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Christmas Stationery, Christmas Stationary, Chris Christmas Stationery, Christmas Stationary, Chris
Sociology Statuses Essay
Gracie Tolley
Judy Bohrer
Sociology M W 1 PM
21 February 2017
Ch. 5 Essay
The role we play in society can help influence and define who someone us. These statuses refer to of
the full range of socially defined positions within a large group or society, from the lowest to the
higher. (Schaefer, 2014, p. 106 ) Statuses can either come during birth or can be acquired later in life.
Someone might wear several hats in life, but their main status can be the indicator of who is this
particular person. Our statuses don t define us, but they are an part of us.
According to R.T. Schaefer in his textbook Sociology: a brief introduction (11th ed.), Sociologists
view some statuses as ascribed and others as achieved. (Schaefer, 2014, p. 106 ) Factors you can t
control are related to the social position of ascribed status. These statuses are received at birth and will
stay with you until death, a few of these are your racial background, age, and gender. Also, other traits
you can t control like a parent or a spouse dying would go under ascribed status. The statuses that
come from our efforts and decisions are known as achieved ... Show more content on
(Schaefer, 2014, p. 106 ) This doesn t mean you can t hold other statuses at the same time, but this is
what someone is usually known for. Billionaire Bill Gates is predominantly known for creating the
technology company Microsoft. Later in life, Bill and his wife Melinda, founded the Bill and Melinda
Gates foundation. The foundation promotes education and health for the world s underprivileged. (
Encyclopedia, 2017) Since 2000, the charity has helped provide 86% of the world s children with
basic vaccinations, and it s current assets are approximately 22 billion. ( Encyclopedia, 2017) For me,
my current master status would probably be a student. As I m still going to school, and haven t done
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How Does Std Affect Our Society
Currently, in our nation, there is a nationwide epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases(STD) caused
by a lack of carefulness and overall disregard for general health and sexual standards. Americans have
been engaged in premarital sex at an increasing rate since 2004 with 94% of the interviewed
population stating they have had sex before marriage. This increase in pleasure sex has exposed much
of America to STD s and the resulting outbreak has been catastrophic. With an average of one out of
four people carrying an STD even though they may not possess the symptoms, they pass it on through
the increase in sexual behavior. If we as a nation work together to increase sexual standards and
promote safe sex, then we can control this outbreak ... Show more content on ...
The passage of many STDs such as gonorrhea, genital herpes, human papillomavirus infection,
HIV/AIDS, chlamydia, and syphilis are caused mainly by unprotected sex, however few rare cases
have been known to be spread through osculation, without social standards in place to enforce the
views of a structural functionalist, social or pleasure sex will continue to be widely abused and
Thirdly, If one has an STD and its publicly known, that individual s social status is degraded and
negatively affected. In society as a whole concealing an STD creates a false sense of security and
attempts to preserve a faulty self image. Along with merely keeping an STD a secret many are too
embarrassed to even get tested after unprotected sex with a mentality that what they do not know will
not hurt them. This alone has a major sociological implication as it reinforces a negative social
construct and creates a poor symbolic representation of STD testing to displeasure rather than
emotional relief. In order to influence the proper usage of regular testing after practicing unsafe sex it
must be shown that the alternative leads to social distress in that untested individual live their days
without knowledge of major health issues where untested STDs cannot be treated causing visual
displeasure such as unexplained skin lesions that may influence one to be self conscious progressing
to sickness and self
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The Bombing Of The Twin Towers
The bombing of the Twin Towers turned America s focused toward the Middle East. The War on
Terrorism began in earnest. This war has brought about more than one conflict. As a nation, the United
States is unique. The government is not run by any particular regime or religion, there is freedom. Yet,
this is our unique brand of freedom. The Middle East is full of peoples with their own way of life that
do not necessarily agree with the way we see freedom. Lila Abu Lughod discusses one of the many
difference between the United States and the Middle East, the use of head coverings and the burqa, in
her article Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? She examines the cultural significance and
different types of veiling. Culture permeates every part of life. As Americans, maybe this is harder to
see. Yet, everything from the way we talk to what we choose to wear is the result of culture. This
makes it vital to understand that many things have a cultural significance. Abu Lughod expresses her
dismay over the obsession with the plight of Muslim women being focused on the burqa (209). Many
people have adopted the burqa as the symbol of the oppression of Muslim women. Yet, the burqa is
simply a form of covering originally specific to the Pashtun people. Each form of covering is part of
the Islamic religion. Each holds significance for the community that wears it. The purpose of women
wearing a veil of any kind is to assure their protection in the public sphere from the harassment of
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Benjamin Disraeli s Consolidation Of Political Power
For centuries countries around the world have fought over which political party would benefit their
countries the most. In Europe, during the nineteenth century Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone
stole the stage in trying to transform the government that would benefit society. Gladstone and
Disraeli both explored the conservative and liberal parties, but in the end they remained with the party
and beliefs that suited them the most. Although they both faced many challenges with the economy,
they overcame a majority of them through reforms and building a strong political structure. All over
Europe transformations were taking place from changing political alignments to structuring the perfect
government, which allowed for several domestic reforms to occur. Some of the ... Show more content
on ...
He began as a liberal, but Disraeli became quickly mainly motivated by the power to win over the new
group of the conservative party. Originally, Robert Peel created the conservative party, but when it
failed, Disraeli took over becoming the leader. His main reform was the Reform Act of 1867, which
became a major step toward the rebuilding of the system in Britain. This reform decreased the
monetary requirements for voting, but it was still based on land qualifications, and increased the
amount of individuals voting from one million to two million people.
Disraeli believed this reform would appeal to the working classes and eventually benefit the
conservative party. He was highly motivated by winning, but he was extremely flexible in handling
parliamentary reform and structuring a strong political system that worked. Disraeli s political party
was successful, but he did not instill a lot of reform into society to help society out tremendously.
Many of his beliefs are still permanent beliefs in the conservative party today, such as supporting the
working class, and support for the
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The Oas Research Paper
Their are many regional and international organizations that protect and promote indigenous human
rights. Examples of these organization include but are not limited to, the Organization of American
States (OAS), a regional organization and the United Nations (UN), a international organization.
According to the OAS website, The OAS is in the process of negotiating a draft that is called the
American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Member state representatives and
indigenous peoples representatives take part in the discussions and negotiating sessions. the
Department of International Law (DIL) serves as administrator of the specific fund of voluntary
contributions. The DIL provides financial support for indigenous representatives ... Show more
content on ...
The agreement was created in part to facilitate trade among the three countries. The goal of NAFTA
was to eliminate barriers to trade and investment between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. At the time
that the trade agreement was signed and ratified by each nation s legislative or parliamentary branch,
the president of Mexico was Carlos Salinas de Gortari. President Carlos Salinas is a very controversial
figure in Mexican politics even before he became President of the United States of Mexico, (as it is
officially known as). Salinas was a member to the Institutional Revolution Party (PRI) and for the first
time the PRI Party was faced by significant opposition from the right, the National Action Party
(PAN). Also, for the first time, the Federal Electoral Commission, the institution in charge of the
electoral process, installed a modern computing system to count the votes. On the day of the elections,
the system crashed. After the supposedly crash was resolved, the votes were counted up and Carlos
Salinas was declared the official President of Mexico. Ex President Salinas was also responsible for
the devaluation of the Mexican currency which lead to widespread criticism in Mexico. On January 1,
1994 the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) issued their first declaration from the state of
Chiapas in southern Mexico. The date coincides with the date that NAFTA came into force, a trade
agreement that Salinas
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How Business Cartels Have A Way Of Controlling Competition
Business cartels have a way of controlling competition, it is for this reason that landlords, real estate
owners, and owners of mining companies have decided to join the election polls in Bangalore, India.
Bangalore being the third largest city and is it is considered to be the Silicon Valley of India. Many
political parties deny any dealings with these owners but have them running on their ticket in the
election. The elections are mostly capital intensive and these people have the ability to finance any
political party. It is for this reason why the Addyston Pipe and Steel Co v U.S , bidding ring case will
be discuss in this paper to explain why bidding rings are formed.
Addyston Pipe and Steel Co. v U.S , court case of 1889 in which the Supreme Court of the United
States granted the federal government certain regulatory powers over private business. The case
resulted from a number of convictions of pip manufacturing firms for price fixing, a practice that
washeld to be a violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act that regulates the actions of corporate trusts.
While the pipe companies argued that manufacturing was not under federal regulation, the Court ruled
that price fixing was a clear impingement on interstate commerce and was therefore under federal
regulatory jurisdiction.
It was charged in the petition that on the 28th of December, 1894, the defendants entered into a
combination and conspiracy among themselves, by which they agreed that there should be no
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Conducting The HRDNI
It is important to remember when conducting the HRDNI, that there are three forces that investigators
must be aware of:
1. Organisational politics
2. Espoused theory; and
3. Organisational defence mechanisms.
In the case of RNC, staff have not been provided with adequate support or training to be able to
develop the necessary skills to perform duties to the required standard. Organisations that understand
the importance of having a committed and capable workforce helps the organisation achieve their
strategic goals and. Implementation of organisational learning processes and human resources
management is often neglected (Tortorella Fogliatto 2014).
4. Describe the investigative processes used
HRDNI is used to identify the gap between the ... Show more content on ...
As part of the HRDNI process, learning development and training opportunities support the
organisation achieving the organisations strategies as it can help to improve organisational, team and
individual performance ( Armstorng and Baron 2002 cited in Neale 2004).
6. Define the learning outcomes and learning objectives
It is important to remember that the HRDNI should be future focused, positive and linked to
competencies and qualifications that are required to perform the functions of the job to the highest
standard. In this instance, administrative staff need to be familiar with the office suite of products and
also outlook and general office management. The manager and coordinator, require skills at diploma
or higher level so that they have a comprehensive understanding of the positions and how to perform
the functions required of them.
HRDNI report needs to document carefully and completely the HRDNI report issues. They should be
presented as a hierarchy of outcomes and associated objectives to assist the HRD to design the
learning experience later on (Delahaye 2011). If qualifications are needed, these need to be described
fully and linked to the Australian Quality Training
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Bebe s Family
In this essay, Campbell discusses her experience being raised by African American women in her
family. Her father left when she was very young, leaving her to only her mother, grandmother, and
Growing up, one thing instilled into Bebe was to make sure she acted proper, especially in public
around white people, as they didn t want her to be seen as another typical colored person . The women
in her family believed that if she acted right, she would be given a better and more equal opportunity
at an education as the white children.
One day, when Bebe acted out in class, her mother was called, but instead of being punished, her
mother was more embarrassed at the fact that she allowed other (white) kids to see her act that way.
Bebe went on to complain about how she wished she had a father figure in her life to punish her for
doing such things like the other kids had. In her mind, having a father figure symbolized stability and
normalcy in a family, which she didn t have, adding another thing to the list of differences she had
from the other students. She continued on to say that she didn t even care how her father would act or
treat her, as long as he was present in her life, which draws to ... Show more content on ...
I think the essay could be relatable to a lot of kids trying to find their own sense of normal in life.
While I think guidance is important in growing up and developing your own thoughts and ideas, I
think that being able to come up with your own idea of normalcy is more important for development.
If Bebe s mother wasn t so persistent in telling her how to act in public especially because she was
colored, I don t think Bebe would have felt such a strong feeling of anger toward her family situation
because she would have been able to build a stronger relationship with the
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The Degree of Success of Reza Shah Pahlavi after the 1925...
The Degree of Success of Reza Shah Pahlavi after the 1925 Coup
A passionate but ruthless nationalist with little formal education, Reza Khan had a clear vision for Iran
s transition to modernity often using Ataturk s Turkey as a model. Milani, Mohsen M. The Making of
Iran s Islamic Revolution.
Iran entered the interwar period in a troubled state. Iran s economy was devastated and its current ruler
Ahmad Shah seemed to have little authority over his country as it was in effect governed by the ruling
powers Britain and Russia. However in October 1917 the balance of power was altered with the
victory of the Bolsheviks in Russia, forcing them to withdraw: Britain determined to protect its oil ...
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Then, with the support of the army, the British and the ulama, Reza Khan persuaded the Majlis to
entrust the crown of the oldest monarchy on earth to (his) family [5] thus marking the beginning of the
Pahlavi dynasty.
Reza Khan, now firmly in power, began a period of rapid modernization. Modernization is defined as
the process of changing the conditions of a society by forcing them to accept many of the attributes
and conventions of the current century. This is exactly what the new shah tried to do, however his
methods proved ineffective. The shah s reforms were on numerous occasions superficial and not
successful. The shah based many of his ideals on his role model, Mustafa Kamal Attaturk. But he was
less successful than Ataturk in forging a strong national ideology because Ataturk was able to control
the mullahs and to find a place for them as well as for merchants and intellectuals in the new Turkey.
He governed as an autocrat but also as a twentieth century politician. By contrast, Reza Shah ruled as
a monarch, proving adept as centralization but not at delegation. [6] He saw the clergy as a hindrance
to his plans for modernization and did everything possible to
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Essay Ender s Game Book Report
Born To Lead In the novel Ender s Game by Orson Scott Card, the main character Ender is put up
against one of the toughest challenges on his life. He becomes aware of his challenge when he
becomes a little older, yet before that, little did he know that he will have to save the world. Ender in
Enders Game is portrayed as a natural leader and fighter who is a killer at heart and can use his
understanding of the enemy and natural skill to kill to destroy them. However, once he understands his
enemy, he also feels compassion for his enemy. And because of this compassion, he hates himself for
destroying his enemy. At the beginning of the story, Ender lives with one mean older sibling named
Peter who always bullies him. He also lives with a ... Show more content on ...
This is shown when Ender was playing a game on his computer. While he was playing the game, he
kept dieing over and over again because he had no choice in the game. Nevertheless, after he got
frustrated, he bore into the Giant s eye in the game until it died. This shows that no matter how hard he
tries he will always have the want to kill. This is shown when it said, I am a murderer even when I
play, Peter would be proud of me. Not only was Ender a killer at heart, but also a natural leader in
battle school. Ender started off as a launchy in battle school and got no respect. But soon, he was
being promoted at an extreme rate. By the time his launchy friends became parts of armies, he was
already a commander of an army. Ender was surrounded by kids twice his size since he was promoted
so early. At first, it was very hard for him because he was so small. Soon though, he was at the top of
the ranks with respect from all of the kids in the school, no matter how big or small. Ender learned
quickly and perfectly, he could get almost anyone to follow him. Enders great leadership can be seen
in this quote, The soldiers knew by now that Ender could be brutal in the way he talked to groups, but
when he worked with an individual he was always patient, explaining as often as necessary, making
suggestions quietly, listening to questions and problems and explanations. A final defining incident
was between Ender and the Buggers. Ender was always
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Boeing Dreamline Case Study Report
Boeing Dreamline Case Study Report
By Jiajun Chen
On April 26, 2004, as Airbus surpassed its market share for the first time in the history, Boeing
announced its plans to develop the Dreamliner 787 (initially known as Boeing 7E7). These plans were
meant to recapture its leading position in the commercial aircraft market. With this aircraft, Boeing
used a different approach for development. This report introduces the market position of the 787,
addresses its new development strategy and its possible outcomes, and provides recommendations to
the project regarding challenges and the competitors Boeing faces.
