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Chinese New Year Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of Chinese New Year may seem like a daunting task at first
glance. While the celebration itself is rich with cultural significance and traditions, capturing the
essence of this festive occasion in a written form requires careful consideration and research.
One of the challenges lies in striking a balance between providing factual information and
infusing a personal touch. Describing the customs, rituals, and historical background of Chinese
New Year is essential, but it's equally important to convey a genuine sense of the excitement, joy,
and unity that characterize the celebrations.
Additionally, addressing the diversity within Chinese New Year festivities can pose a challenge.
The holiday is marked by various customs and practices, each with its own regional nuances.
Balancing the exploration of these diverse elements while maintaining coherence in the essay can
be demanding.
Furthermore, finding a unique angle or perspective to make the essay stand out can be
challenging. Considering the vast amount of information available, ensuring that the essay offers
a fresh perspective and engages the reader requires creativity and thoughtful analysis.
Research is a crucial component of writing an essay on Chinese New Year. Accurate and up-to-
date information is essential to present a comprehensive overview of the topic. Sorting through
various sources, distinguishing reliable information from misconceptions, and integrating these
details seamlessly into the essay can be time-consuming.
In conclusion, writing an essay on Chinese New Year is a multifaceted task that demands a
combination of cultural understanding, creativity, and research skills. However, with careful
planning and a genuine interest in the subject, one can navigate the complexities and create a
compelling narrative that captures the vibrancy of this significant celebration.
And for those seeking assistance in essay writing or exploring similar topics, a variety of
resources are available, including online platforms These services offer
the opportunity to access well-crafted essays and much more, providing valuable support for
academic endeavors.
Chinese New Year EssayChinese New Year Essay
Change Blindness Ecstasy
The purpose of this study is to build upon previous research that examined the
relationship between change blindness and eyewitness testimony in relation to the
threat superiority hypothesis. Change blindness is when a person has difficulty
detecting a change in a scene (Goldstein, 2014). Davies and Hine (2007) found that
most people fail to notice when one person in a scene takes the place of another
individual despite the fact that the two individuals look vastly different. Similarly,
Smart, Berry, and Rodriguez (2014) found that law enforcement officers are also
susceptible to change blindness and frequently fail to identify the correct perpetrator
in a lineup. In relation to the threat superiority hypothesis, researchers found that
Mature Minor Case Study
Jordan, You appear to have taken the same approach to this scenario as I have. We
both felt it important for Wendy to be given the status of mature minor (Menikoff,
2001), with the primary reason being her prior experience and her age. I believe
this case made it important to look at the actual age of the patient. You mentioned
this in your statement of a minor being of proper age and having the right to make
medical decisions. It is wrong to say that a minor who is maybe only 10 years old,
have the same maturity as a 16 year old. While both are considered minors under the
law, there is an apparent difference in maturity and cognitive development between a
10 year old and a 16 year old. One comparison that I continue to think about with
Example Of Spiritualistic Phenomena
Spiritualistic phenomena are one of the interesting type of science that related to our
mind and souls, and it is encouraged us to know more about it.
Spiritualistic phenomena mean that the supernatural things like how to remove
something by using your eyes that we can do it by our mind and brain power. I think
it is important because our mind and souls combine to gather to be a parapsychology
science that will let you know the strong point in your selfs, to use it well later.
Exploring human power is a big deal for you and interesting knowledge that will
open a new door for you cause spiritualistic phenomena is a drop of parapsychology
sea but it will let you know more about your power. In this site, I would like to
explain to you about it more with interesting facts and information. ... Show more
content on ...
From1882 to 1885, the experts started to status up an organisation curricula to study
spiritualistic phenomena, and when thy made this study, they get surprised, cause
they obviously note that all of this science known since of a long time ago by
Egyptians, Assyrians, and Chaldeans.(Abo Alhajaj, 2008).Nonetheless of scientist
effort to make a Curriculum of this knowledge but most of the people understood
this science incorrectly for many reasons one of them because of the conjurers and
magicians who starts to fool people to make money by this (Abo Alhajaj, 2008.).To
add they also start to change some of science information to match with they work to
decent people.One of the first scientist who started to study supernatural phenomena
of humanity is Freud which he was taking a long time to understand all of the
phenomena (Abo Alhajaj,
Themes Of Multiculturalism In Two Nation
Multiculturalism that promotes maintaining the distinctiveness of multiple cultures
is often contrasted to other settlement policies such as social integration, cultural
assimilation and racial segregation. Multiculturalism has been described as salad
bowl, or cultural mosaic rather than a melting pot . In Chetan Bhagat s Two States
(Story of my marriage) multiculturalism is the central theme. Chetan Bhagat is an
Indian writer who writes differently from others. His novel Two States is partly
autographical. The story is about a couple, Krish and Ananya who hail from two
different states of India, Punjab and Tamil Nadurespectively. They are deeply in love
with each other and want to get married. Chetan Bhagat writes on the back cover of
the book that love marriages are simpler and less complicated all over the world but
the case is not so with Indian society. Love marriages around the world are simple:
Boy loves girl. Girl loves boy. They get married. In India, there are a few more steps:
Boy loves girl. Girl loves boy. Girl s family has to love boy s... Show more content on ...
In the meant time Krish s cousin s marriage also is fixed. Krish and Ananya goes to
Minti s marriage. It s not like Tamilian s marriage. It is totally different. The
marriage of Minti, daughter of Krish s maternal uncle, Rajii mama, is threatened
by the boy s side just at the time of jamila who are angry because they have been
given a Santro car rather than an Acent at sagan the previous day. Rajii mama s
putting his pagari in their feet is of no use and now they have agreed to keep
jewellery with the boy s father until they pay the difference in cash. Ananya gathers
all cousins of Minti and the groom for an impromptu meeting and challenges the
groom on the ethical ground and also the grounds of his personal capabilities. The
groom awakens up and the matter is resolved in a dignified manner. Boy s family
loves the
Extract Nicotine From Tobacco Samples And Calculate
A Soxhlet extraction is used only if the desire substance we want to extract from the
sample has limited solubility in a particular solvent, and the impurities cannot
dissolve in the solvent. The purpose of this experiment is to extract nicotine from
tobacco samples and calculate the amount of nicotine in it. In this experiment,
nicotine will be the substance we want to get, and dichloromethane will be the solvent
. Through several cycles of extraction, nicotine was able to dissolve in the solvent
which makes the colorof liquid in the extractor to fade. The solvent was later on
evaporated, and nicotine was obtained. Only a little amount of solvent will be used
in this extraction. Since the solvent will go back to the distilling flask again and
began a new cycle. The temperature also cannot be too high; it must depend on the
boiling point of the solvent. The result can tell us the specific amount of nicotine
presented in the sample and it can give us an idea how much nicotine a smoker takes
in a day.
We may know that there are lots of tobacco smokers in the world. Tobacco kills
around 6 million people each year. More than 5 million of these deaths are cause by
the direct use of tobacco while over 600,000 of individuals died due to the exposure
to second hand smoke (WHO, 2015). This experiment aims to extract nicotine from
tobacco sample and to calculate the amount of nicotine in a specific brand of cigarette
sample with the use of Soxhlet extraction.
Guy Clark Essay
Yesterday the music world lost one of the great singer songwriters. With the loss of
Guy Clark, Country music lost of one of its moorings to true originality and
authenticity. While I certainly can t claim to be an authority on Guy Clarks works, I
ve heard his songs enough to appreciate the depth and poetryof his lyrics. I had the
good fortune to be contracted to write for one of EMI publishing s joint ventures in
the early nineties. And If I m not mistaken, Mr. Clark was a writer at EMI publishing
during this time as well. One of the factors that added to the excitement of writingon
music row in those days was the possibility of meeting or even catching a glimpse
of a songwriting giant like him. And no; sadly, I haven t had the pleasure of
meeting Guy Clark. I did however pour my cup of coffee from the same pot as he
in the EMI writer s lounge one cold winter morning! That may not sound like much
to you, but when you re a young struggling writer, you hang on any chance to draw
similarities; however diluted, between yourself and a legend like Guy (I can call
him that because after all... we did share a coffee pot).... Show more content on ...
I couldn t let this week go by without paying my respects to one of the greats. A sad
start this week but...That s What s Up Wednesday! Godspeed Mr. Guy Charles Clark
Thank you for all the great
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Veterans Essay
Hundreds of thousands of United States veterans are not able to leave the horrors
of war on the battlefield ( Forever at War: Veterans Everyday Battles with PTSD 1).
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the reason why these courageous military
service members cannot live a normal life when they are discharged. One out of
every five military service members on combat tours about 300,000 so far return
home with symptoms of PTSD or major depression. According to the Rand Study,
almost half of these cases go untreated because of the disgrace that the military and
civil society attach to mental disorders (McGirk 1). The general population of the
world has to admit that they have had a nightmare before. Imagine not being able to
sleep one... Show more content on ...
The Spaniards called it estar roto which means to be broken (Tick 99). These
soldiers weren t experiencing nostalgia which means the same as homesickness,
but they were fighting battles within their subconscious that made them feel like
they weren t themselves anymore. Maybe the Spaniards got it right because they
were broken, not emotionally or physically, but mentally. In 1952, the first edition
of DSM I (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) was written. The
first attempt to define PTSD was: gross stress reaction. The name and definition
was reinvented multiple times, but it disappeared from the second edition of the
manual. Thirty seven years later, Congress mandated the Department of Veterans
Affairs to establish the National Center for PTSD. During the same year, Congress
demolished the notion held for decades that the symptoms of PTSD were caused
by character flaws (Thomas 15). PTSD affects both men and women. Women are
more than twice as likely to develop PTSD than men ( Women on the Frontlines ).
During World War II (WWII), twenty WWII veterans may have suffered symptoms
of PTSD (Thomas 20). It was estimated that as many as thirty percent of United
States soldiers that fought in Korea may have symptoms of PTSD (Thomas 20).
Twice as many veterans in Iraq have been diagnosed than veterans in Afghanistan.
Before deployment the rate was five percent which is the same as the general United
States population. 16 to 17 percent of those
Cause Of Staff On Inmate On Inmates
Q= what are the causes of staff on inmate, inmate on staff, and inmate on inmate
violence in both prisons and jails? What can correctional administrators do to prevent
or at least reduce violence in correctional facilities? In spite of the fact that the
situation is intricate, and some conflicting discoveries have risen, for the most part
the literature supports the idea that the more coercive the jail environment the more
prominent the potential for savagery becomes. This is particularly so where jail
administration and treatment of detainees are seen by detainees as unreasonable or
illegitimate, as this reinforces detainee solidarity contrary to the authorities. A jail
approach that keenly consolidates situational and social counteractive action
techniques upheld by fitting administration strategies and exploration based staff
enlistment and preparing practices, is likely the most encouraging model for
lessening interpersonal savagery in correctional facilities. Q= what types of
rehabilitation programs are offered in prisons? What programs are most successful?
What are the principles of effective programs? In the course of recent years,
exploration has demonstrated that some recovery gatherings are successful. At the
ACI, sex offenders, aggressive behaviour at home and substance misuse treatment
program bolster this claim. The Rhode Island Adult Correctional Institute Evaluation
apparatus has discovered every one of the three projects as successful methods for
The Loch, the Legend, and the Monster Essay example
While the possible origins, attempts at proof, monsters throughout the world, and the
tourist traps are interesting, the real phenomenon is not the supposed existence of a
monster, but rather the way humans brains work. Sometimes all logic is abandoned
as people attempt to make sense of the natural world. There are many theories in
psychology that try to explain why humans believe in supernatural phenomena,
including survival techniques from evolution, the McGurk effect, and the need for
control. Anthropologists suggest that evolution has conditioned us to assume things
are alive when we are not quite sure. For example, it s a better survival strategy to
believe that a big, faraway, brown formation is a bear rather than just a rock. So...
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Our brains do a remarkable job at making sense of it all. It seems easy enough to
separate the sounds we hear from the sights we see. But there is one illusion that
reveals this isn t always the case. The illusion occurs because what you are seeing
clashes with what you are hearing (BBC). Our brains take conflicting information
and try to make it all fit together. So if a person has spent a lifetime hearing stories
about monster sightings in Loch Ness, if they go to Loch Ness they will almost be
expecting to see the monster themselves, practically giving their eyes permission to
see what they want to see. For example, many students, teachers, and community
members believe the Tooele High School s auditorium to be haunted. Throughout
my four years of high school, I spent a considerable amount of time in said haunted
auditorium because I was a member of the THS Drumline. In order to prepare for
our annual black light show, we would spend most of their rehearsals in the
auditorium with the lights off, becoming accustomed to playing in the dark. Our
band director would often attempt to communicate with the ghosts, and even though
her attempts failed, the thought of ghosts made us jumpy for the remainder of
practice. Although the majority of us didn t truly believe in ghosts, we expected to
hear or see ghosts, so we did. We would mistake the sounds of someone working
backstage for a bloodthirsty dead guy. And when one of us would whisper, Did you
Pathetic Fallacy In The Media
Learning to Criticize Scholes sets the stage for his argument by examining and
describing the three matrices of video text. The first being visual fascination, a
concept we are all too familiar with; the main reason we believe movies and media
can keep our attention longer than a book. He notes how filters and other other
devices cause us to see the world... with more emotion more effectively than verbal
pathetic fallacy... (619). Scholes recognizes the power that visual fascination
possesses, he plainly states that the tactics utilized can even provoke an emotional
response, furthering how strong this matrix is. He goes as far as to mock
traditional text calling it pathetic fallacy as a way to display its inability to be as
moving or as engaging as video text. Then Scholes goes on to introduce narrativity
which is powers associated with the reception of stories.. (620) another aspect of
video text that Scholes uses interchangeably with cultural reinforcement; the last
matrice. This matrix is explained as the the process through which video texts
confirm viewers in their ideological positions and reassure them as their membership
in a cultural extremely important dimension of all mass media (620).
Cultural reinforcement has the ability to give the audience a sense of belonging
tapping into something far greater than exciting lights or story telling. A person s
morals and ethics are a powerful outlet as Scholes suggests, the most powerful of the
three video
The System Of Data Science School System
Data Science School (DSS) is a private Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
operated and owned by Mr John Smith and close family members. Mr John Smith
wants a new system as he wants to expand his organisation in different regions and
initially all information about students, staff, admissions, enrolments etc... , are all
paper based files i.e., manually stored as the organisation expanded compliance
requirements increased and accurate capturing of information became more critical
and the new system helps in storing all the information in more organised way and
also it reduces the human errors and also cost of the project.
2. Approach to Systems Development
2.1 Existing System of Data Science School System A ... Show more content on ...
The following are some of the typical functional requirements
1.Description of data to be entered to the system ( i.e., the type of data that is been
entered should be clearly explained)
2.Descriptions of operations performed in each screen (i.e., the operations performed
in the each frame of the system is to be understandable)
3.Descriptions of work flow performed by the system(i.e., the process of how work is
managed is to be explained )
4.Who can enter the data in the system(i.e., a clear statement should be given about
who can use the system)
5.How the system meets applicable regulatory requirements (i.e. ,it should be
mentioned that how the problems are been solved from manual system )
3.2 Non Functional Requirements
The non functional requirements are: 1. Performance 2. Scalability 3. Availability 4.
Reliability 5. Security 6. Usability 7. Interoperability 8. Data Integrity
4. Project Cost Benefit Analysis
Cost benefit Analysis is the process for evaluating the advantages of a project in a
systematic approach in terms of cost and benefit s of that particular project. Where
cost refers to the value of money that has been used to produce the determined
requirement, and so it is not
The Role Of Alexander Kerensky In The February
The year 1917 was a historic year in Russian history. It saw two revolutions, in
February and in October. The February Revolution resulted in the abdication of Tsar
Nicholas II and the suppression of the Romanov monarchy. In October, the Bolshevik
Party took over the reins of government in the October Revolution, establishing the
world s first socialist state. There has been an intense debate regarding the role of
key individuals Alexander Kerensky and Vladimir Leninin the events of 1917, and
the role of other factors, such as the economy, the First World War and public
opinion. I believe that Kerensky was more significant in this year because of his
failures and his mistakes. It could be argued that Kerensky acted as a catalyst towards
... Show more content on ...
His response was to arrest the leading Bolsheviks, however some went into exile just
as Lenin did as he escaped to Finland. In further retaliation, Kerensky appointed
General Kornilov as head of the army with the task of suppressing the left. Kornilov
decided that it was time to deal with the revolutionaries and to establish a strong
government in Russia. Also Kornilov wanted the Tsar back in power which
contradicted what Kerensky wanted. Therefore it leads me to believe that this
was poor judgement by Kerensky and it shows how he was indirectly linked to
him. Kornilov ordered the Cossacks to march on Petrograd. Kerensky panicked
and asked the Bolsheviks for help. The Bolsheviks agreed and so Kerensky armed
the Bolshevik red guards with rifles. However, Kornilov s troops never arrived in
Petrograd as the railway workers stopped the trains so the Cossacks couldn t get to
Petrograd. It is quite impossible for me to betray Russia into the hands of her
ancient enemy, the German race, and to turn the Russian people into German slaves.
