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Economic Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of economics can be a formidable task, requiring a delicate
balance between theoretical understanding and practical application. The complexity of
economic principles, coupled with the ever-evolving nature of the field, can make the process of
composing a coherent and insightful essay quite challenging.
One of the primary difficulties lies in navigating the intricate web of economic theories and
concepts. Whether delving into microeconomics or macroeconomics, the need to comprehend
and articulate intricate ideas often demands a deep understanding of economic models, statistical
methods, and historical context. Moreover, the dynamic nature of the subject requires constant
updates and awareness of current economic events and trends, adding an additional layer of
complexity to the writing process.
Additionally, the synthesis of diverse perspectives and the ability to critically analyze economic
phenomena can pose a significant hurdle. A well-rounded economic essay often requires an
exploration of various schools of thought, perspectives from different economists, and an adept
evaluation of conflicting theories. This not only demands extensive research but also calls for a
nuanced and balanced presentation of ideas.
Furthermore, translating economic jargon into accessible language for a broader audience can be
challenging. Striking a balance between technical accuracy and clarity is essential, as economic
concepts may be inherently complex and require careful explanation to ensure readers, even those
without a strong background in economics, can grasp the main arguments.
In conclusion, writing an essay on economic topics demands a multifaceted skill set, including a
deep understanding of economic theories, analytical prowess, and effective communication
skills. It requires the ability to synthesize complex information, critically evaluate diverse
perspectives, and present cohesive arguments. While challenging, mastering the art of crafting
economic essays can be a rewarding endeavor for those willing to navigate the intricacies of this
dynamic field.
For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services offered at They provide support for a variety of topics, ensuring that your academic
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Economic Essay Economic Essay
The s Concept Of Medicine And Science Essay
Cassell argues that in modern times, doctors find it difficult to disassociate
medicine and science (17). As a result, objective standards in medicine is constantly
compared to science . While the end is the same, the process for both is different, a
difference that must be embraced as they both lead to objective standards. He further
outlines an important difference highlighting that science is based on a belief that its
methods are value free...anything that happens is neither good nor bad are it simple
is. However, in Cassell s concept of medicine, the patient comes first and above all
and therefore doctors do not harm and the good of the patient is unequivocally
established. Science deals with theoretical knowledge and have methods that covers
generalities while medicine relies on medical knowledge which is acquired
constantly in the field as it deals with individuals which unlike scientific methods
offers no universal generalities. The differences in individuals make it more difficult
to have objective standards in medicine, but do not eliminate totally the possibility. It
requires a special competence in physicians, one which comes with experience and
not sheer luck it is a specialtyskill which allows physicians to objectively interpret and
treat patients, respond to patients reactions to treatments, and decide on methods
based on these reactions. Scientific prediction is performative given certain
conditions, such and such will happen without regard and calendar
The Scarcity Of Water Crisis
The water crisis has been known in the world for many years now, but as time goes
on people have not realized the greater effect this has had on the world. Most
people who know about the crisis do not know the regions it affects and frankly
seem to not care unless it affects them directly. The shortages of water have led to
health concerns and money problems in many countries. Both of these factors
correlate because if health problems go up so does the economic issue. India has
been one of the regions hit badly with the recent depletion of water. It has many small
cities that people have never heard about, that suffer much greater than this country as
a whole. The overpopulation in India is not helping solve the scarcity of water and
with... Show more content on ...
Rural cities in India, for example in Chennai, suffer from clean and properly
treated water, although the government may be helping a little. Factual evidence
states, although piped water facility in the rural regions almost doubled in past two
decades, there are still 171 million people in rural regions who use surface water as
the primary source of water (Kuberan 3). Water shortages are a far bigger concern
and if that many people suffer in small city, what about the rest of the country?
Although many rural cities do have water filter systems, the growing population is
not supported by the amount of water and they have to settle to different time zones
to get water. One city may not get water until midnight while another only gets it at 8
am. As stated in a poll, Water supplytiming was the biggest challenge faced by the
majority (94%) of the people (Kuberan 3). The timings of the water can make it
harder to survive because some people may need water during the day but may only
get it at night. The lack of any water in India is a major reason that India, compared
to many countries is suffering the most.
In addition to not getting any water, India suffers from commercialization and
privatization of water companies that are trying to make more of a profit on an
already low income country. Many companies are trying to set water at price to
The Supply Of Adenosine Triphosphate And Creatine...
In Football, the muscles rely on three major systems to supply the energy needs the
ATP/PC, glycolytic, and oxygen (anaerobic) energy systems. The ATP/PC system
is not oxidative it does not utilize oxygen. Rather, this system creates energy
through the utilization of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate
(CP). CP is created in the body and uses muscle strands as a way of storage. It is
broken around chemicals (enzymes) to recover ATP, which is likewise stored in
the muscle strands. Whenever ATP and is thus disintegrated, the outcome is a
small burst of energy that triggers a muscle withdrawal. This is the system used for
short bursts of high intensity work lasting approximately 10 seconds or less. The
glycolytic system uses starches such as carbohydrates as fuel to create ATP for
energy. This is a two stage system where glucose is separated to shape ATP and
pyruvic corrosive or lactic acid. It is the system utilized for moderately brief times
of high intensity work enduring just a couple of minutes. Following a couple of
minutes of work, the amassing of lactic acid will achieve a point where physical
torment and exhaustion will start to prevent good performance. This is alluded to as
the lactate threshold. The aerobic oxidative system uses sugars, fats and proteins to
produce ATP for energy. This is a three phase system comprised of many steps in
preparation of the Aceytl CoA, the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain. The
Krebs cycle and electron
The Romantic Hero in Pechorin, Onegin, and the Demon
The Romantic Hero in Pechorin, Onegin, and the Demon
Through examining the works of Lermontov, A Hero of Our Time, and The Demon,
as well as Pushkin s Eugene Onegin, we can see the similarities between Pechorin, the
Demon, and Onegin and how each character embodies the qualities of the romantic
hero. A romantic hero is a very contradicting character. For example, in the History of
Russian Literature by Charles A. Moser, he describes the romantic hero as having the
anguish of emptiness; the trembling anxieties of a shallow self love as well as
genuine power and courage; noble aspirations along with ignorance and poor
upbringing (137). All of the traits stated above are very conflicting. Pechorin, Onegin
and the Demon, being the ... Show more content on ...
Pechorin, being the tactless character he is, treats women as an incentive for
endless conquests and does not consider them worthy of any particular respect. He
considers women, such as Princess Mary, to be little more than a romantic game
and they have no meaning to him. This is shown in his comment on Princess
Mary: I often wonder why I m trying so hard to win the love of a girl I have no desire
to seduce and whom I d never marry (Lermontov, 126). This quote is a perfect
example of how Pechorin can be extremely self serving and disregard the feelings of
others. It also exemplifies his inability to return to the strong feelings of love.
Toward the end of the novel we explore Pechorin s final adventures that lead to his
downfall and isolation from society, resulting in his death. It is in his final
adventures that we see Pechorin take a turn for the worse as he says, And perhaps
tomorrow I ll why bother to live (Lermontov 157). In this passage it
becomes clear as day that Pechorin has fallen into a deep depression. The constant
change in personality and character is the exact reason that explains how Pechorin is
a perfect example of the literary romantic hero.
Pechorin describes his own personality as self destructive, and he came to the
realization that he doesn t understand his purpose as he constantly questions why he
is involved in many situations throughout the novel. His boredom with life, and
feeling of emptiness, gives him
The Pryor Mountain Mountains
Montana might not be the most populated area, but it is one of the prettiest states in
America. My family lives just outside of a small township named Bridger. It is
located in central southern Montana, just above the stunning Pryor Mountain Range.
Bridger has a population of around 1,000 people. It is surrounded by small foothills
and mountains. Montana is known for great skiing, it s eyeful scenery, and there is
an opportunity for adventure around every corner. One thing that is great about
Montana is it s looming mountains. The Pryor Mountain Range consists of one
magnificent peak surrounded by meager foothills. When you are in the mountains,
you feel free. There is no one to hold you back from anything. You can be you when
you are there. There are many entertaining things to ... Show more content on ...
The park consists of sizable peaks on both sides of a rooted valley. Glacier is home to
over 700 miles of hiking trails. The park is home to many animals; from mountain
goats to grizzly bears. The valley is split by a river that feeds one of the clearest lakes
in the world, it is called Flathead Lake. The lake s water level changes so drastically
that a hiking trail is fully submerged at some point. People visit Glacier National
Park for the great
Phantom Limbs Essay
Phantom Limbs
Phantom Limb Pain (PLP) is a serious condition that occurs when a person who has
lost a part of their body though amputation, trauma (brachial plexus), or loss of
nervous connections in an appendage, perceives that the limb is still there and
experiences sensations coming from this area. It was first described in 1866 by S.
Weir Mitchell, an American neurologist, through a short story published in Atlantic
Monthly. While Mitchell may then have wondered if this was specific to wounded
Civil War soldiers, it has since been established as quite common (1). Over 70% of
amputees report phantom limb pain for years after amputation (2). Several theories
have been proposed regarding PLP, although there is still much to be... Show more
content on ...
Data indicated that PLP is related to, and may be a consequence of, plastic changes in
the primary somatosensory cortex, and that the shift of the cortical map following
amputation might be a potential neurophysiological basis of PLP (6).
Further studies in 1998 investigating the re mapping component in the brain were
conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto and The Toronto Hospital. The
study recruited amputees who experienced phantom pain for surgery to map the
sensory areas in the brain. During the mapping process, the conscious patients
reported sensations they felt when certain areas of the thalamus were stimulated.
Patients reported phantom sensations when areas of the thalamus were stimulated
that formally were innervated by neurons from the missing arm, and also when areas
on the stump were stimulated that activated these reorganized regions in the brain.
Neurons were shown to continue to carry out their original roles, but with different
sources of activation (7).
While persuasive, the aforementioned experimental conclusions are well critiqued by
Ronald Melzack who argues against looking to the somatosensory cortex or thalamus
as the only cause of phantom pain in his April 1992 Scientific American article. He
states: Such changes in the somatosensory thalamus or cortex could explain why
certain feelings arise in limbs that no longer exist or can no longer
Melanie Martinez Thesis
MELANIE MARTINEZ Finding someone to look up to is hard. They do
something to make you mad or they just seem to fade away as someone else comes
along. I have seemed to find mine only five months ago. Her name is Melanie
Martinez, artist, singer and songwriter. The reason why I have picked her, is
because she unorthodox, insane and outgoing. After reading you will see my
reasons more than sane. Being Melanie Martinez requires you to be out of the
ordinary, she is any but normal. Her facial expressions and personality bring a new
vibe. Her hair is a mix but, never one color. She turns old songs and turns them to a
new version. She s creative and impossibly unpredictable. I would like say that I am
sane. Normal would be anything but, Melanie.
The Benefits Of Burger King
Place Time
Burger King can set their branch store beside the highway or beside the petrol
station, when the drivers are tired and hungry on their journey to their destination,
they can rest and order the food at the Burger King. Burger King also can open their
store in the city and there is no any fast food restaurant nearby. The Burger Kingcan
implement the plan 24 hours. This plan can make more people come to Burger King
Store consume at the midnight when those people working until midnight. Other than
that, Burger King can set the time for discount their product, like 6am to 10am, is
breakfast time, all the breakfast style menu will free the coffee with the breakfast set
meal. At the 12pm to 3pm is the lunch time, at the lunch time, Burger King will
provide the dessert, 6pm to 9pm is dinner time, at the dinner time, Burger King will
provide discount for the dinner set meal, we also can set the midnight time to
provide the set meal for the people working until midnight. Nowadays teenagers and
children like the fast food more than the family restaurant. Therefore, Burger King
also can open the branch store at the school, college or ... Show more content on ...
Burger King must teach the staff before go inside the kitchen must ensure that there
are to wash their hand and body clean and tidy. The machine of Burger King in the
kitchen must do the check every month to ensure the smooth operation of the
machine. The drive thru system of burger king can be upgraded to the touch screen
system to convenient people easy order the food in the car. Other than that, Burger
King can set two counter at the drive thru line, after customer order food from the
machine, they can drive to first counter to paid the fee, after paid, they can drive to
second counter to take their food and leave, this action can save more time for the
A Business Called Not Your Average Ice Cream Shop
Our five group members are starting up a business called, Not Your Average Ice
Cream Shop. This is a place where you get in line to experience mouth watering,
tasty ice cream alcoholic drinks. There will be a variety of products to choose
from such as: various UV brand options to mix with vanilla ice cream, Best Damn
Root Beer mixed with vanilla ice cream, and Bacardi Limon with strawberry ice
cream. With these options you can get a variety of tastes with our multiple UV
options, enjoy an alcoholic root beer float, or quench your thirst with the great
taste of a strawberry lemon combo. These three drinks are going to be our
specialties. Along with the three drinks we will be known for, we will give you
the option to mix your own malt. This is a way for you to mix and match any ice
cream flavor and alcohol combo we have available to you. Aside from alcoholic
beverages, we will offer non alcoholic malts so you can quench your sweet tooth
without getting slightly intoxicated. We will also be a normal bar just in case you
would rather have the usual mixers and beers. Not Your Average Ice Cream Shop
will have a wet bar, otherwise known as a swim up bar, and a dry bar inside. There
will be rules regarding how many drinks and shakes will be available to each
customer to avoid potential accidents. Lastly, we will also have volleyball courts
outside, where we will host league nights for fellow athletes. Our main competitors
will be any bars in the area and hotel bars. Also,
There Was Highly Statistical Significant Difference Between
There was highly statistical significant difference between cirrhotic variceal group
and cirrhotic non variceal group regarding serum albumin, Prothrombin time(PT), and
platelet count.(table2)
There was highly statistical significant difference between cirrhotic variceal group
and cirrhotic non variceal group regarding child score, platelet count spleen diameter,
Portal vein diameter (PVD) and spleen diameter (table 2)
There was highly statistical significant difference between cirrhotic variceal group
and cirrhotic non variceal group regarding to presence of ( spider naevi, ascites,
encephalopathy, jaundice and ... Show more content on ...
,platelet count at cutoff less than 74000 mm3 is significant in prediction of variceal
bleeding risk with sensitivity 82.5% and specificity 55%. and platelet count/spleen
diameter ratio (PC/SD) at cutoff 851.6 is significant in prediction of variceal
bleeding risk with sensitivity 45% and specificity 90%.(table 5)
Table (1) : Comparison between variceal Patients (group[A] cirrhotic patient with
history of variceal bleeding , group[B] cirrhotic patient with esophageal varices but no
history of
Mobile Device Management And Network Security
Bradford Networks and Airwatch Provide Secure BYOD at University of California,
Irvine Medical Center
Mobile Device Management and Network Security Automation let physicians and
students safely interact with hospital systems using their personal devices.
A world class academic medical center with a full range of acute and general care
services, UC Irvine
Medical Center is at the forefront of medical education and research and prides itself
on delivering the highest quality patient care.
At UC Irvine Medical Center, mobile devices such as iPhones and iPads are a way
of life for doctors, professors, medical students and staff. When Allscripts, which
supplies the Medical Center s electronic medical record (EMR) system, announced it
was developing a mobile app, We knew our doctors and medical personnel would
be clamoring to use this application, explains Adam Gold, Director of Emerging
Technologies at UC Irvine Medical Center. The time had come when we needed a
BYOD strategy that would enable our staff to securely use their own devices at the
medical center.
Several challenges would need to be overcome along the way. The most pressing
concern was protecting HIPAA compliant data. Adam recognized that securityhad to
start at the endpoint so only approved, secure devices with safe would be allowed on
the network.
