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Energy	production,	consumption,	costs,	risks,	and	associated	externalities	have	
constituted	my	professional	career	and	public	endeavors	since	1973.		For	45	years	I	
have	been	immersed	in	continuous	research	and	analysis,	writing	and	speaking,	
policymaking,	pro	bono	advocacy,	and	worldwide	consulting	to	governments	and	
corporations	on	the	myriad	upsides,	downsides,	and	preferences	among	energy	
I	have	been	an	advocate	and	social	entrepreneur	promoting	energy	options	offering	
an	abundance	of	positive	externalities	and	a	dearth	of	negative	externalities.		Energy	
is	the	engine	that	drives	the	global	economy,	and	it	is	not	surprising	that	it	manifests	
diverse	spillovers,	both	good	and	bad.		By	several	accounts,	monetizing	the	impacts	of	
just	the	fossil	fuel	externalities	would	increase	global	direct	energy	costs	by		$5.5	
trillion	per	year	(viz.,	IMF	2015,	PRI/UNEP	FI	2010),	increasing	energy’s	share	of	
world	GDP	to	16	percent.	
I	have	tracked	and	contributed	to	the	technical,	political-economic,	socio-ecological	
literature	proliferating	in	the	cascade	of	energy	crises	and	threats	over	the	past	half	
century.		A	consistent	recommendation	running	throughout	innumerable	
assessments	is	to	increase	reliance	on	energy	services	that	have	the	least	lifecycle	
costs	and	risks.		Another	important	recommendation	is	to	methodologically	quantify	
and	incorporate	the	monetized	estimates	of	ancillary	benefits	and	externality	costs	
and	risks	associated	with	each	energy	option.	This	remains	an	ever-evolving	process,	
given	inherent	difficulties	and	limitations	of	quantifying	qualitative	and	inter-
temporal	attributes,	as	well	as	reaching	agreement	on	how	and	how	much	to	weight	
the	benefits,	costs	and	risks	of	each	attribute.	
A	dozen	criteria	that	recur	as	important	attributes	to	covet	in	each	delivered	energy	
service	include:		
• Economically	affordable	-	including	for	the	poorest	of	the	poor	and	cash-
• Safe	-	through	the	entire	life	cycle?	
• Clean	-	through	the	entire	lifespan?	
• Risk	-	is	low	and	manageable,	whether	from	technical	error,	financial	
instability,	price	volatility,	market	disruptions,	or	acts	of	malice?	
• Resilient	and	flexible	-	to	volatility,	surprises,	miscalculations,	human	error?	
• Ecologically	sustainable	-	no	adverse	impacts	on	biodiversity	or	ecosystem	
services,	including	over	multi-spatial	and	temporal	scales?	
• Environmentally	benign	-	maintains	clean	air	and	water,	enhances	soil	quality,	
leaves	no	cumulating	toxic	or	hazardous	chemicals,	locally	and	globally?
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• Fails	gracefully,	not	catastrophically	-	adaptable	to	abrupt	surprises,	crises,	
and	fat	tail	disasters	(“black	swans”)?
• Rebounds	readily	and	swiftly	from	failures	-	low	recovery	cost	and	lost	time?
• Endogenous	learning	capacities	–	intrinsic	features	breed	new	productivity	
• Robust	experience	learning	curves	--	scalable	innovation	possibilities	for	
reducing	negative	externalities	and	amplifying	positive	externalities?		
• Uninteresting	target	for	malicious	disruption	-	off	the	radar	of	terrorists,	
cyberattacks,	military	planners?		
It	is	imperative	to	keep	in	mind	and	take	into	consideration	that	uncertainty,	surprise,	
and	unforeseen	and	unintended	consequences	are	persistent,	pervasive,	and	intrinsic	
dynamics	permeating	the	future,	fraught	as	it	is	with	the	proverbial	known	unknowns	
and	unknown	unknowns	emergent	from	the	nonlinear	complex	adaptive	systems	
comprising	the	biosphere	and	anthropo/techno-sphere.	
Does	any	energy	service	offer	all	positive	gains	and	no	negative	consequences?		No.	
Especially	problematic	is	when	the	aggregated	energy	services	keep	expanding	(i.e.,	
7.5	billion	people	tending	to	10	billion,	now	using	~18	TeraWatts/year	of	power	and	
projected	to	increase	to	30+	TW	by	2050).			
Hence	a	plethora	of	methodologies	have	been	employed	to	ascertain	quantitative	and	
qualitative	indicators	that	address	these	energy	service	attributes,	many	of	which	I	
have	participated	in	the	development	process	over	the	decades.		I	continue	to	track	
prominent	methodologies,	newly	proposed	ones,	and	evaluations	of	their	respective	
strengths,	weaknesses,	and	evolving	nature	to	be	more	effective.		Methodologies	are	
essential	and	valuable	when	applied,	but	uptake	of	volunteer	ones	tends	to	be	low	
and	slow	(e.g.,	LEED	certification),	and	mandated	ones	tend	to	be	under-enforced	
(especially	in	developing	nations	like	China).	
In	the	case	of	half	a	century	of	state	and	federal	regulatory	oversight	of	public	utility	
services,	the	most	highly	recommended	best	practices	focus	on	fully	embracing	and	
robustly	implementing	comprehensive,	integrated	resource	planning	methodologies	
and	incentive	structures.		This	process	for	rating	and	ranking	the	least	lifecycle	cost-
and-risk	options	for	delivering	energy	services	to	the	point	of	use	(through	demand-
side	and	supply-side	options),	are	only	most	fully	being	applied	by	half	a	dozen	states	
End-use	energy	efficiency	services	are	the	top-rated	and	ranked	option	worldwide	for	
delivering	energy	services,	although	many	entrenched,	archaic	regulatory	
methodologies	fail	to	harness	but	a	small	fraction	of	the	available	portfolio.	The	
remarkable	drop	in	the	LCOE	(Levelized	Cost	of	Electricity)	of	wind	and	solar	power	
make	them	the	top	rated	&	ranked	competitors	after	efficiency	in	most	utility	markets	
(LBNL;	NREL),	particularly	when	externalities	are	accounted	for.
February	8,	2018	
A	COIN	platform	network	could	greatly	enhance	the	decision-making	and	investment	
process	for	delivering	utility	services,	and	help	derive	greater	benefits	at	or	below	the	
existing	cost	(Lovins;	PACE;	Synapse;	LBNL).		Conversation	exchanges	and	lively	
discussions	are	at	the	core	of	platform	interaction.		Further	enriched	with	high-
quality	shared	information,	and	access	to	real-time	dashboards	with	quantitative	and	
qualitative	wiki-facts	and	infographics	regarding	all	pertinent	aspects	of	delivering	
energy	services.		Visualization	and	simulation	of	scenarios	are	new	tools	becoming	
available.		The	platform	enables	expanding	the	interaction	of	participants	beyond	
regulators	and	utility	representatives,	to	encompass	any	locally	concerned	citizen,	
company,	city	or	campus.			
Populated	with	a	variety	of	apps	and	continually	enhanced	by	evolving	machine	
learning	algorithms,	the	platform	can	offer	a	range	of	services,	e.g.:	an	expanding	
repository	of	responses	to	questions	and	queries,	recommendations	and	
comparisons;	provide	real-time	monitoring,	evaluation	and	comparison	stats;	or,	
sharing	how	communities,	companies	and	campuses	are	aggregating	their	delivered	
energy	services	to	procure	competitively	priced	energy	services	with	zero	emissions,	
pollution	and	other	externalities.		The	ramifications	are	quite	prolific	in	possibilities;	
for	example,	early	city	and	company	adopters	could	leverage	the	platform	knowledge	
resources	and	algorithms,	as	are	being	planned	in	a	number	of	European	countries,	to	
expand	into	financing	other	cities	to	undertake	similar	money	saving,	environmental	
enhancing,	healthy	ROI	investments.	
