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Cause And Effect Essays
Crafting an essay on the intricacies of cause and effect can be a daunting task, fraught with
challenges and complexities. At its core, this type of essay demands a deep understanding of
causal relationships and their subsequent impacts, requiring meticulous research and thoughtful
To begin with, identifying a compelling topic that not only piques the reader's interest but also
offers ample opportunities for exploration can be arduous. Delving into the depths of causality
requires a keen eye for detail and a critical mindset to unearth the underlying connections
between events, actions, and outcomes.
Moreover, structuring the essay in a coherent manner presents its own set of hurdles. Balancing
the exposition of causes with the exploration of effects demands careful organization and clarity
of thought. Without a well-defined structure, the essay risks losing its focus and failing to
convey its intended message effectively.
Additionally, synthesizing relevant evidence and supporting data to substantiate the proposed
causal relationships can be a time-consuming endeavor. Scrutinizing scholarly sources, statistical
data, and real-life examples necessitates rigorous attention to detail and a discerning evaluation
of the available information.
Furthermore, articulating complex causal chains in a clear and concise manner poses a
formidable challenge. Striking the right balance between elucidating intricate causal mechanisms
and maintaining readability requires adept linguistic skills and an astute sense of rhetoric.
In conclusion, navigating the intricate terrain of cause and effect essays demands intellectual
rigor, meticulous planning, and effective communication skills. Despite its inherent difficulties,
mastering the art of crafting such essays can be immensely rewarding, offering profound insights
into the interconnected nature of the world around us.
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Cause And Effect Essays Cause And Effect Essays
C521 Exam 1
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An aging of accounts receivable is completed. It is estimated that $9,150 of the
receivables outstanding at year end will be uncollectible.
Bad Debts Expense| Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (adjusted balance)| $4,150 |
$9,150 |
2. It is estimated that 3% of credit sales for the year will prove to be uncollectible.
Bad Debts Expense| Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (adjusted balance)| $4,000 |
$9,000 |
Show computations here: Bad debts expense| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | uncollectible amount |
| | 9150| | | balance of allowance for doubtful debts| | 5000| | | | | | | | dr| cr| | | BAD
DEBT EXPENSE| | | 4150| | | | | Allowance for doubtful debt | | 4150| | | | | | | | | | |
ADJUSTED BALANCE in allowance for doubtful debt| 9150| (5000+4150)| | | | | | | |
| Uncollectible amount | 3% of 300000| 9000| | | Balnance of allowance for doubtful
debts| 5000| | | | | | | | 4000| | | | | | | | dr| cr| | | BAD DEBT EXPENSE | | | 4000| | | | |
Allowance for doubtful
The Adaptation Of The National Banking Act Was Due To
The adaptation of the national banking act was due to the American civil war
between the northern and southern states. When the war started in April of 1861,
the federal government had no idea that it would last as long as it did, nor did they
think that it would cost as much as it did. Soon after the war started, the federal
Government realized that it needed a huge flow of cash if they wanted to defeat the
south. The government then tried all applicable means of generating money to pay
for the expense of the war. They increased taxes, sold bonds and forced banks to lend
them money in exchange for the right to issue its own banknotes and the privilege to
print fiat currency. When that wasn t enough, the government then formed a... Show
more content on ...
Banks took advantage of this opportunity as well and profited from it.
The National Bank act of 1863 was definitely an improvement to the nation s
banking system but it was not successful as it was thought of to be, it did not fix the
financial problems of the Nation at the time It drove approximately 1500 state
chartered banks out of business and some was forced to become national charter
banks because they were losing profits with the 10 percent tax increase that was
imposed on the issuing of their banknotes. The state chartered banks that staid in
business turned to the use of checking accounts and as a result, they became more
successful and outgrew the nationally chartered banks. For this reason, I do
personally thinks that the National banks acts was a failure.
The dual banking system was a system that was formed following the passing of the
national bank act. There were state chartered banks and nationally chartered banks
that were both regulated and supervised but different entities. state chartered banks
were regulated by states. While nationally charter banks were regulated by the
federal government. There were also laws set by legislator that limited branching of
banking to five. for this reason, there were lots of unit banks which made the US
banking system remarkably unstable. There was also lots of bank panic because
depositor was writing checks against their deposit that could not be clear by the banks.
In order to
Proud s 7 Sins
There are seven infamous sins that a person can commit. These sins include lust,
gluttony, sloth, wrath, envy, greed, and pride. A sin is an immoral act committed
against God. However, God s mercy is indefinite. God can forgive any of these sins
as long as that person seeks and accepts God s forgiveness. While these seven sins are
forgivable, there is one sinthat cannot be forgiven. Despair has long been considered
the unforgivable sin. Despair has roots that connect it to the blasphemy of the Holy
Spirit and the unforgivable act of suicide.
Despair is the complete absence of hope. Despair is when a person feels that they
cannot be saved. They have decided to turn against God and his omnipotence. By not
believing in Gods powers, they have forsaken God. When someone doesn t believe
they can be saved, they are denying God s forgiveness. God forgiveness is infinite, it
never ends. ... Show more content on ...
The reason despair is unforgivable is because they don t accept God s forgiveness.
Believing that you cannot be saved means that you believe your sins are greater than
God s grace and greater than Christs sacrifice. This means that God cannot forgive
you, if don t believe that you can be forgiven.
In John Milton s Paradise Lost, the devil is in despair after he has fallen from
heaven. When he first sees Eden he is reminded of everything he has lost. He
believes that he cannot be forgiven. There is no way to go back to heaven because
of his betrayal to God. It is revealed in earlier books of Paradise Lost that Satan can
never be saved. Satan and the other fallen angles could not have had forgiveness
because their evil and sin came from themselves. They created sin, they were its
source. Milton believes that despair is the worst sin of all. According to Milton,
Satan can never be forgiven. God gave
My Favorite Career
Hello my name is Haiden and today i will be telling you about my favorite career.
My favorite career is the auto mechanic. The auto mechanic works on cars correct .
Well to me i love cars. Cars are just awesome machines. Cars can get us from point
A to point B. Unless you break down. That s where i come in. If you break down or
get stuck i can come and help you get out of that pickle. Shure auto mechanics do
more than just fix cars we also modify cars for example. From what i just told you
is sounds pretty fun but there are also the times where all you get to do for a day is
sit in a workshop and just inspect cars, But when you get someone who hates doing it
themselves the you can have some fun installing parts and other stuff like a turbo or
two. That is why i like the mechanic career. What would i be doing in this career
you might ask well like i said in the last paragraph. If you break down or get stuck i
can come and help you get out of that pickle. Shure auto mechanics do more than
just fix cars we also modify cars for example. From what i just told you is sounds
pretty fun but there are also the times where all you get to do for a day is sit in a
workshop and just inspect cars, But when you get someone who hates doing it
themselves the you can have some fun installing parts and other stuff like a turbo or
two. That is what we do in the mechanic bizz. The education needed for this career
examples. Some high schools offer adequate training programs. though most
The And Glass Ceiling Is Real
2017 And Glass Ceiling Is Real
In the United States of America, men seem to want full control. Corporations,
organizations, schools even religions have been created by men and for men and they
have great opposition to women infiltrating their management positions. Men have
created glass ceilings for women in the workplace. A glass ceilingis an artificial
barrier that allows women to see the top of the corporate ladder, but at the same time
denies them access to the higher rungs of that ladder. Women keep hitting their heads
on the glass ceiling until they develop so many knots on their heads that eventually
they give up on their goals and ambitions Do men Know better?
More women today have higher education with higher grade point ... Show more
content on ...
Women do most of the invisible work in Corporate America. If this work were made
visible, men in Corporate America would not receive all the glory for the jobs they
have. As you see, educational attainment is a key ingredient to shattering the glass.
Women are beginning to see that the best way to get to the top of any type of
business is to create their own business. In women owned businesses today, the
women seem to accept any business background shortcomings and seek education
and training before they take the leap. Women try to base their decisions on logic
and on sound business decisions. They do not seem to shoot from the hip the way
many men do in the business world. In corporations that have dared to hire today s
businesswoman, it seems these women officials are easier to work with in a
consensus team building environment. Women tend to offer higher wages to their
employees and fight for better benefits for them as well. Women know the need for
flexible hours, childcare, and better insurance. All in all, it seems that women
understand the problems of their employees. They work hard to be number one and
in turn make their employees feel like they are number one to them.
In most corporations today, the glass ceiling goes unnoticed and certainly
unquestioned. Corporations boast of being a great place for women to work, but
women are always middle management, not higher
St Mary s River Essay
St Mary s County is considered to be part of the Western Shore and extends from
Charlotte Hall to its most Southern tip at Point Lookout. The peninsula is bordered
by the Potomac River on the southeast, the Patuxent River on the northeast and the
Chesapeake Bay (cite) to the east making it an ideal spot for abundant water
activities such as fishing, jet skiing, water skiing, kayaking, and paddle boarding.
The concern is that the access to these waterways is limited, especially in
Leonardtown. Local water enthusiasts who desire to launch their crafts have to do so
in remote locations throughout St Mary s County. These include Abell s Wharf,
Chaptico Wharf, Great Mills Kayak and Canoe launch, Greenwell State Park, Piney
Point Landing, and... Show more content on ...
I propose aluminum because not only it is economical it comes standard, it s slip
resistant, and is cool to the touch even in the summer sun. An express launch from
Gator docks is estimated to cost a mere $80,500 and includes construction and
installation. The time frame from start to finish is only 120 calendar days
(Leonardtown somd cite). In addition Gator Dock will give a 10 year all inclusive
warranty on the dock. The new dock will not only be aesthetically pleasing, it will
be safer, accommodate more crafts, provide easier access from the parking lot,
address the concerns of individuals launching their crafts into the wharf, but it will
also allow future expansion of the Wharf. When entering from Washington Street
the new dock will remain in its current location, resulting in less of an
inconvenience for everyone. The current parking lot to the left will be used as a
staging area as well as a construction area. Parking will be limited to the main
parking lot on the right and along Washington Street. Revenue generated from a
yearly $10 launch fee, increased sales at the the Wharf s own concession stand,
sales at the cafe, coffee shop, and ice cream parlor located just up the road in the
square should see an increase in patronage immediately. A thriving business is a
happy business. Owners will be ecstatic. Town commissioners are extremely fond of
the idea explaining how the project would increase boat traffic and be a drive to our
Elements Of A Semantic Approach To Film Genre
How is a genre picked for a film? There are many theorists and critics that judge the
films and voice an option and eventual a genre is picked for the movies. There are
many different kinds of genres, however, todays focus is on the genre type fantasy.
What in a fantasy film makes it a fantasy genre? This paper will break down what a
film genretruly is, explain how costume design can effect viewers, and describe the
key elements of a film in detail to determine what makes it a fantasygenre.
The word genre refers to a type or category of designated motion picture
productions. In other words, a genre serves as an upfront guarantee that the audience
can expect to find a certain emotional appeal in that film. This allows the viewer to
positively know they will get to see similar kinds of films that they prefer to view. In
the article, A Semantic/Syntactic Approach to Film Genre, lists some key elements,
[...] we can as a whole distinguish between generic definitions which depend on a list
of common traits, attitudes, characters, shots, locations, sets, and the like[...] , (page
10). Here is another explanation from the book, American Cinema/American Culture
by John Belton, express in more detail, Films that belong to a specific genre draw
from a fairly fixed body of character and story types, setting and situations, costumes
and props, thematic concerns and visual iconography, and conventions that are shared
by other films in that particular genre. (page 124). The book and
Professional Athletes, Sports Cars, Mansions, And Money
When thinking of professional athletes, sports cars, mansions, and money all come to
mind. What about after the pros? Most people would say that professional athletes
are set for the rest of their lives with everything luxurious. In most cases, athletes are
accustomed to the luxurious lifestyle and living for the moment while playing in the
pros that they do not think of retirement and no longer receiving salary or
comparable salary if securing alternative employment. So if they do not have money
put away, whatever they were paid as their last salary is what they have left. They
continue spending their money on expensive restaurants, trips, cars, etc. until it is
gone and bankruptcy is the only option. According to Sports Illustrated, in... Show
more content on ...
Although Owens had amazing talent, his ego disrupted the team on the field and
in the locker room. After many seasons with San Francisco, Owens decided to sign
with the Philadelphia Eagles in 2004 as an unrestricted free agent. Later
throughout the season, Owens broke his leg but with a speedy recovery he was
able to take his starting role in Super Bowl XXXIX. Even though he made it back
in time for the Super Bowl, the Eagles came up short and lost to the New England
Patriots. Although Terrell Owens first season with the Eagles went smoothly, his
second season was not as good. Unhappy with his contract, critical with the Eagles
quarterback, and causing trouble in the locker room, the club released him in
2006. Soon after his release, the Dallas Cowboys picked Owens up for three
seasons before dropping him due to his ego off and on the field. Terrell Owens
would then go to the Buffalo Bills for the 2009 season and then the Cincinnati
Bengals for the 2010 season. As a six time Pro Bowl selection and being second in
league history with 15,934 receiving yards, tied for second with 153 touchdowns,
and sixth with 1,078 catches, Terrell Owens did not receive a single offer from an
NFL club in 2011. In hopes of gaining attention from NFL scouts, Owens joined the
Allen Wranglers Indoor Football League in 2012. Terrell Owens biggest downfall
was how he conducted himself off and on the field. Many teams would not give him
the time of day because of how he conducted
The themes are timeless and resonate the views in a
The themes are timeless and resonate the views in a modern society despite being
written in disparate contexts, these values concern the core of human nature. This can
be shown and evidenced through Shakespeare s Othello and the similar views in Clint
Eastwood s Unforgiven . Both texts echo the same views and themes through timeless
society, these being Gender, and Honour.
In Othello there are many negative views on the treatment of women and equality
which are shared with Unforgiven though at a much more violent level and both
exerting male dominance. Iago see s all women the same, addressing his statement
with the use of caesura, devils being offended..., and housewives in your beds from
Act 2 scene 1. He lists these abusing ... Show more content on ...
Little Bill s comment during the interrogation of those guilty of the abuse towards
Delilah is ironic, well I aint gonna hurt no woman as though he doesn t harm the
women, he has still hurt them as the offenders were not punished justly for their
crime, which is insulting towards the women. The Kid comes to Munny for help and
labels the women with animal imagery here even cut her teats the incident was over
exaggerated, though the animal imagery reveals that another man in the country uses
a downgrading term, thus offending the females. Overall the males views in both
Othello and unforgiven remain pertinent despite the gap in their time, which only
shows that the theme is timeless and the fight for equality is not over.
Othello is known as an honorable man in the play as he is in charge but that begins
to fade, and Desdemona still chooses to honor her husband. The ironic comment
from Desdemona in Act 4 Scene 2 To whom my lord, With whom? How am I
false? this is ironic as everyone but her knows that she is accused of adultery , and
her use of repeated question marks shows her distress to be right in the eyes of her
husband, to honor him with respect. Iago is one who also holds a honorable
position, though it is deceiving. His high regard can be noted through the use of
epithets Honest Iago . These epithets are ironic as he is not honorable , and
Relationship Between Repetition And The Belief Of...
This experiments looks at the relationship between repetition and the belief in
Extrasensory Perception (ESP). People who believe in ESP are referred to as
sheep and those who do not are referred to as goats . This is the sheep goat effect.
The sheep are more likely to avoid giving repetitions than the goats that have a low
belief in ESP. A total of one hundred and eighty five participants took part in this
study by imagining that they had a dice that they had to roll. They had to provide
the experimenter with an imaginary number between one and six which would be
repeated and recorded a total of 67 times. Once this had been completed a
questionnaire was given in which they had to rate their belief in ESP on a scale of
one (strong belief) and six (strong disbelief). In order to test the hypothesis, data was
collected and then analysed in order to find out the number of repetitions that
occurred. This experiment consisted of three groups of people; the sheep, the goats,
and those that were indifferent. The results obtained proved our hypothesis as the
goats made a larger amount of repetitions than the sheep did.
Extrasensory Perception is the belief in being able to perceive things from ways other
than using our original 5 senses. Examples of ESP are clairvoyance and telepathy.
This experiment provides us with the relevant evidence in order for us to prove that
there is a relationship between repetition and Extrasensory Perception. This study was
Essay on Dating Anxiety
Dating Anxiety
Have you ever been really stressed about something? Think of the time when you
have been the most stressed out. Multiply that to the 10th power and you have me
before a date. It seems to me dating and stress are like salt and pepper; you almost
never have one without the other. Endless anticipations flood your mind, making it
almost impossible to keep a continuous train of thought. The worst thing about dating
is that you get seriously stressed out for one lousy night. It s enough to turn a sane
mind into a basket case. So much energy is put into preparing for a night that ends
up being pretty lame. One thing is for sure; dating is not worth the stress it brings.
Here are some examples of typical stresses you are faced ... Show more content on ...
Tension is filling the house so you decide to wait outside.
While waiting for your date you get ambushed by mosquitoes. Now your arms are
covered in itchy red bumps that will be nagging at you the entire evening. By the
time your date finally arrives, your hair has turned into a frizzy rat s nest from
waiting in the humidity, not to mention you are in the worst mood possible. You get
in the car trying to fake a genuine smile and just when you start to chill out and relax
the next issue is faced: where to go.
Of course your date leaves this crucial decision entirely up to you. After thinking
through all of the spots you like to go to, you pick one that seems to suit you both.
Unfortunately, you picked the place where your date s ex girlfriend likes to go. So
you spend the whole evening trying to spark a good conversation as your date
jealously eyeballs all the guys his ex is flirting with. After you realize the night is
not going to get any better, you get the tab and ask your date for a ride home. Just
when you think it s over and you re in the clear, you arrive at the most awkward
situation of the evening: saying goodnight.
Tradition says that there must be a kiss before the night is officially over, but there is
absolutely no physical attraction between
Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman
Neil Postman writes, Amusing Ourselves to Death to address a television based
epistemology pollutes public communication and its surrounding landscape, not that
it pollutes everything. The book was produced in 1984 in a time where television
was an emerging epidemic and other forms of communication that today have taken
flight, didn t exist. It is directed to people who have let televisiondrag them away
from their Focus and attention to comprehend as they have lost the ability to bring
forth your own knowledge and find meaning. Postman s purpose to spread the word
of this discourseand inform them of how much society is being set back due to the
over indulging of television Opening the book, Postman explains how he will fulfill
showing that a great media metaphor shift has taken place in America, with the
result that content of much of our public discourse has become dangerous nonsense
(pg. 16). There are two major points First: under the printing press, discourse In
America was different from what it is now generally coherent, serious, rational.
Second: under the governance of television, it has become withered. This made me
think about how much media affects us on a daily basis. The first section of the
Amusing Ourselves to Death is where Postman brings up a series of good points/.
Postman explains how the bias of a medium sits heavy, felt but unseen, over a culture.
