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Rails Routes off the tracks
                            Unpopular (and/or improper) useful hacks for the Rails routes

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Less known routes
                            Basic routes

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Basic routes summary                                    part I

                         # Empty route
                         root :to => 'welcome#show'

                         # Regular routes
                         match 'products/:id', :to => 'catalog#view'
                         match 'products/:id' => 'catalog#view'

                         # Named routes
                         match 'logout', :to => 'sessions#destroy', :as => 'logout'
                         match 'logout' => 'sessions#destroy', :as => 'logout'

                         # Verb routes
                         match 'account/overview', :to => 'account#overview', :via => 'get'
                         get 'account/overview'

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Basic routes summary   part II

                         # Resourceful routes
                         resources :products do
                          collection do
                            get :sold
                            post :export
                          member do
                            post :publish
                          put :toggle, :on => :member

                         # Nested resourceful routes
                         resources :projects do
                          resources :tasks, :people

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Basic routes summary                         part III

                         # Nested resourceful routes
                         resources :projects do
                          resources :tasks, :people

                         # Restricted restful routes
                         resources :posts, :except => [:edit]
                         resources :posts, :only => [:new, :create]

                         # REST override
                         resource :session do
                          get :create # BAD!!

                         # Altering action name
                         resources :projects, :path_names => { :edit => 'modify' }

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Routes globbing
                         # This route would match photos/12 or /photos/long/path/to/12,
                         # setting params[:other] to "12" or "long/path/to/12"
                         match 'photos/*other' => 'photos#unknown'

                         # This would match books/some/section/last-words-a-memoir with
                         # params[:section] equals to "some/section",
                         # and params[:title] equals to"last-words-a-memoir"
                         match 'books/*section/:title' => 'books#show'

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Optional segments
                         # Both /posts/new and /posts will be redirected to the create action in posts controller,
                         # but /posts/edit will not work:
                         match 'posts(/new)', :to => 'posts#create'

                         # This is an optional path scope that allows to have a prepended path before a resource:
                         scope '(:locale)', :locale => /en|it/ do
                          resources :descriptions

                         # Default generic Rails 3 route
                         match '/:controller(/:action(/:id))'

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Less known routes

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Redirects and Constraints
                         # This code will redirect /foo/2 to /bar/2s:
                         match '/foo/:id', :to => redirect("/bar/%{id}s")

                         # This code will redirect /account/proc/john to /johns.
                         match 'account/proc/:name', :to => redirect {|params| "/#{params[:name].pluralize}" }

                         # Constraint on numeric id
                         match '/posts/show/:id', :to => 'posts#index', :constraints => {:id => /d/}

                         # Constraint on subdomain
                         match '/foo/bar', :to => 'foo#bar', :constraints => {:subdomain => 'support'}

                         # Constraint on ip address
                         match '/foo/bar', :to => 'foo#bar', :constraints => {:ip => /}

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
More on constraints
                         # Arbitrary constraint
                         constraints(:ip => / do
                          match '/questions', :to => redirect('')

                         # Object-based constraint
                         class IpRestrictor
                           def self.matches?(request)
                            request.ip =~ /

                         constraints IpRestrictor do
                          match '/questions', :to => redirect('')

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Lambdas on routes
                         scope :constraints => lambda{|req| == $BLOG_DOMAIN } do
                          root :to => "posts#index"
                          match 'posts/archive' => 'posts#archive', :as => 'archive_post'
                          match 'posts/:pretty_url' => 'posts#show', :as => 'show_post'

                         scope :constraints => lambda{|req| == $INTRANEWS_DOMAIN} do
                          root :to => "intranews#index"
                          resources :int, :as => :intranews, :controller => :intranews, :only => [:index, :show] do
                            match 'search' => 'intranews#search', :on => :collection

                         scope :constraints => lambda{|req| !req.session[:user_id].blank? } do
                           # logged users routes only

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
endpoints                  part I

                           Rack provides a minimal interface between webservers supporting Ruby and Ruby frameworks.

