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Bosnia Culture
In bosnia they have like a completely different culture, religion, environment. Have you ever
wondered what it would be like to live in a different country? Bosnia is a pretty interesting country to
say the least. Bosnia is located on the balkan peninsula in southeastern europe. This is like completely
across the world from america. It is always great to learn about new cultures and religion.
Bosnia has a completely different culture then we do as america. In bosnia in order to have social time
they sit and have coffee. They can sit their for hour on hours, and just talk to people and drink coffee.
The way people get around in bosnia is different from here in america. The people in bosnia use
public transportation to get about their town because they don t own cars. Their buses get completely
packed of people to the point where people are getting squished to get around. One interesting facts of
bosnia is that women can t sit on the concrete floor because they believe that it will block their ovaries
and cant have babys. I think that is interesting fact what about you ?
The religion over in bosnia is really divered, they have roman catholicism , islam and serbian
orthodox. The way their religion is so diverse is really amazing because people can be whatever
religion they want to. The one ... Show more content on ...
wrong they live in air pollution and acid rain . their environment has plummeted, their surroundings
use to be good and healthy to breath. In bosnia the people their have to wear gas masks when they go
outside in order to breath. There is so much smoke and fog and acid roaming the air around then. They
breath that in they will get very sick. Some days they have to stay inside because it is raining acid who
would think of that happening around you. With all the pollution in the air the animal species are
becoming extinct very rapidly. Bosnia would be a great place to visit if the environment wasn t so
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The 1947 Roswell Crash Essay
In 1947, an unidentified flying object crashed into the small town of Roswell, New Mexico. The
United States Air Force published a report in 1994. So why do conspiracists still believe an alien
crashed into Roswell? After a hot humid day in July 1947, severe and violent thunderstorms filled the
night sky. Long time farmer, Mac Brazel was used to thunder, and storms out in the country. Although
something about this night was different. He heard an extremely loud crash, though didn t think much
of it. The next morning however, Brazel stumbled upon the debris of a strange object on his farm.
Brazel brought some of the material to a nearby neighbor who urged him to report his find in hopes of
getting a reward. Brazel informed the sheriff ... Show more content on ...
A nurse friend of Dennis confides in him that she was called by doctors to assist in an alien autopsy.
Even though she is sworn to secrecy, she must confide in someone. She meets Dennis and draws him a
sketch of what she observed during the alien autopsy . Strangely enough, she was transferred from the
funeral home shortly after and never heard from again. The news of the crash soon starts to fade away,
and within the end of the year disappears from the news altogether. Nearly 30 years later, in 1978,
Stanton Friedman was prompted to revisit the crash. Stanton Friedman was an unemployed scientist,
and a part time UFO lecturer. On February 12, 1978 Friedman interviewed a man over the phone who
said he handled the wreckage of a crashed spaceship, but the man, Major Jesse Marcel, couldn t
remember the month or even the year of the event. Marcel expressed that he believed the military had
covered up the recovery of an alien spacecraft. Approximately one year later, William Moore, a
colleague of Friedman, found newspaper clippings of the even that Marcel referred to. The research
that Friedman and Moore uncovered has made the Roswell crash the most celebrated case in the
literature of UFOs. In February of 1980, the National Inquirer ran the interview of Marcel and
Friedman bringing in national and worldwide attention
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Benefits Of Critical Race Theory
Furthermore, the critical race theory approach draws attention to African Americans seeking to break
historical norms to create a new respect for their race. For example, Natchez, who claims himself to be
James Fulton s nephew confines in Lila Mae about his desire to obtain his uncle s black box, which
will not only benefit his family but the African American race as a whole. Natchez said, They always
take away from our people. I don t know if they know he was colored... When I hear them talk about
his invention, they always saying it s the future. It s the future of the cities. But it s our future, not
theirs. It s ours. And we need to take it back (Whitehead, 140). This quote strengthens the argument of
critical race theory because as previously
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Shogun is an exciting novel written about European sailor who comes to Japan. In this time period, the
1600s, Japan still had a feudal system. Shogun was written in 1975 by James Clavell. This book
sparked my interest because I read mostly about European culture in school, and I was curious to what
people wrote about Asian cultures. Blackthorne, an English sailor who washes up in Japan, learns
about Japanese culture and becomes the first white man to be given the title of samurai. Coeval with
Blackthorne landing there, Japan s greatest leaders, Toranaga and Ishido, are at war for power. Their
rancor dates back many years. Blackthorne and Toranaga develop a strong sense of camaraderie and
Blackthorne hopes he will help him get home safely. ... Show more content on ...
Portuguese priests control trade between Japan and China. In Europe, this is the time of the spread of
Protestantism, which was Blackthorne s religion. In the book, Blackthorne references Queen Elizabeth
I by promising Toranaga that she will provide Western ships for his navy. In Japan, Shoguns ruled and
the Son of Heaven was a figurehead. Shogun gives me many new insights on this time period by
displaying the deep fear and hatred that the Catholics had for Protestants. It also taught me about
Japanese government at the time and their customs. I would definitely recommend this book to other
students as a good way to learn about this time period. It is such a long book, but it shows all the little
things about Japanese culture, such as the relationships between family and social classes. Shogun s
plot is also very interesting. There was never a part where the story fell into a lull. Some sort of death,
gossip, or battle strategy was always being discussed. Yet, the differences between Japan and Europe s
culture were constantly being compared. Shogun never had a dull moment and I learned so
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Community Journalism as a Synonym for Small Town Newspapers
Literature Review:
The notion of community journalism is hardly a new one. However, during the past decade, the
concept gained much fascination and interest among industry analysts.
The literature available on the topic points out that the reason behind this strong comeback of
community journalism lies in the fact that most regions where the boom is taking place are undergoing
a transitional phase that paved the way for this shift. The literature, however, refers to two trends in
this matter: the first is the effect of economic transition on the reemergence of community journalism
in countries such as the US and the UK, the second is the effect of political transition on the
emergence of community journalism in countries such as South Africa. In other words, while the
former example shows a rebirth of an old notion as a result of economic decline, the latter shows an
adoption of the concept in the hope of facilitating political transition.
Concerning the effect of economic transition, one theory is that the diminishing influence of larger
newspapers (in the US and the UK) and the decline in number of their circulation allowed localized
news outlets to flourish and become more prominent (Conhaim, 2006).
During these times of financial troubles, local publications had the power to remain profitable by
focusing on small target audiences, and offer unique, concentrated, localized content as their niche
product. So in addition to succeeding in gaining financial prosperity,
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Analysis Of The Point Of View Of A Woman
When choosing to lead readers through a novel in the point of view of a woman that is described as so
impetuous, yet self contained! Incapable of insincerity, devoid of affection and courageously naturally
beautiful. . . . So unlike most women, (Stoddard) Stoddard knows exactly what she is doing. The
Morgesons resists the conventionally domestic, passive 19th century feminine ideal and Stoddard
purposefully chooses to ignore the previously set paths for a female writer. Instead she chooses to
present readers with a narrative that is rich with emotional intensity, physicality, and sexuality. She
does this, in order to present us with a character that is on a journey of sexual awakening. Cassandra s
varying degrees of hunger in the novel ... Show more content on ...
Also most well respected physicians of the time were in agreement that true women felt little or no
sexual desire, and that only abnormal or pathological women felt strong sexual desire (Source #2). In
fact, being sexually forward in the presence of a man suggested a worrying sexual appetite and is
directly in conflict with the notion that a woman only wanted sex in order to procreate and become a
mother (Source #1). Being aware of these 19th century conventions, Stoddard would have had a hard
time when writing, had she come out and explicitly stated that Cassandra is hungry for acceptance of
her sexuality. Thus, it would then have been the question of how could a female writer of that time
period cloak the meaning of her writing in a manner that would be accepted while still fighting
conventional standards. The obvious choice that is made, is to use hunger as a metaphor for Cassandra
s sexual satisfaction and dissatisfaction. This may seem like an odd pairing, however, regardless of if
Stoddard is aware of it, hunger and sex and a lot in common. As researchers have suggested, Both
feeding and sex are goal oriented behaviors, both produce an advantageous outcome, both are
triggered by a similar chemical in the brain and both are something that humans in general struggle to
satisfy while remaining in line with society s current standards (Source #6). Many American s today
even go as far to use these two
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Tata Group And Their Relative Global Industry...
1. Describe the Tata Group s major subsidiaries and their relative global industry competitiveness.
Tata group is an international venture having based in India. It has 106 running company, with
businesses inside above 100 countries all more than 6 continents, offering products to many markets
all over the world and also services to more than 150 countries. In the year 2009, Tata group was
positioned number eleven amongst the best globally operating companies (Kneale, 2009). Tata Group
s major subsidiaries and global industry competitiveness a top of the line corporate citizenship has
been a segment of the group s DNA as a worldwide competitive strategy. An extent of around sixty
one percent of the shares of the group is involved by benevolent trusts, in this manner reestablishing
wealth to individuals. Because of this extraordinary ownership creation and reasoning of helping the
general public, the name of Tata has been cherished for more than 142 years.
Tata is confided for its recognition to strong values together with business ethics. Every single Tata
company is run independently and has its individual BOD and in addition shareholders with whom it
is responsible. There are more than thirty Tata publicly listed subsidiaries. These subsidiaries possess
an aggregate marketplace capitalization of around $152 billion and in addition the investor base of
around 62 million (ET Bureau, 2011). Tata Group s major subsidiaries are:
 Tata Steel(TS),
 Tata Motors(TM),
 Tata
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John Maynard Keynes
Alyssa Savinovich Social Inequality
John Maynard Keynes Social Theory
Although much of his ideas were often misunderstood throughout his life, Keynes offered bright new
insights into the nature and origin of financial theories. In his most well known writings, The General
Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, which was published in 1936, Keynes worked to break
down the prior ideas of traditional economics and point out its inadequacies, which became obvious
during the downturn of the economy. He felt a new approach was needed, and through his work in The
General Theory, he sought to bring this transformed stance to light and make sense of the economic
crisis that surrounded him. Keynes entire social ... Show more content on ...
This liquidity preference usually comes in the form of cash, or other quick and readily available
forms, which do not present much effort in the retrieving of funds. People with this liquidity
preference simply like to have the security of having their money more quickly available to them and
within their
control at all times. These forms of liquid money bring the investor a sense of security and control
over their assets something that will comfort them in times of uncertainty. According to Keynes, there
are two types of moneys of account, first, there s normal money, or money proper, then there is bank
money. These are just two different forms the amount of exchange value can take in the form of the
dollar. Whenever ones actions with money projects their expectations into the future there is always a
higher level of uncertainty, with loaning having a considerable level of uncertainty. With this
uncertainty, the expectations of the investor, or that of effective demand, may often require some form
of disquietude in order to feel more comfortable and safe dealing in such uncertain terms. This
disquietude can often be offered in the form of the rate of the rate of interest on ones investments. It is
the amount the interest that will greatly determine whether or not one will be willing to give the loan,
for the rate of interest works to deter ones propensity to hoard. The higher the rate of interest, the more
likely an individual would be to let go of some of
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Homicide Statistics Paper
Homicide Statistics
Homicide is the killing of a person by another human being. Homicides can be criminal, excusable or
justifiable. In The FBI s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR), homicide is defined as and limited to:
The killing of a felon by a peace officer in the line of duty.
The killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen. (The Federal Bureu of
Investigation, 2013)
In the UCR website it has different statistics that a general public can search and have a better
understanding about what is actually the amount of people that have been homicide in different years.
This website is really important to have access to because they have different types of charts that
anyone can have a better understanding about ... Show more content on ...
In this graph provide from the philly police shows that from the 2009 through 2013 their s have being
an increase between 2010 and 2012. Howevever, in 2013 there is a drop of 84 people not being
murder in the city of philadelphia. It is important to consider this type of graph because it is really
helpfuul when you see an image and it shows the frequency on 2009 through 2013 that involves the
murders in philadelphia. So when someone from the general public see the image they can understand
better with an image. The graph below is a frequency polygon because it start from an ascending
frequency which means it start from the lowest number. This graph is important because it has a
technique that people can easily reade it. It also can communicate about a complex data set and it also
give a a summarized account of the
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An Analysis Of Punishment, By Seamus Heaney
Poets have rarely shown a perspective as dubious on the atrocities of the Irish Republican Army as
Seamus Heaney has done in his poem Punishment . Heaney succeeds in uniting two contradictory
perspectives by comparing the cruelty of an ancient time fluently with contemporary barbarism. By
viewing contemporary violence through the lens of Iron Age customs, he untangles the harsh truth of
human nature. Unlike other essays, which have focussed primarily on the historical background, this
essay will analyse the lexical aspects that colour these former and present times. By looking at the
extensive use of lexical oppositions and poetic devices, one can see the many layers Heaney has used,
which is important to underscore the contrasting structures ... Show more content on
The poem is enjambed across both lines and stanzas, which allows the reader to flow along in an
evolvement of thoughts. Moreover, past and present seem to merge smoothly since he easily draws
parallels between the ritual sacrifice from the Iron Age and the killings by IRA at the time. The
speaker moves from a detached observer to a puzzled participant, who senses the linkage between the
socialized violence of ancient and contemporary times. Other tools used to link words, and thus
meanings, together and to increase the fluency of the text are alliterations and assonances. The dark
sentiment in this poem is carried on a system of clear alliteration: halter, nape, her neck, her naked and
her nipples in the first stanza, a case of double alliteration, and rigging her ribs , body in the bog ,
stones of silence , shaved head like a stubble , blindfold of a soiled bandage . Assonance is used
abundantly in the third paragraph. Furthermore, the poem is written in iambic pentameter without
rhyme. This rhythmic form also aids to create a continuous flow throughout the eleven four line
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Analysis Of A Dream Play By August Strindberg
Gaiman s Strindberg Inspiration
Throughout the years, many different styles of theater have been created, adapted, and faded in and
out of popularity. One that reached popularity in the 1920 s was expressionism. A radical change from
the common styles previously performed, expressionism rose to popularity because of its unusual
approach to the dramatic art. Expressionism often has a dream like atmosphere created by bare boned
sets, disjointed plot lines, poetic dialogue, unnatural lighting, and stock characters that lack
individuality. Often when staging an expressionistic play, the set would be fairly simplistic; meaning
the bare minimum set pieces were used to create the allusion of a certain place. That could be done
through the use mostly painted backdrops in place of built up wall units. For example, if the action for
a particular scene was happening in a bedroom the stage might hold only a bed, a desk, and a dresser;
whereas in a play of different style the same room might also have a bookcase with random knick
knacks and personal items as well as a closet and a window. In A Dream Play by August Strindberg,
we see similar things happen through his stage directions, The backdrop represents banks of clouds
resembling shattered slate cliffs with ruins of castles and fortresses (Strindberg, 649). This is the first
stage direction of the play and the set is simply a backdrop, nothing else on stage but the character in
the scene. Strindberg does this again and again
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Terrorism and Airport Security Essay
Terrorism and Airport Security
The morning of September 11 was like any other. The sun rose from the east, and the day was full of
life. People went to work as they were accustomed to, and everybody seemed safe from harms way. In
airports across America: planes were taking their passengers to their destinations in record times.