Market Position The Boeing 787 is positioned within the market with a high likelihood of success. As
crude oil prices have risen over the past few years and likely to remain high in the future, the 787 can
reduce the airline s operation cost by consuming 20% less fuel than other airplanes of comparable
size. On top of the non corroding composite fuselages, sensors were embed into the main structure to
capture real time data on plane s structure. With both features, the airlines benefit from reduced
maintenance cost and increased airplane life span. The Boeing 787 also has a larger cargo capacity to
allow for additional space, providing additional revenue from potential customers. Because of the
booming cargo market, adding additional cargo space was a necessity for more of a stable revenue
stream. Besides the airline companies, more financiers and leasing
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Huckleberry Finn Confederate
Would Huck Finn Grow up to be a Confederate? As one of the most iconic American literary
characters, does Huckleberry Finn have a racist mindset? In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by
Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn despite his apparent affection for his escaped black friend Jim, is racist
and a product of his environment. This is seen through the language he uses, his condescending
attitude towards Jim, and his demonstrated beliefs of white supremacy.
To start things off, Huckleberry Finn uses strong, hateful language to slaves and all African Americans
in general. When Jim is introduced Huck describes him as Miss Watson s big nigger, named Jim...
(p.4). Huck clearly sees the need to address Jim as a black man before he even gets to his name.
Demonstrating that Huck sees a difference between blacks and whites, he says, Betsy (this was a
nigger woman)... (p.96). It is not singular to how he views Jim, Huck refers to all black people in the
same derogatory fashion, with racial slurs and racist language.
Secondly, Huckleberry constantly talks to Jim as if he was older than him, when in actuality, Jim is
much older than he is. At the point in the story when Jim tells Huck he ran away Huck responds Jim
(p.43)! Huck is almost scolding Jim for running off which isn t quite right because Jim is older than
Huck.When Jim is ... Show more content on ...
Huckleberry Finn constantly refers to slaves and all African Americans as niggers. Huck also talks
down to Jim as if he is older than him when Jim is much older than Huck, and Huck refuses to
apologize to Jim because Jim is black. It is clear that Huckleberry sees blacks as inferior and believes
whites have dominion over blacks. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain shows
readers that even the most free thinking individual can be influenced by the hate and racism in his
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Reading Comprehension
Chapter II
Research Method and Design The descriptive method of research is used in this study. Since
descriptive method is a fact finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of findings that
describes what actually exists in current conditions. Consequently, descriptive method of research is
best suited in attaining the purpose of this study because this research involved a description,
recording, analysis and interpretation of what actually existed in current conditions.
Respondents of the Study The respondents of this study were the 42 students of fourth year, Section V,
of Manuel A. Roxas High School. The 42 students were interviewed and undergone tests to
successfully determine the result of the study. ... Show more content on ...
ding Comprehension Performance With in the class limits 96 95
Very Good Reading Comprehension Performance With in the class limits 91 94
Good Reading Comprehension Performance With in the class limits 90 87
Average Reading Comprehension Performance With in the class limits 86 83
Low Average Reading Comprehension Performance With in the class limits 82 79
Poor Reading Comprehension Performance With in the class limits 78 74
Table 2
|Performance Levels |Frequency |Percentage |
|ERCP |2 |4 76% |
|VGRCP |4 |9.52% |
|GRCP |6 |14.29% |
|ARCP |9 |21.43% |
|LARCP |15 |35.72% |
|PRCP |6 |14.28% |
|Total |42 |100% |
The table showed that
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Passenger And Freight Transportation Systems
Passenger and freight transportation systems have a number of similarities in the investment
evaluation process, with a few significant differences. The table below offers an initial look at the
stakeholders for each and their relative financial interests. As this table illustrates, many of the
stakeholders are similar. However, there are significant differences in the asset providers and those
entities with a direct financial interest. This variance drives major differences in the evaluation of
investment in projects in either area, freight or passenger transportation. In freight operations, most
often the assets are provided by private firms with a direct interest in the operation of freight
transportation services on the asset. In most passenger transportation systems, the asset provider is a
public entity, such as a transit authority. For purposes of the asset provider financial discussion relative
to investment, there is a cost and benefit analysis that always takes place. These elements are generally
described as, for cost elements, facility capital costs (dictated by site location and design, as well as
the partners involved in the planning process), facility maintenance costs (ongoing costs of
maintaining a facility to ensure safe operations and upkeep), and operating costs (such as labor costs,
fuel costs, equipment costs, and the time lost to congestion or to the breakdown of efficient supply
chains). Regarding benefits, other impact factors include capacity
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The Death Of Helmuth
There were many situations that affected Helmuth and the plot of the story. When Helmuth sees the
Nazi beat up Herr Seligmann, he witnesses how brutal the Nazi s can be towards the innocent. Next,
Hitler starts making laws to protect Germany from traitors which is starting to make Helmuth angry
which will end up leading him to making pamphlets. Another situation that leads Helmuth to start
making leaflets is his encountering with Brother Worbs when he returns from Neuengamme. There are
some small incidents, but the all add to Helmuth s anger and hatred towards Hitler. After Helmuth sees
Here Seligmann getting beat up, It says on page 33, A sickening feeling rises in Helmuth s stomach.
His mouth taste sour. He is starting to see how
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Importance Of College Internship
One of the requirements of Ferris State University to graduate with Bachelor degree in Criminal
Justice is all students must complete an internship. I decided to complete my internship at the 17th
Circuit Court Family Division located at 1565 Cedar St. My supervisor s name is Jeff Hekman. I have
worked with other six interns from Ferris State University, Grand Rapids Community College, and
Grand Valley University. We all shared a passion for justice and to help others in our community by
mentoring, advising, and guiding in the right direction. This program is for juveniles that are serving
their sentences on probation where community service is a part of the verdict.
Internships provide many benefits to college students. They offer them a chance to learn about a
career field from the inside and to gain self confidence. Also, students can learn new things, meet new
people, and practice communication, networking, and teamwork skills. These are great additions to the
resume when applying for a job. By working hard at an internship, they can demonstrate to potential
employers and references that they have initiative and are responsible. Another advantage of
completing a college internship is to test a career objective while in the real world. Students can
develop good professional work habits and to become acquainted with people employed in
professional occupations. An internship can also enhance the self confidence as students learn self
reliance and independence and develop
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What Is The Theme Of The Ballad Of Sad Cafe
Surname 1
Student s Name
Professor s Name
Course Name
The Ballad of the Sad Café
The Ballad of the Sad Café is a fantastic novel written by Carson McCullers that takes strange turns
and curves shockingly. The Ballad of Sad Café is an account of love triangle set in a little town in
Georgia. The town is portrayed as horrid, bereft, and tragic that is far away and antagonized from
every single other place in the world. The novella investigates the subject of affection that spins
around three critical characters Miss Amelia, Marvin Macy, and Cousin Lymon in an adoration
triangle that takes the peruser on a radical new level. The three characters in the novel have distinctive
traits.For example, Cousin Lymon is potrayed as a guile character, Miss Amelia depicted as a
persevering character who worked hard in her business in the little town. Then again, Marvin Macy is
related with awful characters, for example, intoxication be that as it may, his conduct when he was
seeking after the warmth of miss Amelia.
Cousin ... Show more content on ...
He worships being the focal point of consideration and is a character that appreciates setting up people
into battles. Furthermore, he is sufficiently shrewd to trick and exploit individuals, for example, Miss
Amelia who had adored him and gave him all that he requested in spite of the fact that he
consequently does not offer her anything back abandoning her heart broken. All through the story,
Cousin Lymon has turned out to be an egotistical man who does not enjoy anybody but rather himself.
As George R.R. Martin cites Love is toxic substance. A sweet toxic substance, yes, however it will
execute all of you the same. Just like it had slaughtered and squashed the lives of Miss Amelia,
Marvin, and Lymon who found no satisfaction simply torment and isolation out of
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Law Archives
Case 1 Bert owned an early historic speed boat which he decided to sell for $50,000. Bert told his
friend James and James said he was very interested and would Bert give James the first right to buy
the speed boat. Bert agreed to do so. After a few weeks Bert asked James if he still wanted to buy the
speed boat. James said he was seriously thinking about it. Bert told James he was going to advertise
the speed boat for sale at $60,000 or near offer on the Historic Speed Boat Club s notice board. In
response to the advertisement in the club Bert received a telephone call from Alphonse. Bert told
Alphonse the speed boat was for sale But someone has right of first refusal. Alphonse then expressed
surprise and asked Bert if he was selling or not. Bert said he was selling the speed boat for $60,000 or
near offer and invited Alphonse to call and inspect the boat. Alphonse called on Bert and after
inspecting the boat offered Bert $50,000 for it. Bert said he would have to speak to James before
accepting. Alphonse then said he would pay Bert the asking price of $60,000. Bert told Alphonse to
wait a minute and Bert went into his office and rang James telling him what Alphonse had said. James
said he would buy the boat for $50,000 as originally agreed. Bert said to James I suppose I have to sell
the boat for $50,000 to you . Bert then told Alphonse about the conversation with James. Alphonse
claimed the speed boat was already sold before the discussion with James. Outline the
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The Importance Of British Literature
British literature has been a controversial subject for a very long time throughout history. The main
topics of its importance or there lack is one of the most significant debates in today s modern age.
American studies have to this day been about British literature, but is it reasonable that we should
study it? Not only is there a big debate about British literature being taught in America, but more
explicitly being taught in high school. Many literary scholars think that reasons of why or why not
coincide with the two. More scholars lean to the opinion that British literature should not be taught in
high school. Furthermore, educators justify their beliefs, but also give practical, logical, and useful
ideology that supports the theory ... Show more content on ...
According to Adams (2013) The age of chivalry is gone: that of sophisters, economists, and
calculators has succeeded; and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever . He said there for himself
that chivalry is no longer relevant, so why should high school student have to learn about? This goes
to prove why British literature should not be taught in high school because chivalry is a huge
component of it and chivalry is dead. In the words of Adams (2013) Chivalry is best defined as a
medieval knightly system, with its religious, moral, and social code . This means that men should be
kind noble and fair to everyone. It is, in reality, a set of moral rules that one should follow. We hardly
ever see any of this in today s society. It is hardly ever that someone holds the door for another, or
helping an elder across the street, or even walking neighborhood dogs. These examples would be
perfect for modern chivalry, but we just don t see it in our modern world.
A Discussion on Chivalry When discussing medieval chivalry, the topic of modern chivalry should
never arise. Modern chivalry or their lack of is completely and utterly different than that of medieval
chivalry. Chivalry has changed and some may say have died out throughout the ages. It is an entirely
different world that we live in today than that of two thousand years ago. Why should we discuss it in
modern times, if there is no relation to the lack of contemporary
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Dodge Dart Research Paper
If you are looking for a more reliable and comfortable everyday sedan, head over to Harr Chrysler
Jeep Dodge Ram and check out the 2016 Dodge Dart for sale in Worcester. The Dart is built with top
notch performance, interior and safety amenities. For the best local selection of new Dodge vehicles
head over to Harr Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram. Dart built to protect driver and passenger from injury in
a collision The 2016 Dodge Dart for sale in Worcester is built with industry leading safety features
that can offer peace of mind for the driver and passenger. The Dart is built with an outstanding airbag
system that includes front and side impact and overhead airbags. If you are in a rear end collision, the
Dart will better protect all occupants thanks to anti whiplash seats. The Dart is built with plenty of
features that can better protect you if you are driving in heavy traffic including back up camera and
rear cross path detection. You do not have to fumble around for your keys thanks to available keyless
entry. Dart offers comfortable interior with outstanding amenities ... Show more content on ...
On those cold weather days the Dart allows you get to warmer quicker courtesy of the available dual
zone temperature control. This feature allows your guests to get comfortable even if they can t agree
on the temperature. The Uconnect touchscreen allows you to better enjoy your music, including
SiriusXM satellite radio. SiriusXM satellite radio gives you access to hundreds of music, sports and
talk channels. The available navigation system gives you real time traffic and weather
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How Does Different Levels of Pollution in Streams or Ponds...
How does Different Levels of Pollution in Streams or Ponds Affect Macro invertebrate Species?
Organisms without back bones are Macro Invertebrate species (Seminole.Wateratlas.Usf.Edu ,2012) .
These organisms are small but can be seen without a magnifying glass (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002) .
Size ranges from 3 20mm long (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002) .Insects, crustaceans, mollusks, worms,
leeches, and anemones are classified a Macro invertebrate species (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002).
Streams that are free from pollution will contain a variety of these animals. Streams that have higher
pollution levels will less of these animals. Macro invertebrates that live in the stream can determine
information about the stream. These organisms can ... Show more content on ...
Piping the stream is when the streams are piped underground to permit city expansion
(Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). Piping the streams can cause the invertebrates to starve. The animals will
starve because algae need light to survive (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). In the pipes, algae are not
receiving any light causing the plant to die .Invertebrates can t eat leaves because there are no trees in
the pipes. Straightening the streams is when the streams are smoothed out or straightened with
concrete (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). This can cause the stream to lack objects such as rocks. The
invertebrates attach to these objects to prevent being washed down the stream(Waitakere.Govt.Nz ,
2002). If the stream lacks objects invertebrates will be washed down the stream. The objects in the
stream also used for protection from predators (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). Fewer objects in the
stream will result in less hiding places for invertebrates (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). Therefore,
predators will easily find them. Flow reduction is when some water from the stream is taken and sent
elsewhere (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). This can happen in many ways. One way this can occur is
when water is taken out of the stream for urban supplies and agriculture (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002).
This can result in making the stream smaller or destroying the steam entirely (Waitakere.Govt.Nz ,
2002). If the stream gets reduced in sized or destroyed most
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Legendary Coach Bill Snyder
If you are a sports person, you definitely know that team where it is really not a hard week of practice,
its kind like a real relaxed week. Well, Kansas State Wildcats were like that before the legendary
coach Bill Snyder ( Snyder return to K State ). He is still at Kansas Stare and is coming up two 23
years as head coach. He actually retired in 2005. In 2008 he came out of retirement and resumed his
coaching position at Kansas State. He is one of very few who have retired and return to the same team
he left. Even after having to rebuild a team twice he still maintained a .664 Pct. The contribution to
football demonstrated by Bill Snyder proved beyond a doubt that the College Football Hall of Fame
should induct this very dedicated coach. He is worthiness for this reward is shown in his achievements
and awards, impact on the fallowing communities and even the sport its self, and skill as a coach. One
reason why Bill Snyder deserves this reward is due to all of his achievements and rewards.
Throughout his career he has received just about every major award that can be given to a coach. One
that is probably one of his favorites is when he was named the 32nd and 34th head coach for Kansas
State, which is a very rare occasion ( Bill Snyder kstatesports ). It is also probly one of the biggest to
all of the fans. Manly because after he left the team fell apart. It wasn t tell he came back that the fans
could be proud to call themselves a Wildcat. Bill Snyder has
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Summary Of The Return Of Vocational High School
One of our class readings stuck out to me. The reading was The Return of Vocational High Schools:
Career Path or Kiss of Death by Allie Bidwell. In this she talks about career and technical schools,
otherwise known as vocational schools. In the article, she mentions, ... it s not enough for students to
get an education past high school they also must have the skills needed for in demand jobs (Bidwell).
This article relates to me deeply because last year I went to a career and technical school to further my
education in the nursing world. At the end of the course, all of the students who took the class for the
whole year had the opportunity to test to get their CNA license. I was fortunate enough to be able to
get my license at the age of
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Nursing Quality Indicators
Abstract The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators were published in an effort to build on
previously collected quality data and further develop nursing knowledge to provide best practice
nursing care. This paper explores eight scholarly articles that report on the relationship between hand
hygiene compliance and the nursing sensitive indicator of nosocomial infections. These items will be
reviewed; a needs assessment, high reliability standards, just culture principals, quality improvement
implications, a plan for future action using the Plan Do Study Act model, and summarization of ethical
implications. Health care organizations must engage in robust process improvement for hand hygiene
(HH) compliance for the resultant reduction ... Show more content on ...
