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Argumentative Essay High School
Crafting an argumentative essay on the subject of "High School" can be a challenging task that
requires careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. Firstly, one must delve into the
complexities of the high school experience, exploring various aspects such as academic pressure,
social dynamics, and extracurricular involvement. Navigating through the myriad of opinions
and perspectives on high school life adds another layer of difficulty.
Constructing a compelling argument involves thorough research, ensuring a well-informed stance
on the topic. This process requires sifting through a multitude of sources, ranging from scholarly
articles to personal anecdotes, in order to present a balanced and nuanced perspective. The
challenge lies not only in finding relevant information but also in critically evaluating and
synthesizing it to form a coherent argument.
Furthermore, the task demands effective organization and articulation of ideas. Crafting a
persuasive essay involves structuring arguments logically, supporting them with credible
evidence, and anticipating and addressing potential counterarguments. Striking the right balance
between assertiveness and open-mindedness is crucial, adding an extra layer of complexity to the
writing process.
Additionally, tailoring the essay to engage a high school audience requires a nuanced approach.
The language used should be accessible yet sophisticated, appealing to both students and
educators. Maintaining an appropriate tone while addressing sensitive issues, such as educational
policies or social dynamics, adds another dimension to the difficulty level.
In conclusion, writing an argumentative essay on the topic of "High School" is no easy feat. It
demands thorough research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills to navigate the
complexities of the subject. However, with dedication and a systematic approach, one can
overcome these challenges and produce an essay that is both insightful and persuasive.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, resources like can provide valuable support. Professionals and experts in various fields are
available to aid in crafting well-researched and compelling essays on a wide range of topics.
Argumentative Essay High School Argumentative Essay High School
Essay on Sexual Harassment
In today s society we constantly hear or read about individuals that claim they were
a victim of sexual pressure. These instances can take place at work, school, the
military and even at church. But exactly what is sexual exploitation or unwanted
sexual behavior? After looking at several definitions for sexual abuse I came across
the following definition that I feel will help all of us to better understand what
inappropriate sexual behavior is. Sexual harassmentwas defined by The Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) as unwelcome advances and
requests for sexual behavior or conditional requests such as a person s employment
will continue if they perform these acts. (Gale Group, 2003). This definition left me
thinking and... Show more content on ...
Please also keep in mind that a harasser can be male or female and can be of the
same sex as the victim. The harasser may not always know that they are being
offensive but if the other person is uncomfortable and has stated this to them then he
or she should stop before legal action is brought forth.
Some women may even prefer not to report any allegations of being pressured
sexually for fear of what might happen to them if they do. Although it is not lawful to
retaliate against an individual for exposing employment practices that discriminate
many people would seek retaliatory efforts. Therefore there are many women who
feel it may be better for them to suffer in silence than to deal with revengeful or
vindictive tactics such as being denied promotions or being scorned by other women
who may think that the victim is pressing charges for attention. Because of the nature
of such unprofessional behavior the victim may find him or herself very alone and no
one wants to go through that especially after suffering through the harassment itself.
Being sexually abused can have similar effects like rape in which the victim falls
prey to depression, shame and guilt. Being depressed can lead to anxiety problems,
an increase or decrease in weight as well as a lack of self confidence and self respect.
They may experience the loss of trust in familiar people and places. The victim can
become withdrawn and if they are married the
Risk Management And Management Plan
Risk management and need for a risk management plan.
Risk is a threat of destruction, injury, liability loss or any other negative incident
caused by external or internal environments. Risk is unpredicted and nobody can
guess it might happen in the near future. All of the projects exist risk and the project
manager is responsible to identify those risk, which is a part of risk management
planning process. Risk management is the procedure of distinguishing risk and reduce
risk level. The risk management methodology decides the actions, strategies,
instruments, and group parts and obligations regarding a particular task. A good risk
management suggests control of possible future destruction and precautions for that
risk. The risk management plan represents how administration will be organized and
performed on the venture. As a management procedure, risk management is utilized
to identify and preserve a strategic distance from the potential cost, timetable, and
implementation or specialized dangers to a framework, take a proactive and
organized way to deal with negative results. The risk management approach and
arrangement operationalize these administration objectives.
A risk management plan and a business are vital parts of the business coherence
arrangement. By comprehension potential dangers to the business and discovering
approaches to minimize their effects, this will help the business recuperate rapidly if
an occurrence happens. In project management, there should be
A Research On Animal Farm
Animal Farm The term: Organic deduces via natural resource there s only so much
organic matter, because organic matter is determined what has decayed and at what
amount for centuries. As our populace grows, the right kind of organic matter
diminishes, there lies the problem. Here s the unsavoury verity. One of my bones of
contention is that the consumer reads the organic term so frequently that marketing
has inadvertently diluted the organic term s validity. For a starter, soil has to be
fertile to grow produce apparently, fertile soil benefits from even greater quantities
of chemical fertilizer; of the premise, organic matter isn t available en mass, to
facilitate our inflated populace; hence, it s pure ignorance to systematically take the
view organic produce hasn t been treated and claim it has more superior qualities. Oh
yes, the imperialist Supermarkets dictate the tune to which our farmers grange dance
to, due to authoritative policies ridding advertising standard powers to watchdogs
meaning the supermarkets are allowed to use every trick in the book to capitalise on
sales; affirmation, why the organic label is 100% marketing. Retailer s awareness is
vehemently tainted and totally imbalanced; their aim is to satisfy their shareholders
first and foremost too few consumers don t configure retailer s allegiances let alone
their marketing prowess. The imperial scenario simulates... chocoholics orchestrating
chocolate production;
Promotional Strategy Suggestions for Exercise Equipment...
Promotional Strategy Suggestions for Exercise Equipment and Breakfast Cereal
For any product to be sold successfully, especially to the mass market, the firm
selling the product will need to be marketed with a promotion. Promotion is one of
the four elements of the marketing mix, referring to the way in which a product is
promoted this is more than just advertising, it includes public relations, endorsement
and any activity which will help to increase awareness of the product and support the
development of sales (Hooley et al, 2007). Promotional strategies are required in
order to create awareness in the potential target market regarding the product, and to
help stimulate sales by influencing the decision making process (Kotler and Keller,
2011). In order to demonstrate the application of promotion strategies to different
products can be examined, with promotional strategies those products suggested. The
two products are exercise equipment and breakfast cereals.
Exercise Equipment
Designing a commercial strategy to exercise equipment requires the marketer to
identify the message that will suitably communicate not only the purpose and
function of the product being sold, but why and how it will satisfy needs of the
consumer. Kotler and Keller (2011) argue that people do not buy products; they buy
the benefits that are provided by the product. For example, when purchasing a bed
the buyer is purchasing the ability to get a good night s sleep, when a consumer
purchases a
Management Of Working Capital Balance Sheet
Humbro PLC have been successful with their Olympic themed board game, they
have decided to take on a business venture of an expansion where they would be
able to create a new product which can capitalise on the next football world cup.
The finance director has been absent on a long term leave which has led to a lack
of clarity and understanding of the various financial options among the other board
members within the company. The managing director has asked for some financial
advice and if this expansion will go ahead. In this report I will analyse Humbro
PLCs financial information give my conclusion followed by my own
recommendations for the company and if the expansion is to go ahead.
Users of financial information
Users ... Show more content on ...
Identified sources of finance in the statement of financial position
A debenture is the most common form of long term loan that can be taken by
Humbro. Debentures are usually loans that are repayable on a fixed date this is in
the statement of financial position under the heading Non current liabilities (8,000)
in both 2011 and 2012. Most debentures pay a fixed rate of interest which you can
also see in the statement of financial position under current liabilities titled debenture
interest (800) for year 2011 and 2012. The main advantage of a debenture to
companies is the fact that they have a lower interest rate than overdrafts. They are
usually repayable at a date far off in the future.
Retained earnings
Retained earnings are profits generated by a company that are not distributed to
shareholders as dividends but are either reinvested into the business or kept as a
reserve for specific objectives these being to pay off debt or purchase a capital
asset. As you can see in Humbros statement of financial position under capital and
reserves they have retained earnings at 9,100 in 2011 and 10,500 in year 2012 this
has shown an increase which means there is more capital available for growth and
higher returns on investments and shareholder equity.
Ordinary shares
Ordinary share are any shares
President Clinton Vs. The 104th And 105th Congress
President Clinton vs. the 104th and 105th Congress
President William Bill Clinton was the United States 42nd president. Bill Clinton
was born in Arkansas on August 19th 1946. In 1976 he was elected to become the
Attorney General of Arkansas. Two years later he became governor, becoming the
youngest governor. Clinton ran for president in 1992 with running mate Al Gore.
His presidency ran from 1993 to 2001. During his presidency the 104th ( 95 97)
and the 105th ( 97 95) Congress was established and the Republicans took over the
House with 228 seats in the 104th and 226 seats in the 105th. The Democrats had
206 seats in the house in the 104th and the 105th had 207 seats. The Senate was no
different, The Republicans had 52 seats ... Show more content on ...
His term as Speaker of the House seemed as the opposite of President Clinton. When
he was speaker there were many government and budget shutdowns, and also
unpleasant impeachment proceedings. Yet Gingrich and Clinton have agreed on
welfare reform, tax cuts and budgeting deals.
Overrides and Vetoes Over the course of Clinton s presidency there have been 37
bills that have been vetoed, although 36 were regular vetoes, one pocket veto, and two
vetoes that were overridden. The two bills that were overridden are the Private
Securities Litigation Act of 1995 and the Line Item Veto.
The Bankruptcy Act of 2000 was one of the laws that was a pocket veto. The
sponsor of this act was Representative Christopher H. Smith. The bill as asserted by
the president because it was not fair towards ordinary debtors who fell on hard
times. Yet this represents a loophole for the wealthy. Under the Homestead
Exemption, bankruptcy filers can protect some of their equity in their homes under
chapter seven bankruptcy. This also implies to chapter 13 bankruptcy as well. You
can be relieved of all or most of your equity, this would decrease the minimum
amount you must pay to your creditors. In the meantime this will be easier to repay
your debts.
The Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995 but later overridden as the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, was designed to stop or to limit non
serious securities
A Project Report On India Technological University
INSTITUTIONS Affiliated with GTU A Project Report On FACTs BY SVC
Prepared as a part of the requirements for the subject of PROJECT I B.E., Semester
VII ( Electrical ) Submitted by: Sr. Name of studentEnrollment No. 1. Savasani
Rajkumar13O350109526 2 Prasad Shubham 130350109522 3. Lakkad
Tilak130350109518 4. Savaliya Yogesh130350109525 Under the guidance of:
(Internal Guide) PROF. RAGHUVIR KUBAVAT ( Head of the Department )
Successful completion of any project is the result of your hard work but with that
constant encouragement, goodwill and support of people around helps you a lot. We
owe a great many thanks to a great many people who
Hadrian At Tivoli
Architecture often stands on its own edifying right, but how much more affluent we
are to seek an understanding of the cultural diversity and design influence one had on
architecture when presented in terms of an historical account. This paper seeks to
piece together the formal elements of the villa with dignifying examples of diversity
from Hadrian s travels and abhor of the surroundings of Romeitself. Emperor Hadrian
s Villa at Tivoli, built between 118 and 138 a.d., reflects in its remaining fragments an
intoxicating contrast of established and experimental thought, diplomatic elements of
an age at its peak that knew great order and organization and simultaneously
embraced much chaos and mystery. It is a collection of largely... Show more content
on ...
Hadrian s villa plan is vast, stretching across the landscape covering more around 300
acres, with which are four major axis located attempting to assist at the density of the
villa, but the multiplicity of arrangement in final assembly continuously amazes and
is shocking when taken in the context of villa architecture at the time. William
MacDonald and John A. Pinto in their former book, Hadrian s Villa and Its Legacy
(1995), cover the villa in great depth. They admit to an impression of disorder . . .
as though a great house had come apart, but in their final analysis they find great
order and beauty, not in the geometry of the overall plan, but in the successive
experiences of the gardens and structures. MacDonald and Pinto suggest that the villa
is like a laboratory in where Hadrian could experiment and express with his personal
interpretations of cultures, religions and physical environment that made up his own
mind. The unique curvilinear architecture of Tivoli with its spirited clash of concave
and convex shapes, its circular colonnades, its concrete vaults and domes shimmering
with glass mosaic was everywhere, enlivened with the sparkle of pools, fountains,
cascades and canals and further enhanced by Hadrian s collection of figure
sculptures. Moreover, his keen historical
The Day After The Boston Marathon Attack
After the Boston marathon attack in 2013, there was people who were very
mournful of what had happened, and who were very fearful of what was to come.
Media at the time were being very desolate and grieving those who had died.
Stephen Colbert, the host of The Late Night Show with Stephen Colbert, decided to
take a different approach. In the introduction to his show the day after the attack, he
addresses what had happened to ease the minds of his audience in an ironic
humorous way. He was very serious about the situation but, he decided that adding
comedywas suitable. By using Pathos, in paradoxical way, he could lift spirits and
hide sorrow underneath comedy in a very effective way.
Stephen Colbert always opens his show by yelling, tonight, and then playing an
introduction video. However, on this occasion after yelling tonight, the video does
not play and he catches his viewer off guard. He the leans into the camera and says
in a very soft spoken way, hey look, before we begin I just want to take a moment to
talk about the attack in Boston yesterday. By the way he says this line in a very
serious tone, it leads his audience to believe that they are going to hear the same,
beat to death, mournful lines that they have heard since the attack. He then says, now
obviously, our thoughts and our prays are with everyone there, and this line is very
special because he gives foreshadowing that this is not going to be the typical news
When he reaches the seventeen second
Linkage Analysis Essay
As molecular genetic data became available, studies used them to understand human
behaviors. Below I briefly summarize the structure of human genome and introduce
the genome wide association studies (GWAS). In humans, 23 pairs of chromosome
constitutes the human genome. For each chromosome, the nucleotides on the
opposite strands connected together to form tens of thousands of base pairs.
Normally, the bonds are either adenine thymine (A T) or guanine cytosine (C G).
These construct the double helix DNAstructure. A chunk of a chromosome that
relates to certain functions is a gene. The lengths of genes (i.e., a region of DNA)
differ. Mutations of genetic variants in genes can lead to diseases or variations in
phenotypes. Genetic variants... Show more content on ...
Also, the analyzed segments for association studies are at least ten times smaller than
the ones used in linkage analysis (10~100 kb vs. 1000 kb). Therefore, although both
association studies and linkage studies use the similar method, by scanning a large
scale of the known human genetic variants, and finding the significant SNPs that
relate to the outcomes, association studies have the larger statistical power and are
more popular nowadays. The genome wide association studies apply the association
studies to a large portion of the known common human genetic variants. For humans,
there are about 8 to 10 million common SNPs for whom at least one percent of the
population has the minor allele. The minor allele is the rarely observed genetic
variants in the reference population. Mostly, laboratories genotype only about a
million of these tag SNPs and impute others. Both the linkage studies and association
studies are hypothesis free approach which does not require the a priori knowledge of
the biological pathways underlying the study (Belsky and Israel 2014, Manuck and
McCaffery 2014). GWAS features of including many genetic variants and being
hypothesis free provide researchers with an unbiased and comprehensive method.
Only a theoretical assumption is assumed for these association studies: the common
disease common variant assumption. This holds that multiple SNPs contribute to a
single disease
The route to fast food franchising
Franchisee, business, restaurants, marketing, success, brand, suppliers, sales,
standards, customers, Ray Kroc, market research, recognises, Football Association,
From extremely modest beginnings, they hit on a winning formula selling a high
quality product cheaply and quickly.
However, it was not until Ray Kroc, a Chicago based salesman with a flair for
marketing, became involved that the business really started to grow.
There are now more than 29,000 McDonald s Restaurants in over 120 countries.
This case study examines the success of franchising and investigates the special three
way relationship that exists between the franchisee, ... Show more content on ...
Being their own boss
In return, the franchisee agrees to operate the restaurant in accordance with
McDonald s standards of quality, service, cleanliness and value. McDonald s
regularly checks the quality of the franchises output and failure to maintain standards
could threaten the licence. The franchisee is also expected to become involved in
local events and charities. Ray Kroc believed strongly that a business must be
prepared to put something back into the community in which it operates.
The franchisee, for all the training and support McDonald s offers, is running his or
her own business. They fund the franchise themselves and therefore have much to
lose as well as gain. This makes them highly motivated and determined to succeed.
2. Selling a well established, high quality product
In this case, the product is recognised all over the world. A large proportion of new
businesses and new products fail, often due to costs of the research and development
needed. The McDonald s formula, however, has been successfully tried and tested.
Ray Kroc s insistence that all McDonald s outlets sold the same products and
achieved the same quality has led to a standardisation of the process and great
attention to detail.
The cooking processes in McDonald s restaurants are broken down into small,
repetitive tasks, enabling the staff to become highly efficient and adept in all tasks.
This division of labour and the high volume turnover of a limited
Bye Week Research Paper
People who play one day fantasy football to win know they have to get the basic
terms under their belt before they go a blow a whole season.
