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TThhee KKeeyy FFoorr SSuucccceessssffuull LLiivviinngg
TThhee 77 HHaabbiittss ooff 
HHiigghhllyy EEffffeeccttiivvee PPeeooppllee 
• There is no real excellence in all this world 
which can be separated from right living
• Common deep personal & professional problems: 
– How to reach the career goals set without losing personal 
and family life? 
– How can I keep a promise I make to myself? 
– How can a manager train his employees to be independent 
and responsible if it happened once that this manager was 
home sick for a day? 
– How can one really congratulate a friend enthusiastically 
for achieving some degree of success and recognition 
without eating his heart out? 
– There’s so much to do and there’s never enough time. How 
can I manage my life effectively?
The Key for Successful Living 
Personality Ethic Character Ethic 
Focus on attitude and 
behavior  minor change 
To change the situation first 
we have to change ourselves 
and our perceptions  
significant, quantum change 
Works in short term situation 
(symptomatic treatment) 
Has personal worth in the 
long term relationship 
Social band aids that treats 
only acute problems 
Treats the underlying chronic 
The Key for Successful Living 
• Primary and secondary greatness 
– Quit lacking at the leaves of attitude and behavior 
(secondary greatness) 
– Get to work on the root, the character (primary 
greatness) from which these attitude and behavior 
The Power of a Paradigm 
• A paradigm is : 
– A frame of reference, a model 
– A perception, assumption 
– The way we perceive, understand & 
accordingly interpret and judge things. A 
mental map.
• Two people can see the same thing, 
disagree and yet both be right. 
• The more we examine the way we see 
things, the more we can test them against 
• Listen to others and be open to their 
perception, to get a far more objective view.
Being Is Seeing 
Be  See  Think  Feel  Behave 
• We cannot change our seeing without 
changing our being 
• If you want to have…. Be…. 
• The seven habits paradigm: 
– An “inside-out” approach to personal and 
interpersonal effectiveness
Can we create a HABIT? 
• We are what we repeatedly do 
• Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit 
• Habits are learned and unlearned 
• We are not the habits, hence we can change 
Effectiveness is defined as p/pc 
• p= production = what is produced, the desired 
results produced 
• pc = production capacity = producing asset. 
Maintaining, preserving and enhancing the 
resources that produces the desired results 
• Maintain the p/pc balance: 
– Balance short term with long term 
– Take time to invest in a relationship 
– Win the customer more than the call
The Seven Habits Paradigm
Principles of Personal Leadership 
• Move yourself from dependence to 
independence, the foundation for effective 
• Achieve private victory, the foundation for 
public VICTORY 
• Achieve self mastery through self 
awareness, self confidence and self 
Principles of Personal Leadership 
• Prepare yourself for interpersonal 
• Build a changeless inner core, from which 
your attitude and behavior flow 
• Build the principle center that gives you 
the wisdom and power to adapt to change 
and to take advantage of the opportunities 
that change creates.
The Maturity Continuum
Character & Personality 
Although image, techniques and skills can 
influence your outward success, the weight 
of real effectiveness lies in good character.
Character & Competence 
Character A person with high character 
exhibits integrity, maturity and an 
Abundance Mentality. 
Competence A person with high competence has 
knowledge and ability in a given 
As people balance these two elements, they build their 
personal trustworthiness and their trust with others.
Character & Competence 
Character Competence
 Integrity 
 Maturity 
 Abundance Mentality 
 Interdependency 
 Technical skills 
 Qualifications 
 Knowledge 
 Experience 
Habit 1 
Three theories of determinism affecting our 
response to a certain stimulus 
• Genetic determinism (DNA) 
• Psychic determinism (childhood experience) 
• Environmental determinism (boss, spouse, 
economic situation, notational policies)
Habit One : Be Proactive 
The Habit of Personal Vision 
The Four Human Endowments: 
Self-Awareness – Examining thoughts, moods and 
Imagination – Visualizing beyond experience and 
present reality (work on alternatives) 
Conscience – Understanding right and wrong and 
following personal integrity 
Independent Will – Acting independent of external 
Stimulus Choose Response 
Imagination Conscience 
HHaappppiinneessss iiss lliikkee uunnhhaappppiinneessss,, aa pprrooaaccttiivvee cchhooiiccee
• Responsibility = “Response-ability” 
• Proactive people: 
– Behavior in the product of one’s decision based on 
– Personal leaders 
– Take the initiative and are solutions to problems 
– Successfully handle direct, indirect and no control 
• Reactive people: 
– Behavior is the product of one’s condition based 
on feelings 
– Unhappy people who feel victimized and 
immobilized, who focus on the weaknesses of 
other people 
– Blame other people and circumstances they feel 
are responsible for their own stagnant situation.
Reactive Language Proactive Language 
There's noting I can do Let’s look at our alternations 
That’s just the way I am I can choose a different approach 
He makes me so mad I control my own feelings 
They won’t allow that I can create an effective presentation 
I have to do that I will choose an appropriate 
I can’t I choose 
I must I prefer 
If only I will
No Concern 
Circle of Concern
Circle of Concern 
Circle of Influence
Circle of 
Circle of Influence 
Circle of 
Circle of Influence 
(Negative energy reduces 
the Circles of Influences) 
(Positive energy enlarges 
the Circles of Influences)
Habit 2 
with the 
End in Mind
• Start with a clear understanding of your 
• Picture deeply what kind of husbands, wife, 
father or mother would you like to be? 
• What kind of son or daughter or cousin? 
• What kind of friend? 
• What kind of working associate?
• Assume at your funeral, how would family, 
colleague, friend, church, etc talk about you 
• Assume today’s the last day in your life 
• Assume: 
• Body - Had a heart attack; Mind – Life of 
your profession is 2 years; Heart – Other 
person is clairvoyant; Spirit – You met with 
the Almighty
Habit Two 
Begin with the End in Mind 
The Habit of Personal Leadership 
Mental Creation Precedes Physical Creation 
To start with a clear understanding of your 
Choose a Life Center
• Create a personal mission statements = a 
personal constitution, a frame of reference 
• Align your daily behavior with your life 
• Business = “busy-ness” 
• Climbing the ladder of success: 
effectiveness vs. efficiency
Circle of Concern 
Circle of Influence 
• Our deepest center: 
– Work 
– Family 
– Spouse/Husband 
– Friend 
– Religion 
– Self 
– Pleasure 
– Possessions 
– Money 
– Enemy
Power Security 
Wisdom Guidance
Our four life-supporting ffaaccttoorrss ddeerriivvee ffrroomm 
tthhee vveerryy cceenntteerr ooff oouurr cciirrccllee ooff iinnfflluueennccee 
• SSEECCUURRIITTYY: Sense of worth, self esteem 
& personal strength 
• GGUUIIDDAANNCCEE: Source of direction in life 
• WWIISSDDOOMM: Perspective on life 
• PPOOWWEERR: Decision making ability
• A principle center: 
– Creating a solid changeless core, from which 
flow the four life-support factors. 
– Correct principles do not change 
– a principle-centered person stands apart from 
the emotion of the situation and evaluates the 
• A principle center: 
– You won’t be acted upon by other people or 
– See change as an exciting adventure and 
opportunity to make significant contributions.
Habit Two 
Begin with the End in Mind 
The Habit of Personal Leadership
Habit Two 
Begin with the End in Mind 
The Habit of Personal Leadership 
Someone who is principle-centered bases decisions on 
principles that govern human effectiveness. Principles are 
the ideal core because they allow us to seek the best 
alternative through conscious choice, knowledge and values. 
Principle-centered people try to : 
Stand apart from the emotion of a situation and from other 
factors that would act on them. 
Make proactive choices after evaluating options.
Habit Two 
Begin with the End in Mind 
The Habit of Personal Leadership 
Mission Statement 
A powerful document that expresses your personal sense of 
Purpose and meaning in life. It acts as a governing 
Constitution by which you evaluate decisions and choose 
Define Leadership & 
Leadership deals with Direction 
(Doing the right things) 
Management deals with Speed, 
Co-ordination, Logistics in moving 
in that direction 
(Doing the things RIGHT)
Habit 3 
Put First 
Things First 
Things which 
matter most must 
never be a the 
mercy of things 
which matter 
Statement Roles Goals 
Roles Goals Plans 
Two Factors to Define Any 
• Urgency - An activity is urgent if you or 
others feel that it requires immediate 
• Importance - An activity is importance if 
you personally find it valuable, and if it 
contributes to your mission values, and 
high-priority goals.
