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Beauty Is Only Skin Deep Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic "Beauty Is Only Skin Deep" can be a challenging endeavor, as it
requires delving into complex layers of societal perceptions, individual perspectives, and cultural
influences. The challenge lies not only in presenting a coherent argument but also in navigating
the intricate balance between superficial aesthetics and deeper, intrinsic qualities that define the
concept of beauty.
One must carefully explore the cultural and historical context, as beauty standards have evolved
over time, reflecting the values and norms of different societies. Analyzing the impact of media,
fashion, and social media on shaping contemporary notions of beauty adds another layer of
complexity. Moreover, the essay should delve into the psychological aspects, exploring how
individuals perceive beauty and the psychological effects of societal expectations on self-esteem.
Attempting to provide a nuanced perspective requires addressing the counterarguments that
challenge the idea that beauty is only skin deep. Discussing instances where physical appearance
does play a significant role, such as in certain professions or social interactions, adds depth to the
analysis. Balancing the discussion between the external and internal aspects of beauty while
maintaining a coherent and logical flow poses a formidable challenge.
Moreover, expressing these ideas eloquently and persuasively is crucial for the essay's success.
Striking the right tone, maintaining clarity, and ensuring that the argument is well-supported with
evidence and examples demand careful attention to detail. Additionally, the writer needs to
consider the diverse audience that may have varying perspectives on the topic.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the theme "Beauty Is Only Skin Deep" is a demanding task
that requires a profound understanding of cultural, societal, and psychological factors. Balancing
the exploration of external and internal aspects of beauty while addressing counterarguments
necessitates a thoughtful and meticulous approach. Success in this endeavor depends on the
writer's ability to articulate ideas persuasively and maintain coherence throughout the essay.
For assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, consider exploring the
services available at, where expert writers can provide valuable support
tailored to your requirements.
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep Essay Beauty Is Only Skin Deep Essay
Monty Python And The Holy Grail 1975 Directed By Terry...
The infamous British film known as Monty Python and the Holy Grail 1975
directed by Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, was considered a cult classic among the
comedy genre. But what made it so significant among other films during that era,
and why is does it still stand the test of time? Classical films were originally
considered more than just another form of entertainment. This form of media
allowed artist to visually express their personal views through the big screen. Some
film makers tend to lean more on either the avant garde or political side of cinema to
tell their story. Being able to utilize film techniques in the most sophisticated ways to
tell a narrative is a challenge, but aesthetics are cognitively powerful within this art
form.... Show more content on ...
It is a reaction to the concept of modernism; a style or movement in the arts that
aims to depart significantly from classical and traditional forms in the early 20th
century. Postmodern lacks a precise definition, but share many aspects of
modernism. They are fueled by post industrialization, and driven by late capitalism.
However, there are a few distinctions that make it quite deliberate from its
predecessor. According to Fredric Jameson s theory, the experience of an art is
mediated by technology and/or capitalism so we no longer experience things as
natural (Jameson 64). In other words there are effects that create this erosion of high
culture and low culture. In addition of devaluing historical contexts, while lacking an
ideology because the focus on a surface image of the art. Furthermore, it refocuses on
the individual rather than the singular subject. The basic concept of postmodernism
is the refusal to think historically, and disdain for the thought of underlying reality as
actuality. Overall postmodernism is broad, but very retrospective in terms of content,
form and style within cinema. It is all about recycling materials in order to reproduce
for the interest of the individual being rather than a singularity subject. On the other
hand, Monty Python and the Holy Grail style and form are what separate itself from
the masses of classical cinema, whether artistic or mainstream. The writers, producers
and directors of this film were developed
Nsa, The National Security Agency Of The United States
Decades of misinterpretation, secrets as well as a not clarified actions involving
mainly the use of data collection, leaded the NSA, the National Security Agency of
United States of America whose was founded in 1952 for the former United States
President Harry S. Truman, one of the greatest questions marks in America s society
at 21st Century. However, limitless efforts made against national and foreign terrorist
plots, cyber technology alongside of security advances, noticeable actions also a huge
support from the government, created a notable and extensive mixture of feeling
towards NSA within its purpose to protect the United States of America. Throughout
this research, an examination of privacyand security issues regarding the NSA is
made; are people really having a legitimate reason for complying? What really
matters for NSA? Intelligence, systems and tools, are privacy issues the real NSA
concern? What is really being traded off? Is NSA a helpful asset for the nation?
Amendments, bill of rights, the gap that allows space for doubt, as well the
incredible acceptance in some areas. Questions and points to be explained
throughout the research and opinions from the same of those who have daily
questions about what is really being done For the Good of the Nation (NSA home).
Security and privacy, distinctive subjects of priority in a human being life. Privacy,
the all time, basic and fundamental ability of being free of public attention; the reason
of the existence and
A Brief Biography of Vincent Van Gogh
When most people think of Vincent van Gogh, they think of an artist with mental
health issues who cut off his own ear. Some stop at that, but others then progress to
think of his Starry Night painting. Van Gogh is well known for not becoming
famous until after his death. In fact, he sold but one painting during his life, and
that was mostly thanks to his brother, Theo. Today, his paintings are some of the
most sought after and expensive works ever to be auctioned. However, though
most modern art appreciators celebrate his paintings, his life, and are well informed
about him, the rest of the world sits by and merely acknowledges him as a talented
artist gone awry. It is not wrong to look at a painting and try to figure out what the
artist was thinking when they made it, but it is a shame to not also try to understand
what led them to that point. Why did they produce it in the first place? This is
especially the case with Vincent van Gogh, whose whole life from birth to death
must be examined. Theodorus van Gogh and Anna Cornelia Carbentus successfully
bore their first child on March 30, 1853. Both believed in having a large family
and strived for normality and high social status, which proved to be problematic
when little Vincent showed early signs of aloofness and strange habits. Though he
was especially close with his brother, Theo, growing up, Vincent never really seeked
company. For the most part, his childhood was fairly happy, full of routine Bible
lessons from his
Culture, Leadership and Staffing at Xerox
Culture, Leadership and Staffing at Xerox
After much reorganization and movement of leadership, Anne Mulcahy took over
the helm of Xerox. Anne was a popular 24 year Xerox veteran promoted to
president and chief operating officer when her predecessor Thoman was fired. Anne
was a straight talker. She was very decisive in her decision making and took
responsibility when she made an error. So much so that analysts were astonished
Anne when conceded that Xerox had an unsustainable business model. However,
Mulcahy later backed away from this statement, saying that she meant only that the
company needed to cut operating costs and redirect investment from money losing to
high margin businesses.
Bloomberg magazine report ... Show more content on ...
The Brazilian subsidiary, long the company s largest source of profit outside the
U.S., was reeling from colossal currency translation losses and soaring interest rates.
In North America, productivity was deteriorating as the sales force braced for the
reorganization scheduled to begin in January.
All the while, Xerox strengthened its core business by maintaining an organization
wide focus on innovation. Even with all of the cost cutting we did, we didn t take a
dollar out of research and development, Mulcahy said.
Xerox hit a record high of nearly $64 a share in May, 1999, just three weeks after
Thoman replaced Allaire as CEO. Today, the stock trades around $7, a few dollars
above the price at which it listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1961. The
evisceration of $38 billion in shareholder wealth already qualifies Xerox as a
corporate catastrophe of the first order. And the company s woes are not over yet not
by a long shot.
Xerox posted a loss of $198 million over the last three months of 2000, the largest
quarterly loss in a decade. By even the most optimistic forecast (its own), the
company will not edge back into the black until the second half of this year, at the
earliest. With $2.6 billion in debt coming due this year and a $7 billion bank loan
looming in 2002, Xerox is cutting spending, firing workers, and trying to raise as
much as $4 billion by selling off assets.
Insurance Agent Turnover
In any company or organization, there will always be a time of turnover. Turnover
can be high or low with many contributing factors. Onboarding programs are
effective ways of hiring good and productive employees. Onboarding programs
help employees to integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs by making them
familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culure, and politics by clarifying work
role expectations and responsibilities (Kinicki, A., Fugate, M., 2016, pg. 65). I
could not agree more than personality testing is very important in the
preemployment process. However with hiring you always running the risk of hiring
good employees and bad employees. Turnover has pros and cons. Losing low
performing person is always a... Show more content on ...
James 4: 10 (NKJV) Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.
The ability to be humble is a strength that everyone do not have. To some individuals,
always being humble is weak. However as stated in out video presentation, Every
strength is weakness on the other side of the coin (Kinicki Fugate, 2017). References
Presentation: Lesson 2 Individual Behavior in the Organization. (n.d.). Retrieved
March 29, 2017, from
/listContent.jsp?course_id=_339117_1 content_id=_16408684_1 Kinicki, A., Fugate,
M. (2016). Organizational behavior: A practical, problem solving approach plus
Connect. McGraw Hill NKJV Bible Landis, E. A., Vick, C. L., Novo, B. N. (2015).
Employee attitudes and job satisfaction. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and
Ethics, 12(5), 37 42. Retrieved from
Reply Quote Mark as
The Gladiator Trailer Essay
In the summer of 2000 a box office hit was released. Gladiator was a brilliant action
film set in Ancient Rome, which appealed to over 15s from both genders. The film
was hugely successful and raked in over $190,000,000 in the U.S box office and
$434,000,000 worldwide. However the film wouldn t have been nearly as
successful as it was without the help of an exciting and gripping trailer to appeal to
the target audience. Trailers are very important in the film industry because it s the
one chance film makers have to attract their target audience. They try to choose clips
which will appeal to their target audience and also makes the film makers trailer
more distinctive by including unique selling points (USPs). In this essay I m... Show
more content on ...
Some examples are white sand on the coliseum floor, gold and brown coliseum
walls, and red rose petals falling around Maximus. Without this use of colour change
the audience would find it more difficult to tell that the hero experienced a radical
journey from a general to a slave to a gladiator, then a hero. As the trailer begins,
slow images combined with Written Words are used to give the target audience time
to familiarise themselves with the story of Maximus. For example the first few shots
are of Russell Crowe as a general, then a slave, then a gladiator. This makes it clear
to the audience who the main character is and helps to set the scene. Then the
images start to become faster and more exciting. This is achieved by using rapid
cuts which increases the viewer s excitement. For example the viewer now sees
images of sword fights, fierce tigers and overturned chariots. A shot of a chariot
overturning and the image of a horse jumping through flames have also been
included, but slowed down because they are exciting stunts and the director doesn t
want the audience to miss them. Also by encapsulating a shot of Commodus
screaming at his sister the audience can tell that the film will be dramatic. By making
the scenes faster and more violent, the director has gripped the audience so they will
go and see the film. Another important element of the trailer is the sound. Throughout
the trailer tense, exciting music is played to draw the
Why Is Roald Dahl The Best Essay
Have you ever wondered who and what makes a good author? Well I think Roald
Dahl is the best, and I think he is the best because Roald Dahl has made so many
good books that were turned into movies like for example, Matilda, Charlie and the
chocolate factory and The BFG.So it must be easy or brilliant enough to be turned
into a very good movie to watch.Roald Dahlhas written so many books in his
lifetime. Roald Dahl was not just an author he was also a spy, an ace fighter pilot,
a chocolate historian and a medical inventor.In this following essay there will be
three acceptable reasons of why he is the best author. The first reason of why he is
the best is because Roald Dahl puts an image into our heads without the illustrations
he just describes it really well with just words. Like for example he put Imagery
when Mr.Wonka was describing the vermicious knids in Charlie and the great glass
elevator. The way he said it was like this The vermicious Knid can turn itself into
any shape it wants. It has no bones. Their body is really one huge muscle,
enormously strong but it can just as easily give itself two legs like a human. I think
it is a very good explanation of a vermicious knid and it actually seems kind of
creepy. In Matilda when Hortensia was describing Ms.Trunchbull I think Roald Dahl
had made a pretty clear explanation when he was making Hortensia describe how
terrible Ms. Trunchbull. She said, She hates every small children. She therefore
loathes the bottom... Show more content on ...
He always has creative and imaginative ideas that are unusual, unique and hilarious.
I also like the illustrator for the drawing, it always matches the book and it also
looks really good combined. Maybe Roald Dahl inspired you to start writing your
own stories. Maybe when you write your own stories there might be,backward
words, great and funny characters or maybe you might have literary devices. So Who
do you think is the best author in your
Young Girl Named Scout By Harper Lee
In the past, it has been evident that the population of the Southern states had been
composed of many different social classes, particularly in the 1930s. In her novel,
To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee clearly depicts these social classes and illustrates
how diverse they make the population of Maycomb, a fictional town where the story
takes place. The main character, a young girlnamed Scout, does not fully understand
the concept of these different social classes and often fails to recognize which one
she belongs to. As the story progresses, it becomes known to the reader that Scout is
part of the highest social classin Maycomb. However, because of the conditions she
is raised in, she does not fit in with a certain group of women that this class is mainly
composed of: the Southern belles. Throughout the story, it is evident that some
Maycomb women possess the traits of a Southern Belle persona, such as while Scout
does not, due to the fact that she grows up without a mother.
The term Southern belle refers to a wealthy but well mannered young woman, often
characterized by her chaste demeanor and submissive attitude, who tries to reach
perfection in almost every aspect of her life. Some of the most important elements to
being a Southern belle include grace, manners, breeding, etiquette, and demure
behavior. A Southern belle should always be polite and gentle to the people around
her and have the capability to make them feel at ease with her friendliness and
Impressionism as a Avant-garde Movement
This essay analyses the aesthetic and ideological underpinnings of the Modernist
artwork, Impression, Sunrise of Claude Monet. The artwork and Impressionism is
considered to be a visual articulation of the avant garde and the latter statement is
explained. References to the writings of Charles Harrison, Clement Greenberg and
Wilhelm Worringer is used to theorise the aesthetics of modernity.
Modernism is the heartbeat of culture, or as Clement Greenberg (1992:754) states,
modernism involves of what is truly alive in our culture and it includes more than
just art and literature. Western civilization began to interrogate their foundations and
progressed into a self critical society (Greenberg 1992:754). This notion began with
the theories of the philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724 1804); he criticized the means
itself of criticism (Greenberg 1992:754). Therefore, Greenberg (1992:754) perceived
Kant as the first real Modernist.
An avant garde or modern movement is a movement that is experimental, artists push
boundaries, are committed to change and are brave. Impressionism slots in perfectly
to the definition of avant garde. The Impressionists took the first steps into
modernism as a self critical movement (Greenberg 1992:755). To a modern
understanding, the Impressionist paintings are among the most instantly enjoyable
works of art (Thomas 1987:9).
