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Essay On Child Labor
Writing an essay on the topic of child labor can be a challenging and emotionally charged task.
The subject itself is deeply distressing, as it involves addressing the exploitation and
maltreatment of children, a societal issue that demands careful consideration and thoughtful
To begin with, one must delve into the extensive research available on child labor, exploring its
historical roots, global prevalence, and the various forms it takes in different cultures. The
complexity of this issue demands a nuanced understanding of economic, social, and cultural
factors that contribute to the perpetuation of child labor.
Moreover, addressing the ethical dimensions of child labor requires a delicate balance. It
necessitates a reflection on the economic pressures that drive families to rely on their children's
labor, while simultaneously condemning the exploitation and violation of children's rights. This
dual perspective can make it challenging to strike the right tone and maintain a coherent
argument throughout the essay.
Additionally, weaving a compelling narrative that engages the reader emotionally without
descending into sensationalism is crucial. The goal is not only to present the grim realities of
child labor but also to motivate readers towards advocacy and action. Crafting a well-rounded
essay involves synthesizing information, offering solutions, and inspiring a sense of
responsibility in the reader.
In conclusion, writing an essay on child labor is a demanding task that requires a thorough
understanding of the issue, a balanced approach to its complexities, and the ability to convey a
persuasive message. It is not just an intellectual exercise but a call to conscience, urging readers
to confront a deeply troubling aspect of our global society.
For assistance with similar essays or any academic writing needs, you can explore the services
available on, where professional writers are ready to provide support and
guidance on a variety of topics.
Essay On Child Labor Essay On Child Labor
I Have Chosen The Burger King Corporation.The Burger
I have chosen the Burger King Corporation. The Burger King corporation main focus
is on the customers they serve and the strategies they use to continue the growth and
development of their company. Burger King uses the integrated cost leadership
/Differentiation business strategy.
Strategies in business are instrumental for the continued growth and expansion of a
company. A strategy is a set of analytic techniques that are used to influence the
direction of the firm s growth in the marketplace (Raimundo, 2001). Business strategy
enables company to match its internal capabilities and its external environment. Also,
their research helps them plan and assists the company to realize its objectives and
mission set at its inception and ... Show more content on ...
Burger King has developed programs to help employees become better educated and
instruct them in the business field through leadership training. They continues to
offer trainings as well as a review programs that offer managers an insight on how
their particular style of management is either benefitting the core values or if
adjustments need to be implemented to assure that the managers are completed
capable of managing their individual locations. They offer a 12 week intensive
training program for all store managers.
Because of struggling sales and the growth of burger chains across the county and the
demands of changing lifestyles Burger King and other fast food chains are beginning
to struggle not only with maintaining the current customer base but to attract more
Burger King recently changed not only their business strategy but their corporate
strategy to assist in the growth and continued on July 1, 2013 Burger King replaced it
CEO with Daniel Schwartz a 33 who instantly began the restructuring the entire
company and growing the brand.
Schwartz began hiring a young management team and they have turned the struggling
burger chain into a cash generating machine.
On their corporate level the new CEO and his team him to believe that the
complicated menu was slowing down orders. So, he simplified the burger chain s
offerings to include dishes that are easier to assemble.
Japanese Informative Speech
Japanese Celebrations
Organizational Pattern: Topical
A.Attention Getter: The Japanese have a very unique and interesting culture.
B.Statistic: 90% of Japanese people celebrate on New Year s Day.
C.Thesis Statement: Like the United States, the Japanese celebrate various holidays
with lavish festivities.
D.Importance: As more and more Japanese people immigrate to the United States,
knowledge of the Japanese culture becomes increasingly important and necessary.
E.Credibility: I have always been interested in the Japanese culture which made it
easy to do research on this topic.
F.Main Points: While studying my topic I found many fascinating facts about a few
important holidays including New Year s, Valentine s Day, and... Show more content
on ...
Body 3: New Year s
A.According to, Osechi Ryouri is the style of cooking the
Japanese perform on New Year s Day.
B.Example: Several different types of food are prepared including baked fish, sweet
jams, and various fried foods.
C.Example: Also, in Japan many retail stores have huge ornaments which consist of
three bamboo poles with flowers and pine tree limbs.
D.These huge ornaments are called the New Year s display in Japan.
E.A tradition for the Japanese people is to visit a shrine or temple during New Year s.
F.According to, some temples and shrines expect a couple
million visitors during New Year s holidays each year.
G.These shrines and temples are the only places you ll find crowded during New
Year s in Japan because most businesses usually close at the end of December for the
Transition: All in all Japanese celebrations and festivities show others a slight glimpse
into their deep culture.
A.Summary of Main Points: After examining the Coming of Age holiday, Valentine s
and White Day, and New Year s Day we now have a deeper understanding of the
Japanese culture.
B.Importance: With all of us living in the Melting Pot of America this knowledge of
Japanese culture can help connect and integrate the people of the United
Symptoms And Types Of Neurological Disorders
Neurological disorders such as autism, Down syndrome, ADHD, SPD etc have
behavioral challenges and durations that are unpredictable. As the neurological
disorders progress, the physical, emotional and cognitive needs increase creating an
obligation of family members or others to provide care. This responsibility is often
taken by an immediate familymember such as parents, partner or children.
Neurological disorders take a slow pace towards betterment so it requires family
members to play multiple roles, that of a caregiver also assuming the financial and
household responsibilities. Some neurological disorders progress with time, putting
the caregiver in charge for decades. Care giving help in drawing family members
closer and also brings... Show more content on ...
This can result to care giving burden, which Buhse 2008 defines as a
multidimensional response to physical, psychological, emotional, social and financial
stressors associated with the care giving experience.
Caregivers have responsibilities that are widespread and entail much more rather
than just the care of the recipient. Dealing with all kinds of care needs is not
something that is planned for years or decades into the future. Care giving
responsibilities are far more than physical needs, it also involves proper guidance as
what to do but it is rare to find role models who can help and guide the caregivers
through the challenging journey they are on.
Care giving requires a well thought out plan to manage this reality at the point in
which it occurs, be that while developing as an individual, raising a family or
preparing for retirement but unfortunately care givers do not get enough time to have
it all planned. They also have to face physical, emotional, psychological and financial
challenges without anyone to help them get through. The patient has the caregivers
support but there is no one for the caregiver.
The lifestyle of the caregiver needs to be adjusted in order to help the patient
recover, this leads to drastic changes that is incorporated quickly. Sudden change in
lifestyle can make one feel lonely and socially isolated as the peers and colleagues
have different socializing patterns that
Efforts And Civic Engagement Of The Walt Disney
The Walt Disney Company is a diversified international multimedia company
earning 169.3 billion dollars (including revenue, assets, profits) as of May 2016.
The company was founded by Walt and Roy Disney on October 16, 1923 in the
neighborhood of Los Feliz in Southern California but in 1940 moved to Burbank
California, where the main corporate headquarters still resides today. Disney ranks
number eight for the worlds most valuable brands and number fifty eight for
Americas best employers. In 2015 Disney gave 333.3 million dollars to non profit
organizations and is a leader in philanthropy. Disney s current Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) is Robert Iger, who took over in October 2005 after the retirement of
Michael Eisner.
The Walt DisneyCompany ... Show more content on ...
From humble beginnings as a cartoon studio they have become a major player in the
entertainment industry. Disney operates through five business segments: Media
Networks, Parks Resorts, Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products and Interactive
Media. (Forbes Magazine, 2016). In this paper, I want to focus on the philanthropic
efforts and civic engagement of the Walt Disney Company that is not commonly
Disney focuses its charitable giving on mostly undeserved populations, In 2015,
Disney gave $333.3 million to nonprofit organizations helping kids, families, and
communities in need through charitable cash giving, in kind and product
contributions, and public service announcements. From volunteering in local
communities to raising thousands of dollars and unlocking donations to deserving
nonprofits around the globe, Disney has inspired kids and families to take 34.8
million actions since 2012. (Walt Disney Company,
BINGO Board Game Analysis
The objective of the first interactive learning activity is to promote a deeper
understanding of the core tenets of the Constitution. This can be accomplished by
playing a BINGO board game. The prepared BINGO cards will contain a total of
twenty five squares with five rows going across and five rows going down. Three
BINGO cards will be distributed to parents containing the key tenets written on the
inside of each of the squares. Some of the tenets will be duplicated inside the squares
while other squares will contain a blank space. The parents will also receive a small
packet of colored chips to use as a marker for the squares.
A list of questions regarding each of the core tenets will begin the BINGO game. The
speaker will read one question relating to the core tenets. Parents will raise his or
her hand to answer the question. The presenter will continue to call on parents until
a correct response has been given. The parents will place a colored chip on the
square if the correct answer is written inside the square. There will be more
questions asked than the number of squares on the BINGO cards. The winner of the
game must have colored chips in all squares going across, ... Show more content on ...
The presenter should divide parents into three groups and provide them with a copy
of the Constitution. The parents will also need a visual handout that shows the
authority and responsibilities of each of the three branches of government. The
parents should be divided and placed into one of the three groups. These groups
include the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. Each
of the three branches should assign the appropriate mock staff to represents his or her
branch appropriately. The mock staff will include the President, Congress, the Senate,
the House of Representatives, Federal or State Courts, and the Supreme
Hate Speech And Free Speech In The Public
Universities all over the country have had some similar conflicts. No one really
knows what needs to happen to get them to end. These protesters have been violent
and nonviolent. Nonviolent protesters could be protected by their freedom of speech,
but so could the violent ones. Knowing that violent protesting needs to be put to an
end, police officials are not really sure how they should go about it. The protests at
Universities have made heads turn, while government officials are contemplating on
what they should do to help keep the students and speakers safe. Hate speechand free
speech have some differences. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, hate
speech is defined as a, speech that is intended to insult, offend, or intimidate a person
because of some trait (Merriam Webster Dictionary). Freedom of speechis, the right
to express information, ideas, and opinions free of government restrictions (Merriam
Webster Dictionary). These terms have parallel but contrasting meanings. Everyone
has their freedom of speech. Anyone can speak their opinions without worries.
Fighting words or hate speech is protected as long as there is no violence according
to Kathleen Ann Ruane, a Legislative Attorney. Different college universities are
needing to lay out some regulations to their protests so that they can have a safer
environment. The University of California Berkeley had some protests pertaining to
Ben Shapiro, a speaker they had early in September. There were no
Essay On Adult Obesity
My topic was based on the nutrition and weight status health indicator for the Healthy
People 2020. The nutrition and weight status indicator based one of their objectives
on adult obesity and its need for health promotion especially amongst minorities.
Obesity is a major issue because it increases the risk for chronic healthconditions such
as diabetes, hypertension, or cancer. In this paper I will discuss 3 issues of adult
obesity on the African Americanpopulation such as the disease effects, healthcare
racial disparities , and food policies to reduce obesity.Based on the American Journal
of Health Education it was said that African Americans have the highest age adjusted
rates of obesity at 48.1% amongst all races . However, with... Show more content on ...
The first article I chose was based on the chronic health issues of obesity . The
article was done by the American Heart Association which discussed the risk
factors of ATRH (apparent treatment resistant hypertension) and African Americans
with obesity were more at risk. Since African American people tend to have more
sodium in their diets that increases the chance of getting ATRH. Also obesity was a
common risk factor was for ARTH because it increases the chances of a
cardiovascular disease and kidney diseases. This relates to the project because it is
showing the predisposing lifestyle factors that could be changed to prevent ARTH.
Such educational teachings include the importance of exercising , smoking
cessation , and a low sodium diet to maintain or prevent chronic blood pressure
disease (Judd, 2016).The cause of obesity is also induced by dozens of obesogenic
factors and pathways that becomes more complex with the addition of racial and
ethnic disparities .For example , because most African American neighborhoods are
poor , they may not be able to get healthier options and good health education .
Therefore the next article will be about the importance of reducing racial disparities
in obesity and the effects on improving education / social networks to improve diet.
Understanding the cause of obesity and how to prevent it varies differently between
racial groups , that is why the article used the agent based modeling system
Native American Tribes, The Creek Indians In The 1870 s
In the book I Wish I d Been There, there are two chapters that can easily be
compared and contrasted, the McGillivray Moment and Chief Joseph Surrenders.
Both chapters describe in painful detail how two Native American tribes, the Creek
Indians during the 1790 s and the Nez Perce of the 1870 s, were abruptly kicked off
the land they had inhabited for generations. They were pursuaed by the use of
treaties, by representatives of the American Government. These three representatives
were General Washington, General Howard and General Miles and all three went to
extreme measures in order to get the land they coveted, they even twisted the rules of
war and went against the law. In The McGillivray Moment, President George
Washington was worried... Show more content on ...
For General Miles treaty was disingenuous, he did not have the Nez Perces best
interest at heart , and in the end It was an unkept promise: they would be sent to
Oklahoma territory where many would die of disease. In contrast General
Washington s treaty was genuine and did have the Creek indians interest at heart,
he really did try to please both the increase of white settlers and the tribal land the
indians owned. Though in the end Washington s treaty was not honored. The
promises made to McGillivray and his fellow indians, no matter how heartfelt
could not be kept. In America today there are approximately 5.2 millions Native
Americans, and they are still seeking freedom. Therefore the intention of the
treaties (good or bad) ultimately failed to secure a land or future for the native
americans. These two stories are prime examples of what people will do in order to
get what they want, even if it means going against the law, or even almost wiping out
The War On Drugs And America s Drug Problem
Samuel Spitz
D Block
The War on Drugs Based on the success and failures of the drug policies of the past,
what is the best strategy for the United States to implement to help America s drug
problem? Throughout time, United States drug policy has shifted dramatically. From
all drugs being legal to Prohibition and the War on Drugs, the US has had conflicting
ideas about what is best for society and American citizens when it comes to drugs.
The current War on Drugs has resulted in countless arrests and years served in prison,
and has disproportionately hurt minority communities, only to result in largely
unchanged use and death rates for illicit substances. Marijuana, Heroin, and Cocaine
have all become cheaper and more pure ... Show more content on ...
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, drug use was not seen as a problem in America.
Opiates were used in health elixirs to treat all manners of diseases and ailments. As
a result, many house wives became addicted to opiates, as did Civil War soldiers,
which was referred to as Soldiers Disease. Society did not punish these addicts or
believe that they were destroying society. That changed however in 1914 with the
Harrison Narcotics Act which essentially made all drugs, with the exception of
alcohol and marijuana, illegal to sell or consume without a license. The
criminalization of alcohol followed suit with the 18th Amendment and Prohibition. A
little more than 20 years after the Harrison Narcotics Act was passed, the 1937
Marihuana Tax Act was passed, effectively making Marijuana illegal for growth, sale,
and consumption. This path to a harsher treatment of drugs in America was not
wholly successful, as Prohibition did not stop individuals from consuming alcohol
and instead helped foster the creation of crime gangs which were overly violent and
highly profitable. Although Prohibition was reversed in 1933 with the 21st
Amendment, laws against other drugs remained, putting many individuals behind
bars without preventing the import, sale, or use of drugs. These problems were
exacerbated with the War on Drugs in the Nixon and Reagan Era. The hardline
policy of the War on
Chernobyl Informative Speech Essay
Attention Getter: There are currently 442 active nuclear power reactors worldwide
according to the Nuclear Energy Institute. Of all of the reactors worldwide, 14 have
been classified as accidents where the public has been exposed to radiation. The most
devastating of these incidents was the core meltdown of reactor 4 at Chernobyl, better
known as the Chernobyl disaster.
Today I am going to tell you 3 things about Chernobyl. * First, I am going to tell
you what Chernobyl was. * Second, I will tell you Why it happened and * Finally, I
will tell you what the effects were and why it s relevant today.
Body 1 What was Chernobyl ?: * April 26, 1986 in the early morning hours, an
explosion rocked a thriving ... Show more content on ...
* These 2 critical errors (withdrawing the rods and slowing the reaction too rapidly)
made the engineers incapable of increasing the power within the reactor. * This
was a safety precaution that the engineers overrode. * Normally, in a situation
where the reactor becomes unstable two fail safe measures were in place. * First,
the power of the reactor could be increased to re stabilize the nuclear reaction *
And Second, the engineers could wait 24 hours to allow the reaction chemicals to
dissipate * The Engineers however, had already disabled the first failsafe be
removing the control rods. * The engineers also continued to turn off addition safety
precautions including the emergency reactor cooling system. * This system was
designed to help stop the reaction if too much heat was generated. * The emergency
energy supply was also shut down, meaning there was no additional energy to run
the plant. * The experiment continued and the turbine generators were also
shutdown. * The electrical supply to the reactors water pumps was reduced as a
result of the experiment, reducing the amount of cooling water passing through the
reactor. * Because of this, water within the reactor core began to boil. * This was
troublesome, since the cool water was used to reduce the heat of the reaction. * As
the rate of nuclear reaction continued to accelerate, addition graphite tipped control
Community Resources Essay
Community Resource
While I was gathering information about resources, I found out that the school
provides few services for parents and students. Mascot Club, is a community
education program that provides childcare to students, from 6AM to 6PM. The
club also supplies a summer camp program. It is expensive though. Before, after
school and recess days services for a month is 395 dollars, without recess day is
260 dollars, instead just afternoons, the amount monthly is 205 dollars.
Furthermore, 5 mornings + 3 afternoons the rate is 195 dollars, and for 3 afternoons
140 dollars, for just mornings 80 dollars. For recess camp days, the amount is 40
dollars per day. These fees are for the first child, if there is a second child the fee
changes a ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, Girl scouts, Daisies, particularly for first grade. To register go to and type troop#4631.
Peaceful Warrior Martial Arts, for new students, special 30 dollars includes two
private lessons and a uniform. For Little Warriors ages 3 6; Youth ages 7 12; Teens
ages 13 17 and Adults ages 18 80, memberships start at just 99 dollars per month, or call (480) 200 1187, Scottsdale, AZ 85260.
Additionally, Scottsdale Music Academy provides lessons in band coaching and
more. One free lesson when you enroll, call (602) 751 3537.
With music, we also need to dance, and have fun participating in family s classes at
Dance Fusion youth academy. For children classes are Monday Thursday 4 6 pm
and for family, classes are Monday Friday 6 8 pm. To enroll schedule at or call (480) 625 3900. There are Musical
Theater, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, and for adults Cardio Dance
Party, Bollywood, Israeli Folk Dance, and Flamingo. First class is free in Scottsdale
AZ 85260.
Nonetheless, Horizon High School, has couple activities for children. One is Jr.
