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Alcohol Essays
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Alcohol Essays" can be a challenging task, as it requires a
delicate balance between providing factual information, addressing societal concerns, and
navigating the potentially sensitive nature of the subject. The difficulty lies not only in presenting
statistical data and scientific research on the effects of alcohol but also in exploring the broader
implications it has on individuals and communities.
One must carefully tread the line between promoting awareness about the dangers of excessive
alcohol consumption and avoiding a preachy tone. It necessitates a nuanced approach,
considering the multifaceted aspects of the topic, such as the cultural, social, and economic
dimensions of alcohol use. The writer should be prepared to delve into the historical context,
examining how attitudes toward alcohol have evolved over time and how they differ across
various cultures.
Moreover, addressing the psychological and physiological effects of alcohol requires a thorough
understanding of medical and psychological literature. This demands extensive research to
accurately portray the impact of alcohol on the human body and mind. Analyzing the regulatory
frameworks and public policies surrounding alcohol consumption adds another layer of
complexity to the essay, requiring a comprehensive examination of legal and ethical aspects.
The task becomes even more challenging when attempting to strike a balance between
highlighting the potential harms of alcohol abuse and recognizing the cultural significance of
alcohol in different societies. It's essential to approach the topic with sensitivity, considering that
alcohol is deeply ingrained in many cultures and plays a role in various social rituals and
In conclusion, writing an essay on the subject of "Alcohol Essays" demands not only a keen
understanding of scientific and sociological aspects but also a thoughtful and considerate
approach to avoid oversimplification or sounding judgmental. It requires the writer to navigate a
complex landscape of information, balancing facts, and fostering awareness while
acknowledging the cultural and social contexts that surround alcohol consumption.
If you find the task too challenging or time-consuming, it's worth noting that assistance is
available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on, where experienced
writers can provide support in tackling various essay topics, ensuring a well-researched and
carefully crafted piece tailored to your needs.
Alcohol Essays Alcohol Essays
5 Operating Principles Of Abrasive Jet Machining Principles
Chapter: 1 Introduction 1.1 Abrasive Jet Machining Principle 1.2 Equipment 1.3
Variables in Abrasive Jet Machining 1.4 working 1.5 Operating characteristics 1.6
Advantage and Limitations 1.7 Application
1.1Abrasive jet machining principle:
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM) is the removal of material from a work piece by the
application of a high speed stream of abrasive particles carried in gas medium
from a nozzle. The AJM process is different from conventional sand blasting by the
way that the abrasive is much finer and the process parameters and cutting action
are both carefully regulated. The process is used chiefly to cut intricate shapes in
hard and brittle materials which are sensitive to heat and have a tendency to chip
easily. The process is also used for drilling, de burring and cleaning operations. AJM
is fundamentally free from chatter and vibration problems due to absence of
physical tool. The cutting action is cool because the carrier gas itself serves as a
coolant and takes away the heat.
Abrasive jet machining also known as micro abrasive blasting, is a mechanical
energy based ... Show more content on ...
The main components being the compressor, air filter regulator, mixing chamber,
nozzle and its holder, work holding devices and X Y table. Air from the atmosphere
is compressed by the compressor and is delivered to the mixing chamber via the
filter and regulator. The mixing chamber contains the abrasive powders and is
made to vibrate by an electric motor arrangement. Then the abrasive particles are
passed into a connecting hose leading to the nozzle. This abrasive and gas mixture
emerges from the orifice of nozzle at high velocity. The feed rate of abrasive air is
controlled by the amplitude of vibration of the mixing chamber. A pressureregulator
installed in the system controls the gas flow and
The New American Standard Bible
Scripture quoted in this paper is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB), as
it appears in the Comparative Study Bible, for the purpose of compliance with
Bacone College s Christian Ministry Degree program.
The Lord s Supper
14 В¶ When the hour had come, He reclined at the table, and the apostles with Him.
15 And He said to them, I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before
I suffer;
16 for I say to you, I shall never again eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.
17 And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He said, Take this and share it
among yourselves;
18 for I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine from now on until the
kingdom of God comes.
19 And when He had taken some bread ... Show more content on ...
Another translation problem is the mention of the cup twice. As explained in the
NIV Archaeological Study Bible, The cup refers either to the first of the four cups
shared during the regular observance of the Passover meal or to the third cup. Stein
explains the four cups in a Passover meal and suggests that [i]t may have been the
third of these cups that Jesus used in the Last Supper while referencing Luke 22:20.
Although these are explanations, they do not necessarily prove or disprove Jesus
eating at a Passover meal.
A third translation problem is the word bread . The word bread in this verse comes
from the Greek word artos , meaning bread (as raised) or a loaf , which is not an
unleavened bread. The obvious translation problem is the conflict between the Feast
of Unleavened Bread and eating bread that is raised. Although many Christians in
this modern age might find great inspiration in connecting the Risen Christ with
raised bread, the meaning of the word only adds to the translation dilemma. The
counter argument to raised bread being a symbol of the Risen Savior is found in the
instructions given to Moses, which state, the blood of God s sacrifice must not be
mixed with leaven bread. That could apply literally to the Passover meal and
figuratively to Christ as the bread.
Fourth, was the Last Supper the Passover meal, a
The Honorable Marcus Brutus In The Tragedy Of Julius
Being honorable means to be loyal, respectful, truthful, and being about the
general good. An honorable man helps people in any way they can and are
dependable. In the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Marcus Brutus is an
honorable man. He had a kind heart and was loyal to doing what s right. Brutus
was well respected by the people of Rome and always thought of his city before
making decisions. Brutus main reason for killing Caesar was for the safety of
Rome and the people. For example, in III.ii.21 24 Brutus says, Not that i loved
Caesar less, but that i loved Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living, and die
all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men? Brutus killed Caesar to
protect the people and would rather
Behaviorism Theory And Social Cognitive Theory
Learning perspective also known as behavioral perspective is a theory that is
apprehensive with how a person s behavior changes because of their environment
and experiences. The learning perspective has two theories; behaviorism and social
cognitive learning theory. Furthermore, behaviorists do not invoke the mind to
explain behavior; they prefer to stick to what they can observe and measure directly:
acts and events that happen in the environment (Carole Wade, 2008). In this essay the
following attributes that will be discussed are; the two types of theories and their sub
theories, two current uses in Business Science, what is the learning effectiveness of
those learning approaches, and lastly this essay will be concluded by discussing
alternative uses of the learning approaches in the major business science. Behaviorism
is referred to as a psychological approach which emphasizes scientific and objective
methods of investigation (McLeod, 2016). In the behaviorism theory, we have two
sub theories which are; classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical
conditioning is a learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired;
a response that is at first produced by the second stimulus is eventually produced by
the first stimulus alone. Furthermore, operant conditioning is changing of behavior
by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response (McLeod,
2016). Reinforcements can be both positive and negative. The second theory
Kpmg Future Plan
It has been such an exciting and growth filled 15 years for me academically,
professionally and personally. I am currently the Chief Financial Officer at KPMG
in San Diego. I was recently promoted to this position and I couldn t be more
excited for what my future at KPMG has in store for me. I have also recently been
given the opportunity to lead a project with the goal of designing a new financial
future plan for KPMG s financial services. This project has presented great success
and I have enjoyed working with my fellow colleagues. Outside of work, I have
been living my dream in San Diego. My husband and I have recently bought our
first home and adopted a new dog from San Diego s animal shelter, an English
Springer Spaniel named Tucker.
How to Live a Healthy Life
Be healthy In order to be healthy the main thing is to exercise, drink water, cut
down the junk food and have less stress. All of these increases your immune system
also you re less likely to get a serious illness, your fitness will be higher determine
on how fit you are, you will also have more strength isn t this every man and
women dream to be fit? In this leaflet it will explain to you what and how you
should become fit. Exercise: The main aspect of getting healthy is going to the
gym, doing a small jog or maybe just go swimming and playing some sports you
should exercise at least 2 a day just for starting off and if you want to go towards
the next level go gym try building stronger muscles. Exercising increases your
metabolism which can increase how fast you lose your weight and gaining
muscles. However the survival key is drinking water while you re excising its
important you don t become hydrated, water is always essential for everyday life
by replenishing your thirst and think about it water is healthier than coffee, cola
and anything related drinking water eases our mind away from the other caffeine
related products. Water also helps your skin and also your kidneys so at the same
time you re helping your body rather than destroying it and when you re trying to be
healthy you must at all times treat your body like a temple. Diet: vitamins are
essential for your body as they re practically helpful for your immune system and also
bolstering your metabolism rate, it s
Pure Evil In Gibran s On Good And Evil
In the world today, there have been many tragic occurrences that can be considered
as pure evil. One example is the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. On
Wednesday February 14th, 2018 Nikolas Cruz was charged with seventeen counts of
premeditated murder. Cruz, a former student of Stoneman Douglas, shot and killed
seventeen and wounded countless others without any provocation or reason. Even
with hindsight, one cannot come up with any conceivable reason or rationale for his
action. Most of these students have probably never met him in person, let alone
caused him any harm or slight. As a result, William Golding would state that Nikolas
Cruz is an innately evilperson. He killed simply for the sake of killing. Conversely,
Gibran, who is... Show more content on ...
In the poem, On Good and Evil, Gibran argues that goodness lives within each
person. Throughout the poem, Gibran presents several different examples, such as
You are good in countless ways, (Gibran 26) and You are good when you strive to
give of yourself. (Gibran 10). In both of these examples, he was taking the readers
to a personal level, to draw his point across that goodness resides within everyone.
He seemed to argue that evil was a byproduct of circumstances; it was always
created by other factors; it was never always there as opposed to good. In one of
the first lines of the poems Gibran says, For what is evil but good tortured by its
own hunger and thirst? Verily when good is hungry it seeks food even in dark
caves, and when it thirsts it drinks even of dead waters. (Gibran 3 4). He
manipulates personification, when good is hungry it seeks food even in dark
caves to represent the idea that evil was formed when good changed by external
forces or by necessity. For these reasons, he also made it clear that we, the readers,
have to work to maintain our inherent goodness. In other words, good will
eventually turn into evil if we don t pay attention to our environment or to allow
injustice to flourish around us. For instance, in the last line of the poem, Gibran
ends the poem with For the truly good ask not the naked, Where is your garment?
nor the houseless, What has befallen your house? (Gibran 37 38 ). By ending his
poem with an analogy, Gibran is trying to leave a strong impression on us by
questioning if we the readers are good people. He bluntly states, for truly good
people ask not, Where is your garment? essentially saying that good people don t ask
questions, but rather act on
The Factors Of Life Decisions And Bad Eating Habits
The Factors Of Life Throughout this activity I have learned that the life decisions
and bad eating habits that you make do not only affect your health, but trickle
down and become hereditary health problems for people in your family. In which
some hereditary health problems can be controlled and some are uncontrollable. It
was also very relevant that weight and your work place have a huge factor to play
with your longevity of your life. If you don t work out and maintain a healthy
lifestyle it takes tremendous years off your life. This is due to movement being
life and constantly staying active to insure the healthiest state of your body so that
it may thrive. Being sedentary without a lot of movement is more common today
in people who work at desk jobs. The effects of sitting most of the day seem to be
that more people are obese, than someone who s always on their feet moving
around. I ve also noticed that women also have a longer life expectancy than man
do which was very surprising. This was surprising because I thought that men and
women s longevity was around the same, based on their environment and lifestyle.
Though in every category I reviewed their projected longevity was 3 or more years.
Throughout this paper I will be talking about some of the leading factors and trends
that effect and advance the longevity of life from this activity. Some factors of
hereditary history that can affect your longevity can be things like diabetes, which are
very prominent in
Civil War In Arkansas Essay
Civil War in Arkansas
The Battle of Prairie Grove was on 1862, northwestern Arkansas and southwestern
Missouri. The Union when a force called for General James G.Blunt holds off a
force of Confederates under General Thomas Hindman. Hindman joined in force at
Fort Smith, Arkansas, to make an attempt to recapture territory lost during the Pea
Ridge campaign of early 1862. When Hindman sent an advance detachment of
cavalry under John Marmaduke in a minor engagement at Cane Hill. After Cane Hill,
Hindman marched his 11,000 man army across the Boston Mountains and
Approached Blunt s 5,000 Troops. Hindman prepared to attack, but it was surprised
by the approach of Union reinforcements from Missouri. Union General Francis
Herron had marched 7,000 ... Show more content on ...
The two armies lost about 2,700 soldiers who were wounded, killed, or missing in
action. The battle was a tactical draw, but a strategic Union victory as the Federals
would maintain control of Missouri and northwest Arkansas for the remainder of the
war. Unfortunately, there would be plenty of guerrilla warfare in the region with
bushwhackers (Southern supporters) and jayhawkers (Union supporters) destroying
the countryside and forcing many families to become refugees from the conflict. It
would take many years for the people to recover from the effects of the Civil War.
Nearly a month after initiating their campaign against Confederates in southwest
Missouri, Gen. Samuel R. Curtis Union Army of the Southwest had pushed into
Arkansas and established a defensive position on the bluffs overlooking Little Sugar
Creek. At the same time, Gen. Earl Van Dornwas appointed to take command of
Confederate forces in the trans Mississippi with the objective of destroying Curtis
and his 12,000 Federals. Rather than attack Curtis fortifications, Van Dorn proposed
to march around the Union right flank, near Pea Ridge. In the course of the
maneuver, however, the Southern forces were divided. Van Dorn s two wings, under
generals Benjamin McCullough and Sterling Price, were separated by Pea Ridge, and
subsequently compelled to fight two distinct actions, with neither wing able to support
Summary Of Chapter 3 Of Wolf Tracks
Wolf Tracks and the NГЎГ±ez Woodard Collection of Panamanian Popular Art
In chapter 3 of Wolf Tracks, Peter Szok argues that popular art is heavily influenced
by the United States diaspora and the expansion of the city during the mid twentieth
century. During World War II, the United States opened an airfield near the Canal
Zone to protect the canal from attacks by the Axis Powers. As a result, thousands of
U.S. soldiers entered the Canal Zone, and the incorporation of soldiers into the city
caused a second economic boom in Panama. Black artists saw this boom as an
opportunity to challenge the mestizaje ideals held during the period of browning,
which sought to highlight an ethnic unity and minimize blackness and black culture
in society. In chapter 4 of Wolf Tracks, Szok addresses the key characteristics of
popular art, including its ties to the community, hybridity, and sense of rhythm. The
NГЎГ±ez Woodard Collection of Panamanian Popular Art confirms many of the
arguments set forth by Wolf Tracks; features like the bold, vibrant colors utilized by
the artists and the popular culture influences stand out in the photos. However, the
photo collection also complicates a key factor expressed in Wolf Tracks; one does
not experience or participate in audience interaction when analyzing the photos of the
art alone.
Black Panamanian artists used various forms of public art to contest ethnic mixing
and showcase their black culture. According to Wolf Tracks, the U.S. soldiers
Supervisor Resources Flow Analysis
Resources for a supervisor are things that help get the job done, this generally
includes time, staff, money, materials and equipment. A supervisor s main goal is to
improve productivity and by managing the named resources correctly you will
ultimately achieve that.
Time is our most important resource. It must be spent wisely and made the most of
to ensure we are getting the job done correctly and efficiently. You must set
objectives for yourself and team members that are clear and measureable to a high
standard with set conditions that must be attained. You need to manage your
workload by prioritising tasks and have the attitude of dealing with it once and not let
paperwork pile up. You must handle your most difficult tasks when you are at... Show
more content on ...
A few of which include large pieces of machinery, computers, software and
consumable materials these all aid us to function and deliver in our tasks. These
must be well kept and stored for safe keeping ensuring the work we produce is to a
high standard and set requirements repeated on a regular basis. As the supervisor is
held responsible for any decline in their department they must make sure that the
staff have the right tools and materials to do the job. Service and maintain machinery
regularly and safe guard all tools and materials, this way the staff can come back to
their task day after day with no problems maintaining that high quality of
Humanistic Theory
Experiential and Humanistic Theory As a person goes through life and has ups
and downs, their ability to handle the stress varies from person to person. At times,
a person has difficulties maintaining all the pressures of issues that sometimes feel
to manifest into deep sensations of falling. Not knowing where to turn or where to
go to get a clear view of what it is that may has them continuing to feel all of the
world is against them. Many people rely on friends and family to get that ear to sort
out their troubles. Calm down an agitated person, assisting a friend through a death of
a family member, or something as simple as avoiding negative thoughts through
distracting, these forms of lending a hand can be described as... Show more content on ...
