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Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Dulce Et Decorum Est" can be both challenging and
rewarding. The poem, penned by Wilfred Owen, is a powerful anti-war piece that delves into the
harsh realities of combat and challenges the glorification of war. To effectively analyze and
discuss the themes, language, and literary devices used in the poem, one must possess a keen
understanding of both historical context and literary techniques.
One of the complexities lies in dissecting the vivid imagery Owen employs to convey the horrors
of war. Descriptions of gas attacks, traumatized soldiers, and the disillusionment of patriotic
fervor require careful consideration to capture the depth of the poet's message. Additionally,
exploring the emotional impact of Owen's personal experiences, as a soldier in World War I,
adds another layer of complexity to the essay.
Moreover, navigating the nuanced balance between critical analysis and personal interpretation is
crucial. Unraveling the layers of meaning in "Dulce Et Decorum Est" demands a thoughtful
approach to avoid oversimplification or misinterpretation. Addressing the broader implications of
the poem, such as its contribution to anti-war literature and its influence on subsequent works,
further elevates the complexity of the essay.
However, despite its challenges, delving into the profound themes and literary craftsmanship of
"Dulce Et Decorum Est" offers an opportunity for deep intellectual engagement. Unraveling the
layers of this poem not only hones analytical skills but also fosters a richer understanding of the
human condition and the impact of war on individuals.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on "Dulce Et Decorum Est" demands a careful blend of
historical insight, literary analysis, and thoughtful interpretation. While the process may be
intricate, the rewards lie in gaining a profound appreciation for the complexities of Owen's work
and the anti-war sentiments it conveys.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, various
resources are available, including online platforms, where professional
support can be accessed for a range of topics and assignments.
Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay
Keeping A Chain Saw Sharp
To keep a chain saw sharp, you must sharpen it often. This is not as difficult as it
sounds all you need are a few simple tools and some practice. There are really only
2 steps to sharpening your chain saw. First, you need to file or grind the teeth on the
chain to a razor sharp edge, and second you need to adjust the height of the depth
guides that regulate the amount of wood taken by each cut.
You can imagine the teethon the chain as small wood chisels, each one taking a
small sliver of wood from the cut, every second tooth cutting from the opposite side.
If each tooth takes a consistent amount of wood, at the same angle, and with same
amount of effort or force from the saw, then we will get a nice clean cut with a
minimum of struggle. ... Show more content on ...
Line up your round file so that it follows the existing angles on the teeth. Gently
stroke the file towards the tooth s point (away from the saw body). Watch the guide
carefully so you can keep a consistent angle. Always count the number of strokes on
each tooth usually 5 or 6 strokes is enough. Then move on to the next tooth on the
chain and stroke 5 or 6 times at the very same angle.
Repeat this pattern for all of the teeth that point in the same direction (every second
tooth). Then flip the file guide around and repeat the process for every other
alternating tooth pointing to the other side of the saw. Remember, it s very important
that every tooth is sharpened the same amount or the saw will pull to one side when
you try to cut.
After several sharpenings you will have worn the teeth down slightly. The depth
gauges must be filed down so they are no higher than the tops of the teeth on the
chain saw. Many people don t know about this step, but if you don t maintain the
correct height of the depth guides your chain saw will not cut properly.
All you do is set the depth guide on the chain straddling the teeth and a small notch
on the guide will allow you to remove the correct amount from each gauge. Filing the
depth gauges is easier than sharpening the teeth because you re only trying to set the
height of the depth gauges, not actually sharpen
48 Shades Of Brown By Nick Earls
48 Shades of Brown by Nick Earls is a novel that follows Dan Bancroft, the main
protagonist, and his troubling experiences as he goes through his final year of school.
Dan is thrown into a world of unfamiliarity, where he makes many comical and
embarrassing decisions. This novel expresses the theme of having or not having
control subtly through the choices Dan makes, and their consequences. This theme is
also successfully revealed through the four elements; characters, plot, motifs and
setting. The relationships between the characters are vital to providing an insight into
the theme.
In the beginning of the novel 48 Shades of Brown , the theme of having or not
having control is effectively demonstrated through the characters. When Dan is
faced with the issue of living in a share house during his final year of school, he
begins to identify the struggles of surviving in the unorganised environment. A
situation where Dan lacks control is when Naomi and her boyfriend are having sex
in the room next door and Dan wants to go outside, but the floorboards (would)
squeak so they d know (p.19). Dan lacks control in this situation as he has no power
over what is happening in the other room, and he also cannot escape without them
realising what he is trying to do. Dan lacking control in this situation causes him
discomfort that he cannot rattle. During this situation, Dan starts arranging his socks
systematically revealing his inner need to be in control. There s something
Why Do Some Kids Get Enough To Eat Free By Anna
The author Anna Quindlen purpose for writing School s out for summer is to show
that some kids don t get enough to eat. She says that some parents can t afford
services that give out free lunches like day camps, school programs, and the Y
community center. During the school year fifteen million students get free or cut rate
lunches at school, and many of them get breakfast too. But only three million
children are getting lunches through the federal summer lunch program. This is very
effective because she has support that will back her up on her side of this essay.
Some kids don t get enough to eat, no matter what people want to tell themselves.
Hunger in the United States, particularly since the institution of
Sitting Bull Essay
Andy Warhol s 2 D silkscreen print, Sitting Bull, is a very popular and controversial
print from his series Cowboys and Indians. The print is representational, based on
an original archival photo of the Sioux Chief, Sitting Bull. In the original
photograph and print, the Chief is posing for a headshot photo, with a calm facial
expression and stance. In the print, the artist chose to make the chief s skin light
blue, his dress bright red, his hair dark blue, and his shape is outlined in yellow,
white and blue. As for most of Warhol s Pop style pieces, the photo was redesigned
by the artist to be printed in vivid colors and showcases a lightly colored outline of
his body and shape, giving the original photo a modern touch. The artist s work was
printed using the silkscreen printingprocess on a 36 inch by 36 inch Lenox Museum
Board paper (Sitting Bull 376, 2016). Sitting Bull is great representation of the
artist s style. Andy Warhol was a very successful illustrator and designer in New
York City, where he and other artists developed the concept of Pop art, the style in
which he is famous for, and the style he chose to recreate Sitting Bull (Andy
Warhol Biography, 2016). Pop art is a modern style of art in which the subject
matter is commonplace objects and people of everyday life, seeking to elevate the
culture of the time and straying away from traditional themes such as mythology or
religion. Warhol was a pioneer of contemporary art and really had a great impact on
The Capodistria In The Alexandria Quartet By Lawrence
Lawrence Durrell was famous for writing the Alexandria Quartet. The first novel in
this Quartet is entitled Justine. Durrell writes his novel through the narrator. In this
novel, narrator writes about Alexandria while he is in Greece, so he was using his
memory of his past experiences in Alexandria. In the novel, it is shown that Durrell
sees Alexandriathrough the Cosmopolitan Alexandria, where different people with
different races were able to live peacefully together, the poor Arab quarters that the
lower classes live in and Justineas a resemblance of Alexandria. Durrell writes about
the Cosmopolitan Alexandria through the narrator of the novel. The narrator in the
novel writes about his experience in Alexandria and about his old friends who
represents part of the Cosmopolitan Alexandria. The representation of Alexandria as a
cosmopolitan city is seen when the narrator says, five races, five languages, a dozen
creeds: five fleets turning through their greasy reflections behind the... Show more
content on ...
He is more of a goblin than a man, you would think... He is ineffably rich and does
not have to lift a finger for himself (Durrell 23). It shows how there were people in
Alexandria that were very rich to the extent that they did nothing by themselves.The
narrator speaks About the Cosmopolitan Alexandria through the characters of
Justine and her husband Nessim. Justine and Nessim were part of the wealthy, rich
and the elites in Alexandria. Durrell describes Nessim in the following quote To
begin with he was a Copt, not a Moslem...Yet the factors which gave him a
reputation for eccentricity were neither of them remarkable to those who had lived
outside the Levant. He did not care for money, except to spend it (Durrell 17).This
quotation shows how rich and wealthy. Nessim was a Copt and he was also a rich
The Importance Of Sugar In Schools
Should sugary foods be served to elementary, middle, and high school students?
The average American consumes 19.5 teaspoons of sugar per day , and the average
American also consumes 500 gallons of soda a day combined into the 19.5 teaspoons
per day . Sugar may be a delicious treat, but how is sugar effecting children and
should foods with refined sugar be given to elementary, middle, and high school
students? Students in schools across the country are being served snacks packed with
sugar. Those types of foods effect a growing student s mind and their ability to
concentrate throughout their academic classes. Other factors of sugar and children
are health problems including, diabetes, obesity, or heart disease. Having said that,
sugary foods ... Show more content on ...
Too much sugar can lead to diabetes, obesity, tooth decay, behavioral problems and
many more. According to a recent study done by researchers at UC San Francisco,
...When obese children are limited to the amount of sugar they can receive, their
health rapidly improves. The research done by that university proves that a
reduction of sugar will improve many children s health. Healthy sugar from fruits
and vegetables are needed in our bodies to survive, but refined sugar can affect the
body in ways that cannot be explained. In the year 2010, the then first lady
Michelle Obama created the Let s Move! campaign to promote healthy eating for
children. Michelle Obama quoted, In the end, as First Lady, this isn t just a policy
issue for me. This is a passion. This is my mission. I am determined to work with
folks across this country to change the way a generation of kids thinks about food and
nutrition. The campaign has widely influenced parents and children by promoting
Persuasive Letter To Wells Fargo
I left you a voicemail in regards to my property loss claim, earlier this morning. It s
been almost a month since we received the property rebuild funds from Heritage
Property and Casualty Insurance Company, and repairs have yet to commence; due
to the fact that, Wells Fargo (our lender) has a lengthy home recovery process that we
are still trying to satisfy.
As part of the home recovery process and in the protection of our lender s interest
Wells Fargo sent out a home inspector whose purpose was to verify the property
damages against the submitted contract/estimates, and the repairs already made;
namely the water mitigation, mold remediation, and the demolition. Although our
home is technically 50% completed (water/mold remediation and demolition) and
ready for the rebuild, Mr. ... Show more content on ...
Next, I m submitting to you an estimate by Johns Appliance for the replacement of
our cabinets. Their estimate is for all wood doors/American made cabinets, which is
what we had in our home; in contrast to Servpro s contractor s cabinets, which are
Chinese imported cabinets with MDF door fronts. The difference in pricing is ...
Lastly, please find attached a PDF with ALE receipts from 2/24 3/22 for the amount
Please let me know how you would like us to proceed with the above issues, I ve
already been in contact with Heritage Property and Casualty Insurance Company s
main number to see if the in house company can come out and provide the air quality
test and bill our insurance directly.
Thank you in advance for your prompt response and guidance. It has been 4 months
and 10 days since our loss occurred, we sit here gathering paperwork, typing up
emails, making endless phone calls, having to suffer the very circumstances we
assumed we were insured
Fate In Virgil s Aeneid
In the Ancient Greek and Roman world fate was known to be an unalterable chain
of predetermined events caused by a supernatural power. Hesiod personifies fate to
be three very old women who spins the threads of people s destiny. Everyone has a
fate meaning that even the gods cannot escape these powerful forces from Atropos (1
of the 3 women) when she cuts the string, ultimately determining your destiny.
Throughout Virgil s Aeneid fate played an immense role from the beginning of the
poem as Aeneas already knew what he was destined for leading him to Italy at the
end. Virgil depicted fate to be an unstoppable power that leads one to their destiny.
Regardless of other irrelevant events ones destiny remains intact but may be
prolonged in length.... Show more content on ...
A prime example would be right after Polydorus s funeral after when they decided
to sail southward to the island of Delos. When they reached the island of Delos
Apollo got the chance to speak to Aeneas instructing him to go to the land of his
ancestors. Anchises believing he decoded this message expresses to Aeneas that
he may think Apollo is referring to the Island of Crete. Crete was the land of one
of the great forefathers Teucrians who had ruled a long time ago. Subsequently
after falling asleep the night of the construction in their new city of Crete the gods
of Troy appear in Aeneas s dream. They articulated that his father misinterpreted
Apollo and was meant to go to Italy, which was the original home of Dardanus. If
Aeneas was not destined for Italy the gods would not have came and advised him as
he would have started a new life in Crete. Thus proving again that fate prevails
regardless of any hindrances that occur you are always moving forward inching up to
your inescapable fate. Aeneas proves that fate is unchangeable as nothing stopped
him from getting to
Why We Need Stricter Gun Control Laws
There was a horror and tragedy on Sunday , Oct. 1 mass shooting in Las Vegas. The
shooting was dreadful because the shooting was at a concert. According to cbs news
there is nearly one mass shooting per day. There needs to be more Gun control with
gun control there would be less shootings around the world. The U.S should have
strict guncontrol laws because gun control would mean less gun violence and people
getting their hands on guns. Gun control would make us feel safe from mass
shootings such as the Las Vegas one. Congress can attempt to reduce shootings and
gun violence by making it harder for people to get there hands on guns. Stricter gun
laws people would have a criminal and mental health background check, a required
safety... Show more content on ...
We have decided that grenade launchers should not be widely available; why
should we not say the same for devices that allow bullets to be fired at a rate of
more than 400 rounds per minute? The National Rifle Association (NRA) and its
allies are not all powerful: the lobby relies on the intensity of a small cadre of
fervent supporters, and it does lose races, such as last year s campaign to replace
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada. The challenge in bringing change is that the debate
over gun rights isn t really about guns at all. It s about what they represent:
cherished freedoms, a reverence for independence. The guns are a rejection of
political correctness that creeps into everything. Even the most incremental move to
constrain deadly weaponry seems to many Americans to cut against their rights. We
should have stricter gun control laws because there would be less shootings and gun
deaths with gun control. Gun control laws would mean you would have to get a
background check and meet some requirements before you can get a gun in your
hands. There was a mass shooting in Vegas at Jason Aldean concert. Gun control
makes the people feel
How Did Robin Williams Cause Depression
Robin Williams, a man who makes people laugh, feel, and smile. He is someone
who helped out the world by giving back to it. And, he is a man who was loved by
millions. Robin Williams was a great and loved comedian who had many obstacles
throughout his life. The comedian and actor was born on July 21, 1951 in Chicago,
Illinois, to formed model Laura and Ford executive Robert William. Robin was
bullied badly during his childhood for being chubby, and would spend most of his
time in his large familyhome to avoid the people that bullied him. Robin got rid of
his overweight label by joining the wrestling and track teams. Robin realized around
this age that he could make other kids laugh as a way of gaining respect from them (
Childhood ).... Show more content on ...
Robin was to be remembered, so a ceremony was held in an San Francisco s
Currant Theatre to honor his love for his family, community, and his humor, and
generosity ( Memorial ). A few days after Robin s death Susan Schneider, Robin s
current wife, told how Robin had been diagnosed with a disease that is a disorder
of the nervous system. As this disease progresses, it effects the movement and
speech of a person overtime. This disease was Parkinson s. Susan had also
confirmed any other information that was asked, including that Robin maintained
his sobriety after the 2006 incident until his death ( Wife ). Robin will be
remembered by millions and his legacy will be remembered for years. From his
effort and energy that he puts into movies and shows to his charitable work, Robin
has put the time, effort, money, and love into all of his works. He has offered his
work to over fifty charities, including his most well known charity, which is at the
St.Jude Children s Hospital
Essay Racial and Ethnic Identity
The African, Mexican, and Native persons have all interacted with the Dominant
American culture in some magnitude; consequently altering each different group s
racial and ethnic Identity. Throughout the semester, I have discovered that in much
literature writers had an ideal perspective on their own identity as well as the identity
that the dominant culture influenced them to have. While doing some research I
wanted to see what would be a transitional time frame for a person to be un
conditioned of many negative symbolic meanings in regard to minorities and
immigrants. My research has shown that there was a hierarchical scheme where an
individual can monitor his/her identity progression from one level to the next. This...
Show more content on ...
This mindset is shown in Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye. Pecola visited and knew
three women above her apartment who embraced their lifestyle. Speaking about
them Pecola says, Sugar coated whores, they called them, and did not yearn to be
in their shoes. Their only respect was for what they would have described as good
Christian colored women (Morrison 56). The second stage in the process of
developing racial and ethnic identity is encounter. This is when a person questions
the negative stereotypes that have become a part of their ethnic identity. This is
evident in How it Feels to be Colored Me by Zora Neale Hurston. She mentions her
first encounter when she realized she was different; It seemed that I had suffered a
sea change. I was not Zora of Orange County anymore. I was now a colored girl. I
found it out in certain ways. In my heart as well as in the mirror, I became a fast
brown warranted not to rub or run (Hurston). The third stage is Immersion
Emersion. This is when a person begins to rid themselves of their ethnic self hatred
and discover their traditional culture and customs (Cushner, McClelland and
Safford). This is evident in The School Days of an Indian Girl by Zitkala Sa. Here
as a returning student who has been assimilated to American ways, changes from a
school girl back into her traditional culture: I could speak English almost as well as
my brother, but I was not properly
Cephalosporin Case Study
1. What assessments will you make prior to prescribing a cephalosporin? The patient
s medication allergies need to be questioned due to the high incidence of a drug
reaction to cephalosporins if the patient has an allergy to penicillin (UpToDate, 2015).
