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Claim Of Fact Essay Topics
Writing a Claim of Fact essay can be a challenging task that requires careful research, critical
thinking, and effective communication skills. The difficulty lies not only in presenting a
compelling argument but also in finding reliable and credible sources to support the claimed
facts. Selecting a suitable topic is crucial as it sets the foundation for the entire essay, and one
must ensure that there is enough evidence to support the chosen claim.
The process of writing such an essay involves extensive research to gather relevant data and
statistics. It requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter and the ability to distinguish
between credible and unreliable sources. Additionally, crafting a clear and concise thesis
statement that encapsulates the main claim is essential. The challenge is not just in stating a fact
but in presenting a well-reasoned argument that convinces the reader of the validity of the claim.
Moreover, organizing the essay in a logical and coherent manner can be demanding. The writer
must structure the content in a way that builds a strong case for the claim, using evidence and
examples to support each point. Balancing the use of data and maintaining a persuasive tone
while avoiding bias is another aspect that adds complexity to the writing process.
Editing and proofreading play a crucial role in ensuring the essay meets high standards of clarity
and coherence. It requires a meticulous review of the content to eliminate any inconsistencies,
errors, or weak arguments that may compromise the overall effectiveness of the essay.
In conclusion, writing a Claim of Fact essay involves navigating through a complex process of
research, analysis, and presentation. It demands a high level of critical thinking and attention to
detail. While challenging, the process can be immensely rewarding, providing the writer with an
opportunity to engage deeply with the chosen topic and communicate a compelling argument.
For those seeking assistance, it's worth exploring platforms like, where similar
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Claim Of Fact Essay TopicsClaim Of Fact Essay Topics
Essay about Keeping the Drinking Age at 21
When it comes to the subject of drinking and teenagers, what is the first thing that
comes to mind? To me it s the legal age limit of when teens should be able to drink.
Having it lowered is controversial because according to prior experiences, data
shows that younger age drinking is well known for its fatalities. According to
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), on one of the most popular prom nights
in 1999, as many as 62 percent of the traffic deaths were alcohol related (). The most
important question is whether or not the drinking age anywhere in the United States
should be lowered, raised or if it should stay the same. Statistics prove that the legal
drinking age should remain at the age of twenty one in the United States.... Show
more content on ...
The number killed in alcohol impaired driving crashes decreased 71% from the
record high of 5,215 in 1982 to a record low 1,510 in 2008 (Drunk Driving
Research) [(teenagers and alcohol)]. The drinking age is kind of an experiment
around the world. In many places around Europe, people who are below the age of
twenty one are allowed to drink by law. Many teenagers around the US find this
law biased, because teens aren t given enough credit for how responsible they can
be. In Northern Europe, people see alcohol as a culture issue. In many countries it is
traditional to have a glass of wine or two during each meal. The drinking age in other
countries vary but the normal legal age is between 16 18 years of age. A recent study
that compared DUI laws in the United States to those in comparable nations, such as
the European Union States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Brazil, found
that the United States had the highest proportion of traffic fatalities that were alcohol
related among the 12 countries reporting data. It was reported that the United States
had relatively lax enforcement in comparison to other countries ( National Minimum
Drinking Age Choose Responsibility ). The majority of teenagers in America think
that drinking is not worth the consequences it causes. Girls are much more
Essay On Exploring Washington State With Kids
Exploring Washington State with Kids Step By Step Washington State is an ideal
place to visit with the family. It s affordable and the state is rich in culture, history
and natural beauty. It s on the Pacific Ocean, which provides for dramatic scenery,
and has a multitude of national parks, rainforests, mountains, farms, hiking trails,
and, of course, great cities like Seattle. Whether you have a few days or longer, it s
possible to drive from one side of the state to another, stopping at small towns,
villages, state parks, and comfortable, family friendly hotels and/or resorts. If you
plan on venturing to Washington State with the kids, we have the scoop on where to
go, what to do, where to eat, and where to stay. You ll definitely... Show more content
on ...
Baker, a snow capped peak known for its amazing sunrises and world record
snowfall. To the west are Bellingham Bay marina and the world famous San Juan
Islands. Be sure to take a walk on the water and try to take a boat ride on the bay if
time permits. Head to Leavenworth Leavenworth is easily accessible from
Bellingham via I 5. It s a three hour drive, one the whole family will love. The drive
through the Cascades has been voted as one of the most scenic drives in the States.
A charming Bavarian themed German village in Washington s Cascade
Mountains, Leavenworth is home to great festivals, cultural attractions and
hospitality. The lovely Front Street Park is the heartbeat of Leavenworth, offering
beautiful green areas within a close proximity to shops and entertainment. Take the
kids to the Nutcracker Museum or go tubing or hiking on a local river and trails.
Where to stay and eat: Icicle Village Resort is an incredibly family friendly resort.
Guests enjoy a complimentary breakfast buffet, free Wi Fi and parking, and get
access to a variety of activities including a swimming pool, an 18 hole Bavarian
themed miniature golf course and miscellaneous sports, BBQ, arcade, and bike
rentals. The hotel is close to the town center, where there is a plethora of restaurants
and an onsite restaurant called JJ Hills Fresh Grill, which offers breakfast, lunch and
dinner, and offers a kids menu. The rooms are all spacious, ranging from
Rene Descartes Causal Argument
The idea of God existence has always been a part the history of human. There are
always been a different point of view between those who believe in God and those
who do not believe in God existence. A French Philosopher, mathematician, and
writer Rene Descartes was the one who clarify the dilemma of the existence of God
after he doubts everything. In fact, those who have faith in Godobviously tend to
adhere at one religion. However, the skeptics try to search the answers of God
existencethrough scientific methods. Rene Descartes after doubting everything, he
definitely believes of the existence of God. As to proof God existence, Descartes
develop several essential arguments which are causal and ontological arguments. The
logic of Descartes ... Show more content on ...
But why he did not transmit his perfection to his creation? The reason of this question
is because we (human) do not understand how a perfect being can create an imperfect
being. God, the perfect being create humans who always tend to make mistakes
despite the fact that Descartes says God created humans without faculty of making
mistakes. The philosopher Descartes clarifies this confusion by stating that every
mistake is an error of judgment. Consequently, it should be assign to the will that
judges, and human s error is not the fault of God. He claims that human s errors are
mere defect since human being has no infinite faculty of judgment. So, the extension
of the will boundaries than human understanding is the effective origin of human s
errors. This is probably the reason why Descartes states in Meditation Four, page 85
that the desire extends further than the intelligence of humans. Base on the
explanation above, humans are capable of making mistakes.
Descartes develop several essential arguments which are design, causal and
ontological arguments and base on Descartes demonstration, we can clearly state
that causal argument as demonstrate above is more objective than others. There is a
perfect being who is God. This is obviously the proof of the existence of God. And
the perfection of God has nothing to do with human error because the error of human
is the extension of
The Denotation Of The Term Hatred
The denotation of the term hatred is intense dislike or ill will (Oxford). Commonly,
the word is used to describe a dislike for an object or place. But, often times, it is
used as an emotion or feeling. Therefore, it is often misunderstood that individuals
simply do not care for or like whoever is receiving the punishment. On the contrary,
when discussing the term as a feeling, hatred is a secondary emotionclosely related to
loveor admiration. While they seem to be opposites, the extreme emotions are not
opposite of the spectrum, they are more closely related than we choose to grasp. The
strong act of expressing hatred is an emotion that stems from an original primary
emotion. We must care for someone before we can hatehim or her. Many people
express hatred towards individuals they originally cared for, admired or loved and
are now jealous of, have a toxic passion for, resent or are disappointed in. This
concept often leads to common misinterpretations of the emotion and can also be a
term that is misjudged in the wrong context. In opposition, it is commonly
understood that hate is a synonym for indifference or caring less, but this is not the
case, particularly when it is used in terms of the one s feelings for another
individual. If we were simply indifferent why would we hate him or her? If it isn t
causing us any emotion, why does it matter? It is impossible to not care or be
indifferent towards someone you hate. If it is broken down, reasoning behind why
Ridgway s Case Study
Ridgway experienced a very lonely childhood; he did not have many friends and
was said to possibly suffer from anti social behaviour, supported by Minzi and
Shields (2007) stating, his attitude, life history, and crimes all point to antisocial
personality disorder (p.87). During his teen years, Ridgway began to stalk women
who previously rejected him, which is a large indicator of an issue occurring in
Ridgway s life. It is abnormal for teenage boys to stalk the women who had rejected
them; these feelings towards women could have contributed to the reasons he killed
those who he did, all being women. Miller (2014) claims that serial killers begin to
mentally rehearse more realistic scenarios for stalking, abducting, and torturing
victims... Show more content on ...
As Ridgway s relationships went on, he began to show more signs of sadistic
behaviour. Ridgway married a woman by the name of Claudia Kraig when he was
just twenty years old. After getting married he enlisted in the Navy, where his
obsession with prostitutes ensued. When in the Navy, Ridgway learned of his
wife cheating on him. After being betrayed by yet another woman in his life, this
could have had a psychological meaning to Ridgway. He could have categorized all
women as being selfish and disrespectful to him. After learning the news of his
wife cheating on him, Ridgway divorced her and then married Marcia Winslow.
During this relationship he began choking his wife. It is also told by Minzie and
Shields (2007) that, Ridgway enjoyed sexual bondage and taking her to secluded
places, like the banks of the Green River, to have sex outdoors (p.79). It is not
known why Ridgway took and killed his victims to the Green River, it is
hypothesized that it is because it is a very secluded area and would be difficult to
find the bodies. Learning of Ridgway s behaviour with his second wife is very
concerning. He began experimenting with dominating sex as well as taking her to
the place he would end up killing more than 40 women. It
Of Mice And Men Dbq
John Steinbeck s Of Mice and Men tells a story of two very different friends how
both share the dream of one day buying their own farm. George and Lennie are
both two workers that take temporary jobs at different ranches. That the new job
that they get to meet Candy, the old swamper who cleans the bunkhouse; Slim, the
prince of the ranch ; Crooks, the African American stable hand. Then there is also
Curley, the boss s son and Curley s wife, women that is desperate for the attention.
Throughout the story, Steinbeck uses a lot of foreshadowing to prepare the reader
what is about to occur. The plans of the characters going askew, the death of Curley
s wife, the loss of the farm dream, and the death of Lennie; are four clear examples of
Steinbeck s... Show more content on ...
For example, Candy says, I oughtta of shot that dog myself, George (Doc D) when
Carlson had already killed the dog. Candy feels he should have shot the dog
himself because the dog is his responsibility, and the dog would have felt a loving
presence at the time of his death. Candy wishes he had shot his own dog just as
George feels responsible in shooting Lennie himself when Curley is looking for
him. Carlson said, Right back of the head. (Doc D) that is where he shoots the dog.
Lennie is shot in exactly the same spot ( right in the back of the head ) place where
the dog is shoot. The shooting of Candy s dog clearly foreshadows George s
shooting of Lennie. Both Lennie and the dog get killed with the same gun,
Carlson s Luger pistol. Before Carlson killed Candy s dog he said to Candy, This ol
dog jus suffers hisself all the time. (Doc D). If George does not kill Lennie, Curley
will painfull kill him in the guts . Lennie has always been protected by George
throughout his whole life, there is nothing that George will do in order to keep
Lennie safe. George does not want Lennie to die painfull, he wanted Lennie to die
full of hopes and peacefully go to
Roman Concrete
With the development of Roman concrete as well as the design of the Roman arch,
the construction of unique innovative aqueducts were constructed. Other structures
erected with these design features were colossal Roman Structures such as roads,
dwellings, bath house, and amphitheaters.
According to Yegul (Accessed 2015), Roman concreteor opus caementicium was
developed around 45 BCE. Concrete was used by the Romans as a building material
because it converts to a hard surface like a rock when mixed in the right combination
of components. It takes three components to make a concrete substance. The three
substances are an aggregate such as limestone, a binding agent such as clay or mud,
and water. It was discovered that if you combine clay and limestone and expose it to
extreme heat temperatures that it will temper. After these substances temper, they are
then crushed into a powdery substance. At this point in the process this powdery
mixture when mixed with water can be formed into many different shapes for
building. The mixture then sets with time and air. It develops into a very sturdy
material which can be used in the construction of buildings.
Although the Romans did not invent concrete they did contribute to its uniqueness of
the mixture of components by adding pozzolona. Pozzolona is distinctive volcanic
dust originating ... Show more content on ...
Concrete also enabled the Roman to use odd shaped bricks with the concrete to bind
them together in constructing these important buildings. According to Kamm (2015),
the possible to use irregularly shaped stones as facing, with courses of brick to bind
it. This was known as opus incertum. With opus reticulatum square based pyramids of
stone were inserted with the heads facing inwards. A further development was opus
testaceum, in which triangular baked bricks were
Driving while Drinking
What are the effects of alcohol on driving?
Driving a vehicle is a very complex activity that demands proper decision making,
total concentration, good co ordination and rapid reflexes. In order to drive safely, it
is essential to be alert, aware and able to make quick decisions in response to a
constant rapidly changing environment.
Alcohol alters the ability of the brain and body to function normally. It interferes
with even the most experienced driver s ability to drive safely.
When alcohol is consumed, many of the required skills to drive safely such as
judgment, concentration, comprehension, coordination, visual acuity, and reaction
time become impaired. (Anelli Xavier, 2013)
The severity of alcohol induced impairment on driving depends on the amount of
alcohol present in the bloodstream, this is based on a person s blood alcohol
concentration (BAC) percentage. People begin to feel the effects of alcohol when
their BAC ranges between 0.03% and 0.059%. (2014 Motor Accident Commission
South Australia)
Drink driving is a factor in about 18 per cent of all fatal crashes in NSW. (Transport
for New South Wales, 31 May 2013)
Studies have shown that when under the influence of alcohol, drivers are not able
to respond to stimuli as quickly as when they are sober. An individual needs more
time to respond to situations and hazards. If someone is driving a car, the
perception of distance is increased. For example, in an ordinary scenario, a driver
would be able to respond to
Character Analysis Of Ziu Xiu, The Sent Down Girl
Xiu Xiu the sent Down Girl is from the book Tian Yu, which is written by Yan
Geling and directed by Joan Chen. The Chinese government is ordering kids to go
around the country to start working, Xiu Xiu, portrayed by Li Xiaolu, is one of the
kids sent to do so. She doesn t want to do this, but she decided if she were to, she
would take up horse training, so she can be a part of the Girls Iron Cavalry. She is
sent to the mountains to train under Lao Jin (Lopsang), a once famous horseman,
now injured and lives a quiet life in the mountains. Throughout the movie as the
two are living together, they have their difficulties, but it seemed like they had a
good time. As time passes, Xiu Xiu is growing worry, because she hasn t received
a word from her home or the government. As for Lao Jin, he realizes that he has
feeling for Xiu Xiu, but due to his injury, he could do anything. Instead, he feels
more like a family/ Father figure in her life. This part of the movie, is like the main
character looking for hope and staying cheerful, like a child usually is.
At the middle of the movie Xiu Xiu has waited a long time to receive word about
returning home or anywhere. Until, one day a peddler (Gao Qiang) comes along,
and informs her that the Girls Iron Cavalry has disbanded. That informs the watcher
that she has been up in the mountains with Lao Jin for a long time. As they continue
to talk, he tells her that she needs to make connections with people to find a way
back home, which later means having sex with numerous men. This part of the
movie, there are numerous sexual scenes and you can see that she is changing. For
example, Lao Jin being the father figure, must go through knowing that she is
having sex with multiple men and yet he does what he can do to help her and she
acts very demanding/ rude to him. This part is very hard to watch, because it tells
you that the little girl from the beginning of the movie is no more. Things start to
pick up, when they are fixing up their tent and then showing her throwing up,
suggesting she might be pregnant. Again, you see Lao Jin rushing her to the
hospital and the movie suggest she had an abortion. This part of the movie is very
sad, because she as the viewer, you know she will
My Experience At My Life
September 14th, 2011, the last day I have in Manado, Indonesia. My family and
friends were in the airport, waiting for me, while I was checking in my luggage.
When I went back, all of my friends were standing and smiling at me. I know they
were sad, but they tried to cover it with their smile. I gave each one of them a t
shirt that has writing about them, and they gave me the same thing. We talked,
laughed, and joked around until it was time for me to go. Tears were falling down
on their cheeks, when they heard that it was time for me to go. I gave my family
and friends a hug, and went to the terminal. My journey started, when I got in to the
airplane. It was a long long journey, I thought, because it took hours to get to Los
Angeles. I was excited at first, but then sad again when I think about home. I was
crying while I was on the airplane, thinking, how my life is going to be in Harbert
Hills. I had some stops. The first stop was at Changi Airport, Singapore. We have
to stay there for a night, until the next flight (the next day). The airport is really
nice and clean. They have free internet, a free place to rest, and it is very safe too,
so I do not have to worry about my suit case. I was on the computer most of the
night, checking my e mails and Facebook. I could not sleep that night, because I
was thinking about my life at home, and again, how is it going to be in Harbert
Hills. The second stop was at Narita Airport, Tokyo, Japan. It was only 45
A Book Report On The Movie Nope Essay
Two and a half months ago, faith brought me to face with a guy who I used to
consider horrible boyfriend material. He came off as rude, stubborn, malicious, and
cold hearted to a fault. And that s just the start of a long list of his horrible
characteristics. But somehow, and to my surprise, I ended up falling for this guy. Now
all I have to do is tell him and figure out if he feels the same about me. Easier said
than done.
Come on, Tre I begged, wanting him to severely come to the haunted house with Tia,
Michael, Mike, Naomi and me. We were in Mrs. Sorun s Relationship Development
I class at the time, doing what we usually do. Nothing. I know you can make some
spare time on your normal, non busy Saturday to join us.
Nope, he denied for the seventh time. He was lying down on the table, with his
typical left earbud in, trying to get some sleep in before our next class. I told you
already, I hate being involved in your little group activities, which by the way be
boring as hell, and wish you would stop including me in them. See what I mean by
when I say he can be rude, stubborn, malicious, and cold hearted to a fault.
Tia, help me out.
You re coming to the haunted house with us Dum Dum and that s final, she
demanded, giving him her famous death glare. Any objections?
I don t know who the fuck you think you are, but I m...
What did you just say?!
I said, I don t know who the...
Hey guy can t we all just get along? Michael tried reasoning with them. I don t
Analysis Of H. G. Wells Super-Toys Last All Summer Long
Super Toys Last All Summer Long is a one of the short stories published in The
Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction in 2010 which was written by science
fiction author Brian Aldiss and The Time Machine is a science fiction story was
written by one of the founding fathers of science fiction writers, H.G.Wells. In this
Aldiss s, author is showing his concern if humanity and their feelings can actually be
replaced with the high tech inventions such as androids. In the other hand, Wells
shows the emotion to the humanity to the Eloi whether two different species in far
future can live on same planet where Eloi lives on over the ground level and
Morlocks lives beneath the ground level and Morlocks uses Eloi species as solution
to their hungers... Show more content on ...