Huskies Football for ages 8 14 years old, practices are from 6 to 8:30 pm on Tuesday
and Thursday, and on Saturday practices are 9:30 11:00 am. For info go to or The other activity that
Horizon provides, open to 4 year old 3rd Graders, is called ACCENTS ,
The Island President Jenid Research Paper
Former President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives Islands once said, If we do
not act now, my island nation will be submerged by the sea . In his 2011
documentary, The Island President, President Nasheed voices his concern for the
rapid impact of climate change on his country. The Maldives are beginning to face
their future as sunken islands, and if nothing is done to prevent rapid sea level
changes, the islands will face destruction. President Nasheed recognized this, but
following a political coup d Г©tat, on February 2, 2012, he was forced to resign and
was replaced by President Abdulla Yameen. Unlike Nasheed, President Yameen lacks
the sturdy political leadership that is necessary to fight climate change, and due to
this, the Maldivian economy, society, and ecosystem will collapse.
Mohamed Nasheed became President in October 2008 in the first free presidential
election in the Maldives. He quickly became known worldwide for his efforts to
help his country, broadcasting his hope for the Maldives to become the world s
first carbon neutral nation by the year 2020 (Gregerson). Furthermore, he passed
numerous bills and programs related to climate change. Not only was Nasheed an
advocate for his nation s climate, but he also wanted to make an impact on the
world, stating that, if we are unable to save countries like the Maldives, it may be
too late to save the rest of the world from the apocalyptic effects of self reinforcing,
runaway global warming (Russell). To do this, he
Genesis 6-13 Research Paper
As a descendant of Adam and Eve, Noah was both a blameless and righteous man
who faithfully walked alongside the Lord. Unlike the others in his generation, Noah
did not allow the wickedness to enter into his own life, and God sought favor in this.
Genesis 6: 13 reveals the discussion between God to Noah, revealing his plan to
destroy every living thing under the heavens due to the violence that seeps in the
lives of all creations. The Lord instructed Noah to build an ark out of cypress
wood, accommodating the dimensions of forty five feet long, seventy five feet
wide, and forty five feet high. One the construction was completed the Lord
revealed the occupants of the ark. The individuals chosen to accompany Noah
during the flood were his wife, Noah s three sons and their wives, along with a
single pair of all unclean animals, and seven pairs of all clean animals. The Lord
then instructs Noah and his occupants to enter into the ark, affirming, Seven days
from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty... Show more content
on ...
Every living creation perished, leaving Noah and the other occupants of the ark as
the only remaining creatures on the earth. The waters cleansed the earth from all
sin, giving the Lord a fresh start to a more awe inspiring and passionate
coexistence between future generations. After a year and seventeen days on the
ark, the Lord instructed Noah and his family to bring the animals out onto the
newly cleansed land so that they can be fruitful and increase in numbers. Once the
task was complete, Noah set out on a task of building an altar and made a
sacrificial burnt offering from some of the clean animals and presented it to the
Lord. The Lord then proclaimed that never again would he curse the ground or
destroy all living creatures due to the wickedness and evil that could once again fill
the hearts of his living
Cg Jung Research Paper
I have gradually begun to appreciate how C.G. Jung s awareness of humanity has
influenced the field of Psychology. It seems like everyday I hear the terms extravert
and introvert . Additionally, I will occasionally hear the term archetype; though
probably not with the same defining attitude as the Jungian conception.
The one point that consistently interests me, in Jung s writing, is his approach
towards the idea of the unconscious. While most of the literature I read relegates
unconsciousness to the sphere of the mysterious, Jung presents it as a concomitant
part of consciousness and the ego world.
Throughout my current reading of Man and his Symbols, the relationship of the
unconscious, as an adviser to the conscious, discloses a
Analysis Of Dinner With Friends By Donald Margulies
There were many plays that I could have chosen from, but this one Dinner with
Friends by Donald Margulies caught my attention. I found it so interesting and
very well written which made me want to actually write my director s notebook
about. I chose this play because I liked how it was being told. The way the author
wrote this play was very unique. I also liked the play itself because a lot of these
stuff are happening today in the world we live in and so there is a lot of
comparing between the play and reality. I have a lot of ideas on how this play can
be performed and different designs which made me choose this play. I also found
it interesting which motivated me to do it. Donald Margulies was born in
Brooklyn, New York. He and his wife, Lynn Street, have been married for twenty
one years. He mentioned that the play he wrote Dinner with Friends was a
reflection of the circumstances and changes of relationship such as his and his wife
s since they have been married for a long time. He also said that there are problems
and consequences when people fall apart.
This play is a great play because a lot of people can relate to it.The play is considered
a drama. The play was commissioned by Actors Theatre of Louisville and had its
world premiere at the Humana Festival of New American Plays in March 1998. This
play has been revised twice throughout the years. The first revised version was in
October 1998 and the second one that was revised was in October 1999. Then it
Should The Fair Use Doctrine Must Be Won And Defended
According to Intellectual Property Quotes (n.d.), While American intellectual
property deserves protection, that protection must be won and defended in a manner
that does not stifle innovation, erode due process under the law, and weaken the
protection of political and civil rights on the Internet (Intellectual PropertyQuotes,
n.d.). In this paper I will discuss the facts and legal reasoning of this case, what the
Fair UseDoctrine is, and will answer the following: why it is important to protect
intellectual property, why it is important for society to have access to intellectual
property, and whether the Fair Use Doctrine properly balances the rights of content
producers against the public good.
Facts and Legal Reasoning of This Case According to Gambino (2011, June 21), in
a recent movie called The Hangover Part II, Stu Price, a dentist in the movie who
is played by actor Ed Helms, wakes up with a tribal tattoo on his face after a night
of partying in Bangkok. The tattoo is identical to one that Mike Tyson has, which
refers to the boxer s appearance in the 2009 movie The Hangover. S. Victor
Whitmill, Mike Tyson s tattoo artist, filed a lawsuit against Warner Bros.
Entertainment on April 28, 2011 just a couple weeks before the movie was
scheduled to open. He sued them because he had obtained a copyright for the tattoo
on April 19, 2011; he claimed that since they were using this tattoo for the movie as
well as in advertisements, that this was copyright infringement.
Apostle s Closing Admonitions
The Apostle s Closing Admonitions and Benediction (16:10 24)
E. Harrison (p. 275) summarizes the message of the Epistle in these words: The
greatest single overall emphasis seems to be on the unity of the local church as the
body of Christ, which is brought out not only in connection with the discussion of
the groups (i.e.; the factions within the church), but also in relation to the Lord s
Supper and spiritual gifts. A corollary is the sanctity of the church as members of
Christ, both corporately and individually, (note, especially, such passages as 1 Cor.
3:16 17 and 6:15 20.) We may add, it is in this Epistlethat the Holy Spirit through
the Apostle Paul most eloquently sets forth the supremacy of love as the most
excellent way, which the Christian is called to follow (1 Cor. 12:31b 13:13
The Mystery Surrounding the Missing Letters
The References to Two Other Letters
Sometime after his initial visit to Corinth, probably while he was ministering in
Ephesus, Paul wrote a letter to the church, a letter to which he alludes in 1 Cor. 5:9,
I wrote to you in my epistle not to have any company with fornicators. As D. Guthrie
points out (p. 426), the gist of the contents of that previous letter may be inferred
from 1 Cor. 5:9 13.
The apostle had evidently issued a warning to the Corinthians to maintain a clear
separation from those persons who continued to exhibit the pagan lifestyle that was
characteristic of Corinth. (As we have seen, the city was renowned for its
Copula Variation Across Two Decades of Hip Hop Nation...
This paper is missing several charts.
For many people, the only form of African American Vernacular English that reaches
their world comes solely from the media, specifically popular Hip Hop music. On
the other hand, there are those who have lived completely immersed in it. Hip Hop
music is a genre whose medium was originally derived from African American
Vernacular English. There are many popular musical artists in the United States and
other countries today who are involved in this cultural movement that began decades
ago. Over time, questions have risen about African American Vernacular English
(AAVE), its origins and how it stands unique from Standard English. More recently a
new term has come about in the sociolinguistics field ... Show more content on ...
Finally I will comment on what implications any trend may hold for natural language
change in AAVE and for cultural events during this time and compare the results with
previous studies on the environmental constraints for the copula in AAVE and HHNL.
Although the current study examines language use in HHNL, it is first necessary to
go further back in time to the origins of AAVE and look at specific features AAVE
has in contrast with standard English and also examine further developments of
AAVE through cultural movements such as Hip Hop. In one of the earlier studies
done on language use in AAVE, John R Rickford, Arnetha Ball, Raina Jackson
Blake, and Naomi Martin (1991), stated that AAVE is the only American dialect
where is deletion is found. He had found occasional instances of are deletion in some
European American dialects. Rickford also discussed copula variation playing a large
role in the origin debate of AAVE. He presents all previously stated methodologies
of the origin debate including the Dialectologist and also the Creolist Approach, in
order to compare all theories of copula variation in AAVE. There are two specific
views on the origin of AAVE. Labov s Dialectologist approach (1969) assumes that
AAVE was created into a dialect of American English. This means that all of the
distinguishing features of AAVE were created out
Merger Of Hewlett Packard Company
The paper will examine the merger of Hewlett Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ) and
Compaq Computer Corporation in 2001. The following key issues will be examined:
reasons for the merger
reasons against the merger
assessment of the performance of the consolidated company since the merger
Hewlett Packard (HP) is a leading technology solutions provider for both consumers
and businesses. We invent, engineer and deliver technology solutions that drive
business value, create social value and improve the lives of our customers
(Hewlett Packard Company Company Profile, 2002). Hewlett Packard was
created in 1939 by two Stanford University Graduates, William Hewlett and David
Packard. The company had a product line of eight items a resistance capacity
oscillator. In 1998, Hewlett Packard launched a comprehensive review of its
operations. In July, 1999, HP named Carleton (Carly) S. Fiorina as President and
CEO. Fiorina was responsible for HP s reorganization into a company that makes
the internet work for businesses and consumers. (Hewlett Packard Company
Company Profile, 2002). HP had positioned itself to deliver Web services, intelligent
devices and servers and infrastructure of servers and software.
Compaq Computers built a portable PC in 1980 that met a lukewarm reception. In
1982, HP entered the market with IBM clones computers that looked and performed
like IBM PCs, but with a price point much lower than the IBM
Critical Interpretations of The Cask of Amontillado Essay
quot;The Cask of Amontillado quot;: Critical Interpretations
Among Poe s most intriguing tales is quot;The Cask of Amontillado, quot; first
published in Godey s Lady s Book in November of 1847. A surface reading of that
story reveals only a simple description by Montresor (the narrator) of how he kills
another man who was called, ironically, Fortunato. Montresor exploits Fortunato s
vanity concerning the connoiseurship of wine; specifically, Montresor pretends to
want a wine cask of Amontillado verified as genuine. Montresor chooses a time when
Fortunato is drunk to dupe him into going down the spiral stairs into the catacombs,
which serve as a sort of family burial grounds for the race of Montresors. But rather
than a mere cask of ... Show more content on ...
The fact that Fortunato easily succumbs to the pleasures of the flesh would seem
to reinforce the view that Montresor and Fortunato constitute another of Poe s
divided personalities; they are actually but one person divided against himself. In
addition, we have Montresor, the judging side of the personality, emblematic of the
Imp of the Perverse. So far, so good. Montresor preys upon Fortunato s tendency to
drink, as well as upon his vanity. Fortunato, representative of the flesh, dons the fool
s cap and is led by Montresor to a pitiful death. He walls Fortunato [the fool in
himself] into a niche in the catacombs; the voice that speaks to us comes from
beyond the grave. Yet still it must confess only to suicide!
The suicide thesis would preclude that Poe has purposefully encoded the story. This
encoding would suggest that he has deliberately diddled his readers, or that he wants
the story to serve as litmus for the intuition, or both. So, are there more clues to
support the suicide thesis? We have Montresor s coat of arms, a foot crushing quot;a
serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel. quot; What symbol could
better suggest the action that Montresor has taken. The foolish side of his nature
plants its fangs in his heel; thus he must destroy it, lest it destroy him. Very similar is
Montresor s situation to that of William Wilson except that the narrators are
An Essay On Detective Mills Character
Detective Mills Character from the movie Se7en
The movie itself has a complex design and was a thriller/horror/crime Hollywood
kind of film that was done in 1995. It is directed by the director of the Fight Club
film that is David Fincher. The main characters in this movie include Morgan
Freeman who plays the character of William Somerset and Brad Pitt who plays the
character of David Mills. The two characters get involved in a series of horrible
murders carried out by a serial killer who finds his inspiration from the Seven Deadly
sins theme that is wrath, envy, gluttony, sloth, lust, greed and pride (TVTropes, n.d.).
The character of Mills depicted in this film balances between the roles of hero and
villain and therefore Detective Mills ... Show more content on ...
he is portrayed as an idealistic person in his work which is mainly channeled by the
fact that he has a naГЇve egotism as represented when he contradicts with officer
Somerset. Officer Somerset wishes to retire soon and intends on leaving a legacy
in detective Mills as they both have the same views of justice and ideals in a town
filled with corruption but Mills being a person who is headstrong does not allow
Officer Somerset to fully change his character. Since Detective Mills is full of
pride, this makes him to fall from grace as the movie/film nears the end. The death
of envy was realized when Tracy, Mills wife died and with the death of Doe in
Mills hands also results in the death of wrath through loss of freedom and
innocence. His death was also the death of envy as he admitted in the movie that he
envied mills. From this events of the death of Tracy his wife, Detective Mills
character changed as his life was ruined which also resulted in the shattering of his
idealism. In the film, from then henceforth Mills becomes the murderer s plaything
because everything he loved and treasured was taken away from him by the murderer
and thus acts as expected by Doe (Wakeman,
Us Containment Policy Research Paper
The U.S. Containment Policy In the World War II, two super power and allies, the
United States and Soviet Union fought together with different reasons. The United
States wanted stop Nazi German, but the Soviet Union wanted absolute control of the
Eastern Europe countries. These differences brought tension to the relationship
between them, which Americans started to concern about Joseph Stalin, the Russian
leader. First, in the Stalin speech in 1946, he stated the only key to future world
peace was for monopoly capitalism to be replaced by Communism around the world.
It became clear to the Supreme Court Justice William Douglas that Stalin was
declaring another World War based in his ideology. (Fraser 697). Based on Stalin
speech, the American embassy in Moscow, George Kennan sent the Long Telegram ,
which he explained his strategy of containment against Soviet Union, a political force
committed fanatically to the belief that with the U.S. there can be no permanent
modus vivendi [agreement between parties that disagree] ; as a result, America s only
choice... Show more content on ...
Meanwhile, the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill stated in the Westminster
College in Fulton, Missouri with the presence of the president Truman that From
Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the
continent. Also, Churchill spoke about the communist fifth columns that were
operating in the western and southern Europe. Churchill s speech promoted the Cold
War beginning. (History 2009). In sum, Americans concluded that Stalin communism
ideals were actions of an evil and tyranny leadership, which the Cold War was
The Yellow Wallpaper, By Charlotte Perkins Gilman
At what point does an individual come to the realization that they are trapped within
an internal perpetual prison? Many women during the 19th century suffered from
countless diseases and disorders that went untreated and society had deemed their
voice powerless and useless. According to the University of Toledo Libraries Women
were especially vulnerable to inadequate diagnoses and treatment in 19th century
America. It was commonly believed that most physical ailments of women were
caused by their sexual organs or mental disorders, resulting in painful, sometimes
lethal treatments. Within the oeuvre of Charlotte Perkins GilmanThe Yellow
Wallpaperwe examine the insouciant approach that society made towards the mental
health of women, which ultimately led to the mental instability of countless females.
In an era of male chauvinism in which women were to be seen and not heard, had
no voice and were rendered uneducated, illiterate and that their sole purpose was to
serve their spouses. The narrator in the short story is suffering from nervous
depression that has been onset from her moving into a new environment. Still I will
proudly declare that there is something queer about it. (Gilman 645) This rather queer
environment is troubling our narrator due to this , she is led to believe that the estate
is haunted. Rather than lend an ear to the perplexity of his consort he disregards her
and merely chuckles at her inmost malaise. Gilman states John laughs at me, of
The Article On Aliens Among Us
Extraterrestrial life has been a big topic for Americans since day one. According to
author Lee Speigel there is an estimation of 48 percent of Americans throughout
the nation that believe in life on other planets while only 35 percent reject the idea.
Life on other planets exists. According to the article Aliens among Us by Paul,
David extraterrestrial evidence has already been discovered such as different types
of bacteria and even water. The article Aliens among Us is a credible source
because it has many explanations and possibilities on how life on other planets can
easily be real. Extraterrestrial lifecan be many things such as plants or living bacteria.
Astronomers have proven that there is water in other planets such as Mars. Water
contains different types of bacteria and cells, water in other planets can be one of
our best piece of evidence that we can prove that there is life on other planets.
There has been UFO s crashes that have been recorded such as in Roswell, New
Mexico 1947 but the government took all the evidence and it s probably in Area 51.
Although there is no hard evidence that proves aliens are real, NASA has announced
that they will be able to find living creatures by the year 2025.
On July 3rd, 1947 a UFO crashed in New Mexico in a small town called Roswell.
People that have been asked to describe this object all say that was about 20 25 feet
across and it had many different bright lights that were moving across the sky at 400
500 miles per
God Father Symbolism
The 1930 s and 40 s were a famous time for gangsters, mobs and mafias. The God
Father directed by Francis Ford Coppola and written by Mario Puzo focuses on
this era. Gangster genre films always seem to have dark colors and low lighting,
usually an urban city location and outfitting is formal, props in these films are
guns, cigars/cigarettes, drugs and money. Everything is put in a film for a reason
and all these elements combine to create a typical gangster setting. But, The God
Father was not a typical gangster film. Mario Puzo used many, if not all of these
elements but he refined the gangster genre using intricate editing techinques. In the
first scene at his daughters wedding, Bonasera asks Don Carleone to avenge his
daughters assaliant. The lighting in this scene was dark and the camera angles
high and low symbolizing who had the most power. It worked for this particluar
scene because they were doing a back door dealing and also showed us how Don
Carleone was looked up to and respected by others. The film is set in 1940 s New
York, Don Corleone and his men are always seen in formal wear, and Corleone had
a cigar in a number of scenes although we dont see stacks of money all the time it is
shown to us indirectly when we see his mansion and expensive cars and fancy
dinners. This also worked for the film because it was historically correct, 1940 s
New York was home to many mobsters and crime families and the outfits represented
their status in society. In my opinion I
Analysis Essay of Aria by Richard Rodriguez
NOUR BAHRIEN1111 Academic Writing M. Antoniadou 29th October2012
Analysis essay of Aria by Richard Rodriguez (2nd draft) This essay, titled Aria ,
originally published in 2008, is an autobiographic essay of the author s childhood,
Richard Rodriguez . In his essay, Richard is against bilingual educators, who think
that children in their first years of school should be educated in their native language.