The development of the pyramid of needs by Maslow in 1943 became the blue
print used today to identify the needs of individuals. Maslow believed that in the
correct order, an individual can become self actualized through a hierarchy of needs.
Once an individual has met the basic physiological needs such as food, water, sex,
sleeps etc., then they are able feel safety through the security of body, employment,
morality, family health, etc. As the individuals moves up the hierarchy, feeling loved
and belonged strengthens their self esteem and reaching self actualization is
achieved. Carl Rogers believed that in order for an individual to develop fully, in
addition to Maslow s hierarchy, their environment needs to be genuine, accepting, and
have empathy. Rodgers felt that without the essential environment that is nourishing,
development of healthy personalities and relationships will not have the opportunity
to flourish fully. Rogers continued to expand on Maslow s theory by going a little
deeper. He felt that an individual operates from a unique frame of reference through
building self regard and self concept. As an individual is identifying how to meet
their basic needs, what about the experiences that are learned? David Kolb took a
different approach then just viewing behavioral theories. Kolb developed the
experiential learning theory that takes the approach on how experiences,
Children s Center Preschool Room For My Prosocial...
I went to Keiki Hau oli Children s Center preschool room for my prosocial
observation assignment. During my visit, it was indoor free play time, meanwhile
teachers were offering breakfast. The schedule is not rush, they can play indoor and
outdoor with free choices for one hour. First, the room was organized by the section.
Each section has double or multiple amount of toys for children to play with their
friends. For example, on a shelf, there are three baby dolls and their matching clothes.
Children interact each other by asking questions such as, Baby is hungry. What can I
do? Another childsaid, I will show you. She used her baby bottle to pretend feeding
a baby. There is big open floor space in the back of the room for the children to play
freely. Children were playing with blocks and cars on that open floor. Some were
playing with Kapla on a low table with one caregiver. Other children were sitting at
the carpet, listening a story. Children play peacefully because there are variety of
activity choices they can play. Two things if I am able to change, I will change the
floor arrangement and add more books. First, I will move free floor space from
back of the room to the middle close to the entrance because I can hear them well, so
I could interact with them more. I like ocean, nature, and Hawaiian culture area. They
display nicely, but they are not create any prosocial environment. I display more
attractive to the children. I will put books related with
The Witchy Worries of Abby Adams Essay
Dreams... are truly made of you. They show your deepest fears and wildest moments
... maybe even things from the future.
The witchy worries of Abby Adams
Daisy, are you done with your book honey , mom said loudly. Yes , I declared
proudly. After all, it was a long and dry book at the beginning, and it did take a
pretty long time. So, do you want to tell me what it s about? my mom said
inquisitively. Sure , I said, stuffing a piece of meatloaf into my mouth. So, this
book is called The Witchy Worries of Abby Adams. In the beginning, they introduce
the characters. You know, like they do in every book. After that Ding dong! Oh my,
I wonder who it could be! My mother said, getting up from her seat to go get the
door. Hi Abby! Come... Show more content on ...
Mom looked back and gave me a funny face. In fact, it looked like she wanted to
burst out laughing! Abby, Daisy says that you are the girl from her book ! I glared
at mom. How could she just blurt it out like that? Secondly, she didn t believe me.
For once, I actually knew how it felt to be a fairy tale character. Abby gave a loud
laugh then said, I m sure I m not a character from a book and yes, I know that
resemble to characters from books but please, don t accuse me if you don t have
proof . But from her words, I could tell she was hiding something behind her words
and laughter. As if she could trick me! First of all, I m not accusing anybody. Stop
trying to make it worse than it seems. Second of all, I have real proof. So if you
think you can come into my house, say you want to talk to me, and then lie to me,
then you need to find another girl ! Daisy! Mom was furious this time. Don t talk
to Mr. Alan s daughter like that. Now you know he is a good man and he is always
polite to you. So why do you dare talk to his daughter in such a way? my mother
roared. I would never! Except that this isn t Mr. Alan s daughter. I have proof
mom! I snapped back. At that moment, I figured that I ve had enough of this
nonsense and zoomed upstairs to get my book. Except this time, my book was
blank. All that was on the cover were books and her cat. Inside the book was where
her name did not exist. It was as if
Alexander The Great Research Paper
The death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC marks the beginning of the
Hellenistic Period and covers 300 years to the invasion of Egypt by the Romans.
The word Hellenic refers only to the Greeks, but the term Hellenistic refers to `the
Greek influenced societies that arose in the wake of Alexander s conquest (Sacks,
105). The Hellenistic world extended from Greece all the way to Afghanistan and
resulted in the beginning of the mass spreading of Greek culture. Its central
characteristics were the mass empires created by Alexander and his successors, the
mingling of Greek and other cultures and the diffusion of religions
The conquests of Alexander the Great
Alexander won a reputation for military genius when he became king of ... Show
more content on ...
Antigonus ruled over Asia minor, Macedonia and Thrace and in 306 BC he
declared himself king of the Macedonians The Seleucids moved to control and
reform the pre existing Persian bureaucracy, installing Greek officials and switching
from clay tablets to parchment and from cuneiform to Greek or Aramaic (Stewart,
2004).. Antigonos attempts to take control of the whole of Alexander s empire led to
his death. His son, Demetrius managed to regain control of Macedon a few yeas later
but lost his throne and died in prison.
Ptolemaic dynasty
Ptolemy 1 Soter proclaimed himself king of the Ptolemy kingdom of Egypt in 305
BC. He was a man of great culture and learning and under his leadership his capital
Alexandria became and important cultural center and its museum was the first
known and its library was the largest in the ancient world (Arcadia, 2004). He was
also the author of a lost history of Alexander s campaign. The dynastic history is
confusing because all the male rulers took the name Ptolemy and many married their
sisters who were often called Cleopatra.
Seleucid dynasty
Seleucus 1 was made Satrap of Babylonia where he later declared himself king. His
kingdom stretched from eastern Anatolia and Syria into what is now Pakistan. He
met with much opposition because there were many different ethnic groups. They
were accustomed to being ruled by local rulers and so did not adjust very well to
being ruled
Indian Emperor Ashoka And Chinese Emperor Shi Huangdi
In ancient history, there are quite a few well known emperors, recognized for their
achievements. Indian Emperor Ashoka and Chinese Emperor Shi Huang Di are
two such rulers. The legends of their dynasties are one s historians and scholars
analyze and contemplate due to their unique styles and abilities to rule massive land
masses. Both rulers influenced the world in different ways. Chinese Emperor Shi
Huangdi crafted his empire by consciously ignoring the moral standards left to him
by his predecessors. Shi Huangdi was a very proactive leader that lived by the
modern day quote, shoot first, ask questions later. He was very assertive in wiping
out his enemies or potential enemies before they had the chance to attack him. On the
other... Show more content on ...
Both religions rejected Hindu ideals, such as the caste system that categorizes
people based on their social standing. These religions also reject the rules of rituals
taught by Brahmins or Hindu priests. Emperor Ashoka converted to Buddhism and
declared it to his citizens through the rock and pillar edicts. These edicts of
imperials decrees urged his citizens to follow the path of Buddhism and follow the
Buddhas values. Ashoka began preaching dharma or the Buddhist path of piety
and promised to be a fair and humane ruler for India (Thapar). At this point in
history, the social and economic diversity was a big part of India. The diversity
was not only caused by a linguistic difference or a racial aspect, but also by the caste
system. The caste system was a major factor in the ever popular religion of Hinduism.
With the country constantly growing and the surge in population, subcategories in
the caste system came into existence; based on a person s abode, occupation, and
family. The caste system made sure everyone had a place in the social hierarchy; the
system put you in a spot and expected you to stay there (Gilbert). When Buddhism
and Jainism came around, their teachings challenged this idea. About this time, the
political and economic situation of India was picking up speed and growing. When
the religions began confronting the idea of the caste system, the Mauryan merchants
joined in.
Abduction by Paloma Sapien Essay
Abduction by Paloma Sapien
Crunch. Heidi looked up, glancing from side to side. Crunch. She had thought she
was alone. Crunch. Her heart beat faster and her hand clenched the heart on her
necklace. Crunch. She quickened her pace as she heard footsteps coming from
behind her. Her hand started to cramp up from holding the necklace so hard. Crunch.
Heidi turned slowly. A dark figure stood about ten feet away from her. She panicked
as she heard the footsteps behind her getting quicker. Who s there? she said, still
The figure was silent. Only the sounds of heavy breathing came from its mouth.
What do you want? The breathing got louder as the figure moved closer.
Heidi let go of her necklace, and turned her head one ... Show more content on ...
With a shaky hand, she went to grab for the necklace but before she reached it,
everything went black.
Her head throbbing with pain, Heidi regained her consciousness, startled. She was
in the back of a van, speeding down a bumpy road. They took a sharp turn and Heidi
flew against the side of the car. She started to cry, and curled up on the floor,
wishing this was all a dream.
Heidi was woken up by the van making a sudden jolt, throwing her against the car
once again. It was pitch black and Heidi couldn t see at all. She heard movement and
realized she wasn t alone. H Hello? she said, her voice shaking with fear.
The man grabbed her hand, wrapping it around a plastic bottle. Drink. It s water. The
voice was deep and slow.
Thirsty and delirious, Heidi unscrewed the cap and downed the contents of the bottle.
A weird feeling in her stomach immediately followed, and her vision started to fade.
Did you just poison me? Heidi threw the bottle and grabbed the wall of the van,
bracing herself.
Sleep tight. the man said.
Heidi woke up hours later to a huge slap in the face. Her face stinging, she sat up
and saw the man in front of her.
Can I help you? she mumbled.
We re leaving, the man put a black sack over her head and threw her out of the car.
Heidi s knees buckled from under her. She was still weak from the poison. Walk! the
man shouted.
Heidi tried hard, putting one foot in front of the other,
A Study By Cutler And Pozen ( 2009 ) Compared People
Article #1
A study by Cutler and Pozen (2009) compared people with heart disease in both
Canada and the United States. The main purpose of the study was to compare how
citizens fare with heart disease in United States Compared to Canada. The purpose
behind this study is that the United States on Average spends a large amount more
then Canada on Healthcare witch brings to question if it is that much more beneficial
to the patients well being. The study relates to the body of literature cited in that it
compares its results with many of the other studies done and their results. The other
information that relates to the study is factual information about how much the
United States Spends on health care compared to Canada. This is related ... Show
more content on ...
This was measured based on if they could do nine daily tasks without any issues.
The dependent variable in this study is simply the well being of the person that
was surveyed and more specifically their fair or poor health as well as whether or
not they have a disability. Within the study there were a vast amount of variables
that could be considered independent such as age, Income, and BMI. The major
independent variable in the study was the country the participant were receiving
care in. The study that yielded the information in this article took place using a
telephone survey in 2003. As more specifically stated above they called at random
through a survey service called JCUSH. They were then asked the questions of
measurement which then got recorded. The data retained was then analyzed using
logistic regressions. Overall the people polled for in this survey that declared they
had Heart Disease were very similar in age, sex, marital status, body mass index
and many other variables. One of the major differences is that forty five percent of
Canadians suffering heart disease had below a high school education (Cutler and
Pozen 2009). Overall this trend caused people in Canada to earn on average less then
those in the United States that had Heart Disease. The P values for their results were
relatively low therefore the null hypothesis could be rejected. The most important
statistic taken from the study was that out of the
Short Essay On American Red Cross
The Drive
The days were getting longer as they kept on driving through the cold rain and the
humid sunlight. Julie s son, Michael was on the verge of becoming 12 years old,
and since their family wasn t in town, they had to drive all day and night to San
Francisco, California. Not to mention the drive all the way back. They had a large
family, but, Julie was the only one to move and start her own life in a new
environment. No one in her family even thought twice about coming to visit
Michael, instead they had to travel in a dreary car all day long(Forever Grateful).
Julie soon became very odious to the idea of driving, and since Michael wasn t old
enough to drive, she was the only one left. So she did her best to make the most of
the trip, they listened to songs on the radio, stopped at local stores getting candy, and
other desirable treats. They soon ... Show more content on ...
Red Cross initially was founded to help the wounded war heroes during World War
II. Since then it has expanded to help families in need of assistance. They have
offered classes such as CPR, Lifeguarding, Babysitting, Childcare, and so much
more. They have made a huge impact on people s lives today, including Julie and her
son Michael. The American Red Cross charity was founded by Clara Barton on May
21, 1881(A Brief History). She heard about the conditions the soldiers were in and
felt the need to create an organization to help them. After many deliberate tries to
ratify Red Cross as an appropriate organization, the government finally agreed to
accept Red Cross. Clara worked with Red Cross for 23 years, and each year the
organization grew rapidly. During the 23 years Clara was with the American Red
Cross Association, they first sailed over sea to visit the wounded soldiers and attend
to their wounds. They also attended to the wounded soldiers who were fighting in the
Spanish American
Animal Assisted Therapy And Occupational Therapy
The advantages and disadvantages of animal assisted therapy (AAT) are examined,
with a particular focus on the implications of implementing animal assisted therapy
within occupational therapy. There is a lack of research on animal assisted therapy to
date, specifically in the context of occupational therapy and research conducted by
occupational therapy professionals is even sparser. When considering the therapeutic
application of animal assisted therapy, it is important to acknowledge the accepted
interpretations of what defines animal assisted therapy and occupational therapy, the
patient populations which could benefit from AAT, and the contraindications,
limitations of current research, and further areas of study necessary for advancement
in the realm of AAT. Animal assisted interventions (AAIs) can provide meaningful
occupations for individuals, making them a unique alternative to traditional
occupational therapy interventions. Results of past studies reflect statistically
significant benefits of animal assisted therapy on a variety of characteristics and
disorders, among patients of all ages, and within various populations. As animal
assisted therapy continues to gain in popularity as a therapeutic intervention, research
on animal assisted therapy and its significance for use in occupational therapy should
be continued.
The Implementation of Animal Assisted Therapy within Occupational Therapy
Animal assisted therapy (AAT) is a growing field of interest for
Alfred Hitchcock Comparison Paper
For this paper, I have decided to compare two Hitchcock films. Ever since I can
remember, I have seen Alfred Hitchcock films; Psycho, The Birds, North by
Northwest, I enjoy his work because I like the suspense, and visual effects that he
was able to accomplish. Out of all of his films, I believe that my favorite Hitchcock
films would have to be Rear Window (1954) and Vertigo (1958), because I think that
the two incorporate everything that is Alfred Hitchcock. Hitchcock films are known
for being mysterious, cynical, as well as suspenseful and they are all similar because
of his use of symbolism, light, repetitive actors, and repetition of theme.
Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born on August 13, 1899 in London England. He
began ... Show more content on ...
This film co stars Grace Kelly as Jeff s love interest Lisa Carol Freemont. Lisa tries
to assist Jeff in any way possible because he is stuck in his apartment all day, but
she is shocked to hear what he has been occupying his time with. Jeff has a large
window that looks out onto the courtyard of his New York City apartment where
he can see all of his neighbors. With all of this spare time, around 4 weeks, Jeff
learned nearly everything there was to know about his neighbors. He learned when
they would go to work, come home, eat dinner, bathe, dance, play musical
instruments, as well as spy on the old woman that is suicidal. He had originally
done this just to pass the time until one day he saw a neighbor across the way
murder his wife. Lisa and Jeff became obsessed with the idea that someone was
murdered just across the way, and they try to solve the mystery themselves.
I really enjoyed this film because it all takes place nearly in one location. The set
is elaborate, and you can see from the inside of Jeff s apartment into the windows
of his neighbors. It is filmed in such a way that you feel as though you are looking
out of a window, and you become a part of the chaos with the actors. The pace of
the film also intrigued me. I enjoyed how it was filmed almost in real time and you
become drawn in because everything is timed perfectly. It is suspenseful because you
are watching everything happen and it is also possible to notice things in the
Outsiders In The Outsiders
Society has always been separated into stereotypical groups. Now a days, those
groups are represented by classes: lower, middle, and upper class. What about back
then? During the 1960 s in Tulsa, Oklahoma; high school student Susan Eloise Hinton
(S.E Hinton) writes a book called The Outsiders about the diverse groups in her town.
