin the sexual sphere and discusses masculine
identity and how it is measured by the ability of men to successfully perform and satisfy women s
sexual desires, and how women take charge and be in control when men s perform poorly.
The poem begins with two lovers who are about to make love, and from the very beginning ... Show
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Here, Cloris pulls her lover to her body and the poet uses the verb permits which implies that she
is in power to choose whether she wants to give Lysander her virginity or not and that she s not
being forced to do anything without her own desire. Behn expands the conflicts of gender
dominance and sexuality in the rest of the poem. The traditional gender roles are being
overthrown when Lysander is incapable of pleasing Cloris. Here, Behn is addressing the women
dominance over men. Lysander s masculinity is being questioned and, for this reason, he is
feeling ashamed. In addition, Behn is using religious language to support her claims But oh
what envious gods conspire/ To snatch his power, yet leave him the desire! (79,80). Here Behn
is referring to Cloris as god and Lysander isn t satisfying her sexual desires. The fact that his sexual
performance is not fulfilling his lover s needs, Cloris is able to take away her lover s power and
make him feel insecure. In the next stanzas Lysander s impotence is shown as the reason behind
Cloris s empowerment and the purpose of Lysander s feelings of rage and shame Now all the brisk
and active fire / that should
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Org Behavior
Tallahassee BeanCounters Team Case
Kaylee Cutler
Charles Spiva
Shauna Jones
During a routine audit of Tallahassee BeanCounters, the team s owner Franklin Kennedy asked if
we would investigate further into the potential of a fraud occurring within the company. Mr.
Kennedy stated that he received an anonymous tip and believes that based on the tip, fraud within
the organization was occurring. A fraud examination was conducted and the findings from relevant
documents and interviews are below.
Executive Summary:
The investigation started when Mr. Kennedy approached our team asking us to review documents
to see if a potential fraud within the organization was occurring. Mr. Kennedy received an
anonymous tip that ... Show more content on ...
Mr. Kennedy asked that we examine the previous four months of documentation to either
substantiate or reject the claim.
Fraud Examination Team Members
Kaylee Cutler, CPA; Shauna Jones, CPA; Charles Spiva, CPA
During our investigation of Tallahassee BeanCounters, the Team took the following actions: *
Obtained, reviewed, and analyzed financial documents of Tallahassee BeanCounters including
ledgers, purchase orders, invoices, purchase records, and salary information * Obtained,
reviewed, and analyzed cancelled payroll checks from ADP on behalf of Tallahassee
BeanCounters * Obtained, reviewed, and analyzed Jessica Keller s bank account activity for the
months in question * Obtained, reviewed, and analyzed receipts provided by the Manager at the
Villa Cordova Apartments associated with monthly rent payments * Obtained, reviewed, and
analyzed receipts provided by Ben Hill s ex wife associated with back child support payments *
Observations of various financial functions of Tallahassee BeanCounters by the Team
Individuals Interviewed: Members of the Fraud Examination Team interviewed the following
parties: * Coworkers * Red Carpet Reality * Tallahassee Doors * Villa Cordova Apartment
Manager * Ben Hill s first ex wife * Ben Hill s second ex wife
During our examination of documentation and interviews, we found the following: * Did the
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How Does Julius Caesar Use Rhetoric
Julius Caesar Rhetoric Research Essay The art of rhetoric has been practiced and admired for
centuries for its powerful effects over audiences. These effects are clearly presented in
Shakespeare s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. The famous eulogies by Mark Antony and Marcus
Brutus are prime examples of how public speaking can generate a whirlwind of reactions and
emotions from people. In Brutus address, he states that killing Caesar was for the good of Rome,
and the continuity of Rome should be put above all else. He bluntly points out that as Caesar was
an ambitious man, it would have had a disastrous affect on Rome. In Mark Antonys speech, he sets
Caesar as a man of the people with ambition to make Rome greater. He carefully counters... Show
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Brutus also shows his role in power by commanding the people to be silent, that [they] may
hear... him (Shakespeare III.ii.13 14). As Brutus speaks, it can be seen that he is not speaking
within his natural form, iambic pentameter. He is instead using prose, a common speech that is
typically not used in his rank of power, but rather in commoner conversation. This shows that
due to the unnatural events that have occurred, he is not able to speak in his natural form.
Brutus is easily affected by events and conflict more so than other characters in the play. After
Brutus is done speaking, he demands, not asks, the crowd to listen, complete opposite to Mark
Antony s start of speech. Mark Antony addresses the people as Friends, Romans, countrymen,
lend me your ears, putting friends above citizens of Rome (III.ii.75). Antony asks for permission
to speak before the crowd. Still speaking in iambic pentameter, he establishes himself as a regular
sympathetic citizen of Rome, greatly impacted by the death of Caesar. This angle works as the
citizens of Rome as they too start to feel sorry for Caesar, and realize his death was not justified.
AntonyВґs emotional appeal to the crowd is described
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Characteristics Of Jack Welch
Jack Welch as a Leader
Mr. Jack Welch former chairman and CEO of General Electric (GE) is amongst the renowned
personalities in the field of business. His tenure as a CEO of GE lasted for two decades, which is
celebrated for the excellent leadership skills that resulted in the 4000% growth of the company. He
bought the change which was necessary for the companies earning at the time i.e. eliminating the
communication barrier amongst the employees of the company, right sizing, introduction of
succession planning and making tough decisions for letting go some of the profitable departments
of the company. As a leader he had a clear vision; he knew what had to be done, which resources
were needed and how much time it would take to bring the company ... Show more content on ...
His ideas f leadership may be unorthodox for some management gurus but have proved to be very
successful in majority of the cases. His approach to be a successful manager and a business
leader involves team work and being fearless. I have drawn inspiration from his books Winning
and Straight from the Gut . He stood amongst hundreds of employees because of his skills and
brilliance. His journey starting from being a junior chemical engineer to the CEO of the
company is astounding and an inspiration for all the engineers like me. He not only brought
profits for the company but also made a name of his own. While most leaders talk a good game,
he lived it. His journey from being just an employee to the CEO of the company inspires people
like me to chase our dreams. It motivates me to go forward and work harder because the only
way you can peruse your career is to fight the competition. If you have what it takes to lead, than
you can beat the fierce competition and make your own name. We are surrounding by people
having brilliant ideas but they are always hesitant to work on those. Jack believed in team work, he
inculcated positive energy in to his followers. He is the best silent mentor one can
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Maslow s Hierarchy Of Propaganda Analysis
First of all, if you study any kind of history you know that the divide and conquer tactic has been
used by the powerful and elite for many centuries to control the masses. If you can keep people
fighting amongst each other they won t notice the bigger picture. Just like a great magician s
slide of hand, while you are looking one way they can create any illusion they wish due to your
distraction. I could go into every detail of what was said to me in my massage session yesterday
by one of my clients so easily and foolishly duped by this divide and conquer tactic like so many
Americans right now. I could break down every point and denounce it with an intelligent
counterpoint, but that would suck me into the same tactic I am speaking out against... Show more
content on ...
Republicans Why Are you Not Then Outrage by Corporate
Oh that s right because most of it is going to you. When did defending profits become more of a
priority to you people than caring about your fellow countrymen and women? Is your golden egg
concept of capitalism so fragile and precious that it should be held in higher regard than human
well being? If you are so worried about protecting capitalism and a free market where is your
outrage for corporate subsidies? You don t like people getting handouts and not earning things
Isn t capitalism supposed to be a system where if you fuck your business up then oh well tough
luck, but it isn t when we spent more money subsidizing failed businesses than we ever have
helping American citizens!
According to Good Jobs First, there are 514 economic development programs in the 50 states and
the District of Columbia. More
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Ultrasound Is Sound Based Imaging Technique
Ultrasound is acoustic energy with a frequency at about 20kHz which is above the capability of
human hearing. It is more commonly used in the medical field than food industry. In the medical
field, the most significant usage of ultrasound is in sonographic scanners. As these scanners work at
2 18MHz, it produces smaller wavelength which is able to make sonogram of smaller details. As
such, ultrasound sound based imaging technique is used to visualize body structures and tissues
(Carovac, Smajlovic, Junuzovic, 2011). Ultrasound contributes to the food industry via its acoustic
cavitation in food and dairy processing. For example, extraction using ultrasound technology has
shown to increase yield of high value food ingredients while emulsification produces food
emulsions with smaller droplet size (Chandrapala, Oliver, Kentish, Ashokkumar, 2012). In the dairy
industry, ultrasound was proved to enhance heat stability of dairy proteins and is used to separate
fat from milk (Grieser, 2015). Although most of the reported benefits of using ultrasound in food
industry was done in the laboratory, major advances have been made in recent years to utilize
ultrasound in commercial processes (Patist Bates, 2008).
The intrinsic mechanism of crystallization under the influenced of ultrasonic irradiation was not
well understood though there are many researchers working on this topic for the past few years. In
spite of that, the two recognized mechanism that
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Factory Working Conditions Of Bangladesh
Factory Working Conditions In Bangladesh Does it take a catastrophic event for the factories in
Bangladesh to become know for the harsh working conditions? Most Americans don t understand,
nor do Americans see how the factories and sweatshop workers are affected by the unsafe
environments, the illegal use of children, and the minimal pay with no compensation. Americans
take for granted the pay received, and the type of working conditions that are set in order to for the
business to operate. Child labor laws in Bangladesh are very few in number, and the few that are set
in place don t completely protect the underage children working. Working in such a hazardous
environmentthe workers should be compensated in either pay or benefits. The working
environments and conditions in Bangladesh are not only harsh, but unsafe, and the workers are
under compensated for the conditions.
Factories in Bangladesh have some of the worst working environments for workers to operate in.
There is no comparison between American factories, and factories in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh
alone some of the most catastrophic work hazards happen in the factories. In
Spencer 2
America certain laws are set in place to have guarantee that hazardous workplaces are under control,
and at a certain point. Otherwise the business and or factory would have to be shut down for unsafe
working conditions. On the 24th of April 2013 one of the most catastrophic
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Tooth and Claw, by T.C Boyle, is a short story about the...
Tooth and Claw, by T.C Boyle, is a short story about the main character, Junior, a man who only
depends on others to get by, and struggles in life because of it. In life, we all find ourselves
searching for alternative reasons as to why things don t always workout the way we hoped they
would; however, more often than not, the real reason lies within ourselves, no one or nothing else.
It is up to that person to make something happen, and junior fails to do this, always relying on
others. As if the title wasn t enough, the short storyis packed with symbolism, one of which being
that, like the wildcathe had won, Junior is nothing without someone to take care of him, and he
fails to be the change he wishes to see in the world. This is... Show more content on
Nervously, Junior thinks to himself about how he has to feed not only Cat, but Daria as well, he
ponders Eggs, I could scramble some eggs, but there was no bread for toast, no milk, no sugar for
coffee (Boyle 72) thus displaying how incapable he is of caring for a pet, a guest, and let alone
Perhaps it is clearest that Junior has minimum goals set for himself, when he and Daria stay up
late talking about their hopes and ambitions, revealing that he doesn t have many. After he
listens to every thoroughly thought out and planned intricate detail of Daria s dream to own a
restaurant, as well as her past education at University, Junior claims my ambitions were more
modest (Boyle 72) implying a lot less than Daria s had been. Junior explains to Daria how he d
finish at a community college without aim or interest and how he had been working as a tile
setter for his aunt and uncle s friend, nothing he had dreamed or planned of becoming in the
past. Bored and unsatisfied with Juniors dysfunctional life plans, Daria just replies with a yeah
and a yawn. Junior begins to fall for Daria and begins to rely on her as his life support in a way,
making it almost impossible to live without her by his side, he explains After Daria left for work, I
didn t know what to do with myself (Boyle 75). Dysfunctional without her, and having such
different aspirations along with personalities, Daria eventually leaves Junior. It is at this point that
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Application Of Direct Sales Comparison
This report uses the application of direct sales comparison approach to derive the site value for
the subject property. There are sufficient sales of vacant lots within 3 miles of the subject
property. Seven suitable vacant lot sales were selected and analyzed to estimate indicated subject
s lot value (table_ 1). The analysis uses a per sq. ft. unit in valuing the site. The vacant lots were
sold March to October of 2013. Lots attribute such as lot size, lot shape, topography, Resource
Protected Area (RPA), zoning which is density of development allowed per acre of land, and
traffic patterns were analyzed. The report used the Fairfax County digital maps of property,
resource protected area, and topography maps. In addition, aerial photography data was used to
determine the level of traffic in areas surrounding each lot.
The comparable lot sales are similar to the subject in term of land features such as lot shape, land
use, topography, and traffic patterns. The main differences in the comparable lots are observed in
terms of lot size, RPA, and zoning (density of development allowed per acre of land).
This report originally selected twenty one vacant or lots with old buildings which were
subsequently razed and replaced with newer and larger contemporary homes. In order to conduct a
meaningful analysis, the report calculated per sq. ft. median sales price of $7.20 based on the
original twenty one vacant lot sales (appendix _A). This figure is only used for adjusting the size
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How Does Hitchcock Create Emotional Tension In The Birds
The Birds is considered one of Hitchcock s most memorable films, and is known as a classic
horror film because of the concept of birds randomly attacking people. The film centers on a man
and a woman merging in with his family and only then do the birds start attacking and disrupting
their already tense atmosphere as the feelings between the protagonists Melanie and Mitch begin to
blossom. Hitchcock creates the birdsas a metaphor for the emotional turmoil between the couple and
the characters, as it allows them all to develop throughout the film.
Melanie is uncomfortable among Mitch and his family because of her feelings for him. This is
further supported when Melanie s relationship with his mother Lydia becomes strained due to
awkward interactions,
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The Armorer s Shop By David Teniers
Conservation Study
While there were several works of art that I had liked, the artwork and album finally chosen from
Noelle Ocon s album for this particular study was The Armorer s Shop by David Teniers the
Younger and Jan Brueghel the Younger. The goals for the study of this painting were to delve into
topics such as subject matter, spectrum bands used to reveal information about the painting, and
conservation efforts in general. As such, this study will start with the subject matter and style of
The Armorer s Shop s medium and materials are oil paints applied to connected wood panels. The
artwork was painted circa 1640 1645 ( The Armorer s Shop. ), and depicts an armorer s shop as the
title suggests. To go further into... Show more content on ...
Interestingly, outside of The Armorer s Shop, there is virtually no evidence that Brueghel and
Teniers ever collaborated with each other (Woll.)
As seen in the visible light photographs, the painting was flaking in some areas. The key issue here,
however, is not necessarily the flaking paint. Instead, it is the fact there were also two barely
noticeable lines that were particularly noticeable from the back of the painting. At the time of these
first few pictures, The Armorer s Shop had been strictly attributed to Teniers the Younger, with no
mention of Brueghel (Huskinson).
The painting was first analyzed using visible light, which can only show some surface details
through techniques like grazing. However, a couple of other bands of the spectrum that can be used
to obtain information about the painting in question are infrared, in the form of infrared
reflectography, and x ray. These were both utilized in this case to analyze The Armorer s Shop.
Infrared can be used to see through the paint layers to the underdrawing and also to detect details
in the painting that may have changed color since being painted ( Infrared (IR) Light. ). X ray can
be used to see through the entire painting to detect its base and find possible weaknesses or
damages to the painting s
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The Historical Development And Future Trajectory Of...
The article Controversial Blackness: The Historical Development Future Trajectory of African
American Studies, was written by Martha Biondi, a European Associate Professor of African
American Studies and History at Northwestern University.