People went through airport security as usual, walking through the metal detector and sending their
bags through the x ray machines. Security at the airport was normal. Bags were checked for guns and
explosives as they had been doing for many years. This seemingly routine day turned out to be far
from normal. A group of people that belonged to Al Qaeda had different plans for the people of the
United States. ... Show more content on ...
There are many things that can be labeled as a terrorist threat. From the smallest offense, such as one
person that has more than 1000 rounds of ammunition, to a large group or even a small army of people
who can be considered a terrorist threat. September 11 was not the first time that airport security has
failed, nor the first time that terrorist have turned their eyes towards airports and their passengers. The
word terrorism, as defined by Wikipedia, is an 18th century French word from terrorisme or under
terror. It is a term that is used to calculate the use of violence or the threat of violence against a
civilian population, for the purpose of producing fear usually for some political end. This refers to a
group, but a single terrorist can be labeled as someone who is an active participant in a terrorist act or
in direct funding or logistical support, which includes harboring terrorist groups (Terrorism, 2004).
Over the past few years in Western culture, terrorism can often be defined as a euphemism for
violence by Arabs and even Muslims. This has caused a great hate between the people of America and
those of the Middle East.
During the cold day of December 21, 1988, more than 270 people died due to timid attacks of a
terrorist group. A Boeing 747 121 was on its routine trip from London to New York. The cause of the
planes destruction was from
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The Importance Of Identification As A High School Athlete
How I identify as a high school athlete
I identify myself though the actions I have made in my life. The social identity theory states that
people who keep motivated and active tend to behave in ways that maintain and keep their social
cliques. No matter the wins and losses I have had over the past four years in my high school career as
an athlete, group identification helps boost my awareness of the role leadership within my social
clique. Through sports, I have learned to hone in on the important cognitive skills like observations
and description, and the ability to interpret data such as stats. I also have the ability to tolerate
frustration and work in concert with others toward a common goal such as winning the event or game.
The role
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Pediatric Cardiology Training Response Paper
Thank you very much for your time to meet with you. I am sending this email to emphasis what we
have already discussed during our meeting on Friday 01/12/2018. Nationally, training in interventional
pediatric cardiology is non ACGME accredited training and no board exam is required to pass at the
end of the training. Therefore, I do not think your program needs to obtain special accreditation prior
to accept training me. As such, good training is the only requisite to practice as congenital cardiac
interventionist in the united states as well as overseas. I really appreciate your sincerity in explaining
potential difficulties in training me as well as your expectations. Here are my goals to achieve by
being trained at Helens De Vos children s
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Exploring Factors Affecting the Quality of Life for...
Australia is a vast land with a diverse environment and communities isolated by great distances. Its
peoples have a diversity of culture, educational and economic circumstances, health needs, services,
and social structure. Therefore the welfare issues experienced and the impact these have to lifestyle
within Australia s different populations would also differ in relation to these factors. This is certainly
true for Rural Australia.
The biggest factor impacting Rural Australia has been the changes to the economic viability of
primary production, one of the largest sources of income for Australia (Australian Government, 2008),
affected by globalization, deregulation, privatisation and reduction/withdrawal of services, rising ...
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This tightening of expenditure continues on throughout the community. Business may cease
sponsorship of the local football teams and individuals may cut back on patronage of local restaurants.
Local charities and churches may notice a reduction in donations. It isn t just the newly unemployed
and the businesses that are affected. The general community begins to experience a fall in optimism
for the future. Economic downturn with the resulting sense of hopelessness and despair is a major
factor contributing to the high rate of rural suicides. A lot of people who get put on the economic
scrapheap through no fault of their own feel an enormous sense of worthlessness (Human Rights and
Equal Opportunity Commission,1999, p.5).
The newly unemployed can find it hard to gain other employment in the region as most rural areas
rely on one major industry for employment. Another problem is that many of the people employed in
primary production areas are likely to have limited education or skills and so find changing careers
difficult without assistance.
Education in Rural Australia is not necessarily valued or available in the same way it is in
metropolitan areas. Many children need to travel great distances or live away from home to access
secondary and particularly tertiary education. The high cost of living away from home, lack of
effective financial support from
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Dutch s Impact On New York
The legacy of the Dutch and their founding of New Amsterdam can still be seen in the marvelous city
of New York City. The Dutch built Fort Amsterdam due to fear of English invasion and Native
American incursions, and the first northern, earthen wall has become the economic center of the
world, Wall Street. This is just one instance of the lasting impact the Dutch would have on the modern
city of New York. As noted by Joyce Goodfriend, in Revisiting New Netherland Perspectives on Early
Dutch America
It is hard to imagine from such minute visual clues what this place must have looked like three
hundred and fifty years ago. The character of the colonial Dutch buildings, streets, water front and the
people who once inhabited these places are long ... Show more content on ...
The Jews were not completely safe in the Netherlands, but it was better there for them than many
other places where they had been expelled, which many countries had done. They came to
Netherlands seeking refuge and once they heard of the opportunity in the New World it would not be
long before they wanted to have their opportunity. Asser Levy, an Ashkenazi Jew, came to New
Amsterdam and he had a prosperous life. He became the first Jew anywhere in North America to own
a house (Hertzberg, 17). The success of some Jews in New Amsterdam was not seen elsewhere in any
of the North American colonies. The only place for the Jews to prosper was in the Dutch colonies. You
can see the everlasting impact of this success they had in New Amsterdam by the enormous Jewish
population of New York City. Today about 1.5 million Jews live in New York City or about ten percent
of all the Jews in the world. New Amsterdam from its roots was a multicultural trading center that was
more tolerant than most places for the seventeenth century, and today New York City is clearly a very
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Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler Essay
Adolf Hitler was a terrible person, he blamed all the Germans problems on the Jews. He tried to
overthrow the German government to and he failed and he was sent to prison. His prison sentence was
supposesed to last five years long but it only was nine months because he wrote a book called Mein
Kampf means My Struggle . In the book was his plan to help the government with it s problems by
blaming the jewish. When he got out of prison he went into politics to get into the German military.
He worked his way up through the rankings of the government. He eventually became chancellor of
Germany. He wasn t even German he was born in Austria. He became the chancellor in 1933. One
thing that got in his way when he was working his way up he was ... Show more content on ...
One of the main concentration camps was Aushwitz it killed about 10,000 people a day and in total
that one camp killed about 120,000 different people.
World War II (WWII) was the Ally powers versus the Axis powers. Everyone in the Axis powers is
Germany, Japan, and Iatly, Everyone in the Ally powers is United States of America, Russia, and
Britian. The only way the U.S.A got into WWII was Japon bombed Pearl Harbor. If Japan did not
bomb us we wouldn t have been their to save everyone on the undisarbles list as soon as we did. We
then bombed Japan and when we did Japan then surrendered.Eventually we saw what the Germans
were doing to the jews. then we went through and liberated as much camps as we could. then in 1945
Germany unconditionally surrendered.
There was a young girl named Anne Frank she was a German Jew. Instead of registering to a camp she
hid in a place called the secret annex. While she was in the secret annex she writ a diary the famous
diary called The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. After a while of hiding she and her whole
family was caught by German soldiers. they were all sent to a transit camp at first then they were sent
to Aushwitz then she was sent to one last camp where she was killed by a diesease called typhus. she
died two weeks before her camp was liberated. A while later and someone published her diary and it
became famous. The genre of the book was called to be a
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Active Range Of Motion
Range of motion is tested in a variety of ways, all methods can be categorized into one of two
categories; active range of motion and passive range of motion. Active range of motion requires the
individual to consciously contract one or more muscles to move two points on the body closer
together or farther apart. Active range of motion for hip flexion requires the individual to consciously
contract their quadriceps and hip flexors to bring their hip and knee closer together. Active range of
motion also uses muscle contractions to stretch antagonistic muscles and non contractile tissues on the
opposite side of the joint. Passive hip flexion requires an second individual to move the person s limb
or body part to move the two points closer together
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Hcp Essay
Your views with respect to the legal rights of HCPs during times of crisis.
Our views concerning the legal rights of HCPs during times of crisis align with the general
recommendations published since the last SARS crisis in Ontario. The SARS crisis brought several
legal and ethical debates to the public place. The most popular topics related to the legal rights of
HCPs during times of crisis surround were:
The HCPs Duty to care vs. HCPs individual rights and personal autonomy to use some discretion in
determining where, how, and when they will practice medicine. (CMA, 2008);
The right to refuse or to stop work where health or safety in danger, HCPs are excluded Part V
Occupational Health and Safety Act (Ontario, 2016).
The right ... Show more content on ...
Another concern is about the public responsibility to ensure HCPs safe work environment. Although,
the HCPs are excluded from the OHSA, the employers still have the obligation to ensure the health
and safety of its employees. Because crisis, are exceptional situation, health organizations should
prepare its resources to assure the HCPs about the safeguard of their health and their family members
when on duty in high risk situation (Ruderman, et al., 2006).
Also, HCPs, should not fear more risks from a crisis, such as undue workload, financial burden, up to
employment dismissal (Upshur et al., 2005).
,In 2016, the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MoHLTC) has put in place the Building a
Ready and Resilient Health System Plan. The MoHLTC s plan is supposed to reinforce the OHSA; the
rights and obligations of all parties in the workplace to ensure health and safety of the HCPs. Based on
this plan, we can assume that some uncertainty about the risk for HCPs will decrease to fulfil their
duty to care in crisis, because of the OHSA s obligations for:
Administrative controls. Written procedures that change work processes to protect against infectious
agent. (MoHLTC, 2016);
Education and training. Educational sessions training and re training must meet or
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Mrs Dalloway Narrative
Mrs. Dalloway is a novel written by Virginia Woolf which was published on 14th May 1925 that
describes the event that took place in a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, who is an imaginary high
society woman in post First World War England. This novel is one of the best known novels written
by Virginia Woolf. The novel addresses Mrs. Dalloway s arrangements for a party that she was about
to host that evening. With an interior viewpoint, the story travels forwards and back in time and in and
out of the characters minds to create an image of Mrs. Dalloway s life and of the inter war social
structure. In this novel all of the action, except the flashbacks, takes place on a day in June. It is an
example of Stream of Consciousness style of ... Show more content on ...
Woolf grew up in an upper middle class, socially active, literary family in Victorian London. She had
three full siblings, two half brothers, and two half sisters. She was educated at home, becoming a
voracious reader of the books in her father s extensive library. Tragedy first afflicted the family when
Woolf s mother died in 1895, then hit again two years later, when her half sister, Stella, the caregiver
in the Stephen family, died. Woolf experienced her first bout of mental illness after her mother s death,
and she suffered from mania and severe depression for the rest of her life. Patriarchal, repressive
Victorian society did not encourage women to attend universities or to participate in intellectual
debate. Nonetheless, Woolf began publishing her first essays and reviews after 1904, the year her
father died and she and her siblings moved to the Bloomsbury area of London. Young students and
artists, drawn to the vitality and intellectual curiosity of the Stephen clan, congregated on Thursday
evenings to share their views about the world. The Bloomsbury group, as Woolf and her friends came
to be called, disregarded the constricting taboos of the Victorian era, and such topics as religion, sex,
and art fueled the talk at their weekly salons. They even discussed homosexuality, a subject that
shocked many of the
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Fictive Fragments Of A Father And Son Analysis
David Mura s Fictive Fragments of a Father and Son focuses on Mura discovering his cultural identity
through his father s past lifestyle. As he analyzes his father s past, he comes to realize his father stories
are possibly fictional, but have an inner meaning regardless. Mura comprehends how his father s
stories focus on the idea of freedom and balancing dual cultures. While placed in camps at an
adolescent age, Mura s father had to learn various types of American ideals including cultural
activities, celebrations, and traditions. One saying that always stuck with the father is a teacher stating,
After the war you will be free again and back in American society (Mura 101). The instructor s lessons
mostly focused on what it takes to feel ... Show more content on ...