The Challenge
Physicians, instructors, students and hospital staff interact with the EMR system in
many different ways, and these varied access levels had to be
Grunge Music History
The History Success of Grunge Music: From a young age we are thought to do
what we love, as it will make everything you do easier. While contemplating the
topic for this paper I remembered that old wise advice that we are always thought.
What do I love? Grunge music. It was a no brainer and after listening to various
bands from the grungemusic era it was a no brainer. So, now that we have the topic
laid out, what exactly is grunge? Grunge music, which is a sub genre of alternative
rock and punk rock is music which is known for heavily distorted guitars and loud
angry vocalists. Some of the most famous grunge bands include: Nirvana, Alice in
Chains, Soundgarden, and Pearl Jam just to name a few. So, what exactly makes
grunge, grunge? What... Show more content on ...
These six artists were: Green River, Soundgarden, Melvins, Malfunkshun, Skin
Yard, and The U Men and for the most of them it was their first record appearance.
All of the songs featured on this album had an aggressive, angry sound than at
could not be categorized into a sub genre. Later that year (1986) the band Green
River released the Dry as A Bone EP and in a pop magazine a musical critic
described the music as ultra loose GRUNGE that destroyed the morals of a
generation , this is when the term grunge was officially coined and stuck. It was
only a few years after the release of the EP Deep Six that grunge started to become
mainstream. This was sparked by the first signing of a grunge band to a major
record label with the band Soundgarden and A M Records. It was three years after
Soundgarden s huge signing that the music industry was changed forever. Soon after
the Soundgarden signed, so did Nirvana and within a year or two, the music industry
would be changed forever. It was Nirvanas first major release, the Nevermind album
and as one of my favorite albums of all time it completely shook the grounded
underneath current day music. The success of Nevermind was mostly due the
frequent play of the albums most famous song titles Smells
Sarah Please Read Analysis
Sarah please read (Luke 1: 68 71)
The word redeem means to buy back, to re purchase Christ became our buyer
through the payment of his own like Sarah said We was redeemed through the
precious blood of Christ. Now when you buy something it s yours to do with as
you please, especially when you are the Lord King and Redeemer of the whole
universe, but the redeemed, product must be on one accord of one mind with the
redeemer. If not, someone else will attempt to claim usage of the purchase they did
not pay for and therefore do not rightfully own. Jo Ann please read (Ps. 10: 17 18)
Sarah said.
So, that man of the earth may oppress no more. Jo Ann read.
I need one more reader to read the two verses (Deut 15: 6 and 7: 6) Sarah said, ...
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What you see, write, what do you see Young Sabbath Keepers when you study
about 666 seat? Write what you see? Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, say it in
writing! Say it in a written proclamation; say it in a lawful and legal demonstration,
on paper. Street demonstrations had its day and vial end, but it is written Your word
is forever settled in heaven. Jesus claimed what was written, it is written, it is
written, and it is written! That s what his enemy heard him say! He claimed what
was written; now it s your season to reclaim in written form what formal generation
forfeits through willful blind ignorance. I will show you the format, the written
proclamation must adhere to now let s talk about the question of who. Sir John
please read (Revelation12: 11)
And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony,
and they did not love their lives to the death. Sir John
The Basic Tools Of Sociology And Sociology
In this piece, Weber outlines the basic tools of sociology and distinguishes
sociology as a social science. Weber s main message in this piece is that that social
sciences should be equivalent to natural sciences, and in order to do so, laws should
be made within the field. Secondly, he wanted to bring history and sociology
together with causal relationships, in doing so he would also analyze the individual s
social action. He mentions that action is only social when it is oriented to the
behaviour of others.
Action in the sense of a subjectively understandable orientation of behaviour exists
only as the behaviour of one or more individual human beings (pg. 284).
This is Weber s ninth mythological foundation. In this quote, Weber argues that
studying the individual, as a complex bio chemical reaction/collection of cells is
interesting, but does not lead to subjective understandings. Rather, action relates to
how an actor attaches subjective meaning to his/her behavior and it is social to the
extent that its subjective meaning takes account of the behavior of others.
Weber then goes on to describe the three important relations for the subjective
interpretation of action
1.Thinking on simpler levels will not lead to subjective understandings.
2.Social collectivities must be treated as modes of organization resulting from actions
of individuals.
3.Weber leads away from the organic school of sociology. Organic sociology focuses
on the
Homegoing Monologue
Home is a four letter word reserved for a special place in our hearts for the
memories that are invoked as you look back through time. These warm memories
when desperately lonely is where the term home sick drieves from. Although, not all
homes bring warm, fuzzy feelings. The book Homegoing clearly drives this point
across. I will be discussing the homelife of Kojo and H who belong to Esi s
bloodline. First, you must understand how Kojo and H came into this world.
Homegoing, revolves around two women, Esi and Effia, half sisters who never
shared a home, nor even knew the other existed. You are not your mother s first
daughter. There was one before you. And in my village we have a saying about
separated sisters. They are like... Show more content on ...
He also smelled cooking. There at the stove stood Ethe. Despite her anger years
earlier, she told him, You have to understand, H. The day you called me that
woman s name, I thought, Ain t I been through enough? Ain t just about everything
I ever had been taken away from me? My freedom. My family. My body. And now I
can t even own my name? My mama gave me that name herself. I spent six good
years with her before they sold me out to Louisiana to work them sugarcanes. All I
had of her then was my name. That was all I had of myself too. And you wouldn t
even give me that. P
Sex Yeah Paraphrase
My next song for analysis is, Sex, Yeah by Marina Diamandis. The song begins
immediately by mocking modern day pop culture. Just about every song you hear
on pop radio is about sex. Marina repeats the word sex to lead the listener into
thinking it s another overly sexualized, shallow pop song. This first line, however,
is pure satire and takes a direct jab at the shallow tendencies of today s music. With
the use of a skeptical and condescending tone through her lyrics, Sex Yeah evokes a
feeling of doubt in the listener. This Song is thoroughly denotative as Diamandis
directly addresses the issue and makes her message clear with phrases such as If
women were religiously recognized sexually, we wouldn t have to feel the need to
show our... Show more content on ...
The chorus of the song is If sex in our society, didn t tell a girl who she would be.
Through these lyrics, Diamandis relates the song to the study of gender role attitudes
and behaviors in the United States. In American society, more commonly in
decades past, women were seen as sex symbols, solely to appeal to a man s desire.
Marina expresses her belief that this sexualization is problematic and pervasive
when she sings: tired image of a star, acting naughtier than we really are . Many
times, actresses and models are presented in a way that is very provocative and
dehumanizing, especially in advertising. Most of the time, these sexual
representations of women displayed in advertisements are of no actual relevance to
the message trying to be conveyed or the product being sold. In the later verses of
the song, Diamandis talks about the other gender, and shifts the focus from women
to men , by singing the line if sex in a society, didn t tell a guy who he should be.
Many times people believe that gender stereotypes only apply to women, but that s
not the case; males are faced with the pressure of having to be unemotional, manly,
independent, assertive and leaders in
Alternative Press In Vietnam War
t first my paper was going to be around what happen to the Vietnam people after the
Vietnam war and their struggles to migrate to other countries. This seemed to be a
very interesting topic to cover to know where are they now and how they feel about
the war. Located a woman in her late 40s from Vietnam, her family has migrated to
American when she was just 5 years old. This topic seemed to be very sensitive for
her to talk about, I brought to much pain to talk about her parents that didn t survive
the Vietnam war. After this failed attempt to interview a Vietnamese migrant, I
wondered how the press was reporting out to the world of what was really happening
in Vietnam.
I have decided to do my paper on the Alternative press in Vietnam.... Show more
content on ...
I just do not agree with the government hiding facts to help get what they want. In
today s age more then 30 years from the Vietnam War, our local and national
leaders still employ the tactics to keep the public in the dark in order to achieve
their agendas. Bush jr told the American public that Iraq had weapons of mass
destruction however no such weapons were ever found. This conflict stretch over
several years and while it did dismantle the Iraqi government, we were still over
there for reasons not disclosed to the general public. This year alone we have
dropped bombs on areas and were told whatever the government wanted us to hear.
The fact is, we have no idea what happened in the nights were we riddled cities
with bombs. The media came back and said there were minimal civilian casualties,
but what defines minimal ? One innocent life is one too many in my opinion, I just
feel as though if there is a chance of families being casualties, we as a country should
have a say on our
Market Revolution And Westward Expansion
By the 1830s and 1840s, the market revolution and westward expansion had
profoundly affected all Americans lives, reinforcing older ideas of freedom and
creating new ones. American freedom had long been linked with available land in the
West. In this period was coined the phrase manifest destiny, referring to the divine
mission of the United Statesto occupy all of North America and extend freedom,
despite any costs to peoples and nations already there. But an old idea connecting
freedom and a divine mission to move west and settle land had its origins in colonial
In national myth and ideology, the West would long remain a sanctuary for the free
American. To many, the settlement and exploitation of the West offered America a
chance ... Show more content on ...
Opportunities for personal growth presented a new definition of Jefferson s pursuit of
happiness that well fitted a new America in which westward expansion and market
relations shattered old spatial and social boundaries. A group of New England
intellectuals, called transcendentalists, reflected this national mood in their writings
and activities. Together they insisted that individual judgment should take precedence
over existing social traditions and institutions. Ralph Waldo Emerson defined
freedom as an open ended process of self realization, in which individuals could
remake themselves and their own lives. Henry David Thoreau called for individuals
to rely on themselves.
In this era, the term individualism was first used. Unlike in the colonial period, many
Americans now believed individuals should pursue their own self interest, no matter
what the cost to the public good, and that they should and could depend only on
themselves. Americans more and more saw the realm of the private self as one in
which other individuals and government should not
Our Day at the Fair was a Red Balloon Essay
In the desert stood a small and polite town. The low slung houses nestled in beside
each other burned a crisp white in the noon sun.
The stripes were not so visible on the back of his neck as across his little bare arms.
The sun was still high but the shadows were casting further by the hour.
His clothes, covered in torn holes revealing a constellation of scabby scars mixed
with brown and purple markings.
The boy in the pram held on to the balloon s ribbon so tightly with his chubby little
fist that the skin around his knuckles began to pale and blotch. His eyes remained
fixed on the balloon above him as his eldest brother pushed him through the maze of
deserted streets. The sun was high but the narrow rows of flat topped houses three or
... Show more content on ...
Eventually they came to where the desert drifted into the little town. The boy s
brother pulled the pram up the shallow incline at the foot of the dune and up into the
desert. He pushed the pram just far enough so that they could look back over the town.
The sun was still high but soon it will begin to dip behind the dune the boy s brother
The boy never took his eyes of the balloon for the whole journey. He was waiting for
a repetition of a moment that he had noticed by chance soon after they left the fair.
They had been wandering the fair in search of money. Any coins dropped on the
ground by the children from the rides that tipped their pockets, or, by the clumsy
adults flicking through their wallets in line at the snack venders. The boy and his
brother milled about close to people keeping an eye out for any loose looking kids
or pestered adult bent to blindness by the heat and their yapping children.
Near to the rolling Ferris wheel a kind woman surrounded by squabbling children let
her hand down toward the battered boy and sent forward a ribbon and the boy took
it in his hand and felt it tighten as the balloon lifted up above him and stayed there
The boy s brother had spotted a pram hidden under the shade of an olive tree in the
town square where the fair was held every year. It was away from the main
attractions enough for him to brave an inspection. He checked that no one was
watching and then
The Future Of Retail Banking And The Increased
This Research will examine the future of retail banking and the increased popularity
of electronic banking among adults in the United States. This research utilizes data
from and, ABA and The data set
examined is over a twelve year period with data at three year intervals.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is any relationship between
age and income as it relates to the use of internet banking. The use of scatter plots,
correlation calculations and regression analysis will be used to determine the result.
(Will be shown in Excel spreadsheets)
Literature Review
The transformation of retail banking began between 1980 and 2000 with the use of
digital technology to make ... Show more content on ...
The development of mobile banking, sales of products either done online or
influenced by online marketing are expected in the medium term to grow to represent
60% of total sales (
Traditional banks offer many different services to their customers. These services
include accepting customer money deposits, making loans to individuals and
companies and providing servicing to the various loans and accounts offered. When
compared with traditional channels of offering banking services through physical
branches, electronic banking (e banking) uses the Internet to deliver traditional
banking services to their customers, such as opening accounts, transferring funds, and
electronic bill payment (Fan, M. 2002).
E banking can be offered in two main ways. An existing bank with physical offices
can also establish an online site and offer e banking services to its customers in
addition to the regular channels. Citibank is one of the leaders in e banking, offering
walk in, face to face banking at its branches throughout many parts of the world as
well as electronic banking services through the World Wide Web. Citibank customers
can access their accounts through the Internet, in addition to other e banking services
such as account balance inquiry, funds transfer, and electronic bill payment, Citibank
also provides premium services including financial calculators, online stock quotes,
brokerage services, and insurance through
Moral Hero In Ramayana
In the Ramayana, Rama has been glorified as an ideal person and hero as he
consistently represents ethical ideals throughout the text. He stands as the main
character in this story that displays great qualities such as devotion, bravery, and
honor from beginning to the end of the epic itself. One would agree that he holds the
highest form of Dharma and is seen as a flawless man everyone can learn a thing or
two from.
He always had caring and concern words for the people in the city. Every evening
after he and his brothers return from the outskirts to the palace on foot after their
philosophy class, the citizens would always crowd the highway to catch a glimpse of
them. Without fail, Rama always had a word for everyone in the crowd, inquiring,
How are you? Are your children happy? Do you want any help from me?
(Prologue). This shows that Rama has always put the citizens concern in mind while
he could always have ignored them and return to the palace to reside in his chambers.
Also as ... Show more content on ...
He finally found the trio in the forest where they had lived a holy life filled with
prayer and fasting, and begged Rama to return to Ayodhya as it was in need of a
king due to their father s unfortunate passing. If not for Rama s ability to see things
beyond ordinary human, Lakshmana would have thought that Bharatha was here
to kill them to secure the throne and he would have single handedly killed
Bharatha and his army first. Both Rama and Bharatha engaged in a highly
educated a philosophical argument about who should rule the kingdom. As Rama
already promised to Kaikeyi, he refused to return to the kingdom until 14 years
was because he wanted to ensure his instructions given to him as well as he could.
Any parents would be proud to have Rama as their son and his ways of living would
definitely be approved by Confucius as he has fulfilled the Five Great Relationships
enforced by
Building Positive Student Teacher Relationships
Teachers are expected to create meaningful and engaging instruction aligned with the
Common Core State Standards, while also creating a classroom management plan
that enhances student achievement. Jones and Jones (2013) quote Woolfolk and
Weinstein (2006) in their book, Comprehensive Classroom Management, stating that
What students want are teachers who establish caring relationships, set limits and
create a safe environment ... and make learningfun (2013, p. 59). I strive to achieve
this in my classroom each day as I greet students at the door, shaking their hand and
making small talk with them, establish fair and consistent rules and procedures, and
by building positive student teacher relationships while making learning fun through
the use of hands on activities, role playing, and creative constructions. The first step
in classroom management is to create an environment where students feel cared for
and valued. To do accomplish this, teachers need to build positive student teacher
relationships. Marazano (2003) reports in his book, Classroom Management That
Works, which is cited in the Jones and Jones (2013) book, that Positive teacher
student relationships were the foundation of effective classroom management (p.56).
