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Intelligence is an umbrella term used to describe a
property of the mind that encompasses many related
abilities, such as the capacities to reason, to plan, to
solve problems, to think abstractly, to comprehend
ideas, to use language, and to learn. There are several
ways to define intelligence. In some cases, intelligence
may include traits such as creativity, personality,
character, knowledge, or wisdom. However there is no
agreement on which traits define the phenomenon of
intelligence agreed upon by a majority across the
various concerned disciplines.
There are probably as many definitions of intelligence
as there are experts who study it. Simply put, however,
intelligence is the ability to learn about, learn from,
understand, and interact with one’s environment. This
general ability consists of a number of specific
abilities, which include these specific abilities:
•   Adaptability to a new environment or to changes in
    the current environment
•   Capacity for knowledge and the ability to acquire it
•   Capacity for reason and abstract thought

•   Ability to comprehend relationships
•   Ability to evaluate and judge
•   Capacity for original and productive thought
Additional specific abilities might be added to the list,
but they would all be abilities allowing a person to
learn about, learn from, understand, and interact with
the environment. Environment in this definition
doesn’t mean the environment of the earth, such as the
desert, the mountains, etc., although it can mean that
kind of environment. It has a wider meaning that
includes a person’s immediate surroundings, including
the people around him or her. Environment in this case
can also be something as small as a family, the
workplace, or classroom.

Genius is actually very difficult to define. For one
thing, it is quite a subjective label – for some, a genius
is anyone with an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) higher
than a certain value. Others, however, feel that IQ is a
very poor and unrepresentative measure of a person’s

total intelligence and therefore IQ scores are a poor
reflection of real genius.
Generally, it is accepted that a genius is not only
someone with a very high IQ but also someone who
breaks new ground with new ideas, discoveries,
inventions or even works of art. In other words, a
genius challenges the way other people view the field
in which he works in – or even the world at large.

Intelligence itself can be difficult to define, the field
of Psychometrics is devoted to studying and measuring
intelligence and yet scientists and experts still cannot
all agree on how best to analyze measure and describe
intelligence. Therefore, it is not surprising that the
relationship between genius and intelligence is not an
easy one to describe.
Ironically, many geniuses actually score poorly on
standardized intelligence tests or perform very poorly
at school – despite the fact that they have very high
intellectual ability. Many researchers and theorists feel
that this supports the argument that the concept of a
general intelligence ‘g’ is too limiting and does not
provide a complete view of a person’s intelligence.


In a purely naturalistic worldview, intelligence must
necessarily be entirely a product of natural causes. If
this is true, then the phrase "intelligent design" is
simply convenient shorthand for a kind of natural
process with distinctive results, and talk about "the
appearance of design" is unnecessary, since there is no
ground for distinguishing between the appearance of
natural        design       and       the       reality.

It has frequently been asked, however, whether natural
processes are adequate to account for intelligence.
Experimentally, the creation of anything resembling
intelligence has thus far required a sophisticated
engineering effort unlike anything we could expect to
occur naturally. Philosophically, there is a question of
whether a process determined entirely by natural causes
could ever provide credible knowledge about the
universe. As C. S. Lewis pointed out, the more
confident we are that we can account for a person's
thinking as the result of mechanical or environmental
causes, the less seriously we are likely to take it. To
say "you only think that because..." is to discredit a
person's thinking. An analogy I have used before is to
compare the relationship of one's intelligence to one's
brain with the relationship between the meaning of a

book and its materials (the paper, ink, binding, etc.).
Though each influences the other, neither is explained
by the other, nor attempts to do so commit a category

If this distinction (or one like it) is valid, then natural
causes are not casually adequate to account for
intelligence. In that case, some being outside of nature
is required account for intelligence. Such a being might
well account for other features of terrestrial biology as

What evidence can we supply to support either side of
this    argument?      Either     experimentally   or
philosophically, what can we say with confidence
about the source and cause of intelligence

Exploring Origin of High IQ
Is Intelligence a Product                 of    Heredity,
Environment or Both?

        “Parents of gifted and high-IQ children often wonder
about the source of their child's intelligence.”

The origin of intelligence, whether from heredity,
environment or both, remains an interesting part of the
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) issue. This question has
confounded scholars and mental health professionals

since French psychologist Alfred Benet created the
first IQ test in 1902 to identify children with learning
disabilities. While some reliable studies prove the case
for heredity, other equally reliable studies, make their
claims about environment.


Numerous theories have emerged to define, explain and
predict human intelligence. While intelligence is one of
the most talked about subjects within psychology, there
is no standard definition what exactly constitutes
“INTELLIGENCE”. Some researches have suggested
that intelligence is a single general ability; while other
believe that intelligence encompasses the range of
aptitudes, skills and talents. The following are some of
the major theories of intelligence.


British psychologist Charles spearman (1863-1945)
described a concept. He referred to as general
intelligence, or the “ g” factor. After using a
technique known as factor analysis to examine a
number of mental aptitude test, spearman concluded
that scores on these test were remarkably similar.
People who performed well on one cognitive test tended
to perform well on other test, while those who scored
badly on one test tended to score badly on other he
concluded that “intelligence is general cognitive ability
that could be measured and numerically measured”

Psychologist Louis l. Thurston (1887-1955) offered a
differently theory of intelligence instead of viewing
intelligence as a single general ability, Thurston theory
focused on seven different “primary mental abilities” in
1938. The abilities that he described were:
 Verbal comprehension
 Reasoning
 Perceptual speed
 Numerical ability
 Word fluency
 Spatial visualization

One of the more recent ideas to emerge is Howard
gardeners “theory of multiple intelligence”. Instead of
focusing on the analysis of test scores, Gardner
proposed that numerical expressions of human
intelligence are not full and accurate depiction of
people ability.

His theory describes eight distinct intelligence that are
based on skills and abilities that are valued within
different culture. The eight intelligence gardener
described is:
   Visual-spatial intelligence
   Verbal-linguistic intelligence
   Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
   Logical-mathematical intelligence
   Interpersonal intelligence
   Musical intelligence
   Intra-person intelligence
   Naturalistic intelligence
  4-ROBERT                       STERNBERG:


  Psychologist Robert defined intelligence as mental
  activity directed towards purposive adaptation to
  selection and shaping of, real world environment
  relevant to ones life. Sternberg proposed what he
  refers to as successful intelligence which is
  comprised of three different factors:
      Analytical intelligence
      Practical intelligence
      Creative intelligence

Emotional Intelligence - EQ - is a relatively recent
behavioral model, rising to prominence with Daniel
Goleman's 1995 Book called 'Emotional Intelligence'.
The early Emotional Intelligence theory was originally
developed during the 1970s and 80s by the work and
writings of psychologists Howard Gardner (Harvard),
Peter Salovey (Yale) and John 'Jack' Mayer (New
Hampshire). Emotional Intelligence is increasingly
relevant to organizational development and developing
people, because the EQ principles provide a new way to
understand and assess people's behaviors, management
styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills, and potential.
Emotional Intelligence is an important consideration
in human resources planning, job profiling, recruitment
interviewing and selection, management development,
customer relations and customer service, and more.

Emotional Intelligence links strongly with concepts of
love and spirituality: bringing compassion and
humanity to work, and also to 'Multiple Intelligence'
theory which illustrates and measures the range of
capabilities people possess, and the fact that everybody
has a value.
The EQ concept argues that IQ, or conventional
intelligence, is too narrow; that there are wider areas
of Emotional Intelligence that dictate and enable how
successful we are. Success requires more than IQ
(Intelligence Quotient), which has tended to be the
traditional measure of intelligence, ignoring essential
behavioral and character elements. We've all met
people who are academically brilliant and yet are
socially and inter-personally inept. And we know that
despite possessing a high IQ rating, success does not
Goleman identified the five 'domains' of EQ as:
     Knowing your emotions.
     Managing your own emotions.
     Motivating yourself.
     Recognizing and understanding other people's
     Managing relationships, ie. Managing the
      emotions of others.
Emotional Intelligence embraces and draws from
numerous other branches of behavioral, emotional and
communications theories, such as NLP (Neuro-
Linguistic Programming), Transactional Analysis, and

empathy. By developing our Emotional Intelligence in
these areas and the five EQ domains we can become
more productive and successful at what we do, and
help others to be more productive and successful too.
The process and outcomes of Emotional Intelligence
development also contain many elements known to
reduce stress for individuals and organizations, by
decreasing conflict, improving relationships and
understanding, and increasing stability, continuity and
harmony follow.

‘TYPES                                            OF


Designates the human ability to discriminate among
living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to
other features of the natural world (clouds, rock
configurations). This ability was clearly
of value in our evolutionary past as hunters, gatherers,
and farmers; it continues to be central in such roles as
botanist or chef. It is also speculated that much of our
consumer society exploits the naturalist intelligences,

which can be mobilized in the discrimination among
cars, sneakers, kinds of makeup, and the like
2.     MUSICAL               INTELLIGENCE:

          (MUSICAL SMART)
Musical intelligence is the capacity to discern pitch,
rhythm, timbre, and tone. This intelligence enables us
to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on music, as
demonstrated by composers, conductors, musicians,
vocalist, and sensitive listeners. Interestingly, there is
often an affective connection between music and the
emotions; and mathematical and musical intelligences
may share common thinking processes. Young adults
with this kind of intelligence are usually singing or
drumming to themselves. They are usually quite aware
of sounds others may miss.


Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to
calculate, quantify, consider propositions and
hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical
operations. It enables us to perceive relationships and
connections and to use abstract, symbolic thought;
sequential reasoning skills; and inductive and
deductive thinking patterns. Logical intelligence is
usually well developed in mathematicians, scientists,
and detectives. Young adults with lots of logical
intelligence are interested in patterns, categories, and
relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems,
strategy games and experiments
4.                             EXISTENTIAL

Sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about
human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do
we die, and how did we get here.


Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand
and interact effectively with others.        It involves
effective verbal and nonverbal communication, the
ability to note distinctions among others, sensitivity to
the moods and temperaments of others, and the ability

to entertain multiple perspectives. Teachers, social
workers,    actors,   and    politicians all    exhibit
interpersonal intelligence. Young adults with this
kind of intelligence are leaders among their peers, are
good at communicating, and seem to understand others’
feelings and motives.

Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to
manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills.
This intelligence also involves a sense of timing and
the perfection of skills through mind–body union.
Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and craftspeople exhibit
well-developed bodily kinesthetic intelligence.

Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words
and to use language to express and appreciate complex
meanings.     Linguistic intelligence allows us to
understand the order and meaning of words and to
apply meta-linguistic skills to reflect on our use of
language. Linguistic intelligence is the most widely
shared human competence and is evident in poets,
novelists, journalists, and effective public speakers.
Young adults with this kind of intelligence enjoy

writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword

Intra-personal intelligence is the capacity to
understand oneself and one’s thoughts and feelings,
and to use such knowledge in planning and direction
one’s life. Intra-personal intelligence involves not
only an appreciation of the self, but also of the human
condition. It is evident in psychologist, spiritual
leaders, and philosophers. These young adults may be
shy. They are very aware of their own feelings and are


Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three
dimensions. Core capacities include mental imagery,
spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and
artistic skills, and an active imagination. Sailors,
pilots, sculptors, painters, and architects all exhibit
spatial intelligence. Young adults with this kind of

intelligence may be fascinated with mazes or jigsaw
puzzles, or spend free time drawing or daydreaming.

Man becomes man only by his intelligence, but he is
man only by his heart. ~Henri Frederic Amyl

A great many people think that polysyllables are a sign
of intelligence. ~Barbara Walters

Primitive does not mean stupid. ~Author Unknown
it’s not that I'm so smart; it's just that I stay with
problems longer. ~Albert Einstein

The difference between intelligence and education is
this: intelligence will make you a good living .
~Charles F. Kettering

Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun.
~George Scialabra

Common sense is not so common. ~Voltaire

Character is higher than intellect.    ~Ralph Waldo

There are no great limits to growth because there are
no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and

Ronald                     Reagan

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but
imagination. ~Albert Einstein


THE   STUDY             OF      THE       HUMAN
Why are children stubborn? Why do some people
become addicted to alcohol or gambling? How do you
help an abused child? All of these are difficult and
challenging questions that the field of psychology is
trying to answer.
So, then what exactly is psychology? There are many
misperceptions created by television and movies today,
but the basic answer is that psychology is both an
applied and academic science that studies the human
mind and behavior. Research in psychology seeks to
understand and explain thought, emotion, and
behavior. Psychology is applied to individuals via
mental health treatment, performance enhancement,
self-help, ergonomics, and many other areas affecting
health and daily life.

PSYCHOLOGY    HISTORY                           AND
While people have always been fascinated by human
behavior, it wasn't until the late 19th century that
psychology began to be considered an actual science.
Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychology lab in
Germany. He believed in a school of thought called
structuralism-believing that certain structures in the
mind caused behavior. Over the course of psychology's
history, different schools of thought have competed for
prominence. Here are the major schools of thought in

•Structuralism: The belief that there is a
connection between sensation and emotion and

•Functionalism: The idea that the human brain
is much like a computer, designed to carry out specific

•Psychoanalysis: Created by Sigmund Freud,
this school of thought believes in the rigorous probing
of an individual's personal problems, motives, goals
and attitudes as a way to heal the mind.

• Behaviorist : Proponents of this theory
essentially hold that all human behavior is learned
from one's surrounding context and environment.

•Humanism: This much more recent school of
thought came as a reaction to behaviorism and
Psychoanalysis, and emphasizes the importance of
values, intentions, and meaning in the individual. The
concept of the "self" is a central focus for most
humanistic psychologists.

•Cognitive : This branch of psychology believes
that psychology should be concerned with a person's
internal representations of the world and with the
internal or functional organization of the mind.
As psychology moved away from its philosophical roots,
psychologists began to employ more and more scientific
methods to study human behavior. Today, researchers
employ a variety of scientific methods, including
experiments, correlation studies, longitudinal studies,
and others to test, explain, and predict behavior.

Abnormal Behavior and Mental
Human behavior is abnormal by default, because the
truth is that the human being is a very absurd and
cruel animal.
The big irony of the continuation of the work that a
psychiatrist began, by a literature writer like me, is
exactly the fact that balance, psychic, emotional and
mental health are not based on rationalism, but on
sensitivity. Poetry and philosophy helped me perceive
what all cold scientists could not see.

They were not able to discover the truth about human
nature because they didn't give any importance to
sensitivity, considering anger as a "normal" human
However, anger is an abnormal behavior, since it leads
to violence and terror.
What is logical and what is absurd are very intriguing
matters. Many of the reactions considered as "normal"
ones by the psychiatric world and by common logic, are
in fact totally absurd, which can be noticed in the end,
when we see their tragic results.
I have studied human logic and behavior since I was 15
years old, but I could only understand it when I turned
28 years old, and I discovered the anti-conscience at
the bottom of the human psyche. This is the wild and
violent conscience that everyone inherits from birth in
their brain.
I found it as I was interpreting my dreams and
learning about the unknown content of the human
Carl Jung abandoned his research, afraid of the
craziness that he knew that existed there.
I had to continue though, and face the primitive
monster that exists inside the wild part of the human
This was how I discovered that the cure for
schizophrenia, psychosis, hysteria and all existent

mental illnesses is the elimination of the domination of
the anti-conscience in the human side, and today you
can protect your mental health for sure, before
becoming its victim.
I have cured many people translating their dreams for
20 years now. I discovered the wild anti-conscience but
I discovered also the solution: the obedience to the
wise directions of the unconscious mind in our dreams.
There is too much craziness accumulated in the anti-
conscience. Real absurdity, like the feeling of pleasure
with terror, as we have seen in many horror movies,
believing that this cannot be real...
Craziness and terror are synonyms, the same way that
craziness and evilness are synonyms as well.
The primitive animal that exists inside everyone's brain
is still active and keeps trying to dominate their human
side, in order to destroy it and take its place.
This wild animal provokes abnormal behavior and
suicidal tendencies to the human conscience, pretending
that it is human.
It misleads the human conscience, making it follow its
absurd thoughts, which are camouflaged by a false
logic that the human conscience cannot perceive as
Thanks to the scientific method of dream interpretation
and my courageous research, today you know very well
what exists inside you and what you have to do in

order to transform this wild and dangerous monster in
a positive part of your human side. This way, this part
will make you more intelligent, instead of trying to
imprison you in the labyrinth of craziness.
Many people dislike the idea of being considered crazy,
however the craziness existent inside everyone is not a
result of their own faults. This is an inherited content.
The human being is not responsible for the absurdity of
the monster he comes from.
This means that you are not really crazy yourself, but
you carry in your brain a dangerous brother who is too
On the other hand, your human conscience is absurd
too, because it is under-developed and it follows the
absurd desires of your ego...
This means that if you want to be sure that you'll
really keep your mental health for life, you have to
learn how to translate your dreams according to the
scientific method and transform your worst enemy in a
positive part of your human side without delay!

In this discussion of sex differences I rely mostly on
chapter 13, "Sex differences in g", from Arthur Jensen's
book "The g factor", and a little bit on chapter 4,
"Conditions for excellence", from Hans Eysenck's book
"Genius - The natural history of creativity".

When it comes to the question whether or not there is
difference in mean I.Q. between males and females,
Jensen basically says no, after having considered a
large amount of evidence. Eysenck is a little bit more
skeptical and points out that the usual assumption of
equal I.Q. of the sexes may be flawed. Based on data
also mentioned by Jensen (R. Lynn, 1994, "Sex
differences in intelligence and brain size: a paradox
resolved"), Eysenck’s suggests 4 I.Q. points as a
conservative estimate of the difference (favoring
males). Lynn, on his home page, simple states in adults
the difference is about 4 points.
Both Jensen and Eysenck indicate that the question is
hard to answer, as I.Q. tests like Stanford-Benet and
W.A.I.S. have traditionally been constructed to show
no sex difference in total score, by leaving out or

counterbalancing items that show sex differences. Such
tests therefore are not capable of measuring a possible
difference between the sexes.
I myself can not observe a mean difference directly as I
only deal with high-range tests. I will return to this
point further on with regard to the variance difference.

