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Evolution of C++ Class Design
Mariusz Łapiński
More Effective C++
35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
Framework Design Guidelines
Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns
for Reusable .NET Libraries
class VPtrBase
bool destructible;
unsigned int nref;
bool share;
VPtrBase ();
VPtrBase (const VPtrBase& pb);
virtual ~VPtrBase () = 0;
virtual VPtrBase* clone () const = 0;
VPtrBase* incRef (CloningBehaviourT cb = CB_ALLOW);
bool decRef ();
bool isDestructable () const;
bool isReferred () const;
bool isShared () const;
bool canShare () const;
void forbidDestruction ();
void allowDestruction ();
void forbidSharing ();
void allowSharing ();
void assign (const VPtrBase& pb);
class CObject
virtual CRuntimeClass* GetRuntimeClass() const;
virtual ~CObject();
void* operator new(size_t nSize) throw(...);
BOOL IsSerializable() const;
BOOL IsKindOf(const CRuntimeClass* pClass) const;
virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
Microsoft Foundation Classes
• The QObject class is the base class of all Qt objects.
• You can connect a signal to a slot with connect() and destroy the connection with
disconnect(). To avoid never ending notification loops you can temporarily block
signals with blockSignals(). The protected functions connectNotify() and
disconnectNotify() make it possible to track connections.
• QObjects organize themselves in object trees. When you create a QObject with
another object as parent, the object will automatically add itself to the parent's
children() list.
• Every object has an objectName() and its class name can be found via the
corresponding metaObject().
• Notice that the Q_OBJECT macro is mandatory for any object that implements signals,
slots or properties. You also need to run the Meta Object Compiler on the source file.
• Some QObject functions, e.g. children(), return a QObjectList. QObjectList is a
typedef for QList<QObject *>.
POSIX Threads
// We need to call this to set up global state for TensorFlow.
tensorflow::port::InitMain(argv[0], &argc, &argv);
TensorFlow, Google
void InitMain(const char* usage, int* argc, char*** argv) {}
// Initialization
int mpiInitError = MPI_Init(argc, argv);
// Cleanup
// Initialization
// Cleanup
// Initialization
GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput;
ULONG_PTR gdiplusToken;
GdiplusStartup(&gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
// Cleanup
_Out_ LPMSG lpMsg,
_In_opt_ HWND hWnd,
_In_ UINT wMsgFilterMin,
_In_ UINT wMsgFilterMax
// Initialization
std::unique_ptr<v8::Platform> platform = v8::platform::NewDefaultPlatform();
// Cleanup
V8, Google
PassRegistry *Registry = PassRegistry::getPassRegistry();
void foo(Bar& bar) {
assert(&bar != nullptr); // Forewarned is forearmed.
assert(&bar != nullptr); // Let’s be totally sure.
• To express optionality
• Some objects/classes mostly appear as pointers in the sources
• Arrays, C-strings, pointer arithmetics
• Explicit delete
• To express that the object is placed on the heap
• Pointers are mutable (unlike references)
• Pointers are small and fast to copy (unlike some objects)
• Because of C
Why *ptr ?
const auto* const formatPtr = encodingFormatter.format;
Expects(formatPtr != nullptr);
const auto& format = *formatPtr;
delete &format; // looks strange
base::AtExitManager exit_manager;
base::AtExitManager::RegisterCallback(&FinalizeShaderTranslator, NULL);
Chromium, Google
static AtExitManager* g_top_manager = NULL;
AtExitManager::AtExitManager() : next_manager_(g_top_manager) {
g_top_manager = this;
// destructor calls the registered callbacks
// and sets g_top_manager to next_manager_
actor_system_config cfg;
actor_system system{cfg};
CAF: C++ Actor Framework
class CWebBrowserOverlayWindow : public CWnd
CWnd* _pWebBrowserWindow;
CString _strWindowClassName;
COLORREF _transparentKeyColor;
CWebBrowserOverlayWindow() :
_transparentKeyColor(RGB(238, 96, 235))
{ }
virtual ~CWebBrowserOverlayWindow();
BOOL Create(HWND webBrowserWindowHandle);
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
afx_msg void OnPaint();
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);
class RegistryChangeWatcher :
private boost::noncopyable
CRegKey _key;
bool _watchSubtree;
DWORD _notifications;
bool _useInvocationQueue;
HANDLE _event;
boost::thread _thread;
typedef boost::signals2::signal<void ()> ChangeOccurredEvent;
ChangeOccurredEvent ChangeOccurred;
RegistryChangeWatcher(HKEY keyParent, const std::wstring& keyName, bool watchSubtree,
RegistryChangeNotifications notifications, bool useInvocationQueue);
RegistryChangeWatcher(HKEY key, bool watchSubtree, RegistryChangeNotifications notifications,
bool useInvocationQueue);
void Release();
static DWORD GetNotifyFilter(RegistryChangeNotifications notifications);
void PerformWatch();
void NotifyChange();
