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Ch 12 – Elements of an Emerging
Ecumenical Missionary Paradigm
  David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
     Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
             Mission, 368-510
Church& Mission
                             Shifts in Missionary Thinking
                          “Missionary byitsverynature”
the Church-with- God’s Pilgrim People
      Others    Sacrament, Sign, & Instrument
                  Church&World                                             Missio Dei
               Rediscovering theLocalChurch
             Creative Tension

                                                                                the Quest for
                                          Mission as …
      Liberation                                                            Evangelism

                                                                       Ministry by the
     Witness to People                                                 Whole People of
      of Other Living                                                       God
                                                    Action in Hope
                 Common Witness
Ch 12                               1. Mission as Church-with-Others

        1. Mission as Church-with-Others

          David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
             Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
                     Mission, 368-389
Ch 12                                     1. Mission as Church-with-Others

             Church & Mission 368-369
 • Mission was one of the things that the church did
   for others.
        – High View of Church – Official Missionary Arm
        – Low View of Church – Unofficial Missionary Arm
Ch 12                                      1. Mission as Church-with-Others

    The Church is the Mission, 369-372
 • They are not separate things.
 • The “home base” is everywhere
        – Because “every Christian community is in a missionary
 • “mission in partnership”
        – No guardianship of one church over another
Ch 12                                               1. Mission as Church-with-Others

   “Missionary by its very nature” 372-373
 • The church is “essentially” missionary
 • 1Peter 2:9 – The church exists in being sent
 • Missionary activity is not the “work of the church” but the
   “Church at work”
        – Not something done once things are strong at home but something
          that is done that defines the church
 • If asked: “Why still mission?” the response is: “Why still
 • “Mission is essentially ecclesial” – Schumacher
 • Missionary Dimension (started w/ Newbigin)
        – Worshipping community; welcoming outsiders; pastors & members
          share ministry; equipped members; structurally pliable; not
          protective of select groups
 • Missionary Intention
        – Engages society with evangelism, justice, & peace
Ch 12                              1. Mission as Church-with-Others

        God’s Pilgrim People, 373-374
 • Bible: WanderingpeopleofGod – onajourney
 • Only temporarily here
 • Assuchonlyneedsa destination
 • Itiscalledtoliveonearthsomethingofwhatitislikein
   God’s reign!
Ch 12                          1. Mission as Church-with-Others

  Sacrament, Sign, Instrument 374-376
 • All 3 pointbeyondthemselvestoChrist
 • “Itisnouse composing in-house
   descriptionsofthechurch, however faithful
   theymaybeto scripture &tradition, if within
   thechurchtheyhavethe fatal effectofgiving
   believers awarm illusion thatalliswell,
   &whenreadby humankind
   ywithreality” (Bakerin Bosch, 376).
Ch 12                                           1. Mission as Church-with-Others

              Church & World 376-378
 • Mission is “God’s turningtotheworld”
        – Thisisachangefrompreviousunderstandingsoftherelati
        – Beforetheworldwas hostile:
          • “… thechurchwasaworldonitsown …. Christian ministry
            &lifewas defined exclusively intermsof preaching., public
            worship, the pastorate, & charity. ‘Practicing’
            Christianswere (&oftenstillare!) defined asregularchurch
            goers” (Schmitz in Bosch, 376)
Ch 12                                                1. Mission as Church-with-Others

               Church & World 376-378
        – Nowitwas “Churchin solidarity withtheworld.”
           • Thechurchnowhadarelationshipwiththeworldthatwasthe
              – We can’t separatethechurchfromthe mission; wealso can’t
              – “Thejoy&hope, the grief & anguish
                ofthepeopleofourtime, especiallyofthosewhoarepooror afflicted
                inmayway, arethejoy&hope, the grief & anguish ofthe followers
                ofChristaswell” Gaudium et Spes
Ch 12                                                 1. Mission as Church-with-Others

              Church & World 376-378
        – Whatdoesthismeanforthechurch?
          • Churchshouldbeawareofits provisional character
             – thegoalis God’s glory not necessarily abiggerchurch
          • Churchisnotthe kingdom
             – itpointsusthere&givesusaglimpse&tasteofit
          • Churchisnotjustawaitingroomforheaven
             – butisthe “community fortheworld.”
          • Churchisthe dwelling placeofGodtheSpirit Eph 2:22
             – Assuchitisapartof God’s movementtowardtheworld!
Ch 12                                              1. Mission as Church-with-Others