Again,	these	attributes	are	not	all	equally	weighted,	nor	are	all	of	them	amenable	to	
weighting;	and	even	quantitative	weightings	evolve	over	time	as	new	knowledge	and	
evidence	emerges.		
My	own	professional	work	unfolded	during	the	evolving	debates	surrounding	energy	
crises	and	threats,	all	of	which	I	worked	on	through	policymaking,	at	various	times	at	
local,	state,	national	and	global	scales:		
1) Crippling	urban	air	pollution	from	the	1950s	on;	
2) Nuclear	power	cost	overruns	from	the	1960s	on;	
3) Middle	East	oil	disruptions	and	foreign	oil	dependency	from	the	1970s	on;	
4) Persian	Gulf	oil	wars	from	the	1970s	on;	
5) “Soil	for	oil”	conversion	of	intact	grasslands,	wetlands,	and	other	ecosystems,	
destroying	tropical	rainforests,	savannahs,	and	temperate	landscapes	to	
produce	ethanol	and	biodiesel	from	the	1970s	on;	
6) Biomass	combustion	in	developing	nations	causing	widespread	premature	
morbidity	&	mortality;	
7) Nuclear	accidents	from	the	1970s	on;	
8) Nuclear	reactor	fuel	proliferation	risks	from	the	1970s	on;	
9) Acid	rain	and	ozone-depleting	chemicals	from	the	1980s	on;	
10) Giant	oil	spills	from	1980s	on;	
11) Hydrodam	flooding	of	tropical	river	basins	threatening	one-third	of	
freshwater	fish	species,	spreading	infectious	diseases,	and	releasing	four	
percent	of	global	GHG	emissions;
February	8,	2018	
12) Environmental,	ecological,	and	cultural	issues	associated	with:	wind	power	
(e.g.,	bird	and	bat	kills);	solar	PV	(hazardous	chemicals	and	materials);	and	
some	energy	efficient	products	(e.g.,	sky	pollution	from	bright	LED	street	
lights,	or	ODP/GWP	(ozone-depleting/global	warming	potential)	of	
refrigerants)	and	energy	efficient	building	poor	designs	(tight	construction,	
poor	ventilation,	and/or	incorrect	moisture	control	causing	indoor	air	
13) Water	dependency	(45%	of	total	U.S.	extraction	for	thermal	power	plants,	
and	very	high	consumption	rates	for	biofuel	plantations);		
14) Catastrophic	climate	destabilization	threat,	ocean	acidification,	coral	reef	
extinctions,	from	the	1990s	on;	and,	
15) Cyberattacks	on	large	energy	installations,	transmission	grids	and	pipelines	
from	2000	on.		
It	is	widely	acknowledged,	but	remains	underappreciated,	that	delivering	energy	
services	through	(cost-competitive)	efficiency	improvements	ranks	superior	to	all	
energy	supply	options.		The	core	attribute	of	efficiency	is	using	information/	
knowledge	to	deliver	energy	services	with	declining	levels	of	mass	and	energy	input	
and	waste/pollutant	output.		Efficiency	has	driven	(and	been	driven	by)	innovations	
since	time	immemorial,	and	play	especially	prominent	roles	during	industrial	
revolutions.		The	cost-effective	pool	has	been	and	remains	immense,	with	efficiency	
gains	in	the	USA	now	displacing	some	30	million	barrels	of	oil	equivalent	per	day	over	
the	past	half	century,	while	accruing	multi-hundred	billion	dollar	yearly	savings	
(Rosenfeld;	Lovins;	ACEEE).			
Many	assessments	indicate	half	of	all	new	energy	services	can	be	delivered	at	least-
cost-and-risk	by	efficiency	gains	in	the	U.S.	&	OECD	nations,	and	75	percent	of	new	
energy	services	are	achievable	throughout	developing	nations	–	at	2	to	15	times	less	
cost	than	supply	options	–	while	achieving	multi-trillion	dollar	savings	and	accruing	
comparably	large	avoided	externality	costs,	i.e.,	tax-free,	ratepayer-free	reductions	in	
emissions	and	pollution	(viz.,	McKinsey,	LBNL,	RMI,	ACEEE).			
Moreover,	the	pool	of	efficiency	gains	is	rapidly	growing	with	the	expansion	of	the	3rd	
Industrial	Revolution	(Rifkin)/4th	Industrial	Revolution	(WEF)	GAIN1	technologies	
and	business	model	innovations	&	disruptions.		This	is	based	on	the	accelerating	
scientific,	technological,	and	engineering	advances	driving	(and	recursively	being	
further	driven	by)	the	electrification,	digitization,	digitalization,	Internetization,	
algorithmization,	mass	minimization/miniaturization,	and	modularization	of	goods	
and	services	throughout	the	economy	and	society.		Especially	valuable	opportunities	
are	occurring	as	these	myriad	technology	disruptions	converge	to	offer	super-
exponential	growth	and	gains	(Seba).		
Displacement	of	combustion	with	electrification	technologies,	for	example,	garners	an	
intrinsic	35	percent	efficiency	gain,	saving	money,	as	well	as	securing	all	the	
1	GAIN	is	the	acronym	for	Genetics,	Auto-robotics,	Informatics	and	Nanotechnologies.
February	8,	2018	
upstream	benefits	of	reduced	emissions	and	pollution.			Another	example	is	buildings	
outfitted	with	wireless	smart	sensor	networks	streaming	continuous	data	through	
machine	intelligent	algorithms,	that	are	enabling	continuous	commissioning	of	high	
performance	facility	operations	achieving	80%	energy	savings	in	these	nanogrid-
capable	buildings	(Infosys	2014).			
Even	greater	gains	loom	at	the	system	scale,	where	these	multiple	technology	
disruptions	converge	to	enable	such	radically	more	energy	and	resource	efficient	and	
financially	remunerative	options	like	fleets	of	on-demand	autonomous	electric	
vehicles,	and	the	synergistic	inter-connection	of	electric	vehicles,	nanogrid-operated	
buildings	with	onsite	solar	power	and	battery	storage,	and	the	utility	grid	(Seba;	
Lovins;	Kempton;	Rifkin).			
Cities	take	on	critical	importance	as	distributed	mini-grid	platforms,	with	the	
potential	to	connect	neighborhood	microgrids	that	in	turn	aggregate	clusters	of	
nanogrid-operating	buildings,	coupled	with	EVs	as	plug-in,	detachable,	interoperable,	
mobile	picogrids.		Cities	can	laterally	connect	to	form	regional	macrogrids,	further	
linking	into	multi-state	smart	supergrids.		A	fractal	network	emerges,	designed	to	be	
resilient,	even	anti-fragile	(Taleb),	so	that	if	and	when	the	system	fails,	it	does	so	
gracefully	and	limited	in	scope,	with	innumerable	“islands”	of	sustained	operation,	
and	not	catastrophically	collapsing	the	whole	system.			
There	is	already	one	such	platform	network	operating	within	the	Department	of	
Defense,	focused	on	the	mandate	that	all	military	bases,	installations	and	facilities	
implement	solar-	and	renewable-powered	microgrids,	with	onsite	storage,	capable	of	
fully	operating	in	“island	mode”	if	the	grid	or	pipeline	collapses.		Making	that	network	
open	source	would	enable	spillover	to	the	cities	also	wishing	to	become	as	anti-
fragile.		Big	data	sets,	for	example,	indicate	half	of	U.S.	rooftops	are	solar	capable,	with	
a	technical	potential	of	generating	1,432	terawatt-hours	(TWh)	of	annual	rooftop	
solar	PV,	roughly	one-third	of	total	U.S.	electricity	consumption.		In	some	states,	like	
California,	the	rooftop	generation	potential	is	75	percent	(NREL	2016).		Solar	
canopies	sited	on	ground	spots	could	triple	this	technical	potential	(parking	lots,	
along	rail	and	roadways,	on	superfund	sites,	etc.).	
