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Course Reflection Essay
Writing a "Course Reflection Essay" can be both challenging and rewarding. It requires
introspection and the ability to articulate your thoughts and experiences coherently. Reflecting
on a course involves not just summarizing what you've learned but delving into how the material
impacted you personally and academically.
One of the difficulties lies in striking the right balance between personal reflection and academic
analysis. It's not just about listing what assignments you did or what concepts you grasped, but
about digging deeper to understand how these experiences contributed to your intellectual
growth. This involves thoughtful consideration of your strengths and weaknesses, the challenges
you faced, and the strategies you employed to overcome them.
Moreover, expressing these reflections in a well-structured and cohesive essay can be
challenging. It requires a clear thesis that encapsulates the essence of your learning experience,
organized body paragraphs that delve into specific aspects of the course, and a conclusion that
ties everything together. Achieving this cohesion while also maintaining an engaging and
personal tone is a delicate balance that many find challenging.
Another aspect that can add to the difficulty is the subjective nature of reflection. Each person's
experience in a course is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to crafting a reflection
essay. Some students may find it challenging to express their thoughts and feelings in a way that
resonates with the reader while staying true to their own voice.
Despite these challenges, the process of writing a course reflection essay can be incredibly
enriching. It encourages self-awareness, critical thinking, and the development of effective
communication skills. The struggle to articulate one's thoughts often leads to a deeper
understanding of the material and personal growth.
In conclusion, while writing a course reflection essay can be a demanding task, it is a valuable
exercise in self-discovery and academic expression. It challenges students to think beyond the
surface of their coursework and delve into the transformative aspects of their learning journey.
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Course Reflection Essay Course Reflection Essay
Evaluation Essay
Evaluation Essay If you are looking for a class to meet both a general education
and a diversity requirement class I d recommend taking Sociology 268. The class,
Race and Ethnicity, is an introduction course taught by Professor Kristina Cantin. I
am going to evaluate this professor based off of five criteria: subject knowledge and
passion; setting high standards and clear classroom objectives; ability to create a
sense of community within the class; professor accessibility; and mutual respect. The
course focused on the eight common conversations about Race: We re beyond race;
Racial diversity is killing us; Everyone s a little bit racist; It s just identity politics;
Variety is the spice of life; It s a Black thing you... Show more content on ...
It was a unique learning and sharing experience that our professor used to
demonstrate the different social strata, different social classes and white privilege. I
found this class an oasis for learning. Each student s experience was valued and
important and a strong sense of community identity was developed. Professor Cantin
s ability to create community within the classroom also extended to outside of the
class hours. Many times professors are hard to reach via
Essay about The poetry of Seamus Heaney is deceptively...
The poetry of Seamus Heaney is deceptively simple. Examine this comment in the
light of his choices of subject, diction, and structure. You should refer to at least two
poems in your responses.
The deceptive simplicity of the poet can be helped to be understood through P A M
Dirac, who suggests that poetry tries to tell people in a way that is understood by no
one, something everybody already knew.
If you can comprehend this, it is easier to see how the poetry of
Heaney can be called deceptively simple, the surface which appears to be the
reminiscing of his youth, is misleading, in actuality it is hinting at something far
more complex and explaining lessons of life that he learnt, that the reader may never
One of ... Show more content on ...
It is possible that the deeper meaning to a Mid Term
Break is that of coming to terms with the fact that it was not his fault that this
pointless loss of young life occurred. He may have felt that if he had not been away
at school his brother may never had died but the poet needs time (many years) to
justify this and come to terms with his bereavement.
A common point in each of the poems is that of the poets internal struggle to come
to terms with himself, acceptance of himself as the person he is. This is clearly
seen in Digging where he shows nothing but admiration for his father and the
expertise needed to farm, which is highlighted by the use of technical terms such
as lug . He finally concludes that his skill as a writer, a poet, is just as valued as
that of a farmer and that in all likelihood his feelings of guilt at discarding tradition
were not necessary and there was no need to believe he could not live up to
expectations, he has accepted himself.
Through Heaney s poetry we come to understand, that his ideas do not just relate to
him, they relate to us as well, they show the connection between human lives. This is
what William Carlos Williams calls the universality of the local . When you look
deeper and scrutinize the poems they become more than just the memories of a man.
Beyond the surface there are layers of meaning, complexity,
Investigating The Failure Rates And Mean Time On
The study aims to determine the failure rates and mean time to repair statistics in
relation to the medical equipment in order to make correlations between the
probabilities of harm to patients in a sudden failure of the equipment. To determine
whether there is another or alternative way of equipment maintenance management
strategies from the relevant industry experience and to check if they have the
potential to improve the availability of hospital equipment in critical conditions and
to reduce the harm to patients by using the equipment s in proper conditions by not
playing with their lives.
This study was conducted by examining the maintenance management strategies of
critical hospital; equipment s or ... Show more content on ...
The research was conducted by conducting a survey. The survey was designed in
such a way that every hospital had to answer the questions in the survey. Every
hospital had been given six to eight copies of the questionnaire depending on the
involvement of the hospital departments and the type of equipment s available for the
survey and the maintenance strategies followed.
After completing the questionnaires, approval was required from the hospital head
who is responsible for every activity taking place in his hospital. The main study of
this experiment is to check the non availability of the equipment or failure, which
would risk the patient s life in danger. The rules and regulations or criteria for
conducting the research on the criticality of the equipment is the risk of failure or
breakdown of the equipment when it is used on a patient, the average time used for
a patient, average number of patients used or serviced by the equipment, operational
life of the equipment and the availability of alternative equipment in case of failure
or malfunction at critical times. There are around 6782 devices were examined
during the process. We have taken only 5 equipment s for the study in this paper.
In the pilot project we have considered only 5 hospitals and five types of critical
hospital equipment were examined and that had a non availability of high risk level.
The equipment s are kidney dialysis, cardiac catheterization
The Great Gatsby s Treatment Of Women In The 1920s
In the 1920 s, society underwent changes as the result of women s rights, prohibition,
organized crime, and the infamous stock market crash of 1928. As women gained
independant rights, men were furious about this despite the fact they had always been
superior to women. In the novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tom
Buchanan and Jay Gatsbyexemplify the treatment men had towards women in the
1920 s. Tom Buchanan, a prominent man who inherits his family s wealth, is married
to Daisy Buchanan, Tom takes advantage of his wife, by publicly taking other women
out and treating them to his lavish lifestyle. Tom Buchanan will do anything to
suppress his lovers to further the superiority he has over women. Fitzgerald s use of
Tom Buchanan... Show more content on ...
When Tom claims that Daisy actually does love him, he suppresses her opinion by
putting words in her mouth to aid his argument. Tom perceives the need that he
must speak for his wife as if she can not speak for herself. Also, Tom claims that
Daisy obtains foolish ideas, and that she doesn t know what she s doing. He implies
that she is crazy and it is understandable that she fools around because of that. This
reflects the misogynistic views men had towards women in this time period as they
silenced women with their opinions to prove their
Conditions of the Poor in the 19th Century Portrayed in A...
In A Christmas carol, how does Dickens make the reader aware of the conditions of
the poor in the 19th century? In what ways does he make his message palatable?
The story of A Christmas Carol is set in Charles Dickens home town of London. In
the Victorian period Londoners were split in two categories, the rich and poor and
the streets were filled with diseases and many poor children died at young ages.
There were many big families who had small but affordable meals throughout the
year, but for one day in the year they attempted to earn as much money as they could
so families could have a special meal. This day was
Christmas and in my essay I am going to be describing how Dickens get across the
Christmas spirit people have. ... Show more content on ...
But Bob Cratchit who worked for Scrooge as a clerk was treated even worse then
most poor workers who were never treated with dignity.
He was paid below the average pay for a regular poor worker, so struggled to pay
for food and his family bills. He had to work in terrible conditions, for example
Scrooge looked after the coal box and wouldn t give Cratchit fclerk put on his
white comforter, and tried to warm himself at the candle; in which efforts, not
being a man of strong imagination, he failed. Bob Cratchit really loved Christmas
and when he applauded Scrooge s nephew talking to Scrooge about how great
Christmas was, Scrooge said, Let me hear another sound from you and you ll keep
your Christmas by losing your situation. Scrooge had threatened to sack Bob
Cratchit so close to Christmas and just shows how mean he was and how poorly
workers were treated in Victorian times. In Dickens time workers were paid poor
money but they had to rely on this income so much because if a poor person didn t
have this small amount of money they would surely have to live on the streets
begging for food and would find it difficult to get another job which is why
Bob Cratchit can t argue with Scrooge s dismal treatment of him and he just has to
cope with it. Cratchit had to work everyday in the year, except Christmas which was
the one day the Cratchit family would have a proper meal with a goose and lots
more treats they wouldn t
The Growing Threat Of Cyber Warfare From Russia
Benjamin Carver
Mrs. Wuerfel
English 12 Honors
6 February 2016
The Growing Threat of Cyber Warfare from Russia The next generation of
terrorists will grow up in a digital world, with ever more powerful and easy to use
hacking tools at their disposal. Dorothy E. Denning. This is becoming more and
more apparent as time goes on. You hear something new every day about some
company being hacked by the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, or North Koreans. The
world we live in is becoming more and more digitized and, perhaps unsurprisingly,
the threat of cyber terrorism is only growing with the evolving technology. Tensions
have been rising rapidly largely due to the multiple cyber attacks being waged every
day against various political ... Show more content on ...
(Paletta, Yadron, and Valentino DeVries A.1). Though the United Statesgovernment
seems to think that creating the most powerful hacking software is the best course
of action, this will only lead to more cyber terrorism at the expense of everyday
citizens. Looking to the past, it is obvious that engaging in an arms race can often
lead to escalated conflicts. Some security experts warn that governments do not
yet understand the power of the hacking tools being created, and that the situation
is growing dangerously similar to the arms race induced powder keg Europe was
before World War I erupted (Matthews). Although they were physical, arms races in
the past led to such horrific conflicts such as the first World War and terrifying time
periods such as the Cold War. Governments should be approaching this situation
with much more caution. In order to ensure both the safety of the citizens of the
world, as well as the well being of the world s nations, the digital arms race should
be de escalated. Measures need to be taken to reduce the frequency of cyber attacks,
as opposed to simply fighting back with more powerful hacking tools.
Cybercrime and cyberterrorism are becoming increasingly more dangerous issues as
time goes on. China appears to wage hacking attacks on other countries, especially the
United States, more often than any other countries. Due to the frequency, many
How Did Theodore Roosevelt Save The Environment
How and Why Theodore Roosevelt Saved the Environment
Common folklore says that the Teddy Bear toy is named after Theodore Roosevelt.
Rumor has it that he saved a young bear in the wild, and thus gave the cute and
cuddly toy a name. (Donna, 1) This is a great example of one of the most popular
aspects of Theodore Roosevelt s personality: his love for nature and the environment.
But what really got Roosevelt interested in the environmental concerns of the nation?
Theodore Roosevelt s lifelong love of nature that was sprouted in childhood, was
strengthened due to his time in Dakota, and brought his attention to the
environmental issues that led to his involvement and achievements in
Theodore Roosevelt grew up in Manhattan, New York. He was the... Show more
content on ...
Roosevelt s intense case of asthma and other physical disabilities as a child sprouted
his lifelong love for the outdoors. He devoted his time to developing a strong
physique , and doing physically strenuous activities, such as boxing. Roosevelt even
became an amateur taxidermist by taking small forest animals, stuffing them and
putting them on his shelf. Roosevelt was home schooled due to his asthma, thus
giving him ample amount of free time which he liked to spend playing and exploring
the outdoors. Thanks to his father s wealth, his family helped to start a Museum of
Natural History. Due to his extreme exposure with the outdoors, Roosevelt had a love
of nature that started as a child and grew into a political movement.
In 1884, Roosevelts wife and mother passed away on the same day thus causing
him to spiral into a deep depression and move to the west Dakota Territory.
Roosevelt planned to move back to Dakota and to raise his cattle herd, but was hit
with many disgruntled neighbors. His neighbors were concerned about the
overgrazing of Dakota pastors in 1886, and the harsh winter that was coming.(Huber,
1) The overgrazing was a major issue for the ranchers
Essay on Head Ski Company
SGMT X 6000 STrategic Management| Head Ski Company Ltd.| Business Level
Strategy| | Pavel Tabak| 2/6/2012| | Competitive Advantage Determinants
Competitive advantage in a strategic environment is most often defined as having
greater profitability than the average rival firm. As in the case for Head Ski
Company Inc., we are not provided with extensive competitor information, thus only
internal indicators will be evaluated. Profitability measures show a company s
overall ability to maintain efficiency and performance for their stakeholders. Some
of the key performance measures for Head Ski in determining a true competitive
advantage are as follows: ROA, ROI, ROE... Show more content on
This quality assurance was best displayed through Howard Head s statement that
attention to detail is what separates Head Ski from their competitors and that even
during tough financial times, any defects or quality deviants were recalled without
hesitation. Furthermore, the design of the ski is crucial to the performance of the
skier and needs to take into consideration the 3 core functions of: Tracking,
Traversing and Turning. Although in the early years as per Mr. Head, the main
concentration was to make the best ski for the general public, by 1966, Head Ski
was the top choice for performance for both, unskilled beginners and the top
professional racers. This advantage in performance was prominent in a major
international competition where one third of all top 10 finishers were using Head
products. Additionally, Head Ski truly believed in functionality before style. While
competitors often introduced 6 8 different colours yearly for their skis, Head stuck
to the basic colour of black and rarely made any model changes unless performance
was lacking. The simplicity of using one colour really made Head distinctive and
unique on the slopes and ultimately creating a status symbol for the brand. The
emphasis on selective dealer relationships was a very strategic and distinctive
strategy by Head. Many large stores were declined the opportunity to
The Historical And Contemporary Importance Of Francis
The most popular saint in history, Francis of Assisi s life is shrouded in as much
legend as it is fact. However, the influence of Francis or the monastic order he
founded cannot be disputed. Born into great wealth and influence during the Middle
Ages, Francis turned down such comforts instead taking up a life of poverty and
ministry. In less than two decades of ministry, Francis was able to leave a legacy that
continues to influence the Church today. The following will show the historical and
contemporary importance of Francis of Assisiby examining his unique life, his
founding of the FranciscanOrder and his ongoing influence in the life of the Church.
Saint Francis of Assisiwas born Giovanni Bernardone around 1182 in Assisi, Italy to
Peter (Pietro) Bernardone, a wealthy Italian cloth merchant, and his wife Pica.
When Francis was born Peter was away in France on business and his mother
baptized him as Giovanni. Upon his return, Peter gave Giovanni the name
Francesco (Francis). Francis received some limited formal education, but this was
supplemented with practical education received while accompanying his father on
his many business journeys. Francis lived the typical life of a wealthy young man
and aspired to be a knight. He was quite the character and always desired to rise
about the common place. A major turning point began in his life when in 1202, he
joined a military expedition against Perugia. The forces from Assisi were defeated
during which he was
Cocaine Addiction In The Workplace Essay
A cocaine addiction not only affects your health, but it also affects your
performance in the workplace. There are many ways that a cocaine addiction can
have a negative effect on your work performance. Below is a list of some of the
ways that your business can suffer from a cocaine addiction:
Increased Sick Days
Cocaine can damage your health in a number of ways. It can cause an increase in
blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature. It can also cause gastrointestinal side
effects. Additionally, chronic cocaine users are more likely to become malnourished.
If your health is being seriously affected by cocaine use, then you will have a harder
time concentrating while you are working. In fact, you may have to take sick days.
One of the reasons that most workplaces have implemented a ... Show more content
on ...
However, many people with a cocaine addiction lack a work ethic. They become so
preoccupied with their addiction that they forget about their business. This can lead
to a failed business.
Your Quality Of Work Will Suffer
Your quality of work is likely to suffer if you have a cocaine addiction. When it
comes to business, quality is sometimes more important than quantity. Customers
expect good service from people that they do business with. Customers typically take
their business elsewhere when they are not satisfied with a business. This can cause
your business to lose a lot of money.
Furthermore, not only can you lose existing customers, but it may be harder for you
to attract new ones. Word of mouth is still one of the most popular forms of
advertisement. Many businesses build their clientele based on reviews from their
existing customers. However, if a customer is not happy with the service that they get
from your business, then they are likely to say bad things about it. This can ruin your
business s reputation.
Inpatient Rehab Can Save Your Business And
Dangers Of Exponential Technology
Dangers of the Exponentials Exponential technologies can potentially pose great
dangers to the human race. Although, not to the extent people believe. Simply put,
The wrong technology in the wrong hands leads nowhere good. This brings us to
topics such as bioterrorism, cyber attacks, and Robotics or artificial intelligence
leading to potential unemployment for skilled workers. Bioterrorism is no joke, it is
more prevalent than most would assume. Technologyis becoming increasingly easier
to use and cheaper to access, making biological attacks and hacks practically
inevitable. The threat of a biological attack alone can produce negative impacts all
over the world economically, psychologically, and society as a whole. The good
news is that these threats have called for more regulation on the distribution of
technology and reagents. The issue at hand is that it may not have the greatest or
desired effect. Often times, banning something creates a black market for those
dedicated to exploiting it. The result of almost anything made illegal, is organized
crime. Our greatest resource to combat emerging natural and artificial biological
threats is an open and broadly distributed technological capability. Regulation that is
demonstrably ineffective in improving security could easily end up stifling the
technological innovation required to improve security. We need regional facilities
that are able to rapidly distribute vaccines and antiviral drugs in cities worldwide to
A Study Case
A Canwall Case
Two Canadians representing Canwall, a manufacturer of wallpaper printing
equipment, went to a town north of Shanghai in the province of Jiangsu, China, to
negotiate a sale to a new wallpaper production company. Charlie Burton, the president
of Canwall, was traveling with his Marketing Director, Phil Raines. The company had
never before sold its equipment outside Canada, and the two Canadians were
delighted with the warm reception they enjoyed in China. This wasn t the first
meeting between the Canadian company and the Chinese wallpaper factory. The
manager of the Chinese company, Mr. Li, had been a member of a delegation to
Canada. He had met with one of Canwall s senior salespersons and the director of
manufacturing. ... Show more content on ...
The Chinese were reproachful about the discrepancies, as if the Canadians had been
caught out. At lunch the Canadians quickly faxed Canada for specifications and
explanations. The afternoon session was uncomfortable, although everyone was
polite. Burton and Raines were a bit unsettled when a middle aged woman
suddenly burst into the negotiating room and whispered in the ear of one of the key
Chinese speakers, who immediately got up and left the room. The Canadians
received some of the documentation they needed by fax, and discussions resumed
with the same questions being asked yet again. It all went very slowly. The Chinese
appreciated the high quality of the Canadian product but worried they wouldn t be
able to fix the equipment if it broke down. They suggested delicately, to avoid
implying that they expected breakdown that perhaps the Canadians could give them
some help with maintenance training. The Canadians pointed out the expense and
difficulty of keeping someone in their city for several weeks or months and
expressed confidence that there wouldn t be any problems the manual didn t cover.
