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Constructing Your Literature
Review And Theoretical Fr
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Constructing Your Literature Review And Theoretical Fr Constructing Your Literature Review And Theoretical Fr
The Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Autonomous Driving
Autonomous Driving
Bhavani Ananda, Matriculation number: 388812
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany
Abstract Autonomous vehicles are increasing in these days. It performs many tasks such as automated
driving in highway, automated parking etc. In this paper, concept and working of autonomous driving
has been explained in detail along with its history, advantages/ disadvantages and future
Keywords Block diagram, Sensors, LIDAR, RADAR, Models of autonomous car, Advantages and
Disadvantages, Future developments.
Automotive research has been going on as a part of developing intelligent vehicles for safety, comfort
and economical reasons. ... Show more content on ...
[13] LIDAR, lasers, and logic: Anatomy of an autonomous vehicle, lasers and beefed up computers the intricate anatomy of an
autonomous vehicle/#ixzz3ZJGBynCY
[14] Autonomous cars , company
[15] Riding in Audi s 150MPH self driving RS 7, the anti Google car , self driving rs 7 concept test drive/
[16] Banner , US/products/8/Sensors/
[17] Robots Podcast: Sensors for autonomous driving , sensors for
autonomous driving/ [18] New Jersey Audubon [19] Lidar sensors , velodyne announces puck lidar sensor
[20] Autonomous cars company [21] Riding
in Audi s 150MPH self driving RS 7, the anti Google car ,
self driving rs 7 concept test drive/ [22] Robots Podcast: Sensors for autonomous driving , sensors for autonomous driving/ [23] New Jersey Audubon , [24] Bosch ,
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How Is Roman Civilization Successful
Roman Civilization The Roman civilization was a successful and powerful civilization that began
around 753 BC. Rome was equipped with a mighty army, strong leaders, and Roman organization.
(Aaron.J.Elcock 2011) Although problems did come, Rome was able to bend and transform to fit the
ever changing world. These are some of the factors that led the Roman civilization to be one of the
most successful places in history. The Roman s way of living contributed heavily to the Western world
in political, social, and cultural matters. Rome began as a small Italian city state ruled by a monarchy.
(Grant 1976) Over the years the city expanded from Italy to Carthage. Next, the Romans took over the
Western Mediterranean and the Eastern Mediterranean as well, becoming a civilization and eventually
an empire. Then there was a transformation in Rome. An emergence of Christianity, a division of the
empire, and the Barbarians were threatening Rome. There was also chaos in the empire because of
financial troubles and natural disasters. Some thought their problems were caused by the god s anger
because of Christianity in the city. After being weakened by attacks from multiple barbarians, the
Romans were attacked and defeated by the ... Show more content on ...
This Triumvirate was between Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus. Caesar was to rule in Gaul,
Pompey in Rome, and Crassus in Asia Minor. The First Triumvirate was in fact a state within a state.
(Fuller 1965) Pompey had the veterans, Crassus the money, and Caesar the idolatry of the people.
(Fuller 1965)Then Crassus died and Pompey s jealousy of Caesar s success grew. He demanded
Caesar return to Rome. Caesar knew if he did return he would be killed. So he gathered the army
against Pompey. Before they entered Rome, Pompey had already fled to Greece. Years later there was
a Second Triumvirate. This time between Octavian who was Caesars adopted son, Lepidus, and
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Hair Styles and Make-up of the Renaissance
Hair styles and make up have been a significant part of the culture for centuries. It has been changing
with every era, decade or style of art. The difference can be as small as a change of a shape of the
eyeliner or it can be a complete change of people s looks. What was considered beautiful in
Renaissance was absolutely outdated 100 years after this era. In this essay I will be talking about the
hair and make up in Renaissance. It all started in Italy, home of the greatest artists of the time. The
first section of my essay will be about Italy and the way people were changing their natural
appearances using various products. In the second section I will move to the north of Europe to
explore a bit more about this topic and see how much the fashion that was set in Italy has changed. In
the third section I will look at what was going on in the Great Britain and compare the Elizabethan
hair and make up to the continental style.
Italy has always been a cultural capital, at least in the eyes of people who have taught me history and
art. Majestic buildings, amazing paintings, impressive statues that is just a fraction of what was
created in Italy. Renaissance is a unique era, after the Gothic art strictly controlled by the Christian
Church; people are turning their eyes away from the God and the God alone to themselves as well.
Leonardo Da Vinci is studying anatomy and people are trying to look their best. Portraits of real
people come back after years and years of portraying
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Before I really get into my personal experience at the...
Before I really get into my personal experience at the Durga temple, I would like to begin my
experience paper by throwing a light on my religion. I personally belong to a Muslim family and have
practiced Islam throughout my life. Islam is one of the monotheistic religions, which means people
only believe in one God usually referred as Allah. All the individuals, including me, believe that
everything in this world has been created by all mighty Allah. He has the power and authority of
diminishing and raising thing. Islam is based on its five pillars; Namaz (prayer), Roza (fasting), Hajj
(pilgrimage), Zakat (Give away), and Jahad (struggle in way of Islam). In contrast Hinduism has many
different deities and all of them have a specific ... Show more content on ...
I went to the temple in the afternoon, because the timing for the Hanuman pooja was seven o clock
pm. When I arrived at the temple I was shocked just by looking at the lights. The whole temple was
surrounded by the colorful lights, which made me feel like that I am in another world. As I walked
closer to the temple I saw the sign of swastika on the security gates of the temple. I asked the purpose
of this sign from a person who was standing outside the temple, he said, this symbol stand for good
fortune, luck, and well being . As I moved forward I noticed that there is a huge bell hanging from the
roof of the temple, as the people were walking upstairs they were ringing the bell. I did the same thing
as the other people were doing, just to make sure that they do not fell any kind of disrespect. I have
always seen those kinds of bells either in the movies or dramas, but not in real life.
After enjoying all this, finally I got a chance to go inside the temple. When I entered the temple there
were two installs, one on my left the other one on my right side. On this stands there was all the stuff
available that a person need to perform a pooja. Hinds call this concept as samagri . The incremental s
that were present on the table consists of metal plate, flowers, coconut, cloth, and leaves. As I moved
further I saw the sign, which was indicating the direction of the main hall. On top of the door of the
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The Role Of Companionship In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
Throughout the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the main characters consistently seek out a
companion. Victor depends heavily on companionship from Clerval to keep him from going insane in
times of hardship and tragedy. Walton desires the companionship of a man to share in the beauty and
wonder of things throughout his travels. When asked to be exiled away to South America, The
Creature has one sole request for Victor Frankenstein before he leaves; a female companion to help
him bear the burden of loneliness. The Creature makes his proposal to Victor explaining the struggles
he has endured in an attempt to convince him. Many Romantic characteristics are prevalent in his
request as he regales Victor with the tales of his life so far, which ... Show more content on ...
One of these would be equality. Throughout his first days of life, The Creature is consistently rejected
by all those around him, including his own creator. This happens repeatedly throughout his life. In
seeking out a companion, this shows the characteristic of equality because he just wants to be like
everyone else and be able to make connection in life. He wishes that his life wasn t filled only with
loneliness and rejection, but with the love of another being. I am alone and miserable; man will not
associate with me... (Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, Chapter 16, Page 133). The Creature is aware of
what he looks like and he knows that the only things that could ever offer him companionship is
something just like him. Another Romantic Element would be the Individual versus society. The
Creature faces rejection from everyone and his desire for a companion to be built for him shows just
that. He has been pushed away from every single person that he has tried to connect with. He has been
poised against society. He knows that the only person who he has a chance of building a relationship
with is one who was made just like him, just as terrible
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The Importance Of Censorship In Libraries
Censorship is a huge thing within today s society, Censorship in libraries is when a school board, a
parent, or just anyone challenges a book that is explicit with sexual language, homosexuality, and or
religion. The meaning of censorship is to ban a book, it s not necessarily up to the library, but more so
to the community and the school board. Anyone can challenge a book to be censored, even if it s not
explicit, if you personally take offense to a book you can challenge it to be a censored or banned book,
but with that you have to have a valid reason on why you want it banned or censored. There are
thousands of books that are considered to be explicit and are banned out of libraries in some schools
even if they aren t that bad of books, ... Show more content on ...
Including Ten Sleep, Wyoming. On the other hand there s a lot of schools who have just this specific
book banned or censored because it is sexually explicit, homosexuality explicit, and religiously
For my second reasoning, books can be challenged, censored, or banned in libraries if the parents,
staff, or school board if they do not necessarily agree with their children to read books that are
censored in libraries because they could be religious and it could be going against their beliefs and that
would affect and cause a lot of chaos for the school district or public library; my prospective and voice
on this is that there should be books banned, censored, or challenge because theirs always going to be
someone who will take offense to something, wither it is a book, a movie, a magazine, or even a song.
Mark Twain a famous poet once quoted, The man who does not read has no advantage over the man
who cannot read and I personally think this is important because I believe that the more experience
that you may have in reading or just anything else, the more experience you will have means the more
knowledge you have, this is significant because if you can read or hear and you choose not to listen to
music or read, you are only hurting yourself because you will have no advantages over anyone. . If
you are
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The Movie Ava Kept Yelling Essay
Throughout the game, Ava kept yelling LUCA, STOP! and would become very frustrated when Luca
would try to hide with her or cheat. She was very annoyed by everything he did, and thought he was
very immature. At 9 years old, she didn t quite understand that 6 year olds aren t always willfully
disobedient, just not necessarily as cognitively advanced or as capable of communicating all of their
emotions. She judged Luca according to her standards of behavior for her peers, rather than as a rising
first grader. Later, she asks me if she was ever that annoying, and when I tell her that yes, she was, she
seems shocked. A couple of turns later, Chloe had still not had to be the seeker. Ava began to pout and
say that they had to take turns, and it was Chloe s turn now. Chloe resisted, saying that she hadn t been
tagged yet. Ava only insisted a couple more times and then gave in, demonstrating an ability to put
herself in Chloe s shoes. I was surprised that she didn t make a bigger deal of it, because the other 9
year olds I have known would have been very upset if they didn t get their way or they thought they
were being treated unfairly. Discussion of Observation 1 Throughout the observation period, I noticed
that although Ava wasn t the oldest, she spoke the most frequently. The other children generally let her
take the lead because she spoke the most loudly and with the shrillest voice. During a brief conflict
with Chloe when Ava wanted everyone to take turns being the
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Inflation Cause, Effects and Remedies
It s causes, effect and remedies.
By: Subrat Choudhury
Inflation and Deflation
Inflation and Deflation, in economics, terms used to describe, respectively, a decline or an increase in
the value of money, in relation to the goods and services it will buy. Inflation is the pervasive and
sustained rise in the aggregate level of prices measured by an index of the cost of various goods and
services. Repetitive price increases erode the purchasing power of money and other financial assets
with fixed values, creating serious economic distortions and uncertainty. Inflation results when actual
economic pressures and anticipation of future developments cause the demand for goods and services
to exceed the supply available ... Show more content on ...
This differs from the CPI in that price subsidization, profits, and taxes may cause the amount received
by the producer to differ from what the consumer paid. There is also typically a delay between an
increase in the PPI and any eventual increase in the CPI. Producer price index measures the pressure
being put on producers by the costs of their raw materials. This could be passed on to consumers, or it
could be absorbed by profits, or offset by increasing productivity. In India and the United States, an
earlier version of the PPI was called the Wholesale Price Index. Commodity price indices, which
measure the price of a selection of commodities. In the present commodity price indices are weighted
by the relative importance of the components to the all in cost of an employee. Core price indices:
because food and oil prices can change quickly due to changes in supply and demand conditions in the
food and oil markets, it can be difficult to detect the long run trend in price levels when those prices
are included. Therefore most statistical agencies also report a measure of core inflation , which
removes the most volatile components (such as food and oil) from a broad price index like the CPI.
