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Declaration Of Independence Essays
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Declaration of Independence" is a challenging endeavor that
requires a deep understanding of historical context, political philosophy, and the intricacies of
the document itself. This task involves not only summarizing the key points of the Declaration
but also delving into the motivations behind its creation, the prevailing sentiments of the time,
and the impact it had on shaping the course of history.
One of the primary challenges is striking a balance between providing a comprehensive overview
of the Declaration and offering insightful analysis. It's not merely about recounting the words on
the parchment but interpreting their significance in the broader context of the American
Revolution and the birth of a new nation. This requires thorough research, critical thinking, and
the ability to articulate complex ideas coherently.
Moreover, navigating through different perspectives and scholarly interpretations adds another
layer of difficulty. The Declaration of Independence has been studied and analyzed by
historians, political scientists, and scholars from various disciplines. Incorporating these
perspectives while maintaining a clear and focused narrative requires careful consideration and
synthesis of diverse viewpoints.
Furthermore, the challenge lies in presenting the essay in a way that is engaging and accessible to
a diverse audience. Balancing academic rigor with readability is crucial to ensure that the essay
appeals to both experts and general readers.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Declaration of Independence" demands a
combination of historical insight, analytical skills, and effective communication. It is a task that
necessitates a deep dive into the complexities of the subject matter and an ability to convey its
importance in a compelling manner.
For assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, services
provide a platform where you can seek professional help to navigate through the intricacies of
academic writing.
Declaration Of Independence Essays Declaration Of Independence Essays
Compare And Contrast Zefirelli And Luhrmann
Mood and Tone in Text and Film In the Zefirelli film, the author s overall tone and
mood was seemingly playful and yet a bit taunting. In the fight scene, it seemed as
if it was not an actual fight, merely a sparring practice. However, after the fight
scene, a more somber and angry tone took place enhancing the story line. The tone
and mood of the Luhrmann piece was straightforward and easy to recognize. With
the dramatic music and dark skies, a serious and angry mood and tone was easy to
recognize, where with the Zefirelli piece the mood and tone are a bit harder to
recognize. These two scenes were different in many ways, Zefirelli and Luhrmann
took two separate and obviously divided paths. The Luhrmann piece provided a
dramatic yet modern
Advantages Of E-Procurement In Construction Perceived benefits
Perceived benefits are referred to as the anticipated advantages of an e procurement
system that can be provided to an organization. Among the existing studies are those
on the benefits of e procurement, for example [69], [70], [71]. Aggregate findings of
these researches shown that there are many benefits of e procurement in construction
in relation to costs and time savings; improved quality of construction products and
services, client and user satisfaction, efficiency and effectiveness in the management
of construction projects. Organizations are likely to adopt an e procurement system
if they believe it will yield positive or beneficial results. Perceived Barriers
Laryea Ibem [72] described barriers as those factors or circumstances that prevent the
implementation of an e procurement system . Previous studies emphasized the need
to understand the barriers to adopting an information system [4], [72]. Eadie et al. [4]
investigated the impediments to the uptake of e procurement in construction among
construction companies in Northern Ireland. The researchers identified the obstacles
to the adoption of e procurement across the globe as related to low or lack of
awareness of e procurement, dearth of requisite skill and legal and ... Show more
content on ...
Some empirical studies have identified technological factors as an important
determinant of e procurement adoption [62], [65]. Following the work of Soares
Aguiar Palma [62] on technological factors affecting e procurement uptake, the study
conceptualized technological factors as technology readiness (reflecting the
availability of IT resources required for the adoption of an e procurement system).
Enterprises with robust IT infrastructure, IT expertise, IT compatibility and security
measures in place may risk the adoption of this new
Capri Sun Ad Essay Example
Before I analyze my ad, let me give you a quick rundown. In the ad, there is an
image of a girl aged 9 12 dancing with an older 50 or so woman. They are
supposedly grandma and granddaughter. The photo is candid and neither are
looking into the camera. To the right is the following text, Release Your Inner Child
With Capri Sun Organic. Below that the smaller text reads, New Capri Sun Organic
Healthier, Tastier, and Better Than Ever. Now Containing One Serving of Fruit. This
text is wrapped around a pouch of Capri Sun Organic. Below this, in the even smaller
text, there is a clarification that reads, Each pouch provides ВЅ cup of fruit which is
one serving of fruit according to the U.S. Dietary Guidelines. At the top of the... Show
more content on ...
Lastly, there s pathos. Pathos appeals to emotion. Most of this ad is in an attempt to
create a certain mood. First of all, both the models in the ad are happy supposedly
because of Capri Sun Organic. Also, the slogan Unleash Your Inner Child, is an
illusion to happier and less stressful times when all we were doing was having fun.
All the allusions to health also make the consumer feel good about their choice to
drink the product. Plus, if people feel good about the product they re more likely to
buy it. In short, everything in this ad is used to create an association between Capri
Sun Organic and health and happiness.
The first advertising technique use is transfer. Transfer is everywhere from the
smiling faces of the models to the use of words like, Organic, Healthier, Tastier,
Better, and New. All these words have positive connotations and images associated
with them, which helps give consumers a positive outlook on the product. Another
technique used is weasel words. New Capri Sun Organic Healthier, Tastier, and
Better Than Ever, is misleading. For one it s subjective. While someone may think it
s healthier or tastier, another person may disagree. Also, there is no proof that it is
actually tastier or healthier. Another technique used is facts and figures. Facts and
figures can be seen in the 1 serving of
The Communist Manifesto Essay
The Communist Manifesto opens with the famous words quot;The history of all
hitherto societies has been the history of class struggles. In section 1, quot;Bourgeois
and Proletarians, quot; Marx delineates his vision of history, focusing on the
development and eventual destruction of the bourgeoisie, the middle class. Before the
bourgeoisie rose to prominence, society was organized according to a feudal order
run by aristocratic landowners and corporate guilds. With the discovery of America
and the subsequent expansion of economic markets, a new class arose, a
manufacturing class, which took control of international and domestic trade by
producing goods more efficiently than the closed guilds. With their growing
economic powers, this... Show more content on ...
Additionally, the development of bourgeois industries causes a proportional
deterioration in the condition of the proletariat. This deterioration, which can be
slowed but not stopped, creates within the proletariat a revolutionary element, which
will eventually destroy their bourgeois oppressors. As Marx says, quot;What the
bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, is its own grave diggers. Its fall and the
victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable quot;.
In Chapter 2, quot;Proletariats and Communists, quot; Marx elaborates the social
changes communists hope to effect on behalf of the proletariat. Marx notes firstly
that the interests of communists do not differ from the interests of the proletariat as
a class; they seek only to develop class consciousness in the proletariat, a necessary
condition of eventual proletariat emancipation. The primary objective of communists
and the revolutionary proletariat is the abolishment of private property, for it is this
that keeps them enslaved. Bourgeois economics, capitalism (a system based on
owning your own property that you buy and make profits off of whatever you sale)
requires that the owners of the means of production compensate workers only
enough to ensure their mere physical subsistence and reproduction. In other words,
the existence of bourgeois property, or capital as Marx calls it, relies on its radically
unequal distribution. The only way the proletariat can free itself
Fantasy Sports And Its Effect On The National Football
The widespread growth of fantasy sports into a multi billion dollar industry has made
it an important component of the sports industry, mainly the NFL. All Sports leagues
must acknowledge the impact that fantasy sport has on the way its participants
consume their sport. This research paper examines the conception of fantasy sports
and explains it effects on the National Football league. Consumer involvement with
fantasy sports leads to a higher consumption of the NFL products and services.
Keywords: Fantasy sports; Consumption; Fan loyalty; NFL; Football; Sports media
NFL: Sports Fantasy Becomes Reality Introduction
This research paper will provide a discussion on the initial conception, importance,
and an explanation on the development of fantasy sport and its adoption by the
National Football league (NFL). The paper will also focus on the concept of
fantasy football considered the most popular fantasy sport, due to the high
participation rating, and its effects on the NFL and the various sport consumers. A
brief examination of the increase in consumer loyalty and brand identification as a
result of fantasy football participation as well as the effect of overall consumption of
the NFL will be provided in the following research.
The unique presupposition of fantasy sports allows individual participants to act as
owners or general managers of their own sports teams. These members participate in
either an online or real world draft scenario. Each
Building A Disaster Recovery Plan
RPO is the time that the data for a business will need to be restored in order to
meet the requirements for the owners. This will judge when the end user will be
able to regain access to data on the system. RTO is the measured time a system or
application will not be operational before it is considered insufferable to the business.
Risk Management Phases
What is to be done
Inventory all applications, data, operating systems, and physical servers
Monitor workload data information like network utilization.
Build a disaster recovery plan that will be able to handle the workload information.
Configure your entire virtual environment to be able to match the physical production
of the servers. ... Show more content on ...
Risk Management planning methods:
One on one BIA interviews.
Group BIA interview sessions or exercises
Executive management mandate.
Electronic medium. Use of voice and data communications technologies, video
conferencing, and Web based technologies and media are becoming increasingly
accepted and popular.
Financial Impacts
Operational Impacts
Location Impacts
Technological Dependence
Economic and operational impact categories (lost sales, interest paid on borrowed
funds, business interruption, customer inconvenience, etc.)
Organizational chart reviews.
Overlaying systems technology
Executive management interviews
The goal of these processes is to support IT, voice and data networks, facilities,
human resources, E commerce initiatives, etc. Time critical business processes are
prioritized in terms of their MTDs/RTOs
Data centers dashboards and others DMSS
In this section we will study about the Data centers dashboards and others DMSS
Classification system context
Monitoring Automation
Planning Implementation
Data collection
Energy and environmental dashboards
Data Center Business Value Dashboards
These dashboards, known within the sector as Data Center Infrastructure
Management systems, can track information technology equipment status and can
provide actionable information and analyses for management of IT equipment, data
center space, power, and cooling.
DCIM tools monitor, measure, manage and
Zip Monologue
I was at a football stadium in Central City. A creature who called himself Zip is
right in front of me. His black eyes staring at me like he s trying to intimidate me. It
didn t look like he had the best intentions in mind. He had my powers, but only
difference was he was a little faster than me. We started charging at each other at
the same time surprisingly. I landed some good hits, but he landed more good ones
than I did. He was meaning to kill me, and I had to get out of there if I didn t want to
die. I got out of there and went back to my base S.T.A.R. Labs. I had a broken arm
and I had rapid healing abilities along with my super speed, so it should be only a
couple hours till I heal. A year ago a worm hole opened to a place called Earth 2,
that s were Zip comes from, and somehow he found out about me. Ever since he s
been trying to kill me, but I don t know why. I needed to get faster if I wanted to
beat Zip and I knew just the person to help me... my friend Hunter. I went to his
house to ask him for help and he told me he had something to give my speed a
kickstart. It was called the Tachyon Device. Two years ago a thing... Show more
content on ...
Labs to see how long it took me. When I got back I was informed that I ran four
times faster than I ever did. Now all that s left to do is to find Zip, and Hunter has
already found him. He was at an abandoned orphanage on the other side of town. I
raced over there hoping to beat him once and for all, but when I got there he was
no where in sight. I walked around hoping to find him, but what I did find was his
plans. I read through them, but it didn t make sense. It was a list of names with
lines marked through them. There was pictures on the wall with X s on them. They
looked like speedsters like me, but there was only one without an X on it. I walked
over to it and as soon as I saw who it was I froze, it was a picture of
Social Movement
Fortunately, with social media the way it is today it is not extremely difficult to find
but about social movements. But there is a down side to that, which is people make
so called social movements that really have no standings. After a great deal of
research, the choice of a social movement for this assignment was clear to me.
Unfortunately for this movement it has not received as much media coverage as
other movements have. The social movementto which I am referring to is
#IStandWithAhmed .
According to David M. Newman a social movement is a; framework of society social
institutions, organizations, groups, statuses, and roles, cultural beliefs, and
institutionalized norms that adds order and predictability to our private lives
(Newman, 1995). #IStandWithAhmed is a social movement on behalf of a fourteen
year old high ... Show more content on ...
The movement really had not organization being it to keep it going, which according
to the resource mobilization theory you have to have to have success within a
movement. Now do not get me wrong the movement has had some success, starting
with the fact there were no charges against Ahmed Mohammed. Also that the
situation was brought to light and was not swept under the rug like some past
situations have been.
I honestly believe that this movement could have had more of an effect on society if
it had the right leadership and support. But unfortunately it was mostly being led by
Ahmed Mohammed a fourteen year old freshman high school. I do believe that this a
big issue in a lot of places, with all the races. I believe that society has become so
focused on the outside appearance of things, and listening to the media to see how to
judge people. When in fact they really do not look at the situation before they make a
Doppelgänger In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
Doppelgänger is a German phrase from the mid nineteenth century meaning mirror
image, which correlates to the conception that two individuals are a living double.
Thousands of years ago, individuals considered an ancient widespread belief of
spiritual doubles to be a sign of impending death. This was primarily due to the lack
of scientific knowledge and study, which lead society to gain faith in paranormal
activities. Those cases of doppelgängerare referred to as, evil twin (Ancient Origin
5) which means that the identical other may seem as a favorable shadow, but in
reality, is a malevolent and hostile being. Furthermore, these cases are considered
works of fiction, where people experience actual scenarios of meeting their sinister...
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He is left alone and is infuriated because of the abandonment he endures from his
creator, the very minute he is born. Frankenstein chooses to shun him because he is
immensely disgusted by its physical appearance. For example, this is shown by the
resentment the creature shows when he states, ...Yet you, my creator, detest and
spurn me... (Shelley 111) In addition, the disfigured beast also portrays the
obsessive behavior of ambition, which makes him mentally identical to his maker,
against whom he seeks revenge. However, his objective is mainly focused on
finding his master and making him suffer for the unethical acts that he has
committed. Eventually he meets his creator and demands him to create a female
mate, someone who he can relate to and share the similar grotesque persona with.
Temporarily he receives assurance upon his request, but later Frankenstein reneges
on his vow. This causes the creature to threaten his creator and swear that he will
exact revenge upon him and his family. Given the fact that William has already
been murdered and Justine was framed for it, Frankenstein cannot ignore the
powerful threat. The wretch is an incredible mastermind when it comes to
committing murder because he flees multiple times and successfully manages to
avoid leaving any evidence behind. His passion to destroy his creator blinds him
while he takes the lives of the innocent. This is proven when step by step, he takes
away all the members with whom his maker shares a close bond. Soon, the creature
murders Henry Clerval, Frankenstein s dearest childhood friend and promises him, I
will be with you on your wedding night. (Shelley 206) These concepts support how
the scientist provokes his creation to hatred and his family to sadness with his
negligence, due to his selfish, misguided ambition to prioritize his research before his
The Myth Of A Myth
all around the world
Something that is found a lot in every culture is storytelling. The majority of people
love listening to stories. Storytellers have fulfilled the want for a good story for
many years.