The Chinese would be able to look after the equipment just fine. Finally, the technical
discussions gave way to the issue central to most business negotiations: price. This
proved to be the most difficult of all. The Chinese began by asking for a 20 percent
price discount. The Canadians thought this was simply an outrageous negotiating
poly; they
Similarities Between Frederick And Catherine The Great
Frederick and Catherine the Greats Squared This essay about the Greats squared
or better known as Frederick and Catherine. I wondered why they were given the
title of Great , so I began researching both of them. My objective with this essay is
to show their greatest achievements and their worst blunders. Starting with
Frederick the Great, he was born on January 24, 1712 in Berlin, Prussia. His father
King Frederick Wilhelm I was a very strict no nonsense kind of guy. When he
exhibited a flair for languages and music, his father sent him to military training.
Frederick tried to escape to England at age 18 to get away from his father, however,
he was caught, court martialed, and had to watch his best friend be decapitated
(Frederick... Show more content on ...
Eventually Peter III was killed, however it was never proven that she took part in
it. In order to keep herself from being ousted from the throne, she returned land
/property to the church while claiming she was following in Peter the Great s
footsteps (Catherine II, 2015). This could be where the Great in her name came to
be. Like Frederick, she too believed in the Enlightenment ideals and looked to
reform the Russian educational system, even writing some of the materials herself.
In addition, she lobbied for governmental reforms, created a Legislative Commission,
expanded Russia s borders with the use of the military, as well as amassing a most
impressive art collection (Maranzani,
The Ethical Ethics Of The Court System
This paper is going to be over the ethical misconduct that comes when working for
or in a court system. Daily there are criminals being sent to prison and being
released from prison; some for crimes that they committed, some for crimes that
they were just there at the wrong time for. But is there ever a time where people
are sent to serve a sentence for a crime they did not commit? The answer is yes.
Many of the public do not have a strong liking for lawyers, judges, or mainly just
people that work within the federal or state government. Reason being, sometimes
you may have to question the fairness, equity or the integrity of the person to know
if they are coming from a good place or not. As a lawyer this may be hard to prove ...
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The amendments that were set into place were structured to give certain guidelines
that were to be followed by the judicial system and how it should be operated. As
with the fifth amendment it states no person shall be held to answer for a capital, or
otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury nor
shall any person be subject for the same offense to be in jeopardy of life or limb; nor
shall be compelled in any criminal case to be witness against himself, nor be
deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law this is to be strictly
followed by the system in order to ensure that there is a delivery with justice for
whomever is being represented.
Judiciary Duties and Ethics
When it comes to the ethical standards that are to be delivered and expressed it is not
only the judge s position to do so, but along with lawyers and jurors as well. The 12
juror system, though not always works out in some cases, it is there so that when
a defendant is charged with a crime, he or she could be fairly tried by an impartial
jury of their peers. Unfortunately, jurors can never be 100% impartial, some of are
going to be biased in some way or another and will always be affected by the
outsiders. The average juror is either not capable of or not competent to accurately
decide what the manipulations of the lawyers mean and what the court room or the
The Lake Of The Woods
In the Lake of the Woods is about ghosts, personal and national, and about the
impossibility of escaping them. Author Tim O Brien poured much of his own
likeness into protagonist John Wade. Wade grew up in Minnesota and like O
Brien, he served in Vietnam so he could maintain or get more love from his peers
and family. Like O Brien, he likely committed some wartime sins and like O Brien,
he cannot escape the past. However we see a key difference between the two mean
as O Brien confronts his personal demons through writing and admitting publicly his
faults, while Wade prefers to suppress the past and at making all disagreeable
memories disappear.
The pervasive theme of disappearance is perhaps the most important motif of the
novel. Wade, ... Show more content on ...
This viewpoint manifests and grows to be a deep personal identification for Wade
in his adult life. For example in Vietnam, Sorcerer made entire villages vanish with
a few magic words into a walkie talkie and heavy explosives; after the graphic
depictions of the My Lai slaughter Wade even manages to disappear his name from
the official platoon roster. This attitude continues after the war when Sorcerer turns
back into John Wade, where in the United States, Wade uses this magical trickery as
a politician. He continues his manipulation and ambition until he is on the verge of
winning a seat in the United States Senate when memories of the Vietnam secrets he
s buried deep inside his mind surface years later. The discovery and news reports of
his participation in the My Lai slaughter ended up being the root cause of his election
Through small glimpses O Brien reveals Wade s past to the reader. The novel opens
in its present timeframe (1986) to John and his wife Kathy, who have retreated to the
Lake of the Woods in the northern Minnesota wilderness after the election defeat.
They have been in love since college, where John often spied on her, they try to put
the past beside them and desperately create new possibilities in the future for them,
but a palpable tension and unease run under the easy going surface of their day to
day activities. In
Frankenstein And The Picture Of Dorian Gray As British...
Eric Haney
Mr. Kearney
English 4 AP
27 May 2015
Frankenstein and The Picture of Dorian Gray as British Gothic Literature There is
something at work in my soul, which I do not understand. This quote from Mary
Shelley s classic gothic novel Frankenstein is very representative of the functional
importance of gothic literature to humanity. Gothic literature can be viewed as the
dark side of the human soul, as good usually triumphs over evil in storytelling;
gothic literature is the release of all the darkness of the human experience usually
embodied in a character. When used to describe literature, the word gothic is defined
as of or relating to a style of fiction characterized by the use of desolate or remote
settings and macabre, mysterious, or violent incidents (Webster). In addition to these
stylings, there are several elements such as the supernatural, heroes, villains, and
emotions that are very common of the gothic genre (Marinaro). Frankenstein is often
viewed as the archetype of gothic literature, for the novel is certainly the most well
known and studied literary work of the gothic genre, and also possibly because of
its usage of classic gothic themes. Oscar Wilde s The Picture of Dorian Gray,
however described as gothic literature, departs from many of the listed classic
themes. The following will examine the origins of the gothic novel, it s
characteristics, and how the British novels Frankenstein and The Picture of Dorian
Gray exemplify, by usage
Stoicism In Ancient Rome
After Stoicism arose in the fourth century BCE in ancient Greece, the beliefs and
practices of Stoicism quickly spread among wealthy, educated, and governing classes
of Rome. Although there is little evidence that Stoicism widely impacted all the
classes of Rome, Stoicism did have a profound effect on the wealthy and governing
classes of Rome because of influential Stoics and their encouragement to participate in
government affairs. Although certain Stoic philosophers such as Epictetus tried to
spread Stoicismto the less wealthy classes of Rome, these attempts did not sway the
fact that wealthy Romans most largely studied Stoicism. Furthermore, very few
people outside of the wealthy and educated classes of Rome knew much about
Stoicism and
Why Was Kamehameha Important In History
The prophecy said he would do many great feats, and that is what Kamehameha
would do! Kamehameha is significant to history because he was the King of
Hawaii and did many great things for Hawaii. He was prophesied to do so. He was
significant for being the Hawaiian conqueror, the king who united islands, and even
founded the Kamehameha dynasty. He was also significant for other challenges
throughout his life. These are reasons why Kamehameha l is very significant to
history. To start off, Kamehameha l was prophesied to do many feats for Hawaiiand
wanted to and even inherited being king after Kiwala o died. For example, in one of
my sources it says, There were reportedly many prophetic signs that he would be a
great leader, including... Show more content on ...
For example, Kamehameha the Great was the Hawaiian conqueror and king who
united the Hawaiian Islands and founded the Kamehameha dynasty. This evidence
proves my statement. Another example is, He eventually succeeded and went on to
take over most the majority of nearby territories as well. This evidence further
shows that he was definitely a conqueror ..and by 1810, Kamehameha became the
first king to rule all the Hawaiian Islands. This evidence further shows that he was a
king/ruler and united and ruled all the islandsIn conclusion, Kamehameha did many
achievements when becoming the inherited ruler of Hawaii and it s islands.
ThirdlyKamehameha was also significant in history because of his challenges
throughout his life and all the other extra things he did.During his reign, he
governed following kapu, an ancient system of rules and laws.This shows that not
only did he conquer places and people, he made sure citizens had fair laws. He also
established new principles, including mamalahoe kanawai, or law of the splintered
paddle. This law, which protected the defenseless as well as
Comparing Rig Veda s Voluspa For The Germanic Religion
The best way to describe reading Voluspa followed by Rig Veda is deja vu. The
striking similarities in the details of the creation myth make it hard to believe that
these stories are not about the same religion. Who knows what influenced what, but
at the end of the day, it does not really matter. The simple fact that there are direct
correlations between the two sends up a blazing, red flag that these texts are based
on a religionthat is neither Germanic nor Hindu, but rather a common ancestor of
both. Because of the similarities between Voluspa and Rig Veda and their clear
differences from Genesis, we can use the Norse text to analyze the Germanic
religion. By not studying Voluspa for the Germanic religion, one would miss out on a
valuable... Show more content on ...
The Garden of Eden described throughout Christian creation myths is nowhere to
be found in Voluspa or Rig Veda indicating that these texts developed independently
of one another. However, the mere absence is not enough to prove there is no link.
When examining the tone surrounding the creation of life, the peaceful metaphors
of the Garden of Eden take no relation to the savage killings of primordial giants.
When the rotting limbs of Ymir in Voluspa are compared to the tree that is
pleasant to the sight and good for food in the Garden of Eden, it becomes obvious
that these texts stemmed from very different influences (Crawford 4, Coogan 14).
However, Dronke argues that the primordial killing of Ymir may also have been
conceived of as a sacrifice, and that it is important that they take Ymir s blood
coming from his neck, that is, from a sacrificial, rather than a fighting wound (112).
Dronke argues that this could relate to the Christian principle of sacrificing for others
thus making Voluspa have Christian influence. While I agree that the Ymir could be
seen as a sacrifice, this principle does not appear in the Christian creation myth as the
Garden of Eden simply mentions a Utopia where man can freely eat of every tree of
the garden (14). While other parts of Christianity do
Minnie s Desolation in Susan Glaspell s A Jury of Her Peers
Susan Glaspell, writer of the short story A Jury of Her Peers details the isolated
rural farm house of Minnie Wright and Mr.Wright. Glaspell advocates for the
equality of woman and hopes to warn the readers of the difference between the law
and what is actually right. She conveys the meaning of her theme by describing a
case of a deprived woman, Minnie, who is absolutely isolated from any other kindof
companionship except for her husbands, which is like a raw hard wind that gets to
the bone. (Glaspell 198) Although Minnie isn t present at the time of the
investigation, the setting of her house lets the readers know some of the various
kinds of isolation she deals with for twenty years before being sent to jail.The
different kinds of isolation that Minnie experiences are symbolized in the objects and
information Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters share and discover while being at the scene of
the incident.
Minnie s youthful life was the complete opposite to her current life. Mrs. Hale
spoke of her youth and said she used to wear pretty clothes and be lively when she
was Minnie Foster. (Glaspell 195) But now all Minnie wears is a shabby black
shirt that bore the marks of much making over along with the same gray shawl .
(Glaspell 195) Minnie s lively spirit and style of clothing evoke a stage in her life
where she was joyful and free from a man who didn t represent her. However, now
that she bears her husbands last name, Minnie Wright wears shabby dull clothes that
Sony Pledge Of Quality Essay
1.1Approach toward Quality Assurance
1.1.1 Basic Policy
Sony has given top priority to providing customer oriented, high quality products and
services as an operating foundation. This philosophy is set forth in the Founding
Prospectus drafted in 1946 by Sony s co founder, Masaru Ibuka.
To reflect changes in its operating environment, in April 2012 Sony revamped the
Sony Pledge of Quality, which lays out its basic policy on product and customer
service quality in the Electronics business. This move was aimed at reinforcing
awareness of Sony s commitment to ensuring that the quality of its products and
customer services exceeds the expectations of its customers around the world.
The Sony Group is not content simply to improve product and ... Show more content
on ...
In addition, this quality and reliability information is compiled into quality concepts,
which are a part of the design specifications, and used as input for design.
(3) Design
Design is an extremely important process for ensuring high reliability in
semiconductor devices. Design is performed as follows based on the design
requirements (quality concept, design specifications, related laws and regulations,
cases of past trouble), with sufficient design leeway to tolerate variance in the
manufacturing process.
гѓ»Understanding the latest requirements
The latest requirements are understood, and any necessary changes from the plan
formulation stage are clarified, visualized (compiled into documents) as the latest
requirements, and shared with related parties. In addition, past review analysis results
are also understood as requirements.
The Role Of Socioeconomic Status And Behavior As...
As a native born African Ghanaian, I have lived in an underserved community in
Ghana where there is a disproportionate burden of disease, so I understand the role of
socioeconomic status and behavior as determinants of health. This inspires me to
pursue a career in public health where I can help to control epidemics in Africa and
other underserved communities worldwide.
My career interest is to work in conjunction with non profit organizations to research
the etiology of diseases, distribution, and preventive measures, and to increase public
awareness through health education. My ultimate goal is to team up with health
professionals and policy makers to help eliminate health disparities in the world.
Based on the knowledge and experience I intend to gain, I am very optimistic that I
will be able to make rational proposals and write grants that will improve health
policies and interventions.
My interest in disease prevention and control motivated me to study Public Health as
my undergraduate program at Temple University. During my undergraduate course
work, I developed a great interest in the field of epidemiology due to a strong passion
for health related research. My research area of interest is to analyze and simplify the
mechanism of the pathogenesis of hypertension and other vascular abnormalities
affecting minority populations, particularly African Americans. I am interested in
understanding the determinants of hypertension, especially the role of exercise,
Celebrating the Triumph of Charlie Parker Essay
Charles Christopher Parker Jr. was born on August 29, 1920 in Kansas City,
Kansas to Charles and Addie Parker. Charlie led a lonely childhood which resulted
from his parents separation in 1927 when Charlie was just 7 years old. His father
was never around much following the separation. Their house however was just a
short walk from Kansas City s entertainment district which attracted Charlie while
growing up. This was to be where Charlie would find his place in the world.
While Charlie s mother was working, he would walk around Kansas City listening to
jazz behind the clubs. Parker would sit around all night listening to his idol Lester
Young perform along with the Count Bassie band. It was here that Charlie was
developing his ... Show more content on ...
To support himself Charlie washed dishes at a local food joint, where he met
Buddy Fleet, who was the one who tutored Charlie in playing the saxophone.
Charlie would then return to Kansas City due to the death of his father and stayed
home for about a half a year while playing in a small band there. Then in late 1939
Charlie joined back up with McShann and moved back to Harlem, where Charlie
would meet Dizzie Gillespie. Gillespie would join Charlie and would start to work
together and develop a new form of jazz. While Charlie was experimenting with a
number of different chords in a jam session he discovered a new approach to
improvisation. These new chord progressions and the ever emerging sounds of
Harlem, bebop was born.
Parker would eventually need a break from New York Cityand decided to travel to
California where he would travel for a couple years. It was during this trip to the
west coast that he would get heavier in to drugs and alcohol, specifically heroin
which he used as his inspiration. It was while in Los Angeles performing that
Charlie would suffer a nervous breakdown, for which he was confined to a hospital
bed. He was released in 1947 and returned to New York, where he formed a quintet
with Miles Davis and others. Parker would once again tire of New York City and
head to Europe for a couple of years, where he would encounter a lot of devoted fans
and he also did numerous recordings.
In Charlie s
Investigation Of Financial Statement Fraud
Investigating Financial Statement Fraud
Background Financial Statement is the heart and soul of the business industry as it
provides the financial condition of the company and the going forward initiatives of
the corporation, therefore it is critical that the financial statement is free from
manipulation and misstatement to be material and useful for stakeholders and other
earning statement users. Goel and Gangolly (2012) implied that top management
knows the financial statement users will perceive the audited report as credible, and
strategically writes under thorough guidance of corporate lawyers to cautiously
position the company s image positively (p.75). Goel and Gangolly argued that not
only the financials metrics, but disclosure statements contain linguistic cues for
investigation of accurateness and honesty of the writing and presentation style (p.75
76). Financial statement fraud has become a growing problem in the accounting
profession and the business industry. According to Committee of Sponsoring
Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO, 2010) 1998 to 2007 fraudulent
financial reporting statistics, over 60% of the fraud cases were revenue fraud (p.5).
Abbasi, Albrecht, Vance and Hansen (2012) emphasized the harmful effect of
financial fraud to our economy, specifically to risk averse investors, which could have
crucial long term consequences to company s sustainability (p.1293). Abbasi,
Albrecht, Vance and Hansen indicated that most companies that were
Mobile Payments
Mobile Transactions and Payment Processing Ashok Goudar Senior Enterprise
Architect White Paper Contents Introduction Mobile Commerce Business Context
Mobile Commerce Strategy Mobile Channel Strategy Mobile Marketing Mobile
Sales Mobile Service Mobile Payment Mobile Wallets Mobile Commerce
Transaction Mobile Banking and Mobile Money Mobile Commerce
Transformation Roadmap Mobile Commerce Payment Business Scenarios Card
based Mobile User to Business Payments (CM2B) Mobile Wallet User to Business
Payments (M2B) Mobile Wallet Mobile Users to Mobile User Payments (M2M)
Remittance Services Mobile Wallet CrossBorderM2M Mobile Wallet Cross Border
M2Account. Mobile Commerce Payment Processing Models Card based... Show
more content on ...
Keeping with the growth in the mobile communication technology, the software
vendors, service providers and industry forums, have been offering newer and
enhanced mobile operating systems (Windows mobile 7.0, Android OS, Symbian,
Blackberry OS, Apple IOs4 etc), APIs (J2ME, Window 7 mobile SDK, Android SDK
etc), development tools (along with emulators) and technology standards for mobile
computing, making it possible to develop and host a variety of mobile transaction
processing solutions for mobile commerce. In this context, this paper further
discusses solution architecture of a target mobile transaction and payment processing
framework for mobile commerce transaction processing. The paper also briefly
touches upon various mobile commerce business models and solution architecture for
business scenarios (conducted on different mobile communication technologies), that
are addressed by the target mobile transaction and payment processing solution
framework. 4 I Mobile Transactions and Payment Processing I White Paper Mobile
Commerce Business Context Mobile commerce is not only an extension of an
eCommerce business model but also an
Ethics of Penn Square and Dow Corning Essay
Ethics of Penn Square and Dow Corning
Ethics of Penn Square Bank and the Dow Corning Bankruptcy Penn Square Bank:
What were the ethical pressures on the firm concerning documentation, credit
extension, and revenue recognition that lead to the final collapse? What should have
been done to reduce or offset these pressures?