This aligns with the model of Plan Do Study Act. It is crucial to understand what we are trying to
accomplish, how we will know that a change is an improvement, and what changes can be made that
will actually result in improvement. Prevention strategies of nosocomial infections related to poor
hand hygiene include revision of: orientation, training processes, competency assessments, equipment
cleaning, handwashing procedures, switching to the use of single use IV flush vials, adding
strategically located waterless hand rubs, defining supervisory expectations, conducting in services,
team trainings, and tracking systems (Infection control related sentinel events, 2003). Potential
solutions to noncompliance include: consistent skin protectant application, reduced time required for
handwashing, and antiseptic stations at the bedside and room entry points (Boyce, 1999). Hospital
administrators must create an organizational atmosphere in which adherence to recommended HH
practices are considered an integral part of providing high quality care (Boyce, 1999). Improvement in
infection control
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Human Identity, Art And Symbolism In Ralph Ellison s...
Ralph Ellison s Invisible Man is intricate novel that does an excellent job at exhibiting motifs that the
author himself felt passionate towards considering the era he lived in. Among the plethora of motifs
that Ralph Ellison embedded three particular categories that can be constructed. These categories of
concepts addressed in Ellison s classic are the following: Human Identity, Art and Understanding, and
Human Existence.
Human Identity is presented with a prevalent theme portrayed in this novel, but in order to understand,
we must first compose a definition. Identity constitutes of self perception and public perception. The
motif in Invisible Man illuminates (in respect to Human Identity) is that there stalemate that is at hand
with individual s reliance on external views as opposed to the primary component to identity self
perception . The narrator s situation is the paragon example for this focus on public perception that
results in an individual being mouse on a wheel. At the begin of is coming of age work of literature the
protagonist was asking others questions that only [he] knew the answer to. This situations perseveres
only until after the protagonist (narrator) undergoes a lobotomy that but it wasn t because of the
operation. He found this identity because he came to the realization of the cruelty of humankind.
Without a doubt this was a pivotal moment for the narrator quest for identity, but he has a tendency
(like most human) to find leadership in
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Anti Federalists Vs. Federalists
Anti Federalists vs. Federalists (Paper #1)
The Federalists and the Anti Federalists played an indispensable part in the establishment of the
American Constitution. Federalists were supporters of the constitution, while Anti federalist were
against the ratification of the Constitution. Federalists believed in the idea of a larger heterogeneous
republic whereas anti federalists wanted a small homogenous republic. Famous federalists like James
Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton are responsible for giving us paramount pieces of historic
documents in the form of the Federalist papers . The Federalist papers were 85 documents urging the
ratification of the US Constitution. Anti federalist side included people like Samuel Adams, George
Mason and Patrick Henry, and they believed the Articles of Confederation should be altered rather
than completely changed in the form of the Constitution. Concurring with the Federalist side, it is
imperative to see that the Federalists argument was more viable, due to the fact that larger republics
and checks and balances are useful tools in controlling a democracy. We can t compare ourselves to
the way Sparta and Athens operated. Our country would thrive more under a stronger national
government rather than a stronger state government. The anti federalists were against the proposed
Constitution and wanted the power to be invested in local and state levels. They believed that the
national government would be too far from the
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Egt 1.1
Task 1
William Jarrod Reed
Western Governors University
Student ID: 000178779
Mentor: Aminah Abdul Hakim
Throughout this task I will do my best to explain how firms determined to maximize profit do just
that. Specifically I will delineate how such firms choose the optimum level of production or output for
the goods they produce and how they behave with respect to various elevations of marginal revenue.
In my attempt it will be appropriate for me to clarify the definitions of various economic terms in
order to assure a proper understanding of my thoughts on this topic, I will provide these definitions
Understanding the concept of profit maximization lies with the explanation of total revenue to ...
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Such firms identify this optimized level of output by determining the specific point at which marginal
revenue and marginal cost are equal. The value to the firm is that this knowledge tells them when they
have maximized their profit making potential. Going past this point will result in a negative return.
The point of profit maximization for the firm in the given scenario occurs at a quantity of 8 units. At
this point they have maximized their profit and as you can see to go beyond this point would cause the
firm to incur economic losses.
Quantity|Total Revenue|Total Cost|Marginal Revenue|Marginal Cost|Profit Maximization| | | | | | |
0|$0.00|$10.00| | | |
9|$990.00|$470.00|$70.00|$90.00| $20.00|
10|$1,050.00|$570.00|$60.00|$100.00| $40.00|
11|$1,100.00|$680.00|$50.00|$110.00| $60.00|
12|$1,140.00|$800.00|$40.00|$120.00| $80.00|
13|$1,170.00|$930.00|$30.00|$130.00| $100.00|
14|$1,190.00|$1,070.00|$20.00|$140.00| $120.00|
15|$1,200.00|$1,220.00|$10.00|$150.00| $140.00|
Given the above
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Coral Bleaching In Australia
Coral reefs have one of the highest biodiversity of animals in one ecosystem than any others on the
entire planet. Coral reefs are colorful habitats in the ocean, some of which are not too far from the
shore. They are made from skeletons of calcium carbonate and animals, which make a rocky
substance known as coral. Coral reefs are a home to many different types of creatures that live under
the sea, some are unknown to a majority of the human species. Coral reefs are sometimes referred to
as the rainforest of the sea because they teem with life and abound in diversity (Agardy). Sadly, due to
the many factors of global warming, these natural treasures are dying from what is called bleaching .
Coral bleaching happens from the warming temperature ... Show more content on ...
Humans cause many of the signs that global warming is occurring daily towards different parts of the
world. Climate change is the main factor towards the rising sea levels, the temperature of the water,
and coral bleaching. The 2014 reports of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change describe coral reefs as the most vulnerable marine ecosystem on Earth, stressing that they
have very limited capacity to adapt to rising water temperatures and acidification (Dormer). Many of
the coral reefs and the sea creatures that habitat there cannot adapt to the temperature of the water, so
many of the creatures will migrate somewhere more suitable. Fish are an important detail towards
coral reefs due to the fact that they protect them from algae and other bacteria that can harm the rocky
substance. By changing the commonwealth of humans, the money can be spent to establish more ways
to support the environment instead of harming it by making things the society does not need in order
to live life. The government could fund more money to environment helping organizations, and ending
the pessimistic ideas that the society believes in. Commonwealth is an easy solution that can be
completed only if humans realizes how much that their precious planet is being harmed by their
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Masks In Ancient Greek Mythology
Elektra, who plotted a revenge with her brother Orestes against their mother Clytemnestra and
stepfather Aegisthus for the murder of their father Agamemnon, is a very significant and complex
character in ancient Greek mythology. In the opera Elektra by Richard Strauss and Hugo von
Hofmannsthal, there are some distinct stylistic features from Classical Greek theater. They are masks,
customs and chorus. In ancient Greek theater, masks are significant element in ceremony and
celebration. Greeks believed that the way in which the mask was to melt into the face and allow the
actor to vanish into the role. In the opera Elektra we watched, all the character were maked up with
exaggerated colors and style, which looked like masks on actors
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Eating Sausage And Beliefs
Type of metal shortcut in where people are more likely to believe in something that is more common
and frequently talked about. The availability heuristic often relies on information that one already
knows, which comes up in their mind first. This leads people to make fast judgements, answers, and
decisions that are not always correct. If you hear a story on the news about how eating sausage can
lead to anal cancer, most people will not believe it because it has never happened to them or anyone
they know. On the other hand, if a relative, friend, or someone you know ate a sausage and got anal
cancer, you will most likely believe it is true because you ve seen and heard of it yourself. (Page 70).
1973 research: subjects were required to listen
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Plant Kinship In Plants
Plants are boring. That has been the belief of mankind for generations. Animals are obviously highly
complex creatures with complex organ systems, and even more intricate organs like the brain. The
animal brain is able to sense surroundings, detect eminent danger, form relationships with other
animals, and recognize families. However, even without a brain, plants are capable of all this and
more. For example, Parasitic plants such as the Dionaea muscipula are able to sense and trap their
prey, the Mimosa pudica has the ability to sense touch and wilt, and plants like the Cuscuta Pentagona
can sense volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from tomato plants to form a parasitic relationship
(Biedrzycki M et al. 2010). Furthermore, some positive ways that plants exhibit communication
includes kinship. As children, humans are taught to share their toys and food with their siblings. Plants
it seems, have the same concept to ensure optimal growth and survival, as they act selflessly towards
their relatives, share resources, and exhibit less competition and more cooperation with their kin.
Plants are able to recognize fellow kin through responses to VOCs from relatives, and perform acts of
altruism to kin by resource partitioning amongst siblings through root allocation (Karban R et al.
2013). The current research on plant kinship and areas of future research will be discussed, as well the
controversies surrounding this subject. Despite the debate on plant kinship,
Volatile Organic
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Cruelty, By Stanley Milgram
Mohammad Asif Mohammad Prof: S.Bridges Essay 5 April 19, 2016 Cruelty The amount of cruelty
one possess varies individually depending on the situations an individual has experienced throughout
their life. This is why Milgram received such shocking results in his obedience experiment and why
only a few reacted in Darley and Latane s studies. Although cruelty is within from birth, the test
subjects in Milgram s, Darley and Latane s experiment had no intentions of being cruel because they
believed they were simply following orders and still fighting a personal conflict which is to respond or
not to a situation, while still conforming to the norms of social etiquette. Cruelty is something that is
innate. It is not something we learn but rather something that is nurtured into existence. Individually,
cruelty levels differ from one to another as each being may have experienced different situations
causing them to react differently. In the experiment conducted by Stanley Milgram, a psychologist
who wanted to test the level of cruelty a normal citizen would go to when instructed by a person of
authority. He brought in many different people as the test subjects and as we see from the results how
each persons obedience to inflict pain on someone else differed amongst the subjects, we understand
this is the results of their cruelty that is within. This experiment was set up in a room where there was
a teacher who was the test subject and a learner who was an
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The Compulsive Disorder Of Leonardo Dicaprio s OCD )
Leonardo DiCaprio s OCD
I ll never let go, Jack. I promise. One of the greatest movies of all time stars the best actor ever,
Leonardo DiCaprio. He has obsessive compulsive disorder, but is still one of the greatest actors. If
something was hard, he worked even harder to do it perfectly. Even if his disorder disrupted him and
his fellow co workers, he worked through those difficult times to get the job done. Obsessive
compulsive disorder, also known as OCD, is an anxiety disorder which involves obsessions,
compulsions, and can also consume a person s everyday life (Steketee 1). Compulsions are obsessions
performed into ritualistic behaviors (Parks 11). They can lead a person to have very vicious cycles in
which they are powerless to stop. Obsessions most of the time revolves around fears of germs in
which they avoid using public toilets and touching items. This can get so extreme to where they will
wash their hands so many times their skin will be raw, and they will shower so much their bodies will
start bleeding or chapping (12). There are many symptoms of having OCD. For example, sufferers can
avoid situations that involve obsessions, overestimating harm, and worrying excessively. Sufferers of
OCD can have multiple fears such as hurting loved ones, using sharp objects near people, not counting
high enough which would cause a natural disaster, and throwing items away (12).
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Parkinson Dance Essay
One of the earliest studies found examined the benefits of dance for a person with PD was in 1989, by
Beth Kaplan Westbrook and Helen McKibben. The study compared the benefits of a six week period
dance/movement session to an exercise group. The authors detected improvements during the one
hour dance session than the exercise group. Another article in the field of dance and Parkinson is a
preliminary study published in 2007. The small sample investigated and compared the effects of dance
and strength/flexibility exercise on functional mobility in people with PD (Hackney et al. 5). Nineteen
subjects were recruited with PD and randomly assigned to either a tango or exercise class. The
participants completed a total of twenty classes and were ... Show more content on ...
This type of rehabilitation is especially helpful in improving balance, mobility, and endurance.
Contact improvisation and tango are two types of dance that are often used for people with Parkinson
s (Marchant et al. 188 189). In a recent study conducted by the University of Limerick in Ireland, it
was stated that the attendance rate was much higher than with regular therapy sessions and many of
the patients requested that their programs be extended (Shanahan et al.). Dance might be a long term
solution to aid people with Parkinson s. It not only helps to improve the body functions, but it works
on the emotional level of the patient causing them to enjoy and become emotionally invested in these
programs. In another study conducted by the American Dance Therapy Association, a dance class
lasting two hours per week for twelve months had proven to better the gait, balance, upper extremity
function and quality of life in the participants with Parkinson s disease. This is in part because dance
activates structures in the brain such as the parietal lobe, basal ganglia, and cerebellum that are
specific only to dance, as well as, areas in the brain normally activated by motor tasks (Mandelbaum
Lo 173). The American Dance Therapy Association study stated Dance is thought to involve multiple
neural networks that involve motor learning, balance, and spatial integration, as well as
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The Movie The Rain Maker s Bad Faith Suite Against...
There is a scene in the legal thriller, The Rain Maker where the young newly minted lawyer Rudy
Bailor (Matt Damon) is squared off in the judge s chambers with big time corporate lawyer Leo F.
Drummond (Jon Voight) and a cranky coughing judge Harvey Hale (Dean Stockwell) to discuss the
pre trial merits of Rudy s Bad Faith suite against health insurance giant Great Benefit. The coughing
grouchy judge (who later dies of a heart attack) sneers across his desk at the young Rudy Bailor and
wheezes: This lawsuit bothers me Mr. Bailor! I wouldn t use the word frivolous, but...I m not
impressed with the merits of it to be frank. In fact, (cough) I m really TIRED of these kinds of
lawsuits. I m inclined to grant the motion to dismiss. can re file it in Federal court, you
know...take it somewhere else (cough), I don t want it clogging up my docket!!!
This scene has always impressed upon me the reluctance and recalcitrance of well established judges
refusing to not only embrace difficult cases to the fullest of their ability and potential, but who also
willfully and knowingly avoid cases that stand to challenge established legal precedent, or stare
decisis, in the pursuit of justice.
With this point in mind, in evaluating many of the legal cases we have reviewed throughout our
course, the one aspect of law that particularly intrigues me, and is most glaring with respect to the
cause of justice, is what appears to be many instances of the courts finding ways to avoid or
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The Pros And Cons Of Conversion Therapy
Conversion therapy is the conversion of a person s homosexual or bisexual gender to heterosexual
gender. It is a delicate process, if tempered with it can completely destroy the person, like if a
dandelion gets blown away, it breaks into thousands of pieces. Kirk Murphy a 5 year old boy favored
feminine behavior over masculine behavior. Psychologist George Rekers treated the boy by rewarding
him when he acted masculine and punished him when he acted feministically. The psychologist
claimed this method would prevent Murphy from turning gay. He established papers on his success
with Kirk Murphy. However, the truth was at the age of 17 Murphy could not cope with his gender
and at the age of 38, Murphy killed himself since he was distressed ... Show more content on ...
There were laws that were passed in six states which included California, Illinois, New Jersey,
Vermont, and the District of Columbia to prevent licensed workers from offering conversion therapy
to minors and other states have done similar things as well. New York City took actions to protect the
homosexual and bisexual people from these horrifying events that have occurred in many states. Also,
conversion therapy has been rejected by many mainstream medical and mental health programs. This
helped to prevent a lot of minors from undergoing conversion therapies which helped them to preserve
their life and grow up like a normal heterosexual person. Dr. Robert Spitzer who during his younger
age advocated for gay cures later apologized for his advocation because he saw that the people who
offered conversion therapy were not licensed. James Guay was impacted by conversion therapy but he
fortunately escaped from the clutches of a life draining process and he became a critic against
conversion therapy. After he became a licensed marriage and family therapist he helped hundreds of
people who have been rejected because of their
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Expectations versus Reality in Stephen Crane s The Red...
