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Animal Farm Russian Revolution
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Animal Farm Russian Revolution EssayAnimal Farm Russian Revolution Essay
Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection and Social Darwinism...
While he was on the voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle, a man named Charles Darwin viewed the
relationship of plants and animals all over the world. He observed organisms on islands off the
coast of South America and those on the mainland. His observations showed that these organisms
were related, but not identical. This led Darwin into believing that over time, organisms must adapt
to suit their environment. He explained his theories thoroughly in his book, On the Originof Species
by Means of Natural Selection.
Darwin decided it was possible for a species to change from one form and develop into another
over time. This led him to the notion that all life forms were not fixed, but continuously changing or
evolving. The other part of the ... Show more content on ...
Basically, they took Darwin s theory of natural selection, which was intended to apply only to
selection through genetic variability, and applied it to selection between human groups
differentiated by culture alone. The concept, referred to as social Darwinism, embraced all efforts
to apply Darwinian biology and evolution to human society. Through the years, social Darwinism
became widely popular and was used to justify predatory capitalism, social classes, racial
prejudices, and imperialism.
One of the many social Darwinists was a man named William Graham Sumner. In his lectures and
writings, Sumner became one of the leading proponents of laissez faire economics and social
Darwinism, opposing all government efforts to regulate business or to combat social inequality.
In his book, That it is Not Wicked to Be Rich, Sumner spoke of social classes in the United States.
He argued that social existence was a competitive struggle among individuals possessing different
natural capacities and traits. Overall, those with better traits succeeded, becoming wealthy and
powerful, while those lacking in inner discipline or intelligence sank into poverty. He felt that
people who were poor we born to be that way, and they could do nothing about. Because of this,
Sumner was against government assistance of any kind.
As you can see,
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breaking the norm Essay example
Breaking the Norms When each of us was conceived, we did not have anything influencing our
perception of the world. While we were growing up and still do this day, our surroundings
influenced the way we think and the how we behave in our daily lives. We get ideas about gender
roles from our parents, our teachers, television, books and even subconsciously. As part of a project
to break the normsof society and pushpast peoples thresholds, I needed to figure out what made
people feel uncomfortable. I thought for a moment and decided to tackle homophobia. I choose this
topic because very few men are comfortable talking about the subject of gay men. It is my objective
to better understand why men think the way we... Show more content on ...
When my friend told me I looked like a sissy, I thought more about it. The terms sissy is
sometimes used when referring to a boy who is feminine. According to our notes, femininity and
masculinity are tightly bound to our gender roles. Men are expected to be strong, rough, and
have stamina. We are not supposed to wear tight fitting bellbottoms and we should avoid colors
like pink and purple. These are feminine colors. The man in the family is usually the person
who should provide money and build a career. On the other hand, women traditionally are
supposed to be tender and loving mothers and wives, to wear skirts and to walk on high heels.
They should not have careers, but should take care of the kids and the house. It seems that these
perceptions have been existing forever, and one reason is because from early childhood we are
taught by our parents that pink is for girls, and blue is for boys.
Even before the children are born, parents begin choosing clothing and decorations by color based
on the sex of the baby. The stereotype of pink, pastels, yellow and white for girls and bright or dark
colors like green, blue and red for boys has long been a part of culture. How many times have you
heard kids argue over toys because girls don t want that icky boy color or the boys don t want the
gross girl color? This
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of AFTA
Becoming part of AFTA can also give negative impact to Brunei because:
1. The main drawback of AFTA is incredible rates or CEPT. These rates do not apply to all
imports. There are fees and tariffs on imported goods, which do not benefit from the customer s
2. With the introduction of AFTA, tariffs on 20% and below will be reduced to 0 5% in 7 years
(effective 1 January 2000). This means that all trade barriers will be removed and have negative
implications for the future development of the local automotive industry.
3. Small companies are less efficient in operation will fail because it cannot compete with others.
4. In addition, with the rapid technological advances, many traditional industries ... Show more
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EAGA also offers the diverse land and water based tourist attractions that can parallel the world s
best. As we know among those four countries of BIMP EAGA, Brunei is one of the less tourist
attractions but by joining BIMP EAGA, Brunei can get benefits from it and slowly can attract more
tourist coming into Brunei.
3. The BIMP EAGA agreed to adopt the strategic direction to establish BIMP EAGA as a food
basket for ASEAN and the rest of Asia and a premier ecotourism destination. By this it gives huge
benefits to BIMP EAGA and BIMP EAGA can earn more income and have free excess of trade all
around ASEAN based on the terms and conditions given.
4. Brunei Darussalam being the only nation with it s territory solely in BIMP EAGA was chosen as
the principle communication and transport focal point. Brunei s national air carrier Royal Brunei
Airlines is the only national airline with its nation s capital city in BIMP EAGA, and therefore,
directs connections to and from BIMP EAGA to the rest of the world. .
5. Brunei can promote their business development throughout the region and this can create jobs,
income and an improved quality of life in Brunei. 2.3.2 DISADVANTAGES OF BRUNEI
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Catiline s Influence On The Rise Of Rome
My fellow senators, if I may begin by bringing attention to the issue at hand. We speak of Catiline
and his crimes, and what should be done to defend Rome from his devious plots of insurrection.
I have heard several of his followers speak before me, and they seem to disregard the accusations
against the very man that leads them. His proposals are not the matter we are currently
discussing. How can you speak of highly of reforms without voicing defense of the man who
proposed them? He, who has been accused of attempted assassination upon our presiding
magistrate? Even worse, he denies his involvement in the face of his failure. Unlike the brave
Gaius Mucius Scaevola, Catiline will not show honor by thrusting his hand into the fire and facing
these accusations as a true Roman should. Instead, he proves himself to be a coward by hiding in
claims that the assassination was never attempted; or, at least, not by him. Furthermore, and equally
unsettling in this time of unrest, we have been told of Catiline rallying troops and having them
camped barely beyond the walls of Etruria. In... Show more content on ...
Our own fields, of all Romans near and wide, have been failing. We cannot control the elements.
Would giving the urban poor such land be of any use? In addition, how many of the
impoverished city dwellers know how to farm successfully? Will the land be given out
indiscriminately, or with requirements to ensure that only those who can work the land as
necessary and provide crops will get their share? If you give a man with no knowledge of
farming a field, he would suffer. Perhaps not more than toiling in the inner workings of Rome
itself, but moderately so. A man such as this would only fall further into debt. The land reform
would only refuel the issue of debt for some; and for what? Trading slaves working a field off for
farmers that own that land would not change nature. Crops would not grow more
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The Heart Of Reagan s Foreign Policy
When Ronald Reagan to the oath of office on January 20, 1981, he called upon Americans to begin
an era of national renewal. In response to the serious problems facing the country, both foreign and
domestic, he asserted his familiar campaign phrase: Government is not the solution to our problem,
government is the problem. His dream was to make America the beacon of hope and freedom for
those who do not have freedom. Reagan advanced domestic policies that featured a lessening of
federal government responsibility in solving social problems, reducing restrictions on business, and
implementing tax cuts. Internationally, Reagan demonstrated a fierce opposition to the spread of
communism throughout the world and a strong distrust of the Soviet Union, which in 1983 he
labeled an evil empire. The heart of Reagan s foreign policy was to prevent the expansion of
communism and at the heart of communism was the Soviet Union. Reagan often referred to the
Soviet Union as the evil empire. Reagan believed that the United States should negotiate with the
Soviet Union from a position of strength. The administration embarked on a modernization program
which included the production of intercontinental missiles and the Strategic Defense Initiative. He
increased military spending and forces, while holding negotiations with Mikhail Gorbachevthe
General Secretary of the Soviet Union. After a number of meetings between Reagan and
Gorbachev, the two men signed an Intermediate
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C. Diff Research Paper
Infectious Diseases: Clostridium Difficile Colitis
Infectious Disease: Signs and Symptoms
Clostridium Difficile, or C. diff, is a common occurrence in hospitals. But how does one know that
they are in fact dealing with a patient with C. diff and not just diarrhea? It all lies in the symptoms.
C. diff diarrhea has a distinct odor. The patient also feels a constant urgency, a need to always go to
the restroom. The stool contains mucous. Beyond that, most patients will present with a low grade
fever, mild leukocytosis, hyperactive bowel sounds, and mild abdominal tenderness. (Headly, 461)
Causative Agents: Distinguishing Characteristics Clostridium difficile is both the name of the
bacteria and the illness. When referring to the illness, ... Show more content on ...
The answer is that it cannot. Clostridium difficile cannot. However, the diarrhea from the C. diff
can. To prevent it, one must work backwards, returning to the transmission of the illness. The
question is then how is it passed on to other people? The answer is simple: lack of proper
handwashing. By not properly washing the hands, the method of transmission become the nurses
hands. But that does not necessarily account for the spores found in the bedsheets. In that, one has
to realize that a patient with diarrhea may or may not have Clostridium difficile colitis. When that
is realized, great care should be taken with the bedsheets of that individual, by taking care not to
shake the sheets to prevent dispersal through the air. The nurse must then once again follow proper
handwashing procedures after disposal of the dirty linens. Nothing can affect the flora to prevent all
bouts of C. diff. That includes antibiotics, the number one cause of Clostridium difficile. But
because antibiotics are sometimes necessary for survival, the patient must be encouraged to intake
probiotics while on antibiotics. Similarly, if the antibiotics are not needed, the patient should not be
taking them. C. diff is a superbug, an illness that antibiotics cannot help. And by purposely taking
antibiotics for no need causes more problems than the patient should want to deal
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The Argument Of The Sacrament Of Confession
For Protestantism, the act of professing one s sins to a priest for the Lord s forgiveness the
Sacrament of Reconciliation is a sacrament that is unnecessary and not instituted. Valid arguments
are made in favour of avoiding confession. First most, only God can forgive sin; it is not man s
right to cleanse the eternal soul. Truthfully, God is truly the only one who can forgive us by his
own authority of sin. The practise of forgiveness began through the Lord and should continue in an
unique relationship between Him and his follower independently. Another objection to the practise
is that it is a man made explanation, not God s teaching. In the bible, there is no teaching directly
put forth on the idea that man can forgive sin. Rather interpretations have been made to institute
the practise, though there is no proof in the infallible rule of faith (The Bible; Sola Scripture). As
discussed, this act belongs to God and only God. For Protestants, there is no need to... Show more
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Though there are obvious disagreements between the two sides, I believe that the Catholic
sacrament of Confession paired with personal confession that embodies the traits of the Protestant
Confession (specific, acknowledges consequences, and precedes forgiveness) would be the
correct solution for the profession of my sins to God. I believe that it is necessary for major
digressions that we ask a priest for intercession for the forgiveness of sins. However, I have been
raised in a family, where personal confession has held a place of importance. It strengths an
individualistic relationship with God. Fostering our ability to analyze our faith and explore our
intrapersonal sins, while including the intercession of saints suited to our cause and person. I
support the Catholic Church in their practice of Reconciliation, but the Protestant Church is correct
in how individual confession should be carried
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The Social Sciences Essay
The Hawthorne Studies is one of the most well known series of experiments of the social sciences
in industrial history. The objective of the experiments were to establish how an individual is
influenced not only by their own abilities, but by their working environment and the people they
work with, both fellow workers and supervisors. To gain a better understanding of what the
Hawthorne studies were, why they were conducted, and how they have impacted management
practices, one must first understand the history behind the key contributors of this study and the
location where the studies took place, the Western Electric Company. However, the studies did
receive criticism, some of which was considered fairly harsh, such as from Alex Carey The
Hawthorne studies were conducted by Harvard s Business School Industrial Research Group,
George Elton Mayo, and Fritz J. Roethlisberger. These two men were major contributors to what we
know as the Hawthorne Effect, and their contributions to this experiment has set forth
unprecedented changes in the way organizations run.
Fritz Roethlisberger was born in NYC in 1898 and earned a BA in engineering from Columbia
University, BS in engineering administration from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a
MA in philosophy from Harvard University. Roethlisberger started work on his PhD in philosophy
at Harvard University but never finished. His studies were put on hold after meeting Harvard
professor George Elton Mayo. Roethlisberger
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The Ozone Depletion
The earth atmosphere has many layers; the first two layers are the troposphere, the stratosphere,
and the ozone layer which sits in the lower area of the stratosphere. The troposphere layer is
where a lot of human activity occurs, such as planes and mountain climbing. The next layer is
the stratosphere and this is where the ozone layer is located as well. The ozone layer helps
protect people from ultraviolet radiation that mainly come from the sun. The ozone layer can be
different depending on the season and the location. Over the past few years, the ozone layer has
been depleting because of human activity. The main issue of the depletion of the ozone layer is
the man made products that have been created and has cause bad effect on the ozone layer itself.
The ozone is a gas in the atmosphere that protects all living things on Earth from damaging
ultraviolet rays that come from the sun. With the ozone layer depleting, it would be difficult for
anything to survive much longer or not at all. The ozone acts as a shield to protect living things
from absorbing the ultraviolet ray and keeps them from being damaged. Many man made materials
are causing the ozone layer to deplete at a faster rate. The author states, Emissions of chlorine and
bromine from CFCs and halons are to blame for excessive stratospheric ozone depletion(Ivanovich
and Calm). This type of emission is going into the atmosphere and is breaking down the ozone
layer. Consequently, this is resulting in the
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The Human Condition Of The World
The Human Condition can be argued to be in a crisis with its position in modern society.
With a massive decline in personal interaction, corruption in government, and the event of
climate change that has never before been seen in the history of this planet. There are few small
groups around the world that try to make this crisis known to the world, although many world
powers and much of the population choose to either deny or ignore the cry for help. There is a
plethora of ways to spread the word, and one of the most common is through writing; authors
such as Jared Diamond or Al Gore commit their lives to informing the world about the decline of
the human condition. There are also authors that do not rely on pressing these matters ... Show more
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Understanding just how temptation, culture and relationships can be interpreted as magic reveals
how these authors use their genre to inform the population of the failing human condition.
When the term magic is brought up in any kind of media, the immediate thought of
most people is fairy dust, unicorns, or J.K. Rowling s Harry Potter series; although the magic
in Magical Realism is truly none of that at all. The magic in Magical Realism comes from the
characters in the novels, through their thoughts and actions they create the magic that exists in
these novels. In these themes the magic reveals itself, they appear as unstoppable forces in
human nature that cannot be derived to an elementary force, and thus appears magical.
Temptation for instance, appears in A Hundred Years of Solitude and Invisible Cities to lure men
to unspeakable fates that impact the rest of their lives and the lives of the people around them.
Although the essence of temptation is an unexplainable force that exists blatantly to lead
humanity away from morality, the same force exists within the other two reoccurring themes that
are seen in Magical Realism. For example, relationships are emphasized and seen often in Life of
Pi and A Hundred Years of Solitude and are put in place to show how they play a key role in the
stories. The same force that deals with temptation
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Sex Trafficking In Texas
One of the growing issues in our society is sex trafficking. Sex Trafficking is a hidden crime
because victims rarely come forward to seek help due to language barriers, fear of the
traffickers, and they do not know where or who to turn too. These young girls are lured into
prostitution by force, fraud, or promises of a better life. Sex Trafficking is a serious crime that
often goes overlooked because people are uncomfortable with the issue, and are not sure how to
fight it. This issue can be found even at our own back door. The same interstate many Lamar
Orange students use is the same one sex traffickers use to transport their victims. One in every five
victims of human traffickingin the U.S. travels through Texas along Interstate ten. (Texas... Show
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Sex traffickers use violence, threats, lies, debt bondage, and other forms of coercion to compel
adults and children to engage in commercial sex acts against their will. (Polaris Project) In the
area of organized crime, sex trafficking is one of the fastest growing businesses. The Texas
Department of Public Safety issued statistics that approximately 100,000 children are estimated
to be in the sex trade in the united states each year. Texas had the second highest incoming
trafficking tips in 2013. These incoming tips totaled 2,236 calls, emails, and tip forms. As of
June 2015 there has been 833 calls and 214 cases reported. These numbers are expected to
double before the end of the year. Houston is known to be one of the largest cities for sex
trafficking. This makes interstate 10, which runs through Houston, one of the main routes for sex
traffickers. Due to interstate 10 passing straight through the golden triangle, Beaumont, Port
Arthur, and Orange have seen a rise in sex trafficking victims. (8 12) It is important to note that
the actual number of sex trafficked individuals is higher than what has been reported due to the
secret nature of the crime. Many victims never come forward because of fear, age, and a lack of
realization that they are being used as sex
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Selective Faith Maxim Essay
The book talks about two kinds of decision maxims when a situation presents itself. But before all
this, we must understand that the very nature of human being s existence is to find out the truth in
every situation. Living a life based on a lie goes against the very fabric of human nature. Therefore,
these two maxims are the just the means to achieve the real truthultimately. The maxims are careful
scrutiny maxim and selective faith maxim. In careful scrutiny, the person would carefully evaluate
all options before settling for the best one. Minimization of risks and maximum results is what the
careful scrutiny aims to achieve.