Penn Square Bank was a small commercial bank in Oklahoma City which made high
risk financial loans during the late 1970s in the oil boom. The bank ultimately
collapsed during the early 1980s due to their financing practices. The bank was
overestimating and valuing its customer s gas and oil reserves that let at that time to
fund a bigger credit line. In addition, the bank didn t request clients to complete ...
Show more content on ...
For offsetting ethical pressures to increase revenue recognition, the Penn Square
Bank should have stuck to FASB principles. The GAAP should have been complied
with and this would have helped avoid revenue recognition problems.
Dow Corning Corporation was founded in 1943 as a jointly owned enterprise by The
Dow Chemical Company and Corning Incorporated to develop the potential of
silicone materials. Dow Corning s principal businesses were silicone materials and
polycrystalline silicon.
In the early 1960 s Dow Corning supplied Texas plastic surgeons Frank Gerow and
Thomas Cronin with silicone for their medical implant device research. Gerow and
Cronin, using Dow Corning silicone, invented the first silicone breast implant as a
device to aid women who had undergone mastectomies. At that time, the Food and
Drug Administration had no regulations governing implantable devices. Companies
like Dow Corning had to determine the safety of devices on their own. The surgeons
conducted clinical trials of the implant prior to product introduction in 1964. In the
next several years, the implant grew popular for cosmetic surgery as well as
reconstructive, and Dow Corning cornered both markets. Between 1960s and the mid
1990s, about two million women nationwide have received breast implants, most of
them for cosmetic reasons. However, some women have started to complain that the
implants have ruptured, allowing gel to leak into the breast cavity and migrate to other
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Bitmap
In the presently highly digital world we live in, there are essentially two types of
graphic files used, the bitmap and the vector graphics. Both have an overall similar
principal but differ in various sub arrays, which bring along each of their own
advantages and disadvantages. To begin with, the word bitmaporiginated in the year
1973, and came to be by adding the words bit + map which literally means a map of
bits, which perfectly describes the nature of a bitmap graphic. A bitmap is
composed of thousands of pixels, each of which has it s own fixed position and can
be individually edited, which forms an overall bitmap graphic/image. Bitmaps are
largely the standard for Internet graphics but however contain disadvantages. Bitmaps
are largely... Show more content on ...
When written, the width measurement is always written first. Aspect ratios all have
to deal with the amount of empty space you are willing to have surrounding the main
subject . Awareness of the different aspect ratios provided by the device in hand may
lead to better compositions in the image. The difficulties with aspect ratio are that
when there is an inconsistency, one must either crop the image or compromise the
size of the image. Furthermore, when the aspect ratio of a particular image is not
compatible with the screen, upon which it s displayed, black stripes are used to adjust
the difference without compromising the
Antigone Vs Lysistrata
The most important difference between the plays Antigone and Lysistrata are the
underlying tones of each play. Antigone is quite serious and deals with darker
subject matter involving birds and dogs devouring a human s body and flesh; while
Lysistrata is more light hearted and geared towards husbands wanting to devour their
wives in a different way. Imagine the mood of each play was reversed, Antigonewas
more cheerful and happy while Lysistrata was morbid and dark, the story of each
play would change drastically and would not have the same meaning. This difference
between the plays tones is what categorizes them into a tragedyor comedy . Without
these important aspects of the plays, their meaning and delivery would entirely
change. Although... Show more content on ...
There are plenty of reasons for them being so different but the all encompassing
reason would be the tone of each play which shapes the stories as a whole.
Changing these tones and aspects of the play drastically alters its meanings and
messages which, as aforementioned, is what makes each play a tragedy and a
comedy. Almost every difference between these plays is a result of the differing
atmospheres each play gives off. The purpose of each play is also different
because of these tone; Antigone was to represent the struggle of Religion and Law
along with destiny while Lysistrata served to show how unequal men and women
were at the time but in a strangely odd and slightly sexist fashion. If you were to
change the play s tone these messages would be lost or heavily altered. If Antigone
lived on then it would become a story of triumph for the morally good and if
Lysistrata failed it would show the devastating effects war can have on families in
those countries. This raises an interesting point as would these stories have been
better or worse by being putting made into a different genre with different
Buck Call Quotes
The relations between Buck and the human he encounters are marked not
surprisingly, by opposing forces, actions, roles or values: love and hate, master and
slave, uneasy truce and open war, hunter and victim. Buck enters the story in his
sustaining California environment as ruler of all he surveys: he was king, king over
all creeping, crawling flying things of Judge Miller s place, humansincluded. Taken
out of that happy valley, he was starved and mistreated by his captors and then
subdued by the brutal club of a shrewd, red sweated man. The man conquers Buck
and Buck hates him; yet the beating brings with it the curiously ambiguous relation
between master and slave: When the man brought him water he drank eagerly, and
later bolted a generous meal of raw meat, chunk by chunk from the man s hand. Buck
s understanding of humanbeings will henceforth be defined by power and the politic
dispensing of the necessities of life. The next three chapters bring Buck under the
benevolent tutelage of Perrault and Francois, master still, but fair and above all,
schooled in the ways of the North. Buck s own competence increases apace. Though
life on... Show more content on ...
In chapter two, London introduces this divide as a major feature of the Klondike
landscape: It was a hard day s run, the Canon, through Sheep camp, past the Scale and
the timber line, across glaciers and snowdrifts hundreds of feet deep, and over the
great Chicot Divide which stands between the salt and the fresh North. Divides like
this recur throughout the book, and each time Buck crosses one, he enters a world
whose constituent parts are silence, wilderness, an increasingly nonhuman void
whatever was opposite to the world he has left. In the last chapter, Buck, Thornton
and two other men enter more deeply the uncharted
Lord Of The Flies Conch Character Analysis
PCF. People create freaks, or Pigs Conches and fires
Many who attend high school has the pleasure to read Lord of the Flies . A novel
where the main characters are all little boys who have to learn how to live without
adults, stranded on an island. Alone on the island, they try to accustom themselves to
their new lives while still preserving all the fun they had at home, using the fire as a
symbol of hope, the conch as a symbol of unity, and the pig as innocence. Little did
they know, all of this will change for them as time goes by. In Golding s NovelLord
of the Flies he presents to us an intricate story with a deeper meaning than just boys
on an island. Some main points of the story, like the fire, conch and the pig s head
symbolize ... Show more content on ...
The group goes out and finds a pig who they hunt down. However, he can t bring it to
himself to kill an innocent being. The pig symbolizes the inner demon within all of
us as the pig first starts out as an innocent little thing that has not been scarred by
the evil trenches of the world, ... because of the enormity of the knife descending
and cutting into living flesh, because of the unbearable blood. (pg 31 Golding)
Jack lets the pig go, for her to live another day out in the wild. The pig also
demonstrates humans craving to finish the job . Jack s inability to kill the pig
leads him to desire it, on many levels. His mind becomes obsessed with the want
and need to kill that pig. He doesn t only kills the pig, he and his tribe slaughter her
and cut off her head, as an offering to the beast, a creature the kids are terrified of,
yet never saw, ...The Lord of the Flies hung on his stick and grinned...saw the
white teeth and dim eyes, the blood and his gaze was held by that ancient,
inescapable recognition. (pg 136 Golding) This innocent pig becomes this devil
like figure that has been influencing the kids all along, pulling on the strings in just
the right way to make them dance however the Lord of the Flies pleased. He later
then talks to Simon as he figures all this out on his own, Fancy thinking the Beast
was something you could hunt and kill! ... You knew didn t you? I m part of you?
Close, close, close! I m the reason why it s no go? Why things are what they are? (pg
My Role Model Stephen Curry
From the moment babies are able to walk they are influenced by older people in
the world. Kids look up to people because there hair, sport ablitity,clothes,people
skills. Having a good postive role model in children and young adults to being a
parent. Stephen curry is my role model because he is a outstanding althlete , an
sublime teammate, and is a high awarded basketballplayer. In 2015 stephen curry and
his team out played everyone in the National Basketball assocation (NBA). During
the season Curry broke his own record of most three pointers made in a season.
Curry ability too shot the ball is not the only reason why he is so leathal on the
basketball court. Curry s passing ablitily is a valued asect to him and he s teammates.
White Zombie Apocalypse
Anyone paying attention has had the privilege of seeing the rotting, disheveled,
missing limb creature inhabiting society in a sensational way. Dating back thousands
of years, zombies were integrated into American society with [the] depiction of the
zombie from 19th century Haitian voodooism (Crockett, 2016) leading to the zombie
epidemic existing today. The dawn of the dead has reigned from as early as the
1930s and now a spin off concept has emerged. A zombie apocalypse has influenced
modern day media such as movies, TV shows and videogames: reflecting the viewers
worst fears and adapting the generation.
The first recorded zombie film White Zombie (1932) told a tale of a white couple
who had an encounter with a Haitian voodoo master. During these years,
spiritualism was at its highest White Zombie stroke America s worst fear of
voodoo aiming to destroy love. Many films proceeded White Zombie, all carrying
the same infectious fear of witchcraft. It wasn t until the 1940s that zombies no
longer began to reflect the fear of voodoo but of nuclear extinction. What began as a
folklore story developed into a part of American society. The films created during
this time period still carried the fear factor, yet laced ... Show more content on ...
The portrayal of zombies before this film were not scary in a physical sense but in
what they represented. In Romero s zombie films, he made the dead appear more
alive with more gruesome and violent ways. Throughout the years, writers or
directors stepped up the image of the zombie, each time making them one step
closer to vicious annihilating creatures. Movies such as; World War Z, Pride and
Prejudice and Resident Evil are our modern day Night of the Living Dead. These
movies all share a similar theme, a carnivorous survival of the fittest world. Yet
despite the new movies coming out, the hunger for zombies has been fulfilled by TV
shows and
Positive Reinforcement Analysis
In this example you can clearly see the positive reinforcement. By my father giving
me a gift as a reward for doing good it was be a positive reinforcement, If I know
that me getting good grades it results in my getting money or gifts it s going to
make me keep striving to do good. In this example it would be negative
reinforcement because I am looking for an escape from the traffic. Since leaving
early helps escape the traffic them then I m going to leave early to help avoid it.
This example would fall under negative reinforcement because since he had a bad
experience while camping he s not going to want to camp again. He doesn t want to
risk getting bullied again or having water thrown on him. He going to do what he
thinks is best to avoid
Disney, an Influence on Modern America
Disney, an Influence on Modern America While most just think of Walt Disney as the
creator of the Disney movie empire and the Disney theme parks, those such as author
Steven Watts, who think more deeply about Disney, consider him to be the influential
architect of modern America (Watts, p. 4). While the genius of Walt Disney
affected many aspects of American, and now overseas, cultures, his empire has had a
significant impact on what people experience during childhood.
BACKGROUND OF THE DISNEY EMPIRE Walter Walt Disney was born on
December 5, 1901 in Illinois, but he lived most of his life in Missouri. He began
drawing and painting when he was quite young and would sell his work to family
friends and people in the neighborhood. ... Show more content on ...
Disney movies from year past are still being viewed daily through the use of
modern technology. For example, Disney s first full length film was released to
the public in 1937. This was, Snow White. Although released decades ago, children
of the 21st century know and watch this movie (Johnson). The character of Snow
White is one of Disney s famous princesses and little girls all over the world easily
recognize her. Those little girls who first watched Snow White are now watching
it with their grandchildren. This is an example of a timeless movie. As the above
example suggests, people grow up with Disney movies. Recognizing the plot from
these movies and knowing the associated characters has become common
knowledge in the American culture. The Disney Company has received much
criticism with regards to their princesses and the roles of feminism portrayed in
their movies. Many believe that the way the princesses are portrayed depict a
negative view of women and present a stereotypical view of the woman s role in
society (Bailey). This viewpoint has merit in that many of the Disney princesses
are portrayed as waiting for a man to rescue them such as in Cinderella and
Sleeping Beauty. Women are also viewed as the caretakers of the home such as in
Snow White where she happily takes care of the men while they go off to work. It is
important to
Essay On Rubik s Cube
Background Rubik s cube is a toy puzzle designed by Ernö Rubik during the mid
1970s. It is a cube shaped toy consisting of smaller cube pieces, called cubies with 6
faces possessing contrasting colors. This rather primitive looking phenomenon
was exceptionally popular during the 1980s, and peaking in 1980 and 1983 with
around 200 million cubes sold worldwide. Even sales today continue to exceed
500,000 sales worldwide each year, consequently earning the title the best selling
toy of all time .( How Rubik s Cube ) Seen as an object of art, the Rubik s Cube
brilliance is perceived to reside in its ability to embody and symbolize the evident
contrasts in the human conditions: simplicity and complexity, order and mayhem,
bewilderment and comprehension, as Ernö remarks.(Davis) Comparably, these traits
can be observed when examining the most integral parts of the cube: its history,
design and mechanics, and mathematical applications. History Puzzle makers have
been creating complications and presenting adversities for people to solve and
overcome... Show more content on ...
Around 1983, however, the popularity of the cube began to die down and sales
slowed drastically. That was because the cube stayed in small scale production, but
that changed when Seven Towns took over the marketing, and licensed the Rubik
Cube to the Oddzon Company for the United States in 1995. Since then, sales have
steadily increased to over 500,000 units a year. ( How Rubik s Cube ) Moreover,
in 1980, the cube won the prestigious German Game of the Year award and similar
decorations in France, Britain, and the United States. Also, books covering the cube
were simultaneously on the New York Times best seller list. Finally, today, with
more than 350 million cubes sold and at least one billion imitations in circulation, it
is the best selling toy of all time and a true cultural icon that will forever be
Reform Movements In The 1800 s
In the last several centuries, countless reform movements have attempted to shape
and expand democratic ideals in the United States. A democratic ideal is the
personal qualities and behavior of a government that are necessary to its continued
democracy. Such as life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, diversity, truth, religious
freedom, and patriotism. All constitutionally given rights we all, as Americans, have
in one way or another as a result of early reform movements. The early 1800 s were
no different, America being finally free from British domination, was ready and able
to forge its own way. This time while America was still in her infancy, was an
important pivot point in our country and where it was headed. Warranted by the
situation... Show more content on ...
The abolition of slavery, women s rights, prohibition, and religious freedom
movements all contributed to the preservation, and spread of these Democratic
ideals. The government change in policies and laws was a direct result of these
reform movements, and the social precedents that went along with them. Women
earned equal representation and treatment in all aspects of life. Slaves eventually
were freed and almost a century later were given the right to vote. They have come
so far in equality, both African Americans and women. Our 44th president was
African American, and a candidate for the 45th President was a woman. America
truly is a land of opportunity where anything is possible. Alcohol was temporarily
banned and now is restricted because of its negative health effects. Religious
freedom in the United States is the most free place in the world. We have no
restrictions on any religions, we even have a church called The Church of the Flying
Spaghetti Monster . All thanks to progressive reform movements of the 1800 s, which
aggressively sought to expand Democratic
The Following Chapter Discusses Background Information
The following chapter discusses background information on quadcopters, structural
batteries, graphical user interfaces, and my research objectives. 1.1 Problem
Statement The advances in electronics and lightweight materials over the last few
decades have resulted in the popularization of quadcopters. Whether for
recreational, military, or commercial use, people are beginning to recognize the
potential of quadcopters. One company in particular that is looking to exploit the
use of drones on a massive scale is Amazon through their Prime Air program. The
goal of Amazon s Prime Air program is to deliver packages weighing up to five
pounds in 30 minutes or less to their customers [1]. While the ultimate design or
designs of the drones Amazon... Show more content on ...
Unlike conventional airplanes, rotary winged aircrafts have a fundamental
advantage in that lift and control are relatively independent of forward speed.
Rotary aircrafts do not need a runway and have much more freedom and
maneuverability in the air. Despite early efforts to fly using rotary winged devices
as well as the mentioned advantages, the first successful flight came from a fixed
wing aircraft [2]. The development of rotor technology paved the path for the
creation of the quadcopter. Etienne Oehmichen successfully built the first quadrotor
in 1922 called the Oehmichen No. 2. A single 120 horsepower engine powered the
four rotors of this machine. However, due to a lack of control of individual rotors,
the altitude and orientation could not be varied. To combat this issue, four additional
propellers were attached to better direct the movement of the quadrotor [3]. Modern
quadcopters do not rely on additional propellers to maneuver themselves. Instead,
each rotor can be manipulated to perform virtually any aerial move. Today,
quadcopters are used in many areas of industry due to their reliability, cost
effectiveness and multi functionality. The most widely known uses come from
photography and the military. Quadcopters are constantly seen being used in sports
media coverage, recreational and professional filming,
Homegoing Monologue
Home is a four letter word reserved for a special place in our hearts for the
memories that are invoked as you look back through time. These warm memories
when desperately lonely is where the term home sick drieves from. Although, not all
homes bring warm, fuzzy feelings. The book Homegoing clearly drives this point
across. I will be discussing the homelife of Kojo and H who belong to Esi s
bloodline. First, you must understand how Kojo and H came into this world.
Homegoing, revolves around two women, Esi and Effia, half sisters who never
shared a home, nor even knew the other existed. You are not your mother s first
daughter. There was one before you. And in my village we have a saying about
separated sisters. They are like... Show more content on ...
He also smelled cooking. There at the stove stood Ethe. Despite her anger years
earlier, she told him, You have to understand, H. The day you called me that
woman s name, I thought, Ain t I been through enough? Ain t just about everything
I ever had been taken away from me? My freedom. My family. My body. And now I
can t even own my name? My mama gave me that name herself. I spent six good
years with her before they sold me out to Louisiana to work them sugarcanes. All I
had of her then was my name. That was all I had of myself too. And you wouldn t
even give me that. P
Descriptive Epidemiology Report
Hannah Lerner
HED 343
15 November 2016
Descriptive Epidemiology Report
Tourette s Syndrome is a disease of the nervous system in which people have
uncontrollable tics.1 Tics are sudden movements that occur repeatedly and are the
major symptom of Tourette s. There are two types of tics, motor and vocal. Motor
tics are body movements and vocal tics are sounds.2 Common examples of tics are
excessive eye blinking, movements of the neck, shoulder or limbs, throat clearing
and grunting.3 These tics are extremely difficult to control and worsen during times
of high stress or excitement. Tics are less severe during periods of calmness and
focus. 3Activities requiring fine motor control, such as playing an instrument or
reading ... Show more content on ...
Data source: 2011 2012 National Survey of Children s Health. Tourette s defined:
Parents provided information on whether a health professional has ever diagnosed
their child with Tourette s or other specific conditions, answering yes or no.
1. Bitsko RH, Holbrook JR, Visser SN, et al. A National Profile of Tourette
Syndrome, 2011 2012. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP.