Bye Week
During the regular season, every team in the BFL has a bye week. During a bye
week, football players get an opportunity to rest and recuperate as their team
doesn t have to play a game that week. Bye weeks are used in the real NFL to give
a team and its players a break to review plays and just to recharge the players.
Best Fantasy football bye weeks can make or break your probabilities of winning.
Don t choose players that have the same bye week because you may restrict your
selections for plays and points. Be sure your roster has players in as many different
bye weeks as possible.
Cheat Sheet
You... Show more content on ...
Handcuffing is when you draft a star player like a running back or quarterback, and
if in case they get hurt and can t play you also draft their backup.
Keeper League
In a typical fantasy football draft, every team begins empty and owners choose
their team through a draft. Every year the teams start from scratch and draft again.
Mock Draft
A mock draft is an approximation of what players will go where before the draft
actually happens. This can be very valuable to new fantasy football players. It will
help you determine who you will be able to take with your first few picks. But, best
fantasy football drafts are very changeable and a mock draft is an only an
estimation of what could happen.
Team Position
Your team s position in the draft is the order number that you choose your players.
Some drafts obey a normal pattern of teams picking from the #1 spot until every
team has chosen and then start over. Other drafts use a snake style draft where
all teams will pick in order until all the teams have made one selection and then
start over round two going in reverse order. As a one day fantasy leagues
Peppercorn Dining
Ohm s law From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the law related
to electricity. For other uses, see Ohm s acoustic law. V, I, and R, the parameters of
Ohm s law. Ohm s law states that the current through a conductor between two points
is directlyproportional to the potential difference across the two points. Introducing
the constant of proportionality, the resistance,[1] one arrives at the usual
mathematical equation that describes this relationship:[2] where I is the current
through the conductor in units of amperes, V is the potential difference measured
across the conductor in units of volts, and R is the resistance of the conductor in units
of ohms.... Show more content on ...
This application of Ohm s law is illustrated with examples in How To Analyze
Resistive Circuits Using Ohm s Law on wikiHow. Other versions Ohm s law, in
the form above, is an extremely useful equation in the field of electrical/electronic
engineering because it describes how voltage, current and resistance are
interrelated on a macroscopic level, that is, commonly, as circuit elements in an
electrical circuit. Physicists who study the electrical properties of matter at the
microscopic level use a closely related and more general vector equation,
sometimes also referred to as Ohm s law, having variables that are closely related
to the V, I, and R scalar variables of Ohm s law, but which are each functions of
position within the conductor. Physicists often use this continuum form of Ohm s
Law:[31] where E is the electric field vector with units of volts per meter
(analogous to V of Ohm s law which has units of volts), J is thecurrent density
vector with units of amperes per unit area (analogous to I of Ohm s law which has
units of amperes), and ПЃ (Greek rho ) is the resistivity with units of ohmВ·meters
(analogous to R of Ohm s law which has units of ohms). The above equation is
sometimes written[32] as J = E where Пѓ (Greek sigma ) is the conductivity which is
the reciprocal
Clara Norton Fowler s Dissociative Identity Disorder (1906)
Dissociative identity disorder, previously referred to as Multiple personality disorder,
is an unconscious defence mechanism in which a group of mental activities splits off
from the main stream of consciousness and function as a separate unit (O Regan,
1985). Dissociative identity disorder is a complicated, posttraumatic dissociative
psychopathology with symptoms such as; disturbances of memory and identity, and
the separation of regularly related mental processes, that can lead one group of the
brain functioning independently from the rest.
Dissociative Identity Disorder is a very unique psychopathology, due to the fact that it
causes the patient to host multiple identities, commonly referred to as alters , within
themself. However, Dissociative Identity Disorder was not at first seen ... Show more
content on ...
Fowler was studied by the American neurologist, Morton Prince between 1898 and
1904. Prince described her case in his monograph, Dissociation of a Personality
Clara Norton Fowler was a student, at the age of 23, who sought treatmemt from
Morton Prince, because she was suffering from a nervous disorder . Prince first
discovered her alters under hypnotherapy, however they later appeared spontaneously.
Prince treated her by reconciling her alters with Clar s original personality, also know
as the Host.
During his study, Prince described Fowler as having three distinct alters, each of
which had no knowledge of another. He wrote, although making use of the same
body, each ... has a distinctly different character ... manifested by different trains of
thought, ... views, beliefs, ideals, and temperament, and by different acquisitions,
tastes, habits, experiences, and memories... Prince, Morton (1906) The dissociation of
a personality: a biographical study in abnormal psychology. M. M.
The Law Enforcement Profession Essay
The Law Enforcement Profession
In order to understand comptemporary law enforcemment, we should recognize the
conditions that impact our profession. It is agreed upon by many scholars that major
changes in law enforcement occur every five years. Policing is sometimes
characterize ... like a sandbar in a river, subject to being changed continuously by the
currents in which it is immersed... (Swanson,
Territo and Taylor, p. 2). However, in recent years some major changes have
occurred in a shorter time period.
Innovations in law enforcement
During the past two decades, I have observed major changes in the viewpoint of
society towards police officer s as the symbol of trust and dignity, the technological
advances of ... Show more content on ...
The results of an investigation disclosed that the McDuffie s death may have been
caused by police instead of an accident. After being indicted and found not guilty by
an all white jury, riots broke out in black neighborhoods, especially Liberty City
resulting in arson and looting that left 18 persons dead and more than 300 injured.
This catastrophe forced the Miami Police
Department to reexamine and revise their use of force policies and procedures
(CQ Researcher, p. 645). The Jeffrey L. Dahmer Case characterize a situation when
the police fail to properly handle a call of a suspicous nature. Dahmer was charged
with murdering at least 15 young males. On May 27, 1993, two Milwaukee citizens
reported a naked young male in the middle of the street bleeding and unable to stand.
The boy name was Konerak Sinthasomphone, a 14 year of laotain boy.
Dahmer was able to persuade the officer that the boy was a live in lover. The boy
was later slain by Dahmer in his apartment after the officers left the scene. A storm
of portest came from the minority and homosexual communities accused the officers
of displaying racial prejudice. The officers were also criticized for dismissing the
incident as a boyfriend boyfriend thing (CQ Researcher, p.
One of the most celebrated cases in recent times was the beating of a black motorist
by several white police officers in Los Angeles. It stirred nationwide concern about
police brutality. On March 3, 1991, Rodney Glen
The Ergonomic Keyboard And Mouse Prevent Carpal
Office workers in Mound, Minnesota, may be aware of the importance of the
ergonomic keyboard and mouse to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and other
repetitive stress disorders. However, these are merely the tip of the iceberg when it
comes to the health problems researchers have linked to prolonged sitting. High
blood sugar The Washington Post reports that poor posture does contribute to a
variety of spinal issues, such as neck strain and muscle tissue damage. However,
studies show that even at an ergonomic station, the pancreas is negatively affected.
That organ produces insulin to help the body regulate the amount of sugar in the
blood. When a person sits for hours at a time, muscles stop responding the way they
should to insulin, and that prompts the pancreas to go into overdrive. As a result,
the risk for diabetes rises. Low mental function Unused muscles take a toll in other
areas of the body, as well. Fat is not burned as efficiently when muscle movement is
restricted, and that leads to sluggish blood flow and less oxygen in the brain.
Lower mental capacity is one side effect, and depression may follow, since the
body does not produce the chemicals that improve mood and outlook. Cancer
According to Time Magazine, a recent analysis of 43 studies indicates a clear link
between sitting for hours during the day, and colon, lung and endometrial cancer.
Regular exercise did not lower the risks, which were 66 percent higher for those who
are typically deskbound at work.
Cellular Technology Has Developed A Long Way From Its...
Chapter 1
The cellular technology has developed a long way from its existence in the early
1980 s. In the past few decades it has grown into one of the biggest market with the
rise of cell phone users, the cellular network providers and cell phone makers have
grown in immense amount. Cellular technologies have evolved from first generation
(1G), second generation (2G), third generation (3G) and to its current technology
which is fourth generation (4G) which is also known as Long Term Evolution (LTE).
Fig 1.1 Evolution of Cellular technology
The first generation (1G) only provided users with voice communication in its
second generation (2G) the service was expanded to voice and data communication
in which the system capacity was also improved. Second generation or 2G wireless
technology is also known as Global Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM) and
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). The third generation (3G) was a
revolution in the cellular technology the data rates increased immensely from 2G,
3G is also known as Wideband CDMA (WCDMA) and CDMA 2000. The current
cellular technology that are in existence is fourth generation (4G) also known as
Long Term Evolution (LTE), which can theoretically provide data rates up to 100
Evolution of Cellular Technology
The first generation (1G) system was developed and implemented in 1981 in
Norway which used Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS), US and UK later
followed similar technology for developing
Lexmark M5155 Unit 5
The Lexmark M5155 is the ideal enterprise class sheet tray server for you if you
have a growing business in your hands. The Hewlett Packard Enterprise ProLiant
DL380 has the capability to deliver the latest performance and expandability like
no other. With IntelВ® XeonВ® E5 2600 v4 Processors, the Hewlett Packard
Enterprise ProLiant DL380 has all the power you need to run your business
effectively and it can support up to 22 cores. The HP 40G0822 has increased its
performance by 21 percent compared its predecessors with all the ground breaking
specs it includes. It has 3.0 TB of HPE DDR4 SmartMemory, HPE Persistent
Memory for guaranteeing you unprecedented levels of performance for databases
and analytic workloads and an onboard SATA HPE Dynamic
Organic Food And Organic Foods
Introduction with Industry Overview:
Organic food has continuously been seen as the healthy choice but only in recent
years has the concept become a world over phenomenon. Earlier, organic food was
somewhat of a fad and although the principles were practiced, it was by no means
The argument on whether the organic food products can be bought online and are
really organic has gained enormous magnitudes in not only Pakistan but all over
the world. People are dealing with issues of what is safe and fresh to buy online,
what is clean and what is not, what food processing is hard to animals and soil and
what is more viable. To resolve these issues, many people are moving towards
organic food products.
As per the World of Organic Agriculture study, the organic food products market has
been rising at the rate of 20 25% per annum for the last decade.
The food situation in Pakistan also needs immediate attention mainly due to no or
very low compliance with standards and lack of monitoring. Though many people
seem to be savvy on the issues involved, at least to some extent, the online market for
nontoxic, cleaner, organic products in the country is still very limited.
Are people responsive to the differences between organic and conventional foods?
Do they have access to them? Do buyers and sellers have different view points on
the availability, prices and value of organic foods? Do they have multiple options to
choose from? Will they buy online? This report is
The Rate Of African Americans
Participation was highest among Europeans with 60.3%, followed by Asians with
a rate of 51.3% and Maori with 42.0% (Ministry of Health, 2015). Females were less
likely to have a colonoscopy and below 1.5 times less likely to have a positive
iFOBT result than males (Ministry of Health, 2015). This variation was found for
each age group (Ministry of Health, 2015). Maori were slightly more likely to have
a positive iFOBT result than Europeans (Ministry of Health, 2015). Moreover,
females were about twice unlikely to have and adenoma, advanced adenoma, or
cancerdetected than males (Ministry of Health, 2015).
Maori aged 60 69 years were 1.5 times more likely to have an adenoma detected
than Europeans of the same age (Ministry of Health, 2015). Maori were almost 1.5
times more likely to have an advanced adenoma detected than Europeans (Ministry
of Health, 2015). Asians were over 1.5 times less likely to have an advanced
adenoma detected than Europeans (Ministry of Health, 2015). There was a
recommendation that Asians were less likely and Maori were more likely than
Europeans to have neoplasia detected, but this was not statistically significant
(Ministry of Health, 2015). Asians were less likely than Europeans to have either
advanced adenoma or colorectal cancer detected (Ministry of Health, 2015). The
Positive Predictive Values for adenoma and advanced adenoma was lower for
females than males (Ministry of Health, 2015). The PPV for adenoma was about 1.5
times less for Asians
New York City Public Transportation System
Beginning in June of 1952, when the Metropolitan Transportation Authority was
founded, advances in transportation in New York City have improved the city s
developing economy and have benefitted people to a great extent. Located in the
heart of Manhattan, the MTA headquarters are home to hundreds of different
vehicles, ridden by thousands daily. The train tracks and bus routes run through
Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and the Bronx, unifying all five
boroughs and improving the lives of everyone Beginning at $0.05 and going up to
$2.50, one way bus fare has slowly been increasing since the MTA was founded.
Although the cost depends mainly on how far the vehicle is traveling, this is the
standard expense and the difference is significant. This cost is beneficial to travellers
because it is inexpensive, and convenient for day to day use.
Along with convenience, there are multiple economic benefits to using New York City
public transportation. Pollution can become less of a problem, because travellers
aren t taking individual cars throughout the state. The system is reliable for
workers and travellers, making New York City a busy tourist area. The schedules
are clearly posted, along with dozens of different times of the day to make
travelling less of a hassle. There is arguably less stress on the commuter about traffic
on the streets and less worrying about time since the transportation system is reliable.
The problem of finding a place to park on the busy
Personal Identity In Iris Murdoch s Under The Net
Oscar Wilde famously said Be yourself; everyone else is already taken , but this
begs the question of what it means to be yourself. There are obvious physical aspects
we each have like height, race, and gender, but those attributes do not really answer
the question of who someone is, rather they answer what someone is. Iris Murdoch
attempts to get to the core of this question of how personal identity develops in Under
the Net. Through the lens of the protagonist Jake Donaghue, Murdoch establishes that
identity is not a function of language but of relationships.
Verbal communication is one of the main ways people interact with their
surroundings. The language they utilize reflects back on themselves informing others
what type of person ... Show more content on ...
Existentialism offers a solution, stating there is no external values, instead people
define their own meaning; therefore they are radically free. However, this freedom
does not always seem conducive to meaning. Jake makes decisions with abandon,
not stopping to think of the ways his actions might affect himself or others. He
lives by hopping from house to house, surviving by the skin of his teeth, knowing
he is therefore a parasite (Murdoch 21). Even though he acts freely, his life lacks a
clear sense of purpose. When Jake reflects on what he values, despair overwhelms
[him] , and he comes to the realization that everything [he] had been doing lately
was pointless (Murdoch 144). It is only when Jake becomes an orderly does he
seem to find a purpose. Not only does the job break him from his depressive state
in David s home, but it also makes Jake think of other people (Murdoch 27). Part of
personal identity is having relationships with others outside of the self. Jake s
lifestyle neglects those connections, ultimately causing him to lead a self centered
and unfulfilling life. Jake s prolonged sadness functionally adds side constraints on
the existentialist understanding of personhood. While people are radically free to
define their purpose, Murdoch proposes in order to make that purpose meaningful it
needs to be defined in relation to others.
People s relationships to one another are what foster self reflection
Disopora of Inheritance of Loss
As might be expected from the rich input of her cultural background, Kiran Desai,
daughter of the author Anita Desai is a born story teller. Her first novel,
Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard (1998), is a fresh look at life in the sleepy
provincial town of Shahkot in India. At 35 years old, Desai is the youngest woman
ever to win the prize and was already highly acclaimed in literary circles for her
first novel Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard which won a Betty Trask award [2]
when it was published in 1998. She spent eight years writing her second novel The
Inheritance of Loss [3] . Much has been made of the parallels between the book and
Desai s family history but it s not an autobiography. Desai herself has said that in
places it s... Show more content on ...
Whereas Biju finds it difficult to have a conversation even with the Indian girls to
whom he delivers a take away meal, Saeed had many girls : Oh myee God!! he
said. Oh myee Gaaaawd! She keep calling me and calling me, he clutched at head,
aaaiii...I don t know what to do!! ... It s those dreadlocks, cut them off and the girls
will go. But I don t want them to go! [8] Much of the comedy also arises from the
Indian mis or over use of the English language. Result equivocal the young Judge
wrote home to India on completing his university examinations in Britain. What ,
asked everyone does that mean? It sounded as if there was a problem, because un
words were negative words, those basically competent in the English agreed. But
then (his father) consulted the assistant magistrate and they exploded with joy ....
Bose, the Judge s friend from his university days is a wonderfully optimistic but
pompous individual, made all the more ridiculous by his over use of British
idioms Cheeri o, right o, tickety boo, simply smashing, chin chin, no siree, how s
that, bottom s up, I say! [9] An original and modern aspect of Desai s style is the
almost poet like use she makes of different print forms on the page: she uses italics
for foreign words as if to emphasize their exoticness and untranslatability and capitals
for emphasis
The Key Differences Between The “Law On The Books
And “Law
The key differences between the law on the books and law in action, the phrase
law on the books defers because the term law in the books is written and/or
codified. Law in the books is written and laws to be followed by a country or state.
Law in action refers to how and if a law is applied or enforced it varies depending
on the enforcer. ( in Criminal Law , n.d.). The laws in the book
includes, but are limited to the laws of this country and state, however, the key
difference of laws in action is the enforcement of the laws.
For example, in England it is still currently illegal to sell fruit or vegetables at a
market in basket without selling the basket along with the last fruit/vegetable. This is
the law of England and ... Show more content on ...