Between the Greasers and the Socs, who are the real outsiders of the story? Though
the groups are separated into privileged and unfortunate, the outsiders are the ones
who unintentionally disassociate themselves with their social clicks by socializing
with the opposite side and treating them respectfully.
The Socs are prosperous teens whom live on the opulent side of town. They re
thought to be smarter, sophisticated and less emotional than the Greasers, as shown
throughout parts of the story: There were a lot of Socs in that class I get put into A
classes because I m supposed to be smart and most of them thought it was pretty
funny. (Document B); You re more emotional. We re sophisticated ... (Document C).
The expectation of them is to be around other Socs, not to fraternize with someone
who s classified as lower than them. Cherry Valance, a Soc, is an outsider because
she feels comfortable talking with a younger Greaser named Ponyboy, who is also an
outsider, about things she s never told anyone before: She smiled at me. I never
told anyone that. I think you re the first person I ve ever really gotten through to.
She was coming through to me all right, probably because I was a Greaser, and
younger; she didn t have to keep her guard up with me. (Document C). It appears
that Socs are invariably showing a fabricated persona to other Socs to exude their
reputation: That was the truth. Socs were always behind a wall of aloofness,
careful not to let their real selves show through. (Document C). The same is with
another outsider, a Soc named Randy is afraid of being christened a coward if he
flees a fight and he d resent himself if he didn t walk away. Randy feels that
violence isn t going to solve any conflicts between the Greasers and the Socs, yet he
thinks about staying for the sake of his respectability: but what can I do? I m marked
chicken if I punk out at the
Summary Of Sam Patch The Famous Jumper
During the early 1800s, the United States was hit by the Market Revolution which
quickly changed the economic and social status all around. It created a division of
those who were greatly benefitting from the market and those who were suffering
from it. In Sam Patch, the Famous Jumper written by Paul E. Johnson, the writer
exemplifies how the revolution affected people socially and economically through
the story of a young man, Sam Patch and how like many, he became a failure of the
Market Revolution. The Market Revolution started in the early 19th century (1815)
and ended around 1840. It was a time in which the United Statesbegan to shift from
mainly an agricultural economy to a manufacturing economy. The revolution
emphasized manufacturing... Show more content on ...
Despite his small rise to fame by jumping off waterfalls, ultimately, Patch was seen
as a failure to the Market Revolution like many others. He grew up in Pawtucket
where he worked in one of the mills and eventually worked his way up to being a
mule spinner whom were seen as a remarkable set of men (32). Patch s life was
looking bright as he was feeling confident and even gaining more social
recognition as a boss spinner. In spare time, he often jumped over the Pawtucket
Falls which soon became a craft for him. Patch along with other factory boys
began taking the jumping seriously and felt it required self possession and a
mastery of skills... (39). Similar to how the expansion of technology and art was
seen as prestigious to Timothy Crane, Sam Patch viewed jumping over the falls as
an art that required skill as well. Although Patch became popular for jumping over
several falls, he was unable to sustain his fame and eventually died at his last jump.
Those above the working class did not value the art of jumping and Patch could
not survive during the Market Revolution on it. A person s success during this
time was determined by the wealth they accumulated and their social status. For
example, Timothy Crane was seen as a huge success as he owned a mill, garden,
bridge, etc. and gained a lot of social prestige due to his liking of poetry, art, etc..
On the other hand, Sam Patch owned no property and, survived on what little
money he made from his jumpings and was unable to sustain the social status he
was gaining from his jumps. Many people like Sam Patch were unable to rise during
the Market Revolution as they were held back because of their social and financial
Capital Budgeting Techniques Like Net Present Value
Introduction The following paper analyzes a project from financial perspectives
using the capital budgeting techniques like Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal
Rate of Return (IRR). Background My dad has a textile business, involved in
embroidery and painting of the fabric. I have been visiting my dad s office
complex and observing the whole process of clothes manufacture. The most
important asset for the business is a large machine required for whole painting
process. The existing machine with the business is in use from past 4 years and
has to be discarded due to some operational issues. As a student of finance, I will
analyze the option of replacing this machine with a new one. In analyzing various
options from where to purchase the machine, I searched for various dealers, and
compared the products with the prices they offered. I narrowed down the choice to
one machine provided by Stihl Machinery Co., Ltd. But then dad s financial
manager, Mr. David Jones, asked me to reconsider the option. He suggested that
the existing machine can still run for another 5 years and the new machine is also
expected to work for just five years. Also, the price of the new machine is quite high
so it is better to continue using the same old machine. On this argument, I decided to
do a detailed analysis of the option to replace the old machine. Only after the
financial analysis, I will decide and suggest whether to buy the new machine or not.
Analysis and results The financial manager did
Recent Issue In Our Environment Essay
Kyler Walterson ARCH 231 December 9, 2017 Recent Issue in Our Environment
A news report that was released by NPS shows that almost 9 million people visited
Utah s Nation Parks in 2013, (standard net.) making Utah almost $597 million and
supported over 9,000 jobs across the state of Utah (NPS). Locally the people of
Utah are outraged, thousands of locals across Utah made the drive to the Salt Lake
City Capitol Building to protest Trumps actions. I had the opportunity to interview a
few adults currently living in Utah and all showed complete outrage towards our
president. Only one of the five people interviewed showed commitment towards the
new movement. Which really opened my eyes to the fact that there is large economic
growth that... Show more content on ...
Although other presidents have reduced National Parks, Trump s reduction plan
exceeds the federal allowance and may cross the line of what is legal and what is
not. Not only do the Navajo Nation find this land sacred, four other local Utah tribes
find this a direct violation and state that, Trump is eliminating our sacred land . (The
Hill) For years the tribes of Utah had pushed for the federal government to help
protect the sacred land, joined and back by environmental activist Patagonia. Navajo
Nation continues to state how Utah s congress failed to protect it, so they went to
Mr. Obama who created the national monument, very strong support from the
republican party from local Utah leaders. Patagonia s involvement in this issue shows
the most commitment so far, but this isn t the first time the famous outdoor brand
threw shots at President Trump, which included recent criticism for him for leaving
the Paris climate change agreement. The brand has a history of environmental
activism. Patagonia donates 1% of all its annual sales, ( numbers that
approached $10 million in 2017, ( and they continue to launch new projects
to encourage recycling and reusing clothing. But what they are doing now is
completely unheard of, Hans Cole, who is the director of environmental activism for
Patagonia states that, We feel that we have to pull out all of the stories at this point.
Later stated by the companies
Sand Creek Massacre Research Paper
A.Sand Creek Massacre
The Sand Creek Massacre was an attack on the villages of Cheyenne and Arapaho
in southeastern Colorado Territory on November 29, 1864. Around 700 men of the
Colorado U.S. Volunteer Cavalry attacked and killed an estimated 70 163 people
who lived in those towns; two thirds of the people who died were mothers and
children. The attack occurred because the Cheyenne and Arapaho people destroyed
white settlers property, and an Indian chief tried to settle things peacefully, but it was
too late. B. Prohibition
Prohibition was a law that stated nobody could manufacture, store in barrels or
bottles, transport, sell, possess, or consume alcohol from 1920 1933. They created
the law in hopes of lowering crime rates, and to improve overall health and hygiene
in America. The law wasn t very heavily followed because Americans would either
consume alcohol by visiting other countries or by illegally importing it into the
United States. There were also underground establishments called ... Show more
content on ...
She helped America focus on ideas and concerns that mothers had such as safety
for their children, and overall health in the community. She believed women had
more knowledge than men in certain areas and women needed to be able to vote to
gain a better opinion on social problems. Many mothers looked up to her as a role
model because she volunteered in towns to clean up, restore and uplift communities.
She believed in helping people all over the world and for world peace. D. Yellow
Yellow Journalism is a term used for how newspaper companies sell more of their
newspapers. They use bold headlines, bright colors and write about multiple topics
to catch the readers attention. They also often exaggerate or distort the stories to
make them more appealing to readers. It became popular in the 1890 s and is still
used today to boost newspaper ratings. E. Panama
Fisheries And Oceanic Food Chains
In some way or another, we all rely on the oceans to survive. They affect weather
patterns, global temperatures, provide us with oxygen, all while removing carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere. More importantly, they provide us with the food that
sustains life. We have always relied on oceans for food. Fishingis not a new invention
but in recent history, humans have exploited this source of food. We have had a
chronic problem of over fishing, over harvesting the once bountiful supply of fish.
According to a National Geographic report, A study of catch data published in 2006
in the journal Science grimly predicted that if fishing rates continue apace, all the
world s fisheries will have collapsed by the year 2048 (Pristine Seas, National... Show
more content on ...
They used their catch logs, purchase records, all sorts of records to come to the
conclusion that overfishing has been happening in many parts of the world for
centuries. They concluded that in the past, there were far more fish and the fish were
much greater in size. Eventually, overfishing switched from freshwater to salt water.
This occurred roughly 1000 years ago when taste for freshwater fish in Europe was
replaced by a desire for marine fish. Possible causes for this change in taste are the
sheer amount of exploitation that left the number of freshwater fish dwindling and a
high amount of pollution found in fish remains that were dumped around northwest
Europe and England. In the 17th century, a fishing revolution was brought on by the
invention of two boats sailing next to each other dragging large nets behind them.
This method was made more efficient with the invention of steam powered boats and
eventually gas and diesel. Around the same time that engines became more efficient,
railroads were being created that connected the ocean shores to inland populations.
These advancements, along with more efficient storage methods, led to more fish
being caught and sold farther and farther out in the oceans. After WW2, further
vessel advancements allowed for the fishing fleets to stay at sea for extended periods
of time catching more fish than ever before. Around the 1960 s,
Giuseppe Garibaldi Research Paper
The Life of Garibaldi
Giuseppe Garibaldi was born in Nice, France in 1807. He spent most of his youth as
a sailor on Mediterranean merchant ships. In 1883 he joined Young Italy, the
movement organised by the Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini. He believed that
all Italian people should be free and that Italyshould not only be independent, but also
an integrated republic.
Italyhad been left completely fragmented by the settlements reached at Congress of
Vienna in 1815. The congress had divided territory among the victors of the
Napoleonic Wars. Italy was divided up, but most people wanted to see it re united as
one country, including Garibaldi.
In 1815, Italyfaced three obstacles to ... Show more content on ...
He later returned to Italy in 1848, when the
revolution that swept across Europe arrived in Italy. Garibaldi took part in the
movement for Italian Unification. He organised an army of about 3000
volunteers, most of whom were in the service of the Piedmontese ruler Charles
Albert, King of Sardinia, who had unsuccessfully fought the Austrians in Lombardy.
In 1849 he led his Volunteers to support the Roman Republic established by Mazzini
and others. Garibaldi successfully defended the city against attack by superior French
forces for thirty days. But was finally compelled to make terms with the French. He
was allowed to depart from Rome with about 5000 of his followers, but as the larger
part of his force were killed or captured. Garibaldi had to flee Italy to save his life.
Garibaldi went to the United States in 1848, and worked as a candle maker. He later
returned to Italyin 1854 and bought a house on the Island of Sardinia. At that time
Garibaldi had separated from Mazzini s Political views. Garibaldi believed that the
road to freedom and unity for Italy lay in alliance with the King of Sardinia, Victor
Emmanuel. Garibaldi was deeply involved in the complicated military and political
struggles that took place in the following years. Garibaldi s goal was to create a
united Italy. In
Sample Interview Summary Reports
Interview Summary Report
For interview I was fortunate enough to speak with Tonia Dudley who is an
Information Security Risk Reporting and Awareness Analyst at Charles Schwab in
Chandler, Arizona. She was very happy to share her wealth of knowledge with me
and I came away with multiple resources for more information and a greater
understanding of the job itself. Not only did I ask questions about her current
position, but I also wanted to know about her prior experience and schooling that
qualified her for the job.
While working for Checker Shucks Kragen Auto Parts, Tonia graduated from the
University of Phoenix with a degree in Business administration. She then used her
education to move from her accounting assistant position to a technical position that
dealt with the implementation of PeopleSoft Financials and ... Show more content on ...
Some companies prefer a four year degree from a university with a Computer
Information Systems program. Although, some people, such as Tonia Dudley, study
business management or other related areas of business and are able to succeed in this
industry. In some cases employers are even willing to overlook education if a
candidate has sufficient experience and a proven track record. Additionally,
individuals must also possess strong communication and writing skills since much of
their work is done in groups or with customers. Once a company hires a graduate with
little experience they will usually undergo additional training whether formal, or
informal. Depending on the company this training may consist of on the job training,
entry level certification courses, or technical classes, which is usually paid for by the
employer. Overall, maintaining a current technical understanding for the Information
Systems is very important, and this is done through continuing education and
Disadvantages Of The International Accounting Standards...
(IFRS) In 2001, The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) was
established to develop the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS). ). The
first IFRS was issued in 2003 and European Union (EU) members committed for
requesting all listing company to apply the IFRS in their jurisdictions and will
effective on year 2005 (Brussels, 2000). IFRS is form with a mission to be achieved
which is produce a transparency, accountability and efficiency to the financial market
around the world (Anon., 2016). This is an accounting standard use by company to
indicates the transactions and events need to be show to provide a fair ground
financial market through a global standard accounting... Show more content on ...
But there a certain limit of flexibility of this international standards for cover with
all the differences accounting standard or accounting practices in between country.
The IFRS is to increase the comparability of annual financial reports no matter
oversea or domestic. This only can be success when the new set of accounting
standard published by IFRS and adopting by country when only the cultural,
economics, politics and other factors within the country change (Chen, 2009).
Another point of view is about the increase for admin cost due to the creation of
additional specific cost related to transition over to IFRS from J GAAP such as
the required external advisors, extra audit fee, and modification cost of existing IT
system or development for new IT system ( Financial Services Agency,, 2015). For
all size of companies which is included the small and medium enterprises (SME) in
given dissimilarity factors such as social, economic and culture, the appropriateness
of IFRS with its benefits related the relationship with the implementation costs have
to be concerns. For adopting IFRS is an expensive and complicated task for SME
because they are not facing the issues of international competitions. It will becomes a
burden for company (Chen,
Red Cap Plumbing Research Paper
Ready for all types of plumbing emergencies, Red Cap Plumbing has a truck that
has been fully stocked and prepared for the Tampa Bay area. When a plumbing
emergency strikes, you can feel at your wits end. We beg you to calm down and
take a breather. Our 24 hour plumber will be ready to assist you at a moment s
notice, and because our plumbers receive ongoing technical training, you can rest
assured that you have received the most educated plumber on the latest products.
That means that they will have efficiency at the job. If you come home to find your
living room carpet drenched in water, that is not a good feeling for anyone to
encounter. Always be careful about walking in an area with water damage because if
it reaches a power source, it
A Brief Note On Dirty And Polluted Water
Our Most Precious Resource Dirty and polluted water is one of the world s biggest
healthcare risks that threaten both the quality of life and public health. Pollution
may come in the form of inappropriate disposal of garbage, improper treatment of
sewage and agricultural run off. This pollution affects not only the quality of the
water but also the wellbeing of the citizens. Still, many people claim that the
probability of doing harm by polluting our oceans, rivers and streams is less
significant than the cost of disposing of trash or debris properly. Research has
shown, however, that proper disposal initially is considerably less costly than the
economic and public health costs involved when sewage and garbage is left to
accumulate... Show more content on ...
