economy market recession s&p 500 gdp inflation europe oil prices update spx unemployment labor market unemployment rate bernanke fed growth budget federal reserve recovery gasoline prices monetary policy federal open market committee interest rates credit tax overview snapshot estate tax commodity prices consumer spending payrolls jobs debt ceiling medicare fiscal policy payroll taxes cpi food and energy prices job growth tax revenues inflation process consumer price inflation economic growth provisions the fed predictions 2010 treasury housing deficit job market outlook beige book 2009 amt bush tax cuts european central bank iras nonfarm payrolls eurozone greece population healthcare unemployement economic recovery income spending home prices long-term capital gains job losses bank lending labor fed policy social security asset purchase program japan february employment report congress price of raw materials private-sector payrolls inventories long-term treasuries demand federal fiscal stimulus housing market asset purchases price stability shares nasdaq deflation expectations crashette bls wall street rates payroll review 2011 fiscal job federal estimates mortgage investing indicators forecast cash for clunkers august planning oil commentary fiscal cliff atra american taxpayer relief act agis gift tax federal tax senate republican house of representatives brackets democratic election supercommittee cbo report federal gift tax generation-skipping transfer (gst) tax estate planning professional transfer tax capital gain tax (aca) employer supreme court insurance european union credit rating international monetary fund diversified portfolio seps governmental plans 403(b) plans simple ira plans erisa dol international equities domestic equities cash media gold financial markets wash sale irs net proceeds brokers 1099-b form tax return april 17 fifo emergency economic stabilization act depression occupy wall street protests sovereign debt mortgage-backed securities pce united kingdom short-term interest rates euro u.s. dollar liquidity draghi downturn required minimum distributions (rmds) 401(k) plans alternative minimum tax (amt) energy-efficient home improvements deductible depreciation deduction income tax expansion mortgages financial sector household debt congressional budget office budget control act of 2011 u.s. federal reserve $1.2 trillion joint select committee on deficit reduction standard & poor american recovery and reinvestment act fed chairman bernanke european debt european sovereign debt maturity extension program the federal open market committee economic outlook mortgage debt portugal spain ireland credit default swap greek sovereign debt capital reserves credit ratings italy derivatives efsf 3q11 gdp disposable income regulation education layoffs demographics supply employment report energy costs washington d.c. consumer new york fed long-term interest rates mortgage rates sarah raskin monetary policy stimulus unit labor costs commondity prices sustainable employment recessions stimulus arra the lesser depression kansas city wyoming stock market labor force july employment report asset purchaces labor costs disposable personal income yields foreign investors domestic investors medicaid social security income securities tax-cuts bloomberg budgets obama moody's and standard & poor june employment report debt-ceiling adp payroll bls data bureau of labor statistics report personal income motor vehicle sales federal income tax rates alternative minimum tax payroll tax dividends ira qualified charitable distributions irc section expensing core inflation hiring qe2 government jobs the federal reserve great depression financial crises fed's $600 billion asset purchase program gasoline fiscal stimulus the bank rescue productivity the great recession 14284 trillion bond market government retirement funds medicare trust funds the treasury runaway inflation private-sector jobs projections growth forecast quantitative easing bernake us treasuries nuclear reactors north africa middle east global economy private sector payrolls continuing resolution federal support the great inflation grain prices speculative element low interest rates the act unemployment insurance reauthorization tax relief job creation act employment-population ratio manufacturing payrolls january unemployment report factory hours foreign trade domestic demand nutritional content rebates premiums over-the-counter drugs co-payments class ppaca investment decisions supply and demand leadership major asset classes adapting principal payments securities purchases asset-purchase program short term interest rates adp job market outlook government stimulus the unemployment report new hiring tax cut package the european debt crisis federal debt unemployment insurance benefits november employment report dollar maximum sustainable employment foreign exchange market feds independence bear bull bonds stocks fomc buffet rules adjustments changes double-dip positive threat asset allocation management portfolios may 6 dow oscillator volatility index down drop thursday crash exchange rates debt accumulation global india debt investors government abroad high levels census economy trigger slump dip weather ben bernanke optimistic discount rate djia historical selling stampede healthcare bill 1962 roger redux history data january fourth quarter new year resolutions new years december employment fed reserve policy job loss year-end strategy investments policy losses temp-help improvement obama administration dashboard market volatility wsj first-time buyer trade economic college figures savings cost lending 3rd quarter trends stock quarter roth recharacterize deadline 2008 conversion spider monkey financial liberty sp 500 market update july trade deficit september consumer confidence forecasting measured strength money management green financial group kansas city fed omb market commentary economic data rate industry houston investements energy financial
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