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Black Men And Public Space Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Black Men and Public Space" can be a challenging yet
thought-provoking endeavor. The topic delves into complex issues related to race, stereotyping,
and societal perceptions. Addressing these themes requires a nuanced understanding of the
historical and cultural context surrounding the experiences of black men in public spaces.
One of the difficulties lies in navigating the sensitivity of the topic. It demands a careful
approach to avoid perpetuating stereotypes or reinforcing negative biases. The writer must strike
a balance between highlighting the reality of racial profiling and its impact on individuals while
fostering a constructive dialogue that promotes empathy and understanding.
Moreover, research plays a crucial role in developing a comprehensive essay. It involves
exploring scholarly articles, historical accounts, and personal narratives to provide a well-rounded
perspective. This process, though enriching, can be time-consuming and requires a critical
analysis of various sources to ensure accuracy and depth in the arguments presented.
Crafting a compelling thesis statement and organizing the essay effectively are additional
challenges. The writer must structure the content in a way that captures the reader's attention,
sustains their interest, and effectively communicates the message. The use of powerful anecdotes
and real-life examples can enhance the impact of the essay, but careful selection and presentation
are essential to avoid sensationalism or oversimplification.
Ultimately, writing an essay on "Black Men and Public Space" necessitates not only strong
writing skills but also a genuine commitment to addressing the underlying issues with sensitivity
and respect. It is an opportunity to contribute to a meaningful conversation about race and social
dynamics, making the writing process both intellectually demanding and socially significant.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, various
platforms like provide professional services to support and guide individuals
through the intricacies of essay composition.
Black Men And Public Space EssayBlack Men And Public Space Essay
Homelessness in Cincinnati Essay
In Ohio (The Tri state), and over the last 17 years, there has been a 160%
population increase. Homelessness has become a problem in the city of Cincinnati.
Many families are homeless because of job layoffs and exhausted unemployment
benefits. Some families are employed but do not earn enough wages to support a
family and pay for adequate housing. Young single mothers can receive welfare
benefits (Aid for Dependent Children) for 36 months. During that time they are
supposed to be furthering their education or preparing to go to work. If neither is
accomplished, the mother will receive medical for the children and food stamps
only. If the family is not residing in subsidized housing they may have to stay with
family members or seek... Show more content on ...
People are forced to move and find other dwellings. For example, an apartment
building called the metro pole was recently sold for renovation. The people who
reside in the building are the disabled, mentally ill or people difficult to place in
other housing, for some reason or another. The building was built more than 30 years
ago and has 230 two room affordable apartments; in a very convenient location near
downtown Cincinnati, close to bus stops, and shopping. The building will be
renovated to a 160 room lustrous hotel, so that upscale workers can be near their
jobs. In 2008, city council had limited jobs for human service workers for the people
in over the Rhine. Over the Rhine is a small community in the heart and back end of
downtown Cincinnati, known as the ghetto. It consists of poor people of all
nationalities and in which most of the homeless live.
Although organizations are working with the Cincinnati Interfaith Worker Center in
helping day labor workers organize to improve job stipulations; wages, and working
conditions(Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless, 2010), jobs are still not
an option in Cincinnati for the homeless, or those with criminal records. When the
only viable jobs are offered by labor pools, the people are often exploited and treated
with less dignity and have the lowest most devastating working conditions.
Those who can only work part time, or have no transportation must car pool with
someone or pay the
Religious Ideas In Monro s Sredni Vashtar
According to what H. P. Lovecraft wrote in 1927, weird fiction has something more
than secret murder, bloody bones, or a sheeted form clanking chains (xv). To my
way of thinking, weird tales are customized in a way that imparts a sense in the
reader s thinking of being mixed up; it is usually described as an unnatural journey
from the normal to the abnormal. Many authors have used certain weird elements
skillfully in their stories in order to distribute the feelings of dread, uncertain and
inquisitiveness. Therefore, several approaches have been used to bring the weirdness
into the tales, namely the use of science and religion. Though both approaches have
their own effectiveness in representing the weird, the religious ideas in some aspects
... Show more content on ...
This function captures the weird better than scientific factor does in Dissection by
Georg Heym. Particularly, the homage for the Sredni Vashtar the ferret creates an
even stronger reverence and connection between Conradin and the wilderness and
so the ferret s power helps Conradin achieve what he ever has prayed for. In the
story, religion is associated with ritual, as Mrs. De Ropp indulged in religion once a
week at a church (54), while little Conradin engages in more rituals to worship his
own god. It is important that how wretched Conradin s life might be, he always
manages to find the pleasures from the surroundings such as performing his
imagination through private story telling, keeping the hen and making his own
religion when the polecat ferret becomes the center of convoluted ceremonies.
Furthermore, the connection between Conradin and his god develops even more
when his cousin sold the Houdan hen without telling him beforehand. Due to the
overly strict control and the disrespect from the sadistic cousin, Conradin has no
choice but building a deep relationship with his ferret. This kind of connection in
weird tale makes great effect in leading the story in an uncanny direction and
delivering the ghostly felling effortlessly. On the other hand, Dissection by Georg
Heymis a story of autopsy that involves
Characteristics Of The Early Civilizations Of Mesopotamia
The characteristics shown in the early civilizations of Mesopotamia are still evident
in today s world because without these basic standards set by the people of
Mesopotamia, civilization could never have grown or had a reference point for the
basic building blocks of society. Mesopotamia was able to grow through the
development of technology, trade, stable political and military systems, and a class
system that contributed to society . Mesopotamias way of life influenced many other
civilizations such as the ones in Egypt, Eastern Europe, and in Asia. Without
Mesopotamia s innovation, civilizations may have never been able to find a concrete
system that allowed society to not only to survive but thrive.
One of the main reasons Mesopotamia was such a success was because it
abandoned the old traditional ways of earlier civilizations by settling in one
specific spot. Before Mesopotamia, most civilizations were nomadic . They would
travel around Europe, Asia, and Africa looking for food and water. The group of
people who had settled in Mesopotamia no longer needed to travel to find different
food supplies. The land settled by the first civilization in Mesopotamia was located
near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. These rivers were able to supply both a
reliable water source and also allowed a trade route with the other budding
civilizations located on the rivers . A reliable water source was imperative to a
budding civilization because it allowed both drinking water and an
Analysis Of Zoot Suit By Luis Valdez
The Zoot Suit play, Luis Valdez notices the in depth look picture into the cultural
struggling and the young generation by El Pachuco and his people. They are
Mexican American. Their equality rights do not accept in America society. They
and their family always spend the life by examining of American government.
Henry Reyna, El Pachuco, the Navy during the World War II. He is the young
Mexican American generation. He lives in the South Central Los Angeles,
California. They are a mythical figure, a rebellious, street smart, young Chicano.
They make up their hair style. He dresses a long jacket, a baggy trousers, and a
lengthy watch chain. He and his people dance with their girlfriends. They wear the
zoot suit, the big pride of Mexican American
Compare And Contrast Sancho Panza And Don Quixote
The dynamic of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza is one of the ways Cervantes entices
his readers. He creates a stark contrast between these two characters right off the bat
and creates a rapport that leaves readers laughing. He establishes the contrast in
stature and mental state and creates two characters that, in time, learn to love and
complement each other greatly.
Don Quixote is a character who read so many books on chivalry, he was so absorbed
in these books that his nights were spent reading from dusk till dawn...until the lack
of sleep and the excess of reading withered his brain, and he went mad (Cervantes
p.26). considering it desirable and necessary, both for the increase of his honour and
for the common good [he becomes] a knight errant ... Show more content on ...
Sancho only plays the part of squire in hopes of becoming wealthy and owning his
own island. Quixote yearns to recreate this world he has long read of: chivalry,
battles with giants and evil beings and the rescue of maidens. However, in a more
realistic sense, Don Quixote deals with windmills, bedclothes, and injustices. While
Don Quixote represents illusion and imagination, Sancho Panza represents reality.
They complement each other in a dualistic way. They foil each other in such a way
that they might be seen as two halves of a whole. They represent a person who needs
to have imagination whilst living in reality, because too much reality is destructive
for any one man to deal with. However, their relationship, which is a combination of
idealism and realism, affects each other in a negative way, in terms of the things they
Fragile X Syndrome Analysis
In 1943 two men, Martin and Bell discovered a gene condition called Fragile X
Syndrome. 2 Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is a genetic condition, which may cause an
intellectual disability, behavioural and learning difficulties and various other
physical characterstics.1 It occurs when the female gene (X gene) is repeated over
50 200 times, this is called Fragile X permutation. 1 In 1969, Herbert Lubs
established the chromosomal test for Fragile X Syndrome. Fragile X Syndrome is an
inherited condition in which the X chromosomeis passed on from the parent to the
child. If the woman has the affect X, they will have an increased chance for passing
the geneon but as men have an Y as well as an X chromosome, if they have Fragile
X Syndrome, their sons won t be affected as they have their fathers Y chromosome. It
is the most common form of inherited intellectual disability in males and a major
cause of intellectual disability in females.
There is currently no cure for this condition yet and treatment is generally based on
the symptoms the individual has.
During the 1970s and 1980s, the only examination for Fragile X Syndrome was a
test in which blood was taken to test for chromosomes.3 However, this was
unreliable as not always accurate. In the 1990s scientists identified a specific gene
that causes Fragile X Syndrome and ... Show more content on ...
It is estimated that once a week a child is born who is fully affected and 20 births a
week are affected by Fragile X Syndrome. 1 Another impact that it may have on
society is in early pregnancy through testing such as Amniocentesis or a blood test
called non invasive pregnancy testing parents can be made aware of a fetus that they
are carrying that has Fragile X Syndrome. 4 With this information they may choose to
not continue with the pregnancy. This gives the parents options of choice that wasn t
available 20 years ago but also very difficult ethical
An Analysis Of Alice Walker And Kate Chopin
Heritage, a lot of people see it as being only the past, with no significance to their
everyday lives whatsoever, others see it as merely objects and money passed
down from older generations to their younger generations, but really heritage
means much more than that. Ones heritage is the lessons learned from elders and
passed down to their children and grandchildren to help them not make the same
mistakes they made before, heritage is the roots that makes a person who they are.
The world without recollection of its s heritage, is a world without progress, a
world that only stands still waiting for the same missteps to cycle back around. A
person with no knowledge of their heritage is a person with no knowledge of
themselves, and not knowing one s self can lead to mishaps directing that
individual down a path they would otherwise be able to avoid with a keen
understanding of where they originate. Alice Walker and Kate Chopin both touch on
the struggles and outcomes of not knowing or taking advantage of one s heritage
through their stories Everyday Use and Desiree s baby. In both of the stories, the
antagonist Dee/Wangero, and Armand has problems with whom they truly are
because of their lack of knowledge and acceptance of who they truly are. The
misfortune of not appreciating one s heritage is clearly identified in Alice Walker s
Everyday Use. The character used to demonstrate the tragedies that follows one who
doesn t treasure their heritage throughout the story is
Goniatites Research Paper
All Goniatites have an external shell which is internally divided into gas chambers.
This gives buoyancy during the life of the animal.
The morphology and habit of the goniatites, compared to the ammonites, are alike.
For example, both swim freely and have heads with two well developed eyes and
arms (or tentacles).
Survived the Late Devonian extinction. (One of five major extinction events in Earth
s history)
The shell of a Goniatite is always coiled in a planispiral structure. According to the
shape of its shell, this order was thought to be poor swimmers.
An order of ammonoid cephalopods that are extinct and possess discoidal to thinly,
convex lentil shaped shells.
Within the Ammonoidea, a small and stable order
Hidden Within Technology s Kingdom, A Republic Of
Since the beginning of time, humans have created activities to perform in their
recreational time. For leisure, cavemen carved paintings on the walls of their caves,
while people of the 1800s read books, and people perform a variety of activities
today. Activities today are both old and new. These include biking, watching TV,
listening to music, and reading. The preference of older recreations, such as reading,
over modern recreations, like watching TV, is questionable. But an article, Hidden
Within Technologys Kingdom, a Republic of Letters, written by Saul Bellow presents
the truth on this situation. Therefore, advances in technology will not make books
obsolete due to the people who enjoy reading, pursue writing, and the integration of...
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For example, many movies are based on books. This is not only happening today,
but it happened in the 1920s. Saul Bellow describes his personal experience when
he went to the movies and saw Treasure Island, then he read the book (Bellow 15).
This is a popular trend with teenagers today as well. Many of my peers read The
Hunger Games series, then went to watch the movies. This expresses many books
essentially create popular movies. Like Bellow, watching movies can encourage
people to read the book. Books are integrated within movies, so books will not be
out of date. In the article, Saul Bellow mentions Teachout s statement, We are not
accustomed to thinking of art forms as technologies, but it is what they are
(Bellow 14) This represents that books are an art from that tell stories, and movies
are a technology that tell stories. This does not mean books will become antiquated
because technology will replace them. It seems impossible. Books are tied to
technology because of digital books that are available for purchase on many
laptops, phones, and tablets. They are more convenient due to their easy storage in
electronic devices. This means that although people are not seen carrying books, it
does not mean they do not read. Sometimes books are hidden because they are like a
treasure to
Pharma Industry Analysis
The Pharmaceutical Industry
1. Origins and Evolution
The modern pharmaceutical industry is a highly competitive non assembled1 global
industry. Its origins can be traced back to the nascent chemical industry of the late
nineteenth century in the
Upper Rhine Valley near Basel, Switzerland when dyestuffs were found to have
antiseptic properties. A host of modern pharmaceutical companies all started out as
Rhine based family dyestuff and chemical companies e.g. Hoffman La Roche,
Sandoz, Ciba Geigy (the product of a merger between Ciba and Geigy), Novartis2
etc. Most are still going strong today3.
Over time many of these chemical companies moved into the production of
pharmaceuticals and other synthetic chemicals and they gradually ... Show more
content on ...
The Social Dimension:
Good health is an important personal and social requirement and the unique role
pharmaceutical firms play in meeting society s need for popular wellbeing cannot be
underestimated. In recent times, the impact of various global epidemics e.g. SARS,
AIDS etc has also attracted popular and media attention to the industry. The effect of
the intense media and political attention has resulted in increasing industry efforts to
create and maintain good government industry society communications.
Technological Advances:
Modern scientific and technological advances in science is forcing industry players to
adapt ever faster to the evolving environments in which they participate. Scientific
advancements have also increased the need for increased spending on research and
development in order to encourage innovation. Legal Environment:
The pharmaceutical industry is a highly regulated and compliance enforcing industry.
As a results there are immense legal, regulatory and compliance overheads which the
industry has to absorb. This tends to restrict it s dynamism but in recent years,
government have begun to request industry proposals on regulatory overheads to so
as not to discourage innovation in the face of mounting global challenges from
external markets.
3. Structural Industry Analysis (Porter s Five Forces)
This section provides a summary positional analysis of the pharmaceutical industry
Porter s Five Forces model (see
Tutankhamun Accomplishments
Tutankhamun is one of the most famous and instantly recognisable Pharaohs of the
modern world, even though he lived and reigned over 3,000 years ago. The boy
Pharaoh was born under the name Tutankhaten (`living image of Aten ), in 1345
BCE and died in 1327 BCE at the age of just 18 or 19, after only being in power for
10 years. Until archaeologist Howard Carter discovered his almost fully intact tomb
in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 CE, the Pharaoh was almost unheard of due to the
common belief that he was a minor ruler, whose reign was of little consequence.
However, after this discovery and subsequent discoveries due to excavations, analysis
of his mummy and other historical evidence, opinions changed, so much so that
today Tutankhamunis recognized as an important Pharaoh who returned order to
Ancient Egyptafter it was left in chaos by the political religious reforms of his Father,
Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), and who would no doubt have made further impressive
contributions to Egypt s history if not for his early death.
During the reign of Tutankhamun there were many decisions and reforms that took
place that were due to the religious reforms of his predecessor, his father ... Show
more content on ...
The Aten was to be worshipped in the open sunlight, rather than within the Temple
enclosures, thus banning and even the destruction of temples. Excavations of some
Ancient Egyptian temples have provided evidence of Amun being cut from the stone
and even inscriptions containing the plural god s being removed or defaced. Many
stone blocks from excavations at Amarna have been recovered which depict the royal
family worshipping the Aten or undergoing everyday activities under the rays of the
Aten sun disk which historians believe were used to reinforce the link between the
Pharaoh and his
Dr. Jim Yong Kim
In 1987, while still in medical school, Dr. Paul Farmer along with Dr. Jim Yong Kim,
Ophelia Dahl, Thomas White and Todd McCormack founded Partners in Health
(PIH).1 Since its meager beginnings, PIH has evolved to serve some 2.5 Million
people throughout ten different countries.2 However, throughout the organizations
grand transformation from a makeshift clinic in Haiti to one of the leading players in
global health relief and development, Partners in Healthhave remained true to their
mission to provide advance medical treatment for those most in need through strategic
partnerships. 3
Growing up Paul Farmer was surrounded by poverty and a fair amount of everyday
difficulty.4 Rather than being limited by his childhood circumstance, Farmer thrived
and earned a full scholarship to Duke University, where he became enthralled with
learning more about the country of Haiti. Following graduation, Farmer went to Haiti
to better understand the culture of the country he had become so interested in. While
working at an eye clinic he met future co founder of Partners in Health Ophelia Dahl.4
During his search of the country of Haiti, Farmer became convinced that something
needed to be done about the lack of health care being provided to the poor.4 Upon
visiting Cange, Farmer decided that was where he would like to start a clinic for
those most in need. In 1984, Farmer started medical school at Harvard, but rather than
spending most of his time at school like normal students do,
Western Way Of War Essay
Support or refute the argument that the prolonged and bloody stalemate of World War
I stemmed from a slavish adherence to the theories proposed by Clausewitz
Major Marc C. Jeter
H100: Rise of the Western Way of War
10 June 2015
The stalemate of World War I s Western Front resulted from a situation where leaders
experienced and educated in 19th Century tactics and strategy could not reconcile this
predisposition with the changes to war brought on by technological advances and not
due to a mindless adherence to time honored theories of military thinkers such as
Clausewitz. The irony is that the tactical and strategic impasse aside, the various
elements of World War Isuch as economy, political, and nationalism more closely
reflected Clausewitz s supposition of war ( clash of interests ) than the pre war
operational plans penned the generals.
Despite significant munitions advancements over the final quarter of the 19th
Century and first decade of the Twentieth Century, simultaneous progression in tactics
and more importantly strategy, was absent. Certainly, generals such as Alfred von
Schlieffen expanded upon the time honored belief in the supremacy of the offense
(Schlieffen Plan) via a grand envelopment that in theory ... Show more content on ...
