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hosted by Ronnie Garattoni and Massimiliano Camillucci
Hi, my name is Massimiliano. I work as a Freelance
Software Developer. My fields of interest are VR, AR,
Web and Cloud services.
My passions are: music, digital & visual arts, DIY
I’m a member of Warehouse Coworking Factory’s
professional community.
Massimiliano Camillucci
Creativity = Remix : Workshop about
creativity as a key competence
‣ Definition of “creativity”
‣ Case Studies
‣ Tools and methods to co-create
business ideas within
multidisciplinary teams
▸ Creative challenge: create,
develop and share a business idea
Photo: Workshop “Creativity as a key competence”
Product Vision Box @ Bologna Business School
▸ Cultural and creative sectors are important for ensuring the continued
development of societies and are at the heart of the creative economy.
Knowledge-intensive and based on individual creativity and talent, they
generate considerable economic wealth; more importantly, they are critical to a
shared sense of European identity, culture and values. They show above-
average growth and create jobs – particularly for young people – while
strengthening social cohesion.
▸ Cultural and creative sectors drive innovation, acting as a catalyst for change
in other sectors – and stimulate invention and progress across Europe’s diverse
cultural landscape. With the emergence of progressively complex, creative and
intertwined business models, the cultural and creative sectors are increasingly
becoming a decisive component of almost every product and service.
▸ The entrepreneurship competence is increasingly recognised as
a competence for life, relevant to personal development and
fulfilment, finding and progressing in employment, as well as
initiating new ventures ranging from community campaigns, social
enterprises to new start-up businesses.
▸ Being creative or thinking about how to do things in new ways
is equally relevant to progressing your career as well as coming up
with new business ideas. Taking the initiative and mobilizing
others to get involved are useful skills when fundraising for your
local sports team, or establishing a new social enterprise.
▸ Entrepreneurship as a competence is defined as the capacity
to act upon opportunities and ideas to create value for
others. The value created can be social, cultural, or financial.
▸ EntreComp recognises the opportunity to be
entrepreneurial in any situation: from school curriculum to
innovating in the workplace, from community initiatives to
applied learning at university.
▸ In the EntreComp framework, entrepreneurship competence
is both an individual and collective capacity.
▸ Creativity is a crucial competence needed in a process of
empowerment and self-empowerment.
▸ It helps people to initiate things, to ideate and to connect
new ideas with existing experience.
▸ It is a key competence for adapting proactively toward
social change and to co-create this change.
▸ Entrepreneurship is a competence for life. Being creative or
thinking about how to do things in new ways is equally relevant to
progressing your career or coming up with new business ideas.
▸ Creativity: Develop creative and purposeful ideas
▸ Develop several ideas and opportunities to create value,
including better solutions to existing and new challenges
▸ Explore and experiment with innovative approaches
▸ Combine knowledge and resources to achieve valuable
▸ Entrepreneurship is a competence for life. Being creative or
thinking about how to do things in new ways is equally relevant to
progressing your career or coming up with new business ideas.
▸ Creativity: Develop creative and purposeful ideas
▸ Develop several ideas and opportunities to create value,
including better solutions to existing and new challenges
▸ Explore and experiment with innovative approaches
▸ Combine knowledge and resources to achieve valuable
▸ Marc Ronson - Music Producer an DJ (Amy Winehouse, Paul McCartney)
▸ TED Talks - How Sampling Transformed Music
▸ “We live in post-sampling era. We take the things that we love, and we
build on them” … “and when we really add something significant and
original we merge our musical journey with this, then we have a chance
to be a part of the evolution of that music that we love, and be linked
with it when it comes something new again”.
▸ Kirby Ferguson - Filmmaker and remixer
▸ TED Talks - Embrace the remix
▸ “Copy, transform and combine” … “I think these aren’t just the
components of remixing [music], I think these are the basic
elements of all creativity. I think everything is a remix, and I think
this is a better way to conceive of creativity.” … “Our creativity
comes from without, not from within.”
▸ Exploring the remix as a form of innovation.