According to him this education system is wrong, won t be beneficial, therefore
children should be educated in the same language as the public one. Rodriguez s
main point is to strongly encourage children of immigrant parents to adopt English,
the public language as their main language in order to become assimilated in the...
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Ricardo uses frequently the negation marks in order to support that they remained
a loving family, but one greatly changed, No longer so close: no longer bound ,
neither my older brother nor sister , Nor did I this last in a separate sentence to
accentuate his position and the negation (288). He contrasts this new situation
with the one they had in the past where after dinner each night, the family gathered
(287). Readers feel that in the past family bonds and ties were stronger and the
house was full of joy and laughs, everyone laughed (287). Thereby, Richard used
we ( we played ) as for him and his family that has a stronger meaning and
connotation since they where feeling closer, as a whole. But also, in the past
Richard was impatient to go back home, where he could actually speak the
language, now he says, gone was the desperate, urgent, intense feeling of being at
home (288). Furthermore, after this feeling of closeness diminished, silence started
taking place in the house as Richard explains that as we children learned more and
more English, we shared fewer and fewer words with our parents (288). So in the
past, children were more comfortable in speaking Spanish with their parents and
spoke a language, which the parents actually understand and respond with ease, the
house was full of language of home (286). By speaking English so much, a gap
between Richard and his parents grew. After this process of Americanization, the
silence at home, however,
Lab Report On The Dehydration Reaction Of 2...
Nicholas Van Horssen
CHMY 321
TA: Michael Giroux
Introduction: The purpose of this lab was to carry out a dehydration reaction of 2
methylcyclohexanol by heating it in the presence of phosphoric acid and determining
which alkene product would be the major product. Methylcyclohexanols were
dehydrated in an 85% phosphoric acid mixture to yield the minor and major alkene
product by elimination reaction, specifically E1. The alkenes were distilled to
separate the major and minor products and gas chromatography was used to analyze
the results and accuracy of the experiment. The hypothesis was the major product of
the reaction would be the most substituted product. This conclusion was made
because of ... Show more content on ...
Distillation of the first product began at 83 В°C. A Pasteur pipette was used to
remove 1 ml of the distillate into a vial. A second vial was filled with distillate
until it reached 1 ml. As the second vial is being filled, observe the temperature and
remove the apparatus from the heat source if there is an observed drop in
temperature. Once the distillate had been collected into two separate vials, both
distillates were washed with aqueous sodium bicarbonate (1.5 ml, 5%). The
aqueous layer (lower) was extracted from both vials using a pipette and put into a
chemical waste bin. The organic (alkene) layer was then dried with anhydrous
calcium chloride pellets (3 pellets per vial). Both distillates were analyzed using gas
chromatography, and each peak shown was identified to be one of the alkenes.
Analysis of the graph was used to determine the major and minor products of the
Results: M.W. (g/mol)Boiling point (В°C)Density (g/mL)
2 methylcyclohexanol114.21660.930
Phosphoric Acid (85%)98.01.70
1 methylcyclohexene96.21100.813
3 methylcyclohexene96.21040.801
Table 1: Properties of the reagents and possible products for the reaction. The boiling
point of Phosphoric acid is not important because it is a reagent.
Figure 2: Gas Chromatography analysis from the first sample. From top to bottom
the peaks are ordered as followed: 3 methylcyclohexanol (A), 1 methylcyclohexanol
(B), and 2 methylcyclohexanol
Humanism In Ancient Greek Art
The ancient Greek civilization has long fascinated the world. Their achievement in
art, literature, science, medicine, philosophy was not paralleled by any other
civilization at its time. The Greek art gave rise to the Renaissance and classical art
we treasure today. Humanism: Men are the measure of all things (Protagoras, 490
420 BCE) guided every aspect of the Greek society, and the concept is clearly
reflected in their artworks. The Getty Villa houses many exquisite examples of
humanism in art. The Greekssee the human body as an example of supreme physical
beauty; therefore, each generation of Greek artists endeavored to produce a more
natural representation of the human body. With no standing army, every Greek
citizen had the... Show more content on ...
The ancient Greeks invented gods and goddesses for almost every aspect and
purpose in life, and gradually developed intricate yet captivating stories for them. The
ancient Greece was a harsh world. City States are constantly at war; life expectancy
was short, and infant mortality was as high as 50%; the weather was
unpredictable, thus at times, food became scarce (3,4). Although the ancient
Greeks were highly rational and believed in science, the existence of deities helped
explain what was not understood by the ancient people. Worshiping and pleasing
their gods were a vital part of the Greek society (5). The Greeks produced a large
amount of artworks to pay tribute to the gods and goddesses in exchange for their
favor. Humanism is evident in how Greek artists depicted their deities. Civilizations
predating the Greeks carefully distinguished their deities from humans in artworks.
For example, Mesopotamian deities have bull horns or have animal bodies with a
human head; Egyptian gods are depicted as having animal heads on human bodies, or
they have features to distinguish them from humans, such as Osiris and Isis.
However, Greek gods and goddesses are represented in normal human forms. They
are physically more attractive and more powerful than human beings, yet they possess
human attributes, such as flaws, weakness, and emotions, etc. Greek artists believe
that gods and goddesses should be elevated and
Why Are The Marine Corps Important
The importance of the Marine Corps
Why is the Marine Corps important? In my opinion the Marine corps is important to
the country because they risk their lives every day to protect us, they are always
ready to jump into action no matter the task ahead of them and it prepares the
Marines for life after the military. I chose the Marine Corps for my topic because it is
something I honestly see myself doing in the future. Here are some examples of why
I strongly believe that the Marine Corps plays an important part in the country.
At any given moment, Marines are willing to go into harm s way and risk their lives
to accomplish the mission set before them. It may be difficult to imagine the United
States military without thinking of the marine corps, ... Show more content on ...
There are a whole range of factors to consider, so setting goals is important.
Additionally, it is crucial to make sure you have the financial stability to achieve
these goals. No matter where you are in the military service, give some thought to
what your life will look like after you leave the service. Every hour of preparation
now will make the future so much easier and more pleasant for everyone involved
in it. You need to leave the military with as few financial obligations as possible.
Credit cards and high interest loans absolutely should go, then hopefully you can
pay off any other loans you may have. Make all bills go
The 1970s Energy Crisis In The 1970 s
The 1970s energy crisis was a problem in the 1970s, because it caused panic in
America. So many people, at that time were depended on oil, to keep their cars
running. What caused the panic, started when an oil embargo was imposed. This oil
embargo was imposed by the members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OAPEC). Shortly after the embargo was a announced, only
three months later oil prices shot up from $3 per barrel to $12. Also due to this oil
embargo, American also faced fuel shortages as well. During this time, sometimes the
lines would form at gas stations, with people demanding more oil. The United States
Government tried to help, by taking strides to preserve energy. One example, was
how gas stations were requested to stay closed on Sundays. Since people could not
buy oil to power their cars, they did buy cars at all. So this also caused an immense
hit to the American automotive industry. Although the The oil embargo was lifted in
March 1974, although oil fees remained high.... Show more content on ...
As of right now, people all over the world rely on oil, gas, and coal for about 80%
of their energy needs. Unfortunately, this state of energy needs is believed to grow
almost half over the next two decades. In the future there is possibility that the
world will run out of energy. Energy is predicted to run out in about thirty years, if
people continuous to use the size of energy that they do now. In spite of the fact
that we could run out of energy, there is still hope today. Scientists are working
around the clock, to find new gas and oil fields everyday. Other scientists are also
trying to find more beneficial ways to retrieve energy. So there is still hope today for
a radiant more viridescent world, even with the energy crisis that is
Allusions In Goblin Market
During the Victorian Age, many poets discreetly included Christian values in their
works because the time between 1850 and 1870, was a time of the greatest challenge
to traditional religious belief. Christina Rossetti worried about the Christian virtues
of, faith, hope, and charity, the rest of the world was worried about material
prosperity, business, and the joy that the money they had could buy them. In 1859
Christina Rossetti s poem, Goblin Market, there is a strong parallel to Christianity,
with it s allusions to many different biblical themes. This children s story has many
hidden sexual and religious images that go deeper than the reader s initial thoughts of
the poem. Christina Rossetti does a great job of carefully placing... Show more
content on ...
She uses the pair of sisters to recreate the greatest love story of all time. She
cunningly uses the fall of Laura to represent the fall of mankind. The serpent to
deceive the world is represented by the goblin men which also represent
temptation and desire. The story gives an example of what can happens when
people gratify the desires of sin. She uses Lizzie to represent Christ coming into
the world and sacrificing himself, when she goes to the goblin market. She even
includes the Eucharist when Lizzie offers her sister her body just as Christ offered
his body to the world. She shows the importance of self discipline by the rejection of
the fruit. Christina Rossetti did a great job of incorporating these themes in this
children story. This is a great story and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and analyzing
Sarah Goldhagen
It is interesting to consider Sarah Goldhagen s text Coda: Reconceptualizing the
Modern , a systematic categorization of the branches of modernism which developed
concurrently during the beginning of the twentieth century, through the lens of
George Kubler s seminal essay The Shape of Time. It is interesting not only because
Goldhagen serves to substantiate Kubler s polemical argument, in summary, that the
evolution of art and science is a process which depends on incremental physical and
perceptual developments, but because she uses modernism, which is typically
considered a paradigm shift relative to the history of history, to depict the ebb and
flow of social, political and cultural changes that occur in the development of modern
aesthetics.... Show more content on ...
It is as if things generated other things in their own images by human intermediaries
captivated with those possibilities of sequence and progression... In our terms each
invention is a new serial position. Without change there is no history; without
regularity there is no time states Kubler. Goldhagen follows: Modernist architects
were also forging a common architectural culture, an enterprise that often engenders a
spirit of cooperation, building upon what people share... [the modern movement] was
now subjected to centrifugal rather than centripetal forces, It splintered into a number
of more distinct and evolving discursive
Beneath Clouds
Ivan Sen (2002)
* Opening credits: Images of rolling clouds, vast and immense, threatening and
powerful. * Two female, high school students dressed in uniform walk a barren
landscape. The only colour and movement comes from the trucks that roar through.
Isolated, Aboriginal community. * Walk past an indigenous mancarrying a jerry can
of petrol. Stereotypical image of addiction. Lena in a thick Australian accent: Whadda
dickhead. Clear from this dialogue that her values are very different from the norm. *
Close up of dead butterfly with crawling ants, camera switches to close up of Lena.
Connection between the character and the butterfly is made both are beautiful
creatures but neither ... Show more content on ...
The us and them mentality is revealed again. Refer to each other through their
dialogue as cuz and brother . Immediate kinship expressed through colloquial
language. Diegetic sound comes from the radio as the lyrics I wish I was back in
the Dreamtime filter out. * Cut to close up shot of dead cockatoo on the road side.
White is indicative of innocence and purity. Another thing destroyed. * Car is pulled
over by police. Officer refers to the driver as boy a derogatory term, belittling,
demeaning. An allusion to the African slave term and reflection of inherent racism.
The generic title removes the individuality of the driver. An assertion of power. *
Police car seen leaving in rear view mirror (possible link between abandonment of
Australian government concerning indigenous issues).
* Lena sits in the back seat, next to another young, fair skinned Aboriginal woman.
She has a toddler on her lap. Again, that theme of pregnancy is raised and in
response to the child s cries, the driver turns and slaps her across the face. This
scene seems to highlight the negative aspects of Aboriginal culture that is, the
subordination of women and prevalence of domestic violence. * L: Stop the fucking
car... I said, stop the fucking car. To the driver: you re an arsehole, you know that. *
She takes a stand, noticeably Vaughn and the girl herself do not. Quiet acceptance of
such exchanges. When out of
College Drinking In College
Attending parties and binge drinking in college is a very regular occurrence for
young adults these days. Across the country, campuses have had more students
who are experiencing alcohol problems and alcohol related injuries than ever
before. This is due to the fact that alcohol is so readily available wherever you go.
It can be obtained in liquor stores, grocery stores, superstores and even the local
shop on the corner of your street. This is especially true on college campuses,
where students may not be mature or responsible enough to handle the effects that
come with drinking. From weekly drink specials at the bars, to Greek life parties, a
college campus can be an easy place to acquire and develop a drinking problem.
There was a recent national survey taken that found almost sixty percent of college
students drank alcohol in the past month alone, and around two thirds of these
students engaged in binge drinking during that period. It is very easy to be peer
pressured into drinking; it can seem like a lot of fun at the time and new students
wanting to fit in can sometimes feel obliged to do so. As there is drinking
occurring almost every night on a college campus it can be hard to find yourself
out of place if you start to develop a drinking habit. There will always typically be
people you know going out and partying, and therefore if other people are doing it
then why can t you? No one ever thinks anything bad will happen to them, thus they
drink without concern and can
Left Foot Surgery Paper
There were only three surgery appointed during rotation. One surgery already started,
so there were only two surgeries available. These two surgeries were on a clavicle and
a foot. A surgical assistant went to patients with surgery appointment in order to find
out whether student could attend their surgery. The patient with clavicle surgery
denied the approval, but thankfully a foot surgery was available. The patient for the
foot surgery was a male with plantar fasciitis on his left foot, and he was about to
have tenex procedure. The surgery was slow to have efficient result, but the surgery
was not as slow as other surgeries because the healthcare workers were quick in
response to many instructions. After the surgery was done, the patient was moved to
recovery unit until his consciousness became alert. The procedure itself was very
interesting to see. The surgeon made a clean cut, inserted ultrasonic device to clean
scar tissues, and patched the cut as if nothing happened. The process was seen
through ultrasound device, and the device was very helpful in showing where the
scar tissue is located and the progress the surgeon was making inside of foot. At first,
I didn t understand why the surgeon was moving around inside patient s... Show more
content on ...
The surgeon was very familiar with his fellow surgical assistants, and he brought
out many unrelated topics to the procedure, but he was able to receive attentions
from his coworkers. To be flank, I was surprised by the fact that the surgeon and the
surgical assistants were efficient and precise in their job while enjoying spending
time together in a surgery room. In my opinion, that was the best environment to
work in because enjoying occupation while doing job is hard to find. I also found
their communication very fun, and I would like to find a working environment where
I can actually have fun rather than stressing out every
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Selective Breeding
Selective breeding is the process by which humans reproduce other animals and
plants of special features. Typically, strains that are selectively bred are
domesticated, and livestock is normally done by a professional breeder, Livestock
animals are known as races, while high plants are known as the varieties cultigens,
or cultivars. The offspring of two purebred animals, but of different races is called a
crossover, and hybrid plants are called hybrids.[1]
There are two approaches or types of artificial selection or selective breeding, The
first is the approach of the breeder in which the traditional breeder or experimenter
applies a known quantity of the selection to a single phenotypic trait, by examining
the chosen character and choosing ... Show more content on ...
so using a breeding without a scientific technique could cause a decrease the
genetic variety, this decrease in the genetic variety could cause some organisms as
plants and animals show an immunity weakness to certain pathogens, so if some of
these plants or animals with the same traits or genes would be attacked by
particular pathogen the entire population of these plants and animals would
certainly suffer and damage, using a scientific analysis and monitoring are
definitely needed in order to have an healthy and successful breeding and ensure
that certain species population is not in risk or bring in danger by certain kind of
disease because of a selective breeding, such as in dogs and pets
Forecasting Methodology
Forecasting Methodology
Forecasting is an integral part in planning the financial future of any business and
allows the company to consider probabilities of current and future trends using
existing data and facts. Forecasts are vital to every business organization and for
every significant management decision. Forecasting, according to Armstrong (2001),
is the basis of corporate long run planning. Many times, this unique approach is used
not only to provide a baseline, but also to offer a prediction into the corporation s
future. In the functional areas of finance and accounting, forecasts provide the basis
for budgetary planning and cost control. Marketing relies on sales forecasting to plan
new products, compensate sales personnel, and ... Show more content on ...
Causal tries to understand the system underlying and surrounding the item being
forecast. Under Causal type there are Regression analysis, Econometric models and
Leading indicators. Starting with Regression analysis, similar to least squares
method in time series but may contain multiple variables, basis is that forecast is
caused by the occurrence of other events. Econometric models the forecast attempts
to describe some sector of the economy by a series of interdependent equations. An
input/Output model focuses on sales of each industry to other firms and
governments; it indicates the changes in sales that a producer industry might expect
because of purchasing changes by another industry. Leading Indicators type are
statistics moving in the same direction as the series being forecast but move before
the series, such as an increase in the price of gasoline indicating a future drop in the
sale of large cars.
Simulation Models are dynamic models; Dynamic modeling in organizations is the
collective ability to understand the implications of change over time. This skill lies at
the heart of successful strategic decision process. The availability of effective visual
modeling and simulation enables the analyst and the decision maker to boost their
dynamic decision by rehearsing strategy to avoid hidden pitfalls.
Global Insight is a privately held company formed from the two most respected
Gas Chromatography And High Performance Liquid
Table of Contents
Part A:3
Gas Chromatography (GC)3
Gas solid chromatography3
Gas liquid chromatography3
High performance liquid Chromatography (HPLC)4
Part B:5
Part A:
Forensic Chemistry involves a variety of different techniques in which have the
ability to analyse samples found on crime scene, one set of techniques is that of
Chromatography is a process commonly used to separate substances in accordance to
their differential distribution between what is referred to as a stationary phase and a
moving or mobile phase . There are a variety of different types of chromatography
some include; paper chromatography, gas chromatography and high performance
liquid chromatography.
Chromatography works by analyzing a substance in terms of its retention time when
passing through what is referred to as a stationary phase. Retention time refers to the
amount of time a substance takes to pass through the stationary phase, upon analysis
the retention time determines what substances are present within a sample. For
example, if a particular substance within takes longer than another to reach the
detector results can then be categorized into which substances are present within the
sample. The results found are presented in what is called a chromatograph.
A chromatogram...