2. What first line cephalosporin will you prescribe? When treating primary or
secondary skin infections, first generation cephalosporins are recommended as the
standard initial treatment (Woo Wynne, 2012). According to Woo Wynne (2012),
cephalexin is the most used drug for surgical incision infections (Woo Wynne, 2012).
Woo Wynne (2012) recommend dosing for cephalexin for soft tissue and skin
infections 500mg every 12 hours (Woo Wynne, 2012). 3. What are the
pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacotherapeutics for the first line
cephalosporins? (Address the action, use, contraindications, drug to drug and drug to
food interaction, adverse effects, and patient teaching/nursing interventions.)
According to Woo Wynne (2012): Pharmacokinetics: Oral forms of cephalosporins
are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Absorption is delayed by food,
except for in oral ester prodrugs where absorption is... Show more content on ...
This requires clinical, microbiological, and laboratory data. Signs and symptoms of
superinfections should be noted. Nurses must also note signs and symptoms of
hemolytic anemia. Urinalysis, BUN, and creatinine should be used to assess the
patient s renal function when they are on prolonged treatment. If impaired renal
function is indicated the dosage should be decreased. Some cephalosporins affect
blood clotting and require a baseline and assessment of prothrombin level (PT). These
patients should also be monitored for disulfiram reactions. Nurses should also educate
patients on administration, adverse reactions, side effects, and lifestyle management
(Woo Wynne,
The Predicament Of Doing School By Denise Clark Pope
The Predicament of Doing School by Denise Clark Pope. In this book Denise
explains the troubles of doing school. Denise shows how students are hardworking
and very intelligent people. But with our curriculum students have acquired some bad
habits that they have been using over and over again. Could it be the students, the
teachers, or the schoolsystem? One of the claims Denise makes is that students turn
into classroom chameleons. When students go to different classes they change their
personality, just like how chameleons change colors to fit in with their surroundings.
Denise says, Like chameleons who use dramatic color changes to camouflage
themselves in order to stay alive. pg(157) Students change personalities to fit with
Dalai Lama s Essay-Moral Is A Complex Thing
Do Moral Is A Complex Thing Humans emotions are very complex. It is hard to tell
others when people do moral, they ways are true and wrong. The behaviors that
humans appear are also influenced by their values. And their values are influenced by
many aspects. Such as cultures and religions. Thus, when humans know that we need
to think things in moral ways, the ways that to be moral are different. As the Dalai
Lama mentions in his essay called Ethicsand the New Genetics, the ways to close to
the moral thinking need to follow humans inner emotions. However, humans
emotions are such a complex thing. Because everyone has his/her own values, when
they talked to others, humans are easily to be confused by others values. To be moral
is... Show more content on ...
In some religions such as the Buddhism, people need to be comprehensive.
However, the Dalai Lama as a person who live in that religions, his word are
opposite to his education: Because of the profoundly interconnected reality of
today s world, we need to relate to the challenges we face as a single human family
rather than as members of specific nationalities, ethnicities, or religions. (139) In
his words, if humans do moral, humans cannot consider what they are educated.
Education includes many aspect and humans thoughts also include the education
which we learned these years. It is hard that when humans do moral just do moral
with their inner feeling. Actually, the feeling also impacted by people s values.
When the Dalai Lama wrote this essay, he also use his value to tell people how to
do moral rather than tell people think more about their inner feeling. Hence, the
value and inner feeling is same thing. They are difficult to be consider as two parts.
Herzog puts forward an idea called the trouble middle, its concept is I also believe
that our vastly greater capacity for symbolic language, culture, and ethical judgment
puts humans on a different moral plane from that of other animals. (247) Because
people s values are different, the ways people treat animals are different. Just as
Herzog says, there are many
The Internet Engineering Task Force
OSPF is one of the most popular interior gateway protocols. It gathers updates from
other link state routers and combines them to create a map of the network. OSPF
was developed in 1988, after RIP began running into technical issues with larger
networks. While OSPF has been around for almost 30 years, it is still widely used
today, and is still one of the best IGP s available.
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) developed OSPF as a solution to the
technically flawed RIP routing protocol. In 1988, they formed a group to research
and develop a new routing protocol based on the link state algorithm, which was more
suited towards modern networks. Under the development of ARPAnet, some research
had already been conducted on the link state algorithm. The IETF named the new
protocol Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). Its name is relatively self explanatory:
The word open refers to open source, allowing everyone to use it without proper
licensing. The SPF portion points to the shortest path first, based on the link state
algorithm it uses. The link state algorithm was designed to allow routers to
determine the shortest path between any two networks. The original version of
OSPF, described in RFC 1131, was published in October of 1989. There have been
several more iterations of the OSPF protocol, namely OSPF version 2, published in
July of 1991 (Kozierok). OSPF differs from its predecessor, RIPv1, in many ways
(including several upgrades to the algorithm itself). Updates are
Cdr for Australia
Competency Demonstration Report Competency Demonstration Report Career
Episodes Writing A Career Episode In this kit, objective is to facilitate our clients
in writing CDR based on their experience. Firstly, have a look on some General
Rules of writing CDR Project: Use I , instead of we/us/our team/group Avoid
writing descriptive sentences like X was done . Rather you should write I did X
and then describe in detail how you did X Avoid writing theoretical knowledge like
description of any process from books, technical specifications of equipment copied
from manuals etc You are required to write three career episodes After knowing the
basic skills and tactics, lets move on to the Basic Information required for any project.
... Show more content on ...
Write all the duties that you performed involving technical duties, tasks related to
leadership and management. C) Personal Workplace Activity (write 800 2000
words) This is most important section of the CDR. Here you are required to describe
the work that you actually performed. Write this part of CDR using I instead of we,
us, our. Avoid writing theory, detail processes or specifications of equipments from
manuals. Engineers Australia is not interesting in knowing how the department
works, or what is the process flow (although you may refer to it where necessary),
rather they are more interesting in knowing what is your role in that process.
Technical details of the work You are required to produce complete details of how
you performed any particular task, the method you adopted, steps you take If you
performed any calculations, please include how you made these calculations, mention
the method you followed or formula you used, include any sample calculations if
possible. Zarnab International (PVT) Limited Immigration Consultants Competency
Demonstration Report CompetencyDemonstration Report Career Episodes If you are
My Soul Is Rested Summary
The book My soul is rested , by Howell Raines takes place during the civil rights
movement in the South. Howell Raines was a white southern journalist who
interviewed many people like activist, lawyers, and many other people in the states
of Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi that were involved in the civil rights
movement. As known, Rosa Parkswas the person who sparked the civil rights
movement by refusing to give up her seat and move to the back of the bus for the
one white citizen that was left standing on the bus. Unfortunately she was arrested,
fingerprinted, incarcerated, and trialed over this situation. Because of Rosa Parks
courage on December 1, 1955 people are now able to ride, sit, and coexists with
other nonblack people. Just like two of the many activists, Horton (white) and
Malone Jones (black), were two important characters in the civil rights movements.
The Civil Rights Movement was a social movementin the U.S. to end racial
segregation and discrimination against blacks. Raines wrote this book in order for
people to tell their side of their story in the civil rights movement. This book is about
political and social history. It s also a tribute to everyone that made history happen.
Myles Hortonwas one of the many people interviewed by Raines in My Soul is
Rested . Horton was born in East Tennessee and founded Highlander Folk School in
1932. Like described in, Highlander Folk School was known for its
advocacy for the impoverished and labor
Pros And Cons Of Hypothyroidism
Introduction to Hypothyroidism Revolution
The thyroid gland is responsible for creating the hormones which are located in front
of the neck below the voice box. Condition in which thyroid gland is not able to
produce sufficient thyroid hormones named thyroxin is called Hypothyroidism.
Without thyroid hormones many functions of the body become slow.
Tom Brimeyer is the creator of the Hypothyroidism Revolution. This program allows
people to control or finish the problem of hypothyroidism by making some important
changes in their diet plan. Tom Brimeyer himself suffered from this disease and after
research of many years, he gets to know about the roots of this problem.
Hypothyroidism can lead to Infertility, Mental issues, Heart problems, Myxedema
(extreme hypothyroidism), and goiter. All these problems can be prevented by
following ... Show more content on ...
Hypothyroidism revolution is a very comprehensive system.
The natural treatment suggestions and programs are very easy to follow.
People can easily take the steps to cure as it provides shopping lists, meal plan,
thyroid relieves cookbook, checklists, useful calculators along with an incredible
Hypothyroidism revolution program searches for curing the root cause of thyroid,
unlike other treatments that give only quick solution.
The program is user friendly and organized. The guide is in simple language and easy
to understand.
It helps you keep healthy weight, mental clarity, and clean hair, skin, and nails
The program is available in both digital version as well as hard copy format.
The program provides coaching through email and good customer service
The program also features 60 days money back guarantee
Human Resources Department Roadblocks
In the Human Resources Department at CONMED, things are constantly moving at
a rapid pace, once one task in completed, there is another task to start, then to
complete. Things can get hectic when a company has a lot of requirements to be met.
In order for any organization to run accordingly, they must have a schedule that helps
them to meet deadlines and stay organized. The Human Resources Department keeps
records of what needs to be done, however, have put aside the task of making their
records an actual thing to see and understand. From the beginning of this projectmy
goal was to take their saved data and create a visualized calendar that is user
friendly for the service center. This way, upcoming tasks are understandable and
easy to access for all staff in the service center. I believe being organized in a business
is very important for success.... Show more content on ...
As far as building this resource, I have been working alongside the IT department
to see what my limits are. CONMED throughout this process was open to all ideas
however rejected many for different reasons. I faced several roadblocks from us not
being able to obtain a specific software, to not having much available in Excel that
was needed to accomplish our goal. In order to narrow my research down, I
presented them with several different options. Once we all came to an agreement that
satisfied the company I was then able to expand on one main focus.
From Excel Online, to Google Calendar, and Mobile Calendar Apps, I was testing
all waters. After reviewing the pros and cons of the different resources, the
company expressed that they would like a calendar that feeds from the data that
they input creating a nexus, preferably one in Excel. The advantage of sticking with
Excel was that the data they already have saved on excel was easily
Race And Beauty in Toni Morrison s Novel The Bluest Eye...
Throughout Toni Morrison s novel The Bluest Eye, she captures, with vivid insight,
the plight of a young African American girl and what she would be subjected to in
a media contrived society that places its ideal of beauty on the e quintessential blue
eyed, blonde woman. The idea of what is beautiful has been stereotyped in the mass
media since the beginning and creates a mental and emotional damage to self and
soul. This oppression to the soul creates a socio economic displacement causing a
cycle of dysfunction and abuses. Morrison takes us through the agonizing story of just
such a young girl, PecolaBreedlove, and her aching desire to have what is considered
beautiful blue eyes. Racial stereotypes of beauty contrived and nourished by... Show
more content on ...
Matus also notes:
Profoundly interpersonal, the experience of shame is also therefore social and
cultural. Shame is the result of feeling deficient, whether in relation to a parent, an
admired friend, or a more powerful social group (39).
We can easily see the effect of this stereotyping in the diminishment of self with
Pecola s desire for blue eyes just to be considered beautiful enough to love.
A negative self concept fostered by societal beliefs creates a profound sense of self
loathing for those who don t fit into a certain standard, which can transcend to the
belief that familial connections are also guilty of the same abhorrence of not
fitting into societal stereotyping. The inherent belief that one is not worthy and
they come from a bloodline also unworthy diminishes the mind of any positive
thinking and forms a person ready for abuse and disregard. In Trudier Harris view,
quot;The cycle, vicious in its repetitiveness, is one that is too ingrained to be
broken quot; (47). Harris also points out the oppression faced by a young girl like
...Morrison explores in the novel [and] centers upon the standard of beauty by which
white women are judged in this country. They are taught that their blonde hair, blue
eyes, and creamy skins are not only wonderful, but
How Did Truett Build A Fried Chicken Sandwich
I.As a young boy, Truett Cathy watched his mother cook fried chicken for boarders
they took in after his father died. a.Even then Truett was already thinking as an
entrepreneur to help his family make money. i.He would go in to Atlanta and
purchase six packs of Coca Cola, bring them back to his home town of Hapeville
and sell them for five cents a piece. This would in turn make him a profit of five
cents on every six bottles he sold. II.In 1946, a then 25 year old Truett Cathy and
his younger brother Ben opened a restaurant called the Dwarf House , in their
home town of Hapeville, Georgia. III.Truett started experimenting with different
ways to cook and serve chicken quickly and economically. He started serving a
fried chicken breast fillet on a bun to keep customers from getting grease on their
fingers. He then went on to perfect the chicken sandwich by experimenting with
different cooking methods, seasonings and spices. When he finally felt it was right
he had ended up using a special blend of seasonings and cooking the chicken in a
pressure cooker with peanut oil, then adding a pickle to the finished sandwich. This
would eventually become the Chick fil A Chicken Sandwich and become a lasting
part of the Chick fil A formula. Transition I.... Show more content on
Before they became Chick fil A sandwiches, they were just listed as chicken
sandwiches on the Dwarf House menu. Soon the chicken sandwich was outselling
hamburgers. In 1963 Truett decided to give the sandwiches a name to help market
the product. When he consulted a patent attorney he was told that he could use
ordinary words as long as he misspelled or altered the meaning from the dictionary
usage. Working with the words chicken and filliet , Truett came up with Chick fil A,
making the A stand for the first or best. He then hired the Richard Heiman Company
to create the logo that is still being used
The For The Future Liabilities
In general insurance, Insurers make use of data gathered previously out of
experience in order to predict the future liabilities. Such an estimate is made through
the help of a loss function in decision making, as well as mathematical optimization.
It is a common tendency to minimize the loss of the risk models and hence to do so
are different methods applicable in today s statistics. Frequentist expected loss,
Bayesian expected loss are mostly used; with Bayesian statistics being the
increasingly common methodology in actuarial science. Insurers also make an
estimate of the expected claims that arise in the future years, and so they need to hold
reserves based on the aggregate claim amount they could face in the near future.
Hence one way of doing this is by using the aggregate claim model. Therefore,
examining and comparing the different forms of loss distribution that could be used
in the aggregate risk model analysis, besides investigating about issues surrounding
the application of Bayesian statistics in such a context. Acknowledgement: I would
like to acknowledge my mentor Ms. Preeti Sahay, to have stood as a support for me
throughout the project and in providing sufficient information for the project.
Introduction: Insurance by nature is an uncertain subject. The Insured events occur at
random times, particularly in a general insurance field, thereby the amount of claims
are also random. Based on the future ability to pay the claims the insurer has to
Frederick Douglass Literary Techniques
Frederick Douglass was an African American writer, social reformer and a slave for
most of his life. In the 1800 s, a time of slavery, Frederick Douglass produced an
autobiography about his time being a slave. This autobiography was called The
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, this was a novel about Frederick
Douglass s life as a slave. In Frederick Douglass s writing, he expresses his point of
view, but gets in depth of his stories by using literary elements for readers to feel like
he did in slavery. In Frederick Douglass s writing, he brings imagery, tone and
theme into his narrative. For example Now, you d d b h, I ll learn you how to
disobey my orders! and after rolling up his sleeves, he commenced to lay on the
heavy cowskin, and soon the warm, red blood (amid heart rending shrieks from
her, and horrid oaths from him) came dripping to the floor (Douglass 6). This
quote expresses the tone by showing readers the truth about slavery and how
terrible they were treated on a daily basis. This quote also gives imagery because
Douglass states the heavy whip was dripping warm blood from his aunt. From
Douglass s point of view, he sees this whipping as something new and terrifying
because he was at a young age.... Show more content on ...
For example, The singing of a man cast away upon a desolate island might be as
appropriately considered as evidence of contentment and happiness, as the singing
of a slave; the songs of the one and of the other are prompted by the same emotion
(Douglass 15). Syntax and diction come into this quote by Douglass expressing that
the slaves sang out of tiredness, which gives readers the idea of how a slave felt.
From Douglass s point of view, he sees this as something that is true and doesn t take
much out of it compared to the
Wash Out Effect Essay
Various factors have been suggested, such as systematic decline along the hair shaft,
systematic variation among body regions or external contamination through sweat.
This study attempts to fill those methodical gaps of HCC assessment in chimpanzees.
The washout effect fact has been observed in several humanstudies. It was initially
suggested that structural damage of distal hair segments may permit liquids like
water and cosmetics or alcohol to clean the samples before analysis to penetrate
and washout hair cortisol more easily. This would be reflected in decreasing HCC
from skin near to distal part to the hair. The waning effect maybe more appropriate
than the traditional term washout effect, which is meant to indicate the leaching of
cortisol by water. This is because cortisol may not only leech from hair shaft but it
also may be could degrade it... Show more content on ...
