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Cell Phones Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of cell phones can be both challenging and intriguing. On one
hand, cell phones have become an integral part of modern life, impacting various aspects of
society, communication, and technology. On the other hand, the vastness of this subject poses
difficulties in narrowing down specific points and maintaining focus.
The challenge lies in striking the right balance between providing a comprehensive overview of
the evolution and significance of cell phones while delving into specific aspects such as their
impact on interpersonal relationships, societal behavior, or even health concerns. It's crucial to sift
through the abundance of information available and select relevant and credible sources to
support your arguments.
Moreover, discussing the positive and negative effects of cell phones requires a nuanced
approach. While highlighting their convenience, efficiency, and role in connectivity, one must
also address issues like privacy concerns, addiction, and the potential for social isolation.
Crafting a well-rounded essay involves presenting a thoughtful analysis that considers various
perspectives without becoming overly biased.
Additionally, staying updated with the latest advancements in mobile technology and societal
trends is essential. The fast-paced nature of the tech industry means that new developments may
arise even as you work on your essay, making it necessary to continuously revise and refine your
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of cell phones demands careful research, critical
thinking, and the ability to present a balanced view of the subject. Despite the challenges, it's an
opportunity to explore the dynamic interplay between technology and society, providing a
deeper understanding of the impact these devices have on our lives.
If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or need assistance with similar essays, you
may explore additional resources. Websites like offer services that can provide
guidance and support in crafting well-researched and articulate essays on a variety of topics.
Cell Phones Essay Cell Phones Essay
Chinese Migration
In the year of 2017, Canada will be celebrating 132 years since the completion of the
CPR, the Canadian Pacific Railway. The completion of the transcontinental railway
was critical for the survival of the newly formed country of Canada. It finally unified
the country from coast to coast, economically, and physically linking the wide set of
land together. However, even though the building of the railroad was a dangerous and
a long construction, it created employment for thousands of Chinese workers. The
Heritage Minute: Nitro presents the story of an old man telling his grandchildren
about how Chinese immigrants helped build the Canadian Pacific Railwayin the late
1800 s. A younger self of the old man is shown as he volunteers to set a dangerous...
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Many citizens of Canada believed that the Chinese had come to take away their
jobs, urging on great amount of racism. The Prime Minister of Canada at the time,
John A. Macdonald, insisted on the recruitment of the Chinese workers in the
interest of reducing costs. The Chinese workers were paid one fifth to one half of
the salaries Canadian workers received. Not only did they provide cheap labour for
their employers, but would also do the jobs Canadians would not. Just as shown in
the Heritage Minute, the Chinese workers were used to blow up rock with the
explosive nitroglycerin. As mentioned in the Heritage Minute, it is said that for
every mile of the railway, one Chinese worker died. Some argue that it is more
accurate to say that for every mile of the railway, four Chinese workers died.
However, the Chinese workers brought more to the production of the CPR than just
cheap labour; they brought with them their knowledge and experience, proving to be
A Study On Klebsiella Pneumonia Atcc 8724
Klebsiella pneumonia ATCC 8724 was cultured aerobically in a 250 mL flask
covered by cotton with 100 mL of seed medium at 37 В°C. After 8 12 h cultivation,
the biomass of seed culture was harvested when cell growth achieved 1.2 to 1.5
OD600 by centrifugation at 4 В°C, 8,000 rpm for 25 min. Then, the cell debris
was mixed with 50 mL sterilized 2.5% (w/v) sodium alginate solution. The
spherical immobilized cells were formed by adding the mixture to 4% CaCl2 (w
/v) solution. The granules of immobilized cell were stored at 4 В°C over 24 h to
improve its solidity. Before inoculing to the main medium of fermentation, the
beads of immobilized cell were washed with sterile water at least three times. 2.4
Production of 1,3 PDO The seed culture of Klebsiella pneumonia ATCC 8724 was
carried out under the same conditions as used previously. The inocula (1%, v/v)
were added to the main medium after a period of time in the range 8 12 h when
cell growth was achieved in the range 1.2 1.5 OD600. The batch culture was
evaluated under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions in this study. The aerobic
culture was carried out in a 250 mL flask with 50 mL main medium using cotton
cover, and the anaerobic culture was carried out in a 125 mL serum bottle with 50
mL MM broth using rubber covers. In the anaerobic culture, oxygen gas in the main
medium was purged by the addition of nitrogen gas at least 5 min before. All the
cultivations to investigate the inhibitory effects were
Video Games Negatives
Video games go on to do more than just entertain us with the right dedication and
structure a game can be used as a tool. Much like how video games are being used
to help terminally ill children learn the does and dont s of their illness to stay
healthy and prevent them from worsening their conditions, video games can be
used to help children with severe developmental issues learn to develop socials
skills so they can go about their lives like a child and cope with stress and emotions
like how children normal developmental skills would. The world we live in is not
an easy world it is very challenging and sometimes too demanding of us be it a child,
teenager or an adult. Imagine how hard it must be for kids with severe developmental
... Show more content on ...
This can be very motivational for the gamers. According to Dweck of Dwek
Molden in the research The Benefits of Playing games by Isabela Granic, Adam
Lobel, and Rutger C. Engels, children develop a belief about their intelligence and
abilities, beliefs that underlie specific motivational styles and directly after an
achievement. Also in the research The Benefits of Playing Video Games it is
stated that Several studies have shown a causal relation between playing preferred
video games and improved mood or increases in positive emotion ( Russoniello, O
Brien, Parks, 2009; Ryan, Rigby, Przybylski, 2006). For example, studies suggest
that playing puzzle video games games with minimal interfaces, short term
commitments, and a high degree of accessibility (e.g., Angry Birds, Bejeweled II)
can improve players moods, promote relaxation, and ward off anxiety (Russoniello
et al., 2009). It has further been suggested that some of the most intense positive
emotional experiences are triggered in the context of playing video games. Contrary
to conventional beliefs that video games are intellectually lazy and sedating they
actually promote a wide range of cognitive skills. This is especially true for violent
video games that have been hammered down by the media for their negative effect it
has on players notably children and teenagers. Violent or
Ap World History And Understanding About The Origins
Ana Adorable
Book Review
AP World History
World History is learning and understanding about the origins of how culture around
the world evolved. Having a more known perspective on the world from going into
depth about the way people lived in the past interests me the most. The most
important thing I want to know is why those people did what they did. What I don t
have interest in is the political history and trying to remember all the important dates
with its right event.
8000 B.C.E. to 600 C.E. The Beginning of Agriculture (8000 B.C.E.), Indo European
(4000 1000 B.C.E), The Beginning of Bronze Age early civilizations (3000 B.C.E.),
Bantu Migration
(1500 B.C.E. 1000 C.E.), Iron Age (1300 B.C.E.)
600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. persecution of Muslims (615 C.E.), Muslim Empire Extent
(732 C.E.), Huang Chao Rebellion (903 C.E.), Fall of the Tang Dynasty (907 C.E.),
The Black Death (1347 C.E.)
1450 to 1750 Bartolomeu Dias s voyage into the Indian Ocean (1488), Treaty of
Tordesillas (1494), Spanish Conquest of Mexico (1519 1521), Foundation of Society
of Jesus (1540), Thirty Years War(1618 1648)
1750 to 1914 Seven Years War (1754 1763), Establishment of 1st Colony in Australia
(1788), End of the British Slave Trade (1807), Sepoy Rebellion (1857), Unification of
Germany (1871)
1914 to the Present WW1 (1914 1918), The Great Depression (1929 1942), Bombing
of Pearl Harbour (1941), First Man in Space (1961), Vietnam War (1960 1973)
Marvin Harris
The Disaster Of Nuclear Generating Station Essay
In the early morning hours of 28th March 1979, the worst disaster in the history of
nuclear energy production in the US took place. Unit Two of the Three Mile Island
had a meltdown releasing some amount of radioactivity into the surrounding area.
The meltdown led to the possibility of Unit 2 of the reactor facility to explode. The
ramifications of the accident revealed the conceptual difficulties of assessing social
risks and the political difficulties in managing them (Nelkin, March 1981).This paper
aims at describing the accident, the post accident setup and clean up and the various
losses which have been attributed to the disaster. It also intends to develop an
understanding of the various complex issues and social vulnerabilities and risks that
caused the disaster. The paper raises a very important question about the safety of the
nuclear power plants in the world and the risk the reactors pose to the people and
environment as a whole.
The Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station (TMI) is located in the
Susquehanna River flowing in the south of Harrisburg Town in the state of
Pennsylvania, U.S. The generating station comprises of two generating units TMI 1
and TMI 2. TMI 1 has a generating capacity of 852 MWe and the commercial
operation began in 1974.
Unit Two of the Three Mile Island Generating Station was similar in construction to
Unit One. It was of a slightly higher capacity than Unit One and the generating
capacity was 906 MWe. The
Becoming A Climbing Culture Driven By Commercialism
Summiting Everest commands visions of grandeur and personal heroism for some,
but to many sherpas tasked with the greatest workload and the most to lose, Everest
represents a hard, economically necessitated risk. In a climbing culture driven by
commercialism, sherpas are arguably some of the most experienced and well adapted
climbers on Mount Everest, yet have little to no say in addressing the issues of safety
or working conditions that are brought on by commercial motives. Initiating
transformational leadership can solve many of the symptomatic problems of
commercialization. By affording more influence to experienced sherpas, embracing
the intellectual stimulation of safety challenges, inspiring clients independence, and
individually... Show more content on ...
237). A lack of clear communication and adherence to important plans caused (in
some capacity) by commercial motivation arguably led to the disaster in 1996.
Involving sherpas more as a voice of reason and greater expert support would provide
better risk management to expeditions from the beginning. Sherpas are are often
more interested in staying safe than summiting as they work to provide for their
families year after year. As veteran climbers, know the risk Everest represents better
than any.
Utilizing the idealized influence of prominent sherpas can allow for greater support
during expeditions and give clients and other climbers experienced, safety conscious
role models. Experienced, charismatic sherpas like Lopsang and Ang Dorje who
summit frequently and live at high altitudes could provide key insight and a sense of
security, if given more authority. If sherpas had a greater role on expeditions, they
might also feel inspired to take more initiative and increase the capabilities of
climbing groups in terms of communication and climbing potential. These
contributions can be enabled by providing opportunities for sherpas to train and take
exams to become certified guides themselves. The government or climbing companies
could provide these certification opportunities, but the Tibetan and Nepalese
governments should certainly provide general educational opportunities to sherpas as
Comparison Of Ritalin And Adderall
In the United States, 9.5 percent of children between the ages of 3 and 17 were
diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD (Morris 1).
ADHD is defined as a constant issue with hyperactivity, lack of focus, inability to
control behavior, or a combination of these (Berger 1). In order to quell the
difficulties caused by ADHD, parents will usually resort to sending their child to a
physician to prescribe a specific medication. These medications serve a great
purpose, but also include numerous unwanted side effects. As of 2010, 48 percent of
325 surveyed patients reported side effects caused by ADHD medications, the most
frequent being loss of appetite, sleep problems and mood swings. About 21 percent
of these side effects... Show more content on ...
The minority of physicians prefer non stimulants as a solution. 38% of 365
physicians who completed a survey concluded that they preferred to prescribe a
nonstimulant (Collingwood 2). The primary issue with non stimulants is the fact
that they re more liable to cause depression and suicidal thoughts, especially in
teenagers, which is primarily why non stimulants aren t the popular choice. There
are two types of non stimulants: norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, such as
Strattera, which affect the behavioral control in the brain, and alpha adrenergic
agonists, such as Intuniv, which were developed to lower high blood pressure
(Boorady 5). These two types of medications are similar in side effects concerning
loss of appetite, drowsiness, and irritability. According to a survey on Treato,
Intuniv received a review of very satisfied patients while patients using Strattera
were moderately satisfied. A vast majority of those who used Strattera had great
concern about the formula causing a feeling of depression while those using Intuniv
were primarily concerned with weight gain and drowsiness caused by the lowering
of the blood pressure. Around the age of 15, my parents sent me back to my
physician to test a non stimulant, and, due to the positive results, we chose to try
Intuniv. Luckily, with the proper dosage, it actually worked, and to this day I still
take it; of course, there are still some unwanted
Comparison Of Racism In History Essay
Comparison of Racism in History
amp;#8220; I have a dream... where they will not be judged by the color of their skin
but by the content of their character. ;
Martin Luther King Jr.
We have come a long way since the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Our
cities are filled with numerous minority groups with different religions and cultures.
We live in a multicultural society where we don amp;#8217;t have to think about hate
crime too much. We can feel safe when going to the corner store without being
pasteurized by a mob of amp;#8220;haters ;. We live in a very safe country, but
instances during the World Warsmake us pray that non of that will ever happen in
Canada again.
This ISP will examine the similarities and ... Show more content on ...
The Canadian government was fearful of Japanese spies on the coast of Vancouver.
So the government decided to tally up all the Japanese within a hundred miles of the
coast and put them into interment camps. Although the military said that Canadian
Japanese were not a threat to Canada, the government felt it was
amp;#8220;necessary ; to deport all the non citizens. This is what Joy writes about in
her novel.
The novel and the play are similar because they focus around one main minority
group and their problems. It would seem, in these stories, that when Canada is faced
with a crisis, the government takes command and sometimes encourages racism. All
the racism in Canada is just like racism throughout the world: people getting hurt for
no other reason than they can help. These two stories reflect how racism made lives
of non whites suffer because of hate. This hate does not have to be there, but
sometimes people feel there is no choice but to hate.
Other similarities like the setting tells the history behind what Vancouver is today.
Although Vancouver amp;#8217;s past is filled with many discriminating stories, it
now occupies many nationalities and races. This shows how racism can be over come
and that amp;#8217;s how it should be. Another similarity that both have in common
are the fact that both authors
Fahrenheit 451 Social Commentary Analysis
Fahrenheit 451 is full of obvious social commentary. All kinds of examples can be
found in every chapter in the book. The book has no lack of stylistic elements
either. The book is about a dystopian world where books have been made illegal to
own, but some people have realized the good uses of books. The author uses this
book to say a few things of his own, but also points out that books help us as humans
see things that are wrong with society. Ray Bradburyuses stylistic elements such as
satire in order to talk about problems in society such as censorshipand our reliance on
technology. As said, the author uses this book to talk about censorship in society, and
also our reliance on technology. Censorship can be seen in the book just from
Violence In The Shelter And The Monsters On Maple Street
Is violence truly the only way to solve our problems? Growing up in a hood , if
something didn t go the way a person wanted it to, they would resort to violence
causing a commotion until the problem was solved. This shows how quick people
would be willing to succumb to violence to get what they desire. The Shelter and
The Monsters on Maple Street , directed by Rod Serling are perfect examples of
how we resort to violence in order to resolve our problems. The people of Maple
Street resorted to violence by attacking each other throughout the episode and the
neighbors in The Shelter resorted to breaking down the shelter door in order to get
in. Both episodes teach us that in times of danger, human survival instincts kick in
causing us to resort to violence and diminish any relationships we may have.