A myth is a type of story based on a tradition or legend which has symbolic meaning
to culture. A truth is conveyed to those who tell or hear a myth. Some myths are
accounts of real events. Myths become shifted in time or place and changed by
symbolic meaning. Myths can be used to explain local and universal beginnings, also
they can sometimes contain supernatural beings. A myth contains a great power of
meaning to the culture from which it blossomed. This is the main reason why myths
stay around so long sometimes even thousands of years.
People sometimes confuse myths with legends and folktales. A legend is half true
and is passed from person to person. A legend is based on historical facts but they
also has mythical qualities. Legends can involve heros and incredible places.
A folktale is a popular story passed on to generations by speech. Usually the author
of a folktale is unknown. Folk Tales are fairy tales, old legends, and urban legends.
Folktales may have been based on truth that is lost over time ( Myths and Legends ).
There are so many different civilizations all around the world each one with their own
myths. These civilizations also have creation myths. Creation myth are symbolic
narratives about how the world began and how people first came to inhabit
Essay on Nathaniel Hawthorne s Life in His Works
Erin Smith
Mrs. Hemmings
American Literature
January 11, 2011
Hawthorne s Background Thrust into His Work
With most writers, readers can identify what topics they tend to write about, how long
their pieces often are, and what personal style these authors develop. While this is
true of author Nathaniel Hawthorne, there are different elements that influence his
writings. His life included many times of trials, many joys, and many ancestors that
caused some turmoil within his mind. Two of his major works are influenced almost
directly by his background (Werlock). Nathaniel Hawthorne threw his life into every
single piece of his writing. His experiences, background, and the setting in which his
life took place are prominent ... Show more content on ...
From these Puritan ancestors, Hawthorne finds his many constant themes and
motifs. Hawthorne had a fascination with religion, sin and redemption, sin and
knowledge, night verses day, and the nature of evil all of which are present in The
Scarlet Letter (Thalheimer). After being found guilty of adultery, Hester is forced
to wear a scarlet letter A on her clothing as a public sign of shame. Her long lost
husband, now under a new name to remain unknown, reappears after being
presumed lost at sea. With revenge on his mind, a drama explodes around Hester.
Over many years, her lover Dimmesdale falls ill and the new town physician
Chillingsworth spends many hours by his bedside, only to start believing that
Arthur is the father of Pearl, Hester s out of wedlock child. When pleading with
Dimmesdale, Hester begs him to leave for Europe so that they can start a new life
together. This plan fails when Hester discovers that Chillingsworth is also to be a
passenger. Eventually, Dimmesdale dies in Hester s arms, and losing an opportunity
at revenge, Chillingsworth dies shortly after. With a large amount of money left to
her, Pearl and her mother relocate to Europe to start a new life (Hawthorne).
Hawthorne couldn t hold a job for long, and with Sophia s health, she couldn t help
much. To make it a better environment for her husband to write, the artist gave her
paintings for her sister
My Ambition In Life
Do not take this the wrong way when I say that I do not care what it is you are
trying to achieve. Let me explain. I mean I do not care if your goal is to graduate
high school with a certain GPA, start a clothing line, release your own book, learn
an instrument, master a language, or even if it s getting a certain someone in your
life. Only you have the power to make that dream, goal, and ambition come to life.
Grant Cardone taught me to commit first, and figure the rest out later. Just jump
in! I can t emphasize how many times I ve thought about or talked about doing
something and because that s all I did, I never got anything done. After I
committed to this concept, my goals were slowly becoming more and more
accomplishable. January of 2017 I told myself I wanted to write a book and as
soon as I set my mind to it and opened the document all I can say is: well ... here
you are, reading it. I have a concept that I later turned into a hashtag that most of
my social media followers have seen. #D.L.C. You must DOMINATE Life
COMPLETELY. After finding entrepreneurship and learning that the only limits
are the ones I put on myself, the sky was the limit for me. Taking my life to the
next level did not only become a passion of mine but a duty. I will not settle for
anything I do not deserve and you should not either. Life is going to smack you
around but if you have the mental will power and the foundation to set you back
on course, you will watch your dreams travel from your imagination and into your
life. Your wishes get checked off your list and you begin to rinse and repeat the
cycle I told you about earlier. Set Goals and Hit them. Rinse and Repeat, Rinse and
Repeat. Self development is my biggest passion and having a good life for myself,
my parents, my extended family, and my own family in the future is personally
one of my big motivations. Success is relative to the observer. I came up with this
statement as I was responding to a friend of mine who messaged me about how he
was lost and wanted to learn more about business and what I was doing because it
caught his interest through my social media platforms. Before sending him a list of
resources I used to get into business I basically told him that I
Captain Phillips Essay
Captain Phillips
In the drama and action movie Captain Phillips produced by De Luca, Brunetti, and
Rudin in 2013, multiple facts are fabricated in the making of the movie. In the
movie a U.S cargo ship is passing through the water, on what seems like a regular
day, however Captain Richard Phillips and his team fail to realize that they are
passing through the waters Somali. Suddenly a crew member spots a little boat that
is following their path, and it approaches they realized that the boat following them
full of Somali pirates, who are thirsty for the millions of dollars that is on the cargo
ship. The pirates attack and hijack the ship; take the captain hostage as the rest of the
team, and others work to rescue him. An article written by
Benifits Of Telemedicine
What is telemedicine ? telemedicine is the use of medical information exchanged
from one site to another, via electronic communications, to improve a patient s
clinical health status . Some benefits of telemedicine are 1) improved access ,2) cost
efficiency , 3)improved quality, and 4)patient demand . patients can access
telemedicine through their doctors , a hospital, or other health care provider. Some
may even tell you the health care services that are already available. Telemedicine
is it safe ? or not ? yes ! it is guided by technical standards and guidelines, although
some people rethink who really benefits from telemedicine . The patient or the doctor
? well both patients and healthcare providers originated from larger cities or in
The Dangers of Racial Profiling
In 2005, a study analyzing data accumulated statewide in Texas reveals
disproportionate traffic ceases and searches of African Americans and Hispanics,
even though law enforcement authorities were more liable to find contraband on
Whites. (The Reality of Racial Profiling) The utilization of personal characteristics
or comportment patterns to make generalizations about a person is called racial
profiling. Throughout time, the utilization of race by law enforcement agencies in
their policing activities has received considerable attention across the nation. The
4th amendment right that one has as an American, which is protecting against
unreasonable search and seizure, is becoming contravened; one reason for the way
one looks. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that racial profiling violates the
constitutional requirement that all persons be accorded equal protection of the law,
but it is still occurring in our society. Racial Profiling has caused the violation of
our rights whether it maybe from a terry stop that was originated for the case Terry
vs. Ohio, stop and frisk, racial vehicle stops, and the Support Our Law Enforcement
and Safe Neighborhoods Act also known as Arizona SB 1070.
In October of the year 1963, two strangers were visually perceived on a corner by
Cleveland Police Department detective Martin McFadden Cleveland, Ohio. Officer
McFadden stated that he saw the men pausing and staring suspiciously inside the
same store window and both were seen making multiple
The Dissemination Of The Gospel
There are many opinions and philosophies concerning the dissemination of the
Gospel. Some believe that spreading the Gospel is unnecessary because God
chooses a select few to be saved, and that these elect are unable to resist God s grace.
Others teach that lifestyle evangelism is the correct method of sharing the good news
of JesusChrist. Still others believe that the proper approach of sharing the Gospelis
through door to door soul winning and through preaching and teaching in the church.
One person s approach to the Gospel that has been widely debated is that of Anne
Marbury Hutchinson. Anne was born to a clergyman influenced by the Puritanleaders.
Francis Marbury, Anne s father, disagreed with the church of England and got into
trouble with the Anglican leaders on separate occasions. Her father taught Anne the
Bible, as a result she received a better education than most of the girls in her time.
Anne Marbury married the son of merchant named William Hutchinson, they had
more than a dozen children together. The Hutchinson followed the teachings of the
Puritan church, specifically a reverend named John Cotton. The Reverend John
Cotton was driven out of the Anglican church because of his Puritan ideology.
Reverend Cotton and his wife left England to pursue a ministry in the Massachusetts
Bay Colony. William and Anne Hutchinson followed their spiritual mentor to the
New World a year later. Due to Anne s involvement as a midwife and herbalist, she
became well known
An Analysis Of Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift
Arnel John Chester Gasic
Professor Stricker
GEW 101
November 3, 2015
The Irony in Cannibalism Humor in serious topics can bring the light side of things
and can also bring more attention than just talking about them. In Modest Proposal
written by Jonathan Swift, he uses humor to talk about the famine that was
happening back then and proposes an economical idea. By using the word Proposal
in his title, he gives a reasonably suggestion to aid the Irish, Swift mentions them one
by one the many benefits and counters the objections many may have, uses rhetorical
reasoning and proves his humanitarian views. Swift has written in detail over the
degree of poverty in IReland, he draws attention to the causes of it and proves in
great detail that his Proposal will work in which ways it does work. Jonathan Swift
had a rough childhood only raised by his mother. Swift s mother did not have a
steady income and struggled to raise Swift all by her self. Swift was later passed
on to his dad s brother who was wealthy. Transitioning from poor to wealthy was
difficult for Swift but it let him see both sides of the world. Swift worked as
English statesman for 10 years and helped for political errands (The Editors 2015). In 1712, he moved back to Ireland as soon as he saw
that Tories would fall from power. He has written many famous writings, including
Gulliver s Travel Ireland was a colony of England; it was economically, politically,
and militarily
Impugning Social Expectations In Kate Chopin s The
Impugning social expectations and gender roles means that individual discoveries
can have a profound effect on themselves and others. Conformity to social
paradigms can be seen as antithetical to gender freedom and individualism. In The
Awakening, Edna s convictions challenge the idealisation of motherhood, since the
indescribable oppression and vague anguish she experiences presents her life as
aimless and unfulfilling. Her feelings of anguish and oppression are indicative of
her first awakening. Slowly, she realises how confined and claustrophobic her life
is. These thoughts are unfamiliar to her because she has suppressed them for her
entire life. Her suppressed thoughts felt like a shadow, like a mist passing around her
soul s summer day . The simile... Show more content on ...
In contrast to the ideal Creole women, who worshipped their husband and esteemed
it a holy privilege to efface themselves as individuals and grow wings as ministering
angels . Edna rejects the ideal that she should sacrifice her self identity to become a
mother woman , religiously conforming to societal expectation and morals. Her
spiritual self discovery is present during her first baptismal swim in the ocean, where
she was a tottering child, learning of its powers and walking for the first time. The
metaphor highlights Edna as a child, reborn in her new found freedom. Edna
questions her identity in the pursuit of independence apart from her children.
Ironically, Edna s austere husband Leonce, recognises the politicised nature of Edna s
negation to submit to the traditional expectations of motherhood. Postulating that she
had acquired some sort of notion in her head concerning the eternal rights of women ,
Leonce recognises that his wife dissents social class expectations that govern her
Pros And Cons Of An Unwritten Constitution Of The UK
In order to ascertain if the United Kingdom ( UK ) has an uncontrolled constitution as
the Attorney General states in the case of Jackson v the Attorney General 2005, the
concept of what a constitution is needs first to be considered. Thomas Paine thus put
a constitution is not the act of a government, but of people constituting a government,
and a government without a constitutionis a power without right . A constitution can
be split into categories such as, an unwritten constitution and a written constitution,
otherwise known as codified and uncodified. An unwritten constitution is where there
isn t one place you can go to in order to find the constitution, there are in fact a
number of sources and precedents which in turn make up the... Show more content on ...
These seem to assert controls on the constitution, but conventions cannot actually
be enforced. Jennings defines conventions as provide the flesh which clothes the
dry bones of the law . The convention of collective responsibility is often broken,
recently Hazel Blears attacked Gordon Browns government as being lamentable as
she believed Labour where misreading the mood of the British people. However as
shown by the case of Attorney General V Cape Town ltd Even if conventions exist
they are unenforceable at law . All that can be done is give rise to legitimate
criticism , for example the minister may be asked to step down or could lose their
place at the next cabinet reshuffle. Showing not all sources of the UK constitution,
such as convention, lay down controls on the constitution.
Alternatively, constitutional doctrines such as the Rule of Law highlight controls on
the constitution as regardless of the power an individual wields, they can t alter the
constitution in a way that goes against the Rule of Law. Dicey s second theme of
the Rule of Law was the idea no one is above the law, equality before the law. This
definition illustrates the fact that everybody is under the law, including Members of
Marx s Conflict And Social Conflict Theory In Hong Kong
1. Introduction Marx s Conflict theory Karl Marx s conflict theory focused on the
class conflict (bourgeoisie and proletariat). The rising of capitalism in the society
which cause economic, social, and political significant. Marx stated that the more
powerful minority class oppresses the majority class and created class conflict. As the
interests of the two were at odds, the resources were inequitable distributed among the
two classes. Moreover, the inequitable social order was developed; values,
expectations and conditions were determined by the more powerful minority class,
i.e. the capitalists (Collins Sanderson, 2008). Marx stated that the superstructure is
composed of social institutions, political structures, and culture. The produced...
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The benefits of economic and social resources are taken by the more powerful
capitalists. The less power elite are more likely to become labeled as deviant.
However, the capitalists can have the resources to resist such deviant labels
(Otteson, 2011). . 2.Social conflict and substance abuse Social conflict theory can
be applied to analyst why there are more substance abusers found in lower social
classes and low income youngsters. In Hong Kong, it is commonly known that the
unskilled and low education individuals prone to poverty. Youngsters in this lower
class are under pressure and being marginally ignored. They are prone to have
substance abuses and even becoming a drug dealer to escape form the grinding
poverty. Goode (1997) used the conflict theory to analyst two kinds of drug
abusers. He stated that most illicit drug users are occasional and recreational, they
claim drug taking as a risk taking behavior. However, the other type of drug abusers
are in chronic and with heavy drug taking. They are clinically addicted and suffering
harm (Goode, 1997). Such abusers prone to be economically marginal, feeling
hopeless and
Mark Twain And Saul Bellow
Humor in the works of Mark Twain and Saul Bellow
The inclusion of humor in writings is one of the essential factors that every author
should incorporate for the success of their works. The writings or rather novels with
flashes of humor tend to do well in the market for the readers as compared to other
writings which are purely comic fictions or without incorporation of humors. Humor
facilitate in reader identification, assign positive traits to characters, convey character
relationships, delight readers and get them to read the material closely (Column Us,
2017). Mark Twain and Bellow are some of the renowned American authors that have
incorporated the use of senses of humor in their writings and this has made their
literature works successful for a long period of time. The paper discusses how the
two authors have used humor in their works. The American Author, Mark Twain,
utilizes humor in his works through several ways. Twain as an author forms
unforgettable and hilarious characters in his works. He uses Tom Sawyerwho is
especially prominent as a funny and clever creation in the passages. His train of
crazy ideas, thought, childish logic, acting ability, cruel pranks, wit, and imagination
cause a laughter to readers which make them read the passages several times. The
composition of funny characters which are intelligence in the way of presenting the
ideas, enhance in creation of humors in the Twain s novels. This makes readers to
develop more interest in
The Development of New Ethnic Identities such as Black...