Annual	surveys	of	commercial	and	institutional	building	owners/operators	rank	
energy	security	at	the	top	of	their	concerns	and	investments,	along	with	efficiency	to	
reduce	energy	costs	and	emissions	(Johnson	Controls	2017).			Unisys	Security	Index,	
the	leading	security	barometer,	found	two-thirds	of	Americans	are	most	concerned	
about	national	security	and	threat	of	terrorism,	and	more	than	half	are	worried	about	
cyber-attacks	(Unisys	2017).			
Americans	also	show	comparably	high	levels	of	support	for	solar,	wind,	and	
renewables	(Leiserowitz	et	al.	2017).		Herein	lies	a	tremendous	opportunity,	
harnessing	Americans’	security	concerns	to	support	their	cities	in	emulating	the	
military’s	island-able,	renewable-powered	microgrid	network	mandate.		It	would	
derive	significant	ancillary	free	benefits	of	deep	emission	and	pollution	reductions.
February	8,	2018	
Several	analysts	have	even	suggested	using	the	sovereign	backing	of	government	to	
provide	“homeland	security	bonds”	for	accelerating	the	transformation	(Totten	
2017).		Other	ancillary	benefits	include	significant	employment	and	business	
creation,	and	robust	export	market	opportunities.	
Overall,	there	are	compelling	assessments	by	numerous	public	and	private	entities	
regarding	the	looming	technology	and	business	model	disruptions	of	legacy	systems	
and	incumbent	industries	that	indicate	potentially	huge	declines	in	capital/operating	
expenses	(capex/opex),	materials	and	energy	inputs,	plus	emissions,	pollutants,	and	
wastes	outputs,	while	delivering	an	increasing	amount	of	energy	and	mobility	
services	(Seba	2014;	BCG,	McKinsey,	Goldman	Sachs,	Morgan	Stanley,	PWC,	Deloitte,	
Numerous	challenges	and	barriers	occurring	at	multiple	levels	and	myriad	
institutions	do	require	addressing	as	these	opportunities	scale.		Efficiency	gains,	for	
example,	confront	two	major	issues	in	need	of	attention:		
1)	Possible	“rebound”	effects	(sometimes	occurring	when	efficiency	gains	lower	
the	cost	of	purchase	and/or	operation	of	a	product,	which	could	lead	to	greater	
use	that	negates	efficiency	gains;	plus	the	aggregate	effect	of	more	people	
purchasing	the	lower	cost	device	can	lead	to	increasing	overall	energy	
consumption);	and,		
2)	Most	policies,	rules,	regulations,	budgets,	R&D,	and	subsidies	worldwide	are	
crafted	for	traditional	supply	options,	resulting	in	significant	untapped,	lost	
efficiency	(and	solar	and	wind)	opportunities	with	each	passing	year	(Caldeira	
2010;	McKinsey).			
There	are	value-leveraging	resolutions	for	each	of	these	issues	that	remain	
My	professional	efforts	have	largely	focused	on	promoting	energy,	water	and	
resource	efficiency	policies	and	market-based	incentives,	plus	superseding	
antiquated	regulations,	and	removing	unnecessary	barriers	(technical,	financial,	
informational,	institutional).		This	began	with	serving	as	the	Executive	Assistant	to	
the	Chairman	of	the	Orange	County	(CA)	Board	of	Supervisors	in	the	latter	1970s,	
promoting	solar	access	ordinances	and	solar-capable	roof	designs	and	building	
orientation	to	dramatically	reduce	solar	installation	costs	at	some	later	date.			
In	1979	I	became	Executive	Director	(ED)	of	President	Carter’s	Clearinghouse	on	
Community	Energy	Efficiency,	distributing	voluminous	numbers	of	documents	on	
best	practices	to	a	network	of	Mayors,	City	Managers,	County	Executives,	and	State	
Legislators.		During	this	period	I	also	authored	the	volumes,	Local	Alternative	Energy	
Futures,	and	Energy-Wise	Options	for	State	and	Local	Governments,	as	well	as	the	1984	
platform	strategy	document,	Road	to	Trillion	Dollar	Energy	Savings.
February	8,	2018	
In	the	early	1980s,	as	Executive	Director	of	the	national	Energy	Conservation	
Coalition,	I	was	lead	advocate	promoting	the	4-title	Energy	Efficient	America	Act	
(establishing	national	appliance,	building,	and	vehicle	efficiency	standards).	In	1984,	I	
successfully	shepherded	Congressional	funding	for	a	new	Least-Cost	Utility	Planning	
Initiative	program	to	promote	market-driven	public	utility	regulatory	changes	that	
incorporated	demand-side	efficiency	opportunities	as	competitive	energy	service	
I	drafted	the	12-title,	250-page	Global	Warming	Prevention	Act	of	1988-89,	with	
efficiency	as	the	critical	core	action.	It	was	introduced	by	Rep.	Claudine	Schneider	(R-
RI)	and	promoted	as	the	“U.S.	Economic	Productivity	Enhancement	and	
Competitiveness	Export	Act,”	given	the	multi-trillion	dollar	gains	and	savings	it	would	
help	catalyze	while	also	accruing	multi-trillion	dollar	avoided	costs	in	emissions	and	
pollution	reductions,	and	declines	in	vulnerable	foreign	oil	imports.		One-third	of	the	
U.S.	House	members	cosponsored	the	legislation,	and	endorsed	by	several	dozen	
major	environmental,	consumer,	labor,	religious,	scientific,	and	business	
At	the	same	time,	I	have	strongly	advocated	for	those	supply	options	with	multiple	
attributes	that,	as	a	composite,	are	highly	preferred	because	of	their	lesser	risks	and	
impacts.		At	the	present	time	these	include	solar	PV,	solar	dishes,	solar	thermal-
electric/concentrated	solar	power,	onshore	and	offshore	wind	power,	and	a	
miscellany	of	locally	and	regionally	available,	affordable,	and	acceptable	renewable	
options	(biowastes,	geothermal,	and	hydrokinetic	water,	wave,	and	tidal).			
It	is	assumed	that	in	all	cases	rigorous	environmental	and	cultural	assessments	are	
conducted,	and	qualified	siting	and	specified	construction	requirements	are	adhered	
to.		More	than	a	dozen	global	and	national	energy	assessments	have	been	conducted	
in	recent	years	that	indicate	a	100	percent	renewable	powered	global	economy	is	not	
only	technically	feasible	and	affordable,	but	financially	rewarding	over	business-as-
usual	(e.g.,	Jacobson	&	Delucchi	2017	&	2018;	Breyer	et	al	2017	&	2018;	Lovins;	
Many	national	energy	assessments	incorporate	significantly	large-scale	biofuel	
plantation	expansion,	which	is	arguably	an	unsound	component,	ecologically,	
climatically,	and	economically.		For	example,	biomass	for	fueling	internal	combustion	
engines	(ICEs)	incurs	a	land	footprint	30	to	60	times	larger	than	wind	or	solar	
powering	EVs,	has	a	water	footprint	100-fold	larger,	and	emits	air	pollution	and	
emissions.		Carbon	opportunity	cost	calculations	per	hectare	also	show	“solar	power	
can	provide	at	least	100	times	more	useable	energy	per	hectare	on	three	quarters	of	
the	world's	land”	compared	to	growing	biofuel	crops	(Searchinger	et	al.	2017).	
