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Current Events Essays
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Current Events" can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty arises from the dynamic nature of current events, which are constantly evolving and
unfolding. Staying updated with the latest news, understanding the context, and analyzing the
various perspectives on a given issue require a keen awareness of global affairs.
One of the key challenges is the need for up-to-date information. As events are continuously
changing, it can be daunting to ensure that the content remains relevant and accurate.
Additionally, the vast array of topics within the realm of current events—from politics and
economics to social issues and global crises—can make it challenging to select a specific focus
for the essay.
Moreover, maintaining objectivity and avoiding bias is crucial when addressing current events.
It's essential to present a well-rounded perspective, acknowledging different viewpoints and
considering the diverse factors influencing a situation. This demands a careful evaluation of
sources and the ability to critically analyze information.
Another obstacle is the potential emotional intensity surrounding certain current events. Issues
like humanitarian crises, political unrest, or environmental challenges may evoke strong
emotions, and maintaining a balanced and composed tone becomes essential for an effective
Despite these challenges, writing about current events can be an intellectually stimulating and
enlightening endeavor. It allows for a deep understanding of the world's complexities and an
opportunity to contribute to informed discussions. It encourages critical thinking, research skills,
and the ability to communicate complex ideas clearly.
For those facing difficulties in navigating the complexities of current events essays, seeking
assistance from writing services like can provide valuable support. These
services offer expert guidance in structuring essays, conducting research, and presenting well-
informed analyses on a wide range of topics. Whether it's crafting an insightful commentary or
exploring the nuances of global issues, such services can be valuable resources for students and
individuals aiming to excel in expressing their thoughts on current events.
Current Events Essays Current Events Essays
Plato s I L In The Ancient Flight World View
The fourth question, what is knowledge?, Plato answer was it is attainable but it
requires effort. Aristotle answer was the soul or mind begins to acquire knowledge
through a sense of experience of things, but achieves full knowledge through
abstracting the Forms from the things. The fifth question, what is the problem?, Plato
answer was failure of people to seek the true good of the mindor soul. Aristotle
answer was failure to use ones reasonis the chief theoretical or intellectual vice. The
sixth question, what is the solution? Plato answer was to be happy even if the
society as a whole does not do this. Also the love of wisdom is still the greatest
good of the mind or soul and therefore, the mind or soul prepares itself to return to
the realm of the Forms when death frees it from the body. Aristotle answer was learn
to use reason, both practical and intellectual, and through this it brings the greatest
happiness in this life, and there is no indication of afterlife. Furthermore, the song I
decided to utilize this Ancient World Flight worldview paper on is called... Show
more content on ...
Also the love of wisdom is still the greatest good of the mind or soul and therefore,
the mind or soul should prepare itself to return to the realm of the Forms when
death frees it from the body. How the song answers the sixth question is in the
lyrics where it states, I ll fly away oh glory. I ll fly away in the morning. When I die
hallelujah by and by. I ll fly away. I ll fly away. Therefore, it explains that when we
die our soul is free to be with the Lord. This is an indication that this world is
escapist which is providing or seeking distraction and relief from unpleasant
realities. Therefore, this song is pointing us away from this world in anticipation of
the next and it also suggests that the whole goal and aim of the Christian life is to fly
away from this world to the next
Hunting Controversy
Whether we like it or not animals really make the world go around. Like cows who
just by breathing create oxygen, to other animals who with their migrations that leave
paths throughout are foothills. And yes even fertilizing the land with their discharge.
Although these creatures who have been roaming the lands long before any of us ,
have been altered with our interference of hunger and need which has now made
huntinga billion dollar company. Like most companies you would expect viewpoints
to clash causing controversy. A podcast by the name of the Rhino Hunter brings this
up showing how the auctioning off of rare animals is beneficial. They in fact action
a older Black Rhino, that with age was Hurting others . This idea along with other...
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The people main fear is that the enjoyment of hunting is borderline for murderous
un valid deaths of hundreds of animals. With no animals throughout the lands it
then creates our near extension. A major event that puts hunting on the line of
inhumane are glorified killing of innocent animals in rural places such as in China.
Here dogs and others are skinned then burned all with a smile on their face, and
what if the fates of these creatures was different . It very well could be, with the
help of educating, the citizens along with those protesting the animal lives all be
erased. Why not show the respect for these animals. The article Give Thanks for
Meat shares Wislawa Szymborska s poem in which he recites There is nothing more
animal like than a clear conscience on the third planet of the sun (Bost). For the non
poem majors this is simply saying it is unrealistic to think you will never kill
anything. What a suitable way to show how it is our nature to
Denillo s White Noise
One of the themes addressed in depth by DeNillo in his book White Noise is
technology in modern life. He explores just how much technology can be used to
manipulate the masses and just how much faith and trust people are willing to put in
technology (Laist, 2010 p. 12). The theme is explored through the eyes of Jack and
the people around him. Technologyis shown to be not only a tool for good but also
can be manipulated to cause adverse negative effects, and he also demonstrates how
life in modern day relates with technology (Rapp, 2012 p. 6). DeNillo shows this
relation through the use of narrative, motifs, and various characters. These papers
explore this relationship between humans and technology and the promises and perils
that... Show more content on ...
According to Henneberg, (2011 p. 45), throughout White Noise , there is constant
background noise of machines and products of modern technology that are shown to
continuously interrupt the narrative. The noises include traffic jams, interruptions by
TV shows and commercials and quite very deliberately, the book starts with the hum
of a machine. The technology has been so ingrained into normal daily life that it has
mixed in with the human sounds so homogeneously that it joins in the cacophony
that forms the white noise in the characters daily lives. Technology in this regard
therefore not only forms a part of life but something so woven into people s lives, a
situation that is no longer separable. Technology has ceased to become part of life;
technology is the very substance that makes ups our daily
Graduation Speech Essay
Welcome students, parents and faculty. Well, this Senior Breakfast brings us one
step closer to the event we ve been anxiously awaiting. We ve worked long and hard
to get to this point. And yet, it seems like so little time has passed since we were
middle schoolers, excited to move on with our lives and enter high school.
Do you remember how we were in middle school, even as freshmen? Remember
what we thought of, what we wanted to get out of life, what we thought high school
would be like? Now, think how we ve changed. Our perception of what high school
was going to be like was definitely a little fantasized. It wasn t really what we
expected, though I don t think many of us were disappointed. After everything, our
attitudes are a ... Show more content on ...
Flour babies are now electronic ones, the extra flag poles are soon going to be put
to use, the field trips expand our minds and the confining walls of the classroom,
and hey, we already have Internet hookup. Because of these activities we ve been
able to participate in, try out for, and perform in, we have made it to this day as the
people we have become, the people we are right now.
One can t help but think: Would I be a different person today if I hadn t gone to
this school and experienced the things I did? After four years at Brinkman, we
might not be completely prepared for the world outside of Mukilteo s boundaries.
However, we are who we are today, at least in part, because of the choices we made
in high school. Choices. We ve all had to make them. Some of them were difficult,
some were made without question, and some were dependent on others around us.
Now we must make a choice about our future. In order to make the important
choices that will lead us through the rest of our lives, we are going to have to draw
on our experiences from high school.
The past several weeks, I ve been getting excited about the end of the year and
reflecting a bit about my time spent at Brinkman. Some of us loved it here and
others didn t like it so much. But, you know, there probably won t be anything
comparable to our high school experience, be it good or bad, for the rest
What Does Shotgun Mean By Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera can hit all crazy high notes in the world. However, it is not
everyday that she showcases how vulnerable and sincere she can be in her songs.
With Shotgun, another track off her stint in Nashville, Aguilera delivers a heartfelt
country performance that shows there is eternity in terms of love. She left all
vocal acrobatics aside, and creatively rendered a straightforward love song filled
with raw emotions and pure intentions. If The Real Thing sounds good enough, then
prepare to be blown away even more with Shotgun. It is really fortunate that
Aguilera did not abandon the country genre after her Just A Fool collaboration with
Blake Shelton failed to make an impact. Thought it is appropriate to say that the
song has all the elements of a hit single, Just A Fool did not go anywhere
presumably because of the lack of proper exposure. On the contrary, Shotgun started
off strong just because it follows the momentum Aguilera has created since the
beginning of 2015. If geared with proper marketing and ample live performances,
Shotgun alongside The Real Thing could signal the start of Aguilera s return to
musical influence to show younger singers how it is done.... Show more content on ...
It has beautiful lyrics that talks about how forever works in ways beyond the
comprehension of the human self. It is a song that proves eternity is not too long
enough with love that is true and selfless. Though completely difficult to define,
love could just be anything that is spent with that someone who is so much willing
to spend all days with another soul. In this light, a love song as strong as Shotgun
should never go to waste. It must reach the toughest hearts so that it will feel how it
means to love and be loved in
Essay on Once and Future King
Once and Future King
Experience is Everything
In the book, The Once and Future King, T.H. White shows the importance that
education relies heavily upon ones own personal experiences. When Merlyn is called
on to tutor Wart, an adopted child, he uses this exact learning method on Wart.
Merlyn, who is a magician, uses transformation as a his learning tool. Merlyn turns
Wart into different animals to show Wart lessons of life. Through each
transformation Wart experiences different forms of power, each being a part of how
he should rule as king. When Wart experiences each of these different stages of
lesson he finds out from Mr. P that mind power is nothing, from the wild goose he
learns freedom, and ... Show more content on ...
As Wart is listening to Mr. P say this he is stunned by the words he is saying to him.
Wart is astonished that
Mr. P is thinking about eating him. At this instance Wart has enough time to turn
around and swim away just in the nick of time to escape from Mr. P.
Another one of Wart s transformation places him in a flock of geese. These geese
are a peace loving race that never kill. Wart learns all about being a geese from
other geese. Wart learns most of his lessons from a goose named Lyo lyok. Wart and
Lyo lyok talk about how the geese communicate and most everything about geese.
When Wart asks, Are we fighting people?
(169). Wart and Lyo lyok get in an argument. Lyo lyok refuses to listen to Warts
explanation to his question. Lyo lyok did not understand Wart s point of view.
Once Wart explains to Lyo lyok his situation, she then helps Wart in his
understanding of the goose. Wart learns that there is one leader to a group who is
called The Admiral. He guides them on their flight south for the winter. The Admiral
receives his position because of his knowledge of the southern migration route. He
is only elected if all the geese in the migration group agree he is capable of doing the
Pros And Cons Of Veganism
Diets are usually a fad that celebrities promote. People often tend to go on a diet
because of weight loss, religious convictions, health benefits, reversing disease, or
even to save money. Many people go on these diets either because celebrities
promote a certain diet, they saw in on the latest episode of Dr. Oz, or that s what is
currently popular these days. Veganismhas been gaining popularity recently in the
United States as now 6% of Americans identify as vegan. But what is veganism? ,
you may ask. According to the official PETA website, people who practice veganism,
or vegans, refrain from consuming anything that comes from animals, such as meat,
dairy products, and eggs. Vegans often refuse to buy anything that comes from or
was previously tested on an animal. People choose to be vegan for a variety of
reasons: some because of the unethical treatment of animals, others for the
environment or the health benefits from a plant based diet. There are many
famous vegans, such as Jhene Aiko, Erykah Badu, Alec Baldwin, Colin
Kaepernick, Angela Davis, Coretta Scott King, Ellen DeGeneres, Cesar Chavez,
and many more. Opponents of the diet often express many questions about
veganism. The main assumptions are the following: There isn t a variety of food.
All vegans can eat are salads , It is impossible for a plant based diet to provide all the
necessary supplements of a well balance diet , Veganism is discriminatory and only
appeals to white, middle class women? , An
Richard Gatling Gun Research Paper
In 1862 Dr. Richard Gatling invented and patented the original six barrel, .58
caliber Gatling gun that fired up to 300 rounds per minute (McNab). The Gatling
Gun became just the beginning, however, as it would lead to world renowned
inventions in the military and change war forever. Dr. Richard Gatling grew up on
a small farm in South Carolina, working with his dad on their small farm, making
ends meet. In his earlier years, he caught a bad case of smallpox and almost died in
1846 (Silvia). His encounter with the disease sparked his interest in medicine and
later in life he went on to study medicine in college and he became a more modern
day physician at the time (Silvia). He practiced medicine for about eight years before
he discovered... Show more content on ...
It affected the gun especially on the battlefield where the terrain varied widely
compared to that of a flat shooting course the gun had been tested on (Silvia). The
lack of the guns accuracy had to be compromised by the amount of lead it could
sling at people. In 1862 Gatling came out with the first model, a six barrel, small
caliber gun, that shot around three hundred rounds per minute. Later in the war,
however, after being suped up , it had ten barrel, .58 caliber gun, that shot four
hundred rounds per minute ( Staff). However, as the war progressed
and rifles as well as fighting tactics changed, generals started to see there are many
ways to avoid the Gatling Gun, and ways to make it even more inaccurate for the
enemy shooting at them. Although this caused the gun to lose its popularity and use,
the way that it forever changed war is incredible. It forced generals for both the
Union and the Confederates to use, and to create new styles of
How Business Is Formed And How It Became A Huge
The aim of this report is to look at Timpson and how the business was formed and
how it became a huge success. It will be looking at when the business first started
and the entrepreneur who started the business. The report will also analyse what
traits the entrepreneur had from the Big Five Personality Traits . It will also have an
overview of the company on what it does and what the mission behind the company
The sources used in the report as part of the research were the internet, books and
YouTube videos. Timpson has a website that has a lot of information about the
company, this helped with collecting evidence and income figures about the company
and also the history of the company.
2.Company Profile
Timpson is a family run business. It is a primarily a shoe repair business but it also
offers key cutting, engraving, jewelry and watch repair, house sign creation and
assorted other services, as well as retailing shoe care products. Timpson has 800
shops across the UK. The business has a turnover of ВЈ150 million and profits of
over ВЈ10 million. It is privately owned by John Timpson and his family. In 2014
Timpson purchased Snappy Snaps and other well know high street photography
brands. Timpson also has an online shop were they offer different services like
personalized key rings, different products for shoe care and home security safely.
These are just a few of the services that they offer online. The mission of the
company is to offer
Oskar Schindler Thesis
World Lit
Jenni Rom
A Man among Monsters There were many cruel heartless people during the
Holocaust; many did their absolute best to completely wipe a nation from the face
of the earth. Amidst all the hatred and chaos, it did really appear that all Nazis were
a vile party that would stop at nothing to obliterate the people they hated. There were
a few, though, who realized the horror around them and tried to stop it. Oskar
Schindler is one such man who took action and managed to save more than 1,200
Jews from certain death. Schindler was born April 28, 1908 to Hans and Louisa
Schindler in Svitavy, Moravia. Oskar and younger his sister Elfriede attended a
German language school known as the Sudetenland where he was very ... Show more
content on ...
Schindler gathered all his workers in the center of the factory to tell them that they
were finally free, and he also told them not to seek revenge, saying we must
differentiate between guilt and duty. The soldier in the front, like the common
man, who does his duty everywhere, should not be held responsible for the actions
of a few, who also called themselves Germans. (Oskar Schindler) Schindler also told
the SS officers still with him to leave in peace and to not continue the bloodshed.
Because of his work for counter intelligence for the Abwehr, Schindler was wanted
in Czechoslovakia for war crimes. With help from several Schindlerjuden, or
Schindler Jews, Oskar Schindler and his wife Emilie were able to flee the country.
In 1949 Schindler later moved to Argentina where he and his wife lived with several
families that they had
The Importance of the Doctrine of Separation Powers to...
ID NUMBER: 200902722
DUE DATE: 7/3/11
All around the world there is need to achieve and maintain peace in the governing of
the state. So in order to reinforce this there is the practice of the doctrine of
separation of powers in different nations. So this essay is set out to explain in detail
the history of the doctrine from where it all started and how it came to be practiced
in Botswana. Of course the separation of powers ensures the efficient way of running
a country but will it manage ... Show more content on ...
THE JUDICIARY It is given the power to interpret laws thus it has the following
checks over the executive; once the judges are appointed for ;life they are free from
the control of the executive branch and determines whether the law is
unconstitutional or not. Checks over the legislative branch, courts can judge
legislative acts to be unconstitutional.
Then the question arises,since when the roles of the organs of the government are
summed up its mostly making the policies and laws for the citizens,who implements
them?this takes us to the public administrators.
