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Essay Literary Term
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Literary Term" presents a unique set of challenges. The
irony lies in the fact that dissecting and discussing the very term that encapsulates various
literary forms and expressions can be a daunting task. The difficulty arises from the need to
strike a balance between providing a comprehensive definition of the essay as a literary term and
delving into the nuances of its application in diverse contexts.
The challenge lies in navigating through the vast history of literary essays, from the works of
classical essayists like Montaigne to the contemporary explorations by writers such as Susan
Sontag or George Orwell. The essay, as a form, defies easy categorization, and its definition can
evolve depending on the literary era, cultural context, and individual perspectives. As a writer,
one must grapple with the fluidity of the essay as a genre, understanding that its boundaries are
not rigid but rather elastic, adapting to the intentions of the author.
Furthermore, the task demands a keen analysis of the structural elements inherent in the literary
essay. Crafting a coherent and engaging introduction, developing a well-argued body, and
delivering a thought-provoking conclusion—all while adhering to the fluid nature of the
essay—require careful consideration. The challenge is to maintain clarity and focus without
succumbing to the temptation of rigid structures, allowing the essay to breathe and evolve as it
Moreover, the essayist must engage in a delicate dance between personal expression and
objective analysis. Balancing the subjective elements that make the essay a vehicle for self-
expression with the necessity for analytical rigor can be intricate. The writer must navigate
through the fine line between conveying a unique perspective and providing a critical
examination of the chosen literary term.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the literary term "Essay" demands a nuanced approach. It
requires delving into the rich history of the genre, navigating its inherent fluidity, and balancing
personal expression with objective analysis. It is a task that calls for a deep understanding of the
term's evolution, cultural significance, and diverse applications in the world of literature.
For those seeking assistance in crafting essays on a variety of topics, including literary terms, it's
worth exploring resources like, where expert writers can provide guidance and
deliver well-crafted essays tailored to specific needs.
Essay Literary TermEssay Literary Term
Mahatma Gandhi Speech
Mohan Das Gandhi was one of the greatest leaders of Indian independence
movement. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was given the
title of Mahatma . Mahatma means great soul. He was given the honorific title Bapu
(Father). He was also called the Father of the Indian nation. Mahatma Gandhi was
born on October 2, 1969. People in Indiacelebrate October 2nd as Gandhi Jayanti, a
national holiday.
He was born and raised in a Hindu Merchant caste family in Porbandar, Gujarat.
Gandhi belonged to the Vaisya caste. In the Hindu social scale, there are four castes
on number one Brahmans, then Kshatriyas who were rulers and soldiers, then comes
the Vaisyas on number third. Gandhis were businessmen. Mohandas was the son of
his fourth ... Show more content on ...
At the age of forty six, he returned to India in 1914. He spent the next four years
touring the country and studying and learning the situation in India. Mahatma
Gandhi was a unique national leader. He combined in himself the role of a socio
religious reformer and a leader of nationalist movement. He made Satya and
Ahimsa as the basis of the new social order. He followed the principles of non
violence, peacefulness, and non cooperation to achieve freedom. Freedom was to
be achieved through non violence and non cooperation with the ruling class. He
said that fearlessness is the essential part of Satyagraha. He desired to remove all
kinds of fear from the minds of the people. Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from
South Africa in 1914, took control of and radically transformed the Indian nationalist
movement, and led several great popular movements that eventually wore down the
British government and led to Indian independence. Mohandas Gandhi travelled in a
train with no AC to reach Champaran, to hold India s first civil disobedience
movement. Under the British rule, many farmers in the Champaran district of Bihar
were forced to grow indigo in their lands, much to their dismay. To fight this, a
money lender named Raj Kumar Shukla reached out to Gandhiji and requested him
to come and help them. he came down to this district on April 10 of 1917 with a
band of
The Tana Toraja
Funeral rites are as old as the human race itself. Every culture and civilization has
attended to the proper care of their dead.The way we grieve, commemorate, and
dispose of our dead varies greatly from culture to culture, but some traditions really
take funerals to the next level of chilling.
The Tana Toraja is a regency of South Sulawesi in Indonesia, a quaint precipitous
region that is home to a native tribe known as the Torajans. For the Toraja people,
life greatly circles around death, but not in a morbid way. To the Torajans, a funeral
is a great celebration of existence and is an occasion where the whole family of the
departed, and all the members the tribe take part. Their earliest traditions include
valedictory customs that have ... Show more content on ...
The caskets are exquisitely draped with geometrical contours, but over time the wood
starts to decompose and the blanched carcasses of the dead frequently become
The tiniest of the Toraja burial grounds are the Baby Trees where the tribe s babies
are located. If a baby dies before they have started teething, they are swaddled in
cloth and put inside a carved out space in the interior of the trunk of a growing
tree, and protected by a palm fiber door. The conviction is that as the tree starts to
rebuild, the child s soul will turn into part of the tree. Many babies may be buried
inside a solitary tree.
Every year in August, The Ceremony of Cleaning Corpses, a ritual called Ma Nene,
takes place in which the bodies of the dead are exhumed to be washed, groomed
and dressed in new clothes. If the caskets are damaged, they are fixed or replaced.
The mummified bodies are then walked around the village by following a route of
straight lines. Following these straight lines is possibly the most significant part of
the ceremony. According to the myth, these lines are connected with Hyang, a
spiritual entity with supernatural power. As this entity only move in straight lines,
the soul of the deceased body must follow the path of Hyang. (Swazey, Kelli,
The Sun and Its Features Essay
The Sun and Its Features
Changes in the magnetic field of the sun affect us here on earth in a number of
interesting ways. This magnetic field is caused by the flow of electrically charged
ions and electrons on the sun, and if it didn t exist, the sun would be a much more
boring star. The 11 year cycle of the sun s magnetic field accounts for many of the
cool features of the sun: sunspots, solar flares, and aurora borealis. At the beginning
of the cycle, the magnetic field is weak and there are very few sunspots; later, at the
peak of the cycle, the magnetic field is strong, and there are many sunspots.
Sunspots are relatively cool areas that appear as dark patches on the face of the sun.
They occur where magnetic field lines are ... Show more content on ...
Well, when the sun is at solar maximum, the speed and density of the solar wind goes
up, and there are many more northern lights.
Another example of the way the sun interacts with the earth is solar flares.
Remember that sunspots occur when magnetic field lines are twisted below the
surface of the sun, well, solar flares occur when magnetic field lines are twisted
above the surface of the sun. Solar flares are huge explosions on the surface of the
sun that occur near sunspots. They can release as much energy as a billion
megatons of TNT. You might think that this huge a burst of energy has got to
effect the earth somehow, and it does. Big solar flares send so much electrical
energy to earth that they have been known to blow out huge portions of the power
grid, disable million dollar satellites, and even corrode metal pipelines. During a
solar maximum there are many more solar flares than normal. Because of this threat,
we have launched the SOHO satellite into space to sit between the sun and the earth
and monitor the sun s activity. It can give us some advanced warning if a solar flare
is headed our way.
A third example of how the sunspot cycle effects the earth is more interesting, but
also more controversial. Scientists have found that the 11 year solar cycle isn t the
same every time. The sun goes through this cycle like a pendulum, but the pendulum
is an unstable one. Sometimes the pendulum can
God’s Creative Authority in Genesis and Job Essay
God s role in the Bible is characterized in several different ways, with dramatically
competing attributes. He takes on many functions and, as literary characters are, he
is dynamic and changes over time. The portrayal of God is unique in separate books
throughout the Bible. This flexibility of role and character is exemplified by the
discrepancy in the depiction of Godin the book of Genesisin comparison to the
depiction of God in the book of Job. On the larger scale, God creates with intention
in Genesis in contrast to destroying without reason in Job. However, as the scale gets
smaller, God s creative authority can be seen in both books, yet this creative authority
is manifested in entirely distinctive manners. In Genesis, God as... Show more content
on ...
He distinguishes his inventions with minute details and yet, simultaneously, the
entire creation is pure and simple. There is no elaboration; his ideas just come into
being. Once each individual creation has come to be, God sees that is it good.
Additionally, God is reasonable. There is a logical reason and a unique place for
everything: God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the
dome from the waters that were above the dome (Genesis 1:7). In addition to the
content of God s will and creations, the repetition and standardization of the verses
in Genesis 1 reflect his steadiness as a creator. In stark contrast to God s presence in
Genesis, the character of God in Job strays from the ideal perfection of the divine.
The concept of the ideal manifested in Genesis is embodied in God s moral,
reasonable, and rational behavior. In Job, on the other hand, rather than being
reasonable, methodical, and creating life, God displays more human characteristics
and plays the role of both creator and destroyer. The book of Job begins with God s
boastful bargain with Satan, which subsequently leads God to allow the total
destruction of Job s family and livelihood. Job is even attacked physically with
loathsome sores... from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head (Job 2:7). In an
uncharacteristically immoral decision, God gives Satan the power do
Consumer Acceptance Of Mobile Payments Essay
Consumer acceptance of mobile payments A system dynamics approach 1.
Introduction With the rapid growth of the mobile handset market and market
penetration of mobile internet, the mobile payment industry has started to take off.
While there are lots of established players in the online payments arena, the mobile
payments sector is ripe for disruption both by industry leaders and newcomers.
Mobile payments have been suggested as a solution to facilitate micropayments in
electronic and mobile commerce, and to provide an alternative for the diminishing
use of cash at point of sale (POS) (Menke and de Lussanet, 2006; Ondrus and
Pigneur, 2006) With markets like Kenya clearly shaping the future of mobile
payments, most of the world is lagging behind in the adoption of the new technology.
Consumer acceptance of such new technologies, irrespective of their potential, plays
the biggest role in their adoption. A 2007 survey suggests that consumer acceptance
is the biggest hurdle for adoption of mobile payments by companies (Edgar Dunn and
Company, 2007). There are a number of different models to study consumer
acceptance of new technologies and study consumer behaviour. The Diffusion of
Innovations theory (Rogers 1962), Technology acceptance model (TAM) and Unified
Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh 2000, 2003)
provide certain metrics to study the consumer acceptance of a new technology. In
addition to consumer acceptance, the behavioural intentions of
Religious Traditions In America
Religion can be explained as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose
of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency
or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing
a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs (n.d.). Christianityis most
popular religionin America and in the world with over 2.1 billion adheres. It is
based on the teachings of Jesus Christ who lives in the Holy Land 2,000 years ago.
Hinduism is the religion of the majority of people in India and Nepal. It also exists
among significant populations outside of the sub continent and has over 900 million
adherents worldwide. Christian any group that sincerely regards itself as Christian,...
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Holi is probably the least religious of Hindu holidays. During Holi, people attend a
public bonfire at eve of Holi. Next day, people spray color powder and color water
to friend and family. Some parts of India people also drink Bhang, a milk base
drink with marijuana. The history behind Holi is evil king named Hiranyakashipu.
He forbade his son Prahlad from worshipping Vishnu, but Radhu continued to do
offer prayers to the god. Getting angry with his son, Hiranyakashipu challenged
Prahlad to sit on a pyre with his wicked aunt Holika who was believed to be
immune to fire. Prahlad accepted the challenge and prayed to Vishnu to keep him
safe. When the fire started, everyone watched in amazement as Holika was burnt to
death, while Prahlad survived without a scar to show for it. The burning of Holika is
celebrated as Holi (Holi Religion
Ellen Degeneres As A Award Winning Talk Show Host And
Ellen DeGeneres is a Emmy Award winning talk show host and an exceptional
comedian. Several may know her as the voice of Dory on Finding Nemo, or even
as a judge on American Idol. Her quirky spirit is so infectious she drives the
audience to laugh and cry at her will, regardless of whether the joke is funny or
not, the manner in which she delivers the joke draws such a positive criticism from
Ellen s viewers. Ellen is not fearful of being unique. She talks about being true to
you. She says, Find out who you are and be that person. That s what your soul was
put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth, and everything else will come.
(Bendix) Ellen DeGenereshas transformed the world by being one of the greatest,
well known media pundits out there today. Her story of her coming outand sharing
her homosexuality has changed so many lives. Ellen DeGeneres is precisely what
this world desires. She is vibrant and strong minded.
Ellen was born on January 26, 1958 in Metairie, Louisiana, where she spent all of
her adolescent years. Ellen s mother and father split apart when she was 16 years
old. On Oprah s Master Class, Ellen tells her story of the day her life changed, she
explains that she has been living with her girlfriend for a while, and after a period
of time they broke up, but the split was only meant to be temporary. One night, Ellen
and her girlfriend went to go watch Ellen s brother play in his band, they got into a
small argument and her girlfriend
Carbon Monoxide
Imagine a killer perfect enough to travel through the corridors of your home
completely undetectable to the eye of its prey. It can t be heard, can t be smelled,
and before you or anyone in your household realizes that something is wrong, it
could already be too late. Over ten thousand people fall victim to carbon monoxide
poisoning and over one thousand five hundred die per year of this gas so deadly, it
is referred to as the silent killer ( What Is Carbon Monoxide? ). Carbon monoxide,
or CO for short, is a flammable, colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that is produced
during incomplete combustion of fuel and it s ability to do harm resides within the
lack of knowledge and understanding of this gas by society. To remain safe from
carbon... Show more content on ...
These cares were equipped with catalytic converters that converted carbon
monoxide to carbon dioxide, reducing CO emissions by up to 80 percent. The
converters were redesigned again in the 1980s to be even more efficient and thus
began the downward trend of CO concentrations in the environment. Between 1986
and 1995, the national average of CO concentration was reduced by 37 percent,
while emissions decreased by 16 percent (Baker).
Home safety is definitely an important approach in protecting against hazardous CO
levels. Every home should have a carbon monoxide detector, says Ken Giles,
spokesman with the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission, there are many
deaths in the country each year from non fire source carbon monoxide poisoning
most of which could have been prevented with a detector ( Experts Weigh In On
Carbon Monoxide Detectors ). As for reliability of the detectors, Dr. Neil Hampson
states, They re generally quite reliable now. He also recommends getting the newest
in generation detectors with both digital readout and audible alarm meeting the
highest standard set by Underwriters Laboratory and International Approval Services.
Here are a few suggestions given by United States Environmental Protection Agency
on how to maintain a healthy environment at a home ( Carbon Monoxide ):
Keep gas appliances properly adjusted. Consider
The First World War Was A Time Of Huge Change For
The first world war was a time of huge change for technologies and many
innovations were made. The first of the three I will write about is the change of
machine guns and how useful and significant they were in the first world war.
On the one hand, machine guns could be said to be significant because of the extra
fire power they provided on a battlefield. It has been estimated that a machine gun
creates the equivalent to anywhere between 60 to 100 rifles, depending on the
source, in from one weapon. This gave an army defending a position a huge
advantage over the attacking side and almost certainly prolonged the stalemate as
breaking enemy lines became so difficult as reaching the enemy trench was a near
impossible thing to do with the machine gun firing at the attacking men. It has
been estimated that around 20% of the casualties of world war 1 were caused by
the machine gun. and This figure is very high considering all the possible causes
of death in the battlefields of WW1. What also made the machine gun of the first
world war significant was how it affected the future. These early models were the
basis of a weapon used in all places of the world ever since these first guns were
used in the before and mainly during the first world war. The first world war was
the period that caused the potential of the machine gun to be recognised. Germany
saw the machine gun for the potential it held before the war and had far more of
them. This proved to be a big advantage for the
Beauty And Physical Beauty
Physical beauty is something that is far more important than inner beauty in our
crooked society. There is a specific standard that American culture expects us to
uphold to be accepted and loved. Shaming others for how they look is practiced by
almost every individual. It is human nature and almost everyone is guilty of judging
or offending someone at some point in their life. There is a difference between
accidently saying something you did not know would affect someone and
excessively hurting somebody with your words daily. Words are very powerful and
if they are used negatively it could cause someone to develop a distant personality,
emotional distress, and a feeling of emptiness inside.
Growing up, I was always taught that thinness meant beauty. Not only by my class
peers, but by my own family members as well. I grew up as an obese kid/teen. Who
would have thought? School for me was a synonym for hell on earth for many
years. Waking up in the morning was the worst 30 minutes of my life followed by
7 hours of emotional torment. Making friends for me has always been very
difficult because I am a hardcore introvert. I remember always sitting alone in an
obnoxious lunch room and being picked on by the stereotypical mean girls and
boys. Yes, they do exist. I heard insults from How come you re so fat? to What
would happen if we got a needle and poked her with it? Would she explode? . The
insults are ridiculous and funny looking at it now, but as a child and young teen
they killed me inside. I never said anything back because I was always told to
ignore it by my teachers. My mom went to the office numerous times and
complained. I remember constantly asking my mom everyday afterschool why no
one liked me and why I did not have any friends. She never knew how to respond. It
ll go away , They re just kids being kids , they said. It never actually went away till
high school, when everyone had finally matured.
My freshman, sophomore and junior years of high school were probably one of the
most emotionally draining and difficult years of my life. I dealt with severe
insecurity and lacked any sort of mental health. With all the years of taunting and
bullying, I was basically numb yet shattered inside. I developed
Barbero s The Day Of The Barbarians
Alessandro Barbero wrote The Day of the Barbarians with the goal of informing the
reader of the eventual fall of the Roman empire. According to Barbero, the entire fall
of Rome centered around one battle which occurred at Adrianople. The book gives
the small details of which lead to the battle, but also how the battle effected the
Romans. As Barbero states in the his writings, the Goths, today s Germans, feared the
Huns who they believed would attack and overcome them. At the same time, the
Roman military as decreasing because the citizens were no longer volunteering
themselves to serve. The emperor at the time, Valens, did not want to force citizens
into the army because it would cause damage to agriculture production and reduce
revenue generated
Working Mom vs Stay at Home Mom
Topic: My Career Goal as a Home Maker/Stay at Home Mom
Question: Can being a Home Maker be viewed as a career?
Central Idea: A home maker plays a vital role in the family setting and in society.
There are Choices to be made when you become a Parent. Just like almost all
newly married couples. You have goals of what s next in your lives together. Finish
college and then get that perfect well paying job. Well that is exactly what I had in
mind. Wow, what would happen next would be life changing. We added a little baby
boy to our family. I remember telling my boss, I promise I m not going to quit my
job . The day I gave birth and I saw that precious baby; I knew I could not leave him
to go back to work. How could we make ... Show more content on ...
One of my most enjoyable roles that I have in this phase of my stay at home career
is my farm. I have started a business, I work on the farm while my kids are at
school and during the summer, I am able to work directly with my children and
husband in our cattle and hay operation. This for me would not be possible if I had
an outside job. Now that my children are older 19 and 15 it is rewarding to see the
work ethics that have been instilled in them. Many stay at home moms launch at
home business. Even though they may work within the home they are still flexible
to take care of family needs as they arise. Plus it builds the stay at home mom self
esteem. In conclusion, the choice is up to the individual person. It may be right for
some and not for others. I do feel that a stay at home mom can be considered a
career. I may not receive payment for the jobs that I do but the greatest payment or
blessing in this case is the investment that I have made to my children and the respect
that I have from my husband and two boys for the choice that was
Value Of Family Essay
The concept of family can often be seen as the foundation a person is made upon.