For civilization to survive the human race has to remain civilized are words stated by
the director of The Twilight Zone, Rod Serling. His words establish the goal for
individuals to obtain the necessary skills to achieve a peaceful and harmonious
society. Unlike reality, people get in a quandary when they are faced with a situation
that threatens their existence. The episode The Shelter is a perfect example of this
idea. At first, the townspeople respect the doctor of the neighborhood, Dr. Bill
Stockton. However, everything is ruined by the fear of a possible attack. Later, they
find out there is not an actual attack, but by then, relationships and trusts are
broken. No matter how much the people desired to recreate their old relations, Dr.
Stockton replies I don t think we know what normal is, I thought I did once. I don t
anymore. Like in our daily life, the society that we live in looks like a perfect place
except in times of danger. Even for a little disagreement, people accuse another
without hesitation. A momentary anger lets people make irrecoverable mistakes and
when they realize their faults, they want to go back and fix it. Thus, actually all this
aggression is a normal behavior, but the norms that simulated as normal are the level
that people need to achieve. If people perceive the difference between what is normal
and what is supposed to be normal and make concessions to their
Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of VRLOG HDL
5.2.1 OVERVIEW OF VERILOG HDL Verilog HDL is a Hardware Description
Language (HDL). A Hardware Description Language is a language used to depict
an advanced framework, for instance, a PC or a part of a PC. One may portray a
computerized framework at a few levels. For instance, a HDL may depict the
design of the wires, resistors and transistors on an Integrated Circuit (IC) chip, i.e.,
and the switch level. A significantly more elevated amount depicts the registers and
the exchanges of vectors of data between registers. This is known as the Register
Transfer Level (RTL).Verilog description if found to be simpler than VHDL. Verilog
was developed and presented in 1985 by Gateway Design System Corporation, now a
some piece of Cadence Design Systems,... Show more content on ...
After CTS hold slack ought to progress. Time tree starts at .sdc characterized time
source and closures at stop pins of lemon. There are two sorts of stop pins which
are known as overlook sticks and sync pins. Try not to touch circuits and sticks in
front end (rationale blend) are dealt with as disregard circuits or pins at back end
(physical amalgamation). Overlook pins are overlooked for timing investigation.
In the event that clock is separated then separate skew examination is essential.
Global skew accomplishes zero skew between two synchronous pins without
considering rationale relationship. Local skew accomplishes zero skew between
two synchronous pins while considering rationale relationship. If clock is skewed
deliberately to enhance setup slack then it is known as helpful skew. In clock tree
optimization (CTO) protecting of clock is performed so commotion is not blended
to different signals. Yet, shielding area improved by 12 to 15%. Since the clock
signal is worldwide in nature the same metal layer utilized for force directing is
utilized for clock moreover. CTO is moderately accomplished by cushion measuring,
entryway estimating, cradle migration, level change and HFN synthesis.The
endeavor to upgrade setup slack in preplacement, in position and post circumstance
improvement before CTS stages while slighting hold slack. In post circumstance
improvement after CTS hold slack
The Legislative Branch And The Judicial Branch Essay
The Legislative Branch is able to check the executive branch by rejecting
presidential vetoes. It can also impeach presidents and convict presidents. The
legislative branch has the authority to impeach not only the federal judges but also
the Supreme Court justices. They also have the right to confirm appointments for
the Judicial Branch. The role for the speaker of the house is to put role on
parliamentary questions. They also are able to sign the legislation, writs and also
warrants. The senate president pro Templar is a very important job in the
Legislative Branch because when the head speaker is out, they fulfill the duties.
The majority speaker plays a huge role in the court system because they are the lead
speaker in debates. They also develop the calendar. The minority is also a big part in
the court because this job consists of negotiating with the minority party. The party is
responsible to assist with the floor leaders. They also are supposed to count the votes.
In the Legislative Branch there is a sub organization called the congressional
committee that handles a specific duty. In this committee membership enables
members to develop knowledge of the maters under their jurisdiction. The job of the
congressional committee is to watch over the ongoing governmental operations,
identify reliable issues for the Legislative review and to gather and evaluate
information and courses of their parent body. Congressional committees give valuable
informational services
Rainfall Induced Landslide Of Kenya
Rainfall induced landslide probability mapping for central province
1Edward H. Waithaka,
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Department of Geomatic
Engineering Geospatial Information Systems. P.o. Box 62000 00200, Nairobi, Kenya
2 Thomas G. Ngigi Email:
3Mercy W. Mwaniki, Email:
Rainfall induced landslide hazards in Kenya represents a major challenge and remain
an important issue in disaster management especially in Kenya s central province
region where the effects are very common with the onset of El nin Мѓo rains. The
main aim of this study is to develop a rainfall induced landslide probability map for
Kenya s central province. In order to achieve this, process based methods were used
to map landslide areas using the following factors: slope, rainfall, land cover
change,Normalized DifferenceVegetation Index (NDVI)change, Curvature,
watershed, and soil characteristic including: type, texture, soil bulk density, Base
Saturation, and Total Water Available Distribution Map. The minimum conditions
were set for each factor for landslide occurrence. Slope stability mapping was done
to determine the stable areas and thus derive the probability of landslide occurrence.
Statistical methods were then employed by means of weights of evidence to achieve
the probability weights for each factor considered to cause landslides. The factors
were then overlaid using the probability
Three Main Reasons For The Fall Of The Roman Empire
The Roman Empire was a vast territory that expanded to three different
continents.They were a place of honor, tradition, and respect. Rome has had several
different periods, some of peace, and some of violence or unrest, but those were
solved quickly and effectively. However, such a magnificent empire could not hold
up under the strains that were slowly causing it to collapse. Rome began to face
many problems that together allowed the fall of the Roman Empire. The three main
problems that caused Rome to fall were invasions by barbarians, an unstable
government, and pure laziness and negligence. Though Rome was a great empire that
conquered countless territories, it was not immune to the numerous attacks from
barbarians such as the Huns, the Visigoths, the Vandals, and others. The barbarians
would raid and sack the capital and other cities in ancient Rome, leaving them
without money or tradable items. The Vandals did so much damage to the cities that
their name is associated with the crime of extensive damage to property. The Huns
were another destructive group of barbarians that were led by Attila. They raided
Rome in 451 AD, leaving an immense trail of destruction. Other barbarians attacked
Rome at different times, each leaving Rome weaker and helpless. Each attack
destroyed their economy and left them desperate for a solution. The Ostrogoths
finally caused the Western Empire to fall when Odoacer chased Romulus Augustus,
the last of the Roman emperors, off the
Ck vs Warnaco Essay
Alexa Tondi
Professor Trachtenberg
FM324 Section 75A
17 November 2011
Case Study Assignment: Calvin Klein vs. Warnaco Group Inc.
On May 30, 2000 The Calvin Klein family filed a lawsuit against Warnaco Group Inc
for eighteen counts of trademark infringement, trademark dilution and intentional
misrepresentation. Nearly a month later Warnaco answered with a counter suit,
denying the major allegations and justifying the dilution to falling within the scope of
the two parities licensing agreement. The case study brings forth information
regarding fashion retailing, distribution practices and even the licensing practices
expected within the marketplace, however as a reader one should keep in mind that
during the millennium licensing ... Show more content on ...
This mutual understanding is what was portrayed within an agreement between the
two parties and what worked toward success over the next forty years. This case study
touches on many topics within licensing but the three most dominant aspects within
the Warnaco Groupvs. Calvin Klein suit are the agreements and understandings
discussed with a contract, the rights to a trademark and the rights of both the
licensor and the licensee. While briefing this case study one can not help but notice,
stated on page 21, the agreements that are displayed in exhibit 1: Excerpts from
Calvin Klein Jeanswear Licensing Agreement. Here it is clear that the agreement,
signed by BOTH parties, states that Warnaco agrees to maximize the quantity of
Articles sold, and will be consistent with CKI s past practices. One can assume, that
due to the prolonged history between the two parties this includes Costco, Sam s
Club and BJs store, which alone were held responsible for 150 million dollars in
warehouse sales, just one year prior to the filing of the lawsuit. It is also important to
point out that this licensing agreement is not with CKI as the owner, it is in fact a
licensing agreement with the CK Trademark Trust being the beneficial owner to ALL
rights, titles and interest in or to the Licensed Mark. The licensing agreement then
continues to state that Warnaco controls any such act or thing which may cause any
affect to the Trust. With the understanding of licensing,
Shakespeare s Use of the Idea of Disguise in As You Like It
Shakespeare uses the idea of disguise in many of his plays. It is used as an escape
from the characters personalities and sometimes for comic effect. In As You Like it,
the disguise becomes very comical as in the time it was written only men could act
on stage. This could lead to much confusion and comedy in the roles of those in
disguise. Disguise can give the freedom to a character to act how they like and a
chance for them to show their views. It was in the 16th Century that there became
an increased sense of self consciousness and identity. This led to people creating an
image for themselves. If one can create a self, they can create many different
versions of themselves each showing a different aspect of that person. This links in...
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As she is disguised as Ganymede, this is possible. She would not have been able to
do this as a woman. When she is disguised as a man, more people listen to
Ganymede. Although it is the same person, she can have much more say about her
views and opinions when she is disguised as Ganymede. However, simply because
her personality is not accepted as a woman, it does not mean that she is not
presenting it. By showing that she enjoys watching the wrestling, she is revealing
her true personality. She does not have to be disguised as a boy to do this. The
disguise may show other aspects of the character s personality but it is still shown
through their everyday person.
Another point to make on this matter would be that the character of Rosalind
would have been played by a male and the audience would know this. This could
mean that the reason Shakespeare included Rosalind s enjoyment of manly sports
was because Rosalind is actually a man in the attire of a woman. There is a large
confusion of the gender of Rosalind throughout the play. By confusing the gender,
Shakespeare is focusing more on the personality of Rosalind than her appearance.
The question of gender is continued at the very end of the play. In many of his
plays, Shakespeare ends with an epilogue read by a male character. In As You Like it
the epilogue is performed by Rosalind. The epilogue seems to be outside the play as
if the actor was talking but Rosalind is still in character. She says herself; It is
Dementia And Episodic Memory Study
According to Adult Development and Aging, dementia can be characterized as a
severe cognitive decline and an issue that affects many lives and families all over the
world (2015). In 2010, there was approximately 3.56 million people with dementia
worldwide...which is only expected to double (Cankurtaran, 2014). This indicates that
there are many who are affected by dementia, revealing the importance of this subject.
Studying the interrelationship between caregivers and people with dementia can help
us better understand why certain behaviors elicited and what triggers these behaviors.
Knowledge learned can then be applied by caregivers or family members during
interactions with affected individuals in hopes of eliminating the frustration between
... Show more content on ...
Decline in episodic memory can affect one s ability to answer questions due to failure
of remembering events. Although this is essential information to obtain, there is
insufficient data to acknowledge the interrelationship between family and the person
with dementia. Concentrating on how each party behaves and communicates with
one another can highlight what is and is not effective for a successful interaction. In
more recent research, there has been a gradual shift due the variations of how
dementia affects people. This shift has given researchers the opportunity to look at
how dementia affects not only the person, but also how it affects the relationship with
family (McEvoy Plant, 2014). This is one way to help families understand what
causes certain behaviors from their loved ones to be triggered. However, studying the
person with dementia along with family dynamics can result in too much variation
from both dimensions to compare (Quinn, Clare, Woods,
SPA 6 Case Study
South Los Angeles County, also known as SPA 6 (Service Planning Area) has a
current and approximate population of, 1,307,402 persons including homeless
residents (Los Angeles County. Office of Health Assessment and Epidemiology,
2017). SPA 6 measures 71.3 square miles and is the densest area in Los Angeles
County (TCCSC, 2017). The population is evenly distributed among men and
women, with over half of its residents speaking Spanish at home, and with only one
fourth having a high school diploma. This population is disadvantaged as they have
little access to healthcare, live in impoverished neighborhoods, experience a lack of
reliable childcare, have low emotional support, rarely seek medical and dental care,
and report a poor health status.
Case Study Of Biscuit
Chapter 1 Introduction Biscuit is the one of the oldest bakery snack item,
consumed by all age groups. It is a product with better shelf life and one of the
most liked bakery product by the urban as well as rural consumers. In India biscuit
industries are pegged at 3,000 crores of which the unorganized sector accounts as
much as 35 %. India is the one of the largest biscuit producer country in the world
and last few years have witnessed substantial... Show more content on
Kinsella (1976) defined protein functionality as those physical and chemical
properties which affect the behavior of proteins in food systems during processing,
storage, prepration and consumption. Proteins are linked to functional properties
such as solubility, water binding, gelation, foaming and color, whereas starch is
associated with solubility, swelling, water absorption, viscosity, and gelatinize
(Bressani, 1985). Functional properties are physicochemical properties that give
information on how a food ingredient will behave in food system. The functionality
of plantain and okara flours can logically be attributed to its chemical components
as determined by raw materials processing and storage conditions. Properties such
as solubility, viscosity, water and fat binding, emulsification, foaming and gelation
are of general interest (Hermansson, 1979). The method of Okaka and Potter (1977)
with some modifications was used for determining the swelling capacity of okara
and plantain flours. Foaming capacity and foaming stability were determined as
described by Narayana and Narasinga Rao, (1982) with slight modifications.
Fracture strength of biscuits was measured with the help of Texture Analyzer
(model TA XT2i, Stable Micro systems, Haslemere, U.K) using a 3 point Bending
Rig and 5 kg load cell. Biscuit samples were analyzed for
Iso Files For Intel Based Pcs
Where to Get the Official Kali Linux Images
ISO Files for Intel based PCs
In order to run Kali Live from a USB drive on standard Windows and Macintosh PCs,
you ll need a Kali Linux bootable ISO image, in either 32 bit or 64 bit formats.