Here, Kornilov described Russia s contribution in worldWar I as anobligation to
prevent the Russian people from being confined by Germany. Although the Cossacks
couldn t get to Petrograd, the red guards kept the rifles which were given to them by
Kerensky and they would later be used in the October revolution. Consequently, it is
clear that Kerensky had a key role in 1917, holding important government positions
and ultimately losing the support of both the left and the right, allowing the
Bolsheviks to take power. Not only was Kerensky s lack of knowledge of the
ideologies Kornilov had his failure, but also the fact that he armed the opposition.
From the point Kerensky armed the red guards it was inevitable that a different
leader would emerge, either Kornilov or
A Volleyball Story
Side out, side out! You got this! The crowd s roaring chant is a broken record on
full blast. All of a sudden, my ears deafen and my heart races. My hands are moist
and my throat is dry. Perspiration slowly trails down my face as I glance at the red
and blue scoreboard. The score reads 12 13. My team, Beach Vibes 14 1 has been
going back and forth with Texas team, Magic 14 1 for more than an hour. Both
teams won one set, and now Magic is in the lead by one point. This is such a long
and exhausting game! I think frantically, mentally talking to myself. Focus, Taeah,
focus. I try locking my weary eyes on the tall server but the towering middle
blocker with a wingspan of an eagle and the outside blocker with enhanced biceps
were partially blocking my view. The server serves a powerful topspin jump serve
towards Karlee, but the short, lighting fast defensive specialist dives forward to
pass the ball. It was a perfect pass, going directly to the petite hands of our skilled
setter, Erica. She sets me on zone 4.
Leaping into the air like a graceful ballerina, I pull my right arm back to load. When
my hand contacts the ball, I slam it at an open hard angle, zone 4. My team and I
cheer hysterically. I hear a loud, Do it again! in the crowd, and I turn to see my
mother with proud eyes and a permanent smile plastered across her face staring
intently at me. The score now shows 13 13. Everyone rotates, and Erica serves a fast,
float serve. Number 24 shanks the ball, scoring us a
Ketchup E Mayonnaise
For me to learn a language properly I have to have an understanding of the
mechanics of the language. Here is an example of what I mean. If I say, On what
aisle will I find the condiments like ketchup and mayonnaise, in Spanish, I may
say, Donde encontro condiments egual a ketchup e mayonnaise? The person I am
talking to may understand me enough to help me, but if I had said, Por lo pasillo
puedo encontrar condimentos como salsa de tomate y mayonesa? It would sound
like I know what I m saying, and it would be easier to understand me. This is why
for me to learn English I have to know the mechanics, or rules of grammar so I can
speak properly. I will start with defining a sentence. A sentence expresses a complete
thought. For example... Show more content on ...
I can t find the ketchup and mayonnaise. Where can I find them? The is an article.
The is used when a noun or pronoun is specific, special, or more than one, and it is
placed before the noun or pronoun. In this sentence the article the is placed before the
noun, condiments. So you know the person is looking specifically for condiments,
and there is an expressed interest in more than one condiment. Condiments is a noun.
It means things which are used to flavor food, like ketchup and mayonnaise. The last
word we have to look at is the word, like. Like in this sentence is used as a
preposition. It means, similar, or almost the same. Like in this sentence tells you the
person may not be looking for ketchup or mayonnaise, but for condiments in general,
and used ketchup and mayonnaise as an example to explain what is meant by the
word condiments. I didn t explain pronouns, in this little essay. I and them are
pronouns. So I will write briefly about them here. Them is the pronoun which I use
in place of the noun, words and the pronoun. I is the pronoun used in this essay in
place of my name. Oh, and always put a capital letter to start the first word in a
sentence, like this sentence started with a capital O , then end the sentence with a
punctuation mark like a period (.) or a question mark (?) or an exclamation mark
Variable Costing Essay
One positive aspect of adopting the variable costing system that was described in the
text, is some of the staff members do not seem to understand absorption costing, the
current costing method. When using absorption costing, income is affected by sales
volume and production volume changes. Variable costing may be more suitable for
management who do not have a financial background. Because management needs to
be able to make informed decisions, it is imperative that the financial information
provided to them is meaningful.
Another argument in the case for using variable costing is that it could possibly
eliminate time consuming efforts required to allocate fixed overhead. This is
partially true in that the variable costing method only assigns variable costs to
products and allocating fixed overhead to individual products is not necessary.
However, variable costing is not accepted by generally accepted accounting principles
, so the time saved may not be as much as expected due to the need of another set of
According to the case, cost control can be improved with the adoption of variable
costing. Although costs can also be controlled when using absorption costing, it is
easier to distinguish on the income statement which costs are variable and which
costs are fixed when using the variable costing method. Since variable costs and
fixed costs are controlled in different ways, it is useful to be able to analyze the costs
separately in order to control
A women with fighting words Essay
A Woman with Fighting Words
Our government is based on the idea of natural rights for every citizen; every citizen
means all citizens. It does say all men are created equal , this mean men and women.
Susan B. Anthony was a woman of great courage and dedication. She exemplified
these characteristics through out her life. She tears and pulls apart the Declaration of
Independence, preamble of the Constitution, sex qualifications, and women s equal
rights. She describes in clear detail her position on women s rights. She was the first
women in our history to take a stand for women s rights.
Anthony had many political and socially defiant views. Her argument was strong and
... Show more content on ...
She said women didn t see the United States as a democracy, but they see it as an
aristocracy. Our founding fathers are thought of as good, pious, and just, all qualities
we desire and look for in today s society. This shows that Anthony researched her
argument and has a clear understanding if her constitutional rights. How strong and
powerful she comes off as, is important because then people know she is serious.
Anthony wants female s rights to be heard and put to good use. She then talks about
the preamble of the Constitution. She looks at the first three words which are We the
people . She argued that it didn t say white male citizen it said the people. During the
time of her speech only white male citizens could vote, leaving her to argue the
integrity of our constitutional rights. She spoke of the offensive nature of asking
women how they like their liberty and freedom when they are denied their voice in
the government. Their voice was the only means of security and true protection. She
is clearly stating that the government has given women their freedom but hasn t let
them use it by voting. This is the heart of her argument, this shows that she wants the
government to see the qualities in women and wishes that they will put them to good
Anthony then talks about States making sex qualifications and how it is a violation
of the supreme law of the land. Males have always
Garmin s Cultural Issues
A multinational company s cultural issues will relate to the type of product or service
provided by that company. Some services and products create issues that deal directly
with a specific countries culture, like serving pork ribs in India or selling bible s in
Iran. A common cultural issue that every company has to face is dealing with the
foreign countries government, laws, and regulations. Dealing with high tech
equipment made from various materials that transmit signals with radio and satellite
technology, Garmin must make sure that its products comply with all the various
regulations of different countries when it comes to telecommunications, foreign
exchange, and hazardous substances. The telecommunications industry is highly
regulated, and the regulatory... Show more content on ...
(Garmin, 2010) Foreign exchange control laws and regulations of Taiwan with
respect to remittances into and out of Taiwan may have an impact on Garmin s
operations. The Taiwan Foreign Exchange Control Statute, and regulations there
under, provide that all foreign exchange transactions must be executed by banks
designated to handle such business by the Ministry of Finance of Taiwan and by the
Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan), also referred to as the CBC.
(Garmin, 2010) The European Union ( EU ) enacted the Restriction of the Use of
Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (
RoHS Directive ) and the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (
WEEE Directive ). The RoHS Directive requires EU member states to enact laws
prohibiting the use of certain substances, including lead, mercury, cadmium and
hexavalent chromium, in certain electronic products put on the market after July 1,
Motivation And Extrinsic Motivation
Motivation is defined as the driving force or the reason behind any action. There are
two types of motivation:
1. Extrinsic Motivation:
Extrinsic motivation is defined as the type of motivation in which the person is
motivated by external benefits. These benefits can occur in tangible or intangible
forms. Extrinsic motivation that is in tangible nature includes money, medals and
trophies while intangible forms of extrinsic motivation includes praise, recognition
etc. For example a student who works hard only to gain highest marks is considered
to be extrinsically motivated.
2. Intrinsic Motivation:
Intrinsic motivation is defined as a type of motivation in which the person is
motivated to perform a certain activity without any desire of ... Show more content on ...
High employee motivation helps businesses to achieve high levels of productivity
and eventually more profits. A highly motivated workforce is energetic, creative and
committed to organization s goals. Therefore it is important for the management to
achieve highest levels of motivation of their employees by using extrinsic and
intrinsic motivational strategies to form a profitably organization.
Extrinsic Motivational Strategies
Extrinsic motivational strategies includes:
Payment Methods:
Money is an important motivator for people who are extrinsically motivated. To
increase extrinsic motivation in an employee, the management can use different
payment methods according to the nature of their organization. These payment
methods include time rate, piece rate or simply an increment.
Time rate:
Time rate is a type of payment method in which the employee is paid according to
the amount of time she spends at the workplace while piece rate is the kind of
payment method in which the employee is paid according to the number of goods
that are produced by that specific employee.
For example, a bus driver will be motivated to spend more hours at work, driving
bus so that she is able to earn more. This will act as an extrinsic motivator.
Nature Vs. Nurture In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
The disparity in location sets about these two who are effectively made our dual
protagonists for the breadth of the novel, as well as stimuli they find themselves
having encountered, reflect greatly on their respective development, and any
arguments committed therein, much less made with Bate, or Shelley herself. Though
there s certainly much been stipulated in Victor seeking out private moments from
within the solitary, yet unmistakably powerful neighboring areas, to which he d
rendered a blind eye in the process of his studies; whether wracked with guilt
stemmed from presumed wrongdoings, or needing a refreshed guidance, stirred by a
directing hand found nowhere else. Compared to trying to inform surroundings with
what we wish them preset as, the creature journeying into the heart of the untamed
wastes, as the one place where it can evade the scrutinizing gaze of man, and have
garnered what takes to a peaceful existence, says much, beyond vagaries of fantastical
involvement, to the using a blank slate, utterly without humanity s preexisting
notions of placement in the world, for the flourishing within natural space, and meet
with expected cultivation, all the same. Thus, if based on the premise that there s
space for this presumed deviance from nature, which is only how this often professed
nature vs. nurture debate is founded in the first place, shows how the aforementioned
nature isn t something we may be exposed to inherently, and anticipate these exalted
changes to
Taz Da Realist Research Paper
There are many kinds of people, artists and music genres. Everyday, we try to
discover something or someone new, especially when it comes to music. For a new
vibe, look no further then Taz Da Realist.
Some say I changed. I just drew a bigger line. Taz (Headline Remix)
She is known as Kela Johnson, a local Houston native, but to those in the LGBT
community, she s Taz Da Realist.
Regarding her artist name, she says, Of course I enjoy the [Taz] character from
Looney Toons, but also cause just like the character. He just tears things up when he
is around, so it was given to me in high school and it stuck, Taz added that, my
supporters always told me I was the realist when it came to my music so I put it all
The name Taz suits her. She destroys every song... Show more content on ...
She is lesbian, but her sexual orientation should not matter.
Being apart of the LGBT community, not many people look at her as a true female
rap artist because she doesn t dress feminine enough for them. She is sometimes
called sir.
In Taz s eyes, she is just another artist trying to make a name for herself doing
something that she loves. Why is her sexuality something the industry should be
worried about?
Main ones hating, first ones blowing up your phone, Taz (Headlines Remix)
When she decided to do music, many people that knew her didn t realize that she
could spit rhymes. It changed people s perspective of her. She still faces some
obstacles with some people and life, but she says her family and supporters help her
overcome most of that.
I overcame being worried bout people judging me. I use to worry a lot about that
until I realized nobody can make me happy but me, Taz
Into The Wild Sacrifice Analysis
Patty Zhang
Honors American Literature
26 September 2016 Sacrifice as a Value Trade off Between Society and Individual
In any conception of the human condition, sacrifice inevitably accompanies the
choices that life presents. Yet, the definition of sacrifice is ambiguous and relies on
individual interpretation: it can be willingly trading lesser possessions for more
desirable goals or forcibly relinquishing values. Despite the distinct social contexts
and time periods, Jon Krakauer s Into the Wild and Kate Chopin s The Awakening
reflect similar notions of sacrifice through their protagonists, Chris McCandless and
Edna Pontellier respectively. Chris McCandless and Edna Pontellier perceive
sacrifice as a trade off between values, where ... Show more content on ...
Edna becomes increasingly dissatisfied as a mother woman once she realizes that
sacrifice means choosing between an outward existence which conforms and an
inward life which questions (13). After the summer at Grand Isle, Edna begins to
pursue her own interests, relieving herself of obligations because she no longer
feels content to feed upon opinion when her own soul had invited her (94). Edna s
awakening is directly caused by her perception of sacrifice. Realizing that fulfilling
social roles necessitates giving up her autonomy, Edna fights against the sacrifice
that her culture expects from women. She moves out into a pigeon house and
refuses to entertain guests on reception day, small actions which resist the social
pressures threatening her personal identity. Edna consciously destroys the facade
of a traditional life for her genuine desires, noting that it is better to wake up after
all, even to suffer, rather than to remain a dupe to illusions (112). Self discovery is
worth life s delirium to Edna; the possible social repercussions and stigma are
painful but necessary sacrifices. Edna dismantles the false life she leads, and with it
social benefits and status, believing that the the suffering is preferable to sacrificing
and repressing her true self. Her understanding of sacrifice as
White Noise Is A Post Modernist Novel
White Noise is a post modernist novel that follows the life of a man named Jack
and his family as they experience various events in their lives. In the novel, names
are simulacra, both of which are viewpoints in which characters interpret and
navigate the world around them. But there are many instances in the book where
having unchanging or specific names or, in other words, simulacra have presented
problems for various characters in the book. Likewise, having views that are too
placid will also cause issues. Fortunately, White Noise does offer a solution to both
of these conundrums. White Noise teaches readers that although it is perfectly fine
to have one s version of reality that is stable, it is crucial to remain flexible and fluid
enough so that in times that version of reality does not match up with what one is
experiencing, one will be able to easily modify it.
Along with each simulacrum s inherent flaws, another cause for the difficulty of
naming things is that there are competing interpretations of simulacra. For instance,
in White Noise, Jack s world view is constantly being questioned, which he makes
apparent through internal dialogue and in conversations he has with various
characters throughout the novel. For example, Jack s daughters, Denise and Steffie,
have a conversation about the nature of a UFO and the positions of cities and
mountains. Jack is taken back by their discussion. He considers that Denise s
argument might be right (224). He wrestles back
The Bible As A Historical Document
I felt a very positive impression of who Jesus was after finishing the Book of
Matthew. I had a new image of someone who was a down to earth, caring
individual. I did not find quotes of Jesus that claimed being superior to the common
man, of whom sinners could not look upon (a view that most people had of their
Gods for centuries before). Matthew 12:49 50,
Jesus announces to multitudes that they are his mother and brothers. In that way, he
puts himself at an equal level to the people, rather than claiming to be a God above
them. This reflects the whole attitude of the book. Chapters 6 7 of Matthew quote
Jesus as he is presenting rules to live by to the multitudes. To me, all of these sounded
like hints to leading ... Show more content on ...
Most of the parables needed to be explained to his disciples, and some of them I
wasn t able to understand either! Although many parables have a good, inspiring
morals to them, I would question Jesus as to if they were an effective way to
witness to common people. Even today, too many people read parables as
TRUTH, rather than just a story. Plus, they are misinterpreted. But, I have to tell
you that an amazing coincidence happened to me after I finished reading the
Parable of The Pearl of Great Price. A couple of hours later, I was watching an old
episode of Star Trek on TV, and Scotty had actually quoted the same, exact parable
at the end of the show! Funny that the writers of Star Trek predict the future to still
hold the same religion as now, and 2000 years ago.
Both Matthew and Mark write about the part of Pilate in His crucifixion. It seems
to me that Pilate was a good guy , and did not really want to have Jesus killed
because he did not see anything that He did wrong (as compared to Barabbas, the
murderer). (Mark 15:1 15) As a matter of fact, I see that Pilate tried to give Jesus
another chance by asking the crowd to choose to punish the Murderer, or Jesus.
Then, washed his hands of this crucifixion after the decision was made. Why is
Pilate portrayed as a Good Guy in these books while we know, historically, that
Pilate was NOT a friend to the Jews?
After reading these
Tyra Banks Research Paper
Tyra Banks
Brittany Pina
I chose Tyra Banks because i think she would be a good role model in many ways. In
my opinion i think Tyra is a very successful person because she has started
accomplishing things when she was only 15 years old. She started modeling at
age 15 and got rejected by 4 modeling agencies before she was signed with L.A
models . Tyra is a very helpful person she helps out in charity many times, Tyra has
been on television for a while as well. Tyra is a very inspirational person because
she has shown that even being african american you can still make it good in life,
tyra has a networth of 90 Million dollars and has been 1st african american model on
many covers.
Tyra was born on December 4, 1973 in Inglewood California. Her father, Don
Banks was a computer consult and her mother Carolyn was a medical
photographer for NASA. Tyra s parents divorced when she was only 6 years old
but Tyra claims she was too young for the divorce to negatively affect her. Tyra
attended a all girls catholic school and then attended Heart High School in L.A. Tyra
has confessed that she was somewhat a Mean Girl and ... Show more content on ...