void RaiseChangeOccurred();
void Application::LaunchWebBrowserSync(const std::wstring& url)
ShellExecute(NULL, L"open", url.c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_MAXIMIZE);
void Application::LaunchWebBrowserAsync(const std::wstring& url)
boost::bind(&Application::LaunchWebBrowserSync, url));
auto launchWebBrowser(std::string_view url)
return std::async([](const std::string url) {
#ifdef _WIN32
return ShellExecuteA(nullptr, "open", url.c_str(),
nullptr, nullptr, SW_MAXIMIZE);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "python -c "import webbrowser;'" << url << "')"";
return std::system(ss.str().c_str());
}, std::string{url});
class CBatteryCheck : public CActive
static CBatteryCheck* NewL(MBatteryObserver& aObserver);
static CBatteryCheck* NewLC(MBatteryObserver& aObserver);
CBatteryCheck(MBatteryObserver& aObserver);
void ConstructL(void);
void GetBatteryInfo();
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
MBatteryObserver& iObserver;
CTelephony* iTelephony;
CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1 iBatteryInfoV1;
CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1Pckg iBatteryInfoV1Pckg;
TBool iGettingBattery;
An examplar Symbian class
CBatteryCheck* CBatteryCheck::NewL(MBatteryObserver& aObserver) {
CBatteryCheck* self = CBatteryCheck::NewLC(aObserver);
return self;
CBatteryCheck* CBatteryCheck::NewLC(MBatteryObserver& aObserver) {
CBatteryCheck* self = new (ELeave) CBatteryCheck(aObserver);
return self;
CBatteryCheck::CBatteryCheck(MBatteryObserver& aObserver)
: CActive(EPriorityStandard), iObserver(aObserver), iBatteryInfoV1Pckg(iBatteryInfoV1)
void CBatteryCheck::ConstructL(void)
iTelephony = CTelephony::NewL();
class BatteryCheck
BatteryObserver& _observer;
Telephony _telephony;
bool _gettingBattery;
const BatteryInfo _batteryInfo;
BatteryCheck(BatteryObserver& observer) :
static bool IsGettingBattery(const BatteryInfo& batteryInfo) {
return ...;
: m_precompiled_header_valid(false)
, m_debuginfo_enabled((std::getenv("NGRAPH_COMPILER_DEBUGINFO_ENABLE") != nullptr))
, m_enable_diag_output((std::getenv("NGRAPH_COMPILER_DIAG_ENABLE") != nullptr))
, m_source_name("code.cpp")
void codegen::StaticCompiler::initialize()
Intel® nGraph™
class BattleTank
Turret& _turret;
BattleTank(Turret& turret) noexcept :
_turret{turret} {}
class BattleTank
gsl::not_null<Turret*> _turret;
BattleTank(gsl::not_null<Turret*> turret) noexcept :
_turret{turret} {}
class ArmoredVehicle
Turret* _turret;
explicit ArmoredVehicle(Turret* turret = nullptr) noexcept :
_turret{turret} {}
void MountTurret(Turret* turret) noexcept {
_turret = turret;
Turret mk44;
ArmouredVehicle rosomak{&mk44};
auto guns = std::vector<Turret>{};
auto cars = std::vector<ArmouredVehicle>{
class ArmoredVehicle
Turret* _turret = nullptr;
explicit ArmoredVehicle() = default;
explicit ArmoredVehicle(Turret* turret) noexcept :
_turret{turret} {}
ArmoredVehicle(const ArmoredVehicle&) = delete;
ArmoredVehicle(ArmoredVehicle&& av) noexcept :
_turret{std::exchange(av._turret, nullptr)} {}
~ArmoredVehicle() noexcept {
delete _turret;
void MountTurret(Turret* turret) noexcept {
delete _turret;
_turret = turret;
It prevents:
ArmoredVehicle avs[] = { {} };
class ArmoredVehicle
std::unique_ptr<Turret> _turret;
ArmoredVehicle() = default;
explicit ArmoredVehicle(std::unique_ptr<Turret> turret) noexcept :
_turret{std::move(turret)} {}
void MountTurret(std::unique_ptr<Turret> turret) noexcept {
_turret = std::move(turret);
struct noisy {
noisy() noexcept { std::cout << "def-ctor" << std::endl; }
noisy(const noisy&) = delete;
noisy(noisy&&) noexcept { std::cout << "move-ctor" << std::endl; }
void passByValue(noisy n) {
noisy n2{std::move(n)};
void passByRValRef(noisy&& n) {
noisy n2{std::move(n)};
noisy n;
noisy n;
class ngraph::codegen::Module
Module(std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> module);
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> take_module();
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> m_module;
Intel® nGraph™
class ArmoredVehicle
std::optional<Turret> _turret;
ArmoredVehicle() noexcept = default;
explicit ArmoredVehicle(Turret&& turret)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Turret>) :
_turret{std::move(turret)} {}
void MountTurret(Turret&& turret)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Turret>) {
Should I pass by value or reference?
= &vs
Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
BBox merge(BBox bbox1, BBox bbox2) {
BBox bbox3;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Dim; ++i) {
bbox3.Min[i] = min(bbox1.Min[i], bbox2.Min[i]);
bbox3.Max[i] = max(bbox1.Max[i], bbox2.Max[i]);
return bbox3;
template<typename T, size_t Dim>
struct BBox {
Vec<T, Dim> Min, Max;
template<typename T, size_t Dim>
using Vec = std::array<T, Dim>;
Can we unroll the loop at compile-time?