The first Modernist paintings were produced by Edouard Manet (Greenberg
Ethics And Intellectual Property Of Intellectual Properties
Ethics and Intellectual Property When discussing a creation or idea, the creator of
such concept must be rewarded. This must be the case for any situation. For most
cases this is true, but because the ownership of such properties bring financial
benefits, and or settlements, regulations will continue to challenge what is right or
wrong when dealing with intellectual property. This is accurate for many industries,
field, and markets. The owner ship of intellectual properties can take a creation or idea
worldwide, the profits from such invention can be endless. This concept is what will
push a persons or organizational ethical principles to its limits. With that in mind,
such characters will do whatever it takes to gain rights to intellectual property.
Another very important opinion for this subject is how long must the duration of
intellectual properties last? The longer the patentee holds on to the idea, the more
they will benefit. This is where such believes creates issues for its particular market.
Many individuals and organizations find that such believes are unethical. Many
believe that creations or inventions must be shared with everyone. Such groups want
ideas and creation to be enjoyed by everyone, a public domain (Lau Johnson, 2014).
There are many parties that stand firm behind this idea, especially when dealing with
items or inventions that can benefit or help the people. An example of such
inventions or ideas are the creations of new medicines or medications.
Iran, The Islamic Republic Of Iran
Iran, known as Persia until 1935, became an Islamic republic in 1979 after the ruling
shah was driven out by a widespread revolution. Also known as the Islamic Republic
of Iran, it borders the Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf, the Caspian Sea, and is located
between Iraq and Pakistan. It also shares borders with Afghanistan, Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Turkmenistan. Iranis roughly 1,648,195 square feet, the
eighteenth largest country in the world with a population size of 82,801,633. It is
governed as a theocratic republic, which is their legal system based on Islamic
law. The judiciary system of Iran follows some aspects of Sharia law, but is also
mixed with civil law that is authorized and overseen by Parliament. Alongside
Parliament is their president, Hassan Ruhani, who has held office since August
2013, however; the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is at the very top of
Iran s configuration of power. Khamenei controls Iran s domestic and foreign
policies, serves as commander in chief of their armed forces, and directs the
republic s intelligence and security operations. Iran s economy is characterized by
its reliance on oil and gasoline exports. Their Gross National Income is 1.209 trillion
per capita (PPP). Petroleum, natural gas, coal, chromium, and copper are some of
their largest natural resources and their biggest export is petroleum (80%) to China,
India, Turkey, and Japan. Industrial supplies, capital goods, and technical services
from the UAE, China,
How Did Benito Mussolini Gain Power
The following critical review of the factors that brought Benito Mussolini to power
will look at fascism and how Mussolini came to gain political power. This review
will present both aspects of how historians have reacted to various hypotheses about
fascism and Mussolini gaining power, positive reviews that support different
theories and others who oppose certain ideas. The main finding was that Mussolini s
rise to power owes more to the failures of others than to his own strengths. In 1922,
the King of Italy invited Benito Mussolini into government to be Prime Minister.
This was the result of numerous factors, such as Mussolini s charismatic personality,
his way of handling events, favorable circumstances, his ability to detect and use
possibilities. Primarily the weaknesses of his opponents allowed for... Show more
content on ...
Several theories have been explained above from various historians about how
Mussolini gained power. Mussolini was able to gain political power through a
series of mistakes and luck. Mussolini started out working in the newspaper
industry, which allowed him to voice his opinions and learn to gauge what the
people wanted. He was an expert at gauging what the people wanted, and was able
to successfully give them what they wanted to hear for many years. As Dr.
Cavaliere claimed, Mussolini had his finger on the pulse of Italy . He was also
able to appeal to returning soldiers, from World War One, who were unemployed
after the war and felt left behind by Italian society. They were the ideal basis for a
paramilitary force, Mussolini s militant wing used to fight the red menace then later
used to promote the part and intimate or punish others. They had the equipment, had
been trained to fight in the Great War, were disciplined soldiers and loyal to
whoever could restore Italian to the way it was before the disastrous
Andrei Rublev Influence On Christianity
Budapest Metropolitan University
Class: History of Arts
Supervisor: Mr Andras Szilagyi
Author: Temur Magradze
Orthodox Christianity, Byzantine art, Russian orthodoxy, Iconography, Old Testament.
This essay observes the life and art of Andrei Rublev, the most famous Russian
iconographer, who is canonized as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church. Since
Rublev is considered to be one of the most influential iconographers from orthodox
world, it is also important to observe and analyze his most famous work. This work
is the icon Trinity , which is also considered to be one of the highest achievements in
Russian art. In this essay I will analyze this specific icon s ... Show more content on ...
As mentioned before, Rublev s art is influenced by Byzantine and Greek art, and one
of the main reasons for this was Theophanes the Greek, a famous iconographer who
came to Russia at the end of 14th century. The relationship between Theophanes and
his pupil Rublev was enigmatic, he invited Rublev and to work with him on the
Annunciation Cathedral. Rublev later instigated his own style of painting. The
reason for this was the appearance of Hesychast trend, which was not approved by
Hellenic, humanist believers, while Russians had no problem in understanding and
following the Hesychast, and practically that was the point of the creation of Andrei
Rublev s
Cleft Palate Research Paper
A cleft lip is an opening or split in the upper lip that occurs when developing facial
structures in an unborn baby that doesn t close completely.
A baby with a cleft lip may also experience a cleft in the roof of the mouth (cleft
Less commonly, a cleft occurs only in the muscles of the soft palate (submucuous
palate), which are at the back of the mouth and covered by the mouth s lining. This
type of cleft often often goes unnoticed at birth and may not be diagnosed until later
when signs develop.
Usually, a split (cleft) in the lip or palate is immediately identifiable at birth. Cleft
lip and cleft palate appear as:
A split (cleft) in the lip and the roof of the mouth (palate) that can affect both or one
sides of the mouth.
A split in the lip ... Show more content on ...
Nasal speaking voice
Chronic ear infections
Cleft lip and cleft palate occurs when tissues in the baby s face and mouth don t fuse
properly. Normally, the tissues that make up the lip and palate fuse together in the
second and third months of pregnancy. But in babies with cleft lip and cleft palate,
the fusion never takes place or occurs only part way, leaving an opening (cleft).
Most scientists believe clefts are due to a combination of genetic and environmental
factors. There appears to be a greater chance of clefting in a newborn id a sibling,
parent or relatives has had the problem.
Another potential cause may be related to a medication a mother may have taken
during the pregnancy. Some drugs may cause cleft lip and cleft palate. Among them:
anti seizure/anticonvulsant drugs, acne drugs containing accutane, and methotrexate,
a drug commonly used for treating cancer, arthritis, and psoriasis.
Cleft lip and cleft palate may also occur as a result of exposure to viruses and
chemicals while the fetus is developing in the womb.
In other situations, cleft lip and cleft palate may be part of another
Black Star Uncanny Effect
The never ending universe is full of surprises. It is home to many galaxies with
planets and stars of various size. Among all those galaxies there was one galaxy
called the Evil Eye Galaxy, which is home to Planet X. In fact, billion years ago this
planet was only a sphere going through the galaxy when one day it got caught in the
gravitational field of the Black Star. The Black Star rays had some uncanny effects on
the inhabitants of Planet X.
The inhabitants of this planet are called the Zords. They were nocturnal creatures
who survived by consuming the energy emitted from Planet X. However, the moment
the planet went into orbit around the black Star, things started to change. The Zords
got divided into two groups. The first one stayed on the surface of the planet
surviving by consuming the energy emitted from the Black Star. On the other hand,
the second group crawled underneath the surface surviving through the energy
emitted by the planet.
The ones who stayed on the surface evolved at a fast pace. In 3 years of exposure to
the Black Star, the ... Show more content on ...
The Grays started to emit energy stronger that the one emitted by the core of Planet
X. Seeing that the energy on the surface of Planet X is high, the Nocturnus crawled
into the surface consuming the Grays. The more energy they consume the more
powerful they get. In addition, some of the Nocturnus developed into a stronger
species called Dwellers. The Dwellers were smart and stronger than the Nocturnus.
Therefore, they started to control them.
Three of the Dwellers called the Three Guardian found in some manuscripts that the
Seven Kings protected the Nocturnus and didn t want to kill them. As a result, they
gathered the last Grays and protected them inside a Dome and they covered the
energy emitted by the Grays. Sadly, this didn t last for a long time. At some point,
the Dwellers found the dome because the two Guardians died from using too much of
their power to hide the
Animals In Captivity Analysis
In this set of materials, the reading passage claims that animals in captivity will
benefit and provides three reasons of support. Nevertheless, the professor opposes
the text book and says that they are serious problems to keep animals in zoos and
animals parks. Also, he refutes each of the author s reasons. First of all, the reading
passage avers that animals would obtain the health and psychological treatment in
captivity, which will improve their health. While, the professor counters this point
and explains that even though animals receive care from professionals in zoos,
animals live in limited space, which leads to psychological stress. Moreover, he points
out that some animals perform unexpected behavior and attack visitors, which
D-Day History
D DAY June 6th, 1944, allies invaded normandy (western europe) against the nazi
party. The battle lasted till august and had some 156,000 men fighting.(D Day D Day has been the largest amphibious assault in history, with
extensive planning and preparation, american and canadian forces battled on the
coast of normandy, a 50 mile long beach. The beach of normandy was heavily
fortified, for hitler had no idea where forces would attack. A grand total of 2,500
miles of atlantic wall containing bunkers, landmines, beach, and water obstacles. In
the months and weeks before D Day, the Allies carried out a massive deception
operation intended to make the Germans think the main invasion target was Pas de
Calais. (D Day
Meursault Critical Thinking
Meursault is psychologically detached from the world around him. Things that
would seem to be very significant for most people, such as a marriage or a parent s
death, do not matter to him. He shot a guy 4 times even though the guy had died
after one shot. Even though he killed a guy for no reason, I do not think Meursault
deserved to be executed. Instead I believe he needs help with his thinking and
emotions because his mindset thinks that killing someone doesn t matter due to the
fact that everyone dies.
Meursault believes that because every human eventually dies, nothing anybody does
really matters. This way of thinking is a problem because it can lead to him make
bad choices that get him into a lot of trouble. An example of this would ... Show more
content on ...
on page 63 it said they wanted to know if I had hired an attorney. I admitted I hadn t
and inquired whether it was really necessary to have one .why do you ask? He said. I
said I thought my case was very simple. This shows that he really doesn t have a
sense or morality because he doesn t seem to care about whether or not he has an
Do to the murder committed by Meursault, with motive it demonstrates that he has
no sympathy toward the consequences of his actions, because of the fact that he
needs psychological help. An example that demonstrates that Meursault has no
concern for the consequences would be when he chose to execute the person on the
shoreline and instead of fleeing like every other person he decided to hang out in the
same area he slaughtered the person because he didn t care that he killed the
guy,because he thinks it doesn t matter due to the fact everyone dies at on point
which is a twisted way to think.
Although Meursault is psychologically detached from the world around him, he
does not deserved to be executed for his crime. Due to the way he thinks it ends up
leading him making bad
Assignment Brief Unit 9 Creative Product Promotion 1
Assignment Brief Title: Creative product promotion
Date set : 23TH April 2015
Handing Dates : 30 TH JUNE 2015
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this unit a learner should:
1. Know the constituents of the promotional mix
2. Understand the role of promotion within the marketing mix
3. Understand the role of advertising agencies and the media
4. Be able to create a simple promotional campaign.
Assignment 1 The Role of Promotion
Assignment ONE is based on the General Motors field trip on the 30th day of April
2015. Ensure you make specific reference to the information obtained during the field
trip. ... Show more content on ...
Justify whether you think it has helped the organization to achieve its marketing
Evaluate the overall success of this marketing campaign and justify the use of the
promotional methods
Assignment 2 Advertising Agencies
Business organizations often use professionals from specialist agencies to help them
produce an effective campaign that will achieve the promotional objectives. A good
campaign must also use the right media. You should analyze the contribution of
professional advertising agencies and the use of different media in the development
of a successful promotional campaign.
Task 1 Prepare a power point presentation in groups of three
[P3, M2] Due on the 9TH June, 2015
P3 explain the role of advertising agencies in the development of a successful
promotional campaign
M2 explain the advantages and disadvantages of using professional agencies in
ensuring promotional success
Advertising agencies can be costly, but can also offer great benefits to the success of
a marketing campaign. Discuss their role and the services that they can provide in the
development of a promotional campaign
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using professional agencies to ensure
success in a campaign
Task 2 [P4] Due on the 16th June, 2015
P4 explain the reasons behind the choice of media in a successful promotional
campaign Prepare a colorful leaflet, using
Comparing Doaism and Mahayana Buddhism
When it comes to comparing Doaism and Mahayana Buddhism very few similarities
exist. Although both religions are practice based, opposed to religions based on faith,
the ultimate goal of each religion are vastly different. In Daoism it is believed that
the spirit is eternal after death while In Mahayana Buddhismwe see that there is an
end to the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. However, there is one similarity in both
that is incredibly important to the practice of both religions. This similarity is the
concept of emptiness. By observing the proper practices of Bodhisatvvas in
Buddhism and the ideal ruler in Daoism we can see how both religions have a very
similar view on the importance of emptiness, and also how they differ. In the Daoist
text the TaoTeh Ching, there is mention of the idea of an empty bowl. This concept
is very important and can be applied to many aspects of Daoist practice. When
thinking of a bowl we understand it as something that is to be filled. However, as
it is referred to in the Tao Teh Ching it is the empty space inside the bowl that gives
it purpose. Metaphorically the bowl is a representation of our mind. If we fill our
mind and in turn close it off to any new understanding we our limiting our potential.
One of the most important concepts in Daoism is Wei Wu Wei
, or, action without
action. Like water bending and moving through a stream it is believed that people
should act accordingly to nature not challenging or trying to act
I Am Owned By Three Dogs
As I like to say, I am owned by three dogs. Anybody who has dogs, knows people
who have dogs, has ever seen a dog, or even is aware that dogs exist, knows that
dogs like to bark. Some dogs naturally bark more than others, but I do believe I
have three of the barkiest dogs on this planet. (Is barkiest even a word? If not, it is
now, because that s what I have). My dogs like to bark whenever anybody comes
into the house, whether they are family or not. They bark when company goes out
the door. My dogs like to bark at neighbors walking down the sidewalk, and if those
neighbors are walking their dogs, they bark even louder! My dogs like to bark at
small critters in the yard, when the neighbor slams a car door shut, and when the
washing machine back in my laundry room brakes after the spin cycle. In effect, they
think they must bark all the time. All this barking dognoise becomes quite stressful.