Expectations versus Reality in Stephen Crane s The Red Badge of Courage
The notion that war is an exciting, romantic endeavor full of glory and heroism has existed for
centuries. Stephen Crane set out to demystify war through his novel The Red Badge of Courage,
which traces the experiences of a young soldier in the American Civil War. Crane shows the true
nature of war by contrasting Henry Fleming s romantic expectations with the reality that he
This contrast between romantic vision and cold reality can be seen early in the novel, with Henry s
departure from home. Driven to a prolonged ecstasy of excitement by the rejoicing crowd, Henry
enlists in the army and says good bye to his mother with a light of excitement ... Show more content
on ...
The contrast is again evident in Henry s army experiences before going into battle. His treatment
before leaving town only serves to increase his romantic expectations as his former classmates
[throng] about him with wonder and admiration (710). Henry s regiment is then treated so well on its
journey to Washington that he is led to believe that he must be a hero with the strength to do mighty
deeds of arms (711). In keeping with his romantic beliefs, Henry imagines that his regiment will be
involved in a series of death struggles with small time in between for sleep and meals (711).
Yet again, Crane presents a more realistic view in Henry s actual experiences. Instead of automatically
being a hero, as he had anticipated, Henry faces uncertainty and a little panic fear as to his own ability
to withstand battle (712). Filled with self doubt, Henry dreams of a thousand tongued fear that [will]
babble at his back and cause him to flee (718). In addition, Henry must put up with months of
monotonous life in a camp, not the constant action he anticipated (711). Even when his regiment does
move out, it moves from place to place with apparent aimlessness, leaving a frustrated Henry to feel
that he is merely one part of a vast blue demonstration (722).
It is in the scenes of battle and death, however, that the contrast between Henry s romantic
expectations and his actual experiences
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Culture Is The Greatest Human Invention
Culture is the learned values, beliefs, and rules of conduct that are shared to some extent by the
members of a society that govern their behavior with one another. It is the greatest human invention, it
is the ultimate definition of what, where, and how we call a place our home. In this essay I will discuss
the characteristics, process, and elements within culture, as well as an in depth look into the different
categories and the topic of race within culture. A few basic components of culture are cognitive
process, behavior, and material creations. Cognitive processes are the basic outline or ground work by
which people think, reason, and give value. These frameworks for thought are learned by
enculturation in both formal and informal situations throughout their lives. We cannot view the
cognitive processes that create a value system within an individual s mind, but we can view the
outcome... (28 29). this means that while we cannot view the creation of values in a culture, we can
witness the embodiment of these learned perspectives. When an individual s actions reflect their
cognitive process, they re presenting their learned behavior. Behavior is another component of culture
because everything from the way we use our bodies to how we interact in social or secluded situations
is a result from how and where we were raised. Finally, material creations help define culture because
objects like art, artifacts or features often reflect the creator s cultural thoughts,
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My Defining Moment Essay
I jumped out of bed, it was time I thought the time I had been waiting for so long, I ran over and to my
nightstand and grabbed the socks and jumped all the stairs, I felt like I could fly, until I hit the ground
and rolled. Then I hurried over to the front door and grabbed my shoes, Come on! My dad said from
the car outside, and right as I left I could hear my brothers yelling at me, go back to bed! , no I yelled
from the door and ran outside still feeling pleased with myself, and my dad drove off. Once we arrived
at the skate shop, I was amazed at all the different skateboards and scooters, but my thinking was
interrupted by my dad, ready to get yours he said, I shook my head speechless in excitement. Once we
got started, I was in a trance watching them make and put together skate boards, once I picked out
mine, they told us to wait half an hour, so we decided to go to an ice cream shop nearby, once I got my
cotton candy flavored ice cream me and my dad sat on a bench outside the shop. My I cream started to
melt and I could feel the ice cold liquid run thru my fingers, and hit my foot like ice cold rain. It
seemed like hours until we finally heard the loud beep from the store when we went back inside the
store. ... Show more content on ...
When we were home, I jumped out before the car was in the garage I jumped out and rolled in the
grass next to the driveway and got on my skateboard, just then my brother runs out and gets on his
bike, and right when my dad goes inside my brother pedals out of the garage and rides down the street.
So I get on my new skateboard it s a little sketchy until I finally get the hang of it and i m starting to
go down the street, then I hit the hill i m having fun until I realize, I can t stop! Then I hit a rock and
fall, Watch Out! I hear right before hearing the loud cling! Off the side of my
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Piaget Of The Infant Cognitive Development Essay
In the context of infant cognitive development and its corresponding theories, Jean Piaget often serves
as a key theorist. Often referred to with the metaphor of children as explorers, Piaget believed that
children, from the moment of birth, are actively engaging with and exploring their surrounding
environment. With his contributions to the psychological field, like his six stages of sensorimotor
development, we grasp a better understanding of a child s first encounters developmentally. One of his
most important accounts was on the concept of object permanence. He was able to provide a look into
infants understanding of the physical world (DeHart, Sroufe, Cooper, p. 168). In order to better
understand his account on object permanence however, one must be aware of his six stages of
sensorimotor development: Reflexes, Primary Circular Reactions, Secondary Circular Reactions,
Coordination of Schemes, Tertiary Circular Reactions, and Beginnings of Representational Thought,
which were largely influence through his experiments with his own children. The first stage, Reflexes,
occurs from birth to 1 month. During this stage, Piaget asserted, infants are limited to their biological,
programmed reflexes. He uses the term reflex in a much more broad sense in that he refers it as ... any
built in behavior pattern instead of automatic responses to particular stimuli (DeHart, Sroufe, Cooper,
p. 164). These built in behavior patterns are not only
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Swimming Is Not A Natural Act
Most people believe that the most efficient and effective way to lose weight is either by jogging or
running. They think this because running is done on land, involves very hard movements of the arms
and legs, and their heartrates are going at 5 beats per second. People always seem to forget that a
better, easier and less vigorous way to get fit is through swimming. Swimming is moving your body
through a body of water, either a pool or ocean, using your arms and legs, while running is moving
quickly on land with your feet. Swimming is not a natural act but a learned talent. According to Dr.
Howard Wainer, a swimmer and statistician at the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, N.J., the
human body was not meant to move quickly through water.
Most people believe that its harder to run than to swim but the fact is that it s harder to swim. In
swimming water acts as the resistance while in running, air is the resistance. Water is a lot thicker than
air which makes it harder to move through. When running, performance peters out as the distances get
longer but in swimming the pace is consistent regardless of the distance.
Swimming has a lot of benefits which most people don t know about. Swimming keeps your heartrate
up without overstressing the body. It builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness.
Swimming also keeps the heart and the lungs healthy. All the muscles are used while swimming so it s
a good all over body workout. Also, according to research done
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Representation of Sexuality in Tv
With reference to relevant cultural theories analyse the representation of sexuality in a film/television
text of your choice.
I have chosen to look at and analyse a television text. It is a TV drama aimed at a teenage audience
called Skins. I chose this particular text as it focuses upon many different characters and scenarios in
regards to sexuality and this forms a basis for analysis and evaluation. Skins also focuses upon
Teenage sexuality, specifically, which I believe is a broad and interesting subject to analyse with many
opportunities to elaborate.
Skins is a British teen drama, which was aired on Channel 4 on terrestrial television and E4 on digital
television. It has had 2 seasons consisting of 19 episodes altogether. Skins ... Show more content on ...
The further off the rails Cassie goes, the more extreme the sexual situations, at one point courting a
female and then a few minutes after the female leaves a male arrives. Sexuality strongly influences
people s identity. (Op. cit. p.22) And at this point in the series we find that Cassie has a very mixed up
idea about who she is and what she wants.
This can also be seen in Season 1 when Maxxies best friend Anwar refuses to tell his parents about
Maxxies sexuality due to their religious beliefs. We see that Maxxie is torn between who he is and
whom Anwar wants him to be and this puts the friendship under great strain resulting in Maxxie
refusing to turn up to Anwars party. Gay adolescents who are more conventional in their gender
characteristics have the option of passing as straight and many do. (Op. cit. p. 461) This situation
happens a lot in real life but can be the cause of many problems, both for the person dealing with
feelings of homosexuality and hiding them and those around that person. Many people have reported
having feelings of being trapped within themselves and having pent up aggression due to being in
such a situation, which isn t hard to believe when we think that adolescence is when we discover
ourselves sexually. Adolescence involves the development of a sense of self and social identity
independent of one s parents (Erikson, 1968; Steinberg 2004). Answering questions about one s
sexuality figure centrally in this
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Civic Mirror Analysis
Authorization is an imperative component for any society. Civic Mirror taught our class the necessity
for bureaucracy in today s life. Government enforces correct behavior in organizing every individual
for further equality. In civic mirror, Congress composed laws to reinforce civility. If citizens acted
against this reinforcement, a trial would be held. In addition to emphasized legislation, administration
of necessary goods also justifies the importance for government. The provided prices for essentials
were very inexpensive compared to the private marketers. The primary action the authority takes is
implementing God given rights. In the taught simulation, every individual was granted the right to a
fair trial, for every case required an impartial jury. The importance of government is integral in the
provision of necessary guidance to its citizens as shown through Civic Mirror.
Government encourages each resident to sustain appropriate conduct. Efficiently run communities
abide by the correct behavior the authority institutes. To establish reverence in society, authorization
constitutes impartial court systems. During our first ... Show more content on ...
During the civic mirror simulation, taxation and the ownership of business hexes provided the
government with a spacious budget, allowing taxpayers to redeem a payment of above 1,000. This
fund guided disadvantaged families to purchase food, insurance, education, and health care.
Additionally, the authorization maintained prices around 900 dollars left the in the private sector. Jesse
Price, our judge, owned the health hex and was charging 950 per unit while the government was
charging 50 for an equally necessary unit, education. Our community of Beach Mountain was able to
prevent others from reaching levels of poverty by saving the citizens almost 2,000 dollars. The prices
lead by bureaucracy in Beach Mountain improved the lives of citizens, as it does in real
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Anti Vietnam War Song Woodstock Essay
The song Anti Vietnam War Song Woodstock tells how America needs more soldiers to fight a war
that s nowhere near American soil for a reason that is not well known to the american soldier. Country
Joe is basically saying that the soldiers do not know what they are fighting for and frankly don t give a
damn, all they know is that they have been drafted for a war they do not approve of. Many people of
this time made protest songs against the war and some of the songs leave more to the imagination than
other songs such as the Anti Vietnam War song.
The largest Anti Vietnam conference was held on November 15, 1969, and was hosted by the Vietnam
Moratorium. This convention is believed to be the biggest anti war conference ever in american
history. ... Show more content on ...
This article relates to the song, The House of the Rising Sun , because Eisenhower s position on the
war was that he recommended going to war because no one stopped the rise of Hitler and Mussolini
causing a tragic future. The containment of communism is needed now rather than letting it spread
further, making it harder to get rid of in the future.
The song Handsome Johnny , written by Richie Havens, shows the evolution of war in his song. Each
war the weapon that Handsome Johnny used got more sophisticated and more efficient at killing. This
is a powerful song because people will fight for what they believe in and will even fight for what they
do not know. Handsome Johnny are the soldiers of America, fighting from the civil war, all the way up
to the korean war.
During the 1960 s was when the Anti War movements were most common. There were over hundred
of organizations all fighting for the same thing; Peace. People would write speeches, people would
strike, many people would listen to Anti War music. Many artist in the 1960 s would release songs
stating their opinions about the Vietnam war, and most of the artist would be against war and promote
peace and
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Designing A Successful Web Advertising And Marketing...
Search engine marketing providers have increased in significance and there have been a number of
traits enveloping the market. Most web optimization corporations are anticipated to know and
perceive the algorithms created for serps, but solely few are in a position to crack it with precision.
Some sites get extra guests than the others while some fail to get even some guests depending on their
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of the sites. The algorithms determine if the positioning web page needs to be in the first page for a
relevant keyword. Natural search engine optimisation providers and results resolve the online presence
of a website to an important extent.
There are many steps to create a successful web advertising and marketing strategy associated to
natural search engine optimization providers which embrace several content material management
options, hyperlink building companies, articles, press releases and directory postings for better web
optimization placements. For lasting visitors stream and enhanced conversion rates, seo works the
Article Submission is likely one of the greatest methods of organic search engine optimization
companies as articles supply a generic platform for linking again to the main web site with out being
blatantly promotional. The readers profit by getting a generic insight into the market and in addition a
related supplier of the services. The hyperlinks
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Commodity Fetishism In Harry Potter By Turner-Vorbeck
The fundamental implication at work here is that their needs be nothing aesthetically valuable or
unique about that upon which an imposed phenomena is generated. Is it something special about the
Harry Potter books that has caused such a sensation or is the sensation artificially manufactured and
simply centered around them? An understanding of commodity fetishism supports the latter position.
If the Harry Potter books were, indeed, worthy of such widespread adulation, then the support for
them would have naturally risen up from the readers rather than being pushed down upon them by
mass media marketing (Turner Vorbeck, 8)
I noticed that here Turner Vorbeck is assuming who her audience is by the language that she is using.
To me, the words and phrases that she uses indicate that she assumes that academics are the only ones
who are going to be reading her essay. Her language is not inherently difficult to understand, it s not
something I could envision seeing in a newspaper or magazine where millions of everyday people
would read it. I also noted that in this particular passage Turner Vorbeck uses a rhetorical question, the
question being Is it something special about the Harry Potter books that has caused a sensation or is
the sensation artificially manufactured and simply centered around them? (Turner Vorbeck, 8). While
she knows we as the readers will not have an answer to that question, she uses this to set up her next
claim: that the Harry Potter books are not good
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World War I And Great War
World war one was one the biggest wars in recorded history. It lasted from 1914 1918 and was a brutal
conflict in Canadian history. More than 60,000 Canadians died in this war. When the First World War
began in the year of 1914, some believe that it would last for a long time. Many young individuals in
Canada and others saw this war as a privilege to travel, adventure, and great beauty. Some individuals
were afraid that the conflict would be over before they could get into the battle. Many people signed
up dreaming that they would have the honour of fighting for the British Empire, to which Canada
belonged. The somewhat Great War was different in the dreamy vision than it was in reality. This war
took the lives of more than 8 million ... Show more content on ...
Some of the causes of world war one are imperialism, militarism, nationalism, and alliances.
Imperialism is when one country rules over another through establishment of colonies. Imperialism
resulted from Industrialization, which was needed for raw goods and markets for manufactured goods.
The countries fought with each other over colonies. Militarism was used for building a strong military
and in order for that country to have its interests dominate the government. In the past, war was seen
as something that was acceptable to solve conflicts and enhance a country. Some examples of
imperialism include: naval arms race between Great Britain and Germany. Nationalism is a strong
feeling of loyalty and protection of culture and need of ethnic group to have a country that is their
own. Alliances are countries that form cooperative groups in order to protect everyone s interests.
However, the most significant cause of world war one was industrialization, which had fueled
imperialism, and Nationalism. Together they both caused three factors that led to war: German
unification, territorial rivalries, and economic competition.
The Great powers were prepared to participate in the war because in the 15th century, some European
nations were expanding their territory forcefully. Countries that were powerful used imperialism by
creating colonies all over the world in order to create empires. They used the land and resources of the
nations that were weak and controlled by the great
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Alliteration In Ozymandias
Ozymandias is believed to be more powerful than the Gods themselves. Ozymandias is an iambic
pentameter sonnet with imagery, alliteration, irony, and symbolism. He thinks highly of himself as the
King of Kings and he believes he is the ruler of great and vast lands, but the poem reveals nature and
time has overcome him and his kingdom, leaving behind ruins of him, and lone and level lands around
him full of emptiness. The author is vivid with his uses of imagery in this poem. He is very descriptive
of the pieces of the statue, and the ruins of the wreck. Half sunk, a shatter d visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command, this is a good example of Shelley describing the statue s
ruins using imagery. Here is another example of the imagery use for the wreck and the lands
surrounding, Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, The lone and level sands stretch far away. He
used imagery in a way to put the reader in the story and really understand where he was at the time. ...