namespace {
template<typename T, size_t Dim, size_t... IX>
constexpr auto min(Vec<T, Dim> v1, Vec<T, Dim> v2, std::index_sequence<IX...>) noexcep
return Vec<T, Dim>{ std::min(v1[IX], v2[IX])... };
template<typename T, size_t Dim>
constexpr auto min(Vec<T, Dim> v1, Vec<T, Dim> v2) noexcept
return min(v1, v2, std::make_index_sequence<Dim>());
template<typename BBoxT>
constexpr auto merge(BBoxT bbox1, BBoxT bbox2) noexcept
return BBoxT{ min(bbox1.Min, bbox2.Min), max(bbox1.Max, bbox2.Max) };
const auto bboxes = MakeRandomBoundingBoxes<int8_t, dim>(2 * 1024);
// Output by value
auto bbox = bboxes[0];
for (size_t i = 1; i < bboxes.size(); ++i) {
bbox = merge(bbox, bboxes[i]);
return bbox;
// Output by reference
auto bbox = bboxes[0];
for (size_t i = 1; i < bboxes.size(); ++i) {
merge(bbox, bboxes[i], bbox);
return bbox;
= =
& =
= &
& &
= =
& =
= &
& &
= =
& =
= &
& &
12 11
15 13
12 10
.45 .45
Dim = 1
T = int8_t
2048 b’boxes
In Out
2 4
8 16
.9 .9
.9 .9
.9 .9
.9 .9
2.2 1.8
1.7 1.7
2.3 2.4
0.5 0.5
15 30
17 33
15 28
4.8 20
1.2 1.2
1.2 1.2
1.2 1.2
1.2 1.2
7 7
4.2 4.2
5.7 5.6
2 2
24 35
22 38
19 33
9.3 25
2.1 2.1
2.1 2.1
2.1 2.1
2.1 2.1
13 13
9 10
11 11
5.5 5.5
39 48
32 49
33 44
19 34
4.8 4.8
4.8 4.8
4.8 4.8
4.5 4.5
24 27
18 23
25 25
17 17
45 81
45 43
43 79
37 46
15 14
15 14
15 14
15 14
49 53
48 43
3 25
34 3
88 74
87 73
86 79
89 77
67 55
7.5 40
8.1 55
6.3 41
11 16
9 10
10 15
5 9
182 157
160 141
176 163
166 144
132 34
12 232
15 112
10 244
21 38
13 19
18 33
9 14
template<typename Collection>
void TurboSort(Collection& collection) {
using namespace std;
while (next_permutation(begin(collection), end(collection))) {}
int main()
int fav_ints[] { 11, 8, 5, 3 };
std::list<std::string> fav_strings { "c++", "wombat", "batman" };
struct size_op { auto operator()(…)( return …; ) };
class Complex {
float real_, imag_;
float GetReal() const;
void SetReal(float real);
float& AtReal();
const float& AtReal() const;
struct complex {
float re, im;
auto c = std::complex<float>{1.f, 0.f};
assert(std::real(c) == c.real());
struct complex { float re, im; };
complex c = {1.f};
c = {2.f};
class BattleTank {
void FireCannon() { ... }
friend void FireCannon(BattleTank&);
void FireCannon(BattleTank& tank)
Passkey Idiom
class Document {
class MakerToken {
MakerToken() {} // It cannot be = default
friend class DocumentReader;
class UserToken {
UserToken() {}
friend class DocumentWriter;
int _data;
Document(MakerToken) {}
void SetData(int data, MakerToken) { _data = data; }
int GetData(UserToken) { return _data; }
class DocumentReader {
std::unique_ptr<Document> Read() {
auto doc = std::unique_ptr<Document>{new Document{{}}};
doc->SetData(42, {});
return doc;
class DocumentWriter {
void Write(Document& doc) { doc.GetData({}); }
auto docReader = DocumentReader{};
auto docWriter = DocumentWriter{};
Java: constructors vs static factory methods
Color(float, float, float);
Color(float, float, float, float);
Color(int, boolean);
Color(int, int, int);
Color(int, int, int, int);
Color.makeFromPalette(int, int, int);
interface Color {}
class HexColor implements Color {
class RGBColor implements Color {
RGBColor(int, int, int);
class Boolean {
public static Boolean valueOf(boolean b) {
return b ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
class Vehicle
public static Vehicle fromWheels(int wheelCount) {
if (wheelCount == 2) return new Bike();
else if (wheelCount == 4) return new Car();
else if (wheelCount == 6) return new Truck();
struct color {
uint32_t value;
color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a) {...}
static color from_rgba(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a) {...}
color make_rgba_color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a) {...}
std::unique_ptr<std::mutex> make_mutex();
std::thread make_thread();
namespace boost { namespace gil {
template <typename ColorSpace, typename ChannelMapping = mpl::range_c<int,0,mpl::size<ColorSpace>::value> >
struct layout {
typedef ColorSpace color_space_t;
typedef ChannelMapping channel_mapping_t;
struct red_t {};
struct green_t {};
struct blue_t {};
typedef mpl::vector3<red_t,green_t,blue_t> rgb_t;
typedef layout<rgb_t> rgb_layout_t;
typedef layout<rgb_t, mpl::vector3_c<int,2,1,0> > bgr_layout_t;
template <typename ColorBase, int K> struct kth_semantic_element_reference_type {
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, semantic_index =
(mpl::at_c<typename ColorBase::layout_t::channel_mapping_t,K>::type::value));
typedef typename kth_element_reference_type<ColorBase,semantic_index>::type type;
static type get(ColorBase& cb) { return at_c<semantic_index>(cb); }
template <typename ColorBase, typename Color>
struct color_element_reference_type :
public kth_semantic_element_reference_type<ColorBase,color_index_type<ColorBase,Color>::value> {};
template <typename ColorBase, typename Color>
typename color_element_reference_type<ColorBase,Color>::type get_color(ColorBase& cb, Color=Color()) {
return color_element_reference_type<ColorBase,Color>::get(cb);
btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* m_dynamicsWorld =
new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(...);
btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo(mass, ...);
btRigidBody* body = new btRigidBody(rbInfo);
//add the body to the dynamics world
Bullet Physics
namespace physics {
using RigidBodyRealmHook = boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<boost::intrusive::link_mode<boost::intrusive::auto_unlink>>;
class RigidBody : public RigidBodyRealmHook
Realm& _realm;
RigidBody(Realm& realm, bool makePresent = false) : _realm{realm} {
bool Present() const { return is_linked(); }
void Present(bool present) {
if (present) {
if (!Present())
void Update() { /*...*/ }
class Realm {