He offers three cases of truth telling. First, when a dispute arises, the complainants
come before
Annotated Bibliography on Infidelity
Annotated Bibliography
Carnes, Patrick. Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction
Minneapolis: CompCare, 1983. Patrick Carnes book offers a real life look at the
problem of sexual addiction. He used the past experiences of others to write a book
detailing the causes and effects of sexual addiction. Carnes explains how sexual
addiction is a huge problem to all involved, not just the offender . He also explains
how the addiction is a problem just like any other addictions. The book describes the
danger of addictions to humans by stating, Because our sexuality is one of our most
fundamental life processes, sexual compulsiveness is extremely threatening to all of
us (Carnes page 5). Carnes uses fictionalized ... Show more content on ...
Web. 5 Feb. 2014. In Othniel Seiden s article, he discusses some of the reasons for
infidelity. He lists twenty reasons that people have given as to why they have
cheated on a spouse or significant other. Seiden goes on to say that many people
have unrealistic views or expectations on a marriage and states, Romance novels,
movies, TV shows, may give couples a false sense of what marriage is all about .
(Seiden) This article also discusses the common differing reasons women and men
cheat. Seiden s article tells many reasons people would commit adultery. The
article is very informative on how marriages work and what one needs to do to
help keep their spousal relationship alive. Many people believe that affairs are
strictly physical, but affairs come in many forms. This article illustrates the
different types and what can be done to try and avoid them. It will also be used to
help interpret what one would need to do to prevent the distasteful human action of
infidelity. It will also be used to show the differences between the types of affairs.
The author s conclusions are interesting and will make valuable points in a research
University of Montreal. Infidelity Dissected: New Research On Why People Cheat.
ScienceDaily. 13 September 2008. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. The University of Montreal
performed four different studies to help prove the assumption that people with evident
Theories Of Leadership And Leadership Theory Essay
Traditional theories of leadership were more concentrated on behaviours and traits of
leaders, and how they affect subordinates in the workplace. Then came contingency
theories, which took into account situational/contextual factors. Newer theories have
come up, which introduced the idea that leader subordinate relationships are
individually different.
These newer theories are Contemporary theories of leadership. They include Leader
Member exchange Theory, Implicit Leadership Theory and Transformational
Leadership Theory. In this paper, I shall examine Leader Member Exchange Theory
and Implicit Leadership Theory.
The Leader Member Exchange theory (LMX) introduces a new approach to
leadership models with the view of leadership as a reciprocal interaction between
leaders and their subordinates. It initiates the importance of communication in
LMX deals with the ways in which the leader subordinate relationship affects the
leadership process. The relationship between the leader subordinate pair, which is
referred to as a dyad, is considered separately for each pair, because leaders behave
differently with each subordinate.
Central to this theory is that leaders have different relationships with different
subordinates which leads to the subordinates being placed in two categories; the in
group and the out group. Subordinates in the in group have good relationships with
the leader. The relationship is
Staphylococcus Alexander Ogston
Staphylococcus was discovered and named in 1880 by Alexander Ogston, a surgeon
from Scotland (Myles 2012). As shown in the photo, bacteria in the Staphylococcus
genus are round shaped bacteria that form grape like clusters. These spherical grape
like clusters gave rise to its name. Staphylococcus are Gram positive, non spore
forming, non motile bacteria. They do not form capsules, nevertheless, certain
species produce biofilms, which make it harder for them to be killed. They are very
small, ranging from cells of colonies the size of 0.6 um 1.5 um (Winn 2006). They
have a generation time of about thirty minutes, meaning that every thirty minutes one
cell splits into two new cells (Myles 2012). Therefore, it doesn t take long ... Show
more content on ...
Though, it s tendency to be pathogenic varies with the person. It is usually pathogenic
primarily to those susceptible to infections. Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus
epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, and
Staphylococcus hominis can be treated with antibiotics such as penicillin.
Nonetheless, they can develop resistance to the penicillin derivatives as well. Each
species of staph can work together to cause similar infections because they are all a
part of the body s natural
Chinese Americans And Filipino Americans
With all the discord going on around the word today, it is quite easy for us to forget
that at the end of the day, we are very much similar to each other. When we hear of
the Chinese Americans and Filipino Americans living in America today, not often
do we see a connection between the two except for the fact that they come from
Asia or have descendants from Asia. If we dive deeper into history, we will see that
when the Chinese and the Filipinos first came to America, they had very similar
purposes and goals in mind; one of them being make money and go back home. They
were both determined to work hard for a country quite foreign to them but both were
also targeted as the other side and a majority of them suffered from ill treatments like
assault and blatant discrimination.
Before the Chinese began to immigrate to America, China had previously lived in
isolation from the rest of the world for a while after Zheng He s voyages in the
15th century allowed the Chinese to receive confirmation that they were much more
advanced than any other group at that time. However, China still participated in the
Manila Galleon Trade with Mexico until the 1800s in which Chinese goods such as
silk, ivory and porcelain were exchanged for silver. In the late 1700s the first ship
from the United States with the name Empress of China sailed for China with
intentions to start a trade relationship between the two countries. The trip proved to
be successful and led to investors being encouraged to
Economic Analysis Of Unemployment And Its Impact On
Economic Analysis of Unemployment and its Impact on GDP in Developed
Countries Paul Kuechenmeister Econ 4331W August 3rd, 2014 Introduction This
study examines the impact of unemployment rates to a developed economies growth
rate. This paper will be built off of the most distinguished idea addressing the relation
of economic growth and unemployment, Okun s Law . Okun s Law that assesses the
relation between unemployment and economic growth is one of linearity . Okun s
Law is the idea that there is a natural level of unemployment and when the level of
unemployment is above the natural rate, economic growth suffers. This paper aims
prove correlation between the level of unemployment and level of economic growth
in developed countries. This dissertation will utilize a linear regression model for a
cross country regression analysis. The type of unemployment used in this dissertation
will be aggregate unemployment, while drilling down and separating out structural,
frictional and cyclical unemployment would be ideal in running a regression, the data
is simply not present for the subset of countries used in this analysis. This study
examines 25 developed countries unemployment rate per capita and GDP growth rate
per capita from 1991 to 2012. Literature Review Arthur Okun published a paper in
1962 examining the relationship between unemployment rates and economic growth.
Okun s paper focused on the United States post war due to the spurt of economic
growth and
Kurdistan Workers Party Research Paper
The Kurdistan Workers Party
I decided to do my paper on the terrorist organization named Kurdistan Workers
party from what I have read about them they are a very interesting group, but
violent. The main reason for their attacks is to form a Kurdistan state within
Turkey. Some people apart of this organization feel that Turkey has oppressed their
culture. They want to fight Turkish officials to prove their point. The group was
started by Abdullah Ocalan, a man who believes in Marxist lenist ideas. Abdullah
now resides in a Turkish prison but still has control over what the PKK (Kurdish
workers party) does. First, Some history of Abdullah Ocalan. He was born in
Kurdish village in the country of Turkey. The city where he was born was Omerli,
Turkey, On the date of April 4, 1948. He is also known as Apo which means Uncle.
He was basically the guy who started it all. I am sure there were many before him
with different beliefs, but he was the guy who created the group to make a change for
some Kurdish people. I do say some because not all Kurdish people may agree with
Apo, because of the violence the group portrays. Ocalan s surname means avenger
. The group can be said to be a terrorist organization by most countries, and defiantly
an enemy to Turkey. Ocalan was born to a peasant family in a village in
southeastern Turkey. He had vague political aspirations as a youngster. (Abdullah
Ocalan) This leads me to believe that being in poor family led him to want to change
Theme Of Hullabaloo In The Guava Orchard
T.V.N Swathi Research Scholar Department of English Acharya Nagarjuna University
Guntur Winner of the Booker prize 2006, Kiran Desai was
born in India in 1971. Daughter of an eminent Indian English author Anita Desai, she
has carved out a name for herself as a novelist by writing just two novels, Hullabaloo
in the Guava Orchard and The Inheritance of Loss. Hullabaloo in the Guava
Orchard is in the form of a fable and told with understanding and tenderness. She
made her debut with the tale of a shiftless son of middle class Indian parents who
climbs a tree and begins to be treated as a guru. Other related incidents create an
inextricable web the growth and popularity of the Monkey Baba, the attempts of Mr.
Chawla and his family, the arrival of the band of monkeys, the efforts of the entire
administration of Shahkot etc. While Anita Desai dwells deep in ... Show more
content on ...
For him it is a never ending flow of misery, a prison. The only time he had a little
bit of fun, he was curtailed and punished. He feels the neighborhood houses rise
like a trap, a maze of staircases. He feels bitter at heart, and thinks his surroundings
are detrimental to his mental health. He doesn t want another job but open spaces
and peace of mind. He can live this life of complete freedom only by escaping from
the humdrum of family life. To seek that he really runs away from the home. As
soon as he escapes in bus, he thinks as if he got new life like snakes that get new
life after they leave the withered rags of their old skins behind and disappear into
grass. He thought of how he was leaving the world, a world that made its endless
revolutions towards nothing. Now it did not matter any more. His heart was caught
in a thrall of joy and fear. Somehow, somewhere, he had found a crack.
Neonatology Essay
The term neonatology refers to the branch of medicine concerned with the care,
development, and diseases of newborn infants ( Even though
the term neonatal strictly define the newborn period from birth to 28 days of age , it
includes everything from routine care of the normal newborn infant, all the way
through to provision of intensive care for the smallest and sickest of infants. In
many cases this will involve premature infants who are often older than four weeks
of chronological age but less than 44 weeks corrected gestational age. This type of
care is complex and generates large amounts of clinical, monitoring and laboratory or
imaging data (David Emma Parry,2009).
Levels of Neonatal Care Units
Thanks to the availability of neonatal intensive care the outcomes of high risk
infants born either preterm or with serious medical or surgical conditions has
improved (Bode MM et al, 2001; MacDorman MF; MacDorman 2009 ; Clement
MS,2005 ).
According to the American academy of pediatrics the updated classification of
neonatal intensive care units consists of basic care (level I), specialty care (level II),
and subspecialty intensive care (level III, level IV). These levels definitions reflect
the overall evidence for risk appropriate care throughout the availability of appropriate
personnel, physical space, equipment, technology, and organization. The functional
capabilities of facilities that provide inpatient care for newborn infants should be
How Does Shakespeare Use Humor In Hamlet
William Shakespeare s Hamlet is a tragedy that tells the unfortunate fate of a royal
family. One would expect nothing but sadness in such a story. However, this is not
the case. Besides the story being a tragedy, Shakespeare uses humor as a hint to the
characters of the tragedy that Hamlet has gone insane due to the death of his father.
Furthermore, humor serves as comic relief throughout the tragedy.
This humor is used to justify Hamlet s madness as it illustrates just what Hamlet has
been dealing with in losing his father. Horatio tells Hamlet that he and some guards
have seen the ghost of King Hamlet. Curious, Hamlet waits the next night for the
ghost. Sure enough it appears and tells Hamlet that his uncle Claudius killed his
father. ... Show more content on ...
The events that happen before the graveyard scene are horrendous. Hamlet accidently
kills Polonius after mistaking him with the Claudius, in which he thought was the
one behind the curtains in Gertrude s bedroom. The death of Polonius causes Ophelia
to go nuts and eventually, she too dies.
Humor is used as comic relief as seen in the graveyard scene in Act V, scene 1 with
Hamlet and the gravediggers. The diggers joke about the death of Ophelia. While
they re at it, Hamlet comes in and begins a conversation with one of the
gravediggers. They begin to joke with each other when Hamlet asked Whose grave
s this, sirrah? (1092) in which the digger replies Mine sir (1092). Hamlet uses the
word lie in many ways such as lying on the ground or as in lying. He responded to
the digger, I think it be thine indeed, for thou liest in t (1092). Shakespeare shows
here that Hamlet and the gravedigger are evenly clever with their use of puns, as
they use them left and right. This here sets up a different scenario compared to the
rest of the story. It changes things up a bit by adding humor, while staying true to the
Smelly Wolf Research Paper
Once there was a smelly wolf that smelled like socks. He was a nice wolf but
people thought he was mean like these people Hansel and Gretel, Red Riding
Hood, Humpty Dumpty, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, the Princess and the
Frog, Harry Potter, Sherk, Peter Pan, Smurfs, Tinker Bell, the Little Mermaid, the 3
Blind Mice, Aladdin, the Wizard of Oz, Tangled, Snow White, Frankenstein,Hello
Kitty,Barbie, Ken,3 Musketeers, Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go, my Little Pony,
Elmo,Cookie Monster, The Flintstones, The Little Red Hen, Chicken Little, Dumbo,
Puss In Boot, Percy Jackson, Spongebob, The Ugly Duckling. So the king invited
him for dinner so he had to get ready so he went to dinner the king ask him , What
do you do. And the wolf said he
Best Man Wedding Speech Essay
Best Man Wedding Speech
This is the first time Kevin s ever brought me dinner and I?m too nervous to eat it.
For those of you who don t know me, I m Kevin s younger brother and my full
name is Bobby What are you drinking, so if you see me at the bar later don t
hesitate to call me by my full name. Unfortunately every silver lining does have A
cloud, and that is that you ve all got to listen to me for the next 5 minutes.
I d just like to thank Kevin on behalf of the bridesmaids for his kind words I think
you will all agree that they have done a fantastic job today and look absolutely
I d also like to thank everyone for coming today to celebrate the marriage of Kevin
and Lisa. Personally I wish you d all stayed at ... Show more content on ...
I did a lot of research to make sure that I wouldn t be forgetting anything, and came
up with a checklist of what my duties should be.
Before I get to the list though, I want to share a little more about what I found in my
research. I read a book that stated that there are three key elements to a successful
wedding day. They are as follows:
The Aisle The longest walk you ll ever take.
The Altar The place where two become one.
The Hymn The celebration of the marriage.
I think Lisa must have read the same book, because after taking the vows earlier
today, I m pretty sure I heard her mumbling those same three things.
Aisle Altar Hymn.
Ok, now back to the checklist. This checklist that I came up with included each of the
1. Making sure his Face and Hair are in order (If god couldn t do it, what chance have
I got.)
2. Keeping Kevin s mechanical hands away from the wedding car so that we actually
got here
3. See that angry ex girlfriends are kept at bay Thankfully the foot and mouth
epidemic saw off most of them, and I think the rest are actually out celebrating as I
4. And finally, make a speechat the wedding reception, so I thought I would give a
little bit of background into Kevin for those who don t know him as well as me. So
here goes.
Kevin was born 15th December 1971 at Purley Hospital and weighed just 6lb
14oz after coming prematurely, (no change there
Gender Stereotypes In Aladdin
The aim of this essay is to investigate the race, sexuality and gender stereotyping that
is expressed through the Disney film Aladdin and how these elements affect the
characters. These elements will be represented within the characters personality and
back story which is then visually represented in the characters design.
In this Disney film there is a great importance to know the history in the world during
the time that this film was established. The history during 1991 is shown through the
characters. The filmmakers established Aladdin in 1991 Gulf War that lasted six
months. Conflict was present between Iraq and 34 countries in the U.N. inclusive of
the United States, trying to recover order to Kuwait.
Within the film Aladdin the... Show more content on ...
This creates an image of all Arabs having a violent nature. This was evident in the
scene where Jasmine steals an apple for a penniless boy, the shop vendor then grabs
her hand threatening to cut it off for her thievery. Therefore showing how the
community turns to violence to resolve problems, crime etc...
Not only do the stereotypes expressed through the characters and the play a vital role,
but the representation through body structure, style and design help create and grant
these characters to be more unique and individualistic. This allows them to contrast
with other background characters and the environment in which they live.
The way in which Disney films help maintain a respectable name for the hero is
through justifying the characters negative actions. This is present in Aladdin as he is
portrayed to be a thief as he steals a loaf of bread, just before he was about to eat the
bread he then sees two children scratching through trash to feed themselves. Aladdin
in turn, gives the children the bread therefore justifying his actions of thievery. The
reasoning behind his actions help to reduce his Arabic decent and the stereotypes
related with
Labor And The Roots Of Progressivism
Anwar Khalid
Professor Wegner
HIST 124
11 November, 2014
Labor and the Roots of Progressivism The progressive era was an age of rapid
advancement in social, economic, and societal values that shaped the United States
into what it is today. The industrialization and subsequent labor reforms of the mid
to late nineteenth century across the world helped to shape the United States and
its entry into the modern world. Labor unions and the reforms they forced helped
us to modernize and ethically improve our industry, bringing with them the liberal
thought and ideas that helped drive American society into the modern world. In
1848, Europe was wracked with a chain of revolutions that would later be known as
the Spring of Nations. Though no lasting political impact was felt, the continent
would forever be transformed by the revolutionary liberal spirit that had unfolded.
Across the sea in the United States, the same surge was never truly felt. At least not
in the same way. The path to progressive advancement both socially and politically
did not reach the United States until the closing years of the century. The United
States was rising as one of the greatest industrial powers in the world, and would
never have reached that position were it not for the millions of workers laying rail
lines, forging steel, milling textiles, mining coal ,and drilling for oil. For many years
these men and women worked for no set minimum wage and on shifts that had no
mandated time limit. By starting
Persuasive Essay On Beauty
Looking to improve your appearance without having to invest in expensive beauty
products or surgical procedures? The truth is, the secret to being beautiful does
not come with a high price. In fact, you only need to be more conscious about the
foods you eat and make sure that what you put on your plate can benefit not only
your health, but your skin as well. Fortunately, health and beauty go hand in hand
and that means as long as you stay healthy, you can look naturally attractive, too.
So, forget about those pricey skin creams and cosmetic surgeries, and consider
eating several types of vegetables that make you look beautiful. With these food
items, you will notice your skin clearing up, your eyes looking bright and stunning,
and your body looking as gorgeous as ever! 1. Red Bell Pepper Red bell pepper is
one of best sources of vitamin C, which is instrumental in enhancing the growth of
white blood cells that limit the number of bacteria and germs in your body. With a
good supply of vitamin C, you can also strengthen your immune system and make
yourself less prone to infections. Furthermore, red bell pepper has been linked with
wrinkle free skin because of its high amounts of vitamin C. It is the same nutrient that
stimulates collagen production, which is key to achieving young looking skin. Eat
your way to an attractive and youthful skin with these anti ageing and beauty
enhancing vegetables. With these super foods, you can look younger, stay healthier,
and feel more
Speech About My Dad
My Dad and I Everyone is born with a biological father, not necessarily a dad. A
father essentially has a choice to walk out or give up. Not everyone can be a dad
or be a good father figure to their child. It s up to them if they want to take
advantage of their time with you and love you endlessly. My Dad is one of the
most important and influential people in my life. To you, he is Paul Derosario but
to me, he is a loving father, mentor, role model, and a friend. Our relationship is so
significant and strong that the bond that we have cannot simply be broken. He
pushes me to be a better person, teaches me important life lessons, and sacrifices so
much to make my life better. I think of my dad to be somewhat of a motivational
speaker... Show more content on ...