Many elements persuaded non natives to gradually feel welcome, but it overall led for them to change
their idea of what being part of America really symbolized. For instance, the father told Mura that he
had played baseball in the camps since the very beginning. With baseball being originated from the
United States, it immediately became stamped as an American sport because it highlights their
strength, masculinity, and ideals of a modern society. By the camp offering a game such as baseball, it
establishes the labels the camp wanted to implement into non natives in hopes of them to feel more
comfortable within society. Another example worth mentioning is participating in the city s post war
celebrations. After the war ended, the father identifies how the community was celebrating the end of
a war. The celebration involved confetti, firecrackers, men sweeping women off their feet, and lastly,
music. Notably, the song emphasized in the celebration was called Stars and Stripes Forever. A high
school band was playing this song loud and proud to demonstrate their patriotic dedication. The
instrumental symbolizes the American flag and beliefs of the American traditions. After distinguishing
how society celebrated their patriotic pride, this led to the father to come to the conclusion of what the
teachers were discussing on how to represent an American and it was like to be free. Ever since being
in the camps, the father felt conflicted on how to implement his Japanese culture along with his
American culture. At the camp, he was taught American ideals to show his dedication towards their
society. In the process, the father became conflicted on balancing two cultures and overall, led for his
freedom to feel limited. Obtaining freedom signifies expressing oneself however they pleased. At the
same time, the camp instructors
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Huey P Newton Essay
The basics Huey P. Newton was born in Louisiana, on February 17, 1942 .In 1966, huey and bobby
seale founded the extreme left wing Black Panther Party for Self Defense in Oakland, California. The
organization was central and influential to the Black Power movement,constantly making headlines
with its controversial rhetoric and militaristic style. Though he was basically functionally illiterate
leaving high school Newton decided to pursue his education at Merritt College . Newton became
involved in the radical politics that were dominating the california Bay Area. He joined the Afro
American Association and played a role in getting the first black history course adopted as part of the
college s curriculum. . It was at Merritt where he met Bobby Seale. The two were briefly involved
with political groups or school organizations before they set out to create one of their own. The party
took after the philosophical ideas of violence when ... Show more content on ...
In January, 1969, the first Panther s Free Breakfast for School Children Program was initiated at St.
Augustine s Church in Oakland. By the end of the year, the Panthers set up kitchens in cities across
the nation, feeding over 10,000 children every day before they went to school. Due to the buzz of the
programs started by the Black Panthers, J. Edgar Hoover who was head of the FBI, stated publicly that
the Panthers are the greatest threat to the internal security of the country . Unfortunately the all things
come to an end On August 22, 1989, Newton was shot at the age of 47 . His legacy though is well and
alive , his spirit is constantly is influencing ideas , being mentioned in songs and movies and his
likeness was used as inspiration for the main character huey on the cartoon boondocks
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The Sociological Perspectives
There are many sociologists in the world with many different ways and opinions to understand society.
Some see the world as basically a stable ongoing entity while others see society as composed of many
groups in conflict, competing for scarce resources (Schaefer, p. 13). Additionally, views of other
sociologists believe society is an impressive machine that people take for granted, the social aspects of
everyday life and its routine interactions of one to another. The three views the functionalist, conflict,
and interactionist theoretical perspectives are the ones that mostly used by sociologists. Let s explore
these perspectives first, the Functionalist perspective is thought of as different things all coming
together as a whole (macrosociology)
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Ratifying The Constitution
In this lesson, we are continue learning about the new Constitution. In the summer of 1787, the 13
states discuss the problem under the Articles of Confederation. They decide it will be easy to write a
new document then fix it. James Madison was in charge of the assembling the various parts of the new
constitution. He didn t write it, he just edited it. He took 55 delegate ideas, and turned it into a
cohesive document. Madison is known as the father of the Constitution . The convention lasted 3
months, and the nation were furious about the new constitution. Madison had to make a taught choices
on what to put in the constitution. At the end, the document was filled with short, vague, and subject to
interpretation (page 40). In September 1787, Madison finished and sent ... Show more content on ...
Madison add the bill of rights in the Constitution but in the form of amendments. However, everyone
didn t agree, 9 of the 13 states ratified it. The ratification battle was so intense, they wrote the
Federalist Paper. The Federalist Paper was wrote by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John
Jay. They was known as the founding father . I didn t know the Federalist Paper is considered a
masterpieces in the field of political science. In 1789, 9 states had ratified the Constitution, this went
in effect to replace the Articles of Confederation. The government form a system called checks and
balances. The checks and balances were break down in 3 branch. The Legislative branch have two
house, the senate would have equal representation (2 vote), and the House of Representation would
have representation within the population. The executive branch is made up by the president, vice
president, and the advisors from the president. The executive branch enforce the laws passed by
congress. The executive branch have the power to veto laws by congress. However, congress have the
power declare
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The New Zealand Air Travel Industry Essay
Project Report Submitted To: Submitted By: Dr CA Saliya Ames Gill Tariq Tanveer Ranveer Singh
Anusha Sharma Purna Magar Table of content Serial Number Content Page Number 1. Executive
Summary 1 2 2. Brief Description of the organisation 2 3. Vision/ Mission statement, goals and
objectives 3 4. Analysis of the organizational environment 3 8 5. Strategies going forward 9 11 6.
Implementation 11 12 Answer I Executive Summary: Aviation connects New Zealand and New
Zealanders to the world, provides right of entry to worldwide markets, and produces employment and
tourism. The New Zealand air travel industry in 2009 is estimated at $9.7 billion in revenue, with $5.9
billion from local activities and $3.8 billion from trade activities. There are more than 1,000
organizations contributing in the industry, engaging 23,525 workforce with salaries and wages
estimated at $1.3 billion. Using input / output monetary modelling, the straight and secondary impacts
of the New Zealand air travel industry together have been considered at 11.8% of total returns across
the economy and 6.9% of GDP of the New Zealand in the year to December 2009. The air travel
industry is estimated to have grown up from a total of $6.8 billion in 2005 to $9.7 billion in 2009. This
signifies a progress rate of 9.5% annually over the
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The Plasticity At A Young Age
The brain is constantly changing and molding from new experiences. The plasticity at a young age
presents itself in an enormous amount which allows the brain to change and adapt. When a child is
bestowed with a traumatic experience at a young age they learn from that and are effected
tremendously, because that s all the knowledge they contain. Traits are hard wired into people and that
coming from parents it already sets a path to follow and in a way already makes them who they are,
but an environment plays a substantial role in molding a person. One experience can change a person
forever depending on the level of intensity of the situation. The genes of a person help decide their
decisions and the environment in which they are raised also grants a contribution towards the
development of the brain. Furthermore, at a young age the brain is not completely developed to its
maximum potential of functioning. The frontal lobe, which controls decision making, problem
solving, and judgement, isn t fully developed till the age of twenty five. Young children pick up and
mimic actions they observe from others which helps create their personality and reasoning of action.
The frontal lobe, as well as other parts of the brain, develop around experiences granted to a youthful
child. Children learn skills easily and take that into their newly learning brain. Babies will do things
the same way naturally but differ in a growing aspect which depends on their surrounding
environment. The
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INFO 1500 Introduction to IT Fundamentals
Learning Objectives
How is IT transforming business and what is their relationship to globalization?
1. Information Technology
Why is IT so essential for running and managing a business today? What exactly is an information
system? How does it work?
What are its management, organization, and technology components? What are complementary
assets? Why are complementary assets essential for ensuring that information systems provide
genuine value for an organization?
What is a sociotechnical systems perspective?
Alexander Nikov
1 2
The New Yankee
Stadium Looks to the Future
1. The Role of IT in Business Today
Yankee ... Show more content on ...
3. What kinds of businesses are most likely to benefit from equipping their employees with mobile
digital devices such as iPhones, iPads and BlackBerrys?
4. Discuss the implications of the statement of D.W. Morgan s CEO,
The iPhone is not a game changer, it s an industry changer. It changes the way that you can interact
with your customers and with your suppliers.
Email, messaging, social networking, and sales force management are described in this case study.
The applications support business functions that include collaboration, location based services, and
communications with colleagues. These applications improve operational efficiency and decision
making by allowing people to communicate from wherever they are. They are no longer tethered to
one place or one machine. They can receive information and data instantaneously which allows them
to make better, faster decisions.
In the case of Doylestown Hospital, doctors use iPhone applications to access medical reference
applications, giving them a broader base of information on which to base decisions.
1 13
1 14
Interactive Session: Management: IT in Your Pocket
Interactive Session: Management: IT in Your Pocket
2. Identify the problems that businesses in this case study solved by using mobile digital devices. 1/3
2. Identify the problems that businesses in this case study solved by using mobile
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What Is The Relationship Between Thoma s And Kiras...
Thomas s and Kira s Friendship Gathering Blue Learning Contract (Number Two) Thomas and Kira
had a Superb friendship from the start in the interest of, if they just hated each other, then they would
get lonely because they were the only ones there until they met Jo. Thomas having been there since he
was really little was probably desperate for a friend. In Fact, he probably caused trouble as a tyke as a
result of him having nothing else to do once he finished a day s worth of work. When Kira came he
was so happy because he finally had someone to talk to. Imagine not having anyone remotely close to
your ge to talk to in years. So at first, I felt that the friendship was kind of forced. I mean, if I was one
of the two people I knew then I would ... Show more content on ...
Kira is almost a mother to Jo. Without Thomas, Kira wouldn t of met Jo. I have to say Kira s and Matt
s friendship is anything but sub par and it is the foundation of the early story, Thomas and Kira see
each other much more often. This is the most important and intricate friendship. With Thomas and
Kira they are friends because they had to be. However, they are much better friends in the middle and
end of the story. Thus, I think that this makes it the most important. With Matt, I am led to believe that
Matt only likes Kira because she gives him food. Thomas and Kira are extremely good friends, and
that is not because they were forced to be friends either. They were good friends before, but realizing
that they would be friends anyway, they became much better friends. Considering that they are both
artists they decided that they must work together or be alone. The importance of Thomas is the fact
that in essence, Thomas is almost Kira s Tour Guide/Mentor/Teacher. Without Thomas, when Matt is
not around, all Kira would have for support is a scrap of thread. Thomas is a creative problem solver
just like Kira. Thomas knows how to read and write which Kira tries to figure out own her own.
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The Streets Are Safer For Women Than They Are For Men
In reality, the streets are much safer for women than they are for men. Critique this statement using the
victimisation/fear paradox AND with reference to current statistics.
The perceived and potential threat for street violence is a significant social issue and has led to public
fear; it has been imbedded so deep within our minds that it is almost instinctual to be constantly on the
lookout for danger when out of the home. Beginning in early childhood through learning about
stranger danger , (Foster 2015), children, particularly females, are being taught to avoid certain
situations because of this fear. According to Jackson (2009), there is a sense of control, comfortability
and familiarity within the home, and it is the unknown and a ... Show more content on
(Australian Institute of Criminology 2014b). This disproportionate relationship is called the
victimisation fear paradox; where there is a sizeable difference between an individual s level of fear
experienced compared to the statistical likelihood of actually falling victim to crime. (Ross 2012).
When considering women s most feared types of victimisation when alone on the streets sexual assault
and murder, (State Government of Victoria 2015), it is statistically more likely that these things will
happen in an individual s place of residence; 55% of Australian murders and 60% of reported sexual
assaults in 2011 occurred in the victim s home, with only 16% and 7% occurring on the streets,
respectively. (Australian Institute of Criminology 2014a). In addition, assault on the street in 2011 was
nearly three times higher in male victims than females, with only 8% of all assaults against women
happening on the street, compared with 22% of for men. Of course there are risks involved with being
alone in certain places at certain times, and it is a matter of basic common sense regarding safety,
however the concept of stranger danger is not statistically what needs to be feared: it is the people we
know that are more likely to be a risk. (Australian Institute of Criminology
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The Crucial Role Of Feminism In Mainstream Media
The mainstream media, such as national news broadcasting stations, magazines, and social media sites
such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, play a crucial role in the promotion and encouragement of
feminism. According to Andy Zeisler in a Quick Take article in Time magazine, Feminism, for better
and for worse, has become trendy, (Zeisler np). According to the beliefs expressed in an article by
Debra Baker in the NWSA Journal, media has mistreated feminism. She claims, ...the media portray
[active, assertive women] has turned all feminists into a frightening fringe element, (Beck 139). In all
honesty, the media has portrayed feminism with a negative connotation, but this is a fair portrayal.
Consequently, feminism has become a distasteful ... Show more content on ...
By definition in the Meriam Webster Dictionary, equality means, the quality or state of being equal or
of the same measure, quantity, amount, or number as another, ( Equality np). On the other hand, equity
is defined as, justice according to natural law or right; specifically: freedom from bias or favoritism;
dealing fairly and equally with all concerned, ( Equity np). Most feminists, without even realizing
their error, are fighting for equity instead of fighting for equality. With reference to the SGBA e
Learning Resource: Rising to the Challenge, we can understand a direct distinction between equality
and equity. Equity, as we have seen, involves trying to understand and give people what they need to
enjoy full, healthy lives, (Clow np). From context, the term equity should be associated with giving
people what they need for a happy lifestyle. Equality, in contrast, aims to ensure that everyone gets the
same things in order to enjoy full, healthy lives. Like equity, equality aims to promote fairness and
justice, but it can only work if everyone starts from the same place and needs the same things, (Clow
np). It is impossible to provide everyone in the world, male and female, the same circumstances. This
has become a challenge for those who associate themselves with finding equality for all. It is physical
impossible because we are born in different circumstances, with incomparable talents and strengths.