using RigidBodyList = boost::intrusive::list<RigidBody,
RigidBodyList _rigidBodies;
void UpdateAll() {
for (auto body : _rigidBodies)
friend class RigidBody;
} 52
auto realm = physics::Realm{};
auto ball = physics::RigidBody{realm};
namespace physics {
struct RigidBodyData { bool present; };
class Realm {
plf::colony<RigidBodyData> _rigidBodies;
void UpdateAll() {
for (auto& data : _rigidBodies) {
if (!data.present) continue;
friend class RigidBody;
class RigidBody {
Realm& _realm;
plf::colony<RigidBodyData>::iterator _data;
RigidBody(Realm& realm, bool makePresent = true) :
_data{_realm._rigidBodies.insert(RigidBodyData{makePresent})} {}
~RigidBody() {
bool Present() const { return _data->present; }
void Present(bool present) { _data->present = true; }
Let’s play a game of…
Collection c;
loop {
int x = random(1...N);
if (found)
2 5 6 8 10
Approach 1:
x is an index in a collection of N slots
Approach 2:
x is a value of an element in a collection
2 5 6 8 10
• Sequencial
• Vector
• List
• Associative
• Tree
• Hash table
template<int Slots, typename RandomGenerator>
GameResult PlayFindAddRemove_bitset(int turns, RandomGenerator randomGenerator)
auto collection = std::bitset<Slots>();
auto sumOfSizes = int64_t{0};
auto size = int64_t{0};
for (int turn = 0; turn < turns; ++turn)
auto& item = collection[randomGenerator()];
size += item ? -1 : 1;
item = item ^ 1;
sumOfSizes += size;
return {sumOfSizes};
random() 26.57
int64[64] 29.19
int8[8] (bitset) 30.22
bitset<64> 36.68
vector<bool> (resize(N)) 37.45
google::dense_hash_set<int16> 46.91
tsl::hopscotch_set<int8> 52.93
vector<int16> 53.72
vector<uint8> (sorted) 64.13
boost::container::flat_set<uint16> 64.63
stx::btree_set<uint8> 65.38
btree::btree_set<int8> 76.04
deque<uint8> 81.22
deque<int8> (sorted) 137.1
unordered_set<uint8> 203.5
list<int64> 215.7
set<uint8> 244.6
list<uint32> (sorted) 272.8
google::sparse_hash_set<int8> 439.7
64 slots
random() 27.97
uint16[4096] 28.27
int8[512] (bitset) 30.28
bitset<4096> 36.27
vector<bool> (resize(N)) 36.80
google::dense_hash_set<uint16> 49.63
tsl::hopscotch_set<uint16> 66.32
btree::btree_set<uint64> 94.87
stx::btree_set<uint16> 115.2
boost::container::flat_set<int16> 153.2
vector<uint16> (sorted) 154.4
unordered_set<int16> 223.4
google::sparse_hash_set<int16> 252.4
set<uint32> 296.1
vector<int16> 913.9
deque<int32> (sorted) 1180
deque<int64> 1779
list<int16> 5819
list<int16> (sorted) 10577
4096 slots
using Array = std::array<int, 8>;
const Array orig_data = { 4, 213, 465, 5436, 523, 234, 643, 7 };
// Benchmark: Ordinary Function
Array data = orig_data;
auto randomEngine = std::mt19937{};
// Benchmark: std::function
std::function<void(Array&)> sortFunc = [](Array&) { throw 0; };
if (randomEngine() != 0) sortFunc = &TurboSort<Array>;
Array data = orig_data;
Ordinary Function std::function<>
233 µs 188 µs
94 µs 101 µs
89 µs 77 µs
UpdateRequestContract Business Domain
Algorithms & Data StructuresCollisionBoxQuadTree
Variadic templates and auto-lambdas to the rescue. (≥ C++14)
How to iterate over a set of values in compile-time?
template<typename IntT, typename Func, IntT... IS>
void foreach_constexpr(std::integer_sequence<IntT, IS...>,
Func func)
const IntT zeroes[] {
(func(std::integral_constant<IntT, IS>{}), 0)...
foreach_constexpr(std::make_integer_sequence<int, 4>{}, [](auto ic) {
constexpr auto i = ic();
Twoja opinia na temat mojej prelekcji jest dla mnie bardzo ważna.
1. Wejdź w mój wykład znajdujący się w agendzie w aplikacji Eventory.
2. Oceń moją prelekcję i dodaj swój komentarz.
Dzięki temu będę wiedział, co Ci się podobało a co
powinienem ulepszyć!

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  • 1. Evolution of C++ Class Design Mariusz Łapiński
  • 2. 2
  • 3. 3 More Effective C++ 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs 1995
  • 4. 4 Framework Design Guidelines Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries 2008
  • 5. 5 class VPtrBase { private: bool destructible; unsigned int nref; bool share; protected: VPtrBase (); VPtrBase (const VPtrBase& pb); virtual ~VPtrBase () = 0; public: virtual VPtrBase* clone () const = 0; VPtrBase* incRef (CloningBehaviourT cb = CB_ALLOW); bool decRef (); bool isDestructable () const; bool isReferred () const; bool isShared () const; bool canShare () const; void forbidDestruction (); void allowDestruction (); void forbidSharing (); void allowSharing (); void assign (const VPtrBase& pb); };
  • 6. 6 class CObject { public: virtual CRuntimeClass* GetRuntimeClass() const; virtual ~CObject(); void* operator new(size_t nSize) throw(...); ... BOOL IsSerializable() const; BOOL IsKindOf(const CRuntimeClass* pClass) const; virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar); virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; ... }; Microsoft Foundation Classes
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 8 • The QObject class is the base class of all Qt objects. • You can connect a signal to a slot with connect() and destroy the connection with disconnect(). To avoid never ending notification loops you can temporarily block signals with blockSignals(). The protected functions connectNotify() and disconnectNotify() make it possible to track connections. • QObjects organize themselves in object trees. When you create a QObject with another object as parent, the object will automatically add itself to the parent's children() list. • Every object has an objectName() and its class name can be found via the corresponding metaObject(). • Notice that the Q_OBJECT macro is mandatory for any object that implements signals, slots or properties. You also need to run the Meta Object Compiler on the source file. • Some QObject functions, e.g. children(), return a QObjectList. QObjectList is a typedef for QList<QObject *>.