            Church & World 376-378
        • “If the Church attempts to sever itself from the involvement
          in the world& if its structures are such that they thwart the
          possibility of rendering a relevant service to the world, such
          structures have to be recognized as heretical” (378).
           – “We are a kingdom people not a church people.”
           – “Kingdom people seek first the Kingdom of God& its justice; church
             people often put church work above concerns of justice, mercy &
             truth. Church people thing about how to get people into the
             church; Kingdom people think about how to get the church into the
             world. Church people worry that the world might change the
             church; Kingdom people work to see the church change the world”
             (Snyder in Bosch, 378)
        • Church always brings good news.
Ch 12                                             1. Mission as Church-with-Others

   Rediscovering the Local Church 378-381
 • Fundamental to the NT:
        – “The church-in-mission is, primarily, the local church
          everywhere in the world.”
        – “No local church should stand in a position of authority
          over against another local church.”
        – This, according to Bosch has been “for all practical
          purposes ignored during much of Church history.”
           • RC  Pope as authority
           • “Protestant”  Older vs Younger churches
        – “Paul founded churches while we found missions” (Roland
        – “Mission could not longer be viewed as one-way traffic
          from the West to the Third World; every
          church, everywhere, was understood to be in a state of
          mission” (379).
Ch 12                                            1. Mission as Church-with-Others

                  Creative Tension 381-389
 • 2 views of the church that are irreconcilable:
        – Church as sole bearer of the message of salvation;
           • vs
        – Church as illustration of God’s involvement with the
           • The two must exist in “creative tension”
Ch 12                                                1. Mission as Church-with-Others

                 Creative Tension 381-389
                  2 views of the church that are irreconcilable:
        Church as sole bearer of the          Church as illustration of God’s
        message of salvation                  involvement w/ the world
 • Church: partial realization of         • Church: a pointer to how God
   God’s kingdom on earth                   acts in the world
 • Mission: getting people to             • Mission: a “consciousness-
   move from death to life                  raiser” to guide people
 • Problem: No ethical thrust –             toward the “humanization of
   focus tends to be on micro-              society”
   ethics (numbers, religious             • Problem: No soteriological
   living, individual morality) &           depth – the church is too
   ignores macro-ethics (justice,           identified w/ the world or is
   peace, equity).                          altogether eliminated.
Ch 12                                         1. Mission as Church-with-Others

Worship & Connection to God                   Church Engaging Society

                          The Church

“The church is always & at the same time called out of the world & sent
   into the world” (WCC Faith & Order Commission in Bosch, 386).
Ch 12                               1. Mission as Church-with-Others

         Creative Tension 381-389
 • “It is only a church which goes out from its
   eucharistic centre, strengthened by word&
   sacrament & thus strengthened in its own
   identity, that can take the world on to its agenda
   …. At the same time, the Church can go out to the
   edges of society, not fearful of being distorted or
   confused by the world's agenda, but confident&
   capable of recognizing that God is already there”
   (WCC 1983 in Bosch, 386)
Ch 12                                      1. Mission as Church-with-Others

              Creative Tension 381-389
 • The Church is imperfect
 • Ecclesia semperreformandaest
        – "the church is always to be reformed”
Ch 12                               1. Mission as Church-with-Others

        1. Mission as Church-with-Others
 • “Looking at itself through the eyes of the
   world, the church realizes that it is disreputable &
   shabby, susceptible to all human frailties; looking
   at itself through the eyes of the believers, it
   perceives itself as a mystery, as the incorruptible
   Body of Christ on earth. … It is this
   church, ambiguous in the extreme, which is
   ‘missionary by its very nature’, the pilgrim people
   of God, ‘in the nature of’ a sacrament, sign, &
   instrument, & ‘a most sure seed of unity, hope&
   salvation for the whole human race” (389).
Ch 12

          2. Mission as Missio Dei

        David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
           Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
                   Mission, 389-393
Ch 12                                    2. Mission as Missio Dei

 • The Father sends the Son, the Father & the Son
   send the Spirit, & the Father, Son & Spirit send
   the church into the world.
 • “Mission is not primarily an activity of the church
   but an attribute of God. God is a missionary God.”
 • “There is a church because there is a mission, not
   vice versa” (390).
Ch 12                                            2. Mission as Missio Dei

 • Mission = Missio Dei
 • Missions = Missiones Ecclesiae
 • “our missionary activities are only authentic insofar as they
   reflect participation in the mission of God” (391).
 • “The primary purpose of the missiones ecclesiae can
   therefore not simply be the planting of churches or the
   saving of souls; rather, it has to be service to the missio
   Dei, representing God in & over against the world. Pointing
   to God, holding up the God-child before the eyes of the
   world in a ceaseless celebration of the Feast of the
   Epiphany. In its mission, the church witnesses to the
   fullness of the promise of God’s reign & participates in the
   ongoing struggle between that reign & the powers of
   darkness& evil” (391).
Ch 12                                  2. Mission as Missio Dei