In order to understand a concept take it bit by bit, therefore before understanding
public administration (PAD), administration has to be understood first. According to
Heywood (2002:363)administration generally means the task of coordinating and
executing policies, it implies assisting or serving others. All civil servants are
involved in administration. He goes on to say Public Administration refers to the
mechanisms and institutions through which public policies are put into effect.
Also according to McLean (2009:440) PAD denotes the institutions of public
bureaucracy within a state this is the organisational structures which form the basis of
public decision making and implementation and the arrangement by which public
service are delivered.
So to my understanding Public Administration is all about the civil servants
Elder Scroll Vs Skyrim Research Paper
Elder Scroll V: Skyrim look is beautiful. Skyrim is a world that encourage players
to explore. All the rugged mountains, towering pines and gushing waterfalls are
magnificent. The thought that has gone into the art direction makes each isolated
village, crumbling ruin and underground tomb feel distinctive, yet part of some
cohesive whole, with a history, a style and a culture informing every carving and
every forged motif. Playing Skyrim also makes players feel like they are explorers
in a mystery world. Players will go through infinite combats to get better weapons
and armors which will keep them survive in the game. Skyrim also give us a freedom
to do anything, and players could interact with anything inside the game, like reading
books,... Show more content on ...
At the beginning, a player will choose one kind of characters like high elf, wood
elf, redguard, or breton,.... Each character type will have some weakness and
advantages like redguard will be good at using one handed weapon, but bad at
using magic. High elf and wood elf will be good at using magic but can not use
weapons. The character that players choose will response for each obstacles that
they face in the game. The dragons and bandits in the game will be stronger since
the character s strength increases. This keep players from getting too bored of
defeating their enemies. Moreover, the critical things that keep the game balance
is the operation rule, constitutive rule, and implicit rule. These rule help the player
follow the game process and using the correct logic to win the game. For example,
a player could not solo face to face with a dragon, so they have to hide and wait for
a good time to attack which make the game more realistic and fascinating. In
Skyrim, the skill is more important than chance since most of enemies will be
stronger than the player. The chance to win an enemies is very low, unless that
player have a good strategies which is not always work. Usually, players need to
get a better equipment by doing the side quests which is the main purpose of the
game developers. Defeating many enemies and facing different obstacles will also
give players more skill and experiences to
Descriptive Essay On Camp Enfer
I stared out the window of an old, run down cab. I let out a breathy sigh.
Nervous kid? the old cab driver asks.
I nod my head.
I ve been here before, it s just not my favorite place
You ll be fine, many kids come and go. They always seem to return with a bright
smile on their face.
He gives me a crooked grin, showing his yellow stained teeth. I chuckled.
I ll take your word for it
The rest of the ride was quiet with small talk here and there. I could have driven
over here myself, but I always get a bad feeling while driving. After about an hour
drive we finally made it to our destination, Camp Enfer. Camp Enfer was worn out
beyond its years. Fortunately for the camp it was placed in the middle of a beautiful
landscape. It was surrounded by gigantic pine trees. It had valleys that seem to go on
forever. A lake that glistened in the sunshine. Hills that were greener than a Granny
Smith apple picked on a sunny spring day. As I stepped out of the cab I smelled the
chilly fresh air that surrounded me. I smiled, for it was the only thing I missed
about this wretched place. I helped Tim get my bags out of the trunk and I saw him
speed away in his little yellow cab, wishing I was anywhere, but here.
Hey stranger, haven t seen you in awhile
I looked over to see one of the only people I can actually tolerate in this damn place.
Sebby! I yelled.
He gave me a pointed a look. His real name is Sebastian, but I like to call him Sebby.
I walked over to him and gave him a
The Tourism Promotion Efforts Of Tunisia Essay
After questioning thirty tourists from several countries (Germany, France, Spain,
Japan, Lebanon, Turkey, Korea, Morocco, Russia, Italy and India) it turned out that
ninety percent of them use Internet for their booking, and ninety six percent of them
use it to gather information about Tunisia.
Thanks to ICTs everybody can make a full research about the country he chooses to
visit and he can book by himself wherever and whenever he likes. It doesn t need to
be with a high level of education to do all of that, it is sufficient to have a little
knowledge about the Internet and have a PC or phone, according to the
questionnaire, thirty three percent of tourists have a secondary level of education but
they use Internet.
Information and communication technology has become a key element for the
development in tourism; it is no longer an option for those in charge of the sector, but
the inevitability imposed by the current economic conditions for the development of
the tourism industry. Under the Tourism Promotion efforts, Tunisia is seeking to use
e marketing system to keep up with developments in the field of international tourism
marketing. Constant communication between the Ministry of Communications and
Information Technology and the Ministry of Tourism aims to use ICTs tools to
maximize communication between tourists and the tourist attractions in Tunisia.
Those tools aim to:
Access to a large number of visitors through mobile technology applications
Attract foreign
What Are The Weaknesses Of The Hong Kong Crisis
Hong Kong has always been a major international financial and business center in the
East Asian region. It could not avoid being affected by the crisis .Even though It was
the only economy with a fully convertible currency and was known for beating
speculations on its monetary and fiscal structure, it was drastically affected by the
crisis. It had the estimated exchange reserves of US$90 billion(in 1997),still .it could
not protect the country from the financial and economic turbulence brought in, due to
the crisis.
Interest rates rose in defense of the Hong Kong dollar( which is pegged to the US
dollars under currency board ). The People s Republic of China promised to support
to Hong Kong by committing to not devalue the yuan so as to defend the Hong Kong
But the floatation of the Taiwan dollar intensified attacks on Hong Kong dollar .
On 23rd ... Show more content on ...
Upgraded the financial market :
One of the weaknesses exposed by the crisis was the underdevelopment of capital
markets within the region. The Hong Kong government, to strengthen the operations
and supervision of local securities market , provided the stock exchange s settlement
system to enable the settlement of securities denominated in other major currencies .
This encouraged the listing of Japanese and European bonds.
The Govt set up the Hong Kong exchange and clearing Company in March 2000
and proposed to merge the stock and future exchange markets, along with three
clearing companies in order to increase efficiency, reduce cost and allow for better
supervision. The Growth Enterprise market(GEM ) was established in November
1999 to create market in which relatively new local and overseas companies could
Education As A System Of Empowering Learning And
Education is portrayed as a system of empowering learning and securing of data.
Education happens under the course of an educator. The English word philosophy
begins from the Greek word philosophia which implies way. African Philosophy is
described as the way Africans think when in doubt, experiences and nearness. It is a
thinking that respects Africanuniverse of view. Enlightening Philosophy uses
speculative, insightful and consistent gadgets to clear up the suggestions and to
consider the method for data. Firstly the paper will reveal the three dimensions of
education will be unveiled in association with institution, sociological and general
enlightment, moreover the talk about African hypothesis as showed by different
points of view of the writers, thirdly the article will express the piece of African
rationale of guideline in association with Ubuntu, communalism and indigenous
knowledge system.
As demonstrated by institutional perspective preparing is portrayed by the change of
a man in light of institutional experiences. Sociological contains learning something
amid the time spent living and at last considering general enlightenment preparing is
elucidated as a tradition in feeling that propel ones considering. African philosophy
solidly relate to general brightening and sociological.
African philosophy can be described as the arrangement of the education and its
chronicled traditions. The possibility of African philosophy is associated with the
social history.
Liberalism Vs. Liberalism.
Conservatism vs. liberalism Contents I.Opening Conservative VS liberal
II.Abortion III.Gun control IV.War on terror V.Immigration VI.Embryonic stem
cell research I.Conservative VS liberal In the United States there are two separate
and very different parties that believe how the government should be ran. The
conservatives and the liberals. The conservatives believe in a limited government
with a sense of personal responsibility. They want a government with free markets
and a strong national defense. Typically conservatives have strong traditional
American values and believe in individual liberty. Liberals on the other hand
believe that the government should intervene and try to achieve equal opportunity
and equality for the citizens. Liberals also think that it s the duty of the
government to give out and to protect civil liberties and the individual rights of its
people. The liberals also think that the role of the government should always to
make sure that no one is in need and is safe. The liberal policies generally enforce
the government to solve the problems and needs of the nation and its people. As
one can tell the conservatives and liberals are very different. In America there are
many issues that need to be addressed, both parties believe that there way is the
right way. Typically the party s ideas and solutions are the exact opposite from each
other. For an example conservative s believe competition is good while liberals
A Whole New Mind Summary
The Conceptual Age In A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the
Future, Daniel Pink explained that we are moving from an Information Age built
on the sequential, logical, analytical skills of the knowledge worker towards the
Conceptual Age, where creators and empathizers will lead society. Right Brain
Rising In the Conceptual Age, it will not longer suffice to rely heavily on the logic
of the left brain. Computers, cheaper sources and labor will continue to lead to
outsourcing of this work; instead, creativity and innovation will give rise to future
development. To prosper in the Conceptual Age, people will need to weave together
the logic of the left brain (L directed thinking) and the creativity of the right brain (R
directed thinking).... Show more content on ...
In fact, an overabundance of options for material goods has driven the requirement
for an item to have beauty and significance in order to stand out among the
saturated marketplace. Pink cites research that states at least 3.3 million white
collar jobs and $136 billion in wags will have shifted from the U.S. to low cost
countries such as China, India and Russia by 2015. In order to avoid being
outsourced, U.S. worker will need to do what workers abroad or computers cannot
do as well for less money, using R directed thinking to synthesize the big picture to
solve novel
Although situation comedies (sitcoms) are a staple source of entertainment in
America, their content is controlled by gatekeepers in all three phases of production.
Gatekeepers are those individuals who are able to control the content of material that
appears in the sitcom. Production occurs in three phases called, pre production,
production, and post production. Gatekeeper influence starts in pre production.
Pre production starts many months before any studio set is built, or actors are hired.
The first gatekeeper is the production company. They have the right to decide which
ideas are worth sending in to production. They decide if the premise and context of
the proposed show will resonate with audiences. Pushing the boundaries of ... Show
more content on ...
As the cast assembles for the first read through the script, the producer listens to the
dialog and makes decisions to remove or change parts of the script. He or she also
has the authority to decide wardrobes and set props that will create a certain
perception on the show. The same dialog for a scene can be filmed on a bus station
set or a living room set to create very different perceptions of either public humility
or a personal family moment. After filming, the show moves in to post production.
Post production involves taking all of the short segments of the show and editing
them to suite the original script. Here, the line producer and editor are
gatekeepers. The line producer is a producer assigned to a specific episode of a
sitcom. Their job is to ensure continuity of the episode from pre production through
to final cut. Even with all the planning involved in production, several different
camera angles, set props, dialog changes are made on the set during the filming.
The line producer and editor have the power to pick and choose which elements
will make the final story line which may or may not fit exactly with the executive
producers original vision. Finally, the network production company that airs the
show acts as a gatekeeper again. They reserve the right to not air the show if it is
deemed too controversial. An example of this occurred shortly after September 11,
2001. Networks chose not to air episodes of shows where the Twin Towers were
Comparing Jane Eyre, Cinderella, and Beauty and the Beast
Many themes are brought into the readers attention in Charlotte BrontГ« s Jane
Eyre and when first reading the novel, we all tend to see it as a work built around
the theme of family and Jane s continuous search for home and acceptance. The love
story seems to fall into second place and I believe that the special relationship
between Jane and Mr. Rochester needs to be thoroughly discussed and interpreted,
because it holds many captivating elements, such as mystery, passion or even
betrayal. The aim of this essay is to analyze the lovestory between the two
protagonists and to illustrate how the elements forming their relationship resemble
the ones in fairy tales. Jane Eyrehas been often compared to fairy tales such as...
Show more content on ...
Fairfax, Adele and of course, Edward Rochester, her master. The love relationship
between Jane and Mr. Rochester is not one to be called at first sight , because at
their first encounter, Jane does not seem to feel any kind of attraction towards the
one who in the end will become her husband. Their love grows steady, it is not
spoken and it is built with baby steps, through gestures I believe the two
protagonists are not completely aware of. Jane finds Mr. Rochester fascinating in
a good and bad way, at the same time: The ease of his manner freed me from painful
restraint; the friendly frankness, as correct as cordial, with which he treated me,
drew me to him (Chapter 15). A new territory is revealed before Jane s eyes and her
strict religious beliefs seem to fade in front of her growing passion for her master.
The passion I am arguing about is so strong that it eventually makes the heroin think
of nothing but her ideal lover. Passion is physically present in the novel through the
symbol of fire, first in the night when Rochester s bed is set fire and finally, when
the castle of Thornfield burns to the ground. In the first situation the reader surprises
an intimate moment between the protagonists, when Jane rescues her master and he
speaks to her in a manner which confused and yet gave her wings: Strange energy
was in his voice, strange fire in his look. [...] But he still retained my hand, and I
could not free it. I bethought myself of an
Essay on Gun Control
Since the early days, gun control has been a never ending debate. It is because of
the fast increase in crime, the fight for the right to own a hand gun, the introduction
of legislation for gun control in order reduce the crime in the United States, that this
issue has been hotly debated in recent years. The streets of America are now a war
zone especially right here were we live. ?Florida has the highest crime rateof any state
and the sixth highest homicide level?( A sad fact but true. Many
people feel that gun control violates their right to own a gun the second amendment
says so: ?the right to bear arms?. I personally share that point of view for it would not
be in the constitution to begin with. However, there is no... Show more content on ...
Gaddini 2
Gang members and drug dealers are the main problem. It would be ridiculous to
say that only because people own guns that they are going to go out and shoot
people. Moreover, putting gun control into practice would only make it better for
the black market to grow. According to Bret Begum, Lucy Howard and Susannah
Meadows??if people are not allowed to bear arms, then they will definitely buy
them in illegal ways?(9) Not only criminals but ordinary people should be able to
own a gun. Thinking about my own life I would definitely feel safer if I knew there
was a gun in my house and that I could use it in order to protect myself. Curtis
Lovelace offers the view ?...Most of the times criminals run away if they know the
victim is armed?(16). Evidence confirms that gun control should not take place.
If gun control were put into practice would that end the debates? I seriously doubt
it. People have different points of view on this subject. I believe that by making this
issue so controversial is only making it worse. Arguing about gun control does not
solve the main problem, which is the lack of values and morals in society.
If gun control did not exist then the arguing would be over, people would have no
choice but stick to what is settled. Of course that there will always be people that are
against and in favor of gun control but I learned that making the issue more important
that it really is only
Well-Organized Government In Ancient Egypt
The people of ancient Egypt started as hunters and gatherers. Then they settled in the
Nile river valley. When the people settled the food was more plentiful. And when the
food was more plentiful there were more. And with more people, they had to have all
of the seven indicators.
Every complex society needs a well organized government. In ancient Egypt having a
well organized government was important. The pharaoh was the most important
person in the government. The Pharaoh was the supreme leader of all of ancient Egypt
, they even called him a god.The Pharaoh had so many things to do being a leader
/god that he needed help. So the Pharaoh decided who was the vizier(someone who
helps the Pharaoh decide what to do) so someone ... Show more content on ...
Ancient Egypt also had a complex religion that tied into well organized government.
The ancient Egyptians were deeply religious. The ancient Egyptians would never
worship without being purified. They also believed that their gods had
supernatural powers, and if they worshiped their gods they would live a happy and
long life. A way to worship gods is to pay tributes. They were so religious that they
built temples. They would also perform ceremonies so that ancient Egypt would
not fall into chaos. How does complex religion tie into well organized government?
Every government has a pharaoh and in the religious perspective, the pharaoh is
also a god. The people of ancient Egypt would treat him like a god and worshiped
him. They would pay tributes. And when he died they covered him in gold and
riches and everything he had before. According to, the people built
2 types of temples the first is cultus and the second is Mortuary the mortuary was
built for the dead pharaoh. So the pharaoh got his own temple built. The ancient
Egyptians worked a lot for their religion. The ancient Egyptians were the ones that
built the pyramids and that took a lot of work. So why did the ancient Egyptians
just slack and not to do it? Well because it was apart of their religion and they had
to do it. They also built the Sphinx for their gods and religion. The ancient Egyptians
also had big ceremonies that would take a lot of
Brenau University Student Essay
For nearly 138 years, Brenau University has continued to uphold its slogan
Extraordinary Lives. When I first stepped foot on Brenau s campus in 2012, I
wouldn t have fathomed that four years later, this institution would shape me into the
successful woman I am today. Prior to attending Brenau, I had always struggled with
understanding who I was and where I belonged. Once I became a studentat Brenau, I
began to join organizations such as Student Activities Board and Student
Government Association, and consequently, I have reached a social and academic
success peak I never believed I would be able to achieve. If you are a first year college
student or are transferring to a different institution, I advise you to take Brenau
Universityinto consideration.... Show more content on ...