I remember being on the phone with my dad, letting him take in all the emotions I
was feeling. He was listening to every sobbing word and every stutter like he was a
student in the class. He felt the wretched pain that I was feeling. I expected him to
be disappointed and give me a quick pep talk then tell me to suck it up but instead,
he said these very words, if you give the coaches an unreasonable doubt as to why
you should be on this team, then no matter who their favourites are, you will be
picked. You just have to make every moment you have with the ball count and be
the best at everything you do. This made a huge impact on my game because I was
no longer caring about how many times I touch the ball, I was just focusing on
what to do with it to change the game. My dad was right in the end, I did my best
in the last couple days of the camp and tried to make a difference on the field, and I
got chosen to play for Canada in the 4 nations cup in China against US, Japan, and
China. My dad only wants me to succeed and achieve what I have earned. It is
important that he helps guide me through my tough times with his life lessons of
his own. Even though he does not just help me with soccer either, those life lessons
can correlate to everything I do. Such as my appearance and how I look at myself. I
find that I compare myself to other people and try to impress others instead of not
caring what other people think. My dad told me and
After The Wedding Movie Analysis
The movie, After the Wedding, is a very complex movie that displays a series of
events surrounding a wedding and continuing to show what most movies fail to
depict in their Hollywood visions of a good movie, what happens AFTER the
picture perfect wedding. The movie involves a man who is attempting to open a
safe haven for children in a poverty stricken community. While he has continuously
failed previous projects, Jacob is determined to help the children he has become
close to in order to provide the necessities they have been lacking for years,
including simplistic things like immunizations and medications for common
sicknesses. When Jacob found a promising source of income to bring his business
to an amazing start, he leaves what he considers family behind to begin what he had
hoped for. Upon arrival, Jacob soon realizes that the situation at hand is a lot more
complicated than he anticipated. As requested by the donor, Jacob attends a wedding
he soon finds is his own child s. Jacob attempts to provide the children he loves at
home with what they so desperately need, but the terms of the grant make obstacles
he cannot overcome and please everyone involved, including himself. Throughout the
movie, there is apparent differences in the society surrounding Jacob based on the
presence of money, education and power. These factors have created two completely
different communities and is comparable to real life situations. In every country, state
and even citythere are
The Painting Essay
The Painting
A picture can paint a thousand words. I found the one picture in my mind that does
paint a thousand words and more. It was a couple of weeks ago when I saw this
picture in the writing center; the writing center is part of State College. The beautiful
colors caught my eye. I was so enchanted by the painting, I lost the group I was
with. When I heard about the observation essay, where we have to write about a
person or thing in the city that catches your eye. I knew right away that I wanted to
write about the painting. I don t know why, but I felt that the painting was describing
the way I felt at that moment.
When I first looked at the picture, it looked like there were only two colors green and
blue. When I got closer ... Show more content on ...
The grass was spread out through the whole painting. If you looked hard enough
you can see flowers of pink and red growing within the grass. There were spots of
yellow in the grass making the grass look as though it was dying. Then the painting
had a patch of grass that had a very vibrant shade of green, that made the grass look
so alive. The grass had a willowy quality that may have suggested that there may have
been a breeze.
The river also suggested a breeze, there were ripples that flowed southeast. There
were many different shades of blue in the lake and river. The lake had a darker shade
of light blue surrounded by a dark blue then lined with black. The lake appeared to
have a light shining either on top or the bottom of it, which allowed you to see the
grass growing under it. The river had a lighter shade of light blue with white lines
to show the ripples but it was surrounded with the same colors as the lake. You did
not see any grass growing under the river because there was no light shining on the
When I saw the painting for the first time it grabbed my attention. At first I thought
it was the beautiful colors that attracted me to the painting, but it was more. In the
picture the shadowy men look scared. They looked as though they were trying to
run away from something and this lake that forms into this river that is surrounded
by tall grass is the way out, or at least a place to hide until the coast is clear. During
that time in my life I felt
Last Week Tonight By John Oliver
With an English accent and a smize, John Oliver hosts the show Last Week Tonight ,
which features Oliver comedically attacking various people or organizations. With
the use of rhetorical devices and satire, John Oliver comically conveys various ideas
regarding politics, faulty companies, and beauty pageants. In explanation of his ideas,
he frequently utilizes satirical techniques and rhetorical devices such as reductio ad
absurdum, incongruity, caricature, invectiveness, false/weak analogies, and logos to
explain his points.
As John Oliver airs his weekly program, Last Week Tonight , he educates viewers on
relevant issues, and incorporates factual evidence along with his opinion. He uses
both horatian and juvenalian satire in order to ... Show more content on ...
In order to create a better understanding of the history of dialysis and healthcare,
Oliver scholarly explains, In 1972, something amazing happened. Richard
Nixon...signed a bill into law which said the government would pay for dialysis for
anyone that needed it... In order to make his explanations credible, Oliver
incorporates facts which increases his logos and ethos. To expand on the idea of
the kidneys being the sole organ which obtains government funded healthcare, he
declares with a picture of kidneys sitting in the snow of Canada, Your kidneys, and
only your kidneys are Canadian! This statement is another example of incongruity;
again, Oliver presents a statement which is contrasts greatly from the current
situation of which he is in. While he is discussing the role government plays in
dialysis, he delivers the idea of kidneys sitting in the snow of Canada, which assists
him in his argument of the government only providing healthcare coverage of the
kidneys. Just as the Times stated in their review of Oliver, [He] is willing to voice
genuine passion over his subjects , he voices his passionate displeasure towards
Trump in his President elect Trump segment. Oliver targets Trump on a specific
debate in which he was mistakenly unaware of the nuclear triad, and he critically
reveals, The components of the nuclear triad are important. It is unacceptable not to
be able to name every single one of them. They are
Innovation Placement Of A Good Or Service Into The
Innovation placement of a good or service into the market that patrons can buy
(Pearce Robinson, 2011, p. 371). There are 2 types of innovation that a firm can
experience which include incremental and breakthrough. It s important of
organizations and leaders to aware of the associated differences and risks involved as
one fuels the other. The following essay will discuss the aforementioned
characteristics. There are a few difference between the innovation types. First,
incremental innovation is the act of making small, simple changes to products,
services or processes, whereas, breakthrough innovation is an out of the ordinary
development that create a new product or market (Pearce Robinson, 2011, p. 371).
Typically, incremental... Show more content on ...
Another difference is that incremental innovation is discovered on the demand side
of the value chain, whereas, breakthrough is created on the supply side (Marshall,
2013). This is because incremental innovation is a response to customer needs or
wants as they are already familiar with the product, hence, the demand sparks the
supply side of the value chain. There are a few risks associated with both incremental
and breakthrough innovation. With incremental innovation, lack of coordination and
time, lack of trained employees, not choosing the correct ideas, not enough customer
insight, poor planning, and incentives are not tied to innovation, and support not
given to employees by management could cause the innovation process to be
unsuccessful (Kadareja, 2013). In my opinion, these risk could be minimized because
the company has the most control over these risks. For instance, a company can train
/ hire knowledgeable individuals, as well as, support and incentivizes employees. On
the other hand, breakthrough innovation are not as manageable in my opinion. These
risks include: availability of and high development cost, unknown demand in the
market, economic risk, long development times, competitive pressure or market is
dominated by an existing business, copy right issues, and ability to meet regulatory
statutes (Kadareja, 2013). For
Samsung Research And Development Essay
Research and Development
Introduction to Samsung s research and development
Research and development(R D) is highly valued by Samsung Electronics. Ongoing
investment funding Samsung Electronics collaborative global research network
plays a key role in their ability to create and innovate the products today that is
aimed to enrich people s lives tomorrow. In order to achieve their objective, Samsung
Electronics hired a large team of researchers and also engineers. This include over
50,000 employees across 42 global research centres. All of the global Samsung
Electronics R D centres collaborate with each other on strategic technologies to keep
up with the increasingly fast paced world of technology.
Layers of Samsung R D organisation
Samsung s R D organisation consists of three layers which includes the division
product development teams, the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT)
and Samsung Electronics global R D network. Each R D centre has a division product
development team. The division product development teams in each centre are
mainly responsible for commercialising products that are scheduled to penetrate into
the global ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, instead of spending more to create more products, Samsung electronics
should focus more on enhancing and improving the existing products they already
have. For example, Samsung Electronics should develop its weaker products.
Furthermore, they should invest more into the researching and developing
environmental friendly products that can ensure the sustainability of Samsung
Electronics to ensure a more promising future in the ever changing electronics
industry. Continuous investment in R D of new technologies is also key to Samsung
s future to stay on as the top players of the global electronics industry. This is the best
way for Samsung Electronics to have the upper hand against its fellow competitors
and stay competitive in the
Social Corporate Responsibility In The Lego Company
Social corporate responsibility is defined as a company s efforts to go above and
beyond what is required by regulators and environmental protection groups. These
companies are highly aware of the effects their business has on the environment and
society. The LEGO Group is a company that embraces social corporate responsibility
on every level. Bonnie Byerly, A second grade teacher at Reeds Elementary, has been
able to see firsthand what LEGOGroup is doing for the community, schools in
particular. LEGO Grouphas evolved over the years, taking into account gender
equality, making pledges to use earth friendly packaging and banning major brands
that were not being environmentally safe from being seen on their product.
Lego Corp was established in 1932 by founder Ole Kirk Kristiansen. With just 10
employees, they start crafting wooden construction toys. The most famous of these
were the wooden duck. As the popularity of plastic toys rose in the mid 1950s, the
company did away with wooden toys and started focusing on manufacturing plastic
automatic binding blocks. As early as the beginning of the company, their motto
was Only the best is good enough. High quality and safe products have been the
focal point of LEGO Group for decades. Over the years LEGO Group has kept its
word on that motto and has supplied millions of families with creative toys that last.
LEGO Group is very clear about their goal when it comes to early education. They
are dedicated to their product and
Examples Of Naturalism In The Call Of The Wild
In Conclusion, American naturalism is a vital scholarly pattern and it is compelling
to authenticity furthermore innovation. As a popular author, London had essential
influence in the naturalistic pattern, and he made extraordinary commitment to the
world s artistic history. He was firmly affected by Darwin s hypothesis of
advancement. The determinism and the big fish gobble up the little, the fittest
survive hypothesis of naturalismare plainly indicated in the novel. The Call of the
Wild uncovered the embodiment of humans life: from the general public point of
view, there is by all accounts one and only law in this world, which both men also,
brutes obey just the fittest can make due in the emphatically aggressive world. Buck s
battles toward freedom can symbolize the battles each human faces in life. We ought
to take in something from Buck, who advances toward autonomy in the... Show more
content on ...
These books have taught me that a message could be conveyed in numerous
viewpoints. I have discovered that a book is more than a story being told. It is up
to the peruser creative ability to take then to that otherworldly place. From these
books I have decide to move myself to faultfinder The Call of the wild by Jack
London. It is a remarkable book that could be a positive element for fifth grader to
understudies. The best thing about this book is that your perspective will change as
you get more established and smarter. Case in point I read this book in 6th grade and
afterward again as a third year understudy and my perspectives have change. In no
time this book advises me that one s life may wind up diverse then the life they
began. Additionally you change relies on upon the world that encompasses them, for
example, individuals, environment,
Brief History Of Nestle
Nestle was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestle as the Anglo Swiss Condense Milk.
Co company. Henri Nestle was born in 10th August 1814. He used his name,
which means little nest , in both the company name and the logotype. Since it
began over 130 years ago, the nest which symbolizes security, family and
nourishment, still plays a central role in Nestle s profile. Henri Nestle who was a
life saving chemist also an innovative marketer. He used his scientific knowledge to
develop products that met consumer wants and needs. He developed a baby
formula that saved a child s life. The very first product the company sold was Henri
Nestle s Infant Cereal, which it sold in 1867. His product become a success, and it
created a demand throughout Europe. Since then, Nestle have expanded around the
world and developed a range of products that come out to suit every taste, need and
cultural preference.... Show more content on ...
From 1866 to 1947, the Nestle Company had gone through several name changes.
In 1905, Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Co and Farine Lactee Henri Nestle merged.
So the campany s name become Nestle Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Co. After
that, in 1929 Peter Cailler Kohler Chocolate Suisses S.A merge with the company.
The name was then changed to Nestle Anglo Swiss Holding Co. Ltd on November
27, 1936. In December 1947, Co. acquired all the shares capital of the Alimentana
S.A company in exchange for fifteen Nestle shares and fifteen Unilac shares for each
of Alimentana S.A share, so this point the name was at Nestle Alimentana S.A.
Lastly, the last name change that the company would endure was in 1977, where it
adopted the name Nestle S.A. Along the way Nestle s company remain successful,
which allowed them expand to new region and territories throughout the world,
making them the world s biggest food and beverage
Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture And Architecture
I believe in God, only I spell it nature. On June 8, 1867, Frank Lloyd Wright was
born in Richland Centre, Wisconsin. His father, William Carey Wright, was a
preacher and his mother, Anna Lloyd Jones, was a teacher. Wright grew up in
Madison, Wisconsin for the majority of his childhood. He would work on his uncle
s farm during the summers; where he developed his deep appreciation for nature.
Wright would preach the importance of organic architecture and building within
nature. No house should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill.
Belonging to it. Hill and house should live together each happier for the other. To
some individuals he was a social rebel; Wright had many controversial political
views were shunned by the public and he was famous for his unrelenting demeanor.
However, no individual could argue Wright s architectural expertise. Among all of
Wright s appealing designs, the most notable designs were his Prairie style designs
and his Usonian designs. Frank Lloyd Wright, was one of the most famous American
architects in the world and the greatest architect of the twentieth century. Wright s
continuous contribution towards the history of architecture and the world of
architecture is insurmountable, especially, considering the ingenious development of
his architectural style over a career that lasted nearly seventy years.
Frank Lloyd Wright averaged poor grades all throughout his schooling tenure. After
his parents divorce, eighteen year old
Language Sample Analysis Child s Name
Rebecca Mirakova Language Sample Analysis Child s Name:
N (female) Child s Date of Birth: June 12, 2009 Child s Date of Evaluation: 09/12
/2014 Child s Chronological Age/Sex: 63 months Child s Primary Language: Russian
Language of Evaluation: English Name of Student Evaluator: Rebecca Mirakova
months old. She has two older siblings, Rachel and David. N s parents are from
Russia, so she has been exposed to both the Russian and the English languages. She
communicates with her parents in Russian, and speaks in English with everyone else.
Even though her parents speak English, they want N to learn Russian. As a result
they speak to her only in Russian. She is currently attending ... Show more content on ...
TESTS ADMINISTERED Language Sample MLU development chart by Brown
(1973) Speech and Language Milestone Chart by PRO ED Inc. (1999) Phonological
processes by Puccini (2001) Articulation development chart. Sanders, J. (1972).
INFORMAL TEST RESULTS MorphologyMorphology discusses the rules that
govern the use of morphemes. N s MLU came out to be 5.3, this MLU signifies a
typical developing child. According to Brown (1973) Language Sample
Development, she falls under the stage V+, which is the average level for a child
within 47 months and above. N has good use in both bound and free morphemes.
She particularly utilized a substantial amount of bound morphemes such as the ing
and third person regular s . For example in utterance number three, I asked N what
animals she enjoyed seeing at the zoo, she responded da seal show was the best /deI
/ woe jumping in the water. From that sentence we see how N used the ing in
jumping. In utterance number forty two we see how N correctly used the third
person regular s when I asked N if her brother David plays with her she responded
no, no he plays with his fwends . In that response we see how N used the correct
grammatical marker, the third person regular s . She was also able to produce plural
words such as books and friends She was able to differentiate between past and
present tense for example, in utterance number three N said
Scout s Honor Character Analysis
Upon entering the class, the students read their independent reading books before
reflecting on the previous day s lesson and reviewing the steps in identifying the
theme of the story. Then, once they were able to note the theme and the development
of the main character in Scout s Honor, they were put into small groups to read one of
three short stories and answer comprehension questions about their story.
Observations: To ensure that the students clearly grasp the theme of the previous day
s story, the students and the teacher went over this. Once the teacher had a clear
understanding that the students can use character development to identify the theme
of a story, she placed the students into three different groups and gave them
Conformity In Social Psychology
Scientific studies have consistently shown that people are influenced in their decision
making processes according to social psychology. For example, a psychologist
named Stanley Milgram conducted a study to test the affects of obedience to
authority. He selected a group of male volunteers and told them that they were
randomly selected to be teachers and learners, though every volunteer in the study
was given the role of the teacher. The volunteers were instructed to teach the learners
a series of words under supervision of an experimenter and give them a shock
whenever they failed. The shocks were gradually increased until the learners began to
exhibit signs of fear and pain this is when the experimenter would tell the volunteers
to continue with the experiment despite the obvious discomfort that both the teacher
and learner were experiencing. 65% of the volunteers continued with the experiment
until a fatal shock was given due to the social influence of the experimenter! This
study proved that an individual s obedience to authority can directly bypass their
morals and consequently affect their behavior. Another scientific study conducted by
Solomon Asch proved the existence of conformity in social psychology. In his study,
Asch placed a... Show more content on ...
This is especially true in the case of Kitty Genovese, who unfortunately fell victim to
the Bystander Effect. Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death on a street in New York
City. Dozens of witnesses were present, but none of them intervened beyond a shout
of protest! When asked why they didn t intervene, their answers ultimately pointed to
diffusion of responsibility another psychological concept. Both the Bystander Effect
and diffusion of responsibility influenced the witnesses to believe that someone else
was bound to help Kitty this, of course, led to none of the witnesses intervening and
the untimely death of Kitty
Persuasive Essay On The Black Mirror
We all have memories that we wish could be forgotten. Mistakes we made or
chances we didn t take leave us thinking about the what ifs . Or there are the times
where everyone thinks you are going insane and are chasing shadows. But deep
down inside, you know that something is wrong. The feeling in your gut eats at you
until you find what you were looking for. However, usually what you find just adds
to the pain.
The show Black Mirror consists of thought provoking circumstances that leave you
questioning whether you ve made the right decisions for you own life and if the
way we live should remain the same. In the episode The Entire History of You ,
humans can be implanted with a grain that collects, stores, and allows you replay
all of your memories for yourself and others. When the character Liam traveling,
the TSA is able to look through the memories to see who you have been with and if
there is any suspicious activity. It sounds terrifying to think about how some
stranger could see exactly where you have been, what you have said, and who you
were with but that level of privacy invasion is already possible and used in our
reality. When we travel, Customs and Border Patrol have every right to go through
your luggage, photos, texts, and anything else stored on you or your phone. Most of
that information is readily available since social media dominates this generation s
lives. Everything people want to know about you they can find directly from you,
whether you want
The Public Perception Of A Company
Many cases of fraud begin when there is an image to keep up. The public perception
of a company is important, especially when said company is publicly traded. When
something within the company goes wrong, and the good image is threatened, that is
often when the fraud comes into play. They attempt to cover up the problem by
inflating revenues, evading taxes, or showing misleading information on their
financial statements. Although Crazy Eddie, an electronic retail business in the 70 80
s, did employ many of these tactics as a cover up, their fraudstarted almost from the
beginning, just because they could.