2014;35(5):317 322. doi:10.1097/DBP.0000000000000065.
2. Tourette Syndrome: An Overview Tourette Association of America. Tourette
Association of America. tourette/overview/. Accessed
November 15, 2016.
3. Swain JE, Scahill L, Lombroso PJ, King RA, Leckman JF. Tourette Syndrome and
Tic Disorders: A Decade of Progress. Journal of the American Academy of Child
Adolescent Psychiatry. 2007;46(8):947 968. doi:10.1097/chi.0b013e318068fbcc.
4. National Survey of Children s Health Data Resource Center for Child and
Adolescent Health. National Survey of Children s Health Data Resource Center for
Child and Adolescent Health. Accessed
November 11,
Electric Skateboard Research Paper
The first skateboard I made was really only a little RC motor on the electric
skateboard I already had. I had the idea to make my own electric skateboard when
someone passed me riding a bike while i was on my electric skateboard. I wanted to
make my own skateboard because I knew I could make it go faster and I just didn t
think it was right that someone on a bike could pass an electric skateboard. For the
first skateboard I really just nailed things together and hoped it would work.
Throughout I was just hoping that I could make it go super fast, but over time I
realized that I wouldn t be able to make it go that fast. So, I changed my hopes to
making it move at all.
The first time I finished I was very mad because the motor fell off right
Cell Phone Use A Social Addiction
Today s society is a generation that is being raised on conveniences, and with this
generation, cell phone use has exploded. Millions of people are obsessed with
their cell phones and literally will not leave their house without it. People center
everything they do around their cell phone. People are checking their text
messages and social media day and night. They face time, tweet, Pinterest,
Instagram, and Snapchat. Teens on their smartphones. Photo Credit Highwaystarz
Photography/iStock/Getty Images No matter where a person is, at work, the
doctor s office, a child s school play, and even at the dinner table, people are
checking their phones. Many people are now using their phones as a work tool.
They check their emails, do their banking business, and pay their bills on their cell
phones. Cell phones have become a social addiction and in doing so have brought
about health issues such as sleep deprivation and anxiety. Even though cell phones
are a modern convenience with many good qualities, and have changed our lives
in some good ways, they have also changed out lives in some bad ways. Cell
phones have had more of a negative impact than a positive impact in our lives.
There are many examples of how cell phones have changed our lives in some
negative ways. We will now take a look at some of the ways that cell phones have
had a negative impact in our lives. Perhaps the most alarming example is people are
using their cell phones in the car while driving.
Why I Use Sequence
Sequence: I use sequence first because, I like to take my time and do any
assignments that my instructor gives me. I don t like to rush through my work or
have someone to tell me what to do, when I am in the middle of my assignment. I
like to get a clear understanding and also like to do things step by step. When I am
doing something for my teacher or just doing something for school I like to ask
am I meeting their expectations that they are excepting of me to do. I also like for
people to show me examples of what I should be doing, instead of just telling me
the word from their mouth. I stay focus mental and I like for my work to be
accurate and correct and not half stepping. When I work alone I can take my time
and not rush. Sequence is used by asking directions, what is the instructor expected
me to do. When I get started on an assignment I do not like when the teacher change
the direction on me.... Show more content on ...
When my instructor asked me about something, I can t give her a straight answer
because my mind goes blank when too much information in on my mind. I am a
type that asks a lot of questions and love to answer them as well. I have to make
sure that I have all my information together but starting a paper. When I have
everything together, everything falls into place. I am a great note at taking notes,
because I don t miss any information that can help me with my assignments or
research paper. When I think people are trying to hide information from me I feel
frustrated and think they won t share with
The Underdogs Is The Most Important Novel Written By...
The underdogs is the most important novel written by Mariano Azuela which is
deeply linked to the historical context of how the Mexican Revolution was
established, especially in the northern states of Mexico. The Mexican Revolution
it was intended to ensure a fairer way of life of the agricultural classes. However, it
was harsh, brutal, and bloody complex conflict for the whole country, in which
federalism and rebels have been fighting tirelessly for a cause they both believed to
be flawless. Azuela follows the performance of a band of revolutionaries who
radically transformed politics and Mexican society. Represents the uprising and
difficulty of the revolution throughout his novel. Furthermore, describes the rise and
fall of Demetrio Macias and his band of rebels who participated and uncovered the
hard details effects at the height of the armed phase of the Mexican revolutionin the
early twentieth century.
Demetrio Macias as the main character is a peaceful Indian which is considered a
symbol of the Mexican peasants. He represents the rural masses, poverty and
ignorance of the lower classes in the economic and social sense, for that reason they
are called the underdog . Moreover, they fights towards democracy and equality of
the few elite land owner, for which they had been unfairly suffered injustice and
have been excluded from the gains benefits of Porfirio Diaz (president of Mexico at
the time). Demetrio in fact explaining to Cervantes that he become a
Analysis Of The Book Revelation Of The Bible
Since the beginning of time there has been a concept as old as thought itself: how
will it all end? Not just how will life end but how will the world end. Some cultures
are molded by the way that specific groups believe the end times will come to
fruition. Eschatological concepts are those that concern themselves with the end of
the world, as we know it and how it will come about. One thing that is for certain is
across the ages there is a consensus that this will occur, though there may not be a
consensus on how. This concept has infiltrated almost all aspects of life from
entertainment to daily practices. There are numerous pieces of literature that
addresses how the world will end and of them one of the most well know is the Book
of... Show more content on ...
Jesus later goes on to explain that the seven stars that were in his hand represent the
angels of seven churches and the seven gold lamp stands represent the seven
churches. Once he states this he begins to address each church individually. The
letters poses similarities while at the same time also possessing differences. The
overall structures of the letters are the same and follow these guidelines: address,
commendation/complaint, advice, appeal for others to listen, and then a promised
reward for heading the words of the Lord. The differences arise in the content of the
addresses, how the problems should be corrected and the reward that will come.
The seven letters serve as a connection between the Old Testament and the Book of
Revelation. Though the Book of Revelation lacks any direct Old Testament
connection, the views and connection between the two are seen throughout the Book
of Revelation. The authorship by John took place during the Greco Roman era but
the structure of writing that the letters poses is more appropriate for the prophetic
lawsuit of the Old Testament. The difference between the styles lies in the fact that
the letters contain commendations and accusations along with the customary features
judgment and salvation, which makes them in concordance with prophetic lawsuit
speech (Bandy 186). Bandy stated, specifically, it resembles the covenant lawsuit
whereby Christ scrutinizes the new
Was Raleigh Tate Justified In The Trial
Sheriff Tate accidentally stole Arthur s right to be legally protected. Sheriff Tate
might not have been the best sheriff for Maycomb. He lies, tampers with evidence,
and bends the law. He also lets his emotions control his actions and doesn t think
things thoroughly. The death of Bob Ewell was justified because he has done some
horrible things.
Sheriff Tate might have some of the traits and qualities of a good sheriff. However,
would a good sheriff lie, bend the law, or tamper with evidence. When Mayella
claimed she was sexually abused Sheriff Tate didn t take her to see a doctor. He
claimed No sir when Atticus asked But you didn t call a doctor? While you were
there did anyone send for one, fetch one, carry her to one? (224). Mayella could ve
been hurt and they could ve had more evidence, but instead he decided not to get
her a doctor. Sheriff Tate also tampered with evidence when Bob Ewell was killed.
He switched the knives around and took the one that killed Bob Ewell. Then he
insisted Bob Ewell fell on his ... Show more content on ...
He doesn t think things through when his emotions take control. When Tom
Robinson was arrested, he didn t even question him. He confessed that by saying
She identified him as the one, so I took him in. That s all there was to it. (223). He
did that because he was trying to protect Bob Ewell. Sheriff Tate and Bob Ewell
most likely served together in the war. He ended up putting his feelings in front of
the facts. When Sheriff Tate made Atticus shot the dog when it s his job to. He
even tried to convince him by saying for God sake Mr. Finch look where he is miss
and you ll go straight into the Radley s house I can t shoot that well and you know
it. (127). He also yelled at Atticus when there really was no need to. He got said
God damn it, I m not thinking of Jem (368). There really was no need to get all
frustrated like he did. When his emotions he doesn t see things
Meaning Of The Sandman
The Sandman The Sandman is a mythical character whose purpose is to lull
children to sleep and give them sweet dreams, by sprinkling magical sand into their
eyes. If children fought the effects of his magical sand, they would have torturous
nightmares. The folklore says that the sleep in the corner of the eyes is a proof that
The Sandman was there during the night. The text Verse 1 Say your prayers little
one Don t forget my son To include everyone I tuck you in, warm within Keep you
free from sin Til the sandman he comes The song starts with a parent putting their son
to bed, persisting the child to say their prayers before they go to bed. The parent tucks
his son into bed to keep him warm during the cold night, which is associated with sin.
Children see duvets and blankets as a shield to protect them from anything that can
happen throughout the night. Although the last line can seem disturbing The
Sandman is someone who brings good dreams. But the child may misunderstand this
and his own fear may twist the... Show more content on ...
The prayer was meant to help kids calm down with fear, and trust that God will
protect them through the night. Hush, Little Baby is a lullaby thought to have been
written in the Southern United States. The lullaby is traditional too real to soothe
an anxious or crying child. In this version, it s uncertain whether it s The Sandman
or the parent who is singing. Whereas the first line follows the traditional lullaby,
the following lines hints to a boogeyman or something to be afraid of. This could be
child s way of twisting his parent s words. Chorus 2 Exit light Enter night Grain of
sand The grain of sand is again the proof that The Sandman was there during the night
sprinkling his magical sand into the children s eyes. The music
J R Hobbit Research Paper
J.R.R. Tolkien had an extremely interesting life filled with real adventures and
fictional adventures in his many books and poems. Tolkien had rough patches in
his life, but this made him a more enriched person. His work is influenced by his
many travels and the people he met during them. Tolkien s many books and poems
show his love of adventure and his wild imagination. The life, career, and poetry of
J.R.R. Tolkien was remarkable for its time period and is still influential to this day.
J.R.R. Tolkien s early life was a little rough but he made the best out of it. Tolkien
was born on January 3, 1892 in Bloemfontein, South Africa (Birzer 1). It may seem
odd as to how he was born in South Africa, but there s a story behind it. Bradley
Birzer explained in his article Tolkien: Man Behind the Myth on EBSCOhost that,
Attempting to control the fraud that seemed ... Show more content on
Tolkien s early career was the start of his hugely influential work. Tolkien s early
career started when he began writing The Silmarillion in 1917, which was a history
of Middle Earth (Stewart 322). This was the beginning of something wonderful.
Paula K. Byers said in Encyclopedia of World Biography that, The Inklings, which
was formed during the late 1930s and lasted until the late 1940s, was a weekly
meeting held in Lewis s sitting room at Magdalen at which works in progress were
read aloud and discussed and critiqued by attendees (260). This group would later
help produce many great works. While at a Inklings meeting, Tolkien read his first
hobbit story to the group and they urged him to publish it (Byers 260). This meeting
was what started his legacy. In 1937, Tolkien published The Hobbitafter the Inklings
told him to (Byers 260). It was majorly successful and people are still reading it
today. This book that he published was about these imaginary people called hobbits
in a place called Middle Earth (Stewart 322). His early career was interesting, but his
later career was even more
Xenophanes And The Persian War
Orchestrating the widespread adoption of its culture and establishing a renowned
veneration in its military, the Persian Wars were a momentous event in Greek history.
The long fought war between Persians and Greeks was instrumental in uniting a
region in disarray, fostering a culture of unity and collaboration evident throughout
western civilisation even today. It foresaw the abandonment of slavery and prudent
hierarchical structures in exchange for decadence, comfort and expression. The
Persian Wars additionally demonstrated Greeces prowess in both naval and land
bound combat. Commanded by the domineering Spartans on the battlefield and
reinforced by the sea fairing Athenians, the Greek forces were overwhelming in unity.
The Persian wars... Show more content on ...
The modern western world consequentially saw the widespread adoption of these
Greek ideals following their victory, as opposed to the Persian philosophies of
slavery and forced labour. Xenophanes, a Greek poet depicts the archetypal
atmosphere in retrospect of the Wars: ... on your soft couch by the fire, full of
foods, drinking sweet wine and cracking nuts... (Xenophanes, 500BC). Despite
representing a citizen of extraordinary wealth, being a widely travelled poet and
founder of the Eleatic School of Philosophy Xenophanes describes a decadency
remarkably reminiscent of the western world in its current state. This sentiment is
further corroborated in Chronicles: Investigating the Ancient World, a widely used
textbook offered to Australian students, stating ...the Greek heritage that is the basis
of Western civilisation (Williams, 1994). Being a western produced and published
work of modern literature, this text is undoubtedly inclined to favour a Greek
influence, regardless of its relevancy. Despite this potential bias, an emergence of
Greek customs is prevalent in the west. Further evidenced in modern society is a
juxtaposition to Persian slavery. part of Greece should see the day of slavery
states an epigram commenting on the Persian Wars (Meritt, 1950). A primary source
representative of a Greek citizen at time of war, this engraving embodies
Assimilation In The Joy Luck Club
All mothers and daughters have conflict. While, the daughter may look like the
mother, or even identify with her... the two are still worlds apart from each other
(Xu). Immigration and assimilation compounds this problem, putting more distance
in an already complicated relationship. Each has a different perspective because of
their experiences. Language and cultural barriers separate individuals from the
communities they are leaving and the communities they are joining. In The Joy Luck
Clubby Amy Tan, the author utilizes heart wrenching stories, linguistic barriers, and
the symbolism of the American Dream to comment on the distancing properties of
cultural assimilation to the immigration system in America.
The immigration motif begins ... Show more content on ...
The language barrier exemplifies the idea of a disconnect between their two cultures,
and the American Dream is proved to be a harsher reality than imagined. For millions
of immigrants, the United States promises a fresh start, away from the troubles of
their cultural home. But for many, assimilation proves difficult, isolating many from
both their communities, leaving them in a world separate from the one they left, but
not fully in the one they hope to join.
Works Cited
Henrickson, Shu Huei. An overview of The Joy Luck Club. Literature Resource
Center, Gale, 2018. Literature Resource Center, Accessed 1 May 2018.
Michael, Magali Cornier. Choosing Hope and Remaking Kinship: Amy Tan s The
Joy Luck Club. Contemporary Literary Criticism, edited by Jeffrey W. Hunter, vol.
257, Gale, 2008. Literature Resource Center,. Accessed 1 May 2018. Originally
published in New Visions of Community in Contemporary American Fiction: Tan,
Kingsolver, Castillo, Morrison, University of Iowa Press, 2006, pp. 39 71.
Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. G.P. Putnam s Sons, 1989.
Xu, Ben. Memory and the ethnic self: reading Amy Tan s The Joy Luck Club.
(Special Issue: Varieties of Ethnic Criticism). MELUS, vol. 19, no. 1, 1994, p. 3+.
Literature Resource Center, Accessed 1 May
Neopets Case Study Essay
Neopets Case Study
As per the Neopets website, Neopets is an online youth focused virtual world
whose primary focus is to allow members to create and take care of virtual pets. In
addition to virtual pets, it also offers games, auctions, trades and messaging. Neopets
have been created in 11 languages and generates more than 5 billion pageviews per
month. With nearly 200 games, weekly contests, discussion boards, plots and
thousands of virtual items to collect, Neopets members are as passionate about the site
as they are about their virtual pets. Neopets has approximately 44 million members,
and in the fourth quarter of 2007, Neopets averaged approximately 3.5 million
monthly unique visitors globally.
How to avoid becoming a fad : ... Show more content on ...
However unlike games such as World of Warcraft and Second Life that are based
on real time action rendered in 3D, Neopets is primarily based on navigating
through static 2D web pages, and playing small self contained puzzle type games.
Though Second Life and World of Warcraft do not target Neopet s primary audience
of girls under the age of 18, it also needs to move up the technology chain. There
might soon be a 3D virtual pet website which might take away market share from
Neopets and Neopets might see its adopter surfing to a 3D virtual pet websites.
Promotion strategy for Neopets :
Neopets has traditionally depended on word of mouth and viral marketing which
is a subset of word of mouth to increase its spread. As per Hindle, Tim (2008, p205)
viral marketing involves choosing a small group of well connected individuals to
launch a product or service via the internet or their mobile phones. The idea is that
their approval will spread rapidly via their online network of connections, create a
buzz around the product being marketed and result in millions of sales. This form of
marketing has grown further with the popularity of social networks like Facebook.
While Neopets is very popular with kids who use the internet extensively, Neopets
needs to consider other mediums to attract kids who are not yet extensive users of the
internet. To do that Neopets has
Eating Disorders Are Serious Disorders
Eating disorders are serious disorders that have a negative impact on both the
psychological and the physiological well being of the afflicted (Welch, Ghader,
Swenne, 2015). Studies concerning eating disorders are showing more and more
frequency in younger age groups and especially in those who are athletes,
diabetics, and obese adolescents (Martin Golden, 2014). This tells us that
symptoms of eating disorders can be caught and treated during adolescence. Today,
many schools have very little class time dedicated to educating students about
healthy lifestyles. Little, to no information is given about what eating disorders are
or how to avoid the development of one. If information is provided about the
prevention of eating disorders, it is usually in the form of a video or discussed
briefly in a textbook. Schools are not doing enough in the fight against the
development of eating disorders. Many studies have shed some light on the issue of
eating disorders by conducting surveys and developing new programs to use in
schools. The primary prevention of eating and body image problems among young
people, and in particular, adolescents, is emerging as one of the most desirable
achievements in contemporary health and nutrition(O Dea J. , 2000). Primary
prevention programs, and better education in general, for the prevention of eating
disorders and promotion of healthy lifestyles needs to be established in schools. The
purpose of this paper is to propose more education
Walmart and McDonaldВґs Reaction to Employee Living
As we approach the holiday season an alarming new trend among top companies
has surfaced. In the past few weeks articles about how Wal Mart and McDonalds
have had controversial experiences between company and employees have come out.
Both companies simply do not understand what it is like for their employees to make
below the living wage, and the answer should not be to rely solely on government
programs such as food stamps. Before we actually look into what both of these
companies did, let s keep in mind that according to the US Census Bureau as of
2012, 46.5 million Americans are living in poverty (US Census Bureau, 2012). As
a country, we need to discuss poverty seriously, because it isn t a small problem, as
time goes on it s becoming an epidemic. McDonalds has had a lot of heated news
surrounding due to a recent comment the company released to their employees in
order to help with them getting out of debt. The company advised that employees
that, You may want to consider returning some of your unopened purchases that
may not seem as appealing as they did. Selling some of your unwanted possessions
on eBay or Craigslist could bring in some quick cash (White, 2013). So the way
McDonalds is telling their employees to get out of the holiday debt is to return
purchases and it only gets worse. McDonalds also released a statement saying that it
would suggest that workers, visit the thrift store instead of the mall, use stale bread
and bruised apples rather than
Importance Of The Birth Of Modern Science
1.Why are bridge laws important for Fodor? Explain in detail.