Gary Haugen and Victor Boutros offer a searing account of how we got here and
what it will take to end the plague. Filled with vivid, real life stories and startling
new data, The Locust Effect is a gripping journey into the streets and slums where
fear is a daily reality for billions of the world s poorest, where safety is secured only
for those with money, and where much of our well intended aid is lost in the daily
chaos of violence. (Boutros V. and Haugen G., 2014).
In their belief, the laws on books are written and on the books, but the laws in
action are enforced to protect the wealthy. The wealthy have an advantage over the
poor even in our modern day society the laws are written and the citizens of this
country are advised to follow the laws. There are times even the written laws apply
to a certain class of people. For example, the case of Paul House, it appears his pass
criminal history and his non innocent impression made detectives think he was
their guy. Often, the publics urgency to find the killer or the individual who might
fit the profile for the crime causes our judicial system to not thoroughly investigate
a case. The law on the books perspective in the case of Paul House caused the
prosecutors and the U.S. Supreme Courts to base their decision on the written laws
of Tennessee, however, the laws in action made Paul House guilty as charged. The
written laws were followed based on the evidence presented and the specifics of the
case which lead
Home Work
Unit 6 Assignment
MT140 Introduction to Management
Matthew Guccione
Prof. Suzanne Ness
In the case of Dalman and Lei discrepancy of the time sheet this can be resolved by
using none other than a control system called bureaucratic control system. First to
implement this system they must first understand what this system means. It is
designed to measure progress toward a set goal and to apply corrective measures to
ensure this goal is met. In other words control system is to detect and fix certain
variables and discrepancies turning into results of the ultimate goal. This process is
broken down into four parts. Setting a performance standards, Measuring
performance, comparing performance again the standards ... Show more content on ...
Now comes Step 3 which is comparing performance with the standard. This step
Dalman and Lei have their weekly results from their new system they implemented
and compare it with the goals they set. They can see the good and bad results that
came out of the system. Also participants can identify successful actions to
recommend in the future and avoid the mistakes next time around. For example,
let s say a employee had another employee clock in for each other and they didn t
go to the desk in work. The only way they can prove that it was indeed another
employee clocking in would be a camera of some sort. The best place that a camera
would be where the employees clock in. This is one of many examples that Dalman
and Lei can compare the performance with the standard they put in stone. This
comes to the last step of the system and that is taking action to correct the problems
and reinforce the successful ones. The selection of the corrective action depends on
the nature of the problem. If the problem was the system not recording the clocking
in of the employees, than the corrective action would be to call in a specialist control
and help figure out the problem with the system. Dalman and Lei need to keep the
successful standard and throw the non successful ones to the corrective action. To
ensure that the discrepancy doesn t appear or accrue
The Ford Pinto
The Ford Pinto
Question 1
What moral issues does the Pinto case raise?
ANS: The Pinto case raise the moral issues of what is the dollar value of the human
life. That the businesses should not be putting a value on human life and disregard
a known deadly danger. In order to perform a risk/benefit analysis, all costs and
benefits must be expressed in some common measure. This measure is typically in
dollars, as the Ford Motor Company used in its analysis. This can prove difficult for
things that are not commonly bought and sold on the open market. Therefore, totell
someone that there is a certain price for their life is a preposterous notion. There are
numerous things which individuals consider priceless. Ford thought they could get ...
Show more content on ...
As Friedman has argued, the role of business is to make money and a cost benefit
analysis is a very useful tool in figuring out how to do so. When it comes to morals,
however, cost benefit analysis is much less useful unless one believes in
utilitarianism. For other understanding of morality, a person should not be asking
what do I gain and lose when trying to figure out what to do. People should be
asking what s the right thing to do . Cost benefit analysis can t really help with that.
An examination of the Ford Pinto Case, the cost benefit analysis, will help raise the
awareness and understanding of the diminishing value of ethics in the business
world. When Ford conducted the cost benefit analysis, it analyzed what the
potential benefit would be if they fixed every Pinto by installing the baffle piece.
The result produced from the cost benefit analysis may be interpreted to say that it
would have cost Ford $137 million to fix the Pintos by installing the baffle piece
when it would have cost $49.5 million to leave the cars alone and deal with the
expenses of injuries and deaths from the crashes. Ford decided that, because it
would be cheaper, it would not install the baffle piece. According to De George,
Ford did not tell the consumer that the car was not as safe as others, nor did it inform
consumers that they had the option of purchasing the baffle piece (De George, 1995).
In Ford contention is that these decision are moral ones, and that cost benefit analysis
Human Manipulation Of Genetic Transfer And Its
AS 3.7 Demonstrate understanding of human manipulations of genetic transfer and
its biological implications.
Daisy the Cow
Daisy the cow is a genetically modified cow modified by scientists from Agresearch
and the University of Waikato in New Zealand. This cows purpose was so that it
could produce milk that did not contain a protein named beta lacto globulin. This is
because many infants are allergic to this protein; in fact two to three percent are
allergic. So these scientists have used the scientific techniques of ribonucleic acid
interference and somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning to produce this cow without the
protein, however there are many implications.
One of the techniques used to produce daisy the cow was ribonucleic acid
interference causing gene knockdown. Ribonucleic acid interference is a biological
process where certain ribonucleic acid molecules are interfered with causing
inhabitation of certain gene expressions. Gene knockdown is a genetic technique
where certain genes are made inoperative in an organism because they are knocked
out of it. In daisy the cow this was used so that the instructions that have the protein
beta lacto globulin made could be knocked out so that it would no longer be present
in daisy. The way they did this was by introducing a synthesized double stranded
ribonucleic acid that has a sequence that is complimentary to the gene that is of
interest into the cell. This is then recognized as exogenous gene material causing the
Search For Meaning In Cloudstreet
The characters in Cloudstreet are all connected by their search for meaning. Discuss.
Not only are the characters connected by search for direction in life and the personal
journeys each of them are embarking on but they are also connected by their fate in
either God or the shifty shadow and the grief and suffering they have endured,
connection between self and place. Their journey can be seen as a journey towards
Self and place is a theme explored by Winton throughout the novel, all characters gain
some kind of sense of identity and belonging from the house as their search for
meaning comes to an end, a spiritual force being fish and the aboriginal man helps to
guide some characters home to where they belong.
The lambs ... Show more content on ...
The blade turn and turns, slow, slower and Lester thinks is this all there is to it? Just
chance, luck, the spin of the knife? Isn t there a pattern at all; a plan? (pg 166)
Lester is spinning the knife with Fish and he begins to wonder about the design of
fate and whether a higher power is guiding them. The Lambs have been embittered
with religion and their faith in God, even though it s harder to shake it off than they
realised and they find themselves still reading the bible at night. However, Lester
starts seeing things from Sam s perspective: perhaps lady luck, the shifty shadow, the
hairy hand, is what guides them. He starts feeling hopeless and this is the beginning
of his search for meaning.
Luck doesn t change, love. It moves (pg 20)
Lester says this to Rose at the hospital after his accident. We are instantly introduced
to a dominant theme that surfaces throughout the entire novel: luck. Sam believes
that luck is what decides for them, that hard work and determination play no part in
the outcome. He believes that, by following the shifty shadow of luck, by feeling
your way, you can become a winner, although more often than not, Sam s a loser.
Sam starts to see the Lambs working hard and making their own
Comparing Frankenstein And The Day The Earth Stood
American film has long served as a platform for religious discourse. Creating a
context where existential issues and eternal questions can be explored, film is
reflective of the cultural and religious sentiments of society. The genre of choice has
changed overtime with horror, westerns and later on science fiction all contributing
greatly to this collective, dynamic cinematic religion. Directors James Whale and
Robert Wise in Bride of Frankenstein (1935) and The Day the Earth Stood Still
(1951) respectively, address the collective concerns of a nation regarding the role of
God in a changing world. Times were destruction and devastation led to questions of
is there even is a God? Furthermore in increasingly technological times the auteurs
address the issue of creator verses creation. Each piece reconciles the relationship
between creator and creation in different manners reflecting important cultural and
religious sentiments of the time. Produced in different eras, both Bride of
Frankenstein and The... Show more content on ...
Whale shows that men meddling in the business of Gods leads to ultimate self
destruction and Wise builds on the doubts of a society already questioning God to
replace the sacred with the scientific. These films represent in part the progressive
secularization of society and replacement of the holy with the eternal truths of
science. To the generation of Bride of Frankenstin, science remained within the
realm and plan of God. While the society of The Day the Earth Stood Still found
the alien s flying saucer was more reliable than the prayer. In our modern era as
science continues to grow and religion fights to hang on to a dwindling audience, in
the wake of the next global stir cinema surely will reflect whether we will look to the
heavens for answers or to the
Omnivore s Dilemma Chapter 8
You open the fridge, the spotlight shines on all of the food, and suddenly you are
stuck with the decision of what to eat. Everyone has been in a situation where they
didn t know which food to choose, to help us understand our options better,
Michael Pollan created the book, Omnivore s Dilemma. In this book, there is a
certain chapter that stands out the most: Chapter 8. Chapter 8 states all the facts
about what the omnivore s dilemma is. By looking closer into this chapter, the
reader goes back to the very question that pioneered this whole idea. The idea that
in the modern world, with such a surplus of choices, how do we decide what we
should, and what we should not eat? To give us a better idea of how we got here, let
s start by finding out how we got to this point in the first place.
The omnivore s dilemma is not a new thing, but why do we have it? As Pollan says
best, Today we can buy just about any sort of food from anywhere in the globe, in
any season. (86) He s right! With the availability of any ... Show more content on ...
These trends and styles aren t just clothes and technology, they are also about food.
A scientific study, a new government guideline, a lone crackpot with a medical
degree can change our nation s diet overnight (93) This just shows how easy it is to
suddenly change the way we eat. The adjustment is as easy as snapping your
fingers since all the food in the world is available at our fingertips. These fads,
however, crazy they may be, are the closest things we have to science, because we
are told that it will, tell us which foods are good for us and which are not. But the
science keeps changing with every new study. (95) So how in the world are we
supposed to know what s true and whats a facade just being claimed to be healthy
for us? We must look for the facts, in the things we know to be true, and from there
navigate our way to the reality of what we should be eating to be
The Manufacturing of Neoprontosil and Other Products
The manufacturing of Neoprontosil and other products took place at the Winthrop
Chemical Company Inc.. The company was a 50/50 joint venture of Sterling
Winthrop, also known as Sterling Drug, and I.G. Farben, a conglomerate formed in
1926 through the merging of eight leading German chemical manufacturers including
Bayer, a German chemical and pharmaceutical company. [6, 13] I.G. Farben was
notorious for its role in the Holocaust as it was involved in many war crimes. The
company produced large quantities of Zyklon B, a cyanide based pesticide,
necessary for the gas chambers at various concentration camps during the Holocaust.
[14] Sterling Winthrop was an American pharmaceutical company founded in 1901
by William E. Weiss and Albert H. Deibold to manufacture and sell a pain relieving
preparation called Neuralgine . [15]
During the 1930s, Winthrop Chemical Company Inc. became a leader in the
pharmaceutical industry with the introduction of renowned products including
Salvarsan and Neo Salvarsan (the first effective drugs in the treatment of syphilis),
Prontosil and Neoprontosil (the first of the sulfa drugs), and Atabrine (the synthetic
antimalarial that replaced quinine during WWII). [15] The company eventually
expanded overseas in 1938 and operated seventy plants in forty countries. [13, 15]
Deconstructing the Object
The object will be examined critically and deconstructed through multiple
perspectives including the makers, the watchers, the users, and the pushers of
Character Analysis Of Robinson Crusoe
I take notice of here, those discontented people, who cannot enjoy comfortably
what God has given them; because they see and covet something that He has not
give them. Robinson Crusoe (Defoe 95). In the book, Robinson Crusoe the main
character Robinson Crusoe was a man who made many choices, some of which
were made selfishly, and without the guidance of God or other influential people
of whom he should have listened to. Throughout his life Crusoe learned many
things through experience. His relationship with God as well as his character
improved along his journey and strengthened when he allowed them to. Crusoe s
well aspired dream of becoming a sailor affected his relationship with God and
ultimately began his journey of growth. At age 19, Robinson Crusoe decided he
was not going to go on to work in law, as his father had planned for him, but that he
was going to be a sailor. His father attempted to convince Crusoe of his disapproval
and to prevent him from becoming a sailor. Crusoe however decided against what
his father had said and left home even though he was told not to. In the book he
says, I consulted neither my mother or father any more, nor so much as sent them
word of it; but leaving them to hear of it as they might, without asking God s
blessing, or my father s, without any consideration of circumstances or
consequences, and in an ill hour, God knows, on the first of September 1651I went
on board a ship bound for London. (Defoe 4). In his time as a sailor he was a part
of 4 separate voyages, all of which resulted in narrow escapes of death for Crusoe,
but despite the fact that God was obviously trying to give signs to him of why he
should not have been a sailor, Crusoe blames bad luck and fate for his troubles, and
continues to disobey his parents, and God. At this point of his life, Crusoe was a
selfish man who thought of what was best for himself, and ignored others
opinions, and did not seek God s help in his times of need. A little later in life, with
his bad luck along his journeys continuing, Crusoe survives a shipwreck on his way
to Guinea, in which all of his fellow sailors are killed. He survived by the grace of
God and somehow swam his way to a deserted island. Although just
Capital One Corporate Structure
Capital One is a banking company that is focused on credit cards and consumer
loans. The company also has some minor international operations in Canada and the
UK, primarily in the credit card business. The company breaks down its business as
follows. Credit cards are the major source of income, accounting for $10.4 billion in
revenue, or 64% of the total revenue for the company. Consumer banking accounts for
31% of the revenue, commercial banking a further 10% of the revenue, and the
company has negative revenue on other businesses. The credit cardbusiness is the
most profitable, generating $2.277 billion in profit, or 70% of the company s total net
income. Consumer banking accounted for 25% of total net income, while
commercial banking accounted for 16% of total net income.
The company has recently made moves to build its retail banking business and its
credit card business. In 2012, Capital One completed the purchase of ING Direct
USA, a deal that added $80 billion in deposits to the company s balance sheet. It
then added HSBC s US credit card business. This move added $28 billion worth of
credit card assets to the company s portfolio. These acquisitions were substantial in
nature $9 billion for ING and $31.3 billion for HSBC (No author, 2012). They
indicate that the primary focus for growth at Capital One is to build on its core
businesses. Such expansion of its two largest businesses indicates that Capital One is
more interested in focus there than in expanding
The I Have A Big Problem Essay
On a picnic table on campus grounds with a balloon tied to it sits a girl 21, all alone
with her head buried in sighs and the sleeves of a gray hoodie. This college student
in conflict, with a tendency to talk to herself. In a loud voice, she exclaimed Ugh! I
have a problem and it is so confusing to no one in particular. Then came the words
Hey, you alright? SK looks up staring blankly at the balloon, then around for the
source of the voice. Then it came again Hey! I am right here the balloon. Huh?...
Well, what s the problem is everything alright? Nope, I have a big problem. Why do
you think that is? I try my best to be perfect, I guess. No! You leave me no choice.
You will be visited by three ghosts the first at 9 AM! Next thing SK does is get up
then go to an empty classroom to study. Sitting in her favorite seat, SK looks
around the room in anticipation. When all seems to settle she hears a POOF see a
tiny human shaped creature with curly hair and big eyes appear. Oh! Who are
you? SK said with a look of amazement. Me? I am the ghost of the past. Friends call
me Gyp. What do you want? SK said putting up a defensive stance. To help you
with your problem silly. By the way, what is your problem? Well, I can t decide if I
care to continue college or jump into the workforce? Have you heard of Erikson or
Maslow? Yeah?... Good let s go. Go where? Silly you mean WHEN. Your past of
course! To help you understand yourself better and
Brain Obstacles
At 8 weeks, the embryo begins to move, and there are about 16 different movements
by 15 weeks. After 15 weeks, the amount of movement begins to decline because
there is little room within the uterus. The uterine environment now acts as a
constraint on the fetus posture and movement. There are other ways in which the
uterus can constrict the fetus. Certain environments can cause skeletal conditions to
occur. The uterine environment has constrictions in its potions relative to the
intestine, colon, bladder. The breech position of the fetus can affect reflexes. Even
prenatally, movements effect one another. Head movements in the fetus affect arm
and leg movements because turning typically begins with head movement.
Everything is coordination... Show more content on ...
Male brains seem to be 8% to 13% larger in volume compared to a woman s brain.
Certain areas of the brain that are larger in men include the structures that play a role
in controlling language, memory, emotion and behavior. Though men seem to have
sightly larger brain, there seem to be no cognitive differences. Overall, researchers
were unable to find any patterns that created a distinction between men and women.
