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Essay My New Year Resolution
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Essay My New Year ResolutionEssay My New Year Resolution
Metaphysical Poems
Metaphysical Poets
John Donne and Andrew Marvell were considered metaphysical poets based on their use of conceit
and wit in depicting similar situations through different metaphors. They would use original
analogies to create fitting and insightful comparisons, usually to persuade.
John Donne and Andrew Marvell have been called metaphysical poets. This is a, name given to a
group of English lyric poets of the 17th century (Metaphysical poets) The term metaphysical poets
came to be used almost one hundred years after the death of the two poets. John Donne died John
Donne in1631 and Andrew Marvell died in 1678. The term later became known as metaphysical
poetry, (which was referred to by contemporaries, as strong lived . The... Show more content on ...
In the second stanza, the speaker argues for the life of the flea, as his lady has moved to kill it.
Almost desperate, the speaker describes the flea as holy. This flea is you and I, and this/Our
marriage bed, and marriage temple is (lines 12 13). He fails to save the flea, as reflected,
[p]urpled thy nail in blood of innocence? She killed the flea and the speaker s last chance of
having relations with her. The speaker at this point realizes that his chance to have sex with this
lady is gone. The speaker realized her killing the flea was his final rejection.
In To His Coy Mistress, the speaker is attempting to use a Carpe Diem method to persuade the
young lady to make love to him. The speaker attempts to persuade the lady with seize the day.
The speaker continues to tell the woman about how short time is, and how they must hurry
because no one ever knows how much time is left. This is evident in by how the poem begins,
Had we but world enough, and time, (page 527) As the poem starts to speed up you realize the
speaker is becoming almost desperate. His promises and analogies become so farfetched. ... I
would Love you ten years before the flood (line 8). Marvell uses symbolism, comparisons and
metaphors to show the speaker as this passionate lover and the lady would be foolish not to give in
to his request.
Clearly the two speakers are Metaphysical poets. They have gone in two different directions to try to
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Elizabeth Barrett Browning s The Battle Of Marathon
Elizabeth Barrett Browning was born on March 6, 1806 in England. She was the first of twelve
children. Her family were wealthy sugar plantation owners on the British held island of Jamaica
Elizabeth was encouraged by her mother to learn several different languages and by the time
she was six she knew French, Latin and Greek. In 1816, at age 10, Elizabeth was so proficient in
French, she composed a classical French tragedy, Regulus. By the time she was twelve she was
writing short novels and plays. Her poem The Battle of Marathon, was privately printed for her
fourteenth birthday. Elizabeth s work was rooted in religious and government themes. She also
wrote about freedom and love, for even at a young age felt empathy for the slaves her family
held. Elizabeth and her three sisters became ill in 1821, with headaches and convulsions. Her
two sisters recovered quickly, however Elizabeth then came down with a case of the measles.
She was sent away to recover, however after 10 months she was still not well. She complained of
swollen spine. Doctors disagreed on her diagnosis and treatment, but she did spend and extended
amount of time in a spine crib ; which was believed to have made her weaker. One treatment the
doctors did agree on was the use of Opium. This combined with laudanum was a common practice
for many illnesses during the 19th century. Addiction to opiates was not understood or even fully
known by some doctors. While Elizabeth did seem to get better
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To Kill A Mockingbird Conflict Analysis
Another narrative convention that significantly affects the communal norms and judgmental
nature in To Kill a Mockingbird is conflict. The conflicts that Harper Lee expresses, displays the
hatred and social injustice Maycomb truly has in To Kill a Mockingbird. The person versus
society conflict aids in revealing the depths of Maycomb s society. Maycomb s community is
like the ocean, the surface is blue and clean, when one dives in deep into the ocean, and one can
see it for what it really is. Looking deeper into Maycomb uncovers the true society. The social
discrimination is often shaped by societal norms. It is expected to be socially unjust to blacks, but a
conflict between what the majority wants and the correct thing to do arises. Atticus... Show more
content on ...
Judge Taylor and the rest of the jury were pressured into being social unjust and racist according
to societal norms. If the jury had not followed the public standard, the town of Maycomb would
have caused mayhem. The jury was not expected to take Tom Robinson s word because the norm
is that one must be racist and that a white s word is worth more than a black s. The town would
have been shocked if Tom Robinson won. Therefore this conflict demonstrates the importance of
the judgement and societal norms in Maycomb s community. This is important because this
means that the law force is biased. Another way this is crucial is because if the law is willing to
slack off in such an important case like this, what other things have slipped through their fingers?
This decision costed a life and soon, if this continues, this could cost many, more lives. The result
of this decision shows the social unjust in To Kill a Mockingbird that Harper Lee wanted to
illustrate through the person versus society conflict. This affects everyone in Maycomb as
everyone is slightly or more biased and the receiving end of the judgment or action could be
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Argumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying
A recent review of 377 articles found that cyberbullying affects 10 20% of adolescents as either
victims or perpetrators, or both, and is associated with emotional stress, social anxiety, substance
abuse, depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts (Wiederhold, 2016). Health
professionals can help identify cyberbullies in their young patients by questioning them about
problems they might be having on the internet and meeting strangers online. Health professionals
are encouraged to be alert and to try and detect these signs as soon as possible. Their help may
help prevent a suicide, which is the third leading cause of death for American youth ages 10 24
(Wiederhold, 2016). Help from our health professionals can make a big difference in the life of
children who are being affected by peer or online victimization.
As a community, all adults play an important role in ensuring that all children are safe and free of
victimization. Communities can create strategies that can help identify and support children that
are being victimized by their peers or strangers online. It is also possible to change the behavior of
the perpetrators and bystanders of these harmful events. There are many benefits of working
together as a community to fight a harmful situation such as bullying. It does not just happen at
school it happens everywhere within the community. It happens in our parks, churches, malls,
extracurricular events, and especially within the homes of our
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My Three Standards Of Success And Accomplishments
Throughout all my accomplishments and disappointments, I have never deviated from my three
standards of success which are determination, hard work and reliability. Often times in my
professional career there were more monkey wrenches thrown at me than I could possibly
handle; however, I have never been the one to back down from a challenge, thus my sheer
determination to succeed in any tasks that were passed my way, allowed me to not only get the
tasks completed in an efficient manner, but also helped me to ensure there was 100% accuracy in
the completion of all tasks that were assigned. In order to meet the determination standard of
success I was prepared to do anything in order to get the job done, even if it meant me working
until 8pm or
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Eng 102 Module 3 Analysis by Comparison Contrast Essay
Heated debates have emerged regarding the advantages and disadvantages of Prezi and
PowerPoint. Both programs are useful in their own ways and arguably, it is all a matter of
preference. You might say the arguments are beating a dead horse at this point, much like two old
men arguing over the weather or women. I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each,
though, at the end, the preference will be left up to the reader.
Presentation style can be a game changer in many scenarios. Throughout history, a charismatic
speaker most often bore the weight. Not that much has changed, even with the invention of
presentation software. Arguably, nothing has changed, save for the change from poster boards and
cutouts evolving into ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, PowerPoint does not offer all the same auto correct options that Microsoft Word does.
Therefore, attention to detail is a requirement when building a slideshow (Sheehan, 2012).
PowerPoint has had a pseudo monopoly on the market in the way of presenting material in an
attractive and entertaining way. That was until Prezi came to the business presentation market in
2009. Prezi was developed to fill the void of a much needed alternative to the everyday
PowerPoint presentation. The new, freer flowing, less linear presentation platform excited people
significantly. For many, the standard, cheesy transitions available in PowerPoint limited the
creativity of their presentations, which in turn had the potential to limit their careers. Prezi s use of
paths, where a free moving camera follows a set of connected frames, instead of slides, makes
every Prezi unique one has almost infinite possibilities when deciding which direction, literally, he
or she want to take the presentation. Prezi has its drawbacks though. For instance, Prezi, unlike
PowerPoint, does not have spellchecker. This inconveniences those hurried executives who want to
throw together a presentation without having to scan every word for a typo. In addition, up until
recently, Prezi users were not able to insert new stops along the pathway easily. When a user took a
screenshot, Prezi sent the frame to the end of the presentation,
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The Menominee Tribe s Fight For Their Culture From...
The Menominee Tribe s Fight to Protect their Culture from Destruction
While the mainstream media has its attention focused on North Dakota s Standing Rock Sioux tribe
in their fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline, there are many other tribes also struggling to
protect their native ancestral sites and cultural resources throughout the United States that are going
unnoticed. One such tribe is the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin. This tribe is attempting to
stop Aquila Resources Back Forty Project which would create a mine alongside and under the
treasured Menominee River. This open pit gold, zinc, and copper mine would destroy burial
grounds, former raised garden beds, ancient village sites, dance rings, and more. Thus, it is clear
that the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is not the only tribe fighting to protect its culture and
environment. In fact, the only unique thing about the Dakota Access Pipeline is the national
coverage it has received (Thompson). Therefore, in this paper, I aim to do justice to the
Menominee Tribe who has not been so fortunate to find its plights in the public s view. The
Menominee Tribe s concerns have not been fully taken into account and valued in the mining
permit approval process and news coverage of their fight has been severely lacking. This paper will
support this claim by utilizing data and information from numerous sources to include data from
Aquila Resources about the Project, testimony and stories from the Menominee Tribe, and
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Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth Essay
Midterm Review
1.1Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth
1.Archeologists believe that the decisive differentiation between humans and apes occurred from 6
to 8 million years ago.
2.They have interpreted to different DNA analysis of bone fragments to show bipedalism. From the
creature Ardepithecus ramidus, many different species of humans have developed from there.
3.Humans first appear on Earth in the Paleolithic Age where they inhabited all continents except for
Antarctica. Homo sapiens had forelimbs freed from walking and opposable thumbs and also the
development of the large brain.
4.The tools were created from wood, bone, and stone. They were created by breaking off the edges
of stone cores to cr3eate points or cutting ... Show more content on ...
There were many domesticated crops such as corn, rice, potatoes, squash and peppers. As for
animals there are animals such as goats, sheep, cows, water buffalo, chickens, camels, horses and
pigs are just some of them.
13.They had to work cooperatively to create space and create water control systems to grow crops
in those empty lands.
14.They impacted environmental diversity and domesticating numerous amounts of animals on
grasslands which lead to erosion.
15.They lead to more reliable and abundant amount of food supplies which helped increase the
16.Social effects that occurred is surpluses of food and other goods led to the specialization of
labor or division of labor, that also included different classes of artisans and warriors and also the
development of the elites.
17.Pottery, plows, woven textiles, metallurgy, wheels and vehicles with wheels are some
technological innovations that helped in the growth of agriculture.
1.3The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral, and Urban Societies
18.To be a civilization, it need to have generation of reliable surpluses, highly specialized
occupations, clear social class distinctions, growth of cities, complex and formal governments, long
distance trade, and lastly organized writing systems. A civilization is used to describe the idea of
developing an understanding of the changing nature of early human social organization.
19.They had more of a demand for
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Social Categorization In Breakfast At Tiffany s
In psychology, social categorization is the process of classifying people into groups based on
similar characteristics. It is a natural part of social perception; it provides a mental shortcut in that
it allows us to infer traits about a person based on the traits of others in the same category (Social
Categorization). Applying the psychological idea of social categorization, Truman Capote uses the
narrator to give an impression of Holly Golightly s character, in Breakfast at Tiffany s, to be
translucent and careless, which illustrates her as achromatic, but in truth, those are the very
characteristic that make her mysterious and vibrant. Translucent is delineated by allowing light to
pass through, but not seeing the detailed image, one cannot... Show more content on
She demonstrates copious amount times throughout the book, instances of her escaping. An
example of this, is when O.J. Berman, Holly s agent, tells the narrator the story of why Holly is
in New York: I say what the hell are you doing in New York when it s Sunday and you got the
test tomorrow? She says I m in New York because I ve never been to New York. I say get your
ass on a plane and get back here, she says I don t want it. I say what s your angle, doll? She says
you got to want it to be good and I don t want it (Capote; 26). This is a perfect example of how
when there is something Holly does not want to do she runs away and in this case she ran all the
way across the country. Holly does not care who she is letting down or what previous
commitments she has made, if she does not want to do it then she will not do it. Holly is very
unreliable in this case. Before California, Holly had ran away from her husband Doc Golightly,
another prime example of how undependable she is. Doc Golightly tracked down the narrator to
tell him that [Holly] knew good and well what she was doing when she promised to be [his] wife
and the mother of [his] churren. She plain broke [their] hearts when she ran off like she done
(Capote; 54). There was no reason for Holly to run off, but later Doc explains that they starting
getting magazine subscriptions, which Doc believes helped fuel the fire for Holly s escape. The
pictures in
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Tourism As A Tourist Country Essay
Tourism Advertised in Thailand
Many people who travel are attracted to an authentic experience often portrayed by the media that
can create an opportunity to learn about different cultures. Gaining tourism knowledge about
foreign cultures is now an easy task through the development of globalization. Stroma Cole, an
activist researcher on tourism development, suggests that growth in tourism should be thought of as
a cause and consequence of globalization (Chambers, 2010 p, 21) and that the development of high
technology in the media has been very influential on promoting tourism. The media has become a
main source for travel information that has direct effect on decisions people make on where to
travel, tourist trends, and on their expectations of their experience (Leung, Law Hoof, Buhalis
2013). I chose to research advertisements of Thailand, a popular tourist country, because of its
recent dramatic increase in the number of tourists since the start of the new millennium, and
because it has appealed to me as a tourist attraction. Through my analysis of advertisements of
multiple media sources I have found examples of advertisements that promote the branding of
cultural and indigenous tourism in Thailand. I relate to Erve Chambers, the author of Native Tours
(2010) research on the authentic image that is used in many ads to catch the attention of tourists
and I discuss how people do not always experience what was promoted in the media.
History of Thailand and Tourism
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Herodotus Primary Sources
Herodotus was the first Greek to look at the big picture. He differed from famous authors such as
Homer and other authors, with texts of legends and mythology. Herodotus describes human causes
for circumstances and events, rather than labeling them as divine ones, which authors at that time
arguably focused their writings. When Herodotusdescribes divinity, he relies on the human
approach by relying on the knowledge of other cultures. His cultural interests vary in philosophy,
anthropology and religion. The three being the primary source material for his body of work. When
he places this particular information into his book, labeled The Enquiries, or Historia, translated
this means inquiry and investigation over the subject matter, not necessarily... Show more content
on ...
To better comprehend this, one must look deeper into his writings. In The Histories , Herodotus
writes: I however am bound to report which is reported, though I am not bound altogether to
believe it and that may be taken to apply to this book as a whole, [Histories, Book 7, 152]. From
this quote, one can assume that he understands that he is obligated to write down events and that it
does not necessarily have to be truthful as with any human, a bias will be present. According to
Harrison in his book, Divinity and History, The Histories has been seen as a failure on Herodotus
part to accept his responsibilities as a historian, [pg.24]. What makes Herodotus a pioneer, in my
mind, is that he uses the scientific approach of observation and presents his findings to the world
through his writings as inferences. I believe that Herodotus influences thematize Greek culture
within and outside Western Tradition. From the inception of Ancient Greek culture to Greek
Orthodoxy, I believe Herodotus influences the politics of the Greeks and their religion by shaping
their views through his
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Technology And Self-Driving Technology
In today s age, the use and advancement of technology is rising at an exponential rate. What used to
be thought as impossible can now be seen as tomorrow s norm. However, some are raising concerns
that such technology is advancing too fast, faster than humans as a society can adapt. Because of
that, the theory that automation has more detriments than benefits on society is more prominent
than ever. This of course, is true. Employers are ditching humanworkers for a number of reasons,
including cost efficiency, work efficiency, and profit margins. However, does automation impart
more negatives than positives on the U.S.? Unfortunately, the short term result of automation is
the immediate displacement of low skill jobs. In David Trilling s study published on the peer
reviewed Journalist s Resource, it is estimated that Over the next 15 years, 2 to 3 million Americans
who drive for a living truckers, bus drivers and cabbies will be replaced by self driving vehicles,
according to a December 2016White House report on the ascent of artificial intelligence (AI) (1).
