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Essay On Abortion Should Be Legal
Writing an essay on the topic of whether abortion should be legal can be a challenging task, as it
involves navigating through a complex and highly controversial subject. The difficulty arises
from the sensitive nature of the topic, which often elicits strong emotions and diverse opinions
from individuals with varying perspectives. Crafting a well-balanced and thoughtful essay
requires extensive research to comprehend the historical, social, legal, and ethical dimensions
surrounding abortion.
Addressing the arguments for and against the legalization of abortion involves delving into
intricate ethical considerations, medical perspectives, and the rights of the individuals involved.
Analyzing legal frameworks, precedents, and societal attitudes further adds layers of complexity
to the essay. Moreover, the writer must remain aware of potential biases, ensuring that the essay
maintains objectivity and respects differing viewpoints.
The essay should be structured logically, presenting a clear introduction, well-supported body
paragraphs, and a compelling conclusion. Effective communication of ideas is crucial to avoid
misunderstandings or misinterpretations, as the topic often evokes strong emotional responses.
Striking a balance between empathy for different perspectives and providing a comprehensive
analysis requires finesse in language and argumentation.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of whether abortion should be legal demands a
nuanced approach, careful research, and a commitment to presenting a well-rounded discussion.
It involves navigating through a myriad of perspectives, ethical considerations, and legal aspects.
Crafting such an essay requires not only writing skills but also a deep understanding of the
complexities surrounding the issue.
If you need assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing, various services are
available. One such option is, where you can find support for a range of topics
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Essay On Abortion Should Be Legal Essay On Abortion Should Be Legal
American Wrestling Research Paper
How Wrestling Became a Part Of American culture Although wrestling started in
Greco roman, times now a days Americans adapted their own version from the
native americans that was a combination of the native americans, and the greco
roman style of wrestling. The Greco Romans used wrestling as a way to train
warriors hand on hand combat among one another. They later changed it into a sport
and put it the olympics. As for the native americans they had there own form
developed that was like the greco roman style but a little tweaked. This is when the
early americans came over and adapted to their culture. The native americans were
the earliest form that developed the way Folkstyle is the most classic form of
wrestlingtoday it is on a school and an olympic level. It was the style the greeks and
the native americans used.... Show more content on ...
Along with Greco Roman, it is one of the two styles of wrestling contested in the
Olympic games. American high school and college wrestling is conducted under
different rules and is termed scholastic and collegiate wrestling. Freestyle wrestling,
like collegiate wrestling, has its greatest origins in catch as catch can wrestling and,
in both styles, the ultimate goal is to throw and pin your opponent to the mat, which
results in an immediate win. Freestyle and collegiate wrestling, unlike Greco
Roman, allow the use of the wrestler s or his opponent s legs in offense and defense.
Freestyle wrestling brings together traditional wrestling, judo, and sambo techniques.
According to the wrestling s governing body, freestyle wrestling is one of the four
main forms of amateur wrestling that are practiced today. The other main forms of
wrestling are Greco Roman and grappling. The Executive Board of the International
Olympic Committee recommended dropping wrestling as a sport from the 2020
Olympic Games, but this decision was later reversed by the
African American Male Enters The Criminal Judicial
As reported by the U.S. Justice Department, there has been significant increase in
incarcerated African American males, in comparison to Hispanic and White males. It
is believed that social interaction, area of residency, and social networks have major
influence on the increasing crime and incarceration rates of African Americanmales.
A larger portion of White males hold more positions within the U.S. Judicial
system than African American males who make up a larger population of prison
inmates and less involvement in legislation. This coincides with data suggesting
that African American s have lower percentages of receiving or obtaining higher
education, placing them in areas of low income and less opportunities. Social
inequality in the judicial system is questioned as well as demographics and
economics will be researched in order to provide in depth analysis of these national
percentages of African Americans. Additional research is conducted to investigate
circumstances once an African American male enters the criminal judicial system,
and a generational cycle of crime. There is more knowledge and potential
opportunities within the prison system versus the lack of resources these prisoners
would feel they would have upon their release. The Judicial system appears to be
White male dominated due to factors regarding higher education, as well as
opportunities or resources to pursue careers of higher statuses. The percentage of
black adults who obtained a bachelor s degree
Language, Health, And Education Of A Peruvian Culture
What is culture? Culture includes languages, ideas, beliefs, customs, institutions,
inventions, technology, and values. One may ask what do the people of the society
wear? How do they prepare their food? What type of foods to the eat? What kind of
work do they do? We are not born with any knowledge of a culture. This is something
we learn throughout time and it makes up who and what you are as a person. There
are many different cultures in the world today. But that is what makes our society
unique. Culture is based on long standing traditions that have been passed on from
one generation to another. The purpose of this paper is to compare language, health,
and education of a Peruvian culture to the American lifestyle.
I was born and raised in Trujillo, Peru. Peru is located in the west of South America,
and has borders with Ecuador, Columbia, Brazil, Bolivia and Chile. According to
the world atlas this small town I was raised in has a population of 747,450 making
it the biggest city in La Libertad. My life as an only child was so different
compared to the American life style I see now a day. I grew up with two wonderful
strict parent, who wanted the best for their only child. I was taught to respect our
elder and peers, speak with politeness, and always use manners. That is an example
of culture that is passed on from one generation to another.
When it comes to culture it depends on the state or country that you live in. As we
age we teach our children these values and
Wedding Speech On The Beach House No Essay
Upon arrival, Jenny from reception escorted us to the guestroom: beach house no. 35,
she handled the guestroom orientation and conducted a demonstration on how to
utilize the gas fireplace, music system, telephone and television. Moreover, Jenny
enlightened us and confirmed the numerous appointments in the beach house such as
the safe, robes, slippers, mini bar, snacks, coffee station and housewares.
Prior to Jenny s departure she asked if we needed additional assistance or help with
making dinner reservations for the evening. In addition, Jenny offered to carry our
bags into the beach house. We declined the offer at the time and conveyed our desire
to relax, for the moment; we had just finished the afternoon tea service. We would
consider dinner plans later. Jenny s departing salutation, enjoy your stay with us, Ms.
Churchill .
After Jenny s departure, I inspected beach house no. 35. It was well appointed, the
king sized bed was made with crisp white sheets, an adequate number of pillows
and decorative pillows. The cottage interior, bright white painted, wood bead board
free of scuff marks. Appropriate artwork throughout. The wood floors were polished
and had several scuff marks from normal wear. The kitchen area tidy appointed with
dishes, glasses, all utensils, pot and pans. The bathroom jacuzzi tub was polished,
however the marble surround had several stains. The steam shower glass enclosure
free of finger marks and dirt. The bathroom waste basket did contain some
A Brief Note On Poultry Industry And Nepal
Abstract Poultry Industry in Nepal One of the most important aspects of livestock
production is ensuring producers have adequate biosecurity for their facilities.
Biosecurity is procedures or measures designed to protect the population against
harmful biological or biochemical substances. Whether it be small scale or large
scale, the easiest way to maintain the cleanliness of a facility and ensure the health
of the animal is through proper sanitation. This is extremely important in Nepal as
the poultry industry accounts for 4% of the gross domestic product (GDP). In fact,
there are over 50 billion chickens raised each year for both meat and eggs with a
meat production of 42,180 metric tonnes and an egg production of 8,74,194 (in...
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The Terai is a flat region and is located to the south of Nepal. It is where most of
Nepal s agriculture occurs as it has fertile soils and has an elevation of 70 m above
sea level.
Temperatures in Nepal range from 40в„ѓ in the Himalayas, to 40в„ѓ in the Terai.
Spring lasts from March to May, summer lasts from June to August, fall lasts from
September to November and winter lasts from December to February. Throughout the
summer months, monsoon clouds cover most of Nepal, raining almost every day and
accounting for more than 1000 mm of rainfall each year.
Nepal has a population of 28.7 million people. The most common religion practiced
throughout Nepal is Hinduism, followed by Buddhism. As they are a developing
country, Nepal has to cope with overpopulation. The capital of Nepal, Kathmandu,
houses 1,442,271 people. The average age for Nepalese is 21 years old, while the life
expectancy is 66 years of age. Most of Nepal s population lies between the ages of 25
to 54 which results in a large labour force. Since Nepal is dependant on agriculture,
and most of the population is involved with farming whether it be a backyard farm
or an industrial sized farm, 80% of the population lives in rural areas.
Before Nepal officially became the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, there was
a monarchy in place. The last King of Nepal, Gyanendra Shah, was voted out in
2008. Now, like Canada, Nepal has a prime minister: Sushil Koirala. He was elected
Nerdy Starcat Research Paper
The Nerdy Starcat lives in the deepest part of the ocean which is the ocean floor.
Its habitat has to be very dark, gloomy and cold. When the temperatures are cold, it
has the ability to use its thick skin to keep itself warm. However, if the temperatures
are hot, the Nerdy Starcat will overheat due to so much fur on its body. Because of
this, the Nerdy Starcat swims around the ocean floor to create its homes. Being very
picky and cautious about homes and environments, the Nerdy Starcat builds its home
behind the coral reefs. And the shape of its home is a banana. Due to such a unique
style and architecture of a home, fish swimming around it get attracted. The fish then
swim towards the banana and get eaten by the Nerdy Starcat. Having this
What Is The Purpose Of Mankind s Ouroboros
In the essay Humankind s Ouroboros , J. Reagan Tankersley discusses about
zombies in the horror genre and how over time they have evolved with society s
fears through evidence from big name zombie films of the time. The original
publication of this essay was in a college classroom, though the audience was
directed towards someone that understood or had basic knowledge of the zombie
films Tankersley chose to use as evidence. So, if someone that picked up his work
and had no knowledge of these films, they would already become lost. That is what
makes this essay great. Instead of using the space he had to explain every little detail,
he pulls towards an advanced audience; that would mean he would only have to
slightly touch on the subject and... Show more content on ...
The way it targets towards a more knowledgeable audience in the horror genre with
the pinpoint examples allows the text to not drag on. Then the work leaves the
reader thinking that with the fear of the dead coming back to life, the fear of a
viral virus gone wrong, or even the fear of what we ourselves can do when chaos
ensues with the underlining message and brings a sense of wonder and thrill, making
this piece a must read for any zombie horror
How Did Ewan Mccoll Have Left-Wing Politics
During the 1950 s, disenchantment with commercial music led many to look for
alternatives. This led to a revival of folk music in Britain that gained momentum
during the 50 s and surged ahead rapidly in the 60 s. (11) Left wing political activist
and folk musician Ewan McColl is considered by most to be the godfather of this
folk musicrevival. (5) Born Jimmie Miller (14), McColl was a successful
playwright, folk musician (1) and highly acclaimed radio broadcaster. (2) He was
active in left wing politics from his teenage years and conscripted into the British
Army in 1940. (19) After five months he deserted the army, going on the run for the
remainder of the war and eventually changing his name to Ewan McColl. (19)
McColl produced a number of collections of folk music during his career, including
collections of sea shanties he worked on with A.L. Lloyd (17) and collections of
industrial songs he produced both alone and with his third wife Peggy Seeger. (17)
McColl s left wing political beliefs and practices were heavily tied up with his
collection of folk music. He saw folk music as a way to engage the working class and
working class issues (18) and used his folk music collections to do this.... Show more
content on ...
This essay will discuss the extent to which his political beliefs and practices are tied
up with the collection of folk music, with reference to McColl s involvement in the
British folk revival, his co founding of the Theatre Workshop, his Ballads and Blues
club and his folk music
The Concept of Blood Atonement behind Judaism and...
The idea of using blood of a living creature, (typically an animal s) in order to blot
out immorality, or better known as sin, can be traced back to the roots of primal
civilization. Specifically in Judaism, the ritual started in which an animal was
sacrificed in order to cover the sins of a person or multiple people. As we presently
observe the traditions of Judaismwe do not find any sign of animal sacrifice, with an
exception of orthodox Jews. While on the other hand, Fundamentalist Latter Day
Saints (FLDS) will be found to zealously observe blood atonementin their practices
today. The significance and importance that was placed in blood atonement, through
animal sacrifice, no longer has the same affect in Judaism traditions because of...
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One story in the Bible that might draw to the assumption that Yahweh required
human sacrifice is the account of Abraham being asked by God to sacrifice his son
Isaac. God stopped Abraham, with knife in hand, from sacrificing Isaac.
Deuteronomy 12:31 further supports that Judaism culture did not regard human
sacrifice as virtuous: You must not worship the Lord your God in their way, because
in worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the Lord hates. They
even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods.
Even though animal sacrificing was a center tradition of Judaism, it ceased in the
year 70 A.D. after the Roman army had destroyed the Jewish temple in Jerusalem
(Dumbrell). Deuteronomy says thou offer not thy burnt offerings in every place that
thou seest : But in the place which the LORD shall choose in one of thy tribes Thus
the custom of animal sacrificing could no longer continue in the culture of Judaism.
Regardless, there were other ways in
Gender Roles Are Becoming Increasing More Malleable
Gender roles in society are becoming increasing more malleable. The younger
generation is less inclined to follow the same roles that their parents and
grandparents followed. In Disney s Brave, the main character, Merida, is a perfect
example of this. She doesn t follow the traditional girly norms that princesses
usually reflect, she is wildly defiant toward her mother, especially in regards to her
betrothal, and she doesn t even want to be a princess, which is something rarely
seen. Merida does not follow the typical gender roles of a princess. She doesn t like
dresses, she doesn t want to follow the rules, and she isn t into typical princess
things, such as looking nice. When her mother makes her wear a tight fitting dress
to the competition for her hand in marriage, she is completely uncomfortable in
the restrictive item of clothing. She then rips her dress in order for her to properly
shoot her arrows in the competition for her hand. She outshoots all three of her
suitors, causing her mother to become furious. Her mother, the queen, is outraged
that Merida has brought disrespected to her and the kingdom. Merida does not care
about the possible shame she has brought to the kingdom. She will not allow
herself to be forced to marry a man that she does not want to. These acts
demonstrate her defiance, which is not generally the trait of a princess, unless it is
directed towards the father. Merida s defiance is more so directed at everybody. Due
to this, she is not one to
Benefits Of Student Loan
Loans can be double edged swords in the matter of higher education. They help you
get in to college, and to support families and lifestyles as you work hard to secure
the qualifications that can guarantee you a rewarding career. However, keeping tabs
on due dates, balancing cash flows and predatory rates of interestcan wreck your life.
There is no need to let intolerable financial burdens hamper your scholastic efforts.
Use the following 5 step guide for student loanconsolidation that will repair your
credit history, and leave you free to focus on classes and on searching for that all
important job: 1.Apply for your Student Consolidation Loan in time. Application
processing always takes time, and you should have the opportunity to shop around...
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The main problem starts when they have to repay the loan amount back. However,
great lake student loans consolidation services will help you get rid of your loans
easily and comfortably. Opting for the loan consolidation services means that all
your loans will get combined into one or the lender will pay all your loans and
make it a fresh loan with fresh terms and conditions. In any case the clauses will be
different and will start getting implemented as soon as you agree to it. No matter
what student loan consolidation program you choose, you should read and
understand the terms and conditions at which they are available to you. Do not
forget to read the fine lines and make yourself familiar with all small and big
conditions. This is important so that you know your future and what shape your
financial condition will take in the upcoming years. It should be clear in your mind
why you want to consolidate your student loans. Is it that you want to lower the
monthly installments because you are facing a financial crisis or you want to get rid
of the debt as soon as possible? Great lake student loans consolidation services will
help you have your monthly installments lowered and get rid of your loans faster
as well. Make sure you find all the details of the program you are interested in. Find
the rate of interest and compare it so that it is lowest and the entire program is
beneficial for you. Consider your interests and see that they are covered and at the
same time see that the consolidation program helps you to tackle with your debt
more comfortably and conveniently. Usually people have several student loans and
each of them is different in terms of interest rate, tenure, repayment plan and many
more factors. Make sure you have all the details regarding the student loans you have
in your name before you try to take the advantage of great lake student loans
How Did George Washington Plan The Presidential Home
In 1790 George Washington had hired Pierre L Enfant to plan the city and design the
presidential home. The plan by L Enfant s plan was four times larger than the
structure that is standing today. By 1792 L`Enfant had been dismissed due to his
exceedingly dominant handling of the city plans. In the absence of the original
architect a competition began to select the new architect of the presidential house.
James Hoban and Irish American was chosen after winning over George Washington
with his personality and designs.
George Washington laid the first cornerstone of the Whitehouse on October 13, 1972
in a freemason ceremony. The eight year construction was completed in 1800, with
George Washington overseeing the construction of the house he himself never
occupied. President John Adams was the first to live in the residence. When Thomas
Jefferson was elected in 1801 John Adams had put in so much work on the interior
design he did not want to leave but as it was the presidential home he unwillingly left
after only a few months in residence. ... Show more content on ...
was burned down by British to restore the White House just as it was
( James Hoban returned to oversee and restore the house to
its original state, there were only a few structural changes during the reconstruction
the floor plan remained much the same. Construction was completed in 1817. The
front and rear porticos were added to the White House 1825 and 1830, when Thomas
Jefferson commissioned Benjamin Henry Latrobe to make architectural changes to
the mansion (Latrobe had done proposals that included porticos as early as 1807).
Additional changes followed in 1835, when running water and central heating were
The Theme Of Immorality In A Clockwork Orange
Imagine every night being the blackest of nights, where even the police do not stop
the criminals lurking in the corners. This is the world in Anthony Burgess s A
Clockwork Orange, where a dystopian society in which juvenile delinquents roam
free to terrorize the night is chronicled. Your Humble Narrator, Alex
DeLarge, is a
member of this appalling culture of teenagers. Over the course of the novel, he
performs unspeakable acts of ultraviolence with his droogs, which land him behind
bars in Staja, the state jail, for a prescribed fourteen years. After failing to reform,
Alex receives an experimental corrective cure called Ludovico s Technique, which
induces a vicious physical reaction to acts of violence. When finally healed of his
violent... Show more content on ...
