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Essay On Importance Of
Education In 1000+ Words
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Essay On Importance Of Education In 1000+ Words Essay On Importance Of Education In 1000+ Words
Supply and Demand Simulation
Supply and Demand Simulation Summary
University of Phoenix
ECO360, Economics for Business I
The Supply/Demand simulation involves acting as property manager for GoodLife Management in the
fictional town of Atlantis. GoodLife Management manages seven apartment complexes in Atlantis.
The property manager is expected to adjust the monthly rental rate of two bed rental apartments and
the quantity of apartments supplied based on the market trends. Factors that influence the supply and
demand for apartments include personal preferences, economy, income, and rental rates. Each of these
factors affect the ratio of vacant and occupied apartments. Decisions regarding supply, demand, and
price require careful evaluation. Regular ... Show more content on ...
The equilibrium rental rate was then higher than before, but the equilibrium quantity was less.
The last situation in the simulation introduced the concept of governmental price controls for monthly
rental rates. Since the price ceiling was lower than the equilibrium price, the quantity demanded was
higher than the quantity supplied. Goodlife could not afford to rent all apartments at the ceiling price.
Other forms of revenue, such as increased key deposits, had to be implemented. Consequently, there
was an excess demand, creating a supply shortage. Goodlife was then able to be more restrictive when
selecting renters, which can affect economic and social aspects of the community. The imbalance of
demand and supply can lead to discrimination in tenants and an increase in ancillary charges, such as
key charges. As illustrated in the simumation, price controls can have negative consequences on the
housing supply.
In conclusion, the simulation confronted the user with a variety of situations that affected the supply
and demand of rental units. The prices and quantity supplied had to be adjusted according to the
factors affecting the supply and demand. The key components from the reading material that were
reinforced in the simulation were supply and demand, shifts in supply and demand, equilibrium, and
price ceilings.
1. What causes the changes in supply and demand in the simulation?
The monthly
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Cause And Effects Of Drought
Drought is a form of a natural abiotic stress in plants that affects plant growth and is characterized as
one of the most widespread environmental stresses occurring globally (Ekmekci, Y., Kalefetoglu T.,
2005). It occurs when there is an absence of rainfall for a particular period of time. This happens when
atmospheric conditions such as climate change causes extensive loss of water in soil content that
damage and injure plant structure and disruption in physiology (Jaleel, C., P. Manivannan, A. Wahid,
M. Farooq, R. Somasundaram and R. Panneerselvam, 2009). Drought can be considered as water
deficit and desiccation (Ekmekci, Y., Kalefetoglu T., 2005). Water deficit occur when loss of water is
moderate and the stomata of the plants closes resulting to a limitation of gas exchange (Jaleel, C.,, 2009). Desiccation occur when there is an extensive loss of water that results to a disruption in
the plant s metabolism, cell structure and eventually to the termination of enzyme catalyzed reactions
(Ekmekci, Y., Kalefetoglu T., 2005). Some effects of drought in plants are as follows; decreased in cell
enlargement and growth which reduces the height of plants, decline in the water content of leaves,
turgor loss, altered cholorophyll (a b) pigment concentrations and carotenoids which reduces tissue
concentrations of a plant and disturbs or disrupts biochemical processes such as photosynthesis,
respiration, ion uptake, translocation and nutrient metabolism (Jaleel,
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The Demon Lover Essay
The Demon Lover is a short story about a woman, Kathleen Drover, returning to her abandoned home
in London to collect old belongings. The moment Kathleen reached her destination at the house, she
began to feel unsettled and anxious. Kathleen s once familiar home now gave off an unfamiliar
queerness (Bowen 1). Kathleen and her family evacuated their quaint house to move to the
countryside for safety from the destruction of war. As Kathleen explores her house more, she
encounters unexpected items and occurrences. Several book critics have varying opinions on what the
moral of the story is. I believe that there can be a great number of interpretations of The Demon
Lover; however, the theme of the story is the effects that war has on civilians. ... Show more content
on ...
At the beginning of the story, the readers are told that Kathleen has returned to her old house in
London to collect a few belongings. Almost immediately, the tone of the story is eerie and uneasy. She
has trouble unlocking the house and is overwhelmed by a sense of oddness as she investigates the
remains of her former home. She soon discovers a letter left on the escritoire that was dated for the
same day she had arrived. Kathleen reads the mysterious letter and soon realizes it is a letter from her
supposed dead fiancé, a soldier, from two decades ago (Bowen 3). The letter is vague and she had not
remembered what promise the letter had referred to. I believe the author wants the readers to infer that
the promise made was the promise for Kathleen to marry the soldier, but when the soldier was
presumed dead, Kathleen had no obligations to wait anymore, and she could move on with her life.
Mrs. Drover romanticized soldiers and I believe she was only infatuated with the idea of her old fiancé
and she did not love him for who he was. When his presumed death was announced, she did not feel
an enormous amount of grief, yet, Kathleen was almost relieved. I believe Kathleen realizes that she
did not love her fiancé, and that she has barely even knew him before he left for the war (Bowen
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Red Cross Culture In America
Senegal, a culture filled country, suffers greatly from poverty, meaning that many families may not be
able to afford or have ways of getting knowledge of health care that could potentially save their lives.
The red cross is one of the many organizations that provide assistance throughout Senegal, however,
not everyone knows or has accesses to the Red Cross. Communication varies throughout Senegal
bringing with it several life threatening things happening in Senegal including, street children,
diseases, and cultural activities that is extremely dangerous for Senegalese citizens. Further acts
should be put into place to provide all Senegalese people with information and ways of health care.
The health in Senegal varies throughout rural and ... Show more content on ...
In recent graphs and charts, there has been results of decreased poverty, this is great news for Senegal!
Taalibe, or street children, Used to be found all over Senegal cities until recent bands that have been
placed to where adolescents can no longer do this. You may ask, What are street children? When a
children s parents cannot afford their child and their needs (especially education), they will send them
to ¨school¨. ¨Some parents in Senegal and neighboring countries who lack the money to bring up their
children, send them to Islamic schools, or daaras, in Dakar.¨ These schools send the children to the
streets and make them beg for money. They are also be abused, beaten, and even killed. The
conditions in which they stay in are horrendous and cause several of them to become sick. Until a ban
was put into place, this continue to happen and still does to this day. Only 12 teachers have been
known of being prosecuted for doing this, and many more are said to be still doing this to poor
defenseless children. In order to have better health among Senegal there must be better
communication and watching on the citizens and the government. The government seems to have little
control over many things, like Taalibe´s and you can see the lack of communication between the
citizens and government in Senegal. Organizations like the, ¨PPDH¨ have tried to stop this completely,
some have gotten rather far. If further acts are put into place to ensure the safety of the children and
their health, there will be Less likability to have children on the streets. Organizations like the Red
Cross are here to help those parents, providing shelter for those children and better health care, but
without the proper knowledge of these organizations in rural cities there is no way of these parents of
knowing. Providing information on organizations here to help may be better the chances of having the
street children, less child
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Are Sleeping Positions Crucial For Our Health
Are sleeping positions crucial for our health?
By the end of the day, we all can t wait to slip into our beds and get a good rest before the next day
starts. It is important to sleep at least 7 or 8 hours per night, so our bodies could refill their batteries
and survive the next challenges of the day. But sometimes, you can wake up even more tired than the
last night. This could greatly depend on your sleeping position, since each of them affects your body
Sleeping on Your Back
Sleeping on your back can bring so many benefits to your health. First of all, there are no curves in
your back and the spine is in neutral position, so the neck and back pain are completely reduced. Also,
this sleeping position reduces the acid reflux, since your head is elevated and above the level of your
Another unexpected benefit of sleeping on your back is a lower risk of developing wrinkles ... Show
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And if you already have problems with teeth that got misplaced through time because of this sleeping
position, you should consider orthodontist in Sydney and restore perfect look and health of your
Fetal Position
Curling up in a ball, pulling your knees high and tucking your chin into the chest may feel comfy at
that moment, but in the morning you will know this was a bad idea. Fetal position puts a lot of
pressure on your back, neck and other joints which can lead to severe pain and strains in the morning.
Also, it may also restrict deep breathing which can lead to shortage of breath or other respiratory
problems. And fetal position is not doing any favors to your skin and breasts.
However, if you suffer from some severe snoring or sleep apnea, you could try this position out. Just
make sure to straighten up a bit in order to be able to breathe properly and have a proper pillow for
good support of your head and
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Exploitation Is A Problem Of Exploitation
The law was made for one thing alone, for the exploitation of those who don t understand it, or are
prevented by naked misery from obeying it. Bertolt Brecht. There are two definitions of exploitation
the first is from merriam webster dictionary an act or instance of exploiting; exploitation of natural
resources; exploitation of immigrant laborers. In google searches the action or fact of treating
someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work. both having exploitation of migrant workers. Is
exploitation a problem? Exploitation isn t a problem but more of a structural problem, not a problem
of human nature. Exploitation is a problem that can never be fixed, exploitation comes along with
inequality; which solving inequality is indeed an utopian idea. We are too constrained by an idea of
equality rather than, by the sense that this is the way things have to be. Corporations exploit prison
workers, corporations are able to get away with paying them wages that rival those of third world
sweatshops. These laborers have been legally stripped of their political, economic and social rights
and ultimately relegated to second class citizens. They are banned from unionizing, violently silenced
from speaking out and forced to work for little to no wages. Incarceration Nation not just immigrant
worker. private companies have a cheap, easy labor market, and it isn t in China, Indonesia, Haiti, or
Mexico. It s right here in the land of the free, where large
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The Fight Scene Analysis
The first section is a representation of when the meeting of Collin and Nancy occurred in the diary. I
choose to represent this by scattering around music notes on all sides since it was sort of like a rock
concert .The uneven colorful patches all around them stands for the commotion and mix up after the
rednecks came in . This is one of the factors that cause her to have an asthma attack and he calms her
down and grabs her tightly . I drew her with her hand on him to show her being calmed down. He
makes her feel safe , this is why I drew them close .As her aunt does not come to pick her up ,she sobs
and he again comforts her closely . The bright color represents her enthusiasm for meeting such an
interesting guy to talk to . Almost like a brother . This scene is important because it is the start of her
so thought love which leads to her tragedy .It also shows how he portrays a fake image ... Show more
content on ...
I Choose to represent this by drawing two hands wine wine in them. This shows the alcohol involved
in this part. I also drew fire flames . This is to emphases the risky provocative situation in which she
was in . She was all by herself and he was getting more touchy with there .The main color in my
flames is red , this is to represent the color of passion which is what goes on as he grabs her . As my
main background , I used black, this is to show the time of day for this event , past midnight . The
word NO is in print capital letters this is to to show her disapproval when he rapes her . She states
reasons and says No. Still his response was the same there was no answer he just did it and left. All
these elements are needed because this scene is so purposeful . Its purposeful because it shows how a
simple house alone date turned into a risky behavioral situation. This really demonstrates how her
voice was ignored and Collin decided to have sex with her despite her
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Parent Monitoring
Do your parent s monitor or control what do you on your phone? If so, I disagree with this I think
children should have full access to their phones without their parents monitoring it. Parents should not
be allowed to control or monitor their kid s social media.
