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From the
Internet of
Things to the
Web of Things
I am Dr. Dom Guinard
Co-invented the WoT, Co-Founded
EVRYTHNG & loves: Web technologies,
standards, startups, books and mountains!
If I tell you...
✗ WoT
✗ Websockets
✗ NodeRED
✗ Ethereum
✗ Tensorflow
What’s in the course?
The IoT, the WoT
History, applications, ...
Getting started with
embedded devices
Sensors, actuators, devices, GPIOs,
The I in IoT
Networking layers and protocols,
Zigbee, Bluetooth, LPWAN, WiFi,
The W in IoT:
Web of Things!
Architecture, layers, API for Things
Layers of the WoT
Access, Find, Share, Compose
The Future of the IoT
From blockchain to AI and other
buzzwords & challenges ahead for
the IoT
The Web of Things Book!
Course largely based on the book
Books and kits options on:
Use 39guinard
To get 39% discount on Manning
1. The IoT
“[...] the phrase "Internet of Things"
started life as the title of a
presentation I made at Procter &
Gamble (P&G) in 1999. Linking the
new idea of RFID in P&G's supply
chain to the then-red-hot topic of
the Internet [...]”
1. (Unique) Identity
2. Connectivity to Internet
Protocols: directly or via a gateway
3. Sensing
4. and / or Actuation
Application Domains
Consumer IoT
Smart homes, quantified
self, wearables, consumer
marketing, assisted living,
Commercial IoT
Smart supply chains,
smart buildings,
connected medical
devices, connected cars,
Industrial IoT
Smart cities, smart grids,
Industry 4.0, smart
Examples @EVRYTHNG
More examples!
Remember IoT != smart home! @EVRYTHNG Examples
Lab: Setting up your Pi!
See also: Chapter 4, page 94
1. Install Etcher from
2. Install your Pi:
2. Getting
started with
Multicores (ARM)
32-64 Bits
X GB of Flash
8-16 Bits
Raspberry Pi
(Pi Zero incl.)
Why JS & Node on embedded devices?
Lab 1: A Webserver on a Pi!
See also: Chapter 3 & Chapter 4, page 94
1. Connect your Pi to the network
a. ping raspberrypi.local and write
down your IP
2. Build your (first?) Node HTTP server on the Pi (page
3. Bonus: Install NVM & Node.js on your computer
a. curl -o-
/v0.33.2/ | bash
b. nvm install v4.9.1
4. Bonus: build a more advanced server, see Listing
3.2 page 66
Lab Notes: Headless setup
✗ Change MDNS hostname of your Pi:
✗ sudo nano /etc/hostname
✗ Headless SSH:
✗ Add: /boot/ssh
✗ Headless config of the wifi:
✗ Add: /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf
Some key points so far...
✗ IoT came from RFID in 1999
✗ The Things in the IoT typically have 4 properties:
✗ Identity
✗ Connectivity
✗ Sensing
✗ Actuating
✗ There are 2 world of embedded devices:
✗ Linux Devices (ARM, e.g., Pi)
✗ Microcontrollers (e.g., Marvell, TI)
✗ Javascript (Node) is taking over things for prototyping
3. Sensors &
(via GPIOs)
1. Sensors:
a. Temperature / Humidity
b. PIR
2. Actuators:
a. LEDs
b. Screens
c. Relays (switches)
var Gpio = require('onoff').Gpio,
sensor = new Gpio(17, 'in', 'both'); //#A (err, value) { //#B
if (err) exit(err);
console.log(value ? 'there is someone!' : 'not anymore!');
function exit(err) {
if (err) console.log('An error occurred: ' + err);
console.log('Bye, bye!')
process.on('SIGINT', exit);
// #A Initialize pin 17 in input mode, 'both' means we want to handle both rising and falling interrupt edges
// #B Listen for state changes on pin 17, if a change is detected the anonymous callback function will be called with the
new value
Lab 2: GPIOs
See also: Chapter 4, from page 102
1. Setup the PIR sensor (see page 104)
2. Connect it to onoff.js code (see
3. Bonus: setup the DHT sensor (see Chapter 4 from
page 105)
4. The I in IoT:
The Networks
Categories of protocols
PAN: Personal Area Net
WiFi, Zigbee, Enocean,
Thread, Bluetooth, etc.
