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Java Lambda Stream
Master Class – Part 2
@StuartMarks @JosePaumard
Stuart Marks
JDK Core Libraries Developer
Java Plaform Group, Oracle
Twitter: @stuartmarks
#Devoxx #LambdaHOL
Lambda/Streams Master Class 2
Map, Filter, FlatMap
Reduction, Function combination
Cascading Collectors
Streaming a Map
Streaming over Indexes
Back to the Comparator
How to deal with null names?
Comparator<Person> cmp = Comparator.comparing(Person::getLastName)
Back to the Comparator
In fact, this comparator:
Is equivalent to this one:
Comparator.comparing(Person::getLastName, Comparator.naturalOrder())
Back to the Comparator
This allows this pattern:
So, to deal with null values:
Back to the Comparator
If we need to deal with null Person objects and
null names:
#Devoxx #LambdaHOL
The LambdaHOL
You can find it here
Input Data — Alphabet
List<String> alphabet = List.of(
"alfa", "bravo", "charlie", "delta", "echo",
"foxtrot", "golf", "hotel", "india", "juliet",
"kilo", "lima", "mike", "november", "oscar",
"papa", "quebec", "romeo", "sierra", "tango",
"uniform", "victor", "whiskey", "x-ray", "yankee", "zulu");
Input Data — Sonnet
List<String> sonnet = List.of(
"From fairest creatures we desire increase,",
"That thereby beauty's rose might never die,",
"But as the riper should by time decease,",
"His tender heir might bear his memory:",
"But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,",
"Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,",
"Making a famine where abundance lies,",
"Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel:",
"Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament,",
"And only herald to the gaudy spring,",
"Within thine own bud buriest thy content,",
"And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding:",
"Pity the world, or else this glutton be,",
"To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.");
Helper Method — expand()
expand("abc") ⇒ ["a", "b", "c"]
List<String> expand(String s) {
return s.codePoints()
#Devoxx #LambdaHOL
Map, Filter using Streams
Map, Filter Example
• From the Alphabet list
• Map to upper case
• Only keep the words with 6 letters
Map, Filter Example
.filter(word -> word.length() == 6)
#Devoxx #LambdaHOL
• Intermediate stream operation
• Consumes one element
• May produce zero or more elements
• Compare to map: consumes one, produces
• How is zero-or-more represented? A stream!
• T ⇒ Stream<R>
Given a list of strings...
[alfa, bravo, charlie, ...]
expand each string to a list of one-letter strings
[ [a, l, f, a], [b, r, a, v, o], [c, h, ...] ... ]
but «flatten» the nesting structure
[a, l, f, a, b, r, a, v, o, c, h, ...]
[[a, l, f, a], [b, r, a, v, o], [c, h, ...] ...]
List<List<String>> flatMap1() {
.map(word -> expand(word))
[a, l, f, a, b, r, a, v, o, c, h, a, r, l, i, e, d, e, l, ...]
List<String> flatMap2() {
.flatMap(word -> expand(word).stream())
FlatMap — Exercise
Split each line of the sonnet into words, and
then collect all the words into a single list.
To split a line into words, use
line.split(" +")
note: this returns an array, not a list or stream
FlatMap — Solution
Split each line of the sonnet into words, and then
collect all the words into a single list.
[From, fairest, creatures, we, desire, increase, ...]
total 106 words
List<String> flatMapSolution() {
.flatMap(line ->" +")))
#Devoxx #LambdaHOL
Computing Factorials
Compute the factorial as a BigInteger using
streams and reduction
long number = 21;
// result is 51_090_942_171_709_440_000
Computing Factorials
Compute the factorial as a BigInteger using
streams and reduction
long number = 21;
BigInteger result = LongStream.rangeClosed(1, 21)
.reduce(BigInteger.ONE, BigInteger::multiply);
// result is 51_090_942_171_709_440_000
#Devoxx #LambdaHOL
Function Combination
Function Combination
Suppose you have a shopping website where
the customer can apply a filter to limit the
products shown.
List<Product> show(Predicate<Product> predicate) {
return getAllProducts().stream()
Function Combination
Suppose you want the customer to be able to
apply two filters to the product list.
Now, how about three filters?
List<Product> show(Predicate<Product> p1, Predicate<Product> p2) {
return getAllProducts().stream()
Function Combination
Two predicates can be combined using the
Predicate.and() method.
This is all we need to write a method that
combines an arbitrary number of predicates.
Predicate<Product> p1 = ... ;
Predicate<Product> p2 = ... ;
Predicate<Product> combined = p1.and(p2);
Function Combination
Reduction of a list over an operator applies that
operator between each element.
Predicate<Product> combine(List<Predicate<Product>> predicates) {
Predicate<Product> temp = product -> true;
for (Predicate<Product> cur : predicates) {
temp = temp.and(cur);
return temp;
Function Combination
Reduction of a list over an operator applies that
operator between each element.
Predicate<Product> combine(List<Predicate<Product>> predicates) {
.reduce(product -> true, Predicate::and);
Function Combination
Now apply this to the original problem:
List<Product> show(List<Predicate<Product>> predicates) {
Predicate<Product> combinedPredicate = combine(predicates);
return getAllProducts().stream()
Function Combination — Exercise
An IntUnaryOperator is a functional interface that
takes an int and returns an int.
Write a method that combines an arbitrary sized
list of IntUnaryOperators into a single one.