Crazy Eddie started out as ERS Electronics. Its namesake (ERS) was from the three
equal partners, Eddie Antar, cousin Ronnie Gindi, and father, Sam Antar. They
founded it together in Brooklyn 1969, under the original store name of Sights and
Sound. In 1970/1971, Sights and Sounds was at a disadvantage because of the
regulation and fair trade laws. These laws allowed manufacturers to set a price at
which the retailers must sell the products. Smaller stores therefore weren t able to
use their lower overhead costs to benefit them by marking the prices lower, and didn
t have the steep advertising budgets that big chain stores were able to afford.
Despite the challenges, Eddie refused to give up. In 1971, he bought out his cousin
Ronnie Gindi for $25,000, thus rendering him owner of 2/3 of the company, with his
father, Sam Antar, owning the remaining 1/3. Eddie knew that
Research Paper On Impulse Buying
Impulse Buying Behavior Definition Impulse buying can be referred to as sudden
unplanned decision to buy a product or service made specifically at the time of
purchase. Rook (1987) explains impulse buying as Impulse buying takes place when
a consumer feels a sudden often strong and insistent urge to purchase something
instantly. The urge to buy is hedonically complex and often may fuel emotional
conflict. Also, impulse buying is likely to occur with reduced concern for its
consequences. Beatty Ferrell (1998) explains the concept of impulse buying by
saying that it is immediate purchase of a product without any pre shopping intentions
to buy. Jeffrey and Hodge (2007) state that, impulse buying comprises of four
components: the purchase is unplanned, it is the result of an exposure to stimulus, it
is decided on the spot , and it involves an emotional and/or cognitive reaction
Explanation... Show more content on ...
However, having an impulse to buy does not automatically imply acting upon it.
Numerous factors may interfere between having the impulse to buy and actual
buying, (Dholakia, 2000). In truth, individuals practice innumerable strategies to
have some control on this craving (Hock and Loewenstein, 1991). This difference
has also been validated empirically. For example, Beatty Ferrell (1998) empirically
proved the compulsion to detach the impulse to buy from actual buying behavior
with the help of admirable performance of model they presented when impulse
buying was considered to be the only dependent variable. Likewise, prevailing
researches (e.g. Beatty and Ferrell, 1998) also indicate that for buying impulse the
determinants may not essentially predict impulse buying. It means that not every
impulse to buy can be translated as an actual buying
Elizabethan Espionage And Its Impact On The Growth
During a time in England when there was much religious conflict, there was also a
need to protect the queen due to her religious beliefs. The protectors who
safeguarded Queen Elizabeth I from danger were commonly thought to be her
brave knights or constables. However, there was actually a clandestine group of
individuals who were charged with a similar duty. Unlike England s military
intelligence forces today, a disorganized spy group engaged in espionage for the
defense of Renaissance England s important affairs and for Queen Elizabeth herself.
Because of this spy ring s successes, Elizabethan espionage had a dramatic impact on
the growth and evolution of England as a nation.
Ever Since King Henry VIII s departure from the Roman ... Show more content on ...
Another well known leader in Elizabeth s network was Sir Francis Walsingham.
Before the throne of Elizabeth I began in 1558, a noble English man, Sir Francis
Walsingham, was not in favor of Queen MaryI s authority (MackovГЎ). Instead of
abiding to the Mary I s leadership, Francis traveled outside of England until the
accession of Elizabeth I. When Sir Walsingham returned to a new ruler in England, he
brought with him stronger relations with foreign contacts and knowledge that prove
to be significant for a position he attained as Secretary of State. Eventually, Sir
Walsingham would further strengthen England s spy group to surveillance the depths
within England and abroad for secrets that would prevent harm to England (Watts).
In addition to Elizabeth s closest advisers, Robert Dudley was among one of the
three leaders who had firm control in Elizabeth I s spy network. Dudley was a
member of the queen s privy council and was an appointee of Master of Horses, a
position that involved organizing public attendances, progresses, and entertainment
for the queen (Somerset, pp. 111). Dudley was Elizabeth I s most favorite out of all
her advisers. Both Elizabeth I and Dudley had romantic desires for each other,
unfortunately nothing between them would escalate since not too many people were
pleased about their relationship (Somerset, pp. 100 03)
The queen s newly founded secret service required individuals who could perform
Richard Preston s The Hot Zone
In The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, the three major themes repeatedly emphasized
are predator versus prey, sacrifice, and going against the odds. The book uses the
struggle to contain and exterminate the filoviruses to convey these three ideas. It
treats the filoviruses as a predator, and the humans as the prey. It enforces this idea
over and over again by using animalistic qualities to describe the humans and the
filoviruses, giving them both the same amount of consciousness and personality. The
Ebola Zaire strain was nearly twice as lethal as Ebola Sudan. It seemed to emerge out
of the stillness of an implacable force brooding on an inscrutable intention.
Constantly, the scientists, veterinarians, and doctors do everything they can... Show
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We re looking at a highly sophisticated organism, aren t we? The filoviruses are
dangerous. They are responsible for the deaths of thousands, nation wide panic,
and the abandonment of homes and villages. But although the book describes the
filoviruses with gruesome scenes filled with blood and terror, it also depicts the
calm, quiet moments as well, letting the reader fall back and appreciate how
peaceful it can be between the moments of panic. I heard a ball bounce, and saw a
boy dribbling as basketball on a playground. The ball cast rubbery echoes off the
former monkey house. Children s shouts came from the daycare center through the
trees. The reader gradually understands that no matter how peaceful the world can
seem to be, it will always revert briefly back into its times of chaos and confusion,
and that we should appreciate the moments of peace more because of this. It gives
the reader a sense that the world is fragile in its balance of the two spectrums, and it
horrifies and thrills them. Ultimately, the author s purpose is to let the reader
appreciate the fragility, beauty, and horror of the world and the things that make up
Cultural Strain Theory Paper
Introduction The Cultural Strain Theory states that persons of different cultures have
a harder time developing relationships, than persons of the same culture. There are
many different theories that reveal the terms and aspects that are needed to develop a
relationship. Reducing one s uncertainty towards the other, having low levels of
anxiety, and being able to relate to the relationship partner are all vital to developing a
relationship. There are three theories that address these three relationship
components. Uncertainty Reduction Theory, Anxiety Management Theory, and the
Relational Theory are the theories that I used to develop the Cultural Strain Theory.
Uncertainty Reduction Theory The Uncertainty Reduction Theory states that
relationship development is a process of reducing uncertainty about one another.
When developing relationships, people desire to reduce the uncertainty about the
other person by attaining information about them (Bradac, 1982). Reducing the
amounts of uncertainty is an important component in a relationship. There are three
main reasons why people feel uncertain: anticipation of future interaction, incentive
value, and deviance. Anticipation of future interaction deals with the way one feels
about someone else when they know they will see them in the future. If someone is
guaranteed to see a ... Show more content on ...
This theory describes five good things that fosters relationships and empowers the
people involved in them. It talks about the importance of having a sense of zest or
well being, which comes from connecting with another person, and the ability and
motivation to take action in the relationship as well as in other situations. The five
good things also include the increased sense of worth and knowledge of oneself and
the other person, and a desire for more connections beyond the particular one
Why I Don t Be A Talented
You Don t have to be a Talented to be Successful
When it comes to student success, basically it s based upon how students perceive
themselves by the praise of their instructors. Though some can disagree with the type
of motivational mindset students can develop. Both mindset and habits of mind give
concrete evidence to give the insight how the key to student success is by showing
determination perseverance grit , can go a long way to better effort towards ones
To briefly summarize what the article Brainology describes of what student success
is strived to achieve but by those who don t doubt themselves in themselves what
Dweck calls a fixed mindset. What defines a mindset is the different ways some can
tolerate a feedback towards the effort given. Being average almost my whole
elementary years I always thought there was nothing special here. I guess you can
say my mindset was a fixed mindset of the potential I could have given to my life.
The biggest threat to give students this sort of mind set that challenges that some face
seem to be demoralizing not knowing failure is reflective trait that can improve
their effort in the future. By one passage in this article destroys this thought by
saying intelligence can be developed opens students to love of the learning, a belief
in the power of the effort and constructive determined reactions to setbacks .
Dwecks tests this by having a class take an IQ test divided those who scored well
were told to be smart, those who
The Renaissance And Italian Renaissance
The Renaissance (rebirth), was a time in which all art became more personalized
and represented more than we see. There were two major stages in the Western
European/ Italian Renaissance: Early Renaissance and High Renaissance. It gave
patrons a new outlook on art and the world. Styles such as Mannerism, Fresco, and
Parietal help advance art in western Europe. Most of the Renaissanceworks were
religious,or had had something to do with the ancient times (ancient greece and
roman culture). Not only was is a re birth of art, it was a re birth of scientific thinking
and studying architecture. Although there are two major sections to the Renaissance,
there are very few differences between the two periods of time in the 15th and 16th...
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Mannerism was huge in Italy. One of the greatest pieces created in this style was
Leonardo s Mona Lisa . Leonardo uses mysterious elements for the background, it
recalls one of his other lesser known paintings named Madonna of the Rocks . The
reason this piece is so fascinating is because Leonardo finished very few of his
works. He did, however have a notebook of Renaissance Drawings . Since
Leonardo was an architect as well as an artist, this led him to create some of the
greatest technology man has ever known. They also resembled his ideas of what
the Renaissance meant to him and the ideas he gained from this re birth. Some of
Leonardo s tactics are still used today. Take cutaways for example. This style of
imagery was used long before the age of X Rays. Leonardo was not the only one
with Renaissance Drawings. It was common for a lot of Renaissance artists to have
notebooks full of drawings. Artists usually used silverpoint stylus when drawing in
their notebook. For other works, artists used different materials (ink pen, chalk,
charcoal, brush, graphite/lead). This has lead me to believe that artists used different
materials to create different moods, and to give each piece a different meaning.
Another big name in the Renaissance was Raphael (Raffaello Santi). It is said that
Raphael mostly likely learned his tactics and roots of Renaissance art from his father,
Giovanni Santi.
Swot Analysis- Gm (K)
Q1. Conduct a SWOT analysis for GM (K) SWOT analysis basically entails
identifying and outlining the organization s strong attributes that are helpful to
achieving the objectives(strengths); weak attributes of the organization that are
harmful to achieving its objectives (weaknesses); external opportune conditions that
are helpful to achieving the organization s objectives (Opportunities); external
conditions that are harmful to achieving the organizations objectives(threats).
Basically the organization identifies and strategizes on how to use each strength, stop
each weakness, exploit each opportunity and defend itself against each threat in order
to maximally achieve their objectives. General Motors Corporation is a global... Show
more content on ...
Management Policy GM (K) uses the open door policy to encourage its workers to
present their ideas and give their opinions on work related issues. Weaknesses
Underutilized production capacity the Nairobi plant was operating with only one
shift yet it has a three shift potential and forecast production at 2,300 units
approximately 60% of the capacity of one shift which was reportedly a 50%
increase over the previous year s level of production. Utilizing a greater
proportions of the production capacity would help GM (K) fulfill a national goal
of providing more jobs Level of quality and safety of its products GM (K) has a
responsibility according their managing director, to continually improve the quality
and safety of its products to meet both strict international and GMC parent company
standards, and to maintain high levels of service since as he stated service and
quality is what really sells products. Opportunities Financial Service Company GM
operates one of the world s leading financial service companies GMAC Financial
Services which offers automotive and commercial financing along with an array of
mortgage and insurance products. Increased production capacity the Nairobi plant
was operating with only one shift yet it has a three shift potential and forecast
production at 2,300 units approximately 60% of the capacity of
Candlelight Vigil
Since the South Korea having a big corruption, a lot of Korean are protesting about
presidential resignation. They are having a protest with a candles and a paper
cups, which is called candlelight vigil. I think this is really brilliant way of civil
disobedience because a lot of people are go out to the street and yelling with a loud
voice. However, candlelight vigil is people are holding the candle which is
covered by a paper cups and quietly praying. Also, one of the leaders goes up to the
stage and have a speech with a loud speaker. I think this is a good example of
having a protest. Normally, a lot of people are just walking down the street with a
poster and yelling what they want. Also, It really effect to other people too. But,
Summary Of The Sound And The Fury And Absalom
In Faulkner s works, both the land and the people of the South struggle under the
monumental weight of myth and history. In fact, certain calamity looms over his
fictional region of Yoknahpatwah, a microcosm of the postbellum South. Themes of
the Southern consciousness, such as inescapable past and present, inherited guilt, and
emotional and psychological stagnation pervade this fictional region. In The Sound
and the Fury (1929) and Absalom, Absalom! (1936), Faulkner s portrayal of two
Southern aristocratic families, the Compsons and the Sutpens, reveal Southerners
paradoxical attitudes towards the myths of the South: the refusal to forget the past
and the inability to live in the present. Both The Sound and the Fury and Absalom,
Absalom!... Show more content on ...
Problem of Historical Time
Time is a vital component in understanding Faulkner s treatment of the Southern
history. Faulkner s characters all experience frustration with past. In Faulkner s
novels, time is a function of history in which a complete engagement of tension
between history and myth occurs. If historical time is a progression of change that
extends into and shapes the present, mythic time produces a sense of stasis and
circularity in which one feels stuck. The conflict between history and myth arises
from Faulkner s personal experience as a Southerner; like many Southerners of his
time, Faulkner was searching for a lost time while struggling to reconcile with the
questionable past of his region. In his interviews, Faulkner made clear the
presentness that the past (particularly the Civil War) had for him. In a class
conference held at the University of Virginia in 1957, he said no man is himself,
he is the sum of his past. There is no such thing really as was because the past is
(129). When asked in 1958 about the Civil War veterans he knew as a boy, Faulkner
related that:
They didn t talk so much about that war. I had got that from the maiden, spinster
aunts which had never surrendered. But I can remember the old men, and they
would get out the old shabby gray uniforms and get out the old battle flag on
Decoration, Memorial Day. Yes, I remember any number of them. (Howe 249)
In this quote, Faulkner expresses an ambivalent feeling towards
Role Of The Financial Manager On Today s Business
The role of the financial Manager in today s business world has been rapidly
changing. The change is fuelled by technology innovation in particularly, digital
technology and increasing information processing power. Since the financial crisis in
2008, firms have been working to restructure their operations as a means of survival.
This has led to the modification of many managementroles, more so the role of the
Chief Financial Officer(CFO). As a means for survival, firms started by cutting on
costs, becoming more lean and efficient. However, today there is no more room for
cutting on costs and firms have been looking to growth as a way to increase
profitability. Growth comes with new uncertainties and challenges which financial
managers have to consider when making their financial decisions. These new
macroeconomic challenges facing the financefunction include: Regulation,
Globalization, Technology, Risk, Transformation, Stakeholder management, strategy,
reporting, and Talent and capability. This paper will provide an analysis and
evaluation of the challenges facing finance managers in a changing macroeconomic
environment, the changes firms are making to the Chief Finance Officer s role, the
impact these changes are making to the firms performance and how these changes
impact the role of financial managers and the consequences of the changes CFOs
make to curb these new challenges.
Introduction In the past, financial managers responsibilities mainly
An Example Of A Private Sector Business
Business Organisations Task 1
A private sector business is a business that is part of the economy that is not state
controlled. It is run by individuals and companies who are mainly for profit. These
businesses are not owned or operated by government. An example of a private
sector business would be ASDA. Asda Stores limited is an American owned,
British founded supermarket retailer. The company has been a subsidiary of the
American retail company Wal Mart since July 1999, and is now the second largest
supermarket chain by market share (Corporate Watch 1996 2014). The company
provides normal goods for the public. They offer service to the public and strive for
excellence business. I chose this example because ASDA is a large company that is
aiming for profit and it is a private sector business.
A public sector business is a business that usually composed of organisations that are
owned and operated by the government (PrivacySense2015).
The primary difference between public and private sector businesses is who they
for. Public sector employees are who those work for government. An example of
public sector would be public schools. The purpose of schools is that they provide
education for the young people and public schools are funded by government to offer
education to students. I chose public schools business they are from public sector and
because they use government funding to offer education to the children. Public
schools offer free education and they are
Marketing Research Rocket Soup
Question 1 (a)Total Volume One of the most notable patterns of sales in regards to
total sales volume is that it increases drastically when the average price of soup is
low (Average price is calculated by dividing Category Volume by Category
Dollars). Total sales volume had significantly increased when either Rocket Soup
or competitors (or both) offer low price for promotion. In other words, soup
consumption is relatively elastic to price, meaning that customers are highly
sensitive to price. See below graphs showing the inverse relationship between the
total volumes sold and average price of soups. Category Volume sold in Week 1 to 40
Average Soup Price in Week 1 to 40 (b)Total Spending Sales pattern in terms of total
... Show more content on ...
The following weeks of those top 5 weeks are Week 3, 9, 13, 32 and 38. From this
period, the average sales volume is 5,184, with the average price of 0.86, which is
close to the average category price of 0.82. From this, it could be argued that the
sales volume after high volume weeks tends to significantly decrease even though
the price remains the average level, as the excessive demand from previous week
has eliminated demands for following weeks. Question 2 (a)Incremental Volume to
Rocket In week 12, sales of Rocket Soup had drastically increased to 16,113 due to
the excessive discount on their product. Rocket Soup had launched a promotion
with feature and display and charged for 0.02, which is over 97.5% discount on
their average price. Although the sales had drastically increased, it is not possible
to argue whether this excessive demand was from the promotion or low pricing.
(b)Promotional Volume burrowed from future sales Since Rocket Soup virtually
gave away their product for free in week 12, the average sales volume of Rocket
Soup has been lower until week 22. The average weekly sales volume of Rocket
Soup was 1613, and yet the average from week 13 to 21 was only 718, which is
less than half. In addition, Rocket Soup performed promotion on week 13, 16 and
19, and yet does not significantly increase any sales due to the previous high sales
volume in week 12. Question 3 Although the general price and demand curve in
Operation Torch Campaign
Show me a completely smooth operation and I ll show you someone who s
covering mistakes. Real boats rock. (Herbert, 1985) Operation Torch was a prime
example of mistakes were made yet were not exploited by the enemy. The Algerian
French Morocco Campaign specifically Operation Torch is by far one of the most
forgotten and rarely talked about operations during World War II (WW2). Operation
Torch paved the way for a multi national amphibious landing in Northern Africa,
opening up a second front in the west giving Soviet Union Troops relief on the
eastern front. The Algerian French Morocco Campaign became a massive testing
ground for tactics, techniques and procedures that resulted in future successes during
the Normandy invasion (Howe, 1993).... Show more content on ...
