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Create custom looping procedures in SQL Server 2005 | TechRepublic

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        The Enterprise Cloud

        Create custom looping
        procedures in SQL Server
        By Tim Chapman
        July 8, 2008, 8:34 PM PDT

        Takeaway: Tim Chapman shows how to create system stored procedures that will allow you to
        loop through and execute statements against any type of object in SQL Server 2005.

        In my previous SQL Server article, I discussed how you can use two undocumented system stored
        procedures to your advantage when it comes to executing ad-hoc statements against a large
        number of tables or databases. I’ll expand upon that idea and show how to create system stored                             Google Docs For
        procedures that will allow you to loop through and execute statements against any type of                                  Business
        object in SQL Server 2005.                                                                                                 Start with 5 GB of Included Storage Get
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        An example                                                                                                       

        My example will involve two stored procedures, both of which are alterations of the                                        Dynamics in Romania
        sp_msforeachdb and sp_msforeachtable system stored procedures.                                                             Microsoft Dynamics NAV Microsoft Dynamics
        First, I need to create a helper procedure, which I named sp_MSForEach_Helper. This procedure                    
        is almost exactly the same as its cousin sp_MSForEach_Worker; I only changed the names of the                              Multilingual WebCenter
        cursor objects involved. The following script will create this stored procedure:                                           Translate Content Inside WebCenter Lingotek
                                                                                                                                   Collaborative Translation
        set ANSI_NULLS ON
        use master
        /*                                                                                                                    Keep Up with TechRepublic
         * This is the worker proc for all of the "for each" type procs. Its function is to read the
         * next replacement name from the cursor (which returns only a single name), plug it into the
         * replacement locations for the commands, and execute them. It assumes the cursor "hCForEach***"
         * has already been opened by its caller.
         * worker_type is a parameter that indicates whether we call this for a database (1) or for a table
                                                                                                                                    Five Apps
        CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_MSForEach_Helper]
                                                                                                                                    Google in the Enterprise
                    @command1 nvarchar(2000), @replacechar nchar(1) = N'?', @command2 nvarchar(2000) = null,
        @command3 nvarchar(2000) = null                                                                                            Subscribe Today

                     create table #qtemp (    /* Temp command storage */
                                 qnum                                                                                         Follow us however you choose!
        int                                                NOT NULL,
                                  qchar                                         nvarchar(2000)             COLLATE
        database_default NULL

                     set nocount on[08/29/2012 3:38:37 PM]
Create custom looping procedures in SQL Server 2005 | TechRepublic

                    declare @name nvarchar(517), @namelen int, @q1 nvarchar(2000), @q2 nvarchar(2000)
                    declare @q3 nvarchar(2000), @q4 nvarchar(2000), @q5 nvarchar(2000)
                    declare @q6 nvarchar(2000), @q7 nvarchar(2000), @q8 nvarchar(2000), @q9 nvarchar(2000),
        @q10 nvarchar(2000)                                                                                                  Media Gallery
                    declare @cmd nvarchar(2000), @replacecharindex int, @useq tinyint, @usecmd tinyint,
        @nextcmd nvarchar(2000)
                    declare @namesave nvarchar(517), @nametmp nvarchar(517), @nametmp2 nvarchar(258)

                     declare @local_cursor cursor
                                 set @local_cursor = hCForEachObject

                     open @local_cursor                                                                                            PHOTO GALLERY (1 of 15)
                     fetch @local_cursor into @name                                                                                Curiosity's autonomous
                     /* Loop for each database */
                                                                                                                                   'seven minutes of...
                     while (@@fetch_status = 0) begin
                                 /* Initialize. */                                                                                       More Galleries »

              /* save the original dbname */
              select @namesave = @name
                                select @useq = 1, @usecmd = 1, @cmd = @command1, @namelen = datalength(@name)
                                while (@cmd is not null) begin                        /* Generate @q* for
        exec() */
                                             * Parse each @commandX into a single executable batch.
                                             * Because the expanded form of a @commandX may be                                    VIDEO (1 of 13)
        OSQL_MAXCOLLEN_SET, we'll need to allow overflow.                                                                          Cracking Open: HTC Titan II
                                             * We also may append @commandX's (signified by '++' as first
        letters of next @command).                                                                                                          More Videos »
                                            select @replacecharindex = charindex(@replacechar, @cmd)
                                            while (@replacecharindex  0) begin