To begin, there is a fine line where parents can control and watch over their children on social media.
Watching over a kid and controlling them will make them want to do the stuff that you aren t letting
them do, for example, if you watch over your kid s phone they will find a way to be able to bypass it
or won t use their phone. The article says, There s considerable evidence that intruding on kids privacy
damages the parent child relationship, says Petronio. When parents snoop, they show mistrust, she
says. That overarching need for control really damages the relationship. (Parents Shouldn t Spy on
Their Kids). The reason that I chose this quote is that this shows just one of much important
information why parents shouldn t spy on their children. ... Show more content on ...
It s commonly known that it s the parent s job to point their children in the right direction but being
too strict with point them in the opposite direction. The passage states, While parents have an
obligation to guide their children and protect them from harm, adolescence is still a time for testing
limits, says Judith Smetana, a professor of psychology who studies adolescent parent relationships at
the University of Rochester. (Parents Shouldn t Spy on Their Kids). The reason that this quote was
pulled is because it supports my topic and how I as a person feels about this topic of parents
controlling or monitoring their kid s social
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File Format, Compression Techniques, Image Resolution And...
Impact that file format, compression techniques, image resolution and colour depth have on file size
and image quality D2
In this report I will be discussing the different file formats, compression techniques, image resolution
and colour depth. I will be explaining the different purposes, then, after I have issued an in depth
explanation of image quality and file size I will be completing a final conclusion about the best ones
to use for certain tasks.
Seen as there are numerous different uses for images it means that the quality will differ for different
purposes. The formats which I will be discussing within this report include JPEG, GIF s, TIF, PSD and
BMP. All these formats are made for different reasons and I will be explaining these differences in
quality and file size. Each format varies in the depth of the colour within the image, some have larger
colour depth meaning that the file size will be larger, whereas, some of these formats have very low
colour depth resulting in a lower quality image. When exporting an image, sometimes there is an
option to adjust the colour depth to your preference, so, the file format could change to your desired
colour depth.
Compression techniques
When compressing a file to make it smaller there are two options which are available, Lossy and
Lossless. Both do the same job, which is compressing the file size, however, they both do it differently
for different reasons, I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of both. The
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Ryan Stenz s All About Me
All About Me
By Ryan Stenz Hello! My name is Ryan Stenz and I am 12 years old. This essay will tell you some of
the things about me. Before I start, I want to tell you some of the little things about me. First of all, I
am in 6th grade, and I have a sister who is 9 and is in 3rd grade. Now, I will start getting into the
bigger things. First of all, I go to Linfield Christian Middle School. Before, when I was in elementary
school, I went to Vintage Hills Elementary School, kindergarten through 5th grade. I love computers,
and I like programming in HTML, C, C++, etc. I want to be a computer programmer when I grow up.
When I am in 7th grade, I want to be in the STEM program. I can t wait. Now, I will tell you more! I
want a dog. But I can t
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Examples Of Worthy And Unworthy Worship
a. The Worthy and Unworthy Worship
Worship is about God and for the glorification of His name; it is a celebration of love that gives life
and empowering to His people, who worship Him in righteousness through obedience. Specifically,
worship involves abandoning oneself to God as an offering that is being represented by his sacrifice to
atone for his sin. Significantly, people come to His presence to verbalize their deep affection for Him
through such an ardent worship. The Bible delineates that God shows unreserved favor to those who
faithfully love Him with all their heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5); but on the other hand,
God hates and curses those who do not love Him and worship Him selfishly.
The Bible provides people an inspiring account of the story of God s ... Show more content on ...
They would normally hear His voice to give them divine guidance, warning and instructions on how
they should live, worship and maintain their relationship with Him. (Genesis 4:7). Adam and Eve
loved and feared God; thus, Cain and Abel learned and developed their faith through their teachings
and instructions. (Romans 10:17) Furthermore, they were trained properly to worship God through an
An excellent example of worthy and unworthy worship in the Old Testament is that of Cain and Abel
since it is the first arresting message of God in Genesis after the fall man and persuasively an essential
message of redemption. Both Cain and Abel worshiped God but approach it differently. Remarkably,
Abel loved and feared God most of all in his life that he carefully obeyed all His instructions and
requirements for worship, while Cain selfishly worshiped God according to His will and
presumptions. Abel, in awe of his creator, offered God the best firstlings of his flocks and their fat
portions. The aroma of Abel s offering reached God and was well pleased and honored. As a result,
God accepted Abel and his love offering and
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Causes of the financial crisis
Preparing the grounds: The role of global macro policies and the poor US regulatory framework
The financial crisis from 2007 2009 is beeing caused at two levels: global macro policies affecting
liquidity and a poor regulatory framework
The policies affecting liquidity created a situation like a dam overfilled with flooding water
The regulatory system have been the faults in the dam, directing the liquidity into the real estate
Source: „The Current Financial Crisis: Causes and Policy Issues by Adrian Blundell Wignall, Paul
Atkinson and Se Hoon Lee
Global macro policies affecting liquidity played a major role in the built up to the finacial and ... Show
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enneth Rogoff
Global imbalances
In the US low interest rates fed into powerful multiplier mechanism
Expectations of future housing price appreciation
1% increase of current account deficit à10% increase in real estate prices
US home prices rose at double digit rates in 04/05
US mortgage quality declined
American Dream Housing bubble policy
Financial innovations 2
Source: „Global Imbalances and the Financial Crisis: Products of Common Causes by Maurice
Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff
Global macro policies affecting liquidity
The increasing global imbalances
Loose monetary policy by Fed
Source: „The Current Financial Crisis: Causes and Policy Issues by Adrian Blundell Wignall, Paul
Atkinson and Se Hoon Lee
Fed policy
The FED overflowed the US economy with cheap money in order to support the economy 1
May 2000: 6.5%
June 2003: 1%
Until 2006
Dot com crash
Fear of deflation Unchanged rates for one year
Interest rates remained too low (Taylor rule)
Expansion of housing market
Too low interest rates over a too long period was a major cause for the genisis of the housing bubble
Source: „Global Imbalances and the Financial Crisis: Products of Common Causes by Maurice
Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff
Fed policy
The interest rates set by the fed were far below what the Taylor rule would suggest 1
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The Prayer Of A Good Shepherd
We are celebrating today the fived Sunday of Ester. During these past weeks we have celebrated the
victory of Christ over death, hear about his mercy, about his love, about this care and protection as a
good shepherd. Many readings during this time have come to us, to our help; today we received the
main commandment love. In the prelude, we were able to hear the fruits of preaching of the apostles.
In the second that we just heart we have an image of the New Jerusalem, the promise to those who
fulfill Gods commandment, finally the gospel, which is the apex of today celebration we can see what
really matters, what is really important: LOVE!
Some years ago I accompany a group of youth of the parish to the WYD in Rio De Janairo. The most
important day this pilgrimage is the vigil night and the following mass with the Pope. The vigil and
the mass took place in Copa Cabana Beach. To get there on time we had to walk for 15 miles. We start
to walk, we we happy, talking a having a good time. Everything was fine until a girl, stumbled upon a
stone, she fell, and sprained ankle, bruised forehead and much of the arm was scratched. We were all
worried; we helped as we could, hope to find a hospital soon. I determined that she could not walk and
said, do not you worry, continue, I stay here and then I pick up the return. We all looked at each other.
Until a brave boy said, I will not continuo; I prefer to stay here with her, then another, then another, at
the end nobody would
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Examples Of True Freedom In 1984 By George Orwell
What is true freedom? That s something to think about while reading 1984 by George Orwell. In this
book, true freedom doesn t exist. The people of this book are trapped in a world of despair. The
characters in 1984 do not experience true freedom. There is plenty of evidence to prove this. In the
book, the people have no right to think freely, they can t fall in love, and they have to follow the rules
that are giving to them. If the world that this people live at showed true freedom, then all this actions
would be allowed. True freedom would be the ability to speak, think, and do things that one would
normally want to do. People from the book 1984 do not have the true freedom that one would wish to
have. The people can t even have there own
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Business Maths Statistics Assignment 1
EXCEL PART B. QA). The pie charts show that a higher percentage of the male gender has tried the
product in comparison to the female gender. Over 50% of both genders have tried the product.
However, the fact that the percentage of males who tried the product is higher, suggests that gender
does play a role in whether the people will try the product. Yet the role genders play is small, because
the difference between the percentage of females who tried the product and males who tried the
product is small at only 7%. However, since the graphs do not compare the genders within the total
sample surveyed and are only a percentage of each specific gender, more ... Show more content on ...
The type of data itself is nominal not numerical. The income of both males and females is not as
accurate as we would like, because it has been collected within large income ranges, for example $0 to
$25,000. Therefore to use the data, midpoints must be found, doing this has caused the data to become
very general and does not show specifics on income levels per person. The incomes are shown on the
graph as midpoints which have a large range within them. This further shows that the information is
too general for many business applications and decision making. The graph has narrowed down the
five income midpoints of interest to three. These three income midpoints were $12,500 $37,500
$62,500. However exactly what income levels within these ranges have not been determined. This
means that the information is vague. The information would be more useful if specific income levels
and have tried frequencies per income were investigated. The graph would be more useful if it showed
actual income levels and numbers of people within that income level who had tried the product. It
only tells us the midpoint which has a large range and therefore, the information is quite general. This
information would be fine if we wanted to target general income groups but it would be insufficient if
we wanted to determine specific income levels who have tried the product, as we do not know what
that income level
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Las Meninas And Pablo Picasso
of 3
Las MeninasLas Meninas is a famous painting by Diego Velazquez and has had 58 renditions by
Pablo Picasso. Both painters are known for their remarkable paintings each from different eras. Before
I go on to dissect the paintings, I ll give you some key background information on the two artists.
Velazquez was born in 1599 and died on August 6th, 1660 whereas Picasso was born on October 25th,
1881 and died on April 8th, 1973. Therefore you can tell that there will of course be some differences
in their paintings especially the meaning behind them because they were born in separate time periods.
Both were fairly old, Velazquez was 61 when he passed away and Picasso was 92. Velazquez was 57
when he made this painting so his life was coming close to an end, whether he knew it or not. It could
have influenced his perspective on the painting. Picasso was 70 when he did his first rendition of Las
Meninas so by that time he had done a lot of artwork and still had some life left, so his experience and
time could have influenced it as well. Despite the time difference between Velazquez s painting and
this version of Picasso s painting, there are some similarities. The backgrounds are both black, maybe
it was a good background color for both of them. Velazquez could have done it to represent the room
the princess was in. Picasso could have done it because of the colors he used for the princess since
they were mainly bright like white and yellow. In both
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Apple Is Going Up Against Market Leader Spotify, Jay Z s...