That these weapons by being relatively immobile would be default provide soldiers
and armies in a defensive posture with a tremendous advantage, as occurred in
Manchuria between the Russians and Japanese, did not seem to deter Europe s
strategists from their predisposed affinity for the offense. It did in fact appear to
strengthen further their belief in what was believed to be the ultimate deciding factor,
that being an unconquerable warrior
Racism In Midnight Without A Moon By Linda Williams
Racism; a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races
determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one s
own race is superior and has the right to rule others. In the historical fiction novel,
Midnight Without a Moon, by Linda Williams Jackson, the author shows how
horribly blacks were treated when they tried to vote. The main character, Rose Lee
Carter, battles with understanding why blacks were facing such repercussions while
trying to fight for their rights. Levi Jackson, Reverend George W. Lee, and Lamar
Smith face several acts of racism while trying to vote, and because of this, they are
brutally murdered. However, the reader is left wondering if the punishments the
characters received actually occurred in real life. In Midnight Without a Moon, the
author uses history by including key details to emphasize how far whites were
willing to go in order to ensure that blacks wouldn t be allowed to vote, while at times
altering it to highlight the intense feelings Rose has over the situation.
In the novel, Midnight Without a Moon, thirteen year old Rose Lee Carter struggles
with racism in her town of Stillwater, Mississippi. During this time period, being
considered African American was a disadvantage in society because you weren t
given the same respect as white people. This was a challenge, because it violated basic
human rights, especially being allowed to vote. As a result of this, Rose encounters
Infections of the sinuses are not a pleasant thing to have for anyone. Each year,
once spring comes and again during cold and flu season, a large number of people
develop allergies or sinus blockages that are typically very unpleasant. Allergies from
pollen and blockages from the cold or flu, sometimes develop into more serious
conditions such as sinusitis. Both acute and chronic sinusitis can be debilitating; as
anyone that has ever had a sinus infection can attest to. Anyone who suffers sinusitis
can testify to the headaches, difficulty breathing and its ability to impair the
simplest of tasks. For people, prone to these infections, life can be difficult and they
will seek and form of relief. However, there are ... Show more content on ...
However, chronic sinusitis that has turned bacterial can be treated and the normal
course of action is to prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotics are effective in treating
Sinusitis and according to Richard Rosenfeld, M.D., (2016) in his paper titled
Acute Sinusitis in Adults, it is stated that, antibiotics are prescribed for 84 to 91%
of patients with acute sinusitis that is diagnosed in emergency departments and
outpatient settings (p. 962). Although antibiotics are the go to cure for Sinusitis,
making the duration shorter, it has been shown that most cases clear up on their
own with no need for medications at all. In his paper, Doctor Rosenfeld (2016)
also notes, approximately 85% of persons have a reduction or resolution of
symptoms within 7 to 15 days without antibiotic therapy (p.962). So, it has been
shown that although a nuisance, most people have sinusitis resolve itself after
about 2 weeks and antibiotics really should only be used for severe cases that do
not resolve on their own. So, what does a severe case of sinusitis look like, what
factors are involved and just how bad can this infection get when it does not resolve
on its own but instead turns much
River Torre Research Paper
If I said green, grimy and Adelaide, your mind would instantly race to the
contaminated River Torrens. The River Torrens makes up a 85km stretch of the
Murray Darling Basin and is vital to the water security of Australia. But, yet it used
to flow on a seasonal basis through and would have been used for leisure activities,
such as swimming. If you looked at the River Torrens now you could never tell that s
what it was used for, and instead, you can see the unsightly weir restricting water
flow and the murky brown green water plagued with environmental issues.
Two of these such issues are algal blooms, caused by various cyanobacteria, and the
introduction of carp into ecosystems. The effects of carp ... Show more content on ...
Aeration pumps have successfully been used in many rivers and dams to lower
algal blooms, they work by reducing nutrient load in the water column and mixing
algae deeper into the water so that they are deprived of light, other methods such as
algaecides are also used as these are toxic to the algae or cyanobacteria, but using
algaecides can come with great risks and may cause more problems. As a part of a
redevelopment plan, the city of Adelaide has been looking at potential ways to
remove the algae and rubbish in the river, the plan is to lower the weir so that there
is a flow of water. This means that nutrients will be moving through and not
concentrated in a singular spot, reducing the likeliness of algal blooms. At the
moment the most that are being done on carp is a ban on releasing them back in
the waterway, however, many people are working on an alternative. One of these
alternatives is the release of a carp herpesvirus this acts as a biological agent
introduced to the waterway, wiping out large majorities of carp in one swift go.
However, there are issues with this once in the waterway it cannot be removed and
carp may develop resistance and there would have to be a massive clean up
undertaken to remove all the dead
The Myth Of The World Comes From The Bushmen People
The African myth Cagn Orders the World comes from the Bushmen people of
South Africa. The Bushmen believed that there was not only a good creator god,
but an evil god as well who was responsible for woes and suffering (Sproul 31).
However, while having a creator god is important to the Bushmen culture the theme
of their creator myths usually revolve around the existence of animal spirits (Sproul
31). The myth begins and ends with the birth and resurrection of Cagn, who is the
first to exist in the world and is the sole creator. During the creation of everything,
Cagn orders the creation of animals and weapons so that man would be able to
sustain himself by hunting the animals provided to him (Sproul 31). Cagn also has
relationships with... Show more content on ...
God s relationship with animals holds the same importance as his relationship with
mankind. In African culture, animals have many uses and are not only used for food
but are also used for religious rites (Mbiti 51). Additionally, certain animals such as
snakes have ties to spiritual beings and the living dead (Mbiti 51). Snakes play an
important role in the Bushmen myth, when Cagn rescues a girl from the snakes he
orders the snakes to lie down, and then proceeds to use his stick to magically strike
the snake body until a human crawls out (Sproul 32). He proceeds to sprinkle
canna onto the snake skins so that the snakes will permanently remain in the form
of people (Sproul 32). This resembles a form of creation because he creates people
out of the snakeskin. The snakes could have also have ties to mystical spirits
(Mbiti 192), and Cagn punishes them for attacking him by changing them to
become his people. Cagn Orders the World places great emphasis on punishment
of evil and wrong doings. During Cagn s travel of the world he punishes many
beings for performing evil deeds. He punishes baboons for lying to him about the
murder of his son (Sproul 32). The punishment changes the baboons from man like
creatures who sang songs to the typical crooked tail baboon (Sproul 32). Cagn first
experiences treachery from an eagle that jealously hoards honey (Sproul 33) and a
man named Quuisi who deceives Cagn into taking his place as a prisoner stuck in a
river (Sproul
Essay about Journey Of The Magi
T.S. Eliot s Journey of the Magi
This Christmas poem is about the Epiphany and was created the very year of Eliot s
conversion to Christianity (Fleisner, 66). Therefore the theme of religion is an
important one if we are to analyse the poem correctly. In the book of Ephesians in the
Bible, Paul describes the rebirth of the world upon Christ s death, emphasising the
Ephesians new life (2:4 5). This theme of death and rebirth is present in the poem
Journey of the Magi, which, I will argue, is structurally and internally divided into
three stages; corresponding to the Sacrament of Penance: contrition (guilt),
confession and satisfaction.
To understand this poem, one has to understand the impact that Christ had on the
World. At the time... Show more content on ...
In keeping with the first stanza which elaborates the difficulties of the journey, Eliot
does not depict the primary aspect of satisfaction (the fulfilment of penance) in stanza
two, but rather the secondary aspect, which, according to the Oxford Bible
Dictionary is a amp;quot;medicinal purpose...[assisting] the penitent to resist relapse
into the same kind of sin in the future. amp;quot; Thus, after their amp;quot;hard
time, amp;quot; the Magi arrive at dawn in a amp;quot;temperate valley,/ Wet
amp;quot; and amp;quot;smelling of vegetation amp;quot; (lines 21 22), symbolic
of the new life attained from their penance. Apart from this, it is interesting to
mention Eliot s wonderful imagery of the amp;quot;three trees on the low sky,
amp;quot; (line24) not only representing the Magi, but also the three crosses of the
Crucifixion, as line 27 suggests, of the Roman soldiers dicing for Jesus robe and the
amp;quot;old white horse, amp;quot; (line 25) galloping madly away, could
represent Judas, and the silver he was paid for betraying Jesus. However, the white
horse could subsequently be associated with death, evoking images of the Crucifixion
and the great disaster that event was for Jesus followers.
The second stage of the Sacrament, the actual confession, takes place in the final
stanza when the narrator starts his confession to the
Descriptive Essay About A Beach
When you observe people at the beach, does not it resemble an anthill? The sandy
beach, on a tropical island, is one of the most places that native people visit in their
spare time, especially in summer season. Besides, people from gelid countries prefer
to visit it in the winter season to escape from the harsh cold. The sandy beaches have
three fundamental parts; there people enjoying the day. These components are the
sandy part with umbrellas and sandarea to play, the warm tropical sea, and the
coastal dune where vegetation is growing, and people take on the shade. On the
other hand, I always have felt an immense passion for the sea. For that, I appreciate
spending time at the beach, having a good time and observing what people are
doing there. I notice that everybody is happy. A lot of people are usually in the
different parts of the beach doing amusement activities and shifting from one part to
another through the day. Describing which activities people do in each part of the
beach, can be an exciting task because you will understand exactly how people
relax. Early in the morning the beach is desolate. Most people start to arrive at the
beach around eight am. Slowly, they take off their clothes to show the various and
colorful bathing suit. The sandy beaches with cream color sand are fabulous. Many
of them have sand composed of minuscule marine animals. These tiny grains of sand
are detritus of mollusk, seaweed, and foraminiferous, which it gets
A Correlation Between the Corpus Callosum and...
A correlation between the corpus callosum and developmental language disorders
Various types of language disorders affect a considerable amount of children
academically and socially worldwide. This article focuses on developmental language
disorders (DLD) caused by central auditory processing disorders (CAPD). A CAPD is
defined as showing difficulties discriminating, identifying and retaining sounds after
the ears have heard the sounds. Both language and auditory are processed in an
infinite number of nuclei throughout both hemispheres of the brain. Thus it has been
hypothesized that abnormalities of the corpus callosum (CC) are correlated with
deficiencies in auditory and language processes. This article reviews ... Show more
content on ...
I am using the general term language disorder because there is not enough
information on any one particular disorder. Both language and audition are fairly
new areas of research in the world of psychology, in addition to both being very
complex processes. Thus this critic deals with auditory language comprehension of
people with dyslexia, developmental learning disorders, reading disabilities, central
auditory processing disorders, and x linked adrenoleukodystrophy.
Auditory processing of language in a normal brain is thought to encompass the
entire brain and that is a major reason why it so difficult to come to an agreement
on how language is processed (Obler and Gjerlow, 1999). A very popular model
though is the Personal Model proposed in the early 1980 s. This model states that
the central auditory nervous system is made up of many integrating neural systems.
Large myelinated fibers, as well as smaller secondary fibers, interconnect these
neural systems. As information is processed, the further (and higher) it travels into
the brain the more sophisticated and complex information is being processed. (see
figure 1). For example at the cochlear level the pitch, tone, and frequency of the
sound is processed, but as you go into the specific cortices the morphology,
pragmatics, prose, etc. of what is spoken is being processed. And finally sensations
(ex. audition) are not specifically part of the newer
How Does Climate Change Affect Australia
Climate change is a major problem worldwide, the actions of one country inevitably
have an impact on the rest of the world, some places more than others. Consequently,
it is vital for the entire world to be on board with efforts to resolve the issues. The
main cause of climate change is an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere, both naturally occurring and man made, cause the earths average
temperature to slowly rise. Especially in the past 50 years, the rate of deforestation
and the burning of fossil fuels such as gas, oil and coal have significantly increased
the amount of greenhouse gases in the earth s atmosphere (ClimateChange and
Health). Efforts from a few countries, although beneficial can not fix the problem...
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Detrimental effects of human caused climate changes have already been noticed in
Australia, these include the acidification of coral reefs, a rising sea level, and more
intense droughts with larger changes in the future predicted by climate scientists.
These changes are extremely harmful because the northeastern coast of Australia is
home to the world s largest reef system, the Great Barrier Reef, which spans 1,300
miles. Australia is already coping with increased temperatures, with rainfall
increases in many tropical areas and rainfall decreases in many temperate areas
(Head). According to the IPCC, there has already been regional climatic change
with an increase of 0.29 1.26В°F (0.4 0.7В°C) in the region (Gilman). There are
many projections that bush fires and floods will increase in frequency and intensity ,
especially in the summer (Head). Warming of only about a degree may not seem like
much, but it greatly disrupts the delicate balance of nature and can contribute to a
chain reaction leading to the extinction of species and consequently a decrease in
Essay on Zuma Beach
It was a sunny Friday afternoon when I decided to take my observations with me
out into the world. I find that my imagination wanders off on its own and takes trips
to the ocean without me so I figured my body had some catching up to do. With a
snap of my fingers and a short ride through the canyon I found myself at my
childhood playground, Zuma Beach. Without hesitation I laid my towel down upon
the tiny grains and chips of rocks that the oceans might has turned into sandover the
years. I took a moment to put my life on hold and gaze at what nature had to offer
to me. I reflected upon all of the other places I could have been instead of standing
with my toes curling in the warm sandy beach and smiled in appreciation of my
situation.... Show more content on ...
I thought about the obnoxious sign on the roof of the snack shack that read FOOD
in bright red letters just incase a skydiver got hungry and needed to know where to
land. I listened closer and realized to make itself stand out even more, the snack
shack was also serving music out of its loudspeakers to all the beachgoers. The awful
screeching sounds of guitar and horrific screaming that sounded like some form of
animal torture was being blasted to the masses whether we liked it or not. The
thought that little children were being forced to listen to this blood thirsty melee
began to make me uncomfortable, but I was interrupted by the thunderous sound of
water crashing into itself from above.
I opened my eyes and saw a wall of liquid rapidly churning together in all different
directions. As this fluid mountain of water approached me it swelled bigger and
bigger and then decided to calm down and slowly flattened out into a slow rolling
sea of foam. All was still for a moment but then movement started again and I was in
the midst of seeing another wave form. The sea of foam slowed down to a crawl and
started to flow backwards. The water began to swirl in a wavy motion picking up
speed in the opposite direction that it had just come from. A distance away out in
the ocean I could see the water level begin to rise. The flat lake of water in front of
me had now turned into a Jacuzzi, flowing and picking up speed towards
Michael Sucsy s The Vow
Michael Sucsy s The Vow is a true story written by Abby Kohn and Mark
Silverstein which is about a married couple who get into an unfortunate car
accident. Paige, the lead role, loses 5 years of memory prior to the accident and is
unable to remember who her husband is, Leo s greatest challenge is to win back his
wife. This movie has been adapted from the book by Kim and Krickitt Carpenter, they
are the real life couple that has been through these obstacles due to their accident. The
adaptation that came to life on screen quite frankly couldn t get any better. The
connection between the couple is evident and the chemistry between the two is
constantly tested. The vows are continually brought back into several scenes, the
vows they have promised... Show more content on ...
Rachel Mcadams and Channing Tatum are two stunning actors that are completely
perfect for the roles of Paige and Leo. Channing Tatum is a charming celebrity hottie
that the audience immediately falls in love with. He has had previous experience
with the genre of romance with his movie Dear John that left the audience
lovestruck, he has done the same in The Vow. The Mean Girls actress Rachel
McAdams has stepped out of her comfort zone by acting in romance movies such as
The Notebook and About Time. The actress has does an incredible job as Paige
allowing the audience to have a perspective of how it would feel to be in her shoes.
The two together have an incredible onscreen chemistry that is completely evident
throughout the movie. What makes this story much more tender hearted is that it
s a true story. A true story of two lovers who are torn apart, a modern fairy tale of
two people learning to fall in love again. The typical audience that says this only
happens in movies would be shocked to see a real life story brought to life. The
audio is also quite unique and isn t usually seen in a romance movie. There are many
Outline For Islam Research Paper
Our Topic Today is Islam:
What is Islam?Islam is a religion that many people follow across the world.It is one
of the oldest religon in the world and it is the most known religon today.
Place holder picture
Background Information on Islam:Islam was created 610 A.D by a man named
Muhammed got the idea to create Islam from an angel named Gabriel.When Gabriel
spoke to Muhammad she told him messages ,that was put into the Qur an(koran
Muslim Bible).Muslim had to always follow the 5 Pillars of Islam,because it shows
the way how God wants them to live.Muhammed and his followers had to move to
Medina,because they wanted to escape the rules of Mecca.This escape
Morality In Bernhard Schlink s The Reader
The Effect of Literacy on Morality in Bernhard Schlink s The Reader In The
Reader, Hanna Schmitz is a representative figure whose capacity for moral
judgement is much influenced by her illiteracy. Hanna has a great secret that she
would risk her life to hide her illiteracy, which she tries to hide by continuously
switching jobs. One of her jobs is a concentration camp guard, which is considered
to be an immoral and unethical position except in the Nazis s biased perspective.
Another considerably immoral behavior is her controversial sexual relationship with
Michael, a young teenager who is weak and vulnerable. However, Hanna s behavior
has changed after she learns how to read because she understands what is considered
to be right and wrong. Schlink presents the direct relationship between literacy and
moralitythrough Hanna s story. Hanna s secret affair with Michael, a teenage boy,
illustrates Hanna s inability to consider and evaluate different aspects of morality due
to her illiteracy. Hanna saves Michael s while he was throwing up on the street;
however, she seduces him immediately afterwards. It is an unethical action for a
woman,... Show more content on ...
The theme of love and betrayal between generations is also found in Taiwan. Many
classmates mentioned, recently, there was a sunflower student movement in Taipei.
The students cared and loved the policemen because they have been protecting the
country for years; however, they also felt betrayed by the policemen, who had done
harmful behaviors towards the students. Comparing the sunflower movement to the
novel, the love and betrayal theme in the novel is more unique due to its holocaust
background. I never knew the struggle that is caused by the cultural background can
be that dramatic until I read this novel. Michael loves Hanna, but he feels guilty for
loving Hanna, who was a concentration camp guard, and he also feels betrayed by
Heart Rate Variability ( Hrv )
Heart rate variability (HRV) is quickly becoming a buzz word in fitness, but in
reality this is a very old technology. Dating back to at least 1948 (15) HRV has been
a commonly used method in research and is an accepted diagnostic tool in several
diseases/conditions, such as post traumatic stress disorder and type 2 diabetes (9, 23).
HRV was, until recently, a tool that was confined to clinical and research settings,
largely due to the prohibitively high cost of equipment. Recent advances in
technology, particularly among heart rate monitors and smartphone based apps, have
now made this technology available to fitness professionals and health/fitness
HRV is derived from mathematical properties of cardiac inter beat intervals or
what is referred to as a R R interval. This inter beat interval represents tiny changes
in the timing (i.e. fractions of a second) from one heart beat to the next. Intuitively
it would seem that a heart rate of 60 bpm would have exactly 1 second between
each beat. It even seems reasonable that a very metronomic or steady heart rate
would be indicative of health and/or fitness. In fact, just the opposite is true. A
healthy cardiovascular control system will have a high level of complexity, or
variability, while an aged, unfit or diseased system will show a loss of complexity or
variability (21).
HRV testing is an exquisitely sensitive tool that is capable of providing us with
important health and fitness based information across
The Roman Calendar
Much of our calendar system is based on the system established by the ancient
Romans; this is evident in the fact that many month names, for one, are at least
partially or possibly derived from Latin, like many other words in the English
language. However, interestingly, the root words of September, October, November,
and December in particular are inconsistent with their actual position in the calendar.