The most recent advancement of technologyis already having effects on today s society. Self
driving technology has shown to be advanced enough to displace those who work as drivers, as
they provide a number of benefits, including: efficiency, work conduct, and cost. A one time cost
of the self driving vehicle does not need to be paid a wage a with human drivers, and the AI does
not to take breaks and does not
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Danielle Madero Pr
It was Danielle Madero s senior year of high school, when her mother noticed something had
changed. Danielle had become a soldier. Emotions were high as Danielle explained that a month
ago she walked into a recruitment office with a friend, and walked out a member of the United
States Air Force. For the next fourteen years she served as a radio operator. During this time she
conducted numerous operations, but one stands out in particular. A devastating F 22 crash just
outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. Danielle and the other soldiers in the rescue mission received a call
at four am briefing them on the situation. Moments later two helicopters and a C 130 were in the
air. It [the crash site] essentially looked like a crater , Danielle said.... Show more content on ...
She focuses on maintaining the harbinger s internet presence by doing behind the scenes work on
the website, When she started with the harbinger she knew nothing about
managing a website. However, after rebuilding the site model three times she proudly says, I
practically taught myself coding. In addition to updating the websites layout Danielle is responsible
for posting new stories, and ensuring that modules, like the live updating twitter feed, operate
properly. Most of the time things go through without a hitch, but sometimes things go wrong. Most
recently the module responsible for updating the date at the top of the website stopped working. I
got a call at seven this morning from Justin, and he s freaking about there being no date. Despite
the occasional misshape such as this Danielle is enthusiastic about working for the harbinger, and
encourages others to join. It looks great on a resume. She
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Pros And Cons Of The American Constitution
The American Constitution, is a document that was drafted in July of 1787 to replace The Articles
of Confederation. The Constitution created a national government and established major laws to
benefit America. Along with these impressive actions, our Founding Fathers made sure this
document contained the ability for each individual citizen of America to have basic guaranteed
rights. This should stand for all citizens, not only those who are natural born. The Constitution,
leaving out equal opportunity and equal rights to those not born in America, essentially makes the
document unfitting for our current government and society. The Constitution has been amended
and ratified twenty seven times. For our country s current situation and diverse population, it is
important that a Twenty Eighth Amendment be put into place to give all citizens, natural born or
not, all basic rights.
Although, this amendment does not directly benefit myself, I intend to amend Article 2 Section 1
of The Constitution for the rights of my fellow Americans. This article states: that anyone born
beyond the seas is not eligible to run for presidency unless both his birth parents are citizens of the
United States. I believe this unfair and unfit article should be amended to give any citizen living in
the country for a minimum of 30 years even if the individual was born in and lived in another
country. Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution is states: No person except a natural born
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Examples Of Medical Negligence
Medical Negligence
Negligence means the breach of a legal duty to care. In wider sense it means carelessness in a
matter in which law mandates carefulness. Negligence is a predominant theory of liability
concerning allegations of medical malpractice. Medical malpractice occurs when a health care
provider deviates from the recognized standard of care in the treatment of a patient. The standard
of care is defined as what a reasonably prudent medical provider would or would not have done
under the same or similar circumstances. Persons who offer medical advice and treatment
implicitly state that they have the skill to decide whether to take a case, to decide the treatment,
and to administer that treatment. This is know as implied undertaking ... Show more content on ...
Medical mistakes in the diagnosis and treatment of hospital patients are unfortunately among the
most common cases of hospital malpractice seen by malpractice lawyers. Misdiagnosis of the
patient s condition, improperly interpreted diagnostic tests, negligently performed surgeries and
medication errors are all examples of medical negligence and can all have devastating effects on
patients already admitted to a hospital with an illness or injury. This can be considered hospital
Understaffing of hospitals and overworking of hospital employees contributes to the dangers of a
hospital visit. Long delays in emergency rooms, as well as waiting for radiology tests and delays in
performing surgery can all permit a patient s condition to worsen. In addition, patients frequently
arrive at the hospital with one type of illness, and sustain an injury or infection in the hospital that
they never had before. Often these patients are in much worse physical condition leaving the
hospital than when they went in. Sometimes patients injured by a hospital in the case of medical
negligence require extensive treatments or multiple surgeries to
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Should Contact Sports Be Banned Essay
Jenna Gregory Mrs. King ELA 6th Hour 07 April 2017 Contact Sports Contact sports are very
healthy for the human body, this is because of all the physical activity that is taking place. Not
only are contact sports healthy physically but they are also healthy mentally. Contact sports should
not be banned from schools because they relieve stress and anger. My first reason that contact
sports should not be banned is because a lot of people love playing and being a part of this sort of
activity. Other reasons are that they want to be active and healthy. According to Brian Cammarota,
a physical therapist at Penn therapy and fitness, Youth sports help children learn important life
skills such as respect for others, teamwork, commitment, self confidence, and safety. It teaches
camaraderie and fitness, but the most important aspect of... Show more content on
Also Robert Glatter says, We all want our children to be healthy and enjoy activities including
sports that lead to fulfillment and improve their happiness. Playing team sports is an important
part of the process of socialization and learning how to work together to achieve a goal, not to
mention a way to stay fit and healthy. (Robert Glatter) Not only does child s happiness increase
but so does their health. They will stay active, strong, and healthy. To go along with all of this, an
anonymous author from the article Why parents should push their kids to play in team sports
states, One of the good things about sports is that many bad things will happen. Games will be
lost. Injuries incurred. Your child might be benched, demoted, or not perform up to his/her
abilities. Your child might hate his/her coach and feel that he or she is incapable or unfair. And all
of this will be good. Responding, adapting and dealing with all of this will
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Essay about Sociology
Much research on helping behaviour can be criticised as being ethnocentric, conducted in the USA
alone. Thus, the studies are rather limited in terms of the lack of variety in the people studied.
Latane and Darley were the first to systematically investigate the circumstances under which
bystander s are/are not likely to intervene to help others, and promote pro social behaviour.
However, we must be cautious not to generalise the findings to other cultures. We cannot assume
that the same circumstances apply equally to any human population. The tendency to make this
assumption is something we need to be very aware of when drawing broad conclusions regarding
pro social behaviour from a limited sample.... Show more content on ...
In collectivistic cultures, such as China, Japan and some other Asian countries, individual wishes
are seen as less important than the well being of the group. It might therefore be expected that pro
social behaviour would be more apparent in collectivistic cultures.
Cultural perspectives on pro social behaviour place it within a much larger moral system that
binds people together in social relationships (Miller and Bersoff, 1994). An example of the role
that pro social behaviour, or specifically helping behaviour, plays in the establishment of social
relationships can be found in the Chinese custom of doing favours for people (Moghaddam, 1998)
Eisenburg and Mussen (1989) conducted cross cultural research into children s pro social behaviour
to examine this notion further. It was found that North American children were less kind,
considerable and co operative than children who had grown up in Mexican villages, Hopi children
reared on Indian reservations or Israeli children reared in kibbutzim. Thus, the findings suggest that
there is a relationship between the type of culture within which children grow up and the degree of
pro social behaviour they show. Children reared within a collectivistic culture tend to show more
pro social behaviour than those reared in an individualistic culture.
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Pierre Elliot Trudeau s War Measures Act
Just watch me are the defiant words uttered by Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau in
response to the Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ), a Marxist group captaining Quebec
independence through indiscriminate political violence. His words are not those of an iron fisted
strongman, despite how strong and undetailed his comments were at the time, but those of a
calculated and well versed leader, whose decisions came at the behest of prominent Quebec
politicians. The FLQ instilled a decade of social violence in the streets of Quebec by systemically
championing the struggles of French minorities who perceived unjust treatment in everyday life.
Their qualms quickly evolved from protest to a Marxist movement, which incorporated elements...
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LaPorte was later killed in the first assassination since Thomas d Arcy McGee and Cross s life
was traded for immunity for some FLQ members. These actions set off the only implementation
of the act in non wartime eras, reinforcing the limits of justice and political process. LaPorte was
not an enemy of the group, rather a Quebec minister of labour. Upon his death, it was stated,
LaPorte was killed and left in the drunk of an abandoned car. In addition to the murder of
LaPorte, the FLQ s actions were responsible for the deaths of seven people (Gurr, Ross, 1989).
The murder of an elected diplomat, in execution style displayed the absolute, unwavering need
for Trudeau to rule with absolute power. The FLQ had grown powerful enough to kill elected
politicians and Trudeau needed to send a military message that there would not be a violation of
Canadian ideals. The military stance was an effective message and provided necessary backup to
police forces to deal with the threat of selective assassination. This response was as moral as it was
military, and enforced confidence in both Canada s military, but also Trudeau. His actions could
dismantle and scatter the youth of the FLQ, and brought
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Ford Vs Pinto Case
Profits are the ultimate result for any business that is in search of remaining viable in a market.
Ford Motor has had a challenge with the new car model Pinto. They had a choice in spending
more money with the Pinto car. The math done by the NHTSA was a total of $11 per auto.
11Millions cars were supposed to be launched at the cost of $12.5 million, at $11 based on the
percentage car that will produce a result of $137.5 million. The cost is more than what they were
willing to pay (, Shaw Barry). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration came up with the
approximation of 180 burn deaths, 180 serious burns, and 2100 burned vehicle. It seemed no one
really did any soul searching on the cost of life and the economic lost of life in... Show more content
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The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has established guidelines for all automakers
to fallow. The guidelines were made to reduce fire during automobile collision. In 1972 and 1973 ,
the standard was 20mph and 30 mph of a rear end accident without any spillage of fuel (, Shaw
Barry). On the other hand, Pinto could not withstand such impact spilling fuel on passengers
inside the car. Between 1971 1978, Ford statistics on death by Pinto to 13 lives while critic put it
at 500 (, Shaw Barry). Several lawsuits were initiated by the victims and fines were paid by Ford
motor. Even though, the organization claimed they were following established rules, but the
ethical and moral position would have been to acknowledge the fault of the car and apologized
for the fatality. Nevertheless, the executives stood by their product and never waiver the fact that
the product was not safe to be on the road. Several families sued Ford Motor and received
compensation for their lost, but it is not like having the alive and well. Through the years, the
company survive all those obstacle and remained in business. An apology to the families who have
lost love one would have been seen as repentant to one action. The situation would not bring back
those individuals, but earned a bit of respect from
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Antisocial Personality Disorder And Psychopathy
What is Antisocial Personality Disorder?
Antisocial Personality Disorder is a disorder that is characterized by a long standing pattern of
disregard for other people s rights, often crossing the line and violating those rights. A person with
Antisocial Personality Disorder often feels little or no empathy toward other people, and doesn t
see the problem in bending or breaking the law for their own needs or wants. The disorder usually
begins in childhood or as a teen and continues into adulthood. Individuals with Antisocial
Personality Disorder frequently lack empathy and tend to be heartless, distrustful, and
condescending of the feelings, rights, and sufferings of others. They are also known to be
egotistical. (Bressert, Retrieved on ... Show more content on ...
Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal
profit or pleasure. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead. Irritability and aggressiveness, as
indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others.
Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior
or honor financial obligations. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or
rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another. There should also be signs of a
conduct disorder in the individual as a child, whether or not it was ever diagnosed by a
professional. Only adults 18 years or older can be diagnosed with this disorder. (Bressert,
Retrieved on February 24, 2016, from) . Another diagnostic tool is The Hare Psychopathy
Checklist. Originally designed to evaluate people accused or convicted of crimes, the check list
consists of a 20 symptoms. When the checklist is executed, the total score shows how closely the
individual matches the score of a typical psychopath. Each of the twenty items is given a score of
0, 1, or 2. A typical psychopath
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The Service System At The Local Tim Hortons Branch
This project involves the study and analysis of the service system at the local Tim Hortons
branch. The goal of the project is to optimize the service process with the purpose of minimizing
the service time. There has been an ever growing emphasis on service speed and work efficiency in
the last century and people have come to expect fast service. It is therefore, paramount that Tim
Hortonsmeet and perhaps exceed the expectations of its customers by providing them with the
fastest service possible. The Tim Hortons site being studied is located in downtown Toronto which
is a very busy area and therefore the branch experiences very high activity most of the day. To
account for the high arrival rate, the site has provided 4 cashiers to take... Show more content on ...
The initial issue that was noticed after many hours of observing the systems operations were that
the service times for the customers were too lengthy. Especially during the peak times of 9am
12pm. Customers were observed to be in the system for an average of 11.82 minutes. Although
there were four servers at this location only two of them were actively in use. This is due to the
fact that the customers would only line up in front of the two middle servers leaving the other two
servers empty. Causing the servers to constantly have to ask the customers to move over to the
other queues, causing the overall time in the system to be much greater than it should be.
This project aims to demonstrate how the service of the facility is capable of providing fast
service if all four servers were actively in use, to investigate the reason why the customers are not
lining up with the other servers and finally how to improve the design of the facility in order to
allow the customers to actually make use of the other two servers at the facility.
Queueing models will be set up comparing the service time results when 4 servers are actively in
use as opposed to the service time when only 2 of the servers are being used.
The following table shows the data collected for 57 customers from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. From the
table, the total queueing time is 460 minutes and the average queueing time is 8.07 minutes. The
total service time is 214
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Electronic Health Record
Abstract Electronic health records (EHR) is more and more being utilized in organizations offering
healthcare to enhance the quality and safety of care. Understanding the advantages and
disadvantaging of EHR is essential in the nursing profession as nurses would learn its strengths and
weaknesses. This would help the nursing profession know how to deal with the weak areas of the
system. The topic on advantages and disadvantages of EHR has been widely researched on with
different researchers coming up with different opinions. Nurses ought to have knowledge on the
advantages and disadvantages of EHR systems for them to use systems efficiently. This would
transform the operations of health systems and benefit patients with quality service.... Show more
content on ...
This meant that there was 41 percent reduction in the risk of pulmonary embolism or deep vein
thrombosis ninety days following discharge. In addition, researchers have established that there is
a relation between efficiency and EHRs in the delivery of healthcare. EHRs societal benefits
Improved ability to conduct research is another less tangible benefit associated with EHR. When
the data for patients is electronically stored, makes the data easily accessible hence more
quantitative analysis can be undertaken for identification of evidence based best practices with
ease. In addition, public health researchers use electronic clinical data more actively which have
been amassed from a huge population hence coming up with research that benefits the society
(Mitka, 2011). Clinical data availability is limited but this form of data will increase. Probable
EHRs disadvantages Irrespective of the findings regarding the advantages of various functionalities
of EHRs, some probable drawbacks on EHR have been identified by researchers. These comprise of
financial concerns, temporal loss in productivity linked with adoption of EHR, change in workflow,
security and confidentiality concerns and several unintentional consequences. Financial concerns
comprise of costs of adoption and implementation, cost of maintenance, revenue loss due to
temporal low productivity, and revenue declination. These factors act as deterrent for physicians
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How Did Amelia Bloomer Take A Stand In Women s Rights
Taking a stand in women s rights (Amelia Bloomer) Imagine, you didn t have the right to vote,
to get your own money, or to get a good education just because you weren t a specific gender or
color ? What would you do about it ? Would you just let these things make you who you are, or
would you fight for your rights. More than 70 years ago people weren t treated the way we are
now. If you were a women then you would probably be at home cleaning or making meals for
your family or even taking care of your children .While your husband is going to work and
earning his own money. If you were a women you wouldn t be able to work for your own money,
your money would become your husbands money because your husband has the right to vote, to
work, and more. Many ladies took a stand for what they believed in. One great lady who stood up
for her rights was Amelia Jenks Bloomer. She impacted women s history in many ways. Amelia
was born on May 27, 1818 in Homer, New York. As she was a child she attended many local
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The bloomers where the first known pants for women,. they bloomers were puffy paints that
had a skirt over them. They were more comfortable for women to wear then the women wear
men expected women to wear. In 1951 the nation was seized by The Bloomer craze . Mary Gove
Nichols, a health reformer, declared a Declaration of Independence for the disposition of the
Parisian Fashion. She gathered lots of signatures to tell about the the dress wear. The managers of
the Textile mills in Lowell, Machashutitsset up a banquet for women workers and how to adopt
the new style before July 4th. In Toledo, Ohio sixty women came to one of the most grand social
event in their Bloomers. Bloomer balls and Bloomer events were held all around the world., people
even made Bloomer institutes. The Blommers became so popular that even shops had them in shop
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Insanity in a Sane World
Insanity in a Sane World Holden Caulfield is an insane person in a sane world. What is insanity?
