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 according to /´»kç˘dIN tU/ (prep.) menurut. According to scientists, your ears have
 acid /»Qsid/(adj.) bersifat asam. Peptic ulcers in our stomach can occur because our
     stomach is in the more acid state.
 acting /»QktIN/(n) bekerja. Why do many objects stop moving when a force stops
     acting on them?

 action force /»QkS´n fç˘s/ (n) gaya aksi. If you push a wall, you give an action

 actuator / »QktjUIt´/(n) to actuate (v) peralatan yang berfungsi untuk
     mengaktifkan suatu sistem. Please switch on the power to actuate the computer.

 addict /´»dikt/ (n.) pecandu. Most of drug addicts investigated are prone to having
    mental disorders.
 advantageous /Qdv´n»teIdZ´s/ (adj.) menguntungkan. It is advantageous to
    study the science of sound.
 air pressure /»e´ »preS´/(n) tekanan udara. There is not enough air
     pressure in your tires..

 alienate /»eilj´neit/(v.) mengucilkan. Drug addicts are likely to alienate themselves
     from normal social gatherings.
 amplitude /zmplHtYtd/ (n) jarak. Is the period of a swing influenced by its
 ancient /»eInS´nt]/ (adj.) kuno. That is an ancient binocular.
 anvil /»QnvIl/ (n) tulang martil. Anvil is one of the organs in the ear.

 anxiety /QN»zai´ti/(n.) kecemasan. The lives of drug addicts are characterized by
     excessive anxiety of always wanting to consume more and more drugs.
 apical /’eIpIk(´)l / (adj.), apex (n) pucuk. The bud that is at the apex of the stem is
     called an apical bud.

 apparatus /Qp´»reIt´s/(n) peralatan. Does a diver use special breathing apparatus?

Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8                                                 1

 apply /´»plaI/(v) mengaplikasikan. Mathematical formula is applied to measure a
    force. We apply mathematical formula to measure a force.

 area /»e´ri´/ (n) luas. Pressure depends on area and force. What’s the area of a room?

 army /»A˘mi/ (n) militer. An army is marching on the bridge.

 atom /»Qt´m / (n.) atom. bagian unsur yang terkecil. Every matter is
     composed of tiny elements called atoms.
 automobile fumes / »ç˘t´m´bi˘l / n. asap kendaraan bermotor
     Automobiles fumes gave a big contribution to the pollution problem in
     the big city..

 baking /»beIkIN/ (adj.) panggang. A baking pan is needed in the experiment.

 ban /bQn/(v.) melarang. The government has banned public smoking in big cities.
 band /bQnd/ (n) tali. A rubber band is used to tie the two sticks.

 basophile /! adr?ehk /(n) sel darah putih. The basophile is another kind of white
    blood cell.

 beam /bi˘m/ (n) sorotan. The beams of light are visible.

 bend /»bend/ (v.) membengkokkan, bengkok. (1) If you bend the fishing rod hard, it
    will crack. (2) Gamma rays do not bend in a magnetic field.
 bend /»bend/ (v.) membengkokkan, bengkok. (1) If you bend the fishing rod hard, it
    will crack. (2) Gamma rays do not bend in a magnetic field.
 binocular /bI»nÅkjUl´/ (n) teropong. A binocular is used to see distant objects.

 biologist/bai»çl´dZist/(n.) ahli biologi. Some biologists are experimenting to
     combat avian flu.
 blast /blzst/ (n) hembusan kencang. The effect of a blast of strong wind made the
     house fall down.
 blossom /»blçs´m/ (v.) berkembang. Some kinds of poppies blossom all the year long
     in some sub tropic regions..
 bond /bÅnd/ ). ikatan. There is a close bond between her and her sister.

 bone marrow /»b´Un »mQr´U / (n) sumsum tulang. Bone marrow
    is a soft tissue inside a bone where white blood cells are produced.

Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8                                            2

 brass /brA˘s/ (n) tembaga. You can use a brass spoon.

 bridge /brHdY/ (n) jembatan. The bridge fell down n 1831.

 bud /b√d /(n) tunas, kuncup. Buds will grow into leaves or flowers

 cambium /’kQmbI´m / (n) kambium. Lapisan menyamping pada batang
    tumbuhan yang memproduksi sel baru yang memungkinkan batang
    bertambah besar; kambium

 canal /k´»nQl/ (n) saluran. Panama canal joins two oceans. Sounds come into our
    ears through the canal.
 candle /»kQndl/ (n) lilin. We need a candle to experiment the direction of light
 carbohydrate /kA˘b´U»haIdreIt/(n) karbohidrat. She is overweight
     because she has eaten too much carbohydrates in her diet.

 carbon dioxide /»kA˘b´n daI»ÅksaId /(n) karbondioksida. The
     greenhouse effect is partly caused by carbon dioxide in the upper

 carbon monoxide /»kA˘b´n mÅ»nÅksaId / (n) Levels of carbon
     monoxide were very high in the city yesterday

 cardboard /»kA˘dbç˘d/ (n) karton. Cardboards are used to make an experiment.

 cell /rek/(n) sel. You can see the cancer cells under a microscope

 change /tSeIndZ/ (n) perubahan. Do you see the change of the color of the
    meatballs? Energy involves changes.

 channel /tSQnl/ (n.) saluran. The program on family planning is on channel 7 every
 charge /tSA:dZ/(n.) muatan. Electrons are elements of an atom that have negative
     charge of electricity.
 chemical /»kemikl/(n.) zat kimia. Amphetamine is basically a chemical that is
     frequently abused.
 chemical /»kemIkl/ (adj.) kimia(wi). Chemical substances are not used to clean the
     dirt on my clothes.

 chemist /»kemist/(n.) ahli kimia. Lavoisier is an outstanding chemist.

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 circular /»s´˘kjUl´/ (adj.) berbentuk lingkaran. Circular cards are sold here.

 climate /»klaIm´t/(n.) iklim. When Senapati Nusantara got an accident, the climate
     in Java Sea was not friendly.
 coating /»k´UtIN/ (n) lapisan. He developed a method of coating glass with silver.

 collenchyma /j@kdM!jhldH /(n) salah satu macam jaringan tumbuhan yang
     berada dalam tanah. The collenchyma is a type of the ground tissue

 colon / »k´Ul´n / (n) (bagian dari) usus besar. The section of the large intestine
     extending from the cecum to the rectum.

 compose /k´m»pouz/ (v.) menyusun, membentuk. Two atoms of hydrogen and
    one atom of oxygen compose molecules of water.
 compound /k´m»paund/(n.) senyawa. Water is a compound because it consists of
    two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
 concave /kÅn»keIv/ (adj.) cekung. A concave lens is different from the convex one.

 conduct / »kÅnd√kt / (v) menyalurkan, mengalirkan. All kinds of metal coduct
    electric current; Aluminum is a good electric conductor

 consist of /k´nsIst ´f/ (v) terdiri atas. Some oil consists of atsiri oil and vanilli.

 constant /»kÅnst´nt/ (adj.) konstan, tidak berubah. The car moves at a constant

 consume /k´n»sju:m/(v.) memakai, mengkonsumsi. They regularly consume
 consume /k´n»sju˘m/ (v) menghabiskan, memerlukan. Small cars consume less
    gasoline than bigger cars when travelling the same distance. Our body consumes a
    lot of vitamins.

 continually /k´n»tinju´li/(adv.) terus menerus. That poor country continually
     gets the supplies of rice from Vietnam.
 contract / »kÅntrQkt / (v) mengkerut, menjadi lebih pendek. The length of the
     wire will contract if the temperature drops.

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 contraction /j?ms!qzkRm/(n) kontraksi he had two contractions in the
     car on the way to the maternity hospital

 convex /»kÅnveks/ (adj.) cembung. A convex lens is like the surface of an eye.

 crest /krest/ (n) puncak. The peak of the wave is easy to see.

 criminal /»kriminl/(n.) penjahat. The life of drug addicts is commonly close to that
     of criminals.
 crumple /»kr√mpl/ (v.) kusut. Don’t put this cloth carelessly. It crumples easily.
 cut down /k√t daun/(v) memangkas. Illegal logging is a form of cutting down
     industrial trees in the jungle unlawfully.
 decompose /,di:k´m»pouz/ (v.) mengurai, terurai. Some bacteria can decompose
     organic waste more effectively than the others.
 dependent /dI»pend´nt/ (adj.) bergantung. The acceleration is dependent upon the
     force and mass of an object.

 depth /depP/ (n) kedalaman. Please calculate the depth of the pool.

 describe /dI»skraIb/ (v) menjabarkan. Please describe the law of reflection.

 develop /dI»vel´p/ (v) mengembangkan. J. Foucault developed a method of
    coating glass with silver in 1857.
 device /dI»vaIs/ (n) alat, piranti. A device is used to open the door. A simple
    machine is a device to make work easier.

 diaphragm /»daI´frQm/n. diafrahma . The stomach lies in the left upper
     part of the abdomen, just under the diaphragm
 diarrhea /,dai´»ri´/(n.) diare. Consuming poisonous food is a potential cause of
 direction /dI»rekSn/ (n) arah. The direction of light is in a straight line.

 disorder /dis»ç˘d´/ (n.) gangguan. Consuming drugs excessively may lead you to
     mental disorders.
 dissolve /di»s´lv/ (v.) melarutkan, larut. (1) In emergency to prevent dehydration,
     we can dissolve sugar and salt in a glass of plain water with a proportion 2:1 to
     make an ionic solution. (2) Some materials dissolve in water more easily than
 distance /»dIst´ns/ (n) jarak. The amount of work done also depends on the distance
     moved by the object.