Use streams and the IntUnaryOperator.andThen()
Use your method to combine functions that add
one, multiply by two, and three.
Function Combination — Exercise
IntUnaryOperator combine(List<IntUnaryOperator> operators) {
IntUnaryOperator operator =
combine(List.of(i -> i + 1, i -> i * 2, i -> i + 3));
Function Combination — Solution
IntUnaryOperator combine(List<IntUnaryOperator> operators) {
.reduce(i -> i, IntUnaryOperator::andThen);
IntUnaryOperator operator =
combine(List.of(i -> i + 1, i -> i * 2, i -> i + 3));
#Devoxx #LambdaHOL
Collectors.toMap(keyFunction, valueFunction)
Takes each stream element
▪ runs the keyFunction to get a key
▪ runs the valueFunction to get a value
▪ enters computed (key, value) entries into the
result map
Returns the map as the final result
Given the alphabet words, create a map whose
keys are the first letter and whose values are
the words.
Map<String, String> toMap1() {
.collect(toMap(word -> word.substring(0, 1),
word -> word));
a => alfa
b => bravo
c => charlie
d => delta
e => echo
f => foxtrot
g => golf
h => hotel
i => india
j => juliet
k => kilo
l => lima
m => mike
n => november
o => oscar
Now create the first-letter map using the
sonnet instead of the alphabet words.
Map<String, String> toMap1() {
.collect(toMap(word -> word.substring(0, 1),
word -> word));
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate key B (attempted merging values
But as the riper should by time decease, and But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,)
at java.base/
at java.base/$uniqKeysMapAccumulator$1(
at java.base/$3ReducingSink.accept(
at java.base/java.util.AbstractList$RandomAccessSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
The simple (two-arg) toMap() requires that all
keys be unique. Throws exception if duplicate
keys are encountered.
To handle this, a third arg mergeFunction can be
provided. It takes the values of the duplicate
keys and returns a merged value.
Use a merge function that simply returns its
first argument. “First wins.”
Map<String, String> toMap3() {
.collect(toMap(line -> line.substring(0, 1),
line -> line,
(line1, line2) -> line1 // merge
Eight of fourteen lines remain, so some
duplicates were lost.
P => Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
A => And only herald to the gaudy spring,
B => But as the riper should by time decease,
T => That thereby beauty's rose might never die,
F => From fairest creatures we desire increase,
W => Within thine own bud buriest thy content,
H => His tender heir might bear his memory:
M => Making a famine where abundance lies,
Use a “last wins” merge function.
Map<String, String> toMap4() {
.collect(toMap(line -> line.substring(0, 1),
line -> line,
(line1, line2) -> line2 // merge
Eight entries, but some are different.
P => Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
A => And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding:
B => But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,
T => To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.
F => Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,
W => Within thine own bud buriest thy content,
H => His tender heir might bear his memory:
M => Making a famine where abundance lies,
Collectors.toMap() — Exercise
Create a map from the lines of the sonnet, with
map keys being the first letter of the line, and
values being the line. For duplicate keys,
concatenate the lines with a newline in
Collectors.toMap() — Solution
Map<String, String> toMapSolution() {
toMap(line -> line.substring(0, 1),
line -> line,
(line1, line2) ->
line1 + System.lineSeparator() + line2));
Collectors.toMap() — Solution
P => Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
A => And only herald to the gaudy spring,
And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding:
B => But as the riper should by time decease,
But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,
T => That thereby beauty's rose might never die,
Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel:
Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament,
To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.
F => From fairest creatures we desire increase,
Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,
W => Within thine own bud buriest thy content,
H => His tender heir might bear his memory:
M => Making a famine where abundance lies,
#Devoxx #LambdaHOL
The groupingBy() collector is a fancy way of
collecting a map from a stream.
In its simplest form, it takes a classifier function
to transform each stream element into a key.
Map values are a list of stream elements
classified into the same key.
Stream<T> ⇒ Map<K, List<V>>
From the alphabet words, create a map whose
keys are the word length, and whose values are
a list of those words. First start off with toMap().
Map<Integer, List<String>> groupingBy1() {
word -> word.length(),
word -> new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(word)),
(list1, list2) -> { list1.addAll(list2);
return list1; }));
4 => [alfa, echo, golf, kilo, lima, mike, papa, zulu]
5 => [bravo, delta, hotel, india, oscar, romeo, tango, x-ray]
6 => [juliet, quebec, sierra, victor, yankee]
7 => [charlie, foxtrot, uniform, whiskey]
8 => [november]
Change toMap() to groupingBy(). Same result!
Map<Integer, List<String>> groupingBy1() {
s -> new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(s)),
(a, b) -> { a.addAll(b); return a; }));
Map<Integer, List<String>> groupingBy2() {
Collectors.groupingBy() — Exercise
Collect the lines of the sonnet into a map,
whose keys are the first letter of each line, and
whose values are a list of lines beginning with
that letter.
Collectors.groupingBy() — Solution
Map<String, List<String>> groupingBySolution() {
.collect(groupingBy(line -> line.substring(0, 1)));
Collectors.groupingBy() — Solution
P => [Pity the world, or else this glutton be,]
A => [And only herald to the gaudy spring,,
And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding:]
B => [But as the riper should by time decease,,
But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,]
T => [That thereby beauty's rose might never die,,
Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel:,
Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament,,
To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.]