When my poor husband comes home from work, all the dogs come to greet him,
and Twix (a beagle/sheltie cross) is the worst of all. Being part beagle, she is quite
vocal by nature. She gets so excited whenever family comes home that she goes on
a five minute barking spree. She was trained by her previous owner, my daughter in
law, to respond to a quiet command but it s usually ineffective. She knows she s
supposed to shut up, but she just can t control her excitement. The other two dogs
also understand the word quiet but they don t listen either. Martha is an anxious dog
The Pros And Cons Of An Indigenous Dog Breed
It is normal perception that our indigenous dog breed is just not capable with
regards to being a piece of the bomb disposal squad in the security powers. But the
Central Reserve Police Force or CRPF jawans in Kondagaon range of Chhattisgarh s
Bastar have turned out to be off base. As an examination, the CRPF 188 unit camp
has prepared two indigenous puppies Gullu and Rocky to identify bombs.
The camp had a Belgian Shepherd and a German Shepherd in their puppy squad who
went with their groups for street opening and hunt operation in the Naxal plagued
wildernesses in the Bastar district where Naxals all the time plant explosives
focusing on security powers. But the dogs got harmed and the jawans had no dogs
to recognize explosives for the following day. So the puppy handlers of the camp
prepared Gullu and Rocky. While they have turned out to be a viable contrasting
option to the outside puppies in the squad, preparing them was a tough assignment. ...
Show more content on ...
They are moderate learners. They aren t ready to coordinate their remote partners as
their noticing limit is less. Yet, in the wake of preparing they are compelling on the
Indigenous dogs may not be drafted in the powers as of now, but rather are
compelling go down to distinguish explosives in the Naxal locale. The Indian dogs
in some ways likewise have an edge over remote breed mutts as they adjust better to
the atmosphere and are low
Amazon s First Brick And Mortar Store
Figure 2.1 Marketing mix
Nick Wingfield writes that Amazon can improve physical retail through their data
centric approach to online retailing (Alter, A. and Wingfield, N., 2016). Amazon s
first brick and mortar store differs from traditional independent bookstores. Amazon
has forsaken the charm of a funky used bookstore in favour of a clean...well lit and
corporate atmosphere (Alter, A. and Wingfield, N., 2016). The store is small and
has a limited selection of 5,000 books, a tiny percentage of what most independent
booksellers would carry (Vuong, 2016). All titles are face out (rather than spine out)
and each carries a review card with the customer rating and a review
(Amazon, 2016).
There is debate over ... Show more content on ...
Traditional brick and mortar bookstores refuse to stock titles published by Amazon
(Vuong, 2016). Placement in a physical store increases a title s visibility, attracting
more customers. Amazon is unable to offer this benefit. By opening its own stores,
Amazon can promote titles published by CreateSpace and generate revenue for its
authors, thereby attracting bigger name authors to their platforms (Elgan, 2016).
In the past, Amazon has encouraged customers to use brick and mortar bookstores as
showrooms physical locations where you interact with a product before buying it at Industry insiders now speculate that Amazon s physical stores are
intended as showrooms for Amazon s other products, particularly their technology.
Electronics...are the nucleus of the store (Alter, A. and Wingfield, N., 2016), and the
stores provide a way for Amazon to introduce their technology to the public: Techies
might be comfortable buying a device like the Echo online...but a lot of people will
want to see it in the flesh first (Alter, A. and Wingfield, N., 2016). Amazon can
promote their entire range through a brick and mortar bookstore, generating an
increased market share for their other products.
2.3 Place
The placement of Amazon brick and mortar stores allows them to target a specific
market. Amazon s existing store in Seattle and their planned second store in San
Diego are placed near major universities, indicating that Amazon is targeting
Equal Employment Opportunities In The US
Equal Employment Opportunities are a huge deal and there are many important
milestones the US has taken to get where we are today. Even though the working
industry is not perfect and there are still problems, the EEOC(Equal Employment
Opportunities Commission) was created and helps to prevent discrimination in
employment. The EEOC was created by congress in 1964. It was passed after the
Civil Rights Act in 1964. This was written and states that discriminationin
employment based on color, national origin, race, religion, and sex is not allowed.
Almost immediately after this was issued as the law, the EEOC received thousands of
complaints more than expected. It s crazy to think so much discrimination in the
workplace happens but the facts are
How The British Invasion Changed American Culture
The appearance of British rock groups in America changed our culture massively. The
original Beatles invasion opened the floodgates, and provided a boost for other
cultural exports such as films, art and television. British Invasion acts influenced
fashion, haircuts and other manners of culture in the 1960s. It became known as the
counter culture because the groups gave the young rebels of the 60s something to
relate to and thus influenced what defined a cultural rebel.
The success of British acts time lead American garage rock bands to change their
sound and style to match. The most famous example of this was the Monkees; an
American made carbon copy of the Beatles that were formed simply to capitalize off
the British Invasion ... Show more content on ...
(One thing that Americans used to avoid the depressing times was to use illegal
drugs, but that will be elaborated on later.) This is what it was all about; sure it was
about the music, but it brought more, it brought a way of life across the ocean.
A lot of the invasion stayed in that generation, many bands and songs that were big
then are all but totally forgotten about now. Bands such as the Searchers, the
Swinging Blue Jeans, and Gerry and the Pacemakers all had one or two great hits
which stayed in that time. This however, was part of the beauty of it all. Some of
the music stayed with us thirty years later, and that s great, it gives us a good
sampling of the time. On the other hand, you have the music that was meant for the
era, and not for future generations. That is part of the uniqueness of it all, and Lester
Bangs says it best when he tells how it doesn t matter that the music isn t listened to
anymore, that s not what it was for. It was for the time, it was a timepiece .
On the other hand, we have the bands that were not simply timepieces and were able
to stick around three decades later. These bands are the Who, the Kinks, the Rolling
Stones and the Beatles. This is another aspect of why the invasion was so influential.
Where would we be in rock and roll with out the Beatles, and on a slightly
The Economic And Monetary Union ( Emu ) And The
Future Of...
The debt crisis, explained above, in several member states of the euro area has
contributed in raising doubts about the viability of European Economic and Monetary
Union(EMU) and the future of the euro.
While the launch of the euro in 1999 created a considerable enthusiasm toward
regional monetary integration and even monetary unification in different parts of the
world, the present emergency had the inverse impact, actually raising desires of a
separation of the euro region. The emergency has shown the issues and pressures that
will inescapably emerge inside a fiscal union when uneven characters develop and get
to be unsustainable. The reason for the European emergency will be further ... Show
more content on ...
The nation has then ended up unable to get or even move over existing obligation
except at prohibitively high investment rate.
The divulgence of the genuine Greek monetary circumstance raised genuine
questions about the nation s capability to meet its obligations. The following rating
downsizes and steadily climbing premium rates prompted a deterioration of Greece s
right to gain entrance to capital markets that made it significantly more troublesome
and in the end incomprehensible for the legislature to refinance itself, creating a
down spiral for the Greek economy. So by then, the Government needed to speak to
its fellow members of the European Union and IMF for bailout. The bailout, then
again, failed to restore market trust in the Greek economy. In addition, it failed to end
the contagion of the crisis to other nations of the euro area.
Specifically, the Greek crisis and the hesitant political reaction from the other
European nations raised concerns over the debt circumstance and the structural and
competitiveness issues of the financially weaker periphery member nations of the
euro area, named PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain). As an outcome,
the borrowing costs for the PIIGS expanded fundamentally and the expense of
guaranteeing sovereign
Criminal Law
Criminal Law
Jordan Miller
CJA 354
September 24, 2012
Kristin Mildenberger
Criminal Law
Former Chief Justice and President of the United States from 1909 to 1913, William
Howard Taft once stated Presidents come and go, but the Supreme Court goes on
forever. That statement currently remains to hold true. The first Supreme Court was
called to assemble on February 1, 1790, at which time the powers and duties of the
Supreme Court were established. The United States Supreme Court currently has one
Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices and is the highest judicial body in the
United States.
In the 2009 case of the Supreme Court vs. Joel Tenenbaum, the Recording Industry
Association of America (RIAA) sued former Boston University ... Show more content
on ...
The definition of criminal liability is when one does not commit an act of crime
intentionally, but the actions he or she takes result in a crime. An instance of
criminal liability would be if an individual takes medication that makes him or her
drowsy and that person operates large machinery and hurts or kills someone. He or
she did not plan to hurt anyone but were negligent on the actions taken (Lippman,
Accomplice liability means that under criminal law, any individual may be held
responsible for a crime if he or she intentionally abets, encourages, solicits, advises or
procures the commission of the crime by physical conduct or psychological influence.
Generally, a failure to prevent another from committing a crime will not trigger
accomplice liability. However, that omission could be a factor in determining whether
psychological influences such as actus reus (guilty act) and mens rea (guilty mind) of
accomplice liability existed in the commission of a crime. The requirement of actus
reus accomplice liability involves even the smallest amount of psychological
assistance to the perpetrator of a crime, whereas mens rea involves showing ones
intent to assist in the commission of a crime (Lippman, 2010).
Actus Reus, Mens Rea, and Concurrence
United States law states that elements of a crime are facts that must be proven for the
successful conviction of an individual charged with a
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The
English Language Learners There are many English Language Learners who may
be at a higher disadvantage because they are learning English as a second language.
Being introduced to any language is a challenging task for all small children;
consequently, students who cannot communicate with any school staff members are
often left behind. Due to the variety of languages in a school setting it would be
difficult to have a dual immersion program set in place. However, in Kern County,
there are many small towns whose population is primarily Spanish speaking. These
town s students are faced with many difficulties as they try to adjust and transition to
English because a lot of their parents do not speak English themselves. Schools with a
high population of Spanish speaking students should offer a dual immersion program
because it will provide their students the necessary tools to become proficient English
Many times, school faculty may feel that incorporating a dual immersion program
may be confusing for students. They feel that their primary goal should be to learn
English and there should be no distractions. In the past, due to these conflicting ideas,
Most schools did away their long term bilingual programs, even though, prop 227
didn t actually outlaw learning in a foreign language (Mongeau, 2016). Students
would benefit from learning two languages because they may need to follow
instruction in their first language to understand the
Quistions On Academic Research Case
Quistions on Academic Research Case
The need for an Internal Auditor Report to External Stakeholders to Improve
Governance Transparency
Naimah AlBaharnah
Prof. Liotta, Joseph P
AC629, Contemporary Issues In Auditing
June 19, 2014
What is the issue being addressed in the paper? 

Sarbanes Oxley mandates requires all public companies to establish internal controls
and procedures for financial reporting. In addition they must document, test and
maintain those controls and procedures to ensure their effectiveness. The purposes of
SOX are to emphasis on corporate governance and to reduce the possibilities of
corporate fraud by increasing the stringency of procedures and requirements for
financial reporting.
Under Sarbanes Oxley act, ... Show more content on ...
Finally, Resources section in the IAR, which provide users with information about
the financial resource, devoted to the internal audit function, whether the internal audit
function is in house or outsourced function.
d. Describe any limitations of the research.
There are cost considerations for using IAR. One cost consideration is the possibility
that IAR disclosure will increase internal auditor liabilities when financial report
failures occur, consequently, increases s the risk of lawsuits weather by the SEC
seeking statutory fines, penalties and remedial measures, or private lawsuits seeking
monetary damages.
Another potential cost to IAR disclosure relates to the increased information load.
The research finds that information overload may lead investors to take poor decision
because they may stop paying attention to the details when there is too much
Additionally, The research highlights the direct and indirect cost of preparing,
distributing information, and revealing proprietary information to competitors.
Overall, the research strongly support the idea of that IAR would provide external
stakeholders with important information and does not consider those costs as a major
e. Describe the research methodology used as a basis for the conclusions.
The researchers conducted 18
The Minister s Black Veil Visitor Analysis
This paper will focus on the Congregation in The Minister s Black Veil . The
Congregation manipulates the story through the different characteristics that they
display. They play a big role in the way that the minister is perceived throughout the
story. The three main element s this paper will cover are the Congregation s gossip,
superstition, and various emotions. The Congregation uses gossip throughout The
Ministers Black Veil . Their gossip shapes others opinions towards the Minister and
his Veil. He has changed himself into something awful, only by hiding his face . (
Hawthorne 1) This quote is one example of the Congregation s form of gossip. Their
judgmental slander causes a negative effect on the opinions... Show more content on ...
The Congregation s Superstition causes rumors to spread that hurt not only the
Minister s feelings, but his reputation as well. From the first moment they see the
Veil, superstition overwhelms the Congregation. The Congregation never seems to
stop coming up with new reasons for why the Veil is worn. Each new theory spreads
throughout the town like wildfire. From church to their own home, their superstitious
thoughts follow them everywhere they go. This in turn hinders them from learning
the real truth behind the veil. The never ending cycle of superstition causes the
Congregation to live in fear and worry. Their fear is caused by the unknown
meaning of the veil. They came up with superstitious fables about the Minister. A
fable went the rounds that the stare of the dead people drove him thence. It grieved
him, to the very depth of his kind heart, to observe how the children fled from his
approach, breaking up their merriest sports, while his melancholy figure was yet afar
off. (Hawthorne 5) The way the Congregation looked at the Minister, because of their
superstition, saddened him greatly. This caused the Minister to live the rest of his life
depressed and gloomy, surrounded by superstition. Superstition can ruin a life. The
minister loved his congregation and because of their superstition towards him it
ruined their outlook of him. No matter the Minister s bizarre covenant the
congregation should not have used superstition against
Snow Falling On Cedars Essay
Racism is the notion that one s own ethnic stock is superior to that of someone else
s. Most all racism is as result of ignorance. Racism can range from a simple comment
to make another human being feel inferior, to complex actions that make others feel
unwelcome in society because of who they are. The theme of racism can be seen
throughout literature. In the murder mystery novel, SnowFalling on Cedars, by David
Guterson, many examples of wartime racism are evident.
The novel is set on San Piedro Island off the coast of Washington in the year 1954.
It is a place of five thousand damp souls (5). Kabuo Miyamoto, a member of the
island s Japanese American community, is on trial for the murder of Carl Heine, a
fellow fisherman. Heine s ... Show more content on ...