                    /* 7.0, if name contains ' character, and the name has been single quoted in command,                    Hot Questions                     View All
        double all of them in dbname */
                    /* if the name has not been single quoted in command, do not doulbe them */
                                                                                                                              3     SSL redirection
                    /* if name contains ] character, and the name has been [] quoted in command, double all
        of ] in dbname */
                    select @name = @namesave
                    select @namelen = datalength(@name)
                                                                                                                              3     Switching from a Job to a career in
                    declare @tempindex int
                    if (substring(@cmd, @replacecharindex - 1, 1) = N'''') begin                                                    the IT field: Need an IT pro's
                       /* if ? is inside of '', we need to double all the ' in name */                                              advice
                       select @name = REPLACE(@name, N'''', N'''''')
                    end else if (substring(@cmd, @replacecharindex - 1, 1) = N'[') begin
                       /* if ? is inside of [], we need to double all the ] in name */                                        2     windows 7 won't shutdown and
                       select @name = REPLACE(@name, N']', N']]')                                                                   keeps switching on
                    end else if ((@name LIKE N'%].%]') and (substring(@name, 1, 1) = N'[')) begin
                       /* ? is NOT inside of [] nor '', and the name is in [owner].[name] format, handle it
        */                                                                                                                    2     can anyone suggest if any such
                       /* !!! work around, when using LIKE to find string pattern, can't use '[', since LIKE                        software exist with similar
        operator is treating '[' as a wide char */                                                                                  functionality?
                       select @tempindex = charindex(N'].[', @name)
                       select @nametmp = substring(@name, 2, @tempindex-2 )
                       select @nametmp2 = substring(@name, @tempindex+3, len(@name)-@tempindex-3 )
                                                                                                                             Ask a Question
                       select @nametmp = REPLACE(@nametmp, N']', N']]')
                       select @nametmp2 = REPLACE(@nametmp2, N']', N']]')
                       select @name = N'[' + @nametmp + N'].[' + @nametmp2 + ']'
                    end else if ((@name LIKE N'%]') and (substring(@name, 1, 1) = N'[')) begin
                       /* ? is NOT inside of [] nor '', and the name is in [name] format, handle it */                       Hot Discussions                   View All
                       /* j.i.c., since we should not fall into this case */
                       /* !!! work around, when using LIKE to find string pattern, can't use '[', since LIKE
        operator is treating '[' as a wide char */                                                                           221    Should developers be sued for
                       select @nametmp = substring(@name, 2, len(@name)-2 )                                                         security holes?
                       select @nametmp = REPLACE(@nametmp, N']', N']]')
                       select @name = N'[' + @nametmp + N']'
                    end                                                                                                       79    The sitting duck that is open
                    /* Get the new length */                                                                                        source
                    select @namelen = datalength(@name)

                     /* start normal process */                                                                                     Five fast Windows desktop search
                                                            if (datalength(@cmd) + @namelen - 1  2000) begin
                                                                        /* Overflow; put preceding stuff into the
        temp table */
                                                                        if (@useq  9) begin                                        Is the death knell sounding for
                                                                                    close @local_cursor
                                                                                                                                    traditional antivirus?

                                                                                     raiserror 55555                         Start a Discussion
        N'sp_MSforeach_worker assert failed:      command too long'
                                                                                    return 1
                                                                        if (@replacecharindex  @namelen) begin
                                                                                                                             Blog Archive
                                                                                    /* If this happened close to[08/29/2012 3:38:37 PM]
Create custom looping procedures in SQL Server 2005 | TechRepublic