All the letter have same feeling written in different ways. One letter says, My dear
mummy, how are you really, do you love me much whereas other one says, Dear
Mummy, this is a letter to you just to say how much I love you . (Aldiss 449)
Reading this beautiful incident of son s letter to his mother is very heart warming
and can leave the reader with the sensation of love, care and affection. As story
develops, readers can actually observer human behavior of David in the clauses
where he describes his feeling of love, fear, hate. His concern about anything being
real is questioned again and again with the medium of David s innocent questions
to teddy. He asks, Teddy, you know what I was thinking? How do you tell what are
real things from what aren t real things? (Aldiss 446) His innocent question towards
the definition of real things can leave readers in to dilemma about thinking the
answer to that question. After all, what are real things? Can one differentiate smartly
what is real and what is not? In the Wells story, since the time traveler decided to
fight the Morlocks, he also established about the true relationship between Eloi and
Morlocks. As a story develops the time traveler discovers more about their true nature
The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat Case Study
Case SummaryIn the third section of The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat,
Oliver Sacks introduces two new patients: Mrs. O C and Mrs. O M. Sacks opens
with the case of Mrs. O C. One night, Mrs. O C was dreaming about her childhood
in Ireland and the music she would dance and sing to. When she woke up, she was
still hearing the same song. At first, she thought that she was remembering her
dream, but the song kept playing and it did not go away. As the day continued, she
started to fear for her sanity and quickly went to see Dr. Sacks. Sacks performed an
EEG test on her and found that whenever Mrs. O C said she was experiencing a
musical moment, her temporal lobe was hyperactive. This indicated to Sacks that she
was experiencing an epileptic... Show more content on ...
Seizures stimulated by thinking of music also supported this theory since there is
recruitment of musical memory and its associated emotion (Maguire, 2012). Mrs.
O C is a good example of this. Mrs. O C only had seizures when thinking about her
childhood in Ireland and the specific Irish songs she would sing and dance to.
Orphaned at five years old, Mrs. O C moved to America to live with family. These
Irish songs caused her to be flooded with memories of her time in Ireland when her
mother and father were both alive, a time she had hardly remembered before these
musical seizures began (Sacks, 1970). It is also interesting to consider Mrs. O M s
case when thinking about emotional connections. Mrs. O M reported no emotional
connection to the songs she was hearing, however had been humming them before
the seizures began. This seems to indicate that there was some type of emotional
connection and that is probably why those specific songs were what played on repeat
in her head every time she had a seizure (Sacks, 1970). This emotional connection is
thought to be due to synchronized rhythms of electrical activity. When neuronal
rhythms are synchronized in specific brain regions, memories are formed more
effectively. Responding to a song emotionally is thought the cause neurons to become
excited and form these synchronized rhythms which in turn cause the brain to
associate seizures with memories of a specific genre/type of music (Swaminathan,
History Behind Lord Stanley Cup
History Behind Lord Stanley
The Lord Stanley Cup. The oldest trophy competed for by professional athletes in
North America and the greatest thing NHL hockey players dream of to hoist and
kiss after a season. Training, practicing, motivation and pushing themselves to get
better is what all these players put the hours into for that moment. After battling 82
games for a playoff spot, then continuing to win 4 playoff rounds, of best of seven
series, they finally get to have the moment they ve all been working and dreaming
for as a kid. To raise the Cup, kiss it, scream, and then pass it to your fellow
teammate. But that s not why they do it. They do it because they had a dream as a
kid and know the history behind what the Cup represents to ... Show more content on ...
In 1927 1928, a new structure was streamlined and a vertical shape of the Cup was
used and by 1948, the Cup became to tall to hold as well as even stand up without
tipping over. This Cup was changed to what we see today with the wider rings at
the bottom standing at 35 inches tall and 17 inches wide. Since 1958, 5 new rings
were added around the base of the Cup for championship teams, which means rings
had to be removed to maintain the structure of the Cup. The rings that get removed
and preserved in Lord Stanley s Vault in the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. This
ends the evolution of what the Cup is today and we can now see all the alterations
done over the years, plus see how the NHL has kept all the history of the cup either
on the cup or in Lord Stanley s Vault so none of the history is forgotten or left behind.
Next, I will talk about the history behind how the Stanley Cup was nicknamed Lord
Stanley , how the cup is engraved and what the Cup does to help others. The
original cup was bought for roughly $50 and donated from a man named Sir
Frederick Arthur Stanley. Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley was a Colonial Secretary
from 1885 1886 and the Governor General of Canada from 1888 1893, plus an avid
sportsman. In 1892, he donated the cup and said, I have for some time been
thinking that it would be a good thing if there were a challenge cup which should be
held from year to year by the champion hockey team in the Dominion of Canada.
There does not
Acid Base Disturbance Report
Acid Base Disturbances is any condition which results in changes of the extracellular
fluid pH from the normal range of pH 7.35 7.45. ... Because the blood pH and the
ECF pH are almost always equivalent, disturbances of acid base homeostasis are
diagnosed by measuring blood pH. When the pH is below 7.35, the condition is
called acidosis; when the pH is above 7.45, it is called alkalosis Вќ. (VanPutte, 2013).
Acidosis or Alkalosis states are categorized as being either metabolic or respiratory
so the imbalance or condition maybe respiratory acidosis, or respiratory alkalosis,
metabolic acidosis and or metabolic alkalosis. Because the body is always striving
for or attempting to maintain normalcy (homeostasis), regardless of the etiological
source all initial acid base disturbances will result in an imbalance of the normal pH
ratio. To combat the effects of acidosis and or... Show more content on ...
In Ketoacidosis the body is making too many ketones due to fats being burned for
absent carbohydrates as source of energy, excessive amount of fats in the body
become acidic creating the ketones. Possible cause are diabetics not receiving proper
insulin and hydration, excessive alcohol drinking with low po intake, as well as
anoxia. The patient have the following signs and symptoms tachypnea, tachycardia,
HA, confusion, tired or weakness, loss in appetite, and or N/V. Treatment is to correct
the imbalance or the underlying cause of the imbalance ie hydration fluids, Insulin
Respiratory Acidosis has two forms Acute and Chronic it is usually caused by other
condition or disease such as Asthma, Pneumonia, COPD, and Sleep Apnea. With
chronic respiratory acidosis the patient may be asymptomatic, however; acute clinical
findings are but not limited to decrease in respiratory rate/volume, HA, drowsiness,
confusion, and tremors. Treatment is usually oxygen and or mechanical
My Current Position I Implement Positive Behavior
As educators is it important for us to teach necessary skills for our students to
thrive in society and our curriculum should be based on these skills. In my current
position I implement Positive Behavior Support Plans (PBIS) in schools, by having
PBIS I feel we are teaching student s the specific skills they need to be successful
and helping teachers reflect on the positives. We have to strive to provide our
students with skills that will not only enable them to obtain a career but also develop
the skillin maintaining their career; we must also instill a sense of human decency,
compassion, acceptance, respect, and global awareness. PBIS will help students
know specific expectations and learn and understand that in life we have specific
guidelines that we need to learn in order to receive the rewards of success.
As a supervisor, it is important to make sure individuals are in an environment that
will help them grow. In order for students to be reached, teachers must be in a
position that they feel understood and supported. Success for any of us is success
for all of us. (Sergiovanni,1996). I believe that in any profession if your staff does
not feel their opinions and ideas are not being heard and supported and openness to
voice opinions they will not learn and grow. As a supervisor, it is important to get to
know your employees, so they feel comfortable to listen to constructive criticism and
are allowed to make changes. Also, making sure that as a supervisor I am
Dynamic Characters In The Outsiders
In life, we all have an impulse to change. We grow in both good and bad ways. We
mature, and most importantly gain a better understanding of life. A crucial aspect of
change is its ability for other perspectives to emerge. Change and dynamic characters
are demonstrated effectively in the novel, The Outsiders, which focuses on a gang in
the 1960 s, their everyday troubles and interactions, as well as the effects of them on
their lives. One of the characters who experiences the most changeis Ponyboy. In S.E.
Hinton s novel, The Outsiders, Ponyboy proves to be a dynamic characteras his
opinions change about his oldest brother and he becomes significantly tougher and
stronger following the murder. If a character is dynamic, he will treat
The Catholic Faith and Its Postive Outlook Upon the Loss...
The Catholic Faith and Its Postive Outlook Upon the Loss of One s Physical
Presence on Earth
In the face of one of the biggest fears known to man death the Catholic faith provides
a positive outlook upon the loss of ones physical presence on earth. Through the life
and death of Jesus Christ (the hypostatic union of son and Father,) a Christocentric
theology resolves the mystery of death through faith and grace. Gods only Sons death
grants a Catholic Christian with an answer to the why of death, resulting in a
realistic, yet hopeful attitude toward the loss of the physical being, while continuing
to believe in the flourishing life of the spirit in a realm beyond our understanding.
Atheism has always questioned the essence of ... Show more content on ...
A man made in the image of God who saved humanity through love and compassion.
But these views of Christ are also sharply contrasted with the historical Jesus, thus,
through Borg s careful analysis of the scriptures; he brings forth the concepts of a pre
Easter Jesus and post Easter Christ.
Borg s attempt to research Jesus is a means to reveal His humanity, to bring forth
the concept that He was not always all good ; that He too had a temper, He too felt
pain and sorrow, but at the same time, He also had compassion and mercy. By
doing so, through the careful analysis of scripture, Borg brings Jesus reality closer
to our world; demonstrating that Christ was just as flawed and human as us. This
culminates itself as the final revelation of Gods love, by attempting to save us
through a human example of pure love and compassion. Borg carefully reads into
scripture as an oral tale that depicts certain aspects of the Jesus of faith, but at the
same time, brings forth the Jesus of history as a means of placing this ancient faith
in perspective. By doing so Borg proves the essence of the Catholic faith, proving the
atheistic idea of an illusionary faith, to be wrong. This analytical and educated
revelation of Jesus adds a new dimension to the Catholic religion, which brings us
closer to our faith. The Gospels introduce the life of Christ, bringing forth the man,
the human being who shapes the Catholic Christian
The Importance Of Mandated Learning Goals
New teachers struggle with balancing creativity and imposing guidelines and
materials. Mandated learning goals are the requirements set by the Department of
Education that teachers must incorporate into their curriculum. They outline the
concepts that the students must understand before moving on to the next grade. For
example, Missouri Public Schools require that 5th graders must be able to read with
sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension by the end of the school
year as one of their mandated learning goals (Common Core State Standards
Initiative, 2017). Learning mandates remove most opportunities for teachers to be
creative with their lesson plan, because they must teach all the required material
first. One teacher argued that [i]f people think of schools as buildings and do not
pay attention to the people within them and the policies driving them, they do not
understand what schools are and what they could be in people s lives after she had
left her teaching position due to miscommunication and overbearing stipulations
(as cited in Craig, 2014, p. 112). This teacher acknowledged the struggle for
schools to convince the politicians in charge of the mandated learning goals to see
schools as influential in the daily life of those who attend. Also, if teachers do not
cover all of the required material or the students do poorly on the state exams it
reflects a failure on the teachers part. Craig (2014) says the intended effect of the
weeding out of
Starbucks Service Environment
Executive Summary
Adopting a qualitative approach, this report provides an evaluation and critical
analysis of the service process and service environment to evaluate the specialty
coffee house chain, Starbucks Singapore. The report evaluates the purpose and value
of the Starbucks servicescape design, a descriptive illustration of the service
environment with a detailed and clear blue printing of the service process all from an
external view point
Introduction and Company Background
Description of Service Environment Specific Goals, Values and Objectives of
Starbucks Singapore
Servicescape Goals
Starbucks want its servicescape to be the Third Place between work and home,
providing unmatched store experience. Besides ... Show more content on ...
The average waiting time of beverage or espresso is 5 minutes. For other products,
serving is immediate.
Promotions: There is the Singapore Starbucks Card. It is a membership card and
stored value card. It offers its customers on rewards and convenience during
purchases at participating Starbucks stores of Singapore. For example, free
complementary drink and 1 for 1 drinks promotions.
Service Environment Competitors
Starbucks main competitors are quick service restaurant and specialty coffee shops.
They are serving the same or similar core product as what Starbucks providing to
their customer.
Identification of Unique Service Factors that Differentiate Starbucks from Its
Competitors (Including Servicescape)
The Starbucks Experience : There is a friendly and clear connection between staffs
and customers of Starbucks. This is not present in The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf.
Starbucks handpick all of the music played in their stores and create unique
compilations of their own. For example, compilation of pop band Maroon 5 , Latin
Alternative Music Cafe con Musica to motherhood inspired album Every Mother
Counts 2012 .
Supporting Local Music Talents:
Starbucks takes special effort to introduce and feature local music talents in
Singapore under its brand. For example, Brandon Lee and his band. These local
music talents are granted to sell copies of their music CDs in all Starbucks stores
All Lives Matter Analysis
In 2012, a seventeen year old boy named Trayvon Martin was put on trial for his
own murder, and the police officer who killed him, George Zimmerman, was
acquitted. This movement began after the trial, with #BlackLivesMatter being used
on social media to express frustration with the outcome of the trial and the racial
tension in the country. Since then, the movement has grown, gaining support from
celebrities and people around the world. There have been protests in the street, and it
has been acknowledged many times by the media. Everyone should support Black
Lives Matter because it is a movement that empowers Black peopleand focuses
attention on the problems that they face everyday. Black people have been oppressed
in America since the very... Show more content on ...
People have argued that All Lives Matter sends the same message, or even a better
message, than Black Lives Matter because it sound more like a message of equality.
But the message All Lives Matter invalidates black people s problems by equating
them to the problems that everyone else suffers. Assistant professor of African
American Studies at Princeton University, Keeanga Yamahtta Taylor said, The entire
point of Black Lives Matter is to illustrate the extent to which black lives have not
mattered in this country (Victor). Black people face issues specific to them because
of their race, and saying All Lives Matter is a way of ignoring it. Imagine going to
a fundraiser for cancer research and shaming everyone there because other diseases
matter, too (Victor),Many also make the argument the majority of murder in the
African American community is committed by black people. The issue with their
argument is that the majority of crime is intraracial. 93% of black murder victims are
killed by other black people, and 84% of white murder victims are killed by other
white people (Garla). Black people are more disproportionately poor and are more
likely to be targeted by police and arrested, which puts them at a greater risk for
being victims of a violent crime
Why I Choose The Great Depression
The Great Depression The reason i choose the great depression was ,because i find
it interesting that one man could start the great depression. I ask way and how
people could live together out that time. As you can see this is way i choose the
great depression. The 31st. president was Herbert Hoover. Herbert Hoover support
business partnering with the government. Herbert Hoover did a lot of things ,but at
the 8th month of him being president the stock market crash. Herbert hoover try his
best to take care of it. Franklin D. Rooseveltwas the 32nd president. He was the man
that made the New Deal. The new deal are many programs. The new deal helps the
people in need with programs. For in an example Social SecurityAct help the
Canada Was Ceded By New France And Came Under
British Rule
Canada was ceded by New France and came under British rule the year 1763 with
Treaty of Paris . Many provinces of Canada then became part of the British Empire
and it soon started expanding. At first, France saw Aboriginal people as allies and
relied on them for trade wealth and their own survival. After the transfer of power
from French to British, diplomatic relations and alliances between them began to
cease ( french relations/).
The history of Aboriginal policy is characterized by the presence of both Britain and
France as colonizing powers. It was assumed by the Canadian government that the
Aboriginal people are hopeless and they will never be able to adapt to the new...
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The beginning of these facilities was in New France by the Catholic missionaries to
provide care, help, and schooling. These attempts had failed abysmally but these did
set a pattern for future policies. When the British North America Act was passed in
1867, the government was required to provide education to these people to help them
integrate with the society. The government tried many ways to achieve that but there
was no success. In the beginning of 20th century, the government and the churches
came together and developed a system residential schools. Most of these schools
were in the four Western provinces and the territories, but there were also significant
numbers in northwestern Ontario and in northern QuГ©bec. By 1930, the residential
school system had a total of about 80 institutions. Three fifths was operated by the
Roman Catholic Church, one quarter by the Anglican Church and the rest by United
and Presbyterian Churches (
/residential schools/ ). At first, the residential schools operated on a half day basis
which meant that the students will be spending half of their day in school gaining
all the skills and the other half they will spend on using those skills to get
experience. The idea behind this was to make them ready for real world work that
would earn
Why Do People Support Jim Crow Laws
After reading/viewing the Jim Crow pieces, I conclude that people who supported the
Jim Crow laws thought that African Americans were physically, mentally, and
ethically inferior to Caucasians, They used awfully specific and hateful laws to
express their supremacy . The picture Jim Crow supports my statement by showing
animals dressed in better clothing than the African Americanman featured in the
illustration. He seems cheerful and carefree in those tattered clothes, reinforcing Jim
Crow s supporters view that African Americans are naturally crazy and of a lower
class. This steadfast belief provided the reasoning for the laws and punishments
common with places under the influence of Jim Crow. Speaking of laws, the rules
and guidelines
Modern Inquisitions Chapter Summaries
Tim Huntress History 1110:005 Dr. Sivananda Mantri Modern Inquisitions: Peru
and the Colonial Origins of the Civilized World The book Modern Inquisitions:
Peru and the Colonial Origins of the Civilized World was written by Irene
Silverblatt. This book described the medieval civilization of Peru and colonial
Andes. It also went into great detail about the inquisitions of the Roman Catholic
church. Irene Marsha Silverblatt was born on September 14, 1948 in Philadelphia,
PA. She graduated college from the University of Michigan. She is now a Professor
at Duke University. This book focused mainly on the Spanish inquisition of Peru from
1570 to 1820. In this time Spanish colonists brought the European way of life to Peru.
An inquisition was a judicial stystem in the Roman Catholic church that aimed to
fight heresy.... Show more content on ...
It was first abolished by virtue of a Cortes decree. In 1815 it was reconstituted but
their target was now the ideas from the French, who had more civilized ideas. Most
people who were accused of crimes after this were only given probation. However
a breakthrough came with the promotion of Jose de la Serna to the viceroyship of
Peru. The inquisition eventually fell apart due to its own fault. The hero who
abolished the inquisition was Jose de la Serna, who lived from 1770 1832. He was
a respected Spanish general and colonial official of Peru. He was the last Spanish
viceroy of Peru to exercise effective power from January 29, 1821 to December
1824. He carried out orders as the viceroy to negotiate for a peaceful settlement of
Peru which would not allow the Roman Catholic church inquisition to be a part of
it. `In the end there was a war called the Peruvian War of Independence. It was a
series of military conflicts beginning in 1811 that culminated in the proclamation of
the independence of Peru by Jose de San Martin on July 28, 1821. This war
eventually gave Peru their independence from
The Code Of Ethics As Defined By The Council On...
Scenario 1: Ethical Codes Potentially Impacted The three principles from the Code
of Ethics as defined by the Council on Certification of Rehabilitation Counselors that
came to mind when reading this scenario were Beneficence, Justice and Veracity.