Tyra had her own talk show in 2005, and had her talks show famous moment came
in February 2007, but ended her show 5 years later in 2010. Tyra then started to be
a host on America s Got Talent after that, Tyra just stayed being a model. In 2006
Tyra was selected to headline the newly created C.W television network. Tyra has
been the first african american women to be featured in Victoria Secret Lingerie
catalog. In 2014, Tyra launched her own makeup line called Tyra Beauty and
extended it.Tyra has wrote a book called Tyra s beauty inside out a book aimed to
inspire young women, a year later she founded TZONE, a foundation aimed to
develop teenage girls independence and self
Importance Of Culture In Egypt
Changing Times Egypt full of history and culture diverseness, throughout its ever
changing landscape you first must define what is culture? Do you identify it by the
different regions? Religious beliefs? Maybe traditions? Generations as in any culture
will pass down the customs and values of the country teaching the younger
generations the importance of their roots and ideas. As the country continues to grow
and expand so will the culture, it is ever changing with modernization of the country
and the upcoming generations. Understanding the culture of a country can help you
keep an open mind and not come to conclusions and judge the perception of the
country. Not one single thing defines a country s culture, the emphasis will be on its
military views, political and environment. Egypthas an area of 385,229 square miles,
and the total population consists of 65,200,000 people. Two things separate Egypt
from its neighbors, the ocean or sparsely populated desert. (Hopkins Saad, n.d.) The
Mediterranean Sea lies to the north of the country; therefore, the red sealies directly
south, and the western desert separates the country from Libya and North Africa.
(Hopkins Saad, n.d.) A major terrain feature that sustains most of the population is the
NileRiver. Furthermore, the Nile begins at Lake Tana in Ethiopia, where it travels
north, eventually draining into the Mediterranean Sea. (Hopkins Saad, n.d.) Although
most people consider the Nile an
Deficiency And Sufficiency Of Critical Factors Greatly...
Deficiency and Sufficiency of Critical Factors Greatly affect Attrition and leverage
Retention (in IT Companies) A Case Study of IT Companies in India
The IT/ITES sector is the backbone of Indian economy. It earns lot of foreign income
to boost the Indian economy. Even in the economic turmoil over the globe,
particularly in developed countries, though this sector had little affected, could come
out successfully managing the entire economic imbroglio. High attrition in the IT
/ITES industry has always been its greatest concern and a subject of much analysis
and debate. Organizations use different methodologies for calculating their attrition
rate. HR experts feel that it is a know factor that attrition calculation is gray area
which does not always depict the true picture while a few techniques are common
there are no proven theories yet. Further, the approach to this calculation might vary
from organization to organization. The Tamil Nadu, Particularly, Chennai is
considered to be one of the biggest IT hubs in India having presence of very big IT
companies. The availability of skilled employees with cheap labour cost in Tamil
Nadu is an important reason. AT the same time the rate of attrition are also felt in
these companies. Presently, Tier II cities like Madurai, and Coimbatore were taken
place in the IT map. The employee retention is also felt in the IT companies situated
in Madurai also. In this context, the researchers, attempted to find out the reasons for
Fall Of Russia
Foreign Policy With Russia Since the Fall of the USSR In 1991, the Soviet Union,
Russia and her many states , was dissolved. From it would be formed the
Commonwealth of Independent States. While the name of the new Russia would
undergo many changes, the relationship between the US and Russia remained in a
slightly negative state. Relations did not become better or worse for the first few
years of the CIS s existence. The end of the decade would bring conflict into play
with Russias concerns with NATO s attack on Yugoslavia and Serbia upon
discovering that these countries had the intentions of wiping out separatists rebelling
against their countries. Russia took major offense to this action and threw all of its
complaints and criticism at... Show more content on ...
Residents of Poland were rightfully concerned seeing as the base could be a target
for potential attacks. This could endanger the public and therefore the citizens did
not entertain positive reactions to this idea. Russia, on the other hand, saw this as a
major threat to its country s safety, for this base s missiles could easily reach Russia.
Relations already were not smooth between Russia and NATO in general. The United
States replied to these comments by stating that these missiles are meant to protect
against a rogue state that might become a threat to Europe s safety. Russia would
not comply easily and threatened multiple times through several officials that
military force would be used against this base in the event that it was built. When
the US and Poland came to an agreement then, Russia, surprisingly, did not respond
directly with military. It did however drastically increase its defenses on its borders
and openly criticized the US and Poland decision. At the end of Bush s term in
2008 it could be seen that his Foreign Policy towards Russia was to not show any
weakness to an equally as strong and assertive Vladimir Putin. While this strategy
was effective it would leave a huge strain on the future of Russia and the US s
relationship. After Bush left and Barack Obama took office, things would appear to
simmer down a little between these two world superpowers. Vladimir Putin would
George Mason Research Paper
George Mason
George Mason was born on December 11, 1725 to Ann Thompson and George
Mason. Mason grew up on a farm in Fairfax County,Virginia where he was
neighbors with George Washington. Living near George Washington influenced
Mason to have a keen interest in local affairs at an early age.When he was 10,
Mason s father died in a boating accident. He was then raised by his mother and his
uncle, John Mercer. He ran for a seat in the VirginiaHouse of Burgesses when he was
23, but lost the election. In 1750, George married 16 year old Ann Eilbeck (
George, Mason ). Being the persistent person that he was, Mason ran for a seat in
the House of Burgesses again in 1759, this time his efforts were successful. In 1773,
Ann died while giving ... Show more content on ...
For example, recently disputes about gay marriage have caused an uproar. Many
people have protested their opinions concerning the matter, which is legal. The
Bill of Rights gave people the right to protest peacefully and speak freely. However,
some people protested violently and were punished accordingly. Also, if any
authority figure labels you a suspect and tries to search your home without a
warrant, your rights are protected. The authority figure would have to return with a
valid warrant before being able to search or seize any item(s) belonging to you.
These are just two examples of how the Bill of Rights protects the American people
in today s
Anarchism And Communism
Living in complete freedom is the philosophy that guides anarchism. The
rediscovering of anarchist philosophy inundated the minds of British youth in the
1970s who felt that the British government was suppressing thier freedom with
frivolous laws. There are several schools of anarchism such as anarchist communism,
collectivist anarchism, social anarchism, individualist anarchism, and mutualism.
Nevertheless, it is the idea of living in total freedom that is the foundation that
connects each school. Emma Goldman the author of Anarchism and Other Essays
defines ANARCHISM: [sic]The philosophy of a new social order based on liberty
unrestricted by man made law; the theory that all forms of government rest on
violence, and are therefore wrong... Show more content on ...
While the other bands such as the X Ray Spex, and Sex Pistols were produced by
big music labels like EMI, Crass produced their own records with their own record
label; Crass Records. The sound of their music also reflected their style of music;
harsh, with feedback, and fast pitched. Crass, not only revolutionized the do it
yourself mentality, they also founded a whole new sub genre of punk; Anarcho Punk.
Steve Ignorant, the lead singer of Crass, sings Knowing you ve made you re
contribution/To the systems fucked solution,/To their political pollution./No chance
of revolution./No chance of change./You ve got no range./Don t just take it./Don t
take their shit./Don t play their game./Don t take their blame./Use your own head.
/Your turn instead (Ignorant). These lyrics come from the song You Pay, and from
the album The Feeding of the 5000. The lyrics are significant in influencing the
anarchist rebellion against the British government because they are saying to be
aware of the situation, and if change is to happen that an revolution needs to happen.
Steve Ignorant is also saying that the reason why the government is taking advantage
of society is because the British culture is passive by using the words Don t play their
Dichotomy In Rear Window
Alfred Hitchcock once defined his film Rear Window (Hitchcock, 1954), as the
story of a man who cannot move and looks through a window, about what he sees
and how he reacts to it (Truffaut, 1986). In addition, Hitchcock constructs the
character of the protagonist of the film, Jeff (James Steward), not only by using
cinematographic devices to show how Jeff interprets what he sees and his own life,
but also stabilising a dichotomy between what he looks at and what he lives.
At the beginning of the film, a camera movement reveals JeffВґs profession and why
he is immobilized in a wheel chair. He is a photographer, interested in looking at
otherВґs lives; consequently, he could be described as a voyeur. Across a very limited
space the courtyard ... Show more content on ...
For those reasons, even when he is in a sweet moment with Lisa in his arms, he
prefers looking at the outside of his apartment, and even he feels more sexual
attraction towards Miss. Torso (Georgine Darcy) through the window than towards
Lisa, who is in his arms or more explicit, offering herself in his sofa. Lisa as
Thorvald at the end, represents a menace and when he feels threatened, does not
hesitate to take his binoculars (or even the flash), as the only way to prevent danger.
To sum up, Hitchcock uses a film as Rear window to construct an allegory between
reality and fiction. The end of the film is ambiguous because although Jeff chooses
real life, as he presents his back to the window and to the outside, the clash
between reality and fiction has a price, if you choose fiction probably, you could
lose to live in a real society, but if you choose reality, you could lose your identity, as
Jeff. So, inside this film, there is not only one crime, but also other metaphoric
murdered: Jeff, who has renounced to his fantasies to adapt himself in a conformed
Article Review Essay
Jeff Feiertag, Zane L. Berge, (2008) Training Generation N: how educators should
approach the Net Generation , Education + Training, Vol. 50 Iss: 6, pp.457 464 The
authors of this article were focusing on the generational differences between the
generations now and previous generations. The authors explain that they think that
the graduates today are as technologically advanced as they should be. They believe
the answer is adult learning theory and they would try to use this method to avoid
using technology. Berge and Feiertag also state that this generation is so dependent on
technology that without it, we would be lost. Generation N is narrowly focused on
the United States, using these examples but goes to state that it is known... Show
more content on ...
It is important to enhance our understanding in adulthood learning because not
everyone was born into the digital universe. Also, the authors talk about learning in
the classrooms being relatively different than it was before, some teachers don t use
the classroom at all and lecture online. Article also points around the Internet as a
whole being some sort of teacher, Google for example. Google spits out about any
kind of information that you may need. These authors also go on to state that older
generations aren t really that worried about the advance in technology and that they
are more focused on the news and literature than the internet boom . But that the
televisions are aiming towards trying to get their viewers more involved in the
internet. I don t think that classrooms will become completely technology dependent
and I feel like that is what the authors are trying to hint at. I do think that our
generation has become dependent on technology but I disagree that everyone has to
learn it. I think that it is important that adults learn this new way of living in a sense,
but I do not believe that it should be a necessity. The authors also say that society as
a whole is turning into technology, I disagree. Although technology has become
almost the basis of everything (the reading mentioned banks), there is still the old
school way of doing things and there are some
The Qualification of Daphne Du Maurier s Rebecca as a...
The Qualification of Daphne Du Maurier s Rebecca as a Gothic Novel One of
mankind s most valuable gifts is the ability to feel emotions and be able to react to
them in a variety of ways. One of these emotions can be recognized as horror.
Horror can be directly related as an immense sensation of fear, anxiety, and despair.
Horror is adored by some and abhorred by others. Most importantly, there exist many
sources for frightening media and information. One genre of literature that tends to
provide horror can be known as Gothic Literature. Within this genre, many books
serve as accurate representations. Rebecca by Daphne Du Mauriermost definitely
qualifies as a Gothic novel due to its precise portrayal of multiple elements of Gothic
Literature such as eerie settings, presence of distressed characters, and unfortunate
events combined with bad weather. Before examining Rebecca s validity as an
accurate representation of Gothic literature, it is imperative for one to understand the
definition and origin of this genre. Gothic literature is a style of writing which
involves, ... mystery and supernatural horror, often set in a dark castle or other
medieval setting (Dictionary). One of the most interesting facts of Gothic literature is
that its origins are diverse considering that it developed as a sub branch of
Romanticism. This genre developed from numerous prior plays and writings which
discussed superstition, the evident supernatural, and various demons. An
Dance Teaching Pl An Awareness Of Dance
Name: Brooke Flannery
School............... Associate
Year / Group: Year 3 4 Level: 2Date/Length: 35mins
Lesson Topic: Animals
ACHIEVEMENT OBJECTIVES Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
Understanding Dance in ContextDemonstrate an awareness of dance in their lives and
in their communities.Identify and describe dance in their lives and in their
communities.Explore and describe dances from a variety of cultures. Explore and
describe how dance is used for different purposes in a variety of cultures and contexts.
Practical Knowledge in Dance Explore movement with a developing awareness of the
dance elements of body, space, time, energy and relationships.Explore and identify
through movement the dance elements of body, space, time, energy and
relationships.Use the dance elements to develop and share their personal movement
vocabulary. Apply the dance elements to extend personal movement skills and
vocabularies and to explore the vocabularies of others.
Developing Ideas in DanceImprovise and explore movement ideas in response to a
variety of stimuli. Use the elements of dance in purposeful ways to respond to a
variety of stimuli. Select and combine dance elements in response to a variety of
stimuli. Combine and contrast the dance elements to express images, ideas and
feelings in dance, using a variety of choreographic processes.
Communicating and Interpreting in DanceShare dance movement through informal
presentation and share their
Theories of Organizational Behavior
Revisiting the Classical theories
Organization indexes considerably more than the structures that lifts us out of bare
life . Organization is also intimately, and utterly, connected to thought. While many,
and by no means just those in the West, think of themselves as free from
enslavement by others, and even free from the organization of the state, who can
argue that they are also free from the pervasive effects of language, culture and
science? These are matters into which we find ourselves thrown , long before we
wake up to their organizing effects. If, indeed, we ever do wake up. For if the
intricate relations between language and thought came to be examined late in the
19th century, questions about the ... Show more content on ...
After the First World War, the focus of organizational studies shifted to analysis of
how human factors and psychology affected organizations, a transformation propelled
by the identification of the Hawthorne effect. Prominent early scholars included
Chester Barnard, Henri Fayol, Frederick Herzberg and so on. These people together
constitute what is generally called the Classical school. One of the first schools of
management thought, the classical management theory, developed during the
Industrial Revolution when new problems related to the factory system began to
appear. Managers were unsure of how to train employees (many of them non
English speaking immigrants) or deal with increased labor dissatisfaction, so they
began to test solutions. As a result, the classical management theory developed
from efforts to find the one best way to perform and manage tasks. It arose because
of the need to increase productivity and efficiency. The emphasis was on trying to
find the best way to get the most work done by examining how the work process was
actually accomplished and by scrutinizing the skills of the workforce.
Later on there were many developments in the field, but the role and importance of
this school remains almost unparallel and they can be grouped among the most
influential of all the theorists because it was these theories that the later day schools
and thoughts took as their beginning point.
Even today,
Discussion Questions On Formal Language
Assignment 3 [837921]
Question 1
1.1)One expects to find formal language in any place of work and authority such
as businesses, court, parliament, newspapers etc. Any profession which is
associated with a high level of education and order. Formal language is also known
to reflect on the speaker s social class. It shows what type of school you attended,
how you were raised and your heritage. Informal language is more commonly heard
in a social environment. For example when you are at a braai or attending a family
function. The people present usually know each other so the atmosphere is more
relaxed and there is not an essential requirement for formality. Informal language is
usually used on social media platforms or instant messaging.
1.2)If you were to address your colleagues, you would need to do it in a formal
manner. You should gather as many facts as possible and also listing as many
possible solutions as you can find. Facts and solutions help in strengthening your
argument. This information would be presented to the board to try and convince
them to agree with your point of view. Whereas in a social environment with your
friends informal language could be used. You could discuss teenage pregnancy and
give your personal thoughts and opinions on the topic. Your thought would not need
to be supported by facts as it could be opinion based.
1.3)Whenever you are addressing someone professional, you are required and
expected to use formal language.
Making Connections
Making Connections The Bradford County School District was selected for an on
site monitoring visit due to a pattern of poor performance over time in State
Performance Plan (SPP) indicator two percent of youth with individual educational
plans (IEPs) dropping out of high school (Moore) Making these individual education
plans (IEP s) can be very complicated. The plans guide the way that the teacher may
teach and assign work to that student. Many officials are involved in the making of
these plans, including the parents who are responsible for signing off on the final
plan. The Making Connections program connects the parents with retired teachers
and lawyers to help make an effective individual education plans. With this program,
students will have IEP s that made for them, not a uniform plan thrown together in a
crowded room. Not every child learns the same way, so an IEP fills the learning gap
and helps that child learn in an effectively manner. Without an effective IEP a student
may become discouraged and drop out of schoolaltogether. [S]tudents with Specific
Learning Disabilities (SLD) leave school with a regular diploma just 68 percent in
the 2010 2011 school year. While the dropout rate has improved (Wendorf) These
graduation rates are extremely low. A different way of learning should not be a
sentence to struggling throughout... Show more content on ...
The need for this program is growing as more and more prevalent as students are
choosing to end their education due to lack of resources or help. This program is
unique and self sustaining, because of the volunteers that will keep it running. Most
importantly, this program will help children thrive who may learn differently.