The perimeter of Brenau is a mile long and many times, a car is not needed to get
from one location to the other on campus. In addition to the small campus size,
Brenau offers a wide variety of accessible and free resources that will help you
achieve your complete academic success and the best thing about these resources
is that they are all within walking distance of each other. These academic resources
are free of charge, and the people who work in each center are eager to help you
succeed. These resources include the Math and Science SPA (Student Place for
Achievement), the Learning Center, and the Writing Center. If you are struggling
in a Math or a Science course, go to the Math and Science SPA and a tutor will help
you out. I can guarantee that after a few consistent sessions with a tutor in this
center, you will do well in your Math and Science courses. In addition to the SPA,
Brenau offers the Learning Center. The Learning Center is another useful resource
for students who require extra help on tests and quizzes. This center is designed for
students to go and sit in a room by themselves and take their assessments
independently, that way they are not experiencing test anxiety as opposed to
completing an assessment in a classroom full of students. Lastly, the Writing Center
is located in the Brenau Trustee Library and just as the Math
Kevlar Leather Jacket Pros And Cons
In the decades since I first climbed on top of a motorcycle, I have seen a lot of
changes. Riding partners have come and gone, laws have evolved, and the public s
perception of bikers has, thankfully, improved. The biking community is in a state of
perpetual change, just like the world around it, but one thing remains constant:
leather jackets. Both stylish and secure, leather has been relied upon by bikers
throughout history to keep them safe from the elements and protect them during falls
and crashes.
The leather jacket is as synonymous with motorcycles as two wheels and an engine,
but an increasing number of bikers are leaving behind their leather jackets in favor of
alternatives of a different material, such as mesh or Kevlar. Some readers may be
unfamiliar with the latter, which hasn t received as much publicity as some other
protective materials, but if Kevlar motorcycle jackets can gain global attention, it is
quite possible they can dethrone their leather opponents.
But what exactly does a ... Show more content on ...
Leather jackets tend to offer very poor ventilation, even when they are fitted with
mesh vents. If you live in a cold climate, this likely won t be a problem, but those
who attempt to ride in a leather motorcycle jacket during warmer months will be
putting themselves at risk of heat stroke.
As the world becomes increasingly more mindful, the cruelty associated with leather
jackets becomes a bigger and bigger problem. Leather, as most of us know but do our
best to ignore, is made from the skin of animals, most commonly cows. Killing
animals for the sake of clothing is, admittedly, pretty horrendous, and many animal
loving bikers have moved on to textile motorcycle jackets while actively campaigning
against leather protective equipment.
Kevlar Motorcycle Jackets
The Pros
Glacier National Park Research Paper
Glacier National Park
Countless beautiful places in the world lie undiscovered by scientists. Fortunately,
other places have been found, and now people are capable to safely visit them.
Located in northwestern Montana, Glacier National Park has become one of the
most eye catching tourist sites in the country. Capped in white, the glaciers of
Glacier Park capture God s incredible work in the world. Glacier was formally
established a national park in 1910, making it the tenth national park of the United
States. This Park is undeniably a phenomenal site because of its history, incredible
science, and gorgeous hiking paths. Exemplifying God s marvelous creations,
Glacier National Park provides an incredible trip for individuals and families.
(110)Surprisingly, ... Show more content on ...
(153)Despite what people think because of the park s name, Glacier Park
experiences summertime with temperatures bearable for hikers and campers. The
landscape is a hiker s paradise that is traversed by more than 740 miles of
maintained trails. Ice Burge Lake hike has been branded as the most frequently
visited hikes in Glacier National Park. This hike offers an outstanding opportunity
to witness icebergs floating in a gorgeous alpine lake and a thin ridge of rock
separating two valleys that have been carved by glaciers. Although the
Swiftcurrent Pass hike is recognized as one of the toughest hikes in Glacier, it
includes spectacular scenery of breathtaking birds eye views of six lakes, as well
as the Swiftcurrent Glacier. Passing by three lakes and a waterfall, Swiftcurrent
Pass s alpine forests gives off sweet scents and relaxing breezes for an enjoyable
hike. Governor Frank H. Cooney, the ninth governor of Montana, stated about The
Going to the Sun Highway which crosses Glacier Park, There is no highway which
will give the seer, the lover of grandeur of the Creator s handiwork, more thrills, more
genuine satisfaction deep in his being, than will a trip over this Road. Glacier s select
choice of hikes makes it the perfect place for a family picnic or an
Oscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian Gray
The Victorian era is an extraordinarily complex age that occurred throughout the
reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901. The Victorian Era was a tremendously
exciting period that created the emergence of many various artistic styles such as
literacy, poetry, and painting. In addition, the Era caused the social, political, and
religious movements to flourish. The Victorian Era, although being known as the
beginning of modern times, still embraced some radical views that today we would
associate as prudishness and repression . In 1890, author Oscar Wildewrote The
Picture of Dorian Grayand submitted it to Lippincott s Monthly Magazine. The
magazine s editor, J.M. Stoddert, immediately declined the novel and determined
that it would offend the sensibilities of his readership (Wilde x). It was believed that
Oscar Wilde s book contained explicit sexual, especially homosexual, content which
contradicted the time period of the Victorian Era and was deemed obscene. It was
not until 2011, that Wilde s novel was published as originally written under the title,
The Picture of Dorian Gray: An Annotated, Uncensored Edition. The Uncensored
Picture of Dorian Gray highlights the triangular relationship between the three
leading characters: Basil Hallward, Dorian Gray, and Lord Henry Wotton. Although
it is arguably debated, there is an appearance of homosexual content in The
Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray which appears in Basil Hallward s emotions
toward Dorian and in the
Chemical Hazards
Index Back Next xxii Index Back Next National Disaster Management Guidelines
Chemical Disasters (Industrial) i Index Back Next ii Index Back Next National
Disaster Management Guidelines Chemical Disasters (Industrial) National Disaster
Management Authority Government of India iii Index Back Next iv Index Back
Next Member National Disaster Management Authority Government of India
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am thankful to the Core Group Members for their
untiring efforts in helping the NDMA in the formulation of the National Guidelines
on Chemical Disaster Management. I would like to place on record the significant
contribution made by the Ministry of... Show more content on ...
and Standards Statutory Inspection, Safety Audit and Testing of Emergency Plans
Technical and Technological Information Preparedness Education, Training and
Capacity Development Awareness Generation Institutions, Networking and
Communication Medical Preparedness and Response R D Response, Relief and
Rehabilitation Management of Transport Accidents Implementation of Existing
Regulations and Procedures Lack of Emphasis on CDM Functions at Various
Levels Deficiencies in On Site and Off Site Emergency Plans Liability and
Compensation Finance Role of Civil Society and the Private Sector 13 13 13 13
14 14 15 15 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.2
4.2.1 Guidelines for Chemical Disaster Management Management of Chemical
Disasters Regulatory Framework Codes of Practises, Procedures and Standards
Statutory Inspection, Safety Auditing and Testing of Emergency Plans Technical
and Technological Information Preparedness Education and Training 22 22 22 24
25 26 26 27 vi Index Back Next CONTENTS 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.3
4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.5 4.6 Creation of Appropriate Infrastructure Capacity
Development Awareness Generation Institutional Framework Networking and
Information Medical Preparedness R D Response, Relief and Rehabilitation
Important Elements of Response Emergency Medical Response Relief and
Rehabilitation Guidelines for CDM at State and District Levels Preparation of On
Site and Off Site
The Electric Telegraph Invented By Samuel Morse
One of the earliest inventions of communication was the electric telegraph invented
by Samuel Morse. This device used electrical signals to transmit messages. The
telegraph played a significant role in transmitting messages over long spaces. Its
usage was in Law enforcement, army and newspapers. Even so, anyone could post
messages using a telegram via a service. Today, there are roughly three principal
methods of measuring the velocity of data contagion. Baud rate (signaling events per
minute), BPS (bits per Sec) and CPS (characters per minute). The fact is, today the
baud rate has been substituted with a more precise unit of measurement.
Telephones are most mutual and are ground in almost every home and organizations.
Telephones worked by using a PSTN (Public Switched TelephoneNetwork). This is
where copper wires carry an analogue voice signal. Analogue means a device or
organization in which the value of a data point represented by a continuously varying
physical quantity which can be quantified. An example is a watch that shows time
with hands on a dial rather than numbers on an LCD screen. In an analogue telephone
system, the audio signal is converted into electronic pulses. This creates vibrations in
the handset s speaker that can be picked up by the person listening.
Nevertheless, in a digital telephone. The audio signal is converted into binary
format. The binary format consists of groups of 0 s and 1 s. The audio signal is
sampled thousands of times a second and
Strengths And Weakness Characteristics Of Dyslexia
The British Psychological Society (1999) gave a definition of dyslexia; dyslexia is
evident when accurate and fluent word reading and / or spelling develops very
incompletely or with great difficulty.
After completing several assessments with Angela, the profile from her results
suggest a profile that is normally associated with the strengths and weakness
characteristic of dyslexia.
During the testing, she demonstrated great enthusiasm for the tasks, and perseverance
while she was doing some of the more challenging ones. Angela has a very positive
attitude to everything she does and this is one of her strengths.
Angela s overall underlying ability falls in the below average range. Her reading and
spelling skills are below average ... Show more content on ...
Difficulties with short term and working memory and sequencing are common in
dyslexia. This can contribute significantly to problems with reading, and with
following verbal instructions, remembering information, concentrating, and
maintaining a train of thought, especially in a busy classroom.
Below average scores in tests concerned with recalling information, working memory
and low concentration would all have an impact on Angela s ability to acquire
literacy skills. They are also all potential indicators of dyslexia. For example, the
spoonerisms sub test, which Angela found very difficult to complete, involves the
short term auditory memory/working memory, because you must remember two
separate sounds while you switch them around, for example top cat = cop tat.
Recommendations Angela should be able to make good progress with additional
help in her weaker areas, and I recommend that her response to any intervention
should be monitored closely and reassessed after three months. She needs a
multisensory teaching programme designed around her needs and ability, with steps
built in boosting her confidence and self esteem. All handouts should be printed on
leaf green paper as this will support Angela when reading, should she forget her
Background Information
Angela has self referred as she has a previous diagnosis of dyslexia and would like
additional support and access arrangements.
Time Theft In The Workplace
Introduction Time theft is one of the most difficult and prevalent crimes committed
worldwide that is nearly impossible to fairly regulate. One of the most accurate
definitions of time theft is described by the authors of the article Stealing Time at
Work: Attitudes, Social Pressure, and Perceived Control as Predictors of Time
Theft :
Time theft is defined as time that employees waste or spend not working during their
scheduled work hours. This behavior is unethical as employees are compensated for
their time even though they are not producing for their employers. Thus, they are
intentionally stealing time rightfully belonging to their company.
Although this definition may be quite blatant and to the point, ... Show more content
on ...
. . Whether respondents felt that living standards were falling or rising did not
systematically affect time theft. Women and men had the same incidence of time
theft, other things equal . . . of those who steal from the workplace, women and more
highly educated respondents tend to steal more time . . . Although the perception of a
declining standard of living does not affect the probability of time theft, it does
increase the amount of time theft among those who engage in time theft.
This study sheds light on some interesting points to light on time theft during the
early 1960 s. In the conclusion of this study, the SIP did reveal that time theft was
not necessarily carried out by a specific category of people such as gender, social
class, or race; but rather on how the employer ran the business. In businesses where
the employee thought the business was run poorly, they were more likely to steal
time. Likewise, for companies that based promotions based on performance,
employees tended not to steal as much
The Seven Deadly Sins Or Cardinal Sins Essay
The seven deadly sins or cardinal sins, are behaviors that classify under the
category of immoralities. According to this standard list, they include: pride,
greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. These sins are often believed to be
abuses or excessive versions of a person s natural senses or passions. Within the
articles of The Onion The 7 Deadly Sins give examples of people within a church
setting practicing these immoralities, and with some more than once. Pride, the
extreme certainty in one s own capabilities. Humans are flattering on their own
however the logic of being arrogant can be fuel by the assumptions of others.
Looking at the prideful church parishioner, Connie Barett, My cookies, cakes, and
brownies are always the highlight or our church bake sale, and everyone says so.
(The onion. All Seven Deadly SinsCommitted at Church Bake Sale. 2007. Bake to
the Lake. Ed. Thomas Cooley. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 2015. 257. Print.) It is
simply perceived that she is egotistical of herself, Sometimes, even I m amazed by
how well my goodies turn out. (The onion. All Seven Deadly Sins Committed at
Church Bake Sale. 2007. Bake to the Lake. Ed. Thomas Cooley. 3rd ed. New York:
Norton, 2015. 257. Print.)
Gluttony is the act of satisfying our hunger, to consume further than you require. The
majority of times Wick goes by the Connie s table, Wick buys something, claiming
she has no self control. (The onion. All Seven Deadly Sins Committed at Church Bake
Gordie Character
November 9, 2014 Eiki Homma Course 1
1) Give a description of each of the four main characters (Gordie, Chris, Vern, and
Gordie was a 12 year old who had an older brother named Denny who died in April.
Because of his death everything went worse than ever so he tries to get attention
from his friends but not from his parents. Gordie is the smartest kid in the group.
He loves writing and creates stories, which his brother liked and praised his writing
talent. However he doesn t think he has a talent so his friend Chris stays with him
most of time and encourages him to be a writer.
Chris has an older brother named Eyeball Chambers ... Show more content on ...
Teddy got pissed because he thought he was able to dodge it but Chris thought the
train would hit Teddy. This shows that Chris thinks about friend s life seriously.
The leader of the gang
Saved Teddy s life cause he cares about others
Talks with Gordie a lot
He wants people to change of what they think about himself
Gordie s brother died and the parents couldn t come back to normal
His family is in the bad condition
The smartest in all of them
He heard the story where there is a dead body of Ray Brower
Gets bullied a lot
Hate horror
Almost got killed trying to doge the train.
Doesn t like his father called a loony
Vern brought up the story to the gang he heard the story while trying to find his
pennies. It might be especially important to Gordie because he also lost someone
who is super special to him (His brother)
Chris takes care of the others. He thinks of Gordie is smart and should be with the
smarts guys than them because they are smart. He also saved Teddy s life after
Teddy trying to dodge the
Once More About the Thin People by Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath is an American poet, novelist and short story writer who lived in
London, United Kingdom. She is considered an important poet of her generation.
Her work is very personal and towards the end of her life she often wrote about
death. She usually used confessional genre to write her poetry. She is Best known
for her two published collections: The Colossus and Other Poetrys and Ariel. She
also wrote a semi autobiographical novel, The Bell Jarin 1963 published shortly
before her death. The Bell Jar was based on her own life and personal experiences.
The Thin People is one of her best poetrywhich was written in 1957 and was also
known as The Moon Was a Fat Woman Once . A lot of interpretations were made
toward this poetry. Some... Show more content on ...
But, the thin people could survive, the thin people do not obliterate themselves as
the dawn, grayness blues, reddens . Moreover, they could survive in all of the
situations, they persist in the sunlit room : the wall paper frieze of cabbage roses
and cornflowers . Cornflowers are hardy annuals that are easy to start from seed.
Sylvia Plath thought that destitution problem would harm us if we could not solve
it. Destitution was not only the thin people s problem, but that was also our
problem. The thin people would harm us although they are dead, we own no
wildernesses rich and deep enough for stronghold against their stiff battalions. See,
how the tree boles flatten and lose their good browns if the thin people simply stand
in the forest, making the world go thin as a wasp s nest and grayer; not even moving
their bones. In my point of view toward this poem, Sylvia Plath told us about the
destitution which happened in everywhere, they are always with us. She tried to tell
herself that they are unreal and it was only in a movie. She also considered that the
leader of the country just disparaged this problem. Actually, this is an urgent
situation. But the government did not help them more. The thin people also always
being blamed and they could do nothing, they were
Corruption Of Power In Macbeth
Macbeth; The Corruption of Power Throughout the power corrupting play of
Macbeth, I feel as if I have learned that it is important to control my own life.
