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Seminario residenziale
“L’approccio territoriale tra aiuto e crescita”

                22-23 giugno 2012

               Villa Flangini - Asolo

Organizzato dal SerAT (Servizio Alcologia e Tabagismo Ulss 8)
 Con il contributo di ACAT-ULSS 8 onlus e Cooperativa Sonda
             Con il patrocinio di Alcologia Ecologica

Rete e Reti
Per-che' e per-chi?

      Paolo Massa

Chi sono io
Laurea e dottorato in informatica: riduzionista ;)
MA ricerca su social networking
E ~volontariato: parrocchia, Caritas, cooperazione 

PoV “diverso”

Seminario residenziale
“L’approccio territoriale tra aiuto e crescita”

                22-23 giugno 2012

               Villa Flangini - Asolo

Organizzato dal SerAT (Servizio Alcologia e Tabagismo Ulss 8)
 Con il contributo di ACAT-ULSS 8 onlus e Cooperativa Sonda
             Con il patrocinio di Alcologia Ecologica

Cosa voglio fare
Parlare di “rete”: evoluzione del 
 concetto, serve come modello 
 o e' una keyword?

Fornire spunti a partire da 
 ricerche su “reti”
Le Città invisibili Italo Calvino
A Ersilia, per stabilire i rapporti che reggono la vita della città, gli 
  abitanti tendono dei fili tra gli spigoli delle case, bianchi o neri o 
  grigi o bianco–e–neri a seconda se segnano              relazioni di 
  parentela, scambio, autorità, rappresentanza.        Quando i fili 
  sono tanti che non ci si può piú passare in mezzo, gli abitanti vanno 
  via: le case vengono smontate; restano solo i fili e i sostegni dei fili. 
  Dalla costa d’un monte, accampati con le masserizie, i profughi di 
  Ersilia guardano l’intrico di fili tesi e pali che s’innalza nella 
  pianura. È quello ancora la città di Ersilia, e loro sono niente.
Riedificano Ersilia altrove. Tessono con i fili una figura simile che 
  vorrebbero piú complicata e insieme piú regolare dell’altra. Poi l’ 
  abbandonano e trasportano ancora piú lontano sé e le case. Cosí 
  viaggiando nel territorio di Ersilia incontri le rovine delle città 
  abbandonate, senza le mura che non durano, senza le ossa dei morti 
  che il vento fa rotolare: ragnatele di rapporti intricati che cercano 
  una forma.
“fare rete” in Google
       6:    0-1995
    154: 1995-2000
    614: 2000-2005
  9.000: 2005-2010
 47.400: 2010-2012

   Rete = panacea?
Rete = panacea? … non proprio ;)
Un po' di storia
   sulle reti
Internet: decentralized by design
“On Distributed Communication 
  Networks,” Paul Baran. 1964.
A network without central 
  authority or single outage 
Resistant to attacks (to single 
US DARPA (Defense Advanced 
  Research Projects Agency)

Internet is NOT = Web
        Inclusiva (democratica?)
        Tutti pari? Chi comanda?
Reti Peer2Peer
        Client­Server (Web)
Graph theory
1735 - Seven Bridges of Königsberg – Euler

Social networks
The simplest network is a dyad or pair
                         Dyads agglomerate to form
                         large interconnected webs

Node=person, Edge=relationship
   the focus in on
      the edge,
  the relationship,
the “thing” between 2
 Maria            Giovanni
First studies = small samples
Jacob Moreno introduced sociogram (1930 – Who shall survive?)
Relationship via interviews.
Who do you 
   like, 
   eat Pizza with
   see after work
   (any relationship)

The study of networks has depended on a visual thinking
since the beginning

Social Network Analysis

"If we ever get to the point of charting a whole city or a
whole nation, we would have … a picture of a vast solar
system of intangible structures, powerfully influencing
conduct, as gravitation does in space. Such an invisible
structure underlies society and has its influence in
determining the conduct of society as a whole."
                J.L. Moreno, New York Times, April 13, 1933

Not all edges are equal!
              Strength of weak ties.