        beginning, make sure expansion has enough room. */
                                                                                     /* In this case no trailing             August 2012     December 2011
        space can occur as the row ends with @name. */
                                                                                     select @nextcmd =                       July 2012       November 2011
        substring(@cmd, 1, @replacecharindex)                                                                                June 2012       October 2011
                                                                                     select @cmd = substring(@cmd,
        @replacecharindex + 1, 2000)                                                                                         May 2012        September 2011
                                                                                     select @nextcmd =
                                                                                                                             April 2012      August 2011
        stuff(@nextcmd, @replacecharindex, 1, @name)
                                                                                     select @replacecharindex =              March 2012      July 2011
        charindex(@replacechar, @cmd)
                                                                                                                             February 2012   June 2011
                                                                                     insert #qtemp values (@useq,
        @nextcmd)                                                                                                            January 2012
                                                                                     select @useq = @useq + 1
                                                                        /* Move the string down and stuff() in-
        place. */
                                                                  /* Because varchar columns trim trailing
        spaces, we may need to prepend one to the following string. */
                                                                  /* In this case, the char to be replaced
        is moved over by one. */
                                                                  insert #qtemp values (@useq,
        substring(@cmd, 1, @replacecharindex - 1))
                                                                  if (substring(@cmd, @replacecharindex - 1,
        1) = N' ') begin
                                                                              select @cmd = N' ' +
        substring(@cmd, @replacecharindex, 2000)
                                                                              select @replacecharindex = 2
                                                                  end else begin
                                                                              select @cmd = substring(@cmd,
        @replacecharindex, 2000)
                                                                              select @replacecharindex = 1
                                                                  select @useq = @useq + 1
                                                      select @cmd = stuff(@cmd, @replacecharindex, 1, @name)
                                                      select @replacecharindex = charindex(@replacechar,

                                               /* Done replacing for current @cmd.     Get the next one and see if
        it's to be appended. */
                                               select @usecmd = @usecmd + 1
                                               select @nextcmd = case (@usecmd) when 2 then @command2 when 3
        then @command3 else null end
                                               if (@nextcmd is not null and substring(@nextcmd, 1, 2) = N'++')
                                                            insert #qtemp values (@useq, @cmd)
                                                            select @cmd = substring(@nextcmd, 3, 2000), @useq =
        @useq + 1

                                           /* Now exec() the generated @q*, and see if we had more commands
        to exec().  Continue even if errors. */
                                           /* Null them first as the no-result-set case won't. */
                                           select @q1 = null, @q2 = null, @q3 = null, @q4 = null, @q5 =
        null, @q6 = null, @q7 = null, @q8 = null, @q9 = null, @q10 = null
                                           select @q1 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 1
                                           select @q2 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 2
                                           select @q3 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 3
                                           select @q4 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 4
                                           select @q5 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 5
                                           select @q6 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 6
                                           select @q7 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 7
                                           select @q8 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 8
                                           select @q9 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 9
                                           select @q10 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 10
                                           truncate table #qtemp
                                           exec (@q1 + @q2 + @q3 + @q4 + @q5 + @q6 + @q7 + @q8 + @q9 + @q10
        + @cmd)
                                           select @cmd = @nextcmd, @useq = 1
                               end /* while @cmd is not null, generating @q* for exec() */

                                 /* All commands done for this name.      Go to next one. */
                                 fetch @local_cursor into @name
                     end /* while FETCH_SUCCESS */
                     close @local_cursor
                                 deallocate hCForEachObject

                     return 0

        GO[08/29/2012 3:38:37 PM]
Create custom looping procedures in SQL Server 2005 | TechRepublic

        Now all I need to do is make the stored procedure a system stored procedure by using the
        following code:

        EXECUTE sp_MS_MarkSystemObject 'sp_MSForEach_Helper'

        Once my helper procedure is created, I can start working on the procedure to which I’ll be passing
        my commands. The script below is an adaptation of the Microsoft procedure sp_MSForEachTable.
        The procedure allows an object type parameter, so you can choose the type of object on your
        system that you want to loop through. Below is a listing of the available object types:

            AF: Aggregate function (CLR)
            C: CHECK constraint
            D: DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone)
            F: FOREIGN KEY constraint
            PK: PRIMARY KEY constraint
            P: SQL stored procedure
            PC: Assembly (CLR) stored procedure
            FN: SQL scalar function
            FS: Assembly (CLR) scalar function
            FT: Assembly (CLR) table-valued function
            R: Rule (old-style, stand-alone)
            RF: Replication-filter-procedure
            S: System base table
            SN: Synonym
            SQ: Service queue
            TA: Assembly (CLR) DML trigger
            TR: SQL DML trigger
            IF: SQL inline table-valued function
            TF: SQL table-valued-function
            U: Table (user-defined)
            UQ: UNIQUE constraint
            V: View
            X: Extended stored procedure
            IT: Internal table