Martha Biondi (2011), discusses the trajectory, development, growth, training, history, of African
American studies, and the expansion of doctoral programs of African American studiesnecessary
for the future trajectory in that field. The article further examines the fields in black colleges, as
well as predominantly European institutions and challenge these institutions for the incorporation
of African American studies.
Opinions in the article included, a radio program conducted in 2009, by ... Show more content on ...
Alexander s question: But has the mission of African American studies changed in other ways? (p
The group agrees that post racial discourse is not recognized and that it is very important to have
the skills and abilities to address such issues, whether social, economic, cultural, and political.
Biondi states that, Arguably the most exciting development for African studies in the twenty first
century is the expansion of doctoral programs. The opportunity to train young scholars can only add
to the growth, rigor and institutional stature of the field, (p 235).
Darwin . Turner, dean of the graduate school at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State
University, argued that the academic turn away from blackness merged from the optimism spawned
by early legal decisions supporting desegregation, the defeat of Fascism, and postwar affluence, (p
Although the article has good points, the article did not mention solutions for the struggles,
challenges, and dilemmas of African American students on campus and the future trajectory for
African American studies. I know that it is very difficult to predict what changes will be in the
future for the trajectory of the African American Studies program. However, the article did bring
insight for other researchers as an opportunity to cultivate solidarity and sharpen and update its
analysis of racism in the United States (p 235).
Inferences made in the
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Han-Chinese Violence
The violence that is occurring in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region amongst the Uyghurs and
the Han Chinese, stems from the conflict and debate between the Uyghurs and the People Republic
of China (PRC) in 1975. According to Gardner Bovington, there is a diverging perspective on the
history of Xinjiang; to the Chinese historical perspective, in 1795, once the Qing general conquered
the vast territory [ became] an integral piece of Chinese national territory (Bovington 2). While
to the Uyghurs, such concurring of land did not occur, allowing the Uyghurs to believe that they
are still a distinct [...] nation, with its own rightful homeland, history, culture, and language
(Bovington 2). Although both of these perceptions, to the individuals,... Show more content on ...
However, such rumors were not verified nor confirmed. Due to the strong authoritarian regime
China centers itself upon, media outlets are potentially inaccurate sources of information. The CCP
controls the outflow of information released by the media, due to such control over media outlets,
China is able to manipulate any situation in order to gain support and sympathy. In reference to the
Global Conflict Tracker, by China labeling the Uyghurs as a radicalized population it leads to the
connotation that the Uyghurs are associated with either the East Turkestan Islamic Movement
(ETIM) or the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) posing a direct terrorist risk to China (Darker blue).
By China attempting to gain international support via identifying terrorist organizations within the
PRC it allows China to address that this problem is not just a problem for China but also other
countries who s enemies are terrorist organizations example, the United States and its fight against
ISIS. Although this may seem as a benefit for China and its aims to integrate Xinjiang, for the
Uyghurs it labels them as a potential terrorist organization; hence, limiting their ability to tell their
side of the narrative and gain international sympathy limiting their ability to gain international
support and address how the CCP is marginalizing the Uyghurs. Thus, this inability
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Interpreting Financial Results
Interpreting Financial Results
January 25, 2016
Gurpreet Atwal
Interpreting Financial Results
This paper will interpret the financial statements from the past three years for Ascena Retail Group
Inc (NASDAQ: ASNA). The paper will highlight four financial ratios including: the current ratio,
the debt to equity ratio, the quick ratio, and the return on equity ratio. The financial statements that
will be reviewed are from 2011 to 2014. Each ratio will be compared to the industry benchmarks to
see where the company stands within the market.
Current Ratio
The current ratio will help us understand ASNA s liquidity, meaning how quickly the company can
turn its assets into cash in order to pay off its short term obligations. ... Show more content on ...
Figure 1 Financial Statement Data| 2014| 2013| 2012| 2011| Current Assets| 923.6| 942.8| 1040.0|
760.5| Current Liabilities| 631.9| 652.6| 685.6| 382.2| Total Liabilities| 1390.0| 1320.0| 1470.0|
681.6| Shareholders Equity| 1740.0| 1560.0| 1340.0| 1160.0| Inventories | 553.2| 540.9| 533.4|
365.3| Net Income| 138.2| 155.2| 171.8| 170.5| Numbers are in Millions|
Figure 2 Financial Ratios| 2014| 2013| 2012| 2011| Current Ratio
Current Assets/Current Liabilities| 1.46| 1.44| 1.52| 1.99| Debt to Equity Ratio
Total Liabilities/Shareholders Equity| 0.80| 0.85| 1.10| 0.59| Quick Ratio
(Current Assets Inventories)/Current Liabilities| 0.59| 0.62| 0.74| 1.03| Return on Equity Ratio
Net Income/Shareholder s Equity| 0.08| 0.10| 0.13| 0.15|
Ascena Retail Group Inc.. (2016, January). For Investors. Retrieved from http:/
Market Watch. (2016, January). Ascena Retail Group Inc.. Retrieved from http:/
/ sheet
Parrino, R., Kidwell, D., amp; Bates, T. (2012). Fundamentals of Corporate Finance(2nd ed.).
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley amp; Sons Inc..
Yahoo Finance. (2016, January). Ascena Retail Group Inc. (ASNA). Retrieved from
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The Conceptual Foundations Of Psychology
All sciences originally descended from philosophy and over the centuries the special sciences
gradually became independent of this discipline, with Psychology being one of the last of the
special sciences to separate from the parent during the 19th century (Banyard, Davies, Normal
Winder, 2010). The questions and ideas in Psychologyhave been of interest since the time of the
ancient Greeks, where philosophers inquired into how human beings know the world. Plato asked
questions about human motivation ( Why do we act as we do? ) and Aristotle attempted to
structure the human soul according to the five senses, imagination, common sense and memory
(Leahey, 2004), which loosely reflect the study of perception and cognition in present day
psychology. Although the conceptual foundations of psychology are to be found in philosophy, the
inspiration for the creation of an independent science of psychology came from biology. The
founders of psychology took a path to the mind through physiology, while a bigger influence came
from a younger branch of biology evolution which through a shift in focus from the contents of the
mind to the function of the mind, eventually gave rise to the different fields existing in psychology
today such as psychobiology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology and more recently
evolutionary psychology.
Although psychologists have traditionally revered William Wundt as the founder of psychology, the
historical reality is more complex.
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Trauma Symptom Inventory Case Study
The Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI), originally published by the Psychological Assessment
Resources, in 1995 and created by John Briere Ph. D., is utilized to evaluate acute and chronic
posttraumatic symptomology. The materials associated with administering this test include the use
of a computer with Windows XP, 7, 8, or 10, must maintain a NTFS file system, CD ROM drive for
installation, internet connection or a telephone in order to activate. One can download all of the
other necessary materials from PariConnect, which include the introductory kit, necessary software,
professional manuals, scoring sheets, among other reusable booklets. Prices range from $52.00
upwards to $375.00.
Test Construction
The TSI consists of 100 item questionnaire ... Show more content on ...
Taking into consideration that the scales are able to capture a broader range of behavior they are
also limited to their data, and may eventually need to be updated. One major weakness is that there
is no data that indicated that with treatment the TSI score of a PTSD patient will decrease.
Therefore, one cannot be sure if the overall use of the test is helpful or not. Another weakness is
the use of validity scales, since answering the questions are based on the participant being
honest. In my experience, most individuals are not entirely honest and either underplay or over
exaggerate their issues upon the first meeting. As far as uniqueness, I am not entirely sure how
unique the TSI is since it is measuring whether or not an individual is symptomatic with regards
to trauma. I feel that anyone could the criteria to diagnose PTSD or any other trauma related
condition into test form and say it is useful in assisting with diagnosing PTSD. Since the test
does not conclusively diagnose PTSD and does not provide with any follow up to support
whether treatment decreases symptoms, I feel it is very similar to most test that assist in
diagnoses. In my professional opinion, I feel that the test may be useful at times, however, I do
not feel that it would be useful in patience that a therapist or psychologist has just met. Trauma is a
sensitive subject and most individuals in therapy, as stated prior, are not necessarily willing to
open up immediately or have a tendency to embellish their experiences. Therefore, I believe that
while the test could assist in a diagnosis that the data may be skewed and the test have to be taken
again in monthly intervals, which is not the intended purpose of the test. Lastly, in my professional
opinion I would not use the test. I feel that it may be a waste of money and time, to come up with a
diagnosis that an
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Landscaping Design
Landscaping Designs That Bridge the Gap between Art and Functionality
Most people see landscaping design and garden functionality on two different levels. Ask
yourself: Do you want to create a garden which is a work of art meant only to be viewed, or do
you want to create an extension to your home that will allow you more comfort and more
pleasurable moments in your backyard? In order to achieve the latter, while considering the aspects
of colours, shapes and balance, the design should always go hand in hand with purpose. A retaining
wall or a bench can be turned into a work of art, without hindering the functionality of the garden.
We picked out 4 garden elements that easily bridge this gap.
Terraced Planters
One of the most striking elements that you can incorporate in your garden are terraced planters.
They offer layers of options, since you can view each level as a separate garden. You can
experiment by mixing blooms with interesting architectural greenery, or by mixing different shades
of the same flower, or by installing lighting fixtures that provide an intriguing game of shadows. But
apart from that, terraced planters are the most effective element against soil erosion and sometimes
the only way to have a garden on an otherwise impossible location.
Green Walls
These vertical gardens make a breathtaking ... Show more content on ...
Even the simplest of containers and the least decorative of plants work in these little secluded
paradise gardens. Their growing popularity speaks in support of their functionality. Apart from
creating a peaceful retreat for people from the life in concrete jungles, green roofs last almost
twice as long as the conventional roofs. The growing medium protects the roof surface from the
elements and contributes to its durability. It also acts like natural insulation and can reduce energy
costs by reducing the air conditioning needs. On a wider scale, these roofs improve air quality and
reduce the effect of urban heat
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Non Verbal Behaviors
Non verbal behaviors are unintentional and can be interpreted by a different personп»ї with a
different meaning. Verbal signals usually accompany by non verbal behaviors. These could be as
easy as a shoulder shrug to head movements to eye contact. These behaviors tend to either
confirm or even emphasize the meaning when speaking, Certain unintentional behaviors can even
contradict what the message was suppose to mean. Quick example if I ask my wife if she can
properly park her vehicle in a parallel parking manner she can say yes and shrug her shoulders
giving me an indication that she isnt sure of her answer. There are many categories according to
The Providers Guide to Quality and Cultureof nonverbal communication. The categories are as
follow;... Show more content on ...
For instance I automatically stand if I am sitting to give a handshake as I find it rude to give one
sitting down. Most people are unaware of that and dont find anything wrong with just sitting and
putting their hand out. Touching in other ways should be completely avoided until you have a
tight grasp on that culture. In mexico people are greeted with a hug and kiss on the cheek.
People in Asia can be offended in this manner due to invasion of personal space. One experience
I will never forget in one of my tours to Iraq i remember that a young woman needed medical
attention but they did not say anything to use until they had a man appeared that they knew and
he came to speak to us to see if we could help. We said no problem but he needed a female medic
to take a look over the young lady. Some cultures it is extremely offensive for men to speak to
women without the head of the house holds permission.
Eye Contact: Eye contact is an extremely sensitive subject. Here in america we use eye contact
for respect or when others speak to you. If our eyes wonder off or look down it gives tales of
either not paying attention or lying. Seeing that people lie with the left side of their brains people
tend to have their eyes move to the left. So myself I have to be looking into peoples eyes. In asian
cultures exposures of long eye contact can be extremely
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Henry David Thoreau Analysis
Henry David Thoreau, a nineteenth century writer, philosopher, and abolitionist, establishes
himself as an outsider, a passionate rebel against the status quo, in a passage from Walden. He
writes to explain why he went into the woods to live and left behind what most people would
consider civilization. Especially for an audience of contemporaries in the 1850s, before the Civil
War, his choice to live in the woods would have been outrageous even revolutionary. Even today,
his choice to live in a small cabin in the woods would be considered counter to the status quo, so the
modern audience is also intrigued by his explanation. His language and method of presenting his
ideas create an argument between civilization and real life, and it is clear that he values real life
in the woods over what most people would consider civilization. He pits civilization against life
throughout, though he hides the reference to civilization behind a contrast to life in the words
not life, and he suggests that living in civilization would be a resignation. He counters this with
many references to life (nouns) and live and living (verbs), such as to live deliberately, facts of
life, I had not lived, wish to live, not life, living is so dear, live deep, marrow of life, to live so
sturdily. The paragraph is bursting with life references, and we immediately discern the urgency of
his desire. We learn the temperament of the man through this intensity. The contrast between life
and not life is
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Eating Disorders In Black Swan
Black Swan is a dark and chaotic film that follows a ballet dancer named Nina who s only and
greatest dream is to become the Swan Queen in the production Swan Lake. The movie follows
Nina s demise into chaos as she attempts to master and embody both the white and black swan.
Although dark, confusing, and sometimes frightening, the movie excellently portrays the utter
chaos of living with an eating disorder, as well as the perils of schizophrenia, and anxiety. The
movie begins with the portrayal of Nina as a timid person struggling with Anorexia and self
confidence with the aspiration to become the perfect ballet dancer. After Nina gets the role as the
swanQueen, Nina begins to take a turn for the worse and gradually shows increasingly severe
symptoms of schizophrenia and dissociation,... Show more content on ...
Marya Hornbacher in Wasted describes eating disorders as a little private drama in which
everything becomes life or death... terribly grand and crashing, distracting the person from the
real world (Hornbacher 239). It s a life where there is no middle ground and I think this how
Nina lived. Nina struggled immensely with herself even before the schizophrenia became clear.
Hornbacher describes her eating disorder as a distraction from the fear that the real world will
gobble you up the minute you step into it, as well as the fear of the self, a completely dualistic
and contradictory fear (Hornbacher 239). Even at the start of the film, the viewer can see that Nina
is scared. Nina s mother molded her to always strive for perfection, and the aspiration for perfection
became so overwhelming and important it began to eat her away. Marya Hornbacher also
emphasizes the American culture s negative influence on striving for physical perfection. Ballet, a
sport that emphasizes the body, most likely had an enormous influence on Nina s turn to
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Advantage And Disadvantage Of Android
Abstract This document contains the details of research and market survey carried out by Sugoi
Labs Pvt. Ltd in partial fulfilment of the requirement of BMS College of Engineering for the
creation of an Android application that automates a fitness centre s entire business process.
Keywords Fitness Centre, Business Process Automation, Mobile Application, AndroidSDK
I.INTRODUCTION The fitness industry is a rapidly evolving industry today. Being fit itself has
evolved from a luxury to being a basic necessity. As a result a lot of fitness centres have
mushroomed up across cities. Being individual or small medium operations, these centres lack a
regularized operations model, with payments being made in instalments, attendance of client being
random, with the fitness regimes following a similar modus operandi. As a result the stakeholders
of fitness centres the owners/managers and the customers themselves are at a loss, with the owners
/managers ... Show more content on ...