Multiple studies examined multiple structures in the brain including the volume of
gray matter and the connections between different parts of the brain. All of these
studies found similar findings. A very small percentage of these brains were
exclusively male or female, while the majority of them were showed substantial
variability between the male and female traits. This article concluded by explaining
one finally study that studied the brain during activities that were considered highly
gender stereotyped activities. Once again, the findings were the same. Only 1.2%
of these brains were exclusively male or female, while 55% had traits from both
males and females. These findings play a vary important role in how society
perceives males and females. These findings don t support these socially constructed
views. It seems that these differences in brain structures can also stem from how our
society shapes the development of males compared to females. If men and women
were treated equally throughout life, their may be less brains that are considered
exclusively male or
A Report On A Cox Model Essay
A Cox model is a well recognized statistical technique for exploring the relationship
between the survival of a patient and several explanatory variables. A Cox model
provides an estimate of the treatment effect on survival after adjustment for other
explanatory variables. It allows us to estimate the hazard (or risk) of death, or
other event of interest, for individuals, given their prognostic variables.
Interpreting a Cox model involves examining the coefficients for each explanatory
variable. A positive regression coefficient for an explanatory variable means that
the hazard for patient having a high positive value on that particular variable is
high. Conversely, a negative regression coefficient implies a better prognosis for
patients with higher values of that variable. Cox s method does not assume any
particular distribution for the survival times, but it rather assumes that the effects
of the different variables on survival are constant over time and are additive in a
particular scale [17]. The hazard function is the probability that an individual will
experience an event (for example, death) within a small time interval, given that the
individual has survived up to the beginning of the interval. In this model the unique
effect of a per unit increase in a variable or covariate is assumed to be
multiplicative with respect to the hazard rate [18]. For example, taking a drug may
halve one s hazard rate for a stroke occurring, or, changing the material from which a
High Glycemic Index Diet Associations With Depression
In this review, we highlight the recent findings on high glycemic index diet
associations with depression. We focus on GI, GL, high calorie diet and BMI and
describe biological and behavioral mechanisms in relation to GI Depression
The consumption of sweetened beverages, refined foods, and pastries has been
shown to be associated with an increased risk of depression in longitudinal studies.
However, any influence that refined carbohydrates has on mood could be
commensurate with their proportion in the overall diet; studies are therefore needed
that measure overall intakes of carbohydrate and sugar, glycemic index (GI), and
glycemic load.
The glycemic index or glycaemic index (GI) is a number associated with a particular
type ... Show more content on ...
The glycemic load (GL) of food is a number that estimates how much the food will
raise a person s blood glucose level after eating it. One unit of glycemic load
approximates the effect of consuming one gram of glucose. Glycemic load
accounts for how much carbohydrate is in the food and how much each gram of
carbohydrate in the food raises blood glucose levels. Glycemic load is based on the
glycemic index (GI), and is calculated by multiplying the grams of available
carbohydrate in the food times the food s GI and then dividing by 100.
Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person s
thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of well being. People with depressed mood
can feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable,
ashamed or restless. They may lose interest in activities that were once pleasurable,
experience loss of appetite or overeating, have problems concentrating,
remembering details or making decisions, and may contemplate, attempt or
commit suicide. Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, aches, pains, digestive
problems or reduced energy may also be present. Depressed mood is a feature of
some psychiatric syndromes such as major depressive disorder, but it may also be a
normal reaction to life events such as grief, a symptom of some bodily ailments or a
side effect of some drugs and medical treatments.
In this review I will talk about high glycemic index
What Is The Narrative Techniques Used In Northanger
Jane Austen s Northanger Abbey is a bildungsroman, a coming of age story that
focuses on the psychological development, and maturity of the protagonist Catherine
Morland. This essay will analyse the language, and narrative techniques of the set
extract, and discuss how this excerpt suggests vicissitude in Catherine s priorities,
within her role as Austen s female bildungsroman. In addition, it will discuss the
domestic gothic and real life abuse that prevails in ordinary situations. Furthermore, it
will argue how Austen s rhetorical techniques work to encourage reader interest, and
to exercise perception, when distinguishing between appearance, and reality. Finally,
it will conclude by briefly discussing the significance of the extract within... Show
more content on ...
Written in third person limited omniscient, and filtered predominantly through
Catherine. The unknown narrator slips effortlessly into free indirect disclosure,
which adopts the tone and inflection of an individual characters voice. This technique
allows the narrator to intrude into the narrative to offer advice, or to foreshadow the
characters. However, the narrator frequently breaks from convention and addresses
the reader directly.
Setting and imagery, is important in the novel, the word Abbey , represents
connotations of the gothic itself, which conjures up expectations of horror, and
danger, and visions of the uncanny.
Characterisation, through dialogue and free indirect disclosure allows readers to
perceive for themselves the personality and agendas of each individual.
The word choice is rich, and the narrative construction subtle, compassionate, and
credible, making the phrasing natural, realistic, and easily understood through tone
and dialogue. My dear Eleanor, cried Catherine, suppressing her feelings as well as
she could, do not be so distressed.
Trends in Hotel Industry
Trends In Hospitality Sector Hospitality is all about offering warmth to someone
who looks for help at a strange or unfriendly place. It refers to the process of
receiving and entertaining a guest with goodwill. Hospitality in the commercial
context refers to the activity of hotels, restaurants, catering, inn, resorts or clubs who
make a vocation of treating tourists.
Helped With unique efforts by government and all other stakeholders, including hotel
owners, resort managers, tour and travel operators and employees who work in the
sector, Indian hospitality industry has gained a level of acceptance world over. It has
yet to go miles for recognition as a world leader of hospitality. Many take Indian
hospitality service not for its ... Show more content on ...
These surveys further revealed that these guests will pay anywhere from nine to ten
percent premium on the already advertised prices.
What can be stated as a welcome relief for the educated traveler might pose real
challenges for the hotel business. To better understand the scenario, it should be
noted that hotels are presently facing severe shortages in occupancy rates which are
at their lowest since 1971. Such a crisis and lack of funds can definitely hamper any
efforts to install appliances that comply with the LEEDS standards (Leadership in
Energy Environmental Design). Some experts agree that a trade off may lead hotels
into removing free amenities that include little bottles of shampoos, jams and free
basket of fruits; all of which are the hallmark of these eco lodgings.
Where are the Workers gone?
The hotel industry gives employment at a very large proportion of part time workers,
who after gaining substantial experience, leave for other lucrative jobs at restaurants
and outdoors. Low wages in the hotel industry is one of the primary reasons for low
retention rates.
Hotel industry Gurus are already thinking of ways to attract and retain qualified
workers by increasing the pay scales and by reducing the long working hours. The top
management is now devising constructive methods that will retain the existing
workers by sponsoring education and creating attractive
Medicine in Colonial Days Essay
The Colonial Period The improvement of medicine over the course of the human
successes gave great convenience to the people of today. Science has cured and
prevented many illnesses from occurring and is on its way to cure some of the most
dreadful and harmful illnesses. As the world modernizes due to the industrialization,
so does the ways of medicine. Some cures are approached by chance, some, through
intense, scientific measures. Medicine has come a long way from the Greek period.
Theories composed of the four elements were used to explain the sick phenomenon
that happens to our bodies. Many of the those theories are not relevant as of now.
Medicine and remedies has begun with the Earth, providing all types of compounds
and... Show more content on ...
Beginning with the newly founded nation: America, many colonial people
encountered illnesses they have never been subjected to. Despite the different
times in history, there is a similarity that is still ongoing today. Those who have
little income or live in rural settings have trouble obtaining the health they need
when an illness occurs. Hospitals are either too far to reach in time or the bills are
too expensive to pay. Now, there are countries who offer free health care but it does
not pertain to the land of America. America is based on money, and the old ways of
paying back someone through bales of wheat or firewood just will not cut it.
There were doctors in Colonial America. When a doctor visits a patient to check upon
the sick person s health, their pay will be in anything but money such as chopped
woods, vegetables, et cetera for the poor people. The poor people did not have
money as stated in A Visit to a Colonial Times Doctor s Office. They usually rely on
their farming to feed their families and things such as money were scarce. Those
who are of the contrary to the low income and the rural settings have better access to
health and opportunities as written in Colonial Medicine (5). They can pay their
doctor on the spot and can even request their choice of doctors. In modern America, a
new change to the health care business is arriving. With the currently new healthcare,
everyone shall be able to hopefully
Despair In A Clean Well-Lighted Place
Mallory Cox Period 3 12/17/2015 Comp 1 Despair, Loneliness, and Nothingness In
Ernest Hemingway s A Clean, Well Lighted Place he uses the struggle of dealing
with despair to show the hardships that the characters are facing. The old man that
the waiter s guess is about 80 years old has attempted in many ways to deal with
despair. He had a wife, but he does not anymore. He has money, but the money is
enough to deal with what he is feeling. The older waiter also knows that the old
man has attempted suicide. The mans niece saved him from committing suicide,
which once again does not save him from the despair that he is feeling. In the
beginning of the short story the younger waiter and the older waiter are watching
an older deaf man. They conclude that the older man likes the night time, but the
younger waiter does not get what the older waiter and the man understand and feel
about night time. The older man that sits under the shadows coming from a tree
taps his glass to the saucer on his table indicating that he wants more. He asks for
Brandy. The servers watch him carefully because they know that if he gets too
drunk, he will not pay. The younger waiter is happy, young, and confident. The older
waiter tells the younger waiter that he is lucky and he has much more than he could
ever have. The younger waiter cluelessly tells the older man that he can not have any
more brandy when he asks... Show more content on ...
He replaces most words with nada . This to me shows that the older waiter maybe
isn t so scared of other things in the world, but very scared of the feeling of
nothingness and of despair. He prays to nothing about nothing which shows to me
that he is very concerned about the feeling of nothing . Despair is when someone
has the complete absence of hope. That to me definitely shows that the older waiter
is fearful of loneliness and of the feeling of
The Hurricane Movie Essay
Norman Jewison s Movie The Hurricane
The problem of racial discrimination has been portrayed in many films in the last 15
years. However, The Hurricane does a masterful job at addressing this issue, and will
leave audience members clenching their fists in anger at the injustice that happened
to a man named Rubin Hurricane Carter. The movie demonstrates the racial inequity
that can be found in our judicial system through the impressive acting by Denzel
Washington and the direction of Norman Jewison. The Hurricane makes you wonder
who else has been wrongfully accused in the past 30 years.
The Hurricane creates moments of amazing heartfelt punches dealt by Denzel
Washington (Rubin Hurricane Carter), Vicellous Reon Shannon (Lezra... Show more
content on ...
He then pores over documents about his case and compiles them into a book. The
manuscript then lands in the hands of Lezra Martin. Moved by Rubin s words, Lezra
makes it his mission and the mission of his three Canadian friends to bring justice for
the Hurricane .
At his weakest hour Rubin finds hope via these four newfound friends. Through the
support of the Canadians along with the legal work of two volunteer lawyers they
take Rubin s case to the New Jersey Supreme Court. After 20 years, of wrongful
imprisonment, Rubin Hurricane Carter is restored.
The film s powerful message comes alive through its main actor s magnificent
performances and the anger and frustration that they evoke. In particular, Denzel
Washington proved this throughout the film with his representation of Rubin
Carter. He is known for films and works such as: Glory, The Pelican Brief,
Philadelphia, Courage Under Fire, and a new must see release Remember the
Titans. The Hurricane is no exception for his list of stellar performances. However,
aside from Denzel Washington s stunning portrayal, the other actors are one sided
and faceless. Vincent Della Pesca (Dan Hedaya) establishes himself throughout the
film as an evil presence with an insane desire to put Rubin behind bars. His
motivation is left to the imagination of the audience. This antagonist appears to be
self motivated without any clear sense of
Plato Moral Relativism
Joseph Cipullo
Professor Butera
Philosophy 103
October 28, 2017
Relativism or Realism What is Plato s reasoning for rejecting moral relativism in
favor of moral realism? An interpretation of moral relativism is that it is an
understanding that the ethical position of right or wrong is culturally centered and
as a result subjected to a person s individual opinion. Plato however spends a great
deal of time arguing against moral relativism and in favor of moral realism. The
argument Plato proposes is that moral relativism is irrational because it has no
logical ground to stand on and therefore contradicts itself. Plato argues that if all
values and standards are subjective and dependent on perspective, everyone could
adopt their own perception of the truth. By this reasoning, Plato believes that
moral relativism weakens itself by allowing the possibility it is false. Therefore,
Plato advocates a form of moral realism, which is the theory that moral judgements
relish a special sort of objectivity. In the Platonic dialogues, Plato spends a great
deal of his time arguing against moral relativism for a form of moral realism,
through the philosophical ideas of Socrates. Relativism is a theory that knowledge is
comparative to the limited nature of the mind and the state of knowing. Moral
Relativism is defined as the view that moral judgements are true and false only
relative to some particular standpoint, and that no view is privileged over all
John D. Rockefeller Essay
The Rockefellers feared the temptations of wealth, yet a visitor once described their
estate as the kind of place God would have built if only he d had the money. They
amassed a fortune that outraged a Democratic nation, then gave it all away reshaping
America. They were the closest thing the country had to a royal family, but the
Rockefellers shunned the public eye. For decades, the Rockefeller name was
despised in America, associated with John D. Rockefeller Sr. s feared monopoly,
Standard Oil. By the end of his life, Rockefeller had given away half of his fortune.
But even his vast philanthropy could not erase the memory of his predatory business
practices. Who was Rockefeller? Was he a ruthless businessman who only wanted to
... Show more content on ...
It was at that point that John D. began to conceive of the oil industry as one big
interrelated mechanism. And you couldn t just change one component, you had to
control the entire machine.
In a move that would transform the American economy, Rockefeller set out to
replace a world of independent oilmen with a giant company controlled by him. In
l870, begging bankers for more loans, he formed Standard Oil of Ohio. The next
year, he quietly put what he called our plan his campaign to dominate the volatile oil
industry into devastating effect. Rockefeller knew that the refiner with the lowest
transportation cost could bring rivals to their knees. He entered into a secret alliance
with the railroads called the South Improvement Company. In exchange for large,
regular shipments, Rockefeller and his allies secured transport rates far lower than
those of their bewildered competitors. John D. Rockefeller said, The day of
combination is here to stay. Individualism is gone forever, never to return (Hawke
Their great business capacity would have insure the managers of the Standard Oil
Company success, but the means by which they achieved monopoly was by
conspiracy with the railroads. John D. Rockefeller killed his rivals by getting the
great Railroad lines to refuse to give them transportation. Multimillionaire
The Issue Of Teenage Pregnancy
Teenage pregnancy is a hot button issue in the United States that has lured the
attention of citizens for many years. Since its peak in 1990, teen pregnancy has
declined significantly, but is still held as the center for much controversy, especially
with recent reality television shows that many claim are glorifying teenage pregnancy
(The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 2014; Henson,
2011). Although numbers of pregnant teens are down, certain areas continue to
struggle with this issue, and are seeking new ways to get the message across. This
case study focuses on a series of print and transportation advertisements that were
distributed in Milwaukee and Chicago from approximately 2009 through 2013
(Murray, 2013). The following study also showcases the stigmas surrounding the ads
and links relevant coursework from chapters two, three, and four via the campaign s
choice of tactics.
Overview of Case:
The key elements of this case study is the primary method of delivery (public
transportation), use of visual metaphor (showing a pregnant teen as male), and use of
shock tactics. In the most recent case, the persuader is the City of Chicago and the
Chicago Department of Health (Murray, 2013). They are trying to show the
importance of teen pregnancy awareness through an alarming (and medically
impossible) metaphor, attempting to persuade its audience to become aware of this
issue and to do something about it, whether it be teens practicing
Who Is Mr Birling In An Inspector Calls
In the play An Inspector Calls by J.B.PRIESTLY compares the different generations.
The young are Eric and Sheila Birling , the old being Arthur and Sybil Birling while
Gerald lies in between the two.They all react differently to the Inspectors presence.At
the time capitalism was ruling the country exploitatively .The setting of the playhad a
significant role in the play as it allowed the use of dramatic irony,mainly when Mr
Birling speaks about the future, were in a time for a time of steadily increasing
prosperity .The younger generation respond to the inspectors presence honestly and
timidly unlike the parents who are the complete opposite.
Mr birling is the first person in the family to be interrogated by the inspector.He is
Essay about Banning Books in Schools
School boards and teachers have a responsibility for protecting the minds of their
students and covering age appropriate material. However, does this responsibility
cover the extreme act of banning books from school classrooms? Does not the
teacher have a duty to introduce to their students world issues in order to better the
students ability to cope with problems in the world? How does a schooldecide which
books should be banned from the classroom, and should it be left up to the teacher to
decide what is decided in his/her classroom. By banning books from the classroom,
we prevent our students from learning about controversial topics in a safe
environment, and we also encroach upon the student s freedom of reading what they
want in... Show more content on ...
According to the American Library Association, the most common group of people,
challenging a book being read in schools, was the parents of the students. Parents
have a right to be in charge of what is put into the minds of their students, however
just because one parent objects does not mean that the whole school should ban the
book from the list. A solution for this book would be to enforce parental consent
for books to be read in the classroom. If a parent does not want a book to be read in
the classroom, then there should be other options for the student to read. The
school and teacher should not trespass on a parent s rights of raising their child. I
believe that if a parent has a concern, they should go and discuss the problem with
the teacher so that the teacher will be able to defend their reasoning for choosing the
book to be read in the classroom.
