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An Essay On Population By
Thomas Malthus
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An Essay On Population By Thomas Malthus An Essay On Population By Thomas Malthus
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by Wordsworth Essay
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by Wordsworth
Wordsworth takes readers on a reminiscent journey in I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud reflecting
upon visions of nature. The figurative language and diction used elucidate the poet s response to
nature. Wordsworth uses each stanza to share his experience in nature through the image of a dance
that culminates in the poet s emotional response.
Wordsworth opens with reference to himself through simile as a part of the natural landscape, I
wandered lonely as a cloud / That floats on high (Wordsworth, Line 1). The diction used in the
opening simile puts the reader in the poet s state of mind. A cloud is a lightweight, free flowing
image. Cloud paired with the action floats , lets the ... Show more content on ...
Wordsworth continues to relay his experience in nature as he expounds upon the affiliation between
the daffodils and another natural element. Applying simile, the poet connects the flowers to the
stars, Continuous as the stars that shine / And twinkle on the milky way (7 8). A mental picture of
infinite flowers is created, while shine and twinkle produce an image of light. Wordsworth uses the
light imagery to link the two aspects of nature; the luminous stars of the night and golden daffodils
of the day. The link shows the reader the connection the poet sees in different facets of nature. The
second stanza continues the description of the dance Ten thousand saw I at a glance, / Tossing
their heads in sprightly dance (12). The image created is of large numbers of flowers moving in
unison and expresses the harmony the poet finds in nature. The usage of sprightly makes another
reference to light, but in the sense of movement and weight as cloud and floats were utilized in the
first stanza. Diction in the second stanza provides the reader with a multi dimensional prospective
of Wordsworth s imagery by giving the images action, feeling and weight.
Personifying another facet of nature, Wordsworth partners the daffodils in their dance, The waves
beside them danced, but they / Outdid the sparkling waves in glee (13 14). The lines also work to
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Intergrated Communication in the Business World Essay
I. Integrated Communication Background
Communication is the essence of all human interaction, relationships and learning. Creating and
maintaining strong and constructive relationships with all stakeholders is after all the main scope
of organization s communications. On this view, effective communications are vital for
organizations to grow, evolve and stand out among the competitors. The new era of digital
communications, the globalized economy and empowered scrutinized stakeholders have challenged
the traditional communications practices. As a reaction to adapt to this new environment and
changed conditions, it is not very uncommon that managers and consultants advice organizations to
embrace the ideal of integrated communications. ... Show more content on ...
The news spread quickly in the local media and social networks causing worry and suspicion among
the community on whether the news was true and accurate. Faced with the lack of an official
statement from the Government, while several international media emphasized that the agreement
was already established, environmentalists, citizens, groups of interest (Alliance Against Import of
Waste, Active Youth) started a chain of protests pressuring the Government to re think its decision
and reject the U.S request. In addition, they accused the Government for lack of transparency after
some local media published that the discussions between respective governments for such matter
had started since September.
On 15th of November, the deadline set by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons for Albanian s official decision, the PM was forced by thousands of protestors to change
its decision and reject the request. But what led the Government to prevent legitimate stakeholders
to the right of having a transparent process for an issue that would affect them and their future? If
we go back in time by a month, one of the first decisions of the new
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Outline For The Catcher In The Rye
At the beginning of the story, Holden is introduced as an apathetic person. He has failed four out
of five of his classes and has received a notice that he is being expelled at Pencey Prep school in
Agerstown, Pennsylvania. Holden was scheduled to return home on a Wednesday, so he
decided to go and visit Mr. Spencer, his history teacher, to say his goodbye. Mr. Spencer advises
Holden to find direction in his life, which got Holden annoyed and dismissed everything
Mr.Spencer has said. Holden returns to his dormitory, where he finds his neighbor, Robert
Ackley and Ward Stradlater, a arrogant and self centered slob. Stradlater then asks Holden to
write an English paper for him, while he prepares for his date with Jane Gallagher, a girl whom
Holden has a crush on and used to date. When Stradlater returns, Holden asks Stradlater if he
tried any sexual act with Jane. Stradlater tease Holden by indicating that he might have had sex
with her, which result Holden becoming angry and punching Stradlater. That night Holden decide
to leave Pencey and return to New York, where he would stay in a hotel instead of going home.
When Holden arrives at the Edmont Hotel, Holden sees a transvestite and a couple who spits
drinks onto each other s faces and started to laugh like crazy. He interprets the couple s behavior as a
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He soon admits to Phoebe that he was kicked out of school, which makes her super angry. He
tried to explain why he hates school, she accuses him of not liking anything. Holden claims that
he likes the nuns, Allie, his little brother who died a few years ago, and Elkton who committed
suicide. He continues to tell her about his dream to become the catcher in the rye , where he
would catch children as they fall off the cliff. Phoebe tells Holden that he had misremembered the
poem, the poem says if a body meet a body, comin through the rye , not catch a
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To:Kathleen Hicks
CC:Human Resources
Date: 1/26/12
Re: Training Materials: Internal Revenue Agents
This is in reply to your request for information about internal revenue agents. The material will help
inform new employees about the demands and job requirements of an IRS agent. The information
will be separated into several categories; necessary qualities, prior experience, and daily duties.
Mrs. Angela Overstreet, IRS agent, happily helped our team gather information regarding the daily
demands of her job.
Necessary Qualities
Internal revenue agents not only need the basic skills required to perform auditing, but agents also
need important qualities such as integrity and commitment. A ... Show more content on ...
Documents will include complex amount of numbers with different meanings, and agents must be
able to identify problems through auditing.
Tax Law Books IRS agents must have prior experience with the various tax laws. However, a tax
book will be used extensively due to the vast amount of laws. Books will also be used to support
claims of fraudulent behavior.
Tax Returns The various amounts of tax returns, such as Form 706 and Form W 2, are used to
determine income tax. Returns will be compared with financial records to determine if the law is
being followed.
Financial Records Agents are given access to corporation s financial records in order to determine
if the law is being followed.
Annotated Bibliography
Bls (2012). Retrieved from website:
The United States Department of Labor developed an occupational outlook handbook
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Tourette Syndrome Research Papers
Tourette syndrome is a disorder that affects people worldwide, no matter what age, ethnic group,
or race. It is a disorder characterized by uncontrollable, repetitive motor or vocal actions called
tics. Though not much is known about how TS is passed on, how it can be prevented, or the
causes, there is still research being conducted on how TS can be treated and about TS itself.
Not much is known about how TS is passed on over generations or the causes. Yet that does not
stop scientists from forming guesses. Scientists once believed that it was an autosomal dominant
disorder. Though this has been dismissed as false, there are other ideas of where this disorder
comes from. One hypothesis says that TS comes from a mutation on the SLITRK1 gene because
this has been found in few people with TS. But this is not proven to be the sole cause of TS. That
of which is not known.
Tourette syndrome is known for the tics that come with it. If a person has tics, that does ... Show
more content on ...
Medicine such as Neuroleptics, Risperidone, and Fluphenazine have all shown progress in
lessening the occurrence of tics. Therapy has also shown promising results in those diagnosed with
TS. Therapies such as Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Comprehensive behavioral Intervention
for Tics (CBIT) have both shown great progress in decreasing the occurrence and complexity of the
The outlook for Tourette s syndrome is hopeful. High quality research is being conducted by
medical professionals and support groups such as Tourette s Association of America. This is a group
that teaches people about Tourette s and provides support for those diagnosed and their family
members. It provides information on Tourette s syndrome and shows the complications that those
with the disorder and their family members have to go through. Tourette s syndrome is a complex
disorder that affects those with the disorder and those around
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Boarding School Seasons Chapter Summaries
Boarding School Seasons by Brenda J. Child offers a look into the boarding school experiences of
many American Indian students. Child favors unpublished sources such as letters to give an
uncensored inside look into boarding school experiences. However, she also includes other sources
such as school newspapers, oral history collections, photographs, biographies, United States
government publications, and annual reports. Government boarding schools were created to help
the American government gain more control over Indians and to push the Natives to adopt the
white ways of life such as language, skill, and education. While integration was the ultimate
objective, Child sets out to show that even with the challenges of cultural assimilation and a
devastating land policy, American Indian people, even children, placed limits on assimilation and
also defined and shaped the boarding schoolera. (viii) The boarding schools designed to tear
American Indian families apart did not succeed in isolating children from their tribes, but created
bonds and... Show more content on ...
The schools were overcrowded, students were malnourished, and the federal government neglected
to provide Native children with even the most basic necessities in the schools where they resided.
(32) This chapter also discussed the assimilation process. Government schools taught students to be
ashamed of their names, their tribal languages, and even family surnames derived from tribal
language. (29) The next chapters speak of the homesickness many students felt because of the
assimilation policies keeping children from returning home on breaks and of the diseases that
spread rapidly throughout the schools such as tuberculosis and trachoma. Through the use of letters
between students and parents, Child paints a portrait of the emotional hardships families faced
from being separated with little
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Ocean Optics Lab Report
An Ocean Optics 2000 and four cuvettes, containing .1M solutions of the following: Ni(NOв‚ѓ)в‚‚ ,
Co(NOв‚ѓ)в‚‚ , K2CrO4 , and Cu(NO3)2 , were gathered. Each sample was placed in the
OceanOptics, and the colors that were absorbed were recorded, and the colors that were
transmitted were recorded. Also, the maximum absorbance and maximum transmittance (%),
recognizable as the peaks of the absorbance and transmission graphs, respectively, were
determined, and the corresponding wavelengths were recorded. A solution of .1M Cu(NO3)2 was
provided. Using distilled water and a graduated cylinder, the original solution was diluted to .05M,
.025M, .015M, and .01M. Through the equation M1V1=M2V2 , the quantity of distilled water to
be added was determined. 3mL
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Goodwood Medical Velashape Treatment
VelaShape is a revolutionary device that is approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) as
a treatment to reduce the circumference of and reduce the appearance of cellulite in numerous
areas. Areas Frequently Treated with VelaShape in Baton Rouge Areas that are frequently treated
using the revolutionary VelaShape device include: Saddle Bags Hips Upper Arms Buttocks Parts
of the Thighs A VelaShape Treatment Uses Three Sources, Simultaneously VelaShape utilizes three
sources at one time to reduce the appearance of cellulite and decrease an area s circumference. At
The Oaks at Goodwood Medical Spa in Baton Rouge, all three sources are utilized simultaneously
during a single VelaShape treatment. These sources are... Show more content on ...
During a VelaShape treatment, as the vacuum pulls the skin up and the rollers kneed the area,
the breakdown of fat is hastened. The end result is smoother skin and smaller circumference in
the areas treated with VelaShape. The number and frequency of treatments a client needs is
determined during his or her initial consultation. The cost of a VelaShape treatment is relatively
inexpensive, at The Oaks at Goodwood Medical Spa in Baton Rouge, the cost for a VelaShape
treatment depends on the number and extent of the areas receiving treatment. Reasons People in
Baton Rouge Choose to Have VelaShape Treatments VelaShape treatments are ideal for
individuals in Baton Rouge who want to improve their appearance prior to the hot days of
summer, a special occasion or a vacation. What to Expect During a VelaShape Procedure in
Baton Rouge This procedure is a completely pain free, a VelaShape treatment is actually a
relaxing, warm and comfortable experience at The Oaks at Goodwood Medical Sap in Baton
Rouge. In fact, the majority of our clients doze off during their VelaShape procedure: According to
clients, a VelaShape treatment feels like a warm
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My Superman And Batman
It all started when I was 2 I loved to watch Superman and Batman. I wanted to be just like superman
and batman. Since I was 2 I was just walking and climbing. I climbed up on my table with batman
in my left hand and batman in my right. I had a red cape on and I was ready to fly. I jumped off the
table and landed on a hard wooden floor. My grandma was supposed to be watching me but she
wasn t. I jumped off broke my arm and cut open my head. I don t remember any of the pain or how
I felt. I had a cast for 2 years and I don t even remember having the cast until I was like four. I had a
purple and a blue cast. My grandma felt so bad for me I was in the hospital for two days. I don t
remember when I broke it or anything. When I was in 4th grade, and I was at my daycare after
school in Lime Springs. I was playing catch with myself, and I threw it over my head. I turned
around and ran into a fire hydrant. I broke my nose it bled a lot, and I broke my cheekbone and
broke my nose almost in half. If I had gone into the hospital right away I could have had surgery
right away. But we waited, I could barely see for 3 4 days, because my eyes were almost swollen
shut. We had an xray done part of the bone collapsed into my right side of my nostril. It hurt a lot
the doctor said You can have surgery now, or wait until you re sixteen. then he said if we did it now
there would be a chance for my nose to stop growing so it would be small when I got older. So I
decided to wait until i m
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A Tourist Only Sees That Which The Tourist Chooses To See.
A tourist only sees that which the tourist chooses to see. The place the traveler is visiting, such as
Antigua in A Small Place, is simply a commodity; something that is purchased to enjoy for a short
time. Yet, there are others there who see the same things, the same beauty, in a drastically different
light than those who are there visiting by choice. These natives know that the outsiders see them as
part of the package of Antigua, simply locals , when in truth they are prisoners of the island they
inhabit (Thaden). Even though both the American visitors to this tropical nation and the natives of
the island of Antigua are descendants of those who were at one time under British rule, the
difference in both the timing and consequences of... Show more content on ...
When the tourist arrives at the Antiguan airport, they notice the beauty of the island, the lush
vegetation, the bright sunshine and the lack of rain. They arrive in what they see as an earthly
paradise, move quickly through customs, and into a taxi. It is in that taxi that the traveler may
realize their driver is perhaps a bit reckless, and the road they are traveling on is rather
dilapidated. However, thinking below the surface level about why there would be a driver who
can not drive, or terrible roads, or a school that looks more like a rest stop would cause the tourist to
ruin their lovely, worry free vacation (Luburić Cvijanović). When the Antiguan arrives back to
their home country, they are usually not returning home from a vacation of their own, but because
there was a need for cheap clothing and food for their relatives which could not be found in their
own country. This Antiguan must have their bags searched before walking back onto their drought
laden soil (Kincaid 4,5). What the Antiguan citizen realizes that the American tourist does not is
that the Antiguan government considers the nation of Antigua, the land, and the natural beauty of
the country to be a commodity, or a product. The government sells large pieces of land to investors
who in turn build enormous condominiums for the vacationers. The food that the tourist thinks is
local, is in fact a product like all others, caught locally, shipped to Miami to be processed and then
back to Antigua at a
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Employee HIPAA Rights
HIPAA, which is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 give Blue Cross
Blue Shield of Tennessee members rights to protected personal health information (PHI). The way
HIPAA works is that it creates national standards to protect a person s medical records as well as
their personal health information ( professionals/privacy/). Members
are given more control over their health information and holds violators accountable with civil and
criminal penalties that can be imposed if the member s rights are violated. When employees are
hired into Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, they are required to sign a confidentiality
agreement adhering to the HIPAA laws making them accountable if any violations... Show more
content on ...
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee follows these procedures because they are federally
mandated and required because their main source of business is with those who have coverage
through BCBST under one or more of the following types of plans; health, dental, vision, and
prescription drug insurers, health maintenance organizations ( HMOs ), Medicare, Medicaid,
Medicare+ Choice and Medicare supplement, and these all involve personal health information
that is to be protected ( professionals/privacy/laws regulations/).
Consequences for violating the HIPAA laws are based on the level of negligence and can range
from $100 to $50,000 per violation with a maximum penalty of $1.5 million per year for
violations of an identical provision and can also result in jail time and the fines and the charges
are broken down into two major classes: reasonable cause and willful neglect (https:/
/ is the penalty for a hipaa violation.html). Reasonable cause
includes fines but does not consist of jail time where willful neglect can result in not just fines but
also criminal charges. If Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee and/or their employees disregard the
company s codes of conducts, they can face more fines than they already have for past violations
that could cause the company
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Advantages And Benefits Of Linux
пЃ¶Problem Statement
Do you think that in today s era Linux as a operating system has taken a lead in IT Industry
elaborate and compare with windows operating system.
Linux is a UNIX base operating system. Its original creator was a Finnish student name Linus
Torvalds , although being open source it has change a great deal since its original conception. It
belongs to nobody, and is free to download and use. Any changes to it are open for all to adopt,
and as a result it has developed into a very powerful OS that is rapidly gaining in popularity
worldwide, particularly among those seeking an alternative to Windows.
LINUX History
The History of Linux began in 1991 with the commencement of a personal project by a Finnish
student, Linus Torvalds, to ... Show more content on ...
2004Lindows changes it s name to Linspire April 14, 2004.