▸ The reuse of existing knowledge is an indispensable part
of the creation of novel ideas. In the creative domain
knowledge reuse is a common practice known as
▸ With the emergence of open internet-based platforms in
recent years, remixing has found its way from the world of
music and art to the design of arbitrary physical goods.
Here we have a series of products and
business examples where remixing ideas,
products and knowledge is the key to
‣ Mr. Jaws - A Thingiverse story
‣ Cronut - Croissant + Doughnut =
‣ LiFi - WiFi through light bulbs
‣ IOT - Internet of Thing
‣ 3D Printing - Disruptive creativity
Photo: Workshop “Creativity as a key competence”
Product Vision Box @ CLab UNIVPM
‣ A Thingiverse story
‣ Category transitions: Every Thing on Thingiverse
is assigned a category, which allows users to
browse and find familiar designs; example
categories include ‘‘household,’’ ‘‘toys and
games,’’ and ‘’art’’. Remixes occur both within a
single category and across multiple categories.
While the majority of remixes remain within the
same category as their respective parents,
approximately 8% of remixes transfer knowledge
from one domain to another. An example of a
cross-category remix is the ‘‘Cable Organizer’’
from the ‘‘household’’ category that is based on
‘‘Mr. Jaws,’’ a stylized shark from the ‘‘models’’
category. The cable organizer uses the shark’s
teeth to hold cables in place.
‣ Croissant + Doughnut = Success
‣ “It’s still difficult to describe the success of the
Cronut. I think it’s a mix of so many things
together that work perfectly. Everyone’s had a
doughnut before. Everyone’s had a croissant
before,” … “But there’s always a different
source of inspiration when it comes to pastry. It
can sometimes be color, sometimes an
ingredient, sometimes a technique, sometimes
a story. But it all comes together around the
same thing when it comes to creating a new
product, and it’s to do something good and
tasty and something that people remember.”
Dominique Ansel
‣ WiFi through light bulbs
‣ What if every light bulb in the world
could also transmit data? At
TEDGlobal, Harald Haas
demonstrates, for the first time, a
device that could do exactly that. By
flickering the light from a single LED,
a change too quick for the human
eye to detect, he can transmit far
more data than a cellular tower --
and do it in a way that's more
efficient, secure and widespread.
‣ Internet of Thing
‣ “The Internet of Things represents a
vision in which the Internet extends
into the real world embracing
everyday objects. Physical items are
no longer disconnected from the
virtual world, but can be controlled
remotely and can act as physical
access points to Internet services.
An Internet of Things makes
computing truly
ubiquitous.” (Mattern et al., 2010)
‣ The disruptive nature of 3D printing
‣ Significant advances in additive
manufacturing (AM) technologies,
commonly known as 3D printing, over the
past decade have transformed the ways in
which products are designed, developed,
manufactured, and distributed.
‣ 3D printing’s ability and advantages over
traditional manufacturing open plenty of
opportunities for verticals, spanning from
product design and development,
customization service, to restructuring of
supply chain for higher efficiency.
▸ Sharing Economy
▸ Five key ingredients
▸ Open Source
▸ Business Models
▸ Creative Common
▸ Share your work. Use &
Five key ingredients
▸ The core business idea involves unlocking the value of unused or under-utilized assets,
whether it’s for monetary or non-monetary benefits.
▸ The company should have a clear values-driven mission and be built on meaningful principles
including transparency, humanness, and authenticity that inform short and long-term strategic
▸ The providers on the supply-side should be valued, respected, and empowered and the
companies committed to making the lives of these providers economically and socially better.
▸ The customers on the demand side of the platforms should benefit from the ability to get goods
and services in more efficient ways that mean they pay for access instead of ownership.
▸ The business should be built on distributed marketplaces or decentralized networks that create
a sense of belonging, collective accountability and mutual benefit through the community they
Business Models
▸ Support and services
▸ Offer software for free and charge enterprise users for technical support services.
▸ Advertisement partnerships
▸ Earn revenue from partnerships with other companies, which pay to be included as
recommended partners.