The male variance in I.Q. is greater than that for
females; Jensen says this difference is greatest in math
and spatial ability. In math the male variance is 1.1 to
1.3 times greater (He does not give the difference for
I.Q. or g).
In the high range, my own observation to date is that
at or above the 98 th percentile there are about twice
more males than females, while at or above the 99.9 th
percentile there are about 15 times more males. These
estimates are based on the male/female ratios in certain
high I.Q. societies and on analysis of male and female
performance on my tests. Trying to make this fit in
terms of standard deviation ("variance" is, incidentally,
the square of the standard deviation), I find that when
the male and female mean are both I.Q. 100, the male
standard deviation (S.D.) must be about 33% greater
than the female S.D. However, if a mean difference of
5 points in favor of males existed, the male S.D. would
only need to be about 11% greater. I do not yet know
which is true (or if the truth lies in between). I must

say though that an SD difference of 33% seems
A remark sometimes made regarding the male/female
ratio in I.Q. societies and among high-range candidates
is that females may be so lowly represented because
they simply do not like taking intelligence tests, or
even because they attach less value to intelligence than
males do as a result of having been raised and
socialized to value other traits higher in women. In
other words, that their representation is not
proportional to their actual presence at high
intelligence levels. The following facts however speak
against this:
  •   In general, people enjoy (like, tend to, are inclined
      to) doing what they are good at, so the fact that
      fewer women than men take high-range tests is in
      full accordance with their lower occurrence
      frequency at high intelligence levels. It is unlikely
      that people in large numbers are kept from doing
      what they are naturally good at merely by not
      liking or not valuing it. It is much more likely
      that the "not liking" is a result of being less good
      at it.
  •   It is well known that females are far more
      interested in (enjoying, liking) taking all sorts of
      psychological tests than are males, so their strong
      underpresence among high-range test candidates
      must have a compelling reason other than "not

•   A factual observation about high-range tests is
    that the harder a test is (as measured by the
    proportion of the test's problems that is on
    average missed), the fewer people choose to take it,
    the higher their median score, and the smaller their
    internal spread. It follows logically, is apparent,
    that people are avoiding tests that are too hard
    for them (rather than just avoiding tests they do
    not like), and are taking tests they can handle
    (rather than just taking tests they like).
•   It is also a factual observation about high-range
    tests that the harder a test is, the greater the
    male/female ratio among that test's candidates is.
    It follows logically that females are avoiding tests
    that are too hard for them (rather than just
    avoiding tests they do not like), and are taking
    tests they can handle (rather than just taking tests
    they like).
•   The distribution of female scores on high-range
    tests looks roughly similar to that of males,
    shifted downward by about ten I.Q. points.
•   In professions that require high intelligence, such
    as those in exact science and technology, there are
    still fewer to far fewer females than males
    working, despite decades of emancipation,
    affirmative       action,     government-prescribed
    minimum quota for females in certain professions,
    and lowering educational standards. Clearly, there
    is a force that keeps females away from these
    professions, and the longer the positive
    discrimination goes on and fails, the more
    painfully clear it gets that this force is mainly the

    ability requirement of the work itself, which is at
    least partly an intelligence requirement, while
    other aspects of creativity may also play a role.
These facts make it almost inescapable to conclude that
the male/female ratio among high-range candidates and
in I.Q. societies is roughly representative of the actual
male/female ratio at high intelligence levels. Sometimes
one has to leave a prejudice (equality) behind and
accept the facts, even if one would like them to be
otherwise. That I say "roughly representative" is not
because I believe that "liking tests" or social or
socialization factors may still contribute, but to leave
open the possibility that yet other personality features
are at play next to intelligence, like associative

    CHILDHOOD                                   AND
Girls mature earlier verbally, and after puberty boys
catch up. The male advantage on spatial and numerical
ability (discussed further on) is not yet present in
young children, and develops slowly during childhood
and puberty. Important to realize here is that the sex
differences in mental abilities are caused by hormonal
differences (estrogen/testosterone balance), which work
partly prenatally and partly after puberty.
If there is a mean difference in I.Q. between the sexes,
this will be fully expressed only in adults, and not yet
in children. In any case, it seems that when testing

children, e.g. for giftedness, one should be aware of
these developments and differences, the risk being that
one might select too many girls and too few boys as

Females are slightly better than males at straight-
forward arithmetic (not at more complex math). On
short-term memory the difference is greater; They
score .3 S.D. higher than males, and one may suppose
that this disposes them for multi-tasking.
A verbal ability type that consistently favours females
is "fluency"; Such tests require the candidate to name
as many as possible words starting with a given letter
within a limited time. Females are also better at
reading, writing, grammar and spelling. The popular
notion that females are better than males at verbal
ability on the whole is not true; They are only better at
these specific tasks, while there is no or as good as no
sex difference in verbal ability on the whole.
Other tasks at which females outscore males are those
involving perceptual speed (e.g. matching figures) and
clerical checking, both speed and accuracy (e.g.
underlining certain letters in a text, or digit/symbol
coding). Their advantage on such tasks varies from .2
to .4 S.D. Females are also better at motor
coordination and finger and manual dexterity, but

those are not mental abilities in a strict sense,
although they do occur in the "performance" sections of
some individual tests.
In general, men are a level up than women at mental
manipulation of objects and at doing specific
quantitative tasks that depend on visual symbolism.
Men are said to have the innate ability in mathematics
and scientific study. If this is considered truthful,
then why do women achieve higher grades in
mathematics and science? Baffling isn't it?
Some say women are better in poker math? But it's
difficult to prove this because the game doesn't only
deal with probabilities but "bluffing" as well which
completely takes out the mathematics involved. If the
question is who is better in gambling?..women are,
according to research studies. It's easy to assume men
are better and this is purely stereotypical just because
more men are seen inside casinos. One particular study
claimed that women are much more assertive and
aggressive than men when stakes are high.

The largest difference is that in spatial ability; the
mental manipulation of figures in two or more
dimensions. The difference varies from .3 to .5 S.D.
Then there is a difference in numerical ability (except
for simple arithmetic) of .1 to .25 S.D. And as already

said, in both spatial and numerical ability there is also
a large difference in variance, favoring males.
As for verbal ability, males are better at tests of
general knowledge. In verbal reasoning there is as good
as no difference.

Most important to realize is that because of the
difference in variance (regardless if there is a mean
difference), in any above-average sample it is normal to
find males scoring higher than females. It would in
fact be suspect to find this not to be the case; That
would indicate possible problems with test ceiling (too
low to allow the males to outscore the females) or test
construction (items selected to be sex-balanced instead
of for psychometric soundness), or fraud with
Also important to know is that the state of affairs
among children, regarding mental abilities, is not
representative of how it will be when they have become
adults. In childhood, girls appear so deceptively equal
or superior to boys.
Dilemmas that come forth from these facts: Should test
scores in the high range be expressed within-sex rather
than sex-combined, given the difference? And: Should
"giftedness" be defined within children, or within
adults? I am inclined to say "Yes" to the first, and
"Beyond doubt within adults" to the latter question.


Some researchers in the field strongly support the idea
that animals have “minds” but while their position has
strong support from the lay population, it has not
found wide acceptance in the scientific community.
However, researchers have demonstrated animals’
strong cognitive ability in several areas. For example,
the studies of birds which catch their food through the
use of a sophisticated mind map or even the
chimpanzee that learnt sign language. Animal language
acquisition and its importance in revealing animal
intelligence is still a controversial topic.

Human and chimps genome are at least identical and
infect they are one four closest living relatives.
      Chimps make tools and use them to acquire foods
       and for social displays; they have sophisticated
       hunting strategies requiring co-operation,
       influence and rank.

   They are status conscious, manipulative and
    capable of deception.
   They can learn to use symbols and understand
    aspects of human language.
   A recent study revealed that use of such
    advanced tools as spears; they sharpen it with
    their teeth and use it to spear Senegal bush
    babies out of small holes in trees.

Dolphins are very intelligent, playful and creative
animals and by many researches are considered to be
the second smartest animal in the world.
      They also have very advanced communication
       system and even use tools.
      Dolphins can communicate abstract idea such
       as left and right.
      Dolphins can clean their places or pools etc.
      They hide their food and play games also.

  Elephants are highly intelligent.
     They create complex social relationships,, and
      even imitate human language.
     Elephants also exhibit self awareness.
     Elephants are highly skilled tool users.

        They also teach their young ones how to use
        Elephants   also communicate over long
         distances by producing and receiving low-
         frequency sound.

         African grey parrots are extremely sociable
         loving and intelligent animals.
        They are capable of learning hundreds of
         human words and sounds, which can be used
         in their proper context.
        From some researches it is cleared that an
         African parrot is as much intelligent as a five
         year old child.
        They can distinguish color, shapes, concept of
         bigger and smaller.

Dog intelligence is the ability of a dog to learn, think,
and solve problems. Dog trainers, owners, and
researchers have as much difficulty agreeing on a
method for testing canine intelligence as they do for
human intelligence. One specific difficulty is confusing
a breed's genetic characteristics and a dog's obedience
training with intelligence.

Certain breeds, like Doberman Pinschers, Border
Collies, Poodles, German Shepherds, Shetland
Sheepdogs, Rottweiler, Labrador Retrievers and Golden
Retrievers, are thought to be "smarter" breeds of dogs.
These descriptions are relative to other dogs, not
relative to the world at large. The ability and
willingness to learn and obey commands is not the only
possible measurement of intelligence. Other breeds,
such as sled dogs and sight hounds demonstrate
intelligence in other ways

Are a lot more intelligent than people give them credit
for. They are capable of forming attachments to people
and communicating their needs and wants. They are
capable of “instinctual thought.” Cat owners will
agree, these are animals are truly smart.
These animals have many wants. The stories people tell
are all about cats that are cunning, aloof, and always
hungry. In many ways, this image is correct, but
there’s a lot more to most cats than this. They have
personalities – and that may mean that they don’t
hesitate to demand whatever they want, be it food,
play, or to be left alone.