Throughout the play, Macbeth is controlled greatly by Lady Macbeth and the three
witches. Macbeth s mistakes were all made by his own decisions, but his decisions
were brought up by the witches, and pushed through by Lady Macbeth. I believe this
story is a great way to show others to stand their ground, and to not let others
control them or influence their decisions. I enjoyed the play, but found that the
events were very predictable. After the three witches statements, All hail, Macbeth!
Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!
All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter! (1.3.49 51) I found that the witches
give away that Macbeth was going to be the Thane of Glamis, the Thane of
Cawdor, and the king. The impelling action of the story started when Banquo and
Macbeth were addressed by the witches and told their prophecy. Next, the rising
action occurs when Macbeth kills the guards and Duncan at the castle, and
Macbeth is honored as the Thane of Cawdor. Then, Macbeth hires murderers to
murder Fleance and Banquo. I find that the climax happens Macbeth sees Banquo s
ghost at the banquet due to Fleance escaping. The falling action is when Macduff s
family is killed and then he meets with Malcolm. Finally, Macbeth is slain in his
and Macduff s duel. In the resolution, the rightful king comes to throne, Malcolm. A
message I find the author conveying in this play is that you should always be
thankful for what you have. The second message I have found throughout this play,
is that power and greed will make a man do anything, even things never thought to
be possible. Lastly, I find that a common theme that the author used throughout this
play, is that words can be translated in many different ways. I find that the last
theme most commonly happens to Macbeth. Macbeth believes that he can not be
killed by any man born out of a woman. What Macbeth fails to know, is that
Macduff was ripped from his mother s womb by caesarean section. Of Birnam rise,
and our high placed Macbeth shall live the lease of nature, pay
Centre-State Relations
Jaseer Jaffar
India is our country with its capital being New Delhi where the parliament of India
is situated. It is through parliament all laws and bills are sanctioned. India is a vast
country with 28 states and 7 union territories. Each state has their own separate state
govt. If a state wants to bring a law under action it has to be sanctioned by the
central government. In the sametime if the central government has to sanction a law
where the whole country is concerned it calls in a meeting or Bhatia which is
attended by the MP of the state and decisions are taken in accordance to the majority.
The CONSTITUTION of ... Show more content on ...
в†ђ The judicial branch has the power to change laws.
в†ђ The term judiciary is also used to refer collectively to the personnel, such as
judges, magistrates and other adjudicators, who form the core of a judiciary
(sometimes referred to as a bench ), as well as the staffs who keep the system running
Division of Power
3 Lists
Union List In union list the central government has the power to take decisions. State
government cannot interfere in it.
State List In state list the state government has the power to take decision.
Concurrent List both the central and state government together can take decisions.
But the supreme authority goes to the central government
The constitution of India being Federal in structure divides all powers (legislative,
executive and financial) between Centre and the States. Though the Centre and States
are supreme in their respective fields, maximum harmony and coordination between
them is essential for the effective operation of the Federal system.
Centre state relations can be studied under 3 heads:
в†ђ Legislative Relations
в†ђ Administrative Relations
в†ђ Financial Relations
Articles 245 to 255 in Part XI of the Indian Constitution deals with the legislative
relations between the
Seahorse Research Paper
There are only a handful of animals in the world wherein males carry the offspring,
and the seahorse is probably the best known member of the Singnathidae family. The
male seahorse forms a pouch on its stomach in which to carry babies, sometimes
2,000 in one gestation period, and new studies show that these pregnancies are very
similar to human pregnancies.
How did this come about?
Seahorses are a bizarre species, and one almost tends to forget they are fish.This
member of the Hippocampus genus has quite a few bizarre characteristics; they
range between an inch and a foot in length, carry a curved tail, a tube like mouth and
bony plates on their skin which provide protection.
Seahorse reproduce through a series of dances that end in the female
Anti Semitism During The 19th Century
Anti Semitism has been one of the longest held prejudices in Europe, existing for
some sixteen hundred years prior to the Anti Semitic explosion of Nazism. The
proliferation of Nazism in Germany, however, was not the commencement of what
scholars deem modern Anti Semitism, but rather its pinnacle. Modern Anti Semitism,
characterized by the declaration of a program of action in regards to the Jewsand not
simply the harsh words or thoughts in their regard, which was typical of traditional
Anti Semitism, developed gradually over the course of the nineteenth century. In that
century as the Industrial Revolution spread capitalism and liberalism to Central
Europe, and as those two forces dominated the region following the revolutions of...
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Paradoxically, the progress of liberalism and assimilation made the status of the Jews
more precarious as this two fold association was utilized by Anti Semitic reactionaries
throughout the latter half of the nineteenth century to assert the conspiracy of
Judenherrschaft (Jewish domination). Thus the origination of modern Anti Semitism
was a direct reaction to the assimilation and emancipation of Jews.
From the 1850 s through 1873 Europe enjoyed a period of unbroken economic
prosperity previously unseen in its entire history which, in Germany, was
compounded by the stimulation of industry in 1870 and by the five million francs
it received in the form of reparations in 1871, both results of the Franco Prussian
War. Primarily due to the indemnity from France, the two year period between 1871
and 1873 saw the establishment of economic enterprise on an unprecedented scale .
However, in May of 1873 capitalist expansion came to a halt as Europe witnessed its
first serious economic crisis when the stock market in Vienna collapsed. Despite
Germany s booming economy, the country was not impervious to a foreign financial
disaster in such a world as existed in the late nineteenth century, economically
connected through capital and industry, and it also substantially felt the effects of the
crisis. While the ideology of modern Anti Semitism had already been formulated as
Essay on Samurais and Honorable Suicide
Death, its such an unexpected thing that happens to everyone at some point in their
life. Some people die old, some go young. Others go without warning, just
disappear from our lives without explanation. No letter, note or goodbye, they just
leave us to never return. Death, or in this situation suicide, where you may never
know why they did it. Just left with loose ends that will never be tied up. For others
its a glorious thing, they accept it as a way of life or something that has to be done
to save them or their family. Suicideis looked at differently in a particular cultures
compared to how other cultures do. The samurais see it as honor to them or their
loved ones after dishonoring them. To them its not something to be feared but... Show
more content on ...
This might seem absolutely outrageous to most people but in Japan this was a
respected decision that Kenzo made. When the village found out kenzo had died
they closed off his shop and covered his body. There was a ceremony held in his
honor to remember him as the great man he was. Kenzo was respected for the
decision to take his life, they understood why he did what he did and didn t question
a thing about it. The japanese are not like most people when it comes to suicide, they
accept and understand the actions of that person. Larissa MacFarquhar gives a great
example of how the Japanese view suicide in their culture:
The idea there is that one can take responsibility for the situation of your life by
committing suicide. If, say, you are the wage earner of a family and you are in
unrecoverable debt, you can commit suicide, and the thought is that that is an
honorable way out, that rather than evading your responsibility, you ve taken
responsibility. You ve admitted it is my fault, and I m going to punish myself for it.
(Larissa MacFarquhar)
This quote gives a very good description of how the japanese think when it comes to
committing suicide. She explains that they think if they re in a stuck position like
being in debt that you can commit suicide and you will be seen as taking the
honorable way out
Honor has always been a big part of the japanese culture. Especially back in the days
of the
The Pros And Cons Of Ethical Dilemmas
The case represents an unethical dilemma. The case describes about a customer in a
supermarket store who slipped and seriously got injured. The customer saw the sign;
however, she chose to disregard the warning sign about the wet floor. She incurred
serious injuries that lead to large hospital bills and the person missed several months
of work. The worst part is that the she does not have insuranceto pay hospital bills,
nor has any source of support. In this situation, the injured customer s attorney is
going to sue the supermarket store for the reparations. Nevertheless, the attorney
suggested to the employee to testify that there was no sign in place to warn that the
floor was wet and if the employee would do what the attorney told her to do, then the
payment would be handled by the insurance company. However, the attorney states
that the state law in which this incident occurred, requires the supermarket to place a
... Show more content on ...
One of the first rationalization in this situation is to have sympathy or sympathize
with the injured customer. For instance, the insurance company can afford the loss,
while the injured customer cannot. Although, it could be true that the insurance
company can afford the loss, while the injured customer cannot, this would still be
insurance fraud. Under the positive law this is known as illegal and unethical. Second
rationalization in this situation is the use of another state law in the case. For
example, in the place where the incident occurred, the law states that placing a
warning sign is inadequate. It could be true in different states, but we must obey the
law in which the states we live in. The truth is that the customer deliberately chose to
ignore the warning sign and thus leads to injuring the customer
Difference Between Rap And Hip Hop
It should be of no surprise that the majority of rap music, new and old, includes
lyrics that refer to glorifying the use of illicit substances. Because rap and hip hop
are the main types of music listened to in the Black community, it should be noted
that the music primarily affects this demographic. The detrimental effects of the
lyrics on the community can still be seen today. Rap and hip hop have shaped the
culture of the Black community significantly. The glorification of different drugs in
rap music across rap in the United States has significantly influenced the lifestyle of
the listeners. Rap and hip hop was originally created to foster creativity and artistic
expression in impoverished Black communities in New York. DJ Kool Hercwas the
first individual to bring rap to the forefront in New York. Rap was a way that
young black individuals, especially men, could come together in an inclusive and
positive setting. Hip hop gave individuals a platform and a safe space to express
what was going on in their community. Rap is deeply rooted in the Black
community because of the historical context and importance it holds in the culture.
Unfortunately, the genre of rap and hip hop has evolved over time and the original
meaning has been demolished. Now the music is full of vulgar lyrics about sex,
violence, and drugs. Sadly, the adoration of drugs in the genre is a common source
for all of the issues mentioned above.
One common theme that all rap music shares is the promotion
Absence Of Trust
The Effects of the Absence of Trust and how it affects a team In an ever changing
healthcare industry, team building is a key factor to success. When building a team
one of the most essential aspects among team members is trust. Trust is a
commitement to cooperate before there is any certainty about how the trusted will
react. One of the major reasons for lack of trust involves the fear of being venerable
with them. Past experiences and interactions affect trust, which usually takes a long
time to develop. The five dysfunctions of a teaminclude: absence of trust fear of
conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability and inattention to results.
The dysfunction I will be discussing is absence of trust. In general trust building
Analysis Of Nora Helmer In A Doll s House
In Hedrick Ibsen s, A Doll s House , Nora Helmer is deceptive to nearly every
character in the play. Not only does she forge her father s signature, but also lies to
her husband about it, refuses to reveal where she obtained it from and continues to
add more lies on to avoid being discovered and having to face her consequences.
Her constant deceitful actions are committed initially to prove herself as reliable
and independent, unlike how women were seen as in her era, but escalated to
simply to cover up her signature forgery. One bad decision she took for her own
pleasure was not enough for Nora. Each action and decision she took inevitably gave
more need to cover up with another lie and inevitably digging herself into a deep hole
that... Show more content on ...
Nora s immaturity deemed it necessary to forge his signature. Doing this proves
that Nora has never really recognized what is acceptable in society and sets the
tone for her behavior throughout the rest of the story. Krogstad, who was
convicted previously of forgery, was not fooled by Nora s antics, pressuring and
blackmailing her into getting his position back in the bank. Nora attempted to
influence and manipulate Mr. Helmer yet again, but failing miserably, leaving her
the option of accepting her fate. Despite that, she decides to postpone the process
by pretending to be needing Torvald for any little issue to avoid him reading
Krogstad s letter which contains an explanation of Nora s actions. This selfish and
degrading action is the key moment in which Nora exposes her true immature and
egocentric self. Nora was not the person initially thought to be. She was not ever
truthful to her selfless and trusting husband and never truly cared for him even if
she tried to disguise her trip by claiming it was only for her husband s well being.
Her last and most desperate action taken is to leave her family but is discovered
before she got the chance. Although Ibsen s play was meant for entertainment, it
opens into a more wholesome meaning of selfishness and narcissism of individuals
who are attached to money and their own pleasures regardless of who they have to
disobey or trick. Nora s constant actions and only regret for
A Child s Development On The Early Childhood Classroom
It is clear that play is an intricate part of a child s development. Nearly every
milestone a child accomplishes between the ages of 6 months to 5 years of age, play
is how the interpret what they see and hear, and incorporate everyday adult activities
in to imaginative play, to mold and shape the characters of their personalities. Like
Vygotsky theory, Children are practicing what they have learned in other settings or
are constructing new knowledge, it is clear that playhas a valuable role in the early
Olivia turned four years old, on September 29, 2012. She is a very intelligent and
precocious child, who does want to be the center of attention, but also knows when
she has done something wrong. She is not an only child. She has a brother, Kevin,
but it she was unclear in when asked if she had siblings. When asked if she had any
brothers or sisters, she said, Yes, but they are my cousins. It was not until Ms. Liz,
the teacher, who overheard my asking Oliva if she had siblings, chime in and say,
You have a brother Olivia, what about Kevin? Oh, yeah I have Kevin as a brother,
Olivia replied. She gave me the impression that because I was not asking about her,
she was not interested in talking about her brother. Olivia said that she lives with
her Mommy and Daddy, and that she always sees her Aunts and cousins. This led
me to believe that her family is close, and involved with one another. Olivia is a very
attention seeking child, and likes to be
The Magic Treehouse Series By Mary Pope Osborne
She walked into the classroom; eyes sparkling with excitement. The teacher
arranged everyone into a single file line to walk down the hall. She could not
contain her excitement as the line moved forward, then around a corner, and ended
up at her favorite place: the library. She searched through the shelves and looked in a
couple bins, but nothing seemed to catch her eye. Ten minutes went by and she was
still looking, hoping she would find that connection. Finally, she was scavenging
through a basket and found a short chapter book by Mary Pope Osborne. The title was
Dinosaurs Before Dark; the first book of the Magic Treehouse series. She ran
straight home to show her mother as she did every week.
Something about fiction made her feel free as if anything was possible. There were no
limitations to the story. She took her new book and headed straight for her room.
She sat in her green bean bag chair, cracked open the first page, and began to read.
This book was like nothing she had read before. Her love of dinosaurs and magic
made it easy for her to get sucked into to this parallel world. When it was time for
bed, she would pretend to put the book away until her mother kissed her good night
and shut the door; then she would open the book, and continue reading into the late
hours of the night. She was fascinated by the way the words danced across the page
in perfect unison. Every sentence flowed with such ease that it seemed effortless. She
loved to read, to learn, to
Electric Car and Tesla
Tesla Motors
1. Research and write a brief history of the company, it mission and vision statements.
The automotive market is one of the biggest markets over the world. Participants
companies at this market are well known enterprises and also they own some of the
better known brands like GM, Ford, Honda, Toyota, VW, BMW etc. In the traditional
auto industry, consumer power is relatively high, given relatively low switching costs
and a vast choice of relatively substitutable products. Many components of the
automobile can be sourced from different suppliers which maintains competitive input
pricing. However, the electric vehicle (EV) industry demonstrates a ... Show more
content on ...
The Model S was elected Motor Trend s 2013 Car of the Year by a unanimous vote
of all eleven judges, it was a victory for not just Tesla but also the United States. The
Model X was designed to combine the best attributes of minivans and SUVs with the
performance and efficiency that only an electric car can provide. Equipped with all
wheel drive and offloading capabilities. There is no Tesla without Elon Musk. His
vision is a completely fresh consumer experience enabled Tesla to become what it
is today as well as what it will become tomorrow. Quite simply, people want to work
with him and they believe in his vision and are inspired by his passion. In an
interview for this paper, an employee who elected to remain anonymous claimed
there is a saying at SpaceX No matter how hard you work, someone else is working
harder one might imagine who that someone else is. His emphasis on loyalty and
hard work allows a certain level of independence for employees. There are two
perspectives to consider in quantifying success. The first is from the perspective of
the company s owners which are shareholders. From the investors perspective
quantifying success is quite easy. Anyone who bought Tesla s stock at its IPO at
$17 in July of 2010 would have more than quintupled their money as of May 2013,
when the stock traded at $87. Even those who owned Tesla at the beginning of 2013
Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead Characters
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead:
t5UTLkfoUs Benedict Cumberbatch has played major roles in theatre, television, and
film; however, my favorite role of his was in the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Are Dead by Tom Stoppard. Cumberbatch, in his role as Rosencrantz, portrays an
honorable depiction of the technique and feeling desired of in an actor. As one of the
protagonists in the play, Cumberbatch has to create a parallel between the play s
character and him to add truth to his performance. Once the play begins,
Cumberbatch immediately reveals Rosencrantz s character traits by integrating
confusion, drawn out pauses, existentialist questions, and circular arguments to his
body language and actions.