Usually for consumer IoT:
Smart homes, smart
buildings, beacons, etc.
(LP)WAN: Low Power
Wide Area Net
SigFox, LoRA, 5G, NB-IoT,
CAT-M, etc.
Usually for industrial &
commercial IoT:
Smart cities, supply chain
tracking, smart meters,
Good reasons for no IP+Web end-to-end
Battery Powered Devices Deployment requires a mesh
The emergence of LPWANs
✗ New networks created for the IoT
✗ Smart meters, Supply chain
✗ LP = Low Power
✗ 3 big categories:
✗ SigFox (the first)
✗ LoRA (the more “open” - see
✗ 5G IoT (the “operators”)
✗ NB-IoT
✗ Using a TTN Node
✗ Communicating with EVRYTHNG
Some key points so far...
✗ Sensors and Actuators are integrated to IoT
prototypes (and products) via GPIOs
✗ There are a lot of networking technologies involved in
the IoT. In particular because of the energy
consumption of WiFi and need for mesh.
✗ Very low-power protocols are emerging (LPWAN)
5. The W in IoT:
The Web of
“The IoT is a science primarily
focusing on creating the
most complex ways of
turning lights on.”
Pre IoT
Post IoT
Enters the Web of Things!
Great but it was 2007...
“The Web on Devices? Yeah,
sure… NOT!”
And then… it clicked :)
5.1 Access:
The API of
Dom Guinard
CTO & Co-founder
$(document).ready( //#A
function doPoll() {
$.getJSON('', //#B
function (data) { //#C
$('#temp').html(data.value + ' ' + data.unit); //#D
setTimeout(doPoll, 5000); //#E
//#A Wait until the page is loaded and then call doPoll()
//#B Use the AJAX helper to get the JSON payload from the temperature sensor
//#C When the response arrives, this function is called
//#D Select the "temp" HTML element and update its content using the data.value (the value) and data.unit
(the unit) returned in the JSON payload
//#E The doPoll() function sets a timer to call itself again in 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds)
Lab 3: Talking Web to a Thing!
✗ Fork & Clone the book code on your machine
✗ git clone
✗ Browse the device as a Human on:
✗ Install Postman and browse the device as an App
✗ URL:
✗ Accept: application/json
✗ Modify 2.2 code to get the humidity value every 5
✗ Bonus: change the type of graph in 2.2
Web API for Things: 5 Steps
A. Resource design—Identify the functionality or services
of a Thing, and organize the hierarchy of these services.
B. Representation design—Decide which representations
will be served for each resource.
C. Interface design—Decide which commands are possible for
each service, along with which error codes.
D. Resource linking design—Decide how the different
resources are linked to each other.
E. Integration strategy—Choose a pattern to integrate
Things to the internet and the web.
& Links
GET /pi
Accept: application/json
200 OK
"name" : "Pi"
} 1. Resource design
2. Representation design
3. Interface design
4. Linking
Resources on the WoT Pi
Beyond HTTP: Websocket for events
function subscribeToWs(url, msg) {
var socket = new WebSocket(url);
socket.onmessage = function (event) {
socket.onerror = function (error) {
console.log('An error occurred while trying to connect to a Websocket!');
socket.onopen = function (event) {
if (msg) {
Software architecture on the WoT Pi
Lab 4: Designing the Pi API
✗ See also: Chapter 7
✗ Code deep-dive together
✗ chapter7-implementation/part1-2-direct-gateway
✗ Resources (add a noise sensor)
✗ Representation (see messagepack)
✗ Adding a representation
✗ Add CBOR support
✗ npm install --save cbor
✗ In converter.js
✗ Bind PIR sensor on your Pi
✗ Communication via WebSocket
✗ chapter2-hello-wot/client/pir-websockets.html
✗ Bonus: bind the DHT sensor of your Pi (see page 183)
Step 5:
The Web on Devices!