Whereas, in selective faith maxim; the person would be a little more adventurous by exploring all
possible avenues before settling down for the one . Risk appetite here is more, the learning is
given more emphasis by knowing what happens if other types of ... Show more content on ...
We found out that we had come on the wrong route for almost 20 to 30 miles. It took a while to
understand that we were on the wrong path and it was pretty late in the night too. Now should
we go back all the way and get on the right road or should we go on and find an interconnecting
road? We finally took a leap of faith and continued on our road without turning back. Luckily we
were able to find out a road which led us back to the right path. So here, in spite of the odds, my
selective faith maxim was at work here. It could be because my personality is more tilted towards
it, causing me to take the selective maxim path. But for a person with more risk averse nature,
taking the careful scrutiny path would have been a safer option. Finding the right balance is
difficult, therefore we just to make sure that taking selective maxim be spent on worthful
experiences, rest other times, we can take the careful path. The imaginative weighted risk is the
ideal situation anyone would want to have, but in reality, it s
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Installing A Secure Clustering Protocol
Abstract the data aggregation is mostly used energy efficient mechanism in Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSN). Preserving data security is a challenging problem in wireless sensor networks.
Because of the resource characteristic, security privacy issues there in assume critical investigation.
Many aspects of investigation, one has been the design of a secure clustering protocol in which a
sensed data or information to be delivered to an appropriate receiver securely and efficiently with
least amount of energy consumption. Different methods are used to solve problem of security. We
shows that different technique and method in this paper.
Keyword Aggregation , Cluster, privacy.
Wireless Sensor Network is a new technology consists of related distributed sensors to monitor
physical or environmental condition. A basic wireless sensornetwork is shown in fig 1.1. A
wireless sensor network (WSN) has many small sensor nodes deployed in large numbers to sense
the physical world. WSN have many applications such as military and civilian usage. Fig 1.1
Wireless Sensor Network
They include surveillance, tracking at critical facilities, or monitoring animal habitats. Sensors are
usually resource limited and power constrained. They suffer from restricted computation,
communication, and power resources. They may need to collaborate on in network processing to
reduce the amount of raw data sent Data aggregation is used for privacy of data and consumed
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Andrew Wear Remedies
The author introduces and mainly addresses three topics. Remedies that had little less information
compared to diseases considering the time period. So Andrew Wear focuses on that latter first.
Andrew Wear s style of writing was a wide reading backed up with primary and secondary sources
and also had copious footnotes. As a reminder, Wear s period of study is 1550 1680, which he
describes that one of the greatest threats in early modern world was high infant and child mortality,
infection, and high mortality among the poor (the majority of the population). He also shows
importance to how plant, animal, and mineral substances can be used for treatment of diseases.
Although, the author elucidates the role of therapeutics in the constant battling
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Compare And Contrast The Temple Of Aphaia
The Temple of Aphaia displays two dying warriors. One is located in the west pediment and the
other is located in the east pediment. Despite this, both statues have a very contrasting style. On
the west pediment, the warrior has an arrow embedded in his chest which causes him to fall with
grace in this unnatural way. The warrior is smiling and is in a modeling posture rather than a
realistic one. However, the warrior on the east pediment seems more realistic as it s seen in the
appropriate position for someone who is near death. The reason for this is because it has been said
that the pediment from the west was created 10 years earlier than the one from the east, which is
why the one built first is traditionally archaic while the other is in
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The Visible And Invisible In Edo Japan
The Visible and Invisible in Edo Japan The Edo period in Japan was the result of strict social
control and economic growth resulting in a burgeoning artistic scene. Art was a way of
expressing the feelings and desires that was denied by social norms imposed by an authoritarian
government. As a result, there was a clash of ideas that pushed artists to focus on subtle
refinement of traditional styles and the values therein. This sentiment not only applied to religious
art, but to secular art forms as well due to the wealthy patrons being a part of the systems that
restricted society. However, this restriction created a unique environment that birthed art and ideas
that are unique to their time and place as the lack of outside influences forced all to turn inwards
for inspiration. Therefore, the balance between the visible and the invisible is represented in the
design of the art. The first artwork is Pair of Phoenix Overdoor Panels (Ramma) which was
designed in the 19th century during the Edo periodfor a Buddhist temple. The elaborate wooden
carving derives its aestheticsfrom the ideas and symbolism that are attached to the phoenix. Being a
mythical creature, the phoenix brought over much of its symbolism from China when Buddhism
was introduced to Japan during the 7th century. This example is carved of wood that is lacquered
and painted with metal accent inlays. Buddhist temples of the time had architecture that resembled
their Chinese counterparts, but reinterpreted to
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The Simpsons Nuclear Family Essay
In The Simpsons cartoon, the ideological construction of the nuclear family was challenged. The
nuclear family concept was debunked and exposed in this cartoon series. To begin, a nuclear
family has a variety of factors and elements which contribute to its unnatural appeal. A nuclear
family is primarily composed of a pair of heterosexual adults and their children. The nuclear family
was familiarized and primarily catered towards the white and middle class individuals. The
ideological construction of a nuclear familyis a homogenized ideology of what human kind and
society should be. The development of the nuclear family ideal was a cultural and political
response to World War II. It was a concept which perpetuated and expressed that any other form
of family was unacceptable, such as, families which were composed of a single parent, or
families with parents of the same sex. This ideal, therefore, created a false understanding of
normality. Due to political power, the nuclear family was an ideal pushed to control what was
occurring in the homes of individuals and a method of displaying the American Dream because
people were unaware of how such an ideal family could be created and maintained. By... Show
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The eighties were also referred to as, the Age of Reagan. Within the hold of the Reaganism era,
ideals and beliefs were highly publicized through media. The nuclear family concept, for instance,
held a pristine stature in media. It was a popular concept and theme reflected in various television
programs. The arrival of The Simpsons distrupted all the cultural and sociological narratives
surrounding the concept of the nuclear family. The Simpsons challenged the factors considered
necessary to be recognized as a nuclear family, and confronted the false ideals surrounding the
theme. The Simpsons went even further and displayed how the nuclear family structure is a mask
which hides a real functioning
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Cause And Effect Essay On Climate Change
What is climate change? Climate change is the seasonal changes for a period of time in the world.
These climate patterns play an important role in shaping natural ecosystems, and the human
economies and cultures that depend on them. The changes in climate can affect how people, plants
and animal live, such as food production and health risks. The world is now worried about the
changes that are occurring today and how it has been speeding up and seriously affecting human s
lives. In 2007, scientists from the International Panel on ClimateChange (IPCC) predicted that
warming oceans and melting glaciers due to global warmingand climate changecould cause sea
levels to rise 7 23 inches by the year 2100. Have you ever noticed how the Earth s temperature
has been rising over these past years? In the future, climate change will have a significant impact
on every aspect of our daily lives. The climate changes in our Earth are affecting our lives
psychologically, physically and emotionally. Most of these climate changes are due to small
variations in Earth s orbit that change the amount of solar energy the planet receives
(NASA,2017). It can cause lots of affects for the growth of crops. If icecaps melt and areas flood
as it is predicted, our entire population will be forced to move to higher ground. All these massive
hurricanes for example, hurricane Harvey in Texas, are a great demonstration of how we are putting
are planet in danger. The disappointing thing about all this topic
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Using an Anonymous Current Client or One You Have Worked...
Using an anonymous current client or one you have worked with in the past, apply the methods
discussed in this module to their case and discuss what you think could have been achieved.
In this essay I will utilise the case of M.E. to explore the possible theoretical achievements the
implementation of Transactional Analysis (T.A.) and Gestalt approaches might have facilitated.
Focusing on each therapeutic approach in turn, an analysis of the issues of M.E. s case will be
explored in terms of application of the two approaches and the possible resultant outcome. The
case of M.E. comprised that of a 56 year old female who living with her husband. The legacy of her
childhood and subsequent challenging adult experiences, ... Show more content on
places emphasis on human s capacity to rise above habit patterns and to select new goals and
behaviour in turn. Its inherent goal is to enable clients to make new decisions about their present
behaviour and the direction of their lives. Alternate routes to previously held ways of living,
incorporating a self defeating life script can be replaced with a life script where the client plays
and active role; with the goals of autonomy, spontaneity and being fully present in one s life and
decisions being at the fore. Developed by Eric Berne in the late 1950 s, one of the key elements
intrinsic within T.A. is the Ego States . Comprising the Parent, Adult and Child ego states, they
can assist in explaining how humans are made up and how they relate to others. They incorporate
the ways we think, feel and behave. The Parent Ego state consists of behaviours, thoughts and
feelings copied from parents of parental figures. The Adult Ego state comprises behaviours,
thoughts and feelings in direct response to the present, whereas those of the Child Ego state are
replayed from childhood. While all individuals will alternate between these ego states, T.A. seeks
to primarily assist the client to consciously become aware of the ego state they are operating from
at any given time. The behaviour and roles adopted in relationships and interactions can, in the
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Issues In Rwanda Genocide
The absence within the literature of the central pillars and their composed themes creates problems
when trying to address current and future contention between the international community and
Rwanda. By relying largely on the genocide guilt card, issues important to Rwanda are sometimes
either overlooked or plainly forgotten. The result is miscommunication and misunderstandings that
complicate a delicate situation. For example is the previously mentioned debate on term limits for
President Kagame. Despite the thesis not discussing the third term debate except for the mention in
Chapter Two, it is an important event that will help continue the trend of how Rwandaviews the
actions and decisions by international actors.
The debate on whether ... Show more content on ...
The issue of abandonment will be brought to the forefront but not in terms of the genocide guilt
card. Rwandan officials will believe that the same states that abandoned Rwanda before and during
the genocide have little ability to criticise the continuation of the only person who did not leave the
country during its darkest periods. President Kagame as leader of the RPF led the campaign to put
an end to the massacres in response to international abandonment of the genocide. This might be
easily misinterpreted as Rwanda promoting genocide guilt to deflect criticism of electing Kagame
for more terms than the current Constitution allows. But at the heart of the issue is the distrust of
the international community. They rather listen to and trust Kagame who did not abandon the
country rather than the countries that did. How he ended the genocide and led the nation into
wars with the DRC is met with the other two themes. Unlike the international community, which
seems to disappoint Rwanda by not properly combating the FDLR , Kagame is credited for
promoting the security of Rwandans by fighting the FDLR and other extremist groups bent on
harming Rwanda. These military campaigns are all through a central belief that Rwanda needs to
be self reliant for its own protection and development. Since the 2012 M23 allegations and aid
withdrawal by donors, Rwandans are increasingly accepting President Kagame s call for self
reliance. As discussed in Chapter Six, his rhetoric campaigns against foreign aid, Kagame continues
to instruct Rwandans to trust that economic development has to come from within Rwanda rather
than continual acceptance of foreign aid. Ronal Nkusi commented how the reduction of aid went
beyond just the realm of rhetoric to include it as a belief to be held by all government officials.
This sense
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Summary Of The Of Khoja s Camel
Belakane stomped through the twisting dirt paths that ran between the houses of Arjana, a
mixture of fury and hunger making her dizzy and causing her vision to waver. She swayed a
little, as if intoxicated from too much fermented drink. The villagers stared as she passed by, but
she didn t care. How she hated these people, the hypocrites! They had looked at her with nothing
but pity from the moment she arrived on the back of Khoja s camel. She was an undesirable,
someone that they, in all their good grace, would be willing to bestow their charity upon. In
Belakane s own village, it was a shameful thing to be so low as to be pitied. One must hold their
head high, never subjecting themselves to others around them in such a way. She was a... Show
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She would not have been sent away from her homeland in disgrace, she would have been
treasured. Among the people of Jaramani, another son was always welcome to help tend the
fields and livestock, bring back meat, protect the village, and carry on the family line. But
instead she was cursed with the bad luck to have been born a woman, a burden. Her parents
disposed of her at the first opportunity presented to them, when that evil merchant passed
through their village. When he departed, he had her tied by her wrists to one of his camels. She
cried out to her community members to help her, but they turned their gazes away from her
plight. When his caravan was out of sight of the villages, she was beaten and verbally assaulted
with each and every error she made, no matter how small; speaking without permission, serving
dishes in the wrong order, slouching, crying, being sloppy or slow in her duties. Then, nearly a
moon into their journey, her very life reached a dark and sinister climax. One night, when he had
impaired his senses with fermented drink and sacred herbs, he stumbled into her small tent with
impure motives. Her master began to rip her robes off one after the other. She struggled against
him, but he always kept her bound at night so that she couldn t run away, it was useless. She
forgot her pride and begged him to stop, sending pleas to the gods to protect her, but he only
laughed. He groped her and violated her with his fingers, and
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The Raft Of Flowers By Robert Frost
In his poem The Tuft of Flowers, Robert Frost tells the story of a lonely man who is turning
grass in a field after a mower has cut it down. Though the man at first believes he is completely
alone and that all other people are too, he later reevaluates that position, concluding the opposite
that connections exist between everyone and everything and that nobody is ever alone. Frost
argues that one is never truly alone as all people are connected to each other. Initially, the speaker
in the poem feels lonely and unconnected to the world around him, I must be, as he had been,
alone, (ln 8). Frost s use of punctuation is especially interesting in this phrase as he uses a comma
immediately before an em dash, enormously exaggerating the pause... Show more content on ...
Frost s use of personification in this line is overwhelming, calling attention to the speaker s
newly awakened sense of closeness with other people. The speaker, overjoyed to see the tuft of
flowers amidst the destruction of the rest of the field, realizes that the mower must have also
seen the beauty of the flowers, noting, The mower in the dew had loved them thus,/By leaving
them to flourish, not for us (ln 27 28). The speaker understands that the mower had left the
flowers for purely selfish reasons, but at the same time, he feels connected to the mower on the
basis that they had both recognized and admired the beauty of the flowers. This revelation leads
him to conclude that people are connected to each other in both obvious and subtle ways, calling
the mower a spirit kindred to my own (ln. 35). Interestingly, lines 9 and 10 are juxtaposed with
the last two lines of the poem: Men work together, I told him from the heart,/ Whether they work
together or apart (ln 41 42). Not only does the speaker contradict his earlier statement, but Frost
also mirrors the wording, the two sentences appearing nearly identical, in order to create a visual
representation of the meaning of his words: people are more alike than they are different and
therefore bonds exist between all people. Frost also structures the poem in such a way
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Letter To Stephanie Elliot
My Dearest, Stephanie,
Twelve months ago on this day we both made a choice, in a moment which I will forever
remember as being the most influential moment in my entire life. That moment was the beginning
of the relationship which I had always wanted, with the girl I always needed. You, Stephanie
Elliot, are the girl of my dreams in every way imaginable, and I ve loved every second I ve spent
with you.
I love you for your intellect. I can t remember how many times we ve debated for hours, from the
US Election, to whether or not egg and spoon racing should be considered a sport. Or how many
times we ve made witty sarcastic comments only to end in laughing at how ridiculous we both
sound. Even when one of decides to play Devil s Advocate just to get under the other persons skin,
I find again and again, that we are perfect for each other.
I love you for your kindness. On countless occasions you would admit to me that you were helping
your friends with their assignments before doing your own, and I ve come to admire that level of
selflessness. If there was any ... Show more content on ...
I have stood speechless at how absolutely stunning you look on so many occasions, whether it be
the classy elegancy you had in your formal dress, or the modest beauty of your superman shirt
when we go out on a date. By far, my favourite has to be waking up next to you. The feeling of
having you so close and seeing that you re as comfortable with me as I am with you is
indescribable. I look forward waking up next to you the most beautiful girl I ve ever seen every
morning for the rest of my life.
Most of all, I love us. I love how much we ve connected and grown on each other. I honestly can t
believe how lucky I am to have found my soul mate by the age of seventeen. I can t believe that
at seventeen, we ve already discussed plans to travel together, a place to live, and children. I can t
believe that at seventeen, I already know that you are the woman I want to
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Essay On Binary Options
Since 2007 when trading in binary options were approved as valid financial instrument in the
mainstream financial market, they have gained unsurpassed popularity. Binary options are indeed
high risk transactions where predictions are made on the movement of the price within a
particular specified period. The payoff is either the asset or a huge loss. There are several trade
types of binary optionsbut the boundary binary options are the most preferred.
Basics of Trading Boundary Binary Options
Traders find boundary binary options very interesting and also attractive to their short and long term
interests. It is clearly unmatched in the financial world in the thrill it elicits. Through using the
boundary trading options, traders can reap ... Show more content on ...