The government is putting the value of development above the value of their citizen
s health. With a sole focus on economic growth, China is killing itself. Even though
China has experienced record breaking development, almost half of the surface water
and nearly two thirds of underground water, the primary source of drinking water, is
deemed unfit for human contact (Faulkner). China has sixteen out of twenty of the
world s worst polluted cities according to the World s Bank List. The discharge of
industrial pollutants as well as untreated sewage causes disease causing
microorganisms to flourish. These microorganisms cause take a toll on the health and
well being of the citizens. Fortunately, growth while controlling pollution is possible.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency has clear guidelines for new and
existing industry. All companies are required to provide a Storm Water Protection
Plan and comply with all local and federal guidelines ( While the
growth may come at a slower rate, the time spent in water cleaning infrastructure will
yield returns in lower health care, cleanup costs, and provide more interest to
investment capitalists. Attracting investment capitalists would likely hasten the
industrial expansion process. One of the considerations when planning a new
development whether it is industrial or residential is a sewage system. There are
three main types of sewer systems. Storm sewers
Summary Of The Opening Chapter Of The Selfish Gene
In the opening chapter of The Selfish Gene , Richard Dawkins is quick to make it
clear to the reader what his book is and what his book is not. Dawkins explains that
he shall argue that a predominant quality to be expected in a successful gene is
ruthless selfishness. This gene selfishness will usually give rise to selfishness in
individual behavior (11). Explaining that we[humans], and all animals, are machines
created by our genes (2). Dawkins argues that for genes to be successful, they must
be extremely selfish and ruthless. Even seemingly altruistic actions are usually for
selfish reasons upon second glance or in the long run. He believes that Charles
Darwin s thoughts have been misinterpreted over the years to suggest that animals
work together for the good... Show more content on ...
Dawkins explains that altruistic acts between family members only occurs because
related individuals carry a large percentage of the same genes, and to aid these genes
would be beneficial. Dawkins also explains the unselfish nature between young
siblings when competing for attention, food and care from their parents. Since nest
mates share much of the same genetic material, brothers and sisters that are satisfied
with just enough for all will survive in greater numbers than siblings who fight over
care. Parents also share responsibility in raising their offspring even though they don t
share similar genes. Although one may think it would be selfish and beneficial for
one parent to leave the other partner to raise the offspring by their own, Dawkins
explains that mathematics can prove that the positives of putting time and care into
raising offspring trumps the negatives of abandoning the other partner to raise the
offspring alone and possibly
American Sniper Film Essay
American Sniper, directed by Clint Eastwood immediately places the audience in
the middle of the war in Iraq. We see Chris Kyle on a rooftop looking through the
scope of his sniper. As he lays there, Chris notices two suspicious people
approaching a group of American soldiers. He quickly realises they are in
possession of a grenade which makes him instinctively aim his rifle towards them
and place his finger on the trigger. We transition to a point during Chris childhood
where he is hunting with his father. This scene uses multiple film techniques which
work together to help express specific and important messages . These include non
diegetic sound and cross cutting as well as dialogue and mise en scene. We as the
audience are introduced... Show more content on ...
Non diegetic sound and cross cutting are implemented in this sequence to build
tension as well as preparing the audience for the inevitable climax. We see the
action from three different perspectives through the use of cross cutting. These
scenes consist of the perspective of the child and mother as they stand in front of
an approaching tank, a close up shot of Chris aiming his rifle and a perspective
shot of the scope on Chris s rifle to show Chris point of view. As the scene builds to
its climax, additional shots are added. This includes a shot of Chris placing his
finger on the trigger of the rifle as he prepares to fire, which is followed up by a
tracking shot of the child running towards the tank with the grenade in his hand. Non
diegetic sound compliments the use of cross cutting in this scene to enhance the
sense of tension for not only Chris, but for the audience as well. As Chris begins to
concentrate on his target, the diegetic sound of war playing in the background
deadens, and is replaced with specific noises that sound familiar noises that can be
heard in war. What makes these
Jingle Ball Concert
Sunday, December 10 was a night to remember. Kiss 108 s Jingle Ball took place,
at TD Garden, Boston. The opening acts began at 6 pm. The one downside to this
was I had a basketball game right before the concert. As a result, I missed most of
the opening performers. However, this concert was still the best I have ever
attended. The acts I missed were the boy band, Why Don t We and Girl Meets World
star Sabrina Carpenter singing two of her songs.
On the way into the concert, there was a vendor selling t shirts, after bargaining, we
bought the shirts for only $10. We quickly paid for them and ran into the stadium.
Luckily, I made it just in time for the last opening act, Max Schneider. Additional
performers of the night included: Camila Cabello, Charlie Puth, Kelly Clarkson,
Halsey, Fifth Harmony, and lastly Fall Out Boy. Each sang two to four songs. This
concert was a nine act, 3 1/2 hour show.
The arena was packed with fans all different ages, all with pulsing energy. People
wore festive outfits and most were in the holiday spirit. I attended the concert with
four of my closest friends, we had been planning the night out for months. Our seats
were located in section 6, just left of the stage. We had a perfect view of the singers
and couldn t have been more star struck. ... Show more content on ...
The energy was electric when Camila Cabello, preformed Havana , a piece that is
currently number two on the Hot 100 s rankings. Kelly Clarkson, winner of
American Idol s very first season, played the classics Since U Been Gone and Miss
Independent . Charlie Puth got people up and dancing with Attention , We Don t
talk Anymore , and One Call Away . All of these songs were all incredible to see live,
however, by far, my absolute favorite performers were Kelly Clarkson and Charlie
Puth. I have always loved their music, but seeing them in person made me appreciate
them even
Witchcraft During Medieval Times
During medieval times, there was a constant uproar when it came to difference in
religions, as leaders preferred there be one sacred religion, Christianity. Around the
15th century, leading into the 16th century, in European countries, such as Germany
and surrounding providences, witchcraft became the new practice, which was
frowned upon. Anyone accused of being a witch, could not receive a fair trial, as they
were persecuted, tricked into confession, humiliated, inhumanly tortured, and put to
death by the numbers.
Witchcraft was known, as a practice, in which, one would give themselves, over to the
devil; in return, sorcery would be gained (Witchcraft Documents [15th Century],
1996). Due to fear, and the misunderstandings, of natural disasters, witches were said,
to be the cause of a multitude of events. Uneducated, about the scientific reasoning,
behind; miscarriages, the destruction of crops, any lifeform that had perished, in
addition, to any other mishap; inevitably, witchcraft would be to blame (Witchcraft
Documents [15th Century], 1996). In an attempt, to preserve Catholicism, Pope
Innocent VIII, supported, the persecution of witches.
The excerpt Innocent VIII: BULL Summis desiderantes, Dec. 5th, 1484, is a
memoriam, listing desires and requirements, as to how witches convicted, should be
hunted and put on trial (Witchcraft Documents [15th Century], 1996). To help
preserve and spread Catholicism, would mean to, capture all who have, disrupted
peace, in upper parts
The Irish Financial Crisis Was Both Predictable and...
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An earlier version of this paper circulated under the title The Irish Credit Bubble. I
would like to thank Colm McCarthy for useful discussions. All errors and
interpretations are mine. 1 Ireland is one case where the classroom distinction
between GNP and GDP really matters: largely because of transfer pricing by foreign
corporations taking advantage of its 12 per cent rate of corporation tax, GDP is 25
per cent higher than GNP, and has fallen only 12.5 per cent. In what follows we shall
present most Irish numbers as a percentage of GNP, because this is the relevant
п¬Ѓgure for employment and discretionary taxation, and present numbers for other
countries in the usual percentage of GDP form. в€
— 1 The key to understanding
what happened to Ireland is to realise that, although GNP grew by 5 to 15 per cent
every year from 1991 to 2006, this Celtic Tiger growth stemmed from two very
different booms. First, during the 1990s, there was rising employment associated
with increased competitiveness and a quadrupling of real exports. As Ireland
converged to average levels of Western European income around 2000 it might have
been expected that growth would fall to normal European levels. Instead growth
continued at high rates until 2007 despite falling competitiveness, driven by a second
boom in construction. Ireland went from getting 4 6 per cent
Measures Of Association Are A Type Of Descriptive...
Measures of association are a type of descriptive statistic used in order to find any
variables that are related to each other. The associations created by chance among
variables tend to decrease in a larger sample size. There are three components to
measures of association; the direction of the association, the strength of the
association, and the statistical significance of the association. Depending on what is
being measured it is important to choose the correct method for determining
associations. For example, if one is looking only at nominal variables, then it would
be best to use the lambda method for detecting association. Some other tests for
measures of association are Somer s D test, Cramer s V test, Phi test, and the Gamma
test. A regression analysisdetermines how strong an association is among a single
dependent variable and independent variables. It also used to explain any differences
that are seen in the dependent variables by using information from the independent
variables. ( Regression example: descriptive analysis ). Typically, when running any
type of regression analysis, there are a few factors that are taken of special interest.
These include the strength and direction of the associations (inverse or positive
relationship), which independent variables are actually important for influencing the
dependent variable, and, with given independent variables, being able to predict a set
of values for the dependent variable. When running a regression
Similarities Between The Garden Of Eden And The
Similarities Between the Garden of Eden and the Tabernacle Throughout the Old
Testament, the tabernacle was a centerfold of worshiping God for the Israelite
people. This was where believers could congregate to seek peace, sing praises, and
make animal sacrifices to God. The tabernacle was also a resting place for God to
come down from Heaven and dwell with His children. Similarly, the Garden of Eden
was once a perfect creation for God to have an earthly dwelling place to be with
Adam and Eve. That, until the age old story of sin and deception came into place.
The Garden of Eden was a perfect model of how God designed a place of worship to
be, that is why He provided Moses with specific instructions of how the tabernacle
should be built as a replica of the garden. The tabernacle stands as a symbolic
model of the original creation the Garden of Eden, through its reproduction of
several of the garden s well known features, such as the cherubim guarding the
entrance, the Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the
direction of the Garden facing east. The tabernacle s recreation of the cherubim
guarding the entrance to the Garden of Eden is in its placement of these angelic
beings sitting above and protecting the sacred Ark of the Covenant. The ark was an
intricately decorated wooden box holding a copy of the Ten Commandments,
symbolizing the living presence of God among the people. The ark, like Eden, was
a sacred place where only God could dwell and sin may never be present. After
Adam and Eve disobeyed God, cherubim were placed at the entrance of the Garden
to shield His perfect creation from sin. In doing so, He made sure that the two
would not find the entrance again, ( Guarding the Gate of Eden. ). Likewise, to
protect the holiness of the ark, God ordered the Israelites to create cherubim to
protect the ark from sin intruding upon its presence. Lisa Schachter states in her
article, The Garden of Eden as God s First Sanctuary, that in both contexts [the
cherubim] are the guardians of both the literal and figurative Tree of Life discussed
in the story of creation. God did not want His perfect creation to become corrupted
again, so He placed cherubim on both sides of the ark as a
Thesis Statement For Wheelchair
There are people who are unable to walk because of different disability. Person
suffering from different form of plegia (mainly paraplegia) ,polio, amputation,
cerebral palsy, muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson disease, nervous problem, Rickets,
etc, won t be able to move their lower body parts but they will be able to move their
upper body parts including hands. So using the movement of hands or by using the
technique of gesture recognition we can help them to solve their problem to a certain
extent. This technique will help in the mobility of such people.
To design a wheelchair using hand gesture recognition technique.
A wheelchair is a chair with wheels. The device comes in different varieties where it
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The movement will be with the help of motors and the movement will continue up
to 20m until if the person changes the directions. If the person wants to change the
direction the sensor will detect the change and will brake the system and will move
the chair in the required directions. There will be the controllers present which will
help the chair to provide acceleration up to a certain distance. The block diagram of
hand gesture controlled wheel chair is given below.
Fig.1. Block Diagram Of Automated Wheelchair Controlled By Hand Gestures Fig.2.
An Automated wheelchair
So there are different types of wheelchairs available in the market which helps in
the mobility of disabled people. A gesture controlled wheelchair with the above
features will allow the person to move in his own way or in the required directions
as the person wants. It will also provide the person an independent platform for
moving from one place to another and with the help of ultrasound sensors it will
also make sure that the person won t meet any accidents. By using this system there
is no need for a person to rely on others for his day to day
Soccer is the Most Popular Sport in the World
Soccer is the most popular sport in the world with over 200 professional leagues
all across the globe(Fifa). But when it comes to soccer leagues, there is only one
league that stands above all and that is the Barclay s Premier league. The Barclay s
Premier league is a soccer league in England that consists of twenty professional
soccer teams(Premierleague). The Barclay s Premier has exclusive characteristics
among all the leagues that make it the best in the world. A profitable league for all
clubs is just one important element of the Barclays Premier. Just as important is the
development of youth in the league as the youth are the future generation of the
league. More importantly, the league provides 20 teams that are incredibly
competitive: a characteristic that makes every soccer fan want to watch the highly
rated Barclays Premier league(Nasila). Due to it s exclusive criteria, the Barclay s
Premier league is the best league in the world.
As a result of evenly distributing money among all twenty clubs, the Barclays
Premier league ensures success for its individual clubs. The English league has
been the only league that evenly distributes its earnings in television money to all
of it s clubs since it was first created in 1992(HubPages). The even distribution in
the Barclays Premier allows for all clubs to invest in better squads,which makes the
league fairly competitive(Nasila). Such fair system of distribution isn t the same for
many of today s best known leagues, as
Prostate Carcinoma Essay
Prostate cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer and the sixth leading
cause of cancer death in males. Incidence rates vary more than 25 fold worldwide,
with the highest rates in the developed countries this may be due to the widespread
use of prostate specific antigen testing and subsequent prostate biopsy in these
regions [1]. Overall, the complex morphology, histologic heterogeneity, and the early
signs of high malignant potential preclude a straightforward assessment of the
metastatic potential of localized prostate carcinoma and show the requirement for
extra clinical and pathologic tests for the evaluation of prostate carcinoma stage and
clinical behavior[2]
Distant spread of primary malignant cells to local and distant sites was explained by
several models. Cumulative research shows a pivotal role of tumor microenvironment
in the process of malignant cell dissemination. This role occurs through angiogenesis
and epithelial stromal interactions, via the paracrine secretion of growth factors by
stromal cells, which induce an epithelial mesenchymal transition in neighboring
epithelial cells. This result in the increased migration of epithelial cells [3]. ... Show
more content on ...
Caveolin 1 was overexpressed in mouse and human metastatic malignant prostate
cells. Moreover, decreased caveolin 1 expression with stably transfected antisense
caveolin 1 cDNA converted androgen insensitive metastatic mouse prostate cancer
cells to an androgen sensitive phenotype [4].Acordingly,Caveolin 1 was considered a
metastasis related gene as well as a candidate gene for hormone resistant human
prostate cancer. Recent studies suggested a possible role for caveolin 1 in the
resistance of various malignances to multiple antineoplastic drugs
Filmic Techniques In Blade Runner
The director Ridley Scott uses filmic techniques used in the construction of the
science fiction film Blade Runner that will be discussed in this essay are: music
/sound, lighting and camera angles, and the impact of these on the audience and the
purpose of the text. The use of continual noise/sound effects, darkness and shadowy
lighting and the cluttered nature of the street scenes creates an unmistakable mood of
Music and sound is used in Blade Runner to connect with the darkness and
gloominess of the film making it mystifying. In the scene where an owl flies into
the room where Deckard is, this is where Rachel and Deckard meet for the first time.
The use of sound in the film gives Blade Runner its unique feeling. The echo has an
Lust in Sonnet CXXIX (129) Essay
Lust in Sonnet CXXIX (129)
A Savage Action Full of Blame The essences of pure lust and its dark side. That is,
in a word, what Shakespeare in his Sonnet CXXIX1 describes. His language is full
of anger, frustration and self blaming. A real, emotional, affected language no
flourishes. Shakespeare doesn t write about eternal love, the beauties of a woman or
spiritual relations all themes which we might expect from a classical sonnets. No he
talks about lust and the feeling of being dominated and helpless. And even a certain
kind of vicious circle is strongly reflected in his choice of word and the atmosphere
of the poem.
If we first take a brief look at the formal aspects of Shakespeare s Sonnet, we detect
... Show more content on ...
All these human character traits that are ascribe to lust, make the reader realize that
lust isn t something inanimate, but rather a very living, acting and dominating being
. Therefore, one can form a very good impression of the ideas around lust that
Shakespeare tries to bring us closer to.
But how does Shakespeare describe lust? Generally, in the whole poem, different
attitudes are ascribed to lust, especially concerning the ideas of before, during and
after the act ( or action (l. 2) ) of lust. Also in this first quatrain, we find these ideas.
Before the act ( see quote above ), lust is presented to us, in a very direct way, as
something mean, lying, deceitful and almost sadistic1. But ... is lust in action...