Time management matrix 
II -- PPrrooccrraassttiinnaattoorr 
Not Urgent 
IIIIII –– ‘‘YYeess MMaann’’ 
Not Important 
IIVV -- SSllaacckkeerr 
Not Urgent 
Not Important
TThhee TTiimmee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt MMaattrriixx 
Urgent & Important 
Activities Results 
• Crises 
• Pressing problems 
• Deadline-driven projects 
• Stress 
• Burnout 
• Putting out fires
TThhee TTiimmee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt MMaattrriixx 
Not urgent but Important 
Activities Results 
• Prevention, PC activities 
• Relationships building 
• Recognizing new 
• Planning recreation 
• Vision 
• Balance 
• Discipline 
• Control 
• Few crises
The Time Management Matrix 
Urgent but Not Important 
Activities Results 
• Interruptions, some calls 
• Some mail, some reports 
• Some meetings 
• Proximate, pressing 
• Popular activities 
• Short-term focus 
• Crisis management 
• Feel victimized, out of 
• Broken relationships
The Time Management Matrix 
Not Urgent & Not Important 
Activities Results 
• Trivia, busy work 
• Some mail 
• Some phone calls 
• Time wasters 
• Pleasant activities 
• Dependent on others 
• Total irresponsibility 
• Fired from jobs
UUrrggeenntt NNoott UUrrggeenntt 
. Crisis 
. Pressing problems 
. Deadline-driven projects, 
meetings, preparations 
. Preparation 
. Prevention 
. Values clarification 
. Planning 
. Relationship building 
. True re-creation 
. Empowerment 
. Interruptions, some 
phone calls 
. Some mail, some reports 
. Some meetings 
. Many proximate, 
pressing matters 
. Many popular activities 
. Trivia, busywork 
. Some phone calls 
. Time wasters 
. “Escape” activities 
. Irrelevant mail 
. Excessive TV 
NNoott IImmppoorrttaanntt IImmppoorrttaanntt
Habit Three - Put First things First 
The Habit of Personal 
Attach to 
s Time 
Habit Three - Put First things First 
The Habit of Personal 
“Effective people have genuine Quadrant 1 crises and emergencies 
that require their immediate attention, but the number is 
comparatively small. They keep P and PC in balance 
by focusing on the important, but not urgent, 
activities of Quadrant II”
Habit Three - Put First things First 
The Habit of Personal 
Things which matter most must never be at the 
mercy of things which matter least. 
The Key is not to prioritize your schedule but 
to schedule your priorities.
Habit Three - Put First things First 
The Habit of Personal 
Put First things First involves a six-step, QII process 
That will help you act on the basis of importance. 
Importance, in the context of Put first things First, is defined 
By your mission statement and confirmed by your conscience. 
The six steps can be used in weekly planning or as often as needed. 
Connect to Mission Review Roles Identify Goals 
Organize Weekly Exercise Integrity Evaluate
Public Victory 
There can be 
and no 
1 integrity. 
Put First 
Things First
• The p/pc balance in an interdependent 
• The emotional bank account 
– The amount of trust built up in a relationship 
– The feeling of safeness that makes 
communication easy, instant and effective
• SSiixx mmaajjoorr ddeeppoossiittss 
– Understanding the individual 
• Uncover the person’s deep interest or needs 
• Treat them all the same by treating them differently 
– Attending to the little things 
• Kindness and courtesies are the big things
• SSiixx mmaajjoorr ddeeppoossiittss 
– Keeping commitments 
• Keep a promise you have made or explain the situation 
and ask to be released from it. 
– Clarifying expectations 
• Conflicts arise form ambiguous expectations about roles 
and goals
• SSiixx mmaajjoorr ddeeppoossiittss 
– Showing personal integrity 
• Goes beyond honesty 
• Build the trust of those who are present by being loyal 
to those who are not present 
– Apologizing sincerely when you make a withdrawal 
• It is the weak who are cruel, gentleness can only be 
expected from the strong
P problems are PC opportunities 
• Problems create the opportunity to build a 
deep relationship – the emotional bank 
account that empowers us to work together 
as a strong complementary team.
Habits One, Two & Three 
The first three habits help develop a deep base of character and 
personal security . Once these 3 habits become part of who you are 
you are then ready to begin building rich enduring highly 
productive relationships with other people and that’s where habits 
four, five and six come in.
Habits Four, Five & Six 
These are the habits that lead to interdependent relationships. 
Habit Four : Think Win-win 
The attitude of seeking solutions, so that every one can win. 
Do this by communicating. This is done by Habit Five 
Habit Five : Seek first to understand, then to be understood 
Habit Six : This is the habit of creative co-operation - Synergy 
This happens when two sides in a dispute work together to come with 
a solution which is better than what either side initially proposed.
Habit 4 
We have 
committed the 
Golden Rule to 
memory; let us 
now commit it to 
Put First 
Things First
Six Paradigms of human 
• Win/win 
• Win/lose 
• Lose/win 
• Lose/Lose 
• Win 
• Win/win or no deal
• Seeks for mutual benefit 
• All parties feel good about the decision and feel 
committed to the action plan 
• Sees life as cooperative, not competitive 
• There’s plenty for everybody 
• Believes in the third alternative 
• Listens more, stays in communication longer, and 
communicates with more courage.
Habit Four - Think Win-Win 
The Habit of Interpersonal 
Win-Lose : People with a win-lose mindset are concerned with 
themselves first and last. They want to win, and they want others to 
lose. They achieve success at the expense or exclusion of another’s 
success. They are driven by comparison, competition, position, and 
•Is very common scripting for most people 
•Is the authoritarian approach. 
•Uses position, power, credentials, possessions, or personality to get 
the “Win”.
Habit Four - Think Win-Win 
The Habit of Interpersonal 
Lose-Win : People who choose to lose and let others win show high 
consideration for others, but lack the courage to express and act on 
their feelings and beliefs. They are easily intimidated and borrow 
strength from acceptance and popularity. 
•Voices no standards, no demands, no expectations of anyone else. 
•Is quick to please or appease. 
•Buries a lot of feelings.
Habit Four - Think Win-Win 
The Habit of Interpersonal 
Lose-Lose : People who have a lose-lose paradigm are low on 
courage and consideration. They envy and criticize others. They 
put themselves and others down. 
•Is the mindset of a highly dependent person. 
•Is the same as a “no win” because nobody benefits. 
•Is a long-term result of a win-lose, lose-win, or win.
Habit Four - Think Win-Win 
The Habit of Interpersonal 
Win : People who hold a win paradigm think only of getting what 
they want. Although they don’t necessarily want others to lose, 
they are personally set on winning. They think independently in 
interdependent situations, without sensitivity or awareness of others. 
•Is self-centered. 
•Thinks “me first”. 
•Doesn’t really care if the other person wins or loses. 
•Has a Scarcity Mentality”.
Habit Four - Think Win-Win 
The Habit of Interpersonal 
Win-Win or No Deal : Win-Win or No Deal is the highest form of 
win-win. People who adopt this paradigm seek first for win-win. If 
they cannot find an acceptable solution, they agree to disagree 
•Allows each party to say no. 
•Is the most realistic at the beginning of a relationship or business 
•Is the highest form of “Win”.
Five Dimensions of Win/Win 
1 2 3 
Supportive Systems (4) and Processes (5)
• Three character traits essential to the win/win 
– Integrity: make and keep meaningful promises and 
commitments. People of Integrity are true to their 
feelings, values and commitments. 
– Maturity: 
• The balance between courage and consideration 
• The ability to express one’s won feelings and 
convictions balanced with consideration of the 
thoughts and feelings of others
Abundance Mentality 
Scarcity Mentality Abundance Mentality 
There’s only one pie There is plenty for 
Sense of worth and 
security comes from being 
Define themselves form 
Deep inner sense of worth 
and security 
Someone else’s success 
means their failure 
Someone else's success is 
our success – sharing it.
• Relationships 
(Character  Trust, EBA) 
• Agreements 
(Relationships performance agreement) 
– Five elements to agree on in a win/win agreement 
• Desired results: Clarify the end in mind, objectives and 
• Guidelines: Specify boundaries and deadlines for 
accomplishing the results within which results are to be 
• Resources: human, financial, technical, support to help 
accomplish the results 
• Accountability: sets up the standards of performance and the 
time of evaluation. Identify the standards and methods of 
measurement for progress and accomplishment. 
