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                    PANIC ATTACKS
Panic Away
6 Steps To Ending Panic Attacks and Anxiety, Without Medication


Inside this report, you will learn:

  1. How to Cope With Panic Attacks. If you suffer from panic attacks, then you
     understand the sheer fear that you face in the moment of an attack. Feeling
     powerless to stop it is one of the worst parts. Even if you despair that this
     constraint has become a part of you, take heart. With knowledge and practice,
     you can be free of the fear of another panic attack.
  2. 5 Strategies for Coping With Anxiety. Looking for a job - a tough feat in any field
     - can be even harder when the economy is down. Good marketing can set you
     apart from other candidates if you know how to properly promote yourself.
  3. Fighting Anxiety Without Medication: If you're one of the millions who struggle
     with anxiety, the good news is that you can feel better, even without medication.
     No matter how long you've had anxiety, you can do something about it. When
     you apply both mental and physical techniques to getting better, you'll soon
     find that you - not your anxiety - are the one in control!
  4. Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite Challenging Circumstances. Does life seem
     to be a struggle for you? Do you feel overwhelmed and frustrated much of the
     time? Do you wish you could experience something better? Fortunately, you
     can enjoy the exciting life you deserve.
  5. Four Tips to Avoid Depression During the Winter Months. When the weather is
     cold and the skies are dark and cloudy, it's easier to feel down and
     despondent. If you struggle with gloomy feelings during the winter, it's good to
     know that there's help and hope available to you without a prescription depression
  6. Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite Challenging Circumstances. You can learn to
     control your anxiety with simple deep breathing techniques. When you breathe

deeply and fully, your body stays calm. You may still be a bit tense, but your
     relaxed breathing can protect you from an anxiety attack.

How to Cope With Panic Attacks
If you suffer from panic attacks, then you understand the sheer fear that you face in
the moment of an attack. Feeling powerless to stop it is one of the worst parts. Even
if you despair that this constraint has become a part of you, take heart.

You can learn to cope with, reduce, alleviate, and perhaps even eliminate your panic
attacks for good! There are specific actions steps you can take to help you overcome
this challenge.

Where Do You Start?

You can learn a lot about panic attacks simply by studying why they occur. You can
also try to discover the root of your panic attacks. Keep in mind that you should
always seek help from your physician.

Panic exists because it's a way for you to deal with a threatening situation. When
you're in danger, your body releases adrenaline that enables you to think and move
quickly in order to escape the threat.

Panic attacks occur when you find yourself reacting to a situation with feelings of
panic, even though there may not be an actual threat. In your mind, though, the
threat is real.

For example, if something terrifying once happened to you at the mall, future trips
can still set off a panic attack, even if there are no threats. Alternatively, you can
even feel panic in certain situations without being able to figure out exactly why.

Whether you're consciously aware of the reasons for your panic attacks or not, it's
good to know that there are still strategies that can help you overcome them. It also
may help for you to know that panic attacks generally cause you no physical harm.
When a panic attack strikes, you will get through it and things will return to normal

How to Cope During an Attack

Once an attack is taking place, you might feel powerless. Instead of allowing your

panicked thoughts to take over, focus on your body and methods of relaxation. Deep
breaths can counteract the panic since a panicked state forces you to take quick,
shallow breaths.

Why You Shouldn't Avoid Panic-Inducing Situations

It's natural to want to simply avoid situations where you might feel panicked.
However, this usually isn't the best solution. For instance, you can't avoid elevators,
crowds, or the doctor's office forever.

If you tell yourself that you can't do these things because they'll give you a panic
attack, you're just reinforcing the behavior. Rather than helping yourself prevent
your panic attacks, you're more likely going to feed the fear and make the attacks
even stronger.

Although it's difficult, when you continue to engage in activities that may induce
panic, you're actually giving yourself many opportunities to overcome your

Natural Methods for Coping with Panic

There are natural methods you can use and changes you can make to your routine
that have the power to ease anxiety and panic.

Meditation is one helpful method. Meditating can help you become more relaxed
and in tune with your body and mind. These benefits can aid in understanding,
preventing, and coping with your panic.

Lifestyle changes include the use of regular exercise. Most of us don't realize that
exercise is not all about helping your body; it has some great power in balancing
your mind too! You'll also be doing yourself a favor if you pay attention to things like
your diet and sleeping habits. All these factors can have an effect on your panic

5 Strategies for Coping With Anxiety
Do you feel anxious when the pressure's on? Do you struggle to calm your nerves in
the midst of stressful situations? These are very normal feelings. Sometimes,
however, these worries can become overwhelming even in your day-to-day routines.

Extreme anxiety can inhibit your everyday life. Anxiety about a particular situation can
cause you to feel worried about everything else. Anxiety can run your life if you let
it, but you can take control and learn to thrive in situations that challenge your

Learning to deal effectively with anxiety is a powerful skill that will benefit you in
many ways. Your relationships with others will be impacted in a positive way. You'll
go after your dreams instead of giving up easily. And your self-confidence will grow
as you develop the habit of effectively responding to situations despite the fears
inside of you.