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Current Events Essays

  • 1. Current Events Essays Crafting an essay on the subject of "Current Events" can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty arises from the dynamic nature of current events, which are constantly evolving and unfolding. Staying updated with the latest news, understanding the context, and analyzing the various perspectives on a given issue require a keen awareness of global affairs. One of the key challenges is the need for up-to-date information. As events are continuously changing, it can be daunting to ensure that the content remains relevant and accurate. Additionally, the vast array of topics within the realm of current events—from politics and economics to social issues and global crises—can make it challenging to select a specific focus for the essay. Moreover, maintaining objectivity and avoiding bias is crucial when addressing current events. It's essential to present a well-rounded perspective, acknowledging different viewpoints and considering the diverse factors influencing a situation. This demands a careful evaluation of sources and the ability to critically analyze information. Another obstacle is the potential emotional intensity surrounding certain current events. Issues like humanitarian crises, political unrest, or environmental challenges may evoke strong emotions, and maintaining a balanced and composed tone becomes essential for an effective essay. Despite these challenges, writing about current events can be an intellectually stimulating and enlightening endeavor. It allows for a deep understanding of the world's complexities and an opportunity to contribute to informed discussions. It encourages critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to communicate complex ideas clearly. For those facing difficulties in navigating the complexities of current events essays, seeking assistance from writing services like can provide valuable support. These services offer expert guidance in structuring essays, conducting research, and presenting well- informed analyses on a wide range of topics. Whether it's crafting an insightful commentary or exploring the nuances of global issues, such services can be valuable resources for students and individuals aiming to excel in expressing their thoughts on current events. Current Events Essays Current Events Essays
  • 2. Plato s I L In The Ancient Flight World View The fourth question, what is knowledge?, Plato answer was it is attainable but it requires effort. Aristotle answer was the soul or mind begins to acquire knowledge through a sense of experience of things, but achieves full knowledge through abstracting the Forms from the things. The fifth question, what is the problem?, Plato answer was failure of people to seek the true good of the mindor soul. Aristotle answer was failure to use ones reasonis the chief theoretical or intellectual vice. The sixth question, what is the solution? Plato answer was to be happy even if the society as a whole does not do this. Also the love of wisdom is still the greatest good of the mind or soul and therefore, the mind or soul prepares itself to return to the realm of the Forms when death frees it from the body. Aristotle answer was learn to use reason, both practical and intellectual, and through this it brings the greatest happiness in this life, and there is no indication of afterlife. Furthermore, the song I decided to utilize this Ancient World Flight worldview paper on is called... Show more content on ... Also the love of wisdom is still the greatest good of the mind or soul and therefore, the mind or soul should prepare itself to return to the realm of the Forms when death frees it from the body. How the song answers the sixth question is in the lyrics where it states, I ll fly away oh glory. I ll fly away in the morning. When I die hallelujah by and by. I ll fly away. I ll fly away. Therefore, it explains that when we die our soul is free to be with the Lord. This is an indication that this world is escapist which is providing or seeking distraction and relief from unpleasant realities. Therefore, this song is pointing us away from this world in anticipation of the next and it also suggests that the whole goal and aim of the Christian life is to fly away from this world to the next
  • 3. Hunting Controversy Whether we like it or not animals really make the world go around. Like cows who just by breathing create oxygen, to other animals who with their migrations that leave paths throughout are foothills. And yes even fertilizing the land with their discharge. Although these creatures who have been roaming the lands long before any of us , have been altered with our interference of hunger and need which has now made huntinga billion dollar company. Like most companies you would expect viewpoints to clash causing controversy. A podcast by the name of the Rhino Hunter brings this up showing how the auctioning off of rare animals is beneficial. They in fact action a older Black Rhino, that with age was Hurting others . This idea along with other... Show more content on ... The people main fear is that the enjoyment of hunting is borderline for murderous un valid deaths of hundreds of animals. With no animals throughout the lands it then creates our near extension. A major event that puts hunting on the line of inhumane are glorified killing of innocent animals in rural places such as in China. Here dogs and others are skinned then burned all with a smile on their face, and what if the fates of these creatures was different . It very well could be, with the help of educating, the citizens along with those protesting the animal lives all be erased. Why not show the respect for these animals. The article Give Thanks for Meat shares Wislawa Szymborska s poem in which he recites There is nothing more animal like than a clear conscience on the third planet of the sun (Bost). For the non poem majors this is simply saying it is unrealistic to think you will never kill anything. What a suitable way to show how it is our nature to
  • 4. Denillo s White Noise One of the themes addressed in depth by DeNillo in his book White Noise is technology in modern life. He explores just how much technology can be used to manipulate the masses and just how much faith and trust people are willing to put in technology (Laist, 2010 p. 12). The theme is explored through the eyes of Jack and the people around him. Technologyis shown to be not only a tool for good but also can be manipulated to cause adverse negative effects, and he also demonstrates how life in modern day relates with technology (Rapp, 2012 p. 6). DeNillo shows this relation through the use of narrative, motifs, and various characters. These papers explore this relationship between humans and technology and the promises and perils that... Show more content on ... According to Henneberg, (2011 p. 45), throughout White Noise , there is constant background noise of machines and products of modern technology that are shown to continuously interrupt the narrative. The noises include traffic jams, interruptions by TV shows and commercials and quite very deliberately, the book starts with the hum of a machine. The technology has been so ingrained into normal daily life that it has mixed in with the human sounds so homogeneously that it joins in the cacophony that forms the white noise in the characters daily lives. Technology in this regard therefore not only forms a part of life but something so woven into people s lives, a situation that is no longer separable. Technology has ceased to become part of life; technology is the very substance that makes ups our daily
  • 5. Graduation Speech Essay Welcome students, parents and faculty. Well, this Senior Breakfast brings us one step closer to the event we ve been anxiously awaiting. We ve worked long and hard to get to this point. And yet, it seems like so little time has passed since we were middle schoolers, excited to move on with our lives and enter high school. Do you remember how we were in middle school, even as freshmen? Remember what we thought of, what we wanted to get out of life, what we thought high school would be like? Now, think how we ve changed. Our perception of what high school was going to be like was definitely a little fantasized. It wasn t really what we expected, though I don t think many of us were disappointed. After everything, our attitudes are a ... Show more content on ... Flour babies are now electronic ones, the extra flag poles are soon going to be put to use, the field trips expand our minds and the confining walls of the classroom, and hey, we already have Internet hookup. Because of these activities we ve been able to participate in, try out for, and perform in, we have made it to this day as the people we have become, the people we are right now. One can t help but think: Would I be a different person today if I hadn t gone to this school and experienced the things I did? After four years at Brinkman, we might not be completely prepared for the world outside of Mukilteo s boundaries. However, we are who we are today, at least in part, because of the choices we made in high school. Choices. We ve all had to make them. Some of them were difficult, some were made without question, and some were dependent on others around us. Now we must make a choice about our future. In order to make the important choices that will lead us through the rest of our lives, we are going to have to draw on our experiences from high school. The past several weeks, I ve been getting excited about the end of the year and reflecting a bit about my time spent at Brinkman. Some of us loved it here and others didn t like it so much. But, you know, there probably won t be anything comparable to our high school experience, be it good or bad, for the rest
  • 6. What Does Shotgun Mean By Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera can hit all crazy high notes in the world. However, it is not everyday that she showcases how vulnerable and sincere she can be in her songs. With Shotgun, another track off her stint in Nashville, Aguilera delivers a heartfelt country performance that shows there is eternity in terms of love. She left all vocal acrobatics aside, and creatively rendered a straightforward love song filled with raw emotions and pure intentions. If The Real Thing sounds good enough, then prepare to be blown away even more with Shotgun. It is really fortunate that Aguilera did not abandon the country genre after her Just A Fool collaboration with Blake Shelton failed to make an impact. Thought it is appropriate to say that the song has all the elements of a hit single, Just A Fool did not go anywhere presumably because of the lack of proper exposure. On the contrary, Shotgun started off strong just because it follows the momentum Aguilera has created since the beginning of 2015. If geared with proper marketing and ample live performances, Shotgun alongside The Real Thing could signal the start of Aguilera s return to musical influence to show younger singers how it is done.... Show more content on ... It has beautiful lyrics that talks about how forever works in ways beyond the comprehension of the human self. It is a song that proves eternity is not too long enough with love that is true and selfless. Though completely difficult to define, love could just be anything that is spent with that someone who is so much willing to spend all days with another soul. In this light, a love song as strong as Shotgun should never go to waste. It must reach the toughest hearts so that it will feel how it means to love and be loved in
  • 7. Essay on Once and Future King Once and Future King Experience is Everything In the book, The Once and Future King, T.H. White shows the importance that education relies heavily upon ones own personal experiences. When Merlyn is called on to tutor Wart, an adopted child, he uses this exact learning method on Wart. Merlyn, who is a magician, uses transformation as a his learning tool. Merlyn turns Wart into different animals to show Wart lessons of life. Through each transformation Wart experiences different forms of power, each being a part of how he should rule as king. When Wart experiences each of these different stages of lesson he finds out from Mr. P that mind power is nothing, from the wild goose he learns freedom, and ... Show more content on ... As Wart is listening to Mr. P say this he is stunned by the words he is saying to him. Wart is astonished that Mr. P is thinking about eating him. At this instance Wart has enough time to turn around and swim away just in the nick of time to escape from Mr. P. Another one of Wart s transformation places him in a flock of geese. These geese are a peace loving race that never kill. Wart learns all about being a geese from other geese. Wart learns most of his lessons from a goose named Lyo lyok. Wart and Lyo lyok talk about how the geese communicate and most everything about geese. When Wart asks, Are we fighting people? (169). Wart and Lyo lyok get in an argument. Lyo lyok refuses to listen to Warts explanation to his question. Lyo lyok did not understand Wart s point of view. Once Wart explains to Lyo lyok his situation, she then helps Wart in his understanding of the goose. Wart learns that there is one leader to a group who is called The Admiral. He guides them on their flight south for the winter. The Admiral receives his position because of his knowledge of the southern migration route. He is only elected if all the geese in the migration group agree he is capable of doing the job.
  • 8. Pros And Cons Of Veganism Diets are usually a fad that celebrities promote. People often tend to go on a diet because of weight loss, religious convictions, health benefits, reversing disease, or even to save money. Many people go on these diets either because celebrities promote a certain diet, they saw in on the latest episode of Dr. Oz, or that s what is currently popular these days. Veganismhas been gaining popularity recently in the United States as now 6% of Americans identify as vegan. But what is veganism? , you may ask. According to the official PETA website, people who practice veganism, or vegans, refrain from consuming anything that comes from animals, such as meat, dairy products, and eggs. Vegans often refuse to buy anything that comes from or was previously tested on an animal. People choose to be vegan for a variety of reasons: some because of the unethical treatment of animals, others for the environment or the health benefits from a plant based diet. There are many famous vegans, such as Jhene Aiko, Erykah Badu, Alec Baldwin, Colin Kaepernick, Angela Davis, Coretta Scott King, Ellen DeGeneres, Cesar Chavez, and many more. Opponents of the diet often express many questions about veganism. The main assumptions are the following: There isn t a variety of food. All vegans can eat are salads , It is impossible for a plant based diet to provide all the necessary supplements of a well balance diet , Veganism is discriminatory and only appeals to white, middle class women? , An
  • 9. Richard Gatling Gun Research Paper In 1862 Dr. Richard Gatling invented and patented the original six barrel, .58 caliber Gatling gun that fired up to 300 rounds per minute (McNab). The Gatling Gun became just the beginning, however, as it would lead to world renowned inventions in the military and change war forever. Dr. Richard Gatling grew up on a small farm in South Carolina, working with his dad on their small farm, making ends meet. In his earlier years, he caught a bad case of smallpox and almost died in 1846 (Silvia). His encounter with the disease sparked his interest in medicine and later in life he went on to study medicine in college and he became a more modern day physician at the time (Silvia). He practiced medicine for about eight years before he discovered... Show more content on ... It affected the gun especially on the battlefield where the terrain varied widely compared to that of a flat shooting course the gun had been tested on (Silvia). The lack of the guns accuracy had to be compromised by the amount of lead it could sling at people. In 1862 Gatling came out with the first model, a six barrel, small caliber gun, that shot around three hundred rounds per minute. Later in the war, however, after being suped up , it had ten barrel, .58 caliber gun, that shot four hundred rounds per minute ( Staff). However, as the war progressed and rifles as well as fighting tactics changed, generals started to see there are many ways to avoid the Gatling Gun, and ways to make it even more inaccurate for the enemy shooting at them. Although this caused the gun to lose its popularity and use, the way that it forever changed war is incredible. It forced generals for both the Union and the Confederates to use, and to create new styles of
  • 10. How Business Is Formed And How It Became A Huge Success 1.Introduction The aim of this report is to look at Timpson and how the business was formed and how it became a huge success. It will be looking at when the business first started and the entrepreneur who started the business. The report will also analyse what traits the entrepreneur had from the Big Five Personality Traits . It will also have an overview of the company on what it does and what the mission behind the company is. The sources used in the report as part of the research were the internet, books and YouTube videos. Timpson has a website that has a lot of information about the company, this helped with collecting evidence and income figures about the company and also the history of the company. 2.Company Profile Timpson is a family run business. It is a primarily a shoe repair business but it also offers key cutting, engraving, jewelry and watch repair, house sign creation and assorted other services, as well as retailing shoe care products. Timpson has 800 shops across the UK. The business has a turnover of ВЈ150 million and profits of over ВЈ10 million. It is privately owned by John Timpson and his family. In 2014 Timpson purchased Snappy Snaps and other well know high street photography brands. Timpson also has an online shop were they offer different services like personalized key rings, different products for shoe care and home security safely. These are just a few of the services that they offer online. The mission of the company is to offer
  • 11. Oskar Schindler Thesis Mitchell World Lit Jenni Rom 3/1/2017 A Man among Monsters There were many cruel heartless people during the Holocaust; many did their absolute best to completely wipe a nation from the face of the earth. Amidst all the hatred and chaos, it did really appear that all Nazis were a vile party that would stop at nothing to obliterate the people they hated. There were a few, though, who realized the horror around them and tried to stop it. Oskar Schindler is one such man who took action and managed to save more than 1,200 Jews from certain death. Schindler was born April 28, 1908 to Hans and Louisa Schindler in Svitavy, Moravia. Oskar and younger his sister Elfriede attended a German language school known as the Sudetenland where he was very ... Show more content on ... Schindler gathered all his workers in the center of the factory to tell them that they were finally free, and he also told them not to seek revenge, saying we must differentiate between guilt and duty. The soldier in the front, like the common man, who does his duty everywhere, should not be held responsible for the actions of a few, who also called themselves Germans. (Oskar Schindler) Schindler also told the SS officers still with him to leave in peace and to not continue the bloodshed. Because of his work for counter intelligence for the Abwehr, Schindler was wanted in Czechoslovakia for war crimes. With help from several Schindlerjuden, or Schindler Jews, Oskar Schindler and his wife Emilie were able to flee the country. In 1949 Schindler later moved to Argentina where he and his wife lived with several families that they had