If you re not sure of the architecture of the system you want to run Kali Linux on, on
Linux or OS X, you can run the command
uname m at the command line. If you get the response, x86_64 , use the 64 bit ISO
image (the one containing amd64 in the file name); if you get i386 , use the 32 bit
image (the one containing i386 in the file name). If you re on a Windows system,
the procedure for determining whether your system is 32 or 64 bit is detailed on
Microsoft s site.
The images are available both as directly downloaded .iso files or via torrent files.
Official Kali ISOs for Intel based PCs
Building your own Kali Linux ISO, standard or customized, is a very simple process.
VMware Images
If you want to run Kali Linux as a guest under VMware, Kali is available as a pre
built VMware virtual machine with VMware Tools already installed. The VMware
image is available in a 64 bit (amd64), 32 bit (i686), and 32 bit PAE (i486) formats.
Official Kali Linux VMware Images
ARM Images
The hardware architectures of ARM based devices vary considerably, so it is not
possible to have a single image that will work across all of them. Pre built Kali Linux
images for the ARM architecture are available for the wide range of devices.
Analysis Of Garmin s First True Smartwatch, The Garmin...
In early 2015, Garmin introduced the company s first true smartwatch, the Garmin
Vivoactive. Originally priced at $249.99, and now available from Garmin for
$219.99, Vivoactive combines the features of a traditional sports and fitness trackers
with the added functionality of a smartwatch (Stables, 2015). Stables (2015)
continues by giving the Vivoactive a generally positive review, praising the
smartwatch for its, incredible set of fitness features with top notch notifications (para.
35). Leinbach Reyhle (2016) reports that the trend of wearable technology continues
to grow, adding that consumers spent over $2 billion on wearable technology in
2015, with expectations to spend even more in the years to come. Through a
functional analysis of costbased and market based pricingstructures, it becomes
apparent that using a market based approach to develop a cost structure for the
Vivoactive has the potential to generate the most profit for Garmin, due to
competitive factors, the inexpensive nature of many components, and the relatively
new introduction of the technology.
Market Based Pricing Market based pricing begins with evaluating market trends,
competitor products, and consumer demand, to determine how the customer s
willingness to pay the asking price for the product (Grand Canyon University, 2016).
Products in high demand, like trendy, cutting edge electronics, usually sell for a high
price at first, at least until the item becomes more common, at which point people
Relational Database Model And No Sql Database System
The Relational database and the No SQL database are both appropriate database
methods depending on the way they are being implemented and the purpose of the
business for which they are being incorporated. However, both the database
approaches have distinct wide variety of characteristics, based on which they can be
compared and contrasted in the following way.
STRUCTURE OF DATA: The data structure of a relational databasecomprises of
table structure. Every table is identified by a unique name or label. The data tables
are described as the collection of rows and columns. Each row of the table is
known as the record and each column is known as the field of the specific data
table. All the data sets are well organized and logical linked to each other through
definite and unique relationships. A table, therefore can also be defined as the
structured collection of relationships . The fundamental aim of developing No SQL
database systems is to easily and effectively handle vast quantity of data or
information in advanced web scale applications. In order to achieve this purpose, the
No SQL systems are designed as the schema free database systems. There are
different modes to define the No SQL databases that typically depend on the
requirements of the data that has to be managed. The main No SQL data structures
include column database, key value store database, document store database, graph
database and
The Glorious Revolution of 1688 Essay
The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The theme of autonomy and responsibility is
prevalent in many major wars of revolution throughout the history of the world and
especially in the events that occurred in England during the seventeenth century.
Autonomy is defined as self government and existing or functioning independently.
Responsibility is having obligations or duties to something and being able to
distinguish between right and wrong. In England, the political leaders drove King
James II out of the country in order to end his oppressive rule as an absolute
monarch. The Dutch Prince William of Orange, James son in law, invaded England
to rule. Parliament gave the throne to William and his wife Mary but placed
restrictions on... Show more content on ...
They wanted them to come to England and take over the throne. Hearing the news
of William s invasion, James and his family fled to France. The Parliament chose
to treat his flight as an abdication of the throne and William and Mary took the
throne.3 The people of England, acting through Parliament, decided that they
wanted to have more autonomy in government decisions. They disposed of the
absolute monarchy, which oppressed their voice in decision making in
government. Parliament gave the throne to William and Mary with certain
restrictions on their sovereignty that gave Parliament more responsibility in the
government. Prince William of Orange William came to England because he
wanted to head the government. He would settle for nothing less than the crown. 4
William and his army landed in England at Torbay in November of 1688. He made
promises to protect England s liberty and the Protestant religion. William made his
way to London without meeting any opposition.5 Although William wanted all of
the executive power, he allowed his wife Mary to share the title in order to stay on
the good side of the Tory party. A dual monarchy was created and the crown was
formally offered to William and Mary in Westminster Abbey in April. The two
shared the dignity of the title equally, for it was made clear that when one of them
died, the other would become sole ruler. 6 However, while William was alive,
Energy Audit Paper
We all use energy in multiple ways and for many different reasons. We use energy to
heat and cool our homes, to run our automobiles, to stay connected, and illuminate
our lives. The average US residential utility customer in 2014 used 911 kWh per
month, or 10,932 kWh a year (Frequently Asked Questions, 2015). In order to find
out just how and where energyis consumed within a home one must conduct and
energy audit. In this assignment an energy audit of my residential home will be
completed. My home is a single story, detached home with 1942 sqft. It is home to
two young children and three adults. This residential audit will examine twenty
different items throughout the home that have an effect on the energy consumed.
This residence is an all electric... Show more content on ...
It is also clear where changes can be made in order to improve the overall energy
consumption. This energy audit showed home this residence compares to residence
as well as twenty different areas within the home that consume energy. I believe the
averages on the chart above are pretty accurate. The amount of energy used over a
year period on the WREC bills totaled 22,559 kWh (Monthly Electric Bill, 2014
2015). The total amount of energy accounted for in the home audit was 22,178 kWh.
In assignment series 3 we will use the information from this audit to recommend
energy savings that can be found within this
Twisted Pair Video Analysis
Video starts by describing the main difference between Unshielded Twisted Pair
and Shielded Twisted Pair (STP). First the creators discuss about the Electromagnetic
Interference (EMI) canceling capabilities of UTP and STP. However, the way each
one is
designed to cancel the interference is different. EMI can arise from many ways and
from a
number of sources, being either man made or natural. Interference is caused by an
electromagnetic disturbance affecting the performance of a device, transmission, or
The video further describes what UTP and STP is. UTP is very common cableused
local area networks (LANs) and telephone connections due to its low cost. Even
though UTP
cables are easier to work with, these
Edward Scissorhands Essay
Edward Scissorhands is a 1990 American Romance, Horror, Gothic and fairy tale
hybrid film directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp. The film shows the
story of an artificial man named Edward, an unfinished creation, who has scissors
for hands. Edward is taken in by a suburban family and falls in love with their teenage
daughter Kim. Supporting roles are portrayed by Winona Ryder, Dianne Wiest,
Anthony Michael Hall, Kathy Baker, Vincent Price, and Alan Arkin.
Burton conceived the idea for Edward Scissorhands from his childhood upbringing in
suburban Burbank, California. During pre production of Beetlejuice, Caroline
Thompson was hired to adapt Burton s story into a screenplay, and the film began
development at 20th Century Fox, ... Show more content on ...
She tells her granddaughter that Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it.
While Edward creates more ice sculptures, a flashback of a young Kim is shown
dancing under the snow falling from the angel ice sculpture above her.
Johnny Depp Edward Scissorhands
Winona Ryder Kim Boggs
Dianne Wiest Peg Boggs
Anthony Michael Hall Jim
Kathy Baker Joyce
Robert Oliveri Kevin
Alan Arkin Bill
Conchata Ferrell Helen
Caroline Aaron Marge
Dick Anthony Williams Officer Allen
O Lan Jones Esmeralda
Vincent Price The Inventor
The genesis of Edward Scissorhands came from a drawing by then teenaged director
Tim Burton, which reflected his feelings of isolation and being unable to
communicate to people around him in suburban Santa Clarita Valley, California.
Burton stated that he was often alone and had trouble retaining friendships. I get the
feeling people just got this urge to want to leave me alone for some reason, I don t
know exactly why . During pre production of Beetlejuice, Burton hired Caroline
Thompson, then a young novelist, to write the Edward Scissorhands screenplay as a
spec script. Burton was impressed with her short novel, First Born, which was about
an abortion that came back to life . Burton felt First Born had the same psychological
elements he wanted to showcase in Edward Scissorhands.
Shortly after Thompson s hiring, Burton
The Evolution of La Virgen de Guadalupe in Chicano Art...
A beautiful dark skinned brunette stands before you. Her long, flowing hair
beautifully frames her sweet face and demure smile. Yards of richly colored
clothing adorn her tall, slender frame. Rays of sunlight appear from behind,
emphasizing pure beauty. Her hands are joined together and she holds them at her
chest in worship or, perhaps, in gratitude. Who is she, or rather, who do you see?
Practicing Catholics all over Central and South America see a venerated patron
saint. In Mexico, she is immediately recognizable as symbolic mother of a nation,
nuestra madre. New generations of mestizos see a symbol of all that is woman, as
real and complex as their mothers, sisters, daughters, and lovers. Who you see
depends on who you are, but all... Show more content on ...
In just seven years, from 1532 to 1538, eight million Indians were converted to
Christianity. Whether one believes the Virgin de Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego
on the hill or believe that Guadalupe was created to convert the Indians to the
Catholic Church, the legend of Guadalupe as we know her today begins at this
time. As a placebo for a changing guard, La Virgen de Guadalupe proved highly
successful. The iconic image of La Virgen de Guadalupe remains static in both form
and symbolism until the mid twentieth century, when a new movement among
Mexican Americans emerges in California, dubbed the Chicano movement. As
visual propaganda becomes a large part of the movement, a significant body of art
with common themes and styles, known as Chicano art, follows. This shift in
subject matter among Mexican American artists toward a specific social and
political agenda began earlier, as evidenced by the work of Rivera, Orozco, and
Posada, but, it isn t until the mid 1960 s that national or religious iconographic
images are recycled to support a larger political or social agenda. Scholars cite the
famous 1966 United Farm Workers protest, in defense of migrant farm worker s
rights, as the beginning of what is now known as the Chicano Art movement.
Organizers for the protest communicated through graphic art forms, like newsletters,
posters, and cartoons. Symbolism and iconography that
The Importance Of Personal Experiences
Every person goes through different experiences that influence the way they
mature and the way they decide future plans. My personal experiences include
family factors that influenced the way I am today. I have not let the unfortunate
events let my future plans differ from what was planned but they have allowed me
to accept the things I cannot change and also make me realize the things I can. God
grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change: courage to change the
things I can: and wisdom to know the difference. Reinhold Neibuhr quoted this in
his lifetime and it has significance to my family. It came into my family 28 years
ago from my father during his recovery time. It is a common quote that is said for
recovering patients and treatment centers. In the last few years I have finally been
able to interpret the quote and use it in life for myself. There are things that I
absolutely cannot change and personally I hate that, however, I believe through faith
I am able to decipher these things I can t truly change. Some ideas and things I can
change, but may also be intimidating. I refer to this quote and I am to push past those
tough times and am able to change what I may not wantto. To know the difference
can be the hardest part in my opinion. There are things I want to change, but
absolutely cannot do. To be able to use this quote in my life along with my faith, I
can conquer all my goals and dreams and that is this specific quote means a lot to
me. My
Analysis Of Alexander Pope s Frankenstein
Throughout history, humans have been fascinated the inherent bond that exists
between ourselves and Nature. During the eighteenth century, known also as the
Reformation period, there was a push in European society towards science and
reason being the epicenter of culture. During this time, Alexander Pope wrote the
poem Essay on Man which was intended to be an outline of perennial, universal
truths. The emphasis was primarily on the nature of reason rather than Nature itself.
After this time period came the Romantic period, lasting from 1785 1832. It was in
1818 that Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, also known as The Modern Prometheus ,
an imaginative tale about a monster created by man. The relationships between
Nature and the characters are dynamic in that they change frequently. They appear, in
many instances, to be a vehicle for expressing emotion. By examining and writing
about the way humans interact with the Nature surrounding them, Pope and Shelley
made it possible to analyze and highlight common relationships between humans and
Nature during their lifetime; for Pope and his peers, it was more about reason and
___ (word for only coming to conclusions based on ur five senses), while during
Shelley s time period, people tended to have a more emotional relationship with
Shelley utilized imagery, metaphor, simile, and personification relative to Nature,
frequently paired with tone, in many scenes throughout Frankenstein. Whether it be
to uplift or depress
The Sandwich Stereotypes
Name of the book and author and age group this book would target (2 points)
a.The name of the book is The Sandwich Swap written by Queen Rania of Jordan Al
Abdullah. This book would target preschoolers and kindergarteners.
Synopsis of the story Include the cultural background of the characters in the book
along with details of the setting and story itself. Include a description of any of the
illustrations used in the book and why you think they do or do not help to keep the
attention of a young child. (5 points) o The book The Sandwich Swap is about two
best friends named Salma and Lily. Salma and Lily do everything together, but Salma
always eats pita and hummus and Lily eats peanut butter and jelly. One day Lily tells
Salma that ... Show more content on ...
Then we could all try the hummus and the peanut butter and jelly. This would allow
the students to experience a food from another culture, and would help them gain a
better understanding of what the girls were arguing over. The students would
probably need a lot of teacher assistance during this activity, and it would be messy,
but the students would really enjoy it, and it can lead into the class having their own
cultural picnic. The teacher can then email the parents and see if anyone is willing to
make a dish that is culturally relevant to their family. If you have enough parents
volunteer, then you can have a cultural feast, like the characters do at the end of the
book. Each student can share the dish that they brought, and they can explain how it
relates to their
Vfd Persuasive Essay
And on the eighth day God looked down on his planned paradise and said I need a
caretaker , so God made a farmer. (Paul Harvey). Farmers have been taking care of
the land and livestock since mankind can remember. But just like everything else,
problems start to evolve, crops getting ate by the bugs or livestockcoming down with
illnesses. Well, we ve managed to keep some of those things under control, but
now we are faced with a new problem: being able to by drugs to treat our livestock,
over the counter are becoming harder and harder to get over the counter, instead
farmers have to have a Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) to get certain drugs. Plus,
to make things harder only a veterinarian can prescribe you with a VFD. The use of
VFDs won t affect the large livestock producers as much as it will the smaller ones
due to the fact that most large livestock productions have their own personal vet
and not one that just works for a district. This is why VFDs should not be required
when purchasing drugs and/or medicated feed for livestock because there is an
increased risk of infecting an entire herd and there is extensive paperwork. Say you
re out checking calves, you spot a sick one, so you catch it and doctor it. When you
get back home you realize that you are almost out of one of your drugs. So, you call
Valley Vet, or your local drug store, and order more
... Show more content on ...