(l.2), the poet regards it as an ... expense of spirit in a waste of shame... (l.1). So,
the act of lust itself isn t described as bluntly as before; Shakespeare presents us in
the first line a very strong metaphor of lust. As the word spirit is very often
considered to be a synonym for vital energy 2, so, the reader starts to tend to
interpret the first line as an image of an orgasm which definitively would be a very
strong and rather unusual opening. But it is as least as important also to take into
account the second expression, namely the waste of shame . Orgasm and the feeling
of shame

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Alcohol Essays. Cause Effects of Alcohol Essay.doc

  • 1. Alcohol Essays Crafting an essay on the topic of "Alcohol Essays" can be a challenging task, as it requires a delicate balance between providing factual information, addressing societal concerns, and navigating the potentially sensitive nature of the subject. The difficulty lies not only in presenting statistical data and scientific research on the effects of alcohol but also in exploring the broader implications it has on individuals and communities. One must carefully tread the line between promoting awareness about the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption and avoiding a preachy tone. It necessitates a nuanced approach, considering the multifaceted aspects of the topic, such as the cultural, social, and economic dimensions of alcohol use. The writer should be prepared to delve into the historical context, examining how attitudes toward alcohol have evolved over time and how they differ across various cultures. Moreover, addressing the psychological and physiological effects of alcohol requires a thorough understanding of medical and psychological literature. This demands extensive research to accurately portray the impact of alcohol on the human body and mind. Analyzing the regulatory frameworks and public policies surrounding alcohol consumption adds another layer of complexity to the essay, requiring a comprehensive examination of legal and ethical aspects. The task becomes even more challenging when attempting to strike a balance between highlighting the potential harms of alcohol abuse and recognizing the cultural significance of alcohol in different societies. It's essential to approach the topic with sensitivity, considering that alcohol is deeply ingrained in many cultures and plays a role in various social rituals and traditions. In conclusion, writing an essay on the subject of "Alcohol Essays" demands not only a keen understanding of scientific and sociological aspects but also a thoughtful and considerate approach to avoid oversimplification or sounding judgmental. It requires the writer to navigate a complex landscape of information, balancing facts, and fostering awareness while acknowledging the cultural and social contexts that surround alcohol consumption. If you find the task too challenging or time-consuming, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on, where experienced writers can provide support in tackling various essay topics, ensuring a well-researched and carefully crafted piece tailored to your needs. Alcohol Essays Alcohol Essays
  • 2. 5 Operating Principles Of Abrasive Jet Machining Principles Chapter: 1 Introduction 1.1 Abrasive Jet Machining Principle 1.2 Equipment 1.3 Variables in Abrasive Jet Machining 1.4 working 1.5 Operating characteristics 1.6 Advantage and Limitations 1.7 Application 1.Introduction 1.1Abrasive jet machining principle: Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM) is the removal of material from a work piece by the application of a high speed stream of abrasive particles carried in gas medium from a nozzle. The AJM process is different from conventional sand blasting by the way that the abrasive is much finer and the process parameters and cutting action are both carefully regulated. The process is used chiefly to cut intricate shapes in hard and brittle materials which are sensitive to heat and have a tendency to chip easily. The process is also used for drilling, de burring and cleaning operations. AJM is fundamentally free from chatter and vibration problems due to absence of physical tool. The cutting action is cool because the carrier gas itself serves as a coolant and takes away the heat. Abrasive jet machining also known as micro abrasive blasting, is a mechanical energy based ... Show more content on ... The main components being the compressor, air filter regulator, mixing chamber, nozzle and its holder, work holding devices and X Y table. Air from the atmosphere is compressed by the compressor and is delivered to the mixing chamber via the filter and regulator. The mixing chamber contains the abrasive powders and is made to vibrate by an electric motor arrangement. Then the abrasive particles are passed into a connecting hose leading to the nozzle. This abrasive and gas mixture emerges from the orifice of nozzle at high velocity. The feed rate of abrasive air is controlled by the amplitude of vibration of the mixing chamber. A pressureregulator installed in the system controls the gas flow and
  • 3. The New American Standard Bible Scripture quoted in this paper is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB), as it appears in the Comparative Study Bible, for the purpose of compliance with Bacone College s Christian Ministry Degree program. The Lord s Supper 14 В¶ When the hour had come, He reclined at the table, and the apostles with Him. 15 And He said to them, I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; 16 for I say to you, I shall never again eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God. 17 And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He said, Take this and share it among yourselves; 18 for I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine from now on until the kingdom of God comes. 19 And when He had taken some bread ... Show more content on ... Another translation problem is the mention of the cup twice. As explained in the NIV Archaeological Study Bible, The cup refers either to the first of the four cups shared during the regular observance of the Passover meal or to the third cup. Stein explains the four cups in a Passover meal and suggests that [i]t may have been the third of these cups that Jesus used in the Last Supper while referencing Luke 22:20. Although these are explanations, they do not necessarily prove or disprove Jesus eating at a Passover meal. A third translation problem is the word bread . The word bread in this verse comes from the Greek word artos , meaning bread (as raised) or a loaf , which is not an unleavened bread. The obvious translation problem is the conflict between the Feast of Unleavened Bread and eating bread that is raised. Although many Christians in this modern age might find great inspiration in connecting the Risen Christ with raised bread, the meaning of the word only adds to the translation dilemma. The counter argument to raised bread being a symbol of the Risen Savior is found in the instructions given to Moses, which state, the blood of God s sacrifice must not be mixed with leaven bread. That could apply literally to the Passover meal and figuratively to Christ as the bread. Fourth, was the Last Supper the Passover meal, a
  • 4. The Honorable Marcus Brutus In The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar Being honorable means to be loyal, respectful, truthful, and being about the general good. An honorable man helps people in any way they can and are dependable. In the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Marcus Brutus is an honorable man. He had a kind heart and was loyal to doing what s right. Brutus was well respected by the people of Rome and always thought of his city before making decisions. Brutus main reason for killing Caesar was for the safety of Rome and the people. For example, in III.ii.21 24 Brutus says, Not that i loved Caesar less, but that i loved Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living, and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men? Brutus killed Caesar to protect the people and would rather
  • 5. Behaviorism Theory And Social Cognitive Theory Learning perspective also known as behavioral perspective is a theory that is apprehensive with how a person s behavior changes because of their environment and experiences. The learning perspective has two theories; behaviorism and social cognitive learning theory. Furthermore, behaviorists do not invoke the mind to explain behavior; they prefer to stick to what they can observe and measure directly: acts and events that happen in the environment (Carole Wade, 2008). In this essay the following attributes that will be discussed are; the two types of theories and their sub theories, two current uses in Business Science, what is the learning effectiveness of those learning approaches, and lastly this essay will be concluded by discussing alternative uses of the learning approaches in the major business science. Behaviorism is referred to as a psychological approach which emphasizes scientific and objective methods of investigation (McLeod, 2016). In the behaviorism theory, we have two sub theories which are; classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired; a response that is at first produced by the second stimulus is eventually produced by the first stimulus alone. Furthermore, operant conditioning is changing of behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response (McLeod, 2016). Reinforcements can be both positive and negative. The second theory
  • 6. Kpmg Future Plan It has been such an exciting and growth filled 15 years for me academically, professionally and personally. I am currently the Chief Financial Officer at KPMG in San Diego. I was recently promoted to this position and I couldn t be more excited for what my future at KPMG has in store for me. I have also recently been given the opportunity to lead a project with the goal of designing a new financial future plan for KPMG s financial services. This project has presented great success and I have enjoyed working with my fellow colleagues. Outside of work, I have been living my dream in San Diego. My husband and I have recently bought our first home and adopted a new dog from San Diego s animal shelter, an English Springer Spaniel named Tucker.
  • 7. How to Live a Healthy Life Be healthy In order to be healthy the main thing is to exercise, drink water, cut down the junk food and have less stress. All of these increases your immune system also you re less likely to get a serious illness, your fitness will be higher determine on how fit you are, you will also have more strength isn t this every man and women dream to be fit? In this leaflet it will explain to you what and how you should become fit. Exercise: The main aspect of getting healthy is going to the gym, doing a small jog or maybe just go swimming and playing some sports you should exercise at least 2 a day just for starting off and if you want to go towards the next level go gym try building stronger muscles. Exercising increases your metabolism which can increase how fast you lose your weight and gaining muscles. However the survival key is drinking water while you re excising its important you don t become hydrated, water is always essential for everyday life by replenishing your thirst and think about it water is healthier than coffee, cola and anything related drinking water eases our mind away from the other caffeine related products. Water also helps your skin and also your kidneys so at the same time you re helping your body rather than destroying it and when you re trying to be healthy you must at all times treat your body like a temple. Diet: vitamins are essential for your body as they re practically helpful for your immune system and also bolstering your metabolism rate, it s
  • 8. Pure Evil In Gibran s On Good And Evil In the world today, there have been many tragic occurrences that can be considered as pure evil. One example is the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. On Wednesday February 14th, 2018 Nikolas Cruz was charged with seventeen counts of premeditated murder. Cruz, a former student of Stoneman Douglas, shot and killed seventeen and wounded countless others without any provocation or reason. Even with hindsight, one cannot come up with any conceivable reason or rationale for his action. Most of these students have probably never met him in person, let alone caused him any harm or slight. As a result, William Golding would state that Nikolas Cruz is an innately evilperson. He killed simply for the sake of killing. Conversely, Gibran, who is... Show more content on ... In the poem, On Good and Evil, Gibran argues that goodness lives within each person. Throughout the poem, Gibran presents several different examples, such as You are good in countless ways, (Gibran 26) and You are good when you strive to give of yourself. (Gibran 10). In both of these examples, he was taking the readers to a personal level, to draw his point across that goodness resides within everyone. He seemed to argue that evil was a byproduct of circumstances; it was always created by other factors; it was never always there as opposed to good. In one of the first lines of the poems Gibran says, For what is evil but good tortured by its own hunger and thirst? Verily when good is hungry it seeks food even in dark caves, and when it thirsts it drinks even of dead waters. (Gibran 3 4). He manipulates personification, when good is hungry it seeks food even in dark caves to represent the idea that evil was formed when good changed by external forces or by necessity. For these reasons, he also made it clear that we, the readers, have to work to maintain our inherent goodness. In other words, good will eventually turn into evil if we don t pay attention to our environment or to allow injustice to flourish around us. For instance, in the last line of the poem, Gibran ends the poem with For the truly good ask not the naked, Where is your garment? nor the houseless, What has befallen your house? (Gibran 37 38 ). By ending his poem with an analogy, Gibran is trying to leave a strong impression on us by questioning if we the readers are good people. He bluntly states, for truly good people ask not, Where is your garment? essentially saying that good people don t ask questions, but rather act on
  • 9. The Factors Of Life Decisions And Bad Eating Habits The Factors Of Life Throughout this activity I have learned that the life decisions and bad eating habits that you make do not only affect your health, but trickle down and become hereditary health problems for people in your family. In which some hereditary health problems can be controlled and some are uncontrollable. It was also very relevant that weight and your work place have a huge factor to play with your longevity of your life. If you don t work out and maintain a healthy lifestyle it takes tremendous years off your life. This is due to movement being life and constantly staying active to insure the healthiest state of your body so that it may thrive. Being sedentary without a lot of movement is more common today in people who work at desk jobs. The effects of sitting most of the day seem to be that more people are obese, than someone who s always on their feet moving around. I ve also noticed that women also have a longer life expectancy than man do which was very surprising. This was surprising because I thought that men and women s longevity was around the same, based on their environment and lifestyle. Though in every category I reviewed their projected longevity was 3 or more years. Throughout this paper I will be talking about some of the leading factors and trends that effect and advance the longevity of life from this activity. Some factors of hereditary history that can affect your longevity can be things like diabetes, which are very prominent in
  • 10. Civil War In Arkansas Essay Civil War in Arkansas The Battle of Prairie Grove was on 1862, northwestern Arkansas and southwestern Missouri. The Union when a force called for General James G.Blunt holds off a force of Confederates under General Thomas Hindman. Hindman joined in force at Fort Smith, Arkansas, to make an attempt to recapture territory lost during the Pea Ridge campaign of early 1862. When Hindman sent an advance detachment of cavalry under John Marmaduke in a minor engagement at Cane Hill. After Cane Hill, Hindman marched his 11,000 man army across the Boston Mountains and Approached Blunt s 5,000 Troops. Hindman prepared to attack, but it was surprised by the approach of Union reinforcements from Missouri. Union General Francis Herron had marched 7,000 ... Show more content on ... The two armies lost about 2,700 soldiers who were wounded, killed, or missing in action. The battle was a tactical draw, but a strategic Union victory as the Federals would maintain control of Missouri and northwest Arkansas for the remainder of the war. Unfortunately, there would be plenty of guerrilla warfare in the region with bushwhackers (Southern supporters) and jayhawkers (Union supporters) destroying the countryside and forcing many families to become refugees from the conflict. It would take many years for the people to recover from the effects of the Civil War. Nearly a month after initiating their campaign against Confederates in southwest Missouri, Gen. Samuel R. Curtis Union Army of the Southwest had pushed into Arkansas and established a defensive position on the bluffs overlooking Little Sugar Creek. At the same time, Gen. Earl Van Dornwas appointed to take command of Confederate forces in the trans Mississippi with the objective of destroying Curtis and his 12,000 Federals. Rather than attack Curtis fortifications, Van Dorn proposed to march around the Union right flank, near Pea Ridge. In the course of the maneuver, however, the Southern forces were divided. Van Dorn s two wings, under generals Benjamin McCullough and Sterling Price, were separated by Pea Ridge, and subsequently compelled to fight two distinct actions, with neither wing able to support
  • 11. Summary Of Chapter 3 Of Wolf Tracks Wolf Tracks and the NГЎГ±ez Woodard Collection of Panamanian Popular Art In chapter 3 of Wolf Tracks, Peter Szok argues that popular art is heavily influenced by the United States diaspora and the expansion of the city during the mid twentieth century. During World War II, the United States opened an airfield near the Canal Zone to protect the canal from attacks by the Axis Powers. As a result, thousands of U.S. soldiers entered the Canal Zone, and the incorporation of soldiers into the city caused a second economic boom in Panama. Black artists saw this boom as an opportunity to challenge the mestizaje ideals held during the period of browning, which sought to highlight an ethnic unity and minimize blackness and black culture in society. In chapter 4 of Wolf Tracks, Szok addresses the key characteristics of popular art, including its ties to the community, hybridity, and sense of rhythm. The NГЎГ±ez Woodard Collection of Panamanian Popular Art confirms many of the arguments set forth by Wolf Tracks; features like the bold, vibrant colors utilized by the artists and the popular culture influences stand out in the photos. However, the photo collection also complicates a key factor expressed in Wolf Tracks; one does not experience or participate in audience interaction when analyzing the photos of the art alone. Black Panamanian artists used various forms of public art to contest ethnic mixing and showcase their black culture. According to Wolf Tracks, the U.S. soldiers stationed
  • 12. Supervisor Resources Flow Analysis Resources for a supervisor are things that help get the job done, this generally includes time, staff, money, materials and equipment. A supervisor s main goal is to improve productivity and by managing the named resources correctly you will ultimately achieve that. Time is our most important resource. It must be spent wisely and made the most of to ensure we are getting the job done correctly and efficiently. You must set objectives for yourself and team members that are clear and measureable to a high standard with set conditions that must be attained. You need to manage your workload by prioritising tasks and have the attitude of dealing with it once and not let paperwork pile up. You must handle your most difficult tasks when you are at... Show more content on ... A few of which include large pieces of machinery, computers, software and consumable materials these all aid us to function and deliver in our tasks. These must be well kept and stored for safe keeping ensuring the work we produce is to a high standard and set requirements repeated on a regular basis. As the supervisor is held responsible for any decline in their department they must make sure that the staff have the right tools and materials to do the job. Service and maintain machinery regularly and safe guard all tools and materials, this way the staff can come back to their task day after day with no problems maintaining that high quality of