Also, Kabuo knew that they re going to want to see me hang no matter what the
truth is.... They hate anyone who looks like the soldiers they fought (391). That
quote seemingly holds a lot of truth. Much of World War II was waged against
Germany, and their persecution of the Jews. Ironically, the most vocal bigot in this
story (Etta Heine) is not only of German descent, but was actually born in
Germany. Yet, there appears to be no prejudice against Germans on San Piedro
Island as a result of the War. This provides a strong argument to the idea that white
people were racist towards Japanese people also because physically they looked
different. In all of World War II, no person of Japanese ancestry living in the
United States, Alaska, or Hawaii was ever charged with any act of espionage or
sabotage. This fact is at very least disturbing. Because of the internment camps,
Hatsue and Kabuo are forced to spent their wedding night in a public room with only
a curtain, and a radio to stop the details of their evening from traveling through the
thin walls. They have no choice on what to wear, eat, or do.
It is not only the Japanese who remember the horrors of the camps and the war.
Ishmael Chambers, the embittered war veteran who runs the San Piedro Review lost
his childhood love when the Japanese were herded up and taken to the internment
camps. Ishmael is not an objective witness however. He grew up with Carl and
Kabuo. He lost an arm in Tarawa
Importance Of Astronomy In Mesoamerica
Astronomy, the branch of science which studies space, celestial objects, and the
physical universe as a whole, is the eldest of all natural sciences with the documented
history dating back to the beginning of ancient civilizations. The use of astronomy
originated in the Middle East as the theological foundation of their civilizations,
however, it quickly became common across many cultures in several continents
partially due to its wide range of interpretations and that the sky and specifically the
sunhave major implications on all beings regardless of location. One region where the
use of astronomy became particularly prominent was in Mesoamerica.
The observation of the sky was of immense importance to the civilizations of
Mesoamerica. Mesoamerica, the geographical region from northern Central America
to central modern day Mexico, was primarily comprised of three major civilizations:
the Olmecs, Aztecs, and the Mayans. The latter of whom had the most notable effect
in terms of astronomy, both during their existence and afterwards.
The Mayan people occupied the southern portion of Mesoamerica from 1800 BC to
1500 AD during which they grew into one of the most advanced civilizations,
constructing massive temples, pyramids, and sculptures centered around the central
theme of astronomy. The Mayans were the only pre Hispanic civilization in
Mesoamerica with a well developed culture, advanced written language, and
understanding of advanced architecture, mathematics, and
Columbus Ohio Research Paper
I love Columbus, Ohio. It is the wonderful city to live in. columbus is the capital city
of the U.S State. Columbus is the fifteen largest city in the United States and it has
the large population because it has numbers of jobs opportunities, it is culturally
diverse, low cost of Houses and Apartment complex and trafficissue that is why
Columbus is a wonderful place to live and it is fair for everyone such as High class
family, middle class and low class family so I love to live here and I enjoy so many
beautiful things from Columbus, Ohio. Columbus Ohio is a culturally diverse city
because we have so many immigrants live in Columbus, Ohio. They came from
different regions such as South America, Central America, Africa and Asia. They
have their own history about their culture and their Languages. For instance, people
from South America and... Show more content on ...
For example if people decide to live in Apartment Complex it is too expensive. A
monthly cost of a Single bed room is around Eight hundred dollars. In Columbus I
can get two bed rooms apartments for eight hundred dollars. In Denver Colorado a
two bed rooms house cost around $150,000 to $200,000 which was built in 1970 or
1980 .In Columbus I can get much cheaper house like $80,000 to $120,000 for two
bed rooms house which was built in 1990 to 1995.We can see that there is big a
variation between Columbus and Denver so, that is the reason my grandfather
decided to came here in columbus and now he is living with us for now.He told me
that pretty soon he is going to buy a house in columbus
Rise Of The Anti Hero
Rise of the Anti Hero Through Cable and Subscription TV From Tony Soprano to
Walter White to Don Draper the anti hero seems to have replaced the classic hero
on TV as a result of 3 following major influences. Over the past few decades, due to
events of the world such as wars, attacks, natural disaster instilled a mistrust in
establishments such as government and journalism, which is then reflected in the
popular culture with the stories told on TV. The second major influence is the
shift in FCC regulations for cable and subscription content that has had a major
effect on the types stories that can be told in these two mediums. And third
influence is the networks breaking free from advertising pressure; subscription TV
has changed the landscape of TV, clearing the path for stories that are not
influenced by rating and advertising, and valuing the story itself. The first and
foremost factor that enabled creators to write and audiences to consume stories
about anti heroes goes hand in hand with society s severe mistrust in
establishments. TV has had a major role in how events unfolded in late 20th and
early 21st century, making it possible to bring the news into our living rooms. The
rise of the anti hero is a product of a series of chain events that started with many
atrocities that our society had to endure, followed by society s realization of how
flawed our government and news reporting was, eventually leaving the the people of
this country (and of the world) with a darker
Network Administrator
I have decided to pursue the career of a network system administrator or IT
professional. Over the last ten years or so computers have become fundamental
parts of everyday life, used for a variety of reasons at home, in the workplace, and
at schools. Of course every computer user runs into obstacles from time to time,
whether it is the blue screen of death, the forgotten password, or the loss of
important data. The explosive use of computers has created a high demand for
specialists to provide advice to users, as well as for day to day administration,
maintenance, and support of computersystems and networks. (Bureau of Labor
Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2006 07
Edition, Computer Support Specialists... Show more content on ...
Department of Labor s Bureau of Labor Statistics. Among the fastest growing fields
by 2014 (for those with bachelor s degrees) are computer systems administrators,
database administrators, computer engineers for both applications and software,
and computer analysts and network analysts. On average, those jobs are expected
to increase by 55 percent more than 750,000 new openings. Willett,M (2007,July
29). Some careers remain prime options for college students. The Fayetteville
Observer, N.C.). This leads one to believe this career is growing as fast as the rise of
the computer itself.
It ll be a hot job in the future and it s hot right now: in many tech job banks,
Windows network administrator is one of the job titles with the most openings Job
growth rate between 2004 to 2014: 38.4% (my it top five fastest
growing jobs. Retrieved September 25,2007, from www.(http://my it
/career support/top five fastest growing it jobs.html). When looking at it from the
salary standpoint , According to the recently released Robert Half Technology 2007
Salary Guide (go to www.nwdocfinder .com/6721), starting salaries for technology
positions should see a slight increase in 2007. A number of networking specific job
titles will see growth that outpaces the industry average. Network security
administrators, for example, can expect starting salaries between $69,750 and
$98,500, a 3.7% increase over 2006 levels. Network
The Relationships between Service Quality and Customer...
From plentiful literatures we can see customer satisfaction is related to the quality
both of product and service. According to Regan (1963), he is one of the first to draw
the relation between service quality and customer satisfaction, and since that time
service industry research has flourished for a long time. Specifically, practitioners and
academicians have been interested in how consumers conceptualize servicequality. In
the literature, the service quality construct is commonly defined as a difference score
(discrepancy) between the service quality that is delivered by a firmand the service
performance that customers expected to get (Gronroos, 1988; Parasuraman et al.,
1985). According to Cronin Taylor(1992), consumerperception of firm delivery of a
desired service. Greenwell, Fink, and Pastore (2002) made an experiment in
measuring the impact that service quality has on customer satisfaction. And the result
shows satisfied service quality has a positive correlation with customer satisfaction.
Yoshida and James s (2010) argues that service quality directly influences satisfaction
with the service experience and that product quality also has directly influences on
customer satisfaction. The outcome of their study indicate that product and service
quality influence customer satisfaction, and in turn, customer satisfaction influences
customers shopping behaviors. And according to their study, one of the most
important factor concerning service quality
Women Should NOT Be Allowed In Combat
The influence of females should not be underestimated; they have the ability to be
just as strong and powerful as men do. Their presence in physical warfare would
make an enormous difference in the outcome of the battle because they offer so
many advantages that most people overlook. They have the potential to be even
more robust than men due to their willpower. If women could be admitted into
combat forces within the army, how could it possibly have a negative effect? Women
should be able to participate and fight in combat during times of war because gender
does not limit someone s opportunity to train for combat, a bigger army equates to a
more powerful one, and trained females are just as equipped as trained males.
Women should be allowed to train and fight for combat like any other man because
gender should not limit one s opportunity to participate. The women who want to
train and fight for our country in combat are very strong and determined to serve in
the military. Andrew Tilghman, writer for military times, confirmed The Defense
Department will lift gender based restrictions on military service, Defense Secretary
Ash Carter announced (All Combat). Already the Secretary of Defense recognizes
that gender does not play a role in one s capability to train and fight for combat. This
shows ... Show more content on ...
Many women who meet the male fitness requirements necessary for combat are
strong enough to perform in combat situations. Allowing women to participate in
combat has a positive impact to the military because they can build bigger armies that
include both men and women that can fight in combat situations when necessary.
When allowing one to participate in combat training and combat fighting, the military
s judgment should be based on the abilities, strength, and determination of the
individual rather than the gender of the
Case Questions
Management Strategy Case Questions Case 5: Panera Bread Company 1. What is
Panera Bread s strategy? Which of the four generic competitive strategies
discussed in Chapter 3 most closely fit the competitive approach that Panera Bread
is taking? What specific kind of competitive advantage is Panera bread trying to
achieve? 2. What does a SWOT analysis of Panera Bread reveal about the overall
attractiveness of its situation? Does the company have any core competencies or
distinctive competencies? 3. What is your appraisal of Panera Bread s financial
performance based on the data contained in case Exhibits 1 2, and 8? How well is
the company doing financially? 4. What strategic issues and problems does Panera
Bread... Show more content on ...
What does a SWOT analysis reveal about Nucor s situation? Does Nucor have any
core or distinctive competencies? 8. What is your assessment of Nucor s financial
performance the past several years? How strong is the company s financial
condition? 9. Based on your analysis and assessment of Nucor s situation, what
issues does Nucor management need to address? 10. What recommendations
would you make to Dan DiMicco? Jet Blue Airways 1. What was David s
Neeleman s original strategic vision for JetBlue? 2. What were key elements of
JetBlue s strategy in 2008? How has the company chosen to attract customers in
sufficient volume to earn profits? How does JetBlue offer its customers value? 3.
Are JetBlue s functional strategies consistent with its overall strategic approach? 4.
What policies, practices, and procedures have been developed to execute its
business strategy and functional strategies with proficiency? 5. What is your
assessment of JetBlue s financial performance during fiscal years 2003 2007? 6.
What are the factors driving change in the airline industry? How are they likely to
impact the future attractiveness of the industry? 7. What recommendations would
you make to help speed JetBlue s turnaround and revive its growth in revenues and
earnings? Cooper Tire Case: On Blackboard 1. What industry does Cooper Tire
operate in? What are the primary competitive forces impacting the industry? 2. What
does a SWOT
Stereotypes Affecting Female College Students Test Scores
This study examined how female college students dressing professionally affected
their test scores in traditionally male dominated subject areas such as science,
technology, engineering, and math (STEM). There is an existing stereotype threat
against women in these subject areas, which is defined as the risk of fulfilling a
negative stereotype about a characteristic that one holds about his or her own group
(Steele Aronson, 1995). The stereotype threat that affects females in STEM classes
assumes that females are inferior to males in STEM courses which can lead to
unequal test scores between females and males of equal intelligence. Data was
collected from femalestudents at UTC by having half of the participants dress
professionally and... Show more content on ...
STEM classes are traditionally male dominated subject areas, and there is already a
stereotype threat against women in these classes which has the potential to negatively
affect their test scores (Steinberg, Okun, Aiken, 2012). In male dominated disciplines,
women are underrepresented and often subject to stereotype threat which may lead
them to perform more poorly than their male counterparts of equal intelligence. This
study would evaluate whether the females dress has the potential to boost their
confidence and mitigate the effects of the stereotype threat, thus improving their
Research on stereotype threat and women s performance on math tests conducted by
Spencer, Steele, and Quinn (1999) documented that women perform more poorly on
moderately difficult math tests than their male counterparts. They also demonstrated
that this difference in scores could be eliminated when the researchers told the
participants that the test they were taking did not produce any gender differences in
scores. However, when they told the participants that the test did produce gender
differences, the females performed significantly worse than their male counterparts
who were equal to them in intelligence.
Another important consideration is the role clothing with regards to self
objectification. A study by Fredrickson, Roberts, Noll, Quinn, and Twenge (1998)
which found that women with higher BMIs had higher body shame when wearing
more revealing
Cheap-Croatia Research Paper
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With its stunning natural landscape, extraordinary seafood, luxurious hotels, rich
history, and active nightlife, Croatia is a picture perfect Mediterranean oasis for
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Getting to Croatia
Croatia s three major airports are located in Zagreb (ZAG), Split (SPU), and
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compare flights from hundreds of airlines to find the best deal. Croatia is a member
of the European Union, which allows all Canadians to stay for up to 90 days without
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The summer months of June, July, and August are great for sunbathing, with hot
afternoons and crystal clear water that is perfect for swimming. However, it s also
Croatia s peak season for tourists which means higher hotel and flight costs, and
crowds at the most popular beaches. If you d like to avoid the summer rush but still
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Arnold Palmer Case
Arnold Palmer Hospital Case Study
1. The case study indicates that the approach to match capacity to demand utilized
by Arnold Palmer Hospital must be approach (a), leading demand with an
incremental expansion. The reason for this is that it is evident that Arnold Palmer
Hospital is attempting to acquire capacity to stay ahead of demand, or in other
words by leading capacity, on account of the fact that the opening of the new 11
store hospital building will increase yearly birthing capacity to 16,000, which is far
above the estimated 13,600 births expected during 2007, as shown by Table S7.3.
Furthermore, the fact that the hospital and Swanson in particular is choosing to
follow a multi stage approach in terms of the hospital s ... Show more content on ...