In	the	Catastrophe	Zone
February	8,	2018	
In	the	nearly	three	decades	that	have	passed	since	first	drafting	the	Global	Warming	
Prevention	Act,	the	threat	of	catastrophic	climate	destabilization	is	proving	to	be	far	
greater	a	peril	than	ever	imagined.		Our	generation	is	racking	up	massive	planetary	
emission	debts	that	will	heavily	burden	and	adversely	impact	more	than	several	
hundred	generations	to	come	(Rockstrom	2017).2			
Mercator’s	global	carbon	clock	shows	the	lower	estimate	carbon	budget	scenario	to	
stay	under	1.5	degrees	Celsius	is	totally	exhausted,	with	a	deficit	burden	
accumulating	1,268	tons	of	CO2	every	second,	surpassing	78	million	tons	of	CO2	
emissions	as	of	mid-December	2017.			
Even	the	most	optimistic	higher	estimate	carbon	budgets	for	a	1.5°C	warmer	world	
will	exhaust	the	136	million	ton	remaining	budget	within	the	next	40	months	(mid-
2021).		We	will	exhaust	the	carbon	budgets	for	a	2°C	warmer	world	some	time	
between	2025	and	2039.		Even	worse	news	is	now	regularly	reported:	
“Our	study	indicates	that	if	emissions	follow	a	commonly-used	business-as-usual	
scenario,	there	is	a	93%	chance	that	global	warming	will	exceed	4°C	by	the	end	of	
this	century.	Previous	studies	have	put	this	likelihood	at	62%.”	[Brown	&	Caldeira,	
Nature,	12-07-2017]				
And	this	worse	news	begets	more	worse	news:	a	4°C	global	average	temperature	
increase	could	trigger	10	identified	‘tipping	elements,’	potentially	flooding	the	
atmosphere	with	massive	emission	increases	that	could	push	global	temperatures	to	
and	beyond	7°C	(Rockstrom	2017;	Lenton	2016;	Schellnhuber	2016).			
For	example,	there	is	between	225	and	345	GtC	in	thawed	permafrost	which	may	
eventually	be	released	at	a	2°C	stabilization	target,	and	only	~30%	lower	at	1.5°C	
stabilization.		Due	diligence	on	our	part,	ethically,	morally	and	financially,	calls	for	
closely	examining	how	to	make	better-informed	investment	decisions	to	entirely	
avert	these	locked-in	costs	and	risks	our	generation	is	now	moving	to	impose	on	the	
next	350	generations	(Burke	2017;	Rockstrom	2017).			
Negative	Emission	Technologies	(NETs)	will	be	necessary	to	deal	with	the	rapidly	
accumulating	carbon	debts.		Most	Net	options	are	currently	riddled	or	plagued	with	a	
myriad	of	problems	that	lead	many	scientists	and	economists	to	strongly	caution	
against	locking	the	future	into	colossal	dependence	on	these	still-unproven	
technologies.	This	unequivocally	requires	reversing	our	current	practices	of	
postponing	(delaying	and	doing	little)	the	deep,	steady	reductions	of	humanity’s	
current	50	GtC02-e	per	year	of	emissions;	achieving	zero	emissions	by	2050,	and	80	
percent	reductions	by	2035	(Anderson	2017;	Jacobson	&	Delucchi	2017	&	2018).			
2	MIT	Cosmology	Professor	Max	Tegmark	does	suggest	in	his	new	book,	Life	3.0,	that	the	eventual	
achievement	of	artificial	general	intelligence	(AGI)	poses	an	even	greater	catastrophic	threat	to	
humanity	than	climate	cataclysms.		Time	will	tell,	but	for	this	century	climate	poses	a	larger	peril,	and	
one	in	which	benign	AI	applications	can	play	a	vital	role	in	rapidly	collapsing	emissions.
February	8,	2018	
Given	the	abundance	of	available,	competitive,	emission-free	options	for	displacing	all	
new	fossil-fueled	power	plants,	an	obvious	immediate	step	is	shifting	the	many	
hundreds	of	billions	of	dollars	out	of	expanding	fossil	fuels	and	into	the	emission-free	
opportunities.		Equally	important	is	accelerating	replacement	of	all	combustion	
devices	(i.e.,	gas	furnaces,	boilers,	water	and	space	heaters,	stoves,	industrial	
processes)	with	electric-powered	devices,	displacing	all	internal-combustion	engines	
with	electric	vehicles,	and	replacing	current	fossil-fueled	thermal	power	plants	with	
end-use	efficiency	gains,	plus	solar	and	wind	power.		These	are	major	opportunities	
that	many	countries	are	already	pursuing.	
There	is	also	one	immediately	available,	well	tested,	verified,	and	totally	benign	“geo-
engineering”	NET	option	to	scale	globally:		increasing	the	albedo	(heat	reflection)	of	
urban	rooftops	and	pavements	worldwide.	By	reflecting	rather	than	absorbing	the	
sun’s	heat	cities	remain	cooler,	require	fewer	thermal	power	plants	for	air-
conditioning,	and	retain	cleaner	air	and	experience	fewer	smog	episodes.			
The	pioneering	research	and	experiments	on	high-albedo	urban	surfaces	carried	out	
by	Dr.	Art	Rosenfeld	and	Hashem	Akbari	at	Lawrence	Berkeley	National	Lab	since	the	
1980s	--	who	I	was	honored	to	collaborate	with	at	the	outset	while	working	in	
Congress	and	for	several	subsequent	decades	--	has	given	rise	to	an	exceptionally	
large	global	opportunity	that	offers	a	fast	payback,	zero-emissions	means	of	cooling	
More	than	50	gigatons	of	CO2–e	could	be	kept	out	of	the	atmosphere,	while	accruing	
several	trillion	dollars	in	cumulative	savings	and	avoided	costs	(Akbari	et	al.	2012;	
Rosenfeld	et	al.	2009).		For	comparison,	to	match	the	carbon	savings	from	increasing	
urban	surface	albedo	it	would	take	more	than	10%	of	existing	world	crop	hectares	to	
grow	costly	biofuel	crops	for	displacing	fossil	fuels	with	BECCS	power	plants	(Bio-
energy	with	carbon	capture	and	storage),	or	roughly	the	same	area	and	costs	to	
displace	a	percentage	of	vehicle	fuels.	
All	assessments	and	estimates	of	future	emission	levels,	climate	sensitivity,	impact	
costs,	and	mitigation	insurance	costs,	no	matter	how	quantitatively	rigorous	the	
models	can	strive	to	be,	remain	illustrative	projections,	not	forecasts,	given	so	many	
Still,	the	scenarios	and	models	merit	close	scrutiny,	as	when	studies	indicate	future	
costs	for	BECCS	ranging	from	$89	to	$535	trillion,	depending	on	global	emissions	
staying	level	or	rising	2	percent/year	(Hansen	et	al	2017;	Smith	et	al	2015).		Greater	
scrutiny	is	also	needed	regarding	the	financial	implications	of	scientists’	estimates	of	
future	societal	impact	costs	this	century	that	could	exceed	$1,200	trillion	(mean	
value);	these	are	currently	off	the	radar	of	all	government	agencies	who	are	making	
multi-hundred	billion	infrastructure	investments	with	total	disregard	to	
consequences	50	to	100	years	in	the	future	(Parry	et	al.	2009).