           Issues with Missio Dei
 • So what then is the role of the church? Does the
   church actually do anything or does God work on
   his own? Does he need our help?
 • “… neither the church nor any other human agent
   can ever be considered the author or bearer of
   mission” (392).
Ch 12

        3. Mission as Mediating Salvation

           David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
              Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
                      Mission, 393-400
Ch 12                                       3. Mission as Mediating Salvation

           Salvation in Traditional Terms
 • Luke
        – End of poverty, discrimination, illness, demon
          possession, sin, etc.
        – In the here & now
 • Paul
        – Begins in this life but carries on in the next
        – A process that begins with an encounter with Christ
          but will only be completed in the Kingdom of God
Ch 12                                            3. Mission as Mediating Salvation

           Salvation in Traditional Terms
 • Greek Fathers
        – A gradual uplift of believers to a divine status
 • Medieval (RC & Protestant) Church
        – The redemption of individual souls in the
          hereafter, which would happen after death
        – Separation between person & work of Christ led to
          separation between works of service & sharing the
           • “Their purpose was to dispose people favorably toward the
             gospel, ‘soften them up,’ & thereby prepare the way for the
             work of the real missionary, namely, the one who
             proclaimed God’s word about eternal salvation.”
Ch 12                                       3. Mission as Mediating Salvation

  Salvation in the Enlightenment Paradigm
 • “Salvation now meant liberation from religious
   superstition, attention to human welfare, & the
   moral improvement of humanity” (395).
 • There were 2 responses to this:
        1. To continue to define salvation in traditional terms;
        2. To adopt this new definition & change Jesus into a
           good example.
Ch 12                               3. Mission as Mediating Salvation

  Salvation in the Enlightenment Paradigm
 • “In a world in which people are dependent on
   each other & every individual exists within a web
   of inter-human relationships, it is totally
   untenable to limit salvation to the individual & his
   or her personal relationship with God….
   Christians pray that the reign of God should come
   & God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven; it
   follows from this that the earth is the locus of the
   Christian’s calling & sanctification” (397).
Ch 12                                       3. Mission as Mediating Salvation

         Challenges to Defining Salvation
 • Traditional Definition:
        – To restrict salvation only to escape from God’s wrath
          & redemption of the individual soul is dangerously
        – It makes too clear a distinction between well-being &
 • Enlightenment Definition:
        – “The Christian gospel is not identical with the agenda
          of modern emancipation & liberation movements.”
Ch 12                                  3. Mission as Mediating Salvation

               So What do we do?
 • The scope of salvation needs to be more
   comprehensive than traditional models have said.
 • “Those who know that God will one day wipe away
   all tears will not accept with resignation the tears of
   those who suffer & are oppressed now. Anyone who
   knows that one day there will be no more disease
   can& must actively anticipate the conquest of
   disease in individuals & society now. Any anyone
   who believes that the enemy of God& humans will
   be vanquished will already oppose him now in his
   machinations in family& society. For all of this has to
   do with salvation” (400).
Ch 12

        4. Mission as The Quest for
        David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
           Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
                   Mission, 400-408
Ch 12                             4. Mission as The Quest for Justice

        Evangelism vs Social Responsibility
 • “Evil is not only in the human heart but also in
   social structures …. The mission of the church
   includes both the proclamation of the Gospel &
   its demonstration. We must therefore
   evangelize, respond to immediate human
   needs, & press for social transformation”
   (Wheaton 1983 Statement in Bosch, 407).
Ch 12

         5. Mission as Evangelism

        David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
           Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
                   Mission, 409-420
Ch 12                                       5. Mission as Evangelism

              Evangelism Defined
 “… that dimension & activity of the church’s mission
    which, by word & deed & in the light of the
    particular conditions & a particular context, offers
    every person & community, everywhere, a valid
    opportunity to be directly challenged to a radical
    reorientation of their lives, a reorientation which
    involves such things as deliverance from slavery to
    the world & its power; embracing Christ as Saviour
    & Lord; becoming a living member of his
    community, the church; being enlisted into his
    service of reconciliation, peace & justice, on earth;
    & being committed to God’s purpose of placing all
    things under the rule of Christ” (420).
Ch 12

        6. Mission as Contextualization

         David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
            Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
                    Mission, 420-432
Ch 12                              6. Mission as Contextualization

        Issues in Contextualization
 • “Interpretingatextisnotonlyaliteraryexercise;
   itisalsoasocial, economic, &politicalexercise.
   Ourentire context
   comesintoplaywhenweinterpreta biblical text.
   Onethereforehasto concede thatall theology (or
   sociology, politicaltheory, etc.)
   is, byitsverynature, contextual” (423).
Ch 12                                      6. Mission as Contextualization