While Alex DeLarge displays immorality through flagrant acts of evil, the Minister
of the Interior takes a more subtle approach with his wrongdoings. The curing of
delinquents by Ludovico s Technique is the primary action that presents the
Minister s immorality. Although the citizens in the dystopia believe the new
method will aid in criminals reform, it is clearly only a tactic for the Minister of
the Interior to regain his position in the government by netting public support. The
reform is so heavily advertised that Alex refers to the newspaper as the
Government paper. While reading he sees the policy for what it really is, which is
portrayed by, was this Minister of Inferior or Interior. It seemed that he had
been doing a bit of boasting, looking forward to a nice crime free era... (Burgess
149). It is fitting that one of the Minister s victims would be one to see through the
man s façade of morality. The fake guise put on to fool the public into support is a
clear example of The Minister of the Interior s immorality. Between Alex s heinous
acts and the Governments clear lies, human immorality is an obvious theme in this
novel. The theme of fate also makes an indistinguishable appearance in A Clockwork
Orange, which is brought to life by the outcomes of Alex DeLarge s raucous life. The
first demonstration of fate is the result Alex s criminal
Health Promotion Approaches And Strategies
Part A Health promotion approaches and strategies
Discuss the effectiveness of a range of health promotion strategies in relation to
young people (6 marks)
Current attitudes towards health promotion in young people are significantly
understood by the importance of the determinates of health such as income, level of
education, cultural beliefs, geographic location and employment. For an effective
long term outcome on health promotion it involves several approaches to bring about
this change. This includes lifestyle and behavioural approaches, public health
approaches and preventative medical approaches.
Health promotion programs use approaches to target individuals or population
groups, through health education programs, social ... Show more content on ...
Although this creates a decent future for young people it also may provide them with
a sense of false hope as many may become extremely reliant on one simple test. For
example childhood immunisation programs prevent against diseases such as the
whopping cough and Measles that allow for a protection in young children. This
protects any health risk of reoccurring but has also created controversy between those
against immunisation as they believe vaccines can cause many health risks such as
Public health approaches distinguishes the role played by outside factors that
influence individuals and their immediate health system. The established programs,
policies and services that are trying to create supportive health within a wide range
of social and economic contexts seek to empower many to exercise control over
their own health and improve the ability to work together within their profession. For
example health promoting schools collaborate together to protect the health of
students through a supportive school environment, these programs include Mind
Matters which looks at the mental health and wellbeing of young people. Overall
this positively influences young people as it promotes for a supportive health
environment as it advocates so a broad range of people for all different areas of life
although similar to the Lifestyle and behavioural approaches it allows for individuals
Lord Of The Flies Monologue Analysis
Do any of the characters have inner dreams or inner monologues? What is revealed
about a character through dreams that would not otherwise be revealed? In chapter
ten, it becomes apparent that Ralph has nightly inner dreams and monologues. It
can be concluded that Ralph s growing desire for civilization is torturing him, even
in sleep. Ralph settled himself for his nightly game of supposing. . . . Supposing
they could be transported home by jet, then before morning they would land at that
big airfield in Wiltshire. They would go by car; no, for things to be perfect they
would go by train; all the way down to Devon and take that cottage again. Then at
the foot of the garden the wild ponies would come and look over the wall. . . . Ralph
... Show more content on ...
The twins looked like they were examining him for the first time (200), which
further proves that Ralph has been mentally changed by the events of the island
beyond recognition. Ralph attempts to deal with this issue by maintaining the
signal fire, and when they lose their ability to create it, Ralph forgets their ultimate
goal: rescue. His conflict is in a way, never resolved. ...Ralph wept for the end of
innocence, the darkness of man s heart, and the fall through the air of the true,
wise friend called Piggy (235). Even though the officer rescues him, Ralph will
never forget what transpired on the island, forever skewing his view on the moral
structures of human nature. Even though Ralph has escaped the island, Golding
inserts a detail that can be used to infer that Ralph never really escapes savagery:
the officer himself. The officer, although he saved Ralph, is nothing more than a
savage dressed in a uniform. On the beach behind him was a cutter, her bows
hauled up and held by two ratings. In the stern sheets another rating held a sub
machine gun (232). With this information, I have concluded that Ralph never
escapes savagery by being rescued, instead he brought back into a world of lies,
war, and destruction. The underlying irony in this situation can also be seen, because
the boys would have not been rescued if it weren t for this warship sailing
Ever Clear Again Narrative
Shit! The smell of dirt and the fresh morning dew wakes me up from my drunken
slumber. Struggling to get up, I notice two German Shepherds lying next to my
body; they were just as confused as I was, how did we end up here? As I drive
home, I think to myself What happened last night? I m so dead when I get home. I
stumble down my driveway, regretting every moment that I could some what
remember. I then, make a pact to never EVER drink Ever Clear again! Hungry
Haven, my first job as an adult ... this job is just the worse; the smell of burning
grease from the fryers and grill, strong scents of the diluted cleaners in the back, the
frantic shrills from hungry customers waiting to be next in line to order their food.
Although I hate my job,... Show more content on ...
I hope John isn t there, he s creepy at work. A shit ton of thoughts absorbed my
brain, from who was going to be there, to even what food she was having at her
party, cause I was hungry; before I knew it, I was at the house. Walking up the
driveway, I approach the door, heartbeat escalated like drummers performing a
cadence at a football game. I got a hold of my nerves and just went for it; I have to
sike myself out in order to calm down. Come on, it s just a normal
Characteristics Of The Best Restaurant Essay
What Makes a Restaurant the Best: Best Restaurants
Waiting forever just to taste insatiable food for gratuitous reasons,is what everybody
hates. Last time I went to the Chopstick House, the service was terrible, in fact the
waitress only came over to our table when we first got there and to give us our food.
To makes things worse when my food arrived it tasted like deep fried plastic. Due to
this, all restaurants should have certain characteristics in order to be the best.
In particular, the feature that make a restaurant a great restaurant is when one leaves
the restaurant stuffed every time. One restaurant is Texas Roadhouse. Texas
Roadhouse is a steakhouse where an individual can pick however many ounces of
steak they deem necessary. This quality tempted me to trump the amount of ounces
that I got the last time, but every time the I get to the last few ounces I have to tap
out. The fact that they want to beat themselves is not all of it, but the fact that the
steak is so juicy they can t stop eating it. So it leaves them maxed out by the time
they leave. Another great restaurant is Blaze pizza. Blaze pizza is a build your own
pizza place where anyone can pick their own toppings all the way down to the
dough. The reason one will leave this place stuffed is because of the unique taste
of the pizza being cooked over flames, instead of the stove. The pizza being
personal pizza size makes it seem manageable, but really the pizza is pretty big and
by the time someone gets to
General Mill Essay
General mills, making food people love. General Mills was started in 1928 by
James Ford Bell who was a business leader and philanthropist. Bell was originally in
the milling industry which eventually died. General Mills first product was flour as
he was originally in the milling industry that deal with wheat. General Millsflour is
still the number one product for the company until this day. Over the years the
company has grown to much more than just flour. This company now has over 100
brands that are sold in over 100 countries. People love general mills as it gives
quality products to its consumers. General mills product range from baking
products, cereal, fruit, ice cream, pasta, soups, yogurts and a wide variety of grocery
items. One of general mill popular product is cereal as it has finds its way on most...
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Within the general mills product line there is a product for everyone. This is a
company that cater from young to old. General mills product is sold over the in
more than 100 countries. General mills have been around for over 50years and has
been pass down from one generation to another in some households. People see
general mills product as valuable because of its history. Over the years general mill
have introduce whole grains, dietary fiber and reduced sugar product a people have
become more health conscious.
Prices tend to be a little higher for general mills product but yet affordable. Its s one
of the leading competitors in the food market. Consumers tend to go with general
mills because of the quality and consistency of their products.
General Mill products are found in grocery stores all over the world. Their products
are normally found at eye level which is between 23 inches to 48inches. This makes
it easier for consumers to choose this product as they don t have to go searching for it.
Political Socialization In America
In America, there is an immense amount of pressure to be opinionated about
current issues and politics. It is expected that when asked your opinion, you will
have a clear side to take. This is part of what makes politics so interesting; when
varying sides and views clash in the political arena. The process that shapes a person
s political values and beliefs is called political socialization. Political socialization is
mainly formed through influences such as family, involuntary and voluntary social
groups, education, and the political environment. By examining the process of
political socialization and its influences on public opinion, we will see that more
often than not, a person s political opinions and worldview are highly shaped by
factors... Show more content on ...
When talking to someone that was private schooled, public schooled, or
homeschooled, you will notice a large difference in the views that these different
types of educations can help to create. In public school settings, children are
sometimes taught that the government is a helping hand and generally good, which
can lead to them favoring more Democratic ideas and supporting government
programs later on in life. However, a homeschooler might lean more toward the
conservative side, especially if their parents (who are already influencing them) use
their authority as a teacher to communicate that the government cannot be trusted.
Furthermore, people that go on to attend college tend to be more active in the
political scene and also tend to actively protest or support things that they care about
on a more public level. Lastly, political socialization can be formed through political
environment. Political environment is what current events are happening around you
that influence your opinion on certain matters. For example, the 9/11 terrorist attack
forever changed the way people saw government and its ability to protect them.
Comparably, people began to doubt
Why Is Grit Important
Grit is very important in this world for many reasons, while some people don t
have grit there are many successful people that do. Grit stated in the Webster
dictionary is: mental toughness and courage through the hard times . Grit needs to
be taught to everybody from elementary school to the college level. In this essay I
am going to discuss why grit needs to be involved in people s lives and many ways
how it can be shown. Grit is shown a lot in this examples, it shows up in sports,
school, family, and life. First, grit has to be shown in sports, no matter if times are
good or bad. I have personal experience with this situation it s hard to fight through
bad times, but that s when personal grit comes out. In practice or in games things...
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What happens if these goals aren t achieved? It will be fine don t give up just make
another goal that is possible to reach. Grit is all mental toughness, if a person is
strong mentally no matter what the task is they will get it done. Many things out
in the world aren t easy, so grit is shown every day for many people. My father is a
financial broker at UBS, he has to deal with people every day he goes to work.
Mental toughness is 80 % of success, the other 20% in physical (John). This
statement is taught in how to become a stock broker. It fits my father and every
harder worker perfect. If the market is not doing well at the time he doesn t give
up, he gets mentally tough and thinks through it. He also might lose a client, but
he always takes care of their stocks even when times are bad. Nowadays he is a
very successful man at his job, becoming the UBS vice president of the company.
Being a gritty person is just a good character trait to be known for. This being said
it can take people many places and get them into great things they would never have
dreamed of. If I was a manager I would take the tougher hard working person, than
the smart lazy person that can t take stress or get their work
The Mission Statement Of Mcdonalds
McDonald s is the largest and best known global food services retailer with more than
30,000 restaurants in 121 countries. Our outstanding brand recognition, experienced
management, high quality food, site development expertise, advanced operational
systems and unique global infrastructure ensure a position that enables us to
capitalize on global opportunities. We plan to expand our leadership position through
great tasting food, superior service, everyday value and convenience.
McDonald s Pakistan is part of the Lakson Group of Companies, a leading business
house in Pakistan.
McDonald s first restaurant opened its door to the people of Pakistan in September
1998 in Lahore. This launch was met with unprecedented enthusiasm from the
citizens of Lahore, who are known for their liveliness, vigor ... Show more content on ...
Mission Statement
McDonald s mission is to be our customers favorite place and way to eat with
inspired people who delight each customer with unmatched quality, service,
cleanliness and value every time. We invite you to be the part of this winning team
and give yourself an opportunity to grow with the family of people striving to create
smiles on the faces of millions of people every day.
McDonald s Values
Being a responsible corporate citizen, McDonald s firmly believes in giving back to
the communities it operates in. We love to provide support and encouragement to the
people who need it the most. All our restaurants contribute to their local community
and every year we help set up and support numerous educational, sporting and charity
programs designed to help a wide range of people.
McDonald s has a proactive approach to charities and sponsorships. We believe these
help inspire and support the people of Pakistan, especially the underprivileged ones,
to live a better life. We are dedicated to delivering great experiences through our
ongoing community support
Stop Slavery Award
For the first time at the Trust Women Conference, the Thomson Reuters
Foundation has given the Stop Slavery Award. The main goal is to recognize
companies that have taken concrete steps to eradicate forced labor from their
supply chains. The event took place last Wednesday, November 30th in London
and this year s winners are NXP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). This
recognition is an action resulted from last year s conference, in the discussions
and panels, and intend to be a way of showing the corporations that they have an
important role to play when referring to human rights. The award gives the
company an Anish Kapoor sculpture and the right to use the Stop Slavery Award
logo for a year. The award was separated into two different categories: Policy
Implementation and Transparency Response to Challenges. The winner of the first
category is NXP, a 6.1 million dollars annual revenue Dutch company. The
corporation was unanimously chosen by the board due to their anti slavery actions,
such as having their board directors and CEO signing off on all human traffic
policies and major activities, training over 300 suppliers in their facilities in
Malaysia and establishing a maximum of work hours per week within all their supply
chains.... Show more content on ...
According to Monique Villa, the CEO of Thomson Reuters Foundation, this
corporation has demonstrated integrity courage and innovation in scrutinizing its
operation and its supply chain. Action such as hosting a series of anti human
trafficking workshops with suppliers and labor agencies in Indonesia, Malaysia,
Singapore, and Thailand to have an open forum on best practices and being the first
IT company to create a foreign migrant worker standard in 2014, in other words the
first to require direct employment of foreign migrant workers in its supply
The Reasons that Led to the Attack on the World Trade
I was only 6 years old at the time when the 9/11 happened, and I didn t find out until
a few weeks later when my parents showed me the video. I have never seen
anything like that but in movies, so the first thought that came up in my mind when
I saw the video was what movie is that. My parents tried to explain what was
happening, but at the time, I couldn t process what had happened or really
understand what they explained. 12 years later I m 18 now, during that period of time
I immigrated to the United States, in school on the extended date of September 11
we always have the moment of silence, and I didn t understand why we do the
moment of silence, so I did some research about 9/11. Now I clearly understand
that the United States encounter the largest terrorist attack in history, and the
reason why the United States is involved in war with Afghanistan. United States
involvements in Afghanistan is one of the longest wars in our history. Rajiv
Chandrasekaran editor of the Washington post, describes the involvement as we ve
asked them to do a lot more, in a smaller serving force, in some of the longest wars
in our history (2014. Para. 14). U.S. involvement in Afghanistan has been going on
for many years, and for the first time ever, our involvement was a mistake. The main
reason why U.S. is involved in Afghanistan it s for the attack on 9/11. As the Unite
Nations charter s collective security frame work in the 21st century describes, In
1996, following decades of
Industrial Of The Industrial Revolution
Jason Thibodeaux
Mrs. Martinez
English IV, 1st hour
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution set people away from farms and small villages and moved
them to cities and towns because of the job opportunities that arose in the cities. The
Industrial Revolution not only helped people move along in the late 1700s and early
1800s but also it has made the people what they are today. During the Industrial
Revolution, the movement from an agrarian society to an industrial one reshaped the
roles of families, widen the gap between classes, and led to the developments in
communication, transportation, and other scientific fields that completely changed
The Industrial Revolution started in the late 1700s and early 1800s which helped
the transition from agrarian to one of industrial. Before the factories were made, the
common folk would work on the farms that would make the food that they would
need to survive, and they would also make their own clothes. All the clothes and
materials that the people had before the industrial revolution they would make
themselves because there was no mass production of items being made and the
people who would sell the items never had enough in their inventory for everyone to
buy. Factories started to arise making it easier to mass produce items that the people
wanted, like cloths and eventually everyday materials. Those factories and
opportunities for work is why people moved into cities.(
With families
Disadvantages Of Trade Regulators
Competition commission of any country looks after regulated companies ensuring
healthy competition between them for the benefits of the consumer via efficient
utilisation of resources. It keeps a check on situations of market failures such as
monopoly. Most of the nations these days have their own competition regulator
which has enormous powers, so that it can make decisions and take appropriate
remedies, after identifying problems which throttle competition. A competition
regulator, typically a government authority, has international jurisdiction for the
companies which provide their services to consumers in the geographic territory of
the country.
Aims of a trade regulator:
I.To ensure maximization of consumer welfare: lower prices, high ... Show more
content on ...
It spearheads innovation. It creates incentives for businesses to innovate and keep
the dynamism alive. It s not for the poorly managed once. It s a curse for them. It
tends to wipe their very existence. Competition ensures consumer surplus. If a
service provider provides incompetent prices, they will lose out to their rivals and
will be lost in the sand of time. The businesses find it mutually attractive to avoid
competition as it washes off their profits and create hurdles or barriers to keep new
competitors at bay. They collude to form cartels instead of thinking innovate on a
daily basis.
But fact of the matter is the applicability of the same on the ground level. Mergers of
behemoths across industries helps achieve economies of scale, cut costs, better
services, higher costs at lower prices, increase in competition and increase of
dynamism in the sector. Every regulator assumes big is bad but in industries requiring
high investment, (Research Development based industries) bigger the company the
better it s.
Let us take for example the case of Comcast Times Warner merger. If it would have
happened, it could have created an entertainment, cable TV, phone service and
Internet providing behemoth. The deal was great for consumers because they could
Jacksonian Democracy Dbq Essay
Jacksonian Democrats help create a more democratic America and because of this,
believed themselves to be many things, real and fictional. In most cases they
perceived themselves as defenders of equal economic opportunity, even though they
sometimes put their own interests before those of the people. They also thought of
themselves as guardians of political democracy, while at the same time using class
differences to their advantage and emotionalized speeches, lacking real intellectual
merit, to stir support. Jacksonian Democrats felt that they were the protectors of the
Constitution and of individual liberties but many times they put their rivalry with the
Northeastern industry and Whig politics before these things. While Jacksonians...
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The case Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge decided that a charter given a
person or group to do a service does not allow that group to have complete rights
over this service. This decision supports the Jacksonian Democracy ideas that the
rights of the community are more important than the rights of business (H).
However, it is also important to know that Taney was elected by Jackson, and his
decision, well supporting economic equality, also set a precedent for states
intervention in commerce. The Jacksonian Democrats were very important in the
revolutions in political democracy that took place during this period. During this
period universal white male suffrage took place and was the first step towards the
revolution of the common man in politics. Also, Jackson s acceptance and support
of the two party system helped create a more democratic America in which people
with similar views could unite in their support of a singular candidate. Many
working men of this time period had felt they had been taken advantage of and
misrepresented by tyrannical aristocrats who treated them poorly (A). Jackson used
this to his advantage with emotionalized speeches exploiting class differences.
However, it should be said that during this time period the amount of voters
increased dramatically which means that more Americans were involved in
American politics (D). Jackson s use of the Kitchen Cabinet kept his knowledge of
critics and the wants and needs of the people up
Essay on Texas s Political Culture
Political Culture
Texas political culture is one that can be described as a combination of three main
ideas: individualistic, traditionalism and moralism. Considering Texas and its
overwhelming 254 counties we can see these main ideas undoubtedly. The 254
counties each have their own general set of ideas, attitudes and beliefs. The whole
state of Texasis simply not just considered individualistic, traditionalism, or
moralism, it is considered all three. Individualistic, traditionalism and moralism are
all strong values that coexist in our society and they all affect how we as the people
live our lives. A political culture shapes a region s politics.