February	8,	2018	
These	are	immense	costs	that	at	the	very	least	command	significantly	greater	funding	
to	spur	R&D	advances,	breakthroughs,	and	innovative	solutions	on	the	various	
mitigation,	negative-emission	technology,	and	resilient	adaptation	options.		This	is	
vital	and	imperative,	but	hardly	sufficient.	Far	more	preferable,	essential	and	effective	
--economically,	ecologically,	and	equitably	--	is	to	accelerate	declines	of	the	world’s	50	
GtC02-e	emissions	to	zero	as	rapidly	as	feasible	(80%	by	2035	and	100%	in	the	2040-
2050	time	frame),	in	order	to	halt	the	accumulating	carbon	debt	(1,278	tCO2	per	
second).		This	is	critical	for	steeply	lowering	the	probability	of	triggering	tipping	
elements	that	could	foreclose	many	NET	options	(e.g.,	one-third	of	global	croplands	
are	projected	to	be	lost	due	to	climate	impacts	given	business-as-usual).	
The	sobering	reality	is	that	the	incremental	gains	in	slowing	emissions	now	being	
applied	are	woefully	inadequate	to	tackle	this	unprecedented	challenge	of	global	and	
historical	magnitude.		Accelerating	and	scaling	the	evolving	best-in-play	
opportunities	is	now	an	imperative,	buttressed	with	a	significant	pipeline	of	private	
and	public	innovations	emerging	from	a	steady	stream	of	well-funded	Basic	and		
Applied	R&D,	Demonstrations,	and	Commercialization.				
For	context,	the	Landscape	of	Climate	Finance	Flows	monitoring	system	assessed	
2015/2016	at	a	global	total	of	$410	billion	per	year	(Climate	Policy	Institute	2017).		
As	Harvard	Economics	Professor	Martin	Weitzman	has	been	arguing	for	more	than	a	
decade,	a	minimum	“insurance”	policy	against	catastrophic	climate	destabilization	
would	be	allocating	more	like	$2.5	trillion	per	year	towards	mitigation,	i.e.,	at	least	3	
percent	of	the	$74	trillion	global	GDP	(comparable	to	what	is	now	allocated	for	air	
and	water	pollution	control).		Recent	assessments	indicate	roughly	half	that	sum	is	
necessary	for	transforming	to	an	emission-free	global	energy	system	(IEA	2017).			
Such	massive	numbers	numb	the	mind	and,	more	importantly,	give	no	indication	as	to	
how	innovatively	these	funds	are	being	or	will	be	applied	(or	even	if	the	funds	will	be	
forthcoming	by	national	governments)	so	as	to	result	in	harnessing	robust	lifecycle	
least-cost-and-risk	opportunities	that	also	garner	multi-attribute	benefits.			
Several	global	energy	assessments	that	do	take	these	factors	into	consideration	
encouragingly	find	the	emission-free	future	scenarios	could	result	in	financially	
competitive	LCOEs	compared	to	business-as-usual	LCOE	projections,	while	accruing	
tens	of	trillions	of	dollars	in	annual	direct	savings	and	avoided	externality	costs	(e.g.,	
Jacobson	et	al.	2017	&	2018;	Breyer	et	al.	2017	&	2018;	Hawken	et	al.	2017;	Lovins	et	
al.	2016).	
Obviously,	modeling	and	scenarios	are	not	so	much	harbingers	as	possibilities	and	
potentialities.		Only	continuous	actions,	adaptively	evolving,	that	are	scaled	and	
accelerated	over	time	and	geographical	locations	will	reveal	their	efficacy.		And	the	
current	U.S.	Administration	and	Congress,	dominated	and	controlled	by	climate	
deniers	who	are	intent	on	promoting	more	fossil	fuel	consumption	while	retarding	
the	market’s	growth	of	emission-free	competitive	solutions,	underscores	the	
wildcards	in	play	that	could	derail	the	best	available	opportunities.
February	8,	2018	
Moreover,	even	supposing	a	supportive	President	and	Congress,	the	embedded	
incumbent	industries	and	century-old	legacy	political-economic	infrastructure	
designed	around	and	for	growing	and	sustaining	the	fossil-centric	energy	engine	of	
the	last	industrial	revolution,	with	its	pipeline	and	stovepipe	mode	of	process	
operation,	is	not	conducive	nor	optimally	configured	for	the	level	of	accelerated	
scaling	of	innovations	now	imperative.			
The	emergence	of	Platform	networks,	however,	offers	a	technology	disruption	that	is	
proving	to	be	the	vital	tool	now	needed	for	scaling.	Platforms	foster	COINs	--
collaborative	innovation	and	collective	intelligence	networks	(Benkler	2006;	Gloor	
2017;	Chase	2016),	generating	prodigious	levels	of	interaction	that	are,	in	turn,	
generating	prolific	levels	of	new	value,	opportunities,	and	outcomes.		Platform	
networks	are	increasingly	proving	to	be	highly	disruptive	to	legacy	systems	and	
incumbent	businesses	(Choudary	2015;	Ismail	et	al.	2014;	Parker	et	al.	2017).	
Parallel	to	my	immersion	in	energy	specifically,	and	ecological	sustainability	
generally,	has	been	my	ceaseless	engagement	in	promoting	COIN	networks,	beginning	
with	pursuit	of	a	PhD	at	Stanford	University	in	1976	that	I	abandoned	in	favor	of	
creating	an	Internet-based	social	enterprise	working	with	a	group	of	fellow	
consultants	in	Berkeley	in	anticipation	of	public	access	to	the	ARPANET	civilian	spin-
off.		The	focus	was	on	sharing	high-quality,	well-quantified	information	and	
knowledge	that	could	be	used	to	intervene	at	public	utility	commissions	in	proposing	
end-use	efficiency	investments	as	far	lower	in	cost	and	risk	to	the	many	thousands	of	
large	coal	and	nuclear	power	plants	then	being	approved	for	construction.	
When	the	opening	arose	to	become	Executive	Director	of	the	President’s	
Clearinghouse	for	Community	Energy	Efficiency	I	seized	the	opportunity	to	shift	the	
program	from	the	costly	process	of	distributing	paper	documents	by	snail	mail,	to	
digitizing	documents	for	Internet	distribution,	combined	with	an	electronic	query	
network	for	the	local	officials	and	staff.		That	whole	effort	was	shut	down	the	first	
month	of	President	Reagan’s	term	of	office.	
But	my	Internet	networking	efforts	continued	throughout	the	1980s	while	working	as	
Chief	Advisor	to	U.S.	Representative	Claudine	Schneider	(R-RI),	as	noted	above,	in	
regard	to	setting	up	an	Internet-based	communication	initiative	between	state	public	
utility	commissioners	about	lifecycle	least-cost-and-risk	integrated	planning	
methodologies	and	innovative	market-driven	regulations	and	incentive	rate	reform.	
My	promotion	of	global	Internet-based	networks	accelerated	in	the	1990s,	when	I	
headed	up	the	small	social	enterprise	initiative,	the	Center	for	Renewable	Energy	and	
Sustainable	Technology	(CREST).		CREST	pioneered	the	production	of	hypermedia	
and	interactive	multimedia	CD-ROMs	as	well	as	Internet	communication	exchanges,	
for	sharing	immense	amounts	of	information	tools	and	knowledge	resources	with	
information-starved	developing	country	professionals	and	citizens.
February	8,	2018	
With	the	advent	of	web	browsers	we	began	migrating	the	contents	and	interactive	
apps	from	the	20+	CD-ROMs	onto	the	Web.		For	a	period	of	time	in	the	1990s	CREST	
was	one	of	the	largest	Internet	open	source	sites	of	energy	efficiency,	renewable	
energy,	and	green	building	information	and	tools.		For	this	innovative	social	
enterprise	I	was	honored	with	the	Lewis	Mumford	Prize	in	2000,	given	by	the	
Architects,	Designers	&	Planners	for	Social	Responsibility	(ADPSR).	