Granovetter. 1973. The American Journal of Sociology.
Most jobs were found through "weak" acquaintances.
(Different) value in social relationships.
The Strength of Weak Ties

Strong ties (i.e. family members) affect people more deeply
Weak ties often link more people.

                                     Photo by johntrainor, Flickr
Power in Numbers
Social ties, rather than money, were used as collateral and
could be used to guarantee a loan.

 Yunus founded the Grameen Bank which now fosters social
 networks which
   • optimize trust
   • connect groups through weaker ties
   • help find creative solutions through connections

Serge Latouche = ricchezza nelle relazioni (Il pensiero creativo contro
l'economia dell'assurdo)                                      Photo by Inkyhack, Flickr
Social capital

Putnam 1995 “Bowling alone: America's Declining 
 Social Capital:
~500,000 interviews in US (1975­2000) ­­> 
decline of social capital over time 
(belong to fewer orgs (­58%), 
know their neighbors less (­35%), ...)

Bridge (ponte)
 Legame che connette due parti della rete che sarebbero altrimenti 
   separate (componente connessa).

Rimuovere un bridge significa sconnettere il grafo, ovvero dividerlo in due grafi
piu' piccoli, e non connessi tra di loro
Network structure and role
Connector – span different worlds (central in 
“Connectors” have many weak ties to members outside 
  their group.

Mavens ­ information specialists ­ start word­of­
  mouth epidemics (good for marketing)
Specific social roles
Finding social roles in Wikipedia. Proceedings of the 
  2011 iConference.

Operatori come connector tra due famiglie?

Oppure quale altro “ruolo sociale”?
Chi e' connector? E chi connette?
Cambia nel tempo?

Reti come sistemi dinamici
Dynamic Network Analysis
Monitorare lo stato di salute di una rete? Prevederne la 

Bowling alone and trust decline

in social network sites

Paolo Massa, Martino Salvetti, 

Danilo Tomasoni

SocialCom 2011

Social Network Analysis

We shape our network
1. We determine structure of our network:
   how many people we are connected to
    The average American has 4 close social contacts known as their
    “core discussion network”
    The same number of people can be arranged and connected in different ways,
    and have different topologies
We shape our network
2. We influence the density of interconnections
   between friends and family
   we introduce friends from separate groups to one another
We shape our network
3. We control how “central” we are within the
   social network

Are you the life of the party?     Or the wall flower?
Linked: The New Science of Networks, 2002.

Barabási, Albert­László, physics.
Data, data, data!
All networks (Web links, Internet cables, 
  collaboration among actors, scientists, 
  sexual interaction, biological networks 
  of cells, food webs in ecology, phone 
  call patterns, word co­occurrence in 
  text, neural network connectivity of 
  flatworms, conformational states in 
  protein folding) …
Same property = small world, power law
One law behind everything?!? (2002)

Tracking the Spread of Information
Word of mouth (marketing, new ideas and products),
Viruses (epidemiology, SARS), ...

                                                Photo by Christian Keenan
6 degrees of separation
Milgram 1967 ­ 296 letters to reach target
Average path length ~ 6 (just 64 successes!)
Folklore but the message is
“It's a small world”

Connected: How Kevin Bacon cured cancer
Movie: 6 degrees of separation

Social Networking Sites
Facebook: 800 million active users (?!?)
Twitter, Ebay, P2P, …
Rendono visibili 
le “reti degli altri”


Not so virtual worlds
Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of 
  Facebook "friends:" Social capital and college students' use of 
  online social network sites. Journal of Computer­Mediated 

2010 ­ Social Networking Affects Brains Like Falling in Love ­ 
  Paul Zak. "Your brain interpreted tweeting as if you were 
  directly interacting with people you cared about or had empathy 
  for," Zak says. "E­connection is processed in the brain like an in­
  person connection."­love.html
TrentiniNelMondo –

Self­awareness of you in the network is 

E io?
   Bisogna essere coscienti della rete (big picture)?
   Delle proprie relazioni (ego­network)?
   Della propria “posizione” nella rete?
   Del proprio ruolo?
   A cosa e' utile? A chi?