Ban on Big Drinks
Soda, a sugary drink that has revolutionized the whole world since its invention
back in the mid 19th century and a drink that everyone consumes. And recently, the
mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg has been intending to place a ban on big,
oversized soda drinks. New York should certainly not impose this ban on big
drinks over the size of 16 fluid ounces. It s cockamamie! This ban is not the way to
go for the county s finances, the people and the economy. Within New York, many
people believe that the ban is right for various reasons, one being that the obesity
epidemic rates have been staggering high but banning big drinks.... really? As silly
as this ban may seem, lawmakers in New York and intensely debating the idea of
banning big drinks. Around the world people have in mind that soda s are really
bad for the health, which they most certainly are, but are they primary source of fat
consumed? Absolutely not! Banning big drinks is 100% not going to curb
obesity. In fact, in Harvard studies, it states that since the 1960 s, the amount of
energy needed per day has decreased 60%. People eat 4.9 meals and snacks a day
compared to the 3 meals people are supposed to consume. What this means is that
people in fact get most of their energy, and fat of course from snacks. Not soda!
This also means that they aren t burning calories either. It s not the soda s fault that
people are obese, it s the people s lack of knowledge in portion sizes! Liz Hare, a
scientific researcher in
Great Bear Descriptive Writing
On a cold December day in 2014, I found myself snowboarding down the small and
very icy hill of Great Bear. On this chilly day there were very few people riding up
the very bright red chair lift. As the very few that were there went down the hill you
could hear as skis or snowboards slice through the thin layer of ice. From the Chair
lift I can see everything on the hilland around the are.I was carefully examining the
hill and the area they call the Terrain Park . Little did I know this day would make
the next few months very difficult. As I stare into this are marked as most difficult
I see all of the features I know that I can do very easily. I make very many quick
runs up and down the small hill of Great bear. I begin to notice new things that I
had never attempted before. I begin to think to myself that it may not be a good
idea on a frigid day like it had been. As I begin to keep coming back I knew that if I
was going to try it that now would have to be the time. Thinking to myself that if I
were to fall that would mean I was working harder then I had before... Show more
content on ...
A voice in my head was telling me not to try it as it had been very slick. I slowly
rode past it about ten different times throughout the day. I had been very nervous
to try new things throughout the year but once I had tried some of the other things
I had gotten very comfortable with this sport that I had picked up a few years before.
I then made my way halfway down the hill where the new rail was that I was going
to try. This had been called the Propane tank and was very large compared to the
other features in the terrain park. I made my way up the on ramp as I slowly begin to
feel my self on the very slippery surface. As I begin to ride along I begin to feel
myself slide off the left side as I try to get my board back onto the tank. Suddenly I
begin to fall backward and my natural reaction made me put my hands down to stop
Advice For First Writing Course At The University Of...
Advice to First Writing Course at the University of Central Florida
Writing courses can be challenging and that is why I decided to write this personal
narrative. I believe that a personal narrative is better for an advice column than a
research paper. A personal narrative would give more personal experience and
insight on how the course was. It would be more valid since it is true. I think people
learn better when they read and hear something from the person they are talking to
rather than being about other people, especially when it comes to advice.
English courses, just like any core class, expects a lot from the students. ENC 1101
is the first english and writing class students will encounter when first starting
undergraduate school ... Show more content on ...
They can properly quote it or paraphrase it using MLA format. This will demonstrate
the student using strategies to better comprehend difficult texts. Students should also
learn to adapt to different writing contexts. Throughout this course, I had to learn
new vocabulary such as rhetorical situation and discourse community. These are
actually types of essays I had to write during this course. When writing these types
of essays, one has to keep in mind their audiences and their own experience. Lastly,
students will consider how social, rhetorical, and technological contexts shape writing
because it reflects sensitivity to school writing as a social affair (McCarthy 231).
There are some constraints that I had to think about when deciding the genre of
this paper. One constraint to this personal narrative is the time I took this course. I
took ENC 1101 during the Summer B section. Summer B was only six weeks long
and I had to learn the concepts of this course in that amount of time when it usually
takes around sixteen weeks. This made the course much harder for me and other
students. Especially because English is my second language, it takes me longer to
read and analyze articles. This was also one out of two of my first classes as a
college students. It is a different environment and I had to adapt to different situations
and expectations. Another constraint is about those students that already have credit
for ENC
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Food Irradiation
In modern society, science has been heavily involved with the production of food.
Due to urbanisation, most people in developed countries as well as many people in
developing countries neither have the resources nor the time necessary to carry out
subsistence farming that can produce an adequate amount of foodfor themselves and
their family on a regular basis. This sort of farming is only possibly in a rural
environment. Because of this, urban families are troubled with the task of finding
fresh and healthy produce to consume.
The industry dedicated to producing food products that can outlive difficulties such as
going rancid, or being naturally preserved without changing in texture or flavour. The
only way the industry would do this is by ... Show more content on ...
Sodium nitrate is common example which can be found in most processed meats.
This compound inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria in the meats, which
prolongs the shelf life of the meats. Propyl gallate is another substance which is
used as a preservative. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated
hydroxytoluene (BTH) help with the preservation of food items because of their
antioxidant chemistry. Olestra and trans fatty acids (trans fats) are oil based
substances which are artificially created substances. These substances are used
hamburgers, potato chips many other pre fried food items. They enhance the
flavour of these food items and are far cheaper to use for the manufacturers of the
food items. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is used widely in food products as a
flavourant. Aspartame is also a flavourant, which is used an artificial sweetener used
by people who either cannot or do not want to consume foods with high sugar
content. Another sweetener which is widely used is Acesulfame K, which is
approximately 200 times sweeter than actual table sugar. This makes this sweetener a
cost effective replacement for normal sugar in the preparation of products which
used sugar. Potassium Bromate is an anticaking agent. This characteristic is
beneficial in powdered substances, like baking soda, as their shelf life can be
prolonged. (Vakil
Cyber Warfare Between The United States And Russia
Drawing from authors like Jason Andress who is an academic teacher and a
professional security expert, the book Cyber Warfare states that The U.S. military
does not have a definition for cyber warfare today (53). While this work was
published in 2014, it is still a fair assessment into today. According to the CCDCOE,
again on their webpage Cyber Definitions, cyber warfare as agreed between The
United Statesand Russia is defined as cyber attacks that are authorized by state actors
against cyber infrastructure in conjunction with government campaign. The two
nations also define cyber attacks in the same agreement to mean an offensive use of a
cyber weapon intended to hard designated target. Finally, the two nations define cyber
... Show more content on ...
Beyond the problem of defining what cyberwarfare is, for all parties involved, comes
the problems of attributing if an attack was state sponsored or not. Crimes performed
by non state actors certainly require a response that is different than those which
other nations were complicit in carrying out. This means cyber space attacks,
which are the basis of cyberwarfare, do not make it easy to determine who the
perpetrators of such attacks are. Even in cases where the trail of breadcrumbs
leads right back to the perpetrators, there are real challenges in many forms to be
dealt with. Challenges like legally charging, apprehending, and holding
accountable those involved in a practical manner. Challenges like determining
rather it was an action under official orders or rogue attacks. Certainly the
anonymity cyberspace provides for actors adds a difficult level to deal with when
facing the challenges of keeping us well prepared against the threat. How do you
stop getting hit in any conflict if you are unsure of who is hitting you? Until the
United States as a whole is more capable of nailing down the ability to track such
information with the ability to prove such findings, there is little to deter those
hostile to the United States from making those challenges hard to be well prepared for.
Another factor worth discussing is the concept of being cyber
Automatic Stay Research Paper
Everything You Need to Know About an Automatic Stay
Many things happen after you file for bankruptcy, but one of the first things that
occurs is that an automatic stay goes into effect. An automatic stay may seem a bit
scary if you don t know what it is, but here are the important things you need to know
about an automatic stay.
What Is It An Automatic Stay?
An automatic stay is when your creditors are notified you ve filed bankruptcy and
they can not attempt to collect the money owed to them anymore. This is not
indefinite pause on your bills, it simply gives the bankruptcy court time to review
your case and decide how much each creditor will get from your bankruptcy
What Does It Affect?
Before filing for bankruptcy, it
Understanding The Relationship Of Staff And Teachers
Field Placement #5 1.5 hours: 2/22 Wednesday was a whirlwind of acclimating to
office politics and understand the relationship dynamic of staff and teachers. The
day started out normal enough, I was assigned papers and essays to grade. On a
few occasions I ran back and forth between the front office and the classroom to
drop off paperwork. However, the teacher assigned me the task of setting up the
7th grade bulletin board for the month. She informed that I had to go to the front
office and talk to one of the people there to gain access to the storage closet that
held all of the arts and craft material. I nodded, remember the name and objectives I
was set out to do. I was sent back to speak to one of the supporting staff. I explained
the... Show more content on ...
I showed the teacher my findings and she met it with a scowl. That s it? She asked.
She then showed me the massive bulletin board that I was supposed to cover.
Clearly I did not have enough paper to canvas the surface. So once again, I was
sent on a journey for paper from the art department. Thankfully, the teacher was on
break had led me to a bulk of white paper that I knew would have to do for now. I
presented it to the teacher, informing her that at the moment this is all we had
access to. She shrugged, clearly still miffed on the lack of resources she had at
hand. The students, continuing to rise in volume since they watched the scene
unfold, were then met by a frustrated teacher response of, I don t want to have to do
this but I will have the literacy mentor come around to everyone who is talking so
they have a silent lunch. The room became quiet and I was quite please that at that
moment it was time to go. For the most part, this class period had little to do with
any of the themes we had touched on class previously, but I would like to make a
point that I did learn a lot on the how the power system works in a public school.
Also, I will admit that I was uncomfortable that the teacher used me as a guilt/scare
tactic when they got out of hand that day. In my position, I know that I observe and
help out in the classroom but it was odd for me to be used to exact punishments. I
am not there as an authority figure exactly because I am an adult,
Stephen Spielberg s Minority Report
Stephen Spielberg s Minority Report, based off Phillip K. Dick s short story, takes
place in the year 2054 and centers around a crime prevention program pilot tested in
Washington, D.C. by the pre crime division of the police force. With crime rates
down 90%, the prevention program has proven to be extremely successful; however,
in a world of pre punishment the question remains: is it possible to treat someone in
a certain way because of what they may do in the future, even if it hasn t occurred yet?
This film begins with three mutant pre cogs with the ability to predict the mindset
and actions of future murderers with 99% accuracy. Occasionally, however, the pre
cogs do not all predict the same outcome, with one pre cog predicting a dissenting
future from the other two this discrepancy is recorded ... Show more content on ...
This investigation is spearheaded by Danny Witwer (Colin Farrell) who realizes that
this deterministic approach to crime, negating the offenders free will in the process
of committing a crime, is not necessarily engraved in stone. The head of the Pre
Crime department, John Anderton (Tom Cruise), rolls a ball off a desk which is
caught by Witwer before it can fall onto the ground. Anderton asks Witwer why he
caught the ball, to which he responds, Because it would have fallen off the desk.
Anderton retorts that by Witwers logic, there is not definitive proof that the ball
would have indeed rolled off the table despite Witwers prediction. Nevertheless, he
asserts that such is the case of the Pre Crime system which knows beyond reasonable
doubt that the would be criminals would become criminals. Consequentially, the
central concern surrounding the plot is that of pre punishment in which would be
criminals are pre punished for crimes which they have yet to commit, but presumable
Donald Trump Rhetorical Analysis
According to Pew Research Center, only 20% of Americans trust the government.
This decline has occurred since the 1960s. The percentage of trust proves the beliefs
of unequal representation in American citizens. Firstly, the voter turnout in last year
s election denotes this analysis. Secondly, voters in last year s election felt voting
for either candidate did not matter; for their opinions favored no one in power. This
grant is to illustrate the problem in our current government legislation is affecting
people. The project is to fill a room with two diverse groups of children quoting
Donald Trumpand his rhetoric. This type of rhetoric is un American and fails to
unite the country. As this behavior displays the improper representation of the
people as a whole. The project is a series of sculptures; as they are better at
showing a conceptual idea than a literal explanation of the situation. This high level
of critical thinking will challenge viewers and shock them; as the people are
responsible for this divide in politics. Therefore, what better of a shock that using
children repeating such harsh rhetoric? In the Bible, in Psalms 8:2, God ordains
strength out of the mouth of babes, meaning young children say exceptionally wise
things. In contrast, when they repeat Donald Trump s rhetoric and quotes are the
children still wise? One side of the room of children will make reactionary statements
post election. The children will make statements such as, You are going to be
The Birth Of Benjamin Franklin
In January of 1706 the future of America was changed forever with the birth of
Benjamin Franklin. Born in Boston, Massachusetts Ben was the son of Josiah
Franklin and Abiah Folger, Ben was the youngest son of 17 children. Josiah was a
soap maker and he wanted Benjamin to enter the clergy. Ben went to South
Grammar School where he excelled, he even skipped a grade. Unfortunately with
such a large family, Josiah was unable to afford the education that it took to
become a clergyman. Ben only had the luxury of formal schooling for just a few
short years. Ben began working for his father and was bored quickly. Ben had a
strong interest for everything and he wanted to learn and know it all. He tried other
work options but none of which panned... Show more content on ...
He also became a member of the Masons and was socially active. By 1733, he
started the writings of Poor Richard s Almanac. These almanacs were created under
another alias, Richard Saunders. Many of Franklin s famous quotes came from these
almanacs. In the A few of these quotes are, Well done is better than well said
(Benjamin Franklin.PBS) or one of his most famous A friend in need is a friend
indeed! (Benjamin Franklin.PBS). In the midst of all adventures and endeavors he
managed to find time to marry his childhood sweetheart, Deborah Read and have a
son that he named William. His dedication to helping society continued with the
development of the Library Company in 1731. The average person could not
afford books, not to mention they were hard to come by, so Ben managed to use
his resources to start the first ever subscription library. He became the clerk of the
assembly of Pennsylvania in 1736 and by 1737 he was the postmaster of
Philadelphia ( Benjamin Franklin ). His contributions did not stop with the library, he
started the American Philosophical Society, The Pennsylvania Hospital and the
Philadelphia s Union Fire Company. From the development of the fire company, he
started the Philadelphia Contribution for Insurance Against Loss by Fire. Most of
these groups are still active today. The University of Pennsylvania was another one of
Ben s
Sex Offenders In The Woodsman
In the movie The Woodsman , Walter was imprisoned for 12 years for child
molestation. After 12 years imprison, Walter returns back to society. He later
experiences different aspect of life. Walter learned three main insights as a sex
offender: society s view, impact of his action, and reflection of his own self.
Sergeant Lucas represents society s view on sex offenders. The public despises sex
offenders more than other criminals especially children case. Sex offender is not
accepted in society even though the offender already atones for his or her crime in
jail. For example, Mike Smith was a sex offender who served 10 year in jail for
abuse in his family. In the report, he could only associate with other sex offenders
such as child sex offender and adult rapist. They were the only people who he can
relate to as not judgmental. On the contrary, he should not be associating with. Smith
made an earnest commitment to his rigorous rehabilitative therapy in prison, but it
was made harder when he felt ... Show more content on ...
Walter received a journal from his counselor, Rosen. The journal allows Walter to
freely express what is on his mind. Some thoughts Walter could write about are
reflection of his emotion and behavior in any event in his life. Therapist used
journaling for the purposes of psychological healing or growth. (Borkin, 2015) The
journal helps Walter to verbalize his problem to other people. In Walter s journal,
he wrote about his observation of Candy. He knows the technique Candy is using
to lure children. For example, Candy uses candy and toys to attract children at
school. The main goal is to ask the children for a ride. If Candy succeed asking the
kid for a ride, Candy have full control over the kid. It is part of the grooming
technique. The technique is to manipulate the person in complying with sexual abuse.
Walter underline wants in the journal to represent Candy s
Informative Speech On Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary artery disease
Coronary arteries are blood vessels that carry blood to the heart muscle. The
coronary artery disease (also called CAD, for its acronym in English) or coronary
heart disease is caused by a thickening of the inner walls of the coronary arteries.
This thickening is called atherosclerosis. A fatty substance called plaque builds up
inside the thickened walls of the arteries and obstructs or delays the flow of blood. If
the heart muscle does not receive enough blood to function properly, you may have
angina or a heart attack.
The coronary artery disease can take years to develop. You may not notice any
symptoms of coronary artery disease until progression. As the arteries become
clogged you may experience: ... Show more content on ...
Overweight or obese.
Inactivity (sedentary lifestyle).
Other health problems (such as diabetes).
How is CAD treated?
Most people who have CAD take medication to help control your condition. The
drugs called beta blockers, channel blockers and calcium nitrates can help relieve
angina. Take a low dose of aspirin every day can reduce the likelihood of having a
second heart attack in people who already had one. Your doctor will tell you whether
you should take any of these medicines.
What about surgery?
Angioplasty is a surgical treatment for CAD. Angioplasty uses a tiny balloon to
open blocked arteries around the heart. The balloon is inserted into an artery in the
arm or leg. In the artery where the blockage was could put a small metal rod, called
stent to keep the artery open.
Another surgical treatment for CAD is bypass surgery. Pieces of veins or arteries
in the legs are removed and sewn into the heart arteries to carry blood to body parts
found after a blockage and increase the blood flow to the heart. Usually the bypass
surgery is performed when it is not possible angioplasty or when your doctor thinks
this is a better choice for you.
Are there side effects and other risks of the treatment of
Descriptive Essay About Dream
One day I felt a weird feeling that it was a little bit hotter in my air conditioned room
where it was supposed to be a little bit colder. So I stretched and saw something really
off, I was on a Tree above my house! I thought i was dreaming for a second so I tried
looking around the tree and found I was in a bird s nest and i felt very small. Then
I looked at my arms, legs, and the rest of my very unusually small shape. I found
out after a few seconds I was a bird, then I thought this was definitely a dream!
When I looked at my self I knew I was a Blue Jay, which I have seen before in
scouting with my troop when I was little, and human of course.
So I flew and it I felt a tiny breeze while I was flying, and then I saw a ton of pigeons
... Show more content on ...
Get What
So, when I was thinking they let me out, but in a huge bird cage, like a mini
elephant. Then in the mini elephant bird cage, I saw another note, it said Look
behind you I was confused and looked around, nothing was there, but i heard some
thing bang on the metal of the door of the mini elephant sized bird cage. It was
Robin, and looked like someone I knew when I was human, then it said Is that you
Matthew? I then said Wait, how do u know my name? It said knew me and it said I
recognized your voice. I said Who are you? It said I m Alec, remember my voice? I
was so surprised but glad also, then a ton of birds were here, and they were
I got on edge and asked Alec Who are all they? He responded with Oh, That s Ivan,
Phoenix, Kaz, Brian, Jack, and Christian. I was relieved sorta and I asked Wait,
why are we all birds? Alec said I m not sure but, I know there is a way out of this.