F => [From fairest creatures we desire increase,,
Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,]
W => [Within thine own bud buriest thy content,]
H => [His tender heir might bear his memory:]
M => [Making a famine where abundance lies,]
#Devoxx #LambdaHOL
Cascading Collectors
Cascading Collectors
The groupingBy() collector seems restrictive: it
collects stream elements into a list.
This behavior can be modified by providing a
“downstream” collector as another argument.
groupingBy(classifier, downstream)
A useful downstream collector is counting()
The counting() collector is analogous to
The pattern is the following:
Map<String, Long> cascading2() {
.collect(groupingBy(line -> line.substring(0, 1),
P => 1L
A => 2L
B => 2L
T => 4L
F => 2L
W => 1L
H => 1L
M => 1L
Another useful downstream collector is
mapping(mapperFunction, downstream2)
The mapping() collector is analogous to It applies a mapper function to
an element and passes the result downstream
— to a second downstream collector.
These are equivalent:
Map<String, List<String>> cascading2() {
line -> line.substring(0, 1),
mapping(line -> line, toList())
Map<String, List<String>> cascading1() {
.collect(groupingBy(line -> line.substring(0, 1)));
The using mapping() as the downstream
collector enables:
▪ the stream elements collected into map values
can be transformed
▪ the transformed elements can be collected or
reduced differently
Map<String, List<Integer>> cascading3() {
line -> line.substring(0, 1),
mapping(String::length, toList())
} P => [40]
A => [36, 46]
B => [40, 45]
T => [43, 46, 45, 46]
F => [42, 53]
W => [41]
H => [38]
M => [37]
Cascading Collectors — Exercise
Group the lines of the sonnet by first letter, and
collect the first word of grouped lines into a set.
To extract the first word of a line, use
string.split(" +")[0]
Cascading Collectors — Solution
Map<String, Set<Integer>> cascading3() {
line -> line.substring(0, 1),
mapping(line -> line.split(" +")[0], toSet())
} P => [Pity]
A => [And, And,]
B => [But]
T => [That, Thy, To, Thou]
F => [Feed'st, From]
W => [Within]
H => [His]
M => [Making]
Cascading Collectors
A first set of collectors that need downstream
collectors to work:
- mapping()
- filtering()
- flatMapping()
Analogous to intermediate stream operations
Cascading Collectors
A second set of collectors:
▪ joining()
▪ counting()
▪ groupingBy(), toMap(), toUnmodifiableMap()
▪ toList(), toSet(), toUnmodifiableList() (and set)
▪ reducing()
Analogous to terminal stream operations
Cascading Collectors
Group lines of the sonnet by first letter, and
collect the grouped lines into a single string
separated by newlines.
Map<String, String> cascading4() {
.collect(groupingBy(line -> line.substring(0, 1),
Cascading Collectors
P => Pity the world, or else this glutton be,
A => And only herald to the gaudy spring,
And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding:
B => But as the riper should by time decease,
But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,
T => That thereby beauty's rose might never die,
Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel:
Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament,
To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.
F => From fairest creatures we desire increase,
Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,
W => Within thine own bud buriest thy content,
H => His tender heir might bear his memory:
M => Making a famine where abundance lies,
Cascading Collectors — Exercise
Generate a frequency table of letters in the
sonnet. Remember the expand() helper
Hints: use flatMap(), groupingBy(), and
Cascading Collectors — Solution
Map<String, Long> cascadingSolution2() {
.flatMap(line -> expand(line).stream())
.collect(groupingBy(ch -> ch, counting()));
A => 2
B => 2
F => 2
H => 1
M => 1
P => 1
T => 4
W => 1
=> 92
a => 28
b => 11
c => 9
d => 20
e => 68
f => 9
g => 12
' => 6
h => 33
i => 29
k => 2
l => 18
, => 15
- => 1
m => 10
. => 1
n => 29
o => 25
p => 2
r => 33
s => 30
t => 54
u => 17
v => 2
w => 11
y => 14
: => 3
#Devoxx #LambdaHOL
Streaming a Map
Streaming a Map
Find the most frequently occurring word from
the Sonnet
- 1st step: find one of those words
- 2nd step: find all those words in a list
Streaming a Map
Two hints:
1) You cannot stream a map. To stream a map,
you need to get a stream of entries from its
Stream<Map.Entry<K, V>> stream =
Streaming a Map
Two hints:
2) There is a Stream.max() method
And Map.Entry provides comparators
.orElseThrow(); // max returns an Optional
.orElseThrow(); // max returns an Optional
Inverting a Map
Suppose there are multiple maximum values
Max finds one of them
Finding all of them can be done by
converting a Map<word, count>
to a Map<count, List<word>>
#Devoxx #LambdaHOL
Streaming Over Indexes
Streaming Over Indexes
Sometimes you need to process groups of
adjacent elements or a “sliding window” of
elements from a stream. The usual way of
streaming elements doesn’t handle this well.
If you have the elements in an array or random-
access list, you can work around this limitation
by streaming indexes instead of elements.