Trust networks
Goal: influenzare la “cultura” del bere.
Ci si fida dei propri peer, si mutuano i loro 
Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social 
 Networks and How They Shape Our Lives, 
 Christakis, Nicholas A.; Fowler, James H

What spread over social networks?

Do behaviours of your connected nodes 
 influence yours?

Framingham Heart Study:  started in 1948, 
 5,000 participants, multiple generations, 
 tracking health and contact information every 
 two to four years.

No Laughing Matter
In 1962 in Tanzania an epidemic of laughing spread through
many villages resulting in the closing of several schools

This was a “mass psychogenic illness” – also known as
“epidemic hysteria” and was traced to three teenage girls

  Photo by Casey Lehman      Photo by Federia Olivieri   Photo by k-girl, Fli
Family Feelings
 Experiment using beepers to record and track the emotional
 states of family members
• The strongest path was from daughters to parents
• Parents had little affect on daughters
• Fathers had a significant effect on wives and sons

 What this means…when a father returns grumpy from work the whole household   ik
 soon becomes miserable                                                       C
Dynamic spread of happiness in a large social network: 
     longitudinal analysis over 20 years in the Framingham Heart 
           James H Fowler and Nicholas A Christakis, 2008
 4739 individuals followed from 1983 to 2003.
 People’s happiness depends on the happiness of others with
   whom they are connected. See happiness, like health, as a
   collective phenomenon.
 Objectives To evaluate whether happiness can spread from person to
   person and whether niches of happiness form within social

 Clusters of happy and unhappy people are visible in the network, and the relationship between
   people’s happiness extends up to three degrees of separation (for example, to the friends of one’s
   friends’ friends).People who are surrounded by many happy people and those who are central
   in the network are more likely to become happy in the future. Longitudinal statistical models
   suggest that clusters of happiness result from the spread of happiness and not just a tendency for
   people to associate with similar individuals. A friend who lives within a mile (about 1.6 km) and who
   becomes happy increases the probability that a person is happy by 25% (95% confidence interval 1% to
   57%). Similar effects are seen in coresident spouses (8%, 0.2% to 16%), siblings who live within a mile
   (14%, 1% to 28%), and next door neighbours (34%, 7% to 70%). Effects are not seen between coworkers.
   The effect decays with time and with geographical separation.

(credits: Photo by beija-flor released on Flickr under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative license)
“Alone in the Crowd: The Structure and Spread of Loneliness in a 
  Large Social Network,” 2009, James H Fowler and Nicholas A 
  Christakis, The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 
In a 10­year study of 5,100 people and their           social contacts, 
   researchers tracked feelings of loneliness               over time by asking 
   participants how many days a week they                 felt lonely. What they 
   discovered was that loneliness could be                   contagious and 
   followed a distinct path as it spread through          social networks.
Over time, each additional day of loneliness per            week that people 
  experience leads to a little more than one extra            day of loneliness 
  per month among those in their social network 
The average person experiences loneliness about 48 days a year, but 
  having a lonely friend can add 17 days of loneliness annually. By 
  comparison, every additional friend can decrease loneliness by about 5 
  percent, which translates to about two and a half fewer lonely days a 
The Spread of Alcohol Consumption Behavior in a Large Social 
Network, J.N. Rosenquist, J. Murabito, J.H. Fowler, and N.A. Christakis,  
               Annals of Internal Medicine (April 2010)

Drinking habits can be contagious: if a close connection (friend, relative, 
  coworker) drank heavily — defined as an average of one drink per day for 
  women and two drinks per day for men — participants were 50% more likely to 
  drink heavily themselves; if someone connected by two degrees of separation (a 
  friend of a friend) drank heavily, participants were 36% more likely to do so.
The social impact of drinking continued to three degrees of separation — that 
  is, if your friend’s mom’s cousin drinks heavily, you’re about 15% more likely 
  to do so too.
For every social contact who abstained from alcohol, a person’s likelihood of 
  heavy drinking decreased by 10%.
The study findings “reinforce the idea that drinking is a public health and clinical 
  problem that involves groups of interconnected people who evince shared 
  behaviors, and targeting those behaviors would rightly involve addressing 
  groups and not just individuals.”