Barbara Clow, Yvonne Hanson, and Jennifer Bernier, authors of the module Distinguish between
Equality and Equity, prove an important point as they contrast equality and equity. They use an
analogy of the failure of providing equality to competitors in a race at a track meet. The concept of
equality would have us treat the runners in exactly the same way, ensuring that they all start at the
same place on the track. But we know that runners in the inside
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Liver Injury Research Paper
Liver plays a central role in transforming and clearing chemicals and is consequently susceptible to
the toxicity induced from these agents. Chemicals that cause liver injury are termed hepatotoxins, and
more than 900 drugs have been implicated in causing liver injury and it is the most common reason
for a drug to be withdrawn from the market. Chemicals often cause subclinical injury to liver which
may be manifest by abnormal liver enzyme tests. Certain medicinal agents when taken in overdoses
and sometimes even when introduced within therapeutic ranges may injure the organ. Other chemical
agents such as those used in laboratories and industries, natural chemicals (e.g. microcystins) and
herbal remedies can also induce hepatotoxicity (e.g. Lycopodiumserratum and Ephedra equisetina). ...
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Approximately 75% of blood reaching the liver arrives directly from gastrointestinal organs and then
spleen through portal veins which bring drugs and xenobiotics in concentrated form. Numerous
mechanisms may be cited to be responsible for either inducing hepatic injury or worsening the damage
process. Although the exact mechanism of hepatic injury remains largely unknown, it appears to
involve 2 pathways direct hepatotoxicity and adverse immune reactions. In most instances, hepatic
injury is initiated by the bioactivation of drugs to chemically reactive metabolites, which have the
ability to interact with cellular macromolecules such as proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, leading to
protein dysfunction, lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, and oxidative
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Us Air Flight 1549 Research Paper
On January 15, 2009, about 3:27 PM eastern standard time, US Airways flight 1549, an Airbus
Industrie A320 214, N106US, piloted by First Officer Jeffrey Skiles and monitored by Captain
Chesley B. Sully Sullenberger was scheduled for domestic commercial flight from LaGuardia Airport,
New York City, New York to Seattle Tacoma International Airport in SeaTac, Washington experienced
loss of thrust in both engines after encountering multiple bird strike during its take off and was ditched
on the Hudson River roughly eight miles from LaGuardia Airport, New York City, New York about
two minutes before the in flight event occurred. All 155 occupants safely evacuated the airplane by the
forward and over wing exits and were rescued from nearby watercraft. ... Show more content on ...
Damages are visible to the flaps and the right engine while the fuselage looks almost undamaged
shown in figure 3. Figure 3: Crane lifts N106US back onto dry ground
The right engine was found attached to the wing with fractures and deformation in several locations of
the nacelle while the left engine was found eight days after the accident, separated near the initial
impact location with the waters (Knezevic). Both engines were sent to the Smithsonian Institution for
analysis. Around the time of the incident, they were able to find feather and tissue samples from both
engines (shown in figure 4) but wasn t able to discriminate between multiple birds within the same
species, sex, and maturity level (National). A more detailed DNA analysis was completed in February
2010 and determined that the left engine contained both male and female Canada geese remains,
indicating that the engine ingested at least two geese. The average length can range between 25 to 45
inches while the average weight of a male Canada goose is from 3 to 13 pounds, and the average
weight of a female goose is from 3 to 11 pounds (Canada). The Smithsonian Institution report stated
that only male Canada goose remains were found in the right engine, suggesting that it might have
only ingested one bird; however, a comparison of the physical features
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U.s. Foreign Policy During The Middle East
For over the last two decades the Middle East has gradually gathered attention and has come to the
forefront of U.S. foreign policy. The focus on this region began primarily after the attacks on the two
World Trade Center s in New York City on September 11th, 2001. Iraq was the initial target in the
response to the devastating tragedy. This response involved an indefinite occupation with the intention
of eliminating weapons of mass destruction , with intelligence under the Bush Administration
allegedly confirming their existence. As this undeclared war on Iraq took place, U.S. foreign policy
was initiated. It consisted of bringing down an authoritarian regime and establishing democracy within
the state of Iraq, along with decimating any potential threats to the U.S. homeland. The major threat
lying with terrorist organizations in the region such as Al Qaeda, who were to blame for the 9/11
attacks on U.S. soil. Eventually the deployment of troops into Iraq was left without any particular
cause, due to the revelation that Saddam Hussein s regime had no possession of any nuclear weapons.
And as U.S. troops struggled to figure out exactly what they were fighting for, an insurgency began to
emerge. Is the U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East the cause of insurgency in the region along with
the eventual formation of militant groups such as ISIS? The policies carried out by the United States
consisted of establishing order and democracy in a state while also preventing any
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Common Sense American History Essay
Throughout American history there have been many challenges and successes that have made the
Unites States what it is today. Without the role of important figures, long wars, and hard work the
country we love might not be where it is at today. Learning about the past of our nation is crucial in
order for us to move forward, learn from our mistakes, and continue to the best country in the world.
Luckily, because the founders of our nation knew how important it was to hold on to significant
documents we have access to read how our nation shifted into what it is today first hand. There are
numerous documents available for anyone to study and become more acquainted with our past.
Thomas Paine s Common Sense, Boston King s Memoir, and James ... Show more content on ...
Regardless of the weaknesses in Paine s article, Common Sense is extremely valuable to scholars and
students. For both scholars and students Common Sense allows them to learn exactly what was
happening during this time in America. This first hand document allows readers to get a better
understanding of where America was at and why they needed independence and why they were
capable of earning their independence. This pamphlet allowed scholars to see exactly how America
came one step closer to declaring its independence, and it allows students to get a glimpse of the
thoughts of a first hand colonist who was going through what they read in their history books. If
Thomas Paine never published Common Sense Americans today would not only fail to fully grasp the
many aspects as to why colonist wanted independence so bad, but it also might have taken American s
many more years before they earned their independence, and it is possible that America may not have
ever got its independence. Common Sense was a crucial turn for American s opinion against Britain. It
was key factor in pursue colonies to fight for complete independence. So if Common Sense was never
written, American s today would be oblivious to how the colonist felt back then. Overall, Paine was
successfully in delivering a document that helped America become
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Morality Is A Big Theme Throughout The Book Les Miserables
C project
Legality versus morality was a big theme throughout the book Les Miserables. Two of the main main
characters, Javert and Jean Valjean conflict on that issue many times. Jean Valjean is a man of his
morals rather than the law, whereas Javert is strictly about the law, and nothing else. Both of these
characters face many legal and moral issues throughout the book.
Jean Valjean looks into his morals when he is faced with a dilemma. The first time that this becomes
apparent is the beginning of the book, when we learn why he is in jail. Valjean was faced with jail
time because his family was struggling and starving and he thought is was morally okay to steal bread
for his family even though it was illegal. Valjean stealing the bread even though it was illegal, but
because his family needs it his morals say that it is okay for him to do so, showing legality versus
morality. Another thing that Valjean does that demonstrate this theme is that when Javert tells
Valjean(when he is mayor and going under the name of Madeleine) that someone has been caught
under his name. If he decides to do nothing he will then face no legal troubles any more, but because
of his morals he decides the right thing to do is to go to the court where this trail is taking place, and
say that he is the real Valjean. He think it is immoral to let this man suffer for his actions, so he
decides to reveal himself.
Javert is the opposite of Valjean, and relies heavily on the legality side. In the
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The Pros And Cons Of Dystopian Novels
Though set in the future, dystopian novels are concerned with the present, indeed. At their heart, they
represent the writers attempt to use literature as a vehicle to survey contemporary social and political
affairs that, if left unattended, could generate unwanted penalties for people. Dystopian and utopian
literature are not to be assumed as diametrical opposites. On the contrary, and as Booker argues, the
two are part of the same project, being dystopia the mirror which reflects the darkness of utopian
ideals (Booker, 1994: p. 15). Therefore, dystopian fictions, ironically enough, challenge readers to ask
how the future human hells they depict have been created in the name of a quest for stability,
perfection, and a man made utopia (Sambell, ... Show more content on ...
9), including its vulnerability to human resourcefulness. Others accuse Foucault of disregarding
human agency (Lyon, 1994: p 10). Can it be securely assumed that citizens are the mercy of the gaze,
as Foucault seems to assume and suggest, or are they capable of create forms of resistance and thus
subvert the panopticon? Suzanne Collin s The Hunger Games trilogy is a pressing example in which
the panoptic structure dominates the primary aspects of the novels. To the effect of demonstrating how
limited are the limits of its panoptic aspects and therefore how its panopticism functions as a metaphor
for disciplinary power, two theories will be placed in conversation: Michel Foucault s work on
surveillance, namely his Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1995), which draw on aspects
of the power of the gaze as an instrument to promote and maintain social order; and Michel de Certeau
s The Practice of Everyday Life (1984), whose investigation of the apparently irrelevant maneuvers
that people daily resort to navigate power structures acknowledges them as active
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Clase 4 Distintos costos del capital
En la clase anterior, vimos una manera de calcular el costo del capital accionario de una empresa. El
CAPM indica efectivamente cual debería ser el rendimiento esperado por una acción específica, dado
su nivel de riesgo sistemático. Al conocer el rendimiento esperado de la acción, se puede utilizarlo
para determinar el precio justo esperado de la acción y averiguar si actualmente la acción está sobre o
subvaluada. En esta clase, veremos como calcular el costo de capital para una empresa apalancada, es
decir, una empresa que se financia con deuda y capital accionario. Para ello, veremos primero como
calcular el costo de la deuda. Sin embargo, veremos también que el costo de capital de la empresa no
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Cuando el rating es inferior o igual a BB, las obligaciones se clasifican como instrumentos para la
especulación (por oposición a la seguridad que debería proporcionar la deuda). El detalle del rating se
puede encontrar en la página de Standard and Poors ( Otra escala que se
usa con frecuencia es la escala de Moody s. También existen otras escalas, desarrolladas por otras
empresas (este rating es en realidad un producto que comercializan estas empresas). En resumen,
vimos que la deuda financiera de las empresas está expuesta al riesgo de mercado. El beta de la deuda
es una medición de este riesgo. Si la deuda es más riesgosa, debería rendir algo más que los bonos del
Gobierno libres de riesgo, es decir, los inversionistas esperarán una prima por el riesgo adicional que
asumen. Dicho de otra forma, e introduciendo la notación que utilizaremos en este curso, si la deuda
corporativa es riesgosa, se espera que el costo de la deuda, kd, sea mayor al rendimiento de los bonos
libres de riesgo del Gobierno, rf. ¿Cómo calcularemos entonces esta prima por riesgo? ¿Y cómo
calcularemos el costo de la deuda, kd? Se puede utilizar el CAPM para calcular el costo de la deuda,
kd. Los acreedores piden entonces kd para el dinero que prestan a la empresa. ¿Cómo podemos
calcular el costo de la deuda, kd? En la clase anterior, se mencionó que una
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Flat Tax Policy
People have said for years that the only two things inevitable in this world are death and taxes. Indeed,
any legitimate national government has the power to tax its people in some fashion. It is a complicated
issue that experts continue to debate to this day. Higher taxes do not necessarily mean a prosperous
economy. In fact, more times than not, high taxes hurt the economy. The United States should
implement a flat tax policy that is based on biblical principles, because it is fair for all across the
board, because it will increase revenue by discouraging tax evasion, and because the flat tax form is
much simpler to understand. Taxation has been an important facet of civilization throughout history.
Many rulers have taken advantage of ... Show more content on ...
In the Church, each Christian is commanded by God to give ten percent of his income back to the
church. In the Old Testament, Moses wrote in Deuteronomy 12:6, And thither ye shall bring your
burnt offerings, and your sacrifices, and your tithes. Furthermore, the tithe was based on income. King
Solomon wrote in Proverbs 3:9, Honour the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of all
thine increase. What made the tithe fair for Christians was the concept of proportionality, or the
quality of corresponding in size to something else. In the same way, the flat tax is based on biblical
principles because it is based on proportionality and is revenue neutral. As Dr. Ben Carson said, You
make $10 billion, you pay a billion, you make ten dollars, you pay one (dollar). (Julia Limitone) The
Bible has one interpretation but many applications and mankind can certainly apply the principles of
tithing to tax
... Get more on ...
The Contribution Of Cockroaches
The contribution of cockroaches in the ecosystem.
What will happen if there were no cockroaches?
Cockroaches are one of the ancient species, it begins to be found from the Carboniferous period, about
320 million years ago [1]. It belongs to the group of Blattodea, undering the category of Inseacta.
Most of us has seen cockroaches, we often see them hiding inside the dark and humid place in our
home, including the kitchen, toilet or the gutter. Every time we see them, we would never be nice to
them, killing them as fast as we could, we may ever hope they could become extinct. However, have
we thought about the their benefits and contribution to the world? In this essay, the importance of
cockroaches will be discussed by focusing their contribution in ... Show more content on ...