Streaming Over Indexes
Split into sublists of size N adjacent elements:
List<List<String>> streamIndexes1(int N) {
int SIZE = alphabet.size();
return IntStream.range(0, SIZE/N)
.mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(N*i, N*(i+1)))
[[alfa, bravo, charlie], [delta, echo, foxtrot], [golf, hotel, india],
[juliet, kilo, lima], [mike, november, oscar], [papa, quebec, romeo],
[sierra, tango, uniform], [victor, whiskey, x-ray]]
Streaming Over Indexes
Adjust ranges and protect bounds with min():
List<List<String>> streamIndexes2(int N) {
int SIZE = alphabet.size();
return IntStream.range(0, (SIZE+N-1)/N)
.mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(N*i, Math.min(SIZE, N*(i+1))))
[[alfa, bravo, charlie], [delta, echo, foxtrot], [golf, hotel, india],
[juliet, kilo, lima], [mike, november, oscar], [papa, quebec, romeo],
[sierra, tango, uniform], [victor, whiskey, x-ray], [yankee, zulu]]
Streaming Over Indexes
Alternatively, use rangeClosed():
List<List<String>> streamIndexes2(int N) {
int SIZE = alphabet.size();
return IntStream.rangeClosed(0, (SIZE+N-1)/N)
.mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(N*i, Math.min(SIZE, N*(i+1))))
[[alfa, bravo, charlie], [delta, echo, foxtrot], [golf, hotel, india],
[juliet, kilo, lima], [mike, november, oscar], [papa, quebec, romeo],
[sierra, tango, uniform], [victor, whiskey, x-ray], [yankee, zulu]]
Streaming Over Indexes — Exercise
From the alphabet list, produce a list of
overlapping sublists of length N (sliding
[[alfa, bravo, charlie], [bravo, charlie, delta], [charlie, delta,
echo], [delta, echo, foxtrot], [echo, foxtrot, golf], ...
Streaming Over Indexes — Solution
One solution:
[[alfa, bravo, charlie], [bravo, charlie, delta], [charlie, delta,
echo], [delta, echo, foxtrot], [echo, foxtrot, golf], ...
List<List<String>> streamIndexesSolution1(int N) {
int SIZE = alphabet.size();
return IntStream.range(0, SIZE-N+1)
.mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(i, i+N))
Streaming Over Indexes — Solution
[[alfa, bravo, charlie], [bravo, charlie, delta], [charlie, delta,
echo], [delta, echo, foxtrot], [echo, foxtrot, golf], ...
List<List<String>> streamIndexesSolution2(int N) {
int SIZE = alphabet.size();
return IntStream.rangeClosed(N, SIZE)
.mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(i-N, i))
Streaming Over Indexes — Exercise 2
Split the alphabet list into runs (sublists) of
strings of non-decreasing length, preserving
That is, within each sublist, the next string
should always be the same length or longer.
[[alfa, bravo, charlie], [delta], [echo, foxtrot], [golf, ...] ...]
Streaming Over Indexes — Solution 2
Insight: a new sublist starts when this string is
shorter than the previous string. Find the
indexes where this occurs.
[3, 4, 6, 10, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25]
List<Integer> breaks =
IntStream.range(1, alphabet.size())
.filter(i -> alphabet.get(i).length() <
Streaming Over Indexes — Solution 2
We want sublists between these breaks. Run a
stream over the breaks to generate sublists.
[[delta], [echo, foxtrot], [golf, hotel, india, juliet], [kilo, lima,
mike, november], [oscar], [papa, quebec], [romeo, sierra], [tango,
uniform], [victor, whiskey], [x-ray, yankee]]
List<List<String>> sublists =
IntStream.range(0, breaks.size()-1)
.mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(breaks.get(i),
Streaming Over Indexes — Solution 2
Add starting and ending indexes to break list to
pick up leading and trailing sublists.
[[alfa, bravo, charlie], [delta], [echo, foxtrot], [golf, hotel, india,
juliet], [kilo, lima, mike, november], [oscar], [papa, quebec], [romeo,
sierra], [tango, uniform], [victor, whiskey], [x-ray, yankee], [zulu]]
breaks.add(0, 0);
List<List<String>> sublists =
IntStream.range(0, breaks.size()-1)
.mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(breaks.get(i),
Streaming Over Indexes — Solution 2
List<Integer> breaks =
IntStream.range(1, alphabet.size())
.filter(i -> alphabet.get(i).length() <
breaks.add(0, 0);
List<List<String>> sublists =
IntStream.range(0, breaks.size()-1)
.mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(breaks.get(i),
Streaming Over Indexes — Solution 2
[[alfa, bravo, charlie], [delta], [echo, foxtrot], [golf, hotel, india,
juliet], [kilo, lima, mike, november], [oscar], [papa, quebec], [romeo,
sierra], [tango, uniform], [victor, whiskey], [x-ray, yankee], [zulu]]
@StuartMarks @JosePaumard

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Lambdas and Streams Master Class Part 2

  • 1. #Devoxx Java Lambda Stream Master Class – Part 2 @StuartMarks @JosePaumard
  • 2. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Stuart Marks JDK Core Libraries Developer Java Plaform Group, Oracle Twitter: @stuartmarks
  • 5. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Lambda/Streams Master Class 2 Setup Map, Filter, FlatMap Reduction, Function combination Collectors.toMap() Collectors.groupingBy() Cascading Collectors Streaming a Map Streaming over Indexes
  • 6. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Back to the Comparator How to deal with null names? Comparator<Person> cmp = Comparator.comparing(Person::getLastName) .thenComparing(Person::getFirstName) .thenComparing(Person::getAge);
  • 7. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Back to the Comparator In fact, this comparator: Is equivalent to this one: Comparator.comparing(Person::getLastName) Comparator.comparing(Person::getLastName, Comparator.naturalOrder())
  • 8. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Back to the Comparator This allows this pattern: So, to deal with null values: Comparator.comparing(Person::getLastName, Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder())) Comparator.comparing(Person::getLastName, Comparator.comparing(String::length))
  • 9. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Back to the Comparator If we need to deal with null Person objects and null names: Comparator.nullsLast( Comparator.comparing(Person::getLastName, Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.naturalOrder()) ) )
  • 11. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx The LambdaHOL You can find it here