If you begin to use these five strategies today, you'll notice the difference
immediately. These ideas are simple, but they have the power to revolutionize your

These techniques can help you cope with your anxious feelings:

  1. Practice deep breathing. One of the most effective ways to cope with anxiety is
     deep breathing. Deep breaths get much-needed oxygen to your brain and
     throughout your body, relaxing your muscles. The increased air to your body and
     mind helps you calm down in times when you would normally become stressed
           When you notice that you're beginning to get nervous, pay attention to
           your breathing. For a few days, practice deep breathing in a relaxed,
           private, comfortable environment where you're not rushed. Put your hand
           on your belly, and make your hand rise and fall with each breath. Be sure
           to take in a slow, full breath. Exhale slowly.
           If you practice this deep breathing exercise before the moment of truth,
           you'll be equipped to control your breathing when a stressful situation
           occurs. When the pressure is on, and you notice your heartbeat beginning
           to rise, simply pay attention to your breating and do what you've
  2. Face your fears. If you worry constantly, you may not be leaving your comfort
     zone often enough. Seek opportunities to stretch your mental boundaries in ways
     that aren't extremely stressful. As your mind and body become used to taking on
     challenges in dealing with your nerves, give yourself greater challenges to
     increase your ability to handle them.
           If you're in the habit of shying away from things that stress you out,
           purposefully put yourself into situations that you aren't sure about. This
           will help you build confidence. The more steps you take outside of your
           comfort zone, the better equipped you'll be when the real challenges of

life cause you to feel anxious.
  3. Eat nutritiously. An often-overlooked way to beat anxiety is to make sure that
     your body is properly fueled for the challenges it must face. Drink plenty of
     water. Eat a balanced breakfast. Eat small meals, and eat more often. Keep
     track of what you're eating in a daily log so that you can begin to notice
     patterns that sabotage your health.
           When your body is fueled properly, the daily anxieties you experience will be
           less overwhelming.
  4. Exercise. Your body is made to move. If you sit at a desk all day, you'll likely
     face greater challenges with worry and stress than someone who's always on
     the move. Exercise provides tremendous stress relief, an outlet for frustration
     and a boost to your overall self-confidence. All of these contribute to a
     peaceful feeling and less anxiety on a daily basis.
  5. Seek professional help. Sometimes, the issues you face with anxiety may
     require you to seek counseling to overcome them. If you've tried many things
     without success, a mental health professional that is trained to help you
     overcome these challenges may be your best bet.

It's normal to feel nervous when stressful situations occur. But without strategies to
overcome those nerves, you can feel paralyzed and sabotage your chances of
experiencing the success you deserve. Instead, start using these five strategies
today to effectively cope with your feelings of anxiety and emerge triumphant over

Fighting Anxiety Without Medication: 10 Tips to Help You
Feel Calm
When anxiety hits you, it can be terrifying. The panic and frightening thoughts
coupled with physical symptoms may lead you to believe that you're having a heart
attack or suffering from a terrible disease, when in reality, you're perfectly healthy!

Anxiety can often cause you to have an exaggerated nervous system reaction to
common stressors that others are able to ignore.

If you're one of the millions who struggle with anxiety, the good news is that you can
feel better, even without medication. You can take positive action on your own to get a
handle on your anxiety and feel more in control. Of course, especially if your
symptoms are debilitating, please consult your doctor or other health professional

for their advice.

Both your mind and body are involved in anxiety. It's a vicious circle: the constant
worrying and negative thoughts can produce physical symptoms, which can cause
more anxious thoughts. It becomes a pattern that can be challenging to break free

But when you're able to overcome this challenge, it's well worth the effort! Tackle
your anxiety on both the physical and mental levels today by practicing these 10

Physical Ways to Lower Anxiety

Try these tips to physically lower your anxiety levels:

  1. Breathe. If you're breathing from the top of your chest and not from your
     abdomen, you might be making yourself more nervous. Breathe from your
     diaphragm and take full, deep, slow breaths.
  2. Get moving. Use up that extra energy and adrenaline that your body produces.
     If you don't, it can build up and make you more nervous. By getting frequent
     exercise, you'll prevent your body from storing excess adrenaline.
  3. Sit still. It's important to exercise, but sometimes it's more effective to be still.
     If you usually run from a panic attack or anxiety episode, force yourself to stay
     where you are and focus on your relaxation techniques, like deep breathing, to
     help prevent your impending anxiety.
            The anxiety might get worse for a moment, but you'll be calmer after a
            few minutes and you'll be more prepared the next time you face anxiety.
  4. Distract yourself. It's hard to think about feeling nervous when you're actively
     engaged in other activities. Help others, play a game, or do something else that
     requires your total concentration as soon as you start to feel anxious.
  5. Get in shape. Being physically fit can help you feel better about your
     health and reduce anxiety. It's not a quick fix, but more of a long-term goal
     that you can actively pursue. Staying in good physical condition goes a long way
     in preventing anxiety.

Mental Ways to Lower Anxiety

A positive mental attitude is just as important as using physical techniques to help
overcome your anxiety. There are many ways you can use your mental resources to
find peace and calm amidst the chaos of anxiety.

Follow these techniques to tackle your anxiety on a mental level:

  1. Educate yourself. It's hard to battle something you don't understand. Learn
     about your condition so you have a better understanding of what you're facing.
  2. Use the stop sign. Imagine a big stop sign in your head when you start to have
     anxious thoughts. The stop sign technique is a great place to start.
  3. Network. Talking to others with anxiety can help you feel more "normal" and
     bring you additional strategies that have worked for others in your same
     situation. Reach out to others!
  4. Set aside a worry time. If you allot a few minutes each day at a set time and
     give yourself permission to worry only at that time, you'll soon find that it
     becomes a chore - making you worry less. By only allowing yourself to worry for
     a short period, you can program your mind to actually worry less.
  5. Offer yourself affirmations. Say positive statements to yourself each day to help
     you stay strong and brave. For example: "I am a valuable and worthy person,
     and I have much to offer to the world."

No matter how long you've had anxiety, you can do something about it. When you
apply both mental and physical techniques to getting better, you'll soon find that
you - not your anxiety - are the one in control!

Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite Challenging
Does life seem to be a struggle for you? Do you feel overwhelmed and frustrated
much of the time? Do you wish you could experience something better? Fortunately,
you can enjoy the exciting life you deserve.

Success is available to you despite challenging circumstances. It's important to
remember, also, that your self-worth is not defined by your circumstances.

What holds you back? Take some time today to question the beliefs you hold that
limit your potential. If you look at a challenging circumstance as a wall that's
impossible to climb, you need a fresh perspective.