September is derived from septem, meaning seven, although it is actually the ninth
month; October is derived from octo, meaning eight ; November from novem,
meaning nine ; and December from decem, meaning ten. This is evident in many
languages besides English, particularly Germanic and Romance languages that share
Latin roots the Spanish and French words for September, for example, are
septiembre and septembre respectively. The original Latin word for... Show more
content on ...
This element of their meaning has since been lost somewhat, arguably in the modern
world, most people likely do not immediately associate these summer months with the
historical figures they were meant to immortalize. Likewise, the previously discussed
root words of September, October, November, and December do not necessarily mean
much in a modern context; while some people are likely cognizant of the fact that the
etymology of said months is inconsistent with their modern timing, our system of
time is so vital to and engrained in society that we do not necessarily need the
numerical descriptions as much as ancient civilizations may have. The actual labels
of the months have various other connotations, which may include associations with
the seasons (September and October are often inherently tied to autumn, for example)
and/or holidays, rather than just serving as mere markers of the month s calendrical
Essay on Case Study of Betty Ford
Case Study of Betty Ford
July 22, 2012
Case Study of Betty Ford Substances, such as alcohol, are used for a variety of
different reasons. Alcohol is often used as a way to celebrate a special occasion. It
can also be used to help an individual take the edge off when he or she is feeling
overwhelmed. Many individuals use alcohol when gathered with others in a social
setting, while others may drink alcohol when spending time alone. The use of
alcohol can become a problem when the individual begins to face challenges in his
or her daily life. Some of these challenges can include increasing problems with
emotional or physical health, the ability to maintain a steady job, and a steady
withdrawal from family and friends. ... Show more content on ...
She began experiencing a variety of physical and psychological health problems
which also affected how she felt. Some of these health problems included
reoccurring pain in her neck from a previously pinched nerve, emotional fatigue,
and the diagnoses of breast cancer (of which she became a strong advocate). To
ease the pain she was feeling, Betty would be prescribed a variety of medications
of which she eventually grew a tolerance to. In addition to the medications, Betty
would increase the amount of alcohol she was drinking in an attempt to comfort her
pain. After their departure from the White House, Betty and Jerry moved to
California where Betty began to feel more and more isolated and alone. At this
point, Betty s children were all grown up and living on their own and Jerry kept
himself busy by continuing his engagements in political activities. Betty became
more dependent on prescription medications and alcohol to relieve her pain and
depression and also less involved in the social arena. After realizing the full extent of
her illness and addictions, her family intervened, and eventually they were able to
convince Betty to seek treatment.
Biological, Emotional, Cognitive, and Behavioral Components of Alcoholism Betty
Ford s case is full of biological, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components that
link her experiences to alcoholism. According to Nevid, Rathus, and Greene (2006),
alcoholism tends to run in families. The closer the genetic
The Mind Of The Unconscious Mind
For many years the question of whether or not the unconscious mind really exists, and
if it does then what does it consist of has baffled many theorist s minds and has made
many philosophers question themselves. There have been debates on whether the
conscious mind is influenced by other parts of the mind. These parts are indented
within the unconscious, which has processes such as personal habits, intuition and
being oblivious to certain things in life. While we are completely aware of what is
happening I the conscious mind, we have absolutely no idea of what information is
stored in the unconscious mind. It is believed that the unconscious mind comprises
various significant and disturbing material, which is required to be kept out of
awareness as they may be too menacing to completely acknowledge and be mindful
of. There are been some critics that have completely disbelieved the existence of the
unconscious mind. Many psychological scientists today believe that the unconscious
mind is the shadow of a real conscious mind. However, through extensive research,
evidence has been found that the unconscious is not visibly complex, controlling, or
action orientated.
Over the last 30 years, there has been a wide research into the level of people s
awareness and the important factors that influence their judgments and decisions to
give an explanation about their behavior. According to Bargh (2006), in contrast with
the cognitive psychology tradition, this research has
Analysis Of Don Juan
According to instructor Ellie Green originally Lord Byron began
writing Don Juan at in the fall of 1818, at age 30 when he lived in Venice. Lord
Byron s story Don Juan has actually been a retelling of his life living in exile as a
result of scandalous affairs with women and men. He spent the majority of life on
writing Don Juan up until his death, leaving the story unfinished (Green).
Nonetheless The story Don Juan written in the 1600 s by Moliere remains a
comical controversial drama typical of Moliere s plays. The author of Don Juan is
as interesting as the story itself. Although Don Juan lived criticized for free thought
and atheism . . . And an unbeliever overturning the foundation of religion the play
has performed for over 200 years now recognized as one of Moliere s masterpieces.
(91 Moliere). Don Juan s is a historical womanizer who rebels against God and
morality. So, it appears a womanizer exists every generation. Ordinarily, the
character Don Juan mocks relationships also the sanctity of marriage. Additionally,
Don Juan enjoys breaking up relationships for conquest and sport. Thus, Don Juan
remains unconcerned his valet Sganarelle served him as a silent accomplice
against his will. However, Sganarelle does express Don Juan s behavior with
Gusman squire to Elvira. Furthermore, Sganarelle says A wedding doesn t mean a
thing to him. It s the only sort of trap he sets for ensnaring women: he weds them
left, right, and centre . . . I d rather serve
Bonhoeffer s Life Together And Zizioulas The Church
Comparing the views of Bonhoeffer s Life Together and Zizioulas The Church
Bonhoeffer and Zizioulas offer interesting perspectives for conceptualizing the
Christian theology regarding the atonement. Indeed, one of the outstanding elements
of Christianity practices, which sets them apart from other religions, is atonement. In
this case, atonement can be defined as the process of sin reparation or expiation.
There are four models of atonement. These include Christus Victor, Satisfaction,
Exemplar and Penal Substitution. A look at the differences between these two
theologians reveals a clear difference regarding their perspectives towards atonement,
in which Bonhoeffer tends to orient himself towards the model of Christus Victor,
while ... Show more content on ...
It affirms that God attributed the sins and guilt of humankind to Jesus, Who in place
of man, received that punishment that humanity would have otherwise deserved.
Jesus actions signified the payment of the sins of humankind, which settled both the
righteousness and wrath of God so that sinners could be forgiven without God
Himself compromising His holy standard. In essence, according to the penal
substitution theory of the reformers, Jesus died in place of man, in the process
accounting for the sins of man and bearing them. The act of Jesus taking the sins of
man indicates that Jesus carried the cross of every believer, setting him free and safe
from all the penal demands of God s law. In this context, the holiness of God and the
righteousness of His law are accounted for by the substitution. Notably, in modern
theology, the penal aspect has been a stumbling block despite being regarded as one
of the dominant atonement in the bible. According to the model, Jesus paid man s
ransom on his crucifixion. However, this view only works because Christ was
paying man s penalty. Therefore, Christians should be inspired by the self sacrifice
acts of Jesus on the cross. In addition, Jesus death and resurrection implied
significant victories over death, hell, and sin in our union with him and God. Lastly,
God accomplished his mission to reconcile the world with Him despite various
trespasses by
Argumentative Essay On Obesity
Millions of people across the world are familiar with the concept of obesity,
possibly from a personal connection or knowing someone that has been affected by
it. I chose this subject because I have family members that have been directly
affected by obesity, and I wanted to learn more about it and widen my perspective.
Particular to the U.S., the country has had a reputation of being one of the most
obese countries in the world along with Mexico and New Zealand. Obesity has the
ability to affect people s dimensions of wellness including physical and mental.
Factors that can lead to obesity take on various form; some are physical such as the
food itself or common social mediums such as advertisements or the media. Given,
America is a melting pot of race and culture, who is to blame for the accusation? Is
it a certain group or type of people? Who is the authority of what country is
considered obese? And for those that claim America is obese, are they wrong or
right? I wanted to begin my exploration by getting a good understanding of what
obesity is. I found an article on The Obesity Society website titled What is
Obesity? and I figured I should start there. According to the article, obesity is
defined as excess adipose [(fat)] tissue. A fat cell is an endocrine cell, and adipose
tissue is an endocrine organ (Flegal and McDowell). Adipose tissue secretes
metabolites, cytokines, lipids, etc and causes increased levels of fatty acids and
inflammation (Flegal and
5 Year Old Psychology
The article focuses on sleep in five year old s and the effects sleep will have on
them as they transition into kindergarten. The article had three topics that was in
reference to the changes in sleep duration, timing, and quality of a 5 year old. The
changes in sleep can cause poor sleep health, which is seen in children. Poor sleep
health can cause short term and long term developmental concerns, like poor
academics, behavioral concerns, emotional concerns, and hyperactivity. Carirns and
Harsh gathered their finding from 5 year old s who attended a preschool and those
that didn t. However, the results provided evidence on the lack of a 30 40 minute
naps a child will loss while transitioning into kindergarten. The information can be
valuable on why kindergartens need a twenty thirty minute break throughout the day.
... Show more content on ...
However, the article also goes into details about REM sleep and NREM sleep,
which explains the different sleep stages. Furthermore the article also goes on to
explain how REM sleep deprivation can affect memory and NREM sleep
interruptions can affect facial emotional expressions. Although research from the
article provides evidence showing that NERM and REM sleep are great places to
process and reprocess emotions. Article can be used to assist with emotions topic.
The article focuses on toddlers and their napping process. A study was done to
determine the difference in sleep and the circadian timing system. A study was done
on napping and non napping toddlers to see if the circadian phase were different.
However, the study s results states that children who napped during the day had
trouble sleeping during the night. Therefore, the children who didn t receive a nap,
slept through the night. However, this article can be used to explain how the
transitions from naps in preschool could affect a rising
Ancient Egyptian Pyramids
Shanaya Sidhu
SQ3R Questions Chapter 1
Analyze the first humans.
One of the first humans, or hominids, was discovered to be living in the eastern and
southern regions of Africa approximately three to four million years ago. They were
named the Australopithecines, which means southern ape men. These bipedal
hominids developed basic stone tools. Another kind of hominid known as the Homo
habilis, or handy humans, was discovered in Africa by Louis and Mary Leakey in
1959. The Homo habilis had a significantly larger brain than the Australopithecines.
Equipped with a more complex brain, these hominids were able to not only walk
upright, but also to gather various nutritionally beneficial foods such as seeds, nuts,
and meats. But the Homo erectus, ... Show more content on ...
The land north of the Indus River was thought to have been unoccupied and
segregated from the growing civilization in the river valley to the south. But recent
evidence proves otherwise; that there was, in fact, a lost civilization located in the
region north of the Indus River. Archaeologists have discovered mudbrick
settlements and irrigated fields that stretch all the way from the Caspian Sea to
modern day Afghanistan. They have also discovered proof of writing, trade with
other civilizations, and the domestication of animals like sheep and goats to have
occurred in the area. These remains indicate a civilization dating back to
approximately the third millennium B.C.E. The founders of the civilization have not
yet been discovered, but this mysterious society serves as proof that ancient
civilizations could prosper in areas beyond the river valleys located on the borders of
the Asian and African
Go Away Big Green Monster Literary Techniques
Controlling one s fears is an important thing to know how to do, which is why it s
important to start teaching children at a young age. Though there are many ways
to do this, instilling the lesson into something that they enjoy, such as reading
picture books, is a pretty good place to start. In the children s book Go Away, Big
Green Monster, author Ed Emberley successfully uses ugly adjectives, multiple
pictures, and a few forceful words in order to convince the children reading the
book that they can take charge of their fears in almost any situation as long as they
face them first. As each page progresses, the author adds another feature to the
monster. This is to make it seem like the monsters power is just being built up. If the
author would have just described all of the features of the monster in one page, no
suspense would have been created in the minds of the children, and they wouldn t
have been as interested in turning to the next page, because their fearhad already been
revealed. Emberley used the technique of using more pictures than words in order to
break down the fear at a constant rate rather than all at once, and once the full
monster was revealed and the next page began taking away features, the child was
able to realize that the power laid in their hands,... Show more content on ...
Breaking it down, by showing the full monster at the beginning, the author proves
that more than not, ones fears are right in front of them. Through the use of ugly
adjectives, the author emphasizes that almost everything on the monster is large in
some way, from his big round head to his long blue nose. This is just one of the
many ways that this author tries to persuade the children to face their fears, because
no matter how big or scary a fear may be, nothing is impossible to
Tonawanda Coke Case Study
Going forward, Tonawanda Coke will pride itself on the corporate value of Safety
First . While our past as ignored its impact on the environment and its effects on the
people of our community, the future will be repairing Tonawanda Coke s relationship
with the community of Tonawanda. Furthermore, our corporation wants to improve
Tonawanda Coke s culture by using ethical means. Ultimately, Tonawanda Coke will
counsel by being sensitive to the moral dimensions. Along with better defining
dilemmas so we can come up with ethically creative solutions. The previous
Environmental Controls Manager has left a stain on our wonderful company that I
will remove by not ignoring and violating the Clean Air Act (CAA) and the Resource
Conservation and
Classical COnditioning Essays
Ivan Pavlov and Classical Conditioning
1904 Nobel Prize Winner, Ivan Pavlov was born in Ryazan, Russia on September
14, 1849. Pavlov is best known for his intricate workings with the drooling dog
experiment that lead to his further research in conditioning. This experiment, which
began in 1889, had an influence on the development of physiologically oriented
behaviorist theories of psychology in the early years of the nineteenth century. His
work on the physiology of the digestive glands won him the 1904 Nobel Prize in
physiology or medicine.
Pavlov s first independent work focused on the physiology of the circulation of the
blood (Girogian, 1974). He studied the influence of variations in blood volume on
blood ... Show more content on ...
Pavlov presented dogs with food, and measured their salivary response (how much
they drooled). Then he began ringing a bell just before presenting the food. At first,
the dogs did not begin salivating until the food was presented. After a while,
however, the dogs began to salivate when the sound of the bell was presented. They
learned to associate the sound of the bell with the presentation of the food. As far as
their immediate physiological responses were concerned, the sound of the bell
became equivalent to the presentation of the food.
Through Ivan Pavlov s experiment with dogs and their reaction to stimulus, he set the
basis for Classical conditioning. The methods of how classical conditioning works
can be described in the following sequence (Mischel, 1993, p. 296):
1. There exists an unconditioned, natural response, like a reflex (called a UCR)
2. There exists a stimulus that triggers this response (called the UCS)
3. Eventually, the organism (man, dog, ect.) will begin to associate the UCR with the
4. Once the behavior is learned, the UCR may take place even when the UCS is
5. At that point, the response it referred to as conditioned (or a CR)
6. The stimulus is then referred to as a conditioned, or learned as
Econ 5315 Hw 10
Adapted Homework, Ch. 11
(11 points possible)
1. An Analysis of sustainability is similar to a five forces analysis. Comment on this,
focusing on the firm you ve been studying for your term project. (1 point)
A sustainability analysis is similar to a five forces analysis because they are focus on
creating competitive advantage. The sustainability analysis is to analyze and find a
way to compete with competitors and deal with potential entrants, in order to
maintain profits in the long run. The analysis includes the company s resources and
isolating mechanism that help the company to sustain its advantages. The five forces
analysis also analyze 5 factors, like supplier power, buyer power, competitors, new
entrants, and ... Show more content on ...
4.The firm you ve been studying for your term project has co specialized assets. Has
this firm prospered from its co specialized assets? Why or why not? (2 points)
The firm definitely has prospered from its co specialized assets. You can definitely
say like division like American eagle or the from the new union us airways express
are assets that complement with the main airline because it reaches a different sector
in need of shorter and lower demand flights
6.Are the following likely to create first mover advantages? Why or why not? (2
points: 1 point each)
a. Toyota introduced the first commercially successful hybrid car.
This will definitely create a first mover advantage. To be the first one of a product
will create this advantage and put you a head of competitors.
b. T Mobile has introduced free phone calls from international locations.
This case is not a first movers advantage example because this is not new for other
telephone companies.
A.Each of the following parts describes a firm that was an early mover in its
market. In light of the information provided, indicate whether the firm s position as
an early mover is likely to be the basis of a sustainable competitive advantage, and
explain why or why not. (2 points: 1 point each) 1) A bank has issued the largest
number of ATM cards in a large urban area.
The Bolshevik Revolution, By Edward Carr
In his work The Bolshevik Revolution, Edward Carr expands through a detailed
historical account how exactly it was that the Russian councils took power in
October 1917. Sociological frameworks will also allow for a deeper understanding of
the social unrest that led to the culmination of the October Revolutionof 1917 and the
unintended consequence of the bureaucratization of the state. To fully comprehend
the events that led the council to take power, it is necessary to acknowledge both the
institutional breakdown that is derived from an institutional lens while at the same
time challenging its limits through a Neo Marxist dialogue. Therefore, the focus of
the institutional structures that are discussed by Theda Skocpol will best... Show more
content on ...
From February to July, there were protests and constant debate, in hopes of change.
However, Lenin s theses are rejected and the councils continue to support the
provisional government because they re following the orthodox Marxist stages model.
The councils, who were mostly orthodox Marxists, first resisted Lenin s theses
because it was difficult to take this anti Marxist articulation seriously. In other words,
they only saw it tangible for Russia to go through a preliminary stage in order to
reach a fully capitalist society, then only through Marxian revolution get to socialism.
Lenin did, however, articulate in his Theses the need to bring rise to both capitalism
and socialism simultaneously. Even though the council s shut down his view, after
the Kornilov affair and the breakdown of the institution, the councils begin to lean on
Lenin. Which results in the successful takeover of the councils. It too can be argued
that as a great leader Lenin won the people and a shift of sympathy towards the
Bolsheviks, who promised everything. The conditions which Lenin had foreseen in
his April theses as justifying the transition to the second stage of the revolution were
maturing fast (Carr, 1985: 93).
After the Tsar Voluntarily abdicated in February 1917, due to vast discontent across
all the social classes, it brought up the emergence of dual power . This
Bret Harte s An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge
Bret Harte wanted the truth to be told, he asks society to see reality. In Harte s
article about the 1860 Massacre he describes graphically the slaughter of the Indian
people. The people he wrote to despised his piece on the massacre because it told the
bloody truth. They ran him out of town because even though they wanted this
massacre to occur they did not want to be reminded about this unholy event. In Harte
s writing he conveys not everyone is as racist and discriminative as the people. Harte
says Tipton proposed that they should send the child to Red Dog, a distance of forty
miles, where female attention could be procured. But the unlucky suggestion met
with fierce and unanimous opposition (Harte, pg. 356). Harte shows that even though
... Show more content on ...
In this short story named An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge he takes a different
more serious approach to his writing. Bierce takes the reader to the Civil War era
where and individual is about to be hanged. Bierce being someone who has served
in this war can speak from first hand experience when it comes to events during
this time. He writes about a before death experience in most of An Occurrence at
Owl Creek Bridge. Bierce being severely injured during the war most likely
experienced one of these events while his injury was taking place. This is why he
is able to describe this character s experience so vividly because he most likely has
been in this man s shoes. Bierce is able to keep the reader on their toes through the
last two thirds of his short story by describing a grand escape. These types of
actions and events that happened during the action packed scene of story most likely
came from types of situations that Bierce was in during his commission in the 9th
Indiana Infantry. Bierce also ends An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge with the
death of the main character which shows the reader some of the death that Bierce
experienced during his time as a
The Election Of A New President
The election of a new president can shift the policies of the United States in different
directions. From 2009 to 2017, Barrack Obama and his administration used a liberal,
globalist approach to foreign policy and domestic policy. Obama involved the United
States in global affairs and in treaties with other states. The election of President
Donald Trump reversed the globalist, liberal policies the U.S. had pursued for 8
years. President Trump has shown and stated that he supports an isolationist and
realist approach to foreign policy. Therefore, President Trump has made campaign
statements on defense, terrorism, trade, national security, and immigration that
subscribes to the realist paradigm.