Ultimately resulting in the future of their dreams. Making these connections between
parents and experienced professionals will change the way IEPs are planned and
Examples Of Figurative Language In The Gift Of The Magi
Today s generation has lost the appreciation for the morals that are the roots of
stories. Author O. Henry attempts to bring back that appreciation in his short story,
The gift of the Magi.
He uses irony, figurative language, and characterization to exhibit self sacrificial
love.Set in the life of a young couple, the story begins with the couple s plight of
christmas being the next day, and neither of them have sufficient money to buy the
gifts they think their significant other deserves. With little time, and immeasurable
love, the two struggle to find the perfect gift even if that means sacrificing the things
most precious to them. The couple s willingness to sacrifice for their spouse shows
true love in its purest form.
Flora Richards Gustafson ... Show more content on ...
O. Henry creates Jim and Della so distinctively that he must have seen a couple so
in love with each other that it seemed like a fairy tale to watch them. The narrator
tells most of the story from Della s perspective. She s described as young,
affectionate, selfless, and somewhat hysterical, requiring Jim to comfort her when
she s upset. 3 She cares deeply for Jim, and for finding him this amazing present
she believes he deserves. Her most prized possession at the beginning of the story
is her lustrous hair, but in her selflessness, she has all of her hair chopped off and
sells it in order to buy a proper watch chain for Jim. This single act alone could be
grounds enough to proves her love for Jim, and her willingness to sacrifice for
him. Jim, the lord of the flat, is only twenty two years old and is already heavily
burdened by the need to support his family on a low salary. Despite this burden,
however, he is described as content, quiet, and good natured. 3 He loves his wife
very much, and because of that he sells his prized watch, a family heirloom, passed
down from his grandfather, in order to buy fancy combs for Della s beautiful hair
that she had been eyeing as they shopped one afternoon. Della seems to turn from a
whiny young lady at the beginning of the short story, to a determined and willful
woman at the
Advantage And Disadvantage Of Biodiesle
As renewable, sustainable and alternative fuel compression ignition engines, biodiesel
instead of diesel has been increasingly fuelled to study its effects on engines
performance and emissions in the recent years. But these study has been rarely
review to favour the understanding and popularization for biodiesel so far. From the
previous study from other researcher, the effect of biodiesel on engine performances
and emission on the formation of soot in the different biodiesel blend is being cited
for the revision. But, on chapter 4 of this report there will the discussion on data and
result for this study.
The use of biodiesel lead to the substantial reduction in particulate matter (PM),
hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon dioxide (CO) emission accompanying with the
imperceptible power loss, the increase in fuel consumption and the increase in
nitrogen ... Show more content on ...
With the commercialization of bioenergy, it has provided an effective way to fight
against the problem of petroleum scarce and the influence on environment. Today,
fossil fuels take up 80% of the primary energy consumed in the world, which 32% is
consumed by the transport sector.
Biodiesel, as an alternative fuel of diesel, is describe as fatty acid methyl or ethyl
esters from vegetable oils or animals fats. It is renewable, biodegradable and
oxygenated. Although many researches pointed out that it might help to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, promote sustainable rural development and improve
income distribution, there still exist some resistances for using it. The major cause
is the lack of knowledge about the influence of biodiesel or diesel engines. Other
than that, the using of biodiesel doesn t giving the same amount of energy compared
to original diesel because biodiesel have more additives as compared to
The Progressive War
Freedom has come at a price . Nobody can verify this superior to the men and ladies
who have served in the equipped administrations of this extraordinary country we
call the Unified Conditions of America. Nobody knows not it resemble to have
that opportunity all of a sudden grabbed away than those people who, during the
time spent serving their nation, have gotten themselves detainees of war. It is an
ordeal neither requested nor craved. Most Americans who have been detainees of
war are customary individuals who have been put in phenomenal circumstances by
no arranging of their own. Americans have been held hostage as detainees of war
amid numerous wars and in numerous spots. Still, there is a typical bond that is
shared by all. Their story is a motivating part of our history as a country. Progressive
War Amid the Progressive War, an expected 20,000 Americans were
... Show more
content on ...
American captors did not submit to the Geneva Tradition. More than 7,100
Americans were caught and interned and a little more than 2,700 are known not
passed on while interned. There were 8,177 Americans delegated lost without a trace
(MIA). The Unified States in February 1954 announced them assumed dead. Life as
a POW implied numerous constrained walks in subfreezing climate, isolation,
ruthless disciplines and endeavors at political re training. Here detainees got their
first orderly dosage of teaching procedures by their captors. This was a generally new
wonders and brought about the Set of principles that now directs all American
servicemen concerning their catch. Numerous Americans were the casualties of
slaughters. After a truce was marked in 1953, a noteworthy trade known as Operation
Enormous Switch at long last brought Americans home. More than 8,000 Americans
are still recorded as lost without a trace in Korea. Vietnam
No Child Left Behind Standardization
The large change for standardization began with the implementation of the No Child
Left Behind Act (NCLB) in 2001. According to professors of education Delilah
David, Ingrid Haynes, Bernnell M. Peltier Glaze, Summer Pannell, and head of Texas
Marshall County school district, Carrie Skelton, the NCLB was responsible for a
number of undesirable consequences in schooladministration. Districts became
responsible for testscores from individual schools, creating pressures among
administrative officials to perform well. The act also made it easier for the federal
government to become more involved in education, primarily in its finances. Dr.
Martin Wasserburg conducted an assessment of lower income schools in an urban
area and found that t... Show more content on ...
However, the NCLB has fallen far too short of its goal. Standardized testing has not
only failed to help disadvantaged students, but has hurt them and their districts as
well (Wasserberg). Write more
The increase of standardization in education in the years following the NCLB s
implementation brought more undesirable consequences, one of them being the
pressure placed on teachers to perform well. More now than ever, teachers are
accountable for the test scores and performances given by individual students
(Wiliam, Dylan). In fact, the main purpose of standardized testing is not to assess the
contextual knowledge of students, but rather to act as an assessment of teacher
performance and quality. Teachers are held more accountable for the scores of their
students than the students themselves are, despite the proven lack of control that
teachers have over test scores. This particular facet of the American education
system sets us apart other developing countries, where students are held as equally
accountable to their scores as teachers are. According to Dylan Wiliam, two thirds of
the reasoning behind test scores can be traced back to socioeconomic factors, further
showing that teachers have a small influence in a student s test score, and that they
should not be assessed based on them alone.
William Wordsworth Expostulation And Reply Poem
In this essay, I will discuss how the literature produced by the revolutionary decade
of the 1970 s was distinguished by new and radical ideas, and experimentation with
regard to genre and form, in relation to William Wordsworth s Lyrical Ballads. The
poem which I will be drawing from in this essay is Expostulation and Reply , and the
Preface to Lyrical Ballads.
Wordsworth was a child of nature, he grew up in a rustic environment, in which he
spent much time playing outside, in touch with his surroundings. He would later
refer to this time as a pure connection to nature. As a young man, Wordsworth moved
to France, which, at the time, was in the grip of a violent, volatile revolution. The
Reign of Terror, and all that accompanied it, was... Show more content on ...
Wordsworth and his contemporaries sought to move the discoveration and
formulation of knowledge and wisdom from wrote learning and classrooms to the
real world, to nature, to make time to contemplate and reflect, to discover their own
views on the world, instead of having them given to them by teachers and their
superiors. In Expostulation and Reply , we see that Wordsworth is not content with
Matthews suggestion that he read the books of those that passed before him, to take
their knowledge. Up! up! and drink the spirit breathed
From dead men to their kind. (wordsworth) This is not enough for the poet, he does
not simply want to learn another persons knowledge, and have that same knowledge
recanted for generations. Instead, he wants a society where we learn our knowledge,
and find our own wisdom, in nature. This, above any other, is the radical idea of the
God Was Wrong, Support Mountaintop Removal
God Was Wrong, Support Mountaintop Removal
Coal in the United States has long been the #1 producer of energy. Massive seams of
coal are found in the Appalachian Mountains, and our reliance on this fossil fuel has
meant devastation for many mountain residents and over 500 mountains. As our
society advances, the need for more energy advances. What were once beautiful
rolling hills are now flattened plateaus reminiscent of a landscape you would see in
the desert. We as a nation have only short term interest in our environment, and
choose to ignore the many warning signs this planet continues to offer us. Left in our
path of destruction are the many residents of Appalachia and a landscape that begs us
for forgiveness.
Mountaintop removal is process where the tops of mountains are removed with
explosives in order to extract coal from inside the mountain. The debris created by
the explosions is discarded in a valley, which is then called fill material. A loophole
in the Clean Water Actreclassified the waste created by mountaintop removal waste
as valley fill, which in turn greatly increased extraction of coal from mountains (225).
These valleys usually contain streams which become buried underneath fill, causing
much of the natural habitat to vanish and poisoning what streams are left. The older
and more traditional method was to dig inside the mountain through a tunnel network
which was more time consuming and required much more personnel. Of course,
when companies
Mark Morris Snowflakes
A dance piece that struck my attention and that I wanted to learn more about was
the Waltz of the Snowflakes in the production of Hard Nut by Mark Morris, which
is his own production, based on The Nutcracker . Instead of Prima Ballerinas
gracefully dancing across the stage, Morris decided to create a giant ensemble of
men and women in tutus. I believe Morris wanted to express a more modern take on
The Nutcrackerand use an ensemble to create a piece that is inclusive in the times.
Mark Morris is known as one of the most successful and influential choreographers
alive, and indisputably the most musical (New York Times). From Seattle,
Washington Morris performed with companies like Lar Lubovitch, Laura Dean,
Hannah Kahn, Eliot Feld, and
Historiography Of The British Empire
Any historiography of The British Raj must first start with the understanding that The
British Raj fits within the broader historic concept of The British Empire. In the late
19th Century, many historians proposed that the history of The British Empire could
be broken down into The First British Empire and The Second British Empire. The
British Raj falls within the category of The Second British Empire within this
view. The previous British involvement in India, via The East India Company,
would largely fall within First British Empire. The opinions of historians, not any
official decree by British law or authorities, are the basis for the concept of
multiple periods of The British Empire. There was never an official start, or end
date, for either period of empire. The British Empire was never an official entity, as
in there was not a document or constitution dictating how it was administered. As a
result, the colonial administrations varied depending on the colony to which they
belonged. The views on The British Empire, during its height, were not a single
monolithic view shared by all British citizens, but varied across the full spectrum
from unwavering support to strong opposition. Joseph Chamberlain s 1897 book
The True Conception of Empire provides an excellent quote that sums up a common
mindset of the era. We feel now that our rule over these territories can only be
justified if we can show that it adds to the happiness and prosperity of the people,
The Song, Uprising, by Muse Essay
I am a millennial, a person born between 1980 and 2000. Millennials are possibly
the most influential generation or, what some people may refer to as, the chosen
generation. Our influence has been illustrated by the impact we had in the election
of President Barack Obama. Throughout the last year, my dad has encouraged me
to study millennials because he has been spending many hours studying them,
himself. He believes that music defines the character and values of a generation.
As a lover of all kinds of music, he has enlightened me with a genre of songs
describing the desire for change. Most of the songs were composed by artists of his
generation, Fifth Dimension, Eric Clapton, and Sam Cooke, to name a few. I was
pleasantly surprised... Show more content on ...
The artist is admonishing millennials to recognize the threats to our civil liberties. I
automatically found it ironic that the songwriter, Matthew Bellamy, is neither a
millennial, nor is he from the same generation as my parents. Because he was born
between the two generations, he is able to articulate our millennial predicament from
an outside perspective. As a millennial, I accept the songwriter s call to action and
commit myself to helping my peers prepare for our future. Instead of being fearful of
the day that my generation fully understands the burdens placed upon us, but I am
confident that we will overcome the challenges before us.
The song also states Interchanging mind control/ come let the revolution take its
toll/ if you could flick a switch and open your third eye/ you d see that we should
never be afraid to die. Our third eye, or intuition, truly sets us apart. My peers and I
think differently from our parents. We embrace our diversity. We embody the value
that All men are created equal, an ideal that was not honored by generations before
us. This is why we are the chosen generation. We will bring about radical change.
Call it a revolution or call it an uprising, either way, the change will be constructive.
Uprising has made me more aware of the power of
The Price Of Coffee Prices
Now, let s discuss the factors that determine the supply of the products and detail the
future outlook of the supply curve. To ensure compliance with Starbuck s rigorous
coffee standards, Starbuck s controls coffee purchasing, roasting, and packaging, and
the global distribution of coffee used in their operations. Starbuck s purchases green
coffeebeans from multiple coffee producing regions around the world and custom
roasts them.
The price of coffee is subject to significant volatility. Supply and price can be affected
by multiple factors in the producing countries, including weather, natural disasters,
crop disease, general increase in farm inputs and costs of production, inventory levels
and political and economic conditions.
The ... Show more content on ...
There is a large variety of beverages available ranging from energy drinks or soda to
juice and water. If one considers the social aspect of coffee, alcoholic beverages
may also be taken into concern. However, Starbucks sells a large selection of these
beverages within its stores. While the majority of coffee drinkers do not substitute
away from coffee or coffee related beverages such as espresso or blended drinks,
the most direct substitute is tea, which Starbucks sells under its own Tazo Tea
brand. Due to current economic conditions and consequently a change in the
competitive landscape, Starbucks must be weary of at home production, especially
as premium coffeemakers are being built to make single serving cups at a fraction
of the cost. Again, Starbucks has covered this segment as it offers Starbucks
branded coffee at various grocery store locations and warehouse club stores. Thus,
the company has done a good job hedging against the threat of substitutes with the
variety of beverages it offers. The threat of customers substituting away from
Starbucks for direct competitors such as Peet s Coffee and Tea is a genuine concern.
As they all pride themselves on customer service and specialty drinks, they are truly
hard to differentiate. On the other hand, competitors such as McDonalds or
Gender Wage Gap
Is The Gender Wage Gap A Product Of Personal Choice? As stated by the World
Economic Forum, women are being paid less for the same work in every country
in the world. They also stated that it will take almost two centuries to close the
gender pay gap in the world. So is this the result of personal choice? There is no
denying that individual choice makes up some portion of the wage gap. These
choices which are a part of social structure, like gendersocialization, culture, and so
on. But, there are other factor that makes up the gender wage gap also and the idea
that the gender wage gap is a product of only personal choice is incorrect.
According to her article The Wage Gap Is a Result of Women s Choices, Christina
Hoff Sommers argues that the wage gap isn t the result of discrimination but
because women and men have difference in education, experiences, and job tenure.
This is only partly correct especially now where women are known to have more
education than men and the same amount of experiences. The wage gap is also
due to the history women have. Jobs that lean towards more domestic labor work
like nursing and teaching are more heavily skewed towards females than males. As
mentioned by Barkan s piece, Gender Inequality, this is because women bear and
nurse children and men do not. Women are also seen as more gentle and caring so
therefore they were the perfect gender out of the two to stay home and care for the
children. Other duties also involved cooking for their
A Brief Note On The Defence Meteorological Satellite
1.4 Literature Review 1.4.1 Locating and Quantifying Flaring Activities Although
gas flaring has been a fundamental activity in the oil and gas industry since the
discovery of oil, the exact magnitude of the problem both globally and regionally
has been uncertain, reported data from governments and independent oil companies
had its errors and limitations. In 2001, Elvidge et al. proposed that the Defence
Meteorological satellite program (DMSP) Operational Linescan system s (OLS)
Night time lights of the world data could be used identify burning flares and an
algorithm developed from reported flare data and sum light index could be used to
quantify flared gas volumes globally. In 2007, Elvidge et al. working with the
National Oceanic and... Show more content on ...
Several reports including those by GE, GGFR, IEA, World Bank and others have
tried to quantify the economic cost of gas flaring in terms of revenue lost and
potential useful gas volumes from U.S importation prices and NOAA reported
volumes flared establishing that the world losses billions of dollars each year to
the activity (World Bank, 2007; IEG World Bank, 2009; Elvidge et al., 2009;
Svensson et al., 2009; IEA, 2009; IEA, 2010; Labeyrie et al., 2010; GGFR, 2010;
NOAA NGDC, 2010; Farina, 2011; GGFR, 2013) The environmental concerns of
the flare system includes noise pollution, thermal radiation, luminosity and glare,
particulate emission, and chemical emissions with varying impacts on the
environment surrounding them. (Seebold, 1972; Vanderline, 1974; Bulewicz et
al., 1975; Brzustowski, 1976; Klett et al., 1976; EPA, 1983; Kearns, J. et al., 2000,
Olavo, 2012). Bose et al, 2006 in an EIA study of a rice field in Assam established
the effect on agriculture. In 2007, Gervert examined the contribution of flaring to
global warming through its due to its CO2 emissions. Kaladumo, et al. and Bisong
General Mill Essay
General mills, making food people love. General Mills was started in 1928 by
James Ford Bell who was a business leader and philanthropist. Bell was originally in
the milling industry which eventually died. General Mills first product was flour as
he was originally in the milling industry that deal with wheat. General Millsflour is
still the number one product for the company until this day. Over the years the
company has grown to much more than just flour. This company now has over 100
brands that are sold in over 100 countries. People love general mills as it gives
quality products to its consumers. General mills product range from baking
products, cereal, fruit, ice cream, pasta, soups, yogurts and a wide variety of grocery
items. One of general mill popular product is cereal as it has finds its way on most...