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 drum /dr√m/ (n) gendang. There are eardrums in our ears.

 dump /d√mp/(v.) membuang dengan cara menimbun. The local government of
      the City of Jakarta is searching for a site that will be used to dump waste discarded
      by homes.
 effect /»ifekt/(n.) pengaruh. Some drugs have the effect of causing insomnia in some
 effect /I»fekt/ (n) dampak. What is the effect of resonance in a radio?

 effect /»ifekt/ (n.) pengaruh. Some drugs have the effect of causing insomnia in some
 effort force /»ef´t fç˘s/ (n) gaya usaha. The force working on the machine is
      called effort force.

 electricity /ilek»trisiti/ (n.) listrik, kelistrikan. Proton is part of an atom that has
     positive charge of electricity.

 emerge /i»m´˘dZ/ (v.i.) muncul. The sun emerged from behind the cloud.
 emerge /i»m´˘dZ/(v.) muncul. The sun emerged from behind the cloud.
 enclosed /In»kl´UZd/ (adj.) tertutup. Put several meatballs in an enclosed pan to do
     the experiment. Pressure applied to an enclosed liquid is transmitted to every part
     of the liquid.
 energy /»en´dZi/ (n) energi. When we do work, we use energy.

 enlarge / In»lA˘dZ/ (v) memperbesar. The instrument can enlarge an object.

 environment /en»vair´nm´nt/(v.) lingkungan. Our environment has been
    polluted severely.
 enzyme /en'zAIm / (n) Salah satu jenis zat yang merupakan elemen protein yang
    diproduksi oleh orgnisme hidup yang berfungsi sebagai katalis biokimia.

 eosinophile /d?!rhm?ehk/(n)         Esinofil. The eosinophile is another kind of white
     blood cell.

 epidermis /dohc?:lHr/(n) nama lain dari jaringan kulit tumbuhan.
     Epidermis is another name for the dermal tissue

 esophagus / I»sÅf´g´s / (n) kerongkongan, gurung. The muscular, membranous
    tube for the passage of food from the pharynx to the stomach; the gullet.

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 excessive /ik»sesiv/ (adj.) berlebihan. Excessive consumption of sugar is not good
     for the metabolism in our body.
 exhaust /ig»zç˘st/(n.) knalpot, cerobong pembuang asap. Smoke discarded from
     factory exhaust pipes has contributed to air pollution.
 experiment /Ik»sperIm´nt/ (n) percobaan. He did an experiment in a lab.

 expert /»eksp´:t/ (n.) ahli, ilmuwan. Biologist is an expert in the science of living
 expiration /ejro?!qdiRm/(n) Kegiatan mengeluarkan napas dari rongga dada.
     Unlike in inspiration, the muscles of the ribs relax in expiration

 express /Ik»spres/ (v) menyatakan, mengungkapkan. The result of the experiment
    is expressed in a formula. She expresses her love to him.
 fear /fi´/(v.) takut, khawatir. Due to reckless use of pesticides, environmentalists
     fear that there will be no birds living anymore.
 fixed /fIkst/ (adj.) tetap. Is there any fixed law in nature? Pulleys can be either
     fixed or movable.

 flash /flQS/ (n) kilatan. Flash is different from thunder.

 forbid/f´»bid/(v.) melarang. The government of Queensland is to forbid the fishing
     of fish with the size that is less than 10 cm long.
 force / fç:s/ (n.) gaya. Our daily activities are due to forces we create.
 force / fç:s/(n.) daya, kekuatan. Our daily activities are due to forces we create.
 force /fç˘s/(n) gaya. We can use a force to make an object move.

 form /fç˘m/ (n) bentuk. Sweeteners can be in the form of powder or liquid.

 frequency /»fri˘kw´nsi/ (n) frekuensi. The frequency of the transmitter is high.

 friction /»frikS´n/ (n.) gesekan. Friction is important in physical mechanisms, such as
      that between the wheels of a car and the road.
 friction /»frikS´n/(n.) gesekan. Friction is important in physical mechanisms, such as
      that between the wheels of a car and the road.
 friction /»frIkSn/ (n) (gaya) gesekan. Friction occurs when two objects touch each

 garbage /»gA˘bidZ/(n.) sisa makanan, sampah. The local government at the level of
     villages should begin to think of managing domestic garbage.
 get rid of /get rid ´v/(v.) menghilangkan, mengusir. Coffee powder can be used
     to get rid off stinky odor.

Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8                                                 7

 give off /geiv ç˘f/(v.) melepaskan, mengeluarkan. The factory has still been
     giving off its chemical waste to rivers.
 gland / glQnd /(n) kelenjar.

 gravitation /grQvI»teISn$/ (n) gravitasi. The astronauts have entered the Earth’s
 gravity /»grQviti/(n.) gaya tarik bumi. Because of gravity, whatever is thrown to the
     air will fall down to the ground.
 growth /gr´UT/ (n) pertumbuhan. They measured the trees’ growth
     after some months of treatment in the experiment

 hammer /»hQm´/ (n) palu. A hammer is used to hit a nail. A hammer is an example
    of simple machines.

 hammer /»hQm´/ (n) tulang lonjong. Hammer is another organ in the ear.

 harm /hA˘m/(n.) kerusakan, luka. Acid rain does a lot of harm on farms in some
     agricultural areas.
 heat /hi˘t/ (n) panas. Friction produces heat. Heat is one form of energy.

 height /hait/ (n.) ketinggian. Normally domestic flights will be cruising at the height of
     about 11 km over the land.

 hemoglobin /hi˘m´»gl´UbIn/(n) hemoglobin Hemoglobin absorbs oxygen and
    transports it to the tissues.

 hertz /»he˘ts/ (n) ukuran untuk bunyi. Hertz is used to measure sound.

 hit /hIt/ (v) memukul. Now, hit the drum.

 hole /h´Ul/ (n) lubang. Make two holes in the cardboard.

 image .»ImIdZ/ (n) bayangan. You can see your image in the mirror.

 incidence /insHǩdǩns/ (n) penyinggungan. Both rays are reflected with the same
     angles of incidence and reflection.
 incident /»InsId´nt/ (n) kejadian. They saw a terrible incident there.

 incoming work /In»k√mIN wŒ˘k/ (n) usaha kuasa. The kind of work that runs on
     a machine is called the incoming work.

 inertia /i»n´˘S´/ (n.) inersia kelambanan. The state of a matter is determined by the

Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8                                                    8

     work of its inertia.
 Inertia /i»n´˘S´/(n.) kelembaman.(1) The state of a matter is determined by the nature
     of its inertia. (2) An astronaut who pushes himself away from his spaceship will
     continue to drift away into space under inertia if he is not attached to a safety line.
 infrasonic /Infr´»sÅnIk/ (adj.) infrasonik. Infrasonic is used to measure sound with
     less than 20 Hz.
 inhabitant /In»hQbIt´nt/ (n) penduduk. The inhabitants of ancient Egypt used
    polished metal to see their faces.
 inner /»In´/ (adj.) bagian dalam. The inner part of the ear has a drum.

 insomnia /in»sçmni´/(n.) tidak dapat tidur. Insomnia can also be caused by
     consuming a certain drug.
 inspiration /InspI»reISn/(n) kegiatan memasukkan udara ke dalam rongga
     dada. Inspiration occurs as the result of the contraction of the intercostals muscles

 invent /In»vent/ (v) menemukan. Did Newton invent force?

 invisible/in»viz´bl/(adj.) tidak nampak, tidak kasat mata. Narcotics have the
     invisible effects on the body of one who consumes them.
 joint / dZçInt / (n) sendi, persendian. A point of contact between two or more
     bones, especially such a connection that allows motion.

 kilogram /»kIl´grQm/ (n) kilogram. The rock weighs a hundred kilograms.

 law /lç˘/ (n) hukum, teori. The law in Indonesia is not strict. Who found the law of
 leak/li:k/(v.) bocor. Oil spill in the sea occurred because the tanker leaked.
 lens /lenz/ (n) lensa. We don’t see a convex lens.

 light /laIt/ (adj.) ringan. Cotton is light, but stone is heavy.

 light /laIt/ (n) cahaya. When light changes to heat, the amount of energy is

 light /laIt/ (n) cahaya. Light travels in a straight line in vacuum.