Continuous internet connection
As shown above, the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages and hence our inclination
towards using android
History of Android and the SDK[2] [6]
Open Handset Alliance which is led by Google created Android. There was mixed feedback on
developing applications for the Android platform. The various issues cited include bugs,
inadequacy of documentation, QA infrastructure, and it was found that there was no public issue
tracking system. Google promulgated an issue tracker on January 18, 2008. Android targeted
applications began to appear the week after the platform was announced. The snake game was the
first publicly available application. A SIM unlocked and hardware unlocked device that is designed
for advanced developers is the Android Dev Phone. Regular consumer devices purchased at retail
can be used by developers to test and use their applications; some developers may choose not to
use a peddle device, favoring an unsealed or no contract
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Telomere Research Paper
Time is of the essence! By the end of this research paper the reader will know the reasoning
behind time itself. A telomere is quite significant because it can detect cancer, diseases, and
aging. The telomer was discovered around the 1960 s by Dr. Leonard Hayflick he discovered it
by learning about how long a cell can live. There are billions of cells through plants, animals, and
humans it s how an organism operates. A telomer is at the end of each chromosome inside a
eukaryotecell (Plant and Animal Cell) and its importance is copying DNA(Deoxyribonucleic Acid).
DNA is the genetics that we obtain through our parents. If we could preserve the telomer to be
continuous then organisms can become eternal. A telomer holds the true meaning of... Show more
content on ...
Telomere can be described as a weight lifting bar, telomers are at the end of each chromosome
like two weights on both ends of a bar. A chromosome is an organelle inside the eukaryotic cell
(animal and plant cell), chromosomes obtain genetic information forming genes. Plants,
animals, and humans contain trillions of cells throughout their anatomy. How does a telomere
relate to genetics? A telomere helps the cell reproduce DNA. Without copying DNA, it is
impossible for a cell to live. In 2009 a Noble Prize was won by three experts on heredity
discovered the telomere genetic code. One of their significant pieces of this research was in the
1970 s when they did a critical research paper on isolating the sequence of telomeres. They
quickly discovered a telomer is used many times each use the telomere breaks off when the
DNA is replicated that s when the length of the telomer shrinks. Before a telomere was
discovered Dr. Leonard Hayflick discovered how long a cell can live and his results come out to
be 50 to 60 cycles. His results were not understood by scientist but they had faith in his research
they quickly understood once the telomer was discovered scientist concluded with a hypothesis if
they can control the length of a telomer than I cell can be indestructible it would live forever.
Somehow if a discovery came along to uphold a telomer than it could cure cancer, diseases, and
provide longer life for a
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Symbiosis And Eukaryotes
Symbioses have played an important role in the origins and evolution of cells and organisms with
novel properties. One of the most significant outcomes of symbiosis, is the formation of eukaryotes
through either primary or secondary endosymbiosis which allowed for the development of many
unique organelles present today in eukaryotes, notably chloroplasts and mitochondria. Primary
endosymbiosis is the engulfment of a prokaryote by a eukaryoteforming a plastid, compared to
secondary endosymbiosis: a eukaryote engulfs another eukaryote to form a plastid (Archibald et al,
2002). Through endosymbiosis, the endosymbionts are able to bring in unique metabolic and
signalling capabilities beneficial to the host (Lake, 2009). However, mutually dependent... Show
more content on ...
Both chloroplasts and mitochondria contain circular DNA knowns as chloroplast DNA and
mitochondrial DNA respectively, signifying that both organelles have prokaryotic origins. The
presence of mitochondria in eukaryotes allows for ATP synthesis through the electron transport
chain and oxidative phosphorylation (Chinney et al, 2003), thus enabling eukaryotes to satisfy
their high metabolic requirements, particularly in animals. The production of large amounts of
ATP energy allows for the sustenance of life in a wide variety of environmental conditions as
they are able to produce the energy required. The unique double membrane of the mitochondria
suggest that it was formed as a result of primary symbiosis, and are homologous to plastids.
Similarly chloroplasts enable eukaryotes to take advantage of sunlight as a natural resource, which
allows the process of photosynthesis, where the reaction of carbon dioxide and water is converted
to glucose and oxygen gas (Cogdell, 2013), using light energy produced by the sun with the aid of
chlorophyll. This conversion of light energy into chemical energy forms the primary source of all
energy accessible by the animal consumers on land, through the producers the plants. At the cellular
level, protists are the most simple examples of endosymbiosis. In the amoeba Paulinella
chromatophora it contains two chromatophores, derived from once free living cyanobacteria
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What Is The Tipping Point
Adidas, Apple, Google, and Nike are some of the top brands today. When we look at the symbol
on a product, we automatically remember the brand name. Everyone knows what a brand is, but a
brandless brand is not common. A brandless company is a brand without a name. Today, there is a
brandless company called Brandless. On their official website, everything costs three dollars. They
want to sell to consumers, quality products without paying for the name of the company. Brandless
took out the intermediary, who made all your normal products more expensive. In The Tipping Point
, the author, Malcolm Gladwell teaches the readers about the Law of Epidemics and its three rules,
which are the Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor, and the Power of Context.... Show more
content on ...
Will Burns, the founder and current CEO of, believes that the only way that
Brandless will succeed is for people to believe in it. Burns states, Barry Schwartz wrote book about ten years ago called The Paradox of Choice. In it, he proves that too
much choice is not a good thing for two reasons: one, we are less likely to make a decision when
we are overwhelmed with choices; two, when we do make a choice we are less happy with the
choice because, with all those choices, we can t be confident we made a good one. Brandless
would be found appealing because they say that their products have great quality and In The
Tipping Point, The law of the few is when one person finds out about a trend and through social
connections, energy, and enthusiasm and personality make, the trend spreads. Three parts are
within this law: connectors, mavens, and salesmen (Gladwell). Gladwell refers to salesmen, as
folks with the skills to persuade individuals are unconvinced of what we are hearing, and they are
as critical to the tipping of word of mouth epidemics as the other two groups (Gladwell). Salesmen
explain Brandless statements. Brandless states on their site, ...there aren t 100 pasta sauces to
compare, there are three (Brandless). Their target audience is buyers online, people who do not
have time to go
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The Yellow Wall Paper, By Charlotte Perkins Gilman, And...
People should be entitled to their own identity since everybody if unique in so many ways. In
the literature we have read during this course people and women specifically are defined. These
can be metaphors used to describe the women or ho others view these women. Sometimes they do
not define themselves and are defined by the people around them; based on their looks or
stereotypes that may not represent who they are. Women are defined by others and themselves in
many ways such as seen in, Borders by Thomas King, The Yellow Wall Paper by Charlotte Perkins
Gilman, and Lysistrata by Aristophanes. These metaphors are not directly defining these women,
but defining them by their power, identity, and intelligence. In the play Lysistrata the character
uses the only power she has to control the state and the men who run it. She makes a number of I
am statements including, I am hot all over with blushes for our sex (Aristophanes 5). This quote
is showing what her power is at that time; sex is the only power women at her time possess, and
they use it to their full advantage. Also it is how the men are defining her are her power by sex.
Lysistrata is a very intelligent woman and knows that the only way to bring the war to an end,
while bringing the country back together is through the women around her and their only means of
power. The second I am I think is more powerful: I am a woman, but I m not a fool (Aristophanes
48). She fighting the metaphor bestowed upon her by
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Improving Rural Emergency Services
Improving Rural Emergency Services
Wyandot East EMS Wyandot East EMS 27 run 27 run to 416 west center street 416 west center
street for a 60 year old male complaining of chest pain. Time paged 1345. The emergency services
here I am from use the code 27 to signify that it is an emergency run. Five minutes later...
Wyandot East EMS Wyandot East EMS 27 run 27 run to 416 west center street 416 west center
street for a 60 year old male complaining of chest pain 2nd page time 1350 . another five minutes
go by... Upper EMS Upper EMS 27 run 27 run to 416 west center street 416 west center street in
Nevada for a 60 year old male complaining of chest pain time paged 1400 . Fifteen minutes later ...
Upper EMS shows up at the house and is doing CPR on ... Show more content on ...
The emergency medical services are proven to be slower in small rural areas than in a bigger city,
because most of the small town rural areas emergency response services are volunteer. While
judging the amount of coverage an emergency response station covers, government officials look
at the amount of people in a given area, not the mileage that area may cover. My hometown is
mostly farmland, with a population of seven hundred and fifty people, the farmland covers twenty
five to thirty miles in each direction. This may not sound like much land to cover, but when it
comes to saving lives, time is of the essence.
When coming up with what land the emergency services in the area covers, government officials
calculate the land in a area and how much taxes the land have in a given year and whether or not
they can afford emergency medical services. If a small town can not afford the cost of a full time
medical service, the government then puts the small town in the hands of the neighboring
community that can afford the emergency medical services. Sometimes the neighboring
emergency medical services will establish a volunteer EMT station in the small town to try and
get as many emergency calls answered as quickly as possible. Emergency medical systems are
evaluated according to how they respond to and treat out of hospital cardiac arrest patients
(Sunarin, Mayorga,and Mclay 134). The rural and small town areas are not able to respond in time
do to lack of resources,
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How Does Darcy Present Elizabeth In Pride And Prejudice
Elizabeth is an interesting individual not because she is a natural beauty and possesses almost
all of the qualities that a man wants but because she wants to marry for love and not money.
Elizabeth does have flaws however, one being that when she doesn t want to listen or believe
something or someone, she pretends she doesn t understand what the facts are and is very
stubborn once she dislikes someone. Elizabeth first meets Mr. Darcy at a ball and because of his
poor manners, and expectations of women, she automatically takes a dislike to him. However,
throughout the novel, Elizabeth becomes more intrigued with Mr. Darcy and eventually sees a
different side of him. There are many incidences in the story that show Elizabeth s dislike for
Darcy because of his pride starting with their encounter at the ball, Wickham s opinions and
accusations of Darcy, and her refusal of his proposal; however, Elizabeth begins to see a new
side of Darcy and couldn t think of living a life without him by the end of the book. When
Elizabeth first encounters Darcy at the ball she is very displeased and... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, she bumps into him and feels very ashamed because it looks as if she is
throwing herself at him. Elizabeth is surprised at how delightful, and polite Darcy is to her, her
Aunt, and her Uncle. Darcy even introduces Elizabeth to his sister. Elizabeth also hears a great
deal about Darcy from his housekeeper who raised him as a child. She talks only of lovely, and
flattering compliments of Mr. Darcy. Elizabeth begins to see how she was too hasty in her
decision to judge Darcy s full character after only knowing him for a few short days. She knows
that she was being prejudice towards Darcy and began to regret her rejection of his proposal after
visiting his estate. Elizabeth then falls in love with Darcy and is engaged to him by the end of the
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Sociology Essay
AS Sociology
Nik Jorgensen
Text Nelson Thornes Distance Learning 2010
Illustrations Nelson Thornes Distance Learning 2010
All rights reserved. The copyright holders authorise ONLY users of NTDL AS Sociology to make
photocopies for their own or their students immediate use within the teaching context. No other
rights are granted without permission in writing from the publisher or under licence from the
Copyright Licensing Agency Limited, of Saffron House, 6 10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS.
Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to
criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.
Published in 2010 by:
Nelson Thornes Distance Learning
Delta Place
27 Bath ... Show more content on ...
Overview of
AS Sociology
| 2010 11
Unit 1.4
Marriage, Cohabitation and Divorce
Unit 1.5
Older Relatives and Children in
Unit 1.6
The Domestic Division of Labour
Unit 1.3
Social Change and Families and
Households: Demographics and
Statistical Evidence
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A Critical Infrastructure Protection Is Not Just A...
EDM: Case Four
Institutional Affiliations
Introduction Critical Infrastructure Protection is not just a national issue but also a global
responsibility. Perl Report introduces the importance of International Cooperation. The accrued
benefits increase the desired need to form agreements between nations to share necessary scientific
knowledge helpful in mitigating vulnerability. For example, the agreement between German and
Homeland Security of the United States provides collaborative measures and internal controls that
govern interaction between the two parties. Likewise, Secretary Napolitano s Letter of Intent
projects possible bilateral trade agreements between USA and Qatar, therefore, enlisting mutual
benefits. Finally, the paper indicates the effects of the latest natural disaster occurrence. The Federal
government has adopted some of the recommendations in the Perl s Report to deal with the
catastrophic situation.
Part A
Critique of the Report
Perl, (2008) presents an interesting report that discusses the terrorist threat to critical energy
infrastructure. He goes further to suggest options for a response as well as identify some needs for
a proper response. As much as the presentation is precise and easy to understand, the author fails to
provide the much needed evidence to back his thoughts. For instance, he seems to over emphasize
that energy infrastructure is more critical than another unit, yet fails to provide sufficient
description of the
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Relationship of the Messages of Amos and Hosea to the...
Relationship of the Messages of Amos and Hosea to the Mosaic Covenant
Assignment: From the oracles of Amos and Hosea show how their messages were true to the
Mosaic revelation. (Think particularly of the Sinai covenant blessings and curses and the new
In completing this assignment, I shall first endeavour to answer the question: What are the key
elements of the Mosaic revelation? In addition, a brief overview of the n
New Beginnings promise will be presented. Following this, I shall then relate the oracles of Amos
and Hosea to the Mosaic revelation in order to demonstrate that their messages were true to the
Mosaic revelation.
2.0The Mosaic Revelation
There are three elements of the Mosaic ... Show more content on ...
His compassion is particularly evident in His provision for the poor, the oppressed and the
underprivileged in the Mosaic Law. And when the Israelitesforsook His covenant and were
subjected to His judgement, it was on the basis of His mercy and compassion that He promised
restoration upon their repentance:
None of the devoted things shall stick to your hand, that the LORD may turn from the fierceness of
his anger and show you mercy and have compassion on you and multiply you, as he swore to your
fathers (Deuteronomy 13:7). 2.1.5His Covenant Keeping Characteristic
God particularly revealed Himself to Moses as a covenant making and covenant keeping God. No
doubt, Moses had in depth knowledge of the Abrahamic covenant prior to His commission on
Mount Horeb, but at that Mount of God , he was clearly instructed that it was on the basis of the
Abrahamic covenant that God was now setting things in motion to deliver the children of Israel and
to bring them into the land He promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob:
God spoke to Moses and said to him, В‘I am the LORD. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to
Jacob, as God Almighty, but by my name the LORD I did not make myself known to them. I also
established my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, the land in which they lived
as sojourners. Moreover, I have heard the groaning of the people of Israel whom the Egyptians
hold as slaves, and I have remembered my covenant. Say therefore to
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Bbc3 Unit 9 Final Project
12 year old BBC3TV s trust company has approved the plan to make the channel an online only
entity. Due to BBC3TV s failing revenue, the the BBC Corporation will essentially be saving about
ВЈ30m ($46m) a year. The channel, which was targeted towards the 16 to 34 year old
demographic, was unable to do so.
In its first major decision since Rona Fairhead was appointed as chair of the trust last September,
the regulator recognised the clear long term potential in moving online, but admitted there were
clear concerns about the loss of services to the key age group, as well as the BBC s ability to try out
new ideas and develop new talent.
Alternately, the trust rejected another proposal to launch a new BBC1+1 channel in place of BBC3
because ... Show more content on ...
The BBC must also promise to continue taking risks on new talent and ideas of the sort that BBC3
has been successful in developing .
Under BBC proposals, the budget for entertainment and features such as reality television shows
will be scrapped, while the bulk of the remaining reduced budget of ВЈ30m will be spent on drama
and serious factual such as Murdered by My Boyfriend. The budget for personality led
entertainment such as Jack Whitehall and his Dad will be halved, while scripted comedy
including series like Cuckoo will see a 25% budget cut to about ВЈ10m. Factual entertainment
programme Don t Tell the Bride is to move to BBC1 as part of the plans.