Insanity is when you re in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior or social
interaction. This state is mental illness. Insanity is when you do things in deranged or
outrageous ways that could frighten people, or make people feel uncomfortable when around
you. It s when you do things out of the ordinary; yet feel as if they are ordinary. Insanity could
come about when you re depressed, or after a traumatic event, and sometimes even by keeping all
your feelings bottled up inside of yourself. Sane people are sensible, reliable, well adjusted and
practice sound judgment. It s behavior that is expected in a society. By these... Show more content
on ...
Antolini was trying to hinder him from going down the wrong path. Holden focuses on the little
details like the gasoline rainbows in the puddles on the street and which suitcase is nicer. He
overlooks the obvious, big picture which could better help him adjust and focuses instead on
little, often insignificant things he can handle. Moreover, Holden only pays attention to the
things he s interested in and doesn t pay attention to the teachers or work given at school. This
lack of interest has caused him to drop out of four schools and, therefore missing out on
knowledge necessary for his well being and self discipline. Holden does not like change. Holden
needs change, he needs to grow up. He needs to change his thoughts and behavior. Holden says
Certain things should stay the way they are, you ought to be able to stick them in one of those
big glass cases and just leave them alone (122). Finally, Holden s overly judgmental and critical.
When he sees someone he automatically judges the person because they aren t in his perfect
fantasy. In the bar he points out the flits (gay people) and, he thinks that his old roommate Dick
Slagle has a inferiority complex just because he didn t put his suitcases on out to show when
Holden did. Holden thinks of Mr. Haas (his phony headmaster) as someone [shakes] hands with
them and [gives] them a phony smile (14). Holden thinks of Ernie the piano player as someone
who has been affected by phoniness in order to attain fame.
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Susan Blackmore The Memes Machine
Susan Blackmore s idea of memetics is controversial because not many believe it is scientific at
all. A meme is an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a
culture (Blackmore, 7). Blackmore describes this as singing Happy Birthday to someone or a
handshake could be a meme. A meme is a form of imitation. I say a form of it because Blackmore
points out some differences between the two. The idea of memes is criticized by scientists because
they do not feel like memes are able to comply with the scientific method and prove to be a theory
in the ways that they see fit. Throughout the book Blackmore makes valid points about how memes
have coexisted with evolution, which indeed would make the memeticsa science.... Show more
content on ...
This is defined as imitation from one person to another. Humans are capable of imitation from
birth. Children are taught from imitation, more specifically memes. According to Charles Darwin
s Theory of natural selection, creatures evolve because adaptations in the environment change and
the offspring of these species survive and better adapt, which is evolution. Blackmore then refers
to the evolutionary algorithm as described by Dennett. Evolution in general in the science world
relies on three requisites variation, selection, and heredity. The algorithm solely relies on
something being copied and this is referred to by Dawkins, as a replicator. Specifically, a
replicator relies on something being copied. It is defined as any unit of information which is
copied with variations or errors, and whose nature influences its own probability of replication
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Document Images Are Acquired By Scanning Journal
Document images are acquired by scanning journal, printed document, degraded document images,
handwritten historical document, and book cover etc. The text may appear in a virtually unlimited
number of fonts, style, alignment, size, shapes, colors, etc. Extraction of text from text document
images and from complex color background is difficult due to complexity of the background and
mix up of colors of fore ground text with colors of background. In this section, we present the main
ideas and details of the proposed algorithm. Implementation of any system needs the study of
features, it may be symbolic, numerical or both. An example of a symbolic feature is color; an
example of numerical feature is weight. Features may also result from applying a text extraction
algorithm or operator to the input data. The related problems of feature selection and feature
extraction must be addressed at the outset of any text recognition system design. The key is to
choose and to extract features that are computationally feasible and reduce the problem data into a
manageable amount of information without discarding valuable information. Different methods
used for text extraction from document images (as shown in fig. 1) include: A.Feature Extraction
Feature extraction involves the extracting the meaningful information from the document image.
The features are classified in to Global features and Local features. Features that are extracted from
whole image are known as the global features
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Pros And Cons Of Wikipedia
The first observation noted that there s an issue with the Wikipedia site is their home web page.
The home page of the online encyclopedia has a welcome page that boasts, Welcome to
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit (Wikipedia, 2015). This method is in
opposition of what I would deem highly credible. Anyone could be an Eight year old or a person
that is mentally ill. In my opinion, the open editingsystem is the strength and the weakness of the
website. There is the chance that the social encyclopedia s contributors may not create university
level articles worthy of citing as a primary source for an academic paper. Another issue is that
Wikipediaseems to depend on the hopes that its user will apply the golden rule that is Do unto
others as you would have them do unto you. It seems Wikipedia depends on the kindness of its
users and hopes that they will post accurate... Show more content on ...
Mills Kelly, a historian at George Mason University in Washington, D.C., encouraged his students
to deceive thousands of people on the Web. Professor Kelly encourages his student to create a
hoax story about a pirate for the purpose of teaching the students about vetting the quality of their
sources. The students created a fake history blog, they created youtube videos, interviewed
experts, fabricated documents, and then the students posted statuses on facebook, twitter, and
shoutwire. The students went on the Wikipedia page and created a memorial page for the pirate.
Unfortunately many were duped by the hoax. The fabricated pirate story went as far as being
featured on USA Today s pop culture blog. At the end of the semester, the professor revealed the
hoax. Some applauded the Professor while many others were livid. Among the livid was Jimmy
Wales, the Co founder of Wikipedia (Applebaum,
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Highlighting Many of the Weaknesses in the Australian...
Highlighting Many of the Weaknesses in the Australian Legal System through the Chamberlain Case
The case of Lindy Chamberlain was very significant in Australian legal history as it involved the
conviction and imprisonment of an innocent person for infanticide. This is occurrence should never
have taken place and demonstrated the weaknesses in the Australian legal system.
A legal system is meant to be sturdy and never failing system that the public can put its trust ad faith
in but this time it fell apart and wrongly convicted an innocent mother, wife and friend.
Something needs to be done to ensure the unnecessary imprisonment of an innocent does not occur
again. There were many issues in the ... Show more content on ...
Presumably he felt that white witness Derek Roff would fare better in a white mans court than the
right evidence. [3]They had the support of their friends, and the church supported them financially
yet still the legal system let them down.
Police Bias ===========
Police have bias as they are involved first hand with the investigation and sometimes cannot be
objective. They would not have had the Chamberlain s best interests at heart. Instead, the force
would have been worried about their town, its people and thought of the Chamberlains as
outside visitors, a family of weird religious beliefs. There was difference between how Azaria s
clothing was found and described by the two police officers Goodwin and Morris. The
difference lay with how Goodwin found it and how Morris described it. The jump suit was
found and photographed in a ravage condition. Afterwards the jumpsuit was laid out on the
ground to get a clear shot of the markings. This was the picture that was released to the press.
This led people to believe that this was how the clothes were found.[4] This should have never
occurred because it caused the public to believe that Lindy had killed her baby which in turn led to
an extremely biased jury and also bias in some expert witnesses. There was also a very misleading
experiment publicised.
At the time of Azaria s death the area was
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Greek Mythology Influence On Society
The heavy influence of Greek mythology persists in today s society. Common name brand
products echo the names of the gods. Popular movies and television shows portray the myths of
ancient Greece, some creating exact replications and others adding a modern twist to the timeless
stories. Books are written about the gods lives and adventures in ancient as well as present times.
These portrayals of gods and goddesses exist to entertain people today just as they did in Greece
centuries ago. With such a large influence surrounding life today, it is important to identify the
established definition and origins of Greek mythology, as well as how it has specifically influenced
culture and literature.
When asking what mythology is you can get a bundle of stories and various answers, (Graf 1 2)
states in his book that a myth is a tale indicated by the etymology of the word: for the early
Greeks, a mythos was a word or story, synonymous with logos and epos; a mythology was a
storyteller ... Show more content on ...
He is one of the six original gods that Cronus ate and later freed. Hades never knows what is
happening in the world above, or in Olympus, except for fragmentary information which comes
to him when mortals strike their hands upon the earth and invoke him with oaths and curses
(Graves 122). Normally Hades is not considered one of the twelve Olympians on Mount Olympus
because he never visits but dwells in the underworld. In many stories about demigods or Greek
mythology, the heroes usually must travel to the underworld and come back to prove themselves.
For example, this theme recurs throughout the stories of The Odyssey, Hercules, and Percy
Jackson and the Lightning Thief. These heroes must fight their way out or be cunning. Hades
likes to collect his souls and not let anyone leave. This can be interpreted in many of today s
stories or shows. A lot of Greek culture was able to inspire literature and our culture
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Effects Of Regeneration On Planaria
No not everyone s planaria grew back in the same way. Two groups had full regeneration, seven
groups had some regeneration and one group had a mass death. My planaria was in the majority
of regeneration. Our result was one new planaria. Some of the things that might have affected the
group with the mass death is not having a clean blade to cut the planaria with or there being too
much light or their water being too cold because they were near an open window. For the groups
that had full regeneration their water temperature was not to warm and not too cold. Their blades
could have had remnants of other planaria but the planaria on the blade were healthy. The planaria
that only reproduced one planarian could have had a good water temperature
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United States Women s Histories
United States Women s Histories
AMH 2090 Final Project Essay
Article Citation: Copy and past the full article citation from Sakai below. When you are writing
your responses to the questions, be sure to paraphrase and use quotes sparingly. If you do quote,
put the page number where you found your quote in parenthesis at the end of the sentence. You are
NOT allowed to use any sources other than the article. The use of sources outside the article under
review will be considered plagiarism and result in failing grade on the assignment.
Matsumoto, Valerie. Japanese AmericanWomen during World War II. Frontiers: A Journal of
Women s Studies 8 (1984): 6 14.
Topic and Questions: What is the author s topic and what questions does she attempt to answer?
That is describe, who, what, when, and where. The author should explain her topic and questions in
the first few pages of her article (Limit 200 words).
Valerie Matsumoto talks about the time in history during the second world war when America
removed over 100,000 American Japanese citizens from the comfort of their homes.The bombing of
Pearl Harbor planted fear in America arousing suspicion of Japanese spies and traitors. This led to
concentration camps of Japanese American citizens. Matsumoto also discusses the camp living
situations, families surviving, the work that had to be done, food and sanitary conditions, and most
importantly, how women survived in these difficult times. She also focuses on the Issei and the
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A Computerised Gsm Based Vehicle Theft Control System
CONTROL SYSTEM deals with the design development of a theft control system for automobiles
which is being used to prevent / control the theft of a vehicle. The developed system makes use of
an embedded system based on GSMtechnology. An interfacing mobile is also connected to the
microcontroller, which is in turn, connected to the engine. Once, the vehicle is being stolen, the
information is being used by the vehicle owner for further processing. The information is passed
onto the central processing insurance system, where by sitting at a remote place, a particular
number is dialed by them to the interfacing mobile that is with the... Show more content on ...
When any object is entering into the vehicle, Microcontroller P89s51 continuously monitor the
infrared receivers ,when any object pass through the IR receiver s then the IR rays falling on the
receiver s are obstructed, this obstruction is sensed by the microcontroller. Otherwise IR receiver
receives the rays continuously from the transmitter, then automatically vehicle door is closed.
Mainly the system is used for automatica door closing purpose.
The implementation is made simpler by using IR sensor to detect the person. The system include
the IR sensor, microcontroller, LED and a 5V power is supplied to run the system.
The system uses a compact circuitry built around 8051 microcontroller Programs are developed in
Embedded C. Flash magic is used for loading programs into Microcontroller. Download your
Reports for GSM Based Vehicle Theft Control System
International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue. 5
Issn 2250 3005(online) September| 2012 Page 1534
GSM Based Anti theft Security System Using AT T Command.
Visa M. Ibrahim
. Asogwa A. Victor
. S. Y. Musa
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, School Of Engineering and Engineering
Technology, Modibbo
Adamma University of Technology Yola, Adamawa State. Nigeria
Antitheft security system security
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Larry Ellison s Impact On The Face Of Business
Larry Ellison founded Software Development Labs in August 1977 with Ed Oates, and Bob
Miner. The labs later became Oracle Corporation and is now worth 42.5 billion (net). Many people
look up towards Larry because he had to work for his place as the chief executive officer of Oracle
and now has become one of the richest people in the world. Ellison is a very good leader in his
corporation because he perseveres to get what oracle needs and is ruthless in the face of
business. Larry also makes important decisions that impact the future of oracle. Larry was born
August 17, 1944. At a very young age he was sent to Chicago to live with his Uncle and Aunt, and
later was adopted by them. In 1962, Larry s adopted mother died and Ellison dropped out
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Quotes From Stormbreaker
Although death is one option, we choose to choose other options to get our way out of it, even
when going through death threatening events. In the book, Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz,
Alex s Uncle dies to a Russian spy called, Yassen. Alex s uncle, Ian Rider lied about him working
for a Bank, but instead worked for an Agent corporation. Alex soon becomes a spy, working for the
corporation and goes into a life threatening mission, to stop Stormbreaker.
The novel is a life lesson for the children of our generation, especially in since everyone lies to get
their way through and hide the mocking truth. It makes us realise that we can t trust anyone, since
things such as lying or fake friends are becoming more and more popular. The author made me
reflect on what people would do ... Show more content on ...
In the text, it is the same. Ian Rider had told Alex that his job was at a bank but he was actually a
spy. Also, gaining glory was shown by Ian Rider skipping certain events that they arranged, just
so he could finish off his mission. Sayle lying to working England, about how his new invention
would change education but it was just a to poison the minds of the kids generation. Another
example of lying is when Alex s guardian, Jack Starbright lied about how she could live with
Alex for the rest of her life, but Mr Blunt told Alex that Jack s visa expired ten years ago. The
author uncovers that killing is also what some people only think about. Yassen kills Alex s Uncle,
then later on, Yassen sat1ves Alex but Alex says that he still wants to kill him due to what he did to
his uncle. This can
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Spanish American War, And The Causes Of The Spanish...
One of the causes for the Spanish American War was that Spanish General Valeriano Weyler y
Nicolau, nicknamed the Butcher was torturing the Cubans. The Cubans were dying of starvation,
disease and poor sanitation and then putting Cubans in concentration camps. President McKinley
had sent previous warnings to Spain to stop the economic suffering. Later the USS Maine was in
Cuba to protect American interest. The Library of Congress stated that Americans were shocked
when the ship exploded and sank and 266 of the 354 crew members were killed (p 2). American
received the territories of Cuba, Guam and the Philippines from Spain. Cuba was greatly impacted
because with only being a US Territory they could still be an independent unit but have an American
Naval base for protection. The Philippines were also impacted because they had been fighting for
independence from Spain, but soon starting resenting the United Statesbecause they were still not
totally independent. China was also impacted by the Spanish American war because with the
United States acquiring Hawaii, Guam, Cuba and the Philippines it was easier to trade with
because shipments didn t have to go as far without refueling or supplies.
On October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed. Not only did millions of investors lose their money
but banks lost all of the money they had invested that their customers had given to them. To make
the problem worse is that the people who had remaining money in the banks tried
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Youth Choir s Top Chamber Choir
Opportunities don t really come knocking in the small, corn filled state of Iowa, but for
Heartland Youth Choir s top chamber choir they did. We had an opportunity this year to go to
New York and sing in a choir festival at Carnegie Hall. For me this was a huge deal! to be singing
on the very stage where The Beatles have sang meant the world to me, and I was going to have
fun with it. It was the middle of June when we left. We were all riding on a bus to our first
destination, Indiana. There we stopped at the Indy Speedway where went to the museum in the
middle of the track. Interesting fact: there is a golf course in the middle. I found that very amusing
because I couldn t imagine that the track is big enough for a golf course. After... Show more content
on ...