Show more content on ...
Within the general mills product line there is a product for everyone. This is a
company that cater from young to old. General mills product is sold over the in
more than 100 countries. General mills have been around for over 50years and has
been pass down from one generation to another in some households. People see
general mills product as valuable because of its history. Over the years general mill
have introduce whole grains, dietary fiber and reduced sugar product a people have
become more health conscious.
Prices tend to be a little higher for general mills product but yet affordable. Its s one
of the leading competitors in the food market. Consumers tend to go with general
mills because of the quality and consistency of their products.
General Mill products are found in grocery stores all over the world. Their products
are normally found at eye level which is between 23 inches to 48inches. This makes
it easier for consumers to choose this product as they don t have to go searching for it.

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Chinese New Year Essay

  • 1. Chinese New Year Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of Chinese New Year may seem like a daunting task at first glance. While the celebration itself is rich with cultural significance and traditions, capturing the essence of this festive occasion in a written form requires careful consideration and research. One of the challenges lies in striking a balance between providing factual information and infusing a personal touch. Describing the customs, rituals, and historical background of Chinese New Year is essential, but it's equally important to convey a genuine sense of the excitement, joy, and unity that characterize the celebrations. Additionally, addressing the diversity within Chinese New Year festivities can pose a challenge. The holiday is marked by various customs and practices, each with its own regional nuances. Balancing the exploration of these diverse elements while maintaining coherence in the essay can be demanding. Furthermore, finding a unique angle or perspective to make the essay stand out can be challenging. Considering the vast amount of information available, ensuring that the essay offers a fresh perspective and engages the reader requires creativity and thoughtful analysis. Research is a crucial component of writing an essay on Chinese New Year. Accurate and up-to- date information is essential to present a comprehensive overview of the topic. Sorting through various sources, distinguishing reliable information from misconceptions, and integrating these details seamlessly into the essay can be time-consuming. In conclusion, writing an essay on Chinese New Year is a multifaceted task that demands a combination of cultural understanding, creativity, and research skills. However, with careful planning and a genuine interest in the subject, one can navigate the complexities and create a compelling narrative that captures the vibrancy of this significant celebration. And for those seeking assistance in essay writing or exploring similar topics, a variety of resources are available, including online platforms These services offer the opportunity to access well-crafted essays and much more, providing valuable support for academic endeavors. Chinese New Year EssayChinese New Year Essay
  • 2. Change Blindness Ecstasy The purpose of this study is to build upon previous research that examined the relationship between change blindness and eyewitness testimony in relation to the threat superiority hypothesis. Change blindness is when a person has difficulty detecting a change in a scene (Goldstein, 2014). Davies and Hine (2007) found that most people fail to notice when one person in a scene takes the place of another individual despite the fact that the two individuals look vastly different. Similarly, Smart, Berry, and Rodriguez (2014) found that law enforcement officers are also susceptible to change blindness and frequently fail to identify the correct perpetrator in a lineup. In relation to the threat superiority hypothesis, researchers found that threat
  • 3. Mature Minor Case Study Jordan, You appear to have taken the same approach to this scenario as I have. We both felt it important for Wendy to be given the status of mature minor (Menikoff, 2001), with the primary reason being her prior experience and her age. I believe this case made it important to look at the actual age of the patient. You mentioned this in your statement of a minor being of proper age and having the right to make medical decisions. It is wrong to say that a minor who is maybe only 10 years old, have the same maturity as a 16 year old. While both are considered minors under the law, there is an apparent difference in maturity and cognitive development between a 10 year old and a 16 year old. One comparison that I continue to think about with
  • 4. Example Of Spiritualistic Phenomena Spiritualistic phenomena are one of the interesting type of science that related to our mind and souls, and it is encouraged us to know more about it. Spiritualistic phenomena mean that the supernatural things like how to remove something by using your eyes that we can do it by our mind and brain power. I think it is important because our mind and souls combine to gather to be a parapsychology science that will let you know the strong point in your selfs, to use it well later. Exploring human power is a big deal for you and interesting knowledge that will open a new door for you cause spiritualistic phenomena is a drop of parapsychology sea but it will let you know more about your power. In this site, I would like to explain to you about it more with interesting facts and information. ... Show more content on ... From1882 to 1885, the experts started to status up an organisation curricula to study spiritualistic phenomena, and when thy made this study, they get surprised, cause they obviously note that all of this science known since of a long time ago by Egyptians, Assyrians, and Chaldeans.(Abo Alhajaj, 2008).Nonetheless of scientist effort to make a Curriculum of this knowledge but most of the people understood this science incorrectly for many reasons one of them because of the conjurers and magicians who starts to fool people to make money by this (Abo Alhajaj, 2008.).To add they also start to change some of science information to match with they work to decent people.One of the first scientist who started to study supernatural phenomena of humanity is Freud which he was taking a long time to understand all of the phenomena (Abo Alhajaj,
  • 5. Themes Of Multiculturalism In Two Nation Multiculturalism that promotes maintaining the distinctiveness of multiple cultures is often contrasted to other settlement policies such as social integration, cultural assimilation and racial segregation. Multiculturalism has been described as salad bowl, or cultural mosaic rather than a melting pot . In Chetan Bhagat s Two States (Story of my marriage) multiculturalism is the central theme. Chetan Bhagat is an Indian writer who writes differently from others. His novel Two States is partly autographical. The story is about a couple, Krish and Ananya who hail from two different states of India, Punjab and Tamil Nadurespectively. They are deeply in love with each other and want to get married. Chetan Bhagat writes on the back cover of the book that love marriages are simpler and less complicated all over the world but the case is not so with Indian society. Love marriages around the world are simple: Boy loves girl. Girl loves boy. They get married. In India, there are a few more steps: Boy loves girl. Girl loves boy. Girl s family has to love boy s... Show more content on ... In the meant time Krish s cousin s marriage also is fixed. Krish and Ananya goes to Minti s marriage. It s not like Tamilian s marriage. It is totally different. The marriage of Minti, daughter of Krish s maternal uncle, Rajii mama, is threatened by the boy s side just at the time of jamila who are angry because they have been given a Santro car rather than an Acent at sagan the previous day. Rajii mama s putting his pagari in their feet is of no use and now they have agreed to keep jewellery with the boy s father until they pay the difference in cash. Ananya gathers all cousins of Minti and the groom for an impromptu meeting and challenges the groom on the ethical ground and also the grounds of his personal capabilities. The groom awakens up and the matter is resolved in a dignified manner. Boy s family loves the
  • 6. Extract Nicotine From Tobacco Samples And Calculate The... A Soxhlet extraction is used only if the desire substance we want to extract from the sample has limited solubility in a particular solvent, and the impurities cannot dissolve in the solvent. The purpose of this experiment is to extract nicotine from tobacco samples and calculate the amount of nicotine in it. In this experiment, nicotine will be the substance we want to get, and dichloromethane will be the solvent . Through several cycles of extraction, nicotine was able to dissolve in the solvent which makes the colorof liquid in the extractor to fade. The solvent was later on evaporated, and nicotine was obtained. Only a little amount of solvent will be used in this extraction. Since the solvent will go back to the distilling flask again and began a new cycle. The temperature also cannot be too high; it must depend on the boiling point of the solvent. The result can tell us the specific amount of nicotine presented in the sample and it can give us an idea how much nicotine a smoker takes in a day. II.Introduction: We may know that there are lots of tobacco smokers in the world. Tobacco kills around 6 million people each year. More than 5 million of these deaths are cause by the direct use of tobacco while over 600,000 of individuals died due to the exposure to second hand smoke (WHO, 2015). This experiment aims to extract nicotine from tobacco sample and to calculate the amount of nicotine in a specific brand of cigarette sample with the use of Soxhlet extraction.
  • 7. Guy Clark Essay Yesterday the music world lost one of the great singer songwriters. With the loss of Guy Clark, Country music lost of one of its moorings to true originality and authenticity. While I certainly can t claim to be an authority on Guy Clarks works, I ve heard his songs enough to appreciate the depth and poetryof his lyrics. I had the good fortune to be contracted to write for one of EMI publishing s joint ventures in the early nineties. And If I m not mistaken, Mr. Clark was a writer at EMI publishing during this time as well. One of the factors that added to the excitement of writingon music row in those days was the possibility of meeting or even catching a glimpse of a songwriting giant like him. And no; sadly, I haven t had the pleasure of meeting Guy Clark. I did however pour my cup of coffee from the same pot as he in the EMI writer s lounge one cold winter morning! That may not sound like much to you, but when you re a young struggling writer, you hang on any chance to draw similarities; however diluted, between yourself and a legend like Guy (I can call him that because after all... we did share a coffee pot).... Show more content on ... I couldn t let this week go by without paying my respects to one of the greats. A sad start this week but...That s What s Up Wednesday! Godspeed Mr. Guy Charles Clark Thank you for all the great
  • 8. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Veterans Essay Hundreds of thousands of United States veterans are not able to leave the horrors of war on the battlefield ( Forever at War: Veterans Everyday Battles with PTSD 1). Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the reason why these courageous military service members cannot live a normal life when they are discharged. One out of every five military service members on combat tours about 300,000 so far return home with symptoms of PTSD or major depression. According to the Rand Study, almost half of these cases go untreated because of the disgrace that the military and civil society attach to mental disorders (McGirk 1). The general population of the world has to admit that they have had a nightmare before. Imagine not being able to sleep one... Show more content on ... The Spaniards called it estar roto which means to be broken (Tick 99). These soldiers weren t experiencing nostalgia which means the same as homesickness, but they were fighting battles within their subconscious that made them feel like they weren t themselves anymore. Maybe the Spaniards got it right because they were broken, not emotionally or physically, but mentally. In 1952, the first edition of DSM I (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) was written. The first attempt to define PTSD was: gross stress reaction. The name and definition was reinvented multiple times, but it disappeared from the second edition of the manual. Thirty seven years later, Congress mandated the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish the National Center for PTSD. During the same year, Congress demolished the notion held for decades that the symptoms of PTSD were caused by character flaws (Thomas 15). PTSD affects both men and women. Women are more than twice as likely to develop PTSD than men ( Women on the Frontlines ). During World War II (WWII), twenty WWII veterans may have suffered symptoms of PTSD (Thomas 20). It was estimated that as many as thirty percent of United States soldiers that fought in Korea may have symptoms of PTSD (Thomas 20). Twice as many veterans in Iraq have been diagnosed than veterans in Afghanistan. Before deployment the rate was five percent which is the same as the general United States population. 16 to 17 percent of those
  • 9. Cause Of Staff On Inmate On Inmates Q= what are the causes of staff on inmate, inmate on staff, and inmate on inmate violence in both prisons and jails? What can correctional administrators do to prevent or at least reduce violence in correctional facilities? In spite of the fact that the situation is intricate, and some conflicting discoveries have risen, for the most part the literature supports the idea that the more coercive the jail environment the more prominent the potential for savagery becomes. This is particularly so where jail administration and treatment of detainees are seen by detainees as unreasonable or illegitimate, as this reinforces detainee solidarity contrary to the authorities. A jail approach that keenly consolidates situational and social counteractive action techniques upheld by fitting administration strategies and exploration based staff enlistment and preparing practices, is likely the most encouraging model for lessening interpersonal savagery in correctional facilities. Q= what types of rehabilitation programs are offered in prisons? What programs are most successful? What are the principles of effective programs? In the course of recent years, exploration has demonstrated that some recovery gatherings are successful. At the ACI, sex offenders, aggressive behaviour at home and substance misuse treatment program bolster this claim. The Rhode Island Adult Correctional Institute Evaluation apparatus has discovered every one of the three projects as successful methods for restoring
  • 10. The Loch, the Legend, and the Monster Essay example While the possible origins, attempts at proof, monsters throughout the world, and the tourist traps are interesting, the real phenomenon is not the supposed existence of a monster, but rather the way humans brains work. Sometimes all logic is abandoned as people attempt to make sense of the natural world. There are many theories in psychology that try to explain why humans believe in supernatural phenomena, including survival techniques from evolution, the McGurk effect, and the need for control. Anthropologists suggest that evolution has conditioned us to assume things are alive when we are not quite sure. For example, it s a better survival strategy to believe that a big, faraway, brown formation is a bear rather than just a rock. So... Show more content on ... Our brains do a remarkable job at making sense of it all. It seems easy enough to separate the sounds we hear from the sights we see. But there is one illusion that reveals this isn t always the case. The illusion occurs because what you are seeing clashes with what you are hearing (BBC). Our brains take conflicting information and try to make it all fit together. So if a person has spent a lifetime hearing stories about monster sightings in Loch Ness, if they go to Loch Ness they will almost be expecting to see the monster themselves, practically giving their eyes permission to see what they want to see. For example, many students, teachers, and community members believe the Tooele High School s auditorium to be haunted. Throughout my four years of high school, I spent a considerable amount of time in said haunted auditorium because I was a member of the THS Drumline. In order to prepare for our annual black light show, we would spend most of their rehearsals in the auditorium with the lights off, becoming accustomed to playing in the dark. Our band director would often attempt to communicate with the ghosts, and even though her attempts failed, the thought of ghosts made us jumpy for the remainder of practice. Although the majority of us didn t truly believe in ghosts, we expected to hear or see ghosts, so we did. We would mistake the sounds of someone working backstage for a bloodthirsty dead guy. And when one of us would whisper, Did you
  • 11. Pathetic Fallacy In The Media Learning to Criticize Scholes sets the stage for his argument by examining and describing the three matrices of video text. The first being visual fascination, a concept we are all too familiar with; the main reason we believe movies and media can keep our attention longer than a book. He notes how filters and other other devices cause us to see the world... with more emotion more effectively than verbal pathetic fallacy... (619). Scholes recognizes the power that visual fascination possesses, he plainly states that the tactics utilized can even provoke an emotional response, furthering how strong this matrix is. He goes as far as to mock traditional text calling it pathetic fallacy as a way to display its inability to be as moving or as engaging as video text. Then Scholes goes on to introduce narrativity which is powers associated with the reception of stories.. (620) another aspect of video text that Scholes uses interchangeably with cultural reinforcement; the last matrice. This matrix is explained as the the process through which video texts confirm viewers in their ideological positions and reassure them as their membership in a cultural extremely important dimension of all mass media (620). Cultural reinforcement has the ability to give the audience a sense of belonging tapping into something far greater than exciting lights or story telling. A person s morals and ethics are a powerful outlet as Scholes suggests, the most powerful of the three video
  • 12. The System Of Data Science School System Introduction Data Science School (DSS) is a private Registered Training Organisation (RTO) operated and owned by Mr John Smith and close family members. Mr John Smith wants a new system as he wants to expand his organisation in different regions and initially all information about students, staff, admissions, enrolments etc... , are all paper based files i.e., manually stored as the organisation expanded compliance requirements increased and accurate capturing of information became more critical and the new system helps in storing all the information in more organised way and also it reduces the human errors and also cost of the project. 2. Approach to Systems Development 2.1 Existing System of Data Science School System A ... Show more content on ... The following are some of the typical functional requirements 1.Description of data to be entered to the system ( i.e., the type of data that is been entered should be clearly explained) 2.Descriptions of operations performed in each screen (i.e., the operations performed in the each frame of the system is to be understandable) 3.Descriptions of work flow performed by the system(i.e., the process of how work is managed is to be explained ) 4.Who can enter the data in the system(i.e., a clear statement should be given about who can use the system) 5.How the system meets applicable regulatory requirements (i.e. ,it should be mentioned that how the problems are been solved from manual system ) 3.2 Non Functional Requirements The non functional requirements are: 1. Performance 2. Scalability 3. Availability 4. Reliability 5. Security 6. Usability 7. Interoperability 8. Data Integrity 4. Project Cost Benefit Analysis Cost benefit Analysis is the process for evaluating the advantages of a project in a systematic approach in terms of cost and benefit s of that particular project. Where cost refers to the value of money that has been used to produce the determined requirement, and so it is not