It was surprising that Axis Forces did not observe the mass movement of troops
and Naval vessels as indications of an impeding operation, something that Allied
forces worried about. The first major victory was at Casablanca, where the Western
Assault Force landed with very little resistance. This helped spread orders to cease
active resistance in the following days in the other operational locations though not
fast enough. The Central Task force, however, met resistance from Vichy French
forces that did not receive orders to not resist the Allied invasion. Due to high winds
blowing the sea and improper conduct of Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield
(IPB), landing craft were landing in wrong locations. Certain landing crafts landed
in locations that couldn t support these crafts causing damages and slowing down
troop movement. This could have been prevented if proper utilization of
reconnaissance parties to ensure proper landing sites instead of searching for enemy
submarines (Slee, 2017). Naval Forces from Casablanca were called in to assist with
the Landing in Oran due to the French resistance as well as the environmental
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Elizabeth Pardue
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Silence Of The Lambs Essay. Excerpt from quot;The Silence of the Lambsquot;. ...
Elizabeth Pardue
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Elizabeth Pardue
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Elizabeth Pardue
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Elizabeth Pardue
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Elizabeth Pardue
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Elizabeth Pardue
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Elizabeth Pardue
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Elizabeth Pardue
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Cause And Effect Essays. Cause and Effect Essay Examples YourDictionary

  • 1. Cause And Effect Essays Crafting an essay on the intricacies of cause and effect can be a daunting task, fraught with challenges and complexities. At its core, this type of essay demands a deep understanding of causal relationships and their subsequent impacts, requiring meticulous research and thoughtful analysis. To begin with, identifying a compelling topic that not only piques the reader's interest but also offers ample opportunities for exploration can be arduous. Delving into the depths of causality requires a keen eye for detail and a critical mindset to unearth the underlying connections between events, actions, and outcomes. Moreover, structuring the essay in a coherent manner presents its own set of hurdles. Balancing the exposition of causes with the exploration of effects demands careful organization and clarity of thought. Without a well-defined structure, the essay risks losing its focus and failing to convey its intended message effectively. Additionally, synthesizing relevant evidence and supporting data to substantiate the proposed causal relationships can be a time-consuming endeavor. Scrutinizing scholarly sources, statistical data, and real-life examples necessitates rigorous attention to detail and a discerning evaluation of the available information. Furthermore, articulating complex causal chains in a clear and concise manner poses a formidable challenge. Striking the right balance between elucidating intricate causal mechanisms and maintaining readability requires adept linguistic skills and an astute sense of rhetoric. In conclusion, navigating the intricate terrain of cause and effect essays demands intellectual rigor, meticulous planning, and effective communication skills. Despite its inherent difficulties, mastering the art of crafting such essays can be immensely rewarding, offering profound insights into the interconnected nature of the world around us. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Cause And Effect Essays Cause And Effect Essays
  • 2. Sdasdasdas C521 Exam 1 Name:| Imtiaz Ahmed| You have three hours to take and submit this exam. You must save this file using the following convention: LastnameFirstname (for example, my exam would be saved as SmithReed.docx). If you do not have the most current version of Word, that is OK. The file extension might be .doc instead. The document is protected (Tools menu) so that the data in the answer cells is type restricted. You may unprotect the document in order to paste excerpts from Excel (they must be formatted to fit) into your computations, but then you should re protect the document without passwords so that you do not lose the answer formatting for the remainder of the exam. The exam does NOT have to be protected when it is ... Show more content on ... An aging of accounts receivable is completed. It is estimated that $9,150 of the receivables outstanding at year end will be uncollectible. Bad Debts Expense| Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (adjusted balance)| $4,150 | $9,150 | 2. It is estimated that 3% of credit sales for the year will prove to be uncollectible. Bad Debts Expense| Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (adjusted balance)| $4,000 | $9,000 | Show computations here: Bad debts expense| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | uncollectible amount | | | 9150| | | balance of allowance for doubtful debts| | 5000| | | | | | | | dr| cr| | | BAD DEBT EXPENSE| | | 4150| | | | | Allowance for doubtful debt | | 4150| | | | | | | | | | | ADJUSTED BALANCE in allowance for doubtful debt| 9150| (5000+4150)| | | | | | | | | Uncollectible amount | 3% of 300000| 9000| | | Balnance of allowance for doubtful debts| 5000| | | | | | | | 4000| | | | | | | | dr| cr| | | BAD DEBT EXPENSE | | | 4000| | | | | Allowance for doubtful
  • 3. The Adaptation Of The National Banking Act Was Due To The The adaptation of the national banking act was due to the American civil war between the northern and southern states. When the war started in April of 1861, the federal government had no idea that it would last as long as it did, nor did they think that it would cost as much as it did. Soon after the war started, the federal Government realized that it needed a huge flow of cash if they wanted to defeat the south. The government then tried all applicable means of generating money to pay for the expense of the war. They increased taxes, sold bonds and forced banks to lend them money in exchange for the right to issue its own banknotes and the privilege to print fiat currency. When that wasn t enough, the government then formed a... Show more content on ... Banks took advantage of this opportunity as well and profited from it. The National Bank act of 1863 was definitely an improvement to the nation s banking system but it was not successful as it was thought of to be, it did not fix the financial problems of the Nation at the time It drove approximately 1500 state chartered banks out of business and some was forced to become national charter banks because they were losing profits with the 10 percent tax increase that was imposed on the issuing of their banknotes. The state chartered banks that staid in business turned to the use of checking accounts and as a result, they became more successful and outgrew the nationally chartered banks. For this reason, I do personally thinks that the National banks acts was a failure. The dual banking system was a system that was formed following the passing of the national bank act. There were state chartered banks and nationally chartered banks that were both regulated and supervised but different entities. state chartered banks were regulated by states. While nationally charter banks were regulated by the federal government. There were also laws set by legislator that limited branching of banking to five. for this reason, there were lots of unit banks which made the US banking system remarkably unstable. There was also lots of bank panic because depositor was writing checks against their deposit that could not be clear by the banks. In order to
  • 4. Proud s 7 Sins There are seven infamous sins that a person can commit. These sins include lust, gluttony, sloth, wrath, envy, greed, and pride. A sin is an immoral act committed against God. However, God s mercy is indefinite. God can forgive any of these sins as long as that person seeks and accepts God s forgiveness. While these seven sins are forgivable, there is one sinthat cannot be forgiven. Despair has long been considered the unforgivable sin. Despair has roots that connect it to the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and the unforgivable act of suicide. Despair is the complete absence of hope. Despair is when a person feels that they cannot be saved. They have decided to turn against God and his omnipotence. By not believing in Gods powers, they have forsaken God. When someone doesn t believe they can be saved, they are denying God s forgiveness. God forgiveness is infinite, it never ends. ... Show more content on ... The reason despair is unforgivable is because they don t accept God s forgiveness. Believing that you cannot be saved means that you believe your sins are greater than God s grace and greater than Christs sacrifice. This means that God cannot forgive you, if don t believe that you can be forgiven. In John Milton s Paradise Lost, the devil is in despair after he has fallen from heaven. When he first sees Eden he is reminded of everything he has lost. He believes that he cannot be forgiven. There is no way to go back to heaven because of his betrayal to God. It is revealed in earlier books of Paradise Lost that Satan can never be saved. Satan and the other fallen angles could not have had forgiveness because their evil and sin came from themselves. They created sin, they were its source. Milton believes that despair is the worst sin of all. According to Milton, Satan can never be forgiven. God gave
  • 5. My Favorite Career Hello my name is Haiden and today i will be telling you about my favorite career. My favorite career is the auto mechanic. The auto mechanic works on cars correct . Well to me i love cars. Cars are just awesome machines. Cars can get us from point A to point B. Unless you break down. That s where i come in. If you break down or get stuck i can come and help you get out of that pickle. Shure auto mechanics do more than just fix cars we also modify cars for example. From what i just told you is sounds pretty fun but there are also the times where all you get to do for a day is sit in a workshop and just inspect cars, But when you get someone who hates doing it themselves the you can have some fun installing parts and other stuff like a turbo or two. That is why i like the mechanic career. What would i be doing in this career you might ask well like i said in the last paragraph. If you break down or get stuck i can come and help you get out of that pickle. Shure auto mechanics do more than just fix cars we also modify cars for example. From what i just told you is sounds pretty fun but there are also the times where all you get to do for a day is sit in a workshop and just inspect cars, But when you get someone who hates doing it themselves the you can have some fun installing parts and other stuff like a turbo or two. That is what we do in the mechanic bizz. The education needed for this career examples. Some high schools offer adequate training programs. though most
  • 6. The And Glass Ceiling Is Real 2017 And Glass Ceiling Is Real In the United States of America, men seem to want full control. Corporations, organizations, schools even religions have been created by men and for men and they have great opposition to women infiltrating their management positions. Men have created glass ceilings for women in the workplace. A glass ceilingis an artificial barrier that allows women to see the top of the corporate ladder, but at the same time denies them access to the higher rungs of that ladder. Women keep hitting their heads on the glass ceiling until they develop so many knots on their heads that eventually they give up on their goals and ambitions Do men Know better? More women today have higher education with higher grade point ... Show more content on ... Women do most of the invisible work in Corporate America. If this work were made visible, men in Corporate America would not receive all the glory for the jobs they have. As you see, educational attainment is a key ingredient to shattering the glass. Women are beginning to see that the best way to get to the top of any type of business is to create their own business. In women owned businesses today, the women seem to accept any business background shortcomings and seek education and training before they take the leap. Women try to base their decisions on logic and on sound business decisions. They do not seem to shoot from the hip the way many men do in the business world. In corporations that have dared to hire today s businesswoman, it seems these women officials are easier to work with in a consensus team building environment. Women tend to offer higher wages to their employees and fight for better benefits for them as well. Women know the need for flexible hours, childcare, and better insurance. All in all, it seems that women understand the problems of their employees. They work hard to be number one and in turn make their employees feel like they are number one to them. In most corporations today, the glass ceiling goes unnoticed and certainly unquestioned. Corporations boast of being a great place for women to work, but women are always middle management, not higher
  • 7. St Mary s River Essay St Mary s County is considered to be part of the Western Shore and extends from Charlotte Hall to its most Southern tip at Point Lookout. The peninsula is bordered by the Potomac River on the southeast, the Patuxent River on the northeast and the Chesapeake Bay (cite) to the east making it an ideal spot for abundant water activities such as fishing, jet skiing, water skiing, kayaking, and paddle boarding. The concern is that the access to these waterways is limited, especially in Leonardtown. Local water enthusiasts who desire to launch their crafts have to do so in remote locations throughout St Mary s County. These include Abell s Wharf, Chaptico Wharf, Great Mills Kayak and Canoe launch, Greenwell State Park, Piney Point Landing, and... Show more content on ... I propose aluminum because not only it is economical it comes standard, it s slip resistant, and is cool to the touch even in the summer sun. An express launch from Gator docks is estimated to cost a mere $80,500 and includes construction and installation. The time frame from start to finish is only 120 calendar days (Leonardtown somd cite). In addition Gator Dock will give a 10 year all inclusive warranty on the dock. The new dock will not only be aesthetically pleasing, it will be safer, accommodate more crafts, provide easier access from the parking lot, address the concerns of individuals launching their crafts into the wharf, but it will also allow future expansion of the Wharf. When entering from Washington Street the new dock will remain in its current location, resulting in less of an inconvenience for everyone. The current parking lot to the left will be used as a staging area as well as a construction area. Parking will be limited to the main parking lot on the right and along Washington Street. Revenue generated from a yearly $10 launch fee, increased sales at the the Wharf s own concession stand, sales at the cafe, coffee shop, and ice cream parlor located just up the road in the square should see an increase in patronage immediately. A thriving business is a happy business. Owners will be ecstatic. Town commissioners are extremely fond of the idea explaining how the project would increase boat traffic and be a drive to our
  • 8. Elements Of A Semantic Approach To Film Genre How is a genre picked for a film? There are many theorists and critics that judge the films and voice an option and eventual a genre is picked for the movies. There are many different kinds of genres, however, todays focus is on the genre type fantasy. What in a fantasy film makes it a fantasy genre? This paper will break down what a film genretruly is, explain how costume design can effect viewers, and describe the key elements of a film in detail to determine what makes it a fantasygenre. The word genre refers to a type or category of designated motion picture productions. In other words, a genre serves as an upfront guarantee that the audience can expect to find a certain emotional appeal in that film. This allows the viewer to positively know they will get to see similar kinds of films that they prefer to view. In the article, A Semantic/Syntactic Approach to Film Genre, lists some key elements, [...] we can as a whole distinguish between generic definitions which depend on a list of common traits, attitudes, characters, shots, locations, sets, and the like[...] , (page 10). Here is another explanation from the book, American Cinema/American Culture by John Belton, express in more detail, Films that belong to a specific genre draw from a fairly fixed body of character and story types, setting and situations, costumes and props, thematic concerns and visual iconography, and conventions that are shared by other films in that particular genre. (page 124). The book and
  • 9. Professional Athletes, Sports Cars, Mansions, And Money When thinking of professional athletes, sports cars, mansions, and money all come to mind. What about after the pros? Most people would say that professional athletes are set for the rest of their lives with everything luxurious. In most cases, athletes are accustomed to the luxurious lifestyle and living for the moment while playing in the pros that they do not think of retirement and no longer receiving salary or comparable salary if securing alternative employment. So if they do not have money put away, whatever they were paid as their last salary is what they have left. They continue spending their money on expensive restaurants, trips, cars, etc. until it is gone and bankruptcy is the only option. According to Sports Illustrated, in... Show more content on ... Although Owens had amazing talent, his ego disrupted the team on the field and in the locker room. After many seasons with San Francisco, Owens decided to sign with the Philadelphia Eagles in 2004 as an unrestricted free agent. Later throughout the season, Owens broke his leg but with a speedy recovery he was able to take his starting role in Super Bowl XXXIX. Even though he made it back in time for the Super Bowl, the Eagles came up short and lost to the New England Patriots. Although Terrell Owens first season with the Eagles went smoothly, his second season was not as good. Unhappy with his contract, critical with the Eagles quarterback, and causing trouble in the locker room, the club released him in 2006. Soon after his release, the Dallas Cowboys picked Owens up for three seasons before dropping him due to his ego off and on the field. Terrell Owens would then go to the Buffalo Bills for the 2009 season and then the Cincinnati Bengals for the 2010 season. As a six time Pro Bowl selection and being second in league history with 15,934 receiving yards, tied for second with 153 touchdowns, and sixth with 1,078 catches, Terrell Owens did not receive a single offer from an NFL club in 2011. In hopes of gaining attention from NFL scouts, Owens joined the Allen Wranglers Indoor Football League in 2012. Terrell Owens biggest downfall was how he conducted himself off and on the field. Many teams would not give him the time of day because of how he conducted
  • 10. The themes are timeless and resonate the views in a modern... The themes are timeless and resonate the views in a modern society despite being written in disparate contexts, these values concern the core of human nature. This can be shown and evidenced through Shakespeare s Othello and the similar views in Clint Eastwood s Unforgiven . Both texts echo the same views and themes through timeless society, these being Gender, and Honour. In Othello there are many negative views on the treatment of women and equality which are shared with Unforgiven though at a much more violent level and both exerting male dominance. Iago see s all women the same, addressing his statement with the use of caesura, devils being offended..., and housewives in your beds from Act 2 scene 1. He lists these abusing ... Show more content on ... Little Bill s comment during the interrogation of those guilty of the abuse towards Delilah is ironic, well I aint gonna hurt no woman as though he doesn t harm the women, he has still hurt them as the offenders were not punished justly for their crime, which is insulting towards the women. The Kid comes to Munny for help and labels the women with animal imagery here even cut her teats the incident was over exaggerated, though the animal imagery reveals that another man in the country uses a downgrading term, thus offending the females. Overall the males views in both Othello and unforgiven remain pertinent despite the gap in their time, which only shows that the theme is timeless and the fight for equality is not over. Othello is known as an honorable man in the play as he is in charge but that begins to fade, and Desdemona still chooses to honor her husband. The ironic comment from Desdemona in Act 4 Scene 2 To whom my lord, With whom? How am I false? this is ironic as everyone but her knows that she is accused of adultery , and her use of repeated question marks shows her distress to be right in the eyes of her husband, to honor him with respect. Iago is one who also holds a honorable position, though it is deceiving. His high regard can be noted through the use of epithets Honest Iago . These epithets are ironic as he is not honorable , and