‘What is Artificial Intelligence?’

           Artificial intelligence (AI), also known as
synthetic intelligence, is a branch of science and
engineering which studies and designs intelligent
machines, and in particular, intelligent computer
It is also often used to describe the property or
characteristic of machines or computer systems that
demonstrate intelligence. Intelligence in this case being
traits such as learning, reasoning, planning,
communication, knowledge and perception, as well as
the physical ability to move and manipulate objects.
AI research first began after World War II, when
several scientists began to independently work on
different ‘intelligent’ machines. Alan Turing, an
English mathematician, was probably the first and was
probably also the first to decide that AI research
benefited more from programming computers than from
building machines. Since then, most AI researchers base
their work on programming computers.


The ultimate goal of AI researchers is to create
computer programmers which can solve problems as
well as any human. Thus, a large part of AI research is
directed towards simulating human intelligence.
However, AI researchers are not bound by biological
constraints and therefore they can also tackle problems
that require far more computing than humans are
capable of.
There is some doubt over whether human-level
intelligence can ever be achieved, some researchers feel
that it can be if a large enough number of programmes
are written and a large enough knowledge base is
accumulated. Most AI researchers feel that computer
systems will always lack the new fundamental ideas
required and therefore, it is difficult to predict if
human intelligence can ever be achieved.

While many researchers have attempted to invent non-
computer machines which exhibit artificial intelligence,
so far they have always had to simulate the machine on

a computer first, due to the large costs involved in
building such machines.
The computer simulations have always performed so
fast that that the researchers have doubted the worth
of actually building these machines, as they will
probably never be superior to computers in speed and
performance. Certainly, with the ongoing development
of computers, they will only get faster and faster, with
more and more sophisticated programs meaning that
they continue to be best agents for artificial

AI borrows from several fields, including neuroscience,
computer science, cognitive science, psychology,
linguistics, operations research, control theory,
philosophy, logic, optimisation, economics and
probability. It involves operations such as logistics,
robotics, speech recognition, control systems, facial
recognition, scheduling and data mining, among others.
AI is applied in many areas:
              Game Playing
              ,Speech Recognition
               Understanding Natural Language
              Computer Vision –Expert systems
               Heuristic Classification

Machines, especially computers, that have been
designed to demonstrate intelligence are said to have
“artificial intelligence” or AI. They show the ability to
reason, learn, communicate, plan, gain knowledge and
perceive, as well as the ability to physically
manipulate objects.
They are now being used in a variety of areas,
including things like speech recognition, game playing
and providing expert systems. AI’s application could be
grouped in to 4 main areas:

AI technology is revolutionizing the scientific world.
It is being extensively used as a tool in research and
development, with specific applications in military
technology. With the help of AI, scientific fields
expand and grow faster, allowing new technologies to
advance and new inventions to be created at a greater
This in turn feeds back into the field of AI and so
becomes a perpetuating cycle. AI is also used in
satellites where it uses existing algorithms to evaluate
collected data and help to predict weather patterns

around the world. One of the benefits of technology
incorporating AI is that it can often be used in other
scientific areas.

AI is being employed to design machines that help to
overcome human failings – for example, blindness,
deafness or paralysis. Far from being a vague promise
of the future or a feature of science fiction novels,
these issues are being overcome by scientists here and
now, working on projects using robotics to enable the
blind to see, the paralyzed to walk and the deaf to
In other areas of medicine, AI is being used to combat
a variety of debilitating diseases and some people even
believe that the creation of “nanobots” – microscopic
robots that communicate with the human brain or
muscles – will not only help with medical procedures
but can even be a means of creating a ‘superhuman’
with unlimited memory. This is perhaps now getting
into the realm of science fiction but it is certainly not
impossibility in the future.

AI can also be used for fun! People are fascinated by
robots and intelligent toys, which now come in a

wondrous variety. ‘Chatter bots’, for example, can
converse with you in real time while AI video games
will modify their behavior during play according to
your actions. In sports, AI computer programmers can
help to make predictions while autonomous robots can
actually play the sports themselves!
Entertainment can also be useful as education. For
example, the military has developed an AI computer
game which teaches recruits a new language. Because
of the “fun” and interest element, soldiers learn the
language more quickly and thoroughly, than if they
attended conventional language classes or used simpler,
non-intelligence computer programmers.

It may go against the common perception but robots
can “think” and be creative. AI has not only helped
humans create art but it is also capable of creating art
of its own. In fact, AI has successfully created poetry,
music and even engaged in drawing – all original and
completely computer generated.
These robots are able to express creativity in music,
words and on paper, through innate knowledge and
judgment. Thus, AI robots can create new symphonies
in the style of long-dead composers or even produce the
“potential” collaborations of several famous poets. In

fact, there is even a cybernetic artist named AARON
who has been creating artwork that has been displayed
in prominent art museums since the 1970’s

‘Savant                Syndrome                   and

            Many of us have heard of the term 'idiot
savant' or even 'Savant Syndrome' and almost everyone
has seen the academy-award winning film, Rain Man,
which brought this condition to the world’s attention.
Many people are fascinated by the savant phenomenon,
its contradictions regarding IQ and mental disability –
and its manifestation through different skill areas. But
just exactly what is a savant and what is the
relationship between savant syndrome and intelligence?

WHAT      IS                             SAVANT
Savant Syndrome is a rare condition in which a person,
who has a developmental disability resulting in a brain
handicap or some other form of central nervous system

And incredible memory, superimposed on top of their
basic brain dysfunction. In other words, they have
astonishing specific abilities or talents which are in
stark contrast to their overall mental limitations.

Savant Syndrome can arise in a variety of ways.
Generally, it is congenital (inherited through the genes
or resulting from developmental abnormalities before
birth) but it can also be acquired later in childhood or
even during adult life, from brain injury or disease.
It is believed that Savant Syndrome could be a result
of injury or damage to the left hemisphere of the brain
either during development (e.g. high circulating levels
of testosterone which can become neurotoxin) or from
an accident later in life and corresponding over-
compensation from the right hemisphere of the brain.
Interestingly, Savant Syndrome is 4 to 6 times more
likely to occur in males than females. Savant syndrome
is also often linked to autism in that 10% of those
with an autistic disorder will have some savant skills;
in reverse, almost half of all savants will also have an
autistic disorder. However, not all autistic persons are
savants nor are savants autistic.

Contrary to popular belief, Savant Syndrome is not
necessarily linked to lower IQ or mental retardation.

In fact, there are just as many cases of savants with
above average IQ. While Savant Syndrome does tend to
be linked with a number of different mental
disabilities, such as Autism, Asperser’s, Hyperemia or
Williams Syndrome, individuals with these conditions
can still have normal or even above average IQ’s.
Usually, in fact, they will show a wide scatter among
the various IQ sub-scores, with extremely high scores
in some areas and severe limitations in other sub-tests.
Some scientists claim that this supports the theory of
multiple intelligence's and the inadequacy of the
concept of a general intelligence ‘g’ which gives a
representative overall measure of a person’s
intelligence. In fact, savants seem to prove that you
can very 'intelligent' in certain fields while showing
mental retardation in others.

In a purely naturalistic worldview, intelligence must
necessarily be entirely a product of natural causes. If
this is true, then the phrase "intelligent design" is
simply convenient shorthand for a kind of natural
process with distinctive results, and talk about "the
appearance of design" is unnecessary, since there is no
ground for distinguishing between the appearance of
natural        design       and       the       reality.

It has frequently been asked, however, whether natural
processes are adequate to account for intelligence.
Experimentally, the creation of anything resembling

intelligence has thus far required a sophisticated
engineering effort unlike anything we could expect to
occur naturally. Philosophically, there is a question of
whether a process determined entirely by natural causes
could ever provide credible knowledge about the
universe. As C. S. Lewis pointed out, the more
confident we are that we can account for a person's
thinking as the result of mechanical or environmental
causes, the less seriously we are likely to take it. To
say "you only think that because..." is to discredit a
person's thinking. An analogy I have used before is to
compare the relationship of one's intelligence to one's
brain with the relationship between the meaning of a
book and its materials (the paper, ink, binding, etc.).
Though each influences the other, neither is explained
by the other, nor attempts to do so commit a category
If this distinction (or one like it) is valid, then natural
causes are not casually adequate to account for
intelligence. In that case, some being outside of nature
is required account for intelligence. Such a being might
well account for other features of terrestrial biology as
The nature of intelligence and how it can be measured
has occupied psychologists, educationalists, biologists
and philosophers for hundreds of years. However,
  there has been little investigation into the rise
of the traditional dominant educational ideology that
intelligence and IQ have innate limits and are
unchanging and unchangeable. This book traces the
roots of this mind set back to early puritan

communities on both sides of the Atlantic, drawing
parallels between puritan dogma and the development
of the traditional curricula and selection processes that
are still firmly embedded in school practice today.
Drawing on the work of Galton, Pearson, Burt,
Goddard, Term an and others in his search for the truth
about intelligence testing, John White looks at the
personal histories and socialized religious backgrounds
of these key psychologists and casts an entirely new
light on schooling in Britain and the USA in modern
times. This work also shows how we can transcend this
heritage and base our educational system on values and
practices more in tune with the twenty-first century.