Because core inflation is less affected by short run supply and demand conditions in specific markets,
central banks rely on it to better measure the inflationary impact of current monetary
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of ASP, Sales And Sales And...
.2.1 Introduction
Every company or firm requires CRM to handle its sales and marketing activities. The manual
processes of CRM are now replaced with automated services like SFA and EMA.
The latest trend with respect to software services is to lease or hire the services. The increasing costs
of installing software and the complexities involved in creating an infrastructure, and human resources
to maintain and manage the technical aspects have given rise to this trend. As a result a business
model where a particular organisation provides computer services to its various companies. These
organisations or third party entities are called Application Service providers or ASPs. These ASPs
have bought down the costs to a great extent. These have a ... Show more content on
are also a few more examples of free ASP tools. Besides, there are paid ASP services also. So how
does ASP operate? It operates as given below.
 The software provider owns the software, the hardware like servers and resources like the support
 The software provider makes the software available to the customers through Internet
 And the customer pays the service provider on a fixed model that is, on a monthly basis or per use
c) Advantages and disadvantages of implementing ASP:
The advantages of implementing ASP is that, this model helps in saving time and cost involved in
implementing a technological infrastructure, like servers, network software, database etc. Besides this,
each time software updations happen, expert support is provided by the service provider. However, the
service terms and conditions are to be defined. Besides, these some more advantages are listed here.
Elimination of Software integration problems from the client s premises
The cost of the software application is spread over a number of clients
The service providers gain more experience in the application than the internal staff
The maintenance and management of the software systems is taken care of by experts from service
provider s
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The Evolution Of Japanese American Women
The Evolution of Japanese American Women Throughout time, the role that Women had in the early
twentieth century to the present has changed drastically and it has changed for the better. Japanese
American Women residing in the United States, has experienced the evolution of their culture,
tradition, values and their role in society. However though it seems as if there is no time in this ever so
rapid society, they still continue to pass down culture and tradition through each generation. Some key
terms that are crucial in order to understand the essay are, Issei, or the first generation, Nisei, the
second generation ,and Sansei, known as the third generation.Over time the Women slowly moved
away form being the average Homemaker and transforming into a respected and valued member of
society. Throughout this research, a study of multiple primary sources were utilized to apprehend
information about the evolution of Japanese American women.The primary quantative research
information as mainly taken from Issei, Nisei, Warbride by Evelyn Nakano Glenn, which thoroughly
describes the two earlier generation and some of the struggles they faced coming to the United States.
I also utilized in order to gather some information about the main difference of the Issei,
Nisei,and Sansei. Also it provide great information about what were some opportunities they were
able to attain because they were a Sansei women.lastly i utilized a few articles from the Amerasia
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Rogue Trader Coco Assignment
Rogue Trader Name(s) ___________________________
Accounting information systems ____________________________
I understand that this exam is to be completed by myself or in a team of two and that any assistance
received from other students or any unauthorized source is cheating and subject to the appropriate
disciplinary action as deemed by the Office of the Dean of Albers School of Business and Economics.
I (we) am aware of the exam policies / rules provided and agree to abide by them.
Student s Signature Date
Student s Signature Date
Important: Make sure you read all the way through this assignment. Information regarding ... Show
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You also remember there is a web site that explains the COSO framework and make a note to yourself
to explore this resource tonight ( In addition, you know that most large CPA
firms have published information for their clients on the implementation of the COSO framework that
is available on their respective websites. You only have one week to get ready for the meeting. Besides
not eating at lunchtime, you probably won t be going anywhere this weekend.
Summary of COSO and Barings Bank
1. The Control Environment establishes the tone of a company and influences the control awareness of
the employees. It is the foundation for all the other internal control components and provides
discipline and structure for the entire business operation (Bagranoff, Simkin, and Strand 2005, 110).
2. The purpose of Risk Assessment is to identify organizational risks, analyze their potential in terms
of costs and likelihood of occurrence, and install those controls whose projected benefits outweigh
their costs (Bagranoff, Simkin, and Strand 2005, 111).
3. Control Activities are the policies and procedures that an organization develops to help protect the
assets of the firm (Bagranoff, Simkin, and Strand 2005, 111).
4. Information and Communication include the methods that management uses to record, process, and
exchange information within the firm so that employees understand their roles and responsibilities
pertaining to
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The Intervention Of The Usa Into Somali The Causes Of...
The American Intervention in Somalia:
The Causes of Humanitarian Failure
This paper is an analysis of the 1991 humanitarian intervention of the USA into Somalia. The concept
of the humanitarian mission is embedded into the analyses of the American rhetoric concerning their
newfound concern for the area. The military and cultural reasons for the failure are mentioned, as well
as the habitual rejection of UN guidelines for it. In fact, this is an excel;lent example of a botched
program that seems destined to become the future norm.
The 1991 US intervention into Somalia was a failure. The reasons for this are not hard to find, and are
inherent in any adventure of this type. Ignorance of local conditions, strategic demands ... Show more
content on ...
Second, not all parties were interested in UN or US help, which is another condition. Importantly, it
The peacekeeping operation must be part of a more comprehensive strategy to help resolve a conflict.
This often includes political, economic, developmental, institution building, humanitarian and human
rights elements, which must involve other parts of the UN system both UN bodies and Member States
and other international organizations (UN 2003 pg 6).
Though containing the word humanitarian, this is the normal definition of such intervention. The
commitment of any of the parties was questionable. That the intervening party have an achievable
mandate is another condition, one again, very foggy in 1991. it also explicitly states that peace is not
made overnight and strongly suggests that any mission must be long term and require outlays of
substantial resources. No party at the time was prepared for that, nor would the populations in these
areas approve it. Explicitly addressing the Somalia failure, the UN Handbook states:
Political work in UNOSOM meant being catapulted from one extreme to the next, wavering between
efforts to promote peace and rebuild the government and relapses into chaos and violence. . . In the
end, their efforts were in vain. International resolve waned and the UN was forced to pull out (UN,
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Red Ruffs Research Paper
I gathered the Monkey Village cart while waiting for Philip. Philip showed me how to gather the diets
for the Baboon/Mandrill string. All the buckets and bowls are placed on the second shelf. There are
buckets for Baboons, Mandrills, Gibbons, Black and White Lemurs and Red ruff lemurs. He told me
that Grady gets a banana slice and a melon slice for Skye for medication purposes and that the gibbons
and black and white lemurs get a banana. The red ruffs do not get the banana. After that we left for the
morning meeting. There were a few notes such as the changes that will occur in March. The hours will
shift since March is there busy season and the late keeper will make sure that they are getting species
in on time. There will also ... Show more content on ...
These three islands contain the Gibbons, Red ruff and black and white lemurs. They can go almost
anywhere on their little island as both the red ruffs and black and whites were greeting us as we
approached their islands. They went into their night houses without any issue. I stayed away from
each species until I was instructed to get closer. I gather all feces. Each has a different type of feces.
The red ruffs have extremely pungent feces, the black and whites have more liquid consistent feces
while the gibbons, feces were a solid form. Cleaned the red ruffs night cubes and today is not a
disinfect day. All three species got boomer balls for their BE. The gibbons are arboreal and upon
approaching their island they were completing array of locomotion. At gibbons, Philip gave me some
of their food to observer their behavior and what we are not supposed to do when the female, China,
acts up. I gave Enik his berries first and then I gave China hers. She stretched out her are and that is a
negative behavior and I was instructed to wait till she had placed her arm back into the night house
before I gave her the berries. Once they were locked in we went out on exhibit I was asked to clean all
feces up this included the gibbons and the bird feces. Cleaned their night house and today is not a
disinfect day. It is designed a lot like the Siamang night house. Cleaned the all the bird feces at the
entrance last. Cleaned the black and white feces, placed BE and their water bowl. I had to be on the
boat while Philip cleaned their night cubes. Since their island is the smallest their night cubes are on a
platform off the
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The Symbolism Of Evil In Dracula By Bram Stoker
It was Stoker, who with the stroke of his pen, forever linked the real clad with traditional beliefs in
malefic spirits that return from the dead to plague the living. Stoker welded these elements into the
bloodthirsty Count Dracula the immortal symbol of evil. Bram Stoker was a writer who used Vlad
Tepes s image to create the famous vampire of his book, Dracula. Vlad was the perfect candidate due
to his unusual methods. Dracula, similar to Vlad, was created to be cruel and bloodthirsty feared by
all. When thinking of Vlad or Dracula, for many, the term son of the devil will come to mind. Stoker
also made sure to incorporate Vlad s ruthless killing habits into Dracula s character. To make things
more realistic stoker wrote Dracula ... Show more content on ...
Vlad may have been royalty in his country but that never stopped him from eliminating anyone in his
path, in fact his nickname Tepes was derived from, ... impaling enemies on tall wooden stakes during
his reign of terror from 1456 1460. Vlad created forrest of the impaled. one would think upon seeing
hundreds of people impaled on wooden stakes, that one would be horrified and traumatized, and that
is exactly what happened to the Turks and the Ottomans. They were stricken with fear and this was a
great advantage to Vlad and Romania. In present day, the romanian military historian Mircea Dogaru
argues that Vlad was the first walachian to adopt psychological warfare. He crushed the morale of the
Turks through his method of torture: burning oil, mutilation, decapitation. In one campaign alone he
killed 24,000 and built a pyramid of decapitated heads. from this you can tell that vlad really did know
how to scare someone straight. After this stunt the turks and ottomans alike were much more cautious
and aware of vlads capabilities. Not only were whole other countries intimidated by vlad, his own
people were on their knees. Though vlad was cruel, he was fair to his people and when they came
complaining about the corrupt commissioners, ... He slipped pebbles into their food, and as soon as
they began to choke, he slashed
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Englishnization by Rakuten
Growth Strategy Creation of Sustainable Business
Elective course
Session 3: 10/18
Session 4: 10/25
|学籍番号(Student ID No.) |35122318 4 |
|氏名(Name in full) |Temirova Guzal |
|Case study |RAKUTEN |
|Case study |Englishnization |
Rakuten: questions and answers:
1. What is Rakuten s business model? Is it sustainable? ... Show more content on ...
I was impressed by the openness of the guest speaker and its presentation data. The most interesting
part was about the next steps of Rakuten toward the globalization and Englishnization project. It is a
big challenge to the top management and all employees. However, there are already impressive
achievements in English skills acquiring. 3. Was Englishnization a good idea for Rakuten? What are
the costs/benefits of this policy? Englishnization idea is not only the good idea. It is inevitable step
toward the following development of the company on the world market. I think Mr. Mikitani s
background helped him to realize it and push the project forward. One of the very famous business
leaders Mr. John Francis Jack Welch, Jr. (born November 19, 1935) former CEO of General Electric,
best quoted about globalization Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world,
not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital the world s best talents and greatest ideas.
And there is one more which best illustrates Mr. Mikitani s actions Change before you have to .
Additionally, English has been cited as the major language of international business. It is the most
wide spread language in the world. Proficiency in English is a mandatory requirement for any
professional working in a global business environment. Direct communication is the only way to
integrate the business in
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La Descente Dans La Folie Chapter 10 Analysis
La Descente D un Aigle Dans La Folie The Battle of Bautzen Chapter One The wind whispers
something lethal. Clouds, hailing not from the heavens but a more sinister source, man s ingenuity,
engulf the battlefield with gunpowder and soot. Behind this curtain of smoke an orchestra of death
awaits its conductor s directions. The conductor, however, is silent, busy probing the enemy s lines for
weaknesses, but to his dismay the enemy s center remains formidable. Frustration builds as he realizes
that his marshals attacks on the Russian s left flank the previous day had failed to divert manpower
from the enemy s center. A young hussar rides up to him with a message. Ney is ready. The messenger
says. He turns to his gunners and orders them to concentrate their fire on the enemy s center. All of a
sudden the curtain retreats and from it flames reach out for the nearest victims. The effect is
devastating. The Russian s first line nearly collapses, and yet he refrains from committing his reserves.