But not all things can speak Web!
An Example with the EVRYTHNG Platform
The Web on Devices!
The Web on Devices!
Lab 5: Gateways
✗ See also: Chapter 7, page 195
✗ CoAP
✗ Start the CoAP server
✗ Look into the plugin
✗ Request a CoAP resource via HTTP:
✗ /things/coapDevice/sensors/co2
✗ Bonus: connect your PIR sensor to EVRYTHNG
5.2 Find:
The Findability
of Things
The issues with Finding Things!
3 Challenges in IoT Findability
What’s the Bootstrap
What’s the format I should
expect (syntax)?
What does that mean
W3C WoT,
How to find the URL of a Thing? mDNS!
service up: {
interfaceIndex: 4,
{ name: 'http',
protocol: 'tcp',
subtypes: [],
fullyQualified: true },
replyDomain: 'local.',
flags: 3,
name: 'Brother MFC-8520DN',
networkInterface: 'en0',
host: 'EVT-BW-BROTHER.local', The
port: 80, local IP address
addresses: [ '' ]
✗ mDNS clients listen for mDNS
messages (on UDP)
✗ DNS tables are populated from
what they catch
✗ Your Pi broadcasts mDNS
messages as we speak!
The issues with Finding Things!
The Web Thing Model in a Nutshell
The WoT Model Continues @ W3C
"@context": ["",
{"iot": ""}],
"@type" : "Thing",
"id": "urn:dev:wot:com:example:servient:lamp",
"security": [{"scheme": "psk"}],
"properties": {
"status": {
"@type" : "iot:SwitchStatus",
"description" : "Shows the current status of the
"writable": false,
"observable": false,
"actions": {
"toggle": {
"@type" : "iot:SwitchStatus",
"description" : "Turn on or off the lamp",
"forms": [{
"href": "coaps://",
"mediaType": "application/json"
✗ Model:
✗ Things
✗ Properties
✗ Actions
✗ Events
✗ Extensible via
Lab 6: Semantic Web of Things
✗ See also: Chapter 8
✗ Experiment with the Web Thing Model in Action:
Automatic UI generation, use
✗ Use the wot.js server in chapter8-semantics
✗ http://IP:8484/model
✗ Test the client:
✗ Bonus:
✗ Bind an LED on your Pi to react to Actions
✗ Play Mozilla Things Project, a modern
implementation of the Web Thing Model
5.3 Secure &
Basic Principles of IoT Security
Over the air
Securing Things (over simplified!)
✗ Problem 1:
✗ TLS Web Encryption
✗ Problem 2:
✗ SSL (TLS) certificates
✗ Problem 3:
✗ API keys (oAuth)
✗ TLS certificates on device
Sharing in the Web of Things!
Lab 7: Secure & Share Things
✗ See also: Chapter 9
✗ Securing our server
✗ Encryption:
✗ openssl req -sha256 -newkey rsa:4096
-keyout privateKey.pem -out caCert.pem
-days 1095 -x509
✗ Try: https://localhost:8484/pi/
✗ Secure proxy with Ngrok:
✗ Put your Pi on the Web with Ngrok
✗ wget
✗ ./ngrok http 8484
✗ Bonus:
✗ Test the social WoT proxy (from page 260)
5.4 Compose:
Physical Mashups
Mashup for Things - Node-RED
IFTTT: Wizard based mashups
Lab 8: Composing Things
✗ See also: Chapter 10
✗ Create an IFTTT mashup that
✗ Sends a turn LED on Action to your WoT Pi
✗ Connect our PIR sensor to Node-RED (see page 293)
✗ Launch the unsecure version (chapter 8)
✗ Node-red
✗ Connect to:
✗ Bonus:
✗ Implement the full Node-RED mashup (see page
✗ Try the full JS mashup of chapter 2:
✗ Web of Things Community
✗ WoT @ W3C and WoT W3C Architecture
✗ Mozilla WoT
6. The Future of
IoT’s challenges & the Future!