Full Speed Ahead, Apple Jumps In the Music Streaming Service Market for the First Time. Authors
Mark Schneider and Andrew Flanagan of Billboard magazine state, Apple is going up against market
leader Spotify, Jay Z S Tidal and other streaming upstart services. Throughout the music industry,
musicians, record companies, and music publishers are crying foul for, not getting paid for their music
during a three month trial period done by Apple s new streaming service. Is Apple taking appropriate
steps to be competitive in the streaming service market, is the company, avoiding any distractions they
may have to be successful, more importantly do they meet the concerns of the music streaming
community and showing good moral principles in doing so? Authors Schneider and Flanagan, state
approximate a year ago, Apple took step number 1, jumping into the streaming services market for the
first time, by purchasing Beasts for three billion dollars. Beast, a hibernating streaming service at the
time, is co founded by record producers Dr, Dre and Jimmy Lovine; the two of them joined Apple in
executive roles said the authors. Streaming music is moving away from algorithms, where the music
being generated by computer to the more modern version called human curation said Schneider and
Flanagan. Human curation for example, when one knows music very well, such as an artist therefore,
he or she can make better recommendations or advice selecting from a playlist compared to a search
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Five Main Features Of Designing A New Venue In Town
Designing a New Venue in Town
a. Description of Venue My venue is going to be used as a paintball course area. It would be located in
the area as marked by Figure 1. There is seven normal outdoor paintball fields and one giant grassy
outdoor paintball field. There is also an indoor paintball field as well. Two of the normal fields would
be covered with trees and four would be covered with grass. In my venue, there is also a check in /
rental area for people to rent out equipment and check in. There is also an ice cream parlour in the
rental area as well.
The estimated number of people using it at any given time is 40.
b. Features that would reduce negative impact
There are five main features that would reduce negative impact to surface ... Show more content on ...
This helps minimize negative impact to the surface/ground water reservoirs in two different ways.
One, this reduces the risk of algal blooms in the surface waters. Algal blooms occur due to the excess
amount of nutrients in the water, causing eutrophication. Eutrophication causes huge plant and algae
growth because of the increased amount of nutrients. Then the plants and algae die and bacteria causes
the plants/algae to decompose, using up dissolved oxygen. This results in a lack of oxygen, hypoxia
and anoxia, in the water. Therefore, many organisms such as the fish die due to the lack of dissolved
oxygen in the water.
Two, this increases the potential of infiltration. Water flows from impermeable areas like buildings to
the settling pond where it can infiltrate into the ground. Rip rap is the surface cover of the water
retention pond. Rip rap creates channels for water to flow through, giving its high infiltration rate.
Even though most of the water would be drained by the drainage pipes, some would be infiltrated into
the soil.
Another water control feature is having a vegetative surface cover on the hillsides of the venue. As
seen in Figure 2, grass, a vegetative cover, covers the southern hill and trees cover the northern hill.
The vegetation stabilizes the soil, preventing erosion and gulleys. The vegetative surface cover on the
hillsides also increases the potential for infiltration. Grass has a high infiltration rate because the roots
and the
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Identify The Three-Top Categories
The three top categories I scored outstanding in was category six, category one, and category seven.
The top category I scored in was Category six. In this category named Think win win, I scored an 18
out of 18. The first statement is, I care about the success of others as well as my own, I demonstrate
this at work by caring about the success of others as well as my own. I go above and beyond my daily
duties to make sure the customers are being served at the highest level. The second statement is I
cooperate with others, I demonstrate this at work by providing very detailed answers to questions and
show that I am a very caring individual and try my best to assist coworkers with all their questions and
guide them into the right direction to ... Show more content on ...
In this category I scored a 16 out of 18 points. The first statement is I show kindness and consideration
towards others. I demonstrate this statement by taking into consideration each persons needs and
concerns. My coworkers believe that I am an extremely helpful person and do the most to assist with
helping them find solutions to the consumers issues that they are facing. The second statement is I
keep promises and honor commitments. I demonstrate this statement at work by always keeping my
word when I get assigned a task or volunteer for special project within my unit. I abide in all my
duties that I am assigned too. I have created instructions to be able to process certain types of cases,
also have created special task guides by the assigned due dates. I give my all to make sure I honor all
commitments I have been assigned as a worker. The third statement is I do not speak negatively of
others when they are not present. I demonstrate this statement at work by always keeping a positive
outlook on each day and difficult situation that arises with my job. Working for a large agency that
services the public is challenging. It has its ups and downs and can take a toll on a worker. It is
important to always stay positive and not think negative because the attitude can reflect on the work
that is assigned and customers will react negatively back. It is important to keep everyone that you
make contact with in a positive space to be able to do a successful
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Nut Island Effect
#1. Do the people at Nut Island represent a cohesive team? The team from Nut Island had the potential
to accomplish great things. They were a very cohesive team. Cohesiveness relates to the degree to
which members are attracted to and motivated to remain part of that team. A cohesive group member
values his or her membership and strives to maintain a positive relationship within the group. Every
person working at Nut Island wanted to be there and would not let anything get in the way of their
team. When looking at only the cohesiveness of a team, Nut Island would be a good example. They
worked together and enjoyed what they did at the sewage plant. Employees worked overtime without
being paid for it and without complaining. They ... Show more content on ...
All of their efforts to stay cohesive did not matter because they were not doing the job they set out to
(b.) The employees at Nut Island formed a very cohesive group, but their cohesiveness contributed to
their problems. They worked together and were able to all conform to a set of norms. This group
though was following the wrong set of norms. A highly cohesive group following a negative set of
performance norms has the least amount of success. They are working together but for the wrong
cause. The Nut Island team began following the wrong set of norms when they request for funds for
maintenance on equipment was denied. They were told to get rid of the dandelions. He was more
worried about the outside appearance than the inner workings of the plant and what the employees had
to deal with. The team began to feel isolated and was not able to trust others outside of their group.
Later on the plant s four engines shut down. Management had refused to give them money to maintain
the engines, and they were waiting for something to go wrong. This incident united the team even
more around a common adversary – management. Their enemy should not have been people within
their own company. The team lost sight of the goal they were supposed to perform and focused on
doing everything themselves.
#3. Describe groupthink and use it to explain what happened at Nut Island.
Groupthink is the tendency of cohesive group members to lose their critical
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What Is Alcatraz False
Alcatraz, What is True and What is False
Alcatraz is a well known landmark that is shrouded in mystery. Many people think they know
everything about the tough as nails prison when really it is just a Hollywood creation. Hollywood
created the lie that The prison if horrible and all the prisoners there are notorious villains.
Most people believe that Alcatraz was a horrible prison, but the prison is not as bad as people believe.
Many prisoners enjoyed their stay in Alcatraz compared to their federal prisons. The one person per
cell policy appealed to many prisoners because it made them less vulnerable to attacks by their fellow
inmates. Alcatraz also served good food and they could get as many servings as they wanted because
poor food was ... Show more content on ...
It also held American solders that deserted the Filipino cause during the Spanish American war and
Chinese citizens that resisted the Army during the Boxer Rebellion. later Alcatraz was used as a prison
for criminals that needed an attitude adjustment not just the worst prisoners. These are the inmates that
bribed guards and attempted escapes. Alcatraz was intended to get prisoners to follow rules so they
could return to federal facilities. One of the most well known prisoners, Al Capone, was allowed to
play the banjo in the prison band. He was one of the first non militaristic prisoners in Alcatraz. Before
he was moved to Alcatraz he bribed the guards preferential treatment while serving tax evasion
sentence in Atlanta. In Alcatraz he became so cooperative that he was permitted to play the banjo in
the Alcatraz band. Another unknown fact is that you could escape from
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Essay For Masters In Social Work
Indian nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi once stated, The best way to find yourself is to lose
yourself in the service of others . This simple yet powerful quote motivates me to remain steadfast in
the mission of aiding others. I m pursing a Masters in social work because by working in this field, I
can educate, advocate, motivate, understand, and encourage resilience to clients from every walk of
life. It is a profession that will allow me to practice both on a micro and macro level simultaneously.
Lastly, working in social work gives me the capacity to challenge policies affecting disadvantaged
My interest in this field stems from growing up in a small, rural, poverty stricken town. This gave me
a unique perspective on the world. My hometown had many children with potential, but because they
did not have a positive outlet most of our future workforce leaders did not complete school. As a
professional, I want to create an outreach program designed for high school students, from low income
communities, that pushes and encourages them to stay in school and seek higher education. Currently
there are no programs in the area that offers educational assistance to these children. Considering the
lack of resources available, the need for such a program is evident. My solution is to use social work
to develop these types of services and create policies that can affect at risk youth in a positive way. I
am confident the social work program at Valdosta State University
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Persuasive Essay On Drink Drinks
30. Drink Juice
Even natural fruit juices contain sugar you are far better just eating the fruit itself.
31. Buy Smoothies
Feel free to make your smoothies at home, but buying them is a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately, you
can t control what they put in them and a giant cup of smoothie isn t healthy. When you do make them
at home be careful about your portions you should only throw one serving of fruit in it along with
some natural yogurt and a drop of peanut butter (or perhaps avocado).
32. Drink Energy Drinks
Even if you prefer the sugar free options they re still going to contribute to a serious high before
resulting in a total crash. It s not going to keep your weight loss journey on track and it is likely to
affect your sleep schedule, too.
33. Cut Carbs
While there are bad carbs, you shouldn t cut them all because your body needs them remember, fiber
is also a carbohydrate.
34. Weigh Yourself Daily
Trust us when we tell you this will get you nowhere fast. It s more likely to leave you feeling
discouraged that you aren t achieving your goals fast enough. Instead, weigh yourself once every two
While we mentioned the danger of fad diets above we believe it s important to stress some of those
that we are talking about. These are popular diets that many people believe are harmless ways to help
lose weight and in reality, they put your health at risk. Despite statements to the contrary there is no
scientific evidence to back any of these diets.
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Baking Soda Vs Double Acting Powder
Have you ever wondered why certain recipes called for baking powder and not baking soda or vice
versa? Well the reasoning behind using one over the other has to do with their chemical make up.
There are different reactions needed for different recipes. Baking soda and baking powder are both
used as leavening agents. So let s take a look at baking soda. Baking soda s chemical name is sodium
hydrogen carbonate. It also goes by Sodium bicarbonate. Baking Soda has a white, powder like
consistency. It is low on the pH scale making it a very weak base. Baking soda has many uses other
than baking. It can be used as a whitener or as a deodorizer. It can also neutralize both acids and bases
due to its amphoteric nature ( Baking Soda )... The chemicals ... Show more content on ...