Ivan started to chip at the lock with a piece of metal on the ground hidden in a dark
corner, and then we all found things to chip away at the lock on the door of the
mini elephant sized bird house. After a few minutes Alec and i found a huge metal
bar, but it was too heavy for the both of us. Alec then said Guys come over here, we
found some thing big to smash the lock with! The whole gang of us picked it up and
rammed at the lock and it broke, then a
JRR Tolkien s Lord Of The Rings
Fantasy and reality have an immense amount of differences. But, could the two
very well be the same? The answer is obvious. JRR Tolkien, the author of the well
known series, Lord of the Rings states It does not do to leave a live dragon out of
your calculations, if you live near him. Tolkien significantly overwhelms the quote
to portray a similar message. As plans and tactics are placed into action, one must
severely and crucially be as detailed as possible. Imagine living in a mystic world.
Were dragons, goblins, and elves ran a muck. A place where danger is virtually
anywhere and come about the most obscure locations. Residing in a safe residence
would be a challenge. Contemplating a real estate option, one must take all the

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Essay On Child Labor. Child Labor Paragraph For Students

  • 1. Essay On Child Labor Writing an essay on the topic of child labor can be a challenging and emotionally charged task. The subject itself is deeply distressing, as it involves addressing the exploitation and maltreatment of children, a societal issue that demands careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. To begin with, one must delve into the extensive research available on child labor, exploring its historical roots, global prevalence, and the various forms it takes in different cultures. The complexity of this issue demands a nuanced understanding of economic, social, and cultural factors that contribute to the perpetuation of child labor. Moreover, addressing the ethical dimensions of child labor requires a delicate balance. It necessitates a reflection on the economic pressures that drive families to rely on their children's labor, while simultaneously condemning the exploitation and violation of children's rights. This dual perspective can make it challenging to strike the right tone and maintain a coherent argument throughout the essay. Additionally, weaving a compelling narrative that engages the reader emotionally without descending into sensationalism is crucial. The goal is not only to present the grim realities of child labor but also to motivate readers towards advocacy and action. Crafting a well-rounded essay involves synthesizing information, offering solutions, and inspiring a sense of responsibility in the reader. In conclusion, writing an essay on child labor is a demanding task that requires a thorough understanding of the issue, a balanced approach to its complexities, and the ability to convey a persuasive message. It is not just an intellectual exercise but a call to conscience, urging readers to confront a deeply troubling aspect of our global society. For assistance with similar essays or any academic writing needs, you can explore the services available on, where professional writers are ready to provide support and guidance on a variety of topics. Essay On Child Labor Essay On Child Labor
  • 2. I Have Chosen The Burger King Corporation.The Burger King I have chosen the Burger King Corporation. The Burger King corporation main focus is on the customers they serve and the strategies they use to continue the growth and development of their company. Burger King uses the integrated cost leadership /Differentiation business strategy. Strategies in business are instrumental for the continued growth and expansion of a company. A strategy is a set of analytic techniques that are used to influence the direction of the firm s growth in the marketplace (Raimundo, 2001). Business strategy enables company to match its internal capabilities and its external environment. Also, their research helps them plan and assists the company to realize its objectives and mission set at its inception and ... Show more content on ... Burger King has developed programs to help employees become better educated and instruct them in the business field through leadership training. They continues to offer trainings as well as a review programs that offer managers an insight on how their particular style of management is either benefitting the core values or if adjustments need to be implemented to assure that the managers are completed capable of managing their individual locations. They offer a 12 week intensive training program for all store managers. Because of struggling sales and the growth of burger chains across the county and the demands of changing lifestyles Burger King and other fast food chains are beginning to struggle not only with maintaining the current customer base but to attract more customers. Burger King recently changed not only their business strategy but their corporate strategy to assist in the growth and continued on July 1, 2013 Burger King replaced it CEO with Daniel Schwartz a 33 who instantly began the restructuring the entire company and growing the brand. Schwartz began hiring a young management team and they have turned the struggling burger chain into a cash generating machine. On their corporate level the new CEO and his team him to believe that the complicated menu was slowing down orders. So, he simplified the burger chain s offerings to include dishes that are easier to assemble.
  • 3. Japanese Informative Speech Japanese Celebrations Organizational Pattern: Topical I.Introduction A.Attention Getter: The Japanese have a very unique and interesting culture. B.Statistic: 90% of Japanese people celebrate on New Year s Day. C.Thesis Statement: Like the United States, the Japanese celebrate various holidays with lavish festivities. D.Importance: As more and more Japanese people immigrate to the United States, knowledge of the Japanese culture becomes increasingly important and necessary. E.Credibility: I have always been interested in the Japanese culture which made it easy to do research on this topic. F.Main Points: While studying my topic I found many fascinating facts about a few important holidays including New Year s, Valentine s Day, and... Show more content on ... Body 3: New Year s A.According to, Osechi Ryouri is the style of cooking the Japanese perform on New Year s Day. B.Example: Several different types of food are prepared including baked fish, sweet jams, and various fried foods. C.Example: Also, in Japan many retail stores have huge ornaments which consist of three bamboo poles with flowers and pine tree limbs. D.These huge ornaments are called the New Year s display in Japan. E.A tradition for the Japanese people is to visit a shrine or temple during New Year s. F.According to, some temples and shrines expect a couple million visitors during New Year s holidays each year. G.These shrines and temples are the only places you ll find crowded during New Year s in Japan because most businesses usually close at the end of December for the holiday. Transition: All in all Japanese celebrations and festivities show others a slight glimpse into their deep culture. IV.Conclusion: A.Summary of Main Points: After examining the Coming of Age holiday, Valentine s and White Day, and New Year s Day we now have a deeper understanding of the Japanese culture. B.Importance: With all of us living in the Melting Pot of America this knowledge of Japanese culture can help connect and integrate the people of the United
  • 4. Symptoms And Types Of Neurological Disorders Neurological disorders such as autism, Down syndrome, ADHD, SPD etc have behavioral challenges and durations that are unpredictable. As the neurological disorders progress, the physical, emotional and cognitive needs increase creating an obligation of family members or others to provide care. This responsibility is often taken by an immediate familymember such as parents, partner or children. Neurological disorders take a slow pace towards betterment so it requires family members to play multiple roles, that of a caregiver also assuming the financial and household responsibilities. Some neurological disorders progress with time, putting the caregiver in charge for decades. Care giving help in drawing family members closer and also brings... Show more content on ... This can result to care giving burden, which Buhse 2008 defines as a multidimensional response to physical, psychological, emotional, social and financial stressors associated with the care giving experience. Caregivers have responsibilities that are widespread and entail much more rather than just the care of the recipient. Dealing with all kinds of care needs is not something that is planned for years or decades into the future. Care giving responsibilities are far more than physical needs, it also involves proper guidance as what to do but it is rare to find role models who can help and guide the caregivers through the challenging journey they are on. Care giving requires a well thought out plan to manage this reality at the point in which it occurs, be that while developing as an individual, raising a family or preparing for retirement but unfortunately care givers do not get enough time to have it all planned. They also have to face physical, emotional, psychological and financial challenges without anyone to help them get through. The patient has the caregivers support but there is no one for the caregiver. The lifestyle of the caregiver needs to be adjusted in order to help the patient recover, this leads to drastic changes that is incorporated quickly. Sudden change in lifestyle can make one feel lonely and socially isolated as the peers and colleagues have different socializing patterns that
  • 5. Efforts And Civic Engagement Of The Walt Disney Company The Walt Disney Company is a diversified international multimedia company earning 169.3 billion dollars (including revenue, assets, profits) as of May 2016. The company was founded by Walt and Roy Disney on October 16, 1923 in the neighborhood of Los Feliz in Southern California but in 1940 moved to Burbank California, where the main corporate headquarters still resides today. Disney ranks number eight for the worlds most valuable brands and number fifty eight for Americas best employers. In 2015 Disney gave 333.3 million dollars to non profit organizations and is a leader in philanthropy. Disney s current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is Robert Iger, who took over in October 2005 after the retirement of Michael Eisner. The Walt DisneyCompany ... Show more content on ... From humble beginnings as a cartoon studio they have become a major player in the entertainment industry. Disney operates through five business segments: Media Networks, Parks Resorts, Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products and Interactive Media. (Forbes Magazine, 2016). In this paper, I want to focus on the philanthropic efforts and civic engagement of the Walt Disney Company that is not commonly known. Disney focuses its charitable giving on mostly undeserved populations, In 2015, Disney gave $333.3 million to nonprofit organizations helping kids, families, and communities in need through charitable cash giving, in kind and product contributions, and public service announcements. From volunteering in local communities to raising thousands of dollars and unlocking donations to deserving nonprofits around the globe, Disney has inspired kids and families to take 34.8 million actions since 2012. (Walt Disney Company,
  • 6. BINGO Board Game Analysis The objective of the first interactive learning activity is to promote a deeper understanding of the core tenets of the Constitution. This can be accomplished by playing a BINGO board game. The prepared BINGO cards will contain a total of twenty five squares with five rows going across and five rows going down. Three BINGO cards will be distributed to parents containing the key tenets written on the inside of each of the squares. Some of the tenets will be duplicated inside the squares while other squares will contain a blank space. The parents will also receive a small packet of colored chips to use as a marker for the squares. A list of questions regarding each of the core tenets will begin the BINGO game. The speaker will read one question relating to the core tenets. Parents will raise his or her hand to answer the question. The presenter will continue to call on parents until a correct response has been given. The parents will place a colored chip on the square if the correct answer is written inside the square. There will be more questions asked than the number of squares on the BINGO cards. The winner of the game must have colored chips in all squares going across, ... Show more content on ... The presenter should divide parents into three groups and provide them with a copy of the Constitution. The parents will also need a visual handout that shows the authority and responsibilities of each of the three branches of government. The parents should be divided and placed into one of the three groups. These groups include the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. Each of the three branches should assign the appropriate mock staff to represents his or her branch appropriately. The mock staff will include the President, Congress, the Senate, the House of Representatives, Federal or State Courts, and the Supreme
  • 7. Hate Speech And Free Speech In The Public Universities all over the country have had some similar conflicts. No one really knows what needs to happen to get them to end. These protesters have been violent and nonviolent. Nonviolent protesters could be protected by their freedom of speech, but so could the violent ones. Knowing that violent protesting needs to be put to an end, police officials are not really sure how they should go about it. The protests at Universities have made heads turn, while government officials are contemplating on what they should do to help keep the students and speakers safe. Hate speechand free speech have some differences. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, hate speech is defined as a, speech that is intended to insult, offend, or intimidate a person because of some trait (Merriam Webster Dictionary). Freedom of speechis, the right to express information, ideas, and opinions free of government restrictions (Merriam Webster Dictionary). These terms have parallel but contrasting meanings. Everyone has their freedom of speech. Anyone can speak their opinions without worries. Fighting words or hate speech is protected as long as there is no violence according to Kathleen Ann Ruane, a Legislative Attorney. Different college universities are needing to lay out some regulations to their protests so that they can have a safer environment. The University of California Berkeley had some protests pertaining to Ben Shapiro, a speaker they had early in September. There were no
  • 8. Essay On Adult Obesity My topic was based on the nutrition and weight status health indicator for the Healthy People 2020. The nutrition and weight status indicator based one of their objectives on adult obesity and its need for health promotion especially amongst minorities. Obesity is a major issue because it increases the risk for chronic healthconditions such as diabetes, hypertension, or cancer. In this paper I will discuss 3 issues of adult obesity on the African Americanpopulation such as the disease effects, healthcare racial disparities , and food policies to reduce obesity.Based on the American Journal of Health Education it was said that African Americans have the highest age adjusted rates of obesity at 48.1% amongst all races . However, with... Show more content on ... The first article I chose was based on the chronic health issues of obesity . The article was done by the American Heart Association which discussed the risk factors of ATRH (apparent treatment resistant hypertension) and African Americans with obesity were more at risk. Since African American people tend to have more sodium in their diets that increases the chance of getting ATRH. Also obesity was a common risk factor was for ARTH because it increases the chances of a cardiovascular disease and kidney diseases. This relates to the project because it is showing the predisposing lifestyle factors that could be changed to prevent ARTH. Such educational teachings include the importance of exercising , smoking cessation , and a low sodium diet to maintain or prevent chronic blood pressure disease (Judd, 2016).The cause of obesity is also induced by dozens of obesogenic factors and pathways that becomes more complex with the addition of racial and ethnic disparities .For example , because most African American neighborhoods are poor , they may not be able to get healthier options and good health education . Therefore the next article will be about the importance of reducing racial disparities in obesity and the effects on improving education / social networks to improve diet. Understanding the cause of obesity and how to prevent it varies differently between racial groups , that is why the article used the agent based modeling system
  • 9. Native American Tribes, The Creek Indians In The 1870 s In the book I Wish I d Been There, there are two chapters that can easily be compared and contrasted, the McGillivray Moment and Chief Joseph Surrenders. Both chapters describe in painful detail how two Native American tribes, the Creek Indians during the 1790 s and the Nez Perce of the 1870 s, were abruptly kicked off the land they had inhabited for generations. They were pursuaed by the use of treaties, by representatives of the American Government. These three representatives were General Washington, General Howard and General Miles and all three went to extreme measures in order to get the land they coveted, they even twisted the rules of war and went against the law. In The McGillivray Moment, President George Washington was worried... Show more content on ... For General Miles treaty was disingenuous, he did not have the Nez Perces best interest at heart , and in the end It was an unkept promise: they would be sent to Oklahoma territory where many would die of disease. In contrast General Washington s treaty was genuine and did have the Creek indians interest at heart, he really did try to please both the increase of white settlers and the tribal land the indians owned. Though in the end Washington s treaty was not honored. The promises made to McGillivray and his fellow indians, no matter how heartfelt could not be kept. In America today there are approximately 5.2 millions Native Americans, and they are still seeking freedom. Therefore the intention of the treaties (good or bad) ultimately failed to secure a land or future for the native americans. These two stories are prime examples of what people will do in order to get what they want, even if it means going against the law, or even almost wiping out a
  • 10. The War On Drugs And America s Drug Problem Samuel Spitz D Block 5/19/2016 The War on Drugs Based on the success and failures of the drug policies of the past, what is the best strategy for the United States to implement to help America s drug problem? Throughout time, United States drug policy has shifted dramatically. From all drugs being legal to Prohibition and the War on Drugs, the US has had conflicting ideas about what is best for society and American citizens when it comes to drugs. The current War on Drugs has resulted in countless arrests and years served in prison, and has disproportionately hurt minority communities, only to result in largely unchanged use and death rates for illicit substances. Marijuana, Heroin, and Cocaine have all become cheaper and more pure ... Show more content on ... In the 19th and early 20th centuries, drug use was not seen as a problem in America. Opiates were used in health elixirs to treat all manners of diseases and ailments. As a result, many house wives became addicted to opiates, as did Civil War soldiers, which was referred to as Soldiers Disease. Society did not punish these addicts or believe that they were destroying society. That changed however in 1914 with the Harrison Narcotics Act which essentially made all drugs, with the exception of alcohol and marijuana, illegal to sell or consume without a license. The criminalization of alcohol followed suit with the 18th Amendment and Prohibition. A little more than 20 years after the Harrison Narcotics Act was passed, the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act was passed, effectively making Marijuana illegal for growth, sale, and consumption. This path to a harsher treatment of drugs in America was not wholly successful, as Prohibition did not stop individuals from consuming alcohol and instead helped foster the creation of crime gangs which were overly violent and highly profitable. Although Prohibition was reversed in 1933 with the 21st Amendment, laws against other drugs remained, putting many individuals behind bars without preventing the import, sale, or use of drugs. These problems were exacerbated with the War on Drugs in the Nixon and Reagan Era. The hardline policy of the War on
  • 11. Chernobyl Informative Speech Essay Attention Getter: There are currently 442 active nuclear power reactors worldwide according to the Nuclear Energy Institute. Of all of the reactors worldwide, 14 have been classified as accidents where the public has been exposed to radiation. The most devastating of these incidents was the core meltdown of reactor 4 at Chernobyl, better known as the Chernobyl disaster. Introduction: Today I am going to tell you 3 things about Chernobyl. * First, I am going to tell you what Chernobyl was. * Second, I will tell you Why it happened and * Finally, I will tell you what the effects were and why it s relevant today. Body 1 What was Chernobyl ?: * April 26, 1986 in the early morning hours, an explosion rocked a thriving ... Show more content on ... * These 2 critical errors (withdrawing the rods and slowing the reaction too rapidly) made the engineers incapable of increasing the power within the reactor. * This was a safety precaution that the engineers overrode. * Normally, in a situation where the reactor becomes unstable two fail safe measures were in place. * First, the power of the reactor could be increased to re stabilize the nuclear reaction * And Second, the engineers could wait 24 hours to allow the reaction chemicals to dissipate * The Engineers however, had already disabled the first failsafe be removing the control rods. * The engineers also continued to turn off addition safety precautions including the emergency reactor cooling system. * This system was designed to help stop the reaction if too much heat was generated. * The emergency energy supply was also shut down, meaning there was no additional energy to run the plant. * The experiment continued and the turbine generators were also shutdown. * The electrical supply to the reactors water pumps was reduced as a result of the experiment, reducing the amount of cooling water passing through the reactor. * Because of this, water within the reactor core began to boil. * This was troublesome, since the cool water was used to reduce the heat of the reaction. * As the rate of nuclear reaction continued to accelerate, addition graphite tipped control rods