It was like every five steps you smelled a new trash can, but that s what made it New York. The
smell came with the beauty. We were only in New York for three days, and that meant that I was
going to have to pack in everything that I wanted to see. Granted New York is so big that even
after a week I still wouldn t get to see everything that I wanted to. So that first day we got settled
in our hotels. I roomed with my friends Neupur, Mary, and Marisa. When we got to our hotel
room Marisa unleashed her crazy. Marisa do you have sheet music in your bag? Mary
questioned. Yeah, Marisa answered. Are they songs from musicals? Why do you have musical
sheet music? Neupur questioned. You never know when you re going to run into someone or
something and need sheet music from a musical, stated Marisa. You see Marisa absolutely loves
musicals, and she can sing. She is like a walking musical jukebox. You ask her any song or any
musical and she will sing the song. Marisa s discretion in bringing the music was very spot on,
because later that day we went to a short musical 101 class and they asked her to sing in front of
a couple people from Broadway, and get feedback from them. It was a very exciting time for us and
Marisa. Its her dream to be on Broadway. The next day we went to Central Park, where I got to
see the Strawberry Fields memorial. Then we got to go in groups and walk around Time Square
and see some of the cool things that Time
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Being Patient Research Paper
Me being me, I am horrible at being patient. But whenever it comes to something I love, I can
withstand my flaws and power through. Being patient is one of the most important things in
baking or cooking. It can take up to 5 days just to make one recipe. It s crazy, I know, but in the
end, it is all worth it. Time is key, and you have the ability to unlock the door of culinary
masterpieces with it. Sometimes when I have that urge to make something, I start to get all of the
ingredients out, but then stop short because I don t have a certain ingredient! You NEED to be
prepared at all times in the kitchen in order for you to actually create something. Preparedness is
very important. Whenever you re passionate about something, you really don t
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Siddhartha-the Shape of Time Essay
For many Westerners, more specifically the driven citizens of the United States of America,
time is viewed as a straight line. Our children realize this, consciously or not, early on. They
make timelines in school, their classes switch on the hour, their intelligence is measured on a
scale. We are born, we come of age during adolescence. We set a goal, we work to achieve
success. Birth and death, childhood and adulthood are stages that occur only once. Life is black
and white. Separate. The past is the past, the future is the future. Traveling on a straight line, we
can only look forwards.
Eastern philosophy, on the other hand, might view time as a circle, a spiral, a figure eight. Time has
no sharp ... Show more content on ...
It was this idea that Hesse built Siddhartha on. It was this idea that allowed Siddhartha to be
reincarnated not in terms of physical life, but rather in terms of spirit.
Lao Tzu, credited with penning the Tao Te Ching, noted that a good traveler has no fixed plans/and
is not intent on arriving. Thus, he rejected the linear concept of time, as did Siddhartha as he made
his journey.
The book opens with the title character s decision to leave his traditional Hindu community and
upbringing to seek Atman through asceticism. Siddhartha and his friend, Govinda, adopt the life of
the Samanas. Siddhartha thinks, waits, and fasts. He struggles to free himself from The Self: the
materialistic, mortal part of him. But he is anxious to attain a state of bliss. As a young Brahmin,
he was always the strongest, the cleverest, the fastest. He expects to find the most efficient way to
Atman, just as he excelled in every other area of his life. The ascetic life disappoints him.
Siddhartha replied: `How old, do you think, is our oldest Samana, our worthy teacher?
Govinda said: `I think the eldest would be about sixty years old.
And Siddhartha said: `He is sixty years old and has not attained Nirvana. He will be seventy and
eighty years old, and you and I, we shall grow as old as he, and do exercises and fast
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NICE Review Essay
Impact of the NICE guideline recommending cessation of antibiotic prophylaxis for prevention of
infective endocarditis: before and after study: A Review Thornhill et al. s article on the cessation
of antibiotic prophylaxis and its impact on infective endocarditis examined, both, prescriptions for
antibiotics of a standard premedication dose (3g amoxicillin or 600mg clindamycin) and
diagnoses or deaths due to infective endocarditis between January 2000 and April 2010. The time
frame chosen for this study was critical due to the release of updated NICE guidelines, stating
providers should cease use of any antibiotic prophylaxis for dental and other medical procedures.
By examining the time surrounding the NICE guidelines, the researchers hoped to evaluate any
relationship between premedicative prescriptions and incidents of infective endocarditis. They
hypothesized that in order to see evidence that the NICE guidelines were valid, there would be
minimal to no change in rate of infective endocarditis after the NICE guidelines became effective
compared to before, even though the amount of prescription decreased. The researchers felt that this
study was necessary due to the limited large scale studies relating to recent changes in... Show more
content on ...
The two most significant weakness related to the lack of specificity in etiological origin of the
endocarditis, and an expanded discussion in relevance of results. The researchers explained that
due to gathering their data from hospitals there was often a lack in specificity of microorganism
identification in the codes submitted. More importantly, the researchers largely discussed the
limitations in their study, rather than discussing the uses and significance of the article. While it is
good to identify possible sources of error, the researchers overly focused on this, decreasing the
confidence for readers in their
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The Unitarian View Of Religion
The author, James B. Torrance writes concerning the distinction between two views of worship.
One of the views of worship is called the Unitarian view. The Unitarian view is the common
practice of several churches. It is considered a religious concept of human wisdom, worship to God.
These concepts include, going to church, singing psalms and hymns to God, interceding for the
world, listen to a sermon, offering money, time and talents to God. After all, these actions of
worship are simply part of traditions, without the substance JesusChrist s redemption. It is in a
sense going through the motion, without the relevance of the Holy Spirit.
Trinitarian view, on the other hand, is the participation with the Son s communion with the Father.
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The Death Of The Scout Essay
Then the specter arrived, a certain fear of death, it was dull and oppressive, it came to the Scout.
This fear wasted no time becoming poignant as the Scout realized that it was now no longer a
mere matter of just freezing some fingers and maybe a few toes, or of losing his hands and feet
altogether, but that now it was a matter of life and death with the odds solidly stacked very much
against survival. This threw the Scout into a full panic, and it turned and ran up the ammonia creek
bed back along the old, dim trail. The pequoti quickly joined in behind and kept up but it kept a
safe distance. The Scout now ran blindly, and without any willful intention, in fearsuch as it had
never known before. Slowly, as the Scout ploughed and floundered through the argon snow, it
began to see things again the banks of the ammonia creek, the old growth timber jams, the leafless
trees, and the beautiful sky. This running made the Scout feel much better. The Scout no longer
shivered. Maybe, just maybe, if the Scout ran on, its feet would thaw and dry out; and, anyway, if
it ran far enough, the Scout would reach the safety of camp and the others. Without a doubt the
Scout would lose maybe a finger and maybe a toe and maybe some of its face; but the others
would take good care of the Scout, and save the rest upon arrival. But at the same time there was
this other competing and rapidly growing thoughtin the Scout s mindthat said it would never get to
that mining camp and the
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Issues In The Waiting Room
The Waiting Room is a documentary about the truth of public hospitals. This film follows the
patients, and the staff of this ER waiting room, and how insufficient the system is for them.
While we watch the staff work as hard as they can to treat all the patients possible, we come to
the realization that there is a major shortage in the needed room space, and supplies to treat all of
these patients in a timely manner. Our healthcare system is very flawed in the way it treats the
people in need, and there is no way of knowing if there will be any major change to help these
people get the care they need.
The Waiting Room was produced in 2011, meaning that there should have been changes made to fix
this flawed health care system, but there hasn t ... Show more content on ...
Because there is such a high number of people without insurance they usually don t get the
treatments they need, and if they do receive treatment, it usually follows a very long wait, and they
are not the best treatment. But most of these people have no other choice.
We get to witness the real struggle of multiple different patients, all with different levels of
severity for their visit. The first patient that stood out was a father who lost his job the previous
year and didn t have any health insurance for him or his kids. He had to take his very ill daughter
to the public ER , and because she was on the lower side of severity, they had to wait for hours
just to get seen by a doctor. This story stood out to me because of the time a ill child had to wait
just to get any treatment at all.
Another story that stood out was the man who had to wait in a full waiting room with a bullet in
his leg. This man had a deadly object in his body and he still had to wait for hours just to be seen
by a doctor. He had to wait because the hospital had no room to put him in. Even if you re the first
one to get to the ER, it doesn t mean that you get in first. The hospital determines who goes in first
by how severe your situation is, so they could have a patient waiting in the waiting room for many
hours, just so they can get a prescription of
... Get more on ...
Rydels Monologue
Rydel wrapped her arms around Ell, dancing to the upbeat music. Her body flowed to the dance
as if it was the only way she could. Each step brought forward her personality, bursting through
the most vibrant colors. Ratliff watched her move, keeping her all to himself, he wanted to be
her only audience, applauding every movement with a wide smile and a kiss. True happiness.
Ryland was the DJ, I was shocked at his talent, it wasn t as easy as it appeared to be, but it looked
like a lot of fun. Although I shouldn t have been surprised, his whole family sweated talent. He
had invited about 20 people, strangers to be, and maybe even to them. Both Riker and Ross were
dancing with girls. They had the right to, they owed me nothing, but it did sting a little. Each of
them were the same, rubbing their bodies against the other. It was in no way poetic like Rydel and
Ell, but they sure seemed to enjoy themselves.... Show more content on ...
He appeared to be 20 or 21. He sat next to me on the ledge and began to watch with me. The man
was very readable, I could tell you his life story in moments of his arrival. His face was the kind
to stop a girl in her tracks, but he must of got used to that. I could already tell that when he
looked at a woman, they would overcompensate with a nonchalant glimmer in their weak smile,
accompanied by a slight blush on the apples of each cheek. I wasn t going to fawn over him
either so it was a mutual understanding. He was modest too, which must had made the girls
squirm in excitement. He was handsome, but maybe he was more than that. I m Thomas, and you
are? His ice blue eyes should have melted my heart but my heart and brain was already
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The Revolutionary Generation By Joseph J. Ellis
The Revolutionary Generation Most novels or documentaries regarding the Revolutionary
Generation, largely focus on the war for independence, which includes the Continental Congress.
Not often in media, does one find a post war political book. The Founding Brothers: The
Revolutionary Generation by Joseph J. Ellis dives in the complexities faced by the Founding
Fathers of America. As they saw themselves as brothers (with the exception of Abigail Adams),
they often did not agree on most of each other s ideas. A prime example would be the 1790 s, when
America witnessed the birth of political parties. The Founding Fathers encountered numerous tests
as they tried to establish a democratic republic, due to the fact of various different visions... Show
more content on ...
The danger of politics lead to the principal factor of checks and balances, within the government and
Founding Fathers, throughout the most crucial and consequential [decade] in American history
(27). Politics were also what lead to the quarrel between John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.
The best resume to having during the early years of the government, was one s political
experience. In the election of 1796, Adams was virtually unbeatable, (180) he had made American
independence his life s project (180). His opponent was Thomas Jefferson, a great friend of Adams.
They began their friendship during the Congenital Congress, where Adams himself recommended
Jefferson to author the Declaration of Independence. But their friendship flourished when Adams
and Jefferson served in Europe. History and the American Revolution had brought these two men
together; they were the odd couple of the generation. Prior from running for president, Thomas
Jefferson collided and his brother from Virginia, James Madison. As they shared the same beliefs
and come from the south, Jefferson and Madison had bonded as Virginians (188). As their
friendship grew, they cemented themselves as the leaders of the new found Republican party. This
was the party that opposed the Federalist Party, who s
... Get more on ...
An Overview of Dell
An overview of Dell
Dell is a leading technology company that offers a wide range of products including desktop
computers, networking products, servers, mobility products, storage, peripherals, software as
well as general IT services. The company mainly operates in the United States and is
headquartered in the city of Round Rock, Texas. In the financial year ended 2011, the company
recorded a revenue of $61,494 million, a figure which indicated a 16.2 percent increase over the
FY2010 figure. Its FY2011 operating profit was about $3,433 million, an amount which marked a
58.1% increase over the FY2010 value. Its FY2011 net profit was $2,635 million, a value which
represented a 83.9 percent increase over the FY2010 value (Datamonitor,2011).
The futures price of 100 shares of Dell
Dell Inc ( Dell ) stock is at this moment priced at $10.56 per share making 100 shares to be worth
$1,056.00 (Yahoo Finance,2012).I expect that the features price of 100 shares of Dell stock to
be delivered in a year is $1,331 .00 at $13.31 per share. The factors that have been involved in the
following prediction are the historical stock prices relative to Dell s earnings, the state of the global
economy, the expectations of the future product sales as well as the status of Dell s management
Using the formula below, we calculate the future value of Dell s stock as follows.
FV= PV ( 1 + i ) N where;
FV denotes Future Value
PV denotes Present Value i denotes the interest rate per period
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Indi An Emerging Economy And A Beacon Of High Tech Modernity
World s largest democracy, an emerging economy and on the race to become a regional/global
superpower: India has come a long way in the past few decades. Despite the evident threats of
bankruptcy, caste politics and Hindu Nationalism, India is a great example of unity in diversity
and a beacon of high tech modernity . (Corbridge et al, 2013). However, it can be said that India
is stuck between a prodigious need for cultural renaissance and the banes of class politics.
(Pradhan et al, 2105: 12). The caste system in India is intricately correlated to class stratification
and this is of immense political value in India as class and caste differences shape the politics in
India till a great extent. In this essay, I will begin by talking about the association between class
and caste, as this is an important aspect in order to understand how these issues shape the politics
of India. Further on, I will talk about the gradual emergence of classes over the period of time
and their influence on politics, beginning with colonial period and concluding with the modern
India. I will then attempt to display the crucial role played by the classes during the 2014
elections. The essay will then discuss how the Indian middle class contributes to shaping the
politics of India. I will then go on to write about the other classes and their influence over politics.
To conclude, I will talk about how class is just one of the innumerable other factors contributing to
the politics in India. In
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A Comparison of A Modest Proposal, Tartuffe, and Candide
Writers use personality traits and events to change the classical ideals. Majority of the writer s
focus is to change people s attitude s. Jonathan Swift, Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere, Francois
Marie Arquet de Voltaire use characterization and plot to challenge the themes of the Neo Classical
In A Modest Proposal, Jonathan Swift challenges the Neo classical period by creating a sense of
instability in their way of thinking. He attacks the society by carelessly endorsing cannibalism in
hopes to help Ireland through their economic crisis. He demonstrates this by humbly proposing and
assuring that a young healthy child, well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious, nourishing, and
wholesome food. ... Show more content on ...
Swift demands the audience to recognize the narrator s purpose having no other motive than the
public good of my country, by advancing our trade, providing for infant s, relieving the poor, and
giving some pleasure to the rich. (Swift 489) The speaker optimistically believes that his idea is
for the best. If Swift did not believe that his idea would not have a positive outcome he would not
have suggested. Regardless of Swift s inhumane suggestion, which is negative, he only tries to
reveal the positive of the situation. This feeling of insecurity is his way of disparaging the Irish and
English government.
In Tartuffe, Moliere s use s plot to defend and oppose characters that symbolize and ridicule
habitual behavior s that was imposed during the neo classical time period. His work, known as a
comedy of manners, consists of flat characters, with few and similar traits, and that always
restore some kind of peace in the end. He down plays society as a whole by creating a
microseism, where everyone in the family has to be obedient, respectful, and mindful of the head
of the home, which is played by the father Orgon. Mariane shows her obedience when she replies
To please you, sir, is what delights me best. (Moliere 324,11) Shortly afterwards, Orgon commands
Mariane to take Tartuffe as her husband even though she is not interested in him at all. Orgon s
command shows how men are dominate
... Get more on ...