        I also swapped out the EXECUTE() command for the stored procedure sp_executesql.

        set ANSI_NULLS ON

        use master
        CREATE PROCEDURE sp_ForEachObject
                    @command1 NVARCHAR(2000), @replacechar nchar(1) = N'?',
                    @objecttype NVARCHAR(2) = null, @command2 NVARCHAR(2000) = null,
                    @command3 NVARCHAR(2000) = null, @whereand NVARCHAR(2000) = null,
                    @precommand NVARCHAR(2000) = null, @postcommand NVARCHAR(2000) = null

                      DECLARE @mscat NVARCHAR(12)
                      DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(4000)
                      DECLARE @retval INT

                      IF @precommand IS NOT NULL
                                  EXECUTE sp_executesql @precommand

                    SET @sql = N'DECLARE hCForEachObject CURSOR GLOBAL FOR SELECT ''['' + + '']''
        FROM sys.all_objects syso '

                      IF @objecttype IS NOT NULL
                                  SET @sql = @sql + ' WHERE syso.type = ''' + @objecttype + ''''

                      EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql
                      SET @retval = @@error[08/29/2012 3:38:37 PM]
Create custom looping procedures in SQL Server 2005 | TechRepublic

                     IF (@retval = 0)
                                 EXECUTE @retval = sp_MSForEach_Helper
                                 @command1 = @command1,
                                 @replacechar = @replacechar,
                                 @command2 = @command2,
                                 @command3 = @command3

                     IF (@retval = 0 and @postcommand is not null)

                     RETURN @retval

        EXECUTE sp_MS_marksystemobject 'sp_ForEachObject'

        Once I execute this script, I am able to execute sp_ForEachObject in any database on my server
        and execute commands on any of the object types listed above. For example, the following code
        loops through all user-defined tables in my database and prints them to the screen:

        EXECUTE sp_ForEachObject
        @command1 = 'select ''?''',
        @objecttype = 'U'

        Another great use for this stored procedure is to print out the text of all of my stored procedures in
        my database. Here is the code:

        @command1 = 'PRINT OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID(''?'')) + CHAR(10) + ''GO''',
        @objecttype = 'P'

        Start creating
        These custom loop procedures are a powerful and flexible addition to your SQL Server 2005
        toolkit. For instance, it would be very simple to alter sp_ForEachObject so that you can loop
        through databases, server triggers, or logins. Give it a try!

        Tim Chapman a SQL Server database administrator and consultant who works for a bank in
        Louisville, KY. Tim has more than eight years of IT experience, and he is a Microsoft certified
        Database Developer and Administrator. If you would like to contact Tim, please e-mail him at


        Get more SQL Server tips in your inbox
        TechRepublic’s Servers and Storage newsletter, delivered on Monday and Wednesday, offers tips
        that will help you manage and optimize your data center. Automatically sign up today!

        Get IT Tips, news, and reviews delivered directly to your inbox by subscribing to TechRepublic’s free

                       About Tim Chapman
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        Join the TechRepublic Community and join the conversation! Signing-up is
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Create custom looping procedures in sql server 2005 tech republic