[Online]. Available: [Accessed November 18, 2016]
[2] Henkel of America, What Animals Eat Cockroaches? .[Online]. Available: files/what animals eat cockroaches [Accessed November 18, 2016]
[3] MailOnline, Stop stamping on them: The hated cockroach is essential to our planet for converting
nitrogen into fertilizer , 2012 [Online] Available:
2163167/Stop stamping The hated cockroach essential planet converting nitrogen fertiliser.html
[Accessed November 18, 2016]
[4] W.J. Bell, L.M. Roth and C.A. Nalepa., Cockroaches: Ecology, Behavior, and Natural History. The
Johns Hopkins University Press, pp.167, 2007.
[5] S.Michael, Cellulose digestion in termites and cockroaches: What role do symbionts play? ,
Volume 103, Issue 4, Pages 775 784, Dec.1992
[6] B.Vlasáková, B.Kalinová, M. H. G. Gustafsson and H.Teichert, Cockroaches as Pollinators of
Clusia aff. sellowiana (Clusiaceae) on Inselbergs in French Guiana , US National Library of Medicine,
2008, [Online]. Available: [Accessed
November 18,
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. Bosnia Culture Bosnia In bosnia they have like a completely different culture, religion, environment. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a different country? Bosnia is a pretty interesting country to say the least. Bosnia is located on the balkan peninsula in southeastern europe. This is like completely across the world from america. It is always great to learn about new cultures and religion. Bosnia has a completely different culture then we do as america. In bosnia in order to have social time they sit and have coffee. They can sit their for hour on hours, and just talk to people and drink coffee. The way people get around in bosnia is different from here in america. The people in bosnia use public transportation to get about their town because they don t own cars. Their buses get completely packed of people to the point where people are getting squished to get around. One interesting facts of bosnia is that women can t sit on the concrete floor because they believe that it will block their ovaries and cant have babys. I think that is interesting fact what about you ? The religion over in bosnia is really divered, they have roman catholicism , islam and serbian orthodox. The way their religion is so diverse is really amazing because people can be whatever religion they want to. The one ... Show more content on ... wrong they live in air pollution and acid rain . their environment has plummeted, their surroundings use to be good and healthy to breath. In bosnia the people their have to wear gas masks when they go outside in order to breath. There is so much smoke and fog and acid roaming the air around then. They breath that in they will get very sick. Some days they have to stay inside because it is raining acid who would think of that happening around you. With all the pollution in the air the animal species are becoming extinct very rapidly. Bosnia would be a great place to visit if the environment wasn t so ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The 1947 Roswell Crash Essay In 1947, an unidentified flying object crashed into the small town of Roswell, New Mexico. The United States Air Force published a report in 1994. So why do conspiracists still believe an alien crashed into Roswell? After a hot humid day in July 1947, severe and violent thunderstorms filled the night sky. Long time farmer, Mac Brazel was used to thunder, and storms out in the country. Although something about this night was different. He heard an extremely loud crash, though didn t think much of it. The next morning however, Brazel stumbled upon the debris of a strange object on his farm. Brazel brought some of the material to a nearby neighbor who urged him to report his find in hopes of getting a reward. Brazel informed the sheriff ... Show more content on ... A nurse friend of Dennis confides in him that she was called by doctors to assist in an alien autopsy. Even though she is sworn to secrecy, she must confide in someone. She meets Dennis and draws him a sketch of what she observed during the alien autopsy . Strangely enough, she was transferred from the funeral home shortly after and never heard from again. The news of the crash soon starts to fade away, and within the end of the year disappears from the news altogether. Nearly 30 years later, in 1978, Stanton Friedman was prompted to revisit the crash. Stanton Friedman was an unemployed scientist, and a part time UFO lecturer. On February 12, 1978 Friedman interviewed a man over the phone who said he handled the wreckage of a crashed spaceship, but the man, Major Jesse Marcel, couldn t remember the month or even the year of the event. Marcel expressed that he believed the military had covered up the recovery of an alien spacecraft. Approximately one year later, William Moore, a colleague of Friedman, found newspaper clippings of the even that Marcel referred to. The research that Friedman and Moore uncovered has made the Roswell crash the most celebrated case in the literature of UFOs. In February of 1980, the National Inquirer ran the interview of Marcel and Friedman bringing in national and worldwide attention ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Benefits Of Critical Race Theory Furthermore, the critical race theory approach draws attention to African Americans seeking to break historical norms to create a new respect for their race. For example, Natchez, who claims himself to be James Fulton s nephew confines in Lila Mae about his desire to obtain his uncle s black box, which will not only benefit his family but the African American race as a whole. Natchez said, They always take away from our people. I don t know if they know he was colored... When I hear them talk about his invention, they always saying it s the future. It s the future of the cities. But it s our future, not theirs. It s ours. And we need to take it back (Whitehead, 140). This quote strengthens the argument of critical race theory because as previously ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Shogun Shogun is an exciting novel written about European sailor who comes to Japan. In this time period, the 1600s, Japan still had a feudal system. Shogun was written in 1975 by James Clavell. This book sparked my interest because I read mostly about European culture in school, and I was curious to what people wrote about Asian cultures. Blackthorne, an English sailor who washes up in Japan, learns about Japanese culture and becomes the first white man to be given the title of samurai. Coeval with Blackthorne landing there, Japan s greatest leaders, Toranaga and Ishido, are at war for power. Their rancor dates back many years. Blackthorne and Toranaga develop a strong sense of camaraderie and Blackthorne hopes he will help him get home safely. ... Show more content on ... Portuguese priests control trade between Japan and China. In Europe, this is the time of the spread of Protestantism, which was Blackthorne s religion. In the book, Blackthorne references Queen Elizabeth I by promising Toranaga that she will provide Western ships for his navy. In Japan, Shoguns ruled and the Son of Heaven was a figurehead. Shogun gives me many new insights on this time period by displaying the deep fear and hatred that the Catholics had for Protestants. It also taught me about Japanese government at the time and their customs. I would definitely recommend this book to other students as a good way to learn about this time period. It is such a long book, but it shows all the little things about Japanese culture, such as the relationships between family and social classes. Shogun s plot is also very interesting. There was never a part where the story fell into a lull. Some sort of death, gossip, or battle strategy was always being discussed. Yet, the differences between Japan and Europe s culture were constantly being compared. Shogun never had a dull moment and I learned so ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Community Journalism as a Synonym for Small Town Newspapers Literature Review: The notion of community journalism is hardly a new one. However, during the past decade, the concept gained much fascination and interest among industry analysts. The literature available on the topic points out that the reason behind this strong comeback of community journalism lies in the fact that most regions where the boom is taking place are undergoing a transitional phase that paved the way for this shift. The literature, however, refers to two trends in this matter: the first is the effect of economic transition on the reemergence of community journalism in countries such as the US and the UK, the second is the effect of political transition on the emergence of community journalism in countries such as South Africa. In other words, while the former example shows a rebirth of an old notion as a result of economic decline, the latter shows an adoption of the concept in the hope of facilitating political transition. Concerning the effect of economic transition, one theory is that the diminishing influence of larger newspapers (in the US and the UK) and the decline in number of their circulation allowed localized news outlets to flourish and become more prominent (Conhaim, 2006). During these times of financial troubles, local publications had the power to remain profitable by focusing on small target audiences, and offer unique, concentrated, localized content as their niche product. So in addition to succeeding in gaining financial prosperity, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Analysis Of The Point Of View Of A Woman When choosing to lead readers through a novel in the point of view of a woman that is described as so impetuous, yet self contained! Incapable of insincerity, devoid of affection and courageously naturally beautiful. . . . So unlike most women, (Stoddard) Stoddard knows exactly what she is doing. The Morgesons resists the conventionally domestic, passive 19th century feminine ideal and Stoddard purposefully chooses to ignore the previously set paths for a female writer. Instead she chooses to present readers with a narrative that is rich with emotional intensity, physicality, and sexuality. She does this, in order to present us with a character that is on a journey of sexual awakening. Cassandra s varying degrees of hunger in the novel ... Show more content on ... Also most well respected physicians of the time were in agreement that true women felt little or no sexual desire, and that only abnormal or pathological women felt strong sexual desire (Source #2). In fact, being sexually forward in the presence of a man suggested a worrying sexual appetite and is directly in conflict with the notion that a woman only wanted sex in order to procreate and become a mother (Source #1). Being aware of these 19th century conventions, Stoddard would have had a hard time when writing, had she come out and explicitly stated that Cassandra is hungry for acceptance of her sexuality. Thus, it would then have been the question of how could a female writer of that time period cloak the meaning of her writing in a manner that would be accepted while still fighting conventional standards. The obvious choice that is made, is to use hunger as a metaphor for Cassandra s sexual satisfaction and dissatisfaction. This may seem like an odd pairing, however, regardless of if Stoddard is aware of it, hunger and sex and a lot in common. As researchers have suggested, Both feeding and sex are goal oriented behaviors, both produce an advantageous outcome, both are triggered by a similar chemical in the brain and both are something that humans in general struggle to satisfy while remaining in line with society s current standards (Source #6). Many American s today even go as far to use these two ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Tata Group And Their Relative Global Industry... 1. Describe the Tata Group s major subsidiaries and their relative global industry competitiveness. Tata group is an international venture having based in India. It has 106 running company, with businesses inside above 100 countries all more than 6 continents, offering products to many markets all over the world and also services to more than 150 countries. In the year 2009, Tata group was positioned number eleven amongst the best globally operating companies (Kneale, 2009). Tata Group s major subsidiaries and global industry competitiveness a top of the line corporate citizenship has been a segment of the group s DNA as a worldwide competitive strategy. An extent of around sixty one percent of the shares of the group is involved by benevolent trusts, in this manner reestablishing wealth to individuals. Because of this extraordinary ownership creation and reasoning of helping the general public, the name of Tata has been cherished for more than 142 years. Tata is confided for its recognition to strong values together with business ethics. Every single Tata company is run independently and has its individual BOD and in addition shareholders with whom it is responsible. There are more than thirty Tata publicly listed subsidiaries. These subsidiaries possess an aggregate marketplace capitalization of around $152 billion and in addition the investor base of around 62 million (ET Bureau, 2011). Tata Group s major subsidiaries are:  Tata Steel(TS),  Tata Motors(TM),  Tata ... Get more on ...