2004The first release of Ubuntu is released October 20, 2004.
Advantages and Benefits of Linux
If you re basing your decision on price, then Linux is right for you. There is no comparing
Windows to Linux when it comes to money; we all know that Windows is expensive, while Linux
can be obtained free, a huge cost saving in anyone s book. All you have to do is go to the webpage
and click where it says click here and you have Linux ready to go.
Another known fact about Linux is their security is much stronger than other operating systems;
you don t need home security systems for your computer when you use the Linux system, and you
can browse the net without any serious concerns.
The biggest plus for me when it comes to Linux is the ability for me to change what I want and
how I want it especially on my desktop, the versatility is easy and amazing and I m not forced to
go with the design given to me. It s similar to when you are shopping around for remodeling
estimates, but you know exactly what you want and don t need someone deciding for
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Personal Health Records Essay
Increased public demand to access health information and growth of consumerism in health care
industry are two important reasons form increasing attention to Personal Health Records (PHRs) in
the recent years. Surveys show that a considerable number of people want to have access to their
health information. In one survey, 60 percent of respondents wanted physicians to provide online
access to medical records and test results, and online appointment scheduling; 1 in 4 said they
would pay more for the service.
Moreover, increasing costs of healthcare delivery and emerging trends toward patient empowerment
and patient centered care in order to achieve higher quality healthcare, needs patients to play a more
active role in their ... Show more content on ...
For this reason, some experts think that the term Personal Health Record is not descriptive enough
and can limit innovation and usage of these systems. Personal Health Record Systems (PHRS) and
Personal Health Platforms (PHP) have been suggested as more appropriate terms.
Types of PHRs
From an architectural point of view, PHRs can be divided into four different types.
Stand alone PHR: This is the simplest form of a PHR that does not connect with any other
system. The data is usually entered manually by the patient. This type of PHR can be in the
form of USB devices, CDs, smart cards, desktop applications, or even web based applications that
can be accessed through the internet. Although this model of PHR gives patient complete control
over data and seems more secure as it has no connection to other systems, it lacks the reliability
and usefulness and is not considered a preferred model. Stand alone PHRs can only be considered
computerized versions of paper based health records the some people keep.
Provider tethered PHRs: In this model, PHR is developed and maintained by a healthcare
provider, insurer, or employer. The type of health information that is stored in these PHRs is
affected by the nature of the provider business. For instance, in PHRs that are offered by insurers,
the content is mostly administrative and billing in nature. In the case of healthcare providers, PHR
would be a customized view of
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The Epidemic Of Obesity And The United States
Kole Dugger
Mrs. Wiest
English 132
6 February 2014
The Epidemic of Obesity In the beginning, it was just a few grains of sand. Now, those grains have
seemed to triple in amount. The 1960 s were great, as many might recall. New rock bands from
other countries were jamming out making number one hits on the billboards. Times were actually
changing in more than just that one way though. Hiding behind the curtains, an epidemic, was
about to break out. Unlike many epidemics, this one only pertained to the United States. The United
States of America is very unique in many ways compared to most other countries of the world.
Ranging from activities and the way they live, to the way its government is ran and how different
the means of education ... Show more content on ...
It was designed for quick service, yet having great food to eat. That right there, will come back
years later to haunt Americans. With a small menu of only 9 items, there was one food item that
stuck out like a sore thumb when it came to the sales charts. That item would be the delicious
fifteen cent hamburger. By 1958, McDonalds sold 100 million hamburgers. Over the years, they
opened many more restaurants. Not only were they selling, they were expanding. Business was
booming, so they had no choice rather than to expand their services. In the very next year, they
had opened their 100th McDonalds restaurant. All this was in just four years, if time could tell
how quickly things change, lets skip ahead another three years. The year 1962 truly marked an
era of how Americans are today. Lazy and arrogant! A Denver, Colorado McDonalds introduced
indoor seating for their McDonalds restaurant. This seems like everyday dining for most of
everybody reading this. With just one food chain opening up, surely it could not be the only
cause of obesity rates in the United States. Please remember, McDonalds is not the only fast food
chain around. They inspired others along with their success. Burger King, Checkers, Hardees,
Wendys and Sub Way are just a few example of fast food chains that have began to dominate the
food industry. Americans live in a wonderland of food, and they take advantage of it! With many
varieties of fast food chains
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Gender Identity Disorder, Identity, And The Basis For A...
Transsexuality has been variously constructed throughout the latter part of the twentieth century as
a psychiatric disorder, identity category, and the basis for a political movement. Throughout history
transsexualism was discursively constituted through each of these frameworks of reference, in
which different psycho medical assertions were employed to conceptualize trans identities. Today
transsexuality, also known as genderidentity disorder (GID), represents a term that is medically
used to categorize and diagnose individuals who show a strong and persistent cross gender
identification and discomfort with their anatomical sex. For example, an individual that believes
that his and or her assigned sex at birth conflicts with their psychological gender, and is likewise
preoccupied with getting rid of their sex characteristics is an individual who suffers from GID. In
response to the medicalization of transsexualism, much of society s current legal and social
understanding of trans persons has become rooted in the ongoing medico scientific discourse.
Moreover, modern day transsexualism has been historically and socio medically constructed
through the growing demand for self expression and transformation, which correspondingly
challenges the sex and gender regime of the West.
The term transsexual first appeared in the scientific literature work of Magnus Hirschfled in 1923.
He is considered one of the most noted men to have greatly contributed to the medical advancement
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An Inquiry into the Dilemma of the Turkish Language Essay
Turkish is one of the youngest and rapidly developing languages; furthermore approximately 80
million people speak Turkish as a mother language in the world. 1928 was a very crucial year for
the development of the Modern Turkish language because Latin alphabet adopted instead of Arabic
script and after this transition numerous events sequentially shape the Turkish language. On the
other hand, the use of contemporary the Turkish language triggers some concerns. Although the
Turkish language has been searching ways out for sophisticated dilemmas since 1920 s, it
confronts historical, political, cultural issues and risk of losing originality, degeneration of quality
and misuse in the media; as a result of this process the Turkish language is... Show more content on ...
The following political policies led to marginalize official minorities such as Greeks, Armenians and
Jews. They spoke different languages in the community and this situation conflicted with nationalist
policies of government. AhД±ska and Yenal note VatandaЕ
џ TГјrkГ§e KonuЕџ (Citizen Talk
Turkish) campaign, posed a threat to minority groups and their native languages by attempting to
marginalize them within the community. (47) This analysis and these strict prohibitions show us
the intensive political pressure on the minority groups. Another vital point is the Turkish
government did not recognize even the Kurdish, Arabic, Circassian tongues because of the
mainstream nationalist discourse persecuted to the community. Until the liberalization period, those
kinds of pressures and attrition policies densely influenced the Turkish language s evolution. In
1980 s, Turgut Г–zal introduced imported goods as a consequence Turkish people became familiar
with foreign terms and brands. As the article stated foreign brands entered common usage, Turkish
products were also outfitted with brand names borrowing foreign word. (AhД±ska and Yenal 47) In
the end, the Turkish language has accomplished the political interventions era.
When we consider last 20 years, we are encountering with degeneration of the language.
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In the study of micro-biology, there are several kinds of...
In the study of micro biology, there are several kinds of pathogens that can be observed in the
human body. They individually can pose a risk ranging from totally harmless, to life threatening,
depending on the pathogen. There are types of bacteria, virus, and even fungus that can cause a
wide range of problems for the human body. But there is one type of pathogen that is just as
elusive as it is dangerous a pathogen that is rarely discovered in the human body, yet when it is,
doctors are at a loss as to what can be done to stop it. It is called a Prion.
A prion is a protein with a three dimensional shape, as opposed to standard proteins. When a prion
comes into contact with another protein, that protein transforms into another prion. ... Show more
content on ...
However, there is also an opposing theory that suggests that the disease is caused by a virus, and
that the prion is merely a byproduct of the viral activity. When the disease is present within a cow,
it causes the brain to become riddled with holes that go all the way through the brain. Symptoms
manifest in strange behaviors, such as pathological nervousness and increased aggression.
The disease itself made headlines when it an epidemic hit Europe in the 1980s. The outbreak of
BSE, or mad cow disease , was amplified by the practice of feeding cows the meat products of
their own species. If a mad cow s brain matter was in the feeding cow s food, that cow could
contract the disease. The event became a widespread health hazard after a link between BSE and
Creutzfeldt Jakob disease was established, indicating that humans could also contract the disease by
ingesting the brain matter of cows. The epidemic was dealt with by changing the feeding practices
the European meat industry used to feed their cows.
Creutzfeldt Jakob disease is the variant of spongiform encephalopathy that infects humans. It can be
contracted from eating the contaminated brain matter of cows. Contraction of the disease is
specific to the brain matter consuming only muscle tissue from a steak poses no risk of
contamination. The disease targets the brain, and the patient will suffer
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Compare And Contrast New Year Holidays
New Year holidays is the time for the beautiful and kind fairy tale. The New Year celebration
consists with happiness, hope, love and comfort. This night is for relatives meetings to spend
together in a cosy place. New Year Day is one of the main holidays of the year. There are different
traditions, festive events and of course tasty food. Usually you can see a Christmas Tree at home. It
s a fur tree putting before Christmas time and decorating with balls, toys, lights, nuts, etc.
I have chosen to compare the celebrations of New Yearbetween Uzbekistan and Great Britain. New
Year is celebrated around the world, but differently, because every country has its own traditions
and the styles for celebrating holidays. In Uzbekistan people ... Show more content on ...
English men and also women like to drink alcohol drinks very much. If a English women drinks
it is not shame for her. The religion is also does not against to that event. In Uzbekistan friends
and relatives visit to each other. They congratulate on the holiday and bring some presents to the
children of that house. They have dinner together. Sometimes they bring some bread to host s
house. It is the tradition of Uzbek people. In UK also people visit each other. They will bring a
bottle of beer; it is also the tradition of English people. Furthermore, they will bring some coal to
wish warmth to the family: they will bring some bread to wish satiety to the family. The events
are also the traditions of English culture. In our country, people wait the New Year at home,
watching TV. When the clock strikes the President of Uzbekistan congratulates on New Year.
Everybody is happy and wish good things. In UK people many people hold parties at home or go
out to pubs or night clubs. These parties often continue into the early hours of the morning. Just
before midnight, many people turn on a television to show pictures of one of the four clocks on the
Clock Tower on the Palace of Westminster, or Houses of Parliament, in
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Teaching And Learning Plan On Testicular Cancer For Second...
Evaluating our teaching and learning plan on Testicular cancer for second year nursing students
enable us to reflect on the whether the teaching and learning tools were effective in reaching the
goals we laid out in our teaching plan and rational. Using a summative evaluation we were able to
determine the effectiveness of our plan and learners experience (Worrall, P.S., 2014). This approach
enabled us to determine whether we as teachers facilitated a stimulating and effective educational
session that enabled learners to be at their peak learningcapacity in an environment that fostered
learning through the use of visuals, auditory and interactive tools to deliver salient information
about testicular cancerto which the students are... Show more content on ...
To support increased learning in our allotted thirty minutes time frame, we included some videos
pre class to help to establish a concept of our topic and, emailed our powerpoint in which they
could take their own notes during class. We used repetition with discretion to provide a platform
for which our Powerpoint presentation could build up their understanding (Fitzgerald, K., Keyes,
K. (2014). We feel this minimized the same information being repeated in a manner in what
Fitzgerald Keyes (2014) desctive effective learning tools by reviewing key points to deepen the
learner s understanding.
Challenges that we experienced while facilitating our teaching plan were: Nervous at the start of
our presentation, pronunciation of a few pathology terms, intermittent reduce volume from
presenter and disengagement from the class during the implementation of our activity in which we
had the class participate in a testicular self examination. We feel the disengagement occurred
because we didn t explain activity prior to doing it. Time efficiency played a role in our decision
to pass out the activity props while Sarah explained the rationale for the activity. We feel that
providing the students with props distracted their attention from what Sarah was explaining. This
could also be a effect of what Richards (2014) describes are Locus of control where motivation
from within the learner is influence by external forces in which
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Drug Discovery And Development Of New Medicine
Describe and discuss recent developments in drug discovery. As our society is evolving so is
diseases many drugs that were previously effective to cure certain diseases are simply not as
effective any more or on the other hand there isn t sufficient medicine to battle the current new
health problems that are arising with our evolving society for example obesity and a range of
cardiovascular diseases. In addition many of the medicine available today either only treats the
symptom or cures the disease with the addition of unwanted side effects. Hence, this is why drug
discovery and development is vital. It is through drug discovery and development that new
medicine is found.
Currently a lot of effort is going into Binuclear metallohydrolases as a target in drug development.
This is due to the fact this enzyme group has the potential to find solutions to health problems such
as erectile dysfunctions, osteoporosis, cardiovascular dieses and also even become the seed in
possible eradication of some antibiotic resistance.
The main enzymes in the binuclear metallohydrolases group that are most vital us are purple acid
phosphatases, metallo ОІ lactamases and arginases. The homologous feature in all these enzymes is
the existence of two very nearly touching metal ions that hold the ability to attract water molecules
that will then act as a nucleophile in a very particular hydrolytic reaction the importance of this is
that it means that binuclear acids will have a powerful ionic
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Poor Decision Making In Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet
Didn t Elvis say it best when ever he said, Wise men say only fools rush into love . This idea is
expressed throughout the world because so many mistakes are made whenever people rush into
love. It seems as though love has a powerful hold on people and they just can t help what they do
once they are in love. It is as if they are almost blind to everything else around them, and also
blind to the consequences that might come from their choices that they make. Teenagers seem to
be more at risk for such frivolous love due to the fact they have lived such ephemeral lives. Since
teen brains are not fully developed it can lead to fickle or poor decision making, and sometimes
leads to making choices that result in teen pregnancy. Poor decision... Show more content on ...
Teen pregnancy is is very tough because many teens are not mentally ready to be a parents.
According to, Most teenage girls [do not] plan to get pregnant, but many do. (teen
pregnancy 1) In the case of Romeo and Juliet, there would be many dissents and problems
because Juliet is only thirteen and Romeo and Juliet s parents hate each other. Teen love is not
only not mentally auspicious, but is also physically harmful because there is many health risks.
Also on it says, Teen pregnancies carry extra health risks to both the mother and the
baby. (teen pregnancy 1) These risks can hurt both the baby and the mother. If Romeo and Juliet
s love were to continued it probably would have lead to teen pregnancy. This is so because Juliet
s nurse once told her to throw away her virginity. (Act 1. Scene 3.) Teen pregnancy is a reason teen
love causes rigor and is
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Background Going Into The 1970 S
Background going into the 1970 s
Starting in the 1960 s under the Johnson administration, the United States created two economic
burdens based off the Vietnam War and President Johnson s Great Society. President Johnson s
spending on the Vietnam War and the Great Society had boosted economic growth to 4.9%, and
inflation to an alarming 4.7%. Going into the next presidency in 1968, during the start of the
Nixon administration, President Nixon made a number of questionable decisions that led to the
mass inflation crisis of the 1970 s. Stagflation got its name during the 1973 1975 recession. There
were six quarters of shrinking Gross Domestic Product (GDP), while inflation tripled in 1973,
rising from 3.4% to 9.6%. It remained between ... Show more content on ...
This is because under wage controls workers could no longer get raises, giving them less money
to buy goods and services, which as a result decreases demand. Businesses couldn t lower prices
to boost demand. Neither could they raise prices, even though the cost of their imported
materials rose due to inflation and import taxes. Since they couldn t lower wages, they reduced
hiring and therefore demand. Wage price controls created a recession in November of 1973.
Nixon eliminated them in April 1974, but the damage took its toll. There were three consecutive
quarters of negative GDP growth: 1974 Q3 3.8% ( 3.8%), Q4 1.6% ( 1.6%), 1975 Q1 4.7%( 4.7%).
Unemployment reached a peak of 9% in May 1975, two months after the recession technically
(Source: Read Up on the History of US Recessions. News Issues. N.p., n.d. Web)
Changing off the Gold Standard
Nixon raised the price of gold during his presidency. This angered nations all who had signed the
Bretton Woods Agreement (see Definition page) after World War II. As the world s reserve
currency, the US dollar had an additional problem. As global trade grew, so too did the demand for
U.S. dollar reserves. For a time, the demand for US dollars was satisfied by an increasing
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The Importance Of Community Newspaper Website Managers
While anonymity, moderation, and the combination of allowing anonymity and moderating
comments did not result in additional interaction, there remain some elements to discuss.
