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Dal Web
al al Virtual Learning Environment
al Personal Knowledge Environment
Maria Chiara Pettenati
Facoltà di Ingegneria
Università di Firenze
Firenze, 17 Aprile 20102
Web 1.0
Web 2.0
Firenze, 17 Aprile 20103
Web 2.0 =Chiunque puòPubblicarsi
Firenze, 17 Aprile 20104
Information overload
Filtering failure?
Firenze, 17 Aprile 20105 Knowledge
Firenze, 17 Aprile 20106
Web 1.0
Web 2.0
Web 3.0
Firenze, 17 Aprile 20107
Dal Web
al al Virtual Learning Environment
al Personal Knowledge Environment
Maria Chiara Pettenati
Facoltà di Ingegneria
Università di Firenze
Firenze, 17 Aprile 20109
Virtual Learning Environment
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201012
Peña-López, I. (2010) “Centralization vs. decentralitacion in Government
and Education” In ICTlogy, #78, March 2010. Barcelona: ICTlogy. http://
VLE custom VLE general
Gestione in
Gestione in
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201013
Peña-López, I. (2010) “Funneling concepts in Education 2.0: PLE, e-Portfolio, Open Social Learning”
In ICTlogy, #78, March 2010. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201014
Su cosa ci concentriamo
Ambienti tecnologici per
l’apprendimento e per la gestione della
conoscenza in rete
 Quali skills sono necessarie?
 Quali strumenti e ambienti
possono essere utili?
 Che risultati si possono ottenere?
Risorse: trailer di presentazione del video
The movie
ALT (UK) - Settembre 2009
Chi ascoltiamo
Graham Attwell is Director of the
Wales based research organisation, Pontydysgu
James Clay ILT & Learning Resources
Manager at Gloucestershire College since
November 2006.
Risorse: trailer di presentazione del video
The movie
ALT (UK) - Settembre 2009
Graham Attwell
 The education system itself, modelled originally on
factories, is now dysfunctional and doesn’t fit need.
 And technologies such as VLE are modelled on that
outdated paradigm.
 The VLE has to be seen in the context of the
managerialism of the late 1990s, and had efficiencies
as its central concern.
 Why should we tell students to go to the VLE for
learning materials when it isn’t where we would go
ourselves if we wanted to learn stuff?
 We have social software now, which people are able to
shape themselves.
James Clay
 We’ve spent the last 10 years saying that the VLE
is dead.
 We’ll bury the VLE one day – but not today.
 Why should we tell students to go to lectures for
learning when it isn’t where we would go ourselves
if we wanted to learn stuff.
 We’ve abandoned the idea of the Google
generation/digital natives
 Students still need guidance at this stage; neither
they nor academics have the confidence to make
good use of social networking tools, and that’s
where the VLE comes in.
 VLE extended
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201020
Cosa conta nel VLE
Altre Risorse relative a VLE
 What is a VLE (basic, circa 4 minuti)
 E-portfolios (circa 30 minuti)
 In inglese (forse potreste tradurli?
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201021
Tempo di domande, idee & commenti
Il concetto di Personal Web
Come dire: Personal Learning
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201024
Vari modi di intendere e gestire la
complessità -I
“The amount of content
available on the web is
staggering. Sifting through
the sheer volume of material
— good or bad, useful or
otherwise — is a daunting
task. It is even difficult to
keep track of the media
posted by a single person, or
by oneself. On the other
hand, adding to the mix is
easier than ever before,
thanks to easy-to-use
publishing tools for every
type and size of media.”
• (Horizon Report,
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201025
Vari modi di intendere e gestire la
complessità -II
 To cope with the problem,
computer users are assembling
collections of tools, widgets, and
services that make it easy to
develop and organize dynamic
online content.
 Armed with tools for tagging,
aggregating, updating, and
keeping track of content, today’s
learners create and navigate a
web that is increasingly tailored to
their own needs and interests:
this is the personal web.”
• (Horizon Report, 2009)
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201026
..e quindi…
 it is easy to create customized,
personal web-based environments
— a personal web — that
explicitly supports one’s social,
professional, learning and other
activities via highly personalized
windows to the networked world.
 (Horizon Report, 2009)
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201028
…. Personal Web non basta a fare PLE
1) perchè non è affatto “easy”, neanche su un
piano puramente tecnico, ma se anche lo fosse
non sarebbe comunque sufficiente per il PKM
 un Personal Web consente al più un Personal
Information Management; perchè questo si traduca in
un Personal Knowledge Magement efficace sono
necessarie ben altre cose….
2) perché per realizzare un Personal Web efficace
bisogna possedere delle abilità che vanno aldilà
di abilità tecnologiche e affondano le radici nella
disciplina del Knowledge Management
e per affrontare 1) bisogna affrontare prima
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201029
Competenze del lifelong learner 2.0
 Digital Literacy
 Information Literacy
 Media Literacy
 Digital Competences
 …
 Introduzione al tema in (M.
E. Cigognini PKM –
Personal Knowledge
Management: cosa vuol
dire essere una persona
istruita nel XXI secolo?
n. 66 gennaio/febbraio)
 È il set di
competenze e
abilità complesse
che sostiene il singolo
nel suo processo di
formazione continua
 Nasce in accademia:
 UCLA, Los Angeles,
(2000) + Millikin
University (2003).
 Ora anche d’interesse
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201030
The Digital Generation Gap
April 4th, 2010
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201032
Edge, Question of the year, 2010
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201033
Edge, Question of the year, 2010
Tempo di domande, idee & commenti
Dal Personal Web al PKE
Un multi-tool Environment per la gestione della conoscenza personale
– ovvero un Personal Knowledge Environment
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201037
PKE (PLE) – stato dell’arte
 Ad oggi non è ancora emerso in modo proprio il
concetto di PKE, quando piuttosto quello generico
(semplicistico) di Personal Web
 Il concetto più affine al PKE è quello di PLE
(Personal Learning Environment) o e-portfolio
 Dal teacher allo student o community-oriented
 spesso ancorato al formale, seppur con aperture
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201038
PLE, e-p or what?
PLE, e-p, or what?