This is consistent with the idea that typical point estimates provided by plasma or
saliva measurement are driven at least in part by the same underlying constitutive
differences and pituitary adrenocortical activity that contribute to the values
obtained from hair sampling. Another likely factor in the relationship is that hair,
like saliva, is thought to incorporate only free unbound fractional cortisol from the
bloodstream. Davenport et al 2006 These authors have found the correlation
between hair cortisol and salivary cortisol in monkeys. Meyer Novak 2012 This
approach should be thought of as complementary to measurements of salivary and
or plasma court not as replacement cost of such markers. Meyer et al 2014 An
increasing body of evidence has shown that hair cortisol levels reflect systemic
plasma levels of the hormone over time, allow ing estimation of chronic stress, both
psychological and physio logical, as well as disorders of the hypothalamic pituitary
adrenal axis, including Cushing syndrom and Addison s disease
Business, Disney, Swami
Walt Disney Pixar Merger Brief Industry Analysis Because of the technology
nowadays, one successful film can be distributed all over the world, which is in a
form of motion pictures or DVD. Animation is one media that is spread all over the
world; push it to be one of fastest growing industry. The demand for the animation is
increasing from the emerging number of cables and satellite TV and the popularity
of The Internet. In addition, in the past, the target market of the animation industry
was just kids, but now, it expands market to cover all ages of customers. The
companies can be range from a big company such as Walt Disney to an individual
artist with a PC. The trend of the industry has changed from drawing and... Show
more content on ...
The company was about the film and entertainment. On February 3rd, 1986, Steve
Jobs purchased the computer graphics unit of Lucasfilm, Ltd for $10 million to
establish as independent company, Pixar. Moreover, Ed Catmull who had worked
with Lucasfilm was co founder and chief technical officer of Pixar. The company s
objective is to develop computer animated feature films that make all types of
audiences memorable with characters and stories by using technology and creative
talent. Therefore, Pixar s team came up with several software innovations, which
were used to create numerous of products. In 1987, The Pixar short was
introduced, Red s Dream. This short film received the Golden Gate Award for Best
of Category, Computer Generated Imagery at the San Francisco International Film
Festival, and also won a Golden Nicas at the Prix Ars Electonica Festival in Austria.
In 1988, Tin Toy won an Academy Award for Best Animated Short film. It got the
first prize for computer assisted animation at the Third Los Angeles International
Animation Celebration and also the Blue Ribbon Award from the American Film
and Video Association. In 1989, Knick Knack and RenderMan were launched, and
the first commercial was made. Furthermore, in July, CEO of Pixar, Steve Jobs
wanted to increase the company s capabilities, so he collaborated with the San
Francisco based Colossal Pictures who experience in broadcast media
Hypnotherapy Case Study
For each of the following, explain how you would work with client. Specifically:
1. What information would you gather? 2. What interventions would you use? 3.
What problems, if any could you foresee?
Angie is a student from overseas, studying at your local university. Her family are
spending a huge amount of their income to get what they believe is the best
education. But Angie is struggling. She finds the language difficult, can t make
friends and her confidence has plummeted. She is terrified of returning home without
her degree.
Self esteem is the component of a person s personality that dictates how they view
themselves. People with healthy self esteem ... Show more content on
Angie could also be taught self hypnosis to cope with the stress and the pressures of
The following check list is useful for me to make sure to go over all areas related to
low self esteem:
1. Lacking self confidence
2. Lacking self belief
3. Feeling overly emotional and upset much of the time
4. Feelings of depression and anxiety
5. Not being able to accept a compliment
6. Frequently imagining that others are better than you
7. Focusing on the negative in a situation
8. Worrying about what other people are thinking about you
9. Feelings of worthlessness
10. Fearing failure
11. Feeling that you don t deserve any better
Once again, this is excellent information gathering with useful explanatory work.
You might also wish to take into account any cultural influences and the impact of
these on her locus of control.
Also it may well be useful for you to encourage her to take advantage of the student
counselor services and maybe tutorial help, especially with, for instance, study skills,
language development and social skills. I notice that you mention the possibility of
her seeing a counselor later in your reply. Good.
07/06/09 (Colette 7/06/09)
The general treatment plan would include most of the following.
New ways of thinking
Angie s problem arises because of the way she thinks about the situation. Therapy
aims to give Angie a new way of
Analysis Of Dilworth Park And The Delight
Dilworth Park and the Delight it Brings to the Creative Urban Landscape
City Planning is an enterprise as old and as engrained in a constantly advancing
society as the formation of cities themselves. Planning an urban landscape for a
dynamic and complex population can be tricky, especially considering that societal
norms and goals are always changing. In this light, it becomes most important to plan
for and catalyze as much positive change on a city wide scale as is possible. The
Creative City model was created for this purpose specifically. The Creative City is
a model for city planning which encourages an environment that is comfortable for
and attractive to creatives, and encourages creative activity as well as community
building and the sharing of ideas. Philadelphia can be seen as operating under this
umbrella based on the strong theater and arts culture and the vibrant atmosphere of
the city which is enhanced by its public art and young, creative, educated
population. Communal spaces in a creative city should make those in them feel
welcome to sit down, draw, get inspired, make conversation, and relax. This is why
many cities choose to renovate their public spaces so radically changing the entire
layouts of these areas to give the city as a whole a new flow which encourages
these kinds of activities and discourse. Often, parks and plazas are the most common
examples of these public spaces. Most recently in Philadelphia, Dilworth Park was
created in front of the central
Case Study Of Eco-Feminism
Women Empowerment and Eco feminism: Two case studies of India; Bihar in
perspective Ssubmitted By: Rai Dhingra A6030115038
Abstract Eco feminism grows from the idea that a woman s ethic are closer and in
sync with the nature than a man s .Eco feminists address and treat woman s right on
natural resources as human right. But woman have no control and right on natural
resources. The history of woman s land right in India and other country of South
Asia has been and will continue to be a history of contestation and struggle at every
level i.e. legal administrative, social and ideological. Cultivated land, forest and
water are, and will be the most crucial form of property in rural India. Women direct
ownership of land and control over natural resources can be ... Show more content on ...
Economic theory proposes that there should be a strong link between economic
activity and stock prices, given that its price is the discounted present value of the
firm s payout. If this payout is finally a function of real activity, such a link should
There are several theoretical propositions suggesting how stock prices can have a
direct impact on economic output, which further strengthens the link amongst these
two variables.
1.The first link was proposed by Tobin in 1969. The focus is on the impact that
share prices have on the cost of capital. The coefficient that captures this is called
Tobin s Q, which is given by the ratio of market value of current capital to the cost
of replacement capital. When the prices of shares are high, the value of the firm to
the replacement cost of its capital is also high i.e., the Tobin s Q is also high.
Furthermore, this leads to rise in investment expenditure and thus causes a rise in the
aggregate economic output as for firms it is easier to finance their investment
expenditures. This is because investment would be simpler as it would require a
lower share offering in a situation of a higher price for
Is the Nature of Crime in Our Society Accurately
1. Is the nature of crime in our society accurately presented by the media? Discuss.
Like every society, Australia has always had its share of criminal activity, from the
founding of our country as a penal colony in the 18th century, bushrangers in the 19th
century, underworld violence in the 20th century to recent youth violence on our city
streets in the 21st century. In this essay, I will be discussing how the media presents
crime in Australian society and how this does not necessarily reflect crime statistics.
The media presents us with the idea that the majority of crime in Australia is violent,
and it is only getting worse. In contrast, statistics show that Australia s crime rate has
remained relatively steady. In fact, most ... Show more content on ...
(Australian Institute of Criminology, 2009, p. 6) The media s representation of a
rapidly increasing violent crime rate is not supported by statistics which reflect that
while the crime rate is rising, the rate is steady and it is believed that this number
could even be fluctuated by the increase of victims reporting these types of crime to
the police. According to the Australian Survey of Social Attitudes 2007, 74% of the
respondents had quite a lot/a great deal of confidence in the police to solve crime.
(Australian Institute of Criminology, 2007 p. 16 17) Although the statistics show
the general trend of violent criminal offences is static, a significant proportion of our
population still has the perception that our crime rates are increasing (Australian
Institute of Criminology, 2010) due to media influence. Another way the media
misrepresents Australia s crime rate is by selectively reporting violent crimes whilst
under reporting other offences, which are more prevalent in society.
Contrary to the perception of the majority of Australians, most reported crimes in
Australia are in fact, not violent. The rate of incidence of violent crimes is
considerably lower in comparison to property crimes and fraudulent activity. For
example, personal and consumer fraud costs between $3 billion and $3.5 billion per
year in Australia which is roughly one third of all crime costs. (Australian Institute of
Criminology, 1997, p. 2) The media
Preparing Disinfectant To Clean E. Coli
Part 1. Introduction
1.1 Research Question
Do disinfectants sodium hypochlorite (Bleach), Lysol , and Allium sativum (Garlic)
extract reduce the development of evolutionary bacterial resistance in Escherichia
coli (E. coli) and which disinfectant has the greatest effect on the bacteria?
1.2 Context
Other research concerning antibiotics/resistance/disinfectants
1.3 Significance
The results of this investigation has a large degree of significance to the real world.
Many people use disinfectants, such as the ones used in this investigation, to clean
their outside environments (the outside world) and their inside environment (their
body) from the E. Coli disease. Investigating and determining which disinfectants can
continually clean ... Show more content on ...
Use a new cotton swabs for each plate.
7.On the Antibiotic Sensitivity Discs, use a pencil or permanent marker to label each
disk with a code that signifies which disinfectant it is and which round.
a.Lysol L
b.Bleach B
c.Garlic Extract G
d.Ethanol E
8.Wrap the discs in aluminum foil and set in oven for 30 minutes and 300 degrees for
sterilization.* Find source to confirm this
9.Using sterile forceps hold each disk by the edge and dip it into the respective
disinfectant to be tested. Touch the disk to the side of the test tube to get rid of
excess liquid.
10.Place the disk on the respective testing plate in the center of one of the quadrants.
Press the disk slightly into the agar.
11.Repeat with the remaining disinfectants and the control of that round. Use the
same technique for each disk.
a.Sterilize the forceps after each disinfectant and the control.
12.Incubate all of the testing plate, inverted (agar on top), overnight at 37 degrees
Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit). Incubate longer if necessary if at lower
Measuring Zones of Inhibition
1.After incubation, examine the testing plates (keep covers
Homeland Generation Research Paper
The Homeland Generation. The Post Millennials Name is Now Official
The White House recently released a report where they labeled the youngest
generation the Homeland Generation. A storm of speculations immediately hit the
internet. How could the U.S. government choose such a paranoid and xenophobic
sounding name? Was this a creepy joke? Some claimed the White House took the
name out of thin air. Others accused the government of deliberately spreading shivers
of Orwellian terror. Others again implied the White House took the name from the
Showtime political series with the same name; not bothering to find out the
generational moniker predates the TV series Called Homeland by almost a decade!
In post Snowden America, it is not surprising that ... Show more content on ...
When removed from social theory, generational nicknames have an uncanny
tendency to be launched right in time for the release of a new gadget, new report
or a new TED talk. Nobody expects a baby to live up to its name, something baby
Lucifer and little Havoc will be pleased to learn. But generations are different.
Naming them before we learn their true character traits is tantamount to label a piece
of art that has not yet been completed. Creative wordsmiths will continue to use new
monikers; at least until this young generation one day decides to name itself. This
youngest generation is already rich with names, yet so poorly understood as a cohort
of more than tiny consumers. Over the last few years at least half a dozen
suggestions from the plain Generation Z, to the more specific iGeneration, Plurals,
Posts or Wii Generation have been suggested. I believe lack of scope in the
underlying research is why these suggestions seem myopic to the field of study or
even anachronistic. At least to futurists who are used to thinking of the future as
more complex than mere extensions of the present. These names run the risk of
becoming naГЇve predictions if the underlying assumptions behind the forecasts
giving logic to their name won t hold through. For example, the name iGeneration
presumes tomorrow s youngsters will espouse a
Essay about A Christian View of Suffering
The concept of suffering plays an important role in Christianity, regarding such
matters as moral conduct, spiritual advancement and ultimate destiny. Indeed an
emphasis on suffering pervades the Gospel of Mark where, it can be argued, we are
shown how to journey through suffering (Ditzel 2001) in the image of the Suffering
Son of Man (Mark 8:32), JesusChrist. Although theologians have suggested that
Mark was written to strengthen the resolve of the early Christian community
(Halpern 2002, Mayerfeld 2005), the underlying moral is not lost on a modern reader
grappling with multifarious challenges regarding faith in the face of suffering. In his
article A Christian Response to Suffering , William Marravee (1987) describes
suffering... Show more content on ...
When spiritual liberation is achieved, all concerns for physical and emotional
suffering end ( 2000).
There are many different perspectives on suffering with regard to its meaning,
significance and purposes. Pope John Paul II (1984) wrote On the Christian Meaning
of Human Suffering , that it centres on the notion of redemptive suffering to remit
one s sins in order to save the soul from eternal suffering (damnation). Personally, I
believe suffering can have a purpose. It can enrich life by giving us knowledge of
both the good and the bad, arguably making us more appreciative of what we have .
Indeed, James Stewart (2005) purports, If there were no suffering, would there be
compassion? If there were no discipline and hardship, would we ever learn patience
and endurance? Construct a universe with no trouble in it and immediately you
banish some of the finest qualities in the world.
Our experiences of suffering may also help us in our moral conduct as an
experience of suffering serves to make us sympathetic to the trials of others. We
learn to a) help the afflicted (through consolation and relief) and to B) not inflict
harm on others, having experienced suffering ourselves. Furthermore, many spiritual
seekers in the past have felt that suffering and spiritual progress are inexorably
linked, pointing to St Teresa of Avila and St Francis of AssisiI as examples . I believe
that if we can learn from our
Animal Farm and A Modest Proposal Essay
Animal Farm and A Modest Proposal
Although Animal Farm and A Modest Proposal were written over two hundred years
apart, and one is non fiction and the other is not, there are distinct similarities
between the two. Both of the pieces are political, with Animal Farm based on the
Russian Revolution, and
A Modest Proposal based on the situation of homelessness in Ireland.
Also, both of the pieces are satirical. Animal Farm ridicules the ordinary Russian
people for being gullible, and A Modest Proposal mocks politicians who ignore
sensible suggestions and come up with extreme ones.
In the build up to his speech, Old Major first clears his throat, to gain all of the
animals attention. The fact that all he has to do is clear his ... Show more content on ...
He says Man is the only real enemy we have .
In the following two paragraphs, he plays on the animals emotions by scaring them
individually. He mainly picks on the animals that are liked by the rest of the farm.
He says You, Boxer, the very day those great muscles of yours lose their power,
Jones will sell you to the knackers . This makes the other animals more afraid, as
thoughts of their friends dying are being put in their minds, and they want to know
what they can do to stop it happening.
In the seventh paragraph of his speech, he develops the solution to their problems,
by suggesting a rebellion, That is my message to you comrades: Rebellion! It is only
when he has the audience on his side, that he mentions the rebellion. He has used
persuasive techniques to channel their anger towards man, and told them how to
solve this problem. In the next paragraph, he warns the animals to never falter, and
never listen to anyone when they tell you that man and the animals have a common
interest . By warning the animals, it will seem to them that he knows what is going
to happen, and what to look out for. This again will make him seem wise.
A fight breaks out in the audience, and we are once reminded of the respect that the
animals have for Old Major, as he raises his trotter to silence the barn. This shows us
that the animals will do what he says, and believe what he is telling them.
In the
Homelessness Is On The Rise
Homelessness in Hawaii
In Honolulu, homelessness is on the rise. People become homeless and experience
poverty for a number of different reasons. Anderson states that, However, during the
last decade, the scarcity of affordable housing coupled with other social and
economic changes thrust many new faces into the homeless population (13). In 2013
the Department of Housing and Urban Development stated that the state of Hawaii
has the second largest population of homeless people (Nagourney). In Honolulu, the
price of housing is extremely high and jobs are scarce. It is becoming difficult to
survive in Honolulu. The poor are experiencing poverty people with out any source
of income are forced to live on the streets. There are not enough homeless shelters for
every homeless person in Honolulu, so those that are unable to live in a shelter end
up living in the streets. The homeless is becoming an issue for the state of Hawaii in
Honolulu because Honolulu depends on tourisms. The Homeless are pushed all
around Honolulu because the government does not want tourist to see homeless
people. In Honolulu, homeless people are struggling to survive, they are treated
unfairly, and the government is not doing enough to help the situation.
First of all, homeless people in Honolulu are struggling to survive. They are starving,
dirty, and tired. There are over a thousand people that live on the streets with no place
to call home. People from the mainland moved to Honolulu because they were
Merging Social Work and Social Advocacy in Response to...
Merging Social Work and Social Advocacy in Response to the Plight of
Unaccompanied Child Refugees in the United States
More than any country in the world, the United States has been a haven for refugees
fleeing religious and political persecution in their home countries. Linked forever to
the phrase inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, Give me your tired, your poor, your
huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the United States, in the eyes of persecuted
people throughout the world, has been idealized as a land of freedom and new
beginnings. However, the changing face of refugees seeking asylum in the United
States in the past several decades has exposed stark gaps in the legal, administrative,
and social treatment of ... Show more content on ...