Bridge laws are important because they are required for reductionism to work.
Bridge laws let us know that everything is equivalent. Without these, everything
wouldn t be able to all be reduced to the same level. Without bridge laws it wouldn
t be possible for us to make generalizations because there is no way or point to make
that everything is equivalent. We wouldn t be able to reduce concepts without these.
With that being stated, reductionism isn t possible far as now according to Fodor.
2.Why is the birth of modern science (c.1500 1700) important to how we understand
knowledge and disciplinary divisions today? Explain in detail.
The birth of modern science is important to how we understand knowledge and
disciplinary divisions today because it lays out the reason why we have to take the
classes we take now. With science stripping out the teleological element and just
pushing everything down to facts, it left the question of what should we do with
everything that was removed. With that, the answer resulted in having the
humanities provide this for us as it holds the teleological element and essentially
keeps the part of the human qualia alive. Due to all of this, we have to take two
extra years worth of schooling for the benefit from the supplement of the
teleological half. If we didn t have the extra two years, we would finish the training
and knowledge we need for our careers in two years instead of

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Course Reflection Essay

  • 1. Course Reflection Essay Writing a "Course Reflection Essay" can be both challenging and rewarding. It requires introspection and the ability to articulate your thoughts and experiences coherently. Reflecting on a course involves not just summarizing what you've learned but delving into how the material impacted you personally and academically. One of the difficulties lies in striking the right balance between personal reflection and academic analysis. It's not just about listing what assignments you did or what concepts you grasped, but about digging deeper to understand how these experiences contributed to your intellectual growth. This involves thoughtful consideration of your strengths and weaknesses, the challenges you faced, and the strategies you employed to overcome them. Moreover, expressing these reflections in a well-structured and cohesive essay can be challenging. It requires a clear thesis that encapsulates the essence of your learning experience, organized body paragraphs that delve into specific aspects of the course, and a conclusion that ties everything together. Achieving this cohesion while also maintaining an engaging and personal tone is a delicate balance that many find challenging. Another aspect that can add to the difficulty is the subjective nature of reflection. Each person's experience in a course is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to crafting a reflection essay. Some students may find it challenging to express their thoughts and feelings in a way that resonates with the reader while staying true to their own voice. Despite these challenges, the process of writing a course reflection essay can be incredibly enriching. It encourages self-awareness, critical thinking, and the development of effective communication skills. The struggle to articulate one's thoughts often leads to a deeper understanding of the material and personal growth. In conclusion, while writing a course reflection essay can be a demanding task, it is a valuable exercise in self-discovery and academic expression. It challenges students to think beyond the surface of their coursework and delve into the transformative aspects of their learning journey. Similar essays and much more can be explored and ordered through platforms like Course Reflection Essay Course Reflection Essay
  • 2. Evaluation Essay Evaluation Essay If you are looking for a class to meet both a general education and a diversity requirement class I d recommend taking Sociology 268. The class, Race and Ethnicity, is an introduction course taught by Professor Kristina Cantin. I am going to evaluate this professor based off of five criteria: subject knowledge and passion; setting high standards and clear classroom objectives; ability to create a sense of community within the class; professor accessibility; and mutual respect. The course focused on the eight common conversations about Race: We re beyond race; Racial diversity is killing us; Everyone s a little bit racist; It s just identity politics; Variety is the spice of life; It s a Black thing you... Show more content on ... It was a unique learning and sharing experience that our professor used to demonstrate the different social strata, different social classes and white privilege. I found this class an oasis for learning. Each student s experience was valued and important and a strong sense of community identity was developed. Professor Cantin s ability to create community within the classroom also extended to outside of the class hours. Many times professors are hard to reach via
  • 3. Essay about The poetry of Seamus Heaney is deceptively... The poetry of Seamus Heaney is deceptively simple. Examine this comment in the light of his choices of subject, diction, and structure. You should refer to at least two poems in your responses. The deceptive simplicity of the poet can be helped to be understood through P A M Dirac, who suggests that poetry tries to tell people in a way that is understood by no one, something everybody already knew. If you can comprehend this, it is easier to see how the poetry of Heaney can be called deceptively simple, the surface which appears to be the reminiscing of his youth, is misleading, in actuality it is hinting at something far more complex and explaining lessons of life that he learnt, that the reader may never grasps. One of ... Show more content on ... It is possible that the deeper meaning to a Mid Term Break is that of coming to terms with the fact that it was not his fault that this pointless loss of young life occurred. He may have felt that if he had not been away at school his brother may never had died but the poet needs time (many years) to justify this and come to terms with his bereavement. A common point in each of the poems is that of the poets internal struggle to come to terms with himself, acceptance of himself as the person he is. This is clearly seen in Digging where he shows nothing but admiration for his father and the expertise needed to farm, which is highlighted by the use of technical terms such as lug . He finally concludes that his skill as a writer, a poet, is just as valued as that of a farmer and that in all likelihood his feelings of guilt at discarding tradition were not necessary and there was no need to believe he could not live up to expectations, he has accepted himself. Through Heaney s poetry we come to understand, that his ideas do not just relate to him, they relate to us as well, they show the connection between human lives. This is what William Carlos Williams calls the universality of the local . When you look deeper and scrutinize the poems they become more than just the memories of a man. Beyond the surface there are layers of meaning, complexity,
  • 4. Investigating The Failure Rates And Mean Time On Repair... RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The study aims to determine the failure rates and mean time to repair statistics in relation to the medical equipment in order to make correlations between the probabilities of harm to patients in a sudden failure of the equipment. To determine whether there is another or alternative way of equipment maintenance management strategies from the relevant industry experience and to check if they have the potential to improve the availability of hospital equipment in critical conditions and to reduce the harm to patients by using the equipment s in proper conditions by not playing with their lives. METHODOLOGY This study was conducted by examining the maintenance management strategies of critical hospital; equipment s or ... Show more content on ... The research was conducted by conducting a survey. The survey was designed in such a way that every hospital had to answer the questions in the survey. Every hospital had been given six to eight copies of the questionnaire depending on the involvement of the hospital departments and the type of equipment s available for the survey and the maintenance strategies followed. After completing the questionnaires, approval was required from the hospital head who is responsible for every activity taking place in his hospital. The main study of this experiment is to check the non availability of the equipment or failure, which would risk the patient s life in danger. The rules and regulations or criteria for conducting the research on the criticality of the equipment is the risk of failure or breakdown of the equipment when it is used on a patient, the average time used for a patient, average number of patients used or serviced by the equipment, operational life of the equipment and the availability of alternative equipment in case of failure or malfunction at critical times. There are around 6782 devices were examined during the process. We have taken only 5 equipment s for the study in this paper. In the pilot project we have considered only 5 hospitals and five types of critical hospital equipment were examined and that had a non availability of high risk level. The equipment s are kidney dialysis, cardiac catheterization
  • 5. The Great Gatsby s Treatment Of Women In The 1920s In the 1920 s, society underwent changes as the result of women s rights, prohibition, organized crime, and the infamous stock market crash of 1928. As women gained independant rights, men were furious about this despite the fact they had always been superior to women. In the novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsbyexemplify the treatment men had towards women in the 1920 s. Tom Buchanan, a prominent man who inherits his family s wealth, is married to Daisy Buchanan, Tom takes advantage of his wife, by publicly taking other women out and treating them to his lavish lifestyle. Tom Buchanan will do anything to suppress his lovers to further the superiority he has over women. Fitzgerald s use of Tom Buchanan... Show more content on ... When Tom claims that Daisy actually does love him, he suppresses her opinion by putting words in her mouth to aid his argument. Tom perceives the need that he must speak for his wife as if she can not speak for herself. Also, Tom claims that Daisy obtains foolish ideas, and that she doesn t know what she s doing. He implies that she is crazy and it is understandable that she fools around because of that. This reflects the misogynistic views men had towards women in this time period as they silenced women with their opinions to prove their
  • 6. Conditions of the Poor in the 19th Century Portrayed in A... In A Christmas carol, how does Dickens make the reader aware of the conditions of the poor in the 19th century? In what ways does he make his message palatable? The story of A Christmas Carol is set in Charles Dickens home town of London. In the Victorian period Londoners were split in two categories, the rich and poor and the streets were filled with diseases and many poor children died at young ages. There were many big families who had small but affordable meals throughout the year, but for one day in the year they attempted to earn as much money as they could so families could have a special meal. This day was Christmas and in my essay I am going to be describing how Dickens get across the Christmas spirit people have. ... Show more content on ... But Bob Cratchit who worked for Scrooge as a clerk was treated even worse then most poor workers who were never treated with dignity. He was paid below the average pay for a regular poor worker, so struggled to pay for food and his family bills. He had to work in terrible conditions, for example Scrooge looked after the coal box and wouldn t give Cratchit fclerk put on his white comforter, and tried to warm himself at the candle; in which efforts, not being a man of strong imagination, he failed. Bob Cratchit really loved Christmas and when he applauded Scrooge s nephew talking to Scrooge about how great Christmas was, Scrooge said, Let me hear another sound from you and you ll keep your Christmas by losing your situation. Scrooge had threatened to sack Bob Cratchit so close to Christmas and just shows how mean he was and how poorly workers were treated in Victorian times. In Dickens time workers were paid poor money but they had to rely on this income so much because if a poor person didn t have this small amount of money they would surely have to live on the streets begging for food and would find it difficult to get another job which is why Bob Cratchit can t argue with Scrooge s dismal treatment of him and he just has to cope with it. Cratchit had to work everyday in the year, except Christmas which was the one day the Cratchit family would have a proper meal with a goose and lots more treats they wouldn t
  • 7. The Growing Threat Of Cyber Warfare From Russia Benjamin Carver Mrs. Wuerfel English 12 Honors 6 February 2016 The Growing Threat of Cyber Warfare from Russia The next generation of terrorists will grow up in a digital world, with ever more powerful and easy to use hacking tools at their disposal. Dorothy E. Denning. This is becoming more and more apparent as time goes on. You hear something new every day about some company being hacked by the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, or North Koreans. The world we live in is becoming more and more digitized and, perhaps unsurprisingly, the threat of cyber terrorism is only growing with the evolving technology. Tensions have been rising rapidly largely due to the multiple cyber attacks being waged every day against various political ... Show more content on ... (Paletta, Yadron, and Valentino DeVries A.1). Though the United Statesgovernment seems to think that creating the most powerful hacking software is the best course of action, this will only lead to more cyber terrorism at the expense of everyday citizens. Looking to the past, it is obvious that engaging in an arms race can often lead to escalated conflicts. Some security experts warn that governments do not yet understand the power of the hacking tools being created, and that the situation is growing dangerously similar to the arms race induced powder keg Europe was before World War I erupted (Matthews). Although they were physical, arms races in the past led to such horrific conflicts such as the first World War and terrifying time periods such as the Cold War. Governments should be approaching this situation with much more caution. In order to ensure both the safety of the citizens of the world, as well as the well being of the world s nations, the digital arms race should be de escalated. Measures need to be taken to reduce the frequency of cyber attacks, as opposed to simply fighting back with more powerful hacking tools. Cybercrime and cyberterrorism are becoming increasingly more dangerous issues as time goes on. China appears to wage hacking attacks on other countries, especially the United States, more often than any other countries. Due to the frequency, many
  • 8. How Did Theodore Roosevelt Save The Environment How and Why Theodore Roosevelt Saved the Environment Common folklore says that the Teddy Bear toy is named after Theodore Roosevelt. Rumor has it that he saved a young bear in the wild, and thus gave the cute and cuddly toy a name. (Donna, 1) This is a great example of one of the most popular aspects of Theodore Roosevelt s personality: his love for nature and the environment. But what really got Roosevelt interested in the environmental concerns of the nation? Theodore Roosevelt s lifelong love of nature that was sprouted in childhood, was strengthened due to his time in Dakota, and brought his attention to the environmental issues that led to his involvement and achievements in environmentalism. Theodore Roosevelt grew up in Manhattan, New York. He was the... Show more content on ... Roosevelt s intense case of asthma and other physical disabilities as a child sprouted his lifelong love for the outdoors. He devoted his time to developing a strong physique , and doing physically strenuous activities, such as boxing. Roosevelt even became an amateur taxidermist by taking small forest animals, stuffing them and putting them on his shelf. Roosevelt was home schooled due to his asthma, thus giving him ample amount of free time which he liked to spend playing and exploring the outdoors. Thanks to his father s wealth, his family helped to start a Museum of Natural History. Due to his extreme exposure with the outdoors, Roosevelt had a love of nature that started as a child and grew into a political movement. In 1884, Roosevelts wife and mother passed away on the same day thus causing him to spiral into a deep depression and move to the west Dakota Territory. Roosevelt planned to move back to Dakota and to raise his cattle herd, but was hit with many disgruntled neighbors. His neighbors were concerned about the overgrazing of Dakota pastors in 1886, and the harsh winter that was coming.(Huber, 1) The overgrazing was a major issue for the ranchers
  • 9. Essay on Head Ski Company SGMT X 6000 STrategic Management| Head Ski Company Ltd.| Business Level Strategy| | Pavel Tabak| 2/6/2012| | Competitive Advantage Determinants Competitive advantage in a strategic environment is most often defined as having greater profitability than the average rival firm. As in the case for Head Ski Company Inc., we are not provided with extensive competitor information, thus only internal indicators will be evaluated. Profitability measures show a company s overall ability to maintain efficiency and performance for their stakeholders. Some of the key performance measures for Head Ski in determining a true competitive advantage are as follows: ROA, ROI, ROE... Show more content on ... This quality assurance was best displayed through Howard Head s statement that attention to detail is what separates Head Ski from their competitors and that even during tough financial times, any defects or quality deviants were recalled without hesitation. Furthermore, the design of the ski is crucial to the performance of the skier and needs to take into consideration the 3 core functions of: Tracking, Traversing and Turning. Although in the early years as per Mr. Head, the main concentration was to make the best ski for the general public, by 1966, Head Ski was the top choice for performance for both, unskilled beginners and the top professional racers. This advantage in performance was prominent in a major international competition where one third of all top 10 finishers were using Head products. Additionally, Head Ski truly believed in functionality before style. While competitors often introduced 6 8 different colours yearly for their skis, Head stuck to the basic colour of black and rarely made any model changes unless performance was lacking. The simplicity of using one colour really made Head distinctive and unique on the slopes and ultimately creating a status symbol for the brand. The emphasis on selective dealer relationships was a very strategic and distinctive strategy by Head. Many large stores were declined the opportunity to
  • 10. The Historical And Contemporary Importance Of Francis Of... The most popular saint in history, Francis of Assisi s life is shrouded in as much legend as it is fact. However, the influence of Francis or the monastic order he founded cannot be disputed. Born into great wealth and influence during the Middle Ages, Francis turned down such comforts instead taking up a life of poverty and ministry. In less than two decades of ministry, Francis was able to leave a legacy that continues to influence the Church today. The following will show the historical and contemporary importance of Francis of Assisiby examining his unique life, his founding of the FranciscanOrder and his ongoing influence in the life of the Church. Saint Francis of Assisiwas born Giovanni Bernardone around 1182 in Assisi, Italy to Peter (Pietro) Bernardone, a wealthy Italian cloth merchant, and his wife Pica. When Francis was born Peter was away in France on business and his mother baptized him as Giovanni. Upon his return, Peter gave Giovanni the name Francesco (Francis). Francis received some limited formal education, but this was supplemented with practical education received while accompanying his father on his many business journeys. Francis lived the typical life of a wealthy young man and aspired to be a knight. He was quite the character and always desired to rise about the common place. A major turning point began in his life when in 1202, he joined a military expedition against Perugia. The forces from Assisi were defeated during which he was
  • 11. Cocaine Addiction In The Workplace Essay A cocaine addiction not only affects your health, but it also affects your performance in the workplace. There are many ways that a cocaine addiction can have a negative effect on your work performance. Below is a list of some of the ways that your business can suffer from a cocaine addiction: Increased Sick Days Cocaine can damage your health in a number of ways. It can cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature. It can also cause gastrointestinal side effects. Additionally, chronic cocaine users are more likely to become malnourished. If your health is being seriously affected by cocaine use, then you will have a harder time concentrating while you are working. In fact, you may have to take sick days. One of the reasons that most workplaces have implemented a ... Show more content on ... However, many people with a cocaine addiction lack a work ethic. They become so preoccupied with their addiction that they forget about their business. This can lead to a failed business. Your Quality Of Work Will Suffer Your quality of work is likely to suffer if you have a cocaine addiction. When it comes to business, quality is sometimes more important than quantity. Customers expect good service from people that they do business with. Customers typically take their business elsewhere when they are not satisfied with a business. This can cause your business to lose a lot of money. Furthermore, not only can you lose existing customers, but it may be harder for you to attract new ones. Word of mouth is still one of the most popular forms of advertisement. Many businesses build their clientele based on reviews from their existing customers. However, if a customer is not happy with the service that they get from your business, then they are likely to say bad things about it. This can ruin your business s reputation. Inpatient Rehab Can Save Your Business And
  • 12. Dangers Of Exponential Technology Dangers of the Exponentials Exponential technologies can potentially pose great dangers to the human race. Although, not to the extent people believe. Simply put, The wrong technology in the wrong hands leads nowhere good. This brings us to topics such as bioterrorism, cyber attacks, and Robotics or artificial intelligence leading to potential unemployment for skilled workers. Bioterrorism is no joke, it is more prevalent than most would assume. Technologyis becoming increasingly easier to use and cheaper to access, making biological attacks and hacks practically inevitable. The threat of a biological attack alone can produce negative impacts all over the world economically, psychologically, and society as a whole. The good news is that these threats have called for more regulation on the distribution of technology and reagents. The issue at hand is that it may not have the greatest or desired effect. Often times, banning something creates a black market for those dedicated to exploiting it. The result of almost anything made illegal, is organized crime. Our greatest resource to combat emerging natural and artificial biological threats is an open and broadly distributed technological capability. Regulation that is demonstrably ineffective in improving security could easily end up stifling the technological innovation required to improve security. We need regional facilities that are able to rapidly distribute vaccines and antiviral drugs in cities worldwide to