  • 12. Community Resources Essay Community Resource While I was gathering information about resources, I found out that the school provides few services for parents and students. Mascot Club, is a community education program that provides childcare to students, from 6AM to 6PM. The club also supplies a summer camp program. It is expensive though. Before, after school and recess days services for a month is 395 dollars, without recess day is 260 dollars, instead just afternoons, the amount monthly is 205 dollars. Furthermore, 5 mornings + 3 afternoons the rate is 195 dollars, and for 3 afternoons 140 dollars, for just mornings 80 dollars. For recess camp days, the amount is 40 dollars per day. These fees are for the first child, if there is a second child the fee changes a ... Show more content on ... Moreover, Girl scouts, Daisies, particularly for first grade. To register go to and type troop#4631. Peaceful Warrior Martial Arts, for new students, special 30 dollars includes two private lessons and a uniform. For Little Warriors ages 3 6; Youth ages 7 12; Teens ages 13 17 and Adults ages 18 80, memberships start at just 99 dollars per month, or call (480) 200 1187, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Additionally, Scottsdale Music Academy provides lessons in band coaching and more. One free lesson when you enroll, call (602) 751 3537. With music, we also need to dance, and have fun participating in family s classes at Dance Fusion youth academy. For children classes are Monday Thursday 4 6 pm and for family, classes are Monday Friday 6 8 pm. To enroll schedule at or call (480) 625 3900. There are Musical Theater, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, and for adults Cardio Dance Party, Bollywood, Israeli Folk Dance, and Flamingo. First class is free in Scottsdale AZ 85260. Nonetheless, Horizon High School, has couple activities for children. One is Jr. Huskies Football for ages 8 14 years old, practices are from 6 to 8:30 pm on Tuesday and Thursday, and on Saturday practices are 9:30 11:00 am. For info go to or The other activity that Horizon provides, open to 4 year old 3rd Graders, is called ACCENTS ,
  • 13. The Island President Jenid Research Paper Former President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives Islands once said, If we do not act now, my island nation will be submerged by the sea . In his 2011 documentary, The Island President, President Nasheed voices his concern for the rapid impact of climate change on his country. The Maldives are beginning to face their future as sunken islands, and if nothing is done to prevent rapid sea level changes, the islands will face destruction. President Nasheed recognized this, but following a political coup d Г©tat, on February 2, 2012, he was forced to resign and was replaced by President Abdulla Yameen. Unlike Nasheed, President Yameen lacks the sturdy political leadership that is necessary to fight climate change, and due to this, the Maldivian economy, society, and ecosystem will collapse. Mohamed Nasheed became President in October 2008 in the first free presidential election in the Maldives. He quickly became known worldwide for his efforts to help his country, broadcasting his hope for the Maldives to become the world s first carbon neutral nation by the year 2020 (Gregerson). Furthermore, he passed numerous bills and programs related to climate change. Not only was Nasheed an advocate for his nation s climate, but he also wanted to make an impact on the world, stating that, if we are unable to save countries like the Maldives, it may be too late to save the rest of the world from the apocalyptic effects of self reinforcing, runaway global warming (Russell). To do this, he
  • 14. Genesis 6-13 Research Paper As a descendant of Adam and Eve, Noah was both a blameless and righteous man who faithfully walked alongside the Lord. Unlike the others in his generation, Noah did not allow the wickedness to enter into his own life, and God sought favor in this. Genesis 6: 13 reveals the discussion between God to Noah, revealing his plan to destroy every living thing under the heavens due to the violence that seeps in the lives of all creations. The Lord instructed Noah to build an ark out of cypress wood, accommodating the dimensions of forty five feet long, seventy five feet wide, and forty five feet high. One the construction was completed the Lord revealed the occupants of the ark. The individuals chosen to accompany Noah during the flood were his wife, Noah s three sons and their wives, along with a single pair of all unclean animals, and seven pairs of all clean animals. The Lord then instructs Noah and his occupants to enter into the ark, affirming, Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty... Show more content on ... Every living creation perished, leaving Noah and the other occupants of the ark as the only remaining creatures on the earth. The waters cleansed the earth from all sin, giving the Lord a fresh start to a more awe inspiring and passionate coexistence between future generations. After a year and seventeen days on the ark, the Lord instructed Noah and his family to bring the animals out onto the newly cleansed land so that they can be fruitful and increase in numbers. Once the task was complete, Noah set out on a task of building an altar and made a sacrificial burnt offering from some of the clean animals and presented it to the Lord. The Lord then proclaimed that never again would he curse the ground or destroy all living creatures due to the wickedness and evil that could once again fill the hearts of his living
  • 15. Cg Jung Research Paper I have gradually begun to appreciate how C.G. Jung s awareness of humanity has influenced the field of Psychology. It seems like everyday I hear the terms extravert and introvert . Additionally, I will occasionally hear the term archetype; though probably not with the same defining attitude as the Jungian conception. The one point that consistently interests me, in Jung s writing, is his approach towards the idea of the unconscious. While most of the literature I read relegates unconsciousness to the sphere of the mysterious, Jung presents it as a concomitant part of consciousness and the ego world. Throughout my current reading of Man and his Symbols, the relationship of the unconscious, as an adviser to the conscious, discloses a
  • 16. Analysis Of Dinner With Friends By Donald Margulies There were many plays that I could have chosen from, but this one Dinner with Friends by Donald Margulies caught my attention. I found it so interesting and very well written which made me want to actually write my director s notebook about. I chose this play because I liked how it was being told. The way the author wrote this play was very unique. I also liked the play itself because a lot of these stuff are happening today in the world we live in and so there is a lot of comparing between the play and reality. I have a lot of ideas on how this play can be performed and different designs which made me choose this play. I also found it interesting which motivated me to do it. Donald Margulies was born in Brooklyn, New York. He and his wife, Lynn Street, have been married for twenty one years. He mentioned that the play he wrote Dinner with Friends was a reflection of the circumstances and changes of relationship such as his and his wife s since they have been married for a long time. He also said that there are problems and consequences when people fall apart. This play is a great play because a lot of people can relate to it.The play is considered a drama. The play was commissioned by Actors Theatre of Louisville and had its world premiere at the Humana Festival of New American Plays in March 1998. This play has been revised twice throughout the years. The first revised version was in October 1998 and the second one that was revised was in October 1999. Then it
  • 17. Should The Fair Use Doctrine Must Be Won And Defended On... According to Intellectual Property Quotes (n.d.), While American intellectual property deserves protection, that protection must be won and defended in a manner that does not stifle innovation, erode due process under the law, and weaken the protection of political and civil rights on the Internet (Intellectual PropertyQuotes, n.d.). In this paper I will discuss the facts and legal reasoning of this case, what the Fair UseDoctrine is, and will answer the following: why it is important to protect intellectual property, why it is important for society to have access to intellectual property, and whether the Fair Use Doctrine properly balances the rights of content producers against the public good. Facts and Legal Reasoning of This Case According to Gambino (2011, June 21), in a recent movie called The Hangover Part II, Stu Price, a dentist in the movie who is played by actor Ed Helms, wakes up with a tribal tattoo on his face after a night of partying in Bangkok. The tattoo is identical to one that Mike Tyson has, which refers to the boxer s appearance in the 2009 movie The Hangover. S. Victor Whitmill, Mike Tyson s tattoo artist, filed a lawsuit against Warner Bros. Entertainment on April 28, 2011 just a couple weeks before the movie was scheduled to open. He sued them because he had obtained a copyright for the tattoo on April 19, 2011; he claimed that since they were using this tattoo for the movie as well as in advertisements, that this was copyright infringement.
  • 18. Apostle s Closing Admonitions The Apostle s Closing Admonitions and Benediction (16:10 24) E. Harrison (p. 275) summarizes the message of the Epistle in these words: The greatest single overall emphasis seems to be on the unity of the local church as the body of Christ, which is brought out not only in connection with the discussion of the groups (i.e.; the factions within the church), but also in relation to the Lord s Supper and spiritual gifts. A corollary is the sanctity of the church as members of Christ, both corporately and individually, (note, especially, such passages as 1 Cor. 3:16 17 and 6:15 20.) We may add, it is in this Epistlethat the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul most eloquently sets forth the supremacy of love as the most excellent way, which the Christian is called to follow (1 Cor. 12:31b 13:13 The Mystery Surrounding the Missing Letters The References to Two Other Letters Sometime after his initial visit to Corinth, probably while he was ministering in Ephesus, Paul wrote a letter to the church, a letter to which he alludes in 1 Cor. 5:9, I wrote to you in my epistle not to have any company with fornicators. As D. Guthrie points out (p. 426), the gist of the contents of that previous letter may be inferred from 1 Cor. 5:9 13. The apostle had evidently issued a warning to the Corinthians to maintain a clear separation from those persons who continued to exhibit the pagan lifestyle that was characteristic of Corinth. (As we have seen, the city was renowned for its
  • 19. Copula Variation Across Two Decades of Hip Hop Nation... This paper is missing several charts. For many people, the only form of African American Vernacular English that reaches their world comes solely from the media, specifically popular Hip Hop music. On the other hand, there are those who have lived completely immersed in it. Hip Hop music is a genre whose medium was originally derived from African American Vernacular English. There are many popular musical artists in the United States and other countries today who are involved in this cultural movement that began decades ago. Over time, questions have risen about African American Vernacular English (AAVE), its origins and how it stands unique from Standard English. More recently a new term has come about in the sociolinguistics field ... Show more content on ... Finally I will comment on what implications any trend may hold for natural language change in AAVE and for cultural events during this time and compare the results with previous studies on the environmental constraints for the copula in AAVE and HHNL. Although the current study examines language use in HHNL, it is first necessary to go further back in time to the origins of AAVE and look at specific features AAVE has in contrast with standard English and also examine further developments of AAVE through cultural movements such as Hip Hop. In one of the earlier studies done on language use in AAVE, John R Rickford, Arnetha Ball, Raina Jackson Blake, and Naomi Martin (1991), stated that AAVE is the only American dialect where is deletion is found. He had found occasional instances of are deletion in some European American dialects. Rickford also discussed copula variation playing a large role in the origin debate of AAVE. He presents all previously stated methodologies of the origin debate including the Dialectologist and also the Creolist Approach, in order to compare all theories of copula variation in AAVE. There are two specific views on the origin of AAVE. Labov s Dialectologist approach (1969) assumes that AAVE was created into a dialect of American English. This means that all of the distinguishing features of AAVE were created out
  • 20. Merger Of Hewlett Packard Company INTRODUCTION The paper will examine the merger of Hewlett Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ) and Compaq Computer Corporation in 2001. The following key issues will be examined: reasons for the merger reasons against the merger assessment of the performance of the consolidated company since the merger completion. BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANIES Hewlett Packard (HP) is a leading technology solutions provider for both consumers and businesses. We invent, engineer and deliver technology solutions that drive business value, create social value and improve the lives of our customers (Hewlett Packard Company Company Profile, 2002). Hewlett Packard was created in 1939 by two Stanford University Graduates, William Hewlett and David Packard. The company had a product line of eight items a resistance capacity oscillator. In 1998, Hewlett Packard launched a comprehensive review of its operations. In July, 1999, HP named Carleton (Carly) S. Fiorina as President and CEO. Fiorina was responsible for HP s reorganization into a company that makes the internet work for businesses and consumers. (Hewlett Packard Company Company Profile, 2002). HP had positioned itself to deliver Web services, intelligent devices and servers and infrastructure of servers and software. Compaq Computers built a portable PC in 1980 that met a lukewarm reception. In 1982, HP entered the market with IBM clones computers that looked and performed like IBM PCs, but with a price point much lower than the IBM
  • 21. Critical Interpretations of The Cask of Amontillado Essay quot;The Cask of Amontillado quot;: Critical Interpretations Among Poe s most intriguing tales is quot;The Cask of Amontillado, quot; first published in Godey s Lady s Book in November of 1847. A surface reading of that story reveals only a simple description by Montresor (the narrator) of how he kills another man who was called, ironically, Fortunato. Montresor exploits Fortunato s vanity concerning the connoiseurship of wine; specifically, Montresor pretends to want a wine cask of Amontillado verified as genuine. Montresor chooses a time when Fortunato is drunk to dupe him into going down the spiral stairs into the catacombs, which serve as a sort of family burial grounds for the race of Montresors. But rather than a mere cask of ... Show more content on ... The fact that Fortunato easily succumbs to the pleasures of the flesh would seem to reinforce the view that Montresor and Fortunato constitute another of Poe s divided personalities; they are actually but one person divided against himself. In addition, we have Montresor, the judging side of the personality, emblematic of the Imp of the Perverse. So far, so good. Montresor preys upon Fortunato s tendency to drink, as well as upon his vanity. Fortunato, representative of the flesh, dons the fool s cap and is led by Montresor to a pitiful death. He walls Fortunato [the fool in himself] into a niche in the catacombs; the voice that speaks to us comes from beyond the grave. Yet still it must confess only to suicide! The suicide thesis would preclude that Poe has purposefully encoded the story. This encoding would suggest that he has deliberately diddled his readers, or that he wants the story to serve as litmus for the intuition, or both. So, are there more clues to support the suicide thesis? We have Montresor s coat of arms, a foot crushing quot;a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel. quot; What symbol could better suggest the action that Montresor has taken. The foolish side of his nature plants its fangs in his heel; thus he must destroy it, lest it destroy him. Very similar is Montresor s situation to that of William Wilson except that the narrators are
  • 22. An Essay On Detective Mills Character Detective Mills Character from the movie Se7en The movie itself has a complex design and was a thriller/horror/crime Hollywood kind of film that was done in 1995. It is directed by the director of the Fight Club film that is David Fincher. The main characters in this movie include Morgan Freeman who plays the character of William Somerset and Brad Pitt who plays the character of David Mills. The two characters get involved in a series of horrible murders carried out by a serial killer who finds his inspiration from the Seven Deadly sins theme that is wrath, envy, gluttony, sloth, lust, greed and pride (TVTropes, n.d.). The character of Mills depicted in this film balances between the roles of hero and villain and therefore Detective Mills ... Show more content on ... he is portrayed as an idealistic person in his work which is mainly channeled by the fact that he has a naГЇve egotism as represented when he contradicts with officer Somerset. Officer Somerset wishes to retire soon and intends on leaving a legacy in detective Mills as they both have the same views of justice and ideals in a town filled with corruption but Mills being a person who is headstrong does not allow Officer Somerset to fully change his character. Since Detective Mills is full of pride, this makes him to fall from grace as the movie/film nears the end. The death of envy was realized when Tracy, Mills wife died and with the death of Doe in Mills hands also results in the death of wrath through loss of freedom and innocence. His death was also the death of envy as he admitted in the movie that he envied mills. From this events of the death of Tracy his wife, Detective Mills character changed as his life was ruined which also resulted in the shattering of his idealism. In the film, from then henceforth Mills becomes the murderer s plaything because everything he loved and treasured was taken away from him by the murderer and thus acts as expected by Doe (Wakeman,
  • 23. Us Containment Policy Research Paper The U.S. Containment Policy In the World War II, two super power and allies, the United States and Soviet Union fought together with different reasons. The United States wanted stop Nazi German, but the Soviet Union wanted absolute control of the Eastern Europe countries. These differences brought tension to the relationship between them, which Americans started to concern about Joseph Stalin, the Russian leader. First, in the Stalin speech in 1946, he stated the only key to future world peace was for monopoly capitalism to be replaced by Communism around the world. It became clear to the Supreme Court Justice William Douglas that Stalin was declaring another World War based in his ideology. (Fraser 697). Based on Stalin speech, the American embassy in Moscow, George Kennan sent the Long Telegram , which he explained his strategy of containment against Soviet Union, a political force committed fanatically to the belief that with the U.S. there can be no permanent modus vivendi [agreement between parties that disagree] ; as a result, America s only choice... Show more content on ... Meanwhile, the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill stated in the Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri with the presence of the president Truman that From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent. Also, Churchill spoke about the communist fifth columns that were operating in the western and southern Europe. Churchill s speech promoted the Cold War beginning. (History 2009). In sum, Americans concluded that Stalin communism ideals were actions of an evil and tyranny leadership, which the Cold War was
  • 24. The Yellow Wallpaper, By Charlotte Perkins Gilman At what point does an individual come to the realization that they are trapped within an internal perpetual prison? Many women during the 19th century suffered from countless diseases and disorders that went untreated and society had deemed their voice powerless and useless. According to the University of Toledo Libraries Women were especially vulnerable to inadequate diagnoses and treatment in 19th century America. It was commonly believed that most physical ailments of women were caused by their sexual organs or mental disorders, resulting in painful, sometimes lethal treatments. Within the oeuvre of Charlotte Perkins GilmanThe Yellow Wallpaperwe examine the insouciant approach that society made towards the mental health of women, which ultimately led to the mental instability of countless females. In an era of male chauvinism in which women were to be seen and not heard, had no voice and were rendered uneducated, illiterate and that their sole purpose was to serve their spouses. The narrator in the short story is suffering from nervous depression that has been onset from her moving into a new environment. Still I will proudly declare that there is something queer about it. (Gilman 645) This rather queer environment is troubling our narrator due to this , she is led to believe that the estate is haunted. Rather than lend an ear to the perplexity of his consort he disregards her and merely chuckles at her inmost malaise. Gilman states John laughs at me, of course,
  • 25. The Article On Aliens Among Us Extraterrestrial life has been a big topic for Americans since day one. According to author Lee Speigel there is an estimation of 48 percent of Americans throughout the nation that believe in life on other planets while only 35 percent reject the idea. Life on other planets exists. According to the article Aliens among Us by Paul, David extraterrestrial evidence has already been discovered such as different types of bacteria and even water. The article Aliens among Us is a credible source because it has many explanations and possibilities on how life on other planets can easily be real. Extraterrestrial lifecan be many things such as plants or living bacteria. Astronomers have proven that there is water in other planets such as Mars. Water contains different types of bacteria and cells, water in other planets can be one of our best piece of evidence that we can prove that there is life on other planets. There has been UFO s crashes that have been recorded such as in Roswell, New Mexico 1947 but the government took all the evidence and it s probably in Area 51. Although there is no hard evidence that proves aliens are real, NASA has announced that they will be able to find living creatures by the year 2025. On July 3rd, 1947 a UFO crashed in New Mexico in a small town called Roswell. People that have been asked to describe this object all say that was about 20 25 feet across and it had many different bright lights that were moving across the sky at 400 500 miles per
  • 26. God Father Symbolism The 1930 s and 40 s were a famous time for gangsters, mobs and mafias. The God Father directed by Francis Ford Coppola and written by Mario Puzo focuses on this era. Gangster genre films always seem to have dark colors and low lighting, usually an urban city location and outfitting is formal, props in these films are guns, cigars/cigarettes, drugs and money. Everything is put in a film for a reason and all these elements combine to create a typical gangster setting. But, The God Father was not a typical gangster film. Mario Puzo used many, if not all of these elements but he refined the gangster genre using intricate editing techinques. In the first scene at his daughters wedding, Bonasera asks Don Carleone to avenge his daughters assaliant. The lighting in this scene was dark and the camera angles high and low symbolizing who had the most power. It worked for this particluar scene because they were doing a back door dealing and also showed us how Don Carleone was looked up to and respected by others. The film is set in 1940 s New York, Don Corleone and his men are always seen in formal wear, and Corleone had a cigar in a number of scenes although we dont see stacks of money all the time it is shown to us indirectly when we see his mansion and expensive cars and fancy dinners. This also worked for the film because it was historically correct, 1940 s New York was home to many mobsters and crime families and the outfits represented their status in society. In my opinion I