The United States Response
Administratively and legally, the United States has been slow in responding to the
changes in refugee and asylum seeking patterns. Until very recently, United States
federal policy toward undocumented aliens and refugees was still largely influenced
by post World War II United Nations conventions, including the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1976) and the Convention Relating to the
Status of Refugees (1954). As dated guidelines for dealing with the asylum claims of
refugees, these international norms treat all refugees according to adult standards of
proof. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) refugees guidelines,
however, have for many years failed to account for the growing numbers of
unaccompanied children entering the United States. United States domestic family
law and juvenile justice have recognized that children should be held to different
standards of proof, evidence, and culpability than adults. This standard of dual proof
is not evident in United States policy regarding immigrant asylum seekers. United
States immigration policy has only in the past year begun to think of children as
different from adults.3 Due to the relative newness and slowness of reform, children
asylum seekers in the United States continue to be routinely detained, like adults, in
INS and INS contracted state detention facilities as they await hearings before
immigration judges to
Essay on Political Culture of Mexico
Mexican Political Culture
As once put by Mexican Nobel laureate Octavio Paz, Mexico is a land of super
imposed pasts (McCormick, p.326). It continues to be and is seen as a melding pot
of its European and Native American ideas about society, law and government. Its
history has had a major influence on the political culture of Mexico, seen through
years of revolution, violence and corruption. Mexico is a considered a new
democracy, but there is a tension still seen between democracy and authoritarianism.
The country we see today has impressive growth yet is still enduring poverty. It s a
geographically diverse country, with a population of approximately 106million
people. Latin American political culture is seen as elitist, ... Show more content on ...
It is said that in December 1531, the Virgin Mary appeared on three occasions to a
Christian Indian, Juan Diego, six kilometers north of Mexico City, and identified
herself as Guadalupe. It is said that the Guadalupe symbol links family, politics and
religion; the colonial past and the independent present; and the Indian and the
Mexican. It reflects the salient social relationships of Mexican life and embodies the
emotions they generate. (Merrill MirГі, Religion) Devotion to the Virgin Guadalupe
remains strong even as Mexican society changes. For example, in a national opinion
poll found, nine out of ten Mexicans still continued to ask intercessions from the
Virgin or another saint. (Merrill MirГі, Religion) Another huge aspect of Mexican
political culture is the Constitution of 1917. Many Mexicans attribute the origins of
the political system in Mexico to the Revolution of 1910 1920 and it s Constitution
of 1917. Unlike their American neighbors, the people of Mexico focus and look to
the past, not the future, to there missed dreams and hopes. Many people of Mexico
support and have faith and pride in the Constitution of 1917, agree with the goals of
the Revolution and support their political institutions. (McCormick p.333) The
Constitution is seen more as an outline of the goals Mexico has aspired for. Their
believe in the Constitution but recognize it as a work in progress as it still contains
Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent Chapter Summary
How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents is the story about four sisters from the
Dominican Republic and how they became American as well as how they tried to
stay Dominican. Through their fights with their father, full of machismo, and their
relationships with American men and with each other, the four sisters reveal four
different experiences in Americanization and the ways that the clung to their native
culture, even decades after they first arrived in the United States. How the Garcia
Girls Lost Their Accents is not a story that it told in chronological order, as it opens
with Yolanda returning to the Dominican Republic for the first time in five years,
despite ending with Yolanda while she was little and still living in the Dominican...
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She detested the Latino machismo and openly embraced her sexuality, something
traditionally looked down upon in her Dominican culture, and she had no problem
arguing with her father while he still clung to his culture. However, Sofia never
seemed to mind the aesthetic roots of her culture, fully embracing the style when
she was exiled to the Dominican Republic or as their mother said, she was
beautifully acclimated to life on the Island (p. 117) and her sisters forced her
independent spirit back, when she fell for her illegitimate cousin, a man
overflowing with machismo. But once out, she became fiercely independent and
even feminist. In fact, when her father doted on her son but not her daughter, she
found that his macho babytalk [sic] brought back Sofia s old antagonism towards
her father (p. 27) because Sofia was the one with non stop boyfriends (p. 28), and
their bickering caused her father and her to have a falling out. Nothing fixed that
until she named her son Carlos, after her father a way that she connected her old,
Dominican roots to her new, American identity. For Sofia, becoming American was
never a big issue, and she didn t have as much culture or even memories of her
homeland to hang onto, which was why she often clashed with her father because her
American ideals made it difficult for her to see from her parents
The Premature Burial And The Masque Of The Red Death
1What effect does the fear of death have on Poe s characters in The Premature
Burial and The Masque of the Red Death? With the theme of death not present in
the story there would be no suspense and the plot would have no rising action or
climax, it would just be a description of a party. Poe not only uses his character s
actions to support the plot, he also uses symbolism. At the party there are seven
rooms that are all painted different colors. The rooms move from east to west and
the last room is painted black and has a loud ringing clock. The progression of the
rooms from east to west represents the cycle of life with the sun rising in the east
and falling in the west. The last black room with the clock represents the end of life
and... Show more content on ...
The writers of transcendentalist era had philosophical key concepts such as: the idea
of destructiveness of human spirit, belief in individual truth but not universal truth,
human nature is fundamentally sinful and evil is an active presence within the
universe. The most mutual view among Emerson, Poe and other writers was the
view of nature. Nature is vast incomprehensible, a reflection of struggle between
good and evil. Nature is creation and possession of God and it cannot be understood
by human beings. Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville and Poe shared a
common writing style. Writing consisted of prevalent use of symbolism, raw and
morbid diction, focus on protagonist s inner struggles and man versus nature
conflicts. Transcendentalist writers conveyed modern themes of psychology and
human nature through crafty use of allegory and symbolism. Fireside poets found a
common ground among themselves because of their style of writing, in which they
saw the dark side to human existence. Works of Fireside poets acknowledged the
existence of sin, pain, and evil in human life. Transcendentalist movement among
writers began as an attempt to create domestic literature and break away from
British literacy. These men would write about home life, mythology, politics, and
legends of America. They wrote not for themselves, but for the common people.
The style of writing the authors would use: rhyme scheme and cadences, made their
poems popular for homes and school classrooms. Poets celebrated the virtues of
home, family, and democracy. In their best verse, they display a simple diction, a
courageous love of freedom, and a keen eye for natural
Macbeth Power And Influence
We as people often say Having a high position of power is bad but we never
consider the power behind an individual person and the influence their words may
have. For example, in society some of us dress, act and talk a curtain way to fit in
because if you do something different someone will judge you and say things about
you. What this is doing is influencing our everyday decisions. We often underestimate
the powerour words may have on another. This is prominent when asking ourselves
in the The Tragedy of Macbeth who actually holds the most power to influence
others actions. After receiving a prophecy that Macbeth would become king and all
these things that could happen. Macbeth went on a huge ambitious journey and
committed acts out of fear and personal benefit. For example, he killed the former
King in order to be, his friend Banquo and attempted to kill his son. So who in The
Tragedy of Macbeth had the most power to influence? The source can be traced back
to the prophecy givers themselves, the Witches.
We can say that the witches have the most influence of power because the witches are
the ones who gave ... Show more content on ...
Th attempt and not the deed confounds us. Hark! I laid their daggers ready; He could
not miss em. (II.II.10 12) That shows that Lady Macbeth is wanting it to happen and
getting things ready for it to follow through. Though that is a fair statement we have
to think about what actually drove him to do it. What influenced him to even think
about killing King Duncan. That can be only traced back to when the witches told
him that he would be king. All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter. (I.III.50)
That shows that Macbeth knew he would become king and since the witches told him
that it influence his thought to kill King Duncan so he can take the
Essay Separation of Benzoic Acid and Acetanilide
Chem 3100 Thursday 9am 1:45pm
Olumba Obu
Unknown #: 146 Fall 11
Organic Chemistry Midterm Report
13 October 2011
Table of Contents
Separation of Benzoic Acid and Acetanilide 3
Extraction and Purification of Caffeine from Tea4
Extraction of Trimyristin from Nutmeg5
Conversion of t butanol to t butyl chloride6
7 Calculations 8 Literature and Experimental Values of Benzoic Acid and Acetanilide
9 Experimental Caffeine IR 10 Literature Caffeine IR 11 Experimental Trimyristin
IR 12 Literature Trimyristin IR 13 Experimental Tert Butyl Chloride IR 14 Literature
Tert Butyl Chloride IR and RI 15 References
Separation of Benzoic Acid and Acetanilide
The ... Show more content on ...
Extraction of Trimyristin from Nutmeg
Seeds of plants are rich in triglycerides, the fatty acid esters of glycerol. Nutmeg s
triglycerides are mainly the glycerol ester of a single fatty acid which is called
myristic acid. This ester, called trimyristin, represents the 20 25% dried weight of
nutmeg (Wilcox amp; Wilcox, 120). The purpose of this lab is to isolate trimyristin
from nutmeg by performing a simple solid liquid extraction and to purify the
trymyristin using the method of recrystallization.
Place 5 g of nutmeg and 50 mL of DCM into a 100 mL round bottom flask, and
reflux the mixture for 30 minutes. Refer to p.120 (E) in Wilcox amp; Wilcox. Rotary
evaporation will be used instead of steam distillation.
Mass of Nutmeg| 5.0127g| Mass of Crude Trimyristin| 2.3516 g| % Yield of Crude|
46.91 %| Mass of Pure Trimyristin| 0.3352 g| % Recovery from Recrystallization|
6.69%| Overall % Yield from Nutmeg| 10.5%(pure); 45.6%(crude+pure)|
Results/Discussion: The percent recovery from recystallization and the overall
percent yield from nutmeg are extremely low due to the loss of trimyristin from
filtration and the round bottom flask. The literature IR and the experiment IR are
very similar, containing many of the same peaks; therefore, the purification of
trimyristin was done successfully with a smaller than expected
The Importance Of Sports
Sports are one of the most watched pieces of entertainment in America, and around
the world. People watch sports because you never know the outcomes of the games,
and because you can root for your chosen team. When a person thinks a about a
sport the first thing that comes to their head is probably something like football or
soccer, but what about chess or even video games. Sports are usually thought of as
games that require strength and physical skill to preform, but sports should be
defined by competitiveness, strategy, and entertainment value. Sports that most
people watch include some sort of use of strength, an example of this being football.
Football does require strength to play well, but it is far more important to have
strategy... Show more content on ...
If an average person were to play these video games against them, they would lose, by
a lot, just like if average people played soccer against a professional team. So clearly
these players possess a high amount of skill in their game so why is that skill not
consider the same as that of an athlete. Most people would think sports should include
a physical element sports require competitiveness even more. A sportin which there
is no competition would be pointless, and more importantly no one would play. The
competitive nature of sports is what makes them so popular. At the end of the day
one team wins, and one team loses. Competition is what drives players to do their
best so that they can win. The competitive nature of sports is what forms rivalries,
and what drives fans to games. If there were no competition in sports, there would
be no reason to watch. National and worldwide sports events, like the super bowl,
world cup, or even video game tournaments, bring in some of the largest viewership
s in the world. People want to find out what team or country is the best at the sport in
question. Chess and Video games both meet this standard due to their extreme
competitiveness. If something has no competitive element, it cannot call itself a
sport. While sports require competition, they also require an amount of strategy.
Sports require a strategy to win. If there were no strategy required
The British Soldier As A Drunken Brute
The beginning of the nineteenth century found the British army already engaged for
the last seven years in a war with the French. This war to oppose Napoleon would last
until 1815, by which time the British would be victorious. This triumphant British
army, although successful throughout their campaign with the French, was not
openly considered a humble and advantageous force for society. In fact, the common
stereotype and popular image of the British soldierwas negative, as the Duke of
Wellington stated the soldiers were the scum of the earth who have all enlisted to
drink .1 For the majority of the soldiers, this label was given inappropriately and
carelessly. The Autobiography of Sergeant William Lawrence, a British soldier who
fought in the Peninsula and Waterloo Campaigns during his fourteen year military
career, offers an insight into the lives of the labelled soldiers and interpretation of
whether this label can be deemed accurate.
The idea of the British soldier as a drunken brute is inaccurate. The men who enlisted
to fight against Napoleon were more often than not forced to do so out of economic
necessity. Soldiers delinquencies seemed to many contemporaries to be the
unavoidable result of the type of men who enlisted. 2 The British army was made
from voluntary enlistment, and this was thought to have produced a body of army
that was inferior in both character and discipline to the past British armies. For the
volunteers, the promise of regular food and
Essay Courtroom Observsation
You be the Judge
Week 5 Courtroom Observation Paper Research
BUSI 301 Liberty University
Indiana Northern District Court
Judges: Chief Justice Raymond, Brown, Uphold, Batten, Grambo, Wray, Bryant,
Cross and Allen
Case Number: 80a14 5352 vc804
Plaintiff: Debora White
Plaintiff Representatives: Ashley Gavin and Jackson Riley
Defendant: O Malley s Tavern and Patrick Gibbs
Defendant Representatives: Xander Barden and Katelyn Lippa
Defendant Council Overview:
Xander Barden and Katelyn Lippa are the defendant s (O Malley s Tavern and
Patrick Gibbs) representatives they are recommending the Court present an outline
verdict to the bartender, John Daniels and O Malley s Tavern. There is definite...
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Norris case which was brought up in the courtroom; Mr. Hard was not as drunk.
(Ashlock v. Norris, 475 N.E.2d 1167, 1170 (Ind. Ct. App. 1985). The bartender, Mr.
John Daniels did not have any definite awareness of Mr. Hard s intoxication. Mr.
Daniels is not able to recall any unusual behavior that was displayed by Mr. Hard.
He does not have any reclamation of observing Mr. Edward Hard tripping over the
pool stick because he had stepped away from the room. He did witness an argument
start at the entrance doorway between Mr. Bruno White and Mr. Edward Hard in
which Mr. Hard provoked. There were no additional drinks served after the
altercation took place, the final alcoholic beverage had been ordered and served prior
to the incident and therefore is not said to be actual knowledge. The last drink is the
cutoff point for the statue and where the definite ruling intervenes. The process is in
order to try and obtain an abstract opinion from Mr. John Daniels stating that he had
no familiarity of Mr. Hard being drunk. When Mr. Edward Hard left the O Malley s
Tavern he followed Mr. Bruno White in a careless manner, damaging numerous
vehicles and consequently hitting Mr. White s automobile and killing him. The direct
aim of Mr. Hard is being safeguarded with the implication of a motor vehicle accident
while being intoxicated. The understanding and cause of the intoxication is not what
is relevant, however the altercation that occurred at
The United States And Latin America
When looking at the history between the United States and Latin America, you see
many interactions between them, all that aided the relationship that they have today.
Despite that the United States and Latin America are in the same part of the world,
the beliefs in which they govern may differ. This difference has often been seen
playing a major role in the disputes that have occurred in past. The United Statesand
Latin America have faced many social, economical and governing barriers in forming
a strong and positive relationship in the early twentieth century, this is due to the
differences that the two had between cultures and the constant demand for power.
However, the two countries have found ways to meet in the middle of their cultural
differences, to form an equally fair relationship.
At the start of the 19th century, just a few years prior to the end of the Spanish
American War, Latin America was left with a poor economy and in debt. The
United States believed that they could help Latin America, while helping themselves
out at the same time. The Dollar Diplomacy was introduced in 1904 by the United
Sates and went into place in 1909. It was used mostly during presidency William
Howard Taft s from 1910 to 1913
The Dollar Diplomacy had the United States pay the debts that Latin America had to
other countries from previous loans. In return the United States had an opportunity to
sell American goods in the Latin America market, which would unknowingly expand
Nuit Of The Living Dead Evaluation Essay
This is the first evaluation essay, and it is in a book that the readers have read
called the Nuit of the Living Dead. The story had the readers in countless suspense,
especially the part when the setting takes place at the time of the zombie apocalypse.
However, numerous people have been wondering the same question all their lives,
which is this: How do you understand your own identity, and how does it relate to the
communities you are a part of? and the question remains unanswered to this day, until
now. (Center for Civic Reflection) The four topics that shall stand as the supports of
this essay, which will help us with this question, and the four topics are the following
themes listed: Loneliness, Paranoia, Fear, and Conditioning. (MoreStories102)
Although the title of the story would make people assume that this is a horrorstory, it
certainly is not. This story is just about a middle aged man who is trying to keep
himself busy at night, as he was afraid that the zombieswould attack him. As he
attempts to help a mouse in putting it out of its misery, a van pulls up with an older
driver coming out asking for directions since he got lost. (Nuit of the Living Dead
452) The first topic of this essay is loneliness, and the readers need to figure out
how this first topic is a portion of this answer. For starters, loneliness has been a state
of mind, when a person starts to feel abandoned by a friend that the farmer
recognizes. In this story scenario, it occurs when the
Book Review of Primo Levi s Survival in Auschwitz Essay
Book Review of Primo Levi s Survival in Auschwitz
World War II was a war that took many lives from civilians that deserved to have a
life of their own. They were ordinary people who were victims from a horrible and
lengthy war that brought out the worst in some people. In Primo Levi s Survival
in Auschwitz, Levi gives a detailed account of his life in a concentration camp.
Primo Levi was a young Italian chemist who was only twenty four years old when
he was captured by the Nazis in 1943. He spent two long and torturous years at
Auschwitz before the Russian army freed the remaining prisoners of the camp. He
tells about life inside the camp and how tough it was to be held like an animal for so
long. He says they were treated as ... Show more content on ...
The one thing all of the prisoners had in common was hunger, which laid the
foundation for their life in Auschwitz.