Measuring Volatility
Novices being introduced in Trading Boundary Binary Options might think they are risk free but
they are not. It is not even that easy as some may have led you to believe. However it cannot be that
gloomy after all. Trading Boundary binary Options revolve around the underlying asset and the
nature of the response generated by any major economic announcement forthcoming.
The importance of the underlying asset to the transaction is crucial and can be understood better by
measuring the volatility arising after an announcement. This volatility is measured by the Average
True Range. The average True Range discovered by the financial maverick J. Welles Wilder is
merely a technical analysis unpredictability pointer for goods or financial commodities. This is
simply the difference between the highest and the lowest bars while putting into consideration the
gaps that lie in between.
High volatility reflects heightened enthusiasm and can be reflected by wider boundaries and
this would be an ideal thing for a trader whose predictions were restrained inside the boundaries.
Low volatility means less trading enthusiasm and is characterized by narrower boundaries. This
would be sad news to any trader who was predicting a break out. Trader wishing to cash in on an In
Boundary Option would be disadvantaged by low volatility. A break out to the contrary would be
an easy ride to the bank as it only
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The Genocide In Armenia
There are more than one ways that the holocaust is very similar to the Genocide in Armenia. Like
Hitler, The Turkish government had devised and set into motion a plan to exterminate more than
one million of turkeys Armenians. Like the holocaust in Germany, the genocide in Armenia had a
lot to do with religion and in almost a super similar situation to the holocaust, it all started to go
bad when a group called the young Turks decided they wanted all the power and wanted any
religion but theirs out of turkey. By April of 1915 hundreds were arrested and thousands were taken
from their homes and put on death marches without food and water through the desert and just like
in the holocaust, people were also tortured and killed in very cruel manors.... Show more content on ...
In the years following, the Bosnian Serb forces started prosecuting the Bosniak and Croatian
people. This caused the deaths of more than 100,000 civilians by 1995.It has multiple similarities to
the holocaust because it was religion motivated, government supported, and was the biggest
genocide since the holocaust. Somewhere between 20,000 and 50,000 women were raped and they
also buried thousands in huge mass graves.
Rwanda 1994, Shortly after Rwandan President JuvГ©nal Habyarimana and Hutu President of
Burundi Cyprien Ntaryamira were killed in a plane crash, the Hutu ethnic majority of Rwandan
massacred up to 800,000 civilians who were mostly the Tutsi minority. Like with the holocaust, the
motivating factor for the genocide was race and religion. Also similar to the holocaust was that the
world ignored what was happening in Rwanda and that the genocide didn t happen in secret,
America and surrounding countries knew what was going
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The Dust Bowl During The Great Plains Region
The dust bowl was a devastating time in the United States history that occurred during the 1930s,
caused by atypically high temperatures, perpetual drought and new farming methods. Vigorous
winds disturbed the topsoil, resulting in overwhelming dust storms which destroyed an immense
amount of farms, in upwards of 100,000. These storms devastated the source of income for the
farmers affected. The dust bowlwas located in the Great Plainsregion, which includes the states of
Oklahoma, Kansas, and Northern Texas. Thousands of workers were faced with an impasse,
become a laborer, doing mindless work for miniscule wages, or move away and search for better
work. (San JosГ© State University) The people brought to these decisions that chose to... Show
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The mother could have effortlessly pawned off her ring, and gotten a few decent meals, or even
a new pair of clothes out of it, however she chose not to. She would rather work so hard that she
doesn t even have time to tell her son not to eat the dirt, or even have time to care for herself.
The mother s hair is unkempt, and her tired eyes tell that she hasn t slept well in a long time, but
she would rather provide for her family than herself. She is trying her best and working towards a
better future. Though they are in the middle of nowhere, the ring means that they are still together.
The ring is a beacon through the storm, a symbol of what was, and hope for what will be. Lange
intended for the viewer to apprehend how vital family was for the migrant workers.
In this image, Lange is also trying to demonstrate that children were still able to be children, and
were still innocent, through all of the turmoil. Although the mother knows that she has security in
her family, she still feels guilt, anger, and regret. The mother was forced to uproot her family and
trek across the country just to find work, and that does not happen without bitter feelings being
formed. On the other hand, her baby has been through these same events, but he remains unscathed,
and innocent. He does not have one worry, he is only concerned about the dirt that he is
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Causes Of The Soviet Union
The first five year plan of the Soviet union was referred to the large scale and systematic socialist
construction of the Soviet communist party, which the government in order to get rid of the
backward agricultural country of the Soviet union from 1928 to 1932. The completion of the first
five year plan made the Soviet unionbegan to change from an agricultural country to industrial
country. The Soviet union preliminary built independent relatively complete national economic
system, laid the material foundation for realizing the socialist industrialization. Since the new
economic policies, the Soviet economy basically recovered to its pre war level in 1925. But the
modern industry of the Soviet union is still relatively... Show more content on ...
In the history this is the first time the Soviet union appeared the tractor, aircraft manufacturing,
automotive, heavy machinery, precision instrument manufacturing, and other emerging industries.
The Soviet union s oil, tractors and combine harvesters came in second place in the world, Europe
s first. The Soviet Union has changed to an industrial country, but not an agricultural country that
has lagged behind for a long time. During the Soviet first five year plan, the economy grew at a
faster pace than any other capitalist country in the same period. The USSR makes the world full
with admiration with their 5 years plan. After Stalin s death, the Soviet leader Khrushchev
denounced Stalin s purges and the expulsion of minorities, lashed out at his policy bring the disaster
of agricultural , also attacked his incompetent military command, and in the last said to return to the
route of marxism leninism. Much of the abuse of power was done under Stalin s instructions,
regardless of the party s guidelines and the Soviet rule of law. Stalin was a man with a sick
suspicion. When Stalin said that someone should be arrested, you should believe that he is the
enemy of the country, in the state security organs the evil Beria gangs would have tried all ways to
prove that arrest people are criminal and they are the correctness of the fabricated materials. The
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Criminalization Of Schools
Education has remained a source for continued politicizing and legislating for years. Whenever
policy is discussed at a national, state or local level, it seems that education makes it ways into the
conversation on some level. While many institutions and business have enjoyed increased
deregulation, the regulation of educationhas increased tremendously. The very institution charged
with preparing children and young people to function in society as participating citizens is plagued
with the most rules. There is no argument that students should be entitled to a safe and substantial
education in schooland rules must be in place to maintain a level of order in order to allow for
learning. However, there have been two polices that impacted the... Show more content on ...
Zero Tolerance policies have criminalized normal disruptive classroom behavior, and ha[s]
generally involved harsh disciplinary consequences such as long term and/or permanent suspension
or expulsion for violations, and often arrest which are often enacted on minor or non violent
violations of rules such as tardiness and disorderly conduct (Heitzeg 9). On the other hand, the
existence of No Child Left Behind finds that the higher the stakes and the longer such an
accountability system governs schools, the more school personnel view students not as children to
educate but as potential liabilities (Rice University). In fact, the No Child Left Behind Act
represents another kind of extension of the crime model in education (Simon 226). Both regulations
have positioned students as the enemy. The negative impact and pressure that has evolved in the
school environment is palatable. Students behavior is more of a focus than their learning; teachers
are under pressure to teach and maintain credentials, administrators have become police in
monitoring both the teachers and the students in order for the school to remain in operation. In fact,
teachers are affected by both regulations since accountability as a system
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Identity And The Search For The Self Among The Sub...
Chapter One
Theorising Identity and The Search for The Self among the sub continental Diaspora in Britain
Identity has always been a problematic area of interrogation epistemologically, existentially and
politically and it continues to propel our thought. Etymologically, the term is derived from Latin
word Idem meaning same (Oxford Online Dictionary) which means specific quality or condition of
being a specific person or an object . A person s identity is determined in terms of his/her inherited
traditions, particularly the inherited religion of the community in which they happen to be born, the
place and society, gender, features and last but not the least the colour of the... Show more content
on ...
The concept of Identity has been defined and studied in different fields of studies ranging from
Psychology, Anthropology, Sociologyand Cultural Studies.
Recent trends in Psychology on Identity Theory: In the recent past identity is seen as a self
narrative which is held as the base for the construct of a person s identity. The behaviour in
salience to the social setting is the base of identity formation. The Identity Theory (Stryker 1968,
1980, 1989; Stryker and Serpe 1982, Mc Calls and Simmons 1978, R.H. Turner 1978) explains
social behaviour in terms of the reciprocal relationship between the self and the society . The
term is used to define the links between a multifaceted notion of the self and wider social
structure. (Burke 1980; Mc Call and Simmons 1978; R.H. Turner 1978). It is an extension of the
symbolic interactionist theory postulated by Mead (1934) and Blumer (1969) that society
influences social behaviour through its affects on the self (Micheal A Hogg, et al.). However, the
Identity theory rejects the symbolic interactionist theory as relatively undifferentiated, co operative
whole (Stryker 1980, 1987; Stryker and Serpe 1982) and argues that society is complexly
differentiated, but nevertheless organized (Stryker and Serpe 1982:206) and thus predicated the
idea of the
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Fast Food Is All About Convenience
Driving down the highway with three squirmy children in the back seat, a balmy 86В°, and a
chorus of ВЁI have to pee s!ВЁ and ВЁI m super hungry! Can we eat?ВЁ. When there is a
McDonalds two blocks from the highway exit, or 10 miles away; is there actually a competition of
which will be more populated? People wouldn t come from miles and miles around to go to a fast
foodrestaurant if it was out of their way. Fast food is all about convenience, and that is why
location is one of the most important standards to bring in the restaurants consumers. However,
sometimes fast food corporations take the process a step too far and use the location to market their
product inappropriately to children and families. Consumers should not be used as pawns in
marketingschemes based off of population, highway proximity, consumer demographics, and
contiguity to areas with children.
Of course it is known that it s a necessity for restaurant corporations to choose their location to
better market their product. Without being able to choose, it would be difficult to bring in
consumers, or make as much money as they do. Some small buisness and restaurant owners
actually believe that the location of a building can either make or break it. According to Allen
Vernon, who owned a restaurant in New York, the biggest problem was the location. While
Valentine Street is adjacent to City Hall, it is not visible from Gramatan Avenue, where the bulk of
the city s businesses is located (Prenon). He believes
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Eye Imagery In Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet, a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, is one of the popular and influential
play of all time. An important theme Shakespeare tries to communicate to his audience is love, and
the power it has. To convey this subject, Shakespeare used three prominent ideas; eyes, and light
and dark, and nighttime.
As stated above one of the prominent ways William Shakespeare delivers his idea of love is
through eye imagery. Throughout the play, we see examples of eye imagery in relation to love. A
great example of this is right at the beginning of the play, when Benvolio and Romeo are
discussing Romeo s love for Rosaline, who swore an oath of chastity. Benvolio then tells Romeo to
come with him to the Capulet s party to, quote One desperate
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Leg Training Machines
3 sets of Gethin approved chest training machines
When you climb the leg crimper and use it to operate the chest, you may get an obscure
appearance from other gym players. But please believe Kris Gethin and his fanatical view of the
gym and open a possible world!
Even if I have raised the weight for nearly two decades, I can still use my previous experience to
surprise my muscles. As a weight training student always allows me to find something different,
even if I am only familiar with the tools in my master.
For example, machine designs are easy to use, but they are also well suited for use in body parts
that are not designed for them. There is little imagination, the chest machine can become a rowing
machine. Leg crimp or extension can ... Show more content on ...
Smith machine weighted push pull
After applying the right weight on the Smith machine, I like to set it as low as possible, and then
put my body underneath, face down, and press the bar in the middle of my back. From here, I will
do push ups, increase resistance, make every delegate work harder.
The push ups are undoubtedly the poor exercise of chest exercises, and I think the resistance with
Smith machines is the perfect way to eliminate the skin. My favorite method is to use a controlled
rhythm to make the tension really burnt my skin while avoiding excessive stress on the shoulder
and triceps.
In my third week practicing eight weeks hardcore trainer s third week, I took the next step with this
unique collection: 10 on behalf of the bar with my shoulders, and then when I failed, I climbed out
and immediately again Failed weight.
I am in another unique sport, launched barbell fly, more than 3 times 10 behalf of the exercise.
2. Leg Crimping Machine Down Button
This may seem like an extension of the triceps at first glance, but try it and it will soon become
obvious that it is perfectly done to complete the pecs. Also, the execution is almost stupid. Kneeling
in front of the sitting leg crimping machine, I just pushed the mat from
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The A Vessel Of Power
A Vessel of Power
Open on a small, hot, loud, and crowded room; emphasis on the loud. The lights are low aside
from a glowing stage. Two gangly men are exuding energy and life off the stage and onto the
crowd. The mass of people at their feet are responding tenfold, dedicated fans who know every
word, every beat. They sing (or scream) along, I m trying, I m trying to sleep. But I can t, but I
can t when you all have guns for hands. The room is filled with unusual pairs: old and young, black
and white, poor and rich. Despite their differences, they are at home with each other, bound by their
shared interest in music and life. The song continues, and hundreds of hands shaped like guns fill
the small space between the heads and the ceiling. ... Show more content on ...
The language of an effective song inspires deeper thinking, puts a thought in a new perspective,
helps cement prior knowledge, opens the eyes of the audience. These lyrics aid in that ah ha
moment when people see the world in a new light, or they may serve as reassurance, helping the
listener feel understood and less alone. Lyrics can, and should be powerful.
The lyrics from Vessel exemplify this power. Every song on the album has at least a few
sentences that make listeners stop in their tracks. In some songs, like Migraine or Car Radio,
every line does that. Car Radio expands on the idea that Sometimes quiet is violent. It explores
the dark places human minds may go if given the opportunity. Migraine speaks on the complexity
of life, especially elaborating on the loneliness that accompanies not feeling understood and how
that loneliness causes depression while encouraging listeners to hope. Knowing there are others
out there listening to this song, thinking the same thoughts, even if they are strangers, alleviates
that lonely feeling. Migraine also urges listeners to keep fighting, to never give up on their life
goals or on life itself. The only miss on this criteria from the album comes from, ironically, their
most popular song, House of Gold. The song is a simple ballad to the writer s mother promising to
take care of her: sweet, but not exactly thought provoking. Despite this, Vessel definitely exceeds the
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Indian Colonies Under British Rule
Colonies under European rule manifested in two main forms: extractive colonies that were a way
for colonisers to both access a new market and extract resources as they saw fit and civilising
missions that attempted to bring Western norms and values to indigenous people under the guise
of religion alongside a notion of local culture being savage. At times there were also conflicts
between colonising powers over territory that would consequently be transferred from one to the
other. India was once part of the British Empire and despite being a thriving nation today, it has had
a number of laws imposed on it both during colonization and globalization that have had significant
social, economic and political impact. One of the main consequences... Show more content on ...
Marriage in Britain was a largely independent affari compared to India where, once married, the
wife would proceed to live with her husband and his family. The consequence of changes to
inheritance law was that, while in Britain a widow s choice was to either keep the meager
inheritance she got and enjoy her independence or remarry and share the money with her new
husband, in India things got far more complicated because of deep seated notions of marriage
and widowhood that hinged on unequivocally Indian norms, values and culture. If a woman were
to receive money under the change in law there would be significant resentment from her late
husband s family. The widow had a high chance of still living with his family resulting in a
cloistered but not sheltered existence. Sexuality and autonomy were often controlled by the
families based on notions of female sexuality and as a way of preserving caste and offspring.
Despite this Indian women were often sexually active, although more often than not, there was a
lack of consent. Moreover, remarriage was not a viable option for most widows as the deeply
rooted Hinduism in India promoted notions of ascetic widowhood . Thus slowly, almost as a
reaction to the British hijacking on Indian culture and law, customary laws began to be replaced by
a far more Hindu
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The Importance Of Development In Cuba
I believe development is a certain process of improving the fundamental living conditions,
economy, and other demographic components in a country. To be considered developed; a
country needs to be a sovereign state in my opinion. Cuba is not considered a sovereign state, as
they are not economically developed. Moreover, to also be considered developed; a country needs
to provide a certain standard of human development for its citizens. This should include health
benefits, nutrition, education, and most importantly a clean environment for all citizens.
Unfortunately, Cuba does not provide good sources of human development for all citizens. Also, I
believe having a solid infrastructure and improving urbanization is an important factor for a
country to be considered developed. As we learned in lecture on November 9th, GDP is the most
important measurement and criterion to observe if a country is developed. Countries with higher
GDP per capita are considered developed. The lower the GDP, clearly the less developed the
country would be. Another criterion to be considered is the industrialization of the country. The
Human Development index(HDI) could also be considered a good measurement. As we learned, the
index combines the income for the country with other measures including life expectancy and
education. Consequently, countries with a high HDI rating should be considered developed.