    Contextual Theology Process (424-425)
 1. Suspicion that Western Science, Philosophy, & Theology
    were actually designed to serve the interests of the West.
 2. Refuses to see the world as a place that only has to be
    explained. The goal is to change it.
 3. Emphasis on commitment to the poor & marginalized.
 4. Credible theology is only done with those who suffer.
 5. Emphasis on doing theology.
 6. Hermeneutical Circulation
        –   Experience
        –   Reflection
        –   Combine theory & practice
The Ambiguities of Contextualization
1. Isan affirmation thatGodhasturnedtowardtheworld.
2. Involvestheconstructionofavarietyof “local theologies”
3. Thereisnotonlythedangerof relativism, whereeach context
   forges itsown theology, tailor-made forthat specific
   context, butalsothedangerofaboslutismof
4. Readingthesignsofthetimes
5. Itisnottobetakenasthe sole &basicauthorityfor theological
6. Itisnotmerelyadifferencebetween praxis &theory.
7. Thebestmodelsholdin creative tensiontheoria, praxis
Ch 12

          7. Mission as Liberation

        David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
           Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
                   Mission, 432-447
• Liberation Theology isan attempt at
FromDevelopmentto Liberation (432-
• “All theologies of liberation &ofinculturation …
  are 3rd-world theologies or theologies ofthe
  3rdworld within the 1stworld” (432).
• Arose “to grapple withtheproblemsof systemic
  injustice” (432).
• A response tothe “development/modernization
FromDevelopmentto Liberation (432-
 Development& Modernization             Liberation Theology
• WhatisgoodfortheWestisgoodf   •   Domination vs Dependence
  orthe 3rdWorld                •   Rich vsPoor
• Allthe 3rdWorldneedsis        •   Captialismvs Socialism
  technological expertise       •   Oppressors vs Oppressed
• One-way                       •   Poverty
  transferofdevelopment             removedbyremovingitsrootca
• NothingintheNorthneededtoc        uses
  hange.                        •   3rdWorldneedstotakemattersi

     FAIL!                          olution
“God’s Preferential Option forthePoor”
• “Thepoorarethefirst, though
  nottheonlyones,onwhich God’s attention focuses
  andthat, therefore, thechurchhasnochoicebutto
  demonstrate solidarity withthepoor” (436).
Liberal Theology & Liberation Theology
• Similarities:
   – Strongsocial concern
   – Reject tendencytointerpretChristian faith in
     otherworldly categories
   – Reject tendencytointerpretChristian faith in
     excessively individualistic terms
   – Both committed toa “motif of earthly prosperity
     through modernization”
   – Anthropocentric ratherthantheocentric
Liberal Theology & Liberation Theology
• Differences:
  – Doesitstill “makesensetotalkaboutGodina secular
    age?” (438) vs “Liberation theology’s
    questionisnotknowingwhetherGodexists, butknowing
    onwhichsideGodis” (439).
  – Theology fromabove (upholding the status quo) vs
    theology frombelow (revolution)
The Marxist Connection (440-442)
• “Liberation theology’s useof Marxism &Marxist
  categories is selective & critical” (440).
• Keydifferences:
  – Marxism isachildofthe Enlightenment
  – Christianity believesinGod
  – Christianity is non-violent
Integral Liberation (442-447)
• “Thisisnota ‘new theology’ butanewstagein
  theologizing, andassuchbothcontinuousand
  discontinuous withthe theologizing ofearlier
  epochs. Itisnota fad butaserious attempt toletthe
  faith makesensetothe postmodern age” (447).
Ch 12

        8. Mission as Inculturation

        David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
           Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
                   Mission, 447-457
• Inculturation isan attempt at contextualization
• “TheChristian faith neverexistsexceptas
  ‘translated’ intoaculture” (447).
The Vicissitudes ofAccommodation&
      Indigenization (447-450)
20thc   Developments (450-452)
Toward Inculturation (452-455)
TheLimitsof Inculturation (455)
Inculturation (455-457)
Ch 12

        9. Mission as Common Witness

         David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
            Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
                    Mission, 457-467
The (Re)birthofthe Ecumenical Ideain
         Mission (457-461)
Catholics, Mission, & Ecumenism (461-
Unityin Mission; Mission inUnity (463-
Ch 12

        10. Mission as Ministry by the
            Whole People of God
         David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
            Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
                    Mission, 467-474
The Evolution of Ordained Ministry (467-
The Apostolate ofthe Laity (470-472)
Formsof Ministry (472-474)
Ch 12