Raising	funds	for	such	a	trans-disciplinary	distribution	network	of	digital	and	
Internet-based	resources	proved	extremely	difficult.	Government	bureaucrats	were	
risk	averse.	Foundations	operated	in	silos	that	didn’t	communicate	among	each	other	
and	were	totally	unfamiliar	with	this	technical	thing,	the	Internet.		And	West	Coast	
venture	capitalists	were	not	interested	in	a	social	enterprise	that	had	no	hockey	stick	
payout	exit	strategy.	
I	took	the	next	step	in	2000	by	aligning	with	one	of	the	most	prestigious,	large	and	
well-funded	NGOs,	the	World	Resources	Institute.		I	co-headed	WRI’s	Sustainable	
Enterprise	Program,	launching	the	Internet-based	social	enterprise	known	as	Safe	
Climate,	Sound	Business.		The	business	plan	focused	on	accelerating	climate	solutions	
and	best-in-practice	local,	state	and	national	policies,	while	sustaining	the	site	by	
marketing	the	most	energy	efficient	products,	initially	to	the	memberships	of	the	
dozen	largest	NGO	groups	that	included	a	pool	of	some	10	million	citizens.		But	the	
2001	dot-bomb	brought	this	project	to	an	abrupt	closure.	
When	one	of	the	biggest	NGOs	in	the	world,	Conservation	International	(CI),	received	
a	$35	million	grant	from	Gordon	Moore	(ultimately	more	than	$600	million)	to	
network	the	world’s	conservation	scientists	as	a	way	of	accelerating	information	
sharing	and	GIS	mapping	of	high-biodiversity	ecosystems,	and	William	Ford	donated	
$25	million	to	launch	CI’s	Center	for	Environmental	Leadership	in	Business,	I	was	
asked	to	be	Chief	Advisor	on	Energy,	Climate,	Water	and	Green	Economics,	and	
develop	innovative	Internet-based	initiatives.		
CI’s	field	programs	operating	in	40	biodiversity-rich,	cash-poor	developing	nations,	
confronted	multiple,	interconnected	challenges	that	all	came	down	to	how	to	promote	
ecologically	sustainable	economic	development,	fostering	sustainable	livelihoods	for	
impoverished	citizens,	while	also	protecting	some	of	the	richest	biodiversity	habitat	
on	the	planet	from	being	burned	down,	and	preventing	the	myriad	ecosystem	
services	from	being	destroyed	(watersheds,	mangroves,	peatlands,	grasslands,	
forests,	coral	reefs,	etc.).			
My	work	over	the	past	half-century	has	followed	and	worked	on	the	wicked	problems	
many	of	these	nations	were	mired	in,	choosing	to	liquidate	their	irreplaceable	
ecosystems	for	securing	the	funds	to	pay	for	importing	expensive	fossil	fuels,	
construct	large	hydrodams,	and	expand	vast	plantations	of	bioenergy	crops.		During	
this	time	I	was	invited	in	2007	to	spend	a	year	as	Senior	Climate	Advisor	at	helping	on	climate	solution	initiatives	in	China.
February	8,	2018	
This	was	prompted	by	my	prior	three-year	effort	co-leading	CI’s	business	team	
working	with	Walmart	to	analyze	the	global	ecological	footprint	of	their	stores,	
operations	and	supply	chain,	and	help	develop	their	sweeping	sustainability	
commitments.	Our	assessment	found	90%	of	the	footprint	was	in	the	supply	chain,	
and	80%	of	the	supply	chain	was	located	in	China.	
My	efforts,	both	in	working	with	Walmart	in	the	U.S.	and	in	China,	as	well	as	during	
my	secondment	at,	was	focused	on:	1)	leveraging	Walmart’s	immense	
procurement	clout	to	drive	manufacturing	of	higher	efficiency	products	(lights,	
appliances,	consumer	electronics,	trucks,	electric	motors)	for	Walmart	and	their	
suppliers	to	market	as	well	as	use;	and,	2)	leverage	Walmart	and	their	suppliers	to	
push	for	innovative	utility	regulatory	reform	both	in	the	U.S.	and	China.			
Walmart	quickly	grasped	that	it	was	good	business	sense	for	utilities	to	provide	
energy	efficiency	incentives	to	Walmart	stores	and	distribution	centers,	to	Walmart’s	
suppliers’	manufacturing	facilities,	and	to	Walmart’s	100	million	customers,	to	
purchase	the	most	efficient	energy-consuming	products.	This	led	them	to	join	with	
intervenor	groups	like	NRDC	to	testify	in	support	of	integrating	demand	resources	
into	utility	decisionmaking.				
The	plan	for	China	was	to	install	a	digital	tracking	system	of	all	the	motors,	pumps,	
compressors,	fans,	lights,	cooling,	refrigeration,	etc.	used	in	the	10,000+	supplier	
facilities,	then	aggregate	the	devices	that	could	be	replaced	with	high-efficiency	
models,	and	bid	the	saved	GWs	and	GigaWatt-hours	(GWhs)	as	a	lower	cost	service	
option	than	building	numerous	proposed	coal	plants	and	hydrodams.		Electric	motors	
and	drive	system	equipment	consume	60	percent	of	China’s	electricity,	and	30	to	50	
percent	high-ROI	savings	are	available	through	retrofits	and	new	purchases,	
This	was	already	being	done	in	Jiangsu	Province	as	a	result	of	a	successful	initiative	
spearheaded	by	NRDC	and	the	Regulatory	Assistance	Project,	with	funding	by	the	
Energy	Foundation.		Some	10	GW	of	savings	from	efficient	motor	replacements	were	
identified,	which	they	wittily	call	Efficiency	Power	Plants	(EPPs),	with	an	incredibly	
low	LCOE	of	just	1	cent	per	kWh	–	some	10	times	lower	than	delivered	industrial	
retail	prices.	
The	focus	on	China	while	at	Google	was	derailed	when	decided	to	not	use	
any	of	the	available	$100	million	in	China	as	a	result	of	China	imposing	Internet	
censorship	rules.		My	time	was	salvaged	by	developing	a	White	Paper	on	the	multiple	
benefit	opportunities	that	could	accrue	to	Great	Plains	farmers	and	ranchers	who	
embraced	wind	farms	as	the	new	“cash	cows”	(Totten	2007).			The	Great	Plains	states,	
where	95%	of	U.S.	terrestrial	strong	wind	resources	exist,	remain	heavily	dependent	
on	fossil	fuels;	fortunately,	that	is	finally	changing	in	the	decade	since	my	assessment	
(albeit	still	too	slowly).
February	8,	2018	
Much	of	the	Great	Plains	is	projected	to	become	plagued	with	continuous	dust	storms	
this	century	that	make	the	1930s	Dust	Bowl	look	miniscule;	and	much	of	the	region	
may	become	uneconomic	for	farming	or	ranching	for	a	millennium	after	all	emissions	
are	halted	(Solomon	et	al.	2008).			
Currently	75	percent	of	the	Great	Plains	is	farmed	or	ranched,	while	only	generating	
around	5	percent	of	the	region’s	GDP.	In	sharp	contrast,	several	million	large	wind	
turbines	located	across	3	percent	of	the	Great	Plains	landscape	could	generate	twice	
the	level	of	revenues	through	royalty	fees,	while	generating	most	of	the	nation’s	
electricity	consumption.		And	90	percent	of	that	land	would	still	be	available	for	eco-
restoration,	or	ongoing	farming/ranching.		[Amazingly,	packing	all	the	turbine	towers	
into	one	space	would	fit	inside	one	of	Wyoming’s	large	coal	strip	mines!]	