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 liquid /»lIkwId/ (n) cairan. People like to use liquid soap.

 lymph nodes /kHloe mncy/(n) simpul limpa. Lymp nodes are found
    especially under the rmpits andd in the groin

 lymphocyte /lImfrHs /(n)        limfosit. The lymphocyte is a type of white
    blood cell.

 machine /m´»Si˘n/ (n) pesawat, mesin. The washing machine does not work.
    Simple machines are used to make work easier.

 machinery /m´»Si˘n´ri/ (n) permesinan. Modern machinery is expected to result in

 magnifying /»mQgnIfaIIN/ (adj.) memperbesar. If you cannot read small letters,
    use a magnifying glass.
 make up of /meIk √p ´f/ (v) membentuk. Paints make up of heavy metal like
    arsenic, lead and mercury.

 marching /mA˘tSM/ (n) berbaris. The soldiers are marching.

 mass /mQs/ (n) massa. A great mass of rock has fallen from a high hill. The
    gravitational force of objects is determined by two things: the mass of the objects
    and the distance between the objects.

 mass /mQs/(n.) masa. Atoms of different matters have different mass.
 matter /»mQt´/ (n.) benda, zat. Iron, gold, and zinc as well as water are example of
 measure /»meZ´/ (v) mengukur. A scale measures the gravitational force of a
    person. Barometer is used to measure pressure.

 mechanical advantage/me»kQnIkl ´d»vA˘ntIdZ/ (n) keuntungan mekanik.
    Mechanical advantage is the number that shows the force multiplication done by a
 medium /»mi˘di´m/ (n) alat atau perantara. A rope is a medium to make a wave.

 meristem / 'merIstem / (n) Jaringan pada tumbuhan di ujung batang atau akar
    tempat asal terbentuknya sel baru, misalnya daun atau tunas.

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 metal /»metl/ (adj.) logam. Gold is fine metal.

 microscope /»maIkr´sk´Up/ (n) mikroskop. She sees cells with a microscope.

 minerals / [»mIn´r´lz /(n) Inorganic elements, such as calcium, iron, potassium,
    sodium, or zinc, that are essential to the nutrition of human.

 mirror .»mIr´/ (n) kaca. A mirror has one lens.

 misuse /misju:s/ (n.) penggunaan yang salah. There is a misuse of pronouns in
    his writing.
 motion /»mouS´n/ (n.) gerakan. In the old times, actions were filmed but there were
    no motion pictures.
 motion /»m´USn/ (n) gerakan. Work is the energy that is sent through a motion. We
    just learned Newton’s laws of motion.

 motion/»m´USn/(n.) pergerakan. Motion takes place because of the act of force.
 movable /»mu˘v´bl/ (adj.) dapat bergerak. Are movable objects easy to measure?
    Pulleys can be fixed or movable.

 mucus / »mju˘k´s / (n) lendir

 multiplication /m√ltIplI»keISn/ (n) perkalian. Multiplication is more difficult than

 muscle / »m√sl / (n) otot, urat.

 narcotics /nA:»kçtiks/ (n.) narkotika. Some narcotics are harmful drugs if they are
     not properly consumed.
 nature /»neItS´/ (n) sifat. Tha nature of light is not known.

 neutron /»nju:tr´n/ (n.) neutron, bagian inti atom yang tidak bermuatan
    listrik. In the center of an atom, there is part that has no electric charge called
 neutrophile /!mxt:!sq?ehk /(n) netrofil. There are several types of white blood cells,
    and the neutrophile is one of them.

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 Newton /nju˘t´n/ (n) Newton. The English scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, did a lot of
    important work on forces. Mass is measured in kilogram, but weight is measured
    in Newton.

 node / n´Ud / (n) titik yang menonjol atau benjolan. The point on a
    stem where a leaf is attached.

 nucleus /»nju:kli´s/ (n.) inti. In the center of an atom, which is called nucleus, there
     is part that has no electric charge called neutron.
 nutrition /nutriS´n/(n.) zat gizi, gizi. Some drug addicts demonstrate lack of
 observable /´b»z´˘vbl/ (adj.) dapat diamati. Indications of someone who is drug
     addicted are observable from physical appearances.
 observable/´b»z´˘vbl/(adj.) dapat diamati. The result of employing force on an object
     is observable in the form of movement or stationary state of the object.
 observe /´b»z´˘v/ (v) mengamati. We are observing the process of how sound is
 opium /»oupj´m/(n.) . opium. Some narcotics come from poppies a kind of bush
    that produces opium.
 opposite /»Åp´zIt/ (adj.) berlawanan. In a tug-of-war game both teams put forces
    from opposite directions.

 optical /ȁptIkl/ (adj.) optik. A mirror is the oldest optical instrument.

 organ /»ç˘g´n/ (n.) bagian tubuh. Negative effects of consuming narcotics may be
     obvious on vital organs of our body, such as liver.
 organ /»ç˘g´n/ (n) bagian/anggota badan, alat musik. Nose is one of our organs.
     Hasan is playing an organ.
 oscillate /ȁsIleIt/ (v) berayun. The clock oscillates quickly.

 outcoming work /»aUtk√mIN wŒ˘k/ (n) usaha beban. The out-coming work in a
     machine is always lesser than the incoming work.

 outer /outǩr/ (adj.) bagian luar. Let’s observe the outer part of an ear.

 oxygen /»ÅksIdZ´n /(n)        oksigin. Hydrogen combines with oxygen to
    form water

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 oxyhemoglobin /Pjshhi˘m´»gl´UbIn/ (n) oksihemoglobin. Oxymogloben is
    formed when hemoglobin binds oxygen

 parenchyma /o@qdM!jhldH/(n) parenkim. Another kind of the ground tissue is the

 particle /»pA:tikl/(n.) partikel. Rays are actually particles that travel very fast.
 part /pA˘t/ (n) bagian. The human body is a system that consists of
     different parts, each having its own function.

 phloem / floU'Im / (n) Semacam jaringan pada tumbuhan berpembuluh yang
    berfungsi menyalurkan zat makanan.

 photosynthesis /»f´Ut´U»sInT´sIs/n. fotosintesis. Carbohydrates are
    produced from carbon dioxide and water through the process of

 piece /pi˘s/ (n) sebuah. Get a piece of cloth to cover the drum.

 plant/plQnt/(n.) bangunan pembangkit. The nuclear plant that is planned to be
     built in the region is safe enough from hazardous radiation.
 poisonuous/»pçizn´s/(adj.) beracun. Some fermented stuff is dangerous because it
     is poisonous.
 polish /»pÅlIS/ (v) menggosok. Polish the metal to make it clear.

 pollution/p´»lu:Sn/ (n.) polusi. Everywhere in that industrial area there is
     pollution: air, soil, and water.
 powerful /»paUw´fUl/ (adj.) kuat. A force on a small area is powerful.

 press /pres/ (v.) memberi tekanan, menekan. If we press our fist to a wall, we put a
     force on the wall.
 pressure /»preS´/ (n) tekanan. The force on a small area gives a large pressure.

 principle /»prInsIpl/ (n) hukum, prinsip. Hydraulic machine can lift heavy things
     by applying the Pascal’s Principle. Do you know the principle of the work of a
 protein / »pr´Uti˘n / (n) protein. Fundamental components of all living
     cells and include many substances, such as enzymes, hormones, etc.
     that are necessary for the proper functioning of an organism.

