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⚡A Favorite Childhood Memory
Essay. Childhood Memories Essay
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⚡A Favorite Childhood Memory Essay. Childhood Memories Essay F ⚡A Favorite Childhood Memory Essay.
Childhood Memories Essay F
The Creation Of Sputnik
On October 4, 1957 the Soviet Union launched a satellite called Sputnik 1 into space. This marked the
start of the space race. Americans were terrified of the chance of the Soviet s sending missiles from
space. However Dwight. D. Eisenhower was not scared and did not do much.
About a month later on November 3, 1957 the Soviets launched a new spacecraft called Sputnik 2.
Sputnik 2 sent the first animal into space, it was named Laika. Lakia did not survive, but the Russians
were in the lead.
America decided to do something so they attempted to send Vanguard, ( satellite, nobody was in it) on
December 6th 1957 into earth s orbit. At that time there was no NASA, the project was under the
Naval Research Laboratory and National Science Foundation. ... Show more content on ...
They were working on an even bigger rocket than Saturn 5. It was called N 1 and it was intended for a
lunar launch. Unfortunately (fortunate for America) 5 months later the N 1 rocket exploded at a launch
Although half the nation doubted the launch on May 16th 1 million people came to watch the launch
of Apollo 11 with Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins as the crew. They were going to
watch the launch of a spacecraft that was going to land on the moon.
After the journey to get near the moon at 1:46 p.m. July 20th Armstrong and Aldrin pulled away from
the command module in the landing module named Eagle. Meanwhile Michael Collins was orbiting
the moon alone. At 4:18 on July 20th the Eagle had landed. At 10:56 P.M. July 20th Neil Armstrong
took his first step onto the moon.
They had done it they had landed! Buzz Aldrin soon came and they collected moon samples.
At 1:54 p.m. July 20th the Eagle is lifted in the air. If they had not been able to do that Michael Collins
would go back to earth and leave the 2 astronauts to die.
On July 24th at 12:51 P.M. the astronauts splash down! They had gone to the moon and
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Differences And Similarities Of American And Vietnamese...
I have recently read a book about a boy who lives in the jungle in a small hamlet in Vietnam, where he
has to deal with the life dangers of where he lives. Since I learned about the Vietnamese culture, I
have to tell you the differences and similarities of American and Vietnamese culture.
In the Vietnamese culture in marriage if you were the bride your family would receive a fat hog, six
chickens, six ducks, three bottles of wine, and thirty kilos of rice. Also, before a wedding the groom
could not see the bride before the wedding because that meant bad luck. After a wedding the bride had
to go home and cry and express sorrow because the bride had to go live with the groom s family. The
villagers would also collect fish oil for lamps to keep
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Hidden Homelessness In Canada
The global economy and social patterns have experienced huge dynamics with time and have changed
significantly concerning economic growth, development, and social welfare parameters. Over the
years, few countries have emerged as prominent players in the global economy and have shown
significantly admirable traits regarding progress in economic, social, political as well as human
welfare domains. Canada has been one such country (Schneider pp. 5 7). In the recent few decades,
Canada has shown significant progress in the overall framework and currently ranks tenth in the world
regarding nominal GDP. The real estate industry is the most dominant sector, the country also is one of
the largest exporters of natural gas and petroleum on the one hand ... Show more content on ...
The problem is, however, acuter in case of specific sectors of the population, especially in fact of
single adults lying in the age group of 25 to 55 years, who account for nearly 47.5% of the total
homelessness in the country. 20% of all the homeless people in the country comprises of youth, with
the problem being acuter in the cases of transgender and different sexually oriented people. The
aboriginals of the country are also highly vulnerable to this issue of homelessness, with their problem
expanding even more with time (Evenson and Carolann). Homelessness in the country, however, is of
different types, depending upon the nature, tenure, and extent of homelessness, which, concerning the
scenario in Canada, can be elaborated as follows:
Chronic Homelessness This type of homelessness refers to the problem of long term lack of shelter,
which accounts for homelessness of nearly 4000 to 8000 people in the country.
Episodic Homelessness The residents in the country who move in and out of the shelters in the
country multiple times in a year, which comprises of nearly 6000 to 22000 people in the country
(Gaetz et
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Miliary Tuberculosis
Clinical manifestations of miliary tuberculosis are nonspecific and wide ranging, depends on the
predominant site of involvement. Fever, night sweats, anorexia, weakness and weight loss are
presenting symptoms in the majority of cases. Occurrence of daily morning temperature spikes is
reported to be characteristic of miliary TB5. Patients have cough and other respiratory symptoms due
to pulmonary involvement. Physical findings include hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and
lymphadenopathy. Eye examination may reveal choroidal tubercles, which are pathognomic of miliary
TB, in up to 30% of cases. Various hematologic abnormalities may be seen, including anaemia with
leukopenia, lymphopenia, neutrophilic leukocytosis and leukemoid reactions, and polycythemia. ...
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Bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial biopsy are more likely to provide bacteriologic
confirmation, and granulomas are evident in liver or bone marrow biopsy specimens from many
patients. If it goes unrecognized, miliary TB is lethal; with proper early treatment, however, it is
amenable to cure. The following criteria have been proposed for the diagnose of miliary TB6: (1)
clinical presentation consistent with the diagnosis of TB like pyrexia with evening rise of temperature,
night sweats, anorexia and weight loss of greater than 6weeks in duration responding to
antituberculosis treatment; (2) typical miliary pattern on hest radiograph; (3) bilateral, diffuse
reticulonodular lung lesions on a background of miliary shadows demonstrable either on chest
radiograph or HRCT scan and (4) microbiological or histopathological evidence of TB. Non parasitic
causes of pulmonary eosinophilia include miliary tuberculosis, Wegner granulomatosis, sarcoidosis
and drug reactions, tropical pulmonary eosinophilia etc. There are some diseases like JOB s syndrome
in which there is hypereosinophilia, eczema, recurrent skin and pulmonary infections (like miliary
tuberculosis) apart from other
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Profile of General Motors Company
Organization profile Introduction. General Motors is a company that designs and produces car and
truck and car components, as well as Financial Services. General Motors Headquarter is in Detroit,
Michigan. Currently GM employs 212,000 people. GM are engaged in the business to 157 countries
around the world, and produces automobiles and trucks in 37 countries under such brands as
Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac, Isuzu, Jie Fang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wulug. General Motors
produced 9.489.000 vehicles. Company Revenue for 2012 is 150.276 billion dollars. (Wikipedia,
2013) History. GM is divided into five business segments, GM North America, GM Europe, GM
International Operations, GM South America and GM Financial. General Motors was founded on
September 16 in 1908 in Flint, Michigan, by William C. Durant, Charles Steward Mot, and Frederic L.
Smith. When an enterprising William Durant bought several small companies to produce cars
combining them into one called General Motors Company . Within two years it was purchased by
about twenty of these small firms, and in the process the company has evolved into a corporation.
Among other was bought for example, Cadillac . All of these purchases can be as successful, if not a
but. As a result of these transactions Durant has amassed an incredible amount of debt and in dire need
of another loan. However, the position of creditors was clear: loans for retired Duran. Back in 1905, it
has attracted the attention of famous racing driver
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The Philosophies Of Athenian Democracy
The Greeks have defined democracy in its purest and simplest form as rule by the people. Today,
many governments have converted to the democratic system, but one notable example of a democratic
society is the city state of Athens; which is also the birthplace of democracy. This way of ruling of, by,
and for the people was so effective that it set the foundations for the democracies we see today.
Although Athenian democracy was essentially the stepping stones to the democratic society we have
today; there were some major discrepancies such as their political structure, their restrictions on what
constitutes a citizen, and their philosophies regarding war.
The Athenians political structure is one of the most significant contributions they made to democracy.
They formed three political bodies supposing that it would keep things orderly, and in their eyes, fair.
Their three political bodies consisted first of the assembly, or Ekklesia. The Ekklesia were responsible
for making ... Show more content on ...
Based on the evidence stated above, from the Athenian point of view, their political structure was
democratic. However, it seems as though that their interpretation of democracy was only democratic
among those who had political rights and were able to contribute to politics in general. When a vast
portion of a state is excluded from politics, it does not seem very democratic. War also defies all
principles on being a free, democratic state. The Athenian way of voting on issues was probably the
most truly democratic principle they demonstrated because every citizen who was able to participate
had a say. The Athenian s view on democracy could have reached a higher potential if their system
had fully utilized the skills of all its residents; such as the women, the poor, resident aliens, and slaves;
as well as adopt a more egalitarian philosophy when it came to their political bodies and their stance
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Painting With Light By Dante Gabriel Rossetti Essay
The exhibition, Painting with Light will be displayed at the Tate Modern in London from May the
11th till September the 25th 2016. To those of you who may see Edwardian and Victorian art as not
being particularly exciting, i would encourage you to try and look past this disinterest and get down to
see the Painting with Light exhibition. The exhibition impressively manages to capture the
development of art during the period in a way of which the disinterest of most is turned into intrigue
and knowledge.
The exhibition focuses on the relationship between painting and photography, the largely experimental
period in which this developed coincided with the founding of the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood.
Paintings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Everett Millais and John Singer Sargent are included (and
personally i believe they are the highlights of the exhibition) are shown side by side with the photos
they inspired and of subjects they drew inspiration from.
The Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood was a secret society of the mid 19th century that sought to create a
new form of British art. They strived to emulate art from the late medieval period, early renaissance
till the of Raphael, striving to convey messages of artistic renewal and moral reform. This theme
combined with Aesthetic and Impressionist works gives the richness in culture and a great span in
examples that supply ample contextual and visual support for the idea the exhibition is conveying.
Although the exhibition
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Markets And International Monetary Fund
Markets Want Greece in the Eurozone The fickleness of financial markets is a constant source of both
frustration and amazement, particularly in the Eurozone. Having started last week concerned about the
ramifications of a resounding No vote in Greece s referendum about bailout terms imposed by the
Troika, there was a strong rally in anticipation of deal eventually being signed between Greece and her
creditors. Markets have, therefore, seemingly taken the view that the best known outcome is for
Greece to remain in the single currency, regardless of the imperfections of any agreement. In the
absence of substantial debt write downs, however, the situation facing Greece remains dire. Both the
US and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have ... Show more content on ...