Texas has all three political cultures all over the state, but when people outside of ...
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They were not all named George or Jeb Bush for no reason, if it ain t broke, don t fix
Individualism is the belief of self reliance. Texas is also known for being on its own.
Which leads to its famous saying, you ve got nobody to blame but yourself. They
are all about being the self made man. An individualist prefers privacy, is suspicious
of public institutions, and is an independent contractor. This attitude ties into our low
active government. Government is sought out to be at low cost and out of the way
of its voters. Texas government is very limited, and has a legislature that meets
biennially. Due to our isolation, public education is under funded and is at its high in
many court battles and legislative conflicts. The heart of individualism would be
laissez faire. In Britannica, laissez faire is the policy of minimum governmental
interference in the economic affairs of individuals and society. Laissez faire is
basically telling government to leave them alone. The whole concept is to keep
minimum government interference in business.
Moralism is all about the community and a commonwealth. They are suspicious of
private institutions and interests. An example would be social security, social welfare
programs, and public education programs. A moralist is all about being equal with
people, everyone needs a fair share. Austin Texas has a lot of business there. They are
big or moralism because of its big community.
Of Mice And Men Dbq
John Steinbeck s Of Mice and Men tells a story of two very different friends how
both share the dream of one day buying their own farm. George and Lennie are
both two workers that take temporary jobs at different ranches. That the new job
that they get to meet Candy, the old swamper who cleans the bunkhouse; Slim, the
prince of the ranch ; Crooks, the African American stable hand. Then there is also
Curley, the boss s son and Curley s wife, women that is desperate for the attention.
Throughout the story, Steinbeck uses a lot of foreshadowing to prepare the reader
what is about to occur. The plans of the characters going askew, the death of Curley
s wife, the loss of the farm dream, and the death of Lennie; are four clear examples of
Steinbeck s... Show more content on ...
For example, Candy says, I oughtta of shot that dog myself, George (Doc D) when
Carlson had already killed the dog. Candy feels he should have shot the dog
himself because the dog is his responsibility, and the dog would have felt a loving
presence at the time of his death. Candy wishes he had shot his own dog just as
George feels responsible in shooting Lennie himself when Curley is looking for
him. Carlson said, Right back of the head. (Doc D) that is where he shoots the dog.
Lennie is shot in exactly the same spot ( right in the back of the head ) place where
the dog is shoot. The shooting of Candy s dog clearly foreshadows George s
shooting of Lennie. Both Lennie and the dog get killed with the same gun,
Carlson s Luger pistol. Before Carlson killed Candy s dog he said to Candy, This ol
dog jus suffers hisself all the time. (Doc D). If George does not kill Lennie, Curley
will painfull kill him in the guts . Lennie has always been protected by George
throughout his whole life, there is nothing that George will do in order to keep
Lennie safe. George does not want Lennie to die painfull, he wanted Lennie to die
full of hopes and peacefully go to
Truman s Vision Statement
When I enrolled at Truman State University, I did not realize how my race
impacted me on both a personal and global level. I believed we lived in a post
racial society where race and ethnicity did not matter. However, on Monday,
November 24th, 2014, when officer Darren Wilson was not indicted for the killing
of Michael Brown, I experienced an epiphany. Race matters. Whether an individual
believes that race did or did not play a role in Michael Brown s death, race was
reignited as a prominent topic in America due to the Black Lives Matter movement.
Roland Martin, the host of News One Now, stated in an interview that The reason
Black Lives Matter has been so successful is because they have forced the most
rigorous discussion on police brutality... Show more content on ...
Klyukovski, I pondered how my institution dealt with diversity. He proposed
examining Truman s vision statement to understand what the institution will do
when issues of diversity arise. After conducting some preliminary research on
vision statements and generic criticism, I knew this is what I wanted to study. I
was ecstatic that I was able to add to the scholarly conversation centered on vision
statements within higher education. It was incredible learning how such a short
statement served as a reminder of where an organization wants to go. During the
McNair program, I discovered a part of me that I never knew existed, a researcher.
I never thought of myself as that because I believed researchers were naturally
smart, which I was not. However, intelligence is not determined by grades or GPA.
It is about grit, which I gained by never being the victim of my circumstances. As
mentioned earlier, coming to terms with my racial identity definitely impacted my
academics. While I was enraged by Truman s aura, I realized I could not let that
take away from my mental energy anymore. With the arrival of my senior year, I
channeled all that frustration in graduate applications and studies because unless I
did well in those two avenues, I would not be leaving Truman anytime soon. Now, I
have been accepted into five different Master Programs (as of 3/18) at the University
of Texas San Antonio, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, University of Colorado
Denver and Colorado Springs and Saint Louis
Analysis Of Totilla Soup
An Analysis of Tortilla Soup Tortilla Soup is a film that does more than give the
viewer a good feeling. Tortilla Soup is a film with many uplifting qualities that the
viewer can relate. The opening scene draws the viewer in as the main protagonists,
Martin Naranjo played by Hector Elizondo, prepares a large meal with many
different dishes for his family. The way that Naranjo manipulates the kitchen cutlery
demonstrates that he is more than a cook. His skill demonstrates that he is a fine
chef. The opening scene of Naranjo preparing the meal is very relaxing to watch
his culinary skills at work. It was interesting that one of the dishes was a melon
blossom soup. The author had never heard of or observed this dish being served, so
it required some investigation. Tortilla Soup is an enjoyable film that introduces
romance and comedy during the preparation and sharing of a special meal. This
film has many protagonists. The main protagonist is Martin Naranjo. He is an
accomplished chef who is a widower. He lives with his three adult daughters who are
very beautiful, but remain single. Naranjo lost his wife approximately ten years prior
to the setting of the film. Since then he has assumed the role of father and mother.
Naranjo works as a chef fulfilling is fatherly role and he also does all of the
cooking, cleaning and laundry fulfilling his motherly role. Naranjo maintains that on
every Sunday, the family shares a meal to share their life experiences of the week
with each other. The meal seems to be a tradition in that family that has been a part
of the family s ritual prior to the passing of the mother. Some of the daughters find
the meal to be more of a punishment than an enjoyment. Martin for most of the film
has lost his ability to taste the flavorin the food he creates. He relies at work upon his
best friend and fellow chef, Gomez played by Julio Mechoso, for taste. Martin is the
main protagonist as he demonstrates the most change. He lets go of his adult
daughters, one at a time while gaining two more daughters, Eden the daughter of his
much younger bride than he and his unborn child with the same, Yolanda. Another
protagonist of the film is the oldest of the daughters is Leticia Naranjo, played by
Plato s Teachings Of Philosophy
Plato was a well known philosopher who lived during the time of the distinguished
Greek philosophers. He was born into a wealthy and very noble family in the
Athens. In the midst of preparation for his life long career as a politician, the young
Plato witnessed the trial and eventual execution of Socrates. Little did he or anyone
know this would ultimately lead him to completely abandon his political career and
become one of the world s most distinguished philosophers. Although Platos
teachings are not universally agreed upon, virtually anyone can agree that that he was
a brilliant thinker and spurred many thoughts and beliefs that are carried into today s
teachings of philosophy. While the precise relationship of Plato and Socrates
remains a heated disagreement among scholars, Plato states that he was, in fact, a
devoted follower of Socrates. Plato was highly influenced by Socrates teachings and
highly disturbed by his execution, eventually leading him to establish an extremely
powerful body of intellectual work. Plato is known to be a great writer as well as
teacher. Some of Plato s most famous teachings and writings had to do with his
powerful argument that was in favor of the objectivity of values. He taught that
objective values are those that exist outside the individual and are otherwise
dependent upon their individual perception or personal belief. This can include truth,
beauty, as well as good. Some other distinguished philosophers have come up with
Christian Ethics Project 3.2
Christian Ethics Project #3 1. The biblical basis of Jubilee 2000 s call for the
immediate canceling of all debts of HIPC s is found in Leviticus. This bible book
states that you shall not oppress one another. Also in the book of Leviticus in the
case of someone who becomes poor and in turn to sells his possessions then his
relative may redeem the possessions he sold. Or if the man has no one to redeem it
but he himself becomes able to redeem it then let him count the years since the sale,
and restore the remainder to the man whom he sold it, that he may return to his
possessions. But if he s not able to have it restored to himself, then what was sold
shall remain in the land of him who bought it until the year of Jubilee and in the...
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I believe in helping those who are helping their selves. I feel that heavily in debt
countries should show progress for specific amount of time along with having a
detailed and favorable plan in place for the future. I also agree the HIPC when it
requires that the countries should focus on export diversification, can t be at war with
neighboring countries, and that domestic price ceilings should be eliminated
especially on agriculture products. One additional note is that assistance provided
should be tailored country by country to best fit each country s specific situation.
3. Part of the reason the World Banks standard Structural Adjustment Policies has
been counterproductive partially because of unfortunate timing. Reduce government
spending caused a recessionary effect, decreasing demand and increasing
unemployment hurt nations. Strict monetary policy raised interest rates and helped
to further suffocate investment demand and access to capital for poor farmers and
low income entrepreneurs. Currency devaluation did make exports cheaper but at a
time when export markets for primary goods were oversupplied and prices were
falling. Import cost also rose making it more expensive for domestic producers to
obtain new technology and replacement parts. In addition, privatization of
government enterprises also increased efficiency, which was accompanied by
downsizing, which resulted in unemployment for thousands of the middle class. At
this time the reductions in
Reagan Administration s Foreign Policy in Latin America...
Reagan Administration s Foreign Policy in Latin America
Throughout the Cold War the United States considered the installation in Latin
America of radical regimes socialist, Marxist Leninist, or leftist in any way to be
utterly intolerable. Any such development would represent an advance for the
communist cause and a vital loss for the West. Acceptance of this outcome could
weaken the credibility of the United States as the leader of the west and as a rival
for the USSR. In the eyes of Cold Warriors, the consolidation of any left wing regime
in the Western Hemisphere would have dire and perilous implications for U.S.
national security and for the global distribution of power. It was therefore crucial to
resist this possibility by ... Show more content on ...
The next day Reagan signed an executive order approving the invasion. A
combined force of 1,900 US Marines and army airborne troops launched an assault
on Grenada. All significant military objectives were achieved in roughly 36 hours.
Reagan justified the operation as an effort to protect US citizens whose safety was
threatened because a gang of leftist thugs (Lake 182) had seized power to forestall
further chaos, and assist in restoration of democracy.
In El Salvador, a mountainous coffee growing country of 5 million citizens was
ruled by an unholy alliance of large scale landowners and military officers.
Acceleration of agriculture exports during the 1960 s led to an increased
concentration of rural holdings by large scale landowners and in turn increased the
percentage of peasants who had no land at all. A reformist challenge to the status
quo came through the Christian Democratic Party, under the leadership of JosГ©
Duarte. As mayor of San Salvador, Duarte built strong connections with
intellectuals, professionals, and other middle class groups that if the military hadn t
interfered and imposed dictatorial rule he would have surely won the election for
presidency in 1972. Fake elections in 1977 led to the installation of General Carlos
Humberto Romero as president, who imposed a law to defend and guarantee public
order. Duarte himself was imprisoned, tortured, and exiled but never fled to the hills.
Time Spent On Server Daily
Minecraft Username:
Timezone / Country:
AEST, Australia
Time spent on server daily:
Monday 4 5 Hours Tuesday 4 5 Hours Wednesday 4 5 Hours Thursday 10 11 Hours
Friday 12 13 Hours Saturday AllDay Sunday AllDay
How long have you been on Mine Corner:
Since Map 15
Have you purchased a rank on the server:
No, if i could i would
What server do you play on most on MineCorner?:
Kitmap, and HCF
Name 3 allowed mods:
Shaders, Rei s Minimap no radar, Toggle Sprint
What are the repercussions for a player that is using a hacked client?:
If someone was getting reported alot of time whilst in teamfights or a 1v1 i would
/ss them and ask them to come into and i would proceed to ask
them to download and open for a screenshare and look for any hacks like
vape, spook, harambe, and more clients. If they refuse to join teamspeak or didnt join
in the time i give them i would perm ban them.
Bhop // KillAura:
If a player was blatantly bhopping i would permanently ban them from the
Minecorner network.
Vape or any Clients:
If a player was really suspicious i would freeze then and screenshare them , if i
found a ghost client or vape or and client on there computer i would permanently ban
If i screenshared someone and found a autoclicker i would ban them for 20days for
autoclicking. if they admitted i would ban them for 14days.
Xray // Radar
If someone was really fishy whilst mining i would freeze them and
Discussing if Anzac Day Should be Celebrated or Mourned...
We have no unknown soldier
These are not forgotten men
But cousins, uncles, neighbours
Who will never laugh again.
But they ll not be forgotten
For the price they had to pay.
For their children s children s children
Will still march on Anzac Day
No, they ll not be forgotten
For the price they had to pay.
For their children s children s children
Will still march on Anzac Day.
Vic Macdonald 1988
Every year on the 25th of April Australiacomes together to celebrate the bravery
and extreme courage of those soldiers who risked and lost their lives while fighting
for Australia in Gallipoli. But should it be celebrated? Should we cheer the men that
returned when so many were killed and died of disease in the trenches at ... Show
more content on ...
Every year you still march down that street with that stupid proud expression on
your face, you glorify the bloody wastefulness of that day? ? Act 2, Scene 3, The
One Day of the Year. Hughie (the son of the war veteran with the controversial ideas
about the meaning of Anzac day) mentions about the mistake that cost sixty
thousand lives. The Anzacs were expecting to battle on large plains and were
trained to do so. Instead of finding the flat beach they expected, they found they had
been landed at an incorrect position and faced the steep cliffs of the Turkish
Peninsula constantly under fire from above as they strived to entrench themselves at
the base of the cliff. They faced a well organised, well armed, large Turkish force
determined to defend their country.
Every year on the 25th of April Australia commemorates this mistake. It is
remembered like it was a victory but to many it is viewed as a waste of good men,
young and old who died, sacrificing everything for there country. The Soldiers who
fought for their countries should in some people?s opinion be viewed as heroes.
They risked their life for the freedom of their country. Some believe that the battle at
Gallipoli was not Australia?s war and that we were invading someone else?s
countries for another countries cause. But what bravery the young soldiers showed
to do so. To represent their country and fight in a battle against seemingly impossible
odds, and die, and lose
How Work Place Bullying And Overall Performance Of An...
Good morning, my name is Zak Omar and I m your newly appointed HR manager at
SSC enterprises. My presentation should give you an insight on how work place
bullying and overall the performance of an employee can affect the success of the
business. (STOP)Workplace Bullying is repeated, health harming mistreatment of one
or more persons by one or more perpetrators. It is abusive conduct that is threatening,
humiliating, or intimidating, or Work interference in other words sabotage which
prevents work from getting done, and it could also be verbal abuse.STOP Workplace
bullyingdoesn t fall under everything that makes a person at work feel unrecognized
or upset. Certain behaviours that produce risks to health and safety that are generated
by bullies at work, whether if intentional or not fall under work bullying, examples
include (refer to PPT)
abusive, insulting or offensive language or comments
Aggressive and intimidating conduct
belittling or humiliating comments
Practical jokes or initiation
Unjustified criticism or complaints
Deliberately excluding someone from work related activities
withholding information that is vital for effective work performance
Workplace bullying can harm the receiver in many ways but certain effects vary due
to the unique characteristics and circumstance, for instance if they re extremely
emotional they can experience mental illnesses such as depression and suicidal
thoughts or they could experience physical
Starbucks Case Study Analysis
What factors accounted for the extra ordinary success of Starbucks in the early 1990s? 1992 Starbucks had 140 stores and was competing against small scale coffee
2.Starbucks went public in 1992 which helped them raise 25 million, allowing
expansions to continue.
3.Almost no spending in marketing
4.Controlled supply chain enforcing standard quality
5.Focused on service and the partners
6.Created ambiences with universal appeal
7.Company operated stores, not franchises which usually lack on quality standards
8.Location location and location!
9.Branched and started serving other products ( sodas, pastries, juices etc...)
10.Distributed through other channels food service, domestic retail, partnerships,
online and ... Show more content on ...
However, there was a significant differentiation between Starbucks and the
independent specialty coffeehouses. The brand image of Starbucks also had some
rough edges. More customers were beginning to agree with the fact the Starbucks
cared primarily about making money and building more stores. Also, despite the high
customer snapshot scores customer satisfaction scores were declining. It was
believed that there was a service gap between Starbucks scores on key attributes and
customer satisfaction. In polls by customers improvements to service, particularly
speed of service, was most mentioned for improvement.
Has the company s service declined or is it simply measuring satisfaction the wrong
Customer behavior and shift in customer base are major factors for this decline in
servive satisfaction. The company didn t follow the changing trend and continued
doing the same things which clearly were not working anymore, leading to
unsatisfied customers. Demographics changes means these people value other
aspects more than others. The behaviour also, as most customers visit the store only 5
times a month.
The overall company service has not necessarily declined. Overall, customers are
pleased with the cleanliness, atmosphere, and product quality. However, wait time is
steadily increasing. This is the main problem. While some people go to Starbucks for
the experience, many people get their coffee and are out the door. Therefore, wait
time is exceedingly
The Upper-Class Gap In London
An enigmatic city overcome with squalor and segregation, teeming with filth and
workers blood is igniting a class struggle and division. The overcrowded poor
houses left many in poverty and huddling for shelter on the street. The working
class deprived of basic necessities of food and warmth (Engles, pg. 23). The upper
class looking on with a sense of mocking; they feel great sympathy, but would not
dare enter a slum without a police escort (Walkowitz, pg. 19). This is late 19th
century London. A city divided at its core with class distinctions, split into East and
West, unsure of the next direction to take. To the bourgeois man, London appeared to
be an exhilarating urban scene, brimming with diversity and culture. Many upper class
... Show more content on ...
Engles reported that inhabited in 1,400 houses in Bethnal Green were 2,795
families, equivalent to 12,000 people. Many died of starvation and received little
to no aid from the government. In the Walkowitz text, it mentions how London
lacked a unified or systematic water, sanitation, and public health system. Both
texts state a negligent government as a reason for the class gap in London
however, the Engles text places the solution to the gap as a rise in the proletariat
creating a stronger and larger working class, but Walkowitz argues that many upper
class at the time believed the remedy is by the political intervention of the
bourgeoisie. The text highlights journalistic exposes that helped highlight the
sordid and depressing living conditions of the poor that originally sought to
enlighten others, but ended up deepening the geographical barriers and the
political divisions between the upper and the working class at the time. As shown
in Booth s Map, London s class distinctions were geographical as well as socio
political. Illustrated on the map, many upper class people lived in the same area of
town, with little disruption by the middle class, however, the middle class and urban
poor often lived side by side, with more concentrated areas of both also existing. In
the West, lived almost the aristocracy and the middle class. The East consisted of the
urban poor and the middle class, reinforcing the geographical divisions existing on
London and perpetuating the idea of the Other and the name for the east of Outcast
London (Walkowitz, pg.