        11. Mission as Witness to People
             of Other Living Faiths
          David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
             Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
                     Mission, 474-489
The Shifting Scene
Postmodern Responses?
• “We should never have transplanted Christianity
  to Asia without breaking the pot in which the
  plant came” (Pieris in Bosch, 478).
• There are three responses (apart from “Atheism”)
  – Exclusivism
  – Fulfillment
  – Relativism
Dialogue & Mission
Ch 12

          12. Mission as Theology

        David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
           Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
                   Mission, 489-498
Mission Marginalized
From Theo of Mission to Missionary Theo
What Missiology Can & Can’t Do
Ch 12

        13. Mission as Action in Hope

         David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission:
            Paradigm Shifts in Theology of
                    Mission, 498-510
The “Eschatology Office” Closed
• “… revelation
  Thequestion, WhoisGod?, wasansweredwitharefe
  rencetohistory – HeistheGodof
  Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. AndthestoryofJesusof
  ispartofthathistory, unintelligablewithoutit”
Myth ofthe Eternal   Pastasapromiseof
     Return             thefuture!

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Emerging Ecumenical Missionary Paradigm

  • 1. Ch 12 – Elements of an Emerging Ecumenical Missionary Paradigm David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 368-510
  • 2. Church& Mission Theology Shifts in Missionary Thinking “Missionary byitsverynature” Contextualisation the Church-with- God’s Pilgrim People Others Sacrament, Sign, & Instrument Church&World Missio Dei Rediscovering theLocalChurch Creative Tension the Quest for Justice Mediating Salvation Mission as … Liberation Evangelism Inculturation Ministry by the Witness to People Whole People of of Other Living God Faiths Action in Hope Common Witness
  • 3. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others 1. Mission as Church-with-Others David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 368-389
  • 4. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others Church & Mission 368-369 • Mission was one of the things that the church did for others. – High View of Church – Official Missionary Arm – Low View of Church – Unofficial Missionary Arm
  • 5. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others The Church is the Mission, 369-372 • They are not separate things. • The “home base” is everywhere – Because “every Christian community is in a missionary situation” • “mission in partnership” – No guardianship of one church over another
  • 6. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others “Missionary by its very nature” 372-373 • The church is “essentially” missionary • 1Peter 2:9 – The church exists in being sent • Missionary activity is not the “work of the church” but the “Church at work” – Not something done once things are strong at home but something that is done that defines the church • If asked: “Why still mission?” the response is: “Why still church?” • “Mission is essentially ecclesial” – Schumacher • Missionary Dimension (started w/ Newbigin) – Worshipping community; welcoming outsiders; pastors & members share ministry; equipped members; structurally pliable; not protective of select groups • Missionary Intention – Engages society with evangelism, justice, & peace
  • 7. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others God’s Pilgrim People, 373-374 • Bible: WanderingpeopleofGod – onajourney • Only temporarily here • Assuchonlyneedsa destination &supportfortheroad • Itiscalledtoliveonearthsomethingofwhatitislikein God’s reign!
  • 8. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others Sacrament, Sign, Instrument 374-376 • All 3 pointbeyondthemselvestoChrist • “Itisnouse composing in-house descriptionsofthechurch, however faithful theymaybeto scripture &tradition, if within thechurchtheyhavethe fatal effectofgiving believers awarm illusion thatalliswell, &whenreadby humankind outsidethechurchtheyseemtohavepartedcompan ywithreality” (Bakerin Bosch, 376).
  • 9. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others Church & World 376-378 • Mission is “God’s turningtotheworld” – Thisisachangefrompreviousunderstandingsoftherelati onshipbetweentheChurch&theWorld – Beforetheworldwas hostile: • “… thechurchwasaworldonitsown …. Christian ministry &lifewas defined exclusively intermsof preaching., public worship, the pastorate, & charity. ‘Practicing’ Christianswere (&oftenstillare!) defined asregularchurch goers” (Schmitz in Bosch, 376)
  • 10. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others Church & World 376-378 – Nowitwas “Churchin solidarity withtheworld.” • Thechurchnowhadarelationshipwiththeworldthatwasthe mission! – We can’t separatethechurchfromthe mission; wealso can’t separatethechurchfromtheworldtowhichitissent! – “Thejoy&hope, the grief & anguish ofthepeopleofourtime, especiallyofthosewhoarepooror afflicted inmayway, arethejoy&hope, the grief & anguish ofthe followers ofChristaswell” Gaudium et Spes