His marshals implore him to act but their protests are fruitless. Little do they know that their emperor
has already won this battle. Napoleon returns to the role of spectator, ... Show more content on ...
Anxiety subdues his confidence as the prospect of a decisive victory dims with each passing minute.
He tries to process his subordinate s failure, while looking at the fleeting figures of Prussian and
Russian soldiers through his spyglass, but comes to a single conclusion, disappointment. He dare fail
me in the heat of battle! He barks at his staff. His dear friend Geraud Duroc speaks out in defense of
Ney s reputation, Emperor do not fault the man for a single mistake. Remember Russia, and never
forget who it was that remained in that god forsaken land until the very last Frenchman escaped. It
was not you who stayed but Ney, and while I do not fault you for leaving, I implore you to direct your
criticisms somewhere more deserving of
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Thin Client Computer Lab Paper
Dvorak Technology Academy Thin Client Computer Lab Project
Submitted by James I. Davis TIE 532 November 30, 2008
Thin Client Computer Lab Project page 2
Thin Client Computer Lab Project
Introduction Computers are an integral part of 21st century life, and as such technology education is
recognized as part of the Illinois Learning Standards (ISBE, 2008). A computer lab is an efficient way
to deliver access to computers and the Internet to students. Traditional labs, like the one at Dvorak
Technology Academy, are populated with complete, standalone computer systems. In network terms
these are fat clients , because each workstation is a complete system, with its own memory and disk
space and performing most if not ... Show more content on ...
A thin client lab will allow Dvorak to extend its financial resources by saving on new computer
resources and extending the life of existing assets. In addition, computer lab fat clients require
substantial maintenance to keep the systems in working order. While CPS s computer support systems
help with this task through programs like Deep Freeze, routine hardware maintenance as well as
software installs and updates not covered by CPS can be a significant drain on technology coordinator
resources. A thin client architecture can reduce the workload of the technology coordinators by
centralizing management and reducing the kinds of workstation maintenance that needs to be done.
Finally, thin client networks are very scaleable. If, in the future, web based applications or
productivity applications require more processing power than is currently available in the lab,
additional servers can be added to the system to handle the added load instead of upgrading all of the
workstations. As classroom desktop computers are upgraded, the older classroom machines can be
used as additional workstations in the lab, or replace failing lab systems, or deployed in a new lab.
Project description The Thin Client Computer Lab Project creates a computer laboratory built around
thin client
Thin Client Computer Lab Project page 4 computing using open source software as an extension to
a Chicago Public Schools (CPS) network. It will re purpose existing
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Pearl Harbor Dbq
Imagine a Panzer tank rumbling down a small town on a dirt road. Thousands, and thousands of troops
from all across the world, with bullets flying by. Planes dropping bombs, destroying streets, buildings,
houses, and even killing innocent people. Imagine being asleep and being attacked by surprise, some
of you re friends killed and others badly injured. Schools where moved to the country instead of the
city, because it was safer. World War II involved almost every part of the world, during the years 1939
through 1945. The Axis Powers, Germany, Italy, and Japan against the Allied Powers, the United
States, the Soviet Union, France, Great Britain, and to an extent China. The war was over unsettled
disputes from World War I. World War ... Show more content on ...
After many years of World War II the United States Navy was in need of more soldiers/sailors so
finally after all the years of hard work the black sailors where treated as actual sailors. Some of the
sailors where in the Army, Navy, or Air force sense they where eighteen. To register for the Army,
Navy, or Air force you had to be at least eighteen through the age of thirty eighteen before World War
II. During World War II the age requirements was age eighteen through age sixty five due to the need
of men in the war. (African) (Registering Age)
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Ocean Currents Affect Coastal Climates
Wind powered surface currents and waves, along with moon and sun powered tides, greatly impact
Earth s coastlines. As warm or cold water ocean currents affect coastal climates, waves release energy,
shifting sand and sediments, eroding and replenishing coastline shores; all while tides raise and lower
sea level. Florida s east coast, encompassed by barrier islands, is affected by subtropical ocean waters
provided by the Gulf Stream, facilitating warm and humid climates, as well as hurricanes. As these
warm ocean waters interact with Florida s barrier islands, through wave action and tides, its coastline
continuously transforms.
The ocean current that flows north alongside Florida s east coast, the Gulf Stream, is one of the most
important factors in determining Florida s climate. Beginning near the equator, the warm waters of the
North Equatorial Current eventually feed into the Gulf Stream, which begins at the southern tip of
Florida. This Equatorial transfer of heat through ocean currents is what facilitates Florida s warm and
humid climate. To illustrate the influence ocean currents have on coastal climates, we can compare the
climate of Puerto San Carlos, Baja California Sur with the climate of Miami, Florida, because they
reside on North America s west and east coasts respectively, around the 25 N Latitude line. Puerto San
Carlos has a desert climate, averaging under 3 inches of precipitation per year, with 70 degree average
temperatures; while Miami has a
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How the Western Film Genre Has Developed over the Past...
The Western film genre is typically set in a secluded village in the middle of the desert, normally in
the American West. The setting includes wooden buildings, tumble weed, cacti, trains, horses and
carriages. The storyline for western films is usually the same, namely, a hero travels to a remote
village, usually on a horse, and brings peace to the warring villagers. In a traditional Western film the
clothing for the hero is usually a white hat, (this is to show purity). The hero would also wear a
brightly coloured shirt , a pair of jeans and cowboy boots with spurs on the back of them. The hero is
also very clean and also normally tall and good looking. A traditional Western includes things like
white settlers living in a town ... Show more content on ...
The first film that showed early signs of a rise in the quality of technology was the Western The Great
Train Robbery. When this film first came out the audience were so amazed at the fact that they could
watch something on a TV or at the cinema. Although this film was very good for the 1900s it still
lacked some key features that make films much easier to understand such as dialogue, sound and
camera shots. The one feature of a film that developed the quickest over the period of time was sound.
Sound was introduced in October 1927 in the film The Jazz singer , which had three song numbers
and a few lines of spoken dialogue. Apart from these few songs and words, the rest of the movie was
silent, but the audience still thought that it was amazing that words had been spoken in the film, they
used to call it the movie that talked . The Western became one of the most popular film genres
between the 1930s and the 1950s because of theses advances in technology. The development of
smaller, lighter cameras freed the cameras from a tripod allowing more detailed camera work. To
show moving effects cameras could be put on platforms that were attached to rubber wheels or steel
rails like railroad tracks. The cameras could also be raised and lowered on cranes. Another thing that
made Westerns more popular was the introduction of full colour in the 1930s and widescreen in the
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Tech Teach Assignment Analysis
Tech Teach The person I chose to do my tech teach assignment with was my mom. She is 53 and only
uses the computer for email and shopping. She doesn t understand what facebook is and why my sister
and I are on it all the time. I thought she would enjoy using it and finding old friends from when she
lived in Tennessee. A lot of the people she works with have facebook and it will give her another way
of communicating with them. I explained to my mom what social networking is and helped her set up
her own Facebook account. Through the tech teach assignment I also taught my mom a few
technology skills that she can use later on when writing emails, using Microsoft Word, editing
pictures, and social networking. The first skill I taught my mom
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Identity In Chopin s The Awakening
Chopin s work has allowed her to become recognized more over time. As women keep gaining rights,
so are Chopin s works of literature acquiring literary attention. Chopin realized that people valued
morality, especially when it came to things such as adultery and the marital discord caused by such, so
she decided to use those two items to try and deliver a message concerning an overarching patriarchy
that set into motion internal strife for stereotypically frail individuals and women alike who had been
cornered by the strangling ideology. Chopin uses identity as a main focal point concerning her
philosophy over her search for self and desire to express herself when being subjugated. Edna serves
as a perfect example of Chopin showing the ... Show more content on ...
Edna also exemplifies the impossibility as it pertains to a woman achieving such a dastardly goal at
the time. Edna begins on her journey towards feminine selfhood early in the novel and while doing so
evokes sympathy and understanding. For Edna, It s far easier to see her either as an innocent victim
crushed by a merciless, absolute patriarchy, or as having the last laugh by ducking out of life s
impassable and unfair obstacles (Ramos, Unbearable realism: freedom, ethics and identity in The
Awakening. ). However, Chopin writes thoughtfully and uses Edna s journey for even more than what
Ramos states above and describes it as, an unrestricted, undefined and, ultimately, impossible state
ironically [depriving] her life of meaning (and finally of life itself) (Ramos, Unbearable realism:
freedom, ethics and identity in The Awakening. ). In this way she delivers the message concerning an
overarching patriarchy and its damages by describing Edna as innocent and crushed by a merciless
patriarchy, while also speaking out about the dangers of valuing self over the other individual s in one
s life. Chopin, using Edna from The Awakening,
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Stevens Johnson syndrome is a rare immune response in which the person s epidermal layers die and
are shed (Cooper, 2012). It proves to be fatal when not identified early and interventions started.
Although, despite early identification and interventions death does still occur. Stevens Johnson is
considered to be part of a spectrum of Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions (Knepel, 2008). The other
two conditions on the spectrum are Erythema Multiforme at the lesser end, and Toxic Epidermal
Necrolysis on the more severe side. TENS can overlap with SJS, along with being used
interchangeably by some (Cooper, 2012). Due to the fact that Stevens Johnson is so rare the
information and studies on it are lacking in quantity and quality. ... Show more content on ...
Allopurinol is seen with a higher percentage in Asian decent with a genetic predisposition marker
(Cooper, 2012). It is thought that genetic predisposition can put certain people at a higher risk. Such as
those with systemic lupus erythematous (Mayo Clinic, 2011).
Infectious causes of Stevens Johnson syndrome include:
(Mayo Clinic, 2011)
Infection with Mycoplasma Pneumoniae is most common cause of community acquired pneumonia
requiring possible admission to the ICU and is also cited as most common cause for children to
develop Stevens Johnson syndrome (Cooper, 2012).
Clinical manifestations include fever, myalgia, rash, papules, macules that lead to sloughing and
eventually necrosis, the skin can look like a scalding burn, mucosititis, and respiratory distress from
interstitial edema, gastrointestinal issues ranging from diarrhea to ulceration and bleeding, ocular
issues such as conjunctivitis to inflammation, photophobia up to and including loss of vision (Cooper,
2012). Any body system that has epithelial tissue can be subsequently affected. The further the
condition progresses the higher the degree of mortality. Being alert to the possibility of the condition
and trying to get as much information from the patient regarding medication usage, to include over the
counter and herbal is vital because time is critical factor (Cooper, 2012). Misdiagnosis
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The Assassination Of The War And Formation Of Civil Rights
Political Assassination
Danielle Ferreira
U.S Government
Introduction Political assassination is defined as the act of killing a political figure mainly for political
reasons. In most cases, the motive behind political assassinations is beyond the person who is killed.
Assassinations have been rampant across the globe for ages and these assassinations do cause lots of
political instabilities in a country especially when key personalities such as heads of states are the
victims. In this essay, we shall discuss some of the major assassinations which occurred in history.
These personalities include John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Julius
Caesar and Robert F. Kennedy.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy ... Show more content on ...