Boyz N The Hood Techniques
Boyz n The Hood is a story that was written and directed by John Singleton. This is
notably the first time an African American filmmaker has attempted to tell a story
about how ghetto/hood life is. This film depicts the issues of three young boys who
follow very different paths throughout the film. The central theme of this filmis to
raise awareness of peace among young African American teens. Singleton uses
various techniques. Such as, high and low camera angles, montages, moral messages,
as well as the introduction of gangsta rap music. Singleton begins with the opening
scene of a stop sign a metaphor used to create awareness of stopping the rampant
violence. The story takes place in South Central Los Angeles during the mid 80s, a
young... Show more content on ...
Ricky has received his grant application for University of Southern California. As
for Doughboy, his unruly attitude is to show off how hard he is. He makes
careless decisions one right after another. Doughboy has dropped out of school. He
is in and out of prison, and has become the product of his environment the endless
cycle of drugs, alcohol, Black on black crimes, this isn t just a choice for him; it s a
life sentence, the only world he
COMM 340 (03) Team #6
Brock Josuttes 11094753 Nathan Keck 11123768 Josh MacGowan 11108277
Brittany Saunders 11099828 Brenley Schaan 11142699
.......................................................................................................................3 Location
Risk ....................................................................................................................4
Northern and Western Indian ... Show more content on ...
The target of a seaboard attack is to capture a marine vessel, steal the cargo aboard
and take for an end result of a profit. A recent joint study by the International
Criminal Police Organization, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the
World Bank says that from 2005 until the end of 2012, 179 ships were successfully
hijacked off the Horn of Africa, primarily off the coast of Somalia. (Poulton, 2013)
With the number of attacks rising, companies that are offering security positions to
protect their goods and services travelling overseas are increasing in a parallel
motion. The objective of this document is to provide further details regarding the
factors of anticipating pirate attacks including location and economic risks of
shipping overseas in highly active geographic regions, strategies to prevent the
damages and losses, alternative ideas other than researched facts and our
recommendations involving all topics above.
In order to anticipate the risk of piracy attacks, companies must take a multi faceted
research based approach. The keys to effectively anticipating a piracy attack include
variables such as: 1. The type of goods being transported and 2. The location risk of
the shipments. A major key factor that companies must evaluate is the location risk,
as certain locations account for nearly all of the piracy attacks that occur globally.
For example, Somalian piracy is unique in
Tess Of DUbervilles Essay
Tess of d Ubervilles Tess is a novel, written by Thomas Hardy that communicates
the trials of a young Victorian girl trying to make a life for herself. Throughout the
novel Tess tries to deal with the terrible tragedies of her past while also coming
across new ones. Tess of d Ubervilles is set in the Victorian Era, and with that comes
all the difficulties of that time period. Thomas Hardywas born in a rural part of
England called Dorset. He grew up trying to find his place in society and defaulted
to writing. The novel shows much of his background and upbringing. Consequently,
the book takes a tone of sympathy for the farmers and the people trying to get by. He
addresses the elitist mentality among the rich and how they looked down upon...
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She sees it everywhere. She s terrified someone will find out and ashamed of herself.
Here Hardy points out the appalling truth of society constantly blaming the girls who
get raped. He shows that times double standard between men and women, and how
women were seen as property. Tess own mother tells her she should have done
something to stop it. It s disgusting how society never puts the blame on the predator
but the prey. Alec, another antagonists, represents the taking of innocence. He never
actually apologizes for what he does. It doesn t even register that he has done
something wrong. He saw something he wanted and he couldn t bear being without
it. Instead of pursuing her in a healthy manner, he makes the decision to just take
what he wants and steals Tess innocence. The one thing she can never get back, he
just takes without even thinking about it. Hardy shows how men in this time, and
even some today, didn t try to fix the
Tess of d Ubervilles
equality issues but instead graveled in them. They used them to their advantages,
and saw that everything in the world was theirs for the taking. They didn t think
about consequences. They saw things as a conquest and once they conquered their
quest, they moved on. Alec does just this when he sees Tess; she is his quest and
once he conquers her he leaves her to deal with the repercussions herself. Angel is
Tess love interest in the novel. He sees her as the very
The Scandal Of Healthsouth Corporation Scandal
Introduction Organizational misconduct is the chief cause behind corporate
accounting scandals. The trusted executives of the corporation participation in
actions during a scandal are corrupt, unethical, and illegal. In the United States, the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is typically the government agency that
investigates such scandals. One of the most notorious corporate accounting scandalsin
the United States is the HealthSouth Corporation scandal of 2003. HealthSouth
Corporation is one of the United States largest healthcare providers with locations
nationwide. A deeper inspection of the HealthSouth scandal is needed to understand
how it transpired by assessing how it was executed, the accounting issues and root of
the issue, how it was exposed, the results to the company and its main contributor,
and ramifications as an outcome of the scandal.
Scandal Overview In 1984, Richard Scrushy founded HealthSouth in Birmingham,
Alabama. Scrushy was the company s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
when the company went public in 1986. HealthSouth grew quickly over the next
several years. Shortly after HealthSouth went public, it is alleged that Scrushy
instructed senior staff to materially inflate the company s earnings to match
expectations. In 2002, the first sign of troubles occurred when Scrushy sold $75
million of HealthSouth stock days before HealthSouth announced a large loss. After
this the SEC began to investigate if any insider trading laws had
Goliath Bird Eating Spider Research Paper
The goliath bird eating spider is the heaviest of all spiders in the word weighing
almost half a pound! It is also arguably the largest spider competing with the giant
huntsman spider. They both have a leg span of about 12 inches! That s the size a
small pizza! Their bodies are dark brown covered by reddish hairs giving the spidera
golden blond appearance. The coloration of this spider gives it its species name
blondi which is the Latin word for blond, or golden. The goliath bird eating spider is
found in rainforests from southern Venezuela east to Guyana, Suriname, French
Guiana and north eastern Brazil. The Goliath bird eating spider was named by
explorers who first reported them to the western world, and witnessed one eating a
humming bird.
They do not spin orb webs. ... Show more content on ...
Like all tarantulas, its body is covered in movement sensing hairs. Its eyes can only
detect light or darkness rather than seeing anything. It relies almost completely on
its hairs to alert it of prey or predators. When threated, the bird eater will first rub its
hind legs together very quickly to make a loud hissing noise hoping to confuse and
scare its predator. If that doesn t work they will raise up on their hind legs and bear
their inch long fangs. If bitten the predator will experience extreme pain and
swelling, but no permanent damage will be induced. If the predator still won t them
alone, they flick off hairs on its abdomen with its legs. These microscopically
barbed hairs (called setae) can be irritating to the skin and lungs. They will cause
swelling for a few
Cap Barbell Fitness Fid Bench Research Paper
Cap Barbell Fitness FID Bench
People today are more conscious about their health however most are busy with
their careers and family that going to the gym is not an option. This is why home
exercising is now the new trend, you can readily work out any time of the day and
it saves you from expensive gym membership fees. It is vital that once in a while
you need to work out to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle. Of course you will
need some equipment to get you started. This is where the Cap Barbell Fitness FID
Bench comes in. It s a very convenient piece of equipment with adjustable positions
so you won t have to carry your weights from one type of bench to another in order to
do a certain lift exercise.
Key features of the Cap Barbell Fitness ... Show more content on ...
Certain lifts require different positions and this bench can go from upright to flat or
incline to decline settings. This gives you more freedom in movement. It is also
easy to move from one location to another as it only weighs 25 pounds. Despite its
light weight, it can still carry a maximum of 250 pounds although for some they are
skeptical about its capacity to hold heavy weight users.
It is also equipped with a dumbbell holder which makes it easier to grab your
weights. For added comfort, the surface of the bench, its handle bars and shin bars
are foam padded. The Cap Barbell Fitness FID Bench measures about 50 long, 26 ВЅ
wide and 41 high. That gives you enough space for a wide range of movements. It
also has a leg extension setup for you to work on your lower body.
The whole equipment is very easy to set up and very solid if properly assembled.
This single piece of equipment lets you do a wide variety of exercises on it;
versatility is one of its strong points. Adjusting the back rest is also very easy and
quick to do. The Cap Barbell Fitness FID Bench is simple equipment with so many
uses. Truly a must have for any home
Job Satisfaction And Motivation For Employees Essay
Managers can develop subordinates to manage routine tasks that are not cost
effective for them to carry out. Delegation also allows the transfer of work to
subordinates who might have better skills than the manager to complete the tasks
that can save time. The reason can be for example the delegation of a project to an
employee that have intimate knowledge of a specific field or subject that involves
the project. Apart from developing employees, delegation can also play an important
role in job satisfaction and motivation.
7.1 Diagram: Steps in successful delegation
Source: Team FME, 2015:12
According to Team FME, (2015:12) managers must follow certain steps to ensure that
delegation is meaningful in terms of achievement of the organisations objectives and
supportive of the employee s development. These steps include;
Step 1 Selecting the right person with the right knowledge, skills and attributes is
essential. Delegation should be developmental and not set the employee up for
failure (Fox and Van der Waldt, 2007:121).
Step 2 Set clear goals and select appropriate tasks. There are certain tasks that cannot
be delegated to subordinates for example, a task that no else in the department is
prepared to do, morale problems, emergency or short term task where there is no
time to explain or train the employee or lastly personnel issues such as hiring ,
dismissal or disciplinary matters.
Step 3 Set clear deadlines by giving clear, well communicated briefings in
Isis Model
US and partner/allies special operations forces US and partner/allies intelligence
assets Military and civilian Civil Affairs, and military Psychological Operations
(PSYOPS) capabilities Civilian law enforcement capabilities from the US and
international partners Development resources (i.e., US Agency for International
Development) for the economic dimension, Department of State capacities for the
political/diplomatic requirements. Thus, related to above force development
approach, and current status analysis, the critical missing capabilities gap is in the
command and control (C2) and intelligence dominions. C2 and an appropriate
command structure to provide the unity of effort and unified action from respective
stakeholder... Show more content on ...
For example, tracking, detecting, and disrupting of ISIS s financial flow by above
organizations along with regional and international organizations would definitely
bring the positive efforts to defeat ISIS. According to the J2 information, ISIS raises
approximately $120 $210 million almost every year through taxation, illegal
economies, like oil smuggling and extortion, celling goods, external support, such as
online and regional fundraising. Thus, in order to prevent and completely cut off both
internal and external financial support, the State department should lead robust the
collection and economic and financial analysis with its law enforcement
organizations and other nations. In addition, the State department not only
coordinates all agencies towards to defeat of ISIS through robust financial
mechanism, but also support the host nation s economy. It must be done through
various ways, such as economic and humanitarian support etc. Thus, the USA along
with UN and regional organizations or other international organizations must urge
and lead humanitarian relief campaign over war effected countries, such as Syria and
Iraq and other countries that opened their doors for the
Goth Culture Is A Counter Culture
The Goth culture is a counterculture. A counterculture is a way of life and a set of
attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm. The way a Goth
views the world and their strange choices of wardrobe are different from other
cultures. Goths are technically a subculture, because they do have different views
then the rest of the world, but they are more of a counterculture. They also are not a
deviant subculture. Though they view the world in a very different way, they are in
no danger of becoming a criminal subculture. Dressing in dark clothing doesn t
automatically make them evil. Some obvious norms of the Goth culture, are wearing
... Show more content on ...
They don t have to be ridiculed for being different from everyone else. Being a part
of the Gothic culture allows them to be accepted, and praised for being who they
are. One folkway of the Gothic culture is smoking and drinking. Not every Goth
smokes or drinks, but there are some that do. Another folkway is to be polite to
everyone, even if you don t really like them. Goths don t always get along with
everyone, but many feel it is important to at least be polite. Goths are stereotyped
as evil people, so the try to prove people wrong. Not every Goth agrees with that
statement. A more that the Goths follow is to be accepting. There are no
requirements that are needed to become a Goth, because all Goths are different.
For example, some Goths are religious, while other Goths choose to be atheists.
The Gothic culture was formed so that people who had a darker view on life has a
place to fit in. So being accepting of other Goths is very important. Most Goths
choose to wear darker clothes, specifically black. They also
MCQ Exam
Chapter 1: Introduction to accounting Multiple Choice 1. Which of these is a
decision relevant to the accounting function of an entity? a. Whether debts can be
repaid b. Finding the most cost effective way to produce goods c. The investment
prospects of the entity d. None of the above e. All of the above 2. Under the
Framework describes the qualitative characteristic of relevance as: a. information
that is of value to users in decision making. b. information that can be classified. c.
information that can be recorded in accounting reports. d. information that can be
reliably measured. e. information that is understandable 3. Which of these is not
likely to be the responsibility of a bookkeeper? a. Preparation of a bank... Show more
content on ...
the fact that not all information relevant to decision making is contained in
accounting reports. b. its subjective nature. c. the use of historical data to predict
future events. d. the time delay from when events take place and their reporting. e.
All of the above 17. The most senior accounting position in a corporation is generally
referred to as the: a. Managing Director b. Chief Financial Officer c. Managing
Accountant d. Head Accountant e. Auditor 4 18. The normal time delay in Australia
in providing the annual report of large companies to external users after the end of the
financial year is: a. two weeks. b. one month. c. six months. d. two months. e. three
months. 19. The Corporations Act is primarily enforced by a. the Financial Reporting
Council. b. the Australian Stock Exchange. c. the Australian Securities and
Investments Commission. d. the Australian Accounting Standards Board. e. All of
the above 20. Legally enforceable accounting standards that apply to Australian
companies are issued by a. the Financial Reporting Council. b. the Australian Stock
Exchange. c. the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. d. the
Australian Accounting Standards Board. e. All of the above. 21. The role of the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission is to a. Uphold the law uniformly,
effectively and quickly. b. Promote confident and informed participation in the
financial system by investors and consumers. c. Make
The Bar Codes Of The TOYOTA Company
Bar code (or barcode) definition:
A bar code is the short picture of position (bars) and the spaces that shows is a
affixed comprehensive to store items, recognition cards, and the postal mail to find
out the a specific product number, Area, location, person(purchaser) and product
serial numbers. The code is specially uses in a pattern of a vertical bars and the
spaces shows that to represent that the numbers and other symbols.
Uses of Bar codes of TOYOTA Company:
A bar codes work as a reader base system. And the most important thing is that the
bar code read is old to understand script the code. The human being who reads uses
a laser ray of brightness that is responsive to the expression from the line and the
space depth and the confirmation of certain product. Basically the main purpose of
using barcode for lacking in cost level, keep the moment and decrease the exercise
time of worker. And the barcode eliminate the option of human mistakes. The reader
transform the reflected brightness interested in digital information is transferred to a
data base management system for immediate action or storage of the product of the
Toyota Company. The Bar codes and readers are the largest part regularly see in
supermarkets and wholesale stores, but huge figures of various uses contain been
establish for the customers. The barcode be single of the a large amount type of using
is necessary data collocation including the pricing of product and the information
about the inventory. ... Show more content on ...
The TOYOTA applications include product tracking, product classification, time
tracking, certificate management, and specific marketing. The TOYOTA industry
QR code uses four consistent programming modes to powerfully store up data
extensions might also be second hand.
Crack-Cocaine Addiction Essay examples
Crack Cocaine Addiction at It s Best
In quite a few lower class communities, phrases like your mom is a crack head, or
shut up crack baby are said jokingly to make fun of someone during what we call a
rip session. Although said as a joke, some are very offended by the comments.
Why? because for some, crack addiction hits too close to home for comfort. Seeing
how easy it is obtained in lower class and poverty stricken neighborhoods, many find
themselves falling victim to the powerful substance, crack cocaine. Low sociable
economic systems are just one of the many factors that can lead to the use, and
addiction of crack cocaine, others include movies, music, peer pressure, alcohol and
cigarette ads. In this report I will discuss ... Show more content on ...
Because the first high is so pleasurable, many continue taking the drug in search of
the first high they experienced. They try taking larger and larger doses to recapture a
high that can never be obtained again.
Pretty soon they ll find themselves having to use crack just to feel normal again.
This is the physical dependency stage. It occurs when the user has built up such a
high tolerance from frequent usage, that their body basically forgets what is normal
so they have to maintain a continuum of the drug to ward of the withdraw effects.
As a result of usage, anxiety and depression can last for weeks. Attempts to stop
using the drugs can fail simply because the resulting depression can be
overwhelming, causing the addict to use more cocaine in an attempt to overcome his
depression. This is the point in which you get the more stereotypical crack addict.
They begin to steal from their family and friends, miss work/school, prostitute, and
do just about anything they can to get the money to support their habit. They begin to
short or try to get over on the person who is selling them drugs, which can result in
violence. Some even become drug dealers themselves so that they can pay for the
drugs that they use.
The final stage of addiction is the deteriorative stage. This is basically the stage in
which the user has nothing left. They may be homeless because they ve spent all
their money on crack so they were unable to keep up
Sonic The Hedgehog Research Paper
Sonic the Hedgehog can be a podium video recording game put together by Sonic
Group in addition to promulgated by simply Sega for that Sega Genesis gaming
console. This game was already released throughout The usa, Europe as well as
Questionnaire with Summer 3, 1991 and in Japan with This summer xxvi of their
year. The idea celebrities Sonic the Hedgehog within a mission for licking Dr.
Robotnik, a great wicked researchers who has imprisoned wildlife inside robots as
well as compromised the actual marvelous Mayhem Emeralds. Sonic the
Hedgehog‍ gameplay will involve collecting wedding rings as a type of health
and an easy handle system, with bouncing along with fighting handled aside i switch.
Your game s progress started throughout 1990,
Fair Value Hierarchy
Memorandum to: Accounting department of family finance co. from: Daisy subject:
fair value hierarchy date: december 15, 2012
Family Finance Co. (FFC), a publicly traded commercial bank, invests in a variety of
securities in order to enhance returns greater than interest paid on bank deposits and
other liabilities. The primary investments of FFC are collateralized debt obligation,
mortgage backed securities, auction rate securities, equity securities in nonpublic
companies, interest rate swaps, and a fuel swap for gasoline. FFC measures the
derivative at fair value, presenting the portion of the fair value change by using the
fair value hierarchy. This memo will present the appropriate classification in the fair
value ... Show more content on ...