  • 1. Create custom looping procedures in SQL Server 2005 | TechRepublic ZDNet Asia SmartPlanet TechRepublic Log In Join TechRepublic FAQ Go Pro! Blogs Downloads Newsletters Galleries Q&A Discussions News Research Library IT Management Development IT Support Data Center Networks Security Home / Blogs / The Enterprise Cloud Follow this blog: The Enterprise Cloud s Create custom looping procedures in SQL Server 2005 By Tim Chapman July 8, 2008, 8:34 PM PDT Takeaway: Tim Chapman shows how to create system stored procedures that will allow you to loop through and execute statements against any type of object in SQL Server 2005. In my previous SQL Server article, I discussed how you can use two undocumented system stored procedures to your advantage when it comes to executing ad-hoc statements against a large number of tables or databases. I’ll expand upon that idea and show how to create system stored Google Docs For procedures that will allow you to loop through and execute statements against any type of Business object in SQL Server 2005. Start with 5 GB of Included Storage Get Additional 20 GB Just $4/month! An example My example will involve two stored procedures, both of which are alterations of the Dynamics in Romania sp_msforeachdb and sp_msforeachtable system stored procedures. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Microsoft Dynamics AX First, I need to create a helper procedure, which I named sp_MSForEach_Helper. This procedure is almost exactly the same as its cousin sp_MSForEach_Worker; I only changed the names of the Multilingual WebCenter cursor objects involved. The following script will create this stored procedure: Translate Content Inside WebCenter Lingotek Collaborative Translation set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go use master GO /* Keep Up with TechRepublic A CNET PROFESSIONAL BRAND * This is the worker proc for all of the "for each" type procs. Its function is to read the * next replacement name from the cursor (which returns only a single name), plug it into the * replacement locations for the commands, and execute them. It assumes the cursor "hCForEach***" * has already been opened by its caller. * worker_type is a parameter that indicates whether we call this for a database (1) or for a table (0) Five Apps */ CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_MSForEach_Helper] Google in the Enterprise @command1 nvarchar(2000), @replacechar nchar(1) = N'?', @command2 nvarchar(2000) = null, @command3 nvarchar(2000) = null Subscribe Today as create table #qtemp ( /* Temp command storage */ qnum Follow us however you choose! int NOT NULL, qchar nvarchar(2000) COLLATE database_default NULL ) set nocount on[08/29/2012 3:38:37 PM]
  • 2. Create custom looping procedures in SQL Server 2005 | TechRepublic declare @name nvarchar(517), @namelen int, @q1 nvarchar(2000), @q2 nvarchar(2000) declare @q3 nvarchar(2000), @q4 nvarchar(2000), @q5 nvarchar(2000) declare @q6 nvarchar(2000), @q7 nvarchar(2000), @q8 nvarchar(2000), @q9 nvarchar(2000), @q10 nvarchar(2000) Media Gallery declare @cmd nvarchar(2000), @replacecharindex int, @useq tinyint, @usecmd tinyint, @nextcmd nvarchar(2000) declare @namesave nvarchar(517), @nametmp nvarchar(517), @nametmp2 nvarchar(258) declare @local_cursor cursor set @local_cursor = hCForEachObject open @local_cursor PHOTO GALLERY (1 of 15) fetch @local_cursor into @name Curiosity's autonomous /* Loop for each database */ 'seven minutes of... while (@@fetch_status = 0) begin /* Initialize. */ More Galleries » /* save the original dbname */ select @namesave = @name select @useq = 1, @usecmd = 1, @cmd = @command1, @namelen = datalength(@name) while (@cmd is not null) begin /* Generate @q* for exec() */ /* * Parse each @commandX into a single executable batch. * Because the expanded form of a @commandX may be VIDEO (1 of 13) OSQL_MAXCOLLEN_SET, we'll need to allow overflow. Cracking Open: HTC Titan II * We also may append @commandX's (signified by '++' as first letters of next @command). More Videos » */ select @replacecharindex = charindex(@replacechar, @cmd) while (@replacecharindex 0) begin /* 7.0, if name contains ' character, and the name has been single quoted in command, Hot Questions View All double all of them in dbname */ /* if the name has not been single quoted in command, do not doulbe them */ 3 SSL redirection /* if name contains ] character, and the name has been [] quoted in command, double all of ] in dbname */ select @name = @namesave select @namelen = datalength(@name) 3 Switching from a Job to a career in declare @tempindex int if (substring(@cmd, @replacecharindex - 1, 1) = N'''') begin the IT field: Need an IT pro's /* if ? is inside of '', we need to double all the ' in name */ advice select @name = REPLACE(@name, N'''', N'''''') end else if (substring(@cmd, @replacecharindex - 1, 1) = N'[') begin /* if ? is inside of [], we need to double all the ] in name */ 2 windows 7 won't shutdown and select @name = REPLACE(@name, N']', N']]') keeps switching on end else if ((@name LIKE N'%].