Everyone has a family whether it s an actual biological family or close friendships
that are now considered family. Many American values can be sourced from family
because that s where someone comes from so it is more than likely that a family
shares the same values such as honesty, religion, and equality. It is generally said
that you choose your friends and not your family. This makes the bond between
family members extremely strong to the point of doing anything for a family
member or never losing hope for them. In all three books, The Round House, The
Heretic s Daughter, and The Color Purple, the American value of family is
exemplified. Sometimes the bond between a child and their mother is so secure
that when something damages that bond all hell breaks loose. In the novel, The
Round House by Louise Erdrich, Joe s mother, Geraldine, is attacked by an
unknown person and almost burned alive before she could escape her attacker.
This event shakes the whole reservation Joe s family lives on, especially his direct
family. Joe s mother is extremely traumatized from this event that she suffers from
PTSD and isolates herself away from the people that care about her the most.
Because of this, Joe s father, Bazil, and Joe search for any clues to find the attacker
and put him behind bars. The investigation sparks a feeling of revenge in Joe that
there is no limit as to how far he will go to get his
Acid Rain Formation
Acid Rain Formation The formation of acid rain occurs when particular gasses are
dissolved into rainwater which in turn creates acids. When precipitation is caught up
in clouds, potent gasses are capable of polluting the rainwater causing it to become
extremely acidic. One of the most common acids that is absorbed into the rainis sulfur
trioxide. This acid is produced from the vast amount of human activity on our earth.
Nitrogen and sulfur are two main airborne elements that cause this dangerous
precipitation of acids. The scientific study of acid rain has brought researchers to
believe that sixty five to seventy percent of acid rain formation is caused by sulfur
dioxide. Various kinds of nitrogen oxides cause the remaining percentage of acid
rain occurrences. With the amount of emissions released into the ozone, acid rain
is becoming more and more of a problem for our environment. When these
pollutions react with rain, they form a dangerous product that can damage forests
and soil. This in turn makes the soil infertile, ruining our land. Power plants and
other large industries are releasing a harmful amount of SO2 in the atmosphere.
These excess oxides that are interacting with rain have to be cut down in order to
start reducing the amount of acid rain fall annually. When this acidic solution falls
on areas with sea life and vegetation, it is found to kill fish, larva, insects, plants,
and many other organism. When these forms of life are exposed to this low of a PH, it
A New Poster With Turkey s Prime Minister
In 2013 a new poster featuring Turkey s prime minister had appeared in every part
of Istanbul, on highway billboards, subways and busses. Wearing his usual dark
suit there was Erdogan, Turkey s prime minister, staring down at the people with
confidence and dedication like an action hero. Two large words in bold letters are
written next to his face: Saglam Irade . Turkish for iron will. The huge billboards
build a feeling of claustrophobia that many Turks are used to by now: that
Erdogan is everywhere, in every newspaper column and on every TV channel.
However, the poster which some of his supporters have put up has been vandalized,
torn and rewritten with new slogans like Iron Fascists, Iron Corruption or Iron
Enemy of the People by a group of Turkish protestors. This scene is very familiar if
you are living in Istanbul, Turkey. For the past two years Turkey has witnessed
inequality, injustice, limitation into almost every kind of freedom and unnecessary
violence in every part of its life.
Over the last decade Erdogan made himself the most powerful prime minister in
Turkey s history, the most successful elected leader in the Middle East and the
West s idol for a modern Muslim country. He attended a religious high school and
grew up in a conservative neighborhood. A member of the youth groups of Islamist
parties, he was elected Istanbul s mayor in 1994 at age of forty and in 2002 he
became the country s first Islamist prime minister. He cleaned up the city and
Summary Of Conservatism By Russell Kirk
According to Russell Kirk, there are six characteristics and rules that belongs to a
true conservative. The first would be the belief in a superior structure would rule
society just as well as conscience. That a confined logic, alone, cannot fulfill a human
s need for knowledge. Keith Feiling stated that despite the fact that members of
Conservative Party are realists, they believe that there are greater, unexplainable,
forces in the heavens and all around, that even human theories cannot explain. The
second explains that conservatives are indoctrinated that life is worth living, unlike
liberals, and do not force egalitarianism upon humanity. The third explains the
conservatives belief in the inequalities of men and only confirm equality of men
before God and the law. The belief that freedom and... Show more content on ...
The fifth is the belief that taxes serve to keep order and control anarchy and the
desire for power. The last is that recognition change is not thought of to be an
entirely good thing and that fast change could do bad as well as good, so
conservatives are wise and cautious with change.
Kirk explains that liberalism and radicalism was sufficiently more traditional in the
public s mind, while conservatism was not a popular concept at all, and the reason
for their demise if from their own doings and beliefs. In today s atmosphere, for
example, the issue of gun control is a very complicated and is still a debatable topic.
Conservatives are pro gun control and today s issues have been relating to gun
control laws and if they are needed. Along with immigration, another popular topic
today, conservatives believe in and support only legal immigration, and oppose
pardon to those who enter the United
Edgar Allan Poe s Writing Style
Beauty is the sole legitimate province of the poem Poe, Edgar Allan. The
Philosophy of Composition. 1846. The name Poe often brings to mind tales of
horror and mystery, but this Poe was also a writer of sophisticated poems, capable
of extreme poetic beauty within a dark genre of writing. Poe never lived the
happiest of lives, but his writing is extraordinary, both for its execution, and for the
sheer elegance of the words which he found to write upon the page. Death is
among one of the recurring themes which Poe explored. Dark and stormy
compositions focussed around such ideas serve only to illustrate Poe s writing
style. One can see that such a horrid subject is clearly derived from the writer s
distraught life which would almost appear to create a trail of death in the writer s
footsteps. That being, Poe discovered the secret to writing. Edgar Allan Poechose to
write in an incredibly dark area of literature, but the mastery with which he explores
such subjects is applicable to writing in the whole of literature.
The story of Poe s life is one marked with suffering, suffering so great that the
painful scars of the poet s life have been left deeply embedded in many of his
greatest compositions. But as this stands, his life did not begin as so. On January the
19th, 1809, Poe was born the son of traveling actors in Boston, Massachusetts. By the
time of Poe s third birthday, however, both his parents had died, and their three
children had been separated into varying homes of
Classification Of Drive Essay
In this segment, I will briefly review the diverse types of variable speed drives
used in the industry. For the most part, electronic AC and DC drives find their
domination in manufacturing and commercial HVAC uses of today. This brief look
at drive machineries will assist you, should you encounter any of these types in the
future. In addition, I will also review the benefits and limits of each type. The types
of drives I will consider are mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical/electronic (eddy
current coupling, and rotating DC).
As seen in Figure 1 7, the mechanical drive operates on the standard of variable pitch
pulleys. The pulleys are typically ... Show more content on ...
Size can also be a restriction. Typically, floor mounted, this device sometimes stood
3 5 feet tall for general applications. Size and weight could prohibit the use of this
device in areas that would be required for mounting a drive.
Hydraulic drives have been, and continue to be, the rock of many metals processing
and manufacturing functions. The hydraulic motor s small size makes it ideal for
situations where high power is needed in very tight locations. In fact, the hydraulic
motor s size is 1/4 1/3 the size of an equal power electric motor.
Figure 1 8 indicates a hydraulic drive. In Figure 1 8, a constant speed AC motor
operates a hydraulic pump. The pump builds up the necessary operating pressure in
the system to allow the hydraulic motor to develop its rated power. The speed
control comes from the control valve. This valve operates like a water
References: Google
Andrew Nunez
December 11, 2017 faucet the more the valve is open, the more fluid passes through
the system, and the faster the speed of the hydraulic motor. Note that this system uses
a coupler to connect the AC motor to the pump. The benefits of this type of drive
system is the ability of the hydraulic motor to develop high torque (twisting motion of
the shaft). In addition, it has a justly simple control structure (a valve), which
operates at a wide speed range and has an enormously
Examples Of Power Tends To Corrupt And Absolute Power...
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely means an
observation that a person s sense of morality lessens as his or her power increases.
The statement was made by Lord Acton, a British historian of the late nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries. Absolute monarchies are those in which all power is
given to or; as is more often the case, taken by, the monarch. Examples of absolute
power corrupting are Roman emperor, who declared themselves gods and Napoleon
Bonaparte, who declared himself an emperor. I take it to mean that people with
power tend to be corrupt, therefore someone with absolute power, total power and
control will absolutely be a corrupt person or leader. Take Hitler for example. He was
the highest authority
The Friendship Of David And Jonathan
Saul s son Jonathan found great favor in David. Jonathan grew to love David, and
helped protect him from Saul s wrath. The friendship of David and Jonathan was
the effect of divine grace, which produces in true believers one heart and one soul,
and causes them to love each other (Henry, 2000). It is possible to love other people
even if a parent has hatred in their hearts towards them. When Jonathan could not stop
Sauls march toward evil, he could warn the intended victim, thus averting a tragedy
(Fackler, 2006). Christians in today s world can learn a valuable lesson of loving
others even if there are issues that are impending on the situation that could cause
anger to occur. Jonathan was loyal to Davidcausing a positive reflection on his
covenant and commitment to his friendship with David. And it came to pass, when
he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with
the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul (KJV, 1 Samuel 18:1).
Jonathan vowed to help David and stood by his word. Those who love Christ as
their own souls will be willing to join themselves to him in an everlasting covenant
(Henry, 2001). I was unaware that David and Jonathanhad such a special bond; and
made me think about my own life and my commitment to my friends. There can be
strength found in God s word if you put him first as David did in his own battles.
How 1 Samuel affects Christians Today
The teachings of 1 Samuel shares valuable
What are the Causes of Alcholism and How Can We
Throughout history alcohol has been a common drink in social and celebration
environments. However in today s society it is easily accessible, very cheap, and
advertised on every channel available. Alcohol has taken over our society, from
teenagers to seniors, everyone is exposed to the culture of drinking. That is not the
issue though, the issue is in today s society gluttony is a common virtue and many
people take drinking beyond social and celebration environments. Many Americans
suffer from a disease known as alcoholism, it is not only the addictionto, but the
inability to function without alcohol. Just like many other substances, in excess
alcohol can create many issues within the body both mentally and physically, this is
the issue... Show more content on ...
Alcoholism is addiction and a sickness because it can take over a person s life and
become a dependence very quickly.
What are the causes of Alcoholism?
To find the causes of alcoholism we must first understand what it is. The root of
alcoholism is an addict. As addicts, we are people whose use of many mind
altering, mood changing substance causes a problem in any area of life.
(Narcotics Anonymous 2008 Pg.3) Now that we know the root of the problem,
addicts, we can move on to direct influences to alcoholism. Peer pressure, as you
probably know, is the influence people sometimes use to make us behave in a way
we don t necessarily want to, or stop us doing things we do want to do. (Managing
peer pressure to drink) The peer or societal pressure is what drives many people to
first start drinking.
Along with peer pressure, alcoholism is also an issue in families and kids. ...alcohol
dependence and substance abuse are developmental disorders, so they tend to emerge
early in life, in adolescence or even before. (Substance Abuse What drives Alcohol
Addiction?) Many parents don t realize that their actions influence the actions of their
kids. Alcoholism or addiction comes not only from peer pressure or taught behaviors
but from the mental state and strength of each individual person.
Who is more Susceptible to Alcoholism?
Many top researchers believe although it may not be genetic, there is a relationship
between race and alcoholism. Rates of
Essay about Crime
In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered
an evil act. Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes
include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing
of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an
act that has been timeless and has been committed practically since the start of time.
For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being charged
with witchcraft in the 1600 s, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.).
Even though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out
taking many types forms. ... Show more content on ...
Crimes are frequently classified according to their seriousness as felonies or
misdemeanors. Generally, felonies are more serious than misdemeanors. Under the
federal criminal law system, felonies are crimes for which the punishment is death or
imprisonment for more than a year. A misdemeanoris punishable by a fine or by
imprisonment for less than a year. In most states persons convicted of felonies are
sent to state prisons, while those guilty of misdemeanors serve their sentence in city,
or county jails, or correction houses.
Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder, and sexual attacks. Such
crimes usually bring severe punishments. Crimes against property include arson,
automobile theft, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, fraud, larceny, and vandalism. In
most cases, these crimes carry lighter penalties than the crimes set against the
person. Robbery is the crime most difficult to classify. The law considers robbery a
crime against the person or against the property, according to the case. Robbery may
involve simply stealing property from another person, but when a personal encounter
occurs between the robber and his victim, it may include violence and bodily harm.
This usually occurs during muggings or other strong arm robberies.
Perfect Day For Bananafish
The 1940 s were a significant period in American history. By 1939, The Great
Depression was coming to an end and there were new changes being made in
society. In entertainment, for the first time there were color motion pictures, and
singers like Frank Sinatra were influencing and bringing together a younger
audience. There was a sense of positivity that was coming back to America. All of
that changed on December 7th 1941. Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor crippling
the Pacific fleet and sending the United Statesinto World War II. Fueled by the
attack, many young men enlisted to join the U.S. Military. There was a sense of
pride and dedication in many of those men. They felt it was their obligation and
duty to serve their country, and to some extent, bring justice. They found out that
war is hell. Many soldiers came back from World War II as completely different
people. The carnage, conditions on the battlefields, and the emotional drains of war
were elements these men had to carry with them. How were they able to cope with
these psychological changes once they got back home to their families? In J.D.
Salinger s short story, A Perfect Day for Bananafish we get a glimpse into one... Show
more content on ...
This is the first vacation I ve had in years, and I m not going to just pack everything
and come home, said the girl. I couldn t travel now anyway. I m so sunburned I can
hardly move.
Seymour lost who he was. His wife Murial was denying it, but everyone around
knew what was going on, especially with the signs earlier on in the book. I believe
it was only when he talked to the little girl Sybil that it brought some humanity back
to him. You see his playful nature when he replies to Sybil s claim that she saw a
bananafish, My God, no! said the young man. Did he have any bananas in his mouth?
(Salinger). Naturally, fish don t carry bananas in their mouth, but that little bit of
playfulness showed that Seymor still had some normalcy in
The City Of Orlando Florida
Since the humble beginnings of the American industrial revolution, the urban city has
been the pinnacle of rapid development and robust growth. Despite the efforts of
notable city planners such as Sir Ebenezer Howard, Peter Calthorpe and Andres
Duany the potential of true sustainable development has not been realized by the
majority of urban cities. The inevitable question asserts how cities can continue
growth and development while corroborating the triple bottom line as a framework
for virtually every city.
The urban city by modern definition is characterized by a broken community
structure, dangerous high density, and a lack of sustainable design. The city of
Orlando Florida is a quintessential example of a city designed not on ... Show more
content on ...
At the foundation of every issue in the broad scope of sustainability is a fundamental
lack of proper environmental education as an individual, which ultimately permeates
into all of society. The education referred to here is not simply the standardized
tests, memorizing and essays of the modern day classroom but the education, which
takes place at home. As children, there is a universal myth that has been passed
down since the golden age of the industrial revolution. This idea of the American
dream informs virtually every decision Americans make and how society is
structured. Simply put: Get an education, get a Job, have children, acquire wealth,
capital and leave a legacy before you die. The fundamental problem with this is that
there is no mention of our most basic responsibility, as environmental stewards. In
short this anthropocentric paradigm acts a rearguard for sustainable development
and begins as early as the conception of language in a child s life.
Over the course of the next 15 years there are very simple yet, crucial strategies that
must be in place to amend not the foundational goals of America or the American
dream but rather, the means of achieving it. This calls first for a new approach to the
environmental movement: disregard everything that has been labeled and stigmatized
as environmentalism. Instead the education infrastructure must be replaced with the
institution of logic and respect for
Perioperative Hypothermia Essay
Perioperative hypothermia causes adverse effects in the recovery of a post operative
patient. These well known effects include delayed anaesthetic recovery, increased
incidence and duration of postoperative ventilation, increased blood loss and
transfusion requirements, increased cardiac events, increased surgical wound
infection, pro longed hospitallength of stay (LOS) and higher hospital mortality.
Three reasons account for the commonality of hypothermia post open abdominal
aortic aneurysm (AAA) surgery: (1)thermoregulation impairment due to anaesthesia,
(2) skin surface warming limitation, and (3) ineffective warming of the ishaemic
lower limbs in aortic cross clamping to counterbalance the heat loss from the
abdomen, which is exposed to operating room ambient temperature for a long
period of time3,4. The combined use of a forced air warming device or resistive
heating device and intravenous fluid warming is found to be effective and safe for
major abdominal ... Show more content on ...
However, there data becomes limited on on the effects of mild (35.0 to 35.9oC) to
moderate (34.0 to 34.9oC) hypothermia on patients and whether the course and
immensity of these effects of hypothermia can be generalised in major AAA surgery
and other surgeries.
statement of the problem
In this study, we examined whether intraoperative hypothermia in patients
undergoing open elective abdominal aortic surgery was predictive of postoperative in
hospital morbidity. We also assessed the magnitude of any such association, adjusted
for possible confounders such as age, comorbidities and surgical complexity.
Intraoperative hypothermia has been associated with various adverse effects and is
said to be preceding increased in hospital morbidity and length of stay:
What is the effect of intraoperative hypothermia
Jonathan Edwards
In the 1740s the Puritan faith experienced mass revival. A major pillar in said
revival was the sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards.
It was a message so frightening, hysteria was reported amongst its audience. Besides
being the trope maker of fire and brimstone sermons, what made it so effective?
Three things: the delivery of the message, the analogies and examples throughout the
speech, and Edwards use of human psychology to sway his audience to his goal.
One of the causes of this sermon s effectiveness was Edwards deliverance. He is
said to have delivered his message in a calm, level manner and did not employ drama
techniques to stir up his audience. Obviously his message did not suffer from
employing this ... Show more content on ...
Edwards prevented this outcome by using gripping analogies and clear examples.
The analogies used painted a picture of God s wrath in a way the audience could
understand it and the hopelessness of continued sin without repentance ( Spider s
web to fallen rock , wrath compared to heavy storm clouds , great waters and
floodgates , etc.). His examples used to make the fears realer by supplying evidence
(the sudden ruin of neighbors, Sodom) and proof of repentance goodness (various
neighbors, countrymen). These examples and analogies showcase Edwards
manipulative strength: the final pillar.