February 18, 2010
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201047
Più in generale: Personal Knowledge Environment
 il dispiegamento di un (COME)
Personal Web (DOVE) in un
tempo dedicato al learning
(QUANDO), grazie al quale
qualsiasi utente (CHI) può
catturare una propria vista del
flusso informativo del mondo
della rete (COSA) e –
applicando sforzo e metodo
(COME) – utilizzarlo per
accrescere la propria
conoscenza (COSA) in
relazione a degli obiettivi che si
pone (PERCHE’).
Il dispiegamento di un
Personal Web
in un tempo dedicato
al learning
grazie al quale
qualsiasi utente
può catturare
una propria vista
del flusso informativo
del mondo della rete
e utilizzarlo
sforzo e metodo
per accrescere
la propria
in relazione
a degli obiettivi
che si pone
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201050
Le motivazioni del PKE -I
 Perché è uno spazio virtuale altamente flessibile ed
a basso costo che consente:
 Di ospitare un repository di collegamenti e produzione personale
relativa ad attività passate, presenti e in progress
 Di raccogliere ed aggregare risorse digitali, news, informazioni e
materiali che saranno accessibili dovunque e da qualsiasi
 Di self-archiving e self-pulishing ogni attività o idea in corso,
evitando ritardi di ogni natural, aumentando la propria visibilità e
contemporaneamente alimentando il networking e la condivisione
di conoscenza
 In sintesi il PKE permette di tracciare il percorso
lettura-prensiero-scrittura e tradurlo in attività
concreta di costruzione di conoscenza
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201051
Le motivazioni del PKE - II
 La più grande differenza rispetto alla pubblicazione
tradizionale di contenuti su Web è che il PKE consentirebbe
non solo di tenere traccia della conoscenza consolidata,
ma anche del flusso di conoscenza e conoscenza non
strutturata intesa a promuovere la costruzione (anche
collaborativa) di nuova conoscenza
 Di affermare una presenza ed una personalità digitale
(digital identity) nei confronti di una generazione di
studenti “nativi digitali” (born digital) che non sanno come
“vivere digitale” (live digital).
come farlo
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201053
PKE - Ricetta base
 un blog per tenere traccia di news, riflessioni e
del flusso di conoscenza che nasce da letture,
ricerche, interazioni
 un blogroll per fornire a tutti i lettori una lista
di raccomandazioni ad altri blog
 un wiki per archiviare la conoscenza
collaborativa che evolve nel tempo
 un manager di risorse con accesso online ai
 un repository personale per il self-archiving
della documentazione prodotta
 un sistema di social bookmarking ed
archiviazione per immagini, audio, video
 Un uggregatore di RSS feeds per tutti i
contenuti dinamici di interesse
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201054
PKE – strumenti utili e oramai consolidati
 Ce ne sono tanti, ad esempio la lista di:
 Barry's best tools
 Visitate anche:
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201056
Non dimentichiamo l’ultima onda….
Tempo di domande, idee & commenti
VLE – PKE cosa si può
arrivare a fare?
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201059
PKE – che risultati si possono ottenere
 Ambito “education”
 Dr. Michael Wesch,
Assistant Professor of Cultural
Anthropology and Digital Ethnography,
Kansas State University
 U.S. Professor of the Year 2008 Award
for Outstanding Doctoral Research
Michael Wesch is a cultural
anthropologist exploring the impact
of new media on society and
The Machine is Us/ing Us
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201061
Prof. Michael Wesch – la frontiera tra il
PKE e la Social Classroom
 Blog
 Un punto di presenza
 Mediated Cultures: Digital Ethnography
at Kansas State University
 Un punto di aggregazione
 Un punto di lavoro
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201068
Dal Personal Web al Personal Knowledge
 Il Web attuale fornisce strumenti molto potenti di
supporto al costruzione di conoscenza
(Knowledge Building, KB)
 Nel sottolineare il passaggio dal Personal Web al
PKE si pone l’accento sulle tecnologie e sui suoi
usi orientati al KB oltreché agli approcci
“tradizionali” di gestione della conoscenza
 In questa ottica ha senso parlare di PKE –
Personal Knowledge Environment
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201069
 Sfida di questo tempo:
 Fare in modo che gli studenti diventino capaci di partecipare
alla creazione di conoscenza come parte normale della loro
 Fatto: non ci sono metodi consolidati per educare
le persone a diventare produttori di conoscenza
 Dobbiamo/possiamo pensare a una traiettoria di sviluppo che
conduca dalla naturale voglia di scoprire del bambini fino alla
creatività disciplinata di un maturo creatore di conoscenza
 Come condurre gli studenti su questa
Scardamalia, M., & Bereiter, C. (2003). Knowledge building. In
Encyclopedia of education, second edition. (pp. 1370-1373). New York:
Macmillan Reference, USA.
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201070
La storia dell’istruzione ci insegna delle
 3 strade ad oggi perseguite:
 Foundational knowledge; prima impadronirsi
della conoscenza già nota
 Focus sulle “subskills”; prima impadronirsi di
abilità quali pensiero critico, metodi scientifici,
collaborazione, poi utilizzarle in costruzione di
 Learning communities, project-base learning e
guided discovery; la conoscenza si costruisce
 Forniscono soluzione solo parziale
Scardamalia, M., & Bereiter, C. (in press)
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201071
Principles of Knowledge building Scardamalia (2002) -I
 Real ideas and authentic problems. In the classroom
as a Knowledge building community, learners are
concerned with understanding, based on their real
problems in the real world.
 Improvable ideas. Students' ideas are regarded as
improvable objects.
 Idea diversity. In the classroom, the diversity of ideas
raised by students is necessary.
 Rise above. Through a sustained improvement of
ideas and understanding, students create higher level
 Epistemic agency. Students themselves find their way
in order to advance.
 Community knowledge, collective responsibility.
Students' contribution to improving their collective
knowledge in the classroom is the primary purpose of
the Knowledge building classroom.
 Democratizing knowledge. All individuals are invited to
contribute to the knowledge advancement in the classroom.