Community newspaper website managers seem to place much more emphasis on moderation and
have a negative attitude toward anonymous comments, a finding that is not surprising based on
prior research (Nielsen, 2013). Therefore, this negative attitude toward anonymous commenting
could influence who chooses to commentand who does not, even on sites that might allow
anonymity. Previous research has indicated that some people will not comment without anonymity
(Ingram, 2011; Reader, 2012b; Trytko, 2015; Yun Park, 2011). Even if the sites allow anonymity,
the negative... Show more content on ...
Small towns might reduce people s willingness to comment even if anonymity is technologically
possible because some might believe their attitudes are easily identifiable (Tanis Postmes, 2007).
The more people interact the more information about themselves they provide even when
anonymous (Joinson, 2001; Tanis Postmes, 2007). While anonymity does make people feel more
comfortable in commenting (Meyer Speakman, 2016), people can at times identify others through
their ideas or language even without a name (Joinson, 2001; Tanis Postmes, 2007). Anonymity may
be an idea that finds support in numbers, and small communities simply might not possess the
necessary populations for people to feel able to hide in the background regardless of if they the
comment might occur in a community of place, virtual community or hybrid community. However,
it is also important to remember that regardless of website design or other factors, there exists only
a small percentage of readers willing to comment online (Chung Nah, 2009; Larsson, 2011).
This study supports the idea that there is no simple formula that community media websites can use
to create engagement and gain participation from the public. Moderating comments, allowing
anonymity, or the use of Facebook to post each have minor influences on the willingness of people
to comment on news stories within community newspaper websites. While
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Clyne s Revision of Grice s Maxims Essay
Grice s Maxims have been criticised for being too Anglo centric. Michael Clyne proposes
revisions to the four maxims in his 1994 book Intercultural Communication at Work. Do Clyne s
revisions of this model go far enough in universally accounting for intercultural conversation?
Why or why not? Grice s General Cooperative Principle has been under continuous debate for the
past three decades. It is mainly through the maxims that Grice s paradigm has been challenged as
highly ethnocentric, however such readings may tend to take the maxims too literally rather than
as reference points for language interchange (Allan as cited in Clyne, 1994, p. 11). There is some
agreement in this, but as suggested by Mey (1994, p. 74), the principle and... Show more content on ...
In such cases, there is a clash between Grice s maxims and the pragmatic rules of conversation,
which are culturally sensitive. For example, when being offered a drink, a typical Chinese
person would automatically say no the first time, while expecting the offer to be made at least
two or three times more. This resembles a kind of phatic language communication; saying no,
but not really meaning no. In this sort of situation, if someone doesn t adhere to the cultural
norm choosing to follow Grice s maxims instead, then they would sound odd and out of place.
The above example demonstrates that Grice s maxims aren t relevant in all contexts as they
clash with certain cultural values systems. Many linguists (Clyne, 1994; Hymes, 1986; Loveday,
1983; Walsh, 2009) have picked up on this discrepancy between theory and data, claiming that the
maxims are only relevant to the English speaking Western world. In particular, Clyne (1994) has
pointed out that they have limited relevance to cultures where content and knowledge are core
values. For example, speakers of Malagasy, whose form of co operation seems to consist in
making their contributions as opaque, convoluted and non perspicuous as possible (Keenan as
cited in Mey, 1994, p. 74) could be seen as flouting the Maxim of Quantity. This is because
information, especially new information gives the holder a certain amount of prestige, thus
Malagasy people tend to
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Laura Motes And Animal Welfare
Laura Motes Tells Us the Ways Anyone Can Help Promote Animal Welfare According to former
police officer and animal lover Laura Motes, there are many simple ways that everyday people
can assist with animal welfare and rescue issues. She knows that you don t have to give a ton of
money to a shelter to make a difference. The little things add up to make a big impact. Most of
Laura s tips involve community involvement and education, like scheduling a local animal rescue
speaker to meet with and talk to your local church or business group. She has also found that by
placing a small donation cup on her desk or in the break room of her office, she receives small
donations that add up quickly. She then takes that money to the local rescue leagues in... Show more
content on ...
The 4 Items You Need to Trail Run with Laura Motes Laura Motes will happily run on any
surface and in any environment, but trail running is one of her favorites. This sport, which
involves running through wilderness trails, is beautifully simple. It does not take much planning
or equipment, and many people find trail running to be the most enjoyable form of running.
According to Motes, there are certain considerations that need to be acknowledged when
preparing for a trail running trip. As the runner will be moving over natural trails and different
terrains, they will not need the same gear or equipment as a person running on a track or on the
roadways. Shoes are a very crucial item for any runner, especially a trail runner. Laura says that
you should wear a pair of true trail shoes. These provide a thicker sole than standard running shoes,
which is ideal for uneven ground and sharp rocks. Clothing is relatively universal between trail
running and road running. The only point Laura likes to make is that you are likely to get dirtier
when loping through the
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Airport Security and the Transportation Security...
Through the history of aviation the importance of airport security has steadily increased. Since the
terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, many changes have taken place at airports to prevent such
an attack from occurring again. The purpose of this paper is to: outline airport security procedures,
discuss the different technologies involved with airport security, as well as examine the components
of airport security. In addition I will also discuss the Transportation Security Administration s role in
our nation s airport security.
Airport Security Airport Security is a necessity of Life both in America and through out the world.
Without airport security our airports would not be able to function and terrorist attacks ... Show
more content on ...
The TSA was tasked with the tremendous challenge of building a large federal agency responsible
for securing all modes of transportation. Funding for the TSA is accomplished by a $2.50 charge
per flight segment not to exceed $10.00 round trip, per customer. The mission as described by the
TSA website ( is as follows, The Transportation Security Administration protects the
Nation s transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce. The
vision of the TSA is, The Transportation Security Administration will continuously set the standard
for excellence in transportation security through its people, processes and technologies. The TSA
also states that its values are to have excellence in public service through: integrity, innovation, and
As with any government organization the TSA has taken much criticism on its security practices.
However, one must keep in mind that this administration is still in the beginning stages, and
much is still to be learned from the mistakes that have been made thus far. The TSA employees a
work force of over 50 thousand federal passenger and baggage screeners at 429 commercial service
airports. Out of those 429 airports five have been chosen to be part of a pilot program. In this
program the five commercial service airports that were chosen can hire their own passenger and
baggage screeners, after a
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Norwalk Community College Student Analysis
I strongly believe that every failure is a learning experience that should be taken as a lesson to
grow from. I previously attended a 4 year university that became too much for me; attending
school full time, working 35 hours per week while trying to figure out what it is that I really
wanted out of this university experience. I ended up failing most of my classes, putting my
health at risk drowned by the tremendous amount of stress and just wanted to completely give
up. Looking for a fresh start I decided to leave my university, and attend Norwalk Community
College. Though this decision created self doubt in the beginning, it soon came to my
realization that it was the best decision I ever made. Immersed in an environment full of positive
people, I was able to grow from the experience. Although at the time it felt like a step back I didn
t want this to stop me, I wanted to continue to discover what it is that I really feel is the right
career path for me. After taking a marketing class the first semester and doing a term long project
for the school, I was inspired to look into the field of marketing. The thrill of having a client and
being able to help them out from small mom and pop shops to large companies, marketing will
grant me the ability to communicate, and connect with people from varying... Show more content on ...
Taking advantage of my situation I joined the Business Club and even entered an Idea Pitch
Contest where my group received first place. Being able to be part of these student activities while
working part time and improving my grades allowed me to develop better time management skills
and learn how to be a better
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How Did Turkey Geopolitics Influence Its Foreign Policy...
2.2How did Turkey s geopolitics influence its foreign policy and foreign relation? The direction
of Turkey s foreign policy has shaped by many factors and geopolitics defiantly played an
important part in it. Turkey s foreign policies during the cold war are the product of
westernization and the democratic reforms of the 1930s. Thus, the Cold War s atmosphere had
forced Turkey to make a choice between the East and the West (CITATION). Since the reform
Turkey s foreign policy was mostly western oriented therefore Turkey decide to side by the west
and became a member of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1952. However, NATO s
reaction over the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cyprus conflict, made Turkey questioned the
accountability of its American allies far across the ocean. Therefore, Turkey stated to improve
foreign relations and build economic and political ties with the Eastern bloc and neighboring
Islamic countries. This was not an axis shift in Turkish foreign policy, but a multidimensional
policy with a more proactive, practical and cooperative approach(citation). Turkey has benefited
significantly from trade and integration with the European Union, thus EU membership is crucial
for Turkey s future development and... Show more content on ...
Even though both country are majority Muslim, one of the major conflict of interest lies between
the Sunni Shia divide. The other major difference is political culture. Iran is an example of
modern theocracy, where its laws are compatible with the Islamic shiria law; while Turkey is
secular, where religion were reduced to a moral code without legal obligation. Iran is an Islamic
republic, where the religious leader has the ultimate authority and decision making power; on the
other hand Turkey is a republican parliamentary democracy. There are similarities between Iran and
Turkey such as both countries has strategic location dominated major trade
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Capacit Capacity
The process analytics simulation that we started in class was an interesting and practical
demonstration and actual application of process flow analysis. The first problem which we
performed in small groups within the class, was laid out very simply as a set of sequential
processes, each with individual characteristics, that are ordered in pre determined process that when
complete, produces one production unit. The initial concepts demonstrated were those of cycle
time, throughput, capacity, utilization and bottleneck. Cycle time reflects the average time it takes
for units to complete the process once the process gets running. (Leonard, 2007, p. 10). Generally
the cycle time will be determined by the longest process in a sequential flow. Throughput is the
amount of time it takes to complete the first unit.... Show more content on ...
(Leonard, 2007, p. 11) Utilization is the mathematical calculation of process throughput over
process capacity with the average of the individual process utilization rates being the overall
utilization rate. (Leonard, 2007, p. 18) . The utilization rate was the hardest for the group to grasp
until they effectively understood that the bottleneck, the process that limits the overall capacity of
the system being measured (Leonard, 2007, p. 18), is always the process that is running at 100%
utilization, and all other processes utilization is calculated on the basis of this bottleneck process.
The remainder of problem 1 in the simulation was emphasizing the importance identifying the
bottleneck and calculating the effects of changing the process when you change the bottleneck and
when you change other factors. If you affect the bottleneck than you effect process. If the
bottleneck remains unchanged than the overall efficiency of the process does not
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What Are The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Home Depot
Strengths Strong brand reputation: Home Depot operates in nearly 2,250 locations in the United
States and is recognized as the leading home improvement retailer. The exceptional recognition of
the firm has contributed to rising sales and growth (Bhasin, 2018). The brand is recognized for
quality products, affordable prices, and technology assisted service delivery. Productivity; Home
Depot employs modern supply chain systems that integrate processes and enhances production.
With proper technology and nearly 320,000 skilled employees, the firmmaximizes its resources and
floor space to increase output and revenue (Bhasin, 2018). Furthermore, Home Depot has partnered
with various suppliers to ensure stable access to products and improved customer satisfaction.
Product diversification; in a standard Home Depot store, a customer... Show more content on ...
The foreign markets have significant opportunities for the growing civilizational and economy,
which favor the demand for modern home improvement products. Therefore, Home Depot should
also consider global expansion to spread their quality products and generate more sales and
revenue. E commerce; Home Depot can overcome the rising competition from the online firms
through expanding in e commerce. When the firm goes online, more customers will access its
products and services, and the websites will enable brand promotion. By 2014, Home Depot
reported 1.2 billion visits to its websites but most of the visitors were not turned into customers
(Dalavagas, 2015). The rise of immigrants; the rise of Hispanics in the United States is a national
issue but an opportunity for businesses. By 2017, the total purchasing power of immigrant
populations was nearly $1.7 trillion (Hawkins, 2015). However, with the steady rise in immigrant
population, Home Depot can implement various strategies for capturing their
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Rhythm And Blues Research Paper
In 1946, the American entertainment industry grew at a substantially rapid rate. The cause of this
was the Post World War II economic expansion. The Postwar era was filled with many different
genres, and talented artists. It is argued to be one the most multifaceted, and dynamic eras in the
history of American popular music. In the midst of the complexity, two women emerged into the
genre of Rhythm and Blues. Ruth Brown, also known as Miss Rhythm, was one of the biggest
stars in the postwar era. She started at a young age, singing in two sectors of black church
tradition. She sang in the AME (African Methodist) and Baptist denominations. I attended a
fundraiser at the Redeemer Fellowship church in Kansas City and listened as the choir sang their
gospels. The song Mama, He Treats Your Daughter Mean, was Ruth Brown s biggest hit and it does
not sound similar to any of the gospels sang in the church.... Show more content on
Her parents did not approve of this. When she was a teenager, she would lie to her mother and
her father, telling them that she was going to choir rehearsal while she would actually go off to
perform for the military at USO shows. At only 17, she finally left home to join Jimmy Brown s
band. She later married him, only to find out he had previously been married to another woman.
However, since her last name had been commonly known as brown, she decided it was best to
stick with it. At this point, Brown was unwelcome at her family home. She struggled to find work
living in Detroit and eventually being stranded in Washington D.C. She then was offered regular
employment at Crystal Cavern s nightclub. One night, radio host Willis Conover heard Brown
talent. He later signed her to Atlantic Records, where she would later make her debut performance
at Apollo Theater in New
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Greek Influence On Modern Day Heroes
Ancient heroes are important to our understanding of modern heroes because they helped shape
our heroes today. This can be seen because Cesar Chavez also completed hero tasks that were
done in ancient times. This can also be seen because our modern day heroes reflect back to the
ancient ones for a example. The ancient heroes help show what modern days herowould be like. If
our ancient heroes helped shape our modern day heroes than it is possible that our modern day
heroes will affect the heroes that have yet to come. Heroes stand up for what they believe in.
Achillesdid not fight for Agamemnon at first because he felt as though Briseis shouldn t have been
taken from him.He stood up to Agamemnon and told him that if he took Briseis from him
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Comparing Catherine II and Elizabeth I
The above quote applies very well to both Catherine II and Elizabeth I. Neither lady sought the
power of their lands; they were given it in a unusual circumstance. They then display great
leadership and do great things for each country. Catherine II, Empress of Russia, was born in
Germany in 1729, but with the name of Sophia. She was the daughter of Prince Christian August
and Princess Johanna Elizabeth. Since she was a princess, she was home schooled. She became
very smart and free spirited. Nancy Whitelaw, the author of Catherine the Great spoke on Sophia
s childhood and noted, Sophia loved to be in charge, and though some of her playmates said she
was bossy, there was no doubt she was a natural leader (Whitelaw 15 16). When she was around
the age of fifteen, she met Prince Karl Peter Ulrich of Russia. Ulrich s mother, Czarina of
Russia, was trying to find a wife for her son. She knew her son was not fit for the throne, and the
country would be devastated with him at the head. Whoever Ulrich married would earn the right
to rule Russia (Whitelaw 18). After some consideration and suggestions, she decided that Sophia
was the right girl for Ulrich. Even though her father did not like the fact that she would have to
convert from Lutheran to Orthodox, he gave consent. She moved back to Russia with Ulrich,
converted to Orthodox, and changed her name to Catherine. Catherine now had to give birth to a
son as the heir to the throne, but it was going to be hard due to Ulrich s
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Barbarianism In The Road By Cormac Mccarthy
In all cultures, there are people struggling for survival. Some are starving, some are living in
sheer poverty, some are thrown into slavery and some just cannot get their footing; but in all of
these situations there seems to be a common theme that presents itself over and over again. Many
of these people become so desperate to live they will give up their morals and give in to whatever
they can to get by. Occasionally, there is one person stronger than the rest, one able to hold onto
their morals, one that would rather die than give in to immorality. However, given certain
circumstances; even these people turn to pure barbarianism in order to survive. The Pulitzer Award
Winning novel, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, details the numerous... Show more content on ...
While on the road, in a few flashback sequences, the fate of the boy s mother is revealed. Among the
flashbacks, there was a conversation between the man and his wife after the boy has been born. The
man entreats his wife not to commit suicide. She wishes to die by her own hand however, in order
to escape what she believes is her inevitable rape and her family s inevitable murder. She wishes
that their pistol had three bullets, not only two, so that she could spare her entire family from
their gruesome fate. Throughout the conversation, the man continues to beg her to reconsider
her decision or at least wait until the morning to say goodbye to their son. After her death, the
man and the boy pack up their camp, and the boy only says, She s gone, isn t she? (McCarthy
50). This sequence of events reveals the mother s very dark nature because instead of being
there for her son, like a devoted parent, she chooses to leave this world out of pure fear of the
post apocalyptic event. She even goes so far as to question the existence of her husband and
newborn; yet she does not even do a small good deed as to tell her son goodbye. Instead, she
chooses to burden her husband to be the sole proprietor for their son; thus revealing her animalistic
nature. In addition, in preparation for the catastrophe, the dark nature of the boy s father is also
evident through his decision to buy a gun in anticipation of the worst possible scenario. Contrary to
popular belief, he does
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Father Son Relationships In The Story Chariot Of The Sun...
vPhaeton and Helios are the main characters in the story Chariot Of The Sun God. Phaeton wants
to prove to everyone that he is Helios, god of the sun, son. Also making his dad proud in progress.