Edwards weaponized an understanding of the human mind and spirituality to breach
his congregation s mind and heart for God. He knew that his audiences behaviors and
attitudes and brought them to the light using guilt held for self righteousness and sin,
human demand for justice you shall not suffer beyond what strict justice requires ,
and the bandwagon technique ( a day wherein many are flocking to him and many...
now in happy state ). Edwards successfully exploited human doubt of situation and
fear of hell. This fear brutal self examination of the audience, which is what made the
sermon so
A Report On The Pyramid Model
In The Pyramid Model(1991), Ibis did well in economic, legal and ethical
responsibilities but did not reach the peak of philanthropic level. Now, Ibis hotel
is on the level of ethical responsibilities of Pyramid Model(1991). Ibis is belonging
to Accor Hotel Group which is a French Multinational corporation, operating in
nearly 100 countries (Ibis, 2016). As the brand under Accor Hotel Group, Ibis is in
the period of developing and it is not enough performance to reach the peak of
model right now. Ibis focus on the CSR concept by the support of Accor Hotel
Group. Presently Accor is the leading hotel Group and one of the largest hotel
chains which manages about 4000 hotels worldwide. Accor Hotel Group is a a
well established organisation in hospitality industry and it arrange capital and
related resources to support Ibis do a series of activities about CSR (Accor Hotel
Group, 2015). By the support by Accor Hotel Group, Ibis is well placed to make
social development which was involved in CSR program across the world in
October 2009 (Walter, 2007). Accor Hotel Group believes its business can contribute
to the social and economic growth of countries, regions and cities and enhance the
level of wealth, heritage and culture. In 2006, Accor started with the social and
environmental project known as the Earth Guest Program(2006) to prevent the
environment meet the threaten by major health hazards (Matten et al, 2008). Ibis is
trying to make a great performance in social impact
Cherry Bomb By Maxine Clair Literary Devices
Many memories vanish over time but some stay crystal clear. In the portion of
Maxine Clair s story Cherry Bomb she uses tone, biblical allusion and imagery to
exhibit the ingenuous of her fifth grade remembrance. She encapsulates the vigorous
and naive outlook of juvenescence summers. Through the prose. Clair uses tone to
portray her innocence as a fifth grader. She states early in the first paragraph that life
was measured in summers. This simple but profound statement illustrates the way
only a child measured life before adulthood strikes. Notably, later on in the story, she
then continues on to show the gist by stating, my father... shipped out to the dot in
the Pacific Ocean. She is oblivious to her innocence within her backstory. The for is
an island where her father was stationed at one point in her adolescence.... Show more
content on ...
She quotes, I am in this world, but not if it. She states that she does not know what
the proverb means, due to her unforeseen immaturity, but the phrase appeals to her.
Continuing on, Clair makes a reference to the Hairy Man. In the book of Genesis,
Esau is described as a hairy man, and lives in the borderline of society. In the story
the Hairy Man is a war veteran who suffers shell shock in which causes him to also
live on the borderline much like Esau. Lastly, the imagery present in this essay is
loftier than the other literary devices evident in her story. Clair tells of many shades
and complexion she remembers as a child suck as the yellow house, windows
painted light blue, and the putrid colored jacket. She does this to paint the crystal
clear images through picturesque that she recalls from her adolescence. More
importantly, Clair vividly describes the cherry bomb all through her work. She not
only illustrates her box of private things but describes even the strong smelling
essence that lingers along side the images of her childhood
Diana s Monologue
MOM! Diana can hear up the stairs, through the thin walls. Her daughter, Scarlet,
stomps up the creaky wooden stairs, careful to skip the missing step. Diana calls
exasperatedly, In here, Scarlet. Slamming the door open, Diana s eleven year old
daughter storms across the small, cozy room, coming to a stop at her mother s
queen sized bed. A tear sheds from Scarlet s hazel eyes, her auburn hair falling
across her fair face. Dread seethes through Diana s veins, fear rising from the pit of
her almost anorexic stomach. Scarlet, what is it? Talk to me, she pleads. The child
s mouth twists into a grimace as she mumbles, Josh told me the reason you don t
spend time with me anymore is because because you don t love me. Diana s heart
constricts. Seventeen year old Josh, Scarlet s first crush, their next door neighbor,
told Scarlet her mother had forgotten about her, that she means nothing to Diana?
Scowling, Diana pats the space next to her on the warm bed, ignoring the pain; she
s too sick to feel angry now. All she feels is sorrow... and dread for what she needs to
tell her baby, her happiness. Hesitantly, Scarlet scrambles... Show more content on ...
This morning. You had told me you needed to talk to me after breakfast? The
princess frames the sentence as a question, as if maybe she was wrong about her
and Dayna s exchange this morning. Oh. Yes, but I think we should take a walk
first, Dayna says somberly. The ailing queen is aware of her inconvenient stalling,
for she is still identifying exactly what she will convey to her cherished daughter.
Thus, Dayna and Sienna gradually made their way toward the elegant flower garden,
Sienna attempting to make small talk with her mother every so often, but gave up
when she realized just how distracted Dayna had been for the last few
Birth Of A Seahorse Research Paper
Navdeep Mann
Hailey Salas
Friday 11:00
7 April 2016
The Birth of a Seahorse
Deep down in the dark blue sea, male pregnancies are not extraordinary. Believe it or
not female seahorses are actually the ones that impregnate the males. The
reproductive process starts off by the male and female meeting up and dancing . One
can think of this as being the first date. The two will continue to meet and swim
together along with intertwining their tails several days before actually mating. The
fish will also grip a strand of sea grass and whirl around it in unison. This kind of
dancing and courtship synchronizes the movements of the seahorses and prepares the
male to receive the eggs when the female is ready to deposit them (Maia, et al. 2013).
Holocaust Relatives
Relatives of Holocaust survivors will tell you the same three things that means the
most to them. Family, your faith, and the country that took us in are some of the most
important things for those who have struggled through such tragedies, be it the
Holocaust or other atrocities around the world. Family is the most important member
of the list. Family is an unbreakable bond that stretches across oceans and deserts
and is the only thing on earth that instantly connects two people. I would kill and die
for my family, as they truly are the most important things in my life. My parent s
unconditional love and support, makes me strive to be a better person and to make
them proud. My Two brothers are hands down the most important things in... Show
more content on ...
Two of my hobbies include golf and film and finance. As captain of the varsity golf
team, I take golf very seriously. Not only is golf fun and important for my motor
skills, it s very important in the business world. There s an old saying that 80% of
business gets done on the golf course, and I can see why this is true. On the golf
course you feel relaxed, all you re worried about is how you re playing and what
club you re going to use for your next shot. Film, has always been a guilty pleasure
of mine. If I had the choice, I would sit in bed all day and watch film after film. I
find film to be an incredible art form as it lets all different kinds of artists;
directors, actors and cinematographers display their art form in one piece. Finally,
Finance is something that I ve learned form my father, it is an art in itself as those
who can correctly read trends and wait to buy and sell are the grandmasters of the
trade. Finance is something I want to do in the future and something that I find
incredibly fascinating. Finally my personally traits are those of someone who is
funny but can be serious when the time comes. I am very dedicated to my
schoolwork and always strive to give my 100%. But, when its time to let lose, I am
Becoming A Real Estate Investor
Many people hold on to the belief that real estate investing is a risky thing to do.
Even those that are investors will tell you it s a risky business, but if you stick
with it in the long run the risk takers will come to realize that this is the way out to
be living the lives they are meant to live. It could be that money is tight and it s
putting a hold on becoming an investor or the uneasy feeling of thinking if it all
doesn t go as planned. This is a leap of assurance that will change the lives of many
that want or have been thinking about becoming a Real EstateInvestor. This will
help you generate your own wealth, with a set of procedures that can be perfected
over the years through experience and knowledge you will learn how to... Show more
content on ...
The law differentiates between the investor and the homeowner because the investor
has taken on large improvements based on the previous state of affairs where the
homeowner has not. This means that the investor gained site specific assurance
where the homeowner did not, even if they seek out to maintain the zoning
classification not only on their property, but on the whole neighborhood. Hence,
several courts have specifically held that neighbors have no eternally vested rights in
the perpetuation of an existing zoning classification (Stahl, Kenneth A). In most cases
this is why there are some neighborhoods around the metropolitan area where there
are signs that read My community is not for sale as a way of protesting. In a way this
seems unfair for the communities that must deal with new development within the
area without having a say which makes most neighbors somewhat aggravated with
the city s decision making and the benefits it gives investors in what they do with a
property. On the other hand people need to realize the essential aspect of new
property development, this is motivation for investors to form an important part of
identity to help shape communities where the property can serve as an important
focus that gives meaning to residents within society. Therefore, it is important to note
that the Property and Relative Status is another factor that needs to be accounted for
when getting in real estate investing as well as the
Realities Redefined in William Gibson s Neuromancer Essay
Realities Redefined in William Gibson s Neuromancer
The ways in which characters communicate and interact with one another are
redefined in William Gibson?s Neuromancer. An all encompassing web of intrigue,
the Net enables humans and non humans to access and to communicate an infinite
amount of data across time and space. Medical implants open another door on virtual
communications. Non living entities such as artificial intelligences and the Dixie
Flatline construct overcome the physical barriers of communication. With the
implementation of these new communications technologies, the physical and virtual
realities of the society waver and meld into one another, resulting in an alienating
cyber culture where this new reality of ... Show more content on ...
Like many others who treats cyberspace as their reality, Case is mostly solitary. He
derives his adrenaline rush from stealing data in cyberspace, but he rarely senses
emotions from other stimuli. For Case, making love with Linda Lee and with Molly
cannot be compared with his love affair with the world of non flesh. As Molly says
to Case: ?I saw you stroking that Sendai; man, it was pornographic?(47).
When his former employers damage his nervous system with mycotoxin, Case is
abruptly cut off from his sensuous love affair with the matrix. For him, it is the
Fall (6). Case loses everything that he thinks is important to him, and he attempts
to commit suicide. Even his love for Linda cannot help him overcome his
depression. After all, physical and emotional love is not the same as being in love
with something less tangible, for perhaps it is the intangibleness of the Net that
enthrals Case. The cyberspace cowboys have an elite stance towards the physical
world, a ?certain relaxed contempt for the flesh. The body was meat?(6). Meat
deteriorates, but cyberspace lives on forever. In Case?s situation, it is apparent that it
is the ?meat? of one?s physical body that can obstruct one from accessing the greater
reality of cyberspace. This virtual reality, however, also impedes Case from fully
living his physical life, but he does not completely acknowledge this even after his
encounter with the A.I.s Wintermute and Neuromancer.
Proctor Reflection
According to the, the word proctor means, a person appointed to
keep watch over students at examinations. According to merriam, the
word proctor means, one appointed to supervise students (as at an examination).
We can see from both of these dictionaries, there is an agreement, that a proctor is
someone appointed to supervise students in an examination. I have had plenty of
experiences with proctors since I was in high school. During a test called the FCAT
in Florida, and also during AP Exams, all students in my school were given an
assigned room to take a test in, and were assigned a proctor that watches over them.
The teachers in the school, were not allowed in the classrooms, so the students won t
Centre-State Relations
Jaseer Jaffar
India is our country with its capital being New Delhi where the parliament of India
is situated. It is through parliament all laws and bills are sanctioned. India is a vast
country with 28 states and 7 union territories. Each state has their own separate state
govt. If a state wants to bring a law under action it has to be sanctioned by the
central government. In the sametime if the central government has to sanction a law
where the whole country is concerned it calls in a meeting or Bhatia which is
attended by the MP of the state and decisions are taken in accordance to the majority.
The CONSTITUTION of ... Show more content on ...
в†ђ The judicial branch has the power to change laws.
в†ђ The term judiciary is also used to refer collectively to the personnel, such as
judges, magistrates and other adjudicators, who form the core of a judiciary
(sometimes referred to as a bench ), as well as the staffs who keep the system running
Division of Power
3 Lists
Union List In union list the central government has the power to take decisions. State
government cannot interfere in it.
State List In state list the state government has the power to take decision.
Concurrent List both the central and state government together can take decisions.
But the supreme authority goes to the central government
The constitution of India being Federal in structure divides all powers (legislative,
executive and financial) between Centre and the States. Though the Centre and States
are supreme in their respective fields, maximum harmony and coordination between
them is essential for the effective operation of the Federal system.
Centre state relations can be studied under 3 heads:
в†ђ Legislative Relations
в†ђ Administrative Relations
в†ђ Financial Relations
Articles 245 to 255 in Part XI of the Indian Constitution deals with the legislative
relations between the
The Importance Of Trauma In Adolescents
Specific PopulationWith my degree, I plan on working with adolescents. It is a
group that I feel I can be successful working with. I have some background in
teaching younger children. They are a group that can be viewed as difficult, but I
believe I will be very successful with the knowledge I will have under my belt.
While working with this group, there will be numerous of issues and presenting
problems that I will have to understand and learn how to help these clients work with
these issues. One issue in particular is trauma. There are several ways to experience
trauma. Many people experience trauma so it is important that I understand what
trauma is and how it can be experienced. Once I understand trauma, I can find ways
to provide appropriate treatment to those that come to me because they are
experiencing some sort of trauma. Trauma Defined Trauma is defined by the
American Psychological Association(APA) as the emotional response someone has to
an extremely negative event (Adams, n.d.). It is our reaction to horrible events. These
reactions are normal, but effects can interfere with... Show more content on ...
There are different sources from which people can experience the trauma. Sources
include, but are not limited to: rape, domestic violence, natural disasters, severe
illness or injury, the death of a loved one, and witnessing an act of violence
(Adams, n.d.). Trauma can be experienced short or long term. There are also signs
of trauma that professionals like my future self should look for in their clients. The
client might be disoriented or even appear shaken. They also might not exactly
respond to a conversation they way they normally would which could show them
appearing as if they are withdrawn. Anxiety is also a common sign of someone who
has experienced trauma. These are all examples of things to look for in a client that
could have experienced some sort of traumatic
Benefits Of Doctors Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders has a mission to help people worldwide where the need is
greatest, delivering emergency medical aid to people affected by conflict, disasters,
or exclusion from healthcare (Doctors Without Borders, 2016). Doctors Without
Borders strives to provide services to those experiencing armed conflict, epidemics,
malnutrition, and natural disasters. Over 30,000 doctors, medical professionals, and
volunteers in over 60 countries provide these services daily. Among other
accomplishments in 2014, Doctors Without Borders conducted more than eight
million outpatient consultations, delivered 194,400 babies, performed over 81,000
surgical procedures, and treated more than 2.1 million people for malaria (Doctors
Without Borders, 2016).
Epidemiology Is A Medical Science Discipline That Arranges
Epidemiology is a medical science discipline that arranges the structure for studying
the distribution and determinants of health, communicable disease, and
circumstances related to health status. The epidemiology research help to understand
in what means a person catch diseases, the changes, and how the disease affect the
population. The nurses that work with these communities to help identify the onset of
communicable diseases determine new victims, the patterns it spread, the causes or
preventive methods are known as community or public health nursing (Maurer,
Smith, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to explain on the concepts of a
communicable disease Chickenpoxwith its own unique epidemiologyand nursing
research to this... Show more content on ...
Once there is a dry scabs formation, the virus is unlikely to spread.
Chickenpox disease can cause serious complications on infants, adults, adolescents,
pregnant women and those with weakened immune system like HIV/Aids or cancer
patients, people with organ transplants, on chemotherapy, immunosuppressive
medications or long term use of steroids. Complications includes pneumonia,
dehydration, sepsis, bleeding problems, children having bacterial infection like group
A streptococcal on the skin and soft tissues, and death to unvaccinated person. If a
pregnant woman is infected with Chickenpox at her first trimester, the diseases can
cause rare congenital symptoms on the fetal which presents as congenital varicella
syndrome, low birth weight, atrophy, neurological abnormalities, or scarring of the
skin and eyes (Maurer Smith 2013).
Chickenpox can best be prevented by given the dose of varicella vaccine to children,
adolescents, adults and the herpes zoster vaccine for people age 60 and above
(Maurer Smith 2013). Generally, people who get the vaccine will not get
chickenpox, however, if the vaccinated person get chickenpox, the symptoms is
usually mild fever or no fever, fewer red spots or blisters.
The treatment of acute infection of chickenpox includes isolating the infected
Goodwill Balance Sheet
What is the definition of Goodwill?
Goodwill is an intangible asset that mostly appears as the biggest intangible asset on
the balance sheet. The Goodwill can only be identified with the business as a whole.
Therefore, the goodwill cannot be sold individually in the marketplace, while some
other intangible assets can be sold.
Goodwill is not easy to measure, because it includes exceptional management,
desirable locations, customer relations, and so on. The determination of the Goodwill
is therefore most of the time very subjective.
Companies only record the goodwill when there is an exchange transaction the
involves the purchase of an entire business.
When the company is purchased by another company, the goodwill ... Show more
content on ...
Goodwill booking in the balance sheet
According to Harold Averkamp (2015), Goodwill is reported on the balance sheet as
a noncurrent asset.
Since 2001, U.S. companies are no longer required/allowed to amortize the recorded
amount of goodwill.
In accounting we use the word amortization to mean the systematic allocation of a
balance sheet item to expense (or revenue) on the income statement. Harold
Averkamp (2015)
The amortization of an asset means that a company is allowed to split the value of
the expenses stated in the income statement over several months instead of a one time
However, the amount of goodwill is subject to a goodwill impairment test at least
once per year.
The companies have to verify at least once a year if the value of their assets is
aligned with the fair value of the market.
The test verifies if the value of the assets is bigger than the market value. An
adjustment is recorded in order to bring the value of the asset at the fair value in case
of inequality.
Ausick, P (9 May 2014) 3.2 Billion for beats is apple crazy? Assesed at 26 April 2015
from : electronics/2014/05/09/3 2 billion for beats is
apple crazy/
Business Goodwill. (n.d.). Retrieved 04 27, 2015, from Value Adder: http:/
/ goodwill.html
Doorn, van P (October 29, 2014) Don t wory about facebooks 18,1 billion in goodwill
from whatsapp.
Jane Villanueva s Jane The Virgin
Many mothers plan their children and are overjoyed when they discover they are
with child; others are surprised, and perhaps not as pleased. However, not many can
say they became pregnant when they have never had sex. Jane the Virgin is a CW
network television program about Jane Villanueva, a religious young woman who has
never had sexual intercoursebut becomes pregnant by an accidental artificial
insemination. Due to the nature of the main character s situation, the topic of sex,
virginity, and conception is often discussed, as well as what it means to be a virgin.
Although virginity has historically been viewed through a traditional Christian
context, Jane the Virgin has given the term a new meaning with a non traditional and
modern day... Show more content on ...