I am committed to creating a safe learning environment that is organized, structured
and conducive to student learning. While influencing a classroom of community
learners, I strive to also build positive teacher student relationship with all of my
Richard Milhous Nixon Rhetorical Analysis
Brandon Wagner Professor C. English 124 4 March 2016 Checkers ` Richard
Milhous Nixon was the 37th President of the United States serving from 1969 to
1974, and who also, became the first and only U.S. president to resign from office.
In 1952 Nixon previously was elected as vice president to the former Republican
President Dwight D. Eisenhower despite his prior agreement to support Earl Warren,
former governor of California. As Warren supporters were outraged from his failed
attempt to gain the nomination, supporters now questioned Nixon s public integrity.
This event was just a stepping stone to a following incident that would jeopardize his
whole political career. One resentful supporter located in Pasadena California,
accused him... Show more content on ...
This new use of technology in somewhat way gave him the advantage of support
across the nation. The set was simple: Nixon sat behind a desk, his hands loosely
clasped over his notes, and Pat Nixon was several feet away in a chair that seemed
too large for her. The most obvious appeal that Nixon was trying to make to the
people was an appeal to the audience s pathos, and the use of the rhetoric tool called
the straw man technique which he really drove home through his use of his dog
Checkers. After being attacked for receiving and accepting gifts along the
campaign trail from his supporters and corporations he admits to accepting one
gift, a little cocker spaniel that his six year old daughter named Checkers, as guilty
as he would have admitted to accepting millions of dollars. By apposing the
thought that he was taking money and other dubious gifts with the gift of an
adorable new puppy that a man down in Texas sent for his children, Nixon creates
the sense that he has been victimized for accepting a kind gesture. He is distracting
the audience s attention to believe that the only gift he is being accused of taking
is this dog, and he is asking them to judge if that is wrong in their own minds.
Nixon built a straw man, the real issue at stake is the fund, not a cocker spaniel. He
is also appealing to the familiar feeling of any parent who have ever had kids who
want a dog by stating the kids, like all kids, love the dog to prove that he really is
just a family man who is just like them. Finally he ends his portion on Checkers by
comically suggesting that no matter what people say he s going to keep the dog
which creates the sense that that was the extent of his crime and to prove that he
didn t do anything wrong. It also serves as a jab to those accusing him of illegal
activities and an assurance to
Holden Caulfield Loss Of Innocence Analysis
The author J.D. Salinger was able to represent the theme: the loss of childhood
innocence, by describing the internal as well as the external characteristics of the
main protagonist Holden Caulfield. Holden is portrayed as innocent due to his lousy
vocabulary and also his childish mannerisms. His constant use of the term boy is
ironic when Holden himself is a boy at heart. While internally Holden Caulfieldmay
appear to be naive; this representation contrasts with his external appearance. Holden
is struggling internally to be himself and is clinging on to his innocence, at a time
where his body is continuing to become more mature and transitioning out of
adolescence. The reader is able to note his struggle because of Holden Caulfield s...
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In this excerpt Salinger was able to highlight the loss of innocence as Holden
Caulfield struggled with the realization that his roommate Stradlater may have
taken away the innocence of his long term childhood friend, Jean Gallagher.
Holden is in a mindset believing that he can remain innocent indefinitely as well as
allow his childhood friends, if they continue to be behave similarly to children. He
is unwilling to accept the fact that he must one day reach adulthood which
contradicts from Stradlater s ideology. Stradlater is more than willing to advance
into adulthood and uses women as tools to gain experience; in hopes of reaching it
sooner. This is supported by Holden s comments to Stradlater I told him he thought
he could give the time to anybody he felt like. I told him he didn t even care if a
girl kept all her kings in the back row or not, (....) You don t even know if her first
name is Jane or Jean, ya goddam moron! , showing that Stradlater valued a woman
s body rather than her name or ethics and values. Holden believed that Jean was a
girl that kept all her kings in the back row meaning that she preferred the security of
playing safe. Thus, Holden is shocked and even nervous by the possibilities that
could have occurred within Ed Banky s car making him hostile to Stradlater. He is
unwilling to comprehend that Jane Gallagher, the girl who always played it safe, may
have transitioned into
Julius Caesar Character Analysis
Being a leader is not only a commitment to someone s self, but also a commitment to
their people. It demonstrates courage, accountability, and reliance. In Julius Caesar, a
play written by Shakespeare, there is one character that portrays a perfect leader, but
should be thought of more like a mirage. For this, it is necessary to take the greatest
manipulator from the play, Antony. He does not only demonstrate brilliance when
conniving his way through the crowd, but he truly was a great protector of the fallen
Julius Caesar. Although Antony may be a dangerous leader, he demonstrates great
rhetoric when trying to persuade a large group of people. Even the citizens who
were once against him, call him a great leader, and bow down to his every will.
Antony does accomplish some tasks by being malicious, simply taking advantage of
the fact that the people of Rome are slightly submissive. Though, despite his attempts
at being genuine, Antony still prevails as the great manipulator he always has been.
After Caesar is murdered Marc Antony transforms into a deceitful character. Marc
Antony has dark leadership traits that evidently would destroy him in the long run
if he were to rule. He restrains himself from having empathy for others because he s
so focused on one thing. Antony hungers for revenge, which is dangerous for
Rome because he will become very narrow minded when angry. This includes
Marc Antony deceiving the citizens, though it was for the greater good, it feels as
though he would do so in any situation he feels necessary. The first time Antony s
true colors show is after Caesar s death when Antony is discussing the act with the
conspirators. Antony tells the conspirators that although he is mournful of his dear
friend s death, if they believe that killing Caesar was necessary then he agrees.
However, once the conspirators leave, Antony says to Caesar s body that he will
seek his revenge. This may have been the best thing, but he sure convinced the
conspirators that he was on their side, along with the people of Rome. When Marc
Antony carried out his plan it showed that he will deceive others to appeal to the
people, an attribute that is frowned upon (III. iii. 147 275). The second time, Marc
Charles Darwin and Galapagos
Charles Darwin arrived at the Galapagos in 1835 ready to record everything he
saw. Herman Melville got there in 1841 with different goals. They were both young
men when they took this journey to raid the islands: Darwin raided in the name of
science and Melville for food (Howarth, 99). After their respective journeys, Darwin
and Melville wrote two different books describing the same islands. The respective
books made the headlines after they were written. This paper will compare Charles
Darwins The Voyage of The Beagle and Herman Miller s The Encantadas in an
attempt to show how their writing of the biological factors in the Galapagos was
skewed by the time they wrote, their mood when writing and their motive to be on the
Darwin was on the Beagle to gather specimens and spy on the Spanish colonial
defenses. To keep a detailed record everything he saw, Darwin sent immediate
reports in letters during the trip. When he got back to England, Darwin started
diligently producing volumes of the zoological and geological phenomena he found
in during the voyage (Howarth, 101). One of the species he records is the finch. He
noticed how the different finch species had evolved to meet the nutrition available
in their habitat. His detailed letters gave him access to the information he needed to
describe the organisms he had seen when he began to write his book. He was on the
island to collect specimen and so his writing explained in great detail the specimens
he had found and
Empowering Women Case Study
Government had taken several initiatives for empowering women by establishing
different policies and schemes under the leadership of the prime minister of our
country Mr. Modi . An annual budget of Rs. 22095 crore was allocated to WCD
Ministry in 2017 2018. Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) was formed by the
government of India in 1993, under WCD. There are enormous number of different
schemes and policies running by the government for the betterment of women
section in the society. Few policies and schemes were as follows : 1.Support to
Training and Employment Program for Women (STEP) For women who are in the
age group of 16 or above Focusing on providing skills that give employability to
women to become... Show more content on ...
Shishu (Rs 50,000) loan facility, acts as one of the major step behind the
formation of women entrepreneurs. As for a small level startup s, it requires
investment and especially for women this scheme makes it easier for them to
invest and contributes to nation s development. 4.RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL
Expansion of the scheme to support working mothers, under Modi s government
23,293 functional crГЁches in different regions of India. Eligibility criteria
students should belongs to the age group of 6 months to 6 years mother should
employed for at least 15 days in a month or 6 months in a year. Supporting the
children of working women which enables women to contribute to the nation s
development and empower parents for better childcare. 5.MAHILA E HAAT
(http://mahilaehaat Launched on 7th March 2016 An online
marketing platform for women, to trade there self made products across India by
selling the products to different buyers of the country. Encourages women to built
more SHG groups, in order to earn money and to get recognition in the society.
Works as per the instructions and guidelines given by the WCD and RMK. 6.BETI
BACHAO BETI PADHAO SCHEME (BBBP) Launched on 22nd January, 2015 at
Panipat, Haryana Covers 100 districts, lower in Child Sex ratio (CSR) To save girl
child and to stop
Eastern Screech Owl Research Paper
General Information
Physical Description
Eastern Screech Owls are short birds with a sturdy build. They have rounded
wings with an average wingspan of 48 61 cm. Their typical length are from 16 25
cm, the females are slightly larger. The average mass of this species is 164 grams,
but females can weigh up to 195 grams. The owl has almost no neck and a small,
square shaped tail. One of the most distinctive features of an Eastern Screech Owl
are their ear tufts as seen in Figure 1 which are prominent went raised up, but when
down it reveals a sort of small round headed look. As a juvenile the young owls don t
have fully developed ear tufts. Eastern Screech Owls are either gray or reddish (as
seen in Figure 1) with dark streaks ... Show more content on ...
Specifically the Strigidae family have specialized feather structures, most are
nocturnal, and most are considered as predators and are very skilled hunters. These
owls have feathered legs and are colored to camouflage themselves during the day
when they are resting. The Eastern Screech Owl fits into this family, because it has
the color of most trees, nocturnal, feathered legs, and have a special feathered
Genus Megascops Kaup, 1848 Screech owls are in this Genus, Megascops Kaup.
Sreech Owls tend to live only in the Americas and very rare occasions other places.
The Eastern Screech Owl is placed in this genus, because it is an Owl, lives in the
Americas, and is a screech owl. Also many screech owls are lighter colored.
Species Megascops asio (Linnaeus, 1758) Eastern Screech Owl Megascops Asio is
commonly known as, Eastern Screech Owl. The Eastern Screech Owl is a short bird,
very stock and has rounded wings. Its tail is short and square. The Eastern Screech
Owl has a very recognizing silhouette; it has pointed ear tufts and yellow eyes. It is
colored mostly grey, but can also be mostly reddish brown; both colors give the owl a
very good camouflage with
Dante s Inferno Canto V Analysis Essay
Barbara Leon
Humanities 2
Canto V Analysis
Canto V Analysis
Dante and Virgil have just left limbo, the first circle of hell, and are now on their
way into the second circle of hell, where hell really begins. It is here that Dante first
witnesses the punishment brought upon the sinners. They encounter Minos, the
beast judge who blocks the way into the second circle. He examines each soul as
they pass through and determines which circle of hell they must go to by winding
his tail around himself. Minos warns Dante of passing through but Virgil silences
him. Dante encounters a dark place completely sucked of any light and filled with
noises more horrible than a tempest and sees the souls being whirled around in a ...
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TONE This Canto describes the first real level of hell. The canto is very poetic and
makes use of many similes, metaphors, and adjectives. There is also no shortage of
hyperboles. The canto begins by describing the qualities of the second circle by
describing the voice of the damned rose in a bestial moan, (v 3) referring to the
damned rose as those lovers driven by passion who were condemned for their acts of
In verse 25, Dante describes the choir of anguish to be like a wound with a simile.
Next, by using a metaphor, he describes the fate of the adulterous sinners and their
punishment as being battered eternally by the winds and storms of hell, as they
were figuratively battered by the winds of passion in their lives on earth. He
describes with a simile how as cranes go over sounding their harsh cry, / leaving the
long streak of their flight in air, / so come spirits, wailing as they fly (v 46 48).
Finally, he makes use of another simile to iterate how after Francesca tells of her tale
of love, Dante faints and falls, as a corpse might fall, to the dead floor of hell (v 140).
IMAGERY This canto begins to delve into the more sublime, dark, and mysterious.
Words like, moaning, screeching, and lamenting give this canto a sad and
depressed feeling. Spatially, I can imagine a dark, black whole type of place that
seems like a vacuum. A lot of the words refer to dark colors and describe the
Don T You Remember Me Massa Analysis
The notion that the enslavement of African Americans can be justified is inherently
false. While societal practices in America favored towards slavery, ultimately, inner
moral codes argued that, no matter how one tried to prove it, slavery was
inherently dehumanizing and immoral. Three circumstances that prove that slavery
was unjustifiable are the opposing views present in the Bible, Desiree s Baby, and
the conflicting views in Don t You Remember Me Massa and The Autobiography of
Frederick Douglass. The misconstrues of the Bible exemplifies how slavery is
unjustifiable. During the time period of slavery, many people relied on religion to
appease any forms of guilt present about treating African Americans as slaves. Select
religious leaders... Show more content on ...
The main character in the song, an old slavesman, tells his master that Twas here
[on the master s field] where so happy was I and ВЁMy ole heart is glad now IВґve
met yoВґ. The song proposed that being a slave was a good thing. Since American
citizens in the North never actually travelled to the SOuth to see the reality of the
slaves, they assumed that this song along with many other media services that
portrayed African Americans as nothing more than lazy and stupid was true. It was
a general thought that having the African Americans work in fields was the best
way for them to live their life in peace and out of harm s way. Although it is true
that this ideology probably appeased the Northerners that the harm coming to slaves
was minimal, the truth was far less romantic, and Northerners eventually discovered
this truth in The Life of Frederick Douglass, a former slave. While Remember Me
Massa shows mutual love between the slave and his owner, Douglass clears up these
false rumors when he reveals the true harsh condition he was facing, such as his
mother being taken away from him. While one might say slavery was justifiable
because Northerners
My Local History Project On Dowagiac
Dowagiac Michigan History
I choose to do my local history project on Dowagiac, Michigan which is a part of
Cass County. I visited Dowagiac History Museum that has three floors to venture in
and 6,000 square feet of exhibits of Dowagiac, Cass County, and Sister Lakes. The
price was free admission, and I got lost in history for well over an hour. I learned a
great deal about the geography, the original settlers, economic factors, religion,
ethnicity, and other interesting facts. I did conduct additional information online
research along with the information I received from Dowagiac History Museum.
Like most rural areas in Michigan, agriculture industry had a major impact on Cass
County and the Sister Lakes region. Cass County ... Show more content on ...
Leopold Pokagon, an Ojibwe/Odawa saw many of his villagers convert to
Christianity and did not wish to leave the area. Pokagan signed a treaty of Chicago
1833 that he and his villagers purchased 874 acres of land in Silver Creek
Township. Because these Potawatomi has legal title to land, they were except from
removal. Pokagon would lead his village to death in 1841.His legacy remains in
Pokagon band in Cass County today because of Pokagon s efforts. (Dowagiac History
Sister Lakes
Sister Lakes is in southwestern Michigan and boarders with Dowagiac. It is big
tourist attraction during the summer month with people vacationing from their
busy city life in Chicago and coming back to enjoy their vacation homes on the lake.
Sister lakes has 10 lakes all within 5 6 mile radius. The lakes include Magician Lake,
Dewey Lake, Big Crooked Lake, Little Crooked lake, Round Lake, Cable Lake,
Crooked Lake, Grabemeyer Lake. Also, home of Sister Lakes Brewing Company,
and soon to open this summer Sister Lakes The Stand a microbrewery.
Small villages, such as Cassopolis, had begun developing in Cass County in the
1830 s and early 1840 s but the area needed the railroad for true growth to occur.