Most	of	all,	the	secure,	sustainable	income	source	would	enable	shifting	to	some	of	
the	most	promising	ecological	farm	and	ranching	practices	developed	over	the	past	
half	century	at	research	centers	like	The	Land	Institute	in	Kansas,	headed	by	the	
innovative	plant	biologist	Wes	Jackson.	Jackson	and	his	colleagues	are	productively	
growing	deep-rooting	native	prairie	grasses	that	better	retain	soil	and	water,	while	
enhancing	soil	carbon	and	are	more	tolerant	to	prolonged	droughts.			
Jackson	and	colleagues	have	also	developed	a	50-year	“farm	bill”	that	shows	how	to	
scale	the	ecological	farm	practices	nationwide	to	replace	the	more	soil-erosion	prone,	
higher	water	consuming,	less	drought	tolerant,	monoculture	annual	crops.		It	is	a	
promising	opportunity	to	restore	soil	carbon,	reduce	the	need	for	petrochemical	
fertilizers,	and	reduce	water	demand	(Jackson	&	Berry).	Again,	entrenched	
incumbents	and	legacy	policy	systems	are	proving	very	resistant	to	embracing	
Furthermore,	these	herbaceous	perennial	polycultures	co-evolved	with	bison	herds.		
To	date,	mainly	billionaire	Ted	Turner,	as	well	as	some	tribal	nations,	are	investing	in	
the	synergism	of	wind	farms,	restored	prairie	grasses	and	reintroduced	bison	herds,	
serving	as	proof-of-concept	for	an	opportunity	capable	of	being	scaled	many	orders	of	
I	continued	to	periodically	work	with	Walmart	on	the	metrics	and	multiple	
sustainability	targets	we	helped	develop	for	and	with	them,	including	continuous	
pursuit	of	efficiency	gains,	promotion	of	marketing	high-efficiency	products,	shifting	
to	100	percent	renewables	by	2020,	and	achieving	a	zero	waste	stream,	among	
numerous	other	initiatives.		There	is	much	to	be	said	about	this	engagement	process,	
but	to	single	out	one	excellent	outcome:	fuel	efficiency	gains	of	Walmart’s	Class	8	
truck	fleet,	the	largest	private	fleet	in	the	world.		
Prior	to	the	sustainability	initiative	in	2005,	Walmart	was	proud	it	was	increasing	its	
fleet	average	fuel	efficiency	of	6.5	mpg	by	10	percent,	and	pursuing	a	shift	to	
biodiesel.		Biodiesel	for	the	fleet’s	140	million	gallon	demand	would	require	121,000	
ha	(300,000	acres)	of	oil	palm	plantations.	Instead,	with	our	team	partner	Amory
February	8,	2018	
Lovins	and	his	RMI	colleagues,	who	had	just	completed	a	major	oil	displacement	
report	for	the	Pentagon,	Winning	the	Oil	Endgame,	explained	in	meticulous	detail	that	
commercially	available	efficiency	gains	could	double	Walmart’s	fleet	average	at	a	cost	
of	$12	per	barrel	oil	saved,	and	could	be	tripled	for	a	cost	of	$18	per	barrel	of	oil	
saved.		Tripling	would	reduce	fleet	demand	to	46	million	gallons,	and	eliminate	the	
need	for	two-thirds	of	the	biodiesel.		Walmart	embraced	the	opportunity,	and	has	
surpassed	doubling	efficiency	and	closing	in	on	tripling	fuel	efficiency.		Walmart’s	
recent	order	of	eight	Tesla	electric	semi-trucks	is	a	sign	of	this	continuing	efficiency	
Several	of	my	key	proposals	were	thought	premature	for	Walmart	to	take	up,	as	for	
example	in	2005	when	I	shared	with	Rob	Walton,	CEO,	an	analysis	of	how	much	
electricity	Walmart	could	generate	on	its	140,000	acres	of	parking	lots	and	roof	tops.		
The	cost	of	solar	was	so	much	higher	than	the	huge	pool	of	efficiency	opportunities,	
that	Walmart	took	another	decade	before	they	realized	that	solar	and	wind	costs	had	
dropped	precipitously,	and	began	the	aggregate	purchasing	off-site	wind	and	onsite	
solar	power.		Walmart	also	has	become	one	of	the	strongest	advocates	for	allowing	
utility	retail	customers	to	aggregate	their	operations	for	selling	unused	MWhs	
(Demand	Response)	into	the	wholesale	grid	market	(FERC	Order	745).	
My	initiatives	this	past	decade	have	essentially	melded	efforts	catalyzing	an	emission-
free	world	energy	system	with	the	power	of	COIN	platform	networks.	This	has	been	
done	through	three	consulting	initiatives.	As	a	Senior	Fellow	for	one	year	at	the	Rocky	
Mountain	Institute	in	2014,	I	developed	a	COIN	platform	network	concept	to	facilitate	
interaction	and	sharing	efforts	among	cities	and	college	campuses	already	committed	
to	achieving	net	zero	emissions.			
In	2015,	at	the	request	of	the	MacArthur	Foundation,	WWF’s	Market	Institute	
contracted	with	me	to	review	and	assess	the	large-scale	carbon	protection	and	
restoration	initiative	they	had	submitted	to	the	Foundation	for	funding.		WWF	had	a	
proposal	carbon	target	that	ramped	up	to	~7.6	Gt	CO2e	per	year	of	emissions	
reductions	achievable	by	2040.			
After	validating	the	proposed	savings	were	within	the	range	of	achievability,	my	
recommendations	focused	on	methods	and	mechanisms	for	increasing	the	likelihood	
of	securing	such	large	savings	by	dealing	with	a	number	of	pernicious	difficulties	that	
plague	land-based	changes	over	long	time	periods.		Blockchain	encrypted	micro	
ledger	techniques,	for	example,	could	be	employed	to	raise	assurance	of	the	integrity	
and	trustworthiness	of	claimed	results.		Simultaneously,	operating	a	COIN	platform	
network,	enabling	continuous	discussion	and	interaction	among	and	between	
government	agencies,	corporations,	civil	stakeholders,	and	academic	researchers,	
would	be	invaluable	in	identifying	problems	arising,	and	how	to	carry	out	any	
necessary	adaptive	management	changes	as	new	insights	and	evidence	became	
February	8,	2018	
In	2016,	the	prolific	author	Jeremy	Rifkin,	Wharton	School	Lecturer	on	disruptive	
technologies,	economic	and	social	theorist,	and	proponent	of	the	Third	Industrial	
Revolution	(TIR),	asked	me	to	join	his	team	working	on	the	TIR	initiative	in	Europe.		
This	involved	extensive	researching,	analysis,	writing,	editing,	conducting	group	
discussions	with	multi-stakeholders,	and	doing	workshop	presentations,	on	the	final	
500-page	TIR	Strategy	documents	we	prepared	for	Luxembourg,	and	for	the	
Metropolitan	region	of	Rotterdam	and	Den	Haag.		Jeremy	and	I	had	collaborated	in	
the	1980s	in	promoting	the	book,	The	Green	Lifestyle	Handbook:	1001	Ways	to	Heal	
the	Earth,	and	my	subsequent	decades	of	work	on	energy	and	climate	solutions	and	
COIN	platform	networks	nicely	complemented	his	prodigious	efforts	furthering	TIR	
concepts	and	opportunities.	
My	particular	contributions	in	preparation	of	the	TIR	Strategic	document,	in	addition	
to	documenting	pathways	to	a	100	percent	renewable	powered	economy	(without	
biofuels,	nuclear	power	or	new	hydrodams),	was	in	detailing	the	importance	of	COIN	
platform	networks.		Face-to-face	meetings	among	and	between	the	participants	in	
what	Europeans	refer	to	as	the	quadruple	helix	of	innovation	systems3,	combined	
with	a	deep-dive	Strategy	document,	are	invaluable,	but	must	be	seen	as	the	first	
major	leg	of	an	ongoing,	sustained	dialogue	during	implementation	of	actions.		