The first time Jane has sex, she is displeased and does not quite enjoy it. Later on
in the episode, Michael asks what he can do to improve the experience for, and
asked if she enjoyed the other things, they did before marriage; Jane says yes and
Michael asks if she would like to try those other things again, to which Jane once
more agrees. Jane and Michael then engage in oral sex. This scene shows the
viewer that perhaps Jane is not as stout a Catholic as previously thought, and that
Jane views the loss of virginity not as the engagement of any sexual activity, but
when a person has penetrative sex; since she and Michael are a heterosexual, male
and female couple, this means that true sex to her is only when a penis is inserted
into her vagina. This fits the older, more specific Christian belief that a woman is
no longer a virgin if she does not have a hymen, something that can be lost in
penetrative sex, but this point in the television show, she is a mother to her young
son, Mateo; she gave birth to Mateo vaginally, so if she did still have a hymen, it
would no longer be intact. Jane has previously engaged in sexual activity and no
longer has a physically intact hymen, but she is still a virgin because she considers
herself a virgin, something the show is unique in
Personal Response To The Things They Carried
Personal Response
When I first picked up this book I thought that it was another Vietnam era book
talking about the battles and other things of that nature. When I got past the first
chapter my views on this book flipped around. This is one of my favorite books I
have read so far in 2016.
Plot The Things They Carried is about the psychological effects the Vietnamwar had
on the soldiers. The author, Tim O Brien, has witnessed the war and is the main
character. Tim describes the effects of the war on a mental level. The story starts
off describing TIm s life before the war. Tim was drafted and thought why me and
fled to Canada. After a week on the border of Canada, Tim went back and decided to
go to Vietnam. Tim soon realized that he was
Whaling Exemption Essay
I d like discuss about an exemption for whaling in this week. One of the reason I
chose the topic is that I m originally from Japan, and the exemption is the one of the
biggest issue Japanese should dispute. My answers to the questions are below.
1. I totally disagree with the Norwegian and Japanese exemption for whaling even if
it s their tradition. The Japanese government claims hunting whale is based on their
traditional culture and Japanese fishers have hunted whales for few hundred years so
that none of foreign countries has right to control if Japanese people should eat
whales or not. Whales were important protein for Japanese people between 1940s
and 1960s, and they killed more than 24 grand whales in 1964 (BBC, 2016). In
addition, ... Show more content on ...
It is very difficult to find the way all of the international resolutions fairly works
for all countries. Each country has their individual culture, and sometimes the
culture is hardly understood for other countries. In globalization, the world trade is
one of the most important sector in all countries, and WTO has a crucial role. It
never should be controlled by few dominant countries, such as the US. Anytime
WTO enacts international rules, all decision should be based on certain research
and ethical purposes. Each of nations has different idea. For example, the reason
94% of Australian are against whaling is that they think that whales are scared
animals, whereas Japanese or Norwegian people think whales are the same meat as
beef and pork. There is no answer to decide which opinion is justice. However, if
nations activities give critical damages to environment, nations have to decide to
stop their activities to preserve nature. And all of prohibition should be based on
scientific facts but should not be decided by individual perspective. I have no
particular idea who serve on WTO, but I think it shouldn t be consisted of only few
dominant countries.
4. I define cultural activities is phenomenon by experiences of local life, tradition, or
religion. Each nations has their unique cultural activities. Globalization has made
nations unified. However, we can t forget how important preserving our culture
Southern Horrors, By Ida B. Wells
As a well known civil rights activist of her time, Ida B. Wells began her journey to
her ultimate ideologies when she was a young girl. Growing up as a slave in
Mississippi, her access to education was limited to learning at the Freedman s Bureau
schools. Throughout her life she followed the well paved pathway of her father, the
town raceman, to lawful justice for all citizens, not just African American or white.
The contending journalist didn t lose sight of her family, African American
community or her commitment to serving God, but allowed her strong belief in
human rights and equality to help her grow stronger as a member of her society. In
regards to Southern Horrors, Ida B. Wells argued against the unjust lynching of
African Americans under the circumstances of conserving and even restoring human
rights. The idea of human rights was out of reach when it came to African
Americans in the society of the South through the 1890 s. The public degradation of
African American human rights elevated entirely when Wells shared a story of a
man with the last name Grizzard. This man was an African American of lower status
and was charged with the alleged rape of a white female. Instead of simply jailing
him for the supposed crime he committed, the white folk of the town knifed him to
death, severed his hands, and left him bloody, naked, and defenseless. In a
corresponding situation, a white man actually raped an African American girl and the
fellow members of her community
Speech On Testing On Animals
Speech Gr10 12
Step on no pets
Chair: We see it every day. Another animal has been found beaten and tortured. We
ask ourselves why would anyone do that and why would anyone get a pet if they are
not going to love and care for it. Should animals be treated as our equals?
Speakers1: How are animals treated in different cultures and what does this say about
our cultures?
Speaker2: Should testing on animals be banned? What are the negative effects of
testing on animals and what other options do we have?
Speaker3: Should there be harsher penalties for those who abuse animals and is there
a deeper significance to animal abuse?
Ladies and Gentleman, the Animal protection act of South Africa, to consolidate...
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Joni E. Johnston Psy.D. Writes in an article in Psycology today that since the 1970 s
research has consistently reported childhood cruelty towards animals as the first
warning sign of later delinquency, violence and criminal behaviour. In fact nearly all
violent perpetrators have a history of animal cruelty in their profiles. Albert de
Salvo, the Boston Strangler found guilty of killing 13 women, shot arrows through
dogs and cats he trapped as a child. Colombine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan
Klebold boasted about mutilating animals for fun.
Obviously cruelty towards animals is of great concern to psychologists in human
behaviour in its developing stages and prove to be a warning sign of things to come.
Should we not then look more closely at ourselves when we are adults, fully formed
human beings and ask ourselves if it is just as, in fact much more disconcerting and
disturbing, when we so ruthlessly harm animals. If a human being is willing to inflict
such great harm upon an animal, is it not possible that he/she is capable of conflicting
such harm upon a human
Alexander Solzhenitsyn s One Day Of Ivan Denisovich
In the novel of One Day of Ivan Denisovich, written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
published in 1963. It was a cold morning like every other day. It was time for all the
prisoners to go to work. Some prisoners to get out of the job they pass as sick
patients. That is what Shukhov had in mind walking into the hospital that
morning. Nikolay Vdovushkin demonstrates a different perspective other than of
Ivan Denisovich, how gulags are portrayed in the novel and how his opinions
affect the reader s observations. I am a medic at the hospital in the gulags, but
studied literature at the university. I have this job as a medic because Mr. Stephan
Grigoryevich told me I was a medic and so be it gave me the job. Now I give
injections to poor prisoners that are suffering in the baring cold outside. Every
morning is the same routine, wake up dress in my white coat and write down
prisoner names on the (unable to work) list. This morning this man came in I was...
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Shukhov went off and sat on a bench under a bright lamp. While the thermometer
was taking his temperature I went back to writing. As I was writing I noted that
Shukhov showed uncomfortableness body language. It was very quiet in the
hospital, no clocks were heard and mice were caught by the cats. Five minutes or
so have passed, I went over to Shukhov and checked the thermometer his
temperature was barely less than one hundred degrees. Shukhov said nothing
about his temperature not being high enough to be on the sick list. but as things
are I can t let you off. Take a chance if you want (17 18), those were words I exactly
said to him. He did not worry about being caught, if the doctor came in and checked
him, and came to be that he is not sick. He would be sent to the cooler, and in this
unbearable weather in gulags, going to work sounds better to be at. Shukhov haven t
said a word still, he just got up and went
The Fight Against International Terrorism
As the fight against international terrorism gears up for renewed hostilities in areas
of the Middle East against old foes and new organizations that have brought their
extremists views to the battlefields, the socio economic issues currently plaguing the
stability of Yemen provide the backdrop for the most potent threat to the U.S.
homeland and its interests in the region. This Red Cell Analysis will provide a
historical overview and internal look at the terrorist organization known as Al Qa ida
in the Arabian Peninsula while uncovering which intelligence collection programs
housed throughout the U.S. Intelligence Community are best suited at countering and
defeating the tactics used by this often violent extremist organization. Additionally,
this paper will distinguish which members of the IC will be the best collectors of the
needed intelligence to thwart any future attacks plotted by this organization as well as
identifying the proper intelligence analysis strategies that will be most effective in
eliminating this group and their objectives from the battlefield. Since earning its
designation as a Foreign Terrorist Organization on January 19, 2010, the group s
goals have remained consistent with the standards and disciplines found throughout
militant jihad, which aims to purge Muslim countries of Western influence and
replace secular apostate governments with fundamentalist Islamic regimes observant
of sharia (Council on Foreign Relations 2015). Its regional
Analysis Of Rene Descartes s Meditations On First...
Philosophy Essay 1
Rene Descartes was born in in La Haye, France, in 1596 and he studied at La
Fleche Jesuit College and University of Poitiers. Descartes also lived in Germany,
Holland and Sweden. He then worked in the army as a private councillor and then as
a court philosopher. Descartes book Meditations on First Philosophy was first
published in 1641. The edition used to write this essay was edited by John
Cottingham and was published by the Cambridge University Press in 1996.
Descartes was the first philosophy to be influenced by autonomy and physics and he
also worked it all out for himself by not accepting the views of previous philosophers.
Through the meditations, the meditator explores the ontological questions about
being, ... Show more content on ...
The argument in Descartes second meditation is that he wants to prove to the reader
that the human mind is better known than the human body. In this meditation
Descartes is looking for basic belief which has to provide some foundation for
knowledge. The meditator is going to do this through a series of Sceptical doubts.
First he will doubt his sense perception because the evidence received from the outer
senses can be contradictory. This means that he will call all his sense into doubt as if
he had no senses at all. Descartes will also doubt the physical world by believing that
we might be dreaming. Descartes finally begins to doubt reality and the existence of
God. However, he also believes that there is a presence of a type of God or evil
Descartes then begins to start his first statement with I think . He believes that if he
is having these doubts and that a god or evil deceiver is also sending him doubts that
he must exist. In the First Meditation, Descartes introduced the method of doubt to
the reader. He then starts to use this method, he then begins to put all his thoughts
into doubt and he begins to wonder where his thoughts have come from; if they have
been implanted him in by a god or an evil deceiver.
By this point Descartes has convinced himself that nothing is certain or that a god or
evil deceiver has implanted these doubts into his mind. This means that if either of
these points is true
Abnormal Behavior
PSY 100: Normal and Abnormal Behavior Scenarios
To reflect on what you have read or studied so far in a course is an essential part of
understanding. This worksheet form will provide a place for you to take some time
and reflect on understanding how psychology can help you in your everyday life.
Please use this week s readings to assist you.
As you have learned, your mental health and wellness can affect your life and how
you interact with others as a student, professional, and in your personal relationships.
A GCU student learns through the 4 Pillars that physical, mental, and spiritual
wellbeing is vital to success in academics in a chosen career field and in life in
general. Explain what abnormal and normal behavior is and how to ... Show more
content on ...
On a daily basis he fears what the day might bring. To make sure that the day goes
right he takes 2 showers daily, one after getting up in the morning and one at mid
day. He also makes sure that each household task such as vacuuming, washing
dishes, scrubbing the floors, etc is completed by noon every day and marks off
these tasks on a checklist. Lastly, at night, he checks his house to make sure all
windows and doors are locked. He unlocks and locks the front door at least three (3)
times to assure that the lock is working.
John is also going to school, as he knows that he needs to find a job and is hoping
to be able to do online computer work when he completes his degree. He is
currently struggling with his schoolwork as he has started to obsess about certain
routines in it as well, such as double checking with the instructor everyday that he
has completed all of his work, posting 5 and 6 times to the classroom, and e mailing
his classmates daily to see if he has missed something. John recognizes that he needs
some help, but does not know where to begin.
As his friend, what recommendations could you make in helping him reduce his
What resources on the Internet could John use to help him daily?
What might be some types of therapy for John to use to reduce his symptoms of
How To Prevent Police Shooting Persuasive Essay
Gaston Campos
Karen Herschbach
English 102
15 September 2016
Not even to chance In 2015 990 were shot by police. From January to September
2016, it is estimated that 681 people have been shot and killed by police officers
(Fatal Force). The incredibly high number of deaths in that short time span should
not only shock one but give concern. Police officers are supposed to serve and
protect, not be the cause of all the murders of the people they are supposed to be
protecting. Police officers have gotten too comfortable in reaching for their gun when
feeling uneasy about a situation. Many, if not all, of the murders could have been
prevented if police officers were not allowed to carry any lethal weapons. There
are various options in preventing these murdering without jeopardizing the safety
of police officers. Police officers should only be allowed to carry non lethal
weapons in order to optimize the safety of the people. Police officers have been a
major problem with contributing to the increasing number of murders in the United
States. By eliminating the catalyst to all these murders: lethal weapons or guns, not
only will there be less deaths but the people will feel safer knowing there is not a
chance of them getting shot because of ... Show more content on ...
Other countries have already run one form or another of this same idea. Germany
had gun control were all parties turned in their firearms and like Ireland and Britain
where police refuse to carry guns. In all those situations, there are far less murders by
police and gun violence all together than in the United States. There is an enormous
amount of gun violence in the United States: murders by police, police retaliation
shooting, and large gun violence. The United States have more deaths in one year
that all the other countries mentioned have combined. Imagen another version of the
United States, one with far less violence, less
PAE Synthesis Lab Report
2.2 Materials and Methods: Polyamino ether was obtained from the collaborator Dr.
Kaushal Rege lab in Arizona state University. All other chemicals were obtained from
Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). 2.2.1 Synthesis of the bioreducible modified PAE:
The obtained PAE polymer was synthesized by reacting neomycin with glycidyl ether
at molar ratio of 1:2 as reported in detail by Rege et al. previously[14]. The modified
bioreducible PAE(mPAE) was synthesized by a simple one step reaction with Traut s
reagent as described previously[15]. Briefly, 10g of PAE was dissolved in 1ml of
ddH20 (Double distilled water) and was allowed to react with 1.85 g(5 times molar
excess) of 2 iminothiolane hydrochloride (IH) at room temperature for 15 h[16]. The
product was dialyzed using a dialysis membrane (MWCO = 1,000 Da) against 5 mM
HCl for 24 h followed by dialysis against 1 mM HCl solution for 24 h. The purified
mPAE was lyophilized and stored at 20В°C for future use [17].... Show more content
on ...
The mPAE was collected after extensive dialysis and freeze dried for future use. The
modification of amino groups ( NH2) is shown as representative
An Analysis of Our Town
It s the little things in life that count
An analysis of the representation of the daily life in Our Town
* Table of Contents
1Introduction3 2Biographical Background4 3Our Town5 3.1General5 3.2Theme5
3.3Publication5 4Analysis6 4.1Act 16 4.2Act 27 4.3Act 38 5Conclusion10
6Bibliography12 6.1Primary Literature12 6.2Secondary Literature12
Needless to say, Our Town is one of the most popular plays by Thornton Wilderand
not for nothing has it won the Pulitzer Prize in 1938. The most significant aspect in
Our Town is the representation of the everyday life. Not only does the play explores
American values of religion or ... Show more content on ...
He began to study law, but he abandoned his studies only two years later.
After serving in the United States Coast Guard during World War I, he attended
Oberlin College before earning his B.A. at Yale University in 1920, where he
refined his writing skills as a member of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, a literary
society. He earned his M.A. in French from Princeton University in 1926. [Online 4]
After his studies, he began teaching at the University of Chicago, but he never
stopped writing. During this time his first novels and plays were published, for
example, Our Town . This play is considered to be one of this most famous plays,
and it also won the Pulitzer Prize in 1938, the year when the play was published.
Thornton Wilder died on December 7, in 1975 in Hamden, Connecticut. He was an
American icon, and an internationally famous playwright and novelist. To this day,
his works are read, performed and appreciated by audiences worldwide. [Online 5]
Our Town
Our Town is a so called slice of life story, which means that the reader is able to
relate to the story. He feels like he is involved in the play, because of its
representation of the daily life and all those little things in life which makes it
Our town has a carpe diem theme. Translated it means seize the day, people should
concentrate themselves on the little things in life which are often unappreciated. In
some way, the play
I m Chevy Chase And You re Not
FSEM FINAL PAPER: OPTION 2 Chapter 1: I m Chevy Chase and You re Not A
classic American icon, Chevy Chase had an incredible career brimming with
accomplishments and tribulations. The time spanning from 1975 to 1985 was a
period in which America idolized Chevy, a man who cruised through life with the
perfect blend of cynicism, contempt, and charm. Looking back, Chevy is
considered one of the most hated comedians in the world, a close runner up to Bill
Cosby; however, nobody can deny Chevy s influence in comedy in film, the
development of SNL, or even the younger generation of comedians who aspired to
be like him. Since his start as an overnight star on SNL, throughout his movie star
days, and as a sitcom cast member, Chevy has repeatedly made headlines; he has
...insulted and assaulted co workers, spouted racist, misogynistic, and homophobic
views, and been described, even by those who tolerate him, as a delusional
egomaniac. (The Telegraph, Bernstein) Regardless of the things he said and did on
his rise to stardom, Chevy was named, The funniest man in America by New York
magazine in 1975. Today, Chevy is best known for hosting the segment the Weekend
Update on the premiere season of SNL as well as his starring role in the famous
films National Lampoon s Family Vacation, Fletch, and Caddyshack, though he is
also known for hosting the oscars in 1987, the late night Chevy Chase show, a
notoriously bad late night broadcast, and appearing on the show
Prion Disease
Despite some speculation of scientific findings in regards to prion conversion,
research continues. The prion disease, unlike other infectious diseases such as
viruses or bacteria, cannot be diagnosed using PCR, cell culture assays, or serology
attributable to lack of nucleic acids, which are not recognized by normal host immune
responses. Also, owing to uneven distribution throughout the body, finding a tool that
can be used on the central nervous system may be easier said than done (25). The
diagnostic testing techniques vary according to the type of priondisease; progress in
the detection of CJD has been realized through detection of cerebrospinal fluid and
proteins, EEG, and other neuroimaging strategies. Positive results using
histopathology... Show more content on ...
In PrP found throughout the body, digestion and recycling does occur regularly with
the aid of the alpha helices. The protein s formation is problematic because it allows
for PrPSc resistance to proteases and amyloidogenicity including proteinase K (PK)
digestion. Yet, using immunoblotting the detection of proteinase K (PK) resistant
PrPSc in infected brains are seen as distinct bands spanning 27 30 kDa (PrP 27 30).
Interestingly enough, the portion that remains insoluble and undigested is part of the
C terminal portion of PrPSc or PrPres, which is cleaved around amino acid 90.
Therefore, trying to find ways around this insoluble portion or trying to determine
other techniques that may help break the molecule down, or preventing conversion is
key to treatment ideas
Pandemic Death Monologue
Pandemic Death So It started when I was young about nine years of age and it was
early in the year 1350. It started a little like this, there was a knock on the door and
I got up to go see who it was. When I opened the door there was a man on his horse.
The man asked my parents were home, they were, so I said I could go and get
them. Once I had gotten my parents the man asked if they are willing to go on a
trip through the sea to Kwillining, London. They said they would, so they put in
there few overalls and dirty old jeans into a small waggon that are going to have to
hall 46 miles to get to the ship. I have two brothers... Show more content on ...