The railroad enabled raw materials for manufacturing to be shipped in, products and
farm goods to be shipped in and out. Also, passenger travel to and from towns along
the route. Early settlers
Prostitution Persuasive Research Paper
We call our country home of the brave and land of the free, but it s not. We give a
false portrayal of freedom. We re not free if we were, we d allow people their
freedom. Prohibiting something doesn t make it go away. Prostitution is criminal,
and bad things happen because it s run illegally by dirt bags who are criminals. If it s
legal, then the girls could have health checks, unions, benefits, anything any other
worker gets, and it would be far better. ― Jesse Ventura.
Prostitution has been highly regarded as the world s oldest profession , some
evidence even dating back thousands of years before Christ (Forrest Wickman, 2012).
Prostitution, in its simplest term, is the act of having sex in exchange for payment
(Merriam Webster, 1828).... Show more content on ...
Prohibition has failed to work in the past, safety is unable to be enforced amongst
involved parties and diseases have been able to spread without any precautionary
measures. It is my opinion that legalizing prostitution would be of the most benefit
to society. To begin with, prostitution is a dangerous industry where prostitutes face
many instances of rape and violence. If the government allowed for regulated
brothel facilities, similar to the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, violence and
rapes towards prostitutes would be of a lower risk considering prostitutes would
now report it. The government should make brothels illegal unless they are operated
through the government itself, and make it illegal for prostitution to occur outside
of these facilities. Revenue aside, this would greatly benefit society and take
prostitutes off the streets. Prostitutes would no longer subject themselves to
dangerous working environments, like getting into a stranger s vehicle or going to
a stranger s home right off the streets. People will be more inclined to go to these
legal government run brothels if prostitution outside becomes extremely illegal. Not
only will it promote safety amongst prostitutes it was also make it much more
difficult for underage prostitutes to conduct their work. The brothels will allow for
only prostitutes over the age of 18 to participate. Hopefully, this will significantly
reduce the amount of adolescence within the industry. This will allow for the
prostitutes to also act as more of a independent business within the brothel, rather
than being owned by dangerous pimps. Only in these regulated brothel facilities
would it be possible to also enforce mandatory condoms such as they did in the
Netherlands, which resulted in a significant decline in STD rates. If prostitution was
made legal, the new laws
How To Write A Picnic At Hanging Rock Essay
The novel Picnic at Hanging Rock written by Joan Lindsay in 1967 is set in
Australia and tells the story of a class of female students who attend an exclusive
private girls boarding school called Appleyard College. In 1900, most of the
students and staff go on an excursion to the isolated Hanging Rock where three girls
and a teacher inexplicably vanish after climbing the rock on a Valentine s Day picnic.
The text explores the outlying effects the disappearances have on the school and local
community as the authorities conduct an exhaustive search for the missing four.
Picnic at Hanging Rock has been adapted across numerous mediums and is most
renowned in the 1975 film adaptation by director Peter Weir.... Show more content on ...
Peter Weir s film adaptation of the novel explores many themes and ideas of the
original text; however, through various cinematic techniques, he is able to enhance
and bring to life aspects of the novel such as the rock and the foreign Australian
landscape, the innocence of the girls and the claustrophobic atmosphere of the
college, and finally, the terrible effects of the girl s disappearance on those left behind.
Through the incorporation of soundtrack and camera angles, Weir enhances the
rock and Australian bush by transforming these two aspects of the novel into an
even darker and sinister presence which looms over the individuals in the film.
Within Lindsay s novel, the rock is mentioned on several occasions and is referred
to have soaring peaks and a powerful presence which gives readers the idea that it is
a potentially dangerous location. However, in the film, the rock is portrayed like a
character in its own right and is purposely made to be more frightening. The
haunting pan pipes are played in the background when the camera pans on the rock to
depict the implacable monoliths as a menacing creature which lures the girls. Pan
was the god who seduced and kidnapped young nymphs and
Literary Examples Of Didactic Literature
Didactic literature is not always written alike, it has been and is written to teach
children morals, politeness, how to be obedient and responsible and to teach
children how they should conform to religious and cultural expectations. Authors
use different didactic approaches to convey their desired lesson or persuasion.
Examples of didactic readings from our class lectures are The Purple Jar by Maria
Edgeworth which uses didacticism to teach that things are not always what they
appear and the differences between need and want. In contrast, the story of The
Good Little Boy by Mark Twain, uses poking fun at the didactic message of how a
good boy is to behave to teach the lesson. Lastly, in the writings of James Janeaway s
A Token for... Show more content on ...
Rosamond is very disappointed and her mother reminds her that her of her input
on Rosamond s purchase that she did tell her to examine the beautiful purple jar
before making her decision. Rosamond s mother tells her But didn t I tell you that
you had not examined it, and that perhaps you would be disappointed? With this
the author is teaching the didactic lesson that things are not always as they seem
and the reader should always closely examine their decisions. Rosamond ends up
with stones in her shoes causing her pain and eventually not being able to attend
an event with her father due to her appearance. In this the author is showing the
poor decision Rosamond made and the consequences of that decision. Rosamond
confides in her mother that she made a poor decision and she would like new
shoes now. Rosamond s mother responds to her request with No, Rosamond, you
must abide by your own choice; and now the best thing you can possibly do is bear
your disappointment with good humor. The Purple Jar teaches the difference of
need and want, that evaluation of the decision should be thorough as things are not
always as they appear and that there are consequences for every decision the
readers make. In The Story of The Good Little Boy by Mark Twain, Twain takes a
contrasting approach to didactic literature where he tells a story of Jacob Blivens
who is
The Survival Of The Amazon Rainforest
One of the world s greatest forests is being cut down and made smaller on the daily.
The Amazon Rainforest continues to shrink by the day as those cutting it down have
no idea what they are doing. This forest that contains so many plant and animal
species is quickly disappearing despite the efforts to conserve it. Many believe that
the cure for cancer, new species of wildlife, and many other undiscovered things are
still hidden in the Amazon. If the world does not change and approach it s actions
with a more sacramental worldview, the Amazon may be long gone in the future.
Action must be taken immediately to ensure the survival of the Amazon Rainforest.
According to national Geographic, the Amazon has shrunk by 20% in the last 40
years. This
Essay About Nobel Peace Prize 2010
Introduction: On October 8, The Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo was named the
winner of this year s Nobel Peace Prize by the decision of the Norwegian Nobel
Committee. An overwhelming majority of governments and organizations around the
world appreciate the dedication of Liu for his long time pursuing of human rights
improvement in China. Be that as it may, China has blockaded the news which
sounds ridiculous to the standpoint of almost all the Chinese people. Recently, the
comments of this controversial phenomenon, not exaggerative to say, as one falls
another rises. In my point of view it s not a problem of who is right or wrong, which
importantly counts is the respect for China. Closely following behind are the
statements and analyses.... Show more content on ...
To be honest, China may not do well enough in some parts. Nevertheless, no
country is perfect in every aspect. In this case, I think we should bridge the cultural
differences between China and other countries, which hopefully leading to
understanding, tolerance and even appreciation of different cultures and customs,
which is the very theme of avatar . Anyhow, China is not a queen who not only
reign but also rain. None of the country leaders do not want to gain the
peacefulness through their governance. People should be endowed with a global
perspective to prevent their views and ideas from being too one sided or suburban
by listening to, comparing and even absorbing different opinions. Sometimes
foreigner should stand at our side to rethink about the question in hand. Will you
allow a non necessary reform appear along with disorders in public, while most of us
live in happiness and satisfy with the measures country adopts now? в‘ўthe
relationship between two countries Norway has been left scrambling to contain
damage to its relations with China after the award of the Nobel peace prize to a
Chinese dissident caused anger in Beijing. We wish to continue our fruitful co
operation in all fields with China, Norwegian foreign ministry spokeswoman
Ragnhild Imerslund said. According to the statements of the Chinese Foreign
Ministry, the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu will bring damage to two way
relations. The Beijing government
Quest In The Movie Shrek
1. The five characteristics of the quest are a quester, a destination, a reason that has
been stated to go there, the challenges along the way, and the real reason for the
destination. 2. An example of a quest is in the movie, Shrek. 1. Quester: a male ogre
who lives alone in a swamp, but is disturbed by the fairy tale characters who were
sent away by Lord Farquaad. He is a hostile introvert. 2. A place to go: In order to
find peace at home, he agrees to rescue Princess Fiona for Lord Farquaad to marry so
that the Lord can take the fairy tale characters back. He then goes to the castle to
save Princess Fiona. 3. Stated reason to go there: Rescuing and return Princess Fiona
for Lord Farquaad will lead to ridding Shrek s... Show more content on ...
Questions reader should ask when trying to determine symbolic meaning: what s
the writer doing with this image, this object, this act; what possibilities are
suggested by the movement of the narrative or the lyric; and most important, what
does it feel like it s doing? (Foster 59). 45. Nearly all writing is political. 46. Foster
says most literature can be called political because most of these works has a time
period setting and writers write about issues about social classes or rights or races of
that time period. Political means 47. get the most out of your reading of
European and American literatures, knowing something about the Old and New
Testaments is essential. Similarly, if you undertake to read literature from an Islamic
or a Buddhist or a Hindu culture, you re going to need knowledge of other religious
traditions. This is because religion shapes different culture and to better understand
allusions in literature, one must understand biblical references. Or being aware of
religious traditions and culture of a country outside yours can help you better
understand the
Catechol Oxidase Lab Report
Methods Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity and Benzoquinone Absorption During
this experiment, the activity of catechol oxidase and the absorbance of
benzoquinone was measured in five solutions with different pH concentration.
Five cuvettes provided by the instructor were used during the experiment. The
transmittance on the spectrophotometer was zeroed on an empty chamber and it
was set at a wavelength of 486 nm. Because the shape of an enzyme changes with
different pH concentration and each pH has different chemicals, so five cuvettes
containing 0.5 mL of enzyme solution and 4.5 mL of pH 2, pH 6, pH 7, pH 8, pH
11 were used to make five different blank solutions (Scott, S.M. et al 2016). (Each
blank was made when needed, not all blanks were made at the same time.) These
blanks were used to zero the absorbance on the spectrophotometer before each...
Show more content on ...
Five cuvettes provided by the instructor were used during the experiment. The
transmittance on the spectrophotometer was zeroed on an empty chamber and it
was set at a wavelength of 486 nm. There was only one blank containing 0.5 mL of
enzyme solution (catechol oxidase) and 4.5 mL of pH 6 buffer. The blank was
prepared at the beginning of the experiment and used throughout the experiment.
The blank was used to zero the absorbance on the spectrophotometer before each
experimental trial. The experimental cuvettes contained 0.5 mL of catechol oxidase
(enzyme), 0.5 mL of 5mM catechol (substrate), and 4.0 mL of pH 6 buffer for a
total of 5.0 mL of solution. The results for the experimental trials were obtained after
0 seconds, 30 seconds, 1minute and 30 seconds, 3 minutes, and 5 minutes in five
different reactions. The enzyme and substrate were obtained using a micropipette,
and the pH was measured using a 10mL pipet. Each experimental trial was carried
out twice for a total of ten experimental
Spectrophotometric Determination of the Acid Dissociation...
Date Performed: September 9 ,2011
M.C. Caligagan ,M.N.Q. Tolentino and M.Q. Clores
Institute of Chemistry, College of Science
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Received :September 21,2011
This experiment aims to determine the acid dissociation constant value of Methyl
Red by means of spectrophotometry. Ten samples were spectrophotometrically
analyzed under a UV Vis spectrophotometer and from the absorbance values
acquired, calibration curves were constructed to determine the concentration of the
species of interest particularly HMR(acidic methyl red) and MR (basic methyl red).
The principle of Beer s Law ... Show more content on ...
In preparing 0.04 M NaOAc,0.33 grams of NaOAC crystals was dissolved in distilled
water.The solution was transferred in a 100 ml volumetric flask and diluted to mark
with distilled water. From the 0.04 M NaOAc, 0.01 M NaOAc was prepared by
diluting to mark 12.5ml of 0.04 M NaOAc with distilled water in a 50 ml volumetric
A 50 ml solution of 1M HOAc was used in the preparation of 0.02 M HOAc wherein
1 ml of the 1M solution was diluted to mark by distilled water in a 50 ml volumetric
Lastly,50 ml of 0.10 M HCl was used in the preparation of 0.010 M HCl by diluting
to mark 5ml of 0.10 M HCl solution with distilled water in a 50 ml volumetric flask.
D.Preparation of Standard solution of Acidic Methyl Red (HMR)
This was prepared by the addition of 5.00 ml of methyl red standard solution (from
step B) to 5.00ml of 0.100 M HCl solution contained in a 50ml volumetric flask.The
solution was diluted to mark,covered by a parafilm and mixed thoroughly.It was
taken to account that the pH of the solution must be approximately 2.This solution
was used in the preparation of solution 1 3(in step F).
E.Preparation of Standard solution of Alkaline Methyl Red(MR ) The solution was
prepared by the addition of 5.00ml of methyl red standard solution (from step B) to
12.50ml of 0.040 M NaOAc which was contained in a 50 ml volumetric
Extraterrestrial Life And Outer Space
Throughout my life, movies about extraterrestrial life and outer space have always
seemed to entertain me. I know I m not alone when it comes to this fascination
because there are many who find joy, excitement, and mystery in many of these
movies. Some people even take their interest to a completely other level by believing
that these other forms of life actually exist. Although they might, others still go to the
extreme by dressing up as them in science fiction conventions such as We Heart
Nerds Con, Mysticon , Atomacon, Necronomicon ( Convention Scene ) and
obsessing over the idea of one day finding them. I believe that people enjoy watching
these movies because they like the mystery of the fact that there might be other forms
of life other than us, the coming together of the humanspecies to take down an
extraterrestrial enemy, or maybe they just like to think about how far we as
humans will come along in space travel in the future. For a great deal of time, the
search for an alien species has been occurring. The idea there might be other
creatures in the universe has been around since at least the fifth century B.C.
(Zielinski) Whether it is going to the moon, putting out telescopes in space, or
putting robots on mars, some of us like to believe that there are other forms of life
out in the dark abyss of space. For people who do like to believe in such a concept,
watching movies and television shows like Star Wars and Star Trek fascinate the
mind. Just the thought of
Compare And Contrast Michael Jordan Vs Lebron James
Most people believe that Michael Jordan is a better basketball player than LeBron
James. In the 2003 NBA draft, however, the Cleveland Cavaliers selected LeBron
James as their first pick. Whereas, Michael Jordan was the third pick in the 1984
NBA draft, selected by the Chicago Bulls. I believe that LeBron James is better than
Michael Jordandue to LeBron had hit 30,000 career points at 33 years old, LeBron
was a more team player than Michael, despite Michael had arguably the greatest
coach of all time, Phil Jackson. LeBron was a 6 8 small forward (who would
eventually play all positions on the court) straight out of high school when he was
drafted. During LeBron s senior year in high school he averaged 31.6 points, 9.6
rebounds, 4.6 assists
Threat Likelihood Memo
Requirement B: Threat Likelihood Memo
1. Likelihood of the Threats
Due to the lack of basic security and information protection observed at the LLP,
there is a strong likelihood of attacks on the server and the workstations at the
organization. The clients are allowed to log in to the company s Web site and enter
their case information. Without proper security measures, such as implementation of
Secure Socket Layer (SSL), the personal information of the client is at risk.
The LLP is vulnerable to the following threats:
Server: The operating system patches, application patches and the browser plug ins
are not kept up to date. This exposes the servers to a huge security risk. The Web
site on the server has already been hacked. Unless proper security measures are in
place to ... Show more content on ...