1. Interoperability
✗ The (semantic) Web can help!
2. Scalability
✗ Decentralization will be key (blockchain)
✗ Dealing with the data overload (machine learning)
3. Privacy
✗ GDPR, Data marketplace
4. Security
✗ Use Web security, prepare for Quantum computing!
5. Durability
✗ Regulation, IoT Mark
6. Usability
✗ The disappearing computer
Key takeaways
✗ The IoT is here and now, 20 billion connected objects
expected to join by 2022, enormous opportunity
but significant challenges
✗ Networks are evolving to support the special needs
of Things
✗ Interoperability is key, the Web can help at many levels
You can find me at:
✗ @domguinard
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Isn’t that nice? :)

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From the internet of things to the web of things course

  • 1. From the Internet of Things to the Web of Things
  • 2. Hello! I am Dr. Dom Guinard Co-invented the WoT, Co-Founded EVRYTHNG & loves: Web technologies, standards, startups, books and mountains! @domguinard 2
  • 3. If I tell you... ✗ NPM ✗ GPIOs ✗ PIR ✗ LPWAN ✗ MQTT ✗ WoT ✗ REST ✗ Websockets ✗ NodeRED ✗ IFTTT ✗ Ethereum ✗ Tensorflow 3
  • 4. What’s in the course? The IoT, the WoT History, applications, ... Getting started with embedded devices Sensors, actuators, devices, GPIOs, ... The I in IoT Networking layers and protocols, Zigbee, Bluetooth, LPWAN, WiFi, etc. 4 The W in IoT: Web of Things! Architecture, layers, API for Things Layers of the WoT Access, Find, Share, Compose The Future of the IoT From blockchain to AI and other buzzwords & challenges ahead for the IoT
  • 5. The Web of Things Book! Course largely based on the book Books and kits options on: Use 39guinard To get 39% discount on Manning 5
  • 7. “[...] the phrase "Internet of Things" started life as the title of a presentation I made at Procter & Gamble (P&G) in 1999. Linking the new idea of RFID in P&G's supply chain to the then-red-hot topic of the Internet [...]” [@Kevin_Ashton] 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. 9 1. (Unique) Identity 2. Connectivity to Internet Protocols: directly or via a gateway 3. Sensing 4. and / or Actuation
  • 10. Application Domains Consumer IoT Smart homes, quantified self, wearables, consumer marketing, assisted living, etc. Commercial IoT Smart supply chains, smart buildings, connected medical devices, connected cars, etc. Industrial IoT Smart cities, smart grids, Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing 10
  • 13. Remember IoT != smart home! @EVRYTHNG Examples 13
  • 14. Lab: Setting up your Pi! 14 See also: Chapter 4, page 94 1. Install Etcher from 2. Install your Pi:
  • 16. 16 VS Multicores (ARM) 32-64 Bits X GB of RAM X GB of Flash Microcontroller 8-16 Bits X KB of RAM X KB of ROM
  • 17. 17
  • 19. 19 Why JS & Node on embedded devices?