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  • 1. 1 “INTELLIGENCE” ‘DEFINITION’: Intelligence is an umbrella term used to describe a property of the mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason, to plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to comprehend ideas, to use language, and to learn. There are several ways to define intelligence. In some cases, intelligence may include traits such as creativity, personality, character, knowledge, or wisdom. However there is no agreement on which traits define the phenomenon of intelligence agreed upon by a majority across the various concerned disciplines. There are probably as many definitions of intelligence as there are experts who study it. Simply put, however, intelligence is the ability to learn about, learn from, understand, and interact with one’s environment. This general ability consists of a number of specific abilities, which include these specific abilities: • Adaptability to a new environment or to changes in the current environment • Capacity for knowledge and the ability to acquire it • Capacity for reason and abstract thought
  • 2. 2 • Ability to comprehend relationships • Ability to evaluate and judge • Capacity for original and productive thought Additional specific abilities might be added to the list, but they would all be abilities allowing a person to learn about, learn from, understand, and interact with the environment. Environment in this definition doesn’t mean the environment of the earth, such as the desert, the mountains, etc., although it can mean that kind of environment. It has a wider meaning that includes a person’s immediate surroundings, including the people around him or her. Environment in this case can also be something as small as a family, the workplace, or classroom. ‘THE PHENOMENON OF GENNIUS’: ‘WHAT IS GENIUS? Genius is actually very difficult to define. For one thing, it is quite a subjective label – for some, a genius is anyone with an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) higher than a certain value. Others, however, feel that IQ is a very poor and unrepresentative measure of a person’s
  • 3. 3 total intelligence and therefore IQ scores are a poor reflection of real genius. Generally, it is accepted that a genius is not only someone with a very high IQ but also someone who breaks new ground with new ideas, discoveries, inventions or even works of art. In other words, a genius challenges the way other people view the field in which he works in – or even the world at large. GENIUS AND INTELLIGENCE: Intelligence itself can be difficult to define, the field of Psychometrics is devoted to studying and measuring intelligence and yet scientists and experts still cannot all agree on how best to analyze measure and describe intelligence. Therefore, it is not surprising that the relationship between genius and intelligence is not an easy one to describe. Ironically, many geniuses actually score poorly on standardized intelligence tests or perform very poorly at school – despite the fact that they have very high intellectual ability. Many researchers and theorists feel that this supports the argument that the concept of a general intelligence ‘g’ is too limiting and does not provide a complete view of a person’s intelligence. ‘ORIGIN OF INTELLIGENCE’:
  • 4. 4 In a purely naturalistic worldview, intelligence must necessarily be entirely a product of natural causes. If this is true, then the phrase "intelligent design" is simply convenient shorthand for a kind of natural process with distinctive results, and talk about "the appearance of design" is unnecessary, since there is no ground for distinguishing between the appearance of natural design and the reality. It has frequently been asked, however, whether natural processes are adequate to account for intelligence. Experimentally, the creation of anything resembling intelligence has thus far required a sophisticated engineering effort unlike anything we could expect to occur naturally. Philosophically, there is a question of whether a process determined entirely by natural causes could ever provide credible knowledge about the universe. As C. S. Lewis pointed out, the more confident we are that we can account for a person's thinking as the result of mechanical or environmental causes, the less seriously we are likely to take it. To say "you only think that because..." is to discredit a person's thinking. An analogy I have used before is to compare the relationship of one's intelligence to one's brain with the relationship between the meaning of a
  • 5. 5 book and its materials (the paper, ink, binding, etc.). Though each influences the other, neither is explained by the other, nor attempts to do so commit a category error. If this distinction (or one like it) is valid, then natural causes are not casually adequate to account for intelligence. In that case, some being outside of nature is required account for intelligence. Such a being might well account for other features of terrestrial biology as well. What evidence can we supply to support either side of this argument? Either experimentally or philosophically, what can we say with confidence about the source and cause of intelligence Exploring Origin of High IQ Is Intelligence a Product of Heredity, Environment or Both? “Parents of gifted and high-IQ children often wonder about the source of their child's intelligence.” The origin of intelligence, whether from heredity, environment or both, remains an interesting part of the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) issue. This question has confounded scholars and mental health professionals
  • 6. 6 since French psychologist Alfred Benet created the first IQ test in 1902 to identify children with learning disabilities. While some reliable studies prove the case for heredity, other equally reliable studies, make their claims about environment. “THEORIES OF INTELLIGENCE:” Numerous theories have emerged to define, explain and predict human intelligence. While intelligence is one of the most talked about subjects within psychology, there is no standard definition what exactly constitutes “INTELLIGENCE”. Some researches have suggested that intelligence is a single general ability; while other believe that intelligence encompasses the range of aptitudes, skills and talents. The following are some of the major theories of intelligence. 1-CHARLES SPEARMAN: (GENERAL INTELLIGENCE)
  • 7. 7 British psychologist Charles spearman (1863-1945) described a concept. He referred to as general intelligence, or the “ g” factor. After using a technique known as factor analysis to examine a number of mental aptitude test, spearman concluded that scores on these test were remarkably similar. People who performed well on one cognitive test tended to perform well on other test, while those who scored badly on one test tended to score badly on other he concluded that “intelligence is general cognitive ability that could be measured and numerically measured” 2- LOUIS L. THURSTONE : (PRIMARY MENTAL ABILITIES) Psychologist Louis l. Thurston (1887-1955) offered a differently theory of intelligence instead of viewing intelligence as a single general ability, Thurston theory focused on seven different “primary mental abilities” in 1938. The abilities that he described were:  Verbal comprehension  Reasoning  Perceptual speed  Numerical ability  Word fluency  Spatial visualization
  • 8. 8 3-HOWARD GARNER: (MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE) One of the more recent ideas to emerge is Howard gardeners “theory of multiple intelligence”. Instead of focusing on the analysis of test scores, Gardner proposed that numerical expressions of human intelligence are not full and accurate depiction of people ability. His theory describes eight distinct intelligence that are based on skills and abilities that are valued within different culture. The eight intelligence gardener described is:  Visual-spatial intelligence  Verbal-linguistic intelligence  Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence  Logical-mathematical intelligence  Interpersonal intelligence  Musical intelligence  Intra-person intelligence  Naturalistic intelligence 4-ROBERT STERNBERG: (TRI ARCHIC THEORY)
  • 9. 9 Psychologist Robert defined intelligence as mental activity directed towards purposive adaptation to selection and shaping of, real world environment relevant to ones life. Sternberg proposed what he refers to as successful intelligence which is comprised of three different factors:  Analytical intelligence  Practical intelligence  Creative intelligence 5-DANIEL GOLEMAN: (EMOTIONAL THEORY) Emotional Intelligence - EQ - is a relatively recent behavioral model, rising to prominence with Daniel Goleman's 1995 Book called 'Emotional Intelligence'. The early Emotional Intelligence theory was originally developed during the 1970s and 80s by the work and writings of psychologists Howard Gardner (Harvard), Peter Salovey (Yale) and John 'Jack' Mayer (New Hampshire). Emotional Intelligence is increasingly relevant to organizational development and developing people, because the EQ principles provide a new way to understand and assess people's behaviors, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills, and potential. Emotional Intelligence is an important consideration in human resources planning, job profiling, recruitment interviewing and selection, management development, customer relations and customer service, and more.
  • 10. 10 Emotional Intelligence links strongly with concepts of love and spirituality: bringing compassion and humanity to work, and also to 'Multiple Intelligence' theory which illustrates and measures the range of capabilities people possess, and the fact that everybody has a value. The EQ concept argues that IQ, or conventional intelligence, is too narrow; that there are wider areas of Emotional Intelligence that dictate and enable how successful we are. Success requires more than IQ (Intelligence Quotient), which has tended to be the traditional measure of intelligence, ignoring essential behavioral and character elements. We've all met people who are academically brilliant and yet are socially and inter-personally inept. And we know that despite possessing a high IQ rating, success does not automatically Goleman identified the five 'domains' of EQ as:  Knowing your emotions.  Managing your own emotions.  Motivating yourself.  Recognizing and understanding other people's emotions.  Managing relationships, ie. Managing the emotions of others. Emotional Intelligence embraces and draws from numerous other branches of behavioral, emotional and communications theories, such as NLP (Neuro- Linguistic Programming), Transactional Analysis, and
  • 11. 11 empathy. By developing our Emotional Intelligence in these areas and the five EQ domains we can become more productive and successful at what we do, and help others to be more productive and successful too. The process and outcomes of Emotional Intelligence development also contain many elements known to reduce stress for individuals and organizations, by decreasing conflict, improving relationships and understanding, and increasing stability, continuity and harmony follow. ‘TYPES OF INYELLIGENCE’: 1. NATURALIST INTELLIGENCE: (NATURE SMART) Designates the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations). This ability was clearly of value in our evolutionary past as hunters, gatherers, and farmers; it continues to be central in such roles as botanist or chef. It is also speculated that much of our consumer society exploits the naturalist intelligences,
  • 12. 12 which can be mobilized in the discrimination among cars, sneakers, kinds of makeup, and the like 2. MUSICAL INTELLIGENCE: (MUSICAL SMART) Musical intelligence is the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. This intelligence enables us to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on music, as demonstrated by composers, conductors, musicians, vocalist, and sensitive listeners. Interestingly, there is often an affective connection between music and the emotions; and mathematical and musical intelligences may share common thinking processes. Young adults with this kind of intelligence are usually singing or drumming to themselves. They are usually quite aware of sounds others may miss. 3. LOGICAL-MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCE: (NUMBER/REASONING SMART)
