dfs dijkstra divide and conquer method sorting techniques entity relationship diagram entity attribute relationship attribute entity e-r diagram single source shortest path dijkstra algorithms shortest path backtracking depth first search artificial intelligence agents agents agents in ai application of graph representation of graph bfs graph ycmou_fybca_unit-ii circular queue rear and front queue data structure queue data queue stack in data structure tree in data structure binary search tree binary tree definition of tree tree stack application infix and prefix last in first out lifo linear data structure stack data structure stack heap data structure min heap max heap heap sort quick sort data structure quick sort circular link list doubly link list single link list link list function temlates class temlates templates templates in c++ file handling using c++ read write file handling in c++ multiple try catch try catch exception handling in c++ hierarchical inheritance hybrid inheritance multiple inheritance multilevel inheritence single inheritance types of inheritance inheritance in c++ constructor constructor and destructors in c++ basics of c++ introduction to c++ tag library jsp tag library jstl jsp
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