▸ Paid additional features
▸ Charge for enterprise-oriented, premium features that are not included in the open-source basic
version. You can also sell support services.
▸ SaaS
▸ Companies can also make money from open source software by selling it as cloud-based
software-as-a-service (SaaS). is one example of this model.
Share your work. Use & remix.
‣ What is Creative Commons?
‣ “Creative Commons helps you legally share your knowledge and
creativity to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world.
We unlock the full potential of the internet to drive a new era of
development, growth and productivity.”
‣ “Our free, easy-to-use copyright licenses provide a simple,
standardized way to give your permission to share and use your
creative work— on conditions of your choice. “
▸ Manufacturing Industry
▸ Agile
▸ Software Development
▸ Design Thinking
▸ Service & Product Design
‣ "KAIZEN™ means improvement. Moreover, it
means continuing improvement in personal
life, home life, social life, and working life.
When applied to the workplace KAIZEN™
means continuing improvement involving
everyone – managers and workers alike."
Masaaki Imai, Founder of Kaizen Institute
‣ Lean manufacturing, is a systematic method
for the minimization of waste (muda) within a
manufacturing system, without sacrificing
productivity. Working from the perspective
of the client who consumes a product or
service, "value" is any action or process that
a customer would be willing to pay for.
We are uncovering better ways of developing

software by doing it and helping others do it.

Through this work we have come to value:
‣ Individuals and interactions over processes
and tools
‣ Working software over comprehensive
‣ Customer collaboration over contract
‣ Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on

the right, we value the items on the left more.
▸ “We use a mixture of design processes.
We’ve got a diversity of designers,
including service designers, graphics
designers, information designers,
programmers, marketers, social
scientists, positive psychologists, and
even anthropologists. This diversity of
experts bring different techniques
related to their disciplines, and this
mixture creates a unique design
process — we call it a co-design process 
— whereby we capture public views.”
Deborah Szebeko, founder @ thinkpublic
▸ Business Idea:
▸ Design a diffused museum in the
city of Ancona
▸ Focus Areas
▸ Business Model
▸ Marketing & Communication
▸ Mobility & Accessibility
▸ Ideas to Remix:
▸ E-bike services, Recording A/V
Studio, Video Game, Jewels,
Theatre, Train Station.
▸ The basic idea behind the product vision box is
to create an actual, physical box that has to be used to
market the product.
▸ Each side of the box contains information that
summarises the benefits and features of the product.
▸ The name, logo and slogan are on the front, as are a
couple of points highlighting the top benefits of that
▸ On the back you find more detailed information about
the product’s ingredients and attributes, and some
history about the product or company.
▸ The sides of the box also feature some additional
information about the cereal brand.
Product Vision Box @ Bologna Business School
▸ SCAMPER is really easy to use.
▸ First, take an existing product or service. This
could be one that you want to improve, one that
you're currently having problems with, or one
that you think could be a good starting point for
future development.
▸ Then, ask questions about the product you
identified, using the mnemonic to guide you.
Brainstorm   as many questions and answers as
you can.
▸ Finally, look at the answers that you came up
with. Do any stand out as viable solutions? Could
you use any of them to create a new product, or
develop an existing one? If any of your ideas
seem viable, then you can explore them further.
▸ Start by drawing a very large tree on a whiteboard or
printing a tree as a poster. Thick limbs represent
major areas of functionality within your system. The
edge of the tree – its outermost branches – represents
the features available in the current release.
▸ Write potential new features on several index cards,
ideally shaped as leaves. Ask your customers to place
desired features around the tree, defining the next
phase of its growth.
▸ Do they structure a tree that is growing in a balanced
manner? Does one branch – perhaps a core feature of
the product – get the bulk of the growth? Does an
under-utilised aspect of the tree become stronger?
▸ We know that the roots of a tree (your support and
customer care infrastructure) need to extend at least
as far as your canopy. Do yours?