The prisoners in Auschwitz were treated very poorly and the world came crashing
down on them even before they were brought there. When Levi was informed that
he was going to be going to Auschwitz from Turin, Italy he did not know what to
expect but he did not expect this. He said, dancing before my eyes I see the
spaghetti which we had just cooked, Vanda, Luciana, and I, at the sorting camp
when we suddenly heard the news that we would leave for here the following day;
and were eating it and we stopped (74). He was not aware that he would not be able
to eat like this ever in the camp and was almost convinced that he would never eat
like that again period. He thought about this in one of the rare moments that he had a
chance to think about his past life that was very depressing for anyone to think about.
They all thought they would be stuck there forever which it seemed liked already.
The hunger that took over for everybody became the basis for their complex social
structure. They would use rations of bread as the currency for things that they would
need. They would buy spoons, shirts, and other things that they would need to
survive inside the camp. The veterans could tell who the new people in the camp
were because the new arrivals would stash half rations of bread in their coats while
the veterans could not do that because they

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Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay. Dulce Et Decorum Est And The Charge Of The Light Brigade Argumentative ...

  • 1. Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "Dulce Et Decorum Est" can be both challenging and rewarding. The poem, penned by Wilfred Owen, is a powerful anti-war piece that delves into the harsh realities of combat and challenges the glorification of war. To effectively analyze and discuss the themes, language, and literary devices used in the poem, one must possess a keen understanding of both historical context and literary techniques. One of the complexities lies in dissecting the vivid imagery Owen employs to convey the horrors of war. Descriptions of gas attacks, traumatized soldiers, and the disillusionment of patriotic fervor require careful consideration to capture the depth of the poet's message. Additionally, exploring the emotional impact of Owen's personal experiences, as a soldier in World War I, adds another layer of complexity to the essay. Moreover, navigating the nuanced balance between critical analysis and personal interpretation is crucial. Unraveling the layers of meaning in "Dulce Et Decorum Est" demands a thoughtful approach to avoid oversimplification or misinterpretation. Addressing the broader implications of the poem, such as its contribution to anti-war literature and its influence on subsequent works, further elevates the complexity of the essay. However, despite its challenges, delving into the profound themes and literary craftsmanship of "Dulce Et Decorum Est" offers an opportunity for deep intellectual engagement. Unraveling the layers of this poem not only hones analytical skills but also fosters a richer understanding of the human condition and the impact of war on individuals. In conclusion, tackling an essay on "Dulce Et Decorum Est" demands a careful blend of historical insight, literary analysis, and thoughtful interpretation. While the process may be intricate, the rewards lie in gaining a profound appreciation for the complexities of Owen's work and the anti-war sentiments it conveys. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, various resources are available, including online platforms, where professional support can be accessed for a range of topics and assignments. Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay Dulce Et Decorum Est Essay
  • 2. Keeping A Chain Saw Sharp To keep a chain saw sharp, you must sharpen it often. This is not as difficult as it sounds all you need are a few simple tools and some practice. There are really only 2 steps to sharpening your chain saw. First, you need to file or grind the teeth on the chain to a razor sharp edge, and second you need to adjust the height of the depth guides that regulate the amount of wood taken by each cut. You can imagine the teethon the chain as small wood chisels, each one taking a small sliver of wood from the cut, every second tooth cutting from the opposite side. If each tooth takes a consistent amount of wood, at the same angle, and with same amount of effort or force from the saw, then we will get a nice clean cut with a minimum of struggle. ... Show more content on ... Line up your round file so that it follows the existing angles on the teeth. Gently stroke the file towards the tooth s point (away from the saw body). Watch the guide carefully so you can keep a consistent angle. Always count the number of strokes on each tooth usually 5 or 6 strokes is enough. Then move on to the next tooth on the chain and stroke 5 or 6 times at the very same angle. Repeat this pattern for all of the teeth that point in the same direction (every second tooth). Then flip the file guide around and repeat the process for every other alternating tooth pointing to the other side of the saw. Remember, it s very important that every tooth is sharpened the same amount or the saw will pull to one side when you try to cut. After several sharpenings you will have worn the teeth down slightly. The depth gauges must be filed down so they are no higher than the tops of the teeth on the chain saw. Many people don t know about this step, but if you don t maintain the correct height of the depth guides your chain saw will not cut properly. All you do is set the depth guide on the chain straddling the teeth and a small notch on the guide will allow you to remove the correct amount from each gauge. Filing the depth gauges is easier than sharpening the teeth because you re only trying to set the height of the depth gauges, not actually sharpen
  • 3. 48 Shades Of Brown By Nick Earls 48 Shades of Brown by Nick Earls is a novel that follows Dan Bancroft, the main protagonist, and his troubling experiences as he goes through his final year of school. Dan is thrown into a world of unfamiliarity, where he makes many comical and embarrassing decisions. This novel expresses the theme of having or not having control subtly through the choices Dan makes, and their consequences. This theme is also successfully revealed through the four elements; characters, plot, motifs and setting. The relationships between the characters are vital to providing an insight into the theme. In the beginning of the novel 48 Shades of Brown , the theme of having or not having control is effectively demonstrated through the characters. When Dan is faced with the issue of living in a share house during his final year of school, he begins to identify the struggles of surviving in the unorganised environment. A situation where Dan lacks control is when Naomi and her boyfriend are having sex in the room next door and Dan wants to go outside, but the floorboards (would) squeak so they d know (p.19). Dan lacks control in this situation as he has no power over what is happening in the other room, and he also cannot escape without them realising what he is trying to do. Dan lacking control in this situation causes him discomfort that he cannot rattle. During this situation, Dan starts arranging his socks systematically revealing his inner need to be in control. There s something
  • 4. Why Do Some Kids Get Enough To Eat Free By Anna Quindlen YOUR TITLE GOES HERE The author Anna Quindlen purpose for writing School s out for summer is to show that some kids don t get enough to eat. She says that some parents can t afford services that give out free lunches like day camps, school programs, and the Y community center. During the school year fifteen million students get free or cut rate lunches at school, and many of them get breakfast too. But only three million children are getting lunches through the federal summer lunch program. This is very effective because she has support that will back her up on her side of this essay. Some kids don t get enough to eat, no matter what people want to tell themselves. Hunger in the United States, particularly since the institution of
  • 5. Sitting Bull Essay Andy Warhol s 2 D silkscreen print, Sitting Bull, is a very popular and controversial print from his series Cowboys and Indians. The print is representational, based on an original archival photo of the Sioux Chief, Sitting Bull. In the original photograph and print, the Chief is posing for a headshot photo, with a calm facial expression and stance. In the print, the artist chose to make the chief s skin light blue, his dress bright red, his hair dark blue, and his shape is outlined in yellow, white and blue. As for most of Warhol s Pop style pieces, the photo was redesigned by the artist to be printed in vivid colors and showcases a lightly colored outline of his body and shape, giving the original photo a modern touch. The artist s work was printed using the silkscreen printingprocess on a 36 inch by 36 inch Lenox Museum Board paper (Sitting Bull 376, 2016). Sitting Bull is great representation of the artist s style. Andy Warhol was a very successful illustrator and designer in New York City, where he and other artists developed the concept of Pop art, the style in which he is famous for, and the style he chose to recreate Sitting Bull (Andy Warhol Biography, 2016). Pop art is a modern style of art in which the subject matter is commonplace objects and people of everyday life, seeking to elevate the culture of the time and straying away from traditional themes such as mythology or religion. Warhol was a pioneer of contemporary art and really had a great impact on the
  • 6. The Capodistria In The Alexandria Quartet By Lawrence Durrell Lawrence Durrell was famous for writing the Alexandria Quartet. The first novel in this Quartet is entitled Justine. Durrell writes his novel through the narrator. In this novel, narrator writes about Alexandria while he is in Greece, so he was using his memory of his past experiences in Alexandria. In the novel, it is shown that Durrell sees Alexandriathrough the Cosmopolitan Alexandria, where different people with different races were able to live peacefully together, the poor Arab quarters that the lower classes live in and Justineas a resemblance of Alexandria. Durrell writes about the Cosmopolitan Alexandria through the narrator of the novel. The narrator in the novel writes about his experience in Alexandria and about his old friends who represents part of the Cosmopolitan Alexandria. The representation of Alexandria as a cosmopolitan city is seen when the narrator says, five races, five languages, a dozen creeds: five fleets turning through their greasy reflections behind the... Show more content on ... He is more of a goblin than a man, you would think... He is ineffably rich and does not have to lift a finger for himself (Durrell 23). It shows how there were people in Alexandria that were very rich to the extent that they did nothing by themselves.The narrator speaks About the Cosmopolitan Alexandria through the characters of Justine and her husband Nessim. Justine and Nessim were part of the wealthy, rich and the elites in Alexandria. Durrell describes Nessim in the following quote To begin with he was a Copt, not a Moslem...Yet the factors which gave him a reputation for eccentricity were neither of them remarkable to those who had lived outside the Levant. He did not care for money, except to spend it (Durrell 17).This quotation shows how rich and wealthy. Nessim was a Copt and he was also a rich
  • 7. The Importance Of Sugar In Schools Should sugary foods be served to elementary, middle, and high school students? The average American consumes 19.5 teaspoons of sugar per day , and the average American also consumes 500 gallons of soda a day combined into the 19.5 teaspoons per day . Sugar may be a delicious treat, but how is sugar effecting children and should foods with refined sugar be given to elementary, middle, and high school students? Students in schools across the country are being served snacks packed with sugar. Those types of foods effect a growing student s mind and their ability to concentrate throughout their academic classes. Other factors of sugar and children are health problems including, diabetes, obesity, or heart disease. Having said that, sugary foods ... Show more content on ... Too much sugar can lead to diabetes, obesity, tooth decay, behavioral problems and many more. According to a recent study done by researchers at UC San Francisco, ...When obese children are limited to the amount of sugar they can receive, their health rapidly improves. The research done by that university proves that a reduction of sugar will improve many children s health. Healthy sugar from fruits and vegetables are needed in our bodies to survive, but refined sugar can affect the body in ways that cannot be explained. In the year 2010, the then first lady Michelle Obama created the Let s Move! campaign to promote healthy eating for children. Michelle Obama quoted, In the end, as First Lady, this isn t just a policy issue for me. This is a passion. This is my mission. I am determined to work with folks across this country to change the way a generation of kids thinks about food and nutrition. The campaign has widely influenced parents and children by promoting healthy
  • 8. Persuasive Letter To Wells Fargo I left you a voicemail in regards to my property loss claim, earlier this morning. It s been almost a month since we received the property rebuild funds from Heritage Property and Casualty Insurance Company, and repairs have yet to commence; due to the fact that, Wells Fargo (our lender) has a lengthy home recovery process that we are still trying to satisfy. As part of the home recovery process and in the protection of our lender s interest Wells Fargo sent out a home inspector whose purpose was to verify the property damages against the submitted contract/estimates, and the repairs already made; namely the water mitigation, mold remediation, and the demolition. Although our home is technically 50% completed (water/mold remediation and demolition) and ready for the rebuild, Mr. ... Show more content on ... Next, I m submitting to you an estimate by Johns Appliance for the replacement of our cabinets. Their estimate is for all wood doors/American made cabinets, which is what we had in our home; in contrast to Servpro s contractor s cabinets, which are Chinese imported cabinets with MDF door fronts. The difference in pricing is ... Lastly, please find attached a PDF with ALE receipts from 2/24 3/22 for the amount of... Please let me know how you would like us to proceed with the above issues, I ve already been in contact with Heritage Property and Casualty Insurance Company s main number to see if the in house company can come out and provide the air quality test and bill our insurance directly. Thank you in advance for your prompt response and guidance. It has been 4 months and 10 days since our loss occurred, we sit here gathering paperwork, typing up emails, making endless phone calls, having to suffer the very circumstances we assumed we were insured
  • 9. Fate In Virgil s Aeneid In the Ancient Greek and Roman world fate was known to be an unalterable chain of predetermined events caused by a supernatural power. Hesiod personifies fate to be three very old women who spins the threads of people s destiny. Everyone has a fate meaning that even the gods cannot escape these powerful forces from Atropos (1 of the 3 women) when she cuts the string, ultimately determining your destiny. Throughout Virgil s Aeneid fate played an immense role from the beginning of the poem as Aeneas already knew what he was destined for leading him to Italy at the end. Virgil depicted fate to be an unstoppable power that leads one to their destiny. Regardless of other irrelevant events ones destiny remains intact but may be prolonged in length.... Show more content on ... A prime example would be right after Polydorus s funeral after when they decided to sail southward to the island of Delos. When they reached the island of Delos Apollo got the chance to speak to Aeneas instructing him to go to the land of his ancestors. Anchises believing he decoded this message expresses to Aeneas that he may think Apollo is referring to the Island of Crete. Crete was the land of one of the great forefathers Teucrians who had ruled a long time ago. Subsequently after falling asleep the night of the construction in their new city of Crete the gods of Troy appear in Aeneas s dream. They articulated that his father misinterpreted Apollo and was meant to go to Italy, which was the original home of Dardanus. If Aeneas was not destined for Italy the gods would not have came and advised him as he would have started a new life in Crete. Thus proving again that fate prevails regardless of any hindrances that occur you are always moving forward inching up to your inescapable fate. Aeneas proves that fate is unchangeable as nothing stopped him from getting to
  • 10. Why We Need Stricter Gun Control Laws There was a horror and tragedy on Sunday , Oct. 1 mass shooting in Las Vegas. The shooting was dreadful because the shooting was at a concert. According to cbs news there is nearly one mass shooting per day. There needs to be more Gun control with gun control there would be less shootings around the world. The U.S should have strict guncontrol laws because gun control would mean less gun violence and people getting their hands on guns. Gun control would make us feel safe from mass shootings such as the Las Vegas one. Congress can attempt to reduce shootings and gun violence by making it harder for people to get there hands on guns. Stricter gun laws people would have a criminal and mental health background check, a required safety... Show more content on ... We have decided that grenade launchers should not be widely available; why should we not say the same for devices that allow bullets to be fired at a rate of more than 400 rounds per minute? The National Rifle Association (NRA) and its allies are not all powerful: the lobby relies on the intensity of a small cadre of fervent supporters, and it does lose races, such as last year s campaign to replace Senator Harry Reid of Nevada. The challenge in bringing change is that the debate over gun rights isn t really about guns at all. It s about what they represent: cherished freedoms, a reverence for independence. The guns are a rejection of political correctness that creeps into everything. Even the most incremental move to constrain deadly weaponry seems to many Americans to cut against their rights. We should have stricter gun control laws because there would be less shootings and gun deaths with gun control. Gun control laws would mean you would have to get a background check and meet some requirements before you can get a gun in your hands. There was a mass shooting in Vegas at Jason Aldean concert. Gun control makes the people feel
  • 11. How Did Robin Williams Cause Depression Robin Williams, a man who makes people laugh, feel, and smile. He is someone who helped out the world by giving back to it. And, he is a man who was loved by millions. Robin Williams was a great and loved comedian who had many obstacles throughout his life. The comedian and actor was born on July 21, 1951 in Chicago, Illinois, to formed model Laura and Ford executive Robert William. Robin was bullied badly during his childhood for being chubby, and would spend most of his time in his large familyhome to avoid the people that bullied him. Robin got rid of his overweight label by joining the wrestling and track teams. Robin realized around this age that he could make other kids laugh as a way of gaining respect from them ( Childhood ).... Show more content on ... Robin was to be remembered, so a ceremony was held in an San Francisco s Currant Theatre to honor his love for his family, community, and his humor, and generosity ( Memorial ). A few days after Robin s death Susan Schneider, Robin s current wife, told how Robin had been diagnosed with a disease that is a disorder of the nervous system. As this disease progresses, it effects the movement and speech of a person overtime. This disease was Parkinson s. Susan had also confirmed any other information that was asked, including that Robin maintained his sobriety after the 2006 incident until his death ( Wife ). Robin will be remembered by millions and his legacy will be remembered for years. From his effort and energy that he puts into movies and shows to his charitable work, Robin has put the time, effort, money, and love into all of his works. He has offered his work to over fifty charities, including his most well known charity, which is at the St.Jude Children s Hospital
  • 12. Essay Racial and Ethnic Identity The African, Mexican, and Native persons have all interacted with the Dominant American culture in some magnitude; consequently altering each different group s racial and ethnic Identity. Throughout the semester, I have discovered that in much literature writers had an ideal perspective on their own identity as well as the identity that the dominant culture influenced them to have. While doing some research I wanted to see what would be a transitional time frame for a person to be un conditioned of many negative symbolic meanings in regard to minorities and immigrants. My research has shown that there was a hierarchical scheme where an individual can monitor his/her identity progression from one level to the next. This... Show more content on ... This mindset is shown in Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye. Pecola visited and knew three women above her apartment who embraced their lifestyle. Speaking about them Pecola says, Sugar coated whores, they called them, and did not yearn to be in their shoes. Their only respect was for what they would have described as good Christian colored women (Morrison 56). The second stage in the process of developing racial and ethnic identity is encounter. This is when a person questions the negative stereotypes that have become a part of their ethnic identity. This is evident in How it Feels to be Colored Me by Zora Neale Hurston. She mentions her first encounter when she realized she was different; It seemed that I had suffered a sea change. I was not Zora of Orange County anymore. I was now a colored girl. I found it out in certain ways. In my heart as well as in the mirror, I became a fast brown warranted not to rub or run (Hurston). The third stage is Immersion Emersion. This is when a person begins to rid themselves of their ethnic self hatred and discover their traditional culture and customs (Cushner, McClelland and Safford). This is evident in The School Days of an Indian Girl by Zitkala Sa. Here as a returning student who has been assimilated to American ways, changes from a school girl back into her traditional culture: I could speak English almost as well as my brother, but I was not properly