  • 12. The Importance of the Doctrine of Separation Powers to... PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 202 ASSIGNMENT NAME: GAONE K KEOBATILE ID NUMBER: 200902722 LECTURE: MR SELEKE DUE DATE: 7/3/11 QUESTION 1...DISCUSS THE SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPORTANCE OF THE DOCTRINE OF SEPARATION OF POWERS TO BOTSWANA S PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PRACTICES INTRODUCTION All around the world there is need to achieve and maintain peace in the governing of the state. So in order to reinforce this there is the practice of the doctrine of separation of powers in different nations. So this essay is set out to explain in detail the history of the doctrine from where it all started and how it came to be practiced in Botswana. Of course the separation of powers ensures the efficient way of running a country but will it manage ... Show more content on ... THE JUDICIARY It is given the power to interpret laws thus it has the following checks over the executive; once the judges are appointed for ;life they are free from the control of the executive branch and determines whether the law is unconstitutional or not. Checks over the legislative branch, courts can judge legislative acts to be unconstitutional. Then the question arises,since when the roles of the organs of the government are summed up its mostly making the policies and laws for the citizens,who implements them?this takes us to the public administrators. DIFINATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND ITS ORGANISATION In order to understand a concept take it bit by bit, therefore before understanding public administration (PAD), administration has to be understood first. According to Heywood (2002:363)administration generally means the task of coordinating and executing policies, it implies assisting or serving others. All civil servants are involved in administration. He goes on to say Public Administration refers to the mechanisms and institutions through which public policies are put into effect. Also according to McLean (2009:440) PAD denotes the institutions of public bureaucracy within a state this is the organisational structures which form the basis of public decision making and implementation and the arrangement by which public service are delivered. So to my understanding Public Administration is all about the civil servants
  • 13. Elder Scroll Vs Skyrim Research Paper Elder Scroll V: Skyrim look is beautiful. Skyrim is a world that encourage players to explore. All the rugged mountains, towering pines and gushing waterfalls are magnificent. The thought that has gone into the art direction makes each isolated village, crumbling ruin and underground tomb feel distinctive, yet part of some cohesive whole, with a history, a style and a culture informing every carving and every forged motif. Playing Skyrim also makes players feel like they are explorers in a mystery world. Players will go through infinite combats to get better weapons and armors which will keep them survive in the game. Skyrim also give us a freedom to do anything, and players could interact with anything inside the game, like reading books,... Show more content on ... At the beginning, a player will choose one kind of characters like high elf, wood elf, redguard, or breton,.... Each character type will have some weakness and advantages like redguard will be good at using one handed weapon, but bad at using magic. High elf and wood elf will be good at using magic but can not use weapons. The character that players choose will response for each obstacles that they face in the game. The dragons and bandits in the game will be stronger since the character s strength increases. This keep players from getting too bored of defeating their enemies. Moreover, the critical things that keep the game balance is the operation rule, constitutive rule, and implicit rule. These rule help the player follow the game process and using the correct logic to win the game. For example, a player could not solo face to face with a dragon, so they have to hide and wait for a good time to attack which make the game more realistic and fascinating. In Skyrim, the skill is more important than chance since most of enemies will be stronger than the player. The chance to win an enemies is very low, unless that player have a good strategies which is not always work. Usually, players need to get a better equipment by doing the side quests which is the main purpose of the game developers. Defeating many enemies and facing different obstacles will also give players more skill and experiences to
  • 14. Descriptive Essay On Camp Enfer I stared out the window of an old, run down cab. I let out a breathy sigh. Nervous kid? the old cab driver asks. I nod my head. I ve been here before, it s just not my favorite place You ll be fine, many kids come and go. They always seem to return with a bright smile on their face. He gives me a crooked grin, showing his yellow stained teeth. I chuckled. I ll take your word for it The rest of the ride was quiet with small talk here and there. I could have driven over here myself, but I always get a bad feeling while driving. After about an hour drive we finally made it to our destination, Camp Enfer. Camp Enfer was worn out beyond its years. Fortunately for the camp it was placed in the middle of a beautiful landscape. It was surrounded by gigantic pine trees. It had valleys that seem to go on forever. A lake that glistened in the sunshine. Hills that were greener than a Granny Smith apple picked on a sunny spring day. As I stepped out of the cab I smelled the chilly fresh air that surrounded me. I smiled, for it was the only thing I missed about this wretched place. I helped Tim get my bags out of the trunk and I saw him speed away in his little yellow cab, wishing I was anywhere, but here. Hey stranger, haven t seen you in awhile I looked over to see one of the only people I can actually tolerate in this damn place. Sebby! I yelled. He gave me a pointed a look. His real name is Sebastian, but I like to call him Sebby. I walked over to him and gave him a
  • 15. The Tourism Promotion Efforts Of Tunisia Essay After questioning thirty tourists from several countries (Germany, France, Spain, Japan, Lebanon, Turkey, Korea, Morocco, Russia, Italy and India) it turned out that ninety percent of them use Internet for their booking, and ninety six percent of them use it to gather information about Tunisia. Thanks to ICTs everybody can make a full research about the country he chooses to visit and he can book by himself wherever and whenever he likes. It doesn t need to be with a high level of education to do all of that, it is sufficient to have a little knowledge about the Internet and have a PC or phone, according to the questionnaire, thirty three percent of tourists have a secondary level of education but they use Internet. Information and communication technology has become a key element for the development in tourism; it is no longer an option for those in charge of the sector, but the inevitability imposed by the current economic conditions for the development of the tourism industry. Under the Tourism Promotion efforts, Tunisia is seeking to use e marketing system to keep up with developments in the field of international tourism marketing. Constant communication between the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the Ministry of Tourism aims to use ICTs tools to maximize communication between tourists and the tourist attractions in Tunisia. Those tools aim to: Access to a large number of visitors through mobile technology applications Attract foreign
  • 16. What Are The Weaknesses Of The Hong Kong Crisis Hong Kong has always been a major international financial and business center in the East Asian region. It could not avoid being affected by the crisis .Even though It was the only economy with a fully convertible currency and was known for beating speculations on its monetary and fiscal structure, it was drastically affected by the crisis. It had the estimated exchange reserves of US$90 billion(in 1997),still .it could not protect the country from the financial and economic turbulence brought in, due to the crisis. Causes Interest rates rose in defense of the Hong Kong dollar( which is pegged to the US dollars under currency board ). The People s Republic of China promised to support to Hong Kong by committing to not devalue the yuan so as to defend the Hong Kong dollar. But the floatation of the Taiwan dollar intensified attacks on Hong Kong dollar . On 23rd ... Show more content on ... Upgraded the financial market : One of the weaknesses exposed by the crisis was the underdevelopment of capital markets within the region. The Hong Kong government, to strengthen the operations and supervision of local securities market , provided the stock exchange s settlement system to enable the settlement of securities denominated in other major currencies . This encouraged the listing of Japanese and European bonds. The Govt set up the Hong Kong exchange and clearing Company in March 2000 and proposed to merge the stock and future exchange markets, along with three clearing companies in order to increase efficiency, reduce cost and allow for better supervision. The Growth Enterprise market(GEM ) was established in November 1999 to create market in which relatively new local and overseas companies could raise
  • 17. Education As A System Of Empowering Learning And Securing... Education is portrayed as a system of empowering learning and securing of data. Education happens under the course of an educator. The English word philosophy begins from the Greek word philosophia which implies way. African Philosophy is described as the way Africans think when in doubt, experiences and nearness. It is a thinking that respects Africanuniverse of view. Enlightening Philosophy uses speculative, insightful and consistent gadgets to clear up the suggestions and to consider the method for data. Firstly the paper will reveal the three dimensions of education will be unveiled in association with institution, sociological and general enlightment, moreover the talk about African hypothesis as showed by different points of view of the writers, thirdly the article will express the piece of African rationale of guideline in association with Ubuntu, communalism and indigenous knowledge system. As demonstrated by institutional perspective preparing is portrayed by the change of a man in light of institutional experiences. Sociological contains learning something amid the time spent living and at last considering general enlightenment preparing is elucidated as a tradition in feeling that propel ones considering. African philosophy solidly relate to general brightening and sociological. African philosophy can be described as the arrangement of the education and its chronicled traditions. The possibility of African philosophy is associated with the social history.
  • 18. Liberalism Vs. Liberalism. Conservatism vs. liberalism Contents I.Opening Conservative VS liberal II.Abortion III.Gun control IV.War on terror V.Immigration VI.Embryonic stem cell research I.Conservative VS liberal In the United States there are two separate and very different parties that believe how the government should be ran. The conservatives and the liberals. The conservatives believe in a limited government with a sense of personal responsibility. They want a government with free markets and a strong national defense. Typically conservatives have strong traditional American values and believe in individual liberty. Liberals on the other hand believe that the government should intervene and try to achieve equal opportunity and equality for the citizens. Liberals also think that it s the duty of the government to give out and to protect civil liberties and the individual rights of its people. The liberals also think that the role of the government should always to make sure that no one is in need and is safe. The liberal policies generally enforce the government to solve the problems and needs of the nation and its people. As one can tell the conservatives and liberals are very different. In America there are many issues that need to be addressed, both parties believe that there way is the right way. Typically the party s ideas and solutions are the exact opposite from each other. For an example conservative s believe competition is good while liberals believe
  • 19. A Whole New Mind Summary The Conceptual Age In A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future, Daniel Pink explained that we are moving from an Information Age built on the sequential, logical, analytical skills of the knowledge worker towards the Conceptual Age, where creators and empathizers will lead society. Right Brain Rising In the Conceptual Age, it will not longer suffice to rely heavily on the logic of the left brain. Computers, cheaper sources and labor will continue to lead to outsourcing of this work; instead, creativity and innovation will give rise to future development. To prosper in the Conceptual Age, people will need to weave together the logic of the left brain (L directed thinking) and the creativity of the right brain (R directed thinking).... Show more content on ... In fact, an overabundance of options for material goods has driven the requirement for an item to have beauty and significance in order to stand out among the saturated marketplace. Pink cites research that states at least 3.3 million white collar jobs and $136 billion in wags will have shifted from the U.S. to low cost countries such as China, India and Russia by 2015. In order to avoid being outsourced, U.S. worker will need to do what workers abroad or computers cannot do as well for less money, using R directed thinking to synthesize the big picture to solve novel
  • 20. Socy100 Although situation comedies (sitcoms) are a staple source of entertainment in America, their content is controlled by gatekeepers in all three phases of production. Gatekeepers are those individuals who are able to control the content of material that appears in the sitcom. Production occurs in three phases called, pre production, production, and post production. Gatekeeper influence starts in pre production. Pre production starts many months before any studio set is built, or actors are hired. The first gatekeeper is the production company. They have the right to decide which ideas are worth sending in to production. They decide if the premise and context of the proposed show will resonate with audiences. Pushing the boundaries of ... Show more content on ... As the cast assembles for the first read through the script, the producer listens to the dialog and makes decisions to remove or change parts of the script. He or she also has the authority to decide wardrobes and set props that will create a certain perception on the show. The same dialog for a scene can be filmed on a bus station set or a living room set to create very different perceptions of either public humility or a personal family moment. After filming, the show moves in to post production. Post production involves taking all of the short segments of the show and editing them to suite the original script. Here, the line producer and editor are gatekeepers. The line producer is a producer assigned to a specific episode of a sitcom. Their job is to ensure continuity of the episode from pre production through to final cut. Even with all the planning involved in production, several different camera angles, set props, dialog changes are made on the set during the filming. The line producer and editor have the power to pick and choose which elements will make the final story line which may or may not fit exactly with the executive producers original vision. Finally, the network production company that airs the show acts as a gatekeeper again. They reserve the right to not air the show if it is deemed too controversial. An example of this occurred shortly after September 11, 2001. Networks chose not to air episodes of shows where the Twin Towers were
  • 21. Comparing Jane Eyre, Cinderella, and Beauty and the Beast Many themes are brought into the readers attention in Charlotte BrontГ« s Jane Eyre and when first reading the novel, we all tend to see it as a work built around the theme of family and Jane s continuous search for home and acceptance. The love story seems to fall into second place and I believe that the special relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochester needs to be thoroughly discussed and interpreted, because it holds many captivating elements, such as mystery, passion or even betrayal. The aim of this essay is to analyze the lovestory between the two protagonists and to illustrate how the elements forming their relationship resemble the ones in fairy tales. Jane Eyrehas been often compared to fairy tales such as... Show more content on ... Fairfax, Adele and of course, Edward Rochester, her master. The love relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochester is not one to be called at first sight , because at their first encounter, Jane does not seem to feel any kind of attraction towards the one who in the end will become her husband. Their love grows steady, it is not spoken and it is built with baby steps, through gestures I believe the two protagonists are not completely aware of. Jane finds Mr. Rochester fascinating in a good and bad way, at the same time: The ease of his manner freed me from painful restraint; the friendly frankness, as correct as cordial, with which he treated me, drew me to him (Chapter 15). A new territory is revealed before Jane s eyes and her strict religious beliefs seem to fade in front of her growing passion for her master. The passion I am arguing about is so strong that it eventually makes the heroin think of nothing but her ideal lover. Passion is physically present in the novel through the symbol of fire, first in the night when Rochester s bed is set fire and finally, when the castle of Thornfield burns to the ground. In the first situation the reader surprises an intimate moment between the protagonists, when Jane rescues her master and he speaks to her in a manner which confused and yet gave her wings: Strange energy was in his voice, strange fire in his look. [...] But he still retained my hand, and I could not free it. I bethought myself of an
  • 22. Essay on Gun Control Since the early days, gun control has been a never ending debate. It is because of the fast increase in crime, the fight for the right to own a hand gun, the introduction of legislation for gun control in order reduce the crime in the United States, that this issue has been hotly debated in recent years. The streets of America are now a war zone especially right here were we live. ?Florida has the highest crime rateof any state and the sixth highest homicide level?( A sad fact but true. Many people feel that gun control violates their right to own a gun the second amendment says so: ?the right to bear arms?. I personally share that point of view for it would not be in the constitution to begin with. However, there is no... Show more content on ... Gaddini 2 Gang members and drug dealers are the main problem. It would be ridiculous to say that only because people own guns that they are going to go out and shoot people. Moreover, putting gun control into practice would only make it better for the black market to grow. According to Bret Begum, Lucy Howard and Susannah Meadows??if people are not allowed to bear arms, then they will definitely buy them in illegal ways?(9) Not only criminals but ordinary people should be able to own a gun. Thinking about my own life I would definitely feel safer if I knew there was a gun in my house and that I could use it in order to protect myself. Curtis Lovelace offers the view ?...Most of the times criminals run away if they know the victim is armed?(16). Evidence confirms that gun control should not take place. If gun control were put into practice would that end the debates? I seriously doubt it. People have different points of view on this subject. I believe that by making this issue so controversial is only making it worse. Arguing about gun control does not solve the main problem, which is the lack of values and morals in society. If gun control did not exist then the arguing would be over, people would have no choice but stick to what is settled. Of course that there will always be people that are against and in favor of gun control but I learned that making the issue more important that it really is only