A letter sent to Fairhead and the BBC director general, Tony Hall, in June organised by two leading
independent television producers and signed by 750 stars, including Whitehall, Olivia Colman,
Daniel Radcliffe, Game of Thrones star Lena Headey and Poldark s Aidan Turner, argued against
the plans.
The corporation had intended to replace the BBC3 TV channel with a one hour time shifted version
of BBC1, a move that concerned commercial rivals, branding it a ratings driven
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The Importance Of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is the utilization of computers to imitate human brains in restricted domains.
This is a consequence of developing computer which carry on logically, reason rationally and can
adequately decipher its surroundings continuously in real time. Artificial Intelligence is no longer a
fictionist concept, the superior computing prowess of artificial intelligence has enabled them to
surpass humans in problem solving. They have made it conceivable to recreate complex activities
that need proficient mastery. Chess playing program is an astounding case of an intellectual
system. Artificial intelligence is an extremely wide interdisciplinary field which connects to many
domains, all the computing disciplines, but also chemistry,... Show more content on
After, in 1966 the first robot Shakey with artificial intelligence was created. After in 1986,
Bundeswehr University was able to create the first self driving car with the help of input
devices such as cameras and sensors. As of the 21st century, Artificial intelligence can be created
to portray, understand human emotion and also learn from experience and learn from errors.
The Basic format of AI and its components is displayed inside the image (Tecuci). With the
creation of robots with artificial intelligence, we are able to create robots which can work on
task with greater efficiency than human beings. Hence, the basic fear of robots replacing
humans in the workforce rises as a potential threat for losing jobs. But individual of society
forget that Artificial intelligence will also create lots of jobs as they will require humans to help
maintain the condition of the bots and also to upgrade and fix issue in the bots. Also, the bots will
mostly take the jobs which are mainly labor infused. Therefore, if we have bots performing the
simple task of society it will require society to grow and become smarter hence benefiting the
society as a whole (Atkinon). Second, frequently individual of society worry that development in
Artificial intelligence will result in computer starting a revolution as they
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Moral Responsibility In Susan Wolf s Analysis
In an attempt to explain moral responsibility, Susan Wolf puts forth a modified version of what
she calls the Deep Self View (DSV) first expounded on by Harry Frankfurt, Gary Watson and
Charles Taylor (Perry et al. 460 462). The key to her argument the condition of sanity; a deep self
must be sane in order to be considered morally responsible. However, I will argue that her attempt
fails for the following two reasons:
1.Wolf s definition of sanity is too vague and to be useful and relies on the collective view of lay
2.Wolf raises the bar of moral responsibility so high as to make it nearly impossible to reach and in
the process seems to defeat her own argument.
Wolf s attempt to make sense of DSV by creating her own definition of sanity (CITATION) does
not add clarity to DSV but instead creates more confusion. Her definition seems to rely too heavily
on the views of the general population for determining what is and is not sane (CITATION). What
is sane then ... Show more content on ...
...the minimally sufficient ability cognitively and normatively to recognize and appreciate the
world for what it is (Perry et al. 465).
In other words, society at large is the yardstick for judging what is and is not to be considered sane
and acceptable behavior. While few would object to the role sanity plays in a person s moral
responsibility, Wolf s definition of the sane DSV is far too vague and subjective to be of any real
So, if we accept Wolf s vague definition of the sane DSV and assume our view of the world is
the correct one, we may create even bigger problems. All too often the tyranny of the righteous
majority has violated the rights of the weak and savage minority. Therefore, it is my argument
that Wolf s definition of the sane DSV has the very real potential of creating even more Jo Jo s on
an even larger scale. Wolf acknowledges the difficulty of this objection and admits there are no
satisfactory answers (Perry et al.
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  • 2. Game Of Thrones Patriarchy Quotes In Game of Thrones every character is tortured in their own right. Some characters are simply ridiculed in front of nobility, while others are forced to walk the streets of the city naked. Arguably, Sansa Stark is one of the characters that receive the most unfortune. Sansa Stark, a naive, idealistic girl from the North, hoped to marry the prince of her dreams, instead, her father was killed in front of her, she was married twice to two sadistic men, and was raped in one of the most controversial moments of the show. Sansa s subject to unfortunate events makes readers and viewers alike ask, will Sansa ever escape her bad luck? The time period in which Game of Thrones is set does not heavily favor women, which would partially explain Sansa s... Show more content on ... She is determined to take back her home (Winterfell) and reunite the remaining members of her family. Should Sansa accomplish her goal of taking back her home, she presumably would become queen of the North, which would be a severe blow to the patriarchy of Game of Thrones. The patriarchy in modern terms is characterised by current and historic unequal power relations between women and men whereby women are systematically disadvantaged and oppressed (2). Sansa becoming the queen of the North, would in a sense put her in a standing equal to those of men (or even higher than some). The only obstacle that stand in the way of Sansa, is her sadistic husband, Ramsay Bolton, who has taken her over her home and recently took her younger brother hostage. Ramsay Bolton is the epitome of the patriarchy, he is the warden (ruler) of the North and was the one that raped Sansa. Ramsay sees humans as toys and brutally tortures and subsequently flays them. Sansa s decision to stand up against Ramsay shows her strength: instead of remaining a rape victim, Sansa decides to take action. In a world filled with men in power, Sansa no longer see herself as subservient object as she did in the previous seasons. Sansa is ready to take on the patriarchy and assert herself to ultimately play the game of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Saying Farewell To A Faithful Pal By John Grogon Animals can Change Our Lives Changes in our world is normal, sometimes they can make a big change. Pets can change our lives because of many reasons. New experiences can make a change because of the way they help you. Sometimes it is a negative or a positive change. Animals are loving, caring, and cute. In the article Saying Farewell to a Faithful Pal, by John Grogon, it explains how pets can be a loving friend. The author shares when he had a good dog that he trained. He realized how his pet had affected him a lot. It had trained him life skills. I know this because from the passage it said A person can learn a lot a dog, even a loopy one like ours (Grogan, Pg 150, pp 13). This quote explains that dogs can help us change. This experience impact the author because he had learned a lot of life lessons from a dog. Pets are loyal to you, they are also friendly and compassionate. He didn t learn life lessons alone, he had also learned friendship and loyalty to each other. ... Show more content on ... In the passage Dogs make us Human it said that, Now dogs still need people, but people have forgotten how much they need dogs for any besides love and companionship (Grandin, Pg 153 154, pp 3) This quote explains that both dogs or pets and human need each other even when it doesn t include love or companionships, they still need each other. Dogs can be a perfect companion for human, which is why they are stated as a Human s best friend Dogs are not just a pet or just a simple friend, they could show you love and friendship upon ... Get more on ...
  • 4. What Makes Lincoln Electric Company So Famous Among... What makes Lincoln Electric Company so famous among management researchers and study communities? What gives them competitive advantages? Lincoln is known for its high labor productivity, very low employee turnover rate, high profitability and stable market share. The principle behind Lincoln success is their incentive managementstyle. This famous Lincoln management style created a unique organizational culture. In this paper, I will be summarizing the organization culture of Lincoln: how is it created and what values of culture Lincoln possesses using Organization Culture Profile (OCP) topology? How is this culture created? Surprisingly, unlike other corporation, it is not the founder, John C. Lincoln, who influenced culture. It all ... Show more content on ... For him, the stockholders interests come last. The reason behind this is that the stockholders will obtain their share of money regardless of their participation. In addition, he believed investors will automatically come if a company is proven itself to be successful. James believed that the interests of customers are best served by high employee s performance and productivity. Therefore, he had implemented several plans and processes. The very first step he took was founding the Advisory Board to represent employees voices. This Advisory Board is the one who proposed famous Lincoln bonus plan which has been the backbone to Lincoln s management system. Furthermore, Employees Association was formed to provide social activities and health benefits. Wages are paid on piecework system and adjusted to Consumer Price Index. One of best move taken by James was developing a stock purchase plan for all employees. The motive behind is to provide incentive to help run company efficiently by sharing the sense of ownership. By strolling through the interview sections of the case study by Sharplin, you get this sense; even though employees at Lincoln work hard but their satisfaction toward their jobs is high. Referring to organization culture profile, one can deduct that one value of Lincoln s strong culture is outcome oriented culture. Performance is evaluated under four sections: Quality, Dependability, ideas and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Biography Of Jeffrey Leonard Resected A Brain Tumor On December 23, 2014, neurosurgeon Jeffrey Leonard resected a brain tumor in a ten year old girl that was previously thought to be inoperable. Although it took two operations, due to modern technology and education Dr. Leonard was successful. The girl fully recovered from surgery and was awake and responsive the next morning. Modern surgeons knowledge of the human brainhas evolved immensely through the ages. The first brain surgeons did not have anywhere near the knowledge that we possess today, but it is because of them that the current treatment of neurological problems is so advanced. Doctors can now perform advanced procedures such as the resection of tumors and clipping of aneurysms all while a patient is numbed and unconscious when previously treatment was a painful shot in the dark. Neurosurgeryhas evolved not only through extensive research of anatomy and a change in religious perspective, but came hand in hand with the development of anesthetics and the world s major advancements in radiology and imaging. Neurosurgery is set apart from every other field because it pertains to the most important part of the body: the brain. If a person s entire body works perfectly with the exclusion of the brain, that person will still never be able to function normally. There is a wide variety of neurological defects that can arise in any one of us including aneurysms, tumors, nerve damage, and strokes. (__) The sheer fragility of our minds demands highly skilled surgeons to fix ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Martha Stewart White Collar Crime Analysis Of all the forms of deviant criminal behavior, we are challenged to find actions more insidious and deceitful than white collar crime. White collar crime is usually multilayered and extremely complex making it difficult to clearly identify the actual crime. Typically, white collar crime branches into either individual or corporate crime. Nonetheless, both groups of perpetrators have several factors in common. It is these factors that put white collar criminals in a class all their own. I wasn t sure what I would find by way of deviance in the case of the queen of all things home and more, Martha Stewart, but I thought I would look anyway. White collar criminals are only able commit their crime(s) because of their position, occupation, and/or... Show more content on ... The fact that the insider trading charges were thrown out, but the conspiracy charges stuck is curious. It appears, yet again, the judicial process and mainstream social construct of acceptable behavior collided with what Martha, her broker, and fellow investor touted as nothing wrong . Knowing more of John Savarrese s role as Martha s pretrial counsel, gives two more important points about Martha s case of white collar crime. The first is questionable ethics and the other is arrogance. Mr. Savarrese has been criticized by legal analysts for not providing ethical legal advice to Martha or making the right professional choices himself. The belief is that Savarrese knew or at least suspected, Martha and Bacanovic planned to perjure themselves. As Martha s legal counselor it was ethically negligent of Savarrese not to advise Martha of the legal repercussions of lying to the SEC. If Martha insisted on presenting her fraudulent story, Savarrese should have immediately withdrawn as her counsel (Hoffman, 2007). More importantly than if Savarrese knew or not, in her arrogance, Martha never thought this issue of a mere $45, 637 would develop into charges nor a prison sentence! She was simply above the laws and saw no reason to tell the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Reflection Of The Sugar Cubes Once upon a time, there was a sugar cube. One day it caught a glimpse of itself in a silver teaspoon. After seeing it s reflection, it became very curious about itself and began to wonder about existence and it s purpose in life. The little piece of sugar thought for a long time about how to find the answer. It looked to the bowl that had held it and kept it safe all it s life. Who better to pose this question to? So it called out to the sugar bowl. Sugarbowl, what am I? The sugar bowl replied You are a square piece of sweetener. You have a limited time until you become stale and crumble into dust. Learn how to sweeten, that is your only purpose in this life. So the sugar cube practiced being sweet and became so sparkly with sweetnessyou could almost see a light glowing inside the cube. Becoming sparkly was helping the other cubes that shared the sugar bowl. The sparkly cube always had positive words for the other cubes and encouraged them to become as sweet as they could. The cube knew it was a duty to serve the bowl of cubes and was humble in doing so. It was careful about not doing harm even when some of them blamed the sparkly cube. Even when it knew about this negative talk, the cube saw everything in itself and itself in everything so wanted for each cube what it wanted for itself. The sparkly cube was the same inwardly as it was outwardly. Once you knew the sparkly cube, you knew it was for real. You could trust it because its words always reflected its actions. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Meaning Of Happiness There s no question that everyone wants to be happy within their lives. The only source of disagreement lies within how one achieves happiness and what happiness really means. The authors within the book Pursuing Happiness have their own meanings of happiness and what it takes to achieve happiness. Topics such as: what happiness is, what brings happiness, what role does money play in happiness, etc. In this first discussion, we see what the some of the authors have to say about the meaning of happiness. Someone such as his Holinessthe Dalai Lamawould argue that happiness is having peace and satisfaction within one s mind. As a tibetan monk, he believe that happiness occurs within the self (Dalai Lama and Cutler 23). In contrast, Thomas Jeffersonwould explain that happiness is actually the opportunity to freely choose one s path within life. Freedom, in eyes, would be the embodiment of freedom (Declaration of Independence). In would also argue that happiness stems from the feeling of self worth, that you have a place within this world. As we see here, the true meaning of happiness all depends on the person. There is no right or wrong answer because we each perceive happiness in a different manner. This is important because it also means that there are different opinions in which someone can achieve happiness. When it comes to achieving happiness, there are two things to consider; physical and spiritual. Some people believe that happiness can come from material ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Police Chief Daschner s Ethical Dilemmas From the beginning, Police Chief Daschner knew Mr. GГ¤fner, (the suspect he was interrogating) was lying. In order to find Jakob von Metzler (a missing boy), and find out where his abductor had taken him when he was kidnapped, his idea was for Mr. Daschner to disclose to the police the location of where the hiding spot of his child was. Faced with this dilemma, in order to get Mr. GГ¤fner to inform the Policechief where he had hidden the child, Police Chief Wolfgang Daschner thought that he only had two options: Wait for him to talk, and take the risk that Jakob may be dead when he finally released to the police the location where he hid the child, or force his hand by threating torture. With the second option, Mr. GГ¤fner would have no choice but end up giving the Police Chief the information that he needed by any means necessary in hopes of saving the... Show more content on ... There are some people who if put in his situation would have done the same thing as Police Chief Wolfgang Daschner. Showing that the criminal had a lack of ethical values, it showed that the cop had, in a sense, used the value of trying to save the child s life, as a good enough reason as to break the law against using torture for any reason. Although no real torture was ever actually put in effect against Mr. GГ¤fner. With the fact, technically the Police Chief had never actually attempted torture against Mr. GГ¤fner, and only threatened it. I believe the Police Chief should have never gotten in trouble for the threat of torture without any actual intent of it. In the end, and in every sense, this is a slippery slope, and depending on one s perspective of what his or her ethical values are, no one truly knows what is going on in someone else s head, and there is no absolute way to know what is best for the many, so we need to evaluate our own values and do the best we ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Analysis of the Sociological Theories The four sociological theories are (1) Functionalisms, (2) Conflict Theory, (3) Symbolic Interaction and (4) rational choice. Functionalism believes that each part of society works in its own way and that the whole is interrelated so that one feeds into the other and the whole works together harmoniously as a unit. The government, for instance, provides education and libraries for its citizens and citizens, in turn, pay taxes to the government so that the whole country profits. Schools provide education for children, and families depend upon schools to provide education so that children will become employable. The children, in turn, become literate, law abiding citizens who grow up to become productive citizens in their won way. In this way, each segment of society interacts to work together as a cohesive whole providing stability and productivity. Conflict Theory Society is in a perpetual state of conflict with bourgeois, or propertied class, exploiting the workers. Society is in a conflict, constantly changing, negative state. Conflict theory is the opposite of functionalism in that it sees conflict as being the personification of every single segment of society. This includes race, religion, gender, politics, and economy. Powerful people are wrestling with and exploiting the weaker and under privileged and unequal groups usually have conflicting values that cause competition and conflict. This results in the constantly changing face of history. Symbolic ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Nitobe Inazo s Influence On American Culture Nitobe Inazo and his widely international popular book, influenced the way Japan was viewed by Americans and the rest of the world during modern times (1900 45). It is questionable whether or not he was a reliable source. However, without a doubt, Inazo impacted to international view of Japan, during a time of imperialistic military events leading up to the fall of Japan at the end of World War II. Nitobe Inazo was an educator, author and diplomat best known for his book Bushido: The Soul of Japan. Nitobe was born into the Nambu Clan, which were made nobility during his life. He was the son of a samuraiwho lived during the Meji and Taisho periods in Japan. After his early life, Inazo, studied English Literature and Economics at Tokyo University. Then in 1884, he traveled to the United States, where he stayed for three years, and studied political science and economics at Johns Hopkins. Throughout his time in Baltimore, Maryland he became a member of a Quaker society. Through the society, he met his wife Mary Patterson Elkson. In 1891, Inazo return back to Japan to fulfil a teaching position. Upon returning to Japan, he has received one of his five doctoral degrees and had published books in English and German. By 1901, he had been appointed to the Japanese colonial government in Taiwan as a technical advisor, who headed the Sugar... Show more content on ... These statements are criticized by an American, Raymond Buell, in an article entitled, An Open Letter to Dr. Inazo Nitobe. Buell, says that it is heartbreaking for those who have followed Inazo s past, seen him faithfully served international cooperation and then to hear that he is indifferent about the violations of Japan in the League Convent and anti war pact and has no sympathy . This shows that Americans distrusted Japan s only diplomat because of his harsh outlook on morally wrong events. One can also see this with the Rape of ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Edward Field Icarus In Icarus by Edward Field, the narrator, through a tough turn of events has come to the conclusion that he is not all he thinks he is. In the poem, Field makes an allusion to Greek mythology of the story of Icarus and Daedalus, attempting to fly. Icarus, through his failures, sees that he is just as ordinary as everybody else. Icarusis hit with a difficult realization that he is just as ordinary as any other citizen. As an analysis of the poem itself, Daedalusand Icarus build wings for Icarus to fly in an attempt to escape from prison and ,Daedalus reminds Icarus before his flight not to fly too close to the sun. However, anxious to begin his adventure, Icarus dismisses the warning and soared near to the sun,, resulting with his wings falling off and him falling to his death in the sea. He is thought to be dead, but feathers near the sea prove otherwise. Icarus thinks of himself so highly, amazing almost before... Show more content on ... After being proved he is not unique, he goes to live a normal life like everybody else. Yet he is miserable; in fact, he says in line 30, And wishes he had drowned . He is so ashamed of what he has failed to do and how he is now known as normal like all the rest of his people. In addition, line 25 says, Fails every time and hates himself for trying . All Icarus wanted to do was be special, unlike his fellow people. However, because of a simple mistake of not listening to Daedalus about flying into the sun, he despises himself. He thinks of himself as a failure that he wishes to die to now have to cope with the pain anymore. Because of this, I am sorrowful for Icarus because all he wanted to do was prove that he was special and unique. Overall, Icarus and Daedalus wanted to devise a system for Icarus to escape prison, and it resulted in him wishing he was dead. Because of this, I myself was distraught over this, that a character wished to die rather than be told he is the typical Greek ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Bible Is The Only Truth I was raised in a Christian home and taught that the Bible is the only truth, The Word of God. I was encouraged to not put my trust in men, because men will always make mistakes, but trust in God, because he is perfect. I solemnly believed that in order to trust in God, I had to obey the Bible. When I was 18 years old, I became a volunteer translator for a non denominational American religious organization in Brazil. During that time, I visited hundreds of churches in many Brazilian states. American missionaries founded most of the churches in Brazil. During my first training, I was directed not to translate or mention anything about controversial issues, because it could cause conflict with the denomination s teachings. Over the years I started to question: why are there so many denominations? Why are all these churches following the same Biblebut cannot agree with each other? Why are there so many divisions when the Bible teaches unity? Christians follow the Bible. Christianity is the most popular, and the most followed religion in the world as it is practiced by at least 33.39% of the world s population (Central Intelligence Agency). The Bible is a collection of texts considered sacred in Judaism and Christianity (Riches). It has influenced world history, arts, literature, politics, science, education, morality, laws, constitutions, and even the calendar. The Bible is the bestselling non fiction book of all times, translated into 349 languages (Guiness World ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Essay Psychology of Dreams Psychology of Dreams To many people, dreams are the thoughts that occur while sleeping, having almost mystic qualities. For millennia the significance of dreams has escaped even the brightest of philosophers and intellectuals. Many people have speculated about why people dream and what meanings the dreams have but in recent times two theories have gained credibility in answering those questions. The first theory is Sigmund Freuds and the other is known as the cognitive theory of dreams also known as biological determinism. Freud presented his theory about dreams in the book The Interpretation of Dreams in 1899. In it he sets out to prove there is a psychological technique which makes it possible to interpret dreams and that ... Show more content on ... Freud outlines methods of interpreting dreams. The first is a symbolic interpretation of the dream. This method identifies symbols in the dream that represent something in the waking life, making the dream simpler to understand if done correctly (Freud 129). The second method is to decode the dream. Symbols are said to be universal and every symbol has a counterpart that it represents in the waking life. In effect the real meaning of the dream is encoded into universal symbols and must be decoded to understand it (Freud 130). Freud found two meanings in a dream: the manifest meaning and the latent meaning (Freud 168). The manifest meaning of a dream is what is remembered upon waking (Felluga). The manifest meaning can reflect a situation that follows common sense and unfold in a way possible in waking life. Other times it can take its own wild path that follows little or no logical sequence when viewed at surface level. Despite this vast difference, both of these are influenced by the superego, a part of the mind that Freud believes houses the knowledge of the structure of society and what is acceptable in the dreamers culture. The dream takes place on a stage or backdrop that makes sense and relates to waking life (Freud 216 17). While the manifest meaning is useful and can itself contain a message, interpretation of it can reveal more than seen at face value. The second meaning in a dream Freud labels the latent meaning. The latent meaning ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Gantt The Perfect Victim Summary Gantt is portrayed as the perfect victim. Green the author of this article does and amazing job portraying Gantt as the perfect victim by telling the readers all of Gantt s problems. They also do not give much of the other sides of the story. Gantt was not in good health. In the article it states multiply times that Gantt was in poor health. For example, Gantt suffered from both arthritis and bad eyesight. It then goes on to say Gantt only was able to live on her own because of the first floor bedroom. Another illness, it explains Gantt suffered from was depression because of resent deaths in her family and that she had stopped taking her medication. This article also gets you to look at Gantt as a grandmother figure. Gantt is 82 years ... Get more on ...
  • 16. E Ball Pc Essay ABSTRACT: This research paper reveals the technology of E Ball pc. The E ball is designed by Apostol Tnokovski. He designed this PC in circular shape because his estimation is that this form attract everybody s concentration and he can hold the computer in his pouch without difficulty. The E Ball pc is approximately in shape which is the nominal design between all the laptops and desktops. This computer has all the features and fundamentals like a ordinary computers and laptops. Ball is located on two stands, opens by holding and pushing the two buttons located on each side of the E Ball PC; this is the newest concept of technology. After opening the stand and turning ON this PC, by pressing the relating mouse button will allow to attach... Show more content on ... When the projector is explode out, the paper piece holder will be separated into three piece similar to an sun umbrella and you can see the display on the paper piece. You can also look at movies, formulate presentation or several other thing on the paper piece that is in custody by the paper controller of the E Ball PC. ADVANTAGES OF E BALL PC: A. It is moveable and hand free. B. It has great memory i.e.5 GB. C. It is helpful for creation video presentation. D. It supports client defined keyboard layouts. E. It is well organized. F. It is very simple to use and recognize. G. It is more protected than additional computers because of its shape. DISADVANTAGES OF E BALL PC: A. Ordinary operating systems cannot be work through these computers. B. Price of E BALL is very much. C. It is hard to understand and track if some problems happen in hardware element. CONCLUSIONS: As the machinery develop, the size of PC become lesser and smaller. Although the size become smaller, the features of computers are increase. The PC becomes extra capable and suitable to the users. E Ball is consider to be the 8th conjecture which has the possible to development the world through its wonderful features. As advancement is prepared in technology, it s easy to use ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Student Expression And Language And Body Language Student Expression Often times, students cannot recognize the line between free speech and hateful speaking because it is blurred for them. They have long been taught that free speech is our born right, tride and true. However, some students take it too far with their words. When this is brought up, many students bring it up as their opinion, or use the free speech card. Many people are worried that students will lose their right to free speech if their expression is restricted. However, to make schools a better environment things need to change. Student expression should be restricted in languageand body language, in clothing, and on the internet. Students are unique in every shape and form. However, there are many ways that students can express themselves in both language and body language. Students today come up with many new words for different uses, and that varies almost every few months. These words however may not always be politically correct around others. If a student is caught using a word that disrespects or offends another student or an adult, the offending student should be penalized for this. If the student is allowed to continue saying those offensive words they will begin to think that it is alright to say them. Hate will become engrained in their minds and they will pass this on to others. Students often think it is funny to make racist remarks in passing in the halls, or during classes when teachers do not hear. Students who do this should most ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Enlightenment Vs Enlightenment The biggest life long journey that anyone can go through is the never ending search for enlightenment and self knowledge. Our own personal journey starts with self reflection and to become our own person. How do we do that when we have been molded since childhood to think, believe, and act how others have always told us to? In Kant s What is Enlightenment , he breaks down how to achieve what he considers to be true enlightenment. Kant defines enlightenment as a release from self incurred tutelage. By self incurred tutelage here he meant immaturity and he describes immaturity as the inability of a person to make use of their own understanding and reasons without the help of others. The motto of Enlightenment is: Sapere aude! or Dare to know! Have the courage to use one s own understanding. He asks us to be rational, he says we should not obey authorities like parents, law enforcement, and even spiritual leaders. If you want to obey them, first rationalize and then obey, otherwise you are not rational or ethical. He asks us to become rational and think for ourselves for every action we perform without the help of others. He then described the reasons behind the immaturity that is so prevalent in a person. He says laziness and cowardice are the reasons why such a large part of mankind gladly remain minors all their lives, long after nature has freed them from external guidance. By laziness here he is referring to the mental laziness; that nobody wants to exert ... Get more on ...