Furthermore, the GINI index can also prove if a country is developed. According to Patrick
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Child Labor During The Second Industrial Revolution
During the Second Industrial Revolution many people were getting jobs because of the growing
industrialization. By the mid 1800 s child labor started to be a major issue. Child labor became a
bigger issue once machines in factories replaced hand labor. Starting in Britain and spreading
throughout Europe and North American many new business and factories started to open. When
the factories started to open they needed more workers for cheap labor. During the Industrial
Revolutionchild labor increased because of the need for cheap labor, the new inventions and
technologies, and the lack of workers. During the Second American Revolution there was a
major increase in the use of child labor. One of the main reasons child labor increased was because
of cheap labor. On a typical day the children were forced to work from sunrise to sunset. They
worked eleven to twelve hours per day, six days a week. Throughout the day they would get less
than one hour for a break. On average they earned about a dollar every week. Some of the children
that were employed were as young as five years old and were paid these low wages until the age of
sixteen.... Show more content on ...
Children all around worked in factories, mines, or in the fields picking cotton. These jobs would
provide them with an income to give to their families. Children were paid only a fraction of what
adults were paid. Most of the time children that weren t getting paid were orphan s. The factory
owners justified their absence of payroll by saying that they gave the orphans food, shelter and
clothing, all of which were far below par (Child labor in factories). The items that they could of
made could sell for about 60 dollars and still only get paid about ten
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The Second Vatican Council
Pope John XXII s surprising call for a general council during the early months of his papacy not
only stunned the Church, but allowed him to achieve one of his personal goals for his papacy and
enabled the Church to seek renewal of doctrines, unification with the universal church, and increase
the Church s relevancy. John XXIII saw the need to call the Second Vatican Council in order to
update Church so to more efficiently and effectively minister to the faithful and respond to the
needs of the Church in the modern era. With modernization came the need also for unification and
ecumenical dialogues which could only come as a product of the Council updates and openness.
This ecumenical council was not called as a continuance of the First... Show more content on ...
This was John XXIII s way of attacking the passivism of the Church and forcing it to update
itself and the way the Deposit of Faith is presented (27). The vision for this council was based on
John XXIII s ideas that it would renew Catholicism, which in part would help to make ecumenical
dialogue easier and increase pastoral understanding of reforms for the Church and the faithful, all
while being true to Christ s teachings and example (Albergio, 14). None of the goals of the pontiff
had would have been possible without an open structure for bishops to voice their theological ideas
and opinions, thus this was one of the important characteristics of Vatican II for John XXIII. Open
and inclusive formatting was necessary for without such an area for dialogue passivity would
remain in the Church, thus hindering the outcomes of Vatican II and PopeJohn XXIII s vision (14).
Vatican II was called to bring renewal, unity, and relevance and openness to the Church, at the
request of Pope John XXIII and by necessity of modern times. This council was gathered and
envisioned as a new Pentecost (Albergio, 10), for the Council held the objective of renewing and
updating the Church in order to have a more relevant and effective role in the modern world. This
updating would, and did, increase the Church s voice and involvement in the universal church
increasing unity and ecumenical
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Theory of Knowledge
Nature of sense perception
Q1A) In what ways does the biological constitution of a living organism determine, influence or
limit its sense perception? B) If humans are sensitive only to certain ranges of stimuli, what
consequences or limitations might this have for the acquisition of knowledge?
Ans A The biological constitution of a living organism has a mammoth influence on the sense
perception of an organism. The biological institution of an organism can even enhance or degrade
the level, degree and method of sense perception by an organism. Take the Homo sapiens or rather
humans for example the relatively strong eyesight causes the overdependence on eyesight and eyes
and the other senses are therefore held in less importance and ... Show more content on ...
This abstruseness is of human nature, can that really be based on familiarity when does one really
become seriously familiar with ones surroundings??
Q3) Is the nature of sense perception such that, as Huxley suggests, sensations are essentially
private and incommunicable?
Ans Firstly I can give no definite answer towards this query for I have no idea by which Huxley
based something as definable as to be a symbol. Though by symbol I define that as something as
perhaps as an object or book perhaps. Though he says that it is incommunicable at second hand
so that means one may express ones own sensations perceptions etc through symbols but for it to
be able to be directly expressed seems like a colossal/herculean or rather impossible task. The
symbols meant by Huxley may be something by which represents an specific inclination towards
something individual may express oneself perhaps an article of specific clothing support towards
for example a band. Sensations an individual owns are I believe essentially private but I believe
can be communicable. An example of this can be taken in the very context of TOK which
essentially teaches us to broaden our horizons and in many cases we have to describe our own
perceptions. The world is rather made up
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The Space And Space Exploration
In the midst of presidential race between many candidates, Ted Cruz was one that stood out
because of his many plans and policies on space exploration. Ted Cruz has spoken of what he plans
on doing if he were to become president. He plans on developing a rocket and capsule that can take
astronauts clear into Mars early as 2030. He adds that this is a crucial part in space explorationand
developing NASAin to full capacity. The project which will cost billions of dollars will further
advance the United States into the superior space program over any other country in the world.
While many of Cruz s opponents think that spending money on space exploration is an extreme
waste of valuable cash, Cruz still defends his ideas and plans on turning this country into the space
super power. Cruz seems to care a lot about space exploration and plans on making that a huge part
of his run at presidency.
The space war so to speak between the United States and Russia is one that will continue through
the ages and one that Cruz has repeatedly said he will put a stop to. He insists that we can get
astronauts to the space station without the help of our rival Russia. As we all know The U.S. has
been reliant on Russia for a long time including back in 2011 when they helped shuttle astronauts to
the orbiting lab. Cruz who represents the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas believes that he
is the best candidate for those astronomy aficionados. Florida senator Bill Nelson deeply agrees
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Essay on censorship
Censorship is the act of suppressing publications, movies, television programs, plays, letters, and
so on that are considered to be obscene, blasphemous, or politically unacceptable (MccGwire 4).
Censorship should be enforced because it is needed into today s society. Censorship needs to be
used in media, hate speech, and obscene material.
To begin with, the media has very negative effect on society as a whole. The mass media movies,
television, and recordings need to be regulated, and not only because of appeals to irresponsible
lust (Lowenthal 19). They have immersed us in violence as well, habituated us to the most extreme
brutality, held it up as a model and surrounded us by images of hateful human ... Show more content
on ...
It corrupts taste and poisons the imagination (Kimball 20). Violent video games, movies, and music
lyrics influence people to retaliate against those people that hurt them. In the past few years there
have been a great number of school shootings. Many of these shootings were copied off of famous
movie scenes and video games. These obscene aspects of the media need to be banned from
children. Children are still learning the difference between rights and wrong, therefore adults need
to take on this responsibility of censoring what children watch, read, play with, and listen to.
Hate speech should also be banned. Free speech has a class line. It also has a class responsibility.
One person s beliefs cannot cross the line into threats of violence. Free speech does not cover that
(Albano 31). Those institutions most concerned with social fairness have proven to be the ones
most likely to promulgate anti hate speech rules (Albano 30). Part of the reason seems to be
recognition that hate speech can easily silence and demoralize its victims, discouraging them from
participating in the life of the institution (Albano 30). If so, enacting hate speech rules may be
evidence of a commitment to democratic dialogue, rather than the opposite, as some their
opponents maintain (Albano 30). People should not have to put up with harassment by others.
People should not have to constantly live in the state of fear because others are threatening them;
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Film Analysis Of A Classic Comedy In The Great Race
A genre of film that became relevant in the end of the 20th century and never lost popularity is
the comedy. With so many variations and versions of this movie type, such as slapstick and
romance, it s no wonder why so many people enjoy them. A classic comedy that came out in
1965, The Great Race directed by Blake Edwards, utilizes both of these styles in a way that makes
the filmexciting and extremely funny to watch. In the movie, a land race is planed from New
York to Paris, with the two main competitors being the heroic Great Leslie and the evil Professor
Fate. Throughout the film, Professor Fate s sidekick attempts to sabotage other competitors in the
race while The Great Leslie teams up with Maggie DuBois. The Great Raceutilizes comedy styles
perfectly, approaches the Battle of the Sexes quite well, and also has some scenes that pushed
the pushed the rules of the production code. With so many examples of it, The Great Race is
the epitome of a slapstick comedy and also has great characteristics of a romance. The film is
filled with over exaggerated facial expressions and physical actions, as shown in the bar room
brawl scene. In this scene, everyone starts to fist fight, bodies are flying across the set, and tables
and chairs are constantly being destroyed. The film also possesses some romantic scenes, such as
at the end of the race when Leslie reveals his love for Maggie and they kiss. However, throughout
the entire race there is a theme of Maggie arguing with
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The Influence of Music
Introduction to Music GEN1621
Major Writing Assignment
The Influence of Music
Almaty, 2011
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to
everything. (Plato, 428 348 BC )
Music is inseparable part of our everyday life; we can face it in every corner of our town, on TV
commercial, films, radio etc. Music can be understood everywhere, even if you cannot speak the
language of other countries, but you move, dance, sing and enjoy the music while listening to it.
We may not understand the words of a musical selection but we do understand the beauty of songs.
We cannot avoid it and we cannot disclaim that music has an impact on human s behavior, mood
and attitudes. Music can affect us in ways ... Show more content on ...
So, the second question of the chart would be: How does music affect consumer behavior? It is
a simple fact that most music of today is composed, distributed, sold and bought, performed and
listened to for some commercial purposes. One of the main purposes is selling. Nowadays the
main concept of this modern world is to make more money, as everybody knows; customers are
the main source of the companies income, whether you make products, goods or service.
Moreover, managers and marketers try to attract more consumers by using different tricks. One of
them is to influence customers behavior by music and sounds. First of all, on an average day, the
average person watches an hour and a half of the commercial television stations, of which fifteen
minutes will be made up solely of advertisements. Approximately half of all advertisements will
have music (Fellows, 1998, para.1). Good music can contribute to the effectiveness of an
advertisement by making it more attractive. A good music engages the attention of an audience,
evoke emotions and sometimes make audience to dance and sing. Music plays an important role in
marketing business, by appealing customers through their emotions, as it was mentioned before. In
this case, music should send messages about products brand name, shape, and even taste etc. For
example, according to Michael Morrison (2009),
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Yoruba Culture
Myths are common amongst all cultures and walks of life. One of the most common myths that is
shared between cultures are creation myths. For example, in the Yoruba culture their idea of how
things were created differs greatly from the Japanese. These myths are often passed down through
Yoruba is a culture made up of people from parts of Africa. According to their myth the earthwas
just the sky and body of water. The ruler of the sky was named Olorun and the ruler of the water
was Olokun. There was a Orisha (God) named Obatala who decided that he wanted to create land
so he set out on a quest to fulfil his goal. He asked permission from Olorun and sought out advice
from another orisha named Orunmila who was considered the wisest of all the Orishas. You
will need a long gold chain, a snail s shell filled with sand, a white hen, a black cat, and a palm
nut, said Orunmila ( Yoruba Creation , 2011). Using those elements, he was able to fulfil his duty
to create land and a palm forest. Obatala used the chicken to spread soil to create land and
mountains. He attempted to create humans out of clay but due to the fact that he had drank so
much palm wine the humans were deformed which caused him to have to remake them all. He
again used clay to create people and asked Olorun to ... Show more content on ...
In the Yoruba story It was solely a male that created the earth and all living things upon it. The
Japanese have a strong sense of ying and yang which shows that one cannot exist without the other
therefore there are two creators a male and female. Also, in the Japanese creation myth the man
and women traveled around the world and met each other when the woman was the first to speak
the man was not satisfied with this and decided they would travel once again around the world and
met so that he may be the first to speak. This shows that men are seen as the superior of the two in
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The Pros And Cons Of DNA Analyst
DNA analysts have been profiling DNA since 1985. Then in 1998, the Combined DNA Index
System became fully operational ( FAQs 2010). CODIS s three levels are the national level, the
state level, and the local level. As September 2015, there is 14,740,249 DNA profiles in CODIS (
CODIS , n.d.). Since everybody has different DNA, except identical twins, DNA analysts have
been able to assists with investigator to determine between who is guilty and who is innocent. With
some of their findings, they are able to exonerate individuals, who have been wrongfully convicted.
Even though television may make DNA analysts life look simple on the screen, it is not. There is
need for interest and education. Lastly, the actual job that entails for the DNA... Show more content
on ...
Human DNA is very similar to one another, but only about 0.1% is different from the next
person. That 0.1% can tell a person s eye color, hair color, and other physical features. DNA
analyst are able to take a drop of blood, the size of a dime, and duplicate the number DNA found
in that drop. With the ability to duplicate DNA, analysts can have a back up, in the event a
human error were to occur. Analyst can tell you exactly where your ancestors came from and the
percentage that is still inside your DNA. DNA is a very powerful tool that can identify a murder
if the individual left any blood, saliva, skin tissue, hair or semen. The education needed to be
able make use of the DNA consists of a great deal of science classes. The path to becoming a
DNA analyst has many courses that need to be taken. Some of the classes are microbiology,
biochemistry, immunology, and infectious diseases. Entry level jobs require analysts to have an
undergraduate degree in a related fields to biology, genetics, or forensic science. Also, analysts
need considerable amount of time spent in the laboratory, learning how to use most of the
equipment in DNA laboratories. Laboratory courses helps analyst ease in to the job more
seamlessly as they gain experience with certain procedures and
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Making A Battery Operated Toy Car
On one such routine day, I ran towards the phone and to my satisfaction he was Vineet who said,
Thank you for sending me a car. I was so happy then since my efforts paid off, but there remained
a feeling of guilt. A few weeks back, my friends decided to give a gift to Vineet since he was
recovering from nephrotic syndrome and asked me for a contribution. I said, I would rather buy
skates for myself . Few days later, we visited him and he was looking helpless and weak on his
bed. But, on seeing us he was so surprised and delighted when he received the gift. He thanked
everyone and said, Thank you for an amazing toy car . I said with a guilt, Sorry, but I ve made
no contribution for your gift . With intention to do something special for him and the fact that
my friend s family was moving to another city, I put my efforts in making a battery operated toy
car by myself. By the time toy car was ready, my friend had left for the city. I had an easy choice
to ask my father to buy something for Vineet but instead I chose a harder way because it was my
mistake and only I could have fixed it. I then sent the toy car via courier. Later he called me up
and said those above words. But the guilt in me ever remained that I did not see him smile.
The love for Internal Medicine comes from the lesson learned in childhood that once the right time
is gone it doesn t come back. Out of all the specialties, Internal Medicine is the only one that
requires me to be there for patients at
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Inhumanity In Night Elie Wiesel
From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me. The look in his eyes gazed at me
and never left. (Wiesel 115). Since the inmates were treated horribly for such a tremendous amount
of time, it left images of the beatings they took, the never ending work they had to do, and the
killing of their friends in their head. Two main points proven in Nightby Elie Wieselis how he
created stronger bonds with people and how he lost faith in someone he use to praise and pray to
every day. When going through a rough period of time, people may lose hope in their faith or
religion. To start with, when the summer was wrapping up, Elie sees people praying and states,
Why, but why would I bless him? Every fiber in me rebelled. Because he caused... Show more
content on ...