Thus, this highlights the utter hypocrisy of the current negotiations surrounding Greece: both France
and Germany, in fact, conveniently ignored the rules for the fiscal convergence criteria when it suited
them. Neither country was sanctioned in a major way. France could well find itself in the firing line if
it fails to prevent a Greek exit from the single currency. The sustainability of the current membership
of euro has, therefore, not been laid to rest. Understanding Events in China Events in China took on a
new level of intensity last week as the authorities attempted to stabilise the equity market. The
weakness appears to be event drive as opposed to being the result of economic malaise. In fact, recent
economic data out of China suggests that recent stimulus measures appear to have had some traction.
The event in question appears to be a large margin call being made by one of the main regulatory
authorities. Recently, I mentioned that margin debt as a percentage of GDP was a relatively high 8%.
The problem facing the authorities was sourcing where the trouble was emanating from. Margin debt
can be originated from two sources: 1) licensed brokers, and 2) the so called grey market within the
shadow banking system. The origination split is roughly 50/50 between the two sectors. This is where
the similarities end. At licensed brokers, margin credit can only be extended for up
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Amy Tan Fish Cheeks Essay
Fish Cheeks
The essay Fish Cheeks by Amy Tan takes place in her teenage years and it s about something that
happened at that time. On the day of Christmas Eve, Amy s mother invites the minister and his family
over, who are Americans, so that both families can celebrate together. For dinner that Christmas, Amy
s mom had prepared all of her favorite foods (like fish cheeks). However, even though her favorite
foods were served, she constantly felt mortified through out the night. From the love of her life, also
known as the minister s son, Robert, who was at the dinner table, all the way to the cultural
differences in manners caused Tan to depreciate her family traditions on that Christmas dinner because
she was unaware of what the American family was thinking of her Chinese traditional dinner.
However as we age and become older we also gain a lot of wisdom and understanding of the reality
we live in through hard times and challenging situations, which we witness happening with Tan in her
essay. ... Show more content on ...
In the beginning of the essay, I noticed that Tan reveals some of her insecurities by exposing thought
shots. She would constantly feel embarrassed from the moment the American family arrives all
through the very end of Christmas Eve dinner. Considering the smelly and gross looking Chinese
traditional dishes also the loud and weird acting relatives, I witnessed a good imagery from the way
Amy describes them. The main concerns to Tan are how and what the American family thinks of them.
In my life I also struggled with internally wanting approval from the others however I got over it by
realizing that the external reality cannot control how I feel. Later on in the story her mother gets to
explain how to deal with her emotions and shows her compassion with understanding of the horrible
things she felt that dinner
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The Behaviors Of People Shopping Is Best Buy On Black...
Field Information
For my ethnography assignment, I choose to study the behaviors of people shopping in Best Buy on
Black Friday at the King of Prussia Mall (KOP). This file assignment is to participate and to observe
the anthropological concepts usages in American rituals. Since I did not have the chance to meet with
my family members, who live in Indiana, I choose to participate in the modern tradition of
Thanksgiving shopping. Moreover, one of my friends decided she want to experience the spirit and the
heat of Black Friday by lining up outside a retile store beforehand she was then kind enough to take
me with him. After searching online with all the Black Friday sale advertisements, she figured that
Best Buy offers the best deal and ... Show more content on ...
We were dropped off first at Best Buy so we can stand in line when our driver, Nate went to look for a
parking space. I was shocked by the crowd that was already ahead of us since it was only four o clock,
meaning an hour before the store opens. I asked the families in front of us which item they are
hopping to purchase. They said they have their eyes on the big screen television, but they probably
won t get it. They arrived five minutes before us and were already told by the store managers that the
products are limited. I noticed that people in the beginning of the line had sleeping bags and tents with
them. I really wanted to ask how long they have been waiting, but they didn t look too approachable.
The weather was wet and cold that evening, and the sun set once we arrived. People were chatting and
having conversation with strangers for almost forty minutes before the managers announced that the
open hour will be late for ten minutes due to shipment issues or some sort. The atmosphere quickly
turned, people were angry and complaining that they have been waiting overnight. I could feel the
intensity of the line when the managers also announced the quantity of products they have. There were
only fifty iphone6s with sale and everyone gets to purchase only one. Even though I wasn t getting
anything, I felt really nervous.
When the time stroked 5:15, the door was open and people ran in. I mean they ran in without
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Apollo 11 Moon Landing Conspiracy
The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Conspiracy
Officially Accepted Story
During the 1960 s and 70 s, America and the USSR were in the midst of the Cold War Era, a period of
time where instead of fighting each other they competed against each other in order to be the first
nation to win the space race and that meant landing a human on the moon and have them return safely
before the other country.
In 1961 Russia was ahead of America in the space race after managing to launch Yuri Gagarin into
space, have him orbit the earth and return him safely , 23 days before American astronaut Alan B
Shepard was able too. In response to trailing behind Russia, President John F. Kennedy gave a speech
at Rice University Stadium in which he challenged America to find a way to put a man on the moon
and return him safely before the end of the decade.
After launching from the Kennedy space centre on July 20th 1969 the crew of Apollo 11 orbited the
earth one and a half times before being given permission to go to the moon, three days later the crew
are in orbit around the moon. Six hours after the lunar module lands on the moons surface, Neil
Armstrong becomes the first man to walk on the moon.
The two astronauts spend two and a half hours on the moon s surface collecting rocks and conducting
experiments before behind a plaque which honoured the astronauts that had died in the pursuit of
getting to space, American and Russian, an America flag and a plaque with a message that read Here
men from
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Terror of The Thing. Essay
October 12th 1902. It was another dreary night in Huntington Pennsylvania. The thunder crashed like
plates being dropped on a kitchen floor. The lightning illuminated the night sky bringing light for just
a short, brief moment. The house creaked and groaned as if someone were in the very home. And the
sound of the neighborhood cats scurrying to find a shelter from the frigid rain. This however did not
affect old Zebadiah Hansen, who had gotten used to the old mansions many clamorous noises and had
developed a somewhat liking for them. Zebadiah sat in his rocker stroking his long white beard next to
a roaring fire, reading The Cloud of Unknowing, one of a vast array of books in his vast collection.
Abruptly a boisterous knock came from the ... Show more content on ...
His hands trembled uncontrollably, making reading his book near to impossible.
From behind him he heard a reticent whisper Zebadiah.
He spun around and shouted with great intensity, who s there?
No reply. Zebadiah swallowed another glass of brandy hoping to wash away his fears.
The fire iron suddenly fell to the ground making a great clamor in the living room. Zebadiah was now
petrified with fear and with a weak quivering voice shouted What do you want.
Once again there was no answer. Zebadiah was feeling great anxiety at this moment. He decided that a
good nights sleep would do him well. So he timorously made his way to the hallway and up the stairs.
He climbed to the top of the stairs which had over the years became a tedious task for him. He
scurried to his room and slammed the door shut. As he began to lay down he suddenly heard a soft
melody coming from the study. This didn t make sense seeing that Zebadiah had no neighbors for
miles. He didn t have a piano because he felt music rots the brain and causes a lack of concentration.
The soft melody gradually increased in loudness until it came to the point where it was causing great
distress to Zebadiah. He put a pillow over his ears to silence out the noise, but it seemed to do no
good. And just as quick as it had started, the noise ceased.
Zebadiah being the man he was felt that he must determine the sounds origin. He grabbed the
candlestick off of the stand next to his bed a
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Synopsis Of The Way We Were
Synopsis of the Way We Were
The Way We Were is an American romantic drama that has been on since 1973. The film is starred by
Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford and it is directed by Sydney Pollack. The screenplay is
composed by Author Laurents and it was based on his college days at Cornel University and his
experiences as a member of the House UN American Activities committee activities.
The movie centered on Katie Morosky (Barbra Streisand) and Hubbell Gardiner(Robert Redford) who
were passionate lover irrespective of their differences in political views and ideologies. Katie Morosky
happens to be a student with high level of political radicalism and very dogmatic about her political
views. However, she hopelessly falls for Hubbell Gardiner who is a ... Show more content on ...
However, he has a different passion to write for the movie. Katies finds Hubbell s passion very
In the beginning, Hubbell admires Katies undying passion for causes that are beneficial to humanity.
After sometimes, he became scared of her aggressive political activism. This political activism soon
landed them both in danger during the dark times of MacCarthyism.
Different conflicts emergence that make them to face their values and principles as individuals. It was
when they realize that they need more than love to be together.
Reasons why The Way We Were Feature the best Romance of all time
For certain reasons The way we were have been featured as the best romance of all time. Some of
these reasons;
 Katies Morosky is very smart, passionate and beautiful.
 On the other hand, Hubbell is kind, caring and smoldering.
 The best way to define their romance is an epic love story that started way back in college campus
where they first saw each other. However, they squabble along the line due to their differences in
values and principles. Katies is a Marxist jew while Hubbell doesn t have an iota of interest in
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Arms Of An Angel Ethos Pathos Logos
This short yet powerful commercial video is released by ASPCA in 2007 to raise the awareness of
animal abuse in the US. The commercial starts with a series of small clips of wounded and dirty
animals in cages and boxes, some with visible scars in their eyes. While these clips are played, Sara
McLachlan s song Arms of an Angel is playing solemnly in the background. The commercial is aimed
to persuade its audience to join and make donations to ASPCA for saving animals that are abandoned
and abused by humans.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the methods of persuasion that are used in this commercial, and
how the use of ethos, pathos, and logos has made the commercial from ASPCA persuasive and
First of all, the commercial has accomplished successfully of building its ethos (credibility). The ad is
made by ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), a non profit
organization that receives monthly donations for saving animals from being abused or ignored.
(Wikipedia) From ASPCA s website, you can find its organizational structures, annual financial
statements, policies and positions, etc. It provides a transparent way to process and broadcast
organization resources. By doing this, for a person who is trying to donate, he/she can make sure the
money is spent for a good reason.