  • 12. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Input Data — Alphabet List<String> alphabet = List.of( "alfa", "bravo", "charlie", "delta", "echo", "foxtrot", "golf", "hotel", "india", "juliet", "kilo", "lima", "mike", "november", "oscar", "papa", "quebec", "romeo", "sierra", "tango", "uniform", "victor", "whiskey", "x-ray", "yankee", "zulu");
  • 13. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Input Data — Sonnet List<String> sonnet = List.of( "From fairest creatures we desire increase,", "That thereby beauty's rose might never die,", "But as the riper should by time decease,", "His tender heir might bear his memory:", "But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,", "Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,", "Making a famine where abundance lies,", "Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel:", "Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament,", "And only herald to the gaudy spring,", "Within thine own bud buriest thy content,", "And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding:", "Pity the world, or else this glutton be,", "To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.");
  • 14. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Helper Method — expand() expand("abc") ⇒ ["a", "b", "c"] List<String> expand(String s) { return s.codePoints() .mapToObj(Character::toString) .collect(toList()); }
  • 16. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Map, Filter Example • From the Alphabet list • Map to upper case • Only keep the words with 6 letters
  • 17. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Map, Filter Example .map(String::toUpperCase) .filter(word -> word.length() == 6) .forEach(System.out::println); JULIET QUEBEC SIERRA VICTOR YANKEE
  • 19. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx FlatMap • Intermediate stream operation • Consumes one element • May produce zero or more elements • Compare to map: consumes one, produces one • How is zero-or-more represented? A stream! • T ⇒ Stream<R>
  • 20. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx FlatMap Given a list of strings... [alfa, bravo, charlie, ...] expand each string to a list of one-letter strings [ [a, l, f, a], [b, r, a, v, o], [c, h, ...] ... ] but «flatten» the nesting structure [a, l, f, a, b, r, a, v, o, c, h, ...]
  • 21. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx FlatMap [[a, l, f, a], [b, r, a, v, o], [c, h, ...] ...] List<List<String>> flatMap1() { return .map(word -> expand(word)) .collect(toList()); }
  • 22. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx FlatMap [a, l, f, a, b, r, a, v, o, c, h, a, r, l, i, e, d, e, l, ...] List<String> flatMap2() { return .flatMap(word -> expand(word).stream()) .collect(toList()); }
  • 23. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx FlatMap — Exercise Split each line of the sonnet into words, and then collect all the words into a single list. To split a line into words, use line.split(" +") note: this returns an array, not a list or stream
  • 24. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx FlatMap — Solution Split each line of the sonnet into words, and then collect all the words into a single list. [From, fairest, creatures, we, desire, increase, ...] total 106 words List<String> flatMapSolution() { return .flatMap(line ->" +"))) .collect(toList()); }
  • 26. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Computing Factorials Compute the factorial as a BigInteger using streams and reduction long number = 21; // result is 51_090_942_171_709_440_000
  • 27. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Computing Factorials Compute the factorial as a BigInteger using streams and reduction long number = 21; BigInteger result = LongStream.rangeClosed(1, 21) .mapToObj(BigInteger::valueOf) .reduce(BigInteger.ONE, BigInteger::multiply); // result is 51_090_942_171_709_440_000
  • 29. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Function Combination Suppose you have a shopping website where the customer can apply a filter to limit the products shown. List<Product> show(Predicate<Product> predicate) { return getAllProducts().stream() .filter(predicate) .collect(toList()); }
  • 30. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Function Combination Suppose you want the customer to be able to apply two filters to the product list. Now, how about three filters? List<Product> show(Predicate<Product> p1, Predicate<Product> p2) { return getAllProducts().stream() .filter(p1.and(p2)) .collect(toList()); }
  • 31. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Function Combination Two predicates can be combined using the Predicate.and() method. This is all we need to write a method that combines an arbitrary number of predicates. Predicate<Product> p1 = ... ; Predicate<Product> p2 = ... ; Predicate<Product> combined = p1.and(p2);
  • 32. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Function Combination Reduction of a list over an operator applies that operator between each element. Predicate<Product> combine(List<Predicate<Product>> predicates) { Predicate<Product> temp = product -> true; for (Predicate<Product> cur : predicates) { temp = temp.and(cur); } return temp; }
  • 33. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Function Combination Reduction of a list over an operator applies that operator between each element. Predicate<Product> combine(List<Predicate<Product>> predicates) { return .reduce(product -> true, Predicate::and); }
  • 34. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Function Combination Now apply this to the original problem: List<Product> show(List<Predicate<Product>> predicates) { Predicate<Product> combinedPredicate = combine(predicates); return getAllProducts().stream() .filter(combinedPredicate) .collect(toList()); }
  • 35. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Function Combination — Exercise An IntUnaryOperator is a functional interface that takes an int and returns an int. Write a method that combines an arbitrary sized list of IntUnaryOperators into a single one. Use streams and the IntUnaryOperator.andThen() method. Use your method to combine functions that add one, multiply by two, and three.