• Consequences: Determine/Evaluate the result (s) of achieving 
or not achieving win-win
• Systems 
– Should be supportive (reward guidelines, available resources) 
– Don't talk cooperation (win/win) and practice competition 
– You can best achieve win-win solutions with win-win systems and 
processes. But if Changing your systems to win-win feels 
overwhelming and out of reach, remember to work from the inside 
out. As you first develop a win-win character and then Win-Win 
Agreements and relationships, you will expand your Circle of 
Influence and be Able to work on processes.
• Processes: 
– A four-step process: 
• 1st see the problem from the other point of view 
• 2nd identify the key issues and concerns 
• 3rd determine what results would constitute a fully 
acceptable solutions 
• 4th identify BATNA to achieve those results
Habit 5 
The heart has 
its reasons 
which reason 
knows not of. 
Seek First to Understand 
Put First 
Things First 
Then to be 
Principles of Empathic Communication 
• Four common levels for listening: 
– Ignoring: Making no effort to listen 
– Practice pretending: Making believe or giving the 
appearance you are listening 
– Practice selective listening: Hearing only the parts of 
the conversation that interest you. 
– Attentive listening: Paying attention and focusing on 
what the speaker says, and comparing that to your own 
Principles of Empathic Communication 
• Seek first to understand: Fifth level: Empathic 
listening (most effective level): 
– Requires high levels of consideration 
– Deep understanding of the problem first 
– Requires more than practicing listening techniques 
– It’s listening with intent to understand (changing our 
Principles of Empathic Communication 
– Get inside another persons’ frame of reference 
and see things the way he sees it 
– Increases our influence-ability (more & accurate 
information to work with) 
– It ensures people’s psychological survival 
(psychological air) 
– It is diagnosing before prescribing
Principles of Empathic Communication 
• Then seek to be understood 
– Requires high level of courage 
– Equally critical in reaching win/win solutions.
Habit 6 
Take as a guide: 
In crucial things 
In Important things 
In all thing 
Put First 
Things First 
Principles of Creative Cooperation 
Synergistic (Win/Win) 
Respectful (Compromise) 
Defensive (Win/Lose or Lose/win) 
Low High 
• Deeply understanding each other becomes the 
stepping stones to synergy 
• Synergy means that the whole is greater than the 
sum of its parts 
• One plus one equals three or more. 
• Identifying a third synergistic alternative/solution 
that will be better for everyone concerned.
Habit Six - Synergize 
The Habit of Creative Cooperation 
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 
Synergy takes place when two or more people 
produce more together than the sum of what 
they could have produces separately.
Habit Six - Synergize 
The Habit of Creative Cooperation 
To Synergize is 
•Results-oriented, positive synergy 
•Examining exploring, seeking diverse 
perspectives openly enough to alter or 
complete your paradigm 
•Having a mutually agreed-upon end in mind. 
•Worth the effort and highly effective 
•A process. 
To Synergize is Not 
•A brainstorming free-for-all. 
•Accepting others’ ideas as full truth. 
•Win-lose competition. 
•Group think (giving in to peer pressure). 
•Always easy. 
•Only a negotiation technique.
Habit Six - Synergize 
The Habit of Creative Cooperation 
Habits 4,5, & 6 
The Action 
and Process 
Third Alternative 
The Result
Habit Six - Synergize 
The Habit of Creative Cooperation 
Anger Anxiety Jealousy 
Defensiveness Fear Fixation Ego
Habit Six - Synergize 
The Habit of Creative Cooperation 
The essence of synergy is valuing the differences. Valuing the differences 
does not imply that individuals approve of or agree with differences; 
however it does mean that people respect differences and view them 
as opportunities for learning. The differing opinions of others and their 
viewpoints, perspectives, talents and gifts are valuable when seeking 
solutions. These differences enable you to discover and produce things 
together that you would much less likely discover and produce 
individually. At what level do you value the differences ?
Habit Six - Synergize 
The Habit of Creative Cooperation 
Habit 7 
when I 
consider what 
come from 
little things… 
I am tempted 
to think.. 
There are no 
little things. 
Put First 
Things First
• It’s preserving and enhancing personal PC. 
The greatest asset we have. It’s we. 
Exercise, Nutrition, 
Stress Management 
Service, Empathy, 
Synergy, Intrinsic 
Value Clarification & 
Commitment, Study & 
Reading, Visualizing, 
Planning, Writing
Habit Seven - Sharpen the Saw 
The Habit of Renewal 
Sharpen the Saw is a daily process of renewing for four dimensions of 
our nature : Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Social / Emotional. 
These four dimensions sustain and increase our capacities and help us 
discipline our mind, body and spirit. This daily private victory is a 
victory over self. Not only does the daily Private victory stimulate growth, 
but it also helps us to achieve the Public Victory. As we achieve these 
victories through renewal, we cultivate and nurture the other six habits.
Habit Seven - Sharpen the Saw 
The Habit of Renewal 
We can sharpen the Saw in Four Areas : 
Physical (Body): 
We build physical wellness through proper nutrition, exercise, rest 
And stress management. 
Mental (Mind) : 
We increase mental capacity through, reading, writing, and thinking.
Habit Seven - Sharpen the Saw 
The Habit of Renewal 
We can sharpen the Saw in Four Areas : 
Spiritual (Spirit): 
We develop spiritually through reading inspiring literature, through 
meditating and praying and through spending time with nature. 
Social / Emotional (Other Relationships) : 
We mature socially and emotionally by making consistent, daily 
Deposits in the Emotional Bank Account of our key relationships.
• It’s exercising the four dimensions of our 
nature regularly and consistently, in wise 
and balanced way.
The Upward Spiral of Growth 
• Success is a long journey, not a destination 
• “ A thousand-mile journey begins with the 
first step”. And can only be taken one step 
at a time. 
• “ How can we remember our ignorance 
which our growth requires, when we are 
using our knowledge all the time”.
The upward spiral of growth
Habit 1 We are a product of our environment 
and upbringing. 
Habit 2 Society is the source of our values. 
Habit 3 Reactive to the tyranny of the urgent. 
Acted upon by the environment. 
Habit 4 Win-lose. 
One-sided benefit. 
Habit 5 Fight, flight, or compromise when 
faced with conflict. 
Habit 6 Differences are threats. 
Independence is the highest value. 
Unity means sameness. 
Habit 7 Entropy. 
Burnout on one track - typically work. 
We are a product of our choices to our 
environment and upbringing. 
Values are self-chosen and provide 
foundation for decision making. Values 
flow out of principles. 
Actions flow from that which is 
Mutual benefit. 
Communication solves problems. 
Differences are values and are 
opportunities for synergy. 
Continuous self-renewal and self-improvement.
I can forgive, forget, and let 
go of past injustices 
I’m aware that I’m responsible 
I’m the creative force of my life 
I choose my attitude, 
emotions, and moods
Be Proactive. 
Proactive people take 
responsibility for their own 
lives. They determine the 
agendas they will follow 
and choose their response 
to what happens around 
Be Reactive. 
Reactive people don’t take 
responsibility for their own 
lives. They feel victimized, 
a product of 
circumstances, their past, 
and other people. They do 
not see as the creative 
force of their lives.
Begin with the End in 
Mind. These people use 
personal vision, correct 
principles, and their deep 
sense of personal 
meaning to accomplish 
tasks in a positive and 
effective way. They live 
life based on self-chosen 
values and are guided by 
their personal mission 
Begin with No End in 
Mind. These people lack 
personal vision and have 
not developed a deep 
sense of personal meaning 
and purpose. They have 
not paid the price to 
develop a mission 
statement and thus live 
life based on society’s 
values instead of self-chosen 
Put First Things First. 
These people exercise 
discipline, and they plan 
and execute according to 
priorities. They also “walk 
their talk” and spend 
significant time in 
Quadrant II. 
Put Second Things First. 
These people are crisis 
managers who are unable 
to stay focused on high-leverage 
tasks because of 
their preoccupation with 
circumstances, their past, 
or other people. They are 
caught up in the “thick of 
thin things” and are driven 
by the urgent.
Think Win-Win. 
These people have 
an abundance mentality 
and the spirit of 
cooperation. They achieve 
effective communication 
and high trust levels in 
their Emotional Bank 
Accounts with others, 
resulting in rewarding 
relationships and greater 
power to influence. 
Think Win-Lose or Lose- 
Win. These people have a 
scarcity mentality and see 
life as a zero-sum game. 