This will help with the following security threat: port scan.
d)Keep the Web browser up to date. Use the latest version of the browser and ensure
security patches are up to date. Also keep the add ons and browser related
technologies, such as Flash and Java, up to date. This will help with the following
security threats: Trojan Horse, malware, Web defacement.
e)Enable two factor authentication. This will help with the following security threats:
phishing, brute force attack.
f)Change the default passwords related to hardware, operating system, applications,
and users. This will help with the following security threats: Null or default
g)Ensure the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled on the computers. This will
help with the following security threats: malware.
h)Use software that was developed using secure software design (SSD) model. For
example, software developers should not write dynamic queries for databases and
prevent user supplied input which contains malicious SQL from affecting the logic of
the executed query. This will help with the following security threat: SQL injection,

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Economic Essay. Economics Essay Year 12 HSC - Economics Thinkswap

  • 1. Economic Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of economics can be a formidable task, requiring a delicate balance between theoretical understanding and practical application. The complexity of economic principles, coupled with the ever-evolving nature of the field, can make the process of composing a coherent and insightful essay quite challenging. One of the primary difficulties lies in navigating the intricate web of economic theories and concepts. Whether delving into microeconomics or macroeconomics, the need to comprehend and articulate intricate ideas often demands a deep understanding of economic models, statistical methods, and historical context. Moreover, the dynamic nature of the subject requires constant updates and awareness of current economic events and trends, adding an additional layer of complexity to the writing process. Additionally, the synthesis of diverse perspectives and the ability to critically analyze economic phenomena can pose a significant hurdle. A well-rounded economic essay often requires an exploration of various schools of thought, perspectives from different economists, and an adept evaluation of conflicting theories. This not only demands extensive research but also calls for a nuanced and balanced presentation of ideas. Furthermore, translating economic jargon into accessible language for a broader audience can be challenging. Striking a balance between technical accuracy and clarity is essential, as economic concepts may be inherently complex and require careful explanation to ensure readers, even those without a strong background in economics, can grasp the main arguments. In conclusion, writing an essay on economic topics demands a multifaceted skill set, including a deep understanding of economic theories, analytical prowess, and effective communication skills. It requires the ability to synthesize complex information, critically evaluate diverse perspectives, and present cohesive arguments. While challenging, mastering the art of crafting economic essays can be a rewarding endeavor for those willing to navigate the intricacies of this dynamic field. For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services offered at They provide support for a variety of topics, ensuring that your academic endeavors are met with expertise and professionalism. Economic Essay Economic Essay
  • 2. The s Concept Of Medicine And Science Essay Cassell argues that in modern times, doctors find it difficult to disassociate medicine and science (17). As a result, objective standards in medicine is constantly compared to science . While the end is the same, the process for both is different, a difference that must be embraced as they both lead to objective standards. He further outlines an important difference highlighting that science is based on a belief that its methods are value free...anything that happens is neither good nor bad are it simple is. However, in Cassell s concept of medicine, the patient comes first and above all and therefore doctors do not harm and the good of the patient is unequivocally established. Science deals with theoretical knowledge and have methods that covers generalities while medicine relies on medical knowledge which is acquired constantly in the field as it deals with individuals which unlike scientific methods offers no universal generalities. The differences in individuals make it more difficult to have objective standards in medicine, but do not eliminate totally the possibility. It requires a special competence in physicians, one which comes with experience and not sheer luck it is a specialtyskill which allows physicians to objectively interpret and treat patients, respond to patients reactions to treatments, and decide on methods based on these reactions. Scientific prediction is performative given certain conditions, such and such will happen without regard and calendar
  • 3. The Scarcity Of Water Crisis The water crisis has been known in the world for many years now, but as time goes on people have not realized the greater effect this has had on the world. Most people who know about the crisis do not know the regions it affects and frankly seem to not care unless it affects them directly. The shortages of water have led to health concerns and money problems in many countries. Both of these factors correlate because if health problems go up so does the economic issue. India has been one of the regions hit badly with the recent depletion of water. It has many small cities that people have never heard about, that suffer much greater than this country as a whole. The overpopulation in India is not helping solve the scarcity of water and with... Show more content on ... Rural cities in India, for example in Chennai, suffer from clean and properly treated water, although the government may be helping a little. Factual evidence states, although piped water facility in the rural regions almost doubled in past two decades, there are still 171 million people in rural regions who use surface water as the primary source of water (Kuberan 3). Water shortages are a far bigger concern and if that many people suffer in small city, what about the rest of the country? Although many rural cities do have water filter systems, the growing population is not supported by the amount of water and they have to settle to different time zones to get water. One city may not get water until midnight while another only gets it at 8 am. As stated in a poll, Water supplytiming was the biggest challenge faced by the majority (94%) of the people (Kuberan 3). The timings of the water can make it harder to survive because some people may need water during the day but may only get it at night. The lack of any water in India is a major reason that India, compared to many countries is suffering the most. In addition to not getting any water, India suffers from commercialization and privatization of water companies that are trying to make more of a profit on an already low income country. Many companies are trying to set water at price to
  • 4. The Supply Of Adenosine Triphosphate And Creatine... In Football, the muscles rely on three major systems to supply the energy needs the ATP/PC, glycolytic, and oxygen (anaerobic) energy systems. The ATP/PC system is not oxidative it does not utilize oxygen. Rather, this system creates energy through the utilization of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate (CP). CP is created in the body and uses muscle strands as a way of storage. It is broken around chemicals (enzymes) to recover ATP, which is likewise stored in the muscle strands. Whenever ATP and is thus disintegrated, the outcome is a small burst of energy that triggers a muscle withdrawal. This is the system used for short bursts of high intensity work lasting approximately 10 seconds or less. The glycolytic system uses starches such as carbohydrates as fuel to create ATP for energy. This is a two stage system where glucose is separated to shape ATP and pyruvic corrosive or lactic acid. It is the system utilized for moderately brief times of high intensity work enduring just a couple of minutes. Following a couple of minutes of work, the amassing of lactic acid will achieve a point where physical torment and exhaustion will start to prevent good performance. This is alluded to as the lactate threshold. The aerobic oxidative system uses sugars, fats and proteins to produce ATP for energy. This is a three phase system comprised of many steps in preparation of the Aceytl CoA, the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain. The Krebs cycle and electron
  • 5. The Romantic Hero in Pechorin, Onegin, and the Demon Essay... The Romantic Hero in Pechorin, Onegin, and the Demon Through examining the works of Lermontov, A Hero of Our Time, and The Demon, as well as Pushkin s Eugene Onegin, we can see the similarities between Pechorin, the Demon, and Onegin and how each character embodies the qualities of the romantic hero. A romantic hero is a very contradicting character. For example, in the History of Russian Literature by Charles A. Moser, he describes the romantic hero as having the anguish of emptiness; the trembling anxieties of a shallow self love as well as genuine power and courage; noble aspirations along with ignorance and poor upbringing (137). All of the traits stated above are very conflicting. Pechorin, Onegin and the Demon, being the ... Show more content on ... Pechorin, being the tactless character he is, treats women as an incentive for endless conquests and does not consider them worthy of any particular respect. He considers women, such as Princess Mary, to be little more than a romantic game and they have no meaning to him. This is shown in his comment on Princess Mary: I often wonder why I m trying so hard to win the love of a girl I have no desire to seduce and whom I d never marry (Lermontov, 126). This quote is a perfect example of how Pechorin can be extremely self serving and disregard the feelings of others. It also exemplifies his inability to return to the strong feelings of love. Toward the end of the novel we explore Pechorin s final adventures that lead to his downfall and isolation from society, resulting in his death. It is in his final adventures that we see Pechorin take a turn for the worse as he says, And perhaps tomorrow I ll why bother to live (Lermontov 157). In this passage it becomes clear as day that Pechorin has fallen into a deep depression. The constant change in personality and character is the exact reason that explains how Pechorin is a perfect example of the literary romantic hero. Pechorin describes his own personality as self destructive, and he came to the realization that he doesn t understand his purpose as he constantly questions why he is involved in many situations throughout the novel. His boredom with life, and feeling of emptiness, gives him
  • 6. The Pryor Mountain Mountains Bridger Montana might not be the most populated area, but it is one of the prettiest states in America. My family lives just outside of a small township named Bridger. It is located in central southern Montana, just above the stunning Pryor Mountain Range. Bridger has a population of around 1,000 people. It is surrounded by small foothills and mountains. Montana is known for great skiing, it s eyeful scenery, and there is an opportunity for adventure around every corner. One thing that is great about Montana is it s looming mountains. The Pryor Mountain Range consists of one magnificent peak surrounded by meager foothills. When you are in the mountains, you feel free. There is no one to hold you back from anything. You can be you when you are there. There are many entertaining things to ... Show more content on ... The park consists of sizable peaks on both sides of a rooted valley. Glacier is home to over 700 miles of hiking trails. The park is home to many animals; from mountain goats to grizzly bears. The valley is split by a river that feeds one of the clearest lakes in the world, it is called Flathead Lake. The lake s water level changes so drastically that a hiking trail is fully submerged at some point. People visit Glacier National Park for the great
  • 7. Phantom Limbs Essay Phantom Limbs Phantom Limb Pain (PLP) is a serious condition that occurs when a person who has lost a part of their body though amputation, trauma (brachial plexus), or loss of nervous connections in an appendage, perceives that the limb is still there and experiences sensations coming from this area. It was first described in 1866 by S. Weir Mitchell, an American neurologist, through a short story published in Atlantic Monthly. While Mitchell may then have wondered if this was specific to wounded Civil War soldiers, it has since been established as quite common (1). Over 70% of amputees report phantom limb pain for years after amputation (2). Several theories have been proposed regarding PLP, although there is still much to be... Show more content on ... Data indicated that PLP is related to, and may be a consequence of, plastic changes in the primary somatosensory cortex, and that the shift of the cortical map following amputation might be a potential neurophysiological basis of PLP (6). Further studies in 1998 investigating the re mapping component in the brain were conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto and The Toronto Hospital. The study recruited amputees who experienced phantom pain for surgery to map the sensory areas in the brain. During the mapping process, the conscious patients reported sensations they felt when certain areas of the thalamus were stimulated. Patients reported phantom sensations when areas of the thalamus were stimulated that formally were innervated by neurons from the missing arm, and also when areas on the stump were stimulated that activated these reorganized regions in the brain. Neurons were shown to continue to carry out their original roles, but with different sources of activation (7). While persuasive, the aforementioned experimental conclusions are well critiqued by Ronald Melzack who argues against looking to the somatosensory cortex or thalamus as the only cause of phantom pain in his April 1992 Scientific American article. He states: Such changes in the somatosensory thalamus or cortex could explain why certain feelings arise in limbs that no longer exist or can no longer
  • 8. Melanie Martinez Thesis MELANIE MARTINEZ Finding someone to look up to is hard. They do something to make you mad or they just seem to fade away as someone else comes along. I have seemed to find mine only five months ago. Her name is Melanie Martinez, artist, singer and songwriter. The reason why I have picked her, is because she unorthodox, insane and outgoing. After reading you will see my reasons more than sane. Being Melanie Martinez requires you to be out of the ordinary, she is any but normal. Her facial expressions and personality bring a new vibe. Her hair is a mix but, never one color. She turns old songs and turns them to a new version. She s creative and impossibly unpredictable. I would like say that I am sane. Normal would be anything but, Melanie.