Throughout the 2016 ... Show more content on ...
(Courtesy of Dinah Walker)
. The budget increase for the DOD was 9 percent (52 billion dollars), in addition to
a 7 percent (2.8 billion dollars) increase in funding to the Department of Homeland
Security (Soffen and Lu). This budget increase is to help accomplish the goals
President Trump outlined on the campaign trail as mentioned previously. However,
this change did not come without costs to other departments such as a 31 percent
decrease in budget for the EPA and a 29 percent decrease in the StateDepartment s
budget. The action taken toward the budget and defense spending shows evidence
that president Trump subscribes to the realist paradigm and believes that the self
interests and protection of the state is the most important thing compared to
environmental protection and other liberal ideals.
The issue of illegal immigration and the magnitude that occurs in the United States
was an issue voters cared about in the 2016 election. Throughout the campaign,
President Trump made controversial remarks about Mexico and Mexicans. President
Trump stated that he would build a wall along the southern border of Mexico, deport
over eleven million illegal immigrants, deny citizen ship to children born by illegal
immigrants inside the United States, and increasing border security. First, President
Trump is working on developing a plan for the wall and securing funding from
Speech On Hostel
A.Opener/ Attention Getter
Hostel life is not a new thing in Malaysia and UMT particularly. Every year,
applying for a hostel becomes a hot issue among students in the hostel. They
confuse whether they want to keep stay in the hostel or stay outside of the hostel
on their second year. As we all know, UMT hostel are very limited which only one
block is provided for senior year students. Okay, before I go further, let me ask all of
you one question; how many of you prefer to stay in the hostel? B.Greeting
Good morning, everyone. My name is Biha and I m very happy to be here today.
C.Topic statement
So, as you can probably guess from my opener before, I stand here today to tell to
each and every one of you that a hostel is place ... Show more content on ...
Hostel is a place where cultures clash.
It is like a nerve center, where students from all over the state including Sabah and
Sarawak meet, get to know each other and makes friends.
1.Sub sub point/elaboration
During your first two days in a hostel, you will meet more new people, new
roommate and also new housemate.
2.Sub sub point/elaboration
People in hostel are usually friendly and relaxed, often ready to share their stories,
food and experience with you and also expecting the same from you. Yeah, I m not
saying everyone will do the same things but I believe most of them are. By the end
of the first week, I m pretty sure you will already start hanging out with your
roommate or any other people who also staying in a hostel. Therefore, you learn to
have regard for others, to live with others and to help one another in times of need.
Hostel life thus helps to develop in students a sense of fellow feeling.
(Academic Help, 2017)
A.Signal Phrase
I think it time for me to end my speech. So, before I end my speech today, i would
like to recap back what i have covered
Image And Image Of Image Enhancement
Image processing refers to the construction of an image for further analysis and use.
Image taken by a camera or same techniques are not actual in a form that can be used
by image analysis process. The technique involves in image enhancement need to be
simplified, enhanced, filtered, altered, segmented or need improvement to reducing
noise, etc. Image processing is the collection of routines and techniques that alter,
improve, enhance or simplify an image. Image enhancement is one of the important
parts of digital image processing where image undergo for visual inspection or for
machine analysis without knowledge of its source of degradation. The processes
involve to bring out specific application of an image so that the result is more suitable
that the original image. Image can be enhanced in various ways such as contrast
enhancement, intensity, density slicing, edge enhancement, removal of noise, and
saturation transformation.[1]
Over several past years, contrast image enhancement has generated across many
applications like robot sensing, electronic products, fault detection, medical image
analysis, etc. Thus, increasing in popularity of contrast enhancement of images has
forces researchers to study their enhancement techniques and their effectiveness for
the interpretability or perception of human viewers. Contrast enhancement is a vital
part of various fields, such as X ray image analysis, biomedical image analysis,
machine vision where pixel
Essay On Hipster Cafe
Modern cafГ© is one of the result of urbanization and gentrification (Cohen,
September 3, 2014). As the world changes, the characteristic of cafГ© itself
changes. CafГ© just not place to sit, having a good food or drink a sip of coffee
but also a place to socialize, and meeting a new person (Rao, 2011). Hipster CafГ©
is one of the most popular modern cafГ© culture among youngster in Malaysia. This
paper is aim to study the factor that motivates the youngster to go to hipster cafГ©.
This study is using a quantitative method. To gain primary data, 390 sets of
questionnaires were distributed. Research samples are identified as the youngster of
ages 18 30. The sources of secondary data were critical selected from highly reliable
sources, both from public and private sectors. The finding of this study will be useful
to understand the current trend of hipster cafГ© in Malaysia particularly in
According to (Said, 2011), people frequencies cafГ© nowadays to communicate,
socialize, looking for public spaces and (Desai, May 2011) sates that people going
to cafГ© for work purpose. Urbanization and gentrification changes the function of
traditional cafГ© to modern cafГ© that more friendly (Cohen, September 3, 2014).
Hipster cafГ© is one of the modern cafГ©. The ... Show more content on ...
This is evident when hipster cafГ©s are mushrooming all over the places, usually
occupying a strategic corner of the shop lots especially in the urban areas (Suliza
Hairon, October 2017). According to Syakirah, 2005 as cited in (Suliza Hairon,
October 2017) hipster cafes in Malaysia are usually recognized through the creative
name used for the foods and drinks, the ingredients used as well as their unique
presentation. Not only that, (Zuki, 2016) mention in her report that hipster trend
became an inspiration for young entrepreneur to involve in cafeteria
External Conflict In Othello
Shakespeare s Othello is a play dependably based on marital, internal and physical
conflict and how it can negatively impact people s lives. Upon closer inspection, the
conflict that exists throughout this play becomes clear that the conflict is the sole
start for the destruction that occurs during the play. Throughout Othello, each
character incites his own jealousy in one another to gain what they crave most;
power. conflict becomes a prominent aspect of tragedy.
internal conflict has the capacity to destruct the true morals of each character.
Conflict stems from Iago s own craving of what others have and what he lacks.
Internal conflict is demonstrated through Iago s emotion of jealousy. as Iago
speaks to Roderigo about the moor, his sense of internal conflict is through
Desdemona and Othello s marriage. For example, his quote, Despise me if I do
not. Three great ones of the city in personal suit to make me his lieutenant off
capped to him I am worth no worse a place . Acts to be a metaphor, emphasising his
conflicted state of mind. Iago believes he deserves the position of lieutenant but
Othello has a different opinion. This clearly shows Iago s hate for Othello because
he is a man of power, something Iago desires. Due to Iago s jealousy Othello finds
himself in the middle of Iago s plots causing a negative impact on Othello s life.
This also impacts each related characters life as Iago is devious and back stabbing
towards Othello. Due to Iago, conflict is shown to negatively dominate in people s
Conflict is the main theme Shakespeare explores in this play. Brabantio, Othello s
father in law finds himself the root cause to many complications in Othello and
Desdemona s marriage. This is marital conflict due to Brabantio causing issues
between the married couple as he wants them separated. Brabantio begins to display
his hate towards Othello when Othello announces his undying love for Desdemona
Brabantio quoted o thou foul thief, where hast thou stowed my daughter? . This is a
metaphor as Brabantio is convinced that Othello spelled her to love him. Brabantio
believes Othello s
The Firebird Suite Analysis
The Firebird Suite is a ballet composed by Igor Stravinsky in 1910. I am particularly
fond of this piece, and place it in my personal top five greatest musical
compositions of all time. I first listened to this piece back in 1999 when Disney s,
Fantasia 2000 was released. While I do not remember the visuals of the film, I recall
the musicquite clearly. I have forgotten about, The FirebirdSuite until I recently
bought the CD, Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring, Firebird Suite (1999) at Barnes and
Noble. Listening to the piece again brought on a whirlwind of emotions and
memories. For the purpose of time, I will be focusing primarily on the last movement
of the suite. The movement starts in the key of B major in 3/2 time with the french
horn, harp, and strings playing first. Dynamic wise, the movement starts in piano
while the french... Show more content on ...
My experience as a music major in SUNY Potsdam attributed toward my various
reactions throughout this piece. Additionally, my fellow musicians at the Crane
School of Music impacted the way I view this type of music. While I already came
into college with an appreciation for classical music, my peers provided me with
new ways to view this type of music, and I learned much by observing them play.
Beforehand, I could not put into words the emotions and experiences I felt while
listening to classical music. Interacting with and learning from my peers provided
me a mean to do so. The Firebird Suite is a piece of music that truly engages me
and brings about a variety of emotions and memories. Listening to this music gives
me a sense of joy and pride of being a musician and reminds me of why I love
listening to this type of music. While other individuals may prefer different types of
music, this shows how music can impact people in various ways. This is important
for music therapists to understand as this can be used as a mean to heal our
A New Treatment Of Hepatitis C
A New Treatment of Hepatitis C Therapy
Hepatitis C is a prevalent health care problem. According to the Centers of Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC, 2016), approximately 2.7 3.9 million of the adult
population in the United States is infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). Some
groups of people are at risk for Hepatitis C infection, including current injection drug
users, people who received the blood transfusion before 1992, organ recipients from
a donor who tested positive for hepatitis C virus, hemodialysis patients, and children
born to a hepatitis C mother (CDC, 2016). Hepatitis C causes embarrassment and
isolation from the society. Self esteem and understanding of the ... Show more content
on ...
In general, a patient is infected with only one hepatitis C virus genotype. The strain
of genotypes is not differentiated by the severity of the disease. However, there will
make a distinction in the regimen and the duration of the treatment (CDC, 2016).
Treatment for chronic HCV is based on guidelines from the Infectious Diseases
Society of America (IDSA) and the American Associations for the Study of Liver
Diseases (AASLD). The criteria of who should receive the treatment include how
much the virus in the body, the strain of hepatitis C, the degree of liver inflammation
or damage, comorbidity, and response to previous treatment (Infectious Diseases
Society of America [IDSA], 2016). The highest priority for treatment should give to a
patient with advanced fibrosis and compensated cirrhosis (IDSA, 2016). Moreover,
treatment priority should provide to the patient who has a high risk of transmitting
the disease from and to others, such as individuals who are active injection drug users
and hemodialysis patients (IDSA, 2016).
Initially, the treatment for hepatitis C is a combination of two drug categories which
are interferon and ribavirin (IDSA, 2016). Interferon works by stimulating the
immune system to attack the hepatitis C virus cells (IDSA, 2016). Pegylated
interferon works more efficient than standard interferon. Pegylated interferon is a
long acting type of interferon that is administered as an injection with
Examples Of False Modesty
The topic selected by me is False Modesty . I was interested in this topic because of
the quote by Alan Bennett All modesty is false modesty; otherwise it wouldn t be
modesty. In order for a person to be modest, they must not claim that they had a big
role to play in their success. In fact, they must acknowledge others contribution more
than their own. When someone tries to give other people credits for their
achievement, they do this with the idea of showing people that they are modest,
which is false modesty.
False Modesty:
Instead of praising, some people tend to disparage themselves. This is known as
false modesty. There are many reasons as to why people do that. One is that they
want to hear back comments from friends ... Show more content on ...
DuS talk about the use of the words we and I in order to show modesty and
immodesty. According to them active speech is always more direct and forceful. So
the use of language can help us learn more about false modesty. (DuS, 1959). In
another research paper George Parsons Lathrop talks about modesty among the
readers. He feels that the readers are at first free from immodesty. But after reading
the novels, the idea of modesty and immodesty gets into them. They ability of the
readers to judge if the actions of the character is modest comes only after they have
read the novels. But then he also puts forth a question that if the readers are able to
judge modesty and immodesty, this trait must be in them even before they read the
book. Thus, it would not be right to say that it was the novel which affected their
ability to judge modesty, false modesty or immodesty. (Lathrop,
Operations Processes And The Operations Process
Operations processes refers to the acquisition of inputs which are transformed in a
business through the addition of value into outputs of goods and services. Businesses
use operational processes involving inputs and transformation processes to increase
efficiency and output. The operations management focuses on carefully and
managing processes to produce and distribute products and services based on the
nature of the business. To achieve objectives in a business, the quality of products are
monitored regularly using customerservices and warranties. Both Qantas and
McDonalds, utilise operation process in order to gain maximum efficiency and
Operation processes involves inputs which act as the core of businesses providing
greater utility to customers through the addition of value. Businesses use a
combination of transformed resources such as materials, customers and information.
Materials are the basic elements used in the production process and are sourced from
the supply chain which are divided into raw and intermediate materials. In Australia,
McDonalds uses locally sourced materials such as beef from Australian farmers to
produce over 400 million hamburgers. Large businesses such as McDonald s requires
efficiency in production, hence, a specialist material manager is recruited to control
the flow of resources from the initial purchasing stage to final distribution. Customers
become transformed resources when their desires and preferences shape inputs
Explain what sources of finance are available for small to...
1 Some important financing sources for SMEs4
1.1 Different stages in raising finance4
1.2 Venture Capital: a light of hope for the SMEs 5
1.3 Leasing and Factoring: special survival skills7
2 Difficulties for SMEs in raising finance8
2.1 Biggest trouble: lack of credit records8
2.2 Capital constraints9
2.3 Other barriers10
3 Conclusion10
Explain what sources of finance are available for small to medium sized companies
and explain why they sometimes face difficulties in raising finance
Abstract: This article examines which types of finance are more suitable for the
SMEs, also analysing the disadvantages on them when raising finance. Unlike the
large companies, ... Show more content on ...
Thridly, indirect financing. This kind of financing is not welcome for the SMEs, for
most of them are short term and long term loan, and the ways of loan are contained
mortgage loan, guaranteed loan, unsecured loan and et at.
1.2 Venture Capital: a light of hope for the SMEs
Venture capital(VC), which is known as the risk investment, shows significant role
in promoting the SMEs in raising finance. VC includes business angel financing,
relationship lending and so on. All of them are good choices for SMEs, specifically
for the small and medium companies which are just starting up.(Dagogo, 2009)
Venture capital is the fuel for high potential growth firms, especially in the United
States. New venture survival is tenuous at best, but those backed by venture
capitalists tend to achieve a higher survival rate than those that are not. said by
Robert(2010), moreover, in his study shows survival for venture capitalists backed
ventures range from around 65 percent to 85 percent of the venture capitalists
portfolio. If SMEs managers can get help like this, they would have more chances to
develope. Having a overview on the SMEs, they have nothing but the companies,
without large amount of capital or collaterals.VC might be a better method of
Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry
The auto industry has faced many challenges in the past years. The competition is
now stronger than ever, all car manufacturers have been competing to be the number
1 in the market. At the same time, the growing concern of Global Warming has force
the industry to reinvent itself and find ways to be more sustainable. Equally
important, is the yearly advances in innovation that had made it harder to keep new
vehicles up to date on the latest technology. For all this reasons, the car industry
struggles to maintain customer satisfaction. In this essay, I will touch each one of the
points on the challenges facing the American auto industry. The first point is global
competition. Global competition resulted in less market share for U.S. car
manufacturers and threatened company profits as more foreign brands entered the
U.S. market (Investopedia, 2015). The number one reason for this is the cost of
manufacturing vehicles on American soil as labor is more expensive than
manufacturing overseas. For this, operating costs are higher for American
automakers than for foreign automakers. Ironically, American vehicles are seen as the
cheaper, less reliable versions of their competition. There s also a sense of high status
in European vehicles that their American counterpart haven t been able to reach as
European cars are thought as the most luxurious cars on the market. The one
American brand that has gained name recognition is Tesla. This brand is seen as
more luxurious, sophisticated
Boston Marathon Bombing Summary
On April 15,2013 during the Boston Marathon two brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar
planted two bombs by the Marathon finish line killing 3 people but injuring more
than 260 people and later after the bombing they went and they attempted to robbed
a police officer named Sean Collier which led to the officer getting shot down by the
two brothers and while the policewere on a manhunt to find the shooters of the
murder of Sean while still on the hurt for the bombers while the police were
looking for those people the brothers went and carjacked a Mercedes SUV while
making the hostage go to ATM and take money out and when the brothers went to go
stop for gas the hostage manage to get away and call the police and reported the car
stolen and when the
A Normal Distribution Based On The Shapiro Wilk Test
3. RESULTS All data demonstrated a normal distribution based on the Shapiro
Wilk test for normality; therefore, no further transformation was required. Mean
ages (SDs) of the participants were 24 (3.7) years in the PA group and 23.6 (2.3)
years in the placebo group. Baseline characteristics between the groups were
similar for all variables (P 0.05) (Table 1). A total of 44 enrolled participants
completed the follow up (Figure 1). Participants denied any adverse and/or side
effects during the follow up periods. A mixed effect model of repeated measure
analysis showed no significant between group differences for HR (Figure 2) and
DBP (Figure 4). On the contrary, the averaged total HR, regardless of the groups,
showed a statistically significant change over time (p value=0.0043 in Table 2).
The overall group by time interaction for the mixed model was statistically
significant only for SBP (p value=0.0105) in that PA group had significantly
reduced SBP while the placebo group had increased SBP during intervention. The
95% CI of the change in SBP (1.65 to 4.25 mmHg) exceeded the minimal detectable
change (MDC) of 4.16 mmHg (Yung et al 2014) for some individuals. The post hoc
analysis revealed that the changed SBP during intervention was significantly
different between the PA and the PA P group (p value=0.003 in Figure 3). The
between group differences were no longer significant at post follow up. Males had
statistically higher SBP than females overall (p value=0.0027 in Table
Maine Women s Re-Entry Center Case Summary
Question 7B Use of administrative funds
During this time frame only administrative funds from STOP 14 were used; the
award was made during the reporting period. Dues for the Association of VAWA
Administrators (AVA) were paid, there were no association fees and no training
costs were incurred. The Maine Department of Public Safety paid for the subgrantee
monitoring function. The funds were used to pay 50% of the office space occupied,
50% of the technology costs, 50% of the telephone costs, and postage incurred by the
STOP program by the Senior Planner.
No STOP 15 or STOP 16 administrative costs were incurred.
Question 8B Culturally specific victim services awards less than 10%
Not Applicable 15.16%
Question 11 Report on the status ... Show more content on ...