The Development of New Ethnic Identities such as Black British or British/Asian
When referring to British Asians, the majority of us often fall into the trap of
understanding the Asians referred to are linked to the Indian Subcontinent, i.e. India,
Pakistan etc. What we tend to forget is that Asians are associated with a number of
different countries and with Asia being the largest continent in the world, what
exactly is meant by the term British Asians? Generally, here in Britain, they are
perceived to be the brown kind and are often associated with the Indian subcontinent.
This may seem like a genuine error, but colloquially speaking we have come to
accept this fact and refer to it commonly... Show more content on ...
Those that the criticising Asians believe have been prompted by western society
and essentially the white man . And whichever Asian that may follow in the
footsteps of such traditions and ideologies is known as a coconut , brown on the
outside, white on the inside. It appears that British Asians have adopted the culture
of the host country and have assimilated into this society quite clearly. This can be
argued to be a intentional by some members of the Asian community and others
may well suggest it is an unintended consequence of living and growing up in
Britain. Such a term has gradually eroded and faded from the minds of the people
that used it commonly. It seems that nowadays a new type of culture has emerged
and that British Asians a have now integrated into British Society and are now
more or less at home and come to terms with who they are and what they believe.
But to what extent is this true? Are Asians still the reserved people they once were
or are they breaking free from the confines that they themselves had created and
developed keeping morale s preserved just as they have been on the other side of the
world? But how far can one go in actually accepting the fact that the majority of
Asians have adopted and amalgamated into the western society to a
Key Elements Of Transformative Learning
Transformative Learning Analysis Jack Mezirow s theory of transformative
learning is a theory about making meaning, and it begins with the learner s
experiences. This is because, as humans, we have an inherent need to understand
our experiences, and meaning is making sense of or giving coherence to our
experiences (Mezirow, 1991, p. 11). It is through the unique experiences of a
person that assumptions and frames of reference are established, and worldviews
are born. However, as experiences are regarded as socially constructed, the
meaning that is created from them is open to re interpretation and assessment.
Transformative learning occurs with the critical reflection of new assumptions
that challenge previously held assumptions, disrupting the beliefs, values and
feelings of a person and the understanding of self. It can be either cataclysmic or
occur gradually (Brock, 2010, p. 4). As explained by O Sullivan, transformative
learning involves experiencing a deep, structural shift in the basic premises of
thought, feelings, and actions. It is a shift of consciousness that dramatically and
irreversibly alters our way of being in the world (as cited in Lichau Shields, 2011,
p. 5). Key Elements of Transformative Learning Mezirow identifies ten key
elements of transformative learning that lead to a new perception of the world
(Brock, 2010, p. 3). Transformative learners do not necessarily follow these in order,
or even experience every element, but they follow
Maggie Company
1.What are the key components of IT value?
IT by itself does not provide any value, however, the alignment of IT to strategic,
operational, and cultural objectives provides business value. Thus, the CIO must
ensure that any new investment in IT is for the sake of business objectives and not
for IT for ITs sake . Ensuring businessalignment against IT project delivery is
critical, must be undertaken for any investment and is the key component of IT value.
2.How can we increase the level of value creation afforded by IT?
Before a CIO can increase the value of IT he or she must first find the gaps, this can
done by doing a current state assessment to determine its strengths, weakness and
barriers to change. The CIO must then establish a clear future state and explain why
this change is necessary and as the final step create an action plan to bridge the gap
between the current and ... Show more content on ...
What insights about IT value did you garner from Maggie s and Reuben s thoughts
on the subject?
Both Maggie and Reuben agree that measuring the value of IT is a difficult task,
however, they also agree that IT does add value by generating core capabilities that
provide the firm with competitive advantage and business agility. Reuben also
mentions that sometimes investment in IT is necessary to stay in business, for
regulatory requirements or for strategic positioning and that the returns from such
investments aren t necessarily direct.
4.How does IT create or enable the creation of value within an organization?
There are four levels of IT value maturity, at level 1, IT stream lines data, business
process and increases organizational effectiveness, at level 2, IT enhances
collaboration and refines business processes, at level 3, IT changes the value chain by
improving relationships with suppliers, vendors, manufacturers and customers and at
level 4, IT innovates products, markets and business models.
5.How might we get a qualitative view of the level of value provided by
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
Zollinger Ellison syndrome, is known as the gastrinoma syndrome caused by gastrin
secreting tumors of the pancreas, which stimulate maximum acid secretions and lead
to ulcerations. ZES is connected with diarrhea, malabsorption, gastric reflux, severe
ulcerations and ulcerations in the duodenum and the proximal jejunum. There are a
few types of ZES that exist in different forms, including benign, sporadic, metastatic,
and part of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1). Most gastrinomas are
sporadic and sporadic tumors are a cancer that occurs in people who do not have a
family history of that cancer. Sporadic gastrinomas are located at the gastrinoma
triangle, which is located in the junction between the cystic and bile duct, portions of
the duodenum, and the pancreas. While solitary tumors can... Show more content on ...
The large amounts of acid produced by gastrin lead to gastrointestinal mucosal
ulcerations. Also this leads to symptoms of diarrhea and malabsorption by the
stomach. Malabsorption in ZES is caused by mucosal damage, the inactivation of
pancreatic enzymes, and the deposit of bile salts. ZES is sporadic in majority of
patients while in certain cases, ZES is associated with MEN 1. MEN 1 is an
autosomal dominant condition categorized by pancreatic tumors, pituitary tumors,
and hyperparathyroidism (Perry, 2013). The MEN1 gene is programmed for
making a protein called menin and this protein is a tumor suppressor that is
involved in a couple of significant cell functions. Menin may play a role in the
replication of DNA, repair of DNA and regulation of apoptosis. The menin protein
can be found in the nucleus of different types of cells and is active in all stages of
growth. In addition, menin can interact with other proteins like transcription factors.
Transcription factors bind to areas of DNA and help control certain genes by turning
certain genes on or off. (Yvan,
The Reproductive Rights of the Developmentally Disabled
The Reproductive Rights of the Developmentally Disabled Sterilization of the
developmentally disabled or the mentally retarded is an issue that has long been
debated in America. Mental retardation is defined as the inability to learn normally
and develop mentally. Traditionally in America if a mentally retarded person was
born to a family, that family had 2 choices take care of the child at home, or it was
strongly recommended that the child was sent to a state run institution or hospital.
The state institution was where this person would spend his or her entire life.
Unfortunately these hospitals were often huge warehouses of people with disabilities,
or mental illnesses. These hospitals offered no contact with the... Show more content
on ...
Early in the twentieth century the plight of the metal retarded was ignored or dealt
with primarily in state institutions. In addition authorities regarded mentally retarded
women as being sexually promiscuous and as producing many illegitimate children
(Farber 29). Because of this belief many retarded women would be placed in state
institutions at the onset of puberty and sometimes released when they reached
menopause. Many people have advocated sterilization for the retarded. Nobel Prize
winning physicist William Schockley is quoted saying that he advocated
sterilization for people with low IQs and supported a sperm bank for geniuses. A
letter from Ben wood, a father of IQ testing stated his beliefs at the education testing
service in 1972 when he said: It may be said in all soberness that professional reliefers
and most other indigents who produce children thereby commit crimes against
humanity which are fully as serious as many acts now considered felonies. They have
no moral right to produce such children and therefore should have no legal right to
immunity from punishment that constructively fits the crime, such as some form of
painless sterilization of both guilty parents, which would be permanent. Before 1930
there were numerous elite groups interested in the problems of the mentally retarded.
Some of them were connected with eugenics and sterilization. However,
How Do Activists Sacrifice Their Life To Fight For Their...
Your Intro:
A lot of activists sacrifice their life in order to achieve their cause. Three activists
that sacrificed their life to fight for their causes are Malala Yousafzai, Martin Luther
King Jr, and Iqbal Masih. Some activists know that the might get killed for fighting
for their cause but the keep fighting for it until they achieve their cause.
Your Body Paragraph 1:
One activist that sacrificed her life for her cause is Malala Yousafzai. A group of
terrorists called the Taliban took over Afghanistan and took women s rights away.
Malala fought for girls education and inspired other girls in Afghanistan to stand up
for their freedom. Malala wasn t scared of the Taliban coming after her because they
thought that they
A Short Note On Intensive Care And The Elderly Essay
1.Horn J. Intensive care and the elderly. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics.
1997;25(1):101 110.
2.Angus DC, Barnato AE, Linde Zwirble WT, et al. Use of intensive care at the end
of life in the United States: an epidemiologic study. Crit Care Med. 2004;32(3):638
3.Bagshaw SM, Webb SA, Delaney A, et al. Very old patients admitted to intensive
care in Australia and New Zealand: a multi centre cohort analysis. Critical Care.
4.Kim PK, Kauder DR, Schwab CW. Acute Care Surgeryand the Elderly. Acute Care
Surgery: Springer; 2007:187 193.
5.Levkoff SE, Cleary PD, Wetle T, Besdine RW. Illness behavior in the aged. Journal
of the American Geriatrics Society. 1988;36(7):622 629.
6.Watters JM, Blakslee JM, March RJ, Redmond ML. The influence of age on the
severity of peritonitis. Canadian journal of surgery. 1996;39(2):142.
7.Radtke F, Franck M, Hagemann L, Seeling M, Wernecke K, Spies C. Risk factors
for inadequate emergence after anesthesia: emergence delirium and hypoactive
emergence. Minerva anestesiologica. 2010;76(6):394 403.
8.Young J, Inouye SK. Delirium in older people. BMJ: British Medical Journal.
9.Ansaloni L, Catena F, Chattat R, et al. Risk factors and incidence of postoperative
delirium in elderly patients after elective and emergency surgery. British Journal of
Surgery. 2010;97(2):273 280.
10.Lagoo Deenadayalan SA, Newell MA, Pofahl WE. Common perioperative
complications in older patients. Principles
Reflection Paper On Rock Climbing
Reflection Paper #3 During Week 3, we started our day on the bad side due to the
lack of sleep, and the change of weather. Throughout the day our energy level
improved as the day went on. The field activity for the day included rock climbing.
Discussion of group dynamics, rock climbing technique and leave no traces were
brought up through out the day.
Group Dynamic The group dynamic was really off since the morning started.
Everyone was gloomy and sleepy. I know that I personally slept for four hours the
night before . Which leads me to almost thought about just coming to class two
hours late just because of how unmotivated my mindset was at the time. Even in
the group setting, it was not just me who was low on morale, it was everyone in
class too. This can affect our group s energy and it lowered morale and excitement
within the rank. Sitting inside and listening to presentation all day long do not
help . The idea of going out and moving around have help with our engird level.
This is useful for leading group in time of low energy like what we went through
that day. When it came to lunch time, people were feeling better due to having food
in our system, and the active hand on cooking hlep made us more active. With food
in our tummy, we were able to feel the energy to participate in our rock climbing.
Rock Climbing Technique Rock climbing was a very intense workout. I have not
rock climb for a long time, I remembered the first time that I did, it took me a long
time to
Du Fu Research Paper
Du Fu: Making the Best of Bad Times
Du Fu was one of the greatest poets of China. Living during the Tang Dynasty, a
golden age for literacy, poetry, and the civil service examination, Du Fu flourished
as a poet. Although he was a civil servant for a great part of his life, it was not until
the An Lushan Rebellion, which began in 755, that Du Fu s career as a poet really
began. Because the aesthetic behind his poetry was history and morality, Du Fu used
the war and all bad that was around him to become a great poet and influence many
people. Du Fu became one of China s greatest poets because his poetry gave insight
of history and life during the Tang Dynasty as well as calligraphy, domestic life, and
military tactics. Much of what is known ... Show more content on ...
Du Fu writes about the snowstorm as a comparison to the war, showing its great
magnitude and effect on the Tang Dynasty. This specific poem presents the
distressing situation of a dynasty by highlighting the agony experienced by a
certain citizen, who is not only an official but a writer and victim of the war. Du
Fu gave contributed to Chinese literature in his times, but also in the times to
come. Du Fu had an extensive a certain pattern in his verses; his poems were
inspired by journeys and experiences. He also wrote many of his poems to people
around him, such as friends and relatives. When a relative or a friend accomplished
something that deserved recognition, Du Fu would write them a poem as a way of
congratulating them. Although much of his poetry was not recognized greatly until
after his death, Du Fu still was a major figure during the Tang
The Crisis Management Lesson From Toyota And Gm
The Crisis Management Lesson from Toyota and GM: It s Our Problem the Moment
We Hear About It
Delay in confronting crises is deadly. Corporate leaders must have processes for
learning of important safety issues. Then they must seize control immediately and
lead a systematic response. Crisis management is the ultimate stress test for the CEO
and other top leaders of companies. The mantra for all leaders in crisis management
must be: It is our problem the moment we hear about it. We will be judged from that
instant forward for everything we do and don t do.
These are key lessons for leaders in all types of businesses from the front page stories
about Toyota s and GM s separate, lengthy delays in responding promptly and fully
to reports of deadly accidents possibly linked to product defects.
The news focus has been on regulatory investigations and enforcement relating to
each company, but the ultimate question is why the company leaders didn t
forcefully address the possible defect issues when deaths started to occur.
On the recent regulatory front:
Toyota just agreed to pay $1.2 billion in a deferred prosecution agreement with
DOJ and accept a safety monitor for failing to disclose to regulators and indeed
misleading them about accelerators that became stuck on certain types of floor mats
or because of certain elements in the accelerator itself. The problem of uncontrolled
speeding and deadly crashes began to appear in 2007, but it took four years, and
Information From The Customer s Perspective Of The...
Results/Findings In order to collect information from the customer s perspective of
the establishment, a survey was circulated to a selected few of customers from a
range of demographics such as age and gender as well as non customers were
included. Due to the time restriction, it was difficult to extensively delve into the
geographic demographic. The survey also posed the question on what the participants
purchased from the establishment, what motivated them to purchase there as well as
what makes them return in the future. Participants were asked to select from than one
choice. Therefore, the number below is telegraphed rather than a quantitative
number. As observed (see appendix B), many of the participants came from similar
age groups and there was commonality in what was bought and what was motivating
them to return for purchases. For example, many of the participants indicated that
they were under 20 or between 21 and 30 years of age, showed that they usually went
to Farmers to purchase clothing. However, the gender of the participant did not cause
this trend to change. The older participants, also, regardless of gender, tended to
purchase items such as toys or kitchen/home appliance. We can assume that the toys
purchased were for younger relatives; thus, making a few them a customer rather than
consumer. Also shown, the majority of the customers that shopped at the Farmers
store were satisfied to a certain extent; stating that good promotion, variations and
Pictorialism And Snapshot Photography
Pictorialism was a movement begun against naturalism and snapshot photography.