The Code of Ethics as defined by the Council on Certification of Rehabilitation
Counselors that I feel are impacted in this particular scenario would be outlined in
section D: Professional Responsibility. D.5. Responsibility to the Public and Other
Professionals: d. Exploitation of Others: Rehabilitation Counselors do not exploit
others in their professional relationships to seek or receive unjustified personal gains,
sexual favors, unfair advantages or unearned goods or services. f.... Show more
content on ...
By expressing understanding of the Superintendents concerns during the initial
conversation I feel that his frustrations were validated. While no promises were
made to provide additional sponsorship in return for job placement the meeting
would accomplish the following, as the counselor I would be able to discuss with the
Superintendent the policy and criteria requirements regarding college sponsorship
for students. I would also be able to further discuss and advocate for clients to obtain
job placement within the school system. Scenario 2: Ethical Codes Potentially
Impacted Ethical codes potentially impacted: A.4 Avoiding Harm and Avoiding
Value Imposition; a. Avoiding Harm Rehabilitation counselors act to avoid harming
clients, trainees, supervisees and research participants and to minimize or to remedy
unavoidable or unanticipated harm. Section K: Business Practices; K4. Termination
(2) As appropriate, rehabilitation counselors refer clients to other qualified
professional to address issues unresolved at the time of termination ( Microsoft
Word CRCCodeOfEthics CRCCodeOfEthics.pdf, n.d.). Two Potential Courses of
Action One course of action would be to do nothing. Continue working with the
client as if you were not aware of the fact that he had relapsed. The second course of
action would be to schedule a meeting with the client and assess the situation. Course
of Action I believe that the second course of action would be the most appropriate. I
Research Methodology
A study of the effect of bribery and corruption with lack of censorship in the
governmental institution
There are various reasons why corruption takes place and takes hold. Sometimes it
is due to the fact that officials are simply not paid very much and so they need to
supplement their salaries with money from bribes. Sometimes the bureaucratic
system is set up in such a way that officials simply refuse to carry out their duties
unless they are encouraged by being offered bribes. In other cases it is actually part
of the tradition and culture of a country to give and receive gifts in order to get
anything done. In some cases companies from less corrupt countries allegedly engage
in bribery in order ... Show more content on ...
Mostly, corruption occurs in environments where it is tolerated and where the
temptation is too strong to resist. In the following paragraph there are some
examples of how bribes take place in each and every one of them. The enormous
scale of grand corruption in Peru was revealed in 2000 by discoveries leading to
the resignation and self exile of the president, Alberto Fujimori. Video taped
evidence showed that Vladimir Montesano s, Fujimori s spy chief, had repeatedly
bribed congressmen to defect to Fujimori s party to ensure its majority in congress.
In addition, large bribes had enabled Montesano s to control most of the media and
influence the judiciary. However, Fujimori is credited with having reduced petty
corruption. His administration pursued policies reducing the role of government,
which he justified not only on efficiency grounds, but on the grounds that reducing
the role of government would reduce opportunities for corruption. He attempted to
reduce corruption in the police and municipal governments, in the latter case by
establishing a supervisory agency to field citizen complaints. However, his reforms
of the judiciary are thought to have made it more corrupt. Despite some progress,
however, several institutions with which ordinary people have much contact were
judged to be corrupt by Transparency International in a November 2001 report. ast
week did not begin well for Siemens CEO Klaus Kleinfeld, 49, and supervisory board
Bach And His Life Story Of Johann Sebastian Bach
Many people admire listening to music and enjoy watching operas. Composers have
the main part in this activity and are the most important. Music listeners know many
composers, including old and new ones. There are many famous composers that have
been well known for the years in the past. Some famous composers include Johann
Sebastian Bach, Franz Joseph Haydn, George Fredrick Handel, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Antonio Vivaldi, and Ludwig van Beethoven. The most well known
composer would have to be Johann Sebastian Bach. Do you know of Bach and his
life story?
Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Central Germany in Eisenach on March 21,
1685(2). His father, grandfather, and great grandfather were involved with music,
which made Bach destined to take part in music(1). Before Bach was ten years old
his parents has passed and he went to live with his oldest brother(2). His brother
had taught him how to play the harpsichord and the clavichord(2). At the age of
fifteen Bach had left his brother and supported himself by singing in church choir
and playing the organ and the violin and by the age of eighteen he became an
organist at Arnstadt(1). A couple years later on October 17th, 1707, Bach had got
married to Maria Barbara, his second cousin, and had seven children(1). About
thirteen years later Maria had passed (1720). Then, on December 3rd, 1721 he was
remarried to a woman named Anna Magdalena, which they had 13 children(1).
Moving on to Bach s music career he started out by first
Beck Manufacturing Plant Capacity
Beck Manufacturing Plant Capacity
Pete Garcia
BUS644: Operations Management
October 26, 2014 Dr.: Gail Hoskyns Long
Ashford University
Beck Manufacturing Plant Capacity
In this paper, we will focus on the case study, which discusses about the plant capacity
and Beck Manufacturing. In addition, after reading the case study it becomes evident
that we need to help Beck s Manufacturing, president in making the best decision
possible in regards to determining his facilities capacity. Therefore, we need to note
that Beck s Manufacturing is a major producer of steering gears in the auto industry.
Nevertheless, we also need to know how the manufacturing process is being done,
thus allowing us to ... Show more content on ...
Now, let us note that there are 3 machines, thus giving us a total of 2,880 units. In
addition, the Boring represents a 25 reject rate, giving us 58 in units. Nevertheless, if
we subtract 2,880 units produced by all three machines from 58 units, then we will
get a new total of 2,822 units.
The Drilling Capacity
The following includes, the Drilling Capacity, which has a run time of 2.5 minutes
per piece. Therefore, this produces a total of 384 units per machine, giving us a total
of 960 minutes. In addition, providing that there are a total of 6 machines, thus
giving us a total of 2,304 units. Moving forward, giving that we know that Drilling
has a 75 reject rate, and thus providing us with a total of 162 units. Nevertheless, if
we subtract the total amount of units produced from all 6 machines of 2,304 units
with the 162 units, this will provide us with a new total of 2,142 units.
The System Capacity In order to find the capacity system, we are able to take the
lowest number in units, of course after the reject rate, which for this case is produced
by the grinding with 2,128 units. Therefore, because we are unable to produce more
units due to reaching the capacity mark, or for no more product to be allowed
through in the completed cycle. Thus, the capacity system turns out to be 2,128 units.
Capacity utilization and machine scheduling also reflect tactical
Inadequate Support From The Government During The
1920 s
After the end of World War 1, the US economy entered into a new period in which
progressive refunds of the 1910 s ended. Until Warren G Harding s appointment in
1920 as president, the economy experienced an economic boom. Inadequate attention
to the unions and social problems led to regulated business. The year of 1910 was a
period of trust busting and 1920 concluded it which went back to the time of non
government intervention. Immigrants were disturbed with certain issues like
persecution and other economic problems. Inadequate support from the government
after World War 1 made minorities to suffer. Mellon was appointed by Warren G
Harding s during his term as president policies that decrease taxationon businesses
and other companies in the United States, the various classes of the citizens from
the highest, middle and lowest. The success of the policy led to the decline of the
government expenditure which dropped from 6.4 million in 1920 to 3.3 billion in
1922.America s debt in 1920 was 24billion; it later dropped to 18 billion in 1929.
Mellon succeeded when he dealt with the post war depression. At the time of the war,
he declined taxes, more money for investment in business that created jobs. The
income increased and many citizens into the business line. Knowing the
consequences of revenue and economic impacts, it considered the aftermath of the
1920 taxrate reduction by the Treasury secretary Andrew Mellon under Presidents
Warren Harding
Difference In Culture In Everyday Use By Alice Walker
Being away from family for such a long time may cause a big difference in culture.
Not only culture, but just what a person is accustom to in general. Especially, if
they are not only away but living in an entire different part of the world. Many
families struggle and don t get along because of differences in behavior and in
culture. In the story, Everyday Use written by Alice Walker the narrator
throughout the
story is the mother of both Maggie, and Dee, however the story would be
somewhat different if it was written in the perspective of Maggie, Dee, or even an
omniscient narrator. First, If the story were written in Maggie s point of view, it
would not change quite as much. However, some things would become more clear
to the audience. For example, when Dee was arguing with Mama as to why she
should keep the quilts, had the story been told in her point of view the audience
would understand why she said, She can have them, Mama ... I can member
Grandma Dee without the quilts (Walker 7). Many who have read the story may
have their own beliefs of why she would willingly give up something that would
mean so much to her. Though Mama thought she knew exactly why. Perhaps she
offered it because earlier in the story Mama explained how she believed Maggie sees
Dee, ...eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe. She thinks her sister has
held life always in the palm of one hand, and that no is a word the world never
learned to say to her (Walker 1). Dee has always
Business Collaboration, Rather Than Market Competition
fast growing market requires mutually beneficial partnerships to gain creativity,
experience, processes, technology and resources with both right and left brain
thinkers, that helps in achieving extraordinary achievements in lesser time which
technically framed as collaboration. By making partnerships or collaborating
externally, companies are able to innovate and get develop much more quickly and
even create solutions of too many problems with an effective and efficient way.
(Mudge, 2014) Competition can be define as it is the rivalry among sellers
who are trying to achieve same goals such as increasing profits, market share and
sales volume by varying price, product, distribution and promotion (Wikipedia,
2014). In market competition, innovative business firms are ever conscious of the
competitors and have a constant look on differentiating their brand and product by
many different innovations and developments (, 2014). With a happier
working team, collaboration represents an educated one. This is because it naturally
inspires a sense of community within an organization and employees feel almost
like they are a part of a family. Further, it also allows employees to learn from each
other (, 2014). The worldwide internet has been a fantastic enabler for
greater collaborations. Social media channels allow individuals to connect, discuss,
The Prelude, By William Wordsworth
Mind and Imagination An elevated concentration to the way the mind works is
without a doubt one of the most significant attributes of Romantic poetry. In William
Wordsworth s poem, The Prelude, the poet allows several memories from his youth to
be brought up again in his adulthood and looks to grasp onto these certain influences
that have assisted in establishing his mindand could potentially help him become the
best poet possible. John Keats described his idea of imaginationto a friend in an 1877
letter: I am certain of nothing save the holiness of the heart s affections and the truth
of the imagination. What the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth, whether it
existed before or not. The obsession that Keats had with the imaginative idea to
escape from everyday life led him to write The Fall of Hyperion. Both poets use
cognitive interpretations as a way to express inner beliefs about the human mind or
imagination. Like mentioned in class, Wordsworth begins with his alienation
experiences in Prelude 1 and concludes with his adjustment statements in Prelude 11
and 13 and Keats development within The Fall shows the start of a happy innocence
into a rather painful maturity.
Like mentioned above, Wordsworth writes The Prelude as a tool in which to show
exactly how youthful memories are able to be turned into something very
constructive in adulthood. The poem is not only the record of those memories, but
records, with great sensitivity, the very process
The Critical Medical Issue of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM)
Diabetes is one the most critical medical issues of our time. According to the Center
of Disease Control and Prevention nearly 26 million Americans (approximately 8%
of all Americans) have diabetes and an estimated of 79 million adults are pre
diabetes. Approximately $200 billion per year is lost due to diabetes because of
medical treatments and lost wages. Insulin resistance and the dysfunction of beta cells
are the two pathogenic hallmarks of the development and progression of T2DM.
Studies have shown that pancreatic beta cell functional mass is affected in T2DM (1,
2). Secretion of insulin stimulated by glucose is lower in human islets of Langerhans
isolated from patients with T2DM than from normal individuals (1, 3). Knowledge of
the molecular mechanism underlying defects in beta cell function found in humans
and animal models of T2DM is incomplete. Without a more complete understanding
of the mechanisms that regulate beta cell insulin secretion we will be unable to
develop new approaches to prevent and treat diabetes.
Physiological aspects of beta cell function Beta cells of the endocrine pancreas
constantly monitor glucose levels circulating in the blood and respond accordingly by
releasing insulin. Glucose is the primary physiological stimulus of insulin secretion.
When blood glucose concentration is elevated, glucose is transported across the beta
cell plasma membrane by passive diffusion through glucose transporters (GLUT 1
Social Intelligence And Social Quotient
Gone are the days when one used to think that IQ EQ are only the two components
required in a work place. To keep up, we must be able to present ourselves as a total
package in and outside of work. Therefore the need of Social Quotient has risen for a
working professional which is equally important as Intelligence Quotient Emotional
Quotient. The degree of Social Quotient increases when it comes to working women.
This paper would attempt to find reasons of success in working women due to their
Social Quotient. The paper would also cite differences of SQ in male female in their
working environment. In the paper the attempts are made to design measurement
techniques and framework after studying various models related to Social ... Show
more content on ...
Verbal Fluency and Conversational Skills.
B.Knowledge of Social Roles, Rules, and Scripts.
C.Effective Listening Skills.
D.Understanding What Makes Other People Tick.
E.Role Playing and Social Self Efficacy.
V.Differences in Men Women Working In Workplace
According to Science the Brain of a Male Female is dissimilar. A Women have four
times the number of brain cells connecting the right and left side of the brain while
men have connections running front and back of same side of brain. Males tend to
use left brain more to solve one problem one step at a time. Women focus on more
than one problem at time and prefer to solve problems through multiple activities at a
time using both the brains.
Table 1: Differences in Male Female Brain
Male BrainFemale Brain
Links run from front back of same side of brainConnections run from side to side
between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
Better at spatial tasks involving muscle controlBetter at verbal tasks involving
memory and intuition.
Good at Motor skills which involves map reading and giving directions More intuitive
thinkers and have better emotional intelligence
Tubular thinking One at a timePeripheral thinking Multi
Cycle Of Life And Imagery In The Grave By Katherine
The Grave by Katherine Anne Porter is a story that illustrates the initiation of a child
from innocence to experience. The underlying theme behind the central idea of
innocence to experience is the cycle of life and death and rebirth. This theme is
illustrated in the young protagonist, Miranda, and her epiphany on the concept of the
cycle of life and rebirth. The dominant tone in The Grave is melancholic, and that
tone is created through the language elements of symbolism, diction, and imagery.
The story s tone is also supported by the fictionelement character. Porter begins the
story with Miranda and her brother Paul exploring a graveyard while out hunting. As
they continue with their hunt, Paul shoots a rabbitthat is about to give birth. Paul
proceeds to carefully slit the dead rabbit open revealing her young unborn babies.
This moment is an epiphany for young Miranda as she understands the meaning of
rebirth and the cycle of life and death. Miranda later reflects upon this incident years
later in a foreign city s busy bazaar and is reminded of the event that transformed her
from an innocent child to a more experienced and knowledgeable young woman. One
of the most important language elements that Porter uses in the story is symbolism,
which illustrates innocence and experience. Porter uses symbolism when Miranda and
Paul explore their forefathers graves. The graves represent death and experience,
while Miranda and Paul represent childhood and innocence.
Rastafarianism Beliefs and Rituals
Joaquim Domingos Baptista
Dr. Peter Patton
Western Arts and Culture
Rastafarianism Beliefs and Rituals The incorporation in many modern societies of
dread locks amongst youths, the ever increasing efforts to legalize marijuana; what
started out as an entirely black oriented religion spread throughout the world,
particularly in the 1970s because of the popularity of reggae music, and currently
has around one million followers in Japan, New Zealand, and elsewhere (Simpson
96) , along with many other activities that we are accustomed to in the American
pluralistic society, represents a form of rituals and beliefs that have been brought to
the mainstream by the Rastafarians. I had often been puzzled by the way in which my
... Show more content on ...
Note also that many beliefs and rituals may vary from one group to the next
depending on their demographic location. Information regarding this investigation
was obtained from various internet sources, books, and scholarly published journals.
There are a few main beliefs that can be described as being truly Rastafarians, They
are the following!
Haile Selassie is the living God. All true Rastafarians believe that Haile Selassie,
the emperor of Ethiopia, is the true and living God, at least for the black race. One
member of the Rastafarian Repatriation Association it explained this way: We know
before that when a king should be crowned in the land of David s throne, that
individual would be Shiloh, the anointed one, the Messiah, the Christ returned in the
personification of Rastafari. He (Ras Tafari) is the Ancient of Days (The bearded
God). The scripture declares that the hair of whose head was like wool (matted hair),
whose feet were like unto burning brass (i.e., black skin). The scripture declares that
God hangs in motionless space surrounded with thick darkness (hence a black man).
Rastafarians also regard Haile Selassie I as God because of Marcus Garvey s
prophesy Look to Africa where a black king shall be crowned, he shall be the
redeemer was swiftly followed by the ascension of Haile Selassie I as Emperor of
Ethiopia. The notion of Haile Selassie being the God of the black
Ethical Treatment Of Factory Farmed Animals
The treatment of factory farmed animals has always been questionable. These
animals are born and bred to be killed and consumed. Although, these animals are
obviously going to be eventually killed and eaten, the treatment of them while they
are alive, and during their execution is unethical and should be illegal. With the rise
of documentaries exposing the unethical and, quite frankly, disgusting treatment of
factory farmed animals, the issue has never been more prevalent than it is in the
present. The large companies that produce and sell meatfor inexpensive prices are to
blame for the unethical treatment of the factory farmed animals that people
consume. Companies like Perdue and Tyson make a huge profit off of their meats
being produced cheaply, quickly, and, quantitatively (Kenner, 2009). The Robert
Kenner 2009 documentary called Food Inc. focused on the horrible and the
deplorable conditions that animals were put through, while being raised to be
slaughtered. The animals in many, if not all of the farms under Perdue and Tyson
are being abused and neglected. The chickens used for various products from both
companies are left in complete darkness, in small hot spaces where there are so
many of them, they are unable to even turn around (Kenner, 2009). The chickens are
also force fed with food that include growth hormones to speed up the time in which
these animals are ready to be killed. The hormones that the chickens are given not
only speed up their maturity from 90
Essay Low Carbohydrate Diets
Low Carbohydrate Diets
What is a carbohydrate?
A carbohydrate is a member of a large class of natural organic substances.
Carbohydrates are in almost everything we eat, sometimes in very small amounts but
often times in substantial quantities. Some examples of common carbohydrates are
sugars, starch and cellulose. Carbohydrates are important because they provide a
storage of energy in our bodies that is quickly accessible. In fact, carbohydrates
make up the major source of dietary energy for people all over the world (Stephen
1995). In addition, carbohydrate intake increases levels of a substance called
tryptophan in the body, which releases serotonin in the brain. Whether this
phenomenon affects our hunger and eating habits is ... Show more content on ...
The majority of low carb diets are based on the assumption that obesity and most of
its related problems are often (maybe even usually) caused by an insulin problem,
not chronic overeating, fat consumption, or refined sugars per se (http:/
/ Therefore, a low carb diet seeks to curb
carbohydrate cravings by lowering overall carbohydrate intake. The philosophy of
low carb diets is that when the cravings have subsided, not only will carbohydrate
intake be substantially lower, but food intake in general will decline, resulting in
weight loss. There are many low carb diet plans that are available. Some of the most
popular include:
Entering The Zone , by Dr. Sears
Dr. Atkins low carbohydrate diet
Dr. Richard Heller and Dr. Rachel Heller s Healthy For Life
and The Carbohydrate Addict s Diet
Dr. Michael Eades and Dr. Mary Eades Protein Power
The philosophy is that by restricting carb intake, the cravings for carbs will subside,
resulting in a decline in overall food consumption and weight loss.