  • 13. The Role Of Alexander Kerensky In The February Revolution... The year 1917 was a historic year in Russian history. It saw two revolutions, in February and in October. The February Revolution resulted in the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the suppression of the Romanov monarchy. In October, the Bolshevik Party took over the reins of government in the October Revolution, establishing the world s first socialist state. There has been an intense debate regarding the role of key individuals Alexander Kerensky and Vladimir Leninin the events of 1917, and the role of other factors, such as the economy, the First World War and public opinion. I believe that Kerensky was more significant in this year because of his failures and his mistakes. It could be argued that Kerensky acted as a catalyst towards ... Show more content on ... His response was to arrest the leading Bolsheviks, however some went into exile just as Lenin did as he escaped to Finland. In further retaliation, Kerensky appointed General Kornilov as head of the army with the task of suppressing the left. Kornilov decided that it was time to deal with the revolutionaries and to establish a strong government in Russia. Also Kornilov wanted the Tsar back in power which contradicted what Kerensky wanted. Therefore it leads me to believe that this was poor judgement by Kerensky and it shows how he was indirectly linked to him. Kornilov ordered the Cossacks to march on Petrograd. Kerensky panicked and asked the Bolsheviks for help. The Bolsheviks agreed and so Kerensky armed the Bolshevik red guards with rifles. However, Kornilov s troops never arrived in Petrograd as the railway workers stopped the trains so the Cossacks couldn t get to Petrograd. It is quite impossible for me to betray Russia into the hands of her ancient enemy, the German race, and to turn the Russian people into German slaves. Here, Kornilov described Russia s contribution in worldWar I as anobligation to prevent the Russian people from being confined by Germany. Although the Cossacks couldn t get to Petrograd, the red guards kept the rifles which were given to them by Kerensky and they would later be used in the October revolution. Consequently, it is clear that Kerensky had a key role in 1917, holding important government positions and ultimately losing the support of both the left and the right, allowing the Bolsheviks to take power. Not only was Kerensky s lack of knowledge of the ideologies Kornilov had his failure, but also the fact that he armed the opposition. From the point Kerensky armed the red guards it was inevitable that a different leader would emerge, either Kornilov or
  • 14. A Volleyball Story Side out, side out! You got this! The crowd s roaring chant is a broken record on full blast. All of a sudden, my ears deafen and my heart races. My hands are moist and my throat is dry. Perspiration slowly trails down my face as I glance at the red and blue scoreboard. The score reads 12 13. My team, Beach Vibes 14 1 has been going back and forth with Texas team, Magic 14 1 for more than an hour. Both teams won one set, and now Magic is in the lead by one point. This is such a long and exhausting game! I think frantically, mentally talking to myself. Focus, Taeah, focus. I try locking my weary eyes on the tall server but the towering middle blocker with a wingspan of an eagle and the outside blocker with enhanced biceps were partially blocking my view. The server serves a powerful topspin jump serve towards Karlee, but the short, lighting fast defensive specialist dives forward to pass the ball. It was a perfect pass, going directly to the petite hands of our skilled setter, Erica. She sets me on zone 4. Leaping into the air like a graceful ballerina, I pull my right arm back to load. When my hand contacts the ball, I slam it at an open hard angle, zone 4. My team and I cheer hysterically. I hear a loud, Do it again! in the crowd, and I turn to see my mother with proud eyes and a permanent smile plastered across her face staring intently at me. The score now shows 13 13. Everyone rotates, and Erica serves a fast, float serve. Number 24 shanks the ball, scoring us a
  • 15. Ketchup E Mayonnaise For me to learn a language properly I have to have an understanding of the mechanics of the language. Here is an example of what I mean. If I say, On what aisle will I find the condiments like ketchup and mayonnaise, in Spanish, I may say, Donde encontro condiments egual a ketchup e mayonnaise? The person I am talking to may understand me enough to help me, but if I had said, Por lo pasillo puedo encontrar condimentos como salsa de tomate y mayonesa? It would sound like I know what I m saying, and it would be easier to understand me. This is why for me to learn English I have to know the mechanics, or rules of grammar so I can speak properly. I will start with defining a sentence. A sentence expresses a complete thought. For example... Show more content on ... I can t find the ketchup and mayonnaise. Where can I find them? The is an article. The is used when a noun or pronoun is specific, special, or more than one, and it is placed before the noun or pronoun. In this sentence the article the is placed before the noun, condiments. So you know the person is looking specifically for condiments, and there is an expressed interest in more than one condiment. Condiments is a noun. It means things which are used to flavor food, like ketchup and mayonnaise. The last word we have to look at is the word, like. Like in this sentence is used as a preposition. It means, similar, or almost the same. Like in this sentence tells you the person may not be looking for ketchup or mayonnaise, but for condiments in general, and used ketchup and mayonnaise as an example to explain what is meant by the word condiments. I didn t explain pronouns, in this little essay. I and them are pronouns. So I will write briefly about them here. Them is the pronoun which I use in place of the noun, words and the pronoun. I is the pronoun used in this essay in place of my name. Oh, and always put a capital letter to start the first word in a sentence, like this sentence started with a capital O , then end the sentence with a punctuation mark like a period (.) or a question mark (?) or an exclamation mark
  • 16. Variable Costing Essay One positive aspect of adopting the variable costing system that was described in the text, is some of the staff members do not seem to understand absorption costing, the current costing method. When using absorption costing, income is affected by sales volume and production volume changes. Variable costing may be more suitable for management who do not have a financial background. Because management needs to be able to make informed decisions, it is imperative that the financial information provided to them is meaningful. Another argument in the case for using variable costing is that it could possibly eliminate time consuming efforts required to allocate fixed overhead. This is partially true in that the variable costing method only assigns variable costs to products and allocating fixed overhead to individual products is not necessary. However, variable costing is not accepted by generally accepted accounting principles , so the time saved may not be as much as expected due to the need of another set of statements. According to the case, cost control can be improved with the adoption of variable costing. Although costs can also be controlled when using absorption costing, it is easier to distinguish on the income statement which costs are variable and which costs are fixed when using the variable costing method. Since variable costs and fixed costs are controlled in different ways, it is useful to be able to analyze the costs separately in order to control
  • 17. A women with fighting words Essay A Woman with Fighting Words Our government is based on the idea of natural rights for every citizen; every citizen means all citizens. It does say all men are created equal , this mean men and women. Susan B. Anthony was a woman of great courage and dedication. She exemplified these characteristics through out her life. She tears and pulls apart the Declaration of Independence, preamble of the Constitution, sex qualifications, and women s equal rights. She describes in clear detail her position on women s rights. She was the first women in our history to take a stand for women s rights. Anthony had many political and socially defiant views. Her argument was strong and ... Show more content on ... She said women didn t see the United States as a democracy, but they see it as an aristocracy. Our founding fathers are thought of as good, pious, and just, all qualities we desire and look for in today s society. This shows that Anthony researched her argument and has a clear understanding if her constitutional rights. How strong and powerful she comes off as, is important because then people know she is serious. Anthony wants female s rights to be heard and put to good use. She then talks about the preamble of the Constitution. She looks at the first three words which are We the people . She argued that it didn t say white male citizen it said the people. During the time of her speech only white male citizens could vote, leaving her to argue the integrity of our constitutional rights. She spoke of the offensive nature of asking women how they like their liberty and freedom when they are denied their voice in the government. Their voice was the only means of security and true protection. She is clearly stating that the government has given women their freedom but hasn t let them use it by voting. This is the heart of her argument, this shows that she wants the government to see the qualities in women and wishes that they will put them to good use. Anthony then talks about States making sex qualifications and how it is a violation of the supreme law of the land. Males have always
  • 18. Garmin s Cultural Issues A multinational company s cultural issues will relate to the type of product or service provided by that company. Some services and products create issues that deal directly with a specific countries culture, like serving pork ribs in India or selling bible s in Iran. A common cultural issue that every company has to face is dealing with the foreign countries government, laws, and regulations. Dealing with high tech equipment made from various materials that transmit signals with radio and satellite technology, Garmin must make sure that its products comply with all the various regulations of different countries when it comes to telecommunications, foreign exchange, and hazardous substances. The telecommunications industry is highly regulated, and the regulatory... Show more content on ... (Garmin, 2010) Foreign exchange control laws and regulations of Taiwan with respect to remittances into and out of Taiwan may have an impact on Garmin s operations. The Taiwan Foreign Exchange Control Statute, and regulations there under, provide that all foreign exchange transactions must be executed by banks designated to handle such business by the Ministry of Finance of Taiwan and by the Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan), also referred to as the CBC. (Garmin, 2010) The European Union ( EU ) enacted the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive ( RoHS Directive ) and the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive ( WEEE Directive ). The RoHS Directive requires EU member states to enact laws prohibiting the use of certain substances, including lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium, in certain electronic products put on the market after July 1,
  • 19. Motivation And Extrinsic Motivation Motivation is defined as the driving force or the reason behind any action. There are two types of motivation: 1. Extrinsic Motivation: Extrinsic motivation is defined as the type of motivation in which the person is motivated by external benefits. These benefits can occur in tangible or intangible forms. Extrinsic motivation that is in tangible nature includes money, medals and trophies while intangible forms of extrinsic motivation includes praise, recognition etc. For example a student who works hard only to gain highest marks is considered to be extrinsically motivated. 2. Intrinsic Motivation: Intrinsic motivation is defined as a type of motivation in which the person is motivated to perform a certain activity without any desire of ... Show more content on ... High employee motivation helps businesses to achieve high levels of productivity and eventually more profits. A highly motivated workforce is energetic, creative and committed to organization s goals. Therefore it is important for the management to achieve highest levels of motivation of their employees by using extrinsic and intrinsic motivational strategies to form a profitably organization. Extrinsic Motivational Strategies Extrinsic motivational strategies includes: Payment Methods: Money is an important motivator for people who are extrinsically motivated. To increase extrinsic motivation in an employee, the management can use different payment methods according to the nature of their organization. These payment methods include time rate, piece rate or simply an increment. Time rate: Time rate is a type of payment method in which the employee is paid according to the amount of time she spends at the workplace while piece rate is the kind of payment method in which the employee is paid according to the number of goods that are produced by that specific employee. For example, a bus driver will be motivated to spend more hours at work, driving bus so that she is able to earn more. This will act as an extrinsic motivator. Piece
  • 20. Nature Vs. Nurture In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein The disparity in location sets about these two who are effectively made our dual protagonists for the breadth of the novel, as well as stimuli they find themselves having encountered, reflect greatly on their respective development, and any arguments committed therein, much less made with Bate, or Shelley herself. Though there s certainly much been stipulated in Victor seeking out private moments from within the solitary, yet unmistakably powerful neighboring areas, to which he d rendered a blind eye in the process of his studies; whether wracked with guilt stemmed from presumed wrongdoings, or needing a refreshed guidance, stirred by a directing hand found nowhere else. Compared to trying to inform surroundings with what we wish them preset as, the creature journeying into the heart of the untamed wastes, as the one place where it can evade the scrutinizing gaze of man, and have garnered what takes to a peaceful existence, says much, beyond vagaries of fantastical involvement, to the using a blank slate, utterly without humanity s preexisting notions of placement in the world, for the flourishing within natural space, and meet with expected cultivation, all the same. Thus, if based on the premise that there s space for this presumed deviance from nature, which is only how this often professed nature vs. nurture debate is founded in the first place, shows how the aforementioned nature isn t something we may be exposed to inherently, and anticipate these exalted changes to
  • 21. Taz Da Realist Research Paper There are many kinds of people, artists and music genres. Everyday, we try to discover something or someone new, especially when it comes to music. For a new vibe, look no further then Taz Da Realist. Some say I changed. I just drew a bigger line. Taz (Headline Remix) She is known as Kela Johnson, a local Houston native, but to those in the LGBT community, she s Taz Da Realist. Regarding her artist name, she says, Of course I enjoy the [Taz] character from Looney Toons, but also cause just like the character. He just tears things up when he is around, so it was given to me in high school and it stuck, Taz added that, my supporters always told me I was the realist when it came to my music so I put it all together. The name Taz suits her. She destroys every song... Show more content on ... She is lesbian, but her sexual orientation should not matter. Being apart of the LGBT community, not many people look at her as a true female rap artist because she doesn t dress feminine enough for them. She is sometimes called sir. In Taz s eyes, she is just another artist trying to make a name for herself doing something that she loves. Why is her sexuality something the industry should be worried about? Main ones hating, first ones blowing up your phone, Taz (Headlines Remix) When she decided to do music, many people that knew her didn t realize that she could spit rhymes. It changed people s perspective of her. She still faces some obstacles with some people and life, but she says her family and supporters help her overcome most of that. I overcame being worried bout people judging me. I use to worry a lot about that until I realized nobody can make me happy but me, Taz
  • 22. Into The Wild Sacrifice Analysis Patty Zhang Gilligan Honors American Literature 26 September 2016 Sacrifice as a Value Trade off Between Society and Individual In any conception of the human condition, sacrifice inevitably accompanies the choices that life presents. Yet, the definition of sacrifice is ambiguous and relies on individual interpretation: it can be willingly trading lesser possessions for more desirable goals or forcibly relinquishing values. Despite the distinct social contexts and time periods, Jon Krakauer s Into the Wild and Kate Chopin s The Awakening reflect similar notions of sacrifice through their protagonists, Chris McCandless and Edna Pontellier respectively. Chris McCandless and Edna Pontellier perceive sacrifice as a trade off between values, where ... Show more content on ... Edna becomes increasingly dissatisfied as a mother woman once she realizes that sacrifice means choosing between an outward existence which conforms and an inward life which questions (13). After the summer at Grand Isle, Edna begins to pursue her own interests, relieving herself of obligations because she no longer feels content to feed upon opinion when her own soul had invited her (94). Edna s awakening is directly caused by her perception of sacrifice. Realizing that fulfilling social roles necessitates giving up her autonomy, Edna fights against the sacrifice that her culture expects from women. She moves out into a pigeon house and refuses to entertain guests on reception day, small actions which resist the social pressures threatening her personal identity. Edna consciously destroys the facade of a traditional life for her genuine desires, noting that it is better to wake up after all, even to suffer, rather than to remain a dupe to illusions (112). Self discovery is worth life s delirium to Edna; the possible social repercussions and stigma are painful but necessary sacrifices. Edna dismantles the false life she leads, and with it social benefits and status, believing that the the suffering is preferable to sacrificing and repressing her true self. Her understanding of sacrifice as
  • 23. White Noise Is A Post Modernist Novel White Noise is a post modernist novel that follows the life of a man named Jack and his family as they experience various events in their lives. In the novel, names are simulacra, both of which are viewpoints in which characters interpret and navigate the world around them. But there are many instances in the book where having unchanging or specific names or, in other words, simulacra have presented problems for various characters in the book. Likewise, having views that are too placid will also cause issues. Fortunately, White Noise does offer a solution to both of these conundrums. White Noise teaches readers that although it is perfectly fine to have one s version of reality that is stable, it is crucial to remain flexible and fluid enough so that in times that version of reality does not match up with what one is experiencing, one will be able to easily modify it. Along with each simulacrum s inherent flaws, another cause for the difficulty of naming things is that there are competing interpretations of simulacra. For instance, in White Noise, Jack s world view is constantly being questioned, which he makes apparent through internal dialogue and in conversations he has with various characters throughout the novel. For example, Jack s daughters, Denise and Steffie, have a conversation about the nature of a UFO and the positions of cities and mountains. Jack is taken back by their discussion. He considers that Denise s argument might be right (224). He wrestles back
  • 24. The Bible As A Historical Document I felt a very positive impression of who Jesus was after finishing the Book of Matthew. I had a new image of someone who was a down to earth, caring individual. I did not find quotes of Jesus that claimed being superior to the common man, of whom sinners could not look upon (a view that most people had of their Gods for centuries before). Matthew 12:49 50, Jesus announces to multitudes that they are his mother and brothers. In that way, he puts himself at an equal level to the people, rather than claiming to be a God above them. This reflects the whole attitude of the book. Chapters 6 7 of Matthew quote Jesus as he is presenting rules to live by to the multitudes. To me, all of these sounded like hints to leading ... Show more content on ... Most of the parables needed to be explained to his disciples, and some of them I wasn t able to understand either! Although many parables have a good, inspiring morals to them, I would question Jesus as to if they were an effective way to witness to common people. Even today, too many people read parables as TRUTH, rather than just a story. Plus, they are misinterpreted. But, I have to tell you that an amazing coincidence happened to me after I finished reading the Parable of The Pearl of Great Price. A couple of hours later, I was watching an old episode of Star Trek on TV, and Scotty had actually quoted the same, exact parable at the end of the show! Funny that the writers of Star Trek predict the future to still hold the same religion as now, and 2000 years ago. Both Matthew and Mark write about the part of Pilate in His crucifixion. It seems to me that Pilate was a good guy , and did not really want to have Jesus killed because he did not see anything that He did wrong (as compared to Barabbas, the murderer). (Mark 15:1 15) As a matter of fact, I see that Pilate tried to give Jesus another chance by asking the crowd to choose to punish the Murderer, or Jesus. Then, washed his hands of this crucifixion after the decision was made. Why is Pilate portrayed as a Good Guy in these books while we know, historically, that Pilate was NOT a friend to the Jews? After reading these