Many conspiracy theories have tried to explain who was responsible for Kennedy s murder and some
have cited the involvement of the USSR, FBI, CIA and Cuba among others. The death of Kennedy
remains a mystery despite numerous investigations which have since been carried. There have been no
conclusive prove that Oswald murdered the president and even if he did, people still do not believe
that he acted alone as reported by the Warren Commission.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther was a civil rights activist, a clergy and one of the key
personalities behind the formation of the American Civil Rights Movement. The major goal of the
movement was to advocate for the abolishment the racial discrimination of the African Americans
population. King was shot on 4th April 1968 while he was his motel room at Memphis, Tennessee and
was pronounced dead that evening while in hospital2. After the killing, James Earl Ray, who was
convicted for murdering King, escaped but was arrested after two months in London. Many people
believe that the government was involved in the assassination. Following the death of King, lots of
riots and protests emerged in different cities across US.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on 14th April 1865 and was serving as 16th President of the
United States from 1861. Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth, a Confederate spy, who was not
happy with how the president supported the African Americans
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Essay On Speed Control
The variable speed control of electric drives benefited his last year s significant methodological and
technological advances. Indeed digital electronics projects and development of components of the
power electronics allows it today to implement control algorithms possible there about ten years. In
various modern industrial applications, the induction machine has a special attention mainly due to its
reliability, robustness; it s relatively low cost and eases of construction and maintenance[1]. The
improvement of the quality of the energy on the electrical distribution networks becomes today an
important stake for the managers of the networks as for the operators of the electrical energy. In
normal operation, the quality of the ... Show more content on ...
They are distinguished by their structure and their control strategy in order to constrain the shape of
the wave of the absorbed currents. They can be divided into three classes: single phase diode rectifier
followed by a PFC (Power Factor Correction), rectifier with current injection (composed of a three
phase diode rectifier equipped with a modulation circuit and d A distribution circuit for the injection of
currents required in the network), and the Boost PWM Rectifier using a voltage inverter bridge[5][6]
[7]. Over the years, variant strategies have been proposed in the literature for the control of the three
phase voltage (AFE) rectifier. All these strategies aim to achieve the same objectives, namely: a high
power factor (close to one) and a quasi sinusoidal waveform of the currents absorbed. They are
differentiated by the nature of the servo loop used. The latter may be either current or power. For this
purpose, two classes can be distinguished: VOC (Voltage Oriented Control): using a current loop,
developed by analogy with the vector control of electrical machines. It consists in orienting the current
vector in the same direction as that of the voltage vector [8], DPC (Direct Power Control): developed
by analogy with the direct torque control (DTC) of induction motors. It is to control the instantaneous
power, active and reactive, instead of the torque and flux through two inner loops [9]. In the reference
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Essay about Historical Analysis of the Military Draft Policy
Historical Analysis of the Military Draft Policy
The Constitution adopted in 1789 gave Congress the power to raise and support armies, but it neither
mentioned nor prohibited conscription. The Framers left that issue to the future, although most of
them believed that the United States like Britain would enlist its men rather than conscript them, and
would pay for its armies through the power to tax. Not until World War I did the United States rely
primarily upon conscription. The Selective Service Act of 1917 was adopted in large part because a
civilian led preparedness movement had persuaded many Americans that a selective national draft was
the most equitable and efficient way for an industrial society to raise a wartime army. ... Show more
content on ...
The drawing continued until all days of the year had been matched to lottery numbers. (Berger 1981)
In 1973, the draft ended and the U.S. converted to an All Volunteer military. The registration
requirement was suspended in April 1975. It was resumed again in 1980 by President Carter in
response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Registration continues today as a hedge against
underestimating the number of servicemen needed in a future crisis. (Berger 1981)
Draft Procedure and Policy
When a crisis occurs which requires more troops than the volunteer military can supply, Congress
passes and the President signs legislation which starts a draft. It should be noted that the President
cannot initiate a draft on his own. Congress would first have to pass legislation (both the House and
Senate), and the President would have to sign the bill into law. A lottery based on birthdays determines
the order in which registered men are called up by Selective Service. The first to be called, in a
sequence determined by the lottery, will be men whose 20th birthday falls during that year, followed,
if needed, by those aged 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. The Agency activates and orders its State Directors and
Reserve Forces Officers to report for duty. Registrants with low lottery numbers are ordered to report
for a physical, mental, and moral evaluation at a Military Entrance Processing Station to determine
whether they are
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Child Care Center Observation Essay
I chose to observe at Foster Knox Child Care Center in Warrensburg, Missouri to finish up my
observation hours. When viewing this facility, it was similar to Central Village by having different age
groups separated by rooms. When I first walked into the facility I didn t notice any labeling on the
doors, to identify which age group took place in that room. However, I could easily tell by looking at
the children who were in the room. To finish my observations all I needed was the age group 24 36
months. This age group I was observing was located in the back of the facility. As I entered the room,
I noticed it was empty, no children to be found. I then realize that it was nap time. All children were in
a separate room enclosed by a door that was connected to the room I entered in. When walking in I
noticed two tables were in the center of the room. A tiny restroom area was in the far left hand corner
of the room which had a sink, water fountain, and a small toilet for the children to use frequently after
every activity. There is a play area as well which was located right when you walk into the room. The
room was bright, and had a lot of natural light coming in from the windows. Each child had their own
hook and cubby basket for their items. There were several light fixtures; however, they were not being
used ... Show more content on ...
During these first couple of years, they begin building brain structures that will support learning, and
develop the physical abilities they will need to be mobile and independent throughout their life. As I
am finishing off this semester in my Early Childhood Observation Class, I can easily spot, identify
and understand children s unique developmental patterns and needs. Now that I have a full
understanding of a child s development, it makes it easier to identify children who may not be
progressing as well as they
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Case Study Of Pan De Sal
MARKET STUDY Market has always been the most important thing in business. Without a market,
products will not be bought and businesses will not earn profit. The purpose of a market feasibility
study is to determine the suitability of a product or product mix to a given geographical area. It defines
the optimal product mix based on the projected market demand, and it also project sales absorption. To
determine the project s viability, it is necessary to analyze the demand and supply analysis of the
product. Demand and supply analysis will give an overview to the project s future potentiality.
Demand Analysis The primary determinant for the demand of pan de sal is the target market, using a
review of the target municipalities population. ... Show more content on ...
. Also, one of our competitors sells pan de kapefor P5.00 each, they also sell stuffed pan de sal like
pan de hotdog for P6.00 each.
The pricing of the products of the proponents are: P2.00 for classic pan de sal, P5.00 for flavored pan
de sal, P6.00 for hotdog stuffed pan de sal and ham cheese stuffed pan de sal while corned beef stuffed
pan de sal is P7.00. For pizza pan, P8.00 for the plain cheese pizza pan while P10.00 for the hawaiian
pizza pan and ham cheese pizza pan. The pan de sal that the proponents are going to sell is distinct
from the competitor s product because they only sell the typical pan de sal, while the proponents
proposed to sell flavored pan de sal and other variations of pan de sal. In connection with this, the
competitors make use of old equipment to produce quality goods, some of them are practicing new
marketing strategies like, producing and selling of pan de sal at night and open 24/7.
As a first timer in the business industry, the term of sales would be on cash basis only. On the first
quarter of the business, the proponents are planning to channel their distribution as a direct selling
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Economic Efficiency
Recent measures taken by the firm to achieve efficiency. (Distinguish carefully as between different
economic notions of efficiency in your answer).
Glanbia plc is an international dairy and nutritional ingredients group headquartered in Ireland. The
company has 4,500 employees in seven countries and sales offices in a further five. International
operations include food ingredients and nutritionals while Irish operations incorporate consumer foods
and agribusiness and property. The group has three strategic joint ventures which are based in the UK,
USA and Nigeria. The company has the early 2000 s expanded its international based projects and
acquired new sectors of the world market by mergers and acquisitions.
Due to the economic ... Show more content on ...
Arla foods ingredients has given itself the task os establish local production before 2013 in the united
states. A good sign for glanbia for the near future is that Arla foods aren t looking to make a major
move into the American market but merely get a foothold in the market for future expansion. For now
the company feels it s European market can be expaned more in countries like France Norway and
|No.1 |No.3 |
|Denmark |Germany |
|Sweden |Poland |
|Finland | |
|Holland | |
Kerry group is a world leader in food ingredients and flavours serving the food and beverage industry
and a leading supplier of added value brands and customer branded foods to Irish and UK markets.
The group has organically and through a series of strategic acquisitions in its relatively short
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The Application Of Non Living Things Could Be Protected...
Non living things could be protected from pathogens by defence chemicals in the form of disinfectants
which are applied thinly on the objects and surfaces. For living things, their defence from pathogens
comes in the form of antibiotics and antiseptics, the former given intravenously or through oral
administration and the latter applied on the skin whatever the indented purpose may be but does still
meet the defence required if applied in the right doses(Lee et al).
Pathogens on the surface are eliminated physically by disinfectants. The mode of operation comes in
the form of chemicals, diluted or undiluted for cleaning and by heating; we have noticed this process
used in the milk preservation through pasteurisation whereby milk is heated at a very high temperature
to kill pathogens. The application of disinfectants varies widely in use for the different settings. For
healthcare cleaning to control and keep out pathogens, ethanol is the number one choice used to
disinfect and sanitise floors, operation surfaces and surfaces touched the most by people like doors
and door closing aids. The liquid based disinfectant normally gets rid of bacteria if it is in the right
dilutions or measurements. There are iodine and chlorine based disinfectants both targeting pathogens.
The latter is generally used in water treatment and food hygiene and the former widely used for
making surgical instruments to render them free from pathogens, thus sterilisation. Antimicrobial
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Service Marketing in Education
Services are very different from products. So the marketing concepts need to be revisited while
marketing a service. Services can range from financial services provided by the banks, technology
services provided by the IT Company, food and ambiance as a service provided by restaurants or even
a blog where an author provides a service (information presentation, interesting reading etc) to his
audience. Services marketing are dominated by the 7 Ps of marketing namely Product, Price, Place,
Promotion, People, Process and Physical evidence. The 7 P frameworks is one of the most popular
framework for deciding a marketing strategy, right from strategy formulation to actual ... Show more
content on ...
Price is the most important factor in doing business especially in a service industry. It is because there
is a tight competition in a service industry. So marketer need to consider a price that is similar or even
lower than the market price. This is to help the industry to penetrate into the market as customer
usually will consider price as the most important factor in selecting their service provider. Marketer
can increase the price only if the company can provide better service than other competitors.
The prices a company sets for its product and services must strike a balance between gaining
acceptance with the target customers and making a profit for the organisation.
Services being, all the more intangible, the price becomes an important factor for the actual service
consumption to happen, after service awareness and service acknowledgement.
PRICE MIX FOR H. R. COLLEGE: * Price of the course:
The cost of a regular B. Com course in the college is Rs. 2500 for the 1st year, Rs. 3500 for the 2nd
year and Rs. 5000 for the 3rd year. In addition to that, a student who is pursuing B. Com Honours has
to pay Rs. 3500 more.
* Price of other facilities provided by the college to its target customers, i.e. the students:
1. The library service is offered free of cost to the students.
2. A yearly charge of Rs. 50 is
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Columbine School Shooting Research Paper
Phillip Scullion
The Police Response to Critical Incidents
In Academic institutions
University of Mount Olive
In recent years educational institutions have been targeted by active shooters. The threat of an
assailant entering an academic environment has compelled law enforcement agencies and educational
institutions to revise their tactical responses. The first paragraph consists of the Columbine school
shooting. The second paragraph will cover the safety programs schools have implemented to
safeguard their students and staff. The third paragraph will cover the tactics and fundamentals officers
have received to limit the amount of casualties.
Two cites in first paragraph day in history/columbine high school massacre ... Show more content on ...
The assailant s intention is to assault as many individuals as possible with no hope of surviving.