The relationships between Helios and Phaeton is difficult but is relates to a lot of family Phaeton
and Heliosboth relate to a father son relationship. Through it all, both characters learn a lot, and
they symbolize a father son relationship. In many situations when a son/daughter wants to drive,
they want to prove many things. In this story, Phaeton wants to show everyone that he is worthy
to be Helios s son. Also, he wants his father to be proud of him. Phaeton s plan was to do what
Helios does early each morning, drive his chariot across the sky. By doing this task he thinks he
will achieve his goal of having his father be proud of him. Even though Helios was already proud
of Phaeton, Phaeton didn t need to prove his father anything. In a real life situation, a son/daughter
wants to do anything to make their parent proud. They would even go to the ends of the Earth to
prove that they are worthy (what Phaeton literally did) , but the truth is that their parents always
love them. The son/daughter doesn t need to prove anything to have their parent s proudness
because they love them no matter what they do.... Show more content on ...
Then, that son/daughter disobeys their parents. When Phaeton had his plan set into his mind he
goes to his father to ask for something. He asked to do his job for the day which was to drive
Helios chariot across the sky early in the morning. After Helios didn t permit him to ride his
chariot he gives him a few tips and warnings, but Phaeton didn t listen very careful because he was
too excited. Then, Phaeton had an unfortunate accident. All son/daughters never follow their parent
s directions, tips, and advice, but parents tell you so you can be safe because they love
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Atomic Bomb Essay
The Atomic Bomb was the deadliest weapons in the history of war. Throughout World War II one of
the most stubborn countries to surrender was Japan who relentlessly fought against the United
States of America. After failing to defeat America, Japan was overwhelmed by allied forces.
Staying with tradition however, Japan would rather die in battle than to surrender. The Soviet
Union also fought against America but that was towards the end of the war. The United States
dropped both of the Atomic Bombs in order to intimidate the Soviet Union and to make Japan to
surrender unconditionally.
At the end of World War II America dropped the Atomic Bomb in order to intimidate the Soviet
Union. Mr. Byrnes s ... view [was] that our possessing and ... Show more content on
To be captured was a disgrace and extremely frowned upon in Japan. America gave Japan fair
warning about an explosive device and if they did not declare a surrender, America would use it
against them. Unfortunately they do not heed warning. On August 6, 1945, during World War II
(1939 45), an American B 29 bomber dropped the world s first deployed Atomic Bomb over the
Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion wiped out 90 percent of the city and immediately
killed 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure (
America kept its word and the first bomb struck Hiroshima. Many casualties were taken in Japan
and it severely hurt Japan s spirit and the nation s physical abilities. Japan however did not stop
fighting until a second Atomic Bomb was dropped in Japan. Three days later, on August 9, a
plutonium implosion type (Fat Man) bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Within the first two to four
months following the bombings, the acute effects of the Atomic Bombings had killed 90,000
146,000 people in Hiroshima and 39,000 80,000 in Nagasaki; roughly half of the deaths in each
city occurred on the first day. During the following months, large numbers died from the effect of
burns, radiation sickness, and other injuries, compounded by illness and malnutrition. In both cities,
most of the dead were
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Tech Environment
Technological Environment
Gregory Hamlin
BUSN 310. Business Theory
Professor Rachel Nagel
American Military University
March 31st, 2012
TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT The company I am continuing to work with is US Airways
Group. There is plenty of hard and soft technology to list for the domestic environment. Some of the
hard technology used in the domestic environment is aircraft, security system, and safety gear. Some
soft technology used in the domestic environment is management, government regulations that
govern the procedures of the company, and training for employees. The hard technology I listed
above is the obvious technology the air line company utilizes yet there is more hard technology
being used. The soft ... Show more content on ...
I honest believe this is the only remedy for providing up to date technology, the company has to
make it a priority to provide the same technology to the global environment. The customs can be
corrected by provided a print out of what is allowed and what is not allowed to be brought into
or out of a country a passenger is traveling through. The information is available online but some
older passengers aren t as savvy with technology so they may not receive the same information.
With this tactic there is not any excuse for not knowing what is expected when going through
customs. The strategies I stated above will be successful, only if they are applied. Without
application the strategy will be a failure. Within the domestic environment the security system can
be significantly improved and decrease the risk for terrorist attacks greatly. This technology
needs to be protected by requiring a security clearance for all employees who work for the
company. This way you have a thorough back ground check on everyone who works for US
Airways Group and the risk for inside information getting out to enemies of the United States is
low. Within the global environment technology needs to be advanced. The company can protect
this technology by only providing the technology to its global counterparts and not the
... Get more on ...
Informative Essay On Concussions In Women s Lacrosse
2015 was the year that sparked numerous amounts of concussions that had occurred in women s
lacrosse. ( USA Today) After this, Florida Lacrosse decided to make helmets mandatory for
women. ( Bill Pennington) The results show the game injury rate was twice the rate for practice
(7.5 versus 3.3 injuries per 1,000 athlete exposures) (Snyder). A recent study found that the
majority of head injuries in high school girl s lacrosseresulted from stick to head contact during
aggressive. Girls playing lacrosse should definitely be required to wear helmets and better
protective equipment. Women s lacrosse in high school concussions are at number two right
above men s lacrosse (New York Times). According to New York Times, headgear has also been
effective in reducing head trauma caused by stick to head or ball to head contact. The number of
deep bone bruises is significant do to the lack of shin guards, arm guards, chest protection, and hand
protection. There are several ways to prevent concussions in lacrosse. Florida became first state to
require headgear for girls in 2015. The Reduction of equipment will decrease the amount of injures.
Stricter rules on sticks will also decrease the amount of injuries, especially ones that can damage
your head severely. Being proactive in conditioning and wearing the right... Show more content on ...
Lacrosse again. Other protective equipment should be established permanently, along with
helmets. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive degenerative disease found
in people who have had a severe blow or repeated blows to the head. In 1 Corinthians 6:20, it
says, For you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. This means we should
always take care of our bodies. Treating them right and keeping ourselves healthy by making the
right decisions. By wearing additional equipment in lacrosse, our bodies can stay healthy and
protected during the course of the
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Analysis Of The Poem Proclamation Of Baghdad Essay
Towards the beginning of Emma Sky s memoirs of her time working as a representative and
advisor to the United States government in Iraq, she writes of one day in 2003 when the people
of the city of Kirkuk, where she was stationed, whispered frantic rumors of a Jihadi infiltration of
the city. To allay those fears, Colonel William Mayville, Commander of the U.S. Army s 173rd
Airborne Brigade in Kirkuk, prepared a media statement for the city. The speech was entitled to
the People of Kirkuk Province. What its generic name would not betray, Sky notes, is that the
speech was a carbon copy of one given nearly one hundred years before, entitled Proclamation of
Baghdad, issued to the inhabitants of Baghdad by Lieutenant General Stanley Maude after the
British military occupation of the city. The Unraveling is rife with references to the history of 20th
century military interventions like this one. The irony of such a feature of Sky s book is that while
she understands the Iraq Warin its proper historical context a military intervention preceded by tens
just like it throughout the 20th century, with real lessons to be learned from them the United States
government, which organized the war effort, crucially did not.
This ignorance was revealed in the way the United States fought the Iraq War, a classic example of
an insurgency requiring a counterinsurgency, until 2007: by completely contravening basic
principles of successful counterinsurgencies codified by 20th military
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Navy Seal Case Study
The only easy day was yesterday What does it take to be the Seal who changed history? Mark
Owen former Navy Seal, Member of Seal Team Six says that deployments are very long and
hurtful towards family relations. Deployments of ten through twelve months are very common
for someone of his former job from being on DEVGRU (Special Teams). Several of Owens
teammates have come back from leave suffering from very tragic divorces. For some reason every
Seal that Owens had worked with in his time in DEVGRU had always enjoyed coming back
from leave and getting back to their jobs which they would be deployed for months to a year at a
time. Saying, No to the Navy is not an option, saying, No to your family is. Training to be a Seal
in not an easy... Show more content on ...
The United States did everything they could to prepare for this mission. The Helicopters built
for the mission cost over 70 million dollars to build. The helicopters had to be able to go under
enemy radar and be very silent when they when into the area near his compound. The military
had chosen the best of the best soldiers for this mission and that was the Navy Seal team known
as Seal Team Six. The mission to kill Osama Bin Laden was planned to be a raid into his
compound which had been observed for weeks. The people watched the compound for weeks
had to figure out who everyone military aged male was in the compound. Once they figured who
everyone was they watched their daily activities giving nicknames to everyone they saw. The
Navy Seals had built an almost replica of the compound for Seal Team Six to train in. The Seals
practiced over and over again until the mission had been a go. The seals knew everything about the
compound when the mission was finally
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Chelation Therapy For Lung Cancer
As generations of diseases and cures continue to be created, the increase of cancer multiply each
day. Although there are many recurring cancers through genes and natural behavior, lung cancer is
one of the recurrent cancers that continue to grow; either it has to do with natural behavior or
genetics. Lung cancerbegins to occur when cells in your lungs begin to grow uncontrollably. This
disease is infectious and severe because not only will the canceraffect your lungs which affects your
breathing, but also spread throughout your body and affect other organs as well
As the cancer continues to spread throughout society, many treatments are creating in order to help
the patients during their time in need. Although the most popular and used often ... Show more
content on ...
The lung tissues are connected with the movement and flow of oxygen throughout the blood. In
result of it affecting the lungs and spread through the blood, the cancer can spread to the other
organs as well and affect their normal functions.
Lung cancer is a very common to be diagnosed with and harmful to anyone who is exposed to
many resources around the world: smoking (first hand and second hand) and pollution. Any
resource that is made up of chemicals that are exposed into the air that people breathe, give the
risk of affecting others with lung cancer. However, since smoking is the most popular way to
cause lung cancer, many people are exposed to it from either firsthand or second hand. First hand
smoking is when the person being affected is indirect contact with the source that is giving off the
toxins, while secondhand is when the one being affected is not directly connected to the main
source. Either way the chemicals and toxins that come from harmful resources soon will build up
and affect one s normal body
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College Education Requirements to Become an Airline Pilot...
Piloting is one of the most glamorous, appealing and exciting jobs and only a few pursue it
seriously to make it their career. With a good knowledge, planning and willpower anyone from any
walk of life can make this dream come true.
Many people who are serious about becoming an airline pilot have questions about prerequisites
and majors they should choose and degrees they should get in order to reach their goal. They
wonder if they need an aviation degree or whether they have to attend an aviation college to
become an airline pilot.
Although a college degree is not a requirement to become an airline pilot, it is definitely an added
advantage while applying for jobs with major airlines. Reputed airlines have a preference for those
... Show more content on ...
In order to project yourself as a viable pilot with bigger airlines, you build up your experience to
become an Assisting Flying Instructor or obtain a Certified Flight Instructor Certificate and move
on your way up towards a Commercial Pilot License.
Many colleges with aviation degree programs accept FAA pilot certificates earned through Airline
Training Programs flight training to be utilized as transfer credits.
You may also check out The UniversityAviation Association (UAA) at their website in http:/
/ You may pick a school of your choice from a complete list of colleges listed here. As
a non profit organization it plays a central role in the advancement of degree granting programs in
the field of aviation. There are many other websites for flight schools or flying clubs in your local
area that list colleges offering aviation degree programs.
A 2 year degree or a 4 year college degree especially a Bachelor s of Science in aviation helps you
to understand and complete an aviation education program easily and successfully. Aviation
demands a good knowledge of science and technology and hence majoring in science would be
very helpful for you. A major in science subjects help you to develop your creative and logical
thinking skills. It also helps you to work along with teams in problem solving. Concepts of
Teamwork and problem solving are important skills you would need as an airline pilot.
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The Role Of Erosion And Weathering In The Painted Desert...
Have you ever wondered how landmarks like the The Tepees in the Painted Desert of Arizona
came to be? Erosion and weathering are the main culprits behind the creation of these unique and
beautiful attractions. The mechanical and chemical procedure that modify objects on Earth s
surface over time are called weathering. Erosion is the method of taking weathered material from
one region to another. Weathering is the breaking down of rock, soil, and minerals. Erosion is the
development of being eroded by wind, water, or other natural causes. Weathering is grinding out of
man made or natural landforms. Erosion is the weathering out of surface soil and rock worn way
through natural causes like water and wind for example.
Mechanical weathering is when physical procedures naturally breakdown rocks into reduced
pieces. Chemical weathering changes the materials that are part of a rock into new resources.
Examples of chemical weathering are water, acids, and oxidation. Water is important in chemical
weathering because, most substances dissolve in water and acids are also essential since they
increase the rate of chemical weathering even more. Lastly, oxidation which is when an addition of
oxygen to a material is applied it creates an oxide. Which is a ... Show more content on ...
Environments where sediments are elated and deposited quickly are high energy environments like
ocean shores, or rushing rivers. Eco systems where small particles of sediments are often
deposited in low energy areas. This is found in regions where there are deep lakes or swamps.
Landforms shaped by erosion are tall, jagged structures with grazes in layers of rock and
landforms produced by deposition are flat and low lying. Landforms created by deposition are
alluvial fans, sandbars, moraines, eskers, and deserts. While landforms created by erosion are
mountains, valleys, hoodoos, sea arches, sea caves, plains, sea cliff and
... Get more on ...
Migration In Canada
The composition of Canada s population today is very different than it was many decades ago. In
years prior to World War II Canada s ethnic homegenetity was made up of mostly the British and
French, although Canada was previously inhabited by Natives. However, people began a migration
process that saw increased movement of people from one place to another through the world.
Canada, being one of the classical migration countries began to pull immigrants at one period,
then a push occurred after the world war that saw emigration out of Canada. This was followed by
another period of pull factors that saw an expansion in the makeup of Canada s ethnic population.
According to Beaujot (2003) these push and pull factors are based on immigrant social and life
course choices. The following are some of the ways that migration have influenced the ethnic...
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According to Beaujot, until the 1970s the ethnic population was essentially composed of
European and French Canadian. Castles (2014) notes as the growth of the fur industry
became predominate in Canada there was an increase in settlers, traders and missionaries
emigrating from France and Britain. Reitz (2014) illustrated that about 80% of the of immigrants
prior to 1961 was European the remaining population was non white. However, the periods
following 1961 to 2001 saw a decline in the ethnic makeup as some of the Europeans and
Americans began to immigrate back to their country of origin. The European Canadian population
began to decline, possibly because of the rise in demand of skilled labor in Europe, as well as the
economic success that raised demand for skilled labor for the U.S. In the mid 1900 s Canada
began to experience an increase in out migration mainly to the U.S. and Europe. In response
Canada began to compete for skilled immigrants from all around the
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Columbine High School Essay
COlumbine High School
On the morning of April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold approach Columbine High
School, in Jefferson County, Colorado. Armed with one 10 shot Hi Point model 995 carbine rifle,
one Intratec AB 10 (TEC 9) pistol, two Savage 12 gauge shotguns, and as many as ninety five
explosive devices, Harris and Klebold enter the school near the cafeteria. Upon doing so, they are
met with the words that God commanded unto Moses on Mount Sinai: Thou Shall Not Kill. Harris
and Klebold tremble in fear and shame for what they have come to accomplish. Dropping their
weapons, the boys fall to their knees, bow their heads in penance, and pray to God for forgiveness.
Instead of that scenario the boys fired off an estimated 900 ... Show more content on ...
The logical assumption to make is that having God in school (in the form of the Ten
Commandments) would have prevented Columbine. That is quite a substantial claim, but it only
shows the magnitude of faith that some Christians place in the Word.
In 1999, an attempt to pass a law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in public
schools (not coincidentally attached to a gun control bill) failed for reasons stated by People for
the American Way on their website:
First, posting the Ten Commandments is a solution in search of a non existent problem. Religious
Right rhetoric notwithstanding, religion and prayer have not been banned from public schools; in
fact the First Amendment protects students rights to pray, discuss religious views and read
religious texts in school. Second, posting the Ten Commandments would violate the First
Amendment by requiring schools to favor one religion over another; the Supreme Court ruled so in
What is at stake here is not a student s right to practice religion in school that right is already
guaranteed; rather, the Christian Right wants to be seen as doing something about school violence.