 Symmetric knowledge advancement. A goal for Knowledge
building communities is to have individuals and organizations
actively working to provide a reciprocal advance of their
 Pervasive Knowledge building. Students contribute to collective
Knowledge building.
 Constructive uses of authoritative sources. All members,
including the teacher, sustain inquiry as a natural approach to
support their understanding.
 Knowledge building discourse. Students are engaged in
discourse to share with each other, and to improve the
knowledge advancement in the classroom.
 Concurrent, embedded, and transformative assessment.
Students take a global view of their understanding, then decide
how to approach their assessments. They create and engage in
assessments in a variety of ways.
Principles of Knowledge building Scardamalia (2002) -II
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201073
Conclusione – nei principi, I
 Tutti hanno un PKE, bene o male
 Nella peggiore delle ipotesi è un set di arnesi che genera
confusione e produce disagio
 Nella migliore delle ipotesi è un potentissimo strumento di
costruzione di conoscenza e di valorizzazione individuale
 Tanto vale pensarci un po’ su
 È particolarmente importante per chi opera nel
mondo dell’educazione e per chi ha a che fare con
 Nessun nativo digitale è saggio nell’uso della rete (digital
wisdom), alcuni sono immersi nelle tecnologie digitali senza
saper valutare la profondità della loro comprensione della
tecnologia (Palfrey & Gasser 2008)
I docenti restano le guide: se non
tengono il ritmo del tecnologismo,
poco importa: restano depositari di
accortezze d’uso e approcci
consapevoli agli usi evoluti della rete
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201075
Conclusione – nei principi, II
 Essere docente al tempo del Web 2010
significa padroneggiare i principi del Personal
Knowledge Management in modo da fare
prevalere sempre un approccio dinamico al
Learning to learn
 Non vergognarsi di:
 Dare giudizi e cambiare idea su
 La flessibilità e l’adattabilità sono caratteristiche
chiave per chi vuole stare in corsa col tempo
È necessaria una prospettiva di lungo
Life Long Learning
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201077
Conclusione – in pratica
 Fare ordine (prima mentale e poi strumentale) nel
proprio PKE (quello attuale)
 Fare auto-valutazione del proprio livello di digital
 Colmare le eventuali lacune con interventi di auto-
 Valutare in secondo tempo se è possibile/utile
impadronirsi di altri strumenti per potenziare le
funzionalità e l’impatto del PKE
 Se ci si ferma al mondo PKE scegliere strumenti e
dispositivi con criteri semplici come:
 Facilità e flessibilità di uso, adattabilità al contenuto,
visibilità e mobilità
 Se il vostro mondo PKE deve aprirsi alla social
 è utile capire portata e valutare ambienti specifici e
tecnologie specifiche per il mondo “educational”: ne
esistono molti e possono aiutare a fare grandi cose
Tempo di domande, idee & commenti
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201079
Web 1.0
Web 2.0
Web 3.0
Web 2.0
 Read/Write, two-way, anyone can be a publisher
 Social Web
 The term “Web 2.0” defines an era; like “Dot Com”
 Search (Google, Alternative Search Engines)
 Social Networks (MySpace, Facebook, OpenSocial)
 Online Media (YouTube, Hulu,
 Content Aggregation / Syndication (Bloglines, Google Reader,
Techmeme, Topix)
 Mashups (Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon)
Image credit: catspyjamasnz
Richard MacManus Web 3.0 or Not, There's Something Different About 2009
Web 3.0?
 “People keep asking what Web 3.0 is. I think maybe when
you've got an overlay of scalable vector graphics […] on
Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated
across a huge space of data […]”
Tim Berners-Lee, 2006
 ”The Web of Openness. A web that breaks the old siloes,
links everyone everything everywhere, and makes the
whole thing potentially smarter.”
Greg Boutin, May 2009
 “The Web 3.0 term misleads organizations by implying
that a new version of the web is upon us.”
Anthony Bradley, Gartner, April 2009
Richard MacManus Web 3.0 or Not, There's Something Different About 2009
Web 3.0 in a Nutshell
Cartoon by
Geek and Poke
Richard MacManus Web 3.0 or Not, There's Something Different About 2009
Web 3.0 or No, We’re Seeing Something
 There is a difference in the products we're
seeing in 2009 compared to the ones we
saw at the height of 'Web 2.0' (2005-08).
 More products based on open, structured data e.g.
Wolfram Alpha
 More real-time e.g. Twitter, OneRiot
 Better filters e.g. FriendFeed (and Facebook, which
copies FF)
 Google evolves (Search Options and Rich Snippets,
Search Wiki, Google Squared)
• real-time information, adding more meaning to the data
(aka Semantic Search), and filtering results. The new
features show that Google is adapting to this
Richard MacManus Web 3.0 or Not, There's Something Different About 2009
Web 3.0?
 If Web 2.0 was about user generated content and social
applications such as YouTube and Wikipedia, then Web 3.0
is about open and more structured data - which essentially
makes the Web more 'intelligent'.
 Web 3.0 is an amorphous term, and possibly one that
people shouldn't even attempt to use. Nevertheless, it's
clear to us that the time for structured data has
come. We're beginning to see it in the current
wave of Linked Data sets being released, and in
the support that big companies, like Google and
Yahoo, are showing for structured data. Who
knows, maybe the Semantic Web is nearly upon us too.
Richard MacManus Understanding the New Web Era: Web 3.0, Linked Data,
Semantic Web May 14 2009
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201086
Linked Data (RDF, SPARQL)
Semantic Web (RDFS, owl)
Web 3.0
Web 2.0
Web 3.0 extends current Web
applications using Semantic
Web technologies and graph-
based, open data.
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201087
IEEE Computer, Jan 2010; IEEE Computing Now, Feb 2010 (free)
Semantic Search examples
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201089
T2 (
TipTop (
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201092
Semantic classified (
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201093
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201094
Altri Esempi Web 3.0
Social database (
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201095
Altri letture su Web 3.0 Search
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201096
Web 3.0 excitement
 Significant and growing commercial interest…
 Web: Google, Amazon, Travelocity…
 Web 2.0: Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube, Twitter…
 Web 3.0: the big ones are still out there
Firenze, 17 Aprile 201097
Web 3.0 e Semantic Web
 The Semantic Web is going just fine thank you
 People asking “how,” not why
 So far the commercial driver has been “weak
 In the enterprise
 Web 3.0 adds semantics as a value add to
regular Web functionality
 Semantic search
 Semantic match
 Semantic etc
 The big one is still out there
Tempo di domande, idee & commenti
Ma il Cloud Computing
ci riguarda?
