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Alexander (Sascha) Klein
codecentric AG
vert.x with Groovy
Simplifying non-blocking code
codecentric AG
Alexander Klein, 2014-06-03
vert.x with Groovy – Simpliyfing non-blocking code
codecentric AG
Why using vert.x ?
CC BY 2.0 >
codecentric AG
Alexander (Sascha) Klein
Principal Consultant
codecentric AG in Stuttgart
Groovy, JavaFX, UI / UX
Griffon committer
codecentric AG
Framework to write polyglot, highly concurrent applications
Similar to Node.js
Asynchronous, non-blocking API
Polyglot (Java, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby, Python and others)
codecentric AG
Client Background
Event Loop
Event Bus
long-running tasks
non-blocking blocking
codecentric AG
Middleware framework for vert.x
Currently only Java, JavaScript and Groovy supported
Many helpful implementations
Request body and Cookie parser
Static file server
Request Router
Virtual host support
and more ...
codecentric AG
Calculating CRC32's for a directory
Read directory entries
Read file properties for each entry
Determine if entry is a directory
Handle directories recursively
Read file
Calculate CRC32 via worker verticle
codecentric AG
Classic vert.x/yoke code
container.deployWorkerVerticle 'CRC.groovy', [:]
GRouter router = new GRouter()
router.get("/crc") { GYokeRequest request ->
request.response.chunked = true
request.response.contentType = 'text/plain'
this.crc('/home/aklein/tmp/ConfigParser', request)
router.get("/") { GYokeRequest request, Handler next ->
request.response.render 'web/index.gsp', next
codecentric AG
Classic vert.x/yoke code
def yoke = new GYoke(vertx, container)
yoke.engine new GroovyTemplateEngine()
yoke.use new Static("web", 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, true, false)
yoke.use { request ->
request.response.statusCode = 404
request.response.statusMessage = 'Not Found'
request.response.contentType = 'text/plain'
request.response.end('404 - Not Found')
codecentric AG
Classic vert.x/yoke code
def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request) {
EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus
FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem
fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs ->
if (rs.succeeded) {
String[] paths = rs.result
paths.each { String path ->
fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs1 ->
if (rs1.succeeded) {
FileProps props = rs1.result
if ( {
crc(path, request)
} else {
fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs2 ->
if (rs2.succeeded) {
Buffer content = rs2.result
bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->
if (result.body().status == 'error') {
request.response.statusCode = 500
request.response.statusMessage = "Error processing file " +
"$path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} n" +
} else {
request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}n"
} else {
request.response.statusCode = 500
request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read file $path"
} else {
request.response.statusCode = 500
request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read properties for $path"
} else {
request.response.statusCode = 500
request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read $baseDir"
codecentric AG
Preparing gradle build
Download from:
provided "com.jetdrone:yoke:$yokeVersion@jar" // (optional for using yoke)
yokeVersion=1.0.13 // (optional for using yoke)
codecentric AG
Preparing gradle build
task startMod(dependsOn: copyMod, description: 'Run the module', type: JavaExec) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath + sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = ''
args(['runmod', moduleName])
args runModArgs.split("s+")
// jvmArgs "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"
"vertx.clusterManagerFactory": "",
"vertx.mods" : "$projectDir/build/mods"
codecentric AG
Classic vert.x/yoke code
def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request) {
EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus
FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem
fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs ->
if (rs.succeeded) {
String[] paths = rs.result
paths.each { String path ->
fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs1 ->
if (rs1.succeeded) {
FileProps props = rs1.result
if ( {
crc(path, request)
} else {
fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs2 ->
if (rs2.succeeded) {
Buffer content = rs2.result
bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->
if (result.body().status == 'error') {
request.response.statusCode = 500
request.response.statusMessage = "Error processing file " +
"$path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} n" +
} else {
request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}n"
} else {
request.response.statusCode = 500
request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read file $path"
} else {
request.response.statusCode = 500
request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read properties for $path"
} else {
request.response.statusCode = 500
request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read $baseDir"
codecentric AG
Compress Errorhandling - Method
request.response.statusCode = 500
request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read file $path"
def end(YokeResponse response, int statusCode, String statusMessage = null) {
response.statusCode = statusCode
response.statusMessage = statusMessage
end request.response, 500, "Failed to read file $path"
codecentric AG
Compress Errorhandling - Dynamic Mixins
class YokeExtension {
static String end(YokeResponse self, Integer statusCode, String statusMessage = null) {
self.statusCode = statusCode
if (statusMessage)
self.statusMessage = statusMessage
request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"
codecentric AG
Compress Errorhandling - Static Mixins (vert.x 2.1)
class YokeExtension {
static String end(YokeResponse self, Integer statusCode, String statusMessage = null) {
customizer = { org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration config ->
new ASTTransformationCustomizer(Mixin, value: YokeExtension) )
return config
request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"
codecentric AG
Compress Errorhandling - Module Extension (vert.x 2.1)
class YokeExtension {
static String end(YokeResponse self, Integer statusCode, String statusMessage = null) {
moduleName = vertx-module
moduleVersion = 1.0