  • 36. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Function Combination — Exercise IntUnaryOperator combine(List<IntUnaryOperator> operators) { // TODO } IntUnaryOperator operator = combine(List.of(i -> i + 1, i -> i * 2, i -> i + 3)); System.out.println(operator.applyAsInt(5)); 15
  • 37. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Function Combination — Solution IntUnaryOperator combine(List<IntUnaryOperator> operators) { return .reduce(i -> i, IntUnaryOperator::andThen); } IntUnaryOperator operator = combine(List.of(i -> i + 1, i -> i * 2, i -> i + 3)); System.out.println(operator.applyAsInt(5)); 15
  • 39. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.toMap() Collectors.toMap(keyFunction, valueFunction) Takes each stream element ▪ runs the keyFunction to get a key ▪ runs the valueFunction to get a value ▪ enters computed (key, value) entries into the result map Returns the map as the final result
  • 40. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.toMap() Given the alphabet words, create a map whose keys are the first letter and whose values are the words. Map<String, String> toMap1() { return .collect(toMap(word -> word.substring(0, 1), word -> word)); }
  • 41. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.toMap() a => alfa b => bravo c => charlie d => delta e => echo f => foxtrot g => golf h => hotel i => india j => juliet k => kilo l => lima m => mike n => november o => oscar
  • 42. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.toMap() Now create the first-letter map using the sonnet instead of the alphabet words. Map<String, String> toMap1() { return .collect(toMap(word -> word.substring(0, 1), word -> word)); }
  • 43. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.toMap() Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate key B (attempted merging values But as the riper should by time decease, and But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,) at java.base/ at java.base/$uniqKeysMapAccumulator$1( at java.base/$3ReducingSink.accept( at java.base/java.util.AbstractList$RandomAccessSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
  • 44. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.toMap() The simple (two-arg) toMap() requires that all keys be unique. Throws exception if duplicate keys are encountered. To handle this, a third arg mergeFunction can be provided. It takes the values of the duplicate keys and returns a merged value.
  • 45. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.toMap() Use a merge function that simply returns its first argument. “First wins.” Map<String, String> toMap3() { return .collect(toMap(line -> line.substring(0, 1), line -> line, (line1, line2) -> line1 // merge )); }
  • 46. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.toMap() Eight of fourteen lines remain, so some duplicates were lost. P => Pity the world, or else this glutton be, A => And only herald to the gaudy spring, B => But as the riper should by time decease, T => That thereby beauty's rose might never die, F => From fairest creatures we desire increase, W => Within thine own bud buriest thy content, H => His tender heir might bear his memory: M => Making a famine where abundance lies,
  • 47. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.toMap() Use a “last wins” merge function. Map<String, String> toMap4() { return .collect(toMap(line -> line.substring(0, 1), line -> line, (line1, line2) -> line2 // merge )); }
  • 48. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.toMap() Eight entries, but some are different. P => Pity the world, or else this glutton be, A => And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding: B => But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes, T => To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee. F => Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel, W => Within thine own bud buriest thy content, H => His tender heir might bear his memory: M => Making a famine where abundance lies,
  • 49. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.toMap() — Exercise Create a map from the lines of the sonnet, with map keys being the first letter of the line, and values being the line. For duplicate keys, concatenate the lines with a newline in between.
  • 50. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.toMap() — Solution Map<String, String> toMapSolution() { return .collect( toMap(line -> line.substring(0, 1), line -> line, (line1, line2) -> line1 + System.lineSeparator() + line2)); }
  • 51. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.toMap() — Solution P => Pity the world, or else this glutton be, A => And only herald to the gaudy spring, And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding: B => But as the riper should by time decease, But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes, T => That thereby beauty's rose might never die, Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel: Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament, To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee. F => From fairest creatures we desire increase, Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel, W => Within thine own bud buriest thy content, H => His tender heir might bear his memory: M => Making a famine where abundance lies,
  • 53. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.groupingBy() The groupingBy() collector is a fancy way of collecting a map from a stream. In its simplest form, it takes a classifier function to transform each stream element into a key. Map values are a list of stream elements classified into the same key. Stream<T> ⇒ Map<K, List<V>>
  • 54. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.groupingBy() From the alphabet words, create a map whose keys are the word length, and whose values are a list of those words. First start off with toMap(). Map<Integer, List<String>> groupingBy1() { return .collect( toMap( word -> word.length(), word -> new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(word)), (list1, list2) -> { list1.addAll(list2); return list1; })); }
  • 55. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.groupingBy() 4 => [alfa, echo, golf, kilo, lima, mike, papa, zulu] 5 => [bravo, delta, hotel, india, oscar, romeo, tango, x-ray] 6 => [juliet, quebec, sierra, victor, yankee] 7 => [charlie, foxtrot, uniform, whiskey] 8 => [november]
  • 56. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.groupingBy() Change toMap() to groupingBy(). Same result! Map<Integer, List<String>> groupingBy1() { return .collect(toMap(String::length, s -> new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(s)), (a, b) -> { a.addAll(b); return a; })); } Map<Integer, List<String>> groupingBy2() { return .collect(groupingBy(String::length)); }
  • 57. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.groupingBy() — Exercise Collect the lines of the sonnet into a map, whose keys are the first letter of each line, and whose values are a list of lines beginning with that letter.