The idea was the subject is not as important as the overall effect or mood of the
finished image The goal was to make a photograph that seemed more like an oil
painting or other recognizable fine art when finished. The subject and details were
controlled through use of a soft focus or processes when developed.
The decline was kind of natural for Pictorialism, people began to feel that Pictorialist
photographers were manipulating the images trying to hide bad.
The photo secessionist movement, founded by Alfred Stieglitz in New York in 1902,
was exclusively for the promotion pictorialism and to elevate photography to Fine Art
The photo secessionist movement
Sabian Hhx Evolution Research Papers
The Sabian HHX Evolution 14 hi hats are expertly crafted cymbals with a complex
tonal character normally limited to electronic drums. The combination of the bright
sound of the top cymbal and the darker tone of the bottom create rich harmonies. This
give these hats the responsiveness of drum heads and the rich tonal qualities found in
larger, heavier ride cymbals. The modern dark soundcuts through electric guitars and
bass to ensure that your playing is always heard on stage. The response range allows
it to fit in with the rest of the kit through microphones in the recording studio.
The legendary drummer Dave Weckl worked with Sabian in the design process for
the HHX Evolution series of Sabian cymbals. The hats pair a darker toned bottom
cymbal with a brighter top cymbal to pack the power ... Show more content on ...
The careful crafting used in this series allows the sound to project without adding the
weight of heavier projection cymbals. This means you will not need to change out
hardware or hi hat stands to support the additional weight and response. It also means
that no additional accessories need to be added to your gear to make the hats cut
through. The hammering process means each hi hat pair will have a unique tonal
character while still achieving the modern dark harmonies.
The hand hammering process used in the crafting of Sabian cymbals enhances the
natural tones of the Sabian B20 bronze. The blend of copper, tin and silver are
tempered using a proprietary process to add strength while enriching the overtones.
The artisans responsible for the hand hammering vary in technique which creates a
wide range of qualities between each product. These same techniques are used in
these hi hats to achieve a ride like wash along with the punch of a crash. Whether
played with the pedal or wide open, the unique tonal characteristics add new qualities
to any style of
The Mind Body Identity Theory
For centuries philosophers have engaged themselves into conversations and
arguments trying to figure out the nature of a human person; this has lead to various
theories and speculation about the nature of the human mind and body. The question
they are tying to answer is whether a human being is made of only the physical, body
and brain, or both the physical or the mental, mind. In this paper I will focus on the
mind body Identity Theory to illustrate that it provides a suitable explanation for the
mind and body interaction.
Identity Theory
Identity theorists hold the view that the mental events are nothing more than
neurological activity of the brain. This theory is a subtype of the materialist view
because the human mind ... Show more content on ...
Argument for Identity Theory
As the tool of scientific investigation increase, the relationship between the mind and
the brain has never been more intimate. Chemical changes in our brain could lead to
heightened euphoria or it can lead to the most profound depression. Damages to the
brain can lead to changes that can eliminate the some abilities of the brain, such as
smell, vision, or even the ability to recognized faces. Therefore, this is at that vary
lease a powerful correlation between the state of the mind and state of the brain. But
this is not enough for the Identity theories, so they go above and beyond this to
explain this profound view.
Mind brain Identity theory is preferable to dualism because it postulates an
explanation to the mind body problem. Dualist believes that ther are two different
substances, the physical and the mental. However, dualism does not provide a
solution to how these two utterly afferent things can interact with another. That is
where Identity theories come in, because they deliver a solution to this issue. They
believe that the mind and the brain are one and the same; thus, mental event are the
neurological events. Therefore, it does not need have the issue of interaction with its
self. This eliminates the interaction problem of the mind and body. This distinction
maybe easy to miss, but is vary important to understanding the identity theory. In the
Essay on Personal Statement to Study Law
I view my life as a puzzle; picking up pieces through my beliefs, experiences and
passions and placing them in their designated positions. It is not until I created the
border and most of the middle that I can began to see what my puzzle is meant to
become. My picture is starting to show that I am meant to help people, specifically
through the legal capacity. Author Jen Leaman wrote, The human raceis like a puzzle:
Everyone fits in somewhere, it just takes a while to figure it out . Raised in
Browns Mills, New Jersey, although as a military family we have struggled.
Several bouts of experiencing homelessness have only pushed me to work hard so
my family and I no longer have to struggle. These hardships I have added the borders
(my... Show more content on ...
I saw that the law affects how people view the world, but I also learned that the past
is the greatest signifier of how people are viewed socially and legally. It gave me a
clear perspective of the interplay between race, society, and law. Through this
knowledge, I became motivated to assist people in navigating through this cycle.
Although our country has problems it also awards people (me), the means to effect
change through direct action and knowledge. As a result, I am driven to create
change on an individual level through community service and volunteer work.
Inspired by my passion to create change, I volunteered as an AmeriCorps VISTA. I
committed to a one year community service minded immersal program in Atlantic
City. This gave me the opportunity work with community programs such as
Campus Kitchen and Stockton College Day of Service where I was able to be in
the community developing programs that focused on decreasing and eventually
preventing poverty at the grassroots level. While I matured professionally, it most
affected me personally. During my tenure, I saw the pitfalls of where the law and
public policy did not enable significant change. After a year as a VISTA, where I
saw families struggling to feed and house themselves, I also experienced this battle
myself. I decided that my
Indian Ocean Continuities
Commerce in the Indian Ocean region was transformed between the years 650 CE
and 1750 CE. Multiple changes, as well as continuities shaped the Indian Ocean
commercial trade, including the continued use of overseas trade routes, which were
constantly affected by the monsoon winds during transit. In addition, certain key
changes throughout the time period, involve the rise and fall of the major powerful
empires, such as the Delhi`, Sultanate, Tang, Song, Ming, and the Mongolian, which
all played significant roles in facilitating inter regional trade. Not to mention, the
increase of maritime trade technology, which reshaped the way merchants traveled.
All together, the Indian Oceantrade network underwent numerous changes, as well as
continuities, which improved the commerce during this era.
The Indian Ocean area was an essential portion of trade during the years between 600
and 1750 CE. A major continuity of... Show more content on ...
This constant exchange of ideas, spread of cultures, and mixing of societal beliefs
played a major role in developing the civilizations and trading states around the Indian
Ocean. Similarly, the sustained trade of sugar, spices, cotton, silk, textiles, porcelain,
salt, and precious metals were constantly exchanged using this trade network. In
addition, the traders relied on seasonal monsoons to enable travel across the ocean.
These predictable winds, in conjunction with naval technology, assisted the commerce
Many changes transpired to the trade across the region of the Indian Ocean basin
from 650 CE to 1750 CE. At the beginning of the period, Islam arose as a major
Diversity In The United States
United States is the most diverse country I know and the future looks like diversity
is only going to grow from here. This brings us to an ever growing diverse group of
students in the classroom. Diversity is a good thing to have in the classroom because
it educate the students about their peer s culture and background. But it also means
students can grow hatred towards an entire culture or ethnicity because they didn t
like a certain person in a culture. They will associate the culture with the student and
start stereotyping everyone in that same culture.
This is a dangerous thing to happen to a student who is a young citizen of this country.
Language can be an important problem within a diverse group of students. Having a
primary language that is not ... Show more content on ...
This will only contribute to the gap between rich and poor that is present in this
society and it put the poor in huge disadvantage in moving further. This happens with
gender as well. Girls are still worried about putting a boy in their group and this
hinder the growth of both genders.
When talking about gender I have to bring up sexual orientation. This is a time when
more people are identifying themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender.
Even though some of the students are accommodating of these orientations, there are
still a lot of students out there who see other sexual orientations in an alien way. They
still judge and persecute these students by making fun of them or not associating with
them into their friend circle. This is a huge disadvantage among the students that get
discriminated because they will lose confidence in themselves which is essential
when in college and starting a new career. There are many other diverse workgroup
as I mentioned above and every single one of them suffer in their own way. It is hard
for the teacher to get into solving these issues because often they are
Socioeconomic Class In Relation To Education
Socioeconomic Class in Relation to Education
A new study found that 38 of America s most elite colleges contain more students
in the top 1% compared to the lower 60% of the income scale (Aisch). The
relationship between Socioeconomic Class and higher education choice has a
correlation one might miss. To know the effect class has on education and certain
standings in society, one must know what this type of class is. Collegiate
educational choices are influenced by Socioeconomic Class and class factors. The
classes in the U.S. vary from each home and family, but what class does the average
American fall into? First, a citizen must realize there are more than the 3 classes of
poor, middle and wealthy that he frequently throws himself into. According... Show
more content on ...
In a perfect world, a student chooses his own path because of his opinion and past,
not because of what the data says he is supposed to. I m not in this world to live up
to your expectations and you re not in this world to live up to mine Bruce Lee
(Lee). This is a truth that can be translated into every aspect of daily life. Does a
student who is an African American from a household with an extremely low income
have to drop out of college or go to an HBCU? Not by any means, although the facts
feel like a jail cell, each person is different. Steve Jobs was put up for adoption and
taken in by a poor working class family. He went through high school and finally
made it to college, only to drop out after the first semester because of cost. He lived
off of free meals after dropping out. Then, with his friend Steve Wozniak and each
of their fascinations with technology, they sold their belongings to start Apple.
Apple is now a multi million dollar company that was started from a garage
(Koyle). Situation and data do not have to direct one s path, but one s work ethic
and personal goals can. The relationship between socioeconomic class is now much
clearer because of an intricate dissection and insightful comparison. Character and
heart can overpower the influences of Socioeconomic Class and class factors. The
class that an American falls into is a generality not a laser focused science on a
single individual. Look at the class and find a way out. As Philippians 4:13 states, I
am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me (Holy Bible Holman
Christian Standard Bible, Phil. 4:13). No matter the circumstance with God s strength
and the work ethic all is
Darnell s Narrative Report
On Thursday, 07/09/2015, at approximately 1722 hours, I, Deputy Stacy Stark
#1815, responded to 147 Hillendale Dr., Murphysboro, IL 62966 to speak with the
reporting party, Gary W. Darnell (M/W, DOB: 07/10/1956) and his wife, also the
victim, Jane M. Darnell (F/W, DOB: 03 31 1958) about a reckless driving
complaint. Jackson County Dispatch received the call for service via a non
emergency line at the Jackson County Sheriff s Office. I arrived on scene at 1730
hours. I met with Gary and Jane Darnell at their residence. Gary Darnell started
explaining the history with their neighbor, William J. Boyer (M/W, DOB: 11/19
/1948). Gary stated that during the fall of last year around September, the neighbor
s daughter rescued a stray dog named, Wakka. Boyer did not care for the dog. Boyer
wanted to get rid of the dog. The Darnell s told Boyer if he wanted to get rid of the
dog, they would purchase the dog from him. Wakka was... Show more content on ...
between 11:15am 11:30am today, July 9, 2015, when her neighbor, Boyer, was
traveling east on West Lake Rd. in his gold newer model Cadillac. Darnell was
walking on the south side of the road, when Boyer drove straight towards her like
he was going to hit her and then swerved away. Jane Darnell thought she was going
to have to jump in the ditch. Jane Darnell believes Boyer s actions are intentional
because he has done this before. There are two other unreported incidents of this
nature that occurred in the past while Jane Darnell was walking her dogs. While
Jane Darnell walks her dogs and Boyer happens to drive by during her walk, Boyer
drives fast and very close to her and/or dogs. The built up animosity of Boyer has
the Darnell s on edge for the safety of their dogs and Jane Darnell. Gary Darnell
stated that Boyer never does anything when he is present. The non neighborly actions
only occur towards Jane
Unit 30 D1
In this assignment I will be reviewing the different effects of exercise on the body
system including the acute and long term using the pre exercise, exercise and post
exercise physiological data which I collected based on interval and continuous
training method. I will also be including the advantages and disadvantages of these,
also the participants strengths and areas where they can improve on.
Effect of exercise on the musculoskeletal system
As Andre began to exercise, this had an effect on he s bones; this is because he was
putting more stress on them than usual which resulted in them getting thicker. Also
exercise had an effect on he s joints because the joints now became more flexible and
he wasn t getting anymore pains ... Show more content on ...
Also he s oxygen diffusion rate has increased due to the more oxygen which is
absorbed by the alveoli and then circulated around the body.
Before the training programme Andre s fitness level was not poorly but it wasn t at
he s best though and in order for him to improve on he s cardiovascular endurance, I
created a six week training programme in which involved different exercises and
training methods that he should use to improve on this skill. Also before he started
this training programme, I tested Andre on some tests which are:
Multistage fitness test Stage 5.9This result shows that Andre is not at he s best
fitness level because after this test was conducted he was struggling to breathe and he
kept commenting that he s legs was in pain.
35 metre sprint 5.25 SecondsThis result shows that Andre s is just below average,
and therefore he is unfit as he did not even reach the average stage of this test for
someone at he s age.
Illinois agility test 17.3 SecondsThis result shows that he bad with he s coordination
as he only reached the average result because this was he s best result after trying this
test 3 times.
After the training programme Andre could clearly see that he s fitness level has
improved because he could now run for a longer time as he
Database Record For Music From An App
in databases isn t a big yard, but it is typically a number, name, or a combination
characters. These characters can describe aspects of objects like a song or a
photograph, and they can describe activities like a business transaction. Each field
is provided with a field name, and an example of one of these names would be
WalmartNumber or EmployeeDescription. Spaces should never be involved when it
comes to field names. A group of similar fields that may describe some item or
activity, is called a record. Using records, you can make a more complete description
of an item or activity. A databaserecord kind of looks similar to a source on a
reference page. An example of a database record for music from an App would
combine fields for Time,... Show more content on ...
Attributes are usually characteristics of entities, and the particular value of an
attribute is called a data item, and this can be located in the fields of the record
describing an entity. Database keys are important to a database management system
because it is a field in a table that is used to classify a record. Database keys matter
because database management systems often have trouble confirming that records
are not made twice. Look at it this way, if you sign up for fantasy football for
ESPN, and then forget that you signed up and then try and sign up again, this is
where database keys should help you. The database key will make sure that you
won t get another email informing you that you signed up because it will
recognize your email, and this will keep you from receiving multiple emails about
you signing up for fantasy football. Database management systems provide a
primary key as well, and this key is a field inside the database table that exclusively
identifies each record. Each of these records inside a table must have an exclusive
entry in the primary key field. The primary key always makes a distinction
between records so that records can be effortlessly and correctly accessed,
organized, and manipulated (MindTap). An example for using primary keys would
be using worker records as the primary key, and this would guarantee that every
worker is identified only one time, and when a worker uses email addresses as the
primary key for
Social Media Dangers
The Dangerous World of Social Media Social media has been around for some time
now, being helpful to many people around the world. There are plenty of ways
people use social media and there are many different sites to use. People rely on
social media to stay current on day to day events, remain close to friends and
family, meet new people, and even to avoid boredom on days that seem endless.