Within you is everything you need to thrive and excel. The more you question the
validity of your limiting beliefs, the more success you'll experience in your life.

Think of a circumstance in your life that you believe is preventing you from
something you want. Write it down, then get ready to challenge that limiting belief.

If you do, you'll begin to move toward the success you deserve.

Use these strategies to maintain a positive self-worth, regardless of your circumstances:

  1. Find the cause. What is the cause of the circumstance in your life? Sometimes,
     limiting beliefs can serve as warning signs that help you avoid danger. What
     can you learn from this so you avoid triggering a similar situation in the future?
           If the cause of your situation is unclear, ask friends and family for their
           input. Others see your life from a different perspective, and their input
           can be valuable in determining the root of your difficulty
  2. Get past the blame game. You can often be your own worst critic. Fortunately,
     negative self-talk often has very little basis in reality. Choose to replace the
     doubts of your inner critic with more productive thinking.
           Once a negative thought has taught you its intended lesson, it has served
           its purpose. If you choose to hold onto those negative thoughts, they will
           begin to form a negative self-image in your mind. This unbalanced view
           of your talents and strengths holds you back.
           Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts about your circumstances, learn the
           lesson and resolve to move on. Find out what you can do differently to
           avoid a repeat of your present situation. Then, when negative thoughts
           enter your mind, choose to replace your self-talk with productive
           thoughts instead.
  3. Cut yourself some slack. Recognize that you're human. Everyone makes
     mistakes, but your attitude determines your altitude in life. You are valuable
     regardless of your present predicament. You are worthwhile even when you slip
     up or falter. Your circumstances simply provide feedback and an opportunity
     to learn and grow
  4. Make the most of it. When you recognize that you're valuable despite your
     circumstances, you'll begin to make the most of every opportunity. Stumbling
     blocks you face can become stepping stones to the success you deserve, simply by
     changing what you focus on.
           Instead of feeling helpless, ask yourself: "What's great about this?" Every
           situation provides something of value if you look for it.
  5. Ask for help. Loved ones and friends often see strengths in you that go without
     notice. Ask them what they believe your strengths are. This is where your
     self-worth is found. Everyone has something of value to contribute.
           Once you recognize your unique talents, gifts, and abilities, you'll see life in
           a whole new way. You'll seek opportunities to use your talents to bless
           others. You'll gain confidence that comes from conquering challenges
           that once made you cringe.
           Instead of allowing your circumstances to dictate who you are, you'll

make the rules!
  6. Live one day at a time. Despite your best efforts, some days simply provide one
     frustration after another. When this happens, you have a choice. You can let
     your circumstances defeat you, or you can choose a more positive perspective.

Resolve today to find your strengths, learn from your difficult circumstances, and
experience the joy you were created to experience. Instead of tying your self-worth
to your circumstances, choose to see things as they really are. You were created
with unique talents and gifts. When you find those gifts within yourself and put
them to use, you'll know how valuable you truly are.

Four Tips to Avoid Depression During the Winter Months
When the weather is cold and the skies are dark and cloudy, it's easier to feel down
and despondent. If you struggle with gloomy feelings during the winter, it's good to
know that there's help and hope available to you without a prescription depression drug.
Of course, you'll want to check with your physician before making any changes to
your health regimen.

Spring is Around the Corner

Some people start feeling down just as soon as the first cold, cloudy day rolls in.
Don't let this happen to you! To stay happy and peaceful during the winter, focus your
time and energy on things that bring you joy.

See the beauty that the winter months have to offer. If you're really struggling to see
any beauty at all in the gloom of winter, all you need are a few simple ideas to
jump-start your thinking in a positive direction.

Consider these tips to help you gain a more positive mindset during winter:

  1. Buy a sun lamp. A sun lamp gives you the light you need even when it's gloomy
     outside and works much better to help your mood than just turning on all the
     lights in your house.
  2. Take a vacation. Travel to somewhere sunny and warmer each winter, even if
     only for a couple of days. Looking forward to your annual getaway will lift your
     spirits during the time before you go, too.
  3. Get outside. When the sun does come out, even if it's otherwise cold, take

advantage of it. When your body is deprived of sunlight, it has a harder time
     making vitamin D. If you can get some sun, though, you'll feel better and you'll
     be better able to make it through until spring arrives with its longer, sunnier
  4. Find activities that bring you joy. Read that book you've always wanted to read or
     engross yourself in a new TV sitcom that comes on in winter. Perhaps learning
     to ski or snowboard can bring you the mental and physical benefits of
     exercising while also finding a way to enjoy the winter weather.

Depression is Treatable - Even if it's Only Occasional

It's important to treat depression. If your feelings of depression run deep, you may
want to talk to your doctor about the kinds of treatment options that would be best
for you. If you're only getting bummed out and unhappy during the winter, though,
focusing on strategies that work during the winter is the best way to shake those winter

You can choose to be joyful. Focus on the things that matter to you and make you
happy. Winter is only a season, and you'll have spring, summer, and fall to do all
kinds of great things outside in the sunshine. Remember, anything you can do when
it's dark outside, you can do on a gloomy winter day.

If you have hobbies that lend themselves to indoor activity, you'll have more to keep
your mind occupied as you move through the winter. The cold days will pass more
quickly if you have something to do to occupy your time, and spring will arrive
before you know it.

Learning Deep Breathing Strategies to Control Anxiety
Do you struggle with feelings of anxiety? If so, it's good to know that there are ways
to relieve your suffering. You can learn strategies to take charge of your nervousness
and experience the serenity you deserve. You can learn to control your anxiety with
simple deep breathing techniques.

When you breathe deeply and fully, your body stays calm. You may still be a bit
tense, but your relaxed breathing can protect you from an anxiety attack. In an
anxiety attack, you may have a tendency to hyperventilate, which increases the level
of panic you experience. However, deep breathing keeps you in control.