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Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, and The lone and level sands stretch far away, both have
the repetition sounds of b and l in their lines. The alliteration is useful for him to use in his diction and
helps it fully develop the poem. There is a lot of use of symbolism in this story. The fact that
Ozymandias was broken into pieces as if he were dead, the note shows his passions still live on. It also
shows in the poem, his civilization is ruined, so it shows everything powerful has to end with time.
There is a lot of death in the poem, but it balances out with the passions read on the note. Also, he
believed himself great and he came to his end with his
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Christmas Stationery, Christmas Stationary, Chris 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Christmas Stationery, Christmas Stationary, Chris Christmas Stationery, Christmas Stationary, Chris
  • 2. Sociology Statuses Essay Gracie Tolley Judy Bohrer Sociology M W 1 PM 21 February 2017 Ch. 5 Essay Statuses The role we play in society can help influence and define who someone us. These statuses refer to of the full range of socially defined positions within a large group or society, from the lowest to the higher. (Schaefer, 2014, p. 106 ) Statuses can either come during birth or can be acquired later in life. Someone might wear several hats in life, but their main status can be the indicator of who is this particular person. Our statuses don t define us, but they are an part of us. According to R.T. Schaefer in his textbook Sociology: a brief introduction (11th ed.), Sociologists view some statuses as ascribed and others as achieved. (Schaefer, 2014, p. 106 ) Factors you can t control are related to the social position of ascribed status. These statuses are received at birth and will stay with you until death, a few of these are your racial background, age, and gender. Also, other traits you can t control like a parent or a spouse dying would go under ascribed status. The statuses that come from our efforts and decisions are known as achieved ... Show more content on ... (Schaefer, 2014, p. 106 ) This doesn t mean you can t hold other statuses at the same time, but this is what someone is usually known for. Billionaire Bill Gates is predominantly known for creating the technology company Microsoft. Later in life, Bill and his wife Melinda, founded the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. The foundation promotes education and health for the world s underprivileged. ( Encyclopedia, 2017) Since 2000, the charity has helped provide 86% of the world s children with basic vaccinations, and it s current assets are approximately 22 billion. ( Encyclopedia, 2017) For me, my current master status would probably be a student. As I m still going to school, and haven t done anything ... Get more on ...
  • 3. How Does Std Affect Our Society Currently, in our nation, there is a nationwide epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases(STD) caused by a lack of carefulness and overall disregard for general health and sexual standards. Americans have been engaged in premarital sex at an increasing rate since 2004 with 94% of the interviewed population stating they have had sex before marriage. This increase in pleasure sex has exposed much of America to STD s and the resulting outbreak has been catastrophic. With an average of one out of four people carrying an STD even though they may not possess the symptoms, they pass it on through the increase in sexual behavior. If we as a nation work together to increase sexual standards and promote safe sex, then we can control this outbreak ... Show more content on ... The passage of many STDs such as gonorrhea, genital herpes, human papillomavirus infection, HIV/AIDS, chlamydia, and syphilis are caused mainly by unprotected sex, however few rare cases have been known to be spread through osculation, without social standards in place to enforce the views of a structural functionalist, social or pleasure sex will continue to be widely abused and unprotected. Thirdly, If one has an STD and its publicly known, that individual s social status is degraded and negatively affected. In society as a whole concealing an STD creates a false sense of security and attempts to preserve a faulty self image. Along with merely keeping an STD a secret many are too embarrassed to even get tested after unprotected sex with a mentality that what they do not know will not hurt them. This alone has a major sociological implication as it reinforces a negative social construct and creates a poor symbolic representation of STD testing to displeasure rather than emotional relief. In order to influence the proper usage of regular testing after practicing unsafe sex it must be shown that the alternative leads to social distress in that untested individual live their days without knowledge of major health issues where untested STDs cannot be treated causing visual displeasure such as unexplained skin lesions that may influence one to be self conscious progressing to sickness and self ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Bombing Of The Twin Towers The bombing of the Twin Towers turned America s focused toward the Middle East. The War on Terrorism began in earnest. This war has brought about more than one conflict. As a nation, the United States is unique. The government is not run by any particular regime or religion, there is freedom. Yet, this is our unique brand of freedom. The Middle East is full of peoples with their own way of life that do not necessarily agree with the way we see freedom. Lila Abu Lughod discusses one of the many difference between the United States and the Middle East, the use of head coverings and the burqa, in her article Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? She examines the cultural significance and different types of veiling. Culture permeates every part of life. As Americans, maybe this is harder to see. Yet, everything from the way we talk to what we choose to wear is the result of culture. This makes it vital to understand that many things have a cultural significance. Abu Lughod expresses her dismay over the obsession with the plight of Muslim women being focused on the burqa (209). Many people have adopted the burqa as the symbol of the oppression of Muslim women. Yet, the burqa is simply a form of covering originally specific to the Pashtun people. Each form of covering is part of the Islamic religion. Each holds significance for the community that wears it. The purpose of women wearing a veil of any kind is to assure their protection in the public sphere from the harassment of ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Benjamin Disraeli s Consolidation Of Political Power For centuries countries around the world have fought over which political party would benefit their countries the most. In Europe, during the nineteenth century Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone stole the stage in trying to transform the government that would benefit society. Gladstone and Disraeli both explored the conservative and liberal parties, but in the end they remained with the party and beliefs that suited them the most. Although they both faced many challenges with the economy, they overcame a majority of them through reforms and building a strong political structure. All over Europe transformations were taking place from changing political alignments to structuring the perfect government, which allowed for several domestic reforms to occur. Some of the ... Show more content on ... He began as a liberal, but Disraeli became quickly mainly motivated by the power to win over the new group of the conservative party. Originally, Robert Peel created the conservative party, but when it failed, Disraeli took over becoming the leader. His main reform was the Reform Act of 1867, which became a major step toward the rebuilding of the system in Britain. This reform decreased the monetary requirements for voting, but it was still based on land qualifications, and increased the amount of individuals voting from one million to two million people. Disraeli believed this reform would appeal to the working classes and eventually benefit the conservative party. He was highly motivated by winning, but he was extremely flexible in handling parliamentary reform and structuring a strong political system that worked. Disraeli s political party was successful, but he did not instill a lot of reform into society to help society out tremendously. Many of his beliefs are still permanent beliefs in the conservative party today, such as supporting the working class, and support for the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Oas Research Paper Their are many regional and international organizations that protect and promote indigenous human rights. Examples of these organization include but are not limited to, the Organization of American States (OAS), a regional organization and the United Nations (UN), a international organization. According to the OAS website, The OAS is in the process of negotiating a draft that is called the American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Member state representatives and indigenous peoples representatives take part in the discussions and negotiating sessions. the Department of International Law (DIL) serves as administrator of the specific fund of voluntary contributions. The DIL provides financial support for indigenous representatives ... Show more content on ... The agreement was created in part to facilitate trade among the three countries. The goal of NAFTA was to eliminate barriers to trade and investment between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. At the time that the trade agreement was signed and ratified by each nation s legislative or parliamentary branch, the president of Mexico was Carlos Salinas de Gortari. President Carlos Salinas is a very controversial figure in Mexican politics even before he became President of the United States of Mexico, (as it is officially known as). Salinas was a member to the Institutional Revolution Party (PRI) and for the first time the PRI Party was faced by significant opposition from the right, the National Action Party (PAN). Also, for the first time, the Federal Electoral Commission, the institution in charge of the electoral process, installed a modern computing system to count the votes. On the day of the elections, the system crashed. After the supposedly crash was resolved, the votes were counted up and Carlos Salinas was declared the official President of Mexico. Ex President Salinas was also responsible for the devaluation of the Mexican currency which lead to widespread criticism in Mexico. On January 1, 1994 the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) issued their first declaration from the state of Chiapas in southern Mexico. The date coincides with the date that NAFTA came into force, a trade agreement that Salinas ... Get more on ...
  • 7. How Business Cartels Have A Way Of Controlling Competition Business cartels have a way of controlling competition, it is for this reason that landlords, real estate owners, and owners of mining companies have decided to join the election polls in Bangalore, India. Bangalore being the third largest city and is it is considered to be the Silicon Valley of India. Many political parties deny any dealings with these owners but have them running on their ticket in the election. The elections are mostly capital intensive and these people have the ability to finance any political party. It is for this reason why the Addyston Pipe and Steel Co v U.S , bidding ring case will be discuss in this paper to explain why bidding rings are formed. Addyston Pipe and Steel Co. v U.S , court case of 1889 in which the Supreme Court of the United States granted the federal government certain regulatory powers over private business. The case resulted from a number of convictions of pip manufacturing firms for price fixing, a practice that washeld to be a violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act that regulates the actions of corporate trusts. While the pipe companies argued that manufacturing was not under federal regulation, the Court ruled that price fixing was a clear impingement on interstate commerce and was therefore under federal regulatory jurisdiction. It was charged in the petition that on the 28th of December, 1894, the defendants entered into a combination and conspiracy among themselves, by which they agreed that there should be no ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Conducting The HRDNI It is important to remember when conducting the HRDNI, that there are three forces that investigators must be aware of: 1. Organisational politics 2. Espoused theory; and 3. Organisational defence mechanisms. In the case of RNC, staff have not been provided with adequate support or training to be able to develop the necessary skills to perform duties to the required standard. Organisations that understand the importance of having a committed and capable workforce helps the organisation achieve their strategic goals and. Implementation of organisational learning processes and human resources management is often neglected (Tortorella Fogliatto 2014). 4. Describe the investigative processes used HRDNI is used to identify the gap between the ... Show more content on ... As part of the HRDNI process, learning development and training opportunities support the organisation achieving the organisations strategies as it can help to improve organisational, team and individual performance ( Armstorng and Baron 2002 cited in Neale 2004). 6. Define the learning outcomes and learning objectives It is important to remember that the HRDNI should be future focused, positive and linked to competencies and qualifications that are required to perform the functions of the job to the highest standard. In this instance, administrative staff need to be familiar with the office suite of products and also outlook and general office management. The manager and coordinator, require skills at diploma or higher level so that they have a comprehensive understanding of the positions and how to perform the functions required of them. HRDNI report needs to document carefully and completely the HRDNI report issues. They should be presented as a hierarchy of outcomes and associated objectives to assist the HRD to design the learning experience later on (Delahaye 2011). If qualifications are needed, these need to be described fully and linked to the Australian Quality Training ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Bebe s Family In this essay, Campbell discusses her experience being raised by African American women in her family. Her father left when she was very young, leaving her to only her mother, grandmother, and aunts. Growing up, one thing instilled into Bebe was to make sure she acted proper, especially in public around white people, as they didn t want her to be seen as another typical colored person . The women in her family believed that if she acted right, she would be given a better and more equal opportunity at an education as the white children. One day, when Bebe acted out in class, her mother was called, but instead of being punished, her mother was more embarrassed at the fact that she allowed other (white) kids to see her act that way. Bebe went on to complain about how she wished she had a father figure in her life to punish her for doing such things like the other kids had. In her mind, having a father figure symbolized stability and normalcy in a family, which she didn t have, adding another thing to the list of differences she had from the other students. She continued on to say that she didn t even care how her father would act or treat her, as long as he was present in her life, which draws to ... Show more content on ... I think the essay could be relatable to a lot of kids trying to find their own sense of normal in life. While I think guidance is important in growing up and developing your own thoughts and ideas, I think that being able to come up with your own idea of normalcy is more important for development. If Bebe s mother wasn t so persistent in telling her how to act in public especially because she was colored, I don t think Bebe would have felt such a strong feeling of anger toward her family situation because she would have been able to build a stronger relationship with the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Degree of Success of Reza Shah Pahlavi after the 1925... The Degree of Success of Reza Shah Pahlavi after the 1925 Coup A passionate but ruthless nationalist with little formal education, Reza Khan had a clear vision for Iran s transition to modernity often using Ataturk s Turkey as a model. Milani, Mohsen M. The Making of Iran s Islamic Revolution. Iran entered the interwar period in a troubled state. Iran s economy was devastated and its current ruler Ahmad Shah seemed to have little authority over his country as it was in effect governed by the ruling powers Britain and Russia. However in October 1917 the balance of power was altered with the victory of the Bolsheviks in Russia, forcing them to withdraw: Britain determined to protect its oil ... Show more content on ... Then, with the support of the army, the British and the ulama, Reza Khan persuaded the Majlis to entrust the crown of the oldest monarchy on earth to (his) family [5] thus marking the beginning of the Pahlavi dynasty. Reza Khan, now firmly in power, began a period of rapid modernization. Modernization is defined as the process of changing the conditions of a society by forcing them to accept many of the attributes and conventions of the current century. This is exactly what the new shah tried to do, however his methods proved ineffective. The shah s reforms were on numerous occasions superficial and not successful. The shah based many of his ideals on his role model, Mustafa Kamal Attaturk. But he was less successful than Ataturk in forging a strong national ideology because Ataturk was able to control the mullahs and to find a place for them as well as for merchants and intellectuals in the new Turkey. He governed as an autocrat but also as a twentieth century politician. By contrast, Reza Shah ruled as a monarch, proving adept as centralization but not at delegation. [6] He saw the clergy as a hindrance to his plans for modernization and did everything possible to ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay Ender s Game