  • 13. Humanistic Theory Experiential and Humanistic Theory As a person goes through life and has ups and downs, their ability to handle the stress varies from person to person. At times, a person has difficulties maintaining all the pressures of issues that sometimes feel to manifest into deep sensations of falling. Not knowing where to turn or where to go to get a clear view of what it is that may has them continuing to feel all of the world is against them. Many people rely on friends and family to get that ear to sort out their troubles. Calm down an agitated person, assisting a friend through a death of a family member, or something as simple as avoiding negative thoughts through distracting, these forms of lending a hand can be described as... Show more content on ... The development of the pyramid of needs by Maslow in 1943 became the blue print used today to identify the needs of individuals. Maslow believed that in the correct order, an individual can become self actualized through a hierarchy of needs. Once an individual has met the basic physiological needs such as food, water, sex, sleeps etc., then they are able feel safety through the security of body, employment, morality, family health, etc. As the individuals moves up the hierarchy, feeling loved and belonged strengthens their self esteem and reaching self actualization is achieved. Carl Rogers believed that in order for an individual to develop fully, in addition to Maslow s hierarchy, their environment needs to be genuine, accepting, and have empathy. Rodgers felt that without the essential environment that is nourishing, development of healthy personalities and relationships will not have the opportunity to flourish fully. Rogers continued to expand on Maslow s theory by going a little deeper. He felt that an individual operates from a unique frame of reference through building self regard and self concept. As an individual is identifying how to meet their basic needs, what about the experiences that are learned? David Kolb took a different approach then just viewing behavioral theories. Kolb developed the experiential learning theory that takes the approach on how experiences,
  • 14. Children s Center Preschool Room For My Prosocial... I went to Keiki Hau oli Children s Center preschool room for my prosocial observation assignment. During my visit, it was indoor free play time, meanwhile teachers were offering breakfast. The schedule is not rush, they can play indoor and outdoor with free choices for one hour. First, the room was organized by the section. Each section has double or multiple amount of toys for children to play with their friends. For example, on a shelf, there are three baby dolls and their matching clothes. Children interact each other by asking questions such as, Baby is hungry. What can I do? Another childsaid, I will show you. She used her baby bottle to pretend feeding a baby. There is big open floor space in the back of the room for the children to play freely. Children were playing with blocks and cars on that open floor. Some were playing with Kapla on a low table with one caregiver. Other children were sitting at the carpet, listening a story. Children play peacefully because there are variety of activity choices they can play. Two things if I am able to change, I will change the floor arrangement and add more books. First, I will move free floor space from back of the room to the middle close to the entrance because I can hear them well, so I could interact with them more. I like ocean, nature, and Hawaiian culture area. They display nicely, but they are not create any prosocial environment. I display more attractive to the children. I will put books related with
  • 15. The Witchy Worries of Abby Adams Essay Dreams... are truly made of you. They show your deepest fears and wildest moments ... maybe even things from the future. The witchy worries of Abby Adams Daisy, are you done with your book honey , mom said loudly. Yes , I declared proudly. After all, it was a long and dry book at the beginning, and it did take a pretty long time. So, do you want to tell me what it s about? my mom said inquisitively. Sure , I said, stuffing a piece of meatloaf into my mouth. So, this book is called The Witchy Worries of Abby Adams. In the beginning, they introduce the characters. You know, like they do in every book. After that Ding dong! Oh my, I wonder who it could be! My mother said, getting up from her seat to go get the door. Hi Abby! Come... Show more content on ... Mom looked back and gave me a funny face. In fact, it looked like she wanted to burst out laughing! Abby, Daisy says that you are the girl from her book ! I glared at mom. How could she just blurt it out like that? Secondly, she didn t believe me. For once, I actually knew how it felt to be a fairy tale character. Abby gave a loud laugh then said, I m sure I m not a character from a book and yes, I know that resemble to characters from books but please, don t accuse me if you don t have proof . But from her words, I could tell she was hiding something behind her words and laughter. As if she could trick me! First of all, I m not accusing anybody. Stop trying to make it worse than it seems. Second of all, I have real proof. So if you think you can come into my house, say you want to talk to me, and then lie to me, then you need to find another girl ! Daisy! Mom was furious this time. Don t talk to Mr. Alan s daughter like that. Now you know he is a good man and he is always polite to you. So why do you dare talk to his daughter in such a way? my mother roared. I would never! Except that this isn t Mr. Alan s daughter. I have proof mom! I snapped back. At that moment, I figured that I ve had enough of this nonsense and zoomed upstairs to get my book. Except this time, my book was blank. All that was on the cover were books and her cat. Inside the book was where her name did not exist. It was as if
  • 16. Alexander The Great Research Paper The death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC marks the beginning of the Hellenistic Period and covers 300 years to the invasion of Egypt by the Romans. The word Hellenic refers only to the Greeks, but the term Hellenistic refers to `the Greek influenced societies that arose in the wake of Alexander s conquest (Sacks, 105). The Hellenistic world extended from Greece all the way to Afghanistan and resulted in the beginning of the mass spreading of Greek culture. Its central characteristics were the mass empires created by Alexander and his successors, the mingling of Greek and other cultures and the diffusion of religions The conquests of Alexander the Great Alexander won a reputation for military genius when he became king of ... Show more content on ... Antigonus ruled over Asia minor, Macedonia and Thrace and in 306 BC he declared himself king of the Macedonians The Seleucids moved to control and reform the pre existing Persian bureaucracy, installing Greek officials and switching from clay tablets to parchment and from cuneiform to Greek or Aramaic (Stewart, 2004).. Antigonos attempts to take control of the whole of Alexander s empire led to his death. His son, Demetrius managed to regain control of Macedon a few yeas later but lost his throne and died in prison. Ptolemaic dynasty Ptolemy 1 Soter proclaimed himself king of the Ptolemy kingdom of Egypt in 305 BC. He was a man of great culture and learning and under his leadership his capital Alexandria became and important cultural center and its museum was the first known and its library was the largest in the ancient world (Arcadia, 2004). He was also the author of a lost history of Alexander s campaign. The dynastic history is confusing because all the male rulers took the name Ptolemy and many married their sisters who were often called Cleopatra. Seleucid dynasty Seleucus 1 was made Satrap of Babylonia where he later declared himself king. His kingdom stretched from eastern Anatolia and Syria into what is now Pakistan. He met with much opposition because there were many different ethnic groups. They were accustomed to being ruled by local rulers and so did not adjust very well to being ruled
  • 17. Indian Emperor Ashoka And Chinese Emperor Shi Huangdi In ancient history, there are quite a few well known emperors, recognized for their achievements. Indian Emperor Ashoka and Chinese Emperor Shi Huang Di are two such rulers. The legends of their dynasties are one s historians and scholars analyze and contemplate due to their unique styles and abilities to rule massive land masses. Both rulers influenced the world in different ways. Chinese Emperor Shi Huangdi crafted his empire by consciously ignoring the moral standards left to him by his predecessors. Shi Huangdi was a very proactive leader that lived by the modern day quote, shoot first, ask questions later. He was very assertive in wiping out his enemies or potential enemies before they had the chance to attack him. On the other... Show more content on ... Both religions rejected Hindu ideals, such as the caste system that categorizes people based on their social standing. These religions also reject the rules of rituals taught by Brahmins or Hindu priests. Emperor Ashoka converted to Buddhism and declared it to his citizens through the rock and pillar edicts. These edicts of imperials decrees urged his citizens to follow the path of Buddhism and follow the Buddhas values. Ashoka began preaching dharma or the Buddhist path of piety and promised to be a fair and humane ruler for India (Thapar). At this point in history, the social and economic diversity was a big part of India. The diversity was not only caused by a linguistic difference or a racial aspect, but also by the caste system. The caste system was a major factor in the ever popular religion of Hinduism. With the country constantly growing and the surge in population, subcategories in the caste system came into existence; based on a person s abode, occupation, and family. The caste system made sure everyone had a place in the social hierarchy; the system put you in a spot and expected you to stay there (Gilbert). When Buddhism and Jainism came around, their teachings challenged this idea. About this time, the political and economic situation of India was picking up speed and growing. When the religions began confronting the idea of the caste system, the Mauryan merchants joined in.
  • 18. Abduction by Paloma Sapien Essay Abduction by Paloma Sapien Crunch. Heidi looked up, glancing from side to side. Crunch. She had thought she was alone. Crunch. Her heart beat faster and her hand clenched the heart on her necklace. Crunch. She quickened her pace as she heard footsteps coming from behind her. Her hand started to cramp up from holding the necklace so hard. Crunch. Heidi turned slowly. A dark figure stood about ten feet away from her. She panicked as she heard the footsteps behind her getting quicker. Who s there? she said, still walking. The figure was silent. Only the sounds of heavy breathing came from its mouth. What do you want? The breathing got louder as the figure moved closer. Heidi let go of her necklace, and turned her head one ... Show more content on ... With a shaky hand, she went to grab for the necklace but before she reached it, everything went black. Her head throbbing with pain, Heidi regained her consciousness, startled. She was in the back of a van, speeding down a bumpy road. They took a sharp turn and Heidi flew against the side of the car. She started to cry, and curled up on the floor, wishing this was all a dream. Heidi was woken up by the van making a sudden jolt, throwing her against the car once again. It was pitch black and Heidi couldn t see at all. She heard movement and realized she wasn t alone. H Hello? she said, her voice shaking with fear. The man grabbed her hand, wrapping it around a plastic bottle. Drink. It s water. The voice was deep and slow. Thirsty and delirious, Heidi unscrewed the cap and downed the contents of the bottle. A weird feeling in her stomach immediately followed, and her vision started to fade. Did you just poison me? Heidi threw the bottle and grabbed the wall of the van, bracing herself. Sleep tight. the man said. Heidi woke up hours later to a huge slap in the face. Her face stinging, she sat up and saw the man in front of her. Can I help you? she mumbled. We re leaving, the man put a black sack over her head and threw her out of the car. Heidi s knees buckled from under her. She was still weak from the poison. Walk! the man shouted. Heidi tried hard, putting one foot in front of the other,
  • 19. A Study By Cutler And Pozen ( 2009 ) Compared People With... Article #1 A study by Cutler and Pozen (2009) compared people with heart disease in both Canada and the United States. The main purpose of the study was to compare how citizens fare with heart disease in United States Compared to Canada. The purpose behind this study is that the United States on Average spends a large amount more then Canada on Healthcare witch brings to question if it is that much more beneficial to the patients well being. The study relates to the body of literature cited in that it compares its results with many of the other studies done and their results. The other information that relates to the study is factual information about how much the United States Spends on health care compared to Canada. This is related ... Show more content on ... This was measured based on if they could do nine daily tasks without any issues. The dependent variable in this study is simply the well being of the person that was surveyed and more specifically their fair or poor health as well as whether or not they have a disability. Within the study there were a vast amount of variables that could be considered independent such as age, Income, and BMI. The major independent variable in the study was the country the participant were receiving care in. The study that yielded the information in this article took place using a telephone survey in 2003. As more specifically stated above they called at random through a survey service called JCUSH. They were then asked the questions of measurement which then got recorded. The data retained was then analyzed using logistic regressions. Overall the people polled for in this survey that declared they had Heart Disease were very similar in age, sex, marital status, body mass index and many other variables. One of the major differences is that forty five percent of Canadians suffering heart disease had below a high school education (Cutler and Pozen 2009). Overall this trend caused people in Canada to earn on average less then those in the United States that had Heart Disease. The P values for their results were relatively low therefore the null hypothesis could be rejected. The most important statistic taken from the study was that out of the
  • 20. Short Essay On American Red Cross The Drive The days were getting longer as they kept on driving through the cold rain and the humid sunlight. Julie s son, Michael was on the verge of becoming 12 years old, and since their family wasn t in town, they had to drive all day and night to San Francisco, California. Not to mention the drive all the way back. They had a large family, but, Julie was the only one to move and start her own life in a new environment. No one in her family even thought twice about coming to visit Michael, instead they had to travel in a dreary car all day long(Forever Grateful). Julie soon became very odious to the idea of driving, and since Michael wasn t old enough to drive, she was the only one left. So she did her best to make the most of the trip, they listened to songs on the radio, stopped at local stores getting candy, and other desirable treats. They soon ... Show more content on ... Red Cross initially was founded to help the wounded war heroes during World War II. Since then it has expanded to help families in need of assistance. They have offered classes such as CPR, Lifeguarding, Babysitting, Childcare, and so much more. They have made a huge impact on people s lives today, including Julie and her son Michael. The American Red Cross charity was founded by Clara Barton on May 21, 1881(A Brief History). She heard about the conditions the soldiers were in and felt the need to create an organization to help them. After many deliberate tries to ratify Red Cross as an appropriate organization, the government finally agreed to accept Red Cross. Clara worked with Red Cross for 23 years, and each year the organization grew rapidly. During the 23 years Clara was with the American Red Cross Association, they first sailed over sea to visit the wounded soldiers and attend to their wounds. They also attended to the wounded soldiers who were fighting in the Spanish American
  • 21. Animal Assisted Therapy And Occupational Therapy Abstract The advantages and disadvantages of animal assisted therapy (AAT) are examined, with a particular focus on the implications of implementing animal assisted therapy within occupational therapy. There is a lack of research on animal assisted therapy to date, specifically in the context of occupational therapy and research conducted by occupational therapy professionals is even sparser. When considering the therapeutic application of animal assisted therapy, it is important to acknowledge the accepted interpretations of what defines animal assisted therapy and occupational therapy, the patient populations which could benefit from AAT, and the contraindications, limitations of current research, and further areas of study necessary for advancement in the realm of AAT. Animal assisted interventions (AAIs) can provide meaningful occupations for individuals, making them a unique alternative to traditional occupational therapy interventions. Results of past studies reflect statistically significant benefits of animal assisted therapy on a variety of characteristics and disorders, among patients of all ages, and within various populations. As animal assisted therapy continues to gain in popularity as a therapeutic intervention, research on animal assisted therapy and its significance for use in occupational therapy should be continued. The Implementation of Animal Assisted Therapy within Occupational Therapy Animal assisted therapy (AAT) is a growing field of interest for
  • 22. Alfred Hitchcock Comparison Paper For this paper, I have decided to compare two Hitchcock films. Ever since I can remember, I have seen Alfred Hitchcock films; Psycho, The Birds, North by Northwest, I enjoy his work because I like the suspense, and visual effects that he was able to accomplish. Out of all of his films, I believe that my favorite Hitchcock films would have to be Rear Window (1954) and Vertigo (1958), because I think that the two incorporate everything that is Alfred Hitchcock. Hitchcock films are known for being mysterious, cynical, as well as suspenseful and they are all similar because of his use of symbolism, light, repetitive actors, and repetition of theme. Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born on August 13, 1899 in London England. He began ... Show more content on ... This film co stars Grace Kelly as Jeff s love interest Lisa Carol Freemont. Lisa tries to assist Jeff in any way possible because he is stuck in his apartment all day, but she is shocked to hear what he has been occupying his time with. Jeff has a large window that looks out onto the courtyard of his New York City apartment where he can see all of his neighbors. With all of this spare time, around 4 weeks, Jeff learned nearly everything there was to know about his neighbors. He learned when they would go to work, come home, eat dinner, bathe, dance, play musical instruments, as well as spy on the old woman that is suicidal. He had originally done this just to pass the time until one day he saw a neighbor across the way murder his wife. Lisa and Jeff became obsessed with the idea that someone was murdered just across the way, and they try to solve the mystery themselves. I really enjoyed this film because it all takes place nearly in one location. The set is elaborate, and you can see from the inside of Jeff s apartment into the windows of his neighbors. It is filmed in such a way that you feel as though you are looking out of a window, and you become a part of the chaos with the actors. The pace of the film also intrigued me. I enjoyed how it was filmed almost in real time and you become drawn in because everything is timed perfectly. It is suspenseful because you are watching everything happen and it is also possible to notice things in the
