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Converting (X)HTML/CSS
template to DRUPAL 7 theme
By: Adolfo G. Nasol –

Additional option for creating
DRUPAL theme
   As I said, this will give us another
    flavour on creating a Drupal 7 theme,
    Drupal THEMERS usually create
    themes using a base starter theme
    and modify to fit into their needs, with
    this, we are creating themes base on
    your existing (X)HTML structures and
    its corresponding CSS files.

What Designer(s) and Noob
think about Drupal Themeing?
 Noob assume that Drupal theming is
  complicated and its overwhelming
 They try to look at several Base starter
  themes and got confused (OMG, I've
  better stay with WordPress / Joomla)
 Better create my own CMS huh!

What should you do?
   Never fear!, because its possible to
    create your own theme base on your
    designs and concepts and base on
    your existing (X)HTML and CSS
    structures and layout.

What should we learn?
 Step by step process for converting
  your (X)HTML/CSS template into
  Drupal 7 theme
 Finds the location of Drupal’s default
  template files (.TPL files ) and modify
  as you need it.
 Some examples and a demonstration

Basic knowledge required
 You need to know how to install and
  setup a Drupal site.
 (X)HTML/CSS – of course!
 Basic knowledge in PHP scripts
 A little knowledge in JavaScript
 Drupal Terminology (nodes, blocks,
  regions and etc...)

Why not just use a Base Starter
   Hey, instructions for creating a Drupal
    theme usually tells us to start with an
    existing theme or base theme and
    customize it to fit to our needs. Do you
    have problem with that? Are you
    against it?

    - NOPE!

Then you’d better explain!,
What’s the problem?
   Avoiding frustration(specially for noob).
    Existing themes and base theme often
    include options and features that you don't
    actually needs
      - lots of regions
      - bunch of CSS files that makes it work
      - So many features that make your site

This is fine if that's what you need but also
 result in very complex template files and
 bloated CSS.
Then you’d better explain!,
What’s the problem?
   To help us learn how Drupal
    theming actually works and gain
    better understanding of the theming

Drupal 7 themes

Other valid reason?
   Your client gives you an existing
    (x)html/css template and he wants you
    to use that for their drupal website.
    Using a base theme for this is a lot
    harder because you already have
    existing html structures and layout,
    CSS class and ID’s won’t match and
    your frustration begins. Instead of
    using a base theme, its better to
    convert that existing template directly
    into a DRUPAL 7 theme.
Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal 7 theme.
Step 1 - Prepare the template

Prepare your existing (X)HTML/CSS
  template, make sure all files are
  intact and working properly, test it in
  the browser if it is working fine and
  bug free.

Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal 7 theme.
Adjust the following as a part of
  preparation process

      Rename the logo as logo.png - Drupal looks
       for "logo.png" files inside a drupal themes
       and use it as default logo. If the logo is inside
       the images folder, copy that logo into the
       directory where the index.html file resides,
       they must be in the same level.

Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal 7 theme. (X)HTML/CSS layouts,
   Analyze your existing
       each section of the template will need to be
       converted into DRUPAL block regions, tools
       such as firebug can help you or even an
       HTML editing software such as Adobe
      Take note of the sections in the html
       template, we will use this sections as block
       region and we will need to define it in file.

Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal 7Create the folder for your theme
  Step 2 –

   - Create a folder inside sites/all/themes/
       directory, this will be the name of your
       Drupal theme, for example, if you
       created a folder named "mytheme"
       then your directory shall be

Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal 7Copy the files in themes folder
  Step 3 –

   - Copy all the files in your (X)HTML/CSS
      templates into the directory you've just
      created "sites/all/themes/mytheme" ,
      make sure to include all the HTML
      files, CSS, Images, JavaScript's and
      other assets and etc...

Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal –7 theme.
  Step 4 Create

  -   Create "" file, name must
      be the same with your folder name, theme
      folder named "mytheme“ must have
      “” inside it.
  -   Declare the following: name, description,
      core, engine, stylesheets, javascript’s,
      and regions.

  Visit for
      information on .INFO file, look on files for working examples,
      copy if necessary and update the
      information as needed.
Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal 7Create page.tpl.php
  Step 5 –

     Duplicate your main html file, usually
      "index.html“ or “index.htm” and rename the
      copy as page.tpl.php

Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal 7Copy all other TPL files you want to use
  Step 6 –
        and overrides (optional)

       Copy the template files you want to override
        and edit the mark-up (html.tpl.php,
        node.tpl.php, block.tpl.php), put this to your
        theme folder, this way you can edit the file
        without hacking the original in the core.

    Please check for
       list of core templates. Also check core
       modules folder for available .TPL files.
Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal 7Edit page.tpl.php
  Step 7 –

     Open your page.tpl.php and edit, remove all
      tags starting from DOCTYPE up to opening
      <body> tag.
     Scroll down to the bottom of the page.tpl.php
      and also remove the closing </body> body
      tag and the closing </html> html tag.

Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal 7Check and declare all the reference for
  Step 8 –
       the CSS and JS file into .INFO file.

      Take note of all references to CSS file and JS
       file in the header section of the (X)HTML file
       and make sure you declare this into your
       .INFO file.
      Note that if your html template used jQuery
       library, you don’t need to include this to because Drupal already
       comes with jQuery library.

Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal 7 theme. regions
  Step 9– Insert your block

    Start Inserting all your regions, any part of
     your page you want to be editable in the
     Drupal interface(via Blocks) need to be
     converted to a region.
  Code example:
  <?php if ($page['sidebar_second']): ?>
   <div id="sidebar-1" class="sidebar-1">
    <?php print render($page['sidebar_second']); ?>
   </div> <!-- /#sidebar-1 -->
  <?php endif; ?>

Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal – Insert variables you want to use
  Step 10 7 theme.
      Start Inserting all the necessary variables you want to
       use and you need in the proper spot where you want to
       show it on your page. Some of the most common
       variable in page.tpl.php

        Variables are inserted using the Render API, information can be found
              here ->

         Example of printing tabs <?php print render($tabs); ?>

Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal 7 Adjust your CSS
  Step 11 –

     Adjust your CSS and override Drupal default
      style sheet as you need to fit your design into
      your Drupal site. Firebug can help you a lot
      with this to properly find the correct element
      class and id’s that you want to override.

Step by step process for
Converting (X)HTML/CSS to
Drupal 7 theme.
  Step 12 – Test and Done!

     And were Done!
  Were done with the basic, its enough for you to be able to
      convert an existing html/css template to Drupal 7

  Advance theming use more .TPL files and requires you to
      create custom PHP code in template.php files, you
      need to learn how template hooks works and all the
      available pre-process functions. More information here:

Example of theme hook
  Adding external stylesheets ( template.php )


  function mytheme_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
       cle', array('type' => 'external'));

Theme Developer module
  Themer's usually use theme developer
     module that can be downloaded at
  You can view template suggestion and
     existing variables value with the help of
     this module

Helper PHP function
  If you don't want to install theme developer modules, you can use the
        following PHP function to inspect your page for variables and
        array values:
    <?php var_dump($var); ?>

  Or with this one

   $vars = get_defined_vars();

  For more info, please visit:

Happy DRUPAL Theming!
   Adolfo G. Nasol
   Mobile: 09195951276
   Blog:
   Website:
   Email:

More power, PHDUG – Philippine
  Drupal User Group! 2012


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Converting (X)HTML/CSS template to Drupal 7 Theme