                         match "/blog" => MySinatraBlogApp, :anchor => false
                                                                                 class MySinatraBlogApp < Sinatra::Base
                                                                                   get "/blog/archives" do                       T
                         mount MySinatraBlogApp, :at => "/blog"                     "my old posts"
                         # or simply                                               end
                         mount MySinatraBlogApp => "/blog"                       end

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Rack endpoints                                    part II

                         mount Resque::Server => '/admin/resque', :constraints
                         root :to => 'sessions#new', :constraints =>
                         root :to => 'users#show', :constraints =>

                                          # In config/initializers/logged_in_constraint.rb
                                          class LoggedInConstraint <
                                            def matches?(request)
                                             request.cookies.key?("auth_token") == value

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Splitted routes file
                         # In config/application.rb
                         config.paths["config/routes"] << Rails.root.join('config/routes/api_routes.rb')

                         # In config/routes/api_routes.rb                ### Coming in Rails 4 ###
                         Sandbox::Application.routes.draw do
                                                                        # config/routes.rb                              T
                          constraints(:subdomain => 'api') do           draw :admin
                           resources :recipes
                          end                                           # config/routes/admin.rb
                                                                        namespace :admin do
                         end                                             resources :posts

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Less Track routes
                          Off known routes

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Routes in Models

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Routes in Models

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Routes helpers in Models                                                    part I

                                            class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
                                              attr_accessible :content, :name, :title

                                             def put_routes


                         1.9.3p194 :001 > Post.first.put_routes
                         Post Load (0.3ms) SELECT `posts`.* FROM `posts` LIMIT 1
                         NameError: undefined local variable or method `posts_path' for #<Post:0x007ff1a17f4e60>

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Routes helpers in Models                                                  part II

                     class Post < ActiveRecord::Base                    1.9.3p194 :001 > Post.first.put_routes
                       attr_accessible :content, :name, :title           Post Load (0.3ms) SELECT `posts`.* FROM
                                                                        `posts` LIMIT 1
                         include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor         => "/posts"
                         include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
                         default_url_options[:host] = ''
                                                                        1.9.3p194 :002 > Post.first.put_instance_route
                         def put_routes                                  Post Load (0.6ms) SELECT `posts`.* FROM
                          posts_path                                    `posts` LIMIT 1
                         end                                             => ""

                         def put_instance_route


mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Routes helpers in Models                                                    part III
                   class Post < ActiveRecord::Base                  class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
                     attr_accessible :content, :name, :title          attr_accessible :content, :name, :title

                     include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor         include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor
                     include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers    include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
                     default_url_options[:host] = ''      default_url_options[:host] = ''

                     def self.put_routes                             def self.put_routes
                      posts_path                                      Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.posts_path
                     end                                             end

                   end                                              end

                   1.9.3p194 :001 > Post.put_routes                 1.9.3p194 :001 > Post.put_routes
                   NameError: undefined local variable or method      => "/posts"
                   `posts_path' for #<Class:0x007fcb9b1260d8>

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Routes helpers in console
                         1.9.3p194 :001 > posts_path
                         NameError: undefined local variable or method `posts_path' for main:Object

                         1.9.3p194 :002 > include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
                          => Object
                         1.9.3p194 :003 > posts_path
                          => "/posts"

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Routes helpers in Rake Task
               namespace :example do                                namespace :example do
                desc "Example of routes helper in rake task"         desc "Example of routes helper in rake task"
                task :posts => :environment do                       task :posts => :environment do
                  puts "items_path = #{posts_path}"                    include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
                end                                                    puts "items_path = #{posts_path}"
               end                                                   end

               @Pade ➜ rake example:posts                           @Pade ➜ rake example:posts
               rake aborted!                                        items_path = /posts
               undefined local variable or method `posts_path' for

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Less Track routes Goodies
                          Off known routes

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Routes in Javascripts
                         js:routes                                # First, place the js.rake file in /lib/tasks
                    # You can generate your routes file by doing the following:
                                                                  rake js:routes
                                                                  # The above commands will place the routes in
                          Broken on Rails >= 3.1                  # You can specify your own filename like so:
                                                                  rake js:routes[custom_name.js]

                                   $.ajax({                                         $.ajax({
                                       url: "/post/" + post_id;                         url: post_path({id: post_id})
                                       method: 'PUT',                                   method: 'PUT',
                                       data:{                                           data:{
                                          x: post_x,                                       x: post_x,
                                          y: post_y                                        y: post_y
                                       }                                                }
                                   });                                              });

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Routes list in the browser
                                                      Visit /rails/routes in the browser
                sexant gem

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
i18n translable routes                                             part I

                         rails-translate-routes gem

                         # In config/locales/routes.yml
                          # you can leave empty locales, for example the default one
                          products: productos
                          contact: contacto
                          new: crear

                         products_en GET /products(.:format)           {:action=>"index", :controller=>"products"}
                         products_es GET /es/productos(.:format)         {:action=>"index", :controller=>"products"}
                         POST /products(.:format)         {:action=>"create", :controller=>"products"}
                         POST /es/productos(.:format)       {:action=>"create", :controller=>"products"}

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
i18n translable routes                                         part II