Book Report Born To Lead In the novel Ender s Game by Orson Scott Card, the main character Ender is put up against one of the toughest challenges on his life. He becomes aware of his challenge when he becomes a little older, yet before that, little did he know that he will have to save the world. Ender in Enders Game is portrayed as a natural leader and fighter who is a killer at heart and can use his understanding of the enemy and natural skill to kill to destroy them. However, once he understands his enemy, he also feels compassion for his enemy. And because of this compassion, he hates himself for destroying his enemy. At the beginning of the story, Ender lives with one mean older sibling named Peter who always bullies him. He also lives with a ... Show more content on ... This is shown when Ender was playing a game on his computer. While he was playing the game, he kept dieing over and over again because he had no choice in the game. Nevertheless, after he got frustrated, he bore into the Giant s eye in the game until it died. This shows that no matter how hard he tries he will always have the want to kill. This is shown when it said, I am a murderer even when I play, Peter would be proud of me. Not only was Ender a killer at heart, but also a natural leader in battle school. Ender started off as a launchy in battle school and got no respect. But soon, he was being promoted at an extreme rate. By the time his launchy friends became parts of armies, he was already a commander of an army. Ender was surrounded by kids twice his size since he was promoted so early. At first, it was very hard for him because he was so small. Soon though, he was at the top of the ranks with respect from all of the kids in the school, no matter how big or small. Ender learned quickly and perfectly, he could get almost anyone to follow him. Enders great leadership can be seen in this quote, The soldiers knew by now that Ender could be brutal in the way he talked to groups, but when he worked with an individual he was always patient, explaining as often as necessary, making suggestions quietly, listening to questions and problems and explanations. A final defining incident was between Ender and the Buggers. Ender was always ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Boeing Dreamline Case Study Report Boeing Dreamline Case Study Report By Jiajun Chen INTRODUCTION On April 26, 2004, as Airbus surpassed its market share for the first time in the history, Boeing announced its plans to develop the Dreamliner 787 (initially known as Boeing 7E7). These plans were meant to recapture its leading position in the commercial aircraft market. With this aircraft, Boeing used a different approach for development. This report introduces the market position of the 787, addresses its new development strategy and its possible outcomes, and provides recommendations to the project regarding challenges and the competitors Boeing faces. Market Position The Boeing 787 is positioned within the market with a high likelihood of success. As crude oil prices have risen over the past few years and likely to remain high in the future, the 787 can reduce the airline s operation cost by consuming 20% less fuel than other airplanes of comparable size. On top of the non corroding composite fuselages, sensors were embed into the main structure to capture real time data on plane s structure. With both features, the airlines benefit from reduced maintenance cost and increased airplane life span. The Boeing 787 also has a larger cargo capacity to allow for additional space, providing additional revenue from potential customers. Because of the booming cargo market, adding additional cargo space was a necessity for more of a stable revenue stream. Besides the airline companies, more financiers and leasing ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Huckleberry Finn Confederate Would Huck Finn Grow up to be a Confederate? As one of the most iconic American literary characters, does Huckleberry Finn have a racist mindset? In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn despite his apparent affection for his escaped black friend Jim, is racist and a product of his environment. This is seen through the language he uses, his condescending attitude towards Jim, and his demonstrated beliefs of white supremacy. To start things off, Huckleberry Finn uses strong, hateful language to slaves and all African Americans in general. When Jim is introduced Huck describes him as Miss Watson s big nigger, named Jim... (p.4). Huck clearly sees the need to address Jim as a black man before he even gets to his name. Demonstrating that Huck sees a difference between blacks and whites, he says, Betsy (this was a nigger woman)... (p.96). It is not singular to how he views Jim, Huck refers to all black people in the same derogatory fashion, with racial slurs and racist language. Secondly, Huckleberry constantly talks to Jim as if he was older than him, when in actuality, Jim is much older than he is. At the point in the story when Jim tells Huck he ran away Huck responds Jim (p.43)! Huck is almost scolding Jim for running off which isn t quite right because Jim is older than Huck.When Jim is ... Show more content on ... Huckleberry Finn constantly refers to slaves and all African Americans as niggers. Huck also talks down to Jim as if he is older than him when Jim is much older than Huck, and Huck refuses to apologize to Jim because Jim is black. It is clear that Huckleberry sees blacks as inferior and believes whites have dominion over blacks. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain shows readers that even the most free thinking individual can be influenced by the hate and racism in his ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Reading Comprehension Chapter II Methodology Research Method and Design The descriptive method of research is used in this study. Since descriptive method is a fact finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of findings that describes what actually exists in current conditions. Consequently, descriptive method of research is best suited in attaining the purpose of this study because this research involved a description, recording, analysis and interpretation of what actually existed in current conditions. Respondents of the Study The respondents of this study were the 42 students of fourth year, Section V, of Manuel A. Roxas High School. The 42 students were interviewed and undergone tests to successfully determine the result of the study. ... Show more content on ... ding Comprehension Performance With in the class limits 96 95 Very Good Reading Comprehension Performance With in the class limits 91 94 Good Reading Comprehension Performance With in the class limits 90 87 Average Reading Comprehension Performance With in the class limits 86 83 Low Average Reading Comprehension Performance With in the class limits 82 79 Poor Reading Comprehension Performance With in the class limits 78 74 Table 2 |Performance Levels |Frequency |Percentage | |ERCP |2 |4 76% | |VGRCP |4 |9.52% | |GRCP |6 |14.29% | |ARCP |9 |21.43% | |LARCP |15 |35.72% | |PRCP |6 |14.28% | |Total |42 |100% | The table showed that ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Passenger And Freight Transportation Systems Passenger and freight transportation systems have a number of similarities in the investment evaluation process, with a few significant differences. The table below offers an initial look at the stakeholders for each and their relative financial interests. As this table illustrates, many of the stakeholders are similar. However, there are significant differences in the asset providers and those entities with a direct financial interest. This variance drives major differences in the evaluation of investment in projects in either area, freight or passenger transportation. In freight operations, most often the assets are provided by private firms with a direct interest in the operation of freight transportation services on the asset. In most passenger transportation systems, the asset provider is a public entity, such as a transit authority. For purposes of the asset provider financial discussion relative to investment, there is a cost and benefit analysis that always takes place. These elements are generally described as, for cost elements, facility capital costs (dictated by site location and design, as well as the partners involved in the planning process), facility maintenance costs (ongoing costs of maintaining a facility to ensure safe operations and upkeep), and operating costs (such as labor costs, fuel costs, equipment costs, and the time lost to congestion or to the breakdown of efficient supply chains). Regarding benefits, other impact factors include capacity ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Death Of Helmuth There were many situations that affected Helmuth and the plot of the story. When Helmuth sees the Nazi beat up Herr Seligmann, he witnesses how brutal the Nazi s can be towards the innocent. Next, Hitler starts making laws to protect Germany from traitors which is starting to make Helmuth angry which will end up leading him to making pamphlets. Another situation that leads Helmuth to start making leaflets is his encountering with Brother Worbs when he returns from Neuengamme. There are some small incidents, but the all add to Helmuth s anger and hatred towards Hitler. After Helmuth sees Here Seligmann getting beat up, It says on page 33, A sickening feeling rises in Helmuth s stomach. His mouth taste sour. He is starting to see how ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Importance Of College Internship One of the requirements of Ferris State University to graduate with Bachelor degree in Criminal Justice is all students must complete an internship. I decided to complete my internship at the 17th Circuit Court Family Division located at 1565 Cedar St. My supervisor s name is Jeff Hekman. I have worked with other six interns from Ferris State University, Grand Rapids Community College, and Grand Valley University. We all shared a passion for justice and to help others in our community by mentoring, advising, and guiding in the right direction. This program is for juveniles that are serving their sentences on probation where community service is a part of the verdict. Internships provide many benefits to college students. They offer them a chance to learn about a career field from the inside and to gain self confidence. Also, students can learn new things, meet new people, and practice communication, networking, and teamwork skills. These are great additions to the resume when applying for a job. By working hard at an internship, they can demonstrate to potential employers and references that they have initiative and are responsible. Another advantage of completing a college internship is to test a career objective while in the real world. Students can develop good professional work habits and to become acquainted with people employed in professional occupations. An internship can also enhance the self confidence as students learn self reliance and independence and develop ... Get more on ...
  • 18. What Is The Theme Of The Ballad Of Sad Cafe Surname 1 Student s Name Professor s Name Course Name Date The Ballad of the Sad Café The Ballad of the Sad Café is a fantastic novel written by Carson McCullers that takes strange turns and curves shockingly. The Ballad of Sad Café is an account of love triangle set in a little town in Georgia. The town is portrayed as horrid, bereft, and tragic that is far away and antagonized from every single other place in the world. The novella investigates the subject of affection that spins around three critical characters Miss Amelia, Marvin Macy, and Cousin Lymon in an adoration triangle that takes the peruser on a radical new level. The three characters in the novel have distinctive traits.For example, Cousin Lymon is potrayed as a guile character, Miss Amelia depicted as a persevering character who worked hard in her business in the little town. Then again, Marvin Macy is related with awful characters, for example, intoxication be that as it may, his conduct when he was seeking after the warmth of miss Amelia. Cousin ... Show more content on ... He worships being the focal point of consideration and is a character that appreciates setting up people into battles. Furthermore, he is sufficiently shrewd to trick and exploit individuals, for example, Miss Amelia who had adored him and gave him all that he requested in spite of the fact that he consequently does not offer her anything back abandoning her heart broken. All through the story, Cousin Lymon has turned out to be an egotistical man who does not enjoy anybody but rather himself. As George R.R. Martin cites Love is toxic substance. A sweet toxic substance, yes, however it will execute all of you the same. Just like it had slaughtered and squashed the lives of Miss Amelia, Marvin, and Lymon who found no satisfaction simply torment and isolation out of ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Law Archives Case 1 Bert owned an early historic speed boat which he decided to sell for $50,000. Bert told his friend James and James said he was very interested and would Bert give James the first right to buy the speed boat. Bert agreed to do so. After a few weeks Bert asked James if he still wanted to buy the speed boat. James said he was seriously thinking about it. Bert told James he was going to advertise the speed boat for sale at $60,000 or near offer on the Historic Speed Boat Club s notice board. In response to the advertisement in the club Bert received a telephone call from Alphonse. Bert told Alphonse the speed boat was for sale But someone has right of first refusal. Alphonse then expressed surprise and asked Bert if he was selling or not. Bert said he was selling the speed boat for $60,000 or near offer and invited Alphonse to call and inspect the boat. Alphonse called on Bert and after inspecting the boat offered Bert $50,000 for it. Bert said he would have to speak to James before accepting. Alphonse then said he would pay Bert the asking price of $60,000. Bert told Alphonse to wait a minute and Bert went into his office and rang James telling him what Alphonse had said. James said he would buy the boat for $50,000 as originally agreed. Bert said to James I suppose I have to sell the boat for $50,000 to you . Bert then told Alphonse about the conversation with James. Alphonse claimed the speed boat was already sold before the discussion with James. Outline the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Importance Of British Literature British literature has been a controversial subject for a very long time throughout history. The main topics of its importance or there lack is one of the most significant debates in today s modern age. American studies have to this day been about British literature, but is it reasonable that we should study it? Not only is there a big debate about British literature being taught in America, but more explicitly being taught in high school. Many literary scholars think that reasons of why or why not coincide with the two. More scholars lean to the opinion that British literature should not be taught in high school. Furthermore, educators justify their beliefs, but also give practical, logical, and useful ideology that supports the theory ... Show more content on ... According to Adams (2013) The age of chivalry is gone: that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded; and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever . He said there for himself that chivalry is no longer relevant, so why should high school student have to learn about? This goes to prove why British literature should not be taught in high school because chivalry is a huge component of it and chivalry is dead. In the words of Adams (2013) Chivalry is best defined as a medieval knightly system, with its religious, moral, and social code . This means that men should be kind noble and fair to everyone. It is, in reality, a set of moral rules that one should follow. We hardly ever see any of this in today s society. It is hardly ever that someone holds the door for another, or helping an elder across the street, or even walking neighborhood dogs. These examples would be perfect for modern chivalry, but we just don t see it in our modern world. A Discussion on Chivalry When discussing medieval chivalry, the topic of modern chivalry should never arise. Modern chivalry or their lack of is completely and utterly different than that of medieval chivalry. Chivalry has changed and some may say have died out throughout the ages. It is an entirely different world that we live in today than that of two thousand years ago. Why should we discuss it in modern times, if there is no relation to the lack of contemporary ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Dodge Dart Research Paper If you are looking for a more reliable and comfortable everyday sedan, head over to Harr Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram and check out the 2016 Dodge Dart for sale in Worcester. The Dart is built with top notch performance, interior and safety amenities. For the best local selection of new Dodge vehicles head over to Harr Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram. Dart built to protect driver and passenger from injury in a collision The 2016 Dodge Dart for sale in Worcester is built with industry leading safety features that can offer peace of mind for the driver and passenger. The Dart is built with an outstanding airbag system that includes front and side impact and overhead airbags. If you are in a rear end collision, the Dart will better protect all occupants thanks to anti whiplash seats. The Dart is built with plenty of features that can better protect you if you are driving in heavy traffic including back up camera and rear cross path detection. You do not have to fumble around for your keys thanks to available keyless entry. Dart offers comfortable interior with outstanding amenities ... Show more content on ... On those cold weather days the Dart allows you get to warmer quicker courtesy of the available dual zone temperature control. This feature allows your guests to get comfortable even if they can t agree on the temperature. The Uconnect touchscreen allows you to better enjoy your music, including SiriusXM satellite radio. SiriusXM satellite radio gives you access to hundreds of music, sports and talk channels. The available navigation system gives you real time traffic and weather ... Get more on ...