The Ten Commandments as touted by Tom DeLay become a symbol of spirituality, a means to
gauge both the morality of a school population and the pro activeness of the Christian Right in
combating school violence.
Not all in the Christian Right are so naГѓВЇve as to think that the displaying of the Ten
Commandments is a panacea for
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Chapter Summary Of The Restoration Of Rome
Summary of The Restoration of Rome
The book starts in 507 or around that time. The ruler of Italy Theodoric the Goth, writes to the
Eastern Roman emperor Anastasius in Constantinople. Theodric who was one of the three
emperors was the most successful in recreation of the old roman empire. Theodoric the great is in
the first four chapters in the Peter Heather s book. While reading these chapters the reader
understands that despite the fall of the Roman empire Theodoric is still successful and there is much
cultural and education in this time period. For personal reasons Theodoric will have Boethius
imprisoned and killed.
Then Justinian comes, being one of the greatest, if maybe the greatest of the Byzantine emperors.
The author highlights,
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An Essay On Population By Thomas Malthus

  • 1. An Essay On Population By Thomas Malthus 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. An Essay On Population By Thomas Malthus An Essay On Population By Thomas Malthus
  • 2. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by Wordsworth Essay I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by Wordsworth Wordsworth takes readers on a reminiscent journey in I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud reflecting upon visions of nature. The figurative language and diction used elucidate the poet s response to nature. Wordsworth uses each stanza to share his experience in nature through the image of a dance that culminates in the poet s emotional response. Wordsworth opens with reference to himself through simile as a part of the natural landscape, I wandered lonely as a cloud / That floats on high (Wordsworth, Line 1). The diction used in the opening simile puts the reader in the poet s state of mind. A cloud is a lightweight, free flowing image. Cloud paired with the action floats , lets the ... Show more content on ... Wordsworth continues to relay his experience in nature as he expounds upon the affiliation between the daffodils and another natural element. Applying simile, the poet connects the flowers to the stars, Continuous as the stars that shine / And twinkle on the milky way (7 8). A mental picture of infinite flowers is created, while shine and twinkle produce an image of light. Wordsworth uses the light imagery to link the two aspects of nature; the luminous stars of the night and golden daffodils of the day. The link shows the reader the connection the poet sees in different facets of nature. The second stanza continues the description of the dance Ten thousand saw I at a glance, / Tossing their heads in sprightly dance (12). The image created is of large numbers of flowers moving in unison and expresses the harmony the poet finds in nature. The usage of sprightly makes another reference to light, but in the sense of movement and weight as cloud and floats were utilized in the first stanza. Diction in the second stanza provides the reader with a multi dimensional prospective of Wordsworth s imagery by giving the images action, feeling and weight. Personifying another facet of nature, Wordsworth partners the daffodils in their dance, The waves beside them danced, but they / Outdid the sparkling waves in glee (13 14). The lines also work to strengthen ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Intergrated Communication in the Business World Essay I. Integrated Communication Background Communication is the essence of all human interaction, relationships and learning. Creating and maintaining strong and constructive relationships with all stakeholders is after all the main scope of organization s communications. On this view, effective communications are vital for organizations to grow, evolve and stand out among the competitors. The new era of digital communications, the globalized economy and empowered scrutinized stakeholders have challenged the traditional communications practices. As a reaction to adapt to this new environment and changed conditions, it is not very uncommon that managers and consultants advice organizations to embrace the ideal of integrated communications. ... Show more content on ... The news spread quickly in the local media and social networks causing worry and suspicion among the community on whether the news was true and accurate. Faced with the lack of an official statement from the Government, while several international media emphasized that the agreement was already established, environmentalists, citizens, groups of interest (Alliance Against Import of Waste, Active Youth) started a chain of protests pressuring the Government to re think its decision and reject the U.S request. In addition, they accused the Government for lack of transparency after some local media published that the discussions between respective governments for such matter had started since September. On 15th of November, the deadline set by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons for Albanian s official decision, the PM was forced by thousands of protestors to change its decision and reject the request. But what led the Government to prevent legitimate stakeholders to the right of having a transparent process for an issue that would affect them and their future? If we go back in time by a month, one of the first decisions of the new ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Outline For The Catcher In The Rye At the beginning of the story, Holden is introduced as an apathetic person. He has failed four out of five of his classes and has received a notice that he is being expelled at Pencey Prep school in Agerstown, Pennsylvania. Holden was scheduled to return home on a Wednesday, so he decided to go and visit Mr. Spencer, his history teacher, to say his goodbye. Mr. Spencer advises Holden to find direction in his life, which got Holden annoyed and dismissed everything Mr.Spencer has said. Holden returns to his dormitory, where he finds his neighbor, Robert Ackley and Ward Stradlater, a arrogant and self centered slob. Stradlater then asks Holden to write an English paper for him, while he prepares for his date with Jane Gallagher, a girl whom Holden has a crush on and used to date. When Stradlater returns, Holden asks Stradlater if he tried any sexual act with Jane. Stradlater tease Holden by indicating that he might have had sex with her, which result Holden becoming angry and punching Stradlater. That night Holden decide to leave Pencey and return to New York, where he would stay in a hotel instead of going home. When Holden arrives at the Edmont Hotel, Holden sees a transvestite and a couple who spits drinks onto each other s faces and started to laugh like crazy. He interprets the couple s behavior as a ... Show more content on ... He soon admits to Phoebe that he was kicked out of school, which makes her super angry. He tried to explain why he hates school, she accuses him of not liking anything. Holden claims that he likes the nuns, Allie, his little brother who died a few years ago, and Elkton who committed suicide. He continues to tell her about his dream to become the catcher in the rye , where he would catch children as they fall off the cliff. Phoebe tells Holden that he had misremembered the poem, the poem says if a body meet a body, comin through the rye , not catch a ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Track Memorandum[pic] To:Kathleen Hicks CC:Human Resources Date: 1/26/12 Re: Training Materials: Internal Revenue Agents This is in reply to your request for information about internal revenue agents. The material will help inform new employees about the demands and job requirements of an IRS agent. The information will be separated into several categories; necessary qualities, prior experience, and daily duties. Mrs. Angela Overstreet, IRS agent, happily helped our team gather information regarding the daily demands of her job. Necessary Qualities Internal revenue agents not only need the basic skills required to perform auditing, but agents also need important qualities such as integrity and commitment. A ... Show more content on ... Documents will include complex amount of numbers with different meanings, and agents must be able to identify problems through auditing. Tax Law Books IRS agents must have prior experience with the various tax laws. However, a tax book will be used extensively due to the vast amount of laws. Books will also be used to support claims of fraudulent behavior. Tax Returns The various amounts of tax returns, such as Form 706 and Form W 2, are used to determine income tax. Returns will be compared with financial records to determine if the law is being followed. Financial Records Agents are given access to corporation s financial records in order to determine if the law is being followed. Annotated Bibliography Bls (2012). Retrieved from website: The United States Department of Labor developed an occupational outlook handbook
  • 6. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Tourette Syndrome Research Papers Tourette syndrome is a disorder that affects people worldwide, no matter what age, ethnic group, or race. It is a disorder characterized by uncontrollable, repetitive motor or vocal actions called tics. Though not much is known about how TS is passed on, how it can be prevented, or the causes, there is still research being conducted on how TS can be treated and about TS itself. Not much is known about how TS is passed on over generations or the causes. Yet that does not stop scientists from forming guesses. Scientists once believed that it was an autosomal dominant disorder. Though this has been dismissed as false, there are other ideas of where this disorder comes from. One hypothesis says that TS comes from a mutation on the SLITRK1 gene because this has been found in few people with TS. But this is not proven to be the sole cause of TS. That of which is not known. Tourette syndrome is known for the tics that come with it. If a person has tics, that does ... Show more content on ... Medicine such as Neuroleptics, Risperidone, and Fluphenazine have all shown progress in lessening the occurrence of tics. Therapy has also shown promising results in those diagnosed with TS. Therapies such as Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Comprehensive behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) have both shown great progress in decreasing the occurrence and complexity of the tics. The outlook for Tourette s syndrome is hopeful. High quality research is being conducted by medical professionals and support groups such as Tourette s Association of America. This is a group that teaches people about Tourette s and provides support for those diagnosed and their family members. It provides information on Tourette s syndrome and shows the complications that those with the disorder and their family members have to go through. Tourette s syndrome is a complex disorder that affects those with the disorder and those around ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Boarding School Seasons Chapter Summaries Boarding School Seasons by Brenda J. Child offers a look into the boarding school experiences of many American Indian students. Child favors unpublished sources such as letters to give an uncensored inside look into boarding school experiences. However, she also includes other sources such as school newspapers, oral history collections, photographs, biographies, United States government publications, and annual reports. Government boarding schools were created to help the American government gain more control over Indians and to push the Natives to adopt the white ways of life such as language, skill, and education. While integration was the ultimate objective, Child sets out to show that even with the challenges of cultural assimilation and a devastating land policy, American Indian people, even children, placed limits on assimilation and also defined and shaped the boarding schoolera. (viii) The boarding schools designed to tear American Indian families apart did not succeed in isolating children from their tribes, but created bonds and... Show more content on ... The schools were overcrowded, students were malnourished, and the federal government neglected to provide Native children with even the most basic necessities in the schools where they resided. (32) This chapter also discussed the assimilation process. Government schools taught students to be ashamed of their names, their tribal languages, and even family surnames derived from tribal language. (29) The next chapters speak of the homesickness many students felt because of the assimilation policies keeping children from returning home on breaks and of the diseases that spread rapidly throughout the schools such as tuberculosis and trachoma. Through the use of letters between students and parents, Child paints a portrait of the emotional hardships families faced from being separated with little ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Ocean Optics Lab Report An Ocean Optics 2000 and four cuvettes, containing .1M solutions of the following: Ni(NOв‚ѓ)в‚‚ , Co(NOв‚ѓ)в‚‚ , K2CrO4 , and Cu(NO3)2 , were gathered. Each sample was placed in the OceanOptics, and the colors that were absorbed were recorded, and the colors that were transmitted were recorded. Also, the maximum absorbance and maximum transmittance (%), recognizable as the peaks of the absorbance and transmission graphs, respectively, were determined, and the corresponding wavelengths were recorded. A solution of .1M Cu(NO3)2 was provided. Using distilled water and a graduated cylinder, the original solution was diluted to .05M, .025M, .015M, and .01M. Through the equation M1V1=M2V2 , the quantity of distilled water to be added was determined. 3mL ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Goodwood Medical Velashape Treatment VelaShape is a revolutionary device that is approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment to reduce the circumference of and reduce the appearance of cellulite in numerous areas. Areas Frequently Treated with VelaShape in Baton Rouge Areas that are frequently treated using the revolutionary VelaShape device include: Saddle Bags Hips Upper Arms Buttocks Parts of the Thighs A VelaShape Treatment Uses Three Sources, Simultaneously VelaShape utilizes three sources at one time to reduce the appearance of cellulite and decrease an area s circumference. At The Oaks at Goodwood Medical Spa in Baton Rouge, all three sources are utilized simultaneously during a single VelaShape treatment. These sources are... Show more content on ... During a VelaShape treatment, as the vacuum pulls the skin up and the rollers kneed the area, the breakdown of fat is hastened. The end result is smoother skin and smaller circumference in the areas treated with VelaShape. The number and frequency of treatments a client needs is determined during his or her initial consultation. The cost of a VelaShape treatment is relatively inexpensive, at The Oaks at Goodwood Medical Spa in Baton Rouge, the cost for a VelaShape treatment depends on the number and extent of the areas receiving treatment. Reasons People in Baton Rouge Choose to Have VelaShape Treatments VelaShape treatments are ideal for individuals in Baton Rouge who want to improve their appearance prior to the hot days of summer, a special occasion or a vacation. What to Expect During a VelaShape Procedure in Baton Rouge This procedure is a completely pain free, a VelaShape treatment is actually a relaxing, warm and comfortable experience at The Oaks at Goodwood Medical Sap in Baton Rouge. In fact, the majority of our clients doze off during their VelaShape procedure: According to clients, a VelaShape treatment feels like a warm ... Get more on ...
  • 11. My Superman And Batman It all started when I was 2 I loved to watch Superman and Batman. I wanted to be just like superman and batman. Since I was 2 I was just walking and climbing. I climbed up on my table with batman in my left hand and batman in my right. I had a red cape on and I was ready to fly. I jumped off the table and landed on a hard wooden floor. My grandma was supposed to be watching me but she wasn t. I jumped off broke my arm and cut open my head. I don t remember any of the pain or how I felt. I had a cast for 2 years and I don t even remember having the cast until I was like four. I had a purple and a blue cast. My grandma felt so bad for me I was in the hospital for two days. I don t remember when I broke it or anything. When I was in 4th grade, and I was at my daycare after school in Lime Springs. I was playing catch with myself, and I threw it over my head. I turned around and ran into a fire hydrant. I broke my nose it bled a lot, and I broke my cheekbone and broke my nose almost in half. If I had gone into the hospital right away I could have had surgery right away. But we waited, I could barely see for 3 4 days, because my eyes were almost swollen shut. We had an xray done part of the bone collapsed into my right side of my nostril. It hurt a lot the doctor said You can have surgery now, or wait until you re sixteen. then he said if we did it now there would be a chance for my nose to stop growing so it would be small when I got older. So I decided to wait until i m ... Get more on ...