This commercial has established more credibility by using a famous singer, Sarah McLachlan, as the
spokesperson. Besides music, McLachlan is an activist for
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Needle Therapy Research Paper
Acupuncture is a customary medicine that has been practiced in China and other Asian nations for a
large number of years. Its defenders say it can do everything from mitigating pain to bringing a
general feeling of wellbeing. Others think the main advantage expected from needle therapy is in one s
mind. Needle therapy can be powerful for certain wellbeing issues, for example, such as some sorts of
chronic pain. Be that as it may, how it works is something of a mystery. Needle therapy, an alternative
pain treatment, in light of the idea of chi, is the stimulation of particular focuses on the body; alludes
to the imperative life power, or vitality. This strategy can differ, yet the most surely understood sort in
the United States is the insertion
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Good Vs. Evil In The Epic Of Beowulf
Beowulf is thought to be one of the first major English epics estimated to be written between (insert
time period) and is still to this day considered one of the greatest epics of all time. What typically
would characterize a proper epic is the use of a main character known as the Epic Hero with a
supernatural enemy that compliments the character s traits. An epic also recounts travels, quests and
heroic battles; as well highlights the ideas of good vs. evil and moral dilemmas. It is through the
portrayal of the great hero Beowulf and his battles with foes to cater to the greater good that this epic
is brought to life and immortalized.
It is fitting to think that Beowulf is possibly the first major epic because in many ways, it proves to be
very simple in the idea of what an epic truly is about. In any proper epic, the idea of good vs. evil is
always prevelant. There is the idea that a protagonist must go against an antagonist in effort to defend
the greater good. Beowulf surrounds the conflict between a brave and mighty warrior and demons
from hell. Beowulf himself represents the good and must fight many evil monsters such as Grendel
and a dragon in order to save his own people in an attempt to create peace. Beowulf makes the fight
between good and evil a necessary part of his life. This can be further identified when he says I have
wrestled the hilt from the enemies hand, avenged the evil done to the Danes; it is what was due. (lines
1668 1670 page). He carries great
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Conservative Judaism Vs Liberal Judaism
One basic belief of Judaism is the belief in one god who is responsible for the creation of the universe,
and who is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Another belief that Jews hold, which is
somewhat unique among monotheistic religions is the belief that god does not have a body. This
means god is neither male nor female, which can make god more relatable. Jews also strongly believe
that god listens to every person, and is interested in every person. Attached to this belief is the belief
that god speaks to humans, sometimes in ways one would not expect.
2. The religion of Judaism is not evangelizing religion and the bar to entry is significantly harder than
practically every other religion. Judaism does not seek to convert people ... Show more content on ...
I shall begin with the points of congruence (of which there are few). Both segments are unorganized,
and do not have a centralized religious authority at their core. In fact, the term orthodox is an umbrella
that encompasses many different orthodox movements within Judaism. Liberal Judaism shares this
lack of monolithic movement or philosophy, with all congregation being independent. This creates a
diversity within these two particular sects that is richer than in other strands of Judaism. Found within
both Orthodox Judaism and Liberal Judaism is a disapproval of interreligious marriage. Orthodox
Judaism is outspoken and very explicitly in opposition to interreligious marriage. While it takes a
more low key approach to the question, Liberal Judaism shares this view. As an example, Liberal
rabbis in the United Kingdom do not conduct mixed marriages. The final case of similarity between
Liberal Judaism and Orthodox Judaism is their mutual celebration of religious holidays. Those of the
Liberal Jewish persuasion observe the same Jewish festivals and celebration as Orthodox Jews. While
Liberal Judaism does stray from Orthodox Judaism in regards to theology and some liturgy it is
important to recognize that they celebrate the same holidays and retain many of the same rituals as
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Gender Themes In Whale Rider
In whale rider by Niki Caro, there are several different themes that portrayed throughout the movie. As
the world outside of the Maori community advance though society, lessening the shackles of a
Patriarchal society, the Maori tribe is faced difficult hardships. With a new generations disregard of
tradition, and ignoring the sacred laws, with the loss of their leader, and their struggle to find a new
one. Three themes are prominently displayed throughout the film. The corruption of man vs the
sacredness of nature, tradition vs modernity, and female role models vs misogyny. The corruption of
man vs the sacredness of nature is one of the key themes in the movie. Within Whale Rider by Niki
Caro, the world and all of its creatures are often being ... Show more content on ...
The movie is all about strong willed female characters and how they overcome different obstacles in
their lives.. The main protagonist of the story, Paikea, as well as many of the other protagonists,
including Nanny and Muriwai are all shown as brave, independent female characters that others can
come to depend on within their community. The stories of each female character is shown as a way to
empower young women by giving examples of heroines that are, brave, strong, and dedicated, and can
do just as much as any male without their help. This is particularly touching in the that setting of
Whangara, whose chief Koro refuses to see women as potential leaders in Whangara s future. A long
time ago, my ancestor Paikea came to this place on the back of a whale. Since then, in every
generation of my family, the first born son has carried his name and become the leader of our tribe...
until now. (Paikea) This goes to show that after everything that the Maori community faces with
misogyny and female role models, that even after everything, the community is willing to accept a
female where a male who have
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Analysis Of Charles Finney s The Reality Of Free Will
Lane describes Charles Finney as one of the early Evangelicals. Born in 1792, he began preaching and
later holding unconventional revivals in 1824. Finney stressed the reality of free will, meaning that
man has a choice in the matters of sin. God tells us what is right and threatens us with sanctions, but
the choice is ours (pp. 253 254). The weakness of Evangelical approach, according to Lane, is that the
evangelist tries to bring about an instantaneous decision of the will rather than a radical change of
character which in one sense is a life long process. Obviously, Lane s insistence that Finney s system
holds that the will is totally unconditioned and random seems to show an opinion that reveals a
creeping of moral relativism. Lane insists that Finney held morality to be either/or acts of will, this in
opposition the Lane s concept that morality is a cultivation of moral character (p. 254). Finney is also
noted by Lane as not believing in the concept of original sin due to his stand on infants not having a
sinful nature. However, Finney acknowledges that as the infant develops reaching an age of moral
accountability sin is a certainty. In this, I think the weakness Lane points out in Evangelicals is, of
itself, weak. Augustine, an early church father in 354, viewed and argued that humans can live sinless
lives through their natural endowments and are responsible to do so. It s the catalyst that set off the
great controversy over original sin, free will, and
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Guilt In Crime And Punishment By Dostoevsky
How much can one person s life have on an individual? In Crime and Punishment there is a bond that
is presented between the characters of Raskolnikov and Sonia which is not demonstrated to the same
degree within others. Both of them share having to live up to the guilt of their actions and find comfort
in accepting each other s flaws. With Raskolnikov it is this acceptance that leads him to confess his
crime and with Sonia it is what drives her to move to Siberia to be with the person who appreciates
her the most. The bond between the two characters reflects how forgiveness is expressed in deep
relationships. Dostoevsky uses a motif of the color yellow to highlight the guilt that both the
characters experience. For Sonia, the appearance ... Show more content on ...
Before Sonia met him, she feels shame in her role of being a prostitute. Sonia feels the guilt how when
giving money to her mother she did not utter a word, she did not even look at her (Dostoyevsky, 14).
Sonia does not get the full dignity in providing for her family as she sacrifices the most innocent thing
about her ; her body. Her relationship with Raskolnikov has more comfort than her mother as Sonia is
open to express her feelings openingly. This is shown in her reading him the book of Lazarus. Sonia
has difficulty in how she reads him because these feelings really were her secret treasure which she
had kept perhaps for years, perhaps from childhood, while she lived with a unhappy father and a
distracted stepmother crazed by grief (Dostoyevsky, 258 259) . Even though it gives her pain to read
to him the bible she still reads it as she is able to talk to him about religion which she was never able
to with her family. She realizes Raskolnikov is their because he is in pain to which her actions will
help him if he might hear it, and to read now whatever might come of it! (Dostoyevsky, 259). Sonia
becomes guiding with her actions that it is what leads her to go to Siberia. Raskolnikov spots her from
a wooden shantie when he goes to confess at the police office he knew once for all that Sonia was with
him for ever and would follow him to the ends of the
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Capitalism And Colonialism’S Links As Pillars Of White
Capitalism and colonialism s links as pillars of white supremacy contribute to the racial exclusion and
exploitation of certain racial groups, such as Native Americans and Black people. This can be seen
through the timeline of North American history, but also farther back in the history of European settler
colonialism throughout Europe and into other nearby continents. The methods of decolonization
employed by various racial groups affected by colonialism interact with one another in various ways,
as each group was affected differently, yet they were affected by the same instigating group of white
settlers. It is important when these groups make the move to decolonize themselves to consider other
groups outside their own, as interactions ... Show more content on ...
Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz covers much of this in her book Indigenous People s History of the US, where
she goes over many historical events contributing to the genocide, exploitation, and exclusion of
Native Americans. In the beginnings of white colonial interaction with indigenous people, settlers
used native peoples as sources of knowledge on how to live off unfamiliar land:
They appropriated what had already been created by Indigenous civilizations. They stole already
cultivated farmland and the... crops domesticated over centuries, took control of the deer parks that
had been cleared and maintained by Indigenous communities, used existing roads and water routes in
order to move armies to conquer, and relied on captured Indigenous people to identify the locations of
water, oyster beds, and medicinal herbs (Dunbar Ortiz 46). Without Native Americans, Dunbar Ortiz
argues, the European settlers would likely have not survived in the New World at all, for had North
America been a wilderness, undeveloped, without roads, and uncultivated, it might still be so, for the
European colonists could not have survived (46). This is only the beginning of settler exploitation of
Native Americans, though, as settler colonialism later changes its stance of racialized logic to that of
exclusion, leading to mass genocide and appropriation of indigenous land. Once the
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Occupational Outlook Handbook
Outlook Handbook
On the Bureau of Labor Statistics website you can get the general idea of what a web developer does,
what the work environment is, the job outlook, and the pay rate. On the What They Do page is a list of
the duties of a web developer. Some of these duties include meeting with clients or management to
discuss the needs of the website and the expected needs of the website s audience and plan how it
should look, working with other team members to determine what information the site will contain,
and working with graphics and other designers to determine the website s layout. All of the duties
above require communication skills either by phone, email or in person. Course Information The
course information is filled ... Show more content on ...