                         i18n_routing gem

                         # In config/routes.rb :
                         localized do
                           resources :users                    ruby-1.8.7-p249 > I18n.locale = :en
                         end                                    => :en
                                                               ruby-1.8.7-p249 > app.users_path
                                                                => "/users"
                         # In config/locales/fr.yml             ruby-1.8.7-p249 > I18n.locale = :fr
                         fr:                                    => :fr
                           resources:                          ruby-1.8.7-p249 > app.users_path
                             users: 'utilisateurs'              => "/utilisateurs"

mercoledì 23 maggio 12
Less known routes
                                      Rails Routes off the tracks
                                                    23 May 2012                                                          by

    References:                                                                                                                Silvio Relli                                                   

mercoledì 23 maggio 12

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Rails Routes off the tracks

  • 1. Rails Routes off the tracks Unpopular (and/or improper) useful hacks for the Rails routes @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 2. Less known routes Basic routes mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 3. Basic routes summary part I # Empty route root :to => 'welcome#show' # Regular routes match 'products/:id', :to => 'catalog#view' match 'products/:id' => 'catalog#view' # Named routes match 'logout', :to => 'sessions#destroy', :as => 'logout' match 'logout' => 'sessions#destroy', :as => 'logout' # Verb routes match 'account/overview', :to => 'account#overview', :via => 'get' get 'account/overview' @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 4. Basic routes summary part II # Resourceful routes resources :products do collection do get :sold post :export end member do post :publish end put :toggle, :on => :member end # Nested resourceful routes resources :projects do resources :tasks, :people end @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 5. Basic routes summary part III # Nested resourceful routes resources :projects do resources :tasks, :people end # Restricted restful routes resources :posts, :except => [:edit] resources :posts, :only => [:new, :create] # REST override resource :session do get :create # BAD!! end # Altering action name resources :projects, :path_names => { :edit => 'modify' } @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 6. Routes globbing # This route would match photos/12 or /photos/long/path/to/12, # setting params[:other] to "12" or "long/path/to/12" match 'photos/*other' => 'photos#unknown' # This would match books/some/section/last-words-a-memoir with # params[:section] equals to "some/section", # and params[:title] equals to"last-words-a-memoir" match 'books/*section/:title' => 'books#show' @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 7. Optional segments # Both /posts/new and /posts will be redirected to the create action in posts controller, # but /posts/edit will not work: match 'posts(/new)', :to => 'posts#create' # This is an optional path scope that allows to have a prepended path before a resource: scope '(:locale)', :locale => /en|it/ do resources :descriptions end # Default generic Rails 3 route match '/:controller(/:action(/:id))' @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 9. Redirects and Constraints # This code will redirect /foo/2 to /bar/2s: match '/foo/:id', :to => redirect("/bar/%{id}s") # This code will redirect /account/proc/john to /johns. match 'account/proc/:name', :to => redirect {|params| "/#{params[:name].pluralize}" } # Constraint on numeric id match '/posts/show/:id', :to => 'posts#index', :constraints => {:id => /d/} # Constraint on subdomain match '/foo/bar', :to => 'foo#bar', :constraints => {:subdomain => 'support'} # Constraint on ip address match '/foo/bar', :to => 'foo#bar', :constraints => {:ip => /} @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 10. More on constraints # Arbitrary constraint constraints(:ip => / do match '/questions', :to => redirect('') end # Object-based constraint class IpRestrictor def self.matches?(request) request.ip =~ / end end constraints IpRestrictor do match '/questions', :to => redirect('') end @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 11. Lambdas on routes scope :constraints => lambda{|req| == $BLOG_DOMAIN } do root :to => "posts#index" match 'posts/archive' => 'posts#archive', :as => 'archive_post' match 'posts/:pretty_url' => 'posts#show', :as => 'show_post' end scope :constraints => lambda{|req| == $INTRANEWS_DOMAIN} do root :to => "intranews#index" resources :int, :as => :intranews, :controller => :intranews, :only => [:index, :show] do match 'search' => 'intranews#search', :on => :collection end end scope :constraints => lambda{|req| !req.session[:user_id].blank? } do # logged users routes only end @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 12. endpoints part I Rack provides a minimal interface between webservers supporting Ruby and Ruby frameworks. match "/blog" => MySinatraBlogApp, :anchor => false class MySinatraBlogApp < Sinatra::Base get "/blog/archives" do T mount MySinatraBlogApp, :at => "/blog" "my old posts" # or simply end mount MySinatraBlogApp => "/blog" end @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 13. Rack endpoints part II mount Resque::Server => '/admin/resque', :constraints root :to => 'sessions#new', :constraints => root :to => 'users#show', :constraints => # In config/initializers/logged_in_constraint.rb class LoggedInConstraint < def matches?