  • 11. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others Church & World 376-378 – Whatdoesthismeanforthechurch? • Churchshouldbeawareofits provisional character – thegoalis God’s glory not necessarily abiggerchurch • Churchisnotthe kingdom – itpointsusthere&givesusaglimpse&tasteofit • Churchisnotjustawaitingroomforheaven – butisthe “community fortheworld.” • Churchisthe dwelling placeofGodtheSpirit Eph 2:22 – Assuchitisapartof God’s movementtowardtheworld!
  • 12. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others Church & World 376-378 • “If the Church attempts to sever itself from the involvement in the world& if its structures are such that they thwart the possibility of rendering a relevant service to the world, such structures have to be recognized as heretical” (378). – “We are a kingdom people not a church people.” – “Kingdom people seek first the Kingdom of God& its justice; church people often put church work above concerns of justice, mercy & truth. Church people thing about how to get people into the church; Kingdom people think about how to get the church into the world. Church people worry that the world might change the church; Kingdom people work to see the church change the world” (Snyder in Bosch, 378) • Church always brings good news.
  • 13. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others Rediscovering the Local Church 378-381 • Fundamental to the NT: – “The church-in-mission is, primarily, the local church everywhere in the world.” – “No local church should stand in a position of authority over against another local church.” – This, according to Bosch has been “for all practical purposes ignored during much of Church history.” • RC  Pope as authority • “Protestant”  Older vs Younger churches – “Paul founded churches while we found missions” (Roland Allen). – “Mission could not longer be viewed as one-way traffic from the West to the Third World; every church, everywhere, was understood to be in a state of mission” (379).
  • 14. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others Creative Tension 381-389 • 2 views of the church that are irreconcilable: – Church as sole bearer of the message of salvation; • vs – Church as illustration of God’s involvement with the world. • The two must exist in “creative tension”
  • 15. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others Creative Tension 381-389 2 views of the church that are irreconcilable: Church as sole bearer of the Church as illustration of God’s message of salvation involvement w/ the world • Church: partial realization of • Church: a pointer to how God God’s kingdom on earth acts in the world • Mission: getting people to • Mission: a “consciousness- move from death to life raiser” to guide people • Problem: No ethical thrust – toward the “humanization of focus tends to be on micro- society” ethics (numbers, religious • Problem: No soteriological living, individual morality) & depth – the church is too ignores macro-ethics (justice, identified w/ the world or is peace, equity). altogether eliminated.
  • 16. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others Worship & Connection to God Church Engaging Society The Church “The church is always & at the same time called out of the world & sent into the world” (WCC Faith & Order Commission in Bosch, 386).
  • 17. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others Creative Tension 381-389 • “It is only a church which goes out from its eucharistic centre, strengthened by word& sacrament & thus strengthened in its own identity, that can take the world on to its agenda …. At the same time, the Church can go out to the edges of society, not fearful of being distorted or confused by the world's agenda, but confident& capable of recognizing that God is already there” (WCC 1983 in Bosch, 386)
  • 18. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others Creative Tension 381-389 • The Church is imperfect • Ecclesia semperreformandaest – "the church is always to be reformed”
  • 19. Ch 12 1. Mission as Church-with-Others 1. Mission as Church-with-Others • “Looking at itself through the eyes of the world, the church realizes that it is disreputable & shabby, susceptible to all human frailties; looking at itself through the eyes of the believers, it perceives itself as a mystery, as the incorruptible Body of Christ on earth. … It is this church, ambiguous in the extreme, which is ‘missionary by its very nature’, the pilgrim people of God, ‘in the nature of’ a sacrament, sign, & instrument, & ‘a most sure seed of unity, hope& salvation for the whole human race” (389).
  • 20. Ch 12 2. Mission as Missio Dei David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 389-393
  • 21. Ch 12 2. Mission as Missio Dei Defined • The Father sends the Son, the Father & the Son send the Spirit, & the Father, Son & Spirit send the church into the world. • “Mission is not primarily an activity of the church but an attribute of God. God is a missionary God.” • “There is a church because there is a mission, not vice versa” (390).
  • 22. Ch 12 2. Mission as Missio Dei Defined • Mission = Missio Dei • Missions = Missiones Ecclesiae • “our missionary activities are only authentic insofar as they reflect participation in the mission of God” (391). • “The primary purpose of the missiones ecclesiae can therefore not simply be the planting of churches or the saving of souls; rather, it has to be service to the missio Dei, representing God in & over against the world. Pointing to God, holding up the God-child before the eyes of the world in a ceaseless celebration of the Feast of the Epiphany. In its mission, the church witnesses to the fullness of the promise of God’s reign & participates in the ongoing struggle between that reign & the powers of darkness& evil” (391).