  • 12. A Tourist Only Sees That Which The Tourist Chooses To See. A tourist only sees that which the tourist chooses to see. The place the traveler is visiting, such as Antigua in A Small Place, is simply a commodity; something that is purchased to enjoy for a short time. Yet, there are others there who see the same things, the same beauty, in a drastically different light than those who are there visiting by choice. These natives know that the outsiders see them as part of the package of Antigua, simply locals , when in truth they are prisoners of the island they inhabit (Thaden). Even though both the American visitors to this tropical nation and the natives of the island of Antigua are descendants of those who were at one time under British rule, the difference in both the timing and consequences of... Show more content on ... When the tourist arrives at the Antiguan airport, they notice the beauty of the island, the lush vegetation, the bright sunshine and the lack of rain. They arrive in what they see as an earthly paradise, move quickly through customs, and into a taxi. It is in that taxi that the traveler may realize their driver is perhaps a bit reckless, and the road they are traveling on is rather dilapidated. However, thinking below the surface level about why there would be a driver who can not drive, or terrible roads, or a school that looks more like a rest stop would cause the tourist to ruin their lovely, worry free vacation (LuburiД‡ CvijanoviД‡). When the Antiguan arrives back to their home country, they are usually not returning home from a vacation of their own, but because there was a need for cheap clothing and food for their relatives which could not be found in their own country. This Antiguan must have their bags searched before walking back onto their drought laden soil (Kincaid 4,5). What the Antiguan citizen realizes that the American tourist does not is that the Antiguan government considers the nation of Antigua, the land, and the natural beauty of the country to be a commodity, or a product. The government sells large pieces of land to investors who in turn build enormous condominiums for the vacationers. The food that the tourist thinks is local, is in fact a product like all others, caught locally, shipped to Miami to be processed and then back to Antigua at a ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Employee HIPAA Rights HIPAA, which is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 give Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee members rights to protected personal health information (PHI). The way HIPAA works is that it creates national standards to protect a person s medical records as well as their personal health information ( professionals/privacy/). Members are given more control over their health information and holds violators accountable with civil and criminal penalties that can be imposed if the member s rights are violated. When employees are hired into Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, they are required to sign a confidentiality agreement adhering to the HIPAA laws making them accountable if any violations... Show more content on ... Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee follows these procedures because they are federally mandated and required because their main source of business is with those who have coverage through BCBST under one or more of the following types of plans; health, dental, vision, and prescription drug insurers, health maintenance organizations ( HMOs ), Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare+ Choice and Medicare supplement, and these all involve personal health information that is to be protected ( professionals/privacy/laws regulations/). Consequences for violating the HIPAA laws are based on the level of negligence and can range from $100 to $50,000 per violation with a maximum penalty of $1.5 million per year for violations of an identical provision and can also result in jail time and the fines and the charges are broken down into two major classes: reasonable cause and willful neglect (https:/ / is the penalty for a hipaa violation.html). Reasonable cause includes fines but does not consist of jail time where willful neglect can result in not just fines but also criminal charges. If Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee and/or their employees disregard the company s codes of conducts, they can face more fines than they already have for past violations that could cause the company ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Advantages And Benefits Of Linux пЃ¶Problem Statement Do you think that in today s era Linux as a operating system has taken a lead in IT Industry elaborate and compare with windows operating system. Linux Linux is a UNIX base operating system. Its original creator was a Finnish student name Linus Torvalds , although being open source it has change a great deal since its original conception. It belongs to nobody, and is free to download and use. Any changes to it are open for all to adopt, and as a result it has developed into a very powerful OS that is rapidly gaining in popularity worldwide, particularly among those seeking an alternative to Windows. LINUX History The History of Linux began in 1991 with the commencement of a personal project by a Finnish student, Linus Torvalds, to ... Show more content on ... 2004Lindows changes it s name to Linspire April 14, 2004. 2004The first release of Ubuntu is released October 20, 2004. Advantages and Benefits of Linux Affordable If you re basing your decision on price, then Linux is right for you. There is no comparing Windows to Linux when it comes to money; we all know that Windows is expensive, while Linux can be obtained free, a huge cost saving in anyone s book. All you have to do is go to the webpage and click where it says click here and you have Linux ready to go. Security Another known fact about Linux is their security is much stronger than other operating systems; you don t need home security systems for your computer when you use the Linux system, and you can browse the net without any serious concerns. Versatility The biggest plus for me when it comes to Linux is the ability for me to change what I want and how I want it especially on my desktop, the versatility is easy and amazing and I m not forced to go with the design given to me. It s similar to when you are shopping around for remodeling estimates, but you know exactly what you want and don t need someone deciding for ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Personal Health Records Essay Introduction Increased public demand to access health information and growth of consumerism in health care industry are two important reasons form increasing attention to Personal Health Records (PHRs) in the recent years. Surveys show that a considerable number of people want to have access to their health information. In one survey, 60 percent of respondents wanted physicians to provide online access to medical records and test results, and online appointment scheduling; 1 in 4 said they would pay more for the service. Moreover, increasing costs of healthcare delivery and emerging trends toward patient empowerment and patient centered care in order to achieve higher quality healthcare, needs patients to play a more active role in their ... Show more content on ... For this reason, some experts think that the term Personal Health Record is not descriptive enough and can limit innovation and usage of these systems. Personal Health Record Systems (PHRS) and Personal Health Platforms (PHP) have been suggested as more appropriate terms. Types of PHRs From an architectural point of view, PHRs can be divided into four different types. Stand alone PHR: This is the simplest form of a PHR that does not connect with any other system. The data is usually entered manually by the patient. This type of PHR can be in the form of USB devices, CDs, smart cards, desktop applications, or even web based applications that can be accessed through the internet. Although this model of PHR gives patient complete control over data and seems more secure as it has no connection to other systems, it lacks the reliability and usefulness and is not considered a preferred model. Stand alone PHRs can only be considered computerized versions of paper based health records the some people keep. Provider tethered PHRs: In this model, PHR is developed and maintained by a healthcare provider, insurer, or employer. The type of health information that is stored in these PHRs is affected by the nature of the provider business. For instance, in PHRs that are offered by insurers, the content is mostly administrative and billing in nature. In the case of healthcare providers, PHR would be a customized view of ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Epidemic Of Obesity And The United States Kole Dugger Mrs. Wiest English 132 6 February 2014 The Epidemic of Obesity In the beginning, it was just a few grains of sand. Now, those grains have seemed to triple in amount. The 1960 s were great, as many might recall. New rock bands from other countries were jamming out making number one hits on the billboards. Times were actually changing in more than just that one way though. Hiding behind the curtains, an epidemic, was about to break out. Unlike many epidemics, this one only pertained to the United States. The United States of America is very unique in many ways compared to most other countries of the world. Ranging from activities and the way they live, to the way its government is ran and how different the means of education ... Show more content on ... It was designed for quick service, yet having great food to eat. That right there, will come back years later to haunt Americans. With a small menu of only 9 items, there was one food item that stuck out like a sore thumb when it came to the sales charts. That item would be the delicious fifteen cent hamburger. By 1958, McDonalds sold 100 million hamburgers. Over the years, they opened many more restaurants. Not only were they selling, they were expanding. Business was booming, so they had no choice rather than to expand their services. In the very next year, they had opened their 100th McDonalds restaurant. All this was in just four years, if time could tell how quickly things change, lets skip ahead another three years. The year 1962 truly marked an era of how Americans are today. Lazy and arrogant! A Denver, Colorado McDonalds introduced indoor seating for their McDonalds restaurant. This seems like everyday dining for most of everybody reading this. With just one food chain opening up, surely it could not be the only cause of obesity rates in the United States. Please remember, McDonalds is not the only fast food chain around. They inspired others along with their success. Burger King, Checkers, Hardees, Wendys and Sub Way are just a few example of fast food chains that have began to dominate the food industry. Americans live in a wonderland of food, and they take advantage of it! With many varieties of fast food chains ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Gender Identity Disorder, Identity, And The Basis For A... Transsexuality has been variously constructed throughout the latter part of the twentieth century as a psychiatric disorder, identity category, and the basis for a political movement. Throughout history transsexualism was discursively constituted through each of these frameworks of reference, in which different psycho medical assertions were employed to conceptualize trans identities. Today transsexuality, also known as genderidentity disorder (GID), represents a term that is medically used to categorize and diagnose individuals who show a strong and persistent cross gender identification and discomfort with their anatomical sex. For example, an individual that believes that his and or her assigned sex at birth conflicts with their psychological gender, and is likewise preoccupied with getting rid of their sex characteristics is an individual who suffers from GID. In response to the medicalization of transsexualism, much of society s current legal and social understanding of trans persons has become rooted in the ongoing medico scientific discourse. Moreover, modern day transsexualism has been historically and socio medically constructed through the growing demand for self expression and transformation, which correspondingly challenges the sex and gender regime of the West. The term transsexual first appeared in the scientific literature work of Magnus Hirschfled in 1923. He is considered one of the most noted men to have greatly contributed to the medical advancement of ... Get more on ...
  • 18. An Inquiry into the Dilemma of the Turkish Language Essay Turkish is one of the youngest and rapidly developing languages; furthermore approximately 80 million people speak Turkish as a mother language in the world. 1928 was a very crucial year for the development of the Modern Turkish language because Latin alphabet adopted instead of Arabic script and after this transition numerous events sequentially shape the Turkish language. On the other hand, the use of contemporary the Turkish language triggers some concerns. Although the Turkish language has been searching ways out for sophisticated dilemmas since 1920 s, it confronts historical, political, cultural issues and risk of losing originality, degeneration of quality and misuse in the media; as a result of this process the Turkish language is... Show more content on ... The following political policies led to marginalize official minorities such as Greeks, Armenians and Jews. They spoke different languages in the community and this situation conflicted with nationalist policies of government. AhД±ska and Yenal note VatandaЕ џ TГјrkГ§e KonuЕџ (Citizen Talk Turkish) campaign, posed a threat to minority groups and their native languages by attempting to marginalize them within the community. (47) This analysis and these strict prohibitions show us the intensive political pressure on the minority groups. Another vital point is the Turkish government did not recognize even the Kurdish, Arabic, Circassian tongues because of the mainstream nationalist discourse persecuted to the community. Until the liberalization period, those kinds of pressures and attrition policies densely influenced the Turkish language s evolution. In 1980 s, Turgut Г–zal introduced imported goods as a consequence Turkish people became familiar with foreign terms and brands. As the article stated foreign brands entered common usage, Turkish products were also outfitted with brand names borrowing foreign word. (AhД±ska and Yenal 47) In the end, the Turkish language has accomplished the political interventions era. When we consider last 20 years, we are encountering with degeneration of the language. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. In the study of micro-biology, there are several kinds of... In the study of micro biology, there are several kinds of pathogens that can be observed in the human body. They individually can pose a risk ranging from totally harmless, to life threatening, depending on the pathogen. There are types of bacteria, virus, and even fungus that can cause a wide range of problems for the human body. But there is one type of pathogen that is just as elusive as it is dangerous a pathogen that is rarely discovered in the human body, yet when it is, doctors are at a loss as to what can be done to stop it. It is called a Prion. A prion is a protein with a three dimensional shape, as opposed to standard proteins. When a prion comes into contact with another protein, that protein transforms into another prion. ... Show more content on ... However, there is also an opposing theory that suggests that the disease is caused by a virus, and that the prion is merely a byproduct of the viral activity. When the disease is present within a cow, it causes the brain to become riddled with holes that go all the way through the brain. Symptoms manifest in strange behaviors, such as pathological nervousness and increased aggression. The disease itself made headlines when it an epidemic hit Europe in the 1980s. The outbreak of BSE, or mad cow disease , was amplified by the practice of feeding cows the meat products of their own species. If a mad cow s brain matter was in the feeding cow s food, that cow could contract the disease. The event became a widespread health hazard after a link between BSE and Creutzfeldt Jakob disease was established, indicating that humans could also contract the disease by ingesting the brain matter of cows. The epidemic was dealt with by changing the feeding practices the European meat industry used to feed their cows. Creutzfeldt Jakob disease is the variant of spongiform encephalopathy that infects humans. It can be contracted from eating the contaminated brain matter of cows. Contraction of the disease is specific to the brain matter consuming only muscle tissue from a steak poses no risk of contamination. The disease targets the brain, and the patient will suffer ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Compare And Contrast New Year Holidays New Year holidays is the time for the beautiful and kind fairy tale. The New Year celebration consists with happiness, hope, love and comfort. This night is for relatives meetings to spend together in a cosy place. New Year Day is one of the main holidays of the year. There are different traditions, festive events and of course tasty food. Usually you can see a Christmas Tree at home. It s a fur tree putting before Christmas time and decorating with balls, toys, lights, nuts, etc. I have chosen to compare the celebrations of New Yearbetween Uzbekistan and Great Britain. New Year is celebrated around the world, but differently, because every country has its own traditions and the styles for celebrating holidays. In Uzbekistan people ... Show more content on ... English men and also women like to drink alcohol drinks very much. If a English women drinks it is not shame for her. The religion is also does not against to that event. In Uzbekistan friends and relatives visit to each other. They congratulate on the holiday and bring some presents to the children of that house. They have dinner together. Sometimes they bring some bread to host s house. It is the tradition of Uzbek people. In UK also people visit each other. They will bring a bottle of beer; it is also the tradition of English people. Furthermore, they will bring some coal to wish warmth to the family: they will bring some bread to wish satiety to the family. The events are also the traditions of English culture. In our country, people wait the New Year at home, watching TV. When the clock strikes the President of Uzbekistan congratulates on New Year. Everybody is happy and wish good things. In UK people many people hold parties at home or go out to pubs or night clubs. These parties often continue into the early hours of the morning. Just before midnight, many people turn on a television to show pictures of one of the four clocks on the Clock Tower on the Palace of Westminster, or Houses of Parliament, in ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Teaching And Learning Plan On Testicular Cancer For Second... Evaluating our teaching and learning plan on Testicular cancer for second year nursing students enable us to reflect on the whether the teaching and learning tools were effective in reaching the goals we laid out in our teaching plan and rational. Using a summative evaluation we were able to determine the effectiveness of our plan and learners experience (Worrall, P.S., 2014). This approach enabled us to determine whether we as teachers facilitated a stimulating and effective educational session that enabled learners to be at their peak learningcapacity in an environment that fostered learning through the use of visuals, auditory and interactive tools to deliver salient information about testicular cancerto which the students are... Show more content on ... To support increased learning in our allotted thirty minutes time frame, we included some videos pre class to help to establish a concept of our topic and, emailed our powerpoint in which they could take their own notes during class. We used repetition with discretion to provide a platform for which our Powerpoint presentation could build up their understanding (Fitzgerald, K., Keyes, K. (2014). We feel this minimized the same information being repeated in a manner in what Fitzgerald Keyes (2014) desctive effective learning tools by reviewing key points to deepen the learner s understanding. Challenges that we experienced while facilitating our teaching plan were: Nervous at the start of our presentation, pronunciation of a few pathology terms, intermittent reduce volume from presenter and disengagement from the class during the implementation of our activity in which we had the class participate in a testicular self examination. We feel the disengagement occurred because we didn t explain activity prior to doing it. Time efficiency played a role in our decision to pass out the activity props while Sarah explained the rationale for the activity. We feel that providing the students with props distracted their attention from what Sarah was explaining. This could also be a effect of what Richards (2014) describes are Locus of control where motivation from within the learner is influence by external forces in which ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Drug Discovery And Development Of New Medicine Describe and discuss recent developments in drug discovery. As our society is evolving so is diseases many drugs that were previously effective to cure certain diseases are simply not as effective any more or on the other hand there isn t sufficient medicine to battle the current new health problems that are arising with our evolving society for example obesity and a range of cardiovascular diseases. In addition many of the medicine available today either only treats the symptom or cures the disease with the addition of unwanted side effects. Hence, this is why drug discovery and development is vital. It is through drug discovery and development that new medicine is found. Currently a lot of effort is going into Binuclear metallohydrolases as a target in drug development. This is due to the fact this enzyme group has the potential to find solutions to health problems such as erectile dysfunctions, osteoporosis, cardiovascular dieses and also even become the seed in possible eradication of some antibiotic resistance. The main enzymes in the binuclear metallohydrolases group that are most vital us are purple acid phosphatases, metallo ОІ lactamases and arginases. The homologous feature in all these enzymes is the existence of two very nearly touching metal ions that hold the ability to attract water molecules that will then act as a nucleophile in a very particular hydrolytic reaction the importance of this is that it means that binuclear acids will have a powerful ionic ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Poor Decision Making In Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet Didn t Elvis say it best when ever he said, Wise men say only fools rush into love . This idea is expressed throughout the world because so many mistakes are made whenever people rush into love. It seems as though love has a powerful hold on people and they just can t help what they do once they are in love. It is as if they are almost blind to everything else around them, and also blind to the consequences that might come from their choices that they make. Teenagers seem to be more at risk for such frivolous love due to the fact they have lived such ephemeral lives. Since teen brains are not fully developed it can lead to fickle or poor decision making, and sometimes leads to making choices that result in teen pregnancy. Poor decision... Show more content on ... Teen pregnancy is is very tough because many teens are not mentally ready to be a parents. According to, Most teenage girls [do not] plan to get pregnant, but many do. (teen pregnancy 1) In the case of Romeo and Juliet, there would be many dissents and problems because Juliet is only thirteen and Romeo and Juliet s parents hate each other. Teen love