People had to help each other to survive and keep themselves safe. Although it can sometimes be
an every man for himself situation in the camps, an inmate saves Elie and his father when he
says, The man interrogating me was an inmate. I could not see his face, but his voice was weary
and warm. He asked my age. Fifteen No, you re eighteen But I m not I said. I m fifteen Fool,
listen to what I tell you... (Wiesel 30). Certainly this may have come off as being rude, but this
was a major help to Elie and his father. If they were to actually give up and tell their real jobs,
this could have put them in the crematorium. The Nazis were looking for healthy, strong, and fit
people. Since Ellie was young and his father was old at the time, they probably wouldn t have
met the Nazis requirements. Likewise, another moment of hope was when Ellie shared his soup
with his sick father and states Did you eat? No. They wouldn t give us anything... I gave him
what was left of my soup. (Wiesel 107). Even though Elie is hungry too, he still managed to give
up half of his soup. His father is on the verge of death and people are telling him to stop caring for
his father, but he still continues to share his meals with him. Provided that, Elie has created a much
bigger connection with his father rather than just the father and son role. In the end, the result of
inhumanity can cause people to change for the better and help people a lot
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Montague And Juliet In William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet
Blame, assigning the responsibility for a fault or wrong. A play about two star crossed lovers
leaves their tragic ending to the question of, who is responsible? Romeo and Juliet, written by
William Shakespeare, explores the many possibilities of who is to blame for the deaths of
Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Through his use of characterization and conflict,
Shakespeare proves that families should carry the blame as a whole. Illustrating how the
Capulets parent their child compared to the Montague techniques is one of many ways
Shakespeare shows the role of family in blame. Juliet and her parents had been discussing an
arranged marriage between Juliet and County Paris. Unfortunately, Romeo has already married
Juliet so she is unable to follow her parents wishes. Juliet attempts to express her desire to not
marry Paris when her father becomes enraged and says, But, an you will not wed, I ll pardon
you. Graze where you will, you shall not house with me, (3.4.215 216). The Capulets are
remarkably strict parents and expect their daughter to abide by them at all times. The threat to
disown her if she doesn t marry the man picked for her makes this very clear. Before Juliet met
Romeo she did what was asked of her, however, when Romeo was in the picture he gave her a taste
of what she had been restricted from. Nevertheless, the sense of rebellion had drawn Juliet to
Romeo. Consequently, the desire for this new feeling led Juliet to make drastic decisions without
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Animal Farm Russian Revolution Essay

  • 1. Animal Farm Russian Revolution Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Animal Farm Russian Revolution EssayAnimal Farm Russian Revolution Essay
  • 2. Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection and Social Darwinism... While he was on the voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle, a man named Charles Darwin viewed the relationship of plants and animals all over the world. He observed organisms on islands off the coast of South America and those on the mainland. His observations showed that these organisms were related, but not identical. This led Darwin into believing that over time, organisms must adapt to suit their environment. He explained his theories thoroughly in his book, On the Originof Species by Means of Natural Selection. Darwin decided it was possible for a species to change from one form and develop into another over time. This led him to the notion that all life forms were not fixed, but continuously changing or evolving. The other part of the ... Show more content on ... Basically, they took Darwin s theory of natural selection, which was intended to apply only to selection through genetic variability, and applied it to selection between human groups differentiated by culture alone. The concept, referred to as social Darwinism, embraced all efforts to apply Darwinian biology and evolution to human society. Through the years, social Darwinism became widely popular and was used to justify predatory capitalism, social classes, racial prejudices, and imperialism. One of the many social Darwinists was a man named William Graham Sumner. In his lectures and writings, Sumner became one of the leading proponents of laissez faire economics and social Darwinism, opposing all government efforts to regulate business or to combat social inequality. In his book, That it is Not Wicked to Be Rich, Sumner spoke of social classes in the United States. He argued that social existence was a competitive struggle among individuals possessing different natural capacities and traits. Overall, those with better traits succeeded, becoming wealthy and powerful, while those lacking in inner discipline or intelligence sank into poverty. He felt that people who were poor we born to be that way, and they could do nothing about. Because of this, Sumner was against government assistance of any kind. As you can see, ... Get more on ...
  • 3. breaking the norm Essay example Breaking the Norms When each of us was conceived, we did not have anything influencing our perception of the world. While we were growing up and still do this day, our surroundings influenced the way we think and the how we behave in our daily lives. We get ideas about gender roles from our parents, our teachers, television, books and even subconsciously. As part of a project to break the normsof society and pushpast peoples thresholds, I needed to figure out what made people feel uncomfortable. I thought for a moment and decided to tackle homophobia. I choose this topic because very few men are comfortable talking about the subject of gay men. It is my objective to better understand why men think the way we... Show more content on ... When my friend told me I looked like a sissy, I thought more about it. The terms sissy is sometimes used when referring to a boy who is feminine. According to our notes, femininity and masculinity are tightly bound to our gender roles. Men are expected to be strong, rough, and have stamina. We are not supposed to wear tight fitting bellbottoms and we should avoid colors like pink and purple. These are feminine colors. The man in the family is usually the person who should provide money and build a career. On the other hand, women traditionally are supposed to be tender and loving mothers and wives, to wear skirts and to walk on high heels. They should not have careers, but should take care of the kids and the house. It seems that these perceptions have been existing forever, and one reason is because from early childhood we are taught by our parents that pink is for girls, and blue is for boys. Even before the children are born, parents begin choosing clothing and decorations by color based on the sex of the baby. The stereotype of pink, pastels, yellow and white for girls and bright or dark colors like green, blue and red for boys has long been a part of culture. How many times have you heard kids argue over toys because girls don t want that icky boy color or the boys don t want the gross girl color? This ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Advantages And Disadvantages Of AFTA 2.2.2 DISADVANTAGES OF BRUNEI BECOMING PART OF AFTA Becoming part of AFTA can also give negative impact to Brunei because: 1. The main drawback of AFTA is incredible rates or CEPT. These rates do not apply to all imports. There are fees and tariffs on imported goods, which do not benefit from the customer s viewpoint. 2. With the introduction of AFTA, tariffs on 20% and below will be reduced to 0 5% in 7 years (effective 1 January 2000). This means that all trade barriers will be removed and have negative implications for the future development of the local automotive industry. 3. Small companies are less efficient in operation will fail because it cannot compete with others. 4. In addition, with the rapid technological advances, many traditional industries ... Show more content on ... EAGA also offers the diverse land and water based tourist attractions that can parallel the world s best. As we know among those four countries of BIMP EAGA, Brunei is one of the less tourist attractions but by joining BIMP EAGA, Brunei can get benefits from it and slowly can attract more tourist coming into Brunei. 3. The BIMP EAGA agreed to adopt the strategic direction to establish BIMP EAGA as a food basket for ASEAN and the rest of Asia and a premier ecotourism destination. By this it gives huge benefits to BIMP EAGA and BIMP EAGA can earn more income and have free excess of trade all around ASEAN based on the terms and conditions given. 4. Brunei Darussalam being the only nation with it s territory solely in BIMP EAGA was chosen as the principle communication and transport focal point. Brunei s national air carrier Royal Brunei Airlines is the only national airline with its nation s capital city in BIMP EAGA, and therefore, directs connections to and from BIMP EAGA to the rest of the world. . 5. Brunei can promote their business development throughout the region and this can create jobs, income and an improved quality of life in Brunei. 2.3.2 DISADVANTAGES OF BRUNEI BECOMING PART OF ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Catiline s Influence On The Rise Of Rome My fellow senators, if I may begin by bringing attention to the issue at hand. We speak of Catiline and his crimes, and what should be done to defend Rome from his devious plots of insurrection. I have heard several of his followers speak before me, and they seem to disregard the accusations against the very man that leads them. His proposals are not the matter we are currently discussing. How can you speak of highly of reforms without voicing defense of the man who proposed them? He, who has been accused of attempted assassination upon our presiding magistrate? Even worse, he denies his involvement in the face of his failure. Unlike the brave Gaius Mucius Scaevola, Catiline will not show honor by thrusting his hand into the fire and facing these accusations as a true Roman should. Instead, he proves himself to be a coward by hiding in claims that the assassination was never attempted; or, at least, not by him. Furthermore, and equally unsettling in this time of unrest, we have been told of Catiline rallying troops and having them camped barely beyond the walls of Etruria. In... Show more content on ... Our own fields, of all Romans near and wide, have been failing. We cannot control the elements. Would giving the urban poor such land be of any use? In addition, how many of the impoverished city dwellers know how to farm successfully? Will the land be given out indiscriminately, or with requirements to ensure that only those who can work the land as necessary and provide crops will get their share? If you give a man with no knowledge of farming a field, he would suffer. Perhaps not more than toiling in the inner workings of Rome itself, but moderately so. A man such as this would only fall further into debt. The land reform would only refuel the issue of debt for some; and for what? Trading slaves working a field off for farmers that own that land would not change nature. Crops would not grow more ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Heart Of Reagan s Foreign Policy When Ronald Reagan to the oath of office on January 20, 1981, he called upon Americans to begin an era of national renewal. In response to the serious problems facing the country, both foreign and domestic, he asserted his familiar campaign phrase: Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem. His dream was to make America the beacon of hope and freedom for those who do not have freedom. Reagan advanced domestic policies that featured a lessening of federal government responsibility in solving social problems, reducing restrictions on business, and implementing tax cuts. Internationally, Reagan demonstrated a fierce opposition to the spread of communism throughout the world and a strong distrust of the Soviet Union, which in 1983 he labeled an evil empire. The heart of Reagan s foreign policy was to prevent the expansion of communism and at the heart of communism was the Soviet Union. Reagan often referred to the Soviet Union as the evil empire. Reagan believed that the United States should negotiate with the Soviet Union from a position of strength. The administration embarked on a modernization program which included the production of intercontinental missiles and the Strategic Defense Initiative. He increased military spending and forces, while holding negotiations with Mikhail Gorbachevthe General Secretary of the Soviet Union. After a number of meetings between Reagan and Gorbachev, the two men signed an Intermediate ... Get more on ...
  • 7. C. Diff Research Paper Infectious Diseases: Clostridium Difficile Colitis Infectious Disease: Signs and Symptoms Clostridium Difficile, or C. diff, is a common occurrence in hospitals. But how does one know that they are in fact dealing with a patient with C. diff and not just diarrhea? It all lies in the symptoms. C. diff diarrhea has a distinct odor. The patient also feels a constant urgency, a need to always go to the restroom. The stool contains mucous. Beyond that, most patients will present with a low grade fever, mild leukocytosis, hyperactive bowel sounds, and mild abdominal tenderness. (Headly, 461) Causative Agents: Distinguishing Characteristics Clostridium difficile is both the name of the bacteria and the illness. When referring to the illness, ... Show more content on ... The answer is that it cannot. Clostridium difficile cannot. However, the diarrhea from the C. diff can. To prevent it, one must work backwards, returning to the transmission of the illness. The question is then how is it passed on to other people? The answer is simple: lack of proper handwashing. By not properly washing the hands, the method of transmission become the nurses hands. But that does not necessarily account for the spores found in the bedsheets. In that, one has to realize that a patient with diarrhea may or may not have Clostridium difficile colitis. When that is realized, great care should be taken with the bedsheets of that individual, by taking care not to shake the sheets to prevent dispersal through the air. The nurse must then once again follow proper handwashing procedures after disposal of the dirty linens. Nothing can affect the flora to prevent all bouts of C. diff. That includes antibiotics, the number one cause of Clostridium difficile. But because antibiotics are sometimes necessary for survival, the patient must be encouraged to intake probiotics while on antibiotics. Similarly, if the antibiotics are not needed, the patient should not be taking them. C. diff is a superbug, an illness that antibiotics cannot help. And by purposely taking antibiotics for no need causes more problems than the patient should want to deal ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Argument Of The Sacrament Of Confession For Protestantism, the act of professing one s sins to a priest for the Lord s forgiveness the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a sacrament that is unnecessary and not instituted. Valid arguments are made in favour of avoiding confession. First most, only God can forgive sin; it is not man s right to cleanse the eternal soul. Truthfully, God is truly the only one who can forgive us by his own authority of sin. The practise of forgiveness began through the Lord and should continue in an unique relationship between Him and his follower independently. Another objection to the practise is that it is a man made explanation, not God s teaching. In the bible, there is no teaching directly put forth on the idea that man can forgive sin. Rather interpretations have been made to institute the practise, though there is no proof in the infallible rule of faith (The Bible; Sola Scripture). As discussed, this act belongs to God and only God. For Protestants, there is no need to... Show more content on ... Though there are obvious disagreements between the two sides, I believe that the Catholic sacrament of Confession paired with personal confession that embodies the traits of the Protestant Confession (specific, acknowledges consequences, and precedes forgiveness) would be the correct solution for the profession of my sins to God. I believe that it is necessary for major digressions that we ask a priest for intercession for the forgiveness of sins. However, I have been raised in a family, where personal confession has held a place of importance. It strengths an individualistic relationship with God. Fostering our ability to analyze our faith and explore our intrapersonal sins, while including the intercession of saints suited to our cause and person. I support the Catholic Church in their practice of Reconciliation, but the Protestant Church is correct in how individual confession should be carried ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Social Sciences Essay The Hawthorne Studies is one of the most well known series of experiments of the social sciences in industrial history. The objective of the experiments were to establish how an individual is influenced not only by their own abilities, but by their working environment and the people they work with, both fellow workers and supervisors. To gain a better understanding of what the Hawthorne studies were, why they were conducted, and how they have impacted management practices, one must first understand the history behind the key contributors of this study and the location where the studies took place, the Western Electric Company. However, the studies did receive criticism, some of which was considered fairly harsh, such as from Alex Carey The Hawthorne studies were conducted by Harvard s Business School Industrial Research Group, George Elton Mayo, and Fritz J. Roethlisberger. These two men were major contributors to what we know as the Hawthorne Effect, and their contributions to this experiment has set forth unprecedented changes in the way organizations run. Fritz Roethlisberger was born in NYC in 1898 and earned a BA in engineering from Columbia University, BS in engineering administration from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a MA in philosophy from Harvard University. Roethlisberger started work on his PhD in philosophy at Harvard University but never finished. His studies were put on hold after meeting Harvard professor George Elton Mayo. Roethlisberger ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Ozone Depletion The earth atmosphere has many layers; the first two layers are the troposphere, the stratosphere, and the ozone layer which sits in the lower area of the stratosphere. The troposphere layer is where a lot of human activity occurs, such as planes and mountain climbing. The next layer is the stratosphere and this is where the ozone layer is located as well. The ozone layer helps protect people from ultraviolet radiation that mainly come from the sun. The ozone layer can be different depending on the season and the location. Over the past few years, the ozone layer has been depleting because of human activity. The main issue of the depletion of the ozone layer is the man made products that have been created and has cause bad effect on the ozone layer itself. The ozone is a gas in the atmosphere that protects all living things on Earth from damaging ultraviolet rays that come from the sun. With the ozone layer depleting, it would be difficult for anything to survive much longer or not at all. The ozone acts as a shield to protect living things from absorbing the ultraviolet ray and keeps them from being damaged. Many man made materials are causing the ozone layer to deplete at a faster rate. The author states, Emissions of chlorine and bromine from CFCs and halons are to blame for excessive stratospheric ozone depletion(Ivanovich and Calm). This type of emission is going into the atmosphere and is breaking down the ozone layer. Consequently, this is resulting in the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Human Condition Of The World The Human Condition can be argued to be in a crisis with its position in modern society. With a massive decline in personal interaction, corruption in government, and the event of climate change that has never before been seen in the history of this planet. There are few small groups around the world that try to make this crisis known to the world, although many world powers and much of the population choose to either deny or ignore the cry for help. There is a plethora of ways to spread the word, and one of the most common is through writing; authors such as Jared Diamond or Al Gore commit their lives to informing the world about the decline of the human condition. There are also authors that do not rely on pressing these matters ... Show more content on ... Understanding just how temptation, culture and relationships can be interpreted as magic reveals how these authors use their genre to inform the population of the failing human condition. When the term magic is brought up in any kind of media, the immediate thought of most people is fairy dust, unicorns, or J.K. Rowling s Harry Potter series; although the magic in Magical Realism is truly none of that at all. The magic in Magical Realism comes from the characters in the novels, through their thoughts and actions they create the magic that exists in these novels. In these themes the magic reveals itself, they appear as unstoppable forces in human nature that cannot be derived to an elementary force, and thus appears magical. Temptation for instance, appears in A Hundred Years of Solitude and Invisible Cities to lure men to unspeakable fates that impact the rest of their lives and the lives of the people around them. Although the essence of temptation is an unexplainable force that exists blatantly to lead humanity away from morality, the same force exists within the other two reoccurring themes that are seen in Magical Realism. For example, relationships are emphasized and seen often in Life of