Product Tree @ CLab UNIVPM
By definition, an elevator pitch is a quick persuasive
speech that is used to create interest in a project. It distills
your ideas into the simplest, clearest points of value, what
makes you different, and instills enough curiosity to make
the prospect want to hear more. It should be no longer
than the time it takes to ride an elevator to the top floor
in a building, between 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
The following is a standard pitch format that can be
applied to almost any situation.
My name is <<NAME>>, the <<ROLE>> of
<<COMPANY>>. Our company manufactures
allows them to <<YOUR VALUE PROPOSITION>>.
Elevator Pitch @ Bologna Business School
Brainstorming S.C.A.M.P.E.R.
1h 1h 1h 1h
Creativity = Remix
‣ Creativity. Develop several ideas
and opportunities to create value,
including better solutions to
existing and new challenges.
‣ Remix. Copy, Transform and
▸ Agile & Design Thinking. Tools to
create value, involve the users,
quickly adapt to changes.
Photo: Workshop “Creativity as a key competence”
Product Vision Box @ Bologna Business School
Ronnie Garattoni
Massimiliano Camillucci

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Massimiliano Camillucci

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Creativity = Remix | Workshop Ecapital Culture Start-Up Business School

  • 1. CREATIVITY=REMIX WORKSHOP ECAPITAL CULTURE START-UP SCHOOL hosted by Ronnie Garattoni and Massimiliano Camillucci
  • 3.
  • 4. Hi, my name is Massimiliano. I work as a Freelance Software Developer. My fields of interest are VR, AR, Web and Cloud services. My passions are: music, digital & visual arts, DIY projects. I’m a member of Warehouse Coworking Factory’s professional community. Massimiliano Camillucci WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX
  • 5. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX TODAY @ ECAPITAL CULTURE Creativity = Remix : Workshop about creativity as a key competence ‣ Definition of “creativity” ‣ Case Studies ‣ Tools and methods to co-create business ideas within multidisciplinary teams ▸ Creative challenge: create, develop and share a business idea Photo: Workshop “Creativity as a key competence” Product Vision Box @ Bologna Business School
  • 6. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX CULTURAL AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES (CCIS) ▸ Cultural and creative sectors are important for ensuring the continued development of societies and are at the heart of the creative economy. Knowledge-intensive and based on individual creativity and talent, they generate considerable economic wealth; more importantly, they are critical to a shared sense of European identity, culture and values. They show above- average growth and create jobs – particularly for young people – while strengthening social cohesion. ▸ Cultural and creative sectors drive innovation, acting as a catalyst for change in other sectors – and stimulate invention and progress across Europe’s diverse cultural landscape. With the emergence of progressively complex, creative and intertwined business models, the cultural and creative sectors are increasingly becoming a decisive component of almost every product and service.
  • 7. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX ENTREPRENEURSHIP COMPETENCE ▸ The entrepreneurship competence is increasingly recognised as a competence for life, relevant to personal development and fulfilment, finding and progressing in employment, as well as initiating new ventures ranging from community campaigns, social enterprises to new start-up businesses. ▸ Being creative or thinking about how to do things in new ways is equally relevant to progressing your career as well as coming up with new business ideas. Taking the initiative and mobilizing others to get involved are useful skills when fundraising for your local sports team, or establishing a new social enterprise. action-get-inspired-make-it-happen-user-guide-european-entrepreneurship-competence
  • 8. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX ENTRECOMP FRAMEWORK ▸ Entrepreneurship as a competence is defined as the capacity to act upon opportunities and ideas to create value for others. The value created can be social, cultural, or financial. ▸ EntreComp recognises the opportunity to be entrepreneurial in any situation: from school curriculum to innovating in the workplace, from community initiatives to applied learning at university. ▸ In the EntreComp framework, entrepreneurship competence is both an individual and collective capacity.
  • 9.
  • 10. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND CREATIVITY Creativity ▸ Creativity is a crucial competence needed in a process of empowerment and self-empowerment. ▸ It helps people to initiate things, to ideate and to connect new ideas with existing experience. ▸ It is a key competence for adapting proactively toward social change and to co-create this change.