  • 13. 13 Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations. It enables us to perceive relationships and connections and to use abstract, symbolic thought; sequential reasoning skills; and inductive and deductive thinking patterns. Logical intelligence is usually well developed in mathematicians, scientists, and detectives. Young adults with lots of logical intelligence are interested in patterns, categories, and relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments 4. EXISTENTIAL INTELLIGENCE: Sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here. 5. INTERPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE: (PEOPLE SMART) Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others. It involves effective verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to note distinctions among others, sensitivity to the moods and temperaments of others, and the ability
  • 14. 14 to entertain multiple perspectives. Teachers, social workers, actors, and politicians all exhibit interpersonal intelligence. Young adults with this kind of intelligence are leaders among their peers, are good at communicating, and seem to understand others’ feelings and motives. 6. BODILY-KINESTHETIC INTELLIGENCE: (BODY SMART) Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills. This intelligence also involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through mind–body union. Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and craftspeople exhibit well-developed bodily kinesthetic intelligence. 7. LINGUISTIC INTELLIGENCE (WORD SMART): Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings. Linguistic intelligence allows us to understand the order and meaning of words and to apply meta-linguistic skills to reflect on our use of language. Linguistic intelligence is the most widely shared human competence and is evident in poets, novelists, journalists, and effective public speakers. Young adults with this kind of intelligence enjoy
  • 15. 15 writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles. 8. INTRA-PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE: (SELF SMART) Intra-personal intelligence is the capacity to understand oneself and one’s thoughts and feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and direction one’s life. Intra-personal intelligence involves not only an appreciation of the self, but also of the human condition. It is evident in psychologist, spiritual leaders, and philosophers. These young adults may be shy. They are very aware of their own feelings and are self-motivated. 9. SPATIAL INTELLIGENCE : (PICTURE SMART) Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three dimensions. Core capacities include mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and artistic skills, and an active imagination. Sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters, and architects all exhibit spatial intelligence. Young adults with this kind of
  • 16. 16 intelligence may be fascinated with mazes or jigsaw puzzles, or spend free time drawing or daydreaming. “QUOTES”: Man becomes man only by his intelligence, but he is man only by his heart. ~Henri Frederic Amyl A great many people think that polysyllables are a sign of intelligence. ~Barbara Walters Primitive does not mean stupid. ~Author Unknown it’s not that I'm so smart; it's just that I stay with problems longer. ~Albert Einstein The difference between intelligence and education is this: intelligence will make you a good living . ~Charles F. Kettering Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun. ~George Scialabra Common sense is not so common. ~Voltaire Character is higher than intellect. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder.
  • 17. 17 Ronald Reagan The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. ~Albert Einstein ‘INTELLIGENCE IN ABNORMAL’ : THE STUDY OF THE HUMAN MIND: Why are children stubborn? Why do some people become addicted to alcohol or gambling? How do you help an abused child? All of these are difficult and challenging questions that the field of psychology is trying to answer. So, then what exactly is psychology? There are many misperceptions created by television and movies today, but the basic answer is that psychology is both an applied and academic science that studies the human mind and behavior. Research in psychology seeks to understand and explain thought, emotion, and behavior. Psychology is applied to individuals via mental health treatment, performance enhancement, self-help, ergonomics, and many other areas affecting health and daily life.
  • 18. 18 PSYCHOLOGY HISTORY AND SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT: While people have always been fascinated by human behavior, it wasn't until the late 19th century that psychology began to be considered an actual science. Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychology lab in Germany. He believed in a school of thought called structuralism-believing that certain structures in the mind caused behavior. Over the course of psychology's history, different schools of thought have competed for prominence. Here are the major schools of thought in psychology: •Structuralism: The belief that there is a connection between sensation and emotion and behavior. •Functionalism: The idea that the human brain is much like a computer, designed to carry out specific functions. •Psychoanalysis: Created by Sigmund Freud, this school of thought believes in the rigorous probing of an individual's personal problems, motives, goals and attitudes as a way to heal the mind. • Behaviorist : Proponents of this theory essentially hold that all human behavior is learned from one's surrounding context and environment.
  • 19. 19 •Humanism: This much more recent school of thought came as a reaction to behaviorism and Psychoanalysis, and emphasizes the importance of values, intentions, and meaning in the individual. The concept of the "self" is a central focus for most humanistic psychologists. •Cognitive : This branch of psychology believes that psychology should be concerned with a person's internal representations of the world and with the internal or functional organization of the mind. As psychology moved away from its philosophical roots, psychologists began to employ more and more scientific methods to study human behavior. Today, researchers employ a variety of scientific methods, including experiments, correlation studies, longitudinal studies, and others to test, explain, and predict behavior. Abnormal Behavior and Mental Health: Human behavior is abnormal by default, because the truth is that the human being is a very absurd and cruel animal. The big irony of the continuation of the work that a psychiatrist began, by a literature writer like me, is exactly the fact that balance, psychic, emotional and mental health are not based on rationalism, but on sensitivity. Poetry and philosophy helped me perceive what all cold scientists could not see.
  • 20. 20 They were not able to discover the truth about human nature because they didn't give any importance to sensitivity, considering anger as a "normal" human reaction. However, anger is an abnormal behavior, since it leads to violence and terror. What is logical and what is absurd are very intriguing matters. Many of the reactions considered as "normal" ones by the psychiatric world and by common logic, are in fact totally absurd, which can be noticed in the end, when we see their tragic results. I have studied human logic and behavior since I was 15 years old, but I could only understand it when I turned 28 years old, and I discovered the anti-conscience at the bottom of the human psyche. This is the wild and violent conscience that everyone inherits from birth in their brain. I found it as I was interpreting my dreams and learning about the unknown content of the human psyche. Carl Jung abandoned his research, afraid of the craziness that he knew that existed there. I had to continue though, and face the primitive monster that exists inside the wild part of the human conscience. This was how I discovered that the cure for schizophrenia, psychosis, hysteria and all existent
  • 21. 21 mental illnesses is the elimination of the domination of the anti-conscience in the human side, and today you can protect your mental health for sure, before becoming its victim. I have cured many people translating their dreams for 20 years now. I discovered the wild anti-conscience but I discovered also the solution: the obedience to the wise directions of the unconscious mind in our dreams. There is too much craziness accumulated in the anti- conscience. Real absurdity, like the feeling of pleasure with terror, as we have seen in many horror movies, believing that this cannot be real... Craziness and terror are synonyms, the same way that craziness and evilness are synonyms as well. The primitive animal that exists inside everyone's brain is still active and keeps trying to dominate their human side, in order to destroy it and take its place. This wild animal provokes abnormal behavior and suicidal tendencies to the human conscience, pretending that it is human. It misleads the human conscience, making it follow its absurd thoughts, which are camouflaged by a false logic that the human conscience cannot perceive as false. Thanks to the scientific method of dream interpretation and my courageous research, today you know very well what exists inside you and what you have to do in
  • 22. 22 order to transform this wild and dangerous monster in a positive part of your human side. This way, this part will make you more intelligent, instead of trying to imprison you in the labyrinth of craziness. Many people dislike the idea of being considered crazy, however the craziness existent inside everyone is not a result of their own faults. This is an inherited content. The human being is not responsible for the absurdity of the monster he comes from. This means that you are not really crazy yourself, but you carry in your brain a dangerous brother who is too crazy. On the other hand, your human conscience is absurd too, because it is under-developed and it follows the absurd desires of your ego... This means that if you want to be sure that you'll really keep your mental health for life, you have to learn how to translate your dreams according to the scientific method and transform your worst enemy in a positive part of your human side without delay!
  • 23. 23 ‘SEX DIFFERENCES IN INTELLIGENCE’: INTRODUCTION: In this discussion of sex differences I rely mostly on chapter 13, "Sex differences in g", from Arthur Jensen's book "The g factor", and a little bit on chapter 4, "Conditions for excellence", from Hans Eysenck's book "Genius - The natural history of creativity". MEAN I.Q.: When it comes to the question whether or not there is difference in mean I.Q. between males and females, Jensen basically says no, after having considered a large amount of evidence. Eysenck is a little bit more skeptical and points out that the usual assumption of equal I.Q. of the sexes may be flawed. Based on data also mentioned by Jensen (R. Lynn, 1994, "Sex differences in intelligence and brain size: a paradox resolved"), Eysenck’s suggests 4 I.Q. points as a conservative estimate of the difference (favoring males). Lynn, on his home page, simple states in adults the difference is about 4 points. Both Jensen and Eysenck indicate that the question is hard to answer, as I.Q. tests like Stanford-Benet and W.A.I.S. have traditionally been constructed to show no sex difference in total score, by leaving out or
  • 24. 24 counterbalancing items that show sex differences. Such tests therefore are not capable of measuring a possible difference between the sexes. I myself can not observe a mean difference directly as I only deal with high-range tests. I will return to this point further on with regard to the variance difference. VARIANCE: The male variance in I.Q. is greater than that for females; Jensen says this difference is greatest in math and spatial ability. In math the male variance is 1.1 to 1.3 times greater (He does not give the difference for I.Q. or g). In the high range, my own observation to date is that at or above the 98 th percentile there are about twice more males than females, while at or above the 99.9 th percentile there are about 15 times more males. These estimates are based on the male/female ratios in certain high I.Q. societies and on analysis of male and female performance on my tests. Trying to make this fit in terms of standard deviation ("variance" is, incidentally, the square of the standard deviation), I find that when the male and female mean are both I.Q. 100, the male standard deviation (S.D.) must be about 33% greater than the female S.D. However, if a mean difference of 5 points in favor of males existed, the male S.D. would only need to be about 11% greater. I do not yet know which is true (or if the truth lies in between). I must