  • 23. Outsiders In The Outsiders Society has always been separated into stereotypical groups. Now a days, those groups are represented by classes: lower, middle, and upper class. What about back then? During the 1960 s in Tulsa, Oklahoma; high school student Susan Eloise Hinton (S.E Hinton) writes a book called The Outsiders about the diverse groups in her town. Between the Greasers and the Socs, who are the real outsiders of the story? Though the groups are separated into privileged and unfortunate, the outsiders are the ones who unintentionally disassociate themselves with their social clicks by socializing with the opposite side and treating them respectfully. The Socs are prosperous teens whom live on the opulent side of town. They re thought to be smarter, sophisticated and less emotional than the Greasers, as shown throughout parts of the story: There were a lot of Socs in that class I get put into A classes because I m supposed to be smart and most of them thought it was pretty funny. (Document B); You re more emotional. We re sophisticated ... (Document C). The expectation of them is to be around other Socs, not to fraternize with someone who s classified as lower than them. Cherry Valance, a Soc, is an outsider because she feels comfortable talking with a younger Greaser named Ponyboy, who is also an outsider, about things she s never told anyone before: She smiled at me. I never told anyone that. I think you re the first person I ve ever really gotten through to. She was coming through to me all right, probably because I was a Greaser, and younger; she didn t have to keep her guard up with me. (Document C). It appears that Socs are invariably showing a fabricated persona to other Socs to exude their reputation: That was the truth. Socs were always behind a wall of aloofness, careful not to let their real selves show through. (Document C). The same is with another outsider, a Soc named Randy is afraid of being christened a coward if he flees a fight and he d resent himself if he didn t walk away. Randy feels that violence isn t going to solve any conflicts between the Greasers and the Socs, yet he thinks about staying for the sake of his respectability: but what can I do? I m marked chicken if I punk out at the
  • 24. Summary Of Sam Patch The Famous Jumper During the early 1800s, the United States was hit by the Market Revolution which quickly changed the economic and social status all around. It created a division of those who were greatly benefitting from the market and those who were suffering from it. In Sam Patch, the Famous Jumper written by Paul E. Johnson, the writer exemplifies how the revolution affected people socially and economically through the story of a young man, Sam Patch and how like many, he became a failure of the Market Revolution. The Market Revolution started in the early 19th century (1815) and ended around 1840. It was a time in which the United Statesbegan to shift from mainly an agricultural economy to a manufacturing economy. The revolution emphasized manufacturing... Show more content on ... Despite his small rise to fame by jumping off waterfalls, ultimately, Patch was seen as a failure to the Market Revolution like many others. He grew up in Pawtucket where he worked in one of the mills and eventually worked his way up to being a mule spinner whom were seen as a remarkable set of men (32). Patch s life was looking bright as he was feeling confident and even gaining more social recognition as a boss spinner. In spare time, he often jumped over the Pawtucket Falls which soon became a craft for him. Patch along with other factory boys began taking the jumping seriously and felt it required self possession and a mastery of skills... (39). Similar to how the expansion of technology and art was seen as prestigious to Timothy Crane, Sam Patch viewed jumping over the falls as an art that required skill as well. Although Patch became popular for jumping over several falls, he was unable to sustain his fame and eventually died at his last jump. Those above the working class did not value the art of jumping and Patch could not survive during the Market Revolution on it. A person s success during this time was determined by the wealth they accumulated and their social status. For example, Timothy Crane was seen as a huge success as he owned a mill, garden, bridge, etc. and gained a lot of social prestige due to his liking of poetry, art, etc.. On the other hand, Sam Patch owned no property and, survived on what little money he made from his jumpings and was unable to sustain the social status he was gaining from his jumps. Many people like Sam Patch were unable to rise during the Market Revolution as they were held back because of their social and financial
  • 25. Capital Budgeting Techniques Like Net Present Value Introduction The following paper analyzes a project from financial perspectives using the capital budgeting techniques like Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Background My dad has a textile business, involved in embroidery and painting of the fabric. I have been visiting my dad s office complex and observing the whole process of clothes manufacture. The most important asset for the business is a large machine required for whole painting process. The existing machine with the business is in use from past 4 years and has to be discarded due to some operational issues. As a student of finance, I will analyze the option of replacing this machine with a new one. In analyzing various options from where to purchase the machine, I searched for various dealers, and compared the products with the prices they offered. I narrowed down the choice to one machine provided by Stihl Machinery Co., Ltd. But then dad s financial manager, Mr. David Jones, asked me to reconsider the option. He suggested that the existing machine can still run for another 5 years and the new machine is also expected to work for just five years. Also, the price of the new machine is quite high so it is better to continue using the same old machine. On this argument, I decided to do a detailed analysis of the option to replace the old machine. Only after the financial analysis, I will decide and suggest whether to buy the new machine or not. Analysis and results The financial manager did
  • 26. Recent Issue In Our Environment Essay Kyler Walterson ARCH 231 December 9, 2017 Recent Issue in Our Environment A news report that was released by NPS shows that almost 9 million people visited Utah s Nation Parks in 2013, (standard net.) making Utah almost $597 million and supported over 9,000 jobs across the state of Utah (NPS). Locally the people of Utah are outraged, thousands of locals across Utah made the drive to the Salt Lake City Capitol Building to protest Trumps actions. I had the opportunity to interview a few adults currently living in Utah and all showed complete outrage towards our president. Only one of the five people interviewed showed commitment towards the new movement. Which really opened my eyes to the fact that there is large economic growth that... Show more content on ... Although other presidents have reduced National Parks, Trump s reduction plan exceeds the federal allowance and may cross the line of what is legal and what is not. Not only do the Navajo Nation find this land sacred, four other local Utah tribes find this a direct violation and state that, Trump is eliminating our sacred land . (The Hill) For years the tribes of Utah had pushed for the federal government to help protect the sacred land, joined and back by environmental activist Patagonia. Navajo Nation continues to state how Utah s congress failed to protect it, so they went to Mr. Obama who created the national monument, very strong support from the republican party from local Utah leaders. Patagonia s involvement in this issue shows the most commitment so far, but this isn t the first time the famous outdoor brand threw shots at President Trump, which included recent criticism for him for leaving the Paris climate change agreement. The brand has a history of environmental activism. Patagonia donates 1% of all its annual sales, ( numbers that approached $10 million in 2017, ( and they continue to launch new projects to encourage recycling and reusing clothing. But what they are doing now is completely unheard of, Hans Cole, who is the director of environmental activism for Patagonia states that, We feel that we have to pull out all of the stories at this point. Later stated by the companies
  • 27. Sand Creek Massacre Research Paper Terms: A.Sand Creek Massacre The Sand Creek Massacre was an attack on the villages of Cheyenne and Arapaho in southeastern Colorado Territory on November 29, 1864. Around 700 men of the Colorado U.S. Volunteer Cavalry attacked and killed an estimated 70 163 people who lived in those towns; two thirds of the people who died were mothers and children. The attack occurred because the Cheyenne and Arapaho people destroyed white settlers property, and an Indian chief tried to settle things peacefully, but it was too late. B. Prohibition Prohibition was a law that stated nobody could manufacture, store in barrels or bottles, transport, sell, possess, or consume alcohol from 1920 1933. They created the law in hopes of lowering crime rates, and to improve overall health and hygiene in America. The law wasn t very heavily followed because Americans would either consume alcohol by visiting other countries or by illegally importing it into the United States. There were also underground establishments called ... Show more content on ... She helped America focus on ideas and concerns that mothers had such as safety for their children, and overall health in the community. She believed women had more knowledge than men in certain areas and women needed to be able to vote to gain a better opinion on social problems. Many mothers looked up to her as a role model because she volunteered in towns to clean up, restore and uplift communities. She believed in helping people all over the world and for world peace. D. Yellow Journalism Yellow Journalism is a term used for how newspaper companies sell more of their newspapers. They use bold headlines, bright colors and write about multiple topics to catch the readers attention. They also often exaggerate or distort the stories to make them more appealing to readers. It became popular in the 1890 s and is still used today to boost newspaper ratings. E. Panama
  • 28. Fisheries And Oceanic Food Chains In some way or another, we all rely on the oceans to survive. They affect weather patterns, global temperatures, provide us with oxygen, all while removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. More importantly, they provide us with the food that sustains life. We have always relied on oceans for food. Fishingis not a new invention but in recent history, humans have exploited this source of food. We have had a chronic problem of over fishing, over harvesting the once bountiful supply of fish. According to a National Geographic report, A study of catch data published in 2006 in the journal Science grimly predicted that if fishing rates continue apace, all the world s fisheries will have collapsed by the year 2048 (Pristine Seas, National... Show more content on ... They used their catch logs, purchase records, all sorts of records to come to the conclusion that overfishing has been happening in many parts of the world for centuries. They concluded that in the past, there were far more fish and the fish were much greater in size. Eventually, overfishing switched from freshwater to salt water. This occurred roughly 1000 years ago when taste for freshwater fish in Europe was replaced by a desire for marine fish. Possible causes for this change in taste are the sheer amount of exploitation that left the number of freshwater fish dwindling and a high amount of pollution found in fish remains that were dumped around northwest Europe and England. In the 17th century, a fishing revolution was brought on by the invention of two boats sailing next to each other dragging large nets behind them. This method was made more efficient with the invention of steam powered boats and eventually gas and diesel. Around the same time that engines became more efficient, railroads were being created that connected the ocean shores to inland populations. These advancements, along with more efficient storage methods, led to more fish being caught and sold farther and farther out in the oceans. After WW2, further vessel advancements allowed for the fishing fleets to stay at sea for extended periods of time catching more fish than ever before. Around the 1960 s,
  • 29. Giuseppe Garibaldi Research Paper The Life of Garibaldi Giuseppe Garibaldi was born in Nice, France in 1807. He spent most of his youth as a sailor on Mediterranean merchant ships. In 1883 he joined Young Italy, the movement organised by the Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini. He believed that all Italian people should be free and that Italyshould not only be independent, but also an integrated republic. Italyhad been left completely fragmented by the settlements reached at Congress of Vienna in 1815. The congress had divided territory among the victors of the Napoleonic Wars. Italy was divided up, but most people wanted to see it re united as one country, including Garibaldi. In 1815, Italyfaced three obstacles to ... Show more content on ... He later returned to Italy in 1848, when the revolution that swept across Europe arrived in Italy. Garibaldi took part in the movement for Italian Unification. He organised an army of about 3000 volunteers, most of whom were in the service of the Piedmontese ruler Charles Albert, King of Sardinia, who had unsuccessfully fought the Austrians in Lombardy. In 1849 he led his Volunteers to support the Roman Republic established by Mazzini and others. Garibaldi successfully defended the city against attack by superior French forces for thirty days. But was finally compelled to make terms with the French. He was allowed to depart from Rome with about 5000 of his followers, but as the larger part of his force were killed or captured. Garibaldi had to flee Italy to save his life. Garibaldi went to the United States in 1848, and worked as a candle maker. He later returned to Italyin 1854 and bought a house on the Island of Sardinia. At that time Garibaldi had separated from Mazzini s Political views. Garibaldi believed that the road to freedom and unity for Italy lay in alliance with the King of Sardinia, Victor Emmanuel. Garibaldi was deeply involved in the complicated military and political
  • 30. struggles that took place in the following years. Garibaldi s goal was to create a united Italy. In
  • 31. Sample Interview Summary Reports Interview Summary Report For interview I was fortunate enough to speak with Tonia Dudley who is an Information Security Risk Reporting and Awareness Analyst at Charles Schwab in Chandler, Arizona. She was very happy to share her wealth of knowledge with me and I came away with multiple resources for more information and a greater understanding of the job itself. Not only did I ask questions about her current position, but I also wanted to know about her prior experience and schooling that qualified her for the job. While working for Checker Shucks Kragen Auto Parts, Tonia graduated from the University of Phoenix with a degree in Business administration. She then used her education to move from her accounting assistant position to a technical position that dealt with the implementation of PeopleSoft Financials and ... Show more content on ... Some companies prefer a four year degree from a university with a Computer Information Systems program. Although, some people, such as Tonia Dudley, study business management or other related areas of business and are able to succeed in this industry. In some cases employers are even willing to overlook education if a candidate has sufficient experience and a proven track record. Additionally, individuals must also possess strong communication and writing skills since much of their work is done in groups or with customers. Once a company hires a graduate with little experience they will usually undergo additional training whether formal, or informal. Depending on the company this training may consist of on the job training, entry level certification courses, or technical classes, which is usually paid for by the employer. Overall, maintaining a current technical understanding for the Information Systems is very important, and this is done through continuing education and certification
  • 32. Disadvantages Of The International Accounting Standards... INTRODUCTION INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARD (IFRS) In 2001, The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) was established to develop the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS). ). The first IFRS was issued in 2003 and European Union (EU) members committed for requesting all listing company to apply the IFRS in their jurisdictions and will effective on year 2005 (Brussels, 2000). IFRS is form with a mission to be achieved which is produce a transparency, accountability and efficiency to the financial market around the world (Anon., 2016). This is an accounting standard use by company to indicates the transactions and events need to be show to provide a fair ground financial market through a global standard accounting... Show more content on ... But there a certain limit of flexibility of this international standards for cover with all the differences accounting standard or accounting practices in between country. The IFRS is to increase the comparability of annual financial reports no matter oversea or domestic. This only can be success when the new set of accounting standard published by IFRS and adopting by country when only the cultural, economics, politics and other factors within the country change (Chen, 2009). Another point of view is about the increase for admin cost due to the creation of additional specific cost related to transition over to IFRS from J GAAP such as the required external advisors, extra audit fee, and modification cost of existing IT system or development for new IT system ( Financial Services Agency,, 2015). For all size of companies which is included the small and medium enterprises (SME) in given dissimilarity factors such as social, economic and culture, the appropriateness of IFRS with its benefits related the relationship with the implementation costs have to be concerns. For adopting IFRS is an expensive and complicated task for SME because they are not facing the issues of international competitions. It will becomes a burden for company (Chen,
  • 33. Red Cap Plumbing Research Paper Ready for all types of plumbing emergencies, Red Cap Plumbing has a truck that has been fully stocked and prepared for the Tampa Bay area. When a plumbing emergency strikes, you can feel at your wits end. We beg you to calm down and take a breather. Our 24 hour plumber will be ready to assist you at a moment s notice, and because our plumbers receive ongoing technical training, you can rest assured that you have received the most educated plumber on the latest products. That means that they will have efficiency at the job. If you come home to find your living room carpet drenched in water, that is not a good feeling for anyone to encounter. Always be careful about walking in an area with water damage because if it reaches a power source, it
  • 34. A Brief Note On Dirty And Polluted Water Our Most Precious Resource Dirty and polluted water is one of the world s biggest healthcare risks that threaten both the quality of life and public health. Pollution may come in the form of inappropriate disposal of garbage, improper treatment of sewage and agricultural run off. This pollution affects not only the quality of the water but also the wellbeing of the citizens. Still, many people claim that the probability of doing harm by polluting our oceans, rivers and streams is less significant than the cost of disposing of trash or debris properly. Research has shown, however, that proper disposal initially is considerably less costly than the economic and public health costs involved when sewage and garbage is left to accumulate... Show more content on ... The government is putting the value of development above the value of their citizen s health. With a sole focus on economic growth, China is killing itself. Even though China has experienced record breaking development, almost half of the surface water and nearly two thirds of underground water, the primary source of drinking water, is deemed unfit for human contact (Faulkner). China has sixteen out of twenty of the world s worst polluted cities according to the World s Bank List. The discharge of industrial pollutants as well as untreated sewage causes disease causing microorganisms to flourish. These microorganisms cause take a toll on the health and well being of the citizens. Fortunately, growth while controlling pollution is possible. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has clear guidelines for new and existing industry. All companies are required to provide a Storm Water Protection Plan and comply with all local and federal guidelines ( While the growth may come at a slower rate, the time spent in water cleaning infrastructure will yield returns in lower health care, cleanup costs, and provide more interest to investment capitalists. Attracting investment capitalists would likely hasten the industrial expansion process. One of the considerations when planning a new development whether it is industrial or residential is a sewage system. There are three main types of sewer systems. Storm sewers