Are low carb diets effective?
Will I lose weight on a low carb diet?
The web contains countless testimonials from people who have successfully tried low
carb diets. They maintain that they no longer crave cookies and junk, nor do they
have carbohydrate binges any longer. The
Labyrinth Of Suffering Analysis
How do we get out of this labyrinth of suffering? It s a simple question to ask, but
the answer is one not quite so easy to search out and uncover. You d be more likely
to discover a bag of dusty, old dinosaur bones in your backyard before you could
uncover the answer to that question. In order to answer the questionat hand, you must
first understand three things. One; a labyrinth is a maze leading you through Hell
and back, filled with false paths, twists, and turns don t get lost. Two; as long you let
even a single thought prance throughout your head for too long whether it be good or
bad your mind will be completely and utterly chaotic. And three; to find your way out
of the labyrinth, you must first learn to forgive.
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The scent I remember was like a punch to the face. It made me cough and gag and
forced me to roll onto my side as a violent fit of coughing shook my trembling frame.
I wasn t sure what I had been expecting that day. Certainly not flowers and sunshine
and scented candles. But I sure hand t expected the rancid stench of decay, and
something else, as well. I ve only ever been able to describe it as a smell like death.
Not cancer death, though. It was sour and foul and could make a full grown man
want to vomit. It smelled like rotting insides with maggots feeding on dead flesh with
flies buzzing above and insides covering the ground and splattering the walls with
dozens of worms slithering around inside the bloodied tissue; that sort of death.
After I had overcome the violent coughing and had a trickle of blood going down my
scarred chin, I had opened my eyes and propped my sore body up with my
The Lamb and the Tyger Essay
The Tyger and The Lamb by William Blake, written in 1794 included both of these
poems in his collection Songs of Innocence and Song of Experience, takes readers
on a journey of faith. Through a cycle of unanswered questions, William Blake
motivates the readers to question God. These two poems are meant to be interpreted
in a comparison and contrast. They share two different perspectives, those being
innocence and experience. To Blake, innocence is not better than experience. Both
states have their good and bad sides. The Tygeris basically the negative reciprocal of
The Lambbecause it challenges God. The main questionthat Blake is asking in the
two poems is that how can the same God make such a vicious animal and also make
such... Show more content on ...
The child questions the lamb as to where he came from and asks, Little Lamb, who
made thee?/ Dost though know who made thee?/ (Blake 1 2) Throughout the poem
the speaker continues to argue the lamb about its nature, as if to repress the lamb s
self worth. When the child receive no answers, he decides that he will tell the lamb
where he came from. He says, Little Lamb, I ll tell thee! (12). Jesus was a child once
and the speaker relates saying, I a child ump; thou a lamb/ We are called by his name.
( 17 18), meaning we are all Lambs of God. The child then ends the poem by sending
God s blessings to the lamb. Blake is speaking of what he sees are the positive
aspects of the common beliefs of Christianity. However, it is not an accurate picture
of the world because there it does not speak about the presence of evil in our world,
which is followed by his poem The Tyger .
Blake s The Tyger is the contrast poem to The Lamb . The Tyger is the experience
the loss of innocence that The Lamb seems to personify. The poem explores the
perfectly beautiful and destructive tyger. According to Thomas Curley, The Tyger
included a small painted representation of a four footed symmetrical animal, The
visual and printed symbol of the tiger has an immense complexity of meaning. The
tiger signifies more than evil; it also suggests a mysterious, passionate, and violent
beauty at odds with the pat, peaceful innocence of its contrar (Curley 1 2).
Apple Juice As A Critical Review Outline For The Written...
GC MS Method for Patulin Detection in Apple Juice
A Critical Review Outline for the Written Final Exam
I) Introduction:
A) Information about the research article:
1) Full Citation: Xiao, H.; Fu, S. J. AOAC Int. 2012, 95, 1709 1712.
2) Title: A Sensitive Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Method for the
Determination of Patulin in Apple Juice.
3) Goal/Thesis: To develop, improve, and validate an existing AOAC method for
trace level detection of patulin in apple juice products by GC MS.
4) Overall purpose: To reduce human s exposure to patulin, a naturally occurring
carcinogenic mycotoxin, known to pose serious health hazards.
B) Research Context: Patulin Control as a Global Issue:
Apple juice market constantly expands, which ... Show more content on ...
However, the article s title is too broad and vague. It does not mention neither the use
of the previously published AOAC analytical method, nor the name of the internal
standard. Weakness.
Proposed title revision: Utilizing 3 NBA as an internal standard to improve an
official AOAC method to derive a simple and sensitive quantification protocol for
trace level detection of patulin in apple juice products by GC MS.
The Abstract is also presented in a coherent manner. It summarizes the objective and
the main results (LOD, LOQ, R2 values). It also highlights the advantage of the
internal standard used as well as going into detail about the simplified sample
preparation and the efficient liquid extraction step, which all contribute to the method
s development.
The Abstract and Introduction are well structured, and both state the objective of the
research in enough detail (Strength). However, the title does not adequately state the
same objective, and thus it needs a revision (Weakness).
2) Methods:
The Method section is well organized, and has six separate subsections.
In the 1st subsection, all the chemicals used in the research are described. They were
purchased from Australia, where the research was done, and solvents and other
compounds were HPLC grade. Strength.
In the 2nd
Father And Son Relationship In The Kite Runner
A parent and a child s relationship is one of the strongest bonds on this earth. We
look up to our parents and all we want to do is make them proud but what if you try
so hard to make them proud and still nothing. If you long for the love and respect
of your parents and do everything in your power to obtain this and you still feel
like you don t get this specific bond with them that you so badly desire, this can be
difficult and especially growing up feeling this way. Amir and Baba did not have a
normal father and son relationship. Amir ached for this relationship but Baba never
felt that for Amir, there was many reasons for this relationship being this way. Baba
blaming Amir for the death of his wife, Amir believing that Baba admires Hassan
more than himself ,and the fact that Baba... Show more content on ...
Ever since this Baba has silently and secretly blamed Amir for taking his first and
only love away from him. And everyday now he sees Amir he will always think of
Sofia and how she is no longer with him. This obviously affects their relationship and
I m not sure if Amir realizes this fact because he never knew his mother and the very
little he knew about his mother was what his father had told him. Another person
that impacted the relationship of Amir and Baba was Hassan. Hassan was a young
servant of the estate, Amir s best friend and the son of Ali and Sanaubar even
though she left when Hassan was younger. Baba admired Hassan because he was
loyal, forgiving, and good natured. Also because he was Baba s son, neither him or
Amir knew this but Sanaubar and Baba were the true father and mother of Hassan.
For this reason alone he obviously cared see for Hassan. And anyone Baba showed
any affection to Amir was not happy with because Baba had never showed him this
same affection. This was a main reason why Amir and Hassan didn t have the
healthiest relationship and
The Problem Of Innocent Death Row Inmates
The first thing that used to run through my mind when I heard that someone had
been sentenced to death was the word: guilty. David Wayne Spence and David
Junior Brown are only a few of the many that were executed by the judicial system,
and later found innocent. There is no way to truly know how many innocent people
were executed; because once an execution is carried out most cases are shut. Could a
fabricated eye witness testimony play a role in a defendant receiving capital
punishment? I know race does. I want to become a forensic psychologist, and a part
of my job will be assisting judges with sentences in the court room. There is this
question that has been bothering me for awhile now, and I would like to know, how
has the United States judicial system addressed the problem of innocent death row
inmates being executed? I do not support the death penalty mainly because of the
imperfections within the system that has caused innocent citizens on death row to be
falsely convicted and executed. No nation is perfect, but this has occurred on more
than one occasion. This system needs to be studied and resolved so this does not
happen again. In 1984, an innocent man named David Wayne Spence faced charges
for the capital murders of three teenagers. Unfortunately, he was convicted of all
charges, sentenced to death, and executed on April 3, 1997 (Mills, Armstrong, and
According to criminal journalist William Kreutner, there was no type of physical
evidence that
Persuasive Adverts
Yet another rejection! I thought she kinda liked me. I mean, she smiled at me,
laughed at my jokes, chatted to me all the time. Maybe she was just being nice,
after all women want a guy who is confident, good looking, stylish, the ones you see
in movies or on aftershave adverts. Not poor, gawky looking guys like me
He continues to go over the events of last night, trying to work out if she really
liked him or whether she was just leading him on, then crushing him for her
enjoyment. It wouldn t be the first time he had fallen victim to this. On his way in
to work his dead end job at the local leisure centre, he continues to lay into himself,
head down, eyes on the pavement as he aimlessly kicks stones and conkers. A few
paces ahead of him something drifts to the ground. It s golden, shiny and about the
size of a credit card, but more flimsy. Stirred out of depressive daydreams for just a
second, he rushes ... Show more content on ...
You are the the lucky winner of the one of a kind Pussy Pass! From this point on,
your life will never, and I mean never be the same. Wipe that hand clean, put back
that bottle of lotion and put away that fleshlight, because you will never need a
substitute for pussy again! The Pussy Pass is a revolutionary new device that will
completely change the way guys pick up chicks. No more flirting, no more having
to buy drinks, no more having to wine and dine, no more even having to date! Heck,
the owner of the Pussy Pass doesn t even have to deal with rejection any more.
When you reveal the Pussy Pass to a woman, it uses completely new and
revolutionary technology to release a hypnotic wave, affecting everyone in a 10m
radius. The woman it is pointed to specifically will behave however you want, and
do anything you ask her to. I mean it, anything. Well, that effect will only last until
you finish on or in her. During this time, everyone else affected will simply continue
their day, however they will forget that you or your target exist at
A Brief Note On Google Self Driving Car
Google Self Driving Car is the first of autonomous cars successfully made today,
developed by Google X as part of its project to develop mainly electric cars. The
technology in Google s cars is named Google Chauffeur. The project was led by
Sebastian Thrun, former director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
and co inventor of Google Street View. Thrun s team at Stanford created the first
self driving vehicle named Stanley, which was the only car that won the 2005
DARPA Challenge, a $2 million prize from the United States Department of Defense.
There were 15 engineers working on this project for Google, including Chris
Urmson, Mike Montemerlo, and Anthony Levandowski who had worked on the
DARPA Grand and Urban... Show more content on ...
The more unpredictable issues is with powerful natural phenomenon. The On
September 1, 1859, an astronomer named Richard Carrington used his private
observatory attached to his country estate outside of London. When he looked up at
the sun with it one day, he noticed and began to sketch a cluster of enormous dark
spots that freckled the sun s surface. Out of nowhere Carrington saw a two patches of
intensely bright white light erupting from the sunspots after 5 minutes later, it
disappeared, he did not know how important this discovery was because within hours
the whole world would know it happened. That same night telegraph communications
around the world failed there were reports of sparks showering from machines,
shocking operators and setting papers on fire. All over the planet, colorful auroras
(norther lights) illuminated the night sky; glowing so brightly that birds started to
chirp and people started working, because they thought that is was morning. Imagine
if something like that hit today. All electronics would fail, and you are self driving
car and if
Essay about Should Adult Content Music Be Removed from
Frank Zappa really called it. As I was listening to him speak, I found myself in
agreement with everything he said in the clip shown in Blackboard; much of what
he, John Denver and Dee Snider said echoes my sentiments. I especially agree with
his comments that the basis for the PMRC was a distraction from other issues that
the Senate was attempting to sneak by an unsuspecting American public;
furthermore, I believe this served as a means to further Al Gore s political agenda.
Tipper Goreresigning from the PMRC in 1992 after Al became vice president
proves just that. Additionally, I too believe that the Senate Committee hearings were
an abuse of power, and also a major conflict of interest to head or preside as a
member of any committee... Show more content on ...
Does the 1st amendment protect their freedom of speech? Again, absolutely and
resoundingly, yes. John Denver stated this eloquently, saying that suppression should
not be tolerated in society and censorship is the first step to suppression; he continues
on likening it to Nazi Germany; which banned and burned books.
Is their material pornographic ? Explicit language, most definitely, pornographic, in
my opinion, no. However, to others, maybe; since the word graphic can be used to
mean illustrative, pictorial, drawn, diagrammatic, visual, in this sense, not
necessarily. Used in the context of the other meanings of graphic; such as, explicit,
lifelike, realistic, vivid, striking, detailed, full, clear, leaving nothing to the
imagination, than I would say yes it could be considered pornographic.
Is the 2LC album cover derogatory towards women? I do not believe it is, the cover
depicts women in thong bikini swim suits; which you see women wearing on beaches
everywhere in the world.
Can you think of any example of men being placed in a sexist role similar to the
depiction of women on the 2LC album cover? Yes, I can. On the cover and inside
pages of Playgirl magazine; which was founded in 1973, during the height of the
feminist movement in response to men s magazines such as Playboy, founded in
1953; and Penthouse, founded in 1965; which we all know featured similar photos of
Did the PMRC and the Parental Advisory
Idiopathic Interstitial Pulmonary Firosis ( Ipf ) Essay
Idiopathic interstitial pulmonary firosis (IPF) is considered the most common form
of interstitial lung disease (ILD). Its course is a progressive of and its cause is
unknown. Idiopathic interstitial pulmonary firosis aٶect the gas exchange as it
results in chronic inflmmation and progressive firosis of lung parenchyma. Рќe signs
and symptoms of this disease consist of progressive dyspnea, hypoxia, clubbing and
crepitations at the lung bases [1]. IPF is a fatal lung disease; the natural history is
variable and unpredictable: Most patients with IPF demonstrate a gradual worsening
of lung function over years; a minority of patients remains stable or declines rapidly.
Some patients may experience episodes of acute respiratory worsening despite
previous stability. РќH ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT 2011 Revised Diagnostic Criteria Р
diagnosis of IPF is based on the absence of a known cause of lung firosiscomputed
tomography (CT) fidings and, in cases with CT abnormalities that are not classical
for IPF, the use of pathological criteria [2]. An 2Щ№FLDO ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT
Statement IPF is defied as a specifi form of chronic, progressive firosing interstitial
pneumonia of unknown cause, occurring primarily in older adults, limited to the
lungs, and associated with the histopathologic and/or radiologic pattern of unspecifid
interstitial pneumonia (UIP) [3]. РќH Diagnosis of IPF Requires 1. Exclusion of
other known causes of interstitial lung disease (ILD) Рќe presence of a unspecifid
Women Saints Of The 5th And 6th Centuries Essay
A Transvestite Saint: Mary/Marina (Stouck #13)
Disguised female ascetic living was a romantic tradition and a dominant image in
biographies of women saints of the 5th and 6th centuries.
The origins of the story of Marina are uncertain, but similar stories may have been
produced by monks who were interested in spreading monastic beliefs, or by monks
who were preoccupied with sexual temptation. The natural sexual temptations of
celibate monks could have been the underlying reason why stories, like the one of
Marina, were retold and remained popular throughout the Middle Ages. The feminine
gender has been an opposing force against the sanctity of early male Christians
because monks struggled with sexual temptation, lust, and possibly involvement in
sexual activities.
Monks were primarily concerned with defining virtuous ascetic behavior in stories
like the one of Saint Marina. But it seems almost to good to be true that monks and
ascetics were flawless with obeying rules like celibacy. The point of this story was to
honor the strength of a devoted holy woman and to show the world how monks are
unconditionally devoted to God. But there is an an underlying assumption that the
story is an accurate representation of how devoted monks really were, especially
when it came to controlling biological and bodily needs. The point of the story was
to convince audiences that monks do not participate in sex, but I see past that and I
make a bold argument that the monks potentially
Descartes Ontological Argument For God s Existence
In Descartes Meditations a problem termed the Cartesian Circle arises. Critics
accuse Descartes of arguing with circular reasoning. Simply, the Cartesian Circle
is we are sure that what we clearly and distinctly perceive is true only because God
exists. But we can be sure that God exists only because we clearly and distinctly
perceive this. (Objections and Replies, 214). Descartes counters the critics with the
example of memory. Descartes believes that although we clearly and distinctly
perceive in the present, God is necessary to continually affirm clear and distinct
perception when we remember that clear and distinct perception. Descartes response
is not sufficient to breaking the circle. Moreover, I assert that Descartes or any other...
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The reasoning is we know that God is not a deceiver because God is supremely
benevolent by nature. Since deception would not be good and not being good
would be an imperfection, God is supremely benevolent by nature. In other words,
since deceiving us would not be in God s supremely good nature, we can trust that
our clear and distinct perceptions are true. An objection to this second section is
that we are deceived occasionally be it by sense or believing that the Earth is the
center of the universe. If God would not deceive us, why are we deceived?
Descartes replies by searching for the source of error. He discovers that error occurs
when our will extends over understanding. When the will extends over
understanding, we are assenting to something beyond the scope of our
understanding. When we are not indifferent about things we have doubt about, we
commit an error. However, when we remain unresponsive about things and a clear
and distinct perception forces itself upon us, we should believe it. Descartes
believes then that God gave us a perfect faculty to gain knowledge, but that we
misuse it by extending our will greater than our understanding. Therefore, when we
are deceived, it is our error and not
Manifest Destiny Philippines
The new Manifest Destiny, essentially U.S expansionist fever, leads to our
participation against the Spanish empire with rebels on both sides. The Spanish
American War made the US an international power with our footholds in the Pacific
and Atlantic Ocean. Also, our annexation of Cuba will lead to multiple opportunities
in the future. This 3 month long war was diminutive and swift but showed how the
US were unprepared, obviously by their landing at Daiquiri. What followed were
naval attacks in the Philippines, which the US had occupied and later taken over. We
maintained a streak of victories in both Cubaand the Philippines. The events that
transpired in these areas will most likely continue to shape our future along with
Cuba s and the Philippine s.
Recycling Should Be Used More Help Save The Planet And...
Not a lot of people know what recycling does or how it helps. Nobody thinks after
finishing a can of soda, eating a bar of chocolate or drinking a water bottle where
the container goes. People just throw them in the bin and that is it, they are taken
care off. However, that s not the truth. These containers end up in our oceans or
lands, they are just dumped there with other trash and just dirty the place. Just
because they are out of our sight doesn t mean they are gone. That is why recycling
should be utilized more to help save the planet and other reasons. Recycling is a
process of recovering, reprocessing, and reusing wasted materials that are usually
just thrown away. Materials that are most commonly used for the process are
paper, glass, plastic and metals ( Recycling 1). Recycling is not a new concept,
recycling has been around ever since the 1940 s (Cooper 275 276). Businesses use
it all the time, with the high demand of products they need to make use of what
they already have. Examples like car workshops were the spare parts of a damaged
car are put in another car that needs the part (Cooper 276 277). Also, during World
War II, Americans would collect all sorts of materials and give them to the war
effort (Cooper 277). More than a third of materials were recycled during that time.
Recycling had its rises and falls. After the war, recycling wasn t as popular anymore
but in the 1960 s after a rise in concern for the environment came about, recycling
campaigns were
A Brief Note On The Sun And The Circumstances Of The...