Her mother had just died of plague and Elizabeth needed somewhere to go so, I
invited her over.
Brett said,
We all went inside and ate some soup. Once we were done we told each other a
little about what we liked to do for fun. After that we drew things in the dirt. WE
were having so much fun together...Until there was a deep voice outside our door.
The voice was booming, dark, and scary. They then suddenly I saw the door split in
two. A man about twice the height as me then thundered in. The man started
rambling on about how everyone is dieing and that the world was going to end. I
noticed there were swollen oval shaped things the size of an apple.
The man then asked, I ve traveled a long way and i m so tired of seeing dead bodies
everywhere I go I was also wondering if I could sit a while here. Just about everyone
is dead around here.
I told him he could stay a while and I got him some fresh water. The man said he
would replace our door and he was very sorry for hacking it down.
He got up and was getting ready to leave when he fell to the floor weakly and started
coughing up blood. We knew exactly what this meant. He had the

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Essay Literary Term

  • 1. Essay Literary Term Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Literary Term" presents a unique set of challenges. The irony lies in the fact that dissecting and discussing the very term that encapsulates various literary forms and expressions can be a daunting task. The difficulty arises from the need to strike a balance between providing a comprehensive definition of the essay as a literary term and delving into the nuances of its application in diverse contexts. The challenge lies in navigating through the vast history of literary essays, from the works of classical essayists like Montaigne to the contemporary explorations by writers such as Susan Sontag or George Orwell. The essay, as a form, defies easy categorization, and its definition can evolve depending on the literary era, cultural context, and individual perspectives. As a writer, one must grapple with the fluidity of the essay as a genre, understanding that its boundaries are not rigid but rather elastic, adapting to the intentions of the author. Furthermore, the task demands a keen analysis of the structural elements inherent in the literary essay. Crafting a coherent and engaging introduction, developing a well-argued body, and delivering a thought-provoking conclusion—all while adhering to the fluid nature of the essay—require careful consideration. The challenge is to maintain clarity and focus without succumbing to the temptation of rigid structures, allowing the essay to breathe and evolve as it unfolds. Moreover, the essayist must engage in a delicate dance between personal expression and objective analysis. Balancing the subjective elements that make the essay a vehicle for self- expression with the necessity for analytical rigor can be intricate. The writer must navigate through the fine line between conveying a unique perspective and providing a critical examination of the chosen literary term. In conclusion, writing an essay on the literary term "Essay" demands a nuanced approach. It requires delving into the rich history of the genre, navigating its inherent fluidity, and balancing personal expression with objective analysis. It is a task that calls for a deep understanding of the term's evolution, cultural significance, and diverse applications in the world of literature. For those seeking assistance in crafting essays on a variety of topics, including literary terms, it's worth exploring resources like, where expert writers can provide guidance and deliver well-crafted essays tailored to specific needs. Essay Literary TermEssay Literary Term
  • 2. Mahatma Gandhi Speech Mohan Das Gandhi was one of the greatest leaders of Indian independence movement. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was given the title of Mahatma . Mahatma means great soul. He was given the honorific title Bapu (Father). He was also called the Father of the Indian nation. Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1969. People in Indiacelebrate October 2nd as Gandhi Jayanti, a national holiday. He was born and raised in a Hindu Merchant caste family in Porbandar, Gujarat. Gandhi belonged to the Vaisya caste. In the Hindu social scale, there are four castes on number one Brahmans, then Kshatriyas who were rulers and soldiers, then comes the Vaisyas on number third. Gandhis were businessmen. Mohandas was the son of his fourth ... Show more content on ... At the age of forty six, he returned to India in 1914. He spent the next four years touring the country and studying and learning the situation in India. Mahatma Gandhi was a unique national leader. He combined in himself the role of a socio religious reformer and a leader of nationalist movement. He made Satya and Ahimsa as the basis of the new social order. He followed the principles of non violence, peacefulness, and non cooperation to achieve freedom. Freedom was to be achieved through non violence and non cooperation with the ruling class. He said that fearlessness is the essential part of Satyagraha. He desired to remove all kinds of fear from the minds of the people. Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from South Africa in 1914, took control of and radically transformed the Indian nationalist movement, and led several great popular movements that eventually wore down the British government and led to Indian independence. Mohandas Gandhi travelled in a train with no AC to reach Champaran, to hold India s first civil disobedience movement. Under the British rule, many farmers in the Champaran district of Bihar were forced to grow indigo in their lands, much to their dismay. To fight this, a money lender named Raj Kumar Shukla reached out to Gandhiji and requested him to come and help them. he came down to this district on April 10 of 1917 with a band of
  • 3. The Tana Toraja Funeral rites are as old as the human race itself. Every culture and civilization has attended to the proper care of their dead.The way we grieve, commemorate, and dispose of our dead varies greatly from culture to culture, but some traditions really take funerals to the next level of chilling. The Tana Toraja is a regency of South Sulawesi in Indonesia, a quaint precipitous region that is home to a native tribe known as the Torajans. For the Toraja people, life greatly circles around death, but not in a morbid way. To the Torajans, a funeral is a great celebration of existence and is an occasion where the whole family of the departed, and all the members the tribe take part. Their earliest traditions include valedictory customs that have ... Show more content on ... The caskets are exquisitely draped with geometrical contours, but over time the wood starts to decompose and the blanched carcasses of the dead frequently become uncovered. The tiniest of the Toraja burial grounds are the Baby Trees where the tribe s babies are located. If a baby dies before they have started teething, they are swaddled in cloth and put inside a carved out space in the interior of the trunk of a growing tree, and protected by a palm fiber door. The conviction is that as the tree starts to rebuild, the child s soul will turn into part of the tree. Many babies may be buried inside a solitary tree. Every year in August, The Ceremony of Cleaning Corpses, a ritual called Ma Nene, takes place in which the bodies of the dead are exhumed to be washed, groomed and dressed in new clothes. If the caskets are damaged, they are fixed or replaced. The mummified bodies are then walked around the village by following a route of straight lines. Following these straight lines is possibly the most significant part of the ceremony. According to the myth, these lines are connected with Hyang, a spiritual entity with supernatural power. As this entity only move in straight lines, the soul of the deceased body must follow the path of Hyang. (Swazey, Kelli,
  • 4. The Sun and Its Features Essay The Sun and Its Features Changes in the magnetic field of the sun affect us here on earth in a number of interesting ways. This magnetic field is caused by the flow of electrically charged ions and electrons on the sun, and if it didn t exist, the sun would be a much more boring star. The 11 year cycle of the sun s magnetic field accounts for many of the cool features of the sun: sunspots, solar flares, and aurora borealis. At the beginning of the cycle, the magnetic field is weak and there are very few sunspots; later, at the peak of the cycle, the magnetic field is strong, and there are many sunspots. Sunspots are relatively cool areas that appear as dark patches on the face of the sun. They occur where magnetic field lines are ... Show more content on ... Well, when the sun is at solar maximum, the speed and density of the solar wind goes up, and there are many more northern lights. Another example of the way the sun interacts with the earth is solar flares. Remember that sunspots occur when magnetic field lines are twisted below the surface of the sun, well, solar flares occur when magnetic field lines are twisted above the surface of the sun. Solar flares are huge explosions on the surface of the sun that occur near sunspots. They can release as much energy as a billion megatons of TNT. You might think that this huge a burst of energy has got to effect the earth somehow, and it does. Big solar flares send so much electrical energy to earth that they have been known to blow out huge portions of the power grid, disable million dollar satellites, and even corrode metal pipelines. During a solar maximum there are many more solar flares than normal. Because of this threat, we have launched the SOHO satellite into space to sit between the sun and the earth and monitor the sun s activity. It can give us some advanced warning if a solar flare is headed our way. A third example of how the sunspot cycle effects the earth is more interesting, but also more controversial. Scientists have found that the 11 year solar cycle isn t the same every time. The sun goes through this cycle like a pendulum, but the pendulum is an unstable one. Sometimes the pendulum can
  • 5. God’s Creative Authority in Genesis and Job Essay God s role in the Bible is characterized in several different ways, with dramatically competing attributes. He takes on many functions and, as literary characters are, he is dynamic and changes over time. The portrayal of God is unique in separate books throughout the Bible. This flexibility of role and character is exemplified by the discrepancy in the depiction of Godin the book of Genesisin comparison to the depiction of God in the book of Job. On the larger scale, God creates with intention in Genesis in contrast to destroying without reason in Job. However, as the scale gets smaller, God s creative authority can be seen in both books, yet this creative authority is manifested in entirely distinctive manners. In Genesis, God as... Show more content on ... He distinguishes his inventions with minute details and yet, simultaneously, the entire creation is pure and simple. There is no elaboration; his ideas just come into being. Once each individual creation has come to be, God sees that is it good. Additionally, God is reasonable. There is a logical reason and a unique place for everything: God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that were above the dome (Genesis 1:7). In addition to the content of God s will and creations, the repetition and standardization of the verses in Genesis 1 reflect his steadiness as a creator. In stark contrast to God s presence in Genesis, the character of God in Job strays from the ideal perfection of the divine. The concept of the ideal manifested in Genesis is embodied in God s moral, reasonable, and rational behavior. In Job, on the other hand, rather than being reasonable, methodical, and creating life, God displays more human characteristics and plays the role of both creator and destroyer. The book of Job begins with God s boastful bargain with Satan, which subsequently leads God to allow the total destruction of Job s family and livelihood. Job is even attacked physically with loathsome sores... from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head (Job 2:7). In an uncharacteristically immoral decision, God gives Satan the power do
  • 6. Consumer Acceptance Of Mobile Payments Essay Consumer acceptance of mobile payments A system dynamics approach 1. Introduction With the rapid growth of the mobile handset market and market penetration of mobile internet, the mobile payment industry has started to take off. While there are lots of established players in the online payments arena, the mobile payments sector is ripe for disruption both by industry leaders and newcomers. Mobile payments have been suggested as a solution to facilitate micropayments in electronic and mobile commerce, and to provide an alternative for the diminishing use of cash at point of sale (POS) (Menke and de Lussanet, 2006; Ondrus and Pigneur, 2006) With markets like Kenya clearly shaping the future of mobile payments, most of the world is lagging behind in the adoption of the new technology. Consumer acceptance of such new technologies, irrespective of their potential, plays the biggest role in their adoption. A 2007 survey suggests that consumer acceptance is the biggest hurdle for adoption of mobile payments by companies (Edgar Dunn and Company, 2007). There are a number of different models to study consumer acceptance of new technologies and study consumer behaviour. The Diffusion of Innovations theory (Rogers 1962), Technology acceptance model (TAM) and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh 2000, 2003) provide certain metrics to study the consumer acceptance of a new technology. In addition to consumer acceptance, the behavioural intentions of
  • 7. Religious Traditions In America Religion can be explained as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs (n.d.). Christianityis most popular religionin America and in the world with over 2.1 billion adheres. It is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ who lives in the Holy Land 2,000 years ago. Hinduism is the religion of the majority of people in India and Nepal. It also exists among significant populations outside of the sub continent and has over 900 million adherents worldwide. Christian any group that sincerely regards itself as Christian,... Show more content on ... Holi is probably the least religious of Hindu holidays. During Holi, people attend a public bonfire at eve of Holi. Next day, people spray color powder and color water to friend and family. Some parts of India people also drink Bhang, a milk base drink with marijuana. The history behind Holi is evil king named Hiranyakashipu. He forbade his son Prahlad from worshipping Vishnu, but Radhu continued to do offer prayers to the god. Getting angry with his son, Hiranyakashipu challenged Prahlad to sit on a pyre with his wicked aunt Holika who was believed to be immune to fire. Prahlad accepted the challenge and prayed to Vishnu to keep him safe. When the fire started, everyone watched in amazement as Holika was burnt to death, while Prahlad survived without a scar to show for it. The burning of Holika is celebrated as Holi (Holi Religion
  • 8. Ellen Degeneres As A Award Winning Talk Show Host And An... Ellen DeGeneres is a Emmy Award winning talk show host and an exceptional comedian. Several may know her as the voice of Dory on Finding Nemo, or even as a judge on American Idol. Her quirky spirit is so infectious she drives the audience to laugh and cry at her will, regardless of whether the joke is funny or not, the manner in which she delivers the joke draws such a positive criticism from Ellen s viewers. Ellen is not fearful of being unique. She talks about being true to you. She says, Find out who you are and be that person. That s what your soul was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth, and everything else will come. (Bendix) Ellen DeGenereshas transformed the world by being one of the greatest, well known media pundits out there today. Her story of her coming outand sharing her homosexuality has changed so many lives. Ellen DeGeneres is precisely what this world desires. She is vibrant and strong minded. Ellen was born on January 26, 1958 in Metairie, Louisiana, where she spent all of her adolescent years. Ellen s mother and father split apart when she was 16 years old. On Oprah s Master Class, Ellen tells her story of the day her life changed, she explains that she has been living with her girlfriend for a while, and after a period of time they broke up, but the split was only meant to be temporary. One night, Ellen and her girlfriend went to go watch Ellen s brother play in his band, they got into a small argument and her girlfriend
  • 9. Carbon Monoxide Imagine a killer perfect enough to travel through the corridors of your home completely undetectable to the eye of its prey. It can t be heard, can t be smelled, and before you or anyone in your household realizes that something is wrong, it could already be too late. Over ten thousand people fall victim to carbon monoxide poisoning and over one thousand five hundred die per year of this gas so deadly, it is referred to as the silent killer ( What Is Carbon Monoxide? ). Carbon monoxide, or CO for short, is a flammable, colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that is produced during incomplete combustion of fuel and it s ability to do harm resides within the lack of knowledge and understanding of this gas by society. To remain safe from carbon... Show more content on ... These cares were equipped with catalytic converters that converted carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide, reducing CO emissions by up to 80 percent. The converters were redesigned again in the 1980s to be even more efficient and thus began the downward trend of CO concentrations in the environment. Between 1986 and 1995, the national average of CO concentration was reduced by 37 percent, while emissions decreased by 16 percent (Baker). Home safety is definitely an important approach in protecting against hazardous CO levels. Every home should have a carbon monoxide detector, says Ken Giles, spokesman with the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission, there are many deaths in the country each year from non fire source carbon monoxide poisoning most of which could have been prevented with a detector ( Experts Weigh In On Carbon Monoxide Detectors ). As for reliability of the detectors, Dr. Neil Hampson states, They re generally quite reliable now. He also recommends getting the newest in generation detectors with both digital readout and audible alarm meeting the highest standard set by Underwriters Laboratory and International Approval Services. Here are a few suggestions given by United States Environmental Protection Agency on how to maintain a healthy environment at a home ( Carbon Monoxide ): Keep gas appliances properly adjusted. Consider
  • 10. The First World War Was A Time Of Huge Change For Technology The first world war was a time of huge change for technologies and many innovations were made. The first of the three I will write about is the change of machine guns and how useful and significant they were in the first world war. On the one hand, machine guns could be said to be significant because of the extra fire power they provided on a battlefield. It has been estimated that a machine gun creates the equivalent to anywhere between 60 to 100 rifles, depending on the source, in from one weapon. This gave an army defending a position a huge advantage over the attacking side and almost certainly prolonged the stalemate as breaking enemy lines became so difficult as reaching the enemy trench was a near impossible thing to do with the machine gun firing at the attacking men. It has been estimated that around 20% of the casualties of world war 1 were caused by the machine gun. and This figure is very high considering all the possible causes of death in the battlefields of WW1. What also made the machine gun of the first world war significant was how it affected the future. These early models were the basis of a weapon used in all places of the world ever since these first guns were used in the before and mainly during the first world war. The first world war was the period that caused the potential of the machine gun to be recognised. Germany saw the machine gun for the potential it held before the war and had far more of them. This proved to be a big advantage for the
  • 11. Beauty And Physical Beauty Physical beauty is something that is far more important than inner beauty in our crooked society. There is a specific standard that American culture expects us to uphold to be accepted and loved. Shaming others for how they look is practiced by almost every individual. It is human nature and almost everyone is guilty of judging or offending someone at some point in their life. There is a difference between accidently saying something you did not know would affect someone and excessively hurting somebody with your words daily. Words are very powerful and if they are used negatively it could cause someone to develop a distant personality, emotional distress, and a feeling of emptiness inside. Growing up, I was always taught that thinness meant beauty. Not only by my class peers, but by my own family members as well. I grew up as an obese kid/teen. Who would have thought? School for me was a synonym for hell on earth for many years. Waking up in the morning was the worst 30 minutes of my life followed by 7 hours of emotional torment. Making friends for me has always been very difficult because I am a hardcore introvert. I remember always sitting alone in an obnoxious lunch room and being picked on by the stereotypical mean girls and boys. Yes, they do exist. I heard insults from How come you re so fat? to What would happen if we got a needle and poked her with it? Would she explode? . The insults are ridiculous and funny looking at it now, but as a child and young teen they killed me inside. I never said anything back because I was always told to ignore it by my teachers. My mom went to the office numerous times and complained. I remember constantly asking my mom everyday afterschool why no one liked me and why I did not have any friends. She never knew how to respond. It ll go away , They re just kids being kids , they said. It never actually went away till high school, when everyone had finally matured. My freshman, sophomore and junior years of high school were probably one of the most emotionally draining and difficult years of my life. I dealt with severe insecurity and lacked any sort of mental health. With all the years of taunting and bullying, I was basically numb yet shattered inside. I developed
  • 12. Barbero s The Day Of The Barbarians Alessandro Barbero wrote The Day of the Barbarians with the goal of informing the reader of the eventual fall of the Roman empire. According to Barbero, the entire fall of Rome centered around one battle which occurred at Adrianople. The book gives the small details of which lead to the battle, but also how the battle effected the Romans. As Barbero states in the his writings, the Goths, today s Germans, feared the Huns who they believed would attack and overcome them. At the same time, the Roman military as decreasing because the citizens were no longer volunteering themselves to serve. The emperor at the time, Valens, did not want to force citizens into the army because it would cause damage to agriculture production and reduce revenue generated