According to the New York City Police Department report on active shooters, 46% of active shooters
are stopped by law enforcement officials, or other bystanders, and 40% of the active shooters either
commit suicide or attempt suicide. (NYPD, 2011) Police departments nationwide are training their
officers to confront the active shooters quickly and as aggressively as possible. (Cain, 2010) Police
departments have begun introducing various tactics in concealment, entering doorways, and working
in small groups to have a tactical advantage in eliminating the assailant. Police agencies have been
working closely with their local schools to avoid future massacres. Many police agencies have
implemented various approaches to ensure their response times are sharp. Daviess County, Kentucky
Sherriff s office began offering a 2 day training program that demonstrates various entry and
movement techniques when confronting an active shooter (Cain, 2010) Many other agencies have
introduced live fire scenarios using artificial projectiles, and the use of ballistic shields. (Law Staff,
2008) As school shootings can never be predicted it is imperative that the education institutions and
law enforcement agencies are ready and vigilant at all times to avoid other nationwide massacres.
School shootings
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  • 2. The Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Autonomous Driving Autonomous Driving Bhavani Ananda, Matriculation number: 388812 Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany Abstract Autonomous vehicles are increasing in these days. It performs many tasks such as automated driving in highway, automated parking etc. In this paper, concept and working of autonomous driving has been explained in detail along with its history, advantages/ disadvantages and future developments. Keywords Block diagram, Sensors, LIDAR, RADAR, Models of autonomous car, Advantages and Disadvantages, Future developments. I. INTRODUCTION Automotive research has been going on as a part of developing intelligent vehicles for safety, comfort and economical reasons. ... Show more content on ... [13] LIDAR, lasers, and logic: Anatomy of an autonomous vehicle, lasers and beefed up computers the intricate anatomy of an autonomous vehicle/#ixzz3ZJGBynCY [14] Autonomous cars , company [15] Riding in Audi s 150MPH self driving RS 7, the anti Google car , self driving rs 7 concept test drive/ [16] Banner , US/products/8/Sensors/ [17] Robots Podcast: Sensors for autonomous driving , sensors for autonomous driving/ [18] New Jersey Audubon [19] Lidar sensors , velodyne announces puck lidar sensor [20] Autonomous cars company [21] Riding in Audi s 150MPH self driving RS 7, the anti Google car , self driving rs 7 concept test drive/ [22] Robots Podcast: Sensors for autonomous driving , sensors for autonomous driving/ [23] New Jersey Audubon , [24] Bosch , ... Get more on ...
  • 3. How Is Roman Civilization Successful Roman Civilization The Roman civilization was a successful and powerful civilization that began around 753 BC. Rome was equipped with a mighty army, strong leaders, and Roman organization. (Aaron.J.Elcock 2011) Although problems did come, Rome was able to bend and transform to fit the ever changing world. These are some of the factors that led the Roman civilization to be one of the most successful places in history. The Roman s way of living contributed heavily to the Western world in political, social, and cultural matters. Rome began as a small Italian city state ruled by a monarchy. (Grant 1976) Over the years the city expanded from Italy to Carthage. Next, the Romans took over the Western Mediterranean and the Eastern Mediterranean as well, becoming a civilization and eventually an empire. Then there was a transformation in Rome. An emergence of Christianity, a division of the empire, and the Barbarians were threatening Rome. There was also chaos in the empire because of financial troubles and natural disasters. Some thought their problems were caused by the god s anger because of Christianity in the city. After being weakened by attacks from multiple barbarians, the Romans were attacked and defeated by the ... Show more content on ... This Triumvirate was between Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus. Caesar was to rule in Gaul, Pompey in Rome, and Crassus in Asia Minor. The First Triumvirate was in fact a state within a state. (Fuller 1965) Pompey had the veterans, Crassus the money, and Caesar the idolatry of the people. (Fuller 1965)Then Crassus died and Pompey s jealousy of Caesar s success grew. He demanded Caesar return to Rome. Caesar knew if he did return he would be killed. So he gathered the army against Pompey. Before they entered Rome, Pompey had already fled to Greece. Years later there was a Second Triumvirate. This time between Octavian who was Caesars adopted son, Lepidus, and ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Hair Styles and Make-up of the Renaissance Hair styles and make up have been a significant part of the culture for centuries. It has been changing with every era, decade or style of art. The difference can be as small as a change of a shape of the eyeliner or it can be a complete change of people s looks. What was considered beautiful in Renaissance was absolutely outdated 100 years after this era. In this essay I will be talking about the hair and make up in Renaissance. It all started in Italy, home of the greatest artists of the time. The first section of my essay will be about Italy and the way people were changing their natural appearances using various products. In the second section I will move to the north of Europe to explore a bit more about this topic and see how much the fashion that was set in Italy has changed. In the third section I will look at what was going on in the Great Britain and compare the Elizabethan hair and make up to the continental style. Italy has always been a cultural capital, at least in the eyes of people who have taught me history and art. Majestic buildings, amazing paintings, impressive statues that is just a fraction of what was created in Italy. Renaissance is a unique era, after the Gothic art strictly controlled by the Christian Church; people are turning their eyes away from the God and the God alone to themselves as well. Leonardo Da Vinci is studying anatomy and people are trying to look their best. Portraits of real people come back after years and years of portraying ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Before I really get into my personal experience at the... Before I really get into my personal experience at the Durga temple, I would like to begin my experience paper by throwing a light on my religion. I personally belong to a Muslim family and have practiced Islam throughout my life. Islam is one of the monotheistic religions, which means people only believe in one God usually referred as Allah. All the individuals, including me, believe that everything in this world has been created by all mighty Allah. He has the power and authority of diminishing and raising thing. Islam is based on its five pillars; Namaz (prayer), Roza (fasting), Hajj (pilgrimage), Zakat (Give away), and Jahad (struggle in way of Islam). In contrast Hinduism has many different deities and all of them have a specific ... Show more content on ... I went to the temple in the afternoon, because the timing for the Hanuman pooja was seven o clock pm. When I arrived at the temple I was shocked just by looking at the lights. The whole temple was surrounded by the colorful lights, which made me feel like that I am in another world. As I walked closer to the temple I saw the sign of swastika on the security gates of the temple. I asked the purpose of this sign from a person who was standing outside the temple, he said, this symbol stand for good fortune, luck, and well being . As I moved forward I noticed that there is a huge bell hanging from the roof of the temple, as the people were walking upstairs they were ringing the bell. I did the same thing as the other people were doing, just to make sure that they do not fell any kind of disrespect. I have always seen those kinds of bells either in the movies or dramas, but not in real life. After enjoying all this, finally I got a chance to go inside the temple. When I entered the temple there were two installs, one on my left the other one on my right side. On this stands there was all the stuff available that a person need to perform a pooja. Hinds call this concept as samagri . The incremental s that were present on the table consists of metal plate, flowers, coconut, cloth, and leaves. As I moved further I saw the sign, which was indicating the direction of the main hall. On top of the door of the main ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Role Of Companionship In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Throughout the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the main characters consistently seek out a companion. Victor depends heavily on companionship from Clerval to keep him from going insane in times of hardship and tragedy. Walton desires the companionship of a man to share in the beauty and wonder of things throughout his travels. When asked to be exiled away to South America, The Creature has one sole request for Victor Frankenstein before he leaves; a female companion to help him bear the burden of loneliness. The Creature makes his proposal to Victor explaining the struggles he has endured in an attempt to convince him. Many Romantic characteristics are prevalent in his request as he regales Victor with the tales of his life so far, which ... Show more content on ... One of these would be equality. Throughout his first days of life, The Creature is consistently rejected by all those around him, including his own creator. This happens repeatedly throughout his life. In seeking out a companion, this shows the characteristic of equality because he just wants to be like everyone else and be able to make connection in life. He wishes that his life wasn t filled only with loneliness and rejection, but with the love of another being. I am alone and miserable; man will not associate with me... (Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, Chapter 16, Page 133). The Creature is aware of what he looks like and he knows that the only things that could ever offer him companionship is something just like him. Another Romantic Element would be the Individual versus society. The Creature faces rejection from everyone and his desire for a companion to be built for him shows just that. He has been pushed away from every single person that he has tried to connect with. He has been poised against society. He knows that the only person who he has a chance of building a relationship with is one who was made just like him, just as terrible ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Importance Of Censorship In Libraries Censorship is a huge thing within today s society, Censorship in libraries is when a school board, a parent, or just anyone challenges a book that is explicit with sexual language, homosexuality, and or religion. The meaning of censorship is to ban a book, it s not necessarily up to the library, but more so to the community and the school board. Anyone can challenge a book to be censored, even if it s not explicit, if you personally take offense to a book you can challenge it to be a censored or banned book, but with that you have to have a valid reason on why you want it banned or censored. There are thousands of books that are considered to be explicit and are banned out of libraries in some schools even if they aren t that bad of books, ... Show more content on ... Including Ten Sleep, Wyoming. On the other hand there s a lot of schools who have just this specific book banned or censored because it is sexually explicit, homosexuality explicit, and religiously explicit. For my second reasoning, books can be challenged, censored, or banned in libraries if the parents, staff, or school board if they do not necessarily agree with their children to read books that are censored in libraries because they could be religious and it could be going against their beliefs and that would affect and cause a lot of chaos for the school district or public library; my prospective and voice on this is that there should be books banned, censored, or challenge because theirs always going to be someone who will take offense to something, wither it is a book, a movie, a magazine, or even a song. Mark Twain a famous poet once quoted, The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read and I personally think this is important because I believe that the more experience that you may have in reading or just anything else, the more experience you will have means the more knowledge you have, this is significant because if you can read or hear and you choose not to listen to music or read, you are only hurting yourself because you will have no advantages over anyone. . If you are ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Movie Ava Kept Yelling Essay Throughout the game, Ava kept yelling LUCA, STOP! and would become very frustrated when Luca would try to hide with her or cheat. She was very annoyed by everything he did, and thought he was very immature. At 9 years old, she didn t quite understand that 6 year olds aren t always willfully disobedient, just not necessarily as cognitively advanced or as capable of communicating all of their emotions. She judged Luca according to her standards of behavior for her peers, rather than as a rising first grader. Later, she asks me if she was ever that annoying, and when I tell her that yes, she was, she seems shocked. A couple of turns later, Chloe had still not had to be the seeker. Ava began to pout and say that they had to take turns, and it was Chloe s turn now. Chloe resisted, saying that she hadn t been tagged yet. Ava only insisted a couple more times and then gave in, demonstrating an ability to put herself in Chloe s shoes. I was surprised that she didn t make a bigger deal of it, because the other 9 year olds I have known would have been very upset if they didn t get their way or they thought they were being treated unfairly. Discussion of Observation 1 Throughout the observation period, I noticed that although Ava wasn t the oldest, she spoke the most frequently. The other children generally let her take the lead because she spoke the most loudly and with the shrillest voice. During a brief conflict with Chloe when Ava wanted everyone to take turns being the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Inflation Cause, Effects and Remedies Inflation It s causes, effect and remedies. By: Subrat Choudhury Inflation and Deflation I INTRODUCTION Inflation and Deflation, in economics, terms used to describe, respectively, a decline or an increase in the value of money, in relation to the goods and services it will buy. Inflation is the pervasive and sustained rise in the aggregate level of prices measured by an index of the cost of various goods and services. Repetitive price increases erode the purchasing power of money and other financial assets with fixed values, creating serious economic distortions and uncertainty. Inflation results when actual economic pressures and anticipation of future developments cause the demand for goods and services to exceed the supply available ... Show more content on ... This differs from the CPI in that price subsidization, profits, and taxes may cause the amount received by the producer to differ from what the consumer paid. There is also typically a delay between an increase in the PPI and any eventual increase in the CPI. Producer price index measures the pressure being put on producers by the costs of their raw materials. This could be passed on to consumers, or it could be absorbed by profits, or offset by increasing productivity. In India and the United States, an earlier version of the PPI was called the Wholesale Price Index. Commodity price indices, which measure the price of a selection of commodities. In the present commodity price indices are weighted by the relative importance of the components to the all in cost of an employee. Core price indices: because food and oil prices can change quickly due to changes in supply and demand conditions in the food and oil markets, it can be difficult to detect the long run trend in price levels when those prices are included. Therefore most statistical agencies also report a measure of core inflation , which removes the most volatile components (such as food and oil) from a broad price index like the CPI. Because core inflation is less affected by short run supply and demand conditions in specific markets, central banks rely on it to better measure the inflationary impact of current monetary ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Advantages And Disadvantages Of ASP, Sales And Sales And... .2.1 Introduction Every company or firm requires CRM to handle its sales and marketing activities. The manual processes of CRM are now replaced with automated services like SFA and EMA. The latest trend with respect to software services is to lease or hire the services. The increasing costs of installing software and the complexities involved in creating an infrastructure, and human resources to maintain and manage the technical aspects have given rise to this trend. As a result a business model where a particular organisation provides computer services to its various companies. These organisations or third party entities are called Application Service providers or ASPs. These ASPs have bought down the costs to a great extent. These have a ... Show more content on ... are also a few more examples of free ASP tools. Besides, there are paid ASP services also. So how does ASP operate? It operates as given below.  