  • 25. Tyra Banks Research Paper Tyra Banks by Brittany Pina Introduction I chose Tyra Banks because i think she would be a good role model in many ways. In my opinion i think Tyra is a very successful person because she has started accomplishing things when she was only 15 years old. She started modeling at age 15 and got rejected by 4 modeling agencies before she was signed with L.A models . Tyra is a very helpful person she helps out in charity many times, Tyra has been on television for a while as well. Tyra is a very inspirational person because she has shown that even being african american you can still make it good in life, tyra has a networth of 90 Million dollars and has been 1st african american model on many covers. EARLY LIFE Tyra was born on December 4, 1973 in Inglewood California. Her father, Don Banks was a computer consult and her mother Carolyn was a medical photographer for NASA. Tyra s parents divorced when she was only 6 years old but Tyra claims she was too young for the divorce to negatively affect her. Tyra attended a all girls catholic school and then attended Heart High School in L.A. Tyra has confessed that she was somewhat a Mean Girl and ... Show more content on ... Tyra had her own talk show in 2005, and had her talks show famous moment came in February 2007, but ended her show 5 years later in 2010. Tyra then started to be a host on America s Got Talent after that, Tyra just stayed being a model. In 2006 Tyra was selected to headline the newly created C.W television network. Tyra has been the first african american women to be featured in Victoria Secret Lingerie catalog. In 2014, Tyra launched her own makeup line called Tyra Beauty and extended it.Tyra has wrote a book called Tyra s beauty inside out a book aimed to inspire young women, a year later she founded TZONE, a foundation aimed to develop teenage girls independence and self
  • 26. Importance Of Culture In Egypt Changing Times Egypt full of history and culture diverseness, throughout its ever changing landscape you first must define what is culture? Do you identify it by the different regions? Religious beliefs? Maybe traditions? Generations as in any culture will pass down the customs and values of the country teaching the younger generations the importance of their roots and ideas. As the country continues to grow and expand so will the culture, it is ever changing with modernization of the country and the upcoming generations. Understanding the culture of a country can help you keep an open mind and not come to conclusions and judge the perception of the country. Not one single thing defines a country s culture, the emphasis will be on its military views, political and environment. Egypthas an area of 385,229 square miles, and the total population consists of 65,200,000 people. Two things separate Egypt from its neighbors, the ocean or sparsely populated desert. (Hopkins Saad, n.d.) The Mediterranean Sea lies to the north of the country; therefore, the red sealies directly south, and the western desert separates the country from Libya and North Africa. (Hopkins Saad, n.d.) A major terrain feature that sustains most of the population is the NileRiver. Furthermore, the Nile begins at Lake Tana in Ethiopia, where it travels north, eventually draining into the Mediterranean Sea. (Hopkins Saad, n.d.) Although most people consider the Nile an
  • 27. Deficiency And Sufficiency Of Critical Factors Greatly... Deficiency and Sufficiency of Critical Factors Greatly affect Attrition and leverage Retention (in IT Companies) A Case Study of IT Companies in India Abstract The IT/ITES sector is the backbone of Indian economy. It earns lot of foreign income to boost the Indian economy. Even in the economic turmoil over the globe, particularly in developed countries, though this sector had little affected, could come out successfully managing the entire economic imbroglio. High attrition in the IT /ITES industry has always been its greatest concern and a subject of much analysis and debate. Organizations use different methodologies for calculating their attrition rate. HR experts feel that it is a know factor that attrition calculation is gray area which does not always depict the true picture while a few techniques are common there are no proven theories yet. Further, the approach to this calculation might vary from organization to organization. The Tamil Nadu, Particularly, Chennai is considered to be one of the biggest IT hubs in India having presence of very big IT companies. The availability of skilled employees with cheap labour cost in Tamil Nadu is an important reason. AT the same time the rate of attrition are also felt in these companies. Presently, Tier II cities like Madurai, and Coimbatore were taken place in the IT map. The employee retention is also felt in the IT companies situated in Madurai also. In this context, the researchers, attempted to find out the reasons for
  • 28. Fall Of Russia Foreign Policy With Russia Since the Fall of the USSR In 1991, the Soviet Union, Russia and her many states , was dissolved. From it would be formed the Commonwealth of Independent States. While the name of the new Russia would undergo many changes, the relationship between the US and Russia remained in a slightly negative state. Relations did not become better or worse for the first few years of the CIS s existence. The end of the decade would bring conflict into play with Russias concerns with NATO s attack on Yugoslavia and Serbia upon discovering that these countries had the intentions of wiping out separatists rebelling against their countries. Russia took major offense to this action and threw all of its complaints and criticism at... Show more content on ... Residents of Poland were rightfully concerned seeing as the base could be a target for potential attacks. This could endanger the public and therefore the citizens did not entertain positive reactions to this idea. Russia, on the other hand, saw this as a major threat to its country s safety, for this base s missiles could easily reach Russia. Relations already were not smooth between Russia and NATO in general. The United States replied to these comments by stating that these missiles are meant to protect against a rogue state that might become a threat to Europe s safety. Russia would not comply easily and threatened multiple times through several officials that military force would be used against this base in the event that it was built. When the US and Poland came to an agreement then, Russia, surprisingly, did not respond directly with military. It did however drastically increase its defenses on its borders and openly criticized the US and Poland decision. At the end of Bush s term in 2008 it could be seen that his Foreign Policy towards Russia was to not show any weakness to an equally as strong and assertive Vladimir Putin. While this strategy was effective it would leave a huge strain on the future of Russia and the US s relationship. After Bush left and Barack Obama took office, things would appear to simmer down a little between these two world superpowers. Vladimir Putin would
  • 29. George Mason Research Paper George Mason George Mason was born on December 11, 1725 to Ann Thompson and George Mason. Mason grew up on a farm in Fairfax County,Virginia where he was neighbors with George Washington. Living near George Washington influenced Mason to have a keen interest in local affairs at an early age.When he was 10, Mason s father died in a boating accident. He was then raised by his mother and his uncle, John Mercer. He ran for a seat in the VirginiaHouse of Burgesses when he was 23, but lost the election. In 1750, George married 16 year old Ann Eilbeck ( George, Mason ). Being the persistent person that he was, Mason ran for a seat in the House of Burgesses again in 1759, this time his efforts were successful. In 1773, Ann died while giving ... Show more content on ... For example, recently disputes about gay marriage have caused an uproar. Many people have protested their opinions concerning the matter, which is legal. The Bill of Rights gave people the right to protest peacefully and speak freely. However, some people protested violently and were punished accordingly. Also, if any authority figure labels you a suspect and tries to search your home without a warrant, your rights are protected. The authority figure would have to return with a valid warrant before being able to search or seize any item(s) belonging to you. These are just two examples of how the Bill of Rights protects the American people in today s
  • 30. Anarchism And Communism Living in complete freedom is the philosophy that guides anarchism. The rediscovering of anarchist philosophy inundated the minds of British youth in the 1970s who felt that the British government was suppressing thier freedom with frivolous laws. There are several schools of anarchism such as anarchist communism, collectivist anarchism, social anarchism, individualist anarchism, and mutualism. Nevertheless, it is the idea of living in total freedom that is the foundation that connects each school. Emma Goldman the author of Anarchism and Other Essays defines ANARCHISM: [sic]The philosophy of a new social order based on liberty unrestricted by man made law; the theory that all forms of government rest on violence, and are therefore wrong... Show more content on ... While the other bands such as the X Ray Spex, and Sex Pistols were produced by big music labels like EMI, Crass produced their own records with their own record label; Crass Records. The sound of their music also reflected their style of music; harsh, with feedback, and fast pitched. Crass, not only revolutionized the do it yourself mentality, they also founded a whole new sub genre of punk; Anarcho Punk. Steve Ignorant, the lead singer of Crass, sings Knowing you ve made you re contribution/To the systems fucked solution,/To their political pollution./No chance of revolution./No chance of change./You ve got no range./Don t just take it./Don t take their shit./Don t play their game./Don t take their blame./Use your own head. /Your turn instead (Ignorant). These lyrics come from the song You Pay, and from the album The Feeding of the 5000. The lyrics are significant in influencing the anarchist rebellion against the British government because they are saying to be aware of the situation, and if change is to happen that an revolution needs to happen. Steve Ignorant is also saying that the reason why the government is taking advantage of society is because the British culture is passive by using the words Don t play their
  • 31. Dichotomy In Rear Window Alfred Hitchcock once defined his film Rear Window (Hitchcock, 1954), as the story of a man who cannot move and looks through a window, about what he sees and how he reacts to it (Truffaut, 1986). In addition, Hitchcock constructs the character of the protagonist of the film, Jeff (James Steward), not only by using cinematographic devices to show how Jeff interprets what he sees and his own life, but also stabilising a dichotomy between what he looks at and what he lives. At the beginning of the film, a camera movement reveals JeffВґs profession and why he is immobilized in a wheel chair. He is a photographer, interested in looking at otherВґs lives; consequently, he could be described as a voyeur. Across a very limited space the courtyard ... Show more content on ... For those reasons, even when he is in a sweet moment with Lisa in his arms, he prefers looking at the outside of his apartment, and even he feels more sexual attraction towards Miss. Torso (Georgine Darcy) through the window than towards Lisa, who is in his arms or more explicit, offering herself in his sofa. Lisa as Thorvald at the end, represents a menace and when he feels threatened, does not hesitate to take his binoculars (or even the flash), as the only way to prevent danger. To sum up, Hitchcock uses a film as Rear window to construct an allegory between reality and fiction. The end of the film is ambiguous because although Jeff chooses real life, as he presents his back to the window and to the outside, the clash between reality and fiction has a price, if you choose fiction probably, you could lose to live in a real society, but if you choose reality, you could lose your identity, as Jeff. So, inside this film, there is not only one crime, but also other metaphoric murdered: Jeff, who has renounced to his fantasies to adapt himself in a conformed
  • 32. Article Review Essay Jeff Feiertag, Zane L. Berge, (2008) Training Generation N: how educators should approach the Net Generation , Education + Training, Vol. 50 Iss: 6, pp.457 464 The authors of this article were focusing on the generational differences between the generations now and previous generations. The authors explain that they think that the graduates today are as technologically advanced as they should be. They believe the answer is adult learning theory and they would try to use this method to avoid using technology. Berge and Feiertag also state that this generation is so dependent on technology that without it, we would be lost. Generation N is narrowly focused on the United States, using these examples but goes to state that it is known... Show more content on ... It is important to enhance our understanding in adulthood learning because not everyone was born into the digital universe. Also, the authors talk about learning in the classrooms being relatively different than it was before, some teachers don t use the classroom at all and lecture online. Article also points around the Internet as a whole being some sort of teacher, Google for example. Google spits out about any kind of information that you may need. These authors also go on to state that older generations aren t really that worried about the advance in technology and that they are more focused on the news and literature than the internet boom . But that the televisions are aiming towards trying to get their viewers more involved in the internet. I don t think that classrooms will become completely technology dependent and I feel like that is what the authors are trying to hint at. I do think that our generation has become dependent on technology but I disagree that everyone has to learn it. I think that it is important that adults learn this new way of living in a sense, but I do not believe that it should be a necessity. The authors also say that society as a whole is turning into technology, I disagree. Although technology has become almost the basis of everything (the reading mentioned banks), there is still the old school way of doing things and there are some
  • 33. The Qualification of Daphne Du Maurier s Rebecca as a... The Qualification of Daphne Du Maurier s Rebecca as a Gothic Novel One of mankind s most valuable gifts is the ability to feel emotions and be able to react to them in a variety of ways. One of these emotions can be recognized as horror. Horror can be directly related as an immense sensation of fear, anxiety, and despair. Horror is adored by some and abhorred by others. Most importantly, there exist many sources for frightening media and information. One genre of literature that tends to provide horror can be known as Gothic Literature. Within this genre, many books serve as accurate representations. Rebecca by Daphne Du Mauriermost definitely qualifies as a Gothic novel due to its precise portrayal of multiple elements of Gothic Literature such as eerie settings, presence of distressed characters, and unfortunate events combined with bad weather. Before examining Rebecca s validity as an accurate representation of Gothic literature, it is imperative for one to understand the definition and origin of this genre. Gothic literature is a style of writing which involves, ... mystery and supernatural horror, often set in a dark castle or other medieval setting (Dictionary). One of the most interesting facts of Gothic literature is that its origins are diverse considering that it developed as a sub branch of Romanticism. This genre developed from numerous prior plays and writings which discussed superstition, the evident supernatural, and various demons. An
  • 34. Dance Teaching Pl An Awareness Of Dance DANCE TEACHING PLAN Name: Brooke Flannery School............... Associate Year / Group: Year 3 4 Level: 2Date/Length: 35mins Lesson Topic: Animals STRANDS ACHIEVEMENT OBJECTIVES Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Understanding Dance in ContextDemonstrate an awareness of dance in their lives and in their communities.Identify and describe dance in their lives and in their communities.Explore and describe dances from a variety of cultures. Explore and describe how dance is used for different purposes in a variety of cultures and contexts. Practical Knowledge in Dance Explore movement with a developing awareness of the dance elements of body, space, time, energy and relationships.Explore and identify through movement the dance elements of body, space, time, energy and relationships.Use the dance elements to develop and share their personal movement vocabulary. Apply the dance elements to extend personal movement skills and vocabularies and to explore the vocabularies of others. Developing Ideas in DanceImprovise and explore movement ideas in response to a variety of stimuli. Use the elements of dance in purposeful ways to respond to a variety of stimuli. Select and combine dance elements in response to a variety of stimuli. Combine and contrast the dance elements to express images, ideas and feelings in dance, using a variety of choreographic processes. Communicating and Interpreting in DanceShare dance movement through informal presentation and share their
  • 35. Theories of Organizational Behavior Revisiting the Classical theories Introduction Organization indexes considerably more than the structures that lifts us out of bare life . Organization is also intimately, and utterly, connected to thought. While many, and by no means just those in the West, think of themselves as free from enslavement by others, and even free from the organization of the state, who can argue that they are also free from the pervasive effects of language, culture and science? These are matters into which we find ourselves thrown , long before we wake up to their organizing effects. If, indeed, we ever do wake up. For if the intricate relations between language and thought came to be examined late in the 19th century, questions about the ... Show more content on ... After the First World War, the focus of organizational studies shifted to analysis of how human factors and psychology affected organizations, a transformation propelled by the identification of the Hawthorne effect. Prominent early scholars included Chester Barnard, Henri Fayol, Frederick Herzberg and so on. These people together constitute what is generally called the Classical school. One of the first schools of management thought, the classical management theory, developed during the Industrial Revolution when new problems related to the factory system began to appear. Managers were unsure of how to train employees (many of them non English speaking immigrants) or deal with increased labor dissatisfaction, so they began to test solutions. As a result, the classical management theory developed from efforts to find the one best way to perform and manage tasks. It arose because of the need to increase productivity and efficiency. The emphasis was on trying to find the best way to get the most work done by examining how the work process was actually accomplished and by scrutinizing the skills of the workforce. Later on there were many developments in the field, but the role and importance of this school remains almost unparallel and they can be grouped among the most influential of all the theorists because it was these theories that the later day schools and thoughts took as their beginning point. Even today,
  • 36. Discussion Questions On Formal Language ENG1502 59579064 Assignment 3 [837921] Question 1 1.1)One expects to find formal language in any place of work and authority such as businesses, court, parliament, newspapers etc. Any profession which is associated with a high level of education and order. Formal language is also known to reflect on the speaker s social class. It shows what type of school you attended, how you were raised and your heritage. Informal language is more commonly heard in a social environment. For example when you are at a braai or attending a family function. The people present usually know each other so the atmosphere is more relaxed and there is not an essential requirement for formality. Informal language is usually used on social media platforms or instant messaging. 1.2)If you were to address your colleagues, you would need to do it in a formal manner. You should gather as many facts as possible and also listing as many possible solutions as you can find. Facts and solutions help in strengthening your argument. This information would be presented to the board to try and convince them to agree with your point of view. Whereas in a social environment with your friends informal language could be used. You could discuss teenage pregnancy and give your personal thoughts and opinions on the topic. Your thought would not need to be supported by facts as it could be opinion based. 1.3)Whenever you are addressing someone professional, you are required and expected to use formal language.