Racism the word has a harsh sound to the ear and racism s effects deliver a harsh
reality to victims. The novel Raisin in the Sun and the circumstances of the Moulin
Rouge Hotel Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, tell how racism destroyed dreams and
crushed the soul through discrimination and lost opportunity. But there s another side
to the racismstory. For some of the oppressed, discrimination and hardship will be
fought with perseverance and achievement. In both the fictional Raisin in the Sun
and the historical Moulin Rouge Casino, a black woman, against great odds, will
achieve personal and historic success. Racism in America directed toward black
peopleoriginated over 300 years ago with the first importation of black slaves into the
America from Africa (Frederickson). While great progress in eliminating explicit
racism has taken place, American society has far to go in ensuring that blacks have
the same protections, advantages and freedoms as whites. Racial discrimination in
this country continues to harm millions of black Americans whether it is through an
inferior education, unfair treatment in the judicial and law enforcement systems or
delivery of sub optimal health care. While the government can play a role in solving
this problem with legislation, equitable law enforcement and national education, it
will also take a recognition of the problem and then a focused, long term effort by
generations of families to acknowledge and remove the many stumbling blocks of
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  • 1. Claim Of Fact Essay Topics Writing a Claim of Fact essay can be a challenging task that requires careful research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The difficulty lies not only in presenting a compelling argument but also in finding reliable and credible sources to support the claimed facts. Selecting a suitable topic is crucial as it sets the foundation for the entire essay, and one must ensure that there is enough evidence to support the chosen claim. The process of writing such an essay involves extensive research to gather relevant data and statistics. It requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter and the ability to distinguish between credible and unreliable sources. Additionally, crafting a clear and concise thesis statement that encapsulates the main claim is essential. The challenge is not just in stating a fact but in presenting a well-reasoned argument that convinces the reader of the validity of the claim. Moreover, organizing the essay in a logical and coherent manner can be demanding. The writer must structure the content in a way that builds a strong case for the claim, using evidence and examples to support each point. Balancing the use of data and maintaining a persuasive tone while avoiding bias is another aspect that adds complexity to the writing process. Editing and proofreading play a crucial role in ensuring the essay meets high standards of clarity and coherence. It requires a meticulous review of the content to eliminate any inconsistencies, errors, or weak arguments that may compromise the overall effectiveness of the essay. In conclusion, writing a Claim of Fact essay involves navigating through a complex process of research, analysis, and presentation. It demands a high level of critical thinking and attention to detail. While challenging, the process can be immensely rewarding, providing the writer with an opportunity to engage deeply with the chosen topic and communicate a compelling argument. For those seeking assistance, it's worth exploring platforms like, where similar essays and much more can be ordered to ease the burden of academic writing. Claim Of Fact Essay TopicsClaim Of Fact Essay Topics
  • 2. Essay about Keeping the Drinking Age at 21 When it comes to the subject of drinking and teenagers, what is the first thing that comes to mind? To me it s the legal age limit of when teens should be able to drink. Having it lowered is controversial because according to prior experiences, data shows that younger age drinking is well known for its fatalities. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), on one of the most popular prom nights in 1999, as many as 62 percent of the traffic deaths were alcohol related (). The most important question is whether or not the drinking age anywhere in the United States should be lowered, raised or if it should stay the same. Statistics prove that the legal drinking age should remain at the age of twenty one in the United States.... Show more content on ... The number killed in alcohol impaired driving crashes decreased 71% from the record high of 5,215 in 1982 to a record low 1,510 in 2008 (Drunk Driving Research) [(teenagers and alcohol)]. The drinking age is kind of an experiment around the world. In many places around Europe, people who are below the age of twenty one are allowed to drink by law. Many teenagers around the US find this law biased, because teens aren t given enough credit for how responsible they can be. In Northern Europe, people see alcohol as a culture issue. In many countries it is traditional to have a glass of wine or two during each meal. The drinking age in other countries vary but the normal legal age is between 16 18 years of age. A recent study that compared DUI laws in the United States to those in comparable nations, such as the European Union States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Brazil, found that the United States had the highest proportion of traffic fatalities that were alcohol related among the 12 countries reporting data. It was reported that the United States had relatively lax enforcement in comparison to other countries ( National Minimum Drinking Age Choose Responsibility ). The majority of teenagers in America think that drinking is not worth the consequences it causes. Girls are much more
  • 3. Essay On Exploring Washington State With Kids Exploring Washington State with Kids Step By Step Washington State is an ideal place to visit with the family. It s affordable and the state is rich in culture, history and natural beauty. It s on the Pacific Ocean, which provides for dramatic scenery, and has a multitude of national parks, rainforests, mountains, farms, hiking trails, and, of course, great cities like Seattle. Whether you have a few days or longer, it s possible to drive from one side of the state to another, stopping at small towns, villages, state parks, and comfortable, family friendly hotels and/or resorts. If you plan on venturing to Washington State with the kids, we have the scoop on where to go, what to do, where to eat, and where to stay. You ll definitely... Show more content on ... Baker, a snow capped peak known for its amazing sunrises and world record snowfall. To the west are Bellingham Bay marina and the world famous San Juan Islands. Be sure to take a walk on the water and try to take a boat ride on the bay if time permits. Head to Leavenworth Leavenworth is easily accessible from Bellingham via I 5. It s a three hour drive, one the whole family will love. The drive through the Cascades has been voted as one of the most scenic drives in the States. A charming Bavarian themed German village in Washington s Cascade Mountains, Leavenworth is home to great festivals, cultural attractions and hospitality. The lovely Front Street Park is the heartbeat of Leavenworth, offering beautiful green areas within a close proximity to shops and entertainment. Take the kids to the Nutcracker Museum or go tubing or hiking on a local river and trails. Where to stay and eat: Icicle Village Resort is an incredibly family friendly resort. Guests enjoy a complimentary breakfast buffet, free Wi Fi and parking, and get access to a variety of activities including a swimming pool, an 18 hole Bavarian themed miniature golf course and miscellaneous sports, BBQ, arcade, and bike rentals. The hotel is close to the town center, where there is a plethora of restaurants and an onsite restaurant called JJ Hills Fresh Grill, which offers breakfast, lunch and dinner, and offers a kids menu. The rooms are all spacious, ranging from
  • 4. Rene Descartes Causal Argument The idea of God existence has always been a part the history of human. There are always been a different point of view between those who believe in God and those who do not believe in God existence. A French Philosopher, mathematician, and writer Rene Descartes was the one who clarify the dilemma of the existence of God after he doubts everything. In fact, those who have faith in Godobviously tend to adhere at one religion. However, the skeptics try to search the answers of God existencethrough scientific methods. Rene Descartes after doubting everything, he definitely believes of the existence of God. As to proof God existence, Descartes develop several essential arguments which are causal and ontological arguments. The logic of Descartes ... Show more content on ... But why he did not transmit his perfection to his creation? The reason of this question is because we (human) do not understand how a perfect being can create an imperfect being. God, the perfect being create humans who always tend to make mistakes despite the fact that Descartes says God created humans without faculty of making mistakes. The philosopher Descartes clarifies this confusion by stating that every mistake is an error of judgment. Consequently, it should be assign to the will that judges, and human s error is not the fault of God. He claims that human s errors are mere defect since human being has no infinite faculty of judgment. So, the extension of the will boundaries than human understanding is the effective origin of human s errors. This is probably the reason why Descartes states in Meditation Four, page 85 that the desire extends further than the intelligence of humans. Base on the explanation above, humans are capable of making mistakes. Descartes develop several essential arguments which are design, causal and ontological arguments and base on Descartes demonstration, we can clearly state that causal argument as demonstrate above is more objective than others. There is a perfect being who is God. This is obviously the proof of the existence of God. And the perfection of God has nothing to do with human error because the error of human is the extension of
  • 5. The Denotation Of The Term Hatred The denotation of the term hatred is intense dislike or ill will (Oxford). Commonly, the word is used to describe a dislike for an object or place. But, often times, it is used as an emotion or feeling. Therefore, it is often misunderstood that individuals simply do not care for or like whoever is receiving the punishment. On the contrary, when discussing the term as a feeling, hatred is a secondary emotionclosely related to loveor admiration. While they seem to be opposites, the extreme emotions are not opposite of the spectrum, they are more closely related than we choose to grasp. The strong act of expressing hatred is an emotion that stems from an original primary emotion. We must care for someone before we can hatehim or her. Many people express hatred towards individuals they originally cared for, admired or loved and are now jealous of, have a toxic passion for, resent or are disappointed in. This concept often leads to common misinterpretations of the emotion and can also be a term that is misjudged in the wrong context. In opposition, it is commonly understood that hate is a synonym for indifference or caring less, but this is not the case, particularly when it is used in terms of the one s feelings for another individual. If we were simply indifferent why would we hate him or her? If it isn t causing us any emotion, why does it matter? It is impossible to not care or be indifferent towards someone you hate. If it is broken down, reasoning behind why
  • 6. Ridgway s Case Study Ridgway experienced a very lonely childhood; he did not have many friends and was said to possibly suffer from anti social behaviour, supported by Minzi and Shields (2007) stating, his attitude, life history, and crimes all point to antisocial personality disorder (p.87). During his teen years, Ridgway began to stalk women who previously rejected him, which is a large indicator of an issue occurring in Ridgway s life. It is abnormal for teenage boys to stalk the women who had rejected them; these feelings towards women could have contributed to the reasons he killed those who he did, all being women. Miller (2014) claims that serial killers begin to mentally rehearse more realistic scenarios for stalking, abducting, and torturing victims... Show more content on ... As Ridgway s relationships went on, he began to show more signs of sadistic behaviour. Ridgway married a woman by the name of Claudia Kraig when he was just twenty years old. After getting married he enlisted in the Navy, where his obsession with prostitutes ensued. When in the Navy, Ridgway learned of his wife cheating on him. After being betrayed by yet another woman in his life, this could have had a psychological meaning to Ridgway. He could have categorized all women as being selfish and disrespectful to him. After learning the news of his wife cheating on him, Ridgway divorced her and then married Marcia Winslow. During this relationship he began choking his wife. It is also told by Minzie and Shields (2007) that, Ridgway enjoyed sexual bondage and taking her to secluded places, like the banks of the Green River, to have sex outdoors (p.79). It is not known why Ridgway took and killed his victims to the Green River, it is hypothesized that it is because it is a very secluded area and would be difficult to find the bodies. Learning of Ridgway s behaviour with his second wife is very concerning. He began experimenting with dominating sex as well as taking her to the place he would end up killing more than 40 women. It
  • 7. Of Mice And Men Dbq John Steinbeck s Of Mice and Men tells a story of two very different friends how both share the dream of one day buying their own farm. George and Lennie are both two workers that take temporary jobs at different ranches. That the new job that they get to meet Candy, the old swamper who cleans the bunkhouse; Slim, the prince of the ranch ; Crooks, the African American stable hand. Then there is also Curley, the boss s son and Curley s wife, women that is desperate for the attention. Throughout the story, Steinbeck uses a lot of foreshadowing to prepare the reader what is about to occur. The plans of the characters going askew, the death of Curley s wife, the loss of the farm dream, and the death of Lennie; are four clear examples of Steinbeck s... Show more content on ... For example, Candy says, I oughtta of shot that dog myself, George (Doc D) when Carlson had already killed the dog. Candy feels he should have shot the dog himself because the dog is his responsibility, and the dog would have felt a loving presence at the time of his death. Candy wishes he had shot his own dog just as George feels responsible in shooting Lennie himself when Curley is looking for him. Carlson said, Right back of the head. (Doc D) that is where he shoots the dog. Lennie is shot in exactly the same spot ( right in the back of the head ) place where the dog is shoot. The shooting of Candy s dog clearly foreshadows George s shooting of Lennie. Both Lennie and the dog get killed with the same gun, Carlson s Luger pistol. Before Carlson killed Candy s dog he said to Candy, This ol dog jus suffers hisself all the time. (Doc D). If George does not kill Lennie, Curley will painfull kill him in the guts . Lennie has always been protected by George throughout his whole life, there is nothing that George will do in order to keep Lennie safe. George does not want Lennie to die painfull, he wanted Lennie to die full of hopes and peacefully go to
  • 8. Roman Concrete With the development of Roman concrete as well as the design of the Roman arch, the construction of unique innovative aqueducts were constructed. Other structures erected with these design features were colossal Roman Structures such as roads, dwellings, bath house, and amphitheaters. According to Yegul (Accessed 2015), Roman concreteor opus caementicium was developed around 45 BCE. Concrete was used by the Romans as a building material because it converts to a hard surface like a rock when mixed in the right combination of components. It takes three components to make a concrete substance. The three substances are an aggregate such as limestone, a binding agent such as clay or mud, and water. It was discovered that if you combine clay and limestone and expose it to extreme heat temperatures that it will temper. After these substances temper, they are then crushed into a powdery substance. At this point in the process this powdery mixture when mixed with water can be formed into many different shapes for building. The mixture then sets with time and air. It develops into a very sturdy material which can be used in the construction of buildings. Although the Romans did not invent concrete they did contribute to its uniqueness of the mixture of components by adding pozzolona. Pozzolona is distinctive volcanic dust originating ... Show more content on ... Concrete also enabled the Roman to use odd shaped bricks with the concrete to bind them together in constructing these important buildings. According to Kamm (2015), the possible to use irregularly shaped stones as facing, with courses of brick to bind it. This was known as opus incertum. With opus reticulatum square based pyramids of stone were inserted with the heads facing inwards. A further development was opus testaceum, in which triangular baked bricks were
  • 9. Driving while Drinking What are the effects of alcohol on driving? Driving a vehicle is a very complex activity that demands proper decision making, total concentration, good co ordination and rapid reflexes. In order to drive safely, it is essential to be alert, aware and able to make quick decisions in response to a constant rapidly changing environment. Alcohol alters the ability of the brain and body to function normally. It interferes with even the most experienced driver s ability to drive safely. When alcohol is consumed, many of the required skills to drive safely such as judgment, concentration, comprehension, coordination, visual acuity, and reaction time become impaired. (Anelli Xavier, 2013) The severity of alcohol induced impairment on driving depends on the amount of alcohol present in the bloodstream, this is based on a person s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) percentage. People begin to feel the effects of alcohol when their BAC ranges between 0.03% and 0.059%. (2014 Motor Accident Commission South Australia) Drink driving is a factor in about 18 per cent of all fatal crashes in NSW. (Transport for New South Wales, 31 May 2013) Studies have shown that when under the influence of alcohol, drivers are not able to respond to stimuli as quickly as when they are sober. An individual needs more time to respond to situations and hazards. If someone is driving a car, the perception of distance is increased. For example, in an ordinary scenario, a driver would be able to respond to
  • 10. Character Analysis Of Ziu Xiu, The Sent Down Girl Xiu Xiu the sent Down Girl is from the book Tian Yu, which is written by Yan Geling and directed by Joan Chen. The Chinese government is ordering kids to go around the country to start working, Xiu Xiu, portrayed by Li Xiaolu, is one of the kids sent to do so. She doesn t want to do this, but she decided if she were to, she would take up horse training, so she can be a part of the Girls Iron Cavalry. She is sent to the mountains to train under Lao Jin (Lopsang), a once famous horseman, now injured and lives a quiet life in the mountains. Throughout the movie as the two are living together, they have their difficulties, but it seemed like they had a good time. As time passes, Xiu Xiu is growing worry, because she hasn t received a word from her home or the government. As for Lao Jin, he realizes that he has feeling for Xiu Xiu, but due to his injury, he could do anything. Instead, he feels more like a family/ Father figure in her life. This part of the movie, is like the main character looking for hope and staying cheerful, like a child usually is. At the middle of the movie Xiu Xiu has waited a long time to receive word about returning home or anywhere. Until, one day a peddler (Gao Qiang) comes along, and informs her that the Girls Iron Cavalry has disbanded. That informs the watcher that she has been up in the mountains with Lao Jin for a long time. As they continue to talk, he tells her that she needs to make connections with people to find a way back home, which later means having sex with numerous men. This part of the movie, there are numerous sexual scenes and you can see that she is changing. For example, Lao Jin being the father figure, must go through knowing that she is having sex with multiple men and yet he does what he can do to help her and she acts very demanding/ rude to him. This part is very hard to watch, because it tells you that the little girl from the beginning of the movie is no more. Things start to pick up, when they are fixing up their tent and then showing her throwing up, suggesting she might be pregnant. Again, you see Lao Jin rushing her to the hospital and the movie suggest she had an abortion. This part of the movie is very sad, because she as the viewer, you know she will
  • 11. My Experience At My Life September 14th, 2011, the last day I have in Manado, Indonesia. My family and friends were in the airport, waiting for me, while I was checking in my luggage. When I went back, all of my friends were standing and smiling at me. I know they were sad, but they tried to cover it with their smile. I gave each one of them a t shirt that has writing about them, and they gave me the same thing. We talked, laughed, and joked around until it was time for me to go. Tears were falling down on their cheeks, when they heard that it was time for me to go. I gave my family and friends a hug, and went to the terminal. My journey started, when I got in to the airplane. It was a long long journey, I thought, because it took hours to get to Los Angeles. I was excited at first, but then sad again when I think about home. I was crying while I was on the airplane, thinking, how my life is going to be in Harbert Hills. I had some stops. The first stop was at Changi Airport, Singapore. We have to stay there for a night, until the next flight (the next day). The airport is really nice and clean. They have free internet, a free place to rest, and it is very safe too, so I do not have to worry about my suit case. I was on the computer most of the night, checking my e mails and Facebook. I could not sleep that night, because I was thinking about my life at home, and again, how is it going to be in Harbert Hills. The second stop was at Narita Airport, Tokyo, Japan. It was only 45
  • 12. A Book Report On The Movie Nope Essay Two and a half months ago, faith brought me to face with a guy who I used to consider horrible boyfriend material. He came off as rude, stubborn, malicious, and cold hearted to a fault. And that s just the start of a long list of his horrible characteristics. But somehow, and to my surprise, I ended up falling for this guy. Now all I have to do is tell him and figure out if he feels the same about me. Easier said than done. Come on, Tre I begged, wanting him to severely come to the haunted house with Tia, Michael, Mike, Naomi and me. We were in Mrs. Sorun s Relationship Development I class at the time, doing what we usually do. Nothing. I know you can make some spare time on your normal, non busy Saturday to join us. Nope, he denied for the seventh time. He was lying down on the table, with his typical left earbud in, trying to get some sleep in before our next class. I told you already, I hate being involved in your little group activities, which by the way be boring as hell, and wish you would stop including me in them. See what I mean by when I say he can be rude, stubborn, malicious, and cold hearted to a fault. Tia, help me out. You re coming to the haunted house with us Dum Dum and that s final, she demanded, giving him her famous death glare. Any objections? I don t know who the fuck you think you are, but I m... What did you just say?! I said, I don t know who the... Hey guy can t we all just get along? Michael tried reasoning with them. I don t
  • 13. Analysis Of H. G. Wells Super-Toys Last All Summer Long Super Toys Last All Summer Long is a one of the short stories published in The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction in 2010 which was written by science fiction author Brian Aldiss and The Time Machine is a science fiction story was written by one of the founding fathers of science fiction writers, H.G.Wells. In this Aldiss s, author is showing his concern if humanity and their feelings can actually be replaced with the high tech inventions such as androids. In the other hand, Wells shows the emotion to the humanity to the Eloi whether two different species in far future can live on same planet where Eloi lives on over the ground level and Morlocks lives beneath the ground level and Morlocks uses Eloi species as solution to their hungers... Show more content on ... All the letter have same feeling written in different ways. One letter says, My dear mummy, how are you really, do you love me much whereas other one says, Dear Mummy, this is a letter to you just to say how much I love you . (Aldiss 449) Reading this beautiful incident of son s letter to his mother is very heart warming and can leave the reader with the sensation of love, care and affection. As story develops, readers can actually observer human behavior of David in the clauses where he describes his feeling of love, fear, hate. His concern about anything being real is questioned again and again with the medium of David s innocent questions to teddy. He asks, Teddy, you know what I was thinking? How do you tell what are real things from what aren t real things? (Aldiss 446) His innocent question towards the definition of real things can leave readers in to dilemma about thinking the answer to that question. After all, what are real things? Can one differentiate smartly what is real and what is not? In the Wells story, since the time traveler decided to fight the Morlocks, he also established about the true relationship between Eloi and Morlocks. As a story develops the time traveler discovers more about their true nature of