That is to say, the population in the area may for example be aging and thus birth
rates may fall, etc. Also, they need to look at the economic situation in the area as
well. By that I mean looking at whether young couples/families are continuing to
move into the area? Are there enough job opportunities in the area that will fuel
growth of this demographic group? All this may affect population growth and
subsequently birth rates. 3. Using Excel s data analysis regression tool, the follow
data was found by plugging in the years (coded from 1 through 13) in column A and
the number of births in column B and then substituting column A for input X range
and column B for input Y range:
SUMMARY OUTPUT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Regression Statistics | | | | | | | | |Multiple
R |0.984835305 | | | | | | | | |R Square |0.969900578 | | | | | | | | |Adjusted R Square
|0.967164267 | | | | | | | | |Standard Error |473.2824687 | | | | | | | | |Observations |13 | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |ANOVA | | | | | | | | | | |df |SS |MS |F |Significance F | | | | |Regression
|1 |79396723.52 |79396723.52 |354.455521 |1.02108E 09 | | | | |Residual |11
|2463959.247 |223996.2952 | | | | | | |Total |12 |81860682.77 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|Coefficients |Standard Error |t Stat |P value |Lower 95% |Upper 95% |Lower 95.0%
|Upper 95.0% | |Intercept |4679.884615 |278.4549858 |16.80661096 |3.42384E 09
|4067.009324 |5292.759906 |4067.009324

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Beauty Is Only Skin Deep Essay

  • 1. Beauty Is Only Skin Deep Essay Crafting an essay on the topic "Beauty Is Only Skin Deep" can be a challenging endeavor, as it requires delving into complex layers of societal perceptions, individual perspectives, and cultural influences. The challenge lies not only in presenting a coherent argument but also in navigating the intricate balance between superficial aesthetics and deeper, intrinsic qualities that define the concept of beauty. One must carefully explore the cultural and historical context, as beauty standards have evolved over time, reflecting the values and norms of different societies. Analyzing the impact of media, fashion, and social media on shaping contemporary notions of beauty adds another layer of complexity. Moreover, the essay should delve into the psychological aspects, exploring how individuals perceive beauty and the psychological effects of societal expectations on self-esteem. Attempting to provide a nuanced perspective requires addressing the counterarguments that challenge the idea that beauty is only skin deep. Discussing instances where physical appearance does play a significant role, such as in certain professions or social interactions, adds depth to the analysis. Balancing the discussion between the external and internal aspects of beauty while maintaining a coherent and logical flow poses a formidable challenge. Moreover, expressing these ideas eloquently and persuasively is crucial for the essay's success. Striking the right tone, maintaining clarity, and ensuring that the argument is well-supported with evidence and examples demand careful attention to detail. Additionally, the writer needs to consider the diverse audience that may have varying perspectives on the topic. In conclusion, writing an essay on the theme "Beauty Is Only Skin Deep" is a demanding task that requires a profound understanding of cultural, societal, and psychological factors. Balancing the exploration of external and internal aspects of beauty while addressing counterarguments necessitates a thoughtful and meticulous approach. Success in this endeavor depends on the writer's ability to articulate ideas persuasively and maintain coherence throughout the essay. For assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, consider exploring the services available at, where expert writers can provide valuable support tailored to your requirements. Beauty Is Only Skin Deep Essay Beauty Is Only Skin Deep Essay
  • 2. Monty Python And The Holy Grail 1975 Directed By Terry... The infamous British film known as Monty Python and the Holy Grail 1975 directed by Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, was considered a cult classic among the comedy genre. But what made it so significant among other films during that era, and why is does it still stand the test of time? Classical films were originally considered more than just another form of entertainment. This form of media allowed artist to visually express their personal views through the big screen. Some film makers tend to lean more on either the avant garde or political side of cinema to tell their story. Being able to utilize film techniques in the most sophisticated ways to tell a narrative is a challenge, but aesthetics are cognitively powerful within this art form.... Show more content on ... It is a reaction to the concept of modernism; a style or movement in the arts that aims to depart significantly from classical and traditional forms in the early 20th century. Postmodern lacks a precise definition, but share many aspects of modernism. They are fueled by post industrialization, and driven by late capitalism. However, there are a few distinctions that make it quite deliberate from its predecessor. According to Fredric Jameson s theory, the experience of an art is mediated by technology and/or capitalism so we no longer experience things as natural (Jameson 64). In other words there are effects that create this erosion of high culture and low culture. In addition of devaluing historical contexts, while lacking an ideology because the focus on a surface image of the art. Furthermore, it refocuses on the individual rather than the singular subject. The basic concept of postmodernism is the refusal to think historically, and disdain for the thought of underlying reality as actuality. Overall postmodernism is broad, but very retrospective in terms of content, form and style within cinema. It is all about recycling materials in order to reproduce for the interest of the individual being rather than a singularity subject. On the other hand, Monty Python and the Holy Grail style and form are what separate itself from the masses of classical cinema, whether artistic or mainstream. The writers, producers and directors of this film were developed
  • 3. Nsa, The National Security Agency Of The United States Of... Decades of misinterpretation, secrets as well as a not clarified actions involving mainly the use of data collection, leaded the NSA, the National Security Agency of United States of America whose was founded in 1952 for the former United States President Harry S. Truman, one of the greatest questions marks in America s society at 21st Century. However, limitless efforts made against national and foreign terrorist plots, cyber technology alongside of security advances, noticeable actions also a huge support from the government, created a notable and extensive mixture of feeling towards NSA within its purpose to protect the United States of America. Throughout this research, an examination of privacyand security issues regarding the NSA is made; are people really having a legitimate reason for complying? What really matters for NSA? Intelligence, systems and tools, are privacy issues the real NSA concern? What is really being traded off? Is NSA a helpful asset for the nation? Amendments, bill of rights, the gap that allows space for doubt, as well the incredible acceptance in some areas. Questions and points to be explained throughout the research and opinions from the same of those who have daily questions about what is really being done For the Good of the Nation (NSA home). Security and privacy, distinctive subjects of priority in a human being life. Privacy, the all time, basic and fundamental ability of being free of public attention; the reason of the existence and
  • 4. A Brief Biography of Vincent Van Gogh When most people think of Vincent van Gogh, they think of an artist with mental health issues who cut off his own ear. Some stop at that, but others then progress to think of his Starry Night painting. Van Gogh is well known for not becoming famous until after his death. In fact, he sold but one painting during his life, and that was mostly thanks to his brother, Theo. Today, his paintings are some of the most sought after and expensive works ever to be auctioned. However, though most modern art appreciators celebrate his paintings, his life, and are well informed about him, the rest of the world sits by and merely acknowledges him as a talented artist gone awry. It is not wrong to look at a painting and try to figure out what the artist was thinking when they made it, but it is a shame to not also try to understand what led them to that point. Why did they produce it in the first place? This is especially the case with Vincent van Gogh, whose whole life from birth to death must be examined. Theodorus van Gogh and Anna Cornelia Carbentus successfully bore their first child on March 30, 1853. Both believed in having a large family and strived for normality and high social status, which proved to be problematic when little Vincent showed early signs of aloofness and strange habits. Though he was especially close with his brother, Theo, growing up, Vincent never really seeked company. For the most part, his childhood was fairly happy, full of routine Bible lessons from his
  • 5. Culture, Leadership and Staffing at Xerox Culture, Leadership and Staffing at Xerox Leadership After much reorganization and movement of leadership, Anne Mulcahy took over the helm of Xerox. Anne was a popular 24 year Xerox veteran promoted to president and chief operating officer when her predecessor Thoman was fired. Anne was a straight talker. She was very decisive in her decision making and took responsibility when she made an error. So much so that analysts were astonished Anne when conceded that Xerox had an unsustainable business model. However, Mulcahy later backed away from this statement, saying that she meant only that the company needed to cut operating costs and redirect investment from money losing to high margin businesses. Bloomberg magazine report ... Show more content on ... The Brazilian subsidiary, long the company s largest source of profit outside the U.S., was reeling from colossal currency translation losses and soaring interest rates. In North America, productivity was deteriorating as the sales force braced for the reorganization scheduled to begin in January. All the while, Xerox strengthened its core business by maintaining an organization wide focus on innovation. Even with all of the cost cutting we did, we didn t take a dollar out of research and development, Mulcahy said. Xerox hit a record high of nearly $64 a share in May, 1999, just three weeks after Thoman replaced Allaire as CEO. Today, the stock trades around $7, a few dollars above the price at which it listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1961. The evisceration of $38 billion in shareholder wealth already qualifies Xerox as a corporate catastrophe of the first order. And the company s woes are not over yet not by a long shot. Xerox posted a loss of $198 million over the last three months of 2000, the largest quarterly loss in a decade. By even the most optimistic forecast (its own), the company will not edge back into the black until the second half of this year, at the earliest. With $2.6 billion in debt coming due this year and a $7 billion bank loan looming in 2002, Xerox is cutting spending, firing workers, and trying to raise as much as $4 billion by selling off assets.
  • 6. Insurance Agent Turnover In any company or organization, there will always be a time of turnover. Turnover can be high or low with many contributing factors. Onboarding programs are effective ways of hiring good and productive employees. Onboarding programs help employees to integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culure, and politics by clarifying work role expectations and responsibilities (Kinicki, A., Fugate, M., 2016, pg. 65). I could not agree more than personality testing is very important in the preemployment process. However with hiring you always running the risk of hiring good employees and bad employees. Turnover has pros and cons. Losing low performing person is always a... Show more content on ... James 4: 10 (NKJV) Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. The ability to be humble is a strength that everyone do not have. To some individuals, always being humble is weak. However as stated in out video presentation, Every strength is weakness on the other side of the coin (Kinicki Fugate, 2017). References Presentation: Lesson 2 Individual Behavior in the Organization. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2017, from /listContent.jsp?course_id=_339117_1 content_id=_16408684_1 Kinicki, A., Fugate, M. (2016). Organizational behavior: A practical, problem solving approach plus Connect. McGraw Hill NKJV Bible Landis, E. A., Vick, C. L., Novo, B. N. (2015). Employee attitudes and job satisfaction. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 12(5), 37 42. Retrieved from / Reply Quote Mark as
  • 7. The Gladiator Trailer Essay In the summer of 2000 a box office hit was released. Gladiator was a brilliant action film set in Ancient Rome, which appealed to over 15s from both genders. The film was hugely successful and raked in over $190,000,000 in the U.S box office and $434,000,000 worldwide. However the film wouldn t have been nearly as successful as it was without the help of an exciting and gripping trailer to appeal to the target audience. Trailers are very important in the film industry because it s the one chance film makers have to attract their target audience. They try to choose clips which will appeal to their target audience and also makes the film makers trailer more distinctive by including unique selling points (USPs). In this essay I m... Show more content on ... Some examples are white sand on the coliseum floor, gold and brown coliseum walls, and red rose petals falling around Maximus. Without this use of colour change the audience would find it more difficult to tell that the hero experienced a radical journey from a general to a slave to a gladiator, then a hero. As the trailer begins, slow images combined with Written Words are used to give the target audience time to familiarise themselves with the story of Maximus. For example the first few shots are of Russell Crowe as a general, then a slave, then a gladiator. This makes it clear to the audience who the main character is and helps to set the scene. Then the images start to become faster and more exciting. This is achieved by using rapid cuts which increases the viewer s excitement. For example the viewer now sees images of sword fights, fierce tigers and overturned chariots. A shot of a chariot overturning and the image of a horse jumping through flames have also been included, but slowed down because they are exciting stunts and the director doesn t want the audience to miss them. Also by encapsulating a shot of Commodus screaming at his sister the audience can tell that the film will be dramatic. By making the scenes faster and more violent, the director has gripped the audience so they will go and see the film. Another important element of the trailer is the sound. Throughout the trailer tense, exciting music is played to draw the
  • 8. Why Is Roald Dahl The Best Essay Have you ever wondered who and what makes a good author? Well I think Roald Dahl is the best, and I think he is the best because Roald Dahl has made so many good books that were turned into movies like for example, Matilda, Charlie and the chocolate factory and The BFG.So it must be easy or brilliant enough to be turned into a very good movie to watch.Roald Dahlhas written so many books in his lifetime. Roald Dahl was not just an author he was also a spy, an ace fighter pilot, a chocolate historian and a medical inventor.In this following essay there will be three acceptable reasons of why he is the best author. The first reason of why he is the best is because Roald Dahl puts an image into our heads without the illustrations he just describes it really well with just words. Like for example he put Imagery when Mr.Wonka was describing the vermicious knids in Charlie and the great glass elevator. The way he said it was like this The vermicious Knid can turn itself into any shape it wants. It has no bones. Their body is really one huge muscle, enormously strong but it can just as easily give itself two legs like a human. I think it is a very good explanation of a vermicious knid and it actually seems kind of creepy. In Matilda when Hortensia was describing Ms.Trunchbull I think Roald Dahl had made a pretty clear explanation when he was making Hortensia describe how terrible Ms. Trunchbull. She said, She hates every small children. She therefore loathes the bottom... Show more content on ... He always has creative and imaginative ideas that are unusual, unique and hilarious. I also like the illustrator for the drawing, it always matches the book and it also looks really good combined. Maybe Roald Dahl inspired you to start writing your own stories. Maybe when you write your own stories there might be,backward words, great and funny characters or maybe you might have literary devices. So Who do you think is the best author in your
  • 9. Young Girl Named Scout By Harper Lee In the past, it has been evident that the population of the Southern states had been composed of many different social classes, particularly in the 1930s. In her novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee clearly depicts these social classes and illustrates how diverse they make the population of Maycomb, a fictional town where the story takes place. The main character, a young girlnamed Scout, does not fully understand the concept of these different social classes and often fails to recognize which one she belongs to. As the story progresses, it becomes known to the reader that Scout is part of the highest social classin Maycomb. However, because of the conditions she is raised in, she does not fit in with a certain group of women that this class is mainly composed of: the Southern belles. Throughout the story, it is evident that some Maycomb women possess the traits of a Southern Belle persona, such as while Scout does not, due to the fact that she grows up without a mother. The term Southern belle refers to a wealthy but well mannered young woman, often characterized by her chaste demeanor and submissive attitude, who tries to reach perfection in almost every aspect of her life. Some of the most important elements to being a Southern belle include grace, manners, breeding, etiquette, and demure behavior. A Southern belle should always be polite and gentle to the people around her and have the capability to make them feel at ease with her friendliness and composure.
  • 10. Impressionism as a Avant-garde Movement 1.INTRODUCTION This essay analyses the aesthetic and ideological underpinnings of the Modernist artwork, Impression, Sunrise of Claude Monet. The artwork and Impressionism is considered to be a visual articulation of the avant garde and the latter statement is explained. References to the writings of Charles Harrison, Clement Greenberg and Wilhelm Worringer is used to theorise the aesthetics of modernity. 2.IMPRESSIONISM AS MODERN ART Modernism is the heartbeat of culture, or as Clement Greenberg (1992:754) states, modernism involves of what is truly alive in our culture and it includes more than just art and literature. Western civilization began to interrogate their foundations and progressed into a self critical society (Greenberg 1992:754). This notion began with the theories of the philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724 1804); he criticized the means itself of criticism (Greenberg 1992:754). Therefore, Greenberg (1992:754) perceived Kant as the first real Modernist. An avant garde or modern movement is a movement that is experimental, artists push boundaries, are committed to change and are brave. Impressionism slots in perfectly to the definition of avant garde. The Impressionists took the first steps into modernism as a self critical movement (Greenberg 1992:755). To a modern understanding, the Impressionist paintings are among the most instantly enjoyable works of art (Thomas 1987:9). The first Modernist paintings were produced by Edouard Manet (Greenberg
  • 11. Ethics And Intellectual Property Of Intellectual Properties Ethics and Intellectual Property When discussing a creation or idea, the creator of such concept must be rewarded. This must be the case for any situation. For most cases this is true, but because the ownership of such properties bring financial benefits, and or settlements, regulations will continue to challenge what is right or wrong when dealing with intellectual property. This is accurate for many industries, field, and markets. The owner ship of intellectual properties can take a creation or idea worldwide, the profits from such invention can be endless. This concept is what will push a persons or organizational ethical principles to its limits. With that in mind, such characters will do whatever it takes to gain rights to intellectual property. Another very important opinion for this subject is how long must the duration of intellectual properties last? The longer the patentee holds on to the idea, the more they will benefit. This is where such believes creates issues for its particular market. Many individuals and organizations find that such believes are unethical. Many believe that creations or inventions must be shared with everyone. Such groups want ideas and creation to be enjoyed by everyone, a public domain (Lau Johnson, 2014). There are many parties that stand firm behind this idea, especially when dealing with items or inventions that can benefit or help the people. An example of such inventions or ideas are the creations of new medicines or medications.