%]') and (substring(@name, 1, 1) = N'[')) begin /* ? is NOT inside of [] nor '', and the name is in [owner].[name] format, handle it */ 2 can anyone suggest if any such /* !!! work around, when using LIKE to find string pattern, can't use '[', since LIKE software exist with similar operator is treating '[' as a wide char */ functionality? select @tempindex = charindex(N'].[', @name) select @nametmp = substring(@name, 2, @tempindex-2 ) select @nametmp2 = substring(@name, @tempindex+3, len(@name)-@tempindex-3 ) Ask a Question select @nametmp = REPLACE(@nametmp, N']', N']]') select @nametmp2 = REPLACE(@nametmp2, N']', N']]') select @name = N'[' + @nametmp + N'].[' + @nametmp2 + ']' end else if ((@name LIKE N'%]') and (substring(@name, 1, 1) = N'[')) begin /* ? is NOT inside of [] nor '', and the name is in [name] format, handle it */ Hot Discussions View All /* j.i.c., since we should not fall into this case */ /* !!! work around, when using LIKE to find string pattern, can't use '[', since LIKE operator is treating '[' as a wide char */ 221 Should developers be sued for select @nametmp = substring(@name, 2, len(@name)-2 ) security holes? select @nametmp = REPLACE(@nametmp, N']', N']]') select @name = N'[' + @nametmp + N']' end 79 The sitting duck that is open /* Get the new length */ source select @namelen = datalength(@name) /* start normal process */ Five fast Windows desktop search if (datalength(@cmd) + @namelen - 1 2000) begin 27 utilities /* Overflow; put preceding stuff into the temp table */ if (@useq 9) begin Is the death knell sounding for close @local_cursor 30 traditional antivirus? deallocate hCForEachObject raiserror 55555 Start a Discussion N'sp_MSforeach_worker assert failed: command too long' return 1 end if (@replacecharindex @namelen) begin Blog Archive /* If this happened close to[08/29/2012 3:38:37 PM]
  • 3. Create custom looping procedures in SQL Server 2005 | TechRepublic beginning, make sure expansion has enough room. */ /* In this case no trailing August 2012 December 2011 space can occur as the row ends with @name. */ select @nextcmd = July 2012 November 2011 substring(@cmd, 1, @replacecharindex) June 2012 October 2011 select @cmd = substring(@cmd, @replacecharindex + 1, 2000) May 2012 September 2011 select @nextcmd = April 2012 August 2011 stuff(@nextcmd, @replacecharindex, 1, @name) select @replacecharindex = March 2012 July 2011 charindex(@replacechar, @cmd) February 2012 June 2011 insert #qtemp values (@useq, @nextcmd) January 2012 select @useq = @useq + 1 continue end /* Move the string down and stuff() in- place. */ /* Because varchar columns trim trailing spaces, we may need to prepend one to the following string. */ /* In this case, the char to be replaced is moved over by one. */ insert #qtemp values (@useq, substring(@cmd, 1, @replacecharindex - 1)) if (substring(@cmd, @replacecharindex - 1, 1) = N' ') begin select @cmd = N' ' + substring(@cmd, @replacecharindex, 2000) select @replacecharindex = 2 end else begin select @cmd = substring(@cmd, @replacecharindex, 2000) select @replacecharindex = 1 end select @useq = @useq + 1 end select @cmd = stuff(@cmd, @replacecharindex, 1, @name) select @replacecharindex = charindex(@replacechar, @cmd) end /* Done replacing for current @cmd. Get the next one and see if it's to be appended. */ select @usecmd = @usecmd + 1 select @nextcmd = case (@usecmd) when 2 then @command2 when 3 then @command3 else null end if (@nextcmd is not null and substring(@nextcmd, 1, 2) = N'++') begin insert #qtemp values (@useq, @cmd) select @cmd = substring(@nextcmd, 3, 2000), @useq = @useq + 1 continue end /* Now exec() the generated @q*, and see if we had more commands to exec(). Continue even if errors. */ /* Null them first as the no-result-set case won't. */ select @q1 = null, @q2 = null, @q3 = null, @q4 = null, @q5 = null, @q6 = null, @q7 = null, @q8 = null, @q9 = null, @q10 = null select @q1 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 1 select @q2 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 2 select @q3 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 3 select @q4 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 4 select @q5 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 5 select @q6 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 6 select @q7 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 7 select @q8 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 8 select @q9 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 9 select @q10 = qchar from #qtemp where qnum = 10 truncate table #qtemp exec (@q1 + @q2 + @q3 + @q4 + @q5 + @q6 + @q7 + @q8 + @q9 + @q10 + @cmd) select @cmd = @nextcmd, @useq = 1 end /* while @cmd is not null, generating @q* for exec() */ /* All commands done for this name. Go to next one. */ fetch @local_cursor into @name end /* while FETCH_SUCCESS */ close @local_cursor deallocate hCForEachObject return 0 GO[08/29/2012 3:38:37 PM]