  • 58. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.groupingBy() — Solution Map<String, List<String>> groupingBySolution() { return .collect(groupingBy(line -> line.substring(0, 1))); }
  • 59. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.groupingBy() — Solution P => [Pity the world, or else this glutton be,] A => [And only herald to the gaudy spring,, And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding:] B => [But as the riper should by time decease,, But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes,] T => [That thereby beauty's rose might never die,, Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel:, Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament,, To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee.] F => [From fairest creatures we desire increase,, Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel,] W => [Within thine own bud buriest thy content,] H => [His tender heir might bear his memory:] M => [Making a famine where abundance lies,]
  • 61. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Cascading Collectors The groupingBy() collector seems restrictive: it collects stream elements into a list. This behavior can be modified by providing a “downstream” collector as another argument. groupingBy(classifier, downstream)
  • 62. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.counting() A useful downstream collector is counting() The counting() collector is analogous to Stream.count().
  • 63. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.counting() The pattern is the following: Map<String, Long> cascading2() { return .collect(groupingBy(line -> line.substring(0, 1), Collectors.counting())); }
  • 64. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.counting() P => 1L A => 2L B => 2L T => 4L F => 2L W => 1L H => 1L M => 1L
  • 65. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.mapping() Another useful downstream collector is mapping(): mapping(mapperFunction, downstream2) The mapping() collector is analogous to It applies a mapper function to an element and passes the result downstream — to a second downstream collector.
  • 66. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.mapping() These are equivalent: Map<String, List<String>> cascading2() { return .collect( groupingBy( line -> line.substring(0, 1), mapping(line -> line, toList()) )); } Map<String, List<String>> cascading1() { return .collect(groupingBy(line -> line.substring(0, 1))); }
  • 67. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.mapping() The using mapping() as the downstream collector enables: ▪ the stream elements collected into map values can be transformed ▪ the transformed elements can be collected or reduced differently
  • 68. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Collectors.mapping() Map<String, List<Integer>> cascading3() { return .collect( groupingBy( line -> line.substring(0, 1), mapping(String::length, toList()) )); } P => [40] A => [36, 46] B => [40, 45] T => [43, 46, 45, 46] F => [42, 53] W => [41] H => [38] M => [37]
  • 69. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Cascading Collectors — Exercise Group the lines of the sonnet by first letter, and collect the first word of grouped lines into a set. To extract the first word of a line, use string.split(" +")[0]
  • 70. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Cascading Collectors — Solution Map<String, Set<Integer>> cascading3() { return .collect( groupingBy( line -> line.substring(0, 1), mapping(line -> line.split(" +")[0], toSet()) )); } P => [Pity] A => [And, And,] B => [But] T => [That, Thy, To, Thou] F => [Feed'st, From] W => [Within] H => [His] M => [Making]
  • 71. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Cascading Collectors A first set of collectors that need downstream collectors to work: - mapping() - filtering() - flatMapping() Analogous to intermediate stream operations
  • 72. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Cascading Collectors A second set of collectors: ▪ joining() ▪ counting() ▪ groupingBy(), toMap(), toUnmodifiableMap() ▪ toList(), toSet(), toUnmodifiableList() (and set) ▪ reducing() Analogous to terminal stream operations
  • 73. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Cascading Collectors Group lines of the sonnet by first letter, and collect the grouped lines into a single string separated by newlines. Map<String, String> cascading4() { return .collect(groupingBy(line -> line.substring(0, 1), joining("n") ) ); }
  • 74. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Cascading Collectors P => Pity the world, or else this glutton be, A => And only herald to the gaudy spring, And, tender churl, mak'st waste in niggarding: B => But as the riper should by time decease, But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes, T => That thereby beauty's rose might never die, Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel: Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament, To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee. F => From fairest creatures we desire increase, Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel, W => Within thine own bud buriest thy content, H => His tender heir might bear his memory: M => Making a famine where abundance lies,
  • 75. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Cascading Collectors — Exercise Generate a frequency table of letters in the sonnet. Remember the expand() helper method. Hints: use flatMap(), groupingBy(), and counting().
  • 76. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Cascading Collectors — Solution Map<String, Long> cascadingSolution2() { return .flatMap(line -> expand(line).stream()) .collect(groupingBy(ch -> ch, counting())); } A => 2 B => 2 F => 2 H => 1 M => 1 P => 1 T => 4 W => 1 => 92 a => 28 b => 11 c => 9 d => 20 e => 68 f => 9 g => 12 ' => 6 h => 33 i => 29 k => 2 l => 18 , => 15 - => 1 m => 10 . => 1 n => 29 o => 25 p => 2 r => 33 s => 30 t => 54 u => 17 v => 2 w => 11 y => 14 : => 3
  • 78. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming a Map Find the most frequently occurring word from the Sonnet - 1st step: find one of those words - 2nd step: find all those words in a list
  • 79. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming a Map Two hints: 1) You cannot stream a map. To stream a map, you need to get a stream of entries from its entrySet(). Stream<Map.Entry<K, V>> stream = map.entrySet().stream();
  • 80. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming a Map Two hints: 2) There is a Stream.max() method And Map.Entry provides comparators stream.max(comparator) .orElseThrow(); // max returns an Optional stream.max(Map.Entry.comparingByValue()) .orElseThrow(); // max returns an Optional
  • 81. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Inverting a Map Suppose there are multiple maximum values Max finds one of them Finding all of them can be done by converting a Map<word, count> to a Map<count, List<word>>
  • 83. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming Over Indexes Sometimes you need to process groups of adjacent elements or a “sliding window” of elements from a stream. The usual way of streaming elements doesn’t handle this well. If you have the elements in an array or random- access list, you can work around this limitation by streaming indexes instead of elements.