  • 9. John Maynard Keynes Alyssa Savinovich Social Inequality John Maynard Keynes Social Theory Although much of his ideas were often misunderstood throughout his life, Keynes offered bright new insights into the nature and origin of financial theories. In his most well known writings, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, which was published in 1936, Keynes worked to break down the prior ideas of traditional economics and point out its inadequacies, which became obvious during the downturn of the economy. He felt a new approach was needed, and through his work in The General Theory, he sought to bring this transformed stance to light and make sense of the economic crisis that surrounded him. Keynes entire social ... Show more content on ... This liquidity preference usually comes in the form of cash, or other quick and readily available forms, which do not present much effort in the retrieving of funds. People with this liquidity preference simply like to have the security of having their money more quickly available to them and within their control at all times. These forms of liquid money bring the investor a sense of security and control over their assets something that will comfort them in times of uncertainty. According to Keynes, there are two types of moneys of account, first, there s normal money, or money proper, then there is bank money. These are just two different forms the amount of exchange value can take in the form of the dollar. Whenever ones actions with money projects their expectations into the future there is always a higher level of uncertainty, with loaning having a considerable level of uncertainty. With this uncertainty, the expectations of the investor, or that of effective demand, may often require some form of disquietude in order to feel more comfortable and safe dealing in such uncertain terms. This disquietude can often be offered in the form of the rate of the rate of interest on ones investments. It is the amount the interest that will greatly determine whether or not one will be willing to give the loan, for the rate of interest works to deter ones propensity to hoard. The higher the rate of interest, the more likely an individual would be to let go of some of ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Homicide Statistics Paper Homicide Statistics Homicide is the killing of a person by another human being. Homicides can be criminal, excusable or justifiable. In The FBI s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR), homicide is defined as and limited to: The killing of a felon by a peace officer in the line of duty. The killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen. (The Federal Bureu of Investigation, 2013) In the UCR website it has different statistics that a general public can search and have a better understanding about what is actually the amount of people that have been homicide in different years. This website is really important to have access to because they have different types of charts that anyone can have a better understanding about ... Show more content on ... In this graph provide from the philly police shows that from the 2009 through 2013 their s have being an increase between 2010 and 2012. Howevever, in 2013 there is a drop of 84 people not being murder in the city of philadelphia. It is important to consider this type of graph because it is really helpfuul when you see an image and it shows the frequency on 2009 through 2013 that involves the murders in philadelphia. So when someone from the general public see the image they can understand better with an image. The graph below is a frequency polygon because it start from an ascending frequency which means it start from the lowest number. This graph is important because it has a technique that people can easily reade it. It also can communicate about a complex data set and it also give a a summarized account of the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. An Analysis Of Punishment, By Seamus Heaney Poets have rarely shown a perspective as dubious on the atrocities of the Irish Republican Army as Seamus Heaney has done in his poem Punishment . Heaney succeeds in uniting two contradictory perspectives by comparing the cruelty of an ancient time fluently with contemporary barbarism. By viewing contemporary violence through the lens of Iron Age customs, he untangles the harsh truth of human nature. Unlike other essays, which have focussed primarily on the historical background, this essay will analyse the lexical aspects that colour these former and present times. By looking at the extensive use of lexical oppositions and poetic devices, one can see the many layers Heaney has used, which is important to underscore the contrasting structures ... Show more content on ... The poem is enjambed across both lines and stanzas, which allows the reader to flow along in an evolvement of thoughts. Moreover, past and present seem to merge smoothly since he easily draws parallels between the ritual sacrifice from the Iron Age and the killings by IRA at the time. The speaker moves from a detached observer to a puzzled participant, who senses the linkage between the socialized violence of ancient and contemporary times. Other tools used to link words, and thus meanings, together and to increase the fluency of the text are alliterations and assonances. The dark sentiment in this poem is carried on a system of clear alliteration: halter, nape, her neck, her naked and her nipples in the first stanza, a case of double alliteration, and rigging her ribs , body in the bog , stones of silence , shaved head like a stubble , blindfold of a soiled bandage . Assonance is used abundantly in the third paragraph. Furthermore, the poem is written in iambic pentameter without rhyme. This rhythmic form also aids to create a continuous flow throughout the eleven four line ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Analysis Of A Dream Play By August Strindberg Gaiman s Strindberg Inspiration Throughout the years, many different styles of theater have been created, adapted, and faded in and out of popularity. One that reached popularity in the 1920 s was expressionism. A radical change from the common styles previously performed, expressionism rose to popularity because of its unusual approach to the dramatic art. Expressionism often has a dream like atmosphere created by bare boned sets, disjointed plot lines, poetic dialogue, unnatural lighting, and stock characters that lack individuality. Often when staging an expressionistic play, the set would be fairly simplistic; meaning the bare minimum set pieces were used to create the allusion of a certain place. That could be done through the use mostly painted backdrops in place of built up wall units. For example, if the action for a particular scene was happening in a bedroom the stage might hold only a bed, a desk, and a dresser; whereas in a play of different style the same room might also have a bookcase with random knick knacks and personal items as well as a closet and a window. In A Dream Play by August Strindberg, we see similar things happen through his stage directions, The backdrop represents banks of clouds resembling shattered slate cliffs with ruins of castles and fortresses (Strindberg, 649). This is the first stage direction of the play and the set is simply a backdrop, nothing else on stage but the character in the scene. Strindberg does this again and again ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Terrorism and Airport Security Essay Terrorism and Airport Security The morning of September 11 was like any other. The sun rose from the east, and the day was full of life. People went to work as they were accustomed to, and everybody seemed safe from harms way. In airports across America: planes were taking their passengers to their destinations in record times. People went through airport security as usual, walking through the metal detector and sending their bags through the x ray machines. Security at the airport was normal. Bags were checked for guns and explosives as they had been doing for many years. This seemingly routine day turned out to be far from normal. A group of people that belonged to Al Qaeda had different plans for the people of the United States. ... Show more content on ... There are many things that can be labeled as a terrorist threat. From the smallest offense, such as one person that has more than 1000 rounds of ammunition, to a large group or even a small army of people who can be considered a terrorist threat. September 11 was not the first time that airport security has failed, nor the first time that terrorist have turned their eyes towards airports and their passengers. The word terrorism, as defined by Wikipedia, is an 18th century French word from terrorisme or under terror. It is a term that is used to calculate the use of violence or the threat of violence against a civilian population, for the purpose of producing fear usually for some political end. This refers to a group, but a single terrorist can be labeled as someone who is an active participant in a terrorist act or in direct funding or logistical support, which includes harboring terrorist groups (Terrorism, 2004). Over the past few years in Western culture, terrorism can often be defined as a euphemism for violence by Arabs and even Muslims. This has caused a great hate between the people of America and those of the Middle East. During the cold day of December 21, 1988, more than 270 people died due to timid attacks of a terrorist group. A Boeing 747 121 was on its routine trip from London to New York. The cause of the planes destruction was from ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Importance Of Identification As A High School Athlete How I identify as a high school athlete I identify myself though the actions I have made in my life. The social identity theory states that people who keep motivated and active tend to behave in ways that maintain and keep their social cliques. No matter the wins and losses I have had over the past four years in my high school career as an athlete, group identification helps boost my awareness of the role leadership within my social clique. Through sports, I have learned to hone in on the important cognitive skills like observations and description, and the ability to interpret data such as stats. I also have the ability to tolerate frustration and work in concert with others toward a common goal such as winning the event or game. The role ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Pediatric Cardiology Training Response Paper Thank you very much for your time to meet with you. I am sending this email to emphasis what we have already discussed during our meeting on Friday 01/12/2018. Nationally, training in interventional pediatric cardiology is non ACGME accredited training and no board exam is required to pass at the end of the training. Therefore, I do not think your program needs to obtain special accreditation prior to accept training me. As such, good training is the only requisite to practice as congenital cardiac interventionist in the united states as well as overseas. I really appreciate your sincerity in explaining potential difficulties in training me as well as your expectations. Here are my goals to achieve by being trained at Helens De Vos children s ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Exploring Factors Affecting the Quality of Life for... Australia is a vast land with a diverse environment and communities isolated by great distances. Its peoples have a diversity of culture, educational and economic circumstances, health needs, services, and social structure. Therefore the welfare issues experienced and the impact these have to lifestyle within Australia s different populations would also differ in relation to these factors. This is certainly true for Rural Australia. The biggest factor impacting Rural Australia has been the changes to the economic viability of primary production, one of the largest sources of income for Australia (Australian Government, 2008), affected by globalization, deregulation, privatisation and reduction/withdrawal of services, rising ... Show more content on ... This tightening of expenditure continues on throughout the community. Business may cease sponsorship of the local football teams and individuals may cut back on patronage of local restaurants. Local charities and churches may notice a reduction in donations. It isn t just the newly unemployed and the businesses that are affected. The general community begins to experience a fall in optimism for the future. Economic downturn with the resulting sense of hopelessness and despair is a major factor contributing to the high rate of rural suicides. A lot of people who get put on the economic scrapheap through no fault of their own feel an enormous sense of worthlessness (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission,1999, p.5). The newly unemployed can find it hard to gain other employment in the region as most rural areas rely on one major industry for employment. Another problem is that many of the people employed in primary production areas are likely to have limited education or skills and so find changing careers difficult without assistance. Education in Rural Australia is not necessarily valued or available in the same way it is in metropolitan areas. Many children need to travel great distances or live away from home to access secondary and particularly tertiary education. The high cost of living away from home, lack of effective financial support from ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Dutch s Impact On New York The legacy of the Dutch and their founding of New Amsterdam can still be seen in the marvelous city of New York City. The Dutch built Fort Amsterdam due to fear of English invasion and Native American incursions, and the first northern, earthen wall has become the economic center of the world, Wall Street. This is just one instance of the lasting impact the Dutch would have on the modern city of New York. As noted by Joyce Goodfriend, in Revisiting New Netherland Perspectives on Early Dutch America It is hard to imagine from such minute visual clues what this place must have looked like three hundred and fifty years ago. The character of the colonial Dutch buildings, streets, water front and the people who once inhabited these places are long ... Show more content on ... The Jews were not completely safe in the Netherlands, but it was better there for them than many other places where they had been expelled, which many countries had done. They came to Netherlands seeking refuge and once they heard of the opportunity in the New World it would not be long before they wanted to have their opportunity. Asser Levy, an Ashkenazi Jew, came to New Amsterdam and he had a prosperous life. He became the first Jew anywhere in North America to own a house (Hertzberg, 17). The success of some Jews in New Amsterdam was not seen elsewhere in any of the North American colonies. The only place for the Jews to prosper was in the Dutch colonies. You can see the everlasting impact of this success they had in New Amsterdam by the enormous Jewish population of New York City. Today about 1.5 million Jews live in New York City or about ten percent of all the Jews in the world. New Amsterdam from its roots was a multicultural trading center that was more tolerant than most places for the seventeenth century, and today New York City is clearly a very multicultural ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler Essay Adolf Hitler was a terrible person, he blamed all the Germans problems on the Jews. He tried to overthrow the German government to and he failed and he was sent to prison. His prison sentence was supposesed to last five years long but it only was nine months because he wrote a book called Mein Kampf means My Struggle . In the book was his plan to help the government with it s problems by blaming the jewish. When he got out of prison he went into politics to get into the German military. He worked his way up through the rankings of the government. He eventually became chancellor of Germany. He wasn t even German he was born in Austria. He became the chancellor in 1933. One thing that got in his way when he was working his way up he was ... Show more content on ... One of the main concentration camps was Aushwitz it killed about 10,000 people a day and in total that one camp killed about 120,000 different people. World War II (WWII) was the Ally powers versus the Axis powers. Everyone in the Axis powers is Germany, Japan, and Iatly, Everyone in the Ally powers is United States of America, Russia, and Britian. The only way the U.S.A got into WWII was Japon bombed Pearl Harbor. If Japan did not bomb us we wouldn t have been their to save everyone on the undisarbles list as soon as we did. We then bombed Japan and when we did Japan then surrendered.Eventually we saw what the Germans were doing to the jews. then we went through and liberated as much camps as we could. then in 1945 Germany unconditionally surrendered. There was a young girl named Anne Frank she was a German Jew. Instead of registering to a camp she hid in a place called the secret annex. While she was in the secret annex she writ a diary the famous diary called The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. After a while of hiding she and her whole family was caught by German soldiers. they were all sent to a transit camp at first then they were sent to Aushwitz then she was sent to one last camp where she was killed by a diesease called typhus. she died two weeks before her camp was liberated. A while later and someone published her diary and it became famous. The genre of the book was called to be a ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Active Range Of Motion Range of motion is tested in a variety of ways, all methods can be categorized into one of two categories; active range of motion and passive range of motion. Active range of motion requires the individual to consciously contract one or more muscles to move two points on the body closer together or farther apart. Active range of motion for hip flexion requires the individual to consciously contract their quadriceps and hip flexors to bring their hip and knee closer together. Active range of motion also uses muscle contractions to stretch antagonistic muscles and non contractile tissues on the opposite side of the joint. Passive hip flexion requires an second individual to move the person s limb or body part to move the two points closer together ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Hcp Essay Your views with respect to the legal rights of HCPs during times of crisis. Our views concerning the legal rights of HCPs during times of crisis align with the general recommendations published since the last SARS crisis in Ontario. The SARS crisis brought several legal and ethical debates to the public place. The most popular topics related to the legal rights of HCPs during times of crisis surround were: The HCPs Duty to care vs. HCPs individual rights and personal autonomy to use some discretion in determining where, how, and when they will practice medicine. (CMA, 2008); The right to refuse or to stop work where health or safety in danger, HCPs are excluded Part V Occupational Health and Safety Act (Ontario, 2016). The right ... Show more content on ... Another concern is about the public responsibility to ensure HCPs safe work environment. Although, the HCPs are excluded from the OHSA, the employers still have the obligation to ensure the health and safety of its employees. Because crisis, are exceptional situation, health organizations should prepare its resources to assure the HCPs about the safeguard of their health and their family members when on duty in high risk situation (Ruderman, et al., 2006). Also, HCPs, should not fear more risks from a crisis, such as undue workload, financial burden, up to employment dismissal (Upshur et al., 2005). ,In 2016, the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MoHLTC) has put in place the Building a Ready and Resilient Health System Plan. The MoHLTC s plan is supposed to reinforce the OHSA; the rights and obligations of all parties in the workplace to ensure health and safety of the HCPs. Based on this plan, we can assume that some uncertainty about the risk for HCPs will decrease to fulfil their duty to care in crisis, because of the OHSA s obligations for: Administrative controls. Written procedures that change work processes to protect against infectious agent. (MoHLTC, 2016); Education and training. Educational sessions training and re training must meet or ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Mrs Dalloway Narrative Mrs. Dalloway is a novel written by Virginia Woolf which was published on 14th May 1925 that describes the event that took place in a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, who is an imaginary high society woman in post First World War England. This novel is one of the best known novels written by Virginia Woolf. The novel addresses Mrs. Dalloway s arrangements for a party that she was about to host that evening. With an interior viewpoint, the story travels forwards and back in time and in and out of the characters minds to create an image of Mrs. Dalloway s life and of the inter war social structure. In this novel all of the action, except the flashbacks, takes place on a day in June. It is an example of Stream of Consciousness style of ... Show more content on ... Woolf grew up in an upper middle class, socially active, literary family in Victorian London. She had three full siblings, two half brothers, and two half sisters. She was educated at home, becoming a voracious reader of the books in her father s extensive library. Tragedy first afflicted the family when Woolf s mother died in 1895, then hit again two years later, when her half sister, Stella, the caregiver in the Stephen family, died. Woolf experienced her first bout of mental illness after her mother s death, and she suffered from mania and severe depression for the rest of her life. Patriarchal, repressive Victorian society did not encourage women to attend universities or to participate in intellectual debate. Nonetheless, Woolf began publishing her first essays and reviews after 1904, the year her father died and she and her siblings moved to the Bloomsbury area of London. Young students and artists, drawn to the vitality and intellectual curiosity of the Stephen clan, congregated on Thursday evenings to share their views about the world. The Bloomsbury group, as Woolf and her friends came to be called, disregarded the constricting taboos of the Victorian era, and such topics as religion, sex, and art fueled the talk at their weekly salons. They even discussed homosexuality, a subject that shocked many of the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Fictive Fragments Of A Father And Son Analysis David Mura s Fictive Fragments of a Father and Son focuses on Mura discovering his cultural