If a controversial book will be read in the classroom, it is the teacher s
responsibility to prepare the student for it. The teacher must ensure that the book is
age appropriate for the student, and is appropriate for the subject matter that the
teacher is covering. Reading books such as Catcher in The Rye without discussion
can be more harmful than helpful to a student. The Catcher in The Rye has obscene
language, violence, occult practices, and sexual references (Doyle 2010). This book
should only be read by a mature age group with a
Exclusionary Rule Pros And Cons
The Exclusionary rule, as defined in our Criminal Justice Book: 7e, is the principle
that illegally obtained evidence must be excluded from trial. If any evidence, that
falls within the field of the exclusionary rule, is found that would otherwise not have
been found by law enforcements, the rule applies to linked evidence found and all
the evidence after. This after evidence is often referred as fruit of the poisonous tree.
The exclusionary ruleis also looked at in a way to block law enforcement officers
from handling searches and/or seizures, a violation of the fourth amendment, possibly
aiding to defendants whose rights have been violated.
With the exclusionary rule comes a lot of critics who believe the Court s decisions
allow criminals

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Argumentative Essay High School

  • 1. Argumentative Essay High School Crafting an argumentative essay on the subject of "High School" can be a challenging task that requires careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. Firstly, one must delve into the complexities of the high school experience, exploring various aspects such as academic pressure, social dynamics, and extracurricular involvement. Navigating through the myriad of opinions and perspectives on high school life adds another layer of difficulty. Constructing a compelling argument involves thorough research, ensuring a well-informed stance on the topic. This process requires sifting through a multitude of sources, ranging from scholarly articles to personal anecdotes, in order to present a balanced and nuanced perspective. The challenge lies not only in finding relevant information but also in critically evaluating and synthesizing it to form a coherent argument. Furthermore, the task demands effective organization and articulation of ideas. Crafting a persuasive essay involves structuring arguments logically, supporting them with credible evidence, and anticipating and addressing potential counterarguments. Striking the right balance between assertiveness and open-mindedness is crucial, adding an extra layer of complexity to the writing process. Additionally, tailoring the essay to engage a high school audience requires a nuanced approach. The language used should be accessible yet sophisticated, appealing to both students and educators. Maintaining an appropriate tone while addressing sensitive issues, such as educational policies or social dynamics, adds another dimension to the difficulty level. In conclusion, writing an argumentative essay on the topic of "High School" is no easy feat. It demands thorough research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills to navigate the complexities of the subject. However, with dedication and a systematic approach, one can overcome these challenges and produce an essay that is both insightful and persuasive. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, resources like can provide valuable support. Professionals and experts in various fields are available to aid in crafting well-researched and compelling essays on a wide range of topics. Argumentative Essay High School Argumentative Essay High School
  • 2. Essay on Sexual Harassment In today s society we constantly hear or read about individuals that claim they were a victim of sexual pressure. These instances can take place at work, school, the military and even at church. But exactly what is sexual exploitation or unwanted sexual behavior? After looking at several definitions for sexual abuse I came across the following definition that I feel will help all of us to better understand what inappropriate sexual behavior is. Sexual harassmentwas defined by The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) as unwelcome advances and requests for sexual behavior or conditional requests such as a person s employment will continue if they perform these acts. (Gale Group, 2003). This definition left me thinking and... Show more content on ... Please also keep in mind that a harasser can be male or female and can be of the same sex as the victim. The harasser may not always know that they are being offensive but if the other person is uncomfortable and has stated this to them then he or she should stop before legal action is brought forth. Some women may even prefer not to report any allegations of being pressured sexually for fear of what might happen to them if they do. Although it is not lawful to retaliate against an individual for exposing employment practices that discriminate many people would seek retaliatory efforts. Therefore there are many women who feel it may be better for them to suffer in silence than to deal with revengeful or vindictive tactics such as being denied promotions or being scorned by other women who may think that the victim is pressing charges for attention. Because of the nature of such unprofessional behavior the victim may find him or herself very alone and no one wants to go through that especially after suffering through the harassment itself. Being sexually abused can have similar effects like rape in which the victim falls prey to depression, shame and guilt. Being depressed can lead to anxiety problems, an increase or decrease in weight as well as a lack of self confidence and self respect. They may experience the loss of trust in familiar people and places. The victim can become withdrawn and if they are married the
  • 3. Risk Management And Management Plan Risk management and need for a risk management plan. Risk is a threat of destruction, injury, liability loss or any other negative incident caused by external or internal environments. Risk is unpredicted and nobody can guess it might happen in the near future. All of the projects exist risk and the project manager is responsible to identify those risk, which is a part of risk management planning process. Risk management is the procedure of distinguishing risk and reduce risk level. The risk management methodology decides the actions, strategies, instruments, and group parts and obligations regarding a particular task. A good risk management suggests control of possible future destruction and precautions for that risk. The risk management plan represents how administration will be organized and performed on the venture. As a management procedure, risk management is utilized to identify and preserve a strategic distance from the potential cost, timetable, and implementation or specialized dangers to a framework, take a proactive and organized way to deal with negative results. The risk management approach and arrangement operationalize these administration objectives. A risk management plan and a business are vital parts of the business coherence arrangement. By comprehension potential dangers to the business and discovering approaches to minimize their effects, this will help the business recuperate rapidly if an occurrence happens. In project management, there should be
  • 4. A Research On Animal Farm Animal Farm The term: Organic deduces via natural resource there s only so much organic matter, because organic matter is determined what has decayed and at what amount for centuries. As our populace grows, the right kind of organic matter diminishes, there lies the problem. Here s the unsavoury verity. One of my bones of contention is that the consumer reads the organic term so frequently that marketing has inadvertently diluted the organic term s validity. For a starter, soil has to be fertile to grow produce apparently, fertile soil benefits from even greater quantities of chemical fertilizer; of the premise, organic matter isn t available en mass, to facilitate our inflated populace; hence, it s pure ignorance to systematically take the view organic produce hasn t been treated and claim it has more superior qualities. Oh yes, the imperialist Supermarkets dictate the tune to which our farmers grange dance to, due to authoritative policies ridding advertising standard powers to watchdogs meaning the supermarkets are allowed to use every trick in the book to capitalise on sales; affirmation, why the organic label is 100% marketing. Retailer s awareness is vehemently tainted and totally imbalanced; their aim is to satisfy their shareholders first and foremost too few consumers don t configure retailer s allegiances let alone their marketing prowess. The imperial scenario simulates... chocoholics orchestrating chocolate production;
  • 5. Promotional Strategy Suggestions for Exercise Equipment... Promotional Strategy Suggestions for Exercise Equipment and Breakfast Cereal For any product to be sold successfully, especially to the mass market, the firm selling the product will need to be marketed with a promotion. Promotion is one of the four elements of the marketing mix, referring to the way in which a product is promoted this is more than just advertising, it includes public relations, endorsement and any activity which will help to increase awareness of the product and support the development of sales (Hooley et al, 2007). Promotional strategies are required in order to create awareness in the potential target market regarding the product, and to help stimulate sales by influencing the decision making process (Kotler and Keller, 2011). In order to demonstrate the application of promotion strategies to different products can be examined, with promotional strategies those products suggested. The two products are exercise equipment and breakfast cereals. Exercise Equipment Designing a commercial strategy to exercise equipment requires the marketer to identify the message that will suitably communicate not only the purpose and function of the product being sold, but why and how it will satisfy needs of the consumer. Kotler and Keller (2011) argue that people do not buy products; they buy the benefits that are provided by the product. For example, when purchasing a bed the buyer is purchasing the ability to get a good night s sleep, when a consumer purchases a
  • 6. Management Of Working Capital Balance Sheet Introduction Humbro PLC have been successful with their Olympic themed board game, they have decided to take on a business venture of an expansion where they would be able to create a new product which can capitalise on the next football world cup. The finance director has been absent on a long term leave which has led to a lack of clarity and understanding of the various financial options among the other board members within the company. The managing director has asked for some financial advice and if this expansion will go ahead. In this report I will analyse Humbro PLCs financial information give my conclusion followed by my own recommendations for the company and if the expansion is to go ahead. Users of financial information Users ... Show more content on ... Identified sources of finance in the statement of financial position Debenture A debenture is the most common form of long term loan that can be taken by Humbro. Debentures are usually loans that are repayable on a fixed date this is in the statement of financial position under the heading Non current liabilities (8,000) in both 2011 and 2012. Most debentures pay a fixed rate of interest which you can also see in the statement of financial position under current liabilities titled debenture interest (800) for year 2011 and 2012. The main advantage of a debenture to companies is the fact that they have a lower interest rate than overdrafts. They are usually repayable at a date far off in the future. Retained earnings Retained earnings are profits generated by a company that are not distributed to shareholders as dividends but are either reinvested into the business or kept as a reserve for specific objectives these being to pay off debt or purchase a capital asset. As you can see in Humbros statement of financial position under capital and reserves they have retained earnings at 9,100 in 2011 and 10,500 in year 2012 this has shown an increase which means there is more capital available for growth and higher returns on investments and shareholder equity. Ordinary shares Ordinary share are any shares
  • 7. President Clinton Vs. The 104th And 105th Congress President Clinton vs. the 104th and 105th Congress President William Bill Clinton was the United States 42nd president. Bill Clinton was born in Arkansas on August 19th 1946. In 1976 he was elected to become the Attorney General of Arkansas. Two years later he became governor, becoming the youngest governor. Clinton ran for president in 1992 with running mate Al Gore. His presidency ran from 1993 to 2001. During his presidency the 104th ( 95 97) and the 105th ( 97 95) Congress was established and the Republicans took over the House with 228 seats in the 104th and 226 seats in the 105th. The Democrats had 206 seats in the house in the 104th and the 105th had 207 seats. The Senate was no different, The Republicans had 52 seats ... Show more content on ... His term as Speaker of the House seemed as the opposite of President Clinton. When he was speaker there were many government and budget shutdowns, and also unpleasant impeachment proceedings. Yet Gingrich and Clinton have agreed on welfare reform, tax cuts and budgeting deals. Overrides and Vetoes Over the course of Clinton s presidency there have been 37 bills that have been vetoed, although 36 were regular vetoes, one pocket veto, and two vetoes that were overridden. The two bills that were overridden are the Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995 and the Line Item Veto. The Bankruptcy Act of 2000 was one of the laws that was a pocket veto. The sponsor of this act was Representative Christopher H. Smith. The bill as asserted by the president because it was not fair towards ordinary debtors who fell on hard times. Yet this represents a loophole for the wealthy. Under the Homestead Exemption, bankruptcy filers can protect some of their equity in their homes under chapter seven bankruptcy. This also implies to chapter 13 bankruptcy as well. You can be relieved of all or most of your equity, this would decrease the minimum amount you must pay to your creditors. In the meantime this will be easier to repay your debts. The Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995 but later overridden as the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, was designed to stop or to limit non serious securities
  • 8. A Project Report On India Technological University GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (GTU) NOBLE GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS Affiliated with GTU A Project Report On FACTs BY SVC Prepared as a part of the requirements for the subject of PROJECT I B.E., Semester VII ( Electrical ) Submitted by: Sr. Name of studentEnrollment No. 1. Savasani Rajkumar13O350109526 2 Prasad Shubham 130350109522 3. Lakkad Tilak130350109518 4. Savaliya Yogesh130350109525 Under the guidance of: (Internal Guide) PROF. RAGHUVIR KUBAVAT ( Head of the Department ) PROF. RAKESH AKBARI Academic year: (2016 2017) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Successful completion of any project is the result of your hard work but with that constant encouragement, goodwill and support of people around helps you a lot. We owe a great many thanks to a great many people who
  • 9. Hadrian At Tivoli Architecture often stands on its own edifying right, but how much more affluent we are to seek an understanding of the cultural diversity and design influence one had on architecture when presented in terms of an historical account. This paper seeks to piece together the formal elements of the villa with dignifying examples of diversity from Hadrian s travels and abhor of the surroundings of Romeitself. Emperor Hadrian s Villa at Tivoli, built between 118 and 138 a.d., reflects in its remaining fragments an intoxicating contrast of established and experimental thought, diplomatic elements of an age at its peak that knew great order and organization and simultaneously embraced much chaos and mystery. It is a collection of largely... Show more content on ... Hadrian s villa plan is vast, stretching across the landscape covering more around 300 acres, with which are four major axis located attempting to assist at the density of the villa, but the multiplicity of arrangement in final assembly continuously amazes and is shocking when taken in the context of villa architecture at the time. William MacDonald and John A. Pinto in their former book, Hadrian s Villa and Its Legacy (1995), cover the villa in great depth. They admit to an impression of disorder . . . as though a great house had come apart, but in their final analysis they find great order and beauty, not in the geometry of the overall plan, but in the successive experiences of the gardens and structures. MacDonald and Pinto suggest that the villa is like a laboratory in where Hadrian could experiment and express with his personal interpretations of cultures, religions and physical environment that made up his own mind. The unique curvilinear architecture of Tivoli with its spirited clash of concave and convex shapes, its circular colonnades, its concrete vaults and domes shimmering with glass mosaic was everywhere, enlivened with the sparkle of pools, fountains, cascades and canals and further enhanced by Hadrian s collection of figure sculptures. Moreover, his keen historical
  • 10. The Day After The Boston Marathon Attack After the Boston marathon attack in 2013, there was people who were very mournful of what had happened, and who were very fearful of what was to come. Media at the time were being very desolate and grieving those who had died. Stephen Colbert, the host of The Late Night Show with Stephen Colbert, decided to take a different approach. In the introduction to his show the day after the attack, he addresses what had happened to ease the minds of his audience in an ironic humorous way. He was very serious about the situation but, he decided that adding comedywas suitable. By using Pathos, in paradoxical way, he could lift spirits and hide sorrow underneath comedy in a very effective way. Stephen Colbert always opens his show by yelling, tonight, and then playing an introduction video. However, on this occasion after yelling tonight, the video does not play and he catches his viewer off guard. He the leans into the camera and says in a very soft spoken way, hey look, before we begin I just want to take a moment to talk about the attack in Boston yesterday. By the way he says this line in a very serious tone, it leads his audience to believe that they are going to hear the same, beat to death, mournful lines that they have heard since the attack. He then says, now obviously, our thoughts and our prays are with everyone there, and this line is very special because he gives foreshadowing that this is not going to be the typical news cast. When he reaches the seventeen second
  • 11. Linkage Analysis Essay As molecular genetic data became available, studies used them to understand human behaviors. Below I briefly summarize the structure of human genome and introduce the genome wide association studies (GWAS). In humans, 23 pairs of chromosome constitutes the human genome. For each chromosome, the nucleotides on the opposite strands connected together to form tens of thousands of base pairs. Normally, the bonds are either adenine thymine (A T) or guanine cytosine (C G). These construct the double helix DNAstructure. A chunk of a chromosome that relates to certain functions is a gene. The lengths of genes (i.e., a region of DNA) differ. Mutations of genetic variants in genes can lead to diseases or variations in phenotypes. Genetic variants... Show more content on ... Also, the analyzed segments for association studies are at least ten times smaller than the ones used in linkage analysis (10~100 kb vs. 1000 kb). Therefore, although both association studies and linkage studies use the similar method, by scanning a large scale of the known human genetic variants, and finding the significant SNPs that relate to the outcomes, association studies have the larger statistical power and are more popular nowadays. The genome wide association studies apply the association studies to a large portion of the known common human genetic variants. For humans, there are about 8 to 10 million common SNPs for whom at least one percent of the population has the minor allele. The minor allele is the rarely observed genetic variants in the reference population. Mostly, laboratories genotype only about a million of these tag SNPs and impute others. Both the linkage studies and association studies are hypothesis free approach which does not require the a priori knowledge of the biological pathways underlying the study (Belsky and Israel 2014, Manuck and McCaffery 2014). GWAS features of including many genetic variants and being hypothesis free provide researchers with an unbiased and comprehensive method. Only a theoretical assumption is assumed for these association studies: the common disease common variant assumption. This holds that multiple SNPs contribute to a single disease
  • 12. Mcdonald McDonalds The route to fast food franchising Summary Concepts: Franchisee, business, restaurants, marketing, success, brand, suppliers, sales, standards, customers, Ray Kroc, market research, recognises, Football Association, staff. Summary: From extremely modest beginnings, they hit on a winning formula selling a high quality product cheaply and quickly. However, it was not until Ray Kroc, a Chicago based salesman with a flair for marketing, became involved that the business really started to grow. There are now more than 29,000 McDonald s Restaurants in over 120 countries. This case study examines the success of franchising and investigates the special three way relationship that exists between the franchisee, ... Show more content on ... Being their own boss In return, the franchisee agrees to operate the restaurant in accordance with McDonald s standards of quality, service, cleanliness and value. McDonald s regularly checks the quality of the franchises output and failure to maintain standards could threaten the licence. The franchisee is also expected to become involved in local events and charities. Ray Kroc believed strongly that a business must be prepared to put something back into the community in which it operates. The franchisee, for all the training and support McDonald s offers, is running his or her own business. They fund the franchise themselves and therefore have much to lose as well as gain. This makes them highly motivated and determined to succeed. 2. Selling a well established, high quality product In this case, the product is recognised all over the world. A large proportion of new businesses and new products fail, often due to costs of the research and development needed. The McDonald s formula, however, has been successfully tried and tested. Ray Kroc s insistence that all McDonald s outlets sold the same products and
  • 13. achieved the same quality has led to a standardisation of the process and great attention to detail. The cooking processes in McDonald s restaurants are broken down into small, repetitive tasks, enabling the staff to become highly efficient and adept in all tasks. This division of labour and the high volume turnover of a limited
  • 14. Bye Week Research Paper People who play one day fantasy football to win know they have to get the basic terms under their belt before they go a blow a whole season. Bye Week During the regular season, every team in the BFL has a bye week. During a bye week, football players get an opportunity to rest and recuperate as their team doesn t have to play a game that week. Bye weeks are used in the real NFL to give a team and its players a break to review plays and just to recharge the players. Best Fantasy football bye weeks can make or break your probabilities of winning. Don t choose players that have the same bye week because you may restrict your selections for plays and points. Be sure your roster has players in as many different bye weeks as possible. Cheat Sheet You... Show more content on ... Handcuffing Handcuffing is when you draft a star player like a running back or quarterback, and if in case they get hurt and can t play you also draft their backup. Keeper League In a typical fantasy football draft, every team begins empty and owners choose their team through a draft. Every year the teams start from scratch and draft again. Mock Draft A mock draft is an approximation of what players will go where before the draft actually happens. This can be very valuable to new fantasy football players. It will help you determine who you will be able to take with your first few picks. But, best
  • 15. fantasy football drafts are very changeable and a mock draft is an only an estimation of what could happen. Team Position Your team s position in the draft is the order number that you choose your players. Some drafts obey a normal pattern of teams picking from the #1 spot until every team has chosen and then start over. Other drafts use a snake style draft where all teams will pick in order until all the teams have made one selection and then start over round two going in reverse order. As a one day fantasy leagues
  • 16. Peppercorn Dining Ohm s law From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the law related to electricity. For other uses, see Ohm s acoustic law. V, I, and R, the parameters of Ohm s law. Ohm s law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directlyproportional to the potential difference across the two points. Introducing the constant of proportionality, the resistance,[1] one arrives at the usual mathematical equation that describes this relationship:[2] where I is the current through the conductor in units of amperes, V is the potential difference measured across the conductor in units of volts, and R is the resistance of the conductor in units of ohms.... Show more content on ... This application of Ohm s law is illustrated with examples in How To Analyze Resistive Circuits Using Ohm s Law on wikiHow. Other versions Ohm s law, in the form above, is an extremely useful equation in the field of electrical/electronic engineering because it describes how voltage, current and resistance are interrelated on a macroscopic level, that is, commonly, as circuit elements in an electrical circuit. Physicists who study the electrical properties of matter at the microscopic level use a closely related and more general vector equation, sometimes also referred to as Ohm s law, having variables that are closely related to the V, I, and R scalar variables of Ohm s law, but which are each functions of position within the conductor. Physicists often use this continuum form of Ohm s Law:[31] where E is the electric field vector with units of volts per meter (analogous to V of Ohm s law which has units of volts), J is thecurrent density vector with units of amperes per unit area (analogous to I of Ohm s law which has units of amperes), and ПЃ (Greek rho ) is the resistivity with units of ohmВ·meters (analogous to R of Ohm s law which has units of ohms). The above equation is sometimes written[32] as J = E where Пѓ (Greek sigma ) is the conductivity which is the reciprocal
  • 17. Clara Norton Fowler s Dissociative Identity Disorder (1906) Dissociative identity disorder, previously referred to as Multiple personality disorder, is an unconscious defence mechanism in which a group of mental activities splits off from the main stream of consciousness and function as a separate unit (O Regan, 1985). Dissociative identity disorder is a complicated, posttraumatic dissociative psychopathology with symptoms such as; disturbances of memory and identity, and the separation of regularly related mental processes, that can lead one group of the brain functioning independently from the rest. Dissociative Identity Disorder is a very unique psychopathology, due to the fact that it causes the patient to host multiple identities, commonly referred to as alters , within themself. However, Dissociative Identity Disorder was not at first seen ... Show more content on ... Fowler was studied by the American neurologist, Morton Prince between 1898 and 1904. Prince described her case in his monograph, Dissociation of a Personality (1906). Clara Norton Fowler was a student, at the age of 23, who sought treatmemt from Morton Prince, because she was suffering from a nervous disorder . Prince first discovered her alters under hypnotherapy, however they later appeared spontaneously. Prince treated her by reconciling her alters with Clar s original personality, also know as the Host. During his study, Prince described Fowler as having three distinct alters, each of which had no knowledge of another. He wrote, although making use of the same body, each ... has a distinctly different character ... manifested by different trains of thought, ... views, beliefs, ideals, and temperament, and by different acquisitions, tastes, habits, experiences, and memories... Prince, Morton (1906) The dissociation of a personality: a biographical study in abnormal psychology. M. M.