  • 13. A Study Case A Canwall Case Two Canadians representing Canwall, a manufacturer of wallpaper printing equipment, went to a town north of Shanghai in the province of Jiangsu, China, to negotiate a sale to a new wallpaper production company. Charlie Burton, the president of Canwall, was traveling with his Marketing Director, Phil Raines. The company had never before sold its equipment outside Canada, and the two Canadians were delighted with the warm reception they enjoyed in China. This wasn t the first meeting between the Canadian company and the Chinese wallpaper factory. The manager of the Chinese company, Mr. Li, had been a member of a delegation to Canada. He had met with one of Canwall s senior salespersons and the director of manufacturing. ... Show more content on ... The Chinese were reproachful about the discrepancies, as if the Canadians had been caught out. At lunch the Canadians quickly faxed Canada for specifications and explanations. The afternoon session was uncomfortable, although everyone was polite. Burton and Raines were a bit unsettled when a middle aged woman suddenly burst into the negotiating room and whispered in the ear of one of the key Chinese speakers, who immediately got up and left the room. The Canadians received some of the documentation they needed by fax, and discussions resumed with the same questions being asked yet again. It all went very slowly. The Chinese appreciated the high quality of the Canadian product but worried they wouldn t be able to fix the equipment if it broke down. They suggested delicately, to avoid implying that they expected breakdown that perhaps the Canadians could give them some help with maintenance training. The Canadians pointed out the expense and difficulty of keeping someone in their city for several weeks or months and expressed confidence that there wouldn t be any problems the manual didn t cover. The Chinese would be able to look after the equipment just fine. Finally, the technical discussions gave way to the issue central to most business negotiations: price. This proved to be the most difficult of all. The Chinese began by asking for a 20 percent price discount. The Canadians thought this was simply an outrageous negotiating poly; they
  • 14. Similarities Between Frederick And Catherine The Great Frederick and Catherine the Greats Squared This essay about the Greats squared or better known as Frederick and Catherine. I wondered why they were given the title of Great , so I began researching both of them. My objective with this essay is to show their greatest achievements and their worst blunders. Starting with Frederick the Great, he was born on January 24, 1712 in Berlin, Prussia. His father King Frederick Wilhelm I was a very strict no nonsense kind of guy. When he exhibited a flair for languages and music, his father sent him to military training. Frederick tried to escape to England at age 18 to get away from his father, however, he was caught, court martialed, and had to watch his best friend be decapitated (Frederick... Show more content on ... Eventually Peter III was killed, however it was never proven that she took part in it. In order to keep herself from being ousted from the throne, she returned land /property to the church while claiming she was following in Peter the Great s footsteps (Catherine II, 2015). This could be where the Great in her name came to be. Like Frederick, she too believed in the Enlightenment ideals and looked to reform the Russian educational system, even writing some of the materials herself. In addition, she lobbied for governmental reforms, created a Legislative Commission, expanded Russia s borders with the use of the military, as well as amassing a most impressive art collection (Maranzani,
  • 15. The Ethical Ethics Of The Court System Abstract This paper is going to be over the ethical misconduct that comes when working for or in a court system. Daily there are criminals being sent to prison and being released from prison; some for crimes that they committed, some for crimes that they were just there at the wrong time for. But is there ever a time where people are sent to serve a sentence for a crime they did not commit? The answer is yes. Many of the public do not have a strong liking for lawyers, judges, or mainly just people that work within the federal or state government. Reason being, sometimes you may have to question the fairness, equity or the integrity of the person to know if they are coming from a good place or not. As a lawyer this may be hard to prove ... Show more content on ... The amendments that were set into place were structured to give certain guidelines that were to be followed by the judicial system and how it should be operated. As with the fifth amendment it states no person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law this is to be strictly followed by the system in order to ensure that there is a delivery with justice for whomever is being represented. Judiciary Duties and Ethics When it comes to the ethical standards that are to be delivered and expressed it is not only the judge s position to do so, but along with lawyers and jurors as well. The 12 juror system, though not always works out in some cases, it is there so that when a defendant is charged with a crime, he or she could be fairly tried by an impartial jury of their peers. Unfortunately, jurors can never be 100% impartial, some of are going to be biased in some way or another and will always be affected by the outsiders. The average juror is either not capable of or not competent to accurately decide what the manipulations of the lawyers mean and what the court room or the
  • 16. The Lake Of The Woods In the Lake of the Woods is about ghosts, personal and national, and about the impossibility of escaping them. Author Tim O Brien poured much of his own likeness into protagonist John Wade. Wade grew up in Minnesota and like O Brien, he served in Vietnam so he could maintain or get more love from his peers and family. Like O Brien, he likely committed some wartime sins and like O Brien, he cannot escape the past. However we see a key difference between the two mean as O Brien confronts his personal demons through writing and admitting publicly his faults, while Wade prefers to suppress the past and at making all disagreeable memories disappear. The pervasive theme of disappearance is perhaps the most important motif of the novel. Wade, ... Show more content on ... This viewpoint manifests and grows to be a deep personal identification for Wade in his adult life. For example in Vietnam, Sorcerer made entire villages vanish with a few magic words into a walkie talkie and heavy explosives; after the graphic depictions of the My Lai slaughter Wade even manages to disappear his name from the official platoon roster. This attitude continues after the war when Sorcerer turns back into John Wade, where in the United States, Wade uses this magical trickery as a politician. He continues his manipulation and ambition until he is on the verge of winning a seat in the United States Senate when memories of the Vietnam secrets he s buried deep inside his mind surface years later. The discovery and news reports of his participation in the My Lai slaughter ended up being the root cause of his election loss. Through small glimpses O Brien reveals Wade s past to the reader. The novel opens in its present timeframe (1986) to John and his wife Kathy, who have retreated to the Lake of the Woods in the northern Minnesota wilderness after the election defeat. They have been in love since college, where John often spied on her, they try to put the past beside them and desperately create new possibilities in the future for them, but a palpable tension and unease run under the easy going surface of their day to day activities. In
  • 17. Frankenstein And The Picture Of Dorian Gray As British... Eric Haney Mr. Kearney English 4 AP 27 May 2015 Frankenstein and The Picture of Dorian Gray as British Gothic Literature There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand. This quote from Mary Shelley s classic gothic novel Frankenstein is very representative of the functional importance of gothic literature to humanity. Gothic literature can be viewed as the dark side of the human soul, as good usually triumphs over evil in storytelling; gothic literature is the release of all the darkness of the human experience usually embodied in a character. When used to describe literature, the word gothic is defined as of or relating to a style of fiction characterized by the use of desolate or remote settings and macabre, mysterious, or violent incidents (Webster). In addition to these stylings, there are several elements such as the supernatural, heroes, villains, and emotions that are very common of the gothic genre (Marinaro). Frankenstein is often viewed as the archetype of gothic literature, for the novel is certainly the most well known and studied literary work of the gothic genre, and also possibly because of its usage of classic gothic themes. Oscar Wilde s The Picture of Dorian Gray, however described as gothic literature, departs from many of the listed classic themes. The following will examine the origins of the gothic novel, it s characteristics, and how the British novels Frankenstein and The Picture of Dorian Gray exemplify, by usage
  • 18. Stoicism In Ancient Rome After Stoicism arose in the fourth century BCE in ancient Greece, the beliefs and practices of Stoicism quickly spread among wealthy, educated, and governing classes of Rome. Although there is little evidence that Stoicism widely impacted all the classes of Rome, Stoicism did have a profound effect on the wealthy and governing classes of Rome because of influential Stoics and their encouragement to participate in government affairs. Although certain Stoic philosophers such as Epictetus tried to spread Stoicismto the less wealthy classes of Rome, these attempts did not sway the fact that wealthy Romans most largely studied Stoicism. Furthermore, very few people outside of the wealthy and educated classes of Rome knew much about Stoicism and
  • 19. Why Was Kamehameha Important In History The prophecy said he would do many great feats, and that is what Kamehameha would do! Kamehameha is significant to history because he was the King of Hawaii and did many great things for Hawaii. He was prophesied to do so. He was significant for being the Hawaiian conqueror, the king who united islands, and even founded the Kamehameha dynasty. He was also significant for other challenges throughout his life. These are reasons why Kamehameha l is very significant to history. To start off, Kamehameha l was prophesied to do many feats for Hawaiiand wanted to and even inherited being king after Kiwala o died. For example, in one of my sources it says, There were reportedly many prophetic signs that he would be a great leader, including... Show more content on ... For example, Kamehameha the Great was the Hawaiian conqueror and king who united the Hawaiian Islands and founded the Kamehameha dynasty. This evidence proves my statement. Another example is, He eventually succeeded and went on to take over most the majority of nearby territories as well. This evidence further shows that he was definitely a conqueror ..and by 1810, Kamehameha became the first king to rule all the Hawaiian Islands. This evidence further shows that he was a king/ruler and united and ruled all the islandsIn conclusion, Kamehameha did many achievements when becoming the inherited ruler of Hawaii and it s islands. ThirdlyKamehameha was also significant in history because of his challenges throughout his life and all the other extra things he did.During his reign, he governed following kapu, an ancient system of rules and laws.This shows that not only did he conquer places and people, he made sure citizens had fair laws. He also established new principles, including mamalahoe kanawai, or law of the splintered paddle. This law, which protected the defenseless as well as
  • 20. Comparing Rig Veda s Voluspa For The Germanic Religion The best way to describe reading Voluspa followed by Rig Veda is deja vu. The striking similarities in the details of the creation myth make it hard to believe that these stories are not about the same religion. Who knows what influenced what, but at the end of the day, it does not really matter. The simple fact that there are direct correlations between the two sends up a blazing, red flag that these texts are based on a religionthat is neither Germanic nor Hindu, but rather a common ancestor of both. Because of the similarities between Voluspa and Rig Veda and their clear differences from Genesis, we can use the Norse text to analyze the Germanic religion. By not studying Voluspa for the Germanic religion, one would miss out on a valuable... Show more content on ... The Garden of Eden described throughout Christian creation myths is nowhere to be found in Voluspa or Rig Veda indicating that these texts developed independently of one another. However, the mere absence is not enough to prove there is no link. When examining the tone surrounding the creation of life, the peaceful metaphors of the Garden of Eden take no relation to the savage killings of primordial giants. When the rotting limbs of Ymir in Voluspa are compared to the tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food in the Garden of Eden, it becomes obvious that these texts stemmed from very different influences (Crawford 4, Coogan 14). However, Dronke argues that the primordial killing of Ymir may also have been conceived of as a sacrifice, and that it is important that they take Ymir s blood coming from his neck, that is, from a sacrificial, rather than a fighting wound (112). Dronke argues that this could relate to the Christian principle of sacrificing for others thus making Voluspa have Christian influence. While I agree that the Ymir could be seen as a sacrifice, this principle does not appear in the Christian creation myth as the Garden of Eden simply mentions a Utopia where man can freely eat of every tree of the garden (14). While other parts of Christianity do
  • 21. Minnie s Desolation in Susan Glaspell s A Jury of Her Peers Susan Glaspell, writer of the short story A Jury of Her Peers details the isolated rural farm house of Minnie Wright and Mr.Wright. Glaspell advocates for the equality of woman and hopes to warn the readers of the difference between the law and what is actually right. She conveys the meaning of her theme by describing a case of a deprived woman, Minnie, who is absolutely isolated from any other kindof companionship except for her husbands, which is like a raw hard wind that gets to the bone. (Glaspell 198) Although Minnie isn t present at the time of the investigation, the setting of her house lets the readers know some of the various kinds of isolation she deals with for twenty years before being sent to jail.The different kinds of isolation that Minnie experiences are symbolized in the objects and information Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters share and discover while being at the scene of the incident. Minnie s youthful life was the complete opposite to her current life. Mrs. Hale spoke of her youth and said she used to wear pretty clothes and be lively when she was Minnie Foster. (Glaspell 195) But now all Minnie wears is a shabby black shirt that bore the marks of much making over along with the same gray shawl . (Glaspell 195) Minnie s lively spirit and style of clothing evoke a stage in her life where she was joyful and free from a man who didn t represent her. However, now that she bears her husbands last name, Minnie Wright wears shabby dull clothes that
  • 22. Sony Pledge Of Quality Essay 1.1Approach toward Quality Assurance 1.1.1 Basic Policy Sony has given top priority to providing customer oriented, high quality products and services as an operating foundation. This philosophy is set forth in the Founding Prospectus drafted in 1946 by Sony s co founder, Masaru Ibuka. To reflect changes in its operating environment, in April 2012 Sony revamped the Sony Pledge of Quality, which lays out its basic policy on product and customer service quality in the Electronics business. This move was aimed at reinforcing awareness of Sony s commitment to ensuring that the quality of its products and customer services exceeds the expectations of its customers around the world. The Sony Group is not content simply to improve product and ... Show more content on ... In addition, this quality and reliability information is compiled into quality concepts, which are a part of the design specifications, and used as input for design. (3) Design Design is an extremely important process for ensuring high reliability in semiconductor devices. Design is performed as follows based on the design requirements (quality concept, design specifications, related laws and regulations, cases of past trouble), with sufficient design leeway to tolerate variance in the manufacturing process. гѓ»Understanding the latest requirements The latest requirements are understood, and any necessary changes from the plan formulation stage are clarified, visualized (compiled into documents) as the latest requirements, and shared with related parties. In addition, past review analysis results are also understood as requirements. гѓ»Plan
  • 23. The Role Of Socioeconomic Status And Behavior As... As a native born African Ghanaian, I have lived in an underserved community in Ghana where there is a disproportionate burden of disease, so I understand the role of socioeconomic status and behavior as determinants of health. This inspires me to pursue a career in public health where I can help to control epidemics in Africa and other underserved communities worldwide. My career interest is to work in conjunction with non profit organizations to research the etiology of diseases, distribution, and preventive measures, and to increase public awareness through health education. My ultimate goal is to team up with health professionals and policy makers to help eliminate health disparities in the world. Based on the knowledge and experience I intend to gain, I am very optimistic that I will be able to make rational proposals and write grants that will improve health policies and interventions. My interest in disease prevention and control motivated me to study Public Health as my undergraduate program at Temple University. During my undergraduate course work, I developed a great interest in the field of epidemiology due to a strong passion for health related research. My research area of interest is to analyze and simplify the mechanism of the pathogenesis of hypertension and other vascular abnormalities affecting minority populations, particularly African Americans. I am interested in understanding the determinants of hypertension, especially the role of exercise, nutrition,
  • 24. Celebrating the Triumph of Charlie Parker Essay Charles Christopher Parker Jr. was born on August 29, 1920 in Kansas City, Kansas to Charles and Addie Parker. Charlie led a lonely childhood which resulted from his parents separation in 1927 when Charlie was just 7 years old. His father was never around much following the separation. Their house however was just a short walk from Kansas City s entertainment district which attracted Charlie while growing up. This was to be where Charlie would find his place in the world. While Charlie s mother was working, he would walk around Kansas City listening to jazz behind the clubs. Parker would sit around all night listening to his idol Lester Young perform along with the Count Bassie band. It was here that Charlie was developing his ... Show more content on ... To support himself Charlie washed dishes at a local food joint, where he met Buddy Fleet, who was the one who tutored Charlie in playing the saxophone. Charlie would then return to Kansas City due to the death of his father and stayed home for about a half a year while playing in a small band there. Then in late 1939 Charlie joined back up with McShann and moved back to Harlem, where Charlie would meet Dizzie Gillespie. Gillespie would join Charlie and would start to work together and develop a new form of jazz. While Charlie was experimenting with a number of different chords in a jam session he discovered a new approach to improvisation. These new chord progressions and the ever emerging sounds of Harlem, bebop was born. Parker would eventually need a break from New York Cityand decided to travel to California where he would travel for a couple years. It was during this trip to the west coast that he would get heavier in to drugs and alcohol, specifically heroin which he used as his inspiration. It was while in Los Angeles performing that Charlie would suffer a nervous breakdown, for which he was confined to a hospital bed. He was released in 1947 and returned to New York, where he formed a quintet with Miles Davis and others. Parker would once again tire of New York City and head to Europe for a couple of years, where he would encounter a lot of devoted fans and he also did numerous recordings. In Charlie s
  • 25. Investigation Of Financial Statement Fraud Investigating Financial Statement Fraud Background Financial Statement is the heart and soul of the business industry as it provides the financial condition of the company and the going forward initiatives of the corporation, therefore it is critical that the financial statement is free from manipulation and misstatement to be material and useful for stakeholders and other earning statement users. Goel and Gangolly (2012) implied that top management knows the financial statement users will perceive the audited report as credible, and strategically writes under thorough guidance of corporate lawyers to cautiously position the company s image positively (p.75). Goel and Gangolly argued that not only the financials metrics, but disclosure statements contain linguistic cues for investigation of accurateness and honesty of the writing and presentation style (p.75 76). Financial statement fraud has become a growing problem in the accounting profession and the business industry. According to Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO, 2010) 1998 to 2007 fraudulent financial reporting statistics, over 60% of the fraud cases were revenue fraud (p.5). Abbasi, Albrecht, Vance and Hansen (2012) emphasized the harmful effect of financial fraud to our economy, specifically to risk averse investors, which could have crucial long term consequences to company s sustainability (p.1293). Abbasi, Albrecht, Vance and Hansen indicated that most companies that were
  • 26. Mobile Payments Mobile Transactions and Payment Processing Ashok Goudar Senior Enterprise Architect White Paper Contents Introduction Mobile Commerce Business Context Mobile Commerce Strategy Mobile Channel Strategy Mobile Marketing Mobile Sales Mobile Service Mobile Payment Mobile Wallets Mobile Commerce Transaction Mobile Banking and Mobile Money Mobile Commerce Transformation Roadmap Mobile Commerce Payment Business Scenarios Card based Mobile User to Business Payments (CM2B) Mobile Wallet User to Business Payments (M2B) Mobile Wallet Mobile Users to Mobile User Payments (M2M) Remittance Services Mobile Wallet CrossBorderM2M Mobile Wallet Cross Border M2Account. Mobile Commerce Payment Processing Models Card based... Show more content on ... Keeping with the growth in the mobile communication technology, the software vendors, service providers and industry forums, have been offering newer and enhanced mobile operating systems (Windows mobile 7.0, Android OS, Symbian, Blackberry OS, Apple IOs4 etc), APIs (J2ME, Window 7 mobile SDK, Android SDK etc), development tools (along with emulators) and technology standards for mobile computing, making it possible to develop and host a variety of mobile transaction processing solutions for mobile commerce. In this context, this paper further discusses solution architecture of a target mobile transaction and payment processing framework for mobile commerce transaction processing. The paper also briefly touches upon various mobile commerce business models and solution architecture for business scenarios (conducted on different mobile communication technologies), that are addressed by the target mobile transaction and payment processing solution framework. 4 I Mobile Transactions and Payment Processing I White Paper Mobile Commerce Business Context Mobile commerce is not only an extension of an eCommerce business model but also an
  • 27. Ethics of Penn Square and Dow Corning Essay Ethics of Penn Square and Dow Corning Ethics of Penn Square Bank and the Dow Corning Bankruptcy Penn Square Bank: What were the ethical pressures on the firm concerning documentation, credit extension, and revenue recognition that lead to the final collapse? What should have been done to reduce or offset these pressures? Penn Square Bank was a small commercial bank in Oklahoma City which made high risk financial loans during the late 1970s in the oil boom. The bank ultimately collapsed during the early 1980s due to their financing practices. The bank was overestimating and valuing its customer s gas and oil reserves that let at that time to fund a bigger credit line. In addition, the bank didn t request clients to complete ... Show more content on ... For offsetting ethical pressures to increase revenue recognition, the Penn Square Bank should have stuck to FASB principles. The GAAP should have been complied with and this would have helped avoid revenue recognition problems. Dow Corning Corporation was founded in 1943 as a jointly owned enterprise by The Dow Chemical Company and Corning Incorporated to develop the potential of silicone materials. Dow Corning s principal businesses were silicone materials and polycrystalline silicon. In the early 1960 s Dow Corning supplied Texas plastic surgeons Frank Gerow and Thomas Cronin with silicone for their medical implant device research. Gerow and Cronin, using Dow Corning silicone, invented the first silicone breast implant as a device to aid women who had undergone mastectomies. At that time, the Food and Drug Administration had no regulations governing implantable devices. Companies like Dow Corning had to determine the safety of devices on their own. The surgeons conducted clinical trials of the implant prior to product introduction in 1964. In the next several years, the implant grew popular for cosmetic surgery as well as reconstructive, and Dow Corning cornered both markets. Between 1960s and the mid 1990s, about two million women nationwide have received breast implants, most of them for cosmetic reasons. However, some women have started to complain that the implants have ruptured, allowing gel to leak into the breast cavity and migrate to other