Many people rely on it for information regarding current situations and to keep up
with other people s lives. It can come in many forms and can be used on a variety
of gadgets like our phones, computers, laptops, tablets, and gaming consoles. It can
include dating sites, social sites, and sites that gives updates on current news
around the globe. Although it may seem beneficial for many, it can also lead to
physical and psychological harm for the people who use it. Social Media is a
dangerous, addicting artificial world that is causing physical, emotional, and
psychological harm to people in our society. Many people may believe that the
dangers of social media are near non existent or insignificant. Believing that incidents
caused by social media are problems that have been occurring even before it was
established. Some arguments may state that the benefits social media has created of
communication and awareness outweighs the negative impact it has had. The fact of
the matter is, social media has created a whole new plethora of potential dangers and
health hazards that has damaged

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Declaration Of Independence Essays. ᐅ Essays On Declaration of Independence Free Argumentative ...

  • 1. Declaration Of Independence Essays Crafting an essay on the topic of "Declaration of Independence" is a challenging endeavor that requires a deep understanding of historical context, political philosophy, and the intricacies of the document itself. This task involves not only summarizing the key points of the Declaration but also delving into the motivations behind its creation, the prevailing sentiments of the time, and the impact it had on shaping the course of history. One of the primary challenges is striking a balance between providing a comprehensive overview of the Declaration and offering insightful analysis. It's not merely about recounting the words on the parchment but interpreting their significance in the broader context of the American Revolution and the birth of a new nation. This requires thorough research, critical thinking, and the ability to articulate complex ideas coherently. Moreover, navigating through different perspectives and scholarly interpretations adds another layer of difficulty. The Declaration of Independence has been studied and analyzed by historians, political scientists, and scholars from various disciplines. Incorporating these perspectives while maintaining a clear and focused narrative requires careful consideration and synthesis of diverse viewpoints. Furthermore, the challenge lies in presenting the essay in a way that is engaging and accessible to a diverse audience. Balancing academic rigor with readability is crucial to ensure that the essay appeals to both experts and general readers. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Declaration of Independence" demands a combination of historical insight, analytical skills, and effective communication. It is a task that necessitates a deep dive into the complexities of the subject matter and an ability to convey its importance in a compelling manner. For assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, services provide a platform where you can seek professional help to navigate through the intricacies of academic writing. Declaration Of Independence Essays Declaration Of Independence Essays
  • 2. Compare And Contrast Zefirelli And Luhrmann Mood and Tone in Text and Film In the Zefirelli film, the author s overall tone and mood was seemingly playful and yet a bit taunting. In the fight scene, it seemed as if it was not an actual fight, merely a sparring practice. However, after the fight scene, a more somber and angry tone took place enhancing the story line. The tone and mood of the Luhrmann piece was straightforward and easy to recognize. With the dramatic music and dark skies, a serious and angry mood and tone was easy to recognize, where with the Zefirelli piece the mood and tone are a bit harder to recognize. These two scenes were different in many ways, Zefirelli and Luhrmann took two separate and obviously divided paths. The Luhrmann piece provided a dramatic yet modern
  • 3. Advantages Of E-Procurement In Construction Perceived benefits Perceived benefits are referred to as the anticipated advantages of an e procurement system that can be provided to an organization. Among the existing studies are those on the benefits of e procurement, for example [69], [70], [71]. Aggregate findings of these researches shown that there are many benefits of e procurement in construction in relation to costs and time savings; improved quality of construction products and services, client and user satisfaction, efficiency and effectiveness in the management of construction projects. Organizations are likely to adopt an e procurement system if they believe it will yield positive or beneficial results. Perceived Barriers Laryea Ibem [72] described barriers as those factors or circumstances that prevent the implementation of an e procurement system . Previous studies emphasized the need to understand the barriers to adopting an information system [4], [72]. Eadie et al. [4] investigated the impediments to the uptake of e procurement in construction among construction companies in Northern Ireland. The researchers identified the obstacles to the adoption of e procurement across the globe as related to low or lack of awareness of e procurement, dearth of requisite skill and legal and ... Show more content on ... Some empirical studies have identified technological factors as an important determinant of e procurement adoption [62], [65]. Following the work of Soares Aguiar Palma [62] on technological factors affecting e procurement uptake, the study conceptualized technological factors as technology readiness (reflecting the availability of IT resources required for the adoption of an e procurement system). Enterprises with robust IT infrastructure, IT expertise, IT compatibility and security measures in place may risk the adoption of this new
  • 4. Capri Sun Ad Essay Example Before I analyze my ad, let me give you a quick rundown. In the ad, there is an image of a girl aged 9 12 dancing with an older 50 or so woman. They are supposedly grandma and granddaughter. The photo is candid and neither are looking into the camera. To the right is the following text, Release Your Inner Child With Capri Sun Organic. Below that the smaller text reads, New Capri Sun Organic Healthier, Tastier, and Better Than Ever. Now Containing One Serving of Fruit. This text is wrapped around a pouch of Capri Sun Organic. Below this, in the even smaller text, there is a clarification that reads, Each pouch provides ВЅ cup of fruit which is one serving of fruit according to the U.S. Dietary Guidelines. At the top of the... Show more content on ... Lastly, there s pathos. Pathos appeals to emotion. Most of this ad is in an attempt to create a certain mood. First of all, both the models in the ad are happy supposedly because of Capri Sun Organic. Also, the slogan Unleash Your Inner Child, is an illusion to happier and less stressful times when all we were doing was having fun. All the allusions to health also make the consumer feel good about their choice to drink the product. Plus, if people feel good about the product they re more likely to buy it. In short, everything in this ad is used to create an association between Capri Sun Organic and health and happiness. The first advertising technique use is transfer. Transfer is everywhere from the smiling faces of the models to the use of words like, Organic, Healthier, Tastier, Better, and New. All these words have positive connotations and images associated with them, which helps give consumers a positive outlook on the product. Another technique used is weasel words. New Capri Sun Organic Healthier, Tastier, and Better Than Ever, is misleading. For one it s subjective. While someone may think it s healthier or tastier, another person may disagree. Also, there is no proof that it is actually tastier or healthier. Another technique used is facts and figures. Facts and figures can be seen in the 1 serving of
  • 5. The Communist Manifesto Essay The Communist Manifesto opens with the famous words quot;The history of all hitherto societies has been the history of class struggles. In section 1, quot;Bourgeois and Proletarians, quot; Marx delineates his vision of history, focusing on the development and eventual destruction of the bourgeoisie, the middle class. Before the bourgeoisie rose to prominence, society was organized according to a feudal order run by aristocratic landowners and corporate guilds. With the discovery of America and the subsequent expansion of economic markets, a new class arose, a manufacturing class, which took control of international and domestic trade by producing goods more efficiently than the closed guilds. With their growing economic powers, this... Show more content on ... Additionally, the development of bourgeois industries causes a proportional deterioration in the condition of the proletariat. This deterioration, which can be slowed but not stopped, creates within the proletariat a revolutionary element, which will eventually destroy their bourgeois oppressors. As Marx says, quot;What the bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, is its own grave diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable quot;. In Chapter 2, quot;Proletariats and Communists, quot; Marx elaborates the social changes communists hope to effect on behalf of the proletariat. Marx notes firstly that the interests of communists do not differ from the interests of the proletariat as a class; they seek only to develop class consciousness in the proletariat, a necessary condition of eventual proletariat emancipation. The primary objective of communists and the revolutionary proletariat is the abolishment of private property, for it is this that keeps them enslaved. Bourgeois economics, capitalism (a system based on owning your own property that you buy and make profits off of whatever you sale) requires that the owners of the means of production compensate workers only enough to ensure their mere physical subsistence and reproduction. In other words, the existence of bourgeois property, or capital as Marx calls it, relies on its radically unequal distribution. The only way the proletariat can free itself
  • 6. Fantasy Sports And Its Effect On The National Football League Abstract The widespread growth of fantasy sports into a multi billion dollar industry has made it an important component of the sports industry, mainly the NFL. All Sports leagues must acknowledge the impact that fantasy sport has on the way its participants consume their sport. This research paper examines the conception of fantasy sports and explains it effects on the National Football league. Consumer involvement with fantasy sports leads to a higher consumption of the NFL products and services. Keywords: Fantasy sports; Consumption; Fan loyalty; NFL; Football; Sports media NFL: Sports Fantasy Becomes Reality Introduction This research paper will provide a discussion on the initial conception, importance, and an explanation on the development of fantasy sport and its adoption by the National Football league (NFL). The paper will also focus on the concept of fantasy football considered the most popular fantasy sport, due to the high participation rating, and its effects on the NFL and the various sport consumers. A brief examination of the increase in consumer loyalty and brand identification as a result of fantasy football participation as well as the effect of overall consumption of the NFL will be provided in the following research. Discussion The unique presupposition of fantasy sports allows individual participants to act as owners or general managers of their own sports teams. These members participate in either an online or real world draft scenario. Each
  • 7. Building A Disaster Recovery Plan RPO is the time that the data for a business will need to be restored in order to meet the requirements for the owners. This will judge when the end user will be able to regain access to data on the system. RTO is the measured time a system or application will not be operational before it is considered insufferable to the business. Risk Management Phases Phases What is to be done Analysis Inventory all applications, data, operating systems, and physical servers Monitor Monitor workload data information like network utilization. Build Build a disaster recovery plan that will be able to handle the workload information. Configure Configure your entire virtual environment to be able to match the physical production of the servers. ... Show more content on ... Risk Management planning methods: One on one BIA interviews. Group BIA interview sessions or exercises Executive management mandate. Electronic medium. Use of voice and data communications technologies, video conferencing, and Web based technologies and media are becoming increasingly accepted and popular. Financial Impacts Operational Impacts Location Impacts Technological Dependence Economic and operational impact categories (lost sales, interest paid on borrowed funds, business interruption, customer inconvenience, etc.) Organizational chart reviews. Overlaying systems technology Executive management interviews The goal of these processes is to support IT, voice and data networks, facilities, human resources, E commerce initiatives, etc. Time critical business processes are prioritized in terms of their MTDs/RTOs Data centers dashboards and others DMSS In this section we will study about the Data centers dashboards and others DMSS Classification system context Monitoring Automation Planning Implementation
  • 8. Data collection Energy and environmental dashboards Data Center Business Value Dashboards These dashboards, known within the sector as Data Center Infrastructure Management systems, can track information technology equipment status and can provide actionable information and analyses for management of IT equipment, data center space, power, and cooling. DCIM tools monitor, measure, manage and
  • 9. Zip Monologue I was at a football stadium in Central City. A creature who called himself Zip is right in front of me. His black eyes staring at me like he s trying to intimidate me. It didn t look like he had the best intentions in mind. He had my powers, but only difference was he was a little faster than me. We started charging at each other at the same time surprisingly. I landed some good hits, but he landed more good ones than I did. He was meaning to kill me, and I had to get out of there if I didn t want to die. I got out of there and went back to my base S.T.A.R. Labs. I had a broken arm and I had rapid healing abilities along with my super speed, so it should be only a couple hours till I heal. A year ago a worm hole opened to a place called Earth 2, that s were Zip comes from, and somehow he found out about me. Ever since he s been trying to kill me, but I don t know why. I needed to get faster if I wanted to beat Zip and I knew just the person to help me... my friend Hunter. I went to his house to ask him for help and he told me he had something to give my speed a kickstart. It was called the Tachyon Device. Two years ago a thing... Show more content on ... Labs to see how long it took me. When I got back I was informed that I ran four times faster than I ever did. Now all that s left to do is to find Zip, and Hunter has already found him. He was at an abandoned orphanage on the other side of town. I raced over there hoping to beat him once and for all, but when I got there he was no where in sight. I walked around hoping to find him, but what I did find was his plans. I read through them, but it didn t make sense. It was a list of names with lines marked through them. There was pictures on the wall with X s on them. They looked like speedsters like me, but there was only one without an X on it. I walked over to it and as soon as I saw who it was I froze, it was a picture of
  • 10. Social Movement Fortunately, with social media the way it is today it is not extremely difficult to find but about social movements. But there is a down side to that, which is people make so called social movements that really have no standings. After a great deal of research, the choice of a social movement for this assignment was clear to me. Unfortunately for this movement it has not received as much media coverage as other movements have. The social movementto which I am referring to is #IStandWithAhmed . According to David M. Newman a social movement is a; framework of society social institutions, organizations, groups, statuses, and roles, cultural beliefs, and institutionalized norms that adds order and predictability to our private lives (Newman, 1995). #IStandWithAhmed is a social movement on behalf of a fourteen year old high ... Show more content on ... The movement really had not organization being it to keep it going, which according to the resource mobilization theory you have to have to have success within a movement. Now do not get me wrong the movement has had some success, starting with the fact there were no charges against Ahmed Mohammed. Also that the situation was brought to light and was not swept under the rug like some past situations have been. I honestly believe that this movement could have had more of an effect on society if it had the right leadership and support. But unfortunately it was mostly being led by Ahmed Mohammed a fourteen year old freshman high school. I do believe that this a big issue in a lot of places, with all the races. I believe that society has become so focused on the outside appearance of things, and listening to the media to see how to judge people. When in fact they really do not look at the situation before they make a judgment
  • 11. DoppelgГ¤nger In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein DoppelgГ¤nger is a German phrase from the mid nineteenth century meaning mirror image, which correlates to the conception that two individuals are a living double. Thousands of years ago, individuals considered an ancient widespread belief of spiritual doubles to be a sign of impending death. This was primarily due to the lack of scientific knowledge and study, which lead society to gain faith in paranormal activities. Those cases of doppelgГ¤ngerare referred to as, evil twin (Ancient Origin 5) which means that the identical other may seem as a favorable shadow, but in reality, is a malevolent and hostile being. Furthermore, these cases are considered works of fiction, where people experience actual scenarios of meeting their sinister... Show more content on ... He is left alone and is infuriated because of the abandonment he endures from his creator, the very minute he is born. Frankenstein chooses to shun him because he is immensely disgusted by its physical appearance. For example, this is shown by the resentment the creature shows when he states, ...Yet you, my creator, detest and spurn me... (Shelley 111) In addition, the disfigured beast also portrays the obsessive behavior of ambition, which makes him mentally identical to his maker, against whom he seeks revenge. However, his objective is mainly focused on finding his master and making him suffer for the unethical acts that he has committed. Eventually he meets his creator and demands him to create a female mate, someone who he can relate to and share the similar grotesque persona with. Temporarily he receives assurance upon his request, but later Frankenstein reneges on his vow. This causes the creature to threaten his creator and swear that he will exact revenge upon him and his family. Given the fact that William has already been murdered and Justine was framed for it, Frankenstein cannot ignore the powerful threat. The wretch is an incredible mastermind when it comes to committing murder because he flees multiple times and successfully manages to avoid leaving any evidence behind. His passion to destroy his creator blinds him while he takes the lives of the innocent. This is proven when step by step, he takes away all the members with whom his maker shares a close bond. Soon, the creature murders Henry Clerval, Frankenstein s dearest childhood friend and promises him, I will be with you on your wedding night. (Shelley 206) These concepts support how the scientist provokes his creation to hatred and his family to sadness with his negligence, due to his selfish, misguided ambition to prioritize his research before his loved