  • 19. What Can Cause Bornean-Orangutans Long time ago, there were more than 230,000 orangutans spread around South East Asia. Now, there are only about 60,000 left and 40,000 of them are Bornean orangutans. Human action can bring these animal to extinction. The three main threats that can cause Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) to extinction are habitat loss, illegal wildlife trade and conflicts with indigenous people. Forest fires and continuous logging are some of human action that caused habitat loss and affecting a significant change of Bornean orangutans population. When local farmers wanted to open a palm oil agriculture they will use a slash and burn methods. In 1998, forest fires in Borneo had caused one third of Bornean orangutans population died. ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Hannah Jensen Quotes In 13 Reasons Why Jay Asher s novel 13 Reasons Why follows the suicide of Hannah Baker and the events that lead her to her fate. The most influential characters of the novel all attend Liberty High School and all of them in their own ways, lead Hannah to her suicide. Clay Jensen is the main protagonist in the novel and the narrator. Throughout the book we follow his reactions of Hannah s tapes and his interpretation of them. IN fact we follow Clay as desperately attempts to teach everyone included on the tapes the effect that their words and actions have on others. The twelve tapes follow the 12 most influential people that lead Hannah to her suicide. These tapes include, Jessica Davis and Alex Standall who are Hannah s first friends at Liberty High. Justin... Show more content on ... A scene which demonstrates these characteristics is when Bryce s movie date leaves in a hurry after he verbally and physically abused her. Hannah is left for Bryce s next target, and takes advantage of Hannah being so naive. All the while Clay is left standing there watching the interaction, and wants nothing more to intervene, but he is unable to find the strength within himself to protect Hannah. Clay is left thinking to himself in his head, The entire time, I wanted to flip the closed sign over. I wanted to march into the lobby and ask him to leave. The movie was over and he didn t need to be here anymore. But that was Hannah s job. She should have asked him to leave. No, she should have wanted him to leave. (Asher 147) These words illustrate Clay s tentative nature, because his over thinking and habit of isolating himself, leaves Hannah, whom he deeply cares about, vulnerable to Bryce, the main antagonist of the novel who has taken advantage of many underaged teens before, including ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Appointment By Aphra Behn Aphra Behn s The Disappointment addresses three main conflicts regarding gender, power and sexuality. Behn challenges the traditional gender roles accepted by the British society during the 17th century; that men are always in a position of power, by making Cloris, her female character dominant over the male character Lysander and giving her the authority. Behn further challenges the position of men in being the dominant genderin the sexual sphere and discusses masculine identity and how it is measured by the ability of men to successfully perform and satisfy women s sexual desires, and how women take charge and be in control when men s perform poorly. The poem begins with two lovers who are about to make love, and from the very beginning ... Show more content on ... Here, Cloris pulls her lover to her body and the poet uses the verb permits which implies that she is in power to choose whether she wants to give Lysander her virginity or not and that she s not being forced to do anything without her own desire. Behn expands the conflicts of gender dominance and sexuality in the rest of the poem. The traditional gender roles are being overthrown when Lysander is incapable of pleasing Cloris. Here, Behn is addressing the women dominance over men. Lysander s masculinity is being questioned and, for this reason, he is feeling ashamed. In addition, Behn is using religious language to support her claims But oh what envious gods conspire/ To snatch his power, yet leave him the desire! (79,80). Here Behn is referring to Cloris as god and Lysander isn t satisfying her sexual desires. The fact that his sexual performance is not fulfilling his lover s needs, Cloris is able to take away her lover s power and make him feel insecure. In the next stanzas Lysander s impotence is shown as the reason behind Cloris s empowerment and the purpose of Lysander s feelings of rage and shame Now all the brisk and active fire / that should ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Org Behavior Tallahassee BeanCounters Team Case Kaylee Cutler Charles Spiva Shauna Jones Background During a routine audit of Tallahassee BeanCounters, the team s owner Franklin Kennedy asked if we would investigate further into the potential of a fraud occurring within the company. Mr. Kennedy stated that he received an anonymous tip and believes that based on the tip, fraud within the organization was occurring. A fraud examination was conducted and the findings from relevant documents and interviews are below. Executive Summary: The investigation started when Mr. Kennedy approached our team asking us to review documents to see if a potential fraud within the organization was occurring. Mr. Kennedy received an anonymous tip that ... Show more content on ... Mr. Kennedy asked that we examine the previous four months of documentation to either substantiate or reject the claim. Approach Fraud Examination Team Members Kaylee Cutler, CPA; Shauna Jones, CPA; Charles Spiva, CPA Procedures During our investigation of Tallahassee BeanCounters, the Team took the following actions: * Obtained, reviewed, and analyzed financial documents of Tallahassee BeanCounters including ledgers, purchase orders, invoices, purchase records, and salary information * Obtained, reviewed, and analyzed cancelled payroll checks from ADP on behalf of Tallahassee BeanCounters * Obtained, reviewed, and analyzed Jessica Keller s bank account activity for the months in question * Obtained, reviewed, and analyzed receipts provided by the Manager at the Villa Cordova Apartments associated with monthly rent payments * Obtained, reviewed, and analyzed receipts provided by Ben Hill s ex wife associated with back child support payments * Observations of various financial functions of Tallahassee BeanCounters by the Team Individuals Interviewed: Members of the Fraud Examination Team interviewed the following parties: * Coworkers * Red Carpet Reality * Tallahassee Doors * Villa Cordova Apartment Manager * Ben Hill s first ex wife * Ben Hill s second ex wife Findings During our examination of documentation and interviews, we found the following: * Did the
  • 23. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. How Does Julius Caesar Use Rhetoric Julius Caesar Rhetoric Research Essay The art of rhetoric has been practiced and admired for centuries for its powerful effects over audiences. These effects are clearly presented in Shakespeare s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. The famous eulogies by Mark Antony and Marcus Brutus are prime examples of how public speaking can generate a whirlwind of reactions and emotions from people. In Brutus address, he states that killing Caesar was for the good of Rome, and the continuity of Rome should be put above all else. He bluntly points out that as Caesar was an ambitious man, it would have had a disastrous affect on Rome. In Mark Antonys speech, he sets Caesar as a man of the people with ambition to make Rome greater. He carefully counters... Show more content on ... Brutus also shows his role in power by commanding the people to be silent, that [they] may hear... him (Shakespeare III.ii.13 14). As Brutus speaks, it can be seen that he is not speaking within his natural form, iambic pentameter. He is instead using prose, a common speech that is typically not used in his rank of power, but rather in commoner conversation. This shows that due to the unnatural events that have occurred, he is not able to speak in his natural form. Brutus is easily affected by events and conflict more so than other characters in the play. After Brutus is done speaking, he demands, not asks, the crowd to listen, complete opposite to Mark Antony s start of speech. Mark Antony addresses the people as Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears, putting friends above citizens of Rome (III.ii.75). Antony asks for permission to speak before the crowd. Still speaking in iambic pentameter, he establishes himself as a regular sympathetic citizen of Rome, greatly impacted by the death of Caesar. This angle works as the citizens of Rome as they too start to feel sorry for Caesar, and realize his death was not justified. AntonyВґs emotional appeal to the crowd is described ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Characteristics Of Jack Welch Jack Welch as a Leader Mr. Jack Welch former chairman and CEO of General Electric (GE) is amongst the renowned personalities in the field of business. His tenure as a CEO of GE lasted for two decades, which is celebrated for the excellent leadership skills that resulted in the 4000% growth of the company. He bought the change which was necessary for the companies earning at the time i.e. eliminating the communication barrier amongst the employees of the company, right sizing, introduction of succession planning and making tough decisions for letting go some of the profitable departments of the company. As a leader he had a clear vision; he knew what had to be done, which resources were needed and how much time it would take to bring the company ... Show more content on ... His ideas f leadership may be unorthodox for some management gurus but have proved to be very successful in majority of the cases. His approach to be a successful manager and a business leader involves team work and being fearless. I have drawn inspiration from his books Winning and Straight from the Gut . He stood amongst hundreds of employees because of his skills and brilliance. His journey starting from being a junior chemical engineer to the CEO of the company is astounding and an inspiration for all the engineers like me. He not only brought profits for the company but also made a name of his own. While most leaders talk a good game, he lived it. His journey from being just an employee to the CEO of the company inspires people like me to chase our dreams. It motivates me to go forward and work harder because the only way you can peruse your career is to fight the competition. If you have what it takes to lead, than you can beat the fierce competition and make your own name. We are surrounding by people having brilliant ideas but they are always hesitant to work on those. Jack believed in team work, he inculcated positive energy in to his followers. He is the best silent mentor one can ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Maslow s Hierarchy Of Propaganda Analysis First of all, if you study any kind of history you know that the divide and conquer tactic has been used by the powerful and elite for many centuries to control the masses. If you can keep people fighting amongst each other they won t notice the bigger picture. Just like a great magician s slide of hand, while you are looking one way they can create any illusion they wish due to your distraction. I could go into every detail of what was said to me in my massage session yesterday by one of my clients so easily and foolishly duped by this divide and conquer tactic like so many Americans right now. I could break down every point and denounce it with an intelligent counterpoint, but that would suck me into the same tactic I am speaking out against... Show more content on ... Republicans Why Are you Not Then Outrage by Corporate Subsidies? Oh that s right because most of it is going to you. When did defending profits become more of a priority to you people than caring about your fellow countrymen and women? Is your golden egg concept of capitalism so fragile and precious that it should be held in higher regard than human well being? If you are so worried about protecting capitalism and a free market where is your outrage for corporate subsidies? You don t like people getting handouts and not earning things themselves? Isn t capitalism supposed to be a system where if you fuck your business up then oh well tough luck, but it isn t when we spent more money subsidizing failed businesses than we ever have helping American citizens! According to Good Jobs First, there are 514 economic development programs in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. More ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Ultrasound Is Sound Based Imaging Technique Introduction Ultrasound is acoustic energy with a frequency at about 20kHz which is above the capability of human hearing. It is more commonly used in the medical field than food industry. In the medical field, the most significant usage of ultrasound is in sonographic scanners. As these scanners work at 2 18MHz, it produces smaller wavelength which is able to make sonogram of smaller details. As such, ultrasound sound based imaging technique is used to visualize body structures and tissues (Carovac, Smajlovic, Junuzovic, 2011). Ultrasound contributes to the food industry via its acoustic cavitation in food and dairy processing. For example, extraction using ultrasound technology has shown to increase yield of high value food ingredients while emulsification produces food emulsions with smaller droplet size (Chandrapala, Oliver, Kentish, Ashokkumar, 2012). In the dairy industry, ultrasound was proved to enhance heat stability of dairy proteins and is used to separate fat from milk (Grieser, 2015). Although most of the reported benefits of using ultrasound in food industry was done in the laboratory, major advances have been made in recent years to utilize ultrasound in commercial processes (Patist Bates, 2008). Mechanism? The intrinsic mechanism of crystallization under the influenced of ultrasonic irradiation was not well understood though there are many researchers working on this topic for the past few years. In spite of that, the two recognized mechanism that ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Factory Working Conditions Of Bangladesh Factory Working Conditions In Bangladesh Does it take a catastrophic event for the factories in Bangladesh to become know for the harsh working conditions? Most Americans don t understand, nor do Americans see how the factories and sweatshop workers are affected by the unsafe environments, the illegal use of children, and the minimal pay with no compensation. Americans take for granted the pay received, and the type of working conditions that are set in order to for the business to operate. Child labor laws in Bangladesh are very few in number, and the few that are set in place don t completely protect the underage children working. Working in such a hazardous environmentthe workers should be compensated in either pay or benefits. The working environments and conditions in Bangladesh are not only harsh, but unsafe, and the workers are under compensated for the conditions. Factories in Bangladesh have some of the worst working environments for workers to operate in. There is no comparison between American factories, and factories in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh alone some of the most catastrophic work hazards happen in the factories. In Spencer 2 America certain laws are set in place to have guarantee that hazardous workplaces are under control, and at a certain point. Otherwise the business and or factory would have to be shut down for unsafe working conditions. On the 24th of April 2013 one of the most catastrophic ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Tooth and Claw, by T.C Boyle, is a short story about the... Tooth and Claw, by T.C Boyle, is a short story about the main character, Junior, a man who only depends on others to get by, and struggles in life because of it. In life, we all find ourselves searching for alternative reasons as to why things don t always workout the way we hoped they would; however, more often than not, the real reason lies within ourselves, no one or nothing else. It is up to that person to make something happen, and junior fails to do this, always relying on others. As if the title wasn t enough, the short storyis packed with symbolism, one of which being that, like the wildcathe had won, Junior is nothing without someone to take care of him, and he fails to be the change he wishes to see in the world. This is... Show more content on ... Nervously, Junior thinks to himself about how he has to feed not only Cat, but Daria as well, he ponders Eggs, I could scramble some eggs, but there was no bread for toast, no milk, no sugar for coffee (Boyle 72) thus displaying how incapable he is of caring for a pet, a guest, and let alone himself. Perhaps it is clearest that Junior has minimum goals set for himself, when he and Daria stay up late talking about their hopes and ambitions, revealing that he doesn t have many. After he listens to every thoroughly thought out and planned intricate detail of Daria s dream to own a restaurant, as well as her past education at University, Junior claims my ambitions were more modest (Boyle 72) implying a lot less than Daria s had been. Junior explains to Daria how he d finish at a community college without aim or interest and how he had been working as a tile setter for his aunt and uncle s friend, nothing he had dreamed or planned of becoming in the past. Bored and unsatisfied with Juniors dysfunctional life plans, Daria just replies with a yeah and a yawn. Junior begins to fall for Daria and begins to rely on her as his life support in a way, making it almost impossible to live without her by his side, he explains After Daria left for work, I didn t know what to do with myself (Boyle 75). Dysfunctional without her, and having such different aspirations along with personalities, Daria eventually leaves Junior. It is at this point that Junior ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Application Of Direct Sales Comparison This report uses the application of direct sales comparison approach to derive the site value for the subject property. There are sufficient sales of vacant lots within 3 miles of the subject property. Seven suitable vacant lot sales were selected and analyzed to estimate indicated subject s lot value (table_ 1). The analysis uses a per sq. ft. unit in valuing the site. The vacant lots were sold March to October of 2013. Lots attribute such as lot size, lot shape, topography, Resource Protected Area (RPA), zoning which is density of development allowed per acre of land, and traffic patterns were analyzed. The report used the Fairfax County digital maps of property, resource protected area, and topography maps. In addition, aerial photography data was used to determine the level of traffic in areas surrounding each lot. The comparable lot sales are similar to the subject in term of land features such as lot shape, land use, topography, and traffic patterns. The main differences in the comparable lots are observed in terms of lot size, RPA, and zoning (density of development allowed per acre of land). This report originally selected twenty one vacant or lots with old buildings which were subsequently razed and replaced with newer and larger contemporary homes. In order to conduct a meaningful analysis, the report calculated per sq. ft. median sales price of $7.20 based on the original twenty one vacant lot sales (appendix _A). This figure is only used for adjusting the size ... Get more on ...
  • 31. How Does Hitchcock Create Emotional Tension In The Birds The Birds is considered one of Hitchcock s most memorable films, and is known as a classic horror film because of the concept of birds randomly attacking people. The film centers on a man and a woman merging in with his family and only then do the birds start attacking and disrupting their already tense atmosphere as the feelings between the protagonists Melanie and Mitch begin to blossom. Hitchcock creates the birdsas a metaphor for the emotional turmoil between the couple and the characters, as it allows them all to develop throughout the film. Melanie is uncomfortable among Mitch and his family because of her feelings for him. This is further supported when Melanie s relationship with his mother Lydia becomes strained due to awkward interactions, ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Armorer s Shop By David Teniers Conservation Study While there were several works of art that I had liked, the artwork and album finally chosen from Noelle Ocon s album for this particular study was The Armorer s Shop by David Teniers the Younger and Jan Brueghel the Younger. The goals for the study of this painting were to delve into topics such as subject matter, spectrum bands used to reveal information about the painting, and conservation efforts in general. As such, this study will start with the subject matter and style of presentation. The Armorer s Shop s medium and materials are oil paints applied to connected wood panels. The artwork was painted circa 1640 1645 ( The Armorer s Shop. ), and depicts an armorer s shop as the title suggests. To go further into... Show more content on ... Interestingly, outside of The Armorer s Shop, there is virtually no evidence that Brueghel and Teniers ever collaborated with each other (Woll.) As seen in the visible light photographs, the painting was flaking in some areas. The key issue here, however, is not necessarily the flaking paint. Instead, it is the fact there were also two barely noticeable lines that were particularly noticeable from the back of the painting. At the time of these first few pictures, The Armorer s Shop had been strictly attributed to Teniers the Younger, with no mention of Brueghel (Huskinson). The painting was first analyzed using visible light, which can only show some surface details through techniques like grazing. However, a couple of other bands of the spectrum that can be used to obtain information about the painting in question are infrared, in the form of infrared reflectography, and x ray. These were both utilized in this case to analyze The Armorer s Shop. Infrared can be used to see through the paint layers to the underdrawing and also to detect details in the painting that may have changed color since being painted ( Infrared (IR) Light. ). X ray can be used to see through the entire painting to detect its base and find possible weaknesses or damages to the painting s ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Historical Development And Future Trajectory Of... The article Controversial Blackness: The Historical Development Future Trajectory of African American Studies, was written by Martha Biondi, a European Associate Professor of African American Studies and History at Northwestern University. Martha Biondi (2011), discusses the trajectory, development, growth, training, history, of African American studies, and the expansion of doctoral programs of African American studiesnecessary for the future trajectory in that field. The article further examines the fields in black colleges, as well as predominantly European institutions and challenge these institutions for the incorporation of African American studies. Opinions in the article included, a radio program conducted in 2009, by ... Show more content on ... Alexander s question: But has the mission of African American studies changed in other ways? (p 227) The group agrees that post racial discourse is not recognized and that it is very important to have the skills and abilities to address such issues, whether social, economic, cultural, and political. Biondi states that, Arguably the most exciting development for African