This can complicate a very busy schedule. Especially now with the electronic
VFDs. Some vets might of used the paper VFDs and will be switching over to the
electronic version, which might require the producer to do more paper work. Not
only do you have to worry about whether your VFD is on paper or a computer, but
a VFD is only good for 6 months. Now let s say that you raise sheep, cattle, and
pigs. You can t use the same drug and same medicated feed for each speices, so you
have to obtain multiple
Why Wind Turbines Have Caused Such Controversy in
Puerto Rico
Wind Turbines: Why has it caused so much controversy in Puerto Rico?
As the Law of Conservation states, energy can be neither created nor destroyed
(The Secret Lives of Energy). That means that an energy source has to be use in
order to generate the energy needed. It is common knowledge that the pollution
caused by the use of fossil fuels over time is making society live in a contaminated
world. In addition, the cost of the use of fossil fuels is increasing and becoming too
expensive, forcing people to find alternate ways in which they can pay less for the
use of energy. The use of fossil fuels over time has increased to a point where the
remaining reservoirs have decreased by a large margin. On the other hand, renewable
energy is ... Show more content on ...
It is considered green energy because it uses resources the Earth will replace and
does not pollute nor harm the environment (Alliant Energy). Fossil fuels, which are
fuels found under the Earth s ground, such as petroleum, cannot be replaced and
cause large levels of pollution (SF Environment). One of the renewable sources
causing the most controversies in Puerto Rico is the wind. In order to use the wind
to generate power, also known as Aeolic energy, wind turbines are needed.
According to research done by Discovery News, in January 25, 2013, the top 10
countries, by order of most demand and use of wind energy, are: China, United States,
Germany, Spain, India, Italy, France, Canada, Brazil, and Denmark. All of these
countries are investing money in wind turbine projects because, in the long run, it is
going to benefit them from both the economic and ecofriendly point of view
(Discovery News). In addition to these top ten countries in the world, there are more
countries that have, or are, investing in these types of projects, since this is the future
and correct path for the use Renewable Energy as a replacement for fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels are harming the environment to the point where in a short amount of time
it is going to be almost impossible to live on Earth because of the catastrophic
changes the pollution will cause. (Environmental and Energy Study Institute). The
controversies caused in
Assignment 2 New Venture
1. Discuss the future outlook and industry trends related to the new venture.
Natural ethnic hair care products and organic hair care products are fast becoming a
staple in the cosmetics industry. Each year more and more consumers switch from
the chemical laden hair care products to products that use natural and organically
grown ingredients. Now these particular products are no longer only available in
organic food stores. They have now hit the retail level. Mass retailers such as Target
dedicating more shelf space to ethnic organic beauty products and offering more
premium options traditionally sold only through specialty outlets, including Miss
Jessie s Curls and the Jane Carter Solution line. (Morris, June 2011, pg. 30)
This ... Show more content on ...
(Carter, April 2011, pg. 46)
In order to raise capital for the venture, I would first need to determine what funds
are available, which ones who be best for the venture, and how I would go about
obtaining those funds for the venture. Carter explains that there are two key issues
or factors that come into play when determining which kind of capital is the best for
a new venture: (a) Usually the search for financing is precipitated by a rejection of
an existing bank relationship, and (b) understanding why the company needs capital
will determine what type of financing is most appropriate. (Carter, April 2011, pg. 47)
For the venture that I am pursuing, Government Funding through the Small Business
Administration Loans/Small Business Investment Companies Business Development
Corporations could be feasible. There are many firms that not only survived but are
growing dramatically using these programs. (Carter, April 2011, pg. 46) Also,
Equipment Leasing provides equipment loans and leases for companies that are
having a difficult time raising capital with tight liquidity. Nations Equipment Finance
(NEF) will finance up to 100 percent of the purchase price of equipment for terms as
long as seven years and look for returns in excess of 10 percent through the company,
Essay On Hairy Leukoplakia
The human oral cavity is prone to many lesions that can occur due to, diseases, injury,
age or genetics. Five lesions that occurred in the human mouth are: hairy leukoplakia,
lingual varicosities, traumatic ulceration, bifid tongue, and macroglossia. Some of
these lesions can be benign or malignant depending on its etiology, and how treatable
the lesion is once it has been spotted at the mouth.
The first lesion is the hairy leukoplakia. Its name comes from its white/gray hair
like patch texture on the tongue, gums, roof of the mouth, or buccal. The hairy
leukoplakia is a nonthreatening disease mainly caused by a poor immune system or
a person who is HIV/AIDS positive. The hairy leukoplakia disease can be treated in
a few weeks by taking antiviral medication, and antiretroviral medication, which can
help treat the infection as well as stop it from spreading. If the medication does not
take an effect, a Dentist could recommend oral surgery to remove the lesion,
The following lesion is the lingual varicosities. These lesions are found near the
ventral surface of the tongue on the sides of the ... Show more content on ...
This lesion is an injury in the oral cavity caused by biting, overheating, chemicals,
or electricity. This lesion can appear in the mouth of infants and adults, on their
tongue, lip or buccal. The traumatic ulceration would usually be a patch of white or
yellow, with a white border, which shows where the trauma was caused. A
traumatic ulcerations are considered the most common oral ulcerations, and can
cause pain in the mouth due to certain foods or touch. The way to treat a traumatic
ulceration, all depends on what kind of injury caused the ulcer. If biting or a hot
food/ beverage caused the ulcer it would cure on its own in a couple of weeks. If
chemicals caused the ulcer, preventing exposure to the caustic materials, would be
best, and if electricity caused the ulcer it would be treated at a burn center,
Social Media And Its Effects On Our Lives
In my personal experience, social interaction online it helps me to keep in touch
with families, friends and also for networking, but in general my post is more likely
about my family , Selfies or just simple funny post that I may like. In particular,
social media allows me to have easy communication access with significant otherthat
are out of the country.
Many of Us for the most part has been affected by social media in their daily person
to person interaction now days, the texting, email and media account like Facebook
just to mention one of them ,has been eliminating the phone calls, letter or even
deeper, it is affecting our relationship with our families and friends because is more
distance .
Recently my family has an event to celebrate one of my uncle s birthdays, in New
Jersey, everything was really nice, a great moment for members of the family to
interact because some of us are living out of the state. During the celebration
everyone was on their cell phones taking pictures and posting on their social media
account, including myself.
My family is really big therefore, that event will give us an amazing opportunity for
some of us to know each other, and introduced some new members to one another,
such as newly marriages, but instead we all were more focus on been on our phones
posting on social media rather than enjoy the celebration and make my uncle feel
good and happy.
We missed the time when all members of the family were seated in the table,
enjoying our
Metric System Benefits
Contention 1: Numerous Benefits
Assists Globalization If the US adopted the metric system, many businesses and
industries would benefit.
The United States is now the only industrialized country in the world that does not
use the metric system as its predominant system of measurement. Judge, that is 95%
of the world s total manufacturing business that uses a different, more precise, and
better method than the one we use to manufacture goods.
As a study from Cambridge University in 2015 states, if the US switched to the
metric system, thousands of new jobs would be created This is because the US
workforce will be more prepared to work in the international marketplace and
industrial affairs with other countries would be much stronger than what ... Show
more content on ...
The metric system also avoids the use of multiple units for the same quantity; for
instance, the inch pound system s multiple units for volume include teaspoons,
tablespoons, fluid ounces, etc.
Contention 2: Adoption of Metric System is Feasible Thinking metric won t be hard
Judge, the metric system is a very simple unit of measurement that is simple to
understand because it is easy to convert and easy to use.
Also, schools are already teaching the metric system along with the English system in
day to day classes. Aside from education, almost all, water bottles, thermometers, and
food bags already include metric measurements along side them.
Thinking metric is easy. For example, thinking metric for temperature means relating
zero degrees Celsius with the freezing point of water, 20 degrees Celsius with room
temperature, 37 degrees Celsius with body temperature, and 100 degrees Celsius with
the boiling points of water.
B. Not very
Growth Plate Injury Research Paper
5 of the Most Painful Growth Plate Injures Affecting Young Athletes
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that more than 2
million children are treated each year for sports and recreation related injuries. Sports
participation provides many benefits for younger athletes, but unfortunately, injuries
do occur. This means doctors have to treat these injuries differently than they do for
Why? Children and adolescents have growth plates, which are the areas of soft tissue
near the ends of the long bones in their arms and legs. Because these are the last
portion of the bones that harden (ossify), they are particularly vulnerable to injury.
For instance, the same type of accident that might cause an adult to have an ankle
sprain can be a growth plate fracture in a child.
How long does this last? Girls growth plates usually harden or ossify wen they re
around ages 13 to 15 years old, while boys growth plates harden later, at ... Show
more content on ...
Your child s treatment will depend on how severe the growth plate injury is and the
vast majority of kids do recover without any long term consequences. Many of these
injuries are minor which means that doctors will usually suggest that they limit their
activities and not bear any weight on the affected limb. Most of the time this can be
accomplished by wearing a cast, splint or brace over the area to prevent any
movement. In these cases, this may be the only treatment necessary but with
fractures, immediate care is extremely important. This is so that Doctors can:
Provide immobilization using a cast or splint
Use manipulation or surgery to unite the bones into the correct position; which can
depend on where and how serious the injury is and, the patient s age
Use strengthening and range of motion exercises to improve movement, but only
after the fracture heals
Incorporate a long term follow up plan; including x rays, to monitor your child s
growth and
When I Decided To Quit Analysis
Quitting the war is a choice you can make but shouldn t make, you have come so
far serving the rebellion so why stop now. You spent nine months in the war only to
just to quit. If you are going to quit then what caused to join in the first place. I have
decided to re enlist for three reasons which are: family, glory, and freedom.
In 1773 me and my family wanted to see the Boston Tea party, the same year 310
street lights were added in Boston my son and daughter loved it. !776 the
Declaration of Independance was signed my family got together and we had a
party. 1777 the army made camp at valley Forge. Today one of my roommates
couldn t take the winter so he grabbed a horse and left, so he is declared a deserter.
In my town including my sister had scarlet fever, scarlet fever is when the females of
the town start to think the red coats are cute.
The first reason reenlist is to give to give my family a better chance at life then me
you miss your family and are concerned about your aging mother (Roden 141)
Choosing quote was easy because it helps me remember of what I fight for. Today
we know that most of the army survived the winter (Roden 141)
We are so close out of the... Show more content on ...
There comes a soldier, his bare feet are seen thro his worn out shoes, his legs naked
from the the tattered remains of an only pair of stockings... ( Dr. Albigence Waldo)
He may be against the odds but he still chose to stay and fight. Contentment not to
be expected from so young troops. ( Dr. Albigence Waldo) These young men go
through nine months of war but are still happy. This reason is causing me to reenlist
because being free gives me everything I fight for. By winning the war we would get
freedom and change history
The Global Water Supply Is Essential For The Survival Of...
Water is the most important substances on Earth as it is essential for the survival of
all species. Water covers seventy six percent of our planet, and it is easy to think
that it will always be plentiful (Girard). However, the way society misuse the
substance makes freshwater start to become incredibly rare. The global water supplyis
becoming more of an issue every day. Water is a resource that much of the
developed world takes for granted, but that many in the developing world struggles
to find enough of everyday and even in developed nations, where a plentiful supply
of water is sometimes taken for granted. The struggle for fresh water could spread
as climate change and other manmade pressures change the availability of water
around the globe, and as Earth s population grows ever larger. If we continue to
misuse the Earth s water supply, society will be at war over water because of the high
rise in pollution, climate change, and the privatization surrounding the topic.
Water they say is life, and indeed they were right. With about 70% of the Earth s
cover being water, it is undeniably one of our greatest resources (Krchnak). As
young students, we learned about the various ways to conserve water; coming to
think of it, water is used in almost every important human chores and processes. It is
an important element in both domestic as well as industrial purposes. However, a
closer inspection of our water resources today, reveals something shocking. There are
millions of
My Cultural Background And Identity
Please tell us more about your cultural background and identity (100 word limit).
I grew up with a very diverse cultural background. My father is an immigrant from
India and my mother s parents are both immigrants from Italy. This mix of societies
has taught me to be open to different customs from around the world. Since then, I
have always been fascinated with other cultures and how they are all connected while
still maintaining fundamental differences. Because of this, I would love to have the
opportunity to immerse myself in a foreign culture by studying abroad with MIT.
We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you.
Tell us about something you do for the pleasure of it. (*)(100 words or fewer)
In my house, we have always had a piano, but none of my family members knew
how to play it. My mom taught me a very basic understanding including how to
read the notes on the staff and how the notes correspond to each key on the piano,
but that was all that she knew. In time, I grew to love the feeling of playing music
from the heart. In continuing to play, I taught myself to play complex pieces
because it made me feel satisfied and content. Now, I am able to play a vast variety
of songs including jolly Christmas music, playful video game soundtracks, and
beautiful melodies by Yiruma and Chopin. Throughout the years, music has evolved
into an incredible stress reliever and source of enjoyment in my daily life.
Although you may not yet
Collateral Duty Inspector Essay
In the aviation side of the Navy there is a job known as Collateral Duty Inspector.
The Collateral Duty Inspector is considered a subject matter expert on the aircraft
they work on. In order to become a Collateral Duty Inspector a sailor must go through
extensive training and meet certain requirements. As a sailor looking to make the
Navya career until retirement, becoming a Collateral Duty Inspector was a major
goal of mine.
I was on deployment with my second command VAW 126 on board the aircraft
carrier Harry S. Truman when I started the process. As a prospective Collateral
Duty Inspector, I was working nights from 1800 to 0600. I would spend most of
the night with my supervisor Palar learning what to do and what to look for. He
would have me follow him as he inspected other sailors work and point out to me
what he inspected and what needed to be corrected by the worker if any. ... Show
more content on ...