Influence Of Media On Teenagers
Today, teenagers like us are rarely alone. We are under pressure to be online and available at all
times, talking, messaging, liking, commenting, sharing, posting it never ends. Never before
have we been so connected, so continuously, so instantaneously, so young. There s simply no
privacy, and the social pressures that go along with that are relentless. This always on
environment is training us to value ourselves based on the number of likes we get and the types
of comments that we receive. There s no separation between online and offline life. What s real
or what isn t is really hard to tell the difference between. Every day we approximately spend 8
hours exposed to different forms of media. It keeps us entertained, informed, and opinionated.
Media influences us through news, headlines and information we see online, on TV and radio. It
creeps into our daily lives set lean subconsciously through magazines and advertisements that
create and recreate standards of success, beauty and living. Our brain processes all these sets
information from a variety of sources and sometimes, we no longer wonder whether the
information is the truth or not, but rather just believe it right away. We react to it right away. We
no longer are watchful with what enters our minds. We no longer think twice before we respond.
We no longer identify ourselves from what influences us. Yes, media brings people together. It can
make us laugh, think, consider, and can make us feel right. But if we re
... Get more on ...

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Essay My New Year Resolution

  • 1. Essay My New Year Resolution 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay My New Year ResolutionEssay My New Year Resolution
  • 2. Metaphysical Poems Metaphysical Poets John Donne and Andrew Marvell were considered metaphysical poets based on their use of conceit and wit in depicting similar situations through different metaphors. They would use original analogies to create fitting and insightful comparisons, usually to persuade. John Donne and Andrew Marvell have been called metaphysical poets. This is a, name given to a group of English lyric poets of the 17th century (Metaphysical poets) The term metaphysical poets came to be used almost one hundred years after the death of the two poets. John Donne died John Donne in1631 and Andrew Marvell died in 1678. The term later became known as metaphysical poetry, (which was referred to by contemporaries, as strong lived . The... Show more content on ... In the second stanza, the speaker argues for the life of the flea, as his lady has moved to kill it. Almost desperate, the speaker describes the flea as holy. This flea is you and I, and this/Our marriage bed, and marriage temple is (lines 12 13). He fails to save the flea, as reflected, [p]urpled thy nail in blood of innocence? She killed the flea and the speaker s last chance of having relations with her. The speaker at this point realizes that his chance to have sex with this lady is gone. The speaker realized her killing the flea was his final rejection. In To His Coy Mistress, the speaker is attempting to use a Carpe Diem method to persuade the young lady to make love to him. The speaker attempts to persuade the lady with seize the day. The speaker continues to tell the woman about how short time is, and how they must hurry because no one ever knows how much time is left. This is evident in by how the poem begins, Had we but world enough, and time, (page 527) As the poem starts to speed up you realize the speaker is becoming almost desperate. His promises and analogies become so farfetched. ... I would Love you ten years before the flood (line 8). Marvell uses symbolism, comparisons and metaphors to show the speaker as this passionate lover and the lady would be foolish not to give in to his request. Clearly the two speakers are Metaphysical poets. They have gone in two different directions to try to ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Elizabeth Barrett Browning s The Battle Of Marathon Elizabeth Barrett Browning was born on March 6, 1806 in England. She was the first of twelve children. Her family were wealthy sugar plantation owners on the British held island of Jamaica Elizabeth was encouraged by her mother to learn several different languages and by the time she was six she knew French, Latin and Greek. In 1816, at age 10, Elizabeth was so proficient in French, she composed a classical French tragedy, Regulus. By the time she was twelve she was writing short novels and plays. Her poem The Battle of Marathon, was privately printed for her fourteenth birthday. Elizabeth s work was rooted in religious and government themes. She also wrote about freedom and love, for even at a young age felt empathy for the slaves her family held. Elizabeth and her three sisters became ill in 1821, with headaches and convulsions. Her two sisters recovered quickly, however Elizabeth then came down with a case of the measles. She was sent away to recover, however after 10 months she was still not well. She complained of swollen spine. Doctors disagreed on her diagnosis and treatment, but she did spend and extended amount of time in a spine crib ; which was believed to have made her weaker. One treatment the doctors did agree on was the use of Opium. This combined with laudanum was a common practice for many illnesses during the 19th century. Addiction to opiates was not understood or even fully known by some doctors. While Elizabeth did seem to get better ... Get more on ...
  • 4. To Kill A Mockingbird Conflict Analysis Another narrative convention that significantly affects the communal norms and judgmental nature in To Kill a Mockingbird is conflict. The conflicts that Harper Lee expresses, displays the hatred and social injustice Maycomb truly has in To Kill a Mockingbird. The person versus society conflict aids in revealing the depths of Maycomb s society. Maycomb s community is like the ocean, the surface is blue and clean, when one dives in deep into the ocean, and one can see it for what it really is. Looking deeper into Maycomb uncovers the true society. The social discrimination is often shaped by societal norms. It is expected to be socially unjust to blacks, but a conflict between what the majority wants and the correct thing to do arises. Atticus... Show more content on ... Judge Taylor and the rest of the jury were pressured into being social unjust and racist according to societal norms. If the jury had not followed the public standard, the town of Maycomb would have caused mayhem. The jury was not expected to take Tom Robinson s word because the norm is that one must be racist and that a white s word is worth more than a black s. The town would have been shocked if Tom Robinson won. Therefore this conflict demonstrates the importance of the judgement and societal norms in Maycomb s community. This is important because this means that the law force is biased. Another way this is crucial is because if the law is willing to slack off in such an important case like this, what other things have slipped through their fingers? This decision costed a life and soon, if this continues, this could cost many, more lives. The result of this decision shows the social unjust in To Kill a Mockingbird that Harper Lee wanted to illustrate through the person versus society conflict. This affects everyone in Maycomb as everyone is slightly or more biased and the receiving end of the judgment or action could be ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Argumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying A recent review of 377 articles found that cyberbullying affects 10 20% of adolescents as either victims or perpetrators, or both, and is associated with emotional stress, social anxiety, substance abuse, depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts (Wiederhold, 2016). Health professionals can help identify cyberbullies in their young patients by questioning them about problems they might be having on the internet and meeting strangers online. Health professionals are encouraged to be alert and to try and detect these signs as soon as possible. Their help may help prevent a suicide, which is the third leading cause of death for American youth ages 10 24 (Wiederhold, 2016). Help from our health professionals can make a big difference in the life of children who are being affected by peer or online victimization. As a community, all adults play an important role in ensuring that all children are safe and free of victimization. Communities can create strategies that can help identify and support children that are being victimized by their peers or strangers online. It is also possible to change the behavior of the perpetrators and bystanders of these harmful events. There are many benefits of working together as a community to fight a harmful situation such as bullying. It does not just happen at school it happens everywhere within the community. It happens in our parks, churches, malls, extracurricular events, and especially within the homes of our ... Get more on ...
  • 6. My Three Standards Of Success And Accomplishments Throughout all my accomplishments and disappointments, I have never deviated from my three standards of success which are determination, hard work and reliability. Often times in my professional career there were more monkey wrenches thrown at me than I could possibly handle; however, I have never been the one to back down from a challenge, thus my sheer determination to succeed in any tasks that were passed my way, allowed me to not only get the tasks completed in an efficient manner, but also helped me to ensure there was 100% accuracy in the completion of all tasks that were assigned. In order to meet the determination standard of success I was prepared to do anything in order to get the job done, even if it meant me working until 8pm or ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Eng 102 Module 3 Analysis by Comparison Contrast Essay Heated debates have emerged regarding the advantages and disadvantages of Prezi and PowerPoint. Both programs are useful in their own ways and arguably, it is all a matter of preference. You might say the arguments are beating a dead horse at this point, much like two old men arguing over the weather or women. I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each, though, at the end, the preference will be left up to the reader. Presentation style can be a game changer in many scenarios. Throughout history, a charismatic speaker most often bore the weight. Not that much has changed, even with the invention of presentation software. Arguably, nothing has changed, save for the change from poster boards and cutouts evolving into ... Show more content on ... Additionally, PowerPoint does not offer all the same auto correct options that Microsoft Word does. Therefore, attention to detail is a requirement when building a slideshow (Sheehan, 2012). PowerPoint has had a pseudo monopoly on the market in the way of presenting material in an attractive and entertaining way. That was until Prezi came to the business presentation market in 2009. Prezi was developed to fill the void of a much needed alternative to the everyday PowerPoint presentation. The new, freer flowing, less linear presentation platform excited people significantly. For many, the standard, cheesy transitions available in PowerPoint limited the creativity of their presentations, which in turn had the potential to limit their careers. Prezi s use of paths, where a free moving camera follows a set of connected frames, instead of slides, makes every Prezi unique one has almost infinite possibilities when deciding which direction, literally, he or she want to take the presentation. Prezi has its drawbacks though. For instance, Prezi, unlike PowerPoint, does not have spellchecker. This inconveniences those hurried executives who want to throw together a presentation without having to scan every word for a typo. In addition, up until recently, Prezi users were not able to insert new stops along the pathway easily. When a user took a screenshot, Prezi sent the frame to the end of the presentation, ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Menominee Tribe s Fight For Their Culture From... The Menominee Tribe s Fight to Protect their Culture from Destruction While the mainstream media has its attention focused on North Dakota s Standing Rock Sioux tribe in their fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline, there are many other tribes also struggling to protect their native ancestral sites and cultural resources throughout the United States that are going unnoticed. One such tribe is the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin. This tribe is attempting to stop Aquila Resources Back Forty Project which would create a mine alongside and under the treasured Menominee River. This open pit gold, zinc, and copper mine would destroy burial grounds, former raised garden beds, ancient village sites, dance rings, and more. Thus, it is clear that the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is not the only tribe fighting to protect its culture and environment. In fact, the only unique thing about the Dakota Access Pipeline is the national coverage it has received (Thompson). Therefore, in this paper, I aim to do justice to the Menominee Tribe who has not been so fortunate to find its plights in the public s view. The Menominee Tribe s concerns have not been fully taken into account and valued in the mining permit approval process and news coverage of their fight has been severely lacking. This paper will support this claim by utilizing data and information from numerous sources to include data from Aquila Resources about the Project, testimony and stories from the Menominee Tribe, and ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth Essay Midterm Review 1.1Big Geography and the Peopling of the Earth 1.Archeologists believe that the decisive differentiation between humans and apes occurred from 6 to 8 million years ago. 2.They have interpreted to different DNA analysis of bone fragments to show bipedalism. From the creature Ardepithecus ramidus, many different species of humans have developed from there. 3.Humans first appear on Earth in the Paleolithic Age where they inhabited all continents except for Antarctica. Homo sapiens had forelimbs freed from walking and opposable thumbs and also the development of the large brain. 4.The tools were created from wood, bone, and stone. They were created by breaking off the edges of stone cores to cr3eate points or cutting ... Show more content on ... There were many domesticated crops such as corn, rice, potatoes, squash and peppers. As for animals there are animals such as goats, sheep, cows, water buffalo, chickens, camels, horses and pigs are just some of them. 13.They had to work cooperatively to create space and create water control systems to grow crops in those empty lands. 14.They impacted environmental diversity and domesticating numerous amounts of animals on grasslands which lead to erosion. 15.They lead to more reliable and abundant amount of food supplies which helped increase the population. 16.Social effects that occurred is surpluses of food and other goods led to the specialization of labor or division of labor, that also included different classes of artisans and warriors and also the development of the elites. 17.Pottery, plows, woven textiles, metallurgy, wheels and vehicles with wheels are some technological innovations that helped in the growth of agriculture. 1.3The Development and Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral, and Urban Societies 18.To be a civilization, it need to have generation of reliable surpluses, highly specialized occupations, clear social class distinctions, growth of cities, complex and formal governments, long distance trade, and lastly organized writing systems. A civilization is used to describe the idea of developing an understanding of the changing nature of early human social organization. 19.They had more of a demand for ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Social Categorization In Breakfast At Tiffany s In psychology, social categorization is the process of classifying people into groups based on similar characteristics. It is a natural part of social perception; it provides a mental shortcut in that it allows us to infer traits about a person based on the traits of others in the same category (Social Categorization). Applying the psychological idea of social categorization, Truman Capote uses the narrator to give an impression of Holly Golightly s character, in Breakfast at Tiffany s, to be translucent and careless, which illustrates her as achromatic, but in truth, those are the very characteristic that make her mysterious and vibrant. Translucent is delineated by allowing light to pass through, but not seeing the detailed image, one cannot... Show more content on ... She demonstrates copious amount times throughout the book, instances of her escaping. An example of this, is when O.J. Berman, Holly s agent, tells the narrator the story of why Holly is in New York: I say what the hell are you doing in New York when it s Sunday and you got the test tomorrow? She says I m in New York because I ve never been to New York. I say get your ass on a plane and get back here, she says I don t want it. I say what s your angle, doll? She says you got to want it to be good and I don t want it (Capote; 26). This is a perfect example of how when there is something Holly does not want to do she runs away and in this case she ran all the way across the country. Holly does not care who she is letting down or what previous commitments she has made, if she does not want to do it then she will not do it. Holly is very unreliable in this case. Before California, Holly had ran away from her husband Doc Golightly, another prime example of how undependable she is. Doc Golightly tracked down the narrator to tell him that [Holly] knew good and well what she was doing when she promised to be [his] wife and the mother of [his] churren. She plain broke [their] hearts when she ran off like she done (Capote; 54). There was no reason for Holly to run off, but later Doc explains that they starting getting magazine subscriptions, which Doc believes helped fuel the fire for Holly s escape. The pictures in ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Tourism As A Tourist Country Essay Tourism Advertised in Thailand Many people who travel are attracted to an authentic experience often portrayed by the media that can create an opportunity to learn about different cultures. Gaining tourism knowledge about foreign cultures is now an easy task through the development of globalization. Stroma Cole, an activist researcher on tourism development, suggests that growth in tourism should be thought of as a cause and consequence of globalization (Chambers, 2010 p, 21) and that the development of high technology in the media has been very influential on promoting tourism. The media has become a main source for travel information that has direct effect on decisions people make on where to travel, tourist trends, and on their expectations of their experience (Leung, Law Hoof, Buhalis 2013). I chose to research advertisements of Thailand, a popular tourist country, because of its recent dramatic increase in the number of tourists since the start of the new millennium, and because it has appealed to me as a tourist attraction. Through my analysis of advertisements of multiple media sources I have found examples of advertisements that promote the branding of cultural and indigenous tourism in Thailand. I relate to Erve Chambers, the author of Native Tours (2010) research on the authentic image that is used in many ads to catch the attention of tourists and I discuss how people do not always experience what was promoted in the media. History of Thailand and Tourism ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Herodotus Primary Sources Herodotus was the first Greek to look at the big picture. He differed from famous authors such as Homer and other authors, with texts of legends and mythology. Herodotus describes human causes for circumstances and events, rather than labeling them as divine ones, which authors at that time arguably focused their writings. When Herodotusdescribes divinity, he relies on the human approach by relying on the knowledge of other cultures. His cultural interests vary in philosophy, anthropology and religion. The three being the primary source material for his body of work. When he places this particular information into his book, labeled The Enquiries, or Historia, translated this means inquiry and investigation over the subject matter, not necessarily... Show more content on ... To better comprehend this, one must look deeper into his writings. In The Histories , Herodotus writes: I however am bound to report which is reported, though I am not bound altogether to believe it and that may be taken to apply to this book as a whole, [Histories, Book 7, 152]. From this quote, one can assume that he understands that he is obligated to write down events and that it does not necessarily have to be truthful as with any human, a bias will be present. According to Harrison in his book, Divinity and History, The Histories has been seen as a failure on Herodotus part to accept his responsibilities as a historian, [pg.24]. What makes Herodotus a pioneer, in my mind, is that he uses the scientific approach of observation and presents his findings to the world through his writings as inferences. I believe that Herodotus influences thematize