Also, as of the measurement date, there is lack of recent and relevant transactions.
Thus, the fair value measurement of this CDO should be classified as Level 3. By
analyzing the market changes, FFC determined that the CDO s market was not active
and there has been a significant decrease in the volume and level of activity. FFC
used an income approach valuation technique which is present value technique to
make measurement. Because this approach can maximize the use of relevant
observable inputs and minimizes the use of unobservable inputs to reflect the fair
value more representatively.
Instrument 2 Mortgage Backed Security The fair value measurement of the
Mortgage Backed Security investment shall be categorized within Level 2 of the
fair value hierarchy. According to ASC 820 10 35 52, Level 2 inputs include the
following: a. Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets . These
inputs included quoted prices in active markets for similar MBSs with insignificant
adjustments for differences between the MBS held by FFC and similar securities.
In Q4 of 2012, the prices for transactions didn t reduce the relevant to the fair value
measurement. Therefore, the fair value measurement of this MBS should be
classified into Level 2 of fair value hierarchy. The market of Mortgage Backed

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Essay On Abortion Should Be Legal

  • 1. Essay On Abortion Should Be Legal Writing an essay on the topic of whether abortion should be legal can be a challenging task, as it involves navigating through a complex and highly controversial subject. The difficulty arises from the sensitive nature of the topic, which often elicits strong emotions and diverse opinions from individuals with varying perspectives. Crafting a well-balanced and thoughtful essay requires extensive research to comprehend the historical, social, legal, and ethical dimensions surrounding abortion. Addressing the arguments for and against the legalization of abortion involves delving into intricate ethical considerations, medical perspectives, and the rights of the individuals involved. Analyzing legal frameworks, precedents, and societal attitudes further adds layers of complexity to the essay. Moreover, the writer must remain aware of potential biases, ensuring that the essay maintains objectivity and respects differing viewpoints. The essay should be structured logically, presenting a clear introduction, well-supported body paragraphs, and a compelling conclusion. Effective communication of ideas is crucial to avoid misunderstandings or misinterpretations, as the topic often evokes strong emotional responses. Striking a balance between empathy for different perspectives and providing a comprehensive analysis requires finesse in language and argumentation. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of whether abortion should be legal demands a nuanced approach, careful research, and a commitment to presenting a well-rounded discussion. It involves navigating through a myriad of perspectives, ethical considerations, and legal aspects. Crafting such an essay requires not only writing skills but also a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding the issue. If you need assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing, various services are available. One such option is, where you can find support for a range of topics and assignments. Essay On Abortion Should Be Legal Essay On Abortion Should Be Legal
  • 2. American Wrestling Research Paper How Wrestling Became a Part Of American culture Although wrestling started in Greco roman, times now a days Americans adapted their own version from the native americans that was a combination of the native americans, and the greco roman style of wrestling. The Greco Romans used wrestling as a way to train warriors hand on hand combat among one another. They later changed it into a sport and put it the olympics. As for the native americans they had there own form developed that was like the greco roman style but a little tweaked. This is when the early americans came over and adapted to their culture. The native americans were the earliest form that developed the way Folkstyle is the most classic form of wrestlingtoday it is on a school and an olympic level. It was the style the greeks and the native americans used.... Show more content on ... Along with Greco Roman, it is one of the two styles of wrestling contested in the Olympic games. American high school and college wrestling is conducted under different rules and is termed scholastic and collegiate wrestling. Freestyle wrestling, like collegiate wrestling, has its greatest origins in catch as catch can wrestling and, in both styles, the ultimate goal is to throw and pin your opponent to the mat, which results in an immediate win. Freestyle and collegiate wrestling, unlike Greco Roman, allow the use of the wrestler s or his opponent s legs in offense and defense. Freestyle wrestling brings together traditional wrestling, judo, and sambo techniques. According to the wrestling s governing body, freestyle wrestling is one of the four main forms of amateur wrestling that are practiced today. The other main forms of wrestling are Greco Roman and grappling. The Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee recommended dropping wrestling as a sport from the 2020 Olympic Games, but this decision was later reversed by the
  • 3. African American Male Enters The Criminal Judicial System,... As reported by the U.S. Justice Department, there has been significant increase in incarcerated African American males, in comparison to Hispanic and White males. It is believed that social interaction, area of residency, and social networks have major influence on the increasing crime and incarceration rates of African Americanmales. A larger portion of White males hold more positions within the U.S. Judicial system than African American males who make up a larger population of prison inmates and less involvement in legislation. This coincides with data suggesting that African American s have lower percentages of receiving or obtaining higher education, placing them in areas of low income and less opportunities. Social inequality in the judicial system is questioned as well as demographics and economics will be researched in order to provide in depth analysis of these national percentages of African Americans. Additional research is conducted to investigate circumstances once an African American male enters the criminal judicial system, and a generational cycle of crime. There is more knowledge and potential opportunities within the prison system versus the lack of resources these prisoners would feel they would have upon their release. The Judicial system appears to be White male dominated due to factors regarding higher education, as well as opportunities or resources to pursue careers of higher statuses. The percentage of black adults who obtained a bachelor s degree
  • 4. Language, Health, And Education Of A Peruvian Culture Essay What is culture? Culture includes languages, ideas, beliefs, customs, institutions, inventions, technology, and values. One may ask what do the people of the society wear? How do they prepare their food? What type of foods to the eat? What kind of work do they do? We are not born with any knowledge of a culture. This is something we learn throughout time and it makes up who and what you are as a person. There are many different cultures in the world today. But that is what makes our society unique. Culture is based on long standing traditions that have been passed on from one generation to another. The purpose of this paper is to compare language, health, and education of a Peruvian culture to the American lifestyle. I was born and raised in Trujillo, Peru. Peru is located in the west of South America, and has borders with Ecuador, Columbia, Brazil, Bolivia and Chile. According to the world atlas this small town I was raised in has a population of 747,450 making it the biggest city in La Libertad. My life as an only child was so different compared to the American life style I see now a day. I grew up with two wonderful strict parent, who wanted the best for their only child. I was taught to respect our elder and peers, speak with politeness, and always use manners. That is an example of culture that is passed on from one generation to another. When it comes to culture it depends on the state or country that you live in. As we age we teach our children these values and
  • 5. Wedding Speech On The Beach House No Essay Upon arrival, Jenny from reception escorted us to the guestroom: beach house no. 35, she handled the guestroom orientation and conducted a demonstration on how to utilize the gas fireplace, music system, telephone and television. Moreover, Jenny enlightened us and confirmed the numerous appointments in the beach house such as the safe, robes, slippers, mini bar, snacks, coffee station and housewares. Prior to Jenny s departure she asked if we needed additional assistance or help with making dinner reservations for the evening. In addition, Jenny offered to carry our bags into the beach house. We declined the offer at the time and conveyed our desire to relax, for the moment; we had just finished the afternoon tea service. We would consider dinner plans later. Jenny s departing salutation, enjoy your stay with us, Ms. Churchill . After Jenny s departure, I inspected beach house no. 35. It was well appointed, the king sized bed was made with crisp white sheets, an adequate number of pillows and decorative pillows. The cottage interior, bright white painted, wood bead board free of scuff marks. Appropriate artwork throughout. The wood floors were polished and had several scuff marks from normal wear. The kitchen area tidy appointed with dishes, glasses, all utensils, pot and pans. The bathroom jacuzzi tub was polished, however the marble surround had several stains. The steam shower glass enclosure free of finger marks and dirt. The bathroom waste basket did contain some
  • 6. A Brief Note On Poultry Industry And Nepal Abstract Poultry Industry in Nepal One of the most important aspects of livestock production is ensuring producers have adequate biosecurity for their facilities. Biosecurity is procedures or measures designed to protect the population against harmful biological or biochemical substances. Whether it be small scale or large scale, the easiest way to maintain the cleanliness of a facility and ensure the health of the animal is through proper sanitation. This is extremely important in Nepal as the poultry industry accounts for 4% of the gross domestic product (GDP). In fact, there are over 50 billion chickens raised each year for both meat and eggs with a meat production of 42,180 metric tonnes and an egg production of 8,74,194 (in... Show more content on ... The Terai is a flat region and is located to the south of Nepal. It is where most of Nepal s agriculture occurs as it has fertile soils and has an elevation of 70 m above sea level. Climate Temperatures in Nepal range from 40в„ѓ in the Himalayas, to 40в„ѓ in the Terai. Spring lasts from March to May, summer lasts from June to August, fall lasts from September to November and winter lasts from December to February. Throughout the summer months, monsoon clouds cover most of Nepal, raining almost every day and accounting for more than 1000 mm of rainfall each year. Population Nepal has a population of 28.7 million people. The most common religion practiced throughout Nepal is Hinduism, followed by Buddhism. As they are a developing country, Nepal has to cope with overpopulation. The capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, houses 1,442,271 people. The average age for Nepalese is 21 years old, while the life expectancy is 66 years of age. Most of Nepal s population lies between the ages of 25 to 54 which results in a large labour force. Since Nepal is dependant on agriculture, and most of the population is involved with farming whether it be a backyard farm or an industrial sized farm, 80% of the population lives in rural areas. Government Before Nepal officially became the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, there was a monarchy in place. The last King of Nepal, Gyanendra Shah, was voted out in 2008. Now, like Canada, Nepal has a prime minister: Sushil Koirala. He was elected
  • 7. Nerdy Starcat Research Paper The Nerdy Starcat lives in the deepest part of the ocean which is the ocean floor. Its habitat has to be very dark, gloomy and cold. When the temperatures are cold, it has the ability to use its thick skin to keep itself warm. However, if the temperatures are hot, the Nerdy Starcat will overheat due to so much fur on its body. Because of this, the Nerdy Starcat swims around the ocean floor to create its homes. Being very picky and cautious about homes and environments, the Nerdy Starcat builds its home behind the coral reefs. And the shape of its home is a banana. Due to such a unique style and architecture of a home, fish swimming around it get attracted. The fish then swim towards the banana and get eaten by the Nerdy Starcat. Having this
  • 8. What Is The Purpose Of Mankind s Ouroboros In the essay Humankind s Ouroboros , J. Reagan Tankersley discusses about zombies in the horror genre and how over time they have evolved with society s fears through evidence from big name zombie films of the time. The original publication of this essay was in a college classroom, though the audience was directed towards someone that understood or had basic knowledge of the zombie films Tankersley chose to use as evidence. So, if someone that picked up his work and had no knowledge of these films, they would already become lost. That is what makes this essay great. Instead of using the space he had to explain every little detail, he pulls towards an advanced audience; that would mean he would only have to slightly touch on the subject and... Show more content on ... The way it targets towards a more knowledgeable audience in the horror genre with the pinpoint examples allows the text to not drag on. Then the work leaves the reader thinking that with the fear of the dead coming back to life, the fear of a viral virus gone wrong, or even the fear of what we ourselves can do when chaos ensues with the underlining message and brings a sense of wonder and thrill, making this piece a must read for any zombie horror
  • 9. How Did Ewan Mccoll Have Left-Wing Politics During the 1950 s, disenchantment with commercial music led many to look for alternatives. This led to a revival of folk music in Britain that gained momentum during the 50 s and surged ahead rapidly in the 60 s. (11) Left wing political activist and folk musician Ewan McColl is considered by most to be the godfather of this folk musicrevival. (5) Born Jimmie Miller (14), McColl was a successful playwright, folk musician (1) and highly acclaimed radio broadcaster. (2) He was active in left wing politics from his teenage years and conscripted into the British Army in 1940. (19) After five months he deserted the army, going on the run for the remainder of the war and eventually changing his name to Ewan McColl. (19) McColl produced a number of collections of folk music during his career, including collections of sea shanties he worked on with A.L. Lloyd (17) and collections of industrial songs he produced both alone and with his third wife Peggy Seeger. (17) McColl s left wing political beliefs and practices were heavily tied up with his collection of folk music. He saw folk music as a way to engage the working class and working class issues (18) and used his folk music collections to do this.... Show more content on ... This essay will discuss the extent to which his political beliefs and practices are tied up with the collection of folk music, with reference to McColl s involvement in the British folk revival, his co founding of the Theatre Workshop, his Ballads and Blues club and his folk music
  • 10. The Concept of Blood Atonement behind Judaism and... The idea of using blood of a living creature, (typically an animal s) in order to blot out immorality, or better known as sin, can be traced back to the roots of primal civilization. Specifically in Judaism, the ritual started in which an animal was sacrificed in order to cover the sins of a person or multiple people. As we presently observe the traditions of Judaismwe do not find any sign of animal sacrifice, with an exception of orthodox Jews. While on the other hand, Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints (FLDS) will be found to zealously observe blood atonementin their practices today. The significance and importance that was placed in blood atonement, through animal sacrifice, no longer has the same affect in Judaism traditions because of... Show more content on ... One story in the Bible that might draw to the assumption that Yahweh required human sacrifice is the account of Abraham being asked by God to sacrifice his son Isaac. God stopped Abraham, with knife in hand, from sacrificing Isaac. Deuteronomy 12:31 further supports that Judaism culture did not regard human sacrifice as virtuous: You must not worship the Lord your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the Lord hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods. Even though animal sacrificing was a center tradition of Judaism, it ceased in the year 70 A.D. after the Roman army had destroyed the Jewish temple in Jerusalem (Dumbrell). Deuteronomy says thou offer not thy burnt offerings in every place that thou seest : But in the place which the LORD shall choose in one of thy tribes Thus the custom of animal sacrificing could no longer continue in the culture of Judaism. Regardless, there were other ways in
  • 11. Gender Roles Are Becoming Increasing More Malleable Gender roles in society are becoming increasing more malleable. The younger generation is less inclined to follow the same roles that their parents and grandparents followed. In Disney s Brave, the main character, Merida, is a perfect example of this. She doesn t follow the traditional girly norms that princesses usually reflect, she is wildly defiant toward her mother, especially in regards to her betrothal, and she doesn t even want to be a princess, which is something rarely seen. Merida does not follow the typical gender roles of a princess. She doesn t like dresses, she doesn t want to follow the rules, and she isn t into typical princess things, such as looking nice. When her mother makes her wear a tight fitting dress to the competition for her hand in marriage, she is completely uncomfortable in the restrictive item of clothing. She then rips her dress in order for her to properly shoot her arrows in the competition for her hand. She outshoots all three of her suitors, causing her mother to become furious. Her mother, the queen, is outraged that Merida has brought disrespected to her and the kingdom. Merida does not care about the possible shame she has brought to the kingdom. She will not allow herself to be forced to marry a man that she does not want to. These acts demonstrate her defiance, which is not generally the trait of a princess, unless it is directed towards the father. Merida s defiance is more so directed at everybody. Due to this, she is not one to
  • 12. Benefits Of Student Loan Loans can be double edged swords in the matter of higher education. They help you get in to college, and to support families and lifestyles as you work hard to secure the qualifications that can guarantee you a rewarding career. However, keeping tabs on due dates, balancing cash flows and predatory rates of interestcan wreck your life. There is no need to let intolerable financial burdens hamper your scholastic efforts. Use the following 5 step guide for student loanconsolidation that will repair your credit history, and leave you free to focus on classes and on searching for that all important job: 1.Apply for your Student Consolidation Loan in time. Application processing always takes time, and you should have the opportunity to shop around... Show more content on ... The main problem starts when they have to repay the loan amount back. However, great lake student loans consolidation services will help you get rid of your loans easily and comfortably. Opting for the loan consolidation services means that all your loans will get combined into one or the lender will pay all your loans and make it a fresh loan with fresh terms and conditions. In any case the clauses will be different and will start getting implemented as soon as you agree to it. No matter what student loan consolidation program you choose, you should read and understand the terms and conditions at which they are available to you. Do not forget to read the fine lines and make yourself familiar with all small and big conditions. This is important so that you know your future and what shape your financial condition will take in the upcoming years. It should be clear in your mind why you want to consolidate your student loans. Is it that you want to lower the monthly installments because you are facing a financial crisis or you want to get rid of the debt as soon as possible? Great lake student loans consolidation services will help you have your monthly installments lowered and get rid of your loans faster as well. Make sure you find all the details of the program you are interested in. Find the rate of interest and compare it so that it is lowest and the entire program is beneficial for you. Consider your interests and see that they are covered and at the same time see that the consolidation program helps you to tackle with your debt more comfortably and conveniently. Usually people have several student loans and each of them is different in terms of interest rate, tenure, repayment plan and many more factors. Make sure you have all the details regarding the student loans you have in your name before you try to take the advantage of great lake student loans consolidation
  • 13. How Did George Washington Plan The Presidential Home History: In 1790 George Washington had hired Pierre L Enfant to plan the city and design the presidential home. The plan by L Enfant s plan was four times larger than the structure that is standing today. By 1792 L`Enfant had been dismissed due to his exceedingly dominant handling of the city plans. In the absence of the original architect a competition began to select the new architect of the presidential house. James Hoban and Irish American was chosen after winning over George Washington with his personality and designs. George Washington laid the first cornerstone of the Whitehouse on October 13, 1972 in a freemason ceremony. The eight year construction was completed in 1800, with George Washington overseeing the construction of the house he himself never occupied. President John Adams was the first to live in the residence. When Thomas Jefferson was elected in 1801 John Adams had put in so much work on the interior design he did not want to leave but as it was the presidential home he unwillingly left after only a few months in residence. ... Show more content on ... was burned down by British to restore the White House just as it was ( James Hoban returned to oversee and restore the house to its original state, there were only a few structural changes during the reconstruction the floor plan remained much the same. Construction was completed in 1817. The front and rear porticos were added to the White House 1825 and 1830, when Thomas Jefferson commissioned Benjamin Henry Latrobe to make architectural changes to the mansion (Latrobe had done proposals that included porticos as early as 1807). Additional changes followed in 1835, when running water and central heating were installed
  • 14. The Theme Of Immorality In A Clockwork Orange Imagine every night being the blackest of nights, where even the police do not stop the criminals lurking in the corners. This is the world in Anthony Burgess s A Clockwork Orange, where a dystopian society in which juvenile delinquents roam free to terrorize the night is chronicled. Your Humble Narrator, Alex DeLarge, is a member of this appalling culture of teenagers. Over the course of the novel, he performs unspeakable acts of ultraviolence with his droogs, which land him behind bars in Staja, the state jail, for a prescribed fourteen years. After failing to reform, Alex receives an experimental corrective cure called Ludovico s Technique, which induces a vicious physical reaction to acts of violence. When finally healed of his violent... Show more content on ... While Alex DeLarge displays immorality through flagrant acts of evil, the Minister of the Interior takes a more subtle approach with his wrongdoings. The curing of delinquents by Ludovico s Technique is the primary action that presents the Minister s immorality. Although the citizens in the dystopia believe the new method will aid in criminals reform, it is clearly only a tactic for the Minister of the Interior to regain his position in the government by netting public support. The reform is so heavily advertised that Alex refers to the newspaper as the Government paper. While reading he sees the policy for what it really is, which is portrayed by, was this Minister of Inferior or Interior. It seemed that he had been doing a bit of boasting, looking forward to a nice crime free era... (Burgess 149). It is fitting that one of the Minister s victims would be one to see through the man s faГ§ade of morality. The fake guise put on to fool the public into support is a clear example of The Minister of the Interior s immorality. Between Alex s heinous acts and the Governments clear lies, human immorality is an obvious theme in this novel. The theme of fate also makes an indistinguishable appearance in A Clockwork Orange, which is brought to life by the outcomes of Alex DeLarge s raucous life. The first demonstration of fate is the result Alex s criminal