  • 1. Converting (X)HTML/CSS template to DRUPAL 7 theme By: Adolfo G. Nasol –
  • 2. Additional option for creating DRUPAL theme  As I said, this will give us another flavour on creating a Drupal 7 theme, Drupal THEMERS usually create themes using a base starter theme and modify to fit into their needs, with this, we are creating themes base on your existing (X)HTML structures and its corresponding CSS files.
  • 3. What Designer(s) and Noob think about Drupal Themeing?  Noob assume that Drupal theming is complicated and its overwhelming  They try to look at several Base starter themes and got confused (OMG, I've better stay with WordPress / Joomla)  Better create my own CMS huh!
  • 4. What should you do?  Never fear!, because its possible to create your own theme base on your designs and concepts and base on your existing (X)HTML and CSS structures and layout.
  • 5. What should we learn?  Step by step process for converting your (X)HTML/CSS template into Drupal 7 theme  Finds the location of Drupal’s default template files (.TPL files ) and modify as you need it.  Some examples and a demonstration
  • 6. Basic knowledge required  You need to know how to install and setup a Drupal site.  (X)HTML/CSS – of course!  Basic knowledge in PHP scripts  A little knowledge in JavaScript (jQuery)  Drupal Terminology (nodes, blocks, regions and etc...)
  • 7. Why not just use a Base Starter theme?  Hey, instructions for creating a Drupal theme usually tells us to start with an existing theme or base theme and customize it to fit to our needs. Do you have problem with that? Are you against it? - NOPE!
  • 8. Then you’d better explain!, What’s the problem?  Avoiding frustration(specially for noob). Existing themes and base theme often include options and features that you don't actually needs - lots of regions - bunch of CSS files that makes it work - So many features that make your site slow. This is fine if that's what you need but also result in very complex template files and bloated CSS.
  • 9. Then you’d better explain!, What’s the problem?  To help us learn how Drupal theming actually works and gain better understanding of the theming system.
  • 10. Drupal 7 themes
  • 11. Other valid reason?  Your client gives you an existing (x)html/css template and he wants you to use that for their drupal website. Using a base theme for this is a lot harder because you already have existing html structures and layout, CSS class and ID’s won’t match and your frustration begins. Instead of using a base theme, its better to convert that existing template directly into a DRUPAL 7 theme.
  • 12. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal 7 theme. Step 1 - Prepare the template Prepare your existing (X)HTML/CSS template, make sure all files are intact and working properly, test it in the browser if it is working fine and bug free.
  • 13. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal 7 theme. Adjust the following as a part of preparation process  Rename the logo as logo.png - Drupal looks for "logo.png" files inside a drupal themes and use it as default logo. If the logo is inside the images folder, copy that logo into the directory where the index.html file resides, they must be in the same level.
  • 14. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal 7 theme. (X)HTML/CSS layouts,  Analyze your existing each section of the template will need to be converted into DRUPAL block regions, tools such as firebug can help you or even an HTML editing software such as Adobe Dreamweaver.  Take note of the sections in the html template, we will use this sections as block region and we will need to define it in file.
  • 15. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal 7Create the folder for your theme Step 2 – theme. - Create a folder inside sites/all/themes/ directory, this will be the name of your Drupal theme, for example, if you created a folder named "mytheme" then your directory shall be "sites/all/themes/mytheme"
  • 16. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal 7Copy the files in themes folder Step 3 – theme. - Copy all the files in your (X)HTML/CSS templates into the directory you've just created "sites/all/themes/mytheme" , make sure to include all the HTML files, CSS, Images, JavaScript's and other assets and etc...
  • 17. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal –7 theme. Step 4 Create - Create "" file, name must be the same with your folder name, theme folder named "mytheme“ must have “” inside it. - Declare the following: name, description, core, engine, stylesheets, javascript’s, and regions. Visit for information on .INFO file, look on files for working examples, copy if necessary and update the information as needed.
  • 18. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal 7Create page.tpl.php Step 5 – theme.  Duplicate your main html file, usually "index.html“ or “index.htm” and rename the copy as page.tpl.php
  • 19. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal 7Copy all other TPL files you want to use Step 6 – theme. and overrides (optional)  Copy the template files you want to override and edit the mark-up (html.tpl.php, node.tpl.php, block.tpl.php), put this to your theme folder, this way you can edit the file without hacking the original in the core. Please check for list of core templates. Also check core modules folder for available .TPL files.
  • 20. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal 7Edit page.tpl.php Step 7 – theme.  Open your page.tpl.php and edit, remove all tags starting from DOCTYPE up to opening <body> tag.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page.tpl.php and also remove the closing </body> body tag and the closing </html> html tag.
  • 21. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal 7Check and declare all the reference for Step 8 – theme. the CSS and JS file into .INFO file.  Take note of all references to CSS file and JS file in the header section of the (X)HTML file and make sure you declare this into your .INFO file.  Note that if your html template used jQuery library, you don’t need to include this to because Drupal already comes with jQuery library.
  • 22. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal 7 theme. regions Step 9– Insert your block  Start Inserting all your regions, any part of your page you want to be editable in the Drupal interface(via Blocks) need to be converted to a region. Code example: <?php if ($page['sidebar_second']): ?> <div id="sidebar-1" class="sidebar-1"> <?php print render($page['sidebar_second']); ?> </div> <!-- /#sidebar-1 --> <?php endif; ?>
  • 23. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal – Insert variables you want to use Step 10 7 theme.  Start Inserting all the necessary variables you want to use and you need in the proper spot where you want to show it on your page. Some of the most common variable in page.tpl.php $site_name $logo $title $main_menu $secondary_menu $breadcrumbs $tabs $messages Variables are inserted using the Render API, information can be found here -> Example of printing tabs <?php print render($tabs); ?>
  • 24. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal 7 Adjust your CSS Step 11 – theme.  Adjust your CSS and override Drupal default style sheet as you need to fit your design into your Drupal site. Firebug can help you a lot with this to properly find the correct element class and id’s that you want to override.
  • 25. Step by step process for Converting (X)HTML/CSS to Drupal 7 theme. Step 12 – Test and Done!  And were Done! Note: Were done with the basic, its enough for you to be able to convert an existing html/css template to Drupal 7 theme. Advance theming use more .TPL files and requires you to create custom PHP code in template.php files, you need to learn how template hooks works and all the available pre-process functions. More information here:
  • 26. Example of theme hook Adding external stylesheets ( template.php ) Code: <?php function mytheme_preprocess_html(&$variables) { drupal_add_css(' cle', array('type' => 'external')); } ?>
  • 27. Theme Developer module Themer's usually use theme developer module that can be downloaded at You can view template suggestion and existing variables value with the help of this module
  • 28. Helper PHP function If you don't want to install theme developer modules, you can use the following PHP function to inspect your page for variables and array values: Code: <pre> <?php var_dump($var); ?> </pre> Or with this one <pre> <?php $vars = get_defined_vars(); print_r($vars); ?> </pre> For more info, please visit:
  • 29. Happy DRUPAL Theming!  Adolfo G. Nasol  Mobile: 09195951276  Blog:  Website:  Email: More power, PHDUG – Philippine Drupal User Group! 2012