They have ineffective 
communication skills and 
low trust levels in their 
Emotional Bank Accounts 
with others, resulting in a 
defensive mentality and 
adversarial feelings.
Seek First to Understand, 
Then to Be Understood. 
Through perceptive 
observation and empathic 
listening, these non-judgmental 
people are 
intent on learning the 
needs, interests, and 
concerns of others. They 
are then able to 
courageously state their 
own needs and wants. 
Seek First to Be Understood. 
These people put forth their 
point of view based solely 
on their auto-biography and 
motives, without attempting 
to understand others first. 
They blindly prescribe 
without first diagnosing the 
Effective people know 
that the whole is greater 
than the sum of the 
parts. They value and 
benefit from differences 
in others, which results 
in creative cooperation 
and team-work. 
Compromise, Fight, or Flight. 
Ineffective people believe 
the whole is less than the 
sum of the parts. They try 
to “clone” other people in 
their own image. Differences 
in others are looked upon as 
Sharpen the Saw. 
Effective people are 
involved in self-renewal 
and self-improvement in 
the physical, mental, 
spiritual, and social-emotional 
areas, which 
enhance all areas off their 
life and nurture the other 
six habits. 
Wear Out the Saw. 
Ineffective people fall 
back, lose their interest, 
and get disordered. They 
lack a program of self-renewal 
and self-improvement 
eventually lose the cutting 
edge they once had.
The Seven HHaabbiittss cceenntteerr oonn 
ttiimmeelleessss aanndd uunniivveerrssaall pprriinncciipplleess 
ooff ppeerrssoonnaall,, iinntteerrppeerrssoonnaall,, 
mmaannaaggeerriiaall,, aanndd oorrggaanniizzaattiioonnaall 
eeffffeeccttiivveenneessss.. LLiisstteedd bbeellooww aarree tthhee 
sseevveenn pprriinncciipplleess uuppoonn wwhhiicchh tthhee 
SSeevveenn HHaabbiittss aarree bbaasseedd--pprriinncciipplleess 
wwhhiicchh aarree iinn oouurr cciirrccllee ooff iinnfflluueennccee..
1. The principle of continuous learning, of 
self- reeducation - the discipline that drives us 
toward the values we believe in. Such 
constant learning is required in today’s 
world, in light of the fact that many of us can 
expect to work in up to five radically different 
fields before we retire. 
2. The principle of service, of giving oneself 
to others, of helping to facilitate other 
people’s work.
3. The principle of staying positive and optimistic, 
radiating positive energy - including avoiding the four 
emotional cancers (criticizing, complaining, comparing, and 
4. The principle of affirmation of others - treating people 
as proactive individuals who have great potential. 
5. The principle of balance - the ability to identify our 
various roles and to spend appropriate amounts of time in, 
and focus on, all the important roles and dimensions of our 
life. Success in one area of our life cannot compensate for 
neglect or failure in other areas of our life.
6. The balance of spontaneity and serendipity - 
the ability to experience life with a sense of 
adventure, excitement, and fresh 
rediscovery, instead of trying to find a serious 
side to things that have no serious side. 
7. The principle of consistent self-renewal and 
self- improvement in the four dimensions of 
one’s life: physical, mental, spiritual, and 
social emotional.
(what to, why to) 
(want to) 
(how to) 
 Integrity 
 Maturity 
 Abundance Mentality 
 Interdependency 
 Technical skills 
 Qualifications 
 Knowledge 
 Experience 
11.. SSeellff--aawwaarreenneessss 
22.. CCoonnsscciieennccee 
33.. IImmaaggiinnaattiioonn 
44.. WWiillllppoowweerr
11.. SSeellff--AAwwaarreenneessss 
We begin to become self-aware and 
explore the programs we are living out. We 
come to realize that we stand apart from our 
programming and can even examine it. We 
also realize that between stimulus and 
response, we have the freedom to choose. 
This self-awareness then leads to the ability 
to look at other unique endowments in our 
secret life.
22.. CCoonnsscciieennccee 
Our conscience is our internal sense of 
right and wrong, our “moral nature.” It is the 
“greater harmonizer” and “balance wheel” of 
all the principles that govern our behavior. 
Our conscience gives us a sense of the 
degree to which our thoughts and actions are 
in harmony with our principles.
33.. PPoowweerr ooff IImmaaggiinnaattiioonn 
We can visit the power of the mind to 
create or to imagine that which does not exist 
now. In that imagination lie our faith and our 
hope for the future. We look at what is 
possible, what we can envision.
44.. WWiillllppoowweerr oorr IInnddeeppeennddeenntt WWiillll 
Willpower refers to our determination, 
our resoluteness - our ability to act based 
solely on our self-awareness. We ask 
ourselves, “Am I really willing to to the 
distance on my mission statement?” “Am I 
willing to walk my talk?” “Am I really willing 
to put first things first in spite of external 
distractions and pressures?” “Am I going to 
live a life of total integrity?”
Developing a mission ssttaatteemmeenntt iiss 
ffoouunnddaattiioonnaall ttoo HHaabbiitt 22,, BBeeggiinn wwiitthh tthhee 
EEnndd iinn MMiinndd.. IItt sseettss ggeenneerraall gguuiiddeelliinneess 
ffoorr oouurr lliiffee bbaasseedd oonn oouurr vvaalluueess aanndd oouurr 
rroolleess aanndd ggooaallss.. TThheerree aarree ffoouurr bbaassiicc 
cchhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss ooff ggoooodd mmiissssiioonn 
ssttaatteemmeennttss,, wwhheetthheerr tthheeyy bbee ppeerrssoonnaall,, 
ffaammiillyy,, oorr oorrggaanniizzaattiioonnaall mmiissssiioonn 
1. A mission statement should be timeless and 
changeless. Because goals are not timeless, they should 
not be included. Mission statements should be based upon 
unchanging core principles that operate regardless of 
present realities or situations. This changeless core will 
enable us to live with changes inside other people and 
inside the environment. As our consciousness grows and 
we mature, we will gradually strengthen, deepen, and 
improve our mission statement. Nevertheless, we should 
always initially write our mission statement as if it will 
never change - as if it were timeless.
2. A mission statement should deal with both 
ends and means. Ends have to do with what 
we are about. Means have to do with how 
we go about achieving those ends. Principles 
are what we implements to achieve those ends. 
Ends and means are inseparable. In truth, 
ends preexist in the means. “You’ll never 
achieve a worthy end through unworthy 
3. A mission statement should deal with all 
four of our basic needs: 
a. To live (our physical and economic 
b. To love and to be loved (our cultural 
and social ends) 
c. To learn (our needs to grow, 
develop, be recognized, and be 
useful) d. To leave a legacy 
(our spiritual need for 
meaning, for feeling that life matters, 
that we add value and make a 
4. A mission statement should deal with all the 
significant roles of our life, such as a parent, 
teacher, manager, neighbor, and so forth. 
“Internalizing” our mission statement will also help 
us get a clear understanding of what is truly 
important. Goethe once said, “Things which matter 
most must never be at the mercy of things which 
matter least.” This means that we learn how to say 
no at appropriate times. Every time we say yes to 
something that is of little or no importance, we are 
saying no to something that is more important. 
Almost every day, most of us are caught in 
circumstances where we should say no but don’t. 
We often lack the ability to utter a firm but gracious 
Use own judgement, not necessary to report 
Use own judgement, report routinely 
Use own judgement, report immediately 
Bring recommendations 
Ask for instructions 
Wait for instructions
Outside stress 
and pressures 
Time wasters 
Live the Seven Habits 
Spend time 
in Quadrant II 
Follow correct 
Control own life 
Maintain high 
Emotional Bank 
Account with self 
and others 
Maintain reserve 
Be resilient 
Empower and 
serve others 
Synergize with 
others using a 
win-win approach
• The 7 habits of highly effective people is a 
holistic, integrated, principle centered 
approach for solving our personal and 
professional problems 
• Principles that give us the security to adapt 
to change and the wisdom and power to take 
advantage of the opportunities that change 
7 habits-complete

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7 habits-complete

  • 1. TThhee KKeeyy FFoorr SSuucccceessssffuull LLiivviinngg
  • 2. TThhee 77 HHaabbiittss ooff HHiigghhllyy EEffffeeccttiivvee PPeeooppllee • There is no real excellence in all this world which can be separated from right living
  • 3. • Common deep personal & professional problems: – How to reach the career goals set without losing personal and family life? – How can I keep a promise I make to myself? – How can a manager train his employees to be independent and responsible if it happened once that this manager was home sick for a day? – How can one really congratulate a friend enthusiastically for achieving some degree of success and recognition without eating his heart out? – There’s so much to do and there’s never enough time. How can I manage my life effectively?