is not only not mentally auspicious, but is also physically harmful because there is many health risks. Also on it says, Teen pregnancies carry extra health risks to both the mother and the baby. (teen pregnancy 1) These risks can hurt both the baby and the mother. If Romeo and Juliet s love were to continued it probably would have lead to teen pregnancy. This is so because Juliet s nurse once told her to throw away her virginity. (Act 1. Scene 3.) Teen pregnancy is a reason teen love causes rigor and is ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Background Going Into The 1970 S Background going into the 1970 s Starting in the 1960 s under the Johnson administration, the United States created two economic burdens based off the Vietnam War and President Johnson s Great Society. President Johnson s spending on the Vietnam War and the Great Society had boosted economic growth to 4.9%, and inflation to an alarming 4.7%. Going into the next presidency in 1968, during the start of the Nixon administration, President Nixon made a number of questionable decisions that led to the mass inflation crisis of the 1970 s. Stagflation got its name during the 1973 1975 recession. There were six quarters of shrinking Gross Domestic Product (GDP), while inflation tripled in 1973, rising from 3.4% to 9.6%. It remained between ... Show more content on ... This is because under wage controls workers could no longer get raises, giving them less money to buy goods and services, which as a result decreases demand. Businesses couldn t lower prices to boost demand. Neither could they raise prices, even though the cost of their imported materials rose due to inflation and import taxes. Since they couldn t lower wages, they reduced hiring and therefore demand. Wage price controls created a recession in November of 1973. Nixon eliminated them in April 1974, but the damage took its toll. There were three consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth: 1974 Q3 3.8% ( 3.8%), Q4 1.6% ( 1.6%), 1975 Q1 4.7%( 4.7%). Unemployment reached a peak of 9% in May 1975, two months after the recession technically ended. (Source: Read Up on the History of US Recessions. News Issues. N.p., n.d. Web) Changing off the Gold Standard Nixon raised the price of gold during his presidency. This angered nations all who had signed the Bretton Woods Agreement (see Definition page) after World War II. As the world s reserve currency, the US dollar had an additional problem. As global trade grew, so too did the demand for U.S. dollar reserves. For a time, the demand for US dollars was satisfied by an increasing ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Importance Of Community Newspaper Website Managers While anonymity, moderation, and the combination of allowing anonymity and moderating comments did not result in additional interaction, there remain some elements to discuss. Community newspaper website managers seem to place much more emphasis on moderation and have a negative attitude toward anonymous comments, a finding that is not surprising based on prior research (Nielsen, 2013). Therefore, this negative attitude toward anonymous commenting could influence who chooses to commentand who does not, even on sites that might allow anonymity. Previous research has indicated that some people will not comment without anonymity (Ingram, 2011; Reader, 2012b; Trytko, 2015; Yun Park, 2011). Even if the sites allow anonymity, the negative... Show more content on ... Small towns might reduce people s willingness to comment even if anonymity is technologically possible because some might believe their attitudes are easily identifiable (Tanis Postmes, 2007). The more people interact the more information about themselves they provide even when anonymous (Joinson, 2001; Tanis Postmes, 2007). While anonymity does make people feel more comfortable in commenting (Meyer Speakman, 2016), people can at times identify others through their ideas or language even without a name (Joinson, 2001; Tanis Postmes, 2007). Anonymity may be an idea that finds support in numbers, and small communities simply might not possess the necessary populations for people to feel able to hide in the background regardless of if they the comment might occur in a community of place, virtual community or hybrid community. However, it is also important to remember that regardless of website design or other factors, there exists only a small percentage of readers willing to comment online (Chung Nah, 2009; Larsson, 2011). This study supports the idea that there is no simple formula that community media websites can use to create engagement and gain participation from the public. Moderating comments, allowing anonymity, or the use of Facebook to post each have minor influences on the willingness of people to comment on news stories within community newspaper websites. While ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Clyne s Revision of Grice s Maxims Essay Grice s Maxims have been criticised for being too Anglo centric. Michael Clyne proposes revisions to the four maxims in his 1994 book Intercultural Communication at Work. Do Clyne s revisions of this model go far enough in universally accounting for intercultural conversation? Why or why not? Grice s General Cooperative Principle has been under continuous debate for the past three decades. It is mainly through the maxims that Grice s paradigm has been challenged as highly ethnocentric, however such readings may tend to take the maxims too literally rather than as reference points for language interchange (Allan as cited in Clyne, 1994, p. 11). There is some agreement in this, but as suggested by Mey (1994, p. 74), the principle and... Show more content on ... In such cases, there is a clash between Grice s maxims and the pragmatic rules of conversation, which are culturally sensitive. For example, when being offered a drink, a typical Chinese person would automatically say no the first time, while expecting the offer to be made at least two or three times more. This resembles a kind of phatic language communication; saying no, but not really meaning no. In this sort of situation, if someone doesn t adhere to the cultural norm choosing to follow Grice s maxims instead, then they would sound odd and out of place. The above example demonstrates that Grice s maxims aren t relevant in all contexts as they clash with certain cultural values systems. Many linguists (Clyne, 1994; Hymes, 1986; Loveday, 1983; Walsh, 2009) have picked up on this discrepancy between theory and data, claiming that the maxims are only relevant to the English speaking Western world. In particular, Clyne (1994) has pointed out that they have limited relevance to cultures where content and knowledge are core values. For example, speakers of Malagasy, whose form of co operation seems to consist in making their contributions as opaque, convoluted and non perspicuous as possible (Keenan as cited in Mey, 1994, p. 74) could be seen as flouting the Maxim of Quantity. This is because information, especially new information gives the holder a certain amount of prestige, thus Malagasy people tend to ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Laura Motes And Animal Welfare Laura Motes Tells Us the Ways Anyone Can Help Promote Animal Welfare According to former police officer and animal lover Laura Motes, there are many simple ways that everyday people can assist with animal welfare and rescue issues. She knows that you don t have to give a ton of money to a shelter to make a difference. The little things add up to make a big impact. Most of Laura s tips involve community involvement and education, like scheduling a local animal rescue speaker to meet with and talk to your local church or business group. She has also found that by placing a small donation cup on her desk or in the break room of her office, she receives small donations that add up quickly. She then takes that money to the local rescue leagues in... Show more content on ... The 4 Items You Need to Trail Run with Laura Motes Laura Motes will happily run on any surface and in any environment, but trail running is one of her favorites. This sport, which involves running through wilderness trails, is beautifully simple. It does not take much planning or equipment, and many people find trail running to be the most enjoyable form of running. According to Motes, there are certain considerations that need to be acknowledged when preparing for a trail running trip. As the runner will be moving over natural trails and different terrains, they will not need the same gear or equipment as a person running on a track or on the roadways. Shoes are a very crucial item for any runner, especially a trail runner. Laura says that you should wear a pair of true trail shoes. These provide a thicker sole than standard running shoes, which is ideal for uneven ground and sharp rocks. Clothing is relatively universal between trail running and road running. The only point Laura likes to make is that you are likely to get dirtier when loping through the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Airport Security and the Transportation Security... Abstract Through the history of aviation the importance of airport security has steadily increased. Since the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, many changes have taken place at airports to prevent such an attack from occurring again. The purpose of this paper is to: outline airport security procedures, discuss the different technologies involved with airport security, as well as examine the components of airport security. In addition I will also discuss the Transportation Security Administration s role in our nation s airport security. Airport Security Airport Security is a necessity of Life both in America and through out the world. Without airport security our airports would not be able to function and terrorist attacks ... Show more content on ... The TSA was tasked with the tremendous challenge of building a large federal agency responsible for securing all modes of transportation. Funding for the TSA is accomplished by a $2.50 charge per flight segment not to exceed $10.00 round trip, per customer. The mission as described by the TSA website ( is as follows, The Transportation Security Administration protects the Nation s transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce. The vision of the TSA is, The Transportation Security Administration will continuously set the standard for excellence in transportation security through its people, processes and technologies. The TSA also states that its values are to have excellence in public service through: integrity, innovation, and teamwork. As with any government organization the TSA has taken much criticism on its security practices. However, one must keep in mind that this administration is still in the beginning stages, and much is still to be learned from the mistakes that have been made thus far. The TSA employees a work force of over 50 thousand federal passenger and baggage screeners at 429 commercial service airports. Out of those 429 airports five have been chosen to be part of a pilot program. In this program the five commercial service airports that were chosen can hire their own passenger and baggage screeners, after a ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Norwalk Community College Student Analysis I strongly believe that every failure is a learning experience that should be taken as a lesson to grow from. I previously attended a 4 year university that became too much for me; attending school full time, working 35 hours per week while trying to figure out what it is that I really wanted out of this university experience. I ended up failing most of my classes, putting my health at risk drowned by the tremendous amount of stress and just wanted to completely give up. Looking for a fresh start I decided to leave my university, and attend Norwalk Community College. Though this decision created self doubt in the beginning, it soon came to my realization that it was the best decision I ever made. Immersed in an environment full of positive people, I was able to grow from the experience. Although at the time it felt like a step back I didn t want this to stop me, I wanted to continue to discover what it is that I really feel is the right career path for me. After taking a marketing class the first semester and doing a term long project for the school, I was inspired to look into the field of marketing. The thrill of having a client and being able to help them out from small mom and pop shops to large companies, marketing will grant me the ability to communicate, and connect with people from varying... Show more content on ... Taking advantage of my situation I joined the Business Club and even entered an Idea Pitch Contest where my group received first place. Being able to be part of these student activities while working part time and improving my grades allowed me to develop better time management skills and learn how to be a better ... Get more on ...
  • 30. How Did Turkey Geopolitics Influence Its Foreign Policy... 2.2How did Turkey s geopolitics influence its foreign policy and foreign relation? The direction of Turkey s foreign policy has shaped by many factors and geopolitics defiantly played an important part in it. Turkey s foreign policies during the cold war are the product of westernization and the democratic reforms of the 1930s. Thus, the Cold War s atmosphere had forced Turkey to make a choice between the East and the West (CITATION). Since the reform Turkey s foreign policy was mostly western oriented therefore Turkey decide to side by the west and became a member of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1952. However, NATO s reaction over the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cyprus conflict, made Turkey questioned the accountability of its American allies far across the ocean. Therefore, Turkey stated to improve foreign relations and build economic and political ties with the Eastern bloc and neighboring Islamic countries. This was not an axis shift in Turkish foreign policy, but a multidimensional policy with a more proactive, practical and cooperative approach(citation). Turkey has benefited significantly from trade and integration with the European Union, thus EU membership is crucial for Turkey s future development and... Show more content on ... Even though both country are majority Muslim, one of the major conflict of interest lies between the Sunni Shia divide. The other major difference is political culture. Iran is an example of modern theocracy, where its laws are compatible with the Islamic shiria law; while Turkey is secular, where religion were reduced to a moral code without legal obligation. Iran is an Islamic republic, where the religious leader has the ultimate authority and decision making power; on the other hand Turkey is a republican parliamentary democracy. There are similarities between Iran and Turkey such as both countries has strategic location dominated major trade ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Capacit Capacity The process analytics simulation that we started in class was an interesting and practical demonstration and actual application of process flow analysis. The first problem which we performed in small groups within the class, was laid out very simply as a set of sequential processes, each with individual characteristics, that are ordered in pre determined process that when complete, produces one production unit. The initial concepts demonstrated were those of cycle time, throughput, capacity, utilization and bottleneck. Cycle time reflects the average time it takes for units to complete the process once the process gets running. (Leonard, 2007, p. 10). Generally the cycle time will be determined by the longest process in a sequential flow. Throughput is the amount of time it takes to complete the first unit.... Show more content on ... (Leonard, 2007, p. 11) Utilization is the mathematical calculation of process throughput over process capacity with the average of the individual process utilization rates being the overall utilization rate. (Leonard, 2007, p. 18) . The utilization rate was the hardest for the group to grasp until they effectively understood that the bottleneck, the process that limits the overall capacity of the system being measured (Leonard, 2007, p. 18), is always the process that is running at 100% utilization, and all other processes utilization is calculated on the basis of this bottleneck process. The remainder of problem 1 in the simulation was emphasizing the importance identifying the bottleneck and calculating the effects of changing the process when you change the bottleneck and when you change other factors. If you affect the bottleneck than you effect process. If the bottleneck remains unchanged than the overall efficiency of the process does not ... Get more on ...
  • 32. What Are The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Home Depot Strengths Strong brand reputation: Home Depot operates in nearly 2,250 locations in the United States and is recognized as the leading home improvement retailer. The exceptional recognition of the firm has contributed to rising sales and growth (Bhasin, 2018). The brand is recognized for quality products, affordable prices, and technology assisted service delivery. Productivity; Home Depot employs modern supply chain systems that integrate processes and enhances production. With proper technology and nearly 320,000 skilled employees, the firmmaximizes its resources and floor space to increase output and revenue (Bhasin, 2018). Furthermore, Home Depot has partnered with various suppliers to ensure stable access to products and improved customer satisfaction. Product diversification; in a standard Home Depot store, a customer... Show more content on ... The foreign markets have significant opportunities for the growing civilizational and economy, which favor the demand for modern home improvement products. Therefore, Home Depot should also consider global expansion to spread their quality products and generate more sales and revenue. E commerce; Home Depot can overcome the rising competition from the online firms through expanding in e commerce. When the firm goes online, more customers will access its products and services, and the websites will enable brand promotion. By 2014, Home Depot reported 1.2 billion visits to its websites but most of the visitors were not turned into customers (Dalavagas, 2015). The rise of immigrants; the rise of Hispanics in the United States is a national issue but an opportunity for businesses. By 2017, the total purchasing power of immigrant populations was nearly $1.7 trillion (Hawkins, 2015). However, with the steady rise in immigrant population, Home Depot can implement various strategies for capturing their ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Rhythm And Blues Research Paper In 1946, the American entertainment industry grew at a substantially rapid rate. The cause of this was the Post World War II economic expansion. The Postwar era was filled with many different genres, and talented artists. It is argued to be one the most multifaceted, and dynamic eras in the history of American popular music. In the midst of the complexity, two women emerged into the genre of Rhythm and Blues. Ruth Brown, also known as Miss Rhythm, was one of the biggest stars in the postwar era. She started at a young age, singing in two sectors of black church tradition. She sang in the AME (African Methodist) and Baptist denominations. I attended a fundraiser at the Redeemer Fellowship church in Kansas City and listened as the choir sang their gospels. The song Mama, He Treats Your Daughter Mean, was Ruth Brown s biggest hit and it does not sound similar to any of the gospels sang in the church.... Show more content on ... Her parents did not approve of this. When she was a teenager, she would lie to her mother and her father, telling them that she was going to choir rehearsal while she would actually go off to perform for the military at USO shows. At only 17, she finally left home to join Jimmy Brown s band. She later married him, only to find out he had previously been married to another woman. However, since her last name had been commonly known as brown, she decided it was best to stick with it. At this point, Brown was unwelcome at her family home. She struggled to find work living in Detroit and eventually being stranded in Washington D.C. She then was offered regular employment at Crystal Cavern s nightclub. One night, radio host Willis Conover heard Brown talent. He later signed her to Atlantic Records, where she would later make her debut performance at Apollo Theater in New ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Greek Influence On Modern Day Heroes Ancient heroes are important to our understanding of modern heroes because they helped shape our heroes today. This can be seen because Cesar Chavez also completed hero tasks that were done in ancient times. This can also be seen because our modern day heroes reflect back to the ancient ones for a example. The ancient heroes help show what modern days herowould be like. If our ancient heroes helped shape our modern day heroes than it is possible that our modern day heroes will affect the heroes that have yet to come. Heroes stand up for what they believe in. Achillesdid not fight for Agamemnon at first because he felt as though Briseis shouldn t have been taken from him.He stood up to Agamemnon and told him that if he took Briseis from him ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Comparing Catherine II and Elizabeth I The above quote applies very well to both Catherine II and Elizabeth I. Neither lady sought the power of their lands; they were given it in a unusual circumstance. They then display great leadership and do great things for each country. Catherine II, Empress of Russia, was born in Germany in 1729, but with the name of Sophia. She was the daughter of Prince Christian August and Princess Johanna Elizabeth. Since she was a princess, she was home schooled. She became very smart and free spirited. Nancy Whitelaw, the author of Catherine the Great spoke on Sophia s childhood and noted, Sophia loved to be in charge, and though some of her playmates said she was bossy, there was no doubt she was a natural leader (Whitelaw 15 16). When she was around the age of fifteen, she met Prince Karl Peter Ulrich of Russia. Ulrich s mother, Czarina of Russia, was trying to find a wife for her son. She knew her son was not fit for the throne, and the country would be devastated with him at the head. Whoever Ulrich married would earn the right to rule Russia (Whitelaw 18). After some consideration and suggestions, she decided that Sophia was the right girl for Ulrich. Even though her father did not like the fact that she would have to convert from Lutheran to Orthodox, he gave consent. She moved back to Russia with Ulrich, converted to Orthodox, and changed her name to Catherine. Catherine now had to give birth to a son as the heir to the throne, but it was going to be hard due to Ulrich s ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Barbarianism In The Road By Cormac Mccarthy In all cultures, there are people struggling for survival. Some are starving, some are living in sheer poverty, some are thrown into slavery and some just cannot get their footing; but in all of these situations there seems to be a common theme that presents itself over and over again. Many of these people become so desperate to live they will give up their morals and give in to whatever they can to get by. Occasionally, there is one person stronger than the rest, one able to hold onto their morals, one that would rather die than give in to immorality. However, given certain circumstances; even these people turn to pure barbarianism in order to survive. The Pulitzer Award Winning novel, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, details the numerous... Show more content on ... While on the road, in a few flashback sequences, the fate of the boy s mother is revealed. Among the flashbacks, there was a conversation between the man and his wife after the boy has been born. The man entreats his