  • 20. Lab 1: A Webserver on a Pi! 20 See also: Chapter 3 & Chapter 4, page 94 1. Connect your Pi to the network a. ping raspberrypi.local and write down your IP 2. Build your (first?) Node HTTP server on the Pi (page 64) 3. Bonus: Install NVM & Node.js on your computer a. curl -o- /v0.33.2/ | bash b. nvm install v4.9.1 4. Bonus: build a more advanced server, see Listing 3.2 page 66
  • 21. Lab Notes: Headless setup 21 ✗ Change MDNS hostname of your Pi: ✗ sudo nano /etc/hostname ✗ Headless SSH: ✗ Add: /boot/ssh ✗ Headless config of the wifi: ✗ Add: /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf
  • 22. Some key points so far... ✗ IoT came from RFID in 1999 ✗ The Things in the IoT typically have 4 properties: ✗ Identity ✗ Connectivity ✗ Sensing ✗ Actuating ✗ There are 2 world of embedded devices: ✗ Linux Devices (ARM, e.g., Pi) ✗ Microcontrollers (e.g., Marvell, TI) ✗ Javascript (Node) is taking over things for prototyping 22
  • 24. 24 1. Sensors: a. Temperature / Humidity b. PIR 2. Actuators: a. LEDs b. Screens c. Relays (switches)
  • 25. 25
  • 27. 27 var Gpio = require('onoff').Gpio, sensor = new Gpio(17, 'in', 'both'); //#A (err, value) { //#B if (err) exit(err); console.log(value ? 'there is someone!' : 'not anymore!'); }); function exit(err) { if (err) console.log('An error occurred: ' + err); sensor.unexport(); console.log('Bye, bye!') process.exit(); } process.on('SIGINT', exit); // #A Initialize pin 17 in input mode, 'both' means we want to handle both rising and falling interrupt edges // #B Listen for state changes on pin 17, if a change is detected the anonymous callback function will be called with the new value
  • 28. 28
  • 29. Lab 2: GPIOs 29 See also: Chapter 4, from page 102 1. Setup the PIR sensor (see page 104) 2. Connect it to onoff.js code (see chapter4-gpios/pir.js) 3. Bonus: setup the DHT sensor (see Chapter 4 from page 105)
  • 30. 4. The I in IoT: The Networks
  • 31. Categories of protocols PAN: Personal Area Net WiFi, Zigbee, Enocean, Thread, Bluetooth, etc. Usually for consumer IoT: Smart homes, smart buildings, beacons, etc. (LP)WAN: Low Power Wide Area Net SigFox, LoRA, 5G, NB-IoT, CAT-M, etc. Usually for industrial & commercial IoT: Smart cities, supply chain tracking, smart meters, etc. 31
  • 32. 32 Good reasons for no IP+Web end-to-end Battery Powered Devices Deployment requires a mesh
  • 33. 33
  • 34. 34
  • 35. The emergence of LPWANs ✗ New networks created for the IoT ✗ Smart meters, Supply chain tracking ✗ LP = Low Power ✗ 3 big categories: ✗ SigFox (the first) ✗ LoRA (the more “open” - see TheThingsNetwork) ✗ 5G IoT (the “operators”) ✗ CAT-M ✗ NB-IoT 35
  • 36. Demo: LPWAN & TTN 36 ✗ Using a TTN Node ✗ Communicating with EVRYTHNG
  • 37. Some key points so far... ✗ Sensors and Actuators are integrated to IoT prototypes (and products) via GPIOs ✗ There are a lot of networking technologies involved in the IoT. In particular because of the energy consumption of WiFi and need for mesh. ✗ Very low-power protocols are emerging (LPWAN) 37
  • 38. 5. The W in IoT: The Web of Things
  • 39. “The IoT is a science primarily focusing on creating the most complex ways of turning lights on.” [@domguinard] 39
  • 42. 42 Enters the Web of Things!
  • 43. 43 Great but it was 2007...
  • 44. “The Web on Devices? Yeah, sure… NOT!” [@theEmbeddedCommunity, 2007] 44
  • 45. 45
  • 46. 46 And then… it clicked :)
  • 47. 47
  • 48. 5.1 Access: The API of Things
  • 49.