Greek culture within and outside Western Tradition. From the inception of Ancient Greek culture to Greek Orthodoxy, I believe Herodotus influences the politics of the Greeks and their religion by shaping their views through his ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Technology And Self-Driving Technology In today s age, the use and advancement of technology is rising at an exponential rate. What used to be thought as impossible can now be seen as tomorrow s norm. However, some are raising concerns that such technology is advancing too fast, faster than humans as a society can adapt. Because of that, the theory that automation has more detriments than benefits on society is more prominent than ever. This of course, is true. Employers are ditching humanworkers for a number of reasons, including cost efficiency, work efficiency, and profit margins. However, does automation impart more negatives than positives on the U.S.? Unfortunately, the short term result of automation is the immediate displacement of low skill jobs. In David Trilling s study published on the peer reviewed Journalist s Resource, it is estimated that Over the next 15 years, 2 to 3 million Americans who drive for a living truckers, bus drivers and cabbies will be replaced by self driving vehicles, according to a December 2016White House report on the ascent of artificial intelligence (AI) (1). The most recent advancement of technologyis already having effects on today s society. Self driving technology has shown to be advanced enough to displace those who work as drivers, as they provide a number of benefits, including: efficiency, work conduct, and cost. A one time cost of the self driving vehicle does not need to be paid a wage a with human drivers, and the AI does not to take breaks and does not ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Danielle Madero Pr It was Danielle Madero s senior year of high school, when her mother noticed something had changed. Danielle had become a soldier. Emotions were high as Danielle explained that a month ago she walked into a recruitment office with a friend, and walked out a member of the United States Air Force. For the next fourteen years she served as a radio operator. During this time she conducted numerous operations, but one stands out in particular. A devastating F 22 crash just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. Danielle and the other soldiers in the rescue mission received a call at four am briefing them on the situation. Moments later two helicopters and a C 130 were in the air. It [the crash site] essentially looked like a crater , Danielle said.... Show more content on ... She focuses on maintaining the harbinger s internet presence by doing behind the scenes work on the website, When she started with the harbinger she knew nothing about managing a website. However, after rebuilding the site model three times she proudly says, I practically taught myself coding. In addition to updating the websites layout Danielle is responsible for posting new stories, and ensuring that modules, like the live updating twitter feed, operate properly. Most of the time things go through without a hitch, but sometimes things go wrong. Most recently the module responsible for updating the date at the top of the website stopped working. I got a call at seven this morning from Justin, and he s freaking about there being no date. Despite the occasional misshape such as this Danielle is enthusiastic about working for the harbinger, and encourages others to join. It looks great on a resume. She ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Pros And Cons Of The American Constitution The American Constitution, is a document that was drafted in July of 1787 to replace The Articles of Confederation. The Constitution created a national government and established major laws to benefit America. Along with these impressive actions, our Founding Fathers made sure this document contained the ability for each individual citizen of America to have basic guaranteed rights. This should stand for all citizens, not only those who are natural born. The Constitution, leaving out equal opportunity and equal rights to those not born in America, essentially makes the document unfitting for our current government and society. The Constitution has been amended and ratified twenty seven times. For our country s current situation and diverse population, it is important that a Twenty Eighth Amendment be put into place to give all citizens, natural born or not, all basic rights. Although, this amendment does not directly benefit myself, I intend to amend Article 2 Section 1 of The Constitution for the rights of my fellow Americans. This article states: that anyone born beyond the seas is not eligible to run for presidency unless both his birth parents are citizens of the United States. I believe this unfair and unfit article should be amended to give any citizen living in the country for a minimum of 30 years even if the individual was born in and lived in another country. Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution is states: No person except a natural born ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Examples Of Medical Negligence Medical Negligence Negligence means the breach of a legal duty to care. In wider sense it means carelessness in a matter in which law mandates carefulness. Negligence is a predominant theory of liability concerning allegations of medical malpractice. Medical malpractice occurs when a health care provider deviates from the recognized standard of care in the treatment of a patient. The standard of care is defined as what a reasonably prudent medical provider would or would not have done under the same or similar circumstances. Persons who offer medical advice and treatment implicitly state that they have the skill to decide whether to take a case, to decide the treatment, and to administer that treatment. This is know as implied undertaking ... Show more content on ... Medical mistakes in the diagnosis and treatment of hospital patients are unfortunately among the most common cases of hospital malpractice seen by malpractice lawyers. Misdiagnosis of the patient s condition, improperly interpreted diagnostic tests, negligently performed surgeries and medication errors are all examples of medical negligence and can all have devastating effects on patients already admitted to a hospital with an illness or injury. This can be considered hospital malpractice. Understaffing of hospitals and overworking of hospital employees contributes to the dangers of a hospital visit. Long delays in emergency rooms, as well as waiting for radiology tests and delays in performing surgery can all permit a patient s condition to worsen. In addition, patients frequently arrive at the hospital with one type of illness, and sustain an injury or infection in the hospital that they never had before. Often these patients are in much worse physical condition leaving the hospital than when they went in. Sometimes patients injured by a hospital in the case of medical negligence require extensive treatments or multiple surgeries to ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Should Contact Sports Be Banned Essay Jenna Gregory Mrs. King ELA 6th Hour 07 April 2017 Contact Sports Contact sports are very healthy for the human body, this is because of all the physical activity that is taking place. Not only are contact sports healthy physically but they are also healthy mentally. Contact sports should not be banned from schools because they relieve stress and anger. My first reason that contact sports should not be banned is because a lot of people love playing and being a part of this sort of activity. Other reasons are that they want to be active and healthy. According to Brian Cammarota, a physical therapist at Penn therapy and fitness, Youth sports help children learn important life skills such as respect for others, teamwork, commitment, self confidence, and safety. It teaches camaraderie and fitness, but the most important aspect of... Show more content on ... Also Robert Glatter says, We all want our children to be healthy and enjoy activities including sports that lead to fulfillment and improve their happiness. Playing team sports is an important part of the process of socialization and learning how to work together to achieve a goal, not to mention a way to stay fit and healthy. (Robert Glatter) Not only does child s happiness increase but so does their health. They will stay active, strong, and healthy. To go along with all of this, an anonymous author from the article Why parents should push their kids to play in team sports states, One of the good things about sports is that many bad things will happen. Games will be lost. Injuries incurred. Your child might be benched, demoted, or not perform up to his/her abilities. Your child might hate his/her coach and feel that he or she is incapable or unfair. And all of this will be good. Responding, adapting and dealing with all of this will ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Essay about Sociology Much research on helping behaviour can be criticised as being ethnocentric, conducted in the USA alone. Thus, the studies are rather limited in terms of the lack of variety in the people studied. Latane and Darley were the first to systematically investigate the circumstances under which bystander s are/are not likely to intervene to help others, and promote pro social behaviour. However, we must be cautious not to generalise the findings to other cultures. We cannot assume that the same circumstances apply equally to any human population. The tendency to make this assumption is something we need to be very aware of when drawing broad conclusions regarding pro social behaviour from a limited sample.... Show more content on ... In collectivistic cultures, such as China, Japan and some other Asian countries, individual wishes are seen as less important than the well being of the group. It might therefore be expected that pro social behaviour would be more apparent in collectivistic cultures. Cultural perspectives on pro social behaviour place it within a much larger moral system that binds people together in social relationships (Miller and Bersoff, 1994). An example of the role that pro social behaviour, or specifically helping behaviour, plays in the establishment of social relationships can be found in the Chinese custom of doing favours for people (Moghaddam, 1998) Eisenburg and Mussen (1989) conducted cross cultural research into children s pro social behaviour to examine this notion further. It was found that North American children were less kind, considerable and co operative than children who had grown up in Mexican villages, Hopi children reared on Indian reservations or Israeli children reared in kibbutzim. Thus, the findings suggest that there is a relationship between the type of culture within which children grow up and the degree of pro social behaviour they show. Children reared within a collectivistic culture tend to show more pro social behaviour than those reared in an individualistic culture. However, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Pierre Elliot Trudeau s War Measures Act Just watch me are the defiant words uttered by Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau in response to the Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ), a Marxist group captaining Quebec independence through indiscriminate political violence. His words are not those of an iron fisted strongman, despite how strong and undetailed his comments were at the time, but those of a calculated and well versed leader, whose decisions came at the behest of prominent Quebec politicians. The FLQ instilled a decade of social violence in the streets of Quebec by systemically championing the struggles of French minorities who perceived unjust treatment in everyday life. Their qualms quickly evolved from protest to a Marxist movement, which incorporated elements... Show more content on ... LaPorte was later killed in the first assassination since Thomas d Arcy McGee and Cross s life was traded for immunity for some FLQ members. These actions set off the only implementation of the act in non wartime eras, reinforcing the limits of justice and political process. LaPorte was not an enemy of the group, rather a Quebec minister of labour. Upon his death, it was stated, LaPorte was killed and left in the drunk of an abandoned car. In addition to the murder of LaPorte, the FLQ s actions were responsible for the deaths of seven people (Gurr, Ross, 1989). The murder of an elected diplomat, in execution style displayed the absolute, unwavering need for Trudeau to rule with absolute power. The FLQ had grown powerful enough to kill elected politicians and Trudeau needed to send a military message that there would not be a violation of Canadian ideals. The military stance was an effective message and provided necessary backup to police forces to deal with the threat of selective assassination. This response was as moral as it was military, and enforced confidence in both Canada s military, but also Trudeau. His actions could dismantle and scatter the youth of the FLQ, and brought ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Ford Vs Pinto Case Profits are the ultimate result for any business that is in search of remaining viable in a market. Ford Motor has had a challenge with the new car model Pinto. They had a choice in spending more money with the Pinto car. The math done by the NHTSA was a total of $11 per auto. 11Millions cars were supposed to be launched at the cost of $12.5 million, at $11 based on the percentage car that will produce a result of $137.5 million. The cost is more than what they were willing to pay (, Shaw Barry). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration came up with the approximation of 180 burn deaths, 180 serious burns, and 2100 burned vehicle. It seemed no one really did any soul searching on the cost of life and the economic lost of life in... Show more content on ... The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has established guidelines for all automakers to fallow. The guidelines were made to reduce fire during automobile collision. In 1972 and 1973 , the standard was 20mph and 30 mph of a rear end accident without any spillage of fuel (, Shaw Barry). On the other hand, Pinto could not withstand such impact spilling fuel on passengers inside the car. Between 1971 1978, Ford statistics on death by Pinto to 13 lives while critic put it at 500 (, Shaw Barry). Several lawsuits were initiated by the victims and fines were paid by Ford motor. Even though, the organization claimed they were following established rules, but the ethical and moral position would have been to acknowledge the fault of the car and apologized for the fatality. Nevertheless, the executives stood by their product and never waiver the fact that the product was not safe to be on the road. Several families sued Ford Motor and received compensation for their lost, but it is not like having the alive and well. Through the years, the company survive all those obstacle and remained in business. An apology to the families who have lost love one would have been seen as repentant to one action. The situation would not bring back those individuals, but earned a bit of respect from ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Antisocial Personality Disorder And Psychopathy What is Antisocial Personality Disorder? Antisocial Personality Disorder is a disorder that is characterized by a long standing pattern of disregard for other people s rights, often crossing the line and violating those rights. A person with Antisocial Personality Disorder often feels little or no empathy toward other people, and doesn t see the problem in bending or breaking the law for their own needs or wants. The disorder usually begins in childhood or as a teen and continues into adulthood. Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder frequently lack empathy and tend to be heartless, distrustful, and condescending of the feelings, rights, and sufferings of others. They are also known to be egotistical. (Bressert, Retrieved on ... Show more content on ... Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead. Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others. Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another. There should also be signs of a conduct disorder in the individual as a child, whether or not it was ever diagnosed by a professional. Only adults 18 years or older can be diagnosed with this disorder. (Bressert, Retrieved on February 24, 2016, from) . Another diagnostic tool is The Hare Psychopathy Checklist. Originally designed to evaluate people accused or convicted of crimes, the check list consists of a 20 symptoms. When the checklist is executed, the total score shows how closely the individual matches the score of a typical psychopath. Each of the twenty items is given a score of 0, 1, or 2. A typical psychopath ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Service System At The Local Tim Hortons Branch This project involves the study and analysis of the service system at the local Tim Hortons branch. The goal of the project is to optimize the service process with the purpose of minimizing the service time. There has been an ever growing emphasis on service speed and work efficiency in the last century and people have come to expect fast service. It is therefore, paramount that Tim Hortonsmeet and perhaps exceed the expectations of its customers by providing them with the fastest service possible. The Tim Hortons site being studied is located in downtown Toronto which is a very busy area and therefore the branch experiences very high activity most of the day. To account for the high arrival rate, the site has provided 4 cashiers to take... Show more content on ... The initial issue that was noticed after many hours of observing the systems operations were that the service times for the customers were too lengthy. Especially during the peak times of 9am 12pm. Customers were observed to be in the system for an average of 11.82 minutes. Although there were four servers at this location only two of them were actively in use. This is due to the fact that the customers would only line up in front of the two middle servers leaving the other two servers empty. Causing the servers to constantly have to ask the customers to move over to the other queues, causing the overall time in the system to be much greater than it should be. This project aims to demonstrate how the service of the facility is capable of providing fast service if all four servers were actively in use, to investigate the reason why the customers are not lining up with the other servers and finally how to improve the design of the facility in order to allow the customers to actually make use of the other two servers at the facility. Queueing models will be set up comparing the service time results when 4 servers are actively in use as opposed to the service time when only 2 of the servers are being used. The following table shows the data collected for 57 customers from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. From the table, the total queueing time is 460 minutes and the average queueing time is 8.07 minutes. The total service time is 214 ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Electronic Health Record Abstract Electronic health records (EHR) is more and more being utilized in organizations offering healthcare to enhance the quality and safety of care. Understanding the advantages and disadvantaging of EHR is essential in the nursing profession as nurses would learn its strengths and weaknesses. This would help the nursing profession know how to deal with the weak areas of the system. The topic on advantages and disadvantages of EHR has been widely researched on with different researchers coming up with different opinions. Nurses ought to have knowledge on the advantages and disadvantages of EHR systems for them to use systems efficiently. This would transform the operations of health systems and benefit patients with quality service.... Show more content on ... This meant that there was 41 percent reduction in the risk of pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis ninety days following discharge. In addition, researchers have established that there is a relation between efficiency and EHRs in the delivery of healthcare. EHRs societal benefits Improved ability to conduct research is another less tangible benefit associated with EHR. When the data for patients is electronically stored, makes the data easily accessible hence more quantitative analysis can be undertaken for identification of evidence based best practices with ease. In addition, public health researchers use electronic clinical data more actively which have been amassed from a huge population hence coming up with research that benefits the society (Mitka, 2011). Clinical data availability is limited but this form of data will increase. Probable EHRs disadvantages Irrespective of the findings regarding the advantages of various functionalities of EHRs, some probable drawbacks on EHR have been identified by researchers. These comprise of financial concerns, temporal loss in productivity linked with adoption of EHR, change in workflow, security and confidentiality concerns and several unintentional consequences. Financial concerns comprise of costs of adoption and implementation, cost of maintenance, revenue loss due to temporal low productivity, and revenue declination. These factors act as deterrent for physicians ... Get more on ...