The first test was on corrosion control and theory. Corrosion control and theory
consist of being able to identify the different types of corrosion and how they affect
and form on the aircraft. The second test was on the Naval aviation maintenance
program. The Naval aviation maintenance program is the basic guidelines on how a
Navy squadron will operate. The test requires you to know who is responsible for
certain jobs throughout the command and what your responsibilities are as a
Collateral Duty Inspector. This test is the most difficult due to the large amount of
information in the program. The third, and final test is the rating specific test. This
test is made up of different scenarios a sailor in a specific rate might come across
during their time as an inspector. Also including in the test is the ability to find the
correct answer to certain problems and procedures for the aircraft in the maintenance

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Cell Phones Essay

  • 1. Cell Phones Essay Writing an essay on the topic of cell phones can be both challenging and intriguing. On one hand, cell phones have become an integral part of modern life, impacting various aspects of society, communication, and technology. On the other hand, the vastness of this subject poses difficulties in narrowing down specific points and maintaining focus. The challenge lies in striking the right balance between providing a comprehensive overview of the evolution and significance of cell phones while delving into specific aspects such as their impact on interpersonal relationships, societal behavior, or even health concerns. It's crucial to sift through the abundance of information available and select relevant and credible sources to support your arguments. Moreover, discussing the positive and negative effects of cell phones requires a nuanced approach. While highlighting their convenience, efficiency, and role in connectivity, one must also address issues like privacy concerns, addiction, and the potential for social isolation. Crafting a well-rounded essay involves presenting a thoughtful analysis that considers various perspectives without becoming overly biased. Additionally, staying updated with the latest advancements in mobile technology and societal trends is essential. The fast-paced nature of the tech industry means that new developments may arise even as you work on your essay, making it necessary to continuously revise and refine your arguments. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of cell phones demands careful research, critical thinking, and the ability to present a balanced view of the subject. Despite the challenges, it's an opportunity to explore the dynamic interplay between technology and society, providing a deeper understanding of the impact these devices have on our lives. If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or need assistance with similar essays, you may explore additional resources. Websites like offer services that can provide guidance and support in crafting well-researched and articulate essays on a variety of topics. Cell Phones Essay Cell Phones Essay
  • 2. Chinese Migration In the year of 2017, Canada will be celebrating 132 years since the completion of the CPR, the Canadian Pacific Railway. The completion of the transcontinental railway was critical for the survival of the newly formed country of Canada. It finally unified the country from coast to coast, economically, and physically linking the wide set of land together. However, even though the building of the railroad was a dangerous and a long construction, it created employment for thousands of Chinese workers. The Heritage Minute: Nitro presents the story of an old man telling his grandchildren about how Chinese immigrants helped build the Canadian Pacific Railwayin the late 1800 s. A younger self of the old man is shown as he volunteers to set a dangerous... Show more content on ... Many citizens of Canada believed that the Chinese had come to take away their jobs, urging on great amount of racism. The Prime Minister of Canada at the time, John A. Macdonald, insisted on the recruitment of the Chinese workers in the interest of reducing costs. The Chinese workers were paid one fifth to one half of the salaries Canadian workers received. Not only did they provide cheap labour for their employers, but would also do the jobs Canadians would not. Just as shown in the Heritage Minute, the Chinese workers were used to blow up rock with the explosive nitroglycerin. As mentioned in the Heritage Minute, it is said that for every mile of the railway, one Chinese worker died. Some argue that it is more accurate to say that for every mile of the railway, four Chinese workers died. However, the Chinese workers brought more to the production of the CPR than just cheap labour; they brought with them their knowledge and experience, proving to be skilled
  • 3. A Study On Klebsiella Pneumonia Atcc 8724 Klebsiella pneumonia ATCC 8724 was cultured aerobically in a 250 mL flask covered by cotton with 100 mL of seed medium at 37 В°C. After 8 12 h cultivation, the biomass of seed culture was harvested when cell growth achieved 1.2 to 1.5 OD600 by centrifugation at 4 В°C, 8,000 rpm for 25 min. Then, the cell debris was mixed with 50 mL sterilized 2.5% (w/v) sodium alginate solution. The spherical immobilized cells were formed by adding the mixture to 4% CaCl2 (w /v) solution. The granules of immobilized cell were stored at 4 В°C over 24 h to improve its solidity. Before inoculing to the main medium of fermentation, the beads of immobilized cell were washed with sterile water at least three times. 2.4 Production of 1,3 PDO The seed culture of Klebsiella pneumonia ATCC 8724 was carried out under the same conditions as used previously. The inocula (1%, v/v) were added to the main medium after a period of time in the range 8 12 h when cell growth was achieved in the range 1.2 1.5 OD600. The batch culture was evaluated under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions in this study. The aerobic culture was carried out in a 250 mL flask with 50 mL main medium using cotton cover, and the anaerobic culture was carried out in a 125 mL serum bottle with 50 mL MM broth using rubber covers. In the anaerobic culture, oxygen gas in the main medium was purged by the addition of nitrogen gas at least 5 min before. All the cultivations to investigate the inhibitory effects were
  • 4. Video Games Negatives Video games go on to do more than just entertain us with the right dedication and structure a game can be used as a tool. Much like how video games are being used to help terminally ill children learn the does and dont s of their illness to stay healthy and prevent them from worsening their conditions, video games can be used to help children with severe developmental issues learn to develop socials skills so they can go about their lives like a child and cope with stress and emotions like how children normal developmental skills would. The world we live in is not an easy world it is very challenging and sometimes too demanding of us be it a child, teenager or an adult. Imagine how hard it must be for kids with severe developmental ... Show more content on ... This can be very motivational for the gamers. According to Dweck of Dwek Molden in the research The Benefits of Playing games by Isabela Granic, Adam Lobel, and Rutger C. Engels, children develop a belief about their intelligence and abilities, beliefs that underlie specific motivational styles and directly after an achievement. Also in the research The Benefits of Playing Video Games it is stated that Several studies have shown a causal relation between playing preferred video games and improved mood or increases in positive emotion ( Russoniello, O Brien, Parks, 2009; Ryan, Rigby, Przybylski, 2006). For example, studies suggest that playing puzzle video games games with minimal interfaces, short term commitments, and a high degree of accessibility (e.g., Angry Birds, Bejeweled II) can improve players moods, promote relaxation, and ward off anxiety (Russoniello et al., 2009). It has further been suggested that some of the most intense positive emotional experiences are triggered in the context of playing video games. Contrary to conventional beliefs that video games are intellectually lazy and sedating they actually promote a wide range of cognitive skills. This is especially true for violent video games that have been hammered down by the media for their negative effect it has on players notably children and teenagers. Violent or
  • 5. Ap World History And Understanding About The Origins Of... Ana Adorable Book Review AP World History World History is learning and understanding about the origins of how culture around the world evolved. Having a more known perspective on the world from going into depth about the way people lived in the past interests me the most. The most important thing I want to know is why those people did what they did. What I don t have interest in is the political history and trying to remember all the important dates with its right event. 8000 B.C.E. to 600 C.E. The Beginning of Agriculture (8000 B.C.E.), Indo European Migration (4000 1000 B.C.E), The Beginning of Bronze Age early civilizations (3000 B.C.E.), Bantu Migration (1500 B.C.E. 1000 C.E.), Iron Age (1300 B.C.E.) 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. persecution of Muslims (615 C.E.), Muslim Empire Extent (732 C.E.), Huang Chao Rebellion (903 C.E.), Fall of the Tang Dynasty (907 C.E.), The Black Death (1347 C.E.) 1450 to 1750 Bartolomeu Dias s voyage into the Indian Ocean (1488), Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), Spanish Conquest of Mexico (1519 1521), Foundation of Society of Jesus (1540), Thirty Years War(1618 1648) 1750 to 1914 Seven Years War (1754 1763), Establishment of 1st Colony in Australia (1788), End of the British Slave Trade (1807), Sepoy Rebellion (1857), Unification of Germany (1871) 1914 to the Present WW1 (1914 1918), The Great Depression (1929 1942), Bombing of Pearl Harbour (1941), First Man in Space (1961), Vietnam War (1960 1973) Marvin Harris
  • 6. The Disaster Of Nuclear Generating Station Essay Abstract: In the early morning hours of 28th March 1979, the worst disaster in the history of nuclear energy production in the US took place. Unit Two of the Three Mile Island had a meltdown releasing some amount of radioactivity into the surrounding area. The meltdown led to the possibility of Unit 2 of the reactor facility to explode. The ramifications of the accident revealed the conceptual difficulties of assessing social risks and the political difficulties in managing them (Nelkin, March 1981).This paper aims at describing the accident, the post accident setup and clean up and the various losses which have been attributed to the disaster. It also intends to develop an understanding of the various complex issues and social vulnerabilities and risks that caused the disaster. The paper raises a very important question about the safety of the nuclear power plants in the world and the risk the reactors pose to the people and environment as a whole. Introduction: The Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station (TMI) is located in the Susquehanna River flowing in the south of Harrisburg Town in the state of Pennsylvania, U.S. The generating station comprises of two generating units TMI 1 and TMI 2. TMI 1 has a generating capacity of 852 MWe and the commercial operation began in 1974. Unit Two of the Three Mile Island Generating Station was similar in construction to Unit One. It was of a slightly higher capacity than Unit One and the generating capacity was 906 MWe. The
  • 7. Becoming A Climbing Culture Driven By Commercialism Summiting Everest commands visions of grandeur and personal heroism for some, but to many sherpas tasked with the greatest workload and the most to lose, Everest represents a hard, economically necessitated risk. In a climbing culture driven by commercialism, sherpas are arguably some of the most experienced and well adapted climbers on Mount Everest, yet have little to no say in addressing the issues of safety or working conditions that are brought on by commercial motives. Initiating transformational leadership can solve many of the symptomatic problems of commercialization. By affording more influence to experienced sherpas, embracing the intellectual stimulation of safety challenges, inspiring clients independence, and individually... Show more content on ... 237). A lack of clear communication and adherence to important plans caused (in some capacity) by commercial motivation arguably led to the disaster in 1996. Involving sherpas more as a voice of reason and greater expert support would provide better risk management to expeditions from the beginning. Sherpas are are often more interested in staying safe than summiting as they work to provide for their families year after year. As veteran climbers, know the risk Everest represents better than any. Utilizing the idealized influence of prominent sherpas can allow for greater support during expeditions and give clients and other climbers experienced, safety conscious role models. Experienced, charismatic sherpas like Lopsang and Ang Dorje who summit frequently and live at high altitudes could provide key insight and a sense of security, if given more authority. If sherpas had a greater role on expeditions, they might also feel inspired to take more initiative and increase the capabilities of climbing groups in terms of communication and climbing potential. These contributions can be enabled by providing opportunities for sherpas to train and take exams to become certified guides themselves. The government or climbing companies could provide these certification opportunities, but the Tibetan and Nepalese governments should certainly provide general educational opportunities to sherpas as well.