  • 14. The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat Case Study Case SummaryIn the third section of The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat, Oliver Sacks introduces two new patients: Mrs. O C and Mrs. O M. Sacks opens with the case of Mrs. O C. One night, Mrs. O C was dreaming about her childhood in Ireland and the music she would dance and sing to. When she woke up, she was still hearing the same song. At first, she thought that she was remembering her dream, but the song kept playing and it did not go away. As the day continued, she started to fear for her sanity and quickly went to see Dr. Sacks. Sacks performed an EEG test on her and found that whenever Mrs. O C said she was experiencing a musical moment, her temporal lobe was hyperactive. This indicated to Sacks that she was experiencing an epileptic... Show more content on ... Seizures stimulated by thinking of music also supported this theory since there is recruitment of musical memory and its associated emotion (Maguire, 2012). Mrs. O C is a good example of this. Mrs. O C only had seizures when thinking about her childhood in Ireland and the specific Irish songs she would sing and dance to. Orphaned at five years old, Mrs. O C moved to America to live with family. These Irish songs caused her to be flooded with memories of her time in Ireland when her mother and father were both alive, a time she had hardly remembered before these musical seizures began (Sacks, 1970). It is also interesting to consider Mrs. O M s case when thinking about emotional connections. Mrs. O M reported no emotional connection to the songs she was hearing, however had been humming them before the seizures began. This seems to indicate that there was some type of emotional connection and that is probably why those specific songs were what played on repeat in her head every time she had a seizure (Sacks, 1970). This emotional connection is thought to be due to synchronized rhythms of electrical activity. When neuronal rhythms are synchronized in specific brain regions, memories are formed more effectively. Responding to a song emotionally is thought the cause neurons to become excited and form these synchronized rhythms which in turn cause the brain to associate seizures with memories of a specific genre/type of music (Swaminathan,
  • 15. History Behind Lord Stanley Cup History Behind Lord Stanley The Lord Stanley Cup. The oldest trophy competed for by professional athletes in North America and the greatest thing NHL hockey players dream of to hoist and kiss after a season. Training, practicing, motivation and pushing themselves to get better is what all these players put the hours into for that moment. After battling 82 games for a playoff spot, then continuing to win 4 playoff rounds, of best of seven series, they finally get to have the moment they ve all been working and dreaming for as a kid. To raise the Cup, kiss it, scream, and then pass it to your fellow teammate. But that s not why they do it. They do it because they had a dream as a kid and know the history behind what the Cup represents to ... Show more content on ... In 1927 1928, a new structure was streamlined and a vertical shape of the Cup was used and by 1948, the Cup became to tall to hold as well as even stand up without tipping over. This Cup was changed to what we see today with the wider rings at the bottom standing at 35 inches tall and 17 inches wide. Since 1958, 5 new rings were added around the base of the Cup for championship teams, which means rings had to be removed to maintain the structure of the Cup. The rings that get removed and preserved in Lord Stanley s Vault in the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. This ends the evolution of what the Cup is today and we can now see all the alterations done over the years, plus see how the NHL has kept all the history of the cup either on the cup or in Lord Stanley s Vault so none of the history is forgotten or left behind. Next, I will talk about the history behind how the Stanley Cup was nicknamed Lord Stanley , how the cup is engraved and what the Cup does to help others. The original cup was bought for roughly $50 and donated from a man named Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley. Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley was a Colonial Secretary from 1885 1886 and the Governor General of Canada from 1888 1893, plus an avid sportsman. In 1892, he donated the cup and said, I have for some time been thinking that it would be a good thing if there were a challenge cup which should be held from year to year by the champion hockey team in the Dominion of Canada. There does not
  • 16. Acid Base Disturbance Report Acid Base Disturbances is any condition which results in changes of the extracellular fluid pH from the normal range of pH 7.35 7.45. ... Because the blood pH and the ECF pH are almost always equivalent, disturbances of acid base homeostasis are diagnosed by measuring blood pH. When the pH is below 7.35, the condition is called acidosis; when the pH is above 7.45, it is called alkalosis Вќ. (VanPutte, 2013). Acidosis or Alkalosis states are categorized as being either metabolic or respiratory so the imbalance or condition maybe respiratory acidosis, or respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis and or metabolic alkalosis. Because the body is always striving for or attempting to maintain normalcy (homeostasis), regardless of the etiological source all initial acid base disturbances will result in an imbalance of the normal pH ratio. To combat the effects of acidosis and or... Show more content on ... In Ketoacidosis the body is making too many ketones due to fats being burned for absent carbohydrates as source of energy, excessive amount of fats in the body become acidic creating the ketones. Possible cause are diabetics not receiving proper insulin and hydration, excessive alcohol drinking with low po intake, as well as anoxia. The patient have the following signs and symptoms tachypnea, tachycardia, HA, confusion, tired or weakness, loss in appetite, and or N/V. Treatment is to correct the imbalance or the underlying cause of the imbalance ie hydration fluids, Insulin Respiratory Acidosis has two forms Acute and Chronic it is usually caused by other condition or disease such as Asthma, Pneumonia, COPD, and Sleep Apnea. With chronic respiratory acidosis the patient may be asymptomatic, however; acute clinical findings are but not limited to decrease in respiratory rate/volume, HA, drowsiness, confusion, and tremors. Treatment is usually oxygen and or mechanical
  • 17. My Current Position I Implement Positive Behavior Support... As educators is it important for us to teach necessary skills for our students to thrive in society and our curriculum should be based on these skills. In my current position I implement Positive Behavior Support Plans (PBIS) in schools, by having PBIS I feel we are teaching student s the specific skills they need to be successful and helping teachers reflect on the positives. We have to strive to provide our students with skills that will not only enable them to obtain a career but also develop the skillin maintaining their career; we must also instill a sense of human decency, compassion, acceptance, respect, and global awareness. PBIS will help students know specific expectations and learn and understand that in life we have specific guidelines that we need to learn in order to receive the rewards of success. As a supervisor, it is important to make sure individuals are in an environment that will help them grow. In order for students to be reached, teachers must be in a position that they feel understood and supported. Success for any of us is success for all of us. (Sergiovanni,1996). I believe that in any profession if your staff does not feel their opinions and ideas are not being heard and supported and openness to voice opinions they will not learn and grow. As a supervisor, it is important to get to know your employees, so they feel comfortable to listen to constructive criticism and are allowed to make changes. Also, making sure that as a supervisor I am
  • 18. Dynamic Characters In The Outsiders In life, we all have an impulse to change. We grow in both good and bad ways. We mature, and most importantly gain a better understanding of life. A crucial aspect of change is its ability for other perspectives to emerge. Change and dynamic characters are demonstrated effectively in the novel, The Outsiders, which focuses on a gang in the 1960 s, their everyday troubles and interactions, as well as the effects of them on their lives. One of the characters who experiences the most changeis Ponyboy. In S.E. Hinton s novel, The Outsiders, Ponyboy proves to be a dynamic characteras his opinions change about his oldest brother and he becomes significantly tougher and stronger following the murder. If a character is dynamic, he will treat
  • 19. The Catholic Faith and Its Postive Outlook Upon the Loss... The Catholic Faith and Its Postive Outlook Upon the Loss of One s Physical Presence on Earth In the face of one of the biggest fears known to man death the Catholic faith provides a positive outlook upon the loss of ones physical presence on earth. Through the life and death of Jesus Christ (the hypostatic union of son and Father,) a Christocentric theology resolves the mystery of death through faith and grace. Gods only Sons death grants a Catholic Christian with an answer to the why of death, resulting in a realistic, yet hopeful attitude toward the loss of the physical being, while continuing to believe in the flourishing life of the spirit in a realm beyond our understanding. Atheism has always questioned the essence of ... Show more content on ... A man made in the image of God who saved humanity through love and compassion. But these views of Christ are also sharply contrasted with the historical Jesus, thus, through Borg s careful analysis of the scriptures; he brings forth the concepts of a pre Easter Jesus and post Easter Christ. Borg s attempt to research Jesus is a means to reveal His humanity, to bring forth the concept that He was not always all good ; that He too had a temper, He too felt pain and sorrow, but at the same time, He also had compassion and mercy. By doing so, through the careful analysis of scripture, Borg brings Jesus reality closer to our world; demonstrating that Christ was just as flawed and human as us. This culminates itself as the final revelation of Gods love, by attempting to save us through a human example of pure love and compassion. Borg carefully reads into scripture as an oral tale that depicts certain aspects of the Jesus of faith, but at the same time, brings forth the Jesus of history as a means of placing this ancient faith in perspective. By doing so Borg proves the essence of the Catholic faith, proving the atheistic idea of an illusionary faith, to be wrong. This analytical and educated revelation of Jesus adds a new dimension to the Catholic religion, which brings us closer to our faith. The Gospels introduce the life of Christ, bringing forth the man, the human being who shapes the Catholic Christian
  • 20. The Importance Of Mandated Learning Goals New teachers struggle with balancing creativity and imposing guidelines and materials. Mandated learning goals are the requirements set by the Department of Education that teachers must incorporate into their curriculum. They outline the concepts that the students must understand before moving on to the next grade. For example, Missouri Public Schools require that 5th graders must be able to read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension by the end of the school year as one of their mandated learning goals (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2017). Learning mandates remove most opportunities for teachers to be creative with their lesson plan, because they must teach all the required material first. One teacher argued that [i]f people think of schools as buildings and do not pay attention to the people within them and the policies driving them, they do not understand what schools are and what they could be in people s lives after she had left her teaching position due to miscommunication and overbearing stipulations (as cited in Craig, 2014, p. 112). This teacher acknowledged the struggle for schools to convince the politicians in charge of the mandated learning goals to see schools as influential in the daily life of those who attend. Also, if teachers do not cover all of the required material or the students do poorly on the state exams it reflects a failure on the teachers part. Craig (2014) says the intended effect of the weeding out of
  • 21. Starbucks Service Environment Executive Summary Adopting a qualitative approach, this report provides an evaluation and critical analysis of the service process and service environment to evaluate the specialty coffee house chain, Starbucks Singapore. The report evaluates the purpose and value of the Starbucks servicescape design, a descriptive illustration of the service environment with a detailed and clear blue printing of the service process all from an external view point Introduction and Company Background Description of Service Environment Specific Goals, Values and Objectives of Starbucks Singapore Servicescape Goals Starbucks want its servicescape to be the Third Place between work and home, providing unmatched store experience. Besides ... Show more content on ... The average waiting time of beverage or espresso is 5 minutes. For other products, serving is immediate. Promotions: There is the Singapore Starbucks Card. It is a membership card and stored value card. It offers its customers on rewards and convenience during purchases at participating Starbucks stores of Singapore. For example, free complementary drink and 1 for 1 drinks promotions. Service Environment Competitors Starbucks main competitors are quick service restaurant and specialty coffee shops. They are serving the same or similar core product as what Starbucks providing to their customer. Identification of Unique Service Factors that Differentiate Starbucks from Its Competitors (Including Servicescape) The Starbucks Experience : There is a friendly and clear connection between staffs and customers of Starbucks. This is not present in The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf. Starbucks handpick all of the music played in their stores and create unique compilations of their own. For example, compilation of pop band Maroon 5 , Latin Alternative Music Cafe con Musica to motherhood inspired album Every Mother Counts 2012 . Supporting Local Music Talents:
  • 22. Starbucks takes special effort to introduce and feature local music talents in Singapore under its brand. For example, Brandon Lee and his band. These local music talents are granted to sell copies of their music CDs in all Starbucks stores
  • 23. All Lives Matter Analysis In 2012, a seventeen year old boy named Trayvon Martin was put on trial for his own murder, and the police officer who killed him, George Zimmerman, was acquitted. This movement began after the trial, with #BlackLivesMatter being used on social media to express frustration with the outcome of the trial and the racial tension in the country. Since then, the movement has grown, gaining support from celebrities and people around the world. There have been protests in the street, and it has been acknowledged many times by the media. Everyone should support Black Lives Matter because it is a movement that empowers Black peopleand focuses attention on the problems that they face everyday. Black people have been oppressed in America since the very... Show more content on ... People have argued that All Lives Matter sends the same message, or even a better message, than Black Lives Matter because it sound more like a message of equality. But the message All Lives Matter invalidates black people s problems by equating them to the problems that everyone else suffers. Assistant professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, Keeanga Yamahtta Taylor said, The entire point of Black Lives Matter is to illustrate the extent to which black lives have not mattered in this country (Victor). Black people face issues specific to them because of their race, and saying All Lives Matter is a way of ignoring it. Imagine going to a fundraiser for cancer research and shaming everyone there because other diseases matter, too (Victor),Many also make the argument the majority of murder in the African American community is committed by black people. The issue with their argument is that the majority of crime is intraracial. 93% of black murder victims are killed by other black people, and 84% of white murder victims are killed by other white people (Garla). Black people are more disproportionately poor and are more likely to be targeted by police and arrested, which puts them at a greater risk for being victims of a violent crime
  • 24. Why I Choose The Great Depression The Great Depression The reason i choose the great depression was ,because i find it interesting that one man could start the great depression. I ask way and how people could live together out that time. As you can see this is way i choose the great depression. The 31st. president was Herbert Hoover. Herbert Hoover support business partnering with the government. Herbert Hoover did a lot of things ,but at the 8th month of him being president the stock market crash. Herbert hoover try his best to take care of it. Franklin D. Rooseveltwas the 32nd president. He was the man that made the New Deal. The new deal are many programs. The new deal helps the people in need with programs. For in an example Social SecurityAct help the unemployment
  • 25. Canada Was Ceded By New France And Came Under British Rule Canada was ceded by New France and came under British rule the year 1763 with Treaty of Paris . Many provinces of Canada then became part of the British Empire and it soon started expanding. At first, France saw Aboriginal people as allies and relied on them for trade wealth and their own survival. After the transfer of power from French to British, diplomatic relations and alliances between them began to cease ( french relations/). The history of Aboriginal policy is characterized by the presence of both Britain and France as colonizing powers. It was assumed by the Canadian government that the Aboriginal people are hopeless and they will never be able to adapt to the new... Show more content on ... The beginning of these facilities was in New France by the Catholic missionaries to provide care, help, and schooling. These attempts had failed abysmally but these did set a pattern for future policies. When the British North America Act was passed in 1867, the government was required to provide education to these people to help them integrate with the society. The government tried many ways to achieve that but there was no success. In the beginning of 20th century, the government and the churches came together and developed a system residential schools. Most of these schools were in the four Western provinces and the territories, but there were also significant numbers in northwestern Ontario and in northern QuГ©bec. By 1930, the residential school system had a total of about 80 institutions. Three fifths was operated by the Roman Catholic Church, one quarter by the Anglican Church and the rest by United and Presbyterian Churches ( /residential schools/ ). At first, the residential schools operated on a half day basis which meant that the students will be spending half of their day in school gaining all the skills and the other half they will spend on using those skills to get experience. The idea behind this was to make them ready for real world work that would earn
  • 26. Why Do People Support Jim Crow Laws After reading/viewing the Jim Crow pieces, I conclude that people who supported the Jim Crow laws thought that African Americans were physically, mentally, and ethically inferior to Caucasians, They used awfully specific and hateful laws to express their supremacy . The picture Jim Crow supports my statement by showing animals dressed in better clothing than the African Americanman featured in the illustration. He seems cheerful and carefree in those tattered clothes, reinforcing Jim Crow s supporters view that African Americans are naturally crazy and of a lower class. This steadfast belief provided the reasoning for the laws and punishments common with places under the influence of Jim Crow. Speaking of laws, the rules and guidelines
  • 27. Modern Inquisitions Chapter Summaries Tim Huntress History 1110:005 Dr. Sivananda Mantri Modern Inquisitions: Peru and the Colonial Origins of the Civilized World The book Modern Inquisitions: Peru and the Colonial Origins of the Civilized World was written by Irene Silverblatt. This book described the medieval civilization of Peru and colonial Andes. It also went into great detail about the inquisitions of the Roman Catholic church. Irene Marsha Silverblatt was born on September 14, 1948 in Philadelphia, PA. She graduated college from the University of Michigan. She is now a Professor at Duke University. This book focused mainly on the Spanish inquisition of Peru from 1570 to 1820. In this time Spanish colonists brought the European way of life to Peru. An inquisition was a judicial stystem in the Roman Catholic church that aimed to fight heresy.... Show more content on ... It was first abolished by virtue of a Cortes decree. In 1815 it was reconstituted but their target was now the ideas from the French, who had more civilized ideas. Most people who were accused of crimes after this were only given probation. However a breakthrough came with the promotion of Jose de la Serna to the viceroyship of Peru. The inquisition eventually fell apart due to its own fault. The hero who abolished the inquisition was Jose de la Serna, who lived from 1770 1832. He was a respected Spanish general and colonial official of Peru. He was the last Spanish viceroy of Peru to exercise effective power from January 29, 1821 to December 1824. He carried out orders as the viceroy to negotiate for a peaceful settlement of Peru which would not allow the Roman Catholic church inquisition to be a part of it. `In the end there was a war called the Peruvian War of Independence. It was a series of military conflicts beginning in 1811 that culminated in the proclamation of the independence of Peru by Jose de San Martin on July 28, 1821. This war eventually gave Peru their independence from
  • 28. The Code Of Ethics As Defined By The Council On... Scenario 1: Ethical Codes Potentially Impacted The three principles from the Code of Ethics as defined by the Council on Certification of Rehabilitation Counselors that came to mind when reading this scenario were Beneficence, Justice and Veracity. The Code of Ethics as defined by the Council on Certification of Rehabilitation Counselors that I feel are impacted in this particular scenario would be outlined in section D: Professional Responsibility. D.5. Responsibility to the Public and Other Professionals: d. Exploitation of Others: Rehabilitation Counselors do not exploit others in their professional relationships to seek or receive unjustified personal gains, sexual favors, unfair advantages or unearned goods or services. f.... Show more content on ... By expressing understanding of the Superintendents concerns during the initial conversation I feel that his frustrations were validated. While no promises were made to provide additional sponsorship in return for job placement the meeting would accomplish the following, as the counselor I would be able to discuss with the Superintendent the policy and criteria requirements regarding college sponsorship for students. I would also be able to further discuss and advocate for clients to obtain job placement within the school system. Scenario 2: Ethical Codes Potentially Impacted Ethical codes potentially impacted: A.4 Avoiding Harm and Avoiding Value Imposition; a. Avoiding Harm Rehabilitation counselors act to avoid harming clients, trainees, supervisees and research participants and to minimize or to remedy unavoidable or unanticipated harm. Section K: Business Practices; K4. Termination (2) As appropriate, rehabilitation counselors refer clients to other qualified professional to address issues unresolved at the time of termination ( Microsoft Word CRCCodeOfEthics CRCCodeOfEthics.pdf, n.d.). Two Potential Courses of Action One course of action would be to do nothing. Continue working with the client as if you were not aware of the fact that he had relapsed. The second course of action would be to schedule a meeting with the client and assess the situation. Course of Action I believe that the second course of action would be the most appropriate. I would