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 proton /»prout´n/ (n.) proton, bagian inti atom yang bermuatan listrik positif.
     In the center of an atom, there is part that has positive electric charge called
 prove /pru˘v/ (v) membuktikan. The students have proved that a drum produces
 psychoactive /,saikouQktiv/ (adj.) bersifat mengaktifkan mental. Narcotics are
      basically psychoactive substances.
 psychological /,saik´»lçdZik´l/ (adj.) bersifat kejiwaan. On their psychological
      state some drug addicts are affected to some degree.
 pull /pul/ (v.) menarik. When we pull an object, we also put some force on that object
      to move to our direction.
 pull /pul/ (v.) menarik. When we pull an object, we also put some force on that object
      to move to our direction.
 pulley /»pUli/ (n) roda penggerak, kerekan. A pulley is used to lift a heavy object.

 push /puS/ (v.) mendorong. When we push an object, we put some force on that object
     away from us.
 push /puS/ (v.) mendorong. When we push an object, we put some force on that object
     away from us.
 radioactive/reidi»ouQktiv/(adj.) radio aktif. Uranium is one of radioactive
     substances useful for various kinds of heavy industries.
 reaction force/ri»QkSn fç˘s/ (n) gaya reaksi. If you give a force of action against a
     wall, at the same time the wall will give you a reaction force.

 recycle/risaikl/(v.) mendaur ulang. The government of the City of Kyoto has
     established a plant to recycle various kinds of waste.
 reflect /rI»flekt/ (v) memantulkan. We described how light is reflected.

 reflection /rI»flekSn/ (n) pantulan. It is proved that the light reflection is sharp.

 refract /rI»frekt/ (v) membias. What objects refract much light?

 relation /rI»leISn/ (n) hubungan. What’s the relation between pressure and area?

 resistance force /rI»zIst´ns fç˘s/ (n) gaya beban. The force in a machine to
     overcome resistance is called resistance force.

 resonance /rezǝnǝns/ (n) resonansi. Resonance has many roles in our life.

 respiration /,respi»reiS´n/ (n.) pernafasan. Inhaling or exhaling air is a part of
     mechanisms in respiration.

Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8                                               14

 restless /restlis/(adj.) terus bergerak, tidak dapat diam. Inertia in a matter
     determines whether the matter is restless or at a standstill.
 rib / rIb/(n)). tulang iga. He fell down while skiing and broke two ribs

 rough /r√f/ (adj.) kasar. Don’t touch the rough surface.

 rubber /»r√b´/ (n) karet. The rubber sheet is good enough.

 semicircular /semi»s´˘kjUl´/ (adj.) setengah lingkaran. For the experiment, you
    need a semicircular object.
 sense of hearing /»sensÅv»hI´rIN/ (n) indera pendengaran, telinga. Bats’ sense of
     hearing is very sensitive.
 separately /»sep´r´tli/ (adv.) secara terpisah. The two holes are placed separately.

 several /»sevr´l/ (adj.) beberapa. Several chemicals are poisonous for us.

 sheet /Si˘t/ (n) lembaran. Use a sheet of paper to cover the beaker.

 shiver /Siv´/ (v.) gemetar. Drug addicts that are badly in need of narcotics
     consumption usually shiver a lot.
 sicken /sik´n/(v.) membuat sakit, menjadikan sakit. Dirty and polluted air in
     big cities sickens its citizen from various kinds of respiratory disorders.
 silver /»sIlv´/ (adj.) perak. Silver plate is not cheap.

 simplify /»simplifai/ (v.)
 menyederhanakan. Experts try to simplify the model of atoms in their laboratory
 skeleton / »skelItn /(n) sistem kerangka (terutama tulang), truktur. We have a
     strong skeleton inside our body so that we can stand upright.

 skeleton /»skelItn/ (n) rangka. Observe the skeleton of the complicated machine
     before you make a conclusion.

 smooth /smu˘D/(adj.) halus. Sugar is put on the smooth rubber sheet.

 solution /s´»lu:S´n/ (n.) larutan, pemecahan (masalah). (1) Dissolving sugar and
     salt in a glass of plain water with a proportion 2:1 can result in an ionic solution.
     (2) There has been no conclusive solution to the national problem of drug

Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8                                               15

 sound /saUnd/ (n) bunyi. Sound can even blow the flame of a candle.

 spasm /»spQz´m/ (n.) kejang otot. An indication of spastic disorders is spasm in
     which victims’ muscles cramp excessively.
 spastic /»spQstik/ (adj.) merusakan otak. Absence of coordination in the bodily
     movement among severe drug addicts is an indication of spastic disorders.
 species / »spi˘SIz / (n) pl. species: spesis. A group of organism
     belonging to a certain fundamental category. The pineapple
     belongs to the Ananas comosus species

 spectacles /»spekt´klz/ (n) kacamata. To read a book, I need spectacles.

 spherical /»sferIkl/ (adj.) berbentuk bola. For the experiment, put a spherical
 spleen /spli˘n / (n) limpa . The spleen cleans the blood and helps fight

 spray /sprei/(v.) menyemprotkan. The farmer has the habit of spraying pesticides
     to get rid of harmful insects.
 spread out /»spred »aUt/ (v) menyebar. Sound can spread out via water.

 stem /stem/ (n) batang. Trim the stems before you put the flowers in
     the vase

 stirrup /»stIr´p/ (n) tingkap lonjong. Stirrup is another organ in the ear.

 stretch /strQS/ (v.) meregang. To some extent rubber can stretch without breaking.
 strike /straik/ (v.) memukul. He struck his knee with his hand.
 substance /»s√bst´ns/ (n) zat. A substance was added to the drinking
      product to give it yellow color.

 substance /»s√bst´ns/ (n.) zat. Narcotic drugs are addictive substances.
 successful /s√k»sesfUl/ (adj.) berhasil. The experiment is successful.

 suffer /»s√f´/ (v.) menderita, sakit. Almost everyday he suffered a lot from coughs
     after consuming opium.
 sugar /»SUg´/ (n) gula. Some people like sugar very much.

 surface /»s´˘fIs/ (n) permukaan. There is less friction with a smooth surface.

 surround /s´»raund/(v.) mengelilingi, mengitari. Narcotic drugs can be said now
     to surround the life of young generations.

Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8                                             16

 suspension /s´»spenSn/ (n) penyangga. The suspension bridge was broken.

 temperature /»tempr´tS´/ (n) suhu. A thermostat is a device to keep temperatures
    constant in an iron.

 terror /»ter´/(n) ketakutan, rasa takut. They escaped in terror because of the threat
     of upcoming tsunami waves.
 theory /»Pi´ri/ (n) teori. Rutherford is an expert that holds a theory that an atom is
     surrounded by electrons.
 thoracic cavity /snTqdjrHj !j8uHsh/(n) rongga dada. The thoracic cavity is the
     hollow part of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen.

 thunder /T√nd´/ (n) geledek. Does thunder come earlier than flash?

 tissue /»tISu˘ / (n) jaringan. They took a sample of tissue from the plant.

 tools /tu˘ls/ (n) alat-alat. Tools such as scissors, can openers and spanners are simple

 traditionally /tr´»dISn´li/ (adv.) umumnya, biasanya. Traditionally, energy is
     defined as the ability to do work. Traditionally people use sugar , salt, vinegar and
     pepper for preservatives.

 transfer /trQns»f´:/ (v.) mengalir, memindahkan. Heat transfers from the area
     with higher air pressure to the one with lower air pressure.
 translucent /trQnz»lu˘snt/ (adj.) jernih. Can you give examples of translucent
 transmit /trQnz»mIt/ (v) menghantar. The heat is transmitted by the metal.

 transmitter /trQnz»mIt´/ (n) alat pengirim bunyi. Do you know the frequency of the
 transversal /transv?rsǩl/ (adj.) menyimpang. Transversal waves are produced by
     the rope.
 trap/trQp/(v.) memperangkap. The function of the chamber in the piston is to trap
     the gas evaporated from gasoline before it is burned.
 travel /travǩl/ (v) berjalan, bepergian, melewati, melalui. How does light travel?
     They travel round the world. Heat from the sun travels a long way before it arrives
     on earth.
 tremor /»trem´/ (n.) gemetaran, getaran. Tremor is also an indication of spastic

Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8                                               17

 trotting /trNtHng/ (n) derap sepatu. Didn’t you hear the trotting shoes of the
 trough /trÅf/ (n) lembah. Why don’t you measure the trough of the wave?

 trunk / tr√Nk/ (n) badan batang pohon. The main woody body of a tree; The
     trunk of an oak tree is larger than the trunk of a coconut tree.

 turbulance /»t´˘bjUl´ns/ (n) pusaran. What a big turbulance!

 ultrasonic /»√lt´saUnIk/ (adj.) ultrasonik. Ultrasonic sound is more than 20,000
 unconsciousness /√n»k´nS´snis/ (n.) pingsan, tidak sadarkan diri. Insufficient
    supply of oxygen to the brain can cause unconsciousness.

 urine /»ju´rin/ (n.) air kencing. Examination on someone accused of consuming
     narcotic drugs may be carried out through urine analyses.

 vascular plant / vQskjUl´ / (n) tumbuhan berpembuluh.

 velocity /vi»lçsiti/ (n.) kecepatan. If the distance and the time to go that distance
     are known, we can determine the velocity for traveling the distance.

 velocity/vi»lçsiti/(n.) kecepatan. If the distance and the time to go to that distance
     are known, we can determine the velocity for traveling the distance.

 vertebrate / »v´˘tIbr´t/ (n) binatang bertulang belakang.

 vibrate /vaI»breIt/ (v) bergetar. If the cords of the guitar vibrate, they produce
 vibration /v`HbrdHRǩn/ (n) getaran. The vibration of a whistle can reach our ears.

 vomit /»vçmit/ (v.) memuntahkan, muntah. Workers in the factory vomited
    severely because of food poisoning.

 wave /weIv/ (n) gelombang. A wave has a peak and valley.

 wavelength /»weIvleNT/ (n) panjang gelombang. How do you measure the

Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8                                                18

 weigh /wei/ (v) berat, berberat. This chemical substance weighs one pound.

 weight /weIt/ (n) berat. What is the difference between mass and weight?

 work /w´˘k/ (n) usaha. How do we calculate work done?

 zylem /zAIl´m / also xylem Jaringan pembuluh yang menunjang dan
     menyalurkan air dan zat hara dari akar pada tumbuhan.

Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8                                         19

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  • 1. Dictionary according to /´»kç˘dIN tU/ (prep.) menurut. According to scientists, your ears have resonance. acid /»Qsid/(adj.) bersifat asam. Peptic ulcers in our stomach can occur because our stomach is in the more acid state. acting /»QktIN/(n) bekerja. Why do many objects stop moving when a force stops acting on them? action force /»QkS´n fç˘s/ (n) gaya aksi. If you push a wall, you give an action force. actuator / »QktjUIt´/(n) to actuate (v) peralatan yang berfungsi untuk mengaktifkan suatu sistem. Please switch on the power to actuate the computer. addict /´»dikt/ (n.) pecandu. Most of drug addicts investigated are prone to having mental disorders. advantageous /Qdv´n»teIdZ´s/ (adj.) menguntungkan. It is advantageous to study the science of sound. air pressure /»e´ »preS´/(n) tekanan udara. There is not enough air pressure in your tires.. alienate /»eilj´neit/(v.) mengucilkan. Drug addicts are likely to alienate themselves from normal social gatherings. amplitude /zmplHtYtd/ (n) jarak. Is the period of a swing influenced by its amplitude? ancient /»eInS´nt]/ (adj.) kuno. That is an ancient binocular. anvil /»QnvIl/ (n) tulang martil. Anvil is one of the organs in the ear. anxiety /QN»zai´ti/(n.) kecemasan. The lives of drug addicts are characterized by excessive anxiety of always wanting to consume more and more drugs. apical /’eIpIk(´)l / (adj.), apex (n) pucuk. The bud that is at the apex of the stem is called an apical bud. apparatus /Qp´»reIt´s/(n) peralatan. Does a diver use special breathing apparatus? Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 1
  • 2. Dictionary apply /´»plaI/(v) mengaplikasikan. Mathematical formula is applied to measure a force. We apply mathematical formula to measure a force. area /»e´ri´/ (n) luas. Pressure depends on area and force. What’s the area of a room? army /»A˘mi/ (n) militer. An army is marching on the bridge. atom /»Qt´m / (n.) atom. bagian unsur yang terkecil. Every matter is composed of tiny elements called atoms. automobile fumes / »ç˘t´m´bi˘l / n. asap kendaraan bermotor Automobiles fumes gave a big contribution to the pollution problem in the big city.. baking /»beIkIN/ (adj.) panggang. A baking pan is needed in the experiment. ban /bQn/(v.) melarang. The government has banned public smoking in big cities. band /bQnd/ (n) tali. A rubber band is used to tie the two sticks. basophile /! adr?ehk /(n) sel darah putih. The basophile is another kind of white blood cell. beam /bi˘m/ (n) sorotan. The beams of light are visible. bend /»bend/ (v.) membengkokkan, bengkok. (1) If you bend the fishing rod hard, it will crack. (2) Gamma rays do not bend in a magnetic field. bend /»bend/ (v.) membengkokkan, bengkok. (1) If you bend the fishing rod hard, it will crack. (2) Gamma rays do not bend in a magnetic field. binocular /bI»nÅkjUl´/ (n) teropong. A binocular is used to see distant objects. biologist/bai»çl´dZist/(n.) ahli biologi. Some biologists are experimenting to combat avian flu. blast /blzst/ (n) hembusan kencang. The effect of a blast of strong wind made the house fall down. blossom /»blçs´m/ (v.) berkembang. Some kinds of poppies blossom all the year long in some sub tropic regions.. bond /bÅnd/ ). ikatan. There is a close bond between her and her sister. ) bone marrow /»b´Un »mQr´U / (n) sumsum tulang. Bone marrow is a soft tissue inside a bone where white blood cells are produced. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 2
  • 3. Dictionary brass /brA˘s/ (n) tembaga. You can use a brass spoon. bridge /brHdY/ (n) jembatan. The bridge fell down n 1831. bud /b√d /(n) tunas, kuncup. Buds will grow into leaves or flowers cambium /’kQmbI´m / (n) kambium. Lapisan menyamping pada batang tumbuhan yang memproduksi sel baru yang memungkinkan batang bertambah besar; kambium canal /k´»nQl/ (n) saluran. Panama canal joins two oceans. Sounds come into our ears through the canal. candle /»kQndl/ (n) lilin. We need a candle to experiment the direction of light travel. carbohydrate /kA˘b´U»haIdreIt/(n) karbohidrat. She is overweight because she has eaten too much carbohydrates in her diet. carbon dioxide /»kA˘b´n daI»ÅksaId /(n) karbondioksida. The greenhouse effect is partly caused by carbon dioxide in the upper atmosphere carbon monoxide /»kA˘b´n mÅ»nÅksaId / (n) Levels of carbon monoxide were very high in the city yesterday cardboard /»kA˘dbç˘d/ (n) karton. Cardboards are used to make an experiment. cell /rek/(n) sel. You can see the cancer cells under a microscope change /tSeIndZ/ (n) perubahan. Do you see the change of the color of the meatballs? Energy involves changes. channel /tSQnl/ (n.) saluran. The program on family planning is on channel 7 every Friday. charge /tSA:dZ/(n.) muatan. Electrons are elements of an atom that have negative charge of electricity. chemical /»kemikl/(n.) zat kimia. Amphetamine is basically a chemical that is frequently abused. chemical /»kemIkl/ (adj.) kimia(wi). Chemical substances are not used to clean the dirt on my clothes. chemist /»kemist/(n.) ahli kimia. Lavoisier is an outstanding chemist. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 3
  • 4. Dictionary circular /»s´˘kjUl´/ (adj.) berbentuk lingkaran. Circular cards are sold here. climate /»klaIm´t/(n.) iklim. When Senapati Nusantara got an accident, the climate in Java Sea was not friendly. coating /»k´UtIN/ (n) lapisan. He developed a method of coating glass with silver. collenchyma /j@kdM!jhldH /(n) salah satu macam jaringan tumbuhan yang berada dalam tanah. The collenchyma is a type of the ground tissue colon / »k´Ul´n / (n) (bagian dari) usus besar. The section of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum. compose /k´m»pouz/ (v.) menyusun, membentuk. Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen compose molecules of water. compound /k´m»paund/(n.) senyawa. Water is a compound because it consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. concave /kÅn»keIv/ (adj.) cekung. A concave lens is different from the convex one. conduct / »kÅnd√kt / (v) menyalurkan, mengalirkan. All kinds of metal coduct electric current; Aluminum is a good electric conductor consist of /k´nsIst ´f/ (v) terdiri atas. Some oil consists of atsiri oil and vanilli. constant /»kÅnst´nt/ (adj.) konstan, tidak berubah. The car moves at a constant speed. consume /k´n»sju:m/(v.) memakai, mengkonsumsi. They regularly consume vitamins. consume /k´n»sju˘m/ (v) menghabiskan, memerlukan. Small cars consume less gasoline than bigger cars when travelling the same distance. Our body consumes a lot of vitamins. continually /k´n»tinju´li/(adv.) terus menerus. That poor country continually gets the supplies of rice from Vietnam. contract / »kÅntrQkt / (v) mengkerut, menjadi lebih pendek. The length of the wire will contract if the temperature drops. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 4
  • 5. Dictionary contraction /j?ms!qzkRm/(n) kontraksi he had two contractions in the car on the way to the maternity hospital convex /»kÅnveks/ (adj.) cembung. A convex lens is like the surface of an eye. crest /krest/ (n) puncak. The peak of the wave is easy to see. criminal /»kriminl/(n.) penjahat. The life of drug addicts is commonly close to that of criminals. crumple /»kr√mpl/ (v.) kusut. Don’t put this cloth carelessly. It crumples easily. cut down /k√t daun/(v) memangkas. Illegal logging is a form of cutting down industrial trees in the jungle unlawfully. decompose /,di:k´m»pouz/ (v.) mengurai, terurai. Some bacteria can decompose organic waste more effectively than the others. dependent /dI»pend´nt/ (adj.) bergantung. The acceleration is dependent upon the force and mass of an object. depth /depP/ (n) kedalaman. Please calculate the depth of the pool. describe /dI»skraIb/ (v) menjabarkan. Please describe the law of reflection. develop /dI»vel´p/ (v) mengembangkan. J. Foucault developed a method of coating glass with silver in 1857. device /dI»vaIs/ (n) alat, piranti. A device is used to open the door. A simple machine is a device to make work easier. diaphragm /»daI´frQm/n. diafrahma . The stomach lies in the left upper part of the abdomen, just under the diaphragm diarrhea /,dai´»ri´/(n.) diare. Consuming poisonous food is a potential cause of diarrhea. direction /dI»rekSn/ (n) arah. The direction of light is in a straight line. disorder /dis»ç˘d´/ (n.) gangguan. Consuming drugs excessively may lead you to mental disorders. dissolve /di»s´lv/ (v.) melarutkan, larut. (1) In emergency to prevent dehydration, we can dissolve sugar and salt in a glass of plain water with a proportion 2:1 to make an ionic solution. (2) Some materials dissolve in water more easily than others. distance /»dIst´ns/ (n) jarak. The amount of work done also depends on the distance moved by the object. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 5