  • 84. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming Over Indexes Split into sublists of size N adjacent elements: N=3: List<List<String>> streamIndexes1(int N) { int SIZE = alphabet.size(); return IntStream.range(0, SIZE/N) .mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(N*i, N*(i+1))) .collect(toList()); } [[alfa, bravo, charlie], [delta, echo, foxtrot], [golf, hotel, india], [juliet, kilo, lima], [mike, november, oscar], [papa, quebec, romeo], [sierra, tango, uniform], [victor, whiskey, x-ray]]
  • 85. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming Over Indexes Adjust ranges and protect bounds with min(): List<List<String>> streamIndexes2(int N) { int SIZE = alphabet.size(); return IntStream.range(0, (SIZE+N-1)/N) .mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(N*i, Math.min(SIZE, N*(i+1)))) .collect(toList()); } [[alfa, bravo, charlie], [delta, echo, foxtrot], [golf, hotel, india], [juliet, kilo, lima], [mike, november, oscar], [papa, quebec, romeo], [sierra, tango, uniform], [victor, whiskey, x-ray], [yankee, zulu]]
  • 86. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming Over Indexes Alternatively, use rangeClosed(): List<List<String>> streamIndexes2(int N) { int SIZE = alphabet.size(); return IntStream.rangeClosed(0, (SIZE+N-1)/N) .mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(N*i, Math.min(SIZE, N*(i+1)))) .collect(toList()); } [[alfa, bravo, charlie], [delta, echo, foxtrot], [golf, hotel, india], [juliet, kilo, lima], [mike, november, oscar], [papa, quebec, romeo], [sierra, tango, uniform], [victor, whiskey, x-ray], [yankee, zulu]]
  • 87. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming Over Indexes — Exercise From the alphabet list, produce a list of overlapping sublists of length N (sliding window) [[alfa, bravo, charlie], [bravo, charlie, delta], [charlie, delta, echo], [delta, echo, foxtrot], [echo, foxtrot, golf], ...
  • 88. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming Over Indexes — Solution One solution: [[alfa, bravo, charlie], [bravo, charlie, delta], [charlie, delta, echo], [delta, echo, foxtrot], [echo, foxtrot, golf], ... List<List<String>> streamIndexesSolution1(int N) { int SIZE = alphabet.size(); return IntStream.range(0, SIZE-N+1) .mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(i, i+N)) .collect(toList()); }
  • 89. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming Over Indexes — Solution Variation: [[alfa, bravo, charlie], [bravo, charlie, delta], [charlie, delta, echo], [delta, echo, foxtrot], [echo, foxtrot, golf], ... List<List<String>> streamIndexesSolution2(int N) { int SIZE = alphabet.size(); return IntStream.rangeClosed(N, SIZE) .mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(i-N, i)) .collect(toList()); }
  • 90. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming Over Indexes — Exercise 2 Split the alphabet list into runs (sublists) of strings of non-decreasing length, preserving order. That is, within each sublist, the next string should always be the same length or longer. [[alfa, bravo, charlie], [delta], [echo, foxtrot], [golf, ...] ...]
  • 91. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming Over Indexes — Solution 2 Insight: a new sublist starts when this string is shorter than the previous string. Find the indexes where this occurs. [3, 4, 6, 10, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25] List<Integer> breaks = IntStream.range(1, alphabet.size()) .filter(i -> alphabet.get(i).length() < alphabet.get(i-1).length()) .boxed() .collect(toList());
  • 92. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming Over Indexes — Solution 2 We want sublists between these breaks. Run a stream over the breaks to generate sublists. [[delta], [echo, foxtrot], [golf, hotel, india, juliet], [kilo, lima, mike, november], [oscar], [papa, quebec], [romeo, sierra], [tango, uniform], [victor, whiskey], [x-ray, yankee]] List<List<String>> sublists = IntStream.range(0, breaks.size()-1) .mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(breaks.get(i), breaks.get(i+1))) .collect(toList());
  • 93. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming Over Indexes — Solution 2 Add starting and ending indexes to break list to pick up leading and trailing sublists. [[alfa, bravo, charlie], [delta], [echo, foxtrot], [golf, hotel, india, juliet], [kilo, lima, mike, november], [oscar], [papa, quebec], [romeo, sierra], [tango, uniform], [victor, whiskey], [x-ray, yankee], [zulu]] breaks.add(0, 0); breaks.add(alphabet.size()); List<List<String>> sublists = IntStream.range(0, breaks.size()-1) .mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(breaks.get(i), breaks.get(i+1))) .collect(toList());
  • 94. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming Over Indexes — Solution 2 List<Integer> breaks = IntStream.range(1, alphabet.size()) .filter(i -> alphabet.get(i).length() < alphabet.get(i-1).length()) .boxed() .collect(toList()); breaks.add(0, 0); breaks.add(alphabet.size()); List<List<String>> sublists = IntStream.range(0, breaks.size()-1) .mapToObj(i -> alphabet.subList(breaks.get(i), breaks.get(i+1))) .collect(toList());
  • 95. #LambdaHOL#Devoxx Streaming Over Indexes — Solution 2 [[alfa, bravo, charlie], [delta], [echo, foxtrot], [golf, hotel, india, juliet], [kilo, lima, mike, november], [oscar], [papa, quebec], [romeo, sierra], [tango, uniform], [victor, whiskey], [x-ray, yankee], [zulu]]