  • 23. Ch 12 2. Mission as Missio Dei Issues with Missio Dei • So what then is the role of the church? Does the church actually do anything or does God work on his own? Does he need our help? • “… neither the church nor any other human agent can ever be considered the author or bearer of mission” (392).
  • 24. Ch 12 3. Mission as Mediating Salvation David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 393-400
  • 25. Ch 12 3. Mission as Mediating Salvation Salvation in Traditional Terms • Luke – End of poverty, discrimination, illness, demon possession, sin, etc. – In the here & now • Paul – Begins in this life but carries on in the next – A process that begins with an encounter with Christ but will only be completed in the Kingdom of God
  • 26. Ch 12 3. Mission as Mediating Salvation Salvation in Traditional Terms • Greek Fathers – A gradual uplift of believers to a divine status • Medieval (RC & Protestant) Church – The redemption of individual souls in the hereafter, which would happen after death – Separation between person & work of Christ led to separation between works of service & sharing the Gospel • “Their purpose was to dispose people favorably toward the gospel, ‘soften them up,’ & thereby prepare the way for the work of the real missionary, namely, the one who proclaimed God’s word about eternal salvation.”
  • 27. Ch 12 3. Mission as Mediating Salvation Salvation in the Enlightenment Paradigm • “Salvation now meant liberation from religious superstition, attention to human welfare, & the moral improvement of humanity” (395). • There were 2 responses to this: 1. To continue to define salvation in traditional terms; 2. To adopt this new definition & change Jesus into a good example.
  • 28. Ch 12 3. Mission as Mediating Salvation Salvation in the Enlightenment Paradigm • “In a world in which people are dependent on each other & every individual exists within a web of inter-human relationships, it is totally untenable to limit salvation to the individual & his or her personal relationship with God…. Christians pray that the reign of God should come & God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven; it follows from this that the earth is the locus of the Christian’s calling & sanctification” (397).
  • 29. Ch 12 3. Mission as Mediating Salvation Challenges to Defining Salvation • Traditional Definition: – To restrict salvation only to escape from God’s wrath & redemption of the individual soul is dangerously narrow. – It makes too clear a distinction between well-being & salvation. • Enlightenment Definition: – “The Christian gospel is not identical with the agenda of modern emancipation & liberation movements.”
  • 30. Ch 12 3. Mission as Mediating Salvation So What do we do? • The scope of salvation needs to be more comprehensive than traditional models have said. • “Those who know that God will one day wipe away all tears will not accept with resignation the tears of those who suffer & are oppressed now. Anyone who knows that one day there will be no more disease can& must actively anticipate the conquest of disease in individuals & society now. Any anyone who believes that the enemy of God& humans will be vanquished will already oppose him now in his machinations in family& society. For all of this has to do with salvation” (400).
  • 31. Ch 12 4. Mission as The Quest for Justice David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 400-408
  • 32. Ch 12 4. Mission as The Quest for Justice Evangelism vs Social Responsibility • “Evil is not only in the human heart but also in social structures …. The mission of the church includes both the proclamation of the Gospel & its demonstration. We must therefore evangelize, respond to immediate human needs, & press for social transformation” (Wheaton 1983 Statement in Bosch, 407).
  • 33. Ch 12 5. Mission as Evangelism David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 409-420
  • 34. Ch 12 5. Mission as Evangelism Evangelism Defined “… that dimension & activity of the church’s mission which, by word & deed & in the light of the particular conditions & a particular context, offers every person & community, everywhere, a valid opportunity to be directly challenged to a radical reorientation of their lives, a reorientation which involves such things as deliverance from slavery to the world & its power; embracing Christ as Saviour & Lord; becoming a living member of his community, the church; being enlisted into his service of reconciliation, peace & justice, on earth; & being committed to God’s purpose of placing all things under the rule of Christ” (420).
  • 35. Ch 12 6. Mission as Contextualization David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 420-432
  • 36. Ch 12 6. Mission as Contextualization Issues in Contextualization • “Interpretingatextisnotonlyaliteraryexercise; itisalsoasocial, economic, &politicalexercise. Ourentire context comesintoplaywhenweinterpreta biblical text. Onethereforehasto concede thatall theology (or sociology, politicaltheory, etc.) is, byitsverynature, contextual” (423).