  • 37. Making Connections Making Connections The Bradford County School District was selected for an on site monitoring visit due to a pattern of poor performance over time in State Performance Plan (SPP) indicator two percent of youth with individual educational plans (IEPs) dropping out of high school (Moore) Making these individual education plans (IEP s) can be very complicated. The plans guide the way that the teacher may teach and assign work to that student. Many officials are involved in the making of these plans, including the parents who are responsible for signing off on the final plan. The Making Connections program connects the parents with retired teachers and lawyers to help make an effective individual education plans. With this program, students will have IEP s that made for them, not a uniform plan thrown together in a crowded room. Not every child learns the same way, so an IEP fills the learning gap and helps that child learn in an effectively manner. Without an effective IEP a student may become discouraged and drop out of schoolaltogether. [S]tudents with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) leave school with a regular diploma just 68 percent in the 2010 2011 school year. While the dropout rate has improved (Wendorf) These graduation rates are extremely low. A different way of learning should not be a sentence to struggling throughout... Show more content on ... The need for this program is growing as more and more prevalent as students are choosing to end their education due to lack of resources or help. This program is unique and self sustaining, because of the volunteers that will keep it running. Most importantly, this program will help children thrive who may learn differently. Ultimately resulting in the future of their dreams. Making these connections between parents and experienced professionals will change the way IEPs are planned and
  • 38. Examples Of Figurative Language In The Gift Of The Magi Today s generation has lost the appreciation for the morals that are the roots of stories. Author O. Henry attempts to bring back that appreciation in his short story, The gift of the Magi. He uses irony, figurative language, and characterization to exhibit self sacrificial love.Set in the life of a young couple, the story begins with the couple s plight of christmas being the next day, and neither of them have sufficient money to buy the gifts they think their significant other deserves. With little time, and immeasurable love, the two struggle to find the perfect gift even if that means sacrificing the things most precious to them. The couple s willingness to sacrifice for their spouse shows true love in its purest form. Flora Richards Gustafson ... Show more content on ... O. Henry creates Jim and Della so distinctively that he must have seen a couple so in love with each other that it seemed like a fairy tale to watch them. The narrator tells most of the story from Della s perspective. She s described as young, affectionate, selfless, and somewhat hysterical, requiring Jim to comfort her when she s upset. 3 She cares deeply for Jim, and for finding him this amazing present she believes he deserves. Her most prized possession at the beginning of the story is her lustrous hair, but in her selflessness, she has all of her hair chopped off and sells it in order to buy a proper watch chain for Jim. This single act alone could be grounds enough to proves her love for Jim, and her willingness to sacrifice for him. Jim, the lord of the flat, is only twenty two years old and is already heavily burdened by the need to support his family on a low salary. Despite this burden, however, he is described as content, quiet, and good natured. 3 He loves his wife very much, and because of that he sells his prized watch, a family heirloom, passed down from his grandfather, in order to buy fancy combs for Della s beautiful hair that she had been eyeing as they shopped one afternoon. Della seems to turn from a whiny young lady at the beginning of the short story, to a determined and willful woman at the
  • 39. Advantage And Disadvantage Of Biodiesle ABSTRACT As renewable, sustainable and alternative fuel compression ignition engines, biodiesel instead of diesel has been increasingly fuelled to study its effects on engines performance and emissions in the recent years. But these study has been rarely review to favour the understanding and popularization for biodiesel so far. From the previous study from other researcher, the effect of biodiesel on engine performances and emission on the formation of soot in the different biodiesel blend is being cited for the revision. But, on chapter 4 of this report there will the discussion on data and result for this study. The use of biodiesel lead to the substantial reduction in particulate matter (PM), hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon dioxide (CO) emission accompanying with the imperceptible power loss, the increase in fuel consumption and the increase in nitrogen ... Show more content on ... With the commercialization of bioenergy, it has provided an effective way to fight against the problem of petroleum scarce and the influence on environment. Today, fossil fuels take up 80% of the primary energy consumed in the world, which 32% is consumed by the transport sector. Biodiesel, as an alternative fuel of diesel, is describe as fatty acid methyl or ethyl esters from vegetable oils or animals fats. It is renewable, biodegradable and oxygenated. Although many researches pointed out that it might help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote sustainable rural development and improve income distribution, there still exist some resistances for using it. The major cause is the lack of knowledge about the influence of biodiesel or diesel engines. Other than that, the using of biodiesel doesn t giving the same amount of energy compared to original diesel because biodiesel have more additives as compared to
  • 40. The Progressive War Freedom has come at a price . Nobody can verify this superior to the men and ladies who have served in the equipped administrations of this extraordinary country we call the Unified Conditions of America. Nobody knows not it resemble to have that opportunity all of a sudden grabbed away than those people who, during the time spent serving their nation, have gotten themselves detainees of war. It is an ordeal neither requested nor craved. Most Americans who have been detainees of war are customary individuals who have been put in phenomenal circumstances by no arranging of their own. Americans have been held hostage as detainees of war amid numerous wars and in numerous spots. Still, there is a typical bond that is shared by all. Their story is a motivating part of our history as a country. Progressive War Amid the Progressive War, an expected 20,000 Americans were ... Show more content on ... American captors did not submit to the Geneva Tradition. More than 7,100 Americans were caught and interned and a little more than 2,700 are known not passed on while interned. There were 8,177 Americans delegated lost without a trace (MIA). The Unified States in February 1954 announced them assumed dead. Life as a POW implied numerous constrained walks in subfreezing climate, isolation, ruthless disciplines and endeavors at political re training. Here detainees got their first orderly dosage of teaching procedures by their captors. This was a generally new wonders and brought about the Set of principles that now directs all American servicemen concerning their catch. Numerous Americans were the casualties of slaughters. After a truce was marked in 1953, a noteworthy trade known as Operation Enormous Switch at long last brought Americans home. More than 8,000 Americans are still recorded as lost without a trace in Korea. Vietnam
  • 41. No Child Left Behind Standardization The large change for standardization began with the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) in 2001. According to professors of education Delilah David, Ingrid Haynes, Bernnell M. Peltier Glaze, Summer Pannell, and head of Texas Marshall County school district, Carrie Skelton, the NCLB was responsible for a number of undesirable consequences in schooladministration. Districts became responsible for testscores from individual schools, creating pressures among administrative officials to perform well. The act also made it easier for the federal government to become more involved in education, primarily in its finances. Dr. Martin Wasserburg conducted an assessment of lower income schools in an urban area and found that t... Show more content on ... However, the NCLB has fallen far too short of its goal. Standardized testing has not only failed to help disadvantaged students, but has hurt them and their districts as well (Wasserberg). Write more The increase of standardization in education in the years following the NCLB s implementation brought more undesirable consequences, one of them being the pressure placed on teachers to perform well. More now than ever, teachers are accountable for the test scores and performances given by individual students (Wiliam, Dylan). In fact, the main purpose of standardized testing is not to assess the contextual knowledge of students, but rather to act as an assessment of teacher performance and quality. Teachers are held more accountable for the scores of their students than the students themselves are, despite the proven lack of control that teachers have over test scores. This particular facet of the American education system sets us apart other developing countries, where students are held as equally accountable to their scores as teachers are. According to Dylan Wiliam, two thirds of the reasoning behind test scores can be traced back to socioeconomic factors, further showing that teachers have a small influence in a student s test score, and that they should not be assessed based on them alone. When
  • 42. William Wordsworth Expostulation And Reply Poem In this essay, I will discuss how the literature produced by the revolutionary decade of the 1970 s was distinguished by new and radical ideas, and experimentation with regard to genre and form, in relation to William Wordsworth s Lyrical Ballads. The poem which I will be drawing from in this essay is Expostulation and Reply , and the Preface to Lyrical Ballads. Wordsworth was a child of nature, he grew up in a rustic environment, in which he spent much time playing outside, in touch with his surroundings. He would later refer to this time as a pure connection to nature. As a young man, Wordsworth moved to France, which, at the time, was in the grip of a violent, volatile revolution. The Reign of Terror, and all that accompanied it, was... Show more content on ... Wordsworth and his contemporaries sought to move the discoveration and formulation of knowledge and wisdom from wrote learning and classrooms to the real world, to nature, to make time to contemplate and reflect, to discover their own views on the world, instead of having them given to them by teachers and their superiors. In Expostulation and Reply , we see that Wordsworth is not content with Matthews suggestion that he read the books of those that passed before him, to take their knowledge. Up! up! and drink the spirit breathed From dead men to their kind. (wordsworth) This is not enough for the poet, he does not simply want to learn another persons knowledge, and have that same knowledge recanted for generations. Instead, he wants a society where we learn our knowledge, and find our own wisdom, in nature. This, above any other, is the radical idea of the Romantic
  • 43. God Was Wrong, Support Mountaintop Removal God Was Wrong, Support Mountaintop Removal Coal in the United States has long been the #1 producer of energy. Massive seams of coal are found in the Appalachian Mountains, and our reliance on this fossil fuel has meant devastation for many mountain residents and over 500 mountains. As our society advances, the need for more energy advances. What were once beautiful rolling hills are now flattened plateaus reminiscent of a landscape you would see in the desert. We as a nation have only short term interest in our environment, and choose to ignore the many warning signs this planet continues to offer us. Left in our path of destruction are the many residents of Appalachia and a landscape that begs us for forgiveness. Mountaintop removal is process where the tops of mountains are removed with explosives in order to extract coal from inside the mountain. The debris created by the explosions is discarded in a valley, which is then called fill material. A loophole in the Clean Water Actreclassified the waste created by mountaintop removal waste as valley fill, which in turn greatly increased extraction of coal from mountains (225). These valleys usually contain streams which become buried underneath fill, causing much of the natural habitat to vanish and poisoning what streams are left. The older and more traditional method was to dig inside the mountain through a tunnel network which was more time consuming and required much more personnel. Of course, when companies
  • 44. Mark Morris Snowflakes A dance piece that struck my attention and that I wanted to learn more about was the Waltz of the Snowflakes in the production of Hard Nut by Mark Morris, which is his own production, based on The Nutcracker . Instead of Prima Ballerinas gracefully dancing across the stage, Morris decided to create a giant ensemble of men and women in tutus. I believe Morris wanted to express a more modern take on The Nutcrackerand use an ensemble to create a piece that is inclusive in the times. Mark Morris is known as one of the most successful and influential choreographers alive, and indisputably the most musical (New York Times). From Seattle, Washington Morris performed with companies like Lar Lubovitch, Laura Dean, Hannah Kahn, Eliot Feld, and
  • 45. Historiography Of The British Empire Any historiography of The British Raj must first start with the understanding that The British Raj fits within the broader historic concept of The British Empire. In the late 19th Century, many historians proposed that the history of The British Empire could be broken down into The First British Empire and The Second British Empire. The British Raj falls within the category of The Second British Empire within this view. The previous British involvement in India, via The East India Company, would largely fall within First British Empire. The opinions of historians, not any official decree by British law or authorities, are the basis for the concept of multiple periods of The British Empire. There was never an official start, or end date, for either period of empire. The British Empire was never an official entity, as in there was not a document or constitution dictating how it was administered. As a result, the colonial administrations varied depending on the colony to which they belonged. The views on The British Empire, during its height, were not a single monolithic view shared by all British citizens, but varied across the full spectrum from unwavering support to strong opposition. Joseph Chamberlain s 1897 book The True Conception of Empire provides an excellent quote that sums up a common mindset of the era. We feel now that our rule over these territories can only be justified if we can show that it adds to the happiness and prosperity of the people,
  • 46. The Song, Uprising, by Muse Essay I am a millennial, a person born between 1980 and 2000. Millennials are possibly the most influential generation or, what some people may refer to as, the chosen generation. Our influence has been illustrated by the impact we had in the election of President Barack Obama. Throughout the last year, my dad has encouraged me to study millennials because he has been spending many hours studying them, himself. He believes that music defines the character and values of a generation. As a lover of all kinds of music, he has enlightened me with a genre of songs describing the desire for change. Most of the songs were composed by artists of his generation, Fifth Dimension, Eric Clapton, and Sam Cooke, to name a few. I was pleasantly surprised... Show more content on ... The artist is admonishing millennials to recognize the threats to our civil liberties. I automatically found it ironic that the songwriter, Matthew Bellamy, is neither a millennial, nor is he from the same generation as my parents. Because he was born between the two generations, he is able to articulate our millennial predicament from an outside perspective. As a millennial, I accept the songwriter s call to action and commit myself to helping my peers prepare for our future. Instead of being fearful of the day that my generation fully understands the burdens placed upon us, but I am confident that we will overcome the challenges before us. The song also states Interchanging mind control/ come let the revolution take its toll/ if you could flick a switch and open your third eye/ you d see that we should never be afraid to die. Our third eye, or intuition, truly sets us apart. My peers and I think differently from our parents. We embrace our diversity. We embody the value that All men are created equal, an ideal that was not honored by generations before us. This is why we are the chosen generation. We will bring about radical change. Call it a revolution or call it an uprising, either way, the change will be constructive. Uprising has made me more aware of the power of
  • 47. The Price Of Coffee Prices Now, let s discuss the factors that determine the supply of the products and detail the future outlook of the supply curve. To ensure compliance with Starbuck s rigorous coffee standards, Starbuck s controls coffee purchasing, roasting, and packaging, and the global distribution of coffee used in their operations. Starbuck s purchases green coffeebeans from multiple coffee producing regions around the world and custom roasts them. The price of coffee is subject to significant volatility. Supply and price can be affected by multiple factors in the producing countries, including weather, natural disasters, crop disease, general increase in farm inputs and costs of production, inventory levels and political and economic conditions. The ... Show more content on ... There is a large variety of beverages available ranging from energy drinks or soda to juice and water. If one considers the social aspect of coffee, alcoholic beverages may also be taken into concern. However, Starbucks sells a large selection of these beverages within its stores. While the majority of coffee drinkers do not substitute away from coffee or coffee related beverages such as espresso or blended drinks, the most direct substitute is tea, which Starbucks sells under its own Tazo Tea brand. Due to current economic conditions and consequently a change in the competitive landscape, Starbucks must be weary of at home production, especially as premium coffeemakers are being built to make single serving cups at a fraction of the cost. Again, Starbucks has covered this segment as it offers Starbucks branded coffee at various grocery store locations and warehouse club stores. Thus, the company has done a good job hedging against the threat of substitutes with the variety of beverages it offers. The threat of customers substituting away from Starbucks for direct competitors such as Peet s Coffee and Tea is a genuine concern. As they all pride themselves on customer service and specialty drinks, they are truly hard to differentiate. On the other hand, competitors such as McDonalds or
  • 48. Gender Wage Gap Is The Gender Wage Gap A Product Of Personal Choice? As stated by the World Economic Forum, women are being paid less for the same work in every country in the world. They also stated that it will take almost two centuries to close the gender pay gap in the world. So is this the result of personal choice? There is no denying that individual choice makes up some portion of the wage gap. These choices which are a part of social structure, like gendersocialization, culture, and so on. But, there are other factor that makes up the gender wage gap also and the idea that the gender wage gap is a product of only personal choice is incorrect. According to her article The Wage Gap Is a Result of Women s Choices, Christina Hoff Sommers argues that the wage gap isn t the result of discrimination but because women and men have difference in education, experiences, and job tenure. This is only partly correct especially now where women are known to have more education than men and the same amount of experiences. The wage gap is also due to the history women have. Jobs that lean towards more domestic labor work like nursing and teaching are more heavily skewed towards females than males. As mentioned by Barkan s piece, Gender Inequality, this is because women bear and nurse children and men do not. Women are also seen as more gentle and caring so therefore they were the perfect gender out of the two to stay home and care for the children. Other duties also involved cooking for their
  • 49. A Brief Note On The Defence Meteorological Satellite Program 1.4 Literature Review 1.4.1 Locating and Quantifying Flaring Activities Although gas flaring has been a fundamental activity in the oil and gas industry since the discovery of oil, the exact magnitude of the problem both globally and regionally has been uncertain, reported data from governments and independent oil companies had its errors and limitations. In 2001, Elvidge et al. proposed that the Defence Meteorological satellite program (DMSP) Operational Linescan system s (OLS) Night time lights of the world data could be used identify burning flares and an algorithm developed from reported flare data and sum light index could be used to quantify flared gas volumes globally. In 2007, Elvidge et al. working with the National Oceanic and... Show more content on ... Several reports including those by GE, GGFR, IEA, World Bank and others have tried to quantify the economic cost of gas flaring in terms of revenue lost and potential useful gas volumes from U.S importation prices and NOAA reported volumes flared establishing that the world losses billions of dollars each year to the activity (World Bank, 2007; IEG World Bank, 2009; Elvidge et al., 2009; Svensson et al., 2009; IEA, 2009; IEA, 2010; Labeyrie et al., 2010; GGFR, 2010; NOAA NGDC, 2010; Farina, 2011; GGFR, 2013) The environmental concerns of the flare system includes noise pollution, thermal radiation, luminosity and glare, particulate emission, and chemical emissions with varying impacts on the environment surrounding them. (Seebold, 1972; Vanderline, 1974; Bulewicz et al., 1975; Brzustowski, 1976; Klett et al., 1976; EPA, 1983; Kearns, J. et al., 2000, Olavo, 2012). Bose et al, 2006 in an EIA study of a rice field in Assam established the effect on agriculture. In 2007, Gervert examined the contribution of flaring to global warming through its due to its CO2 emissions. Kaladumo, et al. and Bisong
  • 50. General Mill Essay General mills, making food people love. General Mills was started in 1928 by James Ford Bell who was a business leader and philanthropist. Bell was originally in the milling industry which eventually died. General Mills first product was flour as he was originally in the milling industry that deal with wheat. General Millsflour is still the number one product for the company until this day. Over the years the company has grown to much more than just flour. This company now has over 100 brands that are sold in over 100 countries. People love general mills as it gives quality products to its consumers. General mills product range from baking products, cereal, fruit, ice cream, pasta, soups, yogurts and a wide variety of grocery items. One of general mill popular product is cereal as it has finds its way on most... Show more content on ... Within the general mills product line there is a product for everyone. This is a company that cater from young to old. General mills product is sold over the in more than 100 countries. General mills have been around for over 50years and has been pass down from one generation to another in some households. People see general mills product as valuable because of its history. Over the years general mill have introduce whole grains, dietary fiber and reduced sugar product a people have become more health conscious. Price Prices tend to be a little higher for general mills product but yet affordable. Its s one of the leading competitors in the food market. Consumers tend to go with general mills because of the quality and consistency of their products. Places General Mill products are found in grocery stores all over the world. Their products are normally found at eye level which is between 23 inches to 48inches. This makes it easier for consumers to choose this product as they don t have to go searching for it.