  • 50. Dom Guinard CTO & Co-founder
  • 51. 51 $(document).ready( //#A function doPoll() { $.getJSON('', //#B function (data) { //#C console.log(data); $('#temp').html(data.value + ' ' + data.unit); //#D setTimeout(doPoll, 5000); //#E }); }); //#A Wait until the page is loaded and then call doPoll() //#B Use the AJAX helper to get the JSON payload from the temperature sensor //#C When the response arrives, this function is called //#D Select the "temp" HTML element and update its content using the data.value (the value) and data.unit (the unit) returned in the JSON payload //#E The doPoll() function sets a timer to call itself again in 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds)
  • 52. Lab 3: Talking Web to a Thing! 52 ✗ Fork & Clone the book code on your machine ✗ git clone --recursive ✗ Browse the device as a Human on: ✗ Install Postman and browse the device as an App ✗ URL: ✗ Accept: application/json ✗ Modify 2.2 code to get the humidity value every 5 seconds ✗ Bonus: change the type of graph in 2.2
  • 53. Web API for Things: 5 Steps A. Resource design—Identify the functionality or services of a Thing, and organize the hierarchy of these services. B. Representation design—Decide which representations will be served for each resource. C. Interface design—Decide which commands are possible for each service, along with which error codes. D. Resource linking design—Decide how the different resources are linked to each other. E. Integration strategy—Choose a pattern to integrate Things to the internet and the web. 53
  • 55. 55 Request: GET /pi Host: Accept: application/json Response: 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "name" : "Pi" ... } 1. Resource design 2. Representation design 3. Interface design GET PUT 4. Linking Design
  • 58. 58 function subscribeToWs(url, msg) { var socket = new WebSocket(url); socket.onmessage = function (event) { console.log(; }; socket.onerror = function (error) { console.log('An error occurred while trying to connect to a Websocket!'); console.log(error); }; socket.onopen = function (event) { if (msg) { socket.send(msg); } }; } //subscribeToWs('ws://localhost:8484/pi/sensors/pir);
  • 60. Lab 4: Designing the Pi API 60 ✗ See also: Chapter 7 ✗ Code deep-dive together ✗ chapter7-implementation/part1-2-direct-gateway ✗ Resources (add a noise sensor) ✗ Representation (see messagepack) ✗ Adding a representation ✗ Add CBOR support ✗ npm install --save cbor ✗ In converter.js ✗ Bind PIR sensor on your Pi ✗ Communication via WebSocket ✗ chapter2-hello-wot/client/pir-websockets.html ✗ Bonus: bind the DHT sensor of your Pi (see page 183)
  • 62. 62 The Web on Devices!
  • 63. 63 But not all things can speak Web!
  • 64. 64 An Example with the EVRYTHNG Platform
  • 65. 65 The Web on Devices!
  • 66. 66 The Web on Devices!
  • 67. Lab 5: Gateways 67 ✗ See also: Chapter 7, page 195 ✗ CoAP ✗ Start the CoAP server ✗ Look into the plugin ✗ Request a CoAP resource via HTTP: ✗ /things/coapDevice/sensors/co2 ✗ EVRYTHNG Demo ✗ Bonus: connect your PIR sensor to EVRYTHNG
  • 69.
  • 70. 70 The issues with Finding Things!
  • 71. 3 Challenges in IoT Findability What’s the Bootstrap URL? mDNS What’s the format I should expect (syntax)? REST, JSON, WoT Model What does that mean (semantics)? W3C WoT, IoT 71
  • 72. How to find the URL of a Thing? mDNS! service up: { interfaceIndex: 4, type: { name: 'http', protocol: 'tcp', subtypes: [], fullyQualified: true }, replyDomain: 'local.', flags: 3, name: 'Brother MFC-8520DN', networkInterface: 'en0', fullname: 'Brother032MFC-8520DN._http._tc p.local.', host: 'EVT-BW-BROTHER.local', The service port: 80, local IP address addresses: [ '' ] } 72 ✗ mDNS clients listen for mDNS messages (on UDP) ✗ DNS tables are populated from what they catch ✗ Your Pi broadcasts mDNS messages as we speak!
  • 74. 74 The issues with Finding Things!