  • 29. Bribery Research Methodology Title A study of the effect of bribery and corruption with lack of censorship in the governmental institution There are various reasons why corruption takes place and takes hold. Sometimes it is due to the fact that officials are simply not paid very much and so they need to supplement their salaries with money from bribes. Sometimes the bureaucratic system is set up in such a way that officials simply refuse to carry out their duties unless they are encouraged by being offered bribes. In other cases it is actually part of the tradition and culture of a country to give and receive gifts in order to get anything done. In some cases companies from less corrupt countries allegedly engage in bribery in order ... Show more content on ... Mostly, corruption occurs in environments where it is tolerated and where the temptation is too strong to resist. In the following paragraph there are some examples of how bribes take place in each and every one of them. The enormous scale of grand corruption in Peru was revealed in 2000 by discoveries leading to the resignation and self exile of the president, Alberto Fujimori. Video taped evidence showed that Vladimir Montesano s, Fujimori s spy chief, had repeatedly bribed congressmen to defect to Fujimori s party to ensure its majority in congress. In addition, large bribes had enabled Montesano s to control most of the media and influence the judiciary. However, Fujimori is credited with having reduced petty corruption. His administration pursued policies reducing the role of government, which he justified not only on efficiency grounds, but on the grounds that reducing the role of government would reduce opportunities for corruption. He attempted to reduce corruption in the police and municipal governments, in the latter case by establishing a supervisory agency to field citizen complaints. However, his reforms of the judiciary are thought to have made it more corrupt. Despite some progress, however, several institutions with which ordinary people have much contact were judged to be corrupt by Transparency International in a November 2001 report. ast week did not begin well for Siemens CEO Klaus Kleinfeld, 49, and supervisory board
  • 30. Bach And His Life Story Of Johann Sebastian Bach Many people admire listening to music and enjoy watching operas. Composers have the main part in this activity and are the most important. Music listeners know many composers, including old and new ones. There are many famous composers that have been well known for the years in the past. Some famous composers include Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Joseph Haydn, George Fredrick Handel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonio Vivaldi, and Ludwig van Beethoven. The most well known composer would have to be Johann Sebastian Bach. Do you know of Bach and his life story? Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Central Germany in Eisenach on March 21, 1685(2). His father, grandfather, and great grandfather were involved with music, which made Bach destined to take part in music(1). Before Bach was ten years old his parents has passed and he went to live with his oldest brother(2). His brother had taught him how to play the harpsichord and the clavichord(2). At the age of fifteen Bach had left his brother and supported himself by singing in church choir and playing the organ and the violin and by the age of eighteen he became an organist at Arnstadt(1). A couple years later on October 17th, 1707, Bach had got married to Maria Barbara, his second cousin, and had seven children(1). About thirteen years later Maria had passed (1720). Then, on December 3rd, 1721 he was remarried to a woman named Anna Magdalena, which they had 13 children(1). Moving on to Bach s music career he started out by first
  • 31. Beck Manufacturing Plant Capacity Beck Manufacturing Plant Capacity Pete Garcia BUS644: Operations Management October 26, 2014 Dr.: Gail Hoskyns Long Ashford University Beck Manufacturing Plant Capacity Introduction In this paper, we will focus on the case study, which discusses about the plant capacity and Beck Manufacturing. In addition, after reading the case study it becomes evident that we need to help Beck s Manufacturing, president in making the best decision possible in regards to determining his facilities capacity. Therefore, we need to note that Beck s Manufacturing is a major producer of steering gears in the auto industry. Nevertheless, we also need to know how the manufacturing process is being done, thus allowing us to ... Show more content on ... Now, let us note that there are 3 machines, thus giving us a total of 2,880 units. In addition, the Boring represents a 25 reject rate, giving us 58 in units. Nevertheless, if we subtract 2,880 units produced by all three machines from 58 units, then we will get a new total of 2,822 units. The Drilling Capacity The following includes, the Drilling Capacity, which has a run time of 2.5 minutes per piece. Therefore, this produces a total of 384 units per machine, giving us a total of 960 minutes. In addition, providing that there are a total of 6 machines, thus giving us a total of 2,304 units. Moving forward, giving that we know that Drilling has a 75 reject rate, and thus providing us with a total of 162 units. Nevertheless, if we subtract the total amount of units produced from all 6 machines of 2,304 units with the 162 units, this will provide us with a new total of 2,142 units. The System Capacity In order to find the capacity system, we are able to take the lowest number in units, of course after the reject rate, which for this case is produced by the grinding with 2,128 units. Therefore, because we are unable to produce more units due to reaching the capacity mark, or for no more product to be allowed through in the completed cycle. Thus, the capacity system turns out to be 2,128 units. Capacity utilization and machine scheduling also reflect tactical
  • 32. Inadequate Support From The Government During The 1920 s After the end of World War 1, the US economy entered into a new period in which progressive refunds of the 1910 s ended. Until Warren G Harding s appointment in 1920 as president, the economy experienced an economic boom. Inadequate attention to the unions and social problems led to regulated business. The year of 1910 was a period of trust busting and 1920 concluded it which went back to the time of non government intervention. Immigrants were disturbed with certain issues like persecution and other economic problems. Inadequate support from the government after World War 1 made minorities to suffer. Mellon was appointed by Warren G Harding s during his term as president policies that decrease taxationon businesses and other companies in the United States, the various classes of the citizens from the highest, middle and lowest. The success of the policy led to the decline of the government expenditure which dropped from 6.4 million in 1920 to 3.3 billion in 1922.America s debt in 1920 was 24billion; it later dropped to 18 billion in 1929. Mellon succeeded when he dealt with the post war depression. At the time of the war, he declined taxes, more money for investment in business that created jobs. The income increased and many citizens into the business line. Knowing the consequences of revenue and economic impacts, it considered the aftermath of the 1920 taxrate reduction by the Treasury secretary Andrew Mellon under Presidents Warren Harding
  • 33. Difference In Culture In Everyday Use By Alice Walker Being away from family for such a long time may cause a big difference in culture. Not only culture, but just what a person is accustom to in general. Especially, if they are not only away but living in an entire different part of the world. Many families struggle and don t get along because of differences in behavior and in culture. In the story, Everyday Use written by Alice Walker the narrator throughout the story is the mother of both Maggie, and Dee, however the story would be somewhat different if it was written in the perspective of Maggie, Dee, or even an omniscient narrator. First, If the story were written in Maggie s point of view, it would not change quite as much. However, some things would become more clear to the audience. For example, when Dee was arguing with Mama as to why she should keep the quilts, had the story been told in her point of view the audience would understand why she said, She can have them, Mama ... I can member Grandma Dee without the quilts (Walker 7). Many who have read the story may have their own beliefs of why she would willingly give up something that would mean so much to her. Though Mama thought she knew exactly why. Perhaps she offered it because earlier in the story Mama explained how she believed Maggie sees Dee, ...eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe. She thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand, and that no is a word the world never learned to say to her (Walker 1). Dee has always
  • 34. Business Collaboration, Rather Than Market Competition IS BUSINESS COLLABORATION, RATHER THAN MARKET COMPETITION, BECOME THE KEY TO SUCCESS? INTRODUCTION Today s fast growing market requires mutually beneficial partnerships to gain creativity, experience, processes, technology and resources with both right and left brain thinkers, that helps in achieving extraordinary achievements in lesser time which technically framed as collaboration. By making partnerships or collaborating externally, companies are able to innovate and get develop much more quickly and even create solutions of too many problems with an effective and efficient way. (Mudge, 2014) Competition can be define as it is the rivalry among sellers who are trying to achieve same goals such as increasing profits, market share and sales volume by varying price, product, distribution and promotion (Wikipedia, 2014). In market competition, innovative business firms are ever conscious of the competitors and have a constant look on differentiating their brand and product by many different innovations and developments (, 2014). With a happier working team, collaboration represents an educated one. This is because it naturally inspires a sense of community within an organization and employees feel almost like they are a part of a family. Further, it also allows employees to learn from each other (, 2014). The worldwide internet has been a fantastic enabler for greater collaborations. Social media channels allow individuals to connect, discuss,
  • 35. The Prelude, By William Wordsworth Mind and Imagination An elevated concentration to the way the mind works is without a doubt one of the most significant attributes of Romantic poetry. In William Wordsworth s poem, The Prelude, the poet allows several memories from his youth to be brought up again in his adulthood and looks to grasp onto these certain influences that have assisted in establishing his mindand could potentially help him become the best poet possible. John Keats described his idea of imaginationto a friend in an 1877 letter: I am certain of nothing save the holiness of the heart s affections and the truth of the imagination. What the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth, whether it existed before or not. The obsession that Keats had with the imaginative idea to escape from everyday life led him to write The Fall of Hyperion. Both poets use cognitive interpretations as a way to express inner beliefs about the human mind or imagination. Like mentioned in class, Wordsworth begins with his alienation experiences in Prelude 1 and concludes with his adjustment statements in Prelude 11 and 13 and Keats development within The Fall shows the start of a happy innocence into a rather painful maturity. Like mentioned above, Wordsworth writes The Prelude as a tool in which to show exactly how youthful memories are able to be turned into something very constructive in adulthood. The poem is not only the record of those memories, but records, with great sensitivity, the very process
  • 36. The Critical Medical Issue of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) Diabetes is one the most critical medical issues of our time. According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention nearly 26 million Americans (approximately 8% of all Americans) have diabetes and an estimated of 79 million adults are pre diabetes. Approximately $200 billion per year is lost due to diabetes because of medical treatments and lost wages. Insulin resistance and the dysfunction of beta cells are the two pathogenic hallmarks of the development and progression of T2DM. Studies have shown that pancreatic beta cell functional mass is affected in T2DM (1, 2). Secretion of insulin stimulated by glucose is lower in human islets of Langerhans isolated from patients with T2DM than from normal individuals (1, 3). Knowledge of the molecular mechanism underlying defects in beta cell function found in humans and animal models of T2DM is incomplete. Without a more complete understanding of the mechanisms that regulate beta cell insulin secretion we will be unable to develop new approaches to prevent and treat diabetes. Physiological aspects of beta cell function Beta cells of the endocrine pancreas constantly monitor glucose levels circulating in the blood and respond accordingly by releasing insulin. Glucose is the primary physiological stimulus of insulin secretion. When blood glucose concentration is elevated, glucose is transported across the beta cell plasma membrane by passive diffusion through glucose transporters (GLUT 1
  • 37. Social Intelligence And Social Quotient I.Abstract: Gone are the days when one used to think that IQ EQ are only the two components required in a work place. To keep up, we must be able to present ourselves as a total package in and outside of work. Therefore the need of Social Quotient has risen for a working professional which is equally important as Intelligence Quotient Emotional Quotient. The degree of Social Quotient increases when it comes to working women. This paper would attempt to find reasons of success in working women due to their Social Quotient. The paper would also cite differences of SQ in male female in their working environment. In the paper the attempts are made to design measurement techniques and framework after studying various models related to Social ... Show more content on ... Verbal Fluency and Conversational Skills. B.Knowledge of Social Roles, Rules, and Scripts. C.Effective Listening Skills. D.Understanding What Makes Other People Tick. E.Role Playing and Social Self Efficacy. V.Differences in Men Women Working In Workplace According to Science the Brain of a Male Female is dissimilar. A Women have four times the number of brain cells connecting the right and left side of the brain while men have connections running front and back of same side of brain. Males tend to use left brain more to solve one problem one step at a time. Women focus on more than one problem at time and prefer to solve problems through multiple activities at a time using both the brains. Table 1: Differences in Male Female Brain Male BrainFemale Brain Links run from front back of same side of brainConnections run from side to side between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Better at spatial tasks involving muscle controlBetter at verbal tasks involving memory and intuition. Good at Motor skills which involves map reading and giving directions More intuitive thinkers and have better emotional intelligence Tubular thinking One at a timePeripheral thinking Multi
  • 38. Cycle Of Life And Imagery In The Grave By Katherine Anne... The Grave by Katherine Anne Porter is a story that illustrates the initiation of a child from innocence to experience. The underlying theme behind the central idea of innocence to experience is the cycle of life and death and rebirth. This theme is illustrated in the young protagonist, Miranda, and her epiphany on the concept of the cycle of life and rebirth. The dominant tone in The Grave is melancholic, and that tone is created through the language elements of symbolism, diction, and imagery. The story s tone is also supported by the fictionelement character. Porter begins the story with Miranda and her brother Paul exploring a graveyard while out hunting. As they continue with their hunt, Paul shoots a rabbitthat is about to give birth. Paul proceeds to carefully slit the dead rabbit open revealing her young unborn babies. This moment is an epiphany for young Miranda as she understands the meaning of rebirth and the cycle of life and death. Miranda later reflects upon this incident years later in a foreign city s busy bazaar and is reminded of the event that transformed her from an innocent child to a more experienced and knowledgeable young woman. One of the most important language elements that Porter uses in the story is symbolism, which illustrates innocence and experience. Porter uses symbolism when Miranda and Paul explore their forefathers graves. The graves represent death and experience, while Miranda and Paul represent childhood and innocence.
  • 39. Rastafarianism Beliefs and Rituals Joaquim Domingos Baptista Dr. Peter Patton Western Arts and Culture 11/28/2012 Rastafarianism Beliefs and Rituals The incorporation in many modern societies of dread locks amongst youths, the ever increasing efforts to legalize marijuana; what started out as an entirely black oriented religion spread throughout the world, particularly in the 1970s because of the popularity of reggae music, and currently has around one million followers in Japan, New Zealand, and elsewhere (Simpson 96) , along with many other activities that we are accustomed to in the American pluralistic society, represents a form of rituals and beliefs that have been brought to the mainstream by the Rastafarians. I had often been puzzled by the way in which my ... Show more content on ... Note also that many beliefs and rituals may vary from one group to the next depending on their demographic location. Information regarding this investigation was obtained from various internet sources, books, and scholarly published journals. There are a few main beliefs that can be described as being truly Rastafarians, They are the following! Haile Selassie is the living God. All true Rastafarians believe that Haile Selassie, the emperor of Ethiopia, is the true and living God, at least for the black race. One member of the Rastafarian Repatriation Association it explained this way: We know before that when a king should be crowned in the land of David s throne, that individual would be Shiloh, the anointed one, the Messiah, the Christ returned in the personification of Rastafari. He (Ras Tafari) is the Ancient of Days (The bearded God). The scripture declares that the hair of whose head was like wool (matted hair), whose feet were like unto burning brass (i.e., black skin). The scripture declares that God hangs in motionless space surrounded with thick darkness (hence a black man). Rastafarians also regard Haile Selassie I as God because of Marcus Garvey s prophesy Look to Africa where a black king shall be crowned, he shall be the redeemer was swiftly followed by the ascension of Haile Selassie I as Emperor of Ethiopia. The notion of Haile Selassie being the God of the black
  • 40. Ethical Treatment Of Factory Farmed Animals The treatment of factory farmed animals has always been questionable. These animals are born and bred to be killed and consumed. Although, these animals are obviously going to be eventually killed and eaten, the treatment of them while they are alive, and during their execution is unethical and should be illegal. With the rise of documentaries exposing the unethical and, quite frankly, disgusting treatment of factory farmed animals, the issue has never been more prevalent than it is in the present. The large companies that produce and sell meatfor inexpensive prices are to blame for the unethical treatment of the factory farmed animals that people consume. Companies like Perdue and Tyson make a huge profit off of their meats being produced cheaply, quickly, and, quantitatively (Kenner, 2009). The Robert Kenner 2009 documentary called Food Inc. focused on the horrible and the deplorable conditions that animals were put through, while being raised to be slaughtered. The animals in many, if not all of the farms under Perdue and Tyson are being abused and neglected. The chickens used for various products from both companies are left in complete darkness, in small hot spaces where there are so many of them, they are unable to even turn around (Kenner, 2009). The chickens are also force fed with food that include growth hormones to speed up the time in which these animals are ready to be killed. The hormones that the chickens are given not only speed up their maturity from 90
  • 41. Essay Low Carbohydrate Diets Low Carbohydrate Diets What is a carbohydrate? A carbohydrate is a member of a large class of natural organic substances. Carbohydrates are in almost everything we eat, sometimes in very small amounts but often times in substantial quantities. Some examples of common carbohydrates are sugars, starch and cellulose. Carbohydrates are important because they provide a storage of energy in our bodies that is quickly accessible. In fact, carbohydrates make up the major source of dietary energy for people all over the world (Stephen 1995). In addition, carbohydrate intake increases levels of a substance called tryptophan in the body, which releases serotonin in the brain. Whether this phenomenon affects our hunger and eating habits is ... Show more content on ... The majority of low carb diets are based on the assumption that obesity and most of its related problems are often (maybe even usually) caused by an insulin problem, not chronic overeating, fat consumption, or refined sugars per se (http:/ / Therefore, a low carb diet seeks to curb carbohydrate cravings by lowering overall carbohydrate intake. The philosophy of low carb diets is that when the cravings have subsided, not only will carbohydrate intake be substantially lower, but food intake in general will decline, resulting in weight loss. There are many low carb diet plans that are available. Some of the most popular include: Entering The Zone , by Dr. Sears Dr. Atkins low carbohydrate diet Dr. Richard Heller and Dr. Rachel Heller s Healthy For Life and The Carbohydrate Addict s Diet Dr. Michael Eades and Dr. Mary Eades Protein Power ( The philosophy is that by restricting carb intake, the cravings for carbs will subside, resulting in a decline in overall food consumption and weight loss. Are low carb diets effective? Will I lose weight on a low carb diet? The web contains countless testimonials from people who have successfully tried low
  • 42. carb diets. They maintain that they no longer crave cookies and junk, nor do they have carbohydrate binges any longer. The
  • 43. Labyrinth Of Suffering Analysis How do we get out of this labyrinth of suffering? It s a simple question to ask, but the answer is one not quite so easy to search out and uncover. You d be more likely to discover a bag of dusty, old dinosaur bones in your backyard before you could uncover the answer to that question. In order to answer the questionat hand, you must first understand three things. One; a labyrinth is a maze leading you through Hell and back, filled with false paths, twists, and turns don t get lost. Two; as long you let even a single thought prance throughout your head for too long whether it be good or bad your mind will be completely and utterly chaotic. And three; to find your way out of the labyrinth, you must first learn to forgive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... Show more content on ... The scent I remember was like a punch to the face. It made me cough and gag and forced me to roll onto my side as a violent fit of coughing shook my trembling frame. I wasn t sure what I had been expecting that day. Certainly not flowers and sunshine and scented candles. But I sure hand t expected the rancid stench of decay, and something else, as well. I ve only ever been able to describe it as a smell like death. Not cancer death, though. It was sour and foul and could make a full grown man want to vomit. It smelled like rotting insides with maggots feeding on dead flesh with flies buzzing above and insides covering the ground and splattering the walls with dozens of worms slithering around inside the bloodied tissue; that sort of death. After I had overcome the violent coughing and had a trickle of blood going down my scarred chin, I had opened my eyes and propped my sore body up with my
  • 44. The Lamb and the Tyger Essay The Tyger and The Lamb by William Blake, written in 1794 included both of these poems in his collection Songs of Innocence and Song of Experience, takes readers on a journey of faith. Through a cycle of unanswered questions, William Blake motivates the readers to question God. These two poems are meant to be interpreted in a comparison and contrast. They share two different perspectives, those being innocence and experience. To Blake, innocence is not better than experience. Both states have their good and bad sides. The Tygeris basically the negative reciprocal of The Lambbecause it challenges God. The main questionthat Blake is asking in the two poems is that how can the same God make such a vicious animal and also make such... Show more content on ... The child questions the lamb as to where he came from and asks, Little Lamb, who made thee?/ Dost though know who made thee?/ (Blake 1 2) Throughout the poem the speaker continues to argue the lamb about its nature, as if to repress the lamb s self worth. When the child receive no answers, he decides that he will tell the lamb where he came from. He says, Little Lamb, I ll tell thee! (12). Jesus was a child once and the speaker relates saying, I a child ump; thou a lamb/ We are called by his name. ( 17 18), meaning we are all Lambs of God. The child then ends the poem by sending God s blessings to the lamb. Blake is speaking of what he sees are the positive aspects of the common beliefs of Christianity. However, it is not an accurate picture of the world because there it does not speak about the presence of evil in our world, which is followed by his poem The Tyger . Blake s The Tyger is the contrast poem to The Lamb . The Tyger is the experience the loss of innocence that The Lamb seems to personify. The poem explores the perfectly beautiful and destructive tyger. According to Thomas Curley, The Tyger included a small painted representation of a four footed symmetrical animal, The visual and printed symbol of the tiger has an immense complexity of meaning. The tiger signifies more than evil; it also suggests a mysterious, passionate, and violent beauty at odds with the pat, peaceful innocence of its contrar (Curley 1 2).