  • 15. Health Promotion Approaches And Strategies Part A Health promotion approaches and strategies Discuss the effectiveness of a range of health promotion strategies in relation to young people (6 marks) Current attitudes towards health promotion in young people are significantly understood by the importance of the determinates of health such as income, level of education, cultural beliefs, geographic location and employment. For an effective long term outcome on health promotion it involves several approaches to bring about this change. This includes lifestyle and behavioural approaches, public health approaches and preventative medical approaches. Health promotion programs use approaches to target individuals or population groups, through health education programs, social ... Show more content on ... Although this creates a decent future for young people it also may provide them with a sense of false hope as many may become extremely reliant on one simple test. For example childhood immunisation programs prevent against diseases such as the whopping cough and Measles that allow for a protection in young children. This protects any health risk of reoccurring but has also created controversy between those against immunisation as they believe vaccines can cause many health risks such as autism. Public health approaches distinguishes the role played by outside factors that influence individuals and their immediate health system. The established programs, policies and services that are trying to create supportive health within a wide range of social and economic contexts seek to empower many to exercise control over their own health and improve the ability to work together within their profession. For example health promoting schools collaborate together to protect the health of students through a supportive school environment, these programs include Mind Matters which looks at the mental health and wellbeing of young people. Overall this positively influences young people as it promotes for a supportive health environment as it advocates so a broad range of people for all different areas of life although similar to the Lifestyle and behavioural approaches it allows for individuals
  • 16. Lord Of The Flies Monologue Analysis Do any of the characters have inner dreams or inner monologues? What is revealed about a character through dreams that would not otherwise be revealed? In chapter ten, it becomes apparent that Ralph has nightly inner dreams and monologues. It can be concluded that Ralph s growing desire for civilization is torturing him, even in sleep. Ralph settled himself for his nightly game of supposing. . . . Supposing they could be transported home by jet, then before morning they would land at that big airfield in Wiltshire. They would go by car; no, for things to be perfect they would go by train; all the way down to Devon and take that cottage again. Then at the foot of the garden the wild ponies would come and look over the wall. . . . Ralph ... Show more content on ... The twins looked like they were examining him for the first time (200), which further proves that Ralph has been mentally changed by the events of the island beyond recognition. Ralph attempts to deal with this issue by maintaining the signal fire, and when they lose their ability to create it, Ralph forgets their ultimate goal: rescue. His conflict is in a way, never resolved. ...Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy (235). Even though the officer rescues him, Ralph will never forget what transpired on the island, forever skewing his view on the moral structures of human nature. Even though Ralph has escaped the island, Golding inserts a detail that can be used to infer that Ralph never really escapes savagery: the officer himself. The officer, although he saved Ralph, is nothing more than a savage dressed in a uniform. On the beach behind him was a cutter, her bows hauled up and held by two ratings. In the stern sheets another rating held a sub machine gun (232). With this information, I have concluded that Ralph never escapes savagery by being rescued, instead he brought back into a world of lies, war, and destruction. The underlying irony in this situation can also be seen, because the boys would have not been rescued if it weren t for this warship sailing
  • 17. Ever Clear Again Narrative Shit! The smell of dirt and the fresh morning dew wakes me up from my drunken slumber. Struggling to get up, I notice two German Shepherds lying next to my body; they were just as confused as I was, how did we end up here? As I drive home, I think to myself What happened last night? I m so dead when I get home. I stumble down my driveway, regretting every moment that I could some what remember. I then, make a pact to never EVER drink Ever Clear again! Hungry Haven, my first job as an adult ... this job is just the worse; the smell of burning grease from the fryers and grill, strong scents of the diluted cleaners in the back, the frantic shrills from hungry customers waiting to be next in line to order their food. Although I hate my job,... Show more content on ... I hope John isn t there, he s creepy at work. A shit ton of thoughts absorbed my brain, from who was going to be there, to even what food she was having at her party, cause I was hungry; before I knew it, I was at the house. Walking up the driveway, I approach the door, heartbeat escalated like drummers performing a cadence at a football game. I got a hold of my nerves and just went for it; I have to sike myself out in order to calm down. Come on, it s just a normal
  • 18. Characteristics Of The Best Restaurant Essay What Makes a Restaurant the Best: Best Restaurants Waiting forever just to taste insatiable food for gratuitous reasons,is what everybody hates. Last time I went to the Chopstick House, the service was terrible, in fact the waitress only came over to our table when we first got there and to give us our food. To makes things worse when my food arrived it tasted like deep fried plastic. Due to this, all restaurants should have certain characteristics in order to be the best. In particular, the feature that make a restaurant a great restaurant is when one leaves the restaurant stuffed every time. One restaurant is Texas Roadhouse. Texas Roadhouse is a steakhouse where an individual can pick however many ounces of steak they deem necessary. This quality tempted me to trump the amount of ounces that I got the last time, but every time the I get to the last few ounces I have to tap out. The fact that they want to beat themselves is not all of it, but the fact that the steak is so juicy they can t stop eating it. So it leaves them maxed out by the time they leave. Another great restaurant is Blaze pizza. Blaze pizza is a build your own pizza place where anyone can pick their own toppings all the way down to the dough. The reason one will leave this place stuffed is because of the unique taste of the pizza being cooked over flames, instead of the stove. The pizza being personal pizza size makes it seem manageable, but really the pizza is pretty big and by the time someone gets to
  • 19. General Mill Essay General mills, making food people love. General Mills was started in 1928 by James Ford Bell who was a business leader and philanthropist. Bell was originally in the milling industry which eventually died. General Mills first product was flour as he was originally in the milling industry that deal with wheat. General Millsflour is still the number one product for the company until this day. Over the years the company has grown to much more than just flour. This company now has over 100 brands that are sold in over 100 countries. People love general mills as it gives quality products to its consumers. General mills product range from baking products, cereal, fruit, ice cream, pasta, soups, yogurts and a wide variety of grocery items. One of general mill popular product is cereal as it has finds its way on most... Show more content on ... Within the general mills product line there is a product for everyone. This is a company that cater from young to old. General mills product is sold over the in more than 100 countries. General mills have been around for over 50years and has been pass down from one generation to another in some households. People see general mills product as valuable because of its history. Over the years general mill have introduce whole grains, dietary fiber and reduced sugar product a people have become more health conscious. Price Prices tend to be a little higher for general mills product but yet affordable. Its s one of the leading competitors in the food market. Consumers tend to go with general mills because of the quality and consistency of their products. Places General Mill products are found in grocery stores all over the world. Their products are normally found at eye level which is between 23 inches to 48inches. This makes it easier for consumers to choose this product as they don t have to go searching for it.
  • 20. Political Socialization In America In America, there is an immense amount of pressure to be opinionated about current issues and politics. It is expected that when asked your opinion, you will have a clear side to take. This is part of what makes politics so interesting; when varying sides and views clash in the political arena. The process that shapes a person s political values and beliefs is called political socialization. Political socialization is mainly formed through influences such as family, involuntary and voluntary social groups, education, and the political environment. By examining the process of political socialization and its influences on public opinion, we will see that more often than not, a person s political opinions and worldview are highly shaped by factors... Show more content on ... When talking to someone that was private schooled, public schooled, or homeschooled, you will notice a large difference in the views that these different types of educations can help to create. In public school settings, children are sometimes taught that the government is a helping hand and generally good, which can lead to them favoring more Democratic ideas and supporting government programs later on in life. However, a homeschooler might lean more toward the conservative side, especially if their parents (who are already influencing them) use their authority as a teacher to communicate that the government cannot be trusted. Furthermore, people that go on to attend college tend to be more active in the political scene and also tend to actively protest or support things that they care about on a more public level. Lastly, political socialization can be formed through political environment. Political environment is what current events are happening around you that influence your opinion on certain matters. For example, the 9/11 terrorist attack forever changed the way people saw government and its ability to protect them. Comparably, people began to doubt
  • 21. Why Is Grit Important Grit is very important in this world for many reasons, while some people don t have grit there are many successful people that do. Grit stated in the Webster dictionary is: mental toughness and courage through the hard times . Grit needs to be taught to everybody from elementary school to the college level. In this essay I am going to discuss why grit needs to be involved in people s lives and many ways how it can be shown. Grit is shown a lot in this examples, it shows up in sports, school, family, and life. First, grit has to be shown in sports, no matter if times are good or bad. I have personal experience with this situation it s hard to fight through bad times, but that s when personal grit comes out. In practice or in games things... Show more content on ... What happens if these goals aren t achieved? It will be fine don t give up just make another goal that is possible to reach. Grit is all mental toughness, if a person is strong mentally no matter what the task is they will get it done. Many things out in the world aren t easy, so grit is shown every day for many people. My father is a financial broker at UBS, he has to deal with people every day he goes to work. Mental toughness is 80 % of success, the other 20% in physical (John). This statement is taught in how to become a stock broker. It fits my father and every harder worker perfect. If the market is not doing well at the time he doesn t give up, he gets mentally tough and thinks through it. He also might lose a client, but he always takes care of their stocks even when times are bad. Nowadays he is a very successful man at his job, becoming the UBS vice president of the company. Being a gritty person is just a good character trait to be known for. This being said it can take people many places and get them into great things they would never have dreamed of. If I was a manager I would take the tougher hard working person, than the smart lazy person that can t take stress or get their work
  • 22. The Mission Statement Of Mcdonalds McDonald s is the largest and best known global food services retailer with more than 30,000 restaurants in 121 countries. Our outstanding brand recognition, experienced management, high quality food, site development expertise, advanced operational systems and unique global infrastructure ensure a position that enables us to capitalize on global opportunities. We plan to expand our leadership position through great tasting food, superior service, everyday value and convenience. McDonald s Pakistan is part of the Lakson Group of Companies, a leading business house in Pakistan. McDonald s first restaurant opened its door to the people of Pakistan in September 1998 in Lahore. This launch was met with unprecedented enthusiasm from the citizens of Lahore, who are known for their liveliness, vigor ... Show more content on ... Mission Statement McDonald s mission is to be our customers favorite place and way to eat with inspired people who delight each customer with unmatched quality, service, cleanliness and value every time. We invite you to be the part of this winning team and give yourself an opportunity to grow with the family of people striving to create smiles on the faces of millions of people every day. McDonald s Values Being a responsible corporate citizen, McDonald s firmly believes in giving back to the communities it operates in. We love to provide support and encouragement to the people who need it the most. All our restaurants contribute to their local community and every year we help set up and support numerous educational, sporting and charity programs designed to help a wide range of people. McDonald s has a proactive approach to charities and sponsorships. We believe these help inspire and support the people of Pakistan, especially the underprivileged ones, to live a better life. We are dedicated to delivering great experiences through our ongoing community support
  • 23. Stop Slavery Award For the first time at the Trust Women Conference, the Thomson Reuters Foundation has given the Stop Slavery Award. The main goal is to recognize companies that have taken concrete steps to eradicate forced labor from their supply chains. The event took place last Wednesday, November 30th in London and this year s winners are NXP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). This recognition is an action resulted from last year s conference, in the discussions and panels, and intend to be a way of showing the corporations that they have an important role to play when referring to human rights. The award gives the company an Anish Kapoor sculpture and the right to use the Stop Slavery Award logo for a year. The award was separated into two different categories: Policy Implementation and Transparency Response to Challenges. The winner of the first category is NXP, a 6.1 million dollars annual revenue Dutch company. The corporation was unanimously chosen by the board due to their anti slavery actions, such as having their board directors and CEO signing off on all human traffic policies and major activities, training over 300 suppliers in their facilities in Malaysia and establishing a maximum of work hours per week within all their supply chains.... Show more content on ... According to Monique Villa, the CEO of Thomson Reuters Foundation, this corporation has demonstrated integrity courage and innovation in scrutinizing its operation and its supply chain. Action such as hosting a series of anti human trafficking workshops with suppliers and labor agencies in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand to have an open forum on best practices and being the first IT company to create a foreign migrant worker standard in 2014, in other words the first to require direct employment of foreign migrant workers in its supply
  • 24. The Reasons that Led to the Attack on the World Trade Center I was only 6 years old at the time when the 9/11 happened, and I didn t find out until a few weeks later when my parents showed me the video. I have never seen anything like that but in movies, so the first thought that came up in my mind when I saw the video was what movie is that. My parents tried to explain what was happening, but at the time, I couldn t process what had happened or really understand what they explained. 12 years later I m 18 now, during that period of time I immigrated to the United States, in school on the extended date of September 11 we always have the moment of silence, and I didn t understand why we do the moment of silence, so I did some research about 9/11. Now I clearly understand that the United States encounter the largest terrorist attack in history, and the reason why the United States is involved in war with Afghanistan. United States involvements in Afghanistan is one of the longest wars in our history. Rajiv Chandrasekaran editor of the Washington post, describes the involvement as we ve asked them to do a lot more, in a smaller serving force, in some of the longest wars in our history (2014. Para. 14). U.S. involvement in Afghanistan has been going on for many years, and for the first time ever, our involvement was a mistake. The main reason why U.S. is involved in Afghanistan it s for the attack on 9/11. As the Unite Nations charter s collective security frame work in the 21st century describes, In 1996, following decades of
  • 25. Industrial Of The Industrial Revolution Jason Thibodeaux Mrs. Martinez English IV, 1st hour 4/29/16 The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution set people away from farms and small villages and moved them to cities and towns because of the job opportunities that arose in the cities. The Industrial Revolution not only helped people move along in the late 1700s and early 1800s but also it has made the people what they are today. During the Industrial Revolution, the movement from an agrarian society to an industrial one reshaped the roles of families, widen the gap between classes, and led to the developments in communication, transportation, and other scientific fields that completely changed humanity. The Industrial Revolution started in the late 1700s and early 1800s which helped the transition from agrarian to one of industrial. Before the factories were made, the common folk would work on the farms that would make the food that they would need to survive, and they would also make their own clothes. All the clothes and materials that the people had before the industrial revolution they would make themselves because there was no mass production of items being made and the people who would sell the items never had enough in their inventory for everyone to buy. Factories started to arise making it easier to mass produce items that the people wanted, like cloths and eventually everyday materials. Those factories and opportunities for work is why people moved into cities.( With families
  • 26. Disadvantages Of Trade Regulators Competition commission of any country looks after regulated companies ensuring healthy competition between them for the benefits of the consumer via efficient utilisation of resources. It keeps a check on situations of market failures such as monopoly. Most of the nations these days have their own competition regulator which has enormous powers, so that it can make decisions and take appropriate remedies, after identifying problems which throttle competition. A competition regulator, typically a government authority, has international jurisdiction for the companies which provide their services to consumers in the geographic territory of the country. Aims of a trade regulator: I.To ensure maximization of consumer welfare: lower prices, high ... Show more content on ... It spearheads innovation. It creates incentives for businesses to innovate and keep the dynamism alive. It s not for the poorly managed once. It s a curse for them. It tends to wipe their very existence. Competition ensures consumer surplus. If a service provider provides incompetent prices, they will lose out to their rivals and will be lost in the sand of time. The businesses find it mutually attractive to avoid competition as it washes off their profits and create hurdles or barriers to keep new competitors at bay. They collude to form cartels instead of thinking innovate on a daily basis. But fact of the matter is the applicability of the same on the ground level. Mergers of behemoths across industries helps achieve economies of scale, cut costs, better services, higher costs at lower prices, increase in competition and increase of dynamism in the sector. Every regulator assumes big is bad but in industries requiring high investment, (Research Development based industries) bigger the company the better it s. Let us take for example the case of Comcast Times Warner merger. If it would have happened, it could have created an entertainment, cable TV, phone service and Internet providing behemoth. The deal was great for consumers because they could have
  • 27. Jacksonian Democracy Dbq Essay Jacksonian Democrats help create a more democratic America and because of this, believed themselves to be many things, real and fictional. In most cases they perceived themselves as defenders of equal economic opportunity, even though they sometimes put their own interests before those of the people. They also thought of themselves as guardians of political democracy, while at the same time using class differences to their advantage and emotionalized speeches, lacking real intellectual merit, to stir support. Jacksonian Democrats felt that they were the protectors of the Constitution and of individual liberties but many times they put their rivalry with the Northeastern industry and Whig politics before these things. While Jacksonians... Show more content on ... The case Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge decided that a charter given a person or group to do a service does not allow that group to have complete rights over this service. This decision supports the Jacksonian Democracy ideas that the rights of the community are more important than the rights of business (H). However, it is also important to know that Taney was elected by Jackson, and his decision, well supporting economic equality, also set a precedent for states intervention in commerce. The Jacksonian Democrats were very important in the revolutions in political democracy that took place during this period. During this period universal white male suffrage took place and was the first step towards the revolution of the common man in politics. Also, Jackson s acceptance and support of the two party system helped create a more democratic America in which people with similar views could unite in their support of a singular candidate. Many working men of this time period had felt they had been taken advantage of and misrepresented by tyrannical aristocrats who treated them poorly (A). Jackson used this to his advantage with emotionalized speeches exploiting class differences. However, it should be said that during this time period the amount of voters increased dramatically which means that more Americans were involved in American politics (D). Jackson s use of the Kitchen Cabinet kept his knowledge of critics and the wants and needs of the people up
  • 28. Essay on Texas s Political Culture Political Culture Texas political culture is one that can be described as a combination of three main ideas: individualistic, traditionalism and moralism. Considering Texas and its overwhelming 254 counties we can see these main ideas undoubtedly. The 254 counties each have their own general set of ideas, attitudes and beliefs. The whole state of Texasis simply not just considered individualistic, traditionalism, or moralism, it is considered all three. Individualistic, traditionalism and moralism are all strong values that coexist in our society and they all affect how we as the people live our lives. A political culture shapes a region s politics. Texas has all three political cultures all over the state, but when people outside of ... Show more content on ... They were not all named George or Jeb Bush for no reason, if it ain t broke, don t fix it. Individualism is the belief of self reliance. Texas is also known for being on its own. Which leads to its famous saying, you ve got nobody to blame but yourself. They are all about being the self made man. An individualist prefers privacy, is suspicious of public institutions, and is an independent contractor. This attitude ties into our low active government. Government is sought out to be at low cost and out of the way of its voters. Texas government is very limited, and has a legislature that meets biennially. Due to our isolation, public education is under funded and is at its high in many court battles and legislative conflicts. The heart of individualism would be laissez faire. In Britannica, laissez faire is the policy of minimum governmental interference in the economic affairs of individuals and society. Laissez faire is basically telling government to leave them alone. The whole concept is to keep minimum government interference in business. Moralism is all about the community and a commonwealth. They are suspicious of private institutions and interests. An example would be social security, social welfare programs, and public education programs. A moralist is all about being equal with people, everyone needs a fair share. Austin Texas has a lot of business there. They are big or moralism because of its big community.