wife not to commit suicide. She wishes to die by her own hand however, in order to escape what she believes is her inevitable rape and her family s inevitable murder. She wishes that their pistol had three bullets, not only two, so that she could spare her entire family from their gruesome fate. Throughout the conversation, the man continues to beg her to reconsider her decision or at least wait until the morning to say goodbye to their son. After her death, the man and the boy pack up their camp, and the boy only says, She s gone, isn t she? (McCarthy 50). This sequence of events reveals the mother s very dark nature because instead of being there for her son, like a devoted parent, she chooses to leave this world out of pure fear of the post apocalyptic event. She even goes so far as to question the existence of her husband and newborn; yet she does not even do a small good deed as to tell her son goodbye. Instead, she chooses to burden her husband to be the sole proprietor for their son; thus revealing her animalistic nature. In addition, in preparation for the catastrophe, the dark nature of the boy s father is also evident through his decision to buy a gun in anticipation of the worst possible scenario. Contrary to popular belief, he does ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Father Son Relationships In The Story Chariot Of The Sun... vPhaeton and Helios are the main characters in the story Chariot Of The Sun God. Phaeton wants to prove to everyone that he is Helios, god of the sun, son. Also making his dad proud in progress. The relationships between Helios and Phaeton is difficult but is relates to a lot of family Phaeton and Heliosboth relate to a father son relationship. Through it all, both characters learn a lot, and they symbolize a father son relationship. In many situations when a son/daughter wants to drive, they want to prove many things. In this story, Phaeton wants to show everyone that he is worthy to be Helios s son. Also, he wants his father to be proud of him. Phaeton s plan was to do what Helios does early each morning, drive his chariot across the sky. By doing this task he thinks he will achieve his goal of having his father be proud of him. Even though Helios was already proud of Phaeton, Phaeton didn t need to prove his father anything. In a real life situation, a son/daughter wants to do anything to make their parent proud. They would even go to the ends of the Earth to prove that they are worthy (what Phaeton literally did) , but the truth is that their parents always love them. The son/daughter doesn t need to prove anything to have their parent s proudness because they love them no matter what they do.... Show more content on ... Then, that son/daughter disobeys their parents. When Phaeton had his plan set into his mind he goes to his father to ask for something. He asked to do his job for the day which was to drive Helios chariot across the sky early in the morning. After Helios didn t permit him to ride his chariot he gives him a few tips and warnings, but Phaeton didn t listen very careful because he was too excited. Then, Phaeton had an unfortunate accident. All son/daughters never follow their parent s directions, tips, and advice, but parents tell you so you can be safe because they love ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Atomic Bomb Essay The Atomic Bomb was the deadliest weapons in the history of war. Throughout World War II one of the most stubborn countries to surrender was Japan who relentlessly fought against the United States of America. After failing to defeat America, Japan was overwhelmed by allied forces. Staying with tradition however, Japan would rather die in battle than to surrender. The Soviet Union also fought against America but that was towards the end of the war. The United States dropped both of the Atomic Bombs in order to intimidate the Soviet Union and to make Japan to surrender unconditionally. At the end of World War II America dropped the Atomic Bomb in order to intimidate the Soviet Union. Mr. Byrnes s ... view [was] that our possessing and ... Show more content on ... To be captured was a disgrace and extremely frowned upon in Japan. America gave Japan fair warning about an explosive device and if they did not declare a surrender, America would use it against them. Unfortunately they do not heed warning. On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939 45), an American B 29 bomber dropped the world s first deployed Atomic Bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion wiped out 90 percent of the city and immediately killed 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure ( America kept its word and the first bomb struck Hiroshima. Many casualties were taken in Japan and it severely hurt Japan s spirit and the nation s physical abilities. Japan however did not stop fighting until a second Atomic Bomb was dropped in Japan. Three days later, on August 9, a plutonium implosion type (Fat Man) bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Within the first two to four months following the bombings, the acute effects of the Atomic Bombings had killed 90,000 146,000 people in Hiroshima and 39,000 80,000 in Nagasaki; roughly half of the deaths in each city occurred on the first day. During the following months, large numbers died from the effect of burns, radiation sickness, and other injuries, compounded by illness and malnutrition. In both cities, most of the dead were ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Tech Environment Technological Environment Gregory Hamlin BUSN 310. Business Theory Professor Rachel Nagel American Military University March 31st, 2012 TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT The company I am continuing to work with is US Airways Group. There is plenty of hard and soft technology to list for the domestic environment. Some of the hard technology used in the domestic environment is aircraft, security system, and safety gear. Some soft technology used in the domestic environment is management, government regulations that govern the procedures of the company, and training for employees. The hard technology I listed above is the obvious technology the air line company utilizes yet there is more hard technology being used. The soft ... Show more content on ... I honest believe this is the only remedy for providing up to date technology, the company has to make it a priority to provide the same technology to the global environment. The customs can be corrected by provided a print out of what is allowed and what is not allowed to be brought into or out of a country a passenger is traveling through. The information is available online but some older passengers aren t as savvy with technology so they may not receive the same information. With this tactic there is not any excuse for not knowing what is expected when going through customs. The strategies I stated above will be successful, only if they are applied. Without application the strategy will be a failure. Within the domestic environment the security system can be significantly improved and decrease the risk for terrorist attacks greatly. This technology needs to be protected by requiring a security clearance for all employees who work for the company. This way you have a thorough back ground check on everyone who works for US Airways Group and the risk for inside information getting out to enemies of the United States is low. Within the global environment technology needs to be advanced. The company can protect this technology by only providing the technology to its global counterparts and not the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Informative Essay On Concussions In Women s Lacrosse 2015 was the year that sparked numerous amounts of concussions that had occurred in women s lacrosse. ( USA Today) After this, Florida Lacrosse decided to make helmets mandatory for women. ( Bill Pennington) The results show the game injury rate was twice the rate for practice (7.5 versus 3.3 injuries per 1,000 athlete exposures) (Snyder). A recent study found that the majority of head injuries in high school girl s lacrosseresulted from stick to head contact during aggressive. Girls playing lacrosse should definitely be required to wear helmets and better protective equipment. Women s lacrosse in high school concussions are at number two right above men s lacrosse (New York Times). According to New York Times, headgear has also been effective in reducing head trauma caused by stick to head or ball to head contact. The number of deep bone bruises is significant do to the lack of shin guards, arm guards, chest protection, and hand protection. There are several ways to prevent concussions in lacrosse. Florida became first state to require headgear for girls in 2015. The Reduction of equipment will decrease the amount of injures. Stricter rules on sticks will also decrease the amount of injuries, especially ones that can damage your head severely. Being proactive in conditioning and wearing the right... Show more content on ... Lacrosse again. Other protective equipment should be established permanently, along with helmets. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive degenerative disease found in people who have had a severe blow or repeated blows to the head. In 1 Corinthians 6:20, it says, For you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. This means we should always take care of our bodies. Treating them right and keeping ourselves healthy by making the right decisions. By wearing additional equipment in lacrosse, our bodies can stay healthy and protected during the course of the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Analysis Of The Poem Proclamation Of Baghdad Essay Towards the beginning of Emma Sky s memoirs of her time working as a representative and advisor to the United States government in Iraq, she writes of one day in 2003 when the people of the city of Kirkuk, where she was stationed, whispered frantic rumors of a Jihadi infiltration of the city. To allay those fears, Colonel William Mayville, Commander of the U.S. Army s 173rd Airborne Brigade in Kirkuk, prepared a media statement for the city. The speech was entitled to the People of Kirkuk Province. What its generic name would not betray, Sky notes, is that the speech was a carbon copy of one given nearly one hundred years before, entitled Proclamation of Baghdad, issued to the inhabitants of Baghdad by Lieutenant General Stanley Maude after the British military occupation of the city. The Unraveling is rife with references to the history of 20th century military interventions like this one. The irony of such a feature of Sky s book is that while she understands the Iraq Warin its proper historical context a military intervention preceded by tens just like it throughout the 20th century, with real lessons to be learned from them the United States government, which organized the war effort, crucially did not. This ignorance was revealed in the way the United States fought the Iraq War, a classic example of an insurgency requiring a counterinsurgency, until 2007: by completely contravening basic principles of successful counterinsurgencies codified by 20th military ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Navy Seal Case Study The only easy day was yesterday What does it take to be the Seal who changed history? Mark Owen former Navy Seal, Member of Seal Team Six says that deployments are very long and hurtful towards family relations. Deployments of ten through twelve months are very common for someone of his former job from being on DEVGRU (Special Teams). Several of Owens teammates have come back from leave suffering from very tragic divorces. For some reason every Seal that Owens had worked with in his time in DEVGRU had always enjoyed coming back from leave and getting back to their jobs which they would be deployed for months to a year at a time. Saying, No to the Navy is not an option, saying, No to your family is. Training to be a Seal in not an easy... Show more content on ... The United States did everything they could to prepare for this mission. The Helicopters built for the mission cost over 70 million dollars to build. The helicopters had to be able to go under enemy radar and be very silent when they when into the area near his compound. The military had chosen the best of the best soldiers for this mission and that was the Navy Seal team known as Seal Team Six. The mission to kill Osama Bin Laden was planned to be a raid into his compound which had been observed for weeks. The people watched the compound for weeks had to figure out who everyone military aged male was in the compound. Once they figured who everyone was they watched their daily activities giving nicknames to everyone they saw. The Navy Seals had built an almost replica of the compound for Seal Team Six to train in. The Seals practiced over and over again until the mission had been a go. The seals knew everything about the compound when the mission was finally ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Chelation Therapy For Lung Cancer As generations of diseases and cures continue to be created, the increase of cancer multiply each day. Although there are many recurring cancers through genes and natural behavior, lung cancer is one of the recurrent cancers that continue to grow; either it has to do with natural behavior or genetics. Lung cancerbegins to occur when cells in your lungs begin to grow uncontrollably. This disease is infectious and severe because not only will the canceraffect your lungs which affects your breathing, but also spread throughout your body and affect other organs as well As the cancer continues to spread throughout society, many treatments are creating in order to help the patients during their time in need. Although the most popular and used often ... Show more content on ... The lung tissues are connected with the movement and flow of oxygen throughout the blood. In result of it affecting the lungs and spread through the blood, the cancer can spread to the other organs as well and affect their normal functions. Lung cancer is a very common to be diagnosed with and harmful to anyone who is exposed to many resources around the world: smoking (first hand and second hand) and pollution. Any resource that is made up of chemicals that are exposed into the air that people breathe, give the risk of affecting others with lung cancer. However, since smoking is the most popular way to cause lung cancer, many people are exposed to it from either firsthand or second hand. First hand smoking is when the person being affected is indirect contact with the source that is giving off the toxins, while secondhand is when the one being affected is not directly connected to the main source. Either way the chemicals and toxins that come from harmful resources soon will build up and affect one s normal body ... Get more on ...
  • 44. College Education Requirements to Become an Airline Pilot... Piloting is one of the most glamorous, appealing and exciting jobs and only a few pursue it seriously to make it their career. With a good knowledge, planning and willpower anyone from any walk of life can make this dream come true. Many people who are serious about becoming an airline pilot have questions about prerequisites and majors they should choose and degrees they should get in order to reach their goal. They wonder if they need an aviation degree or whether they have to attend an aviation college to become an airline pilot. Although a college degree is not a requirement to become an airline pilot, it is definitely an added advantage while applying for jobs with major airlines. Reputed airlines have a preference for those ... Show more content on ... In order to project yourself as a viable pilot with bigger airlines, you build up your experience to become an Assisting Flying Instructor or obtain a Certified Flight Instructor Certificate and move on your way up towards a Commercial Pilot License. Many colleges with aviation degree programs accept FAA pilot certificates earned through Airline Training Programs flight training to be utilized as transfer credits. You may also check out The UniversityAviation Association (UAA) at their website in http:/ / You may pick a school of your choice from a complete list of colleges listed here. As a non profit organization it plays a central role in the advancement of degree granting programs in the field of aviation. There are many other websites for flight schools or flying clubs in your local area that list colleges offering aviation degree programs. A 2 year degree or a 4 year college degree especially a Bachelor s of Science in aviation helps you to understand and complete an aviation education program easily and successfully. Aviation demands a good knowledge of science and technology and hence majoring in science would be very helpful for you. A major in science subjects help you to develop your creative and logical thinking skills. It also helps you to work along with teams in problem solving. Concepts of Teamwork and problem solving are important skills you would need as an airline pilot. ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Role Of Erosion And Weathering In The Painted Desert... Have you ever wondered how landmarks like the The Tepees in the Painted Desert of Arizona came to be? Erosion and weathering are the main culprits behind the creation of these unique and beautiful attractions. The mechanical and chemical procedure that modify objects on Earth s surface over time are called weathering. Erosion is the method of taking weathered material from one region to another. Weathering is the breaking down of rock, soil, and minerals. Erosion is the development of being eroded by wind, water, or other natural causes. Weathering is grinding out of man made or natural landforms. Erosion is the weathering out of surface soil and rock worn way through natural causes like water and wind for example. Mechanical weathering is when physical procedures naturally breakdown rocks into reduced pieces. Chemical weathering changes the materials that are part of a rock into new resources. Examples of chemical weathering are water, acids, and oxidation. Water is important in chemical weathering because, most substances dissolve in water and acids are also essential since they increase the rate of chemical weathering even more. Lastly, oxidation which is when an addition of oxygen to a material is applied it creates an oxide. Which is a ... Show more content on ... Environments where sediments are elated and deposited quickly are high energy environments like ocean shores, or rushing rivers. Eco systems where small particles of sediments are often deposited in low energy areas. This is found in regions where there are deep lakes or swamps. Landforms shaped by erosion are tall, jagged structures with grazes in layers of rock and landforms produced by deposition are flat and low lying. Landforms created by deposition are alluvial fans, sandbars, moraines, eskers, and deserts. While landforms created by erosion are mountains, valleys, hoodoos, sea arches, sea caves, plains, sea cliff and ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Migration In Canada The composition of Canada s population today is very different than it was many decades ago. In years prior to World War II Canada s ethnic homegenetity was made up of mostly the British and French, although Canada was previously inhabited by Natives. However, people began a migration process that saw increased movement of people from one place to another through the world. Canada, being one of the classical migration countries began to pull immigrants at one period, then a push occurred after the world war that saw emigration out of Canada. This was followed by another period of pull factors that saw an expansion in the makeup of Canada s ethnic population. According to Beaujot (2003) these push and pull factors are based on immigrant social and life course choices. The following are some of the ways that migration have influenced the ethnic... Show more content on ... According to Beaujot, until the 1970s the ethnic population was essentially composed of European and French Canadian. Castles (2014) notes as the growth of the fur industry became predominate in Canada there was an increase in settlers, traders and missionaries emigrating from France and Britain. Reitz (2014) illustrated that about 80% of the of immigrants prior to 1961 was European the remaining population was non white. However, the periods following 1961 to 2001 saw a decline in the ethnic makeup as some of the Europeans and Americans began to immigrate back to their country of origin. The European Canadian population began to decline, possibly because of the rise in demand of skilled labor in Europe, as well as the economic success that raised demand for skilled labor for the U.S. In the mid 1900 s Canada began to experience an increase in out migration mainly to the U.S. and Europe. In response Canada began to compete for skilled immigrants from all around the ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Columbine High School Essay COlumbine High School On the morning of April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold approach Columbine High School, in Jefferson County, Colorado. Armed with one 10 shot Hi Point model 995 carbine rifle, one Intratec AB 10 (TEC 9) pistol, two Savage 12 gauge shotguns, and as many as ninety five explosive devices, Harris and Klebold enter the school near the cafeteria. Upon doing so, they are met with the words that God commanded unto Moses on Mount Sinai: Thou Shall Not Kill. Harris and Klebold tremble in fear and shame for what they have come to accomplish. Dropping their weapons, the boys fall to their knees, bow their heads in penance, and pray to God for forgiveness. Instead of that scenario the boys fired off an estimated 900 ... Show more content on ... The logical assumption to make is that having God in school (in the form of the Ten Commandments) would have prevented Columbine. That is quite a substantial claim, but it only shows the magnitude of faith that some Christians place in the Word. In 1999, an attempt to pass a law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in public schools (not coincidentally attached to a gun control bill) failed for reasons stated by People for the American Way on their website: First, posting the Ten Commandments is a solution in search of a non existent problem. Religious Right rhetoric notwithstanding, religion and prayer have not been banned from public schools; in fact the First Amendment protects students rights to pray, discuss religious views and read religious texts in school. Second, posting the Ten Commandments would violate the First Amendment by requiring schools to favor one religion over another; the Supreme Court ruled so in 1980. What is at stake here is not a student s right to practice religion in school that right is already guaranteed; rather, the Christian Right wants to be seen as doing something about school violence. The Ten Commandments as touted by Tom DeLay become a symbol of spirituality, a means to gauge both the morality of a school population and the pro activeness of the Christian Right in combating school violence. Not all in the Christian Right are so naГѓВЇve as to think that the displaying of the Ten Commandments is a panacea for ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Chapter Summary Of The Restoration Of Rome Summary of The Restoration of Rome The book starts in 507 or around that time. The ruler of Italy Theodoric the Goth, writes to the Eastern Roman emperor Anastasius in Constantinople. Theodric who was one of the three emperors was the most successful in recreation of the old roman empire. Theodoric the great is in the first four chapters in the Peter Heather s book. While reading these chapters the reader understands that despite the fall of the Roman empire Theodoric is still successful and there is much cultural and education in this time period. For personal reasons Theodoric will have Boethius imprisoned and killed. Then Justinian comes, being one of the greatest, if maybe the greatest of the Byzantine emperors. The author highlights, ... Get more on ...