Imperative	is	anchoring	this	process	within	a	COIN	platform	network	that	serves	a	
multitude	of	purposes,	the	most	important	of	which	is	the	capacity	to	scale	(Choudary	
2016).		A	platform	network’s	unique	asset	of	scalability	will	prove	immeasurably	
valuable	in	interconnecting	cities,	campuses,	companies	and	citizens	across	the	globe	
to	share,	exchange,	and	continually	raise	the	bar	of	what	is	achievable.	
My	ongoing	efforts	in	this	direction	involve	incorporating	the	cutting	edge	research	
and	initiatives	of	Virtual	Reality	and	Augmented	Reality	(VR/AR)	visualization	tools	
as	integral	parts	of	a	COIN	platform	(in	addition	to	access	by	smartphone	and	
laptops).		Interactive	VR/AR	offer	the	capability	of	visualizing	complex,	complicated,	
and	difficult	topics	for	many	people	unable	or	unwilling	to	tackle	dense	documents	
and	numerical	analyses.		At	the	same	time,	it	allows	for	teams	of	players	to	
collaboratively	innovate	by	sharing	their	collective	intelligence.	
This	is	already	proving	to	be	of	considerable	value	for	conducting	the	BIMStorm	
process	evolving	over	the	past	three	decades	by	leading	architecture	practitioners	
like	Kimon	Onuma,	FAIA.		Integrated,	as	well	as	sequential,	teams	of	architects,	
engineers,	construction	firms,	facility	managers,	procurement	and	inventory	
management	administrators,	and	financial	officers,	are	able	to	view	the	entire	
lifecycle	building	process	from	design	and	budgeting	through	construction,	
commissioning,	operation,	restoration,	and	end-of-life	reuse	on	one	platform	
3	The	quadruple	helix	innovation	system	is	an	interaction	model	comprised	of	representatives	from	
government,	business,	academic,	and	civil	stakeholders.		See:	Cavallini	et	al	(2016)	Using	the	
Quadruple	Helix	Approach	to	Accelerate	the	Transfer	of	Research	and	Innovation	Results	to	Regional	
Growth,	European	Union,	Committee	of	the	Regions;	and	Carayannis	and	Campbell	(2009)	‘Mode	3’	
and	‘Quadruple	Helix’:	toward	a	21st	century	fractal	innovation	ecosystem,	Int.	J.	Technology	
Management,	Vol.	46,	Nos.	3/4.
February	8,	2018	
network.		The	California	Community	College	system,	and	U.S.	military	health	facilities	
are	two	of	the	largest	institutions	in	the	world	applying	this	open	source,	multi-factor	
authentication,	cost	saving,	sharing	platform.	
I	am	currently	in	the	process	of	co-developing	a	demo	of	how	a	VR	climate	control	
room	can	allow	individuals	and	teams	to	visualize	energy	and	climate	solutions	at	the	
campus	and	city	scales.	
One	abiding	insight	from	45	years	of	immersion	in	the	overlapping	fields	of	energy	
services,	ecological	sustainability,	environmental	externalities,	and	the	digitalization	
of	the	economy,	is	the	continuous	surfacing	of	creative	innovations	and	bold	new	
ideas.		My	efforts	and	cultivated	expertise	have	concentrated	on	going	beyond	
isolated	silos	and	narrowly	defined	and	artificially	constrained	perspectives	(whether	
disciplines,	institutions,	policies),	to	look	for	cross-connecting	and	interlinked	
opportunities	among	innovations	that	simultaneously	address	two	or	more	pressing	
challenges	(e.g.,	energy-water-food-land-biodiversity-climate-pollution-security	
nexus).		It	has	been,	and	remains,	a	highly	productive,	rewarding,	and	energizing	
Citations	available	upon	request:

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Michael P Totten GreenATP: APPortunities to catalyze local to global positive...
Michael P Totten
Riding perfect storm - TRIPLE STRENGTH PORTFOLIO Healthy, Sustainable Economi...
Riding perfect storm - TRIPLE STRENGTH PORTFOLIO Healthy, Sustainable Economi...Riding perfect storm - TRIPLE STRENGTH PORTFOLIO Healthy, Sustainable Economi...
Riding perfect storm - TRIPLE STRENGTH PORTFOLIO Healthy, Sustainable Economi...
Michael P Totten
MP Totten TEDx Singapore talk april 3 2012
MP Totten TEDx Singapore talk april 3 2012MP Totten TEDx Singapore talk april 3 2012
MP Totten TEDx Singapore talk april 3 2012
Michael P Totten
GreenATP ucla anderson business school mp totten 06 11
GreenATP ucla anderson business school mp totten 06 11GreenATP ucla anderson business school mp totten 06 11
GreenATP ucla anderson business school mp totten 06 11
Michael P Totten
Michael P Totten DENIN talk "Water in an Uncertain Climate Future" focusing o...
Michael P Totten DENIN talk "Water in an Uncertain Climate Future" focusing o...Michael P Totten DENIN talk "Water in an Uncertain Climate Future" focusing o...
Michael P Totten DENIN talk "Water in an Uncertain Climate Future" focusing o...
Michael P Totten
Howard University Sigma Xi talk Biocomplexity Decisionmaking MP Totten 11-10
Howard University Sigma Xi talk Biocomplexity Decisionmaking MP Totten 11-10Howard University Sigma Xi talk Biocomplexity Decisionmaking MP Totten 11-10
Howard University Sigma Xi talk Biocomplexity Decisionmaking MP Totten 11-10
Michael P Totten
Michael P Totten A Climate For Life Mesh Talk Bioneer Los Angeles 12 09 09
Michael P Totten A Climate For Life Mesh Talk Bioneer Los Angeles 12 09 09Michael P Totten A Climate For Life Mesh Talk Bioneer Los Angeles 12 09 09
Michael P Totten A Climate For Life Mesh Talk Bioneer Los Angeles 12 09 09
Michael P Totten
Michael P Totten presentation Sustainability Opportunities Summit, Denver, Ma...
Michael P Totten presentation Sustainability Opportunities Summit, Denver, Ma...Michael P Totten presentation Sustainability Opportunities Summit, Denver, Ma...
Michael P Totten presentation Sustainability Opportunities Summit, Denver, Ma...
Michael P Totten
Biocomplexity Decisionmaking 03 07 09
Biocomplexity Decisionmaking 03 07 09Biocomplexity Decisionmaking 03 07 09
Biocomplexity Decisionmaking 03 07 09
Michael P Totten
Totten Climate For Life Presentation 02 13 09 Duke Symposium Final Update
Totten Climate For Life Presentation 02 13 09 Duke Symposium   Final UpdateTotten Climate For Life Presentation 02 13 09 Duke Symposium   Final Update
Totten Climate For Life Presentation 02 13 09 Duke Symposium Final Update
Michael P Totten

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Michael P Totten GreenATP: APPortunities to catalyze local to global positive...
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Riding perfect storm - TRIPLE STRENGTH PORTFOLIO Healthy, Sustainable Economi...
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MP Totten TEDx Singapore talk april 3 2012
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GreenATP ucla anderson business school mp totten 06 11
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GreenATP ucla anderson business school mp totten 06 11
Michael P Totten DENIN talk "Water in an Uncertain Climate Future" focusing o...
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Howard University Sigma Xi talk Biocomplexity Decisionmaking MP Totten 11-10
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Michael P Totten A Climate For Life Mesh Talk Bioneer Los Angeles 12 09 09
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Michael P Totten presentation Sustainability Opportunities Summit, Denver, Ma...
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Biocomplexity Decisionmaking 03 07 09
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