  • 9. The Benefits Of Burger King Place Time Burger King can set their branch store beside the highway or beside the petrol station, when the drivers are tired and hungry on their journey to their destination, they can rest and order the food at the Burger King. Burger King also can open their store in the city and there is no any fast food restaurant nearby. The Burger Kingcan implement the plan 24 hours. This plan can make more people come to Burger King Store consume at the midnight when those people working until midnight. Other than that, Burger King can set the time for discount their product, like 6am to 10am, is breakfast time, all the breakfast style menu will free the coffee with the breakfast set meal. At the 12pm to 3pm is the lunch time, at the lunch time, Burger King will provide the dessert, 6pm to 9pm is dinner time, at the dinner time, Burger King will provide discount for the dinner set meal, we also can set the midnight time to provide the set meal for the people working until midnight. Nowadays teenagers and children like the fast food more than the family restaurant. Therefore, Burger King also can open the branch store at the school, college or ... Show more content on ... Burger King must teach the staff before go inside the kitchen must ensure that there are to wash their hand and body clean and tidy. The machine of Burger King in the kitchen must do the check every month to ensure the smooth operation of the machine. The drive thru system of burger king can be upgraded to the touch screen system to convenient people easy order the food in the car. Other than that, Burger King can set two counter at the drive thru line, after customer order food from the machine, they can drive to first counter to paid the fee, after paid, they can drive to second counter to take their food and leave, this action can save more time for the
  • 10. A Business Called Not Your Average Ice Cream Shop Our five group members are starting up a business called, Not Your Average Ice Cream Shop. This is a place where you get in line to experience mouth watering, tasty ice cream alcoholic drinks. There will be a variety of products to choose from such as: various UV brand options to mix with vanilla ice cream, Best Damn Root Beer mixed with vanilla ice cream, and Bacardi Limon with strawberry ice cream. With these options you can get a variety of tastes with our multiple UV options, enjoy an alcoholic root beer float, or quench your thirst with the great taste of a strawberry lemon combo. These three drinks are going to be our specialties. Along with the three drinks we will be known for, we will give you the option to mix your own malt. This is a way for you to mix and match any ice cream flavor and alcohol combo we have available to you. Aside from alcoholic beverages, we will offer non alcoholic malts so you can quench your sweet tooth without getting slightly intoxicated. We will also be a normal bar just in case you would rather have the usual mixers and beers. Not Your Average Ice Cream Shop will have a wet bar, otherwise known as a swim up bar, and a dry bar inside. There will be rules regarding how many drinks and shakes will be available to each customer to avoid potential accidents. Lastly, we will also have volleyball courts outside, where we will host league nights for fellow athletes. Our main competitors will be any bars in the area and hotel bars. Also,
  • 11. There Was Highly Statistical Significant Difference Between There was highly statistical significant difference between cirrhotic variceal group and cirrhotic non variceal group regarding serum albumin, Prothrombin time(PT), and platelet count.(table2) There was highly statistical significant difference between cirrhotic variceal group and cirrhotic non variceal group regarding child score, platelet count spleen diameter, Portal vein diameter (PVD) and spleen diameter (table 2) There was highly statistical significant difference between cirrhotic variceal group and cirrhotic non variceal group regarding to presence of ( spider naevi, ascites, encephalopathy, jaundice and ... Show more content on ... ,platelet count at cutoff less than 74000 mm3 is significant in prediction of variceal bleeding risk with sensitivity 82.5% and specificity 55%. and platelet count/spleen diameter ratio (PC/SD) at cutoff 851.6 is significant in prediction of variceal bleeding risk with sensitivity 45% and specificity 90%.(table 5) Table (1) : Comparison between variceal Patients (group[A] cirrhotic patient with history of variceal bleeding , group[B] cirrhotic patient with esophageal varices but no history of
  • 12. Mobile Device Management And Network Security Automation... Bradford Networks and Airwatch Provide Secure BYOD at University of California, Irvine Medical Center Mobile Device Management and Network Security Automation let physicians and students safely interact with hospital systems using their personal devices. A world class academic medical center with a full range of acute and general care services, UC Irvine Medical Center is at the forefront of medical education and research and prides itself on delivering the highest quality patient care. At UC Irvine Medical Center, mobile devices such as iPhones and iPads are a way of life for doctors, professors, medical students and staff. When Allscripts, which supplies the Medical Center s electronic medical record (EMR) system, announced it was developing a mobile app, We knew our doctors and medical personnel would be clamoring to use this application, explains Adam Gold, Director of Emerging Technologies at UC Irvine Medical Center. The time had come when we needed a BYOD strategy that would enable our staff to securely use their own devices at the medical center. Several challenges would need to be overcome along the way. The most pressing concern was protecting HIPAA compliant data. Adam recognized that securityhad to start at the endpoint so only approved, secure devices with safe would be allowed on the network. The Challenge Physicians, instructors, students and hospital staff interact with the EMR system in many different ways, and these varied access levels had to be
  • 13. Grunge Music History The History Success of Grunge Music: From a young age we are thought to do what we love, as it will make everything you do easier. While contemplating the topic for this paper I remembered that old wise advice that we are always thought. What do I love? Grunge music. It was a no brainer and after listening to various bands from the grungemusic era it was a no brainer. So, now that we have the topic laid out, what exactly is grunge? Grunge music, which is a sub genre of alternative rock and punk rock is music which is known for heavily distorted guitars and loud angry vocalists. Some of the most famous grunge bands include: Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, and Pearl Jam just to name a few. So, what exactly makes grunge, grunge? What... Show more content on ... These six artists were: Green River, Soundgarden, Melvins, Malfunkshun, Skin Yard, and The U Men and for the most of them it was their first record appearance. All of the songs featured on this album had an aggressive, angry sound than at could not be categorized into a sub genre. Later that year (1986) the band Green River released the Dry as A Bone EP and in a pop magazine a musical critic described the music as ultra loose GRUNGE that destroyed the morals of a generation , this is when the term grunge was officially coined and stuck. It was only a few years after the release of the EP Deep Six that grunge started to become mainstream. This was sparked by the first signing of a grunge band to a major record label with the band Soundgarden and A M Records. It was three years after Soundgarden s huge signing that the music industry was changed forever. Soon after the Soundgarden signed, so did Nirvana and within a year or two, the music industry would be changed forever. It was Nirvanas first major release, the Nevermind album and as one of my favorite albums of all time it completely shook the grounded underneath current day music. The success of Nevermind was mostly due the frequent play of the albums most famous song titles Smells
  • 14. Sarah Please Read Analysis Sarah please read (Luke 1: 68 71) The word redeem means to buy back, to re purchase Christ became our buyer through the payment of his own like Sarah said We was redeemed through the precious blood of Christ. Now when you buy something it s yours to do with as you please, especially when you are the Lord King and Redeemer of the whole universe, but the redeemed, product must be on one accord of one mind with the redeemer. If not, someone else will attempt to claim usage of the purchase they did not pay for and therefore do not rightfully own. Jo Ann please read (Ps. 10: 17 18) Sarah said. So, that man of the earth may oppress no more. Jo Ann read. I need one more reader to read the two verses (Deut 15: 6 and 7: 6) Sarah said, ... Show more content on ... What you see, write, what do you see Young Sabbath Keepers when you study about 666 seat? Write what you see? Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, say it in writing! Say it in a written proclamation; say it in a lawful and legal demonstration, on paper. Street demonstrations had its day and vial end, but it is written Your word is forever settled in heaven. Jesus claimed what was written, it is written, it is written, and it is written! That s what his enemy heard him say! He claimed what was written; now it s your season to reclaim in written form what formal generation forfeits through willful blind ignorance. I will show you the format, the written proclamation must adhere to now let s talk about the question of who. Sir John please read (Revelation12: 11) And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Sir John
  • 15. The Basic Tools Of Sociology And Sociology Argument: In this piece, Weber outlines the basic tools of sociology and distinguishes sociology as a social science. Weber s main message in this piece is that that social sciences should be equivalent to natural sciences, and in order to do so, laws should be made within the field. Secondly, he wanted to bring history and sociology together with causal relationships, in doing so he would also analyze the individual s social action. He mentions that action is only social when it is oriented to the behaviour of others. Quotations: Action in the sense of a subjectively understandable orientation of behaviour exists only as the behaviour of one or more individual human beings (pg. 284). This is Weber s ninth mythological foundation. In this quote, Weber argues that studying the individual, as a complex bio chemical reaction/collection of cells is interesting, but does not lead to subjective understandings. Rather, action relates to how an actor attaches subjective meaning to his/her behavior and it is social to the extent that its subjective meaning takes account of the behavior of others. Weber then goes on to describe the three important relations for the subjective interpretation of action 1.Thinking on simpler levels will not lead to subjective understandings. 2.Social collectivities must be treated as modes of organization resulting from actions of individuals. 3.Weber leads away from the organic school of sociology. Organic sociology focuses on the
  • 16. Homegoing Monologue Home is a four letter word reserved for a special place in our hearts for the memories that are invoked as you look back through time. These warm memories when desperately lonely is where the term home sick drieves from. Although, not all homes bring warm, fuzzy feelings. The book Homegoing clearly drives this point across. I will be discussing the homelife of Kojo and H who belong to Esi s bloodline. First, you must understand how Kojo and H came into this world. Homegoing, revolves around two women, Esi and Effia, half sisters who never shared a home, nor even knew the other existed. You are not your mother s first daughter. There was one before you. And in my village we have a saying about separated sisters. They are like... Show more content on ... He also smelled cooking. There at the stove stood Ethe. Despite her anger years earlier, she told him, You have to understand, H. The day you called me that woman s name, I thought, Ain t I been through enough? Ain t just about everything I ever had been taken away from me? My freedom. My family. My body. And now I can t even own my name? My mama gave me that name herself. I spent six good years with her before they sold me out to Louisiana to work them sugarcanes. All I had of her then was my name. That was all I had of myself too. And you wouldn t even give me that. P
  • 17. Sex Yeah Paraphrase My next song for analysis is, Sex, Yeah by Marina Diamandis. The song begins immediately by mocking modern day pop culture. Just about every song you hear on pop radio is about sex. Marina repeats the word sex to lead the listener into thinking it s another overly sexualized, shallow pop song. This first line, however, is pure satire and takes a direct jab at the shallow tendencies of today s music. With the use of a skeptical and condescending tone through her lyrics, Sex Yeah evokes a feeling of doubt in the listener. This Song is thoroughly denotative as Diamandis directly addresses the issue and makes her message clear with phrases such as If women were religiously recognized sexually, we wouldn t have to feel the need to show our... Show more content on ... The chorus of the song is If sex in our society, didn t tell a girl who she would be. Through these lyrics, Diamandis relates the song to the study of gender role attitudes and behaviors in the United States. In American society, more commonly in decades past, women were seen as sex symbols, solely to appeal to a man s desire. Marina expresses her belief that this sexualization is problematic and pervasive when she sings: tired image of a star, acting naughtier than we really are . Many times, actresses and models are presented in a way that is very provocative and dehumanizing, especially in advertising. Most of the time, these sexual representations of women displayed in advertisements are of no actual relevance to the message trying to be conveyed or the product being sold. In the later verses of the song, Diamandis talks about the other gender, and shifts the focus from women to men , by singing the line if sex in a society, didn t tell a guy who he should be. Many times people believe that gender stereotypes only apply to women, but that s not the case; males are faced with the pressure of having to be unemotional, manly, independent, assertive and leaders in
  • 18. Alternative Press In Vietnam War t first my paper was going to be around what happen to the Vietnam people after the Vietnam war and their struggles to migrate to other countries. This seemed to be a very interesting topic to cover to know where are they now and how they feel about the war. Located a woman in her late 40s from Vietnam, her family has migrated to American when she was just 5 years old. This topic seemed to be very sensitive for her to talk about, I brought to much pain to talk about her parents that didn t survive the Vietnam war. After this failed attempt to interview a Vietnamese migrant, I wondered how the press was reporting out to the world of what was really happening in Vietnam. I have decided to do my paper on the Alternative press in Vietnam.... Show more content on ... I just do not agree with the government hiding facts to help get what they want. In today s age more then 30 years from the Vietnam War, our local and national leaders still employ the tactics to keep the public in the dark in order to achieve their agendas. Bush jr told the American public that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction however no such weapons were ever found. This conflict stretch over several years and while it did dismantle the Iraqi government, we were still over there for reasons not disclosed to the general public. This year alone we have dropped bombs on areas and were told whatever the government wanted us to hear. The fact is, we have no idea what happened in the nights were we riddled cities with bombs. The media came back and said there were minimal civilian casualties, but what defines minimal ? One innocent life is one too many in my opinion, I just feel as though if there is a chance of families being casualties, we as a country should have a say on our
  • 19. Market Revolution And Westward Expansion By the 1830s and 1840s, the market revolution and westward expansion had profoundly affected all Americans lives, reinforcing older ideas of freedom and creating new ones. American freedom had long been linked with available land in the West. In this period was coined the phrase manifest destiny, referring to the divine mission of the United Statesto occupy all of North America and extend freedom, despite any costs to peoples and nations already there. But an old idea connecting freedom and a divine mission to move west and settle land had its origins in colonial times. In national myth and ideology, the West would long remain a sanctuary for the free American. To many, the settlement and exploitation of the West offered America a chance ... Show more content on ... Opportunities for personal growth presented a new definition of Jefferson s pursuit of happiness that well fitted a new America in which westward expansion and market relations shattered old spatial and social boundaries. A group of New England intellectuals, called transcendentalists, reflected this national mood in their writings and activities. Together they insisted that individual judgment should take precedence over existing social traditions and institutions. Ralph Waldo Emerson defined freedom as an open ended process of self realization, in which individuals could remake themselves and their own lives. Henry David Thoreau called for individuals to rely on themselves. In this era, the term individualism was first used. Unlike in the colonial period, many Americans now believed individuals should pursue their own self interest, no matter what the cost to the public good, and that they should and could depend only on themselves. Americans more and more saw the realm of the private self as one in which other individuals and government should not
  • 20. Our Day at the Fair was a Red Balloon Essay In the desert stood a small and polite town. The low slung houses nestled in beside each other burned a crisp white in the noon sun. The stripes were not so visible on the back of his neck as across his little bare arms. The sun was still high but the shadows were casting further by the hour. His clothes, covered in torn holes revealing a constellation of scabby scars mixed with brown and purple markings. The boy in the pram held on to the balloon s ribbon so tightly with his chubby little fist that the skin around his knuckles began to pale and blotch. His eyes remained fixed on the balloon above him as his eldest brother pushed him through the maze of deserted streets. The sun was high but the narrow rows of flat topped houses three or ... Show more content on ... Eventually they came to where the desert drifted into the little town. The boy s brother pulled the pram up the shallow incline at the foot of the dune and up into the desert. He pushed the pram just far enough so that they could look back over the town. The sun was still high but soon it will begin to dip behind the dune the boy s brother thought. The boy never took his eyes of the balloon for the whole journey. He was waiting for a repetition of a moment that he had noticed by chance soon after they left the fair. They had been wandering the fair in search of money. Any coins dropped on the ground by the children from the rides that tipped their pockets, or, by the clumsy adults flicking through their wallets in line at the snack venders. The boy and his brother milled about close to people keeping an eye out for any loose looking kids or pestered adult bent to blindness by the heat and their yapping children. Near to the rolling Ferris wheel a kind woman surrounded by squabbling children let her hand down toward the battered boy and sent forward a ribbon and the boy took it in his hand and felt it tighten as the balloon lifted up above him and stayed there obediently. The boy s brother had spotted a pram hidden under the shade of an olive tree in the town square where the fair was held every year. It was away from the main attractions enough for him to brave an inspection. He checked that no one was watching and then
  • 21. The Future Of Retail Banking And The Increased Popularity... This Research will examine the future of retail banking and the increased popularity of electronic banking among adults in the United States. This research utilizes data from and, ABA and The data set examined is over a twelve year period with data at three year intervals. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is any relationship between age and income as it relates to the use of internet banking. The use of scatter plots, correlation calculations and regression analysis will be used to determine the result. (Will be shown in Excel spreadsheets) Literature Review The transformation of retail banking began between 1980 and 2000 with the use of digital technology to make ... Show more content on ... The development of mobile banking, sales of products either done online or influenced by online marketing are expected in the medium term to grow to represent 60% of total sales ( Traditional banks offer many different services to their customers. These services include accepting customer money deposits, making loans to individuals and companies and providing servicing to the various loans and accounts offered. When compared with traditional channels of offering banking services through physical branches, electronic banking (e banking) uses the Internet to deliver traditional banking services to their customers, such as opening accounts, transferring funds, and electronic bill payment (Fan, M. 2002). E banking can be offered in two main ways. An existing bank with physical offices can also establish an online site and offer e banking services to its customers in addition to the regular channels. Citibank is one of the leaders in e banking, offering walk in, face to face banking at its branches throughout many parts of the world as well as electronic banking services through the World Wide Web. Citibank customers can access their accounts through the Internet, in addition to other e banking services such as account balance inquiry, funds transfer, and electronic bill payment, Citibank also provides premium services including financial calculators, online stock quotes, brokerage services, and insurance through