The cream of tartar is used for its acidity. There are two types of baking soda you can use: Single
acting powder and Double acting powder. Single acting powder reacts with moisture. As soon as you
add moisture to the mix that includes a single
Powell 2 acting baking powder, you must bake it right away. Double acting powder involves two
different ways of releasing gas. When mixing with a double acting powder, some of the gas is released
into the air while it is at room temperature. Most of the gas released, however, will be released in the
oven while the temperature rises. Determining which ingredient, baking powder or baking soda, to use
depends on the other ingredients within the recipe. The whole point cooking is to make food that you
thoroughly enjoy eating because of the taste. Baking soda has a bitter taste. This bitter taste can be
leveled out using the acidity of another ingredient, such as buttermilk. Baking soda is often found
when baking cookies. Baking powder is neutral. It is neutral because it contains both and acid and a
base. Since it is neutral, it can be used with other neutral tastes such as milk. You will commonly find
baking powder in cakes and
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Reform Movements During The 19th Century
Reform Movements During the 19th Century there were many reform movements that took place.
Reform movements were movements that were organized to reform or change the certain way of
things. Reform movements did not always work but the ones that did greatly changed the way our
nation operates today. There were three major reform movements that have altered the nation; the
abolitionist movement, the temperance movement and the women s suffrage movement. Without these
movements, and the great leaders involved, many common rights would not exist today. One of the
most important social and political reform movement in United States history was the antislavery
movement. This movement and the beliefs that were held by it started many ... Show more content on ...
Another important reform movement was that of women suffrage. In the early 19th century, married
women could not enter into contracts without their husband s consent. Women also lost all title to
property or future earnings upon marriage. Children were also legally controlled by the father. Women
were also often left without protection against kidnapping or even imprisonment by husbands and
other male relatives. Women were also denied educational opportunities in a male dominated society.
There were many women involved in this movement but there were a significant few who stood out.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized the Seneca Falls Convention, and many other
movements along with many papers and declarations calling for a women s right to own property and
to vote. Later the two formed the National Women s Suffrage Association.
Over many years of protests and other movements laws were passed that granted women the right to
vote and own their own land. One major movement was the temperance movement. In colonial
America, informal social controls in the home and community helped maintain the expectation that the
abuse of alcohol was unacceptable. There was a clear consensus that while alcohol was a gift form
God its abuse was from the Devil. As the colonies grew from a rural society into a more urban one,
drinking patterns began to change. As the American
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The Importance Of Hmong Culture
I do not think that there are cultural or linguistic factors, as many Hmong are gifted in mathematics,
and have passed the scientific baccalaureate in France. (Hua)
It was interesting to note that while many participants believed that Hmong culture plays a role in the
ability to learn mathematics, they were divided as to whether the role was positive or negative.
Advocating the latter, some stated that there are elements of Hmong culture and heritage that make it
more difficult to learn the subject:
Laos is one of the poorest countries in Asia, much more so than China or Thailand, so there is a
generational gap, and we have to give the younger generation time to adjust to a country that is not our
own. (Kajsiab)
Hmong culture is traditionally an oral culture, without writing, whose basic skills are agriculture and
crafts. This may explain why the second generation still have problems with writing and mathematics.
However, Npaim disagreed, putting forward a view that the ability to learn mathematics is personal:
The factor of culture does not affect the ability to learn mathematics because it depends on the person
and their character. (Npaim)
Eve and Kauj went further with their contrary opinion, implying that the fact that the Hmong originate
from a poor region of Asia gives them a greater incentive to learn mathematics:
I think mathematical ability is linked to the development of the country. The more one is in a rich
country the more people are happy to live with
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Secession In Texas
In August 1859, the citizens of Texas elected Sam Houston as their governor. The result of this
election placed the Unionists in control of the state, but in just eighteen months individual events or
circumstances allowed the secessionists to regain power. Following the 1859 Gubernatorial election,
the secessionists sought to restore political and social power in Texas over the Unionists. Texas one
party system continued to support the other Southern states ideologically in dealing with slavery
despite cultural and economic differences between the Upper and Lower South. Sam Houston s
continued popularity among Texas citizens temporarily outweighed his support for Unionist views, but
the Southern Democratic propaganda machine eventually led to his defeat. Texas became the only
state to bring a vote of secession to the people of the state and historians continue to debate the voting
returns from the referendum on the Ordinance of Secession, 1861. The secession movement in Texas
became a hotly debated topic as past, and present historians determined how the secessionists obtained
enough power to overcome the Unionist controlled government. Analyzing ... Show more content on ...
There exist three consensus or commonalities between each party, including the unquestioning
devotion to perpetual slavery as necessary for racial control. Each party stressed their version of
Unionism while accusing the other of secessionist tendencies, and both parties disseminated an image
of the Republican Party as fanatically bent on the direct abolition of slavery. However, the continued
support for slavery and a complete aversion towards the black Republican Party became readily
identifiable, but the differing views on and support for Unionism become harder to clarify when
conducting an analysis of Texans and the secession
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Summary Of Edgar Allan Poe s Poem The Raven
On January 1809, Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston. His father left very early in his life and his
mother died when he was 3. Poe was taken in as a foster child by Frances and John Allan. Despite the
fact that Poe academically excelled he could not pay his college loans and started gambling. John
Allan refused to pay his gambling debts and was forced to leave. After that, his relationship with John
Allan quickly fell apart.
In 1827 Poe moved to Boston and joined the army. Poe wrote many poems while he was enlisted, but
none of them became popular. He was admitted to the US Military Academy, but was forced to leave
for lack of financial support, so he moved in with his Aunt and younger cousin. In 1836 Poe married
his 14 year old ... Show more content on ...
In line 8 it says if hope has flown away which is personification because hope cannot fly. This relates
to the theme because she losing someone hope has usually gone away. The next device Poe uses is
symbolism. In lines 20 21 it says Them with a tighter clasp? Oh them I cannot save! which symbolizes
people dying in the narrator s life, and not being able to save them no matter how hard you try. The
correlates to the theme because the theme is about losing people and and your grief won t go away,
and the narrator is grieving about not being able to save them . The last piece of figurative language is
hyperbole. In lines 10 11 it reads All that we see or seem is all a dream within a dream which means
life feels like a dream, but is a hyperbole because life is not a dream and it is an exaggeration. This
supports the theme because the author has clearly lost someone making life feel like a dream, and his
grief is not going
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Woodcut Research Paper
Printmaking is a work of art made up of ink on paper and existing in multiple examples, moreover, a
print is created through an indirect transfer process when the artist starts by drawing a composition on
another surface by placing a sheet of paper in contact with the drawn surface and then is run through a
printing press. By doing a work of art in this way is that numerous impressions can be made as new
papers and can be sent through the press in the same way. In this case, the artist should decide how
many to make and that total number of impressions is called an edition, which is then signed by the
artist. For the reason that there is more than one example, many people may have these prints.
Throughout the long history of the medium, different ... Show more content on ...
In the United States, the screen printing process is often called color printing, this is a print that is
created by a screen made of silk or a metal mesh extending over a frame whose design is provided by
a stencil on the screen and a squeegee pulled through the ink strength through the open area on the
paper. This process was used for the first time in 1930. The process was used as a fine art medium and
the term serigraph was coined to distinguish screenprints made by an artist from screenprints produced
for commercial
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Maslow s Hierarchy Of Needs In The Movie, The Blind Side
In this video clip from the movie, The Blind Side, Leigh Anne (Sandra Bullock) tries to motivate
Michael (Quinton Aaron) while playing football. The levels exemplified in Maslow s Hierarchy of
Needs here are safety and security needs, belongingness, self actualization, and cognitive.
Firstly, Michael shows motivation through safety and security because he was told to think about
defending his teamates just as if he would defend Leigh Anne and her young son he cares a lot about.
Through belongingness, Michael works hard in practice in ordor to please Leigh Anne, his coach, and
his teamates so they can win together as a team. Michael also has self actualization when he begins to
defend his quarterback and teamates only after Leigh Anne motivates him. She tells Michael that he
can defend his teamates just like he defends her family. By telling him this, he realizes his self worth
and what he needs to do in order to help his team win. Lastly, this clip shows motivation through a
cognitive view because in order to ... Show more content on ...
Without the natural protective instinct of Michaels personality and the compassion Leigh Anne shows
towards her adoptive son. the movie would not be as compelling and emotional as it is. Michael,
coming from a rough background of a poor family and low education, learns to trust and love Leigh
Anne and her family as she treats him like her own son. The only reason Michael gets to where he is
on the football team is through Leigh Anne s constant motivation, support, and love. Michael feels as
though it is his duty to protect not only her family, but also use this motivational instinct on the field to
help his team win. This outlook is cruicial to Michael s amazing football abilities. Before he knew his
self worth, Michael did not have much to defend in his life. The love and support from Leigh Annes
family encouraged Michael to take his powerful defensive qualities and use them in every benefiting
way he can in
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New Pool Fencing
Why Aluminum Is A Good Choice For Your New Pool Fencing If you re getting a new pool in your
backyard, you ll probably want to install a fence around it. Even if your local codes do not require a
fence, it is a good thing to have for safety reasons, so you don t have to worry about anyone falling in
the pool when you re not around. While you can install different kinds of pool fencing, one of the best
is aluminum. Aluminum fencing has many advantages over other types of fencing, especially when
used around wet areas or areas of high humidity. Here s why it is a good choice for a pool fence. It
Requires Little Maintenance One of the best things about aluminum fencing is that it needs very little
care. The finish is baked on, so there is no worry about peeling paint or deterioration of the fence over
the years. Since ... Show more content on ...
However, it is lightweight, which makes it easier to install. The fencing is sold in panels that you sink
into the ground with posts. If you re handy with DIY skills, you might be able to install an aluminum
fence by yourself since it is light and easy to work with. While the fence is strong, it is only as strong
as its closed gate. One of the most important aspects of pool fencing is making sure it has a self
latching gate that is weighted to swing shut after it is opened. Another point to consider before you
begin buying supplies for your pool fence is to check your local codes. There may be regulations for
the height of fencing you need to install as well as width of the slats and function of the gate locking
mechanism. The goal is to make it impossible for small kids to climb over or squeeze through the
fence. A properly installed fence around your pool gives you peace of mind, and if you choose an
attractive aluminum fence, you don t have to worry about it being an eyesore on your
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An Annotated Bibliography On Household Wealth Essay
Creative Title: An Annotated Bibliography Xie, Yu, and Yongai Jin. Household Wealth in China.
Chinese Sociological Review 47.3 (2015): 203 229. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.
Xie and Jin examine the level, distribution, and composition of household wealth in contemporary
China. The study reveals that the richest one percent of the population owns over one third of the total
national household wealth, while the poorest twenty five percent owned less than two percent in 2012.
Housing assets in China show to be the largest component of household wealth, comprising seventy
percent. The study also discusses how regional disparities and the urban rural divide play significant
roles in the household wealth distribution, wealth growth rate, and wealth mobility. I plan to use this
study as informational background and a look into the state of affairs regarding Chinese society and
the wealth disparity that is present. Gan, Li, et al. Reducing Inequality: Taking From The Top To
Distribute At The Bottom. China Perspectives 2013.3 (2013): 80 82. Academic Search Complete.