  • 11. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND CREATIVITY ▸ Entrepreneurship is a competence for life. Being creative or thinking about how to do things in new ways is equally relevant to progressing your career or coming up with new business ideas. ▸ Creativity: Develop creative and purposeful ideas ▸ Develop several ideas and opportunities to create value, including better solutions to existing and new challenges ▸ Explore and experiment with innovative approaches ▸ Combine knowledge and resources to achieve valuable effects
  • 12. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND CREATIVITY ▸ Entrepreneurship is a competence for life. Being creative or thinking about how to do things in new ways is equally relevant to progressing your career or coming up with new business ideas. ▸ Creativity: Develop creative and purposeful ideas ▸ Develop several ideas and opportunities to create value, including better solutions to existing and new challenges ▸ Explore and experiment with innovative approaches ▸ Combine knowledge and resources to achieve valuable effects
  • 13. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX CREATIVITY = REMIX ▸ Marc Ronson - Music Producer an DJ (Amy Winehouse, Paul McCartney) ▸ TED Talks - How Sampling Transformed Music ▸ “We live in post-sampling era. We take the things that we love, and we build on them” … “and when we really add something significant and original we merge our musical journey with this, then we have a chance to be a part of the evolution of that music that we love, and be linked with it when it comes something new again”. ▸ mark_ronson_how_sampling_transformed_music?referrer=playlist- the_remix
  • 14. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX CREATIVITY = REMIX ▸ Kirby Ferguson - Filmmaker and remixer ▸ TED Talks - Embrace the remix ▸ “Copy, transform and combine” … “I think these aren’t just the components of remixing [music], I think these are the basic elements of all creativity. I think everything is a remix, and I think this is a better way to conceive of creativity.” … “Our creativity comes from without, not from within.” ▸ referrer=playlist-the_remix&language=en
  • 15. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX COPY, TRANSFORM, COMBINE ▸ Exploring the remix as a form of innovation. ▸ The reuse of existing knowledge is an indispensable part of the creation of novel ideas. In the creative domain knowledge reuse is a common practice known as “remixing”. ▸ With the emergence of open internet-based platforms in recent years, remixing has found its way from the world of music and art to the design of arbitrary physical goods. CREDITS:
  • 16. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX REINVENTING THE WHEEL Here we have a series of products and business examples where remixing ideas, products and knowledge is the key to innovation: ‣ Mr. Jaws - A Thingiverse story ‣ Cronut - Croissant + Doughnut = Success ‣ LiFi - WiFi through light bulbs ‣ IOT - Internet of Thing ‣ 3D Printing - Disruptive creativity Photo: Workshop “Creativity as a key competence” Product Vision Box @ CLab UNIVPM
  • 17. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX MR. JAWS ‣ A Thingiverse story ‣ Category transitions: Every Thing on Thingiverse is assigned a category, which allows users to browse and find familiar designs; example categories include ‘‘household,’’ ‘‘toys and games,’’ and ‘’art’’. Remixes occur both within a single category and across multiple categories. While the majority of remixes remain within the same category as their respective parents, approximately 8% of remixes transfer knowledge from one domain to another. An example of a cross-category remix is the ‘‘Cable Organizer’’ from the ‘‘household’’ category that is based on ‘‘Mr. Jaws,’’ a stylized shark from the ‘‘models’’ category. The cable organizer uses the shark’s teeth to hold cables in place.