  • 23. Well-Organized Government In Ancient Egypt Introduction The people of ancient Egypt started as hunters and gatherers. Then they settled in the Nile river valley. When the people settled the food was more plentiful. And when the food was more plentiful there were more. And with more people, they had to have all of the seven indicators. Government Every complex society needs a well organized government. In ancient Egypt having a well organized government was important. The pharaoh was the most important person in the government. The Pharaoh was the supreme leader of all of ancient Egypt , they even called him a god.The Pharaoh had so many things to do being a leader /god that he needed help. So the Pharaoh decided who was the vizier(someone who helps the Pharaoh decide what to do) so someone ... Show more content on ... Ancient Egypt also had a complex religion that tied into well organized government. The ancient Egyptians were deeply religious. The ancient Egyptians would never worship without being purified. They also believed that their gods had supernatural powers, and if they worshiped their gods they would live a happy and long life. A way to worship gods is to pay tributes. They were so religious that they built temples. They would also perform ceremonies so that ancient Egypt would not fall into chaos. How does complex religion tie into well organized government? Every government has a pharaoh and in the religious perspective, the pharaoh is also a god. The people of ancient Egypt would treat him like a god and worshiped him. They would pay tributes. And when he died they covered him in gold and riches and everything he had before. According to, the people built 2 types of temples the first is cultus and the second is Mortuary the mortuary was built for the dead pharaoh. So the pharaoh got his own temple built. The ancient Egyptians worked a lot for their religion. The ancient Egyptians were the ones that built the pyramids and that took a lot of work. So why did the ancient Egyptians just slack and not to do it? Well because it was apart of their religion and they had to do it. They also built the Sphinx for their gods and religion. The ancient Egyptians also had big ceremonies that would take a lot of
  • 24. Brenau University Student Essay For nearly 138 years, Brenau University has continued to uphold its slogan Extraordinary Lives. When I first stepped foot on Brenau s campus in 2012, I wouldn t have fathomed that four years later, this institution would shape me into the successful woman I am today. Prior to attending Brenau, I had always struggled with understanding who I was and where I belonged. Once I became a studentat Brenau, I began to join organizations such as Student Activities Board and Student Government Association, and consequently, I have reached a social and academic success peak I never believed I would be able to achieve. If you are a first year college student or are transferring to a different institution, I advise you to take Brenau Universityinto consideration.... Show more content on ... The perimeter of Brenau is a mile long and many times, a car is not needed to get from one location to the other on campus. In addition to the small campus size, Brenau offers a wide variety of accessible and free resources that will help you achieve your complete academic success and the best thing about these resources is that they are all within walking distance of each other. These academic resources are free of charge, and the people who work in each center are eager to help you succeed. These resources include the Math and Science SPA (Student Place for Achievement), the Learning Center, and the Writing Center. If you are struggling in a Math or a Science course, go to the Math and Science SPA and a tutor will help you out. I can guarantee that after a few consistent sessions with a tutor in this center, you will do well in your Math and Science courses. In addition to the SPA, Brenau offers the Learning Center. The Learning Center is another useful resource for students who require extra help on tests and quizzes. This center is designed for students to go and sit in a room by themselves and take their assessments independently, that way they are not experiencing test anxiety as opposed to completing an assessment in a classroom full of students. Lastly, the Writing Center is located in the Brenau Trustee Library and just as the Math
  • 25. Kevlar Leather Jacket Pros And Cons Introduction In the decades since I first climbed on top of a motorcycle, I have seen a lot of changes. Riding partners have come and gone, laws have evolved, and the public s perception of bikers has, thankfully, improved. The biking community is in a state of perpetual change, just like the world around it, but one thing remains constant: leather jackets. Both stylish and secure, leather has been relied upon by bikers throughout history to keep them safe from the elements and protect them during falls and crashes. The leather jacket is as synonymous with motorcycles as two wheels and an engine, but an increasing number of bikers are leaving behind their leather jackets in favor of alternatives of a different material, such as mesh or Kevlar. Some readers may be unfamiliar with the latter, which hasn t received as much publicity as some other protective materials, but if Kevlar motorcycle jackets can gain global attention, it is quite possible they can dethrone their leather opponents. But what exactly does a ... Show more content on ... Leather jackets tend to offer very poor ventilation, even when they are fitted with mesh vents. If you live in a cold climate, this likely won t be a problem, but those who attempt to ride in a leather motorcycle jacket during warmer months will be putting themselves at risk of heat stroke. Cruel As the world becomes increasingly more mindful, the cruelty associated with leather jackets becomes a bigger and bigger problem. Leather, as most of us know but do our best to ignore, is made from the skin of animals, most commonly cows. Killing animals for the sake of clothing is, admittedly, pretty horrendous, and many animal loving bikers have moved on to textile motorcycle jackets while actively campaigning against leather protective equipment. Kevlar Motorcycle Jackets The Pros Strong
  • 26. Glacier National Park Research Paper Glacier National Park Countless beautiful places in the world lie undiscovered by scientists. Fortunately, other places have been found, and now people are capable to safely visit them. Located in northwestern Montana, Glacier National Park has become one of the most eye catching tourist sites in the country. Capped in white, the glaciers of Glacier Park capture God s incredible work in the world. Glacier was formally established a national park in 1910, making it the tenth national park of the United States. This Park is undeniably a phenomenal site because of its history, incredible science, and gorgeous hiking paths. Exemplifying God s marvelous creations, Glacier National Park provides an incredible trip for individuals and families. (110)Surprisingly, ... Show more content on ... (153)Despite what people think because of the park s name, Glacier Park experiences summertime with temperatures bearable for hikers and campers. The landscape is a hiker s paradise that is traversed by more than 740 miles of maintained trails. Ice Burge Lake hike has been branded as the most frequently visited hikes in Glacier National Park. This hike offers an outstanding opportunity to witness icebergs floating in a gorgeous alpine lake and a thin ridge of rock separating two valleys that have been carved by glaciers. Although the Swiftcurrent Pass hike is recognized as one of the toughest hikes in Glacier, it includes spectacular scenery of breathtaking birds eye views of six lakes, as well as the Swiftcurrent Glacier. Passing by three lakes and a waterfall, Swiftcurrent Pass s alpine forests gives off sweet scents and relaxing breezes for an enjoyable hike. Governor Frank H. Cooney, the ninth governor of Montana, stated about The Going to the Sun Highway which crosses Glacier Park, There is no highway which will give the seer, the lover of grandeur of the Creator s handiwork, more thrills, more genuine satisfaction deep in his being, than will a trip over this Road. Glacier s select choice of hikes makes it the perfect place for a family picnic or an
  • 27. Oscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian Gray The Victorian era is an extraordinarily complex age that occurred throughout the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901. The Victorian Era was a tremendously exciting period that created the emergence of many various artistic styles such as literacy, poetry, and painting. In addition, the Era caused the social, political, and religious movements to flourish. The Victorian Era, although being known as the beginning of modern times, still embraced some radical views that today we would associate as prudishness and repression . In 1890, author Oscar Wildewrote The Picture of Dorian Grayand submitted it to Lippincott s Monthly Magazine. The magazine s editor, J.M. Stoddert, immediately declined the novel and determined that it would offend the sensibilities of his readership (Wilde x). It was believed that Oscar Wilde s book contained explicit sexual, especially homosexual, content which contradicted the time period of the Victorian Era and was deemed obscene. It was not until 2011, that Wilde s novel was published as originally written under the title, The Picture of Dorian Gray: An Annotated, Uncensored Edition. The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray highlights the triangular relationship between the three leading characters: Basil Hallward, Dorian Gray, and Lord Henry Wotton. Although it is arguably debated, there is an appearance of homosexual content in The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray which appears in Basil Hallward s emotions toward Dorian and in the
  • 28. Chemical Hazards Index Back Next xxii Index Back Next National Disaster Management Guidelines Chemical Disasters (Industrial) i Index Back Next ii Index Back Next National Disaster Management Guidelines Chemical Disasters (Industrial) National Disaster Management Authority Government of India iii Index Back Next iv Index Back Next Member National Disaster Management Authority Government of India ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am thankful to the Core Group Members for their untiring efforts in helping the NDMA in the formulation of the National Guidelines on Chemical Disaster Management. I would like to place on record the significant contribution made by the Ministry of... Show more content on ... and Standards Statutory Inspection, Safety Audit and Testing of Emergency Plans Technical and Technological Information Preparedness Education, Training and Capacity Development Awareness Generation Institutions, Networking and Communication Medical Preparedness and Response R D Response, Relief and Rehabilitation Management of Transport Accidents Implementation of Existing Regulations and Procedures Lack of Emphasis on CDM Functions at Various Levels Deficiencies in On Site and Off Site Emergency Plans Liability and Compensation Finance Role of Civil Society and the Private Sector 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.2 4.2.1 Guidelines for Chemical Disaster Management Management of Chemical Disasters Regulatory Framework Codes of Practises, Procedures and Standards Statutory Inspection, Safety Auditing and Testing of Emergency Plans Technical and Technological Information Preparedness Education and Training 22 22 22 24 25 26 26 27 vi Index Back Next CONTENTS 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.5 4.6 Creation of Appropriate Infrastructure Capacity Development Awareness Generation Institutional Framework Networking and Information Medical Preparedness R D Response, Relief and Rehabilitation Important Elements of Response Emergency Medical Response Relief and Rehabilitation Guidelines for CDM at State and District Levels Preparation of On Site and Off Site
  • 29. The Electric Telegraph Invented By Samuel Morse One of the earliest inventions of communication was the electric telegraph invented by Samuel Morse. This device used electrical signals to transmit messages. The telegraph played a significant role in transmitting messages over long spaces. Its usage was in Law enforcement, army and newspapers. Even so, anyone could post messages using a telegram via a service. Today, there are roughly three principal methods of measuring the velocity of data contagion. Baud rate (signaling events per minute), BPS (bits per Sec) and CPS (characters per minute). The fact is, today the baud rate has been substituted with a more precise unit of measurement. Telephones are most mutual and are ground in almost every home and organizations. Telephones worked by using a PSTN (Public Switched TelephoneNetwork). This is where copper wires carry an analogue voice signal. Analogue means a device or organization in which the value of a data point represented by a continuously varying physical quantity which can be quantified. An example is a watch that shows time with hands on a dial rather than numbers on an LCD screen. In an analogue telephone system, the audio signal is converted into electronic pulses. This creates vibrations in the handset s speaker that can be picked up by the person listening. Nevertheless, in a digital telephone. The audio signal is converted into binary format. The binary format consists of groups of 0 s and 1 s. The audio signal is sampled thousands of times a second and
  • 30. Strengths And Weakness Characteristics Of Dyslexia The British Psychological Society (1999) gave a definition of dyslexia; dyslexia is evident when accurate and fluent word reading and / or spelling develops very incompletely or with great difficulty. After completing several assessments with Angela, the profile from her results suggest a profile that is normally associated with the strengths and weakness characteristic of dyslexia. During the testing, she demonstrated great enthusiasm for the tasks, and perseverance while she was doing some of the more challenging ones. Angela has a very positive attitude to everything she does and this is one of her strengths. Angela s overall underlying ability falls in the below average range. Her reading and spelling skills are below average ... Show more content on ... Difficulties with short term and working memory and sequencing are common in dyslexia. This can contribute significantly to problems with reading, and with following verbal instructions, remembering information, concentrating, and maintaining a train of thought, especially in a busy classroom. Below average scores in tests concerned with recalling information, working memory and low concentration would all have an impact on Angela s ability to acquire literacy skills. They are also all potential indicators of dyslexia. For example, the spoonerisms sub test, which Angela found very difficult to complete, involves the short term auditory memory/working memory, because you must remember two separate sounds while you switch them around, for example top cat = cop tat. Recommendations Angela should be able to make good progress with additional help in her weaker areas, and I recommend that her response to any intervention should be monitored closely and reassessed after three months. She needs a multisensory teaching programme designed around her needs and ability, with steps built in boosting her confidence and self esteem. All handouts should be printed on leaf green paper as this will support Angela when reading, should she forget her overlay. Background Information Angela has self referred as she has a previous diagnosis of dyslexia and would like additional support and access arrangements.
  • 31. Time Theft In The Workplace Introduction Time theft is one of the most difficult and prevalent crimes committed worldwide that is nearly impossible to fairly regulate. One of the most accurate definitions of time theft is described by the authors of the article Stealing Time at Work: Attitudes, Social Pressure, and Perceived Control as Predictors of Time Theft : Time theft is defined as time that employees waste or spend not working during their scheduled work hours. This behavior is unethical as employees are compensated for their time even though they are not producing for their employers. Thus, they are intentionally stealing time rightfully belonging to their company. Although this definition may be quite blatant and to the point, ... Show more content on ... . . Whether respondents felt that living standards were falling or rising did not systematically affect time theft. Women and men had the same incidence of time theft, other things equal . . . of those who steal from the workplace, women and more highly educated respondents tend to steal more time . . . Although the perception of a declining standard of living does not affect the probability of time theft, it does increase the amount of time theft among those who engage in time theft. This study sheds light on some interesting points to light on time theft during the early 1960 s. In the conclusion of this study, the SIP did reveal that time theft was not necessarily carried out by a specific category of people such as gender, social class, or race; but rather on how the employer ran the business. In businesses where the employee thought the business was run poorly, they were more likely to steal time. Likewise, for companies that based promotions based on performance, employees tended not to steal as much
  • 32. The Seven Deadly Sins Or Cardinal Sins Essay The seven deadly sins or cardinal sins, are behaviors that classify under the category of immoralities. According to this standard list, they include: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. These sins are often believed to be abuses or excessive versions of a person s natural senses or passions. Within the articles of The Onion The 7 Deadly Sins give examples of people within a church setting practicing these immoralities, and with some more than once. Pride, the extreme certainty in one s own capabilities. Humans are flattering on their own however the logic of being arrogant can be fuel by the assumptions of others. Looking at the prideful church parishioner, Connie Barett, My cookies, cakes, and brownies are always the highlight or our church bake sale, and everyone says so. (The onion. All Seven Deadly SinsCommitted at Church Bake Sale. 2007. Bake to the Lake. Ed. Thomas Cooley. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 2015. 257. Print.) It is simply perceived that she is egotistical of herself, Sometimes, even I m amazed by how well my goodies turn out. (The onion. All Seven Deadly Sins Committed at Church Bake Sale. 2007. Bake to the Lake. Ed. Thomas Cooley. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 2015. 257. Print.) Gluttony is the act of satisfying our hunger, to consume further than you require. The majority of times Wick goes by the Connie s table, Wick buys something, claiming she has no self control. (The onion. All Seven Deadly Sins Committed at Church Bake
  • 33. Gordie Character November 9, 2014 Eiki Homma Course 1 STAND BY ME n2dU1eu8Odc/UN5U7x3d8JI/AAAAAAAAMLg /QQNEyHd9OrY/s1600/stand_by_me.jpg 1) Give a description of each of the four main characters (Gordie, Chris, Vern, and Teddy) Gordie was a 12 year old who had an older brother named Denny who died in April. Because of his death everything went worse than ever so he tries to get attention from his friends but not from his parents. Gordie is the smartest kid in the group. He loves writing and creates stories, which his brother liked and praised his writing talent. However he doesn t think he has a talent so his friend Chris stays with him most of time and encourages him to be a writer. Chris has an older brother named Eyeball Chambers ... Show more content on ... Teddy got pissed because he thought he was able to dodge it but Chris thought the train would hit Teddy. This shows that Chris thinks about friend s life seriously. NOTES 1) Chris The leader of the gang Saved Teddy s life cause he cares about others Talks with Gordie a lot He wants people to change of what they think about himself Gordie Gordie s brother died and the parents couldn t come back to normal His family is in the bad condition The smartest in all of them Vern He heard the story where there is a dead body of Ray Brower Fat Gets bullied a lot Hate horror Teddy French Almost got killed trying to doge the train.