  • 27. Analysis Essay of Aria by Richard Rodriguez NOUR BAHRIEN1111 Academic Writing M. Antoniadou 29th October2012 Analysis essay of Aria by Richard Rodriguez (2nd draft) This essay, titled Aria , originally published in 2008, is an autobiographic essay of the author s childhood, Richard Rodriguez . In his essay, Richard is against bilingual educators, who think that children in their first years of school should be educated in their native language. According to him this education system is wrong, won t be beneficial, therefore children should be educated in the same language as the public one. Rodriguez s main point is to strongly encourage children of immigrant parents to adopt English, the public language as their main language in order to become assimilated in the... Show more content on ... Ricardo uses frequently the negation marks in order to support that they remained a loving family, but one greatly changed, No longer so close: no longer bound , neither my older brother nor sister , Nor did I this last in a separate sentence to accentuate his position and the negation (288). He contrasts this new situation with the one they had in the past where after dinner each night, the family gathered (287). Readers feel that in the past family bonds and ties were stronger and the house was full of joy and laughs, everyone laughed (287). Thereby, Richard used we ( we played ) as for him and his family that has a stronger meaning and connotation since they where feeling closer, as a whole. But also, in the past Richard was impatient to go back home, where he could actually speak the language, now he says, gone was the desperate, urgent, intense feeling of being at home (288). Furthermore, after this feeling of closeness diminished, silence started taking place in the house as Richard explains that as we children learned more and more English, we shared fewer and fewer words with our parents (288). So in the past, children were more comfortable in speaking Spanish with their parents and spoke a language, which the parents actually understand and respond with ease, the house was full of language of home (286). By speaking English so much, a gap between Richard and his parents grew. After this process of Americanization, the silence at home, however,
  • 28. Lab Report On The Dehydration Reaction Of 2... DEHYDRATION OF METHYLCYCLOHEXANOLS Nicholas Van Horssen CHMY 321 TA: Michael Giroux 10/31/17 Introduction: The purpose of this lab was to carry out a dehydration reaction of 2 methylcyclohexanol by heating it in the presence of phosphoric acid and determining which alkene product would be the major product. Methylcyclohexanols were dehydrated in an 85% phosphoric acid mixture to yield the minor and major alkene product by elimination reaction, specifically E1. The alkenes were distilled to separate the major and minor products and gas chromatography was used to analyze the results and accuracy of the experiment. The hypothesis was the major product of the reaction would be the most substituted product. This conclusion was made because of ... Show more content on ... Distillation of the first product began at 83 В°C. A Pasteur pipette was used to remove 1 ml of the distillate into a vial. A second vial was filled with distillate until it reached 1 ml. As the second vial is being filled, observe the temperature and remove the apparatus from the heat source if there is an observed drop in temperature. Once the distillate had been collected into two separate vials, both distillates were washed with aqueous sodium bicarbonate (1.5 ml, 5%). The aqueous layer (lower) was extracted from both vials using a pipette and put into a chemical waste bin. The organic (alkene) layer was then dried with anhydrous calcium chloride pellets (3 pellets per vial). Both distillates were analyzed using gas chromatography, and each peak shown was identified to be one of the alkenes. Analysis of the graph was used to determine the major and minor products of the reaction. Results: M.W. (g/mol)Boiling point (В°C)Density (g/mL) 2 methylcyclohexanol114.21660.930 Phosphoric Acid (85%)98.01.70 1 methylcyclohexene96.21100.813 3 methylcyclohexene96.21040.801 Table 1: Properties of the reagents and possible products for the reaction. The boiling point of Phosphoric acid is not important because it is a reagent. Figure 2: Gas Chromatography analysis from the first sample. From top to bottom the peaks are ordered as followed: 3 methylcyclohexanol (A), 1 methylcyclohexanol (B), and 2 methylcyclohexanol
  • 29. Humanism In Ancient Greek Art The ancient Greek civilization has long fascinated the world. Their achievement in art, literature, science, medicine, philosophy was not paralleled by any other civilization at its time. The Greek art gave rise to the Renaissance and classical art we treasure today. Humanism: Men are the measure of all things (Protagoras, 490 420 BCE) guided every aspect of the Greek society, and the concept is clearly reflected in their artworks. The Getty Villa houses many exquisite examples of humanism in art. The Greekssee the human body as an example of supreme physical beauty; therefore, each generation of Greek artists endeavored to produce a more natural representation of the human body. With no standing army, every Greek citizen had the... Show more content on ... The ancient Greeks invented gods and goddesses for almost every aspect and purpose in life, and gradually developed intricate yet captivating stories for them. The ancient Greece was a harsh world. City States are constantly at war; life expectancy was short, and infant mortality was as high as 50%; the weather was unpredictable, thus at times, food became scarce (3,4). Although the ancient Greeks were highly rational and believed in science, the existence of deities helped explain what was not understood by the ancient people. Worshiping and pleasing their gods were a vital part of the Greek society (5). The Greeks produced a large amount of artworks to pay tribute to the gods and goddesses in exchange for their favor. Humanism is evident in how Greek artists depicted their deities. Civilizations predating the Greeks carefully distinguished their deities from humans in artworks. For example, Mesopotamian deities have bull horns or have animal bodies with a human head; Egyptian gods are depicted as having animal heads on human bodies, or they have features to distinguish them from humans, such as Osiris and Isis. However, Greek gods and goddesses are represented in normal human forms. They are physically more attractive and more powerful than human beings, yet they possess human attributes, such as flaws, weakness, and emotions, etc. Greek artists believe that gods and goddesses should be elevated and
  • 30. Why Are The Marine Corps Important The importance of the Marine Corps Why is the Marine Corps important? In my opinion the Marine corps is important to the country because they risk their lives every day to protect us, they are always ready to jump into action no matter the task ahead of them and it prepares the Marines for life after the military. I chose the Marine Corps for my topic because it is something I honestly see myself doing in the future. Here are some examples of why I strongly believe that the Marine Corps plays an important part in the country. At any given moment, Marines are willing to go into harm s way and risk their lives to accomplish the mission set before them. It may be difficult to imagine the United States military without thinking of the marine corps, ... Show more content on ... There are a whole range of factors to consider, so setting goals is important. Additionally, it is crucial to make sure you have the financial stability to achieve these goals. No matter where you are in the military service, give some thought to what your life will look like after you leave the service. Every hour of preparation now will make the future so much easier and more pleasant for everyone involved in it. You need to leave the military with as few financial obligations as possible. Credit cards and high interest loans absolutely should go, then hopefully you can pay off any other loans you may have. Make all bills go
  • 31. The 1970s Energy Crisis In The 1970 s The 1970s energy crisis was a problem in the 1970s, because it caused panic in America. So many people, at that time were depended on oil, to keep their cars running. What caused the panic, started when an oil embargo was imposed. This oil embargo was imposed by the members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC). Shortly after the embargo was a announced, only three months later oil prices shot up from $3 per barrel to $12. Also due to this oil embargo, American also faced fuel shortages as well. During this time, sometimes the lines would form at gas stations, with people demanding more oil. The United States Government tried to help, by taking strides to preserve energy. One example, was how gas stations were requested to stay closed on Sundays. Since people could not buy oil to power their cars, they did buy cars at all. So this also caused an immense hit to the American automotive industry. Although the The oil embargo was lifted in March 1974, although oil fees remained high.... Show more content on ... As of right now, people all over the world rely on oil, gas, and coal for about 80% of their energy needs. Unfortunately, this state of energy needs is believed to grow almost half over the next two decades. In the future there is possibility that the world will run out of energy. Energy is predicted to run out in about thirty years, if people continuous to use the size of energy that they do now. In spite of the fact that we could run out of energy, there is still hope today. Scientists are working around the clock, to find new gas and oil fields everyday. Other scientists are also trying to find more beneficial ways to retrieve energy. So there is still hope today for a radiant more viridescent world, even with the energy crisis that is
  • 32. Allusions In Goblin Market During the Victorian Age, many poets discreetly included Christian values in their works because the time between 1850 and 1870, was a time of the greatest challenge to traditional religious belief. Christina Rossetti worried about the Christian virtues of, faith, hope, and charity, the rest of the world was worried about material prosperity, business, and the joy that the money they had could buy them. In 1859 Christina Rossetti s poem, Goblin Market, there is a strong parallel to Christianity, with it s allusions to many different biblical themes. This children s story has many hidden sexual and religious images that go deeper than the reader s initial thoughts of the poem. Christina Rossetti does a great job of carefully placing... Show more content on ... She uses the pair of sisters to recreate the greatest love story of all time. She cunningly uses the fall of Laura to represent the fall of mankind. The serpent to deceive the world is represented by the goblin men which also represent temptation and desire. The story gives an example of what can happens when people gratify the desires of sin. She uses Lizzie to represent Christ coming into the world and sacrificing himself, when she goes to the goblin market. She even includes the Eucharist when Lizzie offers her sister her body just as Christ offered his body to the world. She shows the importance of self discipline by the rejection of the fruit. Christina Rossetti did a great job of incorporating these themes in this children story. This is a great story and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and analyzing
  • 33. Sarah Goldhagen It is interesting to consider Sarah Goldhagen s text Coda: Reconceptualizing the Modern , a systematic categorization of the branches of modernism which developed concurrently during the beginning of the twentieth century, through the lens of George Kubler s seminal essay The Shape of Time. It is interesting not only because Goldhagen serves to substantiate Kubler s polemical argument, in summary, that the evolution of art and science is a process which depends on incremental physical and perceptual developments, but because she uses modernism, which is typically considered a paradigm shift relative to the history of history, to depict the ebb and flow of social, political and cultural changes that occur in the development of modern aesthetics.... Show more content on ... It is as if things generated other things in their own images by human intermediaries captivated with those possibilities of sequence and progression... In our terms each invention is a new serial position. Without change there is no history; without regularity there is no time states Kubler. Goldhagen follows: Modernist architects were also forging a common architectural culture, an enterprise that often engenders a spirit of cooperation, building upon what people share... [the modern movement] was now subjected to centrifugal rather than centripetal forces, It splintered into a number of more distinct and evolving discursive
  • 34. Beneath Clouds BENEATH CLOUDS Ivan Sen (2002) NOTES * Opening credits: Images of rolling clouds, vast and immense, threatening and powerful. * Two female, high school students dressed in uniform walk a barren landscape. The only colour and movement comes from the trucks that roar through. Isolated, Aboriginal community. * Walk past an indigenous mancarrying a jerry can of petrol. Stereotypical image of addiction. Lena in a thick Australian accent: Whadda dickhead. Clear from this dialogue that her values are very different from the norm. * Close up of dead butterfly with crawling ants, camera switches to close up of Lena. Connection between the character and the butterfly is made both are beautiful creatures but neither ... Show more content on ... The us and them mentality is revealed again. Refer to each other through their dialogue as cuz and brother . Immediate kinship expressed through colloquial language. Diegetic sound comes from the radio as the lyrics I wish I was back in the Dreamtime filter out. * Cut to close up shot of dead cockatoo on the road side. White is indicative of innocence and purity. Another thing destroyed. * Car is pulled over by police. Officer refers to the driver as boy a derogatory term, belittling, demeaning. An allusion to the African slave term and reflection of inherent racism. The generic title removes the individuality of the driver. An assertion of power. * Police car seen leaving in rear view mirror (possible link between abandonment of Australian government concerning indigenous issues). * Lena sits in the back seat, next to another young, fair skinned Aboriginal woman. She has a toddler on her lap. Again, that theme of pregnancy is raised and in response to the child s cries, the driver turns and slaps her across the face. This scene seems to highlight the negative aspects of Aboriginal culture that is, the subordination of women and prevalence of domestic violence. * L: Stop the fucking car... I said, stop the fucking car. To the driver: you re an arsehole, you know that. * She takes a stand, noticeably Vaughn and the girl herself do not. Quiet acceptance of such exchanges. When out of
  • 35. College Drinking In College Attending parties and binge drinking in college is a very regular occurrence for young adults these days. Across the country, campuses have had more students who are experiencing alcohol problems and alcohol related injuries than ever before. This is due to the fact that alcohol is so readily available wherever you go. It can be obtained in liquor stores, grocery stores, superstores and even the local shop on the corner of your street. This is especially true on college campuses, where students may not be mature or responsible enough to handle the effects that come with drinking. From weekly drink specials at the bars, to Greek life parties, a college campus can be an easy place to acquire and develop a drinking problem. There was a recent national survey taken that found almost sixty percent of college students drank alcohol in the past month alone, and around two thirds of these students engaged in binge drinking during that period. It is very easy to be peer pressured into drinking; it can seem like a lot of fun at the time and new students wanting to fit in can sometimes feel obliged to do so. As there is drinking occurring almost every night on a college campus it can be hard to find yourself out of place if you start to develop a drinking habit. There will always typically be people you know going out and partying, and therefore if other people are doing it then why can t you? No one ever thinks anything bad will happen to them, thus they drink without concern and can
  • 36. Left Foot Surgery Paper There were only three surgery appointed during rotation. One surgery already started, so there were only two surgeries available. These two surgeries were on a clavicle and a foot. A surgical assistant went to patients with surgery appointment in order to find out whether student could attend their surgery. The patient with clavicle surgery denied the approval, but thankfully a foot surgery was available. The patient for the foot surgery was a male with plantar fasciitis on his left foot, and he was about to have tenex procedure. The surgery was slow to have efficient result, but the surgery was not as slow as other surgeries because the healthcare workers were quick in response to many instructions. After the surgery was done, the patient was moved to recovery unit until his consciousness became alert. The procedure itself was very interesting to see. The surgeon made a clean cut, inserted ultrasonic device to clean scar tissues, and patched the cut as if nothing happened. The process was seen through ultrasound device, and the device was very helpful in showing where the scar tissue is located and the progress the surgeon was making inside of foot. At first, I didn t understand why the surgeon was moving around inside patient s... Show more content on ... The surgeon was very familiar with his fellow surgical assistants, and he brought out many unrelated topics to the procedure, but he was able to receive attentions from his coworkers. To be flank, I was surprised by the fact that the surgeon and the surgical assistants were efficient and precise in their job while enjoying spending time together in a surgery room. In my opinion, that was the best environment to work in because enjoying occupation while doing job is hard to find. I also found their communication very fun, and I would like to find a working environment where I can actually have fun rather than stressing out every
  • 37. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Selective Breeding Selective breeding is the process by which humans reproduce other animals and plants of special features. Typically, strains that are selectively bred are domesticated, and livestock is normally done by a professional breeder, Livestock animals are known as races, while high plants are known as the varieties cultigens, or cultivars. The offspring of two purebred animals, but of different races is called a crossover, and hybrid plants are called hybrids.[1] There are two approaches or types of artificial selection or selective breeding, The first is the approach of the breeder in which the traditional breeder or experimenter applies a known quantity of the selection to a single phenotypic trait, by examining the chosen character and choosing ... Show more content on ... so using a breeding without a scientific technique could cause a decrease the genetic variety, this decrease in the genetic variety could cause some organisms as plants and animals show an immunity weakness to certain pathogens, so if some of these plants or animals with the same traits or genes would be attacked by particular pathogen the entire population of these plants and animals would certainly suffer and damage, using a scientific analysis and monitoring are definitely needed in order to have an healthy and successful breeding and ensure that certain species population is not in risk or bring in danger by certain kind of disease because of a selective breeding, such as in dogs and pets
  • 38. Forecasting Methodology Forecasting Methodology Forecasting is an integral part in planning the financial future of any business and allows the company to consider probabilities of current and future trends using existing data and facts. Forecasts are vital to every business organization and for every significant management decision. Forecasting, according to Armstrong (2001), is the basis of corporate long run planning. Many times, this unique approach is used not only to provide a baseline, but also to offer a prediction into the corporation s future. In the functional areas of finance and accounting, forecasts provide the basis for budgetary planning and cost control. Marketing relies on sales forecasting to plan new products, compensate sales personnel, and ... Show more content on ... Causal tries to understand the system underlying and surrounding the item being forecast. Under Causal type there are Regression analysis, Econometric models and Leading indicators. Starting with Regression analysis, similar to least squares method in time series but may contain multiple variables, basis is that forecast is caused by the occurrence of other events. Econometric models the forecast attempts to describe some sector of the economy by a series of interdependent equations. An input/Output model focuses on sales of each industry to other firms and governments; it indicates the changes in sales that a producer industry might expect because of purchasing changes by another industry. Leading Indicators type are statistics moving in the same direction as the series being forecast but move before the series, such as an increase in the price of gasoline indicating a future drop in the sale of large cars. Simulation Models are dynamic models; Dynamic modeling in organizations is the collective ability to understand the implications of change over time. This skill lies at the heart of successful strategic decision process. The availability of effective visual modeling and simulation enables the analyst and the decision maker to boost their dynamic decision by rehearsing strategy to avoid hidden pitfalls. Global Insight is a privately held company formed from the two most respected
  • 39. Gas Chromatography And High Performance Liquid Chromatography Table of Contents Part A:3 Introduction:3 Gas Chromatography (GC)3 Gas solid chromatography3 Gas liquid chromatography3 Advantages:3 Disadvantages:3 High performance liquid Chromatography (HPLC)4 Advantages:4 Disadvantages:4 Part B:5 Introduction5 References6 Part A: Introduction: Forensic Chemistry involves a variety of different techniques in which have the ability to analyse samples found on crime scene, one set of techniques is that of chromatography. Chromatography is a process commonly used to separate substances in accordance to their differential distribution between what is referred to as a stationary phase and a moving or mobile phase . There are a variety of different types of chromatography some include; paper chromatography, gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography. Chromatography works by analyzing a substance in terms of its retention time when passing through what is referred to as a stationary phase. Retention time refers to the amount of time a substance takes to pass through the stationary phase, upon analysis the retention time determines what substances are present within a sample. For example, if a particular substance within takes longer than another to reach the detector results can then be categorized into which substances are present within the sample. The results found are presented in what is called a chromatograph. A chromatogram...