  • 12. The Myth Of A Myth all around the world Something that is found a lot in every culture is storytelling. The majority of people love listening to stories. Storytellers have fulfilled the want for a good story for many years. A myth is a type of story based on a tradition or legend which has symbolic meaning to culture. A truth is conveyed to those who tell or hear a myth. Some myths are accounts of real events. Myths become shifted in time or place and changed by symbolic meaning. Myths can be used to explain local and universal beginnings, also they can sometimes contain supernatural beings. A myth contains a great power of meaning to the culture from which it blossomed. This is the main reason why myths stay around so long sometimes even thousands of years. People sometimes confuse myths with legends and folktales. A legend is half true and is passed from person to person. A legend is based on historical facts but they also has mythical qualities. Legends can involve heros and incredible places. A folktale is a popular story passed on to generations by speech. Usually the author of a folktale is unknown. Folk Tales are fairy tales, old legends, and urban legends. Folktales may have been based on truth that is lost over time ( Myths and Legends ). There are so many different civilizations all around the world each one with their own myths. These civilizations also have creation myths. Creation myth are symbolic narratives about how the world began and how people first came to inhabit
  • 13. Essay on Nathaniel Hawthorne s Life in His Works Erin Smith Mrs. Hemmings American Literature January 11, 2011 Hawthorne s Background Thrust into His Work With most writers, readers can identify what topics they tend to write about, how long their pieces often are, and what personal style these authors develop. While this is true of author Nathaniel Hawthorne, there are different elements that influence his writings. His life included many times of trials, many joys, and many ancestors that caused some turmoil within his mind. Two of his major works are influenced almost directly by his background (Werlock). Nathaniel Hawthorne threw his life into every single piece of his writing. His experiences, background, and the setting in which his life took place are prominent ... Show more content on ... From these Puritan ancestors, Hawthorne finds his many constant themes and motifs. Hawthorne had a fascination with religion, sin and redemption, sin and knowledge, night verses day, and the nature of evil all of which are present in The Scarlet Letter (Thalheimer). After being found guilty of adultery, Hester is forced to wear a scarlet letter A on her clothing as a public sign of shame. Her long lost husband, now under a new name to remain unknown, reappears after being presumed lost at sea. With revenge on his mind, a drama explodes around Hester. Over many years, her lover Dimmesdale falls ill and the new town physician Chillingsworth spends many hours by his bedside, only to start believing that Arthur is the father of Pearl, Hester s out of wedlock child. When pleading with Dimmesdale, Hester begs him to leave for Europe so that they can start a new life together. This plan fails when Hester discovers that Chillingsworth is also to be a passenger. Eventually, Dimmesdale dies in Hester s arms, and losing an opportunity at revenge, Chillingsworth dies shortly after. With a large amount of money left to her, Pearl and her mother relocate to Europe to start a new life (Hawthorne). Hawthorne couldn t hold a job for long, and with Sophia s health, she couldn t help much. To make it a better environment for her husband to write, the artist gave her paintings for her sister
  • 14. My Ambition In Life Do not take this the wrong way when I say that I do not care what it is you are trying to achieve. Let me explain. I mean I do not care if your goal is to graduate high school with a certain GPA, start a clothing line, release your own book, learn an instrument, master a language, or even if it s getting a certain someone in your life. Only you have the power to make that dream, goal, and ambition come to life. Grant Cardone taught me to commit first, and figure the rest out later. Just jump in! I can t emphasize how many times I ve thought about or talked about doing something and because that s all I did, I never got anything done. After I committed to this concept, my goals were slowly becoming more and more accomplishable. January of 2017 I told myself I wanted to write a book and as soon as I set my mind to it and opened the document all I can say is: well ... here you are, reading it. I have a concept that I later turned into a hashtag that most of my social media followers have seen. #D.L.C. You must DOMINATE Life COMPLETELY. After finding entrepreneurship and learning that the only limits are the ones I put on myself, the sky was the limit for me. Taking my life to the next level did not only become a passion of mine but a duty. I will not settle for anything I do not deserve and you should not either. Life is going to smack you around but if you have the mental will power and the foundation to set you back on course, you will watch your dreams travel from your imagination and into your life. Your wishes get checked off your list and you begin to rinse and repeat the cycle I told you about earlier. Set Goals and Hit them. Rinse and Repeat, Rinse and Repeat. Self development is my biggest passion and having a good life for myself, my parents, my extended family, and my own family in the future is personally one of my big motivations. Success is relative to the observer. I came up with this statement as I was responding to a friend of mine who messaged me about how he was lost and wanted to learn more about business and what I was doing because it caught his interest through my social media platforms. Before sending him a list of resources I used to get into business I basically told him that I
  • 15. Captain Phillips Essay Captain Phillips In the drama and action movie Captain Phillips produced by De Luca, Brunetti, and Rudin in 2013, multiple facts are fabricated in the making of the movie. In the movie a U.S cargo ship is passing through the water, on what seems like a regular day, however Captain Richard Phillips and his team fail to realize that they are passing through the waters Somali. Suddenly a crew member spots a little boat that is following their path, and it approaches they realized that the boat following them full of Somali pirates, who are thirsty for the millions of dollars that is on the cargo ship. The pirates attack and hijack the ship; take the captain hostage as the rest of the team, and others work to rescue him. An article written by
  • 16. Benifits Of Telemedicine What is telemedicine ? telemedicine is the use of medical information exchanged from one site to another, via electronic communications, to improve a patient s clinical health status . Some benefits of telemedicine are 1) improved access ,2) cost efficiency , 3)improved quality, and 4)patient demand . patients can access telemedicine through their doctors , a hospital, or other health care provider. Some may even tell you the health care services that are already available. Telemedicine is it safe ? or not ? yes ! it is guided by technical standards and guidelines, although some people rethink who really benefits from telemedicine . The patient or the doctor ? well both patients and healthcare providers originated from larger cities or in
  • 17. The Dangers of Racial Profiling In 2005, a study analyzing data accumulated statewide in Texas reveals disproportionate traffic ceases and searches of African Americans and Hispanics, even though law enforcement authorities were more liable to find contraband on Whites. (The Reality of Racial Profiling) The utilization of personal characteristics or comportment patterns to make generalizations about a person is called racial profiling. Throughout time, the utilization of race by law enforcement agencies in their policing activities has received considerable attention across the nation. The 4th amendment right that one has as an American, which is protecting against unreasonable search and seizure, is becoming contravened; one reason for the way one looks. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that racial profiling violates the constitutional requirement that all persons be accorded equal protection of the law, but it is still occurring in our society. Racial Profiling has caused the violation of our rights whether it maybe from a terry stop that was originated for the case Terry vs. Ohio, stop and frisk, racial vehicle stops, and the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act also known as Arizona SB 1070. In October of the year 1963, two strangers were visually perceived on a corner by Cleveland Police Department detective Martin McFadden Cleveland, Ohio. Officer McFadden stated that he saw the men pausing and staring suspiciously inside the same store window and both were seen making multiple
  • 18. The Dissemination Of The Gospel There are many opinions and philosophies concerning the dissemination of the Gospel. Some believe that spreading the Gospel is unnecessary because God chooses a select few to be saved, and that these elect are unable to resist God s grace. Others teach that lifestyle evangelism is the correct method of sharing the good news of JesusChrist. Still others believe that the proper approach of sharing the Gospelis through door to door soul winning and through preaching and teaching in the church. One person s approach to the Gospel that has been widely debated is that of Anne Marbury Hutchinson. Anne was born to a clergyman influenced by the Puritanleaders. Francis Marbury, Anne s father, disagreed with the church of England and got into trouble with the Anglican leaders on separate occasions. Her father taught Anne the Bible, as a result she received a better education than most of the girls in her time. Anne Marbury married the son of merchant named William Hutchinson, they had more than a dozen children together. The Hutchinson followed the teachings of the Puritan church, specifically a reverend named John Cotton. The Reverend John Cotton was driven out of the Anglican church because of his Puritan ideology. Reverend Cotton and his wife left England to pursue a ministry in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. William and Anne Hutchinson followed their spiritual mentor to the New World a year later. Due to Anne s involvement as a midwife and herbalist, she became well known
  • 19. An Analysis Of Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift Arnel John Chester Gasic Professor Stricker GEW 101 November 3, 2015 The Irony in Cannibalism Humor in serious topics can bring the light side of things and can also bring more attention than just talking about them. In Modest Proposal written by Jonathan Swift, he uses humor to talk about the famine that was happening back then and proposes an economical idea. By using the word Proposal in his title, he gives a reasonably suggestion to aid the Irish, Swift mentions them one by one the many benefits and counters the objections many may have, uses rhetorical reasoning and proves his humanitarian views. Swift has written in detail over the degree of poverty in IReland, he draws attention to the causes of it and proves in great detail that his Proposal will work in which ways it does work. Jonathan Swift had a rough childhood only raised by his mother. Swift s mother did not have a steady income and struggled to raise Swift all by her self. Swift was later passed on to his dad s brother who was wealthy. Transitioning from poor to wealthy was difficult for Swift but it let him see both sides of the world. Swift worked as English statesman for 10 years and helped for political errands (The Editors 2015). In 1712, he moved back to Ireland as soon as he saw that Tories would fall from power. He has written many famous writings, including Gulliver s Travel Ireland was a colony of England; it was economically, politically, and militarily
  • 20. Impugning Social Expectations In Kate Chopin s The Awakening Impugning social expectations and gender roles means that individual discoveries can have a profound effect on themselves and others. Conformity to social paradigms can be seen as antithetical to gender freedom and individualism. In The Awakening, Edna s convictions challenge the idealisation of motherhood, since the indescribable oppression and vague anguish she experiences presents her life as aimless and unfulfilling. Her feelings of anguish and oppression are indicative of her first awakening. Slowly, she realises how confined and claustrophobic her life is. These thoughts are unfamiliar to her because she has suppressed them for her entire life. Her suppressed thoughts felt like a shadow, like a mist passing around her soul s summer day . The simile... Show more content on ... In contrast to the ideal Creole women, who worshipped their husband and esteemed it a holy privilege to efface themselves as individuals and grow wings as ministering angels . Edna rejects the ideal that she should sacrifice her self identity to become a mother woman , religiously conforming to societal expectation and morals. Her spiritual self discovery is present during her first baptismal swim in the ocean, where she was a tottering child, learning of its powers and walking for the first time. The metaphor highlights Edna as a child, reborn in her new found freedom. Edna questions her identity in the pursuit of independence apart from her children. Ironically, Edna s austere husband Leonce, recognises the politicised nature of Edna s negation to submit to the traditional expectations of motherhood. Postulating that she had acquired some sort of notion in her head concerning the eternal rights of women , Leonce recognises that his wife dissents social class expectations that govern her
  • 21. Pros And Cons Of An Unwritten Constitution Of The UK In order to ascertain if the United Kingdom ( UK ) has an uncontrolled constitution as the Attorney General states in the case of Jackson v the Attorney General 2005, the concept of what a constitution is needs first to be considered. Thomas Paine thus put a constitution is not the act of a government, but of people constituting a government, and a government without a constitutionis a power without right . A constitution can be split into categories such as, an unwritten constitution and a written constitution, otherwise known as codified and uncodified. An unwritten constitution is where there isn t one place you can go to in order to find the constitution, there are in fact a number of sources and precedents which in turn make up the... Show more content on ... These seem to assert controls on the constitution, but conventions cannot actually be enforced. Jennings defines conventions as provide the flesh which clothes the dry bones of the law . The convention of collective responsibility is often broken, recently Hazel Blears attacked Gordon Browns government as being lamentable as she believed Labour where misreading the mood of the British people. However as shown by the case of Attorney General V Cape Town ltd Even if conventions exist they are unenforceable at law . All that can be done is give rise to legitimate criticism , for example the minister may be asked to step down or could lose their place at the next cabinet reshuffle. Showing not all sources of the UK constitution, such as convention, lay down controls on the constitution. Alternatively, constitutional doctrines such as the Rule of Law highlight controls on the constitution as regardless of the power an individual wields, they can t alter the constitution in a way that goes against the Rule of Law. Dicey s second theme of the Rule of Law was the idea no one is above the law, equality before the law. This definition illustrates the fact that everybody is under the law, including Members of
  • 22. Marx s Conflict And Social Conflict Theory In Hong Kong 1. Introduction Marx s Conflict theory Karl Marx s conflict theory focused on the class conflict (bourgeoisie and proletariat). The rising of capitalism in the society which cause economic, social, and political significant. Marx stated that the more powerful minority class oppresses the majority class and created class conflict. As the interests of the two were at odds, the resources were inequitable distributed among the two classes. Moreover, the inequitable social order was developed; values, expectations and conditions were determined by the more powerful minority class, i.e. the capitalists (Collins Sanderson, 2008). Marx stated that the superstructure is composed of social institutions, political structures, and culture. The produced... Show more content on ... The benefits of economic and social resources are taken by the more powerful capitalists. The less power elite are more likely to become labeled as deviant. However, the capitalists can have the resources to resist such deviant labels (Otteson, 2011). . 2.Social conflict and substance abuse Social conflict theory can be applied to analyst why there are more substance abusers found in lower social classes and low income youngsters. In Hong Kong, it is commonly known that the unskilled and low education individuals prone to poverty. Youngsters in this lower class are under pressure and being marginally ignored. They are prone to have substance abuses and even becoming a drug dealer to escape form the grinding poverty. Goode (1997) used the conflict theory to analyst two kinds of drug abusers. He stated that most illicit drug users are occasional and recreational, they claim drug taking as a risk taking behavior. However, the other type of drug abusers are in chronic and with heavy drug taking. They are clinically addicted and suffering harm (Goode, 1997). Such abusers prone to be economically marginal, feeling hopeless and
  • 23. Mark Twain And Saul Bellow Humor in the works of Mark Twain and Saul Bellow The inclusion of humor in writings is one of the essential factors that every author should incorporate for the success of their works. The writings or rather novels with flashes of humor tend to do well in the market for the readers as compared to other writings which are purely comic fictions or without incorporation of humors. Humor facilitate in reader identification, assign positive traits to characters, convey character relationships, delight readers and get them to read the material closely (Column Us, 2017). Mark Twain and Bellow are some of the renowned American authors that have incorporated the use of senses of humor in their writings and this has made their literature works successful for a long period of time. The paper discusses how the two authors have used humor in their works. The American Author, Mark Twain, utilizes humor in his works through several ways. Twain as an author forms unforgettable and hilarious characters in his works. He uses Tom Sawyerwho is especially prominent as a funny and clever creation in the passages. His train of crazy ideas, thought, childish logic, acting ability, cruel pranks, wit, and imagination cause a laughter to readers which make them read the passages several times. The composition of funny characters which are intelligence in the way of presenting the ideas, enhance in creation of humors in the Twain s novels. This makes readers to develop more interest in