extensionClasses = de.codecentric.vertx.YokeExtension
repositories {
dependencies {
compile "de.codecentric:vertx-extension:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT@jar"
codecentric AG
After YokeResponse enhancement
def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request) {
EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus
FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem
fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs ->
if (rs.succeeded) {
String[] paths = rs.result
paths.each { String path ->
fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs1 ->
if (rs1.succeeded) {
FileProps props = rs1.result
if ( {
crc(path, request)
} else {
fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs2 ->
if (rs2.succeeded) {
Buffer content = rs2.result
bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->
if (result.body().status == 'error') {
request.response.end 500, "Error processing file " +
"$path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} n" +
} else
request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}n"
} else
request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"
} else
request.response.end 500, "Failed to read properties for $path"
} else
request.response.end 500, "Failed to read $baseDir“
codecentric AG
Bus communication
if (rs2.succeeded) {
Buffer content = rs2.result
bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->
if (result.body().status == 'error') {
request.response.end 500, "Error processing file " +
"$path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} n" +
} else
request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}n"
} else
request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"
codecentric AG
Worker Module
EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus
bus.registerHandler('create.crc') { Message msg ->
try {
Buffer buffer = new Buffer(msg.body())
CRC32 crc = new CRC32()
int start = 0, end, length = buffer.length
while (start < length) {
end = Math.min(start + 1024, length)
crc.update(buffer.getBytes(start, end))
start = end
msg.reply([status: 'ok', message: crc.value ])
} catch (e) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()
msg.reply([status: 'error', message: 'Failure creating crc', error: e.message, stacktrace: sw.toString()])
codecentric AG
Standardizing bus communication – Worker
bus.registerHandler('create.crc') { Message msg ->
try { ...
msg.reply([status: 'ok', message: crc.value ])
} catch (e) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()
msg.reply([status: 'error', message: 'Failure creating crc', error: e.message, stacktrace: sw.toString()])
bus.registerHandler('create.crc') { Message msg ->
try { ...
} catch (e) {
msg.replyFailure('Failure creating crc', e)
codecentric AG
Standardizing bus communication - Module
class MessageExtension {
static final String OK = 'ok'
static final String ERROR = 'error'
static void replySuccess(Message self, message) {
self.reply([status: OK, message: message])
static void replyFailure(Message self, Throwable e) {
replyFailure(self, null, e)
static void replyFailure(Message self, String msg,
Throwable e = null) {
def message = [status: ERROR]
if (msg)
message.message = msg
if (e) {
message.error = e.message
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()
message.stacktrace = sw.toString()
codecentric AG
Standardizing bus communication - Module
static String getStacktrace(Message self) {
static String getError(Message self) {
static def getMessage(Message self) {
return self.body().message
codecentric AG
Standardizing bus communication – Caller
bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->
if (result.body().status == 'error')
request.response.end 500,
"Error processing file $path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} n $result.body().stacktrace}"
request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}n"
bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->
if (result)
request.response.write "$path = ${result.message}n"
request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path: $result.logMessage"
codecentric AG
Standardizing bus communication - Module
static boolean isSucceeded(Message self) {
def result = self.body()
if (result instanceof Map) {
return result.status == OK
} else
return false
static boolean asBoolean(Message self) {
return self.isSucceeded()
static String getLogMessage(Message self) {
return self.getError() ? "${self.getMessage()}: ${self.getError()} n${self.getStacktrace()}" : self.getMessage()
codecentric AG
Streamlining AsyncResult API
static boolean asBoolean(AsyncResult self) {
return self.isSucceeded()
static String getStacktrace(AsyncResult self) {
if (!self.cause)
return ''
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()
PrintWriter pw = sw.newPrintWriter()
return sw.toString()
static String getError(AsyncResult self) {
return self.cause ? self.cause.message : ''
static def getMessage(AsyncResult self) {
return self.result
static String getLogMessage(AsyncResult self) {
return self.getError() ? self.getMessage() +
": ${self.getError()} n${self.getStacktrace()}" :
codecentric AG
With standardized bus communication
def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request) {
EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus
FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem
fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs ->
if (rs) {
String[] paths = rs.result
paths.each { String path ->
fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs1 ->
if (rs1) {
FileProps props = rs1.result
if ( {
crc(path, request)
} else {
fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs2 ->
if (rs2) {
Buffer content = rs2.result
bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->
if (result) {
request.response.write "$path = ${result.message}n"
} else
request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path:" +
} else
request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"
} else
request.response.end 500, "Failed to read properties for $path"
} else
request.response.end 500, "Failed to read $baseDir“
codecentric AG
Handler chains
Event-based programming often results in multiple, stacked Handlers / Closures
Difficult to read
Order of commands from left to right / outside to inside
Horizontal scrolling because of indentation
Hard to find the begining of a logical part
Difficult to test
Loops are difficult or impossible to implement
When is the for loop finished to send the .end()?