Firenze, 17 Aprile 2010100
Peña-López, I. (2010) “Centralization vs. decentralitacion in Government
and Education” In ICTlogy, #78, March 2010. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
VLE custom VLE general
Gestione in
Gestione in
Horizon key trends - 2010
• The abundance of resources and relationships
made easily accessible via the Internet is
increasingly challenging us to revisit our roles as
educators in sense-making, coaching, and
• People expect to be able to work, learn, and
study whenever and wherever they want to.
• The technologies we use are increasingly cloud-
based, and our notions of IT support are
• The work of students is increasingly seen as
collaborative by nature.
Firenze, 17 Aprile 2010103
Cloud computing, in education, is able to be both good
and bad. Why?
• The ‘good’;
• It allows you to work from
multiple PCs (home, work,
library, etc), find your files,
and edit them through the
• It can be used to support
teaching and learning
• Most software is free,
available and ready-to-use.
• Students can have a richer
and more diverse learning
experience, even outside
standard school hours.
• Schools and jurisdictions can
minimize costs; e.g.
outsource Institution email to
Google or Microsoft.
• It allows users to create
content through the browser,
instead of only searching
through the browser.
• The ‘bad’;
• Not all applications run in the
public cloud.
• Sensitive student data is no
longer completely controlled
by the school or the teachers.
• Internal networks are still
needed for disseminating
policies, printing, grouping
students, web filtering and
local storage.
• Who owns the intellectual
property rights over some
things you posted on cloud
• A deleted account does not
mean deleted content.
• Can you truly rely on the
cloud to correctly and
accurately filter (adult)
Altri riferimenti su Cloud Computing
L’ultimo pensiero di
• So I am now on an Internet diet, in order to understand the world a
bit better — and make another bet on horrendous mistakes by
economic policy makers. I am not entirely deprived of the Internet;
this is just a severe diet, with strict rationing. True, technologies are
the greatest things in the world, but they have way too monstrous
side effects — and ones rarely seen ahead of time. And since
spending time in the silence of my library, with little informational
pollution, I can feel harmony with my genes; I feel I am growing
Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering, NYU-Poly; Principal, Universa
Investments; Author, The Black Swan
… grazie per avere
passato questo
Sabato insieme!

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  • 1. Dal Web al al Virtual Learning Environment al Personal Knowledge Environment Maria Chiara Pettenati Facoltà di Ingegneria Università di Firenze
  • 2. Firenze, 17 Aprile 20102 Web Web 1.0 Web 2.0
  • 3. Firenze, 17 Aprile 20103 Web 2.0 =Chiunque puòPubblicarsi
  • 4. Firenze, 17 Aprile 20104 Information overload oppure Filtering failure?
  • 5. Firenze, 17 Aprile 20105 Knowledge
  • 6. Firenze, 17 Aprile 20106 Web Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0
  • 7. Firenze, 17 Aprile 20107 Learning to Learn
  • 8. Dal Web al al Virtual Learning Environment al Personal Knowledge Environment Maria Chiara Pettenati Facoltà di Ingegneria Università di Firenze
  • 9. Firenze, 17 Aprile 20109 Virtual Learning Environment
  • 11.
  • 12. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201012 Peña-López, I. (2010) “Centralization vs. decentralitacion in Government and Education” In ICTlogy, #78, March 2010. Barcelona: ICTlogy. http:// VLE custom VLE general Gestione in casa Gestione in rete PLE/PKE
  • 13. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201013 Peña-López, I. (2010) “Funneling concepts in Education 2.0: PLE, e-Portfolio, Open Social Learning” In ICTlogy, #78, March 2010. Barcelona: ICTlogy.
  • 14. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201014 Su cosa ci concentriamo Ambienti tecnologici per l’apprendimento e per la gestione della conoscenza in rete  Quali skills sono necessarie?  Quali strumenti e ambienti possono essere utili?  Che risultati si possono ottenere?
  • 15. Risorse: trailer di presentazione del video The movie ALT (UK) - Settembre 2009
  • 16. Chi ascoltiamo Graham Attwell is Director of the Wales based research organisation, Pontydysgu  James Clay ILT & Learning Resources Manager at Gloucestershire College since November 2006. 
  • 17. Risorse: trailer di presentazione del video The movie ALT (UK) - Settembre 2009
  • 18. Graham Attwell  The education system itself, modelled originally on factories, is now dysfunctional and doesn’t fit need.  And technologies such as VLE are modelled on that outdated paradigm.  The VLE has to be seen in the context of the managerialism of the late 1990s, and had efficiencies as its central concern.  Why should we tell students to go to the VLE for learning materials when it isn’t where we would go ourselves if we wanted to learn stuff?  We have social software now, which people are able to shape themselves.
  • 19. James Clay  We’ve spent the last 10 years saying that the VLE is dead.  We’ll bury the VLE one day – but not today.  Why should we tell students to go to lectures for learning when it isn’t where we would go ourselves if we wanted to learn stuff.  We’ve abandoned the idea of the Google generation/digital natives  Students still need guidance at this stage; neither they nor academics have the confidence to make good use of social networking tools, and that’s where the VLE comes in.  VLE extended
  • 20. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201020 Cosa conta nel VLE
  • 21. Altre Risorse relative a VLE  What is a VLE (basic, circa 4 minuti)   E-portfolios (circa 30 minuti)  In inglese (forse potreste tradurli? Firenze, 17 Aprile 201021
  • 22. Tempo di domande, idee & commenti
  • 23. Il concetto di Personal Web Come dire: Personal Learning Environment?