  • 12. Iran, The Islamic Republic Of Iran Iran, known as Persia until 1935, became an Islamic republic in 1979 after the ruling shah was driven out by a widespread revolution. Also known as the Islamic Republic of Iran, it borders the Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf, the Caspian Sea, and is located between Iraq and Pakistan. It also shares borders with Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Turkmenistan. Iranis roughly 1,648,195 square feet, the eighteenth largest country in the world with a population size of 82,801,633. It is governed as a theocratic republic, which is their legal system based on Islamic law. The judiciary system of Iran follows some aspects of Sharia law, but is also mixed with civil law that is authorized and overseen by Parliament. Alongside Parliament is their president, Hassan Ruhani, who has held office since August 2013, however; the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is at the very top of Iran s configuration of power. Khamenei controls Iran s domestic and foreign policies, serves as commander in chief of their armed forces, and directs the republic s intelligence and security operations. Iran s economy is characterized by its reliance on oil and gasoline exports. Their Gross National Income is 1.209 trillion per capita (PPP). Petroleum, natural gas, coal, chromium, and copper are some of their largest natural resources and their biggest export is petroleum (80%) to China, India, Turkey, and Japan. Industrial supplies, capital goods, and technical services from the UAE, China,
  • 13. How Did Benito Mussolini Gain Power The following critical review of the factors that brought Benito Mussolini to power will look at fascism and how Mussolini came to gain political power. This review will present both aspects of how historians have reacted to various hypotheses about fascism and Mussolini gaining power, positive reviews that support different theories and others who oppose certain ideas. The main finding was that Mussolini s rise to power owes more to the failures of others than to his own strengths. In 1922, the King of Italy invited Benito Mussolini into government to be Prime Minister. This was the result of numerous factors, such as Mussolini s charismatic personality, his way of handling events, favorable circumstances, his ability to detect and use possibilities. Primarily the weaknesses of his opponents allowed for... Show more content on ... Several theories have been explained above from various historians about how Mussolini gained power. Mussolini was able to gain political power through a series of mistakes and luck. Mussolini started out working in the newspaper industry, which allowed him to voice his opinions and learn to gauge what the people wanted. He was an expert at gauging what the people wanted, and was able to successfully give them what they wanted to hear for many years. As Dr. Cavaliere claimed, Mussolini had his finger on the pulse of Italy . He was also able to appeal to returning soldiers, from World War One, who were unemployed after the war and felt left behind by Italian society. They were the ideal basis for a paramilitary force, Mussolini s militant wing used to fight the red menace then later used to promote the part and intimate or punish others. They had the equipment, had been trained to fight in the Great War, were disciplined soldiers and loyal to whoever could restore Italian to the way it was before the disastrous
  • 14. Andrei Rublev Influence On Christianity Budapest Metropolitan University Class: History of Arts Supervisor: Mr Andras Szilagyi Thesis ANDREI RUBLEV S TRINITY Author: Temur Magradze CODE: MATXAAK.BKF KEYWORDS: Orthodox Christianity, Byzantine art, Russian orthodoxy, Iconography, Old Testament. ABSTRACT: This essay observes the life and art of Andrei Rublev, the most famous Russian iconographer, who is canonized as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church. Since Rublev is considered to be one of the most influential iconographers from orthodox world, it is also important to observe and analyze his most famous work. This work is the icon Trinity , which is also considered to be one of the highest achievements in Russian art. In this essay I will analyze this specific icon s ... Show more content on ... As mentioned before, Rublev s art is influenced by Byzantine and Greek art, and one of the main reasons for this was Theophanes the Greek, a famous iconographer who came to Russia at the end of 14th century. The relationship between Theophanes and his pupil Rublev was enigmatic, he invited Rublev and to work with him on the Annunciation Cathedral. Rublev later instigated his own style of painting. The reason for this was the appearance of Hesychast trend, which was not approved by Hellenic, humanist believers, while Russians had no problem in understanding and following the Hesychast, and practically that was the point of the creation of Andrei Rublev s
  • 15. Cleft Palate Research Paper A cleft lip is an opening or split in the upper lip that occurs when developing facial structures in an unborn baby that doesn t close completely. A baby with a cleft lip may also experience a cleft in the roof of the mouth (cleft palate). Less commonly, a cleft occurs only in the muscles of the soft palate (submucuous palate), which are at the back of the mouth and covered by the mouth s lining. This type of cleft often often goes unnoticed at birth and may not be diagnosed until later when signs develop. Usually, a split (cleft) in the lip or palate is immediately identifiable at birth. Cleft lip and cleft palate appear as: A split (cleft) in the lip and the roof of the mouth (palate) that can affect both or one sides of the mouth. A split in the lip ... Show more content on ... Nasal speaking voice Chronic ear infections Cleft lip and cleft palate occurs when tissues in the baby s face and mouth don t fuse properly. Normally, the tissues that make up the lip and palate fuse together in the second and third months of pregnancy. But in babies with cleft lip and cleft palate, the fusion never takes place or occurs only part way, leaving an opening (cleft). Most scientists believe clefts are due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There appears to be a greater chance of clefting in a newborn id a sibling, parent or relatives has had the problem. Another potential cause may be related to a medication a mother may have taken during the pregnancy. Some drugs may cause cleft lip and cleft palate. Among them: anti seizure/anticonvulsant drugs, acne drugs containing accutane, and methotrexate, a drug commonly used for treating cancer, arthritis, and psoriasis. Cleft lip and cleft palate may also occur as a result of exposure to viruses and chemicals while the fetus is developing in the womb. In other situations, cleft lip and cleft palate may be part of another
  • 16. Black Star Uncanny Effect The never ending universe is full of surprises. It is home to many galaxies with planets and stars of various size. Among all those galaxies there was one galaxy called the Evil Eye Galaxy, which is home to Planet X. In fact, billion years ago this planet was only a sphere going through the galaxy when one day it got caught in the gravitational field of the Black Star. The Black Star rays had some uncanny effects on the inhabitants of Planet X. The inhabitants of this planet are called the Zords. They were nocturnal creatures who survived by consuming the energy emitted from Planet X. However, the moment the planet went into orbit around the black Star, things started to change. The Zords got divided into two groups. The first one stayed on the surface of the planet surviving by consuming the energy emitted from the Black Star. On the other hand, the second group crawled underneath the surface surviving through the energy emitted by the planet. The ones who stayed on the surface evolved at a fast pace. In 3 years of exposure to the Black Star, the ... Show more content on ... The Grays started to emit energy stronger that the one emitted by the core of Planet X. Seeing that the energy on the surface of Planet X is high, the Nocturnus crawled into the surface consuming the Grays. The more energy they consume the more powerful they get. In addition, some of the Nocturnus developed into a stronger species called Dwellers. The Dwellers were smart and stronger than the Nocturnus. Therefore, they started to control them. Three of the Dwellers called the Three Guardian found in some manuscripts that the Seven Kings protected the Nocturnus and didn t want to kill them. As a result, they gathered the last Grays and protected them inside a Dome and they covered the energy emitted by the Grays. Sadly, this didn t last for a long time. At some point, the Dwellers found the dome because the two Guardians died from using too much of their power to hide the
  • 17. Animals In Captivity Analysis In this set of materials, the reading passage claims that animals in captivity will benefit and provides three reasons of support. Nevertheless, the professor opposes the text book and says that they are serious problems to keep animals in zoos and animals parks. Also, he refutes each of the author s reasons. First of all, the reading passage avers that animals would obtain the health and psychological treatment in captivity, which will improve their health. While, the professor counters this point and explains that even though animals receive care from professionals in zoos, animals live in limited space, which leads to psychological stress. Moreover, he points out that some animals perform unexpected behavior and attack visitors, which
  • 18. D-Day History D DAY June 6th, 1944, allies invaded normandy (western europe) against the nazi party. The battle lasted till august and had some 156,000 men fighting.(D Day D Day has been the largest amphibious assault in history, with extensive planning and preparation, american and canadian forces battled on the coast of normandy, a 50 mile long beach. The beach of normandy was heavily fortified, for hitler had no idea where forces would attack. A grand total of 2,500 miles of atlantic wall containing bunkers, landmines, beach, and water obstacles. In the months and weeks before D Day, the Allies carried out a massive deception operation intended to make the Germans think the main invasion target was Pas de Calais. (D Day
  • 19. Meursault Critical Thinking Meursault is psychologically detached from the world around him. Things that would seem to be very significant for most people, such as a marriage or a parent s death, do not matter to him. He shot a guy 4 times even though the guy had died after one shot. Even though he killed a guy for no reason, I do not think Meursault deserved to be executed. Instead I believe he needs help with his thinking and emotions because his mindset thinks that killing someone doesn t matter due to the fact that everyone dies. Meursault believes that because every human eventually dies, nothing anybody does really matters. This way of thinking is a problem because it can lead to him make bad choices that get him into a lot of trouble. An example of this would ... Show more content on ... on page 63 it said they wanted to know if I had hired an attorney. I admitted I hadn t and inquired whether it was really necessary to have one .why do you ask? He said. I said I thought my case was very simple. This shows that he really doesn t have a sense or morality because he doesn t seem to care about whether or not he has an attorney. Do to the murder committed by Meursault, with motive it demonstrates that he has no sympathy toward the consequences of his actions, because of the fact that he needs psychological help. An example that demonstrates that Meursault has no concern for the consequences would be when he chose to execute the person on the shoreline and instead of fleeing like every other person he decided to hang out in the same area he slaughtered the person because he didn t care that he killed the guy,because he thinks it doesn t matter due to the fact everyone dies at on point which is a twisted way to think. Although Meursault is psychologically detached from the world around him, he does not deserved to be executed for his crime. Due to the way he thinks it ends up leading him making bad
  • 20. Assignment Brief Unit 9 Creative Product Promotion 1 BRAESIDE HIGH SCHOOL BUSINESS DEPARTMENT BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS UNIT 9: CREATIVE PRODUCT PROMOTION Assignment Brief Title: Creative product promotion Date set : 23TH April 2015 Handing Dates : 30 TH JUNE 2015 Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit a learner should: 1. Know the constituents of the promotional mix 2. Understand the role of promotion within the marketing mix 3. Understand the role of advertising agencies and the media 4. Be able to create a simple promotional campaign. Assignment 1 The Role of Promotion Assignment ONE is based on the General Motors field trip on the 30th day of April 2015. Ensure you make specific reference to the information obtained during the field trip. ... Show more content on ... Justify whether you think it has helped the organization to achieve its marketing objectives. Evaluate the overall success of this marketing campaign and justify the use of the promotional methods Assignment 2 Advertising Agencies Business organizations often use professionals from specialist agencies to help them produce an effective campaign that will achieve the promotional objectives. A good campaign must also use the right media. You should analyze the contribution of professional advertising agencies and the use of different media in the development of a successful promotional campaign. Task 1 Prepare a power point presentation in groups of three [P3, M2] Due on the 9TH June, 2015 P3 explain the role of advertising agencies in the development of a successful promotional campaign M2 explain the advantages and disadvantages of using professional agencies in ensuring promotional success Advertising agencies can be costly, but can also offer great benefits to the success of
  • 21. a marketing campaign. Discuss their role and the services that they can provide in the development of a promotional campaign Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using professional agencies to ensure success in a campaign Task 2 [P4] Due on the 16th June, 2015 P4 explain the reasons behind the choice of media in a successful promotional campaign Prepare a colorful leaflet, using
  • 22. Comparing Doaism and Mahayana Buddhism When it comes to comparing Doaism and Mahayana Buddhism very few similarities exist. Although both religions are practice based, opposed to religions based on faith, the ultimate goal of each religion are vastly different. In Daoism it is believed that the spirit is eternal after death while In Mahayana Buddhismwe see that there is an end to the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. However, there is one similarity in both that is incredibly important to the practice of both religions. This similarity is the concept of emptiness. By observing the proper practices of Bodhisatvvas in Buddhism and the ideal ruler in Daoism we can see how both religions have a very similar view on the importance of emptiness, and also how they differ. In the Daoist text the TaoTeh Ching, there is mention of the idea of an empty bowl. This concept is very important and can be applied to many aspects of Daoist practice. When thinking of a bowl we understand it as something that is to be filled. However, as it is referred to in the Tao Teh Ching it is the empty space inside the bowl that gives it purpose. Metaphorically the bowl is a representation of our mind. If we fill our mind and in turn close it off to any new understanding we our limiting our potential. One of the most important concepts in Daoism is Wei Wu Wei , or, action without action. Like water bending and moving through a stream it is believed that people should act accordingly to nature not challenging or trying to act
  • 23. I Am Owned By Three Dogs As I like to say, I am owned by three dogs. Anybody who has dogs, knows people who have dogs, has ever seen a dog, or even is aware that dogs exist, knows that dogs like to bark. Some dogs naturally bark more than others, but I do believe I have three of the barkiest dogs on this planet. (Is barkiest even a word? If not, it is now, because that s what I have). My dogs like to bark whenever anybody comes into the house, whether they are family or not. They bark when company goes out the door. My dogs like to bark at neighbors walking down the sidewalk, and if those neighbors are walking their dogs, they bark even louder! My dogs like to bark at small critters in the yard, when the neighbor slams a car door shut, and when the washing machine back in my laundry room brakes after the spin cycle. In effect, they think they must bark all the time. All this barking dognoise becomes quite stressful. When my poor husband comes home from work, all the dogs come to greet him, and Twix (a beagle/sheltie cross) is the worst of all. Being part beagle, she is quite vocal by nature. She gets so excited whenever family comes home that she goes on a five minute barking spree. She was trained by her previous owner, my daughter in law, to respond to a quiet command but it s usually ineffective. She knows she s supposed to shut up, but she just can t control her excitement. The other two dogs also understand the word quiet but they don t listen either. Martha is an anxious dog by
  • 24. The Pros And Cons Of An Indigenous Dog Breed It is normal perception that our indigenous dog breed is just not capable with regards to being a piece of the bomb disposal squad in the security powers. But the Central Reserve Police Force or CRPF jawans in Kondagaon range of Chhattisgarh s Bastar have turned out to be off base. As an examination, the CRPF 188 unit camp has prepared two indigenous puppies Gullu and Rocky to identify bombs. The camp had a Belgian Shepherd and a German Shepherd in their puppy squad who went with their groups for street opening and hunt operation in the Naxal plagued wildernesses in the Bastar district where Naxals all the time plant explosives focusing on security powers. But the dogs got harmed and the jawans had no dogs to recognize explosives for the following day. So the puppy handlers of the camp prepared Gullu and Rocky. While they have turned out to be a viable contrasting option to the outside puppies in the squad, preparing them was a tough assignment. ... Show more content on ... They are moderate learners. They aren t ready to coordinate their remote partners as their noticing limit is less. Yet, in the wake of preparing they are compelling on the ground. Indigenous dogs may not be drafted in the powers as of now, but rather are compelling go down to distinguish explosives in the Naxal locale. The Indian dogs in some ways likewise have an edge over remote breed mutts as they adjust better to the atmosphere and are low