  • 6. Dictionary drum /dr√m/ (n) gendang. There are eardrums in our ears. dump /d√mp/(v.) membuang dengan cara menimbun. The local government of the City of Jakarta is searching for a site that will be used to dump waste discarded by homes. effect /»ifekt/(n.) pengaruh. Some drugs have the effect of causing insomnia in some people. effect /I»fekt/ (n) dampak. What is the effect of resonance in a radio? effect /»ifekt/ (n.) pengaruh. Some drugs have the effect of causing insomnia in some people. effort force /»ef´t fç˘s/ (n) gaya usaha. The force working on the machine is called effort force. electricity /ilek»trisiti/ (n.) listrik, kelistrikan. Proton is part of an atom that has positive charge of electricity. emerge /i»m´˘dZ/ (v.i.) muncul. The sun emerged from behind the cloud. emerge /i»m´˘dZ/(v.) muncul. The sun emerged from behind the cloud. enclosed /In»kl´UZd/ (adj.) tertutup. Put several meatballs in an enclosed pan to do the experiment. Pressure applied to an enclosed liquid is transmitted to every part of the liquid. energy /»en´dZi/ (n) energi. When we do work, we use energy. enlarge / In»lA˘dZ/ (v) memperbesar. The instrument can enlarge an object. environment /en»vair´nm´nt/(v.) lingkungan. Our environment has been polluted severely. en'zAIm enzyme /en'zAIm / (n) Salah satu jenis zat yang merupakan elemen protein yang diproduksi oleh orgnisme hidup yang berfungsi sebagai katalis biokimia. eosinophile /d?!rhm?ehk/(n) Esinofil. The eosinophile is another kind of white blood cell. epidermis /dohc?:lHr/(n) nama lain dari jaringan kulit tumbuhan. Epidermis is another name for the dermal tissue esophagus / I»sÅf´g´s / (n) kerongkongan, gurung. The muscular, membranous tube for the passage of food from the pharynx to the stomach; the gullet. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 6
  • 7. Dictionary excessive /ik»sesiv/ (adj.) berlebihan. Excessive consumption of sugar is not good for the metabolism in our body. exhaust /ig»zç˘st/(n.) knalpot, cerobong pembuang asap. Smoke discarded from factory exhaust pipes has contributed to air pollution. experiment /Ik»sperIm´nt/ (n) percobaan. He did an experiment in a lab. expert /»eksp´:t/ (n.) ahli, ilmuwan. Biologist is an expert in the science of living things. expiration /ejro?!qdiRm/(n) Kegiatan mengeluarkan napas dari rongga dada. Unlike in inspiration, the muscles of the ribs relax in expiration express /Ik»spres/ (v) menyatakan, mengungkapkan. The result of the experiment is expressed in a formula. She expresses her love to him. fear /fi´/(v.) takut, khawatir. Due to reckless use of pesticides, environmentalists fear that there will be no birds living anymore. fixed /fIkst/ (adj.) tetap. Is there any fixed law in nature? Pulleys can be either fixed or movable. flash /flQS/ (n) kilatan. Flash is different from thunder. forbid/f´»bid/(v.) melarang. The government of Queensland is to forbid the fishing of fish with the size that is less than 10 cm long. force / fç:s/ (n.) gaya. Our daily activities are due to forces we create. force / fç:s/(n.) daya, kekuatan. Our daily activities are due to forces we create. force /fç˘s/(n) gaya. We can use a force to make an object move. form /fç˘m/ (n) bentuk. Sweeteners can be in the form of powder or liquid. frequency /»fri˘kw´nsi/ (n) frekuensi. The frequency of the transmitter is high. friction /»frikS´n/ (n.) gesekan. Friction is important in physical mechanisms, such as that between the wheels of a car and the road. friction /»frikS´n/(n.) gesekan. Friction is important in physical mechanisms, such as that between the wheels of a car and the road. friction /»frIkSn/ (n) (gaya) gesekan. Friction occurs when two objects touch each other. garbage /»gA˘bidZ/(n.) sisa makanan, sampah. The local government at the level of villages should begin to think of managing domestic garbage. get rid of /get rid ´v/(v.) menghilangkan, mengusir. Coffee powder can be used to get rid off stinky odor. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 7
  • 8. Dictionary give off /geiv ç˘f/(v.) melepaskan, mengeluarkan. The factory has still been giving off its chemical waste to rivers. gland / glQnd /(n) kelenjar. gravitation /grQvI»teISn$/ (n) gravitasi. The astronauts have entered the Earth’s gravitation. gravity /»grQviti/(n.) gaya tarik bumi. Because of gravity, whatever is thrown to the air will fall down to the ground. growth /gr´UT/ (n) pertumbuhan. They measured the trees’ growth after some months of treatment in the experiment hammer /»hQm´/ (n) palu. A hammer is used to hit a nail. A hammer is an example of simple machines. hammer /»hQm´/ (n) tulang lonjong. Hammer is another organ in the ear. harm /hA˘m/(n.) kerusakan, luka. Acid rain does a lot of harm on farms in some agricultural areas. heat /hi˘t/ (n) panas. Friction produces heat. Heat is one form of energy. height /hait/ (n.) ketinggian. Normally domestic flights will be cruising at the height of about 11 km over the land. hemoglobin /hi˘m´»gl´UbIn/(n) hemoglobin Hemoglobin absorbs oxygen and transports it to the tissues. hertz /»he˘ts/ (n) ukuran untuk bunyi. Hertz is used to measure sound. hit /hIt/ (v) memukul. Now, hit the drum. hole /h´Ul/ (n) lubang. Make two holes in the cardboard. image .»ImIdZ/ (n) bayangan. You can see your image in the mirror. incidence /insHǩdǩns/ (n) penyinggungan. Both rays are reflected with the same angles of incidence and reflection. incident /»InsId´nt/ (n) kejadian. They saw a terrible incident there. incoming work /In»k√mIN wŒ˘k/ (n) usaha kuasa. The kind of work that runs on a machine is called the incoming work. inertia /i»n´˘S´/ (n.) inersia kelambanan. The state of a matter is determined by the Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 8
  • 9. Dictionary work of its inertia. Inertia /i»n´˘S´/(n.) kelembaman.(1) The state of a matter is determined by the nature of its inertia. (2) An astronaut who pushes himself away from his spaceship will continue to drift away into space under inertia if he is not attached to a safety line. infrasonic /Infr´»sÅnIk/ (adj.) infrasonik. Infrasonic is used to measure sound with less than 20 Hz. inhabitant /In»hQbIt´nt/ (n) penduduk. The inhabitants of ancient Egypt used polished metal to see their faces. inner /»In´/ (adj.) bagian dalam. The inner part of the ear has a drum. insomnia /in»sçmni´/(n.) tidak dapat tidur. Insomnia can also be caused by consuming a certain drug. inspiration /InspI»reISn/(n) kegiatan memasukkan udara ke dalam rongga dada. Inspiration occurs as the result of the contraction of the intercostals muscles invent /In»vent/ (v) menemukan. Did Newton invent force? invisible/in»viz´bl/(adj.) tidak nampak, tidak kasat mata. Narcotics have the invisible effects on the body of one who consumes them. joint / dZçInt / (n) sendi, persendian. A point of contact between two or more bones, especially such a connection that allows motion. kilogram /»kIl´grQm/ (n) kilogram. The rock weighs a hundred kilograms. law /lç˘/ (n) hukum, teori. The law in Indonesia is not strict. Who found the law of reflection? leak/li:k/(v.) bocor. Oil spill in the sea occurred because the tanker leaked. lens /lenz/ (n) lensa. We don’t see a convex lens. light /laIt/ (adj.) ringan. Cotton is light, but stone is heavy. light /laIt/ (n) cahaya. When light changes to heat, the amount of energy is constant. light /laIt/ (n) cahaya. Light travels in a straight line in vacuum. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 9