  • 4. The Key for Successful Living Personality Ethic Character Ethic Focus on attitude and behavior  minor change To change the situation first we have to change ourselves and our perceptions  significant, quantum change Works in short term situation (symptomatic treatment) Has personal worth in the long term relationship Social band aids that treats only acute problems temporarily Treats the underlying chronic problem
  • 5. The Key for Successful Living • Primary and secondary greatness – Quit lacking at the leaves of attitude and behavior (secondary greatness) – Get to work on the root, the character (primary greatness) from which these attitude and behavior flow.
  • 6. The Power of a Paradigm • A paradigm is : – A frame of reference, a model – A perception, assumption – The way we perceive, understand & accordingly interpret and judge things. A mental map.
  • 7.
  • 8. • Two people can see the same thing, disagree and yet both be right. • The more we examine the way we see things, the more we can test them against reality. • Listen to others and be open to their perception, to get a far more objective view.
  • 9. Being Is Seeing Be  See  Think  Feel  Behave • We cannot change our seeing without changing our being • If you want to have…. Be…. • The seven habits paradigm: – An “inside-out” approach to personal and interpersonal effectiveness
  • 10. Can we create a HABIT? • We are what we repeatedly do • Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit • Habits are learned and unlearned • We are not the habits, hence we can change them
  • 11.
  • 12. Effectiveness is defined as p/pc balance • p= production = what is produced, the desired results produced • pc = production capacity = producing asset. Maintaining, preserving and enhancing the resources that produces the desired results • Maintain the p/pc balance: – Balance short term with long term – Take time to invest in a relationship – Win the customer more than the call
  • 13. Interdependence PUBLIC VICTORY Independence 1 Be proactive PRIVATE VICTORY Dependence The Seven Habits Paradigm
  • 14. Principles of Personal Leadership • Move yourself from dependence to independence, the foundation for effective interdependence • Achieve private victory, the foundation for public VICTORY • Achieve self mastery through self awareness, self confidence and self control.
  • 15. Principles of Personal Leadership • Prepare yourself for interpersonal leadership • Build a changeless inner core, from which your attitude and behavior flow • Build the principle center that gives you the wisdom and power to adapt to change and to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.
  • 17. Character & Personality Although image, techniques and skills can influence your outward success, the weight of real effectiveness lies in good character.
  • 18. Character & Competence Character A person with high character exhibits integrity, maturity and an Abundance Mentality. Competence A person with high competence has knowledge and ability in a given area. As people balance these two elements, they build their personal trustworthiness and their trust with others.
  • 19. Character & Competence Character Competence
  • 20. CHARACTER  Integrity  Maturity  Abundance Mentality  Interdependency COMPETENCE  Technical skills  Qualifications  Knowledge  Experience JJUUDDGGEEMMEENNTT
  • 24. Habit 1 BE PROACTIVE 1 Be proactive
  • 25. Three theories of determinism affecting our response to a certain stimulus • Genetic determinism (DNA) • Psychic determinism (childhood experience) • Environmental determinism (boss, spouse, economic situation, notational policies)
  • 26. Habit One : Be Proactive The Habit of Personal Vision The Four Human Endowments: Self-Awareness – Examining thoughts, moods and behaviors Imagination – Visualizing beyond experience and present reality (work on alternatives) Conscience – Understanding right and wrong and following personal integrity Independent Will – Acting independent of external influence
  • 27. PROACTIVE MODEL Freedom To Stimulus Choose Response Self- Awareness Independent Imagination Conscience Will HHaappppiinneessss iiss lliikkee uunnhhaappppiinneessss,, aa pprrooaaccttiivvee cchhooiiccee
  • 28. PROACTIVE MODEL • Responsibility = “Response-ability” • Proactive people: – Behavior in the product of one’s decision based on values – Personal leaders – Take the initiative and are solutions to problems – Successfully handle direct, indirect and no control problems
  • 29. PROACTIVE MODEL • Reactive people: – Behavior is the product of one’s condition based on feelings – Unhappy people who feel victimized and immobilized, who focus on the weaknesses of other people – Blame other people and circumstances they feel are responsible for their own stagnant situation.
  • 30. Reactive Language Proactive Language There's noting I can do Let’s look at our alternations That’s just the way I am I can choose a different approach He makes me so mad I control my own feelings They won’t allow that I can create an effective presentation I have to do that I will choose an appropriate response I can’t I choose I must I prefer If only I will
  • 31. No Concern Circle of Concern
  • 32. Circle of Concern Circle of Influence
  • 33. Circle of Circle of Influence Concern Circle of Circle of Influence Concern REACTIVE FOCUS (Negative energy reduces the Circles of Influences) PROACTIVE FOCUS (Positive energy enlarges the Circles of Influences)
  • 34. Habit 2 BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND 1 Be proactive 2 Begin with the End in Mind
  • 35. • Start with a clear understanding of your destination • Picture deeply what kind of husbands, wife, father or mother would you like to be? • What kind of son or daughter or cousin? • What kind of friend? • What kind of working associate?
  • 36. Assumptions • Assume at your funeral, how would family, colleague, friend, church, etc talk about you • Assume today’s the last day in your life • Assume: • Body - Had a heart attack; Mind – Life of your profession is 2 years; Heart – Other person is clairvoyant; Spirit – You met with the Almighty
  • 37. Habit Two Begin with the End in Mind The Habit of Personal Leadership Mental Creation Precedes Physical Creation To start with a clear understanding of your destination. Write your MISSION STATEMENT Choose a Life Center
  • 38. • Create a personal mission statements = a personal constitution, a frame of reference • Align your daily behavior with your life objectives • Business = “busy-ness” • Climbing the ladder of success: effectiveness vs. efficiency
  • 39. Circle of Concern Circle of Influence • Our deepest center: – Work – Family – Spouse/Husband – Friend – Religion – Self – Pleasure – Possessions – Money – Enemy
  • 40. Power Security CENTER Wisdom Guidance
  • 41. Our four life-supporting ffaaccttoorrss ddeerriivvee ffrroomm tthhee vveerryy cceenntteerr ooff oouurr cciirrccllee ooff iinnfflluueennccee • SSEECCUURRIITTYY: Sense of worth, self esteem & personal strength • GGUUIIDDAANNCCEE: Source of direction in life • WWIISSDDOOMM: Perspective on life • PPOOWWEERR: Decision making ability
  • 42. • A principle center: – Creating a solid changeless core, from which flow the four life-support factors. – Correct principles do not change – a principle-centered person stands apart from the emotion of the situation and evaluates the options.
  • 43. • A principle center: – You won’t be acted upon by other people or circumstances – See change as an exciting adventure and opportunity to make significant contributions.
  • 44. Habit Two Begin with the End in Mind The Habit of Personal Leadership
  • 45. Habit Two Begin with the End in Mind The Habit of Personal Leadership Principle-Centered Someone who is principle-centered bases decisions on principles that govern human effectiveness. Principles are the ideal core because they allow us to seek the best alternative through conscious choice, knowledge and values. Principle-centered people try to : Stand apart from the emotion of a situation and from other factors that would act on them. Make proactive choices after evaluating options.
  • 46. Habit Two Begin with the End in Mind The Habit of Personal Leadership Mission Statement A powerful document that expresses your personal sense of Purpose and meaning in life. It acts as a governing Constitution by which you evaluate decisions and choose behaviors.
  • 47. Define Leadership & Management Leadership deals with Direction (Doing the right things) Management deals with Speed, Co-ordination, Logistics in moving in that direction (Doing the things RIGHT)
  • 48. Habit 3 PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST 1 Be proactive 3 Put First Things First Things which matter most must never be a the mercy of things which matter least.
  • 50. Two Factors to Define Any Activity • Urgency - An activity is urgent if you or others feel that it requires immediate attention. • Importance - An activity is importance if you personally find it valuable, and if it contributes to your mission values, and high-priority goals.