  • 12. Pi and A Hundred Years of Solitude and are put in place to show how they play a key role in the stories. The same force that deals with temptation ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Sex Trafficking In Texas One of the growing issues in our society is sex trafficking. Sex Trafficking is a hidden crime because victims rarely come forward to seek help due to language barriers, fear of the traffickers, and they do not know where or who to turn too. These young girls are lured into prostitution by force, fraud, or promises of a better life. Sex Trafficking is a serious crime that often goes overlooked because people are uncomfortable with the issue, and are not sure how to fight it. This issue can be found even at our own back door. The same interstate many Lamar Orange students use is the same one sex traffickers use to transport their victims. One in every five victims of human traffickingin the U.S. travels through Texas along Interstate ten. (Texas... Show more content on ... Sex traffickers use violence, threats, lies, debt bondage, and other forms of coercion to compel adults and children to engage in commercial sex acts against their will. (Polaris Project) In the area of organized crime, sex trafficking is one of the fastest growing businesses. The Texas Department of Public Safety issued statistics that approximately 100,000 children are estimated to be in the sex trade in the united states each year. Texas had the second highest incoming trafficking tips in 2013. These incoming tips totaled 2,236 calls, emails, and tip forms. As of June 2015 there has been 833 calls and 214 cases reported. These numbers are expected to double before the end of the year. Houston is known to be one of the largest cities for sex trafficking. This makes interstate 10, which runs through Houston, one of the main routes for sex traffickers. Due to interstate 10 passing straight through the golden triangle, Beaumont, Port Arthur, and Orange have seen a rise in sex trafficking victims. (8 12) It is important to note that the actual number of sex trafficked individuals is higher than what has been reported due to the secret nature of the crime. Many victims never come forward because of fear, age, and a lack of realization that they are being used as sex ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Selective Faith Maxim Essay The book talks about two kinds of decision maxims when a situation presents itself. But before all this, we must understand that the very nature of human being s existence is to find out the truth in every situation. Living a life based on a lie goes against the very fabric of human nature. Therefore, these two maxims are the just the means to achieve the real truthultimately. The maxims are careful scrutiny maxim and selective faith maxim. In careful scrutiny, the person would carefully evaluate all options before settling for the best one. Minimization of risks and maximum results is what the careful scrutiny aims to achieve. Whereas, in selective faith maxim; the person would be a little more adventurous by exploring all possible avenues before settling down for the one . Risk appetite here is more, the learning is given more emphasis by knowing what happens if other types of ... Show more content on ... We found out that we had come on the wrong route for almost 20 to 30 miles. It took a while to understand that we were on the wrong path and it was pretty late in the night too. Now should we go back all the way and get on the right road or should we go on and find an interconnecting road? We finally took a leap of faith and continued on our road without turning back. Luckily we were able to find out a road which led us back to the right path. So here, in spite of the odds, my selective faith maxim was at work here. It could be because my personality is more tilted towards it, causing me to take the selective maxim path. But for a person with more risk averse nature, taking the careful scrutiny path would have been a safer option. Finding the right balance is difficult, therefore we just to make sure that taking selective maxim be spent on worthful experiences, rest other times, we can take the careful path. The imaginative weighted risk is the ideal situation anyone would want to have, but in reality, it s ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Installing A Secure Clustering Protocol Abstract the data aggregation is mostly used energy efficient mechanism in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Preserving data security is a challenging problem in wireless sensor networks. Because of the resource characteristic, security privacy issues there in assume critical investigation. Many aspects of investigation, one has been the design of a secure clustering protocol in which a sensed data or information to be delivered to an appropriate receiver securely and efficiently with least amount of energy consumption. Different methods are used to solve problem of security. We shows that different technique and method in this paper. Keyword Aggregation , Cluster, privacy. 1.Introduction Wireless Sensor Network is a new technology consists of related distributed sensors to monitor physical or environmental condition. A basic wireless sensornetwork is shown in fig 1.1. A wireless sensor network (WSN) has many small sensor nodes deployed in large numbers to sense the physical world. WSN have many applications such as military and civilian usage. Fig 1.1 Wireless Sensor Network They include surveillance, tracking at critical facilities, or monitoring animal habitats. Sensors are usually resource limited and power constrained. They suffer from restricted computation, communication, and power resources. They may need to collaborate on in network processing to reduce the amount of raw data sent Data aggregation is used for privacy of data and consumed ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Andrew Wear Remedies The author introduces and mainly addresses three topics. Remedies that had little less information compared to diseases considering the time period. So Andrew Wear focuses on that latter first. Andrew Wear s style of writing was a wide reading backed up with primary and secondary sources and also had copious footnotes. As a reminder, Wear s period of study is 1550 1680, which he describes that one of the greatest threats in early modern world was high infant and child mortality, infection, and high mortality among the poor (the majority of the population). He also shows importance to how plant, animal, and mineral substances can be used for treatment of diseases. Although, the author elucidates the role of therapeutics in the constant battling ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Compare And Contrast The Temple Of Aphaia The Temple of Aphaia displays two dying warriors. One is located in the west pediment and the other is located in the east pediment. Despite this, both statues have a very contrasting style. On the west pediment, the warrior has an arrow embedded in his chest which causes him to fall with grace in this unnatural way. The warrior is smiling and is in a modeling posture rather than a realistic one. However, the warrior on the east pediment seems more realistic as it s seen in the appropriate position for someone who is near death. The reason for this is because it has been said that the pediment from the west was created 10 years earlier than the one from the east, which is why the one built first is traditionally archaic while the other is in ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Visible And Invisible In Edo Japan The Visible and Invisible in Edo Japan The Edo period in Japan was the result of strict social control and economic growth resulting in a burgeoning artistic scene. Art was a way of expressing the feelings and desires that was denied by social norms imposed by an authoritarian government. As a result, there was a clash of ideas that pushed artists to focus on subtle refinement of traditional styles and the values therein. This sentiment not only applied to religious art, but to secular art forms as well due to the wealthy patrons being a part of the systems that restricted society. However, this restriction created a unique environment that birthed art and ideas that are unique to their time and place as the lack of outside influences forced all to turn inwards for inspiration. Therefore, the balance between the visible and the invisible is represented in the design of the art. The first artwork is Pair of Phoenix Overdoor Panels (Ramma) which was designed in the 19th century during the Edo periodfor a Buddhist temple. The elaborate wooden carving derives its aestheticsfrom the ideas and symbolism that are attached to the phoenix. Being a mythical creature, the phoenix brought over much of its symbolism from China when Buddhism was introduced to Japan during the 7th century. This example is carved of wood that is lacquered and painted with metal accent inlays. Buddhist temples of the time had architecture that resembled their Chinese counterparts, but reinterpreted to ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Simpsons Nuclear Family Essay In The Simpsons cartoon, the ideological construction of the nuclear family was challenged. The nuclear family concept was debunked and exposed in this cartoon series. To begin, a nuclear family has a variety of factors and elements which contribute to its unnatural appeal. A nuclear family is primarily composed of a pair of heterosexual adults and their children. The nuclear family was familiarized and primarily catered towards the white and middle class individuals. The ideological construction of a nuclear familyis a homogenized ideology of what human kind and society should be. The development of the nuclear family ideal was a cultural and political response to World War II. It was a concept which perpetuated and expressed that any other form of family was unacceptable, such as, families which were composed of a single parent, or families with parents of the same sex. This ideal, therefore, created a false understanding of normality. Due to political power, the nuclear family was an ideal pushed to control what was occurring in the homes of individuals and a method of displaying the American Dream because people were unaware of how such an ideal family could be created and maintained. By... Show more content on ... The eighties were also referred to as, the Age of Reagan. Within the hold of the Reaganism era, ideals and beliefs were highly publicized through media. The nuclear family concept, for instance, held a pristine stature in media. It was a popular concept and theme reflected in various television programs. The arrival of The Simpsons distrupted all the cultural and sociological narratives surrounding the concept of the nuclear family. The Simpsons challenged the factors considered necessary to be recognized as a nuclear family, and confronted the false ideals surrounding the theme. The Simpsons went even further and displayed how the nuclear family structure is a mask which hides a real functioning ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Cause And Effect Essay On Climate Change What is climate change? Climate change is the seasonal changes for a period of time in the world. These climate patterns play an important role in shaping natural ecosystems, and the human economies and cultures that depend on them. The changes in climate can affect how people, plants and animal live, such as food production and health risks. The world is now worried about the changes that are occurring today and how it has been speeding up and seriously affecting human s lives. In 2007, scientists from the International Panel on ClimateChange (IPCC) predicted that warming oceans and melting glaciers due to global warmingand climate changecould cause sea levels to rise 7 23 inches by the year 2100. Have you ever noticed how the Earth s temperature has been rising over these past years? In the future, climate change will have a significant impact on every aspect of our daily lives. The climate changes in our Earth are affecting our lives psychologically, physically and emotionally. Most of these climate changes are due to small variations in Earth s orbit that change the amount of solar energy the planet receives (NASA,2017). It can cause lots of affects for the growth of crops. If icecaps melt and areas flood as it is predicted, our entire population will be forced to move to higher ground. All these massive hurricanes for example, hurricane Harvey in Texas, are a great demonstration of how we are putting are planet in danger. The disappointing thing about all this topic ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Using an Anonymous Current Client or One You Have Worked... Using an anonymous current client or one you have worked with in the past, apply the methods discussed in this module to their case and discuss what you think could have been achieved. In this essay I will utilise the case of M.E. to explore the possible theoretical achievements the implementation of Transactional Analysis (T.A.) and Gestalt approaches might have facilitated. Focusing on each therapeutic approach in turn, an analysis of the issues of M.E. s case will be explored in terms of application of the two approaches and the possible resultant outcome. The case of M.E. comprised that of a 56 year old female who living with her husband. The legacy of her childhood and subsequent challenging adult experiences, ... Show more content on ... places emphasis on human s capacity to rise above habit patterns and to select new goals and behaviour in turn. Its inherent goal is to enable clients to make new decisions about their present behaviour and the direction of their lives. Alternate routes to previously held ways of living, incorporating a self defeating life script can be replaced with a life script where the client plays and active role; with the goals of autonomy, spontaneity and being fully present in one s life and decisions being at the fore. Developed by Eric Berne in the late 1950 s, one of the key elements intrinsic within T.A. is the Ego States . Comprising the Parent, Adult and Child ego states, they can assist in explaining how humans are made up and how they relate to others. They incorporate the ways we think, feel and behave. The Parent Ego state consists of behaviours, thoughts and feelings copied from parents of parental figures. The Adult Ego state comprises behaviours, thoughts and feelings in direct response to the present, whereas those of the Child Ego state are replayed from childhood. While all individuals will alternate between these ego states, T.A. seeks to primarily assist the client to consciously become aware of the ego state they are operating from at any given time. The behaviour and roles adopted in relationships and interactions can, in the absence ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Issues In Rwanda Genocide The absence within the literature of the central pillars and their composed themes creates problems when trying to address current and future contention between the international community and Rwanda. By relying largely on the genocide guilt card, issues important to Rwanda are sometimes either overlooked or plainly forgotten. The result is miscommunication and misunderstandings that complicate a delicate situation. For example is the previously mentioned debate on term limits for President Kagame. Despite the thesis not discussing the third term debate except for the mention in Chapter Two, it is an important event that will help continue the trend of how Rwandaviews the actions and decisions by international actors. The debate on whether ... Show more content on ... The issue of abandonment will be brought to the forefront but not in terms of the genocide guilt card. Rwandan officials will believe that the same states that abandoned Rwanda before and during the genocide have little ability to criticise the continuation of the only person who did not leave the country during its darkest periods. President Kagame as leader of the RPF led the campaign to put an end to the massacres in response to international abandonment of the genocide. This might be easily misinterpreted as Rwanda promoting genocide guilt to deflect criticism of electing Kagame for more terms than the current Constitution allows. But at the heart of the issue is the distrust of the international community. They rather listen to and trust Kagame who did not abandon the country rather than the countries that did. How he ended the genocide and led the nation into wars with the DRC is met with the other two themes. Unlike the international community, which seems to disappoint Rwanda by not properly combating the FDLR , Kagame is credited for promoting the security of Rwandans by fighting the FDLR and other extremist groups bent on harming Rwanda. These military campaigns are all through a central belief that Rwanda needs to be self reliant for its own protection and development. Since the 2012 M23 allegations and aid withdrawal by donors, Rwandans are increasingly accepting President Kagame s call for self reliance. As discussed in Chapter Six, his rhetoric campaigns against foreign aid, Kagame continues to instruct Rwandans to trust that economic development has to come from within Rwanda rather than continual acceptance of foreign aid. Ronal Nkusi commented how the reduction of aid went beyond just the realm of rhetoric to include it as a belief to be held by all government officials. This sense ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Summary Of The Of Khoja s Camel Belakane stomped through the twisting dirt paths that ran between the houses of Arjana, a mixture of fury and hunger making her dizzy and causing her vision to waver. She swayed a little, as if intoxicated from too much fermented drink. The villagers stared as she passed by, but she didn t care. How she hated these people, the hypocrites! They had looked at her with nothing but pity from the moment she arrived on the back of Khoja s camel. She was an undesirable, someone that they, in all their good grace, would be willing to bestow their charity upon. In Belakane s own village, it was a shameful thing to be so low as to be pitied. One must hold their head high, never subjecting themselves to others around them in such a way. She was a... Show more content on ... She would not have been sent away from her homeland in disgrace, she would have been treasured. Among the people of Jaramani, another son was always welcome to help tend the fields and livestock, bring back meat, protect the village, and carry on the family line. But instead she was cursed with the bad luck to have been born a woman, a burden. Her parents disposed of her at the first opportunity presented to them, when that evil merchant passed through their village. When he departed, he had her tied by her wrists to one of his camels. She cried out to her community members to help her, but they turned their gazes away from her plight. When his caravan was out of sight of the villages, she was beaten and verbally assaulted with each and every error she made, no matter how small; speaking without permission, serving dishes in the wrong order, slouching, crying, being sloppy or slow in her duties. Then, nearly a moon into their journey, her very life reached a dark and sinister climax. One night, when he had impaired his senses with fermented drink and sacred herbs, he stumbled into her small tent with impure motives. Her master began to rip her robes off one after the other. She struggled against him, but he always kept her bound at night so that she couldn t run away, it was useless. She forgot her pride and begged him to stop, sending pleas to the gods to protect her, but he only laughed. He groped her and violated her with his fingers, and ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Raft Of Flowers By Robert Frost In his poem The Tuft of Flowers, Robert Frost tells the story of a lonely man who is turning grass in a field after a mower has cut it down. Though the man at first believes he is completely alone and that all other people are too, he later reevaluates that position, concluding the opposite that connections exist between everyone and everything and that nobody is ever alone. Frost argues that one is never truly alone as all people are connected to each other. Initially, the speaker in the poem feels lonely and unconnected to the world around him, I must be, as he had been, alone, (ln 8). Frost s use of punctuation is especially interesting in this phrase as he uses a comma immediately before an em dash, enormously exaggerating the pause... Show more content on ... Frost s use of personification in this line is overwhelming, calling attention to the speaker s newly awakened sense of closeness with other people. The speaker, overjoyed to see the tuft of flowers amidst the destruction of the rest of the field, realizes that the mower must have also seen the beauty of the flowers, noting, The mower in the dew had loved them thus,/By leaving them to flourish, not for us (ln 27 28). The speaker understands that the mower had left the flowers for purely selfish reasons, but at the same time, he feels connected to the mower on the basis that they had both recognized and admired the beauty of the flowers. This revelation leads him to conclude that people are connected to each other in both obvious and subtle ways, calling the mower a spirit kindred to my own (ln. 35). Interestingly, lines 9 and 10 are juxtaposed with the last two lines of the poem: Men work together, I told him from the heart,/ Whether they work together or apart (ln 41 42). Not only does the speaker contradict his earlier statement, but Frost also mirrors the wording, the two sentences appearing nearly identical, in order to create a visual representation of the meaning of his words: people are more alike than they are different and therefore bonds exist between all people. Frost also structures the poem in such a way ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Letter To Stephanie Elliot My Dearest, Stephanie, Twelve months ago on this day we both made a choice, in a moment which I will forever remember as being the most influential moment in my entire life. That moment was the beginning of the relationship which I had always wanted, with the girl I always needed. You, Stephanie Elliot, are the girl of my dreams in every way imaginable, and I ve loved every second I ve spent with you. I love you for your intellect. I can t remember how many times we ve debated for hours, from the US Election, to whether or not egg and spoon racing should be considered a sport. Or how many times we ve made witty sarcastic comments only to end in laughing at how ridiculous we both sound. Even when one of decides to play Devil s Advocate just to get under the other persons skin, I find again and again, that we are perfect for each other. I love you for your kindness. On countless occasions you would admit to me that you were helping your friends with their assignments before doing your own, and I ve come to admire that level of selflessness. If there was any ... Show more content on ... I have stood speechless at how absolutely stunning you look on so many occasions, whether it be the classy elegancy you had in your formal dress, or the modest beauty of your superman shirt when we go out on a date. By far, my favourite has to be waking up next to you. The feeling of having you so close and seeing that you re as comfortable with me as I am with you is indescribable. I look forward waking up next to you the most beautiful girl I ve ever seen every morning for the rest of my life. Most of all, I love us. I love how much we ve connected and grown on each other. I honestly can t believe how lucky I am to have found my soul mate by the age of seventeen. I can t believe that at seventeen, we ve already discussed plans to travel together, a place