I have found myself having a conversation with someone and just stop talking mid sentence then
saying, Do you know what I mean. Of course, they don t I didn t even finish the sentence I was saying.
I have noticed I do this more often when I am frustrated or upset. For example, I bought a
remanufactured laptop and the second day I noticed a few of the keys were sticking. I didn t think
much about it and thought maybe it was just me not being used to it because it was new. The problem
continued to get worse and worse, but I had just started a new semester and needed my computer. So,
finally after I couldn t take it anymore, which was only like two months after I had purchased it, I
decided to take it back to where I bought it from. They told me I had waited too long to return it to
them, but since it was a manufacture s defect I could return it to Dell. Then the store s customer
service preceded to tell me that since there were a few scuff marks on it that Dell would not accept the
laptop because it showed evidence of being dropped. Well, let s just say that is not what I wanted to
hear and I told them about it. When my husband and I got back into the car he was laughing at me and
I said Why are you laughing at me, this is not funny? He said after they told me Dell would not accept
it I did not finish one single sentence. That I would start saying something and never
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Beam Hammer Essay
Beam hammer is a device which works on the principle of beam engine or inversion of four bar
mechanism. Cast iron plates are used to construct the rigid beam engine mechanism which is one of
the applications of four bar chain. The wooden bed is used to absorb the vibrations caused while
operating the system. Nuts and bolts are made up of carbon steel which is capable of withstand
deformation while reciprocating motion takes place. The hammer and the work rest are made up of
mild steel because while hammer hitting the work piece deformation occurs both in the hammer and
the work rest. To prevent the deformation, the mild steel is chosen in our project. When the crank is
rotated, according to the beam engine mechanism it is converted into reciprocating motion on the
other side through inversion of four bar mechanism, is achieved a prescribed hammering action on the
cast iron work piece.
1. Introduction
1.1 Beam Engine Mechanism
It is based on four bar chain mechanism. The function of the mechanism is to convert the rotary
motion of the crank into reciprocating motion [1]. In this mechanism, when the crank AB rotates about
the fixed centre A, the lever CDE oscillates about the centre D and the end of the lever E is connected
to a piston rod which reciprocates in the cylinder as shown in Figure 1.
Rigid material is used to withstand deformation and vibration caused by the lever for designing the
beam of the mechanism [7].
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Internal Security Threat Regarding Employees
Part (i) Threat 1 a) Title: Internal Threats Employee threats b) Description of security threat An
internal threat concerning employees is a wide ranging issue as it can encompass various situations.
The primary issue stems from an authorized, nontechnical user or a system that can utilize the system
without creating a red flag. (Peltier, 187). c) Justification for inclusion with emphasis on risk and
potential damage The internal threat is a primary issue as employees, statically, is the cause of security
issues. The information available to the employees can commit various types of criminal acts from
fraud, to insider trading, to breaking international laws. There can also be issues with disgruntled
employees, potentially if the employee is only contracted or temporary. It is a common practice in
large companies, especially international companies, to outsource and contract work. This can create
issues with personnel if a contract is ended in an unexpected way. There is also an inherent temptation
with the information available, especially considering various white collar crimes. d) Organizational
response An organizational response would be to create policies to deter internal attacks, which can be
done in multiple ways. The first method would require creating a training program to educate
employees and discourage such behavior. The second would be to create procedures outlining their
different levels of access that employees can have depending on their job
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The Bolshevik Tactics that Allowed the October Revolution
Assess the view that it was mainly the tactics of the Bolshevik leadership that made possible the
October Revolution.
It was undoubtedly the Bolshevik leadership that made possible the revolution. It was the excellent
combination of Trotsky s rhetoric, rallying and inspiring personality, Lenin s astute ability to judge the
political mien and the whole party s force and power within the country that led to superb tactics that
would eventually make possible the October Revolution.
Most modern historians agree that the peasants, workers and soldiers played a major part in the
revolution and therefore it was the job of the Bolsheviks to capture this power and manipulate and use
it for their own ends. This was made much easier as a result of Trotsky s excellent rhetoric and Victor
Serge, in Memoirs of a Revolutionary (1945), recalled that Trotsky was all tension and energy [...] an
orator of unique quality [whose voice] always infused with a truly spontaneous passion. He outshone
Lenin through his great oratorical talent, through his organising ability, first with the army, then on the
railways, and by his brilliant gifts as a theoretician. Naturally, as a Bolshevik it was easier for Serge to
agree with Trotsky and therefore, find his words inspiring and interesting. However, to make special
note of his rhetoric suggests an unusually good quality to his work and this is further demonstrated by
the number of people he managed to rally around his cause. Wood writes
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Compare And Contrast Passover And Exodus
Passover and Exodus
The Passover and Exodus explains the promise and faith that God made to Abraham he will restore
blessing to his children and the next generation. Passover is the time god decided that he would never
his children suffer again. The Passover made for a sacrifice to god and even Jesus had a Passover
before he died for our sins to be forgive. After reading from the Jewish bible God spoke to Moshe and
Aharon in the of Egypt. But God told the people to begin mark the calendar with this month. God
Spoke to the children of Israel because God wanted them to know what will happen and door say on
the 10th day of this month each head of the house hold is take a lamb and god ... Show more content
on ...
but if the household is too small for a whole lamb then the head of the household and next neighbor
should share one, dividing lamb into half to the numbers of the people eating it (Exodus 12 CJB). The
God of Abraham wanted to save the Israelite from the plague that will happen soon. God wanted the
Israelite to know he hears their prayer. For that, night was so important, God will pass through the
Egypt and kill the firstborn in land of Egypt, both men and animals, and God will execute judgment
against all the gods of Egypt (Exodus 12 CJB). The Passover means God bring justice to the human
evil also show mercy. That why god sent the message the blood would serve you as assign marking
the houses where you are and when I see the blood, God will pass over and when God strike the land
of Egypt, the
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The Challenges Of Running Digital Marketing Campaigns
Today s digital marketers today are increasingly tasked with addressing business issues, but also
justifying and improving the return on investment for the work they deliver on an ongoing basis.
Despite this and according to Smart Insights, ⅔ to 3 quarters of the surveyed respondents have stated
that there is no recorded digital strategy in their business.
The challenges of running digital marketing campaigns is being able to identify the business areas that
you can make the most impact towards. If most of your marketing efforts are spent online, then you ll
also want to make sure that you re getting the most return from your time and drive them to the central
point of your company s online presence i.e. your website. That s why you ll need a framework that
can help you be effective and constantly build on your previous digital marketing efforts.
This post will outline a 3 step process on how to find website optimisation opportunities to help the
business HIPPO (Highest Paid Person s Opinion) and digital marketer in your organisation, keep
things in perspective and move the needle forward.
Step 1 Audit your industry, competitors and website
Knowing the context, purpose and perception of your industry, competitors and website (in the bigger
scheme of things) will help you to see your current positioning and feed that data towards your
There are several tools can be used to help you mine industry, competitor and website level
information for uncovering
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Force Of Natural Selection
. In my own words when I think of natural selection I think that it means that the fittest survive. Also
that when the fitness survive they are automatically given the opportunity to keep their genes going.
This process of the weak dying off and the strong moving on is what makes everything living thing
evolve into the best. The next force of evolution is genetic drift I think that this means that just sheer
chance the weak genes actually move on and some strong genes do not move on. The third force of
evolution is gene flow and I describe this force as a change in a group because of certain genes that
came into their group from migration or immigration. The last force is mutation and I describe it as a
change in the gene that results in different
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Physics of Football Essay
Watching a weekend football game could be teaching you something other than who threw the most
passes or gained the most yards.
Football provides some great examples of the basic concepts of physics! Physics is present in the
flight of the ball, the motion of the players, and the force of the tackles. This web page will show you
how physics applies to these areas of football.
What Exactly Is Physics and What Does It Have to Do with Football?
When you throw a football across the yard to your friend, you are using physics. You make
adjustments for all the factors, such as distance, wind and the weight of the ball. The farther away
your friend is, the harder you have to throw the ball, or ... Show more content on ...
When a punter kicks a football, he can control three factors:
* the velocity or speed at which the ball leaves his foot * the angle of the kick * the rotation of the
The rotation of the ball (spiral) will influence how the ball slows down in flight, because the ball is
affected by air drag. A spiraling kick will have less air drag, will not slow down as much, and will be
able to stay in the air longer and go farther than an end over end kick. The velocity of the ball and the
angle of the kick are the major factors that determine:
* how long the ball will remain in the air (hang time) * how high the ball will go * how far the ball
will go
When the ball leaves the punter s foot, it is moving with a given velocity depending upon how much
force he kicks the ball with. The ball moves in two directions, horizontally and vertically. Because the
ball was launched at an angle, the velocity is divided into two pieces: a horizontal component and a
vertical component. How fast the ball goes in the horizontal direction and how fast the ball goes in the
vertical direction depend upon the angle of the kick. If the ball is kicked at a steep angle, then it will
have more velocity in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction the ball will go high, have
a long hang time, but travel a short
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The Rise Of Nazi Germany Was The Capstone Of The Inter-War
The rise of Nazi Germany was the capstone of the inter war period, and led to the outbreak of World
War II, shattering the tenuous peace. The Nazi regime s progress was paralleled by the life of its
leader, Adolf Hitler. Born in a small town in Austria, Hitler dreamed of being an artist. Unable to
demonstrate sufficient artistic skill for entrance into the art academy in Vienna, he did odd jobs and
developed an interest in politics. In 1914, Hitler joined the German army, and earned the iron cross for
bravery as a message carrier. He was immensely disturbed by the German defeat in World War I, and
blamed the loss on the socialists and Jews, who he said had surrendered the nation. In 1920, Hitler
seized control in the German Workers ... Show more content on ...
On February 27, 1933, the Reichstag building burned down and a retarded Dutch boy claiming he
worked for the communists was arrested for arson. There is evidence to prove that the Nazis
themselves had set the fire, but in any case, Hitler used the incident to persuade Hindenburg to restrict
all individual rights and declare that the central government could oust any state government failing to
maintain order. Hitler systematically took control of all of the state governments this way. Hitler s
private army, the S.A., roamed the streets terrorizing political opponents. Even so, the Nazis only won
43.9 percent of the vote in 1933. To gain a two thirds majority Hitler formed an alliance with the
Nationalist party, and declared the communist party illegal. On March 23, 1933, the Reichstag passed
the Enabling Act, giving Hitler the power to make decrees with the status of law, and ending elections.