  • 29. Of Mice And Men Dbq John Steinbeck s Of Mice and Men tells a story of two very different friends how both share the dream of one day buying their own farm. George and Lennie are both two workers that take temporary jobs at different ranches. That the new job that they get to meet Candy, the old swamper who cleans the bunkhouse; Slim, the prince of the ranch ; Crooks, the African American stable hand. Then there is also Curley, the boss s son and Curley s wife, women that is desperate for the attention. Throughout the story, Steinbeck uses a lot of foreshadowing to prepare the reader what is about to occur. The plans of the characters going askew, the death of Curley s wife, the loss of the farm dream, and the death of Lennie; are four clear examples of Steinbeck s... Show more content on ... For example, Candy says, I oughtta of shot that dog myself, George (Doc D) when Carlson had already killed the dog. Candy feels he should have shot the dog himself because the dog is his responsibility, and the dog would have felt a loving presence at the time of his death. Candy wishes he had shot his own dog just as George feels responsible in shooting Lennie himself when Curley is looking for him. Carlson said, Right back of the head. (Doc D) that is where he shoots the dog. Lennie is shot in exactly the same spot ( right in the back of the head ) place where the dog is shoot. The shooting of Candy s dog clearly foreshadows George s shooting of Lennie. Both Lennie and the dog get killed with the same gun, Carlson s Luger pistol. Before Carlson killed Candy s dog he said to Candy, This ol dog jus suffers hisself all the time. (Doc D). If George does not kill Lennie, Curley will painfull kill him in the guts . Lennie has always been protected by George throughout his whole life, there is nothing that George will do in order to keep Lennie safe. George does not want Lennie to die painfull, he wanted Lennie to die full of hopes and peacefully go to
  • 30. Truman s Vision Statement When I enrolled at Truman State University, I did not realize how my race impacted me on both a personal and global level. I believed we lived in a post racial society where race and ethnicity did not matter. However, on Monday, November 24th, 2014, when officer Darren Wilson was not indicted for the killing of Michael Brown, I experienced an epiphany. Race matters. Whether an individual believes that race did or did not play a role in Michael Brown s death, race was reignited as a prominent topic in America due to the Black Lives Matter movement. Roland Martin, the host of News One Now, stated in an interview that The reason Black Lives Matter has been so successful is because they have forced the most rigorous discussion on police brutality... Show more content on ... Klyukovski, I pondered how my institution dealt with diversity. He proposed examining Truman s vision statement to understand what the institution will do when issues of diversity arise. After conducting some preliminary research on vision statements and generic criticism, I knew this is what I wanted to study. I was ecstatic that I was able to add to the scholarly conversation centered on vision statements within higher education. It was incredible learning how such a short statement served as a reminder of where an organization wants to go. During the McNair program, I discovered a part of me that I never knew existed, a researcher. I never thought of myself as that because I believed researchers were naturally smart, which I was not. However, intelligence is not determined by grades or GPA. It is about grit, which I gained by never being the victim of my circumstances. As mentioned earlier, coming to terms with my racial identity definitely impacted my academics. While I was enraged by Truman s aura, I realized I could not let that take away from my mental energy anymore. With the arrival of my senior year, I channeled all that frustration in graduate applications and studies because unless I did well in those two avenues, I would not be leaving Truman anytime soon. Now, I have been accepted into five different Master Programs (as of 3/18) at the University of Texas San Antonio, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, University of Colorado Denver and Colorado Springs and Saint Louis
  • 31. Analysis Of Totilla Soup An Analysis of Tortilla Soup Tortilla Soup is a film that does more than give the viewer a good feeling. Tortilla Soup is a film with many uplifting qualities that the viewer can relate. The opening scene draws the viewer in as the main protagonists, Martin Naranjo played by Hector Elizondo, prepares a large meal with many different dishes for his family. The way that Naranjo manipulates the kitchen cutlery demonstrates that he is more than a cook. His skill demonstrates that he is a fine chef. The opening scene of Naranjo preparing the meal is very relaxing to watch his culinary skills at work. It was interesting that one of the dishes was a melon blossom soup. The author had never heard of or observed this dish being served, so it required some investigation. Tortilla Soup is an enjoyable film that introduces romance and comedy during the preparation and sharing of a special meal. This film has many protagonists. The main protagonist is Martin Naranjo. He is an accomplished chef who is a widower. He lives with his three adult daughters who are very beautiful, but remain single. Naranjo lost his wife approximately ten years prior to the setting of the film. Since then he has assumed the role of father and mother. Naranjo works as a chef fulfilling is fatherly role and he also does all of the cooking, cleaning and laundry fulfilling his motherly role. Naranjo maintains that on every Sunday, the family shares a meal to share their life experiences of the week with each other. The meal seems to be a tradition in that family that has been a part of the family s ritual prior to the passing of the mother. Some of the daughters find the meal to be more of a punishment than an enjoyment. Martin for most of the film has lost his ability to taste the flavorin the food he creates. He relies at work upon his best friend and fellow chef, Gomez played by Julio Mechoso, for taste. Martin is the main protagonist as he demonstrates the most change. He lets go of his adult daughters, one at a time while gaining two more daughters, Eden the daughter of his much younger bride than he and his unborn child with the same, Yolanda. Another protagonist of the film is the oldest of the daughters is Leticia Naranjo, played by
  • 32. Plato s Teachings Of Philosophy Plato was a well known philosopher who lived during the time of the distinguished Greek philosophers. He was born into a wealthy and very noble family in the Athens. In the midst of preparation for his life long career as a politician, the young Plato witnessed the trial and eventual execution of Socrates. Little did he or anyone know this would ultimately lead him to completely abandon his political career and become one of the world s most distinguished philosophers. Although Platos teachings are not universally agreed upon, virtually anyone can agree that that he was a brilliant thinker and spurred many thoughts and beliefs that are carried into today s teachings of philosophy. While the precise relationship of Plato and Socrates remains a heated disagreement among scholars, Plato states that he was, in fact, a devoted follower of Socrates. Plato was highly influenced by Socrates teachings and highly disturbed by his execution, eventually leading him to establish an extremely powerful body of intellectual work. Plato is known to be a great writer as well as teacher. Some of Plato s most famous teachings and writings had to do with his powerful argument that was in favor of the objectivity of values. He taught that objective values are those that exist outside the individual and are otherwise dependent upon their individual perception or personal belief. This can include truth, beauty, as well as good. Some other distinguished philosophers have come up with
  • 33. Christian Ethics Project 3.2 Christian Ethics Project #3 1. The biblical basis of Jubilee 2000 s call for the immediate canceling of all debts of HIPC s is found in Leviticus. This bible book states that you shall not oppress one another. Also in the book of Leviticus in the case of someone who becomes poor and in turn to sells his possessions then his relative may redeem the possessions he sold. Or if the man has no one to redeem it but he himself becomes able to redeem it then let him count the years since the sale, and restore the remainder to the man whom he sold it, that he may return to his possessions. But if he s not able to have it restored to himself, then what was sold shall remain in the land of him who bought it until the year of Jubilee and in the... Show more content on ... I believe in helping those who are helping their selves. I feel that heavily in debt countries should show progress for specific amount of time along with having a detailed and favorable plan in place for the future. I also agree the HIPC when it requires that the countries should focus on export diversification, can t be at war with neighboring countries, and that domestic price ceilings should be eliminated especially on agriculture products. One additional note is that assistance provided should be tailored country by country to best fit each country s specific situation. 3. Part of the reason the World Banks standard Structural Adjustment Policies has been counterproductive partially because of unfortunate timing. Reduce government spending caused a recessionary effect, decreasing demand and increasing unemployment hurt nations. Strict monetary policy raised interest rates and helped to further suffocate investment demand and access to capital for poor farmers and low income entrepreneurs. Currency devaluation did make exports cheaper but at a time when export markets for primary goods were oversupplied and prices were falling. Import cost also rose making it more expensive for domestic producers to obtain new technology and replacement parts. In addition, privatization of government enterprises also increased efficiency, which was accompanied by downsizing, which resulted in unemployment for thousands of the middle class. At this time the reductions in
  • 34. Reagan Administration s Foreign Policy in Latin America... Reagan Administration s Foreign Policy in Latin America Throughout the Cold War the United States considered the installation in Latin America of radical regimes socialist, Marxist Leninist, or leftist in any way to be utterly intolerable. Any such development would represent an advance for the communist cause and a vital loss for the West. Acceptance of this outcome could weaken the credibility of the United States as the leader of the west and as a rival for the USSR. In the eyes of Cold Warriors, the consolidation of any left wing regime in the Western Hemisphere would have dire and perilous implications for U.S. national security and for the global distribution of power. It was therefore crucial to resist this possibility by ... Show more content on ... The next day Reagan signed an executive order approving the invasion. A combined force of 1,900 US Marines and army airborne troops launched an assault on Grenada. All significant military objectives were achieved in roughly 36 hours. Reagan justified the operation as an effort to protect US citizens whose safety was threatened because a gang of leftist thugs (Lake 182) had seized power to forestall further chaos, and assist in restoration of democracy. In El Salvador, a mountainous coffee growing country of 5 million citizens was ruled by an unholy alliance of large scale landowners and military officers. Acceleration of agriculture exports during the 1960 s led to an increased concentration of rural holdings by large scale landowners and in turn increased the percentage of peasants who had no land at all. A reformist challenge to the status quo came through the Christian Democratic Party, under the leadership of JosГ© Duarte. As mayor of San Salvador, Duarte built strong connections with intellectuals, professionals, and other middle class groups that if the military hadn t interfered and imposed dictatorial rule he would have surely won the election for presidency in 1972. Fake elections in 1977 led to the installation of General Carlos Humberto Romero as president, who imposed a law to defend and guarantee public order. Duarte himself was imprisoned, tortured, and exiled but never fled to the hills. A
  • 35. Time Spent On Server Daily Minecraft Username: Naplan Age: 15 Timezone / Country: AEST, Australia TeamSpeak: Yes Time spent on server daily: Monday 4 5 Hours Tuesday 4 5 Hours Wednesday 4 5 Hours Thursday 10 11 Hours Friday 12 13 Hours Saturday AllDay Sunday AllDay How long have you been on Mine Corner: Since Map 15 Have you purchased a rank on the server: No, if i could i would What server do you play on most on MineCorner?: Kitmap, and HCF Name 3 allowed mods: Shaders, Rei s Minimap no radar, Toggle Sprint What are the repercussions for a player that is using a hacked client?: If someone was getting reported alot of time whilst in teamfights or a 1v1 i would /ss them and ask them to come into and i would proceed to ask them to download and open for a screenshare and look for any hacks like vape, spook, harambe, and more clients. If they refuse to join teamspeak or didnt join in the time i give them i would perm ban them. Bhop // KillAura: If a player was blatantly bhopping i would permanently ban them from the Minecorner network. Vape or any Clients: If a player was really suspicious i would freeze then and screenshare them , if i found a ghost client or vape or and client on there computer i would permanently ban them. Autoclicking: If i screenshared someone and found a autoclicker i would ban them for 20days for autoclicking. if they admitted i would ban them for 14days. Xray // Radar If someone was really fishy whilst mining i would freeze them and
  • 36. Discussing if Anzac Day Should be Celebrated or Mourned... We have no unknown soldier These are not forgotten men But cousins, uncles, neighbours Who will never laugh again. But they ll not be forgotten For the price they had to pay. For their children s children s children Will still march on Anzac Day No, they ll not be forgotten For the price they had to pay. For their children s children s children Will still march on Anzac Day. Vic Macdonald 1988 Every year on the 25th of April Australiacomes together to celebrate the bravery and extreme courage of those soldiers who risked and lost their lives while fighting for Australia in Gallipoli. But should it be celebrated? Should we cheer the men that returned when so many were killed and died of disease in the trenches at ... Show more content on ... Every year you still march down that street with that stupid proud expression on your face, you glorify the bloody wastefulness of that day? ? Act 2, Scene 3, The One Day of the Year. Hughie (the son of the war veteran with the controversial ideas about the meaning of Anzac day) mentions about the mistake that cost sixty thousand lives. The Anzacs were expecting to battle on large plains and were trained to do so. Instead of finding the flat beach they expected, they found they had been landed at an incorrect position and faced the steep cliffs of the Turkish Peninsula constantly under fire from above as they strived to entrench themselves at the base of the cliff. They faced a well organised, well armed, large Turkish force determined to defend their country. Every year on the 25th of April Australia commemorates this mistake. It is remembered like it was a victory but to many it is viewed as a waste of good men, young and old who died, sacrificing everything for there country. The Soldiers who fought for their countries should in some people?s opinion be viewed as heroes. They risked their life for the freedom of their country. Some believe that the battle at Gallipoli was not Australia?s war and that we were invading someone else?s countries for another countries cause. But what bravery the young soldiers showed to do so. To represent their country and fight in a battle against seemingly impossible odds, and die, and lose
  • 37. How Work Place Bullying And Overall Performance Of An... Good morning, my name is Zak Omar and I m your newly appointed HR manager at SSC enterprises. My presentation should give you an insight on how work place bullying and overall the performance of an employee can affect the success of the business. (STOP)Workplace Bullying is repeated, health harming mistreatment of one or more persons by one or more perpetrators. It is abusive conduct that is threatening, humiliating, or intimidating, or Work interference in other words sabotage which prevents work from getting done, and it could also be verbal abuse.STOP Workplace bullyingdoesn t fall under everything that makes a person at work feel unrecognized or upset. Certain behaviours that produce risks to health and safety that are generated by bullies at work, whether if intentional or not fall under work bullying, examples include (refer to PPT) abusive, insulting or offensive language or comments Aggressive and intimidating conduct belittling or humiliating comments Victimisation Practical jokes or initiation Unjustified criticism or complaints Deliberately excluding someone from work related activities withholding information that is vital for effective work performance Analysis Workplace bullying can harm the receiver in many ways but certain effects vary due to the unique characteristics and circumstance, for instance if they re extremely emotional they can experience mental illnesses such as depression and suicidal thoughts or they could experience physical
  • 38. Starbucks Case Study Analysis What factors accounted for the extra ordinary success of Starbucks in the early 1990s? 1992 Starbucks had 140 stores and was competing against small scale coffee 2.Starbucks went public in 1992 which helped them raise 25 million, allowing expansions to continue. 3.Almost no spending in marketing 4.Controlled supply chain enforcing standard quality 5.Focused on service and the partners 6.Created ambiences with universal appeal 7.Company operated stores, not franchises which usually lack on quality standards 8.Location location and location! 9.Branched and started serving other products ( sodas, pastries, juices etc...) 10.Distributed through other channels food service, domestic retail, partnerships, online and ... Show more content on ... However, there was a significant differentiation between Starbucks and the independent specialty coffeehouses. The brand image of Starbucks also had some rough edges. More customers were beginning to agree with the fact the Starbucks cared primarily about making money and building more stores. Also, despite the high customer snapshot scores customer satisfaction scores were declining. It was believed that there was a service gap between Starbucks scores on key attributes and customer satisfaction. In polls by customers improvements to service, particularly speed of service, was most mentioned for improvement. Has the company s service declined or is it simply measuring satisfaction the wrong way? Customer behavior and shift in customer base are major factors for this decline in servive satisfaction. The company didn t follow the changing trend and continued doing the same things which clearly were not working anymore, leading to unsatisfied customers. Demographics changes means these people value other aspects more than others. The behaviour also, as most customers visit the store only 5 times a month. The overall company service has not necessarily declined. Overall, customers are pleased with the cleanliness, atmosphere, and product quality. However, wait time is steadily increasing. This is the main problem. While some people go to Starbucks for the experience, many people get their coffee and are out the door. Therefore, wait time is exceedingly
  • 39. The Upper-Class Gap In London An enigmatic city overcome with squalor and segregation, teeming with filth and workers blood is igniting a class struggle and division. The overcrowded poor houses left many in poverty and huddling for shelter on the street. The working class deprived of basic necessities of food and warmth (Engles, pg. 23). The upper class looking on with a sense of mocking; they feel great sympathy, but would not dare enter a slum without a police escort (Walkowitz, pg. 19). This is late 19th century London. A city divided at its core with class distinctions, split into East and West, unsure of the next direction to take. To the bourgeois man, London appeared to be an exhilarating urban scene, brimming with diversity and culture. Many upper class ... Show more content on ... Engles reported that inhabited in 1,400 houses in Bethnal Green were 2,795 families, equivalent to 12,000 people. Many died of starvation and received little to no aid from the government. In the Walkowitz text, it mentions how London lacked a unified or systematic water, sanitation, and public health system. Both texts state a negligent government as a reason for the class gap in London however, the Engles text places the solution to the gap as a rise in the proletariat creating a stronger and larger working class, but Walkowitz argues that many upper class at the time believed the remedy is by the political intervention of the bourgeoisie. The text highlights journalistic exposes that helped highlight the sordid and depressing living conditions of the poor that originally sought to enlighten others, but ended up deepening the geographical barriers and the political divisions between the upper and the working class at the time. As shown in Booth s Map, London s class distinctions were geographical as well as socio political. Illustrated on the map, many upper class people lived in the same area of town, with little disruption by the middle class, however, the middle class and urban poor often lived side by side, with more concentrated areas of both also existing. In the West, lived almost the aristocracy and the middle class. The East consisted of the urban poor and the middle class, reinforcing the geographical divisions existing on London and perpetuating the idea of the Other and the name for the east of Outcast London (Walkowitz, pg.