  • 10. 10 // We need to call this to set up global state for TensorFlow. tensorflow::port::InitMain(argv[0], &argc, &argv); TensorFlow, Google void InitMain(const char* usage, int* argc, char*** argv) {}
  • 11. 11 // Initialization int mpiInitError = MPI_Init(argc, argv); ... // Cleanup MPI_Finalize(); MPI
  • 12. 12 // Initialization HRESULT hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); ... // Cleanup CoUninitialize(); COM
  • 13. 13 // Initialization GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput; ULONG_PTR gdiplusToken; GdiplusStartup(&gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL); ... // Cleanup GdiplusShutdown(gdiplusToken); GDI+
  • 14. 14 BOOL WINAPI GetMessage( _Out_ LPMSG lpMsg, _In_opt_ HWND hWnd, _In_ UINT wMsgFilterMin, _In_ UINT wMsgFilterMax ); WinAPI
  • 15. 15 // Initialization v8::V8::InitializeICUDefaultLocation(argv[0]); v8::V8::InitializeExternalStartupData(argv[0]); std::unique_ptr<v8::Platform> platform = v8::platform::NewDefaultPlatform(); v8::V8::InitializePlatform(platform.get()); v8::V8::Initialize(); ... // Cleanup v8::V8::Dispose(); v8::V8::ShutdownPlatform(); V8, Google
  • 16. 16 PassRegistry *Registry = PassRegistry::getPassRegistry(); initializeCore(*Registry); initializeCodeGen(*Registry); ... LLVM void foo(Bar& bar) { assert(&bar != nullptr); // Forewarned is forearmed. assert(&bar != nullptr); // Let’s be totally sure. ... }
  • 17. • To express optionality • Some objects/classes mostly appear as pointers in the sources • Arrays, C-strings, pointer arithmetics • Explicit delete • To express that the object is placed on the heap • Pointers are mutable (unlike references) • Pointers are small and fast to copy (unlike some objects) • Because of C Why *ptr ? 17 const auto* const formatPtr = encodingFormatter.format; Expects(formatPtr != nullptr); const auto& format = *formatPtr; delete &format; // looks strange
  • 18. 18 base::AtExitManager exit_manager; base::AtExitManager::RegisterCallback(&FinalizeShaderTranslator, NULL); Chromium, Google static AtExitManager* g_top_manager = NULL; AtExitManager::AtExitManager() : next_manager_(g_top_manager) { ... g_top_manager = this; } // destructor calls the registered callbacks // and sets g_top_manager to next_manager_
  • 19. 19 { actor_system_config cfg; actor_system system{cfg}; ... } CAF: C++ Actor Framework
  • 20. 20 class CWebBrowserOverlayWindow : public CWnd { private: DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CWebBrowserOverlayWindow) protected: DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private: CWnd* _pWebBrowserWindow; CString _strWindowClassName; COLORREF _transparentKeyColor; public: CWebBrowserOverlayWindow() : _pWebBrowserWindow(), _strWindowClassName(), _transparentKeyColor(RGB(238, 96, 235)) { } virtual ~CWebBrowserOverlayWindow(); BOOL Create(HWND webBrowserWindowHandle); afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct); afx_msg void OnPaint(); afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC); };
  • 21. 21 class RegistryChangeWatcher : private boost::noncopyable { private: CRegKey _key; bool _watchSubtree; DWORD _notifications; bool _useInvocationQueue; HANDLE _event; boost::thread _thread; public: typedef boost::signals2::signal<void ()> ChangeOccurredEvent; ChangeOccurredEvent ChangeOccurred; public: RegistryChangeWatcher(HKEY keyParent, const std::wstring& keyName, bool watchSubtree, RegistryChangeNotifications notifications, bool useInvocationQueue); RegistryChangeWatcher(HKEY key, bool watchSubtree, RegistryChangeNotifications notifications, bool useInvocationQueue); ~RegistryChangeWatcher(); private: void Release(); static DWORD GetNotifyFilter(RegistryChangeNotifications notifications); void PerformWatch(); void NotifyChange(); void RaiseChangeOccurred(); };
  • 22. 22 void Application::LaunchWebBrowserSync(const std::wstring& url) { ShellExecute(NULL, L"open", url.c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_MAXIMIZE); } void Application::LaunchWebBrowserAsync(const std::wstring& url) { boost::thread( boost::bind(&Application::LaunchWebBrowserSync, url)); }
  • 23. 23 auto launchWebBrowser(std::string_view url) { return std::async([](const std::string url) { #ifdef _WIN32 return ShellExecuteA(nullptr, "open", url.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, SW_MAXIMIZE); #endif std::stringstream ss; ss << "python -c "import webbrowser;'" << url << "')""; return std::system(ss.str().c_str()); #endif }, std::string{url}); }
  • 24. 24 class CBatteryCheck : public CActive { public: static CBatteryCheck* NewL(MBatteryObserver& aObserver); static CBatteryCheck* NewLC(MBatteryObserver& aObserver); ~CBatteryCheck(); private: CBatteryCheck(MBatteryObserver& aObserver); void ConstructL(void); void GetBatteryInfo(); void RunL(); void DoCancel(); private: MBatteryObserver& iObserver; CTelephony* iTelephony; CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1 iBatteryInfoV1; CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1Pckg iBatteryInfoV1Pckg; TBool iGettingBattery; }; An examplar Symbian class
  • 25. 25 CBatteryCheck* CBatteryCheck::NewL(MBatteryObserver& aObserver) { CBatteryCheck* self = CBatteryCheck::NewLC(aObserver); CleanupStack::Pop(self); return self; } CBatteryCheck* CBatteryCheck::NewLC(MBatteryObserver& aObserver) { CBatteryCheck* self = new (ELeave) CBatteryCheck(aObserver); CleanupStack::PushL(self); self->ConstructL(); return self; } CBatteryCheck::CBatteryCheck(MBatteryObserver& aObserver) : CActive(EPriorityStandard), iObserver(aObserver), iBatteryInfoV1Pckg(iBatteryInfoV1) { CActiveScheduler::Add(this); } void CBatteryCheck::ConstructL(void) { iTelephony = CTelephony::NewL(); GetBatteryInfo(); }
  • 26. 26 class BatteryCheck { BatteryObserver& _observer; Telephony _telephony; bool _gettingBattery; const BatteryInfo _batteryInfo; public: BatteryCheck(BatteryObserver& observer) : _observer{observer}, _batteryInfo{}, _gettingBattery{IsGettingBattery(_batteryInfo)} {} private: static bool IsGettingBattery(const BatteryInfo& batteryInfo) { return ...; } }; Yikes!