  • 75. 75 The Web Thing Model in a Nutshell
  • 76. The WoT Model Continues @ W3C { "@context": ["", {"iot": ""}], "@type" : "Thing", "id": "urn:dev:wot:com:example:servient:lamp", ... "security": [{"scheme": "psk"}], "properties": { "status": { "@type" : "iot:SwitchStatus", "description" : "Shows the current status of the lamp", "writable": false, "observable": false, … "actions": { "toggle": { "@type" : "iot:SwitchStatus", "description" : "Turn on or off the lamp", "forms": [{ "href": "coaps://", "mediaType": "application/json" 76 ✗ Model: ✗ Things ✗ Properties ✗ Actions ✗ Events ✗ Extensible via SemanticWeb ✗
  • 77. Lab 6: Semantic Web of Things 77 ✗ See also: Chapter 8 ✗ Experiment with the Web Thing Model in Action: Automatic UI generation, use ✗ Use the wot.js server in chapter8-semantics ✗ http://IP:8484/model ✗ Test the client: chapter10-mashups/UI/UI.html ✗ Bonus: ✗ Bind an LED on your Pi to react to Actions ✗ Play Mozilla Things Project, a modern implementation of the Web Thing Model
  • 79.
  • 80. Basic Principles of IoT Security Over the air updates TLS Communication Device Authentication 80
  • 81. Securing Things (over simplified!) 81 ✗ Problem 1: ✗ TLS Web Encryption ✗ Problem 2: ✗ SSL (TLS) certificates ✗ Problem 3: ✗ API keys (oAuth) ✗ TLS certificates on device
  • 82. 82 Sharing in the Web of Things!
  • 83. Lab 7: Secure & Share Things 83 ✗ See also: Chapter 9 ✗ Securing our server ✗ Encryption: ✗ openssl req -sha256 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout privateKey.pem -out caCert.pem -days 1095 -x509 ✗ Try: https://localhost:8484/pi/ ✗ Secure proxy with Ngrok: ✗ Put your Pi on the Web with Ngrok ✗ wget ✗ ./ngrok http 8484 ✗ Bonus: ✗ Test the social WoT proxy (from page 260)
  • 85.
  • 86. 86 Mashup for Things - Node-RED
  • 88. Lab 8: Composing Things 88 ✗ See also: Chapter 10 ✗ Create an IFTTT mashup that ✗ Sends a turn LED on Action to your WoT Pi ✗ Connect our PIR sensor to Node-RED (see page 293) ✗ Launch the unsecure version (chapter 8) ✗ Node-red ✗ Connect to: ws://IP:8484/properties/pir ✗ Bonus: ✗ Implement the full Node-RED mashup (see page 292) ✗ Try the full JS mashup of chapter 2: ex-5-mashup.html
  • 89. Links ✗ Web of Things Community ✗ WoT @ W3C and WoT W3C Architecture ✗ Mozilla WoT 89
  • 90. 6. The Future of Things
  • 91. IoT’s challenges & the Future! 1. Interoperability ✗ The (semantic) Web can help! 2. Scalability ✗ Decentralization will be key (blockchain) ✗ Dealing with the data overload (machine learning) 3. Privacy ✗ GDPR, Data marketplace 4. Security ✗ Use Web security, prepare for Quantum computing! 5. Durability ✗ Regulation, IoT Mark 6. Usability ✗ The disappearing computer 91
  • 92. Key takeaways ✗ The IoT is here and now, 20 billion connected objects expected to join by 2022, enormous opportunity but significant challenges ✗ Networks are evolving to support the special needs of Things ✗ Interoperability is key, the Web can help at many levels 92
  • 93. 93 Thanks! You can find me at: ✗ @domguinard ✗ ✗ ✗
  • 94. SlidesCarnival icons are editable shapes. This means that you can: ● Resize them without losing quality. ● Change fill color and opacity. Isn’t that nice? :) Examples: 94