When you hyperventilate, you take short, quick breaths in the top part of your lungs.

Your chest expands, but you aren't getting the full amount of air that you need to
remain calm. The quick overload of oxygen you receive from shallow breathing
makes your apprehension and panic even worse. It becomes a cycle that can be
hard to break without practice

The Most Beneficial Way To Breathe

Any time you can concentrate on breathing fully - all the way down to your abdomen
- you'll improve your relaxation response to stressful situations. If your chest is
rising with each breath, you're not expanding your lungs to full capacity. Your body
lacks the oxygen it needs to thrive under the pressure of the moment.

Place a hand just above your belly button and breathe. If you're breathing deeply, your
hand will rise and fall with each breath.

Practice breathing slowly by taking full, deep breaths. You might feel a bit strange at
first because you're not used to it. You may even feel a bit giddy, but that's normal.
It'll pass with practice.

You're getting plenty of air, even if you don't feel like you are. Your lungs can expand
without your upper chest rising. Only your upper belly needs to rise and fall. At first,
you probably won't breathe this way unless you're thinking about it because you're
so conditioned to breathe from your chest. Keep practicing often, and you'll soon be
breathing properly all the time.

How Breathing Affects Anxiety

Anxiety may be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. It may simply be the
product of over-active nerves that react too strongly to stimuli. However, regardless
of what causes you to feel anxious, the most important thing is to alleviate it and
reduce the degree to which it affects your life. Anxiety doesn't have to stop you from
living the life you deserve.

By lowering your anxiety, you may be able to:

     Change careers or get promoted
     Speak in front of others without fear
     Travel to places you've always wanted to see
     Embark on a new relationship or business venture
     Reduce your dependency on medication or therapy

If you're contemplating reducing any medication or therapy you're currently using,
consult your physician before making any changes to your established regimen. But
you can still start deep breathing right away. There are no side effects, as this type
of breathing is natural and healthy. And it's something that everyone can learn and
benefit from.

If you struggle with worry, you can feel more relaxed and in control by simply
controlling your breathing. Begin practicing deep breathing strategies today and
experience peace in the midst of the storms of your life!

Wrapping up...
In this report, we've shown you:

  1.   How to Cope With Panic Attacks
  2.   5 Strategies for Coping With Anxiety
  3.   Fighting Anxiety Without Medication: 10 Tips to Help You Feel Calm
  4.   Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite Challenging Circumstances
  5.   Four Tips to Avoid Depression During the Winter Months
  6.   Learning Deep Breathing Strategies to Control Anxiety

However, if you'd like a more specific solution, with advanced techniques for
eliminating anxiety, then you may be interested in this special news report below...


Is It Possible To Stop Panic Attacks and Anxiety, Without
The Use Of Medication?
According to Rich Presta, The creator and owner of the popular website The Panic
Puzzle Program, the answer is yes!

"It’s been many years now, and I haven’t had a panic attack or even thought about
them all that much.

I don’t avoid things, I feel like I’m back in control of my life again, and I think that
I’m even BETTER than before I had a problem with anxiety. I honestly think it made
me a stronger, more understanding and caring person. In fact, if I could change the
past and take away my experiences with anxiety, I’m not sure I would. ” - Says

Why most people struggle according to Rich

There’s many reasons why you may have had that first attack.

Maybe you were under extreme pressure at work or home.

Maybe you were starting a new life event like college, moving, getting married, or
having children.

Maybe you have a genetic predisposition to have anxiety. Do other people in your
family have similar issues?

It could be ANY of these things, or even a few of them together.

How Rich conquered his panic and anxiety attacks with a unique approach

”I used to be just like you.

My life was filled with constant anxiety, panic attacks, and I wondered if I’d ever be
‘normal’ again.

I was terrified the answer was no.

I missed out on life, let it pass me by, because I was just too afraid of my anxiety. I
avoided it at all costs.

I took medications, and they helped some, but as soon as I stopped them, the
anxiety came right back as intense as ever. It didn’t seem like a solution, just
another way to avoid it.

I saw therapists, sometimes for years. They were nice enough people and I’m sure
they meant well, but when it was all said and done, I did a lot of talking about my
childhood and nothing in my day to day life was any different.

The anxiety and panic was still there, and as vicious as ever.

They were looking for WHY I had anxiety, and I wanted to know HOW I could get rid
of it.

I read all the books I could on anxiety and panic, and I’ll be honest, I learned a lot
and some of it was helpful. But what I read helped me to cope with the anxiety. I
didn’t want to COPE. I wanted it OVER.

I wanted ME back.

Eventually, I started to understand what I’ve already shared with you. That although
I was learning a lot and had a lot of “logical ammunition”, it wasn’t changing my
emotional reaction and learned behavior to any significant degree. So I set out to
find the answers…

I was amazed at how fast I felt better once I started doing the right things to teach
my mind a new way. I didn’t have to suffer through panic, I could actually shut it off.
I didn’t have to learn to “cope”. I could eliminate it.

That was the only solution that made sense to me. I wouldn’t go to a dentist for a
way to “cope” with a toothache – fix the tooth!”

Was it worth it?

”After sharing my story and knowledge with many others, I decided to work together
with Doctor of Clinical Psychology to develop a program others could follow to end
their anxiety too, just like I did.

Getting everything we knew into a comprehensive, easy to follow, step-by-step
system wasn’t easy, and it took a LONG time, but I’m proud to have done it and to
have the opportunity to help so many others who are struggling like I was conquer
their anxiety.

I’m proud to have developed what many consider most advanced and comprehensive
resource for overcoming your anxiety, fear, and panic attacks available anywhere. It’s
called The Panic Puzzle Program, and it can change your life.”

And Rich is not alone. There are many success stories that you can read on his
website, The Panic Puzzle Program that should, at the very least, inspire you to
give it a try too.