  • 10. Dictionary liquid /»lIkwId/ (n) cairan. People like to use liquid soap. lymph nodes /kHloe mncy/(n) simpul limpa. Lymp nodes are found especially under the rmpits andd in the groin lymphocyte /lImfrHs /(n) limfosit. The lymphocyte is a type of white blood cell. machine /m´»Si˘n/ (n) pesawat, mesin. The washing machine does not work. Simple machines are used to make work easier. machinery /m´»Si˘n´ri/ (n) permesinan. Modern machinery is expected to result in efficiency. magnifying /»mQgnIfaIIN/ (adj.) memperbesar. If you cannot read small letters, use a magnifying glass. make up of /meIk √p ´f/ (v) membentuk. Paints make up of heavy metal like arsenic, lead and mercury. marching /mA˘tSM/ (n) berbaris. The soldiers are marching. mass /mQs/ (n) massa. A great mass of rock has fallen from a high hill. The gravitational force of objects is determined by two things: the mass of the objects and the distance between the objects. mass /mQs/(n.) masa. Atoms of different matters have different mass. matter /»mQt´/ (n.) benda, zat. Iron, gold, and zinc as well as water are example of matters. measure /»meZ´/ (v) mengukur. A scale measures the gravitational force of a person. Barometer is used to measure pressure. mechanical advantage/me»kQnIkl ´d»vA˘ntIdZ/ (n) keuntungan mekanik. Mechanical advantage is the number that shows the force multiplication done by a machine. medium /»mi˘di´m/ (n) alat atau perantara. A rope is a medium to make a wave. meristem / 'merIstem / (n) Jaringan pada tumbuhan di ujung batang atau akar tempat asal terbentuknya sel baru, misalnya daun atau tunas. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 10
  • 11. Dictionary metal /»metl/ (adj.) logam. Gold is fine metal. microscope /»maIkr´sk´Up/ (n) mikroskop. She sees cells with a microscope. minerals / [»mIn´r´lz /(n) Inorganic elements, such as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, or zinc, that are essential to the nutrition of human. mirror .»mIr´/ (n) kaca. A mirror has one lens. misuse /misju:s/ (n.) penggunaan yang salah. There is a misuse of pronouns in his writing. motion /»mouS´n/ (n.) gerakan. In the old times, actions were filmed but there were no motion pictures. motion /»m´USn/ (n) gerakan. Work is the energy that is sent through a motion. We just learned Newton’s laws of motion. motion/»m´USn/(n.) pergerakan. Motion takes place because of the act of force. movable /»mu˘v´bl/ (adj.) dapat bergerak. Are movable objects easy to measure? Pulleys can be fixed or movable. mucus / »mju˘k´s / (n) lendir multiplication /m√ltIplI»keISn/ (n) perkalian. Multiplication is more difficult than addition. muscle / »m√sl / (n) otot, urat. narcotics /nA:»kçtiks/ (n.) narkotika. Some narcotics are harmful drugs if they are not properly consumed. nature /»neItS´/ (n) sifat. Tha nature of light is not known. neutron /»nju:tr´n/ (n.) neutron, bagian inti atom yang tidak bermuatan listrik. In the center of an atom, there is part that has no electric charge called neutron. neutrophile /!mxt:!sq?ehk /(n) netrofil. There are several types of white blood cells, and the neutrophile is one of them. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 11
  • 12. Dictionary Newton /nju˘t´n/ (n) Newton. The English scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, did a lot of important work on forces. Mass is measured in kilogram, but weight is measured in Newton. node / n´Ud / (n) titik yang menonjol atau benjolan. The point on a stem where a leaf is attached. nucleus /»nju:kli´s/ (n.) inti. In the center of an atom, which is called nucleus, there is part that has no electric charge called neutron. nutrition /nutriS´n/(n.) zat gizi, gizi. Some drug addicts demonstrate lack of nutrition. observable /´b»z´˘vbl/ (adj.) dapat diamati. Indications of someone who is drug addicted are observable from physical appearances. observable/´b»z´˘vbl/(adj.) dapat diamati. The result of employing force on an object is observable in the form of movement or stationary state of the object. observe /´b»z´˘v/ (v) mengamati. We are observing the process of how sound is produced. opium /»oupj´m/(n.) . opium. Some narcotics come from poppies a kind of bush that produces opium. opposite /»Åp´zIt/ (adj.) berlawanan. In a tug-of-war game both teams put forces from opposite directions. optical /»ÅptIkl/ (adj.) optik. A mirror is the oldest optical instrument. organ /»ç˘g´n/ (n.) bagian tubuh. Negative effects of consuming narcotics may be obvious on vital organs of our body, such as liver. organ /»ç˘g´n/ (n) bagian/anggota badan, alat musik. Nose is one of our organs. Hasan is playing an organ. oscillate /»ÅsIleIt/ (v) berayun. The clock oscillates quickly. outcoming work /»aUtk√mIN wŒ˘k/ (n) usaha beban. The out-coming work in a machine is always lesser than the incoming work. outer /outǩr/ (adj.) bagian luar. Let’s observe the outer part of an ear. oxygen /»ÅksIdZ´n /(n) oksigin. Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 12
  • 13. Dictionary oxyhemoglobin /Pjshhi˘m´»gl´UbIn/ (n) oksihemoglobin. Oxymogloben is formed when hemoglobin binds oxygen parenchyma /o@qdM!jhldH/(n) parenkim. Another kind of the ground tissue is the parenchyma. particle /»pA:tikl/(n.) partikel. Rays are actually particles that travel very fast. part /pA˘t/ (n) bagian. The human body is a system that consists of different parts, each having its own function. phloem / floU'Im / (n) Semacam jaringan pada tumbuhan berpembuluh yang berfungsi menyalurkan zat makanan. photosynthesis /»f´Ut´U»sInT´sIs/n. fotosintesis. Carbohydrates are produced from carbon dioxide and water through the process of protosynthesis piece /pi˘s/ (n) sebuah. Get a piece of cloth to cover the drum. plant/plQnt/(n.) bangunan pembangkit. The nuclear plant that is planned to be built in the region is safe enough from hazardous radiation. poisonuous/»pçizn´s/(adj.) beracun. Some fermented stuff is dangerous because it is poisonous. polish /»pÅlIS/ (v) menggosok. Polish the metal to make it clear. pollution/p´»lu:Sn/ (n.) polusi. Everywhere in that industrial area there is pollution: air, soil, and water. powerful /»paUw´fUl/ (adj.) kuat. A force on a small area is powerful. press /pres/ (v.) memberi tekanan, menekan. If we press our fist to a wall, we put a force on the wall. pressure /»preS´/ (n) tekanan. The force on a small area gives a large pressure. principle /»prInsIpl/ (n) hukum, prinsip. Hydraulic machine can lift heavy things by applying the Pascal’s Principle. Do you know the principle of the work of a pulley? protein / »pr´Uti˘n / (n) protein. Fundamental components of all living cells and include many substances, such as enzymes, hormones, etc. that are necessary for the proper functioning of an organism. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 13
  • 14. Dictionary proton /»prout´n/ (n.) proton, bagian inti atom yang bermuatan listrik positif. In the center of an atom, there is part that has positive electric charge called proton. prove /pru˘v/ (v) membuktikan. The students have proved that a drum produces sound. psychoactive /,saikouQktiv/ (adj.) bersifat mengaktifkan mental. Narcotics are basically psychoactive substances. psychological /,saik´»lçdZik´l/ (adj.) bersifat kejiwaan. On their psychological state some drug addicts are affected to some degree. pull /pul/ (v.) menarik. When we pull an object, we also put some force on that object to move to our direction. pull /pul/ (v.) menarik. When we pull an object, we also put some force on that object to move to our direction. pulley /»pUli/ (n) roda penggerak, kerekan. A pulley is used to lift a heavy object. push /puS/ (v.) mendorong. When we push an object, we put some force on that object away from us. push /puS/ (v.) mendorong. When we push an object, we put some force on that object away from us. radioactive/reidi»ouQktiv/(adj.) radio aktif. Uranium is one of radioactive substances useful for various kinds of heavy industries. reaction force/ri»QkSn fç˘s/ (n) gaya reaksi. If you give a force of action against a wall, at the same time the wall will give you a reaction force. recycle/risaikl/(v.) mendaur ulang. The government of the City of Kyoto has established a plant to recycle various kinds of waste. reflect /rI»flekt/ (v) memantulkan. We described how light is reflected. reflection /rI»flekSn/ (n) pantulan. It is proved that the light reflection is sharp. refract /rI»frekt/ (v) membias. What objects refract much light? relation /rI»leISn/ (n) hubungan. What’s the relation between pressure and area? resistance force /rI»zIst´ns fç˘s/ (n) gaya beban. The force in a machine to overcome resistance is called resistance force. resonance /rezǝnǝns/ (n) resonansi. Resonance has many roles in our life. respiration /,respi»reiS´n/ (n.) pernafasan. Inhaling or exhaling air is a part of mechanisms in respiration. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 14