  • 51. Time management matrix II -- PPrrooccrraassttiinnaattoorr Urgent Important 22--PPrriioorriittiizzeerr Not Urgent Important IIIIII –– ‘‘YYeess MMaann’’ Urgent Not Important IIVV -- SSllaacckkeerr Not Urgent Not Important
  • 52. TThhee TTiimmee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt MMaattrriixx II Urgent & Important Activities Results • Crises • Pressing problems • Deadline-driven projects • Stress • Burnout • Putting out fires
  • 53. TThhee TTiimmee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt MMaattrriixx IIII Not urgent but Important Activities Results • Prevention, PC activities • Relationships building • Recognizing new opportunities • Planning recreation • Vision • Balance • Discipline • Control • Few crises
  • 54. The Time Management Matrix IIIIII Urgent but Not Important Activities Results • Interruptions, some calls • Some mail, some reports • Some meetings • Proximate, pressing matters • Popular activities • Short-term focus • Crisis management • Feel victimized, out of control • Broken relationships
  • 55. The Time Management Matrix IIVV Not Urgent & Not Important Activities Results • Trivia, busy work • Some mail • Some phone calls • Time wasters • Pleasant activities • Dependent on others • Total irresponsibility • Fired from jobs
  • 56. UUrrggeenntt NNoott UUrrggeenntt II IIII . Crisis . Pressing problems . Deadline-driven projects, meetings, preparations . Preparation . Prevention . Values clarification . Planning . Relationship building . True re-creation . Empowerment IIIIII IIVV . Interruptions, some phone calls . Some mail, some reports . Some meetings . Many proximate, pressing matters . Many popular activities . Trivia, busywork . Some phone calls . Time wasters . “Escape” activities . Irrelevant mail . Excessive TV NNoott IImmppoorrttaanntt IImmppoorrttaanntt
  • 57. Habit Three - Put First things First The Habit of Personal URGENTManagement IMPORTANT NOT URGENT NOT IMPORTANT Crises Management Attach to Mission Distraction s Time Wasters
  • 58. Habit Three - Put First things First The Habit of Personal Management “Effective people have genuine Quadrant 1 crises and emergencies that require their immediate attention, but the number is comparatively small. They keep P and PC in balance by focusing on the important, but not urgent, activities of Quadrant II”
  • 59. Habit Three - Put First things First The Habit of Personal Management Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. The Key is not to prioritize your schedule but to schedule your priorities.
  • 60. Habit Three - Put First things First The Habit of Personal Management Put First things First involves a six-step, QII process That will help you act on the basis of importance. Importance, in the context of Put first things First, is defined By your mission statement and confirmed by your conscience. The six steps can be used in weekly planning or as often as needed. Connect to Mission Review Roles Identify Goals Organize Weekly Exercise Integrity Evaluate
  • 61. Public Victory There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without PUBLIC VICTORY 1 integrity. Be proactive 3 Put First Things First
  • 62. PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRSONAL LEADERSHIP • The p/pc balance in an interdependent reality • The emotional bank account – The amount of trust built up in a relationship – The feeling of safeness that makes communication easy, instant and effective
  • 63. PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRSONAL LEADERSHIP • SSiixx mmaajjoorr ddeeppoossiittss – Understanding the individual • Uncover the person’s deep interest or needs • Treat them all the same by treating them differently – Attending to the little things • Kindness and courtesies are the big things
  • 64. PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRSONAL LEADERSHIP • SSiixx mmaajjoorr ddeeppoossiittss – Keeping commitments • Keep a promise you have made or explain the situation and ask to be released from it. – Clarifying expectations • Conflicts arise form ambiguous expectations about roles and goals
  • 65. PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRSONAL LEADERSHIP • SSiixx mmaajjoorr ddeeppoossiittss – Showing personal integrity • Goes beyond honesty • Build the trust of those who are present by being loyal to those who are not present – Apologizing sincerely when you make a withdrawal • It is the weak who are cruel, gentleness can only be expected from the strong
  • 66. P problems are PC opportunities • Problems create the opportunity to build a deep relationship – the emotional bank account that empowers us to work together as a strong complementary team.
  • 67. Habits One, Two & Three The first three habits help develop a deep base of character and personal security . Once these 3 habits become part of who you are you are then ready to begin building rich enduring highly productive relationships with other people and that’s where habits four, five and six come in.
  • 68.
  • 69. Habits Four, Five & Six These are the habits that lead to interdependent relationships. Habit Four : Think Win-win The attitude of seeking solutions, so that every one can win. Do this by communicating. This is done by Habit Five Habit Five : Seek first to understand, then to be understood Habit Six : This is the habit of creative co-operation - Synergy This happens when two sides in a dispute work together to come with a solution which is better than what either side initially proposed.
  • 70. Habit 4 THINK WIN WIN We have committed the Golden Rule to memory; let us now commit it to life” 1 Be proactive Think Win/Win 4 3 Put First Things First
  • 71. Six Paradigms of human interactions: • Win/win • Win/lose • Lose/win • Lose/Lose • Win • Win/win or no deal
  • 72. Win/Win • Seeks for mutual benefit • All parties feel good about the decision and feel committed to the action plan • Sees life as cooperative, not competitive • There’s plenty for everybody • Believes in the third alternative • Listens more, stays in communication longer, and communicates with more courage.
  • 73. Habit Four - Think Win-Win The Habit of Interpersonal Leadership Win-Lose : People with a win-lose mindset are concerned with themselves first and last. They want to win, and they want others to lose. They achieve success at the expense or exclusion of another’s success. They are driven by comparison, competition, position, and power. Characteristics •Is very common scripting for most people •Is the authoritarian approach. •Uses position, power, credentials, possessions, or personality to get the “Win”.
  • 74. Habit Four - Think Win-Win The Habit of Interpersonal Leadership Lose-Win : People who choose to lose and let others win show high consideration for others, but lack the courage to express and act on their feelings and beliefs. They are easily intimidated and borrow strength from acceptance and popularity. Characteristics •Voices no standards, no demands, no expectations of anyone else. •Is quick to please or appease. •Buries a lot of feelings.
  • 75. Habit Four - Think Win-Win The Habit of Interpersonal Leadership Lose-Lose : People who have a lose-lose paradigm are low on courage and consideration. They envy and criticize others. They put themselves and others down. Characteristics •Is the mindset of a highly dependent person. •Is the same as a “no win” because nobody benefits. •Is a long-term result of a win-lose, lose-win, or win.
  • 76. Habit Four - Think Win-Win The Habit of Interpersonal Leadership Win : People who hold a win paradigm think only of getting what they want. Although they don’t necessarily want others to lose, they are personally set on winning. They think independently in interdependent situations, without sensitivity or awareness of others. Characteristics •Is self-centered. •Thinks “me first”. •Doesn’t really care if the other person wins or loses. •Has a Scarcity Mentality”.
  • 77. Habit Four - Think Win-Win The Habit of Interpersonal Leadership Win-Win or No Deal : Win-Win or No Deal is the highest form of win-win. People who adopt this paradigm seek first for win-win. If they cannot find an acceptable solution, they agree to disagree agreeably. Characteristics •Allows each party to say no. •Is the most realistic at the beginning of a relationship or business deal. •Is the highest form of “Win”.
  • 78. Five Dimensions of Win/Win 1 2 3 Win/Win Character Win/Win Relationship Win/Win Agreements Supportive Systems (4) and Processes (5)
  • 79. Character • Three character traits essential to the win/win paradigms: – Integrity: make and keep meaningful promises and commitments. People of Integrity are true to their feelings, values and commitments. – Maturity: • The balance between courage and consideration • The ability to express one’s won feelings and convictions balanced with consideration of the thoughts and feelings of others
  • 80.
  • 81. Abundance Mentality Scarcity Mentality Abundance Mentality There’s only one pie There is plenty for everybody Sense of worth and security comes from being compared Define themselves form within Deep inner sense of worth and security Someone else’s success means their failure Someone else's success is our success – sharing it.
  • 82. • Relationships (Character  Trust, EBA) • Agreements (Relationships performance agreement) – Five elements to agree on in a win/win agreement • Desired results: Clarify the end in mind, objectives and outcome. • Guidelines: Specify boundaries and deadlines for accomplishing the results within which results are to be accomplished • Resources: human, financial, technical, support to help accomplish the results • Accountability: sets up the standards of performance and the time of evaluation. Identify the standards and methods of measurement for progress and accomplishment. • Consequences: Determine/Evaluate the result (s) of achieving or not achieving win-win
  • 83. • Systems – Should be supportive (reward guidelines, available resources) – Don't talk cooperation (win/win) and practice competition (win/lose) – You can best achieve win-win solutions with win-win systems and processes. But if Changing your systems to win-win feels overwhelming and out of reach, remember to work from the inside out. As you first develop a win-win character and then Win-Win Agreements and relationships, you will expand your Circle of Influence and be Able to work on processes.