  • 28. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Bitmap Vs.... In the presently highly digital world we live in, there are essentially two types of graphic files used, the bitmap and the vector graphics. Both have an overall similar principal but differ in various sub arrays, which bring along each of their own advantages and disadvantages. To begin with, the word bitmaporiginated in the year 1973, and came to be by adding the words bit + map which literally means a map of bits, which perfectly describes the nature of a bitmap graphic. A bitmap is composed of thousands of pixels, each of which has it s own fixed position and can be individually edited, which forms an overall bitmap graphic/image. Bitmaps are largely the standard for Internet graphics but however contain disadvantages. Bitmaps are largely... Show more content on ... When written, the width measurement is always written first. Aspect ratios all have to deal with the amount of empty space you are willing to have surrounding the main subject . Awareness of the different aspect ratios provided by the device in hand may lead to better compositions in the image. The difficulties with aspect ratio are that when there is an inconsistency, one must either crop the image or compromise the size of the image. Furthermore, when the aspect ratio of a particular image is not compatible with the screen, upon which it s displayed, black stripes are used to adjust the difference without compromising the
  • 29. Antigone Vs Lysistrata The most important difference between the plays Antigone and Lysistrata are the underlying tones of each play. Antigone is quite serious and deals with darker subject matter involving birds and dogs devouring a human s body and flesh; while Lysistrata is more light hearted and geared towards husbands wanting to devour their wives in a different way. Imagine the mood of each play was reversed, Antigonewas more cheerful and happy while Lysistrata was morbid and dark, the story of each play would change drastically and would not have the same meaning. This difference between the plays tones is what categorizes them into a tragedyor comedy . Without these important aspects of the plays, their meaning and delivery would entirely change. Although... Show more content on ... There are plenty of reasons for them being so different but the all encompassing reason would be the tone of each play which shapes the stories as a whole. Changing these tones and aspects of the play drastically alters its meanings and messages which, as aforementioned, is what makes each play a tragedy and a comedy. Almost every difference between these plays is a result of the differing atmospheres each play gives off. The purpose of each play is also different because of these tone; Antigone was to represent the struggle of Religion and Law along with destiny while Lysistrata served to show how unequal men and women were at the time but in a strangely odd and slightly sexist fashion. If you were to change the play s tone these messages would be lost or heavily altered. If Antigone lived on then it would become a story of triumph for the morally good and if Lysistrata failed it would show the devastating effects war can have on families in those countries. This raises an interesting point as would these stories have been better or worse by being putting made into a different genre with different
  • 30. Buck Call Quotes The relations between Buck and the human he encounters are marked not surprisingly, by opposing forces, actions, roles or values: love and hate, master and slave, uneasy truce and open war, hunter and victim. Buck enters the story in his sustaining California environment as ruler of all he surveys: he was king, king over all creeping, crawling flying things of Judge Miller s place, humansincluded. Taken out of that happy valley, he was starved and mistreated by his captors and then subdued by the brutal club of a shrewd, red sweated man. The man conquers Buck and Buck hates him; yet the beating brings with it the curiously ambiguous relation between master and slave: When the man brought him water he drank eagerly, and later bolted a generous meal of raw meat, chunk by chunk from the man s hand. Buck s understanding of humanbeings will henceforth be defined by power and the politic dispensing of the necessities of life. The next three chapters bring Buck under the benevolent tutelage of Perrault and Francois, master still, but fair and above all, schooled in the ways of the North. Buck s own competence increases apace. Though life on... Show more content on ... In chapter two, London introduces this divide as a major feature of the Klondike landscape: It was a hard day s run, the Canon, through Sheep camp, past the Scale and the timber line, across glaciers and snowdrifts hundreds of feet deep, and over the great Chicot Divide which stands between the salt and the fresh North. Divides like this recur throughout the book, and each time Buck crosses one, he enters a world whose constituent parts are silence, wilderness, an increasingly nonhuman void whatever was opposite to the world he has left. In the last chapter, Buck, Thornton and two other men enter more deeply the uncharted
  • 31. Lord Of The Flies Conch Character Analysis PCF. People create freaks, or Pigs Conches and fires Many who attend high school has the pleasure to read Lord of the Flies . A novel where the main characters are all little boys who have to learn how to live without adults, stranded on an island. Alone on the island, they try to accustom themselves to their new lives while still preserving all the fun they had at home, using the fire as a symbol of hope, the conch as a symbol of unity, and the pig as innocence. Little did they know, all of this will change for them as time goes by. In Golding s NovelLord of the Flies he presents to us an intricate story with a deeper meaning than just boys on an island. Some main points of the story, like the fire, conch and the pig s head symbolize ... Show more content on ... The group goes out and finds a pig who they hunt down. However, he can t bring it to himself to kill an innocent being. The pig symbolizes the inner demon within all of us as the pig first starts out as an innocent little thing that has not been scarred by the evil trenches of the world, ... because of the enormity of the knife descending and cutting into living flesh, because of the unbearable blood. (pg 31 Golding) Jack lets the pig go, for her to live another day out in the wild. The pig also demonstrates humans craving to finish the job . Jack s inability to kill the pig leads him to desire it, on many levels. His mind becomes obsessed with the want and need to kill that pig. He doesn t only kills the pig, he and his tribe slaughter her and cut off her head, as an offering to the beast, a creature the kids are terrified of, yet never saw, ...The Lord of the Flies hung on his stick and grinned...saw the white teeth and dim eyes, the blood and his gaze was held by that ancient, inescapable recognition. (pg 136 Golding) This innocent pig becomes this devil like figure that has been influencing the kids all along, pulling on the strings in just the right way to make them dance however the Lord of the Flies pleased. He later then talks to Simon as he figures all this out on his own, Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! ... You knew didn t you? I m part of you? Close, close, close! I m the reason why it s no go? Why things are what they are? (pg 143
  • 32. My Role Model Stephen Curry From the moment babies are able to walk they are influenced by older people in the world. Kids look up to people because there hair, sport ablitity,clothes,people skills. Having a good postive role model in children and young adults to being a parent. Stephen curry is my role model because he is a outstanding althlete , an sublime teammate, and is a high awarded basketballplayer. In 2015 stephen curry and his team out played everyone in the National Basketball assocation (NBA). During the season Curry broke his own record of most three pointers made in a season. Curry ability too shot the ball is not the only reason why he is so leathal on the basketball court. Curry s passing ablitily is a valued asect to him and he s teammates. Curry
  • 33. White Zombie Apocalypse Anyone paying attention has had the privilege of seeing the rotting, disheveled, missing limb creature inhabiting society in a sensational way. Dating back thousands of years, zombies were integrated into American society with [the] depiction of the zombie from 19th century Haitian voodooism (Crockett, 2016) leading to the zombie epidemic existing today. The dawn of the dead has reigned from as early as the 1930s and now a spin off concept has emerged. A zombie apocalypse has influenced modern day media such as movies, TV shows and videogames: reflecting the viewers worst fears and adapting the generation. The first recorded zombie film White Zombie (1932) told a tale of a white couple who had an encounter with a Haitian voodoo master. During these years, spiritualism was at its highest White Zombie stroke America s worst fear of voodoo aiming to destroy love. Many films proceeded White Zombie, all carrying the same infectious fear of witchcraft. It wasn t until the 1940s that zombies no longer began to reflect the fear of voodoo but of nuclear extinction. What began as a folklore story developed into a part of American society. The films created during this time period still carried the fear factor, yet laced ... Show more content on ... The portrayal of zombies before this film were not scary in a physical sense but in what they represented. In Romero s zombie films, he made the dead appear more alive with more gruesome and violent ways. Throughout the years, writers or directors stepped up the image of the zombie, each time making them one step closer to vicious annihilating creatures. Movies such as; World War Z, Pride and Prejudice and Resident Evil are our modern day Night of the Living Dead. These movies all share a similar theme, a carnivorous survival of the fittest world. Yet despite the new movies coming out, the hunger for zombies has been fulfilled by TV shows and
  • 34. Positive Reinforcement Analysis In this example you can clearly see the positive reinforcement. By my father giving me a gift as a reward for doing good it was be a positive reinforcement, If I know that me getting good grades it results in my getting money or gifts it s going to make me keep striving to do good. In this example it would be negative reinforcement because I am looking for an escape from the traffic. Since leaving early helps escape the traffic them then I m going to leave early to help avoid it. This example would fall under negative reinforcement because since he had a bad experience while camping he s not going to want to camp again. He doesn t want to risk getting bullied again or having water thrown on him. He going to do what he thinks is best to avoid
  • 35. Disney, an Influence on Modern America Disney, an Influence on Modern America While most just think of Walt Disney as the creator of the Disney movie empire and the Disney theme parks, those such as author Steven Watts, who think more deeply about Disney, consider him to be the influential architect of modern America (Watts, p. 4). While the genius of Walt Disney has affected many aspects of American, and now overseas, cultures, his empire has had a significant impact on what people experience during childhood. BACKGROUND OF THE DISNEY EMPIRE Walter Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Illinois, but he lived most of his life in Missouri. He began drawing and painting when he was quite young and would sell his work to family friends and people in the neighborhood. ... Show more content on ... Disney movies from year past are still being viewed daily through the use of modern technology. For example, Disney s first full length film was released to the public in 1937. This was, Snow White. Although released decades ago, children of the 21st century know and watch this movie (Johnson). The character of Snow White is one of Disney s famous princesses and little girls all over the world easily recognize her. Those little girls who first watched Snow White are now watching it with their grandchildren. This is an example of a timeless movie. As the above example suggests, people grow up with Disney movies. Recognizing the plot from these movies and knowing the associated characters has become common knowledge in the American culture. The Disney Company has received much criticism with regards to their princesses and the roles of feminism portrayed in their movies. Many believe that the way the princesses are portrayed depict a negative view of women and present a stereotypical view of the woman s role in society (Bailey). This viewpoint has merit in that many of the Disney princesses are portrayed as waiting for a man to rescue them such as in Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. Women are also viewed as the caretakers of the home such as in Snow White where she happily takes care of the men while they go off to work. It is important to
  • 36. Essay On Rubik s Cube Background Rubik s cube is a toy puzzle designed by ErnГ¶ Rubik during the mid 1970s. It is a cube shaped toy consisting of smaller cube pieces, called cubies with 6 faces possessing contrasting colors. This rather primitive looking phenomenon was exceptionally popular during the 1980s, and peaking in 1980 and 1983 with around 200 million cubes sold worldwide. Even sales today continue to exceed 500,000 sales worldwide each year, consequently earning the title the best selling toy of all time .( How Rubik s Cube ) Seen as an object of art, the Rubik s Cube brilliance is perceived to reside in its ability to embody and symbolize the evident contrasts in the human conditions: simplicity and complexity, order and mayhem, bewilderment and comprehension, as ErnГ¶ remarks.(Davis) Comparably, these traits can be observed when examining the most integral parts of the cube: its history, design and mechanics, and mathematical applications. History Puzzle makers have been creating complications and presenting adversities for people to solve and overcome... Show more content on ... Around 1983, however, the popularity of the cube began to die down and sales slowed drastically. That was because the cube stayed in small scale production, but that changed when Seven Towns took over the marketing, and licensed the Rubik Cube to the Oddzon Company for the United States in 1995. Since then, sales have steadily increased to over 500,000 units a year. ( How Rubik s Cube ) Moreover, in 1980, the cube won the prestigious German Game of the Year award and similar decorations in France, Britain, and the United States. Also, books covering the cube were simultaneously on the New York Times best seller list. Finally, today, with more than 350 million cubes sold and at least one billion imitations in circulation, it is the best selling toy of all time and a true cultural icon that will forever be recognized.
  • 37. Reform Movements In The 1800 s In the last several centuries, countless reform movements have attempted to shape and expand democratic ideals in the United States. A democratic ideal is the personal qualities and behavior of a government that are necessary to its continued democracy. Such as life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, diversity, truth, religious freedom, and patriotism. All constitutionally given rights we all, as Americans, have in one way or another as a result of early reform movements. The early 1800 s were no different, America being finally free from British domination, was ready and able to forge its own way. This time while America was still in her infancy, was an important pivot point in our country and where it was headed. Warranted by the situation... Show more content on ... The abolition of slavery, women s rights, prohibition, and religious freedom movements all contributed to the preservation, and spread of these Democratic ideals. The government change in policies and laws was a direct result of these reform movements, and the social precedents that went along with them. Women earned equal representation and treatment in all aspects of life. Slaves eventually were freed and almost a century later were given the right to vote. They have come so far in equality, both African Americans and women. Our 44th president was African American, and a candidate for the 45th President was a woman. America truly is a land of opportunity where anything is possible. Alcohol was temporarily banned and now is restricted because of its negative health effects. Religious freedom in the United States is the most free place in the world. We have no restrictions on any religions, we even have a church called The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster . All thanks to progressive reform movements of the 1800 s, which aggressively sought to expand Democratic
  • 38. The Following Chapter Discusses Background Information The following chapter discusses background information on quadcopters, structural batteries, graphical user interfaces, and my research objectives. 1.1 Problem Statement The advances in electronics and lightweight materials over the last few decades have resulted in the popularization of quadcopters. Whether for recreational, military, or commercial use, people are beginning to recognize the potential of quadcopters. One company in particular that is looking to exploit the use of drones on a massive scale is Amazon through their Prime Air program. The goal of Amazon s Prime Air program is to deliver packages weighing up to five pounds in 30 minutes or less to their customers [1]. While the ultimate design or designs of the drones Amazon... Show more content on ... Unlike conventional airplanes, rotary winged aircrafts have a fundamental advantage in that lift and control are relatively independent of forward speed. Rotary aircrafts do not need a runway and have much more freedom and maneuverability in the air. Despite early efforts to fly using rotary winged devices as well as the mentioned advantages, the first successful flight came from a fixed wing aircraft [2]. The development of rotor technology paved the path for the creation of the quadcopter. Etienne Oehmichen successfully built the first quadrotor in 1922 called the Oehmichen No. 2. A single 120 horsepower engine powered the four rotors of this machine. However, due to a lack of control of individual rotors, the altitude and orientation could not be varied. To combat this issue, four additional propellers were attached to better direct the movement of the quadrotor [3]. Modern quadcopters do not rely on additional propellers to maneuver themselves. Instead, each rotor can be manipulated to perform virtually any aerial move. Today, quadcopters are used in many areas of industry due to their reliability, cost effectiveness and multi functionality. The most widely known uses come from photography and the military. Quadcopters are constantly seen being used in sports media coverage, recreational and professional filming,
  • 39. Homegoing Monologue Home is a four letter word reserved for a special place in our hearts for the memories that are invoked as you look back through time. These warm memories when desperately lonely is where the term home sick drieves from. Although, not all homes bring warm, fuzzy feelings. The book Homegoing clearly drives this point across. I will be discussing the homelife of Kojo and H who belong to Esi s bloodline. First, you must understand how Kojo and H came into this world. Homegoing, revolves around two women, Esi and Effia, half sisters who never shared a home, nor even knew the other existed. You are not your mother s first daughter. There was one before you. And in my village we have a saying about separated sisters. They are like... Show more content on ... He also smelled cooking. There at the stove stood Ethe. Despite her anger years earlier, she told him, You have to understand, H. The day you called me that woman s name, I thought, Ain t I been through enough? Ain t just about everything I ever had been taken away from me? My freedom. My family. My body. And now I can t even own my name? My mama gave me that name herself. I spent six good years with her before they sold me out to Louisiana to work them sugarcanes. All I had of her then was my name. That was all I had of myself too. And you wouldn t even give me that. P
  • 40. Descriptive Epidemiology Report Hannah Lerner Errisuriz HED 343 15 November 2016 Descriptive Epidemiology Report Background Tourette s Syndrome is a disease of the nervous system in which people have uncontrollable tics.1 Tics are sudden movements that occur repeatedly and are the major symptom of Tourette s. There are two types of tics, motor and vocal. Motor tics are body movements and vocal tics are sounds.2 Common examples of tics are excessive eye blinking, movements of the neck, shoulder or limbs, throat clearing and grunting.3 These tics are extremely difficult to control and worsen during times of high stress or excitement. Tics are less severe during periods of calmness and focus. 3Activities requiring fine motor control, such as playing an instrument or reading ... Show more content on ... Data source: 2011 2012 National Survey of Children s Health. Tourette s defined: Parents provided information on whether a health professional has ever diagnosed their child with Tourette s or other specific conditions, answering yes or no. Bibliography 1. Bitsko RH, Holbrook JR, Visser SN, et al. A National Profile of Tourette Syndrome, 2011 2012. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP. 2014;35(5):317 322. doi:10.1097/DBP.0000000000000065. 2. Tourette Syndrome: An Overview Tourette Association of America. Tourette Association of America. tourette/overview/. Accessed November 15, 2016. 3. Swain JE, Scahill L, Lombroso PJ, King RA, Leckman JF. Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders: A Decade of Progress. Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry. 2007;46(8):947 968. doi:10.1097/chi.0b013e318068fbcc. 4. National Survey of Children s Health Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health. National Survey of Children s Health Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health. Accessed November 11,
  • 41. Electric Skateboard Research Paper The first skateboard I made was really only a little RC motor on the electric skateboard I already had. I had the idea to make my own electric skateboard when someone passed me riding a bike while i was on my electric skateboard. I wanted to make my own skateboard because I knew I could make it go faster and I just didn t think it was right that someone on a bike could pass an electric skateboard. For the first skateboard I really just nailed things together and hoped it would work. Throughout I was just hoping that I could make it go super fast, but over time I realized that I wouldn t be able to make it go that fast. So, I changed my hopes to making it move at all. The first time I finished I was very mad because the motor fell off right
  • 42. Cell Phone Use A Social Addiction Today s society is a generation that is being raised on conveniences, and with this generation, cell phone use has exploded. Millions of people are obsessed with their cell phones and literally will not leave their house without it. People center everything they do around their cell phone. People are checking their text messages and social media day and night. They face time, tweet, Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat. Teens on their smartphones. Photo Credit Highwaystarz Photography/iStock/Getty Images No matter where a person is, at work, the doctor s office, a child s school play, and even at the dinner table, people are checking their phones. Many people are now using their phones as a work tool. They check their emails, do their banking business, and pay their bills on their cell phones. Cell phones have become a social addiction and in doing so have brought about health issues such as sleep deprivation and anxiety. Even though cell phones are a modern convenience with many good qualities, and have changed our lives in some good ways, they have also changed out lives in some bad ways. Cell phones have had more of a negative impact than a positive impact in our lives. There are many examples of how cell phones have changed our lives in some negative ways. We will now take a look at some of the ways that cell phones have had a negative impact in our lives. Perhaps the most alarming example is people are using their cell phones in the car while driving.