The STOP funding has enabled us to create a stronger coordinated community
response services with legal service providers that did not exist before for immigrant
/refugee communities. As a result we service more victims in a coordinated
community response manner where all agencies jointly provide services for the
refugee and immigrant victims and
Literary Analysis Of Maya Angelou s Phenomenal Woman
The poem Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou, was voiced by Maya Angelou
herself, and the audience hearing that she was trying to reach was the pretty
women in the world who have a definition of flawless that Maya does not agree
with. She wanted her audience to know that while they may be beautiful, that she
is beautiful and flawless by her own terms and that being flawless does not only
mean being small and looking like the models in the magazines. One could argue
that her audience is all the women in the world who are not small. She is also
reaching out to women who have some of the same characteristics that she has
because they are relatable. Men are also her audience as she goes on to explain why
men find her attractive, this is also a device used to show the audience that many
different cases of women can be viewed as attractive. A womanwho loves herself is a
woman who will attract a man of good substance. Maya Angelouwas born on April 4,
1928, in St. Louis, MO, and died at the age of 86 on May 28, 2014, in Winston
Salem, NC. During her time here on this earth, she served as a famous American
poet, civil rights activist and memoirist. She published seven autobiographies, three
books of essays, several books of poetry, and was credited with a list of plays,
movies, and television shows spanning over 50 years. Maya Angelou was well
known for being a great writer and civil rights activist, which made her receive up to
thirty honorary degrees and numerous awards,
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  • 1. Black Men And Public Space Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Black Men and Public Space" can be a challenging yet thought-provoking endeavor. The topic delves into complex issues related to race, stereotyping, and societal perceptions. Addressing these themes requires a nuanced understanding of the historical and cultural context surrounding the experiences of black men in public spaces. One of the difficulties lies in navigating the sensitivity of the topic. It demands a careful approach to avoid perpetuating stereotypes or reinforcing negative biases. The writer must strike a balance between highlighting the reality of racial profiling and its impact on individuals while fostering a constructive dialogue that promotes empathy and understanding. Moreover, research plays a crucial role in developing a comprehensive essay. It involves exploring scholarly articles, historical accounts, and personal narratives to provide a well-rounded perspective. This process, though enriching, can be time-consuming and requires a critical analysis of various sources to ensure accuracy and depth in the arguments presented. Crafting a compelling thesis statement and organizing the essay effectively are additional challenges. The writer must structure the content in a way that captures the reader's attention, sustains their interest, and effectively communicates the message. The use of powerful anecdotes and real-life examples can enhance the impact of the essay, but careful selection and presentation are essential to avoid sensationalism or oversimplification. Ultimately, writing an essay on "Black Men and Public Space" necessitates not only strong writing skills but also a genuine commitment to addressing the underlying issues with sensitivity and respect. It is an opportunity to contribute to a meaningful conversation about race and social dynamics, making the writing process both intellectually demanding and socially significant. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, various platforms like provide professional services to support and guide individuals through the intricacies of essay composition. Black Men And Public Space EssayBlack Men And Public Space Essay
  • 2. Homelessness in Cincinnati Essay In Ohio (The Tri state), and over the last 17 years, there has been a 160% population increase. Homelessness has become a problem in the city of Cincinnati. Many families are homeless because of job layoffs and exhausted unemployment benefits. Some families are employed but do not earn enough wages to support a family and pay for adequate housing. Young single mothers can receive welfare benefits (Aid for Dependent Children) for 36 months. During that time they are supposed to be furthering their education or preparing to go to work. If neither is accomplished, the mother will receive medical for the children and food stamps only. If the family is not residing in subsidized housing they may have to stay with family members or seek... Show more content on ... People are forced to move and find other dwellings. For example, an apartment building called the metro pole was recently sold for renovation. The people who reside in the building are the disabled, mentally ill or people difficult to place in other housing, for some reason or another. The building was built more than 30 years ago and has 230 two room affordable apartments; in a very convenient location near downtown Cincinnati, close to bus stops, and shopping. The building will be renovated to a 160 room lustrous hotel, so that upscale workers can be near their jobs. In 2008, city council had limited jobs for human service workers for the people in over the Rhine. Over the Rhine is a small community in the heart and back end of downtown Cincinnati, known as the ghetto. It consists of poor people of all nationalities and in which most of the homeless live. Although organizations are working with the Cincinnati Interfaith Worker Center in helping day labor workers organize to improve job stipulations; wages, and working conditions(Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless, 2010), jobs are still not an option in Cincinnati for the homeless, or those with criminal records. When the only viable jobs are offered by labor pools, the people are often exploited and treated with less dignity and have the lowest most devastating working conditions. Those who can only work part time, or have no transportation must car pool with someone or pay the
  • 3. Religious Ideas In Monro s Sredni Vashtar According to what H. P. Lovecraft wrote in 1927, weird fiction has something more than secret murder, bloody bones, or a sheeted form clanking chains (xv). To my way of thinking, weird tales are customized in a way that imparts a sense in the reader s thinking of being mixed up; it is usually described as an unnatural journey from the normal to the abnormal. Many authors have used certain weird elements skillfully in their stories in order to distribute the feelings of dread, uncertain and inquisitiveness. Therefore, several approaches have been used to bring the weirdness into the tales, namely the use of science and religion. Though both approaches have their own effectiveness in representing the weird, the religious ideas in some aspects ... Show more content on ... This function captures the weird better than scientific factor does in Dissection by Georg Heym. Particularly, the homage for the Sredni Vashtar the ferret creates an even stronger reverence and connection between Conradin and the wilderness and so the ferret s power helps Conradin achieve what he ever has prayed for. In the story, religion is associated with ritual, as Mrs. De Ropp indulged in religion once a week at a church (54), while little Conradin engages in more rituals to worship his own god. It is important that how wretched Conradin s life might be, he always manages to find the pleasures from the surroundings such as performing his imagination through private story telling, keeping the hen and making his own religion when the polecat ferret becomes the center of convoluted ceremonies. Furthermore, the connection between Conradin and his god develops even more when his cousin sold the Houdan hen without telling him beforehand. Due to the overly strict control and the disrespect from the sadistic cousin, Conradin has no choice but building a deep relationship with his ferret. This kind of connection in weird tale makes great effect in leading the story in an uncanny direction and delivering the ghostly felling effortlessly. On the other hand, Dissection by Georg Heymis a story of autopsy that involves
  • 4. Characteristics Of The Early Civilizations Of Mesopotamia The characteristics shown in the early civilizations of Mesopotamia are still evident in today s world because without these basic standards set by the people of Mesopotamia, civilization could never have grown or had a reference point for the basic building blocks of society. Mesopotamia was able to grow through the development of technology, trade, stable political and military systems, and a class system that contributed to society . Mesopotamias way of life influenced many other civilizations such as the ones in Egypt, Eastern Europe, and in Asia. Without Mesopotamia s innovation, civilizations may have never been able to find a concrete system that allowed society to not only to survive but thrive. One of the main reasons Mesopotamia was such a success was because it abandoned the old traditional ways of earlier civilizations by settling in one specific spot. Before Mesopotamia, most civilizations were nomadic . They would travel around Europe, Asia, and Africa looking for food and water. The group of people who had settled in Mesopotamia no longer needed to travel to find different food supplies. The land settled by the first civilization in Mesopotamia was located near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. These rivers were able to supply both a reliable water source and also allowed a trade route with the other budding civilizations located on the rivers . A reliable water source was imperative to a budding civilization because it allowed both drinking water and an
  • 5. Analysis Of Zoot Suit By Luis Valdez The Zoot Suit play, Luis Valdez notices the in depth look picture into the cultural struggling and the young generation by El Pachuco and his people. They are Mexican American. Their equality rights do not accept in America society. They and their family always spend the life by examining of American government. Henry Reyna, El Pachuco, the Navy during the World War II. He is the young Mexican American generation. He lives in the South Central Los Angeles, California. They are a mythical figure, a rebellious, street smart, young Chicano. They make up their hair style. He dresses a long jacket, a baggy trousers, and a lengthy watch chain. He and his people dance with their girlfriends. They wear the zoot suit, the big pride of Mexican American
  • 6. Compare And Contrast Sancho Panza And Don Quixote The dynamic of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza is one of the ways Cervantes entices his readers. He creates a stark contrast between these two characters right off the bat and creates a rapport that leaves readers laughing. He establishes the contrast in stature and mental state and creates two characters that, in time, learn to love and complement each other greatly. Don Quixote is a character who read so many books on chivalry, he was so absorbed in these books that his nights were spent reading from dusk till dawn...until the lack of sleep and the excess of reading withered his brain, and he went mad (Cervantes p.26). considering it desirable and necessary, both for the increase of his honour and for the common good [he becomes] a knight errant ... Show more content on ... Sancho only plays the part of squire in hopes of becoming wealthy and owning his own island. Quixote yearns to recreate this world he has long read of: chivalry, battles with giants and evil beings and the rescue of maidens. However, in a more realistic sense, Don Quixote deals with windmills, bedclothes, and injustices. While Don Quixote represents illusion and imagination, Sancho Panza represents reality. They complement each other in a dualistic way. They foil each other in such a way that they might be seen as two halves of a whole. They represent a person who needs to have imagination whilst living in reality, because too much reality is destructive for any one man to deal with. However, their relationship, which is a combination of idealism and realism, affects each other in a negative way, in terms of the things they stand
  • 7. Fragile X Syndrome Analysis In 1943 two men, Martin and Bell discovered a gene condition called Fragile X Syndrome. 2 Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is a genetic condition, which may cause an intellectual disability, behavioural and learning difficulties and various other physical characterstics.1 It occurs when the female gene (X gene) is repeated over 50 200 times, this is called Fragile X permutation. 1 In 1969, Herbert Lubs established the chromosomal test for Fragile X Syndrome. Fragile X Syndrome is an inherited condition in which the X chromosomeis passed on from the parent to the child. If the woman has the affect X, they will have an increased chance for passing the geneon but as men have an Y as well as an X chromosome, if they have Fragile X Syndrome, their sons won t be affected as they have their fathers Y chromosome. It is the most common form of inherited intellectual disability in males and a major cause of intellectual disability in females. There is currently no cure for this condition yet and treatment is generally based on the symptoms the individual has. During the 1970s and 1980s, the only examination for Fragile X Syndrome was a test in which blood was taken to test for chromosomes.3 However, this was unreliable as not always accurate. In the 1990s scientists identified a specific gene that causes Fragile X Syndrome and ... Show more content on ... It is estimated that once a week a child is born who is fully affected and 20 births a week are affected by Fragile X Syndrome. 1 Another impact that it may have on society is in early pregnancy through testing such as Amniocentesis or a blood test called non invasive pregnancy testing parents can be made aware of a fetus that they are carrying that has Fragile X Syndrome. 4 With this information they may choose to not continue with the pregnancy. This gives the parents options of choice that wasn t available 20 years ago but also very difficult ethical
  • 8. An Analysis Of Alice Walker And Kate Chopin Heritage, a lot of people see it as being only the past, with no significance to their everyday lives whatsoever, others see it as merely objects and money passed down from older generations to their younger generations, but really heritage means much more than that. Ones heritage is the lessons learned from elders and passed down to their children and grandchildren to help them not make the same mistakes they made before, heritage is the roots that makes a person who they are. The world without recollection of its s heritage, is a world without progress, a world that only stands still waiting for the same missteps to cycle back around. A person with no knowledge of their heritage is a person with no knowledge of themselves, and not knowing one s self can lead to mishaps directing that individual down a path they would otherwise be able to avoid with a keen understanding of where they originate. Alice Walker and Kate Chopin both touch on the struggles and outcomes of not knowing or taking advantage of one s heritage through their stories Everyday Use and Desiree s baby. In both of the stories, the antagonist Dee/Wangero, and Armand has problems with whom they truly are because of their lack of knowledge and acceptance of who they truly are. The misfortune of not appreciating one s heritage is clearly identified in Alice Walker s Everyday Use. The character used to demonstrate the tragedies that follows one who doesn t treasure their heritage throughout the story is
  • 9. Goniatites Research Paper Goniatitida All Goniatites have an external shell which is internally divided into gas chambers. This gives buoyancy during the life of the animal. The morphology and habit of the goniatites, compared to the ammonites, are alike. For example, both swim freely and have heads with two well developed eyes and arms (or tentacles). Survived the Late Devonian extinction. (One of five major extinction events in Earth s history) The shell of a Goniatite is always coiled in a planispiral structure. According to the shape of its shell, this order was thought to be poor swimmers. Prolecanitida An order of ammonoid cephalopods that are extinct and possess discoidal to thinly, convex lentil shaped shells. Within the Ammonoidea, a small and stable order
  • 10. Hidden Within Technology s Kingdom, A Republic Of Letters... Since the beginning of time, humans have created activities to perform in their recreational time. For leisure, cavemen carved paintings on the walls of their caves, while people of the 1800s read books, and people perform a variety of activities today. Activities today are both old and new. These include biking, watching TV, listening to music, and reading. The preference of older recreations, such as reading, over modern recreations, like watching TV, is questionable. But an article, Hidden Within Technologys Kingdom, a Republic of Letters, written by Saul Bellow presents the truth on this situation. Therefore, advances in technology will not make books obsolete due to the people who enjoy reading, pursue writing, and the integration of... Show more content on ... For example, many movies are based on books. This is not only happening today, but it happened in the 1920s. Saul Bellow describes his personal experience when he went to the movies and saw Treasure Island, then he read the book (Bellow 15). This is a popular trend with teenagers today as well. Many of my peers read The Hunger Games series, then went to watch the movies. This expresses many books essentially create popular movies. Like Bellow, watching movies can encourage people to read the book. Books are integrated within movies, so books will not be out of date. In the article, Saul Bellow mentions Teachout s statement, We are not accustomed to thinking of art forms as technologies, but it is what they are (Bellow 14) This represents that books are an art from that tell stories, and movies are a technology that tell stories. This does not mean books will become antiquated because technology will replace them. It seems impossible. Books are tied to technology because of digital books that are available for purchase on many laptops, phones, and tablets. They are more convenient due to their easy storage in electronic devices. This means that although people are not seen carrying books, it does not mean they do not read. Sometimes books are hidden because they are like a treasure to
  • 11. Pharma Industry Analysis The Pharmaceutical Industry 1. Origins and Evolution The modern pharmaceutical industry is a highly competitive non assembled1 global industry. Its origins can be traced back to the nascent chemical industry of the late nineteenth century in the Upper Rhine Valley near Basel, Switzerland when dyestuffs were found to have antiseptic properties. A host of modern pharmaceutical companies all started out as Rhine based family dyestuff and chemical companies e.g. Hoffman La Roche, Sandoz, Ciba Geigy (the product of a merger between Ciba and Geigy), Novartis2 etc. Most are still going strong today3. Over time many of these chemical companies moved into the production of pharmaceuticals and other synthetic chemicals and they gradually ... Show more content on ... The Social Dimension: Good health is an important personal and social requirement and the unique role pharmaceutical firms play in meeting society s need for popular wellbeing cannot be underestimated. In recent times, the impact of various global epidemics e.g. SARS, AIDS etc has also attracted popular and media attention to the industry. The effect of the intense media and political attention has resulted in increasing industry efforts to create and maintain good government industry society communications. Technological Advances: Modern scientific and technological advances in science is forcing industry players to adapt ever faster to the evolving environments in which they participate. Scientific advancements have also increased the need for increased spending on research and development in order to encourage innovation. Legal Environment: The pharmaceutical industry is a highly regulated and compliance enforcing industry. As a results there are immense legal, regulatory and compliance overheads which the industry has to absorb. This tends to restrict it s dynamism but in recent years, government have begun to request industry proposals on regulatory overheads to so as not to discourage innovation in the face of mounting global challenges from external markets. 3. Structural Industry Analysis (Porter s Five Forces) This section provides a summary positional analysis of the pharmaceutical industry using Porter s Five Forces model (see
  • 12. Tutankhamun Accomplishments Tutankhamun is one of the most famous and instantly recognisable Pharaohs of the modern world, even though he lived and reigned over 3,000 years ago. The boy Pharaoh was born under the name Tutankhaten (`living image of Aten ), in 1345 BCE and died in 1327 BCE at the age of just 18 or 19, after only being in power for 10 years. Until archaeologist Howard Carter discovered his almost fully intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 CE, the Pharaoh was almost unheard of due to the common belief that he was a minor ruler, whose reign was of little consequence. However, after this discovery and subsequent discoveries due to excavations, analysis of his mummy and other historical evidence, opinions changed, so much so that today Tutankhamunis recognized as an important Pharaoh who returned order to Ancient Egyptafter it was left in chaos by the political religious reforms of his Father, Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), and who would no doubt have made further impressive contributions to Egypt s history if not for his early death. During the reign of Tutankhamun there were many decisions and reforms that took place that were due to the religious reforms of his predecessor, his father ... Show more content on ... The Aten was to be worshipped in the open sunlight, rather than within the Temple enclosures, thus banning and even the destruction of temples. Excavations of some Ancient Egyptian temples have provided evidence of Amun being cut from the stone and even inscriptions containing the plural god s being removed or defaced. Many stone blocks from excavations at Amarna have been recovered which depict the royal family worshipping the Aten or undergoing everyday activities under the rays of the Aten sun disk which historians believe were used to reinforce the link between the Pharaoh and his