  • 13. Working Mom vs Stay at Home Mom Topic: My Career Goal as a Home Maker/Stay at Home Mom Question: Can being a Home Maker be viewed as a career? Central Idea: A home maker plays a vital role in the family setting and in society. There are Choices to be made when you become a Parent. Just like almost all newly married couples. You have goals of what s next in your lives together. Finish college and then get that perfect well paying job. Well that is exactly what I had in mind. Wow, what would happen next would be life changing. We added a little baby boy to our family. I remember telling my boss, I promise I m not going to quit my job . The day I gave birth and I saw that precious baby; I knew I could not leave him to go back to work. How could we make ... Show more content on ... One of my most enjoyable roles that I have in this phase of my stay at home career is my farm. I have started a business, I work on the farm while my kids are at school and during the summer, I am able to work directly with my children and husband in our cattle and hay operation. This for me would not be possible if I had an outside job. Now that my children are older 19 and 15 it is rewarding to see the work ethics that have been instilled in them. Many stay at home moms launch at home business. Even though they may work within the home they are still flexible to take care of family needs as they arise. Plus it builds the stay at home mom self esteem. In conclusion, the choice is up to the individual person. It may be right for some and not for others. I do feel that a stay at home mom can be considered a career. I may not receive payment for the jobs that I do but the greatest payment or blessing in this case is the investment that I have made to my children and the respect that I have from my husband and two boys for the choice that was
  • 14. Value Of Family Essay The concept of family can often be seen as the foundation a person is made upon. Everyone has a family whether it s an actual biological family or close friendships that are now considered family. Many American values can be sourced from family because that s where someone comes from so it is more than likely that a family shares the same values such as honesty, religion, and equality. It is generally said that you choose your friends and not your family. This makes the bond between family members extremely strong to the point of doing anything for a family member or never losing hope for them. In all three books, The Round House, The Heretic s Daughter, and The Color Purple, the American value of family is exemplified. Sometimes the bond between a child and their mother is so secure that when something damages that bond all hell breaks loose. In the novel, The Round House by Louise Erdrich, Joe s mother, Geraldine, is attacked by an unknown person and almost burned alive before she could escape her attacker. This event shakes the whole reservation Joe s family lives on, especially his direct family. Joe s mother is extremely traumatized from this event that she suffers from PTSD and isolates herself away from the people that care about her the most. Because of this, Joe s father, Bazil, and Joe search for any clues to find the attacker and put him behind bars. The investigation sparks a feeling of revenge in Joe that there is no limit as to how far he will go to get his
  • 15. Acid Rain Formation Acid Rain Formation The formation of acid rain occurs when particular gasses are dissolved into rainwater which in turn creates acids. When precipitation is caught up in clouds, potent gasses are capable of polluting the rainwater causing it to become extremely acidic. One of the most common acids that is absorbed into the rainis sulfur trioxide. This acid is produced from the vast amount of human activity on our earth. Nitrogen and sulfur are two main airborne elements that cause this dangerous precipitation of acids. The scientific study of acid rain has brought researchers to believe that sixty five to seventy percent of acid rain formation is caused by sulfur dioxide. Various kinds of nitrogen oxides cause the remaining percentage of acid rain occurrences. With the amount of emissions released into the ozone, acid rain is becoming more and more of a problem for our environment. When these pollutions react with rain, they form a dangerous product that can damage forests and soil. This in turn makes the soil infertile, ruining our land. Power plants and other large industries are releasing a harmful amount of SO2 in the atmosphere. These excess oxides that are interacting with rain have to be cut down in order to start reducing the amount of acid rain fall annually. When this acidic solution falls on areas with sea life and vegetation, it is found to kill fish, larva, insects, plants, and many other organism. When these forms of life are exposed to this low of a PH, it
  • 16. A New Poster With Turkey s Prime Minister In 2013 a new poster featuring Turkey s prime minister had appeared in every part of Istanbul, on highway billboards, subways and busses. Wearing his usual dark suit there was Erdogan, Turkey s prime minister, staring down at the people with confidence and dedication like an action hero. Two large words in bold letters are written next to his face: Saglam Irade . Turkish for iron will. The huge billboards build a feeling of claustrophobia that many Turks are used to by now: that Erdogan is everywhere, in every newspaper column and on every TV channel. However, the poster which some of his supporters have put up has been vandalized, torn and rewritten with new slogans like Iron Fascists, Iron Corruption or Iron Enemy of the People by a group of Turkish protestors. This scene is very familiar if you are living in Istanbul, Turkey. For the past two years Turkey has witnessed inequality, injustice, limitation into almost every kind of freedom and unnecessary violence in every part of its life. Over the last decade Erdogan made himself the most powerful prime minister in Turkey s history, the most successful elected leader in the Middle East and the West s idol for a modern Muslim country. He attended a religious high school and grew up in a conservative neighborhood. A member of the youth groups of Islamist parties, he was elected Istanbul s mayor in 1994 at age of forty and in 2002 he became the country s first Islamist prime minister. He cleaned up the city and improved
  • 17. Summary Of Conservatism By Russell Kirk According to Russell Kirk, there are six characteristics and rules that belongs to a true conservative. The first would be the belief in a superior structure would rule society just as well as conscience. That a confined logic, alone, cannot fulfill a human s need for knowledge. Keith Feiling stated that despite the fact that members of Conservative Party are realists, they believe that there are greater, unexplainable, forces in the heavens and all around, that even human theories cannot explain. The second explains that conservatives are indoctrinated that life is worth living, unlike liberals, and do not force egalitarianism upon humanity. The third explains the conservatives belief in the inequalities of men and only confirm equality of men before God and the law. The belief that freedom and... Show more content on ... The fifth is the belief that taxes serve to keep order and control anarchy and the desire for power. The last is that recognition change is not thought of to be an entirely good thing and that fast change could do bad as well as good, so conservatives are wise and cautious with change. Kirk explains that liberalism and radicalism was sufficiently more traditional in the public s mind, while conservatism was not a popular concept at all, and the reason for their demise if from their own doings and beliefs. In today s atmosphere, for example, the issue of gun control is a very complicated and is still a debatable topic. Conservatives are pro gun control and today s issues have been relating to gun control laws and if they are needed. Along with immigration, another popular topic today, conservatives believe in and support only legal immigration, and oppose pardon to those who enter the United
  • 18. Edgar Allan Poe s Writing Style Beauty is the sole legitimate province of the poem Poe, Edgar Allan. The Philosophy of Composition. 1846. The name Poe often brings to mind tales of horror and mystery, but this Poe was also a writer of sophisticated poems, capable of extreme poetic beauty within a dark genre of writing. Poe never lived the happiest of lives, but his writing is extraordinary, both for its execution, and for the sheer elegance of the words which he found to write upon the page. Death is among one of the recurring themes which Poe explored. Dark and stormy compositions focussed around such ideas serve only to illustrate Poe s writing style. One can see that such a horrid subject is clearly derived from the writer s distraught life which would almost appear to create a trail of death in the writer s footsteps. That being, Poe discovered the secret to writing. Edgar Allan Poechose to write in an incredibly dark area of literature, but the mastery with which he explores such subjects is applicable to writing in the whole of literature. The story of Poe s life is one marked with suffering, suffering so great that the painful scars of the poet s life have been left deeply embedded in many of his greatest compositions. But as this stands, his life did not begin as so. On January the 19th, 1809, Poe was born the son of traveling actors in Boston, Massachusetts. By the time of Poe s third birthday, however, both his parents had died, and their three children had been separated into varying homes of
  • 19. Classification Of Drive Essay BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF MOTORS AND DRIVES: In this segment, I will briefly review the diverse types of variable speed drives used in the industry. For the most part, electronic AC and DC drives find their domination in manufacturing and commercial HVAC uses of today. This brief look at drive machineries will assist you, should you encounter any of these types in the future. In addition, I will also review the benefits and limits of each type. The types of drives I will consider are mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical/electronic (eddy current coupling, and rotating DC). MECHANICAL VARIABLE SPEED MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM: As seen in Figure 1 7, the mechanical drive operates on the standard of variable pitch pulleys. The pulleys are typically ... Show more content on ... Size can also be a restriction. Typically, floor mounted, this device sometimes stood 3 5 feet tall for general applications. Size and weight could prohibit the use of this device in areas that would be required for mounting a drive. HYDRAULIC MOTOR DRIVES SYSTEM: Hydraulic drives have been, and continue to be, the rock of many metals processing and manufacturing functions. The hydraulic motor s small size makes it ideal for situations where high power is needed in very tight locations. In fact, the hydraulic motor s size is 1/4 1/3 the size of an equal power electric motor. Figure 1 8 indicates a hydraulic drive. In Figure 1 8, a constant speed AC motor operates a hydraulic pump. The pump builds up the necessary operating pressure in the system to allow the hydraulic motor to develop its rated power. The speed control comes from the control valve. This valve operates like a water References: Google 2 Andrew Nunez Mechatronics December 11, 2017 faucet the more the valve is open, the more fluid passes through the system, and the faster the speed of the hydraulic motor. Note that this system uses a coupler to connect the AC motor to the pump. The benefits of this type of drive system is the ability of the hydraulic motor to develop high torque (twisting motion of the shaft). In addition, it has a justly simple control structure (a valve), which operates at a wide speed range and has an enormously
  • 20. Examples Of Power Tends To Corrupt And Absolute Power... Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely means an observation that a person s sense of morality lessens as his or her power increases. The statement was made by Lord Acton, a British historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Absolute monarchies are those in which all power is given to or; as is more often the case, taken by, the monarch. Examples of absolute power corrupting are Roman emperor, who declared themselves gods and Napoleon Bonaparte, who declared himself an emperor. I take it to mean that people with power tend to be corrupt, therefore someone with absolute power, total power and control will absolutely be a corrupt person or leader. Take Hitler for example. He was the highest authority
  • 21. The Friendship Of David And Jonathan Saul s son Jonathan found great favor in David. Jonathan grew to love David, and helped protect him from Saul s wrath. The friendship of David and Jonathan was the effect of divine grace, which produces in true believers one heart and one soul, and causes them to love each other (Henry, 2000). It is possible to love other people even if a parent has hatred in their hearts towards them. When Jonathan could not stop Sauls march toward evil, he could warn the intended victim, thus averting a tragedy (Fackler, 2006). Christians in today s world can learn a valuable lesson of loving others even if there are issues that are impending on the situation that could cause anger to occur. Jonathan was loyal to Davidcausing a positive reflection on his covenant and commitment to his friendship with David. And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul (KJV, 1 Samuel 18:1). Jonathan vowed to help David and stood by his word. Those who love Christ as their own souls will be willing to join themselves to him in an everlasting covenant (Henry, 2001). I was unaware that David and Jonathanhad such a special bond; and made me think about my own life and my commitment to my friends. There can be strength found in God s word if you put him first as David did in his own battles. How 1 Samuel affects Christians Today The teachings of 1 Samuel shares valuable
  • 22. What are the Causes of Alcholism and How Can We Prevent... Throughout history alcohol has been a common drink in social and celebration environments. However in today s society it is easily accessible, very cheap, and advertised on every channel available. Alcohol has taken over our society, from teenagers to seniors, everyone is exposed to the culture of drinking. That is not the issue though, the issue is in today s society gluttony is a common virtue and many people take drinking beyond social and celebration environments. Many Americans suffer from a disease known as alcoholism, it is not only the addictionto, but the inability to function without alcohol. Just like many other substances, in excess alcohol can create many issues within the body both mentally and physically, this is the issue... Show more content on ... Alcoholism is addiction and a sickness because it can take over a person s life and become a dependence very quickly. What are the causes of Alcoholism? To find the causes of alcoholism we must first understand what it is. The root of alcoholism is an addict. As addicts, we are people whose use of many mind altering, mood changing substance causes a problem in any area of life. (Narcotics Anonymous 2008 Pg.3) Now that we know the root of the problem, addicts, we can move on to direct influences to alcoholism. Peer pressure, as you probably know, is the influence people sometimes use to make us behave in a way we don t necessarily want to, or stop us doing things we do want to do. (Managing peer pressure to drink) The peer or societal pressure is what drives many people to first start drinking. Along with peer pressure, alcoholism is also an issue in families and kids. ...alcohol dependence and substance abuse are developmental disorders, so they tend to emerge early in life, in adolescence or even before. (Substance Abuse What drives Alcohol Addiction?) Many parents don t realize that their actions influence the actions of their kids. Alcoholism or addiction comes not only from peer pressure or taught behaviors but from the mental state and strength of each individual person. Who is more Susceptible to Alcoholism? Many top researchers believe although it may not be genetic, there is a relationship between race and alcoholism. Rates of
  • 23. Essay about Crime Crime In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act. Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being charged with witchcraft in the 1600 s, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types forms. ... Show more content on ... Crimes are frequently classified according to their seriousness as felonies or misdemeanors. Generally, felonies are more serious than misdemeanors. Under the federal criminal law system, felonies are crimes for which the punishment is death or imprisonment for more than a year. A misdemeanoris punishable by a fine or by imprisonment for less than a year. In most states persons convicted of felonies are sent to state prisons, while those guilty of misdemeanors serve their sentence in city, or county jails, or correction houses. Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder, and sexual attacks. Such crimes usually bring severe punishments. Crimes against property include arson, automobile theft, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, fraud, larceny, and vandalism. In most cases, these crimes carry lighter penalties than the crimes set against the person. Robbery is the crime most difficult to classify. The law considers robbery a crime against the person or against the property, according to the case. Robbery may involve simply stealing property from another person, but when a personal encounter occurs between the robber and his victim, it may include violence and bodily harm. This usually occurs during muggings or other strong arm robberies.
  • 24. Perfect Day For Bananafish The 1940 s were a significant period in American history. By 1939, The Great Depression was coming to an end and there were new changes being made in society. In entertainment, for the first time there were color motion pictures, and singers like Frank Sinatra were influencing and bringing together a younger audience. There was a sense of positivity that was coming back to America. All of that changed on December 7th 1941. Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor crippling the Pacific fleet and sending the United Statesinto World War II. Fueled by the attack, many young men enlisted to join the U.S. Military. There was a sense of pride and dedication in many of those men. They felt it was their obligation and duty to serve their country, and to some extent, bring justice. They found out that war is hell. Many soldiers came back from World War II as completely different people. The carnage, conditions on the battlefields, and the emotional drains of war were elements these men had to carry with them. How were they able to cope with these psychological changes once they got back home to their families? In J.D. Salinger s short story, A Perfect Day for Bananafish we get a glimpse into one... Show more content on ... This is the first vacation I ve had in years, and I m not going to just pack everything and come home, said the girl. I couldn t travel now anyway. I m so sunburned I can hardly move. Seymour lost who he was. His wife Murial was denying it, but everyone around knew what was going on, especially with the signs earlier on in the book. I believe it was only when he talked to the little girl Sybil that it brought some humanity back to him. You see his playful nature when he replies to Sybil s claim that she saw a bananafish, My God, no! said the young man. Did he have any bananas in his mouth? (Salinger). Naturally, fish don t carry bananas in their mouth, but that little bit of playfulness showed that Seymor still had some normalcy in
  • 25. The City Of Orlando Florida Since the humble beginnings of the American industrial revolution, the urban city has been the pinnacle of rapid development and robust growth. Despite the efforts of notable city planners such as Sir Ebenezer Howard, Peter Calthorpe and Andres Duany the potential of true sustainable development has not been realized by the majority of urban cities. The inevitable question asserts how cities can continue growth and development while corroborating the triple bottom line as a framework for virtually every city. The urban city by modern definition is characterized by a broken community structure, dangerous high density, and a lack of sustainable design. The city of Orlando Florida is a quintessential example of a city designed not on ... Show more content on ... Education At the foundation of every issue in the broad scope of sustainability is a fundamental lack of proper environmental education as an individual, which ultimately permeates into all of society. The education referred to here is not simply the standardized tests, memorizing and essays of the modern day classroom but the education, which takes place at home. As children, there is a universal myth that has been passed down since the golden age of the industrial revolution. This idea of the American dream informs virtually every decision Americans make and how society is structured. Simply put: Get an education, get a Job, have children, acquire wealth, capital and leave a legacy before you die. The fundamental problem with this is that there is no mention of our most basic responsibility, as environmental stewards. In short this anthropocentric paradigm acts a rearguard for sustainable development and begins as early as the conception of language in a child s life. Over the course of the next 15 years there are very simple yet, crucial strategies that must be in place to amend not the foundational goals of America or the American dream but rather, the means of achieving it. This calls first for a new approach to the environmental movement: disregard everything that has been labeled and stigmatized as environmentalism. Instead the education infrastructure must be replaced with the institution of logic and respect for
  • 26. Perioperative Hypothermia Essay Perioperative hypothermia causes adverse effects in the recovery of a post operative patient. These well known effects include delayed anaesthetic recovery, increased incidence and duration of postoperative ventilation, increased blood loss and transfusion requirements, increased cardiac events, increased surgical wound infection, pro longed hospitallength of stay (LOS) and higher hospital mortality. Three reasons account for the commonality of hypothermia post open abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) surgery: (1)thermoregulation impairment due to anaesthesia, (2) skin surface warming limitation, and (3) ineffective warming of the ishaemic lower limbs in aortic cross clamping to counterbalance the heat loss from the abdomen, which is exposed to operating room ambient temperature for a long period of time3,4. The combined use of a forced air warming device or resistive heating device and intravenous fluid warming is found to be effective and safe for major abdominal ... Show more content on ... However, there data becomes limited on on the effects of mild (35.0 to 35.9oC) to moderate (34.0 to 34.9oC) hypothermia on patients and whether the course and immensity of these effects of hypothermia can be generalised in major AAA surgery and other surgeries. statement of the problem In this study, we examined whether intraoperative hypothermia in patients undergoing open elective abdominal aortic surgery was predictive of postoperative in hospital morbidity. We also assessed the magnitude of any such association, adjusted for possible confounders such as age, comorbidities and surgical complexity. Intraoperative hypothermia has been associated with various adverse effects and is said to be preceding increased in hospital morbidity and length of stay: What is the effect of intraoperative hypothermia