  • 18. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX CRONUT ‣ Croissant + Doughnut = Success ‣ “It’s still difficult to describe the success of the Cronut. I think it’s a mix of so many things together that work perfectly. Everyone’s had a doughnut before. Everyone’s had a croissant before,” … “But there’s always a different source of inspiration when it comes to pastry. It can sometimes be color, sometimes an ingredient, sometimes a technique, sometimes a story. But it all comes together around the same thing when it comes to creating a new product, and it’s to do something good and tasty and something that people remember.” Dominique Ansel complete-history-of-the-cronut
  • 19. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX LI-FI ‣ WiFi through light bulbs ‣ What if every light bulb in the world could also transmit data? At TEDGlobal, Harald Haas demonstrates, for the first time, a device that could do exactly that. By flickering the light from a single LED, a change too quick for the human eye to detect, he can transmit far more data than a cellular tower -- and do it in a way that's more efficient, secure and widespread. harald_haas_wireless_data_from_every_light_bulb
  • 20. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX IOT ‣ Internet of Thing ‣ “The Internet of Things represents a vision in which the Internet extends into the real world embracing everyday objects. Physical items are no longer disconnected from the virtual world, but can be controlled remotely and can act as physical access points to Internet services. An Internet of Things makes computing truly ubiquitous.” (Mattern et al., 2010) IEEE_IoT_Towards_Definition_Internet_of_Things_Issue1_14MAY15.pdf
  • 21. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX 3D PRINTING ‣ The disruptive nature of 3D printing ‣ Significant advances in additive manufacturing (AM) technologies, commonly known as 3D printing, over the past decade have transformed the ways in which products are designed, developed, manufactured, and distributed. ‣ 3D printing’s ability and advantages over traditional manufacturing open plenty of opportunities for verticals, spanning from product design and development, customization service, to restructuring of supply chain for higher efficiency. monitor/content/disruptive-nature-3d-printing
  • 22. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX REMIX YOUR BUSINESS MODEL ▸ Sharing Economy ▸ Five key ingredients ▸ Open Source ▸ Business Models ▸ Creative Common ▸ Share your work. Use & remix.
  • 23. Five key ingredients ▸ The core business idea involves unlocking the value of unused or under-utilized assets, whether it’s for monetary or non-monetary benefits. ▸ The company should have a clear values-driven mission and be built on meaningful principles including transparency, humanness, and authenticity that inform short and long-term strategic decisions. ▸ The providers on the supply-side should be valued, respected, and empowered and the companies committed to making the lives of these providers economically and socially better. ▸ The customers on the demand side of the platforms should benefit from the ability to get goods and services in more efficient ways that mean they pay for access instead of ownership. ▸ The business should be built on distributed marketplaces or decentralized networks that create a sense of belonging, collective accountability and mutual benefit through the community they build. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX SHARING ECONOMY what-is-collaborative-consumption-and-what-isnt
  • 24. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX OPEN SOURCE Business Models ▸ Support and services ▸ Offer software for free and charge enterprise users for technical support services. ▸ Advertisement partnerships ▸ Earn revenue from partnerships with other companies, which pay to be included as recommended partners. ▸ Paid additional features ▸ Charge for enterprise-oriented, premium features that are not included in the open-source basic version. You can also sell support services. ▸ SaaS ▸ Companies can also make money from open source software by selling it as cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS). is one example of this model.
  • 25. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX CREATIVE COMMON Share your work. Use & remix. ‣ What is Creative Commons? ‣ “Creative Commons helps you legally share your knowledge and creativity to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world. We unlock the full potential of the internet to drive a new era of development, growth and productivity.” ‣ “Our free, easy-to-use copyright licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give your permission to share and use your creative work— on conditions of your choice. “
  • 26. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX TOOLS AND METHODS ▸ LEAN ▸ Manufacturing Industry ▸ Agile ▸ Software Development ▸ Design Thinking ▸ Service & Product Design
  • 27. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX LEAN ‣ "KAIZEN™ means improvement. Moreover, it means continuing improvement in personal life, home life, social life, and working life. When applied to the workplace KAIZEN™ means continuing improvement involving everyone – managers and workers alike." Masaaki Imai, Founder of Kaizen Institute ‣ Lean manufacturing, is a systematic method for the minimization of waste (muda) within a manufacturing system, without sacrificing productivity. Working from the perspective of the client who consumes a product or service, "value" is any action or process that a customer would be willing to pay for.
  • 28. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX AGILE We are uncovering better ways of developing
 software by doing it and helping others do it.
 Through this work we have come to value: ‣ Individuals and interactions over processes and tools ‣ Working software over comprehensive documentation ‣ Customer collaboration over contract negotiation ‣ Responding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items on
 the right, we value the items on the left more.