When Hindenburg died in 1934, Hitler fused the positions of chancellor and president into one office:
Der Fuhrer. He took control as dictator. Hitler constructed the Third Reich under his dictatorship,
using the Gestapo, the secret police, to stifle all dissent. There are many explanations for why Hitler
was able to come to power in Germany. The first focuses on the evil genius of Hitler himself. He was
a master of demagoguery, practicing his
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A Favorite Childhood Memory Essay. Childhood Memories Essay F

  • 1. ⚡A Favorite Childhood Memory Essay. Childhood Memories Essay F 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. ⚡A Favorite Childhood Memory Essay. Childhood Memories Essay F ⚡A Favorite Childhood Memory Essay. Childhood Memories Essay F
  • 2. The Creation Of Sputnik On October 4, 1957 the Soviet Union launched a satellite called Sputnik 1 into space. This marked the start of the space race. Americans were terrified of the chance of the Soviet s sending missiles from space. However Dwight. D. Eisenhower was not scared and did not do much. About a month later on November 3, 1957 the Soviets launched a new spacecraft called Sputnik 2. Sputnik 2 sent the first animal into space, it was named Laika. Lakia did not survive, but the Russians were in the lead. America decided to do something so they attempted to send Vanguard, ( satellite, nobody was in it) on December 6th 1957 into earth s orbit. At that time there was no NASA, the project was under the Naval Research Laboratory and National Science Foundation. ... Show more content on ... They were working on an even bigger rocket than Saturn 5. It was called N 1 and it was intended for a lunar launch. Unfortunately (fortunate for America) 5 months later the N 1 rocket exploded at a launch pad. Although half the nation doubted the launch on May 16th 1 million people came to watch the launch of Apollo 11 with Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins as the crew. They were going to watch the launch of a spacecraft that was going to land on the moon. After the journey to get near the moon at 1:46 p.m. July 20th Armstrong and Aldrin pulled away from the command module in the landing module named Eagle. Meanwhile Michael Collins was orbiting the moon alone. At 4:18 on July 20th the Eagle had landed. At 10:56 P.M. July 20th Neil Armstrong took his first step onto the moon. They had done it they had landed! Buzz Aldrin soon came and they collected moon samples. At 1:54 p.m. July 20th the Eagle is lifted in the air. If they had not been able to do that Michael Collins would go back to earth and leave the 2 astronauts to die. On July 24th at 12:51 P.M. the astronauts splash down! They had gone to the moon and ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Differences And Similarities Of American And Vietnamese... I have recently read a book about a boy who lives in the jungle in a small hamlet in Vietnam, where he has to deal with the life dangers of where he lives. Since I learned about the Vietnamese culture, I have to tell you the differences and similarities of American and Vietnamese culture. In the Vietnamese culture in marriage if you were the bride your family would receive a fat hog, six chickens, six ducks, three bottles of wine, and thirty kilos of rice. Also, before a wedding the groom could not see the bride before the wedding because that meant bad luck. After a wedding the bride had to go home and cry and express sorrow because the bride had to go live with the groom s family. The villagers would also collect fish oil for lamps to keep ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Hidden Homelessness In Canada The global economy and social patterns have experienced huge dynamics with time and have changed significantly concerning economic growth, development, and social welfare parameters. Over the years, few countries have emerged as prominent players in the global economy and have shown significantly admirable traits regarding progress in economic, social, political as well as human welfare domains. Canada has been one such country (Schneider pp. 5 7). In the recent few decades, Canada has shown significant progress in the overall framework and currently ranks tenth in the world regarding nominal GDP. The real estate industry is the most dominant sector, the country also is one of the largest exporters of natural gas and petroleum on the one hand ... Show more content on ... The problem is, however, acuter in case of specific sectors of the population, especially in fact of single adults lying in the age group of 25 to 55 years, who account for nearly 47.5% of the total homelessness in the country. 20% of all the homeless people in the country comprises of youth, with the problem being acuter in the cases of transgender and different sexually oriented people. The aboriginals of the country are also highly vulnerable to this issue of homelessness, with their problem expanding even more with time (Evenson and Carolann). Homelessness in the country, however, is of different types, depending upon the nature, tenure, and extent of homelessness, which, concerning the scenario in Canada, can be elaborated as follows: Chronic Homelessness This type of homelessness refers to the problem of long term lack of shelter, which accounts for homelessness of nearly 4000 to 8000 people in the country. Episodic Homelessness The residents in the country who move in and out of the shelters in the country multiple times in a year, which comprises of nearly 6000 to 22000 people in the country (Gaetz et ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Miliary Tuberculosis Clinical manifestations of miliary tuberculosis are nonspecific and wide ranging, depends on the predominant site of involvement. Fever, night sweats, anorexia, weakness and weight loss are presenting symptoms in the majority of cases. Occurrence of daily morning temperature spikes is reported to be characteristic of miliary TB5. Patients have cough and other respiratory symptoms due to pulmonary involvement. Physical findings include hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy. Eye examination may reveal choroidal tubercles, which are pathognomic of miliary TB, in up to 30% of cases. Various hematologic abnormalities may be seen, including anaemia with leukopenia, lymphopenia, neutrophilic leukocytosis and leukemoid reactions, and polycythemia. ... Show more content on ... Bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial biopsy are more likely to provide bacteriologic confirmation, and granulomas are evident in liver or bone marrow biopsy specimens from many patients. If it goes unrecognized, miliary TB is lethal; with proper early treatment, however, it is amenable to cure. The following criteria have been proposed for the diagnose of miliary TB6: (1) clinical presentation consistent with the diagnosis of TB like pyrexia with evening rise of temperature, night sweats, anorexia and weight loss of greater than 6weeks in duration responding to antituberculosis treatment; (2) typical miliary pattern on hest radiograph; (3) bilateral, diffuse reticulonodular lung lesions on a background of miliary shadows demonstrable either on chest radiograph or HRCT scan and (4) microbiological or histopathological evidence of TB. Non parasitic causes of pulmonary eosinophilia include miliary tuberculosis, Wegner granulomatosis, sarcoidosis and drug reactions, tropical pulmonary eosinophilia etc. There are some diseases like JOB s syndrome in which there is hypereosinophilia, eczema, recurrent skin and pulmonary infections (like miliary tuberculosis) apart from other ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Profile of General Motors Company Organization profile Introduction. General Motors is a company that designs and produces car and truck and car components, as well as Financial Services. General Motors Headquarter is in Detroit, Michigan. Currently GM employs 212,000 people. GM are engaged in the business to 157 countries around the world, and produces automobiles and trucks in 37 countries under such brands as Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac, Isuzu, Jie Fang, Opel, Vauxhall and Wulug. General Motors produced 9.489.000 vehicles. Company Revenue for 2012 is 150.276 billion dollars. (Wikipedia, 2013) History. GM is divided into five business segments, GM North America, GM Europe, GM International Operations, GM South America and GM Financial. General Motors was founded on September 16 in 1908 in Flint, Michigan, by William C. Durant, Charles Steward Mot, and Frederic L. Smith. When an enterprising William Durant bought several small companies to produce cars combining them into one called General Motors Company . Within two years it was purchased by about twenty of these small firms, and in the process the company has evolved into a corporation. Among other was bought for example, Cadillac . All of these purchases can be as successful, if not a but. As a result of these transactions Durant has amassed an incredible amount of debt and in dire need of another loan. However, the position of creditors was clear: loans for retired Duran. Back in 1905, it has attracted the attention of famous racing driver ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Philosophies Of Athenian Democracy The Greeks have defined democracy in its purest and simplest form as rule by the people. Today, many governments have converted to the democratic system, but one notable example of a democratic society is the city state of Athens; which is also the birthplace of democracy. This way of ruling of, by, and for the people was so effective that it set the foundations for the democracies we see today. Although Athenian democracy was essentially the stepping stones to the democratic society we have today; there were some major discrepancies such as their political structure, their restrictions on what constitutes a citizen, and their philosophies regarding war. The Athenians political structure is one of the most significant contributions they made to democracy. They formed three political bodies supposing that it would keep things orderly, and in their eyes, fair. Their three political bodies consisted first of the assembly, or Ekklesia. The Ekklesia were responsible for making ... Show more content on ... Based on the evidence stated above, from the Athenian point of view, their political structure was democratic. However, it seems as though that their interpretation of democracy was only democratic among those who had political rights and were able to contribute to politics in general. When a vast portion of a state is excluded from politics, it does not seem very democratic. War also defies all principles on being a free, democratic state. The Athenian way of voting on issues was probably the most truly democratic principle they demonstrated because every citizen who was able to participate had a say. The Athenian s view on democracy could have reached a higher potential if their system had fully utilized the skills of all its residents; such as the women, the poor, resident aliens, and slaves; as well as adopt a more egalitarian philosophy when it came to their political bodies and their stance on ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Painting With Light By Dante Gabriel Rossetti Essay The exhibition, Painting with Light will be displayed at the Tate Modern in London from May the 11th till September the 25th 2016. To those of you who may see Edwardian and Victorian art as not being particularly exciting, i would encourage you to try and look past this disinterest and get down to see the Painting with Light exhibition. The exhibition impressively manages to capture the development of art during the period in a way of which the disinterest of most is turned into intrigue and knowledge. The exhibition focuses on the relationship between painting and photography, the largely experimental period in which this developed coincided with the founding of the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood. Paintings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Everett Millais and John Singer Sargent are included (and personally i believe they are the highlights of the exhibition) are shown side by side with the photos they inspired and of subjects they drew inspiration from. The Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood was a secret society of the mid 19th century that sought to create a new form of British art. They strived to emulate art from the late medieval period, early renaissance till the of Raphael, striving to convey messages of artistic renewal and moral reform. This theme combined with Aesthetic and Impressionist works gives the richness in culture and a great span in examples that supply ample contextual and visual support for the idea the exhibition is conveying. Although the exhibition ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Markets And International Monetary Fund Markets Want Greece in the Eurozone The fickleness of financial markets is a constant source of both frustration and amazement, particularly in the Eurozone. Having started last week concerned about the ramifications of a resounding No vote in Greece s referendum about bailout terms imposed by the Troika, there was a strong rally in anticipation of deal eventually being signed between Greece and her creditors. Markets have, therefore, seemingly taken the view that the best known outcome is for Greece to remain in the single currency, regardless of the imperfections of any agreement. In the absence of substantial debt write downs, however, the situation facing Greece remains dire. Both the US