  • 27. Jonathan Edwards In the 1740s the Puritan faith experienced mass revival. A major pillar in said revival was the sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards. It was a message so frightening, hysteria was reported amongst its audience. Besides being the trope maker of fire and brimstone sermons, what made it so effective? Three things: the delivery of the message, the analogies and examples throughout the speech, and Edwards use of human psychology to sway his audience to his goal. One of the causes of this sermon s effectiveness was Edwards deliverance. He is said to have delivered his message in a calm, level manner and did not employ drama techniques to stir up his audience. Obviously his message did not suffer from employing this ... Show more content on ... Edwards prevented this outcome by using gripping analogies and clear examples. The analogies used painted a picture of God s wrath in a way the audience could understand it and the hopelessness of continued sin without repentance ( Spider s web to fallen rock , wrath compared to heavy storm clouds , great waters and floodgates , etc.). His examples used to make the fears realer by supplying evidence (the sudden ruin of neighbors, Sodom) and proof of repentance goodness (various neighbors, countrymen). These examples and analogies showcase Edwards manipulative strength: the final pillar. Edwards weaponized an understanding of the human mind and spirituality to breach his congregation s mind and heart for God. He knew that his audiences behaviors and attitudes and brought them to the light using guilt held for self righteousness and sin, human demand for justice you shall not suffer beyond what strict justice requires , and the bandwagon technique ( a day wherein many are flocking to him and many... now in happy state ). Edwards successfully exploited human doubt of situation and fear of hell. This fear brutal self examination of the audience, which is what made the sermon so
  • 28. A Report On The Pyramid Model In The Pyramid Model(1991), Ibis did well in economic, legal and ethical responsibilities but did not reach the peak of philanthropic level. Now, Ibis hotel is on the level of ethical responsibilities of Pyramid Model(1991). Ibis is belonging to Accor Hotel Group which is a French Multinational corporation, operating in nearly 100 countries (Ibis, 2016). As the brand under Accor Hotel Group, Ibis is in the period of developing and it is not enough performance to reach the peak of model right now. Ibis focus on the CSR concept by the support of Accor Hotel Group. Presently Accor is the leading hotel Group and one of the largest hotel chains which manages about 4000 hotels worldwide. Accor Hotel Group is a a well established organisation in hospitality industry and it arrange capital and related resources to support Ibis do a series of activities about CSR (Accor Hotel Group, 2015). By the support by Accor Hotel Group, Ibis is well placed to make social development which was involved in CSR program across the world in October 2009 (Walter, 2007). Accor Hotel Group believes its business can contribute to the social and economic growth of countries, regions and cities and enhance the level of wealth, heritage and culture. In 2006, Accor started with the social and environmental project known as the Earth Guest Program(2006) to prevent the environment meet the threaten by major health hazards (Matten et al, 2008). Ibis is trying to make a great performance in social impact
  • 29. Cherry Bomb By Maxine Clair Literary Devices Many memories vanish over time but some stay crystal clear. In the portion of Maxine Clair s story Cherry Bomb she uses tone, biblical allusion and imagery to exhibit the ingenuous of her fifth grade remembrance. She encapsulates the vigorous and naive outlook of juvenescence summers. Through the prose. Clair uses tone to portray her innocence as a fifth grader. She states early in the first paragraph that life was measured in summers. This simple but profound statement illustrates the way only a child measured life before adulthood strikes. Notably, later on in the story, she then continues on to show the gist by stating, my father... shipped out to the dot in the Pacific Ocean. She is oblivious to her innocence within her backstory. The for is an island where her father was stationed at one point in her adolescence.... Show more content on ... She quotes, I am in this world, but not if it. She states that she does not know what the proverb means, due to her unforeseen immaturity, but the phrase appeals to her. Continuing on, Clair makes a reference to the Hairy Man. In the book of Genesis, Esau is described as a hairy man, and lives in the borderline of society. In the story the Hairy Man is a war veteran who suffers shell shock in which causes him to also live on the borderline much like Esau. Lastly, the imagery present in this essay is loftier than the other literary devices evident in her story. Clair tells of many shades and complexion she remembers as a child suck as the yellow house, windows painted light blue, and the putrid colored jacket. She does this to paint the crystal clear images through picturesque that she recalls from her adolescence. More importantly, Clair vividly describes the cherry bomb all through her work. She not only illustrates her box of private things but describes even the strong smelling essence that lingers along side the images of her childhood
  • 30. Diana s Monologue MOM! Diana can hear up the stairs, through the thin walls. Her daughter, Scarlet, stomps up the creaky wooden stairs, careful to skip the missing step. Diana calls exasperatedly, In here, Scarlet. Slamming the door open, Diana s eleven year old daughter storms across the small, cozy room, coming to a stop at her mother s queen sized bed. A tear sheds from Scarlet s hazel eyes, her auburn hair falling across her fair face. Dread seethes through Diana s veins, fear rising from the pit of her almost anorexic stomach. Scarlet, what is it? Talk to me, she pleads. The child s mouth twists into a grimace as she mumbles, Josh told me the reason you don t spend time with me anymore is because because you don t love me. Diana s heart constricts. Seventeen year old Josh, Scarlet s first crush, their next door neighbor, told Scarlet her mother had forgotten about her, that she means nothing to Diana? Scowling, Diana pats the space next to her on the warm bed, ignoring the pain; she s too sick to feel angry now. All she feels is sorrow... and dread for what she needs to tell her baby, her happiness. Hesitantly, Scarlet scrambles... Show more content on ... This morning. You had told me you needed to talk to me after breakfast? The princess frames the sentence as a question, as if maybe she was wrong about her and Dayna s exchange this morning. Oh. Yes, but I think we should take a walk first, Dayna says somberly. The ailing queen is aware of her inconvenient stalling, for she is still identifying exactly what she will convey to her cherished daughter. Thus, Dayna and Sienna gradually made their way toward the elegant flower garden, Sienna attempting to make small talk with her mother every so often, but gave up when she realized just how distracted Dayna had been for the last few
  • 31. Birth Of A Seahorse Research Paper Navdeep Mann Hailey Salas Friday 11:00 7 April 2016 The Birth of a Seahorse Deep down in the dark blue sea, male pregnancies are not extraordinary. Believe it or not female seahorses are actually the ones that impregnate the males. The reproductive process starts off by the male and female meeting up and dancing . One can think of this as being the first date. The two will continue to meet and swim together along with intertwining their tails several days before actually mating. The fish will also grip a strand of sea grass and whirl around it in unison. This kind of dancing and courtship synchronizes the movements of the seahorses and prepares the male to receive the eggs when the female is ready to deposit them (Maia, et al. 2013). After
  • 32. Holocaust Relatives Relatives of Holocaust survivors will tell you the same three things that means the most to them. Family, your faith, and the country that took us in are some of the most important things for those who have struggled through such tragedies, be it the Holocaust or other atrocities around the world. Family is the most important member of the list. Family is an unbreakable bond that stretches across oceans and deserts and is the only thing on earth that instantly connects two people. I would kill and die for my family, as they truly are the most important things in my life. My parent s unconditional love and support, makes me strive to be a better person and to make them proud. My Two brothers are hands down the most important things in... Show more content on ... Two of my hobbies include golf and film and finance. As captain of the varsity golf team, I take golf very seriously. Not only is golf fun and important for my motor skills, it s very important in the business world. There s an old saying that 80% of business gets done on the golf course, and I can see why this is true. On the golf course you feel relaxed, all you re worried about is how you re playing and what club you re going to use for your next shot. Film, has always been a guilty pleasure of mine. If I had the choice, I would sit in bed all day and watch film after film. I find film to be an incredible art form as it lets all different kinds of artists; directors, actors and cinematographers display their art form in one piece. Finally, Finance is something that I ve learned form my father, it is an art in itself as those who can correctly read trends and wait to buy and sell are the grandmasters of the trade. Finance is something I want to do in the future and something that I find incredibly fascinating. Finally my personally traits are those of someone who is funny but can be serious when the time comes. I am very dedicated to my schoolwork and always strive to give my 100%. But, when its time to let lose, I am hands
  • 33. Becoming A Real Estate Investor Many people hold on to the belief that real estate investing is a risky thing to do. Even those that are investors will tell you it s a risky business, but if you stick with it in the long run the risk takers will come to realize that this is the way out to be living the lives they are meant to live. It could be that money is tight and it s putting a hold on becoming an investor or the uneasy feeling of thinking if it all doesn t go as planned. This is a leap of assurance that will change the lives of many that want or have been thinking about becoming a Real EstateInvestor. This will help you generate your own wealth, with a set of procedures that can be perfected over the years through experience and knowledge you will learn how to... Show more content on ... The law differentiates between the investor and the homeowner because the investor has taken on large improvements based on the previous state of affairs where the homeowner has not. This means that the investor gained site specific assurance where the homeowner did not, even if they seek out to maintain the zoning classification not only on their property, but on the whole neighborhood. Hence, several courts have specifically held that neighbors have no eternally vested rights in the perpetuation of an existing zoning classification (Stahl, Kenneth A). In most cases this is why there are some neighborhoods around the metropolitan area where there are signs that read My community is not for sale as a way of protesting. In a way this seems unfair for the communities that must deal with new development within the area without having a say which makes most neighbors somewhat aggravated with the city s decision making and the benefits it gives investors in what they do with a property. On the other hand people need to realize the essential aspect of new property development, this is motivation for investors to form an important part of identity to help shape communities where the property can serve as an important focus that gives meaning to residents within society. Therefore, it is important to note that the Property and Relative Status is another factor that needs to be accounted for when getting in real estate investing as well as the
  • 34. Realities Redefined in William Gibson s Neuromancer Essay Realities Redefined in William Gibson s Neuromancer The ways in which characters communicate and interact with one another are redefined in William Gibson?s Neuromancer. An all encompassing web of intrigue, the Net enables humans and non humans to access and to communicate an infinite amount of data across time and space. Medical implants open another door on virtual communications. Non living entities such as artificial intelligences and the Dixie Flatline construct overcome the physical barriers of communication. With the implementation of these new communications technologies, the physical and virtual realities of the society waver and meld into one another, resulting in an alienating cyber culture where this new reality of ... Show more content on ... Like many others who treats cyberspace as their reality, Case is mostly solitary. He derives his adrenaline rush from stealing data in cyberspace, but he rarely senses emotions from other stimuli. For Case, making love with Linda Lee and with Molly cannot be compared with his love affair with the world of non flesh. As Molly says to Case: ?I saw you stroking that Sendai; man, it was pornographic?(47). When his former employers damage his nervous system with mycotoxin, Case is abruptly cut off from his sensuous love affair with the matrix. For him, it is the Fall (6). Case loses everything that he thinks is important to him, and he attempts to commit suicide. Even his love for Linda cannot help him overcome his depression. After all, physical and emotional love is not the same as being in love with something less tangible, for perhaps it is the intangibleness of the Net that enthrals Case. The cyberspace cowboys have an elite stance towards the physical world, a ?certain relaxed contempt for the flesh. The body was meat?(6). Meat deteriorates, but cyberspace lives on forever. In Case?s situation, it is apparent that it is the ?meat? of one?s physical body that can obstruct one from accessing the greater reality of cyberspace. This virtual reality, however, also impedes Case from fully living his physical life, but he does not completely acknowledge this even after his encounter with the A.I.s Wintermute and Neuromancer.
  • 35. Proctor Reflection According to the, the word proctor means, a person appointed to keep watch over students at examinations. According to merriam, the word proctor means, one appointed to supervise students (as at an examination). We can see from both of these dictionaries, there is an agreement, that a proctor is someone appointed to supervise students in an examination. I have had plenty of experiences with proctors since I was in high school. During a test called the FCAT in Florida, and also during AP Exams, all students in my school were given an assigned room to take a test in, and were assigned a proctor that watches over them. The teachers in the school, were not allowed in the classrooms, so the students won t cheat,
  • 36. Centre-State Relations CENTRE STATE RELATIONS ISSUES IMPACTS Jaseer Jaffar IMK INTRODUCTION India is our country with its capital being New Delhi where the parliament of India is situated. It is through parliament all laws and bills are sanctioned. India is a vast country with 28 states and 7 union territories. Each state has their own separate state govt. If a state wants to bring a law under action it has to be sanctioned by the central government. In the sametime if the central government has to sanction a law where the whole country is concerned it calls in a meeting or Bhatia which is attended by the MP of the state and decisions are taken in accordance to the majority. The CONSTITUTION of ... Show more content on ... в†ђ The judicial branch has the power to change laws. в†ђ The term judiciary is also used to refer collectively to the personnel, such as judges, magistrates and other adjudicators, who form the core of a judiciary (sometimes referred to as a bench ), as well as the staffs who keep the system running smoothly. Division of Power 3 Lists Union List In union list the central government has the power to take decisions. State government cannot interfere in it. State List In state list the state government has the power to take decision. Concurrent List both the central and state government together can take decisions. But the supreme authority goes to the central government CENTRE STATE RELATIONS The constitution of India being Federal in structure divides all powers (legislative, executive and financial) between Centre and the States. Though the Centre and States are supreme in their respective fields, maximum harmony and coordination between them is essential for the effective operation of the Federal system. Centre state relations can be studied under 3 heads:
  • 37. в†ђ Legislative Relations в†ђ Administrative Relations в†ђ Financial Relations 1 .LEGISLATIVE RELATIONS Articles 245 to 255 in Part XI of the Indian Constitution deals with the legislative relations between the
  • 38. The Importance Of Trauma In Adolescents Specific PopulationWith my degree, I plan on working with adolescents. It is a group that I feel I can be successful working with. I have some background in teaching younger children. They are a group that can be viewed as difficult, but I believe I will be very successful with the knowledge I will have under my belt. While working with this group, there will be numerous of issues and presenting problems that I will have to understand and learn how to help these clients work with these issues. One issue in particular is trauma. There are several ways to experience trauma. Many people experience trauma so it is important that I understand what trauma is and how it can be experienced. Once I understand trauma, I can find ways to provide appropriate treatment to those that come to me because they are experiencing some sort of trauma. Trauma Defined Trauma is defined by the American Psychological Association(APA) as the emotional response someone has to an extremely negative event (Adams, n.d.). It is our reaction to horrible events. These reactions are normal, but effects can interfere with... Show more content on ... There are different sources from which people can experience the trauma. Sources include, but are not limited to: rape, domestic violence, natural disasters, severe illness or injury, the death of a loved one, and witnessing an act of violence (Adams, n.d.). Trauma can be experienced short or long term. There are also signs of trauma that professionals like my future self should look for in their clients. The client might be disoriented or even appear shaken. They also might not exactly respond to a conversation they way they normally would which could show them appearing as if they are withdrawn. Anxiety is also a common sign of someone who has experienced trauma. These are all examples of things to look for in a client that could have experienced some sort of traumatic
  • 39. Benefits Of Doctors Without Borders Doctors Without Borders has a mission to help people worldwide where the need is greatest, delivering emergency medical aid to people affected by conflict, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare (Doctors Without Borders, 2016). Doctors Without Borders strives to provide services to those experiencing armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, and natural disasters. Over 30,000 doctors, medical professionals, and volunteers in over 60 countries provide these services daily. Among other accomplishments in 2014, Doctors Without Borders conducted more than eight million outpatient consultations, delivered 194,400 babies, performed over 81,000 surgical procedures, and treated more than 2.1 million people for malaria (Doctors Without Borders, 2016).
  • 40. Epidemiology Is A Medical Science Discipline That Arranges Epidemiology is a medical science discipline that arranges the structure for studying the distribution and determinants of health, communicable disease, and circumstances related to health status. The epidemiology research help to understand in what means a person catch diseases, the changes, and how the disease affect the population. The nurses that work with these communities to help identify the onset of communicable diseases determine new victims, the patterns it spread, the causes or preventive methods are known as community or public health nursing (Maurer, Smith, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to explain on the concepts of a communicable disease Chickenpoxwith its own unique epidemiologyand nursing research to this... Show more content on ... Once there is a dry scabs formation, the virus is unlikely to spread. Chickenpox disease can cause serious complications on infants, adults, adolescents, pregnant women and those with weakened immune system like HIV/Aids or cancer patients, people with organ transplants, on chemotherapy, immunosuppressive medications or long term use of steroids. Complications includes pneumonia, dehydration, sepsis, bleeding problems, children having bacterial infection like group A streptococcal on the skin and soft tissues, and death to unvaccinated person. If a pregnant woman is infected with Chickenpox at her first trimester, the diseases can cause rare congenital symptoms on the fetal which presents as congenital varicella syndrome, low birth weight, atrophy, neurological abnormalities, or scarring of the skin and eyes (Maurer Smith 2013). Chickenpox can best be prevented by given the dose of varicella vaccine to children, adolescents, adults and the herpes zoster vaccine for people age 60 and above (Maurer Smith 2013). Generally, people who get the vaccine will not get chickenpox, however, if the vaccinated person get chickenpox, the symptoms is usually mild fever or no fever, fewer red spots or blisters. The treatment of acute infection of chickenpox includes isolating the infected
  • 41. Goodwill Balance Sheet GOODWILL What is the definition of Goodwill? Goodwill is an intangible asset that mostly appears as the biggest intangible asset on the balance sheet. The Goodwill can only be identified with the business as a whole. Therefore, the goodwill cannot be sold individually in the marketplace, while some other intangible assets can be sold. Goodwill is not easy to measure, because it includes exceptional management, desirable locations, customer relations, and so on. The determination of the Goodwill is therefore most of the time very subjective. Companies only record the goodwill when there is an exchange transaction the involves the purchase of an entire business. When the company is purchased by another company, the goodwill ... Show more content on ... Goodwill booking in the balance sheet According to Harold Averkamp (2015), Goodwill is reported on the balance sheet as a noncurrent asset. Since 2001, U.S. companies are no longer required/allowed to amortize the recorded amount of goodwill. In accounting we use the word amortization to mean the systematic allocation of a balance sheet item to expense (or revenue) on the income statement. Harold Averkamp (2015) The amortization of an asset means that a company is allowed to split the value of the expenses stated in the income statement over several months instead of a one time booking. However, the amount of goodwill is subject to a goodwill impairment test at least once per year. The companies have to verify at least once a year if the value of their assets is aligned with the fair value of the market. The test verifies if the value of the assets is bigger than the market value. An adjustment is recorded in order to bring the value of the asset at the fair value in case of inequality. References Ausick, P (9 May 2014) 3.2 Billion for beats is apple crazy? Assesed at 26 April 2015 from : electronics/2014/05/09/3 2 billion for beats is apple crazy/ Business Goodwill. (n.d.). Retrieved 04 27, 2015, from Value Adder: http:/ / goodwill.html
  • 42. Doorn, van P (October 29, 2014) Don t wory about facebooks 18,1 billion in goodwill from whatsapp.