  • 24. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201024 Vari modi di intendere e gestire la complessità -I “The amount of content available on the web is staggering. Sifting through the sheer volume of material — good or bad, useful or otherwise — is a daunting task. It is even difficult to keep track of the media posted by a single person, or by oneself. On the other hand, adding to the mix is easier than ever before, thanks to easy-to-use publishing tools for every type and size of media.” • (Horizon Report, 2009)
  • 25. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201025 Vari modi di intendere e gestire la complessità -II  To cope with the problem, computer users are assembling collections of tools, widgets, and services that make it easy to develop and organize dynamic online content.  Armed with tools for tagging, aggregating, updating, and keeping track of content, today’s learners create and navigate a web that is increasingly tailored to their own needs and interests: this is the personal web.” • (Horizon Report, 2009)
  • 26. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201026 ..e quindi…  it is easy to create customized, personal web-based environments — a personal web — that explicitly supports one’s social, professional, learning and other activities via highly personalized windows to the networked world.  (Horizon Report, 2009)
  • 27.
  • 28. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201028 …. Personal Web non basta a fare PLE 1) perchè non è affatto “easy”, neanche su un piano puramente tecnico, ma se anche lo fosse non sarebbe comunque sufficiente per il PKM  un Personal Web consente al più un Personal Information Management; perchè questo si traduca in un Personal Knowledge Magement efficace sono necessarie ben altre cose…. 2) perché per realizzare un Personal Web efficace bisogna possedere delle abilità che vanno aldilà di abilità tecnologiche e affondano le radici nella disciplina del Knowledge Management e per affrontare 1) bisogna affrontare prima 2)
  • 29. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201029 Competenze del lifelong learner 2.0  Digital Literacy  Information Literacy  Media Literacy  Digital Competences  …  Introduzione al tema in (M. E. Cigognini PKM – Personal Knowledge Management: cosa vuol dire essere una persona istruita nel XXI secolo? Form@re, n. 66 gennaio/febbraio)  È il set di conoscenze, competenze e abilità complesse che sostiene il singolo nel suo processo di formazione continua  Nasce in accademia:  UCLA, Los Angeles, (2000) + Millikin University (2003).  Ora anche d’interesse aziendale
  • 30. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201030 The Digital Generation Gap April 4th, 2010
  • 31.
  • 32. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201032 Edge, Question of the year, 2010
  • 33. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201033 Edge, Question of the year, 2010
  • 34. Tempo di domande, idee & commenti
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  • 36. Dal Personal Web al PKE Un multi-tool Environment per la gestione della conoscenza personale – ovvero un Personal Knowledge Environment
  • 37. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201037 PKE (PLE) – stato dell’arte  Ad oggi non è ancora emerso in modo proprio il concetto di PKE, quando piuttosto quello generico (semplicistico) di Personal Web  Il concetto più affine al PKE è quello di PLE (Personal Learning Environment) o e-portfolio  Dal teacher allo student o community-oriented  spesso ancorato al formale, seppur con aperture 
  • 38. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201038 PLE, e-p or what? PLE, e-p, or what? February 18, 2010
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  • 47. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201047 Più in generale: Personal Knowledge Environment (PKE)  il dispiegamento di un (COME) Personal Web (DOVE) in un tempo dedicato al learning (QUANDO), grazie al quale qualsiasi utente (CHI) può catturare una propria vista del flusso informativo del mondo della rete (COSA) e – applicando sforzo e metodo (COME) – utilizzarlo per accrescere la propria conoscenza (COSA) in relazione a degli obiettivi che si pone (PERCHE’).
  • 48. Il dispiegamento di un Personal Web DOVE in un tempo dedicato al learning grazie al quale qualsiasi utente può catturare una propria vista del flusso informativo del mondo della rete e utilizzarlo applicando sforzo e metodo per accrescere la propria conoscenza in relazione a degli obiettivi che si pone QUANDO CHI COSACOME PERCHE’
  • 50. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201050 Le motivazioni del PKE -I  Perché è uno spazio virtuale altamente flessibile ed a basso costo che consente:  Di ospitare un repository di collegamenti e produzione personale relativa ad attività passate, presenti e in progress  Di raccogliere ed aggregare risorse digitali, news, informazioni e materiali che saranno accessibili dovunque e da qualsiasi computer  Di self-archiving e self-pulishing ogni attività o idea in corso, evitando ritardi di ogni natural, aumentando la propria visibilità e contemporaneamente alimentando il networking e la condivisione di conoscenza  In sintesi il PKE permette di tracciare il percorso lettura-prensiero-scrittura e tradurlo in attività concreta di costruzione di conoscenza condivis(a/ibile).
  • 51. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201051 Le motivazioni del PKE - II  La più grande differenza rispetto alla pubblicazione tradizionale di contenuti su Web è che il PKE consentirebbe non solo di tenere traccia della conoscenza consolidata, ma anche del flusso di conoscenza e conoscenza non strutturata intesa a promuovere la costruzione (anche collaborativa) di nuova conoscenza  Di affermare una presenza ed una personalità digitale (digital identity) nei confronti di una generazione di studenti “nativi digitali” (born digital) che non sanno come “vivere digitale” (live digital).
  • 53. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201053 PKE - Ricetta base  un blog per tenere traccia di news, riflessioni e del flusso di conoscenza che nasce da letture, ricerche, interazioni  un blogroll per fornire a tutti i lettori una lista di raccomandazioni ad altri blog  un wiki per archiviare la conoscenza collaborativa che evolve nel tempo  un manager di risorse con accesso online ai record  un repository personale per il self-archiving della documentazione prodotta  un sistema di social bookmarking ed archiviazione per immagini, audio, video  Un uggregatore di RSS feeds per tutti i contenuti dinamici di interesse
  • 54. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201054 PKE – strumenti utili e oramai consolidati  Ce ne sono tanti, ad esempio la lista di:  Barry's best tools m=ba286258ec8e417fba5c81924f08ef18  Visitate anche:
  • 56. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201056 Non dimentichiamo l’ultima onda…. ! v=rDu2A3WzQpo&feature=related
  • 57. Tempo di domande, idee & commenti
  • 58. VLE – PKE cosa si può arrivare a fare?