identity through his father s past lifestyle. As he analyzes his father s past, he comes to realize his father stories are possibly fictional, but have an inner meaning regardless. Mura comprehends how his father s stories focus on the idea of freedom and balancing dual cultures. While placed in camps at an adolescent age, Mura s father had to learn various types of American ideals including cultural activities, celebrations, and traditions. One saying that always stuck with the father is a teacher stating, After the war you will be free again and back in American society (Mura 101). The instructor s lessons mostly focused on what it takes to feel ... Show more content on ... Many elements persuaded non natives to gradually feel welcome, but it overall led for them to change their idea of what being part of America really symbolized. For instance, the father told Mura that he had played baseball in the camps since the very beginning. With baseball being originated from the United States, it immediately became stamped as an American sport because it highlights their strength, masculinity, and ideals of a modern society. By the camp offering a game such as baseball, it establishes the labels the camp wanted to implement into non natives in hopes of them to feel more comfortable within society. Another example worth mentioning is participating in the city s post war celebrations. After the war ended, the father identifies how the community was celebrating the end of a war. The celebration involved confetti, firecrackers, men sweeping women off their feet, and lastly, music. Notably, the song emphasized in the celebration was called Stars and Stripes Forever. A high school band was playing this song loud and proud to demonstrate their patriotic dedication. The instrumental symbolizes the American flag and beliefs of the American traditions. After distinguishing how society celebrated their patriotic pride, this led to the father to come to the conclusion of what the teachers were discussing on how to represent an American and it was like to be free. Ever since being in the camps, the father felt conflicted on how to implement his Japanese culture along with his American culture. At the camp, he was taught American ideals to show his dedication towards their society. In the process, the father became conflicted on balancing two cultures and overall, led for his freedom to feel limited. Obtaining freedom signifies expressing oneself however they pleased. At the same time, the camp instructors ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Huey P Newton Essay The basics Huey P. Newton was born in Louisiana, on February 17, 1942 .In 1966, huey and bobby seale founded the extreme left wing Black Panther Party for Self Defense in Oakland, California. The organization was central and influential to the Black Power movement,constantly making headlines with its controversial rhetoric and militaristic style. Though he was basically functionally illiterate leaving high school Newton decided to pursue his education at Merritt College . Newton became involved in the radical politics that were dominating the california Bay Area. He joined the Afro American Association and played a role in getting the first black history course adopted as part of the college s curriculum. . It was at Merritt where he met Bobby Seale. The two were briefly involved with political groups or school organizations before they set out to create one of their own. The party took after the philosophical ideas of violence when ... Show more content on ... In January, 1969, the first Panther s Free Breakfast for School Children Program was initiated at St. Augustine s Church in Oakland. By the end of the year, the Panthers set up kitchens in cities across the nation, feeding over 10,000 children every day before they went to school. Due to the buzz of the programs started by the Black Panthers, J. Edgar Hoover who was head of the FBI, stated publicly that the Panthers are the greatest threat to the internal security of the country . Unfortunately the all things come to an end On August 22, 1989, Newton was shot at the age of 47 . His legacy though is well and alive , his spirit is constantly is influencing ideas , being mentioned in songs and movies and his likeness was used as inspiration for the main character huey on the cartoon boondocks ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Sociological Perspectives There are many sociologists in the world with many different ways and opinions to understand society. Some see the world as basically a stable ongoing entity while others see society as composed of many groups in conflict, competing for scarce resources (Schaefer, p. 13). Additionally, views of other sociologists believe society is an impressive machine that people take for granted, the social aspects of everyday life and its routine interactions of one to another. The three views the functionalist, conflict, and interactionist theoretical perspectives are the ones that mostly used by sociologists. Let s explore these perspectives first, the Functionalist perspective is thought of as different things all coming together as a whole (macrosociology) ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Ratifying The Constitution In this lesson, we are continue learning about the new Constitution. In the summer of 1787, the 13 states discuss the problem under the Articles of Confederation. They decide it will be easy to write a new document then fix it. James Madison was in charge of the assembling the various parts of the new constitution. He didn t write it, he just edited it. He took 55 delegate ideas, and turned it into a cohesive document. Madison is known as the father of the Constitution . The convention lasted 3 months, and the nation were furious about the new constitution. Madison had to make a taught choices on what to put in the constitution. At the end, the document was filled with short, vague, and subject to interpretation (page 40). In September 1787, Madison finished and sent ... Show more content on ... Madison add the bill of rights in the Constitution but in the form of amendments. However, everyone didn t agree, 9 of the 13 states ratified it. The ratification battle was so intense, they wrote the Federalist Paper. The Federalist Paper was wrote by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. They was known as the founding father . I didn t know the Federalist Paper is considered a masterpieces in the field of political science. In 1789, 9 states had ratified the Constitution, this went in effect to replace the Articles of Confederation. The government form a system called checks and balances. The checks and balances were break down in 3 branch. The Legislative branch have two house, the senate would have equal representation (2 vote), and the House of Representation would have representation within the population. The executive branch is made up by the president, vice president, and the advisors from the president. The executive branch enforce the laws passed by congress. The executive branch have the power to veto laws by congress. However, congress have the power declare ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The New Zealand Air Travel Industry Essay Project Report Submitted To: Submitted By: Dr CA Saliya Ames Gill Tariq Tanveer Ranveer Singh Anusha Sharma Purna Magar Table of content Serial Number Content Page Number 1. Executive Summary 1 2 2. Brief Description of the organisation 2 3. Vision/ Mission statement, goals and objectives 3 4. Analysis of the organizational environment 3 8 5. Strategies going forward 9 11 6. Implementation 11 12 Answer I Executive Summary: Aviation connects New Zealand and New Zealanders to the world, provides right of entry to worldwide markets, and produces employment and tourism. The New Zealand air travel industry in 2009 is estimated at $9.7 billion in revenue, with $5.9 billion from local activities and $3.8 billion from trade activities. There are more than 1,000 organizations contributing in the industry, engaging 23,525 workforce with salaries and wages estimated at $1.3 billion. Using input / output monetary modelling, the straight and secondary impacts of the New Zealand air travel industry together have been considered at 11.8% of total returns across the economy and 6.9% of GDP of the New Zealand in the year to December 2009. The air travel industry is estimated to have grown up from a total of $6.8 billion in 2005 to $9.7 billion in 2009. This signifies a progress rate of 9.5% annually over the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Plasticity At A Young Age The brain is constantly changing and molding from new experiences. The plasticity at a young age presents itself in an enormous amount which allows the brain to change and adapt. When a child is bestowed with a traumatic experience at a young age they learn from that and are effected tremendously, because that s all the knowledge they contain. Traits are hard wired into people and that coming from parents it already sets a path to follow and in a way already makes them who they are, but an environment plays a substantial role in molding a person. One experience can change a person forever depending on the level of intensity of the situation. The genes of a person help decide their decisions and the environment in which they are raised also grants a contribution towards the development of the brain. Furthermore, at a young age the brain is not completely developed to its maximum potential of functioning. The frontal lobe, which controls decision making, problem solving, and judgement, isn t fully developed till the age of twenty five. Young children pick up and mimic actions they observe from others which helps create their personality and reasoning of action. The frontal lobe, as well as other parts of the brain, develop around experiences granted to a youthful child. Children learn skills easily and take that into their newly learning brain. Babies will do things the same way naturally but differ in a growing aspect which depends on their surrounding environment. The ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Info-1500 INFO 1500 Introduction to IT Fundamentals Learning Objectives How is IT transforming business and what is their relationship to globalization? 1. Information Technology Basics Why is IT so essential for running and managing a business today? What exactly is an information system? How does it work? What are its management, organization, and technology components? What are complementary assets? Why are complementary assets essential for ensuring that information systems provide genuine value for an organization? What is a sociotechnical systems perspective? Alexander Nikov 2 1 2 The New Yankee Stadium Looks to the Future Outline 1. The Role of IT in Business Today Problem: Yankee ... Show more content on ... 3. What kinds of businesses are most likely to benefit from equipping their employees with mobile digital devices such as iPhones, iPads and BlackBerrys? 4. Discuss the implications of the statement of D.W. Morgan s CEO, The iPhone is not a game changer, it s an industry changer. It changes the way that you can interact with your customers and with your suppliers. Email, messaging, social networking, and sales force management are described in this case study. The applications support business functions that include collaboration, location based services, and communications with colleagues. These applications improve operational efficiency and decision making by allowing people to communicate from wherever they are. They are no longer tethered to
  • 29. one place or one machine. They can receive information and data instantaneously which allows them to make better, faster decisions. In the case of Doylestown Hospital, doctors use iPhone applications to access medical reference applications, giving them a broader base of information on which to base decisions. 1 13 1 14 Interactive Session: Management: IT in Your Pocket Interactive Session: Management: IT in Your Pocket 2. Identify the problems that businesses in this case study solved by using mobile digital devices. 1/3 2. Identify the problems that businesses in this case study solved by using mobile ... Get more on ...
  • 30. What Is The Relationship Between Thoma s And Kiras... Thomas s and Kira s Friendship Gathering Blue Learning Contract (Number Two) Thomas and Kira had a Superb friendship from the start in the interest of, if they just hated each other, then they would get lonely because they were the only ones there until they met Jo. Thomas having been there since he was really little was probably desperate for a friend. In Fact, he probably caused trouble as a tyke as a result of him having nothing else to do once he finished a day s worth of work. When Kira came he was so happy because he finally had someone to talk to. Imagine not having anyone remotely close to your ge to talk to in years. So at first, I felt that the friendship was kind of forced. I mean, if I was one of the two people I knew then I would ... Show more content on ... Kira is almost a mother to Jo. Without Thomas, Kira wouldn t of met Jo. I have to say Kira s and Matt s friendship is anything but sub par and it is the foundation of the early story, Thomas and Kira see each other much more often. This is the most important and intricate friendship. With Thomas and Kira they are friends because they had to be. However, they are much better friends in the middle and end of the story. Thus, I think that this makes it the most important. With Matt, I am led to believe that Matt only likes Kira because she gives him food. Thomas and Kira are extremely good friends, and that is not because they were forced to be friends either. They were good friends before, but realizing that they would be friends anyway, they became much better friends. Considering that they are both artists they decided that they must work together or be alone. The importance of Thomas is the fact that in essence, Thomas is almost Kira s Tour Guide/Mentor/Teacher. Without Thomas, when Matt is not around, all Kira would have for support is a scrap of thread. Thomas is a creative problem solver just like Kira. Thomas knows how to read and write which Kira tries to figure out own her own. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Streets Are Safer For Women Than They Are For Men In reality, the streets are much safer for women than they are for men. Critique this statement using the victimisation/fear paradox AND with reference to current statistics. The perceived and potential threat for street violence is a significant social issue and has led to public fear; it has been imbedded so deep within our minds that it is almost instinctual to be constantly on the lookout for danger when out of the home. Beginning in early childhood through learning about stranger danger , (Foster 2015), children, particularly females, are being taught to avoid certain situations because of this fear. According to Jackson (2009), there is a sense of control, comfortability and familiarity within the home, and it is the unknown and a ... Show more content on ... (Australian Institute of Criminology 2014b). This disproportionate relationship is called the victimisation fear paradox; where there is a sizeable difference between an individual s level of fear experienced compared to the statistical likelihood of actually falling victim to crime. (Ross 2012). When considering women s most feared types of victimisation when alone on the streets sexual assault and murder, (State Government of Victoria 2015), it is statistically more likely that these things will happen in an individual s place of residence; 55% of Australian murders and 60% of reported sexual assaults in 2011 occurred in the victim s home, with only 16% and 7% occurring on the streets, respectively. (Australian Institute of Criminology 2014a). In addition, assault on the street in 2011 was nearly three times higher in male victims than females, with only 8% of all assaults against women happening on the street, compared with 22% of for men. Of course there are risks involved with being alone in certain places at certain times, and it is a matter of basic common sense regarding safety, however the concept of stranger danger is not statistically what needs to be feared: it is the people we know that are more likely to be a risk. (Australian Institute of Criminology ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Crucial Role Of Feminism In Mainstream Media The mainstream media, such as national news broadcasting stations, magazines, and social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, play a crucial role in the promotion and encouragement of feminism. According to Andy Zeisler in a Quick Take article in Time magazine, Feminism, for better and for worse, has become trendy, (Zeisler np). According to the beliefs expressed in an article by Debra Baker in the NWSA Journal, media has mistreated feminism. She claims, ...the media portray [active, assertive women] has turned all feminists into a frightening fringe element, (Beck 139). In all honesty, the media has portrayed feminism with a negative connotation, but this is a fair portrayal. Consequently, feminism has become a distasteful ... Show more content on ... By definition in the Meriam Webster Dictionary, equality means, the quality or state of being equal or of the same measure, quantity, amount, or number as another, ( Equality np). On the other hand, equity is defined as, justice according to natural law or right; specifically: freedom from bias or favoritism; dealing fairly and equally with all concerned, ( Equity np). Most feminists, without even realizing their error, are fighting for equity instead of fighting for equality. With reference to the SGBA e Learning Resource: Rising to the Challenge, we can understand a direct distinction between equality and equity. Equity, as we have seen, involves trying to understand and give people what they need to enjoy full, healthy lives, (Clow np). From context, the term equity should be associated with giving people what they need for a happy lifestyle. Equality, in contrast, aims to ensure that everyone gets the same things in order to enjoy full, healthy lives. Like equity, equality aims to promote fairness and justice, but it can only work if everyone starts from the same place and needs the same things, (Clow np). It is impossible to provide everyone in the world, male and female, the same circumstances. This has become a challenge for those who associate themselves with finding equality for all. It is physical impossible because we are born in different circumstances, with incomparable talents and strengths. Barbara Clow, Yvonne Hanson, and Jennifer Bernier, authors of the module Distinguish between Equality and Equity, prove an important point as they contrast equality and equity. They use an analogy of the failure of providing equality to competitors in a race at a track meet. The concept of equality would have us treat the runners in exactly the same way, ensuring that they all start at the same place on the track. But we know that runners in the inside ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Liver Injury Research Paper Liver plays a central role in transforming and clearing chemicals and is consequently susceptible to the toxicity induced from these agents. Chemicals that cause liver injury are termed hepatotoxins, and more than 900 drugs have been implicated in causing liver injury and it is the most common reason for a drug to be withdrawn from the market. Chemicals often cause subclinical injury to liver which may be manifest by abnormal liver enzyme tests. Certain medicinal agents when taken in overdoses and sometimes even when introduced within therapeutic ranges may injure the organ. Other chemical agents such as those used in laboratories and industries, natural chemicals (e.g. microcystins) and herbal remedies can also induce hepatotoxicity (e.g. Lycopodiumserratum and Ephedra equisetina). ... Show more content on ... Approximately 75% of blood reaching the liver arrives directly from gastrointestinal organs and then spleen through portal veins which bring drugs and xenobiotics in concentrated form. Numerous mechanisms may be cited to be responsible for either inducing hepatic injury or worsening the damage process. Although the exact mechanism of hepatic injury remains largely unknown, it appears to involve 2 pathways direct hepatotoxicity and adverse immune reactions. In most instances, hepatic injury is initiated by the bioactivation of drugs to chemically reactive metabolites, which have the ability to interact with cellular macromolecules such as proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, leading to protein dysfunction, lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, and oxidative ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Us Air Flight 1549 Research Paper On January 15, 2009, about 3:27 PM eastern standard time, US Airways flight 1549, an Airbus Industrie A320 214, N106US, piloted by First Officer Jeffrey Skiles and monitored by Captain Chesley B. Sully Sullenberger was scheduled for domestic commercial flight from LaGuardia Airport, New York City, New York to Seattle Tacoma International Airport in SeaTac, Washington experienced loss of thrust in both engines after encountering multiple bird strike during its take off and was ditched on the Hudson River roughly eight miles from LaGuardia Airport, New York City, New York about two minutes before the in flight event occurred. All 155 occupants safely evacuated the airplane by the forward and over wing exits and were rescued from nearby watercraft. ... Show more content on ... Damages are visible to the flaps and the right engine while the fuselage looks almost undamaged shown in figure 3. Figure 3: Crane lifts N106US back onto dry ground The right engine was found attached to the wing with fractures and deformation in several locations of the nacelle while the left engine was found eight days after the accident, separated near the initial impact location with the waters (Knezevic). Both engines were sent to the Smithsonian Institution for analysis. Around the time of the incident, they were able to find feather and tissue samples from both engines (shown in figure 4) but wasn t able to discriminate between multiple birds within the same species, sex, and maturity level (National). A more detailed DNA analysis was completed in February 2010 and determined that the left engine contained both male and female Canada geese remains, indicating that the engine ingested at least two geese. The average length can range between 25 to 45 inches while the average weight of a male Canada goose is from 3 to 13 pounds, and the average weight of a female goose is from 3 to 11 pounds (Canada). The Smithsonian Institution report stated that only male Canada goose remains were found in the right engine, suggesting that it might have only ingested one bird; however, a comparison of the physical features ... Get more on ...