  • 13. Cephalosporin Case Study 1. What assessments will you make prior to prescribing a cephalosporin? The patient s medication allergies need to be questioned due to the high incidence of a drug reaction to cephalosporins if the patient has an allergy to penicillin (UpToDate, 2015). 2. What first line cephalosporin will you prescribe? When treating primary or secondary skin infections, first generation cephalosporins are recommended as the standard initial treatment (Woo Wynne, 2012). According to Woo Wynne (2012), cephalexin is the most used drug for surgical incision infections (Woo Wynne, 2012). Woo Wynne (2012) recommend dosing for cephalexin for soft tissue and skin infections 500mg every 12 hours (Woo Wynne, 2012). 3. What are the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacotherapeutics for the first line cephalosporins? (Address the action, use, contraindications, drug to drug and drug to food interaction, adverse effects, and patient teaching/nursing interventions.) According to Woo Wynne (2012): Pharmacokinetics: Oral forms of cephalosporins are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Absorption is delayed by food, except for in oral ester prodrugs where absorption is... Show more content on ... This requires clinical, microbiological, and laboratory data. Signs and symptoms of superinfections should be noted. Nurses must also note signs and symptoms of hemolytic anemia. Urinalysis, BUN, and creatinine should be used to assess the patient s renal function when they are on prolonged treatment. If impaired renal function is indicated the dosage should be decreased. Some cephalosporins affect blood clotting and require a baseline and assessment of prothrombin level (PT). These patients should also be monitored for disulfiram reactions. Nurses should also educate patients on administration, adverse reactions, side effects, and lifestyle management (Woo Wynne,
  • 14. The Predicament Of Doing School By Denise Clark Pope The Predicament of Doing School by Denise Clark Pope. In this book Denise explains the troubles of doing school. Denise shows how students are hardworking and very intelligent people. But with our curriculum students have acquired some bad habits that they have been using over and over again. Could it be the students, the teachers, or the schoolsystem? One of the claims Denise makes is that students turn into classroom chameleons. When students go to different classes they change their personality, just like how chameleons change colors to fit in with their surroundings. Denise says, Like chameleons who use dramatic color changes to camouflage themselves in order to stay alive. pg(157) Students change personalities to fit with their
  • 15. Dalai Lama s Essay-Moral Is A Complex Thing Do Moral Is A Complex Thing Humans emotions are very complex. It is hard to tell others when people do moral, they ways are true and wrong. The behaviors that humans appear are also influenced by their values. And their values are influenced by many aspects. Such as cultures and religions. Thus, when humans know that we need to think things in moral ways, the ways that to be moral are different. As the Dalai Lama mentions in his essay called Ethicsand the New Genetics, the ways to close to the moral thinking need to follow humans inner emotions. However, humans emotions are such a complex thing. Because everyone has his/her own values, when they talked to others, humans are easily to be confused by others values. To be moral is... Show more content on ... In some religions such as the Buddhism, people need to be comprehensive. However, the Dalai Lama as a person who live in that religions, his word are opposite to his education: Because of the profoundly interconnected reality of today s world, we need to relate to the challenges we face as a single human family rather than as members of specific nationalities, ethnicities, or religions. (139) In his words, if humans do moral, humans cannot consider what they are educated. Education includes many aspect and humans thoughts also include the education which we learned these years. It is hard that when humans do moral just do moral with their inner feeling. Actually, the feeling also impacted by people s values. When the Dalai Lama wrote this essay, he also use his value to tell people how to do moral rather than tell people think more about their inner feeling. Hence, the value and inner feeling is same thing. They are difficult to be consider as two parts. Herzog puts forward an idea called the trouble middle, its concept is I also believe that our vastly greater capacity for symbolic language, culture, and ethical judgment puts humans on a different moral plane from that of other animals. (247) Because people s values are different, the ways people treat animals are different. Just as Herzog says, there are many
  • 16. The Internet Engineering Task Force OSPF is one of the most popular interior gateway protocols. It gathers updates from other link state routers and combines them to create a map of the network. OSPF was developed in 1988, after RIP began running into technical issues with larger networks. While OSPF has been around for almost 30 years, it is still widely used today, and is still one of the best IGP s available. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) developed OSPF as a solution to the technically flawed RIP routing protocol. In 1988, they formed a group to research and develop a new routing protocol based on the link state algorithm, which was more suited towards modern networks. Under the development of ARPAnet, some research had already been conducted on the link state algorithm. The IETF named the new protocol Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). Its name is relatively self explanatory: The word open refers to open source, allowing everyone to use it without proper licensing. The SPF portion points to the shortest path first, based on the link state algorithm it uses. The link state algorithm was designed to allow routers to determine the shortest path between any two networks. The original version of OSPF, described in RFC 1131, was published in October of 1989. There have been several more iterations of the OSPF protocol, namely OSPF version 2, published in July of 1991 (Kozierok). OSPF differs from its predecessor, RIPv1, in many ways (including several upgrades to the algorithm itself). Updates are
  • 17. Cdr for Australia Competency Demonstration Report Competency Demonstration Report Career Episodes Writing A Career Episode In this kit, objective is to facilitate our clients in writing CDR based on their experience. Firstly, have a look on some General Rules of writing CDR Project: Use I , instead of we/us/our team/group Avoid writing descriptive sentences like X was done . Rather you should write I did X and then describe in detail how you did X Avoid writing theoretical knowledge like description of any process from books, technical specifications of equipment copied from manuals etc You are required to write three career episodes After knowing the basic skills and tactics, lets move on to the Basic Information required for any project. ... Show more content on ... Write all the duties that you performed involving technical duties, tasks related to leadership and management. C) Personal Workplace Activity (write 800 2000 words) This is most important section of the CDR. Here you are required to describe the work that you actually performed. Write this part of CDR using I instead of we, us, our. Avoid writing theory, detail processes or specifications of equipments from manuals. Engineers Australia is not interesting in knowing how the department works, or what is the process flow (although you may refer to it where necessary), rather they are more interesting in knowing what is your role in that process. Technical details of the work You are required to produce complete details of how you performed any particular task, the method you adopted, steps you take If you performed any calculations, please include how you made these calculations, mention the method you followed or formula you used, include any sample calculations if possible. Zarnab International (PVT) Limited Immigration Consultants Competency Demonstration Report CompetencyDemonstration Report Career Episodes If you are
  • 18. My Soul Is Rested Summary The book My soul is rested , by Howell Raines takes place during the civil rights movement in the South. Howell Raines was a white southern journalist who interviewed many people like activist, lawyers, and many other people in the states of Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi that were involved in the civil rights movement. As known, Rosa Parkswas the person who sparked the civil rights movement by refusing to give up her seat and move to the back of the bus for the one white citizen that was left standing on the bus. Unfortunately she was arrested, fingerprinted, incarcerated, and trialed over this situation. Because of Rosa Parks courage on December 1, 1955 people are now able to ride, sit, and coexists with other nonblack people. Just like two of the many activists, Horton (white) and Malone Jones (black), were two important characters in the civil rights movements. The Civil Rights Movement was a social movementin the U.S. to end racial segregation and discrimination against blacks. Raines wrote this book in order for people to tell their side of their story in the civil rights movement. This book is about political and social history. It s also a tribute to everyone that made history happen. Myles Hortonwas one of the many people interviewed by Raines in My Soul is Rested . Horton was born in East Tennessee and founded Highlander Folk School in 1932. Like described in, Highlander Folk School was known for its advocacy for the impoverished and labor
  • 19. Pros And Cons Of Hypothyroidism Introduction to Hypothyroidism Revolution Overview The thyroid gland is responsible for creating the hormones which are located in front of the neck below the voice box. Condition in which thyroid gland is not able to produce sufficient thyroid hormones named thyroxin is called Hypothyroidism. Without thyroid hormones many functions of the body become slow. Tom Brimeyer is the creator of the Hypothyroidism Revolution. This program allows people to control or finish the problem of hypothyroidism by making some important changes in their diet plan. Tom Brimeyer himself suffered from this disease and after research of many years, he gets to know about the roots of this problem. Hypothyroidism can lead to Infertility, Mental issues, Heart problems, Myxedema (extreme hypothyroidism), and goiter. All these problems can be prevented by following ... Show more content on ... Pros Hypothyroidism revolution is a very comprehensive system. The natural treatment suggestions and programs are very easy to follow. People can easily take the steps to cure as it provides shopping lists, meal plan, thyroid relieves cookbook, checklists, useful calculators along with an incredible bonus. Hypothyroidism revolution program searches for curing the root cause of thyroid, unlike other treatments that give only quick solution. The program is user friendly and organized. The guide is in simple language and easy to understand. It helps you keep healthy weight, mental clarity, and clean hair, skin, and nails The program is available in both digital version as well as hard copy format. The program provides coaching through email and good customer service The program also features 60 days money back guarantee
  • 20. Human Resources Department Roadblocks In the Human Resources Department at CONMED, things are constantly moving at a rapid pace, once one task in completed, there is another task to start, then to complete. Things can get hectic when a company has a lot of requirements to be met. In order for any organization to run accordingly, they must have a schedule that helps them to meet deadlines and stay organized. The Human Resources Department keeps records of what needs to be done, however, have put aside the task of making their records an actual thing to see and understand. From the beginning of this projectmy goal was to take their saved data and create a visualized calendar that is user friendly for the service center. This way, upcoming tasks are understandable and easy to access for all staff in the service center. I believe being organized in a business is very important for success.... Show more content on ... As far as building this resource, I have been working alongside the IT department to see what my limits are. CONMED throughout this process was open to all ideas however rejected many for different reasons. I faced several roadblocks from us not being able to obtain a specific software, to not having much available in Excel that was needed to accomplish our goal. In order to narrow my research down, I presented them with several different options. Once we all came to an agreement that satisfied the company I was then able to expand on one main focus. From Excel Online, to Google Calendar, and Mobile Calendar Apps, I was testing all waters. After reviewing the pros and cons of the different resources, the company expressed that they would like a calendar that feeds from the data that they input creating a nexus, preferably one in Excel. The advantage of sticking with Excel was that the data they already have saved on excel was easily
  • 21. Race And Beauty in Toni Morrison s Novel The Bluest Eye... Throughout Toni Morrison s novel The Bluest Eye, she captures, with vivid insight, the plight of a young African American girl and what she would be subjected to in a media contrived society that places its ideal of beauty on the e quintessential blue eyed, blonde woman. The idea of what is beautiful has been stereotyped in the mass media since the beginning and creates a mental and emotional damage to self and soul. This oppression to the soul creates a socio economic displacement causing a cycle of dysfunction and abuses. Morrison takes us through the agonizing story of just such a young girl, PecolaBreedlove, and her aching desire to have what is considered beautiful blue eyes. Racial stereotypes of beauty contrived and nourished by... Show more content on ... Matus also notes: Profoundly interpersonal, the experience of shame is also therefore social and cultural. Shame is the result of feeling deficient, whether in relation to a parent, an admired friend, or a more powerful social group (39). We can easily see the effect of this stereotyping in the diminishment of self with Pecola s desire for blue eyes just to be considered beautiful enough to love. A negative self concept fostered by societal beliefs creates a profound sense of self loathing for those who don t fit into a certain standard, which can transcend to the belief that familial connections are also guilty of the same abhorrence of not fitting into societal stereotyping. The inherent belief that one is not worthy and they come from a bloodline also unworthy diminishes the mind of any positive thinking and forms a person ready for abuse and disregard. In Trudier Harris view, quot;The cycle, vicious in its repetitiveness, is one that is too ingrained to be broken quot; (47). Harris also points out the oppression faced by a young girl like Pecola: ...Morrison explores in the novel [and] centers upon the standard of beauty by which white women are judged in this country. They are taught that their blonde hair, blue eyes, and creamy skins are not only wonderful, but
  • 22. How Did Truett Build A Fried Chicken Sandwich I.As a young boy, Truett Cathy watched his mother cook fried chicken for boarders they took in after his father died. a.Even then Truett was already thinking as an entrepreneur to help his family make money. i.He would go in to Atlanta and purchase six packs of Coca Cola, bring them back to his home town of Hapeville and sell them for five cents a piece. This would in turn make him a profit of five cents on every six bottles he sold. II.In 1946, a then 25 year old Truett Cathy and his younger brother Ben opened a restaurant called the Dwarf House , in their home town of Hapeville, Georgia. III.Truett started experimenting with different ways to cook and serve chicken quickly and economically. He started serving a fried chicken breast fillet on a bun to keep customers from getting grease on their fingers. He then went on to perfect the chicken sandwich by experimenting with different cooking methods, seasonings and spices. When he finally felt it was right he had ended up using a special blend of seasonings and cooking the chicken in a pressure cooker with peanut oil, then adding a pickle to the finished sandwich. This would eventually become the Chick fil A Chicken Sandwich and become a lasting part of the Chick fil A formula. Transition I.... Show more content on ... Before they became Chick fil A sandwiches, they were just listed as chicken sandwiches on the Dwarf House menu. Soon the chicken sandwich was outselling hamburgers. In 1963 Truett decided to give the sandwiches a name to help market the product. When he consulted a patent attorney he was told that he could use ordinary words as long as he misspelled or altered the meaning from the dictionary usage. Working with the words chicken and filliet , Truett came up with Chick fil A, making the A stand for the first or best. He then hired the Richard Heiman Company to create the logo that is still being used
  • 23. The For The Future Liabilities In general insurance, Insurers make use of data gathered previously out of experience in order to predict the future liabilities. Such an estimate is made through the help of a loss function in decision making, as well as mathematical optimization. It is a common tendency to minimize the loss of the risk models and hence to do so are different methods applicable in today s statistics. Frequentist expected loss, Bayesian expected loss are mostly used; with Bayesian statistics being the increasingly common methodology in actuarial science. Insurers also make an estimate of the expected claims that arise in the future years, and so they need to hold reserves based on the aggregate claim amount they could face in the near future. Hence one way of doing this is by using the aggregate claim model. Therefore, examining and comparing the different forms of loss distribution that could be used in the aggregate risk model analysis, besides investigating about issues surrounding the application of Bayesian statistics in such a context. Acknowledgement: I would like to acknowledge my mentor Ms. Preeti Sahay, to have stood as a support for me throughout the project and in providing sufficient information for the project. Introduction: Insurance by nature is an uncertain subject. The Insured events occur at random times, particularly in a general insurance field, thereby the amount of claims are also random. Based on the future ability to pay the claims the insurer has to
  • 24. Frederick Douglass Literary Techniques Frederick Douglass was an African American writer, social reformer and a slave for most of his life. In the 1800 s, a time of slavery, Frederick Douglass produced an autobiography about his time being a slave. This autobiography was called The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, this was a novel about Frederick Douglass s life as a slave. In Frederick Douglass s writing, he expresses his point of view, but gets in depth of his stories by using literary elements for readers to feel like he did in slavery. In Frederick Douglass s writing, he brings imagery, tone and theme into his narrative. For example Now, you d d b h, I ll learn you how to disobey my orders! and after rolling up his sleeves, he commenced to lay on the heavy cowskin, and soon the warm, red blood (amid heart rending shrieks from her, and horrid oaths from him) came dripping to the floor (Douglass 6). This quote expresses the tone by showing readers the truth about slavery and how terrible they were treated on a daily basis. This quote also gives imagery because Douglass states the heavy whip was dripping warm blood from his aunt. From Douglass s point of view, he sees this whipping as something new and terrifying because he was at a young age.... Show more content on ... For example, The singing of a man cast away upon a desolate island might be as appropriately considered as evidence of contentment and happiness, as the singing of a slave; the songs of the one and of the other are prompted by the same emotion (Douglass 15). Syntax and diction come into this quote by Douglass expressing that the slaves sang out of tiredness, which gives readers the idea of how a slave felt. From Douglass s point of view, he sees this as something that is true and doesn t take much out of it compared to the
  • 25. Wash Out Effect Essay Various factors have been suggested, such as systematic decline along the hair shaft, systematic variation among body regions or external contamination through sweat. This study attempts to fill those methodical gaps of HCC assessment in chimpanzees. The washout effect fact has been observed in several humanstudies. It was initially suggested that structural damage of distal hair segments may permit liquids like water and cosmetics or alcohol to clean the samples before analysis to penetrate and washout hair cortisol more easily. This would be reflected in decreasing HCC from skin near to distal part to the hair. The waning effect maybe more appropriate than the traditional term washout effect, which is meant to indicate the leaching of cortisol by water. This is because cortisol may not only leech from hair shaft but it also may be could degrade it... Show more content on ... This is consistent with the idea that typical point estimates provided by plasma or saliva measurement are driven at least in part by the same underlying constitutive differences and pituitary adrenocortical activity that contribute to the values obtained from hair sampling. Another likely factor in the relationship is that hair, like saliva, is thought to incorporate only free unbound fractional cortisol from the bloodstream. Davenport et al 2006 These authors have found the correlation between hair cortisol and salivary cortisol in monkeys. Meyer Novak 2012 This approach should be thought of as complementary to measurements of salivary and or plasma court not as replacement cost of such markers. Meyer et al 2014 An increasing body of evidence has shown that hair cortisol levels reflect systemic plasma levels of the hormone over time, allow ing estimation of chronic stress, both psychological and physio logical, as well as disorders of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis, including Cushing syndrom and Addison s disease