To learn more about Rich's solution, and his story, along with dozens of other stories
from people who have also tried this solution, visit: The Panic Puzzle Program.

What others are saying…

                                   "Once I started the Panic Puzzle Program, I started to see results very quickly and
                                   now I have a new job…"

                                   – Click here to read the full review

                                   "I had tried almost everything, and was fed up with various meds I had tried over
                                   the past 30 years."

                                   – Click here to read the full review

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Coast how-to-get-rid-of-panic-attacks

  • 2. HOW TO GET RID OF PANIC ATTACKS Panic Away 6 Steps To Ending Panic Attacks and Anxiety, Without Medication Introduction Inside this report, you will learn: 1. How to Cope With Panic Attacks. If you suffer from panic attacks, then you understand the sheer fear that you face in the moment of an attack. Feeling powerless to stop it is one of the worst parts. Even if you despair that this constraint has become a part of you, take heart. With knowledge and practice, you can be free of the fear of another panic attack. 2. 5 Strategies for Coping With Anxiety. Looking for a job - a tough feat in any field - can be even harder when the economy is down. Good marketing can set you apart from other candidates if you know how to properly promote yourself. 3. Fighting Anxiety Without Medication: If you're one of the millions who struggle with anxiety, the good news is that you can feel better, even without medication. No matter how long you've had anxiety, you can do something about it. When you apply both mental and physical techniques to getting better, you'll soon find that you - not your anxiety - are the one in control! 4. Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite Challenging Circumstances. Does life seem to be a struggle for you? Do you feel overwhelmed and frustrated much of the time? Do you wish you could experience something better? Fortunately, you can enjoy the exciting life you deserve. 5. Four Tips to Avoid Depression During the Winter Months. When the weather is cold and the skies are dark and cloudy, it's easier to feel down and despondent. If you struggle with gloomy feelings during the winter, it's good to know that there's help and hope available to you without a prescription depression drug. 6. Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite Challenging Circumstances. You can learn to control your anxiety with simple deep breathing techniques. When you breathe 2
  • 3. deeply and fully, your body stays calm. You may still be a bit tense, but your relaxed breathing can protect you from an anxiety attack. How to Cope With Panic Attacks If you suffer from panic attacks, then you understand the sheer fear that you face in the moment of an attack. Feeling powerless to stop it is one of the worst parts. Even if you despair that this constraint has become a part of you, take heart. You can learn to cope with, reduce, alleviate, and perhaps even eliminate your panic attacks for good! There are specific actions steps you can take to help you overcome this challenge. Where Do You Start? You can learn a lot about panic attacks simply by studying why they occur. You can also try to discover the root of your panic attacks. Keep in mind that you should always seek help from your physician. Panic exists because it's a way for you to deal with a threatening situation. When you're in danger, your body releases adrenaline that enables you to think and move quickly in order to escape the threat. Panic attacks occur when you find yourself reacting to a situation with feelings of panic, even though there may not be an actual threat. In your mind, though, the threat is real. For example, if something terrifying once happened to you at the mall, future trips can still set off a panic attack, even if there are no threats. Alternatively, you can even feel panic in certain situations without being able to figure out exactly why. Whether you're consciously aware of the reasons for your panic attacks or not, it's good to know that there are still strategies that can help you overcome them. It also may help for you to know that panic attacks generally cause you no physical harm. When a panic attack strikes, you will get through it and things will return to normal soon. How to Cope During an Attack Once an attack is taking place, you might feel powerless. Instead of allowing your 3
  • 4. panicked thoughts to take over, focus on your body and methods of relaxation. Deep breaths can counteract the panic since a panicked state forces you to take quick, shallow breaths. Why You Shouldn't Avoid Panic-Inducing Situations It's natural to want to simply avoid situations where you might feel panicked. However, this usually isn't the best solution. For instance, you can't avoid elevators, crowds, or the doctor's office forever. If you tell yourself that you can't do these things because they'll give you a panic attack, you're just reinforcing the behavior. Rather than helping yourself prevent your panic attacks, you're more likely going to feed the fear and make the attacks even stronger. Although it's difficult, when you continue to engage in activities that may induce panic, you're actually giving yourself many opportunities to overcome your challenges. Natural Methods for Coping with Panic There are natural methods you can use and changes you can make to your routine that have the power to ease anxiety and panic. Meditation is one helpful method. Meditating can help you become more relaxed and in tune with your body and mind. These benefits can aid in understanding, preventing, and coping with your panic. Lifestyle changes include the use of regular exercise. Most of us don't realize that exercise is not all about helping your body; it has some great power in balancing your mind too! You'll also be doing yourself a favor if you pay attention to things like your diet and sleeping habits. All these factors can have an effect on your panic attacks. 5 Strategies for Coping With Anxiety Do you feel anxious when the pressure's on? Do you struggle to calm your nerves in the midst of stressful situations? These are very normal feelings. Sometimes, however, these worries can become overwhelming even in your day-to-day routines. 4