  • 24. How Did Amelia Bloomer Take A Stand In Women s Rights Taking a stand in women s rights (Amelia Bloomer) Imagine, you didn t have the right to vote, to get your own money, or to get a good education just because you weren t a specific gender or color ? What would you do about it ? Would you just let these things make you who you are, or would you fight for your rights. More than 70 years ago people weren t treated the way we are now. If you were a women then you would probably be at home cleaning or making meals for your family or even taking care of your children .While your husband is going to work and earning his own money. If you were a women you wouldn t be able to work for your own money, your money would become your husbands money because your husband has the right to vote, to work, and more. Many ladies took a stand for what they believed in. One great lady who stood up for her rights was Amelia Jenks Bloomer. She impacted women s history in many ways. Amelia was born on May 27, 1818 in Homer, New York. As she was a child she attended many local ... Show more content on ... The bloomers where the first known pants for women,. they bloomers were puffy paints that had a skirt over them. They were more comfortable for women to wear then the women wear men expected women to wear. In 1951 the nation was seized by The Bloomer craze . Mary Gove Nichols, a health reformer, declared a Declaration of Independence for the disposition of the Parisian Fashion. She gathered lots of signatures to tell about the the dress wear. The managers of the Textile mills in Lowell, Machashutitsset up a banquet for women workers and how to adopt the new style before July 4th. In Toledo, Ohio sixty women came to one of the most grand social event in their Bloomers. Bloomer balls and Bloomer events were held all around the world., people even made Bloomer institutes. The Blommers became so popular that even shops had them in shop ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Insanity in a Sane World Insanity in a Sane World Holden Caulfield is an insane person in a sane world. What is insanity? Insanity is when you re in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior or social interaction. This state is mental illness. Insanity is when you do things in deranged or outrageous ways that could frighten people, or make people feel uncomfortable when around you. It s when you do things out of the ordinary; yet feel as if they are ordinary. Insanity could come about when you re depressed, or after a traumatic event, and sometimes even by keeping all your feelings bottled up inside of yourself. Sane people are sensible, reliable, well adjusted and practice sound judgment. It s behavior that is expected in a society. By these... Show more content on ... Antolini was trying to hinder him from going down the wrong path. Holden focuses on the little details like the gasoline rainbows in the puddles on the street and which suitcase is nicer. He overlooks the obvious, big picture which could better help him adjust and focuses instead on little, often insignificant things he can handle. Moreover, Holden only pays attention to the things he s interested in and doesn t pay attention to the teachers or work given at school. This lack of interest has caused him to drop out of four schools and, therefore missing out on knowledge necessary for his well being and self discipline. Holden does not like change. Holden needs change, he needs to grow up. He needs to change his thoughts and behavior. Holden says Certain things should stay the way they are, you ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone (122). Finally, Holden s overly judgmental and critical. When he sees someone he automatically judges the person because they aren t in his perfect fantasy. In the bar he points out the flits (gay people) and, he thinks that his old roommate Dick Slagle has a inferiority complex just because he didn t put his suitcases on out to show when Holden did. Holden thinks of Mr. Haas (his phony headmaster) as someone [shakes] hands with them and [gives] them a phony smile (14). Holden thinks of Ernie the piano player as someone who has been affected by phoniness in order to attain fame. ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Susan Blackmore The Memes Machine Susan Blackmore s idea of memetics is controversial because not many believe it is scientific at all. A meme is an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture (Blackmore, 7). Blackmore describes this as singing Happy Birthday to someone or a handshake could be a meme. A meme is a form of imitation. I say a form of it because Blackmore points out some differences between the two. The idea of memes is criticized by scientists because they do not feel like memes are able to comply with the scientific method and prove to be a theory in the ways that they see fit. Throughout the book Blackmore makes valid points about how memes have coexisted with evolution, which indeed would make the memeticsa science.... Show more content on ... This is defined as imitation from one person to another. Humans are capable of imitation from birth. Children are taught from imitation, more specifically memes. According to Charles Darwin s Theory of natural selection, creatures evolve because adaptations in the environment change and the offspring of these species survive and better adapt, which is evolution. Blackmore then refers to the evolutionary algorithm as described by Dennett. Evolution in general in the science world relies on three requisites variation, selection, and heredity. The algorithm solely relies on something being copied and this is referred to by Dawkins, as a replicator. Specifically, a replicator relies on something being copied. It is defined as any unit of information which is copied with variations or errors, and whose nature influences its own probability of replication (Blackmore, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Document Images Are Acquired By Scanning Journal Document images are acquired by scanning journal, printed document, degraded document images, handwritten historical document, and book cover etc. The text may appear in a virtually unlimited number of fonts, style, alignment, size, shapes, colors, etc. Extraction of text from text document images and from complex color background is difficult due to complexity of the background and mix up of colors of fore ground text with colors of background. In this section, we present the main ideas and details of the proposed algorithm. Implementation of any system needs the study of features, it may be symbolic, numerical or both. An example of a symbolic feature is color; an example of numerical feature is weight. Features may also result from applying a text extraction algorithm or operator to the input data. The related problems of feature selection and feature extraction must be addressed at the outset of any text recognition system design. The key is to choose and to extract features that are computationally feasible and reduce the problem data into a manageable amount of information without discarding valuable information. Different methods used for text extraction from document images (as shown in fig. 1) include: A.Feature Extraction Feature extraction involves the extracting the meaningful information from the document image. The features are classified in to Global features and Local features. Features that are extracted from whole image are known as the global features ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Pros And Cons Of Wikipedia The first observation noted that there s an issue with the Wikipedia site is their home web page. The home page of the online encyclopedia has a welcome page that boasts, Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit (Wikipedia, 2015). This method is in opposition of what I would deem highly credible. Anyone could be an Eight year old or a person that is mentally ill. In my opinion, the open editingsystem is the strength and the weakness of the website. There is the chance that the social encyclopedia s contributors may not create university level articles worthy of citing as a primary source for an academic paper. Another issue is that Wikipediaseems to depend on the hopes that its user will apply the golden rule that is Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It seems Wikipedia depends on the kindness of its users and hopes that they will post accurate... Show more content on ... Mills Kelly, a historian at George Mason University in Washington, D.C., encouraged his students to deceive thousands of people on the Web. Professor Kelly encourages his student to create a hoax story about a pirate for the purpose of teaching the students about vetting the quality of their sources. The students created a fake history blog, they created youtube videos, interviewed experts, fabricated documents, and then the students posted statuses on facebook, twitter, and shoutwire. The students went on the Wikipedia page and created a memorial page for the pirate. Unfortunately many were duped by the hoax. The fabricated pirate story went as far as being featured on USA Today s pop culture blog. At the end of the semester, the professor revealed the hoax. Some applauded the Professor while many others were livid. Among the livid was Jimmy Wales, the Co founder of Wikipedia (Applebaum, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Highlighting Many of the Weaknesses in the Australian... Highlighting Many of the Weaknesses in the Australian Legal System through the Chamberlain Case The case of Lindy Chamberlain was very significant in Australian legal history as it involved the conviction and imprisonment of an innocent person for infanticide. This is occurrence should never have taken place and demonstrated the weaknesses in the Australian legal system. A legal system is meant to be sturdy and never failing system that the public can put its trust ad faith in but this time it fell apart and wrongly convicted an innocent mother, wife and friend. Something needs to be done to ensure the unnecessary imprisonment of an innocent does not occur again. There were many issues in the ... Show more content on ... Presumably he felt that white witness Derek Roff would fare better in a white mans court than the right evidence. [3]They had the support of their friends, and the church supported them financially yet still the legal system let them down. Police Bias =========== Police have bias as they are involved first hand with the investigation and sometimes cannot be objective. They would not have had the Chamberlain s best interests at heart. Instead, the force would have been worried about their town, its people and thought of the Chamberlains as outside visitors, a family of weird religious beliefs. There was difference between how Azaria s clothing was found and described by the two police officers Goodwin and Morris. The difference lay with how Goodwin found it and how Morris described it. The jump suit was found and photographed in a ravage condition. Afterwards the jumpsuit was laid out on the ground to get a clear shot of the markings. This was the picture that was released to the press. This led people to believe that this was how the clothes were found.[4] This should have never occurred because it caused the public to believe that Lindy had killed her baby which in turn led to an extremely biased jury and also bias in some expert witnesses. There was also a very misleading experiment publicised. At the time of Azaria s death the area was ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Greek Mythology Influence On Society The heavy influence of Greek mythology persists in today s society. Common name brand products echo the names of the gods. Popular movies and television shows portray the myths of ancient Greece, some creating exact replications and others adding a modern twist to the timeless stories. Books are written about the gods lives and adventures in ancient as well as present times. These portrayals of gods and goddesses exist to entertain people today just as they did in Greece centuries ago. With such a large influence surrounding life today, it is important to identify the established definition and origins of Greek mythology, as well as how it has specifically influenced culture and literature. When asking what mythology is you can get a bundle of stories and various answers, (Graf 1 2) states in his book that a myth is a tale indicated by the etymology of the word: for the early Greeks, a mythos was a word or story, synonymous with logos and epos; a mythology was a storyteller ... Show more content on ... He is one of the six original gods that Cronus ate and later freed. Hades never knows what is happening in the world above, or in Olympus, except for fragmentary information which comes to him when mortals strike their hands upon the earth and invoke him with oaths and curses (Graves 122). Normally Hades is not considered one of the twelve Olympians on Mount Olympus because he never visits but dwells in the underworld. In many stories about demigods or Greek mythology, the heroes usually must travel to the underworld and come back to prove themselves. For example, this theme recurs throughout the stories of The Odyssey, Hercules, and Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. These heroes must fight their way out or be cunning. Hades likes to collect his souls and not let anyone leave. This can be interpreted in many of today s stories or shows. A lot of Greek culture was able to inspire literature and our culture ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Effects Of Regeneration On Planaria No not everyone s planaria grew back in the same way. Two groups had full regeneration, seven groups had some regeneration and one group had a mass death. My planaria was in the majority of regeneration. Our result was one new planaria. Some of the things that might have affected the group with the mass death is not having a clean blade to cut the planaria with or there being too much light or their water being too cold because they were near an open window. For the groups that had full regeneration their water temperature was not to warm and not too cold. Their blades could have had remnants of other planaria but the planaria on the blade were healthy. The planaria that only reproduced one planarian could have had a good water temperature ... Get more on ...
  • 32. United States Women s Histories United States Women s Histories AMH 2090 Final Project Essay Article Citation: Copy and past the full article citation from Sakai below. When you are writing your responses to the questions, be sure to paraphrase and use quotes sparingly. If you do quote, put the page number where you found your quote in parenthesis at the end of the sentence. You are NOT allowed to use any sources other than the article. The use of sources outside the article under review will be considered plagiarism and result in failing grade on the assignment. Matsumoto, Valerie. Japanese AmericanWomen during World War II. Frontiers: A Journal of Women s Studies 8 (1984): 6 14. Topic and Questions: What is the author s topic and what questions does she attempt to answer? That is describe, who, what, when, and where. The author should explain her topic and questions in the first few pages of her article (Limit 200 words). Valerie Matsumoto talks about the time in history during the second world war when America removed over 100,000 American Japanese citizens from the comfort of their homes.The bombing of Pearl Harbor planted fear in America arousing suspicion of Japanese spies and traitors. This led to concentration camps of Japanese American citizens. Matsumoto also discusses the camp living situations, families surviving, the work that had to be done, food and sanitary conditions, and most importantly, how women survived in these difficult times. She also focuses on the Issei and the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. A Computerised Gsm Based Vehicle Theft Control System 2.2 BLOCK DIAGRAM EXPLANATION: The project GSM BASED VEHICLE THEFT CONTROL SYSTEM deals with the design development of a theft control system for automobiles which is being used to prevent / control the theft of a vehicle. The developed system makes use of an embedded system based on GSMtechnology. An interfacing mobile is also connected to the microcontroller, which is in turn, connected to the engine. Once, the vehicle is being stolen, the information is being used by the vehicle owner for further processing. The information is passed onto the central processing insurance system, where by sitting at a remote place, a particular number is dialed by them to the interfacing mobile that is with the... Show more content on ... When any object is entering into the vehicle, Microcontroller P89s51 continuously monitor the infrared receivers ,when any object pass through the IR receiver s then the IR rays falling on the receiver s are obstructed, this obstruction is sensed by the microcontroller. Otherwise IR receiver receives the rays continuously from the transmitter, then automatically vehicle door is closed. Mainly the system is used for automatica door closing purpose. The implementation is made simpler by using IR sensor to detect the person. The system include the IR sensor, microcontroller, LED and a 5V power is supplied to run the system. The system uses a compact circuitry built around 8051 microcontroller Programs are developed in Embedded C. Flash magic is used for loading programs into Microcontroller. Download your Reports for GSM Based Vehicle Theft Control System International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue. 5 Issn 2250 3005(online) September| 2012 Page 1534 GSM Based Anti theft Security System Using AT T Command. Visa M. Ibrahim 1 . Asogwa A. Victor 2 . S. Y. Musa 3 . 1,2,3 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, School Of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Modibbo Adamma University of Technology Yola, Adamawa State. Nigeria Abstract Antitheft security system security ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Larry Ellison s Impact On The Face Of Business Larry Ellison founded Software Development Labs in August 1977 with Ed Oates, and Bob Miner. The labs later became Oracle Corporation and is now worth 42.5 billion (net). Many people look up towards Larry because he had to work for his place as the chief executive officer of Oracle and now has become one of the richest people in the world. Ellison is a very good leader in his corporation because he perseveres to get what oracle needs and is ruthless in the face of business. Larry also makes important decisions that impact the future of oracle. Larry was born August 17, 1944. At a very young age he was sent to Chicago to live with his Uncle and Aunt, and later was adopted by them. In 1962, Larry s adopted mother died and Ellison dropped out ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Quotes From Stormbreaker Although death is one option, we choose to choose other options to get our way out of it, even when going through death threatening events. In the book, Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz, Alex s Uncle dies to a Russian spy called, Yassen. Alex s uncle, Ian Rider lied about him working for a Bank, but instead worked for an Agent corporation. Alex soon becomes a spy, working for the corporation and goes into a life threatening mission, to stop Stormbreaker. The novel is a life lesson for the children of our generation, especially in since everyone lies to get their way through and hide the mocking truth. It makes us realise that we can t trust anyone, since things such as lying or fake friends are becoming more and more popular. The author made me reflect on what people would do ... Show more content on ... In the text, it is the same. Ian Rider had told Alex that his job was at a bank but he was actually a spy. Also, gaining glory was shown by Ian Rider skipping certain events that they arranged, just so he could finish off his mission. Sayle lying to working England, about how his new invention would change education but it was just a to poison the minds of the kids generation. Another example of lying is when Alex s guardian, Jack Starbright lied about how she could live with Alex for the rest of her life, but Mr Blunt told Alex that Jack s visa expired ten years ago. The author uncovers that killing is also what some people only think about. Yassen kills Alex s Uncle, then later on, Yassen sat1ves Alex but Alex says that he still wants to kill him due to what he did to his uncle. This can ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Spanish American War, And The Causes Of The Spanish... One of the causes for the Spanish American War was that Spanish General Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau, nicknamed the Butcher was torturing the Cubans. The Cubans were dying of starvation, disease and poor sanitation and then putting Cubans in concentration camps. President McKinley had sent previous warnings to Spain to stop the economic suffering. Later the USS Maine was in Cuba to protect American interest. The Library of Congress stated that Americans were shocked when the ship exploded and sank and 266 of the 354 crew members were killed (p 2). American received the territories of Cuba, Guam and the Philippines from Spain. Cuba was greatly impacted because with only being a US Territory they could still be an independent unit but have an American Naval base for protection. The Philippines were also impacted because they had been fighting for independence from Spain, but soon starting resenting the United Statesbecause they were still not totally independent. China was also impacted by the Spanish American war because with the United States acquiring Hawaii, Guam, Cuba and the Philippines it was easier to trade with because shipments didn t have to go as far without refueling or supplies. On October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed. Not only did millions of investors lose their money but banks lost all of the money they had invested that their customers had given to them. To make the problem worse is that the people who had remaining money in the banks tried ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Youth Choir s Top Chamber Choir Opportunities don t really come knocking in the small, corn filled state of Iowa, but for Heartland Youth Choir s top chamber choir they did. We had an opportunity this year to go to New York and sing in a choir festival at Carnegie Hall. For me this was a huge deal! to be singing on the very stage where The Beatles have sang meant the world to me, and I was going to have fun with it. It was the middle of June when we left. We were all riding on a bus to our first destination, Indiana. There we stopped at the Indy Speedway where went to the museum in the middle of the track. Interesting fact: there is a golf course in the middle. I found that very amusing because I couldn t imagine that the track is big enough for a golf course. After... Show more content on ... It was like every five steps you smelled a new trash can, but that s what made it New York. The smell came with the beauty. We were only in New York for three days, and that meant that I was going to have to pack in everything that I wanted to see. Granted New York is so big that even after a week I still wouldn t get to see everything that I wanted to. So that first day we got settled in our hotels. I roomed with my friends Neupur, Mary, and Marisa. When we got to our hotel room Marisa unleashed her crazy. Marisa do you have sheet music in your bag? Mary questioned. Yeah, Marisa answered. Are they songs from musicals? Why do you have musical sheet music? Neupur questioned. You never know when you re going to run into someone or something and need sheet music from a musical, stated Marisa. You see Marisa absolutely loves musicals, and she can sing. She is like a walking musical jukebox. You ask her any song or any musical and she will sing the song. Marisa s discretion in bringing the music was very spot on, because later that day we went to a short musical 101 class and they asked her to sing in front of a couple people from Broadway, and get feedback from them. It was a very exciting time for us and Marisa. Its her dream to be on Broadway. The next day we went to Central Park, where I got to see the Strawberry Fields memorial. Then we got to go in groups and walk around Time Square and see some of the cool things that Time ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Being Patient Research Paper Me being me, I am horrible at being patient. But whenever it comes to something I love, I can withstand my flaws and power through. Being patient is one of the most important things in baking or cooking. It can take up to 5 days just to make one recipe. It s crazy, I know, but in the end, it is all worth it. Time is key, and you have the ability to unlock the door of culinary masterpieces with it. Sometimes when I have that urge to make something, I start to get all of the ingredients out, but then stop short because I don t have a certain ingredient! You NEED to be prepared at all times in the kitchen in order for you to actually create something. Preparedness is very important. Whenever you re passionate about something, you really don t ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Siddhartha-the Shape of Time Essay For many Westerners, more specifically the driven citizens of the United States of America, time is viewed as a straight line. Our children realize this, consciously or not, early on. They make timelines in school, their classes switch on the hour, their intelligence is measured on a scale. We are born, we come of age during adolescence. We set a goal, we work to achieve success. Birth and death, childhood and adulthood are stages that occur only once. Life is black and white. Separate. The past is the past, the future is the future. Traveling on a straight line, we can only look forwards. Eastern philosophy, on the other hand, might view time as a circle, a spiral, a figure eight. Time has no sharp ... Show more content on ... It was this idea that Hesse built Siddhartha on. It was this idea that allowed Siddhartha to be reincarnated not in terms of physical life, but rather in terms of spirit. Lao Tzu, credited with penning the Tao Te Ching, noted that a good traveler has no fixed plans/and is not intent on arriving. Thus, he rejected the linear concept of time, as did Siddhartha as he made his journey. The book opens with the title character s decision to leave his traditional Hindu community and upbringing to seek Atman through asceticism. Siddhartha and his friend, Govinda, adopt the life of the Samanas. Siddhartha thinks, waits, and fasts. He struggles to free himself from The Self: the materialistic, mortal part of him. But he is anxious to attain a state of bliss. As a young Brahmin, he was always the strongest, the cleverest, the fastest. He expects to find the most efficient way to Atman, just as he excelled in every other area of his life. The ascetic life disappoints him. Siddhartha replied: `How old, do you think, is our oldest Samana, our worthy teacher? Govinda said: `I think the eldest would be about sixty years old. And Siddhartha said: `He is sixty years old and has not attained Nirvana. He will be seventy and eighty years old, and you and I, we shall grow as old as he, and do exercises and fast ... Get more on ...