  • 59. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201059 PKE – che risultati si possono ottenere  Ambito “education”  Dr. Michael Wesch, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology and Digital Ethnography, Kansas State University  U.S. Professor of the Year 2008 Award for Outstanding Doctoral Research Universities Michael Wesch is a cultural anthropologist exploring the impact of new media on society and culture.
  • 60. The Machine is Us/ing Us
  • 61. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201061 Prof. Michael Wesch – la frontiera tra il PKE e la Social Classroom  Blog  Un punto di presenza   Mediated Cultures: Digital Ethnography at Kansas State University  Un punto di aggregazione raphy  Un punto di lavoro 
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  • 68. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201068 Dal Personal Web al Personal Knowledge Environment  Il Web attuale fornisce strumenti molto potenti di supporto al costruzione di conoscenza (Knowledge Building, KB)  Nel sottolineare il passaggio dal Personal Web al PKE si pone l’accento sulle tecnologie e sui suoi usi orientati al KB oltreché agli approcci “tradizionali” di gestione della conoscenza  In questa ottica ha senso parlare di PKE – Personal Knowledge Environment
  • 69. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201069  Sfida di questo tempo:  Fare in modo che gli studenti diventino capaci di partecipare alla creazione di conoscenza come parte normale della loro vita  Fatto: non ci sono metodi consolidati per educare le persone a diventare produttori di conoscenza  Dobbiamo/possiamo pensare a una traiettoria di sviluppo che conduca dalla naturale voglia di scoprire del bambini fino alla creatività disciplinata di un maturo creatore di conoscenza  Come condurre gli studenti su questa traiettoria? Scardamalia, M., & Bereiter, C. (2003). Knowledge building. In Encyclopedia of education, second edition. (pp. 1370-1373). New York: Macmillan Reference, USA.
  • 70. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201070 La storia dell’istruzione ci insegna delle strade  3 strade ad oggi perseguite:  Foundational knowledge; prima impadronirsi della conoscenza già nota  Focus sulle “subskills”; prima impadronirsi di abilità quali pensiero critico, metodi scientifici, collaborazione, poi utilizzarle in costruzione di conoscenza  Learning communities, project-base learning e guided discovery; la conoscenza si costruisce socialmente  Forniscono soluzione solo parziale all’obiettivo Scardamalia, M., & Bereiter, C. (in press)
  • 71. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201071 Principles of Knowledge building Scardamalia (2002) -I  Real ideas and authentic problems. In the classroom as a Knowledge building community, learners are concerned with understanding, based on their real problems in the real world.  Improvable ideas. Students' ideas are regarded as improvable objects.  Idea diversity. In the classroom, the diversity of ideas raised by students is necessary.  Rise above. Through a sustained improvement of ideas and understanding, students create higher level concepts.  Epistemic agency. Students themselves find their way in order to advance.  Community knowledge, collective responsibility. Students' contribution to improving their collective knowledge in the classroom is the primary purpose of the Knowledge building classroom.
  • 72.  Democratizing knowledge. All individuals are invited to contribute to the knowledge advancement in the classroom.  Symmetric knowledge advancement. A goal for Knowledge building communities is to have individuals and organizations actively working to provide a reciprocal advance of their knowledge.  Pervasive Knowledge building. Students contribute to collective Knowledge building.  Constructive uses of authoritative sources. All members, including the teacher, sustain inquiry as a natural approach to support their understanding.  Knowledge building discourse. Students are engaged in discourse to share with each other, and to improve the knowledge advancement in the classroom.  Concurrent, embedded, and transformative assessment. Students take a global view of their understanding, then decide how to approach their assessments. They create and engage in assessments in a variety of ways. Principles of Knowledge building Scardamalia (2002) -II
  • 73. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201073 Conclusione – nei principi, I  Tutti hanno un PKE, bene o male  Nella peggiore delle ipotesi è un set di arnesi che genera confusione e produce disagio  Nella migliore delle ipotesi è un potentissimo strumento di costruzione di conoscenza e di valorizzazione individuale  Tanto vale pensarci un po’ su  È particolarmente importante per chi opera nel mondo dell’educazione e per chi ha a che fare con giovani  Nessun nativo digitale è saggio nell’uso della rete (digital wisdom), alcuni sono immersi nelle tecnologie digitali senza saper valutare la profondità della loro comprensione della tecnologia (Palfrey & Gasser 2008)
  • 74. I docenti restano le guide: se non tengono il ritmo del tecnologismo, poco importa: restano depositari di accortezze d’uso e approcci consapevoli agli usi evoluti della rete
  • 75. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201075 Conclusione – nei principi, II  Essere docente al tempo del Web 2010 significa padroneggiare i principi del Personal Knowledge Management in modo da fare prevalere sempre un approccio dinamico al Learning to learn  Non vergognarsi di:  Dare giudizi e cambiare idea su strumenti/metodi/tecnologie/approcci  La flessibilità e l’adattabilità sono caratteristiche chiave per chi vuole stare in corsa col tempo
  • 76. È necessaria una prospettiva di lungo periodo… Life Long Learning
  • 77. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201077 Conclusione – in pratica  Fare ordine (prima mentale e poi strumentale) nel proprio PKE (quello attuale)  Fare auto-valutazione del proprio livello di digital skills  Colmare le eventuali lacune con interventi di auto- formazione  Valutare in secondo tempo se è possibile/utile impadronirsi di altri strumenti per potenziare le funzionalità e l’impatto del PKE  Se ci si ferma al mondo PKE scegliere strumenti e dispositivi con criteri semplici come:  Facilità e flessibilità di uso, adattabilità al contenuto, visibilità e mobilità  Se il vostro mondo PKE deve aprirsi alla social classroom:  è utile capire portata e valutare ambienti specifici e tecnologie specifiche per il mondo “educational”: ne esistono molti e possono aiutare a fare grandi cose
  • 78. Tempo di domande, idee & commenti
  • 79. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201079 Web Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0