  • 25. 25 say though that an SD difference of 33% seems unlikely. A remark sometimes made regarding the male/female ratio in I.Q. societies and among high-range candidates is that females may be so lowly represented because they simply do not like taking intelligence tests, or even because they attach less value to intelligence than males do as a result of having been raised and socialized to value other traits higher in women. In other words, that their representation is not proportional to their actual presence at high intelligence levels. The following facts however speak against this: • In general, people enjoy (like, tend to, are inclined to) doing what they are good at, so the fact that fewer women than men take high-range tests is in full accordance with their lower occurrence frequency at high intelligence levels. It is unlikely that people in large numbers are kept from doing what they are naturally good at merely by not liking or not valuing it. It is much more likely that the "not liking" is a result of being less good at it. • It is well known that females are far more interested in (enjoying, liking) taking all sorts of psychological tests than are males, so their strong underpresence among high-range test candidates must have a compelling reason other than "not liking".
  • 26. 26 • A factual observation about high-range tests is that the harder a test is (as measured by the proportion of the test's problems that is on average missed), the fewer people choose to take it, the higher their median score, and the smaller their internal spread. It follows logically, is apparent, that people are avoiding tests that are too hard for them (rather than just avoiding tests they do not like), and are taking tests they can handle (rather than just taking tests they like). • It is also a factual observation about high-range tests that the harder a test is, the greater the male/female ratio among that test's candidates is. It follows logically that females are avoiding tests that are too hard for them (rather than just avoiding tests they do not like), and are taking tests they can handle (rather than just taking tests they like). • The distribution of female scores on high-range tests looks roughly similar to that of males, shifted downward by about ten I.Q. points. • In professions that require high intelligence, such as those in exact science and technology, there are still fewer to far fewer females than males working, despite decades of emancipation, affirmative action, government-prescribed minimum quota for females in certain professions, and lowering educational standards. Clearly, there is a force that keeps females away from these professions, and the longer the positive discrimination goes on and fails, the more painfully clear it gets that this force is mainly the
  • 27. 27 ability requirement of the work itself, which is at least partly an intelligence requirement, while other aspects of creativity may also play a role. These facts make it almost inescapable to conclude that the male/female ratio among high-range candidates and in I.Q. societies is roughly representative of the actual male/female ratio at high intelligence levels. Sometimes one has to leave a prejudice (equality) behind and accept the facts, even if one would like them to be otherwise. That I say "roughly representative" is not because I believe that "liking tests" or social or socialization factors may still contribute, but to leave open the possibility that yet other personality features are at play next to intelligence, like associative horizon. CHILDHOOD AND GROWING UP: Girls mature earlier verbally, and after puberty boys catch up. The male advantage on spatial and numerical ability (discussed further on) is not yet present in young children, and develops slowly during childhood and puberty. Important to realize here is that the sex differences in mental abilities are caused by hormonal differences (estrogen/testosterone balance), which work partly prenatally and partly after puberty. If there is a mean difference in I.Q. between the sexes, this will be fully expressed only in adults, and not yet in children. In any case, it seems that when testing
  • 28. 28 children, e.g. for giftedness, one should be aware of these developments and differences, the risk being that one might select too many girls and too few boys as “gifted”. ABILITY TYPES AT WHICH FEMALES ARE BETTER THAN MALES: Females are slightly better than males at straight- forward arithmetic (not at more complex math). On short-term memory the difference is greater; They score .3 S.D. higher than males, and one may suppose that this disposes them for multi-tasking. A verbal ability type that consistently favours females is "fluency"; Such tests require the candidate to name as many as possible words starting with a given letter within a limited time. Females are also better at reading, writing, grammar and spelling. The popular notion that females are better than males at verbal ability on the whole is not true; They are only better at these specific tasks, while there is no or as good as no sex difference in verbal ability on the whole. Other tasks at which females outscore males are those involving perceptual speed (e.g. matching figures) and clerical checking, both speed and accuracy (e.g. underlining certain letters in a text, or digit/symbol coding). Their advantage on such tasks varies from .2 to .4 S.D. Females are also better at motor coordination and finger and manual dexterity, but
  • 29. 29 those are not mental abilities in a strict sense, although they do occur in the "performance" sections of some individual tests. In general, men are a level up than women at mental manipulation of objects and at doing specific quantitative tasks that depend on visual symbolism. Men are said to have the innate ability in mathematics and scientific study. If this is considered truthful, then why do women achieve higher grades in mathematics and science? Baffling isn't it? Some say women are better in poker math? But it's difficult to prove this because the game doesn't only deal with probabilities but "bluffing" as well which completely takes out the mathematics involved. If the question is who is better in gambling?..women are, according to research studies. It's easy to assume men are better and this is purely stereotypical just because more men are seen inside casinos. One particular study claimed that women are much more assertive and aggressive than men when stakes are high. ABILITY TYPES AT WHICH MALES ARE BETTER: The largest difference is that in spatial ability; the mental manipulation of figures in two or more dimensions. The difference varies from .3 to .5 S.D. Then there is a difference in numerical ability (except for simple arithmetic) of .1 to .25 S.D. And as already
  • 30. 30 said, in both spatial and numerical ability there is also a large difference in variance, favoring males. As for verbal ability, males are better at tests of general knowledge. In verbal reasoning there is as good as no difference. CONCLUSION: Most important to realize is that because of the difference in variance (regardless if there is a mean difference), in any above-average sample it is normal to find males scoring higher than females. It would in fact be suspect to find this not to be the case; That would indicate possible problems with test ceiling (too low to allow the males to outscore the females) or test construction (items selected to be sex-balanced instead of for psychometric soundness), or fraud with statistics. Also important to know is that the state of affairs among children, regarding mental abilities, is not representative of how it will be when they have become adults. In childhood, girls appear so deceptively equal or superior to boys. Dilemmas that come forth from these facts: Should test scores in the high range be expressed within-sex rather than sex-combined, given the difference? And: Should "giftedness" be defined within children, or within adults? I am inclined to say "Yes" to the first, and "Beyond doubt within adults" to the latter question.
  • 31. 31 ‘ANIMALS AND INTELLIGENCE’: ARE ANIMALS INTELLIGENT? Some researchers in the field strongly support the idea that animals have “minds” but while their position has strong support from the lay population, it has not found wide acceptance in the scientific community. However, researchers have demonstrated animals’ strong cognitive ability in several areas. For example, the studies of birds which catch their food through the use of a sophisticated mind map or even the chimpanzee that learnt sign language. Animal language acquisition and its importance in revealing animal intelligence is still a controversial topic. 1-GREAT APES: Human and chimps genome are at least identical and infect they are one four closest living relatives.  Chimps make tools and use them to acquire foods and for social displays; they have sophisticated hunting strategies requiring co-operation, influence and rank.
  • 32. 32  They are status conscious, manipulative and capable of deception.  They can learn to use symbols and understand aspects of human language.  A recent study revealed that use of such advanced tools as spears; they sharpen it with their teeth and use it to spear Senegal bush babies out of small holes in trees. 2-DOLPHINS: Dolphins are very intelligent, playful and creative animals and by many researches are considered to be the second smartest animal in the world.  They also have very advanced communication system and even use tools.  Dolphins can communicate abstract idea such as left and right.  Dolphins can clean their places or pools etc.  They hide their food and play games also. 3-ELEPHANTS: Elephants are highly intelligent.  They create complex social relationships,, and even imitate human language.  Elephants also exhibit self awareness.  Elephants are highly skilled tool users.
  • 33. 33  They also teach their young ones how to use sticks.  Elephants also communicate over long distances by producing and receiving low- frequency sound. 4-Parrots: African grey parrots are extremely sociable loving and intelligent animals.  They are capable of learning hundreds of human words and sounds, which can be used in their proper context.  From some researches it is cleared that an African parrot is as much intelligent as a five year old child.  They can distinguish color, shapes, concept of bigger and smaller. 5-Dogs: Dog intelligence is the ability of a dog to learn, think, and solve problems. Dog trainers, owners, and researchers have as much difficulty agreeing on a method for testing canine intelligence as they do for human intelligence. One specific difficulty is confusing a breed's genetic characteristics and a dog's obedience training with intelligence.
  • 34. 34 Certain breeds, like Doberman Pinschers, Border Collies, Poodles, German Shepherds, Shetland Sheepdogs, Rottweiler, Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers, are thought to be "smarter" breeds of dogs. These descriptions are relative to other dogs, not relative to the world at large. The ability and willingness to learn and obey commands is not the only possible measurement of intelligence. Other breeds, such as sled dogs and sight hounds demonstrate intelligence in other ways 6-CATS: Are a lot more intelligent than people give them credit for. They are capable of forming attachments to people and communicating their needs and wants. They are capable of “instinctual thought.” Cat owners will agree, these are animals are truly smart. These animals have many wants. The stories people tell are all about cats that are cunning, aloof, and always hungry. In many ways, this image is correct, but there’s a lot more to most cats than this. They have personalities – and that may mean that they don’t hesitate to demand whatever they want, be it food, play, or to be left alone.