codecentric AG
Closure Chaining - Syntax
chain { next -> next() }, { next -> next(10) }, { input, next -> println input }
chain ( 10, { input, next -> next(input) }, { input, next -> println input } )
chain 10, { input, next -> next(input) }, { input, next -> println input }
chain { next -> next() } { next -> next(10) } { input, next -> println input }
chain (10) { input, next -> next(input) } { input, next -> println input }
chain (10) { input, next ->
} {
input, next -> println input
codecentric AG
Closure Chaining – Module
class StructureExtension {
static void chain(final Object self, def arguments, Closure... actions) {
if (arguments instanceof Closure) {
actions = [arguments, *actions] as Closure[]
arguments = null
if (!actions)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("One or more arguments of type groovy.lang.Closure required")
_chain(arguments, actions.iterator())

chain(arg) {} ...
codecentric AG
Closure Chaining – Module
static void chain(final Object self, Object... arguments) {
if (!arguments.any { it instanceof Closure })
throw new IllegalArgumentException("One or more arguments of type groovy.lang.Closure required")
int i; def actions = []
for (i = arguments.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (arguments[i] instanceof Closure)
actions.add(0, arguments[i])
_chain(arguments[0..i], actions.iterator())
chain(arg1, arg2, ...)
chain(arg1, arg2, ...) {} 

codecentric AG
Closure Chaining – Module
private static void _chain(final Object arguments, final Iterator<Closure> actions) {
if (actions) {
def action =
if (arguments != null) {
action = action.curry(arguments as Object[])
} { Object[] args ->
_chain(args, actions)
codecentric AG
Looping - Syntax
[1,2,3].loop { element, next -> next() }
[a:1, b:2, c:3].loop { key, value, next -> next() }
[1,2,3].loop { element, next ->
} {
// called after the last iteration
codecentric AG
Looping – Module
static void loop(final Object[] array, final Closure action) { loop(array, action, {} }
static void loop(final Object[] array, final Closure action, final Closure next) { _loop(array?.iterator(), action, next) }
static void loop(final Collection collection, final Closure action) { loop(collection, action, {} }
static void loop(final Collection collection, final Closure action, final Closure next) {
_loop(collection.iterator(), action, next)
static void loop(final Map map, final Closure action) { loop(map, action, {} }
static void loop(final Map map, final Closure action, final Closure next) { _loop(map.iterator(), action, next) }
codecentric AG
Looping – Module
private static void _loop(final Iterator<?> iterator, final Closure action, Closure next = {}) {
if(iterator) {
def element =
def nextAction
if (iterator)
nextAction = StructureExtension.&_loop.curry(iterator, action, next)
nextAction = next
if (element instanceof Map.Entry), element.value, nextAction)
else, nextAction)
} else
codecentric AG
With chaining and looping
def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request, Closure nextCrc = null) {
FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem
chain { nextChain -> // Read directory
fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs ->
if (rs) nextChain(rs.result as List)
else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read $baseDir"
} { List paths, nextChain -> // Loop over files
paths.loop { String path, nextLoop ->
chain { next -> // Read file properties
fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs ->
if (rs) next(rs.result)
else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read properties for $path"
} { FileProps props, next -> // Check for directory
if ( crc(path, request, nextLoop)
else next()
{ next -> // Read file
fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs ->
if (rs) next(rs.result)
else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"
} { Buffer content, next -> // Call module to calculate crc
bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->
if (result) {
request.response.write "$path = ${result.message}n"
} else request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path"
codecentric AG
Adding .end() after the loop
{ Buffer content, next -> // Call module to calculate crc
Vertx.eventBus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->
if (result) {
request.response.write "$path = ${result.message}n"
} else request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path"
} { // finish everything up after loop
if (nextCrc) nextCrc()
else request.response.end()
codecentric AG
Using a template engine
router.get("/crc") { GYokeRequest request ->
request.context.files = [:]
def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request, Closure nextCrc = null) {
request.context.files[baseDir] = null
{ Buffer content, next -> // Call module to calculate crc
Vertx.eventBus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result ->
if (result) {
request.context.files[path] = result.message
} else request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path"
} { // finish everything up after loop
if (nextCrc) nextCrc()
files: request.context.files)
codecentric AG
Accessing the context - !!! Hack Alert !!!