  • 22. Moral Hero In Ramayana In the Ramayana, Rama has been glorified as an ideal person and hero as he consistently represents ethical ideals throughout the text. He stands as the main character in this story that displays great qualities such as devotion, bravery, and honor from beginning to the end of the epic itself. One would agree that he holds the highest form of Dharma and is seen as a flawless man everyone can learn a thing or two from. He always had caring and concern words for the people in the city. Every evening after he and his brothers return from the outskirts to the palace on foot after their philosophy class, the citizens would always crowd the highway to catch a glimpse of them. Without fail, Rama always had a word for everyone in the crowd, inquiring, How are you? Are your children happy? Do you want any help from me? (Prologue). This shows that Rama has always put the citizens concern in mind while he could always have ignored them and return to the palace to reside in his chambers. Also as ... Show more content on ... He finally found the trio in the forest where they had lived a holy life filled with prayer and fasting, and begged Rama to return to Ayodhya as it was in need of a king due to their father s unfortunate passing. If not for Rama s ability to see things beyond ordinary human, Lakshmana would have thought that Bharatha was here to kill them to secure the throne and he would have single handedly killed Bharatha and his army first. Both Rama and Bharatha engaged in a highly educated a philosophical argument about who should rule the kingdom. As Rama already promised to Kaikeyi, he refused to return to the kingdom until 14 years was because he wanted to ensure his instructions given to him as well as he could. Any parents would be proud to have Rama as their son and his ways of living would definitely be approved by Confucius as he has fulfilled the Five Great Relationships enforced by
  • 23. Building Positive Student Teacher Relationships Teachers are expected to create meaningful and engaging instruction aligned with the Common Core State Standards, while also creating a classroom management plan that enhances student achievement. Jones and Jones (2013) quote Woolfolk and Weinstein (2006) in their book, Comprehensive Classroom Management, stating that What students want are teachers who establish caring relationships, set limits and create a safe environment ... and make learningfun (2013, p. 59). I strive to achieve this in my classroom each day as I greet students at the door, shaking their hand and making small talk with them, establish fair and consistent rules and procedures, and by building positive student teacher relationships while making learning fun through the use of hands on activities, role playing, and creative constructions. The first step in classroom management is to create an environment where students feel cared for and valued. To do accomplish this, teachers need to build positive student teacher relationships. Marazano (2003) reports in his book, Classroom Management That Works, which is cited in the Jones and Jones (2013) book, that Positive teacher student relationships were the foundation of effective classroom management (p.56). I am committed to creating a safe learning environment that is organized, structured and conducive to student learning. While influencing a classroom of community learners, I strive to also build positive teacher student relationship with all of my
  • 24. Richard Milhous Nixon Rhetorical Analysis Brandon Wagner Professor C. English 124 4 March 2016 Checkers ` Richard Milhous Nixon was the 37th President of the United States serving from 1969 to 1974, and who also, became the first and only U.S. president to resign from office. In 1952 Nixon previously was elected as vice president to the former Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower despite his prior agreement to support Earl Warren, former governor of California. As Warren supporters were outraged from his failed attempt to gain the nomination, supporters now questioned Nixon s public integrity. This event was just a stepping stone to a following incident that would jeopardize his whole political career. One resentful supporter located in Pasadena California, accused him... Show more content on ... This new use of technology in somewhat way gave him the advantage of support across the nation. The set was simple: Nixon sat behind a desk, his hands loosely clasped over his notes, and Pat Nixon was several feet away in a chair that seemed too large for her. The most obvious appeal that Nixon was trying to make to the people was an appeal to the audience s pathos, and the use of the rhetoric tool called the straw man technique which he really drove home through his use of his dog Checkers. After being attacked for receiving and accepting gifts along the campaign trail from his supporters and corporations he admits to accepting one gift, a little cocker spaniel that his six year old daughter named Checkers, as guilty as he would have admitted to accepting millions of dollars. By apposing the thought that he was taking money and other dubious gifts with the gift of an adorable new puppy that a man down in Texas sent for his children, Nixon creates the sense that he has been victimized for accepting a kind gesture. He is distracting the audience s attention to believe that the only gift he is being accused of taking is this dog, and he is asking them to judge if that is wrong in their own minds. Nixon built a straw man, the real issue at stake is the fund, not a cocker spaniel. He is also appealing to the familiar feeling of any parent who have ever had kids who want a dog by stating the kids, like all kids, love the dog to prove that he really is just a family man who is just like them. Finally he ends his portion on Checkers by comically suggesting that no matter what people say he s going to keep the dog which creates the sense that that was the extent of his crime and to prove that he didn t do anything wrong. It also serves as a jab to those accusing him of illegal activities and an assurance to
  • 25. Holden Caulfield Loss Of Innocence Analysis The author J.D. Salinger was able to represent the theme: the loss of childhood innocence, by describing the internal as well as the external characteristics of the main protagonist Holden Caulfield. Holden is portrayed as innocent due to his lousy vocabulary and also his childish mannerisms. His constant use of the term boy is ironic when Holden himself is a boy at heart. While internally Holden Caulfieldmay appear to be naive; this representation contrasts with his external appearance. Holden is struggling internally to be himself and is clinging on to his innocence, at a time where his body is continuing to become more mature and transitioning out of adolescence. The reader is able to note his struggle because of Holden Caulfield s... Show more content on ... In this excerpt Salinger was able to highlight the loss of innocence as Holden Caulfield struggled with the realization that his roommate Stradlater may have taken away the innocence of his long term childhood friend, Jean Gallagher. Holden is in a mindset believing that he can remain innocent indefinitely as well as allow his childhood friends, if they continue to be behave similarly to children. He is unwilling to accept the fact that he must one day reach adulthood which contradicts from Stradlater s ideology. Stradlater is more than willing to advance into adulthood and uses women as tools to gain experience; in hopes of reaching it sooner. This is supported by Holden s comments to Stradlater I told him he thought he could give the time to anybody he felt like. I told him he didn t even care if a girl kept all her kings in the back row or not, (....) You don t even know if her first name is Jane or Jean, ya goddam moron! , showing that Stradlater valued a woman s body rather than her name or ethics and values. Holden believed that Jean was a girl that kept all her kings in the back row meaning that she preferred the security of playing safe. Thus, Holden is shocked and even nervous by the possibilities that could have occurred within Ed Banky s car making him hostile to Stradlater. He is unwilling to comprehend that Jane Gallagher, the girl who always played it safe, may have transitioned into
  • 26. Julius Caesar Character Analysis Being a leader is not only a commitment to someone s self, but also a commitment to their people. It demonstrates courage, accountability, and reliance. In Julius Caesar, a play written by Shakespeare, there is one character that portrays a perfect leader, but should be thought of more like a mirage. For this, it is necessary to take the greatest manipulator from the play, Antony. He does not only demonstrate brilliance when conniving his way through the crowd, but he truly was a great protector of the fallen Julius Caesar. Although Antony may be a dangerous leader, he demonstrates great rhetoric when trying to persuade a large group of people. Even the citizens who were once against him, call him a great leader, and bow down to his every will. Antony does accomplish some tasks by being malicious, simply taking advantage of the fact that the people of Rome are slightly submissive. Though, despite his attempts at being genuine, Antony still prevails as the great manipulator he always has been. After Caesar is murdered Marc Antony transforms into a deceitful character. Marc Antony has dark leadership traits that evidently would destroy him in the long run if he were to rule. He restrains himself from having empathy for others because he s so focused on one thing. Antony hungers for revenge, which is dangerous for Rome because he will become very narrow minded when angry. This includes Marc Antony deceiving the citizens, though it was for the greater good, it feels as though he would do so in any situation he feels necessary. The first time Antony s true colors show is after Caesar s death when Antony is discussing the act with the conspirators. Antony tells the conspirators that although he is mournful of his dear friend s death, if they believe that killing Caesar was necessary then he agrees. However, once the conspirators leave, Antony says to Caesar s body that he will seek his revenge. This may have been the best thing, but he sure convinced the conspirators that he was on their side, along with the people of Rome. When Marc Antony carried out his plan it showed that he will deceive others to appeal to the people, an attribute that is frowned upon (III. iii. 147 275). The second time, Marc
  • 27. Charles Darwin and Galapagos Charles Darwin arrived at the Galapagos in 1835 ready to record everything he saw. Herman Melville got there in 1841 with different goals. They were both young men when they took this journey to raid the islands: Darwin raided in the name of science and Melville for food (Howarth, 99). After their respective journeys, Darwin and Melville wrote two different books describing the same islands. The respective books made the headlines after they were written. This paper will compare Charles Darwins The Voyage of The Beagle and Herman Miller s The Encantadas in an attempt to show how their writing of the biological factors in the Galapagos was skewed by the time they wrote, their mood when writing and their motive to be on the island. Darwin was on the Beagle to gather specimens and spy on the Spanish colonial defenses. To keep a detailed record everything he saw, Darwin sent immediate reports in letters during the trip. When he got back to England, Darwin started diligently producing volumes of the zoological and geological phenomena he found in during the voyage (Howarth, 101). One of the species he records is the finch. He noticed how the different finch species had evolved to meet the nutrition available in their habitat. His detailed letters gave him access to the information he needed to describe the organisms he had seen when he began to write his book. He was on the island to collect specimen and so his writing explained in great detail the specimens he had found and
  • 28. Empowering Women Case Study Government had taken several initiatives for empowering women by establishing different policies and schemes under the leadership of the prime minister of our country Mr. Modi . An annual budget of Rs. 22095 crore was allocated to WCD Ministry in 2017 2018. Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) was formed by the government of India in 1993, under WCD. There are enormous number of different schemes and policies running by the government for the betterment of women section in the society. Few policies and schemes were as follows : 1.Support to Training and Employment Program for Women (STEP) For women who are in the age group of 16 or above Focusing on providing skills that give employability to women to become... Show more content on ... Shishu (Rs 50,000) loan facility, acts as one of the major step behind the formation of women entrepreneurs. As for a small level startup s, it requires investment and especially for women this scheme makes it easier for them to invest and contributes to nation s development. 4.RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL CRECHE SCHEME FOR THE CHILDREN OF WORKING MOTHERS Expansion of the scheme to support working mothers, under Modi s government 23,293 functional crГЁches in different regions of India. Eligibility criteria students should belongs to the age group of 6 months to 6 years mother should employed for at least 15 days in a month or 6 months in a year. Supporting the children of working women which enables women to contribute to the nation s development and empower parents for better childcare. 5.MAHILA E HAAT (http://mahilaehaat Launched on 7th March 2016 An online marketing platform for women, to trade there self made products across India by selling the products to different buyers of the country. Encourages women to built more SHG groups, in order to earn money and to get recognition in the society. Works as per the instructions and guidelines given by the WCD and RMK. 6.BETI BACHAO BETI PADHAO SCHEME (BBBP) Launched on 22nd January, 2015 at Panipat, Haryana Covers 100 districts, lower in Child Sex ratio (CSR) To save girl child and to stop
  • 29. Eastern Screech Owl Research Paper Introduction General Information Physical Description Eastern Screech Owls are short birds with a sturdy build. They have rounded wings with an average wingspan of 48 61 cm. Their typical length are from 16 25 cm, the females are slightly larger. The average mass of this species is 164 grams, but females can weigh up to 195 grams. The owl has almost no neck and a small, square shaped tail. One of the most distinctive features of an Eastern Screech Owl are their ear tufts as seen in Figure 1 which are prominent went raised up, but when down it reveals a sort of small round headed look. As a juvenile the young owls don t have fully developed ear tufts. Eastern Screech Owls are either gray or reddish (as seen in Figure 1) with dark streaks ... Show more content on ... Specifically the Strigidae family have specialized feather structures, most are nocturnal, and most are considered as predators and are very skilled hunters. These owls have feathered legs and are colored to camouflage themselves during the day when they are resting. The Eastern Screech Owl fits into this family, because it has the color of most trees, nocturnal, feathered legs, and have a special feathered structure. Genus Megascops Kaup, 1848 Screech owls are in this Genus, Megascops Kaup. Sreech Owls tend to live only in the Americas and very rare occasions other places. The Eastern Screech Owl is placed in this genus, because it is an Owl, lives in the Americas, and is a screech owl. Also many screech owls are lighter colored. Species Megascops asio (Linnaeus, 1758) Eastern Screech Owl Megascops Asio is commonly known as, Eastern Screech Owl. The Eastern Screech Owl is a short bird, very stock and has rounded wings. Its tail is short and square. The Eastern Screech Owl has a very recognizing silhouette; it has pointed ear tufts and yellow eyes. It is colored mostly grey, but can also be mostly reddish brown; both colors give the owl a very good camouflage with
  • 30. Dante s Inferno Canto V Analysis Essay Barbara Leon Humanities 2 Canto V Analysis 10/06/05 Canto V Analysis SUMMARY Dante and Virgil have just left limbo, the first circle of hell, and are now on their way into the second circle of hell, where hell really begins. It is here that Dante first witnesses the punishment brought upon the sinners. They encounter Minos, the beast judge who blocks the way into the second circle. He examines each soul as they pass through and determines which circle of hell they must go to by winding his tail around himself. Minos warns Dante of passing through but Virgil silences him. Dante encounters a dark place completely sucked of any light and filled with noises more horrible than a tempest and sees the souls being whirled around in a ... Show more content on ... TONE This Canto describes the first real level of hell. The canto is very poetic and makes use of many similes, metaphors, and adjectives. There is also no shortage of hyperboles. The canto begins by describing the qualities of the second circle by describing the voice of the damned rose in a bestial moan, (v 3) referring to the damned rose as those lovers driven by passion who were condemned for their acts of adultery. In verse 25, Dante describes the choir of anguish to be like a wound with a simile. Next, by using a metaphor, he describes the fate of the adulterous sinners and their punishment as being battered eternally by the winds and storms of hell, as they were figuratively battered by the winds of passion in their lives on earth. He describes with a simile how as cranes go over sounding their harsh cry, / leaving the long streak of their flight in air, / so come spirits, wailing as they fly (v 46 48). Finally, he makes use of another simile to iterate how after Francesca tells of her tale of love, Dante faints and falls, as a corpse might fall, to the dead floor of hell (v 140). IMAGERY This canto begins to delve into the more sublime, dark, and mysterious. Words like, moaning, screeching, and lamenting give this canto a sad and depressed feeling. Spatially, I can imagine a dark, black whole type of place that seems like a vacuum. A lot of the words refer to dark colors and describe the
  • 31. Don T You Remember Me Massa Analysis The notion that the enslavement of African Americans can be justified is inherently false. While societal practices in America favored towards slavery, ultimately, inner moral codes argued that, no matter how one tried to prove it, slavery was inherently dehumanizing and immoral. Three circumstances that prove that slavery was unjustifiable are the opposing views present in the Bible, Desiree s Baby, and the conflicting views in Don t You Remember Me Massa and The Autobiography of Frederick Douglass. The misconstrues of the Bible exemplifies how slavery is unjustifiable. During the time period of slavery, many people relied on religion to appease any forms of guilt present about treating African Americans as slaves. Select religious leaders... Show more content on ... The main character in the song, an old slavesman, tells his master that Twas here [on the master s field] where so happy was I and ВЁMy ole heart is glad now IВґve met yoВґ. The song proposed that being a slave was a good thing. Since American citizens in the North never actually travelled to the SOuth to see the reality of the slaves, they assumed that this song along with many other media services that portrayed African Americans as nothing more than lazy and stupid was true. It was a general thought that having the African Americans work in fields was the best way for them to live their life in peace and out of harm s way. Although it is true that this ideology probably appeased the Northerners that the harm coming to slaves was minimal, the truth was far less romantic, and Northerners eventually discovered this truth in The Life of Frederick Douglass, a former slave. While Remember Me Massa shows mutual love between the slave and his owner, Douglass clears up these false rumors when he reveals the true harsh condition he was facing, such as his mother being taken away from him. While one might say slavery was justifiable because Northerners