  • 5. Extreme anxiety can inhibit your everyday life. Anxiety about a particular situation can cause you to feel worried about everything else. Anxiety can run your life if you let it, but you can take control and learn to thrive in situations that challenge your resolve. Learning to deal effectively with anxiety is a powerful skill that will benefit you in many ways. Your relationships with others will be impacted in a positive way. You'll go after your dreams instead of giving up easily. And your self-confidence will grow as you develop the habit of effectively responding to situations despite the fears inside of you. If you begin to use these five strategies today, you'll notice the difference immediately. These ideas are simple, but they have the power to revolutionize your life. These techniques can help you cope with your anxious feelings: 1. Practice deep breathing. One of the most effective ways to cope with anxiety is deep breathing. Deep breaths get much-needed oxygen to your brain and throughout your body, relaxing your muscles. The increased air to your body and mind helps you calm down in times when you would normally become stressed out. When you notice that you're beginning to get nervous, pay attention to your breathing. For a few days, practice deep breathing in a relaxed, private, comfortable environment where you're not rushed. Put your hand on your belly, and make your hand rise and fall with each breath. Be sure to take in a slow, full breath. Exhale slowly. If you practice this deep breathing exercise before the moment of truth, you'll be equipped to control your breathing when a stressful situation occurs. When the pressure is on, and you notice your heartbeat beginning to rise, simply pay attention to your breating and do what you've practiced. 2. Face your fears. If you worry constantly, you may not be leaving your comfort zone often enough. Seek opportunities to stretch your mental boundaries in ways that aren't extremely stressful. As your mind and body become used to taking on challenges in dealing with your nerves, give yourself greater challenges to increase your ability to handle them. If you're in the habit of shying away from things that stress you out, purposefully put yourself into situations that you aren't sure about. This will help you build confidence. The more steps you take outside of your comfort zone, the better equipped you'll be when the real challenges of 5
  • 6. life cause you to feel anxious. 3. Eat nutritiously. An often-overlooked way to beat anxiety is to make sure that your body is properly fueled for the challenges it must face. Drink plenty of water. Eat a balanced breakfast. Eat small meals, and eat more often. Keep track of what you're eating in a daily log so that you can begin to notice patterns that sabotage your health. When your body is fueled properly, the daily anxieties you experience will be less overwhelming. 4. Exercise. Your body is made to move. If you sit at a desk all day, you'll likely face greater challenges with worry and stress than someone who's always on the move. Exercise provides tremendous stress relief, an outlet for frustration and a boost to your overall self-confidence. All of these contribute to a peaceful feeling and less anxiety on a daily basis. 5. Seek professional help. Sometimes, the issues you face with anxiety may require you to seek counseling to overcome them. If you've tried many things without success, a mental health professional that is trained to help you overcome these challenges may be your best bet. It's normal to feel nervous when stressful situations occur. But without strategies to overcome those nerves, you can feel paralyzed and sabotage your chances of experiencing the success you deserve. Instead, start using these five strategies today to effectively cope with your feelings of anxiety and emerge triumphant over them. Fighting Anxiety Without Medication: 10 Tips to Help You Feel Calm When anxiety hits you, it can be terrifying. The panic and frightening thoughts coupled with physical symptoms may lead you to believe that you're having a heart attack or suffering from a terrible disease, when in reality, you're perfectly healthy! Anxiety can often cause you to have an exaggerated nervous system reaction to common stressors that others are able to ignore. If you're one of the millions who struggle with anxiety, the good news is that you can feel better, even without medication. You can take positive action on your own to get a handle on your anxiety and feel more in control. Of course, especially if your symptoms are debilitating, please consult your doctor or other health professional 6
  • 7. for their advice. Both your mind and body are involved in anxiety. It's a vicious circle: the constant worrying and negative thoughts can produce physical symptoms, which can cause more anxious thoughts. It becomes a pattern that can be challenging to break free of. But when you're able to overcome this challenge, it's well worth the effort! Tackle your anxiety on both the physical and mental levels today by practicing these 10 strategies. Physical Ways to Lower Anxiety Try these tips to physically lower your anxiety levels: 1. Breathe. If you're breathing from the top of your chest and not from your abdomen, you might be making yourself more nervous. Breathe from your diaphragm and take full, deep, slow breaths. 2. Get moving. Use up that extra energy and adrenaline that your body produces. If you don't, it can build up and make you more nervous. By getting frequent exercise, you'll prevent your body from storing excess adrenaline. 3. Sit still. It's important to exercise, but sometimes it's more effective to be still. If you usually run from a panic attack or anxiety episode, force yourself to stay where you are and focus on your relaxation techniques, like deep breathing, to help prevent your impending anxiety. The anxiety might get worse for a moment, but you'll be calmer after a few minutes and you'll be more prepared the next time you face anxiety. 4. Distract yourself. It's hard to think about feeling nervous when you're actively engaged in other activities. Help others, play a game, or do something else that requires your total concentration as soon as you start to feel anxious. 5. Get in shape. Being physically fit can help you feel better about your health and reduce anxiety. It's not a quick fix, but more of a long-term goal that you can actively pursue. Staying in good physical condition goes a long way in preventing anxiety. Mental Ways to Lower Anxiety A positive mental attitude is just as important as using physical techniques to help overcome your anxiety. There are many ways you can use your mental resources to find peace and calm amidst the chaos of anxiety. 7
  • 8. Follow these techniques to tackle your anxiety on a mental level: 1. Educate yourself. It's hard to battle something you don't understand. Learn about your condition so you have a better understanding of what you're facing. 2. Use the stop sign. Imagine a big stop sign in your head when you start to have anxious thoughts. The stop sign technique is a great place to start. 3. Network. Talking to others with anxiety can help you feel more "normal" and bring you additional strategies that have worked for others in your same situation. Reach out to others! 4. Set aside a worry time. If you allot a few minutes each day at a set time and give yourself permission to worry only at that time, you'll soon find that it becomes a chore - making you worry less. By only allowing yourself to worry for a short period, you can program your mind to actually worry less. 5. Offer yourself affirmations. Say positive statements to yourself each day to help you stay strong and brave. For example: "I am a valuable and worthy person, and I have much to offer to the world." No matter how long you've had anxiety, you can do something about it. When you apply both mental and physical techniques to getting better, you'll soon find that you - not your anxiety - are the one in control! Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite Challenging Circumstances Does life seem to be a struggle for you? Do you feel overwhelmed and frustrated much of the time? Do you wish you could experience something better? Fortunately, you can enjoy the exciting life you deserve. Success is available to you despite challenging circumstances. It's important to remember, also, that your self-worth is not defined by your circumstances. What holds you back? Take some time today to question the beliefs you hold that limit your potential. If you look at a challenging circumstance as a wall that's impossible to climb, you need a fresh perspective. Within you is everything you need to thrive and excel. The more you question the validity of your limiting beliefs, the more success you'll experience in your life. Think of a circumstance in your life that you believe is preventing you from something you want. Write it down, then get ready to challenge that limiting belief. 8