  • 18. The Law Enforcement Profession Essay The Law Enforcement Profession Abstract In order to understand comptemporary law enforcemment, we should recognize the conditions that impact our profession. It is agreed upon by many scholars that major changes in law enforcement occur every five years. Policing is sometimes characterize ... like a sandbar in a river, subject to being changed continuously by the currents in which it is immersed... (Swanson, Territo and Taylor, p. 2). However, in recent years some major changes have occurred in a shorter time period. Innovations in law enforcement During the past two decades, I have observed major changes in the viewpoint of society towards police officer s as the symbol of trust and dignity, the technological advances of ... Show more content on ... The results of an investigation disclosed that the McDuffie s death may have been caused by police instead of an accident. After being indicted and found not guilty by an all white jury, riots broke out in black neighborhoods, especially Liberty City resulting in arson and looting that left 18 persons dead and more than 300 injured. This catastrophe forced the Miami Police Department to reexamine and revise their use of force policies and procedures (CQ Researcher, p. 645). The Jeffrey L. Dahmer Case characterize a situation when the police fail to properly handle a call of a suspicous nature. Dahmer was charged with murdering at least 15 young males. On May 27, 1993, two Milwaukee citizens reported a naked young male in the middle of the street bleeding and unable to stand. The boy name was Konerak Sinthasomphone, a 14 year of laotain boy. Dahmer was able to persuade the officer that the boy was a live in lover. The boy was later slain by Dahmer in his apartment after the officers left the scene. A storm of portest came from the minority and homosexual communities accused the officers of displaying racial prejudice. The officers were also criticized for dismissing the incident as a boyfriend boyfriend thing (CQ Researcher, p. 637). One of the most celebrated cases in recent times was the beating of a black motorist by several white police officers in Los Angeles. It stirred nationwide concern about police brutality. On March 3, 1991, Rodney Glen
  • 19. The Ergonomic Keyboard And Mouse Prevent Carpal Tunnel... Office workers in Mound, Minnesota, may be aware of the importance of the ergonomic keyboard and mouse to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive stress disorders. However, these are merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the health problems researchers have linked to prolonged sitting. High blood sugar The Washington Post reports that poor posture does contribute to a variety of spinal issues, such as neck strain and muscle tissue damage. However, studies show that even at an ergonomic station, the pancreas is negatively affected. That organ produces insulin to help the body regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. When a person sits for hours at a time, muscles stop responding the way they should to insulin, and that prompts the pancreas to go into overdrive. As a result, the risk for diabetes rises. Low mental function Unused muscles take a toll in other areas of the body, as well. Fat is not burned as efficiently when muscle movement is restricted, and that leads to sluggish blood flow and less oxygen in the brain. Lower mental capacity is one side effect, and depression may follow, since the body does not produce the chemicals that improve mood and outlook. Cancer According to Time Magazine, a recent analysis of 43 studies indicates a clear link between sitting for hours during the day, and colon, lung and endometrial cancer. Regular exercise did not lower the risks, which were 66 percent higher for those who are typically deskbound at work.
  • 20. Cellular Technology Has Developed A Long Way From Its... Chapter 1 Introduction The cellular technology has developed a long way from its existence in the early 1980 s. In the past few decades it has grown into one of the biggest market with the rise of cell phone users, the cellular network providers and cell phone makers have grown in immense amount. Cellular technologies have evolved from first generation (1G), second generation (2G), third generation (3G) and to its current technology which is fourth generation (4G) which is also known as Long Term Evolution (LTE). Fig 1.1 Evolution of Cellular technology The first generation (1G) only provided users with voice communication in its second generation (2G) the service was expanded to voice and data communication in which the system capacity was also improved. Second generation or 2G wireless technology is also known as Global Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). The third generation (3G) was a revolution in the cellular technology the data rates increased immensely from 2G, 3G is also known as Wideband CDMA (WCDMA) and CDMA 2000. The current cellular technology that are in existence is fourth generation (4G) also known as Long Term Evolution (LTE), which can theoretically provide data rates up to 100 Mbps. Evolution of Cellular Technology The first generation (1G) system was developed and implemented in 1981 in Norway which used Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS), US and UK later followed similar technology for developing
  • 21. Lexmark M5155 Unit 5 The Lexmark M5155 is the ideal enterprise class sheet tray server for you if you have a growing business in your hands. The Hewlett Packard Enterprise ProLiant DL380 has the capability to deliver the latest performance and expandability like no other. With IntelВ® XeonВ® E5 2600 v4 Processors, the Hewlett Packard Enterprise ProLiant DL380 has all the power you need to run your business effectively and it can support up to 22 cores. The HP 40G0822 has increased its performance by 21 percent compared its predecessors with all the ground breaking specs it includes. It has 3.0 TB of HPE DDR4 SmartMemory, HPE Persistent Memory for guaranteeing you unprecedented levels of performance for databases and analytic workloads and an onboard SATA HPE Dynamic
  • 22. Organic Food And Organic Foods Introduction with Industry Overview: Organic food has continuously been seen as the healthy choice but only in recent years has the concept become a world over phenomenon. Earlier, organic food was somewhat of a fad and although the principles were practiced, it was by no means highlighted. The argument on whether the organic food products can be bought online and are really organic has gained enormous magnitudes in not only Pakistan but all over the world. People are dealing with issues of what is safe and fresh to buy online, what is clean and what is not, what food processing is hard to animals and soil and what is more viable. To resolve these issues, many people are moving towards organic food products. As per the World of Organic Agriculture study, the organic food products market has been rising at the rate of 20 25% per annum for the last decade. The food situation in Pakistan also needs immediate attention mainly due to no or very low compliance with standards and lack of monitoring. Though many people seem to be savvy on the issues involved, at least to some extent, the online market for nontoxic, cleaner, organic products in the country is still very limited. Are people responsive to the differences between organic and conventional foods? Do they have access to them? Do buyers and sellers have different view points on the availability, prices and value of organic foods? Do they have multiple options to choose from? Will they buy online? This report is
  • 23. The Rate Of African Americans Participation was highest among Europeans with 60.3%, followed by Asians with a rate of 51.3% and Maori with 42.0% (Ministry of Health, 2015). Females were less likely to have a colonoscopy and below 1.5 times less likely to have a positive iFOBT result than males (Ministry of Health, 2015). This variation was found for each age group (Ministry of Health, 2015). Maori were slightly more likely to have a positive iFOBT result than Europeans (Ministry of Health, 2015). Moreover, females were about twice unlikely to have and adenoma, advanced adenoma, or cancerdetected than males (Ministry of Health, 2015). Maori aged 60 69 years were 1.5 times more likely to have an adenoma detected than Europeans of the same age (Ministry of Health, 2015). Maori were almost 1.5 times more likely to have an advanced adenoma detected than Europeans (Ministry of Health, 2015). Asians were over 1.5 times less likely to have an advanced adenoma detected than Europeans (Ministry of Health, 2015). There was a recommendation that Asians were less likely and Maori were more likely than Europeans to have neoplasia detected, but this was not statistically significant (Ministry of Health, 2015). Asians were less likely than Europeans to have either advanced adenoma or colorectal cancer detected (Ministry of Health, 2015). The Positive Predictive Values for adenoma and advanced adenoma was lower for females than males (Ministry of Health, 2015). The PPV for adenoma was about 1.5 times less for Asians
  • 24. New York City Public Transportation System Beginning in June of 1952, when the Metropolitan Transportation Authority was founded, advances in transportation in New York City have improved the city s developing economy and have benefitted people to a great extent. Located in the heart of Manhattan, the MTA headquarters are home to hundreds of different vehicles, ridden by thousands daily. The train tracks and bus routes run through Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and the Bronx, unifying all five boroughs and improving the lives of everyone Beginning at $0.05 and going up to $2.50, one way bus fare has slowly been increasing since the MTA was founded. Although the cost depends mainly on how far the vehicle is traveling, this is the standard expense and the difference is significant. This cost is beneficial to travellers because it is inexpensive, and convenient for day to day use. Along with convenience, there are multiple economic benefits to using New York City public transportation. Pollution can become less of a problem, because travellers aren t taking individual cars throughout the state. The system is reliable for workers and travellers, making New York City a busy tourist area. The schedules are clearly posted, along with dozens of different times of the day to make travelling less of a hassle. There is arguably less stress on the commuter about traffic on the streets and less worrying about time since the transportation system is reliable. The problem of finding a place to park on the busy
  • 25. Personal Identity In Iris Murdoch s Under The Net Oscar Wilde famously said Be yourself; everyone else is already taken , but this begs the question of what it means to be yourself. There are obvious physical aspects we each have like height, race, and gender, but those attributes do not really answer the question of who someone is, rather they answer what someone is. Iris Murdoch attempts to get to the core of this question of how personal identity develops in Under the Net. Through the lens of the protagonist Jake Donaghue, Murdoch establishes that identity is not a function of language but of relationships. Verbal communication is one of the main ways people interact with their surroundings. The language they utilize reflects back on themselves informing others what type of person ... Show more content on ... Existentialism offers a solution, stating there is no external values, instead people define their own meaning; therefore they are radically free. However, this freedom does not always seem conducive to meaning. Jake makes decisions with abandon, not stopping to think of the ways his actions might affect himself or others. He lives by hopping from house to house, surviving by the skin of his teeth, knowing he is therefore a parasite (Murdoch 21). Even though he acts freely, his life lacks a clear sense of purpose. When Jake reflects on what he values, despair overwhelms [him] , and he comes to the realization that everything [he] had been doing lately was pointless (Murdoch 144). It is only when Jake becomes an orderly does he seem to find a purpose. Not only does the job break him from his depressive state in David s home, but it also makes Jake think of other people (Murdoch 27). Part of personal identity is having relationships with others outside of the self. Jake s lifestyle neglects those connections, ultimately causing him to lead a self centered and unfulfilling life. Jake s prolonged sadness functionally adds side constraints on the existentialist understanding of personhood. While people are radically free to define their purpose, Murdoch proposes in order to make that purpose meaningful it needs to be defined in relation to others. People s relationships to one another are what foster self reflection
  • 26. Disopora of Inheritance of Loss As might be expected from the rich input of her cultural background, Kiran Desai, daughter of the author Anita Desai is a born story teller. Her first novel, Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard (1998), is a fresh look at life in the sleepy provincial town of Shahkot in India. At 35 years old, Desai is the youngest woman ever to win the prize and was already highly acclaimed in literary circles for her first novel Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard which won a Betty Trask award [2] when it was published in 1998. She spent eight years writing her second novel The Inheritance of Loss [3] . Much has been made of the parallels between the book and Desai s family history but it s not an autobiography. Desai herself has said that in places it s... Show more content on ... Whereas Biju finds it difficult to have a conversation even with the Indian girls to whom he delivers a take away meal, Saeed had many girls : Oh myee God!! he said. Oh myee Gaaaawd! She keep calling me and calling me, he clutched at head, aaaiii...I don t know what to do!! ... It s those dreadlocks, cut them off and the girls will go. But I don t want them to go! [8] Much of the comedy also arises from the Indian mis or over use of the English language. Result equivocal the young Judge wrote home to India on completing his university examinations in Britain. What , asked everyone does that mean? It sounded as if there was a problem, because un words were negative words, those basically competent in the English agreed. But then (his father) consulted the assistant magistrate and they exploded with joy .... Bose, the Judge s friend from his university days is a wonderfully optimistic but pompous individual, made all the more ridiculous by his over use of British idioms Cheeri o, right o, tickety boo, simply smashing, chin chin, no siree, how s that, bottom s up, I say! [9] An original and modern aspect of Desai s style is the almost poet like use she makes of different print forms on the page: she uses italics for foreign words as if to emphasize their exoticness and untranslatability and capitals for emphasis
  • 27. The Key Differences Between The “Law On The Books And “Law The key differences between the law on the books and law in action, the phrase law on the books defers because the term law in the books is written and/or codified. Law in the books is written and laws to be followed by a country or state. Law in action refers to how and if a law is applied or enforced it varies depending on the enforcer. ( in Criminal Law , n.d.). The laws in the book includes, but are limited to the laws of this country and state, however, the key difference of laws in action is the enforcement of the laws. For example, in England it is still currently illegal to sell fruit or vegetables at a market in basket without selling the basket along with the last fruit/vegetable. This is the law of England and ... Show more content on ... Gary Haugen and Victor Boutros offer a searing account of how we got here and what it will take to end the plague. Filled with vivid, real life stories and startling new data, The Locust Effect is a gripping journey into the streets and slums where fear is a daily reality for billions of the world s poorest, where safety is secured only for those with money, and where much of our well intended aid is lost in the daily chaos of violence. (Boutros V. and Haugen G., 2014). In their belief, the laws on books are written and on the books, but the laws in action are enforced to protect the wealthy. The wealthy have an advantage over the poor even in our modern day society the laws are written and the citizens of this country are advised to follow the laws. There are times even the written laws apply to a certain class of people. For example, the case of Paul House, it appears his pass criminal history and his non innocent impression made detectives think he was their guy. Often, the publics urgency to find the killer or the individual who might fit the profile for the crime causes our judicial system to not thoroughly investigate a case. The law on the books perspective in the case of Paul House caused the prosecutors and the U.S. Supreme Courts to base their decision on the written laws of Tennessee, however, the laws in action made Paul House guilty as charged. The written laws were followed based on the evidence presented and the specifics of the case which lead
  • 28. Home Work Unit 6 Assignment MT140 Introduction to Management Matthew Guccione Prof. Suzanne Ness In the case of Dalman and Lei discrepancy of the time sheet this can be resolved by using none other than a control system called bureaucratic control system. First to implement this system they must first understand what this system means. It is designed to measure progress toward a set goal and to apply corrective measures to ensure this goal is met. In other words control system is to detect and fix certain variables and discrepancies turning into results of the ultimate goal. This process is broken down into four parts. Setting a performance standards, Measuring performance, comparing performance again the standards ... Show more content on ... Now comes Step 3 which is comparing performance with the standard. This step Dalman and Lei have their weekly results from their new system they implemented and compare it with the goals they set. They can see the good and bad results that came out of the system. Also participants can identify successful actions to recommend in the future and avoid the mistakes next time around. For example, let s say a employee had another employee clock in for each other and they didn t go to the desk in work. The only way they can prove that it was indeed another employee clocking in would be a camera of some sort. The best place that a camera would be where the employees clock in. This is one of many examples that Dalman and Lei can compare the performance with the standard they put in stone. This comes to the last step of the system and that is taking action to correct the problems and reinforce the successful ones. The selection of the corrective action depends on the nature of the problem. If the problem was the system not recording the clocking in of the employees, than the corrective action would be to call in a specialist control and help figure out the problem with the system. Dalman and Lei need to keep the successful standard and throw the non successful ones to the corrective action. To ensure that the discrepancy doesn t appear or accrue
  • 29. The Ford Pinto The Ford Pinto Question 1 What moral issues does the Pinto case raise? ANS: The Pinto case raise the moral issues of what is the dollar value of the human life. That the businesses should not be putting a value on human life and disregard a known deadly danger. In order to perform a risk/benefit analysis, all costs and benefits must be expressed in some common measure. This measure is typically in dollars, as the Ford Motor Company used in its analysis. This can prove difficult for things that are not commonly bought and sold on the open market. Therefore, totell someone that there is a certain price for their life is a preposterous notion. There are numerous things which individuals consider priceless. Ford thought they could get ... Show more content on ... As Friedman has argued, the role of business is to make money and a cost benefit analysis is a very useful tool in figuring out how to do so. When it comes to morals, however, cost benefit analysis is much less useful unless one believes in utilitarianism. For other understanding of morality, a person should not be asking what do I gain and lose when trying to figure out what to do. People should be asking what s the right thing to do . Cost benefit analysis can t really help with that. An examination of the Ford Pinto Case, the cost benefit analysis, will help raise the awareness and understanding of the diminishing value of ethics in the business world. When Ford conducted the cost benefit analysis, it analyzed what the potential benefit would be if they fixed every Pinto by installing the baffle piece. The result produced from the cost benefit analysis may be interpreted to say that it would have cost Ford $137 million to fix the Pintos by installing the baffle piece when it would have cost $49.5 million to leave the cars alone and deal with the expenses of injuries and deaths from the crashes. Ford decided that, because it would be cheaper, it would not install the baffle piece. According to De George, Ford did not tell the consumer that the car was not as safe as others, nor did it inform consumers that they had the option of purchasing the baffle piece (De George, 1995). In Ford contention is that these decision are moral ones, and that cost benefit analysis is