  • 84. • Processes: – A four-step process: • 1st see the problem from the other point of view • 2nd identify the key issues and concerns • 3rd determine what results would constitute a fully acceptable solutions • 4th identify BATNA to achieve those results
  • 85. Habit 5 SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of. Seek First to Understand 1 Be proactive 3 Put First Things First Then to be Understood 5
  • 86. Principles of Empathic Communication • Four common levels for listening: – Ignoring: Making no effort to listen – Practice pretending: Making believe or giving the appearance you are listening – Practice selective listening: Hearing only the parts of the conversation that interest you. – Attentive listening: Paying attention and focusing on what the speaker says, and comparing that to your own experiences.
  • 87. Principles of Empathic Communication • Seek first to understand: Fifth level: Empathic listening (most effective level): – Requires high levels of consideration – Deep understanding of the problem first – Requires more than practicing listening techniques – It’s listening with intent to understand (changing our perceptions)
  • 88. Principles of Empathic Communication – Get inside another persons’ frame of reference and see things the way he sees it – Increases our influence-ability (more & accurate information to work with) – It ensures people’s psychological survival (psychological air) – It is diagnosing before prescribing
  • 89. Principles of Empathic Communication • Then seek to be understood – Requires high level of courage – Equally critical in reaching win/win solutions.
  • 90. Habit 6 SYNERGIZE Take as a guide: In crucial things unity In Important things diversity In all thing generosity. 1 Be proactive 3 Put First Things First Synergize 6
  • 91. Principles of Creative Cooperation Synergistic (Win/Win) Respectful (Compromise) Defensive (Win/Lose or Lose/win) High TTRRUUSSTT Low LEVELS OF COMMUNCIATION Low High COOPERATION
  • 92. • Deeply understanding each other becomes the stepping stones to synergy • Synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts • One plus one equals three or more. • Identifying a third synergistic alternative/solution that will be better for everyone concerned.
  • 93. Habit Six - Synergize The Habit of Creative Cooperation Synergy The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Synergy takes place when two or more people produce more together than the sum of what they could have produces separately.
  • 94. Habit Six - Synergize The Habit of Creative Cooperation To Synergize is •Results-oriented, positive synergy •Examining exploring, seeking diverse perspectives openly enough to alter or complete your paradigm •Cooperating •Having a mutually agreed-upon end in mind. •Worth the effort and highly effective •A process. To Synergize is Not •A brainstorming free-for-all. •Accepting others’ ideas as full truth. •Win-lose competition. •Group think (giving in to peer pressure). •Always easy. •Only a negotiation technique.
  • 95. Habit Six - Synergize The Habit of Creative Cooperation Problem or Opportunity Synergize Habits 4,5, & 6 The Action and Process Third Alternative SYNERGY The Result
  • 96. Habit Six - Synergize The Habit of Creative Cooperation Anger Anxiety Jealousy Defensiveness Fear Fixation Ego
  • 97. Habit Six - Synergize The Habit of Creative Cooperation The essence of synergy is valuing the differences. Valuing the differences does not imply that individuals approve of or agree with differences; however it does mean that people respect differences and view them as opportunities for learning. The differing opinions of others and their viewpoints, perspectives, talents and gifts are valuable when seeking solutions. These differences enable you to discover and produce things together that you would much less likely discover and produce individually. At what level do you value the differences ?
  • 98. Habit Six - Synergize The Habit of Creative Cooperation Tolerate Accept Value Celebrate
  • 99. Habit 7 SHARPEN THE SAW PRINCIPLES OF BALANCED SELF-RENEWAL Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things… I am tempted to think.. There are no little things. 1 Be proactive 3 Put First Things First
  • 100. • It’s preserving and enhancing personal PC. The greatest asset we have. It’s we. PHYSICAL Exercise, Nutrition, Stress Management SOCIAL Service, Empathy, Synergy, Intrinsic Security SPIRITUAL Value Clarification & Commitment, Study & Meditation MENTAL Reading, Visualizing, Planning, Writing
  • 101. Habit Seven - Sharpen the Saw The Habit of Renewal Sharpen the Saw is a daily process of renewing for four dimensions of our nature : Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Social / Emotional. These four dimensions sustain and increase our capacities and help us discipline our mind, body and spirit. This daily private victory is a victory over self. Not only does the daily Private victory stimulate growth, but it also helps us to achieve the Public Victory. As we achieve these victories through renewal, we cultivate and nurture the other six habits.
  • 102. Habit Seven - Sharpen the Saw The Habit of Renewal We can sharpen the Saw in Four Areas : Physical (Body): We build physical wellness through proper nutrition, exercise, rest And stress management. Mental (Mind) : We increase mental capacity through, reading, writing, and thinking.
  • 103. Habit Seven - Sharpen the Saw The Habit of Renewal We can sharpen the Saw in Four Areas : Spiritual (Spirit): We develop spiritually through reading inspiring literature, through meditating and praying and through spending time with nature. Social / Emotional (Other Relationships) : We mature socially and emotionally by making consistent, daily Deposits in the Emotional Bank Account of our key relationships.
  • 104. • It’s exercising the four dimensions of our nature regularly and consistently, in wise and balanced way.
  • 105. The Upward Spiral of Growth • Success is a long journey, not a destination • “ A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step”. And can only be taken one step at a time. • “ How can we remember our ignorance which our growth requires, when we are using our knowledge all the time”.
  • 106. The upward spiral of growth
  • 107. PARADIGM SHIFTS A BREAK FROM TRADITIONAL WISDOM TOWARD 7 HABITS PRINCIPLES Habit 1 We are a product of our environment and upbringing. Habit 2 Society is the source of our values. Habit 3 Reactive to the tyranny of the urgent. Acted upon by the environment. Habit 4 Win-lose. One-sided benefit. Habit 5 Fight, flight, or compromise when faced with conflict. Habit 6 Differences are threats. Independence is the highest value. Unity means sameness. Habit 7 Entropy. Burnout on one track - typically work. We are a product of our choices to our environment and upbringing. Values are self-chosen and provide foundation for decision making. Values flow out of principles. Actions flow from that which is important. Win-win. Mutual benefit. Communication solves problems. Differences are values and are opportunities for synergy. Continuous self-renewal and self-improvement.
  • 108. BE PROACTIVE I can forgive, forget, and let go of past injustices I’m aware that I’m responsible I’m the creative force of my life I choose my attitude, emotions, and moods
  • 109.
  • 110.
  • 111.
  • 112. SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE EFFECTIVE PEOPLE INEFFECTIVE PEOPLE HHAABBIITT 11 Be Proactive. Proactive people take responsibility for their own lives. They determine the agendas they will follow and choose their response to what happens around them. Be Reactive. Reactive people don’t take responsibility for their own lives. They feel victimized, a product of circumstances, their past, and other people. They do not see as the creative force of their lives.
  • 113. SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE EFFECTIVE PEOPLE INEFFECTIVE PEOPLE Begin with the End in Mind. These people use personal vision, correct principles, and their deep sense of personal meaning to accomplish tasks in a positive and effective way. They live life based on self-chosen values and are guided by their personal mission statement. Begin with No End in Mind. These people lack personal vision and have not developed a deep sense of personal meaning and purpose. They have not paid the price to develop a mission statement and thus live life based on society’s values instead of self-chosen values. HHAABBIITT 22
  • 114. SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE EFFECTIVE PEOPLE INEFFECTIVE PEOPLE HHAABBIITT 33 Put First Things First. These people exercise discipline, and they plan and execute according to priorities. They also “walk their talk” and spend significant time in Quadrant II. Put Second Things First. These people are crisis managers who are unable to stay focused on high-leverage tasks because of their preoccupation with circumstances, their past, or other people. They are caught up in the “thick of thin things” and are driven by the urgent.
  • 115. SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE EFFECTIVE PEOPLE INEFFECTIVE PEOPLE Think Win-Win. HHAABBIITT 44 These people have an abundance mentality and the spirit of cooperation. They achieve effective communication and high trust levels in their Emotional Bank Accounts with others, resulting in rewarding relationships and greater power to influence. Think Win-Lose or Lose- Win. These people have a scarcity mentality and see life as a zero-sum game. They have ineffective communication skills and low trust levels in their Emotional Bank Accounts with others, resulting in a defensive mentality and adversarial feelings.