  • 43. Jane Villanueva s Jane The Virgin Many mothers plan their children and are overjoyed when they discover they are with child; others are surprised, and perhaps not as pleased. However, not many can say they became pregnant when they have never had sex. Jane the Virgin is a CW network television program about Jane Villanueva, a religious young woman who has never had sexual intercoursebut becomes pregnant by an accidental artificial insemination. Due to the nature of the main character s situation, the topic of sex, virginity, and conception is often discussed, as well as what it means to be a virgin. Although virginity has historically been viewed through a traditional Christian context, Jane the Virgin has given the term a new meaning with a non traditional and modern day... Show more content on ... The first time Jane has sex, she is displeased and does not quite enjoy it. Later on in the episode, Michael asks what he can do to improve the experience for, and asked if she enjoyed the other things, they did before marriage; Jane says yes and Michael asks if she would like to try those other things again, to which Jane once more agrees. Jane and Michael then engage in oral sex. This scene shows the viewer that perhaps Jane is not as stout a Catholic as previously thought, and that Jane views the loss of virginity not as the engagement of any sexual activity, but when a person has penetrative sex; since she and Michael are a heterosexual, male and female couple, this means that true sex to her is only when a penis is inserted into her vagina. This fits the older, more specific Christian belief that a woman is no longer a virgin if she does not have a hymen, something that can be lost in penetrative sex, but this point in the television show, she is a mother to her young son, Mateo; she gave birth to Mateo vaginally, so if she did still have a hymen, it would no longer be intact. Jane has previously engaged in sexual activity and no longer has a physically intact hymen, but she is still a virgin because she considers herself a virgin, something the show is unique in
  • 44. Personal Response To The Things They Carried Personal Response When I first picked up this book I thought that it was another Vietnam era book talking about the battles and other things of that nature. When I got past the first chapter my views on this book flipped around. This is one of my favorite books I have read so far in 2016. Plot The Things They Carried is about the psychological effects the Vietnamwar had on the soldiers. The author, Tim O Brien, has witnessed the war and is the main character. Tim describes the effects of the war on a mental level. The story starts off describing TIm s life before the war. Tim was drafted and thought why me and fled to Canada. After a week on the border of Canada, Tim went back and decided to go to Vietnam. Tim soon realized that he was
  • 45. Whaling Exemption Essay I d like discuss about an exemption for whaling in this week. One of the reason I chose the topic is that I m originally from Japan, and the exemption is the one of the biggest issue Japanese should dispute. My answers to the questions are below. 1. I totally disagree with the Norwegian and Japanese exemption for whaling even if it s their tradition. The Japanese government claims hunting whale is based on their traditional culture and Japanese fishers have hunted whales for few hundred years so that none of foreign countries has right to control if Japanese people should eat whales or not. Whales were important protein for Japanese people between 1940s and 1960s, and they killed more than 24 grand whales in 1964 (BBC, 2016). In addition, ... Show more content on ... It is very difficult to find the way all of the international resolutions fairly works for all countries. Each country has their individual culture, and sometimes the culture is hardly understood for other countries. In globalization, the world trade is one of the most important sector in all countries, and WTO has a crucial role. It never should be controlled by few dominant countries, such as the US. Anytime WTO enacts international rules, all decision should be based on certain research and ethical purposes. Each of nations has different idea. For example, the reason 94% of Australian are against whaling is that they think that whales are scared animals, whereas Japanese or Norwegian people think whales are the same meat as beef and pork. There is no answer to decide which opinion is justice. However, if nations activities give critical damages to environment, nations have to decide to stop their activities to preserve nature. And all of prohibition should be based on scientific facts but should not be decided by individual perspective. I have no particular idea who serve on WTO, but I think it shouldn t be consisted of only few dominant countries. 4. I define cultural activities is phenomenon by experiences of local life, tradition, or religion. Each nations has their unique cultural activities. Globalization has made nations unified. However, we can t forget how important preserving our culture
  • 46. Southern Horrors, By Ida B. Wells As a well known civil rights activist of her time, Ida B. Wells began her journey to her ultimate ideologies when she was a young girl. Growing up as a slave in Mississippi, her access to education was limited to learning at the Freedman s Bureau schools. Throughout her life she followed the well paved pathway of her father, the town raceman, to lawful justice for all citizens, not just African American or white. The contending journalist didn t lose sight of her family, African American community or her commitment to serving God, but allowed her strong belief in human rights and equality to help her grow stronger as a member of her society. In regards to Southern Horrors, Ida B. Wells argued against the unjust lynching of African Americans under the circumstances of conserving and even restoring human rights. The idea of human rights was out of reach when it came to African Americans in the society of the South through the 1890 s. The public degradation of African American human rights elevated entirely when Wells shared a story of a man with the last name Grizzard. This man was an African American of lower status and was charged with the alleged rape of a white female. Instead of simply jailing him for the supposed crime he committed, the white folk of the town knifed him to death, severed his hands, and left him bloody, naked, and defenseless. In a corresponding situation, a white man actually raped an African American girl and the fellow members of her community
  • 47. Speech On Testing On Animals Speech Gr10 12 Palindromes Step on no pets Chair: We see it every day. Another animal has been found beaten and tortured. We ask ourselves why would anyone do that and why would anyone get a pet if they are not going to love and care for it. Should animals be treated as our equals? Speakers1: How are animals treated in different cultures and what does this say about our cultures? Speaker2: Should testing on animals be banned? What are the negative effects of testing on animals and what other options do we have? Speaker3: Should there be harsher penalties for those who abuse animals and is there a deeper significance to animal abuse? (SPEAKER3) Ladies and Gentleman, the Animal protection act of South Africa, to consolidate... Show more content on ... Joni E. Johnston Psy.D. Writes in an article in Psycology today that since the 1970 s research has consistently reported childhood cruelty towards animals as the first warning sign of later delinquency, violence and criminal behaviour. In fact nearly all violent perpetrators have a history of animal cruelty in their profiles. Albert de Salvo, the Boston Strangler found guilty of killing 13 women, shot arrows through dogs and cats he trapped as a child. Colombine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold boasted about mutilating animals for fun. Obviously cruelty towards animals is of great concern to psychologists in human behaviour in its developing stages and prove to be a warning sign of things to come. Should we not then look more closely at ourselves when we are adults, fully formed human beings and ask ourselves if it is just as, in fact much more disconcerting and disturbing, when we so ruthlessly harm animals. If a human being is willing to inflict such great harm upon an animal, is it not possible that he/she is capable of conflicting such harm upon a human
  • 48. Alexander Solzhenitsyn s One Day Of Ivan Denisovich In the novel of One Day of Ivan Denisovich, written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn published in 1963. It was a cold morning like every other day. It was time for all the prisoners to go to work. Some prisoners to get out of the job they pass as sick patients. That is what Shukhov had in mind walking into the hospital that morning. Nikolay Vdovushkin demonstrates a different perspective other than of Ivan Denisovich, how gulags are portrayed in the novel and how his opinions affect the reader s observations. I am a medic at the hospital in the gulags, but studied literature at the university. I have this job as a medic because Mr. Stephan Grigoryevich told me I was a medic and so be it gave me the job. Now I give injections to poor prisoners that are suffering in the baring cold outside. Every morning is the same routine, wake up dress in my white coat and write down prisoner names on the (unable to work) list. This morning this man came in I was... Show more content on ... Shukhov went off and sat on a bench under a bright lamp. While the thermometer was taking his temperature I went back to writing. As I was writing I noted that Shukhov showed uncomfortableness body language. It was very quiet in the hospital, no clocks were heard and mice were caught by the cats. Five minutes or so have passed, I went over to Shukhov and checked the thermometer his temperature was barely less than one hundred degrees. Shukhov said nothing about his temperature not being high enough to be on the sick list. but as things are I can t let you off. Take a chance if you want (17 18), those were words I exactly said to him. He did not worry about being caught, if the doctor came in and checked him, and came to be that he is not sick. He would be sent to the cooler, and in this unbearable weather in gulags, going to work sounds better to be at. Shukhov haven t said a word still, he just got up and went
  • 49. The Fight Against International Terrorism As the fight against international terrorism gears up for renewed hostilities in areas of the Middle East against old foes and new organizations that have brought their extremists views to the battlefields, the socio economic issues currently plaguing the stability of Yemen provide the backdrop for the most potent threat to the U.S. homeland and its interests in the region. This Red Cell Analysis will provide a historical overview and internal look at the terrorist organization known as Al Qa ida in the Arabian Peninsula while uncovering which intelligence collection programs housed throughout the U.S. Intelligence Community are best suited at countering and defeating the tactics used by this often violent extremist organization. Additionally, this paper will distinguish which members of the IC will be the best collectors of the needed intelligence to thwart any future attacks plotted by this organization as well as identifying the proper intelligence analysis strategies that will be most effective in eliminating this group and their objectives from the battlefield. Since earning its designation as a Foreign Terrorist Organization on January 19, 2010, the group s goals have remained consistent with the standards and disciplines found throughout militant jihad, which aims to purge Muslim countries of Western influence and replace secular apostate governments with fundamentalist Islamic regimes observant of sharia (Council on Foreign Relations 2015). Its regional
  • 50. Analysis Of Rene Descartes s Meditations On First... Philosophy Essay 1 Rene Descartes was born in in La Haye, France, in 1596 and he studied at La Fleche Jesuit College and University of Poitiers. Descartes also lived in Germany, Holland and Sweden. He then worked in the army as a private councillor and then as a court philosopher. Descartes book Meditations on First Philosophy was first published in 1641. The edition used to write this essay was edited by John Cottingham and was published by the Cambridge University Press in 1996. Descartes was the first philosophy to be influenced by autonomy and physics and he also worked it all out for himself by not accepting the views of previous philosophers. Through the meditations, the meditator explores the ontological questions about being, ... Show more content on ... The argument in Descartes second meditation is that he wants to prove to the reader that the human mind is better known than the human body. In this meditation Descartes is looking for basic belief which has to provide some foundation for knowledge. The meditator is going to do this through a series of Sceptical doubts. First he will doubt his sense perception because the evidence received from the outer senses can be contradictory. This means that he will call all his sense into doubt as if he had no senses at all. Descartes will also doubt the physical world by believing that we might be dreaming. Descartes finally begins to doubt reality and the existence of God. However, he also believes that there is a presence of a type of God or evil deceiver. Descartes then begins to start his first statement with I think . He believes that if he is having these doubts and that a god or evil deceiver is also sending him doubts that he must exist. In the First Meditation, Descartes introduced the method of doubt to the reader. He then starts to use this method, he then begins to put all his thoughts into doubt and he begins to wonder where his thoughts have come from; if they have been implanted him in by a god or an evil deceiver. By this point Descartes has convinced himself that nothing is certain or that a god or evil deceiver has implanted these doubts into his mind. This means that if either of these points is true
  • 51. Abnormal Behavior PSY 100: Normal and Abnormal Behavior Scenarios To reflect on what you have read or studied so far in a course is an essential part of understanding. This worksheet form will provide a place for you to take some time and reflect on understanding how psychology can help you in your everyday life. Please use this week s readings to assist you. As you have learned, your mental health and wellness can affect your life and how you interact with others as a student, professional, and in your personal relationships. A GCU student learns through the 4 Pillars that physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing is vital to success in academics in a chosen career field and in life in general. Explain what abnormal and normal behavior is and how to ... Show more content on ... On a daily basis he fears what the day might bring. To make sure that the day goes right he takes 2 showers daily, one after getting up in the morning and one at mid day. He also makes sure that each household task such as vacuuming, washing dishes, scrubbing the floors, etc is completed by noon every day and marks off these tasks on a checklist. Lastly, at night, he checks his house to make sure all windows and doors are locked. He unlocks and locks the front door at least three (3) times to assure that the lock is working. John is also going to school, as he knows that he needs to find a job and is hoping to be able to do online computer work when he completes his degree. He is currently struggling with his schoolwork as he has started to obsess about certain routines in it as well, such as double checking with the instructor everyday that he has completed all of his work, posting 5 and 6 times to the classroom, and e mailing his classmates daily to see if he has missed something. John recognizes that he needs some help, but does not know where to begin. As his friend, what recommendations could you make in helping him reduce his anxiety? What resources on the Internet could John use to help him daily? What might be some types of therapy for John to use to reduce his symptoms of compulsion?
  • 52. How To Prevent Police Shooting Persuasive Essay Gaston Campos Karen Herschbach English 102 15 September 2016 Not even to chance In 2015 990 were shot by police. From January to September 2016, it is estimated that 681 people have been shot and killed by police officers (Fatal Force). The incredibly high number of deaths in that short time span should not only shock one but give concern. Police officers are supposed to serve and protect, not be the cause of all the murders of the people they are supposed to be protecting. Police officers have gotten too comfortable in reaching for their gun when feeling uneasy about a situation. Many, if not all, of the murders could have been prevented if police officers were not allowed to carry any lethal weapons. There are various options in preventing these murdering without jeopardizing the safety of police officers. Police officers should only be allowed to carry non lethal weapons in order to optimize the safety of the people. Police officers have been a major problem with contributing to the increasing number of murders in the United States. By eliminating the catalyst to all these murders: lethal weapons or guns, not only will there be less deaths but the people will feel safer knowing there is not a chance of them getting shot because of ... Show more content on ... Other countries have already run one form or another of this same idea. Germany had gun control were all parties turned in their firearms and like Ireland and Britain where police refuse to carry guns. In all those situations, there are far less murders by police and gun violence all together than in the United States. There is an enormous amount of gun violence in the United States: murders by police, police retaliation shooting, and large gun violence. The United States have more deaths in one year that all the other countries mentioned have combined. Imagen another version of the United States, one with far less violence, less
  • 53. PAE Synthesis Lab Report 2.2 Materials and Methods: Polyamino ether was obtained from the collaborator Dr. Kaushal Rege lab in Arizona state University. All other chemicals were obtained from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). 2.2.1 Synthesis of the bioreducible modified PAE: The obtained PAE polymer was synthesized by reacting neomycin with glycidyl ether at molar ratio of 1:2 as reported in detail by Rege et al. previously[14]. The modified bioreducible PAE(mPAE) was synthesized by a simple one step reaction with Traut s reagent as described previously[15]. Briefly, 10g of PAE was dissolved in 1ml of ddH20 (Double distilled water) and was allowed to react with 1.85 g(5 times molar excess) of 2 iminothiolane hydrochloride (IH) at room temperature for 15 h[16]. The product was dialyzed using a dialysis membrane (MWCO = 1,000 Da) against 5 mM HCl for 24 h followed by dialysis against 1 mM HCl solution for 24 h. The purified mPAE was lyophilized and stored at 20В°C for future use [17].... Show more content on ... The mPAE was collected after extensive dialysis and freeze dried for future use. The modification of amino groups ( NH2) is shown as representative
  • 54. An Analysis of Our Town It s the little things in life that count An analysis of the representation of the daily life in Our Town * Table of Contents 1Introduction3 2Biographical Background4 3Our Town5 3.1General5 3.2Theme5 3.3Publication5 4Analysis6 4.1Act 16 4.2Act 27 4.3Act 38 5Conclusion10 6Bibliography12 6.1Primary Literature12 6.2Secondary Literature12 6.3Webliography12 Introduction Needless to say, Our Town is one of the most popular plays by Thornton Wilderand not for nothing has it won the Pulitzer Prize in 1938. The most significant aspect in Our Town is the representation of the everyday life. Not only does the play explores American values of religion or ... Show more content on ... He began to study law, but he abandoned his studies only two years later. After serving in the United States Coast Guard during World War I, he attended Oberlin College before earning his B.A. at Yale University in 1920, where he refined his writing skills as a member of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, a literary society. He earned his M.A. in French from Princeton University in 1926. [Online 4] After his studies, he began teaching at the University of Chicago, but he never stopped writing. During this time his first novels and plays were published, for example, Our Town . This play is considered to be one of this most famous plays, and it also won the Pulitzer Prize in 1938, the year when the play was published. Thornton Wilder died on December 7, in 1975 in Hamden, Connecticut. He was an American icon, and an internationally famous playwright and novelist. To this day, his works are read, performed and appreciated by audiences worldwide. [Online 5] Our Town General Our Town is a so called slice of life story, which means that the reader is able to relate to the story. He feels like he is involved in the play, because of its representation of the daily life and all those little things in life which makes it interesting. Theme Our town has a carpe diem theme. Translated it means seize the day, people should concentrate themselves on the little things in life which are often unappreciated. In some way, the play
  • 55. I m Chevy Chase And You re Not FSEM FINAL PAPER: OPTION 2 Chapter 1: I m Chevy Chase and You re Not A classic American icon, Chevy Chase had an incredible career brimming with accomplishments and tribulations. The time spanning from 1975 to 1985 was a period in which America idolized Chevy, a man who cruised through life with the perfect blend of cynicism, contempt, and charm. Looking back, Chevy is considered one of the most hated comedians in the world, a close runner up to Bill Cosby; however, nobody can deny Chevy s influence in comedy in film, the development of SNL, or even the younger generation of comedians who aspired to be like him. Since his start as an overnight star on SNL, throughout his movie star days, and as a sitcom cast member, Chevy has repeatedly made headlines; he has ...insulted and assaulted co workers, spouted racist, misogynistic, and homophobic views, and been described, even by those who tolerate him, as a delusional egomaniac. (The Telegraph, Bernstein) Regardless of the things he said and did on his rise to stardom, Chevy was named, The funniest man in America by New York magazine in 1975. Today, Chevy is best known for hosting the segment the Weekend Update on the premiere season of SNL as well as his starring role in the famous films National Lampoon s Family Vacation, Fletch, and Caddyshack, though he is also known for hosting the oscars in 1987, the late night Chevy Chase show, a notoriously bad late night broadcast, and appearing on the show
  • 56. Prion Disease Despite some speculation of scientific findings in regards to prion conversion, research continues. The prion disease, unlike other infectious diseases such as viruses or bacteria, cannot be diagnosed using PCR, cell culture assays, or serology attributable to lack of nucleic acids, which are not recognized by normal host immune responses. Also, owing to uneven distribution throughout the body, finding a tool that can be used on the central nervous system may be easier said than done (25). The diagnostic testing techniques vary according to the type of priondisease; progress in the detection of CJD has been realized through detection of cerebrospinal fluid and proteins, EEG, and other neuroimaging strategies. Positive results using histopathology... Show more content on ... In PrP found throughout the body, digestion and recycling does occur regularly with the aid of the alpha helices. The protein s formation is problematic because it allows for PrPSc resistance to proteases and amyloidogenicity including proteinase K (PK) digestion. Yet, using immunoblotting the detection of proteinase K (PK) resistant PrPSc in infected brains are seen as distinct bands spanning 27 30 kDa (PrP 27 30). Interestingly enough, the portion that remains insoluble and undigested is part of the C terminal portion of PrPSc or PrPres, which is cleaved around amino acid 90. Therefore, trying to find ways around this insoluble portion or trying to determine other techniques that may help break the molecule down, or preventing conversion is key to treatment ideas
  • 57. Pandemic Death Monologue Pandemic Death So It started when I was young about nine years of age and it was early in the year 1350. It started a little like this, there was a knock on the door and I got up to go see who it was. When I opened the door there was a man on his horse. The man asked my parents were home, they were, so I said I could go and get them. Once I had gotten my parents the man asked if they are willing to go on a trip through the sea to Kwillining, London. They said they would, so they put in there few overalls and dirty old jeans into a small waggon that are going to have to hall 46 miles to get to the ship. I have two brothers... Show more content on ... Her mother had just died of plague and Elizabeth needed somewhere to go so, I invited her over. Brett said, We all went inside and ate some soup. Once we were done we told each other a little about what we liked to do for fun. After that we drew things in the dirt. WE were having so much fun together...Until there was a deep voice outside our door. The voice was booming, dark, and scary. They then suddenly I saw the door split in two. A man about twice the height as me then thundered in. The man started rambling on about how everyone is dieing and that the world was going to end. I noticed there were swollen oval shaped things the size of an apple. The man then asked, I ve traveled a long way and i m so tired of seeing dead bodies everywhere I go I was also wondering if I could sit a while here. Just about everyone is dead around here. I told him he could stay a while and I got him some fresh water. The man said he would replace our door and he was very sorry for hacking it down. He got up and was getting ready to leave when he fell to the floor weakly and started coughing up blood. We knew exactly what this meant. He had the