What spreads over social networks?
Christakis NA, Fowler JH. Dynamic spread of Happiness in a large social 
  network: longitudinal analysis over 20 years in the Framingham Heart 
  Study, 2008.
Cacioppo JT, Fowler JH, Christakis NA, Alone in the Crowd: The Structure 
  and Spread of Loneliness in a Large Social Network 2008.
J.N. Rosenquist, J. Murabito, J.H. Fowler, and N.A. Christakis, "The Spread of 
   Alcohol Consumption Behavior in a Large Social Network," Annals of 
   Internal Medicine   152(7): 426­433 (April 2010)

Christakis NA, Fowler JH. The collective dynamics of Smoking in a large 
  social network. N Engl J Med2008;358:2249­58.

Christakis NA, Fowler JH. The spread of Obesity in a large social network 
  over 32 years. N Engl J Med2007;357:370­9.

The grand theory of networking
Obesity, happiness, smoking, loneliness, … vaseline 
 spread across networks.

Vladimir Hudolin
" i Club lavorano per la 
   pace interiore di ognuno di 
   noi, è indubitabile che 
   questa pace verrà 
   trasmessa alle persone che 
   ci sono più vicine e poi si 
   allargherà, a macchia 
   d’olio, a tutta la nostra 
   comunità, portandoci così a 
   riappropriarci del nostro 

Chapter 9
The Whole is Great
Since the Beginning…
Since the beginnings of human civilization, connections have
shaped and aided our development as a race.

Even the Bible refers to
the strength of ties in
passages like the Tower
of Babylon and the story
of Jericho.

                                                     Photo by jankie, Flickr
Since the Beginning…
Theorists from Hobbes to Rousseau have speculated about “social
contracts” and what would make the best form of human interaction.

                                                  Photos by The National Gallery, London and Sir Paul, Flickr
The Human Superorganism
By joining together, humans are
able to accomplish feats otherwise
unimaginable, just like ants
cooperate to make an ant hill.

                                     Photos by stevendepolo and sara.atkins, Flickr
The Human Superorganism
Cooperation is key.

Networks of cooperation can lead to self-sustaining “organisms,”
whether it be cells in a human body or human bodies in a

                                              Photos by adrigu and gaminrey and Editor B, Flickr
The Human Superorganism
  With this cooperation, networks can do great things.
  However, the power and influence of networks can also be

                                             Shoes taken from victims
           Habitat for Humanity Volunteers     during World War 2

                                                     Photos by KidMoxie and tbertor1, Flickr
Social Network Inequality
The connections we have with others can influence us to do
many things from giving more to charity to stealing a car.
Our connections depend on where we are located in our social

There is “positional inequality” -- not because of who we are but
because of who we are connected to.
Social Network Inequality
If you are connected to the right
people, you may have opportunities to
get jobs, gifts, or other extra benefits.

If you are connected to others you
could be influenced to commit crimes
or eat unhealthy food.

Position matters.

                                            Photos by Andyrob and alexik, Flickr
Social networks seem to have so much power and influence
over us…
                       But remember:
Social networks are not just about the influence other have
over us, but also about the effect we have on others!
Be the
change you
want to see
   in the
Be the
change you
want to see
   in the
   Riprendere “rete come modello o solo come 

Rete o …?
   Rete?
   O comunita'?
   O gruppo?
   O …?


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Paolo Massa

Mehr von Paolo Massa (20)

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OMG Girlz Don't Exist on teh Intarweb!!!!1
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OMG Girlz Don't Exist on teh Intarweb!!!!1
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Rete e Reti: Per-che' e per-chi?