class YokeExtension {
static Context getContext(YokeRequest self) {
// Reflection because context is a private field of the super class for GYokeRequest
Field field = YokeRequest.getDeclaredField('context')
field.accessible = true
return (Context) field.get(self)
static Context getContext(YokeResponse self) {
// Reflection because context is a private field of the super class for GYokeResponse
Field field = YokeResponse.getDeclaredField('context')
field.accessible = true
return (Context) field.get(self)
codecentric AG
Adding custom context for rendering
static void render(GYokeResponse self, Map<String, Object> context, String template) { render(self, context, template, null, null) }
static void render(GYokeResponse self, Map<String, Object> context, String template, Closure next) {
render(self, context, template, null, next)
static void render(GYokeResponse self, Map<String, Object> context, String template, String layoutTemplate) {
render(self, context, template, layoutTemplate, null)
static void render(GYokeResponse self, Map<String, Object> context, String template, String layoutTemplate, Closure next) {
Map<String, Object> oldContext = getContext(self).clone()
if (next)
self.render(template, layoutTemplate, next)
self.render(template, layoutTemplate)
codecentric AG
The template
<% def data = files.sort { a, b -> a.key <=> b.key }
data.each { k, v ->
if (v != null) { %>
<li>${k} = ${v}</li>
<% } else { %>
<% } %>
<% } %>
codecentric AG
Smoothen all up with a custom BaseScriptClass
abstract class VerticleScript extends Script {
Vertx getVertx() {
return binding.vertx
void setVertx(Vertx vertx) {
binding.vertx = vertx
Container getContainer() {
return binding.container
void setContainer(Container container) {
binding.container = container
EventBus getBus() {
SharedData getSharedData() {
Logger getLog() {
Map<String, Object> getConfig() {
Map<String, String> getEnv() {
codecentric AG
Using the BaseScriptClass (vert.x 2.1)
Global usage:
customizer = { org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration config ->
config.scriptBaseClass = 'de.codecentric.vertx.VerticleScript'
return config
Local usage per Script:
@groovy.transform.BaseScript de.codecentric.vertx.VerticleScript verticleScript
codecentric AG
API to smoothen MongoDB usage
def db(String address, Map message, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) {
bus.send(address, message) { Message result ->
Map reply = result.body()
if (reply.status == 'ok') {
if (success) {
if (success.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2) success(reply, result)
else success(reply)
} else {
if (failure) {
if (failure.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2) failure(reply, result)
else failure(result)
codecentric AG
API to smoothen MongoDB usage
def save(String address, String collection, Map document, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) {
[action: 'save', collection: collection, document: document, write_concern: 'SAFE'],
success, failure)
def update(String address, String collection, Map criteria, Map update, Closure success=null, Closure failure=null) {
db(address, [action: 'update', collection: collection, criteria: criteria, objNew: update, write_concern: 'SAFE'],
success, failure)
def delete(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) {
db(address, [action: 'delete', collection: collection, matcher: matcher], success, failure)
def read(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) {
db(address, [action: 'findone', collection: collection, matcher: matcher,], success, failure)
codecentric AG
API to smoothen MongoDB usage
def exists(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) {
def command = [action: 'find', collection: collection, matcher: matcher, batch_size: 100]
db(address, command, success) { Map reply, Message result ->
if (reply.status == 'more-exist') {
if (success.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2)
success(reply, result)
} else {
if (failure.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2)
failure(reply, result)
codecentric AG
API to smoothen MongoDB usage
def query(String address, String collection, Map matcher,
Map options, Closure success, Closure failure) {
int max = options.max ?: -1
int offset = options.offset ?: -1
Map orderby = options.orderby ?: null
Map keys = options.keys ?: null
def data = []
def queryHandler
queryHandler = { Map reply, Message result ->
if (reply.status == 'more-exist') {
data.addAll reply.results
result.reply([:], queryHandler)
} else if (reply.status == 'ok') {
data.addAll reply.results
} else if (reply.status == 'ok') {
data.addAll reply.results
} else if (failure.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2) {
failure(reply, result)
} else failure(result)
def command = [ action: 'find', collection: collection,
matcher : matcher, batch_size: 100]
if (max >= 0) command.max = max
if (offset >= 0) command.offset = offset
if (orderby) command.orderby = orderby
if (keys) command.keys = keys
db(address, command, queryHandler, queryHandler)
codecentric AG
API to smoothen MongoDB usage
def query(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success) {
query(address, collection, matcher, [:], success, null)
def query(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success, Closure failure) {
query(address, collection, matcher, [:], success, failure)
def query(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Map options, Closure success) {
query(address, collection, matcher, options, success, null)
codecentric AG
Alexander (Sascha) Klein
codecentric AG
Curiestr. 2
70563 Stuttgart
tel +49 (0) 711.674 00 - 328
fax +49 (0) 172.529 40 20
03.06.14 50

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Vert.x using Groovy - Simplifying non-blocking code

  • 1. Alexander (Sascha) Klein codecentric AG vert.x with Groovy Simplifying non-blocking code
  • 2. codecentric AG Alexander Klein, 2014-06-03 vert.x with Groovy – Simpliyfing non-blocking code
  • 3. codecentric AG Why using vert.x ? CC BY 2.0 >
  • 4. codecentric AG Alexander (Sascha) Klein Principal Consultant codecentric AG in Stuttgart Germany Groovy, JavaFX, UI / UX Griffon committer @saschaklein
  • 5. codecentric AG vert.x Framework to write polyglot, highly concurrent applications Similar to Node.js Asynchronous, non-blocking API Polyglot (Java, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby, Python and others)
  • 6. codecentric AG Architecture Client Background Threadpool Worker-Verticle Worker-Verticle Worker-Verticle Event Loop Verticle Verticle Verticle Event Bus Request Response delegating long-running tasks non-blocking blocking
  • 7. codecentric AG Yoke Middleware framework for vert.x Currently only Java, JavaScript and Groovy supported Many helpful implementations Request body and Cookie parser Static file server Request Router Virtual host support Templateengines and more ...