studies in the twenty first century is the expansion of doctoral programs. The opportunity to train young scholars can only add to the growth, rigor and institutional stature of the field, (p 235). Darwin . Turner, dean of the graduate school at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, argued that the academic turn away from blackness merged from the optimism spawned by early legal decisions supporting desegregation, the defeat of Fascism, and postwar affluence, (p 228). Although the article has good points, the article did not mention solutions for the struggles, challenges, and dilemmas of African American students on campus and the future trajectory for African American studies. I know that it is very difficult to predict what changes will be in the future for the trajectory of the African American Studies program. However, the article did bring insight for other researchers as an opportunity to cultivate solidarity and sharpen and update its analysis of racism in the United States (p 235). Inferences made in the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Han-Chinese Violence The violence that is occurring in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region amongst the Uyghurs and the Han Chinese, stems from the conflict and debate between the Uyghurs and the People Republic of China (PRC) in 1975. According to Gardner Bovington, there is a diverging perspective on the history of Xinjiang; to the Chinese historical perspective, in 1795, once the Qing general conquered the vast territory [ became] an integral piece of Chinese national territory (Bovington 2). While to the Uyghurs, such concurring of land did not occur, allowing the Uyghurs to believe that they are still a distinct [...] nation, with its own rightful homeland, history, culture, and language (Bovington 2). Although both of these perceptions, to the individuals,... Show more content on ... However, such rumors were not verified nor confirmed. Due to the strong authoritarian regime China centers itself upon, media outlets are potentially inaccurate sources of information. The CCP controls the outflow of information released by the media, due to such control over media outlets, China is able to manipulate any situation in order to gain support and sympathy. In reference to the Global Conflict Tracker, by China labeling the Uyghurs as a radicalized population it leads to the connotation that the Uyghurs are associated with either the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) or the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) posing a direct terrorist risk to China (Darker blue). By China attempting to gain international support via identifying terrorist organizations within the PRC it allows China to address that this problem is not just a problem for China but also other countries who s enemies are terrorist organizations example, the United States and its fight against ISIS. Although this may seem as a benefit for China and its aims to integrate Xinjiang, for the Uyghurs it labels them as a potential terrorist organization; hence, limiting their ability to tell their side of the narrative and gain international sympathy limiting their ability to gain international support and address how the CCP is marginalizing the Uyghurs. Thus, this inability ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Interpreting Financial Results Interpreting Financial Results FIN/571 January 25, 2016 Gurpreet Atwal Interpreting Financial Results This paper will interpret the financial statements from the past three years for Ascena Retail Group Inc (NASDAQ: ASNA). The paper will highlight four financial ratios including: the current ratio, the debt to equity ratio, the quick ratio, and the return on equity ratio. The financial statements that will be reviewed are from 2011 to 2014. Each ratio will be compared to the industry benchmarks to see where the company stands within the market. Current Ratio The current ratio will help us understand ASNA s liquidity, meaning how quickly the company can turn its assets into cash in order to pay off its short term obligations. ... Show more content on ... Figure 1 Financial Statement Data| 2014| 2013| 2012| 2011| Current Assets| 923.6| 942.8| 1040.0| 760.5| Current Liabilities| 631.9| 652.6| 685.6| 382.2| Total Liabilities| 1390.0| 1320.0| 1470.0| 681.6| Shareholders Equity| 1740.0| 1560.0| 1340.0| 1160.0| Inventories | 553.2| 540.9| 533.4| 365.3| Net Income| 138.2| 155.2| 171.8| 170.5| Numbers are in Millions| Figure 2 Financial Ratios| 2014| 2013| 2012| 2011| Current Ratio Current Assets/Current Liabilities| 1.46| 1.44| 1.52| 1.99| Debt to Equity Ratio Total Liabilities/Shareholders Equity| 0.80| 0.85| 1.10| 0.59| Quick Ratio (Current Assets Inventories)/Current Liabilities| 0.59| 0.62| 0.74| 1.03| Return on Equity Ratio Net Income/Shareholder s Equity| 0.08| 0.10| 0.13| 0.15| References Ascena Retail Group Inc.. (2016, January). For Investors. Retrieved from http:/ / Market Watch. (2016, January). Ascena Retail Group Inc.. Retrieved from http:/ / sheet Parrino, R., Kidwell, D., amp; Bates, T. (2012). Fundamentals of Corporate Finance(2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley amp; Sons Inc.. Yahoo Finance. (2016, January). Ascena Retail Group Inc. (ASNA). Retrieved from ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Conceptual Foundations Of Psychology All sciences originally descended from philosophy and over the centuries the special sciences gradually became independent of this discipline, with Psychology being one of the last of the special sciences to separate from the parent during the 19th century (Banyard, Davies, Normal Winder, 2010). The questions and ideas in Psychologyhave been of interest since the time of the ancient Greeks, where philosophers inquired into how human beings know the world. Plato asked questions about human motivation ( Why do we act as we do? ) and Aristotle attempted to structure the human soul according to the five senses, imagination, common sense and memory (Leahey, 2004), which loosely reflect the study of perception and cognition in present day psychology. Although the conceptual foundations of psychology are to be found in philosophy, the inspiration for the creation of an independent science of psychology came from biology. The founders of psychology took a path to the mind through physiology, while a bigger influence came from a younger branch of biology evolution which through a shift in focus from the contents of the mind to the function of the mind, eventually gave rise to the different fields existing in psychology today such as psychobiology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology and more recently evolutionary psychology. Although psychologists have traditionally revered William Wundt as the founder of psychology, the historical reality is more complex. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Trauma Symptom Inventory Case Study The Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI), originally published by the Psychological Assessment Resources, in 1995 and created by John Briere Ph. D., is utilized to evaluate acute and chronic posttraumatic symptomology. The materials associated with administering this test include the use of a computer with Windows XP, 7, 8, or 10, must maintain a NTFS file system, CD ROM drive for installation, internet connection or a telephone in order to activate. One can download all of the other necessary materials from PariConnect, which include the introductory kit, necessary software, professional manuals, scoring sheets, among other reusable booklets. Prices range from $52.00 upwards to $375.00. Test Construction The TSI consists of 100 item questionnaire ... Show more content on ... Taking into consideration that the scales are able to capture a broader range of behavior they are also limited to their data, and may eventually need to be updated. One major weakness is that there is no data that indicated that with treatment the TSI score of a PTSD patient will decrease. Therefore, one cannot be sure if the overall use of the test is helpful or not. Another weakness is the use of validity scales, since answering the questions are based on the participant being honest. In my experience, most individuals are not entirely honest and either underplay or over exaggerate their issues upon the first meeting. As far as uniqueness, I am not entirely sure how unique the TSI is since it is measuring whether or not an individual is symptomatic with regards to trauma. I feel that anyone could the criteria to diagnose PTSD or any other trauma related condition into test form and say it is useful in assisting with diagnosing PTSD. Since the test does not conclusively diagnose PTSD and does not provide with any follow up to support whether treatment decreases symptoms, I feel it is very similar to most test that assist in diagnoses. In my professional opinion, I feel that the test may be useful at times, however, I do not feel that it would be useful in patience that a therapist or psychologist has just met. Trauma is a sensitive subject and most individuals in therapy, as stated prior, are not necessarily willing to open up immediately or have a tendency to embellish their experiences. Therefore, I believe that while the test could assist in a diagnosis that the data may be skewed and the test have to be taken again in monthly intervals, which is not the intended purpose of the test. Lastly, in my professional opinion I would not use the test. I feel that it may be a waste of money and time, to come up with a diagnosis that an ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Landscaping Design Landscaping Designs That Bridge the Gap between Art and Functionality Most people see landscaping design and garden functionality on two different levels. Ask yourself: Do you want to create a garden which is a work of art meant only to be viewed, or do you want to create an extension to your home that will allow you more comfort and more pleasurable moments in your backyard? In order to achieve the latter, while considering the aspects of colours, shapes and balance, the design should always go hand in hand with purpose. A retaining wall or a bench can be turned into a work of art, without hindering the functionality of the garden. We picked out 4 garden elements that easily bridge this gap. Terraced Planters One of the most striking elements that you can incorporate in your garden are terraced planters. They offer layers of options, since you can view each level as a separate garden. You can experiment by mixing blooms with interesting architectural greenery, or by mixing different shades of the same flower, or by installing lighting fixtures that provide an intriguing game of shadows. But apart from that, terraced planters are the most effective element against soil erosion and sometimes the only way to have a garden on an otherwise impossible location. Green Walls These vertical gardens make a breathtaking ... Show more content on ... Even the simplest of containers and the least decorative of plants work in these little secluded paradise gardens. Their growing popularity speaks in support of their functionality. Apart from creating a peaceful retreat for people from the life in concrete jungles, green roofs last almost twice as long as the conventional roofs. The growing medium protects the roof surface from the elements and contributes to its durability. It also acts like natural insulation and can reduce energy costs by reducing the air conditioning needs. On a wider scale, these roofs improve air quality and reduce the effect of urban heat ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Non Verbal Behaviors Non verbal behaviors are unintentional and can be interpreted by a different personп»ї with a different meaning. Verbal signals usually accompany by non verbal behaviors. These could be as easy as a shoulder shrug to head movements to eye contact. These behaviors tend to either confirm or even emphasize the meaning when speaking, Certain unintentional behaviors can even contradict what the message was suppose to mean. Quick example if I ask my wife if she can properly park her vehicle in a parallel parking manner she can say yes and shrug her shoulders giving me an indication that she isnt sure of her answer. There are many categories according to The Providers Guide to Quality and Cultureof nonverbal communication. The categories are as follow;... Show more content on ... For instance I automatically stand if I am sitting to give a handshake as I find it rude to give one sitting down. Most people are unaware of that and dont find anything wrong with just sitting and putting their hand out. Touching in other ways should be completely avoided until you have a tight grasp on that culture. In mexico people are greeted with a hug and kiss on the cheek. People in Asia can be offended in this manner due to invasion of personal space. One experience I will never forget in one of my tours to Iraq i remember that a young woman needed medical attention but they did not say anything to use until they had a man appeared that they knew and he came to speak to us to see if we could help. We said no problem but he needed a female medic to take a look over the young lady. Some cultures it is extremely offensive for men to speak to women without the head of the house holds permission. Eye Contact: Eye contact is an extremely sensitive subject. Here in america we use eye contact for respect or when others speak to you. If our eyes wonder off or look down it gives tales of either not paying attention or lying. Seeing that people lie with the left side of their brains people tend to have their eyes move to the left. So myself I have to be looking into peoples eyes. In asian cultures exposures of long eye contact can be extremely ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Henry David Thoreau Analysis Henry David Thoreau, a nineteenth century writer, philosopher, and abolitionist, establishes himself as an outsider, a passionate rebel against the status quo, in a passage from Walden. He writes to explain why he went into the woods to live and left behind what most people would consider civilization. Especially for an audience of contemporaries in the 1850s, before the Civil War, his choice to live in the woods would have been outrageous even revolutionary. Even today, his choice to live in a small cabin in the woods would be considered counter to the status quo, so the modern audience is also intrigued by his explanation. His language and method of presenting his ideas create an argument between civilization and real life, and it is clear that he values real life in the woods over what most people would consider civilization. He pits civilization against life throughout, though he hides the reference to civilization behind a contrast to life in the words not life, and he suggests that living in civilization would be a resignation. He counters this with many references to life (nouns) and live and living (verbs), such as to live deliberately, facts of life, I had not lived, wish to live, not life, living is so dear, live deep, marrow of life, to live so sturdily. The paragraph is bursting with life references, and we immediately discern the urgency of his desire. We learn the temperament of the man through this intensity. The contrast between life and not life is ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Eating Disorders In Black Swan Black Swan is a dark and chaotic film that follows a ballet dancer named Nina who s only and greatest dream is to become the Swan Queen in the production Swan Lake. The movie follows Nina s demise into chaos as she attempts to master and embody both the white and black swan. Although dark, confusing, and sometimes frightening, the movie excellently portrays the utter chaos of living with an eating disorder, as well as the perils of schizophrenia, and anxiety. The movie begins with the portrayal of Nina as a timid person struggling with Anorexia and self confidence with the aspiration to become the perfect ballet dancer. After Nina gets the role as the swanQueen, Nina begins to take a turn for the worse and gradually shows increasingly severe symptoms of schizophrenia and dissociation,... Show more content on ... Marya Hornbacher in Wasted describes eating disorders as a little private drama in which everything becomes life or death... terribly grand and crashing, distracting the person from the real world (Hornbacher 239). It s a life where there is no middle ground and I think this how Nina lived. Nina struggled immensely with herself even before the schizophrenia became clear. Hornbacher describes her eating disorder as a distraction from the fear that the real world will gobble you up the minute you step into it, as well as the fear of the self, a completely dualistic and contradictory fear (Hornbacher 239). Even at the start of the film, the viewer can see that Nina is scared. Nina s mother molded her to always strive for perfection, and the aspiration for perfection became so overwhelming and important it began to eat her away. Marya Hornbacher also emphasizes the American culture s negative influence on striving for physical perfection. Ballet, a sport that emphasizes the body, most likely had an enormous influence on Nina s turn to ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Advantage And Disadvantage Of Android Abstract This document contains the details of research and market survey carried out by Sugoi Labs Pvt. Ltd in partial fulfilment of the requirement of BMS College of Engineering for the creation of an Android application that automates a fitness centre s entire business process. Keywords Fitness Centre, Business Process Automation, Mobile Application, AndroidSDK I.INTRODUCTION The fitness industry is a rapidly evolving industry today. Being fit itself has evolved from a luxury to being a basic necessity. As a result a lot of fitness centres have mushroomed up across cities. Being individual or small medium operations, these centres lack a regularized operations model, with payments being made in instalments, attendance of client being random, with the fitness regimes following a similar modus operandi. As a result the stakeholders of fitness centres the owners/managers and the customers themselves are at a loss, with the owners /managers ... Show more content on ... Continuous internet connection b.Advertising As shown above, the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages and hence our inclination towards using android History of Android and the SDK[2] [6] Open Handset Alliance which is led by Google created Android. There was mixed feedback on developing applications for the Android platform. The various issues cited include bugs, inadequacy of documentation, QA infrastructure, and it was found that there was no public issue tracking system. Google promulgated an issue tracker on January 18, 2008. Android targeted applications began to appear the week after the platform was announced. The snake game was the first publicly available application. A SIM unlocked and hardware unlocked device that is designed for advanced developers is the Android Dev Phone. Regular consumer devices purchased at retail can be used by developers to test and use their applications; some developers may choose not to use a peddle device, favoring an unsealed or no contract ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Telomere Research Paper Time is of the essence! By the end of this research paper the reader will know the reasoning behind time itself. A telomere is quite significant because it can detect cancer, diseases, and aging. The telomer was discovered around the 1960 s by Dr. Leonard Hayflick he discovered it by learning about how long a cell can live. There are billions of cells through plants, animals, and humans it s how an organism operates. A telomer is at the end of each chromosome inside a eukaryotecell (Plant and Animal Cell) and its importance is copying DNA(Deoxyribonucleic Acid). DNA is the genetics that we obtain through our parents. If we could preserve the telomer to be continuous then organisms can become eternal. A telomer holds the true meaning of... Show more content on ... Telomere can be described as a weight lifting bar, telomers are at the end of each chromosome like two weights on both ends of a bar. A chromosome is an organelle inside the eukaryotic cell (animal and plant cell), chromosomes obtain genetic information forming genes. Plants, animals, and humans contain trillions of cells throughout their anatomy. How does a telomere relate to genetics? A telomere helps the cell reproduce DNA. Without copying DNA, it is impossible for a cell to live. In 2009 a Noble Prize was won by three experts on heredity discovered the telomere genetic code. One of their significant pieces of this research was in the 1970 s when they did a critical research paper on isolating the sequence of telomeres. They quickly discovered a telomer is used many times each use the telomere breaks off when the DNA is replicated that s when the length of the telomer shrinks. Before a telomere was discovered Dr. Leonard Hayflick discovered how long a cell can live and his results come out to be 50 to 60 cycles. His results were not understood by scientist but they had faith in his research they quickly understood once the telomer was discovered scientist concluded with a hypothesis if they can control the length of a telomer than I cell can be indestructible it would live forever. Somehow if a discovery came along to uphold a telomer than it could cure cancer, diseases, and provide longer life for a ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Symbiosis And Eukaryotes Symbioses have played an important role in the origins and evolution of cells and organisms with novel properties. One of the most significant outcomes of symbiosis, is the formation of eukaryotes through either primary or secondary endosymbiosis which allowed for the development of many unique organelles present today in eukaryotes, notably chloroplasts and mitochondria. Primary endosymbiosis is the engulfment of a prokaryote by a eukaryoteforming a plastid, compared to secondary endosymbiosis: a eukaryote engulfs another eukaryote to form a plastid (Archibald et al, 2002). Through endosymbiosis, the endosymbionts are able to bring in unique metabolic and signalling capabilities beneficial to the host (Lake, 2009). However, mutually dependent... Show more content on ... Both chloroplasts and mitochondria contain circular DNA knowns as chloroplast DNA and mitochondrial DNA respectively, signifying that both organelles have prokaryotic origins. The presence of mitochondria in eukaryotes allows for ATP synthesis through the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation (Chinney et al, 2003), thus enabling eukaryotes to satisfy their high metabolic requirements, particularly in animals. The production of large amounts of ATP energy allows for the sustenance of life in a wide variety of environmental conditions as they are able to produce the energy required. The unique double membrane of the mitochondria suggest that it was formed as a result of primary symbiosis, and are homologous to plastids. Similarly chloroplasts enable eukaryotes to take advantage of sunlight as a natural resource, which allows the process of photosynthesis, where the reaction of carbon dioxide and water is converted to glucose and oxygen gas (Cogdell, 2013), using light energy produced by the sun with the aid of chlorophyll. This conversion of light energy into chemical energy forms the primary source of all energy accessible by the animal consumers on land, through the producers the plants. At the cellular level, protists are the most simple examples of endosymbiosis. In the amoeba Paulinella chromatophora it contains two chromatophores, derived from once free living cyanobacteria (Wernegreen, ... Get more on ...