  • 11. Relationship Between Repetition And The Belief Of... ABSTRACT This experiments looks at the relationship between repetition and the belief in Extrasensory Perception (ESP). People who believe in ESP are referred to as sheep and those who do not are referred to as goats . This is the sheep goat effect. The sheep are more likely to avoid giving repetitions than the goats that have a low belief in ESP. A total of one hundred and eighty five participants took part in this study by imagining that they had a dice that they had to roll. They had to provide the experimenter with an imaginary number between one and six which would be repeated and recorded a total of 67 times. Once this had been completed a questionnaire was given in which they had to rate their belief in ESP on a scale of one (strong belief) and six (strong disbelief). In order to test the hypothesis, data was collected and then analysed in order to find out the number of repetitions that occurred. This experiment consisted of three groups of people; the sheep, the goats, and those that were indifferent. The results obtained proved our hypothesis as the goats made a larger amount of repetitions than the sheep did. INTRODUCTION Extrasensory Perception is the belief in being able to perceive things from ways other than using our original 5 senses. Examples of ESP are clairvoyance and telepathy. This experiment provides us with the relevant evidence in order for us to prove that there is a relationship between repetition and Extrasensory Perception. This study was
  • 12. Essay on Dating Anxiety Dating Anxiety Have you ever been really stressed about something? Think of the time when you have been the most stressed out. Multiply that to the 10th power and you have me before a date. It seems to me dating and stress are like salt and pepper; you almost never have one without the other. Endless anticipations flood your mind, making it almost impossible to keep a continuous train of thought. The worst thing about dating is that you get seriously stressed out for one lousy night. It s enough to turn a sane mind into a basket case. So much energy is put into preparing for a night that ends up being pretty lame. One thing is for sure; dating is not worth the stress it brings. Here are some examples of typical stresses you are faced ... Show more content on ... Tension is filling the house so you decide to wait outside. While waiting for your date you get ambushed by mosquitoes. Now your arms are covered in itchy red bumps that will be nagging at you the entire evening. By the time your date finally arrives, your hair has turned into a frizzy rat s nest from waiting in the humidity, not to mention you are in the worst mood possible. You get in the car trying to fake a genuine smile and just when you start to chill out and relax the next issue is faced: where to go. Of course your date leaves this crucial decision entirely up to you. After thinking through all of the spots you like to go to, you pick one that seems to suit you both. Unfortunately, you picked the place where your date s ex girlfriend likes to go. So you spend the whole evening trying to spark a good conversation as your date jealously eyeballs all the guys his ex is flirting with. After you realize the night is not going to get any better, you get the tab and ask your date for a ride home. Just when you think it s over and you re in the clear, you arrive at the most awkward situation of the evening: saying goodnight. Tradition says that there must be a kiss before the night is officially over, but there is absolutely no physical attraction between
  • 13. Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman Neil Postman writes, Amusing Ourselves to Death to address a television based epistemology pollutes public communication and its surrounding landscape, not that it pollutes everything. The book was produced in 1984 in a time where television was an emerging epidemic and other forms of communication that today have taken flight, didn t exist. It is directed to people who have let televisiondrag them away from their Focus and attention to comprehend as they have lost the ability to bring forth your own knowledge and find meaning. Postman s purpose to spread the word of this discourseand inform them of how much society is being set back due to the over indulging of television Opening the book, Postman explains how he will fulfill showing that a great media metaphor shift has taken place in America, with the result that content of much of our public discourse has become dangerous nonsense (pg. 16). There are two major points First: under the printing press, discourse In America was different from what it is now generally coherent, serious, rational. Second: under the governance of television, it has become withered. This made me think about how much media affects us on a daily basis. The first section of the Amusing Ourselves to Death is where Postman brings up a series of good points/. Postman explains how the bias of a medium sits heavy, felt but unseen, over a culture. He offers three cases of truth telling. First, when a dispute arises, the complainants come before
  • 14. Annotated Bibliography on Infidelity Annotated Bibliography Carnes, Patrick. Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction Minneapolis: CompCare, 1983. Patrick Carnes book offers a real life look at the problem of sexual addiction. He used the past experiences of others to write a book detailing the causes and effects of sexual addiction. Carnes explains how sexual addiction is a huge problem to all involved, not just the offender . He also explains how the addiction is a problem just like any other addictions. The book describes the danger of addictions to humans by stating, Because our sexuality is one of our most fundamental life processes, sexual compulsiveness is extremely threatening to all of us (Carnes page 5). Carnes uses fictionalized ... Show more content on ... Web. 5 Feb. 2014. In Othniel Seiden s article, he discusses some of the reasons for infidelity. He lists twenty reasons that people have given as to why they have cheated on a spouse or significant other. Seiden goes on to say that many people have unrealistic views or expectations on a marriage and states, Romance novels, movies, TV shows, may give couples a false sense of what marriage is all about . (Seiden) This article also discusses the common differing reasons women and men cheat. Seiden s article tells many reasons people would commit adultery. The article is very informative on how marriages work and what one needs to do to help keep their spousal relationship alive. Many people believe that affairs are strictly physical, but affairs come in many forms. This article illustrates the different types and what can be done to try and avoid them. It will also be used to help interpret what one would need to do to prevent the distasteful human action of infidelity. It will also be used to show the differences between the types of affairs. The author s conclusions are interesting and will make valuable points in a research paper. University of Montreal. Infidelity Dissected: New Research On Why People Cheat. ScienceDaily. 13 September 2008. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. The University of Montreal performed four different studies to help prove the assumption that people with evident
  • 15. Theories Of Leadership And Leadership Theory Essay EVALUATE ANY TWO CONTEMPORARY THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP. Traditional theories of leadership were more concentrated on behaviours and traits of leaders, and how they affect subordinates in the workplace. Then came contingency theories, which took into account situational/contextual factors. Newer theories have come up, which introduced the idea that leader subordinate relationships are individually different. These newer theories are Contemporary theories of leadership. They include Leader Member exchange Theory, Implicit Leadership Theory and Transformational Leadership Theory. In this paper, I shall examine Leader Member Exchange Theory and Implicit Leadership Theory. The Leader Member Exchange theory (LMX) introduces a new approach to leadership models with the view of leadership as a reciprocal interaction between leaders and their subordinates. It initiates the importance of communication in leadership. LMX deals with the ways in which the leader subordinate relationship affects the leadership process. The relationship between the leader subordinate pair, which is referred to as a dyad, is considered separately for each pair, because leaders behave differently with each subordinate. Central to this theory is that leaders have different relationships with different subordinates which leads to the subordinates being placed in two categories; the in group and the out group. Subordinates in the in group have good relationships with the leader. The relationship is
  • 16. Staphylococcus Alexander Ogston Staphylococcus Staphylococcus was discovered and named in 1880 by Alexander Ogston, a surgeon from Scotland (Myles 2012). As shown in the photo, bacteria in the Staphylococcus genus are round shaped bacteria that form grape like clusters. These spherical grape like clusters gave rise to its name. Staphylococcus are Gram positive, non spore forming, non motile bacteria. They do not form capsules, nevertheless, certain species produce biofilms, which make it harder for them to be killed. They are very small, ranging from cells of colonies the size of 0.6 um 1.5 um (Winn 2006). They have a generation time of about thirty minutes, meaning that every thirty minutes one cell splits into two new cells (Myles 2012). Therefore, it doesn t take long ... Show more content on ... Though, it s tendency to be pathogenic varies with the person. It is usually pathogenic primarily to those susceptible to infections. Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, and Staphylococcus hominis can be treated with antibiotics such as penicillin. Nonetheless, they can develop resistance to the penicillin derivatives as well. Each species of staph can work together to cause similar infections because they are all a part of the body s natural
  • 17. Chinese Americans And Filipino Americans With all the discord going on around the word today, it is quite easy for us to forget that at the end of the day, we are very much similar to each other. When we hear of the Chinese Americans and Filipino Americans living in America today, not often do we see a connection between the two except for the fact that they come from Asia or have descendants from Asia. If we dive deeper into history, we will see that when the Chinese and the Filipinos first came to America, they had very similar purposes and goals in mind; one of them being make money and go back home. They were both determined to work hard for a country quite foreign to them but both were also targeted as the other side and a majority of them suffered from ill treatments like assault and blatant discrimination. Before the Chinese began to immigrate to America, China had previously lived in isolation from the rest of the world for a while after Zheng He s voyages in the 15th century allowed the Chinese to receive confirmation that they were much more advanced than any other group at that time. However, China still participated in the Manila Galleon Trade with Mexico until the 1800s in which Chinese goods such as silk, ivory and porcelain were exchanged for silver. In the late 1700s the first ship from the United States with the name Empress of China sailed for China with intentions to start a trade relationship between the two countries. The trip proved to be successful and led to investors being encouraged to
  • 18. Economic Analysis Of Unemployment And Its Impact On Gdp Economic Analysis of Unemployment and its Impact on GDP in Developed Countries Paul Kuechenmeister Econ 4331W August 3rd, 2014 Introduction This study examines the impact of unemployment rates to a developed economies growth rate. This paper will be built off of the most distinguished idea addressing the relation of economic growth and unemployment, Okun s Law . Okun s Law that assesses the relation between unemployment and economic growth is one of linearity . Okun s Law is the idea that there is a natural level of unemployment and when the level of unemployment is above the natural rate, economic growth suffers. This paper aims prove correlation between the level of unemployment and level of economic growth in developed countries. This dissertation will utilize a linear regression model for a cross country regression analysis. The type of unemployment used in this dissertation will be aggregate unemployment, while drilling down and separating out structural, frictional and cyclical unemployment would be ideal in running a regression, the data is simply not present for the subset of countries used in this analysis. This study examines 25 developed countries unemployment rate per capita and GDP growth rate per capita from 1991 to 2012. Literature Review Arthur Okun published a paper in 1962 examining the relationship between unemployment rates and economic growth. Okun s paper focused on the United States post war due to the spurt of economic growth and
  • 19. Kurdistan Workers Party Research Paper The Kurdistan Workers Party I decided to do my paper on the terrorist organization named Kurdistan Workers party from what I have read about them they are a very interesting group, but violent. The main reason for their attacks is to form a Kurdistan state within Turkey. Some people apart of this organization feel that Turkey has oppressed their culture. They want to fight Turkish officials to prove their point. The group was started by Abdullah Ocalan, a man who believes in Marxist lenist ideas. Abdullah now resides in a Turkish prison but still has control over what the PKK (Kurdish workers party) does. First, Some history of Abdullah Ocalan. He was born in Kurdish village in the country of Turkey. The city where he was born was Omerli, Turkey, On the date of April 4, 1948. He is also known as Apo which means Uncle. He was basically the guy who started it all. I am sure there were many before him with different beliefs, but he was the guy who created the group to make a change for some Kurdish people. I do say some because not all Kurdish people may agree with Apo, because of the violence the group portrays. Ocalan s surname means avenger . The group can be said to be a terrorist organization by most countries, and defiantly an enemy to Turkey. Ocalan was born to a peasant family in a village in southeastern Turkey. He had vague political aspirations as a youngster. (Abdullah Ocalan) This leads me to believe that being in poor family led him to want to change
  • 20. Theme Of Hullabaloo In The Guava Orchard INDIAN SENSE OF RELIGIOSITY IN THE NOVEL THE HULLABALOO IN THE GUAVA ORCHARD T.V.N Swathi Research Scholar Department of English Acharya Nagarjuna University Guntur Winner of the Booker prize 2006, Kiran Desai was born in India in 1971. Daughter of an eminent Indian English author Anita Desai, she has carved out a name for herself as a novelist by writing just two novels, Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard and The Inheritance of Loss. Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard is in the form of a fable and told with understanding and tenderness. She made her debut with the tale of a shiftless son of middle class Indian parents who climbs a tree and begins to be treated as a guru. Other related incidents create an inextricable web the growth and popularity of the Monkey Baba, the attempts of Mr. Chawla and his family, the arrival of the band of monkeys, the efforts of the entire administration of Shahkot etc. While Anita Desai dwells deep in ... Show more content on ... For him it is a never ending flow of misery, a prison. The only time he had a little bit of fun, he was curtailed and punished. He feels the neighborhood houses rise like a trap, a maze of staircases. He feels bitter at heart, and thinks his surroundings are detrimental to his mental health. He doesn t want another job but open spaces and peace of mind. He can live this life of complete freedom only by escaping from the humdrum of family life. To seek that he really runs away from the home. As soon as he escapes in bus, he thinks as if he got new life like snakes that get new life after they leave the withered rags of their old skins behind and disappear into grass. He thought of how he was leaving the world, a world that made its endless revolutions towards nothing. Now it did not matter any more. His heart was caught in a thrall of joy and fear. Somehow, somewhere, he had found a crack.
  • 21. Neonatology Essay The term neonatology refers to the branch of medicine concerned with the care, development, and diseases of newborn infants ( Even though the term neonatal strictly define the newborn period from birth to 28 days of age , it includes everything from routine care of the normal newborn infant, all the way through to provision of intensive care for the smallest and sickest of infants. In many cases this will involve premature infants who are often older than four weeks of chronological age but less than 44 weeks corrected gestational age. This type of care is complex and generates large amounts of clinical, monitoring and laboratory or imaging data (David Emma Parry,2009). Levels of Neonatal Care Units Thanks to the availability of neonatal intensive care the outcomes of high risk infants born either preterm or with serious medical or surgical conditions has improved (Bode MM et al, 2001; MacDorman MF; MacDorman 2009 ; Clement MS,2005 ). According to the American academy of pediatrics the updated classification of neonatal intensive care units consists of basic care (level I), specialty care (level II), and subspecialty intensive care (level III, level IV). These levels definitions reflect the overall evidence for risk appropriate care throughout the availability of appropriate personnel, physical space, equipment, technology, and organization. The functional capabilities of facilities that provide inpatient care for newborn infants should be
  • 22. How Does Shakespeare Use Humor In Hamlet William Shakespeare s Hamlet is a tragedy that tells the unfortunate fate of a royal family. One would expect nothing but sadness in such a story. However, this is not the case. Besides the story being a tragedy, Shakespeare uses humor as a hint to the characters of the tragedy that Hamlet has gone insane due to the death of his father. Furthermore, humor serves as comic relief throughout the tragedy. This humor is used to justify Hamlet s madness as it illustrates just what Hamlet has been dealing with in losing his father. Horatio tells Hamlet that he and some guards have seen the ghost of King Hamlet. Curious, Hamlet waits the next night for the ghost. Sure enough it appears and tells Hamlet that his uncle Claudius killed his father. ... Show more content on ... The events that happen before the graveyard scene are horrendous. Hamlet accidently kills Polonius after mistaking him with the Claudius, in which he thought was the one behind the curtains in Gertrude s bedroom. The death of Polonius causes Ophelia to go nuts and eventually, she too dies. Humor is used as comic relief as seen in the graveyard scene in Act V, scene 1 with Hamlet and the gravediggers. The diggers joke about the death of Ophelia. While they re at it, Hamlet comes in and begins a conversation with one of the gravediggers. They begin to joke with each other when Hamlet asked Whose grave s this, sirrah? (1092) in which the digger replies Mine sir (1092). Hamlet uses the word lie in many ways such as lying on the ground or as in lying. He responded to the digger, I think it be thine indeed, for thou liest in t (1092). Shakespeare shows here that Hamlet and the gravedigger are evenly clever with their use of puns, as they use them left and right. This here sets up a different scenario compared to the rest of the story. It changes things up a bit by adding humor, while staying true to the original
  • 23. Smelly Wolf Research Paper Once there was a smelly wolf that smelled like socks. He was a nice wolf but people thought he was mean like these people Hansel and Gretel, Red Riding Hood, Humpty Dumpty, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, the Princess and the Frog, Harry Potter, Sherk, Peter Pan, Smurfs, Tinker Bell, the Little Mermaid, the 3 Blind Mice, Aladdin, the Wizard of Oz, Tangled, Snow White, Frankenstein,Hello Kitty,Barbie, Ken,3 Musketeers, Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go, my Little Pony, Elmo,Cookie Monster, The Flintstones, The Little Red Hen, Chicken Little, Dumbo, Puss In Boot, Percy Jackson, Spongebob, The Ugly Duckling. So the king invited him for dinner so he had to get ready so he went to dinner the king ask him , What do you do. And the wolf said he
  • 24. Best Man Wedding Speech Essay Best Man Wedding Speech This is the first time Kevin s ever brought me dinner and I?m too nervous to eat it. For those of you who don t know me, I m Kevin s younger brother and my full name is Bobby What are you drinking, so if you see me at the bar later don t hesitate to call me by my full name. Unfortunately every silver lining does have A cloud, and that is that you ve all got to listen to me for the next 5 minutes. I d just like to thank Kevin on behalf of the bridesmaids for his kind words I think you will all agree that they have done a fantastic job today and look absolutely beautiful. I d also like to thank everyone for coming today to celebrate the marriage of Kevin and Lisa. Personally I wish you d all stayed at ... Show more content on ... I did a lot of research to make sure that I wouldn t be forgetting anything, and came up with a checklist of what my duties should be. BRING OUT LIST Before I get to the list though, I want to share a little more about what I found in my research. I read a book that stated that there are three key elements to a successful wedding day. They are as follows: The Aisle The longest walk you ll ever take. The Altar The place where two become one. The Hymn The celebration of the marriage. I think Lisa must have read the same book, because after taking the vows earlier today, I m pretty sure I heard her mumbling those same three things. Aisle Altar Hymn. Ok, now back to the checklist. This checklist that I came up with included each of the following. 1. Making sure his Face and Hair are in order (If god couldn t do it, what chance have I got.) 2. Keeping Kevin s mechanical hands away from the wedding car so that we actually got here 3. See that angry ex girlfriends are kept at bay Thankfully the foot and mouth epidemic saw off most of them, and I think the rest are actually out celebrating as I speak.