  • 116. SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE EFFECTIVE PEOPLE INEFFECTIVE PEOPLE HHAABBIITT 55 Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. Through perceptive observation and empathic listening, these non-judgmental people are intent on learning the needs, interests, and concerns of others. They are then able to courageously state their own needs and wants. Seek First to Be Understood. These people put forth their point of view based solely on their auto-biography and motives, without attempting to understand others first. They blindly prescribe without first diagnosing the problem.
  • 117. SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE EFFECTIVE PEOPLE INEFFECTIVE PEOPLE HHAABBIITT 66 Synergize. Effective people know that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. They value and benefit from differences in others, which results in creative cooperation and team-work. Compromise, Fight, or Flight. Ineffective people believe the whole is less than the sum of the parts. They try to “clone” other people in their own image. Differences in others are looked upon as threats.
  • 118. SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE EFFECTIVE PEOPLE INEFFECTIVE PEOPLE HHAABBIITT 77 Sharpen the Saw. Effective people are involved in self-renewal and self-improvement in the physical, mental, spiritual, and social-emotional areas, which enhance all areas off their life and nurture the other six habits. Wear Out the Saw. Ineffective people fall back, lose their interest, and get disordered. They lack a program of self-renewal and self-improvement and eventually lose the cutting edge they once had.
  • 121. SEVEN PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH THE SEVEN HABITS ARE BASED The Seven HHaabbiittss cceenntteerr oonn ttiimmeelleessss aanndd uunniivveerrssaall pprriinncciipplleess ooff ppeerrssoonnaall,, iinntteerrppeerrssoonnaall,, mmaannaaggeerriiaall,, aanndd oorrggaanniizzaattiioonnaall eeffffeeccttiivveenneessss.. LLiisstteedd bbeellooww aarree tthhee sseevveenn pprriinncciipplleess uuppoonn wwhhiicchh tthhee SSeevveenn HHaabbiittss aarree bbaasseedd--pprriinncciipplleess wwhhiicchh aarree iinn oouurr cciirrccllee ooff iinnfflluueennccee..
  • 122. SEVEN PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH THE SEVEN HABITS ARE BASED 1. The principle of continuous learning, of self- reeducation - the discipline that drives us toward the values we believe in. Such constant learning is required in today’s world, in light of the fact that many of us can expect to work in up to five radically different fields before we retire. 2. The principle of service, of giving oneself to others, of helping to facilitate other people’s work.
  • 123. SEVEN PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH THE SEVEN HABITS ARE BASED 3. The principle of staying positive and optimistic, radiating positive energy - including avoiding the four emotional cancers (criticizing, complaining, comparing, and competing). 4. The principle of affirmation of others - treating people as proactive individuals who have great potential. 5. The principle of balance - the ability to identify our various roles and to spend appropriate amounts of time in, and focus on, all the important roles and dimensions of our life. Success in one area of our life cannot compensate for neglect or failure in other areas of our life.
  • 124. SEVEN PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH THE SEVEN HABITS ARE BASED 6. The balance of spontaneity and serendipity - the ability to experience life with a sense of adventure, excitement, and fresh rediscovery, instead of trying to find a serious side to things that have no serious side. 7. The principle of consistent self-renewal and self- improvement in the four dimensions of one’s life: physical, mental, spiritual, and social emotional.
  • 126. KKnnoowwlleeddggee (what to, why to) DDeessiirree (want to) SSkkiillllss (how to) HHAABBIITTSS EFFECTIVE HABITS
  • 127. CHARACTER  Integrity  Maturity  Abundance Mentality  Interdependency COMPETENCE  Technical skills  Qualifications  Knowledge  Experience JJUUDDGGEEMMEENNTT
  • 128. FFOOUURR UUNNIIQQUUEE HHUUMMAANN EENNDDOOWWMMEENNTTSS 11.. SSeellff--aawwaarreenneessss 22.. CCoonnsscciieennccee 33.. IImmaaggiinnaattiioonn 44.. WWiillllppoowweerr
  • 129. FOUR UNIQUE HUMAN ENDOWMENTS 11.. SSeellff--AAwwaarreenneessss We begin to become self-aware and explore the programs we are living out. We come to realize that we stand apart from our programming and can even examine it. We also realize that between stimulus and response, we have the freedom to choose. This self-awareness then leads to the ability to look at other unique endowments in our secret life.
  • 130. FOUR UNIQUE HUMAN ENDOWMENTS 22.. CCoonnsscciieennccee Our conscience is our internal sense of right and wrong, our “moral nature.” It is the “greater harmonizer” and “balance wheel” of all the principles that govern our behavior. Our conscience gives us a sense of the degree to which our thoughts and actions are in harmony with our principles.
  • 131. FOUR UNIQUE HUMAN ENDOWMENTS 33.. PPoowweerr ooff IImmaaggiinnaattiioonn We can visit the power of the mind to create or to imagine that which does not exist now. In that imagination lie our faith and our hope for the future. We look at what is possible, what we can envision.
  • 132. FOUR UNIQUE HUMAN ENDOWMENTS 44.. WWiillllppoowweerr oorr IInnddeeppeennddeenntt WWiillll Willpower refers to our determination, our resoluteness - our ability to act based solely on our self-awareness. We ask ourselves, “Am I really willing to to the distance on my mission statement?” “Am I willing to walk my talk?” “Am I really willing to put first things first in spite of external distractions and pressures?” “Am I going to live a life of total integrity?”
  • 133. BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD MISSION STATEMENTS Developing a mission ssttaatteemmeenntt iiss ffoouunnddaattiioonnaall ttoo HHaabbiitt 22,, BBeeggiinn wwiitthh tthhee EEnndd iinn MMiinndd.. IItt sseettss ggeenneerraall gguuiiddeelliinneess ffoorr oouurr lliiffee bbaasseedd oonn oouurr vvaalluueess aanndd oouurr rroolleess aanndd ggooaallss.. TThheerree aarree ffoouurr bbaassiicc cchhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss ooff ggoooodd mmiissssiioonn ssttaatteemmeennttss,, wwhheetthheerr tthheeyy bbee ppeerrssoonnaall,, ffaammiillyy,, oorr oorrggaanniizzaattiioonnaall mmiissssiioonn ssttaatteemmeennttss..
  • 134. BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD MISSION STATEMENTS 1. A mission statement should be timeless and changeless. Because goals are not timeless, they should not be included. Mission statements should be based upon unchanging core principles that operate regardless of present realities or situations. This changeless core will enable us to live with changes inside other people and inside the environment. As our consciousness grows and we mature, we will gradually strengthen, deepen, and improve our mission statement. Nevertheless, we should always initially write our mission statement as if it will never change - as if it were timeless.
  • 135. BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD MISSION STATEMENTS 2. A mission statement should deal with both ends and means. Ends have to do with what we are about. Means have to do with how we go about achieving those ends. Principles are what we implements to achieve those ends. Ends and means are inseparable. In truth, ends preexist in the means. “You’ll never achieve a worthy end through unworthy means.”
  • 136. BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD MISSION STATEMENTS 3. A mission statement should deal with all four of our basic needs: a. To live (our physical and economic needs) b. To love and to be loved (our cultural and social ends) c. To learn (our needs to grow, develop, be recognized, and be useful) d. To leave a legacy (our spiritual need for meaning, for feeling that life matters, that we add value and make a difference.
  • 137. BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD MISSION STATEMENTS 4. A mission statement should deal with all the significant roles of our life, such as a parent, teacher, manager, neighbor, and so forth. “Internalizing” our mission statement will also help us get a clear understanding of what is truly important. Goethe once said, “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” This means that we learn how to say no at appropriate times. Every time we say yes to something that is of little or no importance, we are saying no to something that is more important. Almost every day, most of us are caught in circumstances where we should say no but don’t. We often lack the ability to utter a firm but gracious no.
  • 138. SIX LEVELS OF INITIATIVE 6 Use own judgement, not necessary to report 5 Use own judgement, report routinely 4 Use own judgement, report immediately 3 Bring recommendations 2 Ask for instructions 1 Wait for instructions
  • 139. Duplicity Unkindness Violated expectations Outside stress and pressures PERSONAL IMMUNE SYSTEM Time wasters Interruptions Pressing problems Crises Live the Seven Habits Spend time in Quadrant II Follow correct principles Control own life Maintain high Emotional Bank Account with self and others Maintain reserve capacity Be resilient Empower and serve others Communicate Empathically Synergize with others using a win-win approach
  • 141. • The 7 habits of highly effective people is a holistic, integrated, principle centered approach for solving our personal and professional problems • Principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.