  • 43. Why I Use Sequence Sequence: I use sequence first because, I like to take my time and do any assignments that my instructor gives me. I don t like to rush through my work or have someone to tell me what to do, when I am in the middle of my assignment. I like to get a clear understanding and also like to do things step by step. When I am doing something for my teacher or just doing something for school I like to ask am I meeting their expectations that they are excepting of me to do. I also like for people to show me examples of what I should be doing, instead of just telling me the word from their mouth. I stay focus mental and I like for my work to be accurate and correct and not half stepping. When I work alone I can take my time and not rush. Sequence is used by asking directions, what is the instructor expected me to do. When I get started on an assignment I do not like when the teacher change the direction on me.... Show more content on ... When my instructor asked me about something, I can t give her a straight answer because my mind goes blank when too much information in on my mind. I am a type that asks a lot of questions and love to answer them as well. I have to make sure that I have all my information together but starting a paper. When I have everything together, everything falls into place. I am a great note at taking notes, because I don t miss any information that can help me with my assignments or research paper. When I think people are trying to hide information from me I feel frustrated and think they won t share with
  • 44. The Underdogs Is The Most Important Novel Written By... The underdogs is the most important novel written by Mariano Azuela which is deeply linked to the historical context of how the Mexican Revolution was established, especially in the northern states of Mexico. The Mexican Revolution it was intended to ensure a fairer way of life of the agricultural classes. However, it was harsh, brutal, and bloody complex conflict for the whole country, in which federalism and rebels have been fighting tirelessly for a cause they both believed to be flawless. Azuela follows the performance of a band of revolutionaries who radically transformed politics and Mexican society. Represents the uprising and difficulty of the revolution throughout his novel. Furthermore, describes the rise and fall of Demetrio Macias and his band of rebels who participated and uncovered the hard details effects at the height of the armed phase of the Mexican revolutionin the early twentieth century. Demetrio Macias as the main character is a peaceful Indian which is considered a symbol of the Mexican peasants. He represents the rural masses, poverty and ignorance of the lower classes in the economic and social sense, for that reason they are called the underdog . Moreover, they fights towards democracy and equality of the few elite land owner, for which they had been unfairly suffered injustice and have been excluded from the gains benefits of Porfirio Diaz (president of Mexico at the time). Demetrio in fact explaining to Cervantes that he become a
  • 45. Analysis Of The Book Revelation Of The Bible Since the beginning of time there has been a concept as old as thought itself: how will it all end? Not just how will life end but how will the world end. Some cultures are molded by the way that specific groups believe the end times will come to fruition. Eschatological concepts are those that concern themselves with the end of the world, as we know it and how it will come about. One thing that is for certain is across the ages there is a consensus that this will occur, though there may not be a consensus on how. This concept has infiltrated almost all aspects of life from entertainment to daily practices. There are numerous pieces of literature that addresses how the world will end and of them one of the most well know is the Book of... Show more content on ... Jesus later goes on to explain that the seven stars that were in his hand represent the angels of seven churches and the seven gold lamp stands represent the seven churches. Once he states this he begins to address each church individually. The letters poses similarities while at the same time also possessing differences. The overall structures of the letters are the same and follow these guidelines: address, commendation/complaint, advice, appeal for others to listen, and then a promised reward for heading the words of the Lord. The differences arise in the content of the addresses, how the problems should be corrected and the reward that will come. The seven letters serve as a connection between the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation. Though the Book of Revelation lacks any direct Old Testament connection, the views and connection between the two are seen throughout the Book of Revelation. The authorship by John took place during the Greco Roman era but the structure of writing that the letters poses is more appropriate for the prophetic lawsuit of the Old Testament. The difference between the styles lies in the fact that the letters contain commendations and accusations along with the customary features judgment and salvation, which makes them in concordance with prophetic lawsuit speech (Bandy 186). Bandy stated, specifically, it resembles the covenant lawsuit whereby Christ scrutinizes the new
  • 46. Was Raleigh Tate Justified In The Trial Sheriff Tate accidentally stole Arthur s right to be legally protected. Sheriff Tate might not have been the best sheriff for Maycomb. He lies, tampers with evidence, and bends the law. He also lets his emotions control his actions and doesn t think things thoroughly. The death of Bob Ewell was justified because he has done some horrible things. Sheriff Tate might have some of the traits and qualities of a good sheriff. However, would a good sheriff lie, bend the law, or tamper with evidence. When Mayella claimed she was sexually abused Sheriff Tate didn t take her to see a doctor. He claimed No sir when Atticus asked But you didn t call a doctor? While you were there did anyone send for one, fetch one, carry her to one? (224). Mayella could ve been hurt and they could ve had more evidence, but instead he decided not to get her a doctor. Sheriff Tate also tampered with evidence when Bob Ewell was killed. He switched the knives around and took the one that killed Bob Ewell. Then he insisted Bob Ewell fell on his ... Show more content on ... He doesn t think things through when his emotions take control. When Tom Robinson was arrested, he didn t even question him. He confessed that by saying She identified him as the one, so I took him in. That s all there was to it. (223). He did that because he was trying to protect Bob Ewell. Sheriff Tate and Bob Ewell most likely served together in the war. He ended up putting his feelings in front of the facts. When Sheriff Tate made Atticus shot the dog when it s his job to. He even tried to convince him by saying for God sake Mr. Finch look where he is miss and you ll go straight into the Radley s house I can t shoot that well and you know it. (127). He also yelled at Atticus when there really was no need to. He got said God damn it, I m not thinking of Jem (368). There really was no need to get all frustrated like he did. When his emotions he doesn t see things
  • 47. Meaning Of The Sandman The Sandman The Sandman is a mythical character whose purpose is to lull children to sleep and give them sweet dreams, by sprinkling magical sand into their eyes. If children fought the effects of his magical sand, they would have torturous nightmares. The folklore says that the sleep in the corner of the eyes is a proof that The Sandman was there during the night. The text Verse 1 Say your prayers little one Don t forget my son To include everyone I tuck you in, warm within Keep you free from sin Til the sandman he comes The song starts with a parent putting their son to bed, persisting the child to say their prayers before they go to bed. The parent tucks his son into bed to keep him warm during the cold night, which is associated with sin. Children see duvets and blankets as a shield to protect them from anything that can happen throughout the night. Although the last line can seem disturbing The Sandman is someone who brings good dreams. But the child may misunderstand this and his own fear may twist the... Show more content on ... The prayer was meant to help kids calm down with fear, and trust that God will protect them through the night. Hush, Little Baby is a lullaby thought to have been written in the Southern United States. The lullaby is traditional too real to soothe an anxious or crying child. In this version, it s uncertain whether it s The Sandman or the parent who is singing. Whereas the first line follows the traditional lullaby, the following lines hints to a boogeyman or something to be afraid of. This could be child s way of twisting his parent s words. Chorus 2 Exit light Enter night Grain of sand The grain of sand is again the proof that The Sandman was there during the night sprinkling his magical sand into the children s eyes. The music
  • 48. J R Hobbit Research Paper J.R.R. Tolkien had an extremely interesting life filled with real adventures and fictional adventures in his many books and poems. Tolkien had rough patches in his life, but this made him a more enriched person. His work is influenced by his many travels and the people he met during them. Tolkien s many books and poems show his love of adventure and his wild imagination. The life, career, and poetry of J.R.R. Tolkien was remarkable for its time period and is still influential to this day. J.R.R. Tolkien s early life was a little rough but he made the best out of it. Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892 in Bloemfontein, South Africa (Birzer 1). It may seem odd as to how he was born in South Africa, but there s a story behind it. Bradley Birzer explained in his article Tolkien: Man Behind the Myth on EBSCOhost that, Attempting to control the fraud that seemed ... Show more content on ... Tolkien s early career was the start of his hugely influential work. Tolkien s early career started when he began writing The Silmarillion in 1917, which was a history of Middle Earth (Stewart 322). This was the beginning of something wonderful. Paula K. Byers said in Encyclopedia of World Biography that, The Inklings, which was formed during the late 1930s and lasted until the late 1940s, was a weekly meeting held in Lewis s sitting room at Magdalen at which works in progress were read aloud and discussed and critiqued by attendees (260). This group would later help produce many great works. While at a Inklings meeting, Tolkien read his first hobbit story to the group and they urged him to publish it (Byers 260). This meeting was what started his legacy. In 1937, Tolkien published The Hobbitafter the Inklings told him to (Byers 260). It was majorly successful and people are still reading it today. This book that he published was about these imaginary people called hobbits in a place called Middle Earth (Stewart 322). His early career was interesting, but his later career was even more
  • 49. Xenophanes And The Persian War Orchestrating the widespread adoption of its culture and establishing a renowned veneration in its military, the Persian Wars were a momentous event in Greek history. The long fought war between Persians and Greeks was instrumental in uniting a region in disarray, fostering a culture of unity and collaboration evident throughout western civilisation even today. It foresaw the abandonment of slavery and prudent hierarchical structures in exchange for decadence, comfort and expression. The Persian Wars additionally demonstrated Greeces prowess in both naval and land bound combat. Commanded by the domineering Spartans on the battlefield and reinforced by the sea fairing Athenians, the Greek forces were overwhelming in unity. The Persian wars... Show more content on ... The modern western world consequentially saw the widespread adoption of these Greek ideals following their victory, as opposed to the Persian philosophies of slavery and forced labour. Xenophanes, a Greek poet depicts the archetypal atmosphere in retrospect of the Wars: ... on your soft couch by the fire, full of foods, drinking sweet wine and cracking nuts... (Xenophanes, 500BC). Despite representing a citizen of extraordinary wealth, being a widely travelled poet and founder of the Eleatic School of Philosophy Xenophanes describes a decadency remarkably reminiscent of the western world in its current state. This sentiment is further corroborated in Chronicles: Investigating the Ancient World, a widely used textbook offered to Australian students, stating ...the Greek heritage that is the basis of Western civilisation (Williams, 1994). Being a western produced and published work of modern literature, this text is undoubtedly inclined to favour a Greek influence, regardless of its relevancy. Despite this potential bias, an emergence of Greek customs is prevalent in the west. Further evidenced in modern society is a juxtaposition to Persian slavery. part of Greece should see the day of slavery states an epigram commenting on the Persian Wars (Meritt, 1950). A primary source representative of a Greek citizen at time of war, this engraving embodies
  • 50. Assimilation In The Joy Luck Club All mothers and daughters have conflict. While, the daughter may look like the mother, or even identify with her... the two are still worlds apart from each other (Xu). Immigration and assimilation compounds this problem, putting more distance in an already complicated relationship. Each has a different perspective because of their experiences. Language and cultural barriers separate individuals from the communities they are leaving and the communities they are joining. In The Joy Luck Clubby Amy Tan, the author utilizes heart wrenching stories, linguistic barriers, and the symbolism of the American Dream to comment on the distancing properties of cultural assimilation to the immigration system in America. The immigration motif begins ... Show more content on ... The language barrier exemplifies the idea of a disconnect between their two cultures, and the American Dream is proved to be a harsher reality than imagined. For millions of immigrants, the United States promises a fresh start, away from the troubles of their cultural home. But for many, assimilation proves difficult, isolating many from both their communities, leaving them in a world separate from the one they left, but not fully in the one they hope to join. Works Cited Henrickson, Shu Huei. An overview of The Joy Luck Club. Literature Resource Center, Gale, 2018. Literature Resource Center, Accessed 1 May 2018. Michael, Magali Cornier. Choosing Hope and Remaking Kinship: Amy Tan s The Joy Luck Club. Contemporary Literary Criticism, edited by Jeffrey W. Hunter, vol. 257, Gale, 2008. Literature Resource Center,. Accessed 1 May 2018. Originally published in New Visions of Community in Contemporary American Fiction: Tan, Kingsolver, Castillo, Morrison, University of Iowa Press, 2006, pp. 39 71. Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. G.P. Putnam s Sons, 1989. Xu, Ben. Memory and the ethnic self: reading Amy Tan s The Joy Luck Club. (Special Issue: Varieties of Ethnic Criticism). MELUS, vol. 19, no. 1, 1994, p. 3+. Literature Resource Center, Accessed 1 May
  • 51. Neopets Case Study Essay Neopets Case Study As per the Neopets website, Neopets is an online youth focused virtual world whose primary focus is to allow members to create and take care of virtual pets. In addition to virtual pets, it also offers games, auctions, trades and messaging. Neopets have been created in 11 languages and generates more than 5 billion pageviews per month. With nearly 200 games, weekly contests, discussion boards, plots and thousands of virtual items to collect, Neopets members are as passionate about the site as they are about their virtual pets. Neopets has approximately 44 million members, and in the fourth quarter of 2007, Neopets averaged approximately 3.5 million monthly unique visitors globally. How to avoid becoming a fad : ... Show more content on ... However unlike games such as World of Warcraft and Second Life that are based on real time action rendered in 3D, Neopets is primarily based on navigating through static 2D web pages, and playing small self contained puzzle type games. Though Second Life and World of Warcraft do not target Neopet s primary audience of girls under the age of 18, it also needs to move up the technology chain. There might soon be a 3D virtual pet website which might take away market share from Neopets and Neopets might see its adopter surfing to a 3D virtual pet websites. Promotion strategy for Neopets : Neopets has traditionally depended on word of mouth and viral marketing which is a subset of word of mouth to increase its spread. As per Hindle, Tim (2008, p205) viral marketing involves choosing a small group of well connected individuals to launch a product or service via the internet or their mobile phones. The idea is that their approval will spread rapidly via their online network of connections, create a buzz around the product being marketed and result in millions of sales. This form of marketing has grown further with the popularity of social networks like Facebook. While Neopets is very popular with kids who use the internet extensively, Neopets needs to consider other mediums to attract kids who are not yet extensive users of the internet. To do that Neopets has
  • 52. Eating Disorders Are Serious Disorders Eating disorders are serious disorders that have a negative impact on both the psychological and the physiological well being of the afflicted (Welch, Ghader, Swenne, 2015). Studies concerning eating disorders are showing more and more frequency in younger age groups and especially in those who are athletes, diabetics, and obese adolescents (Martin Golden, 2014). This tells us that symptoms of eating disorders can be caught and treated during adolescence. Today, many schools have very little class time dedicated to educating students about healthy lifestyles. Little, to no information is given about what eating disorders are or how to avoid the development of one. If information is provided about the prevention of eating disorders, it is usually in the form of a video or discussed briefly in a textbook. Schools are not doing enough in the fight against the development of eating disorders. Many studies have shed some light on the issue of eating disorders by conducting surveys and developing new programs to use in schools. The primary prevention of eating and body image problems among young people, and in particular, adolescents, is emerging as one of the most desirable achievements in contemporary health and nutrition(O Dea J. , 2000). Primary prevention programs, and better education in general, for the prevention of eating disorders and promotion of healthy lifestyles needs to be established in schools. The purpose of this paper is to propose more education
  • 53. Walmart and McDonaldВґs Reaction to Employee Living Wage As we approach the holiday season an alarming new trend among top companies has surfaced. In the past few weeks articles about how Wal Mart and McDonalds have had controversial experiences between company and employees have come out. Both companies simply do not understand what it is like for their employees to make below the living wage, and the answer should not be to rely solely on government programs such as food stamps. Before we actually look into what both of these companies did, let s keep in mind that according to the US Census Bureau as of 2012, 46.5 million Americans are living in poverty (US Census Bureau, 2012). As a country, we need to discuss poverty seriously, because it isn t a small problem, as time goes on it s becoming an epidemic. McDonalds has had a lot of heated news surrounding due to a recent comment the company released to their employees in order to help with them getting out of debt. The company advised that employees that, You may want to consider returning some of your unopened purchases that may not seem as appealing as they did. Selling some of your unwanted possessions on eBay or Craigslist could bring in some quick cash (White, 2013). So the way McDonalds is telling their employees to get out of the holiday debt is to return purchases and it only gets worse. McDonalds also released a statement saying that it would suggest that workers, visit the thrift store instead of the mall, use stale bread and bruised apples rather than
  • 54. Importance Of The Birth Of Modern Science 1.Why are bridge laws important for Fodor? Explain in detail. Bridge laws are important because they are required for reductionism to work. Bridge laws let us know that everything is equivalent. Without these, everything wouldn t be able to all be reduced to the same level. Without bridge laws it wouldn t be possible for us to make generalizations because there is no way or point to make that everything is equivalent. We wouldn t be able to reduce concepts without these. With that being stated, reductionism isn t possible far as now according to Fodor. 2.Why is the birth of modern science (c.1500 1700) important to how we understand knowledge and disciplinary divisions today? Explain in detail. The birth of modern science is important to how we understand knowledge and disciplinary divisions today because it lays out the reason why we have to take the classes we take now. With science stripping out the teleological element and just pushing everything down to facts, it left the question of what should we do with everything that was removed. With that, the answer resulted in having the humanities provide this for us as it holds the teleological element and essentially keeps the part of the human qualia alive. Due to all of this, we have to take two extra years worth of schooling for the benefit from the supplement of the teleological half. If we didn t have the extra two years, we would finish the training and knowledge we need for our careers in two years instead of