  • 25. 4. And finally, make a speechat the wedding reception, so I thought I would give a little bit of background into Kevin for those who don t know him as well as me. So here goes. Background Kevin was born 15th December 1971 at Purley Hospital and weighed just 6lb 14oz after coming prematurely, (no change there
  • 26. Gender Stereotypes In Aladdin The aim of this essay is to investigate the race, sexuality and gender stereotyping that is expressed through the Disney film Aladdin and how these elements affect the characters. These elements will be represented within the characters personality and back story which is then visually represented in the characters design. In this Disney film there is a great importance to know the history in the world during the time that this film was established. The history during 1991 is shown through the characters. The filmmakers established Aladdin in 1991 Gulf War that lasted six months. Conflict was present between Iraq and 34 countries in the U.N. inclusive of the United States, trying to recover order to Kuwait. Within the film Aladdin the... Show more content on ... This creates an image of all Arabs having a violent nature. This was evident in the scene where Jasmine steals an apple for a penniless boy, the shop vendor then grabs her hand threatening to cut it off for her thievery. Therefore showing how the community turns to violence to resolve problems, crime etc... Not only do the stereotypes expressed through the characters and the play a vital role, but the representation through body structure, style and design help create and grant these characters to be more unique and individualistic. This allows them to contrast with other background characters and the environment in which they live. The way in which Disney films help maintain a respectable name for the hero is through justifying the characters negative actions. This is present in Aladdin as he is portrayed to be a thief as he steals a loaf of bread, just before he was about to eat the bread he then sees two children scratching through trash to feed themselves. Aladdin in turn, gives the children the bread therefore justifying his actions of thievery. The reasoning behind his actions help to reduce his Arabic decent and the stereotypes related with
  • 27. Labor And The Roots Of Progressivism Anwar Khalid Professor Wegner HIST 124 11 November, 2014 Labor and the Roots of Progressivism The progressive era was an age of rapid advancement in social, economic, and societal values that shaped the United States into what it is today. The industrialization and subsequent labor reforms of the mid to late nineteenth century across the world helped to shape the United States and its entry into the modern world. Labor unions and the reforms they forced helped us to modernize and ethically improve our industry, bringing with them the liberal thought and ideas that helped drive American society into the modern world. In 1848, Europe was wracked with a chain of revolutions that would later be known as the Spring of Nations. Though no lasting political impact was felt, the continent would forever be transformed by the revolutionary liberal spirit that had unfolded. Across the sea in the United States, the same surge was never truly felt. At least not in the same way. The path to progressive advancement both socially and politically did not reach the United States until the closing years of the century. The United States was rising as one of the greatest industrial powers in the world, and would never have reached that position were it not for the millions of workers laying rail lines, forging steel, milling textiles, mining coal ,and drilling for oil. For many years these men and women worked for no set minimum wage and on shifts that had no mandated time limit. By starting
  • 28. Persuasive Essay On Beauty Looking to improve your appearance without having to invest in expensive beauty products or surgical procedures? The truth is, the secret to being beautiful does not come with a high price. In fact, you only need to be more conscious about the foods you eat and make sure that what you put on your plate can benefit not only your health, but your skin as well. Fortunately, health and beauty go hand in hand and that means as long as you stay healthy, you can look naturally attractive, too. So, forget about those pricey skin creams and cosmetic surgeries, and consider eating several types of vegetables that make you look beautiful. With these food items, you will notice your skin clearing up, your eyes looking bright and stunning, and your body looking as gorgeous as ever! 1. Red Bell Pepper Red bell pepper is one of best sources of vitamin C, which is instrumental in enhancing the growth of white blood cells that limit the number of bacteria and germs in your body. With a good supply of vitamin C, you can also strengthen your immune system and make yourself less prone to infections. Furthermore, red bell pepper has been linked with wrinkle free skin because of its high amounts of vitamin C. It is the same nutrient that stimulates collagen production, which is key to achieving young looking skin. Eat your way to an attractive and youthful skin with these anti ageing and beauty enhancing vegetables. With these super foods, you can look younger, stay healthier, and feel more
  • 29. Speech About My Dad My Dad and I Everyone is born with a biological father, not necessarily a dad. A father essentially has a choice to walk out or give up. Not everyone can be a dad or be a good father figure to their child. It s up to them if they want to take advantage of their time with you and love you endlessly. My Dad is one of the most important and influential people in my life. To you, he is Paul Derosario but to me, he is a loving father, mentor, role model, and a friend. Our relationship is so significant and strong that the bond that we have cannot simply be broken. He pushes me to be a better person, teaches me important life lessons, and sacrifices so much to make my life better. I think of my dad to be somewhat of a motivational speaker... Show more content on ... I remember being on the phone with my dad, letting him take in all the emotions I was feeling. He was listening to every sobbing word and every stutter like he was a student in the class. He felt the wretched pain that I was feeling. I expected him to be disappointed and give me a quick pep talk then tell me to suck it up but instead, he said these very words, if you give the coaches an unreasonable doubt as to why you should be on this team, then no matter who their favourites are, you will be picked. You just have to make every moment you have with the ball count and be the best at everything you do. This made a huge impact on my game because I was no longer caring about how many times I touch the ball, I was just focusing on what to do with it to change the game. My dad was right in the end, I did my best in the last couple days of the camp and tried to make a difference on the field, and I got chosen to play for Canada in the 4 nations cup in China against US, Japan, and China. My dad only wants me to succeed and achieve what I have earned. It is important that he helps guide me through my tough times with his life lessons of his own. Even though he does not just help me with soccer either, those life lessons can correlate to everything I do. Such as my appearance and how I look at myself. I find that I compare myself to other people and try to impress others instead of not caring what other people think. My dad told me and
  • 30. After The Wedding Movie Analysis The movie, After the Wedding, is a very complex movie that displays a series of events surrounding a wedding and continuing to show what most movies fail to depict in their Hollywood visions of a good movie, what happens AFTER the picture perfect wedding. The movie involves a man who is attempting to open a safe haven for children in a poverty stricken community. While he has continuously failed previous projects, Jacob is determined to help the children he has become close to in order to provide the necessities they have been lacking for years, including simplistic things like immunizations and medications for common sicknesses. When Jacob found a promising source of income to bring his business to an amazing start, he leaves what he considers family behind to begin what he had hoped for. Upon arrival, Jacob soon realizes that the situation at hand is a lot more complicated than he anticipated. As requested by the donor, Jacob attends a wedding he soon finds is his own child s. Jacob attempts to provide the children he loves at home with what they so desperately need, but the terms of the grant make obstacles he cannot overcome and please everyone involved, including himself. Throughout the movie, there is apparent differences in the society surrounding Jacob based on the presence of money, education and power. These factors have created two completely different communities and is comparable to real life situations. In every country, state and even citythere are
  • 31. The Painting Essay The Painting A picture can paint a thousand words. I found the one picture in my mind that does paint a thousand words and more. It was a couple of weeks ago when I saw this picture in the writing center; the writing center is part of State College. The beautiful colors caught my eye. I was so enchanted by the painting, I lost the group I was with. When I heard about the observation essay, where we have to write about a person or thing in the city that catches your eye. I knew right away that I wanted to write about the painting. I don t know why, but I felt that the painting was describing the way I felt at that moment. When I first looked at the picture, it looked like there were only two colors green and blue. When I got closer ... Show more content on ... The grass was spread out through the whole painting. If you looked hard enough you can see flowers of pink and red growing within the grass. There were spots of yellow in the grass making the grass look as though it was dying. Then the painting had a patch of grass that had a very vibrant shade of green, that made the grass look so alive. The grass had a willowy quality that may have suggested that there may have been a breeze. The river also suggested a breeze, there were ripples that flowed southeast. There were many different shades of blue in the lake and river. The lake had a darker shade of light blue surrounded by a dark blue then lined with black. The lake appeared to have a light shining either on top or the bottom of it, which allowed you to see the grass growing under it. The river had a lighter shade of light blue with white lines to show the ripples but it was surrounded with the same colors as the lake. You did not see any grass growing under the river because there was no light shining on the river. When I saw the painting for the first time it grabbed my attention. At first I thought it was the beautiful colors that attracted me to the painting, but it was more. In the picture the shadowy men look scared. They looked as though they were trying to run away from something and this lake that forms into this river that is surrounded by tall grass is the way out, or at least a place to hide until the coast is clear. During that time in my life I felt
  • 32. Last Week Tonight By John Oliver With an English accent and a smize, John Oliver hosts the show Last Week Tonight , which features Oliver comedically attacking various people or organizations. With the use of rhetorical devices and satire, John Oliver comically conveys various ideas regarding politics, faulty companies, and beauty pageants. In explanation of his ideas, he frequently utilizes satirical techniques and rhetorical devices such as reductio ad absurdum, incongruity, caricature, invectiveness, false/weak analogies, and logos to explain his points. As John Oliver airs his weekly program, Last Week Tonight , he educates viewers on relevant issues, and incorporates factual evidence along with his opinion. He uses both horatian and juvenalian satire in order to ... Show more content on ... In order to create a better understanding of the history of dialysis and healthcare, Oliver scholarly explains, In 1972, something amazing happened. Richard Nixon...signed a bill into law which said the government would pay for dialysis for anyone that needed it... In order to make his explanations credible, Oliver incorporates facts which increases his logos and ethos. To expand on the idea of the kidneys being the sole organ which obtains government funded healthcare, he declares with a picture of kidneys sitting in the snow of Canada, Your kidneys, and only your kidneys are Canadian! This statement is another example of incongruity; again, Oliver presents a statement which is contrasts greatly from the current situation of which he is in. While he is discussing the role government plays in dialysis, he delivers the idea of kidneys sitting in the snow of Canada, which assists him in his argument of the government only providing healthcare coverage of the kidneys. Just as the Times stated in their review of Oliver, [He] is willing to voice genuine passion over his subjects , he voices his passionate displeasure towards Trump in his President elect Trump segment. Oliver targets Trump on a specific debate in which he was mistakenly unaware of the nuclear triad, and he critically reveals, The components of the nuclear triad are important. It is unacceptable not to be able to name every single one of them. They are
  • 33. Innovation Placement Of A Good Or Service Into The Market... Innovation placement of a good or service into the market that patrons can buy (Pearce Robinson, 2011, p. 371). There are 2 types of innovation that a firm can experience which include incremental and breakthrough. It s important of organizations and leaders to aware of the associated differences and risks involved as one fuels the other. The following essay will discuss the aforementioned characteristics. There are a few difference between the innovation types. First, incremental innovation is the act of making small, simple changes to products, services or processes, whereas, breakthrough innovation is an out of the ordinary development that create a new product or market (Pearce Robinson, 2011, p. 371). Typically, incremental... Show more content on ... Another difference is that incremental innovation is discovered on the demand side of the value chain, whereas, breakthrough is created on the supply side (Marshall, 2013). This is because incremental innovation is a response to customer needs or wants as they are already familiar with the product, hence, the demand sparks the supply side of the value chain. There are a few risks associated with both incremental and breakthrough innovation. With incremental innovation, lack of coordination and time, lack of trained employees, not choosing the correct ideas, not enough customer insight, poor planning, and incentives are not tied to innovation, and support not given to employees by management could cause the innovation process to be unsuccessful (Kadareja, 2013). In my opinion, these risk could be minimized because the company has the most control over these risks. For instance, a company can train / hire knowledgeable individuals, as well as, support and incentivizes employees. On the other hand, breakthrough innovation are not as manageable in my opinion. These risks include: availability of and high development cost, unknown demand in the market, economic risk, long development times, competitive pressure or market is dominated by an existing business, copy right issues, and ability to meet regulatory statutes (Kadareja, 2013). For
  • 34. Samsung Research And Development Essay Research and Development Introduction to Samsung s research and development Research and development(R D) is highly valued by Samsung Electronics. Ongoing investment funding Samsung Electronics collaborative global research network plays a key role in their ability to create and innovate the products today that is aimed to enrich people s lives tomorrow. In order to achieve their objective, Samsung Electronics hired a large team of researchers and also engineers. This include over 50,000 employees across 42 global research centres. All of the global Samsung Electronics R D centres collaborate with each other on strategic technologies to keep up with the increasingly fast paced world of technology. Layers of Samsung R D organisation Samsung s R D organisation consists of three layers which includes the division product development teams, the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) and Samsung Electronics global R D network. Each R D centre has a division product development team. The division product development teams in each centre are mainly responsible for commercialising products that are scheduled to penetrate into the global ... Show more content on ... Therefore, instead of spending more to create more products, Samsung electronics should focus more on enhancing and improving the existing products they already have. For example, Samsung Electronics should develop its weaker products. Furthermore, they should invest more into the researching and developing environmental friendly products that can ensure the sustainability of Samsung Electronics to ensure a more promising future in the ever changing electronics industry. Continuous investment in R D of new technologies is also key to Samsung s future to stay on as the top players of the global electronics industry. This is the best way for Samsung Electronics to have the upper hand against its fellow competitors and stay competitive in the
  • 35. Social Corporate Responsibility In The Lego Company Social corporate responsibility is defined as a company s efforts to go above and beyond what is required by regulators and environmental protection groups. These companies are highly aware of the effects their business has on the environment and society. The LEGO Group is a company that embraces social corporate responsibility on every level. Bonnie Byerly, A second grade teacher at Reeds Elementary, has been able to see firsthand what LEGOGroup is doing for the community, schools in particular. LEGO Grouphas evolved over the years, taking into account gender equality, making pledges to use earth friendly packaging and banning major brands that were not being environmentally safe from being seen on their product. Lego Corp was established in 1932 by founder Ole Kirk Kristiansen. With just 10 employees, they start crafting wooden construction toys. The most famous of these were the wooden duck. As the popularity of plastic toys rose in the mid 1950s, the company did away with wooden toys and started focusing on manufacturing plastic automatic binding blocks. As early as the beginning of the company, their motto was Only the best is good enough. High quality and safe products have been the focal point of LEGO Group for decades. Over the years LEGO Group has kept its word on that motto and has supplied millions of families with creative toys that last. LEGO Group is very clear about their goal when it comes to early education. They are dedicated to their product and
  • 36. Examples Of Naturalism In The Call Of The Wild In Conclusion, American naturalism is a vital scholarly pattern and it is compelling to authenticity furthermore innovation. As a popular author, London had essential influence in the naturalistic pattern, and he made extraordinary commitment to the world s artistic history. He was firmly affected by Darwin s hypothesis of advancement. The determinism and the big fish gobble up the little, the fittest survive hypothesis of naturalismare plainly indicated in the novel. The Call of the Wild uncovered the embodiment of humans life: from the general public point of view, there is by all accounts one and only law in this world, which both men also, brutes obey just the fittest can make due in the emphatically aggressive world. Buck s battles toward freedom can symbolize the battles each human faces in life. We ought to take in something from Buck, who advances toward autonomy in the... Show more content on ... These books have taught me that a message could be conveyed in numerous viewpoints. I have discovered that a book is more than a story being told. It is up to the peruser creative ability to take then to that otherworldly place. From these books I have decide to move myself to faultfinder The Call of the wild by Jack London. It is a remarkable book that could be a positive element for fifth grader to understudies. The best thing about this book is that your perspective will change as you get more established and smarter. Case in point I read this book in 6th grade and afterward again as a third year understudy and my perspectives have change. In no time this book advises me that one s life may wind up diverse then the life they began. Additionally you change relies on upon the world that encompasses them, for example, individuals, environment,
  • 37. Brief History Of Nestle Nestle was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestle as the Anglo Swiss Condense Milk. Co company. Henri Nestle was born in 10th August 1814. He used his name, which means little nest , in both the company name and the logotype. Since it began over 130 years ago, the nest which symbolizes security, family and nourishment, still plays a central role in Nestle s profile. Henri Nestle who was a life saving chemist also an innovative marketer. He used his scientific knowledge to develop products that met consumer wants and needs. He developed a baby formula that saved a child s life. The very first product the company sold was Henri Nestle s Infant Cereal, which it sold in 1867. His product become a success, and it created a demand throughout Europe. Since then, Nestle have expanded around the world and developed a range of products that come out to suit every taste, need and cultural preference.... Show more content on ... From 1866 to 1947, the Nestle Company had gone through several name changes. In 1905, Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Co and Farine Lactee Henri Nestle merged. So the campany s name become Nestle Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Co. After that, in 1929 Peter Cailler Kohler Chocolate Suisses S.A merge with the company. The name was then changed to Nestle Anglo Swiss Holding Co. Ltd on November 27, 1936. In December 1947, Co. acquired all the shares capital of the Alimentana S.A company in exchange for fifteen Nestle shares and fifteen Unilac shares for each of Alimentana S.A share, so this point the name was at Nestle Alimentana S.A. Lastly, the last name change that the company would endure was in 1977, where it adopted the name Nestle S.A. Along the way Nestle s company remain successful, which allowed them expand to new region and territories throughout the world, making them the world s biggest food and beverage
  • 38. Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture And Architecture I believe in God, only I spell it nature. On June 8, 1867, Frank Lloyd Wright was born in Richland Centre, Wisconsin. His father, William Carey Wright, was a preacher and his mother, Anna Lloyd Jones, was a teacher. Wright grew up in Madison, Wisconsin for the majority of his childhood. He would work on his uncle s farm during the summers; where he developed his deep appreciation for nature. Wright would preach the importance of organic architecture and building within nature. No house should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill. Belonging to it. Hill and house should live together each happier for the other. To some individuals he was a social rebel; Wright had many controversial political views were shunned by the public and he was famous for his unrelenting demeanor. However, no individual could argue Wright s architectural expertise. Among all of Wright s appealing designs, the most notable designs were his Prairie style designs and his Usonian designs. Frank Lloyd Wright, was one of the most famous American architects in the world and the greatest architect of the twentieth century. Wright s continuous contribution towards the history of architecture and the world of architecture is insurmountable, especially, considering the ingenious development of his architectural style over a career that lasted nearly seventy years. Frank Lloyd Wright averaged poor grades all throughout his schooling tenure. After his parents divorce, eighteen year old
  • 39. Language Sample Analysis Child s Name Rebecca Mirakova Language Sample Analysis Child s Name: N (female) Child s Date of Birth: June 12, 2009 Child s Date of Evaluation: 09/12 /2014 Child s Chronological Age/Sex: 63 months Child s Primary Language: Russian Language of Evaluation: English Name of Student Evaluator: Rebecca Mirakova PERTINENT BACKGROUND INFORMATION N is my neighbor, who is 63 months old. She has two older siblings, Rachel and David. N s parents are from Russia, so she has been exposed to both the Russian and the English languages. She communicates with her parents in Russian, and speaks in English with everyone else. Even though her parents speak English, they want N to learn Russian. As a result they speak to her only in Russian. She is currently attending ... Show more content on ... TESTS ADMINISTERED Language Sample MLU development chart by Brown (1973) Speech and Language Milestone Chart by PRO ED Inc. (1999) Phonological processes by Puccini (2001) Articulation development chart. Sanders, J. (1972). INFORMAL TEST RESULTS MorphologyMorphology discusses the rules that govern the use of morphemes. N s MLU came out to be 5.3, this MLU signifies a typical developing child. According to Brown (1973) Language Sample Development, she falls under the stage V+, which is the average level for a child within 47 months and above. N has good use in both bound and free morphemes. She particularly utilized a substantial amount of bound morphemes such as the ing and third person regular s . For example in utterance number three, I asked N what animals she enjoyed seeing at the zoo, she responded da seal show was the best /deI / woe jumping in the water. From that sentence we see how N used the ing in jumping. In utterance number forty two we see how N correctly used the third person regular s when I asked N if her brother David plays with her she responded no, no he plays with his fwends . In that response we see how N used the correct grammatical marker, the third person regular s . She was also able to produce plural words such as books and friends She was able to differentiate between past and present tense for example, in utterance number three N said
  • 40. Scout s Honor Character Analysis Upon entering the class, the students read their independent reading books before reflecting on the previous day s lesson and reviewing the steps in identifying the theme of the story. Then, once they were able to note the theme and the development of the main character in Scout s Honor, they were put into small groups to read one of three short stories and answer comprehension questions about their story. Observations: To ensure that the students clearly grasp the theme of the previous day s story, the students and the teacher went over this. Once the teacher had a clear understanding that the students can use character development to identify the theme of a story, she placed the students into three different groups and gave them