  • 15. Dictionary restless /restlis/(adj.) terus bergerak, tidak dapat diam. Inertia in a matter determines whether the matter is restless or at a standstill. rib / rIb/(n)). tulang iga. He fell down while skiing and broke two ribs rough /r√f/ (adj.) kasar. Don’t touch the rough surface. rubber /»r√b´/ (n) karet. The rubber sheet is good enough. semicircular /semi»s´˘kjUl´/ (adj.) setengah lingkaran. For the experiment, you need a semicircular object. sense of hearing /»sensÅv»hI´rIN/ (n) indera pendengaran, telinga. Bats’ sense of hearing is very sensitive. separately /»sep´r´tli/ (adv.) secara terpisah. The two holes are placed separately. several /»sevr´l/ (adj.) beberapa. Several chemicals are poisonous for us. sheet /Si˘t/ (n) lembaran. Use a sheet of paper to cover the beaker. shiver /Siv´/ (v.) gemetar. Drug addicts that are badly in need of narcotics consumption usually shiver a lot. sicken /sik´n/(v.) membuat sakit, menjadikan sakit. Dirty and polluted air in big cities sickens its citizen from various kinds of respiratory disorders. silver /»sIlv´/ (adj.) perak. Silver plate is not cheap. simplify /»simplifai/ (v.) menyederhanakan. Experts try to simplify the model of atoms in their laboratory experiments. skeleton / »skelItn /(n) sistem kerangka (terutama tulang), truktur. We have a strong skeleton inside our body so that we can stand upright. skeleton /»skelItn/ (n) rangka. Observe the skeleton of the complicated machine before you make a conclusion. smooth /smu˘D/(adj.) halus. Sugar is put on the smooth rubber sheet. solution /s´»lu:S´n/ (n.) larutan, pemecahan (masalah). (1) Dissolving sugar and salt in a glass of plain water with a proportion 2:1 can result in an ionic solution. (2) There has been no conclusive solution to the national problem of drug addiction. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 15
  • 16. Dictionary sound /saUnd/ (n) bunyi. Sound can even blow the flame of a candle. spasm /»spQz´m/ (n.) kejang otot. An indication of spastic disorders is spasm in which victims’ muscles cramp excessively. spastic /»spQstik/ (adj.) merusakan otak. Absence of coordination in the bodily movement among severe drug addicts is an indication of spastic disorders. species / »spi˘SIz / (n) pl. species: spesis. A group of organism belonging to a certain fundamental category. The pineapple belongs to the Ananas comosus species spectacles /»spekt´klz/ (n) kacamata. To read a book, I need spectacles. spherical /»sferIkl/ (adj.) berbentuk bola. For the experiment, put a spherical object. spleen /spli˘n / (n) limpa . The spleen cleans the blood and helps fight infection. spray /sprei/(v.) menyemprotkan. The farmer has the habit of spraying pesticides to get rid of harmful insects. spread out /»spred »aUt/ (v) menyebar. Sound can spread out via water. stem /stem/ (n) batang. Trim the stems before you put the flowers in the vase stirrup /»stIr´p/ (n) tingkap lonjong. Stirrup is another organ in the ear. stretch /strQS/ (v.) meregang. To some extent rubber can stretch without breaking. strike /straik/ (v.) memukul. He struck his knee with his hand. substance /»s√bst´ns/ (n) zat. A substance was added to the drinking product to give it yellow color. substance /»s√bst´ns/ (n.) zat. Narcotic drugs are addictive substances. successful /s√k»sesfUl/ (adj.) berhasil. The experiment is successful. suffer /»s√f´/ (v.) menderita, sakit. Almost everyday he suffered a lot from coughs after consuming opium. sugar /»SUg´/ (n) gula. Some people like sugar very much. surface /»s´˘fIs/ (n) permukaan. There is less friction with a smooth surface. surround /s´»raund/(v.) mengelilingi, mengitari. Narcotic drugs can be said now to surround the life of young generations. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 16
  • 17. Dictionary suspension /s´»spenSn/ (n) penyangga. The suspension bridge was broken. temperature /»tempr´tS´/ (n) suhu. A thermostat is a device to keep temperatures constant in an iron. terror /»ter´/(n) ketakutan, rasa takut. They escaped in terror because of the threat of upcoming tsunami waves. theory /»Pi´ri/ (n) teori. Rutherford is an expert that holds a theory that an atom is surrounded by electrons. thoracic cavity /snTqdjrHj !j8uHsh/(n) rongga dada. The thoracic cavity is the hollow part of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen. thunder /T√nd´/ (n) geledek. Does thunder come earlier than flash? tissue /»tISu˘ / (n) jaringan. They took a sample of tissue from the plant. tools /tu˘ls/ (n) alat-alat. Tools such as scissors, can openers and spanners are simple machines. traditionally /tr´»dISn´li/ (adv.) umumnya, biasanya. Traditionally, energy is defined as the ability to do work. Traditionally people use sugar , salt, vinegar and pepper for preservatives. transfer /trQns»f´:/ (v.) mengalir, memindahkan. Heat transfers from the area with higher air pressure to the one with lower air pressure. translucent /trQnz»lu˘snt/ (adj.) jernih. Can you give examples of translucent objects? transmit /trQnz»mIt/ (v) menghantar. The heat is transmitted by the metal. transmitter /trQnz»mIt´/ (n) alat pengirim bunyi. Do you know the frequency of the transmitter? transversal /transv?rsǩl/ (adj.) menyimpang. Transversal waves are produced by the rope. trap/trQp/(v.) memperangkap. The function of the chamber in the piston is to trap the gas evaporated from gasoline before it is burned. travel /travǩl/ (v) berjalan, bepergian, melewati, melalui. How does light travel? They travel round the world. Heat from the sun travels a long way before it arrives on earth. tremor /»trem´/ (n.) gemetaran, getaran. Tremor is also an indication of spastic disorders. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 17
  • 18. Dictionary trotting /trNtHng/ (n) derap sepatu. Didn’t you hear the trotting shoes of the soldiers? trough /trÅf/ (n) lembah. Why don’t you measure the trough of the wave? trunk / tr√Nk/ (n) badan batang pohon. The main woody body of a tree; The trunk of an oak tree is larger than the trunk of a coconut tree. turbulance /»t´˘bjUl´ns/ (n) pusaran. What a big turbulance! ultrasonic /»√lt´saUnIk/ (adj.) ultrasonik. Ultrasonic sound is more than 20,000 Hz. unconsciousness /√n»k´nS´snis/ (n.) pingsan, tidak sadarkan diri. Insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain can cause unconsciousness. urine /»ju´rin/ (n.) air kencing. Examination on someone accused of consuming narcotic drugs may be carried out through urine analyses. vascular plant / vQskjUl´ / (n) tumbuhan berpembuluh. velocity /vi»lçsiti/ (n.) kecepatan. If the distance and the time to go that distance are known, we can determine the velocity for traveling the distance. velocity/vi»lçsiti/(n.) kecepatan. If the distance and the time to go to that distance are known, we can determine the velocity for traveling the distance. vertebrate / »v´˘tIbr´t/ (n) binatang bertulang belakang. vibrate /vaI»breIt/ (v) bergetar. If the cords of the guitar vibrate, they produce sound. vibration /v`HbrdHRǩn/ (n) getaran. The vibration of a whistle can reach our ears. vomit /»vçmit/ (v.) memuntahkan, muntah. Workers in the factory vomited severely because of food poisoning. wave /weIv/ (n) gelombang. A wave has a peak and valley. wavelength /»weIvleNT/ (n) panjang gelombang. How do you measure the wavelength? Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 18
  • 19. Dictionary weigh /wei/ (v) berat, berberat. This chemical substance weighs one pound. weight /weIt/ (n) berat. What is the difference between mass and weight? work /w´˘k/ (n) usaha. How do we calculate work done? zylem /zAIl´m / also xylem Jaringan pembuluh yang menunjang dan menyalurkan air dan zat hara dari akar pada tumbuhan. Dictionary: Self-Learning Material Grade 8 19