  • 25. Amazon s First Brick And Mortar Store Figure 2.1 Marketing mix 2.1Product Nick Wingfield writes that Amazon can improve physical retail through their data centric approach to online retailing (Alter, A. and Wingfield, N., 2016). Amazon s first brick and mortar store differs from traditional independent bookstores. Amazon has forsaken the charm of a funky used bookstore in favour of a clean...well lit and corporate atmosphere (Alter, A. and Wingfield, N., 2016). The store is small and has a limited selection of 5,000 books, a tiny percentage of what most independent booksellers would carry (Vuong, 2016). All titles are face out (rather than spine out) and each carries a review card with the customer rating and a review (Amazon, 2016). There is debate over ... Show more content on ... Traditional brick and mortar bookstores refuse to stock titles published by Amazon (Vuong, 2016). Placement in a physical store increases a title s visibility, attracting more customers. Amazon is unable to offer this benefit. By opening its own stores, Amazon can promote titles published by CreateSpace and generate revenue for its authors, thereby attracting bigger name authors to their platforms (Elgan, 2016). In the past, Amazon has encouraged customers to use brick and mortar bookstores as showrooms physical locations where you interact with a product before buying it at Industry insiders now speculate that Amazon s physical stores are intended as showrooms for Amazon s other products, particularly their technology. Electronics...are the nucleus of the store (Alter, A. and Wingfield, N., 2016), and the stores provide a way for Amazon to introduce their technology to the public: Techies might be comfortable buying a device like the Echo online...but a lot of people will want to see it in the flesh first (Alter, A. and Wingfield, N., 2016). Amazon can promote their entire range through a brick and mortar bookstore, generating an increased market share for their other products. 2.3 Place The placement of Amazon brick and mortar stores allows them to target a specific market. Amazon s existing store in Seattle and their planned second store in San Diego are placed near major universities, indicating that Amazon is targeting
  • 26. Equal Employment Opportunities In The US Equal Employment Opportunities are a huge deal and there are many important milestones the US has taken to get where we are today. Even though the working industry is not perfect and there are still problems, the EEOC(Equal Employment Opportunities Commission) was created and helps to prevent discrimination in employment. The EEOC was created by congress in 1964. It was passed after the Civil Rights Act in 1964. This was written and states that discriminationin employment based on color, national origin, race, religion, and sex is not allowed. Almost immediately after this was issued as the law, the EEOC received thousands of complaints more than expected. It s crazy to think so much discrimination in the workplace happens but the facts are
  • 27. How The British Invasion Changed American Culture The appearance of British rock groups in America changed our culture massively. The original Beatles invasion opened the floodgates, and provided a boost for other cultural exports such as films, art and television. British Invasion acts influenced fashion, haircuts and other manners of culture in the 1960s. It became known as the counter culture because the groups gave the young rebels of the 60s something to relate to and thus influenced what defined a cultural rebel. The success of British acts time lead American garage rock bands to change their sound and style to match. The most famous example of this was the Monkees; an American made carbon copy of the Beatles that were formed simply to capitalize off the British Invasion ... Show more content on ... (One thing that Americans used to avoid the depressing times was to use illegal drugs, but that will be elaborated on later.) This is what it was all about; sure it was about the music, but it brought more, it brought a way of life across the ocean. A lot of the invasion stayed in that generation, many bands and songs that were big then are all but totally forgotten about now. Bands such as the Searchers, the Swinging Blue Jeans, and Gerry and the Pacemakers all had one or two great hits which stayed in that time. This however, was part of the beauty of it all. Some of the music stayed with us thirty years later, and that s great, it gives us a good sampling of the time. On the other hand, you have the music that was meant for the era, and not for future generations. That is part of the uniqueness of it all, and Lester Bangs says it best when he tells how it doesn t matter that the music isn t listened to anymore, that s not what it was for. It was for the time, it was a timepiece . On the other hand, we have the bands that were not simply timepieces and were able to stick around three decades later. These bands are the Who, the Kinks, the Rolling Stones and the Beatles. This is another aspect of why the invasion was so influential. Where would we be in rock and roll with out the Beatles, and on a slightly
  • 28. The Economic And Monetary Union ( Emu ) And The Future Of... WHAT ARE THE MAIN CAUSES FOR SUCH A CRISIS TO OCCUR? The debt crisis, explained above, in several member states of the euro area has contributed in raising doubts about the viability of European Economic and Monetary Union(EMU) and the future of the euro. While the launch of the euro in 1999 created a considerable enthusiasm toward regional monetary integration and even monetary unification in different parts of the world, the present emergency had the inverse impact, actually raising desires of a separation of the euro region. The emergency has shown the issues and pressures that will inescapably emerge inside a fiscal union when uneven characters develop and get to be unsustainable. The reason for the European emergency will be further ... Show more content on ... The nation has then ended up unable to get or even move over existing obligation except at prohibitively high investment rate. The divulgence of the genuine Greek monetary circumstance raised genuine questions about the nation s capability to meet its obligations. The following rating downsizes and steadily climbing premium rates prompted a deterioration of Greece s right to gain entrance to capital markets that made it significantly more troublesome and in the end incomprehensible for the legislature to refinance itself, creating a down spiral for the Greek economy. So by then, the Government needed to speak to its fellow members of the European Union and IMF for bailout. The bailout, then again, failed to restore market trust in the Greek economy. In addition, it failed to end the contagion of the crisis to other nations of the euro area. Specifically, the Greek crisis and the hesitant political reaction from the other European nations raised concerns over the debt circumstance and the structural and competitiveness issues of the financially weaker periphery member nations of the euro area, named PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain). As an outcome, the borrowing costs for the PIIGS expanded fundamentally and the expense of guaranteeing sovereign
  • 29. Criminal Law Criminal Law Jordan Miller CJA 354 September 24, 2012 Kristin Mildenberger Criminal Law Former Chief Justice and President of the United States from 1909 to 1913, William Howard Taft once stated Presidents come and go, but the Supreme Court goes on forever. That statement currently remains to hold true. The first Supreme Court was called to assemble on February 1, 1790, at which time the powers and duties of the Supreme Court were established. The United States Supreme Court currently has one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices and is the highest judicial body in the United States. In the 2009 case of the Supreme Court vs. Joel Tenenbaum, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) sued former Boston University ... Show more content on ... The definition of criminal liability is when one does not commit an act of crime intentionally, but the actions he or she takes result in a crime. An instance of criminal liability would be if an individual takes medication that makes him or her drowsy and that person operates large machinery and hurts or kills someone. He or she did not plan to hurt anyone but were negligent on the actions taken (Lippman, 2010). Accomplice liability means that under criminal law, any individual may be held responsible for a crime if he or she intentionally abets, encourages, solicits, advises or procures the commission of the crime by physical conduct or psychological influence. Generally, a failure to prevent another from committing a crime will not trigger accomplice liability. However, that omission could be a factor in determining whether psychological influences such as actus reus (guilty act) and mens rea (guilty mind) of accomplice liability existed in the commission of a crime. The requirement of actus reus accomplice liability involves even the smallest amount of psychological assistance to the perpetrator of a crime, whereas mens rea involves showing ones intent to assist in the commission of a crime (Lippman, 2010). Actus Reus, Mens Rea, and Concurrence United States law states that elements of a crime are facts that must be proven for the successful conviction of an individual charged with a
  • 30. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The English... English Language Learners There are many English Language Learners who may be at a higher disadvantage because they are learning English as a second language. Being introduced to any language is a challenging task for all small children; consequently, students who cannot communicate with any school staff members are often left behind. Due to the variety of languages in a school setting it would be difficult to have a dual immersion program set in place. However, in Kern County, there are many small towns whose population is primarily Spanish speaking. These town s students are faced with many difficulties as they try to adjust and transition to English because a lot of their parents do not speak English themselves. Schools with a high population of Spanish speaking students should offer a dual immersion program because it will provide their students the necessary tools to become proficient English languagelearners. Difficulties Many times, school faculty may feel that incorporating a dual immersion program may be confusing for students. They feel that their primary goal should be to learn English and there should be no distractions. In the past, due to these conflicting ideas, Most schools did away their long term bilingual programs, even though, prop 227 didn t actually outlaw learning in a foreign language (Mongeau, 2016). Students would benefit from learning two languages because they may need to follow instruction in their first language to understand the
  • 31. Quistions On Academic Research Case Quistions on Academic Research Case The need for an Internal Auditor Report to External Stakeholders to Improve Governance Transparency Naimah AlBaharnah Prof. Liotta, Joseph P AC629, Contemporary Issues In Auditing June 19, 2014 What is the issue being addressed in the paper? 
 Sarbanes Oxley mandates requires all public companies to establish internal controls and procedures for financial reporting. In addition they must document, test and maintain those controls and procedures to ensure their effectiveness. The purposes of SOX are to emphasis on corporate governance and to reduce the possibilities of corporate fraud by increasing the stringency of procedures and requirements for financial reporting. Under Sarbanes Oxley act, ... Show more content on ... Finally, Resources section in the IAR, which provide users with information about the financial resource, devoted to the internal audit function, whether the internal audit function is in house or outsourced function. d. Describe any limitations of the research. There are cost considerations for using IAR. One cost consideration is the possibility that IAR disclosure will increase internal auditor liabilities when financial report failures occur, consequently, increases s the risk of lawsuits weather by the SEC seeking statutory fines, penalties and remedial measures, or private lawsuits seeking monetary damages. Another potential cost to IAR disclosure relates to the increased information load. The research finds that information overload may lead investors to take poor decision because they may stop paying attention to the details when there is too much information. Additionally, The research highlights the direct and indirect cost of preparing, distributing information, and revealing proprietary information to competitors. Overall, the research strongly support the idea of that IAR would provide external stakeholders with important information and does not consider those costs as a major issue. e. Describe the research methodology used as a basis for the conclusions. The researchers conducted 18
  • 32. The Minister s Black Veil Visitor Analysis This paper will focus on the Congregation in The Minister s Black Veil . The Congregation manipulates the story through the different characteristics that they display. They play a big role in the way that the minister is perceived throughout the story. The three main element s this paper will cover are the Congregation s gossip, superstition, and various emotions. The Congregation uses gossip throughout The Ministers Black Veil . Their gossip shapes others opinions towards the Minister and his Veil. He has changed himself into something awful, only by hiding his face . ( Hawthorne 1) This quote is one example of the Congregation s form of gossip. Their judgmental slander causes a negative effect on the opinions... Show more content on ... The Congregation s Superstition causes rumors to spread that hurt not only the Minister s feelings, but his reputation as well. From the first moment they see the Veil, superstition overwhelms the Congregation. The Congregation never seems to stop coming up with new reasons for why the Veil is worn. Each new theory spreads throughout the town like wildfire. From church to their own home, their superstitious thoughts follow them everywhere they go. This in turn hinders them from learning the real truth behind the veil. The never ending cycle of superstition causes the Congregation to live in fear and worry. Their fear is caused by the unknown meaning of the veil. They came up with superstitious fables about the Minister. A fable went the rounds that the stare of the dead people drove him thence. It grieved him, to the very depth of his kind heart, to observe how the children fled from his approach, breaking up their merriest sports, while his melancholy figure was yet afar off. (Hawthorne 5) The way the Congregation looked at the Minister, because of their superstition, saddened him greatly. This caused the Minister to live the rest of his life depressed and gloomy, surrounded by superstition. Superstition can ruin a life. The minister loved his congregation and because of their superstition towards him it ruined their outlook of him. No matter the Minister s bizarre covenant the congregation should not have used superstition against
  • 33. Snow Falling On Cedars Essay Racism is the notion that one s own ethnic stock is superior to that of someone else s. Most all racism is as result of ignorance. Racism can range from a simple comment to make another human being feel inferior, to complex actions that make others feel unwelcome in society because of who they are. The theme of racism can be seen throughout literature. In the murder mystery novel, SnowFalling on Cedars, by David Guterson, many examples of wartime racism are evident. The novel is set on San Piedro Island off the coast of Washington in the year 1954. It is a place of five thousand damp souls (5). Kabuo Miyamoto, a member of the island s Japanese American community, is on trial for the murder of Carl Heine, a fellow fisherman. Heine s ... Show more content on ... Also, Kabuo knew that they re going to want to see me hang no matter what the truth is.... They hate anyone who looks like the soldiers they fought (391). That quote seemingly holds a lot of truth. Much of World War II was waged against Germany, and their persecution of the Jews. Ironically, the most vocal bigot in this story (Etta Heine) is not only of German descent, but was actually born in Germany. Yet, there appears to be no prejudice against Germans on San Piedro Island as a result of the War. This provides a strong argument to the idea that white people were racist towards Japanese people also because physically they looked different. In all of World War II, no person of Japanese ancestry living in the United States, Alaska, or Hawaii was ever charged with any act of espionage or sabotage. This fact is at very least disturbing. Because of the internment camps, Hatsue and Kabuo are forced to spent their wedding night in a public room with only a curtain, and a radio to stop the details of their evening from traveling through the thin walls. They have no choice on what to wear, eat, or do. It is not only the Japanese who remember the horrors of the camps and the war. Ishmael Chambers, the embittered war veteran who runs the San Piedro Review lost his childhood love when the Japanese were herded up and taken to the internment camps. Ishmael is not an objective witness however. He grew up with Carl and Kabuo. He lost an arm in Tarawa