  • 30. Human Manipulation Of Genetic Transfer And Its Biological... AS 3.7 Demonstrate understanding of human manipulations of genetic transfer and its biological implications. Daisy the Cow Daisy the cow is a genetically modified cow modified by scientists from Agresearch and the University of Waikato in New Zealand. This cows purpose was so that it could produce milk that did not contain a protein named beta lacto globulin. This is because many infants are allergic to this protein; in fact two to three percent are allergic. So these scientists have used the scientific techniques of ribonucleic acid interference and somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning to produce this cow without the protein, however there are many implications. One of the techniques used to produce daisy the cow was ribonucleic acid interference causing gene knockdown. Ribonucleic acid interference is a biological process where certain ribonucleic acid molecules are interfered with causing inhabitation of certain gene expressions. Gene knockdown is a genetic technique where certain genes are made inoperative in an organism because they are knocked out of it. In daisy the cow this was used so that the instructions that have the protein beta lacto globulin made could be knocked out so that it would no longer be present in daisy. The way they did this was by introducing a synthesized double stranded ribonucleic acid that has a sequence that is complimentary to the gene that is of interest into the cell. This is then recognized as exogenous gene material causing the
  • 31. Search For Meaning In Cloudstreet The characters in Cloudstreet are all connected by their search for meaning. Discuss. Not only are the characters connected by search for direction in life and the personal journeys each of them are embarking on but they are also connected by their fate in either God or the shifty shadow and the grief and suffering they have endured, connection between self and place. Their journey can be seen as a journey towards reconciliation. Self and place is a theme explored by Winton throughout the novel, all characters gain some kind of sense of identity and belonging from the house as their search for meaning comes to an end, a spiritual force being fish and the aboriginal man helps to guide some characters home to where they belong. The lambs ... Show more content on ... The blade turn and turns, slow, slower and Lester thinks is this all there is to it? Just chance, luck, the spin of the knife? Isn t there a pattern at all; a plan? (pg 166) Lester is spinning the knife with Fish and he begins to wonder about the design of fate and whether a higher power is guiding them. The Lambs have been embittered with religion and their faith in God, even though it s harder to shake it off than they realised and they find themselves still reading the bible at night. However, Lester starts seeing things from Sam s perspective: perhaps lady luck, the shifty shadow, the hairy hand, is what guides them. He starts feeling hopeless and this is the beginning of his search for meaning. Luck doesn t change, love. It moves (pg 20) Lester says this to Rose at the hospital after his accident. We are instantly introduced to a dominant theme that surfaces throughout the entire novel: luck. Sam believes that luck is what decides for them, that hard work and determination play no part in the outcome. He believes that, by following the shifty shadow of luck, by feeling your way, you can become a winner, although more often than not, Sam s a loser. Sam starts to see the Lambs working hard and making their own
  • 32. Comparing Frankenstein And The Day The Earth Stood Still American film has long served as a platform for religious discourse. Creating a context where existential issues and eternal questions can be explored, film is reflective of the cultural and religious sentiments of society. The genre of choice has changed overtime with horror, westerns and later on science fiction all contributing greatly to this collective, dynamic cinematic religion. Directors James Whale and Robert Wise in Bride of Frankenstein (1935) and The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) respectively, address the collective concerns of a nation regarding the role of God in a changing world. Times were destruction and devastation led to questions of is there even is a God? Furthermore in increasingly technological times the auteurs address the issue of creator verses creation. Each piece reconciles the relationship between creator and creation in different manners reflecting important cultural and religious sentiments of the time. Produced in different eras, both Bride of Frankenstein and The... Show more content on ... Whale shows that men meddling in the business of Gods leads to ultimate self destruction and Wise builds on the doubts of a society already questioning God to replace the sacred with the scientific. These films represent in part the progressive secularization of society and replacement of the holy with the eternal truths of science. To the generation of Bride of Frankenstin, science remained within the realm and plan of God. While the society of The Day the Earth Stood Still found the alien s flying saucer was more reliable than the prayer. In our modern era as science continues to grow and religion fights to hang on to a dwindling audience, in the wake of the next global stir cinema surely will reflect whether we will look to the heavens for answers or to the
  • 33. Omnivore s Dilemma Chapter 8 You open the fridge, the spotlight shines on all of the food, and suddenly you are stuck with the decision of what to eat. Everyone has been in a situation where they didn t know which food to choose, to help us understand our options better, Michael Pollan created the book, Omnivore s Dilemma. In this book, there is a certain chapter that stands out the most: Chapter 8. Chapter 8 states all the facts about what the omnivore s dilemma is. By looking closer into this chapter, the reader goes back to the very question that pioneered this whole idea. The idea that in the modern world, with such a surplus of choices, how do we decide what we should, and what we should not eat? To give us a better idea of how we got here, let s start by finding out how we got to this point in the first place. The omnivore s dilemma is not a new thing, but why do we have it? As Pollan says best, Today we can buy just about any sort of food from anywhere in the globe, in any season. (86) He s right! With the availability of any ... Show more content on ... These trends and styles aren t just clothes and technology, they are also about food. A scientific study, a new government guideline, a lone crackpot with a medical degree can change our nation s diet overnight (93) This just shows how easy it is to suddenly change the way we eat. The adjustment is as easy as snapping your fingers since all the food in the world is available at our fingertips. These fads, however, crazy they may be, are the closest things we have to science, because we are told that it will, tell us which foods are good for us and which are not. But the science keeps changing with every new study. (95) So how in the world are we supposed to know what s true and whats a facade just being claimed to be healthy for us? We must look for the facts, in the things we know to be true, and from there navigate our way to the reality of what we should be eating to be
  • 34. The Manufacturing of Neoprontosil and Other Products The manufacturing of Neoprontosil and other products took place at the Winthrop Chemical Company Inc.. The company was a 50/50 joint venture of Sterling Winthrop, also known as Sterling Drug, and I.G. Farben, a conglomerate formed in 1926 through the merging of eight leading German chemical manufacturers including Bayer, a German chemical and pharmaceutical company. [6, 13] I.G. Farben was notorious for its role in the Holocaust as it was involved in many war crimes. The company produced large quantities of Zyklon B, a cyanide based pesticide, necessary for the gas chambers at various concentration camps during the Holocaust. [14] Sterling Winthrop was an American pharmaceutical company founded in 1901 by William E. Weiss and Albert H. Deibold to manufacture and sell a pain relieving preparation called Neuralgine . [15] During the 1930s, Winthrop Chemical Company Inc. became a leader in the pharmaceutical industry with the introduction of renowned products including Salvarsan and Neo Salvarsan (the first effective drugs in the treatment of syphilis), Prontosil and Neoprontosil (the first of the sulfa drugs), and Atabrine (the synthetic antimalarial that replaced quinine during WWII). [15] The company eventually expanded overseas in 1938 and operated seventy plants in forty countries. [13, 15] Deconstructing the Object The object will be examined critically and deconstructed through multiple perspectives including the makers, the watchers, the users, and the pushers of
  • 35. Character Analysis Of Robinson Crusoe I take notice of here, those discontented people, who cannot enjoy comfortably what God has given them; because they see and covet something that He has not give them. Robinson Crusoe (Defoe 95). In the book, Robinson Crusoe the main character Robinson Crusoe was a man who made many choices, some of which were made selfishly, and without the guidance of God or other influential people of whom he should have listened to. Throughout his life Crusoe learned many things through experience. His relationship with God as well as his character improved along his journey and strengthened when he allowed them to. Crusoe s well aspired dream of becoming a sailor affected his relationship with God and ultimately began his journey of growth. At age 19, Robinson Crusoe decided he was not going to go on to work in law, as his father had planned for him, but that he was going to be a sailor. His father attempted to convince Crusoe of his disapproval and to prevent him from becoming a sailor. Crusoe however decided against what his father had said and left home even though he was told not to. In the book he says, I consulted neither my mother or father any more, nor so much as sent them word of it; but leaving them to hear of it as they might, without asking God s blessing, or my father s, without any consideration of circumstances or consequences, and in an ill hour, God knows, on the first of September 1651I went on board a ship bound for London. (Defoe 4). In his time as a sailor he was a part of 4 separate voyages, all of which resulted in narrow escapes of death for Crusoe, but despite the fact that God was obviously trying to give signs to him of why he should not have been a sailor, Crusoe blames bad luck and fate for his troubles, and continues to disobey his parents, and God. At this point of his life, Crusoe was a selfish man who thought of what was best for himself, and ignored others opinions, and did not seek God s help in his times of need. A little later in life, with his bad luck along his journeys continuing, Crusoe survives a shipwreck on his way to Guinea, in which all of his fellow sailors are killed. He survived by the grace of God and somehow swam his way to a deserted island. Although just
  • 36. Capital One Corporate Structure Capital One is a banking company that is focused on credit cards and consumer loans. The company also has some minor international operations in Canada and the UK, primarily in the credit card business. The company breaks down its business as follows. Credit cards are the major source of income, accounting for $10.4 billion in revenue, or 64% of the total revenue for the company. Consumer banking accounts for 31% of the revenue, commercial banking a further 10% of the revenue, and the company has negative revenue on other businesses. The credit cardbusiness is the most profitable, generating $2.277 billion in profit, or 70% of the company s total net income. Consumer banking accounted for 25% of total net income, while commercial banking accounted for 16% of total net income. The company has recently made moves to build its retail banking business and its credit card business. In 2012, Capital One completed the purchase of ING Direct USA, a deal that added $80 billion in deposits to the company s balance sheet. It then added HSBC s US credit card business. This move added $28 billion worth of credit card assets to the company s portfolio. These acquisitions were substantial in nature $9 billion for ING and $31.3 billion for HSBC (No author, 2012). They indicate that the primary focus for growth at Capital One is to build on its core businesses. Such expansion of its two largest businesses indicates that Capital One is more interested in focus there than in expanding
  • 37. The I Have A Big Problem Essay On a picnic table on campus grounds with a balloon tied to it sits a girl 21, all alone with her head buried in sighs and the sleeves of a gray hoodie. This college student in conflict, with a tendency to talk to herself. In a loud voice, she exclaimed Ugh! I have a problem and it is so confusing to no one in particular. Then came the words Hey, you alright? SK looks up staring blankly at the balloon, then around for the source of the voice. Then it came again Hey! I am right here the balloon. Huh?... Well, what s the problem is everything alright? Nope, I have a big problem. Why do you think that is? I try my best to be perfect, I guess. No! You leave me no choice. You will be visited by three ghosts the first at 9 AM! Next thing SK does is get up then go to an empty classroom to study. Sitting in her favorite seat, SK looks around the room in anticipation. When all seems to settle she hears a POOF see a tiny human shaped creature with curly hair and big eyes appear. Oh! Who are you? SK said with a look of amazement. Me? I am the ghost of the past. Friends call me Gyp. What do you want? SK said putting up a defensive stance. To help you with your problem silly. By the way, what is your problem? Well, I can t decide if I care to continue college or jump into the workforce? Have you heard of Erikson or Maslow? Yeah?... Good let s go. Go where? Silly you mean WHEN. Your past of course! To help you understand yourself better and
  • 38. Brain Obstacles At 8 weeks, the embryo begins to move, and there are about 16 different movements by 15 weeks. After 15 weeks, the amount of movement begins to decline because there is little room within the uterus. The uterine environment now acts as a constraint on the fetus posture and movement. There are other ways in which the uterus can constrict the fetus. Certain environments can cause skeletal conditions to occur. The uterine environment has constrictions in its potions relative to the intestine, colon, bladder. The breech position of the fetus can affect reflexes. Even prenatally, movements effect one another. Head movements in the fetus affect arm and leg movements because turning typically begins with head movement. Everything is coordination... Show more content on ... Male brains seem to be 8% to 13% larger in volume compared to a woman s brain. Certain areas of the brain that are larger in men include the structures that play a role in controlling language, memory, emotion and behavior. Though men seem to have sightly larger brain, there seem to be no cognitive differences. Overall, researchers were unable to find any patterns that created a distinction between men and women. Multiple studies examined multiple structures in the brain including the volume of gray matter and the connections between different parts of the brain. All of these studies found similar findings. A very small percentage of these brains were exclusively male or female, while the majority of them were showed substantial variability between the male and female traits. This article concluded by explaining one finally study that studied the brain during activities that were considered highly gender stereotyped activities. Once again, the findings were the same. Only 1.2% of these brains were exclusively male or female, while 55% had traits from both males and females. These findings play a vary important role in how society perceives males and females. These findings don t support these socially constructed views. It seems that these differences in brain structures can also stem from how our society shapes the development of males compared to females. If men and women were treated equally throughout life, their may be less brains that are considered exclusively male or
  • 39. A Report On A Cox Model Essay A Cox model is a well recognized statistical technique for exploring the relationship between the survival of a patient and several explanatory variables. A Cox model provides an estimate of the treatment effect on survival after adjustment for other explanatory variables. It allows us to estimate the hazard (or risk) of death, or other event of interest, for individuals, given their prognostic variables. Interpreting a Cox model involves examining the coefficients for each explanatory variable. A positive regression coefficient for an explanatory variable means that the hazard for patient having a high positive value on that particular variable is high. Conversely, a negative regression coefficient implies a better prognosis for patients with higher values of that variable. Cox s method does not assume any particular distribution for the survival times, but it rather assumes that the effects of the different variables on survival are constant over time and are additive in a particular scale [17]. The hazard function is the probability that an individual will experience an event (for example, death) within a small time interval, given that the individual has survived up to the beginning of the interval. In this model the unique effect of a per unit increase in a variable or covariate is assumed to be multiplicative with respect to the hazard rate [18]. For example, taking a drug may halve one s hazard rate for a stroke occurring, or, changing the material from which a
  • 40. High Glycemic Index Diet Associations With Depression In this review, we highlight the recent findings on high glycemic index diet associations with depression. We focus on GI, GL, high calorie diet and BMI and describe biological and behavioral mechanisms in relation to GI Depression Introduction: The consumption of sweetened beverages, refined foods, and pastries has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of depression in longitudinal studies. However, any influence that refined carbohydrates has on mood could be commensurate with their proportion in the overall diet; studies are therefore needed that measure overall intakes of carbohydrate and sugar, glycemic index (GI), and glycemic load. The glycemic index or glycaemic index (GI) is a number associated with a particular type ... Show more content on ... The glycemic load (GL) of food is a number that estimates how much the food will raise a person s blood glucose level after eating it. One unit of glycemic load approximates the effect of consuming one gram of glucose. Glycemic load accounts for how much carbohydrate is in the food and how much each gram of carbohydrate in the food raises blood glucose levels. Glycemic load is based on the glycemic index (GI), and is calculated by multiplying the grams of available carbohydrate in the food times the food s GI and then dividing by 100. Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person s thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of well being. People with depressed mood can feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, ashamed or restless. They may lose interest in activities that were once pleasurable, experience loss of appetite or overeating, have problems concentrating, remembering details or making decisions, and may contemplate, attempt or commit suicide. Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, aches, pains, digestive problems or reduced energy may also be present. Depressed mood is a feature of some psychiatric syndromes such as major depressive disorder, but it may also be a normal reaction to life events such as grief, a symptom of some bodily ailments or a side effect of some drugs and medical treatments. In this review I will talk about high glycemic index
  • 41. What Is The Narrative Techniques Used In Northanger Abbey Jane Austen s Northanger Abbey is a bildungsroman, a coming of age story that focuses on the psychological development, and maturity of the protagonist Catherine Morland. This essay will analyse the language, and narrative techniques of the set extract, and discuss how this excerpt suggests vicissitude in Catherine s priorities, within her role as Austen s female bildungsroman. In addition, it will discuss the domestic gothic and real life abuse that prevails in ordinary situations. Furthermore, it will argue how Austen s rhetorical techniques work to encourage reader interest, and to exercise perception, when distinguishing between appearance, and reality. Finally, it will conclude by briefly discussing the significance of the extract within... Show more content on ... Written in third person limited omniscient, and filtered predominantly through Catherine. The unknown narrator slips effortlessly into free indirect disclosure, which adopts the tone and inflection of an individual characters voice. This technique allows the narrator to intrude into the narrative to offer advice, or to foreshadow the characters. However, the narrator frequently breaks from convention and addresses the reader directly. Setting and imagery, is important in the novel, the word Abbey , represents connotations of the gothic itself, which conjures up expectations of horror, and danger, and visions of the uncanny. Characterisation, through dialogue and free indirect disclosure allows readers to perceive for themselves the personality and agendas of each individual. The word choice is rich, and the narrative construction subtle, compassionate, and credible, making the phrasing natural, realistic, and easily understood through tone and dialogue. My dear Eleanor, cried Catherine, suppressing her feelings as well as she could, do not be so distressed.