  • 22. How Does Different Levels of Pollution in Streams or Ponds... How does Different Levels of Pollution in Streams or Ponds Affect Macro invertebrate Species? Organisms without back bones are Macro Invertebrate species (Seminole.Wateratlas.Usf.Edu ,2012) . These organisms are small but can be seen without a magnifying glass (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002) . Size ranges from 3 20mm long (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002) .Insects, crustaceans, mollusks, worms, leeches, and anemones are classified a Macro invertebrate species (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). Streams that are free from pollution will contain a variety of these animals. Streams that have higher pollution levels will less of these animals. Macro invertebrates that live in the stream can determine information about the stream. These organisms can ... Show more content on ... Piping the stream is when the streams are piped underground to permit city expansion (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). Piping the streams can cause the invertebrates to starve. The animals will starve because algae need light to survive (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). In the pipes, algae are not receiving any light causing the plant to die .Invertebrates can t eat leaves because there are no trees in the pipes. Straightening the streams is when the streams are smoothed out or straightened with concrete (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). This can cause the stream to lack objects such as rocks. The invertebrates attach to these objects to prevent being washed down the stream(Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). If the stream lacks objects invertebrates will be washed down the stream. The objects in the stream also used for protection from predators (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). Fewer objects in the stream will result in less hiding places for invertebrates (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). Therefore, predators will easily find them. Flow reduction is when some water from the stream is taken and sent elsewhere (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). This can happen in many ways. One way this can occur is when water is taken out of the stream for urban supplies and agriculture (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). This can result in making the stream smaller or destroying the steam entirely (Waitakere.Govt.Nz , 2002). If the stream gets reduced in sized or destroyed most ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Legendary Coach Bill Snyder If you are a sports person, you definitely know that team where it is really not a hard week of practice, its kind like a real relaxed week. Well, Kansas State Wildcats were like that before the legendary coach Bill Snyder ( Snyder return to K State ). He is still at Kansas Stare and is coming up two 23 years as head coach. He actually retired in 2005. In 2008 he came out of retirement and resumed his coaching position at Kansas State. He is one of very few who have retired and return to the same team he left. Even after having to rebuild a team twice he still maintained a .664 Pct. The contribution to football demonstrated by Bill Snyder proved beyond a doubt that the College Football Hall of Fame should induct this very dedicated coach. He is worthiness for this reward is shown in his achievements and awards, impact on the fallowing communities and even the sport its self, and skill as a coach. One reason why Bill Snyder deserves this reward is due to all of his achievements and rewards. Throughout his career he has received just about every major award that can be given to a coach. One that is probably one of his favorites is when he was named the 32nd and 34th head coach for Kansas State, which is a very rare occasion ( Bill Snyder kstatesports ). It is also probly one of the biggest to all of the fans. Manly because after he left the team fell apart. It wasn t tell he came back that the fans could be proud to call themselves a Wildcat. Bill Snyder has ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Summary Of The Return Of Vocational High School One of our class readings stuck out to me. The reading was The Return of Vocational High Schools: Career Path or Kiss of Death by Allie Bidwell. In this she talks about career and technical schools, otherwise known as vocational schools. In the article, she mentions, ... it s not enough for students to get an education past high school they also must have the skills needed for in demand jobs (Bidwell). This article relates to me deeply because last year I went to a career and technical school to further my education in the nursing world. At the end of the course, all of the students who took the class for the whole year had the opportunity to test to get their CNA license. I was fortunate enough to be able to get my license at the age of ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Nursing Quality Indicators Abstract The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators were published in an effort to build on previously collected quality data and further develop nursing knowledge to provide best practice nursing care. This paper explores eight scholarly articles that report on the relationship between hand hygiene compliance and the nursing sensitive indicator of nosocomial infections. These items will be reviewed; a needs assessment, high reliability standards, just culture principals, quality improvement implications, a plan for future action using the Plan Do Study Act model, and summarization of ethical implications. Health care organizations must engage in robust process improvement for hand hygiene (HH) compliance for the resultant reduction ... Show more content on ... This aligns with the model of Plan Do Study Act. It is crucial to understand what we are trying to accomplish, how we will know that a change is an improvement, and what changes can be made that will actually result in improvement. Prevention strategies of nosocomial infections related to poor hand hygiene include revision of: orientation, training processes, competency assessments, equipment cleaning, handwashing procedures, switching to the use of single use IV flush vials, adding strategically located waterless hand rubs, defining supervisory expectations, conducting in services, team trainings, and tracking systems (Infection control related sentinel events, 2003). Potential solutions to noncompliance include: consistent skin protectant application, reduced time required for handwashing, and antiseptic stations at the bedside and room entry points (Boyce, 1999). Hospital administrators must create an organizational atmosphere in which adherence to recommended HH practices are considered an integral part of providing high quality care (Boyce, 1999). Improvement in infection control ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Human Identity, Art And Symbolism In Ralph Ellison s... Ralph Ellison s Invisible Man is intricate novel that does an excellent job at exhibiting motifs that the author himself felt passionate towards considering the era he lived in. Among the plethora of motifs that Ralph Ellison embedded three particular categories that can be constructed. These categories of concepts addressed in Ellison s classic are the following: Human Identity, Art and Understanding, and Human Existence. Human Identity is presented with a prevalent theme portrayed in this novel, but in order to understand, we must first compose a definition. Identity constitutes of self perception and public perception. The motif in Invisible Man illuminates (in respect to Human Identity) is that there stalemate that is at hand with individual s reliance on external views as opposed to the primary component to identity self perception . The narrator s situation is the paragon example for this focus on public perception that results in an individual being mouse on a wheel. At the begin of is coming of age work of literature the protagonist was asking others questions that only [he] knew the answer to. This situations perseveres only until after the protagonist (narrator) undergoes a lobotomy that but it wasn t because of the operation. He found this identity because he came to the realization of the cruelty of humankind. Without a doubt this was a pivotal moment for the narrator quest for identity, but he has a tendency (like most human) to find leadership in ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Anti Federalists Vs. Federalists Anti Federalists vs. Federalists (Paper #1) The Federalists and the Anti Federalists played an indispensable part in the establishment of the American Constitution. Federalists were supporters of the constitution, while Anti federalist were against the ratification of the Constitution. Federalists believed in the idea of a larger heterogeneous republic whereas anti federalists wanted a small homogenous republic. Famous federalists like James Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton are responsible for giving us paramount pieces of historic documents in the form of the Federalist papers . The Federalist papers were 85 documents urging the ratification of the US Constitution. Anti federalist side included people like Samuel Adams, George Mason and Patrick Henry, and they believed the Articles of Confederation should be altered rather than completely changed in the form of the Constitution. Concurring with the Federalist side, it is imperative to see that the Federalists argument was more viable, due to the fact that larger republics and checks and balances are useful tools in controlling a democracy. We can t compare ourselves to the way Sparta and Athens operated. Our country would thrive more under a stronger national government rather than a stronger state government. The anti federalists were against the proposed Constitution and wanted the power to be invested in local and state levels. They believed that the national government would be too far from the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Egt 1.1 EGT 1 Task 1 William Jarrod Reed Western Governors University Student ID: 000178779 Mentor: Aminah Abdul Hakim Throughout this task I will do my best to explain how firms determined to maximize profit do just that. Specifically I will delineate how such firms choose the optimum level of production or output for the goods they produce and how they behave with respect to various elevations of marginal revenue. In my attempt it will be appropriate for me to clarify the definitions of various economic terms in order to assure a proper understanding of my thoughts on this topic, I will provide these definitions throughout. Understanding the concept of profit maximization lies with the explanation of total revenue to ... Show more content on ... Such firms identify this optimized level of output by determining the specific point at which marginal revenue and marginal cost are equal. The value to the firm is that this knowledge tells them when they have maximized their profit making potential. Going past this point will result in a negative return. The point of profit maximization for the firm in the given scenario occurs at a quantity of 8 units. At this point they have maximized their profit and as you can see to go beyond this point would cause the firm to incur economic losses. Quantity|Total Revenue|Total Cost|Marginal Revenue|Marginal Cost|Profit Maximization| | | | | | | 0|$0.00|$10.00| | | | 1|$150.00|$30.00|$150.00|$20.00|$130.00| 2|$290.00|$50.00|$140.00|$20.00|$120.00| 3|$420.00|$80.00|$130.00|$30.00|$100.00| 4|$540.00|$120.00|$120.00|$40.00|$80.00| 5|$650.00|$170.00|$110.00|$50.00|$60.00| 6|$750.00|$230.00|$100.00|$60.00|$40.00| 7|$840.00|$300.00|$90.00|$70.00|$20.00| 8|$920.00|$380.00|$80.00|$80.00|$0.00|
  • 29. 9|$990.00|$470.00|$70.00|$90.00| $20.00| 10|$1,050.00|$570.00|$60.00|$100.00| $40.00| 11|$1,100.00|$680.00|$50.00|$110.00| $60.00| 12|$1,140.00|$800.00|$40.00|$120.00| $80.00| 13|$1,170.00|$930.00|$30.00|$130.00| $100.00| 14|$1,190.00|$1,070.00|$20.00|$140.00| $120.00| 15|$1,200.00|$1,220.00|$10.00|$150.00| $140.00| Given the above ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Coral Bleaching In Australia Coral reefs have one of the highest biodiversity of animals in one ecosystem than any others on the entire planet. Coral reefs are colorful habitats in the ocean, some of which are not too far from the shore. They are made from skeletons of calcium carbonate and animals, which make a rocky substance known as coral. Coral reefs are a home to many different types of creatures that live under the sea, some are unknown to a majority of the human species. Coral reefs are sometimes referred to as the rainforest of the sea because they teem with life and abound in diversity (Agardy). Sadly, due to the many factors of global warming, these natural treasures are dying from what is called bleaching . Coral bleaching happens from the warming temperature ... Show more content on ... Humans cause many of the signs that global warming is occurring daily towards different parts of the world. Climate change is the main factor towards the rising sea levels, the temperature of the water, and coral bleaching. The 2014 reports of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change describe coral reefs as the most vulnerable marine ecosystem on Earth, stressing that they have very limited capacity to adapt to rising water temperatures and acidification (Dormer). Many of the coral reefs and the sea creatures that habitat there cannot adapt to the temperature of the water, so many of the creatures will migrate somewhere more suitable. Fish are an important detail towards coral reefs due to the fact that they protect them from algae and other bacteria that can harm the rocky substance. By changing the commonwealth of humans, the money can be spent to establish more ways to support the environment instead of harming it by making things the society does not need in order to live life. The government could fund more money to environment helping organizations, and ending the pessimistic ideas that the society believes in. Commonwealth is an easy solution that can be completed only if humans realizes how much that their precious planet is being harmed by their ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Masks In Ancient Greek Mythology Elektra, who plotted a revenge with her brother Orestes against their mother Clytemnestra and stepfather Aegisthus for the murder of their father Agamemnon, is a very significant and complex character in ancient Greek mythology. In the opera Elektra by Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannsthal, there are some distinct stylistic features from Classical Greek theater. They are masks, customs and chorus. In ancient Greek theater, masks are significant element in ceremony and celebration. Greeks believed that the way in which the mask was to melt into the face and allow the actor to vanish into the role. In the opera Elektra we watched, all the character were maked up with exaggerated colors and style, which looked like masks on actors ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Eating Sausage And Beliefs Type of metal shortcut in where people are more likely to believe in something that is more common and frequently talked about. The availability heuristic often relies on information that one already knows, which comes up in their mind first. This leads people to make fast judgements, answers, and decisions that are not always correct. If you hear a story on the news about how eating sausage can lead to anal cancer, most people will not believe it because it has never happened to them or anyone they know. On the other hand, if a relative, friend, or someone you know ate a sausage and got anal cancer, you will most likely believe it is true because you ve seen and heard of it yourself. (Page 70). 1973 research: subjects were required to listen ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Plant Kinship In Plants Plants are boring. That has been the belief of mankind for generations. Animals are obviously highly complex creatures with complex organ systems, and even more intricate organs like the brain. The animal brain is able to sense surroundings, detect eminent danger, form relationships with other animals, and recognize families. However, even without a brain, plants are capable of all this and more. For example, Parasitic plants such as the Dionaea muscipula are able to sense and trap their prey, the Mimosa pudica has the ability to sense touch and wilt, and plants like the Cuscuta Pentagona can sense volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from tomato plants to form a parasitic relationship (Biedrzycki M et al. 2010). Furthermore, some positive ways that plants exhibit communication includes kinship. As children, humans are taught to share their toys and food with their siblings. Plants it seems, have the same concept to ensure optimal growth and survival, as they act selflessly towards their relatives, share resources, and exhibit less competition and more cooperation with their kin. Plants are able to recognize fellow kin through responses to VOCs from relatives, and perform acts of altruism to kin by resource partitioning amongst siblings through root allocation (Karban R et al. 2013). The current research on plant kinship and areas of future research will be discussed, as well the controversies surrounding this subject. Despite the debate on plant kinship, Volatile Organic ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Cruelty, By Stanley Milgram Mohammad Asif Mohammad Prof: S.Bridges Essay 5 April 19, 2016 Cruelty The amount of cruelty one possess varies individually depending on the situations an individual has experienced throughout their life. This is why Milgram received such shocking results in his obedience experiment and why only a few reacted in Darley and Latane s studies. Although cruelty is within from birth, the test subjects in Milgram s, Darley and Latane s experiment had no intentions of being cruel because they believed they were simply following orders and still fighting a personal conflict which is to respond or not to a situation, while still conforming to the norms of social etiquette. Cruelty is something that is innate. It is not something we learn but rather something that is nurtured into existence. Individually, cruelty levels differ from one to another as each being may have experienced different situations causing them to react differently. In the experiment conducted by Stanley Milgram, a psychologist who wanted to test the level of cruelty a normal citizen would go to when instructed by a person of authority. He brought in many different people as the test subjects and as we see from the results how each persons obedience to inflict pain on someone else differed amongst the subjects, we understand this is the results of their cruelty that is within. This experiment was set up in a room where there was a teacher who was the test subject and a learner who was an ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Compulsive Disorder Of Leonardo Dicaprio s OCD ) Leonardo DiCaprio s OCD I ll never let go, Jack. I promise. One of the greatest movies of all time stars the best actor ever, Leonardo DiCaprio. He has obsessive compulsive disorder, but is still one of the greatest actors. If something was hard, he worked even harder to do it perfectly. Even if his disorder disrupted him and his fellow co workers, he worked through those difficult times to get the job done. Obsessive compulsive disorder, also known as OCD, is an anxiety disorder which involves obsessions, compulsions, and can also consume a person s everyday life (Steketee 1). Compulsions are obsessions performed into ritualistic behaviors (Parks 11). They can lead a person to have very vicious cycles in which they are powerless to stop. Obsessions most of the time revolves around fears of germs in which they avoid using public toilets and touching items. This can get so extreme to where they will wash their hands so many times their skin will be raw, and they will shower so much their bodies will start bleeding or chapping (12). There are many symptoms of having OCD. For example, sufferers can avoid situations that involve obsessions, overestimating harm, and worrying excessively. Sufferers of OCD can have multiple fears such as hurting loved ones, using sharp objects near people, not counting high enough which would cause a natural disaster, and throwing items away (12). Not ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Parkinson Dance Essay One of the earliest studies found examined the benefits of dance for a person with PD was in 1989, by Beth Kaplan Westbrook and Helen McKibben. The study compared the benefits of a six week period dance/movement session to an exercise group. The authors detected improvements during the one hour dance session than the exercise group. Another article in the field of dance and Parkinson is a preliminary study published in 2007. The small sample investigated and compared the effects of dance and strength/flexibility exercise on functional mobility in people with PD (Hackney et al. 5). Nineteen subjects were recruited with PD and randomly assigned to either a tango or exercise class. The participants completed a total of twenty classes and were ... Show more content on ... This type of rehabilitation is especially helpful in improving balance, mobility, and endurance. Contact improvisation and tango are two types of dance that are often used for people with Parkinson s (Marchant et al. 188 189). In a recent study conducted by the University of Limerick in Ireland, it was stated that the attendance rate was much higher than with regular therapy sessions and many of the patients requested that their programs be extended (Shanahan et al.). Dance might be a long term solution to aid people with Parkinson s. It not only helps to improve the body functions, but it works on the emotional level of the patient causing them to enjoy and become emotionally invested in these programs. In another study conducted by the American Dance Therapy Association, a dance class lasting two hours per week for twelve months had proven to better the gait, balance, upper extremity function and quality of life in the participants with Parkinson s disease. This is in part because dance activates structures in the brain such as the parietal lobe, basal ganglia, and cerebellum that are specific only to dance, as well as, areas in the brain normally activated by motor tasks (Mandelbaum Lo 173). The American Dance Therapy Association study stated Dance is thought to involve multiple neural networks that involve motor learning, balance, and spatial integration, as well as ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Movie The Rain Maker s Bad Faith Suite Against... There is a scene in the legal thriller, The Rain Maker where the young newly minted lawyer Rudy Bailor (Matt Damon) is squared off in the judge s chambers with big time corporate lawyer Leo F. Drummond (Jon Voight) and a cranky coughing judge Harvey Hale (Dean Stockwell) to discuss the pre trial merits of Rudy s Bad Faith suite against health insurance giant Great Benefit. The coughing grouchy judge (who later dies of a heart attack) sneers across his desk at the young Rudy Bailor and wheezes: This lawsuit bothers me Mr. Bailor! I wouldn t use the word frivolous, but...I m not impressed with the merits of it to be frank. In fact, (cough) I m really TIRED of these kinds of lawsuits. I m inclined to grant the motion to dismiss. can re file it in Federal court, you know...take it somewhere else (cough), I don t want it clogging up my docket!!! This scene has always impressed upon me the reluctance and recalcitrance of well established judges refusing to not only embrace difficult cases to the fullest of their ability and potential, but who also willfully and knowingly avoid cases that stand to challenge established legal precedent, or stare decisis, in the pursuit of justice. With this point in mind, in evaluating many of the legal cases we have reviewed throughout our course, the one aspect of law that particularly intrigues me, and is most glaring with respect to the cause of justice, is what appears to be many instances of the courts finding ways to avoid or ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Pros And Cons Of Conversion Therapy Conversion therapy is the conversion of a person s homosexual or bisexual gender to heterosexual gender. It is a delicate process, if tempered with it can completely destroy the person, like if a dandelion gets blown away, it breaks into thousands of pieces. Kirk Murphy a 5 year old boy favored feminine behavior over masculine behavior. Psychologist George Rekers treated the boy by rewarding him when he acted masculine and punished him when he acted feministically. The psychologist claimed this method would prevent Murphy from turning gay. He established papers on his success with Kirk Murphy. However, the truth was at the age of 17 Murphy could not cope with his gender and at the age of 38, Murphy killed himself since he was distressed ... Show more content on ... There were laws that were passed in six states which included California, Illinois, New Jersey, Vermont, and the District of Columbia to prevent licensed workers from offering conversion therapy to minors and other states have done similar things as well. New York City took actions to protect the homosexual and bisexual people from these horrifying events that have occurred in many states. Also, conversion therapy has been rejected by many mainstream medical and mental health programs. This helped to prevent a lot of minors from undergoing conversion therapies which helped them to preserve their life and grow up like a normal heterosexual person. Dr. Robert Spitzer who during his younger age advocated for gay cures later apologized for his advocation because he saw that the people who offered conversion therapy were not licensed. James Guay was impacted by conversion therapy but he fortunately escaped from the clutches of a life draining process and he became a critic against conversion therapy. After he became a licensed marriage and family therapist he helped hundreds of people who have been rejected because of their ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Expectations versus Reality in Stephen Crane s The Red... Expectations versus Reality in Stephen Crane s The Red Badge of Courage The notion that war is an exciting, romantic endeavor full of glory and heroism has existed for centuries. Stephen Crane set out to demystify war through his novel The Red Badge of Courage, which traces the experiences of a young soldier in the American Civil War. Crane shows the true nature of war by contrasting Henry Fleming s romantic expectations with the reality that he encounters. This contrast between romantic vision and cold reality can be seen early in the novel, with Henry s departure from home. Driven to a prolonged ecstasy of excitement by the rejoicing crowd, Henry enlists in the army and says good bye to his mother with a light of excitement ... Show more content on ... The contrast is again evident in Henry s army experiences before going into battle. His treatment before leaving town only serves to increase his romantic expectations as his former classmates [throng] about him with wonder and admiration (710). Henry s regiment is then treated so well on its journey to Washington that he is led to believe that he must be a hero with the strength to do mighty deeds of arms (711). In keeping with his romantic beliefs, Henry imagines that his regiment will be involved in a series of death struggles with small time in between for sleep and meals (711). Yet again, Crane presents a more realistic view in Henry s actual experiences. Instead of automatically being a hero, as he had anticipated, Henry faces uncertainty and a little panic fear as to his own ability to withstand battle (712). Filled with self doubt, Henry dreams of a thousand tongued fear that [will] babble at his back and cause him to flee (718). In addition, Henry must put up with months of monotonous life in a camp, not the constant action he anticipated (711). Even when his regiment does move out, it moves from place to place with apparent aimlessness, leaving a frustrated Henry to feel that he is merely one part of a vast blue demonstration (722). It is in the scenes of battle and death, however, that the contrast between Henry s romantic expectations and his actual experiences ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Culture Is The Greatest Human Invention Culture is the learned values, beliefs, and rules of conduct that are shared to some extent by the members of a society that govern their behavior with one another. It is the greatest human invention, it is the ultimate definition of what, where, and how we call a place our home. In this essay I will discuss the characteristics, process, and elements within culture, as well as an in depth look into the different categories and the topic of race within culture. A few basic components of culture are cognitive process, behavior, and material creations. Cognitive processes are the basic outline or ground work by which people think, reason, and give value. These frameworks for thought are learned by enculturation in both formal and informal situations throughout their lives. We cannot view the cognitive processes that create a value system within an individual s mind, but we can view the outcome... (28 29). this means that while we cannot view the creation of values in a culture, we can witness the embodiment of these learned perspectives. When an individual s actions reflect their cognitive process, they re presenting their learned behavior. Behavior is another component of culture because everything from the way we use our bodies to how we interact in social or secluded situations is a result from how and where we were raised. Finally, material creations help define culture because objects like art, artifacts or features often reflect the creator s cultural thoughts, ... Get more on ...