  • 35. 35 ‘What is Artificial Intelligence?’ Artificial intelligence (AI), also known as synthetic intelligence, is a branch of science and engineering which studies and designs intelligent machines, and in particular, intelligent computer programmers. It is also often used to describe the property or characteristic of machines or computer systems that demonstrate intelligence. Intelligence in this case being traits such as learning, reasoning, planning, communication, knowledge and perception, as well as the physical ability to move and manipulate objects. AI research first began after World War II, when several scientists began to independently work on different ‘intelligent’ machines. Alan Turing, an English mathematician, was probably the first and was probably also the first to decide that AI research benefited more from programming computers than from building machines. Since then, most AI researchers base their work on programming computers.
  • 36. 36 AI AND HUMAN INTELLIGENCE: The ultimate goal of AI researchers is to create computer programmers which can solve problems as well as any human. Thus, a large part of AI research is directed towards simulating human intelligence. However, AI researchers are not bound by biological constraints and therefore they can also tackle problems that require far more computing than humans are capable of. There is some doubt over whether human-level intelligence can ever be achieved, some researchers feel that it can be if a large enough number of programmes are written and a large enough knowledge base is accumulated. Most AI researchers feel that computer systems will always lack the new fundamental ideas required and therefore, it is difficult to predict if human intelligence can ever be achieved. AI AND COMPUTERS: While many researchers have attempted to invent non- computer machines which exhibit artificial intelligence, so far they have always had to simulate the machine on
  • 37. 37 a computer first, due to the large costs involved in building such machines. The computer simulations have always performed so fast that that the researchers have doubted the worth of actually building these machines, as they will probably never be superior to computers in speed and performance. Certainly, with the ongoing development of computers, they will only get faster and faster, with more and more sophisticated programs meaning that they continue to be best agents for artificial intelligence. APPLICATIONS OF AI: AI borrows from several fields, including neuroscience, computer science, cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, operations research, control theory, philosophy, logic, optimisation, economics and probability. It involves operations such as logistics, robotics, speech recognition, control systems, facial recognition, scheduling and data mining, among others. AI is applied in many areas:  Game Playing  ,Speech Recognition  Understanding Natural Language  Computer Vision –Expert systems  Heuristic Classification
  • 38. 38 ‘MACHINES’: Machines, especially computers, that have been designed to demonstrate intelligence are said to have “artificial intelligence” or AI. They show the ability to reason, learn, communicate, plan, gain knowledge and perceive, as well as the ability to physically manipulate objects. They are now being used in a variety of areas, including things like speech recognition, game playing and providing expert systems. AI’s application could be grouped in to 4 main areas: SCIENCE: AI technology is revolutionizing the scientific world. It is being extensively used as a tool in research and development, with specific applications in military technology. With the help of AI, scientific fields expand and grow faster, allowing new technologies to advance and new inventions to be created at a greater rate. This in turn feeds back into the field of AI and so becomes a perpetuating cycle. AI is also used in satellites where it uses existing algorithms to evaluate collected data and help to predict weather patterns
  • 39. 39 around the world. One of the benefits of technology incorporating AI is that it can often be used in other scientific areas. MEDICINE: AI is being employed to design machines that help to overcome human failings – for example, blindness, deafness or paralysis. Far from being a vague promise of the future or a feature of science fiction novels, these issues are being overcome by scientists here and now, working on projects using robotics to enable the blind to see, the paralyzed to walk and the deaf to hear. In other areas of medicine, AI is being used to combat a variety of debilitating diseases and some people even believe that the creation of “nanobots” – microscopic robots that communicate with the human brain or muscles – will not only help with medical procedures but can even be a means of creating a ‘superhuman’ with unlimited memory. This is perhaps now getting into the realm of science fiction but it is certainly not impossibility in the future. ENTERTAINMENT: AI can also be used for fun! People are fascinated by robots and intelligent toys, which now come in a
  • 40. 40 wondrous variety. ‘Chatter bots’, for example, can converse with you in real time while AI video games will modify their behavior during play according to your actions. In sports, AI computer programmers can help to make predictions while autonomous robots can actually play the sports themselves! Entertainment can also be useful as education. For example, the military has developed an AI computer game which teaches recruits a new language. Because of the “fun” and interest element, soldiers learn the language more quickly and thoroughly, than if they attended conventional language classes or used simpler, non-intelligence computer programmers. ART: It may go against the common perception but robots can “think” and be creative. AI has not only helped humans create art but it is also capable of creating art of its own. In fact, AI has successfully created poetry, music and even engaged in drawing – all original and completely computer generated. These robots are able to express creativity in music, words and on paper, through innate knowledge and judgment. Thus, AI robots can create new symphonies in the style of long-dead composers or even produce the “potential” collaborations of several famous poets. In
  • 41. 41 fact, there is even a cybernetic artist named AARON who has been creating artwork that has been displayed in prominent art museums since the 1970’s ‘Savant Syndrome and Intelligence’: Many of us have heard of the term 'idiot savant' or even 'Savant Syndrome' and almost everyone has seen the academy-award winning film, Rain Man, which brought this condition to the world’s attention. Many people are fascinated by the savant phenomenon, its contradictions regarding IQ and mental disability – and its manifestation through different skill areas. But just exactly what is a savant and what is the relationship between savant syndrome and intelligence? WHAT IS SAVANT SYNDROME? Savant Syndrome is a rare condition in which a person, who has a developmental disability resulting in a brain handicap or some other form of central nervous system
  • 42. 42 And incredible memory, superimposed on top of their basic brain dysfunction. In other words, they have astonishing specific abilities or talents which are in stark contrast to their overall mental limitations. WHAT CAUSES SAVANT SYNDROME? Savant Syndrome can arise in a variety of ways. Generally, it is congenital (inherited through the genes or resulting from developmental abnormalities before birth) but it can also be acquired later in childhood or even during adult life, from brain injury or disease. It is believed that Savant Syndrome could be a result of injury or damage to the left hemisphere of the brain either during development (e.g. high circulating levels of testosterone which can become neurotoxin) or from an accident later in life and corresponding over- compensation from the right hemisphere of the brain. Interestingly, Savant Syndrome is 4 to 6 times more likely to occur in males than females. Savant syndrome is also often linked to autism in that 10% of those with an autistic disorder will have some savant skills; in reverse, almost half of all savants will also have an autistic disorder. However, not all autistic persons are savants nor are savants autistic. SAVANT SYNDROME AND IQ: Contrary to popular belief, Savant Syndrome is not necessarily linked to lower IQ or mental retardation.
  • 43. 43 In fact, there are just as many cases of savants with above average IQ. While Savant Syndrome does tend to be linked with a number of different mental disabilities, such as Autism, Asperser’s, Hyperemia or Williams Syndrome, individuals with these conditions can still have normal or even above average IQ’s. Usually, in fact, they will show a wide scatter among the various IQ sub-scores, with extremely high scores in some areas and severe limitations in other sub-tests. Some scientists claim that this supports the theory of multiple intelligence's and the inadequacy of the concept of a general intelligence ‘g’ which gives a representative overall measure of a person’s intelligence. In fact, savants seem to prove that you can very 'intelligent' in certain fields while showing mental retardation in others. ‘Conclusion’: In a purely naturalistic worldview, intelligence must necessarily be entirely a product of natural causes. If this is true, then the phrase "intelligent design" is simply convenient shorthand for a kind of natural process with distinctive results, and talk about "the appearance of design" is unnecessary, since there is no ground for distinguishing between the appearance of natural design and the reality. It has frequently been asked, however, whether natural processes are adequate to account for intelligence. Experimentally, the creation of anything resembling
  • 44. 44 intelligence has thus far required a sophisticated engineering effort unlike anything we could expect to occur naturally. Philosophically, there is a question of whether a process determined entirely by natural causes could ever provide credible knowledge about the universe. As C. S. Lewis pointed out, the more confident we are that we can account for a person's thinking as the result of mechanical or environmental causes, the less seriously we are likely to take it. To say "you only think that because..." is to discredit a person's thinking. An analogy I have used before is to compare the relationship of one's intelligence to one's brain with the relationship between the meaning of a book and its materials (the paper, ink, binding, etc.). Though each influences the other, neither is explained by the other, nor attempts to do so commit a category error. If this distinction (or one like it) is valid, then natural causes are not casually adequate to account for intelligence. In that case, some being outside of nature is required account for intelligence. Such a being might well account for other features of terrestrial biology as well. The nature of intelligence and how it can be measured has occupied psychologists, educationalists, biologists and philosophers for hundreds of years. However,   there has been little investigation into the rise of the traditional dominant educational ideology that intelligence and IQ have innate limits and are unchanging and unchangeable. This book traces the roots of this mind set back to early puritan
  • 45. 45 communities on both sides of the Atlantic, drawing parallels between puritan dogma and the development of the traditional curricula and selection processes that are still firmly embedded in school practice today. Drawing on the work of Galton, Pearson, Burt, Goddard, Term an and others in his search for the truth about intelligence testing, John White looks at the personal histories and socialized religious backgrounds of these key psychologists and casts an entirely new light on schooling in Britain and the USA in modern times. This work also shows how we can transcend this heritage and base our educational system on values and practices more in tune with the twenty-first century.
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