  • 8. Comparison Of Ritalin And Adderall In the United States, 9.5 percent of children between the ages of 3 and 17 were diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD (Morris 1). ADHD is defined as a constant issue with hyperactivity, lack of focus, inability to control behavior, or a combination of these (Berger 1). In order to quell the difficulties caused by ADHD, parents will usually resort to sending their child to a physician to prescribe a specific medication. These medications serve a great purpose, but also include numerous unwanted side effects. As of 2010, 48 percent of 325 surveyed patients reported side effects caused by ADHD medications, the most frequent being loss of appetite, sleep problems and mood swings. About 21 percent of these side effects... Show more content on ... The minority of physicians prefer non stimulants as a solution. 38% of 365 physicians who completed a survey concluded that they preferred to prescribe a nonstimulant (Collingwood 2). The primary issue with non stimulants is the fact that they re more liable to cause depression and suicidal thoughts, especially in teenagers, which is primarily why non stimulants aren t the popular choice. There are two types of non stimulants: norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, such as Strattera, which affect the behavioral control in the brain, and alpha adrenergic agonists, such as Intuniv, which were developed to lower high blood pressure (Boorady 5). These two types of medications are similar in side effects concerning loss of appetite, drowsiness, and irritability. According to a survey on Treato, Intuniv received a review of very satisfied patients while patients using Strattera were moderately satisfied. A vast majority of those who used Strattera had great concern about the formula causing a feeling of depression while those using Intuniv were primarily concerned with weight gain and drowsiness caused by the lowering of the blood pressure. Around the age of 15, my parents sent me back to my physician to test a non stimulant, and, due to the positive results, we chose to try Intuniv. Luckily, with the proper dosage, it actually worked, and to this day I still take it; of course, there are still some unwanted
  • 9. Comparison Of Racism In History Essay Comparison of Racism in History amp;#8220; I have a dream... where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. ; Martin Luther King Jr. We have come a long way since the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Our cities are filled with numerous minority groups with different religions and cultures. We live in a multicultural society where we don amp;#8217;t have to think about hate crime too much. We can feel safe when going to the corner store without being pasteurized by a mob of amp;#8220;haters ;. We live in a very safe country, but instances during the World Warsmake us pray that non of that will ever happen in Canada again. This ISP will examine the similarities and ... Show more content on ... The Canadian government was fearful of Japanese spies on the coast of Vancouver. So the government decided to tally up all the Japanese within a hundred miles of the coast and put them into interment camps. Although the military said that Canadian Japanese were not a threat to Canada, the government felt it was amp;#8220;necessary ; to deport all the non citizens. This is what Joy writes about in her novel. The novel and the play are similar because they focus around one main minority group and their problems. It would seem, in these stories, that when Canada is faced with a crisis, the government takes command and sometimes encourages racism. All the racism in Canada is just like racism throughout the world: people getting hurt for no other reason than they can help. These two stories reflect how racism made lives of non whites suffer because of hate. This hate does not have to be there, but sometimes people feel there is no choice but to hate. Other similarities like the setting tells the history behind what Vancouver is today. Although Vancouver amp;#8217;s past is filled with many discriminating stories, it now occupies many nationalities and races. This shows how racism can be over come and that amp;#8217;s how it should be. Another similarity that both have in common are the fact that both authors
  • 10. Fahrenheit 451 Social Commentary Analysis Fahrenheit 451 is full of obvious social commentary. All kinds of examples can be found in every chapter in the book. The book has no lack of stylistic elements either. The book is about a dystopian world where books have been made illegal to own, but some people have realized the good uses of books. The author uses this book to say a few things of his own, but also points out that books help us as humans see things that are wrong with society. Ray Bradburyuses stylistic elements such as satire in order to talk about problems in society such as censorshipand our reliance on technology. As said, the author uses this book to talk about censorship in society, and also our reliance on technology. Censorship can be seen in the book just from
  • 11. Violence In The Shelter And The Monsters On Maple Street Is violence truly the only way to solve our problems? Growing up in a hood , if something didn t go the way a person wanted it to, they would resort to violence causing a commotion until the problem was solved. This shows how quick people would be willing to succumb to violence to get what they desire. The Shelter and The Monsters on Maple Street , directed by Rod Serling are perfect examples of how we resort to violence in order to resolve our problems. The people of Maple Street resorted to violence by attacking each other throughout the episode and the neighbors in The Shelter resorted to breaking down the shelter door in order to get in. Both episodes teach us that in times of danger, human survival instincts kick in causing us to resort to violence and diminish any relationships we may have. For civilization to survive the human race has to remain civilized are words stated by the director of The Twilight Zone, Rod Serling. His words establish the goal for individuals to obtain the necessary skills to achieve a peaceful and harmonious society. Unlike reality, people get in a quandary when they are faced with a situation that threatens their existence. The episode The Shelter is a perfect example of this idea. At first, the townspeople respect the doctor of the neighborhood, Dr. Bill Stockton. However, everything is ruined by the fear of a possible attack. Later, they find out there is not an actual attack, but by then, relationships and trusts are broken. No matter how much the people desired to recreate their old relations, Dr. Stockton replies I don t think we know what normal is, I thought I did once. I don t anymore. Like in our daily life, the society that we live in looks like a perfect place except in times of danger. Even for a little disagreement, people accuse another without hesitation. A momentary anger lets people make irrecoverable mistakes and when they realize their faults, they want to go back and fix it. Thus, actually all this aggression is a normal behavior, but the norms that simulated as normal are the level that people need to achieve. If people perceive the difference between what is normal and what is supposed to be normal and make concessions to their
  • 12. Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of VRLOG HDL 5.2.1 OVERVIEW OF VERILOG HDL Verilog HDL is a Hardware Description Language (HDL). A Hardware Description Language is a language used to depict an advanced framework, for instance, a PC or a part of a PC. One may portray a computerized framework at a few levels. For instance, a HDL may depict the design of the wires, resistors and transistors on an Integrated Circuit (IC) chip, i.e., and the switch level. A significantly more elevated amount depicts the registers and the exchanges of vectors of data between registers. This is known as the Register Transfer Level (RTL).Verilog description if found to be simpler than VHDL. Verilog was developed and presented in 1985 by Gateway Design System Corporation, now a some piece of Cadence Design Systems,... Show more content on ... After CTS hold slack ought to progress. Time tree starts at .sdc characterized time source and closures at stop pins of lemon. There are two sorts of stop pins which are known as overlook sticks and sync pins. Try not to touch circuits and sticks in front end (rationale blend) are dealt with as disregard circuits or pins at back end (physical amalgamation). Overlook pins are overlooked for timing investigation. In the event that clock is separated then separate skew examination is essential. Global skew accomplishes zero skew between two synchronous pins without considering rationale relationship. Local skew accomplishes zero skew between two synchronous pins while considering rationale relationship. If clock is skewed deliberately to enhance setup slack then it is known as helpful skew. In clock tree optimization (CTO) protecting of clock is performed so commotion is not blended to different signals. Yet, shielding area improved by 12 to 15%. Since the clock signal is worldwide in nature the same metal layer utilized for force directing is utilized for clock moreover. CTO is moderately accomplished by cushion measuring, entryway estimating, cradle migration, level change and HFN synthesis.The endeavor to upgrade setup slack in preplacement, in position and post circumstance improvement before CTS stages while slighting hold slack. In post circumstance improvement after CTS hold slack
  • 13. The Legislative Branch And The Judicial Branch Essay The Legislative Branch is able to check the executive branch by rejecting presidential vetoes. It can also impeach presidents and convict presidents. The legislative branch has the authority to impeach not only the federal judges but also the Supreme Court justices. They also have the right to confirm appointments for the Judicial Branch. The role for the speaker of the house is to put role on parliamentary questions. They also are able to sign the legislation, writs and also warrants. The senate president pro Templar is a very important job in the Legislative Branch because when the head speaker is out, they fulfill the duties. The majority speaker plays a huge role in the court system because they are the lead speaker in debates. They also develop the calendar. The minority is also a big part in the court because this job consists of negotiating with the minority party. The party is responsible to assist with the floor leaders. They also are supposed to count the votes. In the Legislative Branch there is a sub organization called the congressional committee that handles a specific duty. In this committee membership enables members to develop knowledge of the maters under their jurisdiction. The job of the congressional committee is to watch over the ongoing governmental operations, identify reliable issues for the Legislative review and to gather and evaluate information and courses of their parent body. Congressional committees give valuable informational services
  • 14. Rainfall Induced Landslide Of Kenya Rainfall induced landslide probability mapping for central province 1Edward H. Waithaka, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Department of Geomatic Engineering Geospatial Information Systems. P.o. Box 62000 00200, Nairobi, Kenya Email: 2 Thomas G. Ngigi Email: 3Mercy W. Mwaniki, Email: Abstract Rainfall induced landslide hazards in Kenya represents a major challenge and remain an important issue in disaster management especially in Kenya s central province region where the effects are very common with the onset of El nin Мѓo rains. The main aim of this study is to develop a rainfall induced landslide probability map for Kenya s central province. In order to achieve this, process based methods were used to map landslide areas using the following factors: slope, rainfall, land cover change,Normalized DifferenceVegetation Index (NDVI)change, Curvature, watershed, and soil characteristic including: type, texture, soil bulk density, Base Saturation, and Total Water Available Distribution Map. The minimum conditions were set for each factor for landslide occurrence. Slope stability mapping was done to determine the stable areas and thus derive the probability of landslide occurrence. Statistical methods were then employed by means of weights of evidence to achieve the probability weights for each factor considered to cause landslides. The factors were then overlaid using the probability
  • 15. Three Main Reasons For The Fall Of The Roman Empire The Roman Empire was a vast territory that expanded to three different continents.They were a place of honor, tradition, and respect. Rome has had several different periods, some of peace, and some of violence or unrest, but those were solved quickly and effectively. However, such a magnificent empire could not hold up under the strains that were slowly causing it to collapse. Rome began to face many problems that together allowed the fall of the Roman Empire. The three main problems that caused Rome to fall were invasions by barbarians, an unstable government, and pure laziness and negligence. Though Rome was a great empire that conquered countless territories, it was not immune to the numerous attacks from barbarians such as the Huns, the Visigoths, the Vandals, and others. The barbarians would raid and sack the capital and other cities in ancient Rome, leaving them without money or tradable items. The Vandals did so much damage to the cities that their name is associated with the crime of extensive damage to property. The Huns were another destructive group of barbarians that were led by Attila. They raided Rome in 451 AD, leaving an immense trail of destruction. Other barbarians attacked Rome at different times, each leaving Rome weaker and helpless. Each attack destroyed their economy and left them desperate for a solution. The Ostrogoths finally caused the Western Empire to fall when Odoacer chased Romulus Augustus, the last of the Roman emperors, off the
  • 16. Ck vs Warnaco Essay Alexa Tondi Professor Trachtenberg FM324 Section 75A 17 November 2011 Case Study Assignment: Calvin Klein vs. Warnaco Group Inc. On May 30, 2000 The Calvin Klein family filed a lawsuit against Warnaco Group Inc for eighteen counts of trademark infringement, trademark dilution and intentional misrepresentation. Nearly a month later Warnaco answered with a counter suit, denying the major allegations and justifying the dilution to falling within the scope of the two parities licensing agreement. The case study brings forth information regarding fashion retailing, distribution practices and even the licensing practices expected within the marketplace, however as a reader one should keep in mind that during the millennium licensing ... Show more content on ... This mutual understanding is what was portrayed within an agreement between the two parties and what worked toward success over the next forty years. This case study touches on many topics within licensing but the three most dominant aspects within the Warnaco Groupvs. Calvin Klein suit are the agreements and understandings discussed with a contract, the rights to a trademark and the rights of both the licensor and the licensee. While briefing this case study one can not help but notice, stated on page 21, the agreements that are displayed in exhibit 1: Excerpts from Calvin Klein Jeanswear Licensing Agreement. Here it is clear that the agreement, signed by BOTH parties, states that Warnaco agrees to maximize the quantity of Articles sold, and will be consistent with CKI s past practices. One can assume, that due to the prolonged history between the two parties this includes Costco, Sam s Club and BJs store, which alone were held responsible for 150 million dollars in warehouse sales, just one year prior to the filing of the lawsuit. It is also important to point out that this licensing agreement is not with CKI as the owner, it is in fact a licensing agreement with the CK Trademark Trust being the beneficial owner to ALL rights, titles and interest in or to the Licensed Mark. The licensing agreement then continues to state that Warnaco controls any such act or thing which may cause any affect to the Trust. With the understanding of licensing,
  • 17. Shakespeare s Use of the Idea of Disguise in As You Like It Shakespeare uses the idea of disguise in many of his plays. It is used as an escape from the characters personalities and sometimes for comic effect. In As You Like it, the disguise becomes very comical as in the time it was written only men could act on stage. This could lead to much confusion and comedy in the roles of those in disguise. Disguise can give the freedom to a character to act how they like and a chance for them to show their views. It was in the 16th Century that there became an increased sense of self consciousness and identity. This led to people creating an image for themselves. If one can create a self, they can create many different versions of themselves each showing a different aspect of that person. This links in... Show more content on ... As she is disguised as Ganymede, this is possible. She would not have been able to do this as a woman. When she is disguised as a man, more people listen to Ganymede. Although it is the same person, she can have much more say about her views and opinions when she is disguised as Ganymede. However, simply because her personality is not accepted as a woman, it does not mean that she is not presenting it. By showing that she enjoys watching the wrestling, she is revealing her true personality. She does not have to be disguised as a boy to do this. The disguise may show other aspects of the character s personality but it is still shown through their everyday person. Another point to make on this matter would be that the character of Rosalind would have been played by a male and the audience would know this. This could mean that the reason Shakespeare included Rosalind s enjoyment of manly sports was because Rosalind is actually a man in the attire of a woman. There is a large confusion of the gender of Rosalind throughout the play. By confusing the gender, Shakespeare is focusing more on the personality of Rosalind than her appearance. The question of gender is continued at the very end of the play. In many of his plays, Shakespeare ends with an epilogue read by a male character. In As You Like it , the epilogue is performed by Rosalind. The epilogue seems to be outside the play as if the actor was talking but Rosalind is still in character. She says herself; It is
  • 18. Dementia And Episodic Memory Study According to Adult Development and Aging, dementia can be characterized as a severe cognitive decline and an issue that affects many lives and families all over the world (2015). In 2010, there was approximately 3.56 million people with dementia worldwide...which is only expected to double (Cankurtaran, 2014). This indicates that there are many who are affected by dementia, revealing the importance of this subject. Studying the interrelationship between caregivers and people with dementia can help us better understand why certain behaviors elicited and what triggers these behaviors. Knowledge learned can then be applied by caregivers or family members during interactions with affected individuals in hopes of eliminating the frustration between ... Show more content on ... Decline in episodic memory can affect one s ability to answer questions due to failure of remembering events. Although this is essential information to obtain, there is insufficient data to acknowledge the interrelationship between family and the person with dementia. Concentrating on how each party behaves and communicates with one another can highlight what is and is not effective for a successful interaction. In more recent research, there has been a gradual shift due the variations of how dementia affects people. This shift has given researchers the opportunity to look at how dementia affects not only the person, but also how it affects the relationship with family (McEvoy Plant, 2014). This is one way to help families understand what causes certain behaviors from their loved ones to be triggered. However, studying the person with dementia along with family dynamics can result in too much variation from both dimensions to compare (Quinn, Clare, Woods,
  • 19. SPA 6 Case Study South Los Angeles County, also known as SPA 6 (Service Planning Area) has a current and approximate population of, 1,307,402 persons including homeless residents (Los Angeles County. Office of Health Assessment and Epidemiology, 2017). SPA 6 measures 71.3 square miles and is the densest area in Los Angeles County (TCCSC, 2017). The population is evenly distributed among men and women, with over half of its residents speaking Spanish at home, and with only one fourth having a high school diploma. This population is disadvantaged as they have little access to healthcare, live in impoverished neighborhoods, experience a lack of reliable childcare, have low emotional support, rarely seek medical and dental care, and report a poor health status.