  • 26. Business, Disney, Swami Walt Disney Pixar Merger Brief Industry Analysis Because of the technology nowadays, one successful film can be distributed all over the world, which is in a form of motion pictures or DVD. Animation is one media that is spread all over the world; push it to be one of fastest growing industry. The demand for the animation is increasing from the emerging number of cables and satellite TV and the popularity of The Internet. In addition, in the past, the target market of the animation industry was just kids, but now, it expands market to cover all ages of customers. The companies can be range from a big company such as Walt Disney to an individual artist with a PC. The trend of the industry has changed from drawing and... Show more content on ... The company was about the film and entertainment. On February 3rd, 1986, Steve Jobs purchased the computer graphics unit of Lucasfilm, Ltd for $10 million to establish as independent company, Pixar. Moreover, Ed Catmull who had worked with Lucasfilm was co founder and chief technical officer of Pixar. The company s objective is to develop computer animated feature films that make all types of audiences memorable with characters and stories by using technology and creative talent. Therefore, Pixar s team came up with several software innovations, which were used to create numerous of products. In 1987, The Pixar short was introduced, Red s Dream. This short film received the Golden Gate Award for Best of Category, Computer Generated Imagery at the San Francisco International Film Festival, and also won a Golden Nicas at the Prix Ars Electonica Festival in Austria. In 1988, Tin Toy won an Academy Award for Best Animated Short film. It got the first prize for computer assisted animation at the Third Los Angeles International Animation Celebration and also the Blue Ribbon Award from the American Film and Video Association. In 1989, Knick Knack and RenderMan were launched, and the first commercial was made. Furthermore, in July, CEO of Pixar, Steve Jobs wanted to increase the company s capabilities, so he collaborated with the San Francisco based Colossal Pictures who experience in broadcast media
  • 27. Hypnotherapy Case Study Vignettes For each of the following, explain how you would work with client. Specifically: 1. What information would you gather? 2. What interventions would you use? 3. What problems, if any could you foresee? Angie Angie is a student from overseas, studying at your local university. Her family are spending a huge amount of their income to get what they believe is the best education. But Angie is struggling. She finds the language difficult, can t make friends and her confidence has plummeted. She is terrified of returning home without her degree. INTRODUCTION AND INFORMATION GATHERED Self esteem is the component of a person s personality that dictates how they view themselves. People with healthy self esteem ... Show more content on ... Angie could also be taught self hypnosis to cope with the stress and the pressures of university. The following check list is useful for me to make sure to go over all areas related to low self esteem: 1. Lacking self confidence 2. Lacking self belief 3. Feeling overly emotional and upset much of the time 4. Feelings of depression and anxiety 5. Not being able to accept a compliment 6. Frequently imagining that others are better than you 7. Focusing on the negative in a situation 8. Worrying about what other people are thinking about you 9. Feelings of worthlessness 10. Fearing failure 11. Feeling that you don t deserve any better Once again, this is excellent information gathering with useful explanatory work. You might also wish to take into account any cultural influences and the impact of these on her locus of control. Also it may well be useful for you to encourage her to take advantage of the student counselor services and maybe tutorial help, especially with, for instance, study skills,
  • 28. language development and social skills. I notice that you mention the possibility of her seeing a counselor later in your reply. Good. 07/06/09 (Colette 7/06/09) Procedure The general treatment plan would include most of the following. New ways of thinking Angie s problem arises because of the way she thinks about the situation. Therapy aims to give Angie a new way of
  • 29. Analysis Of Dilworth Park And The Delight Dilworth Park and the Delight it Brings to the Creative Urban Landscape City Planning is an enterprise as old and as engrained in a constantly advancing society as the formation of cities themselves. Planning an urban landscape for a dynamic and complex population can be tricky, especially considering that societal norms and goals are always changing. In this light, it becomes most important to plan for and catalyze as much positive change on a city wide scale as is possible. The Creative City model was created for this purpose specifically. The Creative City is a model for city planning which encourages an environment that is comfortable for and attractive to creatives, and encourages creative activity as well as community building and the sharing of ideas. Philadelphia can be seen as operating under this umbrella based on the strong theater and arts culture and the vibrant atmosphere of the city which is enhanced by its public art and young, creative, educated population. Communal spaces in a creative city should make those in them feel welcome to sit down, draw, get inspired, make conversation, and relax. This is why many cities choose to renovate their public spaces so radically changing the entire layouts of these areas to give the city as a whole a new flow which encourages these kinds of activities and discourse. Often, parks and plazas are the most common examples of these public spaces. Most recently in Philadelphia, Dilworth Park was created in front of the central
  • 30. Case Study Of Eco-Feminism Women Empowerment and Eco feminism: Two case studies of India; Bihar in perspective Ssubmitted By: Rai Dhingra A6030115038 Abstract Eco feminism grows from the idea that a woman s ethic are closer and in sync with the nature than a man s .Eco feminists address and treat woman s right on natural resources as human right. But woman have no control and right on natural resources. The history of woman s land right in India and other country of South Asia has been and will continue to be a history of contestation and struggle at every level i.e. legal administrative, social and ideological. Cultivated land, forest and water are, and will be the most crucial form of property in rural India. Women direct ownership of land and control over natural resources can be ... Show more content on ... THE LINK BETWEEN STOCK PRICES AND THE ECONOMY Economic theory proposes that there should be a strong link between economic activity and stock prices, given that its price is the discounted present value of the firm s payout. If this payout is finally a function of real activity, such a link should exist. There are several theoretical propositions suggesting how stock prices can have a direct impact on economic output, which further strengthens the link amongst these two variables. 1.The first link was proposed by Tobin in 1969. The focus is on the impact that share prices have on the cost of capital. The coefficient that captures this is called Tobin s Q, which is given by the ratio of market value of current capital to the cost of replacement capital. When the prices of shares are high, the value of the firm to the replacement cost of its capital is also high i.e., the Tobin s Q is also high. Furthermore, this leads to rise in investment expenditure and thus causes a rise in the aggregate economic output as for firms it is easier to finance their investment expenditures. This is because investment would be simpler as it would require a lower share offering in a situation of a higher price for
  • 31. Is the Nature of Crime in Our Society Accurately Presented... 1. Is the nature of crime in our society accurately presented by the media? Discuss. Like every society, Australia has always had its share of criminal activity, from the founding of our country as a penal colony in the 18th century, bushrangers in the 19th century, underworld violence in the 20th century to recent youth violence on our city streets in the 21st century. In this essay, I will be discussing how the media presents crime in Australian society and how this does not necessarily reflect crime statistics. The media presents us with the idea that the majority of crime in Australia is violent, and it is only getting worse. In contrast, statistics show that Australia s crime rate has remained relatively steady. In fact, most ... Show more content on ... (Australian Institute of Criminology, 2009, p. 6) The media s representation of a rapidly increasing violent crime rate is not supported by statistics which reflect that while the crime rate is rising, the rate is steady and it is believed that this number could even be fluctuated by the increase of victims reporting these types of crime to the police. According to the Australian Survey of Social Attitudes 2007, 74% of the respondents had quite a lot/a great deal of confidence in the police to solve crime. (Australian Institute of Criminology, 2007 p. 16 17) Although the statistics show the general trend of violent criminal offences is static, a significant proportion of our population still has the perception that our crime rates are increasing (Australian Institute of Criminology, 2010) due to media influence. Another way the media misrepresents Australia s crime rate is by selectively reporting violent crimes whilst under reporting other offences, which are more prevalent in society. Contrary to the perception of the majority of Australians, most reported crimes in Australia are in fact, not violent. The rate of incidence of violent crimes is considerably lower in comparison to property crimes and fraudulent activity. For example, personal and consumer fraud costs between $3 billion and $3.5 billion per year in Australia which is roughly one third of all crime costs. (Australian Institute of Criminology, 1997, p. 2) The media
  • 32. Preparing Disinfectant To Clean E. Coli Part 1. Introduction 1.1 Research Question Do disinfectants sodium hypochlorite (Bleach), Lysol , and Allium sativum (Garlic) extract reduce the development of evolutionary bacterial resistance in Escherichia coli (E. coli) and which disinfectant has the greatest effect on the bacteria? 1.2 Context Other research concerning antibiotics/resistance/disinfectants 1.3 Significance The results of this investigation has a large degree of significance to the real world. Many people use disinfectants, such as the ones used in this investigation, to clean their outside environments (the outside world) and their inside environment (their body) from the E. Coli disease. Investigating and determining which disinfectants can continually clean ... Show more content on ... Use a new cotton swabs for each plate. 7.On the Antibiotic Sensitivity Discs, use a pencil or permanent marker to label each disk with a code that signifies which disinfectant it is and which round. a.Lysol L b.Bleach B c.Garlic Extract G d.Ethanol E 8.Wrap the discs in aluminum foil and set in oven for 30 minutes and 300 degrees for sterilization.* Find source to confirm this 9.Using sterile forceps hold each disk by the edge and dip it into the respective disinfectant to be tested. Touch the disk to the side of the test tube to get rid of excess liquid. 10.Place the disk on the respective testing plate in the center of one of the quadrants. Press the disk slightly into the agar. 11.Repeat with the remaining disinfectants and the control of that round. Use the same technique for each disk. a.Sterilize the forceps after each disinfectant and the control. 12.Incubate all of the testing plate, inverted (agar on top), overnight at 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit). Incubate longer if necessary if at lower temperature. Measuring Zones of Inhibition 1.After incubation, examine the testing plates (keep covers
  • 33. Homeland Generation Research Paper The Homeland Generation. The Post Millennials Name is Now Official The White House recently released a report where they labeled the youngest generation the Homeland Generation. A storm of speculations immediately hit the internet. How could the U.S. government choose such a paranoid and xenophobic sounding name? Was this a creepy joke? Some claimed the White House took the name out of thin air. Others accused the government of deliberately spreading shivers of Orwellian terror. Others again implied the White House took the name from the Showtime political series with the same name; not bothering to find out the generational moniker predates the TV series Called Homeland by almost a decade! In post Snowden America, it is not surprising that ... Show more content on ... When removed from social theory, generational nicknames have an uncanny tendency to be launched right in time for the release of a new gadget, new report or a new TED talk. Nobody expects a baby to live up to its name, something baby Lucifer and little Havoc will be pleased to learn. But generations are different. Naming them before we learn their true character traits is tantamount to label a piece of art that has not yet been completed. Creative wordsmiths will continue to use new monikers; at least until this young generation one day decides to name itself. This youngest generation is already rich with names, yet so poorly understood as a cohort of more than tiny consumers. Over the last few years at least half a dozen suggestions from the plain Generation Z, to the more specific iGeneration, Plurals, Posts or Wii Generation have been suggested. I believe lack of scope in the underlying research is why these suggestions seem myopic to the field of study or even anachronistic. At least to futurists who are used to thinking of the future as more complex than mere extensions of the present. These names run the risk of becoming naГЇve predictions if the underlying assumptions behind the forecasts giving logic to their name won t hold through. For example, the name iGeneration presumes tomorrow s youngsters will espouse a
  • 34. Essay about A Christian View of Suffering The concept of suffering plays an important role in Christianity, regarding such matters as moral conduct, spiritual advancement and ultimate destiny. Indeed an emphasis on suffering pervades the Gospel of Mark where, it can be argued, we are shown how to journey through suffering (Ditzel 2001) in the image of the Suffering Son of Man (Mark 8:32), JesusChrist. Although theologians have suggested that Mark was written to strengthen the resolve of the early Christian community (Halpern 2002, Mayerfeld 2005), the underlying moral is not lost on a modern reader grappling with multifarious challenges regarding faith in the face of suffering. In his article A Christian Response to Suffering , William Marravee (1987) describes suffering... Show more content on ... When spiritual liberation is achieved, all concerns for physical and emotional suffering end ( 2000). There are many different perspectives on suffering with regard to its meaning, significance and purposes. Pope John Paul II (1984) wrote On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering , that it centres on the notion of redemptive suffering to remit one s sins in order to save the soul from eternal suffering (damnation). Personally, I believe suffering can have a purpose. It can enrich life by giving us knowledge of both the good and the bad, arguably making us more appreciative of what we have . Indeed, James Stewart (2005) purports, If there were no suffering, would there be compassion? If there were no discipline and hardship, would we ever learn patience and endurance? Construct a universe with no trouble in it and immediately you banish some of the finest qualities in the world. Our experiences of suffering may also help us in our moral conduct as an experience of suffering serves to make us sympathetic to the trials of others. We learn to a) help the afflicted (through consolation and relief) and to B) not inflict harm on others, having experienced suffering ourselves. Furthermore, many spiritual seekers in the past have felt that suffering and spiritual progress are inexorably linked, pointing to St Teresa of Avila and St Francis of AssisiI as examples . I believe that if we can learn from our
  • 35. Animal Farm and A Modest Proposal Essay Animal Farm and A Modest Proposal Although Animal Farm and A Modest Proposal were written over two hundred years apart, and one is non fiction and the other is not, there are distinct similarities between the two. Both of the pieces are political, with Animal Farm based on the Russian Revolution, and A Modest Proposal based on the situation of homelessness in Ireland. Also, both of the pieces are satirical. Animal Farm ridicules the ordinary Russian people for being gullible, and A Modest Proposal mocks politicians who ignore sensible suggestions and come up with extreme ones. In the build up to his speech, Old Major first clears his throat, to gain all of the animals attention. The fact that all he has to do is clear his ... Show more content on ... He says Man is the only real enemy we have . In the following two paragraphs, he plays on the animals emotions by scaring them individually. He mainly picks on the animals that are liked by the rest of the farm. He says You, Boxer, the very day those great muscles of yours lose their power, Jones will sell you to the knackers . This makes the other animals more afraid, as thoughts of their friends dying are being put in their minds, and they want to know what they can do to stop it happening. In the seventh paragraph of his speech, he develops the solution to their problems, by suggesting a rebellion, That is my message to you comrades: Rebellion! It is only when he has the audience on his side, that he mentions the rebellion. He has used persuasive techniques to channel their anger towards man, and told them how to solve this problem. In the next paragraph, he warns the animals to never falter, and never listen to anyone when they tell you that man and the animals have a common interest . By warning the animals, it will seem to them that he knows what is going to happen, and what to look out for. This again will make him seem wise. A fight breaks out in the audience, and we are once reminded of the respect that the animals have for Old Major, as he raises his trotter to silence the barn. This shows us that the animals will do what he says, and believe what he is telling them. In the
  • 36. Homelessness Is On The Rise Homelessness in Hawaii In Honolulu, homelessness is on the rise. People become homeless and experience poverty for a number of different reasons. Anderson states that, However, during the last decade, the scarcity of affordable housing coupled with other social and economic changes thrust many new faces into the homeless population (13). In 2013 the Department of Housing and Urban Development stated that the state of Hawaii has the second largest population of homeless people (Nagourney). In Honolulu, the price of housing is extremely high and jobs are scarce. It is becoming difficult to survive in Honolulu. The poor are experiencing poverty people with out any source of income are forced to live on the streets. There are not enough homeless shelters for every homeless person in Honolulu, so those that are unable to live in a shelter end up living in the streets. The homeless is becoming an issue for the state of Hawaii in Honolulu because Honolulu depends on tourisms. The Homeless are pushed all around Honolulu because the government does not want tourist to see homeless people. In Honolulu, homeless people are struggling to survive, they are treated unfairly, and the government is not doing enough to help the situation. First of all, homeless people in Honolulu are struggling to survive. They are starving, dirty, and tired. There are over a thousand people that live on the streets with no place to call home. People from the mainland moved to Honolulu because they were
  • 37. Merging Social Work and Social Advocacy in Response to... Merging Social Work and Social Advocacy in Response to the Plight of Unaccompanied Child Refugees in the United States Introduction More than any country in the world, the United States has been a haven for refugees fleeing religious and political persecution in their home countries. Linked forever to the phrase inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the United States, in the eyes of persecuted people throughout the world, has been idealized as a land of freedom and new beginnings. However, the changing face of refugees seeking asylum in the United States in the past several decades has exposed stark gaps in the legal, administrative, and social treatment of ... Show more content on ... The United States Response Administratively and legally, the United States has been slow in responding to the changes in refugee and asylum seeking patterns. Until very recently, United States federal policy toward undocumented aliens and refugees was still largely influenced by post World War II United Nations conventions, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1976) and the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (1954). As dated guidelines for dealing with the asylum claims of refugees, these international norms treat all refugees according to adult standards of proof. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) refugees guidelines, however, have for many years failed to account for the growing numbers of unaccompanied children entering the United States. United States domestic family law and juvenile justice have recognized that children should be held to different standards of proof, evidence, and culpability than adults. This standard of dual proof is not evident in United States policy regarding immigrant asylum seekers. United States immigration policy has only in the past year begun to think of children as different from adults.3 Due to the relative newness and slowness of reform, children asylum seekers in the United States continue to be routinely detained, like adults, in INS and INS contracted state detention facilities as they await hearings before immigration judges to