The software provider owns the software, the hardware like servers and resources like the support team  The software provider makes the software available to the customers through Internet  And the customer pays the service provider on a fixed model that is, on a monthly basis or per use format. c) Advantages and disadvantages of implementing ASP: The advantages of implementing ASP is that, this model helps in saving time and cost involved in implementing a technological infrastructure, like servers, network software, database etc. Besides this, each time software updations happen, expert support is provided by the service provider. However, the service terms and conditions are to be defined. Besides, these some more advantages are listed here. Elimination of Software integration problems from the client s premises The cost of the software application is spread over a number of clients The service providers gain more experience in the application than the internal staff The maintenance and management of the software systems is taken care of by experts from service provider s ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Evolution Of Japanese American Women The Evolution of Japanese American Women Throughout time, the role that Women had in the early twentieth century to the present has changed drastically and it has changed for the better. Japanese American Women residing in the United States, has experienced the evolution of their culture, tradition, values and their role in society. However though it seems as if there is no time in this ever so rapid society, they still continue to pass down culture and tradition through each generation. Some key terms that are crucial in order to understand the essay are, Issei, or the first generation, Nisei, the second generation ,and Sansei, known as the third generation.Over time the Women slowly moved away form being the average Homemaker and transforming into a respected and valued member of society. Throughout this research, a study of multiple primary sources were utilized to apprehend information about the evolution of Japanese American women.The primary quantative research information as mainly taken from Issei, Nisei, Warbride by Evelyn Nakano Glenn, which thoroughly describes the two earlier generation and some of the struggles they faced coming to the United States. I also utilized in order to gather some information about the main difference of the Issei, Nisei,and Sansei. Also it provide great information about what were some opportunities they were able to attain because they were a Sansei women.lastly i utilized a few articles from the Amerasia Journal ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Rogue Trader Coco Assignment Rogue Trader Name(s) ___________________________ Accounting information systems ____________________________ I understand that this exam is to be completed by myself or in a team of two and that any assistance received from other students or any unauthorized source is cheating and subject to the appropriate disciplinary action as deemed by the Office of the Dean of Albers School of Business and Economics. I (we) am aware of the exam policies / rules provided and agree to abide by them. _____________________________________ Student s Signature Date _____________________________________ Student s Signature Date Important: Make sure you read all the way through this assignment. Information regarding ... Show more content on ... You also remember there is a web site that explains the COSO framework and make a note to yourself to explore this resource tonight ( In addition, you know that most large CPA firms have published information for their clients on the implementation of the COSO framework that is available on their respective websites. You only have one week to get ready for the meeting. Besides not eating at lunchtime, you probably won t be going anywhere this weekend. EXHIBIT 1 Summary of COSO and Barings Bank 1. The Control Environment establishes the tone of a company and influences the control awareness of the employees. It is the foundation for all the other internal control components and provides discipline and structure for the entire business operation (Bagranoff, Simkin, and Strand 2005, 110). 2. The purpose of Risk Assessment is to identify organizational risks, analyze their potential in terms of costs and likelihood of occurrence, and install those controls whose projected benefits outweigh their costs (Bagranoff, Simkin, and Strand 2005, 111). 3. Control Activities are the policies and procedures that an organization develops to help protect the assets of the firm (Bagranoff, Simkin, and Strand 2005, 111). 4. Information and Communication include the methods that management uses to record, process, and exchange information within the firm so that employees understand their roles and responsibilities pertaining to
  • 13. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Intervention Of The Usa Into Somali The Causes Of... The American Intervention in Somalia: The Causes of Humanitarian Failure Abstract: This paper is an analysis of the 1991 humanitarian intervention of the USA into Somalia. The concept of the humanitarian mission is embedded into the analyses of the American rhetoric concerning their newfound concern for the area. The military and cultural reasons for the failure are mentioned, as well as the habitual rejection of UN guidelines for it. In fact, this is an excel;lent example of a botched program that seems destined to become the future norm. The 1991 US intervention into Somalia was a failure. The reasons for this are not hard to find, and are inherent in any adventure of this type. Ignorance of local conditions, strategic demands ... Show more content on ... Second, not all parties were interested in UN or US help, which is another condition. Importantly, it states: The peacekeeping operation must be part of a more comprehensive strategy to help resolve a conflict. This often includes political, economic, developmental, institution building, humanitarian and human rights elements, which must involve other parts of the UN system both UN bodies and Member States and other international organizations (UN 2003 pg 6). Though containing the word humanitarian, this is the normal definition of such intervention. The commitment of any of the parties was questionable. That the intervening party have an achievable mandate is another condition, one again, very foggy in 1991. it also explicitly states that peace is not made overnight and strongly suggests that any mission must be long term and require outlays of substantial resources. No party at the time was prepared for that, nor would the populations in these areas approve it. Explicitly addressing the Somalia failure, the UN Handbook states: Political work in UNOSOM meant being catapulted from one extreme to the next, wavering between efforts to promote peace and rebuild the government and relapses into chaos and violence. . . In the end, their efforts were in vain. International resolve waned and the UN was forced to pull out (UN, 2003, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Red Ruffs Research Paper I gathered the Monkey Village cart while waiting for Philip. Philip showed me how to gather the diets for the Baboon/Mandrill string. All the buckets and bowls are placed on the second shelf. There are buckets for Baboons, Mandrills, Gibbons, Black and White Lemurs and Red ruff lemurs. He told me that Grady gets a banana slice and a melon slice for Skye for medication purposes and that the gibbons and black and white lemurs get a banana. The red ruffs do not get the banana. After that we left for the morning meeting. There were a few notes such as the changes that will occur in March. The hours will shift since March is there busy season and the late keeper will make sure that they are getting species in on time. There will also ... Show more content on ... These three islands contain the Gibbons, Red ruff and black and white lemurs. They can go almost anywhere on their little island as both the red ruffs and black and whites were greeting us as we approached their islands. They went into their night houses without any issue. I stayed away from each species until I was instructed to get closer. I gather all feces. Each has a different type of feces. The red ruffs have extremely pungent feces, the black and whites have more liquid consistent feces while the gibbons, feces were a solid form. Cleaned the red ruffs night cubes and today is not a disinfect day. All three species got boomer balls for their BE. The gibbons are arboreal and upon approaching their island they were completing array of locomotion. At gibbons, Philip gave me some of their food to observer their behavior and what we are not supposed to do when the female, China, acts up. I gave Enik his berries first and then I gave China hers. She stretched out her are and that is a negative behavior and I was instructed to wait till she had placed her arm back into the night house before I gave her the berries. Once they were locked in we went out on exhibit I was asked to clean all feces up this included the gibbons and the bird feces. Cleaned their night house and today is not a disinfect day. It is designed a lot like the Siamang night house. Cleaned the all the bird feces at the entrance last. Cleaned the black and white feces, placed BE and their water bowl. I had to be on the boat while Philip cleaned their night cubes. Since their island is the smallest their night cubes are on a platform off the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Symbolism Of Evil In Dracula By Bram Stoker It was Stoker, who with the stroke of his pen, forever linked the real clad with traditional beliefs in malefic spirits that return from the dead to plague the living. Stoker welded these elements into the bloodthirsty Count Dracula the immortal symbol of evil. Bram Stoker was a writer who used Vlad Tepes s image to create the famous vampire of his book, Dracula. Vlad was the perfect candidate due to his unusual methods. Dracula, similar to Vlad, was created to be cruel and bloodthirsty feared by all. When thinking of Vlad or Dracula, for many, the term son of the devil will come to mind. Stoker also made sure to incorporate Vlad s ruthless killing habits into Dracula s character. To make things more realistic stoker wrote Dracula ... Show more content on ... Vlad may have been royalty in his country but that never stopped him from eliminating anyone in his path, in fact his nickname Tepes was derived from, ... impaling enemies on tall wooden stakes during his reign of terror from 1456 1460. Vlad created forrest of the impaled. one would think upon seeing hundreds of people impaled on wooden stakes, that one would be horrified and traumatized, and that is exactly what happened to the Turks and the Ottomans. They were stricken with fear and this was a great advantage to Vlad and Romania. In present day, the romanian military historian Mircea Dogaru argues that Vlad was the first walachian to adopt psychological warfare. He crushed the morale of the Turks through his method of torture: burning oil, mutilation, decapitation. In one campaign alone he killed 24,000 and built a pyramid of decapitated heads. from this you can tell that vlad really did know how to scare someone straight. After this stunt the turks and ottomans alike were much more cautious and aware of vlads capabilities. Not only were whole other countries intimidated by vlad, his own people were on their knees. Though vlad was cruel, he was fair to his people and when they came complaining about the corrupt commissioners, ... He slipped pebbles into their food, and as soon as they began to choke, he slashed ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Englishnization by Rakuten Growth Strategy Creation of Sustainable Business Elective course Session 3: 10/18 Session 4: 10/25 |学籍番号(Student ID No.) |35122318 4 | |氏名(Name in full) |Temirova Guzal | |Case study |RAKUTEN | |Case study |Englishnization | Rakuten: questions and answers: 1. What is Rakuten s business model? Is it sustainable? ... Show more content on ... I was impressed by the openness of the guest speaker and its presentation data. The most interesting part was about the next steps of Rakuten toward the globalization and Englishnization project. It is a big challenge to the top management and all employees. However, there are already impressive achievements in English skills acquiring. 3. Was Englishnization a good idea for Rakuten? What are the costs/benefits of this policy? Englishnization idea is not only the good idea. It is inevitable step toward the following development of the company on the world market. I think Mr. Mikitani s background helped him to realize it and push the project forward. One of the very famous business leaders Mr. John Francis Jack Welch, Jr. (born November 19, 1935) former CEO of General Electric, best quoted about globalization Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital the world s best talents and greatest ideas. And there is one more which best illustrates Mr. Mikitani s actions Change before you have to . Additionally, English has been cited as the major language of international business. It is the most wide spread language in the world. Proficiency in English is a mandatory requirement for any professional working in a global business environment. Direct communication is the only way to integrate the business in ... Get more on ...