  • 80. Web 2.0  Read/Write, two-way, anyone can be a publisher  Social Web  The term “Web 2.0” defines an era; like “Dot Com”  Search (Google, Alternative Search Engines)  Social Networks (MySpace, Facebook, OpenSocial)  Online Media (YouTube, Hulu,  Content Aggregation / Syndication (Bloglines, Google Reader, Techmeme, Topix)  Mashups (Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon) Image credit: catspyjamasnz Richard MacManus Web 3.0 or Not, There's Something Different About 2009
  • 81. Web 3.0?  “People keep asking what Web 3.0 is. I think maybe when you've got an overlay of scalable vector graphics […] on Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge space of data […]” Tim Berners-Lee, 2006  ”The Web of Openness. A web that breaks the old siloes, links everyone everything everywhere, and makes the whole thing potentially smarter.” Greg Boutin, May 2009  “The Web 3.0 term misleads organizations by implying that a new version of the web is upon us.” Anthony Bradley, Gartner, April 2009 Richard MacManus Web 3.0 or Not, There's Something Different About 2009
  • 82. Web 3.0 in a Nutshell Cartoon by Geek and Poke Richard MacManus Web 3.0 or Not, There's Something Different About 2009
  • 83. Web 3.0 or No, We’re Seeing Something New  There is a difference in the products we're seeing in 2009 compared to the ones we saw at the height of 'Web 2.0' (2005-08).  More products based on open, structured data e.g. Wolfram Alpha  More real-time e.g. Twitter, OneRiot  Better filters e.g. FriendFeed (and Facebook, which copies FF)  Google evolves (Search Options and Rich Snippets, Search Wiki, Google Squared) • real-time information, adding more meaning to the data (aka Semantic Search), and filtering results. The new features show that Google is adapting to this environment. Richard MacManus Web 3.0 or Not, There's Something Different About 2009
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  • 85. Web 3.0?  If Web 2.0 was about user generated content and social applications such as YouTube and Wikipedia, then Web 3.0 is about open and more structured data - which essentially makes the Web more 'intelligent'.  Web 3.0 is an amorphous term, and possibly one that people shouldn't even attempt to use. Nevertheless, it's clear to us that the time for structured data has come. We're beginning to see it in the current wave of Linked Data sets being released, and in the support that big companies, like Google and Yahoo, are showing for structured data. Who knows, maybe the Semantic Web is nearly upon us too. Richard MacManus Understanding the New Web Era: Web 3.0, Linked Data, Semantic Web May 14 2009
  • 86. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201086 Linked Data (RDF, SPARQL) Semantic Web (RDFS, owl) Web 3.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0 extends current Web applications using Semantic Web technologies and graph- based, open data.
  • 87. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201087 IEEE Computer, Jan 2010; IEEE Computing Now, Feb 2010 (free)
  • 89. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201089 T2 (
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  • 92. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201092 Semantic classified (
  • 94. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201094 Altri Esempi Web 3.0 Social database ( TipTophealth
  • 95. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201095 Altri letture su Web 3.0 Search  next-generation-of-web-search-search-3-0  minating-the-need-to-search
  • 96. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201096 Web 3.0 excitement (hype?)  Significant and growing commercial interest…  Web: Google, Amazon, Travelocity…  Web 2.0: Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube, Twitter…  Web 3.0: the big ones are still out there
  • 97. Firenze, 17 Aprile 201097 Web 3.0 e Semantic Web  The Semantic Web is going just fine thank you  People asking “how,” not why  So far the commercial driver has been “weak semantics”  In the enterprise  Web 3.0 adds semantics as a value add to regular Web functionality  Semantic search  Semantic match  Semantic etc  The big one is still out there
  • 98. Tempo di domande, idee & commenti
  • 99. Ma il Cloud Computing ci riguarda?
  • 100. Firenze, 17 Aprile 2010100 Peña-López, I. (2010) “Centralization vs. decentralitacion in Government and Education” In ICTlogy, #78, March 2010. Barcelona: ICTlogy. VLE custom VLE general Gestione in casa Gestione in rete PLE/PKE
  • 101. Horizon key trends - 2010 • The abundance of resources and relationships made easily accessible via the Internet is increasingly challenging us to revisit our roles as educators in sense-making, coaching, and credentialing. • People expect to be able to work, learn, and study whenever and wherever they want to. • The technologies we use are increasingly cloud- based, and our notions of IT support are decentralized. • The work of students is increasingly seen as collaborative by nature.
  • 103. Firenze, 17 Aprile 2010103 Cloud computing, in education, is able to be both good and bad. Why? education-2/#ixzz0kV8VIGBw • The ‘good’; • It allows you to work from multiple PCs (home, work, library, etc), find your files, and edit them through the cloud. • It can be used to support teaching and learning experiences. • Most software is free, available and ready-to-use. • Students can have a richer and more diverse learning experience, even outside standard school hours. • Schools and jurisdictions can minimize costs; e.g. outsource Institution email to Google or Microsoft. • It allows users to create content through the browser, instead of only searching through the browser. • The ‘bad’; • Not all applications run in the public cloud. • Sensitive student data is no longer completely controlled by the school or the teachers. • Internal networks are still needed for disseminating policies, printing, grouping students, web filtering and local storage. • Who owns the intellectual property rights over some things you posted on cloud services? • A deleted account does not mean deleted content. • Can you truly rely on the cloud to correctly and accurately filter (adult) content?
  • 104. Altri riferimenti su Cloud Computing   /23/heading-into-the-cloud-cloud-computing- and-education/
  • 106. • So I am now on an Internet diet, in order to understand the world a bit better — and make another bet on horrendous mistakes by economic policy makers. I am not entirely deprived of the Internet; this is just a severe diet, with strict rationing. True, technologies are the greatest things in the world, but they have way too monstrous side effects — and ones rarely seen ahead of time. And since spending time in the silence of my library, with little informational pollution, I can feel harmony with my genes; I feel I am growing again. NASSIM N. TALEB Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering, NYU-Poly; Principal, Universa Investments; Author, The Black Swan THE DEGRADATION OF PREDICTABILITY — AND KNOWLEDGE
  • 107. … grazie per avere passato questo Sabato insieme!