  • 8. codecentric AG Calculating CRC32's for a directory Read directory entries Read file properties for each entry Determine if entry is a directory Handle directories recursively Read file Calculate CRC32 via worker verticle
  • 9. codecentric AG Classic vert.x/yoke code container.deployWorkerVerticle 'CRC.groovy', [:] GRouter router = new GRouter() router.get("/crc") { GYokeRequest request -> request.response.chunked = true request.response.contentType = 'text/plain' this.crc('/home/aklein/tmp/ConfigParser', request) } router.get("/") { GYokeRequest request, Handler next -> request.response.render 'web/index.gsp', next }
  • 10. codecentric AG Classic vert.x/yoke code def yoke = new GYoke(vertx, container) yoke.engine new GroovyTemplateEngine() yoke.use(router) yoke.use new Static("web", 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, true, false) yoke.use { request -> request.response.statusCode = 404 request.response.statusMessage = 'Not Found' request.response.contentType = 'text/plain' request.response.end('404 - Not Found') } yoke.listen(8080)
  • 11. codecentric AG Classic vert.x/yoke code def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request) { EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs -> if (rs.succeeded) { String[] paths = rs.result paths.each { String path -> fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs1 -> if (rs1.succeeded) { FileProps props = rs1.result if ( { crc(path, request) } else { fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs2 -> if (rs2.succeeded) { Buffer content = rs2.result bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result -> if (result.body().status == 'error') { request.response.statusCode = 500 request.response.statusMessage = "Error processing file " + "$path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} n" + "${result.body().stacktrace}" request.response.end() } else { request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}n" } } } else { request.response.statusCode = 500 request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read file $path" request.response.end() } } } } else { request.response.statusCode = 500 request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read properties for $path" request.response.end() } } } } else { request.response.statusCode = 500 request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read $baseDir" request.response.end() } } }
  • 12. codecentric AG Preparing gradle build Download from: build.gradle provided "com.jetdrone:yoke:$yokeVersion@jar" // (optional for using yoke) groovyVersion=2.2.1 yokeVersion=1.0.13 // (optional for using yoke)
  • 13. codecentric AG Preparing gradle build gradle/vertx.gradle task startMod(dependsOn: copyMod, description: 'Run the module', type: JavaExec) { classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath + sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath main = '' args(['runmod', moduleName]) args runModArgs.split("s+") // jvmArgs "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005" systemProperties([ "vertx.clusterManagerFactory": "", "vertx.mods" : "$projectDir/build/mods" ]) }
  • 14. codecentric AG Classic vert.x/yoke code def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request) { EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs -> if (rs.succeeded) { String[] paths = rs.result paths.each { String path -> fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs1 -> if (rs1.succeeded) { FileProps props = rs1.result if ( { crc(path, request) } else { fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs2 -> if (rs2.succeeded) { Buffer content = rs2.result bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result -> if (result.body().status == 'error') { request.response.statusCode = 500 request.response.statusMessage = "Error processing file " + "$path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} n" + "${result.body().stacktrace}" request.response.end() } else { request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}n" } } } else { request.response.statusCode = 500 request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read file $path" request.response.end() } } } } else { request.response.statusCode = 500 request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read properties for $path" request.response.end() } } } } else { request.response.statusCode = 500 request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read $baseDir" request.response.end() } } }
  • 15. codecentric AG Compress Errorhandling - Method request.response.statusCode = 500 request.response.statusMessage = "Failed to read file $path" request.response.end() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def end(YokeResponse response, int statusCode, String statusMessage = null) { response.statusCode = statusCode if(statusMessage) response.statusMessage = statusMessage response.end() } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end request.response, 500, "Failed to read file $path"
  • 16. codecentric AG Compress Errorhandling - Dynamic Mixins class YokeExtension { static String end(YokeResponse self, Integer statusCode, String statusMessage = null) { self.statusCode = statusCode if (statusMessage) self.statusMessage = statusMessage self.end() } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YokeResponse.mixin(YokeExtension) request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"
  • 17. codecentric AG Compress Errorhandling - Static Mixins (vert.x 2.1) class YokeExtension { static String end(YokeResponse self, Integer statusCode, String statusMessage = null) { ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ compilerConfiguration.groovy: customizer = { org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration config -> config.addCompilationCustomizers( new ASTTransformationCustomizer(Mixin, value: YokeExtension) ) return config } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"
  • 18. codecentric AG Compress Errorhandling - Module Extension (vert.x 2.1) class YokeExtension { static String end(YokeResponse self, Integer statusCode, String statusMessage = null) { ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ META-INF/services/org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule: moduleName = vertx-module moduleVersion = 1.0 extensionClasses = de.codecentric.vertx.YokeExtension ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ build.gradle: repositories { mavenLocal() } dependencies { compile "de.codecentric:vertx-extension:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT@jar" }