  • 18. La Descente Dans La Folie Chapter 10 Analysis La Descente D un Aigle Dans La Folie The Battle of Bautzen Chapter One The wind whispers something lethal. Clouds, hailing not from the heavens but a more sinister source, man s ingenuity, engulf the battlefield with gunpowder and soot. Behind this curtain of smoke an orchestra of death awaits its conductor s directions. The conductor, however, is silent, busy probing the enemy s lines for weaknesses, but to his dismay the enemy s center remains formidable. Frustration builds as he realizes that his marshals attacks on the Russian s left flank the previous day had failed to divert manpower from the enemy s center. A young hussar rides up to him with a message. Ney is ready. The messenger says. He turns to his gunners and orders them to concentrate their fire on the enemy s center. All of a sudden the curtain retreats and from it flames reach out for the nearest victims. The effect is devastating. The Russian s first line nearly collapses, and yet he refrains from committing his reserves. His marshals implore him to act but their protests are fruitless. Little do they know that their emperor has already won this battle. Napoleon returns to the role of spectator, ... Show more content on ... Anxiety subdues his confidence as the prospect of a decisive victory dims with each passing minute. He tries to process his subordinate s failure, while looking at the fleeting figures of Prussian and Russian soldiers through his spyglass, but comes to a single conclusion, disappointment. He dare fail me in the heat of battle! He barks at his staff. His dear friend Geraud Duroc speaks out in defense of Ney s reputation, Emperor do not fault the man for a single mistake. Remember Russia, and never forget who it was that remained in that god forsaken land until the very last Frenchman escaped. It was not you who stayed but Ney, and while I do not fault you for leaving, I implore you to direct your criticisms somewhere more deserving of ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Thin Client Computer Lab Paper Dvorak Technology Academy Thin Client Computer Lab Project Submitted by James I. Davis TIE 532 November 30, 2008 Thin Client Computer Lab Project page 2 Thin Client Computer Lab Project Introduction Computers are an integral part of 21st century life, and as such technology education is recognized as part of the Illinois Learning Standards (ISBE, 2008). A computer lab is an efficient way to deliver access to computers and the Internet to students. Traditional labs, like the one at Dvorak Technology Academy, are populated with complete, standalone computer systems. In network terms these are fat clients , because each workstation is a complete system, with its own memory and disk space and performing most if not ... Show more content on ... A thin client lab will allow Dvorak to extend its financial resources by saving on new computer resources and extending the life of existing assets. In addition, computer lab fat clients require substantial maintenance to keep the systems in working order. While CPS s computer support systems help with this task through programs like Deep Freeze, routine hardware maintenance as well as software installs and updates not covered by CPS can be a significant drain on technology coordinator resources. A thin client architecture can reduce the workload of the technology coordinators by centralizing management and reducing the kinds of workstation maintenance that needs to be done. Finally, thin client networks are very scaleable. If, in the future, web based applications or productivity applications require more processing power than is currently available in the lab, additional servers can be added to the system to handle the added load instead of upgrading all of the workstations. As classroom desktop computers are upgraded, the older classroom machines can be used as additional workstations in the lab, or replace failing lab systems, or deployed in a new lab. Project description The Thin Client Computer Lab Project creates a computer laboratory built around thin client Thin Client Computer Lab Project page 4 computing using open source software as an extension to a Chicago Public Schools (CPS) network. It will re purpose existing ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Pearl Harbor Dbq Imagine a Panzer tank rumbling down a small town on a dirt road. Thousands, and thousands of troops from all across the world, with bullets flying by. Planes dropping bombs, destroying streets, buildings, houses, and even killing innocent people. Imagine being asleep and being attacked by surprise, some of you re friends killed and others badly injured. Schools where moved to the country instead of the city, because it was safer. World War II involved almost every part of the world, during the years 1939 through 1945. The Axis Powers, Germany, Italy, and Japan against the Allied Powers, the United States, the Soviet Union, France, Great Britain, and to an extent China. The war was over unsettled disputes from World War I. World War ... Show more content on ... After many years of World War II the United States Navy was in need of more soldiers/sailors so finally after all the years of hard work the black sailors where treated as actual sailors. Some of the sailors where in the Army, Navy, or Air force sense they where eighteen. To register for the Army, Navy, or Air force you had to be at least eighteen through the age of thirty eighteen before World War II. During World War II the age requirements was age eighteen through age sixty five due to the need of men in the war. (African) (Registering Age) ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Ocean Currents Affect Coastal Climates Wind powered surface currents and waves, along with moon and sun powered tides, greatly impact Earth s coastlines. As warm or cold water ocean currents affect coastal climates, waves release energy, shifting sand and sediments, eroding and replenishing coastline shores; all while tides raise and lower sea level. Florida s east coast, encompassed by barrier islands, is affected by subtropical ocean waters provided by the Gulf Stream, facilitating warm and humid climates, as well as hurricanes. As these warm ocean waters interact with Florida s barrier islands, through wave action and tides, its coastline continuously transforms. The ocean current that flows north alongside Florida s east coast, the Gulf Stream, is one of the most important factors in determining Florida s climate. Beginning near the equator, the warm waters of the North Equatorial Current eventually feed into the Gulf Stream, which begins at the southern tip of Florida. This Equatorial transfer of heat through ocean currents is what facilitates Florida s warm and humid climate. To illustrate the influence ocean currents have on coastal climates, we can compare the climate of Puerto San Carlos, Baja California Sur with the climate of Miami, Florida, because they reside on North America s west and east coasts respectively, around the 25 N Latitude line. Puerto San Carlos has a desert climate, averaging under 3 inches of precipitation per year, with 70 degree average temperatures; while Miami has a ... Get more on ...
  • 22. How the Western Film Genre Has Developed over the Past... The Western film genre is typically set in a secluded village in the middle of the desert, normally in the American West. The setting includes wooden buildings, tumble weed, cacti, trains, horses and carriages. The storyline for western films is usually the same, namely, a hero travels to a remote village, usually on a horse, and brings peace to the warring villagers. In a traditional Western film the clothing for the hero is usually a white hat, (this is to show purity). The hero would also wear a brightly coloured shirt , a pair of jeans and cowboy boots with spurs on the back of them. The hero is also very clean and also normally tall and good looking. A traditional Western includes things like white settlers living in a town ... Show more content on ... The first film that showed early signs of a rise in the quality of technology was the Western The Great Train Robbery. When this film first came out the audience were so amazed at the fact that they could watch something on a TV or at the cinema. Although this film was very good for the 1900s it still lacked some key features that make films much easier to understand such as dialogue, sound and camera shots. The one feature of a film that developed the quickest over the period of time was sound. Sound was introduced in October 1927 in the film The Jazz singer , which had three song numbers and a few lines of spoken dialogue. Apart from these few songs and words, the rest of the movie was silent, but the audience still thought that it was amazing that words had been spoken in the film, they used to call it the movie that talked . The Western became one of the most popular film genres between the 1930s and the 1950s because of theses advances in technology. The development of smaller, lighter cameras freed the cameras from a tripod allowing more detailed camera work. To show moving effects cameras could be put on platforms that were attached to rubber wheels or steel rails like railroad tracks. The cameras could also be raised and lowered on cranes. Another thing that made Westerns more popular was the introduction of full colour in the 1930s and widescreen in the 1950s, ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Tech Teach Assignment Analysis Tech Teach The person I chose to do my tech teach assignment with was my mom. She is 53 and only uses the computer for email and shopping. She doesn t understand what facebook is and why my sister and I are on it all the time. I thought she would enjoy using it and finding old friends from when she lived in Tennessee. A lot of the people she works with have facebook and it will give her another way of communicating with them. I explained to my mom what social networking is and helped her set up her own Facebook account. Through the tech teach assignment I also taught my mom a few technology skills that she can use later on when writing emails, using Microsoft Word, editing pictures, and social networking. The first skill I taught my mom ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Identity In Chopin s The Awakening Chopin s work has allowed her to become recognized more over time. As women keep gaining rights, so are Chopin s works of literature acquiring literary attention. Chopin realized that people valued morality, especially when it came to things such as adultery and the marital discord caused by such, so she decided to use those two items to try and deliver a message concerning an overarching patriarchy that set into motion internal strife for stereotypically frail individuals and women alike who had been cornered by the strangling ideology. Chopin uses identity as a main focal point concerning her philosophy over her search for self and desire to express herself when being subjugated. Edna serves as a perfect example of Chopin showing the ... Show more content on ... Edna also exemplifies the impossibility as it pertains to a woman achieving such a dastardly goal at the time. Edna begins on her journey towards feminine selfhood early in the novel and while doing so evokes sympathy and understanding. For Edna, It s far easier to see her either as an innocent victim crushed by a merciless, absolute patriarchy, or as having the last laugh by ducking out of life s impassable and unfair obstacles (Ramos, Unbearable realism: freedom, ethics and identity in The Awakening. ). However, Chopin writes thoughtfully and uses Edna s journey for even more than what Ramos states above and describes it as, an unrestricted, undefined and, ultimately, impossible state ironically [depriving] her life of meaning (and finally of life itself) (Ramos, Unbearable realism: freedom, ethics and identity in The Awakening. ). In this way she delivers the message concerning an overarching patriarchy and its damages by describing Edna as innocent and crushed by a merciless patriarchy, while also speaking out about the dangers of valuing self over the other individual s in one s life. Chopin, using Edna from The Awakening, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Stevens Stevens Johnson syndrome is a rare immune response in which the person s epidermal layers die and are shed (Cooper, 2012). It proves to be fatal when not identified early and interventions started. Although, despite early identification and interventions death does still occur. Stevens Johnson is considered to be part of a spectrum of Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions (Knepel, 2008). The other two conditions on the spectrum are Erythema Multiforme at the lesser end, and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis on the more severe side. TENS can overlap with SJS, along with being used interchangeably by some (Cooper, 2012). Due to the fact that Stevens Johnson is so rare the information and studies on it are lacking in quantity and quality. ... Show more content on ... Allopurinol is seen with a higher percentage in Asian decent with a genetic predisposition marker (Cooper, 2012). It is thought that genetic predisposition can put certain people at a higher risk. Such as those with systemic lupus erythematous (Mayo Clinic, 2011). Infectious causes of Stevens Johnson syndrome include: Pneumonia Herpes Influenza HIV Diphtheria Typhoid Hepatitis (Mayo Clinic, 2011) Infection with Mycoplasma Pneumoniae is most common cause of community acquired pneumonia requiring possible admission to the ICU and is also cited as most common cause for children to develop Stevens Johnson syndrome (Cooper, 2012). Clinical manifestations include fever, myalgia, rash, papules, macules that lead to sloughing and eventually necrosis, the skin can look like a scalding burn, mucosititis, and respiratory distress from interstitial edema, gastrointestinal issues ranging from diarrhea to ulceration and bleeding, ocular issues such as conjunctivitis to inflammation, photophobia up to and including loss of vision (Cooper, 2012). Any body system that has epithelial tissue can be subsequently affected. The further the condition progresses the higher the degree of mortality. Being alert to the possibility of the condition and trying to get as much information from the patient regarding medication usage, to include over the counter and herbal is vital because time is critical factor (Cooper, 2012). Misdiagnosis ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Assassination Of The War And Formation Of Civil Rights Political Assassination Danielle Ferreira U.S Government Date Introduction Political assassination is defined as the act of killing a political figure mainly for political reasons. In most cases, the motive behind political assassinations is beyond the person who is killed. Assassinations have been rampant across the globe for ages and these assassinations do cause lots of political instabilities in a country especially when key personalities such as heads of states are the victims. In this essay, we shall discuss some of the major assassinations which occurred in history. These personalities include John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Julius Caesar and Robert F. Kennedy. John Fitzgerald Kennedy ... Show more content on ... Many conspiracy theories have tried to explain who was responsible for Kennedy s murder and some have cited the involvement of the USSR, FBI, CIA and Cuba among others. The death of Kennedy remains a mystery despite numerous investigations which have since been carried. There have been no conclusive prove that Oswald murdered the president and even if he did, people still do not believe that he acted alone as reported by the Warren Commission. Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther was a civil rights activist, a clergy and one of the key personalities behind the formation of the American Civil Rights Movement. The major goal of the movement was to advocate for the abolishment the racial discrimination of the African Americans population. King was shot on 4th April 1968 while he was his motel room at Memphis, Tennessee and was pronounced dead that evening while in hospital2. After the killing, James Earl Ray, who was convicted for murdering King, escaped but was arrested after two months in London. Many people believe that the government was involved in the assassination. Following the death of King, lots of riots and protests emerged in different cities across US. Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on 14th April 1865 and was serving as 16th President of the United States from 1861. Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth, a Confederate spy, who was not happy with how the president supported the African Americans ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Essay On Speed Control The variable speed control of electric drives benefited his last year s significant methodological and technological advances. Indeed digital electronics projects and development of components of the power electronics allows it today to implement control algorithms possible there about ten years. In various modern industrial applications, the induction machine has a special attention mainly due to its reliability, robustness; it s relatively low cost and eases of construction and maintenance[1]. The improvement of the quality of the energy on the electrical distribution networks becomes today an important stake for the managers of the networks as for the operators of the electrical energy. In normal operation, the quality of the ... Show more content on ... They are distinguished by their structure and their control strategy in order to constrain the shape of the wave of the absorbed currents. They can be divided into three classes: single phase diode rectifier followed by a PFC (Power Factor Correction), rectifier with current injection (composed of a three phase diode rectifier equipped with a modulation circuit and d A distribution circuit for the injection of currents required in the network), and the Boost PWM Rectifier using a voltage inverter bridge[5][6] [7]. Over the years, variant strategies have been proposed in the literature for the control of the three phase voltage (AFE) rectifier. All these strategies aim to achieve the same objectives, namely: a high power factor (close to one) and a quasi sinusoidal waveform of the currents absorbed. They are differentiated by the nature of the servo loop used. The latter may be either current or power. For this purpose, two classes can be distinguished: VOC (Voltage Oriented Control): using a current loop, developed by analogy with the vector control of electrical machines. It consists in orienting the current vector in the same direction as that of the voltage vector [8], DPC (Direct Power Control): developed by analogy with the direct torque control (DTC) of induction motors. It is to control the instantaneous power, active and reactive, instead of the torque and flux through two inner loops [9]. In the reference [10], ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay about Historical Analysis of the Military Draft Policy Historical Analysis of the Military Draft Policy The Constitution adopted in 1789 gave Congress the power to raise and support armies, but it neither mentioned nor prohibited conscription. The Framers left that issue to the future, although most of them believed that the United States like Britain would enlist its men rather than conscript them, and would pay for its armies through the power to tax. Not until World War I did the United States rely primarily upon conscription. The Selective Service Act of 1917 was adopted in large part because a civilian led preparedness movement had persuaded many Americans that a selective national draft was the most equitable and efficient way for an industrial society to raise a wartime army. ... Show more content on ... The drawing continued until all days of the year had been matched to lottery numbers. (Berger 1981) In 1973, the draft ended and the U.S. converted to an All Volunteer military. The registration requirement was suspended in April 1975. It was resumed again in 1980 by President Carter in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Registration continues today as a hedge against underestimating the number of servicemen needed in a future crisis. (Berger 1981) Draft Procedure and Policy When a crisis occurs which requires more troops than the volunteer military can supply, Congress passes and the President signs legislation which starts a draft. It should be noted that the President cannot initiate a draft on his own. Congress would first have to pass legislation (both the House and Senate), and the President would have to sign the bill into law. A lottery based on birthdays determines the order in which registered men are called up by Selective Service. The first to be called, in a sequence determined by the lottery, will be men whose 20th birthday falls during that year, followed, if needed, by those aged 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. The Agency activates and orders its State Directors and Reserve Forces Officers to report for duty. Registrants with low lottery numbers are ordered to report for a physical, mental, and moral evaluation at a Military Entrance Processing Station to determine whether they are ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Child Care Center Observation Essay I chose to observe at Foster Knox Child Care Center in Warrensburg, Missouri to finish up my observation hours. When viewing this facility, it was similar to Central Village by having different age groups separated by rooms. When I first walked into the facility I didn t notice any labeling on the doors, to identify which age group took place in that room. However, I could easily tell by looking at the children who were in the room. To finish my observations all I needed was the age group 24 36 months. This age group I was observing was located in the back of the facility. As I entered the room, I noticed it was empty, no children to be found. I then realize that it was nap time. All children were in a separate room enclosed by a door that was connected to the room I entered in. When walking in I noticed two tables were in the center of the room. A tiny restroom area was in the far left hand corner of the room which had a sink, water fountain, and a small toilet for the children to use frequently after every activity. There is a play area as well which was located right when you walk into the room. The room was bright, and had a lot of natural light coming in from the windows. Each child had their own hook and cubby basket for their items. There were several light fixtures; however, they were not being used ... Show more content on ... During these first couple of years, they begin building brain structures that will support learning, and develop the physical abilities they will need to be mobile and independent throughout their life. As I am finishing off this semester in my Early Childhood Observation Class, I can easily spot, identify and understand children s unique developmental patterns and needs. Now that I have a full understanding of a child s development, it makes it easier to identify children who may not be progressing as well as they ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Case Study Of Pan De Sal MARKET STUDY Market has always been the most important thing in business. Without a market, products will not be bought and businesses will not earn profit. The purpose of a market feasibility study is to determine the suitability of a product or product mix to a given geographical area. It defines the optimal product mix based on the projected market demand, and it also project sales absorption. To determine the project s viability, it is necessary to analyze the demand and supply analysis of the product. Demand and supply analysis will give an overview to the project s future potentiality. Demand Analysis The primary determinant for the demand of pan de sal is the target market, using a review of the target municipalities population. ... Show more content on ... . Also, one of our competitors sells pan de kapefor P5.00 each, they also sell stuffed pan de sal like pan de hotdog for P6.00 each. The pricing of the products of the proponents are: P2.00 for classic pan de sal, P5.00 for flavored pan de sal, P6.00 for hotdog stuffed pan de sal and ham cheese stuffed pan de sal while corned beef stuffed pan de sal is P7.00. For pizza pan, P8.00 for the plain cheese pizza pan while P10.00 for the hawaiian pizza pan and ham cheese pizza pan. The pan de sal that the proponents are going to sell is distinct from the competitor s product because they only sell the typical pan de sal, while the proponents proposed to sell flavored pan de sal and other variations of pan de sal. In connection with this, the competitors make use of old equipment to produce quality goods, some of them are practicing new marketing strategies like, producing and selling of pan de sal at night and open 24/7. As a first timer in the business industry, the term of sales would be on cash basis only. On the first quarter of the business, the proponents are planning to channel their distribution as a direct selling ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Economic Efficiency Recent measures taken by the firm to achieve efficiency. (Distinguish carefully as between different economic notions of efficiency in your answer). Glanbia plc is an international dairy and nutritional ingredients group headquartered in Ireland. The company has 4,500 employees in seven countries and sales offices in a further five. International operations include food ingredients and nutritionals while Irish operations incorporate consumer foods and agribusiness and property. The group has three strategic joint ventures which are based in the UK, USA and Nigeria. The company has the early 2000 s expanded its international based projects and acquired new sectors of the world market by mergers and acquisitions. Due to the economic ... Show more content on ... Arla foods ingredients has given itself the task os establish local production before 2013 in the united states. A good sign for glanbia for the near future is that Arla foods aren t looking to make a major move into the American market but merely get a foothold in the market for future expansion. For now the company feels it s European market can be expaned more in countries like France Norway and Germany. |No.1 |No.3 | |Denmark |Germany | |Sweden |Poland | |Finland | | |Holland | | [pic] Kerry group is a world leader in food ingredients and flavours serving the food and beverage industry and a leading supplier of added value brands and customer branded foods to Irish and UK markets. The group has organically and through a series of strategic acquisitions in its relatively short ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Application Of Non Living Things Could Be Protected... Introduction: Non living things could be protected from pathogens by defence chemicals in the form of disinfectants which are applied thinly on the objects and surfaces. For living things, their defence from pathogens comes in the form of antibiotics and antiseptics, the former given intravenously or through oral administration and the latter applied on the skin whatever the indented purpose may be but does still meet the defence required if applied in the right doses(Lee et al). Pathogens on the surface are eliminated physically by disinfectants. The mode of operation comes in the form of chemicals, diluted or undiluted for cleaning and by heating; we have noticed this process used in the milk preservation through pasteurisation whereby milk is heated at a very high temperature to kill pathogens. The application of disinfectants varies widely in use for the different settings. For healthcare cleaning to control and keep out pathogens, ethanol is the number one choice used to disinfect and sanitise floors, operation surfaces and surfaces touched the most by people like doors and door closing aids. The liquid based disinfectant normally gets rid of bacteria if it is in the right dilutions or measurements. There are iodine and chlorine based disinfectants both targeting pathogens. The latter is generally used in water treatment and food hygiene and the former widely used for making surgical instruments to render them free from pathogens, thus sterilisation. Antimicrobial ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Service Marketing in Education SERVICE MARKETING IN EDUCATION SECTOR ANALYSIS OF THE 7 P s INTRODUCTION Services are very different from products. So the marketing concepts need to be revisited while marketing a service. Services can range from financial services provided by the banks, technology services provided by the IT Company, food and ambiance as a service provided by restaurants or even a blog where an author provides a service (information presentation, interesting reading etc) to his audience. Services marketing are dominated by the 7 Ps of marketing namely Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical evidence. The 7 P frameworks is one of the most popular framework for deciding a marketing strategy, right from strategy formulation to actual ... Show more content on ... PRICE Price is the most important factor in doing business especially in a service industry. It is because there is a tight competition in a service industry. So marketer need to consider a price that is similar or even lower than the market price. This is to help the industry to penetrate into the market as customer usually will consider price as the most important factor in selecting their service provider. Marketer can increase the price only if the company can provide better service than other competitors. The prices a company sets for its product and services must strike a balance between gaining acceptance with the target customers and making a profit for the organisation. Services being, all the more intangible, the price becomes an important factor for the actual service consumption to happen, after service awareness and service acknowledgement. PRICE MIX FOR H. R. COLLEGE: * Price of the course: The cost of a regular B. Com course in the college is Rs. 2500 for the 1st year, Rs. 3500 for the 2nd year and Rs. 5000 for the 3rd year. In addition to that, a student who is pursuing B. Com Honours has to pay Rs. 3500 more. * Price of other facilities provided by the college to its target customers, i.e. the students: 1. The library service is offered free of cost to the students. 2. A yearly charge of Rs. 50 is ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Columbine School Shooting Research Paper Phillip Scullion The Police Response to Critical Incidents In Academic institutions University of Mount Olive 09/24/2017 Abstract In recent years educational institutions have been targeted by active shooters. The threat of an assailant entering an academic environment has compelled law enforcement agencies and educational institutions to revise their tactical responses. The first paragraph consists of the Columbine school shooting. The second paragraph will cover the safety programs schools have implemented to safeguard their students and staff. The third paragraph will cover the tactics and fundamentals officers have received to limit the amount of casualties. Two cites in first paragraph day in history/columbine high school massacre ... Show more content on ... The assailant s intention is to assault as many individuals as possible with no hope of surviving. According to the New York City Police Department report on active shooters, 46% of active shooters are stopped by law enforcement officials, or other bystanders, and 40% of the active shooters either commit suicide or attempt suicide. (NYPD, 2011) Police departments nationwide are training their officers to confront the active shooters quickly and as aggressively as possible. (Cain, 2010) Police departments have begun introducing various tactics in concealment, entering doorways, and working in small groups to have a tactical advantage in eliminating the assailant. Police agencies have been working closely with their local schools to avoid future massacres. Many police agencies have implemented various approaches to ensure their response times are sharp. Daviess County, Kentucky Sherriff s office began offering a 2 day training program that demonstrates various entry and movement techniques when confronting an active shooter (Cain, 2010) Many other agencies have introduced live fire scenarios using artificial projectiles, and the use of ballistic shields. (Law Staff, 2008) As school shootings can never be predicted it is imperative that the education institutions and law enforcement agencies are ready and vigilant at all times to avoid other nationwide massacres. Conclusion School shootings ... Get more on ...