  • 40. Ban on Big Drinks Soda, a sugary drink that has revolutionized the whole world since its invention back in the mid 19th century and a drink that everyone consumes. And recently, the mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg has been intending to place a ban on big, oversized soda drinks. New York should certainly not impose this ban on big drinks over the size of 16 fluid ounces. It s cockamamie! This ban is not the way to go for the county s finances, the people and the economy. Within New York, many people believe that the ban is right for various reasons, one being that the obesity epidemic rates have been staggering high but banning big drinks.... really? As silly as this ban may seem, lawmakers in New York and intensely debating the idea of banning big drinks. Around the world people have in mind that soda s are really bad for the health, which they most certainly are, but are they primary source of fat consumed? Absolutely not! Banning big drinks is 100% not going to curb obesity. In fact, in Harvard studies, it states that since the 1960 s, the amount of energy needed per day has decreased 60%. People eat 4.9 meals and snacks a day compared to the 3 meals people are supposed to consume. What this means is that people in fact get most of their energy, and fat of course from snacks. Not soda! This also means that they aren t burning calories either. It s not the soda s fault that people are obese, it s the people s lack of knowledge in portion sizes! Liz Hare, a scientific researcher in
  • 41. Great Bear Descriptive Writing On a cold December day in 2014, I found myself snowboarding down the small and very icy hill of Great Bear. On this chilly day there were very few people riding up the very bright red chair lift. As the very few that were there went down the hill you could hear as skis or snowboards slice through the thin layer of ice. From the Chair lift I can see everything on the hilland around the are.I was carefully examining the hill and the area they call the Terrain Park . Little did I know this day would make the next few months very difficult. As I stare into this are marked as most difficult I see all of the features I know that I can do very easily. I make very many quick runs up and down the small hill of Great bear. I begin to notice new things that I had never attempted before. I begin to think to myself that it may not be a good idea on a frigid day like it had been. As I begin to keep coming back I knew that if I was going to try it that now would have to be the time. Thinking to myself that if I were to fall that would mean I was working harder then I had before... Show more content on ... A voice in my head was telling me not to try it as it had been very slick. I slowly rode past it about ten different times throughout the day. I had been very nervous to try new things throughout the year but once I had tried some of the other things I had gotten very comfortable with this sport that I had picked up a few years before. I then made my way halfway down the hill where the new rail was that I was going to try. This had been called the Propane tank and was very large compared to the other features in the terrain park. I made my way up the on ramp as I slowly begin to feel my self on the very slippery surface. As I begin to ride along I begin to feel myself slide off the left side as I try to get my board back onto the tank. Suddenly I begin to fall backward and my natural reaction made me put my hands down to stop my
  • 42. Advice For First Writing Course At The University Of... Advice to First Writing Course at the University of Central Florida Writing courses can be challenging and that is why I decided to write this personal narrative. I believe that a personal narrative is better for an advice column than a research paper. A personal narrative would give more personal experience and insight on how the course was. It would be more valid since it is true. I think people learn better when they read and hear something from the person they are talking to rather than being about other people, especially when it comes to advice. English courses, just like any core class, expects a lot from the students. ENC 1101 is the first english and writing class students will encounter when first starting undergraduate school ... Show more content on ... They can properly quote it or paraphrase it using MLA format. This will demonstrate the student using strategies to better comprehend difficult texts. Students should also learn to adapt to different writing contexts. Throughout this course, I had to learn new vocabulary such as rhetorical situation and discourse community. These are actually types of essays I had to write during this course. When writing these types of essays, one has to keep in mind their audiences and their own experience. Lastly, students will consider how social, rhetorical, and technological contexts shape writing because it reflects sensitivity to school writing as a social affair (McCarthy 231). There are some constraints that I had to think about when deciding the genre of this paper. One constraint to this personal narrative is the time I took this course. I took ENC 1101 during the Summer B section. Summer B was only six weeks long and I had to learn the concepts of this course in that amount of time when it usually takes around sixteen weeks. This made the course much harder for me and other students. Especially because English is my second language, it takes me longer to read and analyze articles. This was also one out of two of my first classes as a college students. It is a different environment and I had to adapt to different situations and expectations. Another constraint is about those students that already have credit for ENC
  • 43. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Food Irradiation In modern society, science has been heavily involved with the production of food. Due to urbanisation, most people in developed countries as well as many people in developing countries neither have the resources nor the time necessary to carry out subsistence farming that can produce an adequate amount of foodfor themselves and their family on a regular basis. This sort of farming is only possibly in a rural environment. Because of this, urban families are troubled with the task of finding fresh and healthy produce to consume. The industry dedicated to producing food products that can outlive difficulties such as going rancid, or being naturally preserved without changing in texture or flavour. The only way the industry would do this is by ... Show more content on ... Sodium nitrate is common example which can be found in most processed meats. This compound inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria in the meats, which prolongs the shelf life of the meats. Propyl gallate is another substance which is used as a preservative. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BTH) help with the preservation of food items because of their antioxidant chemistry. Olestra and trans fatty acids (trans fats) are oil based substances which are artificially created substances. These substances are used hamburgers, potato chips many other pre fried food items. They enhance the flavour of these food items and are far cheaper to use for the manufacturers of the food items. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is used widely in food products as a flavourant. Aspartame is also a flavourant, which is used an artificial sweetener used by people who either cannot or do not want to consume foods with high sugar content. Another sweetener which is widely used is Acesulfame K, which is approximately 200 times sweeter than actual table sugar. This makes this sweetener a cost effective replacement for normal sugar in the preparation of products which used sugar. Potassium Bromate is an anticaking agent. This characteristic is beneficial in powdered substances, like baking soda, as their shelf life can be prolonged. (Vakil
  • 44. Cyber Warfare Between The United States And Russia Drawing from authors like Jason Andress who is an academic teacher and a professional security expert, the book Cyber Warfare states that The U.S. military does not have a definition for cyber warfare today (53). While this work was published in 2014, it is still a fair assessment into today. According to the CCDCOE, again on their webpage Cyber Definitions, cyber warfare as agreed between The United Statesand Russia is defined as cyber attacks that are authorized by state actors against cyber infrastructure in conjunction with government campaign. The two nations also define cyber attacks in the same agreement to mean an offensive use of a cyber weapon intended to hard designated target. Finally, the two nations define cyber ... Show more content on ... Beyond the problem of defining what cyberwarfare is, for all parties involved, comes the problems of attributing if an attack was state sponsored or not. Crimes performed by non state actors certainly require a response that is different than those which other nations were complicit in carrying out. This means cyber space attacks, which are the basis of cyberwarfare, do not make it easy to determine who the perpetrators of such attacks are. Even in cases where the trail of breadcrumbs leads right back to the perpetrators, there are real challenges in many forms to be dealt with. Challenges like legally charging, apprehending, and holding accountable those involved in a practical manner. Challenges like determining rather it was an action under official orders or rogue attacks. Certainly the anonymity cyberspace provides for actors adds a difficult level to deal with when facing the challenges of keeping us well prepared against the threat. How do you stop getting hit in any conflict if you are unsure of who is hitting you? Until the United States as a whole is more capable of nailing down the ability to track such information with the ability to prove such findings, there is little to deter those hostile to the United States from making those challenges hard to be well prepared for. Another factor worth discussing is the concept of being cyber
  • 45. Automatic Stay Research Paper Everything You Need to Know About an Automatic Stay Many things happen after you file for bankruptcy, but one of the first things that occurs is that an automatic stay goes into effect. An automatic stay may seem a bit scary if you don t know what it is, but here are the important things you need to know about an automatic stay. What Is It An Automatic Stay? An automatic stay is when your creditors are notified you ve filed bankruptcy and they can not attempt to collect the money owed to them anymore. This is not indefinite pause on your bills, it simply gives the bankruptcy court time to review your case and decide how much each creditor will get from your bankruptcy settlement. What Does It Affect? Before filing for bankruptcy, it
  • 46. Understanding The Relationship Of Staff And Teachers Field Placement #5 1.5 hours: 2/22 Wednesday was a whirlwind of acclimating to office politics and understand the relationship dynamic of staff and teachers. The day started out normal enough, I was assigned papers and essays to grade. On a few occasions I ran back and forth between the front office and the classroom to drop off paperwork. However, the teacher assigned me the task of setting up the 7th grade bulletin board for the month. She informed that I had to go to the front office and talk to one of the people there to gain access to the storage closet that held all of the arts and craft material. I nodded, remember the name and objectives I was set out to do. I was sent back to speak to one of the supporting staff. I explained the... Show more content on ... I showed the teacher my findings and she met it with a scowl. That s it? She asked. She then showed me the massive bulletin board that I was supposed to cover. Clearly I did not have enough paper to canvas the surface. So once again, I was sent on a journey for paper from the art department. Thankfully, the teacher was on break had led me to a bulk of white paper that I knew would have to do for now. I presented it to the teacher, informing her that at the moment this is all we had access to. She shrugged, clearly still miffed on the lack of resources she had at hand. The students, continuing to rise in volume since they watched the scene unfold, were then met by a frustrated teacher response of, I don t want to have to do this but I will have the literacy mentor come around to everyone who is talking so they have a silent lunch. The room became quiet and I was quite please that at that moment it was time to go. For the most part, this class period had little to do with any of the themes we had touched on class previously, but I would like to make a point that I did learn a lot on the how the power system works in a public school. Also, I will admit that I was uncomfortable that the teacher used me as a guilt/scare tactic when they got out of hand that day. In my position, I know that I observe and help out in the classroom but it was odd for me to be used to exact punishments. I am not there as an authority figure exactly because I am an adult,
  • 47. Stephen Spielberg s Minority Report Stephen Spielberg s Minority Report, based off Phillip K. Dick s short story, takes place in the year 2054 and centers around a crime prevention program pilot tested in Washington, D.C. by the pre crime division of the police force. With crime rates down 90%, the prevention program has proven to be extremely successful; however, in a world of pre punishment the question remains: is it possible to treat someone in a certain way because of what they may do in the future, even if it hasn t occurred yet? This film begins with three mutant pre cogs with the ability to predict the mindset and actions of future murderers with 99% accuracy. Occasionally, however, the pre cogs do not all predict the same outcome, with one pre cog predicting a dissenting future from the other two this discrepancy is recorded ... Show more content on ... This investigation is spearheaded by Danny Witwer (Colin Farrell) who realizes that this deterministic approach to crime, negating the offenders free will in the process of committing a crime, is not necessarily engraved in stone. The head of the Pre Crime department, John Anderton (Tom Cruise), rolls a ball off a desk which is caught by Witwer before it can fall onto the ground. Anderton asks Witwer why he caught the ball, to which he responds, Because it would have fallen off the desk. Anderton retorts that by Witwers logic, there is not definitive proof that the ball would have indeed rolled off the table despite Witwers prediction. Nevertheless, he asserts that such is the case of the Pre Crime system which knows beyond reasonable doubt that the would be criminals would become criminals. Consequentially, the central concern surrounding the plot is that of pre punishment in which would be criminals are pre punished for crimes which they have yet to commit, but presumable
  • 48. Donald Trump Rhetorical Analysis According to Pew Research Center, only 20% of Americans trust the government. This decline has occurred since the 1960s. The percentage of trust proves the beliefs of unequal representation in American citizens. Firstly, the voter turnout in last year s election denotes this analysis. Secondly, voters in last year s election felt voting for either candidate did not matter; for their opinions favored no one in power. This grant is to illustrate the problem in our current government legislation is affecting people. The project is to fill a room with two diverse groups of children quoting Donald Trumpand his rhetoric. This type of rhetoric is un American and fails to unite the country. As this behavior displays the improper representation of the people as a whole. The project is a series of sculptures; as they are better at showing a conceptual idea than a literal explanation of the situation. This high level of critical thinking will challenge viewers and shock them; as the people are responsible for this divide in politics. Therefore, what better of a shock that using children repeating such harsh rhetoric? In the Bible, in Psalms 8:2, God ordains strength out of the mouth of babes, meaning young children say exceptionally wise things. In contrast, when they repeat Donald Trump s rhetoric and quotes are the children still wise? One side of the room of children will make reactionary statements post election. The children will make statements such as, You are going to be
  • 49. The Birth Of Benjamin Franklin In January of 1706 the future of America was changed forever with the birth of Benjamin Franklin. Born in Boston, Massachusetts Ben was the son of Josiah Franklin and Abiah Folger, Ben was the youngest son of 17 children. Josiah was a soap maker and he wanted Benjamin to enter the clergy. Ben went to South Grammar School where he excelled, he even skipped a grade. Unfortunately with such a large family, Josiah was unable to afford the education that it took to become a clergyman. Ben only had the luxury of formal schooling for just a few short years. Ben began working for his father and was bored quickly. Ben had a strong interest for everything and he wanted to learn and know it all. He tried other work options but none of which panned... Show more content on ... He also became a member of the Masons and was socially active. By 1733, he started the writings of Poor Richard s Almanac. These almanacs were created under another alias, Richard Saunders. Many of Franklin s famous quotes came from these almanacs. In the A few of these quotes are, Well done is better than well said (Benjamin Franklin.PBS) or one of his most famous A friend in need is a friend indeed! (Benjamin Franklin.PBS). In the midst of all adventures and endeavors he managed to find time to marry his childhood sweetheart, Deborah Read and have a son that he named William. His dedication to helping society continued with the development of the Library Company in 1731. The average person could not afford books, not to mention they were hard to come by, so Ben managed to use his resources to start the first ever subscription library. He became the clerk of the assembly of Pennsylvania in 1736 and by 1737 he was the postmaster of Philadelphia ( Benjamin Franklin ). His contributions did not stop with the library, he started the American Philosophical Society, The Pennsylvania Hospital and the Philadelphia s Union Fire Company. From the development of the fire company, he started the Philadelphia Contribution for Insurance Against Loss by Fire. Most of these groups are still active today. The University of Pennsylvania was another one of Ben s
  • 50. Sex Offenders In The Woodsman In the movie The Woodsman , Walter was imprisoned for 12 years for child molestation. After 12 years imprison, Walter returns back to society. He later experiences different aspect of life. Walter learned three main insights as a sex offender: society s view, impact of his action, and reflection of his own self. Sergeant Lucas represents society s view on sex offenders. The public despises sex offenders more than other criminals especially children case. Sex offender is not accepted in society even though the offender already atones for his or her crime in jail. For example, Mike Smith was a sex offender who served 10 year in jail for abuse in his family. In the report, he could only associate with other sex offenders such as child sex offender and adult rapist. They were the only people who he can relate to as not judgmental. On the contrary, he should not be associating with. Smith made an earnest commitment to his rigorous rehabilitative therapy in prison, but it was made harder when he felt ... Show more content on ... Walter received a journal from his counselor, Rosen. The journal allows Walter to freely express what is on his mind. Some thoughts Walter could write about are reflection of his emotion and behavior in any event in his life. Therapist used journaling for the purposes of psychological healing or growth. (Borkin, 2015) The journal helps Walter to verbalize his problem to other people. In Walter s journal, he wrote about his observation of Candy. He knows the technique Candy is using to lure children. For example, Candy uses candy and toys to attract children at school. The main goal is to ask the children for a ride. If Candy succeed asking the kid for a ride, Candy have full control over the kid. It is part of the grooming technique. The technique is to manipulate the person in complying with sexual abuse. Walter underline wants in the journal to represent Candy s
  • 51. Informative Speech On Coronary Artery Disease Coronary artery disease Coronary arteries are blood vessels that carry blood to the heart muscle. The coronary artery disease (also called CAD, for its acronym in English) or coronary heart disease is caused by a thickening of the inner walls of the coronary arteries. This thickening is called atherosclerosis. A fatty substance called plaque builds up inside the thickened walls of the arteries and obstructs or delays the flow of blood. If the heart muscle does not receive enough blood to function properly, you may have angina or a heart attack. SYMPTOMS The coronary artery disease can take years to develop. You may not notice any symptoms of coronary artery disease until progression. As the arteries become clogged you may experience: ... Show more content on ... Overweight or obese. Inactivity (sedentary lifestyle). Other health problems (such as diabetes). Treatment How is CAD treated? Most people who have CAD take medication to help control your condition. The drugs called beta blockers, channel blockers and calcium nitrates can help relieve angina. Take a low dose of aspirin every day can reduce the likelihood of having a second heart attack in people who already had one. Your doctor will tell you whether you should take any of these medicines. What about surgery? Angioplasty is a surgical treatment for CAD. Angioplasty uses a tiny balloon to open blocked arteries around the heart. The balloon is inserted into an artery in the arm or leg. In the artery where the blockage was could put a small metal rod, called stent to keep the artery open. Another surgical treatment for CAD is bypass surgery. Pieces of veins or arteries in the legs are removed and sewn into the heart arteries to carry blood to body parts found after a blockage and increase the blood flow to the heart. Usually the bypass surgery is performed when it is not possible angioplasty or when your doctor thinks this is a better choice for you. Are there side effects and other risks of the treatment of
  • 52. Descriptive Essay About Dream One day I felt a weird feeling that it was a little bit hotter in my air conditioned room where it was supposed to be a little bit colder. So I stretched and saw something really off, I was on a Tree above my house! I thought i was dreaming for a second so I tried looking around the tree and found I was in a bird s nest and i felt very small. Then I looked at my arms, legs, and the rest of my very unusually small shape. I found out after a few seconds I was a bird, then I thought this was definitely a dream! When I looked at my self I knew I was a Blue Jay, which I have seen before in scouting with my troop when I was little, and human of course. So I flew and it I felt a tiny breeze while I was flying, and then I saw a ton of pigeons ... Show more content on ... Get What So, when I was thinking they let me out, but in a huge bird cage, like a mini elephant. Then in the mini elephant bird cage, I saw another note, it said Look behind you I was confused and looked around, nothing was there, but i heard some thing bang on the metal of the door of the mini elephant sized bird cage. It was Robin, and looked like someone I knew when I was human, then it said Is that you Matthew? I then said Wait, how do u know my name? It said knew me and it said I recognized your voice. I said Who are you? It said I m Alec, remember my voice? I was so surprised but glad also, then a ton of birds were here, and they were everywhere. I got on edge and asked Alec Who are all they? He responded with Oh, That s Ivan, Phoenix, Kaz, Brian, Jack, and Christian. I was relieved sorta and I asked Wait, why are we all birds? Alec said I m not sure but, I know there is a way out of this. Ivan started to chip at the lock with a piece of metal on the ground hidden in a dark corner, and then we all found things to chip away at the lock on the door of the mini elephant sized bird house. After a few minutes Alec and i found a huge metal bar, but it was too heavy for the both of us. Alec then said Guys come over here, we found some thing big to smash the lock with! The whole gang of us picked it up and rammed at the lock and it broke, then a
  • 53. JRR Tolkien s Lord Of The Rings Fantasy and reality have an immense amount of differences. But, could the two very well be the same? The answer is obvious. JRR Tolkien, the author of the well known series, Lord of the Rings states It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him. Tolkien significantly overwhelms the quote to portray a similar message. As plans and tactics are placed into action, one must severely and crucially be as detailed as possible. Imagine living in a mystic world. Were dragons, goblins, and elves ran a muck. A place where danger is virtually anywhere and come about the most obscure locations. Residing in a safe residence would be a challenge. Contemplating a real estate option, one must take all the positives