  • 29. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX DESIGN THINKING ▸ “We use a mixture of design processes. We’ve got a diversity of designers, including service designers, graphics designers, information designers, programmers, marketers, social scientists, positive psychologists, and even anthropologists. This diversity of experts bring different techniques related to their disciplines, and this mixture creates a unique design process — we call it a co-design process  — whereby we capture public views.” Deborah Szebeko, founder @ thinkpublic
  • 30. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX CREATIVE CHALLENGE ▸ Business Idea: ▸ Design a diffused museum in the city of Ancona ▸ Focus Areas ▸ Business Model ▸ Marketing & Communication ▸ Mobility & Accessibility ▸ Ideas to Remix: ▸ E-bike services, Recording A/V Studio, Video Game, Jewels, Theatre, Train Station.
  • 32. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX PRODUCT VISION BOX ▸ The basic idea behind the product vision box is to create an actual, physical box that has to be used to market the product. ▸ Each side of the box contains information that summarises the benefits and features of the product. ▸ The name, logo and slogan are on the front, as are a couple of points highlighting the top benefits of that brand. ▸ On the back you find more detailed information about the product’s ingredients and attributes, and some history about the product or company. ▸ The sides of the box also feature some additional information about the cereal brand. Product Vision Box @ Bologna Business School product-vision-box-and-clarify-your-software-goals/
  • 33. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX S.C.A.M.P.E.R. ▸ SCAMPER is really easy to use. ▸ First, take an existing product or service. This could be one that you want to improve, one that you're currently having problems with, or one that you think could be a good starting point for future development. ▸ Then, ask questions about the product you identified, using the mnemonic to guide you. Brainstorm   as many questions and answers as you can. ▸ Finally, look at the answers that you came up with. Do any stand out as viable solutions? Could you use any of them to create a new product, or develop an existing one? If any of your ideas seem viable, then you can explore them further.
  • 34. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX PRODUCT TREE ▸ Start by drawing a very large tree on a whiteboard or printing a tree as a poster. Thick limbs represent major areas of functionality within your system. The edge of the tree – its outermost branches – represents the features available in the current release. ▸ Write potential new features on several index cards, ideally shaped as leaves. Ask your customers to place desired features around the tree, defining the next phase of its growth. ▸ Do they structure a tree that is growing in a balanced manner? Does one branch – perhaps a core feature of the product – get the bulk of the growth? Does an under-utilised aspect of the tree become stronger? ▸ We know that the roots of a tree (your support and customer care infrastructure) need to extend at least as far as your canopy. Do yours? Product Tree @ CLab UNIVPM
  • 35. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX ELEVATOR PITCH By definition, an elevator pitch is a quick persuasive speech that is used to create interest in a project. It distills your ideas into the simplest, clearest points of value, what makes you different, and instills enough curiosity to make the prospect want to hear more. It should be no longer than the time it takes to ride an elevator to the top floor in a building, between 30 seconds to 2 minutes. The following is a standard pitch format that can be applied to almost any situation. My name is <<NAME>>, the <<ROLE>> of <<COMPANY>>. Our company manufactures <<PRODUCT>> for <<TARGET CUSTOMER>> that allows them to <<YOUR VALUE PROPOSITION>>. Unlike <<OUR COMPETITION>>, we <<PRIMARY COMPETITIVE POINTS OF DIFFERENCE>>. <<CALL to ACTION>> Elevator Pitch @ Bologna Business School
  • 36. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX Brainstorming S.C.A.M.P.E.R. Product Vision Box Elevator Pitch Clustering Ideas 1h 1h 1h 1h
  • 37. WORKSHOP | CREATIVITY = REMIX WRAP-UP Creativity = Remix ‣ Creativity. Develop several ideas and opportunities to create value, including better solutions to existing and new challenges. ‣ Remix. Copy, Transform and Combine. ▸ Agile & Design Thinking. Tools to create value, involve the users, quickly adapt to changes. Photo: Workshop “Creativity as a key competence” Product Vision Box @ Bologna Business School