  • 20. Case Study Of Biscuit Chapter 1 Introduction Biscuit is the one of the oldest bakery snack item, consumed by all age groups. It is a product with better shelf life and one of the most liked bakery product by the urban as well as rural consumers. In India biscuit industries are pegged at 3,000 crores of which the unorganized sector accounts as much as 35 %. India is the one of the largest biscuit producer country in the world and last few years have witnessed substantial... Show more content on ... Kinsella (1976) defined protein functionality as those physical and chemical properties which affect the behavior of proteins in food systems during processing, storage, prepration and consumption. Proteins are linked to functional properties such as solubility, water binding, gelation, foaming and color, whereas starch is associated with solubility, swelling, water absorption, viscosity, and gelatinize (Bressani, 1985). Functional properties are physicochemical properties that give information on how a food ingredient will behave in food system. The functionality of plantain and okara flours can logically be attributed to its chemical components as determined by raw materials processing and storage conditions. Properties such as solubility, viscosity, water and fat binding, emulsification, foaming and gelation are of general interest (Hermansson, 1979). The method of Okaka and Potter (1977) with some modifications was used for determining the swelling capacity of okara and plantain flours. Foaming capacity and foaming stability were determined as described by Narayana and Narasinga Rao, (1982) with slight modifications. Fracture strength of biscuits was measured with the help of Texture Analyzer (model TA XT2i, Stable Micro systems, Haslemere, U.K) using a 3 point Bending Rig and 5 kg load cell. Biscuit samples were analyzed for
  • 21. Iso Files For Intel Based Pcs Where to Get the Official Kali Linux Images ISO Files for Intel based PCs In order to run Kali Live from a USB drive on standard Windows and Macintosh PCs, you ll need a Kali Linux bootable ISO image, in either 32 bit or 64 bit formats. If you re not sure of the architecture of the system you want to run Kali Linux on, on Linux or OS X, you can run the command uname m at the command line. If you get the response, x86_64 , use the 64 bit ISO image (the one containing amd64 in the file name); if you get i386 , use the 32 bit image (the one containing i386 in the file name). If you re on a Windows system, the procedure for determining whether your system is 32 or 64 bit is detailed on Microsoft s site. The images are available both as directly downloaded .iso files or via torrent files. Official Kali ISOs for Intel based PCs Building your own Kali Linux ISO, standard or customized, is a very simple process. VMware Images If you want to run Kali Linux as a guest under VMware, Kali is available as a pre built VMware virtual machine with VMware Tools already installed. The VMware image is available in a 64 bit (amd64), 32 bit (i686), and 32 bit PAE (i486) formats. Official Kali Linux VMware Images ARM Images The hardware architectures of ARM based devices vary considerably, so it is not possible to have a single image that will work across all of them. Pre built Kali Linux images for the ARM architecture are available for the wide range of devices. Scripts
  • 22. Analysis Of Garmin s First True Smartwatch, The Garmin... In early 2015, Garmin introduced the company s first true smartwatch, the Garmin Vivoactive. Originally priced at $249.99, and now available from Garmin for $219.99, Vivoactive combines the features of a traditional sports and fitness trackers with the added functionality of a smartwatch (Stables, 2015). Stables (2015) continues by giving the Vivoactive a generally positive review, praising the smartwatch for its, incredible set of fitness features with top notch notifications (para. 35). Leinbach Reyhle (2016) reports that the trend of wearable technology continues to grow, adding that consumers spent over $2 billion on wearable technology in 2015, with expectations to spend even more in the years to come. Through a functional analysis of costbased and market based pricingstructures, it becomes apparent that using a market based approach to develop a cost structure for the Vivoactive has the potential to generate the most profit for Garmin, due to competitive factors, the inexpensive nature of many components, and the relatively new introduction of the technology. Market Based Pricing Market based pricing begins with evaluating market trends, competitor products, and consumer demand, to determine how the customer s willingness to pay the asking price for the product (Grand Canyon University, 2016). Products in high demand, like trendy, cutting edge electronics, usually sell for a high price at first, at least until the item becomes more common, at which point people
  • 23. Relational Database Model And No Sql Database System COMPARISON OF RELATIONAL DATABASE MODEL AND NO SQL DATABASE SYSTEM: The Relational database and the No SQL database are both appropriate database methods depending on the way they are being implemented and the purpose of the business for which they are being incorporated. However, both the database approaches have distinct wide variety of characteristics, based on which they can be compared and contrasted in the following way. STRUCTURE OF DATA: The data structure of a relational databasecomprises of table structure. Every table is identified by a unique name or label. The data tables are described as the collection of rows and columns. Each row of the table is known as the record and each column is known as the field of the specific data table. All the data sets are well organized and logical linked to each other through definite and unique relationships. A table, therefore can also be defined as the structured collection of relationships . The fundamental aim of developing No SQL database systems is to easily and effectively handle vast quantity of data or information in advanced web scale applications. In order to achieve this purpose, the No SQL systems are designed as the schema free database systems. There are different modes to define the No SQL databases that typically depend on the requirements of the data that has to be managed. The main No SQL data structures include column database, key value store database, document store database, graph database and
  • 24. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 Essay The Glorious Revolution of 1688 The theme of autonomy and responsibility is prevalent in many major wars of revolution throughout the history of the world and especially in the events that occurred in England during the seventeenth century. Autonomy is defined as self government and existing or functioning independently. Responsibility is having obligations or duties to something and being able to distinguish between right and wrong. In England, the political leaders drove King James II out of the country in order to end his oppressive rule as an absolute monarch. The Dutch Prince William of Orange, James son in law, invaded England to rule. Parliament gave the throne to William and his wife Mary but placed restrictions on... Show more content on ... They wanted them to come to England and take over the throne. Hearing the news of William s invasion, James and his family fled to France. The Parliament chose to treat his flight as an abdication of the throne and William and Mary took the throne.3 The people of England, acting through Parliament, decided that they wanted to have more autonomy in government decisions. They disposed of the absolute monarchy, which oppressed their voice in decision making in government. Parliament gave the throne to William and Mary with certain restrictions on their sovereignty that gave Parliament more responsibility in the government. Prince William of Orange William came to England because he wanted to head the government. He would settle for nothing less than the crown. 4 William and his army landed in England at Torbay in November of 1688. He made promises to protect England s liberty and the Protestant religion. William made his way to London without meeting any opposition.5 Although William wanted all of the executive power, he allowed his wife Mary to share the title in order to stay on the good side of the Tory party. A dual monarchy was created and the crown was formally offered to William and Mary in Westminster Abbey in April. The two shared the dignity of the title equally, for it was made clear that when one of them died, the other would become sole ruler. 6 However, while William was alive,
  • 25. Energy Audit Paper We all use energy in multiple ways and for many different reasons. We use energy to heat and cool our homes, to run our automobiles, to stay connected, and illuminate our lives. The average US residential utility customer in 2014 used 911 kWh per month, or 10,932 kWh a year (Frequently Asked Questions, 2015). In order to find out just how and where energyis consumed within a home one must conduct and energy audit. In this assignment an energy audit of my residential home will be completed. My home is a single story, detached home with 1942 sqft. It is home to two young children and three adults. This residential audit will examine twenty different items throughout the home that have an effect on the energy consumed. This residence is an all electric... Show more content on ... It is also clear where changes can be made in order to improve the overall energy consumption. This energy audit showed home this residence compares to residence as well as twenty different areas within the home that consume energy. I believe the averages on the chart above are pretty accurate. The amount of energy used over a year period on the WREC bills totaled 22,559 kWh (Monthly Electric Bill, 2014 2015). The total amount of energy accounted for in the home audit was 22,178 kWh. In assignment series 3 we will use the information from this audit to recommend energy savings that can be found within this
  • 26. Twisted Pair Video Analysis Video starts by describing the main difference between Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) and Shielded Twisted Pair (STP). First the creators discuss about the Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) canceling capabilities of UTP and STP. However, the way each one is designed to cancel the interference is different. EMI can arise from many ways and from a number of sources, being either man made or natural. Interference is caused by an electromagnetic disturbance affecting the performance of a device, transmission, or system. The video further describes what UTP and STP is. UTP is very common cableused for local area networks (LANs) and telephone connections due to its low cost. Even though UTP cables are easier to work with, these
  • 27. Edward Scissorhands Essay Edward Scissorhands is a 1990 American Romance, Horror, Gothic and fairy tale hybrid film directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp. The film shows the story of an artificial man named Edward, an unfinished creation, who has scissors for hands. Edward is taken in by a suburban family and falls in love with their teenage daughter Kim. Supporting roles are portrayed by Winona Ryder, Dianne Wiest, Anthony Michael Hall, Kathy Baker, Vincent Price, and Alan Arkin. Burton conceived the idea for Edward Scissorhands from his childhood upbringing in suburban Burbank, California. During pre production of Beetlejuice, Caroline Thompson was hired to adapt Burton s story into a screenplay, and the film began development at 20th Century Fox, ... Show more content on ... She tells her granddaughter that Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it. While Edward creates more ice sculptures, a flashback of a young Kim is shown dancing under the snow falling from the angel ice sculpture above her. Cast Johnny Depp Edward Scissorhands Winona Ryder Kim Boggs Dianne Wiest Peg Boggs Anthony Michael Hall Jim Kathy Baker Joyce Robert Oliveri Kevin Alan Arkin Bill Conchata Ferrell Helen Caroline Aaron Marge Dick Anthony Williams Officer Allen O Lan Jones Esmeralda Vincent Price The Inventor Production Development The genesis of Edward Scissorhands came from a drawing by then teenaged director Tim Burton, which reflected his feelings of isolation and being unable to communicate to people around him in suburban Santa Clarita Valley, California. Burton stated that he was often alone and had trouble retaining friendships. I get the feeling people just got this urge to want to leave me alone for some reason, I don t know exactly why . During pre production of Beetlejuice, Burton hired Caroline Thompson, then a young novelist, to write the Edward Scissorhands screenplay as a spec script. Burton was impressed with her short novel, First Born, which was about an abortion that came back to life . Burton felt First Born had the same psychological elements he wanted to showcase in Edward Scissorhands. Shortly after Thompson s hiring, Burton
  • 28. The Evolution of La Virgen de Guadalupe in Chicano Art... A beautiful dark skinned brunette stands before you. Her long, flowing hair beautifully frames her sweet face and demure smile. Yards of richly colored clothing adorn her tall, slender frame. Rays of sunlight appear from behind, emphasizing pure beauty. Her hands are joined together and she holds them at her chest in worship or, perhaps, in gratitude. Who is she, or rather, who do you see? Practicing Catholics all over Central and South America see a venerated patron saint. In Mexico, she is immediately recognizable as symbolic mother of a nation, nuestra madre. New generations of mestizos see a symbol of all that is woman, as real and complex as their mothers, sisters, daughters, and lovers. Who you see depends on who you are, but all... Show more content on ... In just seven years, from 1532 to 1538, eight million Indians were converted to Christianity. Whether one believes the Virgin de Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego on the hill or believe that Guadalupe was created to convert the Indians to the Catholic Church, the legend of Guadalupe as we know her today begins at this time. As a placebo for a changing guard, La Virgen de Guadalupe proved highly successful. The iconic image of La Virgen de Guadalupe remains static in both form and symbolism until the mid twentieth century, when a new movement among Mexican Americans emerges in California, dubbed the Chicano movement. As visual propaganda becomes a large part of the movement, a significant body of art with common themes and styles, known as Chicano art, follows. This shift in subject matter among Mexican American artists toward a specific social and political agenda began earlier, as evidenced by the work of Rivera, Orozco, and Posada, but, it isn t until the mid 1960 s that national or religious iconographic images are recycled to support a larger political or social agenda. Scholars cite the famous 1966 United Farm Workers protest, in defense of migrant farm worker s rights, as the beginning of what is now known as the Chicano Art movement. Organizers for the protest communicated through graphic art forms, like newsletters, posters, and cartoons. Symbolism and iconography that
  • 29. The Importance Of Personal Experiences Every person goes through different experiences that influence the way they mature and the way they decide future plans. My personal experiences include family factors that influenced the way I am today. I have not let the unfortunate events let my future plans differ from what was planned but they have allowed me to accept the things I cannot change and also make me realize the things I can. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change: courage to change the things I can: and wisdom to know the difference. Reinhold Neibuhr quoted this in his lifetime and it has significance to my family. It came into my family 28 years ago from my father during his recovery time. It is a common quote that is said for recovering patients and treatment centers. In the last few years I have finally been able to interpret the quote and use it in life for myself. There are things that I absolutely cannot change and personally I hate that, however, I believe through faith I am able to decipher these things I can t truly change. Some ideas and things I can change, but may also be intimidating. I refer to this quote and I am to push past those tough times and am able to change what I may not wantto. To know the difference can be the hardest part in my opinion. There are things I want to change, but absolutely cannot do. To be able to use this quote in my life along with my faith, I can conquer all my goals and dreams and that is this specific quote means a lot to me. My
  • 30. Analysis Of Alexander Pope s Frankenstein Throughout history, humans have been fascinated the inherent bond that exists between ourselves and Nature. During the eighteenth century, known also as the Reformation period, there was a push in European society towards science and reason being the epicenter of culture. During this time, Alexander Pope wrote the poem Essay on Man which was intended to be an outline of perennial, universal truths. The emphasis was primarily on the nature of reason rather than Nature itself. After this time period came the Romantic period, lasting from 1785 1832. It was in 1818 that Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, also known as The Modern Prometheus , an imaginative tale about a monster created by man. The relationships between Nature and the characters are dynamic in that they change frequently. They appear, in many instances, to be a vehicle for expressing emotion. By examining and writing about the way humans interact with the Nature surrounding them, Pope and Shelley made it possible to analyze and highlight common relationships between humans and Nature during their lifetime; for Pope and his peers, it was more about reason and ___ (word for only coming to conclusions based on ur five senses), while during Shelley s time period, people tended to have a more emotional relationship with Nature. Shelley utilized imagery, metaphor, simile, and personification relative to Nature, frequently paired with tone, in many scenes throughout Frankenstein. Whether it be to uplift or depress
  • 31. The Sandwich Stereotypes Name of the book and author and age group this book would target (2 points) a.The name of the book is The Sandwich Swap written by Queen Rania of Jordan Al Abdullah. This book would target preschoolers and kindergarteners. Synopsis of the story Include the cultural background of the characters in the book along with details of the setting and story itself. Include a description of any of the illustrations used in the book and why you think they do or do not help to keep the attention of a young child. (5 points) o The book The Sandwich Swap is about two best friends named Salma and Lily. Salma and Lily do everything together, but Salma always eats pita and hummus and Lily eats peanut butter and jelly. One day Lily tells Salma that ... Show more content on ... Then we could all try the hummus and the peanut butter and jelly. This would allow the students to experience a food from another culture, and would help them gain a better understanding of what the girls were arguing over. The students would probably need a lot of teacher assistance during this activity, and it would be messy, but the students would really enjoy it, and it can lead into the class having their own cultural picnic. The teacher can then email the parents and see if anyone is willing to make a dish that is culturally relevant to their family. If you have enough parents volunteer, then you can have a cultural feast, like the characters do at the end of the book. Each student can share the dish that they brought, and they can explain how it relates to their