and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have ... Show more content on ... Thus, this highlights the utter hypocrisy of the current negotiations surrounding Greece: both France and Germany, in fact, conveniently ignored the rules for the fiscal convergence criteria when it suited them. Neither country was sanctioned in a major way. France could well find itself in the firing line if it fails to prevent a Greek exit from the single currency. The sustainability of the current membership of euro has, therefore, not been laid to rest. Understanding Events in China Events in China took on a new level of intensity last week as the authorities attempted to stabilise the equity market. The weakness appears to be event drive as opposed to being the result of economic malaise. In fact, recent economic data out of China suggests that recent stimulus measures appear to have had some traction. The event in question appears to be a large margin call being made by one of the main regulatory authorities. Recently, I mentioned that margin debt as a percentage of GDP was a relatively high 8%. The problem facing the authorities was sourcing where the trouble was emanating from. Margin debt can be originated from two sources: 1) licensed brokers, and 2) the so called grey market within the shadow banking system. The origination split is roughly 50/50 between the two sectors. This is where the similarities end. At licensed brokers, margin credit can only be extended for up ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Amy Tan Fish Cheeks Essay Fish Cheeks The essay Fish Cheeks by Amy Tan takes place in her teenage years and it s about something that happened at that time. On the day of Christmas Eve, Amy s mother invites the minister and his family over, who are Americans, so that both families can celebrate together. For dinner that Christmas, Amy s mom had prepared all of her favorite foods (like fish cheeks). However, even though her favorite foods were served, she constantly felt mortified through out the night. From the love of her life, also known as the minister s son, Robert, who was at the dinner table, all the way to the cultural differences in manners caused Tan to depreciate her family traditions on that Christmas dinner because she was unaware of what the American family was thinking of her Chinese traditional dinner. However as we age and become older we also gain a lot of wisdom and understanding of the reality we live in through hard times and challenging situations, which we witness happening with Tan in her essay. ... Show more content on ... In the beginning of the essay, I noticed that Tan reveals some of her insecurities by exposing thought shots. She would constantly feel embarrassed from the moment the American family arrives all through the very end of Christmas Eve dinner. Considering the smelly and gross looking Chinese traditional dishes also the loud and weird acting relatives, I witnessed a good imagery from the way Amy describes them. The main concerns to Tan are how and what the American family thinks of them. In my life I also struggled with internally wanting approval from the others however I got over it by realizing that the external reality cannot control how I feel. Later on in the story her mother gets to explain how to deal with her emotions and shows her compassion with understanding of the horrible things she felt that dinner ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Behaviors Of People Shopping Is Best Buy On Black... Field Information For my ethnography assignment, I choose to study the behaviors of people shopping in Best Buy on Black Friday at the King of Prussia Mall (KOP). This file assignment is to participate and to observe the anthropological concepts usages in American rituals. Since I did not have the chance to meet with my family members, who live in Indiana, I choose to participate in the modern tradition of Thanksgiving shopping. Moreover, one of my friends decided she want to experience the spirit and the heat of Black Friday by lining up outside a retile store beforehand she was then kind enough to take me with him. After searching online with all the Black Friday sale advertisements, she figured that Best Buy offers the best deal and ... Show more content on ... We were dropped off first at Best Buy so we can stand in line when our driver, Nate went to look for a parking space. I was shocked by the crowd that was already ahead of us since it was only four o clock, meaning an hour before the store opens. I asked the families in front of us which item they are hopping to purchase. They said they have their eyes on the big screen television, but they probably won t get it. They arrived five minutes before us and were already told by the store managers that the products are limited. I noticed that people in the beginning of the line had sleeping bags and tents with them. I really wanted to ask how long they have been waiting, but they didn t look too approachable. The weather was wet and cold that evening, and the sun set once we arrived. People were chatting and having conversation with strangers for almost forty minutes before the managers announced that the open hour will be late for ten minutes due to shipment issues or some sort. The atmosphere quickly turned, people were angry and complaining that they have been waiting overnight. I could feel the intensity of the line when the managers also announced the quantity of products they have. There were only fifty iphone6s with sale and everyone gets to purchase only one. Even though I wasn t getting anything, I felt really nervous. When the time stroked 5:15, the door was open and people ran in. I mean they ran in without ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Apollo 11 Moon Landing Conspiracy The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Conspiracy Officially Accepted Story During the 1960 s and 70 s, America and the USSR were in the midst of the Cold War Era, a period of time where instead of fighting each other they competed against each other in order to be the first nation to win the space race and that meant landing a human on the moon and have them return safely before the other country. In 1961 Russia was ahead of America in the space race after managing to launch Yuri Gagarin into space, have him orbit the earth and return him safely , 23 days before American astronaut Alan B Shepard was able too. In response to trailing behind Russia, President John F. Kennedy gave a speech at Rice University Stadium in which he challenged America to find a way to put a man on the moon and return him safely before the end of the decade. After launching from the Kennedy space centre on July 20th 1969 the crew of Apollo 11 orbited the earth one and a half times before being given permission to go to the moon, three days later the crew are in orbit around the moon. Six hours after the lunar module lands on the moons surface, Neil Armstrong becomes the first man to walk on the moon. The two astronauts spend two and a half hours on the moon s surface collecting rocks and conducting experiments before behind a plaque which honoured the astronauts that had died in the pursuit of getting to space, American and Russian, an America flag and a plaque with a message that read Here men from ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Terror of The Thing. Essay October 12th 1902. It was another dreary night in Huntington Pennsylvania. The thunder crashed like plates being dropped on a kitchen floor. The lightning illuminated the night sky bringing light for just a short, brief moment. The house creaked and groaned as if someone were in the very home. And the sound of the neighborhood cats scurrying to find a shelter from the frigid rain. This however did not affect old Zebadiah Hansen, who had gotten used to the old mansions many clamorous noises and had developed a somewhat liking for them. Zebadiah sat in his rocker stroking his long white beard next to a roaring fire, reading The Cloud of Unknowing, one of a vast array of books in his vast collection. Abruptly a boisterous knock came from the ... Show more content on ... His hands trembled uncontrollably, making reading his book near to impossible. From behind him he heard a reticent whisper Zebadiah. He spun around and shouted with great intensity, who s there? No reply. Zebadiah swallowed another glass of brandy hoping to wash away his fears. The fire iron suddenly fell to the ground making a great clamor in the living room. Zebadiah was now petrified with fear and with a weak quivering voice shouted What do you want. Once again there was no answer. Zebadiah was feeling great anxiety at this moment. He decided that a good nights sleep would do him well. So he timorously made his way to the hallway and up the stairs. He climbed to the top of the stairs which had over the years became a tedious task for him. He scurried to his room and slammed the door shut. As he began to lay down he suddenly heard a soft melody coming from the study. This didn t make sense seeing that Zebadiah had no neighbors for miles. He didn t have a piano because he felt music rots the brain and causes a lack of concentration. The soft melody gradually increased in loudness until it came to the point where it was causing great distress to Zebadiah. He put a pillow over his ears to silence out the noise, but it seemed to do no good. And just as quick as it had started, the noise ceased. Zebadiah being the man he was felt that he must determine the sounds origin. He grabbed the candlestick off of the stand next to his bed a ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Synopsis Of The Way We Were Synopsis of the Way We Were The Way We Were is an American romantic drama that has been on since 1973. The film is starred by Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford and it is directed by Sydney Pollack. The screenplay is composed by Author Laurents and it was based on his college days at Cornel University and his experiences as a member of the House UN American Activities committee activities. The movie centered on Katie Morosky (Barbra Streisand) and Hubbell Gardiner(Robert Redford) who were passionate lover irrespective of their differences in political views and ideologies. Katie Morosky happens to be a student with high level of political radicalism and very dogmatic about her political views. However, she hopelessly falls for Hubbell Gardiner who is a ... Show more content on ... However, he has a different passion to write for the movie. Katies finds Hubbell s passion very shallow. In the beginning, Hubbell admires Katies undying passion for causes that are beneficial to humanity. After sometimes, he became scared of her aggressive political activism. This political activism soon landed them both in danger during the dark times of MacCarthyism. Different conflicts emergence that make them to face their values and principles as individuals. It was when they realize that they need more than love to be together. Reasons why The Way We Were Feature the best Romance of all time For certain reasons The way we were have been featured as the best romance of all time. Some of these reasons;  Katies Morosky is very smart, passionate and beautiful.  On the other hand, Hubbell is kind, caring and smoldering.  The best way to define their romance is an epic love story that started way back in college campus where they first saw each other. However, they squabble along the line due to their differences in values and principles. Katies is a Marxist jew while Hubbell doesn t have an iota of interest in ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Arms Of An Angel Ethos Pathos Logos This short yet powerful commercial video is released by ASPCA in 2007 to raise the awareness of animal abuse in the US. The commercial starts with a series of small clips of wounded and dirty animals in cages and boxes, some with visible scars in their eyes. While these clips are played, Sara McLachlan s song Arms of an Angel is playing solemnly in the background. The commercial is aimed to persuade its audience to join and make donations to ASPCA for saving animals that are abandoned and abused by humans. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the methods of persuasion that are used in this commercial, and how the use of ethos, pathos, and logos has made the commercial from ASPCA persuasive and successful. First of all, the commercial has accomplished successfully of building its ethos (credibility). The ad is made by ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), a non profit organization that receives monthly donations for saving animals from being abused or ignored. (Wikipedia) From ASPCA s website, you can find its organizational structures, annual financial statements, policies and positions, etc. It provides a transparent way to process and broadcast organization resources. By doing this, for a person who is trying to donate, he/she can make sure the money is spent for a good reason. This commercial has established more credibility by using a famous singer, Sarah McLachlan, as the spokesperson. Besides music, McLachlan is an activist for ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Needle Therapy Research Paper Acupuncture is a customary medicine that has been practiced in China and other Asian nations for a large number of years. Its defenders say it can do everything from mitigating pain to bringing a general feeling of wellbeing. Others think the main advantage expected from needle therapy is in one s mind. Needle therapy can be powerful for certain wellbeing issues, for example, such as some sorts of chronic pain. Be that as it may, how it works is something of a mystery. Needle therapy, an alternative pain treatment, in light of the idea of chi, is the stimulation of particular focuses on the body; alludes to the imperative life power, or vitality. This strategy can differ, yet the most surely understood sort in the United States is the insertion ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Good Vs. Evil In The Epic Of Beowulf Beowulf is thought to be one of the first major English epics estimated to be written between (insert time period) and is still to this day considered one of the greatest epics of all time. What typically would characterize a proper epic is the use of a main character known as the Epic Hero with a supernatural enemy that compliments the character s traits. An epic also recounts travels, quests and heroic battles; as well highlights the ideas of good vs. evil and moral dilemmas. It is through the portrayal of the great hero Beowulf and his battles with foes to cater to the greater good that this epic is brought to life and immortalized. It is fitting to think that Beowulf is possibly the first major epic because in many ways, it proves to be very simple in the idea of what an epic truly is about. In any proper epic, the idea of good vs. evil is always prevelant. There is the idea that a protagonist must go against an antagonist in effort to defend the greater good. Beowulf surrounds the conflict between a brave and mighty warrior and demons from hell. Beowulf himself represents the good and must fight many evil monsters such as Grendel and a dragon in order to save his own people in an attempt to create peace. Beowulf makes the fight between good and evil a necessary part of his life. This can be further identified when he says I have wrestled the hilt from the enemies hand, avenged the evil done to the Danes; it is what was due. (lines 1668 1670 page). He carries great ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Conservative Judaism Vs Liberal Judaism One basic belief of Judaism is the belief in one god who is responsible for the creation of the universe, and who is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Another belief that Jews hold, which is somewhat unique among monotheistic religions is the belief that god does not have a body. This means god is neither male nor female, which can make god more relatable. Jews also strongly believe that god listens to every person, and is interested in every person. Attached to this belief is the belief that god speaks to humans, sometimes in ways one would not expect. 2. The religion of Judaism is not evangelizing religion and the bar to entry is significantly harder than practically every other religion. Judaism does not seek to convert people ... Show more content on ... I shall begin with the points of congruence (of which there are few). Both segments are unorganized, and do not have a centralized religious authority at their core. In fact, the term orthodox is an umbrella that encompasses many different orthodox movements within Judaism. Liberal Judaism shares this lack of monolithic movement or philosophy, with all congregation being independent. This creates a diversity within these two particular sects that is richer than in other strands of Judaism. Found within both Orthodox Judaism and Liberal Judaism is a disapproval of interreligious marriage. Orthodox Judaism is outspoken and very explicitly in opposition to interreligious marriage. While it takes a more low key approach to the question, Liberal Judaism shares this view. As an example, Liberal rabbis in the United Kingdom do not conduct mixed marriages. The final case of similarity between Liberal Judaism and Orthodox Judaism is their mutual celebration of religious holidays. Those of the Liberal Jewish persuasion observe the same Jewish festivals and celebration as Orthodox Jews. While Liberal Judaism does stray from Orthodox Judaism in regards to theology and some liturgy it is important to recognize that they celebrate the same holidays and retain many of the same rituals as ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Gender Themes In Whale Rider In whale rider by Niki Caro, there are several different themes that portrayed throughout the movie. As the world outside of the Maori community advance though society, lessening the shackles of a Patriarchal society, the Maori tribe is faced difficult hardships. With a new generations disregard of tradition, and ignoring the sacred laws, with the loss of their leader, and their struggle to find a new one. Three themes are prominently displayed throughout the film. The corruption of man vs the sacredness of nature, tradition vs modernity, and female role models vs misogyny. The corruption of man vs the sacredness of nature is one of the key themes in the movie. Within Whale Rider by Niki Caro, the world and all of its creatures are often being ... Show more content on ... The movie is all about strong willed female characters and how they overcome different obstacles in their lives.. The main protagonist of the story, Paikea, as well as many of the other protagonists, including Nanny and Muriwai are all shown as brave, independent female characters that others can come to depend on within their community. The stories of each female character is shown as a way to empower young women by giving examples of heroines that are, brave, strong, and dedicated, and can do just as much as any male without their help. This is particularly touching in the that setting of Whangara, whose chief Koro refuses to see women as potential leaders in Whangara s future. A long time ago, my ancestor Paikea came to this place on the back of a whale. Since then, in every generation of my family, the first born son has carried his name and become the leader of our tribe... until now. (Paikea) This goes to show that after everything that the Maori community faces with misogyny and female role models, that even after everything, the community is willing to accept a female where a male who have ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Analysis Of Charles Finney s The Reality Of Free Will Lane describes Charles Finney as one of the early Evangelicals. Born in 1792, he began preaching and later holding unconventional revivals in 1824. Finney stressed the reality of free will, meaning that man has a choice in the matters of sin. God tells us what is right and threatens us with sanctions, but the choice is ours (pp. 253 254). The weakness of Evangelical approach, according to Lane, is that the evangelist tries to bring about an instantaneous decision of the will rather than a radical change of character which in one sense is a life long process. Obviously, Lane s insistence that Finney s system holds that the will is totally unconditioned and random seems to show an opinion that reveals a creeping of moral relativism. Lane insists that Finney held morality to be either/or acts of will, this in opposition the Lane s concept that morality is a cultivation of moral character (p. 254). Finney is also noted by Lane as not believing in the concept of original sin due to his stand on infants not having a sinful nature. However, Finney acknowledges that as the infant develops reaching an age of moral accountability sin is a certainty. In this, I think the weakness Lane points out in Evangelicals is, of itself, weak. Augustine, an early church father in 354, viewed and argued that humans can live sinless lives through their natural endowments and are responsible to do so. It s the catalyst that set off the great controversy over original sin, free will, and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Guilt In Crime And Punishment By Dostoevsky How much can one person s life have on an individual? In Crime and Punishment there is a bond that is presented between the characters of Raskolnikov and Sonia which is not demonstrated to the same degree within others. Both of them share having to live up to the guilt of their actions and find comfort in accepting each other s flaws. With Raskolnikov it is this acceptance that leads him to confess his crime and with Sonia it is what drives her to move to Siberia to be with the person who appreciates her the most. The bond between the two characters reflects how forgiveness is expressed in deep relationships. Dostoevsky uses a motif of the color yellow to highlight the guilt that both the characters experience. For Sonia, the appearance ... Show more content on ... Before Sonia met him, she feels shame in her role of being a prostitute. Sonia feels the guilt how when giving money to her mother she did not utter a word, she did not even look at her (Dostoyevsky, 14). Sonia does not get the full dignity in providing for her family as she sacrifices the most innocent thing about her ; her body. Her relationship with Raskolnikov has more comfort than her mother as Sonia is open to express her feelings openingly. This is shown in her reading him the book of Lazarus. Sonia has difficulty in how she reads him because these feelings really were her secret treasure which she had kept perhaps for years, perhaps from childhood, while she lived with a unhappy father and a distracted stepmother crazed by grief (Dostoyevsky, 258 259) . Even though it gives her pain to read to him the bible she still reads it as she is able to talk to him about religion which she was never able to with her family. She realizes Raskolnikov is their because he is in pain to which her actions will help him if he might hear it, and to read now whatever might come of it! (Dostoyevsky, 259). Sonia becomes guiding with her actions that it is what leads her to go to Siberia. Raskolnikov spots her from a wooden shantie when he goes to confess at the police office he knew once for all that Sonia was with him for ever and would follow him to the ends of the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Capitalism And Colonialism’S Links As Pillars Of White Capitalism and colonialism s links as pillars of white supremacy contribute to the racial exclusion and exploitation of certain racial groups, such as Native Americans and Black people. This can be seen through the timeline of North American history, but also farther back in the history of European settler colonialism throughout Europe and into other nearby continents. The methods of decolonization employed by various racial groups affected by colonialism interact with one another in various ways, as each group was affected differently, yet they were affected by the same instigating group of white settlers. It is important when these groups make the move to decolonize themselves to consider other groups outside their own, as interactions ... Show more content on ... Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz covers much of this in her book Indigenous People s History of the US, where she goes over many historical events contributing to the genocide, exploitation, and exclusion of Native Americans. In the beginnings of white colonial interaction with indigenous people, settlers used native peoples as sources of knowledge on how to live off unfamiliar land: They appropriated what had already been created by Indigenous civilizations. They stole already cultivated farmland and the... crops domesticated over centuries, took control of the deer parks that had been cleared and maintained by Indigenous communities, used existing roads and water routes in order to move armies to conquer, and relied on captured Indigenous people to identify the locations of water, oyster beds, and medicinal herbs (Dunbar Ortiz 46). Without Native Americans, Dunbar Ortiz argues, the European settlers would likely have not survived in the New World at all, for had North America been a wilderness, undeveloped, without roads, and uncultivated, it might still be so, for the European colonists could not have survived (46). This is only the beginning of settler exploitation of Native Americans, though, as settler colonialism later changes its stance of racialized logic to that of exclusion, leading to mass genocide and appropriation of indigenous land. Once the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Occupational Outlook Handbook Outlook Handbook On the Bureau of Labor Statistics website you can get the general idea of what a web developer does, what the work environment is, the job outlook, and the pay rate. On the What They Do page is a list of the duties of a web developer. Some of these duties include meeting with clients or management to discuss the needs of the website and the expected needs of the website s audience and plan how it should look, working with other team members to determine what information the site will contain, and working with graphics and other designers to determine the website s layout. All of the duties above require communication skills either by phone, email or in person. Course Information The course information is filled ... Show more content on ... I have found myself having a conversation with someone and just stop talking mid sentence then saying, Do you know what I mean. Of course, they don t I didn t even finish the sentence I was saying. I have noticed I do this more often when I am frustrated or upset. For example, I bought a remanufactured laptop and the second day I noticed a few of the keys were sticking. I didn t think much about it and thought maybe it was just me not being used to it because it was new. The problem continued to get worse and worse, but I had just started a new semester and needed my computer. So, finally after I couldn t take it anymore, which was only like two months after I had purchased it, I decided to take it back to where I bought it from. They told me I had waited too long to return it to them, but since it was a manufacture s defect I could return it to Dell. Then the store s customer service preceded to tell me that since there were a few scuff marks on it that Dell would not accept the laptop because it showed evidence of being dropped. Well, let s just say that is not what I wanted to hear and I told them about it. When my husband and I got back into the car he was laughing at me and I said Why are you laughing at me, this is not funny? He said after they told me Dell would not accept it I did not finish one single sentence. That I would start saying something and never ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Beam Hammer Essay DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF BEAM HAMMER Abstract Beam hammer is a device which works on the principle of beam engine or inversion of four bar mechanism. Cast iron plates are used to construct the rigid beam engine mechanism which is one of the applications of four bar chain. The wooden bed is used to absorb the vibrations caused while operating the system. Nuts and bolts are made up of carbon steel which is capable of withstand deformation while reciprocating motion takes place. The hammer and the work rest are made up of mild steel because while hammer hitting the work piece deformation occurs both in the hammer and the work rest. To prevent the deformation, the mild steel is chosen in our project. When the crank is rotated, according to the beam engine mechanism it is converted into reciprocating motion on the other side through inversion of four bar mechanism, is achieved a prescribed hammering action on the cast iron work piece. 