  • 41. My Defining Moment Essay I jumped out of bed, it was time I thought the time I had been waiting for so long, I ran over and to my nightstand and grabbed the socks and jumped all the stairs, I felt like I could fly, until I hit the ground and rolled. Then I hurried over to the front door and grabbed my shoes, Come on! My dad said from the car outside, and right as I left I could hear my brothers yelling at me, go back to bed! , no I yelled from the door and ran outside still feeling pleased with myself, and my dad drove off. Once we arrived at the skate shop, I was amazed at all the different skateboards and scooters, but my thinking was interrupted by my dad, ready to get yours he said, I shook my head speechless in excitement. Once we got started, I was in a trance watching them make and put together skate boards, once I picked out mine, they told us to wait half an hour, so we decided to go to an ice cream shop nearby, once I got my cotton candy flavored ice cream me and my dad sat on a bench outside the shop. My I cream started to melt and I could feel the ice cold liquid run thru my fingers, and hit my foot like ice cold rain. It seemed like hours until we finally heard the loud beep from the store when we went back inside the store. ... Show more content on ... When we were home, I jumped out before the car was in the garage I jumped out and rolled in the grass next to the driveway and got on my skateboard, just then my brother runs out and gets on his bike, and right when my dad goes inside my brother pedals out of the garage and rides down the street. So I get on my new skateboard it s a little sketchy until I finally get the hang of it and i m starting to go down the street, then I hit the hill i m having fun until I realize, I can t stop! Then I hit a rock and fall, Watch Out! I hear right before hearing the loud cling! Off the side of my ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Piaget Of The Infant Cognitive Development Essay Background In the context of infant cognitive development and its corresponding theories, Jean Piaget often serves as a key theorist. Often referred to with the metaphor of children as explorers, Piaget believed that children, from the moment of birth, are actively engaging with and exploring their surrounding environment. With his contributions to the psychological field, like his six stages of sensorimotor development, we grasp a better understanding of a child s first encounters developmentally. One of his most important accounts was on the concept of object permanence. He was able to provide a look into infants understanding of the physical world (DeHart, Sroufe, Cooper, p. 168). In order to better understand his account on object permanence however, one must be aware of his six stages of sensorimotor development: Reflexes, Primary Circular Reactions, Secondary Circular Reactions, Coordination of Schemes, Tertiary Circular Reactions, and Beginnings of Representational Thought, which were largely influence through his experiments with his own children. The first stage, Reflexes, occurs from birth to 1 month. During this stage, Piaget asserted, infants are limited to their biological, programmed reflexes. He uses the term reflex in a much more broad sense in that he refers it as ... any built in behavior pattern instead of automatic responses to particular stimuli (DeHart, Sroufe, Cooper, p. 164). These built in behavior patterns are not only ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Swimming Is Not A Natural Act Most people believe that the most efficient and effective way to lose weight is either by jogging or running. They think this because running is done on land, involves very hard movements of the arms and legs, and their heartrates are going at 5 beats per second. People always seem to forget that a better, easier and less vigorous way to get fit is through swimming. Swimming is moving your body through a body of water, either a pool or ocean, using your arms and legs, while running is moving quickly on land with your feet. Swimming is not a natural act but a learned talent. According to Dr. Howard Wainer, a swimmer and statistician at the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, N.J., the human body was not meant to move quickly through water. Most people believe that its harder to run than to swim but the fact is that it s harder to swim. In swimming water acts as the resistance while in running, air is the resistance. Water is a lot thicker than air which makes it harder to move through. When running, performance peters out as the distances get longer but in swimming the pace is consistent regardless of the distance. Swimming has a lot of benefits which most people don t know about. Swimming keeps your heartrate up without overstressing the body. It builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. Swimming also keeps the heart and the lungs healthy. All the muscles are used while swimming so it s a good all over body workout. Also, according to research done ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Representation of Sexuality in Tv With reference to relevant cultural theories analyse the representation of sexuality in a film/television text of your choice. I have chosen to look at and analyse a television text. It is a TV drama aimed at a teenage audience called Skins. I chose this particular text as it focuses upon many different characters and scenarios in regards to sexuality and this forms a basis for analysis and evaluation. Skins also focuses upon Teenage sexuality, specifically, which I believe is a broad and interesting subject to analyse with many opportunities to elaborate. Skins is a British teen drama, which was aired on Channel 4 on terrestrial television and E4 on digital television. It has had 2 seasons consisting of 19 episodes altogether. Skins ... Show more content on ... The further off the rails Cassie goes, the more extreme the sexual situations, at one point courting a female and then a few minutes after the female leaves a male arrives. Sexuality strongly influences people s identity. (Op. cit. p.22) And at this point in the series we find that Cassie has a very mixed up idea about who she is and what she wants. This can also be seen in Season 1 when Maxxies best friend Anwar refuses to tell his parents about Maxxies sexuality due to their religious beliefs. We see that Maxxie is torn between who he is and whom Anwar wants him to be and this puts the friendship under great strain resulting in Maxxie refusing to turn up to Anwars party. Gay adolescents who are more conventional in their gender characteristics have the option of passing as straight and many do. (Op. cit. p. 461) This situation happens a lot in real life but can be the cause of many problems, both for the person dealing with feelings of homosexuality and hiding them and those around that person. Many people have reported having feelings of being trapped within themselves and having pent up aggression due to being in such a situation, which isn t hard to believe when we think that adolescence is when we discover ourselves sexually. Adolescence involves the development of a sense of self and social identity independent of one s parents (Erikson, 1968; Steinberg 2004). Answering questions about one s sexuality figure centrally in this ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Civic Mirror Analysis Authorization is an imperative component for any society. Civic Mirror taught our class the necessity for bureaucracy in today s life. Government enforces correct behavior in organizing every individual for further equality. In civic mirror, Congress composed laws to reinforce civility. If citizens acted against this reinforcement, a trial would be held. In addition to emphasized legislation, administration of necessary goods also justifies the importance for government. The provided prices for essentials were very inexpensive compared to the private marketers. The primary action the authority takes is implementing God given rights. In the taught simulation, every individual was granted the right to a fair trial, for every case required an impartial jury. The importance of government is integral in the provision of necessary guidance to its citizens as shown through Civic Mirror. Government encourages each resident to sustain appropriate conduct. Efficiently run communities abide by the correct behavior the authority institutes. To establish reverence in society, authorization constitutes impartial court systems. During our first ... Show more content on ... During the civic mirror simulation, taxation and the ownership of business hexes provided the government with a spacious budget, allowing taxpayers to redeem a payment of above 1,000. This fund guided disadvantaged families to purchase food, insurance, education, and health care. Additionally, the authorization maintained prices around 900 dollars left the in the private sector. Jesse Price, our judge, owned the health hex and was charging 950 per unit while the government was charging 50 for an equally necessary unit, education. Our community of Beach Mountain was able to prevent others from reaching levels of poverty by saving the citizens almost 2,000 dollars. The prices lead by bureaucracy in Beach Mountain improved the lives of citizens, as it does in real ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Anti Vietnam War Song Woodstock Essay The song Anti Vietnam War Song Woodstock tells how America needs more soldiers to fight a war that s nowhere near American soil for a reason that is not well known to the american soldier. Country Joe is basically saying that the soldiers do not know what they are fighting for and frankly don t give a damn, all they know is that they have been drafted for a war they do not approve of. Many people of this time made protest songs against the war and some of the songs leave more to the imagination than other songs such as the Anti Vietnam War song. The largest Anti Vietnam conference was held on November 15, 1969, and was hosted by the Vietnam Moratorium. This convention is believed to be the biggest anti war conference ever in american history. ... Show more content on ... This article relates to the song, The House of the Rising Sun , because Eisenhower s position on the war was that he recommended going to war because no one stopped the rise of Hitler and Mussolini causing a tragic future. The containment of communism is needed now rather than letting it spread further, making it harder to get rid of in the future. The song Handsome Johnny , written by Richie Havens, shows the evolution of war in his song. Each war the weapon that Handsome Johnny used got more sophisticated and more efficient at killing. This is a powerful song because people will fight for what they believe in and will even fight for what they do not know. Handsome Johnny are the soldiers of America, fighting from the civil war, all the way up to the korean war. During the 1960 s was when the Anti War movements were most common. There were over hundred of organizations all fighting for the same thing; Peace. People would write speeches, people would strike, many people would listen to Anti War music. Many artist in the 1960 s would release songs stating their opinions about the Vietnam war, and most of the artist would be against war and promote peace and ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Designing A Successful Web Advertising And Marketing... Search engine marketing providers have increased in significance and there have been a number of traits enveloping the market. Most web optimization corporations are anticipated to know and perceive the algorithms created for serps, but solely few are in a position to crack it with precision. Some sites get extra guests than the others while some fail to get even some guests depending on their online presence. It is the major job of an search engine optimisation specialist to spice up the presence of the sites. The algorithms determine if the positioning web page needs to be in the first page for a relevant keyword. Natural search engine optimisation providers and results resolve the online presence of a website to an important extent. There are many steps to create a successful web advertising and marketing strategy associated to natural search engine optimization providers which embrace several content material management options, hyperlink building companies, articles, press releases and directory postings for better web optimization placements. For lasting visitors stream and enhanced conversion rates, seo works the best. Article Submission is likely one of the greatest methods of organic search engine optimization companies as articles supply a generic platform for linking again to the main web site with out being blatantly promotional. The readers profit by getting a generic insight into the market and in addition a related supplier of the services. The hyperlinks ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Commodity Fetishism In Harry Potter By Turner-Vorbeck The fundamental implication at work here is that their needs be nothing aesthetically valuable or unique about that upon which an imposed phenomena is generated. Is it something special about the Harry Potter books that has caused such a sensation or is the sensation artificially manufactured and simply centered around them? An understanding of commodity fetishism supports the latter position. If the Harry Potter books were, indeed, worthy of such widespread adulation, then the support for them would have naturally risen up from the readers rather than being pushed down upon them by mass media marketing (Turner Vorbeck, 8) I noticed that here Turner Vorbeck is assuming who her audience is by the language that she is using. To me, the words and phrases that she uses indicate that she assumes that academics are the only ones who are going to be reading her essay. Her language is not inherently difficult to understand, it s not something I could envision seeing in a newspaper or magazine where millions of everyday people would read it. I also noted that in this particular passage Turner Vorbeck uses a rhetorical question, the question being Is it something special about the Harry Potter books that has caused a sensation or is the sensation artificially manufactured and simply centered around them? (Turner Vorbeck, 8). While she knows we as the readers will not have an answer to that question, she uses this to set up her next claim: that the Harry Potter books are not good ... Get more on ...
  • 49. World War I And Great War World war one was one the biggest wars in recorded history. It lasted from 1914 1918 and was a brutal conflict in Canadian history. More than 60,000 Canadians died in this war. When the First World War began in the year of 1914, some believe that it would last for a long time. Many young individuals in Canada and others saw this war as a privilege to travel, adventure, and great beauty. Some individuals were afraid that the conflict would be over before they could get into the battle. Many people signed up dreaming that they would have the honour of fighting for the British Empire, to which Canada belonged. The somewhat Great War was different in the dreamy vision than it was in reality. This war took the lives of more than 8 million ... Show more content on ... Some of the causes of world war one are imperialism, militarism, nationalism, and alliances. Imperialism is when one country rules over another through establishment of colonies. Imperialism resulted from Industrialization, which was needed for raw goods and markets for manufactured goods. The countries fought with each other over colonies. Militarism was used for building a strong military and in order for that country to have its interests dominate the government. In the past, war was seen as something that was acceptable to solve conflicts and enhance a country. Some examples of imperialism include: naval arms race between Great Britain and Germany. Nationalism is a strong feeling of loyalty and protection of culture and need of ethnic group to have a country that is their own. Alliances are countries that form cooperative groups in order to protect everyone s interests. However, the most significant cause of world war one was industrialization, which had fueled imperialism, and Nationalism. Together they both caused three factors that led to war: German unification, territorial rivalries, and economic competition. The Great powers were prepared to participate in the war because in the 15th century, some European nations were expanding their territory forcefully. Countries that were powerful used imperialism by creating colonies all over the world in order to create empires. They used the land and resources of the nations that were weak and controlled by the great ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Alliteration In Ozymandias Ozymandias is believed to be more powerful than the Gods themselves. Ozymandias is an iambic pentameter sonnet with imagery, alliteration, irony, and symbolism. He thinks highly of himself as the King of Kings and he believes he is the ruler of great and vast lands, but the poem reveals nature and time has overcome him and his kingdom, leaving behind ruins of him, and lone and level lands around him full of emptiness. The author is vivid with his uses of imagery in this poem. He is very descriptive of the pieces of the statue, and the ruins of the wreck. Half sunk, a shatter d visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command, this is a good example of Shelley describing the statue s ruins using imagery. Here is another example of the imagery use for the wreck and the lands surrounding, Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, The lone and level sands stretch far away. He used imagery in a way to put the reader in the story and really understand where he was at the time. ... Show more content on ... Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, and The lone and level sands stretch far away, both have the repetition sounds of b and l in their lines. The alliteration is useful for him to use in his diction and helps it fully develop the poem. There is a lot of use of symbolism in this story. The fact that Ozymandias was broken into pieces as if he were dead, the note shows his passions still live on. It also shows in the poem, his civilization is ruined, so it shows everything powerful has to end with time. There is a lot of death in the poem, but it balances out with the passions read on the note. Also, he believed himself great and he came to his end with his ... Get more on ...