  • 34. Importance Of Astronomy In Mesoamerica Astronomy, the branch of science which studies space, celestial objects, and the physical universe as a whole, is the eldest of all natural sciences with the documented history dating back to the beginning of ancient civilizations. The use of astronomy originated in the Middle East as the theological foundation of their civilizations, however, it quickly became common across many cultures in several continents partially due to its wide range of interpretations and that the sky and specifically the sunhave major implications on all beings regardless of location. One region where the use of astronomy became particularly prominent was in Mesoamerica. The observation of the sky was of immense importance to the civilizations of Mesoamerica. Mesoamerica, the geographical region from northern Central America to central modern day Mexico, was primarily comprised of three major civilizations: the Olmecs, Aztecs, and the Mayans. The latter of whom had the most notable effect in terms of astronomy, both during their existence and afterwards. The Mayan people occupied the southern portion of Mesoamerica from 1800 BC to 1500 AD during which they grew into one of the most advanced civilizations, constructing massive temples, pyramids, and sculptures centered around the central theme of astronomy. The Mayans were the only pre Hispanic civilization in Mesoamerica with a well developed culture, advanced written language, and understanding of advanced architecture, mathematics, and
  • 35. Columbus Ohio Research Paper I love Columbus, Ohio. It is the wonderful city to live in. columbus is the capital city of the U.S State. Columbus is the fifteen largest city in the United States and it has the large population because it has numbers of jobs opportunities, it is culturally diverse, low cost of Houses and Apartment complex and trafficissue that is why Columbus is a wonderful place to live and it is fair for everyone such as High class family, middle class and low class family so I love to live here and I enjoy so many beautiful things from Columbus, Ohio. Columbus Ohio is a culturally diverse city because we have so many immigrants live in Columbus, Ohio. They came from different regions such as South America, Central America, Africa and Asia. They have their own history about their culture and their Languages. For instance, people from South America and... Show more content on ... For example if people decide to live in Apartment Complex it is too expensive. A monthly cost of a Single bed room is around Eight hundred dollars. In Columbus I can get two bed rooms apartments for eight hundred dollars. In Denver Colorado a two bed rooms house cost around $150,000 to $200,000 which was built in 1970 or 1980 .In Columbus I can get much cheaper house like $80,000 to $120,000 for two bed rooms house which was built in 1990 to 1995.We can see that there is big a variation between Columbus and Denver so, that is the reason my grandfather decided to came here in columbus and now he is living with us for now.He told me that pretty soon he is going to buy a house in columbus
  • 36. Rise Of The Anti Hero Rise of the Anti Hero Through Cable and Subscription TV From Tony Soprano to Walter White to Don Draper the anti hero seems to have replaced the classic hero on TV as a result of 3 following major influences. Over the past few decades, due to events of the world such as wars, attacks, natural disaster instilled a mistrust in establishments such as government and journalism, which is then reflected in the popular culture with the stories told on TV. The second major influence is the shift in FCC regulations for cable and subscription content that has had a major effect on the types stories that can be told in these two mediums. And third influence is the networks breaking free from advertising pressure; subscription TV has changed the landscape of TV, clearing the path for stories that are not influenced by rating and advertising, and valuing the story itself. The first and foremost factor that enabled creators to write and audiences to consume stories about anti heroes goes hand in hand with society s severe mistrust in establishments. TV has had a major role in how events unfolded in late 20th and early 21st century, making it possible to bring the news into our living rooms. The rise of the anti hero is a product of a series of chain events that started with many atrocities that our society had to endure, followed by society s realization of how flawed our government and news reporting was, eventually leaving the the people of this country (and of the world) with a darker
  • 37. Network Administrator I have decided to pursue the career of a network system administrator or IT professional. Over the last ten years or so computers have become fundamental parts of everyday life, used for a variety of reasons at home, in the workplace, and at schools. Of course every computer user runs into obstacles from time to time, whether it is the blue screen of death, the forgotten password, or the loss of important data. The explosive use of computers has created a high demand for specialists to provide advice to users, as well as for day to day administration, maintenance, and support of computersystems and networks. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2006 07 Edition, Computer Support Specialists... Show more content on ... Department of Labor s Bureau of Labor Statistics. Among the fastest growing fields by 2014 (for those with bachelor s degrees) are computer systems administrators, database administrators, computer engineers for both applications and software, and computer analysts and network analysts. On average, those jobs are expected to increase by 55 percent more than 750,000 new openings. Willett,M (2007,July 29). Some careers remain prime options for college students. The Fayetteville Observer, N.C.). This leads one to believe this career is growing as fast as the rise of the computer itself. It ll be a hot job in the future and it s hot right now: in many tech job banks, Windows network administrator is one of the job titles with the most openings Job growth rate between 2004 to 2014: 38.4% (my it top five fastest growing jobs. Retrieved September 25,2007, from www.(http://my it /career support/top five fastest growing it jobs.html). When looking at it from the salary standpoint , According to the recently released Robert Half Technology 2007 Salary Guide (go to www.nwdocfinder .com/6721), starting salaries for technology positions should see a slight increase in 2007. A number of networking specific job titles will see growth that outpaces the industry average. Network security administrators, for example, can expect starting salaries between $69,750 and $98,500, a 3.7% increase over 2006 levels. Network
  • 38. The Relationships between Service Quality and Customer... From plentiful literatures we can see customer satisfaction is related to the quality both of product and service. According to Regan (1963), he is one of the first to draw the relation between service quality and customer satisfaction, and since that time service industry research has flourished for a long time. Specifically, practitioners and academicians have been interested in how consumers conceptualize servicequality. In the literature, the service quality construct is commonly defined as a difference score (discrepancy) between the service quality that is delivered by a firmand the service performance that customers expected to get (Gronroos, 1988; Parasuraman et al., 1985). According to Cronin Taylor(1992), consumerperception of firm delivery of a desired service. Greenwell, Fink, and Pastore (2002) made an experiment in measuring the impact that service quality has on customer satisfaction. And the result shows satisfied service quality has a positive correlation with customer satisfaction. Yoshida and James s (2010) argues that service quality directly influences satisfaction with the service experience and that product quality also has directly influences on customer satisfaction. The outcome of their study indicate that product and service quality influence customer satisfaction, and in turn, customer satisfaction influences customers shopping behaviors. And according to their study, one of the most important factor concerning service quality
  • 39. Women Should NOT Be Allowed In Combat The influence of females should not be underestimated; they have the ability to be just as strong and powerful as men do. Their presence in physical warfare would make an enormous difference in the outcome of the battle because they offer so many advantages that most people overlook. They have the potential to be even more robust than men due to their willpower. If women could be admitted into combat forces within the army, how could it possibly have a negative effect? Women should be able to participate and fight in combat during times of war because gender does not limit someone s opportunity to train for combat, a bigger army equates to a more powerful one, and trained females are just as equipped as trained males. Women should be allowed to train and fight for combat like any other man because gender should not limit one s opportunity to participate. The women who want to train and fight for our country in combat are very strong and determined to serve in the military. Andrew Tilghman, writer for military times, confirmed The Defense Department will lift gender based restrictions on military service, Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced (All Combat). Already the Secretary of Defense recognizes that gender does not play a role in one s capability to train and fight for combat. This shows ... Show more content on ... Many women who meet the male fitness requirements necessary for combat are strong enough to perform in combat situations. Allowing women to participate in combat has a positive impact to the military because they can build bigger armies that include both men and women that can fight in combat situations when necessary. When allowing one to participate in combat training and combat fighting, the military s judgment should be based on the abilities, strength, and determination of the individual rather than the gender of the
  • 40. Case Questions Management Strategy Case Questions Case 5: Panera Bread Company 1. What is Panera Bread s strategy? Which of the four generic competitive strategies discussed in Chapter 3 most closely fit the competitive approach that Panera Bread is taking? What specific kind of competitive advantage is Panera bread trying to achieve? 2. What does a SWOT analysis of Panera Bread reveal about the overall attractiveness of its situation? Does the company have any core competencies or distinctive competencies? 3. What is your appraisal of Panera Bread s financial performance based on the data contained in case Exhibits 1 2, and 8? How well is the company doing financially? 4. What strategic issues and problems does Panera Bread... Show more content on ... What does a SWOT analysis reveal about Nucor s situation? Does Nucor have any core or distinctive competencies? 8. What is your assessment of Nucor s financial performance the past several years? How strong is the company s financial condition? 9. Based on your analysis and assessment of Nucor s situation, what issues does Nucor management need to address? 10. What recommendations would you make to Dan DiMicco? Jet Blue Airways 1. What was David s Neeleman s original strategic vision for JetBlue? 2. What were key elements of JetBlue s strategy in 2008? How has the company chosen to attract customers in sufficient volume to earn profits? How does JetBlue offer its customers value? 3. Are JetBlue s functional strategies consistent with its overall strategic approach? 4. What policies, practices, and procedures have been developed to execute its business strategy and functional strategies with proficiency? 5. What is your assessment of JetBlue s financial performance during fiscal years 2003 2007? 6. What are the factors driving change in the airline industry? How are they likely to impact the future attractiveness of the industry? 7. What recommendations would you make to help speed JetBlue s turnaround and revive its growth in revenues and earnings? Cooper Tire Case: On Blackboard 1. What industry does Cooper Tire operate in? What are the primary competitive forces impacting the industry? 2. What does a SWOT
  • 41. Stereotypes Affecting Female College Students Test Scores This study examined how female college students dressing professionally affected their test scores in traditionally male dominated subject areas such as science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). There is an existing stereotype threat against women in these subject areas, which is defined as the risk of fulfilling a negative stereotype about a characteristic that one holds about his or her own group (Steele Aronson, 1995). The stereotype threat that affects females in STEM classes assumes that females are inferior to males in STEM courses which can lead to unequal test scores between females and males of equal intelligence. Data was collected from femalestudents at UTC by having half of the participants dress professionally and... Show more content on ... STEM classes are traditionally male dominated subject areas, and there is already a stereotype threat against women in these classes which has the potential to negatively affect their test scores (Steinberg, Okun, Aiken, 2012). In male dominated disciplines, women are underrepresented and often subject to stereotype threat which may lead them to perform more poorly than their male counterparts of equal intelligence. This study would evaluate whether the females dress has the potential to boost their confidence and mitigate the effects of the stereotype threat, thus improving their scores. Research on stereotype threat and women s performance on math tests conducted by Spencer, Steele, and Quinn (1999) documented that women perform more poorly on moderately difficult math tests than their male counterparts. They also demonstrated that this difference in scores could be eliminated when the researchers told the participants that the test they were taking did not produce any gender differences in scores. However, when they told the participants that the test did produce gender differences, the females performed significantly worse than their male counterparts who were equal to them in intelligence. Another important consideration is the role clothing with regards to self objectification. A study by Fredrickson, Roberts, Noll, Quinn, and Twenge (1998) which found that women with higher BMIs had higher body shame when wearing more revealing
  • 42. Cheap-Croatia Research Paper Cheap Flights to Croatia to/hr/cheap flights to croatia.html With its stunning natural landscape, extraordinary seafood, luxurious hotels, rich history, and active nightlife, Croatia is a picture perfect Mediterranean oasis for adventure seekers and beach bums alike. This affordable destination hosts a wealth of natural and historical wonders that you are sure to fall in love with. To find the cheapest flights to Croatia from an airport near you, try Skyscanner s search tool above. Getting to Croatia Croatia s three major airports are located in Zagreb (ZAG), Split (SPU), and Dubrovnik (DBV). There are many international airlines that serve these airports, including Air Canada, Lufthansa, KLM, Emirates, Air Transat, British Airways, and more. Budget conscious travelers should consider using Skyscanner s search tool to compare flights from hundreds of airlines to find the best deal. Croatia is a member of the European Union, which allows all Canadians to stay for up to 90 days without ... Show more content on ... The summer months of June, July, and August are great for sunbathing, with hot afternoons and crystal clear water that is perfect for swimming. However, it s also Croatia s peak season for tourists which means higher hotel and flight costs, and crowds at the most popular beaches. If you d like to avoid the summer rush but still catch a few rays by the beach or enjoy the outdoors, May and September are the perfect months to choose. The weather is a bit cooler and more unpredictable, but the open access to tourist destinations and cheaper flights more than make up for it. You ll find the cheapest flights from October to April. The harsh winter weather makes the Adriatic coastline an unattractive destination, but the inland cities are still bustling with activity! It s the perfect time to book a budget friendly spa getaway, or curl up with some mulled wine after a long day on the
  • 43. Arnold Palmer Case Arnold Palmer Hospital Case Study 1. The case study indicates that the approach to match capacity to demand utilized by Arnold Palmer Hospital must be approach (a), leading demand with an incremental expansion. The reason for this is that it is evident that Arnold Palmer Hospital is attempting to acquire capacity to stay ahead of demand, or in other words by leading capacity, on account of the fact that the opening of the new 11 store hospital building will increase yearly birthing capacity to 16,000, which is far above the estimated 13,600 births expected during 2007, as shown by Table S7.3. Furthermore, the fact that the hospital and Swanson in particular is choosing to follow a multi stage approach in terms of the hospital s ... Show more content on ... That is to say, the population in the area may for example be aging and thus birth rates may fall, etc. Also, they need to look at the economic situation in the area as well. By that I mean looking at whether young couples/families are continuing to move into the area? Are there enough job opportunities in the area that will fuel growth of this demographic group? All this may affect population growth and subsequently birth rates. 3. Using Excel s data analysis regression tool, the follow data was found by plugging in the years (coded from 1 through 13) in column A and the number of births in column B and then substituting column A for input X range and column B for input Y range: SUMMARY OUTPUT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Regression Statistics | | | | | | | | |Multiple R |0.984835305 | | | | | | | | |R Square |0.969900578 | | | | | | | | |Adjusted R Square |0.967164267 | | | | | | | | |Standard Error |473.2824687 | | | | | | | | |Observations |13 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |ANOVA | | | | | | | | | | |df |SS |MS |F |Significance F | | | | |Regression |1 |79396723.52 |79396723.52 |354.455521 |1.02108E 09 | | | | |Residual |11 |2463959.247 |223996.2952 | | | | | | |Total |12 |81860682.77 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Coefficients |Standard Error |t Stat |P value |Lower 95% |Upper 95% |Lower 95.0% |Upper 95.0% | |Intercept |4679.884615 |278.4549858 |16.80661096 |3.42384E 09 |4067.009324 |5292.759906 |4067.009324