(request) T request.cookies.key?("auth_token") == value end end @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 14. Splitted routes file # In config/application.rb config.paths["config/routes"] << Rails.root.join('config/routes/api_routes.rb') # In config/routes/api_routes.rb ### Coming in Rails 4 ### Sandbox::Application.routes.draw do # config/routes.rb T constraints(:subdomain => 'api') do draw :admin resources :recipes end # config/routes/admin.rb namespace :admin do end resources :posts end @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 15. Less Track routes Off known routes mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 16. Routes in Models @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 17. Routes in Models R.I.P. MVC Encapsulation @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 18. Routes helpers in Models part I class Post < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :content, :name, :title def put_routes posts_path end end 1.9.3p194 :001 > Post.first.put_routes Post Load (0.3ms) SELECT `posts`.* FROM `posts` LIMIT 1 NameError: undefined local variable or method `posts_path' for #<Post:0x007ff1a17f4e60> @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 19. Routes helpers in Models part II class Post < ActiveRecord::Base 1.9.3p194 :001 > Post.first.put_routes attr_accessible :content, :name, :title Post Load (0.3ms) SELECT `posts`.* FROM `posts` LIMIT 1 include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor => "/posts" include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers default_url_options[:host] = '' 1.9.3p194 :002 > Post.first.put_instance_route def put_routes Post Load (0.6ms) SELECT `posts`.* FROM posts_path `posts` LIMIT 1 end => "" def put_instance_route url_for(self) end end @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 20. Routes helpers in Models part III class Post < ActiveRecord::Base class Post < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :content, :name, :title attr_accessible :content, :name, :title include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers default_url_options[:host] = '' default_url_options[:host] = '' def self.put_routes def self.put_routes posts_path Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.posts_path end end end end 1.9.3p194 :001 > Post.put_routes 1.9.3p194 :001 > Post.put_routes NameError: undefined local variable or method => "/posts" `posts_path' for #<Class:0x007fcb9b1260d8> @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 21. Routes helpers in console 1.9.3p194 :001 > posts_path NameError: undefined local variable or method `posts_path' for main:Object 1.9.3p194 :002 > include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers => Object 1.9.3p194 :003 > posts_path => "/posts" @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 22. Routes helpers in Rake Task namespace :example do namespace :example do desc "Example of routes helper in rake task" desc "Example of routes helper in rake task" task :posts => :environment do task :posts => :environment do puts "items_path = #{posts_path}" include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers end puts "items_path = #{posts_path}" end end end @Pade ➜ rake example:posts @Pade ➜ rake example:posts rake aborted! items_path = /posts undefined local variable or method `posts_path' for main:Object @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 23. Less Track routes Goodies Off known routes mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 24. Routes in Javascripts js:routes # First, place the js.rake file in /lib/tasks your_app/lib/tasks/js.rake # You can generate your routes file by doing the following: rake js:routes # The above commands will place the routes in your_app/public/javascripts/rails_routes.js Broken on Rails >= 3.1 # You can specify your own filename like so: rake js:routes[custom_name.js] $.ajax({ $.ajax({ url: "/post/" + post_id; url: post_path({id: post_id}) method: 'PUT', method: 'PUT', data:{ data:{ x: post_x, x: post_x, y: post_y y: post_y } } }); }); @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 25. Routes list in the browser Visit /rails/routes in the browser sexant gem @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 26. i18n translable routes part I rails-translate-routes gem # In config/locales/routes.yml en: # you can leave empty locales, for example the default one es: products: productos contact: contacto new: crear products_en GET /products(.:format) {:action=>"index", :controller=>"products"} products_es GET /es/productos(.:format) {:action=>"index", :controller=>"products"} POST /products(.:format) {:action=>"create", :controller=>"products"} POST /es/productos(.:format) {:action=>"create", :controller=>"products"} @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 27. i18n translable routes part II i18n_routing gem # In config/routes.rb : localized do resources :users ruby-1.8.7-p249 > I18n.locale = :en end => :en ruby-1.8.7-p249 > app.users_path => "/users" # In config/locales/fr.yml ruby-1.8.7-p249 > I18n.locale = :fr fr: => :fr resources: ruby-1.8.7-p249 > app.users_path users: 'utilisateurs' => "/utilisateurs" @silviorelli mercoledì 23 maggio 12
  • 28. Less known routes Rails Routes off the tracks 23 May 2012 by References: Silvio Relli Code: mercoledì 23 maggio 12