  • 45. Apple Juice As A Critical Review Outline For The Written... GC MS Method for Patulin Detection in Apple Juice A Critical Review Outline for the Written Final Exam I) Introduction: A) Information about the research article: 1) Full Citation: Xiao, H.; Fu, S. J. AOAC Int. 2012, 95, 1709 1712. 2) Title: A Sensitive Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Method for the Determination of Patulin in Apple Juice. 3) Goal/Thesis: To develop, improve, and validate an existing AOAC method for trace level detection of patulin in apple juice products by GC MS. 4) Overall purpose: To reduce human s exposure to patulin, a naturally occurring carcinogenic mycotoxin, known to pose serious health hazards. B) Research Context: Patulin Control as a Global Issue: Apple juice market constantly expands, which ... Show more content on ... However, the article s title is too broad and vague. It does not mention neither the use of the previously published AOAC analytical method, nor the name of the internal standard. Weakness. Proposed title revision: Utilizing 3 NBA as an internal standard to improve an official AOAC method to derive a simple and sensitive quantification protocol for trace level detection of patulin in apple juice products by GC MS. The Abstract is also presented in a coherent manner. It summarizes the objective and the main results (LOD, LOQ, R2 values). It also highlights the advantage of the internal standard used as well as going into detail about the simplified sample preparation and the efficient liquid extraction step, which all contribute to the method s development. The Abstract and Introduction are well structured, and both state the objective of the research in enough detail (Strength). However, the title does not adequately state the same objective, and thus it needs a revision (Weakness). 2) Methods: The Method section is well organized, and has six separate subsections. In the 1st subsection, all the chemicals used in the research are described. They were purchased from Australia, where the research was done, and solvents and other compounds were HPLC grade. Strength. In the 2nd
  • 46. Father And Son Relationship In The Kite Runner A parent and a child s relationship is one of the strongest bonds on this earth. We look up to our parents and all we want to do is make them proud but what if you try so hard to make them proud and still nothing. If you long for the love and respect of your parents and do everything in your power to obtain this and you still feel like you don t get this specific bond with them that you so badly desire, this can be difficult and especially growing up feeling this way. Amir and Baba did not have a normal father and son relationship. Amir ached for this relationship but Baba never felt that for Amir, there was many reasons for this relationship being this way. Baba blaming Amir for the death of his wife, Amir believing that Baba admires Hassan more than himself ,and the fact that Baba... Show more content on ... Ever since this Baba has silently and secretly blamed Amir for taking his first and only love away from him. And everyday now he sees Amir he will always think of Sofia and how she is no longer with him. This obviously affects their relationship and I m not sure if Amir realizes this fact because he never knew his mother and the very little he knew about his mother was what his father had told him. Another person that impacted the relationship of Amir and Baba was Hassan. Hassan was a young servant of the estate, Amir s best friend and the son of Ali and Sanaubar even though she left when Hassan was younger. Baba admired Hassan because he was loyal, forgiving, and good natured. Also because he was Baba s son, neither him or Amir knew this but Sanaubar and Baba were the true father and mother of Hassan. For this reason alone he obviously cared see for Hassan. And anyone Baba showed any affection to Amir was not happy with because Baba had never showed him this same affection. This was a main reason why Amir and Hassan didn t have the healthiest relationship and
  • 47. The Problem Of Innocent Death Row Inmates The first thing that used to run through my mind when I heard that someone had been sentenced to death was the word: guilty. David Wayne Spence and David Junior Brown are only a few of the many that were executed by the judicial system, and later found innocent. There is no way to truly know how many innocent people were executed; because once an execution is carried out most cases are shut. Could a fabricated eye witness testimony play a role in a defendant receiving capital punishment? I know race does. I want to become a forensic psychologist, and a part of my job will be assisting judges with sentences in the court room. There is this question that has been bothering me for awhile now, and I would like to know, how has the United States judicial system addressed the problem of innocent death row inmates being executed? I do not support the death penalty mainly because of the imperfections within the system that has caused innocent citizens on death row to be falsely convicted and executed. No nation is perfect, but this has occurred on more than one occasion. This system needs to be studied and resolved so this does not happen again. In 1984, an innocent man named David Wayne Spence faced charges for the capital murders of three teenagers. Unfortunately, he was convicted of all charges, sentenced to death, and executed on April 3, 1997 (Mills, Armstrong, and Holt). According to criminal journalist William Kreutner, there was no type of physical evidence that
  • 48. Persuasive Adverts Yet another rejection! I thought she kinda liked me. I mean, she smiled at me, laughed at my jokes, chatted to me all the time. Maybe she was just being nice, after all women want a guy who is confident, good looking, stylish, the ones you see in movies or on aftershave adverts. Not poor, gawky looking guys like me He continues to go over the events of last night, trying to work out if she really liked him or whether she was just leading him on, then crushing him for her enjoyment. It wouldn t be the first time he had fallen victim to this. On his way in to work his dead end job at the local leisure centre, he continues to lay into himself, head down, eyes on the pavement as he aimlessly kicks stones and conkers. A few paces ahead of him something drifts to the ground. It s golden, shiny and about the size of a credit card, but more flimsy. Stirred out of depressive daydreams for just a second, he rushes ... Show more content on ... You are the the lucky winner of the one of a kind Pussy Pass! From this point on, your life will never, and I mean never be the same. Wipe that hand clean, put back that bottle of lotion and put away that fleshlight, because you will never need a substitute for pussy again! The Pussy Pass is a revolutionary new device that will completely change the way guys pick up chicks. No more flirting, no more having to buy drinks, no more having to wine and dine, no more even having to date! Heck, the owner of the Pussy Pass doesn t even have to deal with rejection any more. When you reveal the Pussy Pass to a woman, it uses completely new and revolutionary technology to release a hypnotic wave, affecting everyone in a 10m radius. The woman it is pointed to specifically will behave however you want, and do anything you ask her to. I mean it, anything. Well, that effect will only last until you finish on or in her. During this time, everyone else affected will simply continue their day, however they will forget that you or your target exist at
  • 49. A Brief Note On Google Self Driving Car Google Self Driving Car is the first of autonomous cars successfully made today, developed by Google X as part of its project to develop mainly electric cars. The technology in Google s cars is named Google Chauffeur. The project was led by Sebastian Thrun, former director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and co inventor of Google Street View. Thrun s team at Stanford created the first self driving vehicle named Stanley, which was the only car that won the 2005 DARPA Challenge, a $2 million prize from the United States Department of Defense. There were 15 engineers working on this project for Google, including Chris Urmson, Mike Montemerlo, and Anthony Levandowski who had worked on the DARPA Grand and Urban... Show more content on ... The more unpredictable issues is with powerful natural phenomenon. The On September 1, 1859, an astronomer named Richard Carrington used his private observatory attached to his country estate outside of London. When he looked up at the sun with it one day, he noticed and began to sketch a cluster of enormous dark spots that freckled the sun s surface. Out of nowhere Carrington saw a two patches of intensely bright white light erupting from the sunspots after 5 minutes later, it disappeared, he did not know how important this discovery was because within hours the whole world would know it happened. That same night telegraph communications around the world failed there were reports of sparks showering from machines, shocking operators and setting papers on fire. All over the planet, colorful auroras (norther lights) illuminated the night sky; glowing so brightly that birds started to chirp and people started working, because they thought that is was morning. Imagine if something like that hit today. All electronics would fail, and you are self driving car and if
  • 50. Essay about Should Adult Content Music Be Removed from the... Frank Zappa really called it. As I was listening to him speak, I found myself in agreement with everything he said in the clip shown in Blackboard; much of what he, John Denver and Dee Snider said echoes my sentiments. I especially agree with his comments that the basis for the PMRC was a distraction from other issues that the Senate was attempting to sneak by an unsuspecting American public; furthermore, I believe this served as a means to further Al Gore s political agenda. Tipper Goreresigning from the PMRC in 1992 after Al became vice president proves just that. Additionally, I too believe that the Senate Committee hearings were an abuse of power, and also a major conflict of interest to head or preside as a member of any committee... Show more content on ... Does the 1st amendment protect their freedom of speech? Again, absolutely and resoundingly, yes. John Denver stated this eloquently, saying that suppression should not be tolerated in society and censorship is the first step to suppression; he continues on likening it to Nazi Germany; which banned and burned books. Is their material pornographic ? Explicit language, most definitely, pornographic, in my opinion, no. However, to others, maybe; since the word graphic can be used to mean illustrative, pictorial, drawn, diagrammatic, visual, in this sense, not necessarily. Used in the context of the other meanings of graphic; such as, explicit, lifelike, realistic, vivid, striking, detailed, full, clear, leaving nothing to the imagination, than I would say yes it could be considered pornographic. Is the 2LC album cover derogatory towards women? I do not believe it is, the cover depicts women in thong bikini swim suits; which you see women wearing on beaches everywhere in the world. Can you think of any example of men being placed in a sexist role similar to the depiction of women on the 2LC album cover? Yes, I can. On the cover and inside pages of Playgirl magazine; which was founded in 1973, during the height of the feminist movement in response to men s magazines such as Playboy, founded in 1953; and Penthouse, founded in 1965; which we all know featured similar photos of women. Did the PMRC and the Parental Advisory
  • 51. Idiopathic Interstitial Pulmonary Firosis ( Ipf ) Essay Idiopathic interstitial pulmonary firosis (IPF) is considered the most common form of interstitial lung disease (ILD). Its course is a progressive of and its cause is unknown. Idiopathic interstitial pulmonary firosis aЩ¶ect the gas exchange as it results in chronic inflmmation and progressive firosis of lung parenchyma. Рќe signs and symptoms of this disease consist of progressive dyspnea, hypoxia, clubbing and crepitations at the lung bases [1]. IPF is a fatal lung disease; the natural history is variable and unpredictable: Most patients with IPF demonstrate a gradual worsening of lung function over years; a minority of patients remains stable or declines rapidly. Some patients may experience episodes of acute respiratory worsening despite previous stability. РќH ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT 2011 Revised Diagnostic Criteria Р ќe diagnosis of IPF is based on the absence of a known cause of lung firosiscomputed tomography (CT) fidings and, in cases with CT abnormalities that are not classical for IPF, the use of pathological criteria [2]. An 2Щ№FLDO ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT Statement IPF is defied as a specifi form of chronic, progressive firosing interstitial pneumonia of unknown cause, occurring primarily in older adults, limited to the lungs, and associated with the histopathologic and/or radiologic pattern of unspecifid interstitial pneumonia (UIP) [3]. РќH Diagnosis of IPF Requires 1. Exclusion of other known causes of interstitial lung disease (ILD) Рќe presence of a unspecifid interstitial
  • 52. Women Saints Of The 5th And 6th Centuries Essay A Transvestite Saint: Mary/Marina (Stouck #13) Disguised female ascetic living was a romantic tradition and a dominant image in biographies of women saints of the 5th and 6th centuries. The origins of the story of Marina are uncertain, but similar stories may have been produced by monks who were interested in spreading monastic beliefs, or by monks who were preoccupied with sexual temptation. The natural sexual temptations of celibate monks could have been the underlying reason why stories, like the one of Marina, were retold and remained popular throughout the Middle Ages. The feminine gender has been an opposing force against the sanctity of early male Christians because monks struggled with sexual temptation, lust, and possibly involvement in sexual activities. Monks were primarily concerned with defining virtuous ascetic behavior in stories like the one of Saint Marina. But it seems almost to good to be true that monks and ascetics were flawless with obeying rules like celibacy. The point of this story was to honor the strength of a devoted holy woman and to show the world how monks are unconditionally devoted to God. But there is an an underlying assumption that the story is an accurate representation of how devoted monks really were, especially when it came to controlling biological and bodily needs. The point of the story was to convince audiences that monks do not participate in sex, but I see past that and I make a bold argument that the monks potentially
  • 53. Descartes Ontological Argument For God s Existence In Descartes Meditations a problem termed the Cartesian Circle arises. Critics accuse Descartes of arguing with circular reasoning. Simply, the Cartesian Circle is we are sure that what we clearly and distinctly perceive is true only because God exists. But we can be sure that God exists only because we clearly and distinctly perceive this. (Objections and Replies, 214). Descartes counters the critics with the example of memory. Descartes believes that although we clearly and distinctly perceive in the present, God is necessary to continually affirm clear and distinct perception when we remember that clear and distinct perception. Descartes response is not sufficient to breaking the circle. Moreover, I assert that Descartes or any other... Show more content on ... The reasoning is we know that God is not a deceiver because God is supremely benevolent by nature. Since deception would not be good and not being good would be an imperfection, God is supremely benevolent by nature. In other words, since deceiving us would not be in God s supremely good nature, we can trust that our clear and distinct perceptions are true. An objection to this second section is that we are deceived occasionally be it by sense or believing that the Earth is the center of the universe. If God would not deceive us, why are we deceived? Descartes replies by searching for the source of error. He discovers that error occurs when our will extends over understanding. When the will extends over understanding, we are assenting to something beyond the scope of our understanding. When we are not indifferent about things we have doubt about, we commit an error. However, when we remain unresponsive about things and a clear and distinct perception forces itself upon us, we should believe it. Descartes believes then that God gave us a perfect faculty to gain knowledge, but that we misuse it by extending our will greater than our understanding. Therefore, when we are deceived, it is our error and not
  • 54. Manifest Destiny Philippines The new Manifest Destiny, essentially U.S expansionist fever, leads to our participation against the Spanish empire with rebels on both sides. The Spanish American War made the US an international power with our footholds in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Also, our annexation of Cuba will lead to multiple opportunities in the future. This 3 month long war was diminutive and swift but showed how the US were unprepared, obviously by their landing at Daiquiri. What followed were naval attacks in the Philippines, which the US had occupied and later taken over. We maintained a streak of victories in both Cubaand the Philippines. The events that transpired in these areas will most likely continue to shape our future along with Cuba s and the Philippine s.
  • 55. Recycling Should Be Used More Help Save The Planet And... Not a lot of people know what recycling does or how it helps. Nobody thinks after finishing a can of soda, eating a bar of chocolate or drinking a water bottle where the container goes. People just throw them in the bin and that is it, they are taken care off. However, that s not the truth. These containers end up in our oceans or lands, they are just dumped there with other trash and just dirty the place. Just because they are out of our sight doesn t mean they are gone. That is why recycling should be utilized more to help save the planet and other reasons. Recycling is a process of recovering, reprocessing, and reusing wasted materials that are usually just thrown away. Materials that are most commonly used for the process are paper, glass, plastic and metals ( Recycling 1). Recycling is not a new concept, recycling has been around ever since the 1940 s (Cooper 275 276). Businesses use it all the time, with the high demand of products they need to make use of what they already have. Examples like car workshops were the spare parts of a damaged car are put in another car that needs the part (Cooper 276 277). Also, during World War II, Americans would collect all sorts of materials and give them to the war effort (Cooper 277). More than a third of materials were recycled during that time. Recycling had its rises and falls. After the war, recycling wasn t as popular anymore but in the 1960 s after a rise in concern for the environment came about, recycling campaigns were
  • 56. A Brief Note On The Sun And The Circumstances Of The... Racism the word has a harsh sound to the ear and racism s effects deliver a harsh reality to victims. The novel Raisin in the Sun and the circumstances of the Moulin Rouge Hotel Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, tell how racism destroyed dreams and crushed the soul through discrimination and lost opportunity. But there s another side to the racismstory. For some of the oppressed, discrimination and hardship will be fought with perseverance and achievement. In both the fictional Raisin in the Sun and the historical Moulin Rouge Casino, a black woman, against great odds, will achieve personal and historic success. Racism in America directed toward black peopleoriginated over 300 years ago with the first importation of black slaves into the America from Africa (Frederickson). While great progress in eliminating explicit racism has taken place, American society has far to go in ensuring that blacks have the same protections, advantages and freedoms as whites. Racial discrimination in this country continues to harm millions of black Americans whether it is through an inferior education, unfair treatment in the judicial and law enforcement systems or delivery of sub optimal health care. While the government can play a role in solving this problem with legislation, equitable law enforcement and national education, it will also take a recognition of the problem and then a focused, long term effort by generations of families to acknowledge and remove the many stumbling blocks of