  • 40. Boyz N The Hood Techniques Boyz n The Hood is a story that was written and directed by John Singleton. This is notably the first time an African American filmmaker has attempted to tell a story about how ghetto/hood life is. This film depicts the issues of three young boys who follow very different paths throughout the film. The central theme of this filmis to raise awareness of peace among young African American teens. Singleton uses various techniques. Such as, high and low camera angles, montages, moral messages, as well as the introduction of gangsta rap music. Singleton begins with the opening scene of a stop sign a metaphor used to create awareness of stopping the rampant violence. The story takes place in South Central Los Angeles during the mid 80s, a young... Show more content on ... Ricky has received his grant application for University of Southern California. As for Doughboy, his unruly attitude is to show off how hard he is. He makes careless decisions one right after another. Doughboy has dropped out of school. He is in and out of prison, and has become the product of his environment the endless cycle of drugs, alcohol, Black on black crimes, this isn t just a choice for him; it s a life sentence, the only world he
  • 41. Piracy COMM 340 (03) Team #6 PIRACY: AVOIDING ATTACKS AND MINIMIZING THE IMPACTS Brock Josuttes 11094753 Nathan Keck 11123768 Josh MacGowan 11108277 Brittany Saunders 11099828 Brenley Schaan 11142699 PIRACY:AVOIDINGATTACKSANDMINIMIZINGTHEIMPACTS2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .......................................................................................................................3 Anticipation .......................................................................................................................3 Location Risk ....................................................................................................................4 Northern and Western Indian ... Show more content on ... The target of a seaboard attack is to capture a marine vessel, steal the cargo aboard and take for an end result of a profit. A recent joint study by the International Criminal Police Organization, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the World Bank says that from 2005 until the end of 2012, 179 ships were successfully hijacked off the Horn of Africa, primarily off the coast of Somalia. (Poulton, 2013) With the number of attacks rising, companies that are offering security positions to protect their goods and services travelling overseas are increasing in a parallel motion. The objective of this document is to provide further details regarding the factors of anticipating pirate attacks including location and economic risks of shipping overseas in highly active geographic regions, strategies to prevent the damages and losses, alternative ideas other than researched facts and our recommendations involving all topics above. ANTICIPATION In order to anticipate the risk of piracy attacks, companies must take a multi faceted research based approach. The keys to effectively anticipating a piracy attack include variables such as: 1. The type of goods being transported and 2. The location risk of the shipments. A major key factor that companies must evaluate is the location risk, as certain locations account for nearly all of the piracy attacks that occur globally. For example, Somalian piracy is unique in
  • 42. Tess Of DUbervilles Essay Tess of d Ubervilles Tess is a novel, written by Thomas Hardy that communicates the trials of a young Victorian girl trying to make a life for herself. Throughout the novel Tess tries to deal with the terrible tragedies of her past while also coming across new ones. Tess of d Ubervilles is set in the Victorian Era, and with that comes all the difficulties of that time period. Thomas Hardywas born in a rural part of England called Dorset. He grew up trying to find his place in society and defaulted to writing. The novel shows much of his background and upbringing. Consequently, the book takes a tone of sympathy for the farmers and the people trying to get by. He addresses the elitist mentality among the rich and how they looked down upon... Show more content on ... She sees it everywhere. She s terrified someone will find out and ashamed of herself. Here Hardy points out the appalling truth of society constantly blaming the girls who get raped. He shows that times double standard between men and women, and how women were seen as property. Tess own mother tells her she should have done something to stop it. It s disgusting how society never puts the blame on the predator but the prey. Alec, another antagonists, represents the taking of innocence. He never actually apologizes for what he does. It doesn t even register that he has done something wrong. He saw something he wanted and he couldn t bear being without it. Instead of pursuing her in a healthy manner, he makes the decision to just take what he wants and steals Tess innocence. The one thing she can never get back, he just takes without even thinking about it. Hardy shows how men in this time, and even some today, didn t try to fix the Tess of d Ubervilles equality issues but instead graveled in them. They used them to their advantages, and saw that everything in the world was theirs for the taking. They didn t think about consequences. They saw things as a conquest and once they conquered their quest, they moved on. Alec does just this when he sees Tess; she is his quest and once he conquers her he leaves her to deal with the repercussions herself. Angel is Tess love interest in the novel. He sees her as the very
  • 43. The Scandal Of Healthsouth Corporation Scandal Introduction Organizational misconduct is the chief cause behind corporate accounting scandals. The trusted executives of the corporation participation in actions during a scandal are corrupt, unethical, and illegal. In the United States, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is typically the government agency that investigates such scandals. One of the most notorious corporate accounting scandalsin the United States is the HealthSouth Corporation scandal of 2003. HealthSouth Corporation is one of the United States largest healthcare providers with locations nationwide. A deeper inspection of the HealthSouth scandal is needed to understand how it transpired by assessing how it was executed, the accounting issues and root of the issue, how it was exposed, the results to the company and its main contributor, and ramifications as an outcome of the scandal. Scandal Overview In 1984, Richard Scrushy founded HealthSouth in Birmingham, Alabama. Scrushy was the company s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) when the company went public in 1986. HealthSouth grew quickly over the next several years. Shortly after HealthSouth went public, it is alleged that Scrushy instructed senior staff to materially inflate the company s earnings to match expectations. In 2002, the first sign of troubles occurred when Scrushy sold $75 million of HealthSouth stock days before HealthSouth announced a large loss. After this the SEC began to investigate if any insider trading laws had
  • 44. Goliath Bird Eating Spider Research Paper The goliath bird eating spider is the heaviest of all spiders in the word weighing almost half a pound! It is also arguably the largest spider competing with the giant huntsman spider. They both have a leg span of about 12 inches! That s the size a small pizza! Their bodies are dark brown covered by reddish hairs giving the spidera golden blond appearance. The coloration of this spider gives it its species name blondi which is the Latin word for blond, or golden. The goliath bird eating spider is found in rainforests from southern Venezuela east to Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and north eastern Brazil. The Goliath bird eating spider was named by explorers who first reported them to the western world, and witnessed one eating a humming bird. They do not spin orb webs. ... Show more content on ... Like all tarantulas, its body is covered in movement sensing hairs. Its eyes can only detect light or darkness rather than seeing anything. It relies almost completely on its hairs to alert it of prey or predators. When threated, the bird eater will first rub its hind legs together very quickly to make a loud hissing noise hoping to confuse and scare its predator. If that doesn t work they will raise up on their hind legs and bear their inch long fangs. If bitten the predator will experience extreme pain and swelling, but no permanent damage will be induced. If the predator still won t them alone, they flick off hairs on its abdomen with its legs. These microscopically barbed hairs (called setae) can be irritating to the skin and lungs. They will cause swelling for a few
  • 45. Cap Barbell Fitness Fid Bench Research Paper Cap Barbell Fitness FID Bench People today are more conscious about their health however most are busy with their careers and family that going to the gym is not an option. This is why home exercising is now the new trend, you can readily work out any time of the day and it saves you from expensive gym membership fees. It is vital that once in a while you need to work out to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle. Of course you will need some equipment to get you started. This is where the Cap Barbell Fitness FID Bench comes in. It s a very convenient piece of equipment with adjustable positions so you won t have to carry your weights from one type of bench to another in order to do a certain lift exercise. Key features of the Cap Barbell Fitness ... Show more content on ... Certain lifts require different positions and this bench can go from upright to flat or incline to decline settings. This gives you more freedom in movement. It is also easy to move from one location to another as it only weighs 25 pounds. Despite its light weight, it can still carry a maximum of 250 pounds although for some they are skeptical about its capacity to hold heavy weight users. It is also equipped with a dumbbell holder which makes it easier to grab your weights. For added comfort, the surface of the bench, its handle bars and shin bars are foam padded. The Cap Barbell Fitness FID Bench measures about 50 long, 26 ВЅ wide and 41 high. That gives you enough space for a wide range of movements. It also has a leg extension setup for you to work on your lower body. The whole equipment is very easy to set up and very solid if properly assembled. This single piece of equipment lets you do a wide variety of exercises on it; versatility is one of its strong points. Adjusting the back rest is also very easy and quick to do. The Cap Barbell Fitness FID Bench is simple equipment with so many uses. Truly a must have for any home
  • 46. Job Satisfaction And Motivation For Employees Essay Managers can develop subordinates to manage routine tasks that are not cost effective for them to carry out. Delegation also allows the transfer of work to subordinates who might have better skills than the manager to complete the tasks that can save time. The reason can be for example the delegation of a project to an employee that have intimate knowledge of a specific field or subject that involves the project. Apart from developing employees, delegation can also play an important role in job satisfaction and motivation. 7.1 Diagram: Steps in successful delegation Source: Team FME, 2015:12 According to Team FME, (2015:12) managers must follow certain steps to ensure that delegation is meaningful in terms of achievement of the organisations objectives and supportive of the employee s development. These steps include; Step 1 Selecting the right person with the right knowledge, skills and attributes is essential. Delegation should be developmental and not set the employee up for failure (Fox and Van der Waldt, 2007:121). Step 2 Set clear goals and select appropriate tasks. There are certain tasks that cannot be delegated to subordinates for example, a task that no else in the department is prepared to do, morale problems, emergency or short term task where there is no time to explain or train the employee or lastly personnel issues such as hiring , dismissal or disciplinary matters. Step 3 Set clear deadlines by giving clear, well communicated briefings in
  • 47. Isis Model US and partner/allies special operations forces US and partner/allies intelligence assets Military and civilian Civil Affairs, and military Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) capabilities Civilian law enforcement capabilities from the US and international partners Development resources (i.e., US Agency for International Development) for the economic dimension, Department of State capacities for the political/diplomatic requirements. Thus, related to above force development approach, and current status analysis, the critical missing capabilities gap is in the command and control (C2) and intelligence dominions. C2 and an appropriate command structure to provide the unity of effort and unified action from respective stakeholder... Show more content on ... For example, tracking, detecting, and disrupting of ISIS s financial flow by above organizations along with regional and international organizations would definitely bring the positive efforts to defeat ISIS. According to the J2 information, ISIS raises approximately $120 $210 million almost every year through taxation, illegal economies, like oil smuggling and extortion, celling goods, external support, such as online and regional fundraising. Thus, in order to prevent and completely cut off both internal and external financial support, the State department should lead robust the collection and economic and financial analysis with its law enforcement organizations and other nations. In addition, the State department not only coordinates all agencies towards to defeat of ISIS through robust financial mechanism, but also support the host nation s economy. It must be done through various ways, such as economic and humanitarian support etc. Thus, the USA along with UN and regional organizations or other international organizations must urge and lead humanitarian relief campaign over war effected countries, such as Syria and Iraq and other countries that opened their doors for the
  • 48. Goth Culture Is A Counter Culture The Goth culture is a counterculture. A counterculture is a way of life and a set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm. The way a Goth views the world and their strange choices of wardrobe are different from other cultures. Goths are technically a subculture, because they do have different views then the rest of the world, but they are more of a counterculture. They also are not a deviant subculture. Though they view the world in a very different way, they are in no danger of becoming a criminal subculture. Dressing in dark clothing doesn t automatically make them evil. Some obvious norms of the Goth culture, are wearing ... Show more content on ... They don t have to be ridiculed for being different from everyone else. Being a part of the Gothic culture allows them to be accepted, and praised for being who they are. One folkway of the Gothic culture is smoking and drinking. Not every Goth smokes or drinks, but there are some that do. Another folkway is to be polite to everyone, even if you don t really like them. Goths don t always get along with everyone, but many feel it is important to at least be polite. Goths are stereotyped as evil people, so the try to prove people wrong. Not every Goth agrees with that statement. A more that the Goths follow is to be accepting. There are no requirements that are needed to become a Goth, because all Goths are different. For example, some Goths are religious, while other Goths choose to be atheists. The Gothic culture was formed so that people who had a darker view on life has a place to fit in. So being accepting of other Goths is very important. Most Goths choose to wear darker clothes, specifically black. They also
  • 49. MCQ Exam Chapter 1: Introduction to accounting Multiple Choice 1. Which of these is a decision relevant to the accounting function of an entity? a. Whether debts can be repaid b. Finding the most cost effective way to produce goods c. The investment prospects of the entity d. None of the above e. All of the above 2. Under the Framework describes the qualitative characteristic of relevance as: a. information that is of value to users in decision making. b. information that can be classified. c. information that can be recorded in accounting reports. d. information that can be reliably measured. e. information that is understandable 3. Which of these is not likely to be the responsibility of a bookkeeper? a. Preparation of a bank... Show more content on ... the fact that not all information relevant to decision making is contained in accounting reports. b. its subjective nature. c. the use of historical data to predict future events. d. the time delay from when events take place and their reporting. e. All of the above 17. The most senior accounting position in a corporation is generally referred to as the: a. Managing Director b. Chief Financial Officer c. Managing Accountant d. Head Accountant e. Auditor 4 18. The normal time delay in Australia in providing the annual report of large companies to external users after the end of the financial year is: a. two weeks. b. one month. c. six months. d. two months. e. three months. 19. The Corporations Act is primarily enforced by a. the Financial Reporting Council. b. the Australian Stock Exchange. c. the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. d. the Australian Accounting Standards Board. e. All of the above 20. Legally enforceable accounting standards that apply to Australian companies are issued by a. the Financial Reporting Council. b. the Australian Stock Exchange. c. the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. d. the Australian Accounting Standards Board. e. All of the above. 21. The role of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission is to a. Uphold the law uniformly, effectively and quickly. b. Promote confident and informed participation in the financial system by investors and consumers. c. Make
  • 50. The Bar Codes Of The TOYOTA Company Bar code (or barcode) definition: A bar code is the short picture of position (bars) and the spaces that shows is a affixed comprehensive to store items, recognition cards, and the postal mail to find out the a specific product number, Area, location, person(purchaser) and product serial numbers. The code is specially uses in a pattern of a vertical bars and the spaces shows that to represent that the numbers and other symbols. Uses of Bar codes of TOYOTA Company: A bar codes work as a reader base system. And the most important thing is that the bar code read is old to understand script the code. The human being who reads uses a laser ray of brightness that is responsive to the expression from the line and the space depth and the confirmation of certain product. Basically the main purpose of using barcode for lacking in cost level, keep the moment and decrease the exercise time of worker. And the barcode eliminate the option of human mistakes. The reader transform the reflected brightness interested in digital information is transferred to a data base management system for immediate action or storage of the product of the Toyota Company. The Bar codes and readers are the largest part regularly see in supermarkets and wholesale stores, but huge figures of various uses contain been establish for the customers. The barcode be single of the a large amount type of using is necessary data collocation including the pricing of product and the information about the inventory. ... Show more content on ... The TOYOTA applications include product tracking, product classification, time tracking, certificate management, and specific marketing. The TOYOTA industry QR code uses four consistent programming modes to powerfully store up data extensions might also be second hand. Data
  • 51. Crack-Cocaine Addiction Essay examples Crack Cocaine Addiction at It s Best In quite a few lower class communities, phrases like your mom is a crack head, or shut up crack baby are said jokingly to make fun of someone during what we call a rip session. Although said as a joke, some are very offended by the comments. Why? because for some, crack addiction hits too close to home for comfort. Seeing how easy it is obtained in lower class and poverty stricken neighborhoods, many find themselves falling victim to the powerful substance, crack cocaine. Low sociable economic systems are just one of the many factors that can lead to the use, and addiction of crack cocaine, others include movies, music, peer pressure, alcohol and cigarette ads. In this report I will discuss ... Show more content on ... Because the first high is so pleasurable, many continue taking the drug in search of the first high they experienced. They try taking larger and larger doses to recapture a high that can never be obtained again. Pretty soon they ll find themselves having to use crack just to feel normal again. This is the physical dependency stage. It occurs when the user has built up such a high tolerance from frequent usage, that their body basically forgets what is normal so they have to maintain a continuum of the drug to ward of the withdraw effects. As a result of usage, anxiety and depression can last for weeks. Attempts to stop using the drugs can fail simply because the resulting depression can be overwhelming, causing the addict to use more cocaine in an attempt to overcome his depression. This is the point in which you get the more stereotypical crack addict. They begin to steal from their family and friends, miss work/school, prostitute, and do just about anything they can to get the money to support their habit. They begin to short or try to get over on the person who is selling them drugs, which can result in violence. Some even become drug dealers themselves so that they can pay for the drugs that they use. The final stage of addiction is the deteriorative stage. This is basically the stage in which the user has nothing left. They may be homeless because they ve spent all their money on crack so they were unable to keep up
  • 52. Sonic The Hedgehog Research Paper Sonic the Hedgehog can be a podium video recording game put together by Sonic Group in addition to promulgated by simply Sega for that Sega Genesis gaming console. This game was already released throughout The usa, Europe as well as Questionnaire with Summer 3, 1991 and in Japan with This summer xxvi of their year. The idea celebrities Sonic the Hedgehog within a mission for licking Dr. Robotnik, a great wicked researchers who has imprisoned wildlife inside robots as well as compromised the actual marvelous Mayhem Emeralds. Sonic the Hedgehog‍ gameplay will involve collecting wedding rings as a type of health and an easy handle system, with bouncing along with fighting handled aside i switch. Your game s progress started throughout 1990,
  • 53. Fair Value Hierarchy Memorandum to: Accounting department of family finance co. from: Daisy subject: fair value hierarchy date: december 15, 2012 Introduction Family Finance Co. (FFC), a publicly traded commercial bank, invests in a variety of securities in order to enhance returns greater than interest paid on bank deposits and other liabilities. The primary investments of FFC are collateralized debt obligation, mortgage backed securities, auction rate securities, equity securities in nonpublic companies, interest rate swaps, and a fuel swap for gasoline. FFC measures the derivative at fair value, presenting the portion of the fair value change by using the fair value hierarchy. This memo will present the appropriate classification in the fair value ... Show more content on ... Also, as of the measurement date, there is lack of recent and relevant transactions. Thus, the fair value measurement of this CDO should be classified as Level 3. By analyzing the market changes, FFC determined that the CDO s market was not active and there has been a significant decrease in the volume and level of activity. FFC used an income approach valuation technique which is present value technique to make measurement. Because this approach can maximize the use of relevant observable inputs and minimizes the use of unobservable inputs to reflect the fair value more representatively. Instrument 2 Mortgage Backed Security The fair value measurement of the Mortgage Backed Security investment shall be categorized within Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy. According to ASC 820 10 35 52, Level 2 inputs include the following: a. Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets . These inputs included quoted prices in active markets for similar MBSs with insignificant adjustments for differences between the MBS held by FFC and similar securities. In Q4 of 2012, the prices for transactions didn t reduce the relevant to the fair value measurement. Therefore, the fair value measurement of this MBS should be classified into Level 2 of fair value hierarchy. The market of Mortgage Backed Security