  • 24. The Development of New Ethnic Identities such as Black... The Development of New Ethnic Identities such as Black British or British/Asian When referring to British Asians, the majority of us often fall into the trap of understanding the Asians referred to are linked to the Indian Subcontinent, i.e. India, Pakistan etc. What we tend to forget is that Asians are associated with a number of different countries and with Asia being the largest continent in the world, what exactly is meant by the term British Asians? Generally, here in Britain, they are perceived to be the brown kind and are often associated with the Indian subcontinent. This may seem like a genuine error, but colloquially speaking we have come to accept this fact and refer to it commonly... Show more content on ... Those that the criticising Asians believe have been prompted by western society and essentially the white man . And whichever Asian that may follow in the footsteps of such traditions and ideologies is known as a coconut , brown on the outside, white on the inside. It appears that British Asians have adopted the culture of the host country and have assimilated into this society quite clearly. This can be argued to be a intentional by some members of the Asian community and others may well suggest it is an unintended consequence of living and growing up in Britain. Such a term has gradually eroded and faded from the minds of the people that used it commonly. It seems that nowadays a new type of culture has emerged and that British Asians a have now integrated into British Society and are now more or less at home and come to terms with who they are and what they believe. But to what extent is this true? Are Asians still the reserved people they once were or are they breaking free from the confines that they themselves had created and developed keeping morale s preserved just as they have been on the other side of the world? But how far can one go in actually accepting the fact that the majority of Asians have adopted and amalgamated into the western society to a
  • 25. Key Elements Of Transformative Learning Transformative Learning Analysis Jack Mezirow s theory of transformative learning is a theory about making meaning, and it begins with the learner s experiences. This is because, as humans, we have an inherent need to understand our experiences, and meaning is making sense of or giving coherence to our experiences (Mezirow, 1991, p. 11). It is through the unique experiences of a person that assumptions and frames of reference are established, and worldviews are born. However, as experiences are regarded as socially constructed, the meaning that is created from them is open to re interpretation and assessment. Transformative learning occurs with the critical reflection of new assumptions that challenge previously held assumptions, disrupting the beliefs, values and feelings of a person and the understanding of self. It can be either cataclysmic or occur gradually (Brock, 2010, p. 4). As explained by O Sullivan, transformative learning involves experiencing a deep, structural shift in the basic premises of thought, feelings, and actions. It is a shift of consciousness that dramatically and irreversibly alters our way of being in the world (as cited in Lichau Shields, 2011, p. 5). Key Elements of Transformative Learning Mezirow identifies ten key elements of transformative learning that lead to a new perception of the world (Brock, 2010, p. 3). Transformative learners do not necessarily follow these in order, or even experience every element, but they follow
  • 26. Maggie Company 1.What are the key components of IT value? IT by itself does not provide any value, however, the alignment of IT to strategic, operational, and cultural objectives provides business value. Thus, the CIO must ensure that any new investment in IT is for the sake of business objectives and not for IT for ITs sake . Ensuring businessalignment against IT project delivery is critical, must be undertaken for any investment and is the key component of IT value. 2.How can we increase the level of value creation afforded by IT? Before a CIO can increase the value of IT he or she must first find the gaps, this can done by doing a current state assessment to determine its strengths, weakness and barriers to change. The CIO must then establish a clear future state and explain why this change is necessary and as the final step create an action plan to bridge the gap between the current and ... Show more content on ... What insights about IT value did you garner from Maggie s and Reuben s thoughts on the subject? Both Maggie and Reuben agree that measuring the value of IT is a difficult task, however, they also agree that IT does add value by generating core capabilities that provide the firm with competitive advantage and business agility. Reuben also mentions that sometimes investment in IT is necessary to stay in business, for regulatory requirements or for strategic positioning and that the returns from such investments aren t necessarily direct. 4.How does IT create or enable the creation of value within an organization? There are four levels of IT value maturity, at level 1, IT stream lines data, business process and increases organizational effectiveness, at level 2, IT enhances collaboration and refines business processes, at level 3, IT changes the value chain by improving relationships with suppliers, vendors, manufacturers and customers and at level 4, IT innovates products, markets and business models. 5.How might we get a qualitative view of the level of value provided by
  • 27. Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome Zollinger Ellison syndrome, is known as the gastrinoma syndrome caused by gastrin secreting tumors of the pancreas, which stimulate maximum acid secretions and lead to ulcerations. ZES is connected with diarrhea, malabsorption, gastric reflux, severe ulcerations and ulcerations in the duodenum and the proximal jejunum. There are a few types of ZES that exist in different forms, including benign, sporadic, metastatic, and part of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1). Most gastrinomas are sporadic and sporadic tumors are a cancer that occurs in people who do not have a family history of that cancer. Sporadic gastrinomas are located at the gastrinoma triangle, which is located in the junction between the cystic and bile duct, portions of the duodenum, and the pancreas. While solitary tumors can... Show more content on ... The large amounts of acid produced by gastrin lead to gastrointestinal mucosal ulcerations. Also this leads to symptoms of diarrhea and malabsorption by the stomach. Malabsorption in ZES is caused by mucosal damage, the inactivation of pancreatic enzymes, and the deposit of bile salts. ZES is sporadic in majority of patients while in certain cases, ZES is associated with MEN 1. MEN 1 is an autosomal dominant condition categorized by pancreatic tumors, pituitary tumors, and hyperparathyroidism (Perry, 2013). The MEN1 gene is programmed for making a protein called menin and this protein is a tumor suppressor that is involved in a couple of significant cell functions. Menin may play a role in the replication of DNA, repair of DNA and regulation of apoptosis. The menin protein can be found in the nucleus of different types of cells and is active in all stages of growth. In addition, menin can interact with other proteins like transcription factors. Transcription factors bind to areas of DNA and help control certain genes by turning certain genes on or off. (Yvan,
  • 28. The Reproductive Rights of the Developmentally Disabled Essay The Reproductive Rights of the Developmentally Disabled Sterilization of the developmentally disabled or the mentally retarded is an issue that has long been debated in America. Mental retardation is defined as the inability to learn normally and develop mentally. Traditionally in America if a mentally retarded person was born to a family, that family had 2 choices take care of the child at home, or it was strongly recommended that the child was sent to a state run institution or hospital. The state institution was where this person would spend his or her entire life. Unfortunately these hospitals were often huge warehouses of people with disabilities, or mental illnesses. These hospitals offered no contact with the... Show more content on ... Early in the twentieth century the plight of the metal retarded was ignored or dealt with primarily in state institutions. In addition authorities regarded mentally retarded women as being sexually promiscuous and as producing many illegitimate children (Farber 29). Because of this belief many retarded women would be placed in state institutions at the onset of puberty and sometimes released when they reached menopause. Many people have advocated sterilization for the retarded. Nobel Prize winning physicist William Schockley is quoted saying that he advocated sterilization for people with low IQs and supported a sperm bank for geniuses. A letter from Ben wood, a father of IQ testing stated his beliefs at the education testing service in 1972 when he said: It may be said in all soberness that professional reliefers and most other indigents who produce children thereby commit crimes against humanity which are fully as serious as many acts now considered felonies. They have no moral right to produce such children and therefore should have no legal right to immunity from punishment that constructively fits the crime, such as some form of painless sterilization of both guilty parents, which would be permanent. Before 1930 there were numerous elite groups interested in the problems of the mentally retarded. Some of them were connected with eugenics and sterilization. However,
  • 29. How Do Activists Sacrifice Their Life To Fight For Their... Your Intro: A lot of activists sacrifice their life in order to achieve their cause. Three activists that sacrificed their life to fight for their causes are Malala Yousafzai, Martin Luther King Jr, and Iqbal Masih. Some activists know that the might get killed for fighting for their cause but the keep fighting for it until they achieve their cause. Your Body Paragraph 1: One activist that sacrificed her life for her cause is Malala Yousafzai. A group of terrorists called the Taliban took over Afghanistan and took women s rights away. Malala fought for girls education and inspired other girls in Afghanistan to stand up for their freedom. Malala wasn t scared of the Taliban coming after her because they thought that they
  • 30. A Short Note On Intensive Care And The Elderly Essay References: 1.Horn J. Intensive care and the elderly. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics. 1997;25(1):101 110. 2.Angus DC, Barnato AE, Linde Zwirble WT, et al. Use of intensive care at the end of life in the United States: an epidemiologic study. Crit Care Med. 2004;32(3):638 643. 3.Bagshaw SM, Webb SA, Delaney A, et al. Very old patients admitted to intensive care in Australia and New Zealand: a multi centre cohort analysis. Critical Care. 2009;13(2):R45. 4.Kim PK, Kauder DR, Schwab CW. Acute Care Surgeryand the Elderly. Acute Care Surgery: Springer; 2007:187 193. 5.Levkoff SE, Cleary PD, Wetle T, Besdine RW. Illness behavior in the aged. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 1988;36(7):622 629. 6.Watters JM, Blakslee JM, March RJ, Redmond ML. The influence of age on the severity of peritonitis. Canadian journal of surgery. 1996;39(2):142. 7.Radtke F, Franck M, Hagemann L, Seeling M, Wernecke K, Spies C. Risk factors for inadequate emergence after anesthesia: emergence delirium and hypoactive emergence. Minerva anestesiologica. 2010;76(6):394 403. 8.Young J, Inouye SK. Delirium in older people. BMJ: British Medical Journal. 2007;334(7598):842. 9.Ansaloni L, Catena F, Chattat R, et al. Risk factors and incidence of postoperative delirium in elderly patients after elective and emergency surgery. British Journal of Surgery. 2010;97(2):273 280. 10.Lagoo Deenadayalan SA, Newell MA, Pofahl WE. Common perioperative complications in older patients. Principles
  • 31. Reflection Paper On Rock Climbing Reflection Paper #3 During Week 3, we started our day on the bad side due to the lack of sleep, and the change of weather. Throughout the day our energy level improved as the day went on. The field activity for the day included rock climbing. Discussion of group dynamics, rock climbing technique and leave no traces were brought up through out the day. Group Dynamic The group dynamic was really off since the morning started. Everyone was gloomy and sleepy. I know that I personally slept for four hours the night before . Which leads me to almost thought about just coming to class two hours late just because of how unmotivated my mindset was at the time. Even in the group setting, it was not just me who was low on morale, it was everyone in class too. This can affect our group s energy and it lowered morale and excitement within the rank. Sitting inside and listening to presentation all day long do not help . The idea of going out and moving around have help with our engird level. This is useful for leading group in time of low energy like what we went through that day. When it came to lunch time, people were feeling better due to having food in our system, and the active hand on cooking hlep made us more active. With food in our tummy, we were able to feel the energy to participate in our rock climbing. Rock Climbing Technique Rock climbing was a very intense workout. I have not rock climb for a long time, I remembered the first time that I did, it took me a long time to
  • 32. Du Fu Research Paper Du Fu: Making the Best of Bad Times Du Fu was one of the greatest poets of China. Living during the Tang Dynasty, a golden age for literacy, poetry, and the civil service examination, Du Fu flourished as a poet. Although he was a civil servant for a great part of his life, it was not until the An Lushan Rebellion, which began in 755, that Du Fu s career as a poet really began. Because the aesthetic behind his poetry was history and morality, Du Fu used the war and all bad that was around him to become a great poet and influence many people. Du Fu became one of China s greatest poets because his poetry gave insight of history and life during the Tang Dynasty as well as calligraphy, domestic life, and military tactics. Much of what is known ... Show more content on ... Du Fu writes about the snowstorm as a comparison to the war, showing its great magnitude and effect on the Tang Dynasty. This specific poem presents the distressing situation of a dynasty by highlighting the agony experienced by a certain citizen, who is not only an official but a writer and victim of the war. Du Fu gave contributed to Chinese literature in his times, but also in the times to come. Du Fu had an extensive a certain pattern in his verses; his poems were inspired by journeys and experiences. He also wrote many of his poems to people around him, such as friends and relatives. When a relative or a friend accomplished something that deserved recognition, Du Fu would write them a poem as a way of congratulating them. Although much of his poetry was not recognized greatly until after his death, Du Fu still was a major figure during the Tang
  • 33. The Crisis Management Lesson From Toyota And Gm The Crisis Management Lesson from Toyota and GM: It s Our Problem the Moment We Hear About It Delay in confronting crises is deadly. Corporate leaders must have processes for learning of important safety issues. Then they must seize control immediately and lead a systematic response. Crisis management is the ultimate stress test for the CEO and other top leaders of companies. The mantra for all leaders in crisis management must be: It is our problem the moment we hear about it. We will be judged from that instant forward for everything we do and don t do. These are key lessons for leaders in all types of businesses from the front page stories about Toyota s and GM s separate, lengthy delays in responding promptly and fully to reports of deadly accidents possibly linked to product defects. The news focus has been on regulatory investigations and enforcement relating to each company, but the ultimate question is why the company leaders didn t forcefully address the possible defect issues when deaths started to occur. On the recent regulatory front: Toyota just agreed to pay $1.2 billion in a deferred prosecution agreement with DOJ and accept a safety monitor for failing to disclose to regulators and indeed misleading them about accelerators that became stuck on certain types of floor mats or because of certain elements in the accelerator itself. The problem of uncontrolled speeding and deadly crashes began to appear in 2007, but it took four years, and deceptive
  • 34. Information From The Customer s Perspective Of The... Results/Findings In order to collect information from the customer s perspective of the establishment, a survey was circulated to a selected few of customers from a range of demographics such as age and gender as well as non customers were included. Due to the time restriction, it was difficult to extensively delve into the geographic demographic. The survey also posed the question on what the participants purchased from the establishment, what motivated them to purchase there as well as what makes them return in the future. Participants were asked to select from than one choice. Therefore, the number below is telegraphed rather than a quantitative number. As observed (see appendix B), many of the participants came from similar age groups and there was commonality in what was bought and what was motivating them to return for purchases. For example, many of the participants indicated that they were under 20 or between 21 and 30 years of age, showed that they usually went to Farmers to purchase clothing. However, the gender of the participant did not cause this trend to change. The older participants, also, regardless of gender, tended to purchase items such as toys or kitchen/home appliance. We can assume that the toys purchased were for younger relatives; thus, making a few them a customer rather than consumer. Also shown, the majority of the customers that shopped at the Farmers store were satisfied to a certain extent; stating that good promotion, variations and
  • 35. Pictorialism And Snapshot Photography Pictorialism was a movement begun against naturalism and snapshot photography. The idea was the subject is not as important as the overall effect or mood of the finished image The goal was to make a photograph that seemed more like an oil painting or other recognizable fine art when finished. The subject and details were controlled through use of a soft focus or processes when developed. The decline was kind of natural for Pictorialism, people began to feel that Pictorialist photographers were manipulating the images trying to hide bad. The photo secessionist movement, founded by Alfred Stieglitz in New York in 1902, was exclusively for the promotion pictorialism and to elevate photography to Fine Art status. The photo secessionist movement