  • 32. My Local History Project On Dowagiac Dowagiac Michigan History I choose to do my local history project on Dowagiac, Michigan which is a part of Cass County. I visited Dowagiac History Museum that has three floors to venture in and 6,000 square feet of exhibits of Dowagiac, Cass County, and Sister Lakes. The price was free admission, and I got lost in history for well over an hour. I learned a great deal about the geography, the original settlers, economic factors, religion, ethnicity, and other interesting facts. I did conduct additional information online research along with the information I received from Dowagiac History Museum. GEOGRAPHY Like most rural areas in Michigan, agriculture industry had a major impact on Cass County and the Sister Lakes region. Cass County ... Show more content on ... Leopold Pokagon, an Ojibwe/Odawa saw many of his villagers convert to Christianity and did not wish to leave the area. Pokagan signed a treaty of Chicago 1833 that he and his villagers purchased 874 acres of land in Silver Creek Township. Because these Potawatomi has legal title to land, they were except from removal. Pokagon would lead his village to death in 1841.His legacy remains in Pokagon band in Cass County today because of Pokagon s efforts. (Dowagiac History Museum,2017) Sister Lakes Sister Lakes is in southwestern Michigan and boarders with Dowagiac. It is big tourist attraction during the summer month with people vacationing from their busy city life in Chicago and coming back to enjoy their vacation homes on the lake. Sister lakes has 10 lakes all within 5 6 mile radius. The lakes include Magician Lake, Dewey Lake, Big Crooked Lake, Little Crooked lake, Round Lake, Cable Lake, Crooked Lake, Grabemeyer Lake. Also, home of Sister Lakes Brewing Company, and soon to open this summer Sister Lakes The Stand a microbrewery. ECONOMICS FACTORS Small villages, such as Cassopolis, had begun developing in Cass County in the 1830 s and early 1840 s but the area needed the railroad for true growth to occur. The railroad enabled raw materials for manufacturing to be shipped in, products and farm goods to be shipped in and out. Also, passenger travel to and from towns along the route. Early settlers
  • 33. Prostitution Persuasive Research Paper We call our country home of the brave and land of the free, but it s not. We give a false portrayal of freedom. We re not free if we were, we d allow people their freedom. Prohibiting something doesn t make it go away. Prostitution is criminal, and bad things happen because it s run illegally by dirt bags who are criminals. If it s legal, then the girls could have health checks, unions, benefits, anything any other worker gets, and it would be far better. ― Jesse Ventura. Prostitution has been highly regarded as the world s oldest profession , some evidence even dating back thousands of years before Christ (Forrest Wickman, 2012). Prostitution, in its simplest term, is the act of having sex in exchange for payment (Merriam Webster, 1828).... Show more content on ... Prohibition has failed to work in the past, safety is unable to be enforced amongst involved parties and diseases have been able to spread without any precautionary measures. It is my opinion that legalizing prostitution would be of the most benefit to society. To begin with, prostitution is a dangerous industry where prostitutes face many instances of rape and violence. If the government allowed for regulated brothel facilities, similar to the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, violence and rapes towards prostitutes would be of a lower risk considering prostitutes would now report it. The government should make brothels illegal unless they are operated through the government itself, and make it illegal for prostitution to occur outside of these facilities. Revenue aside, this would greatly benefit society and take prostitutes off the streets. Prostitutes would no longer subject themselves to dangerous working environments, like getting into a stranger s vehicle or going to a stranger s home right off the streets. People will be more inclined to go to these legal government run brothels if prostitution outside becomes extremely illegal. Not only will it promote safety amongst prostitutes it was also make it much more difficult for underage prostitutes to conduct their work. The brothels will allow for only prostitutes over the age of 18 to participate. Hopefully, this will significantly reduce the amount of adolescence within the industry. This will allow for the prostitutes to also act as more of a independent business within the brothel, rather than being owned by dangerous pimps. Only in these regulated brothel facilities would it be possible to also enforce mandatory condoms such as they did in the Netherlands, which resulted in a significant decline in STD rates. If prostitution was made legal, the new laws
  • 34. How To Write A Picnic At Hanging Rock Essay PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK PRACTICE ESSAY The novel Picnic at Hanging Rock written by Joan Lindsay in 1967 is set in Australia and tells the story of a class of female students who attend an exclusive private girls boarding school called Appleyard College. In 1900, most of the students and staff go on an excursion to the isolated Hanging Rock where three girls and a teacher inexplicably vanish after climbing the rock on a Valentine s Day picnic. The text explores the outlying effects the disappearances have on the school and local community as the authorities conduct an exhaustive search for the missing four. Picnic at Hanging Rock has been adapted across numerous mediums and is most renowned in the 1975 film adaptation by director Peter Weir.... Show more content on ... Peter Weir s film adaptation of the novel explores many themes and ideas of the original text; however, through various cinematic techniques, he is able to enhance and bring to life aspects of the novel such as the rock and the foreign Australian landscape, the innocence of the girls and the claustrophobic atmosphere of the college, and finally, the terrible effects of the girl s disappearance on those left behind. Through the incorporation of soundtrack and camera angles, Weir enhances the rock and Australian bush by transforming these two aspects of the novel into an even darker and sinister presence which looms over the individuals in the film. Within Lindsay s novel, the rock is mentioned on several occasions and is referred to have soaring peaks and a powerful presence which gives readers the idea that it is a potentially dangerous location. However, in the film, the rock is portrayed like a character in its own right and is purposely made to be more frightening. The haunting pan pipes are played in the background when the camera pans on the rock to depict the implacable monoliths as a menacing creature which lures the girls. Pan was the god who seduced and kidnapped young nymphs and
  • 35. Literary Examples Of Didactic Literature Didactic literature is not always written alike, it has been and is written to teach children morals, politeness, how to be obedient and responsible and to teach children how they should conform to religious and cultural expectations. Authors use different didactic approaches to convey their desired lesson or persuasion. Examples of didactic readings from our class lectures are The Purple Jar by Maria Edgeworth which uses didacticism to teach that things are not always what they appear and the differences between need and want. In contrast, the story of The Good Little Boy by Mark Twain, uses poking fun at the didactic message of how a good boy is to behave to teach the lesson. Lastly, in the writings of James Janeaway s A Token for... Show more content on ... Rosamond is very disappointed and her mother reminds her that her of her input on Rosamond s purchase that she did tell her to examine the beautiful purple jar before making her decision. Rosamond s mother tells her But didn t I tell you that you had not examined it, and that perhaps you would be disappointed? With this the author is teaching the didactic lesson that things are not always as they seem and the reader should always closely examine their decisions. Rosamond ends up with stones in her shoes causing her pain and eventually not being able to attend an event with her father due to her appearance. In this the author is showing the poor decision Rosamond made and the consequences of that decision. Rosamond confides in her mother that she made a poor decision and she would like new shoes now. Rosamond s mother responds to her request with No, Rosamond, you must abide by your own choice; and now the best thing you can possibly do is bear your disappointment with good humor. The Purple Jar teaches the difference of need and want, that evaluation of the decision should be thorough as things are not always as they appear and that there are consequences for every decision the readers make. In The Story of The Good Little Boy by Mark Twain, Twain takes a contrasting approach to didactic literature where he tells a story of Jacob Blivens who is
  • 36. The Survival Of The Amazon Rainforest One of the world s greatest forests is being cut down and made smaller on the daily. The Amazon Rainforest continues to shrink by the day as those cutting it down have no idea what they are doing. This forest that contains so many plant and animal species is quickly disappearing despite the efforts to conserve it. Many believe that the cure for cancer, new species of wildlife, and many other undiscovered things are still hidden in the Amazon. If the world does not change and approach it s actions with a more sacramental worldview, the Amazon may be long gone in the future. Action must be taken immediately to ensure the survival of the Amazon Rainforest. According to national Geographic, the Amazon has shrunk by 20% in the last 40 years. This
  • 37. Essay About Nobel Peace Prize 2010 Introduction: On October 8, The Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo was named the winner of this year s Nobel Peace Prize by the decision of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. An overwhelming majority of governments and organizations around the world appreciate the dedication of Liu for his long time pursuing of human rights improvement in China. Be that as it may, China has blockaded the news which sounds ridiculous to the standpoint of almost all the Chinese people. Recently, the comments of this controversial phenomenon, not exaggerative to say, as one falls another rises. In my point of view it s not a problem of who is right or wrong, which importantly counts is the respect for China. Closely following behind are the statements and analyses.... Show more content on ... To be honest, China may not do well enough in some parts. Nevertheless, no country is perfect in every aspect. In this case, I think we should bridge the cultural differences between China and other countries, which hopefully leading to understanding, tolerance and even appreciation of different cultures and customs, which is the very theme of avatar . Anyhow, China is not a queen who not only reign but also rain. None of the country leaders do not want to gain the peacefulness through their governance. People should be endowed with a global perspective to prevent their views and ideas from being too one sided or suburban by listening to, comparing and even absorbing different opinions. Sometimes foreigner should stand at our side to rethink about the question in hand. Will you allow a non necessary reform appear along with disorders in public, while most of us live in happiness and satisfy with the measures country adopts now? в‘ўthe relationship between two countries Norway has been left scrambling to contain damage to its relations with China after the award of the Nobel peace prize to a Chinese dissident caused anger in Beijing. We wish to continue our fruitful co operation in all fields with China, Norwegian foreign ministry spokeswoman Ragnhild Imerslund said. According to the statements of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu will bring damage to two way relations. The Beijing government
  • 38. Quest In The Movie Shrek 1. The five characteristics of the quest are a quester, a destination, a reason that has been stated to go there, the challenges along the way, and the real reason for the destination. 2. An example of a quest is in the movie, Shrek. 1. Quester: a male ogre who lives alone in a swamp, but is disturbed by the fairy tale characters who were sent away by Lord Farquaad. He is a hostile introvert. 2. A place to go: In order to find peace at home, he agrees to rescue Princess Fiona for Lord Farquaad to marry so that the Lord can take the fairy tale characters back. He then goes to the castle to save Princess Fiona. 3. Stated reason to go there: Rescuing and return Princess Fiona for Lord Farquaad will lead to ridding Shrek s... Show more content on ... Questions reader should ask when trying to determine symbolic meaning: what s the writer doing with this image, this object, this act; what possibilities are suggested by the movement of the narrative or the lyric; and most important, what does it feel like it s doing? (Foster 59). 45. Nearly all writing is political. 46. Foster says most literature can be called political because most of these works has a time period setting and writers write about issues about social classes or rights or races of that time period. Political means 47. get the most out of your reading of European and American literatures, knowing something about the Old and New Testaments is essential. Similarly, if you undertake to read literature from an Islamic or a Buddhist or a Hindu culture, you re going to need knowledge of other religious traditions. This is because religion shapes different culture and to better understand allusions in literature, one must understand biblical references. Or being aware of religious traditions and culture of a country outside yours can help you better understand the
  • 39. Catechol Oxidase Lab Report Methods Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity and Benzoquinone Absorption During this experiment, the activity of catechol oxidase and the absorbance of benzoquinone was measured in five solutions with different pH concentration. Five cuvettes provided by the instructor were used during the experiment. The transmittance on the spectrophotometer was zeroed on an empty chamber and it was set at a wavelength of 486 nm. Because the shape of an enzyme changes with different pH concentration and each pH has different chemicals, so five cuvettes containing 0.5 mL of enzyme solution and 4.5 mL of pH 2, pH 6, pH 7, pH 8, pH 11 were used to make five different blank solutions (Scott, S.M. et al 2016). (Each blank was made when needed, not all blanks were made at the same time.) These blanks were used to zero the absorbance on the spectrophotometer before each... Show more content on ... Five cuvettes provided by the instructor were used during the experiment. The transmittance on the spectrophotometer was zeroed on an empty chamber and it was set at a wavelength of 486 nm. There was only one blank containing 0.5 mL of enzyme solution (catechol oxidase) and 4.5 mL of pH 6 buffer. The blank was prepared at the beginning of the experiment and used throughout the experiment. The blank was used to zero the absorbance on the spectrophotometer before each experimental trial. The experimental cuvettes contained 0.5 mL of catechol oxidase (enzyme), 0.5 mL of 5mM catechol (substrate), and 4.0 mL of pH 6 buffer for a total of 5.0 mL of solution. The results for the experimental trials were obtained after 0 seconds, 30 seconds, 1minute and 30 seconds, 3 minutes, and 5 minutes in five different reactions. The enzyme and substrate were obtained using a micropipette, and the pH was measured using a 10mL pipet. Each experimental trial was carried out twice for a total of ten experimental
  • 40. Spectrophotometric Determination of the Acid Dissociation... Date Performed: September 9 ,2011 SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF THE ACID DISSOCIATION CONSTANT OF METHYL RED M.C. Caligagan ,M.N.Q. Tolentino and M.Q. Clores Institute of Chemistry, College of Science University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Received :September 21,2011 ABSTRACT This experiment aims to determine the acid dissociation constant value of Methyl Red by means of spectrophotometry. Ten samples were spectrophotometrically analyzed under a UV Vis spectrophotometer and from the absorbance values acquired, calibration curves were constructed to determine the concentration of the species of interest particularly HMR(acidic methyl red) and MR (basic methyl red). The principle of Beer s Law ... Show more content on ... In preparing 0.04 M NaOAc,0.33 grams of NaOAC crystals was dissolved in distilled water.The solution was transferred in a 100 ml volumetric flask and diluted to mark with distilled water. From the 0.04 M NaOAc, 0.01 M NaOAc was prepared by diluting to mark 12.5ml of 0.04 M NaOAc with distilled water in a 50 ml volumetric flask. A 50 ml solution of 1M HOAc was used in the preparation of 0.02 M HOAc wherein 1 ml of the 1M solution was diluted to mark by distilled water in a 50 ml volumetric flask. Lastly,50 ml of 0.10 M HCl was used in the preparation of 0.010 M HCl by diluting to mark 5ml of 0.10 M HCl solution with distilled water in a 50 ml volumetric flask. D.Preparation of Standard solution of Acidic Methyl Red (HMR) This was prepared by the addition of 5.00 ml of methyl red standard solution (from step B) to 5.00ml of 0.100 M HCl solution contained in a 50ml volumetric flask.The solution was diluted to mark,covered by a parafilm and mixed thoroughly.It was taken to account that the pH of the solution must be approximately 2.This solution was used in the preparation of solution 1 3(in step F). E.Preparation of Standard solution of Alkaline Methyl Red(MR ) The solution was prepared by the addition of 5.00ml of methyl red standard solution (from step B) to 12.50ml of 0.040 M NaOAc which was contained in a 50 ml volumetric
  • 41. Extraterrestrial Life And Outer Space Throughout my life, movies about extraterrestrial life and outer space have always seemed to entertain me. I know I m not alone when it comes to this fascination because there are many who find joy, excitement, and mystery in many of these movies. Some people even take their interest to a completely other level by believing that these other forms of life actually exist. Although they might, others still go to the extreme by dressing up as them in science fiction conventions such as We Heart Nerds Con, Mysticon , Atomacon, Necronomicon ( Convention Scene ) and obsessing over the idea of one day finding them. I believe that people enjoy watching these movies because they like the mystery of the fact that there might be other forms of life other than us, the coming together of the humanspecies to take down an extraterrestrial enemy, or maybe they just like to think about how far we as humans will come along in space travel in the future. For a great deal of time, the search for an alien species has been occurring. The idea there might be other creatures in the universe has been around since at least the fifth century B.C. (Zielinski) Whether it is going to the moon, putting out telescopes in space, or putting robots on mars, some of us like to believe that there are other forms of life out in the dark abyss of space. For people who do like to believe in such a concept, watching movies and television shows like Star Wars and Star Trek fascinate the mind. Just the thought of
  • 42. Compare And Contrast Michael Jordan Vs Lebron James Most people believe that Michael Jordan is a better basketball player than LeBron James. In the 2003 NBA draft, however, the Cleveland Cavaliers selected LeBron James as their first pick. Whereas, Michael Jordan was the third pick in the 1984 NBA draft, selected by the Chicago Bulls. I believe that LeBron James is better than Michael Jordandue to LeBron had hit 30,000 career points at 33 years old, LeBron was a more team player than Michael, despite Michael had arguably the greatest coach of all time, Phil Jackson. LeBron was a 6 8 small forward (who would eventually play all positions on the court) straight out of high school when he was drafted. During LeBron s senior year in high school he averaged 31.6 points, 9.6 rebounds, 4.6 assists
  • 43. Threat Likelihood Memo Requirement B: Threat Likelihood Memo 1. Likelihood of the Threats Due to the lack of basic security and information protection observed at the LLP, there is a strong likelihood of attacks on the server and the workstations at the organization. The clients are allowed to log in to the company s Web site and enter their case information. Without proper security measures, such as implementation of Secure Socket Layer (SSL), the personal information of the client is at risk. The LLP is vulnerable to the following threats: Server: The operating system patches, application patches and the browser plug ins are not kept up to date. This exposes the servers to a huge security risk. The Web site on the server has already been hacked. Unless proper security measures are in place to ... Show more content on ... This will help with the following security threat: port scan. d)Keep the Web browser up to date. Use the latest version of the browser and ensure security patches are up to date. Also keep the add ons and browser related technologies, such as Flash and Java, up to date. This will help with the following security threats: Trojan Horse, malware, Web defacement. e)Enable two factor authentication. This will help with the following security threats: phishing, brute force attack. f)Change the default passwords related to hardware, operating system, applications, and users. This will help with the following security threats: Null or default passwords. g)Ensure the User Account Control (UAC) is enabled on the computers. This will help with the following security threats: malware. h)Use software that was developed using secure software design (SSD) model. For example, software developers should not write dynamic queries for databases and prevent user supplied input which contains malicious SQL from affecting the logic of the executed query. This will help with the following security threat: SQL injection, buffer