  • 9. If you do, you'll begin to move toward the success you deserve. Use these strategies to maintain a positive self-worth, regardless of your circumstances: 1. Find the cause. What is the cause of the circumstance in your life? Sometimes, limiting beliefs can serve as warning signs that help you avoid danger. What can you learn from this so you avoid triggering a similar situation in the future? If the cause of your situation is unclear, ask friends and family for their input. Others see your life from a different perspective, and their input can be valuable in determining the root of your difficulty 2. Get past the blame game. You can often be your own worst critic. Fortunately, negative self-talk often has very little basis in reality. Choose to replace the doubts of your inner critic with more productive thinking. Once a negative thought has taught you its intended lesson, it has served its purpose. If you choose to hold onto those negative thoughts, they will begin to form a negative self-image in your mind. This unbalanced view of your talents and strengths holds you back. Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts about your circumstances, learn the lesson and resolve to move on. Find out what you can do differently to avoid a repeat of your present situation. Then, when negative thoughts enter your mind, choose to replace your self-talk with productive thoughts instead. 3. Cut yourself some slack. Recognize that you're human. Everyone makes mistakes, but your attitude determines your altitude in life. You are valuable regardless of your present predicament. You are worthwhile even when you slip up or falter. Your circumstances simply provide feedback and an opportunity to learn and grow 4. Make the most of it. When you recognize that you're valuable despite your circumstances, you'll begin to make the most of every opportunity. Stumbling blocks you face can become stepping stones to the success you deserve, simply by changing what you focus on. Instead of feeling helpless, ask yourself: "What's great about this?" Every situation provides something of value if you look for it. 5. Ask for help. Loved ones and friends often see strengths in you that go without notice. Ask them what they believe your strengths are. This is where your self-worth is found. Everyone has something of value to contribute. Once you recognize your unique talents, gifts, and abilities, you'll see life in a whole new way. You'll seek opportunities to use your talents to bless others. You'll gain confidence that comes from conquering challenges that once made you cringe. Instead of allowing your circumstances to dictate who you are, you'll 9
  • 10. make the rules! 6. Live one day at a time. Despite your best efforts, some days simply provide one frustration after another. When this happens, you have a choice. You can let your circumstances defeat you, or you can choose a more positive perspective. Resolve today to find your strengths, learn from your difficult circumstances, and experience the joy you were created to experience. Instead of tying your self-worth to your circumstances, choose to see things as they really are. You were created with unique talents and gifts. When you find those gifts within yourself and put them to use, you'll know how valuable you truly are. Four Tips to Avoid Depression During the Winter Months When the weather is cold and the skies are dark and cloudy, it's easier to feel down and despondent. If you struggle with gloomy feelings during the winter, it's good to know that there's help and hope available to you without a prescription depression drug. Of course, you'll want to check with your physician before making any changes to your health regimen. Spring is Around the Corner Some people start feeling down just as soon as the first cold, cloudy day rolls in. Don't let this happen to you! To stay happy and peaceful during the winter, focus your time and energy on things that bring you joy. See the beauty that the winter months have to offer. If you're really struggling to see any beauty at all in the gloom of winter, all you need are a few simple ideas to jump-start your thinking in a positive direction. Consider these tips to help you gain a more positive mindset during winter: 1. Buy a sun lamp. A sun lamp gives you the light you need even when it's gloomy outside and works much better to help your mood than just turning on all the lights in your house. 2. Take a vacation. Travel to somewhere sunny and warmer each winter, even if only for a couple of days. Looking forward to your annual getaway will lift your spirits during the time before you go, too. 3. Get outside. When the sun does come out, even if it's otherwise cold, take 10
  • 11. advantage of it. When your body is deprived of sunlight, it has a harder time making vitamin D. If you can get some sun, though, you'll feel better and you'll be better able to make it through until spring arrives with its longer, sunnier days. 4. Find activities that bring you joy. Read that book you've always wanted to read or engross yourself in a new TV sitcom that comes on in winter. Perhaps learning to ski or snowboard can bring you the mental and physical benefits of exercising while also finding a way to enjoy the winter weather. Depression is Treatable - Even if it's Only Occasional It's important to treat depression. If your feelings of depression run deep, you may want to talk to your doctor about the kinds of treatment options that would be best for you. If you're only getting bummed out and unhappy during the winter, though, focusing on strategies that work during the winter is the best way to shake those winter blues. You can choose to be joyful. Focus on the things that matter to you and make you happy. Winter is only a season, and you'll have spring, summer, and fall to do all kinds of great things outside in the sunshine. Remember, anything you can do when it's dark outside, you can do on a gloomy winter day. If you have hobbies that lend themselves to indoor activity, you'll have more to keep your mind occupied as you move through the winter. The cold days will pass more quickly if you have something to do to occupy your time, and spring will arrive before you know it. Learning Deep Breathing Strategies to Control Anxiety Do you struggle with feelings of anxiety? If so, it's good to know that there are ways to relieve your suffering. You can learn strategies to take charge of your nervousness and experience the serenity you deserve. You can learn to control your anxiety with simple deep breathing techniques. When you breathe deeply and fully, your body stays calm. You may still be a bit tense, but your relaxed breathing can protect you from an anxiety attack. In an anxiety attack, you may have a tendency to hyperventilate, which increases the level of panic you experience. However, deep breathing keeps you in control. When you hyperventilate, you take short, quick breaths in the top part of your lungs. 11