  • 37. Ch 12 6. Mission as Contextualization Contextual Theology Process (424-425) 1. Suspicion that Western Science, Philosophy, & Theology were actually designed to serve the interests of the West. 2. Refuses to see the world as a place that only has to be explained. The goal is to change it. 3. Emphasis on commitment to the poor & marginalized. 4. Credible theology is only done with those who suffer. 5. Emphasis on doing theology. 6. Hermeneutical Circulation – Experience – Reflection – Combine theory & practice
  • 38. The Ambiguities of Contextualization (425-432) 1. Isan affirmation thatGodhasturnedtowardtheworld. 2. Involvestheconstructionofavarietyof “local theologies” 3. Thereisnotonlythedangerof relativism, whereeach context forges itsown theology, tailor-made forthat specific context, butalsothedangerofaboslutismof contextualization 4. Readingthesignsofthetimes 5. Itisnottobetakenasthe sole &basicauthorityfor theological reflection. 6. Itisnotmerelyadifferencebetween praxis &theory. Italsoincludespoiesis. 7. Thebestmodelsholdin creative tensiontheoria, praxis &poiesis.
  • 39. Ch 12 7. Mission as Liberation David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 432-447
  • 40. • Liberation Theology isan attempt at contextualization
  • 41. FromDevelopmentto Liberation (432- 435) • “All theologies of liberation &ofinculturation … are 3rd-world theologies or theologies ofthe 3rdworld within the 1stworld” (432). • Arose “to grapple withtheproblemsof systemic injustice” (432). • A response tothe “development/modernization model”
  • 42. FromDevelopmentto Liberation (432- 435) Development& Modernization Liberation Theology • WhatisgoodfortheWestisgoodf • Domination vs Dependence orthe 3rdWorld • Rich vsPoor • Allthe 3rdWorldneedsis • Captialismvs Socialism technological expertise • Oppressors vs Oppressed • One-way • Poverty transferofdevelopment removedbyremovingitsrootca • NothingintheNorthneededtoc uses hange. • 3rdWorldneedstotakemattersi ntotheirownhandsthroughrev FAIL! olution
  • 43. “God’s Preferential Option forthePoor” (435-438) • “Thepoorarethefirst, though nottheonlyones,onwhich God’s attention focuses andthat, therefore, thechurchhasnochoicebutto demonstrate solidarity withthepoor” (436).
  • 44. Liberal Theology & Liberation Theology (438-440) • Similarities: – Strongsocial concern – Reject tendencytointerpretChristian faith in otherworldly categories – Reject tendencytointerpretChristian faith in excessively individualistic terms – Both committed toa “motif of earthly prosperity through modernization” – Anthropocentric ratherthantheocentric
  • 45. Liberal Theology & Liberation Theology (438-440) • Differences: – Doesitstill “makesensetotalkaboutGodina secular age?” (438) vs “Liberation theology’s questionisnotknowingwhetherGodexists, butknowing onwhichsideGodis” (439). – Theology fromabove (upholding the status quo) vs theology frombelow (revolution)
  • 46. The Marxist Connection (440-442) • “Liberation theology’s useof Marxism &Marxist categories is selective & critical” (440). • Keydifferences: – Marxism isachildofthe Enlightenment – Christianity believesinGod – Christianity is non-violent
  • 47. Integral Liberation (442-447) • “Thisisnota ‘new theology’ butanewstagein theologizing, andassuchbothcontinuousand discontinuous withthe theologizing ofearlier epochs. Itisnota fad butaserious attempt toletthe faith makesensetothe postmodern age” (447).
  • 48. Ch 12 8. Mission as Inculturation David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 447-457
  • 49. • Inculturation isan attempt at contextualization • “TheChristian faith neverexistsexceptas ‘translated’ intoaculture” (447).
  • 50. The Vicissitudes ofAccommodation& Indigenization (447-450)
  • 51. 20thc Developments (450-452)
  • 55. Ch 12 9. Mission as Common Witness David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 457-467
  • 56. The (Re)birthofthe Ecumenical Ideain Mission (457-461)
  • 57. Catholics, Mission, & Ecumenism (461- 463)
  • 58. Unityin Mission; Mission inUnity (463- 467)
  • 59. Ch 12 10. Mission as Ministry by the Whole People of God David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 467-474
  • 60. The Evolution of Ordained Ministry (467- 470)
  • 61. The Apostolate ofthe Laity (470-472)
  • 63. Ch 12 11. Mission as Witness to People of Other Living Faiths David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 474-489
  • 65. Postmodern Responses? • “We should never have transplanted Christianity to Asia without breaking the pot in which the plant came” (Pieris in Bosch, 478). • There are three responses (apart from “Atheism”) – Exclusivism – Fulfillment – Relativism
  • 67. Ch 12 12. Mission as Theology David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 489-498
  • 69. From Theo of Mission to Missionary Theo
  • 70. What Missiology Can & Can’t Do
  • 71. Ch 12 13. Mission as Action in Hope David J. Bosch, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission, 498-510
  • 72. The “Eschatology Office” Closed • “… revelation isthewordforGodmakinghimselfknowninhistorical acts. Thequestion, WhoisGod?, wasansweredwitharefe rencetohistory – HeistheGodof Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. AndthestoryofJesusof Nazareth ispartofthathistory, unintelligablewithoutit” (499).
  • 73. Myth ofthe Eternal Pastasapromiseof Return thefuture!