  • 27. 27
  • 28. 28 codegen::StaticCompiler::StaticCompiler() : m_precompiled_header_valid(false) , m_debuginfo_enabled((std::getenv("NGRAPH_COMPILER_DEBUGINFO_ENABLE") != nullptr)) , m_enable_diag_output((std::getenv("NGRAPH_COMPILER_DIAG_ENABLE") != nullptr)) , m_source_name("code.cpp") { initialize(); } void codegen::StaticCompiler::initialize() { ... } Intel® nGraph™
  • 29. 29 class BattleTank { Turret& _turret; public: BattleTank(Turret& turret) noexcept : _turret{turret} {} }; class BattleTank { gsl::not_null<Turret*> _turret; public: BattleTank(gsl::not_null<Turret*> turret) noexcept : _turret{turret} {} };
  • 30. 30 class ArmoredVehicle { Turret* _turret; public: explicit ArmoredVehicle(Turret* turret = nullptr) noexcept : _turret{turret} {} void MountTurret(Turret* turret) noexcept { _turret = turret; } };
  • 31. 31 { Turret mk44; ArmouredVehicle rosomak{&mk44}; … } { auto guns = std::vector<Turret>{}; auto cars = std::vector<ArmouredVehicle>{ ArmouredVehicle{&guns.emplace_back()} }; }
  • 32. 32 class ArmoredVehicle { Turret* _turret = nullptr; public: explicit ArmoredVehicle() = default; explicit ArmoredVehicle(Turret* turret) noexcept : _turret{turret} {} ArmoredVehicle(const ArmoredVehicle&) = delete; ArmoredVehicle(ArmoredVehicle&& av) noexcept : _turret{std::exchange(av._turret, nullptr)} {} ~ArmoredVehicle() noexcept { delete _turret; } void MountTurret(Turret* turret) noexcept { delete _turret; _turret = turret; } }; It prevents: ArmoredVehicle avs[] = { {} };
  • 33. 33 class ArmoredVehicle { std::unique_ptr<Turret> _turret; public: ArmoredVehicle() = default; explicit ArmoredVehicle(std::unique_ptr<Turret> turret) noexcept : _turret{std::move(turret)} {} void MountTurret(std::unique_ptr<Turret> turret) noexcept { _turret = std::move(turret); } };
  • 34. 34 struct noisy { noisy() noexcept { std::cout << "def-ctor" << std::endl; } noisy(const noisy&) = delete; noisy(noisy&&) noexcept { std::cout << "move-ctor" << std::endl; } }; void passByValue(noisy n) { noisy n2{std::move(n)}; ... } void passByRValRef(noisy&& n) { noisy n2{std::move(n)}; ... } passByValue(noisy{}); def-ctor move-ctor noisy n; passByValue(std::move(n)); def-ctor move-ctor move-ctor passByRValRef(noisy{}); def-ctor move-ctor noisy n; passByRValRef(std::move(n)); def-ctor move-ctor
  • 35. 35 class ngraph::codegen::Module { public: Module(std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> module); ~Module(); std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> take_module(); private: std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> m_module; }; Intel® nGraph™
  • 36. 36 class ArmoredVehicle { std::optional<Turret> _turret; public: ArmoredVehicle() noexcept = default; explicit ArmoredVehicle(Turret&& turret) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Turret>) : _turret{std::move(turret)} {} void MountTurret(Turret&& turret) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Turret>) { _turret.emplace(std::move(turret)); } };
  • 37. 37 Should I pass by value or reference? = &vs
  • 38. bbox3 Axis-Aligned Bounding Box 38 bbox1 bbox2 BBox merge(BBox bbox1, BBox bbox2) { BBox bbox3; for (size_t i = 0; i < Dim; ++i) { bbox3.Min[i] = min(bbox1.Min[i], bbox2.Min[i]); bbox3.Max[i] = max(bbox1.Max[i], bbox2.Max[i]); } return bbox3; } template<typename T, size_t Dim> struct BBox { Vec<T, Dim> Min, Max; }; template<typename T, size_t Dim> using Vec = std::array<T, Dim>; LOOPED FORM
  • 39. Can we unroll the loop at compile-time? 39 namespace { template<typename T, size_t Dim, size_t... IX> constexpr auto min(Vec<T, Dim> v1, Vec<T, Dim> v2, std::index_sequence<IX...>) noexcep { return Vec<T, Dim>{ std::min(v1[IX], v2[IX])... }; } } template<typename T, size_t Dim> constexpr auto min(Vec<T, Dim> v1, Vec<T, Dim> v2) noexcept { return min(v1, v2, std::make_index_sequence<Dim>()); } template<typename BBoxT> constexpr auto merge(BBoxT bbox1, BBoxT bbox2) noexcept { return BBoxT{ min(bbox1.Min, bbox2.Min), max(bbox1.Max, bbox2.Max) }; } FUNCTIONAL FORM
  • 40. 40 const auto bboxes = MakeRandomBoundingBoxes<int8_t, dim>(2 * 1024); // Output by value auto bbox = bboxes[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < bboxes.size(); ++i) { bbox = merge(bbox, bboxes[i]); } return bbox; // Output by reference auto bbox = bboxes[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < bboxes.size(); ++i) { merge(bbox, bboxes[i], bbox); } return bbox; = &