  • 19. codecentric AG After YokeResponse enhancement def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request) { EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs -> if (rs.succeeded) { String[] paths = rs.result paths.each { String path -> fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs1 -> if (rs1.succeeded) { FileProps props = rs1.result if ( { crc(path, request) } else { fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs2 -> if (rs2.succeeded) { Buffer content = rs2.result bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result -> if (result.body().status == 'error') { request.response.end 500, "Error processing file " + "$path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} n" + "${result.body().stacktrace}" } else request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}n" } } else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path" } } } else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read properties for $path" } } } else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read $baseDir“ } }
  • 20. codecentric AG Bus communication if (rs2.succeeded) { Buffer content = rs2.result bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result -> if (result.body().status == 'error') { request.response.end 500, "Error processing file " + "$path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} n" + "${result.body().stacktrace}" } else request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}n" } } else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path"
  • 21. codecentric AG Worker Module EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus bus.registerHandler('create.crc') { Message msg -> try { Buffer buffer = new Buffer(msg.body()) CRC32 crc = new CRC32() int start = 0, end, length = buffer.length while (start < length) { end = Math.min(start + 1024, length) crc.update(buffer.getBytes(start, end)) start = end } msg.reply([status: 'ok', message: crc.value ]) } catch (e) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter() e.printStackTrace(sw.newPrintWriter()) msg.reply([status: 'error', message: 'Failure creating crc', error: e.message, stacktrace: sw.toString()]) } }
  • 22. codecentric AG Standardizing bus communication – Worker bus.registerHandler('create.crc') { Message msg -> try { ... msg.reply([status: 'ok', message: crc.value ]) } catch (e) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter() e.printStackTrace(sw.newPrintWriter()) msg.reply([status: 'error', message: 'Failure creating crc', error: e.message, stacktrace: sw.toString()]) } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bus.registerHandler('create.crc') { Message msg -> try { ... msg.replySuccess(crc.value) } catch (e) { msg.replyFailure('Failure creating crc', e) } }
  • 23. codecentric AG Standardizing bus communication - Module class MessageExtension { static final String OK = 'ok' static final String ERROR = 'error' static void replySuccess(Message self, message) { self.reply([status: OK, message: message]) } static void replyFailure(Message self, Throwable e) { replyFailure(self, null, e) } static void replyFailure(Message self, String msg, Throwable e = null) { def message = [status: ERROR] if (msg) message.message = msg if (e) { message.error = e.message StringWriter sw = new StringWriter() e.printStackTrace(sw.newPrintWriter()) message.stacktrace = sw.toString() } self.reply(message) }
  • 24. codecentric AG Standardizing bus communication - Module static String getStacktrace(Message self) { self.body().stacktrace } static String getError(Message self) { self.body().error } static def getMessage(Message self) { return self.body().message } ...
  • 25. codecentric AG Standardizing bus communication – Caller bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result -> if (result.body().status == 'error') request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path: ${result.body().message}: ${result.body().error} n $result.body().stacktrace}" else request.response.write "$path = ${result.body().message}n" } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result -> if (result) request.response.write "$path = ${result.message}n" else request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path: $result.logMessage" }
  • 26. codecentric AG Standardizing bus communication - Module static boolean isSucceeded(Message self) { def result = self.body() if (result instanceof Map) { return result.status == OK } else return false } static boolean asBoolean(Message self) { return self.isSucceeded() } static String getLogMessage(Message self) { return self.getError() ? "${self.getMessage()}: ${self.getError()} n${self.getStacktrace()}" : self.getMessage() } ...
  • 27. codecentric AG Streamlining AsyncResult API static boolean asBoolean(AsyncResult self) { return self.isSucceeded() } static String getStacktrace(AsyncResult self) { if (!self.cause) return '' StringWriter sw = new StringWriter() PrintWriter pw = sw.newPrintWriter() self.cause.printStackTrace(pw) return sw.toString() } static String getError(AsyncResult self) { return self.cause ? self.cause.message : '' } static def getMessage(AsyncResult self) { return self.result } static String getLogMessage(AsyncResult self) { return self.getError() ? self.getMessage() + ": ${self.getError()} n${self.getStacktrace()}" : self.getMessage() }
  • 28. codecentric AG With standardized bus communication def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request) { EventBus bus = vertx.eventBus FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs -> if (rs) { String[] paths = rs.result paths.each { String path -> fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs1 -> if (rs1) { FileProps props = rs1.result if ( { crc(path, request) } else { fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs2 -> if (rs2) { Buffer content = rs2.result bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result -> if (result) { request.response.write "$path = ${result.message}n" } else request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path:" + result.logMessage } else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path" } } } else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read properties for $path" } } } else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read $baseDir“ } }
  • 29. codecentric AG Handler chains Event-based programming often results in multiple, stacked Handlers / Closures Difficult to read Order of commands from left to right / outside to inside Horizontal scrolling because of indentation Hard to find the begining of a logical part Difficult to test Loops are difficult or impossible to implement When is the for loop finished to send the .end()?