to live, and children. I can t believe that at seventeen, I already know that you are the woman I want to ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Essay On Binary Options Since 2007 when trading in binary options were approved as valid financial instrument in the mainstream financial market, they have gained unsurpassed popularity. Binary options are indeed high risk transactions where predictions are made on the movement of the price within a particular specified period. The payoff is either the asset or a huge loss. There are several trade types of binary optionsbut the boundary binary options are the most preferred. Basics of Trading Boundary Binary Options Traders find boundary binary options very interesting and also attractive to their short and long term interests. It is clearly unmatched in the financial world in the thrill it elicits. Through using the boundary trading options, traders can reap ... Show more content on ... Measuring Volatility Novices being introduced in Trading Boundary Binary Options might think they are risk free but they are not. It is not even that easy as some may have led you to believe. However it cannot be that gloomy after all. Trading Boundary binary Options revolve around the underlying asset and the nature of the response generated by any major economic announcement forthcoming. The importance of the underlying asset to the transaction is crucial and can be understood better by measuring the volatility arising after an announcement. This volatility is measured by the Average True Range. The average True Range discovered by the financial maverick J. Welles Wilder is merely a technical analysis unpredictability pointer for goods or financial commodities. This is simply the difference between the highest and the lowest bars while putting into consideration the gaps that lie in between. High volatility reflects heightened enthusiasm and can be reflected by wider boundaries and this would be an ideal thing for a trader whose predictions were restrained inside the boundaries. Low volatility means less trading enthusiasm and is characterized by narrower boundaries. This would be sad news to any trader who was predicting a break out. Trader wishing to cash in on an In Boundary Option would be disadvantaged by low volatility. A break out to the contrary would be an easy ride to the bank as it only ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Genocide In Armenia There are more than one ways that the holocaust is very similar to the Genocide in Armenia. Like Hitler, The Turkish government had devised and set into motion a plan to exterminate more than one million of turkeys Armenians. Like the holocaust in Germany, the genocide in Armenia had a lot to do with religion and in almost a super similar situation to the holocaust, it all started to go bad when a group called the young Turks decided they wanted all the power and wanted any religion but theirs out of turkey. By April of 1915 hundreds were arrested and thousands were taken from their homes and put on death marches without food and water through the desert and just like in the holocaust, people were also tortured and killed in very cruel manors.... Show more content on ... In the years following, the Bosnian Serb forces started prosecuting the Bosniak and Croatian people. This caused the deaths of more than 100,000 civilians by 1995.It has multiple similarities to the holocaust because it was religion motivated, government supported, and was the biggest genocide since the holocaust. Somewhere between 20,000 and 50,000 women were raped and they also buried thousands in huge mass graves. Rwanda 1994, Shortly after Rwandan President JuvГ©nal Habyarimana and Hutu President of Burundi Cyprien Ntaryamira were killed in a plane crash, the Hutu ethnic majority of Rwandan massacred up to 800,000 civilians who were mostly the Tutsi minority. Like with the holocaust, the motivating factor for the genocide was race and religion. Also similar to the holocaust was that the world ignored what was happening in Rwanda and that the genocide didn t happen in secret, America and surrounding countries knew what was going ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Dust Bowl During The Great Plains Region The dust bowl was a devastating time in the United States history that occurred during the 1930s, caused by atypically high temperatures, perpetual drought and new farming methods. Vigorous winds disturbed the topsoil, resulting in overwhelming dust storms which destroyed an immense amount of farms, in upwards of 100,000. These storms devastated the source of income for the farmers affected. The dust bowlwas located in the Great Plainsregion, which includes the states of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Northern Texas. Thousands of workers were faced with an impasse, become a laborer, doing mindless work for miniscule wages, or move away and search for better work. (San JosГ© State University) The people brought to these decisions that chose to... Show more content on ... The mother could have effortlessly pawned off her ring, and gotten a few decent meals, or even a new pair of clothes out of it, however she chose not to. She would rather work so hard that she doesn t even have time to tell her son not to eat the dirt, or even have time to care for herself. The mother s hair is unkempt, and her tired eyes tell that she hasn t slept well in a long time, but she would rather provide for her family than herself. She is trying her best and working towards a better future. Though they are in the middle of nowhere, the ring means that they are still together. The ring is a beacon through the storm, a symbol of what was, and hope for what will be. Lange intended for the viewer to apprehend how vital family was for the migrant workers. In this image, Lange is also trying to demonstrate that children were still able to be children, and were still innocent, through all of the turmoil. Although the mother knows that she has security in her family, she still feels guilt, anger, and regret. The mother was forced to uproot her family and trek across the country just to find work, and that does not happen without bitter feelings being formed. On the other hand, her baby has been through these same events, but he remains unscathed, and innocent. He does not have one worry, he is only concerned about the dirt that he is ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Causes Of The Soviet Union The first five year plan of the Soviet union was referred to the large scale and systematic socialist construction of the Soviet communist party, which the government in order to get rid of the backward agricultural country of the Soviet union from 1928 to 1932. The completion of the first five year plan made the Soviet unionbegan to change from an agricultural country to industrial country. The Soviet union preliminary built independent relatively complete national economic system, laid the material foundation for realizing the socialist industrialization. Since the new economic policies, the Soviet economy basically recovered to its pre war level in 1925. But the modern industry of the Soviet union is still relatively... Show more content on ... In the history this is the first time the Soviet union appeared the tractor, aircraft manufacturing, automotive, heavy machinery, precision instrument manufacturing, and other emerging industries. The Soviet union s oil, tractors and combine harvesters came in second place in the world, Europe s first. The Soviet Union has changed to an industrial country, but not an agricultural country that has lagged behind for a long time. During the Soviet first five year plan, the economy grew at a faster pace than any other capitalist country in the same period. The USSR makes the world full with admiration with their 5 years plan. After Stalin s death, the Soviet leader Khrushchev denounced Stalin s purges and the expulsion of minorities, lashed out at his policy bring the disaster of agricultural , also attacked his incompetent military command, and in the last said to return to the route of marxism leninism. Much of the abuse of power was done under Stalin s instructions, regardless of the party s guidelines and the Soviet rule of law. Stalin was a man with a sick suspicion. When Stalin said that someone should be arrested, you should believe that he is the enemy of the country, in the state security organs the evil Beria gangs would have tried all ways to prove that arrest people are criminal and they are the correctness of the fabricated materials. The judges ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Criminalization Of Schools Education has remained a source for continued politicizing and legislating for years. Whenever policy is discussed at a national, state or local level, it seems that education makes it ways into the conversation on some level. While many institutions and business have enjoyed increased deregulation, the regulation of educationhas increased tremendously. The very institution charged with preparing children and young people to function in society as participating citizens is plagued with the most rules. There is no argument that students should be entitled to a safe and substantial education in schooland rules must be in place to maintain a level of order in order to allow for learning. However, there have been two polices that impacted the... Show more content on ... Zero Tolerance policies have criminalized normal disruptive classroom behavior, and ha[s] generally involved harsh disciplinary consequences such as long term and/or permanent suspension or expulsion for violations, and often arrest which are often enacted on minor or non violent violations of rules such as tardiness and disorderly conduct (Heitzeg 9). On the other hand, the existence of No Child Left Behind finds that the higher the stakes and the longer such an accountability system governs schools, the more school personnel view students not as children to educate but as potential liabilities (Rice University). In fact, the No Child Left Behind Act represents another kind of extension of the crime model in education (Simon 226). Both regulations have positioned students as the enemy. The negative impact and pressure that has evolved in the school environment is palatable. Students behavior is more of a focus than their learning; teachers are under pressure to teach and maintain credentials, administrators have become police in monitoring both the teachers and the students in order for the school to remain in operation. In fact, teachers are affected by both regulations since accountability as a system ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Identity And The Search For The Self Among The Sub... Chapter One Theorising Identity and The Search for The Self among the sub continental Diaspora in Britain Identity has always been a problematic area of interrogation epistemologically, existentially and politically and it continues to propel our thought. Etymologically, the term is derived from Latin word Idem meaning same (Oxford Online Dictionary) which means specific quality or condition of being a specific person or an object . A person s identity is determined in terms of his/her inherited traditions, particularly the inherited religion of the community in which they happen to be born, the place and society, gender, features and last but not the least the colour of the... Show more content on ... The concept of Identity has been defined and studied in different fields of studies ranging from Psychology, Anthropology, Sociologyand Cultural Studies. Recent trends in Psychology on Identity Theory: In the recent past identity is seen as a self narrative which is held as the base for the construct of a person s identity. The behaviour in salience to the social setting is the base of identity formation. The Identity Theory (Stryker 1968, 1980, 1989; Stryker and Serpe 1982, Mc Calls and Simmons 1978, R.H. Turner 1978) explains social behaviour in terms of the reciprocal relationship between the self and the society . The term is used to define the links between a multifaceted notion of the self and wider social structure. (Burke 1980; Mc Call and Simmons 1978; R.H. Turner 1978). It is an extension of the symbolic interactionist theory postulated by Mead (1934) and Blumer (1969) that society influences social behaviour through its affects on the self (Micheal A Hogg, et al.). However, the Identity theory rejects the symbolic interactionist theory as relatively undifferentiated, co operative whole (Stryker 1980, 1987; Stryker and Serpe 1982) and argues that society is complexly differentiated, but nevertheless organized (Stryker and Serpe 1982:206) and thus predicated the idea of the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Fast Food Is All About Convenience Driving down the highway with three squirmy children in the back seat, a balmy 86В°, and a chorus of ВЁI have to pee s!ВЁ and ВЁI m super hungry! Can we eat?ВЁ. When there is a McDonalds two blocks from the highway exit, or 10 miles away; is there actually a competition of which will be more populated? People wouldn t come from miles and miles around to go to a fast foodrestaurant if it was out of their way. Fast food is all about convenience, and that is why location is one of the most important standards to bring in the restaurants consumers. However, sometimes fast food corporations take the process a step too far and use the location to market their product inappropriately to children and families. Consumers should not be used as pawns in marketingschemes based off of population, highway proximity, consumer demographics, and contiguity to areas with children. Of course it is known that it s a necessity for restaurant corporations to choose their location to better market their product. Without being able to choose, it would be difficult to bring in consumers, or make as much money as they do. Some small buisness and restaurant owners actually believe that the location of a building can either make or break it. According to Allen Vernon, who owned a restaurant in New York, the biggest problem was the location. While Valentine Street is adjacent to City Hall, it is not visible from Gramatan Avenue, where the bulk of the city s businesses is located (Prenon). He believes ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Eye Imagery In Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet, a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, is one of the popular and influential play of all time. An important theme Shakespeare tries to communicate to his audience is love, and the power it has. To convey this subject, Shakespeare used three prominent ideas; eyes, and light and dark, and nighttime. As stated above one of the prominent ways William Shakespeare delivers his idea of love is through eye imagery. Throughout the play, we see examples of eye imagery in relation to love. A great example of this is right at the beginning of the play, when Benvolio and Romeo are discussing Romeo s love for Rosaline, who swore an oath of chastity. Benvolio then tells Romeo to come with him to the Capulet s party to, quote One desperate ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Leg Training Machines 3 sets of Gethin approved chest training machines When you climb the leg crimper and use it to operate the chest, you may get an obscure appearance from other gym players. But please believe Kris Gethin and his fanatical view of the gym and open a possible world! Even if I have raised the weight for nearly two decades, I can still use my previous experience to surprise my muscles. As a weight training student always allows me to find something different, even if I am only familiar with the tools in my master. For example, machine designs are easy to use, but they are also well suited for use in body parts that are not designed for them. There is little imagination, the chest machine can become a rowing machine. Leg crimp or extension can ... Show more content on ... Smith machine weighted push pull After applying the right weight on the Smith machine, I like to set it as low as possible, and then put my body underneath, face down, and press the bar in the middle of my back. From here, I will do push ups, increase resistance, make every delegate work harder. The push ups are undoubtedly the poor exercise of chest exercises, and I think the resistance with Smith machines is the perfect way to eliminate the skin. My favorite method is to use a controlled rhythm to make the tension really burnt my skin while avoiding excessive stress on the shoulder and triceps. In my third week practicing eight weeks hardcore trainer s third week, I took the next step with this unique collection: 10 on behalf of the bar with my shoulders, and then when I failed, I climbed out and immediately again Failed weight. I am in another unique sport, launched barbell fly, more than 3 times 10 behalf of the exercise. 2. Leg Crimping Machine Down Button This may seem like an extension of the triceps at first glance, but try it and it will soon become obvious that it is perfectly done to complete the pecs. Also, the execution is almost stupid. Kneeling in front of the sitting leg crimping machine, I just pushed the mat from ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The A Vessel Of Power A Vessel of Power Open on a small, hot, loud, and crowded room; emphasis on the loud. The lights are low aside from a glowing stage. Two gangly men are exuding energy and life off the stage and onto the crowd. The mass of people at their feet are responding tenfold, dedicated fans who know every word, every beat. They sing (or scream) along, I m trying, I m trying to sleep. But I can t, but I can t when you all have guns for hands. The room is filled with unusual pairs: old and young, black and white, poor and rich. Despite their differences, they are at home with each other, bound by their shared interest in music and life. The song continues, and hundreds of hands shaped like guns fill the small space between the heads and the ceiling. ... Show more content on ... The language of an effective song inspires deeper thinking, puts a thought in a new perspective, helps cement prior knowledge, opens the eyes of the audience. These lyrics aid in that ah ha moment when people see the world in a new light, or they may serve as reassurance, helping the listener feel understood and less alone. Lyrics can, and should be powerful. The lyrics from Vessel exemplify this power. Every song on the album has at least a few sentences that make listeners stop in their tracks. In some songs, like Migraine or Car Radio, every line does that. Car Radio expands on the idea that Sometimes quiet is violent. It explores the dark places human minds may go if given the opportunity. Migraine speaks on the complexity of life, especially elaborating on the loneliness that accompanies not feeling understood and how that loneliness causes depression while encouraging listeners to hope. Knowing there are others out there listening to this song, thinking the same thoughts, even if they are strangers, alleviates that lonely feeling. Migraine also urges listeners to keep fighting, to never give up on their life goals or on life itself. The only miss on this criteria from the album comes from, ironically, their most popular song, House of Gold. The song is a simple ballad to the writer s mother promising to take care of her: sweet, but not exactly thought provoking. Despite this, Vessel definitely exceeds the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Indian Colonies Under British Rule Colonies under European rule manifested in two main forms: extractive colonies that were a way for colonisers to both access a new market and extract resources as they saw fit and civilising missions that attempted to bring Western norms and values to indigenous people under the guise of religion alongside a notion of local culture being savage. At times there were also conflicts between colonising powers over territory that would consequently be transferred from one to the other. India was once part of the British Empire and despite being a thriving nation today, it has had a number of laws imposed on it both during colonization and globalization that have had significant social, economic and political impact. One of the main consequences... Show more content on ... Marriage in Britain was a largely independent affari compared to India where, once married, the wife would proceed to live with her husband and his family. The consequence of changes to inheritance law was that, while in Britain a widow s choice was to either keep the meager inheritance she got and enjoy her independence or remarry and share the money with her new husband, in India things got far more complicated because of deep seated notions of marriage and widowhood that hinged on unequivocally Indian norms, values and culture. If a woman were to receive money under the change in law there would be significant resentment from her late husband s family. The widow had a high chance of still living with his family resulting in a cloistered but not sheltered existence. Sexuality and autonomy were often controlled by the families based on notions of female sexuality and as a way of preserving caste and offspring. Despite this Indian women were often sexually active, although more often than not, there was a lack of consent. Moreover, remarriage was not a viable option for most widows as the deeply rooted Hinduism in India promoted notions of ascetic widowhood . Thus slowly, almost as a reaction to the British hijacking on Indian culture and law, customary laws began to be replaced by a far more Hindu ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Importance Of Development In Cuba I believe development is a certain process of improving the fundamental living conditions, economy, and other demographic components in a country. To be considered developed; a country needs to be a sovereign state in my opinion. Cuba is not considered a sovereign state, as they are not economically developed. Moreover, to also be considered developed; a country needs to provide a certain standard of human development for its citizens. This should include health benefits, nutrition, education, and most importantly a clean environment for all citizens. Unfortunately, Cuba does not provide good sources of human development for all citizens. Also, I believe having a solid infrastructure and improving urbanization is an important factor for a country to be considered developed. As we learned in lecture on November 9th, GDP is the most important measurement and criterion to observe if a country is developed. Countries with higher GDP per capita are considered developed. The lower the GDP, clearly the less developed the country would be. Another criterion to be considered is the industrialization of the country. The Human Development index(HDI) could also be considered a good measurement. As we learned, the index combines the income for the country with other measures including life expectancy and education. Consequently, countries with a high HDI rating should be considered developed. Furthermore, the GINI index can also prove if a country is developed. According to Patrick ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Child Labor During The Second Industrial Revolution During the Second Industrial Revolution many people were getting jobs because of the growing industrialization. By the mid 1800 s child labor started to be a major issue. Child labor became a bigger issue once machines in factories replaced hand labor. Starting in Britain and spreading throughout Europe and North American many new business and factories started to open. When the factories started to open they needed more workers for cheap labor. During the Industrial Revolutionchild labor increased because of the need for cheap labor, the new inventions and technologies, and the lack of workers. During the Second American Revolution there was a major increase in the use of child labor. One of the main reasons child labor increased was because of cheap labor. On a typical day the children were forced to work from sunrise to sunset. They worked eleven to twelve hours per day, six days a week. Throughout the day they would get less than one hour for a break. On average they earned about a dollar every week. Some of the children that were employed were as young as five years old and were paid these low wages until the age of sixteen.... Show more content on ... Children all around worked in factories, mines, or in the fields picking cotton. These jobs would provide them with an income to give to their families. Children were paid only a fraction of what adults were paid. Most of the time children that weren t getting paid were orphan s. The factory owners justified their absence of payroll by saying that they gave the orphans food, shelter and clothing, all of which were far below par (Child labor in factories). The items that they could of made could sell for about 60 dollars and still only get paid about ten ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Second Vatican Council Pope John XXII s surprising call for a general council during the early months of his papacy not only stunned the Church, but allowed him to achieve one of his personal goals for his papacy and enabled the Church to seek renewal of doctrines, unification with the universal church, and increase the Church s relevancy. John XXIII saw the need to call the Second Vatican Council in order to update Church so to more efficiently and effectively minister to the faithful and respond to the needs of the Church in the modern era. With modernization came the need also for unification and ecumenical dialogues which could only come as a product of the Council updates and openness. This ecumenical council was not called as a continuance of the First... Show more content on ... This was John XXIII s way of attacking the passivism of the Church and forcing it to update itself and the way the Deposit of Faith is presented (27). The vision for this council was based on John XXIII s ideas that it would renew Catholicism, which in part would help to make ecumenical dialogue easier and increase pastoral understanding of reforms for the Church and the faithful, all while being true to Christ s teachings and example (Albergio, 14). None of the goals of the pontiff had would have been possible without an open structure for bishops to voice their theological ideas and opinions, thus this was one of the important characteristics of Vatican II for John XXIII. Open and inclusive formatting was necessary for without such an area for dialogue passivity would remain in the Church, thus hindering the outcomes of Vatican II and PopeJohn XXIII s vision (14). Vatican II was called to bring renewal, unity, and relevance and openness to the Church, at the request of Pope John XXIII and by necessity of modern times. This council was gathered and envisioned as a new Pentecost (Albergio, 10), for the Council held the objective of renewing and updating the Church in order to have a more relevant and effective role in the modern world. This updating would, and did, increase the Church s voice and involvement in the universal church increasing unity and ecumenical ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Theory of Knowledge TOK Nature of sense perception Q1A) In what ways does the biological constitution of a living organism determine, influence or limit its sense perception? B) If humans are sensitive only to certain ranges of stimuli, what consequences or limitations might this have for the acquisition of knowledge? Ans A The biological constitution of a living organism has a mammoth influence on the sense perception of an organism. The biological institution of an organism can even enhance or degrade the level, degree and method of sense perception by an organism. Take the Homo sapiens or rather humans for example the relatively strong eyesight causes the overdependence on eyesight and eyes and the other senses are therefore held in less importance and ... Show more content on ... This abstruseness is of human nature, can that really be based on familiarity when does one really become seriously familiar with ones surroundings?? Q3) Is the nature of sense perception such that, as Huxley suggests, sensations are essentially private and incommunicable? Ans Firstly I can give no definite answer towards this query for I have no idea by which Huxley based something as definable as to be a symbol. Though by symbol I define that as something as perhaps as an object or book perhaps. Though he says that it is incommunicable at second hand so that means one may express ones own sensations perceptions etc through symbols but for it to be able to be directly expressed seems like a colossal/herculean or rather impossible task. The symbols meant by Huxley may be something by which represents an specific inclination towards something individual may express oneself perhaps an article of specific clothing support towards for example a band. Sensations an individual owns are I believe essentially private but I believe can be communicable. An example of this can be taken in the very context of TOK which essentially teaches us to broaden our horizons and in many cases we have to describe our own perceptions. The world is rather made up ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Space And Space Exploration In the midst of presidential race between many candidates, Ted Cruz was one that stood out because of his many plans and policies on space exploration. Ted Cruz has spoken of what he plans on doing if he were to become president. He plans on developing a rocket and capsule that can take astronauts clear into Mars early as 2030. He adds that this is a crucial part in space explorationand developing NASAin to full capacity. The project which will cost billions of dollars will further advance the United States into the superior space program over any other country in the world. While many of Cruz s opponents think that spending money on space exploration is an extreme waste of valuable cash, Cruz still defends his ideas and plans on turning this country into the space super power. Cruz seems to care a lot about space exploration and plans on making that a huge part of his run at presidency. The space war so to speak between the United States and Russia is one that will continue through the ages and one that Cruz has repeatedly said he will put a stop to. He insists that we can get astronauts to the space station without the help of our rival Russia. As we all know The U.S. has been reliant on Russia for a long time including back in 2011 when they helped shuttle astronauts to the orbiting lab. Cruz who represents the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas believes that he is the best candidate for those astronomy aficionados. Florida senator Bill Nelson deeply agrees ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Essay on censorship Censorship is the act of suppressing publications, movies, television programs, plays, letters, and so on that are considered to be obscene, blasphemous, or politically unacceptable (MccGwire 4). Censorship should be enforced because it is needed into today s society. Censorship needs to be used in media, hate speech, and obscene material. To begin with, the media has very negative effect on society as a whole. The mass media movies, television, and recordings need to be regulated, and not only because of appeals to irresponsible lust (Lowenthal 19). They have immersed us in violence as well, habituated us to the most extreme brutality, held it up as a model and surrounded us by images of hateful human ... Show more content on ... It corrupts taste and poisons the imagination (Kimball 20). Violent video games, movies, and music lyrics influence people to retaliate against those people that hurt them. In the past few years there have been a great number of school shootings. Many of these shootings were copied off of famous movie scenes and video games. These obscene aspects of the media need to be banned from children. Children are still learning the difference between rights and wrong, therefore adults need to take on this responsibility of censoring what children watch, read, play with, and listen to. Hate speech should also be banned. Free speech has a class line. It also has a class responsibility. One person s beliefs cannot cross the line into threats of violence. Free speech does not cover that (Albano 31). Those institutions most concerned with social fairness have proven to be the ones most likely to promulgate anti hate speech rules (Albano 30). Part of the reason seems to be recognition that hate speech can easily silence and demoralize its victims, discouraging them from participating in the life of the institution (Albano 30). If so, enacting hate speech rules may be evidence of a commitment to democratic dialogue, rather than the opposite, as some their opponents maintain (Albano 30). People should not have to put up with harassment by others. People should not have to constantly live in the state of fear because others are threatening them; ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Film Analysis Of A Classic Comedy In The Great Race A genre of film that became relevant in the end of the 20th century and never lost popularity is the comedy. With so many variations and versions of this movie type, such as slapstick and romance, it s no wonder why so many people enjoy them. A classic comedy that came out in 1965, The Great Race directed by Blake Edwards, utilizes both of these styles in a way that makes the filmexciting and extremely funny to watch. In the movie, a land race is planed from New York to Paris, with the two main competitors being the heroic Great Leslie and the evil Professor Fate. Throughout the film, Professor Fate s sidekick attempts to sabotage other competitors in the race while The Great Leslie teams up with Maggie DuBois. The Great Raceutilizes comedy styles perfectly, approaches the Battle of the Sexes quite well, and also has some scenes that pushed the pushed the rules of the production code. With so many examples of it, The Great Race is the epitome of a slapstick comedy and also has great characteristics of a romance. The film is filled with over exaggerated facial expressions and physical actions, as shown in the bar room brawl scene. In this scene, everyone starts to fist fight, bodies are flying across the set, and tables and chairs are constantly being destroyed. The film also possesses some romantic scenes, such as at the end of the race when Leslie reveals his love for Maggie and they kiss. However, throughout the entire race there is a theme of Maggie arguing with ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Influence of Music Introduction to Music GEN1621 Major Writing Assignment The Influence of Music Almaty, 2011 Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything. (Plato, 428 348 BC ) Music is inseparable part of our everyday life; we can face it in every corner of our town, on TV commercial, films, radio etc. Music can be understood everywhere, even if you cannot speak the language of other countries, but you move, dance, sing and enjoy the music while listening to it. We may not understand the words of a musical selection but we do understand the beauty of songs. We cannot avoid it and we cannot disclaim that music has an impact on human s behavior, mood and attitudes. Music can affect us in ways ... Show more content on ... So, the second question of the chart would be: How does music affect consumer behavior? It is a simple fact that most music of today is composed, distributed, sold and bought, performed and listened to for some commercial purposes. One of the main purposes is selling. Nowadays the main concept of this modern world is to make more money, as everybody knows; customers are the main source of the companies income, whether you make products, goods or service. Moreover, managers and marketers try to attract more consumers by using different tricks. One of them is to influence customers behavior by music and sounds. First of all, on an average day, the average person watches an hour and a half of the commercial television stations, of which fifteen minutes will be made up solely of advertisements. Approximately half of all advertisements will have music (Fellows, 1998, para.1). Good music can contribute to the effectiveness of an advertisement by making it more attractive. A good music engages the attention of an audience, evoke emotions and sometimes make audience to dance and sing. Music plays an important role in marketing business, by appealing customers through their emotions, as it was mentioned before. In this case, music should send messages about products brand name, shape, and even taste etc. For example, according to Michael Morrison (2009), ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Yoruba Culture Myths are common amongst all cultures and walks of life. One of the most common myths that is shared between cultures are creation myths. For example, in the Yoruba culture their idea of how things were created differs greatly from the Japanese. These myths are often passed down through generations. Yoruba is a culture made up of people from parts of Africa. According to their myth the earthwas just the sky and body of water. The ruler of the sky was named Olorun and the ruler of the water was Olokun. There was a Orisha (God) named Obatala who decided that he wanted to create land so he set out on a quest to fulfil his goal. He asked permission from Olorun and sought out advice from another orisha named Orunmila who was considered the wisest of all the Orishas. You will need a long gold chain, a snail s shell filled with sand, a white hen, a black cat, and a palm nut, said Orunmila ( Yoruba Creation , 2011). Using those elements, he was able to fulfil his duty to create land and a palm forest. Obatala used the chicken to spread soil to create land and mountains. He attempted to create humans out of clay but due to the fact that he had drank so much palm wine the humans were deformed which caused him to have to remake them all. He again used clay to create people and asked Olorun to ... Show more content on ... In the Yoruba story It was solely a male that created the earth and all living things upon it. The Japanese have a strong sense of ying and yang which shows that one cannot exist without the other therefore there are two creators a male and female. Also, in the Japanese creation myth the man and women traveled around the world and met each other when the woman was the first to speak the man was not satisfied with this and decided they would travel once again around the world and met so that he may be the first to speak. This shows that men are seen as the superior of the two in this ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Pros And Cons Of DNA Analyst DNA analysts have been profiling DNA since 1985. Then in 1998, the Combined DNA Index System became fully operational ( FAQs 2010). CODIS s three levels are the national level, the state level, and the local level. As September 2015, there is 14,740,249 DNA profiles in CODIS ( CODIS , n.d.). Since everybody has different DNA, except identical twins, DNA analysts have been able to assists with investigator to determine between who is guilty and who is innocent. With some of their findings, they are able to exonerate individuals, who have been wrongfully convicted. Even though television may make DNA analysts life look simple on the screen, it is not. There is need for interest and education. Lastly, the actual job that entails for the DNA... Show more content on ... Human DNA is very similar to one another, but only about 0.1% is different from the next person. That 0.1% can tell a person s eye color, hair color, and other physical features. DNA analyst are able to take a drop of blood, the size of a dime, and duplicate the number DNA found in that drop. With the ability to duplicate DNA, analysts can have a back up, in the event a human error were to occur. Analyst can tell you exactly where your ancestors came from and the percentage that is still inside your DNA. DNA is a very powerful tool that can identify a murder if the individual left any blood, saliva, skin tissue, hair or semen. The education needed to be able make use of the DNA consists of a great deal of science classes. The path to becoming a DNA analyst has many courses that need to be taken. Some of the classes are microbiology, biochemistry, immunology, and infectious diseases. Entry level jobs require analysts to have an undergraduate degree in a related fields to biology, genetics, or forensic science. Also, analysts need considerable amount of time spent in the laboratory, learning how to use most of the equipment in DNA laboratories. Laboratory courses helps analyst ease in to the job more seamlessly as they gain experience with certain procedures and ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Making A Battery Operated Toy Car On one such routine day, I ran towards the phone and to my satisfaction he was Vineet who said, Thank you for sending me a car. I was so happy then since my efforts paid off, but there remained a feeling of guilt. A few weeks back, my friends decided to give a gift to Vineet since he was recovering from nephrotic syndrome and asked me for a contribution. I said, I would rather buy skates for myself . Few days later, we visited him and he was looking helpless and weak on his bed. But, on seeing us he was so surprised and delighted when he received the gift. He thanked everyone and said, Thank you for an amazing toy car . I said with a guilt, Sorry, but I ve made no contribution for your gift . With intention to do something special for him and the fact that my friend s family was moving to another city, I put my efforts in making a battery operated toy car by myself. By the time toy car was ready, my friend had left for the city. I had an easy choice to ask my father to buy something for Vineet but instead I chose a harder way because it was my mistake and only I could have fixed it. I then sent the toy car via courier. Later he called me up and said those above words. But the guilt in me ever remained that I did not see him smile. The love for Internal Medicine comes from the lesson learned in childhood that once the right time is gone it doesn t come back. Out of all the specialties, Internal Medicine is the only one that requires me to be there for patients at ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Inhumanity In Night Elie Wiesel From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me. The look in his eyes gazed at me and never left. (Wiesel 115). Since the inmates were treated horribly for such a tremendous amount of time, it left images of the beatings they took, the never ending work they had to do, and the killing of their friends in their head. Two main points proven in Nightby Elie Wieselis how he created stronger bonds with people and how he lost faith in someone he use to praise and pray to every day. When going through a rough period of time, people may lose hope in their faith or religion. To start with, when the summer was wrapping up, Elie sees people praying and states, Why, but why would I bless him? Every fiber in me rebelled. Because he caused... Show more content on ... People had to help each other to survive and keep themselves safe. Although it can sometimes be an every man for himself situation in the camps, an inmate saves Elie and his father when he says, The man interrogating me was an inmate. I could not see his face, but his voice was weary and warm. He asked my age. Fifteen No, you re eighteen But I m not I said. I m fifteen Fool, listen to what I tell you... (Wiesel 30). Certainly this may have come off as being rude, but this was a major help to Elie and his father. If they were to actually give up and tell their real jobs, this could have put them in the crematorium. The Nazis were looking for healthy, strong, and fit people. Since Ellie was young and his father was old at the time, they probably wouldn t have met the Nazis requirements. Likewise, another moment of hope was when Ellie shared his soup with his sick father and states Did you eat? No. They wouldn t give us anything... I gave him what was left of my soup. (Wiesel 107). Even though Elie is hungry too, he still managed to give up half of his soup. His father is on the verge of death and people are telling him to stop caring for his father, but he still continues to share his meals with him. Provided that, Elie has created a much bigger connection with his father rather than just the father and son role. In the end, the result of inhumanity can cause people to change for the better and help people a lot ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Montague And Juliet In William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet Blame, assigning the responsibility for a fault or wrong. A play about two star crossed lovers leaves their tragic ending to the question of, who is responsible? Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, explores the many possibilities of who is to blame for the deaths of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Through his use of characterization and conflict, Shakespeare proves that families should carry the blame as a whole. Illustrating how the Capulets parent their child compared to the Montague techniques is one of many ways Shakespeare shows the role of family in blame. Juliet and her parents had been discussing an arranged marriage between Juliet and County Paris. Unfortunately, Romeo has already married Juliet so she is unable to follow her parents wishes. Juliet attempts to express her desire to not marry Paris when her father becomes enraged and says, But, an you will not wed, I ll pardon you. Graze where you will, you shall not house with me, (3.4.215 216). The Capulets are remarkably strict parents and expect their daughter to abide by them at all times. The threat to disown her if she doesn t marry the man picked for her makes this very clear. Before Juliet met Romeo she did what was asked of her, however, when Romeo was in the picture he gave her a taste of what she had been restricted from. Nevertheless, the sense of rebellion had drawn Juliet to Romeo. Consequently, the desire for this new feeling led Juliet to make drastic decisions without thinking. ... Get more on ...