  • 13. Dr. Jim Yong Kim In 1987, while still in medical school, Dr. Paul Farmer along with Dr. Jim Yong Kim, Ophelia Dahl, Thomas White and Todd McCormack founded Partners in Health (PIH).1 Since its meager beginnings, PIH has evolved to serve some 2.5 Million people throughout ten different countries.2 However, throughout the organizations grand transformation from a makeshift clinic in Haiti to one of the leading players in global health relief and development, Partners in Healthhave remained true to their mission to provide advance medical treatment for those most in need through strategic partnerships. 3 Growing up Paul Farmer was surrounded by poverty and a fair amount of everyday difficulty.4 Rather than being limited by his childhood circumstance, Farmer thrived and earned a full scholarship to Duke University, where he became enthralled with learning more about the country of Haiti. Following graduation, Farmer went to Haiti to better understand the culture of the country he had become so interested in. While working at an eye clinic he met future co founder of Partners in Health Ophelia Dahl.4 During his search of the country of Haiti, Farmer became convinced that something needed to be done about the lack of health care being provided to the poor.4 Upon visiting Cange, Farmer decided that was where he would like to start a clinic for those most in need. In 1984, Farmer started medical school at Harvard, but rather than spending most of his time at school like normal students do,
  • 14. Western Way Of War Essay Support or refute the argument that the prolonged and bloody stalemate of World War I stemmed from a slavish adherence to the theories proposed by Clausewitz Major Marc C. Jeter H100: Rise of the Western Way of War 10 June 2015 The stalemate of World War I s Western Front resulted from a situation where leaders experienced and educated in 19th Century tactics and strategy could not reconcile this predisposition with the changes to war brought on by technological advances and not due to a mindless adherence to time honored theories of military thinkers such as Clausewitz. The irony is that the tactical and strategic impasse aside, the various elements of World War Isuch as economy, political, and nationalism more closely reflected Clausewitz s supposition of war ( clash of interests ) than the pre war operational plans penned the generals. Despite significant munitions advancements over the final quarter of the 19th Century and first decade of the Twentieth Century, simultaneous progression in tactics and more importantly strategy, was absent. Certainly, generals such as Alfred von Schlieffen expanded upon the time honored belief in the supremacy of the offense (Schlieffen Plan) via a grand envelopment that in theory ... Show more content on ... That these weapons by being relatively immobile would be default provide soldiers and armies in a defensive posture with a tremendous advantage, as occurred in Manchuria between the Russians and Japanese, did not seem to deter Europe s strategists from their predisposed affinity for the offense. It did in fact appear to strengthen further their belief in what was believed to be the ultimate deciding factor, that being an unconquerable warrior
  • 15. Racism In Midnight Without A Moon By Linda Williams Jackson Racism; a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one s own race is superior and has the right to rule others. In the historical fiction novel, Midnight Without a Moon, by Linda Williams Jackson, the author shows how horribly blacks were treated when they tried to vote. The main character, Rose Lee Carter, battles with understanding why blacks were facing such repercussions while trying to fight for their rights. Levi Jackson, Reverend George W. Lee, and Lamar Smith face several acts of racism while trying to vote, and because of this, they are brutally murdered. However, the reader is left wondering if the punishments the characters received actually occurred in real life. In Midnight Without a Moon, the author uses history by including key details to emphasize how far whites were willing to go in order to ensure that blacks wouldn t be allowed to vote, while at times altering it to highlight the intense feelings Rose has over the situation. In the novel, Midnight Without a Moon, thirteen year old Rose Lee Carter struggles with racism in her town of Stillwater, Mississippi. During this time period, being considered African American was a disadvantage in society because you weren t given the same respect as white people. This was a challenge, because it violated basic human rights, especially being allowed to vote. As a result of this, Rose encounters many
  • 16. Sinusitis SINUSITIS INTRODUCTION Infections of the sinuses are not a pleasant thing to have for anyone. Each year, once spring comes and again during cold and flu season, a large number of people develop allergies or sinus blockages that are typically very unpleasant. Allergies from pollen and blockages from the cold or flu, sometimes develop into more serious conditions such as sinusitis. Both acute and chronic sinusitis can be debilitating; as anyone that has ever had a sinus infection can attest to. Anyone who suffers sinusitis can testify to the headaches, difficulty breathing and its ability to impair the simplest of tasks. For people, prone to these infections, life can be difficult and they will seek and form of relief. However, there are ... Show more content on ... However, chronic sinusitis that has turned bacterial can be treated and the normal course of action is to prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotics are effective in treating Sinusitis and according to Richard Rosenfeld, M.D., (2016) in his paper titled Acute Sinusitis in Adults, it is stated that, antibiotics are prescribed for 84 to 91% of patients with acute sinusitis that is diagnosed in emergency departments and outpatient settings (p. 962). Although antibiotics are the go to cure for Sinusitis, making the duration shorter, it has been shown that most cases clear up on their own with no need for medications at all. In his paper, Doctor Rosenfeld (2016) also notes, approximately 85% of persons have a reduction or resolution of symptoms within 7 to 15 days without antibiotic therapy (p.962). So, it has been shown that although a nuisance, most people have sinusitis resolve itself after about 2 weeks and antibiotics really should only be used for severe cases that do not resolve on their own. So, what does a severe case of sinusitis look like, what factors are involved and just how bad can this infection get when it does not resolve on its own but instead turns much
  • 17. River Torre Research Paper ONCE BEAUTIFUL RIVER GONE TO THE FISHES? If I said green, grimy and Adelaide, your mind would instantly race to the contaminated River Torrens. The River Torrens makes up a 85km stretch of the Murray Darling Basin and is vital to the water security of Australia. But, yet it used to flow on a seasonal basis through and would have been used for leisure activities, such as swimming. If you looked at the River Torrens now you could never tell that s what it was used for, and instead, you can see the unsightly weir restricting water flow and the murky brown green water plagued with environmental issues. Two of these such issues are algal blooms, caused by various cyanobacteria, and the introduction of carp into ecosystems. The effects of carp ... Show more content on ... Aeration pumps have successfully been used in many rivers and dams to lower algal blooms, they work by reducing nutrient load in the water column and mixing algae deeper into the water so that they are deprived of light, other methods such as algaecides are also used as these are toxic to the algae or cyanobacteria, but using algaecides can come with great risks and may cause more problems. As a part of a redevelopment plan, the city of Adelaide has been looking at potential ways to remove the algae and rubbish in the river, the plan is to lower the weir so that there is a flow of water. This means that nutrients will be moving through and not concentrated in a singular spot, reducing the likeliness of algal blooms. At the moment the most that are being done on carp is a ban on releasing them back in the waterway, however, many people are working on an alternative. One of these alternatives is the release of a carp herpesvirus this acts as a biological agent introduced to the waterway, wiping out large majorities of carp in one swift go. However, there are issues with this once in the waterway it cannot be removed and carp may develop resistance and there would have to be a massive clean up undertaken to remove all the dead
  • 18. The Myth Of The World Comes From The Bushmen People Of... The African myth Cagn Orders the World comes from the Bushmen people of South Africa. The Bushmen believed that there was not only a good creator god, but an evil god as well who was responsible for woes and suffering (Sproul 31). However, while having a creator god is important to the Bushmen culture the theme of their creator myths usually revolve around the existence of animal spirits (Sproul 31). The myth begins and ends with the birth and resurrection of Cagn, who is the first to exist in the world and is the sole creator. During the creation of everything, Cagn orders the creation of animals and weapons so that man would be able to sustain himself by hunting the animals provided to him (Sproul 31). Cagn also has relationships with... Show more content on ... God s relationship with animals holds the same importance as his relationship with mankind. In African culture, animals have many uses and are not only used for food but are also used for religious rites (Mbiti 51). Additionally, certain animals such as snakes have ties to spiritual beings and the living dead (Mbiti 51). Snakes play an important role in the Bushmen myth, when Cagn rescues a girl from the snakes he orders the snakes to lie down, and then proceeds to use his stick to magically strike the snake body until a human crawls out (Sproul 32). He proceeds to sprinkle canna onto the snake skins so that the snakes will permanently remain in the form of people (Sproul 32). This resembles a form of creation because he creates people out of the snakeskin. The snakes could have also have ties to mystical spirits (Mbiti 192), and Cagn punishes them for attacking him by changing them to become his people. Cagn Orders the World places great emphasis on punishment of evil and wrong doings. During Cagn s travel of the world he punishes many beings for performing evil deeds. He punishes baboons for lying to him about the murder of his son (Sproul 32). The punishment changes the baboons from man like creatures who sang songs to the typical crooked tail baboon (Sproul 32). Cagn first experiences treachery from an eagle that jealously hoards honey (Sproul 33) and a man named Quuisi who deceives Cagn into taking his place as a prisoner stuck in a river (Sproul
  • 19. Essay about Journey Of The Magi T.S. Eliot s Journey of the Magi This Christmas poem is about the Epiphany and was created the very year of Eliot s conversion to Christianity (Fleisner, 66). Therefore the theme of religion is an important one if we are to analyse the poem correctly. In the book of Ephesians in the Bible, Paul describes the rebirth of the world upon Christ s death, emphasising the Ephesians new life (2:4 5). This theme of death and rebirth is present in the poem Journey of the Magi, which, I will argue, is structurally and internally divided into three stages; corresponding to the Sacrament of Penance: contrition (guilt), confession and satisfaction. To understand this poem, one has to understand the impact that Christ had on the World. At the time... Show more content on ... In keeping with the first stanza which elaborates the difficulties of the journey, Eliot does not depict the primary aspect of satisfaction (the fulfilment of penance) in stanza two, but rather the secondary aspect, which, according to the Oxford Bible Dictionary is a amp;quot;medicinal purpose...[assisting] the penitent to resist relapse into the same kind of sin in the future. amp;quot; Thus, after their amp;quot;hard time, amp;quot; the Magi arrive at dawn in a amp;quot;temperate valley,/ Wet amp;quot; and amp;quot;smelling of vegetation amp;quot; (lines 21 22), symbolic of the new life attained from their penance. Apart from this, it is interesting to mention Eliot s wonderful imagery of the amp;quot;three trees on the low sky, amp;quot; (line24) not only representing the Magi, but also the three crosses of the Crucifixion, as line 27 suggests, of the Roman soldiers dicing for Jesus robe and the amp;quot;old white horse, amp;quot; (line 25) galloping madly away, could represent Judas, and the silver he was paid for betraying Jesus. However, the white horse could subsequently be associated with death, evoking images of the Crucifixion and the great disaster that event was for Jesus followers. The second stage of the Sacrament, the actual confession, takes place in the final stanza when the narrator starts his confession to the
  • 20. Descriptive Essay About A Beach When you observe people at the beach, does not it resemble an anthill? The sandy beach, on a tropical island, is one of the most places that native people visit in their spare time, especially in summer season. Besides, people from gelid countries prefer to visit it in the winter season to escape from the harsh cold. The sandy beaches have three fundamental parts; there people enjoying the day. These components are the sandy part with umbrellas and sandarea to play, the warm tropical sea, and the coastal dune where vegetation is growing, and people take on the shade. On the other hand, I always have felt an immense passion for the sea. For that, I appreciate spending time at the beach, having a good time and observing what people are doing there. I notice that everybody is happy. A lot of people are usually in the different parts of the beach doing amusement activities and shifting from one part to another through the day. Describing which activities people do in each part of the beach, can be an exciting task because you will understand exactly how people relax. Early in the morning the beach is desolate. Most people start to arrive at the beach around eight am. Slowly, they take off their clothes to show the various and colorful bathing suit. The sandy beaches with cream color sand are fabulous. Many of them have sand composed of minuscule marine animals. These tiny grains of sand are detritus of mollusk, seaweed, and foraminiferous, which it gets
  • 21. A Correlation Between the Corpus Callosum and... A correlation between the corpus callosum and developmental language disorders Abstract: Various types of language disorders affect a considerable amount of children academically and socially worldwide. This article focuses on developmental language disorders (DLD) caused by central auditory processing disorders (CAPD). A CAPD is defined as showing difficulties discriminating, identifying and retaining sounds after the ears have heard the sounds. Both language and auditory are processed in an infinite number of nuclei throughout both hemispheres of the brain. Thus it has been hypothesized that abnormalities of the corpus callosum (CC) are correlated with deficiencies in auditory and language processes. This article reviews ... Show more content on ... I am using the general term language disorder because there is not enough information on any one particular disorder. Both language and audition are fairly new areas of research in the world of psychology, in addition to both being very complex processes. Thus this critic deals with auditory language comprehension of people with dyslexia, developmental learning disorders, reading disabilities, central auditory processing disorders, and x linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Auditory processing of language in a normal brain is thought to encompass the entire brain and that is a major reason why it so difficult to come to an agreement on how language is processed (Obler and Gjerlow, 1999). A very popular model though is the Personal Model proposed in the early 1980 s. This model states that the central auditory nervous system is made up of many integrating neural systems. Large myelinated fibers, as well as smaller secondary fibers, interconnect these neural systems. As information is processed, the further (and higher) it travels into the brain the more sophisticated and complex information is being processed. (see figure 1). For example at the cochlear level the pitch, tone, and frequency of the sound is processed, but as you go into the specific cortices the morphology, pragmatics, prose, etc. of what is spoken is being processed. And finally sensations (ex. audition) are not specifically part of the newer
  • 22. How Does Climate Change Affect Australia Climate change is a major problem worldwide, the actions of one country inevitably have an impact on the rest of the world, some places more than others. Consequently, it is vital for the entire world to be on board with efforts to resolve the issues. The main cause of climate change is an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, both naturally occurring and man made, cause the earths average temperature to slowly rise. Especially in the past 50 years, the rate of deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels such as gas, oil and coal have significantly increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the earth s atmosphere (ClimateChange and Health). Efforts from a few countries, although beneficial can not fix the problem... Show more content on ... Detrimental effects of human caused climate changes have already been noticed in Australia, these include the acidification of coral reefs, a rising sea level, and more intense droughts with larger changes in the future predicted by climate scientists. These changes are extremely harmful because the northeastern coast of Australia is home to the world s largest reef system, the Great Barrier Reef, which spans 1,300 miles. Australia is already coping with increased temperatures, with rainfall increases in many tropical areas and rainfall decreases in many temperate areas (Head). According to the IPCC, there has already been regional climatic change with an increase of 0.29 1.26В°F (0.4 0.7В°C) in the region (Gilman). There are many projections that bush fires and floods will increase in frequency and intensity , especially in the summer (Head). Warming of only about a degree may not seem like much, but it greatly disrupts the delicate balance of nature and can contribute to a chain reaction leading to the extinction of species and consequently a decrease in
  • 23. Essay on Zuma Beach It was a sunny Friday afternoon when I decided to take my observations with me out into the world. I find that my imagination wanders off on its own and takes trips to the ocean without me so I figured my body had some catching up to do. With a snap of my fingers and a short ride through the canyon I found myself at my childhood playground, Zuma Beach. Without hesitation I laid my towel down upon the tiny grains and chips of rocks that the oceans might has turned into sandover the years. I took a moment to put my life on hold and gaze at what nature had to offer to me. I reflected upon all of the other places I could have been instead of standing with my toes curling in the warm sandy beach and smiled in appreciation of my situation.... Show more content on ... I thought about the obnoxious sign on the roof of the snack shack that read FOOD in bright red letters just incase a skydiver got hungry and needed to know where to land. I listened closer and realized to make itself stand out even more, the snack shack was also serving music out of its loudspeakers to all the beachgoers. The awful screeching sounds of guitar and horrific screaming that sounded like some form of animal torture was being blasted to the masses whether we liked it or not. The thought that little children were being forced to listen to this blood thirsty melee began to make me uncomfortable, but I was interrupted by the thunderous sound of water crashing into itself from above. I opened my eyes and saw a wall of liquid rapidly churning together in all different directions. As this fluid mountain of water approached me it swelled bigger and bigger and then decided to calm down and slowly flattened out into a slow rolling sea of foam. All was still for a moment but then movement started again and I was in the midst of seeing another wave form. The sea of foam slowed down to a crawl and started to flow backwards. The water began to swirl in a wavy motion picking up speed in the opposite direction that it had just come from. A distance away out in the ocean I could see the water level begin to rise. The flat lake of water in front of me had now turned into a Jacuzzi, flowing and picking up speed towards
  • 24. Michael Sucsy s The Vow Michael Sucsy s The Vow is a true story written by Abby Kohn and Mark Silverstein which is about a married couple who get into an unfortunate car accident. Paige, the lead role, loses 5 years of memory prior to the accident and is unable to remember who her husband is, Leo s greatest challenge is to win back his wife. This movie has been adapted from the book by Kim and Krickitt Carpenter, they are the real life couple that has been through these obstacles due to their accident. The adaptation that came to life on screen quite frankly couldn t get any better. The connection between the couple is evident and the chemistry between the two is constantly tested. The vows are continually brought back into several scenes, the vows they have promised... Show more content on ... Rachel Mcadams and Channing Tatum are two stunning actors that are completely perfect for the roles of Paige and Leo. Channing Tatum is a charming celebrity hottie that the audience immediately falls in love with. He has had previous experience with the genre of romance with his movie Dear John that left the audience lovestruck, he has done the same in The Vow. The Mean Girls actress Rachel McAdams has stepped out of her comfort zone by acting in romance movies such as The Notebook and About Time. The actress has does an incredible job as Paige allowing the audience to have a perspective of how it would feel to be in her shoes. The two together have an incredible onscreen chemistry that is completely evident throughout the movie. What makes this story much more tender hearted is that it s a true story. A true story of two lovers who are torn apart, a modern fairy tale of two people learning to fall in love again. The typical audience that says this only happens in movies would be shocked to see a real life story brought to life. The audio is also quite unique and isn t usually seen in a romance movie. There are many songs
  • 25. Outline For Islam Research Paper Our Topic Today is Islam: What is Islam?Islam is a religion that many people follow across the world.It is one of the oldest religon in the world and it is the most known religon today. ____________________________________ Place holder picture ___________________________________ Background Information on Islam:Islam was created 610 A.D by a man named Muhammed. Muhammed got the idea to create Islam from an angel named Gabriel.When Gabriel spoke to Muhammad she told him messages ,that was put into the Qur an(koran Muslim Bible).Muslim had to always follow the 5 Pillars of Islam,because it shows the way how God wants them to live.Muhammed and his followers had to move to Medina,because they wanted to escape the rules of Mecca.This escape