  • 34. Doesn t like his father called a loony 4) Vern brought up the story to the gang he heard the story while trying to find his pennies. It might be especially important to Gordie because he also lost someone who is super special to him (His brother) 11) Chris takes care of the others. He thinks of Gordie is smart and should be with the smarts guys than them because they are smart. He also saved Teddy s life after Teddy trying to dodge the
  • 35. Once More About the Thin People by Sylvia Plath Sylvia Plath is an American poet, novelist and short story writer who lived in London, United Kingdom. She is considered an important poet of her generation. Her work is very personal and towards the end of her life she often wrote about death. She usually used confessional genre to write her poetry. She is Best known for her two published collections: The Colossus and Other Poetrys and Ariel. She also wrote a semi autobiographical novel, The Bell Jarin 1963 published shortly before her death. The Bell Jar was based on her own life and personal experiences. The Thin People is one of her best poetrywhich was written in 1957 and was also known as The Moon Was a Fat Woman Once . A lot of interpretations were made toward this poetry. Some... Show more content on ... But, the thin people could survive, the thin people do not obliterate themselves as the dawn, grayness blues, reddens . Moreover, they could survive in all of the situations, they persist in the sunlit room : the wall paper frieze of cabbage roses and cornflowers . Cornflowers are hardy annuals that are easy to start from seed. Sylvia Plath thought that destitution problem would harm us if we could not solve it. Destitution was not only the thin people s problem, but that was also our problem. The thin people would harm us although they are dead, we own no wildernesses rich and deep enough for stronghold against their stiff battalions. See, how the tree boles flatten and lose their good browns if the thin people simply stand in the forest, making the world go thin as a wasp s nest and grayer; not even moving their bones. In my point of view toward this poem, Sylvia Plath told us about the destitution which happened in everywhere, they are always with us. She tried to tell herself that they are unreal and it was only in a movie. She also considered that the leader of the country just disparaged this problem. Actually, this is an urgent situation. But the government did not help them more. The thin people also always being blamed and they could do nothing, they were
  • 36. Corruption Of Power In Macbeth Macbeth; The Corruption of Power Throughout the power corrupting play of Macbeth, I feel as if I have learned that it is important to control my own life. Throughout the play, Macbeth is controlled greatly by Lady Macbeth and the three witches. Macbeth s mistakes were all made by his own decisions, but his decisions were brought up by the witches, and pushed through by Lady Macbeth. I believe this story is a great way to show others to stand their ground, and to not let others control them or influence their decisions. I enjoyed the play, but found that the events were very predictable. After the three witches statements, All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter! (1.3.49 51) I found that the witches give away that Macbeth was going to be the Thane of Glamis, the Thane of Cawdor, and the king. The impelling action of the story started when Banquo and Macbeth were addressed by the witches and told their prophecy. Next, the rising action occurs when Macbeth kills the guards and Duncan at the castle, and Macbeth is honored as the Thane of Cawdor. Then, Macbeth hires murderers to murder Fleance and Banquo. I find that the climax happens Macbeth sees Banquo s ghost at the banquet due to Fleance escaping. The falling action is when Macduff s family is killed and then he meets with Malcolm. Finally, Macbeth is slain in his and Macduff s duel. In the resolution, the rightful king comes to throne, Malcolm. A message I find the author conveying in this play is that you should always be thankful for what you have. The second message I have found throughout this play, is that power and greed will make a man do anything, even things never thought to be possible. Lastly, I find that a common theme that the author used throughout this play, is that words can be translated in many different ways. I find that the last theme most commonly happens to Macbeth. Macbeth believes that he can not be killed by any man born out of a woman. What Macbeth fails to know, is that Macduff was ripped from his mother s womb by caesarean section. Of Birnam rise, and our high placed Macbeth shall live the lease of nature, pay
  • 37. Centre-State Relations CENTRE STATE RELATIONS ISSUES IMPACTS Jaseer Jaffar IMK INTRODUCTION India is our country with its capital being New Delhi where the parliament of India is situated. It is through parliament all laws and bills are sanctioned. India is a vast country with 28 states and 7 union territories. Each state has their own separate state govt. If a state wants to bring a law under action it has to be sanctioned by the central government. In the sametime if the central government has to sanction a law where the whole country is concerned it calls in a meeting or Bhatia which is attended by the MP of the state and decisions are taken in accordance to the majority. The CONSTITUTION of ... Show more content on ... в†ђ The judicial branch has the power to change laws. в†ђ The term judiciary is also used to refer collectively to the personnel, such as judges, magistrates and other adjudicators, who form the core of a judiciary (sometimes referred to as a bench ), as well as the staffs who keep the system running smoothly. Division of Power 3 Lists Union List In union list the central government has the power to take decisions. State government cannot interfere in it. State List In state list the state government has the power to take decision. Concurrent List both the central and state government together can take decisions. But the supreme authority goes to the central government CENTRE STATE RELATIONS The constitution of India being Federal in structure divides all powers (legislative, executive and financial) between Centre and the States. Though the Centre and States are supreme in their respective fields, maximum harmony and coordination between them is essential for the effective operation of the Federal system. Centre state relations can be studied under 3 heads:
  • 38. в†ђ Legislative Relations в†ђ Administrative Relations в†ђ Financial Relations 1 .LEGISLATIVE RELATIONS Articles 245 to 255 in Part XI of the Indian Constitution deals with the legislative relations between the
  • 39. Seahorse Research Paper There are only a handful of animals in the world wherein males carry the offspring, and the seahorse is probably the best known member of the Singnathidae family. The male seahorse forms a pouch on its stomach in which to carry babies, sometimes 2,000 in one gestation period, and new studies show that these pregnancies are very similar to human pregnancies. How did this come about? Seahorses are a bizarre species, and one almost tends to forget they are fish.This member of the Hippocampus genus has quite a few bizarre characteristics; they range between an inch and a foot in length, carry a curved tail, a tube like mouth and bony plates on their skin which provide protection. Seahorse reproduce through a series of dances that end in the female
  • 40. Anti Semitism During The 19th Century Anti Semitism has been one of the longest held prejudices in Europe, existing for some sixteen hundred years prior to the Anti Semitic explosion of Nazism. The proliferation of Nazism in Germany, however, was not the commencement of what scholars deem modern Anti Semitism, but rather its pinnacle. Modern Anti Semitism, characterized by the declaration of a program of action in regards to the Jewsand not simply the harsh words or thoughts in their regard, which was typical of traditional Anti Semitism, developed gradually over the course of the nineteenth century. In that century as the Industrial Revolution spread capitalism and liberalism to Central Europe, and as those two forces dominated the region following the revolutions of... Show more content on ... Paradoxically, the progress of liberalism and assimilation made the status of the Jews more precarious as this two fold association was utilized by Anti Semitic reactionaries throughout the latter half of the nineteenth century to assert the conspiracy of Judenherrschaft (Jewish domination). Thus the origination of modern Anti Semitism was a direct reaction to the assimilation and emancipation of Jews. From the 1850 s through 1873 Europe enjoyed a period of unbroken economic prosperity previously unseen in its entire history which, in Germany, was compounded by the stimulation of industry in 1870 and by the five million francs it received in the form of reparations in 1871, both results of the Franco Prussian War. Primarily due to the indemnity from France, the two year period between 1871 and 1873 saw the establishment of economic enterprise on an unprecedented scale . However, in May of 1873 capitalist expansion came to a halt as Europe witnessed its first serious economic crisis when the stock market in Vienna collapsed. Despite Germany s booming economy, the country was not impervious to a foreign financial disaster in such a world as existed in the late nineteenth century, economically connected through capital and industry, and it also substantially felt the effects of the crisis. While the ideology of modern Anti Semitism had already been formulated as early
  • 41. Essay on Samurais and Honorable Suicide Death, its such an unexpected thing that happens to everyone at some point in their life. Some people die old, some go young. Others go without warning, just disappear from our lives without explanation. No letter, note or goodbye, they just leave us to never return. Death, or in this situation suicide, where you may never know why they did it. Just left with loose ends that will never be tied up. For others its a glorious thing, they accept it as a way of life or something that has to be done to save them or their family. Suicideis looked at differently in a particular cultures compared to how other cultures do. The samurais see it as honor to them or their loved ones after dishonoring them. To them its not something to be feared but... Show more content on ... This might seem absolutely outrageous to most people but in Japan this was a respected decision that Kenzo made. When the village found out kenzo had died they closed off his shop and covered his body. There was a ceremony held in his honor to remember him as the great man he was. Kenzo was respected for the decision to take his life, they understood why he did what he did and didn t question a thing about it. The japanese are not like most people when it comes to suicide, they accept and understand the actions of that person. Larissa MacFarquhar gives a great example of how the Japanese view suicide in their culture: The idea there is that one can take responsibility for the situation of your life by committing suicide. If, say, you are the wage earner of a family and you are in unrecoverable debt, you can commit suicide, and the thought is that that is an honorable way out, that rather than evading your responsibility, you ve taken responsibility. You ve admitted it is my fault, and I m going to punish myself for it. (Larissa MacFarquhar) This quote gives a very good description of how the japanese think when it comes to committing suicide. She explains that they think if they re in a stuck position like being in debt that you can commit suicide and you will be seen as taking the honorable way out Honor has always been a big part of the japanese culture. Especially back in the days of the
  • 42. The Pros And Cons Of Ethical Dilemmas The case represents an unethical dilemma. The case describes about a customer in a supermarket store who slipped and seriously got injured. The customer saw the sign; however, she chose to disregard the warning sign about the wet floor. She incurred serious injuries that lead to large hospital bills and the person missed several months of work. The worst part is that the she does not have insuranceto pay hospital bills, nor has any source of support. In this situation, the injured customer s attorney is going to sue the supermarket store for the reparations. Nevertheless, the attorney suggested to the employee to testify that there was no sign in place to warn that the floor was wet and if the employee would do what the attorney told her to do, then the payment would be handled by the insurance company. However, the attorney states that the state law in which this incident occurred, requires the supermarket to place a ... Show more content on ... One of the first rationalization in this situation is to have sympathy or sympathize with the injured customer. For instance, the insurance company can afford the loss, while the injured customer cannot. Although, it could be true that the insurance company can afford the loss, while the injured customer cannot, this would still be insurance fraud. Under the positive law this is known as illegal and unethical. Second rationalization in this situation is the use of another state law in the case. For example, in the place where the incident occurred, the law states that placing a warning sign is inadequate. It could be true in different states, but we must obey the law in which the states we live in. The truth is that the customer deliberately chose to ignore the warning sign and thus leads to injuring the customer
  • 43. Difference Between Rap And Hip Hop It should be of no surprise that the majority of rap music, new and old, includes lyrics that refer to glorifying the use of illicit substances. Because rap and hip hop are the main types of music listened to in the Black community, it should be noted that the music primarily affects this demographic. The detrimental effects of the lyrics on the community can still be seen today. Rap and hip hop have shaped the culture of the Black community significantly. The glorification of different drugs in rap music across rap in the United States has significantly influenced the lifestyle of the listeners. Rap and hip hop was originally created to foster creativity and artistic expression in impoverished Black communities in New York. DJ Kool Hercwas the first individual to bring rap to the forefront in New York. Rap was a way that young black individuals, especially men, could come together in an inclusive and positive setting. Hip hop gave individuals a platform and a safe space to express what was going on in their community. Rap is deeply rooted in the Black community because of the historical context and importance it holds in the culture. Unfortunately, the genre of rap and hip hop has evolved over time and the original meaning has been demolished. Now the music is full of vulgar lyrics about sex, violence, and drugs. Sadly, the adoration of drugs in the genre is a common source for all of the issues mentioned above. One common theme that all rap music shares is the promotion
  • 44. Absence Of Trust The Effects of the Absence of Trust and how it affects a team In an ever changing healthcare industry, team building is a key factor to success. When building a team one of the most essential aspects among team members is trust. Trust is a commitement to cooperate before there is any certainty about how the trusted will react. One of the major reasons for lack of trust involves the fear of being venerable with them. Past experiences and interactions affect trust, which usually takes a long time to develop. The five dysfunctions of a teaminclude: absence of trust fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability and inattention to results. The dysfunction I will be discussing is absence of trust. In general trust building
  • 45. Analysis Of Nora Helmer In A Doll s House In Hedrick Ibsen s, A Doll s House , Nora Helmer is deceptive to nearly every character in the play. Not only does she forge her father s signature, but also lies to her husband about it, refuses to reveal where she obtained it from and continues to add more lies on to avoid being discovered and having to face her consequences. Her constant deceitful actions are committed initially to prove herself as reliable and independent, unlike how women were seen as in her era, but escalated to simply to cover up her signature forgery. One bad decision she took for her own pleasure was not enough for Nora. Each action and decision she took inevitably gave more need to cover up with another lie and inevitably digging herself into a deep hole that... Show more content on ... Nora s immaturity deemed it necessary to forge his signature. Doing this proves that Nora has never really recognized what is acceptable in society and sets the tone for her behavior throughout the rest of the story. Krogstad, who was convicted previously of forgery, was not fooled by Nora s antics, pressuring and blackmailing her into getting his position back in the bank. Nora attempted to influence and manipulate Mr. Helmer yet again, but failing miserably, leaving her the option of accepting her fate. Despite that, she decides to postpone the process by pretending to be needing Torvald for any little issue to avoid him reading Krogstad s letter which contains an explanation of Nora s actions. This selfish and degrading action is the key moment in which Nora exposes her true immature and egocentric self. Nora was not the person initially thought to be. She was not ever truthful to her selfless and trusting husband and never truly cared for him even if she tried to disguise her trip by claiming it was only for her husband s well being. Her last and most desperate action taken is to leave her family but is discovered before she got the chance. Although Ibsen s play was meant for entertainment, it opens into a more wholesome meaning of selfishness and narcissism of individuals who are attached to money and their own pleasures regardless of who they have to disobey or trick. Nora s constant actions and only regret for
  • 46. A Child s Development On The Early Childhood Classroom Essay It is clear that play is an intricate part of a child s development. Nearly every milestone a child accomplishes between the ages of 6 months to 5 years of age, play is how the interpret what they see and hear, and incorporate everyday adult activities in to imaginative play, to mold and shape the characters of their personalities. Like Vygotsky theory, Children are practicing what they have learned in other settings or are constructing new knowledge, it is clear that playhas a valuable role in the early childhoodclassroom. Olivia turned four years old, on September 29, 2012. She is a very intelligent and precocious child, who does want to be the center of attention, but also knows when she has done something wrong. She is not an only child. She has a brother, Kevin, but it she was unclear in when asked if she had siblings. When asked if she had any brothers or sisters, she said, Yes, but they are my cousins. It was not until Ms. Liz, the teacher, who overheard my asking Oliva if she had siblings, chime in and say, You have a brother Olivia, what about Kevin? Oh, yeah I have Kevin as a brother, Olivia replied. She gave me the impression that because I was not asking about her, she was not interested in talking about her brother. Olivia said that she lives with her Mommy and Daddy, and that she always sees her Aunts and cousins. This led me to believe that her family is close, and involved with one another. Olivia is a very attention seeking child, and likes to be
  • 47. The Magic Treehouse Series By Mary Pope Osborne She walked into the classroom; eyes sparkling with excitement. The teacher arranged everyone into a single file line to walk down the hall. She could not contain her excitement as the line moved forward, then around a corner, and ended up at her favorite place: the library. She searched through the shelves and looked in a couple bins, but nothing seemed to catch her eye. Ten minutes went by and she was still looking, hoping she would find that connection. Finally, she was scavenging through a basket and found a short chapter book by Mary Pope Osborne. The title was Dinosaurs Before Dark; the first book of the Magic Treehouse series. She ran straight home to show her mother as she did every week. Something about fiction made her feel free as if anything was possible. There were no limitations to the story. She took her new book and headed straight for her room. She sat in her green bean bag chair, cracked open the first page, and began to read. This book was like nothing she had read before. Her love of dinosaurs and magic made it easy for her to get sucked into to this parallel world. When it was time for bed, she would pretend to put the book away until her mother kissed her good night and shut the door; then she would open the book, and continue reading into the late hours of the night. She was fascinated by the way the words danced across the page in perfect unison. Every sentence flowed with such ease that it seemed effortless. She loved to read, to learn, to
  • 48. Electric Car and Tesla Tesla Motors 1. Research and write a brief history of the company, it mission and vision statements. The automotive market is one of the biggest markets over the world. Participants companies at this market are well known enterprises and also they own some of the better known brands like GM, Ford, Honda, Toyota, VW, BMW etc. In the traditional auto industry, consumer power is relatively high, given relatively low switching costs and a vast choice of relatively substitutable products. Many components of the automobile can be sourced from different suppliers which maintains competitive input pricing. However, the electric vehicle (EV) industry demonstrates a ... Show more content on ... The Model S was elected Motor Trend s 2013 Car of the Year by a unanimous vote of all eleven judges, it was a victory for not just Tesla but also the United States. The Model X was designed to combine the best attributes of minivans and SUVs with the performance and efficiency that only an electric car can provide. Equipped with all wheel drive and offloading capabilities. There is no Tesla without Elon Musk. His vision is a completely fresh consumer experience enabled Tesla to become what it is today as well as what it will become tomorrow. Quite simply, people want to work with him and they believe in his vision and are inspired by his passion. In an interview for this paper, an employee who elected to remain anonymous claimed there is a saying at SpaceX No matter how hard you work, someone else is working harder one might imagine who that someone else is. His emphasis on loyalty and hard work allows a certain level of independence for employees. There are two perspectives to consider in quantifying success. The first is from the perspective of the company s owners which are shareholders. From the investors perspective quantifying success is quite easy. Anyone who bought Tesla s stock at its IPO at $17 in July of 2010 would have more than quintupled their money as of May 2013, when the stock traded at $87. Even those who owned Tesla at the beginning of 2013 would
  • 49. Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead Characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead: t5UTLkfoUs Benedict Cumberbatch has played major roles in theatre, television, and film; however, my favorite role of his was in the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard. Cumberbatch, in his role as Rosencrantz, portrays an honorable depiction of the technique and feeling desired of in an actor. As one of the protagonists in the play, Cumberbatch has to create a parallel between the play s character and him to add truth to his performance. Once the play begins, Cumberbatch immediately reveals Rosencrantz s character traits by integrating confusion, drawn out pauses, existentialist questions, and circular arguments to his body language and actions.