  • 45. What Is The Tipping Point Adidas, Apple, Google, and Nike are some of the top brands today. When we look at the symbol on a product, we automatically remember the brand name. Everyone knows what a brand is, but a brandless brand is not common. A brandless company is a brand without a name. Today, there is a brandless company called Brandless. On their official website, everything costs three dollars. They want to sell to consumers, quality products without paying for the name of the company. Brandless took out the intermediary, who made all your normal products more expensive. In The Tipping Point , the author, Malcolm Gladwell teaches the readers about the Law of Epidemics and its three rules, which are the Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor, and the Power of Context.... Show more content on ... Will Burns, the founder and current CEO of, believes that the only way that Brandless will succeed is for people to believe in it. Burns states, Barry Schwartz wrote book about ten years ago called The Paradox of Choice. In it, he proves that too much choice is not a good thing for two reasons: one, we are less likely to make a decision when we are overwhelmed with choices; two, when we do make a choice we are less happy with the choice because, with all those choices, we can t be confident we made a good one. Brandless would be found appealing because they say that their products have great quality and In The Tipping Point, The law of the few is when one person finds out about a trend and through social connections, energy, and enthusiasm and personality make, the trend spreads. Three parts are within this law: connectors, mavens, and salesmen (Gladwell). Gladwell refers to salesmen, as folks with the skills to persuade individuals are unconvinced of what we are hearing, and they are as critical to the tipping of word of mouth epidemics as the other two groups (Gladwell). Salesmen explain Brandless statements. Brandless states on their site, ...there aren t 100 pasta sauces to compare, there are three (Brandless). Their target audience is buyers online, people who do not have time to go ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Yellow Wall Paper, By Charlotte Perkins Gilman, And... People should be entitled to their own identity since everybody if unique in so many ways. In the literature we have read during this course people and women specifically are defined. These can be metaphors used to describe the women or ho others view these women. Sometimes they do not define themselves and are defined by the people around them; based on their looks or stereotypes that may not represent who they are. Women are defined by others and themselves in many ways such as seen in, Borders by Thomas King, The Yellow Wall Paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Lysistrata by Aristophanes. These metaphors are not directly defining these women, but defining them by their power, identity, and intelligence. In the play Lysistrata the character uses the only power she has to control the state and the men who run it. She makes a number of I am statements including, I am hot all over with blushes for our sex (Aristophanes 5). This quote is showing what her power is at that time; sex is the only power women at her time possess, and they use it to their full advantage. Also it is how the men are defining her are her power by sex. Lysistrata is a very intelligent woman and knows that the only way to bring the war to an end, while bringing the country back together is through the women around her and their only means of power. The second I am I think is more powerful: I am a woman, but I m not a fool (Aristophanes 48). She fighting the metaphor bestowed upon her by ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Improving Rural Emergency Services Improving Rural Emergency Services Wyandot East EMS Wyandot East EMS 27 run 27 run to 416 west center street 416 west center street for a 60 year old male complaining of chest pain. Time paged 1345. The emergency services here I am from use the code 27 to signify that it is an emergency run. Five minutes later... Wyandot East EMS Wyandot East EMS 27 run 27 run to 416 west center street 416 west center street for a 60 year old male complaining of chest pain 2nd page time 1350 . another five minutes go by... Upper EMS Upper EMS 27 run 27 run to 416 west center street 416 west center street in Nevada for a 60 year old male complaining of chest pain time paged 1400 . Fifteen minutes later ... Upper EMS shows up at the house and is doing CPR on ... Show more content on ... The emergency medical services are proven to be slower in small rural areas than in a bigger city, because most of the small town rural areas emergency response services are volunteer. While judging the amount of coverage an emergency response station covers, government officials look at the amount of people in a given area, not the mileage that area may cover. My hometown is mostly farmland, with a population of seven hundred and fifty people, the farmland covers twenty five to thirty miles in each direction. This may not sound like much land to cover, but when it comes to saving lives, time is of the essence. When coming up with what land the emergency services in the area covers, government officials calculate the land in a area and how much taxes the land have in a given year and whether or not they can afford emergency medical services. If a small town can not afford the cost of a full time medical service, the government then puts the small town in the hands of the neighboring community that can afford the emergency medical services. Sometimes the neighboring emergency medical services will establish a volunteer EMT station in the small town to try and get as many emergency calls answered as quickly as possible. Emergency medical systems are evaluated according to how they respond to and treat out of hospital cardiac arrest patients (Sunarin, Mayorga,and Mclay 134). The rural and small town areas are not able to respond in time do to lack of resources, ... Get more on ...
  • 48. How Does Darcy Present Elizabeth In Pride And Prejudice Elizabeth is an interesting individual not because she is a natural beauty and possesses almost all of the qualities that a man wants but because she wants to marry for love and not money. Elizabeth does have flaws however, one being that when she doesn t want to listen or believe something or someone, she pretends she doesn t understand what the facts are and is very stubborn once she dislikes someone. Elizabeth first meets Mr. Darcy at a ball and because of his poor manners, and expectations of women, she automatically takes a dislike to him. However, throughout the novel, Elizabeth becomes more intrigued with Mr. Darcy and eventually sees a different side of him. There are many incidences in the story that show Elizabeth s dislike for Darcy because of his pride starting with their encounter at the ball, Wickham s opinions and accusations of Darcy, and her refusal of his proposal; however, Elizabeth begins to see a new side of Darcy and couldn t think of living a life without him by the end of the book. When Elizabeth first encounters Darcy at the ball she is very displeased and... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, she bumps into him and feels very ashamed because it looks as if she is throwing herself at him. Elizabeth is surprised at how delightful, and polite Darcy is to her, her Aunt, and her Uncle. Darcy even introduces Elizabeth to his sister. Elizabeth also hears a great deal about Darcy from his housekeeper who raised him as a child. She talks only of lovely, and flattering compliments of Mr. Darcy. Elizabeth begins to see how she was too hasty in her decision to judge Darcy s full character after only knowing him for a few short days. She knows that she was being prejudice towards Darcy and began to regret her rejection of his proposal after visiting his estate. Elizabeth then falls in love with Darcy and is engaged to him by the end of the ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Sociology Essay AS Sociology Sociology Nik Jorgensen Text Nelson Thornes Distance Learning 2010 Illustrations Nelson Thornes Distance Learning 2010 All rights reserved. The copyright holders authorise ONLY users of NTDL AS Sociology to make photocopies for their own or their students immediate use within the teaching context. No other rights are granted without permission in writing from the publisher or under licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency Limited, of Saffron House, 6 10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. Published in 2010 by: Nelson Thornes Distance Learning Delta Place 27 Bath ... Show more content on ... Overview of AS Sociology 2 | 2010 11 6 Unit 1.4 Marriage, Cohabitation and Divorce 8 Unit 1.5 Older Relatives and Children in Families 9 Unit 1.6 The Domestic Division of Labour Debate 2
  • 50. Unit 1.3 Social Change and Families and Households: Demographics and Statistical Evidence 7 ... Get more on ...
  • 51. A Critical Infrastructure Protection Is Not Just A... EDM: Case Four Name Institutional Affiliations Introduction Critical Infrastructure Protection is not just a national issue but also a global responsibility. Perl Report introduces the importance of International Cooperation. The accrued benefits increase the desired need to form agreements between nations to share necessary scientific knowledge helpful in mitigating vulnerability. For example, the agreement between German and Homeland Security of the United States provides collaborative measures and internal controls that govern interaction between the two parties. Likewise, Secretary Napolitano s Letter of Intent projects possible bilateral trade agreements between USA and Qatar, therefore, enlisting mutual benefits. Finally, the paper indicates the effects of the latest natural disaster occurrence. The Federal government has adopted some of the recommendations in the Perl s Report to deal with the catastrophic situation. Part A Critique of the Report Perl, (2008) presents an interesting report that discusses the terrorist threat to critical energy infrastructure. He goes further to suggest options for a response as well as identify some needs for a proper response. As much as the presentation is precise and easy to understand, the author fails to provide the much needed evidence to back his thoughts. For instance, he seems to over emphasize that energy infrastructure is more critical than another unit, yet fails to provide sufficient description of the ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Relationship of the Messages of Amos and Hosea to the... Relationship of the Messages of Amos and Hosea to the Mosaic Covenant Assignment: From the oracles of Amos and Hosea show how their messages were true to the Mosaic revelation. (Think particularly of the Sinai covenant blessings and curses and the new beginning). 1.0Introduction In completing this assignment, I shall first endeavour to answer the question: What are the key elements of the Mosaic revelation? In addition, a brief overview of the n New Beginnings promise will be presented. Following this, I shall then relate the oracles of Amos and Hosea to the Mosaic revelation in order to demonstrate that their messages were true to the Mosaic revelation. 2.0The Mosaic Revelation There are three elements of the Mosaic ... Show more content on ... His compassion is particularly evident in His provision for the poor, the oppressed and the underprivileged in the Mosaic Law. And when the Israelitesforsook His covenant and were subjected to His judgement, it was on the basis of His mercy and compassion that He promised restoration upon their repentance: None of the devoted things shall stick to your hand, that the LORD may turn from the fierceness of his anger and show you mercy and have compassion on you and multiply you, as he swore to your fathers (Deuteronomy 13:7). 2.1.5His Covenant Keeping Characteristic God particularly revealed Himself to Moses as a covenant making and covenant keeping God. No doubt, Moses had in depth knowledge of the Abrahamic covenant prior to His commission on Mount Horeb, but at that Mount of God , he was clearly instructed that it was on the basis of the Abrahamic covenant that God was now setting things in motion to deliver the children of Israel and to bring them into the land He promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: God spoke to Moses and said to him, В‘I am the LORD. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by my name the LORD I did not make myself known to them. I also established my covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, the land in which they lived as sojourners. Moreover, I have heard the groaning of the people of Israel whom the Egyptians hold as slaves, and I have remembered my covenant. Say therefore to ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Bbc3 Unit 9 Final Project 12 year old BBC3TV s trust company has approved the plan to make the channel an online only entity. Due to BBC3TV s failing revenue, the the BBC Corporation will essentially be saving about ВЈ30m ($46m) a year. The channel, which was targeted towards the 16 to 34 year old demographic, was unable to do so. In its first major decision since Rona Fairhead was appointed as chair of the trust last September, the regulator recognised the clear long term potential in moving online, but admitted there were clear concerns about the loss of services to the key age group, as well as the BBC s ability to try out new ideas and develop new talent. Alternately, the trust rejected another proposal to launch a new BBC1+1 channel in place of BBC3 because ... Show more content on ... The BBC must also promise to continue taking risks on new talent and ideas of the sort that BBC3 has been successful in developing . Under BBC proposals, the budget for entertainment and features such as reality television shows will be scrapped, while the bulk of the remaining reduced budget of ВЈ30m will be spent on drama and serious factual such as Murdered by My Boyfriend. The budget for personality led entertainment such as Jack Whitehall and his Dad will be halved, while scripted comedy including series like Cuckoo will see a 25% budget cut to about ВЈ10m. Factual entertainment programme Don t Tell the Bride is to move to BBC1 as part of the plans. A letter sent to Fairhead and the BBC director general, Tony Hall, in June organised by two leading independent television producers and signed by 750 stars, including Whitehall, Olivia Colman, Daniel Radcliffe, Game of Thrones star Lena Headey and Poldark s Aidan Turner, argued against the plans. The corporation had intended to replace the BBC3 TV channel with a one hour time shifted version of BBC1, a move that concerned commercial rivals, branding it a ratings driven ... Get more on ...
  • 54. The Importance Of Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is the utilization of computers to imitate human brains in restricted domains. This is a consequence of developing computer which carry on logically, reason rationally and can adequately decipher its surroundings continuously in real time. Artificial Intelligence is no longer a fictionist concept, the superior computing prowess of artificial intelligence has enabled them to surpass humans in problem solving. They have made it conceivable to recreate complex activities that need proficient mastery. Chess playing program is an astounding case of an intellectual system. Artificial intelligence is an extremely wide interdisciplinary field which connects to many domains, all the computing disciplines, but also chemistry,... Show more content on ... After, in 1966 the first robot Shakey with artificial intelligence was created. After in 1986, Bundeswehr University was able to create the first self driving car with the help of input devices such as cameras and sensors. As of the 21st century, Artificial intelligence can be created to portray, understand human emotion and also learn from experience and learn from errors. The Basic format of AI and its components is displayed inside the image (Tecuci). With the creation of robots with artificial intelligence, we are able to create robots which can work on task with greater efficiency than human beings. Hence, the basic fear of robots replacing humans in the workforce rises as a potential threat for losing jobs. But individual of society forget that Artificial intelligence will also create lots of jobs as they will require humans to help maintain the condition of the bots and also to upgrade and fix issue in the bots. Also, the bots will mostly take the jobs which are mainly labor infused. Therefore, if we have bots performing the simple task of society it will require society to grow and become smarter hence benefiting the society as a whole (Atkinon). Second, frequently individual of society worry that development in Artificial intelligence will result in computer starting a revolution as they ... Get more on ...
  • 55. Moral Responsibility In Susan Wolf s Analysis In an attempt to explain moral responsibility, Susan Wolf puts forth a modified version of what she calls the Deep Self View (DSV) first expounded on by Harry Frankfurt, Gary Watson and Charles Taylor (Perry et al. 460 462). The key to her argument the condition of sanity; a deep self must be sane in order to be considered morally responsible. However, I will argue that her attempt fails for the following two reasons: 1.Wolf s definition of sanity is too vague and to be useful and relies on the collective view of lay persons. 2.Wolf raises the bar of moral responsibility so high as to make it nearly impossible to reach and in the process seems to defeat her own argument. Wolf s attempt to make sense of DSV by creating her own definition of sanity (CITATION) does not add clarity to DSV but instead creates more confusion. Her definition seems to rely too heavily on the views of the general population for determining what is and is not sane (CITATION). What is sane then ... Show more content on ... ...the minimally sufficient ability cognitively and normatively to recognize and appreciate the world for what it is (Perry et al. 465). In other words, society at large is the yardstick for judging what is and is not to be considered sane and acceptable behavior. While few would object to the role sanity plays in a person s moral responsibility, Wolf s definition of the sane DSV is far too vague and subjective to be of any real value. So, if we accept Wolf s vague definition of the sane DSV and assume our view of the world is the correct one, we may create even bigger problems. All too often the tyranny of the righteous majority has violated the rights of the weak and savage minority. Therefore, it is my argument that Wolf s definition of the sane DSV has the very real potential of creating even more Jo Jo s on an even larger scale. Wolf acknowledges the difficulty of this objection and admits there are no satisfactory answers (Perry et al. ... Get more on ...