  • 26. Morality In Bernhard Schlink s The Reader The Effect of Literacy on Morality in Bernhard Schlink s The Reader In The Reader, Hanna Schmitz is a representative figure whose capacity for moral judgement is much influenced by her illiteracy. Hanna has a great secret that she would risk her life to hide her illiteracy, which she tries to hide by continuously switching jobs. One of her jobs is a concentration camp guard, which is considered to be an immoral and unethical position except in the Nazis s biased perspective. Another considerably immoral behavior is her controversial sexual relationship with Michael, a young teenager who is weak and vulnerable. However, Hanna s behavior has changed after she learns how to read because she understands what is considered to be right and wrong. Schlink presents the direct relationship between literacy and moralitythrough Hanna s story. Hanna s secret affair with Michael, a teenage boy, illustrates Hanna s inability to consider and evaluate different aspects of morality due to her illiteracy. Hanna saves Michael s while he was throwing up on the street; however, she seduces him immediately afterwards. It is an unethical action for a woman,... Show more content on ... The theme of love and betrayal between generations is also found in Taiwan. Many classmates mentioned, recently, there was a sunflower student movement in Taipei. The students cared and loved the policemen because they have been protecting the country for years; however, they also felt betrayed by the policemen, who had done harmful behaviors towards the students. Comparing the sunflower movement to the novel, the love and betrayal theme in the novel is more unique due to its holocaust background. I never knew the struggle that is caused by the cultural background can be that dramatic until I read this novel. Michael loves Hanna, but he feels guilty for loving Hanna, who was a concentration camp guard, and he also feels betrayed by
  • 27. Heart Rate Variability ( Hrv ) Heart rate variability (HRV) is quickly becoming a buzz word in fitness, but in reality this is a very old technology. Dating back to at least 1948 (15) HRV has been a commonly used method in research and is an accepted diagnostic tool in several diseases/conditions, such as post traumatic stress disorder and type 2 diabetes (9, 23). HRV was, until recently, a tool that was confined to clinical and research settings, largely due to the prohibitively high cost of equipment. Recent advances in technology, particularly among heart rate monitors and smartphone based apps, have now made this technology available to fitness professionals and health/fitness consumers. HRV is derived from mathematical properties of cardiac inter beat intervals or what is referred to as a R R interval. This inter beat interval represents tiny changes in the timing (i.e. fractions of a second) from one heart beat to the next. Intuitively it would seem that a heart rate of 60 bpm would have exactly 1 second between each beat. It even seems reasonable that a very metronomic or steady heart rate would be indicative of health and/or fitness. In fact, just the opposite is true. A healthy cardiovascular control system will have a high level of complexity, or variability, while an aged, unfit or diseased system will show a loss of complexity or variability (21). HRV testing is an exquisitely sensitive tool that is capable of providing us with important health and fitness based information across
  • 28. The Roman Calendar Much of our calendar system is based on the system established by the ancient Romans; this is evident in the fact that many month names, for one, are at least partially or possibly derived from Latin, like many other words in the English language. However, interestingly, the root words of September, October, November, and December in particular are inconsistent with their actual position in the calendar. September is derived from septem, meaning seven, although it is actually the ninth month; October is derived from octo, meaning eight ; November from novem, meaning nine ; and December from decem, meaning ten. This is evident in many languages besides English, particularly Germanic and Romance languages that share Latin roots the Spanish and French words for September, for example, are septiembre and septembre respectively. The original Latin word for... Show more content on ... This element of their meaning has since been lost somewhat, arguably in the modern world, most people likely do not immediately associate these summer months with the historical figures they were meant to immortalize. Likewise, the previously discussed root words of September, October, November, and December do not necessarily mean much in a modern context; while some people are likely cognizant of the fact that the etymology of said months is inconsistent with their modern timing, our system of time is so vital to and engrained in society that we do not necessarily need the numerical descriptions as much as ancient civilizations may have. The actual labels of the months have various other connotations, which may include associations with the seasons (September and October are often inherently tied to autumn, for example) and/or holidays, rather than just serving as mere markers of the month s calendrical
  • 29. Essay on Case Study of Betty Ford Case Study of Betty Ford Psy/410 July 22, 2012 Case Study of Betty Ford Substances, such as alcohol, are used for a variety of different reasons. Alcohol is often used as a way to celebrate a special occasion. It can also be used to help an individual take the edge off when he or she is feeling overwhelmed. Many individuals use alcohol when gathered with others in a social setting, while others may drink alcohol when spending time alone. The use of alcohol can become a problem when the individual begins to face challenges in his or her daily life. Some of these challenges can include increasing problems with emotional or physical health, the ability to maintain a steady job, and a steady withdrawal from family and friends. ... Show more content on ... She began experiencing a variety of physical and psychological health problems which also affected how she felt. Some of these health problems included reoccurring pain in her neck from a previously pinched nerve, emotional fatigue, and the diagnoses of breast cancer (of which she became a strong advocate). To ease the pain she was feeling, Betty would be prescribed a variety of medications of which she eventually grew a tolerance to. In addition to the medications, Betty would increase the amount of alcohol she was drinking in an attempt to comfort her pain. After their departure from the White House, Betty and Jerry moved to California where Betty began to feel more and more isolated and alone. At this point, Betty s children were all grown up and living on their own and Jerry kept himself busy by continuing his engagements in political activities. Betty became more dependent on prescription medications and alcohol to relieve her pain and depression and also less involved in the social arena. After realizing the full extent of her illness and addictions, her family intervened, and eventually they were able to convince Betty to seek treatment. Biological, Emotional, Cognitive, and Behavioral Components of Alcoholism Betty Ford s case is full of biological, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components that link her experiences to alcoholism. According to Nevid, Rathus, and Greene (2006), alcoholism tends to run in families. The closer the genetic
  • 30. The Mind Of The Unconscious Mind For many years the question of whether or not the unconscious mind really exists, and if it does then what does it consist of has baffled many theorist s minds and has made many philosophers question themselves. There have been debates on whether the conscious mind is influenced by other parts of the mind. These parts are indented within the unconscious, which has processes such as personal habits, intuition and being oblivious to certain things in life. While we are completely aware of what is happening I the conscious mind, we have absolutely no idea of what information is stored in the unconscious mind. It is believed that the unconscious mind comprises various significant and disturbing material, which is required to be kept out of awareness as they may be too menacing to completely acknowledge and be mindful of. There are been some critics that have completely disbelieved the existence of the unconscious mind. Many psychological scientists today believe that the unconscious mind is the shadow of a real conscious mind. However, through extensive research, evidence has been found that the unconscious is not visibly complex, controlling, or action orientated. Over the last 30 years, there has been a wide research into the level of people s awareness and the important factors that influence their judgments and decisions to give an explanation about their behavior. According to Bargh (2006), in contrast with the cognitive psychology tradition, this research has
  • 31. Analysis Of Don Juan According to instructor Ellie Green originally Lord Byron began writing Don Juan at in the fall of 1818, at age 30 when he lived in Venice. Lord Byron s story Don Juan has actually been a retelling of his life living in exile as a result of scandalous affairs with women and men. He spent the majority of life on writing Don Juan up until his death, leaving the story unfinished (Green). Nonetheless The story Don Juan written in the 1600 s by Moliere remains a comical controversial drama typical of Moliere s plays. The author of Don Juan is as interesting as the story itself. Although Don Juan lived criticized for free thought and atheism . . . And an unbeliever overturning the foundation of religion the play has performed for over 200 years now recognized as one of Moliere s masterpieces. (91 Moliere). Don Juan s is a historical womanizer who rebels against God and morality. So, it appears a womanizer exists every generation. Ordinarily, the character Don Juan mocks relationships also the sanctity of marriage. Additionally, Don Juan enjoys breaking up relationships for conquest and sport. Thus, Don Juan remains unconcerned his valet Sganarelle served him as a silent accomplice against his will. However, Sganarelle does express Don Juan s behavior with Gusman squire to Elvira. Furthermore, Sganarelle says A wedding doesn t mean a thing to him. It s the only sort of trap he sets for ensnaring women: he weds them left, right, and centre . . . I d rather serve
  • 32. Bonhoeffer s Life Together And Zizioulas The Church Comparing the views of Bonhoeffer s Life Together and Zizioulas The Church Bonhoeffer and Zizioulas offer interesting perspectives for conceptualizing the Christian theology regarding the atonement. Indeed, one of the outstanding elements of Christianity practices, which sets them apart from other religions, is atonement. In this case, atonement can be defined as the process of sin reparation or expiation. There are four models of atonement. These include Christus Victor, Satisfaction, Exemplar and Penal Substitution. A look at the differences between these two theologians reveals a clear difference regarding their perspectives towards atonement, in which Bonhoeffer tends to orient himself towards the model of Christus Victor, while ... Show more content on ... It affirms that God attributed the sins and guilt of humankind to Jesus, Who in place of man, received that punishment that humanity would have otherwise deserved. Jesus actions signified the payment of the sins of humankind, which settled both the righteousness and wrath of God so that sinners could be forgiven without God Himself compromising His holy standard. In essence, according to the penal substitution theory of the reformers, Jesus died in place of man, in the process accounting for the sins of man and bearing them. The act of Jesus taking the sins of man indicates that Jesus carried the cross of every believer, setting him free and safe from all the penal demands of God s law. In this context, the holiness of God and the righteousness of His law are accounted for by the substitution. Notably, in modern theology, the penal aspect has been a stumbling block despite being regarded as one of the dominant atonement in the bible. According to the model, Jesus paid man s ransom on his crucifixion. However, this view only works because Christ was paying man s penalty. Therefore, Christians should be inspired by the self sacrifice acts of Jesus on the cross. In addition, Jesus death and resurrection implied significant victories over death, hell, and sin in our union with him and God. Lastly, God accomplished his mission to reconcile the world with Him despite various trespasses by
  • 33. Argumentative Essay On Obesity Millions of people across the world are familiar with the concept of obesity, possibly from a personal connection or knowing someone that has been affected by it. I chose this subject because I have family members that have been directly affected by obesity, and I wanted to learn more about it and widen my perspective. Particular to the U.S., the country has had a reputation of being one of the most obese countries in the world along with Mexico and New Zealand. Obesity has the ability to affect people s dimensions of wellness including physical and mental. Factors that can lead to obesity take on various form; some are physical such as the food itself or common social mediums such as advertisements or the media. Given, America is a melting pot of race and culture, who is to blame for the accusation? Is it a certain group or type of people? Who is the authority of what country is considered obese? And for those that claim America is obese, are they wrong or right? I wanted to begin my exploration by getting a good understanding of what obesity is. I found an article on The Obesity Society website titled What is Obesity? and I figured I should start there. According to the article, obesity is defined as excess adipose [(fat)] tissue. A fat cell is an endocrine cell, and adipose tissue is an endocrine organ (Flegal and McDowell). Adipose tissue secretes metabolites, cytokines, lipids, etc and causes increased levels of fatty acids and inflammation (Flegal and
  • 34. 5 Year Old Psychology The article focuses on sleep in five year old s and the effects sleep will have on them as they transition into kindergarten. The article had three topics that was in reference to the changes in sleep duration, timing, and quality of a 5 year old. The changes in sleep can cause poor sleep health, which is seen in children. Poor sleep health can cause short term and long term developmental concerns, like poor academics, behavioral concerns, emotional concerns, and hyperactivity. Carirns and Harsh gathered their finding from 5 year old s who attended a preschool and those that didn t. However, the results provided evidence on the lack of a 30 40 minute naps a child will loss while transitioning into kindergarten. The information can be valuable on why kindergartens need a twenty thirty minute break throughout the day. ... Show more content on ... However, the article also goes into details about REM sleep and NREM sleep, which explains the different sleep stages. Furthermore the article also goes on to explain how REM sleep deprivation can affect memory and NREM sleep interruptions can affect facial emotional expressions. Although research from the article provides evidence showing that NERM and REM sleep are great places to process and reprocess emotions. Article can be used to assist with emotions topic. The article focuses on toddlers and their napping process. A study was done to determine the difference in sleep and the circadian timing system. A study was done on napping and non napping toddlers to see if the circadian phase were different. However, the study s results states that children who napped during the day had trouble sleeping during the night. Therefore, the children who didn t receive a nap, slept through the night. However, this article can be used to explain how the transitions from naps in preschool could affect a rising
  • 35. Ancient Egyptian Pyramids Shanaya Sidhu SQ3R Questions Chapter 1 Analyze the first humans. One of the first humans, or hominids, was discovered to be living in the eastern and southern regions of Africa approximately three to four million years ago. They were named the Australopithecines, which means southern ape men. These bipedal hominids developed basic stone tools. Another kind of hominid known as the Homo habilis, or handy humans, was discovered in Africa by Louis and Mary Leakey in 1959. The Homo habilis had a significantly larger brain than the Australopithecines. Equipped with a more complex brain, these hominids were able to not only walk upright, but also to gather various nutritionally beneficial foods such as seeds, nuts, and meats. But the Homo erectus, ... Show more content on ... The land north of the Indus River was thought to have been unoccupied and segregated from the growing civilization in the river valley to the south. But recent evidence proves otherwise; that there was, in fact, a lost civilization located in the region north of the Indus River. Archaeologists have discovered mudbrick settlements and irrigated fields that stretch all the way from the Caspian Sea to modern day Afghanistan. They have also discovered proof of writing, trade with other civilizations, and the domestication of animals like sheep and goats to have occurred in the area. These remains indicate a civilization dating back to approximately the third millennium B.C.E. The founders of the civilization have not yet been discovered, but this mysterious society serves as proof that ancient civilizations could prosper in areas beyond the river valleys located on the borders of the Asian and African
  • 36. Go Away Big Green Monster Literary Techniques Controlling one s fears is an important thing to know how to do, which is why it s important to start teaching children at a young age. Though there are many ways to do this, instilling the lesson into something that they enjoy, such as reading picture books, is a pretty good place to start. In the children s book Go Away, Big Green Monster, author Ed Emberley successfully uses ugly adjectives, multiple pictures, and a few forceful words in order to convince the children reading the book that they can take charge of their fears in almost any situation as long as they face them first. As each page progresses, the author adds another feature to the monster. This is to make it seem like the monsters power is just being built up. If the author would have just described all of the features of the monster in one page, no suspense would have been created in the minds of the children, and they wouldn t have been as interested in turning to the next page, because their fearhad already been revealed. Emberley used the technique of using more pictures than words in order to break down the fear at a constant rate rather than all at once, and once the full monster was revealed and the next page began taking away features, the child was able to realize that the power laid in their hands,... Show more content on ... Breaking it down, by showing the full monster at the beginning, the author proves that more than not, ones fears are right in front of them. Through the use of ugly adjectives, the author emphasizes that almost everything on the monster is large in some way, from his big round head to his long blue nose. This is just one of the many ways that this author tries to persuade the children to face their fears, because no matter how big or scary a fear may be, nothing is impossible to
  • 37. Tonawanda Coke Case Study Going forward, Tonawanda Coke will pride itself on the corporate value of Safety First . While our past as ignored its impact on the environment and its effects on the people of our community, the future will be repairing Tonawanda Coke s relationship with the community of Tonawanda. Furthermore, our corporation wants to improve Tonawanda Coke s culture by using ethical means. Ultimately, Tonawanda Coke will counsel by being sensitive to the moral dimensions. Along with better defining dilemmas so we can come up with ethically creative solutions. The previous Environmental Controls Manager has left a stain on our wonderful company that I will remove by not ignoring and violating the Clean Air Act (CAA) and the Resource Conservation and
  • 38. Classical COnditioning Essays Ivan Pavlov and Classical Conditioning 1904 Nobel Prize Winner, Ivan Pavlov was born in Ryazan, Russia on September 14, 1849. Pavlov is best known for his intricate workings with the drooling dog experiment that lead to his further research in conditioning. This experiment, which began in 1889, had an influence on the development of physiologically oriented behaviorist theories of psychology in the early years of the nineteenth century. His work on the physiology of the digestive glands won him the 1904 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. CONTRIBUTIONS Pavlov s first independent work focused on the physiology of the circulation of the blood (Girogian, 1974). He studied the influence of variations in blood volume on blood ... Show more content on ... Pavlov presented dogs with food, and measured their salivary response (how much they drooled). Then he began ringing a bell just before presenting the food. At first, the dogs did not begin salivating until the food was presented. After a while, however, the dogs began to salivate when the sound of the bell was presented. They learned to associate the sound of the bell with the presentation of the food. As far as their immediate physiological responses were concerned, the sound of the bell became equivalent to the presentation of the food. Through Ivan Pavlov s experiment with dogs and their reaction to stimulus, he set the basis for Classical conditioning. The methods of how classical conditioning works can be described in the following sequence (Mischel, 1993, p. 296): 1. There exists an unconditioned, natural response, like a reflex (called a UCR) 2. There exists a stimulus that triggers this response (called the UCS) 3. Eventually, the organism (man, dog, ect.) will begin to associate the UCR with the UCS 4. Once the behavior is learned, the UCR may take place even when the UCS is simulated 5. At that point, the response it referred to as conditioned (or a CR) 6. The stimulus is then referred to as a conditioned, or learned as
  • 39. Econ 5315 Hw 10 Adapted Homework, Ch. 11 (11 points possible) 1. An Analysis of sustainability is similar to a five forces analysis. Comment on this, focusing on the firm you ve been studying for your term project. (1 point) A sustainability analysis is similar to a five forces analysis because they are focus on creating competitive advantage. The sustainability analysis is to analyze and find a way to compete with competitors and deal with potential entrants, in order to maintain profits in the long run. The analysis includes the company s resources and isolating mechanism that help the company to sustain its advantages. The five forces analysis also analyze 5 factors, like supplier power, buyer power, competitors, new entrants, and ... Show more content on ... 4.The firm you ve been studying for your term project has co specialized assets. Has this firm prospered from its co specialized assets? Why or why not? (2 points) The firm definitely has prospered from its co specialized assets. You can definitely say like division like American eagle or the from the new union us airways express are assets that complement with the main airline because it reaches a different sector in need of shorter and lower demand flights 6.Are the following likely to create first mover advantages? Why or why not? (2 points: 1 point each) a. Toyota introduced the first commercially successful hybrid car. This will definitely create a first mover advantage. To be the first one of a product will create this advantage and put you a head of competitors. b. T Mobile has introduced free phone calls from international locations. This case is not a first movers advantage example because this is not new for other telephone companies. A.Each of the following parts describes a firm that was an early mover in its market. In light of the information provided, indicate whether the firm s position as an early mover is likely to be the basis of a sustainable competitive advantage, and explain why or why not. (2 points: 1 point each) 1) A bank has issued the largest number of ATM cards in a large urban area.