  • 35. Summary Of The Opening Chapter Of The Selfish Gene By... In the opening chapter of The Selfish Gene , Richard Dawkins is quick to make it clear to the reader what his book is and what his book is not. Dawkins explains that he shall argue that a predominant quality to be expected in a successful gene is ruthless selfishness. This gene selfishness will usually give rise to selfishness in individual behavior (11). Explaining that we[humans], and all animals, are machines created by our genes (2). Dawkins argues that for genes to be successful, they must be extremely selfish and ruthless. Even seemingly altruistic actions are usually for selfish reasons upon second glance or in the long run. He believes that Charles Darwin s thoughts have been misinterpreted over the years to suggest that animals work together for the good... Show more content on ... Dawkins explains that altruistic acts between family members only occurs because related individuals carry a large percentage of the same genes, and to aid these genes would be beneficial. Dawkins also explains the unselfish nature between young siblings when competing for attention, food and care from their parents. Since nest mates share much of the same genetic material, brothers and sisters that are satisfied with just enough for all will survive in greater numbers than siblings who fight over care. Parents also share responsibility in raising their offspring even though they don t share similar genes. Although one may think it would be selfish and beneficial for one parent to leave the other partner to raise the offspring by their own, Dawkins explains that mathematics can prove that the positives of putting time and care into raising offspring trumps the negatives of abandoning the other partner to raise the offspring alone and possibly
  • 36. American Sniper Film Essay American Sniper, directed by Clint Eastwood immediately places the audience in the middle of the war in Iraq. We see Chris Kyle on a rooftop looking through the scope of his sniper. As he lays there, Chris notices two suspicious people approaching a group of American soldiers. He quickly realises they are in possession of a grenade which makes him instinctively aim his rifle towards them and place his finger on the trigger. We transition to a point during Chris childhood where he is hunting with his father. This scene uses multiple film techniques which work together to help express specific and important messages . These include non diegetic sound and cross cutting as well as dialogue and mise en scene. We as the audience are introduced... Show more content on ... Non diegetic sound and cross cutting are implemented in this sequence to build tension as well as preparing the audience for the inevitable climax. We see the action from three different perspectives through the use of cross cutting. These scenes consist of the perspective of the child and mother as they stand in front of an approaching tank, a close up shot of Chris aiming his rifle and a perspective shot of the scope on Chris s rifle to show Chris point of view. As the scene builds to its climax, additional shots are added. This includes a shot of Chris placing his finger on the trigger of the rifle as he prepares to fire, which is followed up by a tracking shot of the child running towards the tank with the grenade in his hand. Non diegetic sound compliments the use of cross cutting in this scene to enhance the sense of tension for not only Chris, but for the audience as well. As Chris begins to concentrate on his target, the diegetic sound of war playing in the background deadens, and is replaced with specific noises that sound familiar noises that can be heard in war. What makes these
  • 37. Jingle Ball Concert Sunday, December 10 was a night to remember. Kiss 108 s Jingle Ball took place, at TD Garden, Boston. The opening acts began at 6 pm. The one downside to this was I had a basketball game right before the concert. As a result, I missed most of the opening performers. However, this concert was still the best I have ever attended. The acts I missed were the boy band, Why Don t We and Girl Meets World star Sabrina Carpenter singing two of her songs. On the way into the concert, there was a vendor selling t shirts, after bargaining, we bought the shirts for only $10. We quickly paid for them and ran into the stadium. Luckily, I made it just in time for the last opening act, Max Schneider. Additional performers of the night included: Camila Cabello, Charlie Puth, Kelly Clarkson, Halsey, Fifth Harmony, and lastly Fall Out Boy. Each sang two to four songs. This concert was a nine act, 3 1/2 hour show. The arena was packed with fans all different ages, all with pulsing energy. People wore festive outfits and most were in the holiday spirit. I attended the concert with four of my closest friends, we had been planning the night out for months. Our seats were located in section 6, just left of the stage. We had a perfect view of the singers and couldn t have been more star struck. ... Show more content on ... The energy was electric when Camila Cabello, preformed Havana , a piece that is currently number two on the Hot 100 s rankings. Kelly Clarkson, winner of American Idol s very first season, played the classics Since U Been Gone and Miss Independent . Charlie Puth got people up and dancing with Attention , We Don t talk Anymore , and One Call Away . All of these songs were all incredible to see live, however, by far, my absolute favorite performers were Kelly Clarkson and Charlie Puth. I have always loved their music, but seeing them in person made me appreciate them even
  • 38. Witchcraft During Medieval Times During medieval times, there was a constant uproar when it came to difference in religions, as leaders preferred there be one sacred religion, Christianity. Around the 15th century, leading into the 16th century, in European countries, such as Germany and surrounding providences, witchcraft became the new practice, which was frowned upon. Anyone accused of being a witch, could not receive a fair trial, as they were persecuted, tricked into confession, humiliated, inhumanly tortured, and put to death by the numbers. Witchcraft was known, as a practice, in which, one would give themselves, over to the devil; in return, sorcery would be gained (Witchcraft Documents [15th Century], 1996). Due to fear, and the misunderstandings, of natural disasters, witches were said, to be the cause of a multitude of events. Uneducated, about the scientific reasoning, behind; miscarriages, the destruction of crops, any lifeform that had perished, in addition, to any other mishap; inevitably, witchcraft would be to blame (Witchcraft Documents [15th Century], 1996). In an attempt, to preserve Catholicism, Pope Innocent VIII, supported, the persecution of witches. The excerpt Innocent VIII: BULL Summis desiderantes, Dec. 5th, 1484, is a memoriam, listing desires and requirements, as to how witches convicted, should be hunted and put on trial (Witchcraft Documents [15th Century], 1996). To help preserve and spread Catholicism, would mean to, capture all who have, disrupted peace, in upper parts
  • 39. The Irish Financial Crisis Was Both Predictable and... DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES No. 7811 WHATEVER HAPPENED TO IRELAND? Morgan Kelly INTERNATIONAL MACROECONOMICS ABCD Available online at: ISSN 0265 8003 WHATEVER HAPPENED TO IRELAND? Morgan Kelly, University College Dublin and CEPR Discussion Paper No. 7811 May 2010 Centre for Economic Policy Research 53 56 Gt Sutton St, London EC1V 0DG, UK Tel: (44 20) 7183 8801, Fax: (44 20) 7183 8820 Email:, Website: This Discussion Paper is issued under the auspices of the Centre s research programme in INTERNATIONAL MACROECONOMICS. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of the Centre for Economic Policy... Show more content on ... An earlier version of this paper circulated under the title The Irish Credit Bubble. I would like to thank Colm McCarthy for useful discussions. All errors and interpretations are mine. 1 Ireland is one case where the classroom distinction between GNP and GDP really matters: largely because of transfer pricing by foreign corporations taking advantage of its 12 per cent rate of corporation tax, GDP is 25 per cent higher than GNP, and has fallen only 12.5 per cent. In what follows we shall present most Irish numbers as a percentage of GNP, because this is the relevant п¬Ѓgure for employment and discretionary taxation, and present numbers for other countries in the usual percentage of GDP form. в€ — 1 The key to understanding what happened to Ireland is to realise that, although GNP grew by 5 to 15 per cent every year from 1991 to 2006, this Celtic Tiger growth stemmed from two very diп¬Ђerent booms. First, during the 1990s, there was rising employment associated with increased competitiveness and a quadrupling of real exports. As Ireland converged to average levels of Western European income around 2000 it might have been expected that growth would fall to normal European levels. Instead growth continued at high rates until 2007 despite falling competitiveness, driven by a second boom in construction. Ireland went from getting 4 6 per cent
  • 40. Measures Of Association Are A Type Of Descriptive... Measures of association are a type of descriptive statistic used in order to find any variables that are related to each other. The associations created by chance among variables tend to decrease in a larger sample size. There are three components to measures of association; the direction of the association, the strength of the association, and the statistical significance of the association. Depending on what is being measured it is important to choose the correct method for determining associations. For example, if one is looking only at nominal variables, then it would be best to use the lambda method for detecting association. Some other tests for measures of association are Somer s D test, Cramer s V test, Phi test, and the Gamma test. A regression analysisdetermines how strong an association is among a single dependent variable and independent variables. It also used to explain any differences that are seen in the dependent variables by using information from the independent variables. ( Regression example: descriptive analysis ). Typically, when running any type of regression analysis, there are a few factors that are taken of special interest. These include the strength and direction of the associations (inverse or positive relationship), which independent variables are actually important for influencing the dependent variable, and, with given independent variables, being able to predict a set of values for the dependent variable. When running a regression
  • 41. Similarities Between The Garden Of Eden And The Tabernacle Similarities Between the Garden of Eden and the Tabernacle Throughout the Old Testament, the tabernacle was a centerfold of worshiping God for the Israelite people. This was where believers could congregate to seek peace, sing praises, and make animal sacrifices to God. The tabernacle was also a resting place for God to come down from Heaven and dwell with His children. Similarly, the Garden of Eden was once a perfect creation for God to have an earthly dwelling place to be with Adam and Eve. That, until the age old story of sin and deception came into place. The Garden of Eden was a perfect model of how God designed a place of worship to be, that is why He provided Moses with specific instructions of how the tabernacle should be built as a replica of the garden. The tabernacle stands as a symbolic model of the original creation the Garden of Eden, through its reproduction of several of the garden s well known features, such as the cherubim guarding the entrance, the Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the direction of the Garden facing east. The tabernacle s recreation of the cherubim guarding the entrance to the Garden of Eden is in its placement of these angelic beings sitting above and protecting the sacred Ark of the Covenant. The ark was an intricately decorated wooden box holding a copy of the Ten Commandments, symbolizing the living presence of God among the people. The ark, like Eden, was a sacred place where only God could dwell and sin may never be present. After Adam and Eve disobeyed God, cherubim were placed at the entrance of the Garden to shield His perfect creation from sin. In doing so, He made sure that the two would not find the entrance again, ( Guarding the Gate of Eden. ). Likewise, to protect the holiness of the ark, God ordered the Israelites to create cherubim to protect the ark from sin intruding upon its presence. Lisa Schachter states in her article, The Garden of Eden as God s First Sanctuary, that in both contexts [the cherubim] are the guardians of both the literal and figurative Tree of Life discussed in the story of creation. God did not want His perfect creation to become corrupted again, so He placed cherubim on both sides of the ark as a
  • 42. Thesis Statement For Wheelchair PROBLEM STATEMENT There are people who are unable to walk because of different disability. Person suffering from different form of plegia (mainly paraplegia) ,polio, amputation, cerebral palsy, muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson disease, nervous problem, Rickets, etc, won t be able to move their lower body parts but they will be able to move their upper body parts including hands. So using the movement of hands or by using the technique of gesture recognition we can help them to solve their problem to a certain extent. This technique will help in the mobility of such people. OBJECTIVE To design a wheelchair using hand gesture recognition technique. INTRODUCTION A wheelchair is a chair with wheels. The device comes in different varieties where it ... Show more content on ... The movement will be with the help of motors and the movement will continue up to 20m until if the person changes the directions. If the person wants to change the direction the sensor will detect the change and will brake the system and will move the chair in the required directions. There will be the controllers present which will help the chair to provide acceleration up to a certain distance. The block diagram of hand gesture controlled wheel chair is given below. Fig.1. Block Diagram Of Automated Wheelchair Controlled By Hand Gestures Fig.2. An Automated wheelchair CONCLUSION So there are different types of wheelchairs available in the market which helps in the mobility of disabled people. A gesture controlled wheelchair with the above features will allow the person to move in his own way or in the required directions as the person wants. It will also provide the person an independent platform for moving from one place to another and with the help of ultrasound sensors it will also make sure that the person won t meet any accidents. By using this system there is no need for a person to rely on others for his day to day
  • 43. Soccer is the Most Popular Sport in the World Soccer is the most popular sport in the world with over 200 professional leagues all across the globe(Fifa). But when it comes to soccer leagues, there is only one league that stands above all and that is the Barclay s Premier league. The Barclay s Premier league is a soccer league in England that consists of twenty professional soccer teams(Premierleague). The Barclay s Premier has exclusive characteristics among all the leagues that make it the best in the world. A profitable league for all clubs is just one important element of the Barclays Premier. Just as important is the development of youth in the league as the youth are the future generation of the league. More importantly, the league provides 20 teams that are incredibly competitive: a characteristic that makes every soccer fan want to watch the highly rated Barclays Premier league(Nasila). Due to it s exclusive criteria, the Barclay s Premier league is the best league in the world. As a result of evenly distributing money among all twenty clubs, the Barclays Premier league ensures success for its individual clubs. The English league has been the only league that evenly distributes its earnings in television money to all of it s clubs since it was first created in 1992(HubPages). The even distribution in the Barclays Premier allows for all clubs to invest in better squads,which makes the league fairly competitive(Nasila). Such fair system of distribution isn t the same for many of today s best known leagues, as
  • 44. Prostate Carcinoma Essay INTRODUCTION Prostate cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer and the sixth leading cause of cancer death in males. Incidence rates vary more than 25 fold worldwide, with the highest rates in the developed countries this may be due to the widespread use of prostate specific antigen testing and subsequent prostate biopsy in these regions [1]. Overall, the complex morphology, histologic heterogeneity, and the early signs of high malignant potential preclude a straightforward assessment of the metastatic potential of localized prostate carcinoma and show the requirement for extra clinical and pathologic tests for the evaluation of prostate carcinoma stage and clinical behavior[2] Distant spread of primary malignant cells to local and distant sites was explained by several models. Cumulative research shows a pivotal role of tumor microenvironment in the process of malignant cell dissemination. This role occurs through angiogenesis and epithelial stromal interactions, via the paracrine secretion of growth factors by stromal cells, which induce an epithelial mesenchymal transition in neighboring epithelial cells. This result in the increased migration of epithelial cells [3]. ... Show more content on ... Caveolin 1 was overexpressed in mouse and human metastatic malignant prostate cells. Moreover, decreased caveolin 1 expression with stably transfected antisense caveolin 1 cDNA converted androgen insensitive metastatic mouse prostate cancer cells to an androgen sensitive phenotype [4].Acordingly,Caveolin 1 was considered a metastasis related gene as well as a candidate gene for hormone resistant human prostate cancer. Recent studies suggested a possible role for caveolin 1 in the resistance of various malignances to multiple antineoplastic drugs
  • 45. Filmic Techniques In Blade Runner The director Ridley Scott uses filmic techniques used in the construction of the science fiction film Blade Runner that will be discussed in this essay are: music /sound, lighting and camera angles, and the impact of these on the audience and the purpose of the text. The use of continual noise/sound effects, darkness and shadowy lighting and the cluttered nature of the street scenes creates an unmistakable mood of mystery. Music and sound is used in Blade Runner to connect with the darkness and gloominess of the film making it mystifying. In the scene where an owl flies into the room where Deckard is, this is where Rachel and Deckard meet for the first time. The use of sound in the film gives Blade Runner its unique feeling. The echo has an
  • 46. Lust in Sonnet CXXIX (129) Essay Lust in Sonnet CXXIX (129) A Savage Action Full of Blame The essences of pure lust and its dark side. That is, in a word, what Shakespeare in his Sonnet CXXIX1 describes. His language is full of anger, frustration and self blaming. A real, emotional, affected language no flourishes. Shakespeare doesn t write about eternal love, the beauties of a woman or spiritual relations all themes which we might expect from a classical sonnets. No he talks about lust and the feeling of being dominated and helpless. And even a certain kind of vicious circle is strongly reflected in his choice of word and the atmosphere of the poem. If we first take a brief look at the formal aspects of Shakespeare s Sonnet, we detect ... Show more content on ... All these human character traits that are ascribe to lust, make the reader realize that lust isn t something inanimate, but rather a very living, acting and dominating being . Therefore, one can form a very good impression of the ideas around lust that Shakespeare tries to bring us closer to. But how does Shakespeare describe lust? Generally, in the whole poem, different attitudes are ascribed to lust, especially concerning the ideas of before, during and after the act ( or action (l. 2) ) of lust. Also in this first quatrain, we find these ideas. Before the act ( see quote above ), lust is presented to us, in a very direct way, as something mean, lying, deceitful and almost sadistic1. But ... is lust in action... (l.2), the poet regards it as an ... expense of spirit in a waste of shame... (l.1). So, the act of lust itself isn t described as bluntly as before; Shakespeare presents us in the first line a very strong metaphor of lust. As the word spirit is very often considered to be a synonym for vital energy 2, so, the reader starts to tend to interpret the first line as an image of an orgasm which definitively would be a very strong and rather unusual opening. But it is as least as important also to take into account the second expression, namely the waste of shame . Orgasm and the feeling of shame