  • 41. Conformity In Social Psychology Scientific studies have consistently shown that people are influenced in their decision making processes according to social psychology. For example, a psychologist named Stanley Milgram conducted a study to test the affects of obedience to authority. He selected a group of male volunteers and told them that they were randomly selected to be teachers and learners, though every volunteer in the study was given the role of the teacher. The volunteers were instructed to teach the learners a series of words under supervision of an experimenter and give them a shock whenever they failed. The shocks were gradually increased until the learners began to exhibit signs of fear and pain this is when the experimenter would tell the volunteers to continue with the experiment despite the obvious discomfort that both the teacher and learner were experiencing. 65% of the volunteers continued with the experiment until a fatal shock was given due to the social influence of the experimenter! This study proved that an individual s obedience to authority can directly bypass their morals and consequently affect their behavior. Another scientific study conducted by Solomon Asch proved the existence of conformity in social psychology. In his study, Asch placed a... Show more content on ... This is especially true in the case of Kitty Genovese, who unfortunately fell victim to the Bystander Effect. Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death on a street in New York City. Dozens of witnesses were present, but none of them intervened beyond a shout of protest! When asked why they didn t intervene, their answers ultimately pointed to diffusion of responsibility another psychological concept. Both the Bystander Effect and diffusion of responsibility influenced the witnesses to believe that someone else was bound to help Kitty this, of course, led to none of the witnesses intervening and the untimely death of Kitty
  • 42. Persuasive Essay On The Black Mirror We all have memories that we wish could be forgotten. Mistakes we made or chances we didn t take leave us thinking about the what ifs . Or there are the times where everyone thinks you are going insane and are chasing shadows. But deep down inside, you know that something is wrong. The feeling in your gut eats at you until you find what you were looking for. However, usually what you find just adds to the pain. The show Black Mirror consists of thought provoking circumstances that leave you questioning whether you ve made the right decisions for you own life and if the way we live should remain the same. In the episode The Entire History of You , humans can be implanted with a grain that collects, stores, and allows you replay all of your memories for yourself and others. When the character Liam traveling, the TSA is able to look through the memories to see who you have been with and if there is any suspicious activity. It sounds terrifying to think about how some stranger could see exactly where you have been, what you have said, and who you were with but that level of privacy invasion is already possible and used in our reality. When we travel, Customs and Border Patrol have every right to go through your luggage, photos, texts, and anything else stored on you or your phone. Most of that information is readily available since social media dominates this generation s lives. Everything people want to know about you they can find directly from you, whether you want
  • 43. The Public Perception Of A Company Many cases of fraud begin when there is an image to keep up. The public perception of a company is important, especially when said company is publicly traded. When something within the company goes wrong, and the good image is threatened, that is often when the fraud comes into play. They attempt to cover up the problem by inflating revenues, evading taxes, or showing misleading information on their financial statements. Although Crazy Eddie, an electronic retail business in the 70 80 s, did employ many of these tactics as a cover up, their fraudstarted almost from the beginning, just because they could. Crazy Eddie started out as ERS Electronics. Its namesake (ERS) was from the three equal partners, Eddie Antar, cousin Ronnie Gindi, and father, Sam Antar. They founded it together in Brooklyn 1969, under the original store name of Sights and Sound. In 1970/1971, Sights and Sounds was at a disadvantage because of the regulation and fair trade laws. These laws allowed manufacturers to set a price at which the retailers must sell the products. Smaller stores therefore weren t able to use their lower overhead costs to benefit them by marking the prices lower, and didn t have the steep advertising budgets that big chain stores were able to afford. Despite the challenges, Eddie refused to give up. In 1971, he bought out his cousin Ronnie Gindi for $25,000, thus rendering him owner of 2/3 of the company, with his father, Sam Antar, owning the remaining 1/3. Eddie knew that
  • 44. Research Paper On Impulse Buying Impulse Buying Behavior Definition Impulse buying can be referred to as sudden unplanned decision to buy a product or service made specifically at the time of purchase. Rook (1987) explains impulse buying as Impulse buying takes place when a consumer feels a sudden often strong and insistent urge to purchase something instantly. The urge to buy is hedonically complex and often may fuel emotional conflict. Also, impulse buying is likely to occur with reduced concern for its consequences. Beatty Ferrell (1998) explains the concept of impulse buying by saying that it is immediate purchase of a product without any pre shopping intentions to buy. Jeffrey and Hodge (2007) state that, impulse buying comprises of four components: the purchase is unplanned, it is the result of an exposure to stimulus, it is decided on the spot , and it involves an emotional and/or cognitive reaction Explanation... Show more content on ... However, having an impulse to buy does not automatically imply acting upon it. Numerous factors may interfere between having the impulse to buy and actual buying, (Dholakia, 2000). In truth, individuals practice innumerable strategies to have some control on this craving (Hock and Loewenstein, 1991). This difference has also been validated empirically. For example, Beatty Ferrell (1998) empirically proved the compulsion to detach the impulse to buy from actual buying behavior with the help of admirable performance of model they presented when impulse buying was considered to be the only dependent variable. Likewise, prevailing researches (e.g. Beatty and Ferrell, 1998) also indicate that for buying impulse the determinants may not essentially predict impulse buying. It means that not every impulse to buy can be translated as an actual buying
  • 45. Elizabethan Espionage And Its Impact On The Growth And... During a time in England when there was much religious conflict, there was also a need to protect the queen due to her religious beliefs. The protectors who safeguarded Queen Elizabeth I from danger were commonly thought to be her brave knights or constables. However, there was actually a clandestine group of individuals who were charged with a similar duty. Unlike England s military intelligence forces today, a disorganized spy group engaged in espionage for the defense of Renaissance England s important affairs and for Queen Elizabeth herself. Because of this spy ring s successes, Elizabethan espionage had a dramatic impact on the growth and evolution of England as a nation. Ever Since King Henry VIII s departure from the Roman ... Show more content on ... Another well known leader in Elizabeth s network was Sir Francis Walsingham. Before the throne of Elizabeth I began in 1558, a noble English man, Sir Francis Walsingham, was not in favor of Queen MaryI s authority (MackovГЎ). Instead of abiding to the Mary I s leadership, Francis traveled outside of England until the accession of Elizabeth I. When Sir Walsingham returned to a new ruler in England, he brought with him stronger relations with foreign contacts and knowledge that prove to be significant for a position he attained as Secretary of State. Eventually, Sir Walsingham would further strengthen England s spy group to surveillance the depths within England and abroad for secrets that would prevent harm to England (Watts). In addition to Elizabeth s closest advisers, Robert Dudley was among one of the three leaders who had firm control in Elizabeth I s spy network. Dudley was a member of the queen s privy council and was an appointee of Master of Horses, a position that involved organizing public attendances, progresses, and entertainment for the queen (Somerset, pp. 111). Dudley was Elizabeth I s most favorite out of all her advisers. Both Elizabeth I and Dudley had romantic desires for each other, unfortunately nothing between them would escalate since not too many people were pleased about their relationship (Somerset, pp. 100 03) The queen s newly founded secret service required individuals who could perform tasks
  • 46. Richard Preston s The Hot Zone In The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, the three major themes repeatedly emphasized are predator versus prey, sacrifice, and going against the odds. The book uses the struggle to contain and exterminate the filoviruses to convey these three ideas. It treats the filoviruses as a predator, and the humans as the prey. It enforces this idea over and over again by using animalistic qualities to describe the humans and the filoviruses, giving them both the same amount of consciousness and personality. The Ebola Zaire strain was nearly twice as lethal as Ebola Sudan. It seemed to emerge out of the stillness of an implacable force brooding on an inscrutable intention. Constantly, the scientists, veterinarians, and doctors do everything they can... Show more content on ... We re looking at a highly sophisticated organism, aren t we? The filoviruses are dangerous. They are responsible for the deaths of thousands, nation wide panic, and the abandonment of homes and villages. But although the book describes the filoviruses with gruesome scenes filled with blood and terror, it also depicts the calm, quiet moments as well, letting the reader fall back and appreciate how peaceful it can be between the moments of panic. I heard a ball bounce, and saw a boy dribbling as basketball on a playground. The ball cast rubbery echoes off the former monkey house. Children s shouts came from the daycare center through the trees. The reader gradually understands that no matter how peaceful the world can seem to be, it will always revert briefly back into its times of chaos and confusion, and that we should appreciate the moments of peace more because of this. It gives the reader a sense that the world is fragile in its balance of the two spectrums, and it horrifies and thrills them. Ultimately, the author s purpose is to let the reader appreciate the fragility, beauty, and horror of the world and the things that make up
  • 47. Cultural Strain Theory Paper Introduction The Cultural Strain Theory states that persons of different cultures have a harder time developing relationships, than persons of the same culture. There are many different theories that reveal the terms and aspects that are needed to develop a relationship. Reducing one s uncertainty towards the other, having low levels of anxiety, and being able to relate to the relationship partner are all vital to developing a relationship. There are three theories that address these three relationship components. Uncertainty Reduction Theory, Anxiety Management Theory, and the Relational Theory are the theories that I used to develop the Cultural Strain Theory. Uncertainty Reduction Theory The Uncertainty Reduction Theory states that relationship development is a process of reducing uncertainty about one another. When developing relationships, people desire to reduce the uncertainty about the other person by attaining information about them (Bradac, 1982). Reducing the amounts of uncertainty is an important component in a relationship. There are three main reasons why people feel uncertain: anticipation of future interaction, incentive value, and deviance. Anticipation of future interaction deals with the way one feels about someone else when they know they will see them in the future. If someone is guaranteed to see a ... Show more content on ... This theory describes five good things that fosters relationships and empowers the people involved in them. It talks about the importance of having a sense of zest or well being, which comes from connecting with another person, and the ability and motivation to take action in the relationship as well as in other situations. The five good things also include the increased sense of worth and knowledge of oneself and the other person, and a desire for more connections beyond the particular one (Institute,
  • 48. Why I Don t Be A Talented You Don t have to be a Talented to be Successful When it comes to student success, basically it s based upon how students perceive themselves by the praise of their instructors. Though some can disagree with the type of motivational mindset students can develop. Both mindset and habits of mind give concrete evidence to give the insight how the key to student success is by showing determination perseverance grit , can go a long way to better effort towards ones future. To briefly summarize what the article Brainology describes of what student success is strived to achieve but by those who don t doubt themselves in themselves what Dweck calls a fixed mindset. What defines a mindset is the different ways some can tolerate a feedback towards the effort given. Being average almost my whole elementary years I always thought there was nothing special here. I guess you can say my mindset was a fixed mindset of the potential I could have given to my life. The biggest threat to give students this sort of mind set that challenges that some face seem to be demoralizing not knowing failure is reflective trait that can improve their effort in the future. By one passage in this article destroys this thought by saying intelligence can be developed opens students to love of the learning, a belief in the power of the effort and constructive determined reactions to setbacks . Dwecks tests this by having a class take an IQ test divided those who scored well were told to be smart, those who
  • 49. The Renaissance And Italian Renaissance The Renaissance (rebirth), was a time in which all art became more personalized and represented more than we see. There were two major stages in the Western European/ Italian Renaissance: Early Renaissance and High Renaissance. It gave patrons a new outlook on art and the world. Styles such as Mannerism, Fresco, and Parietal help advance art in western Europe. Most of the Renaissanceworks were religious,or had had something to do with the ancient times (ancient greece and roman culture). Not only was is a re birth of art, it was a re birth of scientific thinking and studying architecture. Although there are two major sections to the Renaissance, there are very few differences between the two periods of time in the 15th and 16th... Show more content on ... Mannerism was huge in Italy. One of the greatest pieces created in this style was Leonardo s Mona Lisa . Leonardo uses mysterious elements for the background, it recalls one of his other lesser known paintings named Madonna of the Rocks . The reason this piece is so fascinating is because Leonardo finished very few of his works. He did, however have a notebook of Renaissance Drawings . Since Leonardo was an architect as well as an artist, this led him to create some of the greatest technology man has ever known. They also resembled his ideas of what the Renaissance meant to him and the ideas he gained from this re birth. Some of Leonardo s tactics are still used today. Take cutaways for example. This style of imagery was used long before the age of X Rays. Leonardo was not the only one with Renaissance Drawings. It was common for a lot of Renaissance artists to have notebooks full of drawings. Artists usually used silverpoint stylus when drawing in their notebook. For other works, artists used different materials (ink pen, chalk, charcoal, brush, graphite/lead). This has lead me to believe that artists used different materials to create different moods, and to give each piece a different meaning. Another big name in the Renaissance was Raphael (Raffaello Santi). It is said that Raphael mostly likely learned his tactics and roots of Renaissance art from his father, Giovanni Santi.
  • 50. Swot Analysis- Gm (K) Q1. Conduct a SWOT analysis for GM (K) SWOT analysis basically entails identifying and outlining the organization s strong attributes that are helpful to achieving the objectives(strengths); weak attributes of the organization that are harmful to achieving its objectives (weaknesses); external opportune conditions that are helpful to achieving the organization s objectives (Opportunities); external conditions that are harmful to achieving the organizations objectives(threats). Basically the organization identifies and strategizes on how to use each strength, stop each weakness, exploit each opportunity and defend itself against each threat in order to maximally achieve their objectives. General Motors Corporation is a global... Show more content on ... Management Policy GM (K) uses the open door policy to encourage its workers to present their ideas and give their opinions on work related issues. Weaknesses Underutilized production capacity the Nairobi plant was operating with only one shift yet it has a three shift potential and forecast production at 2,300 units approximately 60% of the capacity of one shift which was reportedly a 50% increase over the previous year s level of production. Utilizing a greater proportions of the production capacity would help GM (K) fulfill a national goal of providing more jobs Level of quality and safety of its products GM (K) has a responsibility according their managing director, to continually improve the quality and safety of its products to meet both strict international and GMC parent company standards, and to maintain high levels of service since as he stated service and quality is what really sells products. Opportunities Financial Service Company GM operates one of the world s leading financial service companies GMAC Financial Services which offers automotive and commercial financing along with an array of mortgage and insurance products. Increased production capacity the Nairobi plant was operating with only one shift yet it has a three shift potential and forecast production at 2,300 units approximately 60% of the capacity of
  • 51. Candlelight Vigil Since the South Korea having a big corruption, a lot of Korean are protesting about presidential resignation. They are having a protest with a candles and a paper cups, which is called candlelight vigil. I think this is really brilliant way of civil disobedience because a lot of people are go out to the street and yelling with a loud voice. However, candlelight vigil is people are holding the candle which is covered by a paper cups and quietly praying. Also, one of the leaders goes up to the stage and have a speech with a loud speaker. I think this is a good example of having a protest. Normally, a lot of people are just walking down the street with a poster and yelling what they want. Also, It really effect to other people too. But, candlelight
  • 52. Summary Of The Sound And The Fury And Absalom In Faulkner s works, both the land and the people of the South struggle under the monumental weight of myth and history. In fact, certain calamity looms over his fictional region of Yoknahpatwah, a microcosm of the postbellum South. Themes of the Southern consciousness, such as inescapable past and present, inherited guilt, and emotional and psychological stagnation pervade this fictional region. In The Sound and the Fury (1929) and Absalom, Absalom! (1936), Faulkner s portrayal of two Southern aristocratic families, the Compsons and the Sutpens, reveal Southerners paradoxical attitudes towards the myths of the South: the refusal to forget the past and the inability to live in the present. Both The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom!... Show more content on ... Problem of Historical Time Time is a vital component in understanding Faulkner s treatment of the Southern history. Faulkner s characters all experience frustration with past. In Faulkner s novels, time is a function of history in which a complete engagement of tension between history and myth occurs. If historical time is a progression of change that extends into and shapes the present, mythic time produces a sense of stasis and circularity in which one feels stuck. The conflict between history and myth arises from Faulkner s personal experience as a Southerner; like many Southerners of his time, Faulkner was searching for a lost time while struggling to reconcile with the questionable past of his region. In his interviews, Faulkner made clear the presentness that the past (particularly the Civil War) had for him. In a class conference held at the University of Virginia in 1957, he said no man is himself, he is the sum of his past. There is no such thing really as was because the past is (129). When asked in 1958 about the Civil War veterans he knew as a boy, Faulkner related that: They didn t talk so much about that war. I had got that from the maiden, spinster aunts which had never surrendered. But I can remember the old men, and they would get out the old shabby gray uniforms and get out the old battle flag on Decoration, Memorial Day. Yes, I remember any number of them. (Howe 249) In this quote, Faulkner expresses an ambivalent feeling towards
  • 53. Role Of The Financial Manager On Today s Business World... The role of the financial Manager in today s business world has been rapidly changing. The change is fuelled by technology innovation in particularly, digital technology and increasing information processing power. Since the financial crisis in 2008, firms have been working to restructure their operations as a means of survival. This has led to the modification of many managementroles, more so the role of the Chief Financial Officer(CFO). As a means for survival, firms started by cutting on costs, becoming more lean and efficient. However, today there is no more room for cutting on costs and firms have been looking to growth as a way to increase profitability. Growth comes with new uncertainties and challenges which financial managers have to consider when making their financial decisions. These new macroeconomic challenges facing the financefunction include: Regulation, Globalization, Technology, Risk, Transformation, Stakeholder management, strategy, reporting, and Talent and capability. This paper will provide an analysis and evaluation of the challenges facing finance managers in a changing macroeconomic environment, the changes firms are making to the Chief Finance Officer s role, the impact these changes are making to the firms performance and how these changes impact the role of financial managers and the consequences of the changes CFOs make to curb these new challenges. Introduction In the past, financial managers responsibilities mainly
  • 54. An Example Of A Private Sector Business Business Organisations Task 1 A private sector business is a business that is part of the economy that is not state controlled. It is run by individuals and companies who are mainly for profit. These businesses are not owned or operated by government. An example of a private sector business would be ASDA. Asda Stores limited is an American owned, British founded supermarket retailer. The company has been a subsidiary of the American retail company Wal Mart since July 1999, and is now the second largest supermarket chain by market share (Corporate Watch 1996 2014). The company provides normal goods for the public. They offer service to the public and strive for excellence business. I chose this example because ASDA is a large company that is aiming for profit and it is a private sector business. A public sector business is a business that usually composed of organisations that are owned and operated by the government (PrivacySense2015). The primary difference between public and private sector businesses is who they for. Public sector employees are who those work for government. An example of public sector would be public schools. The purpose of schools is that they provide education for the young people and public schools are funded by government to offer education to students. I chose public schools business they are from public sector and because they use government funding to offer education to the children. Public schools offer free education and they are
  • 55. Marketing Research Rocket Soup Question 1 (a)Total Volume One of the most notable patterns of sales in regards to total sales volume is that it increases drastically when the average price of soup is low (Average price is calculated by dividing Category Volume by Category Dollars). Total sales volume had significantly increased when either Rocket Soup or competitors (or both) offer low price for promotion. In other words, soup consumption is relatively elastic to price, meaning that customers are highly sensitive to price. See below graphs showing the inverse relationship between the total volumes sold and average price of soups. Category Volume sold in Week 1 to 40 Average Soup Price in Week 1 to 40 (b)Total Spending Sales pattern in terms of total ... Show more content on ... The following weeks of those top 5 weeks are Week 3, 9, 13, 32 and 38. From this period, the average sales volume is 5,184, with the average price of 0.86, which is close to the average category price of 0.82. From this, it could be argued that the sales volume after high volume weeks tends to significantly decrease even though the price remains the average level, as the excessive demand from previous week has eliminated demands for following weeks. Question 2 (a)Incremental Volume to Rocket In week 12, sales of Rocket Soup had drastically increased to 16,113 due to the excessive discount on their product. Rocket Soup had launched a promotion with feature and display and charged for 0.02, which is over 97.5% discount on their average price. Although the sales had drastically increased, it is not possible to argue whether this excessive demand was from the promotion or low pricing. (b)Promotional Volume burrowed from future sales Since Rocket Soup virtually gave away their product for free in week 12, the average sales volume of Rocket Soup has been lower until week 22. The average weekly sales volume of Rocket Soup was 1613, and yet the average from week 13 to 21 was only 718, which is less than half. In addition, Rocket Soup performed promotion on week 13, 16 and 19, and yet does not significantly increase any sales due to the previous high sales volume in week 12. Question 3 Although the general price and demand curve in
  • 56. Operation Torch Campaign Show me a completely smooth operation and I ll show you someone who s covering mistakes. Real boats rock. (Herbert, 1985) Operation Torch was a prime example of mistakes were made yet were not exploited by the enemy. The Algerian French Morocco Campaign specifically Operation Torch is by far one of the most forgotten and rarely talked about operations during World War II (WW2). Operation Torch paved the way for a multi national amphibious landing in Northern Africa, opening up a second front in the west giving Soviet Union Troops relief on the eastern front. The Algerian French Morocco Campaign became a massive testing ground for tactics, techniques and procedures that resulted in future successes during the Normandy invasion (Howe, 1993).... Show more content on ... It was surprising that Axis Forces did not observe the mass movement of troops and Naval vessels as indications of an impeding operation, something that Allied forces worried about. The first major victory was at Casablanca, where the Western Assault Force landed with very little resistance. This helped spread orders to cease active resistance in the following days in the other operational locations though not fast enough. The Central Task force, however, met resistance from Vichy French forces that did not receive orders to not resist the Allied invasion. Due to high winds blowing the sea and improper conduct of Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB), landing craft were landing in wrong locations. Certain landing crafts landed in locations that couldn t support these crafts causing damages and slowing down troop movement. This could have been prevented if proper utilization of reconnaissance parties to ensure proper landing sites instead of searching for enemy submarines (Slee, 2017). Naval Forces from Casablanca were called in to assist with the Landing in Oran due to the French resistance as well as the environmental