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. Formal – informal Da lms/vle fino a PLE L’assesment dove sta Social dovunque Prima che un problema tecnologico, un problema concettuale Opportunità -> porta nuove questioni (es. formal/informal, assesment, management, literacy etc.) Tanto più che le digital generation -> digital generation gap
  2. Minuto 8-13 Minuto 13- 17 Minuto 1.15 -> fine
  3. Commento sul movie: I’m sure everyone who was lucky enough to attend this immensely engaging session will remember it for a long time. Its provocative title certainly grabbed everyone’s attention and ensured that it played to a packed house. It’s on video now, so if you fancy an hour of edifying but entertaining debate, then watch it here. Josie Fraser, who was chairing, kicked off by saying how delighted she’d been to have landed this particular gig, which turned out to be a well-structured (and very well-chaired) debate between four learning technology luminaries, each taking a distinctive stance on the controversial subject of the VLE (or LMS, for those of you outside the UK). First up was Steve Wheeler, who proclaimed that VLE has had its day; it’s not fit for purpose and VLE stands for VLE! What the VLE really is, Steven went on to say, is a CMS – only the tools connected to it promote learning, the VLE does not. Interestingly, he referred back to an article that Mark Stiles (in the audience) wrote called Death of the VLE?: a challenge to a new orthodoxy. I say interesting, because I’ve always regarded, and frequently alluded to, this concise article as a perfect expression of what the VLE should and should not be. The VLE homogenises content, and yet the student body is understood to be increasingly diverse. He also pointed out the limitation of the VLE for discursive types of learning – the large-scale discussion facilities are poor, and block interaction beyond the institution. Graham Attwell took a broad view on a similar position. He explained that the education system itself, modelled originally on factories, is now dysfunctional and doesn’t fit need. And technologies such as VLE are modelled on that outdated paradigm. The VLE has to be seen in the context of the managerialism of the late 1990s, and had efficiencies as its central concern. He asked the audience why should we tell students to go to the VLE for learning materials when it isn’t where we would go ourselves if we wanted to learn stuff. We have social software now, which people are able to shape themselves. James Clay took a very different tack, pointing out, with faux weariness, that we’ve spent the last 10 years saying that the VLE is dead. He does believe that we’ll bury the VLE one day – but not today. We’ve abandoned the idea of the Google generation (throughout the conference it was clear that there is broad consensus on this position in the learning technology community). Students still need guidance at this stage; neither they nor academics have the confidence to make good use of social networking tools, and that’s where the VLE comes in. The final speaker was Nick Sharratt who also pointed out the lack of clear generational characteristics coming through. His central point, though, was hat the VLE is not yet complete. Students aren’t pushing for it, and he perceives an element of eagerness to play with the latest toys, rather than a genuine sense of freedom in stepping outside the VLE. He’s concerned that the PLE amounts to little more than a bunch of heterogenous tools held together with string. In the lively discussion that ensued, Mark Stiles predicted that the PLE would probably go the same way as the VLE as we’re already giving it a label. Scott Wilson swiftly pointed out that the PLE is not meant to be a “thing”, but a point of discourse to reveal the deficiencIes of the VLE. Another point of disagreement occurred over informal learning – James Clay believing that it can’t be designed, and Middleton countering this by saying yes, you can allow it to happen by signalling that it is an ethos. James Clay believes that the problem with the VLE is that it’s being run by the Innovation Prevention department, the sort of people who say you can’t have an iPhone because the institution only deal with T-Mobile. This chimes with a point that Nick Sharratt made, namely that you have to separate the issues that are intrinsic to the VLE from institutionally-generated problems. But the best thing about this session was that at the end a show of hands revealed that the majority of the audience had reconsidered their original position on this question over the course of the debate. I thoroughly recommend you watch the video if you haven’t already done so.
  4. Minuto 8-13 Minuto 13- 17 Minuto 1.15 -> fine
  5. Vedi note wise progettazione calvani
  7. The Personal Web. Springing from the desire to reorganize online content rather than simply viewing it, the personal web is part of a trend that has been fueled by tools to aggregate the flow of content in customizable ways and expanded by an increasing collection of widgets that manage online content. The term personal web was coined to represent a collection of technologies that are used to configure and manage the ways in which one views and uses the Internet. Using a growing set of free and simple tools and applications, it is easy to create a customized, personal web-based environment — a personal web — that explicitly supports one’s social, professional, learning, and other activities. (HR, 2009)
  8. The ability to tag, categorize, and publish work online, instantly, without the need to understand or even touch the underlying technologies provides a host of opportunities for faculty and students. By organizing online information with tags and web feeds, it is a simple matter to create richly personal resource collections that are easily searchable, annotated, and that support any interest. (HR, 2009) (non direi proprio)
  10. Link esterno e navigazione commentata in alcuni schemi
  11. Aggiungere: 43Things, a social networking site based around the concepts of describing and sharing personal goals (in many cases learning goals) and then collaborating towards achieving them with others with similar goals. 43Things distinguishes between 'peers' and 'experts', in the sense of enabling connections of people who want to achieve a goal, and those who report already having achieved it. 43Things proved highly influential to many in the e-learning field, and is notably present in the early architectural models of a PLE
  14. We're well into the current era of the Web, commonly referred to as Web 2.0. Features of this phase of the Web include search, social networks, online media (music, video, etc), content aggregation and syndication (RSS), mashups (APIs), and much more. Currently the Web is still mostly accessed via a PC, but we're starting to see more Web excitement from mobile devices (e.g. iPhone) and television sets (e.g. XBox Live 360). Heavy use of tagging in Web 2.0 applications Keywords, tags Folksonomies (taxonomies that emerge through the use of tags) can be used as metadata to explain the content of the object being described? Need of context in tagging
  16. The continuing acceptance and adoption of cloud-based applications and services is changing not only the ways we configure and use software and file storage, but even how we conceptualize those functions. It does not matter where our work is stored; what matters is that our information is accessible no matter where we are or what device we choose to use. Globally, in huge numbers, we are growing used to a model of browser-based software that is device-independent. While some challenges still remain, specifically with notions of privacy and control, the promise of significant cost savings is an important driver in the search for solutions.