  • 32. Vfd Persuasive Essay And on the eighth day God looked down on his planned paradise and said I need a caretaker , so God made a farmer. (Paul Harvey). Farmers have been taking care of the land and livestock since mankind can remember. But just like everything else, problems start to evolve, crops getting ate by the bugs or livestockcoming down with illnesses. Well, we ve managed to keep some of those things under control, but now we are faced with a new problem: being able to by drugs to treat our livestock, over the counter are becoming harder and harder to get over the counter, instead farmers have to have a Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) to get certain drugs. Plus, to make things harder only a veterinarian can prescribe you with a VFD. The use of VFDs won t affect the large livestock producers as much as it will the smaller ones due to the fact that most large livestock productions have their own personal vet and not one that just works for a district. This is why VFDs should not be required when purchasing drugs and/or medicated feed for livestock because there is an increased risk of infecting an entire herd and there is extensive paperwork. Say you re out checking calves, you spot a sick one, so you catch it and doctor it. When you get back home you realize that you are almost out of one of your drugs. So, you call Valley Vet, or your local drug store, and order more ... Show more content on ... This can complicate a very busy schedule. Especially now with the electronic VFDs. Some vets might of used the paper VFDs and will be switching over to the electronic version, which might require the producer to do more paper work. Not only do you have to worry about whether your VFD is on paper or a computer, but a VFD is only good for 6 months. Now let s say that you raise sheep, cattle, and pigs. You can t use the same drug and same medicated feed for each speices, so you have to obtain multiple
  • 33. Why Wind Turbines Have Caused Such Controversy in Puerto Rico Wind Turbines: Why has it caused so much controversy in Puerto Rico? As the Law of Conservation states, energy can be neither created nor destroyed (The Secret Lives of Energy). That means that an energy source has to be use in order to generate the energy needed. It is common knowledge that the pollution caused by the use of fossil fuels over time is making society live in a contaminated world. In addition, the cost of the use of fossil fuels is increasing and becoming too expensive, forcing people to find alternate ways in which they can pay less for the use of energy. The use of fossil fuels over time has increased to a point where the remaining reservoirs have decreased by a large margin. On the other hand, renewable energy is ... Show more content on ... It is considered green energy because it uses resources the Earth will replace and does not pollute nor harm the environment (Alliant Energy). Fossil fuels, which are fuels found under the Earth s ground, such as petroleum, cannot be replaced and cause large levels of pollution (SF Environment). One of the renewable sources causing the most controversies in Puerto Rico is the wind. In order to use the wind to generate power, also known as Aeolic energy, wind turbines are needed. According to research done by Discovery News, in January 25, 2013, the top 10 countries, by order of most demand and use of wind energy, are: China, United States, Germany, Spain, India, Italy, France, Canada, Brazil, and Denmark. All of these countries are investing money in wind turbine projects because, in the long run, it is going to benefit them from both the economic and ecofriendly point of view (Discovery News). In addition to these top ten countries in the world, there are more countries that have, or are, investing in these types of projects, since this is the future and correct path for the use Renewable Energy as a replacement for fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are harming the environment to the point where in a short amount of time it is going to be almost impossible to live on Earth because of the catastrophic changes the pollution will cause. (Environmental and Energy Study Institute). The controversies caused in
  • 34. Assignment 2 New Venture 1. Discuss the future outlook and industry trends related to the new venture. Natural ethnic hair care products and organic hair care products are fast becoming a staple in the cosmetics industry. Each year more and more consumers switch from the chemical laden hair care products to products that use natural and organically grown ingredients. Now these particular products are no longer only available in organic food stores. They have now hit the retail level. Mass retailers such as Target dedicating more shelf space to ethnic organic beauty products and offering more premium options traditionally sold only through specialty outlets, including Miss Jessie s Curls and the Jane Carter Solution line. (Morris, June 2011, pg. 30) This ... Show more content on ... (Carter, April 2011, pg. 46) In order to raise capital for the venture, I would first need to determine what funds are available, which ones who be best for the venture, and how I would go about obtaining those funds for the venture. Carter explains that there are two key issues or factors that come into play when determining which kind of capital is the best for a new venture: (a) Usually the search for financing is precipitated by a rejection of an existing bank relationship, and (b) understanding why the company needs capital will determine what type of financing is most appropriate. (Carter, April 2011, pg. 47) For the venture that I am pursuing, Government Funding through the Small Business Administration Loans/Small Business Investment Companies Business Development Corporations could be feasible. There are many firms that not only survived but are growing dramatically using these programs. (Carter, April 2011, pg. 46) Also, Equipment Leasing provides equipment loans and leases for companies that are having a difficult time raising capital with tight liquidity. Nations Equipment Finance (NEF) will finance up to 100 percent of the purchase price of equipment for terms as long as seven years and look for returns in excess of 10 percent through the company,
  • 35. Essay On Hairy Leukoplakia The human oral cavity is prone to many lesions that can occur due to, diseases, injury, age or genetics. Five lesions that occurred in the human mouth are: hairy leukoplakia, lingual varicosities, traumatic ulceration, bifid tongue, and macroglossia. Some of these lesions can be benign or malignant depending on its etiology, and how treatable the lesion is once it has been spotted at the mouth. The first lesion is the hairy leukoplakia. Its name comes from its white/gray hair like patch texture on the tongue, gums, roof of the mouth, or buccal. The hairy leukoplakia is a nonthreatening disease mainly caused by a poor immune system or a person who is HIV/AIDS positive. The hairy leukoplakia disease can be treated in a few weeks by taking antiviral medication, and antiretroviral medication, which can help treat the infection as well as stop it from spreading. If the medication does not take an effect, a Dentist could recommend oral surgery to remove the lesion, (Drescher). The following lesion is the lingual varicosities. These lesions are found near the ventral surface of the tongue on the sides of the ... Show more content on ... This lesion is an injury in the oral cavity caused by biting, overheating, chemicals, or electricity. This lesion can appear in the mouth of infants and adults, on their tongue, lip or buccal. The traumatic ulceration would usually be a patch of white or yellow, with a white border, which shows where the trauma was caused. A traumatic ulcerations are considered the most common oral ulcerations, and can cause pain in the mouth due to certain foods or touch. The way to treat a traumatic ulceration, all depends on what kind of injury caused the ulcer. If biting or a hot food/ beverage caused the ulcer it would cure on its own in a couple of weeks. If chemicals caused the ulcer, preventing exposure to the caustic materials, would be best, and if electricity caused the ulcer it would be treated at a burn center,
  • 36. Social Media And Its Effects On Our Lives In my personal experience, social interaction online it helps me to keep in touch with families, friends and also for networking, but in general my post is more likely about my family , Selfies or just simple funny post that I may like. In particular, social media allows me to have easy communication access with significant otherthat are out of the country. Many of Us for the most part has been affected by social media in their daily person to person interaction now days, the texting, email and media account like Facebook just to mention one of them ,has been eliminating the phone calls, letter or even deeper, it is affecting our relationship with our families and friends because is more distance . Recently my family has an event to celebrate one of my uncle s birthdays, in New Jersey, everything was really nice, a great moment for members of the family to interact because some of us are living out of the state. During the celebration everyone was on their cell phones taking pictures and posting on their social media account, including myself. My family is really big therefore, that event will give us an amazing opportunity for some of us to know each other, and introduced some new members to one another, such as newly marriages, but instead we all were more focus on been on our phones posting on social media rather than enjoy the celebration and make my uncle feel good and happy. We missed the time when all members of the family were seated in the table, enjoying our
  • 37. Metric System Benefits Contention 1: Numerous Benefits Assists Globalization If the US adopted the metric system, many businesses and industries would benefit. The United States is now the only industrialized country in the world that does not use the metric system as its predominant system of measurement. Judge, that is 95% of the world s total manufacturing business that uses a different, more precise, and better method than the one we use to manufacture goods. As a study from Cambridge University in 2015 states, if the US switched to the metric system, thousands of new jobs would be created This is because the US workforce will be more prepared to work in the international marketplace and industrial affairs with other countries would be much stronger than what ... Show more content on ... The metric system also avoids the use of multiple units for the same quantity; for instance, the inch pound system s multiple units for volume include teaspoons, tablespoons, fluid ounces, etc. Contention 2: Adoption of Metric System is Feasible Thinking metric won t be hard Judge, the metric system is a very simple unit of measurement that is simple to understand because it is easy to convert and easy to use. Also, schools are already teaching the metric system along with the English system in day to day classes. Aside from education, almost all, water bottles, thermometers, and food bags already include metric measurements along side them. Thinking metric is easy. For example, thinking metric for temperature means relating zero degrees Celsius with the freezing point of water, 20 degrees Celsius with room temperature, 37 degrees Celsius with body temperature, and 100 degrees Celsius with the boiling points of water. B. Not very
  • 38. Growth Plate Injury Research Paper 5 of the Most Painful Growth Plate Injures Affecting Young Athletes The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that more than 2 million children are treated each year for sports and recreation related injuries. Sports participation provides many benefits for younger athletes, but unfortunately, injuries do occur. This means doctors have to treat these injuries differently than they do for adults. Why? Children and adolescents have growth plates, which are the areas of soft tissue near the ends of the long bones in their arms and legs. Because these are the last portion of the bones that harden (ossify), they are particularly vulnerable to injury. For instance, the same type of accident that might cause an adult to have an ankle sprain can be a growth plate fracture in a child. How long does this last? Girls growth plates usually harden or ossify wen they re around ages 13 to 15 years old, while boys growth plates harden later, at ... Show more content on ... Your child s treatment will depend on how severe the growth plate injury is and the vast majority of kids do recover without any long term consequences. Many of these injuries are minor which means that doctors will usually suggest that they limit their activities and not bear any weight on the affected limb. Most of the time this can be accomplished by wearing a cast, splint or brace over the area to prevent any movement. In these cases, this may be the only treatment necessary but with fractures, immediate care is extremely important. This is so that Doctors can: Provide immobilization using a cast or splint Use manipulation or surgery to unite the bones into the correct position; which can depend on where and how serious the injury is and, the patient s age Use strengthening and range of motion exercises to improve movement, but only after the fracture heals Incorporate a long term follow up plan; including x rays, to monitor your child s growth and
  • 39. When I Decided To Quit Analysis Quitting the war is a choice you can make but shouldn t make, you have come so far serving the rebellion so why stop now. You spent nine months in the war only to just to quit. If you are going to quit then what caused to join in the first place. I have decided to re enlist for three reasons which are: family, glory, and freedom. In 1773 me and my family wanted to see the Boston Tea party, the same year 310 street lights were added in Boston my son and daughter loved it. !776 the Declaration of Independance was signed my family got together and we had a party. 1777 the army made camp at valley Forge. Today one of my roommates couldn t take the winter so he grabbed a horse and left, so he is declared a deserter. In my town including my sister had scarlet fever, scarlet fever is when the females of the town start to think the red coats are cute. The first reason reenlist is to give to give my family a better chance at life then me you miss your family and are concerned about your aging mother (Roden 141) Choosing quote was easy because it helps me remember of what I fight for. Today we know that most of the army survived the winter (Roden 141) We are so close out of the... Show more content on ... There comes a soldier, his bare feet are seen thro his worn out shoes, his legs naked from the the tattered remains of an only pair of stockings... ( Dr. Albigence Waldo) He may be against the odds but he still chose to stay and fight. Contentment not to be expected from so young troops. ( Dr. Albigence Waldo) These young men go through nine months of war but are still happy. This reason is causing me to reenlist because being free gives me everything I fight for. By winning the war we would get freedom and change history
  • 40. The Global Water Supply Is Essential For The Survival Of... Water is the most important substances on Earth as it is essential for the survival of all species. Water covers seventy six percent of our planet, and it is easy to think that it will always be plentiful (Girard). However, the way society misuse the substance makes freshwater start to become incredibly rare. The global water supplyis becoming more of an issue every day. Water is a resource that much of the developed world takes for granted, but that many in the developing world struggles to find enough of everyday and even in developed nations, where a plentiful supply of water is sometimes taken for granted. The struggle for fresh water could spread as climate change and other manmade pressures change the availability of water around the globe, and as Earth s population grows ever larger. If we continue to misuse the Earth s water supply, society will be at war over water because of the high rise in pollution, climate change, and the privatization surrounding the topic. Water they say is life, and indeed they were right. With about 70% of the Earth s cover being water, it is undeniably one of our greatest resources (Krchnak). As young students, we learned about the various ways to conserve water; coming to think of it, water is used in almost every important human chores and processes. It is an important element in both domestic as well as industrial purposes. However, a closer inspection of our water resources today, reveals something shocking. There are millions of
  • 41. My Cultural Background And Identity Please tell us more about your cultural background and identity (100 word limit). I grew up with a very diverse cultural background. My father is an immigrant from India and my mother s parents are both immigrants from Italy. This mix of societies has taught me to be open to different customs from around the world. Since then, I have always been fascinated with other cultures and how they are all connected while still maintaining fundamental differences. Because of this, I would love to have the opportunity to immerse myself in a foreign culture by studying abroad with MIT. We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do for the pleasure of it. (*)(100 words or fewer) In my house, we have always had a piano, but none of my family members knew how to play it. My mom taught me a very basic understanding including how to read the notes on the staff and how the notes correspond to each key on the piano, but that was all that she knew. In time, I grew to love the feeling of playing music from the heart. In continuing to play, I taught myself to play complex pieces because it made me feel satisfied and content. Now, I am able to play a vast variety of songs including jolly Christmas music, playful video game soundtracks, and beautiful melodies by Yiruma and Chopin. Throughout the years, music has evolved into an incredible stress reliever and source of enjoyment in my daily life. Although you may not yet
  • 42. Collateral Duty Inspector Essay In the aviation side of the Navy there is a job known as Collateral Duty Inspector. The Collateral Duty Inspector is considered a subject matter expert on the aircraft they work on. In order to become a Collateral Duty Inspector a sailor must go through extensive training and meet certain requirements. As a sailor looking to make the Navya career until retirement, becoming a Collateral Duty Inspector was a major goal of mine. I was on deployment with my second command VAW 126 on board the aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman when I started the process. As a prospective Collateral Duty Inspector, I was working nights from 1800 to 0600. I would spend most of the night with my supervisor Palar learning what to do and what to look for. He would have me follow him as he inspected other sailors work and point out to me what he inspected and what needed to be corrected by the worker if any. ... Show more content on ... The first test was on corrosion control and theory. Corrosion control and theory consist of being able to identify the different types of corrosion and how they affect and form on the aircraft. The second test was on the Naval aviation maintenance program. The Naval aviation maintenance program is the basic guidelines on how a Navy squadron will operate. The test requires you to know who is responsible for certain jobs throughout the command and what your responsibilities are as a Collateral Duty Inspector. This test is the most difficult due to the large amount of information in the program. The third, and final test is the rating specific test. This test is made up of different scenarios a sailor in a specific rate might come across during their time as an inspector. Also including in the test is the ability to find the correct answer to certain problems and procedures for the aircraft in the maintenance instruction