  • 41. = = & = = & & & = = & = = & & & = = & = = & & & 41 msvc 2017 15.5.7 gcc libstdc++ 7.1.0 clang libc++ 5.0.1 12 11 15 13 12 10 .45 .45 Dim = 1 T = int8_t 2048 b’boxes In Out 2 4 µsec 8 16 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 2.2 1.8 1.7 1.7 2.3 2.4 0.5 0.5 15 30 17 33 15 28 4.8 20 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 7 7 4.2 4.2 5.7 5.6 2 2 24 35 22 38 19 33 9.3 25 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 13 13 9 10 11 11 5.5 5.5 39 48 32 49 33 44 19 34 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.5 4.5 24 27 18 23 25 25 17 17 45 81 45 43 43 79 37 46 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 49 53 48 43 3 25 34 3 88 74 87 73 86 79 89 77 67 55 7.5 40 8.1 55 6.3 41 11 16 9 10 10 15 5 9 32 182 157 160 141 176 163 166 144 132 34 12 232 15 112 10 244 21 38 13 19 18 33 9 14 64
  • 42. 42 template<typename Collection> void TurboSort(Collection& collection) { using namespace std; while (next_permutation(begin(collection), end(collection))) {} } int main() { int fav_ints[] { 11, 8, 5, 3 }; std::list<std::string> fav_strings { "c++", "wombat", "batman" }; TurboSort(fav_ints); TurboSort(fav_strings); }
  • 43. 43 size(items); items.size(); size_op{}(items); struct size_op { auto operator()(…)( return …; ) }; CollectionHelper::GetSize(items);
  • 44. 44 class Complex { float real_, imag_; public: float GetReal() const; void SetReal(float real); float& AtReal(); const float& AtReal() const; ... }; struct complex { float re, im; };
  • 45. 45 auto c = std::complex<float>{1.f, 0.f}; c.real(2.f); assert(std::real(c) == c.real()); struct complex { float re, im; }; complex c = {1.f}; c = {2.f};
  • 46. 46 class BattleTank { public: void FireCannon() { ... } friend void FireCannon(BattleTank&); }; void FireCannon(BattleTank& tank) { tank.FireCannon(); }
  • 47. 47 Passkey Idiom class Document { class MakerToken { MakerToken() {} // It cannot be = default friend class DocumentReader; }; class UserToken { UserToken() {} friend class DocumentWriter; }; int _data; public: Document(MakerToken) {} void SetData(int data, MakerToken) { _data = data; } int GetData(UserToken) { return _data; } }; class DocumentReader { public: std::unique_ptr<Document> Read() { auto doc = std::unique_ptr<Document>{new Document{{}}}; doc->SetData(42, {}); return doc; } }; class DocumentWriter { public: void Write(Document& doc) { doc.GetData({}); } }; auto docReader = DocumentReader{}; auto docWriter = DocumentWriter{}; docWriter.Write(*docReader.Read());
  • 48. Java: constructors vs static factory methods 48 Color(float, float, float); Color(float, float, float, float); Color(int); Color(int, boolean); Color(int, int, int); Color(int, int, int, int); Color.makeFromRGB(String); Color.makeFromPalette(int, int, int); Color.makeFromHex(int); interface Color {} class HexColor implements Color { HexColor(int); } class RGBColor implements Color { RGBColor(int, int, int); } class Boolean { public static Boolean valueOf(boolean b) { return b ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } } class Vehicle { public static Vehicle fromWheels(int wheelCount) { if (wheelCount == 2) return new Bike(); else if (wheelCount == 4) return new Car(); else if (wheelCount == 6) return new Truck(); ... } }
  • 49. 49 struct color { uint32_t value; color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a) {...} static color from_rgba(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a) {...} }; color make_rgba_color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a) {...} std::unique_ptr<std::mutex> make_mutex(); std::thread make_thread();
  • 50. 50 namespace boost { namespace gil { template <typename ColorSpace, typename ChannelMapping = mpl::range_c<int,0,mpl::size<ColorSpace>::value> > struct layout { typedef ColorSpace color_space_t; typedef ChannelMapping channel_mapping_t; }; struct red_t {}; struct green_t {}; struct blue_t {}; typedef mpl::vector3<red_t,green_t,blue_t> rgb_t; typedef layout<rgb_t> rgb_layout_t; typedef layout<rgb_t, mpl::vector3_c<int,2,1,0> > bgr_layout_t; template <typename ColorBase, int K> struct kth_semantic_element_reference_type { BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, semantic_index = (mpl::at_c<typename ColorBase::layout_t::channel_mapping_t,K>::type::value)); typedef typename kth_element_reference_type<ColorBase,semantic_index>::type type; static type get(ColorBase& cb) { return at_c<semantic_index>(cb); } }; template <typename ColorBase, typename Color> struct color_element_reference_type : public kth_semantic_element_reference_type<ColorBase,color_index_type<ColorBase,Color>::value> {}; template <typename ColorBase, typename Color> typename color_element_reference_type<ColorBase,Color>::type get_color(ColorBase& cb, Color=Color()) { return color_element_reference_type<ColorBase,Color>::get(cb); } }}
  • 51. 51 btDiscreteDynamicsWorld* m_dynamicsWorld = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(...); ... btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo(mass, ...); btRigidBody* body = new btRigidBody(rbInfo); body->setFriction(.5); //add the body to the dynamics world m_dynamicsWorld->addRigidBody(body); Bullet Physics