  • 12. Your chest expands, but you aren't getting the full amount of air that you need to remain calm. The quick overload of oxygen you receive from shallow breathing makes your apprehension and panic even worse. It becomes a cycle that can be hard to break without practice The Most Beneficial Way To Breathe Any time you can concentrate on breathing fully - all the way down to your abdomen - you'll improve your relaxation response to stressful situations. If your chest is rising with each breath, you're not expanding your lungs to full capacity. Your body lacks the oxygen it needs to thrive under the pressure of the moment. Place a hand just above your belly button and breathe. If you're breathing deeply, your hand will rise and fall with each breath. Practice breathing slowly by taking full, deep breaths. You might feel a bit strange at first because you're not used to it. You may even feel a bit giddy, but that's normal. It'll pass with practice. You're getting plenty of air, even if you don't feel like you are. Your lungs can expand without your upper chest rising. Only your upper belly needs to rise and fall. At first, you probably won't breathe this way unless you're thinking about it because you're so conditioned to breathe from your chest. Keep practicing often, and you'll soon be breathing properly all the time. How Breathing Affects Anxiety Anxiety may be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. It may simply be the product of over-active nerves that react too strongly to stimuli. However, regardless of what causes you to feel anxious, the most important thing is to alleviate it and reduce the degree to which it affects your life. Anxiety doesn't have to stop you from living the life you deserve. By lowering your anxiety, you may be able to: Change careers or get promoted Speak in front of others without fear Travel to places you've always wanted to see Embark on a new relationship or business venture Reduce your dependency on medication or therapy 12
  • 13. If you're contemplating reducing any medication or therapy you're currently using, consult your physician before making any changes to your established regimen. But you can still start deep breathing right away. There are no side effects, as this type of breathing is natural and healthy. And it's something that everyone can learn and benefit from. If you struggle with worry, you can feel more relaxed and in control by simply controlling your breathing. Begin practicing deep breathing strategies today and experience peace in the midst of the storms of your life! Wrapping up... In this report, we've shown you: 1. How to Cope With Panic Attacks 2. 5 Strategies for Coping With Anxiety 3. Fighting Anxiety Without Medication: 10 Tips to Help You Feel Calm 4. Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite Challenging Circumstances 5. Four Tips to Avoid Depression During the Winter Months 6. Learning Deep Breathing Strategies to Control Anxiety However, if you'd like a more specific solution, with advanced techniques for eliminating anxiety, then you may be interested in this special news report below... 13
  • 14. SPECIAL REPORT: Is It Possible To Stop Panic Attacks and Anxiety, Without The Use Of Medication? According to Rich Presta, The creator and owner of the popular website The Panic Puzzle Program, the answer is yes! "It’s been many years now, and I haven’t had a panic attack or even thought about them all that much. I don’t avoid things, I feel like I’m back in control of my life again, and I think that I’m even BETTER than before I had a problem with anxiety. I honestly think it made me a stronger, more understanding and caring person. In fact, if I could change the past and take away my experiences with anxiety, I’m not sure I would. ” - Says Rich Why most people struggle according to Rich There’s many reasons why you may have had that first attack. Maybe you were under extreme pressure at work or home. Maybe you were starting a new life event like college, moving, getting married, or having children. Maybe you have a genetic predisposition to have anxiety. Do other people in your family have similar issues? It could be ANY of these things, or even a few of them together. How Rich conquered his panic and anxiety attacks with a unique approach ”I used to be just like you. 14
  • 15. My life was filled with constant anxiety, panic attacks, and I wondered if I’d ever be ‘normal’ again. I was terrified the answer was no. I missed out on life, let it pass me by, because I was just too afraid of my anxiety. I avoided it at all costs. I took medications, and they helped some, but as soon as I stopped them, the anxiety came right back as intense as ever. It didn’t seem like a solution, just another way to avoid it. I saw therapists, sometimes for years. They were nice enough people and I’m sure they meant well, but when it was all said and done, I did a lot of talking about my childhood and nothing in my day to day life was any different. The anxiety and panic was still there, and as vicious as ever. They were looking for WHY I had anxiety, and I wanted to know HOW I could get rid of it. I read all the books I could on anxiety and panic, and I’ll be honest, I learned a lot and some of it was helpful. But what I read helped me to cope with the anxiety. I didn’t want to COPE. I wanted it OVER. I wanted ME back. Eventually, I started to understand what I’ve already shared with you. That although I was learning a lot and had a lot of “logical ammunition”, it wasn’t changing my emotional reaction and learned behavior to any significant degree. So I set out to find the answers… I was amazed at how fast I felt better once I started doing the right things to teach my mind a new way. I didn’t have to suffer through panic, I could actually shut it off. I didn’t have to learn to “cope”. I could eliminate it. That was the only solution that made sense to me. I wouldn’t go to a dentist for a way to “cope” with a toothache – fix the tooth!” Was it worth it? 15
  • 16. ”After sharing my story and knowledge with many others, I decided to work together with Doctor of Clinical Psychology to develop a program others could follow to end their anxiety too, just like I did. Getting everything we knew into a comprehensive, easy to follow, step-by-step system wasn’t easy, and it took a LONG time, but I’m proud to have done it and to have the opportunity to help so many others who are struggling like I was conquer their anxiety. I’m proud to have developed what many consider most advanced and comprehensive resource for overcoming your anxiety, fear, and panic attacks available anywhere. It’s called The Panic Puzzle Program, and it can change your life.” And Rich is not alone. There are many success stories that you can read on his website, The Panic Puzzle Program that should, at the very least, inspire you to give it a try too. To learn more about Rich's solution, and his story, along with dozens of other stories from people who have also tried this solution, visit: The Panic Puzzle Program. 16
  • 17. What others are saying… "Once I started the Panic Puzzle Program, I started to see results very quickly and now I have a new job…" – Click here to read the full review "I had tried almost everything, and was fed up with various meds I had tried over the past 30 years." – Click here to read the full review 17 Powered by TCPDF (