  • 38. Essay on Political Culture of Mexico Mexican Political Culture As once put by Mexican Nobel laureate Octavio Paz, Mexico is a land of super imposed pasts (McCormick, p.326). It continues to be and is seen as a melding pot of its European and Native American ideas about society, law and government. Its history has had a major influence on the political culture of Mexico, seen through years of revolution, violence and corruption. Mexico is a considered a new democracy, but there is a tension still seen between democracy and authoritarianism. The country we see today has impressive growth yet is still enduring poverty. It s a geographically diverse country, with a population of approximately 106million people. Latin American political culture is seen as elitist, ... Show more content on ... It is said that in December 1531, the Virgin Mary appeared on three occasions to a Christian Indian, Juan Diego, six kilometers north of Mexico City, and identified herself as Guadalupe. It is said that the Guadalupe symbol links family, politics and religion; the colonial past and the independent present; and the Indian and the Mexican. It reflects the salient social relationships of Mexican life and embodies the emotions they generate. (Merrill MirГі, Religion) Devotion to the Virgin Guadalupe remains strong even as Mexican society changes. For example, in a national opinion poll found, nine out of ten Mexicans still continued to ask intercessions from the Virgin or another saint. (Merrill MirГі, Religion) Another huge aspect of Mexican political culture is the Constitution of 1917. Many Mexicans attribute the origins of the political system in Mexico to the Revolution of 1910 1920 and it s Constitution of 1917. Unlike their American neighbors, the people of Mexico focus and look to the past, not the future, to there missed dreams and hopes. Many people of Mexico support and have faith and pride in the Constitution of 1917, agree with the goals of the Revolution and support their political institutions. (McCormick p.333) The Constitution is seen more as an outline of the goals Mexico has aspired for. Their believe in the Constitution but recognize it as a work in progress as it still contains
  • 39. Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent Chapter Summary How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents is the story about four sisters from the Dominican Republic and how they became American as well as how they tried to stay Dominican. Through their fights with their father, full of machismo, and their relationships with American men and with each other, the four sisters reveal four different experiences in Americanization and the ways that the clung to their native culture, even decades after they first arrived in the United States. How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents is not a story that it told in chronological order, as it opens with Yolanda returning to the Dominican Republic for the first time in five years, despite ending with Yolanda while she was little and still living in the Dominican... Show more content on ... She detested the Latino machismo and openly embraced her sexuality, something traditionally looked down upon in her Dominican culture, and she had no problem arguing with her father while he still clung to his culture. However, Sofia never seemed to mind the aesthetic roots of her culture, fully embracing the style when she was exiled to the Dominican Republic or as their mother said, she was beautifully acclimated to life on the Island (p. 117) and her sisters forced her independent spirit back, when she fell for her illegitimate cousin, a man overflowing with machismo. But once out, she became fiercely independent and even feminist. In fact, when her father doted on her son but not her daughter, she found that his macho babytalk [sic] brought back Sofia s old antagonism towards her father (p. 27) because Sofia was the one with non stop boyfriends (p. 28), and their bickering caused her father and her to have a falling out. Nothing fixed that until she named her son Carlos, after her father a way that she connected her old, Dominican roots to her new, American identity. For Sofia, becoming American was never a big issue, and she didn t have as much culture or even memories of her homeland to hang onto, which was why she often clashed with her father because her American ideals made it difficult for her to see from her parents
  • 40. The Premature Burial And The Masque Of The Red Death 1What effect does the fear of death have on Poe s characters in The Premature Burial and The Masque of the Red Death? With the theme of death not present in the story there would be no suspense and the plot would have no rising action or climax, it would just be a description of a party. Poe not only uses his character s actions to support the plot, he also uses symbolism. At the party there are seven rooms that are all painted different colors. The rooms move from east to west and the last room is painted black and has a loud ringing clock. The progression of the rooms from east to west represents the cycle of life with the sun rising in the east and falling in the west. The last black room with the clock represents the end of life and... Show more content on ... The writers of transcendentalist era had philosophical key concepts such as: the idea of destructiveness of human spirit, belief in individual truth but not universal truth, human nature is fundamentally sinful and evil is an active presence within the universe. The most mutual view among Emerson, Poe and other writers was the view of nature. Nature is vast incomprehensible, a reflection of struggle between good and evil. Nature is creation and possession of God and it cannot be understood by human beings. Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville and Poe shared a common writing style. Writing consisted of prevalent use of symbolism, raw and morbid diction, focus on protagonist s inner struggles and man versus nature conflicts. Transcendentalist writers conveyed modern themes of psychology and human nature through crafty use of allegory and symbolism. Fireside poets found a common ground among themselves because of their style of writing, in which they saw the dark side to human existence. Works of Fireside poets acknowledged the existence of sin, pain, and evil in human life. Transcendentalist movement among writers began as an attempt to create domestic literature and break away from British literacy. These men would write about home life, mythology, politics, and legends of America. They wrote not for themselves, but for the common people. The style of writing the authors would use: rhyme scheme and cadences, made their poems popular for homes and school classrooms. Poets celebrated the virtues of home, family, and democracy. In their best verse, they display a simple diction, a courageous love of freedom, and a keen eye for natural
  • 41. Macbeth Power And Influence We as people often say Having a high position of power is bad but we never consider the power behind an individual person and the influence their words may have. For example, in society some of us dress, act and talk a curtain way to fit in because if you do something different someone will judge you and say things about you. What this is doing is influencing our everyday decisions. We often underestimate the powerour words may have on another. This is prominent when asking ourselves in the The Tragedy of Macbeth who actually holds the most power to influence others actions. After receiving a prophecy that Macbeth would become king and all these things that could happen. Macbeth went on a huge ambitious journey and committed acts out of fear and personal benefit. For example, he killed the former King in order to be, his friend Banquo and attempted to kill his son. So who in The Tragedy of Macbeth had the most power to influence? The source can be traced back to the prophecy givers themselves, the Witches. We can say that the witches have the most influence of power because the witches are the ones who gave ... Show more content on ... Th attempt and not the deed confounds us. Hark! I laid their daggers ready; He could not miss em. (II.II.10 12) That shows that Lady Macbeth is wanting it to happen and getting things ready for it to follow through. Though that is a fair statement we have to think about what actually drove him to do it. What influenced him to even think about killing King Duncan. That can be only traced back to when the witches told him that he would be king. All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter. (I.III.50) That shows that Macbeth knew he would become king and since the witches told him that it influence his thought to kill King Duncan so he can take the
  • 42. Essay Separation of Benzoic Acid and Acetanilide Chem 3100 Thursday 9am 1:45pm Olumba Obu Unknown #: 146 Fall 11 Organic Chemistry Midterm Report 13 October 2011 Table of Contents Separation of Benzoic Acid and Acetanilide 3 Extraction and Purification of Caffeine from Tea4 Extraction of Trimyristin from Nutmeg5 Conversion of t butanol to t butyl chloride6 Appendix 7 Calculations 8 Literature and Experimental Values of Benzoic Acid and Acetanilide 9 Experimental Caffeine IR 10 Literature Caffeine IR 11 Experimental Trimyristin IR 12 Literature Trimyristin IR 13 Experimental Tert Butyl Chloride IR 14 Literature Tert Butyl Chloride IR and RI 15 References Separation of Benzoic Acid and Acetanilide Introduction: The ... Show more content on ... Extraction of Trimyristin from Nutmeg Introduction: Seeds of plants are rich in triglycerides, the fatty acid esters of glycerol. Nutmeg s triglycerides are mainly the glycerol ester of a single fatty acid which is called myristic acid. This ester, called trimyristin, represents the 20 25% dried weight of nutmeg (Wilcox amp; Wilcox, 120). The purpose of this lab is to isolate trimyristin from nutmeg by performing a simple solid liquid extraction and to purify the trymyristin using the method of recrystallization. Procedure: Place 5 g of nutmeg and 50 mL of DCM into a 100 mL round bottom flask, and reflux the mixture for 30 minutes. Refer to p.120 (E) in Wilcox amp; Wilcox. Rotary evaporation will be used instead of steam distillation. Data: Mass of Nutmeg| 5.0127g| Mass of Crude Trimyristin| 2.3516 g| % Yield of Crude| 46.91 %| Mass of Pure Trimyristin| 0.3352 g| % Recovery from Recrystallization| 6.69%| Overall % Yield from Nutmeg| 10.5%(pure); 45.6%(crude+pure)| Results/Discussion: The percent recovery from recystallization and the overall percent yield from nutmeg are extremely low due to the loss of trimyristin from filtration and the round bottom flask. The literature IR and the experiment IR are very similar, containing many of the same peaks; therefore, the purification of trimyristin was done successfully with a smaller than expected
  • 43. The Importance Of Sports Sports are one of the most watched pieces of entertainment in America, and around the world. People watch sports because you never know the outcomes of the games, and because you can root for your chosen team. When a person thinks a about a sport the first thing that comes to their head is probably something like football or soccer, but what about chess or even video games. Sports are usually thought of as games that require strength and physical skill to preform, but sports should be defined by competitiveness, strategy, and entertainment value. Sports that most people watch include some sort of use of strength, an example of this being football. Football does require strength to play well, but it is far more important to have strategy... Show more content on ... If an average person were to play these video games against them, they would lose, by a lot, just like if average people played soccer against a professional team. So clearly these players possess a high amount of skill in their game so why is that skill not consider the same as that of an athlete. Most people would think sports should include a physical element sports require competitiveness even more. A sportin which there is no competition would be pointless, and more importantly no one would play. The competitive nature of sports is what makes them so popular. At the end of the day one team wins, and one team loses. Competition is what drives players to do their best so that they can win. The competitive nature of sports is what forms rivalries, and what drives fans to games. If there were no competition in sports, there would be no reason to watch. National and worldwide sports events, like the super bowl, world cup, or even video game tournaments, bring in some of the largest viewership s in the world. People want to find out what team or country is the best at the sport in question. Chess and Video games both meet this standard due to their extreme competitiveness. If something has no competitive element, it cannot call itself a sport. While sports require competition, they also require an amount of strategy. Sports require a strategy to win. If there were no strategy required
  • 44. The British Soldier As A Drunken Brute The beginning of the nineteenth century found the British army already engaged for the last seven years in a war with the French. This war to oppose Napoleon would last until 1815, by which time the British would be victorious. This triumphant British army, although successful throughout their campaign with the French, was not openly considered a humble and advantageous force for society. In fact, the common stereotype and popular image of the British soldierwas negative, as the Duke of Wellington stated the soldiers were the scum of the earth who have all enlisted to drink .1 For the majority of the soldiers, this label was given inappropriately and carelessly. The Autobiography of Sergeant William Lawrence, a British soldier who fought in the Peninsula and Waterloo Campaigns during his fourteen year military career, offers an insight into the lives of the labelled soldiers and interpretation of whether this label can be deemed accurate. The idea of the British soldier as a drunken brute is inaccurate. The men who enlisted to fight against Napoleon were more often than not forced to do so out of economic necessity. Soldiers delinquencies seemed to many contemporaries to be the unavoidable result of the type of men who enlisted. 2 The British army was made from voluntary enlistment, and this was thought to have produced a body of army that was inferior in both character and discipline to the past British armies. For the volunteers, the promise of regular food and
  • 45. Essay Courtroom Observsation You be the Judge Week 5 Courtroom Observation Paper Research BUSI 301 Liberty University Indiana Northern District Court Judges: Chief Justice Raymond, Brown, Uphold, Batten, Grambo, Wray, Bryant, Cross and Allen Case Number: 80a14 5352 vc804 Plaintiff: Debora White Plaintiff Representatives: Ashley Gavin and Jackson Riley Defendant: O Malley s Tavern and Patrick Gibbs Defendant Representatives: Xander Barden and Katelyn Lippa Defendant Council Overview: Xander Barden and Katelyn Lippa are the defendant s (O Malley s Tavern and Patrick Gibbs) representatives they are recommending the Court present an outline verdict to the bartender, John Daniels and O Malley s Tavern. There is definite... Show more content on ... Norris case which was brought up in the courtroom; Mr. Hard was not as drunk. (Ashlock v. Norris, 475 N.E.2d 1167, 1170 (Ind. Ct. App. 1985). The bartender, Mr. John Daniels did not have any definite awareness of Mr. Hard s intoxication. Mr. Daniels is not able to recall any unusual behavior that was displayed by Mr. Hard. He does not have any reclamation of observing Mr. Edward Hard tripping over the pool stick because he had stepped away from the room. He did witness an argument start at the entrance doorway between Mr. Bruno White and Mr. Edward Hard in which Mr. Hard provoked. There were no additional drinks served after the altercation took place, the final alcoholic beverage had been ordered and served prior to the incident and therefore is not said to be actual knowledge. The last drink is the cutoff point for the statue and where the definite ruling intervenes. The process is in order to try and obtain an abstract opinion from Mr. John Daniels stating that he had no familiarity of Mr. Hard being drunk. When Mr. Edward Hard left the O Malley s Tavern he followed Mr. Bruno White in a careless manner, damaging numerous vehicles and consequently hitting Mr. White s automobile and killing him. The direct aim of Mr. Hard is being safeguarded with the implication of a motor vehicle accident while being intoxicated. The understanding and cause of the intoxication is not what is relevant, however the altercation that occurred at
  • 46. The United States And Latin America When looking at the history between the United States and Latin America, you see many interactions between them, all that aided the relationship that they have today. Despite that the United States and Latin America are in the same part of the world, the beliefs in which they govern may differ. This difference has often been seen playing a major role in the disputes that have occurred in past. The United Statesand Latin America have faced many social, economical and governing barriers in forming a strong and positive relationship in the early twentieth century, this is due to the differences that the two had between cultures and the constant demand for power. However, the two countries have found ways to meet in the middle of their cultural differences, to form an equally fair relationship. At the start of the 19th century, just a few years prior to the end of the Spanish American War, Latin America was left with a poor economy and in debt. The United States believed that they could help Latin America, while helping themselves out at the same time. The Dollar Diplomacy was introduced in 1904 by the United Sates and went into place in 1909. It was used mostly during presidency William Howard Taft s from 1910 to 1913 The Dollar Diplomacy had the United States pay the debts that Latin America had to other countries from previous loans. In return the United States had an opportunity to sell American goods in the Latin America market, which would unknowingly expand American
  • 47. Nuit Of The Living Dead Evaluation Essay This is the first evaluation essay, and it is in a book that the readers have read called the Nuit of the Living Dead. The story had the readers in countless suspense, especially the part when the setting takes place at the time of the zombie apocalypse. However, numerous people have been wondering the same question all their lives, which is this: How do you understand your own identity, and how does it relate to the communities you are a part of? and the question remains unanswered to this day, until now. (Center for Civic Reflection) The four topics that shall stand as the supports of this essay, which will help us with this question, and the four topics are the following themes listed: Loneliness, Paranoia, Fear, and Conditioning. (MoreStories102) Although the title of the story would make people assume that this is a horrorstory, it certainly is not. This story is just about a middle aged man who is trying to keep himself busy at night, as he was afraid that the zombieswould attack him. As he attempts to help a mouse in putting it out of its misery, a van pulls up with an older driver coming out asking for directions since he got lost. (Nuit of the Living Dead 452) The first topic of this essay is loneliness, and the readers need to figure out how this first topic is a portion of this answer. For starters, loneliness has been a state of mind, when a person starts to feel abandoned by a friend that the farmer recognizes. In this story scenario, it occurs when the
  • 48. Book Review of Primo Levi s Survival in Auschwitz Essay Book Review of Primo Levi s Survival in Auschwitz World War II was a war that took many lives from civilians that deserved to have a life of their own. They were ordinary people who were victims from a horrible and lengthy war that brought out the worst in some people. In Primo Levi s Survival in Auschwitz, Levi gives a detailed account of his life in a concentration camp. Primo Levi was a young Italian chemist who was only twenty four years old when he was captured by the Nazis in 1943. He spent two long and torturous years at Auschwitz before the Russian army freed the remaining prisoners of the camp. He tells about life inside the camp and how tough it was to be held like an animal for so long. He says they were treated as ... Show more content on ... The one thing all of the prisoners had in common was hunger, which laid the foundation for their life in Auschwitz. The prisoners in Auschwitz were treated very poorly and the world came crashing down on them even before they were brought there. When Levi was informed that he was going to be going to Auschwitz from Turin, Italy he did not know what to expect but he did not expect this. He said, dancing before my eyes I see the spaghetti which we had just cooked, Vanda, Luciana, and I, at the sorting camp when we suddenly heard the news that we would leave for here the following day; and were eating it and we stopped (74). He was not aware that he would not be able to eat like this ever in the camp and was almost convinced that he would never eat like that again period. He thought about this in one of the rare moments that he had a chance to think about his past life that was very depressing for anyone to think about. They all thought they would be stuck there forever which it seemed liked already. The hunger that took over for everybody became the basis for their complex social structure. They would use rations of bread as the currency for things that they would need. They would buy spoons, shirts, and other things that they would need to survive inside the camp. The veterans could tell who the new people in the camp were because the new arrivals would stash half rations of bread in their coats while the veterans could not do that because they