  • 52. namespace physics { using RigidBodyRealmHook = boost::intrusive::list_base_hook<boost::intrusive::link_mode<boost::intrusive::auto_unlink>>; class RigidBody : public RigidBodyRealmHook { Realm& _realm; public: RigidBody(Realm& realm, bool makePresent = false) : _realm{realm} { Present(makePresent); } bool Present() const { return is_linked(); } void Present(bool present) { if (present) { if (!Present()) _realm._rigidBodies.push_back(*this); } else unlink(); } void Update() { /*...*/ } }; class Realm { using RigidBodyList = boost::intrusive::list<RigidBody, boost::intrusive::constant_time_size<false>>; RigidBodyList _rigidBodies; public: void UpdateAll() { for (auto body : _rigidBodies) body.Update(); } friend class RigidBody; }; } 52 auto realm = physics::Realm{}; auto ball = physics::RigidBody{realm}; ball.Present(true); realm.UpdateAll(); ball.Present(false);
  • 53. 53 namespace physics { struct RigidBodyData { bool present; }; class Realm { plf::colony<RigidBodyData> _rigidBodies; public: void UpdateAll() { for (auto& data : _rigidBodies) { if (!data.present) continue; /*...*/ } } friend class RigidBody; }; class RigidBody { Realm& _realm; plf::colony<RigidBodyData>::iterator _data; public: RigidBody(Realm& realm, bool makePresent = true) : _realm{realm}, _data{_realm._rigidBodies.insert(RigidBodyData{makePresent})} {} ~RigidBody() { _realm._rigidBodies.erase(_data); } bool Present() const { return _data->present; } void Present(bool present) { _data->present = true; } }; }
  • 54. Let’s play a game of… 54
  • 55. 55 Collection c; loop { int x = random(1...N); c.find(x); if (found) c.remove(x); else c.add(x); }
  • 56. 56 2 5 6 8 10 Approach 1: x is an index in a collection of N slots Approach 2: x is a value of an element in a collection 2 5 6 8 10 • Sequencial • Vector • List • Associative • Tree • Hash table
  • 57. 57 template<int Slots, typename RandomGenerator> GameResult PlayFindAddRemove_bitset(int turns, RandomGenerator randomGenerator) { auto collection = std::bitset<Slots>(); auto sumOfSizes = int64_t{0}; auto size = int64_t{0}; for (int turn = 0; turn < turns; ++turn) { auto& item = collection[randomGenerator()]; size += item ? -1 : 1; item = item ^ 1; sumOfSizes += size; } return {sumOfSizes}; }
  • 58. random() 26.57 int64[64] 29.19 int8[8] (bitset) 30.22 bitset<64> 36.68 vector<bool> (resize(N)) 37.45 google::dense_hash_set<int16> 46.91 tsl::hopscotch_set<int8> 52.93 vector<int16> 53.72 vector<uint8> (sorted) 64.13 boost::container::flat_set<uint16> 64.63 stx::btree_set<uint8> 65.38 btree::btree_set<int8> 76.04 deque<uint8> 81.22 deque<int8> (sorted) 137.1 unordered_set<uint8> 203.5 list<int64> 215.7 set<uint8> 244.6 list<uint32> (sorted) 272.8 google::sparse_hash_set<int8> 439.7 64 slots 58 random() 27.97 uint16[4096] 28.27 int8[512] (bitset) 30.28 bitset<4096> 36.27 vector<bool> (resize(N)) 36.80 google::dense_hash_set<uint16> 49.63 tsl::hopscotch_set<uint16> 66.32 btree::btree_set<uint64> 94.87 stx::btree_set<uint16> 115.2 boost::container::flat_set<int16> 153.2 vector<uint16> (sorted) 154.4 unordered_set<int16> 223.4 google::sparse_hash_set<int16> 252.4 set<uint32> 296.1 vector<int16> 913.9 deque<int32> (sorted) 1180 deque<int64> 1779 list<int16> 5819 list<int16> (sorted) 10577 4096 slots POSITIONAL
  • 59. 59 using Array = std::array<int, 8>; const Array orig_data = { 4, 213, 465, 5436, 523, 234, 643, 7 }; // Benchmark: Ordinary Function { Array data = orig_data; TurboSort(data); do_not_optimize(data); } auto randomEngine = std::mt19937{}; // Benchmark: std::function { std::function<void(Array&)> sortFunc = [](Array&) { throw 0; }; if (randomEngine() != 0) sortFunc = &TurboSort<Array>; Array data = orig_data; sortFunc(data); do_not_optimize(data); }
  • 60. 60 Ordinary Function std::function<> 233 µs 188 µs 94 µs 101 µs 89 µs 77 µs msvc 2017 15.5.7 gcc libstdc++ 7.1.0 clang libc++ 5.0.1
  • 61. 61 UpdateRequestContract Business Domain Primitives Algorithms & Data StructuresCollisionBoxQuadTree OptionalPriceRange
  • 62. Variadic templates and auto-lambdas to the rescue. (≥ C++14) How to iterate over a set of values in compile-time? 62 template<typename IntT, typename Func, IntT... IS> void foreach_constexpr(std::integer_sequence<IntT, IS...>, Func func) { const IntT zeroes[] { (func(std::integral_constant<IntT, IS>{}), 0)... }; } foreach_constexpr(std::make_integer_sequence<int, 4>{}, [](auto ic) { constexpr auto i = ic(); ... });
  • 63.
  • 64. Twoja opinia na temat mojej prelekcji jest dla mnie bardzo ważna. 1. Wejdź w mój wykład znajdujący się w agendzie w aplikacji Eventory. 2. Oceń moją prelekcję i dodaj swój komentarz. Dzięki temu będę wiedział, co Ci się podobało a co powinienem ulepszyć!
  • 66. 66
  • 67. 67