  • 4. Create custom looping procedures in SQL Server 2005 | TechRepublic Now all I need to do is make the stored procedure a system stored procedure by using the following code: EXECUTE sp_MS_MarkSystemObject 'sp_MSForEach_Helper' GO Once my helper procedure is created, I can start working on the procedure to which I’ll be passing my commands. The script below is an adaptation of the Microsoft procedure sp_MSForEachTable. The procedure allows an object type parameter, so you can choose the type of object on your system that you want to loop through. Below is a listing of the available object types: AF: Aggregate function (CLR) C: CHECK constraint D: DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F: FOREIGN KEY constraint PK: PRIMARY KEY constraint P: SQL stored procedure PC: Assembly (CLR) stored procedure FN: SQL scalar function FS: Assembly (CLR) scalar function FT: Assembly (CLR) table-valued function R: Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF: Replication-filter-procedure S: System base table SN: Synonym SQ: Service queue TA: Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TR: SQL DML trigger IF: SQL inline table-valued function TF: SQL table-valued-function U: Table (user-defined) UQ: UNIQUE constraint V: View X: Extended stored procedure IT: Internal table I also swapped out the EXECUTE() command for the stored procedure sp_executesql. set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON SET ARITHABORT ON go use master go CREATE PROCEDURE sp_ForEachObject ( @command1 NVARCHAR(2000), @replacechar nchar(1) = N'?', @objecttype NVARCHAR(2) = null, @command2 NVARCHAR(2000) = null, @command3 NVARCHAR(2000) = null, @whereand NVARCHAR(2000) = null, @precommand NVARCHAR(2000) = null, @postcommand NVARCHAR(2000) = null ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @mscat NVARCHAR(12) DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @retval INT IF @precommand IS NOT NULL EXECUTE sp_executesql @precommand SET @sql = N'DECLARE hCForEachObject CURSOR GLOBAL FOR SELECT ''['' + + '']'' FROM sys.all_objects syso ' IF @objecttype IS NOT NULL SET @sql = @sql + ' WHERE syso.type = ''' + @objecttype + '''' EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql SET @retval = @@error[08/29/2012 3:38:37 PM]
  • 5. Create custom looping procedures in SQL Server 2005 | TechRepublic IF (@retval = 0) BEGIN EXECUTE @retval = sp_MSForEach_Helper @command1 = @command1, @replacechar = @replacechar, @command2 = @command2, @command3 = @command3 END IF (@retval = 0 and @postcommand is not null) EXECUTE(@postcommand) RETURN @retval END go EXECUTE sp_MS_marksystemobject 'sp_ForEachObject' Once I execute this script, I am able to execute sp_ForEachObject in any database on my server and execute commands on any of the object types listed above. For example, the following code loops through all user-defined tables in my database and prints them to the screen: EXECUTE sp_ForEachObject @command1 = 'select ''?''', @objecttype = 'U' Another great use for this stored procedure is to print out the text of all of my stored procedures in my database. Here is the code: sp_ForEachObject @command1 = 'PRINT OBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID(''?'')) + CHAR(10) + ''GO''', @objecttype = 'P' Start creating These custom loop procedures are a powerful and flexible addition to your SQL Server 2005 toolkit. For instance, it would be very simple to alter sp_ForEachObject so that you can loop through databases, server triggers, or logins. Give it a try! Tim Chapman a SQL Server database administrator and consultant who works for a bank in Louisville, KY. Tim has more than eight years of IT experience, and he is a Microsoft certified Database Developer and Administrator. If you would like to contact Tim, please e-mail him at ————————————————————————————— Get more SQL Server tips in your inbox TechRepublic’s Servers and Storage newsletter, delivered on Monday and Wednesday, offers tips that will help you manage and optimize your data center. Automatically sign up today! Get IT Tips, news, and reviews delivered directly to your inbox by subscribing to TechRepublic’s free newsletters. About Tim Chapman Full Bio Contact IIS 7.0 delivers Quick Look: IIS 7 Manager Join the TechRepublic Community and join the conversation! Signing-up is free and quick, Do it now, we want to hear your opinion. Join Login[08/29/2012 3:38:37 PM]
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