  • 42. Trends in Hotel Industry Trends In Hospitality Sector Hospitality is all about offering warmth to someone who looks for help at a strange or unfriendly place. It refers to the process of receiving and entertaining a guest with goodwill. Hospitality in the commercial context refers to the activity of hotels, restaurants, catering, inn, resorts or clubs who make a vocation of treating tourists. Helped With unique efforts by government and all other stakeholders, including hotel owners, resort managers, tour and travel operators and employees who work in the sector, Indian hospitality industry has gained a level of acceptance world over. It has yet to go miles for recognition as a world leader of hospitality. Many take Indian hospitality service not for its ... Show more content on ... These surveys further revealed that these guests will pay anywhere from nine to ten percent premium on the already advertised prices. What can be stated as a welcome relief for the educated traveler might pose real challenges for the hotel business. To better understand the scenario, it should be noted that hotels are presently facing severe shortages in occupancy rates which are at their lowest since 1971. Such a crisis and lack of funds can definitely hamper any efforts to install appliances that comply with the LEEDS standards (Leadership in Energy Environmental Design). Some experts agree that a trade off may lead hotels into removing free amenities that include little bottles of shampoos, jams and free basket of fruits; all of which are the hallmark of these eco lodgings. Where are the Workers gone? The hotel industry gives employment at a very large proportion of part time workers, who after gaining substantial experience, leave for other lucrative jobs at restaurants and outdoors. Low wages in the hotel industry is one of the primary reasons for low retention rates. Hotel industry Gurus are already thinking of ways to attract and retain qualified workers by increasing the pay scales and by reducing the long working hours. The top management is now devising constructive methods that will retain the existing workers by sponsoring education and creating attractive
  • 43. Medicine in Colonial Days Essay The Colonial Period The improvement of medicine over the course of the human successes gave great convenience to the people of today. Science has cured and prevented many illnesses from occurring and is on its way to cure some of the most dreadful and harmful illnesses. As the world modernizes due to the industrialization, so does the ways of medicine. Some cures are approached by chance, some, through intense, scientific measures. Medicine has come a long way from the Greek period. Theories composed of the four elements were used to explain the sick phenomenon that happens to our bodies. Many of the those theories are not relevant as of now. Medicine and remedies has begun with the Earth, providing all types of compounds and... Show more content on ... Beginning with the newly founded nation: America, many colonial people encountered illnesses they have never been subjected to. Despite the different times in history, there is a similarity that is still ongoing today. Those who have little income or live in rural settings have trouble obtaining the health they need when an illness occurs. Hospitals are either too far to reach in time or the bills are too expensive to pay. Now, there are countries who offer free health care but it does not pertain to the land of America. America is based on money, and the old ways of paying back someone through bales of wheat or firewood just will not cut it. There were doctors in Colonial America. When a doctor visits a patient to check upon the sick person s health, their pay will be in anything but money such as chopped woods, vegetables, et cetera for the poor people. The poor people did not have money as stated in A Visit to a Colonial Times Doctor s Office. They usually rely on their farming to feed their families and things such as money were scarce. Those who are of the contrary to the low income and the rural settings have better access to health and opportunities as written in Colonial Medicine (5). They can pay their doctor on the spot and can even request their choice of doctors. In modern America, a new change to the health care business is arriving. With the currently new healthcare, everyone shall be able to hopefully
  • 44. Despair In A Clean Well-Lighted Place Mallory Cox Period 3 12/17/2015 Comp 1 Despair, Loneliness, and Nothingness In Ernest Hemingway s A Clean, Well Lighted Place he uses the struggle of dealing with despair to show the hardships that the characters are facing. The old man that the waiter s guess is about 80 years old has attempted in many ways to deal with despair. He had a wife, but he does not anymore. He has money, but the money is enough to deal with what he is feeling. The older waiter also knows that the old man has attempted suicide. The mans niece saved him from committing suicide, which once again does not save him from the despair that he is feeling. In the beginning of the short story the younger waiter and the older waiter are watching an older deaf man. They conclude that the older man likes the night time, but the younger waiter does not get what the older waiter and the man understand and feel about night time. The older man that sits under the shadows coming from a tree taps his glass to the saucer on his table indicating that he wants more. He asks for Brandy. The servers watch him carefully because they know that if he gets too drunk, he will not pay. The younger waiter is happy, young, and confident. The older waiter tells the younger waiter that he is lucky and he has much more than he could ever have. The younger waiter cluelessly tells the older man that he can not have any more brandy when he asks... Show more content on ... He replaces most words with nada . This to me shows that the older waiter maybe isn t so scared of other things in the world, but very scared of the feeling of nothingness and of despair. He prays to nothing about nothing which shows to me that he is very concerned about the feeling of nothing . Despair is when someone has the complete absence of hope. That to me definitely shows that the older waiter is fearful of loneliness and of the feeling of
  • 45. The Hurricane Movie Essay Norman Jewison s Movie The Hurricane The problem of racial discrimination has been portrayed in many films in the last 15 years. However, The Hurricane does a masterful job at addressing this issue, and will leave audience members clenching their fists in anger at the injustice that happened to a man named Rubin Hurricane Carter. The movie demonstrates the racial inequity that can be found in our judicial system through the impressive acting by Denzel Washington and the direction of Norman Jewison. The Hurricane makes you wonder who else has been wrongfully accused in the past 30 years. The Hurricane creates moments of amazing heartfelt punches dealt by Denzel Washington (Rubin Hurricane Carter), Vicellous Reon Shannon (Lezra... Show more content on ... He then pores over documents about his case and compiles them into a book. The manuscript then lands in the hands of Lezra Martin. Moved by Rubin s words, Lezra makes it his mission and the mission of his three Canadian friends to bring justice for the Hurricane . At his weakest hour Rubin finds hope via these four newfound friends. Through the support of the Canadians along with the legal work of two volunteer lawyers they take Rubin s case to the New Jersey Supreme Court. After 20 years, of wrongful imprisonment, Rubin Hurricane Carter is restored. The film s powerful message comes alive through its main actor s magnificent performances and the anger and frustration that they evoke. In particular, Denzel Washington proved this throughout the film with his representation of Rubin Carter. He is known for films and works such as: Glory, The Pelican Brief, Philadelphia, Courage Under Fire, and a new must see release Remember the Titans. The Hurricane is no exception for his list of stellar performances. However, aside from Denzel Washington s stunning portrayal, the other actors are one sided and faceless. Vincent Della Pesca (Dan Hedaya) establishes himself throughout the film as an evil presence with an insane desire to put Rubin behind bars. His motivation is left to the imagination of the audience. This antagonist appears to be self motivated without any clear sense of
  • 46. Plato Moral Relativism Joseph Cipullo Professor Butera Philosophy 103 October 28, 2017 Relativism or Realism What is Plato s reasoning for rejecting moral relativism in favor of moral realism? An interpretation of moral relativism is that it is an understanding that the ethical position of right or wrong is culturally centered and as a result subjected to a person s individual opinion. Plato however spends a great deal of time arguing against moral relativism and in favor of moral realism. The argument Plato proposes is that moral relativism is irrational because it has no logical ground to stand on and therefore contradicts itself. Plato argues that if all values and standards are subjective and dependent on perspective, everyone could adopt their own perception of the truth. By this reasoning, Plato believes that moral relativism weakens itself by allowing the possibility it is false. Therefore, Plato advocates a form of moral realism, which is the theory that moral judgements relish a special sort of objectivity. In the Platonic dialogues, Plato spends a great deal of his time arguing against moral relativism for a form of moral realism, through the philosophical ideas of Socrates. Relativism is a theory that knowledge is comparative to the limited nature of the mind and the state of knowing. Moral Relativism is defined as the view that moral judgements are true and false only relative to some particular standpoint, and that no view is privileged over all
  • 47. John D. Rockefeller Essay The Rockefellers feared the temptations of wealth, yet a visitor once described their estate as the kind of place God would have built if only he d had the money. They amassed a fortune that outraged a Democratic nation, then gave it all away reshaping America. They were the closest thing the country had to a royal family, but the Rockefellers shunned the public eye. For decades, the Rockefeller name was despised in America, associated with John D. Rockefeller Sr. s feared monopoly, Standard Oil. By the end of his life, Rockefeller had given away half of his fortune. But even his vast philanthropy could not erase the memory of his predatory business practices. Who was Rockefeller? Was he a ruthless businessman who only wanted to ... Show more content on ... It was at that point that John D. began to conceive of the oil industry as one big interrelated mechanism. And you couldn t just change one component, you had to control the entire machine. In a move that would transform the American economy, Rockefeller set out to replace a world of independent oilmen with a giant company controlled by him. In l870, begging bankers for more loans, he formed Standard Oil of Ohio. The next year, he quietly put what he called our plan his campaign to dominate the volatile oil industry into devastating effect. Rockefeller knew that the refiner with the lowest transportation cost could bring rivals to their knees. He entered into a secret alliance with the railroads called the South Improvement Company. In exchange for large, regular shipments, Rockefeller and his allies secured transport rates far lower than those of their bewildered competitors. John D. Rockefeller said, The day of combination is here to stay. Individualism is gone forever, never to return (Hawke 128). Their great business capacity would have insure the managers of the Standard Oil Company success, but the means by which they achieved monopoly was by conspiracy with the railroads. John D. Rockefeller killed his rivals by getting the great Railroad lines to refuse to give them transportation. Multimillionaire
  • 48. The Issue Of Teenage Pregnancy Introduction: Teenage pregnancy is a hot button issue in the United States that has lured the attention of citizens for many years. Since its peak in 1990, teen pregnancy has declined significantly, but is still held as the center for much controversy, especially with recent reality television shows that many claim are glorifying teenage pregnancy (The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 2014; Henson, 2011). Although numbers of pregnant teens are down, certain areas continue to struggle with this issue, and are seeking new ways to get the message across. This case study focuses on a series of print and transportation advertisements that were distributed in Milwaukee and Chicago from approximately 2009 through 2013 (Murray, 2013). The following study also showcases the stigmas surrounding the ads and links relevant coursework from chapters two, three, and four via the campaign s choice of tactics. Overview of Case: The key elements of this case study is the primary method of delivery (public transportation), use of visual metaphor (showing a pregnant teen as male), and use of shock tactics. In the most recent case, the persuader is the City of Chicago and the Chicago Department of Health (Murray, 2013). They are trying to show the importance of teen pregnancy awareness through an alarming (and medically impossible) metaphor, attempting to persuade its audience to become aware of this issue and to do something about it, whether it be teens practicing
  • 49. Who Is Mr Birling In An Inspector Calls In the play An Inspector Calls by J.B.PRIESTLY compares the different generations. The young are Eric and Sheila Birling , the old being Arthur and Sybil Birling while Gerald lies in between the two.They all react differently to the Inspectors presence.At the time capitalism was ruling the country exploitatively .The setting of the playhad a significant role in the play as it allowed the use of dramatic irony,mainly when Mr Birling speaks about the future, were in a time for a time of steadily increasing prosperity .The younger generation respond to the inspectors presence honestly and timidly unlike the parents who are the complete opposite. Mr birling is the first person in the family to be interrogated by the inspector.He is asked
  • 50. Essay about Banning Books in Schools School boards and teachers have a responsibility for protecting the minds of their students and covering age appropriate material. However, does this responsibility cover the extreme act of banning books from school classrooms? Does not the teacher have a duty to introduce to their students world issues in order to better the students ability to cope with problems in the world? How does a schooldecide which books should be banned from the classroom, and should it be left up to the teacher to decide what is decided in his/her classroom. By banning books from the classroom, we prevent our students from learning about controversial topics in a safe environment, and we also encroach upon the student s freedom of reading what they want in... Show more content on ... According to the American Library Association, the most common group of people, challenging a book being read in schools, was the parents of the students. Parents have a right to be in charge of what is put into the minds of their students, however just because one parent objects does not mean that the whole school should ban the book from the list. A solution for this book would be to enforce parental consent for books to be read in the classroom. If a parent does not want a book to be read in the classroom, then there should be other options for the student to read. The school and teacher should not trespass on a parent s rights of raising their child. I believe that if a parent has a concern, they should go and discuss the problem with the teacher so that the teacher will be able to defend their reasoning for choosing the book to be read in the classroom. If a controversial book will be read in the classroom, it is the teacher s responsibility to prepare the student for it. The teacher must ensure that the book is age appropriate for the student, and is appropriate for the subject matter that the teacher is covering. Reading books such as Catcher in The Rye without discussion can be more harmful than helpful to a student. The Catcher in The Rye has obscene language, violence, occult practices, and sexual references (Doyle 2010). This book should only be read by a mature age group with a
  • 51. Exclusionary Rule Pros And Cons The Exclusionary rule, as defined in our Criminal Justice Book: 7e, is the principle that illegally obtained evidence must be excluded from trial. If any evidence, that falls within the field of the exclusionary rule, is found that would otherwise not have been found by law enforcements, the rule applies to linked evidence found and all the evidence after. This after evidence is often referred as fruit of the poisonous tree. The exclusionary ruleis also looked at in a way to block law enforcement officers from handling searches and/or seizures, a violation of the fourth amendment, possibly aiding to defendants whose rights have been violated. With the exclusionary rule comes a lot of critics who believe the Court s decisions allow criminals