  • 40. The Bolshevik Revolution, By Edward Carr In his work The Bolshevik Revolution, Edward Carr expands through a detailed historical account how exactly it was that the Russian councils took power in October 1917. Sociological frameworks will also allow for a deeper understanding of the social unrest that led to the culmination of the October Revolutionof 1917 and the unintended consequence of the bureaucratization of the state. To fully comprehend the events that led the council to take power, it is necessary to acknowledge both the institutional breakdown that is derived from an institutional lens while at the same time challenging its limits through a Neo Marxist dialogue. Therefore, the focus of the institutional structures that are discussed by Theda Skocpol will best... Show more content on ... From February to July, there were protests and constant debate, in hopes of change. However, Lenin s theses are rejected and the councils continue to support the provisional government because they re following the orthodox Marxist stages model. The councils, who were mostly orthodox Marxists, first resisted Lenin s theses because it was difficult to take this anti Marxist articulation seriously. In other words, they only saw it tangible for Russia to go through a preliminary stage in order to reach a fully capitalist society, then only through Marxian revolution get to socialism. Lenin did, however, articulate in his Theses the need to bring rise to both capitalism and socialism simultaneously. Even though the council s shut down his view, after the Kornilov affair and the breakdown of the institution, the councils begin to lean on Lenin. Which results in the successful takeover of the councils. It too can be argued that as a great leader Lenin won the people and a shift of sympathy towards the Bolsheviks, who promised everything. The conditions which Lenin had foreseen in his April theses as justifying the transition to the second stage of the revolution were maturing fast (Carr, 1985: 93). After the Tsar Voluntarily abdicated in February 1917, due to vast discontent across all the social classes, it brought up the emergence of dual power . This
  • 41. Bret Harte s An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge Bret Harte wanted the truth to be told, he asks society to see reality. In Harte s article about the 1860 Massacre he describes graphically the slaughter of the Indian people. The people he wrote to despised his piece on the massacre because it told the bloody truth. They ran him out of town because even though they wanted this massacre to occur they did not want to be reminded about this unholy event. In Harte s writing he conveys not everyone is as racist and discriminative as the people. Harte says Tipton proposed that they should send the child to Red Dog, a distance of forty miles, where female attention could be procured. But the unlucky suggestion met with fierce and unanimous opposition (Harte, pg. 356). Harte shows that even though ... Show more content on ... In this short story named An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge he takes a different more serious approach to his writing. Bierce takes the reader to the Civil War era where and individual is about to be hanged. Bierce being someone who has served in this war can speak from first hand experience when it comes to events during this time. He writes about a before death experience in most of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. Bierce being severely injured during the war most likely experienced one of these events while his injury was taking place. This is why he is able to describe this character s experience so vividly because he most likely has been in this man s shoes. Bierce is able to keep the reader on their toes through the last two thirds of his short story by describing a grand escape. These types of actions and events that happened during the action packed scene of story most likely came from types of situations that Bierce was in during his commission in the 9th Indiana Infantry. Bierce also ends An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge with the death of the main character which shows the reader some of the death that Bierce experienced during his time as a
  • 42. The Election Of A New President ntroduction The election of a new president can shift the policies of the United States in different directions. From 2009 to 2017, Barrack Obama and his administration used a liberal, globalist approach to foreign policy and domestic policy. Obama involved the United States in global affairs and in treaties with other states. The election of President Donald Trump reversed the globalist, liberal policies the U.S. had pursued for 8 years. President Trump has shown and stated that he supports an isolationist and realist approach to foreign policy. Therefore, President Trump has made campaign statements on defense, terrorism, trade, national security, and immigration that subscribes to the realist paradigm. Defense Throughout the 2016 ... Show more content on ... (Courtesy of Dinah Walker) . The budget increase for the DOD was 9 percent (52 billion dollars), in addition to a 7 percent (2.8 billion dollars) increase in funding to the Department of Homeland Security (Soffen and Lu). This budget increase is to help accomplish the goals President Trump outlined on the campaign trail as mentioned previously. However, this change did not come without costs to other departments such as a 31 percent decrease in budget for the EPA and a 29 percent decrease in the StateDepartment s budget. The action taken toward the budget and defense spending shows evidence that president Trump subscribes to the realist paradigm and believes that the self interests and protection of the state is the most important thing compared to environmental protection and other liberal ideals. Immigration The issue of illegal immigration and the magnitude that occurs in the United States was an issue voters cared about in the 2016 election. Throughout the campaign, President Trump made controversial remarks about Mexico and Mexicans. President Trump stated that he would build a wall along the southern border of Mexico, deport over eleven million illegal immigrants, deny citizen ship to children born by illegal immigrants inside the United States, and increasing border security. First, President Trump is working on developing a plan for the wall and securing funding from Congress
  • 43. Speech On Hostel A.Opener/ Attention Getter Hostel life is not a new thing in Malaysia and UMT particularly. Every year, applying for a hostel becomes a hot issue among students in the hostel. They confuse whether they want to keep stay in the hostel or stay outside of the hostel on their second year. As we all know, UMT hostel are very limited which only one block is provided for senior year students. Okay, before I go further, let me ask all of you one question; how many of you prefer to stay in the hostel? B.Greeting Good morning, everyone. My name is Biha and I m very happy to be here today. C.Topic statement So, as you can probably guess from my opener before, I stand here today to tell to each and every one of you that a hostel is place ... Show more content on ... MAIN POINT 3: Hostel is a place where cultures clash. A.SUBPOINT 1 It is like a nerve center, where students from all over the state including Sabah and Sarawak meet, get to know each other and makes friends. 1.Sub sub point/elaboration During your first two days in a hostel, you will meet more new people, new roommate and also new housemate. 2.Sub sub point/elaboration People in hostel are usually friendly and relaxed, often ready to share their stories, food and experience with you and also expecting the same from you. Yeah, I m not saying everyone will do the same things but I believe most of them are. By the end of the first week, I m pretty sure you will already start hanging out with your roommate or any other people who also staying in a hostel. Therefore, you learn to have regard for others, to live with others and to help one another in times of need. Hostel life thus helps to develop in students a sense of fellow feeling. (Academic Help, 2017) CONCLUSION A.Signal Phrase I think it time for me to end my speech. So, before I end my speech today, i would like to recap back what i have covered
  • 44. Image And Image Of Image Enhancement CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Image processing refers to the construction of an image for further analysis and use. Image taken by a camera or same techniques are not actual in a form that can be used by image analysis process. The technique involves in image enhancement need to be simplified, enhanced, filtered, altered, segmented or need improvement to reducing noise, etc. Image processing is the collection of routines and techniques that alter, improve, enhance or simplify an image. Image enhancement is one of the important parts of digital image processing where image undergo for visual inspection or for machine analysis without knowledge of its source of degradation. The processes involve to bring out specific application of an image so that the result is more suitable that the original image. Image can be enhanced in various ways such as contrast enhancement, intensity, density slicing, edge enhancement, removal of noise, and saturation transformation.[1] Over several past years, contrast image enhancement has generated across many applications like robot sensing, electronic products, fault detection, medical image analysis, etc. Thus, increasing in popularity of contrast enhancement of images has forces researchers to study their enhancement techniques and their effectiveness for the interpretability or perception of human viewers. Contrast enhancement is a vital part of various fields, such as X ray image analysis, biomedical image analysis, machine vision where pixel
  • 45. Essay On Hipster Cafe HISPTER CAFГ‰: STUDIES ON MODERN CAFГ‰ IN MALAYSIA Abstract Modern cafГ© is one of the result of urbanization and gentrification (Cohen, September 3, 2014). As the world changes, the characteristic of cafГ© itself changes. CafГ© just not place to sit, having a good food or drink a sip of coffee but also a place to socialize, and meeting a new person (Rao, 2011). Hipster CafГ© is one of the most popular modern cafГ© culture among youngster in Malaysia. This paper is aim to study the factor that motivates the youngster to go to hipster cafГ©. This study is using a quantitative method. To gain primary data, 390 sets of questionnaires were distributed. Research samples are identified as the youngster of ages 18 30. The sources of secondary data were critical selected from highly reliable sources, both from public and private sectors. The finding of this study will be useful to understand the current trend of hipster cafГ© in Malaysia particularly in Terengganu. 1.0Introduction According to (Said, 2011), people frequencies cafГ© nowadays to communicate, socialize, looking for public spaces and (Desai, May 2011) sates that people going to cafГ© for work purpose. Urbanization and gentrification changes the function of traditional cafГ© to modern cafГ© that more friendly (Cohen, September 3, 2014). Hipster cafГ© is one of the modern cafГ©. The ... Show more content on ... This is evident when hipster cafГ©s are mushrooming all over the places, usually occupying a strategic corner of the shop lots especially in the urban areas (Suliza Hairon, October 2017). According to Syakirah, 2005 as cited in (Suliza Hairon, October 2017) hipster cafes in Malaysia are usually recognized through the creative name used for the foods and drinks, the ingredients used as well as their unique presentation. Not only that, (Zuki, 2016) mention in her report that hipster trend became an inspiration for young entrepreneur to involve in cafeteria
  • 46. External Conflict In Othello IN HIS PLAY OTHELLO, SHAKESPEARE EXPLORES HOW CONFLICT CAN IMPACT NEGATIVLEY ON PEOPLES LIFE. DISCUCSS THIS STATEMENT? Shakespeare s Othello is a play dependably based on marital, internal and physical conflict and how it can negatively impact people s lives. Upon closer inspection, the conflict that exists throughout this play becomes clear that the conflict is the sole start for the destruction that occurs during the play. Throughout Othello, each character incites his own jealousy in one another to gain what they crave most; power. conflict becomes a prominent aspect of tragedy. internal conflict has the capacity to destruct the true morals of each character. Conflict stems from Iago s own craving of what others have and what he lacks. Internal conflict is demonstrated through Iago s emotion of jealousy. as Iago speaks to Roderigo about the moor, his sense of internal conflict is through Desdemona and Othello s marriage. For example, his quote, Despise me if I do not. Three great ones of the city in personal suit to make me his lieutenant off capped to him I am worth no worse a place . Acts to be a metaphor, emphasising his conflicted state of mind. Iago believes he deserves the position of lieutenant but Othello has a different opinion. This clearly shows Iago s hate for Othello because he is a man of power, something Iago desires. Due to Iago s jealousy Othello finds himself in the middle of Iago s plots causing a negative impact on Othello s life. This also impacts each related characters life as Iago is devious and back stabbing towards Othello. Due to Iago, conflict is shown to negatively dominate in people s lives. Conflict is the main theme Shakespeare explores in this play. Brabantio, Othello s father in law finds himself the root cause to many complications in Othello and Desdemona s marriage. This is marital conflict due to Brabantio causing issues between the married couple as he wants them separated. Brabantio begins to display his hate towards Othello when Othello announces his undying love for Desdemona Brabantio quoted o thou foul thief, where hast thou stowed my daughter? . This is a metaphor as Brabantio is convinced that Othello spelled her to love him. Brabantio believes Othello s
  • 47. The Firebird Suite Analysis The Firebird Suite is a ballet composed by Igor Stravinsky in 1910. I am particularly fond of this piece, and place it in my personal top five greatest musical compositions of all time. I first listened to this piece back in 1999 when Disney s, Fantasia 2000 was released. While I do not remember the visuals of the film, I recall the musicquite clearly. I have forgotten about, The FirebirdSuite until I recently bought the CD, Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring, Firebird Suite (1999) at Barnes and Noble. Listening to the piece again brought on a whirlwind of emotions and memories. For the purpose of time, I will be focusing primarily on the last movement of the suite. The movement starts in the key of B major in 3/2 time with the french horn, harp, and strings playing first. Dynamic wise, the movement starts in piano while the french... Show more content on ... My experience as a music major in SUNY Potsdam attributed toward my various reactions throughout this piece. Additionally, my fellow musicians at the Crane School of Music impacted the way I view this type of music. While I already came into college with an appreciation for classical music, my peers provided me with new ways to view this type of music, and I learned much by observing them play. Beforehand, I could not put into words the emotions and experiences I felt while listening to classical music. Interacting with and learning from my peers provided me a mean to do so. The Firebird Suite is a piece of music that truly engages me and brings about a variety of emotions and memories. Listening to this music gives me a sense of joy and pride of being a musician and reminds me of why I love listening to this type of music. While other individuals may prefer different types of music, this shows how music can impact people in various ways. This is important for music therapists to understand as this can be used as a mean to heal our
  • 48. A New Treatment Of Hepatitis C A New Treatment of Hepatitis C Therapy Hepatitis C is a prevalent health care problem. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2016), approximately 2.7 3.9 million of the adult population in the United States is infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). Some groups of people are at risk for Hepatitis C infection, including current injection drug users, people who received the blood transfusion before 1992, organ recipients from a donor who tested positive for hepatitis C virus, hemodialysis patients, and children born to a hepatitis C mother (CDC, 2016). Hepatitis C causes embarrassment and isolation from the society. Self esteem and understanding of the ... Show more content on ... In general, a patient is infected with only one hepatitis C virus genotype. The strain of genotypes is not differentiated by the severity of the disease. However, there will make a distinction in the regimen and the duration of the treatment (CDC, 2016). Treatment for chronic HCV is based on guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the American Associations for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD). The criteria of who should receive the treatment include how much the virus in the body, the strain of hepatitis C, the degree of liver inflammation or damage, comorbidity, and response to previous treatment (Infectious Diseases Society of America [IDSA], 2016). The highest priority for treatment should give to a patient with advanced fibrosis and compensated cirrhosis (IDSA, 2016). Moreover, treatment priority should provide to the patient who has a high risk of transmitting the disease from and to others, such as individuals who are active injection drug users and hemodialysis patients (IDSA, 2016). Initially, the treatment for hepatitis C is a combination of two drug categories which are interferon and ribavirin (IDSA, 2016). Interferon works by stimulating the immune system to attack the hepatitis C virus cells (IDSA, 2016). Pegylated interferon works more efficient than standard interferon. Pegylated interferon is a long acting type of interferon that is administered as an injection with
  • 49. Examples Of False Modesty Introduction: The topic selected by me is False Modesty . I was interested in this topic because of the quote by Alan Bennett All modesty is false modesty; otherwise it wouldn t be modesty. In order for a person to be modest, they must not claim that they had a big role to play in their success. In fact, they must acknowledge others contribution more than their own. When someone tries to give other people credits for their achievement, they do this with the idea of showing people that they are modest, which is false modesty. False Modesty: Instead of praising, some people tend to disparage themselves. This is known as false modesty. There are many reasons as to why people do that. One is that they want to hear back comments from friends ... Show more content on ... DuS talk about the use of the words we and I in order to show modesty and immodesty. According to them active speech is always more direct and forceful. So the use of language can help us learn more about false modesty. (DuS, 1959). In another research paper George Parsons Lathrop talks about modesty among the readers. He feels that the readers are at first free from immodesty. But after reading the novels, the idea of modesty and immodesty gets into them. They ability of the readers to judge if the actions of the character is modest comes only after they have read the novels. But then he also puts forth a question that if the readers are able to judge modesty and immodesty, this trait must be in them even before they read the book. Thus, it would not be right to say that it was the novel which affected their ability to judge modesty, false modesty or immodesty. (Lathrop,
  • 50. Operations Processes And The Operations Process Operations processes refers to the acquisition of inputs which are transformed in a business through the addition of value into outputs of goods and services. Businesses use operational processes involving inputs and transformation processes to increase efficiency and output. The operations management focuses on carefully and managing processes to produce and distribute products and services based on the nature of the business. To achieve objectives in a business, the quality of products are monitored regularly using customerservices and warranties. Both Qantas and McDonalds, utilise operation process in order to gain maximum efficiency and productivity. Operation processes involves inputs which act as the core of businesses providing greater utility to customers through the addition of value. Businesses use a combination of transformed resources such as materials, customers and information. Materials are the basic elements used in the production process and are sourced from the supply chain which are divided into raw and intermediate materials. In Australia, McDonalds uses locally sourced materials such as beef from Australian farmers to produce over 400 million hamburgers. Large businesses such as McDonald s requires efficiency in production, hence, a specialist material manager is recruited to control the flow of resources from the initial purchasing stage to final distribution. Customers become transformed resources when their desires and preferences shape inputs
  • 51. Explain what sources of finance are available for small to... Content Introduction3 1 Some important financing sources for SMEs4 1.1 Different stages in raising finance4 1.2 Venture Capital: a light of hope for the SMEs 5 1.3 Leasing and Factoring: special survival skills7 2 Difficulties for SMEs in raising finance8 2.1 Biggest trouble: lack of credit records8 2.2 Capital constraints9 2.3 Other barriers10 3 Conclusion10 Reference11 Explain what sources of finance are available for small to medium sized companies and explain why they sometimes face difficulties in raising finance Abstract: This article examines which types of finance are more suitable for the SMEs, also analysing the disadvantages on them when raising finance. Unlike the large companies, ... Show more content on ... Thridly, indirect financing. This kind of financing is not welcome for the SMEs, for most of them are short term and long term loan, and the ways of loan are contained mortgage loan, guaranteed loan, unsecured loan and et at. 1.2 Venture Capital: a light of hope for the SMEs Venture capital(VC), which is known as the risk investment, shows significant role in promoting the SMEs in raising finance. VC includes business angel financing, relationship lending and so on. All of them are good choices for SMEs, specifically for the small and medium companies which are just starting up.(Dagogo, 2009) Venture capital is the fuel for high potential growth firms, especially in the United States. New venture survival is tenuous at best, but those backed by venture capitalists tend to achieve a higher survival rate than those that are not. said by Robert(2010), moreover, in his study shows survival for venture capitalists backed ventures range from around 65 percent to 85 percent of the venture capitalists portfolio. If SMEs managers can get help like this, they would have more chances to develope. Having a overview on the SMEs, they have nothing but the companies, without large amount of capital or collaterals.VC might be a better method of
  • 52. Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry The auto industry has faced many challenges in the past years. The competition is now stronger than ever, all car manufacturers have been competing to be the number 1 in the market. At the same time, the growing concern of Global Warming has force the industry to reinvent itself and find ways to be more sustainable. Equally important, is the yearly advances in innovation that had made it harder to keep new vehicles up to date on the latest technology. For all this reasons, the car industry struggles to maintain customer satisfaction. In this essay, I will touch each one of the points on the challenges facing the American auto industry. The first point is global competition. Global competition resulted in less market share for U.S. car manufacturers and threatened company profits as more foreign brands entered the U.S. market (Investopedia, 2015). The number one reason for this is the cost of manufacturing vehicles on American soil as labor is more expensive than manufacturing overseas. For this, operating costs are higher for American automakers than for foreign automakers. Ironically, American vehicles are seen as the cheaper, less reliable versions of their competition. There s also a sense of high status in European vehicles that their American counterpart haven t been able to reach as European cars are thought as the most luxurious cars on the market. The one American brand that has gained name recognition is Tesla. This brand is seen as more luxurious, sophisticated
  • 53. Boston Marathon Bombing Summary On April 15,2013 during the Boston Marathon two brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar planted two bombs by the Marathon finish line killing 3 people but injuring more than 260 people and later after the bombing they went and they attempted to robbed a police officer named Sean Collier which led to the officer getting shot down by the two brothers and while the policewere on a manhunt to find the shooters of the murder of Sean while still on the hurt for the bombers while the police were looking for those people the brothers went and carjacked a Mercedes SUV while making the hostage go to ATM and take money out and when the brothers went to go stop for gas the hostage manage to get away and call the police and reported the car stolen and when the
  • 54. A Normal Distribution Based On The Shapiro Wilk Test For... 3. RESULTS All data demonstrated a normal distribution based on the Shapiro Wilk test for normality; therefore, no further transformation was required. Mean ages (SDs) of the participants were 24 (3.7) years in the PA group and 23.6 (2.3) years in the placebo group. Baseline characteristics between the groups were similar for all variables (P 0.05) (Table 1). A total of 44 enrolled participants completed the follow up (Figure 1). Participants denied any adverse and/or side effects during the follow up periods. A mixed effect model of repeated measure analysis showed no significant between group differences for HR (Figure 2) and DBP (Figure 4). On the contrary, the averaged total HR, regardless of the groups, showed a statistically significant change over time (p value=0.0043 in Table 2). The overall group by time interaction for the mixed model was statistically significant only for SBP (p value=0.0105) in that PA group had significantly reduced SBP while the placebo group had increased SBP during intervention. The 95% CI of the change in SBP (1.65 to 4.25 mmHg) exceeded the minimal detectable change (MDC) of 4.16 mmHg (Yung et al 2014) for some individuals. The post hoc analysis revealed that the changed SBP during intervention was significantly different between the PA and the PA P group (p value=0.003 in Figure 3). The between group differences were no longer significant at post follow up. Males had statistically higher SBP than females overall (p value=0.0027 in Table
  • 55. Maine Women s Re-Entry Center Case Summary Question 7B Use of administrative funds During this time frame only administrative funds from STOP 14 were used; the award was made during the reporting period. Dues for the Association of VAWA Administrators (AVA) were paid, there were no association fees and no training costs were incurred. The Maine Department of Public Safety paid for the subgrantee monitoring function. The funds were used to pay 50% of the office space occupied, 50% of the technology costs, 50% of the telephone costs, and postage incurred by the STOP program by the Senior Planner. No STOP 15 or STOP 16 administrative costs were incurred. Question 8B Culturally specific victim services awards less than 10% Not Applicable 15.16% Question 11 Report on the status ... Show more content on ... The STOP funding has enabled us to create a stronger coordinated community response services with legal service providers that did not exist before for immigrant /refugee communities. As a result we service more victims in a coordinated community response manner where all agencies jointly provide services for the refugee and immigrant victims and
  • 56. Literary Analysis Of Maya Angelou s Phenomenal Woman The poem Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou, was voiced by Maya Angelou herself, and the audience hearing that she was trying to reach was the pretty women in the world who have a definition of flawless that Maya does not agree with. She wanted her audience to know that while they may be beautiful, that she is beautiful and flawless by her own terms and that being flawless does not only mean being small and looking like the models in the magazines. One could argue that her audience is all the women in the world who are not small. She is also reaching out to women who have some of the same characteristics that she has because they are relatable. Men are also her audience as she goes on to explain why men find her attractive, this is also a device used to show the audience that many different cases of women can be viewed as attractive. A womanwho loves herself is a woman who will attract a man of good substance. Maya Angelouwas born on April 4, 1928, in St. Louis, MO, and died at the age of 86 on May 28, 2014, in Winston Salem, NC. During her time here on this earth, she served as a famous American poet, civil rights activist and memoirist. She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and was credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning over 50 years. Maya Angelou was well known for being a great writer and civil rights activist, which made her receive up to thirty honorary degrees and numerous awards,