Web. 29 Oct. 2015. Gan et al. examine the true scope and detail of the income disparity present in
contemporary Chinese society. This work examines the introduction of government measures, the
criticisms and inadequacies of these supposed measures, other potential solutions that have been
proposed, as well as whether or not the Chinese government has the true ability and willingness to
carry out the new
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Essay On Importance Of Education In 1000 Words

  • 1. Essay On Importance Of Education In 1000+ Words 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Importance Of Education In 1000+ Words Essay On Importance Of Education In 1000+ Words
  • 2. Supply and Demand Simulation Supply and Demand Simulation Summary University of Phoenix ECO360, Economics for Business I The Supply/Demand simulation involves acting as property manager for GoodLife Management in the fictional town of Atlantis. GoodLife Management manages seven apartment complexes in Atlantis. The property manager is expected to adjust the monthly rental rate of two bed rental apartments and the quantity of apartments supplied based on the market trends. Factors that influence the supply and demand for apartments include personal preferences, economy, income, and rental rates. Each of these factors affect the ratio of vacant and occupied apartments. Decisions regarding supply, demand, and price require careful evaluation. Regular ... Show more content on ... The equilibrium rental rate was then higher than before, but the equilibrium quantity was less. The last situation in the simulation introduced the concept of governmental price controls for monthly rental rates. Since the price ceiling was lower than the equilibrium price, the quantity demanded was higher than the quantity supplied. Goodlife could not afford to rent all apartments at the ceiling price. Other forms of revenue, such as increased key deposits, had to be implemented. Consequently, there was an excess demand, creating a supply shortage. Goodlife was then able to be more restrictive when selecting renters, which can affect economic and social aspects of the community. The imbalance of demand and supply can lead to discrimination in tenants and an increase in ancillary charges, such as key charges. As illustrated in the simumation, price controls can have negative consequences on the housing supply. In conclusion, the simulation confronted the user with a variety of situations that affected the supply and demand of rental units. The prices and quantity supplied had to be adjusted according to the factors affecting the supply and demand. The key components from the reading material that were reinforced in the simulation were supply and demand, shifts in supply and demand, equilibrium, and price ceilings. 1. What causes the changes in supply and demand in the simulation? The monthly ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Cause And Effects Of Drought Drought is a form of a natural abiotic stress in plants that affects plant growth and is characterized as one of the most widespread environmental stresses occurring globally (Ekmekci, Y., Kalefetoglu T., 2005). It occurs when there is an absence of rainfall for a particular period of time. This happens when atmospheric conditions such as climate change causes extensive loss of water in soil content that damage and injure plant structure and disruption in physiology (Jaleel, C., P. Manivannan, A. Wahid, M. Farooq, R. Somasundaram and R. Panneerselvam, 2009). Drought can be considered as water deficit and desiccation (Ekmekci, Y., Kalefetoglu T., 2005). Water deficit occur when loss of water is moderate and the stomata of the plants closes resulting to a limitation of gas exchange (Jaleel, C.,, 2009). Desiccation occur when there is an extensive loss of water that results to a disruption in the plant s metabolism, cell structure and eventually to the termination of enzyme catalyzed reactions (Ekmekci, Y., Kalefetoglu T., 2005). Some effects of drought in plants are as follows; decreased in cell enlargement and growth which reduces the height of plants, decline in the water content of leaves, turgor loss, altered cholorophyll (a b) pigment concentrations and carotenoids which reduces tissue concentrations of a plant and disturbs or disrupts biochemical processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, ion uptake, translocation and nutrient metabolism (Jaleel, ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Demon Lover Essay The Demon Lover is a short story about a woman, Kathleen Drover, returning to her abandoned home in London to collect old belongings. The moment Kathleen reached her destination at the house, she began to feel unsettled and anxious. Kathleen s once familiar home now gave off an unfamiliar queerness (Bowen 1). Kathleen and her family evacuated their quaint house to move to the countryside for safety from the destruction of war. As Kathleen explores her house more, she encounters unexpected items and occurrences. Several book critics have varying opinions on what the moral of the story is. I believe that there can be a great number of interpretations of The Demon Lover; however, the theme of the story is the effects that war has on civilians. ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of the story, the readers are told that Kathleen has returned to her old house in London to collect a few belongings. Almost immediately, the tone of the story is eerie and uneasy. She has trouble unlocking the house and is overwhelmed by a sense of oddness as she investigates the remains of her former home. She soon discovers a letter left on the escritoire that was dated for the same day she had arrived. Kathleen reads the mysterious letter and soon realizes it is a letter from her supposed dead fiancé, a soldier, from two decades ago (Bowen 3). The letter is vague and she had not remembered what promise the letter had referred to. I believe the author wants the readers to infer that the promise made was the promise for Kathleen to marry the soldier, but when the soldier was presumed dead, Kathleen had no obligations to wait anymore, and she could move on with her life. Mrs. Drover romanticized soldiers and I believe she was only infatuated with the idea of her old fiancé and she did not love him for who he was. When his presumed death was announced, she did not feel an enormous amount of grief, yet, Kathleen was almost relieved. I believe Kathleen realizes that she did not love her fiancé, and that she has barely even knew him before he left for the war (Bowen ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Red Cross Culture In America Senegal, a culture filled country, suffers greatly from poverty, meaning that many families may not be able to afford or have ways of getting knowledge of health care that could potentially save their lives. The red cross is one of the many organizations that provide assistance throughout Senegal, however, not everyone knows or has accesses to the Red Cross. Communication varies throughout Senegal bringing with it several life threatening things happening in Senegal including, street children, diseases, and cultural activities that is extremely dangerous for Senegalese citizens. Further acts should be put into place to provide all Senegalese people with information and ways of health care. The health in Senegal varies throughout rural and ... Show more content on ... In recent graphs and charts, there has been results of decreased poverty, this is great news for Senegal! Taalibe, or street children, Used to be found all over Senegal cities until recent bands that have been placed to where adolescents can no longer do this. You may ask, What are street children? When a children s parents cannot afford their child and their needs (especially education), they will send them to ¨school¨. ¨Some parents in Senegal and neighboring countries who lack the money to bring up their children, send them to Islamic schools, or daaras, in Dakar.¨ These schools send the children to the streets and make them beg for money. They are also be abused, beaten, and even killed. The conditions in which they stay in are horrendous and cause several of them to become sick. Until a ban was put into place, this continue to happen and still does to this day. Only 12 teachers have been known of being prosecuted for doing this, and many more are said to be still doing this to poor defenseless children. In order to have better health among Senegal there must be better communication and watching on the citizens and the government. The government seems to have little control over many things, like Taalibe´s and you can see the lack of communication between the citizens and government in Senegal. Organizations like the, ¨PPDH¨ have tried to stop this completely, some have gotten rather far. If further acts are put into place to ensure the safety of the children and their health, there will be Less likability to have children on the streets. Organizations like the Red Cross are here to help those parents, providing shelter for those children and better health care, but without the proper knowledge of these organizations in rural cities there is no way of these parents of knowing. Providing information on organizations here to help may be better the chances of having the street children, less child ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Are Sleeping Positions Crucial For Our Health Are sleeping positions crucial for our health? By the end of the day, we all can t wait to slip into our beds and get a good rest before the next day starts. It is important to sleep at least 7 or 8 hours per night, so our bodies could refill their batteries and survive the next challenges of the day. But sometimes, you can wake up even more tired than the last night. This could greatly depend on your sleeping position, since each of them affects your body differently. Sleeping on Your Back Sleeping on your back can bring so many benefits to your health. First of all, there are no curves in your back and the spine is in neutral position, so the neck and back pain are completely reduced. Also, this sleeping position reduces the acid reflux, since your head is elevated and above the level of your stomach. Another unexpected benefit of sleeping on your back is a lower risk of developing wrinkles ... Show more content on ... And if you already have problems with teeth that got misplaced through time because of this sleeping position, you should consider orthodontist in Sydney and restore perfect look and health of your mouth. Fetal Position Curling up in a ball, pulling your knees high and tucking your chin into the chest may feel comfy at that moment, but in the morning you will know this was a bad idea. Fetal position puts a lot of pressure on your back, neck and other joints which can lead to severe pain and strains in the morning. Also, it may also restrict deep breathing which can lead to shortage of breath or other respiratory problems. And fetal position is not doing any favors to your skin and breasts. However, if you suffer from some severe snoring or sleep apnea, you could try this position out. Just make sure to straighten up a bit in order to be able to breathe properly and have a proper pillow for good support of your head and ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Exploitation Is A Problem Of Exploitation The law was made for one thing alone, for the exploitation of those who don t understand it, or are prevented by naked misery from obeying it. Bertolt Brecht. There are two definitions of exploitation the first is from merriam webster dictionary an act or instance of exploiting; exploitation of natural resources; exploitation of immigrant laborers. In google searches the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work. both having exploitation of migrant workers. Is exploitation a problem? Exploitation isn t a problem but more of a structural problem, not a problem of human nature. Exploitation is a problem that can never be fixed, exploitation comes along with inequality; which solving inequality is indeed an utopian idea. We are too constrained by an idea of equality rather than, by the sense that this is the way things have to be. Corporations exploit prison workers, corporations are able to get away with paying them wages that rival those of third world sweatshops. These laborers have been legally stripped of their political, economic and social rights and ultimately relegated to second class citizens. They are banned from unionizing, violently silenced from speaking out and forced to work for little to no wages. Incarceration Nation not just immigrant worker. private companies have a cheap, easy labor market, and it isn t in China, Indonesia, Haiti, or Mexico. It s right here in the land of the free, where large ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Fight Scene Analysis The first section is a representation of when the meeting of Collin and Nancy occurred in the diary. I choose to represent this by scattering around music notes on all sides since it was sort of like a rock concert .The uneven colorful patches all around them stands for the commotion and mix up after the rednecks came in . This is one of the factors that cause her to have an asthma attack and he calms her down and grabs her tightly . I drew her with her hand on him to show her being calmed down. He makes her feel safe , this is why I drew them close .As her aunt does not come to pick her up ,she sobs and he again comforts her closely . The bright color represents her enthusiasm for meeting such an interesting guy to talk to . Almost like a brother . This scene is important because it is the start of her so thought love which leads to her tragedy .It also shows how he portrays a fake image ... Show more content on ... I Choose to represent this by drawing two hands wine wine in them. This shows the alcohol involved in this part. I also drew fire flames . This is to emphases the risky provocative situation in which she was in . She was all by herself and he was getting more touchy with there .The main color in my flames is red , this is to represent the color of passion which is what goes on as he grabs her . As my main background , I used black, this is to show the time of day for this event , past midnight . The word NO is in print capital letters this is to to show her disapproval when he rapes her . She states reasons and says No. Still his response was the same there was no answer he just did it and left. All these elements are needed because this scene is so purposeful . Its purposeful because it shows how a simple house alone date turned into a risky behavioral situation. This really demonstrates how her voice was ignored and Collin decided to have sex with her despite her ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Parent Monitoring Do your parent s monitor or control what do you on your phone? If so, I disagree with this I think children should have full access to their phones without their parents monitoring it. Parents should not be allowed to control or monitor their kid s social media. To begin, there is a fine line where parents can control and watch over their children on social media. Watching over a kid and controlling them will make them want to do the stuff that you aren t letting them do, for example, if you watch over your kid s phone they will find a way to be able to bypass it or won t use their phone. The article says, There s considerable evidence that intruding on kids privacy damages the parent child relationship, says Petronio. When parents snoop, they show mistrust, she says. That overarching need for control really damages the relationship. (Parents Shouldn t Spy on Their Kids). The reason that I chose this quote is that this shows just one of much important information why parents shouldn t spy on their children. ... Show more content on ... It s commonly known that it s the parent s job to point their children in the right direction but being too strict with point them in the opposite direction. The passage states, While parents have an obligation to guide their children and protect them from harm, adolescence is still a time for testing limits, says Judith Smetana, a professor of psychology who studies adolescent parent relationships at the University of Rochester. (Parents Shouldn t Spy on Their Kids). The reason that this quote was pulled is because it supports my topic and how I as a person feels about this topic of parents controlling or monitoring their kid s social ... Get more on ...