  • 30. codecentric AG Closure Chaining - Syntax chain { next -> next() }, { next -> next(10) }, { input, next -> println input } chain ( 10, { input, next -> next(input) }, { input, next -> println input } ) chain 10, { input, next -> next(input) }, { input, next -> println input } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ chain { next -> next() } { next -> next(10) } { input, next -> println input } chain (10) { input, next -> next(input) } { input, next -> println input } chain (10) { input, next -> next(input) } { input, next -> println input }
  • 31. codecentric AG Closure Chaining – Module class StructureExtension { static void chain(final Object self, def arguments, Closure... actions) { if (arguments instanceof Closure) { actions = [arguments, *actions] as Closure[] arguments = null } if (!actions) throw new IllegalArgumentException("One or more arguments of type groovy.lang.Closure required") _chain(arguments, actions.iterator()) } ... chain{} 
 chain(arg) chain(arg) {} ...
  • 32. codecentric AG Closure Chaining – Module static void chain(final Object self, Object... arguments) { if (!arguments.any { it instanceof Closure }) throw new IllegalArgumentException("One or more arguments of type groovy.lang.Closure required") int i; def actions = [] for (i = arguments.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (arguments[i] instanceof Closure) actions.add(0, arguments[i]) else break } _chain(arguments[0..i], actions.iterator()) } ... chain() chain(arg1, arg2, ...) chain(arg1, arg2, ...) {} 

  • 33. codecentric AG Closure Chaining – Module private static void _chain(final Object arguments, final Iterator<Closure> actions) { if (actions) { def action = if (arguments != null) { action = action.curry(arguments as Object[]) } { Object[] args -> _chain(args, actions) } } } ...
  • 34. codecentric AG Looping - Syntax [1,2,3].loop { element, next -> next() } [a:1, b:2, c:3].loop { key, value, next -> next() } [1,2,3].loop { element, next -> next() } { // called after the last iteration }
  • 35. codecentric AG Looping – Module static void loop(final Object[] array, final Closure action) { loop(array, action, {} } static void loop(final Object[] array, final Closure action, final Closure next) { _loop(array?.iterator(), action, next) } static void loop(final Collection collection, final Closure action) { loop(collection, action, {} } static void loop(final Collection collection, final Closure action, final Closure next) { _loop(collection.iterator(), action, next) } static void loop(final Map map, final Closure action) { loop(map, action, {} } static void loop(final Map map, final Closure action, final Closure next) { _loop(map.iterator(), action, next) } ...
  • 36. codecentric AG Looping – Module private static void _loop(final Iterator<?> iterator, final Closure action, Closure next = {}) { if(iterator) { def element = def nextAction if (iterator) nextAction = StructureExtension.&_loop.curry(iterator, action, next) else nextAction = next if (element instanceof Map.Entry), element.value, nextAction) else, nextAction) } else }
  • 37. codecentric AG With chaining and looping def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request, Closure nextCrc = null) { FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem chain { nextChain -> // Read directory fs.readDir(baseDir) { AsyncResult<String[]> rs -> if (rs) nextChain(rs.result as List) else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read $baseDir" } } { List paths, nextChain -> // Loop over files paths.loop { String path, nextLoop -> chain { next -> // Read file properties fs.props(path) { AsyncResult<FileProps> rs -> if (rs) next(rs.result) else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read properties for $path" } } { FileProps props, next -> // Check for directory if ( crc(path, request, nextLoop) else next() } { next -> // Read file fs.readFile(path) { AsyncResult<Buffer> rs -> if (rs) next(rs.result) else request.response.end 500, "Failed to read file $path" } } { Buffer content, next -> // Call module to calculate crc bus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result -> if (result) { request.response.write "$path = ${result.message}n" nextLoop() } else request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path" } } } } }
  • 38. codecentric AG Adding .end() after the loop { Buffer content, next -> // Call module to calculate crc Vertx.eventBus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result -> if (result) { request.response.write "$path = ${result.message}n" nextLoop() } else request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path" } } } { // finish everything up after loop if (nextCrc) nextCrc() else request.response.end() } } }
  • 39. codecentric AG Using a template engine router.get("/crc") { GYokeRequest request -> request.context.files = [:] ... def crc(String baseDir, GYokeRequest request, Closure nextCrc = null) { request.context.files[baseDir] = null ... { Buffer content, next -> // Call module to calculate crc Vertx.eventBus.send("create.crc", content) { Message result -> if (result) { request.context.files[path] = result.message nextLoop() } else request.response.end 500, "Error processing file $path" } } } ... } { // finish everything up after loop if (nextCrc) nextCrc() else request.response.render('web/crc.gsp', files: request.context.files) } } }
  • 40. codecentric AG Accessing the context - !!! Hack Alert !!! class YokeExtension { ... static Context getContext(YokeRequest self) { // Reflection because context is a private field of the super class for GYokeRequest Field field = YokeRequest.getDeclaredField('context') field.accessible = true return (Context) field.get(self) } static Context getContext(YokeResponse self) { // Reflection because context is a private field of the super class for GYokeResponse Field field = YokeResponse.getDeclaredField('context') field.accessible = true return (Context) field.get(self) }