  • 35. U.s. Foreign Policy During The Middle East For over the last two decades the Middle East has gradually gathered attention and has come to the forefront of U.S. foreign policy. The focus on this region began primarily after the attacks on the two World Trade Center s in New York City on September 11th, 2001. Iraq was the initial target in the response to the devastating tragedy. This response involved an indefinite occupation with the intention of eliminating weapons of mass destruction , with intelligence under the Bush Administration allegedly confirming their existence. As this undeclared war on Iraq took place, U.S. foreign policy was initiated. It consisted of bringing down an authoritarian regime and establishing democracy within the state of Iraq, along with decimating any potential threats to the U.S. homeland. The major threat lying with terrorist organizations in the region such as Al Qaeda, who were to blame for the 9/11 attacks on U.S. soil. Eventually the deployment of troops into Iraq was left without any particular cause, due to the revelation that Saddam Hussein s regime had no possession of any nuclear weapons. And as U.S. troops struggled to figure out exactly what they were fighting for, an insurgency began to emerge. Is the U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East the cause of insurgency in the region along with the eventual formation of militant groups such as ISIS? The policies carried out by the United States consisted of establishing order and democracy in a state while also preventing any ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Common Sense American History Essay Throughout American history there have been many challenges and successes that have made the Unites States what it is today. Without the role of important figures, long wars, and hard work the country we love might not be where it is at today. Learning about the past of our nation is crucial in order for us to move forward, learn from our mistakes, and continue to the best country in the world. Luckily, because the founders of our nation knew how important it was to hold on to significant documents we have access to read how our nation shifted into what it is today first hand. There are numerous documents available for anyone to study and become more acquainted with our past. Thomas Paine s Common Sense, Boston King s Memoir, and James ... Show more content on ... Regardless of the weaknesses in Paine s article, Common Sense is extremely valuable to scholars and students. For both scholars and students Common Sense allows them to learn exactly what was happening during this time in America. This first hand document allows readers to get a better understanding of where America was at and why they needed independence and why they were capable of earning their independence. This pamphlet allowed scholars to see exactly how America came one step closer to declaring its independence, and it allows students to get a glimpse of the thoughts of a first hand colonist who was going through what they read in their history books. If Thomas Paine never published Common Sense Americans today would not only fail to fully grasp the many aspects as to why colonist wanted independence so bad, but it also might have taken American s many more years before they earned their independence, and it is possible that America may not have ever got its independence. Common Sense was a crucial turn for American s opinion against Britain. It was key factor in pursue colonies to fight for complete independence. So if Common Sense was never written, American s today would be oblivious to how the colonist felt back then. Overall, Paine was successfully in delivering a document that helped America become ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Morality Is A Big Theme Throughout The Book Les Miserables C project Legality versus morality was a big theme throughout the book Les Miserables. Two of the main main characters, Javert and Jean Valjean conflict on that issue many times. Jean Valjean is a man of his morals rather than the law, whereas Javert is strictly about the law, and nothing else. Both of these characters face many legal and moral issues throughout the book. Jean Valjean looks into his morals when he is faced with a dilemma. The first time that this becomes apparent is the beginning of the book, when we learn why he is in jail. Valjean was faced with jail time because his family was struggling and starving and he thought is was morally okay to steal bread for his family even though it was illegal. Valjean stealing the bread even though it was illegal, but because his family needs it his morals say that it is okay for him to do so, showing legality versus morality. Another thing that Valjean does that demonstrate this theme is that when Javert tells Valjean(when he is mayor and going under the name of Madeleine) that someone has been caught under his name. If he decides to do nothing he will then face no legal troubles any more, but because of his morals he decides the right thing to do is to go to the court where this trail is taking place, and say that he is the real Valjean. He think it is immoral to let this man suffer for his actions, so he decides to reveal himself. Javert is the opposite of Valjean, and relies heavily on the legality side. In the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Pros And Cons Of Dystopian Novels Though set in the future, dystopian novels are concerned with the present, indeed. At their heart, they represent the writers attempt to use literature as a vehicle to survey contemporary social and political affairs that, if left unattended, could generate unwanted penalties for people. Dystopian and utopian literature are not to be assumed as diametrical opposites. On the contrary, and as Booker argues, the two are part of the same project, being dystopia the mirror which reflects the darkness of utopian ideals (Booker, 1994: p. 15). Therefore, dystopian fictions, ironically enough, challenge readers to ask how the future human hells they depict have been created in the name of a quest for stability, perfection, and a man made utopia (Sambell, ... Show more content on ... 9), including its vulnerability to human resourcefulness. Others accuse Foucault of disregarding human agency (Lyon, 1994: p 10). Can it be securely assumed that citizens are the mercy of the gaze, as Foucault seems to assume and suggest, or are they capable of create forms of resistance and thus subvert the panopticon? Suzanne Collin s The Hunger Games trilogy is a pressing example in which the panoptic structure dominates the primary aspects of the novels. To the effect of demonstrating how limited are the limits of its panoptic aspects and therefore how its panopticism functions as a metaphor for disciplinary power, two theories will be placed in conversation: Michel Foucault s work on surveillance, namely his Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1995), which draw on aspects of the power of the gaze as an instrument to promote and maintain social order; and Michel de Certeau s The Practice of Everyday Life (1984), whose investigation of the apparently irrelevant maneuvers that people daily resort to navigate power structures acknowledges them as active ... Get more on ...
  • 39. None Clase 4 Distintos costos del capital En la clase anterior, vimos una manera de calcular el costo del capital accionario de una empresa. El CAPM indica efectivamente cual debería ser el rendimiento esperado por una acción específica, dado su nivel de riesgo sistemático. Al conocer el rendimiento esperado de la acción, se puede utilizarlo para determinar el precio justo esperado de la acción y averiguar si actualmente la acción está sobre o subvaluada. En esta clase, veremos como calcular el costo de capital para una empresa apalancada, es decir, una empresa que se financia con deuda y capital accionario. Para ello, veremos primero como calcular el costo de la deuda. Sin embargo, veremos también que el costo de capital de la empresa no ... Show more content on ... Cuando el rating es inferior o igual a BB, las obligaciones se clasifican como instrumentos para la especulación (por oposición a la seguridad que debería proporcionar la deuda). El detalle del rating se puede encontrar en la página de Standard and Poors ( Otra escala que se usa con frecuencia es la escala de Moody s. También existen otras escalas, desarrolladas por otras empresas (este rating es en realidad un producto que comercializan estas empresas). En resumen, vimos que la deuda financiera de las empresas está expuesta al riesgo de mercado. El beta de la deuda es una medición de este riesgo. Si la deuda es más riesgosa, debería rendir algo más que los bonos del Gobierno libres de riesgo, es decir, los inversionistas esperarán una prima por el riesgo adicional que asumen. Dicho de otra forma, e introduciendo la notación que utilizaremos en este curso, si la deuda corporativa es riesgosa, se espera que el costo de la deuda, kd, sea mayor al rendimiento de los bonos 2 libres de riesgo del Gobierno, rf. ¿Cómo calcularemos entonces esta prima por riesgo? ¿Y cómo calcularemos el costo de la deuda, kd? Se puede utilizar el CAPM para calcular el costo de la deuda, kd. Los acreedores piden entonces kd para el dinero que prestan a la empresa. ¿Cómo podemos calcular el costo de la deuda, kd? En la clase anterior, se mencionó que una ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Flat Tax Policy People have said for years that the only two things inevitable in this world are death and taxes. Indeed, any legitimate national government has the power to tax its people in some fashion. It is a complicated issue that experts continue to debate to this day. Higher taxes do not necessarily mean a prosperous economy. In fact, more times than not, high taxes hurt the economy. The United States should implement a flat tax policy that is based on biblical principles, because it is fair for all across the board, because it will increase revenue by discouraging tax evasion, and because the flat tax form is much simpler to understand. Taxation has been an important facet of civilization throughout history. Many rulers have taken advantage of ... Show more content on ... In the Church, each Christian is commanded by God to give ten percent of his income back to the church. In the Old Testament, Moses wrote in Deuteronomy 12:6, And thither ye shall bring your burnt offerings, and your sacrifices, and your tithes. Furthermore, the tithe was based on income. King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 3:9, Honour the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of all thine increase. What made the tithe fair for Christians was the concept of proportionality, or the quality of corresponding in size to something else. In the same way, the flat tax is based on biblical principles because it is based on proportionality and is revenue neutral. As Dr. Ben Carson said, You make $10 billion, you pay a billion, you make ten dollars, you pay one (dollar). (Julia Limitone) The Bible has one interpretation but many applications and mankind can certainly apply the principles of tithing to tax ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Contribution Of Cockroaches The contribution of cockroaches in the ecosystem. What will happen if there were no cockroaches? Cockroaches are one of the ancient species, it begins to be found from the Carboniferous period, about 320 million years ago [1]. It belongs to the group of Blattodea, undering the category of Inseacta. Most of us has seen cockroaches, we often see them hiding inside the dark and humid place in our home, including the kitchen, toilet or the gutter. Every time we see them, we would never be nice to them, killing them as fast as we could, we may ever hope they could become extinct. However, have we thought about the their benefits and contribution to the world? In this essay, the importance of cockroaches will be discussed by focusing their contribution in ... Show more content on ... [Online]. Available: [Accessed November 18, 2016] [2] Henkel of America, What Animals Eat Cockroaches? .[Online]. Available: files/what animals eat cockroaches [Accessed November 18, 2016] [3] MailOnline, Stop stamping on them: The hated cockroach is essential to our planet for converting nitrogen into fertilizer , 2012 [Online] Available: 2163167/Stop stamping The hated cockroach essential planet converting nitrogen fertiliser.html [Accessed November 18, 2016] [4] W.J. Bell, L.M. Roth and C.A. Nalepa., Cockroaches: Ecology, Behavior, and Natural History. The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp.167, 2007. [5] S.Michael, Cellulose digestion in termites and cockroaches: What role do symbionts play? , Volume 103, Issue 4, Pages 775 784, Dec.1992 [6] B.Vlasáková, B.Kalinová, M. H. G. Gustafsson and H.Teichert, Cockroaches as Pollinators of Clusia aff. sellowiana (Clusiaceae) on Inselbergs in French Guiana , US National Library of Medicine, 2008, [Online]. Available: [Accessed November 18, ... Get more on ...