1. Introduction 1.1 Beam Engine Mechanism It is based on four bar chain mechanism. The function of the mechanism is to convert the rotary motion of the crank into reciprocating motion [1]. In this mechanism, when the crank AB rotates about the fixed centre A, the lever CDE oscillates about the centre D and the end of the lever E is connected to a piston rod which reciprocates in the cylinder as shown in Figure 1. Rigid material is used to withstand deformation and vibration caused by the lever for designing the beam of the mechanism [7]. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Internal Security Threat Regarding Employees Part (i) Threat 1 a) Title: Internal Threats Employee threats b) Description of security threat An internal threat concerning employees is a wide ranging issue as it can encompass various situations. The primary issue stems from an authorized, nontechnical user or a system that can utilize the system without creating a red flag. (Peltier, 187). c) Justification for inclusion with emphasis on risk and potential damage The internal threat is a primary issue as employees, statically, is the cause of security issues. The information available to the employees can commit various types of criminal acts from fraud, to insider trading, to breaking international laws. There can also be issues with disgruntled employees, potentially if the employee is only contracted or temporary. It is a common practice in large companies, especially international companies, to outsource and contract work. This can create issues with personnel if a contract is ended in an unexpected way. There is also an inherent temptation with the information available, especially considering various white collar crimes. d) Organizational response An organizational response would be to create policies to deter internal attacks, which can be done in multiple ways. The first method would require creating a training program to educate employees and discourage such behavior. The second would be to create procedures outlining their different levels of access that employees can have depending on their job ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Bolshevik Tactics that Allowed the October Revolution Assess the view that it was mainly the tactics of the Bolshevik leadership that made possible the October Revolution. INTRO: It was undoubtedly the Bolshevik leadership that made possible the revolution. It was the excellent combination of Trotsky s rhetoric, rallying and inspiring personality, Lenin s astute ability to judge the political mien and the whole party s force and power within the country that led to superb tactics that would eventually make possible the October Revolution. Most modern historians agree that the peasants, workers and soldiers played a major part in the revolution and therefore it was the job of the Bolsheviks to capture this power and manipulate and use it for their own ends. This was made much easier as a result of Trotsky s excellent rhetoric and Victor Serge, in Memoirs of a Revolutionary (1945), recalled that Trotsky was all tension and energy [...] an orator of unique quality [whose voice] always infused with a truly spontaneous passion. He outshone Lenin through his great oratorical talent, through his organising ability, first with the army, then on the railways, and by his brilliant gifts as a theoretician. Naturally, as a Bolshevik it was easier for Serge to agree with Trotsky and therefore, find his words inspiring and interesting. However, to make special note of his rhetoric suggests an unusually good quality to his work and this is further demonstrated by the number of people he managed to rally around his cause. Wood writes ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Compare And Contrast Passover And Exodus Passover and Exodus The Passover and Exodus explains the promise and faith that God made to Abraham he will restore blessing to his children and the next generation. Passover is the time god decided that he would never his children suffer again. The Passover made for a sacrifice to god and even Jesus had a Passover before he died for our sins to be forgive. After reading from the Jewish bible God spoke to Moshe and Aharon in the of Egypt. But God told the people to begin mark the calendar with this month. God Spoke to the children of Israel because God wanted them to know what will happen and door say on the 10th day of this month each head of the house hold is take a lamb and god ... Show more content on ... but if the household is too small for a whole lamb then the head of the household and next neighbor should share one, dividing lamb into half to the numbers of the people eating it (Exodus 12 CJB). The God of Abraham wanted to save the Israelite from the plague that will happen soon. God wanted the Israelite to know he hears their prayer. For that, night was so important, God will pass through the Egypt and kill the firstborn in land of Egypt, both men and animals, and God will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt (Exodus 12 CJB). The Passover means God bring justice to the human evil also show mercy. That why god sent the message the blood would serve you as assign marking the houses where you are and when I see the blood, God will pass over and when God strike the land of Egypt, the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Challenges Of Running Digital Marketing Campaigns Today s digital marketers today are increasingly tasked with addressing business issues, but also justifying and improving the return on investment for the work they deliver on an ongoing basis. Despite this and according to Smart Insights, ⅔ to 3 quarters of the surveyed respondents have stated that there is no recorded digital strategy in their business. The challenges of running digital marketing campaigns is being able to identify the business areas that you can make the most impact towards. If most of your marketing efforts are spent online, then you ll also want to make sure that you re getting the most return from your time and drive them to the central point of your company s online presence i.e. your website. That s why you ll need a framework that can help you be effective and constantly build on your previous digital marketing efforts. This post will outline a 3 step process on how to find website optimisation opportunities to help the business HIPPO (Highest Paid Person s Opinion) and digital marketer in your organisation, keep things in perspective and move the needle forward. Step 1 Audit your industry, competitors and website Knowing the context, purpose and perception of your industry, competitors and website (in the bigger scheme of things) will help you to see your current positioning and feed that data towards your strategy. There are several tools can be used to help you mine industry, competitor and website level information for uncovering ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Force Of Natural Selection . In my own words when I think of natural selection I think that it means that the fittest survive. Also that when the fitness survive they are automatically given the opportunity to keep their genes going. This process of the weak dying off and the strong moving on is what makes everything living thing evolve into the best. The next force of evolution is genetic drift I think that this means that just sheer chance the weak genes actually move on and some strong genes do not move on. The third force of evolution is gene flow and I describe this force as a change in a group because of certain genes that came into their group from migration or immigration. The last force is mutation and I describe it as a change in the gene that results in different ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Physics of Football Essay Watching a weekend football game could be teaching you something other than who threw the most passes or gained the most yards. Football provides some great examples of the basic concepts of physics! Physics is present in the flight of the ball, the motion of the players, and the force of the tackles. This web page will show you how physics applies to these areas of football. What Exactly Is Physics and What Does It Have to Do with Football? When you throw a football across the yard to your friend, you are using physics. You make adjustments for all the factors, such as distance, wind and the weight of the ball. The farther away your friend is, the harder you have to throw the ball, or ... Show more content on ... When a punter kicks a football, he can control three factors: * the velocity or speed at which the ball leaves his foot * the angle of the kick * the rotation of the football The rotation of the ball (spiral) will influence how the ball slows down in flight, because the ball is affected by air drag. A spiraling kick will have less air drag, will not slow down as much, and will be able to stay in the air longer and go farther than an end over end kick. The velocity of the ball and the angle of the kick are the major factors that determine: * how long the ball will remain in the air (hang time) * how high the ball will go * how far the ball will go When the ball leaves the punter s foot, it is moving with a given velocity depending upon how much force he kicks the ball with. The ball moves in two directions, horizontally and vertically. Because the ball was launched at an angle, the velocity is divided into two pieces: a horizontal component and a vertical component. How fast the ball goes in the horizontal direction and how fast the ball goes in the vertical direction depend upon the angle of the kick. If the ball is kicked at a steep angle, then it will have more velocity in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction the ball will go high, have a long hang time, but travel a short ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Rise Of Nazi Germany Was The Capstone Of The Inter-War The rise of Nazi Germany was the capstone of the inter war period, and led to the outbreak of World War II, shattering the tenuous peace. The Nazi regime s progress was paralleled by the life of its leader, Adolf Hitler. Born in a small town in Austria, Hitler dreamed of being an artist. Unable to demonstrate sufficient artistic skill for entrance into the art academy in Vienna, he did odd jobs and developed an interest in politics. In 1914, Hitler joined the German army, and earned the iron cross for bravery as a message carrier. He was immensely disturbed by the German defeat in World War I, and blamed the loss on the socialists and Jews, who he said had surrendered the nation. In 1920, Hitler seized control in the German Workers ... Show more content on ... On February 27, 1933, the Reichstag building burned down and a retarded Dutch boy claiming he worked for the communists was arrested for arson. There is evidence to prove that the Nazis themselves had set the fire, but in any case, Hitler used the incident to persuade Hindenburg to restrict all individual rights and declare that the central government could oust any state government failing to maintain order. Hitler systematically took control of all of the state governments this way. Hitler s private army, the S.A., roamed the streets terrorizing political opponents. Even so, the Nazis only won 43.9 percent of the vote in 1933. To gain a two thirds majority Hitler formed an alliance with the Nationalist party, and declared the communist party illegal. On March 23, 1933, the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act, giving Hitler the power to make decrees with the status of law, and ending elections. When Hindenburg died in 1934, Hitler fused the positions of chancellor and president into one office: Der Fuhrer. He took control as dictator. Hitler constructed the Third Reich under his dictatorship, using the Gestapo, the secret police, to stifle all dissent. There are many explanations for why Hitler was able to come to power in Germany. The first focuses on the evil genius of Hitler himself. He was a master of demagoguery, practicing his ... Get more on ...