thoughtworks artificial intelligence test automation with specifications specification by example cucumber specification bdd specification bdd ml and data machine learning ai data literacy data and ai ai transformation data for ai data strategy for ai data strategy ai indoor tracking indoor ble geofencing beacons ifttt beacons ifttt ble ifttt ble enterprise bluetooth beacons asset self service assets tracking self service iot self-service real-time asset tracking real time asset tracking iot asset tracking enterprise asset tracking beacons ble iot chatbot development best practices building chatbots agile best practices for ai next gen testing next generation testing bdd automation framework cucumber automation framework bdt automation framework bdd for weekly deployments weekly deployments cucumber tech stack cucumber continuous delivery continuous integration continuous delivery specifications assembly unit bdt cucumber ci specifications with example automation pyramid specifications test automation pyramid spinach cucumber selenium headless rspec framework built using rspec cucumber and spinach webkit specifications pyramid vodqa thoughtworks thought works testing vodqa ncr death of buttons gesture testing gesture development gestures in agile discovery driven iteration distributed agile distributed agile for enterprises agile for enterprises agile china 2010 mobile testing andriod testing
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