  • 36. Sabian Hhx Evolution Research Papers The Sabian HHX Evolution 14 hi hats are expertly crafted cymbals with a complex tonal character normally limited to electronic drums. The combination of the bright sound of the top cymbal and the darker tone of the bottom create rich harmonies. This give these hats the responsiveness of drum heads and the rich tonal qualities found in larger, heavier ride cymbals. The modern dark soundcuts through electric guitars and bass to ensure that your playing is always heard on stage. The response range allows it to fit in with the rest of the kit through microphones in the recording studio. The legendary drummer Dave Weckl worked with Sabian in the design process for the HHX Evolution series of Sabian cymbals. The hats pair a darker toned bottom cymbal with a brighter top cymbal to pack the power ... Show more content on ... The careful crafting used in this series allows the sound to project without adding the weight of heavier projection cymbals. This means you will not need to change out hardware or hi hat stands to support the additional weight and response. It also means that no additional accessories need to be added to your gear to make the hats cut through. The hammering process means each hi hat pair will have a unique tonal character while still achieving the modern dark harmonies. The hand hammering process used in the crafting of Sabian cymbals enhances the natural tones of the Sabian B20 bronze. The blend of copper, tin and silver are tempered using a proprietary process to add strength while enriching the overtones. The artisans responsible for the hand hammering vary in technique which creates a wide range of qualities between each product. These same techniques are used in these hi hats to achieve a ride like wash along with the punch of a crash. Whether played with the pedal or wide open, the unique tonal characteristics add new qualities to any style of
  • 37. The Mind Body Identity Theory Introduction: For centuries philosophers have engaged themselves into conversations and arguments trying to figure out the nature of a human person; this has lead to various theories and speculation about the nature of the human mind and body. The question they are tying to answer is whether a human being is made of only the physical, body and brain, or both the physical or the mental, mind. In this paper I will focus on the mind body Identity Theory to illustrate that it provides a suitable explanation for the mind and body interaction. Identity Theory Identity theorists hold the view that the mental events are nothing more than neurological activity of the brain. This theory is a subtype of the materialist view because the human mind ... Show more content on ... Argument for Identity Theory As the tool of scientific investigation increase, the relationship between the mind and the brain has never been more intimate. Chemical changes in our brain could lead to heightened euphoria or it can lead to the most profound depression. Damages to the brain can lead to changes that can eliminate the some abilities of the brain, such as smell, vision, or even the ability to recognized faces. Therefore, this is at that vary lease a powerful correlation between the state of the mind and state of the brain. But this is not enough for the Identity theories, so they go above and beyond this to explain this profound view. Mind brain Identity theory is preferable to dualism because it postulates an explanation to the mind body problem. Dualist believes that ther are two different substances, the physical and the mental. However, dualism does not provide a solution to how these two utterly afferent things can interact with another. That is where Identity theories come in, because they deliver a solution to this issue. They believe that the mind and the brain are one and the same; thus, mental event are the neurological events. Therefore, it does not need have the issue of interaction with its self. This eliminates the interaction problem of the mind and body. This distinction maybe easy to miss, but is vary important to understanding the identity theory. In the
  • 38. Essay on Personal Statement to Study Law I view my life as a puzzle; picking up pieces through my beliefs, experiences and passions and placing them in their designated positions. It is not until I created the border and most of the middle that I can began to see what my puzzle is meant to become. My picture is starting to show that I am meant to help people, specifically through the legal capacity. Author Jen Leaman wrote, The human raceis like a puzzle: Everyone fits in somewhere, it just takes a while to figure it out . Raised in Browns Mills, New Jersey, although as a military family we have struggled. Several bouts of experiencing homelessness have only pushed me to work hard so my family and I no longer have to struggle. These hardships I have added the borders (my... Show more content on ... I saw that the law affects how people view the world, but I also learned that the past is the greatest signifier of how people are viewed socially and legally. It gave me a clear perspective of the interplay between race, society, and law. Through this knowledge, I became motivated to assist people in navigating through this cycle. Although our country has problems it also awards people (me), the means to effect change through direct action and knowledge. As a result, I am driven to create change on an individual level through community service and volunteer work. Inspired by my passion to create change, I volunteered as an AmeriCorps VISTA. I committed to a one year community service minded immersal program in Atlantic City. This gave me the opportunity work with community programs such as Campus Kitchen and Stockton College Day of Service where I was able to be in the community developing programs that focused on decreasing and eventually preventing poverty at the grassroots level. While I matured professionally, it most affected me personally. During my tenure, I saw the pitfalls of where the law and public policy did not enable significant change. After a year as a VISTA, where I saw families struggling to feed and house themselves, I also experienced this battle myself. I decided that my
  • 39. Indian Ocean Continuities Commerce in the Indian Ocean region was transformed between the years 650 CE and 1750 CE. Multiple changes, as well as continuities shaped the Indian Ocean commercial trade, including the continued use of overseas trade routes, which were constantly affected by the monsoon winds during transit. In addition, certain key changes throughout the time period, involve the rise and fall of the major powerful empires, such as the Delhi`, Sultanate, Tang, Song, Ming, and the Mongolian, which all played significant roles in facilitating inter regional trade. Not to mention, the increase of maritime trade technology, which reshaped the way merchants traveled. All together, the Indian Oceantrade network underwent numerous changes, as well as continuities, which improved the commerce during this era. The Indian Ocean area was an essential portion of trade during the years between 600 and 1750 CE. A major continuity of... Show more content on ... This constant exchange of ideas, spread of cultures, and mixing of societal beliefs played a major role in developing the civilizations and trading states around the Indian Ocean. Similarly, the sustained trade of sugar, spices, cotton, silk, textiles, porcelain, salt, and precious metals were constantly exchanged using this trade network. In addition, the traders relied on seasonal monsoons to enable travel across the ocean. These predictable winds, in conjunction with naval technology, assisted the commerce tremendously. Many changes transpired to the trade across the region of the Indian Ocean basin from 650 CE to 1750 CE. At the beginning of the period, Islam arose as a major religion,
  • 40. Diversity In The United States Diversity United States is the most diverse country I know and the future looks like diversity is only going to grow from here. This brings us to an ever growing diverse group of students in the classroom. Diversity is a good thing to have in the classroom because it educate the students about their peer s culture and background. But it also means students can grow hatred towards an entire culture or ethnicity because they didn t like a certain person in a culture. They will associate the culture with the student and start stereotyping everyone in that same culture. This is a dangerous thing to happen to a student who is a young citizen of this country. Language can be an important problem within a diverse group of students. Having a primary language that is not ... Show more content on ... This will only contribute to the gap between rich and poor that is present in this society and it put the poor in huge disadvantage in moving further. This happens with gender as well. Girls are still worried about putting a boy in their group and this hinder the growth of both genders. When talking about gender I have to bring up sexual orientation. This is a time when more people are identifying themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender. Even though some of the students are accommodating of these orientations, there are still a lot of students out there who see other sexual orientations in an alien way. They still judge and persecute these students by making fun of them or not associating with them into their friend circle. This is a huge disadvantage among the students that get discriminated because they will lose confidence in themselves which is essential when in college and starting a new career. There are many other diverse workgroup as I mentioned above and every single one of them suffer in their own way. It is hard for the teacher to get into solving these issues because often they are
  • 41. Socioeconomic Class In Relation To Education Socioeconomic Class in Relation to Education A new study found that 38 of America s most elite colleges contain more students in the top 1% compared to the lower 60% of the income scale (Aisch). The relationship between Socioeconomic Class and higher education choice has a correlation one might miss. To know the effect class has on education and certain standings in society, one must know what this type of class is. Collegiate educational choices are influenced by Socioeconomic Class and class factors. The classes in the U.S. vary from each home and family, but what class does the average American fall into? First, a citizen must realize there are more than the 3 classes of poor, middle and wealthy that he frequently throws himself into. According... Show more content on ... In a perfect world, a student chooses his own path because of his opinion and past, not because of what the data says he is supposed to. I m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you re not in this world to live up to mine Bruce Lee (Lee). This is a truth that can be translated into every aspect of daily life. Does a student who is an African American from a household with an extremely low income have to drop out of college or go to an HBCU? Not by any means, although the facts feel like a jail cell, each person is different. Steve Jobs was put up for adoption and taken in by a poor working class family. He went through high school and finally made it to college, only to drop out after the first semester because of cost. He lived off of free meals after dropping out. Then, with his friend Steve Wozniak and each of their fascinations with technology, they sold their belongings to start Apple. Apple is now a multi million dollar company that was started from a garage (Koyle). Situation and data do not have to direct one s path, but one s work ethic and personal goals can. The relationship between socioeconomic class is now much clearer because of an intricate dissection and insightful comparison. Character and heart can overpower the influences of Socioeconomic Class and class factors. The class that an American falls into is a generality not a laser focused science on a single individual. Look at the class and find a way out. As Philippians 4:13 states, I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me (Holy Bible Holman Christian Standard Bible, Phil. 4:13). No matter the circumstance with God s strength and the work ethic all is
  • 42. Darnell s Narrative Report On Thursday, 07/09/2015, at approximately 1722 hours, I, Deputy Stacy Stark #1815, responded to 147 Hillendale Dr., Murphysboro, IL 62966 to speak with the reporting party, Gary W. Darnell (M/W, DOB: 07/10/1956) and his wife, also the victim, Jane M. Darnell (F/W, DOB: 03 31 1958) about a reckless driving complaint. Jackson County Dispatch received the call for service via a non emergency line at the Jackson County Sheriff s Office. I arrived on scene at 1730 hours. I met with Gary and Jane Darnell at their residence. Gary Darnell started explaining the history with their neighbor, William J. Boyer (M/W, DOB: 11/19 /1948). Gary stated that during the fall of last year around September, the neighbor s daughter rescued a stray dog named, Wakka. Boyer did not care for the dog. Boyer wanted to get rid of the dog. The Darnell s told Boyer if he wanted to get rid of the dog, they would purchase the dog from him. Wakka was... Show more content on ... between 11:15am 11:30am today, July 9, 2015, when her neighbor, Boyer, was traveling east on West Lake Rd. in his gold newer model Cadillac. Darnell was walking on the south side of the road, when Boyer drove straight towards her like he was going to hit her and then swerved away. Jane Darnell thought she was going to have to jump in the ditch. Jane Darnell believes Boyer s actions are intentional because he has done this before. There are two other unreported incidents of this nature that occurred in the past while Jane Darnell was walking her dogs. While Jane Darnell walks her dogs and Boyer happens to drive by during her walk, Boyer drives fast and very close to her and/or dogs. The built up animosity of Boyer has the Darnell s on edge for the safety of their dogs and Jane Darnell. Gary Darnell stated that Boyer never does anything when he is present. The non neighborly actions only occur towards Jane
  • 43. Unit 30 D1 In this assignment I will be reviewing the different effects of exercise on the body system including the acute and long term using the pre exercise, exercise and post exercise physiological data which I collected based on interval and continuous training method. I will also be including the advantages and disadvantages of these, also the participants strengths and areas where they can improve on. Effect of exercise on the musculoskeletal system As Andre began to exercise, this had an effect on he s bones; this is because he was putting more stress on them than usual which resulted in them getting thicker. Also exercise had an effect on he s joints because the joints now became more flexible and he wasn t getting anymore pains ... Show more content on ... Also he s oxygen diffusion rate has increased due to the more oxygen which is absorbed by the alveoli and then circulated around the body. Before the training programme Andre s fitness level was not poorly but it wasn t at he s best though and in order for him to improve on he s cardiovascular endurance, I created a six week training programme in which involved different exercises and training methods that he should use to improve on this skill. Also before he started this training programme, I tested Andre on some tests which are: Multistage fitness test Stage 5.9This result shows that Andre is not at he s best fitness level because after this test was conducted he was struggling to breathe and he kept commenting that he s legs was in pain. 35 metre sprint 5.25 SecondsThis result shows that Andre s is just below average, and therefore he is unfit as he did not even reach the average stage of this test for someone at he s age. Illinois agility test 17.3 SecondsThis result shows that he bad with he s coordination as he only reached the average result because this was he s best result after trying this test 3 times. After the training programme Andre could clearly see that he s fitness level has improved because he could now run for a longer time as he
  • 44. Database Record For Music From An App in databases isn t a big yard, but it is typically a number, name, or a combination characters. These characters can describe aspects of objects like a song or a photograph, and they can describe activities like a business transaction. Each field is provided with a field name, and an example of one of these names would be WalmartNumber or EmployeeDescription. Spaces should never be involved when it comes to field names. A group of similar fields that may describe some item or activity, is called a record. Using records, you can make a more complete description of an item or activity. A databaserecord kind of looks similar to a source on a reference page. An example of a database record for music from an App would combine fields for Time,... Show more content on ... Attributes are usually characteristics of entities, and the particular value of an attribute is called a data item, and this can be located in the fields of the record describing an entity. Database keys are important to a database management system because it is a field in a table that is used to classify a record. Database keys matter because database management systems often have trouble confirming that records are not made twice. Look at it this way, if you sign up for fantasy football for ESPN, and then forget that you signed up and then try and sign up again, this is where database keys should help you. The database key will make sure that you won t get another email informing you that you signed up because it will recognize your email, and this will keep you from receiving multiple emails about you signing up for fantasy football. Database management systems provide a primary key as well, and this key is a field inside the database table that exclusively identifies each record. Each of these records inside a table must have an exclusive entry in the primary key field. The primary key always makes a distinction between records so that records can be effortlessly and correctly accessed, organized, and manipulated (MindTap). An example for using primary keys would be using worker records as the primary key, and this would guarantee that every worker is identified only one time, and when a worker uses email addresses as the primary key for
  • 45. Social Media Dangers The Dangerous World of Social Media Social media has been around for some time now, being helpful to many people around the world. There are plenty of ways people use social media and there are many different sites to use. People rely on social media to stay current on day to day events, remain close to friends and family, meet new people, and even to avoid boredom on days that seem endless. Many people rely on it for information regarding current situations and to keep up with other people s lives. It can come in many forms and can be used on a variety of gadgets like our phones, computers, laptops, tablets, and gaming consoles. It can include dating sites, social sites, and sites that gives updates on current news around the globe. Although it may seem beneficial for many, it can also lead to physical and psychological harm for the people who use it. Social Media is a dangerous, addicting artificial world that is causing physical, emotional, and psychological harm to people in our society. Many people may believe that the dangers of social media are near non existent or insignificant. Believing that incidents caused by social media are problems that have been occurring even before it was established. Some arguments may state that the benefits social media has created of communication and awareness outweighs the negative impact it has had. The fact of the matter is, social media has created a whole new plethora of potential dangers and health hazards that has damaged