  • 41. codecentric AG Adding custom context for rendering static void render(GYokeResponse self, Map<String, Object> context, String template) { render(self, context, template, null, null) } static void render(GYokeResponse self, Map<String, Object> context, String template, Closure next) { render(self, context, template, null, next) } static void render(GYokeResponse self, Map<String, Object> context, String template, String layoutTemplate) { render(self, context, template, layoutTemplate, null) } static void render(GYokeResponse self, Map<String, Object> context, String template, String layoutTemplate, Closure next) { Map<String, Object> oldContext = getContext(self).clone() getContext(self).clear() getContext(self).putAll(context) if (next) self.render(template, layoutTemplate, next) else self.render(template, layoutTemplate) getContext(self).clear() getContext(self).putAll(oldContext) }
  • 42. codecentric AG The template <html> <head> <title>CRC</title> </head> <body> <ul> <% def data = files.sort { a, b -> a.key <=> b.key } data.each { k, v -> if (v != null) { %> <li>${k} = ${v}</li> <% } else { %> <li>${k}</li> <% } %> <% } %> </ul> </body> </html>
  • 43. codecentric AG Smoothen all up with a custom BaseScriptClass abstract class VerticleScript extends Script { Vertx getVertx() { return binding.vertx } void setVertx(Vertx vertx) { binding.vertx = vertx } Container getContainer() { return binding.container } void setContainer(Container container) { binding.container = container } EventBus getBus() { vertx.eventBus } SharedData getSharedData() { vertx.sharedData } Logger getLog() { container.logger } Map<String, Object> getConfig() { container.config } Map<String, String> getEnv() { container.env }
  • 44. codecentric AG Using the BaseScriptClass (vert.x 2.1) Global usage: compilerConfiguration.groovy: customizer = { org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration config -> config.scriptBaseClass = 'de.codecentric.vertx.VerticleScript' return config } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Local usage per Script: @groovy.transform.BaseScript de.codecentric.vertx.VerticleScript verticleScript
  • 45. codecentric AG API to smoothen MongoDB usage def db(String address, Map message, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) { bus.send(address, message) { Message result -> Map reply = result.body() if (reply.status == 'ok') { if (success) { if (success.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2) success(reply, result) else success(reply) } } else { if (failure) { if (failure.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2) failure(reply, result) else failure(result) } } } }
  • 46. codecentric AG API to smoothen MongoDB usage def save(String address, String collection, Map document, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) { db(address, [action: 'save', collection: collection, document: document, write_concern: 'SAFE'], success, failure) } def update(String address, String collection, Map criteria, Map update, Closure success=null, Closure failure=null) { db(address, [action: 'update', collection: collection, criteria: criteria, objNew: update, write_concern: 'SAFE'], success, failure) } def delete(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) { db(address, [action: 'delete', collection: collection, matcher: matcher], success, failure) } def read(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) { db(address, [action: 'findone', collection: collection, matcher: matcher,], success, failure) }
  • 47. codecentric AG API to smoothen MongoDB usage def exists(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success = null, Closure failure = null) { def command = [action: 'find', collection: collection, matcher: matcher, batch_size: 100] db(address, command, success) { Map reply, Message result -> if (reply.status == 'more-exist') { if (success.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2) success(reply, result) else success(result) } else { if (failure.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2) failure(reply, result) else failure(result) } } }
  • 48. codecentric AG API to smoothen MongoDB usage def query(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Map options, Closure success, Closure failure) { int max = options.max ?: -1 int offset = options.offset ?: -1 Map orderby = options.orderby ?: null Map keys = options.keys ?: null def data = [] def queryHandler queryHandler = { Map reply, Message result -> if (reply.status == 'more-exist') { data.addAll reply.results result.reply([:], queryHandler) } else if (reply.status == 'ok') { data.addAll reply.results success(data) } else if (reply.status == 'ok') { data.addAll reply.results success(data) } else if (failure.maximumNumberOfParameters == 2) { failure(reply, result) } else failure(result) } def command = [ action: 'find', collection: collection, matcher : matcher, batch_size: 100] if (max >= 0) command.max = max if (offset >= 0) command.offset = offset if (orderby) command.orderby = orderby if (keys) command.keys = keys db(address, command, queryHandler, queryHandler) }
  • 49. codecentric AG API to smoothen MongoDB usage def query(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success) { query(address, collection, matcher, [:], success, null) } def query(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Closure success, Closure failure) { query(address, collection, matcher, [:], success, failure) } def query(String address, String collection, Map matcher, Map options, Closure success) { query(address, collection, matcher, options, success, null) }
  • 50. codecentric AG Questions? Alexander (Sascha) Klein codecentric AG Curiestr. 2 70563 Stuttgart tel +49 (0) 711.674 00 - 328 fax +49 (0) 172.529 40 20 @saschaklein 03.06.14 50