  • 10. File Format, Compression Techniques, Image Resolution And... Impact that file format, compression techniques, image resolution and colour depth have on file size and image quality D2 In this report I will be discussing the different file formats, compression techniques, image resolution and colour depth. I will be explaining the different purposes, then, after I have issued an in depth explanation of image quality and file size I will be completing a final conclusion about the best ones to use for certain tasks. Seen as there are numerous different uses for images it means that the quality will differ for different purposes. The formats which I will be discussing within this report include JPEG, GIF s, TIF, PSD and BMP. All these formats are made for different reasons and I will be explaining these differences in quality and file size. Each format varies in the depth of the colour within the image, some have larger colour depth meaning that the file size will be larger, whereas, some of these formats have very low colour depth resulting in a lower quality image. When exporting an image, sometimes there is an option to adjust the colour depth to your preference, so, the file format could change to your desired colour depth. Compression techniques When compressing a file to make it smaller there are two options which are available, Lossy and Lossless. Both do the same job, which is compressing the file size, however, they both do it differently for different reasons, I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of both. The ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Ryan Stenz s All About Me All About Me By Ryan Stenz Hello! My name is Ryan Stenz and I am 12 years old. This essay will tell you some of the things about me. Before I start, I want to tell you some of the little things about me. First of all, I am in 6th grade, and I have a sister who is 9 and is in 3rd grade. Now, I will start getting into the bigger things. First of all, I go to Linfield Christian Middle School. Before, when I was in elementary school, I went to Vintage Hills Elementary School, kindergarten through 5th grade. I love computers, and I like programming in HTML, C, C++, etc. I want to be a computer programmer when I grow up. When I am in 7th grade, I want to be in the STEM program. I can t wait. Now, I will tell you more! I want a dog. But I can t ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Examples Of Worthy And Unworthy Worship a. The Worthy and Unworthy Worship Worship is about God and for the glorification of His name; it is a celebration of love that gives life and empowering to His people, who worship Him in righteousness through obedience. Specifically, worship involves abandoning oneself to God as an offering that is being represented by his sacrifice to atone for his sin. Significantly, people come to His presence to verbalize their deep affection for Him through such an ardent worship. The Bible delineates that God shows unreserved favor to those who faithfully love Him with all their heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5); but on the other hand, God hates and curses those who do not love Him and worship Him selfishly. The Bible provides people an inspiring account of the story of God s ... Show more content on ... They would normally hear His voice to give them divine guidance, warning and instructions on how they should live, worship and maintain their relationship with Him. (Genesis 4:7). Adam and Eve loved and feared God; thus, Cain and Abel learned and developed their faith through their teachings and instructions. (Romans 10:17) Furthermore, they were trained properly to worship God through an offering. An excellent example of worthy and unworthy worship in the Old Testament is that of Cain and Abel since it is the first arresting message of God in Genesis after the fall man and persuasively an essential message of redemption. Both Cain and Abel worshiped God but approach it differently. Remarkably, Abel loved and feared God most of all in his life that he carefully obeyed all His instructions and requirements for worship, while Cain selfishly worshiped God according to His will and presumptions. Abel, in awe of his creator, offered God the best firstlings of his flocks and their fat portions. The aroma of Abel s offering reached God and was well pleased and honored. As a result, God accepted Abel and his love offering and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Causes of the financial crisis THE FINANCIAL CRISIS Preparing the grounds: The role of global macro policies and the poor US regulatory framework Introduction The financial crisis from 2007 2009 is beeing caused at two levels: global macro policies affecting liquidity and a poor regulatory framework 1 The policies affecting liquidity created a situation like a dam overfilled with flooding water 2 The regulatory system have been the faults in the dam, directing the liquidity into the real estate market Source: „The Current Financial Crisis: Causes and Policy Issues by Adrian Blundell Wignall, Paul Atkinson and Se Hoon Lee Introduction Global macro policies affecting liquidity played a major role in the built up to the finacial and ... Show more content on ... enneth Rogoff Global imbalances In the US low interest rates fed into powerful multiplier mechanism 1 Description 2 Comment Expectations of future housing price appreciation 1 1% increase of current account deficit à10% increase in real estate prices
  • 14. US home prices rose at double digit rates in 04/05 US mortgage quality declined American Dream Housing bubble policy 3 Financial innovations 2 Source: „Global Imbalances and the Financial Crisis: Products of Common Causes by Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff 1 2 Global macro policies affecting liquidity The increasing global imbalances Loose monetary policy by Fed Source: „The Current Financial Crisis: Causes and Policy Issues by Adrian Blundell Wignall, Paul Atkinson and Se Hoon Lee Fed policy The FED overflowed the US economy with cheap money in order to support the economy 1 2 May 2000: 6.5% June 2003: 1% Until 2006 Dot com crash 9/11 Fear of deflation Unchanged rates for one year Interest rates remained too low (Taylor rule) Expansion of housing market Too low interest rates over a too long period was a major cause for the genisis of the housing bubble Source: „Global Imbalances and the Financial Crisis: Products of Common Causes by Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff Fed policy The interest rates set by the fed were far below what the Taylor rule would suggest 1
  • 15. 2 ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Prayer Of A Good Shepherd We are celebrating today the fived Sunday of Ester. During these past weeks we have celebrated the victory of Christ over death, hear about his mercy, about his love, about this care and protection as a good shepherd. Many readings during this time have come to us, to our help; today we received the main commandment love. In the prelude, we were able to hear the fruits of preaching of the apostles. In the second that we just heart we have an image of the New Jerusalem, the promise to those who fulfill Gods commandment, finally the gospel, which is the apex of today celebration we can see what really matters, what is really important: LOVE! Love Some years ago I accompany a group of youth of the parish to the WYD in Rio De Janairo. The most important day this pilgrimage is the vigil night and the following mass with the Pope. The vigil and the mass took place in Copa Cabana Beach. To get there on time we had to walk for 15 miles. We start to walk, we we happy, talking a having a good time. Everything was fine until a girl, stumbled upon a stone, she fell, and sprained ankle, bruised forehead and much of the arm was scratched. We were all worried; we helped as we could, hope to find a hospital soon. I determined that she could not walk and said, do not you worry, continue, I stay here and then I pick up the return. We all looked at each other. Until a brave boy said, I will not continuo; I prefer to stay here with her, then another, then another, at the end nobody would ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Examples Of True Freedom In 1984 By George Orwell What is true freedom? That s something to think about while reading 1984 by George Orwell. In this book, true freedom doesn t exist. The people of this book are trapped in a world of despair. The characters in 1984 do not experience true freedom. There is plenty of evidence to prove this. In the book, the people have no right to think freely, they can t fall in love, and they have to follow the rules that are giving to them. If the world that this people live at showed true freedom, then all this actions would be allowed. True freedom would be the ability to speak, think, and do things that one would normally want to do. People from the book 1984 do not have the true freedom that one would wish to have. The people can t even have there own ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Business Maths Statistics Assignment 1 BMS11 Business Maths and Statistics ASSIGNMENT 1 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS USING EXCEL PART B. QA). The pie charts show that a higher percentage of the male gender has tried the product in comparison to the female gender. Over 50% of both genders have tried the product. However, the fact that the percentage of males who tried the product is higher, suggests that gender does play a role in whether the people will try the product. Yet the role genders play is small, because the difference between the percentage of females who tried the product and males who tried the product is small at only 7%. However, since the graphs do not compare the genders within the total sample surveyed and are only a percentage of each specific gender, more ... Show more content on ... The type of data itself is nominal not numerical. The income of both males and females is not as accurate as we would like, because it has been collected within large income ranges, for example $0 to $25,000. Therefore to use the data, midpoints must be found, doing this has caused the data to become very general and does not show specifics on income levels per person. The incomes are shown on the graph as midpoints which have a large range within them. This further shows that the information is too general for many business applications and decision making. The graph has narrowed down the five income midpoints of interest to three. These three income midpoints were $12,500 $37,500 $62,500. However exactly what income levels within these ranges have not been determined. This means that the information is vague. The information would be more useful if specific income levels and have tried frequencies per income were investigated. The graph would be more useful if it showed actual income levels and numbers of people within that income level who had tried the product. It only tells us the midpoint which has a large range and therefore, the information is quite general. This information would be fine if we wanted to target general income groups but it would be insufficient if we wanted to determine specific income levels who have tried the product, as we do not know what that income level ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Las Meninas And Pablo Picasso Page 1 of 3 ZOOM Las MeninasLas Meninas is a famous painting by Diego Velazquez and has had 58 renditions by Pablo Picasso. Both painters are known for their remarkable paintings each from different eras. Before I go on to dissect the paintings, I ll give you some key background information on the two artists. Velazquez was born in 1599 and died on August 6th, 1660 whereas Picasso was born on October 25th, 1881 and died on April 8th, 1973. Therefore you can tell that there will of course be some differences in their paintings especially the meaning behind them because they were born in separate time periods. Both were fairly old, Velazquez was 61 when he passed away and Picasso was 92. Velazquez was 57 when he made this painting so his life was coming close to an end, whether he knew it or not. It could have influenced his perspective on the painting. Picasso was 70 when he did his first rendition of Las Meninas so by that time he had done a lot of artwork and still had some life left, so his experience and time could have influenced it as well. Despite the time difference between Velazquez s painting and this version of Picasso s painting, there are some similarities. The backgrounds are both black, maybe it was a good background color for both of them. Velazquez could have done it to represent the room the princess was in. Picasso could have done it because of the colors he used for the princess since they were mainly bright like white and yellow. In both ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Apple Is Going Up Against Market Leader Spotify, Jay Z s... Full Speed Ahead, Apple Jumps In the Music Streaming Service Market for the First Time. Authors Mark Schneider and Andrew Flanagan of Billboard magazine state, Apple is going up against market leader Spotify, Jay Z S Tidal and other streaming upstart services. Throughout the music industry, musicians, record companies, and music publishers are crying foul for, not getting paid for their music during a three month trial period done by Apple s new streaming service. Is Apple taking appropriate steps to be competitive in the streaming service market, is the company, avoiding any distractions they may have to be successful, more importantly do they meet the concerns of the music streaming community and showing good moral principles in doing so? Authors Schneider and Flanagan, state approximate a year ago, Apple took step number 1, jumping into the streaming services market for the first time, by purchasing Beasts for three billion dollars. Beast, a hibernating streaming service at the time, is co founded by record producers Dr, Dre and Jimmy Lovine; the two of them joined Apple in executive roles said the authors. Streaming music is moving away from algorithms, where the music being generated by computer to the more modern version called human curation said Schneider and Flanagan. Human curation for example, when one knows music very well, such as an artist therefore, he or she can make better recommendations or advice selecting from a playlist compared to a search engine. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Five Main Features Of Designing A New Venue In Town Designing a New Venue in Town a. Description of Venue My venue is going to be used as a paintball course area. It would be located in the area as marked by Figure 1. There is seven normal outdoor paintball fields and one giant grassy outdoor paintball field. There is also an indoor paintball field as well. Two of the normal fields would be covered with trees and four would be covered with grass. In my venue, there is also a check in / rental area for people to rent out equipment and check in. There is also an ice cream parlour in the rental area as well. The estimated number of people using it at any given time is 40. b. Features that would reduce negative impact There are five main features that would reduce negative impact to surface ... Show more content on ... This helps minimize negative impact to the surface/ground water reservoirs in two different ways. One, this reduces the risk of algal blooms in the surface waters. Algal blooms occur due to the excess amount of nutrients in the water, causing eutrophication. Eutrophication causes huge plant and algae growth because of the increased amount of nutrients. Then the plants and algae die and bacteria causes the plants/algae to decompose, using up dissolved oxygen. This results in a lack of oxygen, hypoxia and anoxia, in the water. Therefore, many organisms such as the fish die due to the lack of dissolved oxygen in the water. Two, this increases the potential of infiltration. Water flows from impermeable areas like buildings to the settling pond where it can infiltrate into the ground. Rip rap is the surface cover of the water retention pond. Rip rap creates channels for water to flow through, giving its high infiltration rate. Even though most of the water would be drained by the drainage pipes, some would be infiltrated into the soil. Another water control feature is having a vegetative surface cover on the hillsides of the venue. As seen in Figure 2, grass, a vegetative cover, covers the southern hill and trees cover the northern hill. The vegetation stabilizes the soil, preventing erosion and gulleys. The vegetative surface cover on the hillsides also increases the potential for infiltration. Grass has a high infiltration rate because the roots and the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Identify The Three-Top Categories The three top categories I scored outstanding in was category six, category one, and category seven. The top category I scored in was Category six. In this category named Think win win, I scored an 18 out of 18. The first statement is, I care about the success of others as well as my own, I demonstrate this at work by caring about the success of others as well as my own. I go above and beyond my daily duties to make sure the customers are being served at the highest level. The second statement is I cooperate with others, I demonstrate this at work by providing very detailed answers to questions and show that I am a very caring individual and try my best to assist coworkers with all their questions and guide them into the right direction to ... Show more content on ... In this category I scored a 16 out of 18 points. The first statement is I show kindness and consideration towards others. I demonstrate this statement by taking into consideration each persons needs and concerns. My coworkers believe that I am an extremely helpful person and do the most to assist with helping them find solutions to the consumers issues that they are facing. The second statement is I keep promises and honor commitments. I demonstrate this statement at work by always keeping my word when I get assigned a task or volunteer for special project within my unit. I abide in all my duties that I am assigned too. I have created instructions to be able to process certain types of cases, also have created special task guides by the assigned due dates. I give my all to make sure I honor all commitments I have been assigned as a worker. The third statement is I do not speak negatively of others when they are not present. I demonstrate this statement at work by always keeping a positive outlook on each day and difficult situation that arises with my job. Working for a large agency that services the public is challenging. It has its ups and downs and can take a toll on a worker. It is important to always stay positive and not think negative because the attitude can reflect on the work that is assigned and customers will react negatively back. It is important to keep everyone that you make contact with in a positive space to be able to do a successful ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Nut Island Effect #1. Do the people at Nut Island represent a cohesive team? The team from Nut Island had the potential to accomplish great things. They were a very cohesive team. Cohesiveness relates to the degree to which members are attracted to and motivated to remain part of that team. A cohesive group member values his or her membership and strives to maintain a positive relationship within the group. Every person working at Nut Island wanted to be there and would not let anything get in the way of their team. When looking at only the cohesiveness of a team, Nut Island would be a good example. They worked together and enjoyed what they did at the sewage plant. Employees worked overtime without being paid for it and without complaining. They ... Show more content on ... All of their efforts to stay cohesive did not matter because they were not doing the job they set out to do. (b.) The employees at Nut Island formed a very cohesive group, but their cohesiveness contributed to their problems. They worked together and were able to all conform to a set of norms. This group though was following the wrong set of norms. A highly cohesive group following a negative set of performance norms has the least amount of success. They are working together but for the wrong cause. The Nut Island team began following the wrong set of norms when they request for funds for maintenance on equipment was denied. They were told to get rid of the dandelions. He was more worried about the outside appearance than the inner workings of the plant and what the employees had to deal with. The team began to feel isolated and was not able to trust others outside of their group. Later on the plant s four engines shut down. Management had refused to give them money to maintain the engines, and they were waiting for something to go wrong. This incident united the team even more around a common adversary – management. Their enemy should not have been people within their own company. The team lost sight of the goal they were supposed to perform and focused on doing everything themselves. #3. Describe groupthink and use it to explain what happened at Nut Island. Groupthink is the tendency of cohesive group members to lose their critical ... Get more on ...
  • 24. What Is Alcatraz False Alcatraz, What is True and What is False Alcatraz is a well known landmark that is shrouded in mystery. Many people think they know everything about the tough as nails prison when really it is just a Hollywood creation. Hollywood created the lie that The prison if horrible and all the prisoners there are notorious villains. Most people believe that Alcatraz was a horrible prison, but the prison is not as bad as people believe. Many prisoners enjoyed their stay in Alcatraz compared to their federal prisons. The one person per cell policy appealed to many prisoners because it made them less vulnerable to attacks by their fellow inmates. Alcatraz also served good food and they could get as many servings as they wanted because poor food was ... Show more content on ... It also held American solders that deserted the Filipino cause during the Spanish American war and Chinese citizens that resisted the Army during the Boxer Rebellion. later Alcatraz was used as a prison for criminals that needed an attitude adjustment not just the worst prisoners. These are the inmates that bribed guards and attempted escapes. Alcatraz was intended to get prisoners to follow rules so they could return to federal facilities. One of the most well known prisoners, Al Capone, was allowed to play the banjo in the prison band. He was one of the first non militaristic prisoners in Alcatraz. Before he was moved to Alcatraz he bribed the guards preferential treatment while serving tax evasion sentence in Atlanta. In Alcatraz he became so cooperative that he was permitted to play the banjo in the Alcatraz band. Another unknown fact is that you could escape from ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Essay For Masters In Social Work Indian nationalist leader Mahatma Gandhi once stated, The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others . This simple yet powerful quote motivates me to remain steadfast in the mission of aiding others. I m pursing a Masters in social work because by working in this field, I can educate, advocate, motivate, understand, and encourage resilience to clients from every walk of life. It is a profession that will allow me to practice both on a micro and macro level simultaneously. Lastly, working in social work gives me the capacity to challenge policies affecting disadvantaged communities. My interest in this field stems from growing up in a small, rural, poverty stricken town. This gave me a unique perspective on the world. My hometown had many children with potential, but because they did not have a positive outlet most of our future workforce leaders did not complete school. As a professional, I want to create an outreach program designed for high school students, from low income communities, that pushes and encourages them to stay in school and seek higher education. Currently there are no programs in the area that offers educational assistance to these children. Considering the lack of resources available, the need for such a program is evident. My solution is to use social work to develop these types of services and create policies that can affect at risk youth in a positive way. I am confident the social work program at Valdosta State University ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Persuasive Essay On Drink Drinks 30. Drink Juice Even natural fruit juices contain sugar you are far better just eating the fruit itself. 31. Buy Smoothies Feel free to make your smoothies at home, but buying them is a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately, you can t control what they put in them and a giant cup of smoothie isn t healthy. When you do make them at home be careful about your portions you should only throw one serving of fruit in it along with some natural yogurt and a drop of peanut butter (or perhaps avocado). 32. Drink Energy Drinks Even if you prefer the sugar free options they re still going to contribute to a serious high before resulting in a total crash. It s not going to keep your weight loss journey on track and it is likely to affect your sleep schedule, too. 33. Cut Carbs While there are bad carbs, you shouldn t cut them all because your body needs them remember, fiber is also a carbohydrate. 34. Weigh Yourself Daily Trust us when we tell you this will get you nowhere fast. It s more likely to leave you feeling discouraged that you aren t achieving your goals fast enough. Instead, weigh yourself once every two weeks. While we mentioned the danger of fad diets above we believe it s important to stress some of those that we are talking about. These are popular diets that many people believe are harmless ways to help lose weight and in reality, they put your health at risk. Despite statements to the contrary there is no scientific evidence to back any of these diets. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Baking Soda Vs Double Acting Powder Have you ever wondered why certain recipes called for baking powder and not baking soda or vice versa? Well the reasoning behind using one over the other has to do with their chemical make up. There are different reactions needed for different recipes. Baking soda and baking powder are both used as leavening agents. So let s take a look at baking soda. Baking soda s chemical name is sodium hydrogen carbonate. It also goes by Sodium bicarbonate. Baking Soda has a white, powder like consistency. It is low on the pH scale making it a very weak base. Baking soda has many uses other than baking. It can be used as a whitener or as a deodorizer. It can also neutralize both acids and bases due to its amphoteric nature ( Baking Soda )... The chemicals ... Show more content on ... The cream of tartar is used for its acidity. There are two types of baking soda you can use: Single acting powder and Double acting powder. Single acting powder reacts with moisture. As soon as you add moisture to the mix that includes a single Powell 2 acting baking powder, you must bake it right away. Double acting powder involves two different ways of releasing gas. When mixing with a double acting powder, some of the gas is released into the air while it is at room temperature. Most of the gas released, however, will be released in the oven while the temperature rises. Determining which ingredient, baking powder or baking soda, to use depends on the other ingredients within the recipe. The whole point cooking is to make food that you thoroughly enjoy eating because of the taste. Baking soda has a bitter taste. This bitter taste can be leveled out using the acidity of another ingredient, such as buttermilk. Baking soda is often found when baking cookies. Baking powder is neutral. It is neutral because it contains both and acid and a base. Since it is neutral, it can be used with other neutral tastes such as milk. You will commonly find baking powder in cakes and ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Reform Movements During The 19th Century Reform Movements During the 19th Century there were many reform movements that took place. Reform movements were movements that were organized to reform or change the certain way of things. Reform movements did not always work but the ones that did greatly changed the way our nation operates today. There were three major reform movements that have altered the nation; the abolitionist movement, the temperance movement and the women s suffrage movement. Without these movements, and the great leaders involved, many common rights would not exist today. One of the most important social and political reform movement in United States history was the antislavery movement. This movement and the beliefs that were held by it started many ... Show more content on ... Another important reform movement was that of women suffrage. In the early 19th century, married women could not enter into contracts without their husband s consent. Women also lost all title to property or future earnings upon marriage. Children were also legally controlled by the father. Women were also often left without protection against kidnapping or even imprisonment by husbands and other male relatives. Women were also denied educational opportunities in a male dominated society. There were many women involved in this movement but there were a significant few who stood out. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized the Seneca Falls Convention, and many other movements along with many papers and declarations calling for a women s right to own property and to vote. Later the two formed the National Women s Suffrage Association. Over many years of protests and other movements laws were passed that granted women the right to vote and own their own land. One major movement was the temperance movement. In colonial America, informal social controls in the home and community helped maintain the expectation that the abuse of alcohol was unacceptable. There was a clear consensus that while alcohol was a gift form God its abuse was from the Devil. As the colonies grew from a rural society into a more urban one, drinking patterns began to change. As the American ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Importance Of Hmong Culture I do not think that there are cultural or linguistic factors, as many Hmong are gifted in mathematics, and have passed the scientific baccalaureate in France. (Hua) It was interesting to note that while many participants believed that Hmong culture plays a role in the ability to learn mathematics, they were divided as to whether the role was positive or negative. Advocating the latter, some stated that there are elements of Hmong culture and heritage that make it more difficult to learn the subject: Laos is one of the poorest countries in Asia, much more so than China or Thailand, so there is a generational gap, and we have to give the younger generation time to adjust to a country that is not our own. (Kajsiab) Hmong culture is traditionally an oral culture, without writing, whose basic skills are agriculture and crafts. This may explain why the second generation still have problems with writing and mathematics. (Hli) However, Npaim disagreed, putting forward a view that the ability to learn mathematics is personal: The factor of culture does not affect the ability to learn mathematics because it depends on the person and their character. (Npaim) Eve and Kauj went further with their contrary opinion, implying that the fact that the Hmong originate from a poor region of Asia gives them a greater incentive to learn mathematics: I think mathematical ability is linked to the development of the country. The more one is in a rich country the more people are happy to live with ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Secession In Texas In August 1859, the citizens of Texas elected Sam Houston as their governor. The result of this election placed the Unionists in control of the state, but in just eighteen months individual events or circumstances allowed the secessionists to regain power. Following the 1859 Gubernatorial election, the secessionists sought to restore political and social power in Texas over the Unionists. Texas one party system continued to support the other Southern states ideologically in dealing with slavery despite cultural and economic differences between the Upper and Lower South. Sam Houston s continued popularity among Texas citizens temporarily outweighed his support for Unionist views, but the Southern Democratic propaganda machine eventually led to his defeat. Texas became the only state to bring a vote of secession to the people of the state and historians continue to debate the voting returns from the referendum on the Ordinance of Secession, 1861. The secession movement in Texas became a hotly debated topic as past, and present historians determined how the secessionists obtained enough power to overcome the Unionist controlled government. Analyzing ... Show more content on ... There exist three consensus or commonalities between each party, including the unquestioning devotion to perpetual slavery as necessary for racial control. Each party stressed their version of Unionism while accusing the other of secessionist tendencies, and both parties disseminated an image of the Republican Party as fanatically bent on the direct abolition of slavery. However, the continued support for slavery and a complete aversion towards the black Republican Party became readily identifiable, but the differing views on and support for Unionism become harder to clarify when conducting an analysis of Texans and the secession ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Summary Of Edgar Allan Poe s Poem The Raven On January 1809, Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston. His father left very early in his life and his mother died when he was 3. Poe was taken in as a foster child by Frances and John Allan. Despite the fact that Poe academically excelled he could not pay his college loans and started gambling. John Allan refused to pay his gambling debts and was forced to leave. After that, his relationship with John Allan quickly fell apart. In 1827 Poe moved to Boston and joined the army. Poe wrote many poems while he was enlisted, but none of them became popular. He was admitted to the US Military Academy, but was forced to leave for lack of financial support, so he moved in with his Aunt and younger cousin. In 1836 Poe married his 14 year old ... Show more content on ... In line 8 it says if hope has flown away which is personification because hope cannot fly. This relates to the theme because she losing someone hope has usually gone away. The next device Poe uses is symbolism. In lines 20 21 it says Them with a tighter clasp? Oh them I cannot save! which symbolizes people dying in the narrator s life, and not being able to save them no matter how hard you try. The correlates to the theme because the theme is about losing people and and your grief won t go away, and the narrator is grieving about not being able to save them . The last piece of figurative language is hyperbole. In lines 10 11 it reads All that we see or seem is all a dream within a dream which means life feels like a dream, but is a hyperbole because life is not a dream and it is an exaggeration. This supports the theme because the author has clearly lost someone making life feel like a dream, and his grief is not going ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Woodcut Research Paper Printmaking is a work of art made up of ink on paper and existing in multiple examples, moreover, a print is created through an indirect transfer process when the artist starts by drawing a composition on another surface by placing a sheet of paper in contact with the drawn surface and then is run through a printing press. By doing a work of art in this way is that numerous impressions can be made as new papers and can be sent through the press in the same way. In this case, the artist should decide how many to make and that total number of impressions is called an edition, which is then signed by the artist. For the reason that there is more than one example, many people may have these prints. Throughout the long history of the medium, different ... Show more content on ... In the United States, the screen printing process is often called color printing, this is a print that is created by a screen made of silk or a metal mesh extending over a frame whose design is provided by a stencil on the screen and a squeegee pulled through the ink strength through the open area on the paper. This process was used for the first time in 1930. The process was used as a fine art medium and the term serigraph was coined to distinguish screenprints made by an artist from screenprints produced for commercial ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Maslow s Hierarchy Of Needs In The Movie, The Blind Side In this video clip from the movie, The Blind Side, Leigh Anne (Sandra Bullock) tries to motivate Michael (Quinton Aaron) while playing football. The levels exemplified in Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs here are safety and security needs, belongingness, self actualization, and cognitive. Firstly, Michael shows motivation through safety and security because he was told to think about defending his teamates just as if he would defend Leigh Anne and her young son he cares a lot about. Through belongingness, Michael works hard in practice in ordor to please Leigh Anne, his coach, and his teamates so they can win together as a team. Michael also has self actualization when he begins to defend his quarterback and teamates only after Leigh Anne motivates him. She tells Michael that he can defend his teamates just like he defends her family. By telling him this, he realizes his self worth and what he needs to do in order to help his team win. Lastly, this clip shows motivation through a cognitive view because in order to ... Show more content on ... Without the natural protective instinct of Michaels personality and the compassion Leigh Anne shows towards her adoptive son. the movie would not be as compelling and emotional as it is. Michael, coming from a rough background of a poor family and low education, learns to trust and love Leigh Anne and her family as she treats him like her own son. The only reason Michael gets to where he is on the football team is through Leigh Anne s constant motivation, support, and love. Michael feels as though it is his duty to protect not only her family, but also use this motivational instinct on the field to help his team win. This outlook is cruicial to Michael s amazing football abilities. Before he knew his self worth, Michael did not have much to defend in his life. The love and support from Leigh Annes family encouraged Michael to take his powerful defensive qualities and use them in every benefiting way he can in ... Get more on ...
  • 34. New Pool Fencing Why Aluminum Is A Good Choice For Your New Pool Fencing If you re getting a new pool in your backyard, you ll probably want to install a fence around it. Even if your local codes do not require a fence, it is a good thing to have for safety reasons, so you don t have to worry about anyone falling in the pool when you re not around. While you can install different kinds of pool fencing, one of the best is aluminum. Aluminum fencing has many advantages over other types of fencing, especially when used around wet areas or areas of high humidity. Here s why it is a good choice for a pool fence. It Requires Little Maintenance One of the best things about aluminum fencing is that it needs very little care. The finish is baked on, so there is no worry about peeling paint or deterioration of the fence over the years. Since ... Show more content on ... However, it is lightweight, which makes it easier to install. The fencing is sold in panels that you sink into the ground with posts. If you re handy with DIY skills, you might be able to install an aluminum fence by yourself since it is light and easy to work with. While the fence is strong, it is only as strong as its closed gate. One of the most important aspects of pool fencing is making sure it has a self latching gate that is weighted to swing shut after it is opened. Another point to consider before you begin buying supplies for your pool fence is to check your local codes. There may be regulations for the height of fencing you need to install as well as width of the slats and function of the gate locking mechanism. The goal is to make it impossible for small kids to climb over or squeeze through the fence. A properly installed fence around your pool gives you peace of mind, and if you choose an attractive aluminum fence, you don t have to worry about it being an eyesore on your ... Get more on ...
  • 35. An Annotated Bibliography On Household Wealth Essay Creative Title: An Annotated Bibliography Xie, Yu, and Yongai Jin. Household Wealth in China. Chinese Sociological Review 47.3 (2015): 203 229. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27 Oct. 2015. Xie and Jin examine the level, distribution, and composition of household wealth in contemporary China. The study reveals that the richest one percent of the population owns over one third of the total national household wealth, while the poorest twenty five percent owned less than two percent in 2012. Housing assets in China show to be the largest component of household wealth, comprising seventy percent. The study also discusses how regional disparities and the urban rural divide play significant roles in the household wealth distribution, wealth growth rate, and wealth mobility. I plan to use this study as informational background and a look into the state of affairs regarding Chinese society and the wealth disparity that is present. Gan, Li, et al. Reducing Inequality: Taking From The Top To Distribute At The Bottom. China Perspectives 2013.3 (2013): 80 82. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Oct. 2015. Gan et al. examine the true scope and detail of the income disparity present in contemporary Chinese society. This work examines the introduction of government measures, the criticisms and inadequacies of these supposed measures, other potential solutions that have been proposed, as well as whether or not the Chinese government has the true ability and willingness to carry out the new ... Get more on ...