  • 40. NICE Review Essay Impact of the NICE guideline recommending cessation of antibiotic prophylaxis for prevention of infective endocarditis: before and after study: A Review Thornhill et al. s article on the cessation of antibiotic prophylaxis and its impact on infective endocarditis examined, both, prescriptions for antibiotics of a standard premedication dose (3g amoxicillin or 600mg clindamycin) and diagnoses or deaths due to infective endocarditis between January 2000 and April 2010. The time frame chosen for this study was critical due to the release of updated NICE guidelines, stating providers should cease use of any antibiotic prophylaxis for dental and other medical procedures. By examining the time surrounding the NICE guidelines, the researchers hoped to evaluate any relationship between premedicative prescriptions and incidents of infective endocarditis. They hypothesized that in order to see evidence that the NICE guidelines were valid, there would be minimal to no change in rate of infective endocarditis after the NICE guidelines became effective compared to before, even though the amount of prescription decreased. The researchers felt that this study was necessary due to the limited large scale studies relating to recent changes in... Show more content on ... The two most significant weakness related to the lack of specificity in etiological origin of the endocarditis, and an expanded discussion in relevance of results. The researchers explained that due to gathering their data from hospitals there was often a lack in specificity of microorganism identification in the codes submitted. More importantly, the researchers largely discussed the limitations in their study, rather than discussing the uses and significance of the article. While it is good to identify possible sources of error, the researchers overly focused on this, decreasing the confidence for readers in their ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Unitarian View Of Religion The author, James B. Torrance writes concerning the distinction between two views of worship. One of the views of worship is called the Unitarian view. The Unitarian view is the common practice of several churches. It is considered a religious concept of human wisdom, worship to God. These concepts include, going to church, singing psalms and hymns to God, interceding for the world, listen to a sermon, offering money, time and talents to God. After all, these actions of worship are simply part of traditions, without the substance JesusChrist s redemption. It is in a sense going through the motion, without the relevance of the Holy Spirit. Trinitarian view, on the other hand, is the participation with the Son s communion with the Father. Torrance ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Death Of The Scout Essay Then the specter arrived, a certain fear of death, it was dull and oppressive, it came to the Scout. This fear wasted no time becoming poignant as the Scout realized that it was now no longer a mere matter of just freezing some fingers and maybe a few toes, or of losing his hands and feet altogether, but that now it was a matter of life and death with the odds solidly stacked very much against survival. This threw the Scout into a full panic, and it turned and ran up the ammonia creek bed back along the old, dim trail. The pequoti quickly joined in behind and kept up but it kept a safe distance. The Scout now ran blindly, and without any willful intention, in fearsuch as it had never known before. Slowly, as the Scout ploughed and floundered through the argon snow, it began to see things again the banks of the ammonia creek, the old growth timber jams, the leafless trees, and the beautiful sky. This running made the Scout feel much better. The Scout no longer shivered. Maybe, just maybe, if the Scout ran on, its feet would thaw and dry out; and, anyway, if it ran far enough, the Scout would reach the safety of camp and the others. Without a doubt the Scout would lose maybe a finger and maybe a toe and maybe some of its face; but the others would take good care of the Scout, and save the rest upon arrival. But at the same time there was this other competing and rapidly growing thoughtin the Scout s mindthat said it would never get to that mining camp and the ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Issues In The Waiting Room The Waiting Room is a documentary about the truth of public hospitals. This film follows the patients, and the staff of this ER waiting room, and how insufficient the system is for them. While we watch the staff work as hard as they can to treat all the patients possible, we come to the realization that there is a major shortage in the needed room space, and supplies to treat all of these patients in a timely manner. Our healthcare system is very flawed in the way it treats the people in need, and there is no way of knowing if there will be any major change to help these people get the care they need. The Waiting Room was produced in 2011, meaning that there should have been changes made to fix this flawed health care system, but there hasn t ... Show more content on ... Because there is such a high number of people without insurance they usually don t get the treatments they need, and if they do receive treatment, it usually follows a very long wait, and they are not the best treatment. But most of these people have no other choice. We get to witness the real struggle of multiple different patients, all with different levels of severity for their visit. The first patient that stood out was a father who lost his job the previous year and didn t have any health insurance for him or his kids. He had to take his very ill daughter to the public ER , and because she was on the lower side of severity, they had to wait for hours just to get seen by a doctor. This story stood out to me because of the time a ill child had to wait just to get any treatment at all. Another story that stood out was the man who had to wait in a full waiting room with a bullet in his leg. This man had a deadly object in his body and he still had to wait for hours just to be seen by a doctor. He had to wait because the hospital had no room to put him in. Even if you re the first one to get to the ER, it doesn t mean that you get in first. The hospital determines who goes in first by how severe your situation is, so they could have a patient waiting in the waiting room for many hours, just so they can get a prescription of ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Rydels Monologue Rydel wrapped her arms around Ell, dancing to the upbeat music. Her body flowed to the dance as if it was the only way she could. Each step brought forward her personality, bursting through the most vibrant colors. Ratliff watched her move, keeping her all to himself, he wanted to be her only audience, applauding every movement with a wide smile and a kiss. True happiness. Ryland was the DJ, I was shocked at his talent, it wasn t as easy as it appeared to be, but it looked like a lot of fun. Although I shouldn t have been surprised, his whole family sweated talent. He had invited about 20 people, strangers to be, and maybe even to them. Both Riker and Ross were dancing with girls. They had the right to, they owed me nothing, but it did sting a little. Each of them were the same, rubbing their bodies against the other. It was in no way poetic like Rydel and Ell, but they sure seemed to enjoy themselves.... Show more content on ... He appeared to be 20 or 21. He sat next to me on the ledge and began to watch with me. The man was very readable, I could tell you his life story in moments of his arrival. His face was the kind to stop a girl in her tracks, but he must of got used to that. I could already tell that when he looked at a woman, they would overcompensate with a nonchalant glimmer in their weak smile, accompanied by a slight blush on the apples of each cheek. I wasn t going to fawn over him either so it was a mutual understanding. He was modest too, which must had made the girls squirm in excitement. He was handsome, but maybe he was more than that. I m Thomas, and you are? His ice blue eyes should have melted my heart but my heart and brain was already ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Revolutionary Generation By Joseph J. Ellis The Revolutionary Generation Most novels or documentaries regarding the Revolutionary Generation, largely focus on the war for independence, which includes the Continental Congress. Not often in media, does one find a post war political book. The Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph J. Ellis dives in the complexities faced by the Founding Fathers of America. As they saw themselves as brothers (with the exception of Abigail Adams), they often did not agree on most of each other s ideas. A prime example would be the 1790 s, when America witnessed the birth of political parties. The Founding Fathers encountered numerous tests as they tried to establish a democratic republic, due to the fact of various different visions... Show more content on ... The danger of politics lead to the principal factor of checks and balances, within the government and Founding Fathers, throughout the most crucial and consequential [decade] in American history (27). Politics were also what lead to the quarrel between John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. The best resume to having during the early years of the government, was one s political experience. In the election of 1796, Adams was virtually unbeatable, (180) he had made American independence his life s project (180). His opponent was Thomas Jefferson, a great friend of Adams. They began their friendship during the Congenital Congress, where Adams himself recommended Jefferson to author the Declaration of Independence. But their friendship flourished when Adams and Jefferson served in Europe. History and the American Revolution had brought these two men together; they were the odd couple of the generation. Prior from running for president, Thomas Jefferson collided and his brother from Virginia, James Madison. As they shared the same beliefs and come from the south, Jefferson and Madison had bonded as Virginians (188). As their friendship grew, they cemented themselves as the leaders of the new found Republican party. This was the party that opposed the Federalist Party, who s ... Get more on ...
  • 46. An Overview of Dell An overview of Dell Dell is a leading technology company that offers a wide range of products including desktop computers, networking products, servers, mobility products, storage, peripherals, software as well as general IT services. The company mainly operates in the United States and is headquartered in the city of Round Rock, Texas. In the financial year ended 2011, the company recorded a revenue of $61,494 million, a figure which indicated a 16.2 percent increase over the FY2010 figure. Its FY2011 operating profit was about $3,433 million, an amount which marked a 58.1% increase over the FY2010 value. Its FY2011 net profit was $2,635 million, a value which represented a 83.9 percent increase over the FY2010 value (Datamonitor,2011). The futures price of 100 shares of Dell Dell Inc ( Dell ) stock is at this moment priced at $10.56 per share making 100 shares to be worth $1,056.00 (Yahoo Finance,2012).I expect that the features price of 100 shares of Dell stock to be delivered in a year is $1,331 .00 at $13.31 per share. The factors that have been involved in the following prediction are the historical stock prices relative to Dell s earnings, the state of the global economy, the expectations of the future product sales as well as the status of Dell s management team. Using the formula below, we calculate the future value of Dell s stock as follows. FV= PV ( 1 + i ) N where; FV denotes Future Value PV denotes Present Value i denotes the interest rate per period ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Indi An Emerging Economy And A Beacon Of High Tech Modernity World s largest democracy, an emerging economy and on the race to become a regional/global superpower: India has come a long way in the past few decades. Despite the evident threats of bankruptcy, caste politics and Hindu Nationalism, India is a great example of unity in diversity and a beacon of high tech modernity . (Corbridge et al, 2013). However, it can be said that India is stuck between a prodigious need for cultural renaissance and the banes of class politics. (Pradhan et al, 2105: 12). The caste system in India is intricately correlated to class stratification and this is of immense political value in India as class and caste differences shape the politics in India till a great extent. In this essay, I will begin by talking about the association between class and caste, as this is an important aspect in order to understand how these issues shape the politics of India. Further on, I will talk about the gradual emergence of classes over the period of time and their influence on politics, beginning with colonial period and concluding with the modern India. I will then attempt to display the crucial role played by the classes during the 2014 elections. The essay will then discuss how the Indian middle class contributes to shaping the politics of India. I will then go on to write about the other classes and their influence over politics. To conclude, I will talk about how class is just one of the innumerable other factors contributing to the politics in India. In ... Get more on ...
  • 48. A Comparison of A Modest Proposal, Tartuffe, and Candide Writers use personality traits and events to change the classical ideals. Majority of the writer s focus is to change people s attitude s. Jonathan Swift, Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere, Francois Marie Arquet de Voltaire use characterization and plot to challenge the themes of the Neo Classical period. In A Modest Proposal, Jonathan Swift challenges the Neo classical period by creating a sense of instability in their way of thinking. He attacks the society by carelessly endorsing cannibalism in hopes to help Ireland through their economic crisis. He demonstrates this by humbly proposing and assuring that a young healthy child, well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food. ... Show more content on ... Swift demands the audience to recognize the narrator s purpose having no other motive than the public good of my country, by advancing our trade, providing for infant s, relieving the poor, and giving some pleasure to the rich. (Swift 489) The speaker optimistically believes that his idea is for the best. If Swift did not believe that his idea would not have a positive outcome he would not have suggested. Regardless of Swift s inhumane suggestion, which is negative, he only tries to reveal the positive of the situation. This feeling of insecurity is his way of disparaging the Irish and English government. In Tartuffe, Moliere s use s plot to defend and oppose characters that symbolize and ridicule habitual behavior s that was imposed during the neo classical time period. His work, known as a comedy of manners, consists of flat characters, with few and similar traits, and that always restore some kind of peace in the end. He down plays society as a whole by creating a microseism, where everyone in the family has to be obedient, respectful, and mindful of the head of the home, which is played by the father Orgon. Mariane shows her obedience when she replies To please you, sir, is what delights me best. (Moliere 324,11) Shortly afterwards, Orgon commands Mariane to take Tartuffe as her husband even though she is not interested in him at all. Orgon s command shows how men are dominate ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Influence Of Media On Teenagers Today, teenagers like us are rarely alone. We are under pressure to be online and available at all times, talking, messaging, liking, commenting, sharing, posting it never ends. Never before have we been so connected, so continuously, so instantaneously, so young. There s simply no privacy, and the social pressures that go along with that are relentless. This always on environment is training us to value ourselves based on the number of likes we get and the types of comments that we receive. There s no separation between online and offline life. What s real or what isn t is really hard to tell the difference between. Every day we approximately spend 8 hours exposed to different forms of media. It keeps us entertained, informed, and opinionated. Media influences us through news, headlines and information we see online, on TV and radio. It creeps into our daily lives set lean subconsciously through magazines and advertisements that create and recreate standards of success, beauty and living. Our brain processes all these sets information from a variety of sources and sometimes, we no longer wonder whether the information is the truth or not, but rather just believe it right away. We react to it right away. We no longer are watchful with what enters our minds. We no longer think twice before we respond. We no longer identify ourselves from what influences us. Yes, media brings people together. It can make us laugh, think, consider, and can make us feel right. But if we re ... Get more on ...